
120+ Creative Insurance Project Topics For Students In 2023

Insurance Project Topics

Insurance plays a pivotal role in safeguarding individuals and businesses from unforeseen risks, offering a protective financial cushion in times of need. However, in academia, students often delve into the intricacies of insurance through dedicated projects. These insurance projects serve as essential tools for grasping the nuances of risk management, finance, and more.

But what exactly is an insurance project? It’s a comprehensive exploration of various facets of insurance, shedding light on principles, practices, and real-world applications. The importance of such projects for students cannot be overstated, as they provide a practical understanding of a vital industry.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of insurance projects, discussing their types, 120+ creative insurance project topics for students in 2023, essential components of a quality project, and the challenges and opportunities that await. Stay tuned with us to explore the dynamic realm of “insurance project topics.

What Is An Insurance Project?

Table of Contents

An insurance project is like a special school assignment where you learn about how insurance works. It’s a bit like when you study history or science, but here, you’re studying how insurance helps people and businesses. You look at things like how insurance companies calculate prices, why people need insurance, and how they pay when something goes wrong.

In an insurance project, you might also investigate different types of insurance, like car insurance or health insurance. It’s a bit like exploring different flavors of ice cream – each type of insurance is unique, and you get to understand how they work. Overall, an insurance project is like a learning adventure where you become a detective, figuring out how to protect people from bad things that can happen in life.

Types Of Insurance Projects

Insurance projects encompass a wide range of endeavors designed to provide individuals and organizations with financial protection against various risks and uncertainties. These projects are essential in mitigating potential losses and promoting economic stability. Here are some common types of insurance projects:

1. Life Insurance Projects

Projects involving life insurance entail drafting policies that, in the case of the policyholder’s passing, give beneficiaries financial support. These policies can be term life insurance, whole life insurance, or universal life insurance, each with distinct features and benefits.

2. Health Insurance Projects

Health insurance projects focus on developing and managing policies that cover medical expenses, ensuring individuals have access to quality healthcare. These projects often include collaborations with healthcare providers and regulatory compliance.

3. Property and Casualty Insurance Projects

Property and casualty insurance projects deal with protecting individuals and businesses against property damage, liability, and legal expenses. Examples include homeowners’ insurance, automobile insurance, and liability insurance.

4. Commercial Insurance Projects

Commercial insurance projects cater to the unique needs of businesses, providing coverage for property, liability, and other specialized risks. This category includes commercial property insurance, business liability insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance .

5. Reinsurance Projects

Reinsurance projects involve insurance companies seeking coverage for their own risk exposure by transferring a portion of their policies to other insurers. This helps manage their financial stability and protect against catastrophic losses.

Importance Of Insurance Projects For Students

Here are some importance of insurance projects for students: 

1. Practical Learning

Insurance projects provide students with hands-on experience, helping them understand how insurance works in the real world. It’s like learning to ride a bike by actually riding one – students get to see insurance principles in action, making their knowledge more practical.

2. Risk Management Skills

These projects teach students about handling risks wisely. Just like a superhero who knows how to protect people from danger, students learn to protect businesses and individuals from financial risks by studying insurance.

3. Financial Literacy

Insurance projects help students become money-savvy. They learn how insurance can save people from big financial problems and how to manage their own money better in the future. Additionally, the advent of bizinsure Insurance Fintech is revolutionizing how these financial challenges are approached and resolved.

4. Problem-Solving Abilities

Students develop problem-solving skills when they explore different insurance scenarios. It’s like a puzzle where they figure out how to make things right when something goes wrong.

5. Career Opportunities

Understanding insurance through projects can open doors to various job opportunities in the insurance industry. It’s like having a map that shows them different paths to take in their future careers, making it an important step for their professional growth.

In this section we will discuss 120+ creative insurance project topics for students in 2023:

Life Insurance Project Topics

  • Actuarial Analysis of Life Insurance Policies
  • Consumer Behavior and Life Insurance Choices
  • The Impact of Medical Underwriting on Life Insurance Premiums
  • Assessing the Role of Life Insurance in Estate Planning
  • Evaluating the Tax Implications of Life Insurance Products
  • Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Trends in Life Insurance
  • Innovation in Life Insurance Products: Trends and Implications
  • Market Penetration of Life Insurance in Developing Countries
  • Customer Retention Strategies in the Life Insurance Industry
  • Risk Management in Life Insurance Companies

Health Insurance Project Topics

  • Comparative Analysis of Health Insurance Plans
  • The Affordable Care Act’s Effect on Health Insurance Markets
  • Health Insurance Fraud Detection and Prevention
  • Telemedicine and Its Role in Health Insurance
  • Mental Health Coverage in Health Insurance Plans
  • Health Insurance and Healthcare Utilization Patterns
  • Long-Term Health Insurance: Needs and Challenges
  • International Perspectives on Health Insurance Systems
  • Health Insurance and Healthcare Disparities
  • Health Insurance and the Aging Population

Property and Casualty Insurance Project Topics

  • Catastrophic Risk Modeling in Property and Casualty Insurance
  • Claims Management and Fraud Detection in P&C Insurance
  • Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling in Property Insurance
  • Automobile Insurance Pricing and Risk Assessment
  • Climate Change’s Effect on Property Insurance
  • Cybersecurity Risks and P&C Insurance
  • Liability Insurance for Businesses: Coverage and Trends
  • Reinsurance Strategies in Property and Casualty Insurance
  • Telematics and Usage-Based Insurance in the Auto Industry
  • Emerging Risks in Property and Casualty Insurance

Commercial Insurance Project Topics

  • Risk Assessment in Commercial Property Insurance
  • Business Interruption Insurance: Claims and Controversies
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Occupational Health
  • Liability Insurance for Small Businesses
  • Insurance Needs of the Hospitality Industry
  • Supply Chain Risk Management and Commercial Insurance
  • Insurtech Innovations in Commercial Insurance
  • Key Considerations for Commercial Property Valuation
  • Business Continuity Planning and Commercial Insurance
  • Commercial Fleet Insurance and Vehicle Safety

Reinsurance Project Topics

  • Reinsurance Market Dynamics and Trends
  • Risk Management Strategies for Reinsurance Companies
  • Catastrophe Bonds and Alternative Risk Transfer
  • Reinsurance Underwriting and Risk Selection
  • Retrocession and Its Role in Reinsurance
  • Reinsurance Pricing Models and Actuarial Methods
  • The Impact of Regulatory Changes on the Reinsurance Industry
  • Reinsurance and Solvency II Compliance
  • Mergers and Acquisitions in the Reinsurance Sector
  • Role of Reinsurance in Managing Emerging Risks

Specialty Insurance Project Topics

  • Specialty Insurance Products and Market Niche
  • Environmental Liability Insurance: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Kidnap and Ransom Insurance: Trends and Case Studies
  • Fine Art and Collectibles Insurance: Valuation and Coverage
  • Space Insurance and Coverage for Satellite Launches
  • Event Cancellation Insurance in the Entertainment Industry
  • Specialized Insurance Needs in the Energy Sector
  • Identity Theft and Cyber Insurance Coverage
  • Political Risk Insurance in International Trade
  • Unique Risks and Innovative Solutions in Specialty Insurance

Crop and Agriculture Insurance Project Topics

  • Crop Yield Risk Assessment and Insurance
  • Weather Index Insurance in Agriculture
  • Impact of Climate Change on Crop Insurance
  • Government Subsidies and Crop Insurance Participation
  • Crop Insurance and Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Challenges in Insuring Specialty Crops
  • Livestock Insurance and Disease Outbreaks
  • Precision Agriculture and Its Role in Crop Insurance
  • Agricultural Insurance and Food Security
  • Risk Management in Organic Farming and Agriculture Insurance

Marine and Aviation Insurance Project Topics

  • Maritime Insurance: Cargo and Hull Coverage
  • Marine Pollution and Liability Insurance
  • Aviation Insurance: Covering Aircraft and Airlines
  • Terrorism Risk and Aviation Insurance
  • Space Exploration and Insurance for Spacecraft
  • Drone Insurance and Regulatory Challenges
  • Maritime Piracy and Kidnap Insurance for Seafarers
  • International Shipping Risks and Marine Insurance
  • Aviation Underwriting and Risk Management
  • Environmental Liability in Maritime and Aviation Insurance

Environmental and Pollution Insurance Project Topics

  • Environmental Liability Insurance in Industrial Settings
  • Pollution Cleanup Costs and Insurance Coverage
  • Insurance Solutions for Environmental Contractors
  • Emerging Contaminants and Their Insurance Implications
  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Environmental Insurance
  • Regulatory Compliance and Environmental Liability Coverage
  • Environmental Insurance Market Trends and Challenges
  • Assessing and Managing Liability in Brownfield Sites
  • Green Building and Insurance for Sustainable Construction
  • Case Studies of Environmental Insurance Claims

Personal Insurance Project Topics

  • Homeowners Insurance: Coverage and Risk Assessment
  • Auto Insurance: Pricing, Coverage, and Discounts
  • Life Events and Personal Insurance Needs
  • Umbrella Insurance Policies: Coverage and Benefits
  • Personal Liability Insurance for Individuals
  • Renters Insurance: Importance and Coverage Options
  • Personal Property Insurance and Valuation
  • Pet Insurance: Trends and Coverage
  • Travel Insurance and Its Role in Vacation Planning
  • Insurance for High-Value Personal Assets and Collectibles

Legal Expenses Insurance Project Topics

  • Legal Expenses Insurance: Overview and Market Analysis
  • Legal Aid and Access to Justice through Insurance
  • Personal Legal Expenses Insurance: Benefits and Coverage
  • Litigation Funding and Legal Expenses Insurance
  • Insurance for Business Legal Expenses and Risk Management
  • Regulatory Compliance and Legal Expenses Insurance
  • International Perspectives on Legal Protection Insurance
  • Cyber Liability and Legal Expenses Coverage
  • Legal Expenses Insurance and Dispute Resolution
  • Ethics and Legal Expenses Insurance in the Legal Profession

Long-Term Care Insurance Project Topics

  • Long-Term Care Insurance: Market Trends and Challenges
  • The Growing Population’s Requirement for Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Medicaid and Long-Term Care: Interplay and Coverage Gaps
  • Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance Products
  • Actuarial Considerations in Long-Term Care Insurance Pricing
  • Alzheimer’s Disease and Long-Term Care Planning
  • Regulatory Oversight of Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Family Dynamics and Long-Term Care Decision-Making
  • Home Care vs. Nursing Home Care: Insurance Implications
  • Claims Management in Long-Term Care Insurance

Cyber Insurance Project Topics

  • Cybersecurity Risks and the Need for Cyber Insurance
  • Data Breach Insurance: Coverage and Risk Assessment
  • Actuarial Models for Pricing Cyber Insurance
  • Cyber Risk Management and Insurance Solutions for Businesses
  • Regulatory Compliance and Cyber Insurance
  • Ransomware Attacks and Cyber Insurance Claims
  • Cyber Insurance Underwriting and Risk Selection
  • Emerging Cyber Threats and Insurance Implications
  • Cyber Insurance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  • Reinsurance Strategies in the Cyber Insurance Market
  • MBA HR Project Topics
  • Health Related Research Topics

Essential Things That Must Be Present In A Good Insurance Project Topics

Here are some essential things that must be present in a good insurance project topic:

1. Relevance

A good insurance project topic must be relevant to real-life situations. Just like a story that makes sense, the topic should address current insurance issues or needs, making it useful and meaningful.

2. Clear Focus

The topic should be like a flashlight in a dark room, helping students see their way. It must have a clear and specific focus so that students can explore it thoroughly without getting lost.

3. Research Opportunities

An ideal project topic should provide room for research. It’s like a treasure hunt, where students can dig deep and find valuable information to enrich their project.

4. Practical Application

The chosen topic should be something that can be applied practically. It’s like learning to cook a new recipe; students should be able to take what they’ve learned and use it to solve insurance-related problems.

5. Educational Value

Lastly, the topic should be educational, helping students learn new things about insurance. It’s like a book that’s not just interesting but also teaches valuable lessons, ensuring students gain knowledge and insights from their project.

Challenges Face By Students In Insurance Projects

Undertaking insurance projects can be an enriching experience for students, but it’s not without its challenges. These projects often require a deep knowledge of complex financial concepts, extensive research, and critical thinking. Here are some common challenges students may face:

  • Complex Terminology: Students may struggle with the jargon and technical language commonly used in insurance, making it hard to grasp the finer details.
  • Data Collection: Gathering accurate and relevant data for analysis can be time-consuming and demanding, especially when dealing with real-world insurance scenarios.
  • Mathematical Calculations : Insurance projects often involve intricate mathematical calculations , and errors can harm project accuracy.
  • Industry Knowledge: A lack of familiarity with the insurance industry and its evolving trends can pose a significant challenge in producing well-informed projects.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited access to resources like industry experts or databases can hinder in-depth research.
  • Analytical Skills : Interpreting and analyzing data can be challenging, especially for students with limited experience in statistics and data analysis.
  • Time Management: Balancing project work with other academic commitments can be daunting, as insurance projects demand thorough research and analysis.

Insurance project topics have shed light on the significance of these projects for students. We’ve discovered that insurance projects offer invaluable practical learning experiences, imparting essential skills like risk management and financial literacy. They provide doors to various opportunities and act as a stepping stone toward a future career in the insurance sector.

Furthermore, we’ve highlighted the crucial attributes of a good insurance project topic: relevance, focus, research potential, practical applicability, and educational value. With a repertoire of 120+ creative project ideas for 2023, students now have a roadmap to embark on their insurance learning journey. In the ever-evolving world of insurance, these projects empower students to navigate and contribute to this critical field.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Finance

Private Coaching

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

Overview: Finance Research Topics

  • Corporate finance topics
  • Investment banking topics
  • Private equity & VC
  • Asset management
  • Hedge funds
  • Financial planning & advisory
  • Quantitative finance
  • Treasury management
  • Financial technology (FinTech)
  • Commercial banking
  • International finance

Research topic idea mega list

Corporate Finance

These research topic ideas explore a breadth of issues ranging from the examination of capital structure to the exploration of financial strategies in mergers and acquisitions.

  • Evaluating the impact of capital structure on firm performance across different industries
  • Assessing the effectiveness of financial management practices in emerging markets
  • A comparative analysis of the cost of capital and financial structure in multinational corporations across different regulatory environments
  • Examining how integrating sustainability and CSR initiatives affect a corporation’s financial performance and brand reputation
  • Analysing how rigorous financial analysis informs strategic decisions and contributes to corporate growth
  • Examining the relationship between corporate governance structures and financial performance
  • A comparative analysis of financing strategies among mergers and acquisitions
  • Evaluating the importance of financial transparency and its impact on investor relations and trust
  • Investigating the role of financial flexibility in strategic investment decisions during economic downturns
  • Investigating how different dividend policies affect shareholder value and the firm’s financial performance 

Private Coaching

Investment Banking

The list below presents a series of research topics exploring the multifaceted dimensions of investment banking, with a particular focus on its evolution following the 2008 financial crisis.

