Electronic submission

All assessment tasks other than non-text based assessment pieces must be lodged online through the course Blackboard site (e.g. via Turnitin).

Assessments must be submitted by the due date and time, as specified in the relevant ECP (5.1) and the course Blackboard site.

Hard copy submission

Only non-text based assessment pieces such as counselling aids, physical posters, and skills DVDs may be submitted, as directed by the course coordinator and ECP. These items need to be accompanied by an ‘ Assessment Cover Sheet (DOCX, 22.2 KB) ’ and are to be submitted in the  ‘Assignment Deposit’ box on level 3 of the Chamberlain Building no later than 4pm on the due date.

Mailed non-text based assessment must be ‘postmarked’ and mailed on or before the date that the assessment is due.

Penalties for late submission

Penalties apply for all pieces of assessment that are submitted late when an extension has not been granted. The relevant penalty is stated in the ECP under section 5.4 or 5.3.

If you are an existing staff member, or have a student login, please sign in here:

How do i request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty, is this answer helpful.

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How do I request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty?

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  • What is acceptable supporting evidence when submitting my request for exemption from late submission penalties for online exams?

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Assessment Policy

Section 1 - purpose and scope, section 2 - principles and key requirements, section 3 - roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, section 4 - monitoring, review and assurance, section 5 - recording and reporting, section 6 - appendix, definitions, terms, acronyms.

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to establish key principles and values relating to assessment at The University of Queensland.

(2) This Policy applies to all students enrolled in, and all staff involved in the delivery of, undergraduate and postgraduate courses at The University of Queensland.

(3) Details of the University's assessment policies and procedures for higher degree by research candidates are included in the Associated Information tab.

(4) Assessment involves making judgements about the extent to which students’ work meets identified standards and confirming from these judgements that students’ have attained the learning outcomes. At The University of Queensland assessment is used to achieve the following purposes:

  • Engage students in productive learning;
  • provide feedback to guide improvement;
  • inform teaching and learning decision-making;
  • provide evidence of course- and program-level learning outcomes and graduate attributes;
  • provide comprehensive, accurate, consistent and dependable certification of student achievement and program learning outcomes; and
  • maintain professional and disciplinary standards.

(5) The University is committed to the provision of high quality, authentic and engaging assessment practices according to the following principles:

  • Assessment is a developmental learning activity: The assessment process engages students in timely, meaningful learning activities which develop their capacity to make independent judgements about the quality of their own and others’ work.
  • Assessment involves mutual responsibility: Teachers have a responsibility to provide timely opportunities for students to demonstrate learning through appropriate assessment tasks and to support learning through effective feedback, as well as to orient students new to university study to university assessment methods and standards. Students have a responsibility to demonstrate evidence of learning through their responses to assessment tasks and to reflect and act on feedback to improve their learning.
  • Assessment is criterion-referenced: Judgements about the quality of students’ performance are made by reference to explicit or predetermined criteria and standards and not by reference to the achievement of other students.
  • Assessment is transparent: Students and teachers can see that there is an explicit and logical relationship between assessment tasks, the criteria used as the basis of assessment judgements, and the grades associated with different standards of performance.
  • Assessment is valid and authentic: Assessment measures the intended learning outcomes and provides a consistent and dependable indication of the quality of students’ performance. The outcomes measured represent appropriate, meaningful, significant and worthwhile forms of accomplishment and the kinds of mastery demonstrated by successful practitioners. An assessment task can be considered authentic when the task challenges a learner to demonstrate knowledge or skill that is needed to negotiate the requirements of a real-life setting.
  • Assessment is fair and equitable: The content, format and conduct of assessment are designed to ensure that no individuals or groups of students are unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged.
  • Assessment is a purposeful, professional activity: Assessment is integral to course and program design, review and evaluation. There is: quality assurance of assessment at program- and course-level, and within schools and faculties; collaboration with colleagues to provide the whole-of-program approaches that make assessment a coherent experience for students; and ongoing revision and enhancement of assessment practices.
  • Assessment is sustainable and workable: Assessment is achievable for teachers and students with reasonable effort within the context of a full time workload as described in the  Course Design Policy . The design and conduct of assessment according to these principles requires effective collaboration between a number of stakeholders associated with teaching and learning including members of academic and professional staff across the University.

