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Category : Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple

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images of the presentation in the temple

In the West the events in Luke 2:22-38 are referred to sometimes as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and sometimes as the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. The names refer to the two requirements of Jewish law that bring Mary and Joseph to the Temple. The first is the ritual of a woman's "purification" after childbirth, which is detailed in Leviticus 12:2-8. On the fortieth day after giving birth the mother brings to the Temple a lamb and a dove, or two doves if she cannot afford a lamb. The priest offers these in the Temple and thus she is "purified." The other ritual is set forth in Exodus 13:2, 12-13. A firstborn son is to be dedicated to God and then "ransomed" with some unspecified offering. Luke conflates these two rituals: "And after the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord."


In the images of this conflated event, Mary and Joseph bring to the Temple both the two doves for Mary's purification and their son for the dedication and ransom. In many medieval images the child is pictured either upon an altar ( ) or just above and in front of it, as in the picture at the top of this page. The altar keeps the viewer in mind that the child Jesus is the sacrifical "lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" (John 1:29) through his redemptive sacrifice on the cross. In a sermon on the Presentation, Bernard of Clairvaux urges Mary, "Offer your son, sacred Virgin, and present to the Lord the blessed fruit of your womb. Offer the sacred victim , pleasing to God, that all of us may be reconciled to him. He is sure to accept this new oblation, this precious victim." And in the York play of the Presentation, when Mary laments having no lamb to offer, Joseph says, "Our baby Jesus…is our lamb, Mary.… He is the lamb of God, I say / who all our sins shall take away." In the same spirit Salviati's emphasizes the "ransoming" of the child by having Mary hold the doves out to the high priest, who holds the child. The artist ties this ransoming to the adult Christ's sacrificial death for the redemption of mankind by placing an angel above the child holding a rod and a crown of thorns.


In the East, the event is called the (a "meeting" or "going toward"). This title is especially appropriate to the character of Simeon, the prophet who has been "waiting for the consolation of Israel" (in the Vulgate, , Luke 2:25) and who now takes the child in his arms and says his "eyes have seen your salvation." Almost invariably images in both East and West make his reception of the child the central event. Because of a passage in the (24) he was believed to be a priest, but in the images he is rarely dressed as one. Wearing the same flowing robes as the others, he seems to represent every person hoping for the "consolation." that is to come precisely from this child.

As a sign of Israel's long wait for consolation, Simeon is always presented as an old man in the images and in some of the apocryphal gospels.

In medieval mystery plays Simeon bespeaks the longings of the just for God's redemption. Some images make this longing reciprocal through the gestures of Simeon and the baby. In in Sicily, the two reach their arms toward each other across a wide distance punctuated by a small image of a ciborium. The Ugljan Triptych in Zadar also puts the two figures on either side of a ciborium, their arms reaching toward each other. In contrast, however, some later works such as the picture above may prefer a more naturalistic effect with the baby reaching back to the mother and away from the scary stranger.

Until the 14th century Simeon always received the child with hands covered by his mantle ( ) or by a separate cloth ( ). This tradition arose from the (15), which said that when Simeon saw the child he "took him up into his cloak and kissed his feet." It continued in the West even into the 16th century ( , 1529-37 – Follow the link for the description page.');" href="Edited in 2013/Croatia 2012/presentationDraguc.html">example). But it was not mentioned in the Golden Legend, so we start to see uncovered hands in the West in the 14th century, as in the picture above.

In the 15th and especially the 16th centuries, the child himself may be half- or fully naked.

An aged prophetess named Anna is also present in Luke's account and is in many Presentation images. The mystery plays make her a representative of mankind's longings as well, but in the images she usually just stands to the side.


Medieval commentators saw the Presentation event as the fulfilment of prophecies in scripture, and a lengthy passage in the Chester Purification play has Simeon and Anna studying the scriptures together. The reliefs at Orvieto Cathedral have before the Presentation occurs, and a book is on the altar in in Rome. Representing the "Word of God," the book on the altar is also a reference to Christ, who "in the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1) as sacred victim.


