How to Write the Rationale for a Research Paper

  • Research Process
  • Peer Review

A research rationale answers the big SO WHAT? that every adviser, peer reviewer, and editor has in mind when they critique your work. A compelling research rationale increases the chances of your paper being published or your grant proposal being funded. In this article, we look at the purpose of a research rationale, its components and key characteristics, and how to create an effective research rationale.

Updated on September 19, 2022

a researcher writing the rationale for a research paper

The rationale for your research is the reason why you decided to conduct the study in the first place. The motivation for asking the question. The knowledge gap. This is often the most significant part of your publication. It justifies the study's purpose, novelty, and significance for science or society. It's a critical part of standard research articles as well as funding proposals.

Essentially, the research rationale answers the big SO WHAT? that every (good) adviser, peer reviewer, and editor has in mind when they critique your work.

A compelling research rationale increases the chances of your paper being published or your grant proposal being funded. In this article, we look at:

  • the purpose of a research rationale
  • its components and key characteristics
  • how to create an effective research rationale

What is a research rationale?

Think of a research rationale as a set of reasons that explain why a study is necessary and important based on its background. It's also known as the justification of the study, rationale, or thesis statement.

Essentially, you want to convince your reader that you're not reciting what other people have already said and that your opinion hasn't appeared out of thin air. You've done the background reading and identified a knowledge gap that this rationale now explains.

A research rationale is usually written toward the end of the introduction. You'll see this section clearly in high-impact-factor international journals like Nature and Science. At the end of the introduction there's always a phrase that begins with something like, "here we show..." or "in this paper we show..." This text is part of a logical sequence of information, typically (but not necessarily) provided in this order:

the order of the introduction to a research paper

Here's an example from a study by Cataldo et al. (2021) on the impact of social media on teenagers' lives.

an example of an introduction to a research paper

Note how the research background, gap, rationale, and objectives logically blend into each other.

The authors chose to put the research aims before the rationale. This is not a problem though. They still achieve a logical sequence. This helps the reader follow their thinking and convinces them about their research's foundation.

Elements of a research rationale

We saw that the research rationale follows logically from the research background and literature review/observation and leads into your study's aims and objectives.

This might sound somewhat abstract. A helpful way to formulate a research rationale is to answer the question, “Why is this study necessary and important?”

Generally, that something has never been done before should not be your only motivation. Use it only If you can give the reader valid evidence why we should learn more about this specific phenomenon.

A well-written introduction covers three key elements:

  • What's the background to the research?
  • What has been done before (information relevant to this particular study, but NOT a literature review)?
  • Research rationale

Now, let's see how you might answer the question.

1. This study complements scientific knowledge and understanding

Discuss the shortcomings of previous studies and explain how'll correct them. Your short review can identify:

  • Methodological limitations . The methodology (research design, research approach or sampling) employed in previous works is somewhat flawed.

Example : Here , the authors claim that previous studies have failed to explore the role of apathy “as a predictor of functional decline in healthy older adults” (Burhan et al., 2021). At the same time, we know a lot about other age-related neuropsychiatric disorders, like depression.

Their study is necessary, then, “to increase our understanding of the cognitive, clinical, and neural correlates of apathy and deconstruct its underlying mechanisms.” (Burhan et al., 2021).

  • Contextual limitations . External factors have changed and this has minimized or removed the relevance of previous research.

Example : You want to do an empirical study to evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of tourists visiting Sicily. Previous studies might have measured tourism determinants in Sicily, but they preceded COVID-19.

  • Conceptual limitations . Previous studies are too bound to a specific ideology or a theoretical framework.

Example : The work of English novelist E. M. Forster has been extensively researched for its social, political, and aesthetic dimensions. After the 1990s, younger scholars wanted to read his novels as an example of gay fiction. They justified the need to do so based on previous studies' reliance on homophobic ideology.

This kind of rationale is most common in basic/theoretical research.

2. This study can help solve a specific problem

Here, you base your rationale on a process that has a problem or is not satisfactory.

For example, patients complain about low-quality hospital care on weekends (staff shortages, inadequate attention, etc.). No one has looked into this (there is a lack of data). So, you explore if the reported problems are true and what can be done to address them. This is a knowledge gap.

Or you set out to explore a specific practice. You might want to study the pros and cons of several entry strategies into the Japanese food market.

It's vital to explain the problem in detail and stress the practical benefits of its solution. In the first example, the practical implications are recommendations to improve healthcare provision.

In the second example, the impact of your research is to inform the decision-making of businesses wanting to enter the Japanese food market.

This kind of rationale is more common in applied/practical research.

3. You're the best person to conduct this study

It's a bonus if you can show that you're uniquely positioned to deliver this study, especially if you're writing a funding proposal .

For an anthropologist wanting to explore gender norms in Ethiopia, this could be that they speak Amharic (Ethiopia's official language) and have already lived in the country for a few years (ethnographic experience).

Or if you want to conduct an interdisciplinary research project, consider partnering up with collaborators whose expertise complements your own. Scientists from different fields might bring different skills and a fresh perspective or have access to the latest tech and equipment. Teaming up with reputable collaborators justifies the need for a study by increasing its credibility and likely impact.

When is the research rationale written?

You can write your research rationale before, or after, conducting the study.

In the first case, when you might have a new research idea, and you're applying for funding to implement it.

Or you're preparing a call for papers for a journal special issue or a conference. Here , for instance, the authors seek to collect studies on the impact of apathy on age-related neuropsychiatric disorders.

In the second case, you have completed the study and are writing a research paper for publication. Looking back, you explain why you did the study in question and how it worked out.

Although the research rationale is part of the introduction, it's best to write it at the end. Stand back from your study and look at it in the big picture. At this point, it's easier to convince your reader why your study was both necessary and important.

How long should a research rationale be?

The length of the research rationale is not fixed. Ideally, this will be determined by the guidelines (of your journal, sponsor etc.).

The prestigious journal Nature , for instance, calls for articles to be no more than 6 or 8 pages, depending on the content. The introduction should be around 200 words, and, as mentioned, two to three sentences serve as a brief account of the background and rationale of the study, and come at the end of the introduction.

If you're not provided guidelines, consider these factors:

  • Research document : In a thesis or book-length study, the research rationale will be longer than in a journal article. For example, the background and rationale of this book exploring the collective memory of World War I cover more than ten pages.
  • Research question : Research into a new sub-field may call for a longer or more detailed justification than a study that plugs a gap in literature.

Which verb tenses to use in the research rationale?

It's best to use the present tense. Though in a research proposal, the research rationale is likely written in the future tense, as you're describing the intended or expected outcomes of the research project (the gaps it will fill, the problems it will solve).

Example of a research rationale

Research question : What are the teachers' perceptions of how a sense of European identity is developed and what underlies such perceptions?

an example of a research rationale

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology , 3(2), 77-101.

Burhan, A.M., Yang, J., & Inagawa, T. (2021). Impact of apathy on aging and age-related neuropsychiatric disorders. Research Topic. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Cataldo, I., Lepri, B., Neoh, M. J. Y., & Esposito, G. (2021). Social media usage and development of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: A review. Frontiers in Psychiatry , 11.

CiCe Jean Monnet Network (2017). Guidelines for citizenship education in school: Identities and European citizenship children's identity and citizenship in Europe.

Cohen, l, Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education . Eighth edition. London: Routledge.

de Prat, R. C. (2013). Euroscepticism, Europhobia and Eurocriticism: The radical parties of the right and left “vis-à-vis” the European Union P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales.

European Commission. (2017). Eurydice Brief: Citizenship education at school in Europe.

Polyakova, A., & Fligstein, N. (2016). Is European integration causing Europe to become more nationalist? Evidence from the 2007–9 financial crisis. Journal of European Public Policy , 23(1), 60-83.

Winter, J. (2014). Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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How to Write a Rationale: A Guide for Research and Beyond

How to Write a Rationale: A Guide for Research and Beyond

Ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering how to justify your choice of a research topic or project? You’re not alone! Writing a rationale, which essentially means explaining the ‘why’ behind your decisions, is crucial to any research process. It’s like the secret sauce that adds flavour to your research recipe. So, the only thing you need to know is how to write a rationale.


What is a Rationale?

A rationale in research is essentially the foundation of your study. It serves as the justification for undertaking a particular research project. At its core, the rationale explains why the research was conducted or needs to be conducted, thus addressing a specific knowledge gap or research question.

Here’s a breakdown of the key elements involved in crafting a rationale:

Linking Background to Research Question: 

The rationale should connect the background of the study to your specific research question. It involves presenting and discussing existing data on your topic, identifying gaps or issues in the current understanding, and explaining why addressing them is important​.

Objectives and Significance: 

Your rationale should clearly outline your research objectives – what you hope to discover or achieve through the study. It should also emphasize the subject’s significance in your field and explain why more or better research is needed​.

Methodological Approach: 

The rationale should briefly describe your proposed research method , whether qualitative (descriptive) or quantitative (experimental), and justify this choice​.

Justifying the Need for Research: 

The rationale isn’t just about what you’re doing and why it’s necessary. It can involve highlighting methodological, contextual, or conceptual limitations in previous studies and explaining how your research aims to overcome these limitations. Essentially, you’re making a case for why your research fills a crucial gap in existing knowledge​​.

Presenting Before and After Research: 

Interestingly, the rationale can be presented before and after the research. Before the research, it forms a central part of the research proposal, setting out the plan for the work. After the research, it’s presented in a research article or dissertation to explain the focus on a specific research question and link it to the study’s aims and outcomes​.

Elements to Include: 

A good rationale should include a summary of conclusions from your literature review, identify what is currently unknown, discuss inconclusive or contested results from previous studies, and emphasize the necessity to improve or build on previous research​.

Creating a rationale is a vital part of the research process, as it not only sets the stage for your study but also convinces readers of the value and necessity of your work.

A Laptop With A Book On It On A Wooden Table, Showcasing The Keywords &Quot;How To Write A Rationale&Quot;.

How to Write a Rationale:

Writing a rationale for your research is crucial in conducting and presenting your study. It involves explaining why your research is necessary and important. Here’s a guide to help you craft a compelling rationale:

Identify the Problem or Knowledge Gap: 

Begin by clearly stating the issue or gap in knowledge that your research aims to address. Explain why this problem is important and merits investigation. It is the foundation of your rationale and sets the stage for the need for your research.​

Review the Literature: 

Conduct a thorough review of existing literature on your topic. It helps you understand what research has already been done and what gaps or open questions exist. Your rationale should build on this background by highlighting these gaps and emphasizing the importance of addressing them​​​​.

Define Your Research Questions/Hypotheses: 

Based on your understanding of the problem and literature review, clearly state the research questions or hypotheses that your study aims to explore. These should logically stem from the identified gaps or issues.

Explain Your Research Approach: 

Describe the methods you will use for your research, including data collection and analysis techniques. Justify why these methods are appropriate for addressing your research questions or hypotheses​​.

Discuss the Potential Impact of Your Research:  Explain the significance of your study. Consider both theoretical contributions and practical implications. For instance, how does your research advance existing knowledge? Does it have real-world applications? Is it relevant to a specific field or community?​

Consider Ethical Considerations: 

If your research involves human or animal subjects, discuss the ethical aspects and how you plan to conduct your study responsibly​.

