English Academy

June 6, 2024 • 12 minutes read

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Yuk asah sejauh mana pemahaman materi Bahasa Inggris kamu melalui latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 beserta jawabannya di bawah ini!

Duduk di kelas 9 artinya sebentar lagi kamu akan berpindah ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi alias jadi siswa SMA. Gimana persiapan kamu menuju ujian? Kamu harus rajin berlatih agar bisa lulus ya!

Di kelas 9 ini, kamu tentu sudah belajar banyak materi mulai dari expression of compliment , agreement and disagreement , present continuous tense , auxiliary verb ,  asking and giving suggestion , simple past tense , dan masih banyak lagi.

Sekarang, saatnya mengasah kemampuan kamu. Yuk tunjukkan kalau kamu sudah menguasai materi dengan mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan 2 ini!

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban

In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions.

1. Sarah: Thank you so much, John.

What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?

A. You’re welcome. B. Goodbye. C. Have a nice day. D. You’re a great friend.

2. “Hey, Lisa! I heard you got promoted. ____________”

A. Have you seen the latest movie? B. How was your weekend? C. That’s amazing! Congratulations! D. Can you pass me the salt, please?

3. Lisa: “Wow, you look stunning today!”

Rora: “Thank you! By the way, I love your new haircut.”

In this dialogue, Rora’s response is an example of _____

A. compliment acceptance B. compliment deflection C. compliment rejection D. compliment disagreement

4. Abby: “I believe traveling broadens one’s perspective and enhances personal growth.”

Brad: “I couldn’t agree more! Experiencing different cultures and meeting new people can be truly transformative.”

In this dialogue, Brad’s response indicates:

A. Agreement B. Disagreement C. Neutral stance D. Indifference

5. A: “I believe taking breaks during work hours is essential for maintaining productivity.”

B: “I _______, breaks can actually disrupt workflow and hinder productivity.”

A. agree with you on that B. couldn’t disagree more C. have a similar viewpoint D. partially agree, partially disagree

6. A: “I think we should organize a team-building activity to improve collaboration and morale.”

B: “I _______. Engaging in team-building exercises can foster a stronger bond among team members.”

A. have a different opinion B. agree C. partially disagree D. don’t think that’s necessary

7. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the present continuous tense:

A. I work on my project every day. B. She is cooking dinner right now. C. They will go to the beach tomorrow. D. He reads books in his free time.

8. They are ____ to the beach for swimming.

Swimming on Beach

A. went B. go C. gone D. going

9. He ____ working on a project right now.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

10. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the present continuous tense:

A. He is visit his grandparents next week. B. They are played video games all day yesterday. C. She is writing an essay at the moment. D. We will go for a walk in the evening.

11. Maria _______ the new Harry Potter book last week.

A. will read B. is reading C. did read D. has read

12. Which sentence is using the auxiliary verb “can” correctly?

A. He cans play the guitar very well. B. Can you to help me with this problem? C. They can’t arrived on time for the meeting. D. I can swim since I was five years old.

13. The students ________ their homework yet.

A. don’t finish B. haven’t finished C. aren’t finished D. didn’t finish

14. Which sentence uses the correct form of the auxiliary verb “should”?

A. We should went to the movie theater last night. B. She should to call her mother more often. C. They should have studied harder for the test. D. You should not to eat too much junk food.

15. Which of the following is a correct way to ask for a suggestion?

A. Can you please tell me what to do? B. I think you should go to the doctor. C. I suggest that you should eat healthier. D. Why don’t you go for a walk?

16. Choose the best response to the following situation:

Friend 1: I don’t know what movie to watch tonight.

Friend 2: ________

A. Maybe you should watch a comedy. B. I think you should stay home. C. You must watch an action movie. D. I’m going to the theater.

17. Which sentence is a correct way to give a suggestion?

A. You shouldn’t go for a run. B. I insist that you eat more vegetables. C. I recommend you not to study for the exam. D. How about going to the library?

18. She _______ a delicious cake for her birthday party yesterday.

Birthday Cake

A. bakes B. baked C. baking D. has baked

19. Which of the following sentences is in the simple past tense?

A. I am going to the park tomorrow. B. They have visited London last year. C. He is playing soccer right now. D. She walked to school yesterday.

20. Friend 1: Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

Which response expresses certainty?

A. Maybe, but I’m not sure. B. I doubt it. The weather looks clear. C. Possibly, it could happen. D. I don’t know. Ask someone else.

In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

Please answer using the correct form of simple future tense for questions 21-22!

21. She _______ (travel) to Europe next year.

22. We _______ (attend) the conference next week.

23. “Pets are not allowed in the park, and owners must clean up after their animals.” Where can we find the notice in this sentence?


24. Is there anything I can _______ you with?

Complete the dialogue for questions 25-27:

Alex: I heard you have an important job interview tomorrow.

Sara: Yes, I’m really nervous about it.

Alex: Don’t worry, Sara. I (25) _______ you do well. Just believe in yourself.

Sara: Thanks, Alex. I (26) _______ I could impress the interviewer and get the job.

Alex: I have no doubt about it. (27) _______ the best of luck, Sara!

a) wish b) hope c) hope you d) wish you

28. I’m so ____ for hurting you.

29. Please accept my _______ for the mistake.

30. The movie is only for 18+ and no person under the eighteen years can be admitted. Where can we find the notice in that sentence?

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

Kunci Jawaban:

  • will travel
  • will attend
  • in the park

Masih butuh belajar bahasa Inggris agar semakin jago ngerjain soal-soal dari sekolah? Nggak usah khawatir! English Academy by Ruangguru bisa bantu kamu biar semakin percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris bersama tutor lokal dan juga internasional. Konsultasi gratis  terlebih dahulu dan temukan kelas yang cocok untukmu!

CTA English Academy Konsultasi Gratis

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Read the text below to answer questions 1-3!

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Ingredients: 2 slices of bread Peanut butter Jelly or jam of your choice


  • Take two slices of bread and lay them flat on a clean surface.
  • Using a butter knife, spread a generous amount of peanut butter on one slice of bread.
  • On the other slice of bread, spread an equal amount of jelly or jam.
  • Carefully place the two slices of bread together, with the peanut butter and jelly sides facing each other.
  • Press the slices gently to ensure they stick together.
  • Optionally, you can cut the sandwich into halves or quarters for easier handling.
  • Your peanut butter and jelly sandwich is now ready to be enjoyed!

Note: You can customize the sandwich by adding other ingredients like sliced bananas, honey, or even sprinkles. Be creative and have fun experimenting with different flavors!

