
12 Easy Steps to Make a Presentation Creative (+ Examples)

Learn how to make a presentation creative without PowerPoint, and draw inspiration from creative presentation examples by industry and use case.

how to have a creative presentation

Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read

How to make a presentation creative

Short answer

How can I make a presentation more creative?

  • Start with captivating cover videos
  • Add chapters for smooth navigation
  • Weave in personalization using dynamic variables
  • Enhance storytelling with animations
  • Highlight key points using subtle visual cues
  • Engage with interactive elements
  • Showcase ideas using vibrant images
  • Sprinkle in video narrations
  • Wrap up with a smart CTA

Boring presentations can damage your brand’s image

Boring presentations can feel like those endless meetings where one person monopolizes the conversation. You know, the ones where you’re zoning out, doodling on the side of your notes, just waiting for it to end so you could move on to something more engaging.

That's the disconnect your audience experiences when faced with a boring presentation.

What’s even worse is that when your presentation is dull, it doesn't just bore your audience—it subtly suggests that you or your brand might be, well, kind of boring too .

The good thing is that with the right tweaks and insights, every presentation holds the potential to be memorable.

In this post, we're diving deep into the heart of what makes a presentation creative. We'll explore the mistakes that lead to forgettable slides and the strategies to elevate your content.

By the end, you’ll have all it takes to transform your presentation from mundane to magnetic and have your audience engage with it from the first click to the last.

Let’s go!

What makes a presentation boring?

A boring presentation is a mix of repetitive designs and long chunks of text without a human touch. When slides come off as too generic or overly complex, or they swing between being too predictable or hard to grasp, they lose their spark.

Add in a lack of visuals, real stories, or interaction, and you've got a recipe for audience disinterest.

To truly engage, a presentation should blend interaction, emotion, and content that is relevant to the audience.

How to make a presentation creative step-by-step

Modern presentations are more than just slides—they're experiences. Gone are the days of static bullet points; today's audience craves engagement, interactivity, and a touch of the unexpected.

Let's explore how to make your presentation more creative step-by-step:

1) Add videos to break up text

Videos can set the tone, explain complex ideas, or simply entertain. By strategically placing them at key moments where you feel energy might dip, you make sure your audience remains engaged, and your message is reinforced.

Whether it's a real-life testimonial, a product demo, or a fun animation, videos can breathe life into abstract concepts, making them tangible and relatable.

And, there’s science behind it too: presentations with a video on the cover slide see 32% more engagement . But the magic of videos doesn't stop at the cover. Presentations sprinkled with videos throughout held people's attention 37% longer and even boosted the click-through rate on calls-to-action by 17%.

2) Create a non-linear flow

Who said presentations have to be a straight line? Let's mix it up! By linking slides, you're handing the remote to your audience. It's like those 'choose your own adventure' books from our childhood.

Group your slides into themes or create chapters and let them pick what they want to see next. It's a fun, interactive way to keep them on their toes and engaged.

3) Use personalization for creating tailored stories

You know those emails that greet you by name and make you feel all special? Imagine bringing that warmth to your presentations using dynamic variables.

By integrating with your CRM, you can fetch specific data about your audience and weave it into your slides. This simple trick can make your audience feel like the content was crafted specifically for them, creating a deeper connection.

If you’re making a presentation to showcase your product, you can even use dynamic variables to create a mock-up with your prospect’s name and logo design on it to make your deck stand out.

4) Use narrated design

Scrollytelling is where the magic of scrolling meets the art of storytelling. It's an interactive content experience that weaves text, images, videos, and animations into a captivating narrative.

Instead of static slides, scrollytelling guides readers through a story, allowing them to control the pace. It breaks down complex content into bite-sized chunks, enhancing engagement and retention.

Our founder, Itai Amoza, wanted everyone to enjoy this dynamic content experience. So, he joined forces with visualization expert Prof. Steven Franconeri to weave scrollytelling into Storydoc.

Thanks to their partnership, we have dedicated storytelling slides in Storydoc, like the narrator slide you can see below , designed to make content both clear and captivating for all.

Narrator slide example

5) Tell stories with videos

Videos have this unique power to turn complex ideas into simple, engaging stories. A video might break down a tricky process into fun, easy-to-follow narrative, or give us a peek into real-life examples or experiences.

It's all about making your content feel alive, relatable, and super easy to understand. Because, let's face it, everyone's a sucker for a good story.

Here's a great example of a storytelling video:

6) Use roadmap and timeline slides

Ever tried reading a long-winded description of a company's journey or a product's development process? Yawn, right?

Now, imagine swapping that snooze-fest with a vibrant roadmap or timeline. Instead of slogging through paragraphs, you get a fun, visual play-by-play.

Picture a colorful line showing a startup's journey from a garage brainstorm to its first big sale.

Or a playful timeline marking the stages of turning a wild idea into a bestselling product. It's like turning a history lesson into a comic strip—way more fun and a whole lot clearer!

You can see what it looks like below:

Video timeline slide

7) Direct attention using animations

Ever been to a theater where the spotlight focuses on the main act? That's what animations do for your presentation.

Whether it's a cheeky arrow pointing out a fun fact, a grand entrance animation for a new idea, or using grayed-out content to highlight a key point, animations are your stage directors.

They ensure your audience's eyes are exactly where you want them to be, soaking in all the important bits.

Here's a great example:

Animated slide example

8) Add interactive calculators

Who said numbers have to be boring? With interactive calculators, you're turning math into a fun game . Let your audience punch in numbers and see real-time results.

Whether they're calculating potential savings, ROI, or just playing around, it's an engaging and creative way to make your points tangible. It's like turning your presentation into a hands-on workshop.

9) Use AI-generated images

Instead of sifting through countless stock photos, thanks to the magic of AI, you can have an image that's tailor-made for your slide in seconds.

Storydoc presentation maker lets you generate any image directly in your deck - just give the AI assistant a short description and you’re good to go.

What's great is that you always get an image that matches your topic to a tee. No more "that'll do" compromises. Plus, think of all the time you save when you don't have to hunt for the right picture or take it yourself.

Here's a short video showing how it works:

Storydoc AI image generator

10) Pop into the presentation with video bubble narration

Imagine if, during a presentation, a mini version of you could pop up, share a quick tip, or clarify a point. That's video bubble narration in a nutshell.

It's like having a friendly guide accompanying your audience, ensuring they get the most out of your content. It adds a creative personal touch, making your presentation feel like a cozy chat between friends.

11) Use before-and-after to show transformation

There's something magical about witnessing a transformation. Just think about the buzz online when someone shares a 'before and after' of a design revamp, weight loss journey, or how they helped a client grow their business.

With a before-and-after slide , you're giving your audience that 'aha!' moment. Even if you can't see their reactions in real-time, you can bet they're sliding back and forth, captivated by the change.

Whether it's showcasing a product's impact, a website redesign, or a process improvement, it's a visual treat that makes your message more powerful.

Here's an example of a before-and-after slide:

Before-and-after slide example

12) Close with a smart CTA

The grand finale of your presentation deserves a touch of flair. Instead of a simple 'Thank you' slide, imagine ending with an interactive live chat prompt or a calendar invite for a follow-up. It's like the encore at the end of a concert, giving your audience a chance to engage further.

These smart CTAs aren't just functional; they're creative extensions of your narrative. By integrating them, you're not just concluding your presentation; you're opening doors to new conversations and possibilities.

Here's a great example of a smart CTA:

Next steps slide example

3 presentation opening ideas

Kicking off a presentation with a bang can set the tone for everything that follows. Here are 3 captivating ways to grab your audience's attention right from the get-go:

Dive into a story: Begin with a personal anecdote or a relatable tale. It's like inviting your audience around a campfire, setting the stage for a memorable narrative.

Pose a thought-provoking question: Challenge your viewers with a question that gets their gears turning. It's an instant engagement booster, making them active participants.

Share a startling statistic: Drop a number that makes jaws drop. When you hit them with a fact that's hard to ignore, you've got their undivided attention.

Want more insights on crafting the perfect presentation opener? Check out our article on how to start a presentation people read to the end .

3 presentation closing ideas

Wrapping up a presentation is just as crucial as the opening. It's your final chance to leave a lasting impression. Here are 3 best ways to ensure your audience walks away inspired:

Circle back to the start: Revisit your opening story or statement, bringing your narrative full circle. It's a neat way to tie everything together and reinforce your key message.

End with a Call-to-Action: End with a captivating personal video message or a lively animation. It's a unique way to engage, surprise, and guide your audience on what's next.

Share an inspiring quote: Leave them with words that resonate. A powerful quote can sum up your message and linger in their minds long after.

Here's an example of a presentation with a personal video message at the end:

Slide with a personal video message

Hungry for more tips on crafting the perfect presentation finale? Read our blog post on how to end a presentation and get people to act .

Best tools for making creative presentations

Crafting creative presentations is an art, and like any artist, you need the right tools to bring your vision to life. Here's a curated list of platforms that are pushing the envelope in presentation design:

Storydoc : Beyond traditional slides, Storydoc offers interactive web stories. It's not just about displaying content; it's about creating experiences. With dynamic visuals and interactive elements, your audience is in for a treat.

Pitch : Collaboration is Pitch's forte. Designed for teams, it offers real-time editing, customizable templates, and a sleek interface. It's where ideas transform into visually stunning stories.

Genially : From animated presentations to responsive infographics, Genially provides tools that make your content come alive on the screen. : Automated design assistance is its claim to fame. Feed in your content, and watch as the tool intuitively crafts slides that are both coherent and captivating.

Canva : A versatile design platform, Canva boasts a variety of templates for presentations, graphics, and more. Its drag-and-drop interface ensures even design novices feel like pros.

Visme : Tailored for visual storytelling, Visme offers a rich library of assets. Think dynamic charts, data widgets, and a suite of animations that turn your data into visual narratives.

Creative presentation templates

Ever felt the weight of the cursor blinking on an empty slide, almost taunting you to come up with something creative?

It's like being handed a stage with an eager audience, but the script is yet to be written. That initial step can be the hardest, but what if you had a little nudge in the right direction?

Creative presentation templates can help you shape your story in a way that stands out in a sea of monotony. Think of them as the paint-by-numbers kits, where the structure is set, but the colors and flair? That's all you.

Grab one and see for yourself.

how to have a creative presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

how to have a creative presentation

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20 creative presentation ideas to captivate your audience

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Michael Lee June 17, 2019

The ultimate aim of every presentation is to etch a memorable mark that lingers in the minds of your audience long after the final slide fades away. Memorable presentations should be a creative blend of captivating design, innovative elements, and engaging delivery. To ignite your presentation prowess and set your creativity on fire, we’ve handpicked a treasure trove of 20 ingenious creative presentation ideas that will transform your presentations from bland to brilliantly unforgettable:

1. Experiment with color

It’s surprising what a little color can do. The way you use and pair colors in your presentation design can grab an otherwise disinterested audience member’s attention. Just make sure you do it tastefully and carry the theme across all frames. When in doubt, you can simply choose from one of Prezi’s existing content layouts , each with an appealing color palette.

Try experimenting with a two-toned design by adding different accents to your presentation background and other visual elements. You might start with a black-and-white design, then add a bright pop of one color throughout. Contrasting color palettes (think yellow and blue, pink and mint green, etc.) can also create this eye-popping effect. Alternatively, you can use neutral shades to give off a more subdued vibe.

Another idea? Add a color filter to your images to tie them into your color theme. Learn more about presentation colors in our guide.

2. Use a striking background theme

A colorful background image for a creative presentation

Looking for more presentation ideas and creative ways to present? Put some thought into your background image, as it’s what your audience will be looking at during the entire presentation. If you want to use a photo, choose one that’s beautiful, sentimental, or has action and flow. Just make sure you pick an image that has enough negative space on which to place text. You can also play around with textures and patterns, such as ripples or wood, or themes that are symbolic of your message, such as a passport, billboard, rocket launch, road trip, etc.

Additionally, make sure your chosen background image isn’t distracting. You want to keep your audience’s focus on the foreground — the graphics, text, and special effects you’ve created. Prezi already has a large library of effective and high-quality backgrounds and images you can search for when designing your presentation, so no need to source them from somewhere else.

3. Put thoughts into speech bubbles

Other creative ways to present information include using speech bubbles to communicate key points to audience members. Use them to illustrate an idea or to reveal a character’s thoughts or fears in your story. Have them pop up as notes or commentary in the frame you’re presenting. Similarly, you can use speech bubbles to show milestones on a timeline. If you’re revealing poll or survey results about a product or service, for instance, place data or participant feedback in bubbles.

But, like anything in a presentation, don’t go overboard with it. While speech bubbles can be a fantastic addition, excessive use might divert your audience’s focus from the core message. So, using speech bubbles in the right places to create impact can be effective for engaging your listeners, but scattering them throughout every slide might be a little excessive and cause the opposite effect. Balance is key when using speech bubbles. 

4. Abandon the slide-by-slide style

Prezi's PowerPoint Converter feature lets you turn slides into a dynamic Prezi presentation. It's another great creative way to present.

Free your presentations from the confines of slides. As an interactive presentation tool, Prezi allows for dynamic designs to take your audience on a journey as you tell your story. Zoom in and out on key points. Navigate between topics and sections of your presentation in any order. Go vertical instead of horizontal. Make transitions between ideas look like pathways or scenes instead of simply clicking sequentially from frame to frame. All of these elements come together to make a memorable presentation.