  • Analysing the evolution and impact of regulatory frameworks in investment banking post-2008 financial crisis
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-border M&As facilitated by investment banks.
  • Evaluating the role of investment banks in facilitating mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets
  • Analysing the transformation brought about by digital technologies in the delivery of investment banking services and its effects on efficiency and client satisfaction.
  • Evaluating the role of investment banks in promoting sustainable finance and the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria in investment decisions.
  • Assessing the impact of technology on the efficiency and effectiveness of investment banking services
  • Examining the effectiveness of investment banks in pricing and marketing IPOs, and the subsequent performance of these IPOs in the stock market.
  • A comparative analysis of different risk management strategies employed by investment banks
  • Examining the relationship between investment banking fees and corporate performance
  • A comparative analysis of competitive strategies employed by leading investment banks and their impact on market share and profitability

Private Equity & Venture Capital (VC)

These research topic ideas are centred on venture capital and private equity investments, with a focus on their impact on technological startups, emerging technologies, and broader economic ecosystems.

  • Investigating the determinants of successful venture capital investments in tech startups
  • Analysing the trends and outcomes of venture capital funding in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, or clean energy
  • Assessing the performance and return on investment of different exit strategies employed by venture capital firms
  • Assessing the impact of private equity investments on the financial performance of SMEs
  • Analysing the role of venture capital in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Evaluating the exit strategies of private equity firms: A comparative analysis
  • Exploring the ethical considerations in private equity and venture capital financing
  • Investigating how private equity ownership influences operational efficiency and overall business performance
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of corporate governance structures in companies backed by private equity investments
  • Examining how the regulatory environment in different regions affects the operations, investments and performance of private equity and venture capital firms

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research topics for banking and insurance

Asset Management

This list includes a range of research topic ideas focused on asset management, probing into the effectiveness of various strategies, the integration of technology, and the alignment with ethical principles among other key dimensions.

  • Analysing the effectiveness of different asset allocation strategies in diverse economic environments
  • Analysing the methodologies and effectiveness of performance attribution in asset management firms
  • Assessing the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria on fund performance
  • Examining the role of robo-advisors in modern asset management
  • Evaluating how advancements in technology are reshaping portfolio management strategies within asset management firms
  • Evaluating the performance persistence of mutual funds and hedge funds
  • Investigating the long-term performance of portfolios managed with ethical or socially responsible investing principles
  • Investigating the behavioural biases in individual and institutional investment decisions
  • Examining the asset allocation strategies employed by pension funds and their impact on long-term fund performance
  • Assessing the operational efficiency of asset management firms and its correlation with fund performance

Hedge Funds

Here we explore research topics related to hedge fund operations and strategies, including their implications on corporate governance, financial market stability, and regulatory compliance among other critical facets.

  • Assessing the impact of hedge fund activism on corporate governance and financial performance
  • Analysing the effectiveness and implications of market-neutral strategies employed by hedge funds
  • Investigating how different fee structures impact the performance and investor attraction to hedge funds
  • Evaluating the contribution of hedge funds to financial market liquidity and the implications for market stability
  • Analysing the risk-return profile of hedge fund strategies during financial crises
  • Evaluating the influence of regulatory changes on hedge fund operations and performance
  • Examining the level of transparency and disclosure practices in the hedge fund industry and its impact on investor trust and regulatory compliance
  • Assessing the contribution of hedge funds to systemic risk in financial markets, and the effectiveness of regulatory measures in mitigating such risks
  • Examining the role of hedge funds in financial market stability
  • Investigating the determinants of hedge fund success: A comparative analysis

Financial Planning and Advisory

This list explores various research topic ideas related to financial planning, focusing on the effects of financial literacy, the adoption of digital tools, taxation policies, and the role of financial advisors.

  • Evaluating the impact of financial literacy on individual financial planning effectiveness
  • Analysing how different taxation policies influence financial planning strategies among individuals and businesses
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and user adoption of digital tools in modern financial planning practices
  • Investigating the adequacy of long-term financial planning strategies in ensuring retirement security
  • Assessing the role of financial education in shaping financial planning behaviour among different demographic groups
  • Examining the impact of psychological biases on financial planning and decision-making, and strategies to mitigate these biases
  • Assessing the behavioural factors influencing financial planning decisions
  • Examining the role of financial advisors in managing retirement savings
  • A comparative analysis of traditional versus robo-advisory in financial planning
  • Investigating the ethics of financial advisory practices

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The following list delves into research topics within the insurance sector, touching on the technological transformations, regulatory shifts, and evolving consumer behaviours among other pivotal aspects.

  • Analysing the impact of technology adoption on insurance pricing and risk management
  • Analysing the influence of Insurtech innovations on the competitive dynamics and consumer choices in insurance markets
  • Investigating the factors affecting consumer behaviour in insurance product selection and the role of digital channels in influencing decisions
  • Assessing the effect of regulatory changes on insurance product offerings
  • Examining the determinants of insurance penetration in emerging markets
  • Evaluating the operational efficiency of claims management processes in insurance companies and its impact on customer satisfaction
  • Examining the evolution and effectiveness of risk assessment models used in insurance underwriting and their impact on pricing and coverage
  • Evaluating the role of insurance in financial stability and economic development
  • Investigating the impact of climate change on insurance models and products
  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities in underwriting cyber insurance in the face of evolving cyber threats and regulations

Quantitative Finance

These topic ideas span the development of asset pricing models, evaluation of machine learning algorithms, and the exploration of ethical implications among other pivotal areas.

  • Developing and testing new quantitative models for asset pricing
  • Analysing the effectiveness and limitations of machine learning algorithms in predicting financial market movements
  • Assessing the effectiveness of various risk management techniques in quantitative finance
  • Evaluating the advancements in portfolio optimisation techniques and their impact on risk-adjusted returns
  • Evaluating the impact of high-frequency trading on market efficiency and stability
  • Investigating the influence of algorithmic trading strategies on market efficiency and liquidity
  • Examining the risk parity approach in asset allocation and its effectiveness in different market conditions
  • Examining the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in quantitative financial analysis
  • Investigating the ethical implications of quantitative financial innovations
  • Assessing the profitability and market impact of statistical arbitrage strategies considering different market microstructures

Treasury Management

The following topic ideas explore treasury management, focusing on modernisation through technological advancements, the impact on firm liquidity, and the intertwined relationship with corporate governance among other crucial areas.

  • Analysing the impact of treasury management practices on firm liquidity and profitability
  • Analysing the role of automation in enhancing operational efficiency and strategic decision-making in treasury management
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of various cash management strategies in multinational corporations
  • Investigating the potential of blockchain technology in streamlining treasury operations and enhancing transparency
  • Examining the role of treasury management in mitigating financial risks
  • Evaluating the accuracy and effectiveness of various cash flow forecasting techniques employed in treasury management
  • Assessing the impact of technological advancements on treasury management operations
  • Examining the effectiveness of different foreign exchange risk management strategies employed by treasury managers in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the impact of regulatory compliance requirements on the operational and strategic aspects of treasury management
  • Investigating the relationship between treasury management and corporate governance

Financial Technology (FinTech)

The following research topic ideas explore the transformative potential of blockchain, the rise of open banking, and the burgeoning landscape of peer-to-peer lending among other focal areas.

  • Evaluating the impact of blockchain technology on financial services
  • Investigating the implications of open banking on consumer data privacy and financial services competition
  • Assessing the role of FinTech in financial inclusion in emerging markets
  • Analysing the role of peer-to-peer lending platforms in promoting financial inclusion and their impact on traditional banking systems
  • Examining the cybersecurity challenges faced by FinTech firms and the regulatory measures to ensure data protection and financial stability
  • Examining the regulatory challenges and opportunities in the FinTech ecosystem
  • Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on the delivery of financial services, customer experience, and operational efficiency within FinTech firms
  • Analysing the adoption and impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems
  • Investigating the determinants of success for FinTech startups

Research topic evaluator

Commercial Banking

These topic ideas span commercial banking, encompassing digital transformation, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the evolving regulatory and competitive landscape among other key themes.

  • Assessing the impact of digital transformation on commercial banking services and competitiveness
  • Analysing the impact of digital transformation on customer experience and operational efficiency in commercial banking
  • Evaluating the role of commercial banks in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Investigating the effectiveness of credit risk management practices and their impact on bank profitability and financial stability
  • Examining the relationship between commercial banking practices and financial stability
  • Evaluating the implications of open banking frameworks on the competitive landscape and service innovation in commercial banking
  • Assessing how regulatory changes affect lending practices and risk appetite of commercial banks
  • Examining how commercial banks are adapting their strategies in response to competition from FinTech firms and changing consumer preferences
  • Analysing the impact of regulatory compliance on commercial banking operations
  • Investigating the determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty in commercial banking

International Finance

The folowing research topic ideas are centred around international finance and global economic dynamics, delving into aspects like exchange rate fluctuations, international financial regulations, and the role of international financial institutions among other pivotal areas.

  • Analysing the determinants of exchange rate fluctuations and their impact on international trade
  • Analysing the influence of global trade agreements on international financial flows and foreign direct investments
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of international portfolio diversification strategies in mitigating risks and enhancing returns
  • Evaluating the role of international financial institutions in global financial stability
  • Investigating the role and implications of offshore financial centres on international financial stability and regulatory harmonisation
  • Examining the impact of global financial crises on emerging market economies
  • Examining the challenges and regulatory frameworks associated with cross-border banking operations
  • Assessing the effectiveness of international financial regulations
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities of cross-border mergers and acquisitions

Choosing A Research Topic

These finance-related research topic ideas are starting points to guide your thinking. They are intentionally very broad and open-ended. By engaging with the currently literature in your field of interest, you’ll be able to narrow down your focus to a specific research gap .

When choosing a topic , you’ll need to take into account its originality, relevance, feasibility, and the resources you have at your disposal. Make sure to align your interest and expertise in the subject with your university program’s specific requirements. Always consult your academic advisor to ensure that your chosen topic not only meets the academic criteria but also provides a valuable contribution to the field. 

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hamza mashaqby

thank you for suggest those topic, I want to ask you about the subjects related to the fintech, can i measure it and how?

Zeleke Getinet Alemayehu

Please guide me on selecting research titles


I am doing financial engineering. , can you please help me choose a dissertation topic?


I’m studying Banking and finance (MBA) please guide me on to choose a good research topic.

Md. Ahsan Habib

I am studying finance (MBA) please guide me to choose a good research topic.

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CXO perspectives: A conversation on the future of bancassurance

For many banks in Europe and Latin America, insurance is now “the need” to expand relationships with customers. Over the past few years, many bancassurance partnerships have successfully developed their positioning, reputations, and customer bases. Insurance fee income has gained relevance in light of a continued low-interest environment and, more recently, the outbreak of COVID-19, which heightened stress on credit products , such as consumer loans.

Our interview with industry leaders from BBVA and Crédit Agricole Assurances reinforces evidence of certain themes that are expected to shape the industry:

  • Nonlife insurance and stand-alone sales are gaining relevance with banks, aiming to capture a broad share of customers’ wallets.
  • New services are steadily being deployed to differentiate solutions for customers and to raise customer engagement.
  • Banks are increasingly customizing insurance propositions to individual needs through the targeted use of public and banking data.
  • Digital marketing and analytics tools are enabling a more scientific sales approach. Such an approach employs effective, personalized, data-driven leads across all channels, including the branch network and digital and remote channels, and allows banks to reach the “right” customers at the “right” moments with the “right” offers.
  • Claims processes will increasingly leverage digital technologies to provide the best possible customer service, and technical excellence in the portfolio will indicate enhanced retention and pricing, with the latter becoming increasingly transparent in the digital shift.
  • Operating models between bank and insurer need to adapt to a fast-changing environment that requires more frequent interactions and seamless coordination in an omnichannel approach. Partners are also accelerating the pace or facilitating innovation, including by offering seamless access to service providers directly through the banking channel.
For many banks in Europe and Latin America, insurance is now “the need” to expand relationships with customers.

These changes will not only challenge how banks and insurers integrate and work with one another on a bilateral basis but will also define the role they play in the larger picture as new direct and platform models likely emerge.

The following text is an edited transcript of McKinsey’s Bancassurance Forum 2021 Fireside Chats, which was held remotely in January 2021.

McKinsey: What’s your perspective on the current bancassurance environment?

Guillaume Oreckin biography

Guillaume has been the head of the international division of Crédit Agricole Assurances since 2017. Guillaume first joined Pacifica, the nonlife company of Crédit Agricole Assurance in France, in 2007 as deputy chief executive officer. He was previously a partner at KPMG Peat Marwick's insurance practice in Paris. He graduated from HEC Paris in 1987.

Crédit Agricole Assurances (CAA)

CAA generates a premium income of approximately €29 billion (70 percent of which comes from savings and retirement products) and manages around 30 million policies with 4,700 employees in eight European countries, as well as Japan. Aside from its captive network, it now serves more than 50 financial institutions outside of the Crédit Agricole Group retail networks.

CAA built its early success on distributing products through banks in domestic markets and subsequently extended its historical model to consumer finance and leasing domains, even outside the traditional banking model. This enabled the company to pursue noncaptive partnerships outside of France and grow internationally. As a result, it was able to generate additional value and create long-term partnerships or distribution agreements with nongroup banks.

Guillaume Oreckin: In the past five years, we saw rising interest in developing nonlife insurance, which can bring value to the franchise in addition to the financial domain. We believe there is no reason why the banking customer should get their insurance from somewhere else. This is a radical change. Previously, the idea was to define a penetration rate, and now the ambition is to move from one-off sales to capturing the full share of wallet and to say, “How can we show to every customer who is already banking with us that we are also the right partner to address their insurance needs?”

As far as life insurance is concerned, the trend is different. Recently, there has been a certain reluctance toward guaranteed savings products, for example, as well as a refocusing on portfolio quality instead of volumes. A lot of investment in our banking partners has been to help raise awareness among their customers that guaranteed savings is not the only way to save for the future. For example, customers are shown simulations to demonstrate how they could additionally benefit by using unit-linked solutions rather than guaranteed savings products. We want to democratize the access to wealth-management services, bringing enabling tools to our advisers and to regular customers—not only to affluent or private banking customers.

