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Free Presentations in PowerPoint format

Nouns - Person, Place or Thing

Nouns (several)

Types of Nouns

Common and Proper Nouns

Learning about Nouns

What Is a Noun?

Possessive Nouns

What a Noun!

The Topic of Nouns

Plural and Singular Nouns

Name That Noun

Notes on nouns

Nouns and Pronouns

Collective Nouns

Singular and Plural Nouns

Parts of Speech: Nouns

Adjective, Adverb & Noun Clauses

Adjectives with Noun Clauses

Noun Clauses

Words That Function Like Many Different Words: Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs

Nouns and Adjectives

English Grammar: Noun

See Also: Language Arts Index , Reading Index , Writing Index

Free Games & Activities for Nouns

Language Arts Games

Flash Games for Nouns

For Teachers

Nouns Nouns Worksheets

Newspaper Nouns

An Ambush of Tigers and a Rumba of Rattlesnakes (collective nouns)

Positively powerful possessives (lessons)

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Nouns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation types of noun

Nouns Lesson Plans Four Days of Lessons On Nouns: Noun, compound, common and proper Concrete, Abstract, Collective Review Test Nouns a word or word group used to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Four Days of Lessons On Nouns
  • Noun, compound, common and proper
  • Concrete, Abstract, Collective
  • A noun made up of two or more words grouped together!
  • mother-in-law
  • grandmother
  • grand piano
  • jumping jack
  • peanut butter
  • A single noun made up of more than
  • Common compound nouns can be
  • found in the dictionary.
  • Nouns are either COMMON or PROPER.
  • COMMON nouns name
  • any one of a group of persons, places
  • things, or ideas.
  • PROPER nouns name
  • a particular person, place, thing, or idea.
  • Proper nouns always begin with a
  • Common Nouns
  • Proper Nouns
  • L.A. Lakers
  • Honda Center
  • Laguna Beach
  • Mrs. Cochren
  • Stephanie Meyers
  • Michael Jackson
  • Nouns that you can experience with one or more senses
  • There are some nouns that you CANNOT see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.
  • These are the nouns that are ideas. One persons idea of a particular noun may be different than another persons idea.
  • Worksheet page 25-26
  • Concrete Examples
  • cotton candy, music, wool, puppies, garlic,
  • cockroaches, spaghetti
  • Abstract Examples
  • love, commitment, jealousy, hate, revenge,
  • freedom, justice, patriotism, anger, wisdom
  • Christianity, fun, self-esteem, confidence
  • A word that names a group but is in the singular form
  • jury, team, class, council, herd,
  • swarm, family, crew, litter, batch,
  • committee, quartet, audience
  • Worksheet page 28
  • Then, determine
  • Look through the sentence and check for people, places, things, ideas.
  • Often these words will have articles preceding them.
  • Sometimes these words will follow possesives or numbers!
  • Common or Proper?
  • Concrete or Abstract?
  • Singular, Compound, or
  • Collective?
  • Worksheet page 29
  • Holt Handbook Exercise A page 41 is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Types of Noun

The nine types of noun.

Table of Contents

Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

The nine types of common noun, more detail about the types of noun, (1) abstract nouns, (2) concrete nouns, (3) collective nouns, (4) compound nouns, (5) gender-specific nouns, (6) gerunds, (7) non-countable nouns (mass nouns), (8) countable nouns, (9) verbal nouns, noun phrases and noun clauses, video lesson.

types of noun

  • common nouns (e.g., man, dog, city)
  • proper nouns (e.g., Simon, Bonzo, Paris)
  • car, man, bridge, town, water, metal, ammonia
  • Michael, Africa, Peking, The Tower of London, Uncle George, The Red Lion
Common NounProper Noun
buildingTaj Mahal
carFord Mustang
moviePuss in Boots
streetCarnaby Street