Simeon calls the child "a light to the revelation of the Gentiles" and tells Mary, "thy own soul a sword shall pierce." These remarks have a lasting impact on liturgy and iconography in the West. The comment about the sword leads to a subset of the Sorrowful Mother type in which Mary's breast is pierced by a sword ( ). The comment about light to the Gentiles led to the celebration of the feast of Candlemas. On February 2, 40 days after Christmas, the faithful bring candles to the church to be blessed and lighted. Medieval and later images of the Purification / Presentation normally include candles to refer to the feast and to the belief that Christ is indeed the light to the Gentiles ( , s.v. "Candlemas").

In Latin countries, is the name both for Candlemas and for of the Virgin and Child that is processed on that day. The santo typically wears a crown and has the Christ Child in her arms and a candle or other symbolic object in one hand. Sometimes the child also wears a crown.


Luke says Simeon greeted the child after going "into the Temple." Western medieval images follow suit by putting the figures in an interior space with some details suggesting the Jerusalem Temple ( we see a Jewish priest, the Temple veil, and a chandelier representing the ‘candelabrum’ of Exodus 25:37 – Follow the link for the description page.');" href="metropolitan/february2011/presentationDiPaolo.html">example). But earlier works show the action as if outdoors ( ).

Mary, the baby, and Simeon are always in the image, often accompanied by Joseph and Anna. Sometimes there will be a whole throng of bystanders. One addition in some later medieval works is a young woman with uncovered hair carrying the basket of doves ( ). She could possibly be one of the virgins the priests assigned as Mary's companions in the apocryphal gospels.

Sometimes viewers the Presentation in the Temple can be confused with the Circumcision, which occurred on the 8th day of the child's life. For example, the candles in this fresco at the church of Santo Spirito, Rome, while the candles and the doves suggest that the Presentation could be the subject. See the are a detail suggestive of the Presentation, but the high priest is attending to the naked Christ Child as if this were a Circumcision image. The doves in the lower right corner can occur in either image type, because the (¶15) says, "when the infant had received…circumcision, they offered for him a pair of turtle-doves."

Prepared in 2015 by Richard Stracke, Emeritus Professor of English, Augusta University.

Detail from the New Testament frescoes at Pomposa Abbey (early 14th century). See the for details.


The altar is divided between the two halves of this marble Presentation group from the late 14th century. The candle held by the woman at left alludes to "Candlemas," a late alternative name for the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, February 2. See the

Like Western Pre­sen­ta­tion images of the same era, this 15th-century manu­script illus­tra­tion from Ar­me­nia uses an altar to allude to the sac­ri­fice for which the Christ Child was born. – See the .

In this statue from a Fran­cis­can mona­stery, the child is re­pre­sent­ed as com­plete­ly na­ked. See the .

MORE IMAGES on a German portable altar. in the Scrovegni Chapel. from Guariento di Arpo's altarpiece. of the Hypapante. . where it is the High Priest, not Simeon, who takes the child in his arms. in Teitipac, Oaxaca. of created for a fiesta in Santa Fe, New Mexico. of St. Helena having a Vision of the Presentation in the Temple.


RELEVANT TEXTS or , February vol. 1, 268-79 , I, 736; , 817-21 .


, CLXXXIII, 370 (my translation). , 120.

Chapter 24 of says Simeon was the priest who replaced Zechariah after the latter's execution by Herod. , ¶6, says Simeon was "old," and , chapter 15, has him "a hundred and twelve years old."

#17:87-164, #11:1-24.

, 66. The Presentation is pictured on the second panel of the left wing of the triptych. Venetian or Zadarian painter, tempera on wood, beginning of the 14th century. In the Zadar Regional Museum, Zadar, Croatia.

See for example see Nicholas of Lyra's interpretation of Luke 2:25, as "In a solemn and sacred place, for in that place were both the divine cult and the study of the Law and the Prophets.… At that time it was the common opinion of the learned that the coming of Christ was imminent, according to the signs given to the patriarchs and prophets" ( , V, 717-18). Bede ( .) also remarks, on the Holy Ghost's promise to Simeon, that "just as he [the Christ] was presaged to the faithful from all ages, so his arrival was predicted to all the just." For the Chester passage see Deimling, , I, 206-209 (Play #11:25-104).

