Passive Voice – Free Exercise

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.

  • I don’t have to buy the paper because it (deliver)     to our house every day. simple present (signal: every day ) 3 rd person singular: is + past participle
  • When Kylie went to school, she (pick up)     by her parents every day. simple past (signal: went ) 3 rd person singular: was + past participle
  • You don’t have to clean the bathroom. It (clean/already)     by someone else. present perfect (signal: already, first clause in simple present) 3 rd person singular: has + adverb + been + past participle
  • Relax! From now on, I promise that everything (do)     for you. will future (signal: from now on, I promise ) will be + past participle irregular verb: do-did-done
  • When I came home, dinner (cook/not)     yet. past perfect (signal: yet, first clause in simple past) had been + past participle

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Use the same tense as in the active sentence. Only use by if necessary.

  • They offer free trials twice a year. simple present 3 rd person plural: are + past participle Do not include the agent when it is unknown/unimportant/obvious.   twice a year.
  • Someone is cutting the grass next door. present progressive 3 rd person singular: is being + past participle irregular verb: cut-cut-cut Do not include the agent when it is unknown/unimportant/obvious.   next door.
  • All parties have signed the contract. present perfect 3 rd person singular: has been + past participle Use by to introduce the agent.   .
  • A car hit the traffic light. simple past 3 rd person singular: was + past participle irregular verb: hit-hit-hit Use by to introduce the agent.   .

Rewrite the sentences in two ways: once in the impersonal passive and once in the personal passive.

  • Visitors say that these museums have wonderful exhibits. It   these museums have wonderful exhibits. it is + participle of reporting verb + that irregular verb: say-said-said These museums   wonderful exhibits. reporting verb: say (simple present) → subject (3 rd person plural) + are + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to have irregular verb: say-said-said
  • Everybody agrees that this sculpture is the artist’s greatest work. It   this sculpture is the artist’s greatest work. it is + participle of reporting verb + that This sculpture   the artist’s greatest work. reporting verb: agrees (simple present) subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to be
  • Experts assume that the diamond is priceless. It   the diamond is priceless. it is + participle of reporting verb + that The diamond   priceless. reporting verb: assume → subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to be
  • Experts believe that this jewellery belonged to Cleopatra. It   this jewellery belonged to Cleopatra. it is + participle of reporting verb + that This jewellery   to Cleopatra. reporting verb: believe (simple present) → subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb perfect infinitive: to have belonged Use the perfect infinitive when the active main verb is in the past.

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Passive Voice - Exercises on Form

>mixed exercise on passive voice.

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

  • John collects money. -
  • Anna opened the window. -
  • We have done our homework. -
  • I will ask a question. -
  • He can cut out the picture. -
  • The sheep ate a lot. -
  • We do not clean our rooms. -
  • William will not repair the car. -
  • Did Sue draw this circle? -
  • Could you feed the dog? -

Passive voice - 1

Passive voice - 2

Passive voice - 3

Worksheets - handouts

Exercises: passive sentences

  • Active or passive? - exercise 1
  • Active or passive? - exercise 2
  • Passive: present forms - write
  • Active to passive 1 - exercises
  • Present and past - write
  • Active to passive 2 - exercises
  • Correct passive form - exercises
  • Passive: present and past - write
  • From active to passive - exercises
  • From active to passive - write
  • Verb tenses - write
  • Passives - quiz
  • Passive verb forms
  • Active and passive voice
  • Passive voice - flash game

ESL Forums

Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

Posted on Last updated: December 21, 2023

Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

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Understanding how to construct sentences in the passive voice is an essential skill that can enhance the variety and sophistication of your communication. Throughout this lesson, we will delve into the key rules that govern the formation of passive constructions and explore their appropriate usage in various contexts.

Table of Contents

Understanding Passive Voice

Active vs Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

Definition of Passive Voice

Passive voice  occurs when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. The focus is not on who is performing the action, but rather on the action itself or the recipient of that action. Sentences in passive voice typically follow this structure: the object + be + past participle + by + the subject. For example, “ The cake was eaten by us ,” puts emphasis on the cake and the action of it being eaten.

Active vs. Passive Voice

Active Voice

The active voice illustrates a sentence where the subject performs the action that stated by the verb.


  • I do my home work.
  • My mom cooks the dinner.
  • Our teacher gives us a lot of homework.
  • She receives a letter from her father.

Passive Voice

In contrast, passive voice is describe a sentence in which the subject receives an action.


  • My homework is done (by me).
  • The dinner is cooked (by my mom).
  • We are given a lot of homework (by our teacher).
  • A letter from her father is received (by her).

Note: “By+…” can be taken out in passive voice.

When to Use Passive Voice?

 1. In formal texts

  • Active: They invite him to the party.
  • Passive: He is invited to the party. (sounds more formal)

2. To show interest in the person or object that receive an action rather than the person or object that performs the action.

  • The party was held in a luxury hotel. (we’re interest in the party rather than who held it.)
  • All tickets were sold out! (we’re interest in the ticket rather than who sold it.)

3. When we don’t know (or do not want to express) who performed the action.

  • My purse was stolen!
  • A whole pot of jam was eaten!

Passive Voice For All Tenses

Passive voice for all tenses in English.

  • V1 : Base Form of Verb
  • V2 : Past Simple
  • V3 : Past Participle

Present Simple Tense

Learn passive voice for present simple tense in English.

  • Active : S + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + is/am/are +V3.
  • Active : He receives a letter.
  • Passive : A letter is received by him.

Present Continuous Tense

  • Active : S + am/are/is +V-ing + O.
  • Passive : S + am/are/is +being + V3.
  • Active : She is cooking the dinner.
  • Passive : The dinner is being cooked by her.

Past Simple Tense

  • Active : S + V2+O.
  • Passive : S+was/were+V3.
  • Active : I did my homework last night.
  • Passive : Homework was done by me last night.

Past Continuous Tense

  • Active : S + was/were + V-ing + O.
  • Passive : S+was/were + being +V3.
  • Active : He was playing the volleyball yesterday afternoon.
  • Passive : The volleyball was being played by him yesterday afternoon.

Present Perfect Tense

  • Active : S + have/has + V3 + O.
  • Passive : S+have/has been +V3.
  • Active : I have studied English for 10 years.
  • Passive : English has been studied for 10 year.

Past Perfect Tense

  • Active : S + had + V3 + O.
  • Passive : S + had been +V3.
  • Active : I had bought a new car.
  • Passive : A new car had been bought by me.

Future Simple Tense

  • Active : S + will + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + will be +V3.
  • Active : I will make a cake on my Mom’s birthday.
  • Passive : A cake will be made on my Mom’s birthday.

Future Tense with Going to

  • Active : S + am/are/is going to + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + am/are/is going to be +V3.
  • Active : She is going to do housework.
  • Passive : Housework is going to be done by her.

Modals Verb

  • Active : S + can/could/may/might… + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + can/could/may/might…be +V3.
  • Active : She could lift this box.
  • Passive : This box could be lifted by her.

Modal Perfect

  • Active : S + should/could/may/might…have + V3+ O.
  • Passive : S + should/could/may/might…have been + V3.
  • Active : You should have finished the task on time.
  • Passive : The task should have been finished on time.

Interactive Exercises

Exercise 1: change from active to passive voice.

Rewrite the following active sentences in the passive voice. Be sure to keep the same tense.

  • The team is preparing the report.
  • The chef cooked a delicious meal.
  • The students will present the project next week.
  • The company has shipped your order.
  • The mechanic fixed the car.
  • The teacher is grading the exams.
  • The artist painted a beautiful portrait.
  • The gardener has planted new flowers.
  • The committee will announce the results tomorrow.
  • The kids are making a mess in the living room.
  • The report is being prepared by the team.
  • A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
  • The project will be presented by the students next week.
  • Your order has been shipped by the company.
  • The car was fixed by the mechanic.
  • The exams are being graded by the teacher.
  • A beautiful portrait was painted by the artist.
  • New flowers have been planted by the gardener.
  • The results will be announced by the committee tomorrow.
  • A mess is being made in the living room by the kids.

Exercise 2: Identify the Correct Passive Voice Sentence

Choose the correct passive voice sentence from the options provided.