Jorge Matuk Chijner biography

Jorge is the insurance head of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). He joined the company in 2000 as chief commercial officer of BBVA’s pension business in Peru and has subsequently held senior positions at BBVA in markets such as Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Spain. He received a master’s degree in business administration from Universidad Católica de Santa María (Peru) and a master’s degree in law from Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa (Peru), and he graduated from the strategy, marketing, and development business program at Wharton.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)

BBVA Insurance generates a premium income of approximately €5 billion and manages a portfolio of more than 13.5 million policies with around 1,100 employees across eight countries. Aside from its home market in Spain, BBVA serves customers in Turkey and in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

BBVA’s bancassurance model aims to improve its clients’ financial health and help customers transition toward a sustainable future. BBVA’s model also pursues operational excellence on the banking side, working with the best, most engaged insurance teams and emphasizing data and technology.

Jorge Matuk Chijner: I agree with Guillaume on the dynamics between life and nonlife and the approach for value creation. In the current situation, we see an opportunity to accelerate change. Customers are clearly more active in digital channels, for research and contracting as well as for servicing. A recent survey shows that customers’ preference for digital sales in insurance increased from 38 percent before the pandemic to 44 percent after its onset. 1 According to McKinsey’s online survey conducted with more than 3,000 individuals during sessions in October 2019 and April 2020. In this environment, BBVA—and the industry in general—had to develop additional tools to meet these expectations. As part of our innovation efforts, we created an entirely new solution: a personal finance and expense-tracking application called Bconomy. This application allows customers to analyze all their expenditure data from different sources, such as credit cards or direct debits, as well as spending on insurance. Currently, all our 37 million digital customers have access to this solution. In this context, we determined that the key processes to enhance were not only for digital sales but also for other activities along the value chain, such as servicing, product modularization, and data usage.

McKinsey: How do you both see your ambitions and priorities evolving as we enter the next normal?

Guillaume Oreckin: Digital channels and the ability to distribute without the presence of the customer are becoming key. We have invested a lot in leveraging banking and insurance data to find patterns either for pricing or for commercial purposes. The data we hold are a key asset. As we increasingly diversify our business into nonlife, we believe that—apart from the insurance coverage—the services we can bring to our customers are also important. The role of banks is shifting toward value-added services and expanding from purely financial needs, focusing on addressing customers’ daily-life needs. Insurance is the entry point into the business of providing additional services to customers.

Today, we offer a lot of services at the moment of the claim—but tomorrow, we believe we can extend this to global service offerings along the customer life cycle. For example, in our branches in France, we sell home-surveillance cameras that are connected to a call center. The idea is to convey the message that we protect, we insure, and, if there is a problem, we will handle the claims. Furthermore, in the claims area, we are focused on providing services rather than merely writing checks. As an example, we created our own network of repairers for home insurance.

Jorge Matuk Chijner: We see a lot of changes in the market and in customer behaviors in terms of product preferences. Customers are showing greater sensitivity to health and life insurance, employment, and emerging risks such as cybersecurity. All these needs are emphasized by the pandemic, as well as other factors such as sustainability and climate change. We also see that the borders between life and nonlife businesses are becoming increasingly blurred, which represents an opportunity for BBVA to strengthen our value proposition.

In this space, we’ve seen interesting phenomena. In terms of the customer profile, there is an increasing propensity for younger people to buy insurance. There is also the expectation that customers will receive consistent experiences when they visit branches or use other channels—a true omnichannel approach. This means that customers can do things entirely on their own or via a contact center, but they can also start a journey in one channel and continue it in another. Our remote assistance app, Blue, helps in this respect, as it can provide a more specialized experience than a call center. We also offer video capabilities in Mexico to connect with customers.

In terms of data, banks have wide access, some of which can be transformed into insights for insurance companies, but we need new capabilities to do this. We recently introduced a new pricing model in Turkey based on banking data with the aim of creating specific pricing for clients who want auto insurance. We combine the banking and transactional data of customers and factor those numbers into a highly specific risk assessment. This is the value we can offer both customers and banks.

McKinsey: Both of you have mentioned the relevance of the digital shift. Guillaume, how is Crédit Agricole positioning its distribution channels to be successful?

Guillaume Oreckin: We are working on several aspects to face this challenge. First, products. We already had the idea that products in the bancassurance landscape should be very simple, but this is even more true in the digital space. The personalization aspect is not only in the price but also in the way we approach customers. A complex product is adapted neither to the branch nor to the digital channel. With this in mind, we moved to simple, prepackaged offers that can cover most of the cases but do not require a lot of explanations. We also reduced the number of questions asked to the customer materially. We can sometimes get the same information by using publicly available data or can use public data to predict responses to prefill a form. This also depends on the country, of course. France is quite advanced with regard to publicly published data.

Next, we are also working on the digital-acquisition side of the business, which has been quite tricky. We need to be fully aligned with the bank. We also need to define the right strategy to generate digital leads at sustainable acquisition costs. We are strengthening our teams to create joint business units with our banking partners that are dedicated to traffic generation and channel conversion. Operating separately doesn’t work—and it can even result in internal overbidding for the sole benefit of search engines. Customers also expect a lot regarding the services we can provide on the claims side. Most customers still expect human contact when making claims, but we also see a growing share of the population that prefers self-care. We need to invest a lot in that area.

McKinsey: Jorge, BBVA was one of the earliest players to recognize the significance of the digital shift. How do you foresee the insurance business repositioning to take advantage of the subsequent changes to the distribution model?

Jorge Matuk Chijner: We identified the fact that there is no trade-off between branches and digital growth. Our branches are advice centers for our customers. Customers buy insurance either through digital channels or physical branches but doing so at the branch enables us to provide a more qualified sales team to help them. The digital channel is not an enemy of the branches. There are complementary solutions for both sides: we share quotes with the branches and the digital channels, increase our accessible customer base, and have more satisfied customers. For example, customers who start the journey online can later be contacted by phone—or vice versa. This allows the bank to follow up on leads using both offline and digital tools.

We are addressing this topic across our important partnership agreements. In Spain, we partnered with Allianz for nonlife and Bupa for health. We also have partnerships with Vitality in Mexico and Rimac in Peru. The products are similar in terms of suitability for digital channels and branches, but we have different approaches depending on customer preference. For example, we are working on contextual insurance in Spain—particularly travel insurance—which had a nearly double-digit conversion rate before the pandemic (such as when a ticket for a flight is purchased on a credit card or a customer orders foreign exchange). The branches can always advise customers on traditional products. However, as we create new products, digital channels become increasingly important support to complement the branches.

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In terms of partnerships, we work with Bupa in Spain on telemedicine and on health prevention—for example, by adding some features directly to our app and by providing a seamless transition into Bupa’s app without the need for the customer to log in again. In Mexico, we work with Vitality on life insurance, particularly when customers change life stages or adjust their types of insurance. Part of this is knowing our customer base and recognizing the opportunity to grow—for instance, working with Telefonica in Spain and leveraging our mobile app in Xiaomi mobile phones.

McKinsey: Continuing with this topic of change, what elements of innovation around product offerings are you observing, and will those be important in your strategies moving forward?

Guillaume Oreckin: I strongly believe that innovation will be in the services we can offer customers. That’s why we created a joint venture with Europ Assistance. We did not have our own assistance arm, and strategically, we thought that was a mistake. Many innovations from the past ten or 15 years came through assistance and services, either because we extended their use or because new services became necessary.

If you take, for example, auto or home insurance, it is not so easy to differentiate the offering from competitors; it has not changed much. Where you can make the difference is in the services you provide and in the way you handle claims. One element is also in the way you support the banks: the tools you give to the bank networks, either in the digital, call-center, or physical channel. We have invested a lot in giving our banking partners the best possible tools to approach customers’ needs and give the right advice at the right moment.

Jorge Matuk Chijner: We are strong believers in continuous innovation. We are always seeking to define what is important in terms of knowledge all along the value chain, including claims handling, policy servicing, and data management. In our case, we have focused our innovation efforts on claims, which is the moment of truth in insurance. Good operators can help banks save money in addition to ensuring the best possible customer experience.

We recently partnered with Bdeo, a start-up in Mexico that provides technology for remote claims verification in our auto insurance products. We’re also working closely with Allianz’s corporate venture capital fund to spur innovation and enable access to a larger insurance ecosystem. Finally, we’re working with Bupa on medical expenses. All that said, innovation is a trial-and-error process, often spanning multiple countries. You need to choose where the priorities are. In our case, it was claims.

McKinsey: Finally, Guillaume, what is your perspective on the threat of direct players to bancassurance?

Guillaume Oreckin: Banks can bring the best of both worlds, and direct is not an unknown attacker to us. We already sell a lot of insurance through bank websites, which are among those that have the strongest traffic. This is a strong advantage for us. The value of the brand also makes me optimistic. At one time, we thought the brand would lose value on the internet because many new brands would appear. That has not been the case. If anything, a strongly established brand is still an incredibly important asset, and it is much easier to build on the value of a brand such as BBVA or Crédit Agricole than to have a brand that is not as well established. Many people will try to enter the direct market, but few will succeed in establishing a strong brand.

Comments and opinions expressed by interviewees are their own and do not represent or reflect the opinions, policies, or positions of McKinsey & Company or have its endorsement.

This article represents edited comments from the Global Bancassurance Forum 2021 CXO interviews, which were hosted on January 28, 2021, by Bruno Dinis , a partner, and Rui Neves , a senior partner, in McKinsey’s Lisbon office; Florian Fuchs , a consultant in the Munich office; and Francesco Passera , an associate partner in the Milan office.

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The relationship between insurance and banking sectors: does financial structure matter?

  • Published: 27 May 2019
  • Volume 44 , pages 569–594, ( 2019 )

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research topics for banking and insurance

  • Guan-Chun Liu 1 &
  • Chien-Chiang Lee 2 , 3  

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This paper employs panel data of 36 countries over the period from 1980 to 2015 to investigate whether financial structure matters for the linkage between the insurance and banking sectors. Panel co-integration tests find that the significant relationship varies across different financial structures. Specifically, a developed financial system and market-based structure reinforce their long-run linkage. Panel Granger causality tests show that the market-based structure strengthens the insurance–bank nexus for the financially underdeveloped group of countries and that a financially developed system is conducive to realising a short-run dynamic linkage for a bank-based economy. More importantly, the linkages between insurance and banking sectors can be complementary or substitutive, depending on the relative importance of risk transfer and capital allocation in the insurance market. These findings offer useful insights into achieving the two sectors’ co-evolution and further provide some evidence from the market-based and financial services viewpoints.

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Hannan ( 1991 ) proposes a model to derive formally and thereby assess critically the most commonly tested relationship between market structure and various aspects of bank conduct and performance as implied by the structure-conduct-performance paradigm. Differing from this work, our paper examines the effects of financial structure on the insurance–banking long- and short-run relationships.

Most existing works applying traditional panel VAR or VECM models ignore the country-specific time effects in the model. In other words, without taking the country-specific macro shocks into consideration the estimation results may not be reliable.

When measuring insurance premiums for each country, foreign insurance volumes are also included.

According to Swiss Re (2016), life and non-life insurance activities are categorised according to standard EU and OECD conventions, whereas accident and health insurance activities are both counted as part of non-life insurance.

In this paper domestic credit provided by the banking sector includes all credit to various sectors on a gross basis, with the exception of credit to the central government, which is net. The banking sector includes monetary authorities and deposit money banks as well as other banking institutions where data are available (including institutions that do not accept transferable deposits but do incur liabilities such as time and savings deposits). Examples of other banking institutions are savings and mortgage loan institutions and building and loan associations.

For more details on the construction procedure of financial structure see Demirgüç-Kunt and Levine ( 2001 ) and the classification of countries shown in Table  1 . Note that foreign stocks listed are also included in the respective measures of stock market capitalisation and trading volumes.

From the perspective of economic growth, previous literature discusses the relative merits of bank-based versus market-based financial systems. In this paper we obtain the conclusion from the viewpoint of the relationship between insurance activities and banking credit.

The estimation results for the co-integration relationship and Granger causality in the different groups before and after 2008 are not provided herein.

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The authors are grateful to the editor and the two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions.

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School of Public Economics & Administration, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Guan-Chun Liu

School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, People’s Republic of China

Chien-Chiang Lee

Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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Liu, GC., Lee, CC. The relationship between insurance and banking sectors: does financial structure matter?. Geneva Pap Risk Insur Issues Pract 44 , 569–594 (2019).

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Received : 18 August 2017

Accepted : 05 September 2018

Published : 27 May 2019

Issue Date : October 2019


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Agile transformation in banking and insurance

Featured topics, july 15, 2021.

There’s no blueprint for scaling agile models across an enterprise. But our research has identified an agile operating model that will help financial services organizations accelerate agile transformation.

Why use the agile model?

We live in a digital economy where the pace of change is ever accelerating. Consumer expectations are shifting, and companies are moving faster to keep up. The more agile an organization is, the quicker it will react to customer expectations and market opportunities.

The Agile Manifesto , written by a team of consultants and innovators, was first released in 2001 and started revolutionizing software development. Slowly, these practices spread and over time agile transformation has become the operating model of choice for organizations in most industries.

Our research shows that the main reason organizations are adopting agile transformation models is to accelerate the delivery of new products and services to the market.

Consumer expectations are shifting, and companies are moving faster to keep up.

Agile finance and insurance companies often outperform their peers in time to market, new client acquisition and Net Promoter Score. They also tend to save money, because they focus on making their teams more efficient and allocating resources to activities that create more value for their clients.

But most organizations, even if they’re relying on some agile transformation principles, have yet to deploy agility at scale. 97% of companies have failed at transforming a scaled agile operating model.

What’s holding these companies back?

Quite simply, it’s culture.

The importance of culture in agile transformation

There’s no single definition of agile. And there’s no single way to scale an agile model.

Most definitions — or perhaps perceptions — of agile sell it short. Agile isn’t just about squads, tribes, scrums, Kanban or any other jargon. Agile can be defined as a customer-centric, cross-functional, iterative method that delivers new or enhanced products and services more quickly, with less risk and higher customer satisfaction than traditional models.

Agile transformation puts humans, and the interactions between them, at the center of the production model. It recognizes that empowered teams address risk better and adapt to uncertainty better than top-down, sequential, process‑centric approaches.

To succeed in scaling agile transformation, you must get your leaders and people on board with the right mindset to embrace a thoughtfully designed method and organization model. It’s easier said than done. Our research shows that culture is the major roadblock to agile transformations. That’s because agile is a cultural revolution, not a methodology.