Contextualise Your Study: 

Justify the relevance of your research by explaining how it fits into the broader context. Connect your study to current trends, societal needs, or academic discussions​​.

Support with Evidence: 

Provide evidence or examples that underscore the need for your research. It could include citing relevant studies, statistics, or scenarios that illustrate the problem or gap your research addresses​.

Methodological, Contextual, and Conceptual Limitations: 

Address any limitations of previous research and how your study aims to overcome them. It can include methodological flaws in previous studies, changes in external factors that make past research less relevant, or the need to study a phenomenon within a new conceptual framework​.

Placement in Your Paper: 

Typically, the rationale is written toward the end of the introduction section of your paper, providing a logical lead-in to your research questions and methodology​​.

By following these steps and considering your audience’s perspective, you can write a strong and compelling rationale that clearly communicates the significance and necessity of your research project.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What makes a good research rationale.

A good rationale clearly identifies a gap in existing knowledge, builds on previous research, and outlines why your study is necessary and significant.

How detailed should my literature review be in the rationale?

Your literature review should be comprehensive enough to highlight the gaps your research aims to fill, but it should not overshadow the rationale itself.


A well-crafted rationale is your ticket to making your research stand out. It’s about bridging gaps, challenging norms, and paving the way for new discoveries. So go ahead, make your rationale the cornerstone of your research narrative!

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Enago Academy

Setting Rationale in Research: Cracking the code for excelling at research

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Knowledge and curiosity lays the foundation of scientific progress. The quest for knowledge has always been a timeless endeavor. Scholars seek reasons to explain the phenomena they observe, paving way for development of research. Every investigation should offer clarity and a well-defined rationale in research is a cornerstone upon which the entire study can be built.

Research rationale is the heartbeat of every academic pursuit as it guides the researchers to unlock the untouched areas of their field. Additionally, it illuminates the gaps in the existing knowledge, and identifies the potential contributions that the study aims to make.

Table of Contents

What Is Research Rationale and When Is It Written

Research rationale is the “why” behind every academic research. It not only frames the study but also outlines its objectives , questions, and expected outcomes. Additionally, it helps to identify the potential limitations of the study . It serves as a lighthouse for researchers that guides through data collection and analysis, ensuring their efforts remain focused and purposeful. Typically, a rationale is written at the beginning of the research proposal or research paper . It is an essential component of the introduction section and provides the foundation for the entire study. Furthermore, it provides a clear understanding of the purpose and significance of the research to the readers before delving into the specific details of the study. In some cases, the rationale is written before the methodology, data analysis, and other sections. Also, it serves as the justification for the research, and how it contributes to the field. Defining a research rationale can help a researcher in following ways:

Define Your Research Rationale

1. Justification of a Research Problem

  • Research rationale helps to understand the essence of a research problem.
  • It designs the right approach to solve a problem. This aspect is particularly important for applied research, where the outcomes can have real-world relevance and impact.
  • Also, it explains why the study is worth conducting and why resources should be allocated to pursue it.
  • Additionally, it guides a researcher to highlight the benefits and implications of a strategy.

2. Elimination of Literature Gap

  • Research rationale helps to ideate new topics which are less addressed.
  • Additionally, it offers fresh perspectives on existing research and discusses the shortcomings in previous studies.
  • It shows that your study aims to contribute to filling these gaps and advancing the field’s understanding.

3. Originality and Novelty

  • The rationale highlights the unique aspects of your research and how it differs from previous studies.
  • Furthermore, it explains why your research adds something new to the field and how it expands upon existing knowledge.
  • It highlights how your findings might contribute to a better understanding of a particular issue or problem and potentially lead to positive changes.
  • Besides these benefits, it provides a personal motivation to the researchers. In some cases, researchers might have personal experiences or interests that drive their desire to investigate a particular topic.

4. An Increase in Chances of Funding

  • It is essential to convince funding agencies , supervisors, or reviewers, that a research is worth pursuing.
  • Therefore, a good rationale can get your research approved for funding and increases your chances of getting published in journals; as it addresses the potential knowledge gap in existing research.

Overall, research rationale is essential for providing a clear and convincing argument for the value and importance of your research study, setting the stage for the rest of the research proposal or manuscript. Furthermore, it helps establish the context for your work and enables others to understand the purpose and potential impact of your research.

5 Key Elements of a Research Rationale

Research rationale must include certain components which make it more impactful. Here are the key elements of a research rationale:

Elements of research rationale

By incorporating these elements, you provide a strong and convincing case for the legitimacy of your research, which is essential for gaining support and approval from academic institutions, funding agencies, or other stakeholders.

How to Write a Rationale in Research

Writing a rationale requires careful consideration of the reasons for conducting the study. It is usually written in the present tense.

Here are some steps to guide you through the process of writing a research rationale:

Steps to write a research rationale

After writing the initial draft, it is essential to review and revise the research rationale to ensure that it effectively communicates the purpose of your research. The research rationale should be persuasive and compelling, convincing readers that your study is worthwhile and deserves their attention.

How Long Should a Research Rationale be?

Although there is no pre-defined length for a rationale in research, its length may vary depending on the specific requirements of the research project. It also depends on the academic institution or organization, and the guidelines set by the research advisor or funding agency. In general, a research rationale is usually a concise and focused document.

Typically, it ranges from a few paragraphs to a few pages, but it is usually recommended to keep it as crisp as possible while ensuring all the essential elements are adequately covered. The length of a research rationale can be roughly as follows:

1. For Research Proposal:

A. Around 1 to 3 pages

B. Ensure clear and comprehensive explanation of the research question, its significance, literature review , and methodological approach.

2. Thesis or Dissertation:

A. Around 3 to 5 pages

B. Ensure an extensive coverage of the literature review, theoretical framework, and research objectives to provide a robust justification for the study.

3. Journal Article:

A. Usually concise. Ranges from few paragraphs to one page

B. The research rationale is typically included as part of the introduction section

However, remember that the quality and content of the research rationale are more important than its length. The reasons for conducting the research should be well-structured, clear, and persuasive when presented. Always adhere to the specific institution or publication guidelines.

Example of a Research Rationale

Example of a research rationale

In conclusion, the research rationale serves as the cornerstone of a well-designed and successful research project. It ensures that research efforts are focused, meaningful, and ethically sound. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive and logical justification for embarking on a specific investigation. Therefore, by identifying research gaps, defining clear objectives, emphasizing significance, explaining the chosen methodology, addressing ethical considerations, and recognizing potential limitations, researchers can lay the groundwork for impactful and valuable contributions to the scientific community.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A rationale of the study can be written by including the following points: 1. Background of the Research/ Study 2. Identifying the Knowledge Gap 3. An Overview of the Goals and Objectives of the Study 4. Methodology and its Significance 5. Relevance of the Research

Start writing a research rationale by defining the research problem and discussing the literature gap associated with it.

A research rationale can be ended by discussing the expected results and summarizing the need of the study.

A rationale for thesis can be made by covering the following points: 1. Extensive coverage of the existing literature 2. Explaining the knowledge gap 3. Provide the framework and objectives of the study 4. Provide a robust justification for the study/ research 5. Highlight the potential of the research and the expected outcomes

A rationale for dissertation can be made by covering the following points: 1. Highlight the existing reference 2. Bridge the gap and establish the context of your research 3. Describe the problem and the objectives 4. Give an overview of the methodology

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How to Write a Rationale for Your Research Paper

Learn how to write a compelling research rationale. Discover key elements, steps, and tips to justify your study and strengthen your academic paper.

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Jun 25, 2024

How to Write a Rationale for Your Research Paper

A research rationale is a fundamental component of any academic paper, serving as the backbone that supports the entire study.

It's not just a formality or an introductory paragraph; rather, it's a critical element that justifies the need for your research and articulates its potential value to the academic community and beyond.

In essence, the rationale is your opportunity to convince readers—whether they're supervisors, peers, funding bodies, or journal editors—that your research is worth their time, attention, and potentially, their resources.

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The Importance of a Well-Crafted Rationale

1. contextualizing your research.

A strong rationale provides the necessary context for your study. It situates your work within the broader landscape of existing research , helping readers understand where your study fits in the grand scheme of your field. This context is crucial because it demonstrates that you're not working in isolation, but rather building upon and contributing to a larger body of knowledge.

2. Demonstrating Originality and Significance

By clearly articulating the gap in current knowledge that your research aims to fill, you're effectively demonstrating the originality of your work. This is particularly important in academia , where novel contributions are highly valued. Your rationale should clarify that your study isn't merely replicating existing work but is pushing the boundaries of what's known in your field.

3. Justifying Resources and Efforts

Research often requires significant resources, both in terms of time and funding. Your rationale serves as a justification for these investments. It should convince readers that the potential outcomes of your study are worth the resources required to conduct it. This is especially crucial when applying for grants or seeking institutional support for your research.

4. Setting the Stage for Your Methodology

A well-written rationale naturally leads to your choice of methodology. By clearly stating the problem you're addressing and why it's important, you create a logical foundation for explaining how you plan to tackle it. This connection between your rationale and methodology strengthens the overall coherence of your research paper.

5. Enhancing the Impact of Your Findings

When you clearly articulate why your research question is important in your rationale, you're also setting the stage for discussing the implications of your findings later in your paper. A strong rationale makes it easier for readers to appreciate the significance of your results and their potential impact on the field.

Key Elements of an Effective Rationale

1. clear problem statement.

The cornerstone of your rationale is a clear, concise statement of the problem or question your research addresses. This statement should be specific enough to guide your research but broad enough to demonstrate its wider relevance. When formulating your problem statement, consider the following:

  • What is the current state of knowledge in your field?
  • What specific gap, contradiction, or unexplored area have you identified?
  • Why is addressing this gap important?

Example: "Despite extensive research on climate change mitigation strategies, there's a lack of comprehensive studies examining the effectiveness of urban green spaces in reducing urban heat island effects in rapidly growing cities of the Global South."

2. Relevance to Existing Literature

Your rationale should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the current state of research in your field. This involves:

  • Summarizing key findings from relevant studies
  • Identifying trends, debates, or controversies in the literature
  • Explaining how your research relates to or builds upon existing work

It's important to strike a balance here—show that you're familiar with the field, but also highlight the unique contribution your study will make.

3. Potential Impact of the Research

Articulate the potential outcomes of your study and why they matter. This could include:

  • Theoretical advancements: How might your work challenge or refine existing theories?
  • Practical applications: Could your findings inform policy decisions or improve professional practices?
  • Societal benefits: How might your research contribute to solving broader societal challenges?

Be realistic in your claims, but don't undersell the potential significance of your work.

Steps to Write a Compelling Rationale

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1. Identify the Research Problem

Start by clearly defining the specific issue or question your study will address. This involves:

  • Conducting preliminary research to understand the current state of knowledge
  • Identifying gaps or inconsistencies in existing research
  • Formulating a clear, focused research question or hypothesis

2. Review Relevant Literature

Conduct a thorough review of current research related to your topic. This step is crucial for:

  • Understanding the theoretical and empirical context of your research
  • Identifying key debates or controversies in the field
  • Spotting gaps or areas that need further exploration

As you review the literature, keep detailed notes on how each source relates to your research question and how it informs your rationale.