  • The novel (was written/was wrote) by the author last year.
  • The windows (are cleaned/were cleaned) every Saturday.
  • The song (has been sung/was been sung) by the choir beautifully.
  • The homework (must be finished/must finished) before the deadline.
  • The instructions (will be given/are given) by the instructor shortly.
  • The trophy (is being awarded/was being awarded) to the winner as we speak.
  • The agreement (has been signed/had been signed) by both parties.
  • The message (was being delivered/is being delivered) when the system crashed.
  • The new policy (is being implemented/was being implemented) starting next month.
  • The cake (was being baked/is being baked) when the power went out.
  • was written 
  • are cleaned 
  • has been sung
  • must be finished 
  • will be given 
  • is being awarded 
  • has been signed 
  • was being delivered 
  • is being implemented 
  • was being baked 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I convert a sentence from active to passive voice?

To convert from active to passive, you first identify the object of the active sentence. Make this object the subject of the passive sentence. Then, add the appropriate form of the verb “to be” followed by the past participle of the main verb. If necessary, you may include “by” followed by the original subject to indicate who performed the action.

Can you provide some examples of passive voice in different tenses?

Sure, here are some examples:

  • Present simple: “The mail is delivered daily.”
  • Past simple: “The window was broken by the storm.”
  • Future simple: “The project will be completed by next week.”
  • Present perfect: “The agreement has been signed.”

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using passive voice?

Common mistakes include overusing passive voice, which can make writing seem dull or evasive. Make sure the subject of your sentence is clear, as sentences with obscured subjects can be confusing. Also, watch out for the correct form of ‘to be’ to match the tense of your sentence.

In what situations is using passive voice considered inappropriate?

Passive voice is typically avoided in writing that requires action and clarity, such as in most forms of academic writing, journalism, and calls to action. It’s also less appropriate when it’s important to know who performed the action.

How does passive voice affect the clarity of writing?

While passive voice can reduce the clarity of writing by shifting the focus away from the subject performing the action, it can also be used intentionally to emphasize the action itself or when the performer is unknown or irrelevant.

What tools can help me check if I’ve used passive voice correctly?

Grammar checking tools like Grammarly can help identify passive constructions. Additionally, word processing software often has built-in grammar checks that can highlight passive voice, allowing you to reconsider its usage.

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Home / English Grammar / Passive Voice Tenses: Usages Examples Exercises

Passive Voice Tenses: Usages Examples Exercises

Passive Voice Tenses: Usages Examples Exercises

Explore the world of passive voice tenses with comprehensive explanations, practical examples, and engaging exercises. Enhance your writing skills and perfect your understanding of passive voice usage. Dive into this valuable resource today!

The Passive Tense

The passive tense, commonly referred to as the passive voice , is a grammar structure that is used in English and many other languages to place emphasis on the recipient of an action rather than the action’s performer.

To form the passive tense in English, you typically need two key components: a form of the verb “to be” and the past participle form of the main verb. Here’s the basic structure:

Passive Voice:

[Subject] + [Form of “to be”] + [Past Participle] + [By + Agent (optional)]

Let’s break down each component:

Subject: This is the entity that receives the action in the passive sentence. It can be a person, thing, or concept. In passive constructions, the subject often comes at the beginning of the sentence, but it may not always be explicitly mentioned.

Form of “to be”: This can take various forms depending on the tense and mood of the sentence. Common forms include “am,” “is,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “will be,” and so on. This part of the structure indicates the tense and voice of the sentence.

Past Participle: This is the verb form used in passive constructions. Regular verbs typically form their past participles by adding “-ed” to the base form (e.g., “played,” “eaten”). Irregular verbs have unique past participle forms (e.g., “broken,” “written”).

By + Agent (optional): In some passive constructions, you can include the agent, which is the doer of the action. This part of the structure provides additional information about who or what performed the action. It’s optional and is often omitted if the agent is unknown or unimportant.

Now, let’s look at some examples of passive sentences:

Active Voice: “The girl (subject) sang (verb) a beautiful song (object).”

Passive Voice: “A beautiful song (subject) was sung (a form of ‘to be’ + past participle) by the girl  (agent).”

1. Passive Tense Meaning

The passive tense, also known as the passive voice , is a grammatical construction where the subject receives the action rather than performing it.

 For example:

Active Voice: “The king made the mistake.” 

Passive Voice : “The mistake was made by the king..”

In these examples, the passive voice shifts the focus from the doer of the action (the king) to the receiver of the action (the mistake).

2. Passive Tense Definition

The passive tense , a grammatical construction, involves the passive voice , where the subject receives the action performed by someone or something else, emphasizing or de-emphasizing the action.

3. Passive Verbs

Passive verbs , also known as passive voice verbs, are used to describe actions where the subject of a sentence receives the action rather than performing it. They are constructed with a form of “to be” and the past participle of the main verb. For example:

Active Voice: “She wrote the book.” 

Passive Voice: “The book was written by her.”

Active Voice: “They repaired the car.” 

Passive Voice: “The car was repaire d by them.” 

In these examples, the passive verbs “was written” and “was repaired” shift the focus from the doer (She, They) to the receiver of the action (the book, the car).

4. Passive Sentences

A passive sentence is a type of sentence in which the subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performing it. In passive sentences, the focus is on the action or the recipient of the action, and the doer of the action (the agent) may be mentioned or omitted. 

Here are some examples of passive sentences:

1. The cake was eaten by the children. (Subject: The cake receives the action and the agent “the children” is mentioned.)

2. The report will be submitted tomorrow. (Subject: The report receives the action, and the agent is not mentioned.)

3. The house was damaged in the storm. (Subject: The house receives the action and the agent “the storm” is mentioned.)

4. The concert was enjoyed by everyone. (Subject: The concert receives the action, and the agent is not mentioned.)

5. The project has been completed. (Subject: The project receives the action, and the agent is not mentioned.)

5. Passive Voice Rules

To make a passive voice the following general rules must be followed.

Rule 1: Identify the subject, verb, and object:

Subject: The one performing the action.

Verb: The action itself.

Object: The receiver of the action.

Rule 2: Move the object to the beginning of the sentence:

The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

Rule 3: Change the verb tense:

The main verb of the active sentence should be changed to the past participle form (usually by adding “by” before the agent).

Rule 4: Add an agent (optional):

If you want to mention who performed the action, you can include the agent (the doer) with “by” followed by the agent’s name or description.

Rule 5: Adjust the sentence structure as needed:

Rearrange the sentence to ensure clarity and readability.

Here’s an example to illustrate these rules:

Active Voice: The chef (subject) prepared (verb) a delicious meal (object). 

Passive Voice: A delicious meal (object) was prepared (past participle of “prepare”) by the chef (optional agent).

6. Passive Voice Tenses Table

Present Indefiniteam/is/are
present + being
Present perfect.has/have + been
Present perfect continuous.has/have + been + being
Past indefinite.was/were
Past continuous.was/were + being
Past perfect.had + been
Past perfect continuous.had + been + being
Future indefinite.shall be / will be
Future continuous.shall be / will be + being
Future perfect.shall have / will have + been
Future perfect continuous.shall have / will have + been + being

7. Passive Voice Tenses

The passive voice can be used in various tenses, allowing you to describe actions or events in different time frames while still emphasizing the receiver of the action rather than the doer. Here’s a brief overview of how passive voice tenses work:

Present Simple Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [is/are] + [past participle]

Example: “The report is written by the team.”

Past Simple Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [was/were] + [past participle]

Example: “The book was read by the students.”

Present Continuous Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [is/are] + [being] + [past participle]

Example: “The project is being discussed by the committee.”

Past Continuous Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [was/were] + [being] + [past participle]

Example: “The proposal was being reviewed by the experts.”

Present Perfect Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [has/have] + [been] + [past participle]

Example: “The document has been signed by the CEO.”

Past Perfect Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [had] + [been] + [past participle]

Example: “The repairs had been completed by the time I arrived.”

Future Simple Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [will be] + [past participle]

Example: “The announcement will be made tomorrow.”

Future Perfect Passive:

Form: [Subject] + [will have been] + [past participle]

Example: “By the end of the day, the task will have been finished.”

