Masters by Coursework vs. Masters by Research

What's the difference.

Masters by Coursework and Masters by Research are two distinct types of postgraduate degrees. Masters by Coursework programs typically involve a structured curriculum where students attend classes, complete assignments, and take exams. These programs are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of a specific field or discipline. On the other hand, Masters by Research programs focus on independent research and the production of a thesis or dissertation. Students in these programs work closely with a supervisor to conduct original research and contribute new knowledge to their field. While Masters by Coursework programs offer a broader range of coursework and are suitable for those seeking a deeper understanding of a subject, Masters by Research programs are ideal for individuals interested in pursuing a career in academia or research.

AttributeMasters by CourseworkMasters by Research
Duration2 years1-3 years
FocusCoursework and practical skillsResearch and thesis
Course LoadStructured curriculum with set coursesFlexible, research-focused
ThesisNot requiredRequired
Research SkillsLess emphasisHigh emphasis
Entry RequirementsBachelor's degreeBachelor's or Master's degree
EmployabilityImmediate job prospectsResearch-oriented careers

Further Detail


When considering pursuing a master's degree, one of the key decisions to make is whether to opt for a Masters by Coursework or a Masters by Research. Both options have their own unique attributes and advantages, catering to different interests and career goals. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of each type of master's program, highlighting their differences and helping prospective students make an informed choice.

Masters by Coursework

A Masters by Coursework is a program that primarily focuses on structured coursework and assessments. It is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of a specific field or discipline. This type of master's program typically involves attending lectures, seminars, and workshops, and completing assignments, projects, and examinations.

One of the key advantages of a Masters by Coursework is its structured nature. Students are provided with a clear curriculum and a predetermined set of courses to complete. This allows for a more organized and predictable learning experience, making it easier for students to plan their schedules and manage their time effectively.

Furthermore, a Masters by Coursework often offers a wide range of elective courses, allowing students to tailor their studies to their specific interests and career aspirations. This flexibility enables students to gain a diverse skill set and knowledge base, which can be advantageous in a competitive job market.

Another benefit of a Masters by Coursework is the opportunity for networking and collaboration. Students in these programs often work closely with their peers, engaging in group projects and discussions. This fosters a collaborative learning environment, where students can exchange ideas, learn from each other's experiences, and build valuable professional connections.

Lastly, a Masters by Coursework is typically shorter in duration compared to a Masters by Research. This can be appealing to individuals who wish to complete their studies and enter the workforce sooner. The structured nature of the program also ensures a more efficient progression towards graduation.

Masters by Research

A Masters by Research, on the other hand, is a program that emphasizes independent research and scholarly inquiry. It is designed for students who have a strong interest in conducting original research and contributing to the existing body of knowledge in their field of study.

One of the key attributes of a Masters by Research is the opportunity for in-depth exploration of a specific research topic. Students are required to undertake a substantial research project under the guidance of a supervisor or mentor. This allows them to develop advanced research skills, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Unlike a Masters by Coursework, a Masters by Research offers a higher degree of flexibility in terms of the research topic and methodology. Students have the freedom to choose a research area that aligns with their interests and expertise. They can also adopt innovative research methods and approaches, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their field.

Furthermore, a Masters by Research provides students with the opportunity to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through the research process, students learn to analyze complex issues, evaluate existing theories, and propose novel solutions. These skills are highly valued in academia, research institutions, and industries that require individuals with strong analytical abilities.

Another advantage of a Masters by Research is the potential for publication and dissemination of research findings. Students often have the opportunity to present their research at conferences and publish their work in academic journals. This enhances their academic profile and can open doors to further research opportunities or doctoral studies.

Choosing the Right Path

When deciding between a Masters by Coursework and a Masters by Research, it is crucial to consider your personal interests, career goals, and preferred learning style. If you are passionate about conducting independent research, contributing to knowledge, and pursuing a career in academia or research, a Masters by Research may be the ideal choice for you.

On the other hand, if you prefer a structured learning environment, want to gain a broad understanding of a specific field, and aim to enter the workforce sooner, a Masters by Coursework may be more suitable. This option allows you to acquire practical skills and knowledge that can be directly applied in various professional settings.

It is also worth noting that some universities offer combined programs that incorporate elements of both Masters by Coursework and Masters by Research. These programs provide students with the opportunity to engage in coursework while also conducting a smaller research project. This can be a great option for individuals who wish to strike a balance between structured learning and research exploration.

In conclusion, both Masters by Coursework and Masters by Research have their own unique attributes and advantages. A Masters by Coursework offers a structured learning experience, flexibility in course selection, networking opportunities, and a shorter duration. On the other hand, a Masters by Research provides the opportunity for in-depth research, flexibility in research topics and methodologies, development of critical thinking skills, and potential for publication.

Ultimately, the choice between the two types of master's programs depends on your individual preferences, career aspirations, and learning style. It is important to carefully evaluate your goals and consider the specific offerings of each program before making a decision. Regardless of the path you choose, pursuing a master's degree is a significant step towards personal and professional growth, opening doors to new opportunities and expanding your knowledge in your chosen field.

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Master by Research atau Coursework: Ketahui Perbedaan Lengkapnya

September 2, 2022 • 5 minutes read

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Banyak lulusan program strata satu di Indonesia yang memimpikan untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang magister di luar negeri. Keinginan tersebut sering kali muncul tanpa pemahaman mendalam mengenai perbedaan antara program master by research dan master by coursework . Namun, setelah diterima di universitas impian, tidak jarang pendaftar merasa bingung dan panik karena kurang memahami karakteristik kedua jenis program tersebut. Master by research lebih menekankan pada penelitian independen dan menghasilkan disertasi sebagai syarat kelulusan, sementara master by coursework lebih fokus pada pengajaran kelas, kuliah, dan penyelesaian tugas-tugas akademis.

Penting bagi calon mahasiswa untuk memahami perbedaan ini agar bisa memilih program yang sesuai dengan minat dan karir akademis atau profesional mereka.

Apa Perbedaan  Master by Research  dan  Coursework?

Perbedaan antara Master by Research dan Master by Coursework cukup signifikan, terutama di luar negeri. Program magister (S2) biasanya dibagi menjadi dua tipe ini.

Master by Research menekankan pada penelitian, di mana mahasiswa menghabiskan dua tahun masa studi dengan fokus utama pada riset. Dari hari pertama kuliah, mereka sudah memulai penelitian untuk tesis, dengan hanya mengambil sedikit mata kuliah yang mendukung riset mereka—tidak lebih dari 20 SKS per semester.

Sebaliknya, program Master by Coursework lebih mirip dengan pengalaman kuliah S1, di mana mahasiswa mengikuti kelas, mengerjakan tugas, dan menghadapi ujian secara rutin. Tesis biasanya baru dimulai pada semester terakhir. Di beberapa negara, seperti Australia, Inggris, atau Belanda, program Master by Coursework ini dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu satu tahun.

  Baca juga: S2 di Luar Negeri Bukan Lagi Mimpi, Ini List Beasiswa Fully Funded yang Bisa Kamu Coba

Biaya master by research dan coursework.

Biaya untuk program Master by Research umumnya lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan program Master by Coursework , terutama di bidang sosial dan humaniora.

