The Most Interesting Adoption Research Topics

Writing papers is an integral part of the life of each student. However, students often don’t know what to write about, and this can cause many problems. If you decide to write a paper about adoption, but don’t know what exactly to write about, check out the following adoption research topics.

How to Choose a Topic for Your Adoption Research Paper 

  • Conduct thorough academic research to explore your niche. Do not forget to analyze the ethical side and the most popular opinions of the opponents. Adoption is an incredibly hard subject, both ethically and legally, and it would be wise to choose the most appropriate moral angle to cover it. 
  • Explore professional samples on similar topics to find ideas and inspiration, properly understand necessary structure and formatting, and explore credible sources to reinforce your primary statements. Consider contacting a research proposal writing service to order an expert sample on adoption if you can’t find any for free. 
  • Find the angle to cover your topic that combines the subject’s ethical and legal sides. Do not choose a topic that is too straightforward or confusing. Ordering research paper writing services will help you solve any challenging situation. 

Remember about the opportunity to pay for research paper if you feel like you need assistance at any stage.

Adoption argument essay topics

  • How can the recommendations of the Children and Families Act (2014) around fostering and adoption support the wellbeing of children and families?
  • Why should gay adoption be supported more?
  • What is the government’s attitude to LBGT adoptions?
  • What influences the adoption process?
  • Should foreign adoption be illegal?
  • Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
  • Should single parent adoption be legal?
  • Does the good outweigh the bad in adoption?
  • Is adoption a miracle or gamble?
  • Should international adoptions be encouraged?
  • What is adoption as a legal institute?
  • How is adoption legislation developed?
  • What is the legal relationship of adoption?
  • What are the features of the adoption of children in the presence of a foreign element?
  • What are the guarantees of protection of rights and interests of the child at adoption?
  • How to ensure the secrecy of adoption during the trial and adjudication?
  • When is an adoption canceled?
  • What are the grounds and procedures for the cancellation of adoption?
  • What are the consequences of the abolition of adoption?
  • What are the historical stages of the development of adoption legislation in the USA?
  • Should parents tell the child that he or she is adopted?
  • How to behave if a child accidentally finds out he or she is adopted?
  • How to start a conversation with a child about his or her adoption?

Persuasive speech topics on adoption

  • Adoption vs abortion.
  • Interracial adoption.
  • Adoption and foster care.
  • Adoption of children in the past and today.
  • The impact of adoption in a single parent household.
  • Biological parents and adoption.
  • US adoptions vs. other countries.
  • Homeless or adoption: our new generation of children.
  • The depressions of adoptions.
  • The benefits of same sex adoption.
  • Same sex adoption: is it right?
  • Open adoption vs. closed adoption.
  • Keeping in secret that the child was born outside the adoptive family.
  • A number of problems which arise during adoption.
  • Information that all parents who are going to adopt a child should know.
  • Motives of parents who are hiding the information about adoption from other people.
  • Attitude of relatives and friends who are aware of the adopted child.
  • The psychological state of a child who found out he or she was adopted.
  • Similarities of talking about adoption and talking about other difficult topics, such as sex, religion, etc.
  • Recommendation of experts related to adoption.

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Controversial adoption topics

  • How adoption affects children.
  • Benefits of adoption.
  • Social media sharing and the effects it has on animal shelters and adoption.
  • Compare and contrast two journal articles on the pros and cons of homosexual adoption.
  • Petition to establish paternity and adoption.
  • Adoption in Polynesian societies (before 1900): Tahiti, Tonga, and Samoa.
  • What is adoption?
  • Adoption law in California.
  • Investigation on the state of e-commerce adoption by the SMEs in Kaduna State, Nigeria, and factors that might hinder its adoption.
  • Homosexuals losing out in the adoption queue.
  • The system of transnational adoption. Need for effective regulation.
  • International versus domestic adoptions.
  • Age at which parents should tell a child he or she is adopted.
  • What answers you should give to a child’s questions about his or her adoption.
  • Motives of a biological mother who gave her child for adoption.
  • What is important to remember before adopting a child.
  • Parents’ mistakes during adoption.
  • How parents can adopt children several times.
  • How to make the adopted child feel safe at a new home.
  • How to understand that you are ready to adopt a child.

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Adoption Research Topics


Given that we are scholars and researchers, most of our readers have been asking if we can compile a list of some good research topics about adoption.

We have heeded to your call, and here we are. This blog post will give in-depth details on some of the best adoption research paper topics, which you can surprisingly use when writing any adoption paper.

Adoption being a sensitive issue in contemporary society, it has elicited debates on both theoretical and policy domains. Thanks to the many adoption research studies online, you can write excellent adoption essays, research papers, dissertations, or theses without much struggle.

Any good paper begins with a well-chosen topic. If you are to write about adoption but have trouble getting topics, here is a list of adoption research papers to kick your brainstorming and research processes.

Argumentative Adoption Topics

Here are some of the argumentative adoption essay topics to consider when writing your paper.

  • Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?
  • Is interracial adoption a solution to racism?
  • Should adopting parents tell children they were adopted?
  • Should international adoption by celebrities be allowed?
  • Does abortion guarantee a good life for the child?
  • Do nurses have a role in adoption?
  • Do adopted children adopt the character and wishes of adopting parents?
  • Is adoption the answer to childlessness?
  • Can older couples adopt a child?
  • Do all adopted children end up successful?
  • Only well-off families, couples, or adoptees get the chance to adopt
  • The government does an excellent job in regulating adoption
  • Limiting LGBTQ adoption is justified
  • Must adopted children learn a second language?
  • Are adoptive parents heroes?
  • Can pregnant women give their children up for adoption?
  • Can retired nuns and fathers adopt kids?
  • Do adopted children maintain relations with their kin’s relatives?