These types of tactics will give your presentation a cinematic feel that will captivate and inspire your audience. An open canvas design also makes it easier for you to tell a story , which people tend to process and remember more easily than straight facts. Prezi’s ready-made templates and striking graphics make it simple for you to share your narrative via one of these seemingly complex designs. If you want to transform a static PowerPoint presentation into a dynamic moving story, simply upload your file and try Prezi’s PowerPoint Converter feature .

5. Tell your story with a video

Female Video Editor Works with Footage on Her Personal Computer, She Works in Creative Office Studio.

Presenters have been incorporating video into their slide decks for decades. Video is one of the most creative ways to present projects. It allows you to tell your story using visuals instead of big blocks of text. Now, however, it’s time to elevate the video so it captures your audience’s attention and enhances your narrative. Embed videos that play automatically when you navigate to certain parts of your Prezi canvas.

Just be sure to use videos that aren’t distracting and that work with the rest of your presentation’s flow. They should still complement your presentation’s overall design theme and message. If you’re not producing a video yourself, you can find thematic ones from stock video sites or on YouTube. Just be aware that you might need permission to use some videos.

It’s important to select videos beforehand and place them strategically so that they hit hard in the right places. Selecting the perfect videos is like choosing gems to adorn your presentation’s crown. These videos should harmonize seamlessly with your content, elevating the story you’re weaving.

Imagine, for instance, using a time-lapse video of a bustling cityscape to represent the rapid pace of change in the business world during your presentation on industry trends. Blending your videos with the theme of your topic in this way goes beyond just catching your audience’s eye, it actually adds depth to your story while also making your message more impactful.

6. Bring your story to life with audio

Another presentation idea to minimize text and maximize audience engagement is to add sound to your presentation. Tell your story using pre-recorded audio. This creative presentation style turns the viewer experience into just that — an experience. While the audio plays, you can move around the stage and navigate to various parts of the presentation that support the narrative visually. Again, the effect is almost movie-like.

Another auditory presentation tool is music. Use music to set the tone of your talk, or inject it periodically to regain the audience’s attention. The appropriate song choice can get the entire audience into the mood of your presentation. Choose upbeat tunes to convey excitement or dramatic ones that will trigger an emotional response . Plus, if you play a catchy tune that sticks in people’s heads, that’ll help them remember your presentation that much more.

7. Add animations

Another creative way to present is by bringing an otherwise static design to life is animation. Go beyond video by borrowing from stop-motion principles for your presentation. Stop motion is a technique in which you film objects one frame at a time to simulate motion in a scene or a story. You can recreate this effect in Prezi by using zoom, fade, and pan animations to tell a moving story frame by frame.

Animations can inspire and engage your audience, but just be sure to use them sparingly and as a complement to your story or message.

7.1. Make it fun with GIFs

Adding animated GIFs to your presentation can not only make it more fun but also help catch your audience’s eye. Because they’re trendy and often reference pop culture or common emotions, GIFs can help you get your point across without having to use just words.

However, it’s crucial to exercise moderation when employing these elements. While animations and GIFs can enhance engagement, excessive use of them can become distracting. There’ll be certain presentation topics or subjects where GIFs will look misplaced, so just make sure you think carefully about whether they correlate with your message before you use them. However, GIFs are a great way to inject humor and light-heartedness right after slides filled with heavy information. When executed skillfully, animations and GIFs transform your presentation into a dynamic and interactive visual journey, leaving an enduring impression on your audience.

8. Create a timeline

The timeline is nothing new. It’s how you apply it to a presentation that can really wow an audience. Prezi’s dynamic designs let you use the timeline as the basis or focal point of the presentation and then navigate along as you tell your story or plan of action.

Zooming in on specific elements of your timeline as you discuss them adds another layer of clarity and focus. It helps make sure your audience stays on track with your story and doesn’t get lost in the details or complexities. This laid-back way of highlighting key moments or steps keeps people interested and makes it easier for them to remember what you’re talking about.

Timeline dashboard example from Prezi Design

9. Use maps

Deliver a creative presentation with maps, especially if there’s a geographic or location-based topic in your content. Set a map as your background or focal point, and prompt different regions to change colors or pop out as you navigate over them. When it comes to designing maps , make sure you’re purposefully selecting colors, as the color palette you choose can change the way people respond to your data. Don’t pick colors that are too similar when you’re making comparisons, for example. Use Prezi’s zoom function to zero in on areas for more details, or pull back to reveal the larger context.

You can also go the thinking map route, which is a visual learning technique that can convey complex ideas simply and creatively. Start with a central theme, then branch out into paths or surrounding points. The eight variations of thinking maps include circle maps, bubble maps, flow maps, treemaps, and more. These can be effective interactive aids in educational presentations as well as for small businesses.

10. Do away with bulleted lists

Avoid bullet points. Instead, use a canvas layout for your presentation ideas. One of the best creative ways to present.

To truly transform your presentations, consider stepping away from the conventional bullet-point lists that often lead to passive learning. Instead, harness the power of visuals to inspire active engagement from your audience. Visual content stimulates the brain’s cognitive processes, making your message more memorable. Engage your listeners by replacing bullet points with visuals .

Prezi’s open canvas design is a valuable tool in this transformation. It shifts the focus from passive delivery to interactive engagement. By using visuals, you prompt your audience to actively process and respond to your content, fostering a deeper understanding and connection with your message. This shift from traditional bullet points to a visually driven, interactive approach can significantly enhance the impact of your presentations.

11. Communicate with images

Presentation images are nothing new. However, when standing alone, photographs, paintings, and other images can have a really powerful effect. Instead of trying to talk over an image, use it as a stepping stone in your presentation, a point of reflection. Once in a while, let visuals do the talking.

Also, a study has found that people process visuals 60,000 times faster than text . So, incorporating more images will make your presentation more memorable.

Androgynous Black woman sitting with dog near mural

However, be careful with your selection of images – make sure that they’re relevant to the topic and aren’t just filling up an empty space.

Also, If you’re using Prezi for your presentation, you can access a huge library of images that takes away the headache of finding that one perfect shot. It’s like having a cheat code for making your presentation pop. So dive into the library and pick out visuals that’ll make your presentation not just informative, but engaging.

12. Play with transitions

Using slide transitions is one of the simple yet creative ways to present a project. They create visual continuity and add movement to slides. However, choosing the right page transition for your slides is truly a form of art. You have to consider the topic, tone of voice, and your presentation design. Page transitions should match the overall design, create flawless continuity, highlight key areas in your presentation, and do all that without stealing the show. Ultimately, you want it to compliment your presentation.

If you are looking for inspiration, check out Prezi Present ‘s wide selection of templates . You can play with transitions by adding additional animated elements that will make your presentation even more dynamic.

13. Swap for an infographic

To truly stand out and make a lasting impression, consider departing from the traditional slide-based approach and exploring infographics. Infographics are powerful visual tools that condense complex information into digestible, visually appealing formats. Instead of the conventional slide-by-slide progression, imagine scrolling through your presentation, seamlessly transitioning from one section to the next. This fluid movement allows you to verbally expand on key points while displaying the core information visually.

Onboarding infographic example

When you’re adding infographics, aim for designs that are easy to understand but also match your brand’s vibe. You want something that looks good and fits well with the rest of your presentation, so everything feels like it’s part of the same story. This helps make your presentation both easy to follow and hard to forget.

14. Get social

Employing a unique hashtag associated with your brand can significantly amplify the impact of your presentation, extending its reach far beyond the confines of the physical venue. This hashtag acts as a vital link between your presentation and the vast world of social media. Inviting your audience to dive into the live-tweet action with a dedicated hashtag during your talk isn’t just a savvy move; it’s a dynamic double play. You expand your reach, drawing in more eager participants, while simultaneously igniting a thriving online symphony of ongoing discussions and insights.

This approach effectively transforms your presentation into an active, two-way conversation. As you speak, people can immediately share their thoughts, favorite parts, and main lessons, creating a sense of togetherness and active involvement. Furthermore, the utilization of a branded hashtag allows you to monitor and engage in these conversations, strengthening your connection with your audience and providing an avenue for addressing questions or feedback. 

Even after your presentation concludes, these online discussions continue to thrive, ensuring that your message remains fresh in the minds of your audience members long after they’ve left the physical venue. This lively and extended interaction adds an exciting twist to your presentations, transforming them from just informative sessions into lively hubs of ongoing conversation and learning.

15. Use creative props

Physical props add a memorable dimension to your talk. Props serve as powerful visual aids, helping to illustrate key points, provide tangible examples, and offer visual cues. Props can be particularly useful for educational presentations, especially if you need to demonstrate an example. Another situation where props are paramount is if you are a brand that’s launching a new product and doing a promotional presentation. 

African man standing by whiteboard and giving presentation to startup team at office. Man explaining marketing strategy using statistical graphs to colleagues at office.

With Prezi’s creative tools at the forefront of your presentation along with your latest product at hand- you’re bound to persuade your audience. Integrating props at the right time in connection to your current presentation can really create a connection between you and your listeners. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, would you take in the information by just reading and listening, or would seeing and touching physical props add a layer of interest that enhances your mental absorption?

16. Utilize virtual reality (VR)

VR technology allows you to transport your audience into a different environment or scenario closely related to your presentation topic. Transforming your presentation into a new virtual world takes it far beyond the expectations of mundane slide-by-slide presentations.

With VR, you can engage your audience with a dynamic three-dimensional world where they become active explorers, engaging directly with your content. Picture this: You’re showing off architectural wonders, recreating epic historical events, or unraveling the inner workings of intricate systems. VR takes your presentations to a whole new level, letting your audience not only see and hear but also experience and genuinely feel your message. It’s like inviting them to step right into the heart of your story.

17. Use gamification

Picture turning your presentation into an exhilarating game that dares to captivate and thrill your audience. When you add a little playfulness to your presentation, your audience is going to absorb your information without it feeling like a chore. Making aspects of your talk into fun learning experiences is going to keep your audience switched on throughout the whole presentation. 

You can achieve this by incorporating various interactive elements like puzzles, questions, or interactive storytelling that turn your presentation into an immersive and educational game. Encouraging your audience to think and respond will result in active participants rather than passive observers. 

Young woman sharing her view during team building session at startup office. African woman talking with colleagues sitting in circle at a coworking office.

18. Employ live demonstrations

Incorporating live demonstrations into your presentation is a potent strategy for effectively conveying your message. Whether you’re showcasing a product’s functionality, conducting a captivating science experiment, or engaging your audience in a hands-on activity, live demonstrations actively involve your audience and leave an enduring mark.

Live demonstrations can transform presentations into captivating journeys where your audience doesn’t just listen but also witnesses concepts coming to life before their eyes. This physical approach creates curiosity and entices active participation, effectively transforming your message into something tangible. When people can see, touch, or take part in live demonstrations, it makes a strong connection. It brings your audience right into your content and makes sure they take the message away with them afterward. 

19. Design comic-style frames 

Using comic strips as a presentation style is great when you want to make your presentation engaging and easy to remember. It works well for topics where you want to tell a story, explain things step by step, or simplify complex information. Comic strips contain the best of both worlds, combining visuals with storytelling. This means they’re versatile for various topics, such as education, marketing, and product demos.

The clever approach of comic strips crafts an animated, captivating experience that keeps your audience glued to their seats and sparks their eagerness to participate. Not only that, but it also makes your message highly memorable.

Colorful Set of Comic Speech Bubbles in Pop Art Style Template.

Creating a comic strip in Prezi is straightforward. Start by planning your content and breaking it down into bite-size sections that will be arranged in sequence. Then, use Prezi’s features to design each section as a comic frame, inserting relevant visuals and images. Prezi’s text and shape tools help you add speech bubbles or captions to guide the story you’re telling. As you present, take on the role of a storyteller, guiding your audience through each frame of your comic strip presentation with captivating explanations that hold their attention.

20. Emulate the style of TED talks

The TED-style approach is a powerful method of delivering presentations that revolves around the core principles of clarity, simplicity, emotional resonance, and compelling storytelling. In this approach, speakers focus on distilling complex ideas into easily digestible narratives, using relatable language and impactful visuals to engage their audience. TED-style talks typically center on a single compelling idea , conveyed with passion and authenticity, making them concise, memorable, and inspiring for a wide range of viewers.

Learn how you can excel in storytelling and develop TED Talk presentation skills in the following video:

Staying current with creative presentation ideas

Just as technology and communication methods constantly change, so do presentation audience preferences and expectations. Keeping your creative presentation ideas fresh and aligned with contemporary trends can significantly impact your effectiveness as a presenter.

Why keeping up matters

Adapting to audience expectations.

This is the key to making a memorable impact with your presentations. In the modern world, audiences want more than the ordinary; they seek thrilling, dynamic experiences. To make this happen, you must wholeheartedly embrace cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts to make your presentations highly engaging. So, why stick with the mundane when you can captivate your audience’s imagination and curiosity with creative presentation ideas? Break free from the conventional and explore new concepts using Prezi. 

Maintaining relevance

Staying relevant is the cornerstone of success. To connect deeply with your audience, demonstrate your strong dedication to delivering top-notch content consistently. Your presentations should stand out with innovation and creativity, signaling that you’re not merely keeping pace with the times – you’re setting the tempo. With Prezi’s toolbox, you’ll be ready to explore a range of creative presentation ideas that leave a lasting impression on your audience. 

