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PhD in the English department

The English PhD program offers students who have excelled at BA and MA level, in Switzerland or elsewhere, the opportunity to produce a book-length piece of original scholarship (the dissertation) which, if successful, will earn them the title of “Dr.” PhD students conduct their research on a focused topic under the supervision of a permanent member of staff who is a specialist in the proposed area of research. There is no coursework associated with the PhD degree, so students must be prepared to work largely independently for the duration of their doctoral work. That said, the English Department maintains a vibrant intellectual culture comprised of lectures, symposia, study trips, and other events. Moreover, the inter-institutional CUSO Doctoral Workshop offers opportunities for specialized training in most areas of English literary studies and linguistics. Traditionally, the PhD is envisaged as the gateway to an academic career. While this remains the case, those who hold a PhD in English also possess skills essential for careers in arts administration, archival work, education leadership, government, and research.

Enrollment and Funding

Those wishing to enter the PhD program should be fluent, or near fluent, in English and should have strong MA credentials. In particular, they should have received a top grade for their MA thesis. The first step in enrolling in the PhD program is to try to secure a dissertation supervisor. Our permanent staff members (professors and MERs) have scholarly credentials in specific fields of English literary studies and linguistics, information on which can be found in the “Staff” section of the English Department website. If you find a permanent staff member whose scholarly interests intersect with your own, you may send them an inquiry comprised of a cover letter and a 3-5-page research proposal (inclusive of bibliography). These materials should explain the proposed dissertation topic, why the staff member in question would be qualified to supervise it, and how the applicant plans to fund themself. Regarding the latter, UNIL does not offer its own scholarships or financial aid. The three main options are as follows: (1) secure a departmental “assistant” position. These are rare and highly competitive; (2) apply for external funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation; or (3) self-fund by working part-time.

Universität Bern

Degree Programs & Courses Doctorate

Doctoral degree, doctoral study at the university of bern.

phd in english in switzerland

You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even take a traditional individual doctorate. Graduate schools and doctoral degree programs are arranged on an interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity basis in many cases. In addition to research-related training and intensive support, these also offer excellent opportunities for networking within the academic community.

An A-Z of doctoral subjects

  • Archaeology
  • Business Administration
  • Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Med./Nat./Vet.
  • Central Asian Studies
  • Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
  • Classical Philology (special qualification in Greek or Latin)
  • Old Catholic Theology
  • Climate Sciences
  • Cognition, Learning and Memory
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Dental Medicine
  • German Language
  • German Language and Literature
  • German Literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Eastern European Studies
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Economic Globalisation and Integration
  • Earth Sciences
  • Protestant Theology
  • Gender Studies
  • Geography and Sustainable Development
  • Global Studies
  • Health Sciences hum/med
  • Human Medicine
  • Computer Sciences
  • Interdiciplinary Cultural Studies ICS
  • Islamic Studies and Oriental Literature
  • Italian Linguistics and Literature
  • Social Sciences
  • Art History
  • Language and Society
  • Languages and Literatures in English
  • Linguistics
  • Linguistique/Littérature françaises
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Physics/Astronomy
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Religious Studies theol.
  • Science of Religion Human.
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Anthropology
  • Spanish Linguistics and Literature
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Theater and Dance Studies
  • Administrative Science
  • Veterinary Medicine

Further information

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Transferable Skills - Key Qualifications for your academic and non-academic Career

Transferable skills program for doctoral students and postdocs of every discipline.

phd in english in switzerland

Funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs»

The University of Bern, with its funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs», supports doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in attending short research stays abroad, to advance their own research projects and to gain more international experience. Next application deadline: March 1, 2023

Open calls for ENLIGHT initiatives

The University of Bern and ENLIGHT support bottom-up initiatives by lecturers for challenge-based education projects in the six focus areas of ENLIGHT. Especially for early career academics, this is an opportunity to build an international network and gain interdisciplinary teaching experience.

UniBE Doc.Mobility

UniBE Doc.Mobility is granted for stays abroad which usually last twelve months. Support takes place in the form of an employment as a doctoral student, but with a place of research abroad. Application deadline: March 1/ September 1

Promotion Fund

In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern, the Vice-Rectorate Research calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers twice a year.

phd in english in switzerland

MVUB - Lunchtalks

Lunchtime events concerning academic career, working conditions and intermediate staff politics.


Innovative higher education teaching

The University of Bern's Department of 'Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung' supports you in your teaching activities with coaching and around 50 events a year.

phd in english in switzerland

COMET – Coaching, Mentoring und Training

The COMET Career Programme supports female researchers in successfully pursuing their academic careers.

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University of Fribourg

Department of English

PhD studies

The English Department at the University of Fribourg welcomes doctoral research (PhD) in the following fields of study: 

phd in english in switzerland

English Philology

phd in english in switzerland

English Linguistics

phd in english in switzerland

English Literature

phd in english in switzerland

American Literature

Doctoral Programmes

English language and literature.

Students who wish to pursue doctoral studies in English Language and Literature at the University of Fribourg are integrated into the  Doctoral Programme in English Language and Literature  organised by the Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO). Regular workshops offer doctoral students an opportunity to engage with the work of internationally renowned experts, to interact with their peers at other Swiss universities, and to present their work-in progress to an audience of scholars working in their field.

Language and cognition

PhD candidates in English Linguistics can also register for the Swissuniversities doctoral programme  Language & Cognition .  The program is designed primarily to enable doctoral students to become familiar with the various aspects of theoretical and methodological approaches to language as a cognitive process. It provides to its target audience scientific, theoretical and methodological bases in order to stimulate a firm anchoring of their dissertation project within a wider field of scientific investigation.

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PhD Programme in Management (PMA)

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  • Ph.D. Research at HSG Faculty Research units Ph.D. Research in Focus Alexandria
  • PhD Programme in Management (PMA) PhD Programme in Management (PMA) Graduate Programme in Economics and Finance (GPEF) Computer Science (DCS) Law (DLS) Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (DOK) International Affairs and Political Economy (DIA) Early Career Programme

The PhD Programme in Management (PMA) organised by the School of Management is the largest PhD programme in management in Europe with 293 PhD students (as of Spring 2023) and one of the first EFMD accredited PhD programmes worldwide. One of the PMA's success factors is the lively combination of science and practice: doctoral students find an attractive, international learning environment here that is relevant for their future research-based careers in science and industry.

The PhD Programme in Management (PMA) is the largest PhD programme at the University of St.Gallen and provides preparation for a research-based career in academia and industry. Thanks to the broad orientation of the School of Management (SoM), PhD students can choose from among five specialisations: Accounting, Behavioral Science, Business Innovation, General Management, and Marketing. 