Do you need help with writing an adoption essay or research paper?

Controversial, Informative, and Descriptive Adoption Research Topics

  • The history of adoption in the United States
  • Interstate adoption policies in the United States
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • International Adoption agencies
  • Role of the church in adoption
  • Post-Adoption Depression
  • Typologies of adoption
  • The impacts of adoption on the adoptive families, adopted children, and the birth parents
  • Benefits of finding adoption support
  • Significance of local adoption support groups
  • Family counseling before adoption
  • Transracial adoption
  • Private vs. Domestic Adoption
  • The process of adoption in a chosen state
  • The different types of adoption
  • Understanding international adoption
  • What is interracial adoption?
  • Multilingual adoption
  • Mistakes that parents make during adoption processing
  • Ways to ensure the safety and security of adopted children
  • Why some mothers give up their children for adoption at birth
  • How to bond with an adopted grandchild
  • How to save money during an adoption
  • Reasons people prefer adoption to surrogacy
  • The Employer-provided adoption benefits
  • Role of national Adoption Months
  • Role of Adoption professionals
  • The link between Cancer and Adoption
  • The connection between Traffic Accidents and Adoption
  • International and inter-country adoption
  • The difference in state and federal level adoption legislation
  • Impacts of Covid-19 on adoption
  • The minimum thresholds for adoption agencies
  • Impacts of Covid-19 on pre-placement meetings
  • Benefits of adoption to infertile couples
  • The Rome of National Infertility Association in adoption
  • Exploring the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACA)
  • Regulatory bodies and their role in the adoption process
  • Single Parent adoption vs. Couple adoption
  • Role of adoption agencies
  • Role of social workers in the adoption process
  • Role of lawmakers and courts in the adoption process
  • Kinship care and guardianship vs. adoption
  • Factors for a successful transcultural/transracial adoption
  • Adoption and Foster care
  • Role of social media in facilitating adoption
  • The social, economic, and political factors influencing adoption
  • Gay/Lesbian adoption
  • Adoption by parents with disabilities
  • Attachments, behavior, and development of adopted children

Persuasive Speech/Essay or Research Paper Topics for Adoption

  • How adoption addresses homelessness
  • Adoption versus abortion
  • Closed versus open adoption
  • Impacts of same-sex adoption on society
  • The societal perception of Gay/Lesbian Adoption
  • Challenges when, during, and after adoption
  • Change in attitude after relatives discover a child was adopted
  • Why do parents keep adoption information a secret?
  • The impacts of a child/person finally knowing they were adopted
  • Adopting through an adoption agency vs. through foster care
  • The link between adoption and child abuse
  • Adoption and human trafficking rings
  • Adoption helps reduce crime and poverty in countries
  • Federal legislation on adoption in the USA

When researching adoption topics, there are different child-specific information resources that you ought to consider. If you feel like researching a topic on adoption is a huge burden, we have writers who can help.

Related reading:

  • List of Creative informative speech topics.
  • Social issues to consider for potential topic ideas.
  • Psychology Research paper topics
  • Persuasive speech topics and ideas
  • Research paper topics.

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Essays on Adoption

What makes a good adoption essay topics.

When it comes to writing an adoption essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good adoption essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should inspire the reader to think critically about the issues surrounding adoption and showcase the writer's unique perspective.

To brainstorm and choose an essay topic, start by considering your personal experiences and interests. Reflect on your own views on adoption, and think about any relevant experiences or stories that you can draw from. Consider the different aspects of adoption that interest you, such as the emotional impact on children, the legal aspects of adoption, or the challenges faced by birth parents.

When choosing an adoption essay topic, it's important to consider the audience and the purpose of the essay. Think about what you want to communicate to the reader and what message you want to convey. A good adoption essay topic should be relevant and timely, addressing current issues and debates in the field of adoption.

Overall, a good essay topic is one that is thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. It should inspire the reader to think critically about the issues surrounding adoption and showcase the writer's unique perspective.

Best Adoption Essay Topics

  • Open vs. Closed Adoption: Understanding the Differences
  • The Impact of Adoption on Birth Parents
  • The Emotional Journey of Adopted Children
  • Transracial Adoption: Navigating Identity and Culture
  • The Legal and Ethical Issues in International Adoption
  • The Role of Foster Care in the Adoption Process
  • LGBTQ+ Adoption: Overcoming Barriers and Challenges
  • Adoption and Mental Health: Understanding the Psychological Effects
  • The Stigma of Adoption: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Myths
  • The Role of Social Media in Adoption: The Pros and Cons
  • The Economics of Adoption: Exploring the Costs and Financial Implications
  • Single Parent Adoption: Challenging the Traditional Family Structure
  • The Adoption Process: Navigating the Paperwork and Legalities
  • The Impact of Adoption on Sibling Relationships
  • The Role of Support Groups in the Adoption Community
  • The Future of Adoption: Trends and Innovations
  • The Intersection of Adoption and Education: Navigating School Systems
  • Birth Parents' Rights: Exploring Advocacy and Legal Protections
  • The Impact of Adoption on Mental Health Professionals: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Technology in the Adoption Process: The Digital Age of Adoption

Adoption essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine you are a social worker tasked with matching a child with their forever family. Describe the process you would use and the factors you would consider.
  • Write a personal essay about your experience with adoption, whether as an adopted child, birth parent, or adoptive parent. Reflect on the emotional journey and the impact it has had on your life.
  • Research and analyze the impact of transracial adoption on a child's sense of identity and belonging. Discuss the challenges and benefits of transracial adoption from the perspective of both the child and the adoptive family.
  • Explore the ethical and legal implications of international adoption. Discuss the challenges of navigating different legal systems and cultural norms when adopting a child from another country.
  • Imagine a world where adoption is the norm and biological parenthood is the exception. Write a speculative essay exploring the social, cultural, and emotional implications of such a society.