(6) Academic integrity forms a central part of an individual’s intellectual and personal development. Students learn how to uphold values, develop proper skills in research, thinking and writing, and how to behave in an ethical manner.

(7) The academic roles and accountabilities associated with implementation of this Policy are specified in the  Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities Policy .

(8) Review of, and compliance with, this Policy is overseen by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Academic Board's Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee and Assessment Sub-Committee.

(9) The Academic Board's Assessment Sub-Committee undertakes compliance monitoring and submits reports to Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee and the Senior Executive as required.

(10) Details of assessment must be recorded in the Course Profile in accordance with this Policy and the  Course Design Policy .

(11) Student records including the final grades, applications and University decisions are filed in the student's personal record in SI-net and TRIM.

(12) Records and reports associated with assessment are managed in conjunction with the  Information Management Policy  and in conjunction with the  Annual Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Procedure .

Term Definition
Academic integrity The moral code or ethical policy of academia, including:
Criterion A property or characteristic by which the quality of something may be judged.
Standard A definite level of achievement aspired to or attained. Standards specify levels of quality (or achievement, or performance) for each criterion.

© The University of Queensland   ABN: 63 942 912 684   CRICOS: 00025B   TEQSA: PRV12080

  • Assignment submission instructions
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  • Learn.UQ (Blackboard) help
  • Learn.UQ assessment
  • Blackboard assignments

Warning:  DO NOT use drag and drop to upload an assignment file when using Safari. It may produce the error "Failed to upload Assignment. Please try again." Use an alternative web browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Warning:  DO NOT upload an assignment file with Edge (Microsoft browser) while the original file is open on your computer. A blank copy of the file will be uploaded. Use an alternative web browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

  • Access your assignment
  • Assignment submission
  • Add comments
  • Review/resubmit your assignment

1. Access your assignment

  • Go the Assignments or Assessment section of your course
  • Click the assignment title link

penalty for late submission of assignment uq

  • Note the students with the Late  label next to their submission date.
  • Click on the required student's submission link.

late submissions

Apply late penalty using Submission Specific Adjustments

Warning:  You will need to 'mark' this question for all students to ensure when you post grades all marks are transferred to Grade Centre and also so all students can view published grades.

  • Click on the required question link.

select late penality question

  • Click on the  Grade  button.

grade button

  • Enter the negative late penalty score in the  Point Adjustment  field.
  • Enter the reason for the penalty in the texbox OR
  • Select a comment from  Apply Previouly Used Comments  drop-down list.
  • Click on the  Next Ungraded  button to save.

next ungraded

Apply late penalty using a Rubric

  • Select the required rubric item.

late penalty rubric

  • Apply late penalities in Gradescope
  • Assign questions to pages in Gradescope
  • Change a Turnitin qualitative rubric to a grading rubric
  • Copy a Gradescope assignment
  • Gradescope exam papers formatting
  • Mark by group in Gradescope
  • Publish and Post Gradescope student results
  • Review marked Gradescope assignments

TAM 210/11: Statics

Details specific to course content can be found on the respective info pages: TAM 210/211 , TAM 212 , TAM 251 .

TAM 2XX Course Policies :

Below are the course policies for the TAM 2XX courses (210, 211, 212, and 251). Please read through them and familiarize yourself with the policies regarding course logistics.

Academic integrity, harassment, and discrimination Computer-Based Testing Facility Contact and obtaining help   Campuswire Gradebook Final Grading Lectures   iClickers Quiz Discussion Online Homework Special accommodations

COVID-19 Expectations :

Following University policy, all students are required to engage in appropriate behavior to protect the health and safety of the community. Students are also required to follow the campus COVID-19 protocols.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 through a SHIELD Illinois community testing site must not attend class. These students are judged to have excused absences for the class period and should submit an excused absence request form found on the course webpage to receive accommodations.