(1) Abstract nouns

  • fear, anger, comfort

(2) Concrete nouns

  • gerbil, igloo, zoo

(3) Collective nouns

  • team, gang, choir

(4) Compound nouns

  • mother-in-law, bus stop, snowman

(5) Gender-specific nouns

  • lady, boy, waiter
  • singing, talking, thinking

(7) Non-countable nouns

  • milk, water, patience

(8) Countable nouns

  • coin, note, robot

(9) Verbal nouns

  • development, drawing, attack
Noun TypeExample
Abstract Noun
(cannot be seen or touched)
Concrete Noun
(can be seen or touched)
Collective Noun
(represents a group)
Compound Noun
(consists of two or more words)
Gender-specific Noun
(is masculine or feminine)
(formed from a verb and ends "-ing")
Non-countable Noun
(cannot be pluralized)
Countable Noun
(can be pluralized)
Verbal Noun
(formed from a verb but has no verb-like traits)
Feelingsanxiety, fear, sympathy
Statesfreedom, chaos, luxury
Emotionsanger, joy, sorrow
Qualitiescourage, determination, honesty
Conceptsopportunity, comfort, democracy
Momentsbirthday, childhood, marriage
  • abbey, banjo, camel, daughter, eclipse, fawn, gerbil, hatchet, igloo, jackal, kangaroo, locket, monsoon, nuts, owl, palm, quill, raspberries, sea, tavern, usher, vulture, wasps, xylophone, yacht, zoo
  • band, board, choir, class, company, congregation, crew, crowd, gang, horde, jury, mob, group, pack, party, team, tribe, bunch, cluster, fleet, range, gaggle, herd, hive, school, shoal, pride, swarm, tribe

correct tick

  • mother-in-law
  • forget-me-not
  • black market
  • board of members
  • washing machine
  • actor, boy, brother, emperor, father, gentleman, grandfather, grandson, headmaster, husband, man, master, mister, nephew, prince, son, steward, uncle, waiter, wizard
  • actress, aunt, daughter, empress, girl, granddaughter, grandmother, headmistress, lady, lioness, lioness, madam, mistress, mother, niece, princess, princess, sister, stewardess, stewardess, tigress, tigress, waitress, waitress, wife, witch, woman
  • Running the tap will clear the air pocket.
  • She is known for talking quietly.
  • My highlight was visiting New York.
  • I like baking .
  • I need some baking powder.
  • She was baking a cake.
  • The quick development of the process is essential.
  • Quickly developing the process is essential.
Concept bravery, honesty, patience
Activity playing, reading, sleeping
Food bread, butter, milk
Gas air, helium, hydrogen
Liquid coffee, petrol, water
Material concrete, wood, metal
Item Category luggage, money, software
Natural Phenomenon gravity, snow, sunshine
Particles dust, flour, sugar
  • aardvark, backbone, coin, daffodil, eagle, face, gorilla, house, igloo, jaguar, koala, log, man, note, orange, package, queen, robot, suitcase, table, udder, vacation, waltz, xylophone, yacht, zombie
  • I am responsible for the funny drawing of the monster.
  • I am responsible for drawing the funny monster.
  • Noun Phrase . A noun phrase is a group of two or more words that is headed by a noun. For example:
  • How much is the doggy in the window ?
  • Noun Clause . A noun clause is a clause (i.e., a group of words with its own subject and verb) that plays the role of a noun. For example:
  • Whatever you wish is my command.
  • How much is he ?
  • It is my command.

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Nouns PowerPoint

Nouns PowerPoint Lesson: Singular And Plural Nouns

Download this nouns PowerPoint and use it in class today! This PPT is great for teaching singular and plural nouns to kids and beginner English language learners. Students will learn what a noun is, the difference between proper and common nouns, and the plural noun rules. See below to preview and download this PPT.

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How To Teach Plural Nouns Nouns Quiz: Person, Place, Or Thing Countable And Uncountable Nouns List Countable And Uncountable Nouns Quiz


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8 Types of Nouns.

Published by Gwenda Crawford Modified over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "8 Types of Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

8 Types of Nouns

Nouns. What are nouns? Nouns are people, places, things, or ideas Nouns can be common or proper –Proper nouns MUST be capitalized. Examples: –Common:

presentation types of noun

By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy.