The PMA is divided into a coursework phase and a research phase, each of which can be individually designed. Each specialisation offers a unique course curriculum providing both the necessary methodological background and in-depth subject knowledge concerning the chosen field of specialisation. In particular, there is an openness in the choice of methodological courses: doctoral students are free to choose from a variety of empirical, i.e. qualitative and quantitative, methodological courses. This conceptual orientation of the PMA is intended to support doctoral students as best as possible in their research projects and to take into account that the respective research question should be the guiding principle for the choice of methodological approach and not the research area alone.

Courses and seminars in Accounting, Behavioral Science, and General Management are offered in English only. Courses and seminars in Business Innovation and Marketing are offered in German and English.

phd in english in switzerland

“Doing my PhD in St. Gallen allowed me to follow my passion - understanding the role of business in the fight against climate change. I still benefit from the incredible international network that I built here, including leaders in academia and industry.”

phd in english in switzerland

“The PMA Ph.D. was a journey of deep learning and self-discovery, blending academic rigor with personal growth. It's where curiosity meets impact, and challenges turn into opportunities. An invaluable roller coaster ride I'd gladly take again.”

phd in english in switzerland

“During my PMA PhD, I was able to grow personally and as a researcher because I had the freedom to delve into topics that are relevant to me personally, but also to practice, society and the academic discourse. And that's what makes research fun!”

phd in english in switzerland

Facts & Figures

phd in english in switzerland

Specialist/Methodology courses

Focus in accounting, focus in behavioral science, focus in business innovation, focus in general management, focus in marketing.

Maria Tittel

Maria Tittel

Executive Director Ph.D. Program in Management (PMA)

Anna Schlegel

Anna Schlegel

Programme Manager

Fiorella Schmucki

Fiorella Schmucki

Head PhD-Office

Please send your programme specific questions about the PMA by email to pma @ unisg.ch .

For any questions regarding enrolment, dates and deadlines or your PMA studies, please contact the PhD Office by phone or  email.

Related Links

General information phd, phd in a nutshell, admission to a phd programme.

phd in english in switzerland


Doctoral studies at EPFL

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© johan10 | iStock

SNSF is increasing the minimum salaries for doctoral students

Maria Marcinek with her bike at EPFL . © 2024 EPFL / Murielle Gerber

“In the end, public speaking is a performance”

Published: 23.07.24 — Maria Marcinek, winner of EPFL’s 2024 “My Thesis in 180 seconds” competition talks about why she decided to participate in the competition and shares her passion for the natural sciences.

© 2024 EPFL

SAC and EDOC Teams annual outing to EPFL Valais and HES-SO Valais

Why choose EPFL?

phd in english in switzerland

English Linguistics (PhD) Research on language acquisition, language in action, and discourse analysis of English

Candidates with appropriate qualifications have the opportunity to pursue a doctoratein English Linguistics through the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Basel. A prerequisite for this course of study is an agreement with a member of the academic staff suitably qualifiedto supervise such projects.

The spectrum of linguistic research at the English Department  ranges from language processing, cognitive and social foundations of language and communication, and language acquisition theories and methods (first and second language acquisition of English and English as a foreign language) to sociolinguistic issues such as language use in situated contexts and discourse analysis of English.

Membership ofthe international, interdisciplinary doctoral program in linguistics of the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel-Freiburg (HPSL) offers the ideal conditions for thiscourse of study, but is not required. The HPSL is an international institution of the University of Basel and the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany; it organizes a wide range of seminars and workshops on the theories, methods, and applications of contemporary linguistics and related disciplines,and offers its members a lively and active environment for the discussion and development of their ideas.

Application & admission

In addition to the information below, we recommend students from abroad to read the information sheet  step by step – Preliminary information for international PhD candidates at the University of Basel .

Admission and matriculation

To be admitted to a doctorate, applicants must hold a master’s degree in a field related to the desired subject of doctoral research with an average grade of at least 5.0 rounded to the nearest tenth (the Swiss system awards grades from 1 to 6 with 6 being the highest grade and 4 being a “pass”). Other degrees from a higher education institution recognized by the University of Basel may be deemed partially or fully equivalent on the condition that the applicant acquires any missing credits. Acontinuing education program qualification from a university (e.g. Master of Advanced Studies) does not entitle an applicant to be admitted to a doctorate.


Admission applications must be submitted online to the university’s Student Administration Office. Applications can also be submitted after the official application deadline has passed. However, there is no guarantee that the application will be processed in time for the desired semester, or that the applicant will be able to attend courses in the current semester.

Admission to a doctoral program

Before you can be accepted onto a doctoral program, you must successfully apply for admission to doctoral studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Basel. Once you have been admitted, you can begin your search for a place on a doctoral program. For application information, please see the website of the relevant doctoral program .

Cotutelle de thèse

The  University of Basel website provides information about how to conduct a doctoral project at the University of Basel and at a second university in a foreign country, leading to a double doctoral degree or “cotutelle   de thèse”.

Language requirements

The main languages of instruction in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are German and English (with the exception of the Department of Languages and Literatures). To ensure your studies are successful, you should be proficient in the languages of instruction for your doctoral subject to at least C1 level as defined in the  European Framework of Reference . The Language Center at the University of Basel helps students to attain the required level of proficiency.

  • Office of the Dean of Research
  • Student Administration Office

Student Administration PhD

Process for doctorate.

A doctorate usually lasts between three and five years and includes a dissertation, curriculum-based courses, and the doctoral examination. Curriculum-based courses make up at least 12 credit points in individual doctorates and at least 18 credit points in doctoral programs. First, however, a doctoral committee must be formed that will define the framework for the doctorate and work with you to draw up a Doctoral Agreement including an individual study plan.

Doctoral committee

Structure and tasks

Every doctorate is supported by a doctoral committee. This committee usually consists of a first and second supervisor but can also include a third person. The first supervisor is primarily responsible for making sure that the doctoral project is conducted correctly and that suitable supervision is provided. The doctoral committee defines the curriculum-based courses to be completed and provides the doctoral candidate with feedback on the quality and progress of his or her work during regular supervisory meetings. All members of the doctoral committee produce an independent, graded evaluation report on the dissertation submitted.

Forming and appointing the committee  

The first supervisor must be appointed when the application for admission to a doctorate is submitted. The application to act as first supervisor must be submitted to the Student Administration Office together with the application for admission. Ideally, all other supervisors should be appointed by the time the doctorate begins. However, the doctoral committee must be named and appointed by the doctoral board at the latest 12 months after the start of the doctorate. The deadline by which the doctoral committee must be appointed is provided to the doctoral candidate along with their admission letter.