How do you create a culture that embraces agile in a highly conservative industry like banking or insurance? You need a sound methodology that focuses on the human aspect of business.

Our 4M methodology for scaling agile models

At Korn Ferry, we take a radically human approach to scaling agile that relies on four things: your model, method, mindset and movement.

  • Model: Your agile model must address the working context of agile teams. You’ll have to address the structure and scaling of teams and performance management . You should design, test and iterate units until they work efficiently across all dimensions, including job architectures and performance management systems.
  • Method: Select, train, test and adapt the most effective methods and standards for your agile operating model.
  • Mindset: To change mindsets, you have to change how people think and behave on several dimensions. You need to rewire their beliefs to focus on what will make them and the organization successful. For example, you must teach your people to become more customer-centric, which will require them to switch from an internal focus to a cross-practice approach. You’ll have to start with your customer and work backward into the organization. And you’ll need to go beyond the classroom setting to teach someone how to change their attitude. You’ll need learning opportunities that immerse your people in experiences that help them think and behave differently.
  • Movement: The only way to change your culture and mindset at scale is to create a movement — and that starts with your leaders. First, you must imagine the method, agile model and culture that you want and link it to a big, bold future aspiration. Then, leaders must spread the desired beliefs and behaviors through the organization at scale.

Some consultants suggest that organizations should design a method, run a pilot and then refine and improve it as you scale. But we believe the more effective approach is to build agile transformation through a series of projects across your organization.

Each project should embody your new agile model and deliver tangible benefits to both your customers and your organization. Getting quick wins will demonstrate to leaders and employees alike that your new agile operating model is delivering on its promise. That will build momentum to continue moving forward.

How financial services firms and insurance companies can accelerate agile transformation

Our work helping financial services firms and insurance companies around the world build agile cultures has yielded best practices that can speed the transformation journey. Here are just a few.

Set a clear course for your transition

Depending on your starting point, you may have a long journey ahead. If your organization isn’t a digitally-based company, and few in banking and insurance industries are, it’s important to be realistic. The key to speed the transition toward agile is ensuring that you have a clear direction for your transformation efforts. Be transparent about the new way of working and your objectives, scope and the resources and investment required for success.

Focus on alignment

To scale agile throughout your organization, you have to align from the top to the bottom on the future state of your organization, particularly its culture . Make sure you’ve aligned your top team on your objective and intended business outcomes for the transformation, the timeline for reaching your goals and the method and agile model.

Assess your leaders

Our experience shows that successful scaled agile initiatives have a few things in common: leaders with deep organizational and business expertise, a strong business transformation track record, courage, authenticity, ambition and a unique balance rewarding performance and empathy.

To uncover your leaders’ strengths and weaknesses, use an assessment. If you discover that your leaders aren’t equipped with these skills, create a development plan to foster these competencies. You should also institute a training program for employees to foster their digital mindset, leadership and skills.

Redesign your reward and performance management processes to support agility

Behavior aligns with reward. So, your performance management processes will need to operate on shorter feedback cycles to facilitate quicker outcomes.

Build a clear change management strategy

To support your movement and ensure company-wide adoption, you’ll need to broadcast news of your quick wins and through both formal and informal influencer networks.

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Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application

Volume 1, 2014, review article, statistics and quantitative risk management for banking and insurance.

  • Paul Embrechts 1,2,3 , and Marius Hofert 1,2
  • View Affiliations Hide Affiliations Affiliations: 1 RiskLab, 2 Department of Mathematics, and 3 Swiss Finance Institute, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland; email: [email protected] , [email protected]
  • Vol. 1:493-514 (Volume publication date January 2014)
  • © Annual Reviews

As an emerging field of applied research, quantitative risk management (QRM) poses a lot of challenges for probabilistic and statistical modeling. This review provides a discussion on selected past, current, and possible future areas of research at the intersection of statistics and QRM. Topics treated include the use of risk measures in regulation, including their statistical estimation and aggregation properties. An extensive literature provides the statistically interested reader with an entrance to this exciting field.

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Most cited most cited rss feed, functional data analysis, probabilistic forecasting, bayesian computing with inla: a review, functional regression, algorithmic fairness: choices, assumptions, and definitions, topological data analysis, microbiome, metagenomics, and high-dimensional compositional data analysis, learning deep generative models, finite mixture models, on p -values and bayes factors.

Publication Date: 03 Jan 2014

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168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance

🏆 best essay topics on insurance, ✍️ insurance essay topics for college, 👍 interesting insurance topics for presentation, 🎓 most interesting hospital research topics, 💡 simple insurance essay ideas, 🌶️ hot insurance ideas to write about.

  • Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?
  • Benefits for Teachers: Social and Medical Insurance
  • Business Ethics Concerns: State Farm Insurance Company
  • Britam Insurance Company’s Sales and Marketing Management Software
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program: The Role of Nurses
  • Insurance Data Processing and Storage: Edge Computing
  • Role of Mandatory Health Insurance
  • Hull and Machinery Insurance and Protection and Indemnity Clubs Hull and Machinery and Protection and Indemnity insurance policies complement each other, while the captive insurance altogether provides control to ship owners.
  • Maritime Insurance: A Case Study Law Report Operations in the maritime industry are characterised by threats that may lead to financial losses. Some of them include piracy, fire, and bad weather.
  • Abolishing Out of Pocket Healthcare Insurance The paper discusses out-of-pocket healthcare. It refers to a mode of healthcare payment that entails using one’s own money to purchase health services.
  • Homeowners Insurance Policy The paper will discuss the contractual components of a home insurance policy together with its general contents and coverage.
  • Health Promotion: Health Insurance Costs Reducing Health promotion is targeted towards increasing the control over the health of the target audiences as well as the improvement of their health.
  • The Insurance-Based Inequity Discussion Humanity continues to fight cancer, trying to prevent people’s deaths. From 1991 to 2018, the cancer death rate in the United States decreased by more than thirty percent.
  • Hourly or Specific Days Insurance Policy Coverage The essay overviews the emergence of usage-based insurance policies, how they changed the situation for insurance companies and how competitive this type of market is.
  • Using Mau Technique for Choosing an Insurance Package Four coverage plans were analyzed, taking into account performance reports, which show the core segments’ quality of services.
  • The Health Care Insurance Supervisor: Job Description The job description covered most of the aspects of my roles as the supervisor at healthcare insurance organization.
  • McKinsey & Company: State Farm Insurance Assessment In this paper, McKinsey & Company is to be discussed as a management consulting firm that deals in consultancy, especially at senior management levels.
  • Life Insurance: Theory and Practice Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy.
  • The Insurance Industry in Saudi Arabia The Saudi government has taken measures to ensure that the country’s insurance industry is robust and up to international standards.
  • Is Insurance a Right or a Privilege? The purpose of this article is to address the problems of the US health care system related to unequal access to health care.
  • Health Insurance for Employees Every company is responsible for the welfare of its employees and healthcare insurance certainly falls into the parameter of welfare
  • Allstate Insurance Company’s Diversity Goals Allstate insurance company is one of the companies in the world that are enjoying the benefits of having set diversity management as one of its strategic goals.
  • Captive Insurance as a Risk Management Tool Captive insurance is a type of insurance where the insurer fully owns the company, which provides services to the parent company, majorly risk mitigation.
  • Health Insurance and Medicare for All Medicare for All, introduced by a wing of the Democratic party, accounts for one national health insurance program for all Americans with a fundamental right to healthcare.
  • Mandating Employer-Provided Insurance The long-term effects of mandating employer-provided insurance, such as healthcare or other benefits, may be detrimental to low-paid workers.
  • State Health Insurance Marketplace in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania launched its health insurance exchange in 2021. The paper evaluates Pennsylvania’s public exchange, its services, and its effectiveness.
  • Health Insurance and Inaccessibility in the US The inaccessibility of social health insurance in the U.S. to some segments of the population is a general global problem affecting everyone in the country.
  • Analysis of Health Insurance in Texas, USA Health insurance has a unique role in the transformation of the modern healthcare system of the United States because provides coverage of medical services.
  • Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act The paper provides a commerce clause brief, as held by various Supreme Court judges, by defending the position that Congress has no constitutional power.
  • Social Insurance Program Importance Social insurance programs are more effective since they provide social security for the basic income to those in their later years.
  • Revisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act improves the accountability of health insurance. It benefits stakeholders: patients, healthcare workers, and the whole system.
  • Insurance Financial Advising Concepts The job of insurance financial advising is to offer clients consultation on their capital. A special plan is developed that meets the lifestyle of a particular person.
  • An Agent-Based Model of Flood Risk and Insurance This paper provides all essential information concerning the nature of property and liability insurance along with its core principles.
  • Healthcare Insurance Organizations’ Risk of Fraud Today, numerous companies are experiencing problems resisting illegal actions and suffering losses because of their consequences.
  • Health Maintenance Organization Insurance Health Maintenance Organization is a healthcare insurance plan that commonly confines coverage to care from physicians who work for the HMO insurance.
  • Expanding Medicare and Medicaid into a National Health Insurance System The paper analyzes the reasons why the national healthcare insurance program should be implemented and presents critics on how the initiative should be realized.
  • Health Insurance Coverage in Florida Health insurance coverage is comprehensive coverage on the means of financing an individual’s healthcare expenses.
  • Life Insurance Inc.’s Yes2Life Mobile Application This report presents the documented design of the Yes2Life mobile application for Life Insurance Inc. based in Brisbane Australia.
  • The Role of Business Ethics in Insurance Companies Business ethics remains a rather relevant issue for the insurance business, as the latter participates in programs for the implementation of corporate social responsibility.
  • The Emergence of Private Health Insurance The study of the issue of the emergence of private health insurance and how it arose in society has exceptional value for study.
  • Healthcare Insurance in the USA The healthcare policies on insurance coverage in the USA need to benefit all people. The paper discusses insurance healthcare policies as social welfare concept.
  • National Health Insurance in the United States In this paper, attention will be paid to the history of the U.S. healthcare system, current reimbursement methodologies, technological advancements, and costs.
  • Social Welfare Policy and Healthcare Insurance Healthcare insurance must be more affordable; in the modern US, low-income people, especially immigrants, are uninsured and cannot afford health insurance coverage.
  • Health Insurance Calculations Regarding Medicare The current paper indicates that when it comes to reimbursement, the CMS says that, on average, Medicare covers around 80% of all payments.
  • Importance of Life Insurance and Annuities In the case of insurance, the policyholder pays a certain amount in return for a premium upon the passing of the insured individual.
  • Issue of the Urgent Need for Health Insurance The paper states that the urgent need for health insurance disorients people. Failing to find quick insurance, they abandon it and put themselves at risk.
  • Health Costs and Insurance in Healthcare This paper provides a summary of the article on health costs “You can appeal a Medicare premium surcharge” and gives health insurance evaluation.
  • Disability Income Insurance: Benefits and Drawbacks Disability income insurance is a supplemental policy that protects policyholders from losing their income if they cannot work due to illness or an accident.
  • Automation of Insurance Industry: Personal Reflection This paper discusses the automation of the insurance industry the crucial for its likelihood of reaching an expanded customer cloud due to the sudden outbreak of Covid-19.
  • Discussion of Business Insurance Types Business insurance is one of the potential way of guarding business against losses due to events that may occur during the regular course of business.
  • Researching of Health Insurance Plans The paper analyses how health insurance impacts future job research and compares and contrasts three New York City insurance offerings.
  • Employer-Provided Health Insurance (EPHI) Model EPHI is the predominant healthcare insurance model available in the United States. It includes access to medical services, lower out-of-pocket payment, and saving time.
  • Business Liabilities and Insurance This essay describes the potential business liabilities related to residential rental properties, recommended types of insurance, and approaches to mitigate risks.
  • Tricare and Other Health Insurance Programs This paper helps to understand the main programs of Tricare in detail and in nuance required by a healthcare professional.
  • Primary, Secondary, and Supplementary Health Insurance A medical insurance policy covering a client as a subscriber, an employee, or a member is known as primary insurance.
  • Life Insurance: Types, Value of Money Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person who owns the policy. Some countries include some events included in the premium policy.
  • Dentistry, Insurance, and Children With Special Healthcare Needs This paper aims to discuss the importance of insurance in healthcare for children with special healthcare needs and provide suggestions for organized dentistry for children.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA provides a solid framework for ensuring PHI security across the US healthcare system. It is partially inadequate to the current situation.
  • Customer Loyalty Within the Insurance Industry The aim of the study will be divided into overall objective which is further divided into a number of specific objectives for comprehensive analysis.
  • Insurance Services by The UnitedHealth Group The goal of the UnitedHealth Group is to help employees to have reliable insurance packages that would include all essential services, including a 401k plan.
  • State Children’s Health Insurance Program The SCHIP is a program between the federal and state governments that provides comprehensive health care coverage to uninsured children from financially-challenged families.
  • Indemnity Dental Insurance and Its Benefits The major benefit of indemnity insurance is that it gives the patients an opportunity to receive the service of the dentist of their choice.
  • Indemnity Dental Insurance: Pros and Cons The carrier processes payments to the plan member or to the dentist only after the insurance entity receives and reviews the dentist’s bill.
  • Insurance Comparison: Dental Plans and Benefits Dental practitioners must demonstrate an adequate understanding of the existing Dental Plans and types of Dental Benefits.
  • Dental Plans and Dental Insurance This paper discusses how does the ADA plan save money for the patient and whether DR increases or decreases employer’s administrative burden for dental insurance.
  • Health Insurance Myth and Misconceptions in Nursing This paper discusses the article “Myths and misconceptions about US health insurance” about the failure to understand the complicated process of health insurance.
  • Property Casualty Insurance This discussion assesses the property casualty insurance where such vices as accidents to the employees and loss of funds due to negligence can arise.
  • Healthcare Insurance: Effects of Adverse Selection People will go for insurance plans where they pay the minimal amount of premiums but get the maximum cover. This type of reasoning is referred to as adverse selection.
  • Moral Hazard in Healthcare Insurance Moral hazard in health insurance refers to the additional medical care that an individual gets on the basis of higher insurance coverage.
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and abuse in health care.
  • Health Care Economics Analysis: The Price of Health Insurance The price of health insurance is defined by the economic textbook as the fee for loading or the surplus after subtracting the premium from the expected payout.
  • For Humana Incorporation: Health Care Insurance and Financial Status Humana Incorporation is both an urban and rural organization because it markets its insurance plans and health care services to potential patients and customers across the country.
  • The Policy for the Travel Insurance and Legal Concepts Travel or Flight Accident Insurance Policy is a popular cover offered by this firm. In the event that one is involved in a flight accident, this policy offers as much as $100,000.
  • Risk Management: Various Insurance Types The paper introduces the concepts of risk and insurance, considers different types of insurances and liability policies, and makes respective conclusions.
  • USHCS Perspective: A Structured Analysis of Children’s Health Insurance This paper provides a structured analysis of the Maryland Children’s Health Insurance by providing an insight into the organization’s overview.
  • Medical Insurance Cover for Vulnerable Age Groups Medical experts have confirmed that early screening and detection of women among this age group is necessary in order to avert health crises before reaching a severe stage
  • Rationale Strategy: PetSafe Pet Insurance This paper discusses emails of PetSafe Pet Insurance. Discusses the strategy of the company to involve new clients.
  • Heart-Healthy Insurance Information Security Policy The earlier versions of the security management system are now less effective. The paper is a recommendation that may help in ensuring that the company’s data is well protected.
  • Insurance Plans in States: Colorado, New York, Florida Instead of making fast decisions, it is better to address a local insurance company and investigate the conditions under which care services are provided.
  • Quality Improvement and the Need for Healthcare Insurance Essay has illustrated the magnitude of the need for healthcare insurance for the citizens of the United States, both young and old.
  • Government and Private Health Insurance According to the Census Bureau, government insurance plans have 38% of Americans in comparison to 67% of people who get private health insurance services.
  • The Issues of Insurance of Health Income inequalities and lack of insurance lead to poor health conditions. Health coverage is primarily useful because it compensates for all the medical expenses to the hospital.
  • The United States’ Universal Health Insurance The majority of American citizens pay for and receive healthcare through private organizations, in other countries, a significant part of medicine is provided by the public sector.
  • Medicaid Insurance Issues Analysis Although physicians are able to reject Medicaid insurance, they are ethically obliged to contribute to the Medicaid program improvement.
  • Health Insurance in the US The US health insurance system contains multiple organizations that work to reduce the burden of the increasing costs of health services in the country.
  • Insurance Issues in the Medical Center In this paper, the insurance issues of the medical center are discussed, addressing the target audience of the institution – the patients from different backgrounds.
  • Selling Life Insurance Policies: Viatical Settlements Analysis Viatical settlements allow people with a life expectancy of two or fewer years to sell their life insurance policy for a value higher than the policy’s current face value.
  • Health Insurance: Overview of Insurance Plans in USA In this article, the author looks at the various insurance plans available in the US, their coverage, and target populations.
  • Specialty Drugs Costs and Insurance Modern medicine has moved firmly towards preventive practices to maintain public health indicators, but that is not enough.
  • Prepaid Insurance or Payment Adjustments Prepaid insurance is a kind of prepayment that stands for the installments made for the expenses which have not been procured yet.
  • Health Promotion Role in Reducing Health Insurance Costs Health promotion is crucial as it ensures that people understand the risks of their lifestyle and the know-how to avoid them.
  • Small Businesses’ Dilemma of Providing Health Insurance Plans for Their Employees No legislation exists that demands small employers to offer health insurance. Having a health insurance cover for employees provides several benefits to the company.
  • Healthcare Economics: How Private Insurance Works Healthcare and economics can be defined as issues related to the allocation of healthcare services to a human being.
  • Why the HIH Insurance Collapsed? This ‘historical point of view was not only in terms of the extent of losses, but also for the far-reaching effects on the Australian community.
  • Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation’s Negotiations It is important to apply the guidelines that will enable Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation.
  • Medical Insurance: Health Care Reform The United States is said to have reached a stage where the status of health care is precarious, primarily because of it is simply not sustainable anymore.
  • Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance Credit insurance and credit disability insurance are services provided by several insurance companies. Credit life makes an effort to cover the remaining loan when one dies.
  • Australian Insurance Market Segment Analysis The report elaborates a specific market segment of Australian motor car insurance via an understanding of its customers.
  • Market Analysis of Allstate Insurance Company An in-depth analysis on the marketing strategies employed by Allstate Insurance Company identifying critical issues in organization that need to be addressed from the SWOT analysis.
  • Health Insurance Crimes in the United States There need to be more stringent regulations in the way Medicare claims are filed and met, a concerted effort from the part of patients, physicians, insurers, and the government.
  • Human Resource in Healthcare: Health Insurance It is perceived that large differences exist in employer sponsored insurance coverage between young adults and their older counterparts
  • Health Insurance Exchange: Economic Perspective A health insurance exchange or marketplace is defined as an area where residents may identify the conditions for having health insurance.
  • Limited Access to Health Insurance for Low-Income Families The purpose of this report is to consider the problem of the high uninsured rate in the US and propose a possible solution.
  • Debate on Abortion Insurance in South Dakota The Healthcare Insurance Ban health policy in South Dakota is a public health concern and a direct violation of federal law.
  • Health Insurance Abortion Ban in South Dakota The policymakers of South Dakota should strive to ensure that the Health Insurance Abortion ban is more inclusive by considering rape and incest-related pregnancies.
  • Health Insurances and Florida’s State Strategies Introducing opportunities for health insurance is a critical part of any benefits package in the contemporary workplace environment.
  • National Health Insurance: Debate Summary This work presents the flow of discussion about the National Health Insurance system showing its potential influence on the development of the policies and summarizes the outcomes.
  • Sociology: Economic Class and Health Insurance The paper explores the hypothesis that higher economic class people are more likely to have comprehensive health insurance.
  • The State Children’s Health Insurance Program Having conducted a thorough analysis of the shortcomings of the SCHIP, I came to the conclusion that the program has good potential, even though it should be revised.
  • Health Insurance for Children With Special Needs The health gaps affecting CSHCN are products of two major factors – low levels of health literacy (social impediments to health care access) and poor government policies.
  • Lloyd’s Company Solvency: Unique Insurance Strategy It is crucial for Lloyd’s to develop its information management approach and work on the means to promote a better cohesion between its members.
  • Health Insurance: Prisoner’s Dilemma By becoming part of the universal health insurance, the prison would no longer have to negotiate for specific healthcare items at increased cost and limited choices.
  • Anthem Insurance Companies’ Process Improvement Anthem is an insurance company that prioritizes the value of plans it provides to clients and accountability in its work.
  • The Federal Insurance Contributions Act: Economic Burden Payroll tax, such as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), is a form of tax imposed on the wages that employees receive from a given firm.
  • General Worldwide Insurance Company Information Technology Generali Worldwide Insurance Company recognizes the need for the effective and safe use of information technology for furthering its governance, risk, and compliance functions.
  • Florida Health Care Insurance This work includes information on health insurance, general health statistics of the population in Florida, and the state’s position on health care reform.
  • Anthem Insurance Companies’ Risk Management The organization in question is an insurer Anthem that has to provide reimbursements to medical establishments for their services.
  • Anthem Insurance Companies’ Cost Benefit Analysis This paper provides a cost and benefits analysis (CBA) and the evaluation of patient safety issue from the perspective of Anthem.
  • National Health Insurance and Its Disadvantages National health insurance (NHI) invariably becomes a reason for heated debates since the beginning of its history in 1912.
  • Website Health Insurance in Florida This paper analyzes the question of what does the website reveals about health insurance and health care reform in the state of Florida.
  • Health Insurance Benefits and Cost Reduction This essay seeks to evaluate how health insurance benefits affect an organization’s strategic goal setting, as well as how organizations can ensure cost reductions.
  • National Health Insurance: Contrarguments In this paper, the arguments of the opponents that were presented to advocate for national healthcare insurance (NHI) are going to be countered.
  • Florida Abortion Policies and Health Insurance Health plans that are provided in the Florida state’s health exchange by ACA may only cover abortion in the cases when the life of the woman is at risk.
  • Risk Management and Insurance Principles The risk manager should develop allocate some funds into risk insurance. This will enable the company get the necessary funds to be able to reduce losses.
  • Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits The Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits (OASDI) is one of the Social Security programs that every American is entitled to as their social right.
  • Safety of Healthcare Information: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The general provisions of HIPAA establish the definitions for key terms, for example, PHI, health insurance coverage, group health plan, and covered entities.
  • Health Care Reform and Insurance in Florida The lack of sufficient health insurance in Florida coverage is one of the critical issues that prevent it from being considered healthy.
  • Healthcare Public Financing and Insurance In the United States of America, there is a large portion of the population that does not have health insurance. This tendency occurs because health insurance is quite expensive.
  • Robinson Insurance Agency’ Leadership Assessment Robinson Agency faces the challenges of selection, transition, and replacement associated with the human resources because of the necessity to select persons who have great leadership potential.
  • Medicaid Versus No Health Insurance In many ways, at the moment, the opinions on Medicaid became very radicalized. People sometimes claim that studies showed too little difference between treatment received
  • Healthcare Insurances in Florida Access to health insurance is one of the most critical issues of concern in the modern US health care system. This work discusses the health care insurances in Florida.
  • Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage It is paramount to provide universal health care insurance if the U.S. population is to have a better health level, and, consequently, a higher quality of life.
  • Health Insurance Policy’s Impact on Nursing The federal policy that has a significant impact on the role of the advanced practice registered nurse is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • Medical Insurance among the Citizens: Statistical Research Healthy People 2020 is the project that comprises numerous recommendations related to health care and health promotion among Americans.
  • Insurance Management: Burglary and Thrift Exposure In order to prevent the shop owner from suffering major financial losses in the case of a raid, such a method as noninsurance transfer can be suggested.
  • Patient Healthcare: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The healthcare system is concerned with the duties of providing the people with treatment, prevention measures, and overall management of health.
  • The Insurance Regulator in the State of New York This report examines the disciplinary measures that have been employed by the insurance regulator in the State of New York in a bid to determine what constitutes a good insurance company.
  • Health Economics – Health Insurance Market failure is the term used by economists to describe instances where insurance markets fail to provide adequate insurance services at reasonable prices.
  • An Economic Analysis of the National Health Insurance In this paper, an economic analysis of a National Health Insurance is going to be carried out, in the US context. There is going to be presentation of the historical background of Insurance.
  • Accident Insurance Claim Personal Injury Insights
  • Bank Runs and Moral Hazard: A Review of Deposit Insurance
  • Choosing the Right Insurance for Homeowners
  • Cheap Car Insurance for Young Drivers
  • Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Job Change
  • Crop Insurance Under Restricted Access to Financial Markets
  • Case Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation
  • Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance and Shareholders’ Protection
  • Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Agricultural Chemical Use
  • Corporate Insurance With Optimal Financial Contracting
  • The Importance of Financial Innovation in Deposit Insurance
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Choosing the Right Pet Insurance Policies
  • Examining the Insurance Industry in Nigeria
  • Financial Instability and Life Insurance Demand
  • Bad Debt Loss Insurance in Settlement and Litigation
  • Health and Health Insurance Trajectories of Mexicans in the US
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program: An Evaluation 1997-2010
  • Disability Insurance, Population Health, and Employment in Sweden
  • Crop Insurance Moral Hazard From Price and Weather Forecasts
  • Employment and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance
  • Canadian Immigration and Health Insurance
  • Background Uncertainty and the Demand for Insurance Against Insurable Risks
  • Affordable Health Insurance for Unemployed
  • Dealers’ Insurance, Market Structure, and Liquidity

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 21). 168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance.

"168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance." StudyCorgi , 21 Dec. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance'. 21 December.

1. StudyCorgi . "168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance." December 21, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "168 Insurance Essay Topics & Research Topics on Insurance." December 21, 2021.

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 23, 2024 .

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  • Journal of Accounting Research (JAR) The Journal of Accounting Research is a general-interest accounting journal. It publishes original research in all areas of accounting and related fields that utilizes tools from basic disciplines such as economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. more... less... Available from 2001 to present through Wiley Online. Available from 1963, six most recent years not available, through JSTOR.
  • Journal of Banking and Finance The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers and operational decision makers at financial institutions - private and public, national and international, and their regulators.
  • Journal of Financial Intermediation The journal seeks to publish research in the broad areas of financial intermediation, investment banking, corporate finance, financial contracting, financial regulation and credit markets.
  • Journal of Monetary Economics The journal publishes important research contributions to a wide range of modern macroeconomic topics including work along empirical, methodological and theoretical lines.
  • Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking JCMB is a leading professional journal read and referred to by scholars, researchers, and policymakers in the areas of money and banking, credit markets, regulation of financial institutions, international payments, portfolio management, and monetary and fiscal policy. more... less... Available from 2007 to present through Wiley Online. Available from 1969 through JSTOR, most recent 6 years not available.
  • Journal of Corporate Finance The journal aims to publish high quality, original manuscripts that analyze issues related to corporate finance. Topical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: financial structure, payout policies, corporate restructuring, financial contracts, corporate governance arrangements, the economics of organizations, the influence of legal structures, and international financial management.
  • Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance often publishes single focus special issues which offer in-depth discussion of issues of current importance. These include such topics as Risk Sharing and Insurance for Catastrophic Events; Health; Microinsurance; and Longevity.
  • Geneva Risk and Insurance Review The academic journal of the Geneva Association and the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE) publishes original research that advances our understanding of the economics of risk and insurance.
  • Health, Risk & Society Health, Risk & Society  demonstrates how social processes influence the ways in which risks and uncertainties in healthcare are identified, communicated, assessed, and/or managed. This international journal aims to stimulate debate around the role of risk and uncertainty in society through editorials, reviews, and original articles. 
  • Insurance, Mathematics & Economics Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes leading research spanning all fields of actuarial science research. It appears six times per year and is the largest journal in actuarial science research around the world.
  • Journal of Risk This international peer-reviewed journal publishes a broad range of original research papers which aim to further develop understanding of financial risk management. The Journal of Risk promotes far-reaching research on the latest innovations in this field, with particular focus on the measurement, management and analysis of financial risk.
  • Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Among the topics covered in the journal are decision theory and the economics of uncertainty, psychological models of choice under uncertainty, risk and public policy, experimental investigations of behavior under uncertainty, and empirical studies of real-world, risk-taking behavior.
  • Journal of Risk and Insurance Research in the JRI informs practice, policy-making, and regulation in insurance markets as well as corporate and household risk management.
  • Risk Analysis This international peer-reviewed journal is committed to publishing critical empirical research and commentaries dealing with risk issues including risk characterization, risk communication, risk management and decision-making, risk perception, acceptability, and ethics, and laws and regulatory policy.
  • Risk Management and Insurance Review The journal publishes respected, accessible, and high-quality applied research, and well-reasoned opinion and discussion in the field of risk and insurance. Topics include original research involving applications and applied techniques, new insights on research literature, business practice, and public policy, and new or underutilized sources of data relevant to current risk management and insurance policy making.
  • Journal of Insurance Issues The journal is a peer‐reviewed scholarly journal that publishes rigorous theoretical and empirical research in the field of risk and insurance. The JII encourages new perspectives and is open to all research methods including, but not limited to, empirical studies, mathematical proofs, laboratory experiments and simulations. All manuscripts, including empirical manuscripts, need to test, extend, and/or develop new theory that is relevant and timely for public policy or practitioners.