These are the basic passive voice tenses in English, but there can be more complex variations in specific situations. 

Passive voice is used when you want to emphasize the action or the receiver of the action, and the choice of tense depends on when the action took place or will take place in relation to the present or other reference points in time.

8. Functions of Passive Voice Tenses

The passive voice tenses in English have various usages and functions in both written and spoken language. Here are some common usages and functions of passive voice tenses:

Emphasizing the Receiver of the Action:

Passive voice shifts the focus from the doer of the action to the entity receiving the action. This is useful when you want to highlight the importance of the recipient.

Example: “The award was won by her.” (Emphasizing “her” as the recipient of the award)

Concealing or Omitting the Doer:

Passive voice allows you to omit or downplay the identity of the doer of the action when it is unknown, unimportant, or irrelevant.

Example: “Mistakes were made.” (Omitting who made the mistakes)

Formal or Impersonal Tone:

Passive voice is often used in formal writing or academic papers to create a more objective or impersonal tone.

Example: “The experiment was conducted according to established protocols.”

Scientific and Technical Writing:

Passive voice is common in scientific and technical writing because it emphasizes the process or results rather than the researcher.

Example: “The data were analyzed using statistical software.”

Reports and News Articles:

Passive voice is frequently used in reports and news articles to maintain neutrality and objectivity.

Example: “The statement was issued by the government.”

Reducing Blame or Responsibility:

In situations where you want to soften blame or responsibility, passive voice can be employed.

Example: “The mistake was regrettable.” (Avoiding direct blame)

Describing Processes and Instructions:

Passive voice is useful for describing processes, procedures, or instructions because it emphasizes the action itself.

Example: “The dough is kneaded before it is left to rise.”

Narrative Variety:

In storytelling or creative writing, using passive voice occasionally can add variety to sentence structures.

Example: “The treasure was hidden in a secret chamber.”

Shifting Focus in Conversations:

In spoken language, passive voice can be used to change the focus of a conversation or highlight specific details.

Example: “The proposal, you see, was written by our top consultant.”

Avoiding Repetition:

Passive voice can help avoid repetitive use of a subject in consecutive sentences or paragraphs.

Example: “The data were collected meticulously. The data were then analyzed rigorously.”

Creating Suspense or Mystery:

Passive voice can be used to create suspense or mystery by delaying the revelation of the doer.

Example: “The letter had been left on the doorstep.”

While passive voice tenses have their uses, it’s important to use them judiciously. Overusing passive voice can make writing verbose and less engaging. Striking a balance between active and passive voice is essential for effective communication.

9. Passive Voice Tense Usages and Examples

Here are 20 examples and usages of passive voice sentences in various tenses:

Present Simple Passive

Usage: When the focus is on a general truth, routine, or process.

1. The report is written by the manager every month. (General truth)

2. Emails are checked by the IT team daily. (Routine)

3. Bread is made from flour, water, and yeast. (Process)

Present Continuous Passive

Usage : When describing an action that is happening right now or around a specific time.

1. The new project is being discussed in the meeting.

2. The house is being painted this week.

3. A song is being sung by the choir at the moment.

Present Perfect Passive

Usage: To indicate actions that started in the past and have relevance to the present.

1. The documents have been misplaced .

2. The books have been read by the students.

3. The cake has been eaten by someone.

Present Perfect Continuous Passive

Usage: To describe an action that started in the past and is still ongoing or that has recently been completed in the present, even when the specific time is not mentioned:

1. The project has been being developed for several months.

2. The new software has been being tested extensively, and it was finally released today.

3. The house has been being renovated , which is why it looks different now.

Past Simple Passive

Usage: When discussing completed actions or events in the past.

1. The book was read by millions of people.

2. The letter was sent yesterday.

3. The cake was eaten by the kids.

Past Continuous Passive

Usage: To describe actions that were ongoing or in progress at a specific time in the past.

1. The movie was being watched when the power went out.

2. The report was being written all night.

3. The cake was being baked when the guests arrived.

Past Perfect Passive

Usage: To indicate an action that happened before another action in the past, but the doer or agent of the action is not mentioned or is not the focus:

1. By the time we arrived at the party, all the food had been eaten .

2. The assignment had been submitted before the deadline.

3. The treasure had been discovered long before we arrived.

Past Perfect Continuous Passive

Usage : To describe the duration of an ongoing action before another action or event in the past without specifying the doer or agent of the action:

1. By the time I arrived, the cake had been being baked for three hours.

2. The car had been being repaired since morning before it finally broke down.

3. The secret document had been being copied for weeks, but nobody knew who was doing it.

Future Simple Passive

Usage : When discussing actions that will happen in the future.

1. The presentation will be given by our CEO next week.

2. The house will be cleaned before the guests arrive.

3. The winners will be announced at the end of the competition.

Future Continuous Passive

Usage: To describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future without specifying the doer or agent:

1. By this time next year, the new bridge will be being constructed.

2. During the summer, the fields will be being irrigated regularly.

3. By tomorrow morning, the documents will be being reviewed.

Future Perfect Passive

Usage: When discussing actions that will be completed in the future before a specific time.

1. The work will have been finished by 5 PM.

2. All the tickets will have been sold by the time you arrive.

3. The cake will have been eaten by the end of the party.

These exercises should help you practice using passive voice in various tenses. Remember that while passive voice can be useful, it’s essential to use it judiciously and consider whether the passive or active voice is more appropriate for your writing or communication.

10. Passive Tense Workout Exercises

10 passive voice exercises along with answers have been provided here. If you need more exercises or have specific requests, please let me know, and I can provide additional exercises.

Exercise 1: 

1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. They painted the house.

Answer: The house was painted by them.

2. Sarah will bake a cake.

Answer: A cake will be baked by Sarah.

3. The teacher is explaining the lesson.

Answer: The lesson is being explained by the teacher.

Exercise 2: 

2. Change the following passive voice sentences into active voice.

1. The letter was written by John.

Answer: John wrote the letter.

2. The concert will be attended by us.

Answer: We will attend the concert.

3. The car was repaired by the mechanic.

Answer: The mechanic repaired the car.

Exercise 3: 

3. Identify whether the sentences are in the active or passive voice.

1. The cake was baked to perfection. (Passive)

2. Mary reads books every day. (Active)

3. The package was delivered this morning. (Passive)

Exercise 4: 

4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. The chef cooked a delicious meal.

Answer: A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.

2. They have built a new bridge.

Answer: A new bridge has been built by them.

3. The gardener is planting flowers.

Answer: Flowers are being planted by the gardener.

Exercise 5: 

5. Change the following passive voice sentences into active voice.

1. The story was told by her.

Answer: She told the story.

2. The document will be printed by the secretary.

Answer: The secretary will print the document.

3. The report has been written by the team.

Answer: The team has written the report.

Exercise 6: 

6. Identify whether the sentences are in the active or passive voice.

1. The house was painted last week. (Passive)

2. Dogs bark loudly. (Active)

3. The cake is being eaten by the children. (Passive)

Exercise 7: 

7. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. The students will clean the classroom.

Answer: The classroom will be cleaned by the students.

2. She is designing a new website.

Answer: A new website is being designed by her.

3. The company has released a new product.

Answer: A new product has been released by the company.

Exercise 8: 

8. Change the following passive voice sentences into active voice.

1. The novel was written by Mark Twain.

Answer: Mark Twain wrote the novel.

2. The song will be sung by the choir.

Answer: The choir will sing the song.

3. The cake had been baked by Grandma.

Answer: Grandma baked the cake.

Exercise 9: 

9. Identify whether the sentences are in the active or passive voice.

1. The book was read by Sarah. (Passive)

2. Birds build nests. (Active)

3. The letter is being typed by Tom. (Passive)

Exercise 10: 

10. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

1. The mechanic fixed the car.

Answer: The car was fixed by the mechanic.

2. They are painting the walls.

Answer: The walls are being painted by them.

3. The teacher has assigned homework.

Answer: Homework has been assigned by the teacher.

These exercises should help you practice identifying and using passive voice in different contexts. If you need more exercises or have specific questions, feel free to ask!

11. Passive Tense Unsolved Exercises

Exercise1: .

