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addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

Cover letter

Addressing a cover letter to multiple recipients.

In an increasingly collaborative world, it’s not uncommon to find yourself needing to address a cover letter to more than one individual. Whether it’s a team of hiring managers, multiple partners at a firm, or different department heads, ensuring your salutation respects all recipients is crucial. Let’s dive into the intricacies and best practices of addressing multiple individuals in your cover letter.

Understanding the Importance of Proper Addressing

Creating a first impression.

The manner in which you address your cover letter gives the first impression about your attention to detail, cultural fit, and professionalism. It’s not merely about getting names right; it’s about showcasing your respect for each recipient and the role they play.

Demonstrating Your Research

When you’re able to correctly and respectfully address each individual, it indicates that you’ve done your homework. This can differentiate you from other candidates who might not take the same care.

Reflecting Organizational Hierarchies

Being aware of the company hierarchy can be crucial. The order in which you address recipients might be taken as an indication of your understanding of the company’s structure and priorities.

Tips for Addressing Multiple Recipients

Ordering names correctly.

  • By Seniority: If you’re addressing a CEO and a department manager, it’s appropriate to list the CEO first. This acknowledges the hierarchy and shows you recognize its importance.
  • By Relevance to Position: If you’re unsure about seniority, consider who is most relevant to the position you’re applying for. If it’s a technical role and you’re addressing both the CTO and HR Manager, the CTO might be listed first.

Using Neutral Salutations

If you find that listing individual names becomes too cumbersome or you’re unsure about the order, neutral salutations can be a lifesaver. Phrases like “To the Hiring Committee,” “Dear Selection Panel,” or “To the Recruitment Team” can be broad yet respectful.

Being Gender-Sensitive

Avoid making assumptions about gender, especially if you’re relying on names you’re unfamiliar with. If you can’t ascertain gender from your research, it’s best to default to full names or neutral titles, such as “Dear Taylor Green” instead of “Mr./Ms. Green.”

Additional Points to Consider

Avoiding repetition in the body.

While you might address multiple recipients in the salutation, ensure that the body of your letter doesn’t become repetitive. Tailor your content so it’s relevant to all without feeling like you’re repeating points for each recipient’s benefit.

Using Titles and Credentials

If one of your recipients has a specific title like “Dr.” or a significant credential, it’s important to use it. This is especially relevant in academic or highly specialized fields.

Considering Cultural Norms

Some cultures have specific norms when it comes to addressing individuals. If you’re applying for a role in a company based in another country or one with a different primary culture than yours, doing a bit of research on naming conventions can prove invaluable.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Not making assumptions.

It’s easy to make assumptions based on common names or roles within an organization. However, these assumptions can lead to addressing errors. For instance, just because you know a few Jordans who are male doesn’t mean every Jordan is.

Cross-checking with Multiple Sources

If you’ve found the names of your recipients from a particular source, cross-reference them with another to ensure accuracy. Company websites, LinkedIn profiles, or even recent press releases can provide clarity.

Staying Updated with Organizational Changes

Organizations are dynamic. Leadership changes, role transitions, and department shifts happen regularly. Just because someone was the Marketing Director last year doesn’t mean they still hold that position. Regularly updating your information can prevent potentially embarrassing oversights.

Reaching Out for Clarification

If you’re truly uncertain about how to address your cover letter, there’s no harm in reaching out to the organization’s HR department for guidance. Not only does this show initiative, but it also demonstrates your commitment to getting things right.

Formatting and Presentation

Consistency in naming.

If you’ve chosen to use first names and surnames for one recipient, ensure you maintain this format for all. Mixing “Mr. Smith” and “John” in the same letter can appear inconsistent.

Using Clear Separation

When addressing multiple individuals, it’s essential to ensure clarity in separation. Using semicolons or listing names on separate lines can help avoid confusion.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the goal is clear communication, demonstrating respect, and ensuring the recipients feel valued. While some might argue that content should take precedence over addressing, remember: the manner in which you initiate your communication can set the tone for how the rest of your message is received.

Moreover, as with all aspects of the job application process, the devil is in the details. This attention to detail will reflect positively on you as a candidate, showcasing your diligence, respect, and eagerness to communicate effectively.

For those committed to ensuring every aspect of their application process shines, it’s not just the cover letter salutation that matters. The resume is equally, if not more, crucial. For those keen on making an impactful impression, don’t hesitate to check out our premium resume templates .

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How to Write a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients?

How to Write a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients

You can mail your cover letter and resume to multiple managers at an organization if you are not aware of the concerned person’s name. This trick helps your resume reach the right person. You should mention the names of all the recipients if you have been able to find information regarding their names and designations so that everyone knows who has got the copy of your letter.

The general format of this cover letter is the same as the regular one written for one recipient, except for the names of multiple recipients. Don’t forget to mention the position you’re applying for, where you heard about it, and why you think you are eligible for it.

How to identify the key players?

If the job advertisement doesn’t specify the names of the hiring managers, you can use multiple resources to identify the recipients’ names. For instance, you can call the organization to ask for the names of hiring managers. If you still don’t get the names, check professional networking sites like LinkedIn and look for hiring resources in the respective company. You may also get this information from the company’s official website. If you know someone who works there, he can also provide you with the required information.

How to include additional recipients?

Do you know how to cc multiple recipients in a letter ? We will explain how.

You need to give your signature at the end of the letter. Providing two spaces beneath your signature, write “cc:” and mention the names and designations of other letter recipients. For instance, type “cc: Mr. Adams, Human Resources Assistant Manager.” Use a separate line for each additional recipient.

The right way to mail your letter

You might have multiple recipients of the letter but make sure to send a copy of your letter to each recipient. Get an envelope for each recipient and put your resume and cover letter in it. Before placing the letter in the envelope, checkmark the recipient’s name you’re sending it. Do this for the recipients in the “cc” list.

Address a cover letter by email

In this digital world , most cover letters and resumes are shared by email, as it’s the fastest and most convenient method for all. Hiring managers receive many letters each day. Your responsibility is to make it easy for them to scan your mail. You can make the process easy by adding a relevant and clear subject line and your signature and contact details.

Can you address a cover letter to multiple recipients ? Of course, you can. CC other recipients at the end of the letter, mentioning their names and designations. Please write their email addresses in the “CC” tab of your email to copy the email to them.

Skip writing “To whom it may concern” in cover letters. It has become old school now. People usually mention this when they don’t get enough information from the hiring managers. However, it’s always better to write one or two names of the hiring managers. It will demonstrate your interest in the company because you will be looking for the names of hiring managers and other company details. If you don’t get information about the hiring managers, you can write “Dear Hiring Managers” to address the recipients.

How to write the subject line in the email?

Leaving the subject line blank is not a very good idea. There is a high probability of getting your email deleted because when a hiring manager receives an email without a subject line, they don’t bother to open it. And sometimes, such emails go directly to spam boxes. So, you better mention a clear subject line to convey your intentions of writing to them.

While writing the subject line, don’t forget to mention the job title you are applying for. Hiring managers look for multiple resources for different departments. So, writing the job title will make it easy for them to scan your email for the position you’re interested in.

The Salutation should be personalized

Personalization is the key. Even if you send a letter to several people in the organization, only address your letter to a single person. This person might be the most senior in the human resource department. The recipient’s address section includes the person’s name, designation, organization, and address. Address this person in salutation. You can mention the manager’s full name if you don’t know the gender. For example, write “Dear Terry Johns” rather than “Dear Miss Terry.” If there’s a hiring committee responsible for hiring resources in a company, you should write “Dear Hiring Committee.” You may also use this salutation if you don’t know who the recipients are.

The correct format of the cover letter email

Type a colon or comma after writing your selected salutation. Give a space afterward, and then start writing the letter’s first paragraph. Follow these steps to format your cover letter in an email correctly:

  • Write Salutation with a comma/colon: Dear Hiring Manager:
  • With a space, write the first paragraph of the letter.
  • Body of your cover letter.

The body of your cover letter covers all the essential details you want to share with the employer. Mention the position you’re applying for and justify how you are the most suitable candidate to be called for an interview. That’s where you will sell your skills and experience as the right candidate. Check the job requirements properly and put relevant experiences and skills you have that match the ones they are searching for.

Before sending an email cover letter, check if the company has any specific instructions to follow on how to submit your resume and cover letter. Following their instructions is crucial. You must make sure that your cover letter is well-written, covering all the essential and required details.

  •     Conclusion

To conclude your email cover letter, mention that you have attached your resume as per the requirement. Thank the employer in anticipation and give details so that they can reach out if you get selected for an interview call.

  •     Signature

Your signature should include your full name, contact number, permanent home address, email address, and URL to your LinkedIn profile. This will make it easy for the hiring managers to reach out to you.

Accuracy Check is a must

Proofreading your cover letter is a must. Check that the information you have shared is accurate. Double-check the names and designations of the recipients. It is imperative to add the correct address and recipient details so that your letter reaches the right individuals. Before finalizing your letter, make sure the following information is correctly spelled and accurate:

  • Job Position you’re applying for.
  • Recipient’s names and designations
  • Company name
  • Recipient addresses

Examples of letters addressed to multiple people

Here are some examples of formatting your cover letters. We have shared some accurate headers and salutations for addressing multiple recipients.

