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The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

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Creating presentations in Markdown is a bit time-consuming. However, there are a couple of excellent tools out there that are explicitly used for creating presentations with Markdown.

Marp, Slippr, and Cafe-Pitch are the most used tools for Markdown Presentations. All three are GitHub Projects.

We have compiled a complete listicle of numerous tools to help you better understand Markdown Presentation Tools.

Top 23 Markdown Presentation Tools

The 23 top-notch tools for creating slide decks with Markdown are:


Marp is a creative tool for preparing beautiful slide decks or presentations. Also known as the Markdown representation ecosystem, Marp has been one of the most reliable and used tools for generating presentations with Markdown. It is intimidating at first but believe it or not, within a few days, you can get a good grasp of this tool.

If you know how to write documents in Markdown, you can use this tool without any hassle. Because with Marp, you only need to focus on writing your text document in Markdown.

Slippr is an electron-based app that’s used to create Markdown presentations. With Slippr, you can easily create attractive presentations within a few seconds. To install this tool, you can head over to yarnpkg.com. You can also directly run Slippr using.

yarn run start

There are numerous functions available in Slippr to help you customize the most beautiful slides. You can adjust the functions according to your desires on all three pages, the editing, slides, and the timer page.

CafePitch is another electron built tool for creating presentations with Markdown. You can install and run CafePitch via

npm install -g cafe-pitch.

It is a GitHub project, and it might be a bit daunting for you to understand its usage. However, you can get a better understanding of setting up and testing the tool here .

Reveal.js is one of the most innovative and simplest open-source tools out there to create Markdown presentations. This HTML presentation framework allows anyone to design visually appealing and eye-catchy presentations within a few minutes.

Reveal.js has many excellent features such as nested slides, auto-animate, syntax-highlighted code, pdf export, etc. With Reveal.js, you can perform all functions in your presentation that you can do on the web, as it’s an open-source HTML presentation framework.

Using MDX would be much easier for you if you know how to write code in Markdown Documents. MDX is a simple format through which you can write your documents in Markdown.

It has many features that can make your presentation look more than just a piece of text. MDX lets people import visual components such as charts and other designs. These can be embedded with the content in Markdown.

Another presentation tool, Remark, is made for people who know HTML and writing documents in Markdown. The remark tool has some of the best specialties available such as markdown formatting, supporting multiple languages, syntax highlighting, and presentation templates. Working with Remark is incredibly easy. View the setup and running guide here to know how you can get started with this impeccable tool .

Spectacle is a ReactJS based app designed for the ease of markdown presentation developers. You can write your presentations in JSX, Markdown, or MDX with Spectacle. It’s totally up to the user to pick their favorite one and prepare a beautiful presentation. Spectacle provides customized backgrounds, animated colors, slide fragments, and many other specialties to help you form a unique slide deck.

Deck is an open-source GitHub project that’s specifically designed to tailor the needs of users. With Deck, you can try out multiple designs while building up your presentations.

This Markdown-driven content presentation system is easy to use and is available for everyone.

Being a user, you can also make significant contributions to this tool, aiming for its betterment.

Slides are also one of the top-rated markdown presentation tools that are used globally. With slides you can create professional yet beautiful presentations for your needs. Slides provide access to several unique and modern features that can make your presentation look more attractive and inspiring for the audience.

To make your presentations visually appealing and exquisite, you can even collaborate with other designers and developers with the help of slides.

The eleventh tool in our guide is HackMD. You can collaborate on personal, professional, and team documentation in real-time with the HackMD. It is a perfect tool for creating presentations in Markdown as it allows us to put ineffective ideas together and share them with others.

You will get access to some functions in HackMD that you can use for entirely free while developing your presentations in Markdown.

Presenta is one of the best tools for creating presentations with Markdown that lets people make the quickest slides than they could with any other tool. It provides access to several official plugins, tutorials, community guidelines, and built-in features to help the users understand the tool quickly. To better understand how to present work, you can head over to their website and learn from their video tutorials.

With Deckset (MacOs app), you can create presentations in Markdown within the least possible time. If you want to share your ideas with your team members and prepare text documents for your projects, this tool will be a perfect pick for you as it will convert your simple text documents into visually attractive designs.

To convert your boring text documents into attractive presentations or slides, Deckset will help you out.

Quiver is a notebook tool that is specifically designed for programmers to write their codes in Markdown. This tool can be used for several purposes, such as writing project scripts, preparing project guidelines or summaries. If you want to create presentations in Markdown that can appeal to the audience and engage them through a conversational style, then Quiver can help you with this.

Generating attractive slides presentations and slideshows is now even easier with the Pandoc tool. It is a unique tool that produces presentations not only in Markdown but in HTML and JavaScript too. So if you want to display your technical coding text documents in a beautiful style to attract the audience’s attention, then Pandoc should be your priority as it will help you.

You can even break your slideshows into multiple sections with the help of headers and bullet points.

Fusuma is another tool that is designed to help you create slides easily and quickly in Markdown. Very few tools provide the opportunity to create slides for presentations in Markdown, and Fusuma is one of those.

You can also enjoy other features such as exporting your presentations as PDF or deploying GitHub pages and creating slides in real-time. It has the quickest setup, and you can view the process here.

Present is a terminal-based presentation tool that lets users write in Markdown and create attractive presentations. You can add colorful backgrounds, visuals, and charts to convert your simple text document into a beautiful slide. This is a GitHub project, and you can see the installation and user’s guidelines here .

Backslide is the 19th tool on our list. Its core features include automatic templates and live preview server self-contained HTML export solution, automated PDF conversion, and multiple presentations support.

Many people use Backslide to create their presentations, make slides, export them, and convert them into PDF.

Patat is not a very common tool that most people use but a small tool that allows users to create presentations using Markdown. This tool does not have a lot of unique features that can make it stand out from others. But some of the most highlighted features are intelligent slide splitting, multiple fragments, lifetime support, and auto-advancing the configurable delays.

Markdown slides are also a unique project specifically designed for users who want to write their text documents in Markdown. Markdown slides enable users to write their text in a unique and beautiful presentation style with several animations, visual and mathematical calculations. This tool also lets people convert their presentations into PDFs.

S9 is a perfect and free alternative to PowerPoint and keynote. You can write your text in Markdown and format them with the help of available features to make your text look visually compelling and attractive to the audience. This S9 project provides several out-of-the-box themes and built-in support to help users get the most of this tool.

If you want to generate HTML presentations using Markdown quickly and easily, then Cleaver is one of the top-notch options that you should go with to make things easier. With this tool, you can produce splendid slides for presentations to show your simple text.

Not only this, but Cleaver also provides several other options that can make your designs look more professional and excellent.


Markdown is a writing format used by many technical writers to write down their technical documentation. On average, people belonging to technical fields usually love Markdown, but those from different areas hate it.

It is a unique style of formatting content in an editor without requiring a person to know programming languages such as JavaScript, CSS, Ruby, etc. Many tools help people write their text using Markdown and convert their texts into tempting slides.

How to upload content using your own web address

How to share a pdf as a link.

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

4 Markdown-powered slide generators

Business presentation

Vector Open Stock. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Imagine you've been tapped to give a presentation. As you're preparing your talk, you think, "I should whip up a few slides."

Maybe you prefer the simplicity of plain text , or maybe you think software like LibreOffice Writer is overkill for what you need to do. Or perhaps you just want to embrace your inner geek.

It's easy to turn files formatted with Markdown into attractive presentation slides. Here are four tools that can do help you do the job.

One of the more flexible applications on this list, Landslide is a command-line application that takes files formatted with Markdown, reStructuredText , or Textile and converts them into an HTML file based on Google’s HTML5 slides template .

All you need to do is write up your slides with Markdown, crack open a terminal window, and run the command landslide followed by the name of the file. Landslide will spit out presentation.html , which you can open in any web browser. Simple, isn’t it?

Don't let that simplicity fool you. Landslide offers more than a few useful features, such as the ability to add notes and create configuration files for your slides. Why would you want to do that? According to Landslide's developer, it helps with aggregating and reusing source directories across presentations.


Viewing presenter notes in a Landslide presentation

Marp is a work in progress, but it shows promise. Short for "Markdown Presentation Writer," Marp is an Electron app in which you craft slides using a simple two-pane editor: Write in Markdown in the left pane and you get a preview in the right pane.