Any Group I professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Basel can serve as first supervisor. Members of Group II (assistant professors without tenure track, honorary professors who hold a doctorate, and private lecturers with a postdoctoral qualification from the faculty) can serve as first supervisor provided the second supervisor is a Group I professor. In this case, the second supervisor must be named in the first supervisor’s application when the application for admission to a doctorate is submitted. Upon request to the doctoral board – the doctoral agreement shall suffice in this case – honorary professors from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who hold a doctorate and Group I members from a different faculty at the University of Basel may be deemed equivalent to Group I members from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in matters concerning the doctoral committee. Any of the Group I and II faculty members mentioned above may serve as second supervisor. Upon request – the doctoral agreement shall suffice in this case – the doctoral board may also permit a second supervisor to be appointed from outside the faculty or outside the University of Basel. This person must hold a comparable qualification and position as internal second supervisors and hold the right to confer doctorates at their home institution. All contact details for the external second supervisor requested must be specified in the doctoral agreement (connection to their university, postal and email addresses). The doctoral board decides whether to approve the external second supervisor. The doctoral candidate may apply to the doctoral board to add a third supervisor to the doctoral committee. In the case of a three-person committee, either the second or third supervisor does not need to hold the right to confer doctorates; however, this person must have a demonstrable link to a higher education institution or possess a high level of expertise in the doctoral topic. An informal application letter must be submitted to the doctoral board explaining why the supervisor has been chosen and providing details of their position, institutional connection, and addresses (postal and email address). The application must be supported by the first supervisor. The doctoral board decides whether to approve three-person committees.

For more information about the process for completing a doctorate , visit the website of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Graduation & publication

Registering for the doctoral examination.

Once doctoral candidates have written their dissertation, passed all curriculum-based courses, and fulfilled all other requirements, they can apply for admission to the doctoral examination. Each candidate must complete the following steps:

  • Submit a copy of the dissertation manuscript to each supervisor. The faculty does not bear any of the costs incurred in sending out dissertation manuscripts.
  • Submit a written application for admission to the doctoral examination (via  Phil App  or  email ) containing all documents specified in the information provided about registering for the doctoral examination .

Candidates should register for the doctoral examination at the latest four months before the desired oral examination date. Doctoral examinations cannot be held during master’s examination sessions. Doctoral candidates are admitted to the doctoral examination once their dissertation has been accepted by the supervisors. The Dean’s Office must be informed of their decision to accept or refuse the dissertation within the four months after the dissertation was submitted. The candidate will be provided with confirmation that the dissertation has been accepted and they have been admitted to the exam when they receive their examination invitation and schedule.

Exam organization and doctoral examination

The examination is held at the latest within two months of acceptance of the dissertation. Doctoral candidates must remain matriculated until the exam takes place. The examination is organized by the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office. The doctoral examination is accepted by the supervisor who is chiefly responsible; where possible, the other supervisors on the doctoral committee should always take part in exams. Examiners may participate via Skype upon request, provided that they are participating from a foreign country and that the first supervisor and the candidate attend in person. For an examiner to participate via Skype, all exam participants must provide informal, written consent to the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office. The candidate is responsible for the technology required. The Dean’s Office is usually able to provide the necessary devices and internet access. 

Doctoral examinations last for 60 minutes and are not usually open to the public (exceptions must be arranged beforehand with the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office). The exam includes a dissertation defense based on the evaluation report provided in advance. The defense starts with a presentation lasting around 15 minutes followed by a discussion, which can cover the wider subject area to which the dissertation belongs. Once the candidate has passed the doctoral examination, the examination chairperson confers the provisional doctorate. Until the doctorate becomes legally binding, the candidate may use the title Dr. phil. des. (Doctor philosophiae designatus).

Doctoral degree transcript and graduation ceremony

The degree transcript is presented at the graduation ceremony. Candidates who pass their exam between February 1 and July 31 attend the ceremony held the following September; candidates who pass between August 1 and January 31 attend the ceremony held the following March. Candidates who are unable to attend the ceremony in person may receive their graduation documents by post upon request.

Publication, doctoral certificate, and right to bear title

The doctoral process is not deemed complete until the candidate has fulfilled their duty of publication and the certificate has been presented. The candidate is obliged to deliver the dissertation in the format specified in the faculty publication guidelines within three years of the doctoral examination. The university library’s instructions for printing and binding dissertations must also be taken into account. Detailed instructions on how to publish dissertations in electronic format can be found in the E-Dissertation  section of the university library’s edoc document server.

Once the candidate has fulfilled their duty of publication, the doctoral certificate will be issued, ideally within two months. The doctoral certificate entitles the bearer to use the academic title «Dr. phil.», or «PhD» in English. The doctorate will be announced in the Kantonsblatt Basel-Stadt.

Financing options for doctorates

A doctorate usually lasts between three and five years. It is important to start thinking about financing for a doctorate at an early stage and to work with your first supervisor to find a solution before you start your studies. 

Doctoral students should consider preparing a competitive application for a scholarship or a project position during the first project phase in order to continue and successfully complete their doctorate within the framework of third-party funding. Information on funding opportunities (Doc.CH, Swiss National Science Foundation, University of Basel research fund, foundations, etc.) and the University of Basel advisory services can be found on the relevant webpage of the Career Advancement Office . The  Research Professional database is anotherstructured tool for identifying suitable financing options.

Printing cost contributions for dissertations

The Max Geldner Dissertation Fund grants contributions to the printing costs of dissertations at the Faculty of Philosophy and History. In addition to costs incurred in the printing of monographic dissertations, contributions are also made for articles published in the open access procedure for cumulative dissertations. Furthermore, applications for language editing can be submitted if the dissertation was not written in the author's first language or if the author's language skills are not sufficient for a high-quality final editing.

The application form (see below) must be submitted together with a recommendation from the first supervisor before going to press.

Applications received by the Office of the Dean of Research by February 15 or September 15 at the latest will be considered at the following meeting in February/March or September/October respectively. For more details, please see the information sheet . 

Applications and documents should be sent to: Max Geldner-Dissertationenfonds Dekanat der Phil.-Hist. Fakultät Bernoullistr. 28 4056 Basel Schweiz

Subsidies for doctorate printing costs can also be requested from the Vice President’s Office for Research at the University of Basel.

  • Monograph application form (PDF, 264.27 KB)
  • Open Access articles application form (PDF, 258.18 KB)
  • Language editing application form (PDF, 254.29 KB)
  • Max Geldner Dissertation Fund information sheet (PDF, 164.33 KB)
  • Stiftungen und Fonds für Druckkostenzuschuss der Dissertation

Related links

  • Doctoral program
  • Subject area
  • Student Association
  • Graduate Center (GRACE)
  • Doctoral study regulations
  • Student regulations

Academic advice

Teaching committee.