Here is an example of a cover letter to multiple recipients at the same company address. It’s an official letter with three addresses :

Mrs. Jenny Harrison, Mr. Jonas Ramsey, Ms. Leena Larson

Department of Cyber Crime

Stanford Cyber Crime International

5678 Q Chester Rd, Suite 200

Miami, SL 33388

Dear Mrs. Jenny Harrison, Mr. Jonas Ramsey, and Ms. Leena Larson:

Here is an example of a cover letter to multiple recipients at different addresses:

Dr. Stark Abraham

CC: Dr. Marry Richard, Dr. Mads Jones

Department of Cardiology

Bloomfield General Hospital

6789 Medical Officer, Suite 34

Albany, NY 89989

Dear Dr. Stark Abraham:

CC: Dr. Marry Richard, Dr. Mads Jones:

Here is an example of a cover letter to a large group of people at the same company address:

Members of the Admissions Board

Admissions Department

New York University

7890 Learning Street, Suite 342

Dear Members of the Admissions Board:

Things To Check Before Sending the Letter

  • Review sample of cover letter: Writing cover letters from scratch is not an easy task. Review existing cover letters to make your life easier and not forget any formatting guidelines.
  • Personalize your cover letter: You better personalize it every time you need to send a cover letter. Because every job has different requirements, even if the job titles are similar, personalizing your cover letter for each position will let you customize your skills and experience according to the job requirements.
  • Check for any spelling mistakes: Before sending the cover letter, check if you have correctly written the hiring manager’s name and designation. Making a spelling mistake in a cover letter can cost you a job interview.
  • Proofread your letter twice: While sending an email for a job position you want, it is essential to be sure that your email and attached documents are well-written. If possible, take help from a friend in proofreading your email/letter for any grammatical mistakes or typos.

addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

Written by Simon W

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How to Address a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients

Addressing a cover letter to multiple recipients can seem like a daunting task, yet it’s a common scenario in today’s diverse and team-oriented work environments. Whether you’re applying to a small business or a large corporation, knowing how to navigate this aspect of your cover letter is crucial. It not only demonstrates your attention to detail but also your respect for corporate hierarchy and communication protocols. In this guide, we will delve into:

  • The nuances of identifying and addressing multiple recipients in a cover letter, ensuring your application is professional and personalized.
  • The significance of tailoring your greeting to fit the context of your application, whether you’re addressing a team, department heads, or a hiring committee.
  • Strategies for researching recipient names and titles to make your cover letter stand out, emphasizing the importance of direct and accurate addressing.
  • 1 How to Address a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients Step by Step
  • 2 Identifying Your Recipients
  • 3 Best Practices for Addressing Cover Letters to Multiple Recipients

How to Address a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients Step by Step

Addressing a cover letter to multiple recipients is a critical step in ensuring your job application is taken seriously. It shows respect and professionalism towards the company’s internal structure and the individuals reviewing your application. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step approach to guide you through this process:

  • Begin with thorough research to identify the names and titles of the recipients. Utilize the company’s website, LinkedIn, or even a phone call to the company’s reception to gather accurate information.
  • Understanding the hierarchy and roles within the company can help you determine the appropriate recipients for your cover letter.
  • If you know the names of all recipients, address them individually in the salutation, using “Mr.,” “Ms.,” “Dr.,” etc., followed by their last names. For example, “Dear Mr. Smith, Ms. Johnson, and Dr. Adams,”.
  • In cases where individual names are not available, opt for a generic yet respectful greeting, such as “Dear Hiring Team” or “Dear [Company Name] Team”.
  • Your opening paragraph should briefly acknowledge the multiple recipients without dwelling on it. For example, “I am writing to express my interest in [Position Name], and I am pleased to address my application to the team responsible for this role”.
  • In the body of your cover letter, maintain a tone and content that speaks to all recipients. Focus on your skills, experiences, and how you can contribute to the company, ensuring the information is relevant to all parties involved.
  • End your cover letter with a professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name. This maintains the formal tone of your letter and shows respect to all recipients.

By following these steps, you can effectively address a cover letter to multiple recipients, ensuring your application is professional and considerate. This approach not only demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively in a professional setting but also increases the likelihood of your cover letter making a positive impression on each recipient.

Identifying Your Recipients

Identifying the recipients of your cover letter is a critical first step in personalizing your job application. Start by researching the company to find out who is responsible for hiring. Utilize LinkedIn, the company’s official website, or even call the company directly to inquire. Aim to get the names and titles of key individuals involved in the hiring process, such as the HR manager, department head, or team lead. Accurate identification ensures your cover letter is directed to the right people, increasing its effectiveness and demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to personal engagement.

Best Practices for Addressing Cover Letters to Multiple Recipients

When addressing cover letters to multiple recipients, adhering to best practices is essential for making a positive impression and ensuring your application is received well. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Conduct Thorough Research : Before drafting your cover letter, invest time in researching the company to identify the appropriate recipients. Utilize resources like the company’s website, LinkedIn, or professional networks to gather accurate names and titles.
  • Use Professional Salutations : If you have the names of the recipients, address them directly using professional titles such as “Mr.,” “Ms.,” or “Dr.,” followed by their last names. In cases where names are unknown, opt for a general but respectful greeting like “Dear Hiring Team” or “Dear [Company Name] Team”.
  • Prioritize Clarity and Conciseness : Ensure your cover letter is clear and to the point. While addressing multiple recipients, maintain a professional tone and focus on how your skills and experiences align with the role and company values.
  • Personalize Your Introduction : Acknowledge the multiple recipients in your opening paragraph to personalize your letter. A brief mention of addressing the relevant team or individuals demonstrates your awareness and respect for the company’s structure.
  • Maintain a Universal Appeal : Craft the body of your cover letter in a way that is relevant and engaging to all recipients. Highlight your qualifications and achievements without focusing too narrowly on one area that might only appeal to part of your audience.
  • Be Mindful of Formatting : When listing multiple names in the salutation, separate them with commas or semicolons, and consider the visual layout for clarity.
  • Close Professionally : Conclude your cover letter with a respectful sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by your name, maintaining the formal and respectful tone throughout.

Following these best practices ensures that your cover letter addresses multiple recipients effectively, demonstrating your professionalism and attention to detail. This approach not only respects the recipients’ time and positions but also showcases your ability to communicate effectively in a professional setting, thereby enhancing your candidacy.

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How to Address a Letter to Multiple Recipients

Last Updated: June 13, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 705,426 times.

There are many situations where you may find yourself writing a letter to multiple recipients. You may be sending a Christmas letter or wedding invitation to a large family. You may be sending a cover letter for a job where there are multiple hiring managers. Whatever the case, you have a variety of options when it comes to addressing a letter to multiple recipients.

Addressing A Professional Letter

Step 1 Write a header.

  • In the top right corner of the letter, you should write the recipient' names first. Write the names using formal titles if necessary (e.g., Dr. Nora Woods), and separate the names by a comma (e.g., Dr. Nora Woods, Dr. Mark Brook).
  • Then, write the name of the company on the next line (i.e., Penbrook Medical Associates), and on the next line write the company's address. On the last line write the city, the state abbreviation, and the zip code.

Step 2 Address all names, if possible.

  • A carbon copy is usually marked by the words "cc" or "copies to", usually followed by a colon.
  • Multiple recipients are listed using their full names and alphabetically. For example, "cc: Dr. Mark Brook, Dr. Nora Woods." If the recipients are from a different business, it's important to include that business's name in parentheses after the names. For example, "cc: Dr. Mark Brooks (Penbrook Medical Associates), Dr. Nora Woods (Shepherd Medical Hospital).
  • Keep in mind, the term "carbon copy" means there will be copies of the letter circulating. You should make sure, if you're using a carbon copy, all parties listed receive their own copy of the letter. You should not use a carbon copy if you're only sending the letter to one person.

Jeffrey L. Seglin

When addressing a letter to multiple recipients, be sure to clearly indicate who is receiving a copy by using 'cc' for carbon copy. List each recipient on a separate line in the header with their name, title, and address. This allows all parties to readily see who else is included.

Step 4 Use an informal word only in certain cases.

Addressing A Personal Letter

Step 1 Consider formality.

  • Whose name comes first is somewhat subjective, but some etiquette rules claim if someone has a high ranking title, like doctor, their name should come first. For example, if you're writing to a husband and wife, and the wife has a PhD, you would write, "Dear Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Jacobs." You could also write, "Dear Dr. and Mr. Jacobs."
  • If no one has a formal title beyond "Mr." or "Mrs.", you can simply write "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs" or "Dear Mr. Jacobs and Mrs. Jacobs." This really depends mostly on your preference. You can also try something like, "Dear Oliver and Marie Jacobs." You can also switch up the order of the names. Formal rules of etiquette usually place the man's name first, but this is a largely outdated practice and some people may even take offense.
  • If a couple has different last names, make sure you acknowledge this in your salutation. For example, "Dear Mr. Jacobs and Ms. Elliot" or "Dear Mr. Oliver Jacobs and Ms. Marie Elliot."
  • If this is an informal letter , keep things simple. You can just write "Dear Marie and Oliver" or "Dear Oliver and Marie."

Step 3 Address a family...

  • You can also try including a couple of names, but not all the names. If you know a couple with a lot of kids, for example, you can try something like, "Dear Katie, James, and family."
  • For smaller families, including the names of everyone can be a nice touch. If it's not too cumbersome, try to include everyone's name. For example, "Dear Katie, James, Harper, and Brayden."

Step 4 Use an informal word as a last resort.

  • Keep in mind it's always best to get a name. You should only use this approach as a last resort if you're unable to find a specific name.

Addressing the Envelope

Step 1 Address a business letter.

  • For example, you could write something like "Mr. Oliver Jacobs and Mrs. Marie Jacobs" as the recipient's name. If you're limited on space, you can try something like, "Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs."
  • Make sure you get titles correct. For example, if Oliver Jacobs has his PhD, write something like "Dr. Oliver Jacobs and Mrs. Marie Jacobs." Or "Dr. and Mrs. Jacobs."
  • For more informal letters, do not worry as much about titles. If you are writing to close relatives or friends, "Mr." and "Mrs." are no required. Simply write something like, "Oliver and Marie Jacobs" or "Marie and Oliver Jacobs."

