Writing a UX Designer Cover Letter: Everything You Need to Know

Few written documents possess the same power potential as a UX cover letter. Get it right, and your design career could be propelled along. 

Get it wrong or don’t include one at all, and landing a UX role often becomes a lot trickier.

We’re here to help you avoid the pitfalls, and walk you through how to write a UX cover letter that will make a great first impression.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is a UX cover letter?
  • Do UX designers need a cover letter?
  • What should a UX cover letter look and feel like?
  • What should a UX cover letter include?

Final thoughts

1. what is a ux cover letter.

A UX design cover letter is a letter you submit—along with your resume and all-important portfolio —when you apply for a UX designer job. 

The goal of a cover letter is to make your application stand out and convince the hiring manager or recruiter that you are the best candidate for the role, or at least that you deserve an interview.

A good cover letter will show them you have researched the company and the role, how enthusiastic you are about both of these, and why your experience and achievements make you a great fit.

We’ll go over what should be included in a UX designer cover letter later in the article but, in a nutshell, your cover letter should include:

  • A customized greeting
  • A strong opening line to catch the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter
  • A brief explanation of why you want the job
  • A brief explanation of why you’d be great at the job, with evidence
  • An invitation to reach out to you and a thank you

2. Do UX designers need a cover letter?

As you’ve probably guessed by now: yes, UX designers do need cover letters. 

More specifically, they need well-written and well-designed UX cover letters that are tailored for each company and job they apply to, as well as drawing attention to suitable elements of their portfolio.

Recent research by ResumeLab showed that 83% of recruiters agree that a well-written cover letter gives you the opportunity to show you’re a great fit for the company. 

The same percentage of respondents also agreed that a great cover letter can secure you an interview even if your resume isn’t as strong as others. And 74% of recruitment decision-makers preferred to receive applications with cover letters.

Why is including a tailored cover letter so important? There are several reasons, but let’s look at the key ones. A strong cover letter will:

  • Show the recruiter or hiring manager you’re genuinely interested in their position and give you a chance to tell them why
  • Show how your accomplishments and experience make you a great fit
  • Show them your application is not a generic, copy-pasted version (this will immediately set it apart from the majority of other applications)
  • Add character and context to your resume and portfolio, tying them together in a relevant way for the job

Writing a tailored covering letter to go with every application you submit might seem like more hassle than it’s worth. But when you’re applying for jobs in UX design, the quality of your applications is more important than the quantity.

This means you should choose the jobs you apply to carefully, and prioritize them.

A strong, tailored UX designer cover letter is not something you can write quickly—you need to give yourself enough time for thorough research, writing and editing, and getting feedback from a friend or family member who’s good with words.

But before you get started writing, let’s explore what the content should be like.

3. What should a UX cover letter look and feel like?

By “look and feel” we mean how the content should be written and designed to make the biggest impact.

Your UX design cover letter should be written and designed to make it as easy as possible for the hiring manager or recruiter to read and understand. This means it should:

  • Fit on one page
  • Get straight to the point
  • Use common (and ideally short) words
  • Be clear and flow logically from one sentence and paragraph to the next
  • Be scannable with short paragraphs and plenty of white space
  • Be visually designed to be consistent with your resume—this can mean using fonts, styling, and formatting that match your resume (just make sure it’s still identifiable as a cover letter)

Following these basic principles will stop your letter being discarded because of avoidable issues, like being too long or using overly complex language.

It will also increase the chances of the hiring manager or recruiter finishing the letter, and you’ll hopefully find your way to the recruiter phone screen in no time.

Now we’ve covered how your cover letter should be written and designed, let’s take a look at what the content should actually include.

4. What should a UX cover letter include?

As you only have a maximum of a page to work with, it’s crucial to make the most of your space. Sticking to this structure will help:

  • The job you’re applying for 

Explain what appeals to you about the company and why you want the job

Explain why you’d be great at the job, with evidence (reflected in your cv or portfolio), invite them to reach out to you and thank them.

Let’s dive a little deeper into each component of the structure.

Include a customized greeting

A customized greeting will make a great first impression. Occasionally the recruiter or hiring manager’s name is included in the job advert. If not, they’re often findable using a combination of Google, LinkedIn, and other social media.

If you can’t find the name of the recruiter or hiring manager, a simple “Hello,” or “Hi there,” is better than “Dear Sir or Madam,” or “To Whom It May Concern,” — these are way too formal for 2024.

Include the job you’re applying for

It might sound obvious, but you should include the name of the job you’re applying for. This can either be in the cover letter title or in your opening sentence. 

Include a strong opening line

Your opening line is the one you should think about the most.

A good one will probably mean the rest of your cover letter gets read. An extremely strong one can actively grab the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Amy Gallo, a workplace dynamics expert and contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, recommends being direct and dynamic, but not trying to be funny.

A great opening line—for a Product Designer position at Wise for example—could be something like:

“I’ve used Wise 43 times over the last 5 years and I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than a minute or two going through your flow, so I think it’s fair to say I love your product.”

This is obviously dependent on you having used the product in question (it should go without saying, but your UX cover letter must be accurate). If you haven’t used the product you could start with something like:

Here are three reasons I’d love to join Volvo as a UX Designer: Reason #1 that shows you’ve done a lot of research Reason #2 that shows why the job and company appeal to you Reason #3 that shows why you’d be a great fit because of your skills and achievements

Although using a list like this in a covering letter is slightly unconventional, it shows the recruiter extremely quickly how passionate and well-suited you are about the job and company. Listicles are also quick and easy to read and digest, which is why they’re one of the top content types .

In fact, this approach is well-suited to a UX designer cover letter, as it shows that you’re applying some psychological principles of design to it. Why not practice what you preach?

This is a chance to show you’ve done your research. Give yourself plenty of time to understand the company’s needs and goals. 

For starters, you can: 

  • Familiarize yourself with their mission and values. 
  • Read interviews with or profiles of their executive team.
  • Review their recent PR and new stories about them.
  • Check out their design blog (or even better, their design system).
  • Watch their videos or YouTube channel.

Ultimately you should use this space to show them that you understand the problem they’re trying to solve and why it resonates with you.

After showing you understand the problem they’re solving, now you need to show them why you’d be great at the job. In other words, why you’d be able to help them solve the problem through the context of the job you’re applying for.

The key here is evidence. After you’ve read the job advert several times, try to understand the core underlying themes. 

Don’t just tell them you’d be a great fit, show them exactly how a key achievement in your resume is directly relevant to what they’re looking for. Clearly link it back to one or two of the key themes in the job advert.

Make it easy for the recruiter or hiring manager to see the unique value you’d bring to the team.

The final section is fairly self-explanatory, but inviting them to reach out is another way of showing your enthusiasm for the job and openness in general.

Thanking them for their consideration shows an appreciation of how busy they are—most recruiters and hiring managers are extremely busy.

Perhaps the art of the UX cover letter is balancing the hard and fast rules (keep it under one page, get straight to the point, avoid overly complex language and long paragraphs) with the more personal elements.

A truly great cover letter will present a compelling case without being generic. It will engage the reader by showing some of your character and personality, without being over the top, desperate, or arrogant.

Try to tailor your letter to the company’s tone and voice. If it’s a quirky startup, try and make them smile with a line or two. For a corporate law firm, you might want to keep it more straight down the line.

If you aren’t a super confident writer, ask that wordsmith friend or relative to give it a read and scrub out any typos. Write it ahead of time, edit ruthlessly, and sleep on the results.

Maybe most crucially, a winning UX cover letter will allow your authentic passion and suitability for the role shine through .  

Hopefully this gave you some inspiration and an insight into best practices! Now you can start working on polishing your UX portfolio , as well as preparing for design interview questions .

If you’d like to read more about getting hired as a UX designer, check out these articles:

  • How to Get a Job in UX With No Industry Experience
  • A Guide to UX Designer Job Descriptions & How to Interpret Them
  • This Is How to Prepare for Your Next UX Design Interview

Write A Great UI/UX Designer Cover Letter: Examples & Templates

Learn what makes a great UI/UX designer cover letter. Get inspired by top UI/UX cover letter examples and templates.

cover letter example ux

Written by Dribbble

Published on Oct 21, 2022

Last updated Mar 11, 2024

Designers often put a lot of thought and effort into their portfolios — and with good reason. A great portfolio showcases your abilities and processes as a designer. But in a job hunt, these essential elements are only two legs of a stool. The third leg is a great UI/UX designer cover letter. For UX designers in particular, where great written communication is necessary for user research and collaboration, cover letters are crucial to getting hired for work.

What is the purpose of a UI/UX cover letter? 

Put simply, a cover letter helps bridge the gap between a hiring manager or recruiter and your designer resume and portfolio. A great cover letter captures the attention of the reader and compels them to take a closer look at you and your work. 

Cover letters let you address the company directly, highlight your experience and personality, express your enthusiasm for the company, and convince the person reviewing your application why you’re a great fit for the position. That said, designers ask this question time and again:

Do we really need to send cover letters? Isn’t a great portfolio and resume enough?

As designers, we expect our work to speak for itself. And when we’ve created an excellent  UI/UX portfolio , it most certainly does. When the portfolio is paired with an excellent resume, it creates a duo that results in invitations to interviews. But in a sea of stiff competition, where hiring managers receive dozens or hundreds of resumes and portfolios for every posting, a compelling cover letter might be the key element that sets you apart. 

What are the most important elements of a UI/UX cover letter?

Generally speaking, there are some fundamentals that every cover letter should include, which we’ll get to in a moment. That said, there are exceptions. Cover letters are personalized to the company or individual you’re applying to, so you’ll need to do your homework before writing them. 

Many companies tell you what they want to see in a cover letter. If this is the case, the most important elements should flow from these instructions. Use them as guideposts for how you structure your letter and what to include. 

Otherwise, your UI/UX cover letter should include:

  • A header with all your contact information and relevant links, including your full name, email address, and a link to your portfolio (phone number, optional)
  • A personalized salutation followed by a strong first sentence that catches the reader’s attention
  • A brief explanation of why you want the position you’re applying for
  • A brief explanation of why you believe you’re a great fit for the job
  • A sign-off that thanks the reader and invites them to contact you

How to write a cover letter for a UI/UX design position

Along with the elements listed above, there are a few key concepts to keep in mind when you set out to create a design cover letter. As a cover letter is a written document, many of these concepts apply to principles of strong writing. For example:

  • Be concise and use plain, simple language
  • Strive for clarity and simplicity
  • Write to your audience (your potential future employer!)

Writing principles aside, as a UI/UX designer, you should give your cover letter the same design considerations you give your portfolio and resume. 

Use the same fonts on your cover letter that you do on your portfolio and resume. Likewise with any colors or logos you’ve created as part of your personal brand . Recruiters and hiring managers should recognize your cover letter, resume, and portfolio as a trio that represents only you.

All that said, let’s start the writing process.

writing a cover letter illustration

🔍 Research the company and job description

All good writing starts with research. Since cover letters are personalized documents, you should spend a good amount of time reading and re-reading the  UX designer job description as well as everything you can about the company. Take notes about anything that stands out to you that you might want to mention in your letter. 

For example, if one of the company’s values appeals to your own, make a point to include it in your letter. Similarly, if there’s something in the job description you can connect with past work or if it simply ignites your enthusiasm, write it down. If the company puts a heavy emphasis on  UI design principles , make note of it and address it in your letter.

Finally, while you’re researching, pay close attention to the brand voice of the company. This will come in handy a little bit later.

📝 Create an outline and draft

Once you’re finished researching, it’s time to start writing. If you’re intimidated by the blank page, outlining is a great way to begin. Pulling from the elements discussed earlier, your outline should consist of:

  • An introduction
  • A paragraph explaining you want the UI/UX position you’re applying for
  • A paragraph explaining why you believe you’re a great fit
  • Closing remarks

Once you’ve jotted the above outline, go back to the notes you took and start fitting them into place. Think about what you want to say to address the hiring manager and recruiter as well as the company. At this stage, don’t polish every word — simply get your thoughts on the page.

✍️ Write and refine your cover letter

With everything outlined and the research done, you can start the writing process. This may take a few tries, but keep at it until you’ve polished what you want to say to a fine point. Whether you’re applying to a UX design internship  or a senior position, always write with confidence. Let the reader know with conviction that you’re the right person for the job. 

Coming back around to the brand’s voice: Try to reflect the same voice in your writing.

While you should certainly be yourself in your writing, cultural fit is an important aspect of finding the perfect job. If you’re applying to a quirky startup with a fun voice, lean towards casual in your writing. On the other hand, if you’re applying for a UI/UX position at a law firm, you’ll probably want to be a little more professional. 

✏️ UI/UX design cover letter template 

If you’re feeling stuck on writing your cover letter, a good template can help get things moving. When you’re finished writing your cover letter, maybe with the help of one of the templates or examples below, check out our collection of resume templates too.

Here’s a UI/UX design cover letter template you can use as a starting point:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

As a passionate UI/UX designer and a fan of [Company Name ] for many years, I was thrilled when I saw that you were searching for someone to fill the role of [Job Title] . I’m confident that the skills and experience I’ve honed throughout my career are exactly what you’re looking for. 

I have years of experience working in the design field, most recently at [Company Name] , where I worked my way up to [Job Title] . While I was there, I sharpened my skills by creating and improving design systems, leading user research teams, and pushing design thinking across the product team. And in fact, I lead the UI and UX efforts for [Project Name] , bringing [Company Name’s] conversion rates up by [Percentage] .

I’m certain that my expertise in turning user pain points into solutions with real results makes me a great fit for [Company Name] . More than that, I’m excited about the growth potential of being the new [Job Title] .

I’d love to hear more about this amazing opportunity and talk to you and the design team about how my experience can help. I’ve added my resume along with a link to my [Portfolio Link] .