1. Rewrite the following sentences in the present simple passive voice.

1. They teach Spanish at the language school.

2. People use smartphones everywhere.

3. The chef prepares the meals in the restaurant.

2. Convert the following sentences into the present continuous passive voice.

1. The workers are building the bridge.

2. The students are discussing the assignment.

3. The chef is preparing a special dish.

3. Change the following sentences into the past simple passive voice.

1. She wrote a beautiful song.

2. They fixed the broken window.

3. We visited the museum last week.

4. Rewrite the given sentences in the past continuous passive voice.

1. She was painting the room when the phone rang.

2. They were discussing the project during the meeting.

3. He was fixing the car yesterday.

5. Transform these sentences into the future simple passive voice.

1. They will launch a new product next month.

2. The chef will cook a special meal for the anniversary.

3. She will send the invitations tomorrow.

6. Change these sentences into the present perfect passive voice.

1. Someone has cleaned the office.

2. The team has completed the project.

3. She has finished the assignment.

7. Rewrite the following sentences in the future perfect passive voice.

1. They will have prepared everything by tomorrow.

2. She will have graduated by the time of the ceremony.

3. The team will have submitted the report by Friday.

Why use the passive tense?

The passive tense is used in various situations, such as when:

  • The doer of the action is unknown or irrelevant.
  • The focus is on the action or the receiver of the action.
  • The speaker wants to be vague about who performed the action.
  • The speaker wants to be formal or impartial in tone.

How do we use the passive tense?

The passive tense is used when the focus is on the action or the result of the action rather than the doer of the action. It is employed to emphasize the receiver of the action and is especially useful when the doer of the action is unknown or less important in the context. Passive voice is also used to create variety in sentence structure and add emphasis to different parts of a sentence.

What tenses can we use for the passive?

The passive voice can be formed using various tenses in English, including the present simple, past simple, future simple, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. The choice of tense in the passive voice depends on when the action occurred or will occur in relation to the rest of the sentence, allowing for flexibility in expressing different time frames in a passive construction.

Related Posts:

Active Voice and Passive Voice Examples


How to Use the Passive Voice Properly

Passive voice is one of the most discussed topics in English. Often, you hear that your writing is “too passive” or that an active voice should be used instead. This can be confusing if you don’t know the difference between the two.

In this reference, you will find clear explanations of what the passive voice is. You will also learn the key differences between active and passive voice. Practical advice on when to use or avoid the passive voice is provided, along with common examples and rules.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

What Is Passive Voice?

The passive voice is when the object of a sentence performs the action instead of the subject. Normally, the subject does the verb. In the passive voice, the object does the verb. For example, ‘John threw the ball’ becomes ‘The ball was thrown by John.’

When using passive voice, the subject is acted upon. English professionals often prefer active voice, but passive voice has its uses.

Examples of Passive Voice

  • The snake might have killed him.  (Active) –>  He might have been killed by the snake.  (Passive)
  • My father had Tom wash his car.  (Active) –>  My father had his car washed by Tom.  (Passive)

The Difference Between Active and Passive Voice

Active voice  is the opposite of passive voice. In active voice, the subject does the action. In passive voice, the object performs the action.

Active Voice Example:

  • Subject: Dave
  • Verb: completed
  • Object: homework

Passive Voice Example:

Another Active Voice Example:

  • Subject: Kelly
  • Verb: reached
  • Object: soap

Converted to Passive Voice:

Remember, in active voice, the subject acts. In passive voice, the object acts on the subject.

When to Use the Passive Voice

The passive is used:

(1)  When the agent (the person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant, or obvious from the context.

  • Jane was shot.  (We don’t know who shot her.)
  • This house was built in 1815.  (Unimportant agent.)

(2)  To make more polite or formal statements.

  • The trees haven’t been watered.  (More polite)
  • You haven’t watered the trees.  (Less polite)

(3)  When the action is more important than the agent, as in processes, instructions, events, reports, headlines, news items, and advertisements.

  • 60 people were killed in shootings across  Chicago  between Friday and Monday morning.

(4)  To put emphasis on the agent.

  • The new bar will be opened by Sean.

When Not to Use the Passive Voice

In most cases, the active voice is preferred because it is clearer and more direct. Active voice is brief and easy to understand, making it ideal for speech and writing. The passive voice can cause confusion and make your message less clear.

Using the Passive Voice in Writing

The passive voice can add suspense and keep your readers guessing. It’s useful for creating an impartial tone in your writing, which is important in academic works. For instance,  A relationship was found between the amount of chocolate that children ate, and whether or not they had been active that day by numerous studies (Jones and Jones 2020; Johnson and Johnson 2021) . This usage can help distance yourself from the content.

Passive Voice Misuse

You shouldn’t use the passive voice when the subject should be doing the action because it weakens the impact. For example,  He defeated me  is more powerful than  I was defeated by him . Avoid passive voice when you need clarity to ensure your message is easily understood.

Passive Voice vs. Active Voice | Rules & Examples

In English, sentences can be written in either passive or active voice. The difference between the two lies in who is performing the action and who is receiving it.

Present Simple Tense

Active voice:  S + V1 Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + V3

I make a cake.  (Active) A cake is made by me.  (Passive)

Present Continuous Tense

Active voice:  S + am/is/are + V-ing Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + being + V3

They are planting some trees.  (Active) Some trees are being planted.  (Passive)

Present Perfect Tense

Active voice:  S + have/ has + V3 Passive voice:  S + have/ has + been + V3

Someone has eaten my muffin.  (Active) My muffin has been eaten.  (Passive)

Present Perfect Continuous

Active voice:  S + have/ has + been + V-ing Passive voice:  S + have/ has + been + being + V3

Lisa has not been practicing English.  (Active) English has not been being practiced by Lisa.  (Passive)

Future with WILL

Active voice:  S + will/ shall + V1 Passive voice:  S + will be + V3

My parents will take us to the park.  (Active) We will be taken to the park by our parents.  (Passive)

Future with BE GOING TO

Active voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + V1 Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to be + V3

I am going to read the book.  (Active) The book is going to be read by me.  (Passive)

Future Continuous with WILL

Active voice:  S + will/ shall + be + V-ing Passive voice:  S + will/ shall + be + being + V3

She will be taking care of her children at this time tomorrow.  (Active) Her children will be being taken care of at this time tomorrow.  (Passive)

Future Continuous with BE GOING TO

Active voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + be + V-ing Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + be + being + V3

Linda is going to be preparing dinner.  (Active) Dinner is going to be being prepared by Linda.  (Passive)

Future Perfect with WILL

Active voice:  S + will + have + V3 Passive voice:  S + will have been + V3

I will have finished my report by the end of this month.  (Active) My report will have been finished by the end of this month.  (Passive)

Future Perfect with BE GOING TO

Active voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + V3 Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V3

I am going to have finished my report by the end of this month.  (Active) My report is going to have been finished by the end of this month.  (Passive)

Future Perfect Continuous with WILL

Active voice:  S + will + have + been + V-ing Passive voice:  S + will + have + been + being + V3

I will have been teaching English for 5 years by next week.  (Active) English will have been being taught by me for 5 years by next week.  (Passive)

Future Perfect Continuous with BE GOING TO

Active voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V-ing Passive voice:  S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + being + V3

He is going to have been watching TV.  (Active) TV is going to have been being watched by him.  (Passive)

Past Simple

Active voice:  S + V2 Passive voice:  S + was/ were + V3

I visited my uncle last week.  (Active) My uncle was visited by me last week.  (Passive)

Past Continuous

Active voice:  S + was/ were + V-ing Passive voice:  S + was/ were + being + V3

Sam was delivering the letters to the department.  (Active) The letters were being delivered to the department by Sam.  (Passive)

Past Perfect

Active voice:  S + had + V3 Passive voice:  S + had been + V3

He had read the book before Nick came.  (Active) The book had been read before Nick came.  (Passive)

Past Perfect Continuous

Active voice:  S + had + been + V-ing Passive voice:  S + had + been + being + V3

I had been typing the essay for 3 hours before you came yesterday.  (Active) The essay had been being typed for 3 hours before you came yesterday.  (Passive)

Future in the Past (Would)