Step 3 Try referring to...

  • When sending in submissions to a literary magazine, the magazine's website should provide information on how to address your envelope.

Avoiding Pitfalls

Step 1 Stay away from referring to a married couple by the man's name.

  • If you cannot find any information on hiring managers, use a specific word to address your cover letter. For example, "Dear Hiring Managers" would work, or something like, "Dear Hiring Staff of the Hilton Hotel."

Step 3 Make sure you get titles correct.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Email etiquette follows similar rules. You can use the same rules as formal letter writing to address a job application or other formal email. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If the letter is a thank you note or another personal note, consider sending each person a separate letter. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Tami Claytor

To address a professional letter to multiple recipients, start with a salutation beginning with “Dear” followed by their full names. For example, write “Dear Dr. Nora Woods and Dr. Mark Brooks,” and end with a colon instead of a comma. If you’re addressing an entire office or company, you can use a less formal salutation such as “Dear Colleagues” or “Dear Associates.” Keep in mind, however, that such salutations are normally used for very large groups, or informal letters like mass e-mails. For more advice, including how to address multiple recipients in a personal letter, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Address a Cover Letter: From Heading to Date to Salutation + More

We’ll discuss how to address a cover letter with examples, and then we’ll look at specific parts of each cover letter address area in detail..

Christian Eilers

Writing a cover letter might be one of those things that make you want to bang your head on your keyboard.

Fortunately, though, addressing a cover letter is a piece of cake (we’ll help you with the other bits in a different article).

In this short article, we’ll walk you through how to address a cover letter effectively and easily, with examples, and then we’ll guide you through the specific parts of each cover letter address area in more detail.

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How to Address a Cover Letter

Here’s an example of how to address a cover letter:

Your First & Last Name Your Address Line 1 Your Address Line 2 January 1, 2021 Jessica Schwartz Human Resources Manager Name of Prospective Company Prospective Company Address Line 1 Prospective Company Address Line 2 Dear Jessica:

And there you have it! 

As you can see from the cover letter address sample above, it’s really quite simple. Feel free to copy and paste that into your cover letter opening and tweak to your needs!

Next, we’ll go into detail about each of the various subsections of the cover letter address area.

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Structure of a Cover Letter Address Section

1. cover letter heading (sender’s information).

At the very top of your cover letter, in what’s called the cover letter header, you’ll place your contact details. 

As we showed you above, it’s quite simple:

Your First & Last Name Your Address Line 1 Your Address Line 2

If you want, you can include your phone number or email address, as well.

Cover letters follow a business letter or formal letter format, but, you don’t have to necessarily stick to the styling of the example above. If you have a stylized heading with your name and contact details from your resume contact information section, feel free to use the same heading here!

However, for the remainder of the cover letter, stick as close to the business letter format as possible.

2. The Date

The entirety of addressing a cover letter is quite simple, and that’s true for the date as well.

Here’s how to add a date on a cover letter:

January 31, 2022

Just remember to leave a line break space both above and below the date to keep things looking neat and organized.

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3. Inside Address (Recipient’s Information)

After the date, it’s time to add the recipient’s information, also known in formal letter writing as the “inside address.”

As we showed you above, here’s how to write the company’s info:

Jessica Schwartz Human Resources Manager Name of Prospective Company Prospective Company Address Line 1 Prospective Company Address Line 2

We start with the name of the person you are addressing the cover letter to, usually the HR manager or hiring supervisor, followed by their official title at the company. Do your best to find someone’s name so it is tailored by researching the company and its LinkedIn profile.

If you still can’t find someone’s name, simply put “Hiring Manager” or “ATTN: Hiring Manager” above the company name and address.

4. Salutation

The last part of the cover letter address section before reaching the body is the salutation. 

And here’s how simple that is:

Dear Jessica:

Easy as that! 

You can tweak that a bit, if you prefer not to use “dear,” for example. You could also choose to use their last name (“Dear Ms. Schwartz”) or their full name. However, in most cases, I think the first name is most powerful (and we’re in the 2020s now, as well).

Finally, use a colon after the name and you’re through!

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Well, that’s it for our guide on how to address a cover letter, and we hope it helps answer all your questions about addressing cover letters right. Got any further questions or feedback about how to format the address on a cover letter? Let us know below in the comments, and thanks for reading!

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thank you for this article, Goodwall! It’s easy, simple, and so useful for me, because I search for a job right now and have to send out many cover letters. Wish me luck 🙂

Thanks for your comment, Anastasia, and for stopping by! I’m so happy if it helped, and I wish you the best of luck on your job search!

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To Whom it May Concern? How to Address and End a Cover Letter

We’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter, whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

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In our modern age of personalization, To Whom It May Concern is both an antiquated and detached way to address a cover letter . It may also imply that you haven’t researched the company or that you assume the letter can be read by anyone. Below, we’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter , whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

When it comes to addressing a cover letter, advice columns frequently spotlight these two pitfalls:

  • Mistake 1 : Failing to address your cover letter to a specific person
  • Mistake 2 : Addressing a cover letter to the wrong person

Most job postings don’t specify who will be reading your cover letter. This puts job seekers in a tricky situation. Fixing the first mistake could cause you to make the second. So what’s the best way to replace “To Whom It May Concern” on your cover letter?

Get instant feedback on your cover letter with Jobscan’s cover letter optimization tool. See it in action .

3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter

1) don’t address your cover letter to the recruiter.

For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn’t mean you should address your cover letter to them.

“Recruiters do not read cover letters,” a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan . “Bottom line.”

That might be an overstatement — most don’t, some do — but many recruiters would admit that they aren’t the intended audience of a cover letter. “It’s mostly for the hiring manager,” said a recruiter in the non-profit industry. “For us [recruiters], it’s just an extra step in an already elongated process.”

The healthcare recruiter agreed: “If you’re sending it straight to a hiring manager who’s looking at a much lower number of applicants, they might actually read that.”

2) Search for the Hiring Manager’s Name

The best way to personalize your cover letter is to address the hiring manager by name. However, it can be difficult to identify the hiring manager, and your educated guess could cause you to address your cover letter to the wrong person. Here are some tips for finding the hiring manager.

Search the Company Website

Few job postings list the hiring manager by name but many will tell you the position to which you’d be reporting.

Addressing a cover letter: Use "reports to" to figure out who to address.

With this information, a little detective work can reveal the name of the hiring manager.

Start off by browsing the company’s website. Look for an about page, company directory, or contact page. These pages are frequently linked at the very bottom of the website. Companies that feature employees on their about page make it much easier to figure out who will be reading your cover letter.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on these types of pages.

You can also try searching the website. If the website doesn’t have a built-in search bar, use this syntax in Google:

“[position you’ll be reporting to]” site:company website

Addressing a cover letter: Use google to search for the hiring manager's name

This will reveal hard-to-find about pages or other mentions of the position in the company’s blog posts, press releases, and other pages.

Search LinkedIn

If a company doesn’t list the hiring manager on their website, LinkedIn is your next best resource.

Start off by searching for the company page on LinkedIn. Once you’re on the company’s LinkedIn page, click “See all X employees on LinkedIn” near the top.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on LinkedIn. See all employees on LinkedIn

Depending on the company size, you can either browse all positions or narrow your results by adding search terms to the search bar (e.g. “Marketing Manager”) and utilizing the “Current companies” filters on the right side of the screen.

Addressing a Cover Letter: Use LinkedIn filters to find the hiring manager's name

Search for the “reports to” position from the job listing. If it wasn’t provided in the listing, search for keywords related to your prospective department (e.g. “marketing”). If the company uses an intuitive corporate hierarchy  you should be able to determine who will be reading the cover letter.

Contact the Company Directly

There is nothing wrong with calling or emailing the company to ask for the name of the hiring manager. Be polite and honest with the administrative assistant or customer service representative. Explain that you’re about to apply for a job and you’d like to know who you should address in your cover letter.

If they aren’t able to provide an answer or transfer you to someone who knows, let it go. The last thing you need is word getting back to the hiring manager that you were pushy with one of their colleagues.

3) Use a More Personalized “To Whom it May Concern” Alternative

You can still personalize your cover letter, even when you don’t know the identity of the hiring manager. Instead of “To Whom It May Concern,” which casts a wide net and is specific to no one, try addressing your cover letter to one specific person.

The most generic version of this is:

Dear Hiring Manager,

But job seekers can often be more specific. Take a look at these examples:

Dear Customer Experience Manager, 

Dear Customer Experience Hiring Team Manager, 

Some other alternatives include addressing your cover letter to an entire department:

  • Dear Engineering Department,

Dear Engineering Team, 

OR addressing the entire team:

Hi Jobscan Team,

Dear Jobscan Team,

As with many aspects of the job application process, demonstrating that you put in some extra effort can make a difference. Doing some research before addressing a cover letter contributes to a positive first impression.

8 cover letter salutation examples

Here are eight standard cover letter openings you can choose from. Select the one that best suits the energy of the company you’re applying to and use either a specific name or department depending on the information you have available.

  • Hi Mr. Smith,
  • Hello Jobscan Team,
  • Dear Ms. Whittaker and Team,
  • Good morning, Mr. Kennedy
  • Good afternoon, Louise, 
  • To the Jobscan hiring manager, 

How to end a cover letter

Just as important as beginning your cover letter is ensuring you end it on a strong note. Your cover letter ending should not be underestimated in its ability to help you move forward in the hiring process. After making your case in the previous paragraphs, you need to end your cover letter with a strong call to action to entice the recruiter to invite you for a job interview.

Madeline Mann , an HR leader in the technology industry and creator of Self Made Millennial , says that while no conclusion will save a bad cover letter, it can distinguish you from another good candidate.