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Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person's biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parents to the adoptive parents.

Contemporary adoption practices can be open or closed. Open adoption allows identifying information to be communicated between adoptive and biological parents and, perhaps, interaction between kin and the adopted person. The practice of closed adoption seals all identifying information, maintaining it as secret and preventing disclosure of the adoptive parents', biological kin's, and adoptees' identities.

Infertility, health concerns relating to pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to cement a new family following divorce or death of one parent, compassion motivated by religious or philosophical conviction, to avoid contributing to overpopulation out of the belief that it is more responsible to care for otherwise parent-less children than to reproduce, or to ensure that inheritable diseases are not passed on.

There are 135,000 children adopted annually within the United States. As of now, there are more than 107,000 children eligible and waiting for adoption in foster care. There are more adoption agencies in the U.S. than any other country, and Americans adopt the most children globally. A full 40% of all adopted children are a separate race or ethnicity than their adoptive family.

Relevant topics

  • Foster Care
  • Parenting Styles
  • Marriage and Family
  • Family Values

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Blog > Essay Advice , Personal Statement > 3 Ways to Approach College Essays About Adoption

3 Ways to Approach College Essays About Adoption

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University Admissions

Key Takeaway

If you’re adopted, you might be wondering whether you can write your college essay about your experiences as an adoptee.

The answer is simple: absolutely! College essays about adoption aren’t overly common. And because the topic tends to be such a personal one, you don’t have to worry too much about being cliche or general. Reflecting meaningfully on your own experiences is enough.

In this post, we’ll go over three strategies for writing your college essay about adoption, and we’ll talk about two mistakes to avoid.

The first way to approach your college essay about adoption is to focus on the theme of identity. In general, topics related to identity tend to lead to outstanding college essays because they’re inherently personal and vulnerable—two foundational traits of a personal statement . Adoption essays are no different.

When writing about adoption and identity, applicants tend to focus on their identity prior to and after being adopted. For some, a personal statement might detail the journey of reconciling their identity at birth with their identity in their adopted family. For others, it might center on an identity they’ve held all along.

Whatever your story is, you can be authentic in how you present your journey with your identity.

Biology or Psychology

You could also take a more academic approach to your personal statement by exploring your adoption through a biological or psychological framework. This approach may work especially well if you want to go into either field.

Exploring your adoption through a biological or psychological lens might look like an investigation into your own experience of nature versus nurture. Where do you see similarities between you and your adoptive family? Do you have any traits you think are genetic?

With this approach, you can show a keen academic interest in a subject while also exploring your own background and identity.

If you were adopted into a family whose culture differs from that of your birth family, then you might choose to write about your identity through the lens of culture.

The majority of applicants who take this approach write about their journey reconnecting with their birth culture. Others write about what it was like to adapt to a new culture when they were adopted. And others yet discuss the feeling of being in between cultures.

No matter what your own experience has been, you can write a strong essay by reflecting on how your cultures have shaped who you are today.

Two Mistakes to Avoid

While you don’t have to think too much about avoiding cliches, there are two common mistakes to be on the lookout for as you’re writing and revising your personal statement.

Focusing too much on negative or difficult emotions

Adoption can be a challenging subject to write about under any circumstances. In a college essay, it can be especially difficult because the stakes are high and you’re writing for an audience of faceless admissions officers.

While you may have heard that you need a “sob story” to get into college, the truth is that college essays are most successful when they don’t dwell on the negative. That’s not to say that you can’t write about anything difficult that you’ve faced. But you want your admissions officers to have positive emotions when they think back on your file, so your essay should ultimately resolve with some kind of light, hope, or positivity.

Telling a story that is about your adoption, not you

As we’ve already covered, adoption is a solid topic for a college essay. But you don’t want your college essay to be only about your adoption. It should, in the end, be about you .

Whatever you reveal to your admissions officers through your adoption story should serve two purposes: 1) to give insight into who you are, and 2) to reveal something about your core strengths. (If you want to know more about either of those purposes, hop on over to our guide to college essays .)

So don’t simply detail your adoption or focus only on the aspects that have been positive or negative for you. Write about them only for the purpose of telling admissions officers something about yourself.

The bottom line

If you feel so inclined, go ahead and write your college essay about being adopted. You might approach the topic through the lens of identity, biology, culture, or something uniquely your own. Whatever approach you take, make sure to keep the focus on you, not your adoption, and to conclude your essay on a positive note.

Looking for inspiration? Check out our college essay examples . We have a bunch—and they’re all graded and annotated by former admissions officers.

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111 Exceptional Foster Care Research Paper Topics

Foster Care Research Paper Topics

Foster care is not a common topic of discussion in academic papers. Those who handle it may not have enough data or have missing links due to the topic’s limited attention on the internet. Nonetheless, you are here because you have an assignment in this field, and you need impressive foster care topics for your research paper.

This article contains all the best writing ideas for foster care that will make you the top of your class. It is not your ordinary blog article on the internet looking for clicks! On the contrary, it is the product of professionally researched content that will enrich your academic prowess. Watch this space!

How To Write Foster Care Research Paper Topics

Writing foster care research topics is primarily tricky for college and university students who are starting. However, those who have been writing such papers can easily sail through and achieve high grades in the end. Making your professor smile while reading your article starts with eye-catching research. That is why our experts give their all into collating top-notch foster care paper topics.