  • Personal crisis (e.g., car accident, required court appearance, death of a closerelative).
  • Required attendance at an official UIUC activity (e.g., varsity athletics, band concert).
  • You are using accommodations from your DRES letter.
  • In all cases you must complete the Excused Absence Request Form found on your course homepage and upload a scan of the official written documentation explaining your absence.
  • In cases (a) or (b) an official excuse letter from the Dean on Duty (or for illness or injury, a doctor's note with specific dates to be excused from schoolwork) must be submitted via the online form within 2 weeks of the due date of the missed assessment, but no later than reading day. In cases of extended or unusual illness, late submission of excuse documentation will be considered.
  • In case (c) an official letter from the designated university official must be submitted via the online form at least one week prior to the due date of the missed assessment.
  • In case (d) you must submit your DRES letter and state the specific accommodations you are requesting to use.
  • Notwithstanding the above, at your professor's discretion you may be required to make up any excused work or attend substitute instruction or assessment.

Academic integrity, harassment, and discrimination :

Academic integrity infractions, harassment, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. See the University's Student Code , Article 1, Part 4 and the Campus Conduct Policy . Please report any concerns immediately to your professor.

Academic integrity infractions will be dealt with using the most stringent available counter-measures. All infractions are documented through the campus-wide FAIR database, that remains part of the student's permanent record. All infractions in this database will be referred to the Senate Committee on Student Discipline for review and potential additional sanctions. Typical pentalties in TAM 2XX courses for academic infractions include dropping one course letter grade. Students have been expelled from the university for cheating.

Infractions include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and assisting others in a manner not prescribed or allowed for in the original assignment or directions. Notably, for homework assignments, students are encouraged and allowed to work together. The philosophy is that homeworks are formative assessments, meaning they are intended to foster learning. This is in contrast to summative assessments, including quizzes and exams, that measure individual student mastery of course concepts, for which students are of course forbidden from assisting each other.

Computer-based testing deserves special mention. This testing is typically given across multiple days. During the entire time period of testing, students are strictly forbidden from discussing any aspect of the test/quiz whatsoever with other students. This includes specifics of questions, general aspects of questions, comments on the difficulty of the quiz, etc. This policy is strictly enforced to preserve the integrity of the computer-based testing.

Contact and obtaining help:

The two main ways to obtain help are online at Campuswire, or in person at office hours. You can also speak with your professor briefly after lecture. Please do not send email directly to CAs, TAs or professors for routine help or absences.  

Online forum (Campuswire) :

This class uses Campuswire for ALL communications between the instructor, TAs, CAs, and students. Students should not communicate with instructors via email. This is so we can ensure a faster response and keep everyone informed about what's going on.

Students are encouraged to post public messages on Campuswire ("Post to Entire Class"). If you like, you can post anonymously, but we encourage everyone to use their name because it makes a friendlier and more welcoming environment. We will never judge anyone for asking anything on Campuswire, and you will see professors, TAs, and CAs making mistakes and saying stupid things as well!

You can use the private feature on Campuswire by posting a message visible only to the Instructors. To do so, choose the "Post to instructors and TAs" option in the dropdown menu located at the bottom right corner of the window.

The use of Campuswire should not replace the in-person Office Hours time, since some questions cannot be fully addressed via an online forum.

Gradebook :

All assessment scores are stored on Canvas. Note that we are only using this website for grade reporting. All other class-related information will be posted only to the official class website or Campuswire. Any errors in grade reporting appearing on Canvas must be reported to "Instructors" via Campuswire within 2 weeks of the due date of the assessment item or by the last day of class, whichever is earlier.

Final grades :

The total score  s  corresponds to final grades as follows.

97% ≤   < 100% A+ 93% ≤   < 97%  A 90% ≤   < 93%  A-
87% ≤   < 90% B+ 83% ≤   < 87%  B 80% ≤   < 83%  B-
77% ≤   < 80% C+ 73% ≤   < 77%  C 70% ≤   < 73%  C-
67% ≤   < 70% D+ 63% ≤   < 67%  D 60% ≤   < 63%  D-
 < 60%

Prompt and regular attendance at lectures is essential for your comprehension and success in the course.

iClickers :

Short quizzes are conducted during lectures using iClickers. You can use either a physical remote or the iClicker app. An iClicker remote can be purchased from any of the bookstores. You must sign up for an iClicker.com account, and register for the class you are enrolled in by searching for it once you are logged in.

iClicker participation grade is worth 5% of final course grade. Your lowest six iClicker scores for the semester will be dropped automatically. These drops should be reserved for unexpected occurrences such as sickness or a family emergency. No missed iClicker scores will be excused for the semester regardless of the reasons.

