essay about water pollution in malayalam

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നല്ലൊരു നാളേയ്ക്കായി ചേര്‍ത്തുപിടിക്കാം പ്രകൃതിയെയും...

ജീവിതം എത്ര മുന്നേറിയെന്നും വികസനം എല്ലായിടത്തുമെത്തിയെന്നും സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യകളിലാണ് ഇന്നത്തെ ജീവിതമെന്നു പറയുമ്പോളും മറുകയ്യില്‍ ചേര്‍ത്തു നിര്‍ത്തേണ്ട ഒന്നാണ് പ്രകൃതി..

essay about water pollution in malayalam

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അവരുടെ മോശം ഉദ്ദേശ്യം നടക്കാതായപ്പോൾ പ്രചരിപ്പിച്ചത്; മീര അന്നേ തുറന്ന് പറഞ്ഞു; 'മുതിർന്ന നടിമാർ പോലും...'

ജീവിതം എത്ര മുന്നേറിയെന്നും വികസനം എല്ലായിടത്തുമെത്തിയെന്നും സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യകളിലാണ് ഇന്നത്തെ ജീവിതമെന്നു പറയുമ്പോളും മറുകയ്യില്‍ ചേര്‍ത്തു നിര്‍ത്തേണ്ട ഒന്നാണ് പ്രകൃതി. പ്രകൃതിയെ പരിഗണിക്കാതെ എത്ര മുന്നോട്ടു പോയാലും കാര്യമില്ല എന്ന തിരിച്ചറിവിലാണ് നാമിപ്പോള്‍ എത്തിനില്‍ക്കുന്നത്. അതിനാല്‍ തന്നെ ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ പരിസ്ഥിതി സംരക്ഷണ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് പ്രാധാന്യം കുറച്ചുകൂടി വര്‍ധിക്കുകയാണ്.


പ്രകൃതിയോടുള്ള കര്‍ത്തവ്യവും ഉത്തരവാദിത്വവും ഓര്‍മ്മിപ്പിക്കുവാനാണ് എല്ലാ വർഷവും ജൂൺ 5 ന് ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം ആചരിക്കുന്നത്. പ്രകൃതിയെ നിസ്സാരമായി കാണരുതെന്നും അതിന്റെ മൂല്യങ്ങളെ മാനിക്കണമെന്നും ജനങ്ങളെ അറിയിക്കുന്നതിനാണ് ഈ ദിനം ശ്രദ്ധ നല്കുന്നത്.


പ്രകൃതിയുടെ പ്രാധാന്യത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് അവബോധം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നതിനായി ഐക്യരാഷ്ട്രസഭ സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഏറ്റവും വലിയ വാര്‍ഷിക പരിപാടിയാണ് ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം. 1972 ൽ ഐക്യരാഷ്ട്രസഭയുടെ അസംബ്ലിയിലാണ് ഈ ദിവസം ആദ്യമായി ആചരിച്ചത്. 1972 ലെ പ്രസിദ്ധമായ സ്റ്റോക്ഹോം കോണ്‍ഫറന്‍സിന്‍ഫെ ആദ്യ ദിനം എന്ന പ്രത്യേകതയും ഈ ദിനത്തിനുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.

 ഒരു ഭൂമി മാത്രം

ഒരു ഭൂമി മാത്രം

1974 ലെ ആദ്യ ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനത്തിന്റെ വിഷയം 'ഒരു ഭൂമി മാത്രം' എന്നതായിരുന്നു. അതിനുശേഷം വിവിധ ആതിഥേയ രാജ്യങ്ങൾ ഇത് ആഘോഷിക്കുന്നു. ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം ആദ്യമായി 1974 ൽ അമേരിക്കയിൽ ആചരിച്ചു.

പരിസ്ഥിതി പുനസ്ഥാപനം

പരിസ്ഥിതി പുനസ്ഥാപനം

2021 ലെ ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനത്തിന്റെ സന്ദേശം 'പരിസ്ഥിതി പുനസ്ഥാപനം' എന്നാണ്. ദിവസത്തിന്റെ ആഗോള ആതിഥേയത്വം പാകിസ്ഥാൻ ആയിരിക്കും വഹിക്കുന്നത്. പുനസ്ഥാപനത്തിനായുള്ള യുഎൻ ദശകത്തിന്റെ സമാരംഭവും ഈ ദിവസം കാണും. 2020 ൽ 'ജൈവവൈവിധ്യത്തെ ആഘോഷിക്കുക' എന്നതായിരുന്നു പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിന പ്രമേയം.