Active voice:  S + would + V1 Passive voice:  S + would + be + V3

She would type the letters.  (Active) The letters would be typed by her.  (Passive)

Causative Form

Active voice:

  • S + have/ has somebody + V1 + something
  • S + get(s) somebody + to + V1 + something

Passive voice:  S + have/ has/ get(s) something + V3 +(by + someone)

My father had Tom wash his car.  (Active) My father had his car washed by Tom.  (Passive)

Modal Verbs (Present)

Active voice:  S + modal verb + V1 Passive voice:  S + modal verb + be + V3

You can solve the problem.  (Active) The problem can be solved.  (Passive)

Modal Verbs (Present Perfect)

Active voice:  S + modal verb + have + V3 Passive voice:  S + modal verb + have + been + V3

The snake might have killed him.  (Active) He might have been killed by the snake.  (Passive)

Here’s a useful table to summarize:

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple S + V1 S + am/ is/ are + V3
Present Continuous S + am/ is/ are + V-ing S + am/ is/ are + being + V3
Present Perfect S + have/ has + V3 S + have/ has + been + V3
Present Perfect Continuous S + have/ has + been + V-ing S + have/ has + been + being + V3
Future with WILL S + will/ shall + V1 S + will be + V3
Future with BE GOING TO S + am/ is/ are + going to + V1 S + am/ is/ are + going to be + V3
Future Continuous with WILL S + will/ shall + be + V-ing S + will/ shall + be + being + V3
Future Continuous with BE GOING TO S + am/ is/ are + going to + be + V-ing S + am/ is/ are + going to + be + being + V3
Future Perfect with WILL S + will + have + V3 S + will have been + V3
Future Perfect with BE GOING TO S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + V3 S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V3
Future Perfect Continuous with WILL S + will + have + been + V-ing S + will + have + been + being + V3
Future Perfect Continuous with BE GOING TO S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V-ing S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + being + V3
Past Simple S + V2 S + was/ were + V3
Past Continuous S + was/ were + V-ing S + was/ were + being + V3
Past Perfect S + had + V3 S + had been + V3
Past Perfect Continuous S + had + been + V-ing S + had + been + being + V3
Future in the Past (Would) S + would + V1 S + would + be + V3
Causative Form S + have/ has somebody + V1 + something S + have/ has/ get(s) something + V3 +(by + someone)
Modal Verbs (Present) S + modal verb + V1 S + modal verb + be + V3
Modal Verbs (Present Perfect) S + modal verb + have + V3 S + modal verb + have + been + V3

Passive Voice Rules for All Tenses

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Passive Voice (with Examples)

What is the difference between the active voice and the passive voice in English?

Compare these two sentences:

Active = “The doctor gave me a prescription” Passive = “I was given a prescription”

The first sentence is in the “active voice”. The subject is the doctor, and the verb is “gave”. In active sentences, the focus of the sentence is on the subject.

The second sentence is in the “passive voice”. The object of the sentence (“I”) becomes the focus of the sentence.

How to form a passive sentence

1. Firstly, you need to make the object (from the active sentence) into the new subject.

For example, in “John helped me”, “me” is the object. The subject form of “me” is “I”.

Here is a list of objects and subjects:

me – I you – You him / her – He / She us – We them – They

2. Then you make the verb passive.

Put the verb “to be” into the same tense as the verb in the active sentence. For example, in the sentence “John helped me”, “helped” is the past tense. Therefore, you need the past simple tense of the verb “to be”, which is “was” or “were”.

“I was…”

Here’s a list of tenses for the verb “to be”:

Present simple – am / are / is Present continuous – is being / are being Present perfect – has been / have been Simple past – was / were Past continuous – was being / were being Modals will, can etc – will be, can be etc.

3. Then add the past participle of the verb. For example “gave” – “given”, “help” – “helped”

“I was helped by John.” “I was given a prescription by the doctor.”

4. If necessary, you can say who did the action. To do this, add “by” at the end of your sentence. “She was awarded a degree by the University of London .”

When to use the passive voice

As a general rule, speak and write in the active voice. But passive forms can be useful in formal writing (such as scientific reports) when the emphasis is on process and results, rather than on who did the action.

1. To change the focus of a sentence. Sometimes, the object of the sentence is more important than the subject. We can change the focus of the sentence by changing an active sentence into a passive sentence. For example, in the following sentence, the focus is on beautiful designs and colours – not on who creates or chooses them.

“Our beautiful designs are created by a team of experts. The colours are carefully chosen to blend in with the surroundings…”

2. If we don’t know who does an action. “My bicycle has been stolen” – I don’t know who has stolen it.

3. If we don’t want to say who did something. “The lights were left on all night.” (I don’t want to say that you left the lights on.)

4. If it is obvious who does something. “I was given a prescription” – I know that only doctors give prescriptions, so I don’t need to add “by the doctor”. “He was arrested” I know that the police arrest people, so I don’t need to add “by the police”.

Passive or Active?

Decide if the sentence is passive or active.

Your answer:

Correct answer:

Your Answers

The Passive Voice Complete Guide

In this Guide you will learn:

What is the passive voice?

In this example “The house” received the action but it is the subject of this sentence. This is not a common way to express a sentence in English and the passive voice can often sound formal. Keep reading to discover why we use the passive voice. The most common way to explain this sentence is the active voice.

What is the active voice?

So, you can see that in this sentence that “my father” was the actor of the sentence and he is also the subject. ( Subject/Verb/Object)

When to Use the Passive Voice

We use the passive voice for 4 situations, 1. when the subject is unknown.

If we don’t know the subject then we often want to place more emphasis on the action or the person who received the action.

My house was broken into last night.

 2. When the receiver of the action is more important.

The roads were destroyed by the typhoon. (Again the result is more important  because we don’t have roads!)

3. When the subject is obvious.

He was arrested at 6 am.

(It is obvious who collects the rubbish and it is more important that the rubbish was collected)

4 When the doer of the action is people in general.

(The people who accept this situation, in this case, is “everyone”)

Passive Voice Structure

How to form the passive voice, to form the passive voice we use the verb to be + past participle..

You need to use the correct verb tense of the verb to be. So if the sentence is in the future then you need to use will be + past participle.

More examples of the active and passive voice

Active : People play football all around the world.

Passive : The room was cleaned.

You can see from these examples that sometimes it is a good idea to use the passive voice if you follow the reasons why we use the passive voice. If you don’t follow the uses, you make the sentence more complicated than necessary. In fact, sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense in the passive voice.

Can you see how confusing the second sentence is?

Passive Voice Examples for all Tenses

TenseVerb to be + past participleExample

Learn more about the Passive Voice

Asking questions in the passive voice.

Question : Were you collected by the bus driver?

Positive : The pens have been bought.

Common examples in news reports

The Airstrike in Syria is expected to end soon.

Get and the passive voice

In informal English, it is also possible to use get instead of be .

(You can also say” Nobody was hurt”)

He got hit on the head by a golf ball (something happened)

The passive agent, 

How to include the person/thing that does the action in the sentence.

So we learned that the person that does the action is not as important as the person who receives the action. Sometimes, we still want to include this person and hen we do, we use the word by.

The children were brought to school by their mother. 

Active Voice vs Passive Voice: More Practice

Let’s look at some more examples of how the sentences can change from the active voice to the passive voice before we try some exercises.

Exercises on the Active and Passive Voice

Active/passive voice worksheets terms of use.

  • Active/\Passive Voice Worksheet

The active/passive voice worksheet involves labeling sentences as active or passive and identifying the doer of action. Then, rewriting sentences from active to passive and vice versa. The printable worksheet includes a space for students to write one of their own active and passive sentences.

  • Active/Passive Voice Worksheet Answers

Answers to the Active/Passive Voice Worksheet.

  • Inverted Sentences Worksheet

The inverted sentences worksheet involves choosing the correct form of the verb, inverting 3 regular sentences, and then writing 2 or your own inverted sentences. Inverting sentences is a great way to put emphasis on prepositional phrases, and can be an effective way to set moods and setting. Just ask Yoda from Star Wars !

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Passive Sentence

What is a passive sentence.

  • The cake was eaten.
  • The cake was eaten by Lee.