, ¶8. , ¶8. Both texts say the virgins were assigned to accompany Mary until her marriage. The young women pictured in some images of are probably from this group as well.

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7,122 Presentation Of Jesus At The Temple Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

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Guercino, 'The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple', 1623

Full title The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Artist dates 1591 - 1666
Date made 1623
Medium and support Oil on copper
Dimensions 72.5 × 65 cm
Acquisition credit Bequeathed by Sir Denis Mahon CH CBE FBA, 2011; entered the Collection, 2013
Inventory number NG6646
Collection Main Collection
Previous owners

Forty days after his birth, Mary and Joseph brought the infant Christ to the Temple in Jerusalem. According to Jewish custom, all first-born male children were to be taken to the Temple to be presented to God in a ceremony that involved the sacrifice of two doves or pigeons, visible here at the foot of the altar. The elderly seated figure is the high priest Simeon. The Gospel of Luke says that the Holy Ghost had told Simeon he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Guercino portrays the moments preceding the story’s climax, as the aged Simeon is about to hold Christ and, in recognising him, fulfil his destiny.

This work was painted for Bartolomeo Fabri, one of Guercino’s early patrons, who lived in the artist’s native Cento. It was returned to Guercino in settlement of a debt, and he kept it by his bedside until he was eventually persuaded to sell it in 1660.

Mary and Joseph brought the infant Christ, forty days after his birth, to be presented in the Temple in Jerusalem. According to Jewish custom, all first-born male children were to be taken to the Temple to be presented to God in a ceremony that involved the sacrifice of two doves or pigeons, which can be seen here at the foot of the altar.

The elderly seated figure on the right is the high priest Simeon. The Gospel of Luke says the Holy Ghost had told Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. With the aged priest about to receive the infant Christ in his arms, Guercino captures the moments preceding this story’s climax. In the seconds that follow, Simeon recognises Christ and realises that his destiny has been fulfilled. Embracing death, he utters, ‘Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation’ (Luke 2: 29.)

Guercino painted this work in 1623, shortly after returning to his native Cento from a two-year stay in Rome. During his time there he had seen the work of Domenichino, whose influence is apparent in the clearly defined planes and recession of space in this picture, as well as in the evenly dispersed light and vibrant use of colour. Architecture features more prominently here than in Guercino’s pre-Roman works, which are often crowded with figures tightly cropped by the picture frame (such as, for example, in The Incredulity of Saint Thomas ). Guercino has used the architecture to carefully construct the space, and has paid attention to the decorative elements, including the stone steps and sculpted bas-relief on the altar.

Despite some evolution, aspects of Guercino’s early style remain. The naturalistic, aged figure of Saint Joseph in the centre resembles Elijah from Guercino’s 1620 painting Elijah fed by Ravens . With his aged, weathered face, Joseph presents a contrast to the young Virgin and infant Christ. His slightly dishevelled appearance and simple clothing are set against the immaculately dressed high priest. Simeon’s embroidered cope is remarkably similar to that of Saint Gregory in Guercino’s Saint Gregory the Great with Saints Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier.

This painting is unusually large for a work on copper. Because copper was an expensive material, these pictures were typically smaller; like, for example, Guercino’s The Dead Christ Mourned by Two Angels . The artist makes the most of the copper’s smooth and luminous surface, painting with great delicacy (note the ducks in the basket of the candlestick on the altar) but also attaining monumentality in the figures. Guercino used an opaque orange ground for this work which is visible in parts of the image, particularly the architecture in the upper right section of the painting.

The picture was painted for Bartolomeo Fabri, one of Guercino’s early patrons who lived in the artist’s native Cento. (Fabri had also commissioned The Incredulity of Saint Thomas from Guercino two years earlier). The painting was later returned to the artist in settlement of a debt. According to his biographer, Carlo Cesare Malvasia, Guercino kept the painting by his bed and refused offers from numerous distinguished collectors looking to buy it, including Cardinal Antonio Barberini and Cardinal Prince Leopoldo de’ Medici. Guercino eventually sold it in 1660 to Raphael Dufresne, who offered a substantial sum and presented the artist with an inscribed copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s Trattato della pittura (Treatise on Painting).