 പരിസ്ഥിതി സംരകേഷണത്തിന്റെ പ്രാധാന്യം

പരിസ്ഥിതി സംരകേഷണത്തിന്റെ പ്രാധാന്യം

ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം ആചരിക്കുന്നതിന്റെ പിന്നിലെ ആശയം പരിസ്ഥിതിയുടെ പ്രാധാന്യത്തിൽ ശ്രദ്ധ കേന്ദ്രീകരിക്കുക, പ്രകൃതിയെ നിസ്സാരമായി കാണരുതെന്ന് ആളുകളെ ഓർമ്മിപ്പിക്കുക എന്നതാണ്. പരിസ്ഥിതി മനുഷ്യർക്ക് നൽകിയ എല്ലാറ്റിനെയും ബഹുമാനിക്കാനും അംഗീകരിക്കാനും അതിനെ പരിരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പ്രതിജ്ഞയെടുക്കാനും ഈ ദിവസം ലോകമെമ്പാടും ആചരിക്കുന്നു.

essay about water pollution in malayalam

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essay about water pollution in malayalam

Scarcity amidst plenty: Kerala's drinking water paradox

essay about water pollution in malayalam

Kerala, flanked on the west by the Arabian Sea and on the east by the Western Ghats is bestowed with enviable natural resources. It has 44 rivers spanning its lush green landscape and rainfall that averages as high as 3000 mm a year . As one of the most densely populated states in the country, it has high indicators of health and social development, and its model for development has been hailed as an important indicator for other states to follow [ 1 ].

However, recent evidence shows that high population density, industrialisation, urbanisation, mismanagement of water resources and vagaries of climate change have taken their toll on the water resources in the state [ 1,2 ]. The graphs below explain the situation of water resources in the state.

Declining availability of freshwater resources

The water situation is marked by contrasts--the state has abundant water resources in the form of rivers, lakes, ponds and two monsoons, but it is water stressed with the lowest per capita share of freshwater resources [ 1 ]. Evidence shows that this availability of freshwater sources has been declining over the years amidst growing demand for water due to high population density and changing water use habits.

Changing rainfall patterns

Its entire water supply depends on rainfall, which shows seasonal and regional variations that leads to occasional floods and droughts [ 2 ]. Rainfall is also the main source of groundwater recharge and is found to influence the water levels in the subsurface and deeper aquifers. There is a large variation in rainfall between districts, and recent evidence shows that there has been a decline, especially in the north , over the years along with changes in the form and timing of the rains [ 6 ]. Experts attribute this change in rainfall patterns to climate change and changes in landuse patterns and forest cover [ 6 ] . The monsoon, which has been deficient throughout the country this year, has also shown a 26 % deficiency in Kerala.

Declining groundwater levels

Groundwater is important for meeting the domestic needs of more than 80% of rural and 50% of urban population in Kerala besides fulfilling the needs of around 50% of irrigated agriculture [ 2 ]. However, recent years have shown declining groundwater levels [ 2 ]. A study by CGWB in 2013 that analysed 10,219 wells across the country found that 5,699 wells reported a decline in water levels during that period. Kerala was the third state showing a decline in groundwater levels in the country after Tamil Nadu and Punjab.

High density of wells, high dependence on groundwater

As high as 62% of the households in Kerala depend on well water to meet their water needs and the state has a very high density of open wells with 250 open wells/km2. The decline in groundwater levels has been attributed to the  high dependence on groundwater . 

Lowest proportion of improved drinking water coverage as compared to other bigger states

Kerala is the worst performer in terms of availability of improved drinking water sources. Improved sources of drinking water according to NSSO (2012) include piped water, public tap/standpipe, tube well/borehole, protected well, bottled water, protected spring, and rainwater collection. In rural  Kerala, only 29.5 percent of households get drinking water from an improved source while the proportion is as high as 80 percent or more for most of the other bigger states [ 3 ]. In urban areas of most of the bigger states, more than 90 percent of households get drinking water from improved sources while it is only 56.8 percent in Kerala [ 3 ].

The Kerala Water Authority (KWA) provides piped water supply to the state, but the water supply is characterised by poor planning in terms of sustainability, technology choice and design optimisation resulting in source and system failures. The Operation and Maintenance of the schemes is very poor and there is a very little chance for improvement due to lack of will and poor cost recovery [ 1 ].

Available decentralised water supply schemes also do not yield satisfactory results as they often follow a project mode. An assessment of decentralised community managed systems shows that the regularity of water supply varies drastically under the different schemes [ 1 ].