Table of Contents

Examples of Passive Sentences

With a passive sentence, use "by" to show the agent, some interactive examples, what does "passive voice" mean, video lesson, why passive sentences are important.

passive sentence

  • Anita was driven to the theatre.
  • Nowadays, black kites are protected.
  • The olives are stoned and crushed in this room.
  • Anita was driven to the theatre by Carla.
  • Nowadays, black kites are protected by law.
  • The olives are stoned and crushed in this room by my son.
  • My cousin tackled the shoplifter.
  • Heidi smashed the vase.
  • Carl sounded the alarm when David reported the smoke.

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer video to text? Here is a list of all our grammar videos .

(Reason 1) Passive sentences are useful to avoid blame.

  • The document had been released into the public domain.
  • Jackie released the document into the public domain.
  • Bad advice was given.
  • A serious failing in standing operating procedures had occurred.

(Reason 2) Passive sentences can show a neutral or objective tone.

  • It is anticipated that concessions will be offered by both parties.

(Reason 3) Passive sentences are appropriate when the doer of the action is unimportant, unknown, or obvious.

  • Pistachio nuts are grown in Iran.
  • His parade uniform was stolen.
  • The thief was arrested.

(Reason 4) Passive sentences allow you to put something you want to emphasize at the start of your sentence.

  • An estimated 258,000 people were injured in alcohol-related crashes.

(Reason 5) A passive construction allows you to use the same subject twice.

  • Martin crashed into the barrier and was tossed in the crowd.
  • Don't be dogmatic about avoiding passive sentences because they can be useful for avoiding blame, portraying a neutral tone, or focussing on the recipient of the action of a verb rather than the doer.

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This page was written by Craig Shrives .

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English has two voices: active and passive. The active voice is used when the action is done by the subject: The dog ate my homework.

The passive voice (BE + V+-ed/-en/-t) is used when the action of the sentence is not being done by the subject: My homework was eaten by the dog.

The passive is formed with any time frame of the verb TO BE + the PAST PARTICIPLE.

The passive voice is often used:

  • to describe artistic, scientific and literary endeavors:
  • to explain directions and procedures:
  • to describe legal and governmental matters and to avoid placing direct blame:

When active sentences have verbs with direct objects (are transitive), they can become passive:

Active : She is reserving a table. Passive : A Table is being reserved. __________________
Active : A theif stole my stereo. Passive : My stereo has been stolen by a theif.

Errors using the passive voice often occur when students do not edit for subject-verb agreement, omit the verb TO BE, or use the incorrect form of the past participle.

Incorrect : Legends has been passed down.

Correct : Legends have been passed down.

Incorrect : The lecture delivered by a famous professor tomorrow.

Correct : The lecture will be delivered by a famous professor tomorrow.

Incorrect : The missing man was last seeing at a park.

Correct :The lecture will be delivered by a famous professor tomorrow.


Practice 1 - Recognizing passive voice errors in sentences Practice 2 - Recognizing passive voice errors in paragraphs


For more information on the passive and active voice, follow these links:

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Active vs Passive Voice: Understanding the Difference

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Though fun, writing can also get pretty darn confusing, especially when you’re trying to figure out whether to use the active or passive voice. What is the difference between active and passive voice? When and how should you use them?

In this complete active voice vs passive voice guide, we'll go over how each voice works in English grammar, when to use the two voices, and how to change a sentence from passive to active (and vice versa). We’ll also give you an active vs passive voice quiz to test your skills. Let's get started!

What Is Active Voice?

The active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs an action on an object. In other words, the subject does the action, and the object receives the action .

The active voice is easy to identify in writing because it follows a simple form, which is the basis of English grammar:

Subject ( doer ) → Verb → Object ( recipient )

Here’s an example of a sentence using the active voice:

The dog ate my homework.

In this example, "the dog" is the subject, "ate" is the verb, and "my homework" is the object. Here’s a diagram to better show this connection:

The dog


my homework

Here, "the dog" is doing (or, in this case, has already done) the action: it is the one that "ate." Meanwhile, "homework" is the object that is receiving this action of eating.

Here’s another example of the active voice at play:

She is writing an essay.

In this example, "she" is the subject, "is writing" is the verb (in the present progressive tense), and "an essay" is the object.

Once again, the subject ("she") is the one performing the action: "she" is "writing." And what is she writing? An "essay," i.e., the noun that’s receiving the action.

Finally, here's an example of the active voice being used without an object:

In this sentence, we have a subject ("he") and a verb ("sings") but no object. Regardless, because the subject is performing the act of singing, we can identify this as the active voice .


What Is Passive Voice?

The passive voice is basically the opposite of the active voice: it’s when the subject is acted upon by the object. In other words, the subject receives the action, and the object does the action .

The passive voice is a little trickier to identify, as it uses more words than the active voice. The basic structure is as follows:

Subject ( recipient ) → Verb ( past participle of "to be" form ) → Object ( doer )

Note that the object here is always preceded by the word "by."

Additionally, the verb takes its "to be" form (meaning it’s preceded by "is/are" for the present tense and "was/were" for the past tense) and is put in the past participle (e.g., "eaten" for the verb "eat" or "given" for the verb "give").

Here’s an example of a sentence using the passive voice:

The ice cream was bought by the little girl.

In this example, "the ice cream" is the subject, "bought" is the verb, and "the little girl" is the object. Here’s a diagram to help you understand this grammar pattern better:

The ice cream

was bought

by the little girl

As you can see, "the ice cream" (as the subject) is the one receiving the action, while "the little girl" (as the object) is the one performing the action.

Here's another passive voice example:

Our tests were graded by the teacher.

Here, the subject is "our tests," the verb is "were graded," and the object is "the teacher." Again, the subject ("our tests") is receiving the action from the object ("the teacher") , which is, in turn, performing it (i.e., the one who is grading).

Sometimes you’ll see the passive voice being used without an object (i.e., without identifying the doer of the action—only the recipient). Here’s an example:

The tea was poured.

In this sentence, "the tea" is the subject and "was poured" is the verb; however, there’s no object performing the action of pouring . Simply put, we don’t know who poured the tea! Nevertheless, we can identify this sentence as passive based on its setup: a subject followed by a verb in its past participle "to be" form.

If we wanted to insert an object here, we'd simply add the word "by" followed by a noun:

The tea was poured by my grandmother.

Now, we have an object, or doer, of this act of pouring tea: "my grandmother."


Active vs Passive Voice: When Do You Use Them?

The active and passive voice express the same ideas, just in different ways. In terms of when we actually use them, though, what is the difference between active and passive voice?

In general, you should always aim to use the active voice whenever you write. This is because the active voice is clearer and more direct, while the passive voice is wordier and more confusing.

That being said, this doesn’t mean that the passive voice is inherently wrong. There are many cases in which you might opt for the passive voice over the active voice.

Here are some scenarios in which you might want (or need) to use the passive voice:

  • When you want to emphasize the recipient of the action
  • When you want to emphasize the action itself
  • When you don’t know who or what is performing the action
  • When the doer of the action is irrelevant or unimportant

For example, say you’re writing an essay about the Declaration of Independence and you come up with the following sentence:

Most people believe that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, but this is not actually the case.

Let’s parse this out a bit. 

While part of the sentence is clearly in the active voice (the "most people believe" section), the crux of it ("the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4") is in the passive voice. Doing this lets you keep the emphasis on the document, i.e., the topic of your essay .

In addition, there were many people who signed the Declaration of Independence, but listing them all here would only make the sentence longer and more convoluted; this is why the passive voice is a better fit.


Changing From Passive to Active Voice (and Vice Versa)

There are many times you might want to change a sentence from passive to active, or even from active to passive. To do this, you’ll need to understand exactly how the two types of voices work.

First, recall that the primary difference between active and passive voice lies in the roles of the subject and object : whereas in active voice the subject is the doer and the object is the recipient of the action, in passive voice the subject is the recipient of the action and the object is the doer.

Here’s an example of a sentence in the active voice vs passive voice:

Active: She created a travel blog. Passive: A travel blog was created by her.

Below is another way of looking at the difference between active and passive voice:




a travel blog

A travel blog

was created

by her

As you can see here, in the active voice, "she" is the subject and doer, whereas "a travel blog" is the object and recipient of the verb "created."