3. Articulate the Significance of Your Study

Explain why your research matters. This involves:

  • Highlighting the theoretical or practical importance of your research question
  • Discussing potential contributions to existing knowledge
  • Explaining how your study might inform policy, practice, or future research

Be specific about the potential impact of your work, but avoid overstating its importance.

4. Explain Your Unique Approach or Perspective

Describe how your research approach differs from or builds upon previous work:

  • Highlight any innovative methods or techniques you'll be using
  • Explain how your perspective or approach adds value to the field
  • Discuss how your study addresses limitations of previous research

5. Address Potential Counterarguments

Anticipate and address potential objections to your research:

  • Acknowledge any limitations or potential weaknesses in your approach
  • Explain why your study is valuable despite these challenges
  • Demonstrate that you've considered alternative approaches and can justify your chosen method

Tips for Crafting a Compelling Rationale

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Be Concise and Focused

While your rationale needs to be comprehensive, it should also be concise. Every sentence should serve a purpose in justifying your research. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language that might obscure your main points.

Use Evidence to Support Your Claims

Back up your arguments with evidence from credible sources. This might include:

  • Statistics demonstrating the prevalence or impact of the problem you're studying
  • Quotes from respected scholars in your field highlighting the need for further research
  • Examples of real-world situations that illustrate the importance of your research question

Maintain Logical Flow

Ensure that your rationale follows a logical progression. Each point should naturally lead to the next, creating a compelling argument for the necessity and value of your research.

Tailor Your Rationale to Your Audience

Consider who will be reading your rationale. A funding body might be more interested in practical applications, while an academic journal might prioritize theoretical contributions. Adjust your focus accordingly.

Revise and Refine

Writing a strong rationale often requires multiple drafts. After writing your initial version:

  • Take a break and return to it with fresh eyes
  • Ask colleagues or mentors to review it and provide feedback
  • Consider how each element contributes to justifying your research and remove anything that doesn't serve this purpose

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Avoid general statements that could apply to any research. Be specific about the gap you're addressing and why your approach is valuable.

Disconnection from Prior Research

Don't present your research as if it exists in a vacuum. Always connect your work to existing literature and ongoing debates in your field.


While it's important to highlight the significance of your research, avoid hyperbole. Realistic, well-supported claims are more convincing than grandiose statements.

Lack of Focus

Ensure that every element of your rationale relates directly to your research question. Avoid tangents or unnecessary background information.

A well-crafted rationale is more than just a justification for your research —it's an opportunity to demonstrate your deep understanding of your field and your ability to contribute meaningfully to it. By clearly articulating the need for your study, its relevance to existing literature, and its potential impact, you set the stage for a compelling and impactful research paper.

Remember, your rationale is often the first thing readers encounter, so make it count. A strong rationale not only justifies your research but also engages your readers and invites them to join you on your academic journey.

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How To Make Rationale in Research: A Thorough Overview

Struggling to make the right rationale for your research? Learn how to make rationale in research to create the perfect plan for success.

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Any academic or scientific discipline relies heavily on research . However, in order to do research properly, it is necessary to comprehend the rationale behind it. A research rationale is a succinct explanation of why a certain research project is required, describing the justifications for the study as well as the advantages it is expected to provide. 

Writing a persuasive rationale is critical for obtaining approval for your research project and communicating the importance of your research. However, developing a convincing one can be difficult, especially for people new to research or unfamiliar with academic expectations. 

After reading this thorough overview on “how to make rationale in research”, you will be better equipped to justify your research and communicate its significance to your academic community. Whether you are a student or a seasoned researcher, this article will provide valuable insights and strategies for creating a powerful research rationale.

What is a Rationale in Research?

A research rationale provides an organized strategy for the whole research and acts as the cornerstone of the research project. It contributes to the research’s rationale by stating why the study is significant, what its aims are, and what the expected findings are. In essence, it is a compelling argument for why the study should be carried out.

A well-written research rationale should be concise, precise, and persuasive. It should clarify the problem or issue that the study attempts to solve, the knowledge or understanding gap that the study seeks to fill, and the possible advantages that it may provide. Furthermore, the reasoning should demonstrate that the research is possible, ethical, and pertinent to the subject of study.

A research project that lacks a strong rationale may lack direction and may fail to address the stated problem or issue. It can also make obtaining financing or permission from institutional review boards (IRBs) or other governing bodies difficult. As a result, devoting effort to developing a compelling research rationale is critical to the success of any research.

Why is a Research Rationale Important? 

For many reasons, a research rationale is crucial. For starters, it helps to explain the necessity for the research project by demonstrating why the study is required and what gaps in knowledge or understanding it attempts to fill. 

how to make rationale in research paper

Second, it includes a clear and succinct problem statement that outlines the precise research questions or objectives that the study intends to answer. 

Finally, it aids in demonstrating the research’s potential influence by demonstrating how it may lead to the creation of new knowledge, practices, or policies.

To achieve this, you should focus on communicating the potential benefits of your project, while also acknowledging its limitations . This requires a thorough understanding of the research problem and a critical evaluation of the proposed methods and approaches.

It is also important to include sufficient detail about the methods you plan to use, any ethical considerations to consider, and how you will evaluate your results. This helps to demonstrate that you have a well-developed and thoughtful research plan, which is essential for securing funding or gaining approval from academic institutions.

Consider an example of a research project to demonstrate this. Assume you want to investigate the effectiveness of a new teaching style in enhancing student learning results. A compelling rationale for this study might include:

  • Demonstrating the need for the study: You may explain that there is a rising concern in the educational environment about low student performance and that standard teaching approaches may not be helpful for all students. 
  • Providing a clear problem statement: For example, you might say that the study will look into whether the new teaching approach is effective at enhancing student learning outcomes and what factors may impact its effectiveness.
  • Highlighting the research’s potential impact: You might argue that if the study shows that if the new teaching approach is effective, it will be adopted in other schools, increasing student learning results.

The research rationale in this example gives a clear and compelling explanation for the necessity to perform the study, emphasizing its relevance, problem statement, and possible impact.

A Model: Problem-Solution-Rationale

The Problem-Solution-Rationale model is a helpful framework for developing a strong research rationale, it can assist you in organizing your rationale and ensuring that it clearly conveys all information required for an effective research rationale. This model consists of three major components: identifying the problem, proposing a solution, and explaining the rationale for why the proposed solution is necessary.

Identifying the Problem

The first stage in this model is to identify the problem that the study will attempt to solve. This could entail assessing existing research on the topic, finding gaps in knowledge or understanding, or emphasizing new difficulties or issues that have occurred. A clear problem statement serves as the research’s foundation, outlining the specific research questions or objectives that the study seeks to address.

Proposing a Solution

The model’s second stage is to suggest a solution to the identified problem. This might include creating a new theoretical framework, putting a new hypothesis to the test, or suggesting a new intervention or practice. The proposed solution should be based on a thorough review of the literature and a clear understanding of the research problem.

Providing a Rationale

The model’s final stage is to present a rationale for why the suggested solution is required. This might include emphasizing the possible advantages of the suggested solution, explaining how it builds on past research, or demonstrating how it fills a knowledge or understanding gap.

Language to Signal Rationale

Effective communication is crucial when it comes to justifying the significance of your research. One of the ways you can achieve this is by using specific language that signals the rationale to your intended audience. By doing so, you can clearly convey the reasons for your study and its potential benefits to your audience. Here are a couple of such examples:

  • “The goal of this research is to fill a knowledge gap on…”
  • “We selected this methodology because it allows us to address the research question more effectively.”
  • “Our approach is informed by the need to address the practical challenges of…”
  • “This research is significant because it contributes to our understanding of…”

Using statements like these can assist to convey the rationale to your audience and stress the significance of your research.

Language for Further Justification – Showing Importance

Once you’ve indicated the rationale for your research, it’s critical to give further justification that emphasizes the relevance of your study. Here are some sentences that might be used to emphasize the significance of your research:

  • “By addressing this gap in knowledge, we can gain a better understanding of…”
  • “This study is significant because it contributes to the development of…”
  • “The implications of this research are far-reaching, and it can inform…”
  • “By examining this issue, we can shed light on the broader implications of…”

How to Make Rationale In Research

Writing a compelling rationale for a research proposal is critical to obtaining funds and support for the research you are conducting. In this section, you will learn how to make rationale in research by implementing the four crucial aspects of a rationale: background on all previous research on the issue, the study’s open questions, identification of gaps in the literature, and the importance of filling these gaps.

Background on All Previous Research:

You must clarify the existing level of knowledge of the topic to offer a clear grasp of your research proposal. This entails analyzing all past research on the subject and determining what has been done previously. It is critical to present a thorough summary of existing research, including major results, hypotheses, and methodology. This can assist in demonstrating that you have a deep awareness of the field’s present state of knowledge and how your planned study might contribute to it.

The Study’s Open Questions

The next stage is to identify the study’s open questions. This entails investigating areas where existing knowledge falls short and comprehension gaps exist. You may highlight the need for more research and explain how your research will address these gaps by identifying unanswered questions.

Literature Gaps

Once you’ve discovered the open questions, describe how your research will solve them. This requires recognizing gaps in the current literature and describing how your research will address these gaps. Make it a point to explain how the proposed research differs from prior studies and how it will add to existing knowledge in the subject.

The Importance of Filling These Gaps:

Finally, it is critical to demonstrate the importance of filling these gaps in the current literature. This includes showing the possible advantages of the research and outlining how it will help the field if it can result in new ideas or new approaches, or the impact it will have on real society implications. 

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How To Make Rationale in Research: A Thorough Overview

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Jessica Abbadia is a lawyer that has been working in Digital Marketing since 2020, improving organic performance for apps and websites in various regions through ASO and SEO. Currently developing scientific and intellectual knowledge for the community's benefit. Jessica is an animal rights activist who enjoys reading and drinking strong coffee.

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How to write the Rationale for your research

By charlesworth author services.

  • Charlesworth Author Services
  • 19 November, 2021

The rationale for one’s research is the justification for undertaking a given study. It states the reason(s) why a researcher chooses to focus on the topic in question, including what the significance is and what gaps the research intends to fill. In short, it is an explanation that rationalises the need for the study. The rationale is typically followed by a hypothesis/ research question (s) and the study objectives.

When is the rationale for research written?

The rationale of a study can be presented both before and after the research is conducted. 

  • Before : The rationale is a crucial part of your research proposal , representing the plan of your work as formulated before you execute your study.
  • After : Once the study is completed, the rationale is presented in a research paper or dissertation to explain why you focused on the particular question. In this instance, you would link the rationale of your research project to the study aims and outcomes.

Basis for writing the research rationale

The study rationale is predominantly based on preliminary data . A literature review will help you identify gaps in the current knowledge base and also ensure that you avoid duplicating what has already been done. You can then formulate the justification for your study from the existing literature on the subject and the perceived outcomes of the proposed study.