1. What is the main ingredient in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

A. Sliced bananas B. Jelly or jam C. Honey D. Sprinkles

2. What should you do after spreading the peanut butter and jelly on the bread?

A. Press the slices gently together B. Cut the sandwich into halves or quarters C. Add sliced bananas and honey D. Place the slices on a plate

3. What can you do to customize the sandwich? A. Spread Nutella instead of peanut butter B. Use cheese instead of jelly or jam C. Add sliced tomatoes and lettuce D. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients

Baca Juga: Procedure Text (Teks Prosedur dalam Bahasa Inggris): Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh

Read the text below to answer questions 4-5!

The cheetah is a magnificent animal known for its incredible speed and agility. With its slender body, long legs, and distinctive black tear stripes running down its face, the cheetah is a sight to behold. 

It is the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour in just a few seconds. Its sleek, golden coat with black spots helps it blend into its surroundings while hunting. 

The cheetah primarily preys on small to medium-sized ungulates, using its exceptional speed to chase down its prey. Despite its incredible hunting abilities, the cheetah is a vulnerable species, facing threats such as habitat loss and poaching. Efforts are being made to conserve this remarkable animal and ensure its survival for future generations.

4. What is the cheetah primarily known for?

A. Its distinctive black tear stripes B. Its incredible speed and agility C. Its sleek golden coat with black spots D. Its ability to blend into its surroundings

5. What are some of the threats faced by cheetahs?

A. Extreme temperatures in their habitat B. Competition for food from other predators C. Habitat loss and poaching D. Lack of agility and speed

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP dan Kunci Jawabannya

Complete the dialogue by choosing the appropriate responses to the birthday greetings:

Abby: Happy birthday!

Bob: Thank you so much!

Abby: I hope you have a wonderful day filled with (6) _______ and joy.

Bob: That’s very kind of you. I’m looking forward to (7) _______ with my loved ones.

6. A. how old are you turning?     B. celebrating C. happiness D. you’re welcome!

7. A. how old are you turning?     B. celebrating C. happiness D. you’re welcome!

8. Which of the following is an appropriate message for a congratulation card?

A. “I’m sorry for your loss.” B. “Congratulations on your graduation! Well done!” C. “Get well soon!” D. “Happy anniversary!”

9. “She wore an exquisite gown to the party” The italic word means ____

A.Beautiful B. Expensive C. Ordinary D. Old-fashioned

10. Which of the following is a synonym for the word “big”? A. Small B. Tiny C. Large D. Miniature

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

Please answer using the correct conjunction for questions 11-13!

11. She loves to sing _______ dance.

12. I will go to the store _______ I need to buy some groceries.


13. She studied diligently _______ she wanted to pass the exam.

14. “The chef prepares the delicious meal.” Please transform the following sentence into passive voice!


15. “Students _______ wear a uniform to school.” What is the most suitable way to express obligation in the following sentence?

16. A: I’m feeling really stressed lately.

B: Have you tried any relaxation techniques?

A: No, I haven’t. What do you suggest?

B: Well, you could consider going for a walk.

What does B suggest to A?

17. Person A: Wow, your presentation was outstanding!

Person B: Thank you so much! Your hard work really paid off.

The dialogue above shows expression of _____

Read the text below to answer questions 18-20!

How to Make a Paper Airplane

Materials: A sheet of paper

  • Start with a rectangular sheet of paper.
  • Fold the paper in half lengthwise, matching the short edges together. Crease the fold well.
  • Unfold the paper and lay it flat on the surface.
  • Take the top right corner of the paper and fold it diagonally towards the center of the paper, aligning the edge with the previous fold. Crease the fold well.
  • Repeat the previous step with the top left corner, folding it diagonally towards the center and aligning the edge with the previous fold. Crease the fold well.
  • Fold the paper in half along the initial fold made in step 2, bringing the bottom edge up to meet the top edge. Crease the fold well.
  • You will now have a triangular shape at the top of the paper. Take the two bottom corners of this triangle and fold them upwards, creating wings for the airplane.
  • Make a small fold at the bottom of the airplane, about an inch up, to create a stabilizer.
  • Hold the airplane at the midpoint and gently launch it forward, adjusting the wings and stabilizer as needed.
  • To make a paper airplane, start with a ___________ sheet of paper.
  • After folding the paper in half lengthwise, match the ___________ edges together.
  • To create wings for the airplane, fold the ___________ corners of the triangular shape upwards.

Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Singkat

  • The delicious meal is prepared by the chef.
  • going for a walk
  • rectangular

Banyak juga yah materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 yang harus dipelajari. Tapi jangan khawatir! Kalau kamu sering mengerjakan soal, pasti akan semakin menguasai kok. Nah, untuk mempercepat penguasaan Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, kamu bisa gabung English Academy.

Di sana, kamu akan diajarkan berbagai macam materi Bahasa Inggris dengan metode yang fun bersama tutor native speaker . Yuk buruan gabung!

English Academy

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20 Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1, Lengkap dengan Jawaban

Ilustrasi contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1

Sonora.ID -  Berikut ini adalah ulasan lengkap terkait 30 soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 yang lengkap dengan jawaban.

Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) menjadi salah satu penilaian yang harus dilalui oleh siswa/i dalam satu semester.

Seluruh mata pelajaran pun akan diujikan dalam Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), salah satunya adalah Bahasa Inggris.

Kamu dapat menyimak langsung 30 soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 berikut ini sebagai referensi belajar.

Text for number 1-4

Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal UTS Kelas 2 Semester 2, Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

You are going to need eggs, milk, sugar. Steps: First break the eggs. Then, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl. After that add a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk, and sugar. Put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread. Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other side. After you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French toast.

1. These are tools to make the recipe, except ....

(C) Bowl (D) Spoon Jawaban ...

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Soal & Kunci PAS/UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP

Kherysuryawan.id – Soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP kurikulum 2013 semester 1 dan semester 2.

Pada kesempatan kali ini kembali lagi saya akan membagikan beberapa soal latihan untuk para siswa maupun untuk para guru yang ingin mendapatkan referensi soal latihan yang mungkin nantinya bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan dalam membuat soal PAS atau soal PTS/UTS di sekolahnya.

contoh soal essay pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1

Khusus untuk postingan kali ini selain saya membagikan beberapa contoh soal yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya maka disini saya juga akan membagikan 4 buah file yang terdiri dari 2 soal latihan dan juga 2 lembar jawaban atau kunci jawabannya. Di setiap soal yang ada terdapat 2 jenis soal yakni soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dan soal uraian atau essay.

Pada postingan ini soal yang akan saya tampilkan hanyalah soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda saja dan bagi anda yang membutuhkan soal lengkapnya baik yang pilihan ganda maupun yang essay maka anda bisa mengunduh file yang akan saya bagikan pada postingan ini yang berisi kumpulan soal-soal serta kumpulan kunci jawabannya.