Do you want fast and professional research topics for your paper? Well, follow the steps below:

Understand the scope of the question Find out your professor’s objective Identify what you know about the question Move on to look at what others say Collate a list of similar work done on the same question Develop an award-winning topic!

The means to success is doing what others are not doing. By following the tips above, you can be sure that you will end up with a great foster care topic that will envy many.

Look at the sample foster care research questions below for your motivation:

Foster Care Research Questions

  • What is the importance of foster care on a child?
  • What factors are considered for a child to be a candidate for foster care?
  • How long does it take for one to register and to be able to foster a child?
  • Is there any support given to foster parents?
  • What is required for one to be a foster child?
  • What measures are put in place to ensure a child’s wellbeing in the foster care system?
  • How long can foster the same child?
  • What disqualifies a person from fostering?
  • In what state should a foster home be in before a minor comes in to live there?
  • What are the measures taken in cases of child abuse in foster homes?
  • Does one make money from fostering?
  • What are the risks of becoming a foster parent?
  • How should one respond to the problematic stories surrounding struggling foster families?
  • What is the goal of a foster care system?
  • How are kids impacted by the trauma they experienced?
  • At what age is a child involved in foster care?
  • Can children with special needs be involved in foster care?
  • What are the rules and regulations for foster care parents?
  • How does foster care affect the child’s life stability?
  • In what way does the system affect foster children?
  • What are the effects of foster children interacting with biological parents?
  • How much support should foster parents have?
  • How fast is the foster care adoption process?
  • What measures should be in place for drug addicts?

Top Foster Care Issues

  • Challenges that children in extended foster care experience?
  • How the system is dealing with the rising number of children in foster care
  • Problems faced in recruiting, training and retaining foster families
  • How the foster care agencies get the resources needed to sustain them
  • How does the foster care agency handle the sibling issue during adoption
  • How orphan children end up in foster care
  • How is the safety of a child ensured in the foster homes
  • How do foster care agencies deal with child abuse and its effect on the child
  • The disruption of child’s schooling due to foster parenting

Top Developmental Issues For Young Children In Foster Care In 2023

  • Poor communication between social workers, foster parents and health care providers concerning services
  • Public funded programs available for children in foster care
  • How long-term foster care has affected children
  • What strategies are in force to guarantee a child’s schooling goes on smoothly?
  • How maltreatment of children in foster care has increased health care concerns
  • Health risks on adolescents in the foster care
  • The discrepancy in the number of children resulting with developmental and mental health care needs
  • Foster parents training to be therapeutic agents
  • Frequent changes experienced by children resulting in the incomplete transfer of information
  • Effects of early intervention services on children in foster care
  • The development of an orderly growth of the foster care system
  • Management of foster care resources and equal distribution

Foster Care Problems

  • Challenges faced by students that grew in foster care
  • The increase of child abuse in foster care
  • Children feeling guilty about separation from birth parents
  • On waiting for adoption for a long time, children think unwanted
  • Children questioning positive feelings towards foster parents
  • The difficulty foster parents experience in letting the child return to birth parents
  • Foster parents dealing with the needs of children in their care
  • The feel helplessness on a child who has been to several foster homes
  • The difficulty of the foster parent to answer medical questions
  • Reasons why foster children should have maximum attention
  • The parent has a lot of work ensuring they bond with all the children given to her
  • Why foster parents do not provide enough support to the foster children
  • Mixed emotions affecting foster parents
  • Challenges foster parents experiencing when dealing with sponsoring social agencies.
  • Dealing with a child’s emotions and behaviour
  • Foster parents understanding mixed toward child’s birth parents
  • How extensive is the licensing process to foster parents
  • The uncertainty about a child’s living situation
  • The cost of foster care to the foster parents

Top-Grade Foster Care Essay Topics

  • The importance of foster care agencies to the society
  • Benefits of the foster care system on the child
  • Development and orderly growth of foster care
  • How to decrease homelessness of children after foster care
  • Problems faced in the social services and their solutions
  • Ways of funding foster care organizations
  • Positive and negative aspects of foster care
  • The role of foster parents to the children
  • Effects of long term care with foster parents
  • Limitations of foster parents in the child’s everyday life
  • How a child in foster care becomes available for adoption

Informative Speech Topics On Foster Care

  • The increase of child abuse prevention efforts
  • Sensitization of domestic abuse in the society
  • Ways to improve foster care around the world
  • Problems faced in the foster care system
  • Ways to make adoption more accessible and better in the society
  • How to make foster care more accessible in the world
  • The impact of foster parents on a child’s life
  • How better adoption is beneficial to both the foster parent and the child
  • Foster care effects on the health of the child
  • Why should one go to a foster care
  • Ways in which foster care can change for the better
  • Conditions that lead one to a foster care
  • What next after children in foster homes get to 18 years of age
  • The desired outcome of a foster care child
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a foster care system

Foster Care Problems And Issues In The US

  • How children adopt to foster parents in teenage versus adolescent stage
  • The impact of legal regulations on foster care in the United States
  • Why foster parents need to exhibit good parenting skills being getting children
  • The effect of social perceptions towards foster care
  • How social media and other interactive technologies are influencing foster care
  • Explain why society should not look down upon foster parents
  • Discuss the role of the media in highlighting the plight of foster parents
  • Evaluate the distribution of foster care homes in the United States
  • Why it is necessary to create awareness on foster care
  • The impact of coronavirus on adapting children for foster care
  • Why should children homes investigate foster parents
  • Are there complications that may arise as a result of foster care
  • Why it is necessary to ask the child is taking them to foster care
  • Malpractices in the nursing industry towards foster care
  • How to encourage children to interact with their peers
  • Challenges in finding the right foster parents
  • Discuss the impact of stigmatization on foster children
  • Discuss the likeliness of foster children ending up as single parents
  • Discuss the place of clinical therapy in foster care
  • Are there enough legal measures about foster care
  • What should the government do to crook foster parents?