Length of the research rationale

In a research proposal or research article, the rationale would not take up more than a few sentences . A thesis or dissertation would allow for a longer description, which could even run into a couple of paragraphs . The length might even depend on the field of study or nature of the experiment. For instance, a completely novel or unconventional approach might warrant a longer and more detailed justification.

Basic elements of the research rationale

Every research rationale should include some mention or discussion of the following: 

  • An overview of your conclusions from your literature review
  • Gaps in current knowledge
  • Inconclusive or controversial findings from previous studies
  • The need to build on previous research (e.g. unanswered questions, the need to update concepts in light of new findings and/or new technical advancements). 

Example of a research rationale

Note: This uses a fictional study.

Abc xyz is a newly identified microalgal species isolated from fish tanks. While Abc xyz algal blooms have been seen as a threat to pisciculture, some studies have hinted at their unusually high carotenoid content and unique carotenoid profile. Carotenoid profiling has been carried out only in a handful of microalgal species from this genus, and the search for microalgae rich in bioactive carotenoids has not yielded promising candidates so far. This in-depth examination of the carotenoid profile of Abc xyz will help identify and quantify novel and potentially useful carotenoids from an untapped aquaculture resource .

In conclusion

It is important to describe the rationale of your research in order to put the significance and novelty of your specific research project into perspective. Once you have successfully articulated the reason(s) for your research, you will have convinced readers of the importance of your work!

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Rationale for the Study

It is important for you to be able to explain the importance of the research you are conducting by providing valid arguments. Rationale for the study, also referred to as justification for the study, is reason why you have conducted your study in the first place. This part in your paper needs to explain uniqueness and importance of your research. Rationale for the study needs to be specific and ideally, it should relate to the following points:

1. The research needs to contribute to the elimination of a gap in the literature. Elimination of gap in the present literature is one of the compulsory requirements for your study. In other words, you don’t need to ‘re-invent the wheel’ and your research aims and objectives need to focus on new topics. For example, you can choose to conduct an empirical study to assess the implications of COVID-19 pandemic on the numbers of tourists visitors in your city. This might be previously undressed topic, taking into account that COVID-19 pandemic is a relatively recent phenomenon.

Alternatively, if you cannot find a new topic to research, you can attempt to offer fresh perspectives on existing management, business or economic issues. For example, while thousands of studies have been previously conducted to study various aspects of leadership, this topic as far from being exhausted as a research area. Specifically, new studies can be conducted in the area of leadership to analyze the impacts of new communication mediums such as TikTok, and other social networking sites on leadership practices.

You can also discuss the shortcomings of previous works devoted to your research area. Shortcomings in previous studies can be divided into three groups:

a) Methodological limitations . Methodology employed in previous study may be flawed in terms of research design, research approach or sampling.

b) Contextual limitations . Relevance of previous works may be non-existent for the present because external factors have changed.

c) Conceptual limitations . Previous studies may be unjustifiably bound up to a particular model or an ideology.

While discussing the shortcomings of previous studies you should explain how you are going to correct them. This principle is true to almost all areas in business studies i.e. gaps or shortcomings in the literature can be found in relation to almost all areas of business and economics.

2. The research can be conducted to solve a specific problem. It helps if you can explain why you are the right person and in the right position to solve the problem. You have to explain the essence of the problem in a detailed manner and highlight practical benefits associated with the solution of the problem. Suppose, your dissertation topic is “a study into advantages and disadvantages of various entry strategies into Chinese market”. In this case, you can say that practical implications of your research relates to assisting businesses aiming to enter Chinese market to do more informed decision making.

Alternatively, if your research is devoted to the analysis of impacts of CSR programs and initiatives on brand image, practical contributions of your study would relate to contributing to the level of effectiveness of CSR programs of businesses.

Additional examples of studies that can assist to address specific practical problems may include the following:

  • A study into the reasons of high employee turnover at Hanson Brick
  • A critical analysis of employee motivation problems at Esporta, Finchley Road, London
  • A research into effective succession planning at Microsoft
  • A study into major differences between private and public primary education in the USA and implications of these differences on the quality of education

However, it is important to note that it is not an obligatory for a dissertation   to be associated with the solution of a specific problem. Dissertations can be purely theory-based as well. Examples of such studies include the following:

  • Born or bred: revising The Great Man theory of leadership in the 21 st century
  • A critical analysis of the relevance of McClelland’s Achievement theory to the US information technology industry
  • Neoliberalism as a major reason behind the emergence of the global financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009
  • Analysis of Lewin’s Model of Change and its relevance to pharmaceutical sector of France

3. Your study has to contribute to the level of professional development of the researcher . That is you. You have to explain in a detailed manner in what ways your research contributes to the achievement of your long-term career aspirations.

For example, you have selected a research topic of “ A critical analysis of the relevance of McClelland’s Achievement theory in the US information technology industry ”.  You may state that you associate your career aspirations with becoming an IT executive in the US, and accordingly, in-depth knowledge of employee motivation in this industry is going to contribute your chances of success in your chosen career path.

Therefore, you are in a better position if you have already identified your career objectives, so that during the research process you can get detailed knowledge about various aspects of your chosen industry.

Rationale for the Study

My e-book, The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: a step by step assistance offers practical assistance to complete a dissertation with minimum or no stress. The e-book covers all stages of writing a dissertation starting from the selection to the research area to submitting the completed version of the work within the deadline.

John Dudovskiy

how to make rationale in research paper

  • Researching

How to write a research rationale

Statue of an Egyptian lion

When you are doing a research assessment piece in History, you’ll often be asked to write a rationale. This is particularly true for the source investigation assessment piece.

What is a ‘rationale’?

A rationale is a written explanation about your research task that helps your teacher understand the decisions you made before beginning your source research .

A research rationale is a statement that explains the reasons behind conducting a particular research study.

It outlines the background, context, and significance of the research and why it is important to answer the main inquiry question.

A rationale seeks to answer three questions:

  • Why have you chosen this particular topic to research?
  • What questions do you specifically want answered as a result of your research?
  • How do you plan on finding the best sources during your research?

How to write a rationale

Based upon the three questions mentioned above, your rationale should have three distinct sections that answer each one.

Please note that you can answer all three in a single paragraph, but the examples below will show them as three separate paragraphs.

Part 1: Explain your topic choice

You should explain as clearly as possible why this particular subject interested you.

Don’t just say “it is interesting”: give specific reasons why.

The more precise you are, the better your mark will be. 

Useful sentence starters for explaining topic choice:

  • I was curious to discover…
  • I wanted to know…
  • I was confused by…
  • I always wanted to know…
  • I have always been fascinated by…
  • I am particularly interested in…
  • I was surprised to learn that … and I wanted to know more

Example explanation of topic choice:

Imperial Japan’s decision to surrender at the end of World War II seemed like a historical anomaly based upon what we learned in class about the Japanese ideologies behind bushido and the samurai. I wanted to know to what degree the atomic bombs had an influence upon the ultimate decision to surrender. I specifically want to know what the Japanese primary sources said at the time of the events to see their perspective. In particular, want to know if Emperor Hirohito left any documents that explained his decisions.  

Part 2: Explain your research questions

You need to explain the steps that helped you to create your Key Inquiry Question and Sub-Questions .

Remember that these questions should constantly be refined to include specific historical terms and information that you found during your background research .

Explain to your teacher why you have included specific information in your research questions.

Useful sentence starters for explaining research questions:

  • The three specific aspects that I wanted to focus upon are…
  • I knew that I had to develop my understanding of…
  • My background research focused upon…

Example explanation of research questions:

Since I wanted to focus my research on the Japanese primary sources, my Key Inquiry Question is primarily about the role that the atomic bombs had upon the emperor’s decision to surrender at the end of World War II. I guess that there may not be a lot of primary sources written by the emperor himself, so I have formed three separate questions to look at his decisions from different angles. My first question focuses on what Japanese primary sources said at the time, including the emperor. My second question looks at how contemporary Japanese historians interpret this event. Finally, my third question seeks to understand how western historians understand Hirohito’s motivations.

Part 3: Explain how you will find your sources

You need to explain what strategies you have to help you find great sources to answer your research questions.

In this section, you want to specifically name the databases, museums or other research resources you know you will utilise to find the best sources on your topic.

It may also be useful to specifically name important historians or primary sources that you know in advance that you’ll need to read closely to help answer your questions.

Useful sentence starters for explaining source research:

  • I have chosen to use…
  • One of the best sources I found was…
  • The most important sources I have use are…
  • To ensure I had a range of perspectives I…
  • It was important to include as one of my sources…

Example explanation of source research: 

I knew that finding Japanese primary sources was going to be hard, as I fear that many of them have not been translated into English. As a result, I am going to start my research by looking at what western historians say by gathering some academic articles from the JSTOR database. I hope that these historians will reference some translated Japanese primary sources and that will lead me to some great resources. After that, I know that the Tokyo Museum website has some primary source documents that may be of use to me, so look through their resources. Finally, during my background research, I stumbled across the prominent Japanese historian, Suzuki, who focuses a lot on this period, so I want to find out what his opinion is of these events. I believe that these resources should give me ample information to help answer my research questions.

Word limit advice

Answering all of these sections in a limited word count can be a challenge.

Therefore, don’t waste space on things that don’t matter, such as simply describing a historical event or person, or talking about simplistic decision-making choices (such as “I just really like wars”).

The rationale’s purpose is to explain your decision-making process. Therefore, if what you’re saying is not relevant, don’t waste space talking about it.

Example rationale

After learning about Ned Kelly in class, I was fascinated to discover that historians disagree about his motivations. What I wanted to learn about is the role that racist attitudes towards the Irish in colonial Australia had upon his life. I don’t know much about the social division between the English and Irish in Australian history, so I want to see how people who lived during these events described Ned Kelly, in order to see if racism was an important factor.

As a result, I have written my Key Inquiry Question to focus on the representation of Ned Kelly in the popular media. To help answer this, I have written my sub-questions to focus on different media types: my first question asks about how the newspapers reported on Kelly; my second is about how he is mentioned in religious sermons of the day; and my third question focuses on his representation in public posters, such as the ‘wanted’ signs for his arrest.

Since my questions are focused heavily on the primary sources, I know that I will have to start my source research on the Trove newspaper database website. This will allow me to quickly find newspaper reports about the main events in Kelly’s life. Secondly, I know that I will have trouble finding church sermons and public posters, so I will have to look for museum websites that may have these resources already, such as the Museum of Victoria and the State Library of New South Wales. I know that they often have educational resources for teachers that include primary sources. Finally, I know from my background research that Manning Clark has done a lot of research on Kelly’s life, so I hope he will mention important primary sources that can help me out, including the Jerilderie Letter.

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1. Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide: Writing a Rationale

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Writing a Rationale

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A rationale is a set of reasons or an explanation for a course of action or beliefs.  Sometimes it is referred to as a statement of intent.  In a school context, it is most often required to explain your creative choices in response to a task. In English, the purpose of a rationale is to link your creative response to the text studied and the prompt.

It should be written in formal English and structured in logical paragraphs. The rationale should be an integrated discussion of ideas and language choices, rather than a list of techniques.  Use F-CLAP to help you with the content of your Rationale.