Highest water contamination of groundwater

Evidence also shows a very high degree of contamination of groundwater with a high number of wells contaminated with coliform bacteria due to the mixing of sewage with groundwater. A study by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India (2012), found that Kerala had the highest chemical /bacterial contaminated drinking water among the 28 tested states in the country. Out of the total 102900 tested sources from Kerala, nearly 34 percent were identified with contamination of iron, fluoride, salinity, nitrate, arsenic and bacteria [ 4 ].

District wise, Kozhikode had the highest chemical/bacterial contaminated water. As high as 54 percent of the 10803 tested sources were found to be contaminated. Thiruvananthapuram, Kannur, Kasaragod, Ernakulum and Palakkad were the other vulnerable districts in terms of poor access to safe drinking water [ 4 ].

Poor development of surface water resources

The short length of the rivers and the height difference between the high and low lands leads to quick flow of water collected from the river basin to the sea. The state has thus far not been able to utilise river water sources to a major extent. High levels of bacteriological pollution as well as pollution due to industrial, domestic wastes, pesticides and fertilisers have rendered most of the water from the rivers unfit for drinking [ 5 ].

Apart from rivers and wells, sources like tanks, ponds, springs and surangams have also been used traditionally in Kerala to provide water for drinking as well as irrigation. Natural springs also occur in the highland regions and these can also be developed as good sources for drinking water supply and small scale irrigation. However, many of these resources continue to be underutilised, ill maintained and neglected [ 5 ].

Can scarcity be turned into plenty?

Experts argue that the increasing water demand leading to over exploitation of groundwater resources and deterioration in the traditions of water conservation have exacerbated the water crisis in Kerala. Thus, changing the state's water situation will require a multipronged approach with a focus on [ 5 ]:

  • Adopting an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach through developing the understanding of water as a common resource.
  • Protecting forests, wetlands and ecologically fragile areas
  • Encouraging recycling and reuse of water
  • Focusing on reviving traditional water conservation structures
  • Encouraging groundwater recharge through adoption of rainwater harvesting
  • Adopting community-based watershed management 
  • Focus on generating awareness among the community on reducing demand and wastage, and sustainable use of water
  • Regular monitoring of demand and supply of water resources [ 5 ]
  • Chakrapani, R (2014) Drinking water and sanitation in Kerala: A situation analysis . Published by  WaterAid, India, Chalakudy Puzha Samrakshana Samithi (Kerala State Resource Centre of the Forum) and Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India. 
  • Hima Hari (2015) Dimensions of water pollution in Kerala:Threats and management issues. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review , 1(8),  253 -258.
  • Government of India (2013) Key indicators of drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and housing condition in India. NSSO 69th Round
  • Kerala State Planning Board (2012) Economic Review, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
  • Government of Kerala (2015) Chapter 16: Water sustainability: Recycle, recover and reuse . Government of Kerala, Vision 2030 document.
  • Chandrashekara, U.M (2015) Climate change mitigation strategies in the forestry sector of Kerala, India. International Journal of Advancement in Remote Sensing, GIS and Geography, 3 (1a), 29-37.

essay about water pollution in malayalam

Essay on Water Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on water pollution.

Water is the most important resource for survival on a planet. It is the essence of life on our planet – Earth. Yet if you ever see a river or lake around your city, it would be evident to you that we are facing a very serious problem of Water pollution. Let us educate ourselves about water and water pollution . Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water , seventy-six perfect of your body is made up of water.

essay on water pollution

Water and Water Cycle

As you already know water is everywhere and all around.  However, we have a fixed amount of water on earth. It just changes its states and goes through a cyclic order, known as the Water Cycle. The water cycle is a natural process that is continuous in nature. It is the pattern in which the water from oceans, seas, lakes, etc gets evaporated and turns to vapor. After which it goes through the process of condensation, and finally precipitation when it falls back to earth as rain or snow.

What is Water Pollution?

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and groundwater) usually caused due to human activities. Water pollution is any change, minor or major in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water that eventually leads to a detrimental consequence of any living organism . Drinking water, called Potable Water, is considered safe enough for human and animal consumption.

Sources of Water Pollution

  • Domestic Waste
  • Industrial effluents
  • Insecticides and pesticides
  • Detergents and Fertilizers

Some of the water pollutions are caused by direct Sources, such as factories, waste management facilities, refineries, etc, that directly releases waste and dangerous by-products into the nearest water source without treating them. Indirect sources include pollutants that infuse in the water bodies via groundwater or soil or via the atmosphere through acidic rain.

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Effects of Pollution of Water

The effects of Water Pollution are:

Diseases: In humans, drinking or consuming polluted water in any way has many disastrous effects on our health. It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases.