Fueling engagement

Elevating your presentations from mere information-sharing sessions to immersive experiences can be a game-changer. By staying in the loop on fresh creative presentation ideas and cool interactive tricks, you’re all set to captivate your audience. Adding some of these new, interactive touches can help you grab and keep people’s attention way better than just repeating the same slideshows.

Where to get your inspo 

If you’re ready to improve your creative game, there are plenty of helpful blogs, webinars, and online courses about fun presentation ideas you can dive into. Prezi offers a lot of useful tips for making your presentations stand out. Think of Prezi as your toolbox, always within reach to unlock your presentation’s potential and make a lasting impression. For presentation inspiration , check out Prezi’s presentation gallery and explore our highly engaging and creative templates .

Watch this video and learn more about creative presentation ideas:

Get inspired for more presentation ideas

The world isn’t flat, and your presentations shouldn’t be, either. Step outside your comfort zone, and play around with these 20 creative ways to present. Better yet, come up with your own creative ways to present and incorporate them into one of Prezi’s dynamic content layouts. Using this presentation software’s open canvas approach, you can tell your story conversationally and spontaneously so that audience members will engage with and remember.

how to have a creative presentation

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100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

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20 Aug 2023

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100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

Have you ever struggled with forcing yourself to stay awake during a presentation? Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

In essence, a presentation is nothing but sharing ideas with others. Whether you intrigue and interest your audience or not depends on how interesting the topic is and how well you present it. 

Whether you plan on making a PowerPoint presentation with neatly designed slides or a video presentation with dynamic transitions, you first  need creative presentation ideas. 

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive list of the most captivating and creative presentation ideas you can put to use. We have separated them into three main categories to make things easier for you.

Let’s dive right in!

Business and Management Presentation Ideas

Education presentation ideas, general presentation ideas.

create presentations and pitch decks

In business, presenting information and complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner is crucial. If you already have a presentation idea, you only need to find a presentation template to bring it to life. But if you’re still looking for creative presentation ideas, read the list we’ve prepared below.

  • Corporate Presentation : Have you ever wondered what the best way is to build and communicate your company’s identity? Corporate presentations are great for promoting your brand, services, and products by simply talking about them.
  • Company Profiling : Introduce your team. Who are you? What are you passionate about? Your audience is interested to know more about your team members.
  • Company Story : What can strengthen the ties between you and your audience better than a compelling success story told through creative presentations?

Company story presentation

Use Template

  • Product Promos : Create a buzz around your new product with an engaging promo presentation.
  • Sales Pitch : Close that sale you’ve worked so hard for with a well-built sales presentation.
  • Office Tour : Present the cool interior design of your office. Show your favorite spots where you like to wind down with a cup of coffee or, hey, maybe a beer.
  • Product Features : Does your product have interesting features that not everyone knows about? Make a detailed presentation on all the hidden features of your product. Use images and videos to explain how everything functions.
  • Fundamental Principles : Choose a general topic in Business and Management and discuss it through your creative presentation. Here’s an idea: “Fundamental Principles of Strategic Planning.” Could be a great prompt to start with, right?
  • Best Strategies: Be it marketing, financial, or any other type of strategy, an overview of the best strategies can make for informative and useful presentation content.
  • Industry Introduction : Make a presentation about the industry your business operates. Use strong visuals to complement your content and introduce your industry in the best light possible.
  • Comparing Tactics : Make a presentation reflecting on and comparing various tactics.
  • Calculated Risks : We are all worried about possible risks when taking action. Risks are unavoidable. It’s a great idea to prepare your audience for the risks before they come across them. There is a multitude of ways to do it through creative presentations. Cover “Risks in Investing,” “Risks Associated With Trading Derivatives,” and so forth.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages : One never comes without the other. Introduce your team to the pros and cons of your plans, actions, and anything else you consider important.

Advantages and disadvantages presentation slide


  • Debates : Make your presentation even more interactive by involving the audience in debates. Plus, debates and discussions are always helpful in establishing a better understanding of a topic.
  • SWOT Analysis : You can never go wrong with a proper analysis of business strategies, marketing plans, and more. So consider making an analysis presentation to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific business strategy.
  • Portfolio Presentation : Showcase your best projects and works. Why should anyone be interested in you if they haven’t seen your work? Presenting your best projects in a compelling and attractive format will increase your reputation quickly.
  • Current Trends : What are the current trends in business and management.  Always keep an eye on them to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
  • Challenges : Who doesn’t agree that challenges are tough? Making a creative presentation on challenges and the ways that you have overcome them will help you keep track of your development and also prepare for the future.
  • Reporting Progress : Why don’t you make weekly or monthly presentations on your performance, such as financial statements? Measuring and reporting your performance will smooth your path toward your goals.
  • Customer Testimonials : Present your customers’ responses and feedback on your product/service to see what steps you need to take to improve your offerings.
  • Profiles of Successful People : Encourage your team by introducing them to the experiences and achievements of successful people.
  • Tips and Tricks : If you want to cheer your audience up, provide them with hacks and tricks to deal with certain issues. This can include technical tricks and some tips on teamwork, for example.

Office tips presentation slides

  • Rules and Regulations : What are some of the rules that your company never breaks? Discuss the rules and regulations that apply to your team.
  • Top Criteria : Selecting a new quality management system is not easy, is it? Introducing the top criteria for a specific task can be a great presentation topic. How about making a presentation on “Top Criteria for Selecting a New Quality Management System?”
  • Product Development Process : Sometimes, we are interested to see how a product was created. Showcase the development process of your product through a presentation.
  • Most Effective Ways : It’s always good to be introduced not only to what to do but also to how to do it. So make a presentation on the best ways of conducting surveys, research, or anything else.

Product development guidelines slide example

  • Success Factors : This is something all of us are interested in. Introduce the success factors in different areas such as managing successful teams or product design tips.
  • Cause and Effect : This simple and informative presentation structure will be ideal to dive deeper into the intricate world of cause and effect.
  • Past vs. Present vs. Future : Growth will become more visible and obvious once you start comparing what you had before to what you have now. This can turn into a great summary of the major changes within a certain time period.
  • Comparisons : Compare different products/services. It’s a good strategy that will help you emphasize the good and the bad sides of a particular thing.
  • Positive and Negative Effects : It’s always important to show the two sides of a coin. Consider presenting the positive and negative effects of a certain thing. For example, the positive and negative effects of social media is a debated topic nowadays. Pick your topic and reveal it from both perspectives.
  • Problem-Solution Presentation : Identify a relevant problem. A great presentation format would be to introduce not only the complicated problem but its solution as well.
  • Training : Your presentation can become a training session. You can organize a theoretical part and add a practical portion too, like quizzes and discussions.
  • Graphs and Charts : One of the best ways to introduce your info is through statistical graphs and charts, combining survey and observational data. You can use visual animated scenes and infographics.

Key statistics report format

  • Popular Misconceptions : People are often mistakenly drawn from one end to another due to inaccurate data. Help your audience avoid misunderstandings about entrepreneurs, investors, and business management in general. Your presentation will guide them in the right direction, drawing the line between truth and lie.
  • Introduction to Business Topics : No matter the topic, it’s always useful to present basic ideas. Keep it short and clear. This can include an introduction to income statements, or any other important business concept.
  • Stages of a Process : Don’t leave your audience confused with theory but let them see the practical stages of how things are accomplished. (e.g., “The Stages of User Journey”)

User journey stages

  • Management : How do you efficiently manage a business? You can prepare dozens of presentations on management: be it resources, public relations, time, money, or anything else.
  • Competitor Analysis : Know your enemy! You’ve probably heard the famous saying, haven’t you? Track down your competitors and share the info with your team.
  • Appreciation : This presentation should be devoted to the team members who have done an exceptional job.
  • Unknown Facts : Pick a topic and reveal facts that are unknown to most people. What are some of the interesting and truthful facts that they don’t know about branding?

Brand recognition facts

  • Restrictions : No matter what business you have, restrictions are guaranteed. Make a presentation on the restrictions and limitations you face. (e.g. “Restrictions in Integrated Web Design”)
  • Big Breakthroughs : Want to feel proud of yourself and your team? Here is how you can do it: Reveal some cases when you have successfully overcome the toughest of obstacles and learned lessons as a result. Talk about the long path you have been on with your company.
  • Partners and Investors : Tell about your partners. Give info about investors. Cooperation is way more successful when team members are acquainted with the investors. Your presentation can have a strong influence on the performance of your team.
  • Business Ethics : As a significant part of business, it’s important to understand ethics. How about “Ethics in Marketing Research?” There are countless ethical issues.
  • Theories : Gather some of the most important theories that you find useful and prepare a good presentation with examples and visuals.
  • Product/Service Improvement : A briefing like this might include a recap of your product or service or a discussion of any possible improvement before the product is ready for the market.
  • The Rise and Fall of Brands : Don’t avoid talking about the failures and successes of other brands. Doing so can help you with your own journey.
  • Upcoming or Recent Events : Talk about exciting events that you are planning to organize or already have. For upcoming events, you can make a welcoming presentation, announcing the date and venue. Check out an example below:

Event presentation slide example

  • Inspiration : Get ready to give a professional and motivational talk to inspire your audience to take action towards targeted goals.
  • Explain Business Concepts : How does a certain idea or concept work? Give a specific and clear presentation on the concepts that not everyone is familiar with. How does a franchise work? How do partnerships work?
  • QA Presentation : Assure that your audience knows that your product/service is of the best quality.
  • Announcements : Is there a cool and intriguing event that’s coming? Give an announcement through your presentation. It can be short and clear, covering all the key points.
  • Discovery, Invention, Innovation : Share the most interesting discoveries and recent innovations in the business world.
  • How-to Presentations : If you are skilled at something, then you can make a presentation to guide others. Present a step-by-step guide for a specific task, such as conducting surveys or managing conflicts.

Whether it’s a school project or an online class presentation, you need to make it attractive and engaging. So, choose the topic wisely. Below are some education presentation ideas you can use for your next project.

  • Academic Presentation : If you want to educate and share info, then academic presentations with supporting visuals, presentation slides, and videos are what you need.
  • Explainer : Explainers are a powerful way of sharing essential information. You can make short and engaging  explainer videos  to include in your presentations.

  • Pros and Cons : Make a presentation explaining both pros and cons of a certain issue at stake.
  • Best Methods : Talk about various effective methods, be it methods of teaching, learning, or preparing for an exam.
  • Dos and Don’ts of Making Presentations : You can make a whole presentation just talking about presentation best practices . Separate what’s recommended and what’s not and then present those to your audience in a simple way.
  • Guidelines : Present the most effective guidelines for teaching, studying, and co-working.
  • Personal Experience : What can be more helpful for an audience than to learn from someone’s real-life experience? Make a presentation on your personal experience and share your most valuable insights.
  • Quiz-Presentation : Test your students. Make a presentation quizzing their knowledge and competence in a certain field. Why presentation? Because it’s both visually and technically effective.
  • Research : An attractive slideshow is one of the best ways to present your research. Try working on a visual and multimedia presentation to showcase the whole potential of your research in a visually appealing format.
  • Problem-Solving : Decide on an issue and prepare a set of solutions to offer. Don’t leave any questions uncovered. If a problem exists, so does its solution.
  • Project Proposal : How are you planning to get approval for your projects if you don’t propose the main idea and expected outcomes in a professional way? Give your project a classy presentation with this Minimal Titles Pack . 

  • Listing Presentation : Lists always work when you have big sorted data to introduce to your audience.
  • Controversial Topics : Attract your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with a controversial slide deck. Bring forward debatable issues such as euthanasia, AI, and more. Let your audience join you or argue against you.
  • Textbook Presentation : Introduce a textbook in a creative way through interesting visuals and supporting multimedia.
  • Curriculum : What if presentations are the best way of getting your audience acquainted with a curriculum. Alternatively, you can make your next presentation about how to develop a well-organized curriculum.
  • Dissertation : Prepare a presentation for your dissertation. But keep in mind that it has to be accompanied by proper supportive media.
  • Predictions Presentation : What will happen next? It’s fun to predict, isn’t it?
  • Instructions : Do you like giving instructions? Sometimes that’s what you need to do. Structure your presentation in a how-to format, giving instructions for certain actions, like “How to Work Out the Best Schedule?”
  • Precautions : Prepare your audience for the worst and hope for the best. Make a presentation on a set of warnings.
  • Case Studies : What’s the best way of demonstrating your case study? A multimedia presentation can be the answer.
  • Tricks and Hacks : Tips and tricks are always appreciated by your audience. Create an informative presentation on studying tips, time management tips, or anything else you might find interesting.
  • Success Stories : We are always eager to hear success stories. Why? Because they motivate us to move forward with hope for what’s to come. So, make a presentation, telling success stories to motivate teachers, learners, and everyone else.
  • Fact or Fiction : Draw a line between truth and lie, fact and fiction. Bust some myths about a topic of your choice to educate your listeners.
  • Data Analysis : Is a presentation the right place to start with data analysis? Not really. But once you have analyzed your data, showcase it in your presentation, demonstrating your analysis through charts and graphs.
  • Techniques : What kind of techniques can you cover? How about “Techniques for Memory Improvement,” or “ Teaching Techniques ?” You can make up a number of similar topics to share.
  • Recent Advancements : Share the recent advancement in the field of education. What are some of the newest teaching methods? What advanced methods do we need to implement to make the learning process more effective?
  • Steps in the Process : What are the best steps to take towards certain goals? Each path is different and thus requires different steps.
  • Interesting Facts : Gather a set of creative ideas and facts to cover in your presentations.