Thanks so much for reading! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]

UI/UX designer cover letter examples

If you’re still feeling a little stuck, here are a few great examples of cover letters to draw inspiration from. 

✐ UI/UX internship cover letter example

Hello John Dribbble,

As I’m nearing the end of my coursework, I began a search for a place to apply my new skills. As a fan of [Company] for many years, I was delighted to find you were offering an internship for UX design candidates. 

In 2023, I’ll graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Human-Computer Interaction and Graphic Design. Aside from my coursework, I’ve also completed several personal passion projects that demonstrate how I approach design problems with the user in mind. Even though I’ve sharpened my practical user interface design skills with software, I bring an emphasis on design thinking and user research to every project I work on.

My passion for UI and UX is a big part of why I’m a loyal [Company] customer. In fact, this same appreciation for usability is what led me to study UI/UX design. It would be a dream come true to learn from [Company’s] design team and begin my UI/UX journey by growing in exciting and innovative ways. 

Again, I’m delighted about this opportunity and I’d love to speak with you about what [Company] expects from its UI/UX interns. I’ve attached my resume as well as a link to my portfolio that includes course and personal projects. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

✐ Entry-level UI/UX designer cover letter example

Hi John Dribbble,

I’m excited to write to you about the UI/UX Design opportunity you recently posted on LinkedIn. As a graphic designer with three years of experience, I’ve found myself drawn more and more to user-focused design.

Over the last 2 years with [Company Name], I’ve shifted from graphic design to web design, focusing on creating rich user experiences and pixel-perfect interface designs. As an intrinsically motivated person, I took it upon myself to improve my UX skills and convinced [Company Name] to implement user research, prototyping, and design thinking into its design process. Most recently, I was the key designer on [Project Name], where my push for UX helped the project succeed wonderfully.

I’m confident that my enthusiasm, drive, and relevant design experience will enable me to excel in this opportunity with [Company]. Even though I started my career in graphic design, I feel my level of commitment to the user is what [Company] is looking for in a UI/UX Designer. 

You’ll find my resume, portfolio, and contact information attached. I’d appreciate the opportunity to speak with you more about the position and explore ways my skills and experience can help [Company] succeed in its UX efforts. Thanks so much for your consideration. 

I hope to hear from you soon,

✐ Mid-Senior level UI/UX designer cover letter example

I was recently looking at the new web design for [Company Name]. As an experienced UI/UX designer, I was so thoroughly impressed that I went searching to see who designed it. Imagine my excitement when I found my answer and that [Design Agency] was hiring for a new Lead UX Designer.

Over the last 6 years, I’ve honed my skills in web design, UI, and UX. In my current position, I’ve helped [Agency Name] launch dozens of successful e-commerce sites. Most recently, I was key in the redesign of [Company Name’s] website. Wireframing, interface design, and user research were essential skills I brought to those projects. I’m also well-versed in front-end development skills , including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making me an excellent collaborator with development teams on web projects.

Given [Design Agency’s] focus on creating great user experiences for the web, I truly believe I’m an excellent match for the Lead UX Designer position. More specifically, as [Design Agency] moves into the e-commerce space, I’m certain my expertise and leadership can help this transition succeed. 

I’d love to speak with you about this opportunity and explore ways I can help [Design Agency] grow in the area of UX. You’ll find my resume attached as well as a link to my portfolio with case studies. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to speaking with you.

What is the most important part of a cover letter?

Some would argue that the most important part is the introduction. And without a doubt, you should strive to write an intro that hooks the recruiter’s or hiring manager’s attention. 

But a good hook without an excellent letter body won’t get you far. And in fact, some readers who parse a lot of cover letters may skim or skip over the introduction to get right to the heart of the matter: Your skills, experience, qualifications, and why you want the position. 

How long should my cover letter be? 

As with your resume and portfolio, brevity is key in your cover letter format. Aim for succinct paragraphs and get straight to the point. In almost all cases, your cover letter should fit on a single page. 

Remember, cover letters serve as the entry point to your resume and portfolio. The objective is to get the hiring manager or recruiter to read your letter and start learning more about you and your work. 

In other words, your cover letter is a call to action. 

Find your next best UI/UX design job 

Whether you are just beginning your career or you’re a seasoned designer, writing cover letters is a skill you shouldn’t ignore. A great cover letter often results in you sitting in front of a creative director and answering job interview questions  as opposed to your job application sinking to the bottom of the stack. 

If you’re looking for your next best UI/UX design job,  Dribbble’s job board  is the perfect place to hone your newfound skills and land amazing opportunities. So what are you waiting for? Your new job is waiting. Get your word processor ready and start browsing UX designer job postings today.

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12 UX Designer Cover Letter Samples

Hi there! I'm Oleksii Pryhorodov, a Product Designer at Coverler AI. In my role, I've seen firsthand how crucial a well-crafted cover letter can be in the job search process. In this article, I want to share examples of short cover letters tailored for UX designers at various experience levels. Whether you're an entry-level designer or a seasoned professional, these examples will help you stand out from the competition and make a strong impression on potential employers.

General UX Designer Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers looking for experienced UX designers. Highlighted Skills: User research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, collaboration with cross-functional teams. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, As an accomplished UX Designer with over 5 years of experience, I am eager to bring my expertise in user research, wireframing, and prototyping to your team. My background includes leading design projects that improve user satisfaction by 30% and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver intuitive and engaging user experiences. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your innovative projects and help create seamless user journeys. Best regards, [Your Name]

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Entry-Level UX Designer Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers seeking fresh talent in UX design. Highlighted Skills: Knowledge of UX principles, basic wireframing, eagerness to learn, teamwork. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the entry-level UX Designer position at your company. Having recently completed my degree in UX Design, I have gained foundational skills in wireframing and user research. My internship experience allowed me to work closely with senior designers, enhancing my ability to create user-friendly designs. I am eager to bring my fresh perspective and enthusiasm to your team. Sincerely, [Your Name]

UX Designer Cover Letter No Experience

Target Audience: Hiring managers open to hiring UX designers without formal experience. Highlighted Skills: Self-taught design skills, online course certifications, passion for UX design, problem-solving. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the UX Designer position. Though I lack formal experience, I have completed several online courses and personal projects in UX design, developing skills in wireframing, prototyping, and user research. My passion for creating user-centric designs drives me to continuously improve and learn. I am confident that my dedication and self-taught skills will make a valuable addition to your team. Best regards, [Your Name]

UX Designer Fresher Cover Letter

Target Audience: Companies looking to hire fresh graduates in UX design. Highlighted Skills: Recent education in UX design, project work, enthusiasm, ability to learn quickly. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, As a recent graduate in UX Design, I am enthusiastic about beginning my career with your esteemed company. My academic projects involved user research, wireframing, and creating interactive prototypes, equipping me with a solid foundation in UX principles. I am eager to apply my knowledge and enthusiasm to real-world projects and contribute to your team’s success. Warm regards, [Your Name]

UX Designer Intern Cover Letter

Target Audience: Companies offering internships for aspiring UX designers. Highlighted Skills: Academic knowledge, eagerness to gain hands-on experience, collaborative mindset. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the UX Designer Intern position at [Company Name]. Currently pursuing my degree in UX Design, I have developed skills in wireframing, prototyping, and user research through coursework. I am eager to gain hands-on experience and learn from seasoned professionals. My collaborative nature and eagerness to contribute make me a perfect fit for your internship program. Sincerely, [Your Name]

UX Designer Internship Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers offering UX design internships. Highlighted Skills: Relevant coursework, passion for UX design, willingness to learn and grow. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the UX Designer Internship at your company. As a dedicated UX Design student, I have honed my skills in user research, wireframing, and usability testing. This internship is an excellent opportunity for me to apply my academic knowledge to real-world challenges and learn from experienced designers. I am committed to contributing to your team and growing as a UX professional. Best regards, [Your Name]

Junior UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Target Audience: Hiring managers looking for junior UX designers. Highlighted Skills: Foundational UX skills, project experience, ability to work under guidance. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am thrilled to apply for the Junior UX Designer position. With a strong foundation in user research, wireframing, and prototyping from my recent projects, I am ready to bring my skills to your dynamic team. My ability to work under the guidance of senior designers and my enthusiasm for creating user-centric designs make me an excellent candidate for this role. Warm regards, [Your Name]

Medium-Level UX Designer Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers looking for mid-level UX designers with some experience. Highlighted Skills: User research, design thinking, project management, collaboration. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, With 3 years of UX design experience, I am excited to apply for the UX Designer position at your company. My expertise in user research, design thinking, and project management has enabled me to create impactful user experiences. I have successfully led design projects, collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver solutions that meet both user needs and business goals. I look forward to contributing to your innovative projects. Best regards, [Your Name]

Senior UX Designer Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers seeking experienced and senior UX designers. Highlighted Skills: Advanced UX skills, leadership, strategic thinking, user-centered design. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, As a Senior UX Designer with over 7 years of experience, I am eager to bring my strategic thinking and advanced UX skills to your team. My background includes leading complex projects, mentoring junior designers, and implementing user-centered design processes that enhance user satisfaction. I am confident in my ability to drive innovation and create exceptional user experiences for your company. Sincerely, [Your Name]

UX Designer Cover Letter for Upwork

Target Audience: Potential clients on Upwork seeking freelance UX designers. Highlighted Skills: Freelance experience, diverse project portfolio, client satisfaction, flexibility. Cover Letter: Dear Client, I am an experienced UX Designer with a proven track record on Upwork, specializing in creating user-centric designs that drive engagement and satisfaction. My diverse portfolio showcases projects across various industries, and I am dedicated to delivering high-quality work that meets client needs. I am excited to collaborate on your project and bring your vision to life. Best regards, [Your Name]

Best UX Designer Cover Letter

Target Audience: Hiring managers looking for top-tier UX design talent. Highlighted Skills: Comprehensive UX expertise, innovation, project leadership, user advocacy. Cover Letter: Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the UX Designer position at your esteemed company. With extensive experience in user research, prototyping, and usability testing, I have consistently delivered innovative solutions that enhance user experiences. My passion for user advocacy and my ability to lead design projects from conception to completion make me an ideal candidate for your team. Warm regards, [Your Name]

UX Designer Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Job Title] [Company's Name] [Company's Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to express my interest in the UX Designer position at [Company's Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With [number] years of experience in UX design and a strong background in [mention any relevant skills or industries], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and help create exceptional user experiences. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I [describe a relevant project or responsibility]. This experience has honed my skills in [mention key skills such as user research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, etc.], allowing me to deliver designs that not only meet user needs but also align with business goals. One of my notable achievements includes [mention a specific achievement or result, such as improving user satisfaction by X% or increasing conversion rates by Y%]. I am particularly impressed by [mention something specific about the company or its projects], and I am confident that my background and approach to UX design will be a great fit for your team. My ability to [mention a unique skill or attribute, such as problem-solving, collaborating with cross-functional teams, or innovating design solutions] sets me apart and aligns well with your company's goals. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique perspective and skills to [Company's Name] and contribute to the success of your projects. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my background, skills, and passions can align with the needs of your team. Sincerely, [Your Name]

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Oleksii Pryhorodov, Product Designer at Coverler AI

Hello! I'm the creative brain at Coverler AI, where design meets wit in crafting cover letters. With a knack for turning bland into grand, I'm here to ensure your first impression is nothing short of impressive. Diving deep into the art of cover letters for any role, I dish out guides sprinkled with humor and insider tips. Whether it's your dream gig or just a step up, let's make your application pop and lock. Ready to stand out? Follow my lead and let's craft your masterpiece!

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  • UX Designer Cover Letter
  • UX Designer Cover Letters By Experience
  • UX Designer Cover Letters By Role
  • Write Your UX Designer Cover Letter

As a UX designer, you’re the mastermind behind successful user journeys and impressive website overhauls. From the initial stages of research and testing to designing storyboards and wireframes, you turn something that’s often “meh” into a seamless, enjoyable experience.

You track every step a user takes in mobile and web apps, finding ways to improve those paths. Now, it’s time to do the same with your career and take recruiters on a trip with your cover letter and complementary UX designer resume .

Let us be your tour guide through the world of successful job hunts! Our UX designer cover letter templates and cover letter generator will help you navigate these uncharted lands.

cover letter example ux

UX Designer Cover Letter Example


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UX Designer cover letter template

Copy this text for your UX Designer cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Honolulu, HI 96801 (123) 456-7890

December 12, 2023

Layla Stewart Hawaiian Airlines 123 Fictional Lane Honolulu, HI 96801

Dear Ms. Stewart:

Hawaiian Airlines is a company I admire for its commitment to superior user experiences. With my background rooted in HCI, supplemented by several recognized certifications, I have honed my skills in user-centered design, information architecture, and data analysis. Hawaiian Airlines’ values resonate with my professional ethos, making this the opportunity to be your next UX designer genuinely enticing.

As a UX designer at Booz Allen Hamilton, a business management consultancy firm in Honolulu, I executed my expertise in interaction design. Using InVision and Sketch, I designed and refined 37 UI components, raising user engagement by 17%. Furthermore, I conducted 14 usability testing sessions, integrating valuable user feedback into design improvements.

Additionally, my prior role as a UI/UX designer at Tyler Hawaii, a burgeoning tech company in Honolulu, allowed me to deepen my knowledge of information architecture. Here, I architected 18 reliable navigation systems and performed card sorting tests, resulting in a notable 21% acceleration in user journey within our primary product interfaces.

Earlier in my career as a data analyst at the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s research department, I strengthened my competency in data analysis. By leveraging Python and Tableau, I processed large, complex data sets. The derived insights significantly amplified the efficacy of research projects.

Equipped with my array of skills in interaction design, information architecture, data analysis, and HCI training, I’m eager to contribute to Hawaiian Airlines’ pursuit of customer satisfaction. I look forward to discussing how I can effectively contribute to your team. Thank you for considering my application.