Computer-based quizzes:

This course uses the College of Engineering Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF) for its quizzes and exams: https://cbtf.engr.illinois.edu .

The policies of the CBTF are the policies of this course, and academic integrity infractions related to the CBTF are infractions in this course.

If you have accommodations identified by the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) for exams, carefully go through and follow these instructions: https://cbtf.illinois.edu/students/dres . Please note, The CBTF cannot add DRES accommodations at the time of an exam. They MUST be uploaded 5 business days beforehand.

Any problem with testing in the CBTF must be reported to CBTF staff at the time the problem occurs. If you do not inform a proctor of a problem during the test then you forfeit all rights to redress.

Review all instructions on the CBTF website before your first exam: https://cbtf.illinois.edu/students

0.9*max(First Try, Quiz Retry) + 0.1*min(First Try, Quiz Retry).

If you have an excused absence for the quiz, then you will take the assessment at a later date, or make other arrangements at the discretion of the instructor.

Quiz review policy

Please note: Quiz review gives you the opportunity to see your specific quiz instance, with the specific numbers for your question, and review it with the TA. If you visit TA or Professor office hours, we are always happy discuss a question you saw on the quiz as you remember it, and you may take all the notes you wish at this time, and keep them - but review of specific quiz instances can only be accommodated during the quiz review sesion.

Discussion sections :

Discussion sections start in Week 1 of the semester. Prompt and regular attendance at your discussion section is required. You must attend only the discussion section in which you are enrolled. You will not receive a grade for the worksheet if you attend the wrong discussion section.

Most discussion sessions will consist of a group worksheet exercise, which is a high-energy and efficient 50-minute learning experience. Students will be placed in permanent groups of three to four people during the third week of classes. If you are more than 5 minutes late to a discussion session then you will not receive credit for the section. All members of the group should be working together as a team. The TAs and CAs will be evaluating team work, problem-solution skills and interpretation of the problem.

There are two main goals for the discussion worksheets:

  • Gain experience in team-work. This is a critical skill in all areas of engineering, from large-scale industrial projects to academic research. Working productively in teams is a skill that must be learned just like math or physics, and regular practice is essential. Often you will have to work with people who you do not especially like, or who you find it difficult to work with. It is important to lean how to manage these situations so that the important work is still accomplished.
  • Apply engineering concepts to real-world problems. Each worksheet focuses on a real-world problem that you will have to use your engineering skills to solve. This will include using the material from class, but also knowledge from previous engineering, math, and science classes. You will also have to think like an engineer, and understand when to make approximations, how to judge the appropriateness of different models, and which mathematics and physics is most useful for a given engineering problem.

We also hope that these discussion worksheets will help you to meet other engineering students and we encourage you to get together outside of lectures and discussions to work collaboratively on homeworks and exam study.

Online homeworks :

Weekly online homeworks will be assigned via PrairieLearn . Each assignment is due at 11:59pm on the assigned due date. Due dates are available inside PrairieLearn. These assignments place an emphasis on mastery . The idea is to keep doing questions until you master the underlying concept or method. Once you do, you should be able to answer these questions very quickly.

The way this works in PrairieLearn is that each question has a value, a point total, and a point maximum. If you answer a question correctly, two things happen:

  • The point total increases by the value, until you reach the point maximum.
  • The value increases (2x, 3x, 4x, etc.).

If you answer a question incorrectly, one thing happens:

  • The value goes back to what it was originally (1x).

This system rewards repeated correct answers, which tend to demonstrate mastery. There is no penalty (other than resetting the value) for answering a question incorrectly, so don't be afraid to submit an answer. Similarly, don't be afraid to keep doing a question after you reach the point maximum - your point total with never go down!