Marp supports GitHub Flavored Markdown . If you need a quick tutorial on using GitHub Flavored Markdown to write slides, check out the sample presentation . It's a bit more flexible than baseline Markdown.

While Marp comes with only two very basic themes, you can add background images to your slides, resize them, and include math. On the down side, it currently lets you export your slides only as PDF files. To be honest, I wonder why HTML export wasn’t a feature from day one.


Editing some simple slides in Marp

You probably know pandoc as a magic wand for converting between various markup languages. What you might not know is that pandoc can take a file formatted with Markdown and create attractive HTML slides that work with the Slidy , Slideous , DZSlides , S5 , and Reveal.js presentation frameworks. If you prefer LaTeX , you can also output PDF slides using the Beamer package .

You'll need to use specific formatting for your slides, but you can add some variables to control how they behave. You can also change the look and feel of your slides, add pauses between slides, and include speaker notes.

Of course, you must have the supporting files for your preferred presentation framework installed on your computer. Pandoc spits out only the raw slide file.


Viewing slides created with Pandoc and DZSlides

Hacker Slides

Hacker Slides is an application for Sandstorm and Sandstorm Oasis that mates Markdown and the Reveal.js slide framework. The slides are simple, but they can be visually striking.

Craft your slide deck in a two-pane editor in your browser—type in Markdown on the left and see it rendered on the right. When you're ready to present, you can do it from within Sandstorm or get a link that you can share with others to present remotely.

What’s that—you say that you don’t use Sandstorm or Sandstorm Oasis? No worries.There's a version of Hacker Slides that you can run on your desktop or server.


Editing slides in Hacker Slides

Two honorable mentions

If you use Jupyter Notebooks (see community moderator Don Watkins' article ) to publish data or instructional texts, then Jupyter2slides is for you. It works with Reveal.js to convert a notebook into a nice set of HTML slides.

If you prefer your applications hosted, test-drive GitPitch . It works with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Just push the source files for your slides to a repository on one of those services, point GitPitch to that repository, and your slides are ready to view at the GitPitch site.

Do you have a favorite Markdown-powered slide generator? Share it by leaving a comment.

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Posted on Oct 25, 2021

The Ultimate List of Markdown Presentation Tools

We have compiled a list of 23 top-notch tools to help you create slide decks with Markdown.

Marp - Marp is a creative tool for preparing beautiful slide decks or presentations. Also known as the Markdown representation ecosystem, Marp has been one of the most reliable and used tools for generating presentations with Markdown.

Slippr - Slippr is an electron-based app that’s used to create Markdown presentations. There are numerous functions available in Slippr to help you customize the most beautiful slides.

CafePitch - It is a GitHub project, and it might be a bit difficult for you to understand its usage. However, you can get a better understanding of setting up and testing the tool here.

Reveal.js - Reveal.js is one of the most innovative and simplest open-source tools out there to create Markdown presentations.

MDX Deck - MDX lets people import visual components such as charts and other designs. These can be embedded with the content in Markdown.

Remark - The remark tool has some of the best specialties available such as markdown formatting and supporting multiple languages.

Spectacle - Spectacle is a ReactJS based app. Spectacle provides customized backgrounds, animated colors, slide fragments, and many other specialties.

Deck - With Deck, you can try out multiple designs while building up your presentations.

Slides - To make your presentations visually appealing and exquisite, you can collaborate with other designers and developers with the help of slides.

Swipe - Swipe lets people prepare any presentation, be it personal or professional.

HackMD - It is a perfect tool for creating presentations in Markdown as it allows users to put ineffective ideas together and share them with others.

Presenta - Presenta provides access to several official plugins, tutorials, community guidelines, and built-in features to help the users understand the tool quickly.

Deckset - To convert your boring text documents into attractive presentations or slides, Deckset will help you out.

Quiver - Quiver is a notebook tool that is specifically designed for programmers to write their codes in Markdown.

Slideas - It provides you with both fantastic features and a quick turnaround for the presentation preparation.

Pandoc - It is a unique tool that produces presentations not only in Markdown but in HTML and JavaScript too.

Fusuma - Fusuma is another tool that is designed to help you create slides easily and quickly in Markdown.

Present - This is a GitHub project, and you can see the installation and user’s guidelines here.

Backslide - You can use Backslide to create your presentations, make slides, export them, and convert them into PDF.

Patat - This tool does not have a lot of unique features that can make it stand out from others. However, it's still a good tool to work with.

Markdown-slides - Markdown slides enable users to write their text in a unique and beautiful presentation style with several animations.

S9 - With S9, you can write your text in Markdown and format them with the help of available features.

Cleaver - If you want to generate HTML presentations using Markdown quickly and easily, then Cleaver is one of the top-notch options that you should go with.

If you'd like to know more about these tools, you can read our complete blog post here: https://tiiny.host/blog/the-ultimate-list-of-markdown-presentation-tools/

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Markdown on VS Code.

We will enhance your VS Code as the slide deck writer. Mark , and write your deck!

See the documentation of and about how to write.

for more details of Marp ecosystem. We have powerful tools for Marp Markdown: , , and so on.

Marp features will be enabled when is written in a front-matter of Markdown document.

You can create a new Marp Markdown document from menu (Alt + Ctrl + Win + N / Alt + Cmd + Ctrl + N) to start writing a slide deck quickly.

also can toggle by opening the quick picker from toolbar icon . ( ).

While enabled Marp features by , Marp for VS Code can preview your Marp Markdown with the same way as .

If you are not familiar with editing Markdown on VS Code, we recommend to learn what you can do in at first.

, the inherited feature from , is an important syntax to write the deck in Marp.

If enabled Marp feature by , Marp for VS Code extends to support auto completion, syntax highlight, hover help, and diagnostics for Marp directives.

Marp for VS Code can suggest global/local directives supported by Marp ecosystem. We remember all so you may forget them! 😛

Hit Ctrl + Space within or to show the list of directives. You can peek the help of selected directive by hitting Ctrl + Space again.

Some directives such as and are also supported auto completion for the value.

The key of recognized directives are highlighted in the different color from the around. This visualization may help to find out meaningless definitions.

And you can see the help of a defined directive by hovering cursor on the recognized directive.

Marp for VS Code can detect some basic problems in Marp directives. Diagnostics will help following our recommended way for writing slides.

Name Description
Recommend to declare math typesetting library via global directive
Report ignored global directive if disabled math by the extension setting
Find out overloaded global directives
Notify if the specified was not defined in a theme
Notify a not recognized theme name

Export slide deck to HTML, PDF, PPTX, and image 🛡️

We have integrated Marp CLI to export your deck into several formats.

create markdown presentation

You can also execute command from the Command Palette (F1 or Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P).

Supported file types

  • PPTX (PowerPoint document)
  • PNG ( First slide only)
  • JPEG ( First slide only)

Default file type can choose by markdown.marp.exportType preference.

⚠️ Export except HTML requires to install any one of Google Chrome , Chromium , or Microsoft Edge . You may also specify the custom path for Chrome / Chromium-based browser by preference markdown.marp.chromePath .

Use custom theme CSS 🛡️

You can register and use custom theme CSS for Marpit / Marp Core by setting markdown.marp.themes , that includes remote URLs, or relative paths to local files in the current workspace.

It's very similar to a way for using custom styles in ordinary Markdown preview . The registered theme can use by specifying theme name in theme global directive .

Markdown preview will reload updated theme CSS automatically when you edited the registered local CSS file. It's very useful for creating your own theme.

Outline extension

When Marp Markdown is enabled, you can use the extended outline view like following. They are enabled by default but you may disable by markdown.marp.outlineExtension preference.

Outline view for each slide

We extend the outline view to support slide pages in Marp Markdown.

Outline view for each slide

ℹ️ Please choose Sort By: Position from context menu of its panel if you see incorrect slide order.

Slide folding in editor

You can fold the content of slide in editor while editing Marp Markdown.

Workspace Trust

Some features that may met malicious are restricted in the untrusted workspace/window. Please read VS Code's user guide for details.