Recommended Reading

  • 35+ Best Presentation Software: Ultimate List 2023
  • The Art of Consulting Presentations
  • Timeline Presentations: Extensive Guide to Creating Visual Narratives

Here we have random presentation ideas that can inspire you. Make your next presentation a blast by introducing a new creative topic through a unique presentation design.

  • Introduction to a Topic : Often, we don’t really want to go deep into complex concepts but just need a short and clear intro to get a grasp of them. Make a presentation on the basics of the most intriguing and puzzling themes.
  • Ethics of a Certain Field : There are a number of important fields that need to be discussed in terms of ethics. For example, ethics in journalism is a very trendy and essential topic to discuss nowadays.
  • The Future : We are always interested in the future, aren’t we? We make plans for it. We carry hopes for it. Let’s make a compelling presentation that discusses the future of various fields, such as AI or the Internet.
  • Benefits : What are the benefits of a bilingual brain? Try to cover the benefits of a number of issues, such as digital transformation, or a healthy diet.
  • Risks : Discuss the risks of taking certain steps. When we know the risks we can circumvent them, can’t we?
  • Evolution : How do things evolve? It’s super important to present the ways that certain things unfold and change. How did artificial intelligence grow and evolve to such degrees?
  • Components: Pick some topics to discuss the components of. How about making a presentation on “Components of Web Applications?” Pretty interesting, isn’t it?
  • Alternatives : We always feel a need for alternatives. Make a presentation offering alternatives for different tools and objects. One example could be a presentation covering “The Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office.”
  • Memoir : Tell the stories of influential people or your own in a value-packed presentation.
  • Video Games : You can reveal the pros and cons of a game or just talk about the trendiest games as of now. You could also reveal statistics about the influence they have on gamers.
  • Music Album Presentation : Present a music album, composers, and musicians. You can talk about their tours, also including videos and audio files of the tracks.
  • Reviews and Reports : Do a book or a film review. Present your criticism and reflections on a book or movie of interest.

Report review presentation slide examples

  • Scientific Presentation : What are the recent scientific discoveries? Not all people are aware, right? Bring forward some intriguing info about the latest discoveries.
  • Job Interview Presentation : Impress your potential employers with a structured and clean job interview presentation.
  • Important Skills : What are the top skills needed in your industry? Create your list and share it.
  • Requirements and Qualifications : What are some requirements for a specific job position or a field in general? Share your experience and knowledge on this topic.
  • “Best of ” Compilation : Gather a list of the best movies, games, books, tools, meals, and anything else, really.
  • News : Sometimes, people don’t care to sit and listen to an hour-long news report. So, how about making a brief and informative summary of the most noteworthy news?
  • Experiments : Make a scientific or social experiment and reveal your results; they might be different from what you expected.
  • Life Story : Use presentation slides to tell about the life of a famous or personal story of an influential person. Use images, videos, and any other visual elements to make your story more vivid.

Making a compelling presentation doesn’t purely depend on presentation software , even though that’s also very important. To make an impactful presentation, one has to first figure out how to approach the topic and decide on the presentation design. 

We hope you found your topic on the list of creative presentation ideas presented above. Best of luck with creating presentations!

Ready to create your video presentation? Find hundreds of slideshow video template options, browse stock images to find a background image, use hand-drawn illustrations, add your color palette, customize your entire presentation the way you want, and share your creative presentation idea in an interesting way. You can also use a recap video template to present the main takeaways of an event or a session in the form of a summary. Click the button to get started:

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how to have a creative presentation

17 PowerPoint Presentation Tips From Pro Presenters [+ Templates]

Jamie Cartwright

Published: April 26, 2024

PowerPoint presentations can be professional, attractive, and really help your audience remember your message.

powerpoint tricks

If you don’t have much experience, that’s okay — I’m going to arm you with PowerPoint design tips from pro presenters, the steps you need to build an engaging deck, and templates to help you nail great slide design.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

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Buckle up for a variety of step-by-step explanations as well as tips and tricks to help you start mastering this program. There are additional resources woven in, and you’ll find expert perspectives from other HubSpotters along the way.

Table of Contents

How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Powerpoint presentation tips.

Microsoft PowerPoint is like a test of basic professional skills, and each PowerPoint is basically a presentation made of multiple slides.

Successful PowerPoints depend on three main factors: your command of PowerPoint's design tools, your attention to presentation processes, and being consistent with your style.

Keep those in mind as we jump into PowerPoint's capabilities.

Getting Started

1. open powerpoint and click ‘new.’.

A page with templates will usually open automatically, but if not, go to the top left pane of your screen and click New . If you’ve already created a presentation, select Open and then double-click the icon to open the existing file.

how to have a creative presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

Download Free

All fields are required.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Creating PowerPoint Slides

3. insert a slide..

Insert a new slide by clicking on the Home tab and then the New Slide button. Consider what content you want to put on the slide, including heading, text, and imagery.

how to have a creative presentation

  • Finally, PowerPoint Live is a new tool that enables you to do more seamless presentations during video calls and may be a better overall match for doing presentations remotely. Check out this video:

11. Try Using GIFs.

how to have a creative presentation

12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

Fill out this form to access your free professionally-designed templates, available on:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Slides

15. Embed multimedia.

PowerPoint allows you to either link to video/audio files externally or to embed the media directly in your presentation. For PCs, two great reasons for embedding are:

  • Embedding allows you to play media directly in your presentation. It will look much more professional than switching between windows.
  • Embedding also means that the file stays within the PowerPoint presentation, so it should play normally without extra work (except on a Mac).

If you use PowerPoint for Mac it gets a bit complicated, but it can be done:

  • Always bring the video and/or audio file with you in the same folder as the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Only insert video or audio files once the presentation and the containing folder have been saved on a portable drive in their permanent folder.
  • If the presentation will be played on a Windows computer, then Mac users need to make sure their multimedia files are in WMV format.
  • Consider using the same operating system for designing and presenting, no matter what.

16. Bring your own hardware.

Between operating systems, PowerPoint is still a bit jumpy. Even between differing PPT versions, things can change. The easiest fix? Just bring along your own laptop when you're presenting.

The next easiest fix is to upload your PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides as a backup option — just make sure there is a good internet connection and a browser available where you plan to present.

Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation software that will show up the same way on all operating systems.

To import your PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides:

  • Navigate to . Make sure you’re signed in to a Google account (preferably your own).
  • Under Start a new presentation , click the empty box with a plus sign. This will open up a blank presentation.
  • Go to File , then Import slides .
  • A dialog box will come up. Tap Upload.
  • Click Select a file from your device .
  • Select your presentation and click Open .
  • Select the slides you’d like to import. If you want to import all of them, click All in the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box.
  • Click Import slides.

When I tested this out, Google Slides imported everything perfectly, including a shape whose points I had manipulated. This is a good backup option to have if you’ll be presenting across different operating systems.

17. Use Presenter View.

In most presentation situations, there will be both a presenter’s screen and the main projected display for your presentation.

PowerPoint has a great tool called Presenter View, which can be found in the Slide Show tab of PowerPoint. Included in the Presenter View is an area for notes, a timer/clock, and a presentation display.

For many presenters, this tool can help unify their spoken presentation and their visual aid. You never want to make the PowerPoint seem like a stack of notes that you’re reading off of.

Use the Presenter View option to help create a more natural presentation.

Pro Tip: At the start of the presentation, you should also hit CTRL + H to make the cursor disappear. Hitting the “A” key will bring it back if you need it.

Your Next Great PowerPoint Presentation Starts Here

Now that you have these style, design, and presentation tips under your belt, you should feel confident to create your PowerPoint presentation.

But if you can explore other resources to make sure your content hits the mark. After all, you need a strong presentation to land your point and make an impression.

With several templates to choose from — both in PowerPoint and available for free download — you can swiftly be on your way to creating presentations that wow your audiences.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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  • Presentations

How to Make Creative PowerPoint PPT Presentations (With Unique Ideas + Video)

Andrew Childress

  • Bahasa Indonesia

Want to learn how to make a creative PowerPoint presentation ? Figuring out how to make your PowerPoint creative can be a real challenge. Learning how to make a cool PPT is easier when you leverage pre-built designs.

MULCH Creative Powerpoint Presentation

You may not consider yourself a creative, but you can still build creative PowerPoints. Creativity is a great solution, when considering how to make PowerPoint interesting. By using creative PowerPoint themes and slide inspiration, you will be ready for your next presentation.

In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to make a creative PowerPoint. We'll also look at some ways how to make PPT creative design choices to make things more interesting. You'll see some creative presentation ideas. You'll also learn how to create your own innovation presentation in PowerPoint step by step. 

Guide to Making Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

Before you read on, be sure to grab our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It'll help you master the presentation process. It takes you from initial idea, to writing, design, and delivery. It's a great, free resource that can help you further learn how to make a unique PowerPoint presentation.

Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation

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How to Make a Creative PowerPoint Presentation (Quickstart Video)

What not to do in your presentation, how to get inspiration for your presentation, how to be creative (even when you aren't), 5 quick tips make your powerpoint presentations more attractive, 5 top creative ppt templates (from envato elements), more creative powerpoint templates (powerpoint ideas and downloads), inspiration: more creative powerpoint templates from envato elements (video), how to make attractive ppt presentations.

Are you in a hurry to make a PowerPoint presentation? Don't worry, we've got your tips for making creating PowerPoints in the quickstart video below:

how to have a creative presentation

Now, let's look at how to avoid some common presentation missteps: 

Whether you're a student or business professional, you've probably endured some boring presentations. Too many presenters lean on PowerPoint instead of using it as a presentation aid. Don't focus so hard on how to create creative PowerPoint presentation designs that you forget this vital point.

Because of this, PowerPoint often gets a bad reputation. Keep in mind that PowerPoint is just a tool that you can use to share your message with an audience. 

Learn how to make a cool PPT by avoiding missteps. Here are the biggest issues to watch out for when it comes to PowerPoint and speaking:

  • Don't read directly from your slides . There's no faster way to lose your audience's attention than using the slide as a teleprompter.
  • Don't use the stock PowerPoint themes .   The built-in PowerPoint themes are too bland and overused to stand out from the crowd. If you want to get creative, use a custom PowerPoint theme with creative slides.
  • Don't create cluttered slides .   Slides that are packed form edge to edge with content can overwhelm your audience and obscure your point.
  • Don't overdo it with animations .   Too many boxes or objects flying off and on the slide will distract the audience from your message. It's better to keep your animations simple.

Sometimes it's easier to think about what  not  to do when you're about to create creative PowerPoint presentation designs. Artistic PPT's avoid faux pas. Check out these helpful tips for even more to keep in mind:

how to have a creative presentation

There's nothing wrong with looking for inspiration when you're building a presentation. You can find unique presentation ideas by browsing through some of the top presentations online.

In fact, it can be a great way to figure out how to make creative PowerPoints. Here are some great creative, unique slide decks (from SlideShare ) to check out when you make your own PowerPoint presentation:

  • The Dungeons & Dragons Guide to Marketing . This fun, engaging slide deck applies lessons from the popular game Dungeons & Dragons to the business of marketing.
  • 24 Books You've Never Heard Of - But Will Change Your Life . Ryan Holiday's roundup of these powerful, lesser-known books inspired me to add several to my reading list.
  • A Non-Technical Introduction to ChatGPT - SEDA . Artificial intelligence is a hot topic the world over. This inspiring slide deck provides a robust overview that’s easy to understand.
  • The Future of Wearables - Explained .   This insightful presentation shares the latest innovations in wearable technologies. The artistic PPT includes simple photos and text overlays.
  • Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling . Lessons from the animation studio Pixar are outlined here. It’s a great example of slide design and offers ways to tell stories that are more creative and engaging.
  • The Secret Psychology of Snapchat . Another simple presentation that shares the secrets behind the addictiveness of Snapchat.

All these presentations are simple and use tools that are built into PowerPoint. They might seem simplistic, but they're designed to support the speaker's presentation, not replace it. Discover more great SlideShare presentation presentations in our featured Envato Tuts+ article. Or looks at one of these tutorials for inspiration:

how to have a creative presentation

Creative PowerPoint Template Designs

Grab a creative PPT template to get a quick start to a great presentation design. Here are some of the best, trending PowerPoint templates with creative slides built-in and ready to use: 

how to have a creative presentation

PowerPoint can bring out creative anxiety in even the most seasoned presenter. Even in you've learned how to make a PPT creative, it can be tough to figure out where to being. When you open a new presentation file, you're faced with a blank slide and many decisions about how to lay out your content.

PowerPoint's basic, built-in themes are a good starting point. But they lack the ideas and inspiration that pro presentation themes include. My favorite solution is to use premium PowerPoint themes  with creative designs. These are professional, high quality themes that are made by talented graphic designers. It takes some of the mystery out of how to make creative PowerPoints,

Let's build an artistic PPT. We're going to use a creative PowerPoint presentation,  available through Envato Elements. 