Eradication of Ecosystem: Ecosystem is extremely dynamic and responds to even small changes in the environment. Increasing water pollution can cause an entire ecosystem to collapse if left unchecked.

Eutrophication: Chemicals accumulation and infusion in a water body, encourages the growth of algae. The algae form a layer on top of the pond or lake. Bacteria feed on this algae and this event decreases the amount of oxygen in the water body, severely affecting the aquatic life there

Effects of the food chain: Turmoil in food chain happens when the aquatic animals (fish, prawns, seahorse, etc) consume the toxins and pollutants in the water,  and then the humans consume them.

Prevention of Water Pollution

The best way to prevent large-scale water pollution is to try and reduce its harmful effects. There are numerous small changes we can make to protect ourselves from a future where water is scarce.

Conserve Water: Conserving water should be our first aim. Water wastage is a major problem globally and we are only now waking up to the issue. Simple small changes made domestically will make a huge difference.

Treatment of sewage: Treating waste products before disposing of it in water bodies helps reduce water pollution on a large scale. Agriculture or other industries can reuse this wastewater by reducing its toxic contents.

Use of environment-friendly products: By using soluble products that do not go on to become pollutants, we can reduce the amount of water pollution caused by a household.

Life is ultimately about choices and so is water pollution. We cannot live with sewage-strewn beaches, contaminated rivers , and fish that are poisonous to drink and eat. To avoid these scenarios,  we can work together to keep the environment clean so the water bodies, plants, animals, and people who depend on it remain healthy. We can take individual or teamed action to help reduce water pollution. As an example, by using environmentally friendly detergents, not pouring oil down the drains, reducing the usage of pesticides, and so on. We can take community action too to keep our rivers and seas cleaner. And we can take action as countries and continents to pass laws against water pollution. Working together, we can make water pollution less of a problem—and the world a better place.

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  • Water Pollution Essay


Water Pollution and How it Harms the Environment

Global pollution is a problem. Pollution can spread to remote areas where no one lives, despite the fact that urban areas are typically more polluted than the countryside. Air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution are the three main categories of pollution. Some contaminated water has a terrible smell, a muddy appearance, and floating trash. Some contaminated water appears clean, but it contains dangerous substances that you can't see or smell.

Together, developed and developing nations must fight to conserve the environment for present and future generations. Today, we dig deep into the subject of Water Pollution. This article can be an introduction to water pollution for kids as we will read many things such as the causes of water pollution further in the article.

What is Water Pollution?

Water contamination occurs when pollutants pollute water sources and make the water unfit for use in drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Water is eventually damaged by all types of pollution. Lakes and oceans become contaminated by air pollution. Land contamination may contaminate an underground stream, a river, and ultimately the ocean. As a result, trash thrown on an empty lot can eventually contaminate a water source.

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Water Pollution

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The water cycle, called  the hydrological cycle, involves the following steps:

Evaporation- Because of the sun's heat, the water bodies such as oceans, lakes, seas etc., get heated up, and water evaporates in the air, forming water vapours.

Transpiration- Like evaporation, the plants and trees also lose water from them which goes to the atmosphere. This process is called transpiration.

Condensation- As the water evaporates, it starts to become cool because of the cold atmosphere in the air and because of this cooling down of water leads to the formation of clouds.

Precipitation- Because of the high movements of the wings, the clouds start to collide and then fall back to the earth’s surface in the form of rain. Sometimes they also fall back in the form of snow, hail, sleet etc., depending upon the temperature.

Runoff or Infiltration- After precipitation, the water either flows to the water bodies called runoff or is absorbed into the soil, called infiltration.

Causes of Water Pollution

There are many reasons for water pollution. Some of the reasons are directly affected by water pollution and some indirectly. Many factories and industries are dumping contaminated water, chemicals, and heavy metals into major waterways as a result of direct water pollution. 

One more reason for water pollution is the use of modern techniques in farms. Farmers apply nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in the form of chemical fertilizers, manure, and sludge. It causes farms to discharge large quantities of agrochemicals, organic matter, and saline drainage into water bodies. It indirectly affects water pollution.

Pollutants can be of various types such as organic, inorganic, radioactive etc. Water pollutants are discharged either from one point from pipes, channels etc., which are called point sources or from various other sources. They can be agricultural areas, industries etc., called dispersed sources. 

Some of the major forms of water pollutants are as follows:

Sewage- Domestic sewage from homes contains various forms of pathogens that threaten the human body. Sewage treatment reduces the risk of pathogens, but this risk is not eliminated. 