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Classifying Nouns!. The Categories Once we figure out which words are being used as nouns, we have to figure out what kind of nouns they are. Nouns can.

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 A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.  Nouns come in the following varieties: common nouns, proper nouns, concrete nouns,

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Nouns and Capitalization Parts of Speech 1. Noun Types Noun: person, place, or thing. Nouns can also be… Concrete or abstract Singular, plural, or possessive.

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Nouns, Nouns, and more Nouns!

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Nouns: A Person, Place, Thing or Idea August 11, 2010.

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Types of Nouns Definition: A noun identifies a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns may be labeled as more than one “type”. Common- represents.

presentation types of noun

Directions: Press F5 to begin the slide show. Press the enter key to view each part of the review.

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COMMON AND PROPER NOUNS. Noun A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.

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NOUNS WHAT SENTENCES ARE ALL ABOUT!. WHAT IS A NOUN?  A NOUN is a word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing or idea.  Nouns can.

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Daily Bellringer 8/24/15 #5 On Desk: pencil, red pen, highlighter, plot diagram for “The Homecoming”, writer’s notebook, AGENDA 1. Write all assignments.

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IDENTIFYING NOUNS & PRONOUNS 8 th Grade ELA 3 rd & 6 th Periods Ms. Ragland.

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Parts of Speech: NOUNS What is a noun? A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

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NOUNS – Unit 2 7 th Grade By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy.

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8 Types of Nouns. Common and Proper Nouns  A common noun names any person, place, thing or idea.  Examples: My book is on the table. Tami went to school.

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Nouns PowerPoint Lesson

Nouns PowerPoint Lesson

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

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Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

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types of nouns

Types of Nouns

Jul 25, 2014

270 likes | 593 Views

Types of Nouns. Common Nouns. Name any old, regular, ordinary person, animal, thing, or idea. Nothing specific. Proper Nouns. Name a very specific, very particular person, animal, place, thing, or idea Always begin with a capital letter. What am I?. w oman Harriet Tubman b oy s uperhero

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Presentation Transcript

Common Nouns • Name any old, regular, ordinary person, animal, thing, or idea. • Nothing specific

Proper Nouns • Name a very specific, very particular person, animal, place, thing, or idea • Always begin with a capital letter

What am I? • woman • Harriet Tubman • boy • superhero • Aaron Leong • Batman • dog • Lassie • Black Beauty • horse • cat • mountain • Mount Everest • Fourth of July • holiday • Columbia Middle School

Concrete Nouns • Name a person, animal, place, or thing that you can actually see, touch, taste, hear, or smell

Abstract Nouns • Name an idea, feeling, emotion, or quality

What am I? • Beauty • Happiness • Radio • Spaghetti • Ability • Anger • Fire • Tuba • Onions • Fire • Nature • Love • Speed • Muffins • Perfume • Cloud

Collective Nouns • Name a group of people, animals, or things • Examples: audience, crowd, family, staff, class,flock, pack, team, swarm, bunch, bundle, bouquet, clump

Compound Nouns • Made up of two or more words used together • Examples: shoelace, flashlight, applesauce, seat belt, high school, word processor, baby-sitter, editor-in-chief, great-grandchild

Classwork • Create compound sentences that include more than one type of noun in each. • Create 10 sentences. Identify the nouns and their specific type in each.

Eight Uses of Nouns • Subject of the sentence • Predicate Noun or Predicate Nominative • Appositive • Direct Object of a Verb • Indirect Object of a Verb • Object of a Preposition • Object Complement • To Show Possession

Subject of the sentence • The subject is the person, animal, place, thing or idea that the sentence is about • Ask who or what is performing the action of the verb • The teacher laughed hysterically. • Pencils always break just before a big test. • Enthusiasm can be the difference between winning and losing.