If you click on the "?" just to the right of the line about available credit, you'll see all the dates associated with this homework. In particular, it says:

  • you can receive 100% until Main End Date
  • you can receive 80% until Extended End Date(two days later)
  • you can receive 0%, but can keep doing problems as practice for the rest of the semester.

Note that your score will never go down. For example, if you achieve 90% by the Main End Date, you won't be able to increase your score after that time, but you won't be penalized for not reaching 100% - your score will remain 90% forever. On the other hand, if you achieve only 70% by the Main End Date you will be able to increase your score after that time (to a maximum of 80%) until the Extended End Date.

Special accommodations :

To obtain disability-related academic adjustments or accommodations, students with disabilities must contact their professor and Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible. Students who require special accommodations for exams should schedule to take their exam at DRES, and DRES staff will communicate with the professor to organize the exam. There is no need to inform the professor about this in advance.

If you have accommodations identified by the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) for exams, please submit your Letter of Accommodations (LOA) here before you make your first exam reservation. This must be done each semester you use the CBTF.

Final Exam :

Please visit each course's home page for details regarding the final exam.

Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Matthew West

CSE 462/562: Database Systems (Fall 2024)

Project 0: project setup and team sign-up, 0. project overview.

  • both team members, if still enrolled, post a private message on Piazza to notify us of your decision within 48 hours after any project deadline (23:59:59 on due date + 2) ;
  • the team member who is not the repository owner needs to make a local clone of your repository as of the due date, and push it to a new private repository;
  • the repoistory owner has to remove the other team member from the collaborator list.

1. Setting up and managing your dev docker container

  • Check 1 : check if there are key files (e.g., id_rsa.pub , id_ecdsa.pub or id_ed25519.pub ) at the default location (for Windows: open file explorer and enter %USERPROFILE%\.ssh in the address box; for Linux/Mac: enter ` ls -al ~/.ssh ` in terminal). If the default .ssh directory does not exist or there is no such key file, you probably have never generated a key before, in which case please continue to Step 3a. Otherwise, continue with Check 2 below.
  • Check 2 : in a terminal, run ssh <your-ubit-name>@minsky.cse.buffalo.edu (replace <your-ubit-name> with your UBITName, i.e., the user name of your UBMail address). If you can log into the server without having to enter a password, you probably have already installed your public key on the student servers. In that case, please continue to Step 7. Otherwise, please continue to Step 3b. (Hint: enter exit or Ctrl-D (on Windows/Linux) to exit the remote server if you have successfully logged in.)
  • Open ~/.cshrc using your favoriate text editor (e.g., nano ~/.cshrc ).
  • At the end of the file, add the following line: setenv PATH /shared/projects/CSE562/bin:${PATH}

setenv in ~/.cshrc

  • Save and exit the text editor. If you're using nano , enter Ctrl + X , and then follow the screen prompt.
  • SSH into cerf again. Enter which status_dev_container . This should print the following line: /shared/projects/CSE562/bin/status_dev_container . If not, please redo the previous steps.

penalty for late submission of assignment uq

  • Step 1: Generate SSH key in the system where you'd like to SSH into the dev container from, if it does not exist (see Step 3).
  • Step 2: Copy the entire line in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (Linux/Mac), or ${env:USERPROFILE}\.ssh\id_rsa.pub (Windows).
  • Step 3: First log into cerf , from which log into your dev container.
  • Step 4: Enter echo "<paste your pubkey here>" >> authorized_keys IMPORTANT: replace <paste your pubkey here> with the copied line from the system you'd like to SSH from; do not omit the double quotes ( "" ); and make sure to append to the file ( >> )

2. Repository and codebase setup

create a new repository on Github

  • Run all tests: ctest (add -V to see verbose outputs).
  • Find all test cases without running them: ctest -N
  • ctest -R "BasicTestRepoCompilesAndRuns.TestShouldAlwaysSucceed" , or
  • ./tests/BasicTestRepoCompilesAndRuns --gtest_filter="BasicTestCompilesAdnRuns.TestShouldAlwaysSucceed"
  • Hint 1: you may pass --help to ctest or individual test programs to find other useful flags.
  • Hint 2: to use GDB to debug a specific test case, you must use the Debug build.