Mulch creative PowerPoint

This theme has a collection of PowerPoint slide designs inside. They're perfect for showcasing your creative ideas. There are many versions of the presentation included with different color schemes.

These let you build totally different presentation styles using the very same template! You can drop your own content into any of these slide layouts quickly. Using a premium theme is a great way to borrow creativity from a graphic designer and get a great result.

Mulch how to make a cool PPT

Instead of designing a presentation from scratch, I'd rather focus my time on preparing to speak. I think of premium themes to save countless hours of design work while preparing for a presentation.

How to Make a Creative PowerPoint Presentation (Quickly)

Let's walk through how to make a creative PPT quickly and easily with a professional PowerPoint template. Note, there are so many ways to make creative PPT designs, and you could push your template in any direction you prefer. They are completely customizable, so the sky's the limit. Consider it a starting point, or, if you're in a hurry, it could be a complete solution.

1. Grab Your Audience's Attention

First impressions count. If you want to get off on the right foot, you need an opening slide that creates interest. Presentation topics on PowerPoint set the tone with strong hooks.

Less is more when it comes to an opening slide. It's better to make a spoken statement that captures an audience from the beginning than load up the opening slide.

Creative PowerPoints

2. Introduce Your Team

I'm a big believer that audiences connect to the individuals behind products. Visit any startup or small company and they almost all feature a "Team" page. These showcase the members of the company. These are also vital if you're looking to bring in investors with a presentation pitch deck .

Increasingly, I find myself buying from companies with teams that have interesting stories. Pair this with the right experience and you have a compelling reason to make a purchase. It’s a powerful way to make a PowerPoint presentation work for you.  

How to make a cool PPT

Even if your team can't join for the presentation in person, this slide can build familiarity. A slide that introduces the team will get your audience familiar with their work and build a sense of connection. It's a great opportunity to give credit where credit is due.

3. Share Your SWOT Analysis

Now that you've introduced the team, you can start building toward your big product reveal. One of my favorite ways to assess a business is to use a  SWOT  analysis . It's where you list the  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats  that exist.

This creative PowerPoint presentation template has slides that you can use to share your SWOT with the audience. Check out this example from Slide 28:

How to make a cool PowerPoint

The SWOT analysis can help your audience understand why you developed your product, and how it fits with other products in your niche. Basically, consider what need your product fills that isn't already met?

This slide is a great example of how to make a cool PPT. You might not have thought of the SWOT method on your own, but the built-in template can spark your creativity.

4. Unveil The Product

So, we've been hinting at our product up until now and it's time to pull the curtain back on what it is. This would be a great time to use a screenshot or a video to show off your product. Make a PowerPoint presentation your big reveal!

Artistic PPT

At this point, I would expect you to leave PowerPoint and showcase a product demo, either direct inside the app itself or with a video demo. This template has some slides where you can showcase an image within a phone, screen, or laptop mockup.

5. Show Your Product Roadmap

A product roadmap is where you share the features you plan to add to your product. Apps or services often launch with just the basics, so you want to give the audience a vision for the future. It's a technique you can use as you learn how to make a cool PPT.

Consider using infographics or a visual representation of a timeline. This helps creatively illustrate progression. Here's an example from this creative PowerPoint template. Notice how it visually implies a continuation.

Presentation topics on PowerPoint

Chronological times help you connect presentation topics on PowerPoint. They show you how creative unique ideas fit together. Make a PowerPoint presentation with a timeline, and your audience will connect the dots.

6. Give the Audience "One More Thing"

There's nothing wrong with borrowing creative presentation ideas from others. A great way is to use a famous Steve Jobs technique. Jobs always wowed audiences by saving a key feature for the very end of the presentation.

You can use a very simple slide design with just a text box for this purpose. For our product, I'm announcing that the audience can start using the app right away inside their web browser. This is a way to entice the audience into giving the content a try, right now. 

Make a PowerPoint presentation

Each slide design played off the built-in, innovative layouts in our template. I used a fictitious app to show that you can use slide designs to get creative. But remember: you could use this same presentation for practically any purpose.

Creative, unique presentations are easier to create when you feel inspired. Get more creative presentation ideas for your next presentation: 

how to have a creative presentation

You can also find more information in our eBook on making great presentations . Grab this PDF Download now for FREE with your subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter:

Grab the Free PDF Make Great Presentations eBook

There are simple tweaks that you can make to your creative PowerPoints to help them come to life. With just a few inspirations for adjustments, you'll learn how to make a cool PowerPoint!

Here are five tips that'll transform your presentation into an artistic PPT:

1. Start With a Strong Title Slide

It can be difficult to start your presentation with a strong point. As you learn how to share presentation topics on PowerPoint, don't forget the power of a title slide.

It's a great idea to use the title slide to help you set the tone properly. In creative PowerPoints, always find a way to make a title slide so your slide deck stands out!

Luckily, there are creative ways to build a title slide that does just that. For examples of creative title slides, check out the tutorial below:

how to have a creative presentation

2. Make Your Presentations Interactive

The normal format of a presentation is this: someone stands up in front of an audience and speaks to them. The audience listens until the speaker is finished.

But that isn't the only way to give a presentation. What if you involved the audience, and opened the presentation up as an open dialogue?

Here are seven techniques you can use to turn your presentation topics on PowerPoint into a two-way interaction:

how to have a creative presentation

3. Use Infographics to Tell Data Stories

Data and quantitative facts help you make a strong case. The problem is that most people find statistics and data tables overwhelming.

That's why we use  infographics  in our creative PowerPoint presentations. Infographics can help you combine the best of both worlds by showing data combined with visuals. A good infographic helps bridge that gap and makes data understandable to practically anyone. 

Check out the tutorial below to learn how to use templates to showcase infographics:

how to have a creative presentation

4. Animate Key Elements

Animation can help you bring key elements onto your creative PowerPoint slides in a way that makes an impact. Instead of showing everything on your slide all at once, using animation will add an extra bit of flair to your presentation. 

If you're making a big point that provides a surprising angle, using animation can help you save key points as a "punchline" in your presentation. Use the guide below to learn creative PowerPoint animation techniques:

how to have a creative presentation

5. Give Your Presentation a Strong Close

A fitting way to end this section is by recommending techniques that end your creative PowerPoint with a strong close.

Most presentations will quickly be forgotten by the attendees. That's why it's so crucial to set yourself apart with a strong close. Using a combination of slide designs and speaking techniques, you can leave your audience with a memorable conclusion.

Check out the comprehensive article below to learn more:

how to have a creative presentation

Still thinking about how to make a unique PowerPoint presentation for your project? Check out the PowerPoint creative ideas in these templates. These  creative PowerPoint templates  from Envato Elements are chock full of ideas. Use them to create presentations that are sure to stand out. 

Above all, they include pre-built slide designs that are easy to update with fresh content. What's best: you don't need strong design skills! It's easy to make a creative PowerPoint presentation template work for you.

1. Dogopia Creative PowerPoint Template

Dogopia how to make a cool PPT

The minimalist, airy design of Dogopia perfectly embodies the creative style. They'll help your presentation stand out. Creative, unique designs don't have to be overloaded with content.

Each slide design brings something a bit different to your presentation. Show your content in a way that's sure not to be overlooked by your audience.

2. Klaudia PowerPoint Template

Klaudia creative presentation apps

If you want variety in your presentation, look no further than the Klaudia PowerPoint template. You can use it to make a PowerPoint presentation with minimal but varied designs. More than 60 creative slide designs come together to help you bring your visuals to life while speaking.

Best of all, both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios are included to help your slides make the most of their screen real estate. It's a design that's as functional as it is creative, thanks to minimalist designs and bold elements. 

3. Buxe Creative PowerPoint Template

Buxe make a PowerPoint presentation

That means that you can use it again and again as you design presentations, and never use the same slide twice! You can even customize the color schemes to make sure that your slides stay on brand.

The strong typography in this template is the perfect way to highlight creative titles for presentations. Fill in the placeholders with creative, unique intros for the most impact.

4.  Sunflowers - Creative PowerPoint Presentation

4 Sunflower creative titles for presentations

If you're looking for PowerPoint ideas that incorporate stylish, trendy layouts, this one is for you. This creative PowerPoint designs contains over 50 slides that you can mix, match, and remix in any way you like. It could be the perfect starting point for a wide variety of projects. 

5.  Bowman - Creative PowerPoint

5 creative Presentation apps

Aren't these creative PowerPoint slides stylish? Easily add your own imagery, adjust colors, and add in your content for a creative PowerPoint presentation in a snap. Or use this creative template to help jumpstart your design process. You can add, change, and customize this as much or as little as you like.

Looking for even more PowerPoint ideas for your next creative PowerPoint presentation? It's easy to make PowerPoint slides interesting and visually appealing! Use these inspiring collections of creative PowerPoint slides to get started:

how to have a creative presentation

Love using PowerPoint to share your big ideas? It's certainly one of the top creative presentation apps. We have you covered with even more creative, unique designs.

See some of these creative PowerPoint templates in action. Discover a handful of helpful, creative PowerPoint presentation design tips. Check out even more ways how to make attractive PPT presentations.

Check out some of our best PowerPoint templates with creative ideas from Envato Elements in this quick video:

how to have a creative presentation

Want even more examples of how to make PowerPoint interesting and creative? For even more great examples of creative PowerPoint templates. You can use them to leverage the design process, check out the two articles below with creative PowerPoint slides:

how to have a creative presentation

This tutorial should make you realize that creativity is a skill that can be borrowed. Using custom, creative PowerPoint themes from talented artists is a professional shortcut. When considering how to make your PowerPoint creative, remember, you can always expand on a template in a new direction. You can use them as a springboard for PowerPoint ideas.

If the Mulch PowerPoint theme I used in this tutorial isn't your style, no problem. Take the time to check out other creative themes on Envato Elements. Each of these templates includes unique PowerPoint presentation ideas and ready-made layouts. They help you make your creative presentation quickly.

Creative presentation apps like PowerPoint empower you. Now that you know how to make a creative PowerPoint presentation, you're ready to get started. Download your favorite creative PowerPoint theme and make your own.

Editorial Note : T his post was originally published in February of 2019. It's been comprehensively updated with special help from Daisy Ein and Andrew Childress . A tutorial video has been added by Andrew Childress .

Andrew Childress

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How to give a good presentation that captivates any audience

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What are the main difficulties when giving presentations?

How to create an effective presentation, after that, how do i give a memorable presentation, how to connect with the audience when presenting.

If you’ve ever heard someone give a powerful presentation, you probably remember how it made you feel. Much like a composer, a good speaker knows precisely when each note should strike to captivate their audience’s attention and leave them with a lasting impression.

No one becomes a great public speaker or presenter without practice. And almost everyone can recall a time one of their presentations went badly — that’s a painful part of the learning process.

Whether you’re working within a small creative team or a large organization, public speaking and presentation skills are vital to communicating your ideas. Knowing how to present your vision can help you pitch concepts to clients, present ideas to your team, and develop the confidence to participate in team meetings.

If you have an upcoming presentation on the horizon and feel nervous, that’s normal. Around 15-30% of the general population experience a fear of public speaking . And, unfortunately, social anxiety is on the rise, with a 12% increase in adults over the last 20 years . 

Learning how to give a good presentation can dismantle your fears and break down these barriers, ensuring you’re ready to confidently share your point of view. 

It’s the week before your presentation, and you’re already feeling nervous . Maybe there’ll be an important mentor in the room you need to impress, or you’re looking for an opportunity to show your boss your value. Regardless of your countless past presentations, you still feel nervous. 

Sharing your vision and ideas with any sized group is intimidating. You’re likely worrying about how you’ll perform as a presenter and whether the audience will be interested in what you offer. But nerves aren’t inherently negative — you can actually use this feeling to fuel your preparation.


It’s helpful to identify where your worries are coming from and address your fears. Here are some common concerns when preparing for an upcoming presentation:

Fear of public speaking: When you share your ideas in front of a group, you’re placing yourself in a vulnerable position to be critiqued on your knowledge and communication skills . Maybe you feel confident in your content, but when you think about standing in front of an audience, you feel anxious and your mind goes blank.

It’s also not uncommon to have physical symptoms when presenting . Some people experience nausea and dizziness as the brain releases adrenaline to cope with the potentially stressful situation . Remember to take deep breaths to recenter yourself and be patient, even if you make a mistake.

Losing the audience’s attention: As a presenter, your main focus is to keep your audience engaged. They should feel like they’re learning valuable information or following a story that will improve them in life or business.

Highlight the most exciting pieces of knowledge and ensure you emphasize those points in your presentation. If you feel passionate about your content, it’s more likely that your audience will experience this excitement for themselves and become invested in what you have to say.

Not knowing what content to place on presentation slides: Overloading presentation slides is a fast way to lose your audience’s attention. Your slides should contain only the main talking points and limited text to ensure your audience focuses on what you have to say rather than becoming distracted by the content on your slides.

Discomfort incorporating nonverbal communication: It’s natural to feel stiff and frozen when you’re nervous. But maintaining effective body language helps your audience stay focused on you as you speak and encourages you to relax.

If you struggle to incorporate body language into your presentations, try starting small by making hand gestures toward your slides. If you’re working with a large audience, use different parts of the stage to ensure everyone feels included. 