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Presentation at the Temple

When Jesus was just a few weeks old, His parents brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him at the temple.

Simeon, a righteous man who lived in Jerusalem, was at the temple. The Holy Ghost told him he would see Christ before he died.

Luke 2:25–26

Simeon saw the baby Jesus at the temple. He held Him in his arms and praised God.

Luke 2:27–29

Simeon said that the child would bring salvation to all people. Joseph and Mary marvelled at what he said.

Luke 2:30–33

A widow named Anna also saw Jesus and knew who He was. She gave thanks and told many people about Him.

Luke 2:36–38

Links to images of the Presentation at the Temple/Circumcision of Jesus Luke 2:21-38

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  • Presentation in the Temple , Unknown Ottonian, c 1030. Getty Museum.
  • Presentation in the Temple , Nicola Pisano, 1260. Web Gallery of Art.
  • The Presentation in the Temple , Unknown Byzantine, 1275. Getty Museum.
  • The Presentation at the Temple , Giotto, 1304-1306. Olga's Gallery.
  • Presentation in the Temple , Ambrogio Lorenzetti, 1342. Web Gallery of Art.
  • Presentation of Christ in the Temple , Gentile da Fabriano, 1423. Web Gallery of Art
  • The Presentation at the Temple , 15th century Russian Icon. Christus Rex.
  • The Presentation at the Temple , Giovanni Bellini, 1459.  CGFA.
  • The Presentation in the Temple , Master of the Prado "Adoration of the Magi," c 1470/80. National Gallery of Art.
  • Circumcision , Cosmè Tura, 1474. Web Gallery of Art
  • Presentation at the Temple , Andrea Mantegna, c 1500.
  • The Circumcision of Christ , Hans Leonhard Schaufelein, 1505-06. Web Gallery of Art.
  • Presentation in the Temple , Carpaccio, 1510. From CGFA.
  • Presentation of Jesus in the Temple , Jan van Scorel, 1524-26. Web Gallery of Art.
  • Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple , Tiziano, 1539. Web Gallery of Art
  • Presentation at the Temple , Nicolas Bachelier, c 1545. Musee des Augustins, Toulouse.
  • The Circumcision , Rembrandt van Rijn, 1661. National Gallery of Art.
  • Presentation in the Temple - Icon, late 16th century. Russian Icons.
  • Presentation in the Temple , Gerbrand van den Eeckhout, 1671.  Web Gallery of Art.
  • La Presentation de Jesus au Temple et la Purification de la Vierge , Jean Restout, c 1730. Musee Bordeaux.
  • Anna the Prophetess , Louis S. Glanzman.
  • Entry to Temple , Coptic Image Archive, The Coptic Network .
  • Jesus is Presented in the Temple , African Gospel Mafa.
  • The Dedication in the Temple , Tiffany Studios, Union Congregational Church, Montclair, NJ. stainedglassphotography.com.
  • Presentation in the Temple , St. Joseph's Jersey City. stainedglassphotography.com.
  • Presentation in the Temple , stained glass at Sacred Heart, Jersey City. stainedglassphotography.com.

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7,191 Presentation Of Jesus Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

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  12. Guercino, 'The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple', 1623

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    Browse 432 presentation of mary in the temple photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. The Presentation in the Temple, painting by Hans Holbein the Elder , from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year XXIV, No 1, January 3, 1897.

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    RM 2B0GN1F - After Jacques Callot, French, 1592-1635, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Etching on laid paper, image: 2 1/2 x 1 3/4 in. (6.3 x 4.4 cm. RM P62RBJ - Rogier van der Weyden or Roger de la Pasture (1399/1400 Ð 1464) was an Early Flemish painter. St Columba Altarpiece from Church of St Columba in Cologne.

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    Getty Museum. The Presentation at the Temple, Giotto, 1304-1306. Olga's Gallery. Presentation in the Temple, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, 1342. Web Gallery of Art. Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Gentile da Fabriano, 1423. Web Gallery of Art. The Presentation at the Temple, 15th century Russian Icon. Christus Rex.

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