Domestic sewage majorly contains nitrates and phosphates, and excess of these substances allows the algae to grow on the surface of water bodies. Due to this, the clean water bodies become nutrient-rich water body and then slowly, the oxygen level of water bodies reduces. This is called eutrophication or cultural eutrophication (if this step rapidly takes place by the activities of humans). This leads to the early death of water bodies.

Toxins- The industrial or factory wastes that are not disposed of properly and contain chemicals such as mercury and lead are disposed of in the water bodies making the bodies toxic, radioactive, explosive and cancerous.

Sediments- Sediments are the result of soil erosion that is formed in the water bodies. These sediments imbalances the water bodies ecologically. They also interfere in the reproductive cycle of various aquatic animals living in the water.

Thermal pollution- Water bodies get polluted because of heat, and excess heat reduces the oxygen level of the water bodies. Some of the species of fish cannot live in such water bodies with very low oxygen levels. The disposal of cold waters from the power plants leads to increased thermal pollution in the water bodies.

Petroleum oil pollution- The runoff of oil into the water bodies, either accidentally as happened in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, or intentionally, leads to an increase in water pollution.

As water is an important element of human health, polluted water directly affects the human body. Water pollution causes various diseases like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, cancer, etc. Water pollution damages the plants and aquatic animals present in the river by reducing the oxygen content from the water. Polluted water washes the essential nutrients which plants need out of the soil and also leaves large amounts of aluminium in the soil, which can be harmful to plants. 

Wastewater and sewage are a by-product of daily life and thus produced by each household through various activities like using soap, toilets, and detergents. Such sewage contains chemicals and bacteria which are harmful to human life and environmental health. Water pollution also leads to an imbalance in our ecosystem. Lastly, it also affects the food chain as the toxins in the water bodies are consumed by aquatic animals like fish, crabs etc., and then humans consume those animals forming turmoil. 

Sometimes our tradition also becomes a cause for water pollution. Some people throw the statues of deities, flowers, pots, and ashes in rivers.

There are various standards to define water quality standards. Water meant for swimming may not be clean enough for drinking, or water meant for bathing may not be good for cooking. Therefore, there are different water standards for defined:

Stream standards- Standards that define streams, lakes, oceans or seas based on their maximum use.

Effluent standards- Define the specific standards for the level of contaminants or effluents allowed during the final discharge of those into the water bodies.

Drinking water standards- Define the level of contamination allowed in water that will be supplied for drinking or cooking in the domestic areas.

Different countries regulate their water quality standards through different acts and amendments.

While many of the solutions for water pollution need to be applied on a broader macro-level for that individual, companies, and communities can have a significant and responsible impact on the water quality. Companies, factories have to dispose of leftover chemicals and containers properly as per the product instructions. Farmers also have to reduce the use of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers, pesticides, and contamination of groundwater. 

The Swachh Bharat Mission of the government had led to reduced groundwater contamination. Under the Namami Ganga program, the government has initiated several major projects to clean Ganga. Along with all these steps, conservation of water is the very basic and important step towards water conservation and should be followed globally, treatment of sewage before their disposal in the water bodies and using environment-friendly products that do not form toxins when dissolved in water. These are some small steps that have to be taken into consideration by every human being.

As we all know, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” We have to save water. We must keep the water clean. If everyone will follow their responsibility against water to protect it from getting polluted then it will be easy to get clean and healthy drinking water. Clean water is a must for us and our kids' present, future, and healthy environment. 

We cannot just live with contaminated waters filled with toxins and no oxygen. We cannot see our wildlife being destroyed and therefore, immediate steps have to be taken by groups of people to first clean the already contaminated water bodies and then keep a check on all the surrounding water bodies. Small steps by every individual can make a huge difference in controlling water pollution.

Water Pollution Prevention

Conserve Water 

Our first priority should be to conserve water. Water wasting could be a big problem for the entire world, but we are just now becoming aware of it.

Sewage Treatment 

Cleaning up waste materials before disposing of them in waterways reduces pollution on a large scale. By lowering its dangerous elements, this wastewater will be used in other sectors or in agriculture.

Usage of Eco-Friendly Materials

We will reduce the amount of pollution produced by choosing soluble products that do not alter to become pollutants.

Water contamination is the discharge of pollutants into the water body, where they dissolve, are suspended, are deposited on the bottom, and collect to the point where they hinder the aquatic ecosystem's ability to function. Water contamination is brought on by toxic compounds that easily dissolve and combine with it and come from factories, municipalities, and farms.

Healthy ecosystems depend on a complex network of organisms, including animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi, all of which interact with one another either directly or indirectly. In this article, we read about water pollution, its causes and prevention. With this, we have come to the end of our article, in case of any other doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.