Each presenter has their own personal brand and style. Some may use humor to break the ice, while others might appeal to the audience’s emotional side through inspiring storytelling. 

Watching online presentations, such as TED talks, is an excellent way to expose yourself to various presentation styles and develop your own. While observing others, you can note how they carry themselves on stage and learn new ways to keep your audience engaged.

Once you’ve addressed what’s causing your fears, it’s time to prepare for a great presentation. Use your past experience as inspiration and aim to outshine your former self by learning from your mistakes and employing new techniques. Here are five presentation tips to help you create a strong presentation and wow your audience:

1. Keep it simple

Simple means something different to everyone.

Before creating your presentation, take note of your intended audience and their knowledge level of your subject. You’ll want your content to be easy for your intended audience to follow.

Say you’re giving a presentation on improving your company’s operational structure. Entry-level workers will likely need a more straightforward overview of the content than C-suite leaders, who have significantly more experience. 

Ask yourself what you want your audience to take away from your presentation and emphasize those important points. Doing this ensures they remember the most vital information rather than less important supporting ideas. Try organizing these concepts into bullet points so viewers can quickly identify critical takeaways.

2. Create a compelling structure

Put yourself in your audience member’s shoes and determine the most compelling way to organize your information. Your presentation should be articulate , cohesive, and logical, and you must be sure to include all necessary supporting evidence to strengthen your main points.

If you give away all of your answers too quickly, your audience could lose interest. And if there isn’t enough supporting information, they could hit a roadblock of confusion. Try developing a compelling story that leads your audience through your thought processes so they can experience the ups and downs alongside you. 

By structuring your presentation to lead up to a final conclusion, you’re more likely to keep listeners’ attention. Once you’ve reached that conclusion, you can offer a Q&A period to put any of their questions or concerns to rest. 

3. Use visual aids

Appealing to various learning styles is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure they absorb your content. Visual aids are necessary for visual learners and make it easier for people to picture your ideas.

Aim to incorporate a mixture of photos, videos, and props to engage your audience and convey your key points. For instance, if you’re giving a presentation on anthropology subject matter, you could show your audience an artifact to help them understand how exciting a discovery must have been. 

If your presentation is long, including a video for your audience to watch is an excellent way to give yourself a break and create new jumping-off points for your speech.

4. Be aware of design techniques and trends

Thanks to cutting-edge technology and tools, you have numerous platforms at your disposal to create a good presentation. But keep in mind that although color, images, and graphics liven things up, they can cause distraction when misused.

  Here are a few standard pointers for incorporating visuals on your slides: 

  • Don’t place blocks of small text on a single slide
  • Use a minimalistic background instead of a busy one
  • Ensure text stands out against the background color
  • Only use high-resolution photos
  • Maintain a consistent font style and size throughout the presentation
  • Don’t overuse transitions and effects

5. Try the 10-20-30 rule

Guy Kawasaki, a prominent venture capitalist and one of the original marketing specialists for Apple, said that the best slideshow presentations are less than 10 slides , last at most 20 minutes, and use a font size of 30. Following this strategy can help you condense your information, eliminate unnecessary ideas, and maintain your audience’s focus more efficiently.

Once you’re confident in creating a memorable presentation, it’s time to learn how to give one. Here are some valuable tips for keeping your audience invested during your talk: 

Tip #1: Tell stories

Sharing an anecdote from your life can improve your credibility and increase your relatability. And when an audience relates to you, they’re more likely to feel connected to who you are as a person and encouraged to give you their full attention, as they would want others to do the same.

Gill Hicks utilized this strategy well when she shared her powerful story, “ I survived a terrorist attack. Here’s what I learned .” In her harrowing tale, Hicks highlights the importance of compassion, unconditional love , and helping those in need.

If you feel uncomfortable sharing personal stories, that’s okay. You can use examples from famous individuals or create a fictional account to demonstrate your ideas.

Tip #2: Make eye contact with the audience

Maintaining eye contact is less intimidating than it sounds. In fact, you don’t have to look your audience members directly in their eyes — you can focus on their foreheads or noses if that’s easier.

Try making eye contact with as many people as possible for 3–5 seconds each. This timing ensures you don’t look away too quickly, making the audience member feel unimportant, or linger too long, making them feel uncomfortable.

If you’re presenting to a large group, direct your focus to each part of the room to ensure no section of the audience feels ignored. 


Tip #3: Work on your stage presence

Although your tone and words are the most impactful part of your presentation, recall that body language keeps your audience engaged. Use these tips to master a professional stage presence:

  • Speak with open arms and avoid crossing them
  • Keep a reasonable pace and try not to stand still
  • Use hand gestures to highlight important information

Tip #4: Start strong

Like watching a movie trailer, the first seconds of your talk are critical for capturing your audience’s attention. How you start your speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and tells your audience whether or not they should pay attention. Here are some ways to start your presentation to leave a lasting impression:

  • Use a quote from a well-known and likable influential person 
  • Ask a rhetorical question to create intrigue
  • Start with an anecdote to add context to your talk 
  • Spark your audience’s curiosity by involving them in an interactive problem-solving puzzle or riddle

Tip #5: Show your passion

Don’t be afraid of being too enthusiastic. Everyone appreciates a speaker who’s genuinely excited about their field of expertise. 

In “ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance ,” Angela Lee Duckworth discusses the importance of passion in research and delivery. She delivers her presentation excitedly to show the audience how excitement piques interest. 

Tip #6: Plan your delivery

How you decide to deliver your speech will shape your presentation. Will you be preparing a PowerPoint presentation and using a teleprompter? Or are you working within the constraints of the digital world and presenting over Zoom?

The best presentations are conducted by speakers who know their stuff and memorize their content. However, if you find this challenging, try creating notes to use as a safety net in case you lose track.

If you’re presenting online, you can keep notes beside your computer for each slide, highlighting your key points. This ensures you include all the necessary information and follow a logical order.


Tip #7: Practice

Practice doesn’t make perfect — it makes progress. There’s no way of preparing for unforeseen circumstances, but thorough practice means you’ve done everything you can to succeed.

Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or to a trusted friend or family member. Take any feedback and use it as an opportunity to fine-tune your speech. But remember: who you practice your presentation in front of may differ from your intended audience. Consider their opinions through the lens of them occupying this different position.

Tip #8: Read the room

Whether you’re a keynote speaker at an event or presenting to a small group of clients, knowing how to read the room is vital for keeping your audience happy. Stay flexible and be willing to move on from topics quickly if your listeners are uninterested or displeased with a particular part of your speech.

Tip #9: Breathe

Try taking deep breaths before your presentation to calm your nerves. If you feel rushed, you’re more likely to feel nervous and stumble on your words.

The most important thing to consider when presenting is your audience’s feelings. When you approach your next presentation calmly, you’ll put your audience at ease and encourage them to feel comfortable in your presence.

Tip #10: Provide a call-to-action

When you end your presentation, your audience should feel compelled to take a specific action, whether that’s changing their habits or contacting you for your services.

If you’re presenting to clients, create a handout with key points and contact information so they can get in touch. You should provide your LinkedIn information, email address, and phone number so they have a variety of ways to reach you. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all template for an effective presentation, as your unique audience and subject matter play a role in shaping your speech. As a general rule, though, you should aim to connect with your audience through passion and excitement. Use strong eye contact and body language. Capture their interest through storytelling and their trust through relatability.

Learning how to give a good presentation can feel overwhelming — but remember, practice makes progress. Rehearse your presentation for someone you trust, collect their feedback , and revise. Practicing your presentation skills is helpful for any job, and every challenge is a chance to grow.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

How to write a speech that your audience remembers

6 presentation skills and how to improve them, 3 stand-out professional bio examples to inspire your own, tell a story they can't ignore these 10 tips will teach you how, how to make a presentation interactive and exciting, your guide to what storytelling is and how to be a good storyteller, reading the room gives you an edge — no matter who you're talking to, 18 effective strategies to improve your communication skills, writing an elevator pitch about yourself: a how-to plus tips, how to disagree at work without being obnoxious, the importance of good speech: 5 tips to be more articulate, the 11 tips that will improve your public speaking skills, 30 presentation feedback examples, fear of public speaking overcome it with these 7 tips, how to not be nervous for a presentation — 13 tips that work (really), 8 clever hooks for presentations (with tips), stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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Blog Banner for Creative Presentation Ideas

40+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Captivate Your Audience


You want to make presentations that are captivating, not naptivating, right? Imagine pouring your heart into a presentation, but your audience is checking their phones. Sound familiar? 47% of presenters drown in design woes, spending more than 8 hours crafting slides. And the worst part is losing your audience’s attention within the first 10 minutes! Let’s break this cycle! Easy and creative presentation ideas can help you make exciting presentations quickly that will keep your audience glued from the first slide to the last. 

Try These Creative Presentation Ideas

  • Appealing Illustrations: Use illustrations to clarify topics visually.
  • Capsule Bars: Fill whitespace with stylish capsule shapes.
  • Image Cropping: Crop images creatively for visual engagement.
  • Vision Meets Value: Use bold imagery and text for marketing.
  • Textured Backgrounds: Add unique textures to enhance appeal.
  • Patterned Slides: Use unconventional patterns for background aesthetics.
  • Transparent Fonts: Apply transparent fonts for modern cover slides.
  • Transparent Overlays: Use transparent overlays for sophistication.
  • Colorblocked Overlays: Create stylish slides with bold color blocks.
  • Typography: Utilize quirky typography to captivate and inspire.
  • Purposeful Visual Aids: Employ thematic icons for visual storytelling.
  • Vertical Text Alignment: Align text creatively for visual appeal.
  • Abstract Shapes: Use abstract shapes for originality and impact.
  • Trending Shapes: Add trendy shapes for a lively presentation.
  • Color Splashes: Incorporate vivid colors for eye-catching slides.

Explore more creative presentation ideas in the article to capture your audience’s attention.

In this blog, I will reveal presentation secrets (tips for interesting slides), my favorite creative ideas that anyone can try without sweat and worry, and a step-by-step guide to making an impactful presentation with a free design tool.

Table of Contents

How to make a presentation interesting, 40+ creative presentation ideas with templates for unique projects, how to make a creative presentation with dochipo.

To make a presentation engaging, start with an icebreaker to connect with your audience. Introduce storytelling to make it relatable and memorable for the attendees. Engage them with interactive polls, quizzes, and games, and encourage them to ask questions and share opinions to make them feel valued.

If you want to make visually exciting presentations, always keep the following tips in mind:

  • Plan the flow: Ensure your presentation has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion and follows a logical sequence of ideas.
  • Utilize the PREP method: Point, Reason, Example, Point, for effective communication.
  • Choose legible and suitable fonts: Opt for professional and creative fonts that match your tone and audience.
  • Maintain consistency with branding: Use consistent colors and fonts to build familiarity and trust.
  • Include screenshots for interest: Enhance your presentation with real-life examples rather than stock photos.
  • Opt for a background that enhances legibility: Choose patterns and textures in the backdrop to enhance visual impact and avoid clutter.
  • Limit text lines: Use creative graphic elements and short text to convey messages effectively.
  • Use visuals with emotional appeal: Incorporate design elements that evoke emotions for a more engaging presentation.
  • Add high-quality images and oddball transitions: Exciting slideshows usually include attractive, high-quality images and cool, concise transitions per slide.

These are a few design tips that can help you create a top-notch, creative presentation. Now, let’s explore all the interesting presentation ideas that will leave your audience wanting more (and maybe even taking notes!).

Creative presentation ideas commonly contain these ten key themes: innovation, engagement, visual appeal, originality, storytelling, relevance, interaction, emotional connections, adaptability, and clarity. In this article, I will share over forty exciting ideas with unique presentation templates based on the best design practices mentioned above.

1. Creative Presentation Ideas with Appealing Illustrations

From infusing life into complex concepts to igniting imagination with every stroke, illustrations breathe fresh energy into your slideshow.

business presentation with illustrations

Get This Template and More

By adding this visually engaging creative element to your presentation, you can avoid cluttering your slides with text overload. Offbeat illustrations save more space and clarify the ongoing presentation topic without words. 

business presentation with illustration

Guess what? You can get your audience hooked to your slides faster than a blink of an eye! So, skip the wordy explanations and let visuals do the talking. 

Watch the video to explore the exciting illustration categories of DocHipo.

2. Using Capsule Bars to Fill the Whitespace with Style

Up next is a business presentation theme with a twist. This unusual shape cleverly plays with white space, injecting a modern flair that’s bound to captivate your audience. 

business presentation cover page

Watch the video to use DocHipo’s exclusive shape library in your slideshows. 

3. Creative Image Cropping Technique for an Engaging Presentation

Have you tried images in your slideshows? Of course, using images in presentations has become widespread in today’s trend. But what’s unique is to crop those images in a particular shape to enhance the aesthetic allure of your design.

creative image crops for business presentations

This business presentation is an absolute delight for keeping your audience engaged with this creative charm.

Watch this short video to understand the steps of cropping images into cool shapes.

4. Creative Presentation Idea Where Vision Meets Value

You’ll love the following marketing presentation template tailor-made for visionary minds searching for innovative presentation ideas.

marketing presentation

It vividly portrays your company’s unwavering commitment to excellence in the competitive market through powerful imagery and bold, compelling text. From color consistency to message uniformity, the presentation is all about showing your valuable services and long-term visions most appropriately and memorably to your audience. 