  • uk-nslw@ clutter unibas.ch

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  • Department of Languages and Literatures
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Swiss School of Business Research

PhD Doctorate of Philosophy in Management

Programme overview.

The PhD programme is a research-based programme, with a practical approach, designed for professionals who have already completed an MBA or an equivalent qualification and are looking to expand their knowledge in the field.

The duration of the PhD programme is 3 academic years but it can be completed in less time, depending on the student’s motivation to deliver the final project.

Online delivery

Practical learning, projects, and learning through research.

Flexible programme

All programs are totally flexible and can be started at any time. Work at your own pace.

Support 24/7

Our support team is available every day to make sure that your education runs smoothly.  

Course Fees

Application fee : € 100 (non-refundable) and Administrative fees: € 100 (paid on acceptance) Tuition Fees : € 6,490 per year.

Discounts available for payments made in full prior to commencing the programme.

Teaching methodologies

The main teaching and learning methods at SSBR includes virtual classroom lectures, webinars and tutorials, practical learning, projects, and learning through research.

Assessment and verification

All units within this qualification are internally assessed by the centre. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.

Flexible courses to fit around your busy schedule

Highly qualified and experienced professors available to help you get the qualification you deserve.


The PhD programme is a fast track program that takes place entirely  ONLINE . Students can complete the program within 2 academic years, giving them a Swiss quality doctorate degree. The programme has 240 ECTS (European Transfer Credit System).

Our PhD students are guided throughout the entire programme, from commencement through the defense of the final research project (PhD viva).

Research Methodology I Research Methodology II Publish or Perish – Preparing for the Journal Review Process Paper Clinic in General Management Taxonomies and Typologies in Research

Second Year

Publishing in Management Technology and Innovation Final Thesis of your programme

The Ph.D. dissertation should include: (1) title page, (2) dedication page (optional), (3) table of contents, including List of Tables and List of Figures pages, (4) abstract, (5) acknowledgments page (optional), (6) list of abbreviations, (7) dissertation body (Introduction, methods, results and discussion and a final chapter/conclusion) (8) reference list and (9) appendices (optional). Word count: 70,000-80,000 words EXCLUDING appendices.

Completion Option

If you have achieved all-but-dissertation (ABD) status in another institution of higher education’s Ph.D. in Management programme, there’s no need to start from scratch. Our programme offers a completion option that allows you to pick up where you left off. You’ll benefit from integrated dissertation support to help ensure you reach the finish line..


Pursuing a Post Doctorate Diploma provides a unique opportunity to deepen your expertise and broaden your academic and professional horizons. This advanced program allows you to engage in high-level research, contribute to cutting-edge developments in your field, and collaborate with esteemed faculty and peers. It also enhances your career prospects by demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and excellence.

By refining your research skills and expanding your professional network, a Post Doctorate Diploma positions you as a leader in academia and industry, opening doors to prestigious roles and impactful opportunities.

Admissions Requirements


Initial proposal.

Please provide a short academic description of your ideas regarding the topic you would like to explore during the programme.

This will be an initial proposal to show the school that you are clear about your plans for the programme and to help us support you in your work. Your project will be expected to change and evolve once you begin the course.

Outline the topic, question or issue you intend to explore Explain why this is worthy of exploration. Provide an overview of the current ideas surrounding this issue. You should refer to the latest academic or practitioner research in this filed.

Which methods do you intend to use during your research? How might your study contribute to the theoretical understanding of this issue and/or solving real-world management problems in your own context?


Apply now and save your seat! 


Our organization is classed as a Business School, distinguishing its status from that of a standard university. As such, Swiss School of Business Research is not beholden to regulations imposed by the Swiss Higher Education Act (HEdA) and not listed on Swissuniversities’ list of accredited higher education institutions therefore the School is free to provide higher education and confer private degrees, from bachelor’s to doctorate levels.

Validity of degrees issued by private institutions in Switzerland

“Validity of degrees issued by private institutions in Switzerland While higher education in Switzerland is primarily dispensed by public institutions, there are also many private ones. In Switzerland no prior authorisation is required in order to offer higher education courses, organise examinations or issue private degrees. In certain cases, however, the federal or cantonal authorities, depending on their respective area of authority, will supervise private institutions and/or authorise them to offer courses and issue degrees. Private institutions based in Switzerland that are not accredited under the HEdA may only issue private degrees. Such degrees: – may be used by the holder to carry out an unregulated profession; appreciation of the value of private degrees is left up to employers. Generally speaking, there are no international agreements protecting the value of private degrees; in all cases, it is up to the national authorities in the host country to decide whether to recognise foreign qualifications. Private institutions are able to legitimately carry out their activities in Switzerland by virtue of the principle of economic freedom.* SSBR is authorised by the Canton of Zurich for the provision of quality standards in adult education so the lessons comply with the cantonal regulations. The Canton of Zurich authorizes SSBR to issue bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees.

* From the State Secretariat for Education and Research SER Directorate Page 1: http://www.sbfi.admin.ch/dam/sbfi/en/dokumente/2017/12/titel-privater-institutionen.pdf

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Swiss Government Excellence scholarships for foreign scholars 2025-2026 (Incoming) - open to LAC

CH - Swiss Government Excellence fellowship

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

Who is eligible

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD.

What is offered

The research scholarship ( research fellowship ,  PhD ,  Postdoc ) is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree is the minimum qualification required) who are planning to go to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level.

Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology, as well as the four research institutes. Only candidates nominated by an academic supervisor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered.

Types of research scholarships:

1 - Research fellowships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake postgraduate research in the realm of their PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences, or the public teaching and research institutes.
  • Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.

Target Group

  • Highly qualified postgraduate researchers from all academic fields as well as young medical doctors.
  • Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Master’s degree or equivalent achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
  • Applicants must be born after 31 December 1989.
  • A research proposal including a timeframe.
  • Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV).
  • Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
  • 12 months maximum (starting in September).
  • No prolongation possible.
  • The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1’920.-
  • The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
  • This scholarship is not a salary.

2 - PhD scholarships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake a PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology or the Graduate Institute.
  • Highly qualified postgraduate students (possessing the required degrees to start a PhD).
  • Master’s degree or equivalent university degree achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
  • Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV). 
  • 12 months (starting in September).
  • Prolongable up to 36 months. The scholarship is awarded in three steps of 12 months each based on the achieved academic results.

3 - Postdoctoral scholarships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake postdoctoral research at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences or the public teaching and research institutes.  
  • Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only. 
  • Highly qualified early career scientists on postdoctoral level.
  • Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland. 
  • PhD degree achieved after 31 December 2021 and before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). PhD degree certificate completed.
  • Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26:  1 September 2025.
  • The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 3’500.-

4- Art scholarships

Art scholarships  are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial master’s degree in Switzerland. Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only. No Latin American countries eligible in this call.