FAQs on Water Pollution Essay

1. What are the effects of water pollution?

Water pollution has a great impact on human health. Water pollution kills. It's been recorded that in 2015 nearly 1.8 million people died because of water pollution. People with low income are exposed to contaminated water coming out from the industries. Presence of disease causing pathogens in drinking water are the major cause of illness which includes cholera, giardia, and typhoid. Water pollution not only affects human health but also our environment by causing algal bloom in a lake or marine environment. Water pollution also causes eutrophication which suffocates plants and animals and thus causes dead zones. Chemicals and heavy metals from industrial and municipal wastewater contaminate waterways and harm aquatic life.

2. What are the causes of Water pollution?

Water being a universal solvent is vulnerable to pollution as it dissolves more substances than any other liquid on earth. Therefore, water is easily polluted. Toxic substances from farms, towns, and factories readily dissolve into water and mix with it, resulting in water pollution. Agricultural pollution is one of the major causes of contamination in rivers and streams. The use of excessive fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste from farms and livestock operations lets the rain wash the nutrients and pathogens—such as bacteria and viruses—into our waterways. The other major cause of water pollution is used water,  termed as wastewater which comes from our sinks, showers, toilets and from commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. It's been reported that the world's 80% wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused. Oil spills and radioactive waste also cause water pollution to a great extent.

3. How to prevent water pollution?

It is important to keep our water bodies clean so we can take the following preventive measures to prevent from water pollution:

Chemicals like bleach, paint, paint thinner, ammonia, and many chemicals are becoming a serious problem. Dumping toxic chemicals down the drain or flushing them down the toilet can cause water pollution. Thus, proper disposal is important. Also, household chemicals need to be recycled.

Avoid buying products that contain persistent and dangerous chemicals. Buying non-toxic cleaners and biodegradable cleaners and pesticides cut down on water pollution.

Prevent from pouring fats or greasy substances down the drain as it might clog the drain resulting in the dumping of waste into yards or basement which can contaminate the local water bodies.

4. What is the role of medical institutions in polluting the water?

Pharmaceutical pollution affects aquatic life and thus there is a need to take preventive measures. Consumers are responsible for winding up pharmaceutical and personal care products in lakes, rivers, and streams. There's a lot of unused and expired medication that can potentially get into the water if not disposed of properly.

5. What are the major kinds of pollution?

The three main types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution or soil pollution. Some artificial pollution is also there, such as noise pollution. Factors leading to such pollution include:

Air Pollution: Industrial emissions, fires, traffic and transportation, burning of chemical waste, etc.

Water Pollution: No proper sewage disposal, pesticides in farms leaking into water bodies, industrial waste dumped into water bodies, etc.

Soil Pollution:  Oil spills, acid rains, irresponsible disposal of trash, chemical waste, etc.

Noise Pollution: Honking of horns, construction activities, loud parties, etc.

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പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം മനുഷ്യന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നതിങ്ങനെ

മനോരമ ലേഖകൻ

Published: June 05 , 2023 11:48 AM IST

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Photo Credit: piotr_malczyk/ Istockphoto

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ജൂൺ 5 ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം. പരിസ്ഥിതിക്ക് കോട്ടം തട്ടാതെ അതിനെ സംരക്ഷിക്കേണ്ടത് ഓരോ മനുഷ്യന്റെയും ഉത്തരവാദിത്തമാണ്. മനുഷ്യന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തിനും സൗഖ്യത്തിനും ഒരു പ്രധാന ഭീഷണിയാണ് പരിസ്ഥിതി മലിനീകരണം. വായു മലിനീകരണം മുതൽ ജലമലിനീകരണം വരെ ഇതിൽപെടുന്നു. ഇതിൽ പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം ആകട്ടെ ഒന്നിലധികം മാർഗങ്ങളിലൂടെ മനുഷ്യാരോഗ്യത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നു. 