The use of vibrant, pertinent stock photos in this template screams for applause, forging a strong emotional connection stemming from innovation and originality. 

5. Cool Presentation Ideas with Unique Textured Background

You can easily create an interesting presentation theme with unusual backgrounds. Take a look at these product-specific presentations.

product presentation with texture background

Elevate your slideshow from ordinary to extraordinary with a touch of texture! Explore a world of relevant textures or try uniquely styled ones to infuse your slides with irresistible charm.

Product presentation with textured background

Instead of using the whole space for textured layers, you can add other visual elements, like creative icons and attractive pictures, to give every pixel a chance to pop in that exquisite backdrop.

6. Use Patterns for Simple, Stunning Slides

Dare to dazzle your audience with a unique background that breaks the mold! Here goes another creative presentation idea with irresistible background aesthetics. Try unconventional patterns that keep your eyes locked on the screen. 

product presentation with simple patterns

Check this video to explore DocHipo’s exceptional background widget with countless creative options.

7. Use Transparent Fonts in Your Cover Slide 

Unveil the magic of transparency in your presentation! With a sleek and modern transparent font style, you don’t just speak to your clients – you bewitch them with your creativity. 

Pitch Deck

Pitch deck presentation must be concise, engaging, and bold as a reflection of your brand.  Hence, choose a font style that is professionally trendy for the title on your cover slide. 

Watch this short tutorial for applying transparent color in your design.

8. Creative Presentation with Transparent Overlays

If you want ideas about presentation that effortlessly showcase your creative brilliance, try the magic of transparent overlays! Transform your slide into a captivating masterpiece that blends sophistication with innovation. 

pitch deck transparent layouts in slides

Elevate your message with a touch of transparency, and watch as the seamless fusion of style and substance spellbinds your audience. The best part is that you can change the level of transparency with the easy opacity control button. 

Transparency control feature

9. Colorblocked Overlays for a Unique Presentation Style

Overlays aren’t just beautiful with transparent effects! I love the following example, which is full of colors.

colorblocked overlays for pitch deck presentations

Colorblocked themes are trending these days for their sophisticated aesthetics. With bold hues and striking contrasts, watch your slides bloom, captivating your audience at every turn.

10. Don’t Be Typical with Typography

Typography isn’t just interesting – it’s your presentation’s voice, your story’s heartbeat, and your ideas’ personality. 

typographic pitch deck presentation

With the stroke of a quirky design element, you can captivate, intrigue, and inspire your audience. The gimmicky title on the marketing cover slide commands attention, while elegant fonts evoke brand identity. 

11. Creative Presentation Ideas with Purposeful Visual Aids

Let charming and relevant icons do the talking, painting a picture words simply can’t capture. 

product presentation with visual aids

Look at the above product presentation template; do you need an explanation of what this presentation is about? These delightful thematic icons are weaved in such a charming way that they grab all your attention while evoking the essence of the presentation.

product presentation with stunning visual aids

Set the stage for intrigue and imagination, letting your visuals speak volumes even before your narrative begins.

marketing presentation with icons

Look at the flavorful food icons in the above template; a must-have flair that will make your audience savor the presentation.

Watch the short video to explore the trendy icon library of DocHipo.

12. Turn Your Clients into Your Stans with Vertical Text Alignment Design

So far, I have shared creative presentation ideas based on colors, fonts, and graphic elements that we can’t overlook in a design. Now, you will discover how a unique text style with customized line spacing and alignment can work as the spotlight for your presentation.

product presentation with Text Break Technique and Alignment

This delicious presentation of a food company is a visual treat with its brilliant text break techniques using text spacing and alignment. 

You can learn various alignment techniques from this short video tutorial.

13. Creative Presentation Cover Themed after Abstract Shapes 

As a presenter, you want your slideshow to stand out. That takes originality with innovation, and abstract shapes allow you to experiment with your style to convey multiple meanings within a single design.

business presentation

The business presentation template uses a clean layout with abstract shapes in bold colors and limited text. This creates a sense of order and avoids overwhelming the viewer. You are bound to impress your clients with this unmatched versatility by using different shapes and colors in a single theme.

Check out the exclusive abstract shapes in DocHipo. 

DocHipo Abstract Shapes Library

14. Trending Shapes for Attractive Cover Slide

If you feel quirkiness is synonymous with creativity, you will love the next marketing presentation template.

marketing strategy presentation

These trendy shapes make your presentation more lively than ever. You can easily use them in your presentations from the DocHipo shapes library.

DocHipo Trending Shsapes Library

15. Use Splashes of Colors for Vividly Visual Presentation

Most marketers paint their fantasy art world based on the color wheel concept . Blue reigns as the color of success for 57% of small business owners , while green, white, black, orange, gray, purple, and yellow follow close behind. 

Marketing slide with Color splashes

The above color-splashed marketing presentation template shows the effectiveness of shape psychology intertwined with different meanings of colors. This vivid color combination is eye-catching and energetic, immediately grabbing viewers’ attention.

16. Unique Presentation that Blends Image & Illustration

This presentation template merges the image with the illustration and brews something special. 

picture perfect business presentation

Imagine a clean canvas of warm beige, where bold text and a vibrant red coffee cup take center stage. But wait, there’s more! An elegant illustration adds a sprinkle of visual magic, transforming your product into a story waiting to be savored. 

You can use high-quality, free stock photos from the DocHipo gallery to customize your presentation templates in a mesmerizing way!

17. Creative Presentation Ideas with Hollow Shapes Where Less is More 

I will show the magic with hollow shapes in this category of creative presentation ideas.

Marketing- real- estate presentation

You have seen unconventional and trendy shapes, and now check out how you can make your slideshows memorable by converting usual solid shapes into hollow masterpieces!

Pitch deck presentation slide with unique design

You can keep a generous amount of white space in your presentation and include dynamic shapes without cluttering your design canvas.

pitch deck slide with hollow shape design

Watch this video to transform any solid shape into trendy hollow shapes in DocHipo.

18. Catch the Eye with Fancy Fonts 

Eye-catching fonts immediately grab the audience’s attention, drawing them into the presentation and making them more receptive to the content.

Product Presentation with Fancy Fonts

Custom or unique fonts can reinforce brand identity, helping to establish a memorable and cohesive visual identity for the presentation and the organization it represents. You can, too, use your choice of font style in presentations by uploading them to DocHipo, like the fancy display font in the above-mentioned product presentation template. 

Watch the following video for a short demonstration of uploading custom fonts in DocHipo.

19. Add QR Code for Interactive Presentation

Maintaining a continuous relationship with your client has become inevitable, and that starts with a smooth customer journey. The same goes for your pitch deck performance. Add a QR code for your digital assets or products in your presentation so your client can seamlessly view all the vital information.

Pitch Deck Slide with QR

Watch the short tutorial to learn how to generate your QR with a click.

20. Let Unconventional Capsules Highlight Your Services

Create a long-lasting impression with a unique way to present your data in your slides.

marketing presentation with capsule shapes

The above presentation template will keep viewers in the loop. It uses dark capsule bars to highlight important information with relevant icons in one space.

21. Creative Presentation Ideas with Unconventional Visual Callouts to Highlight Essential Information

Sometimes, graphical elements are used in presentations to draw attention to specific areas, points, or details. The next few presentation template examples capture the art of surprising visual callouts with unconventional shapes.

Marketing slide with hexagon blocks

The above product presentation template with colorful hexagons and creative icons keeps your audience glued to your slide.

If you want unusual presentation ideas, you can use rounded blocks of hexagonal shapes to give a voice to your message. 

Business presentation slide with unconventional blocks

In addition, you can save more space with limited texts and appeal to the audience with a clean, minimalistic design.

Marketing- slide for 4p's of marketing

Knock their socks off with semi-rounded square blocks for placing 4P’s of marketing. 

Marketing slide with trending shapes

Check out this marketing presentation template with amazing abstract data bubbles. Now, say what you have to say with colorful, unusual visual callouts in different shapes and sizes.

22. Make Your Presentation Title Pop with Shadow Effects

Maximum clients pay attention to the cover slide of your pitch deck to give it a green light. So, never hesitate to be bold with text effects to highlight your project with a specific style.

Pitch Deck presentation with shadow effect design

Watch this video to add shadow effects on texts and design objects in DocHipo.

23. Modern and Simple Presentation Theme with Blobs and Squiggles 

Who doesn’t love a clean, modern design with simple and sophisticated aesthetics?

pitch deck presentation

The above template, with trendy shapes like blobs and squiggles in a nude, cool color palate, naturally demands the crowd’s attention.

24. Ditch Regular Visualization with Dimensional Data Points Using Uncommon Shapes

Charts and visualization are integral parts of different types of business presentations. Nearly 12% of marketers frequently use charts as an essential visual asset. Therefore, you can present these vital data points with creative layers for more attention. 

Pitch Deck with Simple Symbol Visualization

This is a brilliant example of how easily you can turn a simple visualization into an engaging terrain using unconventional shapes like circles without compromising vital data. 

25. Creative Presentation Ideas with Never-Seen-Before Layouts 

You can include cool layouts in your list of interesting presentation ideas.

Marketing Slide with Memorable Multi-Sided layout

These never-seen-before layouts with unconventional, edgy shapes present your creative brilliance to your audience.

pitch deck slide with interesting layered laout design

You can also add a dimensional layout with light and dark tones for fun ways to present information in your slides.

26. Cool Presentation Ideas with Creative Lines that Add an Extra Edge

Have you thought about using lines to emphasize your sophisticated aesthetics?

marketing slide with unique line border

These templates provoke you to decorate your slides with soothing aesthetics by adding creative line styles. 

marketing slide with unique curved line

Watch the video to create similar cool designs with trendy lines.

27. Show Your Product Features with a Creative Combination of Images in Circle Frames

Product presentations ideas are tricky; the main thing in such presentations is how well you describe your product categories and their values.

business presentation template for coffee

This coffee-themed product presentation template shows how you can flex your product with eyeball-grabbing pictures inside bold, round frames. 

28. Interactive Storytelling with Overlapping Circle Stacks

Storytelling is an art. Moreover, it’s one of the common ideas for presentations to keep things interesting. 

Business slide with overlapping circles

Look at the overlapping circles; what you see are happy family stories that you want to live. You can easily create magic for your audience by painting picture-perfect moments in your slides. 

29. 360° Canvas of Creativity for Engaging Audience

Step into a world of immersive visual storytelling with a presentation that offers a 360-degree feast for the eyes. 

Winning Sales Pitch

Dive into a sea of beautiful illustrations, dance with minimalistic abstract designs, and let the playfully professional font styles guide your journey. It’s not just a presentation; it’s an unforgettable experience waiting to captivate your audience and seal the deal.

30. Replace Your Regular Boring Bullet Points with Exciting Icons

Icons showcase your creative prowess, turning ideas into visual masterpieces with a single click.

Product presentation design with Icons

Swap traditional bullets with icons to transform information into visually engaging nuggets, making your slides instantly more exciting.

31. Be Creative with Ornamental Shapes in Your Presentation

I have discussed usual and unconventional shapes, even solid and hollow ones. So, why exclude charming ornamental shapes from creative presentation ideas? 

Marketing presentation design with ornament shapes

Try beautiful ornamental shapes in Dochipo from the exclusive shape library. 

DocHipo Ornamental shape library

32. Creating Colorful Mind Maps for Interactive Presentation

Discover the power of creativity with colorful mind maps in your presentations!

Creating Mind Map Marketing presentation with square frames

As I have noted, by visually organizing ideas and concepts, these vibrant maps captivate audiences and enhance comprehension. 

33. Cool Presentations Idea with Bold Texts and Funky Icons for Attention

Inject a burst of personality into your presentations with a dynamic duo of bold font styles and funky icons! 

Product presentation with Caps and Icons

Together, they pack a punch, grabbing your audience’s attention and infusing your slides with energy and flair. 

Marketing slide with exciting icons

Here goes another praise-worthy design technique in the above presentation example. It elevates its aesthetics with more white space and meaningful icons, leaving out the text-heavy mess. It maximizes your visual impact, effortlessly categorizing services and products without overwhelming your audience with redundant paragraphs.

34. Use Polaroid Frames to Grab the Attention of Your Audience

Is your presentation putting audiences to sleep? Polaroid frames are here to induce a dose of instant cool and creative flair!  

product presentation with a vision to present

Like a snapshot in time, polaroid frames highlight vital points, forcing your audience to engage with each captured pristine moment.

35. Attention-Grabbing Playful Shapes for Exciting Aesthetics

Make iconic presentations with edgy combinations of exciting shapes to morph the design into a dynamic revelation!

Pitch Deck

As you can see, placing different kinds of shapes adds more impact to the overall design; keep this presentation idea on your checklist.

36. Checkmate with Blue and White for a Creative Presentation

Hungry for more creative ideas for your presentation? Go blue and white, breaking the norm of black-and-white checkered patterns! 

Architecture presentation slide

This template shows how to utilize white space with unique visual patterns.

37. Unveiling Product Categories with Block-Based Presentation

You can go really basic but still leave an exceptional impression with the following presentation slide. 

Product presentation for bicycle

These square and rectangular blocks are perfect for highlighting your products. Moreover, surprise the crowd with attractive font pairings and bold colors inside these blocks, the real exceptions for your audience.  