Nina Petrovic

Why this cover letter works

  • Examine the intro of Nina’s masterpiece. See the sharp correlation between UX design’s role in enhancing online user experiences and the employer’s ambition to curate expectation moments for their passengers? Talk of a goldmine that gives your applications a strong start.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

UI/UX Designer Internship Cover Letter Example

UI/UX Designer Internship cover letter template

Copy this text for your UI/UX Designer Internship cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Nashville, TN 37201 (123) 456-7890

August 12, 2024

Liam Williams Asurion 123 Fictional Lane Nashville, TN 37201

Dear Mr. Williams

The opportunity to contribute as a UI/UX design intern at Asurion is one I approach with considerable enthusiasm. The company’s recent efforts to upgrade the user experience for its mobile app, showcasing a commitment to user-centric design, closely align with my experiences at college, including elevating a client’s website in terms of its functionality and visual appeal.

My user-centered design skills have been rigorously developed through a previous internship at Pyxl, where I played a key part in a project that resulted in a 2.6-point increase in average client satisfaction rating. Using tools like UserTesting and Hotjar, I gathered in-depth user feedback and analyzed behavioral data to inform design decisions. These insights guided the creation of high-fidelity prototypes and improved user interactions.

The design challenge presented by Trevecca Nazarene University was a watershed moment. Tasked with creating interactive prototypes using Figma and Adobe XD, the project was not only successful in making complicated concepts accessible and visually stimulating but also in boosting user engagement by 17%. This experience further solidified my capacity to transform creative concepts into tangible, accessible solutions that resonate with users.

When freelancing at LinkedIn, my redesign of lead generation forms led to a 23% increase in lead generation, and my efforts in automating the support center saw a 51% decrease in query tickets. Meanwhile, at Airbnb, I refined survey methods and developed detailed user personas, culminating in a 24% increase in user interactions.

My passion for UI/UX and a track record of meaningful contributions, inspires me to seek the design intern position at Asurion. I’m eager to explore how my background, skills, and enthusiasm align with your team’s goal to create user experiences that exceed expectations.

Thank you for your consideration,

Jasmine Wong

Enclosures: Resume Application Transcripts

  • In other words, stick to the script. If, for instance, the job ad directs you to include your resume and transcripts with your application, be sure to do so and then mention them in the ENCLOSURES section of your cover letter.

Entry-level UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Entry-level UX designer cover letter template

Copy this text for your Entry-level UX Designer cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Arlington, TX 76001 (123) 456-7890

Aubrey Edwards Accenture 123 Fictional Lane Arlington, TX 76001

Dear Ms. Edwards:

Reviewing Accenture’s laudable 4.2/5 rating on Glassdoor from a staggering 157,300+ votes and the Arlington branch’s equally impressive 4.0/5 rating from 24,000+ reviewers on Indeed, I was inspired to apply for the entry-level UX designer position. Accenture’s commitment to offering bespoke solutions for each client mirrors my advocacy for individualized user experience design.

While completing my degree in user experience design at the University of Texas at Arlington, I interned at DR Horton. I was entrusted with a primary role in the competitor analysis project, where I utilized SimilarWeb and SEMRush, yielding meaningful data. Our team devised strategies that fostered a 24% increase in the website conversion rate, helping us stay ahead of seven key competitors.

As part of my coursework, I oversaw a group project that involved developing an easy-to-navigate website for a local non-profit organization, EcoAction Arlington. Our goals focused on enhancing user interface through visually engaging designs built from my proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite. This task led to the site receiving 27% more traffic and a 9.6% uptick in month-over-month donations.

In a course on usability testing, I learned how to apply heuristic evaluation methods and utilized UsabilityHub to collect real-time user feedback. I further improved my skills through a course-related assignment where we worked on improving the user interface of a mock e-commerce website.

At Accenture, I hope to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired. I’m eager to further enhance usability testing, visual design, and competitor analysis in an environment as dynamic and innovative as Accenture. Looking forward to our future discussions about this exciting opportunity.

  • Check out Lea’s entry-level UX designer cover letter. Notice how she brilliantly narrates her experiences using SimilarWeb and SEMRush for competitor analysis and UsabilityHub for collecting real-time user feedback. The transition from theory to practical application no doubt speaks for your hands-on experience outside formal settings.

Senior UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Senior UX Designer cover letter template

Copy this text for your Senior UX Designer cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90001 (123) 456-7890

August 21, 2024

Chloe Green Google 123 Fictional Lane Los Angeles, CA 90001

Dear Ms. Green:

With six years of experience leading cross-functional projects, I specialize in turning complex user data into clear, effective design solutions. My approach combines strategic thinking with a hands-on mentality, allowing me to integrate feedback and drive meaningful results seamlessly. I’m eager to utilize my capabilities to refine user interactions at Google and craft experiences that connect with users worldwide.

While developing the Adobe XD desktop app at Apple Inc., I honed my user research and analysis skills by alerting over 3.2K customers about device updates. Leveraging feedback from UserTesting, I introduced 31 new themes that garnered an 89% customer satisfaction rate. My leadership in redesign extended to LinkedIn and Airbnb, where I created user personas based on direct feedback, refining my ability to conduct user research and translate findings into actionable design upgrades.

At Neuron, my redesign of LinkedIn’s lead generation forms and automation of support centers led to a 23% increase in leads and a 51% reduction in query tickets. Additionally, implementing user-desirable insights from Mixpanel at Airbnb resulted in a 47% increase in market share within the first quarter.

Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I ensure all design deliverables meet accessibility and usability standards. For example, revamping Apple’s web pages streamlined the navigation menu, reducing misdirected customer queries by 37%. At Airbnb, my analytics support contributed to an 88% accuracy rate for a cross-functional internet search project.

Taking on this role represents a pivotal milestone in my professional journey, where I intend to deepen my commitment to crafting interfaces that transcend aesthetic appeal and prioritize user experience. The opportunity to contribute to Google’s mission excites me, and I’m keen to explore how my experiences, expertise, and passion are in harmony with the aspirations of your team.

Sophia Dupont

Enclosures: Resume Transcript 2 letters of recommendation

  • We get it; it’s been a heck of a journey, with plenty of sweat and maybe a few tears, to reach the big leagues of UX design. However, when crafting your piece, you must sidestep the temptation to blab about such uncomfortable phases, weaknesses, or self-doubt. Instead, zero in on those skills and standout experiences that make you perfect for the job.

UI UX Designer Cover Letter Example

UI UX designer cover letter template

Copy this text for your UI UX Designer cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Tampa, FL 33601 (123) 456-7890

Andrew Collins Sykes Enterprises 123 Fictional Lane Tampa, FL 33601

Dear Mr. Collins:

I first discovered the world of Sykes Enterprises when my college class toured a Tampa-based fair showcasing opportunity in business process outsourcing and technology. Today, as an experienced UI UX designer, I’m enthusiastic about blending technology and design for remarkable user experiences at Sykes Enterprises.

At Tampa Bay Tech Solutions, we improved session duration for a local client by 23% through redesigning wireframes and prototypes of the existing applications in the portfolio. My proficiency in Adobe XD and Sketch, plus a keen understanding of Information Architecture, facilitated intuitive user experience.

Before that, I worked as a user experience architect at Socius Marketing, where I devised the content strategy for a large e-commerce client, leading to a surge in their monthly traffic by 33%. My ability to integrate user needs, business requirements, and technical constraints into a cohesive whole will undoubtedly benefit Sykes Enterprises’ diverse client base.

That’s not all. I believe that my experiences have not just revolved around improving screen interactions. At Suncoast Investment Services, with well-planned user interviews and utilizing A/B testing methods, we reduced average customer service call times by 7.2%.

The prospect of leveraging unique experience and expertise to push the envelope of design innovation at Sykes Enterprises is exciting. Looking forward to a more detailed discussion on how my skills could benefit your remarkable team. Thank you.

Malik Ahmed

  • Emulate how Malik mentions learning about Sykes Enterprise at a local business tech fair. Alternatively, show familiarity with the company’s products. Let’s say you’re applying to Cisco. How about talking about your prior experiences with Cisco switches? An Asana applicant? Then, mention your expertise in using their project management tool.

Related cover letter examples

  • UX designer resume
  • Front end developer
  • Web developer
  • Product manager
  • Software engineer

How to Format a UX Designer Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

Just like you’d never propose the same UX or UI design to more than one client, you can’t hope for success on the job market without a tailored cover letter for each job application. Approach creating a cover letter the same way you would a UX design project—start with thorough research and impress them with your knowledge of their needs.

Read the job description carefully and determine the key job skills and values the perfect candidate should possess. Next, make sure to sprinkle them throughout your cover letter—hiring managers appreciate the effort.

cover letter example ux

UX designer cover letter introduction

Working in UI/UX design, you know full well that a good first impression can make or break the final result. The same applies to your job application and your cover letter. It might never be read in full if it’s not gripping from the get-go, and your expertise will remain unnoticed.

The secret recipe for getting your foot in the door is to start by addressing the hiring manager by name. Next, establish a connection between your UI/UX skill set and the company’s needs. 

For instance, if the company is known for creating innovative and responsive mobile designs, mention how you’ve worked in that field before and how your designs increased user engagement.

If you want to get hired, avoid using starters like the one below. It’s presumptuous and doesn’t invite the reader to find out more.

Not getting that job…

I’m very experienced so I hope you can get back to me right after reading this.

Now, the next opener is a real improvement! This candidate tailored their UX cover letter to the max, and it’ll pay off.

That’s a winner!

cover letter example ux

UX designer cover letter body

Whether you’re a seasoned UX pro or a recent graduate, use this part of your cover letter to zone in on two things. 

One: Talk about the projects you’ve worked on and the skills that helped you succeed, be it usability testing or visual design. Two: show the recruiter that you’ve read the job description and cherry-picked your job skills accordingly.

Include examples of how you excelled in past roles (or school projects!) and how eager you are to do the same for your future employer. As an example, you can talk about how you boosted conversion rates by 18% with the help of careful user feedback analysis.

Always include metrics where applicable, and don’t be afraid to get pretty specific with your achievements. Discuss your experience designing mobile and web interfaces, creating interactive prototypes, or working with cross-functional teams.

cover letter example ux

UX designer cover letter closing

As a UX or UI designer, you’re an expert at many highly technical tools, from Google Analytics to Adobe XD. You’re no stranger to A/B testing, prototyping, and WCAG guidelines. 

However, at the core of it all, you’re also a person who deeply understands what other people might want to see when they visit a particular website or app. Use that skill and natural predisposition to excel at the second most important part of your cover letter: the closer.

Show that you’ve done your homework. If the company’s mission is to increase accessibility in mobile apps, mention how this is especially important to you. Throw in the job skills that align well with this to seal the deal, such as using tools like Axure for high-fidelity prototyping.

This closer isn’t great. This applicant should get interviewed first before securing vacation time.

Just to let you know, I need at least 20 days of PTO per year. If that works for you, please give me a call.

Share why the following is a good example of a closing paragraph and signoff:

That’ll do it!

At Accenture, I hope to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired. I’m eager to further enhance usability testing, visual design, and competitor analysis in an environment as dynamic and innovative as Accenture. Looking forward to our future discussions about this exciting opportunity.

Including projects, be they professional or personal, can help elevate your whole job application. Consider creating a professional portfolio website and uploading a few of your favorite UX/UI designs over there, then link to it in your UX resume.

Companies that deal with UI and UX are often fairly modern and don’t use an overly formal tone, but this will differ from business to business. Your best bet is to read the job listing and the website. If it’s all very casual and friendly, you can tone it down, but always make sure to err on the side of caution.

Use one of your body paragraphs to discuss projects that included cross-departmental collaboration. For example, if you’ve had to work with software engineers, discuss how the wireframes you created helped the front-end dev team create a visually pleasing website.

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UX Designer Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

UX Designer Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Cover Letter Text Examples

How To Write a UX Designer Cover Letter

To write an eye-catching user experience (UX) designer cover letter, demonstrate your unique, creative approach by featuring your most notable design projects and achievements. Showcase your ability to empathize with users, identify complex needs, and design innovative solutions to enhance the UX. This guide provides examples and expert advice to help you build a winning cover letter and secure your next job interview.

User Experience Designer Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

UX Designer Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

User Experience Designer Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Gerald Coulter UX Designer | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Boston, MA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Mark Jackson Hiring Manager UX Solutions Inc. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Jackson,

Upon completing my bachelor’s degree in UX design from Boston University with a 3.8 GPA, I began my career as an intern for Digital Solution Partners. I collaborated with the UX Design team to develop user interface (UI) for software and mobile applications for a start-up technology company. Through these experiences , I built an expertise in user-centered design principles, which makes me the ideal candidate for the UX designer position with your organization.

UX Solutions Inc.’s reputation for innovation draws me to apply for the position. I have a passion for developing creative solutions to improve the UX that strongly aligns with the goals and needs of your organization. I can deliver valuable contributions to your team based on the following achievements from my professional experience:

  • Drove the development of UI designs and identified continuous improvement opportunities based on key performance indicators (KPIs), customer feedback, and market data
  • Collaborated with project stakeholders to create prototypes, conducted wireframing, and discussed strategies to enhance UI across the mobile application
  • Improved positive responses from users by 20% on online surveys

I look forward to providing more insights into how my background in user-centered design principles can be an asset to your organization. You may contact me via phone or email at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Gerald Coulter

Theresa Morgan UX Designer | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Nashville, TN 12345 | LinkedIn

Amy Johnson Hiring Manager The Knot (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Johnson,

As you can see from my attached resume, I have an advanced background in human-centered design and visual storytelling. During my time with Ultimate Wedding Planner, I developed the UI for the launch of a new mobile application for wedding planning services. It generated over 2 million downloads within one year. My experience in application development will allow me to thrive in the UX designer position with your organization.