How to apply

1. Select your country of origin according to your passport. For South American countries, you can find the list here .

2. Find out about the types of scholarships available, eligibility criteria and application deadlines for your country. For more information and questions, please contact the address provided in the  list of contacts .

3. Download the  Application Package .

4. Read the  Application Guidelines  and follow the instructions. Prepare your application and submit two complete copies to the relevant office in your country of origin according to the  list of contacts by the deadline.

Deadline: vary from country to country, ranging from October to December 2024.

More information

Read our Focus here to learn more about Switzerland research landscape

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Taking a doctorate at ETH Zurich is an excellent investment for your future scientific career.

phd in english in switzerland

With 4500 doctoral students out of a total of over 25'000 students, ETH Zurich is one of the universities in Europe which focuses most intensively on research. Doctorates make a significant, fundamental contribution to that research work. They are based on research projects that are carried out independently, with the support of a professor.

Apart from a few exceptional cases, all doctoral students at ETH Zurich are employed as scientific assistants. However, they are not only employees but also students, and they are obliged in the course of their doctoral study to continue their education, inside and outside their specialist area. Another important component of a doctorate is learning how to educate others. That is why every doctoral student plays an active part in the teaching work of their department.

At the end of their research project, the results are compiled in a thesis that is defended in an oral examination. On successful completion of their doctorate, students are awarded the title “Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)”.

FAQ Doctorate

Frequently asked questions about doctoral studies

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ETH Zurich Academic Services Rämistrasse 101 HG FO 23.4 8092 Zurich Switzerland


Consultations by appointment only in urgent cases and preferably via Zoom. For all other matters, you can contact us by e-​mail or by telephone.

Please send documents and forms by e-​mail and doctoral theses (deposit copies) by (internal) mail or hand them in at Campus Info .

All communication during your doctorate will be sent exclusively to your ETH e-mail address. Therefore, please check your ETH e-mail inbox regularly.

Further information

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42 PhD jobs in Switzerland

Find PhD jobs in Switzerland here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Zurich (26)
  • PhD positions in Basel (8)
  • PhD positions in Dübendorf (5)
  • PhD positions in Bern (1)
  • PhD positions in St. Gallen (1)
  • PhD positions in Davos Dorf (1)
  • PhD positions in Courroux (1)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (190)
  • PhD positions in Netherlands (125)
  • PhD positions in Germany (56)
  • PhD positions in Finland (31)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (29)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (25)
  • PhD positions in Austria (25)
  • PhD positions in Norway (19)
  • PhD positions in France (17)
  • PhD positions in Israel (5)

Search results (42)


Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information ...

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information Tec...


PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a...

PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling"

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2 PhD Positions in Designing and Optimizing Materials for Bacterial-Based Sustainable Biopesticide Delivery Systems

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Doctoral Student in Computational Chemistry

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PhD position in X-ray based 3D virtual histopathology for studying metastases evolution in colorectal cancer

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa's around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. ...

PhD and Post-doc positions in the field of Optimization and Deep Learning Theory (Prof. A. Lucchi)

The Optimization of Machine Learning Systems Group (Prof. A. Lucchi) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Basel is looking for several PhD students and post-do...

Doctoral (PhD) student in Karma economies

Doctoral (PhD) student in Karma economiesThe NCCR Automation is looking for a doctoral student to study the problem of fair and efficient resource allocation in engineering systems. The student wil...

PhD student position in Optical Spectroscopy of Tunable van der Waals Quantum Materials

The newly-established “Quantum Opto-Electronics" research group of Prof. Tomasz Smoleński at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland (https://smolenski-lab.com), is looking for ...


International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland

*New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

Doctoral student in Genomics

Doctoral student in GenomicsThe Animal Genomics group within the Institute of Agricultural Sciences at ETH Zurich investigates animal (epi-)genomes and transcriptomes. We apply long read sequencing...

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI),...

Open PhD position in nature conservation

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland, and in the French nature reserve Petite Camargue Alsacienne, 6 km north of...

PhD position in Reality Capture for Real Estate Valuation

PhD position in Reality Capture for Real Estate ValuationDo you want to be part of the circular revolution to rethink the way we value the built environment? Join us as a fully-funded doctoral cand...

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon Emissions

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon EmissionsJoin the Global Health Engineering group at ETH Zürich Th...

PhD Position in Chemical Biology 2025

PhD Position in Chemical Biology 2025The research group for Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging (Frei Research Group) at ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral researcher to develop chemistry insp...

Doctoral candidate in cartography / geovisualization / storytelling

Doctoral candidate in cartography / geovisualization / storytellingThe Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (IKG) at ETH Zurich is one of the oldest university institutes for cartography in ...

PhD position in Artificial Photosynthesis at University of Basel / SNI

The Yao Group at the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, is inviting applications for a fully funded PhD position in the cutting-edge field of Artificial Photosynthesis, supported by the ...

PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domains

PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domainsIn the Laboratory for Functional Ferroic Materials we investigate materials where strong coupling between ele...

PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction

PhD position in Computer Science for Circular ConstructionThe Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA) is seeking a highly motivated and qualified PhD candidate in the field of digital ...

PhD on Occupant-centric flexibility quantification and dispatch

Phd candidate to investigate the impact of consumer flexibility on planning of multi-energy districts, doctoral position on macromolecular engineering of covalent adaptable networks.

Doctoral position on Macromolecular engineering of covalent adaptable networksThe Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory (Prof. Mark W. Tibbitt) within the Department of Mechanical and Process Engin...


PhD Position in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Positions: We have an opening for a PhD position in the areas of machine learning and computer vision. The position is supported financially by a SNSF project, whose aim is to build con- trollable world models with deep learning methods. World mod...

PhD in Machine Learning for 3D Computer Vision

PhD in Machine Learning for 3D Computer VisionThe Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Group at ETH (Prof. Konrad Schindler)  is seeking applications for a doctoral candidate. Our research revolves ar...


PhD student Snow Hydrology “Improved snowmelt forecasts for hydropower production planning”

The WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF is part of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and thus of the ETH Domain. WSL focuses on the sustainable u...

PhD Position - Rethinking Frequency Control in Power Systems

PhD Position - Rethinking Frequency Control in Power SystemsThis position is part of the NCCR Automation. The position is hosted by the Power Systems Laboratory (PSL) and the Institute for Automati...

PhD student in Protein Chemistry and Biocatalysis

PhD student in Protein Chemistry and BiocatalysisWe welcome applications for a PhD position within the project “Bioengineering artificial extremozymes and ‘extremocells’ for robust and sustainable ...