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350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best banking topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on banking, 🥇 interesting topics to write about banking, 📝 simple & easy banking essay titles, 💡 most interesting banking topics to write about, 📑 good research topics about banking, ❓ money and banking essay questions.

  • The Banking Model of Education In the banking concept of education, the teacher is considered to be knowledgeable and experienced in contrast to the students who are supposed to be “blank slates,” or, in other words, entirely ignorant of the […]
  • Internet Banking Effects and Results Internet banking has certainly played a key role in the increase and ease of banking services the world over and the reasons for this are not difficult to discern.
  • The Banking Concept of Education by Paulo Freire This is one of the details that should be taken into account by the readers. This is one of the pitfalls that should be avoided.
  • Money and Banking: General Information The essay gives the definition of money and gives a brief description of the functions of money. As a store of value, money can be saved reliably and then retrieved in the future.
  • Wellfleet Bank Case Study Under Group Risk Committee, the company further delegates duties to: reputational, country, operational, group credit, market risk, business risk, and business risk committees.
  • Islamic Banking The involvement of institutions and government led to the application of theory to practice and resulted in the establishment of the Islamic banks”.
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank: Ratio Analysis The ratios are debt-to-equity, the interest coverage ratio, the equity ratio, and the debt-to-asset ratio. For the years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, JPM had a fixed turnover ratio of 7.
  • The 2008 Banking Crisis in the Documentary “Inside Job” Using the documentary “Inside Job”, the paper presented below asserts that the malpractices of different banking experts, the ethical dilemma revolving around ratings agencies’ actions, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley and the Glass-Steagall Acts influenced the nature […]
  • Ethical Dilemma With the Bank Teller On the other hand, the bank calls for honesty in service and client protection, and given that the teller took the money without permission from an inactive account belonging to a customer it is professionally […]
  • Impact of Cyber Crime on Internet Banking The paper evaluates a con article on ‘The impact of cybercrime on e-banking’ [1]. H2: Identity theft will have a negative impact on the adoption of electronic banking.
  • Personal and Organizational Development in Banking My career plan is as in the figure below: – My career goal is to find a job in a bank and gradually grow through the ranks as I gain financial management related skills and […]
  • Traditional Versus Modern Banking Essay Traditional banking is characterized by the application of strict regulations, while modern banking is differentiated by the introduction of new laws that resulted in the deregulation of key aspects of the banking industry.
  • Bank of America’s Business Model Elements The organizational structure leverages Bank of America in the following ways. Bank of America has categorized its throughputs into five categories, which are the core products, processes, and services offered.
  • Customer Satisfaction Management in Banking Sector This fact and a pivotal role of customer satisfaction in the service segment highlighted the essentiality of conducting additional research to discover the most suitable research methods.
  • Wells Fargo Banking Scandal: Ethical Analysis The structure and the business model of Wells Fargo allowed the emergence of the working environment that incited the employees to unethical behaviors.
  • Money: Evolution, Functions, and Characteristics It acts as medium of exchange where it is accepted by both buyers and sellers; the buyer gives money to the seller in exchange of commodities.
  • Bank’s Provided Opportunities to Attract Consumers The offers are the following, to choose the credit card which backs cash when the consumer makes an online purchase, the other option is take the credit card which backs cash when the consumer makes […]
  • The Concept of Usul Fiqh and Qawaid Fiqhiyyah: Shariah and Islamic Banking For such convictions, this essay explores the concept of Usul Fiqh and Qawaid Fiqhiyyah in respect to issues regarding the influence of Shariah on Islamic banking practices Under the Islamic community, Fiqh is a terminology […]
  • Ijtihad in Islamic Banking Even though Shariah principles forms the main legal foundation in which most of Islamic banking products and services are based, Ijtihad enables the flexibility of the Shariah principles to suit the changing needs of the […]
  • Corporate Governance Statements: BHP Billiton and National Australia Bank This is to say that corporate governance requirements differ from company to company and from a broader perspective, the success or failure of a given company differs with the corporate governance statement of the company.
  • Role of Central Bank If central bank offers credit to the banks at a higher rate, then the rate of interest that commercial banks will offer loans to the public will be high; this reduces the attractiveness of the […]
  • Grameen Bank’s Socially Responsible Innovation The bank targets the poor and marginalized with both financial assistance and information to help them grow. The Grameen Bank has continued to register impeccable performance on the social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
  • Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd vs. Amadio The decision by the court held that the bank manager and the commercial bank were aware of the special disadvantage of the Amadios and made no substantive efforts to ensure that Amadio clearly understood the […]
  • Sustainable Development: The Banking Sector Financial regulators need to establish strong codes of conduct to ensure banks comply with social and environmental regulations. Banks need to include environmental and social compliance in the loan application criteria, before giving out credit […]
  • Safaricom’s Mobile Banking When Safaricom launched M-PESA, it commissioned agents in different parts of the country; the agent’s work was primarily to receive deposits from customers and electronically transfer this to the client’s M-PESA account.
  • Is Bonus Banking the Answer? Bonus banking is an incentive plan where some part of the bonus is put aside or banked in a reserve fund rather than paying out the entire bonus amount to the employee. The last variable […]
  • Citibank’s E-Business Strategy and Competences Citibank has incorporated the use of e-business in its operation so that it can meet the needs of its customers and to withstand the market pressures which have been changing drastically.this paper has established the […]
  • Mobile Banking Innovation In the mobile industry, mobile banking is one of the recent innovations that have influenced the operations of the telephone/mobile phone industry positively.
  • Factors Which Impact Barclays Bank Political factors refer to the government policies that affect businesses and the extent to which the government intervenes in the economy.
  • The Pros and Cons of Investment Banking The investment banks are also referred to as proprietors since they are involved in trading of marketable instruments using their own money as opposed to that of investors.
  • Lloyds Banking Group’s Situational Analysis These products the company has diversified in various products and markets in an attempt to grow and increase its share in the market.
  • Market Elasticity’s in Banking Industry Price elasticity of markets “refers to the degree of change in quantity demanded or supplied of a commodity due to a change in price of the commodity” The formula is: P.E.
  • RBS Citizen Bank Culture and Change Secondly, RBS citizen should consider involving its employees in the design of new changes within the organization. In accordance to this, the RBS citizen administration team explains to their employees the motive of the changes.
  • The Employee Benefits Provided by the Bank of America In the process of applying for a job or assessing a certain company, it is crucial to learn about their advantages and unique features. In conclusion, Bank of America features various benefits that provide employees […]
  • Legal Issues in the Banking Industry The second problem is the complexity of banking operations for foreigners and the low-educated segments of the population. Thus, in banking, employees often face the problems of sexual harassment, complex mechanisms for clients, and digitalization.
  • Cryptocurrency and Its Impact on the Banking Industry Advanced coding is used to store and transfer cryptocurrency data between the wallet and a public ledger, and encryption is used to confirm transactions.
  • Overfitting and Bias-Variance Trade-Off in Banking While the training set represents most of the data, the testing set is used to test accuracy by measuring performance separately in the two separate parts of the data set.
  • Digital Trends & Sustainability in Banking It would be accurate to refer to banking as the financial hub of the economy because it is a major industry in the service sector.
  • The National Bank of Kuwait’s Improvement However, the constant improvement of technology and the introduction of innovations forced the bank to reconsider its policy and introduce a new system.
  • Ransomware in the US Banking Industry The mismatch can lead to a lack of trust and reputational damages. Data pertaining to the business plans and visions can also be accessed, making it vulnerable.
  • Tesla Inc.’s Banking Structure and Investments According to Saberi, it represents almost 4% of the world GDP, and, in the context of developed economies, 1% of automotive industry growth triggers respective 1,5% growth in the country’s GDP. Due to the specificity […]
  • Leadership at Qatar National Bank This paper examines in detail the phenomenon of leadership and its classic types in the light of improving the overall effectiveness of the work team.
  • Interpersonal Leadership Skills in Bank of America However, it is clear that the issue is not the demographics but the inefficient leadership in the company and the lack of interpersonal skills that would make people want to work at Bank of America.
  • Big Data Analytics in Central Banking In addition, the rate is integral to the overall cost of living, which parameter is in a cause-and-effect relationship with inflation.
  • Workplace Inclusivity at International Bank of Commerce Even if employees of color do not ascribe significance to the unequal distribution of power in the bank, the lack of diversity is evident.
  • Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC The discussion takes a general overview of the company, its mission and vision statements, strategic goals, and key objectives. The key objectives Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank wants to realize include: Growing transaction volumes and assets […]
  • Banking System: The Brief Analysis This is a fictional story that comes perilously near to the reality about the basic foundations of modern society. The primary objective of this story is to demonstrate reality’s simple math and the existing banking […]
  • Bank Pekao S. A.: Performance and Strategy Compared to its peers in Poland, Bank Pekao is uniquely placed as it launched a brokerage house and made practical biometrics technology in the banking industry, contributing heavily to the bank’s assets quality and investment […]
  • Financial Analysis of Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait’s main competitors include Commercial Bank of Kuwait SAK, Gulf Bank KSCP, Burgan Bank SAK, and the National Bank of Kuwait.
  • Banking Sector of the United Kingdom At the same time, the banking sector of the United Kingdom had to balance between its financial losses and the ability to provide loans and debt-moratoria in order to support the country’s financial stability. In […]
  • Case Study of Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Capital From HSBC’s perspective, money laundering represents one of the most significant internal risks due to the worldwide presence, especially in certain economic areas with facilitated financial regulation and considerable economic influence, such as Hong Kong […]
  • Risk Factors Affecting Bank Nordik’s Operations and Risk Management Control measures adopted by the firm to manage these risk categories are explored in this investigation and the findings used as a justification for the development of a robust risk management plan.
  • The Albilad Capital Bank’s Mission and Vision Since the bank is striving to renew its mission and vision from the start, it is crucial to identify the values and vectors of direction.
  • National Australia Bank’s Sustainability Challenges One of the reasons for the success of NAB is the overall strategy of the company, which focuses its capital management on adequacy, efficiency, and flexibility, maintaining the economic balance to support and strengthen the […]
  • Aspects of Electronic Banking The significance of our study is in the critical issues of e-banking and the areas of improvement that the banks can eliminate or improve to boost customer satisfaction.
  • The Lebanese-Canadian Bank’s Money Laundering The bank was later banned from using the dollar by the American treasury; this resulted in the collapse and eventual sale of the bank.L.C.B.had to pay a settlement fine of one hundred and two million […]
  • Barclays Bank Description Introduction Barclays bank is a UK-based Multinational Corporation headquartered in London and operates in the financial niche. The universal bank was established in 1860 in London as a goldsmith’s lending business offering people loans and saving options. The bank’s resilience in the corporate domain made it navigate all the challenges, and it still operates to […]
  • Alonzo vs. Chase Manhattan Bank, NA Case Study However, the author provides an insight into the matter by claiming that the policy concerning workplace discrimination took a dramatic turn in the early 1960s upon adoption of the Title VII of the Civil Rights […]
  • Political Theories and the World Bank Known as ‘power politics’ or means to exercise power World Bank massive financial institution which poorer nations depend on for subsidies Manner of soft power of the richer states contributing to the World Bank […]
  • Misconduct in Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services The company was included in the Royal Commission report due to ASL and NM releasing the trustee duties of their funds because of the AMP Group membership.
  • Sexual Harassment in Meritor Savings Bank vs. Vinson Case Mechelle Vinson, a defendant and a former employee of the plaintiff bank, filed a lawsuit against the bank and its bank manager Sidney Taylor. Sidney Taylor was the vice president of the bank and the […]
  • Considerations in Investment Banking However, to ensure a fruitful outcome, the CFO should choose a qualified and experienced investment banker to represent the facility. Secondly, the selected investment banking firm is expected to act as both a matchmaker and […]
  • The Impact of Bank on the Cost of Financial Intermediation Also, since the two variables are not controlled; bank concentration and national institutions, the research argues, however, that the measures of concentration capture the efficient structure theory and market power theories.
  • Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation: Approach to Operating in China According to Luthan and Doh, centralization played a significant role in HSBC’s success in the new market. It was also the first company to establish a locally incorporated entity in Taiwan and Vietnam.
  • A Problem in Implementation of CSR in the U.S. Banking Industry Corporate social responsibility is essential in this age of intense globalization and competition – essential for firms to survive in the competition and also important for firms.
  • The Bank of America Corporation: Planning & Organizational Analysis The Bank may use environmental adaptation planning activities to enhance external relations with stakeholders such as customers, governments, suppliers and the public.
  • Digitalization of E-Commerce in Bank of Ireland The interview with the Senior Director in the Property Finance division of Corporate Banking, Michael Murray, revealed the importance of the advance of digitalization for the Bank of Ireland. These and other technologies will enable […]
  • The 1920 Farrow’s Bank Failure and Its Causes In this context, the company would be resilient to any stresses, and the outcome of the situation may be the opposite.
  • The Mountain Bank’s Strategy Analysis The most suitable competitive business strategy, in the case of the Mountain Bank is to build the presence in the market of consumer lending and corporate banking.
  • Banking: Financial Transaction Risks In that case, even the losses-free termination of the transaction would be a failure since the goal of acquisition would remain unachieved.
  • Bahrain Development Bank: Analysis To identify and develop ways of assessing learning at the working station to facilitate the employees’ skills and competencies. To identify ways of integrating training capability and focus on the organizational processes through skills acquisition […]
  • ICBC Bank – China: Overview The shifted focus of ICBC’s policy became the major contributor to the growth of the company on the international market and the subsequent cultural changes.
  • Customers’ Perceptions of M-Banking To find answers pertaining to the major objectives of the study, the gathered data was analysed using SPSS v.23. An exploratory factor analysis was run to group the existing variables into factors, and also to […]
  • “Attitudes Towards Mobile Banking” Article by Sohail & Al-Jabri In the introduction of the article, much background information, an overall evaluation of the situation in the banking industry, and the purposes of the study are discussed.
  • The Bank of Toroda: A Stakeholder Approach “Stakeholders are persons, organizations and groups that have to be considered by managers, directors as well as front office workers.”
  • Corporate Bias in the World Bank Group’s International Centre The institution judges the Pan Rim case neglecting the El Salvador government’s views, local communities, and the Catholic Church. It does not prioritize the protection of the environment and human rights.
  • Alinma Bank Industry Analysis. Case Study The demand for the services is another essential factor that shows the industry is profitable. The presence of many investors in the country shows that the demand for financial services is high.
  • Impact of Online Banking on Dubai International Bank DIB has developed t-banking (telephone banking), e-banking (electronic banking) and m-banking (mobile banking) from this trend.
  • Phishing Victimization on Internet Banking Awareness Therefore, the study is meant to determine and evaluate consumer susceptibility to e-banking victimization through phishing attacks. Subsequently, the study will be designed to evaluate the effectiveness of phishing victimization training to E-banking consumers.
  • ICT: E-Banking and Firm Performance ICT is concerned with storage, retrieval, manipulation and transmission of digital data. ICT involves software, hardware and systems.
  • P&G & Royal Bank of Canada’s Securities Valuation The discussion in the paper focuses on the Two-Fund Separation theorem. The discussion also reveals that the asset allocation problem focuses on the allocation of resources between two risky assets.
  • Governance Failures in Australian Banking Sector Firstly, executive compensation in the Australian banks was not tied to performance outcomes, and, secondly, the major problem in the CEOs’ conduct was related to the field of ethics.
  • Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp and Wells Fargo Speaking of the Income Statement, Wells Fargo wisely divides it into interest income and expense and non-interest income and expense, and this aspect eases the overall calculations of financial ratios.
  • Analysis of Al Hilal Bank Launch At the time when Al Hilal was launched, the situation in the world financial system was not favorable. It can be concluded that the banking market at the UAE was not favorable at the time […]
  • Noor Bank’s Balance Sheet and Income Statement The bank’s operating income from Islamic banking and sukuk amounted to more than 895 million AED compared to 678 million AED in the previous year.
  • Banking Institution and Transaction Regulations In the case of Brittany, it is the duty of the bank to authenticate all transactions on her account. In the process of negotiation, most parties often focus on the substance of the deal and […]
  • Bank of America’s Strengths and Weaknesses Interestingly, even non-banking institutions such as Quicken Loans and Leader Bank have started to claim a share of the market held by Bank of America. The root cause of the Bank’s mortgage troubles emanated from […]
  • Bank of America’s External Analysis in 2013 Among the major lenders in Massachusetts, for instance, Bank of America was the only bank that recorded a notable decline in the volumes of purchase and refinancing loans relative to other years. Apparently, competition has […]
  • Sales Portfolio: A Bank Mortgage and Marketers Although a mortgage has several advantages to both the commercial institution and the customer, it has its share of disadvantages. Many clients are reluctant to take up a mortgage because of the high interest rates.
  • Banking With WikiLeaks If Wiki Leaks has the right to be served by a financial institution, the company must ensure that it does not harm the operations of the institution.
  • The Essence of the Islamic Banking System Riba of the Quran is called Riba An-Nasiyah and riba of the of Sunnah is called Riba Al Fadl. In the context of Islamic banking system, gharar is excessive uncertainty.
  • Factors Effecting Bank – Borrower Relationship in UAE The Middle East region’s banking industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. It is projected that the industry will get even better in the future due to the nature of the business […]
  • Bank of China Limited: Overview That said the objective of my effort is to present a report on the Bank of China’s IPO of 2006. This listing was exceptional since it was the only bank of China that had managed […]
  • Banking Industry: Successes and Failures These banks are regulated by the federal government and are required to be members of the Federal Reserve. However, these banks are not compelled to be members of the Federal Reserve.
  • Mortgages Offered by the RBC Royal Bank From your profile and to the best of my knowledge, I take pride to inform you that we have five financial investment products that best suit you.
  • Banking and Financial Markets: Asset-Backed-Securities Thus, there are four notable main stages in the process of creating the asset-backed securities and these include: Segregation of assets from originator or seller Creation of a specialized functional vehicle to seize the asset […]
  • Analyzing and Managing Systematic Risks in Banking Risk assessment is done to ascertain the nature of task before deciding the strategy of responding to it. Analysis and management of risks requires one to identify the nature of the risk involved.
  • Islamic Banking in Dubai and the UAE In an Islamic environment, the approach to financial operations such as the law of contracts, nature of property, interest rates and business transactions is quite different from the rest of the world.
  • Deutsch Bank Analysis and Performance Forecast The big bonus for banks came in the form of the Securitization Bill, which gave banks and institutions opportunity to recover from bad debts.
  • International Banking: New Basel The combination of the four changes in 2004 intended to speed up off-balance sheet mortgage securitization as the main avenue to drive the revenue together with the share price of banks.
  • Barclays Bank: Management Accounting Report This team assists the management in the gathering of information that is unilaterally used in management accounting to address specific challenges in the bank.
  • BNP Paribas International Banking Networks In the United States, the bank has a strong presence in the western part of the country, whereas, in Asia, it has fixed a secure and fast-growing business.
  • Riyadh Bank: The Historical Financial Analysis By the end of the third quarter of the year 2011, the organization has recorded a 15% increase in its net profit.
  • Budgeting of HSBC Bank UAE Branch Looking at their financial statements one will note that they are quite detailed with lots of financial items, which are specific to the bank, and understanding them requires referral to the notes accompanying the financial […]
  • Westpac Banking Corporation Analysis and Forecast The entry of foreign banks as well as the building societies which were speedily developing into banks and the emergence of other financial institutions increased competition in the Australian financial market.
  • The Analysis of Banorte Bank in Mexico The scrutiny of the bank’s fundamentals and variables of the bank form part of the report. Financial analysis and forecast of the bank’s financial performance is the major objective of the report.
  • Case on Private Equity in Saudi American Bank The problem was that the firm’s investment manager was investing for the first time and therefore, he had many questions to ask before he finally made the decision to invest in the company.
  • Commercial Banks and the Northern Rock Crisis Bank Roles Prior to the actual analysis of the case of the Northern Rock bank is a brief background that elaborates the scenario of the Northern Rock Bank Crisis.
  • Bank (HSBC) and Life Insurance Company (Protective) The report also investigates the profitability of the two companies, the metrics used to measure profitability, variation in the last five years and the reasons for these variations.
  • Investment Banking and Operations Management In a steady market, the bank uses the information conveyed in prices of assets to significantly allocate capital resource to the most profitable and ultimate use.
  • Investment Banking and Global Operations Management Essentially, banks engage in securitization process to increase their uncertain profit opportunities and also to adjust their asset portfolio Entering into the security markets through the perspective of the original financial institution is of great […]
  • Online Banking and Cryptographic Issues A disadvantage of online banking is that it inherently reduces the interaction between banks and their customers and in addition, security is not guaranteed in this type of banking, that is, hackers have a chance […]
  • The Failure of Superior Bank The crisis in Superior Bank was associated with the fact that the directors failed to observe and address risky financial management strategies that were followed in the organization, and the regulators did not pay much […]
  • Criminal Law & Bankruptcy: Bullard vs. Blue Hills Bank The action by the court caused Bullard to appeal against the decision to the BAP to which the BAP concluded that the denial was not the final.
  • Time Value of Money: Choosing Bank for Deposit The value of the money is determined by the rate of return that the bank will offer. The future value of the two banks is $20,000 and $22,000 for bank A and bank B respectively.
  • First Citizens Bank’s Financial Income in North Carolina The income analysis pertains to a comparison of the profit, revenue, income and profit of the institution in the recent year for analysis on the position of the company.
  • Financial Risk Management in Islamic Banking Ahmed defined Islamic financial as a system of finance based on principles of Islamic banking, and that operates under the ethics of Islamic teaching.
  • Finance & Banking: Blades Corporation This is because of the volatility of international currencies and the risk that the changes in the value of the currencies will result in a loss from trade receivables and/ or payables depending on the […]
  • The Role and Functions of Law in the Banking Industry The first part provides answers to questions regarding the Cipollone versus Liggett Group case, the second part discusses the role and functions of law in the banking industry, and the third part looks at future […]
  • The Crime of Robbing the Big City Bank Combined with eyewitness testimony and video evidence, it can be stated beyond all doubt that Clark was guilty of the crime.
  • Citi Bank: Business and Corporate Law The enforces a number of Acts that include the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Company Act of 1940, and the Sarbanes Oxley […]
  • The Banking Industry: Brief Analysis They include the open market operations that are meant to regulate the amount of money in the reserve. This is important because it influences the transactions in the other parts of the economy, such as […]
  • First Gulf Bank Financial Activity The retail bank consists of accounts, deposits, credit cards, safe deposit lockers, loans and mortgages; the First Gulf Bank is the largest bank in United Arab Emirates with shareholder equity of over AED 20 billion […]
  • Forecasting of National Bank of Greece (Nbg Bank) Current liabilities are short term obligations that occur in the course of running the firm and have direct associations with sales.
  • Banking Analysis: Review The chart shows a continuous increase, with a few years of drop; but the scale of the chart for the most part is upward. The trend of consolidation comes across in the presentation of the […]
  • Islamic Finance and Banking. Basic Islamic Principles The Islamic banks approach to lending is very unconventional in that the bank does not give out the loan to a borrower per se, but instead acquires the asset on behalf of the borrower who […]
  • World Bank Mining Industry Forecast Therefore, this document will use the data provided by the bank to give a projection of mining, in a global capacity.
  • Corporate Cyber Risk Assessment: Bank of America Arguably, one of the most epic accomplishments of the 21st century was the invention of the computer and the subsequent creation of the internet.
  • Ethics in the Banking Industry in the UK It may be argued that organizations may require ethics as the part of their practices in the industry, but it may not be the essential or core part in any institution, specifically in the organizations […]
  • The Economy: The US Banking System Capital formation refers to the distraction of the economy’s productive capacity for the creation of capital goods which eventually increase the productive capacity in the future.
  • Banking Contract and Fiduciary Obligations The paper explores the relationship between a bank and a customer from the perspective of fiduciary obligations of a banking contract.
  • Bank Loans and Deposits Role in Saudi Arabia Monetary System The major feature of Islamic banking is confined to the bank’s concept of Profit and Loss Sharing, in this arrangement the banks depositors are strictly speaking not creditors to the bank per se, but rather […]
  • Case Analysis on Banking Industry of Germany The globalisation and competition of the banking industry have increased because of the growing importance of banking in the marketplace. The decisions of Basel II and the EU for public sector banking and capital markets […]
  • Bank Fraud: Easyloan Bank Ltd and ABC Pty Ltd This is similar to the situation in the US where the office of the Attorney and a section of the Criminal Fraud Department of Justice handles mortgage prosecution cases.
  • Unremunerated Reserve Requirement Policy: Central Bank of Thailand Under the impact of the World War II, the government of Thailand upgraded the status of the Bureau to that of a central bank by passing the Bank of Thailand Act in the year 1942.
  • Solvency Risk and Liquidity Risk of a Bank Differences The aim of this report is to identify the meaning of the solvency risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, dynamic provisioning, and the effective control of the solvency risk besides the problems which the bank encounters […]
  • The Banking Crisis of 2007-2010 The role of Credit Rating Agencies in the subprime mortgage-related securities market turmoil was scrutinized by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • Banco Popular Español and the Saudi Investment Bank In this paper, the analysis of two banks and their risk management will be given: Banco Popular Espa ol S.A.with its abilities to take care of liquidity, credit, and other risks and the Saudi Investment […]
  • Comparative Study of Conventional and Islamic Bank Performance in the GCC Segregated by bank group and criterion variable, the correlation-based shortlist of independent variables are as shown in tables 1 to 3 below and overleaf.
  • Economic Development as the Key Driver of Global Private Banking and Wealth Management Industry The reverse reality of salient features of wealthy people in different parts of the world is the observation that the vast majority of the populace live in poor and deplorable conditions.
  • Bank of America: The Staffing Process The effectiveness of staffs recruited in the bank depends on the ability of the bank to recruit the most suitable employees.
  • The Royal Bank of Canada: Investment Analysis and Management As a result, the regional bank grew to a national bank and this success is not only attributed to the strategies of the institution itself but also the role played by the people of Canada […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "350 Banking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