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83 Foster Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best foster care topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 good research topics about foster care, ⭐ simple & easy foster care essay titles, ❓ research questions about the foster care system.

  • Foster Care System in the “Antwone Fisher” Film What could be done to improve the foster care system today? The foster system failed Antwone because they shifted him from a foster home he had innocently believed and enjoyed to be his birth family […]
  • Youths Transitioning Foster Care System These problems have led to the necessity of occupational therapy in the foster care systems where they enable the young people aging out of foster care to deal with these issues.
  • Non-Relative Care Placements for Children in Foster Care Here, the main issues to be addressed are the problems of children who are placed in foster care, the social impact of foster care centers, whether these centers are run as they are supposed, the […]
  • New York’s Homeless Children and Foster Care System Foster homes have to also face the challenge of developing the mentalities of the children are their clients, and care should be provided on that basis.
  • Foster Care Crisis in Georgia: Children in Substitute Families It decides whether a child is to be placed in foster care or to remain in the home of their caregiver.
  • Foster Care of Children With a Different Background The ethical dilemma here was detected later when the social worker was able to contact the child’s mother, who insisted that such behavior was not a sign of anxiety but rather of respect and proper […]
  • Healthcare, Human Services and Foster Care in the US Particularly, it is essential to enhance the importance of the caretakers’ role in both the provision of the necessary healthcare assistance to their foster children after the people in question become legal guardians of the […]
  • Foster-Care Centers and Public Health Over the past ten years, California spent over $200 million on psychotropic drugs, which is about 70 percent of total foster care drug spending in the US.
  • Group Home and Foster Care Forensic Settings The residents of the group home often access treatment through the treatment centers located within the homes. The foster cares are located in areas accessible to the amenities and other resources.
  • Attachment Disorder Among Young Children in Foster Care Attachment refers to a deep connection between a child and a primary caregiver that plays an important role in the optimal growth and development of the child with regard to expression of emotions and creation […]
  • Foster Care and Adoption Service The role of the human services professional is to understand the behavior and the expectations of each party in the adoption agreement and offer appropriate information to avoid misunderstanding in the future.
  • Foster Care in the Criminal Justice System Throughout the history of the United States, the children welfare system has evolved according to shifting values and attitudes about what responsibilities governmental agencies should take in the defence and care of abandoned and abused […]
  • African American Extended Families and Kinship Care: How Relevant Is the Foster Care Model for Kinship Care
  • Childhood: Foster Care and Young Mothers
  • Adoption Subsidies and Placement Outcomes for Children in Foster Care
  • Leaving Foster Care: The Influence of Child and Case Characteristics on Foster Care Exit Rates
  • Health Outcomes for Adults in Family Foster Care as Children: An Analysis by Ethnicity
  • Adopting Children Through the Foster Care System
  • Child Protection and Adult Crime: Using Investigator Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of Foster Care
  • Need for Change: The Harmful Effects of the Foster Care System
  • Natural Mentoring and Psychosocial Outcomes Among Older Youth Transitioning From Foster Care
  • Mental and Emotional Health of Children When Leaving Foster Care
  • Cognitive, Educational, and Self-Support Outcomes of Long-Term Foster Care Versus Adoption
  • Educational and Employment Outcomes of Adults Formerly Placed in Foster Care
  • Trauma Treatments for Among Culturally Diverse Foster Care Youth: Treatment Retention and Outcomes
  • Minority Children and Adolescents in Transracial Foster Care
  • Balancing Permanency and Stability for Youth in Foster Care
  • Risk and Protective Factors for Residential Foster Care Adolescents
  • Attachment Theory and Change Processes in Foster Care
  • Economics Incentives and Foster Care Placement
  • Improved Intelligence, Literacy and Mathematic Skills Following School-Based Intervention for Children in Foster Care
  • Foster Care: Protecting Bodies but Killing Minds
  • Outcomes for Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care
  • Stability for the Children Leaving the Foster Care System
  • Kinship Foster Care: Placement, Service, and Outcome Issues
  • Adoption and Family Safety and Foster Care Plan
  • New Policy for Getting Therapeutic Foster Care For Children With Mental Illnesses
  • Evaluating Housing Programs for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care
  • Adolescent Resilience, Gender, and Foster Care
  • Competencies and Problem Behaviors of Children in Family Foster Care: Variations by Kinship Placement Status and Race
  • After Parental Rights Are Terminated: Factors Associated With Exiting Foster Care
  • Increasing College Access for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
  • Career Readiness Programming for Youth in Foster Care
  • Kinship Family Foster Care: A Methodological and Substantive Synthesis of Research
  • Child Abuse Prevention and Foster Care
  • Foster Care and Adoption as a Tool of Superior Care
  • Granting Gay Couples to Adopt Children From Foster Care
  • Factors Associated With Reunification: A Longitudinal Analysis of Long-Term Foster Care
  • Behavioral Health Needs and Service Use Among Those Who’ve Aged Out of Foster Care
  • Differences Between Foster Care and Adoption
  • Context Matters: Experimental Evaluation of Home-Based Tutoring for Youth in Foster Care
  • Natural Mentoring Among Older Youth in and Aging Out of Foster Care
  • What Factors Are Considered for a Child to Be a Candidate for Foster Care?
  • Should the Foster Care System Be Reformed?
  • What Measures Are Put in Place to Ensure a Child’s Wellbeing in the Foster Care System?
  • How Does Foster Care Affect Children?
  • Should Race and Culture Matter for Children in Foster Care Place With Adoptive Families?
  • What Factors Impact the Educational Outcomes of Children in Foster Care?
  • Why Do Children Run Away From Foster Care?
  • What Is the Importance of Foster Care on a Child?
  • How Long Does It Take for One to Register and to Be Able to Foster a Child?
  • Is There Any Support Given to Foster Parents?
  • What Is Required for One to Be a Foster Child?
  • How Long Can Foster the Same Child?
  • What Disqualifies a Person From Fostering?
  • In What State Should a Foster Home Be In Before a Minor Comes in to Live There?
  • How Is the Safety of a Child Ensured in the Foster Homes?
  • What Are the Measures Taken in Cases of Child Abuse in Foster Homes?
  • Does One Make Money From Fostering?
  • What Are the Risks of Becoming a Foster Parent?
  • How Should One Respond to the Problematic Stories Surrounding Struggling Foster Families?
  • What Is the Goal of a Foster Care System?
  • How Are Kids Impacted by the Trauma They Experienced?
  • At What Age Is a Child Involved in Foster Care?
  • Can Children With Special Needs Be Involved in Foster Care?
  • What Are the Rules and Regulations for Foster Care Parents?
  • How Does Foster Care Affect the Child’s Life Stability?
  • In What Way Does the System Affect Foster Children?
  • What Are the Effects of Foster Children Interacting With Biological Parents?
  • How Much Support Should Foster Parents Have?
  • What Measures Should Be in Place for Drug Addicts?
  • How Fast Is the Foster Care Adoption Process?
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IvyPanda . "83 Foster Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 21, 2023.