നമ്മൾ കഴിക്കുന്ന ഭക്ഷണം, കുടിക്കുന്ന വെള്ളം തുടങ്ങി എല്ലായിടവും മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്കുകൾ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. അഞ്ച് മില്ലി മീറ്ററിലും കുറവ് വലുപ്പമുള്ള പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് ആണ് മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്. സമുദ്രം, മണ്ണ്, വെള്ളം, വായു തുടങ്ങിയ ഇടങ്ങളിലെല്ലാം ഇവയുണ്ട്. പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് പാത്രങ്ങൾ, കുപ്പികൾ, ഒറ്റത്തവണ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന സ്ട്രോകൾ തുടങ്ങിയവയിൽ നിന്നാണ് മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്കുകൾ ഉണ്ടാകുന്നത്. ഉദരത്തിൽ വളരുന്ന ഗർഭസ്ഥ ശിശുവിൽ പോലും മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്കുകൾ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ടെന്നും ഇത് ആരോഗ്യത്തിന് ഭീഷണിയാണെന്നും ഗവേഷണങ്ങൾ പറയുന്നു. പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം മനുഷ്യന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തെ ഗുരുതരമായി ബാധിക്കുന്നു. അതുകൊണ്ടു തന്നെ പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് ഉപയോഗം കരുതലോടെ മാത്രമേ ആകാവൂ. 

പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം മനുഷ്യന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നതിങ്ങനെ :

∙പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് ജലാശയങ്ങളിലെത്തുന്നു. തുടർന്ന് ഇത് സമുദ്രജലത്തിലെത്തുന്നു. പക്ഷികളിലും മത്സ്യങ്ങളിലും െചടികളിലും ഇവ പ്രവേശിക്കുന്നു. ഇത് മനുഷ്യൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോൾ മനുഷ്യശരീരത്തിലും മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് കടന്നുകൂടുന്നു. ഇത് പെരുമാറ്റ വൈകല്യങ്ങൾ, ശ്വാസംമുട്ട്, ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കാൻ പറ്റാതെ വരുക, തുടങ്ങി ജനിതക മാറ്റത്തിനു വരെ കാരണമാകുന്നു. 

∙മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്കുകൾ മനുഷ്യൻ ശ്വസിക്കാനിടയാകുകയും വെള്ളത്തിലൂടെ ചർമം ഇത് ആഗിരണം ചെയ്യുപ്പെടുകയോ ചെയ്യും. ഈ മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്കുകൾ അവയവങ്ങളിലെത്തുകയും അവിടെ അടിഞ്ഞുകൂടുകയും ചെയ്യും. നവജാത ശിശുക്കളിലെ മറുപിളള (placenta)യിലും ഇവയുടെ സാന്നിധ്യം ഉണ്ടാകാം. 

∙ശരീരത്തിലെത്തുന്ന അതിസൂക്ഷ്മ പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് കണികകൾ ശ്വസനത്തെയും ബാധിക്കാം. ശ്വാസകോശത്തിന്റെ പ്രവർത്തനത്തെ ഇത് ബാധിക്കുകയും ചില കേസുകളിൽ ശ്വാസകോശാർബുദത്തിന് (lung cancer) വരെ കാരണമാകുകയും ചെയ്യും. 

∙തലച്ചോറിനെയും മൈക്രോപ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് ബാധിക്കും. തലച്ചോറിൽ അടിഞ്ഞുകൂടുന്ന ഇവ ക്രമേണ തലച്ചോറിന്റെ പ്രവർത്തനത്തെയും ബാധിക്കും. 

∙നമ്മൾ കഴിക്കുന്ന പഴങ്ങളിലൂടെയും പച്ചക്കറികളിലൂടെയും പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് ശരീരത്തിലെത്താം. മണ്ണിലൂടെ അരിച്ചെത്തുന്ന പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് പഴങ്ങളിലും പച്ചക്കറികളിലും ധാന്യങ്ങളിലും എല്ലാം കടന്ന് ക്രമേണ നമ്മുടെ ശരീരത്തിലും എത്തും.

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  1. ജലമലിനീകരണം

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  2. മലയാളത്തിലെ ജലമലിനീകരണ ഉപന്യാസം

    മനുഷ്യരെയും മൃഗങ്ങളെയും എല്ലാ വശങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നും ബാധിക്കുന്ന ...

  3. മണ്ണ് മലിനീകരണം

    മണ്ണ് മലിനീകരണം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഭൂമി മലിനീകരണം സംഭവിക്കുന്നത് ...

  4. ജലം

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  5. Malayalam Essay on "Water Conservation", "Save Water ...

    Essay on Water Conservation in Malayalam: In this article, we are providing ജല സംരക്ഷണം ഉപന്യാസം and ലോക ജല ദിനം പ്രസംഗം for students and teachers. Save Water Essay in Malayalam: ജീവന്റെ നിലനിൽപ്പിന് അവശ്യം വേണ്ട ഒരു ഘടകമാണ് ജലം ...

  6. മാലിന്യം തള്ളാനല്ല പുഴകൾ

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  7. നല്ലൊരു നാളേയ്ക്കായി ചേര്‍ത്തുപിടിക്കാം പ്രകൃതിയെയും...