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Banking and Finance Dissertation Topics – Selected for Business Students

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Looking for an interesting banking and finance research idea for your dissertation? Your search for the best finance and banking dissertation topics ends right here because, a t ResearchProspect, we help students choose the most authentic and relevant topic for their dissertation projects.

Bank taxes, financial management, financial trading, credit management, market analysis for private investors, economic research methods, the economics of money and banking, international trade and multinational business, the wellbeing of people and society, principles and practices of banking, management and cost accounting, governance and ethics in banking, investment banking, introductory econometrics, and capital investment management are among the many topics covered in banking and finance.

Without further ado, here is our selection of the besting banking and finance thesis topics and ideas.

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The following dissertation topics for banking will assist students in achieving the highest possible grades in their dissertation on banking finance:

List of Banking and Finance Dissertation Topics

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of the Economic Crisis as It Relates to Banking and Finance
  • A Critical Review of Standard Deviation in Business
  • The Political and Economic Risks Involving National Bank Transactions
  • A Study of Corporate Developments in European Countries Regarding Banking and Finance
  • Security Measures Implemented in Financial Institutions Around the World
  • Banking and Finance Approaches from Around the World
  • An in-depth study of the World Trade Organization’s role in banking and finance
  • A Study of the Relationship Between Corporate Strategy and Capital Structures
  • Contrasting global, multinational banks with regional businesses
  • Preventing Repetitive Economic Collapse in National and Global Finances
  • The Motivations for Becoming International Expats All Over the World
  • The Difference Between Islamic Banking and Other Religious Denominations in Banking and Financial Habits
  • How Can Small-Scale Industries Survive the Global Banking Demands?
  • A Study of the Economic Crisis’s Impact on Banking and Finance
  • The Impact of the International Stock Exchange on Domestic Bank Transactions
  • A 2025 Projected Report on World Trade and Banking Statistics
  • How Can We Address the Issue of the Government’s Financial Deficit in Banking?
  • A Comparison of Contemporary and Classic Business Models and Companies’ Banking and Financial Habits
  • Which of the following should be the principal area of money investment that has arrived at the bank in the form of deposits?
  • How to strike a balance between investing money in various plans to generate a profit and managing depositor trust
  • What are banks’ responsibilities to their depositors, and how may such liabilities be managed without jeopardising depositor trust?
  • How the new banking financing laws enacted by governments throughout the world are better protecting depositors’ rights?
  • What is the terminology related to banking finance, which oversees the investment of deposited funds as well as the banks’ responsibilities to depositors?
  • Explain the most recent developments in research related to the topic of banking finance
  • How research in the banking finance industry assists governments and banking authorities in properly managing their finances?
  • What is the most recent credit rating software that assists in determining the rewards and dangers of investing bank funds in the stock market? 
  • How banking finance assists the world’s top banks in managing consumer expectations and profit?
  • The negative impact of a manager’s poor management of a bank’s banking financing
  • Is it feasible to conduct a banking firm without the assistance of banking finance management?
  • What are the most significant aspects of banking financing that allow businesses to develop without constraints?