Features may be restricted are marked by the shield icon 🛡️ in this documentation. Marp for VS Code is available even if the current workspace is not trusted but you can use only a basic Marp preview and IntelliSense.

Enable HTML in Marp Markdown 🛡️

You can enable previsualization of HTML code within Marp Markdown with the markdown.marp.enableHtml option.

It could allow script injection from untrusted Markdown files. Thus, this feature is disabled as a default and will be always ignored in the untrusted workspace . Use with caution.

Web extension

You can use Marp extension in VS Code for the Web environment like vscode.dev and github.dev . Try opening https://github.dev/marp-team/marp-vscode/blob/main/docs/example.md , with an environment that has installed Marp extension.

The web extension has some limitations:

  • Export command cannot use because it is depending on Marp CLI that is not designed for Web. Please use VS Code that is installed to your local environment, or use either VS Code Server or GitHub Codespaces if you wanted an environment working on Web.


Are you interested in contributing? Please see CONTRIBUTING.md and the common contributing guideline for Marp team .

Managed by @marp-team .

create markdown presentation

This extension releases under the MIT License .

Markdown slides editor

Create your next presentation with Markdown

MdSlides - App cover image

Goal Oriented

Unlike many other presentation editors, MdSlides is designed to focus on the content rather than moving text blocks back and forth.

Mobile First

The device used does not affect the process of creating presentations, nor the final result.


Even though it is a web application, it can be used offline or even installed ( see PWAs ).

Creating presentations in MdSlides is declarative in nature. It requires no extra interaction other than writing down one's thoughts.

Processing data is not stored in the application, but in the one's device/browser only.

Open Source

The application development is community-driven. Contributions are welcome on GitHub .

Ideas grow better together.

HedgeDoc (formerly known as CodiMD) is an open-source, web-based, self-hosted, collaborative markdown editor.

You can use it to easily collaborate on notes, graphs and even presentations in real-time. All you need to do is to share your note-link to your co-workers and they’re ready to go.

Read the install guide Try the demo

Our core features

You don’t need extra software. The editor runs in your browser.


Stay in control of your data. Keep it on your server.

Real-time collaboration

Collaborate in real-time with friends, family and colleagues.

Presentation mode

Use HedgeDoc to build and present slides in markdown. Powered by reveal.js!

Graphs & diagrams

HedgeDoc supports many types of graphs, diagrams and embedded content.

Easy to use permission system

Manage permissions of your notes with a simple dropdown selection.

Revisions keep track of changes to your notes and even let you revert to any older version.

Low system requirements

HedgeDoc doesn’t need much resources. It even runs smooth on a Raspberry Pi!

Let’s get it started!

Installing HedgeDoc on your server is easy! We provide a ready to use bundle and a docker image. For details, take a look at our install guide.

Read the install guide

Try the demo.

Why should you use something you don’t know, right? Head over to our demo page and test it out. Try it! It’s free! Please read the information about the reliability of the demo.

Visit the demo

Wasn’t it called CodiMD?

Yes, this project was formerly known as CodiMD, but in 2020 we decided to rename our project to HedgeDoc to avoid confusion with another project of the same name.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions like “Why was the PDF Export feature removed?” were asked more often than others. We have collected the answers on our FAQ page.

Read the FAQ

FOSS and community driven.

The HedgeDoc source code is available on GitHub and licensed under AGPL 3.0. Everything is open source and free as in free speech. Read it, understand it, help us to improve it!

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Electron apps

Marp: Markdown presentation ecosystem.

muryoimpl/slippr: markdown presentation app by Electron

joe-re/cafe-pitch Markdown-driven presentation tool built on Electron.

Slide deck frameworks supporting Markdown source

hakimel/reveal.js: The HTML Presentation Framework

jxnblk/mdx-deck: React MDX-based presentation decks

gnab/remark: A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.

FormidableLabs/spectacle: ReactJS based Presentation Library

deckjs/deck: Deck is a markdown driven content presentation system

Hosted services

Slides.com: Online UI for creating RevealJS decks (no markdown support yet, but maybe someday )

Platon.io: Simple markdown presentations, right in the browser, using remarkjs

Swipe: Create Interactive Online Presentations On Any Device

HackMD: The best way to share knowledge in markdown

Presenta: Make slides fast!

Slidium: Beautiful and Easy Markdown Presentation - Neomobili

Deckset: Presentations from Markdown in No Time

Quiver: Developer notebook, with a presentation mode

Slideas: Slideas is the easiest way to create a beautiful Markdown Presentation, with all the features you need.

Obsidian: Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.

CLI markdown ⇒ slides conversion tools

Fusuma: A tool to create slides easily for you

present: A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.

backslide: CLI tool for making HTML presentations with Remark.js using Markdown

patat: (Presentations Atop The ANSI Terminal) is a small tool that allows you to show presentations using only an ANSI terminal. It does not require ncurses

markdown-slides: Using markdown, write simple but beautiful presentations with math, animations and media, which can be visualized in a web browser even without an internet connection, or exported to PDF.

S9: Write Your Slides in Plain Text w/ Markdown Formatting Conventions - Free Web Alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote

Cleaver: 30-second Slideshows for Hackers


cogumbreiro commented Oct 14, 2020


Sorry, something went wrong.


thrgamon commented Nov 8, 2020

Obsidian also does this, which is rad: https://obsidian.md/


sabitm commented Dec 11, 2020

here's my favorite presenta


epogrebnyak commented Dec 27, 2020



geraldb commented Dec 27, 2020 • edited Loading

Slideshow (S9) is another one (disclaimer: from my humble self), see http://slideshow-s9.github.io/ . If I dare to say it's the only one that lets you use / chose template packs (e.g. s6, bespoke.js, shower.js, impress.js, reveal.js, and so on), see http://slideshow-templates.github.io/ and you can design your own template packs (they are actually just GitHub Pages / Jekyll / Liquid templates) and, thus, work by definition "out-of-the-box" on GitHub with GitHub Pages, for example. Free and open source (public domain, actually).


dadoomer commented Jan 10, 2021

Markdown-slides is yet another one (sorry for the self-promotion).

Output to PDF or HTML.

Beautiful output, because it just inserts your stuff into Reveal.js.

Does not need Internet connection.


PhilipMottershead commented Feb 7, 2021

GitPitch is shutting down

"GitPitch is shutting down on March 1, 2021. The trial software is no longer available for download."


fego commented May 12, 2021

Found this one today : https://sli.dev/


danielvelara commented Jun 10, 2021

Markdown Preview Enhanced it's a VSCode extension with a lot of Markdown features, and it comes with a Presentation mode https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/presentation


juanbrujo commented Jun 12, 2021

I've been using Cleaver for years https://github.com/jdan/cleaver


michalradacz commented Jun 22, 2021

Hmmm, Slideas dies? No web, no activity ...


debMan commented Jul 26, 2021

For CLI: https://github.com/maaslalani/slides


acacha commented Oct 22, 2021

Awesome just what I'm looking for!


norman-abramovitz commented Dec 23, 2021

There is a template to make reveal.js work work with mkdocs as well.



alenwesker commented Feb 18, 2022

I've tried some of the above, recommend adding https://github.com/ksky521/nodeppt to the list. It's currently my favorite markdown-to-ppt tool. It supports so many features that at least the {.build.moveIn} and the speaker mode are vital to a slide show.

Recommend everybody try that.


gilcot commented Mar 6, 2022 • edited Loading

Other intersting tools to note:

  • https://github.com/googleworkspace/md2googleslides
  • https://github.com/astefanutti/decktape
  • https://github.com/maaslalani/slides
  • https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/present
  • https://gitpitch.github.io/gitpitch/#/
  • https://github.com/ionelmc/python-darkslide
  • https://github.com/anthonywritescode/markdown-to-presentation


kzhk75 commented Mar 8, 2022

  • https://github.com/slidevjs/slidev


N0K0 commented Mar 16, 2022


ollej commented Oct 19, 2022

May I recommend the tool Rusty Slider, available as a native application for Windows/Mac/Linux as well as on the web. https://ollej.github.io/rusty-slider/


anonymouscoolguy commented Oct 28, 2022

I have been working on a little side project: https://mdslides.app/

It is built using Reveal.js and Ace , and is a simple markdown presentation tool right in the browser.