Postingan ini sengaja saya buat dengan tujuan untuk membantu para guru dan juga para siswa dalam memiliki referensi soal latihan yang bisa digunakan untuk belajar ataupun untuk melatih diri dalam memahami soal-soal Bahasa inggris. Adapun jenis soal latihan Bahasa inggris yang saya bagikan ini ialah soal dari semeseter 1 hingga semester 2.

Apabila di setiap soal terdapat jawaban yang masih kurang memuaskan, maka kiranya anda bisa melakukan revisi sesuai kebutuhan dan jadikanlah soal latihan ini sebagai bahan latihan serta referensi untuk melatih kemampuan dalam mengerjakan soal-soal Bahasa inggris. Untuk anda yang ingin mendaapatkan file contoh soal yang telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya maka anda pun bisa mendapatkannya secara mudah dan gratis pada artikel ini.

Berikut ini 10 contoh soal latihan Bahasa inggris lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dalam bentuk soal pilihan ganda.

1. Choose the answer that you think is correct.

Dian : Would you like to accompany me to the shop?

Anti : ……I want to buy some snack too.

Nana : OK, then. Let’s go!

A. I’m not sure

C. Certainly

D. I have doubt

Answer : B. Sorry

2. Choose the answer that you think is correct.

Bayu : Hi Liz, Do you have any plans on Sunday?      

Eka : Hi , Andy. I think I'm free on Sunday.       

Bayu : How about going to Marina Beach?      

Eka : That's a good idea. ...

A. I hope it won't rain that day

B. I wish you good luck

C. I hope you can nish your homework on time

D. I hope you have a good time 

Answer : A. I hope it won't rain that day

3. Choose the answer that you think is correct.

Budi : Did you do the test very well, Andi?

Reza : ..... I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.

Budi : But are you sure?

Reza : Absolutely. Not a hope!

Budi : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.

B. I’m sure

D. I’m not so sure

Answer : D. I’m not so sure

4. Choose the answer that you think is correct.

Kadek  : PSBB program is applied to reduce the spread of Covid-19.     

A. Good luck

B. I hope it is very effective to reduce it

C. I do hope that everything will be ne

D. I hope not

Answer : B. I hope it is very effective to reduce it

The following dialog is for questions 5 to 7.

Mario   :   Who won the Dermayon sing competition yesterday?

Rina     :   I did. I won the first prize.

Mario   :   Well done. (5). . . .

Rina     :   Thank you. What about your bike race?    

Mario        :     Wish me luck, Dewi. I will take part in a bike race tomorrow.

Rina        :      Sure, good luck. (6) . . . .

Mario          :      (7). . . .              

5.   A. I’m glad to hear that

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s too bad

D. I’m sorry     

Answer : A. I’m glad to hear that

6.   A. I hope you will win the race

B. I hope you will be happy

C. I hope you are alright

D. I hope so, too

Answer : A. I hope you will win the race

7.   A. I’m sorry

B. Sure, good luck

C. You’re welcome

D. Thank you so much

Answer : D. Thank you so much

8. Choose the answer that you think is correct.

Aku: I get a notication informing that I have an interview next Monday.    

Dia : ………………………...

A. I hope so

B. Good luck. I hope you get the job you've been dreaming of

C. Let's hope so

D. I don't hope you will be successful in your interview

Answer : B. Good luck. I hope you get the job you've been dreaming of

9. read the conversation and choose the answer you think is correct.

Rudi : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Bali won the national competition.

Herman : ....? It’s what I want to hear. Where can I find the information about it?

Rudi : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.

Herman : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.

C. Oh, I see

Answer : C. Oh, I see

10. read the conversation and choose the answer you think is correct.

Boy : I heard you got the scholarships to study at university.    

Rey : Yes, you are right. I worked hard for it.    

Boy : I believe in you. Congratulations    

Rey : …..………..

A. Not at all

C. Thank you

D. No big deal

Answer : C. Thank you

Itulah beberapa contoh soal latihan Bahasa inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP dan apabila anda ingin melihat soal latihan yang lebih lengkap dan lebih banyak lagi serta telah di lengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya, maka silahkan anda unduh filenya yang telah saya sediakan di bawah ini :

  • Soal Bahasa inggris kelas 9 versi 1 ( DISINI )
  • Jawaban Bahasa inggris kelas 9 versi 1 ( DISINI )
  • Soal Bahasa inggris kelas 9 versi 2 ( DISINI )
  • Jawaban Bahasa inggris kelas 9 versi 2 ( DISINI )

Demikianlah yang bisa saya informasikan pada kesempatan kali ini, semoga bisa bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi sebuah pembelajaran bagi siswa yang akan menghadapi ulangan penilian akhir semester (PAS) ataupun ketika akan menghadapi penilaian tengah semester (PTS) atau ulangan tengah semester (UTS).

Sekian dan Terimakasih.

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Latihan Soal

Contoh soal pts, uts bahasa inggris kelas 9 smp semester 1 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban, contoh soal uts atau pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 smp semester 1 kurikulum 2013 lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya., penulis: milani resti dilanggi editor: arif fajar nasucha.

Contoh Soal PTS, UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut contoh soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS), Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 , lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya.

Contoh soal PTS, UTS IPA kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda yang dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

Siswa sebaiknya mengerjakan soal-soal terlebih dahulu sebelum menengok kunci jawaban.

Adapun contoh soal ini hanya sebagai panduan orang tua dalam memandu proses belajar anak.

Soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013

Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan huruf a,b,c atau d !

1. Choose the following sentences which expression of “ congratulation ”…

A. Great B. Poor you are! C. Get well soon my friend D. Don’t be sick

2. The following sentence is expression of hope…

A. I like a nice house B. I need a nice house C. I would like to have a nice house D. I wish I had a nice house

Text for number 3-7

You are going to need eggs, milk, sugar. Steps: First break the eggs. Then, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl. After that add a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk, and sugar. Put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread. Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other side. After you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French toast.

Sumber: TribunSolo.com

Contoh soal pts bahasa inggris, contoh soal uts bahasa inggris, kurikulum 2013.

7 Tips dan Trik Mengatasi Komedo Cukup dengan Memakai Bahan Rumahan, Gampang Digunakan


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Kemenkes RI Buka Pendaftaran Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Berbasis Rumah Sakit, Ini Persyaratannya


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Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 7 Halaman 94 Kurikulum Merdeka: Sujud Syukur


Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 7 Halaman 71 Kurikulum Merdeka: Salat dan Dzikir

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Kunci Jawaban

20 contoh soal pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban, berikut contoh soal pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban, terdiri atas pilihan ganda..

20 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNPADANG.COM - Berikut contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban.

Contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 ini terdiri atas pilihan ganda.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi siswa sebelum menghadapi ujian.

Berilah tanda silang (x) di depan huruf a,b,c atau d !