But in the passive voice, these designations swap : as the original subject, "she" becomes the object (but is still the doer of the action), whereas "a travel blog," which was originally the object, becomes the subject (but is still the recipient of the action).

In addition, the verb, which began in the simple past, has been converted into its past participle "to be" form .

To sum up, to convert from active to passive voice, here’s what you must do:

  • Switch the positions of the subject and object so the original object is now the subject and the original subject is now the object
  • Add the word "by" before the new object
  • Convert the verb into its "to be" past participle form  based on the original tense used
  • Switch the positions of the subject and object so the original subject is now the object and the original object is now the subject
  • Delete the word "by" used before the original object (now subject)
  • Convert the "to be" past participle form of the verb into the appropriate tense as indicated by the verb and overall sentence

The verb is arguably the trickiest part of converting from passive to active. You want to make sure you’re keeping the same tense as indicated by the original verb and sentence.

As an example, here's how you'd change various tenses of the word "do" from passive to active:

  • is done → do/does
  • is/are being done → is/are doing
  • was/were done → did
  • was/were being done → was/were doing
  • will be done → will do

Finally, know that you cannot convert from active to passive or passive to active if you do not have an object . You can see why this doesn’t work in these active vs passive voice examples:

Active (Without Object): I drank. Passive: ??? was drunk by me.

Without an object, we have no idea what "I" actually "drank."

Passive (Without Object): The project will be completed by tomorrow. Active: ??? will complete the project by tomorrow.

Without an object, we cannot explain who "will complete the project."


Active vs Passive Voice Quiz

It’s time to test out what you learned in an active vs passive voice quiz. 

Before you start, make sure you know what the three types of questions expect you to do:

  • Questions 1-3: Identify whether the sentence is active or passive
  • Questions 4-5: Fill in the blanks to create a grammatically correct sentence
  • Questions 6-8: Convert the sentence from active to passive, or vice versa

Answers and explanations will be provided at the end of the quiz. Good luck!

#1: Active or Passive?

This novel was not written by Charlotte Brontë but rather her sister Emily.

#2: Active or Passive?

The mail arrived on time yesterday.

#3: Active or Passive?

A study on the gender wage gap was conducted in 2018.

#4: Fill in the Blank

This gift was given to me _____ my sister.

#5: Fill in the Blank

The toy will soon be _____ by him. (past participle of "fix")

#6: Convert to Passive

Jessica is teaching me how to speak Italian.

#7: Convert to Active

He was advised by his dentist to floss more.

#8: Convert to Active

The valuable painting is finally going to be sold this year.

Active vs Passive Voice Quiz: Answers + Explanations

In this sample sentence, the subject is "the novel," the action is "was not written," and the object is "Charlotte Brontë" — we can leave out that last part since it’s not really important to understanding the voice here.

Because the object ("Charlotte Brontë") is the doer of the action — that is, she’s the one who did not write "the novel" —you should be able to tell right away that  this sentence is in the passive voice . (You might also be able to tell it’s passive due to the use of the word "by" before the object.)

Here, "the mail" is the subject and "arrived" is the verb — there is no object. Because "the mail" is the one doing the action of "arriving," this sentence uses the active voice .

In this example, "a study" is the subject and "was conducted" is the verb; there’s no object. Since "a study" is receiving the action instead of performing it, this sentence is in the passive voice .

(Just in case you’re wondering, the reason we don’t see "by" is that the object, or doer, of the action is either unknown or irrelevant.)

Right away you should recognize this as the passive voice. "This gift" is the subject, "was given" is the verb, and "my sister" is the object who is performing the action of giving.

As you know, the word "by" must come before the object in a passive sentence , so this is the missing word. The sentence should therefore read, "This gift was given to me by my sister."


Again, you should recognize this example as a passive sentence since it calls for the past participle of the verb and has the word "by" before the object. The past participle of the verb "fix" is the same as its simple past: "fixed" ; t herefore, the sentence should read, "The toy will soon be fixed by him."

To convert this sentence from active to passive, you must switch the positions of the subject and object and then convert the verb (in present progressive) to its past participle "to be" form. Don't forget that "me" must transform into its subject form ("I") when going from an object to a subject. ("Jessica" is a name and proper noun and therefore does not change form.)

Finally, place the word "by" before the new object ("Jessica"). This should give you the following passive sentence: "I am being taught how to speak Italian by Jessica."

To convert this example from passive to active, you’ll need to switch the subject and object, change the verb form from "to be" past participle to simple past, and eliminate the "by." Note that "he" will turn into "him" when converted from a subject into an object.

Doing all this correctly should give you this: "His dentist advised him to floss more."

If you didn’t know it already, this question is actually a trick! But how? Because there is no object in this passive sentence, there’s no way to convert it into the active voice. In other words, we have no idea who is going to sell the painting.

If we tried to convert it, we’d get this nonsensical statement: "??? is finally going to sell the valuable painting this year." As such, we cannot create a sentence in the active voice without a subject .

What’s Next?

Now that you understand active voice vs passive voice examples, want to brush up on your English grammar? Then check out our detailed guides on semicolons , verbs , prepositions , proper nouns , and parts of speech .

To ace the SAT/ACT, you'll need to have an excellent grasp of the English language.  Learn the most important SAT grammar rules and ACT grammar rules so you can earn an amazing score.

Need help with using and identifying literary devices? Our expert guide explains more than 30 key literary devices and how they work to help you become a pro at reading and writing.

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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1. Enter the existing text in the designated area.

2. Choose the desired output: active or passive voice.

3. [Optional] Select output length from the drop-down menu.

4. Click "Change Voice"

5. Paste the generated copy into a document or rewrite your copy using our paraphrasing tool.

💡Pro Tip: Break down complex sentences into simpler ones before converting voice.

What is Active and Passive Voice?

Active and passive voice are two different ways of constructing a sentence. The active voice focuses on the subject of the sentence, who is taking direct action. It provides clear, straightforward sentences where the agent of action is easily identifiable, making it a favored choice in most writing styles.

The passive voice shifts the focal point to the recipient of the action. The subject becomes secondary to the action itself, thus presenting a more impartial narrative. It is extensively used in scientific and formal writing where the primary focus is the action, not the doer.

How to Identify Active and Passive Voice?

Active Voice: In active voice, the subject performs the action. It's direct and concise.

Example: "The chef (subject) prepared (action) a delicious meal."

Passive Voice: In passive voice, the subject receives the action. It's indirect and often used when the doer of the action is less important.

Example: "A delicious meal (subject) was prepared (action) by the chef."

Advanced Tip: To identify passive voice, look for forms of "to be" (e.g., was, were) followed by the past participle (e.g., prepared). In active voice, the subject acts on the object, making it easier to spot.

How to Convert Sentences From Active Voice to Passive Voice

Step 1: Identification of Subject, Object, and Verb

A sentence usually comprises the doer (subject), the action (verb), and the receiver (object). In "John reads a book," 'John' is the subject, 'reads' is the verb, and 'a book' is the object. Recognizing these essential components of a sentence is the first step to getting your transformations right.

Step 2: Reposition the Subject-Object Placement

You need to reverse the subject's and object's roles to convert an active voice sentence to passive voice. That means the object becomes the sentence's new subject, and the subject becomes a part of the sentence after the verb.

Taking the same example, the sentence changes to "The book is read by John."

Step 3: Alter Verb Form

The verb in a passive voice sentence typically involves a form of 'be' (is, am, are, was, were) followed by a past participle. So, 'reads' in active voice changes to 'is read' in passive voice.

Step 4: Include Preposition

When the original subject is included in the passive sentence, it is usually introduced by a preposition like 'by'. For example, 'by John' in our previous illustration. However, if the focus of your sentence is the action rather than the doer, you can omit this prepositional phrase.

To recap, the original sentence "John reads a book." is coverted to "The book is read by John" in passive voice.

When to Use A Sentence Voice Changer?

Use passive to active voice sentence converter when:.

1. You want to emphasize the action itself rather than the doer.

2. The doer of the action is unknown or unimportant.

3. Keeping the focus consistent throughout a series of sentences.

4. Avoid putting responsibility on a specific person or group.

5. To sound objective, scientific, technical, or logical.

Passive to Active Voice Example

Passive Voice: "The cake was baked by John."