EmaSuriano commented Nov 8, 2022

Shout out to this one! Very nice DX, good documentation and fully customizable 👏


easyjobber commented Nov 12, 2022 • edited Loading

Thanks for this presentation and you are truly an inspiration 👏 https://gist.github.com/easyjobber


haakonstorm commented Dec 8, 2022

Slideas unfortunately appear defunct now. :/


rukshn commented Jul 22, 2023

Platon does not seem to be working anymore


kitschpatrol commented Aug 5, 2023

iA Presenter has an opinionated take on the markdown → slides workflow.

It recently hit 1.0. Note that it's Mac only, commercial, and apparently not (yet) scriptable from the CLI.


soaple commented Oct 7, 2023

MarkSlides is a tool that allows you to create slides using Markdown. It is created based on Marp, so any Marp syntax can be rendered to the slide. In addition, it also supports Generating Slides using AI like ChatGPT.

스크린샷 2023-10-03 오후 10 24 56

makp commented May 26, 2024

lookatme seems to be an interesting terminal-based markdown presentation tool.


ak-git commented Jun 24, 2024


rhult commented Jul 19, 2024

Native macOS app: https://showdown.tinybird.se


jerryjappinen commented Aug 11, 2024

Created this for the live notebook platform Observable: https://observablehq.com/@jerryjappinen/slides

create markdown presentation

Member-only story

Bye-bye PowerPoint. Hello Marp!

Could this free markdown-based tool replace powerpoint yes, but there’s a catch..

Dario Radečić

Dario Radečić

Towards Data Science

Do you find PowerPoint annoying? Me too. It can be laggy at times and has an overwhelming number of options. If you’re in the market for something simpler, today’s your lucky day. Marp might be the right tool to save you time and nerves.

It’s a Visual Studio Code extension based on Markdown, and lets you create presentations that can be exported as PPTX, PDF, and HTML. Today you’ll learn the basics and create your first presentation.

Don’t feel like reading? Watch my video instead:

How to install Marp

You should already have Visual Studio Code installed. It’s a code editor that lets you write anything from readme files to machine learning models. You won’t write code today — if you don’t count Markdown as code, which you shouldn’t.

Once in Visual Studio Code, click on the Extensions tab and search for Marp :

Dario Radečić

Written by Dario Radečić

Senior Data Scientist & Tech Writer | https://darioradecic.substack.com

Text to speech

Markdown to Slides with Marp for VS Code - A Comprehensive Tutorial

As a developer, presenting ideas to your group, team members, or managers is a common occurrence. Using tools like Google Slides or PowerPoint can be inconvenient for developers as they require adding code, diagrams, flowcharts, and other technical elements. A developer-friendly approach is to write your presentation in Markdown and then convert it to slides, PDF, or another convenient format. In this article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to easily convert your Markdown document to a slideshow. Let’s get started!

What is Marp VS Code extension?

Marp for VS Code is an extension for the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) editor that allows you to create and present slide decks using Markdown. It is based on the Marp presentation tool , which uses the same Markdown syntax as other Marp tools, but integrates directly into the VS Code editor for a seamless and intuitive experience.

With the Marp for VS Code extension, you can create professional-looking slide decks using Markdown syntax, including headings, lists, images, and other formatting elements. You can also add slide-specific features such as slide backgrounds, slide transitions, and speaker notes. The Marp for VS Code extension also includes several slide templates that you can use to quickly create a professional-looking presentation.

Installing Marp for VS Code

Installing Marp for VS Code is a simple process.

  • Click on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side of the VS Code window.
  • Search for Marp using the search box, and look for Marp for VS Code in the search results
  • Click on the Install button .

create markdown presentation

Wait for the installation to complete. You may be prompted to reload VS Code after the installation is complete.

Basic Presentation

Now let’s create basic presentation slide with marp. Create a new markdown file called slides.md .

Now if you preview the file, you should see something like this:

create markdown presentation

Formatting a Presentation

Let’s format our slides.

If you want to add the page number in the slides, then you just simply paginate: true .

Background Color

If you want to set the background color, use backgroundColor .

It will set the orange background color for all slides.

Now, if you want to set background color for a particular slide, then you can set background color to each slide. For example:

create markdown presentation

You can set the font color with _color property.

Including image is one of the important feature in the slides. To add image, simple use ![](image/path.extension) .

Resizing image

Even you can use some css filters .

Background Image

Split Background You can split background image by bg + left / right keywords.

Advanced Features

Although there are some limitations in VS code extension, but still you can do some advanced level formatting.

Let’s add header:

create markdown presentation

As a developer, surely we add code or pseudocode in the presentation. It would be as easily as like markdown.

create markdown presentation

You may be wondering as this stage, it would be great if you can able to include mermaid in marp.

Unfortunately by default mermaid is not supporting in marp vs code. So you need to enable it by adding following code in the settings.json file in your vs code. Check details in this tutorial .

This will allow you to write html directives directly.

It will show your output like this:

Cool, right?

Now, let’s export our presentation. You can export in pdf, html, power point, jpg and png format.

:warning: FYI, some of the markdown does not support in all export format.

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (Mac) to open the Command Palette.
  • Type Marp: Export and select Marp: Export Slide Deck from the list of options.
  • In the next prompt, select the output format you want to use. You can choose from HTML , PDF , PNG , and Power Point , and JPG format.
  • Specify any additional options, such as the destination folder or file name, if prompted.
  • Wait for the export process to complete. Depending on the format you choose and the size of your presentation, this may take some time.

So the recap:

Simplicity : Marp for VS Code uses Markdown syntax, which is simple and easy to learn, allowing you to focus on the content of your presentation rather than the technicalities of presentation software.

Flexibility : Markdown can be used to create a wide range of content, from simple bullet point slides to complex diagrams and charts. This flexibility makes Marp for VS Code a great choice for anyone who needs to create presentations that go beyond basic text and images.

Integration : Marp for VS Code integrates directly into the VS Code editor, which means you can create, edit, and present your slides in one place. This saves time and streamlines the presentation creation process.

Customization : Marp for VS Code provides a range of customization options, including slide templates, custom CSS, and slide-specific features such as speaker notes and slide transitions. This allows you to create presentations that are tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

Portability : Since Marp for VS Code uses Markdown, your presentations can be easily exported to other formats, such as PDF, HTML, and PNG. This makes it easy to share your presentations with others or to present them on other platforms.

In summary, Marp for VS Code is a powerful tool that allows you to create professional-looking presentations using Markdown syntax. It is simple to learn, flexible, customizable, and highly portable, making it a great choice for anyone who needs to create engaging and informative presentations quickly and easily.

Further Reference:

If you are still curious to know more about marp, try to follow:

  • https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=marp-team.marp-vscode
  • https://marpit.marp.app/
  • https://github.com/marp-team/marp-vscode
  • Presentations

Turn your Markdown into a beautiful slide deck

About this tool.

This is a tool for turning Markdown into presentation slides. You can use the editor above to write a new presentation from scratch or paste an existing presentation in Markdown format.

As soon as you start typing you'll see a realtime preview of the output so that you always know what you're getting. Once you finish creating your presentation you can make edits to it and change styling in our visual presentaton editor.

How does it work?

  • Write your slides using Markdown
  • Confirm to create your slide deck
  • Change theming and make edits in our Slide editor
  • Present your slides or share them via a link

What does it cost?

Open source.

Markdown conversion is powered by our open source presentation framework, reveal.js. To learn more about Markdown parsing please visit the reveal.js docs at revealjs.com/markdown .

create markdown presentation

How to Create Presentations in Markdown

Gleb Shalimov

Gleb Shalimov

I really like Markdown for its simplicity and organization. I started using Markdown for notes and actively apply it in README.md files. After I fully transitioned to Obsidian , a whole bunch of plugins opened up for me. However, this story began even before I started using Obsidian…

Can presentations be created using Markdown?

I became interested in this question when I saw a new product from the creators of the excellent Markdown editor iA Writer, called iA Presenter.

iA Presenter is a text editor for presentations with automatic slide design.

I really liked the idea, but the price put me off. A subscription for a presentation tool seems very strange to me, especially when there are options like Google Slides or Pitch available.