Namun, biaya untuk Master by Research di bidang sains dan teknik bisa setara dengan Master by Coursework karena tingginya kebutuhan aktivitas laboratorium. Berikut adalah perbandingan biaya untuk kedua jenis program tersebut di Inggris:



Biaya Internasional

Classroom  (Arts / Social Sciences)
Laboratory  (Science / Engineering)
Research  / 

Based on the 2021-22   Reddin Survey of UK postgraduate fees   Sumber: Complete University Guide

Dengan informasi ini, calon mahasiswa dapat mempertimbangkan aspek biaya saat memilih antara Master by Research dan Master by Coursework di Inggris.

Bagaimana Menentukan Pilihan yang Tepat?

Menentukan pilihan negara untuk studi lanjut sangatlah penting, karena kebijakan mengenai program master by research dan coursework berbeda-beda di setiap negara. Peserta seminar beasiswa selalu diingatkan oleh saya bahwa memilih negara harus mempertimbangkan lebih dari sekadar alasan personal.

Di negara-negara Asia Timur seperti Jepang, Korea Selatan, dan Taiwan, program master yang dominan adalah master by research . Contohnya, ketika studi dilanjutkan di Jepang, kegiatan akademik dilakukan seperti bekerja di kantor, dengan waktu mulai dari pukul 8.00 hingga 17.00 yang sebagian besar dihabiskan di laboratorium. Opsi untuk program master by coursework hampir tidak ada, kecuali beberapa program tertentu seperti master in public policy di GRIPS .

Sebaliknya, di negara seperti Australia dan Inggris, universitas menawarkan pilihan antara program master by research atau master by coursework . Misalnya, di University of Sydney, mahasiswa bisa memilih antara master by coursework atau master by research . Gelar yang diberikan untuk program master by research biasanya adalah M.Phil, sedangkan untuk master by coursework adalah M.Sc.

Di Singapura, gelar yang diberikan untuk program coursework adalah M.Sc, dan untuk program research adalah M.Eng. Sebaliknya, di Amerika Serikat, gelar untuk program coursework adalah M.Eng, sementara untuk program research adalah M.Sc.

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Schoters dapat membantu kamu mulai dari persiapan memilih universitas, beasiswa, hingga persyaratan dokumen dan wawancara.

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Master by Research dan Master by Coursework

Baca juga: Cara Daftar Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

Kelebihan dan kekurangan master by reasearch atau coursework.

Terakhir, apa saja pertimbangan yang harus dilakukan mahasiswa untuk pada akhirnya memilih tipe program master, apakah master by research atau coursework ? Berikut adalah kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua program ini:

A. Master by Research

  • Output  yang diminta adalah minimal membuat 1-2 paper atau  conference , karena memang mahasiswa diminta untuk fokus melakukan riset.
  • Pengalaman riset yang dilakukan pada program master ini akan sangat berguna jika mahasiswa tersebut berminat untuk untuk melanjutkan studi doktoral (Ph.D program).


  • Lemah dalam basic concept ! Hal ini terjadi terutama jika mahasiswa tidak memiliki kedalaman tingkat keilmuan ketika menjalani studi di program strata satu, atau topik riset dalam program master yang dilakukannya adalah studi lintas bidang keilmuan.

B. Master by Coursework

  • Ilmu yang akan didapatkan akan sangat mendalam.
  • Exposure riset yang kurang. Agak sulit mengharapkan mahasiswa dalam program master by coursework dapat menghasilkan output sebuah paper internasional, jelas karena apa yang ia lakukan kebanyakan berada di kelas dan menjalani perkuliahan.

Jadi, jangan bingung lagi ya. Tentukan pilihan kuliahmu dari sekarang!

Tertarik buat daftar program Master by Research atau Coursework ini? Yuk ikut bimbingan bersama Schoters!

Yuk, konsultasi dengan konsultan expert Schoters agar persiapan daftar beasiswamu lebih terarah. Butuh program lain untuk persiapan daftar beasiswa ke luar negeri? Cek program terbaik dari Schoters untuk bimbingan persiapanmu, dijamin terlengkap.

Apa itu Master by Research atau Master by Coursework

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How to decide between postgraduate research and coursework

It can be a little tricky figuring out which postgraduate degree is for you. That’s why we’ve done the work for you to clarify the differences between a coursework degree and a research degree, and where each could take your career.

The main difference between these two styles is coursework has classes and research has a thesis.

Postgraduate coursework: advanced classes

In a nutshell: an advanced continuation of undergrad-style learning.

Choosing a coursework degree means you’ll attend lectures and tutorials, complete assignments and sit exams – just like your first degree. You’ll be taught discrete units that are part of a set program and at a higher academic level than your undergrad.

Coursework degrees aim to deepen your knowledge and enhance your undergraduate degree with postgraduate training, focusing you towards a specific profession. Alternatively, you can use your undergraduate degree to pivot and pursue a new area of study at postgraduate level.

For instance, you may have completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English and Japanese, then realised you’d like be a high school teacher, so you enrol in a Master of Teaching (Secondary) .

Or perhaps you did a Bachelor of Science majoring in Engineering Science and after working for a couple of years, you now want to start your own business. Enrolling in a Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation could get you there.

Also bear in mind, some coursework courses can involve a research element such as the completion of a minor thesis. This forms part of training your time management and written skills.

If you’re looking to complete a degree part time or solely online, you can find a postgraduate coursework degree to suit you. There are graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master’s degrees, and we’ve explained the difference between these  too.

Postgraduate research: independent thesis

In a nutshell: solo research project to produce an original thesis.

Taking on a postgraduate research degree provides you with the unique opportunity to follow your interest in an area of research and contribute to the field.

You’ll work on your own project, under the guidance of an academic supervisor who you have chosen, with the aim of producing, presenting and submitting a final thesis. This final thesis is the culmination of your original research and investigation – an original contribution to knowledge.

You can often undertake any project of your choosing, as long as you can find a supervisor to connect with. Once you’ve found a potential supervisor, meet with them to discuss your project proposal and see if they agree to supervise you.

If you’re interested in completing a PhD or are thinking about a career in academia, a research degree is a popular decision. This type of study enables you to demonstrate your capacity to conduct research independently and form a distinct contribution to an area.

So what’s ‘honours’, then?

Honours  is the opportunity to extend your undergraduate degree by a year – a sort of bridging year between undergrad and postgrad. The benefit is setting yourself apart from other undergraduate grads, as employers value the skills gained from the independent research project you’ll complete.

Honours is reserved for students who demonstrate strong academic performance in their final-year units. You may be invited to consider honours or you can apply directly . Students considering a research master’s or PhD are strongly encouraged to complete an honours year as a research training exercise and a taster of what’s to come in the research life.

Still can’t decide? See what some of our coursework and research graduates have to say .

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Master by Coursework vs. Master by Research: Which One to Choose?

Yogi at Monash University graduation ceremony. Source: Monash University

“In preparing for your future academic degree, prospective Master’s degree students should comprehend various academic and non-academic aspects that will be experienced at the study destination, including the pathways of graduate studies.

In this article, Yogi Saputra Mahmud (Content Director for Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands) will help you understand more about the differences between Master by Coursework vs. Master by Research, as well as some advice to select a pathway of graduate studies.”

Before starting your initial journey as a master’s degree student overseas, it is essential to explore the programs you wish to take. University websites will always become the best source of information for you to examine the desired courses. For instance, before I decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) , I started my investigation by visiting several university websites all over the globe. Ultimately, I chose Monash University as my study destination as it offers a very unique course pathway that supported my future career.