    This article is about the importance and Significance of World Environment Day 2021. It includes the History, Theme, and Specialties And Significance of Malayalam ...

  8. മലയാളത്തിലെ ജല ഉപന്യാസത്തിന്റെ പ്രാധാന്യം

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  9. പരിസ്ഥിതി മലിനീകരണം

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  10. പരിസ്ഥിതി ഗുരുതരം

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  11. ശുചിത്വ കേരളം ദൂരെയല്ല; ഇൻഡോർ പറഞ്ഞുതരുന്ന വൃത്തിയുടെ പാഠങ്ങൾ

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  12. ജല മലിനീകരണം ഉപന്യാസം| Essay on Water pollution in Malayalam|

    ജല മലിനീകരണം ഉപന്യാസം| Essay on Water pollution in Malayalam| #malayalam #malayalamessay #education #essaywriting #mallu #cbse #cbseclass10 #cbseclass10malay...

  13. Scarcity amidst plenty: Kerala's drinking water paradox| IWP

    Source: Census (2011) Lowest proportion of improved drinking water coverage as compared to other bigger states. Kerala is the worst performer in terms of availability of improved drinking water sources. Improved sources of drinking water according to NSSO (2012) include piped water, public tap/standpipe, tube well/borehole, protected well ...

  14. അന്തരീക്ഷമലിനീകരണം

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  15. Water pollution essay writing in malayalam

    Water pollution essay writing in malayalam - 1639882. Joshu990 Joshu990 24.10.2017 India Languages Primary School answered • expert verified Water pollution essay writing in malayalam See answers Advertisement Advertisement BrainlyPromoter BrainlyPromoter

  16. മനുഷ്യന്റെ നിലനിൽപ്പിന് അവിഭാജ്യഘടകമായ മണ്ണ്; ഇന്ന് ലോക മണ്ണുദിനം

    Most of the 🌏's biodiversity lies beneath our feet! #SoilBiodiversity helps 👇 🌱grow our food 💊develop new medicines 🌏fight climate change We need to protect this precious resource.

  17. Essay on Water Pollution for Students and Children

    The effects of Water Pollution are: Diseases: In humans, drinking or consuming polluted water in any way has many disastrous effects on our health. It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases. Eradication of Ecosystem: Ecosystem is extremely dynamic and responds to even small changes in the environment.

  18. Essay on Environmental Pollution in Malayalam Language

    Essay on Environmental Pollution in Malayalam Language : In this article, we are providing പരിസ്ഥിതി മലിനീകരണം എന്ന മഹാവിപത്ത് ഉപന്യാസം, പരിസര മലിനീകരണം ഒരു കുറിപ്പ്.

  19. Water Pollution Essay for Students in English

    Water contamination occurs when pollutants pollute water sources and make the water unfit for use in drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Water is eventually damaged by all types of pollution. Lakes and oceans become contaminated by air pollution.

  20. പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം

    Editorial: Plastic Pollution: An Ocean Emergency. 3 March 2010. 28 January 2013. Biodegradable Plastics and Marine Litter. Misconceptions, concerns and impacts on marine environments Archived 2016-02-05 at the Wayback Machine ., 2015, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi.

  21. പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് മലിനീകരണം മനുഷ്യന്റെ ആരോഗ്യത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്നതിങ്ങനെ

    ജൂൺ 5 ലോക പരിസ്ഥിതി ദിനം. പരിസ്ഥിതിക്ക് കോട്ടം തട്ടാതെ അതിനെ ...

  22. 2024 Wayanad landslides

    The 2024 Wayanad landslides were a series of landslides that occurred near Punjirimattom, Mundakkai, Chooralmala, and Vellarimala villages in Meppadi panchayat, Vythiri taluk [2] in Wayanad district, Kerala, India in the early hours of 30 July 2024.These landslides were caused by excessively heavy torrential downpour, resulted the hillsides to collapse, sending torrents of mud, water, and ...

  23. Nature Conservation Essay in Malayalam പ്രകൃതി സംരക്ഷണം ഉപന്യാസം

    Nature Conservation Essay in Malayalam Language: ഇന്ന് സാർവ്വത്രികമായി ച ...

  24. സമുദ്രമലിനീകരണം

    Cookson, Clive (Feb. 2015). Oceans choke as plastic waste pours in at 8 million tonnes a year (free registration required), The Financial Times; Ahn, YH; Hong, GH; Neelamani, S; Philip, L and Shanmugam, P (2006) Assessment of Levels of coastal marine pollution of Chennai city, southern India. Water Resource Management, 21(7), 1187-1206.