Yes, undoubtedly, it’s a convenient tool that I’m sure performs its function excellently, but the price… I shelved that idea back then and forgot about it.

Returning to Obsidian, what attracted me was its minimalist starting point, without unnecessary elements, yet plugins offer the possibility to add exactly as much functionality as needed. By the way, I switched to it from Notion, which has its pros and cons.

I decided to watch several overview videos to get acquainted with Obsidian, and then started looking at the most popular plugins. In the process, I came across Slides and remembered my desire to try Markdown for creating presentations.

Slides allow you to create presentations based on your notes. It’s very straightforward:

Use images, format text, do everything Markdown allows, and then turn it into a presentation. It’s so simple and so cool!

By the way, here’s what I got:

The wonders don’t end there. I can also easily export this presentation to PDF or HTML. Furthermore, this plugin allows me to locally run this presentation (HTML file) in a browser.

Now I can create a presentation for a class where I need to showcase a project on GitHub (thanks to developers who carefully format their README) or simply conduct a lecture.

Gleb Shalimov

Written by Gleb Shalimov

Hi 👋 I'm Gleb! I'm a student at IU, in my spare time I love creating cool IT products.

Text to speech

It's possible and often times more convenient to write presentation content using Markdown. To create a Markdown slide, add the data-markdown attribute to your <section> element and wrap the contents in a <textarea data-template> like the example below.

Note that this is sensitive to indentation (avoid mixing tabs and spaces) and line breaks (avoid consecutive breaks).

Markdown Plugin

This functionality is powered by the built-in Markdown plugin which in turn uses marked for all parsing. The Markdown plugin is included in our default presentation examples. If you want to manually add it to a new presentation here's how:

External Markdown

You can write your content as a separate file and have reveal.js load it at runtime. Note the separator arguments which determine how slides are delimited in the external file: the data-separator attribute defines a regular expression for horizontal slides (defaults to ^\r?\n---\r?\n$ , a newline-bounded horizontal rule) and data-separator-vertical defines vertical slides (disabled by default). The data-separator-notes attribute is a regular expression for specifying the beginning of the current slide's speaker notes (defaults to notes?: , so it will match both "note:" and "notes:"). The data-charset attribute is optional and specifies which charset to use when loading the external file.

When used locally, this feature requires that reveal.js runs from a local web server . The following example customizes all available options:

Element Attributes

Special syntax (through HTML comments) is available for adding attributes to Markdown elements. This is useful for fragments, among other things.

Slide Attributes

Special syntax (through HTML comments) is available for adding attributes to the slide <section> elements generated by your Markdown.

Syntax Highlighting

Powerful syntax highlighting features are built into reveal.js. Using the bracket syntax shown below, you can highlight individual lines and even walk through multiple separate highlights step-by-step. Learn more about line highlights .

Line Number Offset

You can add a line number offset by adding a number and a colon at the beginning of your highlights.

Configuring marked

We use marked to parse Markdown. To customize marked's rendering, you can pass in options when configuring Reveal :

create markdown presentation

Slides.com — the reveal.js presentation editor.

Become a reveal.js pro in the official video course.

  • Capital One

create markdown presentation

08-20-2024 WORK LIFE

Are you making these 6 public-speaking mistakes?

We’ve all sat through awkward and boring presentations. The speaker probably was making at least one of these common mistakes.

Are you making these 6 public-speaking mistakes?

[Photo: kasto/Adobe Stock]

BY  Stephanie Vozza 4 minute read

Whether you’re giving a speech to an audience, making a presentation to a client, or heading up a meeting, chances are you’ll have some nerves. Public speaking opens the door to public mistakes, which put your status at risk. Humans are hardwired to want to be accepted— it’s an ancient survival mechanism —and that makes speaking up a stressful exercise. 

“We like to say speaker anxiety affects 90% of the population, and the other 10% are lying,” says Deborah Shames, who, along with and David Booth, is cofounder of the communication training firm Eloqui and coauthor of Briefly Speaking: Prepare, Present, and Communicate . 

One way to manage your anxiety is to improve your skills. Before you take the podium or floor, make sure you aren’t making one of these six common public-speaking mistakes:

1. Winding Up

If you’re making a presentation to a big group, it’s natural to thank the person who introduces you and thank the audience for attending. You may also give a brief preview of what you’re going to talk about as well as share your background, so listeners know you’re qualified. 

While this seems polite, Shames and Booth call this type of communication “wind ups” and say it’s much better to dive right into your presentation than waste time on things that aren’t important.

“People remember most what they hear first and last,” says Shames. “You have to grab the attention of a client, customer or audience within the first 30 seconds, or it’s really hard to get them back.” 

2. Not Having a Hook

Since the opening of your speech is critical, it needs to hook your audience and set the tone for what’s ahead. Booth recommends starting with one key message you can embed in your opening—something you can cover in under two minutes. For example, take a news item from the headlines, but stay away from politics. You can also pull a story from your life. Novelty and surprise are also good tools. 

“You could start off by saying, ‘Simone Biles fell off the balance beam today,’” says Booth. “That’s something nobody expected. Then link it to whatever you’re trying to deliver, such as making a mistake or having to get up again.” 

Whatever you choose must be visual. “If you make the listeners see what you’re talking about in their imagination, they will be engaged with you right away and much more likely to be persuaded to your point of view,” says Booth. 

3. Talking in Generalities 

When making a presentation to a potential client, a lot of people start by sharing their company’s history with a broad overview of what you offer. That’s because we’ve been taught to speak in generalities to be polite and inclusive. That approach will make you forgettable, says Shames. Instead, get very specific. 

For example, kick off the meeting by saying something like, “If you’re like our other clients in like manufacturing space in Southern California, we assume that you’re facing these three major challenges. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

“Then provide your solution,” says Booth. “Suddenly you’re set apart, rather than thrown into the bin of everybody else.” 

Shames also recommends using “I” statements. “Say why a topic is important to you,” she says. “That’s not self-aggrandizing; it’s your perspective based on experience.”

4. Sharing Details First

When making a presentation, it’s natural to want to set the stage before unveiling your big idea. As a result, a common presentation flow is “Fact. Fact. Fact. Big idea.” 

Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t work because the brain is hardwired to process an idea first then follow it up with details, says Booth. “You want to say, ‘Here’s the gist and here are the facts that back it up,’” he says.

Also, limit your talking points to three or less, adds Shames. “The brain can only process three main talking points or details,” she says. “It’s memory science. Three becomes one, collected as a unit. The same applies to giving presentations.” 

5. Relying on Memorization

The old-fashioned way of delivering a presentation is to memorize your content or to read it from index cards. Instead, Shames and Booth recommend creating an outline, which helps your presentation become more conversational and personal . 

“An outline is like having a GPS system,” says Shames. “It keeps you on track. It also allows you to connect with an audience or client because if you’re not resonating, you can shift gears. You cannot do that if you memorize or read.”

6. Not Being Authentic

Finally, many of us have speakers we admire, and a common public-speaking mistake is to mimic their delivery. For example, you may decide you should be a little peppier or use your hands more often because they do those things.

“What happens when you do that is that you feel like a phony,” says Booth. “Speaker anxiety is a fear of being found out for something you are not.” 

Shames recommends being genuine and authentic . “If you’re an introvert, don’t suddenly try to sound like an outgoing motivational speaker,” she says. “An audience can always tell who’s phoning it in, who’s memorized it, and who is not being themselves.” 

Becoming more comfortable as a public speaker means staying true to yourself and your message. It also means embracing your nerves, says Shames. 

“Getting rid of all of your anxiety puts you at risk of being boring,” she says. “When you manage your anxiety, you can think on your feet, make good connections, and pivot in the moment.” 

Apply to the Most Innovative Companies Awards and be recognized as an organization driving the world forward through innovation. Early-rate deadline: Friday, August 23.


Stephanie Vozza is a freelance writer who covers productivity, careers, and leadership. She's written for Fast Company since 2014 and has penned nearly 1,000 articles for the site’s Work Life vertical   More

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Need a 2-in-1 laptop for back to school? This Dell is $200 off

Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 7420 front angled view with keyboard folded under and showing display.