PhD student in Digital Fabrication and Computational Optimization

PhD student in Digital Fabrication and Computational OptimizationWe will develop novel methods to generate 3D models for fabrication via 2D laser cutting, foldable paper, 3D printing, and a combina...

Jobs by field

  • Electrical Engineering 200
  • Programming Languages 178
  • Molecular Biology 173
  • Artificial Intelligence 166
  • Machine Learning 158
  • Materials Engineering 148
  • Cell Biology 145
  • Computational Sciences 138
  • Biochemistry 134
  • Mechanical Engineering 128

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 363
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 159
  • Professor 109
  • Research assistant 98
  • Researcher 94
  • Engineer 82
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 69
  • Management / Leadership 60

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 340
  • Netherlands 203
  • Morocco 128
  • Germany 128
  • Switzerland 101
  • Luxembourg 78

Jobs by employer

  • KU Leuven 147
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 132
  • University of Luxembourg 77
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 69
  • Ghent University 59
  • ETH Zürich 51
  • Leiden University 45
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 43
  • University of Antwerp 42

phd in english in switzerland

234 PhD positions in Switzerland

Filtered by.

  • Switzerland

Refine Your Search

  • Scholarship 89
  • Research Job 83
  • Postdoctoral 71
  • Fellowship 5
  • Academic Dean/Dept. Head 1
  • Research Scientist 1
  • ETH Zurich 109
  • University of Basel 26
  • CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research 22
  • ETH Zürich 7
  • UNIL - Faculté des SSP 6
  • University of Zurich 4
  • Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne 1
  • Faculté de biologie et de médecine de Lausanne 1
  • University of Geneva - Faculty of Science 1
  • University of Lausanne 1
  • University of Neuchâtel 1
  • University of Zurich Blockchain Center 1
  • Computer Science 59
  • Engineering 35
  • Economics 28
  • Medical Sciences 21
  • Materials Science 19
  • Chemistry 14
  • Social Sciences 7
  • Mathematics 6
  • Earth Sciences 5
  • Humanities 5
  • Environment 4
  • Psychology 4
  • Arts and Literature 3
  • Linguistics 3
  • Electrical Engineering 2
  • Philosophy 2
  • Sports and Recreation 1
  • Statistics 1

PhD Position in Chemical Biology 2025

100%, Zurich, fixed-term The research group for Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging (Frei Research Group ) at ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral researcher to develop chemistry inspired tools for advanced fluorescence microscopy and then use the tools to study dynamic cellular processes....

Open PhD position in nature conservation

Your position At the research station Petite Camargue Alsacienne, we work on a variety of topics from different scientific fields. The topic of your PhD project will largely depend on your own

PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli. For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute , we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI

PhD position: Learning from Observations and Experts for facilitating Decision Support for Wind Energy Structures

. Eligibility Criteria: Researchers can be of any nationality. At the time of recruitment, researchers Should not have been awarded a title of PhD (Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis

2 PhD Positions in Environmental Organic Chemistry

100%, Zurich, fixed-term Applications are invited for two PhD positions in the Environmental Chemistry group at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. Kristopher McNeill and Dr. Juliana Laszakovits

PhD Position in Medical AI and Foundation Models

100%, Basel, fixed-term We, the research group led by Michael Moor , are looking to fill a PhD position focusing on medical AI and medical foundation models. We are looking for an ambitious

PhD Position in Analytical Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics

tropical diseases. Within the Helminth Drug Development Unit of MPI, we are offering a PhD Position in Analytical Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics (100%) for a dedicated multidisciplinary scientist. The

Doctoral ( PhD ) student in Karma economies

100%, Zurich, fixed-term The NCCR Automation  is looking for a doctoral student to study the problem of fair and efficient resource allocation in engineering systems. The student will be cosupervised by Andrea Censi (Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, D-MAVT) and Saverio Bolognani ...

PhD student position on “Topological materials at the nanoscale”

We are seeking an enthusiastic PhD candidate to join our topological materials team at IBM Research – Zurich. The candidate will enroll in the PhD programme of ETH, Switzerland, while doing

Searches related to PhD

  • engineering
  • postdoctoral
  • medical sciences
  • materials science
  • computer science
  • environment

Masters abroad: preps and steps

PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees, Requirements, Scholarships, Scope


Le News revealed, ‘’Switzerland breaks record for the highest number of PhD students.’’ In 2017, the number of PhD students in Switzerland was 31,293, and in 2022, the number has grown twice more, 54,279. Pursuing PhD in Switzerland is a popular choice amongst international students for its QS-ranked PhD universities, fully funded PhD in Switzerland and a diverse choice in Swiss PhD programs. 

Did you also know that PhD graduates in Switzerland receive the highest salary? Working as a doctoral assistant in EPFL offers you 52,700 CHF/year on a general salary range. All of this clearly states your decision to pursue a Swiss PhD is a wise investment. Read along to explore your study and career options for PhD in Switzerland.  

Why Study PhD In Switzerland?

Before we can proceed further, let’s first understand why pursuing PhD in Switzerland is a great choice:

phd in english in switzerland

  • QS-Ranked PhD Universities: Switzerland is home to multiple QS-ranked universities, especially PhD studies. A few are University of Zurich (Rank 70), University of Basel (Rank 138), etc.
  • Preferred choice by international students: Academics revealed 50% of PhD students in Switzerland are international students. As you also learnt above, the number of PhD students in Switzerland has increased since 2017. 
  • Different types of PhD: The Swiss PhD is of two types, general and structural. The general PhD refers to focusing n a doctoral thesis and may include training and development. The structural PhD includes more coursework, formal training and even collaboration with different institutions.
  • Multiple Scholarship opportunities: Studying PhD in Switzerland is easy due to the range of scholarship opportunities provided. These scholarships help fund PhD studies and provide payment convenience in recurrent student expenses.

Suggested: How is the education system in Switzerland?

An Overview Of Swiss PhD 

To help you get a better understanding of what to expect from a Swiss PhD study, we have curated brief information on the same:

Course Duration

3-5 years

Top PhD specialisations

Food science, Finance, Management, Law, Physics, Economics, etc.

Top PhD programs

Engineering, Education, Psychology, etc.

PhD tuition fees

8- CHF- 500 CHF/semester

Popular PhD universities

University of Zurich, University of Geneva, University of Bern, etc.

No of PhD universities


No. of PhD international students


PhD Academic Year

Spring/ Autumn 

PhD Cycle

Bachelor- 1st cycle, Masters- 2nd cycle, PhD- 3rd cycle

Working in Switzerland

Top 5 Universities In Switzerland For PhD 

There are multiple universities to choose from when pursuing PhD in Switzerland for international students. These are popular choices amongst international students, and the universities offer multiple PhD programs to choose from. Here are the top 5 choices:

  • University of Lausanne
  • University of Bern
  • University of Zurich
  • University of Geneva
  • University of Basel

Details of each of these universities to study in Switzerland is mentioned below: 

1. University of Lausanne

University of Lausanne is a research institution that offers seven different facilities. It provides a range of PhD programs for international students to choose from. University of Lausanne is also home to multiple Nobel prize winners in PhD. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Business Analytics, Actuarial Science, Economics, etc.