The Knot has a reputation as a leader within the wedding planning industry that strongly aligns with my background. I can identify creative solutions to enhance the UX for your mobile application and website based on the following achievements from my career:

  • Led a diverse team of 12 UX designers, application developers, and graphic designers to build the application, align visual assets, and deliver a fully integrated UX
  • Oversaw the integration of new mobile features and performed market research on user needs to provide a comprehensive UX for wedding planning, resulting in a five-star rating on the Google Play Store
  • Identified enhancements to interactions based on user response and continually drove improvements to visual design, resulting in 4 million downloads to date

I would like to schedule an interview to provide more insights into how my expertise in visual storytelling and human-centered design can improve the UX for your mobile app. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions about my background. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Theresa Morgan

Samantha Taylor UX Designer | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | San Francisco, CA 12345 | LinkedIn

Arthur Jones Hiring Manager PeopleSoft (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Jones,

With over 10 years of experience within the UX design industry, I’ve developed an advanced understanding of web development and user-centered design. As a senior UX designer at Employee Software Inc., I led the development of a new UI for a human resources (HR) software application, generating $30 million in revenue. My unique approach to UX design would be a valuable asset to your organization.

PeopleSoft’s reputation as a thought leader within the HR software space is what draws me to apply for the position. My experience as a UX designer for both Employee Software Inc. and LinkedIn has allowed me to cultivate a holistic, human-centered approach that matches the needs of your organization. I can continue to grow your reputation as an industry leader based on the following achievements from my career:

  • Managed a team of over 25 UX designers for Employee Software Inc. and interfaced with stakeholders and C-level executives to recommend large-scale redesigns for the mobile UI
  • Improved the UX for LinkedIn’s website in coordination with a team of web developers and UX designers, which improved user satisfaction by 15%
  • Drove UI development and conducted wireframing for the launch of LinkedIn’s mobile app, which generated 30 million downloads over six months

I look forward to speaking with you further regarding how my strong background as a thought leader in UX design can help PeopleSoft deliver a truly unified experience for users. You may contact me via phone and email at your earliest convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Samantha Taylor

Leverage your storytelling skills to build a great UX designer cover letter that stands out from the competition. In the same way you would think about a user’s needs, identify the needs of potential employers on the open market. How can your creative UX designs take their products and applications to the next level? Below, we’ll walk you through each section of your UX designer cover letter to help you secure your next big job opportunity.

1. Contact information and salutation

List all essential contact information at the top of your UX designer cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Greet the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This shows you’ve taken the time to research the company before applying and conveys your genuine interest in the opportunity.

2. Introduction

Set the tone for your UX designer cover letter with an engaging opening paragraph. Emphasize your years of experience and specific UX design skills that match the organization’s needs, such as user-centered design principles, wireframing, or visual storytelling. Anchor your paragraph with one of your most notable career achievements to draw the hiring manager in and entice them to read further.

For instance, notice how this candidate highlights a specific application they helped develop. Although the industry is niche, the high number of downloads in such a short time span speaks to their capabilities as a creative designer. To maximize the impact of your UX designer cover letter’s introduction, feature an accomplishment that truly captures the unique value you can bring to potential employers and users.

As you can see from my attached resume, I have an advanced background in human-centered design and visual storytelling. During my time with Ultimate Wedding Planner, I developed the UI for the launch of a new mobile application for wedding planning services, which generated over 2 million downloads within one year. My experience in application development will allow me to thrive in the UX designer position with your organization.

3. Body paragraphs

Continue to build on your career achievements in the body paragraphs of your UX designer cover letter. Mention something specific about the company’s reputation, brand, or culture, and explain how this aligns with your background. Illustrate your creative approach to UX design and provide examples of you identifying opportunities to enhance the UX. Consider adding a list of bullet points to break up the text on the page.

In the example below, the candidate provides deeper insights into who they are as a designer. In addition to achieving results for a name brand such as LinkedIn, they paint a clear picture of how they’ve employed a holistic, human-centered approach to truly enhance the UX. Telling a compelling story that captures what makes you unique as an industry professional will help your UX designer cover letter make a lasting impression on the reader.

PeopleSoft’s reputation as a thought leader within the HR software space draws me to apply for the position. My experience as a UX designer for both Employee Software Inc. and LinkedIn has allowed me to cultivate a holistic, human-centered approach that matches the needs of your organization. I can continue to grow your reputation as an industry leader based on the following achievements from my career:

4. UX designer skills and qualifications

Featuring a comprehensive list of skills isn’t the right approach for a UX designer cover letter, as most of this information should already be captured in your resume. Instead, tactically integrate keywords from the job description into your paragraphs using tangible examples from your career. Below, you’ll find a range of skills to consider adding to your UX designer cover letter:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Adobe Photoshop Agile methodology
Application development Content development
Cross-functional collaboration Customer journey
Graphic design HTML
Human-centered design Informational architecture
Interaction design InVision
Product development Project management
Prototyping Usability design
User-centered design User interaction
User stories UX design
UX writing Visual design
Visual storytelling Web development

5. Closing section

The conclusion of your UX designer cover letter should include a call to action (CTA) inviting the hiring manager to schedule an interview with you. Reinforce how your creative approach to UX design can bring a unique perspective to the organization you’re targeting. In the last sentence, be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

Best regards,

UX Designer Cover Letter Tips

1. quantify your achievements as a ux designer.

As you build your cover letter, emphasize big-picture business results to demonstrate how your designs positively impacted users and drove product adoption. Incorporate hard numbers, user data, and performance metrics to establish a sense of scope for your achievements. In the example below, the candidate draws attention to the number of mobile application downloads and their Google rating, which shows they have a proven track record of success as a UX designer:

2. Showcase your creative approach to user experience design

Hiring managers want to gain a deeper understanding of your creative style and approach as a visual storyteller. In addition to quantifying your accomplishments, it’s important to emphasize how you’ve utilized various design principles to enhance the UX. For instance, you might display a holistic approach that synthesizes the best aspects of human-centered design and Agile UX.

3. Highlight your leadership capabilities and communication skills

Collaboration is a core aspect of the UX design process. As you craft your content, demonstrate the ability to work collectively with clients, designers, and writers to identify design flaws, address UX issues, and develop creative solutions. This sends a clear message to potential employers that you’re the right fit for their team’s culture.

UX Designer Cover Letter FAQs

Why should i submit a ux designer cover letter -.

UX-related jobs won’t always require a cover letter during the application process, but taking the time to craft one can offer some competitive advantages. In particular, the cover letter allows you to establish context for your projects and express your creative approach to UX design using more personalized language in comparison to the resume.

How do I make my UX designer cover letter stand out? -

To make a lasting impression on the hiring manager, you need to emphasize how your UX background can create value for potential employers. This is why tailoring your cover letter towards individual job postings is so important, because you must convey this value proposition as it relates to the company you’re applying to. For example, if a company is looking for a candidate who can drive engagement, mention how your expertise as a researcher can help them uncover user needs.

Should I use artificial intelligence to write my cover letter? -

Despite the rapid advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), an AI-generated cover letter can never capture the nuances of your UX design experience. A cover letter is meant to provide a strong introduction into who you are as a creative professional, which requires your unique voice. While you might use ChatGPT to map out an initial draft, never rely on AI tools to write your entire document.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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How to Write a UX Designer Cover Letter? A Step-by-step Guide with Examples

cover letter example ux

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to write an impactful UX designer cover letter through examples, practical advice, and writing prompts.

We’ll cover everything, from greeting to signoff, to help you land the job of your dreams. Just follow this guide and you will end up with an irresistible cover letter. Let’s begin!

The value of a unique UX cover letter

You can find plenty of UX cover letter samples and examples out there and so can others. Most people perform the same search when looking for examples and inspiration. So, it is inevitable that many of the cover letters submitted for a certain position will be almost identical.

In such a case, your application could be snubbed in favor of more original attempts. The only surefire way to avoid this is to write a cover letter from scratch. The below structure and examples will help you do exactly that.

What is a UX designer cover letter?

Recruiters want to find the most suitable and enthusiastic candidate for each position and they want to do it fast. Cover letters let them identify serious and suitable applicants while saving time on pointless interviews. The same applies to UX designer portfolios .

Consider your UX designer cover letter a pitch that proves how excited, ready, and competent you are to work in the advertised position at the given company. To make your point, you need to go all out and personalize your cover letter for every application that you submit.

Banner showing a screen with an open portfolio

Cover letter vs resume vs portfolio

A UX job application consists of three documents: resume, portfolio, and cover letter.

A UX designer resume lists your professional experience, education, skill- and toolset. Aside from those, it should include only a very short introduction and contact information.

A UX designer portfolio is the most important asset of an application. Through case studies, your portfolio showcases your skills in action. It provides a glimpse into your design process, methodologies, therefore, the type of designer you are.

A UX designer cover letter reveals to your potential employer how you could be an asset to their company and the reasons you want to work with them. Through examples, a cover letter demonstrates how your skills and experience drive change and impact. A good cover letter uses examples that are relevant to the job at hand.

Are cover letters necessary?

When job posting asks for a cover letter, you should definitely include one with your application. Consider a situation in which you are head-to-head with another designer when it comes to your skills and experience.

If the other candidate has submitted the requested cover letter, they will enjoy a head start. Therefore, to cover all your bases, you should include a cover letter with your application.

When can you skip writing a cover letter?

Many job posts do not call for a cover letter. If that is the case, do not submit one. It would make the impression that you do not pay attention to instructions. Instead, make your points in a good accompanying email.

If you are sending your application via a form and said form doesn’t have a field to upload a cover letter, take it as an indication that they do not require one.

How to send a cover letter?

  • As an email that your resume is attached to
  • In a separate document.

Submitting a cover letter as a PDF (or DOC) document is more common because most companies are using online forms to accept applications. In most cases, you will have a separate upload slot for your resume and your cover letter. So, it is better to prepare with a separate document from the get-go.

If you are applying in an email, make sure to  validate the email address of the HR person you’re contacting and attach your cover letter and resume separately. Feature your full name in their filenames to make the HR manager’s life easier. Finally, include a link to your UX portfolio in your email as well as your resume.

General UX cover letter rules

Before we get down to business, let’s consider the general rules of cover letter writing:

  • Keep your cover letter concise, there is – usually – no word count to reach, and the HR professional reviewing your application won’t have the time to read an essay.
  • Personalize your cover letter for the job and company. All-purpose cover letters are easy to spot.
  • Aim for a respectful but colloquial tone. Overly formal or informal language reads awkwardly.
  • Use active voice, to add impact to your writing. You can use an online tool, such as Hemingway to review your voice.
  • Name your referrer if you have one. Having a recommendation or point of contact inside the company can be your golden ticket.
  • Use free review tools such as Hemingway and Grammarly to review your text.

How to style a UX cover letter?

  • Match the cover letter to your UX designer resume
  • Focus on readability
  • Make your page airy and easy on the eye.

You are applying for a design position, so everything you submit will reflect on you as a designer, including your cover letter. Even if you are submitting your UX designer resume and cover letter in separate documents, you should match their style. Use the same fonts, colors, hierarchy, and structure that you used in your resume.

Take a close look at your cover letter and resume: is it evident that they are from the same person? If you have done a good job, the answer will be ‘yes’. Keeping things visually consistent is just as important in your resume and cover letter as in your UX portfolio and case studies.

Keep in mind that someone – probably an HR manager – will read your cover letter on a computer screen. If you want their experience to be pleasant, readability should be your main concern style-wise. Keep your sentences airy and the fonts, as well as the colors, easy on the eyes.

Preparations before getting started

Before you get to writing the cover letter, give a close read to the job description and prompt (if you have been provided one). Next, collect all the parts about your future responsibilities into a document. Read each point carefully and consider how it applies to you. Conjure up past situations relevant to the point at hand. It is a great start to create a few notes from this brainstorming.

The T-shaped cover letter

In 2014, LinkedIn published an article by Michael Spiro about the T cover letter, dubbing it “the only type worth sending”. In a T cover letter, you list the requirements provided in the job post on the left side of your page. On their right side, you write a short paragraph to each, detailing your relevant experience.

Indeed, this cover letter structure is ideal for busy recruiters, as they can easily scan, review and align your experience and qualifications with their requirements. We took the T cover letter, updated it and altered it for the UX field.

UX cover letter structure

These parts make up a good UX designer cover letter:

  • phone number
  • email address
  • The hiring manager’s name and title
  • The company’s name and address
  • First paragraph

The ideal word-count of a UX designer cover letter is 300 , distributed into three paragraphs.

cover letter example ux

Writing a cover letter step-by-step

Heading (letterhead).

The first thing on your UX cover letter should be a header, aka a letterhead. A professional letterhead, features your name, your profession or position, and your address. If you have designed a logo for yourself find a way to insert it.

What to feature in the letterhead:

  • Address (optional)

Date and company address

The first thing after your letterhead should be the date. You can also include the city and country of your residence.

  • Los Angeles, 31/01/2020
  • January 31, 2020

Right after the date, insert the HR manager’s title and the company’s address as written on their official website.

Miranda Johnson HR Manager XYZ Agency LTD Building 01, Street City, 12345

Choosing the proper greeting can be frustrating. The rule of thumb is that you should personalize it, even if you have no point of contact. For the salutation, the safest option is to use “Dear” as it isn’t too formal nor informal; it is simply colloquial.

Let’s look at the two scenarios for your UX cover letter greeting:

1. You know the name the HR manager’s name

If you have a point of contact or you know the name of the HR manager at a company, use their name.

  • Dear Ms. Stripe
  • Dear Mr. Moore
  • Dear Nicole

Do not use Mrs. unless you are sure about the marital status of the person.

2. You don’t know the HR manager’s name

Let’s suppose you have done all your research, still, you couldn’t find the HR manager’s name. In such case, personalize your greeting for the company.