At Monash University, I also experienced working as a Student Engagement Officer who helped students in their course progression. At that time, I realised that different universities might have different types of graduate studies offered to prospective students. Some Master degree programs are specifically designed for a full-coursework, a full-research, and coursework with a partial research pathway during the study, which will be exemplified further below.

Master by Coursework

On its website, Edith Cowan University outlines that A Masters by Coursework “is a professional qualification involving the study of a specified set of core units and a selection of eligible elective units” ( ECU, 2019 ). In other words, Master by Coursework students are required to enrol in classes that belong to compulsory units and choose several elective units for a certain number of credit hours throughout their study. During the study, you are also expected to complete assignments/projects/exams specified in each class or unit.

An example of Masters by Full Coursework pathway that I will illustrate here is Master of Business at Monash University . As an industry-focused graduate program, Master of Business enormously creates a professionally developed and socially responsible business practitioner. Therefore, the full coursework type allows you to immerse yourself in practical understanding to become an effective business practitioner.

As shown in the picture above, a Master of Business course requires its students to complete 96 credit points consisting of three major parts, including Advanced Preparatory, Mastery Knowledge, and Application Studies. Students will have to take core units and some elective units based on their interests in each part. In my perspective, the full coursework type will allow students to scrutinise theoretical and practical understandings in a particular field. Furthermore, it also enables students to tailor their expertise in their area based on their selection of core and elective units throughout their academic journey.

Master by Coursework + Partial Research

Besides the full coursework pathway, some Master’s degree programs also offer a partial research stream as an alternative pathway in the Masters by Coursework program. Usually, the partial research stream requires the students to complete a minor thesis comprising less than 15,000 words.

There are several requirements that you must fulfil to take this pathway. For instance, I personally took this pathway when I was studying at Monash University. Regarding this, the Master of TESOL course offers a Master by Coursework for prospective students. However, this course also has an alternative research pathway for those who achieve satisfactory results (75 of 100) from the first to the third semester. Since other courses may have different requirements, you are advised to check the university website or the course handbook to investigate them further.

As can be identified in the picture below, Master of TESOL at Monash University offers either a Master of Full Coursework or Master of Coursework + a partial research pathway. I believe that both types provide different advantages for prospective students. In this case, students who prefer a Master of Full Coursework type will have a more comprehensive experience in teaching and other professional development programs. Similarly, those who select a partial research pathway will improve their research experience and capacity, which can become an essential milestone for their future academic trajectory at Ph.D.

Master by Research

In a Master by Research program, students are required to submit “a completed thesis based on an independent research project” ( ECU, 2019 ). Furthermore, students will engage with a research supervisor throughout the completion of their research project. In this graduate study type, students will not have to attend any course units (core or elective units). However, there might be some preliminary classes to support their understanding of their research project, including classes in research methodology and statistics. Therefore, it is essential to explore the course progression and requirement in the university website or course handbook.

An example that I will illustrate here is the Master of Engineering Science (Research) at Monash University. This course is offered with two years and four years duration for full-time and part-time study respectively. Regarding this, students have to complete a research project in the areas of chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer systems, materials, and mechanical engineering. In each area of research, students will also be able to explore several subthemes that they are interested in. Ultimately, students are required to submit a thesis of not more than 50,000 words to complete their Master by Research degree.

In the other Master by Research courses, students will also find areas of research that can be selected as the theme of your research project. In addition, communication between yourself as the prospective student and a prospective supervisor is also necessary to ensure that the suitability of the research project, as well as the approval from the prospective supervisor to supervise you throughout the academic program. You can find the list of prospective supervisors by entering the following keyword in the Google search box: “find a supervisor + University name + Faculty/Department name.”

Which One to Choose?

As stated earlier, each type of graduate studies has its particular characteristics. In this regard, Masters by Full Coursework pathway allow you to deepen theoretical and practical insights about a specific area of knowledge. For instance, a Master by Full Coursework pathway at Master of TESOL course allows the students to immerse in teaching and classroom supervision, further supporting the key developments of becoming an effective teacher after completing the study. In other words, a Master by Full Coursework pathway is suitable for those who are planning to have a future career as a professional/expert in a particular field (e.g., business practitioner, education practitioner, and many more).

However, some Masters by Full Coursework pathway also offers a partial research pathway for those planning to extend their understanding of research. The partial research along with Masters by Full Research pathways are essential for students who would like to pursue a Doctoral degree since most Ph.D. programs require their applicants to have prior experience in completing a substantial amount of research in the form of a Master’s thesis. Furthermore, those who intend to become researchers, analysts, and university lecturers will also benefit from taking these pathways since the professions require them to engage in rigorous research and other academic projects.

Main Takeaways

It is important for you to explore the available pathways in the Master’s degree course that you desire. Every pathway at the graduate level has its own characteristics and strengths that ultimately affect your overall academic trajectory. Moreover, selecting a particular Master’s degree pathway should be based on the future career that you want to have.


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Research Mode or Mixed/Coursework Mode for Postgraduate Programs?

A young college student is studying on laptop in a cafe.

Postgraduate programs may be either coursework or research-based. There is a significant difference between these two types of programs, and one could be better suited to your objectives than the other.

Course-based Masters Degrees are taught through lectures, lab work, workshops, or distance learning, while research-based Masters Degrees enable students to conduct their research projects in a specialized area. Research-based postgraduate programs usually take longer to complete than course-based programs.

Continue reading to learn the main differences between course-based and research-based master’s degrees, and hopefully, this article can assist you in deciding which is best for you.

Coursework programs have a structure that includes core, elective, and optional units, and they include enrolment in these units, attendance for all scheduled classes, and assignment completion.

Online study is now available for some postgraduate courses, and attendance is not needed. The majority of coursework-based master’s programs provide study and may include the completion of a minor thesis.

On the other hand, research-based programs are awarded after completing a major thesis, which entails conducting independent original research under the supervision of a senior academic.

Students may complete additional units to broaden their knowledge, although this is determined on a case-by-case basis. Reports from students/supervisors to the appropriate graduate studies committee evaluate course progress rather than mandatory assignments.

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Coursework-based Masters or Taught Master’s Degree

Master’s degrees that are taught are identical to undergraduate degrees. They consist of lectures, practical’s, and work seminars that offer a series of taught modules. You will be evaluated on the skills and expertise you have gained after completing these modules.

Coursework, tests, community tasks, and dissertations are used to assess students. Depending on the subject of research, you will be awarded a Master of Arts (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), or Master of Science (MSc) degree after your course. In contrast to popular belief, an MBA is purely a coursework-based program (not a research-based program).

Research-based Master’s Degree

Master’s degrees in science include learning by research. Many funding bodies only grant money to Ph.D. students who have completed research programs, so research-based degrees are seen as useful training for pursuing Ph.D. studies.

If you’re considering to study master’s, you will need to work independently because you won’t get as much tutoring as you will on a coursework-based degree. Supervisors, on the other hand, will provide you with assistance in developing your research proposal.

You would aim to get your work accepted for publication in a prestigious research journal. A professional judgment of your research work and a verbal test related to your research subject is used to assess research programs.