Form:  Why have I chosen to use this form? (Eg: poetry, painting, narrative)

Context:  What is the broader context of the piece? (Eg: social &  historical context)

Language:  What language choices have I made? How have the language choices of author's studied influenced my decisions? (Eg: structures, features, devices etc.)

Audience:  Who am I writing/creating for? (consider age, gender, cultural & religious background, biases etc. )

Purpose:  Why am I writing/creating this piece?

Always refer to your Assessment task outline for specific details to writing your rationale.

Guided Brainstorm

Click on the image below to access the fillable guided brainstorm sheet.

how to make rationale in research paper

Suggested Structure

Rationales vary depending on the nature of the task. Please read task instructions carefully and seek clarification from your teacher about what is required. An example of a suggested structure is provided below.

Part A : Comment on the text to which you are responding.

  • Give an introductory explanation of the aspect(s) of the text/stimulus material that inspired your response.

Part B : Explain the purpose/aim of your response.

  • Provide a clear explanation of your intention in the response. For example, you may be focussing on a particular issue or character. You may wish to elicit an emotional response from the reader or state a philosophical view point.

Part C: Discuss your choice of medium/approach to the task Explain your choice of medium.

  • For example if your response is non-written such as a poster, collage or an electronic image(s), justify your use of colour, texture, symbolism, and composition. If your response is a story you could discuss your choice of setting, characterisation and dialogue. You may have used a particular narrative structure that requires explanation
  • Explain any unusual/particular features of your response. How do they enhance your response?

Your rationale should include relevant references (examples/quotations) where appropriate.

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How To Write a Rationale For a Research Paper | Rationale Guide

Mary Willson

Table of Contents

How to Write A Rationale For A Research Paper

  • Stating the Problem and Its Rationale
  • Stating the Problem and Its Rationale 2
  • Defining Key Terms
  • Shared Experiences

Providing A Rationale

  • Thesis Hhypothesis
  • Describing your data collection methods

A rationale typically consists of a line of reasoning that performs two principal functions. It describes a context within which to locate the intended project and suggests why doing such a study is worthwhile. A further function can be that of justifying the methods you plan to use for solving your research problem.

Roles for the Rationale

The rationale plays a role at two stages of your project: (a) when you first submit your research proposal to your advisors for their advice and approval and (b) when you write your final version of the thesis or dissertation so readers will understand the contribution to knowledge or the contribution to practice that your work represents.

Placing your work in context

Locating your study in a context consists of identifying a domain of life into which the research fits. One popular way to accomplish this is to introduce a label that you assume is familiar to your readers. Labels can be on different levels of specificity. To illustrate, for our hypothetical study of Mexican-American families, consider three alternatives that descend from the general to the specific. The first label–social change–places your work within a very broad field. The second–family structure–identifies a more limited realm. The third trend in family structure and function among Mexican Americans–represents a very narrow field, indeed. Your rationale might start with the label that signifies the field in which you think your work belongs.

  • Among theories of social change, the most prominent types . . . .
  • The literature on family structure can be divided into . . . .
  • Investigations of trends in family structure and function among Mexican Americans treat such issues as . . . .
  • Your next task is that of showing how your project fits into the selected realm. Here is one way that could be done for the second option–family structure.

The literature on family structure can be divided into six categories focusing on (1) family members’ roles, (2) types of human needs met within different family structures, (3) nuclear and extended forms of family, (4) lineage and governance (i.e., patrilineal, matrilineal), (5) explanations of family structural change over time, and (6) cross-cultural comparisons. The present study links the second and fifth of these categories by addressing the question: What changes have occurred in the structure and functions of Mexican-American families during the twentieth century, and what trends do such changes reflect”In addition, by centering attention on a particular ethnic group–Mexican-Americans–the study provides material useful to people interested in the last of the categories, that of cross-cultural comparisons.

Identifying your intended contribution

Perhaps the most important function of an author’s rationale is the explanation of how the project can contribute to knowledge (basic research that corrects or expands people’s understanding of the world) and/or to practice (applied research that improves the conduct of some aspect of life). This function is typically performed by the author identifying shortcomings in the existing body of knowledge or practice that could be remedied by the proposed research. As noted in Chapter 1, contributions can be of various kinds, including:

  • Evidence about kinds of events, individuals, groups, or institutions not studied before
  • Outcomes derived from applying existing theories or methods of investigation to events, individuals, groups, or institutions not yet studied in such a fashion
  • The use of new data-gathering methods or instruments for studying phenomena
  • A novel theoretical view of familiar events
  • New interpretations of existing data
  • Conclusions drawn from combining the results of similar studies (meta-analysis)

The following examples illustrate two ways of wording research proposals so that they (a) specify the question to be answered, (b) locate the study in a domain of knowledge or practice, and (c) identify the study’s intended contribution.

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The research’s rationale describes why the study was undertaken (in a thesis or article) or why the study should be accompanied (in a proposal). This implies that the research justification should explain why the study is/was necessary to the reader or examiner. It is sometimes known as a study’s “purpose” or “justification.” While this is not difficult to understand in and of itself, you may be questioning how the study’s reasoning differs from your research question or the explanation of the problem of your study and how it turns into the remainder of your thesis or research paper.


The rationale of your research is the objective of the study. The reason should explain why the research was started in the first place. It’s an essential part of your work since it demonstrates the significance and uniqueness of your research. As a result, it’s often referred to as the study’s reason. Your analysis would be arranged in an ideal world: observation, justification, hypothesis, objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions. To begin writing your rationale, offer background information on all the research on your study topic. Then consider, “What is missing?” or “What are the research’s unanswered questions?” Identify the gaps in the literature and explain why they must be filled. Finally, it resolves to serve as the foundation for your investigation.

A study’s reason might be provided before and after the investigation.

  • Before : The reason is essential to your research proposal since it represents the work plan you developed before carrying out your investigation.
  • After : When the investigation is over, the justification is given in a literature research paper or thesis to explain why you choose to focus on the specific subject. In this case, you would connect your research project’s logic to the study’s goals and outcomes.

Organize Your Rationale

The rationale for the study

Consider a research rationale, a set of arguments explaining why a study is required and significant in light of its context. It is also the study’s reason, rationale, or thesis statement. Essentially, you want to persuade your reader that you are not repeating what others have already stated and that your perspective did not emerge from thin air. You’ve researched and found a knowledge gap that this justification now fills.

Basic elements of the research rationale

Typically, a clinical research justification is provided near the conclusion of the introduction. This area is prominent in high-impact-factor international publications such as Nature and Science. There is usually a line after the introduction that begins with “here we show” or “in this paper, we demonstrate.” This paragraph is part of a logical sequence of information, which is often (but not always) presented in the following order:

  • Research background : What brings you here? Present (and cite) previous research and data on the subject.
  • A gap in the literature : Which gaps haven’t been addressed based on the background evidence presented? Or, what is the problem that needs to be solved/process that needs to be improved?
  • Research rationale : Why is it critical to fill these gaps or to solve/improve this problem/process?
  • Research objectives and methodology : What will you investigate (your research question/goal)? How are you going to approach it (methods)?

Hope to accomplish

Describe the issue that your research will address: The problem your study will address, also known as your research subject, informs the reader about the scope of your investigation. Your research topic should be as detailed as possible, especially in a professional environment. In addition, specific research topics are more likely to lead to financing opportunities for your project.

Research Methodology

Discourse the methodology for your study:  Explain to your audience how you intend to conduct your clinical research and offer a broad timeline for each stage. Include details about how you plan to contact research participants if your study spans several months or years.

Predict the results of your study:  A hypothesis isn’t always necessary, but it might assist in supporting your case. If you can make a more than speculative forecast, include it in your rationale. To represent your research topic, make your hypothesis as detailed as possible.

Clarify what you hope your study will accomplish:  Your clinical research should uncover something fresh that has not before been explored in your sector. Finding something that no one else has discovered isn’t enough. You must also explain that your findings will significantly advance your field or that they will clear up a past misunderstanding.

In a journal-accepted research manuscript, your justification should be no more than a few words long (no longer than one brief paragraph). A longer description is generally allowed in a manuscript or thesis; depending on the length and type of your material, this might be up to several paragraphs lengthy. A wholly new or unique technique may require a more prolonged and extensive justification than one that deviates somewhat from well-established procedures and approaches.

Rationale for research

It is critical to discuss the reason for your study to understand the relevance and uniqueness of your research effort. You will have persuaded readers of the significance of your work once you have adequately expressed the reason(s) for your study. Defining the justification research is a critical component of the research process and academic writing in any reasoning research endeavour . This is what you use in your research paper for the first time to explain the research problem inside your dissertation subject. This will give you the research reason you require to define your research topic and potential outcomes.

About Pubrica

Pubrica’s research team generates scientific and medical research articles that practitioners and authors may use as a resource. Pubrica medical writers help you create and modify the introduction by advising the reader of any defects or holes in the chosen research subject. Our experts are familiar with the structure that begins with a broad topic and then continues to a problem and background before going on to a targeted issue to provide the hypothesis.

  • Huggett, Kathryn N., and William B. Jeffries. “Overview of active learning research and rationale for active learning.”  How-to Guide for Active Learning . Springer, Cham, 2021. 1-7.
  • Bandrowski, Anita, et al. “Sparc data structure: Rationale and design of a fair standard for biomedical research data.”  bioRxiv  (2021).
  • Andriotis, Konstantinos. “RATIONALE FOR LAUNCHING A NEW JOURNAL.”  Journal of Qualitative Research  1.1 (2020): 1-6.
  • Russell, David R. “Retreading, Non-ing, and a TPC Rationale for Sub-disciplining in Writing Studies.”  College English  82.5 (2020): 472-483.



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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

  • 6. The Methodology
  • Purpose of Guide
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  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Reading Research Effectively
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
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  • Making an Outline
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  • Scholarly vs. Popular Publications
  • Qualitative Methods
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  • Limitations of the Study
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The methods section describes actions taken to investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information applied to understanding the problem, thereby, allowing the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability. The methodology section of a research paper answers two main questions: How was the data collected or generated? And, how was it analyzed? The writing should be direct and precise and always written in the past tense.

Kallet, Richard H. "How to Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper." Respiratory Care 49 (October 2004): 1229-1232.

Importance of a Good Methodology Section

You must explain how you obtained and analyzed your results for the following reasons:

  • Readers need to know how the data was obtained because the method you chose affects the results and, by extension, how you interpreted their significance in the discussion section of your paper.
  • Methodology is crucial for any branch of scholarship because an unreliable method produces unreliable results and, as a consequence, undermines the value of your analysis of the findings.
  • In most cases, there are a variety of different methods you can choose to investigate a research problem. The methodology section of your paper should clearly articulate the reasons why you have chosen a particular procedure or technique.
  • The reader wants to know that the data was collected or generated in a way that is consistent with accepted practice in the field of study. For example, if you are using a multiple choice questionnaire, readers need to know that it offered your respondents a reasonable range of answers to choose from.
  • The method must be appropriate to fulfilling the overall aims of the study. For example, you need to ensure that you have a large enough sample size to be able to generalize and make recommendations based upon the findings.
  • The methodology should discuss the problems that were anticipated and the steps you took to prevent them from occurring. For any problems that do arise, you must describe the ways in which they were minimized or why these problems do not impact in any meaningful way your interpretation of the findings.
  • In the social and behavioral sciences, it is important to always provide sufficient information to allow other researchers to adopt or replicate your methodology. This information is particularly important when a new method has been developed or an innovative use of an existing method is utilized.