To help make sure your child will have an excellent school year, you should think about getting them a new laptop — and better make it a 2-in-1. You can find many of these versatile devices in student laptop deals and back to school laptop deals , and here’s an offer that should catch your attention — the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop at $200 off from Dell, which reduces its price to $550 from its original price of $750. If you want to make sure that you pocket the savings, and that you get it delivered before school starts, we highly recommend completing your purchase of it immediately.

Why you should buy the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop

The specifications of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop make it capable of handling all kinds of schoolwork, such as doing online research, creating reports, and building presentations. It’s equipped with the Intel Core 5 120U processor, integrated Intel Graphics, and 8GB of RAM — it’s not the fastest device out there, but it should be more than enough for students. The 2-in-1 laptop ships with Windows 11 Home , which should be a familiar operating system for most people, and a 512GB SSD that will provide ample storage space for all of the files that are needed for the school year.

Enhancing the value of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop is its ability to transform from laptop mode to tablet mode through the 360-degree hinges that connect its body to its 14-inch display with Full HD+ resolution. Whether it makes more sense to use the keyboard or the touchscreen, you can easily switch between the forms of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop.

The Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop is on sale from Dell with a $200 discount that makes it more affordable at only $550, from a sticker price of $750. Among all of the 2-in-1 laptop deals that are available right now, this is one of the top offers for students, but you’re going to have to hurry in pushing forward with your transaction for it because its price may be back to normal as soon as tomorrow. Finish your purchase of the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop quickly, as it would be a shame to miss out on the savings.

Editors’ Recommendations

  • This Alienware gaming laptop with RTX 4050 has a $500 discount
  • This Asus laptop with an OLED screen is $450 off at Best Buy
  • This Dell G16 gaming laptop with RTX 4070 just dropped to $1,500
  • This Asus gaming laptop with RTX 4070 is $350 off at Best Buy
  • Need an OLED laptop screen? This HP 2-in-1 is $600 off today

Aaron Mamiit

Student laptop deals are everywhere we look right now, and that’s because most retailers are in full back-to-school sales mode. Whether you’re looking for a low-cost laptop with zero frills, or a souped-up Alienware setup for weekend gaming, there’s no shortage of options on the market. Sometimes though, we stumble across an exceptional markdown that elevates one sale above all others. And today, the honor belongs to Lenovo:

For a limited time, the company is selling the Lenovo ThinkBook 16 for only $624. That’s a whopping $895 discount, which is why Lenovo has declared this a doorbuster sale. 

The Apple Mac Studio rarely appears with a discount at any retailer, so if you've been planning to purchase this powerful desktop computer, don't miss this chance at a $200 discount on the M2 Max model from B&H Photo Video's Apple deals. From its original price of $1,999, it's down to $1,799. It's still not cheap, but you may as well enjoy the savings because you may not be able to get them anywhere else. Proceed with your purchase immediately, as discounts on Apple devices usually don't last long.

Why you should buy the Apple Mac Studio M2 Max The Apple Mac Studio, which comes with either of two processors -- the M2 Max or the M2 Ultra -- fills the gap between the more affordable Apple Mac Mini and the Apple Mac Pro. The Apple Mac Studio M2 Max with a 12-core CPU, a 30-core GPU, and 32GB of RAM will be more than enough to complete the projects of most creative professionals, and with a 512GB SSD, you'll have sufficient storage space for all of your files. The desktop computer is relatively small and looks like a block of aluminum, so while it will provide you with all of the power that you need, it won't take up a lot of space on your desk.

The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 combines the best of Chromebook deals and 2-in-1 laptop deals in a powerful device that will help boost the productivity of students. It's an excellent choice if you're looking to equip your child for the new school year, especially since it's on sale from Best Buy with a $150 discount that brings its price down to $550 from its original price of $700. There's no telling when the offer expires or until how long stocks will last though, so if you want to take advantage of this bargain, you need to complete your purchase right now.

Why you should buy the Acer Chromebook Spin 714 The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 is powered by Google's Chrome OS, which is what gives Chromebooks their name. It's essentially a reworked version of the Google Chrome browser that functions as an operating system, which heavily depends on web-based apps. This results is low overhead, enabling quick startups and snappy performance even with low-end hardware. However, that's not the case with the Acer Chromebook Spin 714, as it's powered by the 13th-generation Intel Core i5 processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, and 8GB of RAM. The Chromebook also comes with a 256GB SSD for ample storage space for all of the files that will be accumulated over the school year.

More From Forbes

Pr 101: building confidence as a spokesperson.

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Jennifer Acree, founder and CEO of JSA+Partners , a strategic comms firm working with consumer tech, digital media and gaming companies .

Approaching speaking opportunities and media interviews with confidence can be challenging. But developing this skill can significantly elevate your influence as a communicator and leader.

Whether it’s a high-stakes press interview or a presentation to a room full of industry peers and stakeholders, the pressure can often get the best of you if you’re ill-prepared.

Regardless of your role or the size of your company, it’s important to have a pocket-sized PR playbook to reframe your anxiety as an asset and effectively communicate your message. Here are four techniques to build confidence and ace your next interview or speaking opportunity.

Prepare with media training and refreshers.

Effective media training is crucial for any spokesperson, especially those who experience anxiety when it comes to public speaking, whether giving a keynote, participating in a panel or sitting down for an interview with a reporter. A quick refresher on key messages and talking points tailored to an anticipated conversation can come in handy to ensure company representatives feel confident and prepared.

With talking points in hand, the best way to build confidence is through roleplaying with a PR lead or another executive peer. For an interview, practicing responses to the “tough” questions in advance can help build confidence and eloquence. Although you may be prepared to speak to an expected topic, working through potential curveball questions and receiving immediate feedback from a PR professional will sharpen your media relations skills as a leader in a low-risk environment.

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As a spokesperson, you are the chosen industry expert for a reason. When delivering a presentation, simply remind yourself of the reasons you were selected to be on that stage (or interviewed for that article) to reassure yourself. Embrace the unique knowledge and experience you bring to the table by leaning into what you know and what resonates with you—whether it’s a deep knowledge of a product you helped develop or personal insights into a timely industry topic.

When it comes to interviews, more often than not, nerves stem from a fear of not having all the answers. Remember, it’s OK to admit if you don’t have an immediate answer. Saying “I don’t know” or “I’ll get back to you” is perfectly acceptable, especially in regard to specific data or details about ongoing projects. Instead, offer the reporter possible solutions by leaning on your PR representative to connect them to another expert if needed.

Finally, establish and review a clear and comfortable lane for interview topics with the PR rep beforehand. If a question crosses this boundary, phrases like “I’ll have to get back to you on that” or “That’s outside the scope of my role” are always useful safety nets to have.

By leaning into your expertise and having a clear, agreed-upon exit strategy for challenging topics, you can feel empowered to represent your organization with confidence.

Create a personal connection with the audience.

Set the foundation of your speaking opportunity or interview by actively engaging your audience. Icebreakers not only help to ease tension before an interview but also help transform a press interaction into an engaging conversation.

Before beginning an interview, take a moment to establish a connection with the reporter. Be sure to ask questions like “How has your time at this event been so far?” or express your admiration for a reporter's recent work – studying up on their writing (or asking your PR rep) is important. This approach builds rapport and offers valuable perspective to inform communication style.

Open your presentation with an interactive activity to create a memorable experience. Questions like, “Raise your hand if…” help to grab the audience’s attention and foster engagement. Continue to establish this relationship with your audience, by weaving in relatable stories and personal anecdotes that create a more conversational atmosphere and leave a lasting impression. Personal touches strengthen relationships and foster a more comfortable dialogue.

Trust your PR rep.

PR professionals are your advocates ahead of speaking engagements, and especially during interviews. They actively listen for opportunities to clarify or expand on your key messages and step in if needed to ensure a fair and productive conversation.

When giving a presentation, your PR rep is there to support you through each step of the process. From developing the presentation to practicing the speech, to being a source of comfort during the actual presentation, be sure to build a relationship of trust with the PR person in the room by seeking their advice and support, especially in challenging situations. Having an ally during intimidating opportunities will build comfort and assurance.