  • Dear XYZ Design Team
  • Dear Design Team Hiring Manager

Greetings to avoid

There are certain greetings that are still widely used despite being out-of-date or unfitting. You should make sure that you avoid these if you don’t want your cover letter to kick off on an awkward tone:

  • Dear Sir or Madam – this is the most generic of all cover letter greetings, so avoid it at all costs. You don’t want to make a generic impression.
  • To whom it may concern – probably 90% of cover letters start with this or the previous greeting example. Again, this gives off a very generic vibe, that isn’t a good look for a designer.
  • Hey/Hi/Hello – even if you know the hiring manager, you should not start your cover letter with an informal greeting. Cover letters are official documents, regardless of circumstances.

Image of fingers on a computer

The first sentence and first paragraph

If there is a prompt in the ad or the mail you have received, make sure to follow it. Some companies use prompts to monitor the candidates’ attentiveness. If there is no prompt in the job post, start with something personal and unique.

The most important part of a cover letter is the first sentence. The name-profession-experience formula is very common and boring. Starting your cover letter with information that can be found in your resumé and your letterhead is a bad strategy.

My name is Jonathan Dawson and I’m a UX/UI designer with 5-years of experience.

Instead, share a personal experience with the company you are applying to or the reason why you feel that you are a good match.

We at UXfolio are aware that many designers struggle when it comes to copy. We also know how much writing prompts and guiding questions can aid this struggle. That’s why we introduced this feature into our UX case study builder. We will be using the same approach with the first paragraph of your case study.

Let’s take a look at three potential approaches to your opening paragraph:

  • Achievement-based
  • Enthusiastic

1. Achievement-based

In the achievement-based first paragraph, you begin by stating your profession, your experience, and your top achievement. As always, use numbers when you are detailing your achievements. Stats and numbers make everything seem more credible. Also, this strategy shows you in a good light by proving your impact. Though, as a junior, you might have a hard time with this one. Instead, you can use an achievement such as winning an award.

  • What is your professional title?
  • How much experience do you have?
  • What is your area of expertise?
  • What is your best, measurable achievement?

I am a senior UX designer with 5 years of experience designing in Agile methodology. Following my latest redesign of XYZ App’s user flow, engagement rates increased by 40% and the card-abandonment rate decreased by 15%. I would be thrilled to contribute to ABC’s growth by aligning my experience and skillset with the company’s short- and long-term goals.

2. The Enthusiastic

The enthusiastic opening paragraph is the best fit for junior UX designer cover letters, as it focuses on excitement, passion, and willingness instead of past achievements.

Senior designers can combine the achievement-based opening paragraph with the enthusiast for an even better impression.

  • What is your connection to the company?
  • Declare your enthusiasm/passion with a reason
  • Mention the impact of your work
  • Why are you a good fit for the position?

As a fan and follower of XYZ’s pioneering work and acclaimed blog, I was excited to see your posting for the position of User Experience Engineer. With my background in front-end development and UX design, I am confident I am a good fit for the position. My design for XYZ was awarded the Best Design 2018 by Design Awards on top of increasing XYZ’s customer satisfaction index by 40%.

As a fan of XYZ Agency’s industry-shaping activities, I was excited to see that there’s an opportunity for me to become part of your team! Having 3+ years of experience in UI and UX design, I believe I make a strong candidate for the advertised senior UX designer position.

3. The Referral

If you know someone inside the company, capitalize on your connection. Having a referral is an ace that you should play. Just let the person know that you will mention them as your referrer.

When using the referral-type opening paragraph, also mention a reason: Why did your referrer think that you would be a good candidate? This approach makes for an even stronger opening.

  • Who referred you?
  • What job did they refer you to?
  • What was their reason for referring you?

Your colleague, Martha Gibson, recommended that I apply to the user experience architect opening, as I have 7 years of experience in interaction design.

Requirement – Qualifications Pairs

In the body, you can go into more detail about your achievements and qualifications. Now is the time to think back to the brainstorming you did: Take some of the requirements mentioned in the job post, and write about your experience relevant to the requirement at hand.

If you are writing a T cover letter, place the requirements in one column and explain your relevant experience in the neighboring column.

There is another way to do this though. You can simply use the requirements as headings, and write your experience below them. Once you are done, you can remove (or keep) these headings. What remains is a relevant, high-impact cover letter.

  • Make a statement about an activity or requirement from the job post
  • Give a real-life example that is relevant to the requirement
  • What was your process during this activity?
  • What was the impact of what you have done?
  • Provide a link to the case study in your UX portfolio
  • Create comprehensive user flows that support business objectives.

At XYZ, I have built various high-impact user flows in collaboration with the business and marketing teams. For our newest purchase flow, I have conducted extensive user research, based on which I have built low-fidelity prototypes for user testing purposes. Following numerous iterations, I have finalized my findings in a high-fidelity ABC prototype that was successfully implemented by the developer team. Due to the new user flow, shopping-cart abandonment decreased by 12.31% in 3 months.

Banner showing a screen with an open portfolio

Why do you want to join the company + CTA?

Use the final paragraph to show enthusiasm towards something current at the company. Check out the product or feature that they are working on, tell them why you find it exciting, and how you could contribute to it. This is not a redesign case study, so do not point out flaws in the product, unless the prompt specifically asks for it.

You can also highlight a cultural fact about the company, and highlight how it aligns with your personal and professional values. This is a good way to show that your personality is also a good fit for the company.

  • Point out a feature or cultural fact
  • Explain why is it exciting to you
  • How could you contribute to it?

I believe that XYZ’s approach to sustainable design with our environment as well as customers in mind, creates the perfect setting for me to develop and flourish in.

End the body of your cover letter with a call-to-action.

  • What can you bring to the table?
  • Which part of your job can provide the most value?

I’d love to learn more about this opportunity and discuss how my success at XYZ can contribute to ABC’s business goals.

I would be thrilled to show you how my design at XYZ’s raised customer satisfaction rates by 42%, and how I can translate it to your product.

Signoff and postscript

Do not overthink the closing of your cover letter. Use a semi-formal signoff and your full name. If you are not sure about the appropriate sign-off, consider the following options.

End your cover letter with one of these sign-offs:

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards

Avoid outdated, affectionate, or informal sign-offs, such as:

  • Yours Faithfully
  • Best Wishes

Some guides encourage including a postscript (P.S.) to your cover letter for added effect, though this can backfire. Postscripts have lost their functionality in digital writing. If you indeed forgot something, you should edit it into the body of your cover letter. There is a great chance that your postscript will make an awkward impression. So, go ahead and say everything you want in the body of your cover letter.

Follow these golden rules when writing your UX designer cover letter:

  • Personalize it as much as possible! If you really want the job, do not be frugal with your research.
  • Achieve for balance between formal and informal tone. Finicky language and outdated formulas mount to an awkward effect.
  • Back up everything with numbers to emphasize your impact.
  • Match the employers’ requirements with your experience.
  • Keep it short (around 300 words).

Don’t forget about your UX portfolio!

Almost every job application will require you to send a resume, cover letter, and UX portfolio. If you want a quick and easy way to build a sleek UX portfolio, try UXfolio ! We provide beautiful home page templates that can be customized to your liking. Our case study editor comes with UX-specific sections and writing prompts to help you showcase your design. Go ahead and start building your portfolio with UXfolio !


Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

14 ui / ux designer cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these UI / UX Designer cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for UI / UX Designer Roles

Table of contents

  • UI / UX Designer
  • Senior UI / UX Designer
  • Senior UI/UX Designer
  • UX Researcher
  • Senior UX Designer
  • UI Designer
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • UI / UX Designer resume examples

UI / UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, an authentic connection to the company.

This cover letter opens with a personal anecdote that shows genuine appreciation for the company's products. It's a great way to demonstrate passion and create a connection with the hiring manager.

Highlighting relevant skills

Rather than just listing past experience, the writer clearly states their expertise in UI/UX design and usability testing, which are crucial skills for the role they're applying for.

Quantifiable achievements

Using specific numbers to showcase the impact of their work not only demonstrates the writer's accomplishments, but also gives the hiring manager a better understanding of their potential contributions to the company.

Industry insight

By emphasizing their deep understanding of the tech industry, the writer shows that they can bring valuable perspective to the role, which can help the company stay ahead of competitors and create innovative products.

Polite and concise closing

Ending the cover letter with a brief thank you is a polite and professional way to show appreciation for the hiring manager's time and consideration, while also expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Showcase quantifiable achievements

This cover letter does a fantastic job of highlighting tangible accomplishments. As a recruiter, I'm always on the lookout for candidates who can prove their effectiveness with hard numbers. In this case, the 40% increase in user engagement is a clear testament to the candidate's abilities. Quantifying your achievements like this gives me a clear picture of the impact you can make.

Demonstrate a deep understanding of UI/UX principles

This sentence shows a comprehensive understanding of the UI/UX design process. It's not just about making things look pretty - it's about understanding the user and aligning your designs with business goals. By detailing your design strategy and how you incorporate user needs, you're showing me that you get it.

Close on a confident note

When you wrap up your cover letter by reflecting on your unique approach and proven track record, it leaves me with a strong, positive impression of you. It also shows me that you're confident in your abilities and excited about potentially joining our team. This is a great way to end your letter.

Connecting Personal and Company Values

Recognizing the company's vision and linking it to your personal aspirations is a great way to show alignment. It shows you've done your homework about the company and also resonates a sense of shared purpose. That's what employers love to see.

Highlighting Impact and Empathy

This bit brilliantly emphasizes your ability to understand user needs and translate it into design. Also, it's more than just stating your skills, you're showing how you used them to create significant outcomes. It's not just about the tech and designs, but also about understanding and relating to the users.

Envisioning Future Contribution

Spell out how you would use your skills and experience to make a difference in the prospective company. This showcases not only your keenness to contribute but also your understanding of the company's scale and impact.

Focus on User-Centricity and Impact

Design is more than just aesthetics, and acknowledging this shows your deeper understanding of the role. It's about creating designs that are functional, user-focused and impactful. This statement indicates that you're not just a designer, but a problem solver.

Keeping it Warm and Personal

Ending your letter on a warm note gives it a personal touch. It's a subtle way of building connection and leaving a positive impression.

Expressing Genuine Interest and Alignment

By expressing your genuine interest in the company and its mission, you're showing the employer that you're not just looking for any job, but specifically this job. This makes you a more compelling candidate, as companies prefer to hire people who are passionate about what they do.

Highlighting Relevant Skills and Achievements

Focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and achievements. This demonstrates that you understand the needs of the role and can deliver results. Be specific and quantify your achievements wherever possible. This adds credibility to your claims and gives employers a clear understanding of what you can achieve.

Emphasizing Problem-Solving Skills

Emphasizing your problem-solving skills and love for tackling design challenges is a fantastic way to show your passion for the work and your ability to take on complex tasks.

Showing Enthusiasm for the Team and Role

By expressing your excitement to work with the team and contribute to their mission, you're showing the employer that you're not just interested in the job, but also in becoming part of their team. This shows that you're likely to be a good culture fit.

Ending With a Forward-Looking Statement

Ending your cover letter with a forward-looking statement about your potential contribution to the company's mission shows your eagerness to join and contribute. This leaves a positive impression on the reader and makes them more likely to want to meet you in person.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

Video Thumbnail

Share your discovery moment

Describe how you first became interested in ui/ux design. This personal touch helps to make your cover letter memorable.

Demonstrate your ui/ux design success

Talk about specific projects where your design work led to measurable improvements. Quantifying your impact makes your achievements stand out more.

Highlight significant design achievements

Explain how your design work directly contributed to positive changes, like increased retention. This shows you understand the business value of good design.

Show excitement for the company's tools

Mention why you admire the company’s products and how you’ve already been using them. It suggests you’re already aligned with their way of working.

Close with a hopeful note

End your letter by thanking them and expressing your desire to help contribute to their success. It leaves a positive, eager impression.

Connect with the company's mission

When you express your admiration for the company's product and mission, it shows that your values align with theirs, making you a potentially good fit for the team.

Showcase your UI/UX impact

Talking about specific results you achieved (like increasing user interactions) proves your ability to make a real difference in user experience and business outcomes.

Balance user needs and business goals

Demonstrating an understanding of this balance highlights your strategic thinking and positions you as a designer who can contribute to both user satisfaction and the company's success.

Inspiration drives your work

Sharing what inspires you about the company’s mission makes your application more personal and shows genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute.

Express eagerness to contribute

Closing with a statement that reiterates your desire to discuss your contribution further indicates your proactive attitude and genuine interest in the role.

Senior UI / UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Highlight leadership experience.

For a senior role, showing that you've successfully led a team and delivered results is crucial. This sentence provides a clear example of your leadership abilities and the results you've achieved - a 60% increase in user engagement. It paints a picture of someone who can take charge of a project and drive it to success.

Express eagerness and confidence

This closing sentence does a great job of expressing your eagerness to bring your expertise to our team. It's refreshingly direct, showing me that you're confident, excited, and ready to contribute. Remember, enthusiasm can be infectious - so don't be afraid to let yours shine through in your cover letter.

Acknowledging Company's Design Philosophy

Understanding and appreciating the company's design ethos shows that you are knowledgeable about the company and the industry. It also indicates your enthusiasm about the role and the company.

Demonstrating Leadership and Business Impact

Illustrating your leadership skills while showcasing the business impact of your design decisions, conveys your ability to lead teams and drive significant business outcomes. It's about combining people leadership with result-oriented design.

Expressing Excitement for Challenges

Showing enthusiasm for working with a team that pushes boundaries indicates your readiness for challenges and your desire to be part of innovative projects. It also shows your eagerness to be at the forefront of technology and design.

Envisioning Role in Company's Legacy

Expressing your confidence in contributing to the company's legacy of innovation shows that you understand the significance of the company's work and see yourself being part of it. It indicates your commitment and passion for design.