3. Project and team sign-up

submit sign up

4. Non-command-line and alternative setups (not recommended!)

  • bash, sed, awk, grep, python3
  • pkg-config 0.29.2 or above
  • gcc and g++ > 7
  • cmake >= 3.13
  • jemalloc 5.2.1 (also available as libjemalloc-dev on Ubuntu)
  • Abseil 20210324.2 (install enabled, build shared)
  • GoogleTest 1.11.0 (install enabled, build shared)


  1. Submitted Assignment Minutes Late: Escape late submission penalty

    penalty for late submission of assignment uq

  2. Penalty for Late Submission of Assignment: Full Guide

    penalty for late submission of assignment uq

  3. PPT

    penalty for late submission of assignment uq


    penalty for late submission of assignment uq

  5. Assignment 2

    penalty for late submission of assignment uq


    penalty for late submission of assignment uq


  1. Assessment Procedure

    Late Period Recorded from Time Submission is Due Penalty (see following clause for alternatives) First 7 periods of 24 hours (or part thereof) 10% per 24 hours of the maximum possible mark for the assessment item, or one grade per 24 hours if graded on a scale of 1-7, or equivalent penalty if an alternative grading approach is used.

  2. Requesting a late penalty exemption for a digital exam

    Following your working time, you have an extra 15 minutes to submit your exam. If you submit your exam after the 15 minute submission time, you will be penalised. For submissions: less than 5 minutes late: 5% penalty. between 5 minutes to less than 15 minutes late: 20% penalty. more than 15 minutes late: 100% penalty.

  3. Applying for an assessment extension

    Applying for an assessment extension. 1. Overview. Don't leave assignment writing until the last minute. We encourage you to plan your workload so you can meet assessment deadlines. If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from submitting an assessment item by the on-time, you can apply for an individual or group extension.

  4. Examinations Procedure

    The following penalties will apply to the maximum possible marks allocated for the examination: Less than 5 minutes, 5%. From 5 minutes to less than 15 minutes, 20%. More than 15 minutes, 100%. Example: A digital exam with 10 minutes of planning time and a duration of 120 minutes is scheduled to start at 2pm.

  5. What do I do if my assignment is late?

    What do I do if my assignment is late? Information and services. Refer to your course's electronic course profile (ECP) on Blackboard for individual course procedures. There are different procedures for different courses and faculties.

  6. PDF Policy and Procedure

    Penalty for Late Submission of Non-exam Assessment. Where a non-exam assessment is completed or submitted after the due date and without an approved extension, a penalty of 1 grade-band or deduction of 10% (whichever is relevant for the assessment) is applicable for each 48-hour block after the due date. For submissions which exceed the due ...

  7. How long after I have submitted my online examination late do I ...

    You must apply for an exemption no later than 24 hours after the final examination due date and time of submission. See my.UQ for more information on requesting exemption from late submission penalties for online exams.

  8. How do I request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty?

    We're here to help. Before you contact us, try browsing or searching for common questions.

  9. How can I get help completing an Extension of Assessment Due ...

    From semester 2 2020, the EADD form may also be used to request exemption from a penalty due to late submission of an online examination. If you are having trouble submitting the form, check the following:

  10. PDF Assessment Guide for Students

    are expected to familiarise themselves with the relevant policies 4 and procedures for late submission of assessment. Please refer to the ECP section 5.3 or MyAdvisor for further details • Familiarise themselves, and comply with the UQ Examinations Policy PPL3.10.11 and also requests for central Deferred Examinations / Supplementary Assessment

  11. Planning and submission time for online exams

    Example of an exam that includes planning and submission time: You have an online exam with 10 minutes of planning time and a duration of 120 minutes, scheduled to start at 2pm. You start the exam at 2pm. You are required to begin upload at 4.10pm. Penalties will apply from 4.25pm.

  12. Submission

    Electronic submission. All assessment tasks other than non-text based assessment pieces must be lodged online through the course Blackboard site (e.g. via Turnitin). Assessments must be submitted by the due date and time, as specified in the relevant ECP (5.1) and the course Blackboard site.