Depending on the topic of study, you will receive a Master of Research (MRes), Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Master of Science (MSc by Research), or Master of Arts (MA by Research) degree after your course.

AIMST University graduation photo

Should I pursue a coursework-based or research-based master’s degree?

Your choice of the postgraduate program should be driven by your career ambitions, academic preferences, and preferred learning style.

A taught postgraduate course, such as an MA or MSc, could be best for you if you want to obtain more advanced subject knowledge and an additional qualification before entering the job market.

An accredited coursework program will be more beneficial if you have a particular career in mind. A Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma is most common, but a full taught course, such as a Masters of Social Work or a Legal Practice Course, can also be offered.

If you want to do academic research or work in a field where research skills are essential, an MRes is a good option. This will encourage you to concentrate on a solo project to learn research skills or to assess whether a longer research degree (such as a Ph.D.) is likely to appeal to you.

Suppose you want to pursue a career in academia. In that case, you may be able to enrol in an MPhil program after completing your undergraduate degree and then upgrade to a Ph.D. after making adequate progress.

In a Nutshell

If you’re wondering which postgraduate mode (research or coursework Masters) will allow you to go for your Ph.D., then you should know this. Most Ph.D. programs ask that applicants have any Master’s in an appropriate subject.

So, whether you pursue a Research-based or Coursework Master’s degree, if you meet the various admission criteria, you would be able to pursue a Ph.D. To find out more about the postgraduate programs at AIMST University , a prestigious medical university in Malaysia, feel free to get in touch with our friendly counsellors.

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  • > Journals
  • > Scottish Journal of Theology
  • > Volume 40 Issue 1
  • > Theodore Beza: A Reassessment

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Theodore beza: a reassessment.

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  02 February 2009

The claim in recent years of a radical disjunction between the theologies of Calvin and the Calvinists has frequently come to focus on the seminal influence of Calvin's successor at Geneva, Theodore Beza. Scholars who have suggested Beza as the main culprit behind an increasing trend in sixteenth century Reformed theology to a rationalistic, scholastic, predestinarian rigidity include Ernst Bizer, Walter Kickel, Basil Hall, Brian G. Armstrong, Johannes Dantine, Edward A. Dowey Jun., John W. Beardslee III, and R. T. Kendall. Indeed, in order to appreciate Beza's significance we are compelled to see him in comparison with his great predecessor.

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1 Bizer , Ernst , Frühorthodoxie und Rationalismus ( Zurich , 1963 ) Google Scholar ; Kickel , Walter , Vernunft und Offenbarung bei Theodor Beza ( Neukirchen , 1967 ) Google Scholar ; Hall , Basil , ‘Calvin against the Calvinists’ in (ed.) Duffield , G. E. , John Calvin ( Appleford , 1966 ), pp. 19 – 37 Google Scholar ; Armstrong , Brian G. , Calvinism and the Amyraut heresy: Protestant scholasticism and humanism in seventeenth century France ( Madison , 1969 ) Google Scholar ; Dantine , Johannes , Die Prädestinationslehre bei Calvin and Beza ( Göttingen , D.Theol. thesis, 1965 ) Google Scholar ; Dowey , Edward A. Jun. , The knowledge of God in Calvin's theology ( New York , 1952 ), p. 218 Google Scholar ; III Beardslee , John W. , Reformed dogmatics ( Grand Rapids , repr., 1977 ), pp. 19 – 20 ) Google Scholar ; Kendall , R. T. , Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649 ( Oxford , 1979 ), pp. 29 – 37 . Google Scholar

2 Beza , Theodore , Tractationum theologicarum 1 ( Geneva , 1570), 170 – 201 . Google Scholar

3 Beza , Theodore , Tractationum theologicarum 3 ( Geneva , 1582), 402 – 447 . Google Scholar

4 Cf., Hall, pp. 25–28; Armstrong, pp. 27–42, 136–137, 198–199; Beardslee, pp. 19–20; Kickel, pp. 99, 106–107, 116, 120, 136–137, 141, 149–150, 167–169.

5 Tractationum 1: 173, 177, 179, 344, 362, 418; 3: 404, 426, 438.

6 Cf., Godfrey , W. Robert , ‘ Reformed thought on the extent of the atonement to 1618 ’ The Westminster Theological Journal 37 ( 1975 ), pp. 137 – 142 Google Scholar ; Armstrong, pp. 41–42, 137–138; Hall, p. 27; Kendall, pp. 13f., 29f.

7 Karl Barth, CD II/2, 335–336; Kendall, pp. 33f.; Kickel, pp. 150–153.

8 Kendall, pp. 29–37.

9 Bizer, pp. 6–12; Kickel, pp. 99f.; Hall, pp. 25–28; Armstrong, pp. 41f., 130f.

10 Raitt , Jill , The eucharistic theology of Theodore Beza: Development of the Reformed doctrine ( Chambersburg , 1972 ) Google Scholar ; Bray , John S. , Theodore Beza's doctrine of predestination ( Stanford University Ph.D. dissertation, 1971 ) Google Scholar , subsequently published in 1975, but consulted in its original format. The 1980 Cambridge University Ph.D. thesis of Ian McPhee on the thought of Beza has not been available to me.

11 Armstrong, p. 32f; also see Bray, pp. 5–12.

12 Kristeller , Paul O. , Renaissance thought ( New York , 1961 ), p. 116 . Google Scholar

13 Beza, Traaationum 1: 171, 179; Bray, p. 104. Bray indicates that Beza's sermons contain hardly any reference to predestination (p. 131). Nor are there any significant references in his letters. Predestination does not occupy a foundational place in works such as Altera brevis fidei confessio in Traaationum 1: 259–265; Petit catechisme in Tractationum 1: 689–694; Quaestionum et responsionum in Tractationum 1: 669–707; or Theses theologicae (Geneva, 1591 2 ).

14 E.g., De aeterna pradestinatione Dei ( Geneva , 1552). Google Scholar

15 ‘… primus locus Theologiae, … est de Electione nostri ad haereditatem aeternam.’ Bucer , Martin , Praelectiones doctiss. in epistolam D.P. ad Ephesios ( Basel , 1561), p. 19 c Google Scholar . Stephens , W. P. agrees that election shapes Bucer's theology, in his The Holy Spirit in the theology of Martin Bucer ( Cambridge , 1970 ), p. 23 Google Scholar . As for Zwingli , , see his De providentia Dei (1530) in Opera ( Zurich , 1545) Google Scholar . Additionally Gottfried Locher , W. , Zwingli's thought: New perspectives ( Leiden , 1981 ), pp. 121 – 141 . Google Scholar

16 Beza, Tractationum 1: 173, 175, 190, 194, 196, 3: 417; Theses 16–18, 20, 165; cf., Calvin, Institute 3, 22, 11: 3, 23, 2.

17 Contra John T. McNeill who misunderstands Calvin's comment in his Institute 2, 12, 5 when he claims that Calvin favours the supralapsarian view of the decrees of God, LCC 20, p. 469, n.5. The passage concerned refers to whether Christ would have been incarnate if Adam had not sinned. Calvin points out that the decree of election was before the creation of the world, not subsequent to the fall of Adam. Both infralapsarian and supralapsarian would agree to that. The point at issue between them is not whether the decree of election precedes the fall but whether the decree of election precedes the decree concerning the fall. Calvin does not comment on that question.