Ending on a Professional Note

Signing off professionally helps maintain a respectful tone and leaves a positive impression. It's a great way of concluding your cover letter while expressing hope for future discussions.

Senior UI/UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Connecting personal passion with company mission.

By connecting your personal passion to the company's mission, you're showing the employer that you're not just interested in a job, but specifically in their job. This shows that you're likely to stay and grow with the company, which increases your attractiveness as a candidate.

Demonstrating Impact on User Experience

Showing how your work has impacted user experience in measurable ways is a powerful way to demonstrate your skills and value. It shows that you understand the user's needs, and that you have the ability to deliver results that help the company achieve its goals.

Balancing Creativity with Data-Driven Decision Making

Mentioning your ability to balance creativity with data-driven decision making shows that you're not just a creative thinker, but also a strategic one. This is a highly valued combination of skills in a UI/UX designer, as it shows that you can create beautiful designs that also achieve business goals.

Expressing Excitement to Contribute

Stating your excitement to contribute to the company's mission shows that you're not just interested in the job, but also in helping the company succeed. This shows that you're motivated and likely to go the extra mile in your work.

Expressing Gratitude and Showing Forward-Looking Enthusiasm

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and showing enthusiasm for potential discussions is a polite and professional way to wrap up your cover letter. It leaves the reader with a positive impression and shows that you're eager to move forward in the process.

Show your ux design journey's start

Telling a personal story about your passion for UX design connects emotionally with the reader.

Quantify your design success

Numbers make your achievements stand out and show the impact of your work clearly.

Mentorship in ux design matters

Highlighting leadership and team growth skills shows you're ready for a senior role.

Align with the company's values

Showing you share the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion builds a strong personal connection.

Ending with enthusiasm about the role and the company demonstrates a genuine interest.

UX Researcher Cover Letter Example

Connect your passion to the job.

Talk about what draws you to this specific ux researcher role. It shows you’re not just looking for any job, but one where you can use what you love to make a difference.

Show your ux research impact

Give clear examples of how your work improved something significant, like user retention. It’s important to link your achievements to real outcomes.

Highlight the bridge you build

Explain how you act as a connection between users and product teams. This role is crucial for creating products that meet users' needs.

Express enthusiasm for the team

Share why you’re excited to join their team specifically. It’s good to show you’ve thought about how you fit into their mission and culture.

End with a forward-looking thank you

Close your letter by thanking them and mentioning your eagerness to discuss how you can contribute. It’s polite and shows you’re looking forward to the next steps.

Connect your background to ux research

Explaining how your past experiences enrich your UX research approach makes your profile unique.

Showcase ux research achievements

Describing specific outcomes of your research efforts helps demonstrate your ability to drive results.

Lead with ux research team success

Detailing your leadership in research projects underlines your capability to manage and direct impactful studies.

Highlight remote research expertise

Emphasizing experience with remote research tools and techniques aligns with modern UX research practices.

End with appreciation and anticipation

Thanking the reader and showing excitement about the possibility of joining their team leaves a positive impression.

Senior UX Designer Cover Letter Example

Personal connection to the product.

Starting with a personal story about how the company's product impacted you demonstrates a sincere interest and makes your cover letter memorable.

Quantify your UX achievements

Providing concrete numbers to describe the success of your projects shows that you measure your work's impact in tangible results, an attractive quality for employers.

Align with the company's mission

Expressing a shared passion for the company’s goals suggests that you will be motivated and committed to contributing to its success.

Design with purpose

Conveying excitement for the challenge of designing meaningful and empowering user experiences demonstrates both your ambition and your alignment with the company's values.

Invite further discussion

Ending on a note that encourages dialogue about your potential role shows that you are eager to engage and explore how you can fit into the team.

UI Designer Cover Letter Example

Show your familiarity with industry tools.

Talking about your experience with Figma demonstrates you're not just applying randomly; you understand and value the tools of your trade. This makes me see you're serious about your craft as a ui designer.

Highlight specific project achievements

Mentioning a project where you increased user engagement by 40% is powerful. It shows you don't just create designs; you create successful outcomes. As a hiring manager, seeing actual results makes me believe in your potential impact on my team.

Connect with the company's culture

Expressing your admiration for Figma's culture tells me you've done your homework and you're not just looking for any job, but a place where you fit in. It suggests you'll likely be a motivated and engaged team member.

Express enthusiasm for teamwork

Your excitement about collaborating with a talented team tells me you're someone who values teamwork and looks forward to contributing to collective goals. It’s crucial in a role that depends so much on working with others.

End with a strong call to action

Politely asking for the chance to further discuss how you can contribute signals your genuine interest in the role and initiates the next step of the hiring process. It leaves me, as a hiring manager, inclined to know more about you.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To UI / UX Designer Roles

  • Entry Level UX Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior UX Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • UI / UX Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • UX Designer (User Experience Designer) Cover Letter Guide
  • UX Engineer (Usability Engineer) Cover Letter Guide

Other Design Cover Letters

  • Architect / Architecture Cover Letter Guide
  • Art Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Design Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Game Design Cover Letter Guide
  • Graphic Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • Interior Designer Cover Letter Guide
  • Production Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • UX Researcher Cover Letter Guide

cover letter example ux

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

cover letter example ux

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  • Resume Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
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  • Cover Letter Builder
  • UX Designer

Susan Shor

UX Designer cover letter example

UX Designer cover letter example

Cover letter header

Cover letter greeting, cover letter introduction, cover letter middle part (body), how to close a ux designer cover letter (conclusion and sign-off).

What’s the point of using words in a UX designer cover letter when your portfolio speaks for itself? Your portfolio shows what you have done, but your application letter gives you a chance to explain why you want this particular job and why you’re a great candidate for it.

A cover letter that enhances your job application gets those two messages across while offering a great story about one of your UX design successes and a bit more insight into your design philosophy – all in a one-page document.

That’s where this cover letter guide and Resume.io’s resources come in. With hundreds of cover letter examples and writing guides, you will find everything you need to help you land your next position. Below you will find information on:

  • Understanding the components of a great cover letter and how to structure them
  • Using the space you have to make the biggest impact
  • Finding and applying the correct tone for each employer
  • Recognizing and avoiding common mistakes.

Best format for a UX designer cover letter

You understand that form follows function, so it should be no surprise that your UX designer cover letter should follow a set structure. Before you jump into writing, you need to know what goes into your letter.

A great UX designer cover letter format should contain the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

If you’re looking for general advice, our comprehensive cover letter guide is the place to start. Once you’re ready to dig into the specifics, look below to read about maximizing the space you have and learn tips for creating the best letter for the UX designer field.

This UX designer cover letter example will give you a blueprint for writing your own cover letter:

Dear Mr. Henriksen,

The UX of a retail website is about so much more than a product and a price. My last UX project led to a direct 15 percent sales uplift – by informing the customer and simplifying their journey. Flicking through product screens is easy, but great UX and UI keeps them there.

Working closely with product management and development teams, I redesigned 60 percent of our ecommerce website interface, reducing the time to purchase by 27 percent and increasing conversions by a third. When we saw people leave because they did not have enough product information, we also noticed post-implementation dwell rates at record levels. Abandoned carts decreased by 17 percent because customers had all the information that they required to make the purchase decision there and then.

My seven years in user experience have changed as the technology has enabled ever more bespoke customer interactions and my previous UX experience in SAAS further intensified my customer focus. There are surprising similarities between B2B and B2C user experience.

I particularly enjoy using my graphic design education to work with art departments and taking concepts to reality in illustrator. My UX and UI skills include the following:

  • Experienced in Adobe CC, Query, JavaScript, Razor, C#, Axure and CSS3
  • Industry awards for wireframing, prototyping and usability testing
  • New iterative testing introduced fifteen new elements to our product pages

I would love the opportunity to send over my portfolio of work. There are two projects in particular that I believe would be particularly fitting for my new role and I would look forward to the opportunity of an interview to discuss them.

Mark Loughton

If you’re looking for additional inspiration for cover letter writing, you can check out our related IT cover letter samples:  

  • Software Engineer cover letter sample
  • IT cover letter sample
  • Graphic Design cover letter sample
  • Programmer cover letter sample
  • Data Analyst cover letter sample
  • Software Developer cover letter sample
  • Google cover letter sample
  • Data Scientist cover letter sample
  • IT Manager cover letter sample
  • System Administrator cover letter sample
  • Apple cover letter sample
  • Software Tester cover letter sample
  • Data Entry cover letter sample
  • Computer Science cover letter sample
  • Scrum Master cover letter sample
  • Cyber Security cover letter sample
  • DevOps Engineer cover letter sample
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The cover letter header is the perfect place to show off your user experience expertise. Design with the understanding that your main goal is to make it easy for recruiters to find your contact information so they can quickly schedule your interview.

Since design is your specialty, you can go ahead and get a little more creative here, but make sure your name, preferred phone and email information stand out more than the design. Develop this in conjunction with your UX designer resume so that you create a complete package in which your documents complement each other.

Complete the application package

Your portfolio is a key part of your job application, so you don’t want to have to send it separately. When you use Resume.io to build your cover letter and resume, you can easily link directly to your portfolio.

Every click you save a recruiter makes it more likely they will click at all.

The greeting sets the tone for your entire UX designer cover letter. Before you decide how you should begin, do some research into the company to which you are applying. You can’t go wrong with Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. if you are sure of the recruiter’s pronouns and name. 

It is always preferable to use the name of an individual, but if you absolutely cannot find out who to direct your cover letter to, you may start off with “Dear HR team” or “Dear UX team.” If you are certain that the company is casual, you may start out with “Hey there!” or something that suits your personality and the company’s style as well.

UX design is all about creating a smooth and positive experience for website users. Your cover letter introduction is akin to the home page – it offers users an overview of what they can find if they look deeper. This first paragraph offers the reader information on where you are in your career and previews what you will detail in the body of the cover letter. Think of it as a teaser: If you don’t capture their interest now, it’s unlikely they will read on.

What makes you a great candidate? Is it your experience in the industry in which the job is contained? Your UX design awards? Your unique outlook on user experience? Remember that your prospective employer has a problem and your goal is to explain how you can solve it. That’s what makes you an enticing candidate.

The cover letter sample text below uses data and offers a glimpse of the writer’s UX and UI design philosophy.

You’ve grabbed their attention, now within the middle part, or body, of your UX designer cover letter, you need to explain why your experience and design philosophy will create a better website for your potential client or employer. This letter isn’t about what a great artist you are, it’s about how your talents will make your employer’s life easier.

Head off the interview

If you can briefly touch on a few typical interview questions in your UX designer cover letter, you will be able to use these as a jumping off point during your interview. Here are a few common questions, according to Brainstation .

  • What are some of the most impactful trends in UX design?
  • How would you define design thinking?
  • Define UX design in 10 words or fewer.
  • How do you balance business needs and technical restrictions with good design?
  • Using one of our products as an example, how would you improve the UX design?
  • Describe your design process.

You may have the best story ever, but if it doesn’t address the company’s needs, ditch it in favor of one that does. Our cover letter sample text sprinkles data into the body paragraphs to back up the writer’s claims while detailing the exact tasks undertaken to drive increases in sales.

A cover letter is not a single document, but one that changes based on the position you’re applying for. Recruiters read hundreds of letters, so all you do is change the name of the company and addressee, they will notice. 

If you have many accomplishments you wish to include, use 3-4 bullet points. This serves to break up the text and to emphasize your skills (but you know this because you’re a UX designer!)

A cover letter should always be personal.

A strong cover letter conclusion sums up your message, but it also offers the opportunity to amplify by repetition your strongest argument for your candidacy. Within this closing, you should also politely request an interview. The cover letter sample below offers one way to word your request.

If you have the space, you may also want to reveal a personal detail that helps the recruiter get to know who you are. It could be a sentence about why you chose UX design, an artist who influenced you, or an anecdote about the project you liked working on the most and why.

Finally, sign off with “Sincerely” or “Regards” and your full name. 

Basic mistakes in a UX designer application letter (and how to avoid them)

  • Nothing spoils a great design faster than a glaring misspelling or grammatical error. The same holds true for your UX designer cover letter. Avoid that pitfall by getting a second set of eyes on your application before you send it.
  • Design can be a personal career, but make sure your anecdotes stay professional and directly squarely at the company’s needs.
  • Don’t refer to your portfolio without explanation. You don’t want recruiters to have to toggle back and forth or assume that they have already seen it.
  • Neglecting to personalize your cover letter for each position may save you time, but it also may eliminate you from contention for the job of your dreams.

Is it a good idea to direct hiring personnel to websites you have designed in your cover letter?

This is a great idea, it will give the recruiter a chance to view your work earlier in the process and could send you to the top of the pile.

Key takeaways

  • Use your UX designer cover letter to enhance your resume, not repeat it.
  • Consider addressing potential interview questions to give you a talking point later.
  • Make sure all your anecdotes and evidence address skills and attributes your prospective employer seeks.
  • Try adding a few bullet points to highlight accomplishments and break up the text.

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UX-UI Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Design a job-winning ux or ui cover letter in 5 simple steps

UX and UI professionals play a vital role in any software or web development team by optimizing front-end interfaces to create high-quality user experiences. Without talented UX and UI professionals, selling software that satisfies customers would be near impossible. To earn a position in this role, you need to optimize your cover letter as well, highlighting your very best professional traits and qualifications.

In this guide, we go over the 5 simple steps to follow to write an excellent UX or UI cover letter. Keep reading to find out:

  • How to design your UX/UI cover letter header and headline
  • Ways you can tailor your UX/UI cover letter for specific employers
  • What you should say to make your cover letter introduction compelling
  • Which key details to include when describing your UX/UI qualifications
  • How to conclude your UX/UI cover letter as effectively as possible

UI Designer Cover Letter Sample

1. How to properly design your UX/UI cover letter header and headline

Designing a visually appealing cover letter header and headline is your first key step in writing a UX or UI cover letter. These elements not only give your letter structure but also make it easier for the reader to locate key information about who you are and how to contact you.