13 Noteworthy Books About Adoption & Foster Care

April 17, 2020 by Emily Cain

Reading is not only a great form of entertainment, but it has also been shown to relax our bodies and calm our minds—something we could all use a little more of these days. It’s also a great way to engage in self-introspection or jump-start meaningful conversations with loved ones. We’ve rounded up 13 books that explore themes of foster care and adoption written from the perspective of adoptees, adoptive parents, and adoption professionals.

Essays & Memoir

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Nicole Chung was placed for adoption by her Korean parents in the 1980s and was raised by a white family in a sheltered town in Oregon. While growing up, Chung became increasingly curious about where she came from and often wondered if the neatly packaged story she’d been told about her adoption was the whole truth. All You Can Ever Know is a moving chronicle of surprising connections and the repercussions of unearthing painful family secrets—vital reading for anyone who has ever struggled to figure out where they belong.

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Black Is the Body by Emily Bernard

Black is the Body: Stories From My Grandmother’s Time, My Mother’s Time, and Mind is an exceptionally written memoir that looks at race with fearless honesty. Throughout twelve deeply personal essays, Bernard explores the complexities and haunting realities of growing up black in the South with a family name inherited from a white man, getting a PhD from Yale, marrying a white man from the North, adopting two babies from Ethiopia, and living and teaching in a primarily white New England college town. Each of these essays sets out to discover a new way of talking about race and of telling the truth as the author has lived it.

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Jennifer   by Nandita Puri

Jennifer: One Woman, Two Continents and a Truth Called Child Trafficking  is a gut-wrenching and unforgettable story of courage and survival. When eight-year-old Jennifer “Pinky” Francis steps on to American soil for the first time, she has no idea her life is about to change forever. After being illegally trafficked into the US under the garb of adoption by the very people who had been entrusted with her care, Jennifer finds herself in a foreign land where she is thrust into the nightmarish world of sexual abuse, drugs, and crime. Jennifer is not only a representation of the millions of illegal inter-country adoptees but also a representation of human suffering.

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Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender, and Parenting in America is the story of Nefertiti’s Austin’s fight to create the family she always knew she was meant to have, and the story of motherhood that all American families need now. In this unflinching account of her parenting journey, Austin examines the history of adoption in the African American community, faces off against stereotypes of single, Black motherhood, and confronts the reality of raising children of color in racially charged, modern-day America.

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After two years of waiting to adopt—slogging through paperwork and bouncing between hope and despair—a miracle finally happened for Vanessa McGrady. Her sweet baby, Grace, was a dream come true. Then Vanessa made a highly uncommon gesture: when Grace’s biological parents became homeless, Vanessa invited them to stay. Written with wit, candor, and compassion, Rock Needs River is, ultimately, Vanessa’s love letter to her daughter, one that illuminates the universal need for connection.

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Ashley Rhodes-Courter spent nine years of her life in fourteen different foster homes. As her mother spirals out of control, Ashley is left clinging to an unpredictable, dissolving relationship, all the while getting pulled deeper and deeper into the foster care system. Painful memories of being taken away from her home quickly become consumed by real-life horrors, where Ashley is juggled between caseworkers, shuffled from school to school, and forced to endure manipulative, humiliating treatment from a very abusive foster family. In this unforgettable memoir, Ashley finds her voice and the courage to succeed. 

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This New York Times bestselling novel takes place in a Shaker Heights, a progressive suburb of Cleveland, where everything is meticulously planned—from the layout of the winding roads to the colors of the houses. When an affluent white family attempts to adopt a Chinese American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town. Powerful questions about motherhood, transracial adoption, and identity loom large in the usually quiet town.

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The How & the Why is a poignant YA novel that explores family and the ties that bind. The story centers around Cassandra McMurtrey, who by all definitions has the best parents a girl could ask for. They’ve given Cassandra a life she wouldn’t trade for the world. While she has everything she needs, Cassandra is an adoptee with little information about her birth family and feels an increasing desire to learn more about who she is and where she comes from.