Bem, Daryl J. Writing the Empirical Journal Article. Psychology Writing Center. University of Washington; Denscombe, Martyn. The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects . 5th edition. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, 2014; Lunenburg, Frederick C. Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008.

Structure and Writing Style

I.  Groups of Research Methods

There are two main groups of research methods in the social sciences:

  • The e mpirical-analytical group approaches the study of social sciences in a similar manner that researchers study the natural sciences . This type of research focuses on objective knowledge, research questions that can be answered yes or no, and operational definitions of variables to be measured. The empirical-analytical group employs deductive reasoning that uses existing theory as a foundation for formulating hypotheses that need to be tested. This approach is focused on explanation.
  • The i nterpretative group of methods is focused on understanding phenomenon in a comprehensive, holistic way . Interpretive methods focus on analytically disclosing the meaning-making practices of human subjects [the why, how, or by what means people do what they do], while showing how those practices arrange so that it can be used to generate observable outcomes. Interpretive methods allow you to recognize your connection to the phenomena under investigation. However, the interpretative group requires careful examination of variables because it focuses more on subjective knowledge.

II.  Content

The introduction to your methodology section should begin by restating the research problem and underlying assumptions underpinning your study. This is followed by situating the methods you used to gather, analyze, and process information within the overall “tradition” of your field of study and within the particular research design you have chosen to study the problem. If the method you choose lies outside of the tradition of your field [i.e., your review of the literature demonstrates that the method is not commonly used], provide a justification for how your choice of methods specifically addresses the research problem in ways that have not been utilized in prior studies.

The remainder of your methodology section should describe the following:

  • Decisions made in selecting the data you have analyzed or, in the case of qualitative research, the subjects and research setting you have examined,
  • Tools and methods used to identify and collect information, and how you identified relevant variables,
  • The ways in which you processed the data and the procedures you used to analyze that data, and
  • The specific research tools or strategies that you utilized to study the underlying hypothesis and research questions.

In addition, an effectively written methodology section should:

  • Introduce the overall methodological approach for investigating your research problem . Is your study qualitative or quantitative or a combination of both (mixed method)? Are you going to take a special approach, such as action research, or a more neutral stance?
  • Indicate how the approach fits the overall research design . Your methods for gathering data should have a clear connection to your research problem. In other words, make sure that your methods will actually address the problem. One of the most common deficiencies found in research papers is that the proposed methodology is not suitable to achieving the stated objective of your paper.
  • Describe the specific methods of data collection you are going to use , such as, surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observation, archival research. If you are analyzing existing data, such as a data set or archival documents, describe how it was originally created or gathered and by whom. Also be sure to explain how older data is still relevant to investigating the current research problem.
  • Explain how you intend to analyze your results . Will you use statistical analysis? Will you use specific theoretical perspectives to help you analyze a text or explain observed behaviors? Describe how you plan to obtain an accurate assessment of relationships, patterns, trends, distributions, and possible contradictions found in the data.
  • Provide background and a rationale for methodologies that are unfamiliar for your readers . Very often in the social sciences, research problems and the methods for investigating them require more explanation/rationale than widely accepted rules governing the natural and physical sciences. Be clear and concise in your explanation.
  • Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure . For instance, if you propose to conduct interviews, how do you intend to select the sample population? If you are analyzing texts, which texts have you chosen, and why? If you are using statistics, why is this set of data being used? If other data sources exist, explain why the data you chose is most appropriate to addressing the research problem.
  • Provide a justification for case study selection . A common method of analyzing research problems in the social sciences is to analyze specific cases. These can be a person, place, event, phenomenon, or other type of subject of analysis that are either examined as a singular topic of in-depth investigation or multiple topics of investigation studied for the purpose of comparing or contrasting findings. In either method, you should explain why a case or cases were chosen and how they specifically relate to the research problem.
  • Describe potential limitations . Are there any practical limitations that could affect your data collection? How will you attempt to control for potential confounding variables and errors? If your methodology may lead to problems you can anticipate, state this openly and show why pursuing this methodology outweighs the risk of these problems cropping up.

NOTE:   Once you have written all of the elements of the methods section, subsequent revisions should focus on how to present those elements as clearly and as logically as possibly. The description of how you prepared to study the research problem, how you gathered the data, and the protocol for analyzing the data should be organized chronologically. For clarity, when a large amount of detail must be presented, information should be presented in sub-sections according to topic. If necessary, consider using appendices for raw data.

ANOTHER NOTE: If you are conducting a qualitative analysis of a research problem , the methodology section generally requires a more elaborate description of the methods used as well as an explanation of the processes applied to gathering and analyzing of data than is generally required for studies using quantitative methods. Because you are the primary instrument for generating the data [e.g., through interviews or observations], the process for collecting that data has a significantly greater impact on producing the findings. Therefore, qualitative research requires a more detailed description of the methods used.

YET ANOTHER NOTE:   If your study involves interviews, observations, or other qualitative techniques involving human subjects , you may be required to obtain approval from the university's Office for the Protection of Research Subjects before beginning your research. This is not a common procedure for most undergraduate level student research assignments. However, i f your professor states you need approval, you must include a statement in your methods section that you received official endorsement and adequate informed consent from the office and that there was a clear assessment and minimization of risks to participants and to the university. This statement informs the reader that your study was conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. In some cases, the approval notice is included as an appendix to your paper.

III.  Problems to Avoid

Irrelevant Detail The methodology section of your paper should be thorough but concise. Do not provide any background information that does not directly help the reader understand why a particular method was chosen, how the data was gathered or obtained, and how the data was analyzed in relation to the research problem [note: analyzed, not interpreted! Save how you interpreted the findings for the discussion section]. With this in mind, the page length of your methods section will generally be less than any other section of your paper except the conclusion.

Unnecessary Explanation of Basic Procedures Remember that you are not writing a how-to guide about a particular method. You should make the assumption that readers possess a basic understanding of how to investigate the research problem on their own and, therefore, you do not have to go into great detail about specific methodological procedures. The focus should be on how you applied a method , not on the mechanics of doing a method. An exception to this rule is if you select an unconventional methodological approach; if this is the case, be sure to explain why this approach was chosen and how it enhances the overall process of discovery.

Problem Blindness It is almost a given that you will encounter problems when collecting or generating your data, or, gaps will exist in existing data or archival materials. Do not ignore these problems or pretend they did not occur. Often, documenting how you overcame obstacles can form an interesting part of the methodology. It demonstrates to the reader that you can provide a cogent rationale for the decisions you made to minimize the impact of any problems that arose.

Literature Review Just as the literature review section of your paper provides an overview of sources you have examined while researching a particular topic, the methodology section should cite any sources that informed your choice and application of a particular method [i.e., the choice of a survey should include any citations to the works you used to help construct the survey].

It’s More than Sources of Information! A description of a research study's method should not be confused with a description of the sources of information. Such a list of sources is useful in and of itself, especially if it is accompanied by an explanation about the selection and use of the sources. The description of the project's methodology complements a list of sources in that it sets forth the organization and interpretation of information emanating from those sources.

Azevedo, L.F. et al. "How to Write a Scientific Paper: Writing the Methods Section." Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia 17 (2011): 232-238; Blair Lorrie. “Choosing a Methodology.” In Writing a Graduate Thesis or Dissertation , Teaching Writing Series. (Rotterdam: Sense Publishers 2016), pp. 49-72; Butin, Dan W. The Education Dissertation A Guide for Practitioner Scholars . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2010; Carter, Susan. Structuring Your Research Thesis . New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012; Kallet, Richard H. “How to Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper.” Respiratory Care 49 (October 2004):1229-1232; Lunenburg, Frederick C. Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008. Methods Section. The Writer’s Handbook. Writing Center. University of Wisconsin, Madison; Rudestam, Kjell Erik and Rae R. Newton. “The Method Chapter: Describing Your Research Plan.” In Surviving Your Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process . (Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications, 2015), pp. 87-115; What is Interpretive Research. Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah; Writing the Experimental Report: Methods, Results, and Discussion. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Methods and Materials. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. Department of Biology. Bates College.

Writing Tip

Statistical Designs and Tests? Do Not Fear Them!

Don't avoid using a quantitative approach to analyzing your research problem just because you fear the idea of applying statistical designs and tests. A qualitative approach, such as conducting interviews or content analysis of archival texts, can yield exciting new insights about a research problem, but it should not be undertaken simply because you have a disdain for running a simple regression. A well designed quantitative research study can often be accomplished in very clear and direct ways, whereas, a similar study of a qualitative nature usually requires considerable time to analyze large volumes of data and a tremendous burden to create new paths for analysis where previously no path associated with your research problem had existed.

To locate data and statistics, GO HERE .

Another Writing Tip

Knowing the Relationship Between Theories and Methods

There can be multiple meaning associated with the term "theories" and the term "methods" in social sciences research. A helpful way to delineate between them is to understand "theories" as representing different ways of characterizing the social world when you research it and "methods" as representing different ways of generating and analyzing data about that social world. Framed in this way, all empirical social sciences research involves theories and methods, whether they are stated explicitly or not. However, while theories and methods are often related, it is important that, as a researcher, you deliberately separate them in order to avoid your theories playing a disproportionate role in shaping what outcomes your chosen methods produce.

Introspectively engage in an ongoing dialectic between the application of theories and methods to help enable you to use the outcomes from your methods to interrogate and develop new theories, or ways of framing conceptually the research problem. This is how scholarship grows and branches out into new intellectual territory.

Reynolds, R. Larry. Ways of Knowing. Alternative Microeconomics . Part 1, Chapter 3. Boise State University; The Theory-Method Relationship. S-Cool Revision. United Kingdom.

Yet Another Writing Tip

Methods and the Methodology

Do not confuse the terms "methods" and "methodology." As Schneider notes, a method refers to the technical steps taken to do research . Descriptions of methods usually include defining and stating why you have chosen specific techniques to investigate a research problem, followed by an outline of the procedures you used to systematically select, gather, and process the data [remember to always save the interpretation of data for the discussion section of your paper].

The methodology refers to a discussion of the underlying reasoning why particular methods were used . This discussion includes describing the theoretical concepts that inform the choice of methods to be applied, placing the choice of methods within the more general nature of academic work, and reviewing its relevance to examining the research problem. The methodology section also includes a thorough review of the methods other scholars have used to study the topic.

Bryman, Alan. "Of Methods and Methodology." Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 3 (2008): 159-168; Schneider, Florian. “What's in a Methodology: The Difference between Method, Methodology, and Theory…and How to Get the Balance Right?” Chinese Department, University of Leiden, Netherlands.

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Writing a Research Paper Introduction | Step-by-Step Guide

Published on September 24, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on March 27, 2023.