Starting with your header, this cover letter element should include:

  • Your full name
  • Your professional title (typically the name of the position)
  • Your professional contact information (email address, phone number, etc.)
  • The name and address of the company you are applying to

Here is an example of a well-formatted UX/UI cover letter header

Catelyn Stark , UX Professional (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | linkedin.com/in/cat-stark

To: Harold & Sons Media Design Co. UX Design Department 1234 Street Address Los Angeles, CA 90001

After you complete your header, you can begin writing your headline.

A headline is a title statement used to hook the employer’s attention. In this headline, you should include a relevant keyword , such as the position title, as well as an eye-catching trigger word, number, adjective, and verb .

Additionally, you should include a personalized element that lets the reader know this letter is written specifically for them, such as “your business” or “your clients”.

Here is an example of a well-written UX/UI cover letter headline

My 3 Exceptional Skills as a UX Designer and How These Skills Can Benefit Your Clients

2. How to tailor your UX/UI cover letter for specific employers

As you did in your headline, including personalized statements and details throughout your cover letter is highly important . This can greatly boost the overall value a cover letter has to an employer, making them more likely to both continue reading and get in contact with you.

Tailoring a cover letter in this way requires you to research the employer and their company before beginning to write. As you complete this research, important information to search for as a UX/UI professional can include:

  • The company’s professional values, goals, and current projects
  • Software and applications the company uses
  • Specific design styles the company favors or prefers
  • Who at the company reviews job applications

This last piece of information can be used to create a personalized greeting — a type of greeting that is essential on any tailored cover letter, as it addresses a specific person by name.

Here are 3 examples of personalized UX/UI cover letter greetings

  • Dear Hiring Manager Jonathan Star,
  • Dear Mr. Jonathan Star,
  • Dear Lead UX Designer Jack Jones,

3. How to make your UX/UI cover letter introduction compelling

Once you begin writing the actual body text of your cover letter, the first thing you will write is the introductory paragraph. Introductions are always important , as they can be the deciding factor in whether an employer is interested in you or moves on to the next candidate.

In a cover letter introduction, you should include:

  • A brief overview of your professional history (years of experience, industry knowledge, etc.)
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • Any specialized areas of expertise you possess

Here is an example of a compelling introduction from a UX/UI cover letter

Dear Lead UX Designer Jack Jones, 

I am a UX professional with 6+ years of experience designing and optimizing interfaces for educational technology used in K-6 schools. As a longtime admirer of your company’s award-winning work, I am greatly excited to be considered for this position. My long history working in educational technology has provided me with the essential skills needed to bring a high level of commitment and quality to your company’s future projects.

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4. Which key details to include when describing your UX/UI qualifications

With your introduction out of the way, the next paragraphs of your cover letter will describe your key qualifications — such as skills and accomplishments — that make you the perfect candidate for the job.

When choosing what details to include when describing these qualifications, it is crucial to select the details that are the most relevant to the employer. Figuring out what is and is not relevant can often be as simple as combing back through the job posting and looking for keywords, such as specific skills, that the employer has stated they are looking for or highly value.

Here are 6 skills to describe in a UX/UI cover letter

  • Client consultations
  • Usability testing
  • Developing storyboards
  • Creating personas and usage scenarios
  • A/B testing processes
  • Resrearching UX trends

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a UX/UI cover letter

In my role as a UX designer at [Former Employer], I was responsible for overseeing and implementing A/B tests for new mobile application launches. As a result of my testing efficiency and accuracy, I helped to raise the company’s average usability score for mobile apps from 6.2/10 stars to 9.8/10 stars.

5. How to effectiely conclude your UX/UI cover letter

A cover letter conclusion should nicely wrap up the contents of the letter by reiterating your excitement and the best way to get in contact with you.

In a concluding statement, an employer should find:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • When you plan to follow up if you have not heard from them (this type of statement can often help to encourage the employer to contact you quickly)
  • The best time, days, and method for contacting you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of an effective conclusion from a UX/UI cover letter

I am incredibly eager to learn more about this position and your team, and I thank you for taking the time to review my application. At your earliest convenience, please call me at (123) 456-7890 to discuss this opportunity further. The best times to reach me are between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. I hope to hear from you by next Wednesday and do plan to follow up that afternoon if I have not yet heard back regarding this position.


[Applicant Name]

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two .

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Belak

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

All software engineering cover letter examples

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All UX-UI cover letter examples

Software Engineer Cover Letter Sample

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UX Writer Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an ux writer cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for ux writer, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for ux writer, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for ux writer, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for ux writer, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for ux writer, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for ux writer.

Start your UX Writer cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or most relevant experience. For example, "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I'm a UX Writer with X years of experience in creating user-centered content for digital platforms." Next, express your interest in the role and the company, and give a compelling reason why you're a good fit. For instance, you could mention a project or accomplishment that aligns with the job description or the company's mission. Remember, the opening of your cover letter should grab the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about you.

The best way for UX Writers to end a cover letter is by summarizing their interest in the role, reiterating their relevant skills, and expressing enthusiasm for a potential interview. This could look something like: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of writing and UX design skills to your team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to your product's user experience." It's also important to end with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by their name. This ending is effective as it reinforces their suitability for the role, shows eagerness to move forward in the process, and maintains a professional tone.

UX Writers should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself and your interest in the position. Mention where you found the job posting and why you are interested in working for the company. 2. Experience and Skills: Highlight your relevant experience and skills. As a UX Writer, you should focus on your ability to create clear, concise, and useful content that enhances the user experience. Mention any experience you have with user research, information architecture, content strategy, and user testing. If you have experience in a specific industry or with certain types of software or tools (like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD), be sure to mention that as well. 3. Portfolio or Work Samples: Include a link to your portfolio or work samples. This is your chance to show off your best work and demonstrate your ability to write user-focused content. 4. Understanding of UX Principles: Show that you understand the principles of UX writing, such as clarity, conciseness, and usefulness. Discuss how you apply these principles in your work. 5. Collaboration: Highlight your ability to collaborate with designers, developers, and other stakeholders. UX writing is a collaborative field, so it's important to show that you can work well in a team. 6. Problem-Solving: Discuss a problem you faced in a previous role and how you solved it. This will show your problem-solving skills and your ability to think critically. 7. Enthusiasm for the Company: Show enthusiasm for the company and its products. Research the company and mention something specific that you admire about it. This will show that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the company. 8. Closing: In your closing paragraph, thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing the position further. Remember, your cover letter should be tailored to each job you apply for. It's your chance to show why you're the perfect fit for the role and the company.

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Try our AI Cover Letter Generator

ux writer cover letter

Professional Junior UX Designer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

As a junior UX designer, your cover letter must clearly showcase your passion for user-centric design. Articulate your understanding of UX principles succinctly in the junior UX designer cover letter. Demonstrate with examples how you've applied these principles in past projects, even in a learning or internship capacity. Let your eagerness to grow and contribute to a dynamic UX team shine through your words.

Cover Letter Guide

Junior UX Designer Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Junior UX Designer Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Junior UX Designer cover letter

Crafting a junior UX designer cover letter can seem daunting, especially if you've begun job hunting and realized it's a crucial step in your application. Your cover letter isn't just a rerun of your resume; it's your chance to weave a compelling narrative around your proudest professional accomplishment. Striking the right tone—formal, yet fresh and devoid of clichés—is key. And remember, brevity is your ally; keep it to a single page to make a strong, succinct impression.

  • Making excellent use of job-winning real-life professional cover letters;
  • Writing the first paragraphs of your junior ux designer cover letter to get attention and connect with the recruiters - immediately;
  • Single out your most noteworthy achievement (even if it's outside your career);
  • Get a better understanding of what you must include in your junior ux designer cover letter to land the job.

Let the power of Enhancv's AI work for you: create your junior ux designer cover letter by uploading your resume.

If the junior ux designer isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Junior UX Designer resume guide and example
  • Interactive Designer cover letter example
  • Illustrator cover letter example
  • UX UI Designer cover letter example
  • Cad Designer cover letter example
  • Concept Art cover letter example
  • User Researcher cover letter example
  • Senior UX Designer cover letter example
  • Mold Designer cover letter example
  • Video Production Manager cover letter example
  • Apparel Designer cover letter example

Junior UX Designer cover letter example

Jasmine Bell

Houston, Texas


[email protected]

  • Emphasizing relevant experience, such as the candidate's role in a project that increased user engagement by 25% due to UX improvements, helps demonstrate the candidate's direct impact and potential value to a new employer.
  • Highlighting collaboration with a team, for example, the design team at Blinds.com, showcases the candidate's ability to work effectively with others and indicates that they are a team player.
  • Expressing familiarity with and admiration for the potential employer's work indicates that the candidate has done their research and is genuinely interested in the company's mission and products.
  • Mentioning specific, relevant skills, such as wireframing and UI design, and linking them to successful outcomes gives credibility to the candidate's expertise and readiness for the role.

Structuring and formatting your junior ux designer cover letter

Here's what the structure of your junior ux designer cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your junior ux designer resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your junior ux designer cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your junior ux designer cover letter.

The top sections on a junior ux designer cover letter

  • Header: Include your name, contact information, and date to ensure the recruiter knows how to reach you and can quickly identify your application among others.
  • Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible to show you've done your research and are personally invested in the application process.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for the UX design field, showing that you're not just looking for any job, but you're passionate about user experience design specifically.
  • Body: Highlight your relevant experience, projects, and skills in UX design, focusing on what makes you a unique fit for this junior UX designer role and how you can contribute to the company's design objectives.
  • Closing: End with a strong conclusion reiterating your interest in the role and the value you would bring, along with a call to action, such as requesting an interview or a meeting to discuss your qualifications further.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Empathy and User Focus: Understanding and prioritizing the needs and experiences of users.
  • Collaboration Skills: Ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and stakeholders.
  • Design Tool Proficiency: Familiarity with UX design software such as Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, or similar tools.
  • User Research Experience: Skills in conducting user interviews, surveys, usability testing, and translating findings into design improvements.
  • Problem-Solving Ability: Creative and analytical approach to solving user experience problems and improving user interfaces.
  • Understanding of Interaction Design: Knowledge of how users interact with software and hardware, principles of good user interface design, and the ability to create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs.

How to greet recruiters in your junior ux designer cover letter salutation

As the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Write your junior ux designer cover letter salutation to be more personalized to the actual hiring manager, who is set to assess your profile by:

  • greeting them on a first-name basis, if you have previously communicated with them (e.g. "Dear Sam,");
  • using their last name, if you have more formal communication or haven't spoken to them (e.g. "Dear Mr. Harrows" or "Dear Ms. Marshall");
  • writing "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager", if you have no clue about who's recruiting for the role.

Search on LinkedIn, Google, or the company website to find information as to the recruiter's name.

In any case, avoid the impersonal "Dear Sir or Madam".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department] Team,
  • Dear Ms./Mr. [Last Name],
  • Dear [Job Title] Hiring Committee,
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],

First introductions in your junior ux designer cover letter

Within your junior ux designer cover letter introduction , genuinely state what you like about the organization.

Research the latest company projects, honorary awards, company updates, etc.

Write up to two sentences to let recruiters know what impresses you about the company,

This would help you to set a good tone for the rest of the communication.

Storytelling in the middle (or body) of your junior ux designer cover letter

You've got your whole resume sorted, detailing your achievements and skills. What else can you write in your junior ux designer cover letter ?

For starters, take the time to re-assess the job requirements and re-discover the most crucial skills and requirements (or keywords).

After making a list of these important keywords, look back on your experience to select just one of your past accomplishments.

Choose the achievement that is the most noteworthy, relevant to the role, and matches the required skills.

Use the next between three and six paragraphs to narrate how:

  • you've grown your skill set, thanks to your achievement;
  • you'd use the know-how you've gained in your new role;
  • your accomplishment could help your potential employers grow.

Remember that recruiters don't need a retelling of your whole resume, but want to find out what makes you, you.

Ending your junior ux designer cover letter: a closing paragraph with a promise

If you're thinking of finishing your junior ux designer cover letter with a "Sincerely yours" or "Thanks for the consideration," you need to read on.

End the final paragraph of your junior ux designer cover letter with a twist:

  • a promise - of how you'd grow as a professional, part of the company, or improve organizational metrics;
  • a call to action - prompt interviewers with some follow-up actions if they are interested in your profile.

A personalized ending would surely help you to stand out by being a memorable candidate.

The zero experience junior ux designer cover letter: shifting the focus to your unique value

Don't worry if you have no conventional professional experience . Within your whole experience, there's plenty more you can write about in your junior ux designer cover letter.

Take, for example, your biggest achievement or award - dedicate your cover letter body to describe it and the job-relevant skills you've learned.

Your professional ambitions could also take center stage. Describe what you plan on achieving in the next five to ten years and the efforts you're making towards your dreams.

Key takeaways

We hope this junior ux designer cover letter writing guide has shown you how to:

  • Format your junior ux designer cover letter with the mandatory sections (e.g. header, greeting, intro, body, and closing) and select the right font (P.S. It should be the same as the one you've used for your resume);
  • Substitute your lack of professional experience with your most noteworthy achievement, outside of work, or your dreams and passions;
  • Ensure recruiters have a more personalized experience by tailoring your cover letter not just to the role, but to them (e.g. writing their first/last name in the salutation, etc.);
  • Introducing your biggest achievement and the skills it has taught you in your junior ux designer cover letter body;
  • Write no more than two sentences in your junior ux designer cover letter introduction to set the right tone from the get-go.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

Cover Letter Background

What Is The Purpose Of A Cover Letter In An Application

How to sell yourself in a cover letter, how to negotiate your salary over the phone in 2024: job offers 101, how do you end a resume, how to list a double major on your resume, 23 exemples de cv créatif pour 2024.