18 ‘Praedestinatio vero nihil aliud sit quam eius voluntatis ad certum finem sive salutis sive exitii destinatio, negari iusta ratione non potest. Praedestinationem & ad ultimum ilium duplicem finem & ad utrinque subordinata media pertinere.’ Beza, Tractationum 3: 402. Also, ‘Deus enim ab aeterno ex mera sua voluntate omnia, quod ad causarum etiam ordinem attinet, antecedente, ac proinde nulla neque dignitatis neque indignitatis praevisae habita ratione, eos duntaxat, quos ipsi visum est, sive singulares homines, sive integros etiam populos, alios quidem amori & saluti, alios vero odio & exitio destinavit.’ Ibid. , 3: 438.

19 Ibid. , 1: 173–174.

20 Ibid. , 3: 404–405.

21 Hall, p. 27; Armstrong, pp. 41–42, 137–138; Kendall, pp. 29f., 210. This, at least is the strong implication even where it is not spelled out explicitly.

22 ‘Multorum dixit, & non omnium, quia multi vocari, pauci vero electi. Posset quidem omnium tollere, sed multi indignos se reddunt, ingratique Christo salutem oblatam sua incredulitate respicunt.’ Ioannes Oecolampadius, In epistolam ad Hebraeos (Strassburg, 1534), p. 104. Also, in Commentariorum in Daniel propheiarum ( Geneva , 1558), p. 107 . Google Scholar

23 Cited by Stephens , W. P. , The Holy Spirit in the theology of Martin Bucer , p. 106 . Google Scholar

24 Vermigli , Pietro Martire , Common places ( London , 1583) 3 , 1, 44 – 47 Google Scholar ; ‘They [objectors] grant also, that Christ died for us all; and thereof they inferre, that his benefite is common unto all men. Which we also will easilie grant, if onlie the worthinesse of the death of Christ be considered: for as touching it, it might be sufficient for all the sinners of the world. But although in itself it bee sufficient, yet it neither had, nor hath, nor shall have effect in all men. Which the Schoole-men also confesse, when they affirme, that Christ hath redeemed all men sufficientlie, but not effectualie: for thereunto it is necessarie, that the death of Christ bee healthfull unto us, that we take hold of it; which cannot otherwise be done, but by faith: which faith we have before abundantlie declared to be the gift of God, and not to be given to all men.’ Ibid. , 3, 1, 44. Also see In epistolam S. Pauli ad Rom[anos ] (Basel, 1560), pp. 985–986.

25 Beza , Theodore , Ad Acta Coloquii Montisbelgardensis Tubingae edita ( Geneva , 1588), p. 249 . Google Scholar

26 Godfrey , W. Robert , WTJ 37 ( 1975 ), pp. 140 – 144 . Google Scholar

27 Significant discussion has taken place in recent years on Calvin's view on the extent of the atonement, to be noted later in this article.

28 Beza, Tractationum 1: 684; 3: 404.

29 ‘Aliter igitur Christus considerandus est ut causa praedestinationis efTiciens cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto: Aliter ut primum ipsius Praedestinationis, de servandis per misericordiam in ipso electis effectum.’ Ad Ada Coloquii Montisbelgardensis , p. 200.

30 Beza, Tractationum 1: 2–5; Beardslee, pp. 19–20.

31 Tractationum 1: 180–183.

32 Confessio , p. 21.

33 Tractationum 1: 181–182; Calvin, Institute 2, 12, 3.

34 Kendall , pp. 35f.

35 WTJ 43 (1980–81), pp. 155–164.

36 SJT 34(1981), pp. 179–184.

37 Calvin and the Calvinists ( Edinburgh , 1982 ). Google Scholar

38 ‘ Was Calvin a Calvinist? ’ SJT 36 ( 1983 ), pp. 535 – 540 . CrossRef Google Scholar

39 M. Charles Bell, ‘Calvin and the extent of the atonement’ EQ 55 (1983), pp. 115–123; J. B. Torrance, ‘The incarnation and “Limited atonement”’ Ibid. , pp. 83–94.

40 ‘Calvin and the covenant: unity and continuity’ Ibid. , pp. 65–81.

41 ‘The quest for the historical Calvin’ Ibid. , 95–113.

42 ‘John Calvin's view of the extent of the atonement’ WTJ 47 (1985), pp. 197–225.

43 ‘… ex his consequitur, sanctificationem veluti primum esse gradum a quo progredi incipiamus ad declarationem primariae nostrae salutis causae, id est, aeternae illius ac gratuitae nostrae electionis.’ Confessio , pp. 49–50.

44 Tractationum 1: 200–201.

45 Among those who have maintained that Beza bases assurance on sanctification are: K. Barth, CD II/2, pp. 335–336; Kendall, pp. 33f; Kickel, pp. 150–153. Favouring a difference of emphasis is John S. Bray, ‘The value of works in the theology of Calvin and Beza’ SCJ 4 (1973), pp. 77–86.

46 ‘Electum igitum esse me primum ex sanctificatione in me inchoata … Huic adiiciam testimonium Spiritus meam conscientiam erigentis … Et hue spectat seria meditatio beneficiorum Dei … Ex sanctificatione ista & consolatione Spiritus colligimus Fidem. Inde ad Christum assurgimus, cui quisquis datus est, necessario est ab aeterno in eodem electus, nee unquam eiicietur foras.’ Tractationum 1: 687–688 (1576) = 1: 702(1570).

47 Confessio , pp. 21–22.

48 Tractationum (1570) 1: 186, 200, 702–703; Confessio , pp. 30–33.

49 Tractationum 1: 175.

50 Contra Barth, CD II/2, pp. 335–336.

51 Epistolarum theologicarum 1 ( Geneva , 1572), p. 136 . Google Scholar

52 Tractatiomim 1: 177, 185–187, 678, 691; Confessio , pp. 17–18; Episwlarum 1: 56, 226; Theses , pp. 56, 58, 64.

53 Confessio , p. 19.

54 Tractatiomim (1576) 1: 690.

55 Episwlarum 1: 226.

56 Traaalionum 1: 263.

57 Ibid. , 1: 186, 678; Novum Tesiamentum ( Geneva , 1582) Google Scholar , Romans 1.17; Theses , p. 50.

58 Confessio , p. 21.

59 Tractationum 1: 684.

60 ‘Fidem appellamus certam quandam scientiam, quam Spiritus sanctus sua una gratia ac bonitate magis ac magis insculpit cordibus Electorum: qua scientia sit, ut eorum unusquisque in corde suo certior factus suae electionis, sibiipsi applicet promissionem salutis in Iesu Christo.’ Confessio , p. 19.

61 ‘Hinc ergo salutis intellectae notitia nascitur, & hanc rursus notitiam assensio sequitur, eaque non simplex & nuda … sed cum eo coniuncta, quod πληρφορ⋯αν Paulus noster passim appellat: ipsius videlicet Evangelicae promissionis, cui tanquam verissime assensum fuerit, applicationem ad propriam credentis conscientiam …’ Tractationum 3: 405.