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Two Dads is a beautifully illustrated, affirming story of life with two dads. Written from the perspective of their adopted child, the book uses heartwarming illustrations and delightful rhymes to celebrate the beauty found in all kinds of families—particularly those on the LGBT spectrum. Perfect for the young reader in your life!

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In On It: What Adoptive Parents Would Like You To Know About Adoption  has been called “the adoption book for everyone else”: the grandparents and friends, neighbors and colleagues, aunts and uncles, teachers and caregivers of adoptive families. The book is filled with helpful advice and instructive anecdotes from adoptive parents, adult adoptees, adoption professionals, and the friends and relatives of already established adoptive families.

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Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency by Sharon Roszia & Allison Maxon

For decades, the authors’ Seven Core Issues in Adoption have been informing and guiding adoptive parents. This highly-anticipated book delves deeply into the Seven Core Issues in Adoption including loss, rejection, shame/guilt, grief, identity, intimacy, and mastery/control. This essential guide is inclusive of adoption and all forms of permanency: adoption, foster care, kinship care, donor insemination, and surrogacy.

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The Girls Who Went Away by Ann Fessler

In this deeply moving work, Ann Fessler brings out into the open for the first time the astonishing untold history of the million and a half women who surrendered children for adoption due to enormous family and social pressures. Fessler brilliantly brings to life the voices of more than a hundred women, as well as the spirit of those times, allowing the women to tell their stories in gripping and intimate detail. This book provides a thoughtful exploration of the way adoption used to be practiced and why the shift toward openness has been so important.

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The Harris Narratives: An Introspective Study of a Transracial Adoptee consists of five autobiographical narratives by Susan Harris O’Connor, a social worker and transracial adoptee. These monologues were developed and performed around the United States in academic, clinical and child welfare settings to wide acclaim over the last sixteen years. In her narratives, the author explores the impact of foster care during the first 14 months of her life, her relationship with her unknown birth father, the role of race and racism for transracial adoptees who grow up in white communities, and the development of racial identity.

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Essays on Adoption

The adoption essay should explain adoption and reflect the correct situation with it. Adoption essays define adoption as a form of the family upbringing of children, deprived of parental care, with the establishment of legal relations between parents and adopted children. The number of children left without parental care is steadily growing every year. Essays on adoption reveal the heartbreaking statistics on adoption – there are about 400,000 kids, currently available for adoption in the US alone. There are several types of adoption: by a relative, through the foster care system, international, through private facilitators. Our adoption essay samples can benefit your essay by providing relevant and comprehensive information regarding adoption – samples of the best adoption essays can be found below.

Recent trends in sustainability in the restaurant industry Recent trends have pushed many businesses to implement sustainable policies and practices. In studying sustainability in the restaurant sector, the main items that are often affected include energy and water, food waste management, and effects of products on different habitats. Some of the...

Electronic Health Record (EHR) consists of a multi-disciplinary approach to preparing new systems, ensuring privacy and complying with security, designing practice workflows, training the care team and managing the process of adoption (Hodgkins, n.d.). A successful EHR implementation helps the practice in adapting to new systems with ease, which will...

Nothing beats a long walk in the morning or evening with the company of a friendly pet dog. Dogs have been man’s companion for several decades now because they share our lives in several ways many animals cannot. Dogs are always friendly and a perfect human companion that is why...

Words: 2842

Same-sex marriage is a greatly controversial issue in many communities where it is yet to be legalized. Despite this surprise of the twenty-first surgery, many nations around the globe continue to legalize same-sex marriages. The LGBT (Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community in many parts of the globe continues to...

Words: 1237

The Impact of Same-Sex Couples on Adoption The has been a significant rise in the number of same-sex couples forming their own families by artificial insemination, adoption, and foster care. It has been approximated that there are at least fourteen million minors in the U.S that are living with at least...

Importance of Belonging and Foster Care There are specific things that every human being is entitled to have in order to live a comfortable and fulfilling life. As such, apart from the basic rights of food, shelter, and clothing, people need to have a sense of belonging which is important for...

Words: 1192

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Legal Agreements and Child Adoption Legal agreements such as adoptions, custody, and parentage are all made to care for children when their parents are unable to do so. The process by which an adult takes the role of a child's legal permanent parent is known as child adoption. Where the prior...

If there is a disagreement regarding a child's adoption rights, one side must be a qualified parent, while the other is a third party. In contrast to the third party, the parent in his claim is claiming a basic constitutional right. The constitution does not grant any basic rights to a...

In her short story Desiree's Baby, Kate Chopin discusses the different shades of love that exist between people. In certain cases, it is conditional which jeopardizes the foundation of families. The most important divider in this story is race. It is set in pre-World War I America in the home...

Words: 1289

LGTB adoptions grant people from the lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual communities the moral right to exercise parental responsibility for children. The controversy surrounding LGTB adoptions has sparked social concern and reform in-laws to allow LGTB parents to adopt children based on their parental wishes. A true story about the...

Adoption is a term that describes the process of adapting to a new meaning, feature, or environment; it can also be interpreted as the transformation of one thing into something else. Adoption, according to Hutcheon (2102), is an alerted version of a text, musical composition, poem, or short story that...

Words: 2732

Campaigns organized in favor of a social purpose are referred to as social movements. They are generally focused on either the adoption or the avoidance of change that affects societal principles and structure. Although the scale of each social activity varies, they are all collective. Public signs emerge from the more...

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Home Essay Samples Life Adoption

My Adoption Story: What's Life Like as an Adopted Child

Table of contents, my definition of adoption and personal story, several advantages of being adopted, some disadvantages that cannot be hidden.