1. Choose the following sentences which expression of “congratulation”…

A. Great B. Poor you are! C. Get well soon my friend D. Don’t be sick

2. The following sentence is expression of hope…

A. I like a nice house B. I need a nice house C. I would like to have a nice house D. I wish I had a nice house

Baca juga: 30 Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/SMK Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Text for number 3-7

You are going to need eggs, milk, sugar. Steps: First break the eggs. Then, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl. After that add a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk, and sugar. Put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread. Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other side. After you finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French toast.

3. These are tools to make the recipe, except ....

A. Stove B. Milk C. Bowl D. Spoon

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1

6 Cara Memilih Lipstik agar Tidak Salah Warna, Saatnya Tampil Menawan sesuai Penampilan


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Menghitung Pendapatan Nasional, Kunci Jawaban Ekonomi Kelas 11 Halaman 61 Kurikulum Merdeka

Jual Rumah Mewah Tipe 75 Baru Lokasi Dekat Kota - Garut Jawa Barat

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40 CONTOH Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2022

contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022

Portal Kudus - Berikut ini 40 contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022.

Dalam tulisan artikel ini akan dijelaskan mengenai 40 contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022.

Untuk siswa kelas 9 SMP tentu memiliki keinginan untuk mempersiapkan diri menjelang ujian tengah semester (UTS) lebih awal sehingga membuat dirinya lebih siap untuk menghadapi UTS/PTS nanti.

Baca Juga: 15 CONTOH Soal Pola Bilangan Kelas 8 dan Pembahasannya, Latihan Soal Matematika Kelas 8 SMP Pola Bilangan

Dengan banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal akan membantu membiasakan diri memecahkan berbagai permasalahan dan juga dapat membantu anak untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan baru.

Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dan contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 tahun 2022, silahkan simak pada artikel berikut ini.

Dikutip Portal Kudus dari berbagai sumber berikut adalah 40 contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022.

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Soal Psikotes Matematika dan Pembahasannya, Contoh Soal Psikotes Matematika Dasar Soal Cerita

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada huruf A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!

1. I .... I have Naruto’s power so I can duplicate myself so that I can go to different places in a same time. A. Think  C. Believe B. Hope  D. Wish

2. Congratulations on your success in english speech olympiad 2019. Your best friend, Benk Aji.

Who was the card sent to? A. Aji's friend  C. An Olympic athlete B. Benk Aji     D. The speech committee

3. Congratulations on your success in english speech olympiad 2019. Your best friend, Benk Aji.

Why did the writer send the card? A. to make her friend happy B. to join English contest C. to congratulate his friend D. to encourage her friend

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Soal UTS PKN Kelas 11 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal PKN Kelas 11 Semester 1 Tahun 2022

4. Javier : You know what, I can push up 20 times in a minute. Alif : Wow, that’s Fantastic! Javier : Hahaha, .... A. Don’t repeat that words B. I’m glad you like it C. I don’t like what you say. D. I miss you too

5. If we want to show our agreement, we can say… A. good job!          C. I’m with you B. I don’t think so  D. Thank you

6. Haris : ”What do you think about tangled movie?” Sinta : ”I think it is a good movie. Although it is animation, but it contain many moral values.” Haris : ”…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for children." A. I don’t think so   C. Do you agree? B. Sure                  D. I completely agree

Baca Juga: LATIHAN Soal IPS Kelas 9 Bab 1 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya, Contoh Soal IPS Kelas 9 Bab 1 Tahun 2022

7. Alya : “ Do you know where is Gibril?” Nisa : ”I heard he went to Semarang. His uncle held a wedding party. Alya : ”… He has promised to accompany me watching movie tomorrow.” A. I agree with you B. Congratulation C. Thank you D. I hope he will go home soon

8. Elki : “Happy birthday to you, Mail. May God bless you”. Ismail : …… Elki : “You’re welcome.” A. Well done  C. Thanks B. I'm sorry   D. I hope so

9. Indra : ”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my brother, Ismail, in his school, but at the same time I have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a new jacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.” Fajar : ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.” Indra : ”That’s good suggestion, thanks.”

Who asks Indra to pick Ismail in his school? A. Heri    C. Fajar’s father B. Fajar   D. Indra’s father

Baca Juga: 40 CONTOH Soal AKM Literasi SMP Kelas 8 Beserta Jawabannya, Latihan Soal AKM Literasi ANBK SMP 2022

10. Indra : ”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my brother, Ismail, in his school, but at the same time I have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a new jacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.” Fajar : ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.”

Fajar says ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.” It means that he …. A. give a suggestion  C. reject a suggestion B. ask a suggestion   D. accept a suggestion

11. Indra :”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my brother, Ismail, in his school, but at the same time I have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a new jacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.” Fajar : ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.”

Does Indra accept Fajar’s suggestion? A. Yes, he is       C. No, He is not B. Yes, he does  D. No, he doesn’t

12. We …. Have a driving license when we drive/ride a vehicle. A. mustn’t  C. had to B. must      D. have to

Baca Juga: LATIHAN Soal ANBK SMA SMK 2022 Beserta Jawabannya, Contoh Soal ANBK SMA SMK Kelas 11 Tahun 2022

13. Ani : “Where is Andi, Don? ….. I will borrow some money from him. Doni :”Sorry, I don’t know where he is.” A. What do you suggest? B. What your plan? C. I have to meet him D. I had to go to canteen

14. Today is our National Examination test. So, we … be late. A. mustn’t  C. has to B. had to   D. have to

15. Fajar : ”I want to make a kite, but I don’t have paper. What do you suggest? Eko : ”… use plastic. I’ve ever seen a plastic kite. Fajar : ”O.K. I will use it. Thanks.” A. I agree with you B. What do you think I should do C. Do you have any suggestion D. Why don’t you

16. Situation : Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day. Beni congratulates her.

What does Beni say to congratulate Siti? Beni : “__________________________.” Siti : “Thank you.” A. Sure, Good luck. B. Congratulate to Siti C. Congratulations, Siti. D. Thanks, I will do my best

Baca Juga: 10 CONTOH Soal Persamaan Nilai Mutlak Kelas 10 SMA Beserta Pembahasannya Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

17. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?” Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.” Dayu : ”Well done. _________________________.” Udin : ”Thank you.”

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ... A. I’m glad to hear that. B. That’s too bad C. I’m sorry. D. You’re welcome

18. Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.” Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.” Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.” Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”

Why does Edo give Lia a present? A. Because Lia likes present. B. Because today Dayu’s birthday. C. Because Edo has a lot of money. D. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today.

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Contoh Soal Survei Karakter AKM SMP, SMA, SMK Beserta Jawaban dan Pembahasannya


Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.