The importance of banking finance cannot be overstated. These are only a few of the most extensive subjects on which you may write a banking and finance dissertation. Remember that if you want to succeed in your studies, you must be able to offer reliable numbers and facts on the history and current state of banking and finance throughout the world. Otherwise, you will very certainly be unable to justify your study effectively. We hope you can take some inspiration and ideas from the above banking and finance dissertation topics .

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How to find banking and finance dissertation topics.

To find banking and finance dissertation topics:

  • Follow industry news and trends.
  • Study regulatory changes.
  • Explore emerging technologies.
  • Analyze financial markets.
  • Investigate risk management.
  • Consider ethical and global aspects.

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Impact Analysis in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services Industry Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

PRAMANA RESEARCH JOURNAL, Volume 10, Issue 8, 2020

11 Pages Posted: 10 Aug 2020

Dr. Kannamani Ramasamy

Jain (Deemed to be) University - School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Date Written: August 6, 2020

COVID-19 affects various industries and economies across the globe. India is one of the countries severely affected and in 3rd place globally. BFSI sector, which is one of the cores for the Indian economy, also affected poorly due to COVID-19. In this paper, we discuss various factors such as lockdown approach, moratorium, different impacts in banking, financial services and insurance sector. Further, we have given some recommendations to mitigate the situation so that the financial services can continue with the less negative impact which will help for better services to the customer and minimal revenue loss to the financial organisations.

Keywords: BSFI, Banking, Non-Banking, Insurance, COVID-19

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Dr. Kannamani Ramasamy (Contact Author)

Jain (deemed to be) university - school of humanities and social sciences ( email ).

Atria Towers No.1/1-1, Palace Road Bangalore, Karnataka 560001 India

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Tenable: 26,500 Cyber Vulnerabilities Risk SE Asia’s Banks

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Image of Ben Abbott

More than 26,500 vulnerabilities exist in the external attack surfaces of Southeast Asia’s 90 top banking and financial services organisations, according to new research by cybersecurity firm Tenable. About 11,000 of these exploitable internet-facing assets belong to Singapore’s top-tier institutions, including lenders and insurers.

The assessment found weak SSL/TSL encryption, misconfigured internal assets, inconsistent URL encryption, and older APIs across the banking and finance industry in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Singapore. The assets evaluated included domain names, subdomains, IP addresses, web servers, IoT devices, network printers, and any device connected to the internet or internal network, among others.

Singapore experiences most exploitable exposures

Singapore had the highest number of vulnerabilities among six countries assessed, with over 11,000 internet-facing problem assets across its top 16 banking, financial services, and insurance companies. Over 6,000 of those problem assets were hosted in the United States.

The number of vulnerabilities in other markets included:

  • Thailand: 5,000.
  • Indonesia: 4,600.
  • Malaysia: 4,200.
  • Vietnam: 3,600.
  • The Philippines: 2,600.

Risks reside in software, encryption, APIs, and configurations

Tenable’s assessment found a range of “easily exploitable potential entry points” within banking, finance, and insurance organisations in Southeast Asia. The cybersecurity firm declared that these “cyber hygiene gaps” were “posing potential risk to the integrity and security of financial data.”

Weak, outdated SSL/TLS encryption

According to the report:

  • Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security encryption is designed to protect data sent over the internet or a computer network, but weak SSL/TLS encryption was found among assessed entities.
  • 2,500 assets among those surveyed were still using TLS 1.0, which Tenable said is “a 25-year-old security protocol introduced in 1999 and disabled by Microsoft in September 2022.”

“This highlights the significant challenge organisations with extensive internet footprints face in identifying and updating outdated technologies,” Tenable said in a press release.

Misconfiguration of internal assets

A large number of assets originally intended for internal use have been inadvertently exposed. Tenable found 4,000 that had been misconfigured in ways that made them accessible by external actors.

“Failing to secure these internal assets poses a significant risk to organisations, as it creates an opportunity for malicious actors to target sensitive information and critical systems,” the firm said.

Inconsistent final URL encryption

Over 900 assets were found to have unencrypted final URLs.

When URLs are unencrypted, the data transmitted between a browser and a server is not protected by encryption, making it vulnerable to interception, eavesdropping, and manipulation by malicious actors.

“This lack of encryption can lead to exposure of sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal data, or payment details, and can compromise the integrity of the communication,” Tenable said.

API v3 being used by institutions

The report identified over 2,000 API v3 instances from the total number of assets assessed.

Tenable said inadequate authentication, insufficient input validation, weak access controls, and vulnerabilities in dependencies within API v3 implementations create a vulnerable attack surface.

“Malicious actors can exploit such weaknesses to gain unauthorised access, compromise data integrity, and launch devastating cyber attacks,” Tenable’s commentary said.

Weaknesses reside in Southeast Asia’s top banks and insurers

Tenable’s assessment focused on the largest firms by market capitalisation in Southeast Asian countries. This makes the findings even more concerning, as they suggest even the largest institutions in the sector are prone to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, even though they may have more resources available.

Nigel Ng, Tenable’s senior vice president for Asia Pacific and Japan, said weaknesses in these assets revealed many financial institutions across Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam were “struggling to close the priority security gaps that put them at risk.”

Cyber risk prominent for banking and financial sectors in APAC

Global ratings agency S&P Global, which provides investment ratings in APAC, has indicated the cyber risks facing the region’s banking and finance sector are real — and could impact their bottom line.

In an update in July 2024 , S&P Global’s analysts said that the rising cyber risks across Asia-Pacific banks particularly affect third parties and banks “with a shortage of skills.”

S&P Global cited research showing:

  • Asia-Pacific recorded a 16% year-on-year increase in cyber attacks in the first quarter of 2024 , according to data from cyber security solutions provider Checkpoint.
  • 2.5 million skilled cyber representatives are needed in APAC to deal with the rising threat to the region, according to the World Economic Forum.

With the risk more acute for smaller lenders in the region, S&P Global warned that, although risk mitigation initiatives by regulators and banks have staved off cyber threats, these issues could still occur and affect ratings.

As the S&P Global update noted, “Improper risk mitigation could increase the likelihood of a successful incursion and lead us to weaken our view of how cyber risks are managed. This could have ratings effects.”

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  • Asia-Pacific Ransomware Threats Depend on Country and Sector, Says Rapid7
  • Proofpoint: APAC Employees Are Choosing Convenience, Speed Over Cyber Security
  • Infoblox says IT Pros Are Missing This Mega-Threat From Organised Global Cyber Criminals
  • IT Professionals in ASEAN Confronting Rising Cyber Security Risks

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Hundreds of veterans pledge their brains for blast exposure research after ABC report

Topic: Defence Forces

A man with a beard stands in front of the Australian War Memorial and looks into the camera.

Repatriation Commissioner Kahlil Fegan has promised his brain to the Australian Veterans Brain Bank. ( Supplied: Department of Veterans Affairs )

More than 200 current and former service personnel have pledged their brains to the Australian Veterans Brain Bank following the ABC's reporting on blast exposure.

The ABC reported growing evidence of a link between mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) associated with blast exposure and poor mental health and suicide.

What's next? 

Veterans are urging more to join the pledge to shed more light on the impact of blast exposure on the brain.

One of Australia's most decorated and longest serving military commanders has revealed he will donate his brain to research, as the Australian Defence Force grapples with the impact of blast exposure on soldiers' cognitive health.

In the past two weeks, more than 200 current and former service personnel have pledged their brains to the Australian Veterans Brain Bank (AVBB), after the ABC reported growing evidence of a link between mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) associated with blast exposure and poor mental health and suicide .

Repatriation Commissioner Khalil Fegan, who served in the military for 34 years and led troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, was among the first to sign up to the AVBB when it opened last year.

During his service he was routinely exposed to thousands of blasts from heavy weaponry and explosions, but said he never considered the impact it may have had on his brain.

"I wasn't thinking about any potential damage that exposure to blast was doing at all. It was just something that I wasn't attuned to," he said.

"At the time, if I fired 500 rounds in a day, I'd go home disappointed I didn't fire 1,000, and it was just something that I just wouldn't have considered.

A soldier stands in dry mountainous terrain, with a heavy army vehicle behind him.

Kahlil Fegan says during his decades long career, the operational environment evolved, and training with heavy artillery ramped up for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. ( ABC News: Department of Defence )

"There clearly needs to be more research in this area to understand why there could be cognitive decline in some veterans."

For Mr Fegan, it's a deeply personal issue. He watched his father, a Vietnam veteran, rapidly deteriorate from younger onset dementia.

"We went from having an immensely intelligent, engaged father to someone who couldn't string two words together and died a shadow of a man," he said.

"We don't know if dad died as a result of something that was hereditary, or something that was naturally acquired, or something that is attributed to his service … we just don't know.

"We didn't know about the veteran brain bank … when he passed away, so we'll probably never know whether there was an underlying physical injury.

"It's just so evident that more work needs to be done in this space."

Veterans brain bank experiences surge in donations

Researchers are still learning about how blast exposure impacts the brain and it is only when the brain is dissected after death that they can see the microscopic damage.

Dozens of veterans told an ABC investigation last month they had experienced symptoms including short-term memory loss, headaches, depression, tinnitus, hearing loss and uncharacteristic sudden bursts of rage which they attributed to their repeated exposure to blast overpressure.

Researchers analysing hundreds of veterans' brains in the US have found new kinds of scarring on the surface of the brain linked to repeated blast exposure, causing a constellation of symptoms.

Established last year, the AVBB only has one brain to study so far.

"The pathologies that we're looking at predominantly are occurring at that microscopic level," director and neuropathologist Dr Michael Buckland said.

"While a scan can give you an overall indication of brain health, or if the brain is shrinking, or if you had a stroke or a bleed into the brain, if you want to dissect the exact type of degenerative brain disease that someone might be suffering from, that still very heavily relies on examination under the microscope."

The number of future/prospective donors has risen from 100 to 300 in the past fortnight after ex-special forces commando Paul Dunbavin spoke publicly about his struggles with memory loss linked to mTBI.

"Remarkably, 200 of those people have signed up in the last week or so since the 7.30 report went to air," he said.

Luke, not his real name, served alongside Mr Dunbavin in the special forces.

When he saw his friend speaking about his struggles, he signed up too.

He said throughout his 16-year military career he was exposed to thousands of blasts — in training and in the field as a breacher with the special forces.

In Afghanistan, he spent his time busting into Taliban-run heroin labs.

"We would never go through the door, because there were always IEDs [improvised explosive devices], we would always go through the wall," he said.

"We would set charges on the wall and blow through the wall [and then] we'd go in, there'd be heroin presses, barrels full of chemicals, and then we'd set our charges and destroy those heroin labs so they couldn't be used for the production of heroin, which funded the Taliban."

Towards the end of his military career, when he was supervising demolition practice in Australia, he started to notice the same symptoms his mate had spoken about.

"I was having headaches that were just completely incapacitating and my memory was very bad," he said.

"I would walk into a shop to buy something, I'd buy something else, go home and realise I didn't get what I'd actually gone to buy.

"My recall was very, very poor for basic things. I could still remember detailed things from years ago, but then my short-term memory was just atrocious."

There would be nights when his headaches were so bad he opted to sleep at work, because driving home was too much to bear.

"I didn't feel confident to drive so that was pretty much when I said, 'okay, there's something not quite right here'," he said.

By that time, Luke said he was deemed unfit for deployment. He left the military and got some medical attention.

He ended up being part of a University of Queensland study, which was looking into mild traumatic brain injuries and PTSD.

"I went up there and spoke to some really lovely people who put me to MRI machines, basically got me solving puzzles while tracking my brain chemistry and what happens and when I got out of that, they basically said, 'yeah, you have a traumatic brain injury and things aren't working'," he said.

Call for ADF to reconsider safe blast exposure levels

Last month the US deputy defense secretary issued a memo acknowledging personnel were experiencing "possible adverse effects on brain health and cognitive performance" from exposure to blast overpressure (BOP).

Repatriation Commissioner Khalil Feegan said it was time the ADF reconsidered what level of blast troops were exposed to.

"Based on what we now suspect, I think it's worth revisiting the protections and mitigations we've got in place," he said.

"Based on what we understood at the time, we mitigated to the best of our abilities, through the wearing of hearing protection and other protective measures.

Slices of brain on a tray.

Researchers at the Veteran's Brain Bank dissect the brain and examine it under the microscope to see details that cannot be picked up by scans.  ( ABC News: Elise Worthington )

"But now if there is a suspicion, then we need to reconsider, to ensure that we're protecting our people as best as possible, but still training to be able to do the government's bidding on operations when we're called upon to do so."

The ADF previously told the ABC it was doing research and trials relating to blast exposure and was taking a "precautionary approach".

It said internal guidance was updated last year to include measures to minimise exposure to repeated low-level blast overpressure where possible.

"Existing work, health and safety systems are employed to manage and minimise exposure to repeated low-level blast exposure" an ADF spokesperson said.

The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide is due to hand down its final report on Monday.

In his closing statement, commissioner James Douglas, KC, said it would recommend the establishment of an independent permanent body to "not only monitor the implementation of our recommendations, but also to keep a close eye on the problem [of suicide] as a whole".

"One issue that's been canvassed in the press recently is about traumatic brain injury. We've had evidence about that, but that's an area of continuing inquiry, and it may well cast different light on the issues we've examined into the future," he said.

Trays of dissected brain, with the gloved hands of a person.

More than 300 people have now pledged to donate their brains. ( ABC News: Elise Worthington )

Former Special Forces commando Luke is closely watching the ADF's next moves and tracking the emerging research into mTBI.

He has cut back on drinking, watches his diet and said it's his family and connection to the community that has kept him alive.

"I think we as a society, particularly the government and military, have a responsibility to take steps to ensure that people are happy and healthy post service," he said.

"We have a responsibility to make sure we look after people."

Khalil Feegan wants to see more veterans sign up too.

"This pledge won't change anything for you after you've donated your brain, but it might be absolutely fundamentally life changing for a future generation of veterans," he said.

"And so I really, I really encourage veterans to continue to do it."

Banking and Insurance sector in India: Recent Trends, Challenges and Feasible Growth Measures

  • In book: Business management and social innovation
  • Publisher: Chaudhary bansilal university in association with khama publishers, Delhi

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