It’s all about enthusiasm, according to Madeline. “Companies want people who want them,” she says. If you can draw to the company’s values and show how interested in working with them you are, that’s a substantial advantage. You want to create a lasting impression by incorporating that enthusiasm in your cover letter ending.

“Companies want people who want them” – Madeline mann

A good conclusion, in fact, should reflect the rest of your cover letter.

Set up the end of your cover letter with a strategic middle section

If you want your cover letter ending to be effective, you first need to build momentum. Most recruiters and career coaches agree that by the time you get to the end of your cover letter, it needs to possess the following three elements:

  • It tells a story about yourself
  • It shows your value concretely
  • It calls the recruiter to action

Julia Reiter, a career coach based in Toronto, suggests that you lead up to your cover letter ending by showing that you understand the company’s current challenges and are equipped to solve them. This will make your cover letter call to action all the more effective.

Although the job description will give you information about what the company is looking to accomplish, it will not help you distinguish yourself from other applicants. Show the company you are willing to go the extra mile by researching the key industry challenges and the particular issues they might be facing (beyond the obvious ones).

For example, you can read articles from industry-related publications and get acquainted with the numbers and statistics about the particular business areas your company is engaged in. By being aware of the particular issues they are facing, you can more easily make your skillset and experiences relevant.

When you talk about your past experiences and accomplishments , make sure you mention the problems the company is facing. For example, if you are applying for a customer success manager position at a Software-as-a-Service company, a relevant issue might be high churn rates.

Instead of writing something like “my experience in customer success makes me confident I will be a great addition to your team,” write something like “When I worked at XYZ company, I was able to reduce the churn rate by 30%. With this experience and my deep knowledge of B2B consumer psychology, I am prepared to ensure we have one of the lowest churn rates in XYZ industry.”

End your letter with a call to action

You may be tempted to write that “I’m looking forward to hearing from you” for your cover letter ending. That isn’t a call to action. For Madeline, the end of a cover letter serves to give one last push and show interest and enthusiasm in a way that stands out.

Likewise, Julia says, “now that the company knows you are aware of their current challenges and are equipped to solve those challenges for them, don’t leave them hanging. Tell them how they can make your skills and experiences a reality on their team. What number can they reach you at for an interview?”

How do you conclude a cover letter? Here are 3 examples

  • “I’m excited to have the opportunity to talk about how I could join your team in its quest for XYZ value. I’m particularly thrilled about XYZ project and would love to know how I can contribute to it.
  • “I am keen on meeting with you to see what I can contribute to XYZ company as it moves on in its journey to XYZ goal. I am available at your convenience for a phone call or in-person meeting.”
  • “I would love to get your thoughts on what I mentioned. I am happy to hop on a phone call at your earliest convenience to discuss how I can help XYZ company with XYZ issue.”

Read more : Check out our cover letter examples page, which covers a wide range of jobs, industries, and situations.

Mistakes to avoid when ending a cover letter

The mistakes people make when they end their cover letter are often the same ones they made earlier in the piece. However, they can be particularly detrimental to your chances of landing an interview if they constitute the final impression a recruiter has of you.

When ending a cover letter, avoid:

Making it about yourself instead of the company: use sentence constructions that make the recruiter see how the company is going to benefit from hiring you. For example, try to use “you” or “we” instead of “I.”

Sounding generic or robotic: we’ve all seen these cover letters that end with the same plain paragraph. If you write one of those, the last impression you’re giving is not different from those given by all other applicants.

Selling yourself short: the conclusion is your last chance to show off the value you can bring to the company. Emphasize it and use it as a segue into your call to action.

How to end a cover letter with the appropriate salutations

Always remember that recruiters review hundreds of applications for each position. When you are competing with that many candidates, the slightest mistake will disqualify you immediately Although you may not think too much of the salutations, they can hurt your chance of landing an interview.

Make sure your salutations are formal and polite. You should be respectful not only by indicating your appreciation of the recruiter’s time but also by being concise. Do not overdo your salutations and do not employ informal greetings. “Sincerely,” “Thank you for your consideration,” “kind regards,” are all safe options.

When ending your cover letter, you want to balance confidence, respect, and appreciation.

17 cover letter ending examples

Depending on the energy of the business you are applying to, and your own personality, select one of the following 17 cover letter closing options.

  • Best wishes,
  • Sincere thanks,
  • Many thanks,
  • Thanks in advance,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Respectfully, 
  • Sincerely, 
  • Sincerely yours, 
  • Yours truly, 
  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Looking forward to speaking with you, 
  • With gratitude,

One Final Important note: Cover letters aren’t what they say they are

Cover letters don’t introduce your resume, they supplement it.

In order to get your cover letter into the hands of a hiring manager who cares, your  resume has to get past the recruiter and, in many cases, the applicant tracking system they’re using.

Try analyzing your resume below to receive instant optimization tips and recruiter insights from Jobscan so that the time you spend crafting your cover letter isn’t a waste.

The keyword analysis also shows exactly what to focus on in your cover letter.

Jobscan Premium (one month free)  even has a cover letter scan feature.

Editor’s Note: A section of this article was originally written in a separate blog post by Léandre Larouche on June 9, 2020. It has been updated and combined with this article as of June 10, 2021.

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Cover letter with two recipients

My cover letter has two intended recipients. How do I handle putting two names in the address and salutation?

EDIT: Format is important - I'd still expect the address to look like this:

  • cover-letter

StackExchange What The Heck's user avatar

  • 3 Send a separate copy to each of them...? –  keshlam Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 4:01
  • Alphabetically? In order or seniority? By number of letters? Really, this is very opinion based as there is no way that is more or less acceptable. Besides, I don't honestly think the recipients really care whose name appears first :) –  Jane S Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 4:03
  • 2 In that case, put the common address at the top, and then put both names into your salutation (in any arbitrary order). This is what I do if I have to write formal documents to multiple people at an organisation. Really, it's the content they will be reading :) –  Jane S Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 4:25
  • 1 @JaneS I'd recommend using alphabetical order instead of arbitrary. With alphabetical you will have a clear, concise, indisputable answer if one of the recipients' ego gets hurt. :) –  Project Shepherding Commented Jun 28, 2015 at 10:52
  • 1 @ProjectShepherding I completely agree. My point was that your two recipients wouldn't really care, but if you must choose something then alphabetic is the most logical :) –  Jane S Commented Jun 28, 2015 at 10:56

2 Answers 2

I'm assuming you want to use postal mail and both recipients can be addressed as Mr/Ms (instead of Ph D., Dr. or whatever).

Since you are sending only one application, there is no need to write separate addresses on the inside, but only the address you're sending the letter to.

Keeping both names on the inside is useful since chances are that the letter and the envelope gets separated by an administrator, so you want to be sure both recipients are informed of the application's arrival.

Writing each name and each title in the same line will help keeping the format clean and simple.

So I'd recommend using:

Project Shepherding's user avatar

It is the content of the cover letter that is important, more than the header information.

If you're applying for two different positions, then you should have two cover letters, and two applications, even if there is only one employer. Some software won't allow that (which is what I suspect from your comments).

If you're applying for two different but essentially similar positions, or only one cover letter is allowed, then one cover letter is what you have. In that case, after the section with your own contact information, then put only the most generic of their contact information. You don't need their names or titles in that section, just the company and address. And then address the letter to 'Dear Hiring Manager' or 'Dear Hiring Professor'

Then, write a compelling cover letter for why you would be a good choice for the job, with specific and pertinent achievements from previous jobs, in a way that augments rather than repeats your resume. That's the important part.

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addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

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How To Write a Letter to Multiple People (With Steps and Examples)

Across multiple sectors, letter-writing is still common in professional settings. You might discover that, during the course of routine business, you have to write a formal letter to a number of recipients. Creating letters with multiple recipients properly is essential for building a professional reputation. Continue reading to find out how to format a business letter to several recipients. We will give you step-by-step directions, useful hints, and examples on which you can base your business correspondence.

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Examples of letters addressed to multiple people

Here are a few illustrations of effective headers and salutations that address numerous recipients:

An illustration of a letter with multiple recipients at the same address is provided below:

Mr. James Lockwood, Ms. Bella Ramsey, Mrs. Department of Security, Jenna Larson, Bloomfield Cyber International, 1234 West Chester Road, Suite 300, Miami, Florida 44499

Dear Mr. James Lockwood, Ms. Bella Ramsey and Mrs. Jenna Larson:

Here is an illustration of a letter sent to various recipients at various addresses:

Dr. Mark PearsonCC: Dr. Lilly Jones, Dr. Richard WeizCardiologyMitchell General Hospital1234 Medical Dr. , Suite 25Rochester, NY 33445.

Dear Dr. Mark Pearson: CC: Dr. Lilly Jones, Dr. Richard Weiz:

An illustration of a letter sent to many people at the same address is shown below:

Members of the Admissions BoardUniversity of Richfield Admissions Department1234 Learning Lane, Suite 900Richfield, WI 55440

Dear Members of the Admissions Board:

When do you need to address a letter to multiple people?

Use the following advice to assist you in addressing a letter to numerous recipients:

1. Decide on formatting

Choosing whether you need to send your letter to multiple addresses and how to format your header is the first step in addressing a letter to multiple people. For instance, you only need to list the address once at the bottom of your header if you’re writing to multiple recipients within the same organization. You must include each address if you are writing to people in various organizations. The formatting options for addressing multiple recipients are:

Your letter’s header can be written in the upper-left corner. When writing the names of your recipients, be sure to include any formal designations or job titles, and make sure to comma-separate each recipient.

2. Write your salutation

You only need to include the recipient’s full name, their job title, or the name of the group when writing to one person or a single recipient. Using a comma to separate each recipient’s full name and job title when writing to more than one person at the same address is acceptable. You may use a parenthesis to indicate that each recipient belongs to a different group, department, or place of employment. In your salutation, you can also add a second “cc:” for recipients at different addresses.