Chairperson of Class 9 A Rudy

The text above shows that . . . A. The writer is one of the contestants B. Esther is the best student C. Esther is the best singer D. Rudy is Esther's special friend


The text is for . . . of FL2SN. A. The best student B. The best teacher C. The best singer D. The best graduate student

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Contoh Soal Aljabar Kelas 7 SMP Beserta Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasannya

21. Situation : Rania has just made a very beautiful handycraft from coconut leaf. Chandra praises her craft and hope that she will win the national competition. Chandra : “____________________________.” I’m sure you will win the national competition.” Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.” A. What is that B. That’s a very beautiful handycraft C. I’m glad to hear that D. You are the winner

22. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of the Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and she will get a big applause for that.

Shinta : “You sings like a singer. ______________________.” Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.” A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause B. You are a good student C. I’m sorry D. Congratulate to Nuri

23. Situation : Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition. Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a prize. Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.” Dara : “____. I hope you will win the competition.” A. Thank you very much B. I hope so C. I’m sorry D. Sure, Good luck

Baca Juga: 10 SOAL dan Pembahasan Limit Fungsi Trigonometri, Contoh Soal Matematika Kelas 12 Limit Fungsi Trigonometri

24. Situation : Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend. He will present it to her on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and she’s sure that Tinta will like it. Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.” Ade : “__________________________.” A. Wish me luck      C. Good luck B. Happy birthday   D. Thanks. I hope so too

25. Situation : Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to the mountain. Gibril is happy for her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe trip. Rahma : “Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain walk.” Gibril : “__________________. Have a safe trip.” A. I’m happy for you B. Wish me happy C. Thank you very much D. I hope so

26. Fatimah : What should we sweep and mop the floors for? Rizqi : .............. get rid of dirt. A. In order to  C. Hope B. So that       D. Wish

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Contoh Soal Barisan dan Deret Aritmatika Kelas 11 SMA Beserta Jawaban dan Pembahasannya

27. Ali : What for do we have to wash our bath tub regularly? Najma : ........... There are no mosquitos in our house. A. In order to  C. Hope B. So that      D. Wish

28. Tiara: I’ve got a toothace. It really hurts me a lot. Lina: You should check it to the near dentist ............. get well soon. A. In order to  C. Hope B. So that      D. Wish

29. Aldo: Our teacher is kind. What do you think of our new English teacher? Didi: . . . . . . . . . he's a great teacher. He teaches clearly. A. I agree  C. I disagree B. I think   D. I don't think

30. Tisya: Do you Agree if this KDrama very good? Mikha: Yes of course, I agree with you.

The underlined expression is . . . . . . . A. Asking opinion  C. Asking agreement B. Giving opinion   D. Asking plan

Baca Juga: KUNCI JAWABAN Matematika Kelas 8 Halaman 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 Semester 1 Uji Kompetensi 2 Koordinat Kartesius

31. Savanah: New York is a busy city. Aura: Yes, I agree with you. Everything runs so fast there because everyone’s busy. Savanah: I don’t want to live there.

The expression “Yes, I agree with you” express . . . . A. Asking agreement  C. Asking fact B. Giving agreement   D. Giving fact

32. Fabian: Cheating is not allowed in a test. Do you agree? June: Sure. I totally agree. Fabian: Yes, we shouldn’t do something bad like that.

The expression “Do you agree?” express . . . . . . . . A. Asking agreement   C. Asking fact B. Giving agreement    D. Giving fact

33. The expressions below are expressions to show disagreement, except . . . . . . A. I disagree with you B. I don't think it is C. I am of different opinion D. I am of the same opinion

Baca Juga: KUNCI JAWABAN Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 1 Halaman 124, 125 Ayo Kita Berlatih 3.4 Terlengkap 2022

34. Jani: Guess what? My scholarship application is accepted. I will study abroad. Willy: . . . . . . . . A. Poor you    C. What B. Good luck  D. Congratulation

35. Your friends is going to compete in National Debating Contest. What do you say to her/him? A. Wish you all the best B. Congratulation C. Get real D. That's very bad

Baca Juga: 30 SOAL UTS IPA Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal UTS IPA Kelas 8 Semester 1 Tahun 2022

36. Happy Mother's Day. My dear sweet mother. I hope your special day is blessed with Smile and Laughter. Love and Happiness. I Love You.

To whom the card is sent?

37. Happy Mother's Day. My dear sweet mother. I hope your special day is blessed with Smile and Laughter. Love and Happiness. I Love You.

When will you send this card to your mother?

38. Happy Mother's Day. My dear sweet mother. I hope your special day is blessed with Smile and Laughter. Love and Happiness. I Love You.

How often do we celebrate "Mother's Day"?

Baca Juga: 30 CONTOH Soal Perlindungan dan Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia Kelas 12 PKN Bab 2 Beserta Jawabannya

39. Complate the following dialogs! A. Adit: Rini, you look very pale. You should go to the doctor. Sinta:____________with Adit. You need to take medicine soon. Rini:Thanks.

B. Fina: What do you think of the day, Riki? Riki:I think it is going to rain. Siska:_____________. Look the sky! It's so clear. No cloud there.

40. Write an advice that contained in (QS.An-Nisa : 86) below! "Apabila kamu diberi penghormatan dengan sesuatu penghormatan, maka balaslah penghormatan itu dengan yang lebih baik dari padanya, atau balaslah penghormatan itu (dengan yang serupa). Sesungguhnya Allah memperhitungankan segala sesuatu.” (QS.An-Nisa: 86)"

Jawaban soal esaay

37. 22 December

38. Every year

39. A. I agree

Baca Juga: 10 CONTOH Soal Logaritma Kelas 10 Beserta Jawabannya, Latihan Soal Matematika Kelas 10 SMA Logaritma

B. I don't think so

40. you should answer someone who greet you

Demikian terkait 40 contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022.***

Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib

Bahasa Inggris

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TERJAWAB PASAL 168 Ayat (1) UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 Mengatur Tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Dikarenakan

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JAWABAN PASAL 168 Ayat (1) UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 Mengatur Tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Dikarenakan

PASAL 168 Ayat (1) UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 Mengatur Tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Dikarenakan

PASAL 168 Ayat (1) UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 Mengatur Tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Dikarenakan

TERJAWAB PASAL 1 Ayat (1) Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Uang Penghargaan Sebagaimana Dimaksud Undang-Undang

TERJAWAB PASAL 1 Ayat (1) Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Uang Penghargaan Sebagaimana Dimaksud Undang-Undang

JAWABAN PASAL 1 Ayat (1) Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Uang Penghargaan Sebagaimana Dimaksud Undang-Undang

JAWABAN PASAL 1 Ayat (1) Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Uang Penghargaan Sebagaimana Dimaksud Undang-Undang