62 Confessio , p. 19; Tractarionum 1: 185; Theses , p. 163.

63 Tractationum 1: 185–186; Theses , pp. 57, 66.

64 Novum Testamemum , Romans 1.17.

65 Theses , p. 66.

66 Tractationum 1: 170. Calvin put repentance after faith; Institute 3, 3, 1.

67 ‘Itaque quamvis nemo ad Christum perveniat qui non vitam emendat… negamus tamen quod affirmatis, vitae correctionem iter ad Christum esse: sed potius, quum natura oleastri simus, fide nos prius inseri in oleam oportere dicimus, ut ipsius succo in nobis vim suam exerente, bonos fructus feramus: neque quia vitam correximus, ideo nos ad Christum venire, sed contra, quia Christus prior nos dilexit, ad nos venit, & in nobis est, & nos in ipso, id circo nos vitia nostra ita agnoscere fatemur ut in emendatione vitae quotidie proficiamus …’ Tractationum 1: 102.

68 Ibid. , 1: 327–328; Theses , p. 103.

69 Theses , pp. 18, 58, 60.

70 Basel, 1599.

71 Geneva, 1588.

72 Institute , 3, 24, 4–5.

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Beza Merid

Beza Merid is an assistant professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society. A scholar of critical digital health studies and social medicine, his research examines the social, cultural and political dimensions of illness and innovation in biomedicine. He is particularly interested in exploring these relationships within the realm of cardiovascular disease care. Merid is the director of the Digital Health and Racial Justice Lab at SFIS.

Ph.D. New York University

Professor Beza Merid is a scholar of digital health and social medicine, and his research examines the social, cultural, and political dimensions of illness as well as the pursuit of innovation in biomedicine. He is interested in understanding the role that technology plays in how patients manage their illness experiences. To examine this role, he looks to sites of inquiry that include the design, availability, and use of digital health technologies like wearable devices to track blood pressure; the role these technologies play in patients’ capacity to optimize their lives and minimize their disease risks; the forms of community and belonging—as well as potential harms and limitations—that using these technologies can enable; the power relations that shape the design and use of these technologies, with particular attention to how these technologies may promote an individual responsibility for health that undermines a more collectivized approach to promoting health; and the potential to imagine, build, and deploy digital health technologies that enable radical and alternative health futures that center values like justice and equity.

This body of research offers important insights into the values that shape digital health technology design and use, as well as a critical perspective necessary for building a more just future for patients who use digital technologies to manage their health. As the ongoing coronavirus pandemic shows us, virtual modalities for health care delivery are critical to our ability to provide care for all who need it. Understanding how the technologies we use and the health care and health insurance systems in which they are deployed enable or inhibit this delivery of care is also vital to the work of addressing persistent inequities.

Professor Merid is the Director of the Digital Health and Racial Justice Lab. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Lab will begin work on the Anti-Racist Digital Health Futures project. Professor Merid will work with undergraduate and graduate student collaborators to explore how structural racism operates as a barrier to the adoption of innovative digital health technologies, and to imagine what explicitly anti-racist digital health futures should look like. 

Platt, J., Nong, P.,  Merid, B. , Raj, M., Cope, E., Kardia, S., and Creary, M. (2023). "Applying Anti-Racist Approaches to Informatics: A New Lens on Traditional Frames."   Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  ocad123.

Merid, B., Robles, M.C., Nallamothu, B.K., Newman, M.W., and Skolarus, L.E. (2022). “Viewing Mobile Health Technology Design Through the Lens of Amplification Theory.” JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10(6): e31069.

Robles, M.C., Newman, M.W., Doshi, A., Bailey, S., Huang, L., Choi, S.J., Kurien, C., Merid, B. , Cowdery, J., Golbus, J., Huang, C., Dorsch, M., Nallamothu, B.K., and Skolarus, L.E. (2022). “A Physical Activity Just-in-time Adaptive Intervention Designed in Partnership with a Predominantly Black Community: Virtual, Community-Based Participatory Design.” JMIR Formative Research 6(3): e33087.

Merid, B.  (ed). (2021).  Fighting for Health Equity: Past, Present, Futures.  The Social Justice Foundation,  Taking Freedom book series.

Robles, M.C., Huang, L., Merid, B. , Doshi, A., Choi, S.J., Kurien, C., Newman, M.W., Dorsch, M., Nallamothu, B.K., and Skolarus, L.E. (2021). “ Early-Stage, Community-Based Design Process to Understand User Needs for Hypertension Management mHealth Intervention: The WIRED-L Study .” Circulation 144, Supplement 1.

Merid, B. , Robles, M.C., and Nallamothu, B.K. (2021). “Digital Redlining and Cardiovascular Innovation.” Circulation 144(12), 913-915.

Merid, B. , Whitfield, C.O., and Skolarus, L.E. (2020). “Reflections on the Value of Community-Based Participatory Research in Supporting Mobile Health Technology Use,” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes , 13(9), 692-694.

Merid, B.  (2020).  “Fight For Our Health: Activism in the Face of Health Insurance Precarity,”   BioSocieties 15, 159-181.

Kneese, T. and Merid, B . (2018). “Introduction: Illness Narratives, Networked Subjects, and Intimate Publics.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience , 4(1), 1-6.

Merid, B. (2018). "Is Health Activism a Collective Responsibility?"   Somatosphere: Science, Medicine, and Anthropology , Experiments in Pedagogy series.

Merid, B . (2016). “'Stroke’s No Joke': Race and the Cultural Coding of Stroke Risk. " Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience . 2(2), 1-25.

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FIS 201
FIS 201

2024 Spring

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HSD 598

2023 Spring

2022 spring, expertise areas.

School Of Graduates Studies

At the moment the Master Programme by Mixed Mode is exclusively offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Mixed Mode refers to the combination of taught course and research activities. The assessment depends upon both the coursework and dissertation (research work). The component for the coursework is 50% and the dissertation contributes the other 50%. The Mixed Mode program develops the research skill of the students on top of enhancing the theoretical knowledge of the subject area.


  Faculty of Electrical Engineering offers one Mixed Mode programmes:

Industrial Power

 Mode of Registration  Full Time Part Time
 Duration (years) 2-3 -

Master of Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)

 Research Methodology 3
 Power Quality & Energy Efficiency 3
 Advanced Control Systems 3
 Power System Modelling 3
 Engineering and Technology Management 3
 Power System Protection & Stability 3
 Power System Operation and Control 3
 3rd & 4th Semester (Research)  

Phone:+606-270 2112
Fax: +606-270 1044
Website :

  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers three Mixed Mode programmes:

Applied Mechanics

 Mode of Registration  Full Time Part Time
 Duration (years) 2-3 3-5

Master of Mechanical Engineering (Energy)

 Engineering and Technology Management 3
 Mechanical System Design 3
 Engineering Modeling & Simulation 3
 Energy Management System 3
 2nd Semester (Taught Courses)  
 Research Methodology 3
 Renewable Energy 3
 Energy Technology 3
 3rd & 4th Semester (Research)  

Master of Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics)

 Engineering and Technology Management  3
 Mechanical System Design 3
 Engineering Modeling & Simulation 3
 Advance Material Engineering 3
 Research Methodology 3
 Failure Mechanics 3
 Crashworthiness and Impact 3

Master of Mechanical Engineering (Automotive)

 Engineering And Technology Managementy 3
 Mechanical System Design 3
 Engineering Modeling & Simulation 3
 Advance Material Engineering 3
 Research Methodology 3
 Vehicle Power Train System 3
 Intelligent Vehicle Dynamics Control 3

Phone:+606-270 4341
Fax: +606-270 1046
Website :

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MSc Development Biology and Stem Cells (Research) / Course details

Year of entry: 2025

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Course description

Our MSc Developmental Biology and Stem Cells (Research) course is designed to train those who wish to pursue a research career in, or to work in associated areas in health or science.