3. Check for accuracy

When writing to multiple recipients, it’s crucial to provide accurate information so that the right people receive your letters and they are addressed properly. Before sending your letter, make sure to double-check the following information for accuracy and correct spelling:

Tips for addressing letters to multiple people

Here are a few more pointers to help you effectively address a letter to numerous people:

Consider formality

Consideration should be given to the formality of professional correspondence. You might be able to use less formal language in your letter if you’re writing to colleagues with whom you’ve built a rapport. Keep your letter’s tone formal and businesslike if you’re writing to new acquaintances, supervisors, or investors.

Address individuals in a salutation

If there are fewer than eight people in a group you are addressing in a header, such as a board or committee, think about addressing each person specifically in your salutation. This can give a letter addressed to a large group a sense of personal connection and may make your readers feel personally acknowledged.

Match your envelope with your header

It’s crucial that your header’s formatting corresponds to that of your envelope’s mailing information. To maintain your correspondence’s neatness, professionalism, and consistency, make sure the information is the same in both places.

How do you address multiple people in a salutation?

Start a professional letter with a salutation that begins “Dear,” followed by each recipient’s full name. For example, write “Dear Dr. Nora Woods and Dr. Mark Brooks” instead of a comma at the conclusion.

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The 3 Rules of Addressing Your Cover Letter in 2023

person sitting at a table, typing on a laptop with a dog sitting on the table between their arms

You’ve finally sat down to write that cover letter (good for you!), but immediately you run into a roadblock: How do you even start the darn thing? Who do you address it to? Should you use Mr. or Ms.? Do you include a first name? And what if you’ve searched high and low, but can’t find the hiring manager’s name? 

Don’t fret! Follow these three rules for cover letter salutation salvation.

Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible).

For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you’re applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager’s first and last name. You can include a title, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” (never Mrs. or Miss). But if you aren’t crystal clear on whether to use “Mr.” or “Ms.” and can’t find their pronouns with a little Google and social media searching (and you don’t have an easy way out with a “Dr.”), just drop the title. Omitting it is infinitely better than accidentally misgendering someone .

Most letters I see still use the “Dear” greeting, though I’ve seen a growing trend of people dropping it and starting with “Hello” or just the name. Any of these works. The most important part is having the actual name . Never use “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear or Sir or Madam”—nothing could be more generic (not to mention archaic). Your cover letter could be the first opportunity you have to make an impression on the hiring manager, so make sure you show that you did your research .

For example, you can address your cover letter by saying:

  • Dear Ms. Jacklyn O’Connell,
  • Hello Mr. Kevin Chen,
  • Dear Niko Adamos,
  • Hello Jean Butler,
  • Tiana Richards,

Rule #2: If you don’t know the hiring manager, guess.

Sometimes, even after hours of online searching ( try these tips ), you still might not be able to definitively figure out who exactly the hiring manager for the position you’re applying for is—and that’s OK.

If you can only find a list of the company’s executive team, use the head of the department for the position you’re applying for. In the end, no one will fault you for addressing the letter higher up than necessary. This approach is definitely better than not using a name in your cover letter, because it still shows the time and effort you took to find out who the department head is.

Rule #3: Be as specific as possible.

So you’ve done your due diligence and after an exhaustive search—nothing. You just can’t find a single name to address your cover letter to. If that’s the case, don’t worry. The company is likely privately held with no reason to share who its employees are—and, more importantly, is aware of this.

If this is the case and you don’t have a name to use, try to still be as specific as possible in your greeting. Consider using “Senior Analyst Hiring Manager” or “Research Manager Search Committee”—something that shows that you’ve written this letter with a particular audience in mind and aren’t just sending the same generic letter for every job opening.

For example:

  • Dear Software Developer Search Committee,
  • Hello XYZ Co Marketing Team,
  • Dear Junior Accountant Hiring Manager,

Ultimately, you want your cover letter to convey your interest in the position. To start off on the right note, make your salutation as specific as possible—ideally with the name of the hiring manager. Of course, that can’t always happen, but as long as the effort is clearly made, you’ll be showing whoever reads your cover letter that you’ve put time into your application and are truly excited about the opportunity. 

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

How to Address a Letter to Multiple Recipients

by Jayne Thompson

Published on 22 Jan 2019

Addressing a business letter to one person is relatively simple. You write the person's name and address using the U.S. Post Office format, and follow up with "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms." When you need to address multiple recipients in the same business letter, things get more complicated. Depending on the recipients' location, you'll either address each recipient individually or you'll use the "carbon copy" notation – "cc" – at the bottom of the letter.

Multiple People, Same Address

When addressing multiple recipients in the same organization, there is no need to repeat the address multiple times. Simply write the name and title of each recipient followed by the single company address. It should look something like this:

Ms. Mary Harris, CEO Mr. Robert Martinez, Director of Facilities Dr. Philippa Bennett-Price, Finance Director Acme Limited 123 Acme Street Lexington, KY 40505

Your salutation should then list the names in the same order as the address, followed by a colon (":"), for example "Dear Ms. Harris, Mr. Martinez and Dr. Bennett-Price:" Writing "Dear Mary, Robert and Philippa:" is perfectly fine if you are on first-name terms. It is courteous to send a separate letter and envelope to each person, so print and sign an original copy for each recipient.

Multiple People, Different Address

When the same letter is to go to multiple recipients at different locations, each person receives an individually-addressed letter. Indicate that you have sent the letter to other people by putting "cc:" at the bottom of the letter beneath the signature line, followed by the names of the other recipients in alphabetical order. "CC" stands for carbon copy, referencing the carbon paper that was used to make additional copies of documents before the invention of the photocopier – today, we use the phrase "courtesy copy." Be sure to revise the "cc:" line in each letter so that each recipient knows who all the other recipients are. Include their addresses if this will be helpful to your recipient.

When There Are Many Addressees

When you have many recipients such as members of a committee, it may be more appropriate to prepare a single letter addressed to the group, and place a distribution block at the end of the letter. It is acceptable to greet larger groups as a body of people, for example, "Dear Investor Relations" or "Dear Members of the Board." If the letter is being distributed internally within your own organization, it's fine to use the informal greeting "Dear all."

A Word of Caution

While there is a certain etiquette for addressing letters to multiple recipients, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Your company may have its own style which may or may not follow the traditional standards. Consistency gives a good impression of your brand, so do check that all your employees are following the same style in every business communication.

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How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

Options for Addressing a Cover Letter

  • Letter Without a Contact Person
  • Non-Gender-Specific Names

What Title to Use

  • Address an Email Cover Letter
  • Review a Sample Cover Letter

Before You Send Your Letter

One of the trickiest parts of writing a cover letter comes at the very beginning. Much of the time, you won’t know exactly who will read your letter. How do you address your cover letter when you don’t have the contact person’s name and/or gender ?

First of all, try to find out the name of the contact person. Some employers will think poorly of an applicant who does not take the time to learn the hiring manager’s name. Also, take care not to assume that you know the gender of the recipient based on the name. Many names are gender-neutral, and some hiring managers may identify as a gender other than male or female.

It’s also possible that you’ll do your research and still be unable to figure out to whom you are addressing your letter. In that case, it's better to be safe and use a generic greeting . It's also acceptable to start a letter without a greeting and start with the first paragraph of your letter .

You have a lot of options when addressing your letter. Learn more about the possibilities before you make your choice.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

There are a variety of general cover letter salutations you can use to address your letter. These general cover letter salutations do not require you to know the name of the hiring manager.

In a survey of more than 2,000 companies, Saddleback College found that employers preferred the following greetings:  

  • Dear Sir/Madam (27%)
  • To Whom It May Concern  (17%)
  • Dear Human Resources Director (6%)
  • Leave it blank (8%)

Do keep in mind that terms like "To Whom It May Concern" may seem dated, so the best options may be either to use "Dear Hiring Manager" or not to include a greeting at all. Simply start with the first paragraph of your letter.

How to Address a Cover Letter for a Non-Gender-Specific Name

If you do have a name but aren't sure of the person's gender, one option is to include both the first name and the last name in your salutation, without a title that reveals gender:

  • Dear Sydney Doe
  • Dear Taylor Smith
  • Dear Jamie Brown

With these types of gender-ambiguous names,  LinkedIn  can be a helpful resource. Since many people include a photo with their profile, a simple search of the person's name and company within LinkedIn could potentially turn up the contact's photograph.

Again, you can also check the company website or call the company’s administrative assistant to get more information as well.

Even if you know the name and gender of the person to whom you are writing, think carefully about what title you will use in your salutation.

For example, if the person is a doctor or holds a Ph.D., you might want to address your letter to “Dr. Lastname” rather than “Ms. Lastname” or “Mr. Lastname.” Other titles might be “Prof.,” “Rev.,” or “Sgt.,” among others.

When you address a letter to a female employer, use the title “Ms.” unless you know for certain that she prefers another title (such as “Miss” or “Mrs.”).

“Ms.” is a general title that does not denote marital status, so it works for any female employer.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

Hiring managers get a lot of emails each day. Make it easy for them to scan your email and follow up by including a clear subject line and a signature with your contact information. It's important to address the email cover letter correctly, including the name of the person hiring for the position if you have a contact, to ensure that your letter gets noticed.

Subject Line of Email Message

Never leave the subject line blank. There is a good chance that if a hiring manager receives an email with no subject line, they’ll delete it without even bothering to open it, or it could end up in their spam mailbox. Instead, write a clear subject indicating your intentions.

List the job you are applying for in the  subject line of your email message , so the employer knows what job you are interested in. They may be hiring for multiple positions, and you will want them to identify the position you’re interested in easily.