Unik sepeda hias 17 agustus 2024 desain kekinian dan kreatif cocok inspirasi hiasan sepeda sambut kemerdekaan, 40 soal cerdas cermat 17 agustus 2024 dan jawaban untuk soal lomba cerdas cermat ramaikan hut kemerdekaan, contoh undangan tasyakuran 17 agustus 2024 doc untuk kepala desa dalam rangka memperingati hut kemerdekaan, inspirasi sepeda hias 17 agustus 2024 desain unik dan kreatif cocok inspirasi hiasan sepeda sambut kemerdekaan, kumpulan sketsa gambar 17 agustus 2024 anak tk untuk lomba mewarnai tema kemerdekaan mudah lebih menyenangkan, 15 pantun 17 agustus 2024 paling menyentuh kumpulan kata kata motivasi sambut peringatan kemerdekaan meriah, 5 contoh khutbah jumat menyambut hari kemerdekaan 17 agustus 2024 singkat dan bermakna sambut kemerdekaan, 5 teks amanat pembina upacara 17 agustus 2024 singkat dan bermakna tema menyambut hari kemerdekaan berkesan, sedang ramai tentang bpip adalah apa kenapa dengan jilbab paskibraka 2024, contoh teks amanat pembina upacara 17 agustus 2024 singkat dan bermakna tema menyambut hari kemerdekaan, berita pilgub, psi dukung ridwan kamil cagub jakarta dan ahmad luthfi cagub jateng, kaesang batal maju , canda putra mantan presiden bj habibie jajal alat tenun sutra tradisional di garut: saya seperti sedang fitnes, peta koalisi pilkada 2024 di kepulauan riau, kim plus melawan kotak kosong, demokrat dikabarkan rekomendasikan pasangan rmd-jihan untuk pilgub lampung, demokrat dikabarkan usung rmd-jihan di pilgub lampung.


Soal Essay PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 terupdate

contoh soal essay pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1

Measure rice with the measuring cup. Then rinse the rice thoroughly using other container.  Put the rinsed rice in the pan and add water to the recommended scale or to your personal taste. Soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes.  Place the pan into the body. Make sure the pan settles properly.   Close the lid firmly. Plug in and press the switch. The light indicating “COOK” will be on.The cooking will start immediately When the rice is cooked, the switch will move up to the keep warm, and the light indicating “WARM” will be on. After the switch moves up, leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes to steam the rice fully. Scoop and mix the rice well. Unplug.

Put your ingredients inside. Try fruits like banana, avocado, or papaya. Make sure the blender is clean and in working conditions. After the usage, don't forget to clean the blender jar, lid, and blades. Plug to the socket Press the button to blend it. There are other buttons showing the speed of blender blades. Try the other buttons. Close the lid and hold the cover tightly Open up the lid and pour it out.
and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the  king of the beasts. What does the undelined word refer to?


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contoh soal essay pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban

Materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester ganjil kurikulum 2013 dimulai dari chapter 1 tentang materi congratulation , agreement , stating intention, label text , dan procedure tex t. Kunci jawaban dapat Anda lihat diakhir nomor soal.

Anggie: I must say congratulation on your new position as the branch manager of Sabana Company Lana: It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you
Tessa: Have you visited Sandra? She was hit by a motorcycle last night Diva: Not yet. Oh my God, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope she got well very soon Tessa: Yes, me too.
Read the following dialogue! Dila: How was our class trip yesterday? Febri : Wow.. Lombok Island is a beautiful island I’ve ever visited Dila : It might be a cool trip, right. I hope I … join the trip next semester

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PTS 1 Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9

Latihan 45 soal pilihan ganda PTS 1 Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban.

Mulai Latihan >

Bisher meets Wisnu on his way home from school

Bisher : hi wisnu , is it right that you ‘ll take part in a big show ?

Wisnu : that’s right

bisher : I ….. you’ll be succesful

wisnu : thanks

Shally : is mother coming home today ?

Ioz : I expect she’ll come back soon.

the underline expresses ….

B. information

C. an opinion

D. an inquiry of information

Rafi : well , ahmad , you have certainly hurt her with your joke

Ahmad : that is not true . I know she isn’t angry

from the underlined words , we can conclude that ……

A. Rafi agreed with Ahmad’s joke

B. Ahmad disagreed with Rafi

C. Ahmad agreed with Rafi’s opinion

D. Rafi warned Ahmad not to hurt her

Tom : So, how long has it been since the first competition of your football team?

Jack : It’s been 3 months since then.

Tom : So, how many awards have been saved this far?

Jack : Thank God. Many people seem to be very happy.

Tom : Splendid! ….

Jack : Thank you very much, Mr. Tom. It’s very kind of you to say so.

Tom : Keep the good work, Jack. I am sure you could be a better captain in a football team someday.

The best expression to complete the dialogue above is.…

A. I very agree on your idea

B. I’d like to congratulate you on the success of your team recently

C. We are so happy

D. Please give us your opinion

Jisoo : it would be nice if we had lunch here , the scenery is very beautiful

Lisa : ………. let’s have our lunch , now

C. I intend

D. disagree

Cinta : I think everybody should have a TV in their house

Laura : …… TV makes people lazy

A. I absolutely agree

B. I disagree

C. you’re right

D. that quite right

Aldi :……

Bejo : I think your intention to build a free amusement park is rather impossible

A. my intention is to open a reading park here

B. my intention is to open an amusement park

C. my intention is to open a free amusement park for everyone

D. my intention is to open a green park here

Raisa : I will join the beauty contest this month

Hamish : ……….. You will be the winner

A. hopefully

B. in my opinion

C. well done

D. I must wish

do exercise regularly …… have excelent health

A. in order not to

B. in order to

Jeny : …………

jasson : founding free school for poor people is really a lofty deed

A. I have every intention to help the poor

B. I have a plan to found a free school for poor people

C. it is my intention to open a public library

D. my intention is to run a charity event

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Kunci Jawaban

Contoh Soal Essay PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester Genap Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

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Contoh Soal Essay PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester Genap Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Berikut ini contoh latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs semester 2.

Contoh latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs terdiri dari pilihan ganda.

Latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs ini ditujukan kepada orang tua untuk memandu proses belajar.

Selengkapnya, inilah contoh latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs semester 2:

Panji : My I borrow your camera? Nathan : Oh sorry, it ..... now

Jawaban:  is being repaired

The window ..... since three days ago Jawaban: has not been cleaned

Do you know that the new rules about smoking ..... by government for the time being? Jawaban: are discussed

Waste materials ..... of in a variety of ways Jawaban: are disposed

The house ..... in 1665 Jawaban: was built

Untuk nomor 6-8

Queen Kebab

Ingredients :

pts bahasa inggris kelas 9

Latihan uts bahasa inggris kelas 9, soal uts bahasa inggris, tribunjateng.com.

6 Cara Memilih Lipstik agar Tidak Salah Warna, Saatnya Tampil Menawan sesuai Penampilan


Berita populer.