You will undertake two interrelated research projects on a specific topic in developmental biology and stem cell research, alongside taught units providing up-to-date knowledge of reproduction and pregnancy and training in research skills. You do not need any prior research experience before starting the course.

Our course will give you hands-on experience of cutting-edge technologies applicable to the study of normal development as well as rare developmental disorders, and transferable to other areas of medical research.

You will also gain training and experience in scientific writing and developing a research proposal and receive a grounding in a wide range of cell and developmental biology issues by attending seminars in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health.

We will also give you the opportunity to contribute to public domain research output. Most of our students do so either during or after the course, with output including conference presentations (national and international conferences), published abstracts, published papers (first or co-authored papers), and awards for oral presentations, essay prizes and travel grants to BSCB and BSDB Society meetings.

You will graduate with an in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge cell and developmental research and its translational relevance from bench to bedside, as well as advanced research skills and experience of running your own research project.

Your strong understanding of the ethical issues and social implications of research in fundamental research will provide you with a strong CV for your future research or medical career.

Special features

The Division of Developmental Biology and Medicine

You will be based in the Division of Developmental Biology and Medicine, which is comprised of approximately 20 principal investigators including clinicians and basic scientists with national and international reputations in their respective fields.

You will be an active part of the Division and study alongside researchers (with basic science and clinical backgrounds) undertaking research as part of their degrees or training (from undergraduate to PhD and postdoctoral research).

Our research groups are diverse and work in a host of model organisms on questions directed at understanding fundamental mechanisms involved in gene expression, cell signalling, and cell behaviour. We employ a wide range of approaches that include genome manipulation, advanced imaging of cells and whole embryos, quantitative measurement of RNA and protein in single cells and the manipulation of cellular forces. This work is illuminating the mechanisms by which different cell types and tissues arise during development, and mechanisms regulating stem cell maintenance and differentiation.

Through the MSc and by attending the Developmental Biology seminar series, you will learn about our interdisciplinary fundamental and translational cell and developmental biology research.

Most of the groups are based in the state-of-the-art purpose-built research laboratory and office suites in the Michael Smith Building and at St. Mary’s Hospital, providing an integrated and stimulating research environment for our students.

Teaching and learning

You will benefit from individual and small group supervision by experienced academic staff with scientific and clinical backgrounds. Our staff include internationally renowned experts in cell and developmental biology.

Coursework and assessment

Assessment is conducted through coursework, including a dissertation and final thesis, marked by the supervisors and an independent DDBM staff member under the scrutiny of an expert external examiner.

Course unit details

Our MSc Development Biology and Stem Cells (Research) course has a strong research component.

You will undertake two interrelated research projects, supported by taught units providing detailed knowledge of cell and developmental biology and training in research skills.

Research Units

Research Project 1

You will select your research project and supervisory team in the first three weeks of the course. Between October and January, you'll complete an in-depth literature review on your research topic, followed by a research proposal based on a six-month project.

Research Project 2

From February to August, you will undertake a six-month research project focused on a specific aspect of cell and developmental biology. All projects are co-supervised, which encourages the development of complementary skillsets. Thorough training and supervision is given in all laboratory, analytical and computational methodologies, as appropriate.

Projects may be directed at fundamental questions in cell and developmental biology or applied aspects such as biotechnology or translational medical research.

You will write a dissertation at the end of the research project and give a poster presentation based on your findings.

Taught Units

Research Methods Unit

This unit consists of series of lectures and training workshops that provide an introduction to research and transferable skills such as experimental design and statistical assessment, IT skills, critical analysis of research papers, health and safety, scientific writing and communication and career development.

Laboratory Skills Unit

You will undertake training in a range of basic laboratory techniques applicable to medical research. Workshops include cell culture, histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology. Training in recording laboratory methods and analysis of results is provided.

Masterclass in Experimental Cell and Developmental Biology

You will complete a series of three masterclasses that provide an understanding of fundamental developmental biology and stem cell research and an insight into translational research. These include lectures and discussion groups on the following topics:

  • Experimental model systems, such as human iPS cells, organoids, fruit fly, xenopus, zebrafish, mouse.
  • Classical and cutting-edge technologies, such as genetic manipulation, quantitative cell imaging, next-generation RNA sequencing.
  • Cell and developmental biology at the translational interface between fundamental and clinical research.

Tutorial Course Unit

You will have an opportunity to learn about and discuss research in developmental biology and stem cell research and the basic science areas and clinical applications that are central to the discipline. Tutorials use a range of teaching styles, including taught seminars and group discussions. Assessment will be via group oral presentations, leaflets, quizzes or written reports.

Course collaborators

Programme committee:

  • Dr Mark Dilworth (Programme Director)
  • Dr Daimark Bennett (Pathway Lead)
  • Dr Elizabeth Cottrell (Deputy Programme Director)
  • Dr Michelle Desforges (Tutorial Unit Lead)
  • Dr Cerys Manning (Masterclass in Experimental Cell and Developmental Biology Unit Lead)
  • Prof Alexander Heazell
  • Dr Stephanie Worton
  • Dr Victoria Palin
  • Student Representative

The course is delivered from a world-class integrated laboratory and clinical research and teaching facility in the women's hospital on campus. You will also have access to a dedicated study area equipped with Wi-Fi and adjacent staff tea room, where lively informal interaction occurs with academic and research staff. The University of Manchester offers extensive library and online services to help you get the most out of your studies.

Disability support

Cpd opportunities.

This course can be taken by qualified and experienced professionals to update your knowledge of current developments in developmental biology and stem cell research and acquire experimental research skills.

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Postgraduate Coursework vs. Research in Malaysia

Published by on Apr 28, 2016 , 04:58 pm

The postgraduate life takes dedication and perseverance, many who have undergone this perilous journey will come to a fork road: Coursework or research?


In Malaysia, both public and private institutions are aggressively expanding their postgraduate courses. Depending on the institution some provide purely coursework where as other institution would prefer the research approach.

1. Coursework


In Malaysia, majority of graduates would pursue a coursework Masters programme rather than research. Full time or Part time solely depends on the graduates and their time management skills.

Popular coursework Master programmes:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Architecture (Part II)
  • Master of Science


For graduates who're pursing full time, most of them are backed up with scholarships and funds that caters to their programmes.

Part-time graduates would normally be working individuals. Universities provide most part time classes during weekends, this is so that the course does not interfere with the graduates work schedule.

2. Research


Most graduates would go with the research approach when they're pursuing their Doctorate or Ph.D. programme. This is due to the nature of Ph.D. programmes, which normally would take 5 to 6 years to complete.

Ph.D. programmes in Malaysia are usually for graduates who're interested in being an expert in their respective fields, and for those who're planning to be an academic.

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Department of Sociology


Beza Taddess

Beza Taddess is a doctoral student in Sociology at Princeton. Her graduate work thus far has focused on the topics: (1) the stress-related consequences for Black and white women in multiply-segregated occupations; (2) the contributions of socioeconomic and genetic risks to cardiometabolic health at mid-life. The coursework she completed en route to her MA was concentrated in demography, health disparities, and quantitative methods. 