How to Address the Contact Person

There are a variety of  cover letter salutations  you can use to address your email message. If you have a contact person at the company, address the letter to Ms. or Mr. Lastname. If you aren’t given a contact person, check to see if you can  determine the email recipient's name .

If you can’t find a contact person at the company, you can either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and  start with the first paragraph  of your letter or use a  general salutation .

How to Format the Salutation

Once you have chosen a salutation, follow it with a colon or comma, a space, and then start the first paragraph of your letter. For example:

Dear Hiring Manager:

First paragraph of the letter.

Body of Email Cover Letter

The body of your cover letter  lets the employer know what position you are applying for, and why the employer should select you for an interview. This is where you'll sell yourself as a candidate. Review the job posting and include examples of your attributes that closely match the ones they are looking for.

When you're sending an  email cover letter , it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.

Make sure that your email cover letters are as well-written as any other documents you send.

If you have attached your resume, mention this as part of your conclusion. Then finish your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up. Include a closing, then list your name and your  email signature .

Your email signature should include your name, full address, phone number, email address, and  LinkedIn Profile URL  (if you have one) so it is easy for hiring managers to get in touch.

Firstname Lastname  Street Address  (optional) City, State Zip Code  Email  Phone  LinkedIn

Sample Cover Letter

This is a cover letter example. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Cover Letter (Text Version)

Mary Garcia 12 Rogers Avenue Townville, New Hampshire 03060 555-555-5555

February 17, 2021

Franklin Lee

CBI Industries 39 Main Street Townville, New Hampshire 03060

Dear Mr. Lee:

I was excited to see your ad for the operations assistant position in your Townville offices.

I have five years of experience as an operations assistant/associate. In my most recent role at ABC Corp., I fulfilled orders, resolved customer issues, ordered supplies, and prepared reports. In previous roles, I’ve done bookkeeping, data entry, and sales support. Basically, anything your department needs to run smoothly, I can do – and most likely, I already have experience doing it.

My other skills include:

  • Strong communication skills, in person, in writing, and on the phone
  • Excellent attention to detail and organization skills
  • Top-notch customer service
  • Experience in the industry and passion for the product
  • Adept at all the usual professional software, including Microsoft Office Suite

I’ve included my resume for your review. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Mary Garcia

Review Cover Letter Samples: It’s hard to write cover letters from scratch. To make life easier – and to make sure you don’t forget any of those pesky formatting rules —start by reviewing cover letter samples . Sending an email version instead? Look at a few examples of email cover letters to get started.

Customize Your Cover Letter: Why personalize your cover letter every time you apply for a job? Because even similar job titles have different requirements. The goal of a cover letter is to show the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for this particular job. Customizing your cover letter will help you emphasize your skills and experience and how they fit with the job requirements .

Spell-Check Names: Before sending your cover letter, make absolutely sure that you have spelled the hiring manager’s name correctly. That is the kind of small error that can cost you a job interview.

Carefully Proofread Your Letter: Whether you're sending an email or uploading or attaching a printable cover letter, it's important to make sure that your cover letter and resume are written as well as any other business correspondence. If you can, have a friend proofread before you hit send, to pick up any typos or grammatical errors.

Saddleback College. " Your Resume is Your 1st Interview ," Page 14. Accessed Feb. 17, 2021.

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Across multiple sectors, letter writing is still common in professional settings. In the course of regular business, you might find that you need to write a formal letter to several recipients. Learning the correct way to create a letter addressing multiple people is imperative to developing a professional reputation. Read on to learn how to format a business letter to multiple people. We will provide step-by-step instructions, as well as helpful tips and samples on which you can model your professional correspondence.

Addressing Multiple People in an E-mail 

When addressing one, two, or three people, include each person’s name in the salutation, for example:

  • Dear, Bob, Kira, and James.
  • Good afternoon Tyler and Jess

Why Would You Need to Address a Letter to More Than One Recipient? 

If you use letters as a critical form of professional communication, you need to understand how to address such a letter to multiple recipients. When you address a letter to several people, you can relate identical information to all of them at once. Here are some reasons that professionals across many disciplines and sectors would need to address a letter to more than one recipient:

  • Official correspondence between departments
  • Communication to clients and partners
  • Providing clients and customers with information on company changes
  • Drafting offer letters
  • Writing a letter of intent
  • Making on official requesting for funding
  • Providing notice of recognition
  • Formally thanking a group
  • Distributing memos to the office
  • Providing final notice on a contract
  • Issuing policy change Announcements

Graphic illustrating "how to address multiple people in an email or letter".

Addressing a Letter to Several Recipients 

Here are some helpful guidelines for addressing a letter to several people:

1. Choose a header format

When you begin to format your formal letter header, you should first determine if you need to issue the letter to several addresses or just one. If all of the letter’s recipients work for the same organization, your header only needs to include the organization’s address once. However, when addressing a letter to multiple recipients from multiple organizations, you must specify each organization’s address in the header. Let’s go through the different header formats for numerous recipients:

One address: For multiple individuals within a single organization, you should list each recipient’s name on its own. Below the listed names, append the organization’s address.

More than one address: For multiple individuals at different organizations, you might want to consider sending each recipient an individual copy of the letter with only their name and organization address in the head. In this circumstance, we also recommend that you provide a complete list of recipients in a “cc:” section. This addition will inform the reader of everyone who received the same letter.

Addressing large groups: If you find there are too many people to reasonably send each an individual copy of the letter – for example, a committee – you may choose to address a letter to the entire group.

The address header should appear on the letter’s top left corner. Moreover, you should confirm that each recipient has the correct designation and job title. Finally, be sure to place a comma between each recipient’s name.

Related:  Here are some additional tips on better formatting headings.

2. Writing an appropriate salutation

Once you have confirmed that your header is appropriately formatted, you should draft an appropriate salutation. You need to be aware of your readers’ proper job titles and designations or job titles. These titles should always match the titles in your header. We recommend that you open your salutation with “Dear….” A formal greeting should end with a colon rather than a comma.

If you are addressing one person or a group, it is okay simply to include their name and their title or the group’s name. When saluting multiple people from a single organization, we suggest listing each recipient’s full name and job title and separating each with a comma. However, if your letter’s recipients come from different organizations, you need to include that information. To do so, you can append the organization in parentheses. Alternatively, you can have a “cc:” list in your salutation to provide the complete list of recipients and addresses.

Related: Read more about choosing the proper salutation and what it is.

3. Double check accuracy

The accuracy of your address information is paramount. If there are errors, you risk addressing people inappropriately or not reaching them at all. Before you finalize your professional letter, you need to double-check each of the items below. The information must be accurate and the spelling correct:

  • Each Recipient’s Job title
  • Every Recipient’s Personal Designation
  • The Organization Name or Names
  • Each Organization Address
  • The Department receiving the letter

Example of Multiple-Recipient Letters

Here are some examples of properly constructed headers and salutations for multiple recipients.

Header and Salutation Example #1

This is how you would format a header and salutation when addressing your letter to multiple people within the same organization:

Mr. Vince Kenton, Ms. Yelena Lemrov, Mrs. Anna Rogers

Department of Labor and Industry

Pennsylvania State Capitol

1700 Labor and Industry Blvd

Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dear Mr. Vince Kenton, Ms. Yelena Lemrov, and Mrs. Anna Rogers:

Header and Salutation Example #2

This is how you would format a header and salutation when you are addressing your letter to multiple individuals at different addresses:

Dr. William Wade

CC: Dr. Cathy Hendricks, Dr. Doug Portnoy

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

8700 Beverly Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90048

Dear Dr. William Wade:

CC: Dr. Cathy Hendricks, Dr. Doug Portnoy:

Header and Salutation Example #3

This is how you would format a header and salutation when you are addressing your letter to a large group at a single address:

Members of Board

Board of Trustees

Wittenberg University

200 W Ward St

Springfield, OH 45504

Dear Members of the Board:

Additional Considerations

Below are additional tips that will help you craft a well-structured, professional letter to several recipients:

Be appropriately formal

You should always consider the appropriate level of formality of your professional correspondence. It isn’t necessary to be highly formal when you address colleagues with whom you have a pre-existing relationship. Conversely, when corresponding with new acquaintances, professional supervisors, or institutional partners, you should always keep your verbiage formal and respectful.

Greet each recipient individually

If you are addressing a large group in your professional letter’s header, you might want to greet each member individually in the salutation. Of course, this option is only realistic when the group comprises eight members or fewer. Providing an individual salutation for each recipient can indicate personal attention within a large group. It might encourage the reader to feel more fully engaged with your correspondence.

Ensure your envelope and header match

The format of your envelope’s mailing label should always match the header on your letter. Look at the two address blocks side by side before sealing the correspondence to be sure they are identical.

Business invitations

When addressing multiple recipients in a custom invitation for occasions such as corporate events, official gatherings, or team celebrations , ensure that your digital correspondence reflects the same level of formality and precision as a traditional letter. Leveraging templates or digital tools, such as an invitation maker, can help you ensure that your communication is professional, personalized for the recipient, and aligned with the branding of your organization or event.

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How to write a cover letter to multiple people.

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Cover letters reflect not only your writing skills, but provide business owners or others with a potential method of determining how effective your work will be in an organization. Whether you use a cover letter for a job application as part of an introduction or for some other reason, you should determine if you should send the cover letter to more than one person. If so, then you need to take special care when writing and sending each letter.

Format all of your headings in the cover letter correctly. Include your address, the date and the name and address of the contact person before you begin to write to the individual.

Make two or three copies of the document on your computer. In each document, type the name of a new individual that you wish to receive the copy of your cover letter, resume or other document. When applying for a job, it is important to know the name of the specific person or people who will review your application. Do not hesitate to call the main number for a company and ask for the correct spelling of the manager, owner or individual in human resources.