Average Tuition Fees

80 CHF/semester



2. University of Bern

The University of Bern offers a diverse range of PhD programs for international students to choose from. The university is well known for its teaching methods and campus environment.




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Art history, Business Administration, Computer Science, etc

Average Tuition Fees

200 CHF/semester



3. University of Zurich

The University of Zurich is on the top list of the best PhD universities in Switzerland. Zurich is a popular student destination and the university offers a range of PhD programs based on different faculties. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Informatics, Theology, law, etc

Average Tuition Fees

150 CHF/semester



4. University of Geneva

Another widely popular PhD choice is the University of Geneva . Geneva is well known for its academic excellence and the teaching methods they offer. With every PhD program, students are encouraged to do more self work. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Biology-Medicine, Biomedical science, Neurosciences, etc

Average Tuition Fees

500 CHF/semester



5. University of Basel

The University of Basel is a great choice to pursue PhD studies as the list of PhD programs available here are multiple. The university has a great staff student ratio and offers better research based learnings. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Ancient History, African Studies, Botany, Geography, etc

Average Tuition Fees

350 CHF/semester



Suggested: View more PhD universities in Switzerland

Eligibility Criteria For Swiss PhD 

To pursue PhD in Switzerland, there are certain eligibility criterias that have to be met. These differ based on the university choice, but there are two standard processes for this field of study:

  • A Bachelor and Masters Degree
  • Language requirements

1. A Bachelor and Masters Degree

International students need to have a three year Bachelor's degree as well as a Master's degree or equivalent in the relevant field of study.

2. Language requirements

Based on the language of instruction of the PhD program, international students will write the language proficiency test like IELTS , TOEFL . For instance, for English, you require a C1 level to pass, etc.

Admission Process For PhD In Switzerland For Indian Students

To apply to the top PhD universities in Switzerland, here is an overview of the admission process:

  • Identify which PhD program you wish to study. Choose the PhD university that offers the same.
  • Search for a supervisor and confirm the supervision based on your PhD program choice
  • Visit the selected PhD universities' official website to learn about the entry requirements
  • Clear any tests required and attach them and other relevant documents to send before the application deadline. 
  • Pay the application fee ( 100 CHF-400 CHF)
  • Wait for confirmation, once accepted apply for the student visa and start arranging for funds

Suggested: How to apply for student visa in Switzerland?

Documents Required For A Swiss PhD 

When submitting your PhD application, there are certain documents that need to be attached. Ensure the below is checked:

  • All educational transcripts
  • Valid identity proof
  • Scorecard of exams required(ELP Scores, GRE , GMAT , etc)
  • Proof of payment
  • Proof of application fee payment
  • Signed declaration of consent
  • Information of residence with regards to last educational background

Note: Ensure all documents are translated as per the language enquired on the universities official website.

Cost Of Studying PhD in Switzerland

To study PhD in Switzerland, there are two cost factors you need to consider. These factors are important as they will contribute to your fund planning when you arrive in the country. 

Let’s learn about them one by one:

Tuition Fees

The tuition fees of doing a PhD in Switzerland ranges from 80 CHF- 500 CHF/semester.  

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Switzerland ranges from 1,400 CHF- 2,250 CHF/month. Most of your recurring monthly expenses will be accommodation, transport, health insurance, food, and miscellaneous expenses.  

Suggested: A detailed guide on cost of studying in Switzerland

Scholarship Opportunities To Study PhD In Switzerland

You can now study for a PhD in Switzerland with scholarship conveniently. There is a list of popular Switzerland PhD scholarships for international students. They help cover multiple expenses such as travel, etc and also offer grants. 

Here are the top 5 Switzerland PhD scholarships for international students:

University of Geneva

Pursue PhD in Life Sciences

Covers the cost of living in Geneva

Bizoentrum PhD fellowship in Life Sciences

Pursue any Bizoentrum PhD program

Covers full and independent funding for complete PhD program and also offers travel funds

Life Sciences Zurich Graduate School

Pursue PhD in Life Sciences

Provides financial support based on the PhD student salary

Swiss Excellence Scholarship for Foreign students

Pursue doctoral studies in any discipline

Covers monthly payments and exempts tuition fees, health insurance, airfare and housing, etc expenses

EPFL Postdoctoral Fellowships in Switzerland 

Pursue PhD project in EPFL

Provides salary for the academic year

Suggested: View more scholarships in Switzerland for international students

Career Opportunities After PhD In Switzerland

After completing PhD in Switzerland for Indian students, there are a range of job profiles to choose from. Based on your expertise and experience, the salary figure will fluctuate. On average a PhD graduate in Switzerland will earn 116,000 CHF/year. 

Here is an overview of the popular PhD job profiles and expected salary for each:


112,000- 272,000 CHF

Senior Research Analyst

110,000 CHF

Advanced Nutrition Aide

182,000 CHF

Clinical Psychologist

408,000 CHF

General Medical Practitioner

260,000 CHF

Suggested: What is it like to work in Switzerland?

Switzerland offers research-based PhD programs that are tutored well with the help of academic experts. Pursuing a PhD program should always be from an institute that offers a blend of theory and practical approaches whilst also offering additional knowledge about the real world. Luckily this is exactly what a PhD in Switzerland will offer you. With all the information listed above, it's time to apply to top universities in Switzerland for PhD .

Frequently Asked Questions About PhD In Switzerland

Is GRE required for PhD in Switzerland for Indian students?

Yes, GRE scores are required for PhD studies in Switzerland. GRE Analytical- 3.5 and GRE Quantitative- 165

Can you study PhD in Switzerland In English?

Yes, most PhD programs in Switzerland are taught in English.

Can PhD students work in Switzerland?

Yes, PhD students are allowed to work for 15hrs/week during semesters and unlimited in holidays. Suggested: How to do part-time jobs in Switzerland?

Is it easy to get a Swiss PhD?

To get accepted in a PhD university, you need to have a good academic score in your previous educational qualifications. Based on this, the university will measure your candidature. 

Can PhD in Switzerland for international students complete their PhD in one year?

No, to complete your PhD studies in Switzerland, international students will take up to three to five years based on the PhD programs in Switzerland chosen. 

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Phd in switzerland for international students.