Writing a Research Paper Introduction

The introduction to a research paper is where you set up your topic and approach for the reader. It has several key goals:

  • Present your topic and get the reader interested
  • Provide background or summarize existing research
  • Position your own approach
  • Detail your specific research problem and problem statement
  • Give an overview of the paper’s structure

The introduction looks slightly different depending on whether your paper presents the results of original empirical research or constructs an argument by engaging with a variety of sources.

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Table of contents

Step 1: introduce your topic, step 2: describe the background, step 3: establish your research problem, step 4: specify your objective(s), step 5: map out your paper, research paper introduction examples, frequently asked questions about the research paper introduction.

The first job of the introduction is to tell the reader what your topic is and why it’s interesting or important. This is generally accomplished with a strong opening hook.

The hook is a striking opening sentence that clearly conveys the relevance of your topic. Think of an interesting fact or statistic, a strong statement, a question, or a brief anecdote that will get the reader wondering about your topic.

For example, the following could be an effective hook for an argumentative paper about the environmental impact of cattle farming:

A more empirical paper investigating the relationship of Instagram use with body image issues in adolescent girls might use the following hook:

Don’t feel that your hook necessarily has to be deeply impressive or creative. Clarity and relevance are still more important than catchiness. The key thing is to guide the reader into your topic and situate your ideas.

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how to make rationale in research paper

This part of the introduction differs depending on what approach your paper is taking.

In a more argumentative paper, you’ll explore some general background here. In a more empirical paper, this is the place to review previous research and establish how yours fits in.

Argumentative paper: Background information

After you’ve caught your reader’s attention, specify a bit more, providing context and narrowing down your topic.

Provide only the most relevant background information. The introduction isn’t the place to get too in-depth; if more background is essential to your paper, it can appear in the body .

Empirical paper: Describing previous research

For a paper describing original research, you’ll instead provide an overview of the most relevant research that has already been conducted. This is a sort of miniature literature review —a sketch of the current state of research into your topic, boiled down to a few sentences.

This should be informed by genuine engagement with the literature. Your search can be less extensive than in a full literature review, but a clear sense of the relevant research is crucial to inform your own work.

Begin by establishing the kinds of research that have been done, and end with limitations or gaps in the research that you intend to respond to.

The next step is to clarify how your own research fits in and what problem it addresses.

Argumentative paper: Emphasize importance

In an argumentative research paper, you can simply state the problem you intend to discuss, and what is original or important about your argument.

Empirical paper: Relate to the literature

In an empirical research paper, try to lead into the problem on the basis of your discussion of the literature. Think in terms of these questions:

  • What research gap is your work intended to fill?
  • What limitations in previous work does it address?
  • What contribution to knowledge does it make?

You can make the connection between your problem and the existing research using phrases like the following.

Although has been studied in detail, insufficient attention has been paid to . You will address a previously overlooked aspect of your topic.
The implications of study deserve to be explored further. You will build on something suggested by a previous study, exploring it in greater depth.
It is generally assumed that . However, this paper suggests that … You will depart from the consensus on your topic, establishing a new position.

Now you’ll get into the specifics of what you intend to find out or express in your research paper.

The way you frame your research objectives varies. An argumentative paper presents a thesis statement, while an empirical paper generally poses a research question (sometimes with a hypothesis as to the answer).

Argumentative paper: Thesis statement

The thesis statement expresses the position that the rest of the paper will present evidence and arguments for. It can be presented in one or two sentences, and should state your position clearly and directly, without providing specific arguments for it at this point.

Empirical paper: Research question and hypothesis

The research question is the question you want to answer in an empirical research paper.

Present your research question clearly and directly, with a minimum of discussion at this point. The rest of the paper will be taken up with discussing and investigating this question; here you just need to express it.

A research question can be framed either directly or indirectly.

  • This study set out to answer the following question: What effects does daily use of Instagram have on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls?
  • We investigated the effects of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls.

If your research involved testing hypotheses , these should be stated along with your research question. They are usually presented in the past tense, since the hypothesis will already have been tested by the time you are writing up your paper.

For example, the following hypothesis might respond to the research question above:

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how to make rationale in research paper

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The final part of the introduction is often dedicated to a brief overview of the rest of the paper.

In a paper structured using the standard scientific “introduction, methods, results, discussion” format, this isn’t always necessary. But if your paper is structured in a less predictable way, it’s important to describe the shape of it for the reader.

If included, the overview should be concise, direct, and written in the present tense.

  • This paper will first discuss several examples of survey-based research into adolescent social media use, then will go on to …
  • This paper first discusses several examples of survey-based research into adolescent social media use, then goes on to …

Full examples of research paper introductions are shown in the tabs below: one for an argumentative paper, the other for an empirical paper.

  • Argumentative paper
  • Empirical paper

Are cows responsible for climate change? A recent study (RIVM, 2019) shows that cattle farmers account for two thirds of agricultural nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. These emissions result from nitrogen in manure, which can degrade into ammonia and enter the atmosphere. The study’s calculations show that agriculture is the main source of nitrogen pollution, accounting for 46% of the country’s total emissions. By comparison, road traffic and households are responsible for 6.1% each, the industrial sector for 1%. While efforts are being made to mitigate these emissions, policymakers are reluctant to reckon with the scale of the problem. The approach presented here is a radical one, but commensurate with the issue. This paper argues that the Dutch government must stimulate and subsidize livestock farmers, especially cattle farmers, to transition to sustainable vegetable farming. It first establishes the inadequacy of current mitigation measures, then discusses the various advantages of the results proposed, and finally addresses potential objections to the plan on economic grounds.

The rise of social media has been accompanied by a sharp increase in the prevalence of body image issues among women and girls. This correlation has received significant academic attention: Various empirical studies have been conducted into Facebook usage among adolescent girls (Tiggermann & Slater, 2013; Meier & Gray, 2014). These studies have consistently found that the visual and interactive aspects of the platform have the greatest influence on body image issues. Despite this, highly visual social media (HVSM) such as Instagram have yet to be robustly researched. This paper sets out to address this research gap. We investigated the effects of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls. It was hypothesized that daily Instagram use would be associated with an increase in body image concerns and a decrease in self-esteem ratings.

The introduction of a research paper includes several key elements:

  • A hook to catch the reader’s interest
  • Relevant background on the topic
  • Details of your research problem

and your problem statement

  • A thesis statement or research question
  • Sometimes an overview of the paper

Don’t feel that you have to write the introduction first. The introduction is often one of the last parts of the research paper you’ll write, along with the conclusion.

This is because it can be easier to introduce your paper once you’ve already written the body ; you may not have the clearest idea of your arguments until you’ve written them, and things can change during the writing process .

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis —a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, March 27). Writing a Research Paper Introduction | Step-by-Step Guide. Scribbr. Retrieved August 31, 2024, from

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How to Start a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

Desk with research papers and laptop

Starting a research paper can feel overwhelming, especially if you're new to the process. This guide will walk you through each step, from picking a topic to polishing your final draft. By breaking down the process into manageable parts, you'll find it easier to stay organized and focused. Let's dive in and make your research paper a success!

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a topic that interests you and has enough resources available.
  • Formulate a clear research question to guide your study.
  • Conduct a thorough literature review to understand existing research.
  • Develop a detailed research plan, including methodology and timeline.
  • Ensure proper citation to maintain academic integrity.

Choosing a Research Topic

Choosing a research topic is a crucial first step in writing a research paper. It sets the foundation for your entire project . Here are some key steps to help you choose the right topic.

Formulating a Research Question

Person thinking with question marks and lightbulbs

Understanding the Importance of a Research Question

A well-defined research question is the cornerstone of any successful research paper. It acts as a compass, guiding your study and ensuring that you stay on track. Without a clear research question, your paper may lack focus and coherence. This question helps you narrow down your topic and provides a clear direction for your research.

Techniques for Crafting a Strong Research Question

To craft a strong research question, start by identifying a specific issue or problem within your topic. Use the following steps:

  • Identify a gap in the existing literature or a problem that needs solving.
  • Make sure your question is clear and concise, avoiding vague terms.
  • Ensure that your question is researchable within the scope of your resources and time.
  • Align your question with your research objectives to maintain focus.

Aligning the Research Question with Objectives

Your research question should align closely with your research objectives. This alignment ensures that every part of your study is interconnected and supports your overall goals. A well-aligned research question not only clarifies your study's purpose but also helps in structuring your paper effectively.

Conducting a Literature Review

Gathering relevant sources.

Start by collecting sources that are related to your research topic. Use libraries, online databases, and academic journals to find books, articles, and papers. Skimming sources instead of reading each one fully can save you time. If a source seems useful, set it aside for a more in-depth read later.

Analyzing Existing Research

Once you have gathered your sources, read through them and take notes on key points. Pay attention to different viewpoints and how they relate to your research question. This will help you understand the current state of research in your field. To elevate your essay , start with a comprehensive literature review to ground your work in relevant scholarship.

Identifying Research Gaps

Look for areas that haven't been explored or questions that haven't been answered in the existing research. These gaps can provide a direction for your own research and make your thesis more valuable. Defining your research question and following a methodical process to synthesize findings is crucial. This step is essential in the steps in the literature review process .

Developing a Research Plan

Creating a solid research plan is crucial for the success of your thesis. It helps you stay organized and ensures that you cover all necessary aspects of your research.

Writing the Thesis Introduction

Starting your thesis introduction can be daunting, but it's crucial for setting the stage for your research. Establishing the context for your study helps readers understand the background and significance of your work. This section should provide a clear overview of what your thesis will cover, making it easier for readers to follow your arguments.

Establishing Context

Begin by providing some background information on your topic. This helps to set the stage and gives your readers a sense of what to expect. Make sure to include relevant literature and previous studies to show how your research fits into the existing body of work. This is essential for demonstrating the importance of your research .

Crafting a Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the heart of your introduction. Typically, it is placed at the end of the introductory paragraph. This statement should succinctly present the main argument or focus of your thesis, guiding the reader on what to expect. A clear and concise thesis statement is crucial for a strong introduction.

Providing an Overview of the Study

Finally, outline the structure of your thesis. This roadmap will help readers navigate through your work, knowing what each section will address. By clearly presenting the layout, you reduce thesis anxiety and make your research more accessible.

Choosing a Research Methodology

Choosing the right research methodology is crucial for the success of your study. It determines how you will collect and analyze data, and ultimately, how you will answer your research question. Here are some key points to consider when selecting a methodology.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methods

First, decide whether your research will be qualitative, quantitative, or a mix of both. Qualitative research focuses on understanding concepts, thoughts, or experiences. It often involves interviews, focus groups, or content analysis. On the other hand, quantitative research aims to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. This often involves surveys, experiments, or secondary data analysis.

Selecting Data Collection Tools

Once you've chosen between qualitative and quantitative methods, the next step is to select the appropriate data collection tools. For qualitative research, you might use interviews, focus groups, or observational methods. For quantitative research, consider surveys, experiments, or existing datasets. The choice of tools should align with your research objectives and the type of data you need to collect.