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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 14 15 Chapter 1 Kurikulum Merdeka


Kunci Jawaban Buku Tematik 4 Kelas 5 SD Halaman 87 88 89 Subtema 2 Pembelajaran 6 Tanggung Jawab


Kunci Jawaban Tema 6 Kelas 3 SD Subtema 2 Halaman 90 91 92 93 94 Hemat Energi di Seluruh Aktivitas


Kunci Jawaban Buku Tematik 4 Kelas 5 SD Halaman 80 81 82 83 Subtema 2 Pembelajaran 5

Dijual Rumah Minimalis Modern Tipe 43 Baru Siap Huni Perumahan Dekat Jogja Kota, Giwangan, Kotagede - Bantul Yogyakarta

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Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 2023/2024 PDF ONLINE

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contoh soal essay pts bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1

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Kunci Jawaban

15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif sts bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd semester i kurikulum merdeka, simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk kelas 2 sd/mi semester i kurikulum merdeka buat belajar..

15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka

TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 2 SD/MI semester I Kurikulum Merdeka .

Latihan soal sumatif ini bisa dipakai sebagai persiapan menghadapi ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) pada Kurikulum 2013, maupun Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) pada Kurikulum Merdeka .

PTS, UTS, atau STS sendiri merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan di pertengahan semester dalam setiap tahun ajaran untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi seluruh peserta didik.

Perlu dicatat, kunci jawaban dan latihan soal dalam artikel ini hanya bersifat sebagai referensi dan bahan belajar.

Agar siswa mampu menguasai materi, siswa tetap harus belajar sungguh-sungguh, dan apabila masih belum ada yang dipahami, sebaiknya segera berdiskusi atau bertanya kepada guru.

Kurikulum Merdeka yang diterapkan di Indonesia menekankan pada pengembangan kompetensi siswa melalui pendekatan yang lebih fleksibel dan terintegrasi.

ILUSTRASI belajar Bahasa Inggris

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban 23 Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka

Baca juga: 28 Latihan Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester I Kurikulum Merdeka, Plus Kunci Jawaban

15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban STS Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

*) kunci jawaban ada di bagian bawah artikel

1. We sit on the... a. floor  b. roof c. chair

2. "71"  is number... a. seventy one b. seventy two c. seventy three

3. Twelve plus eight is... a. twenty b. thirty c. forty

4. We do this hobby in the court. We need a shuttlecock to play it. It is... a. tennis b. badminton c. table tennis

5. Heri meets Dina in the night. He says... A. good morning B. good bye C. good evening

6. “My Experience” artinya ... a. Pengalamanku b. Kehidupanku c. Permainanku d. Peraturanku

kunci jawaban

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Toko Setrika Boiler Laundry - Bogor Jawa Barat

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Soal Ujian Sekolah

Soal bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban, soal sts sma kelas 12 semester 1-2024, kurikulum merdeka, soal bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban, soal sts sumatif tengah semester sma kelas 12 semester 1-2024.

Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal STS SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1-2024, Kurikulum Merdeka

POS-KUPANG.COM - Simak soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1 tahun 2024 Kurikulum Merdeka untuk persiapan menghadapi Soal STS ( Sumatif Tengah Semester ), Kurkulum Merdeka

Semakin banyak berlatih soal Bahasa Inggris maka diharapkan kompetensi siswa untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris akan semakin terasah.

Dalam soal Bahasa Inggris ini siswa diperhadapkan dengan soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda.

Setiap soal Bahasa Inggris dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawaban .

Siswa bisa mengoreksi hasil kerja karena ada Kunci Jawaban .

Selengkapnya simak soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1 tahun 2024 :

1. “Oh. Yes please, that would be Lovely.” The underline expression expresses…. a. Offering something b. Offering help c. Accepting an offer d. Declining an offer e. Refusing an offer

Jawaban : C

2. Read this dialogue! Dany: “Good morning jane, do you want help me?” Jane: “ ................... “ Dany: “Thank you.” Jane: “You’re welcome” The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…. a. Of course, I can b. No thanks c. Don’t bother d. Never mind e. Not for me

Jawaban : A

3. Andy : “Shall I carry your luggage to your apartement?” “carry” similar with... a. Borrow b. Bring c. Drop d. Dodge e. Leave

Jawaban : B

4. Indry : “The box you brought looks very heavy.... “ Putry : “Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.” The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is…. a. Would you like me to help you? b. Would I like to help me? c. Would you like to help me? d. Would you like to bring it for me? e. Could you bring it for me?

soal Bahasa Inggris

Sumatif tengah semester, sma kelas 12, kunci jawaban, kurikulum merdeka, pos kupang hari ini, pos-kupang.com.

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SOAL Assesment Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban Semester 1 Pelajaran Unit 2

Namun tak perlu khawatir sebab seluruh soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sebagai pembelajaran........................

SOAL Assesment Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban Semester 1 Pelajaran Unit 2

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Inilah materi soal asesmen pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka .

Pembahasan ini ada pada unit 2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 tentang Argumentative Text : E-Money.

Seluruh soal ini ada pada Assement.

Materinya dengan membaca naskah secara seksama lalu menjawab sejumlah soal .

Terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda dan essay yang mengharus bagi peserta didik untuk membacanya.

Namun tak perlu khawatir sebab seluruh soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sebagai pembelajaran.

Baca juga: SOAL Enrichment dan Reflection Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban Unit 1

Read the text carefully

E-payments – why, when and how to use them

Are you worried about giving out your credit or debit card details online? There is another option – an e-money account from a payment company which offers an e-payment account as a way to send and receive money online without needing your credit or debit card details. I am sure some people would agree that more people now 

use e-payment companies because they can make it easier to transfer money and make purchases. There are two main ways that e-payment accounts work. You either, first, pay money into your e-money account using a payment card (when you shop online the money is deducted from your balance – or if you’re selling things, it’s added to your balance), or link your e-money account to your payment card. The first step is choosing which e-payment company to use. When you’ve chosen a company, most will ask you to: set up an account – register your details and follow the instructions. Next, connect a bank card – enter your credit or debit card details. When you’re registered, you’ll be able to pay for purchases using your new account details. It’s usually free to use e-payment services to buy things – although you might be charged for selling. These companies make their money by charging retailers. You might be charged for making or receiving payments in foreign currencies, or if you spend more money than you have access to. Personally, I know that there are some drawbacks of using E-payment. E-payment companies aren’t protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This means you might not get compensation if your e-payment company goes out of business. So, in my view, when choosing a provider, you need to check the service you’ll get and the protection it offers for your money so that you can use E-payment wisely.

Answer the questions below

1. What is the writer’s communicative purpose?

A. To inform readers about purchasing online using electronic money B. To give readers an option using electronic money to buy online C. To tell readers using e-money is easier than using debit card D. To remind readers about why we need to use e-payment E. To ask readers to purchase online using e-payment

Kurikulum Merdeka

Soal assesment bahasa inggris kelas 12.