Conduct research in regards to the company, not only to have a grasp of their mission, services and customer base, but also to see the background of the company and its employees. Look through an organization’s website in order to find out more about the people who will receive your letter.

Write the body of your cover letter in three or four paragraphs; cover letters usually do not exceed one page. Conclude the cover letter with a closing like Sincerely, Best Regards or a similar phrase.

Type CC at the bottom of the cover letter. If the letter is to John Doe, then you would include a statement like CC : Jane Doe at the bottom of the page. On the next cover letter, you would write to Jane Doe and CC : John Doe. This helps those who receive a copy of your cover letter to know who else it was sent within the same company.

Always proofread your cover letter and make sure that the spelling of the person’s name and that of the company are correct.

  • Avoid using BCC or blind cover copy. This means that you send a message to a person without other recipients knowing, which limits the ability of company employees to discuss your application.

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  • Always proofread your cover letter and make sure that the spelling of the person’s name and that of the company are correct.

Andrea Helaine has a Bachelor of Philosophy in theology and is currently finishing her thesis course for a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing. Helaine has been writing professionally for over 10 years and has been published in several anthologies and is currently breaking into the screenwriting market.

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How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024

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Yes, how you address your cover letter matters.

After all, this is the first thing the recruiter reads when going through your cover letter, and yes, there is a right and wrong way to do it.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to address your cover letter in such a way that you leave a positive impression on any recruiter!

  • How to address a cover letter to a recruiter? (Casual or formal)
  • What title to use when addressing the hiring manager
  • How to address a cover letter without a contact person/to a company
  • How to address a cover letter without an address
  • How to address a cover letter in an email

How to Address a Cover Letter To a Recruiter (Casual or Formal)?

As we already mentioned, the way you address your cover letter is important because it is the very first thing recruiters see upon opening your cover letter. 

A well-formulated cover letter address means that you care enough to research the company (i.e. to find the hiring manager’s name and title) and that you show attention to detail. 

As such, you should always put some research into who you’re addressing your cover letter to and do so in a formal way.  

And yes, the formal part is important too. The recruiter isn’t your best friend - you want to maintain a sense of professionalism.

If this is how you address the recruiter in your cover letter:

  • What’s up Hiring Manager
  • Hi there Hiring Team

Then you say goodbye to the job.

Now, you’re probably wondering, how can I find out whom to address my cover letter to?

That’s what we’re about to teach you:

Who Am I Addressing My Cover Letter To?

Here are some tricks to find the full name of the hiring manager: 

  • Check the job listing. The job listing may have information about the recruiter or the department doing the hiring. Make sure to read through the entire job listing, as it might not be at an entirely obvious place.
  • Check the company website. Some websites feature the names of the hiring managers or heads of departments that may go through your cover letter. Alternatively, LinkedIn is another place where you can look for this information.
  • Check the company’s LinkedIn. You can look up who works in the company you’re applying for on their LinkedIn page.
  • Ask around. Do you have friends that work for the company? They could provide you with valuable inside info.

To avoid making a bad impression, head over to our guide on cover letter mistakes to learn about what NOT to do when writing your cover letter.  

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Addressing a Cover Letter With a Name

By now, you have probably found the hiring manager’s full name and gender. With this information available, it’s best to address the hiring manager formally, as follows: 

  • Dear Mr. Brown,
  • Dear Miss Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Mrs. Lockhart,
  • Dear Ms. Walters,

If, for some reason, you are unsure about the person’s title, gender, marital status, or preferred pronouns, just address them using their entire name to avoid any mistakes. For example:

  • Dear Alex Brown, 
  • Dear Blair Fitzpatrick,
  • Dear Jesse Lockhart,
  • Dear Madison Walters,

Addressing someone with a title 

Now, if you found out that the hiring manager has a professional or academic title, then it’s more appropriate to address them using that title. If, for example, the hiring manager has a Ph.D., then it’s more respectful to address them as “Dr. Last Name,” instead of “Mr. Last Name.”  

Here are some professional titles and how they’re abbreviated: 

  • A professor is Prof. 
  • A reverend is Rev. 
  • A sergeant is Sgt. 
  • Honorable is Hon. 

If, however, you are uncertain about how a title is abbreviated, then avoid it altogether. 

Here are a few examples to give you an idea: 

  • Dear Prof. Welsch,
  • Dear Director Smith,
  • Dear Rev. Owen,

Dear Dr. Leonard,

When addressing women and you don’t know their marital status, always go with Ms., because it doesn’t comment on marital status. Some women prefer not to be addressed with Miss or Mrs. even when they’re married, so sticking with Ms. is the best choice. 

Want to learn more cover letter tips ? Our guide has all you need to ace your cover letter!  

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

It might happen that, no matter how hard you search, you can’t find the name of the hiring manager or department head that will read your cover letter.

In that case, you can address your cover letter to the department, faculty, or the company.

  • Dear Software Development Hiring Team,
  • Dear Customer Service Department Hiring Team,
  • Dear Head of the Literature Faculty,
  • Dear Director of Marketing,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,

Alternatively, if you don’t have enough information either about the department or the team, you can opt for addressing the cover letter directly to the company’s hiring staff, as follows: 

Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team 

Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Staff

If all else fails (meaning, you don’t know the name of the department head or even the exact department, in addition to the recruiter) then you can use one of the good, old-fashioned:

Dear Hiring Manager,

...but NOT the impersonal and way outdated “To whom it may concern” and “Dear Sir/Madam.” 

Starting a cover letter can be challenging. Our guide can show you how to start a cover letter that will get you results from the get-go. 

How to Format the Company’s Address

Before you reach the salutation, you have to make sure that the header with the recipient’s contact information is formatted correctly. 

It might not be the deciding point of whether you’ll secure an interview or not, but it will cost you points if it’s off. 

So, the first thing you want to do is add your name and surname on the upper left side of the cover letter. Underneath, you should write your professional title (if applicable), your email , and your phone number . 

Now, after you’ve also added the date, you should leave one more space and add the recipient’s contact information and, most importantly, the company’s address. 

It should look something like this on your cover letter: 

how to address a cover letter

When You Can’t Find the Company’s Address 

Some companies might have several addresses listed (as per their branches, for example), or even none at all. 

Since an application that doesn’t have an address line could end up lost or misplaced, make sure you do one of the following before skipping the company’s address completely:

  • Check all your resources, (pretty much like when you were looking for the hiring manager’s name) to find the company’s address. 
  • Use the company’s headquarter address. This is sometimes easier to find, especially if the company has several branches. 
  • Use the P.O. Box number for the company. This is not as specific as an actual address line, but if all else fails, it’s still something. 

Frequently, you’ll be asked to submit your job application (including your cover letter) electronically, or by email. In those cases, you can skip the address line altogether. 

Here’s how you’d go about addressing a cover letter in an email.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

If you’re sending your job application through email, chances are you’ll need to format your cover letter in the body of the email, or as an attachment along with your resume.

First and foremost when you’re addressing a cover letter in an email is the subject line, which should be between 6-10 words long. 

Considering that hiring managers receive countless emails daily, you want to make sure that yours is a job application immediately. And the way to do that is straight through the subject line, which should indicate exactly the position you’re applying for and your name so that it’s easier to find through the recruiter’s swarmed mailbox. 

Here’ what we mean by that:

  • Subject Line:   John Doe - Software Development Job Application 
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Job Application for Marketing Manager Position   
  • Subject Line: John Doe - Stock Manager Job Application 

Afterward, if you’re including your cover letter in the body of the email (as opposed to attaching it as a document), begin by using a salutation, add space, and start your letter. 

If someone referred you for the position, make sure to mention that in the subject line of your email as well as in your opening paragraph.  

So, let’s see how all the above plays out in practice: 

Subject Line: John Doe - Carl Jacob’s Referral for Software Developer

I was very glad that Mr. Jacobs, a long-time partner at your firm who also happens to be my mentor from college, referred me for the Software Developer position. 

Do you want your style, personality, and overall personal brand to shine through your application? With Novorésumé, you can match your cover letter with your resume to make a lasting impression! 

matching resume and cover letter

Key Takeaways 

And that’s all there is when it comes to addressing a cover letter! You should feel much more confident in doing so by now. 

Either way, let’s go over the main points we covered throughout the article: 

  • Your cover letter address should be formal and well-researched. Don’t address the hiring manager with “hey,” “what’s up,” “hi there,” or even the old-fashioned “Dear Sir/Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Always try to find the hiring manager’s full name and professional title through the company’s website, LinkedIn, by calling, or by asking someone who works there.
  • If you know the hiring manager’s name, go with “Dear Mr./Miss Last Name,” but if you’re unsure about their gender, marital status, or preferred pronoun, just address them using their full name.
  • If the recruiter has a professional or academic title, it’s more appropriate to address them using their title.
  • If you can’t find the contact person’s name, then address the department, faculty, or company (i.e. Dear Microsoft Hiring Team , or Dear Software Development Recruitment Team ).

Related Readings: 

  • Do I Need a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Internship
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024

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A Guide to Writing A Formal Letter to Multiple Recipients

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If you’re in a situation where you need to write a formal letter to multiple recipients , the first thing you should do is plan. The letter will be crafted smoothly and professionally if you follow the tips shared in this article.

When Do You Address a Letter to Multiple Recipients?

You need to understand what circumstances require that you send a letter to multiple recipients. Usually, a letter is to several persons when it involves the following:

  • Sending business letters to prospective customers and vendors alike.
  • Addressing individuals within your workplace.
  • Appealing for funding from partners or prospective investors.
  • Making significant changes to your business.
  • Making legal changes as it concerns clients and investors.
  • Communicating a piece of information with your employees.
  • Updating your clients and customers on new development.

Format for Writing a Formal Letter to Multiple Recipients

When writing to multiple recipients, you will want to choose the best format popular with the group.