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Cover letter examples

Data Scientist

David has opted for the sleek Otago template, adeptly showcasing his talents and extensive experience. This cover letter follows simple style and professional format, keeping it concise and tailored to the job.

"I’m writing to express my interest in the Data Scientist position at AIsphere, which was recommended to me by a friend, Sarah Johnson, who speaks highly of your team and the exciting projects you work on."

Data scientist cover letter template

Table of contents

How to Write a Data Scientist Cover Letter (Guide & Examples)

Writing a cover letter might seem as tricky as solving a complex algorithm, but it’s often the final key to unlocking your dream job. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, your cover letter should effectively communicate your expertise in data analysis, problem-solving, and your ability to turn data into actionable insights. In this article, we guide you through each section explaining how to align it with your CV and ensure it's ATS-friendly .

Grab a cup of tea and let's get started!

In this step-by-step guide, we cover :

Examples of data scientist cover letters tailored for different IT sectors

Key sections to include in your cover letter

Industry-specific tips on how to tailor your application for B2B or B2C SaaS company

Tips for landing an entry-level job with no experience.

Explore our collection of cover letter templates to complement your CV. 

Data scientist cover letter example

Data scientist cover letter template

Download this data scientist cover letter sample in PDF

This example features David, an aspiring data scientist with a background in AI and statistics demonstrates how to leverage academic projects and relevant skills to ensure alignment with the job requirements. The cover letter is simple , concise, and specifically tailored to the data scientist role Alex is applying for.

Data scientist CV and cover letter template

Check out our matching data scientist CV example to help you streamline your application.

Customise this data scientist cover letter example

How to write a data scientist cover letter with no experience.

Whether you are a school leaver or looking for a part-time role, your education and enthusiasm become your strongest assets. Talk about your degree, relevant coursework, and any projects you've done. If you've studied maths, statistics, computer science, or a related field, you're already on the right track. Additionally, companies want to see that you're genuinely interested in data science, not just looking for any job. Mention any data-related hobbies and interests or projects you've done in your spare time.

How to write a data scientist cover letter with no experience

To increase your chances of success, consider enrolling in boot camps or accredited courses to quickly build your skills. Here are some reputable options in the UK:

General Assembly

Pragmatic Data

Code Nation.

Cover letter example for data scientist internship

Dear Hiring Manager, I'm writing to express my keen interest in the Data Analyst Internship at Analytica Ltd. As a final-year Data Science student at the University of Edinburgh, I'm eager to apply my skills to real-world challenges. My coursework has given me a strong foundation in statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualisation. I've applied these skills in projects such as predicting bus arrival times using public transport data, achieving 85% accuracy through time series analysis and machine learning. I'm particularly drawn to Analytica's commitment to leveraging data for social good. Your recent project on optimising food bank distributions aligns perfectly with my passion for using data to make a positive impact. While I may be at the start of my data science journey, I bring a fresh perspective, strong analytical skills, and an insatiable curiosity. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to your projects and grow under the guidance of your experienced team. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to Analytica's mission of driving innovation through data-driven decision-making. Yours sincerely, Fiona McTavish

If a boot camp isn't in your budget, don't worry! There are plenty of free resources to upskill yourself:

Coursera : Offers many free data science courses from top universities.

edX : Similar to Coursera, with courses from institutions like Harvard and MIT.

DataQuest : Offers some free content to learn data science skills.

Kaggle : Great for practical experience. They offer free courses and data science competitions.

FreeCodeCamp : Offers a free data analysis course with Python.

Check out our related blog article on how to write a CV with no experience for more tips and examples.

What to include in a data scientist cover letter? 

Think of your cover letter as the 'executive summary' of your career - it needs to be concise and impactful and leave them wanting more. Whether you're aiming for a junior data analyst role or aiming for the chief data scientist position, you'll want to highlight your key skills and accomplishments that make you perfect for the job.

Data Scientist - Must-have cover letter sections

Contact information : Include your name, phone number, email, and location

Salutation : Address the hiring manager by name ‘Dear (Last Name)”, if possible

Opening paragraph : Show enthusiasm and mention a person who's referred you to the job, if applicable.

Body paragraph(s) : Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements from recent jobs.

Closing paragraph : Reiterate interest in the job and desire to discuss your application further in a follow-up interview.

Sign-off : Use professional closing, such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Best regards’, followed by your full name.

For more insights on each section, check our related blog article on how to structure your cover letter .

1. Introduction: Hook them from the start

Your opening paragraph needs to grab attention faster than a viral cat video on TikTok. Here's how:

Mention the specific role you're applying for (it shows you can read, always a good start)

Specify who recommended you to apply or how you found out about this job (e.g., "As recommended by Dr. Jane Smith...")

Show your enthusiasm (but maybe dial it back from 'I've dreamed of working at DataCorp since I was in nappies')

Briefly mention your most recent qualifications or experience.

How to start a cover letter for a data scientist

Senior data scientist cover letter example

As a seasoned data scientist with over five years of experience in fintech, I was thrilled to come across the Senior Data Scientist position at Quantum Analytics. Your recent work on fraud detection using graph neural networks particularly caught my attention, as it aligns perfectly with my expertise in network analysis and anomaly detection.

Recent data science graduate cover letter example

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Junior Data Scientist role at EcoTech Solutions. As a recent graduate from the University of Edinburgh with a First-Class Honours in Data Science, I am excited about the prospect of applying my skills in machine learning and sustainability analytics to support your mission of promoting eco-friendly technologies.

Data science career change cover letter example

I am reaching out regarding the Data Analyst position at HealthCare Innovations. With a background in nursing and a recent completion of an intensive data science boot camp, I bring a unique blend of healthcare domain knowledge and cutting-edge analytical skills that I believe would be invaluable to your team efforts in improving patient outcomes through data-driven decisions.

Check out our related blog article on how to change careers as a data scientist or IT professional.

To build your skills, focus on these key tools and platforms:

Python : The most widely used programming language in data science. Learn it on platforms like Codecademy or DataCamp.

SQL : Essential for working with databases. W3Schools offers a good free course.

Jupyter Notebooks : Great for data analysis and sharing your work. Google Colab offers free access.

Pandas and NumPy : Python libraries for data manipulation. The official documentation is a good place to start.

Scikit-learn : For machine learning in Python. Their tutorials are excellent.

Tableau : For data visualisation. They offer a free version for students.

Git and GitHub : For version control and sharing your projects.

For more information on who to address a cover letter to, refer to our blog article on how to start a cover letter .

2. Body: Show off your superpowers

This is where you get to shine. Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Remember, it's not just about listing what you can do - it's about showing the impact you've had.

Use specific examples and quantify your achievements where possible

Match your skills to their requirements (this shows you've read the job description)

Don't just list technologies - explain how you've used them to solve real problems

For more information, refer to the most sought-after skills employers look for articles for more practical insights.

How to write the body of cover letter for a data scientist

Here are some must-have skills to sprinkle through your cover letter:

Machine learning : specify supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement learning

Statistical analysis : mention your proficiency in A/B testing, hypothesis testing, etc.)

Programming : include Python, R, SQL - and don't forget to mention any relevant libraries like pandas, scikit-learn, or TensorFlow)

Data visualisation : tools like Tableau, Power BI, or even good old matplotlib

Big data technologies : tools like Hadoop, Spark, or cloud platforms like AWS or Azure)

Problem-solving : you should include it because let's face it, half the job is figuring out why your code isn't working)

Communication : you need to explain your findings to people who think 'regression' is about going backwards)

Junior data scientist cover letter example

In my current role at Merkezi, I spearheaded a project that leveraged ensemble learning techniques to predict customer churn. By combining gradient boosting and neural networks, and implementing feature selection using SHAP values, we improved our prediction accuracy by 25%. This directly led to a targeted retention campaign that reduced churn by 18%, saving the company an estimated £2 million annually.

See our related article on the CV for the first job for more useful insights

Retail data scientist cover letter example

My experience in the retail sector has honed my ability to translate complex analytical findings into actionable business insights. At ShopSmart, I developed an interactive Tableau dashboard that visualised customer segmentation derived from k-means clustering. This tool empowered our marketing team to tailor campaigns more effectively, resulting in a 30% increase in campaign ROI. My ability to bridge the gap between data science and business strategy has been crucial in driving data-informed decision-making across the organisation.

Check out our r etail CV and retail cover letter examples to learn more.

Data scientist internship cover letter example

During my internship at XI have been proactive in building relevant skills. I recently completed a Kaggle competition on housing price prediction, where I ranked in the top 15%. This experience allowed me to apply my knowledge of feature engineering and regularised regression techniques to a real-world problem. Additionally, I have been contributing to an open-source project that uses natural language processing to analyse sentiment in product reviews, further developing my Python and NLP skills.

For more tips, refer to our related internship CV and internship cover letter examples.

3. Conclusion: Leave them wanting more

Finish off your cover letter with a powerful call to action, reiterating your motivation for the position and showing your willingness to discuss your expertise further. Thank the reader for their time and consideration, and provide brief personal information for further communication.

Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role

Summarise why you're a great fit

Include a call to action

How to end a cover letter for a data scientist

Refer to the article on how to end a cover letter for more details.

Experienced data scientist cover letter example

I am excited about the possibility of bringing my expertise in predictive modelling and team leadership to InnovateAI. I am confident that my track record of delivering impactful data science solutions, combined with my passion for mentoring junior data scientists, makes me an ideal fit for your growing team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience aligns with your vision for pushing the boundaries of AI innovation.

Entry-level data scientist cover letter example

I am enthusiastic about the chance to start my data science career at DataCorp and contribute to your mission of making data accessible to all. My strong foundation in statistical analysis, coupled with my eagerness to learn and adapt in this rapidly evolving field, would make me a valuable addition to your team. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and passion for data science align with your needs.

Supply chain data scientist cover letter example

I am excited about the opportunity to apply my expertise in time series analysis and forecasting to enhance supply chain operations at LogiTech. With hands-on experience using ARIMA models and Prophet, I’m eager to contribute to your team’s efforts in demand forecasting. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the chance to discuss how we can collaborate to drive efficiency through advanced analytics.

Check out our supply chain CV and data analyst cover letter for more examples and tips.

Key takeaways

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to show that you're not just a collection of technical skills, but a real person who's passionate about data science and would be a great addition to their team. So let your personality shine through, showcase your skills, and most importantly, show them why you're the data scientist they've been looking for!

How to write a cover letter for a data scientist

Here are the key points to bear in mind:

Tailor your letter to the specific job and company

Show enthusiasm and personality but keep it professional

Use concrete examples to demonstrate your skills and impact

Keep it concise - aim for about 300-400 words

Proofread carefully - nothing says 'I lack attention to detail' like a typo in your cover letter.

Next steps?

To help you create an outstanding CV, explore our services below:

CV builder : Explore our diverse cover letter examples and CV examples designed to align with your writing career objectives. 

Cover letter builder : Apply for a job with a matching cover letter template, ensuring a clear layout so you can easily personalise and adjust it to your career goals.

CV Writing service : Contact one of our experts for feedback and quick, professional advice on tailoring your CV to a specific job. 

Blog : Read our guides and brief articles to educate yourself on the best strategies to improve your job prospects. 

For more information, visit CVMaker for more detailed information on all the available resources and tools.

Take a look at one of our blog articles for more inspiration:

How to send a CV via email

How to write a LinkedIn profile

Job opportunities for international students

How technical should my data science cover letter be?

It depends on the role and the company. For more technical positions, don't be afraid to get into the nitty-gritty of the algorithms and technologies you've worked with. For roles that emphasise business impact, focus more on the results of your work. When in doubt, strike a balance - show that you know your stuff technically, but also that you can explain it to non-experts.

Refer to our related developer cover letter and engineering cover letter for more tips on how to include your technical knowledge.

Should I mention my GitHub/Kaggle profile in my cover letter?

Absolutely! If you have a strong presence on GitHub or have performed well in Kaggle competitions, definitely mention it. It's a great way to showcase your practical skills and passion for data science. Just make sure your profiles are up-to-date and presentable before you direct potential employers to them!

How do I address the cover letter if I don't know the hiring manager's name?

If you can't find the name of the hiring manager (and you've looked - LinkedIn is your friend here), you can use something like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear Data Science Team". Avoid outdated salutations like "To Whom It May Concern" - they're about as fresh as using COBOL for your data analysis.

How long should a data science cover letter be?

A data scientist cover letter should be no more than two pages long. Aim for clarity and conciseness to make a strong impression without overwhelming the reader.

Refer to our guide that delves into the ideal cover letter length .

What is the best cover letter for a data entry job?

While data entry isn't exactly data science, it can be a good stepping stone. The best cover letter for a data entry job should emphasise your attention to detail, typing speed, and familiarity with relevant software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets). Highlight any experience with data cleaning or validation, as these skills are valuable in both data entry and data science roles. Showcase your ability to work efficiently and accurately, and mention any relevant certifications or typing tests you've completed.

Refer to our data entry CV example for more tips.

How to write a cover letter with no experience but willing to learn?

Emphasise your transferable skills , such as problem-solving, attention to detail, ability to adapt

Highlight relevant coursework, personal projects, or online courses you've completed

Show eagerness to contribute to the field and the specific company

Mention any relevant tools or programming languages you're learning

Emphasise your willingness to learn and grow in the role

If you have any relevant volunteer work or internships , even if not directly in data science, mention those experiences

How should I format my data scientist cover letter?

Use a clean and professional font like Times New Roman or Arial. Stick to a font size of between 10 and 12 points. Ensure consistent margins and spacing. Proofread your cover letter carefully for any errors before submitting it to your desired company.

Consult our related blog articles on the best font and short cover letter to learn more.

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