Active Voice: "John baked the cake."

In the passive voice sentence, the subject (the cake) is acted upon by the verb. The primary attention is on the action done to the subject. In the active voice sentence, the subject (John) is performing the action of the verb. The primary attention shifts to who is doing the action.

Use Active to Passive Voice Sentence Converter When:

1. You want to emphasize the doer of the action.

2. Writing clear and concise instructions.

3. Avoiding ambiguity.

4. Writing non-scientific content.

Active to Passive Voice Example

Active Voice: "John ate the apple."

Passive Voice: "The apple was eaten by John."

In the active voice sentence, the subject (John) is the one doing the action (eating). In the passive voice sentence, the subject (The apple) is the one being acted upon, and the actor (John) is mentioned at the end of the sentence.

Who Benefits From Converting Sentence Voice?

Converting sentences between active and passive voice benefits a wide array of individuals.

1. Writers, editors, linguists, and students studying language or literature can enhance their craft and comprehension.

2. Professionals in marketing or PR sectors can critically analyze text, heightening their ability to produce persuasive content.

3. SEO specialists can optimize content, making it more engaging and search-engine friendly.

How to Make the Most of Active Passive Sentence Voice Changer?

Start by understanding the power of structure in your sentence. Don't merely convert your text; use this tool as an opportunity to refine your content, enriching your writing with diversity in sentence formation.

Apply variety by alternating between active and passive voices, enhancing your writing style and engaging your readers more effectively. Modify the sentence length according to your document needs, whether brief sentences for a swift read or lengthy, descriptive ones for detailed insights.

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Sentence Voice Changer FAQs

Is an ai sentence voice converter reliable.

Our AI sentence voice converter is highly reliable, guaranteeing consistent and accurate results for your writing needs. The tool is trained on massive datasets of text and code, which allows them to accurately identify and convert sentences between active and passive voice.

Is the copy generated plagiarism-free?

The content produced by our sentence voice converter tool is entirely plagiarism-free, ensuring your originality and peace of mind. It uses a variety of techniques to ensure that the output is unique.

Should you use active voice or passive voice in SEO & content marketing?

You should predominantly use active voice in SEO and content marketing as it makes your writing clearer, more direct, and easier to understand. However, passive voice can be used sparingly for variation or when the focus is on the action rather than the actor.

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  1. Homework: Passive Voice

    This homework sheet enables students to practise using the Passive Voice through a range of progressively challenging exercises. After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page. Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker!

  2. Passive Voice

    Exercises Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive. I don't have to buy the paper because it (deliver) to our house every day. simple present (signal: every day) 3 rd person singular: is + past participle; When Kylie went to school, she (pick up) by her parents every day. simple past (signal: went) 3 rd person singular: was + past participle

  3. PDF Homework Passive Voice

    Intermediate. Underline the correct form of the Passive Voice in each sentence. Most wines are made / is made from grapes. Our room is being cleaned / is cleaned at the moment. Hamlet was wrote / was written by William Shakespeare. I think that tomorrow's lesson will cancelled / will be cancelled.

  4. The Passive Voice

    The passive voice is a way of writing or speaking where the object of an action becomes the subject of the sentence. For example, instead of saying "The cat chased the mouse," in passive voice, you would say "The mouse was chased by the cat." This style often makes sentences longer and can make it unclear who is performing the action.

  5. Exercises on Passive Voice

    Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. John collects money. Anna opened the window. We have done our homework. I will ask a question. He can cut out the picture. The sheep ate a lot. We do not clean our rooms. William will not repair the car.

  6. Passive voice

    Correct passive form - exercises. Passive: present and past - write. From active to passive - exercises. From active to passive - write. Verb tenses - write. Passives - quiz. Passive verb forms. Active and passive voice. Passive voice - flash game.

  7. Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

    Passive voice occurs when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. The focus is not on who is performing the action, but rather on the action itself or the recipient of that action. Sentences in passive voice typically follow this structure: the object + be + past participle + by + the subject. For example, " The cake was eaten ...

  8. Passive Voice Tenses: Usages Examples Exercises

    Passive Voice: "A beautiful song (subject) was sung (a form of 'to be' + past participle) ... The teacher has assigned homework. Answer: Homework has been assigned by the teacher. These exercises should help you practice identifying and using passive voice in different contexts. If you need more exercises or have specific questions, feel ...

  9. How to Use the Passive Voice Properly

    Future Perfect Continuous with BE GOING TO. Active voice: S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V-ing. Passive voice: S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + being + V3. He is going to have been watching TV. (Active) TV is going to have been being watched by him.

  10. Passive Voice (with Examples)

    3. Then add the past participle of the verb. For example "gave" - "given", "help" - "helped". "I was helped by John.". "I was given a prescription by the doctor.". 4. If necessary, you can say who did the action. To do this, add "by" at the end of your sentence. "She was awarded a degree by the University of ...

  11. The Passive Voice Complete Guide

    Passive : Football is played all around the world. Active : The cleaners cleaned the room. Passive : The room was cleaned. Active : John failed the exam. Passive : The exam was failed by John. You can see from these examples that sometimes it is a good idea to use the passive voice if you follow the reasons why we use the passive voice.

  12. PDF Passive Voice

    Quick Ways to Check for the Passive Voice There are two main clues that let you know you may have a passive voice sentence. 1) A helping verb such as is, was, were, have been, will be followed by a verb in the past tense. In our sample sentence, the clue was "was asked." 2) The word by might also be a sign of the passive voice. In our ...

  13. Active Passive Voice Worksheets and Online Quizzes

    The active/passive voice worksheet involves labeling sentences as active or passive and identifying the doer of action. Then, rewriting sentences from active to passive and vice versa. The printable worksheet includes a space for students to write one of their own active and passive sentences. Answers to the Active/Passive Voice Worksheet.

  14. Passive Sentence: Explanation and Examples

    Here are some more examples of passive sentences: Anita was driven to the theatre. (In this example, Anita did not perform the action of the verb "to drive." The action was done to her. She was the recipient of the action.) Nowadays, black kites are protected. (The action is being done to the subject "black kites.")

  15. How to Use the PASSIVE VOICE

    Mike teaches 6 ways how and when to use the passive voice in English. NEW QUIZ: https:/...

  16. PASSIVE VOICE [vb]

    The passive voice (BE + V+-ed/-en/-t) is used when the action of the sentence is not being done by the subject: My homework was eaten by the dog. The passive is formed with any time frame of the verb TO BE + the PAST PARTICIPLE. The passive voice is often used: to describe artistic, scientific and literary endeavors: The Mona Lisa was painted ...

  17. Passive Voice: What Passive Voice Is and When to Use It

    The subject is something, or it does the action of the verb in the sentence. With the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by some other performer of the verb. (In case you weren't paying attention, the previous two sentences use the type of voice they describe.) But the passive voice is not incorrect. In fact, there are times when it can ...

  18. Passive Voice Checker

    Instantly make sure your writing is clear and direct. Use our passive voice checker to spot any passive voice in your text and rewrite it to active voice. Step 1: Add your text, and Grammarly will underline any issues. Step 2: Hover over the underlines to see suggestions. Step 3: Click a suggestion to accept it. Get Grammarly It's free.

  19. Active vs Passive Voice: Understanding the Difference

    We define passive voice and active voice so you can tell which is which. CALL NOW: +1 (866) 811-5546 PrepScholar Advice Blog ... Here's an example of a sentence using the active voice: The dog ate my homework. In this example, "the dog" is the subject, "ate" is the verb, and "my homework" is the object. Here's a diagram to better show this ...

  20. What Is Passive Voice and When Do You Use It?

    Understanding when to use passive voice can make all the difference in your writing. Discover exactly when to use passive over active voice and why. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Grammar ... Passive voice: Your homework will be collected by the substitute teacher.

  21. Free Active-Passive Voice Converter

    Enter the existing text in the designated area. 2. Choose the desired output: active or passive voice. 3. [Optional] Select output length from the drop-down menu. 4. Click "Change Voice". 5. Paste the generated copy into a document or rewrite your copy using our paraphrasing tool.