  13. How do I request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty?

    How do I request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty? Published 27/10/2020 03:12 PM | Updated 01/10/2023 01:07 AM See my.UQ for more information on requesting exemption from late submission penalties for online exams.

  14. PDF Policy and Procedure

    3. Penalty for Late Submission of Non-exam Assessment a. Where a non-exam assessment is completed or submitted after the due date and without an approved extension , a penalty of 1 grade-band or deduction of 10% (whichever is relevant for the assessment) is applicable for each 48-hour block after the due date b.

  15. Applying for an assessment extension

    A late penalty will be applied if you don't submit your assessment on time or if you don't have a valid reason for an extension. ... UQ acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which UQ is situated. — Reconciliation at UQ. Media. Media team contacts; Find a subject matter expert; UQ news; Working at UQ ...

  16. Late submissions and extensions in Inspera Assessment

    Inspera Assessment. There are three methods to cater for students, who are submitting later than the set due date in Inspera: 1. Set assessment up with a primary submission deadline and a late submission deadline (non-exam assessment ONLY) 2. Apply an individual end time where students have a pre-approved extension 3.

  17. How do I request an exemption from an online exam late submission penalty?

    See my.UQ for more information on requesting exemption from late submission penalties for online exams. Was this answer helpful? Yes No Related answers ... What do I do if my assignment is late?

  18. Assessment Policy / Document / Policy and Procedure Library

    Section 1 - Purpose and Scope. (1) The purpose of this Policy is to establish key principles and values relating to assessment at The University of Queensland. (2) This Policy applies to all students enrolled in, and all staff involved in the delivery of, undergraduate and postgraduate courses at The University of Queensland.

  19. What do I do if I had technical issues when submitting my ...

    If you find, due to technical issues you are unable to submit your online examination by the submission due date and time, but you were able to successfully submit your completed exam, albeit late, you may apply for exemption of the late penalties. See my.UQ for more information on requesting exemption from late submission penalties for online ...

  20. Assignment submission instructions

    Review/resubmit your assignment. 1. Access your assignment. Go the Assignments or Assessment section of your course. Click the assignment title link. The submission page will show 5 sections: Information and instructions. Create submission area. Upload files area.

  21. Where do I submit my assignment?

    Information and services. You can find information on where to submit your assignment in your course's electronic course profile (ECP) on Blackboard.

  22. View and sort late submissions

    In Grade Centre, you can view a list of student submission attempts for a particular column (e.g. Blackboard Tests, Blackboard assignments and Turnitin assignments) and quickly sort from newest to oldest to determine which students submitted after the due date. Full Grade Centre. From the Control Panel, select Grade Centre > Full Grade Centre.

  23. Apply late penalties in Gradescope (Original)

    There are three options for applying late penalties: Use the Submission Specific Adjustments functional and apply the penalty to a specific question. i.e. Question one Note: This has the disadvantage that it will affect the statistics for this question. Use the Submission Specific Adjustments functional and apply the penalty to a specific question added for this purpose. i.e. Admin only ...

  24. PDF CSE 250 [email protected] Data Structures Lec 01: Course Overview

    Written Assignments ~Bi-Weekly Written Assignemnts Expect to spend about a week per assignment Submit up to 24hrs after deadline with a 50% penalty You are responsible for submission formatting Submit only PDFs Submissions that do not load will receive a 0 We recommend writing solutions by hand Better retention of what you have written

  25. TAM 2XX Course Policies

    In cases of extended or unusual illness, late submission of excuse documentation will be considered. In case (c) an official letter from the designated university official must be submitted via the online form at least one week prior to the due date of the missed assessment. ... Each assignment is due at 11:59pm on the assigned due date. Due ...

  26. CSE462/562: Database Systems (Fall 2024)

    Late submission policy: you have up to 3 grace days in total for projects and written assignments, and you may only use at most 1 grace day for each project or written assignment. There is no penalty for late submissions that fall into the allowed grace days. ... The total number of grace days used will be posted to UBLearns, as four late ...