Before joining the graduate program at Princeton, Beza led the communications team at the Colorado Children's Campaign in Denver, Colorado. Her work entails writing policy concept papers, editing draft legislation, and leading the organization's communications strategies. In collaboration with her team, noteworthy achievements in this role included passing Proposition EE, a ballot measure that will provide $2 billion over ten years to a universal preschool program, and the launch of The West Steps podcast, which has amassed over 10,000 listeners since 2019. 

She joined the Children's Campaign as part of the Public Interest Fellowship Program in 2015 after graduating with a degree in Sociology from Colorado College. She received her Master's from the University of Colorado Denver in May 2021.

Research Interest:  •    Social Demography •    Physical and Mental Health •    Racial and Ethnic Stratification •    Medical Sociology

  • Corpus ID: 211220109

The Path to More Efficacious Teacher Preparation: The Role of Adequate Coursework and Practicum Factors

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  • Enhancing Cyber Risk Management with FAIR
  • This module focuses on enhancing cyber risk management practices through industry research, risk quantification using FAIR, and evolving approaches to cyber risk. It covers recent trends, empirical studies, and the application of FAIR to mature security programs. The module explores how quantitative risk analysis can improve decision-making and discusses the evolution of cyber risk management, including the integration of FAIR with frameworks like NIST CSF.
  • FAIR Improves Decision-making
  • This module explores how the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) framework enhances decision-making processes in cyber risk management. Participants will delve into the complexities of trade-off decisions, learn effective cyber risk quantification techniques, and discover how to optimize decision-making using FAIR. Through a combination of videos, readings, and real-world use cases from various industries, learners will gain practical insights into applying FAIR to improve business objectives and communicate more effectively with executive stakeholders.
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  1. Masters by Coursework vs. Masters by Research

    A Masters by Coursework offers a structured learning experience, flexibility in course selection, networking opportunities, and a shorter duration. On the other hand, a Masters by Research provides the opportunity for in-depth research, flexibility in research topics and methodologies, development of critical thinking skills, and potential for ...

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  3. How to decide between postgraduate research and coursework

    4 mins. It can be a little tricky figuring out which postgraduate degree is for you. That's why we've done the work for you to clarify the differences between a coursework degree and a research degree, and where each could take your career. The main difference between these two styles is coursework has classes and research has a thesis.

  4. What's the difference between a Masters by Coursework and a ...

    Some Masters by Coursework also require the completion of a minor thesis as part of the course. Dependent on the course, part-time and online study options are available. For more information, please see our Postgraduate study at ECU webpage. A Master by Research involves the submission of a completed thesis based on an independent research ...

  5. Master by Coursework vs. Master by Research: Which One to Choose?

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  7. Theodore Beza--The Man Next to John Calvin: A Review Essay

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    The Master's Degree by Mixed-mode is a combination of coursework and research activities. The assessment depends upon both the coursework and dissertation (research work). The component for the coursework is not more than 50% and the dissertation contributes the other 50%. The Mixed Mode program develops the research skill of the students on ...

  9. Theodore Beza: A Reassessment

    The claim in recent years of a radical disjunction between the theologies of Calvin and the Calvinists has frequently come to focus on the seminal influence of Calvin's successor at Geneva, Theodore Beza. Scholars who have suggested Beza as the main culprit behind an increasing trend in sixteenth century Reformed theology to a rationalistic ...

  10. Master by Coursework vs Master by Research: Apa ya bedanya?

    Tergantung jurusan dan program, ada juga yang memerlukan 2 semester untuk menulis thesis. Jadi, secara singkat, Master by Coursework (with honours) merupakan kombinasi antara perkuliahan dengan penelitian. Tujuannya adalah mempersiapkan para mahasiswa untuk pendidikan S3 yang memerlukan pengalaman penelitian. Master by Research.

  11. Coursework And Mixed Mode Programme

    Coursework and Mixed-Mode Full-time students must register for at least two (2) courses each semester. Part-time students are required to register for at least one (1) course each semester (excluding project/dissertation/repeating courses). This is not applicable for Master of Medicine and Research Mode students.

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    New York University. Professor Beza Merid is a scholar of digital health and social medicine, and his research examines the social, cultural, and political dimensions of illness as well as the pursuit of innovation in biomedicine. He is interested in understanding the role that technology plays in how patients manage their illness experiences.

  13. PDF Guidelines ON THESIS / Dissertation FORMAT

    1.2 Organizational Structure and Format. organizational structure and format:Fo. tTimes New Roman typeface should be used. Title should. be set in upper case, bold, 14-font size. Block quotations an. footnotes should be set in 10-font size. The abstract, acknowledgement, and the main body of the thesis/.

  14. Introduction

    As one might expect, Beza's doctrine of predestination, dealings in international affairs, and continuity or discontinuity with Calvin have been of interest to researchers. 9 Beyond this, Beza's literary activity, often overlooked by historical theologians, has caught the attention of several scholars in that sphere. 10 Further, research ...

  15. #9 Perbezaan Master by Research, Coursework dan Mixed Mode?

    Minta maaf. Agak lambat update video terbaru. Untuk video kali ini, sedikit panduan ringkas buat korang yang berhajat untuk sambung POSTGRAD. Aku kongsikan d...

  16. Mixed Mode Programme

    The assessment depends upon both the coursework and dissertation (research work). The component for the coursework is 50% and the dissertation contributes the other 50%. The Mixed Mode program develops the research skill of the students on top of enhancing the theoretical knowledge of the subject area. 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.

  17. MSc Development Biology and Stem Cells (Research) / Course details

    Our MSc Developmental Biology and Stem Cells (Research) course is designed to train those who wish to pursue a research career in, or to work in associated areas in health or science. You will undertake two interrelated research projects on a specific topic in developmental biology and stem cell research, alongside taught units providing up-to ...

  18. Postgraduate Coursework vs. Research in Malaysia

    Research. Most graduates would go with the research approach when they're pursuing their Doctorate or Ph.D. programme. This is due to the nature of Ph.D. programmes, which normally would take 5 to 6 years to complete. Ph.D. programmes in Malaysia are usually for graduates who're interested in being an expert in their respective fields, and for ...

  19. Master: Research atau Coursework?

    Oo ni perbezaan research dengan coursework. Terima kasih sis! #pendidikan

  20. Beza Taddess

    Beza Taddess is a doctoral student in Sociology at Princeton. Her graduate work thus far has focused on the topics: (1) the stress-related consequences for Black and white women in multiply-segregated occupations; (2) the contributions of socioeconomic and genetic risks to cardiometabolic health at mid-life. The coursework she completed en route to

  21. [PDF] The Path to More Efficacious Teacher Preparation: The Role of

    This study explored how well perceived adequacy of coursework and practicum context factors (Job comfort, mentoring support, and workload) explained student teachers' efficacy. Data was collected via a survey questionnaire administered face-to-face to all student teachers (N = 97, or 90%) who engaged in a practicum at secondary schools (grades 9 & 10) in south-west Ethiopia during 2013 ...

  22. Practical Applications of FAIR™ for Cyber Risk Management

    This course provides a practical, hands-on approach to applying the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) methodology in cyber risk management. Students will learn how to leverage industry research, use FAIR for decision-making, and report on the materiality of cyber incidents using FAIR-MAM (Materiality Assessment Methodology).