Through careful preparation, personal connection, and trust, you can develop the confidence to tackle any speaking opportunity or interview. By putting these strategies into action, you can harness any nervous energy into a powerful asset that works in your favor.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Jennifer Acree

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Fulfilling your responsibilities as a reviewer in a high quality and timely manner is critical to the success of the review process. Here is a list of key dates and tasks for reviewers:

  • Read and agree to abide by the NeurIPS code of conduct .
  • NeurIPS 2024 is using OpenReview. Please make sure that your OpenReview profile is up to date. If you have changed or plan to change your email address, please update the address set as “preferred” in your OpenReview profile and confirm it. It is crucial that we are able to reach you quickly. We will send most emails from OpenReview ( [email protected] ). Such emails are sometimes accidentally marked as spam (or classified as Updates in Gmail). Please check these folders regularly. If you find such an email in there, please whitelist [email protected] so that you do not miss future emails related to NeurIPS 2024.
  • Note that your assignments and tasks will appear at the reviewer console in OpenReview : https://openreview.net/group?id=NeurIPS.cc/2024/Conference/Reviewers
  • Read what constitutes conflict of interest for NeurIPS 2024 .
  • Your bids are an important input to the paper matching process. 
  • Unfortunately, in past years there have been a small number of reviewers who engage in deceptive bidding practices. If we have a reason to suspect that a reviewer is engaged in deceitful bidding to influence reviewing outcomes, we will request an ethics investigation, and malicious actors may be removed from future involvement in the program committee. 
  • As soon as you are notified of papers to review, you are expected to log in to OpenReview to check for conflicts and to check that papers fall within your area of expertise.
  • If you don’t feel qualified to review a paper that was assigned to you, please communicate this to your AC right away.
  • These assignments may change during the first week, as some reviewers and ACs request re-assignments. Please watch for notification email from Openreview.
  • We know that serving as a reviewer for NeurIPS is time consuming, but the community depends on your high quality reviews to uphold the scientific quality of NeurIPS. 
  • Please make your review as informative and substantiated as possible; superficial, uninformed reviews are worse than no review as they may contribute noise to the review process.
  • You can see the review form questions and guidance on how to answer each question in the "Review Form" section below.
  • Make sure to flag any questionable papers for ethics review. These papers will be assigned ethics reviewers, who will effectively join the paper's assigned program committee. See the NeurIPS ethics guidelines .
  • Feel free to use the NeurIPS paper checklist included in each paper as a tool when preparing your review (some submissions may have the checklist as part of the supplementary materials) . Remember that answering “no” to some questions is typically not grounds for rejection. In general, authors should be rewarded rather than punished for being up front about the limitations of their work and any potential negative societal impact. You are encouraged to think through whether any critical points are missing and provide these as feedback for the authors.
  • Do not worry about minor violations of the required format (e.g., papers that exceed the page limit by a few lines), but immediately report any major violations that you notice to your AC.
  • When writing your review, please keep in mind that after decisions have been made, reviews and meta-reviews of accepted papers as well as your discussion with the authors will be made public (but reviewer and SAC/AC identities will remain anonymous). This year, authors of rejected papers will have the option to make this information public for their rejected papers as well.
  • Please note that the review form this year asks for some additional fields such as text fields for the strengths and weaknesses, and questions and suggestions for authors. There are also additional ratings on soundness, presentation and contribution, in addition to the overall rating. These are intended to make it easier for the AC and SAC to understand your rationale for the rating, and facilitate better discussions.
  • Authors will be given one week to respond to their reviews before the discussion period. At the start of the discussion period, please carefully read all other reviews and the author responses to all reviews for the papers assigned to you.
  • As you read each author response, please keep an open mind.  Even if the author response didn’t change your opinion about the paper, please acknowledge that you have read and considered it.  
  • To minimize the chance of misunderstandings during the reviewing process, we will allow for a rolling discussion with the authors during the discussion period.  If you need to communicate with the authors, you can make a comment visible to them on the paper’s page.
  • Participating in discussions is a critical part of your role as a reviewer.  The discussion period is especially important for borderline papers and papers for which the reviewers’ assessments differ, and we hope that you take discussions seriously.  If your evaluation of the paper has changed, please revise your review and explain the change.
  • When discussing a paper, remember that different people have different backgrounds and different points of view. Reviewer consensus is valuable—only rarely are unanimous assessments overruled—but it is not mandatory.
  • During this period, ACs will be making initial recommendations for each paper. Your workload during this period should be light, but if ACs come back to you with additional questions, please respond promptly.
  • Notification: Wednesday September 25, 2024.

Review Form

Below is a description of the questions you will be asked on the review form for each paper and some guidelines on what to consider when answering these questions. Feel free to use the NeurIPS paper checklist included in each paper as a tool when preparing your review (some submissions may have the checklist as part of the supplementary materials). Remember that answering “no” to some questions is typically not grounds for rejection. When writing your review, please keep in mind that after decisions have been made, reviews and meta-reviews of accepted papers and opted-in rejected papers will be made public.

  • Summary: Briefly summarize the paper and its contributions. This is not the place to critique the paper; the authors should generally agree with a well-written summary.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Please provide a thorough assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, touching on each of the following dimensions: a. Originality: Are the tasks or methods new? Is the work a novel combination of well-known techniques? (This can be valuable!) Is it clear how this work differs from previous contributions? Is related work adequately cited? b. Quality : Is the submission technically sound? Are claims well supported (e.g., by theoretical analysis or experimental results)? Are the methods used appropriate? Is this a complete piece of work or work in progress? Are the authors careful and honest about evaluating both the strengths and weaknesses of their work? c. Clarity : Is the submission clearly written? Is it well organized? (If not, please make constructive suggestions for improving its clarity.) Does it adequately inform the reader? (Note that a superbly written paper provides enough information for an expert reader to reproduce its results.) d. Significance: Are the results important? Are others (researchers or practitioners) likely to use the ideas or build on them? Does the submission address a difficult task in a better way than previous work? Does it advance the state of the art in a demonstrable way? Does it provide unique data, unique conclusions about existing data, or a unique theoretical or experimental approach? You can incorporate Markdown and Latex into your review.  See https://openreview.net/faq .
  • Questions: Please list up and carefully describe any questions and suggestions for the authors. Think of the things where a response from the author can change your opinion, clarify a confusion or address a limitation. This can be very important for a productive rebuttal and discussion phase with the authors.  
  • Limitations: Have the authors adequately addressed the limitations and potential negative societal impact of their work? If not, please include constructive suggestions for improvement. In general, authors should be rewarded rather than punished for being up front about the limitations of their work and any potential negative societal impact. You are encouraged to think through whether any critical points are missing and provide these as feedback for the authors.
  • Ethical concerns: If there are ethical issues with this paper, please flag the paper for an ethics review. For guidance on when this is appropriate, please review the NeurIPS ethics guidelines .
  • 4 excellent
  • 10: Award quality: Technically flawless paper with groundbreaking impact on one or more areas of AI, with exceptionally strong evaluation, reproducibility, and resources, and no unaddressed ethical considerations.
  • 9: Very Strong Accept: Technically flawless paper with groundbreaking impact on at least one area of AI and excellent impact on multiple areas of AI, with flawless evaluation, resources, and reproducibility, and no unaddressed ethical considerations.
  • 8: Strong Accept: Technically strong paper with, with novel ideas, excellent impact on at least one area of AI or high-to-excellent impact on multiple areas of AI, with excellent evaluation, resources, and reproducibility, and no unaddressed ethical considerations.
  • 7: Accept: Technically solid paper, with high impact on at least one sub-area of AI or moderate-to-high impact on more than one area of AI, with good-to-excellent evaluation, resources, reproducibility, and no unaddressed ethical considerations.
  • 6: Weak Accept: Technically solid, moderate-to-high impact paper, with no major concerns with respect to evaluation, resources, reproducibility, ethical considerations.
  • 5: Borderline accept: Technically solid paper where reasons to accept outweigh reasons to reject, e.g., limited evaluation. Please use sparingly.
  • 4: Borderline reject: Technically solid paper where reasons to reject, e.g., limited evaluation, outweigh reasons to accept, e.g., good evaluation. Please use sparingly.
  • 3: Reject: For instance, a paper with technical flaws, weak evaluation, inadequate reproducibility and incompletely addressed ethical considerations.
  • 2: Strong Reject: For instance, a paper with major technical flaws, and/or poor evaluation, limited impact, poor reproducibility and mostly unaddressed ethical considerations.
  • 1: Very Strong Reject: For instance, a paper with trivial results or unaddressed ethical considerations
  • 5: You are absolutely certain about your assessment. You are very familiar with the related work and checked the math/other details carefully.
  • 4: You are confident in your assessment, but not absolutely certain. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that you did not understand some parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with some pieces of related work.
  • 3: You are fairly confident in your assessment. It is possible that you did not understand some parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with some pieces of related work. Math/other details were not carefully checked.
  • 2: You are willing to defend your assessment, but it is quite likely that you did not understand the central parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with some pieces of related work. Math/other details were not carefully checked.
  • 1: Your assessment is an educated guess. The submission is not in your area or the submission was difficult to understand. Math/other details were not carefully checked.
  • Code of conduct acknowledgement. While performing my duties as a reviewer (including writing reviews and participating in discussions), I have and will continue to abide by the NeurIPS code of conduct ( NeurIPS Code Of Conduct ).