  • Increased Opportunities
  • Large Family
  • Healthier Lifestyle
  • Having Time With Parents
  • Identity Confusion
  • Transitioning to Parenthood
  • Tension Between Biological Parents and Adoptive
  • Children Become Curious of Who They Really Are

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College Essay: Identity in Adoption

Kendall Shostak

“Where are you from?” is a  common icebreaker that I’ve struggled with my entire life. I was born in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, and was adopted and raised in Blaine, Minnesota. For some people this question is easier to answer than others. However, I am from two places and find difficulty in choosing a side. It wasn’t until ninth grade that I stopped thinking I had to choose between the United States and Guatemala.  

Growing up  I  attempted to fit in with my classmates; I began rejecting learning Spanish, and started to stereotype the language and the people. In fourth grade my family sent me to  a cultural immersion camp, La Semana, so I could learn more about my culture and language. Despite going to the camp and being surrounded by people who wanted to learn about their culture, I continued to renounce my heritage and tried to assimilate with what I assumed Americans were supposed to be. 

My perception of what an American girl was included activities like cheerleading, dancing and jumping rope. Since I never participated in those activities, it made me feel like I was an outsider to my classmates. I believed there was something wrong with me and thought I wasn’t “American” enough. At school, I had trouble fitting in with most of my friends because I didn’t look like them. On the other hand, there were times when I felt like I didn’t belong among other Hispanic people, especially when I was with the group of kids at my church. They unintentionally made me feel embarrassed because I could  not speak Spanish fluently and wasn’t able to comprehend people speaking it. 

In school there were a few times when my friends would start speaking about their cultures and I wasn’t able to contribute since I was confused about my own cultural identity. One of my friends from Bulgaria made me feel jealous because she had the ability to learn her native language and dances. She even went on yearly visits to Bulgaria. 

I haven’t returned to Guatemala since my adoption. However, looking back, going to La Semana and finding community with other adopted people makes me want to learn more about “home.” It also makes me wonder about things like my birth mother, birth family, or even what happened to my foster parent. Despite not wanting to immerse myself in Guatemalan tradition at the beginning, something started to bloom in me and spark my desire to let myself accept my heritage.                   

It is something I continue to struggle with. Recently, I have begun applying myself in Spanish class. Growing up, it was embarrassing to look Hispanic and not speak the language. The embarrassment from not speaking Spanish created more shame about my culture.  A moment that was defining for me was when I looked around and saw how many people also had multicultural backgrounds. I still have a long way to go but I am beginning to see that I can be Guatemalan-American and don’t have to choose one culture to live with.

I know I want to go into a social science field in college, specifically anthropology. My own experience with accepting my background and traditions would help me with analyzing past human culture and help me have an easier time with acceptance of their cultures. College will help me understand how I fit in the world while learning more about different cultures. It would help me form an idea on what I want to do with my future as I am exposed to new topics and ideas. College would be a rewarding experience since my birth mother gave me up so I could have opportunities she never had, including college.

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Adoption Essay Examples

Foster kids in the real world.

Foster children adapt better to the world than normal children because foster care kids know what it is like to go through hard times and they work harder than normal kids. Sometimes kids need a push to be better and the foster care parents give...

Adoption of English Words in Japanese Public Space

Asian countries are fascinating for us because they are exotic. They are very different from what we see every day. One of such basic differences is the alphabet. For Westerners, it is a sequence of incomprehensible signs. When you go to a place like this,...

Problems in the Us Foster Care System

The foster care system in the United States of America is and has been in trouble for years. The reality of the system is often hidden due to the fact that this is not a commonly known problem. If The Children's Bureau does not address...

Sibling Relationships and the Case for and Against Placing Them Together in Foster Care Or Adoption

This essay aims to look more intensely at sibling relationships and the case for and against placing them together in foster care or adoption. It is clear that although the law namely, the Children and Young Person’s act 2008 along with other social norms, support...

The Problem of Orphanage in Society

A perfect world is unrealistic, everyone has imperfections. As a whole society we need to strive to improve ourselves and each other's actions and way of living. A specific social problem I have read into is the orphanage problem in society. There are millions of...

Adopting Pets is a Better Option than Buying Them

To begin with I searched about some good arguments in which people and breeders explain why buying a pet is a better option. First I found the one that said that a registered breeder will be able to give you official papers for the animal...

An Overview of Climate Change Adoption Programs in India

Bio-diversity is bona fide and right at present occurring as indicated by the IPCC‟s latest assessment report IPCC iv 2007 as shown by the report the effects of common change and their related expenses will fall excessively on making nations devastating to undermine the accomplishment...

The Flaws of Foster Care System in America

Many people question the Foster care system by calling it, modern day slavery and child trafficking. According the the article What You Need to Know About Foster Care and Human Trafficking it states; “According to the National Foster Youth Institute, it’s estimated that 60 percent...

Adoption: Negative & Positive Aspects

There are many young adolescents in modern day society falling pregnant by accident or on purpose. At a young age this could be caused by many different factors. Some of the people affected are unable to care for a baby due to the major commitments...

Current Conditions in Foster Care and Its Effects on Youth

The Foster Care System is an important system we implement in the United States. Children in need of homes and help happen all over the United States and all times. But what really goes on when a child enters Foster Care? Is our system helping...

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About Adoption

Adoption is the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.

Open adoption (allows to be communicated between adoptive and biological parents) and closed adoption (seals all identifying information and communication).

Infertility, health concerns relating to pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to cement a new family following divorce or death of one parent, religious or philosophical conviction, decision to care for otherwise parent-less children, fear of inheritable diseases. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->