Predicate Noun (nominative) • Comes after the verb to be and means the same thing as the subject of the sentence • Can also come after a linking verb. • My brother is the funniest kid in the world. • Lorraine will become chairperson of the committee. • I am the boss, and don’t you forget it!

Appositive • Is a word or phrase that comes after another word, and identifies, explains, or gives information about that word. • Set off from the rest of the sentence by one or two commas • Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a crowded city. • Give this robot dog to that tall woman, one of our secret agents. • The school janitor, Mr. Forest, turned on the radiators.

Direct Object of a verb • Is the person, animal, place, thing, or idea that receives the action of the verb • Carlos locked the coach in the gym. • From the top of the skyscraper, Maria can hardly see the street. • Superheroes fight injustice wherever they go.

Indirect Object of a verb • Receives the action of the verb-indirectly • Should I send David some extra money?

Object of the preposition • A preposition that is followed by a noun or pronoun • Against the stormy sea • Beneath a pile of dinosaur bones • During the Revolutionary War • Into the raging volcano • Under the table

Object Complement • Word that completes the meaning of the direct object. Complement comes from the verb to complete. You use an object complement when the direct object wouldn’t make complete sense by itself • My grandfather named his cat Peaches. • The country elected Lincoln president.

To show possession • Tells who or what owns something • The boy’s hat is on the floor. • Alaska’s weather is much milder in the summer.

Classwork • Create two different sentences (16 total) for each of the different uses of nouns.

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Types of Nouns

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What are the types of Nouns?

What are the types of Nouns?

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Types of Nouns

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Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper

Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper

Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper. Common Nouns are any person, place, or thing. Common nouns are not capitalized. The city A policeman That newspaper Proper Nouns are the name of a special person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are capitalized. Stratford Officer Walker New York Times.

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Grammar: Types of nouns

Grammar: Types of nouns

Grammar: Types of nouns. 2 T ypes of Nouns. Examples:. Naming things:. If a person, place, or thing has a specific name, that name should always be capitalized. If the thing is generic, and many things are called by the same name, we do NOT capitalize it. PROPER NOUNS:

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Gender of Nouns

Gender of Nouns

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R eminders of some types of NOUNS

R eminders of some types of NOUNS. A Quick Review. A concrete noun:. Names a person, place, or thing that you can perceive using one of your senses. Concrete nouns: Students Desks Wall Restaurant. Abstract noun:. Names an idea, feeling, a quality, or characteristic. Abstract nouns:

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Types of Nouns

Types of Nouns. Common Nouns. A general person, place, thing, or idea Ex. cat. Proper Nouns. A specific person, place, thing, or idea Ex: Atlanta Braves. Singular Nouns. One person, place, thing, or idea Ex: computer. Plural Nouns. More than one person, place, thing, or idea

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Gender of Nouns

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8 Types of Nouns

8 Types of Nouns

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Four Types of Nouns

Four Types of Nouns

Four Types of Nouns. concrete abstract collective compoun d. Concrete Nouns. You can experience this group of nouns with at least one your five senses: see them, hear them, smell them , taste them, or fee l them. Concrete Noun. Cow. You can see the cow.

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8 Types of Nouns. Common and Proper Nouns . A common noun names any person, place, thing or idea. Examples: My book is on the table. Tamika went to school early this morning. A proper noun names a specific person, place, thing or idea. These nouns should be Capitalized Examples:

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  1. Noun Notes PPT

    Common Noun. a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea and is not capitalized. Proper Noun. the specific name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea; always capitalized. Concrete Noun. Abstract Noun. names an object that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted (Nouns that can be touched).

  2. Free PowerPoint Presentations about Nouns for Kids & Teachers ...

    Newspaper Nouns. An Ambush of Tigers and a Rumba of Rattlesnakes (collective nouns) Positively powerful possessives (lessons) Free Tutorials on Creating Presentations in PowerPoint Format. Free Online Language Arts Games for Kids. Free Original Clipart. Free Templates. Pete's PowerPoint Station is your destination for free PowerPoint ...