Justifying Methodological Choices

Finally, it's essential to justify your methodological choices. Explain why the selected methods are suitable for your research and how they will help you achieve your objectives. This step is crucial for gaining approval from stakeholders and ensuring the success of your project. Make sure to address any potential limitations and how you plan to mitigate them.

Organizing Research Materials

Creating a categorization system.

To start, you need a system to categorize your research materials. This can be as simple as using folders on your computer or as advanced as specialized software. Organizing your notes into categories helps you find information quickly. You can use sticky notes or a mind map to group related ideas. This step is crucial for keeping your research structured and accessible.

Using Reference Management Software

Using reference management software like Zotero or Mendeley can save you a lot of time. These tools help you keep track of your sources and format citations correctly. They also allow you to create a library of references that you can easily search through. This is especially useful when you need to cite sources in your paper.

Synthesizing Information

Synthesizing information means combining ideas from different sources to create a comprehensive understanding of your topic. Look for common themes, debates, and gaps in the literature. This will help you formulate a strong research question and provide a solid foundation for your thesis. Summarizing and integrating findings from various sources will make your research more robust and credible.

Drafting the Research Paper

Person writing research paper at desk with books

Writing the First Draft

Once your outline is ready, it's time to start writing your first draft. This is the longest step, but if you've prepared well, it should go smoothly. Begin with your thesis statement and then fill out the introduction with secondary information. The body of your paper will contain the bulk of your research, divided into sections with headers for easy navigation. Don't worry about perfection at this stage ; focus on getting your ideas down .

Incorporating Feedback

After completing your first draft, seek feedback from your supervisor and peers . Their insights can help you see your work from different perspectives and identify areas for improvement. Revising is a continuous process of re-seeing your writing, considering larger issues like focus, organization, and audience.

Polishing the Final Draft

Finally, polish your final draft. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Ensure that your thesis is clear, concise, and free of errors. This step is crucial for making a strong impression and effectively communicating your research findings.

Maintaining Academic Integrity

Proper citation practices.

Proper citation is essential to uphold academic integrity. Always give credit to the original authors of the sources you use. This not only helps you avoid plagiarism but also strengthens your arguments by backing them up with credible sources. Citing your sources correctly is a fundamental aspect of academic writing.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious offense in the academic world. It involves using someone else's work without giving them credit. To avoid plagiarism, make sure to paraphrase correctly and use quotation marks when directly quoting someone. Utilize plagiarism detection tools to ensure your work is original.

Ensuring Credibility of Sources

Using credible sources is crucial for the integrity of your research. Evaluate the reliability of your sources by checking the author's credentials and the publication's reputation. Credible sources add weight to your arguments and help you build a strong foundation for your research.

Effective Data Collection and Analysis

Choosing data collection methods.

Selecting the right data collection methods is crucial for the success of your research. Consider methods such as surveys, interviews, or experiments based on your research needs. Aligning data collection techniques with research needs ensures relevant and robust findings.

Analyzing Collected Data

Once you have gathered your data, the next step is to analyze it accurately . Use statistical tools and software to help you interpret the data. Create tables and graphs to illustrate your findings clearly. This will help you present your results in a structured and understandable way.

Interpreting Results

Interpreting your results is an essential part of your thesis. Discuss how your findings relate to your research questions and the existing literature. Highlight the significance of your analyses and the reliability of your findings. This will help you draw meaningful conclusions and provide valuable insights into your research topic.

Revising and Editing the Research Paper

Reviewing for clarity and coherence.

When revising your research paper, focus on ensuring that your ideas are clear and logically organized. Each section should flow smoothly into the next, and your arguments should be well-structured. Reading your paper out loud can help you catch issues that you might miss when reading silently. Additionally, consider having someone else review your paper to provide a fresh perspective.

Addressing Feedback

Incorporating feedback is a crucial part of the revision process. Share your draft with peers, mentors, or advisors and be open to their suggestions. Addressing feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and strengthen your arguments. Remember, revising is a continuous process of refining your work.

Final Proofreading

The final step in the editing process is proofreading. This involves checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Use tools like spellcheckers or digital writing assistants to help with this task. Ensure that your paper follows the required formatting guidelines and that all citations are correctly formatted. A well-proofread paper enhances the credibility of your research.

Revising and editing your research paper can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Our step-by-step guides make the process simple and stress-free. Whether you're stuck on where to start or need help polishing your final draft, we've got you covered. Visit our website to discover how our resources can help you achieve academic success.

Starting a research paper might seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much easier. From selecting a topic that interests you to organizing your research and drafting your paper, each step is crucial for success. Remember to stay focused on your research question, use reliable sources, and keep your writing clear and concise. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to crafting a compelling and informative research paper. Good luck, and don't hesitate to seek help if you need it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose a research topic.

Start by thinking about what interests you. Pick a topic that you find fun and fulfilling. This will keep you motivated throughout your research. Make a list of subjects you enjoy and see how they can relate to your field of study.

Why is a research question important?

A research question guides your study and keeps you focused. It helps you set specific goals and determine the direction of your research.

What is a literature review?

A literature review involves gathering and analyzing existing research on your topic. It helps you understand what has already been studied and identify gaps that your research can fill.

How do I create a research plan?

Start by outlining your methodology, creating a timeline, and allocating resources effectively. A solid plan helps you stay organized and ensures you cover all necessary aspects of your research.

What should be included in a thesis introduction?

Your introduction should establish the context for your study, present your thesis statement, and provide an overview of what your thesis will cover.

How do I choose the right research methodology?

Decide whether to use qualitative or quantitative methods, select appropriate data collection tools, and justify your choices based on your research goals.

What are proper citation practices?

Always give credit to the original authors of the sources you use. Use a consistent citation style and ensure all sources are properly cited to avoid plagiarism.

How do I revise and edit my research paper?

Review for clarity and coherence, address feedback from peers or advisors, and do a final proofreading to catch any errors.

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  1. How to Write the Rationale for a Research Paper

    The rationale for your research is the reason why you decided to conduct the study in the first place. The motivation for asking the question. The knowledge gap. This is often the most significant part of your publication. It justifies the study's purpose, novelty, and significance for science or society.

  2. Writing a rationale

    What is a rationale? A rationale is when you are asked to give the reasoning or justification for an action or a choice you make. There is a focus on the 'why' in a rationale: why you chose to do something, study or focus on something. It is a set of statements of purpose and significance and often addresses a gap or a need.

  3. How to write the rationale for research?| [site:name]

    To write your rationale, you should first write a background on what all research has been done on your study topic. Follow this with 'what is missing' or 'what are the open questions of the study'. Identify the gaps in the literature and emphasize why it is important to address those gaps. This will form the rationale of your study.

  4. How do you Write the Rationale for Research?

    The rationale for research is also sometimes referred to as the justification for the study. When writing your rational, first begin by introducing and explaining what other researchers have published on within your research field. Having explained the work of previous literature and prior research, include discussion about where the gaps in ...

  5. How to Write a Rationale: A Guide for Research and Beyond

    Typically, the rationale is written toward the end of the introduction section of your paper, providing a logical lead-in to your research questions and methodology . By following these steps and considering your audience's perspective, you can write a strong and compelling rationale that clearly communicates the significance and necessity of ...

  6. How to write rationale in research

    Research rationale helps to ideate new topics which are less addressed. Additionally, it offers fresh perspectives on existing research and discusses the shortcomings in previous studies. It shows that your study aims to contribute to filling these gaps and advancing the field's understanding. 3. Originality and Novelty.

  7. How to Write a Rationale for Your Research Paper

    A research rationale is a fundamental component of any academic paper, serving as the backbone that supports the entire study. It's not just a formality or an introductory paragraph; rather, it's a critical element that justifies the need for your research and articulates its potential value to the academic community and beyond.. In essence, the rationale is your opportunity to convince ...

  8. How To Make Rationale in Research: A Thorough Overview

    A research rationale provides an organized strategy for the whole research and acts as the cornerstone of the research project. It contributes to the research's rationale by stating why the study is significant, what its aims are, and what the expected findings are. In essence, it is a compelling argument for why the study should be carried out.

  9. How to write the rationale for your research

    19 November, 2021. The rationale for one's research is the justification for undertaking a given study. It states the reason (s) why a researcher chooses to focus on the topic in question, including what the significance is and what gaps the research intends to fill. In short, it is an explanation that rationalises the need for the study.

  10. Rationale for the Study

    Rationale for the study, also referred to as justification for the study, is reason why you have conducted your study in the first place. This part in your paper needs to explain uniqueness and importance of your research. Rationale for the study needs to be specific and ideally, it should relate to the following points: 1. The research needs ...

  11. How to write a research rationale

    Part 1: Explain your topic choice. You should explain as clearly as possible why this particular subject interested you. Don't just say "it is interesting": give specific reasons why. The more precise you are, the better your mark will be. Useful sentence starters for explaining topic choice: I was curious to discover….

  12. Q: How to write the rationale or justification of a study?

    The term used to imply why the study was needed in the first place is "rationale for research" or "rationale of a study." It is also sometimes referred to as the justification of the study. I have edited your question to reflect this. The rationale of a study is a very important part of the manuscript. You can do a thorough literature review to ...

  13. Writing a Rationale

    A rationale is a set of reasons or an explanation for a course of action or beliefs. Sometimes it is referred to as a statement of intent. In a school context, it is most often required to explain your creative choices in response to a task. In English, the purpose of a rationale is to link your creative response to the text studied and the prompt.

  14. How To Write a Rationale For a Research Paper

    Providing A Rationale. A rationale typically consists of a line of reasoning that performs two principal functions. It describes a context within which to locate the intended project and suggests why doing such a study is worthwhile. A further function can be that of justifying the methods you plan to use for solving your research problem.

  15. Q: How to write the first paragraph in the rationale of research?

    Answer: The rationale of your research is the reason for conducting the study or the justification for your study. Usually, the rationale is a part of the introduction section. In the introduction, you should first give a background on what research has do far been done on your topic. Begin with general information about your research area and ...

  16. How to write the rationale for research?

    Learn how to explain why your study is necessary and significant in your research proposal or paper. Find out the basic elements of the research rationale, such as background, gap, objectives, methodology, and results.

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    convincing rationale for a research study' Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research. and Practice 5.1 1-7. Abstract. Explaining the purpos e of a research study and providing a ...

  18. PDF Formulating a convincing rationale for a research study

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  21. [DOWNLOADABLE] How to write the rationale of your research

    Jan 6, 2023. The rationale of your research is an important part of your publication. In your rationale, you state the need and reason to conduct your research. The rationale of your research brings forth the significance and novelty of your research. In this infographic, we have listed how you may write the rationale of your research:

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  23. How to Start a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

    Starting a research paper can feel overwhelming, especially if you're new to the process. This guide will walk you through each step, from picking a topic to polishing your final draft. By breaking down the process into manageable parts, you'll find it easier to stay organized and focused. Let's dive in and make your research paper a success!

  24. Q: Can you give an example of the "rationale of a study"?

    Answer: The rationale of your research offers the reason for addressing a particular problem with a spscific solution. Your research proposal needs to explain the reasons why you are conducting the study: this forms the rationale for your research, also referred to as the justification of the study. The rationale should explain what you hope to ...