7 Tips dan Trik Mengatasi Komedo Cukup dengan Memakai Bahan Rumahan, Gampang Digunakan


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Materi Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Semester 2

Berikut materi Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka beserta link unduh PDFnya.

tirto.id - Modul Matematika untuk siswa kelas 8 Semester 1 dan semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dibutuhkan guru dan siswa dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Materi ajar yang dikembangkan saat ini mengacu pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

Materi yang akan dipelajari oleh siswa SMP/MTS kelas 8 Semester 1 seperti bilangan berpangkat, teori pythagoras, persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linier satu variabel. Kemudian untuk materi M atematika kelas 8 semester 2 meliputi relasi dan fungsi, persamaan garis lurus, serta statistika.

Daftar Materi Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Semester 2

Merujuk pada buku Kemendikbud , berikut daftar materi kelas 8 semester 1 dan semester 2 mata pelajaran Matematika yang akan dipelajari untuk siswa SMP/MTS berdasarkan Kurikulum Merdeka:

BAB I Bilangan Berpangkat

  • Bilangan Berpangkat Bulat
  • Bilangan Bentuk Akar
  • Penulisan Bentuk Baku

BAB II Teorema Pythagoras

  • Menemukan Konsep Pythagoras
  • Tripel Pythagoras
  • Segitiga Istimewa
  • Penerapan TeoremaPythagoras
  • Rumus Jarak (Pengayaan)

BAB III Persamaan Linier dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel

  • Memahami Konsep Persamaan Linier Satu Variabel
  • Menyelesaikan Persamaan Linier Satu Variabel
  • Menemukan Konsep Pertidaksamaan Linier Satu Variabel
  • Menyelesaikan Masalah terkait Pertidaksa maan Linier Satu

BAB IV Relasi dan Fungsi

  • Memahami Relasi
  • Memahami Fungsi
  • Korespondensi Satu-satu (Pengayaan).

BAB V Persamaan Garis Lurus

  • Grafik Persamaan Garis Lurus
  • Pengertian Kemiringan

BAB VI Statistika

  • Pemusatan Data
  • Penyebaran Data

Link Unduh Materi Matematika Kelas 8 Lengkap

Berikut link unduh daftar materi Matematika kelas 8 semester 1 dan semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka:

Link download Modul Matematika untuk SMP/MTS Kelas VIII

  • 25 Contoh Soal ANBK Literasi Matematika SMP 2024 dan Jawaban
  • Buku Matematika Kelas 8 Kurikulum Merdeka Link & Daftar Materi
  • 20 Soal Matematika MTs KSM 2024 Tingkat Provinsi & Jawabannya

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    b. cookies - on - cool - the - finally - rack - to - leave. Answer: a. First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly. b. Finally leave cookies to cool on the rack. Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 beserta jawabannya.

  3. Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 K13 Revisi

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    Jawaban: D. Baca juga: 30 Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/SMK Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013. Text for number 3-7. You are going to need eggs, milk, sugar. Steps: First break the eggs. Then, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl. After that add a small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk, and sugar.

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  20. Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 ...

    1. Mash the tempe with a fork. 2. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg. 3. Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork. 4. Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil, five or six at a time.

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    Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya. Setelah mengetahui materi apa saja yang dipelajari pada mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2, sekarang saatnya berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal PTS berikut ini: 1. What is the first thing to do when cooking rice using a magic com? a. Adjusting the quantity of water, b.

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    Ilustrasi kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 25. Sumber: pexels.com Mengutip dari buku Bahasa Inggris Think Globally Act Locally SMP/MTs Kelas IX , Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, dan Diyantari (2018), berikut ini adalah latihan soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 25-26 Kurikulum 2013 yang bisa menjadi panduan belajar ...

  23. 40 SOAL Persiapan Ulangan/Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum

    Tujuannya supaya lebih siap dan memiliki kesiapan yang matang, karena tak menutup kemungkinan soal-soal pada latihan ini juga akan muncul dalam ulangan/ujian semester 1. Baca juga: SOAL Assesment Unit 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban, Link Buku Paket. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka. 1. "Oh.

  24. 23 Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Semester

    TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak 23 latihan soal pilihan ganda dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 12 SMA/SMK semester I Kurikulum Merdeka. Latihan soal sumatif ini bisa dipakai sebagai persiapan menghadapi ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) pada Kurikulum 2013, maupun Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

  25. 15 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif STS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak 15 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban sumatif mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 2 SD/MI semester I Kurikulum Merdeka. Latihan soal sumatif ini bisa dipakai sebagai persiapan menghadapi ulangan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) pada Kurikulum 2013, maupun Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS) pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

  26. Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal STS SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1

    Selengkapnya simak soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Semester 1 tahun 2024 : 1. "Oh. ... Contoh Soal UTS Prakarya Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 2 Essay Test dengan Kunci Jawaban 35 Contoh Soal UTS Prakarya Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 2 Pilihan Ganda dengan Kunci Jawaban ... Jasa Ukur Tanah Oleh Vendor PT. DGEI - Way Kanan Lampung Rp950.000 Lampung ...

  27. Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 1 dan Semester 2

    Masuk ke semester selanjutnya, materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 Semester 1 dimulai dengan judul "Parts of Our Body That Work Together". Materi ini bertujuan agar siswa mampu mengenali fungsi bagian-bagian tubuh, manfaat dari bagian-bagian tubuh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. serta dapat menulis teks pendek yang berkaitan dengan fungsi bagian-bagian ...

  28. SOAL Assesment Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 ...

    Terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda dan essay yang mengharus bagi peserta didik untuk membacanya. Namun tak perlu khawatir sebab seluruh soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sebagai pembelajaran. Baca juga: SOAL Enrichment dan Reflection Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban Unit 1. Assesment. Read the text carefully

  29. Materi Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Semester 2

    Merujuk pada buku Kemendikbud, berikut daftar materi kelas 8 semester 1 dan semester 2 mata pelajaran Matematika yang akan dipelajari untuk siswa SMP/MTS berdasarkan Kurikulum Merdeka:. BAB I Bilangan Berpangkat Pada bab ini, siswa diharapkan dapat memahami bilangan berpangkat seperti sifat dan operasi bilangan. Selain itu juga diharapkan siswa dapat memahami bilangan bentuk akar dan bentuk ...

  30. Prediksi Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PTS/UTS/STS Geografi SMA Kelas 11 ...

    Nah, agar lebih siap untuk menghadapi UTS atau PTS semester 2, yuk pelajari prediksi soal Geografi SMA kelas 11 berikut ini. Sebagai informasi, istilah lain dari PTS atau UTS pada Kurikulum ...