  3. Nouns

    About This Presentation. Title: Nouns. Description: Nouns Lesson Plans Four Days of Lessons On Nouns: Noun, compound, common and proper Concrete, Abstract, Collective Review Test Nouns a word or word group used to ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 27268. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. Slides: 20.

  4. Types of Nouns: Explanation and Examples

    Every noun fits into at least one noun type. The nine types of noun are abstract nouns, concrete nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, gender-specific nouns, gerunds, non-countable nouns, countable nouns, and verbal nouns. There are two categories of noun (common nouns and proper nouns).

  5. Noun Types PPT

    A simple PPT aimed at Year 6, introducing types of nouns, including abstract, collective, common and proper. Used with a sorting activity well provided here by anoth. International; ... Noun Types PPT. Subject: English. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Other. mroberts90. 4.28 68 reviews. Last updated. 22 February 2018. Share this.

  6. Nouns PowerPoint Lesson: Singular And Plural Nouns

    Nouns PowerPoint Lesson: Singular And Plural ...

  7. PPT

    Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper. Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper. Common Nouns are any person, place, or thing. Common nouns are not capitalized. The city A policeman That newspaper Proper Nouns are the name of a special person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are capitalized. Stratford Officer Walker New York Times. 1.48k views • 12 slides

  8. Grammar: Types of Nouns Presentation by Tiffany Steppe on Prezi

    We now have an interesting collection of photographs. 1. class. 2. family. 3. committee. 4. group. 5. collection. two or more words used as a single noun are called a compound noun. A compound noun is written as either one word, as separate words, or as hyphenated words. Single word: newspaper, grandfather, Newfoundland.

  9. PPT

    6 • Some nouns are the same for both singular and plural Examples: deer, trout, sheep, moose, salmon. 7 • Some nouns form their plural in special ways Examples: mouse---mice goose---geese tooth---teeth foot---feet ox---oxen. 8 • Some nouns are always in plural form Examples: scissors mumps thanks trousers.

  10. Types of Nouns

    Types of Nouns. This is a nineteen slide PowerPoint that accompanies a YouTube video series which can be found here. This PowerPoint looks at five different types of nouns (proper noun, concrete noun, pronoun, abstract noun and collective noun) and aims to help students identify the different types in a sentence.


    GENDER OF NOUN These are 3 types- Masculine Gender , Feminine Gender , Common Gender Masculine Gender- A noun that denotes a male. Ex- Father, King, cock, Husband etc. O) 1 Father King. Feminine Gender- A noun that denotes a female. • Ex- Sister, lady, nun, hen, madam etc. lady Hen.

  12. 8 Types of Nouns.

    Download ppt "8 Types of Nouns." Common and Proper Nouns A common noun names any person, place, thing or idea. Examples: My book is on the table. Tamika went to school early this morning. A proper noun names a specific person, place, thing or idea. A proper noun always begins with a capital letter. My book, Long Walk to Freedom, is on the table.

  13. Types Of Nouns PowerPoint (Teacher-Made)

    Twinkl Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 English Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation. Types Of Nouns PowerPoint - Join Naomi Noun from the Grammar Gang as part of this power point to teach your children about nouns.

  14. Nouns PowerPoint Lesson

    This resource contains an editable, 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on nouns - common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, compound nouns and collective nouns. All the different types of nouns are explained and examples given. The PowerPoint contains three activities to reinforce and consolidate the pupils' understanding of nouns.

  15. PPT

    Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper. Nouns Two Types: Common and Proper. Common Nouns are any person, place, or thing. Common nouns are not capitalized. The city A policeman That newspaper Proper Nouns are the name of a special person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are capitalized. Stratford Officer Walker New York Times. 1.48k views • 12 slides

  16. What Is a Noun? PowerPoint for K-2nd Grade

    Join Naomi Noun to teach your kids about nouns. This presentation features a series of easy-to-understand slides describing what a noun is and where you would apply one. You can use it as part of your core lesson material or as fun homework to reinforce knowledge of nouns. This presentation is ideal to introduce nouns as a new concept at the ...