For most groups, an email format works well. For others, a typed note is more appropriate. It is up to to to understand your audience and pick a suitable form.

The format below will guide you when writing a formal letter to multiple recipients.

Write your address or use company letterhead. The date should come after the sender’s address. The recipient address should follow. If your letter addresses two recipients, you can type both addresses side by side or one on the other.

However, typing all the addresses might give your letter an unappealing look when you have three or more recipients. It is best to omit the addresses in this case.

Avoid using multiple subjects within a letter. If you need to address your letter to multiple recipients, the letter is to accomplish a particular goal.

The content of your letter should cover only what has is on the subject. By sticking with the subject, you will avoid letting your message gets drowned by too many topics. 

3. Salutation/Greeting

  • When addressing less than five individuals, a perfect greeting is “Dear,” followed by their titles and names and ending with a colon. For example, Dear Ms. Grace, Mr. Kelvin, and Dr. Joshua:
  • If your letter is directed to a team in the workplace, you may use a generalized salutation. For example, Dear Administrative Department , Dear Publicity Unit .
  • When addressing a large group of people, the salutation should be general. For example, when you need to send a memo to your clients or customers or address your colleagues at work. An ideal salute is Greetings, Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends .
  • Use general terms : If you are addressing your letter to a group, you will need to use words that addresses a group. Do not write as if writing to an individual.
  • Stick to simple sentences : Since you’re addressing different people, you want everyone to understand your message clearly. An easy way to achieve this is to stick to using simple sentences and avoid complicated vocabulary.
  • Consider accuracy : You do not want to mislead your audience. You will need to check your facts and ensure you deliver accurate information to your audience.
  • Formality : Be formal and professional in your tone. You’re addressing several people, be courteous but do not use slang or any language that may are inappropriate.

5. Complementary Close

As with other formal letters , the appropriate complementary close to use is “Yours faithfully” or “Yours sincerely” followed by your name and designation.

A letter to multiple recipients becomes necessary when you need to send the same message to several people. Writing such letters can be challenging—especially if you’re unsure where to start. This article will guide you through the entire process.

A Guide to Writing A Formal Letter to Multiple Recipients

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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Are you looking to write a cover letter for formal report? You’re in luck — this article explores the detail.…

A Guide to Salutation of a Formal Letter

Salutation of a formal letter can exist in various forms. What Is a Salutation? A salutation is the greeting used…

Learn to Cite Formal Letter Enclosure

For people who send business letters on a regular basis, knowing how to cite a formal letter enclosure is essential.…


  1. How to Address a Cover Letter—20+ Examples & 3 Easy Steps

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

  2. Sample Business Letter To Two Recipients

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

  3. How to Address a Cover Letter: A 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

  4. How to Address a Cover Letter—20+ Examples & 3 Easy Steps

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

  5. Cover Letter Salutation Multiple People

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients

  6. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024: Complete Guide

    addressing cover letter to multiple recipients


  1. USPS outlines how it plans to improve mail delays at Palmetto facility

  2. Social Etiquette : How to Address a Letter to a Doctor

  3. Multiple Recipients: How to send a card to more than one person

  4. Is it better to include a Cover Letter with my UK Spouse or Partner Visa application?

  5. How To Adress A Letter

  6. Panel


  1. How To Write a Letter to Multiple People (With Examples)

    1. Decide on formatting. The first step in addressing a letter to multiple people is determining whether you need to send your letter to multiple addresses and how to format your header. For example, if you're writing to multiple people within the same organization, you'll only need to list the address once at the bottom of your header.

  2. Addressing a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients

    Whether it's a team of hiring managers, multiple partners at a firm, or different department heads, ensuring your salutation respects all recipients is crucial. Let's dive into the intricacies and best practices of addressing multiple individuals in your cover letter. Understanding the Importance of Proper Addressing Creating a First Impression

  3. How to Address a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The headline on the image says, "Cover letter format" A woman sits at a table writing on a piece of paper. There's a simple cover letter represented by lines. On one side of the cover letter, there are labels for the sections of the cover letter. The labels are: 1. Date and contact information 2. Salutation/greeting 3. First, introduce yourself 4.

  4. How to Write a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients?

    Here are some examples of formatting your cover letters. We have shared some accurate headers and salutations for addressing multiple recipients. Example#1. Here is an example of a cover letter to multiple recipients at the same company address. It's an official letter with three addresses: Mrs. Jenny Harrison, Mr. Jonas Ramsey, Ms. Leena Larson

  5. How to Address a Cover Letter to Multiple Recipients

    End your cover letter with a professional sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. This maintains the formal tone of your letter and shows respect to all recipients. By following these steps, you can effectively address a cover letter to multiple recipients, ensuring your application is professional and ...

  6. How to Address a Letter to Multiple Recipients: 15 Steps

    In a business letter, write the first person's name, then a comma, then their title at the company after the comma. On a new line, write the next person's name, title, and so on. [7] 2. Include all names, if possible. If you're sending the letter to one address, try to include all names.

  7. How to Address a Cover Letter (and Who to Address)

    Here are the most common ways to address a cover letter without a name: To Whom It May Concern. Dear Human Resources Director. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Recruitment Manager. Additionally, if you want to add a personal touch, address your cover letter to your prospective department or manager.

  8. How to Address a Cover Letter: From Heading to Date to ...

    1. Cover Letter Heading (Sender's Information) At the very top of your cover letter, in what's called the cover letter header, you'll place your contact details. As we showed you above, it's quite simple: Your First & Last Name. Your Address Line 1. Your Address Line 2.

  9. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024 (with Examples)

    How to Address an Email Cover Letter. Use these tips for addressing a cover letter email: Subject Line: 5-10 words—"Job Application for" + position you're applying to. Start with a cover letter salutation like Dear Dr. Manzanilla, Put your name, email address, and phone number at the end.

  10. How To Address a Cover Letter

    For example, 'Dear Austen Myers' is acceptable and considered a professional way to address a cover letter. If you know their gender and wish to use a title in the address, use either 'Ms.' or 'Mr.' to avoid inaccurately describing the recipient's marital status. For example, you'd write 'Dear Ms. Myers' rather than 'Dear ...

  11. How to Address and End a Cover Letter: 25 Examples & Tips

    3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter 1) Don't Address Your Cover Letter to the Recruiter. For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn't mean you should address your cover letter to them. "Recruiters do not read cover letters," a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan ...

  12. How To Address A Cover Letter (With Examples)

    In the body. The first line of your email should address the recipient, which differs slightly from paper cover letters. In cover letters, you usually add a header that includes your name and contact information, the date, and the recipient's name and contact information. After addressing the recipient, you can add your full cover letter in the ...

  13. Cover letter with two recipients

    2. I'm assuming you want to use postal mail and both recipients can be addressed as Mr/Ms (instead of Ph D., Dr. or whatever). Since you are sending only one application, there is no need to write separate addresses on the inside, but only the address you're sending the letter to. Keeping both names on the inside is useful since chances are ...

  14. How To Write a Letter to Multiple People (With Steps and Examples)

    Start a professional letter with a salutation that begins "Dear," followed by each recipient's full name. For example, write "Dear Dr. Nora Woods and Dr. Mark Brooks" instead of a comma at the conclusion. how to address letter to multiple people Traditionally, you would address a letter, "Dear Mr. Smith," "Dear Senator Johnson ...

  15. How to Address a Cover Letter: Tips + Examples for Every Type

    Addressing a cover letter to a recipient with a professional title. If the recipient of your cover letter has a professional title, always include it. Someone with a PhD will be "Dr." rather than "Mr./Ms." This also makes things easier if you are unsure of which personal pronoun to use. Addressing a cover letter without a named recipient

  16. How to Address Your Cover Letter in 2023

    Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible). For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you're applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager's first and ...

  17. Addressing Your Cover Letter: A Quick & Easy Guide

    Never, ever address your cover letter with: Hi, hello, hey, hi there, yo, hey hey —You're not texting your Postmate. Dear HR professional —You're not a robot. To whom it may concern —This is not an open letter on HuffPost. Dear reader —You're not writing an advice column. Greetings and salutation s—You're not an actor from the ...

  18. How to Address a Letter to Multiple Recipients

    You write the person's name and address using the U.S. Post Office format, and follow up with "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms." When you need to address multiple recipients in the same business letter, things get more complicated. Depending on the recipients' location, you'll either address each recipient individually or you'll use the "carbon copy" notation ...

  19. How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

    Options for Addressing a Cover Letter . It's also possible that you'll do your research and still be unable to figure out to whom you are addressing your letter. In that case, it's better to be safe and use a generic greeting. It's also acceptable to start a letter without a greeting and start with the first paragraph of your letter.

  20. How To Address Multiple People in an Email

    1. Choose a header format. 2. Writing an appropriate salutation. 3. Double check accuracy. Across multiple sectors, letter writing is still common in professional settings. In the course of regular business, you might find that you need to write a formal letter to several recipients.

  21. How to Write a Cover Letter to Multiple People

    Format all of your headings in the cover letter correctly. Include your address, the date and the name and address of the contact person before you begin to write to the individual. Make two or three copies of the document on your computer. In each document, type the name of a new individual that you wish to receive the copy of your cover ...

  22. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024

    Here's how you'd go about addressing a cover letter in an email. How to Address an Email Cover Letter. If you're sending your job application through email, chances are you'll need to format your cover letter in the body of the email, or as an attachment along with your resume. First and foremost when you're addressing a cover letter ...

  23. A Guide to Writing A Formal Letter to Multiple Recipients

    Avoid using multiple subjects within a letter. If you need to address your letter to multiple recipients, the letter is to accomplish a particular goal. The content of your letter should cover only what has is on the subject. By sticking with the subject, you will avoid letting your message gets drowned by too many topics. 3. Salutation/Greeting