Herilalao Study in Switzerland 2 Comments

There are a few reasons why one might want to do a PhD. Mostly, it’s for a career advancement but also to conduct research and deepen your knowledge on a subject you’re passionate about. And Switzerland is one of those countries which had made a huge investment in the field of education. PhD’s candidates have access to some of the most prestigious institutions with cutting-edge research facilities. And they do so while studying in a stimulating environment with a high standard of living. You’re considering Switzerland for your PhD? Here are some crucial details to help you find the best program for you.

Table of Contents

Is it worth doing a PhD in Switzerland?

There are several reasons why you should study in Switzerland for your PhD. Starting by the reputation of excellence of the country, whose institutions and graduates have contributed to some of the most groundbreaking research programs in the world. Graduates from universities in Switzerland are highly skilled, innovative, creative, and the country counts the highest number of Nobel Prize per capita. 

Another reason to choose this country for a PhD’s degree is that among all the qualifications you can earn at Swiss universities , PhDs and MBA are the most popular ones. In other words, you can’t be wrong in considering this country to pursue research or further studies. And being a global hub for finance and business, career options are numerous once you’ve completed your studies in Switzerland.

Last but not least, you have the choice between 3 official languages of instruction: French, German, and Italian, depending on the canton you’re in. But there are also more and more programs in English, especially at graduate and postgraduate levels. 

How long is a PhD in Switzerland?

Switzerland being a signatory of the Bologna process, a PhD in the country is then a third-cycle qualification. It’s also the highest level of degree you can achieve in the country. And it will take between 3 and 7 years to complete it, depending on whether you pursue a traditional PhD or a structured one.

A traditional PhD tends to be shorter while a structured PhD, which involves additional training, may take longer. The other difference between the 2 types of PhD is that a general PhD takes place in one university, where the student is under the supervision of one or more academic experts. 

The structured PhD, on the other hand, takes place at more than one institution. And it can even involve a collaboration between different institution types such as cantonal universities and universities of applied sciences. 

Moreover, the academic year in Switzerland runs from September to May. It comprises 2 semesters, from September to December and from February to May/June. However, PhD research may continue beyond these periods, while training only take place during semester sessions. 

Supervision and assessment 

Like in any PhD programs, students will have at least an academic supervisor to oversee their work. But in some cases, there might be a second or more supervisors involved, especially in the case of structured PhD. 

Each supervisor will then have a specific role in the student’s project, but all of them will provide overall mentoring, guidance and support along the research process.

The PhD program always results to the writing and submission of a doctoral thesis at the end of your research. The thesis must bring up a considerable yet unique contribution to the student’s field of specialization, something that is worth a publication and that other scholars and researchers can use. 

The candidate then will be assessed through a defense, in a public setting. The assessment is made by a panel of experts that includes at least one external examiner, from outside the student’s university. 

In the case of a structured PhD, some smaller assessments will take place along the way. This may be a coursework and some exams related to training modules. They will then need to undertake these exams in order to continue in their program. However, these small-scale assessments don’t affect the final grade for the PhD degree.

How to apply for a PhD in Switzerland?

As long as you have chosen your program and university for your PhD in Switzerland, you can easily navigate the application process. 

So how does it work? First and foremost, you need to browse available PhD positions. For that you have 2 options: visiting the websites of your university of interest or visiting portals that bring together any available PhD positions.

It’s common practice also to get in touch with a professor or a research group whose work has sparked your interest. You can then ask if there is any opportunity for you to do your PhD with them.

Entry requirements 

In the case you register for an existing position, requirements include a personal statement or cover letter, an academic CV, your references and any other file your university requires.

If you plan to conduct research on a topic you’ve provided, you need to add a research proposal to the list of documents. This dissertation should give details regarding the purpose of your project, its scope and the outcome you expect to get out of it.

Furthermore, students who apply to a structured PhD might not need an initial research proposal. This is because the student’s project has to be put in place during the first year of the PhD.

Read also about the requirements to study in Switzerland .

PhD in Switzerland in English 

PhD programs in Switzerland are either in the university’s canton language or in English. However, the possibility of a PhD program to be in English also depends greatly on the type of subject.

That’s why you’re more likely to get a degree in English with highly international subjects such as business, engineering or science. In this case, you’ll have to provide the classic paperwork proving your proficiency in English (IELTS, TOEFL…) depending on your university.

The cost to study a PhD in Switzerland is paid either for the entirety of the program or per term as it applies at some universities. Typically, Swiss universities are free to set up their own fees. 

Some may cost as low as €182 while some will cost more than €6,000 for the entirety of the course. If you’re given a price per semester, you then have to multiply it by 6 to get the total cost of a 3-year study program. 

Moreover, you need to consider other smaller fees for registration, examination and student union fees. But these costs will remain very low thanks to generous support from the Swiss government for higher education.

Of course, you’ll need to prepare for your living cost in Switzerland as an international student. 

How much is a PhD salary in Switzerland?

In some cases, PhD opportunities are advertised as paid research positions. Students then receive a regular salary as an employee of their university. Moreover, they are exempt from paying the study cost above. 

They also have the right to additional benefits such as a holiday leave. In return, they assist with undergraduate teaching and take care of some administrative tasks. This is a quite common practice at universities but a lot less at universities of applied sciences. 

PhD candidates receive on average a salary of CHF 2,000 to CHF 6,000 per month. The amount they earn depends on their level of experience. Beginners can get roughly CHF 48,000 per year while the most experienced candidate can get around CHF 60,000 per year.

Lastly, PhD students in medicine or exact sciences are more likely to get a better payment than those studying humanities or arts for example.

Can you work while doing a PhD in Switzerland?

To fund their PhD, international students in Switzerland can work up to 15 hours per week on school days and unlimited hours during holiday periods. For that, their potential employer needs to apply for a work permit on their behalf. 

They also need to contact the Swiss Immigration Authority to check about their rights to work and study in Switzerland. It’s important to keep in mind that PhD students can work only 6 months after the beginning of their program. 

And lastly, they must inform the immigration authorities whenever they undertake any employment in Switzerland.

Find out also how to work in Switzerland after graduation.

PhD in Switzerland with a scholarship

For students who don’t perceive any salary, the other source of funding they can look for is with the Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships (FCS). This commission grants every year some scholarships based on merit, as well as a research scholarship. 

The latter is available at research universities, federal institutes of technology and universities of applied sciences throughout Switzerland. Any international students can apply for this funding as long as they meet the academic qualifications and provide a convincing enough PhD work proposal 

Moreover, this scholarship covers the candidate’s PhD fees and living cost in Switzerland.

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Can enrollment be given to a student in a phD program withless than 3.0Gpa? If yes, which universities in Switzerland does that?

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It depends on the university. To find out, please consult the websites of the universities you’re interested in. Here’s our article on Switzerland’s top universities , where you can visit their official websites.

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