Other Roles

During the review process you will be working with:

  • Area Chairs (ACs). ACs are the principal contact for reviewers during the whole reviewing process. ACs are responsible for recommending reviewers for submissions, ensuring that all submissions receive quality reviews, facilitating discussions among reviewers, writing meta-reviews, evaluating the quality of reviews, and making decision recommendations.
  • Senior Area Chairs (SACs). Each SAC oversees the work of a small number of ACs, making sure that the reviewing process goes smoothly. SACs are also responsible for helping ACs find expert reviewers, calibrating decisions across ACs, discussing borderline papers, and helping the Program Chairs (PCs) make final decisions.
  • Ethics Reviewers. You may flag submissions for additional review by ethics reviewers. The comments from the ethics reviewers will be visible to all reviewers, the AC, and the authors. You may use their comments to inform your deliberations.

Best Practices

  • Be thoughtful. The paper you are reviewing may have been written by a first year graduate student who is submitting to a conference for the first time and you don't want to crush their spirits.
  • Be fair. Do not let personal feelings affect your review.
  • Be useful. A good review is useful to all parties involved: authors, other reviewers and AC/SACs. Try to keep your feedback constructive when possible.
  • Be specific. Do not make vague statements in your review, as they are unfairly difficult for authors to address. 
  • Be flexible. The authors may address some points you raised in your review during the discussion period. Make an effort to update your understanding of the paper when new information is presented, and revise your review to reflect this.
  • Be timely. Please respect the deadlines and respond promptly during the discussion.  If you cannot complete your review on time, please let the AC know as soon as possible.
  • If someone pressures you into providing a positive or negative review for a submission, please notify program chairs right away ( [email protected] ).
  • If you notice unethical or suspect behavior, please notify your AC right away.

NOTE: This section may be updated periodically throughout the review cycle as we get questions.

Q: What if I need to speak to my AC?

A: You can communicate with your AC via OpenReview by writing a comment with visibility limited to your AC on the discussion page of the paper in question.  The comment will be visible to the SAC and Program Chairs by default, but it will not trigger a notification.

Q: What if I’ve seen similar work in a NeurIPS/ICML workshop?

A: We allow work that has been submitted to non-archival workshops to be submitted to NeurIPS. To maintain anonymity, do not mention the workshop paper in your review.

Q: What should I do if I suspect plagiarism?

A: You should reach out to your AC and explain the situation.

Q: What should I do if I am not able to meet a deadline due to an emergency?

A: Please reach out to your AC as soon as possible to provide a revised timeline (or to let them know that you cannot complete the assignment).

Q: Can I accept or reject all the papers in my stack?

A: Please accept and reject papers based on their own merits. You do not have to match the conference acceptance rate.

Q: Do I have to read the supplementary material?

A: You are not required to read it, but you are welcome to.

Q: Can I read the previous reviews of a paper if it is a resubmission?

A: Never break anonymity. And even if you were already aware of the paper, your review should be independent of previous reviews.

Q: What should I do if I have already reviewed this paper at another venue?

A: Do not assume that the paper hasn’t changed. Read the paper carefully, and make sure you write a high quality review.

Q: Can I invite a sub-reviewer to help with my reviews?

A: No, sub-reviewers are not allowed. Conflicts of interest cannot be properly checked unless reviewers are officially in the system, and sub-reviewers would not be able to participate in the discussion, which is a critical phase of the review process.

Please make sure to review the policies in the NeurIPS 2024 Call for Papers . 

Executing Code & Clicking on Links

Please remember that just like any other untrusted code, any submitted code may contain security vulnerabilities. If you are planning to run any submitted code, please make sure you are doing this in a secure environment because this code is not vetted by our submission system. We recommend running source code (1) inside a Docker container, or (2) a Virtual Machine image (using VirtualBox or VMWare), or (3) on a network-isolated cloud instance.

You may wish to also be cautious about accessing other web links provided from the paper, as these may contain vulnerabilities or may log visitor IP addresses.


You must keep everything relating to the review process confidential. Do not use ideas, code, or results from submissions in your own work until they become publicly available. Do not talk about or share submissions with anyone without prior approval from the program chairs. Code submitted for reviewing cannot be distributed or used for any other purpose. 

Double-blind reviewing

The reviewing process is double blind at the level of reviewers and ACs (i.e., reviewers and ACs cannot see author identities) but not at the level of SACs and program chairs. Authors are responsible for anonymizing their submissions. Submissions may not contain any identifying information that may violate the double-blind reviewing policy.  This policy applies to any supplementary or linked material as well, including code.  If you are assigned a submission that is not adequately anonymized, please contact the corresponding AC. Please do not attempt to find out the identities of the authors for any of your assigned submissions (e.g., by searching on arXiv).  This would constitute an active violation of the double-blind reviewing policy.

Formatting instructions

As a reminder, submissions are limited to nine content pages, including all figures and tables, in the NeurIPS “submission” style; additional pages containing only references and the NeurIPS 2024 paper checklist are allowed. Any content beyond that can be reviewed at your discretion. This includes any additional content that was submitted as part of the main PDF as well as any supplementary material uploaded separately.  In general, we were lenient with minor formatting violations (e.g., a spillover to page 10), as long as these violations can be easily rectified in the final version.  If you find violations that are not easily rectified without causing other presentation issues, please flag them to your AC.

Some submissions may have included the NeurIPS 2024 checklist into their supplementary material by mistake, so you may find the checklist there (to be viewed at your discretion).

Dual submissions

NeurIPS does not allow submissions that are identical or substantially similar to papers that are in submission to, have been accepted to, or have been published in other archival venues. Submissions that are identical or substantially similar to other NeurIPS submissions fall under this policy as well; all NeurIPS submissions should be distinct and sufficiently substantial. Slicing contributions too thinly is discouraged, and may fall under the dual submission policy.  If you suspect that a submission that has been assigned to you is a dual submission or if you require further clarification, please contact the corresponding AC. For more information about dual submissions, please see the Call for Papers and FAQ .

Useful Links

  • NeurIPS2024 Call for Papers
  • Paper checklist guidelines
  • Ethics review guidelines
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W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

The epidemic is concentrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the virus has now appeared in a dozen other African countries.

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A health worker in a yellow gown, a white mask and a blue hairnet holds a sealed plastic bag containing samples in a makeshift laboratory space in a tent.

By Apoorva Mandavilli

The rapid spread of mpox, formerly called monkeypox, in African countries constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization declared on Wednesday.

This is the second time in three years that the W.H.O. has designated an mpox epidemic as a global emergency. It previously did so in July 2022. That outbreak went on to affect nearly 100,000 people , primarily gay and bisexual men, in 116 countries, and killed about 200 people.

The threat this time is deadlier. Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo alone has reported 15,600 mpox cases and 537 deaths. Those most at risk include women and children under 15.

“The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern D.R.C., its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported mpox, and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general.

The outbreak has spread through 13 countries in Africa, including a few that had never reported mpox cases before. On Tuesday, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared a “public health emergency of continental security,” the first time the organization has taken that step since the African Union granted it the power to do so last year.

“It’s in the interests of the countries, of the continent and of the world to get our arms around this and stop transmission as soon as we can,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, the executive director for preparedness and response at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a nonprofit that finances vaccine development.

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