38. Make a Dynamic Presentation with Live Maps

Transform your presentations from static to real-time visuals with the dynamic power of live maps. 

Business presentation with live maps

With live maps, you don’t just present information – you transport your viewers to new destinations, sparking curiosity and igniting their imagination. Bring your presentations to life and leave a lasting impression with the immersive experience of live maps.

 You can watch this video to use the live map feature in DocHipo.

39. Visualize Your Journey Through a Timeline

Timeline slides can captivate your audience with valuable historical information about your business. 

Business presentation slide with timeline

Let your project milestones unfold chronologically with subtle, sleek graphic elements like straight lines and multicolored solid circles that enthrall your audience. 

40. Color-Coded Communication with Subheadings that Pop

Let’s explore the polychromatic realm of presentation ideas. The following template design strictly paints the subject titles in graceful, bright colors to add your peaceful aura to the storytelling. 

business presentation slide with multicolored sub texts

Choose color combinations carefully to strike a chord with your audience.

41. Magnify the Moment with a Realistic Close-Up Product Display

Who doesn’t love a realistic product display in your presentation?

Product Slide with Realistic Picture

Besides, an up-close view of your striking product can instigate your audience’s desire to associate with your brand. 

If you want stunning close-range pictures to add more meaning to your slideshow, use the most convenient, free background remover to capture only what matters. 

Watch this video to learn more about DocHipo’s AI background remover.

Finally, try these exclusive ideas and end your anxiety about being creative in a presentation.

Take a breath because we have come a long way with so many themes and ideas for creative presentations. It’s time to take a short tour of DocHipo and see how easily you can customize these presentation templates to captivate your audience.

You can make an effective presentation in three prompt steps. First, sign up to DocHipo to try this design tool. 

Step 1: Find Your Creative Presentative Template

To find your desired presentation template, log in to DocHipo. In the search box, try three filters: format, industry, and occasion. 

Select Template

Once you have selected the presentation option as your document, you will reach the presentation library of DocHipo.

Watch this video to find templates on DocHipo quickly.

Template library

This is where you will find all kinds of presentation templates for every purpose. 

Choose a slide

Simply select your choice of template and start the creative process of customization. I will customize a stunning pitch deck presentation to show you how effortlessly you can try to give it a new look.

Step 2: Customize Your Template

Create your unique pitch deck presentation with uncomplicated customization tools. DocHipo’s extensive design widgets , mighty photo editor , and AI background remover keep things easy and accessible for your creative work. 

I will take the following template, modify its font style to suit my style, and turn it into an innovative slideshow without losing hours. 

Pitch deck template

To change the text’s current font, select the text and go to the font library, where you can choose the font style that matches your needs.

select text

This is the final design after this smooth customization journey.

how to have a creative presentation

Step 3: Download the Design

After all your customization experiments, hit the three dots to get the download button. You can download it for free without any watermark in your desired format.

Download Button

Watch this short video for a quick demo of page-wise downloads. 

Finally, revitalize your boring slides with the creative presentation ideas found in this article. Join DocHipo for free today and unlock exclusive templates that save time and inject unparalleled creative authenticity into your designs. It’s time to transform boredom into brilliance!

What can make presentation boring?

Presentations can become boring due to the overloaded text or data, the absence of visual appeal, and the poor presentation flow. 

How do you make a boring presentation interesting?

To make a boring presentation interesting, find creative ways to present a topic with engaging visuals and adapt to storytelling and interactive elements like polls and Q&A sessions. Keep your delivery style enthusiastic and humorous while keeping content concise and focused.

How do you grab attention in a presentation?

To grab attention in a presentation, start with a compelling opening, share your information with a story-like narration, and interact with your audience. Always focus on interaction, limit text, incorporate visually appealing elements, and maintain a clear structure.

How to make a creative presentation?

To craft a creative presentation, define your objective and audience, gather compelling data, and choose engaging design elements to present them. Incorporate storytelling and interactive features to keep your audience engaged. Practice and seek feedback to refine your delivery.


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how to have a creative presentation

Innovative Presentation Ideas: Captivate Your Audience with Creative Approaches

blog asset

Creating an engaging presentation requires more than just delivering information—it’s about capturing your audience's attention, making your message memorable, and encouraging interaction. To help you stand out and leave a lasting impression, here are some innovative presentation ideas that can elevate your content and captivate your audience.

1. Interactive Polls and Q&A Sessions

Engagement through interaction.

Integrating interactive elements such as live polls or Q&A sessions can significantly increase audience participation and engagement. These tools make your presentation more dynamic and allow you to tailor your content based on real-time feedback.

How to Implement:

  • Live Polls: Use platforms like Slido or Mentimeter to conduct live polls where the audience can vote on questions or provide opinions. Display the results immediately to spark discussions.
  • Q&A Sessions: Allocate time for a Q&A segment where the audience can ask questions. Consider using a tool that allows anonymous submissions to encourage more candid questions.

Scenario: During a marketing strategy presentation, start with a live poll asking the audience about their biggest marketing challenges. Use the poll results to shape the rest of your presentation, addressing the most common issues.

2. Storytelling with Visuals

Bring your message to life.

Storytelling is a powerful technique for making your presentation memorable. Combine storytelling with compelling visuals to create a narrative that resonates with your audience and makes your message more impactful.

  • Narrative Arc: Structure your presentation as a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Introduce characters, conflicts, and resolutions to make your content relatable.
  • Visual Aids: Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics to illustrate key points and evoke emotions. Tools like Canva or Adobe Spark can help create visually appealing content.

Scenario: In a pitch for a new product, start with a story about a customer’s journey before and after using your product. Use images and video clips to illustrate the transformation, making the benefits of your product tangible and relatable.

3. Gamification

Make learning fun.

Gamification involves incorporating game-like elements into your presentation to make learning more engaging. This approach can turn routine information into an interactive experience, boosting motivation and retention.

  • Quizzes and Challenges: Include quizzes or challenges throughout your presentation. Award points or prizes for correct answers to keep the audience engaged.
  • Interactive Scenarios: Create scenarios or simulations where the audience can make decisions and see the outcomes. This can be particularly effective in training or educational presentations.

Scenario: During a workshop on project management, organize a team-based challenge where groups compete to solve a case study. Use a leaderboard to track progress and provide rewards for the winning team.

4. Live Demonstrations and Showcases

Show, don’t just tell.

Live demonstrations can make your presentation more engaging by providing practical, hands-on examples of your product or concept. This approach allows your audience to see your ideas in action and better understand their application.

  • Product Demos: If you’re presenting a new product, demonstrate its features and benefits live. Allow the audience to interact with the product if possible.
  • Live Simulations: For educational or technical presentations, conduct a live simulation to showcase how a process works in real time.

Scenario: In a tech conference presentation, perform a live demo of your software, showing its key features and benefits. Allow the audience to ask questions and interact with the software during the demo.

5. Audience Participation Activities

Encourage active involvement.

Involving your audience in activities can make your presentation more interactive and memorable. Participation activities can range from group discussions to hands-on exercises, depending on your presentation’s goals.

  • Breakout Sessions: Divide the audience into small groups to discuss specific topics or solve problems. Have each group share their findings with the larger audience.
  • Interactive Exercises: Incorporate activities such as role-playing, brainstorming sessions, or creative workshops to engage the audience actively.

Scenario: During a leadership training session, organize a role-playing exercise where participants act out different leadership scenarios. Facilitate a discussion afterward to reflect on the exercise and extract key lessons.

6. Incorporating Augmented Reality (AR)

Enhance the presentation experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) can create immersive experiences that captivate your audience and bring your content to life. This technology can be particularly effective for presentations involving complex data or concepts.

  • AR Apps: Use AR applications to overlay digital content onto physical objects or environments. Tools like Zappar or ARKit can help integrate AR into your presentation.
  • Interactive Models: Create interactive 3D models that the audience can explore using AR, enhancing their understanding of the subject matter.

Scenario: In a presentation about architectural design, use AR to allow the audience to view 3D models of building projects through their smartphones or tablets, giving them a better sense of the design and layout.

7. Utilizing Data Visualization

Simplify complex information.

Effective data visualization can help simplify complex information and make it more accessible. Using charts, graphs, and infographics can enhance understanding and retention.

  • Infographics: Create infographics that summarize key data points and trends. Tools like Piktochart or Tableau can assist in designing effective visualizations.
  • Interactive Charts: Use interactive charts and graphs that allow the audience to explore data in real time.

Scenario: During a financial report presentation, use interactive charts to display revenue trends and projections. Allow the audience to filter the data by different criteria to explore various scenarios.

8. Incorporating Live Feedback

Adapt and improve in real time.

Collecting live feedback during your presentation allows you to adjust your content based on audience responses and interests. This approach can help you address the most relevant issues and maintain engagement.

  • Live Feedback Tools: Use tools like Mentimeter or Slido to gather real-time feedback from your audience. Pose questions or request opinions throughout the presentation.
  • Instant Polls: Conduct quick polls to gauge the audience’s understanding or interest in specific topics, and adjust your content accordingly.

Scenario: In a product launch presentation, use live polls to ask the audience about their preferences or concerns regarding the product. Use the feedback to address these points in real time.

Innovative presentation ideas can significantly enhance your ability to engage and captivate your audience. By incorporating interactive elements, storytelling, gamification, live demonstrations, audience participation, AR, data visualization, and live feedback, you can create a presentation that is not only informative but also memorable and impactful. Tailor these ideas to fit your presentation’s goals and audience to ensure a successful and engaging experience.

Table of contents

  • Presentations
  • Most Recent
  • Infographics
  • Data Visualizations
  • Forms and Surveys
  • Video & Animation
  • Case Studies
  • Design for Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • Design Inspiration
  • Visual Thinking
  • Product Updates
  • Visme Webinars
  • Artificial Intelligence

How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

Written by: Nayomi Chibana

how to start a presentation - header wide

Wondering how to start a presentation that makes your audience sit up in their seats with excitement?

"Today, you will learn something that will add 10 years to your life."

"20 years from now, your job won't exist."

"Did you know that more people have access to a mobile phone than a toilet?"

Presentation starters like these are key to grabbing your audience's attention and making the most of the time allotted to you.

Instead of thanking the audience, making an unrelated joke or apologizing for a technical issue, why not dive right into the subject matter with a gripping statement or thought-provoking question?

To help you craft your own killer presentation starters, we've sorted through some of the most popular TED talks in history and created this list of the most effective ways to start your next presentation .

Many of these presentation starters are successful because they appeal to human emotions such as curiosity, awe, surprise or fear. You can read more on creating viral content that triggers emotional responses in this post .

Better yet, check out the video version of this blog post. This video distills 12 killer strategies to start your presentation and keep the audience's attention throughout.

how to have a creative presentation

  • Knowing how to start a presentation is crucial because it sets the tone for the rest of the presentation. A strong and engaging opening can capture the audience's attention and generate interest in your presentation.
  • There are many ways to start a presentation: make a provocative statement, incite curiosity; shock the audience; tell a story, be authentic;  quote a famous or influential person.
  • Here are other presentation opening strategies: Begin with a captivating visual; ask a question; use silence; start with a prop; tell a relevant joke; use the word "imagine.
  • Take advantage of Visme's free online presentation software to create attention-grabbing presentations that align with your branding and engage your audience.
  • If you're short on time, tap into the power of Visme's AI presentation maker to create stunning presentations in minutes. Simply describe what you want to create, select your preferred design option and let the tool do the heavy lifting.

How to Start a Presentation

Knowing how to start a presentation is just as crucial as the message you're trying to convey. If you can't start it effectively, you might not be able to leave a strong enough impact by the end of it.

TED speakers are some of the best presenters in the world, and there's a lot you can learn from their talks. Below, we've handpicked some of these presentations that start with a bang and manage to keep the audience hooked till the very end.

1 Make a provocative statement.

"I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career."

One surefire way to get your audience's attention is to make a provocative statement that creates interest and a keen desire to know more about what you have to say.

The presentation above, for example, does just that by making a surprising first statement that inspires surprise, amusement, curiosity and fear at the same time.

With 4.8 million views and counting, this talk by an economics professor draws you in precisely because it steers clear of the traditional talk, using blunt humor to enumerate all the irrational excuses people make for not pursuing their dreams and passions.

2 Incite curiosity.

"I need to make a confession at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret, something that I'm not particularly proud of. Something that, in many ways, I wish no one would ever know, but here I feel kind of obliged to reveal."

Another way to grab your audience by the collar is to incite curiosity. In this popular TED talk viewed over 15.4 million times, career analyst Dan Pink succeeds at getting the entire audience to look at him intently, waiting for his next word, by resorting to an opening statement that builds suspense.

Since human beings are by nature curious creatures, most people in the audience were probably asking themselves "What did he do?" and imagining all sorts of possible scenarios.

3 Shock the audience.

"You will live seven and a half minutes longer than you would have otherwise, just because you watched this talk."

In many ways related to the previous two presentation starters, this hook involves making a counter-intuitive or paradigm-shifting statement that goes against a popular belief or simply shocks due to the perceived impossibility of the proposed statement.

This introduction by game designer Jane McGonigal, for example, achieves a level of surprise by making a seemingly improbable assertion. After hearing this kind of statement, most people will want to listen to your entire talk, if not out of genuine interest, then at least for the sake of pacifying their incredulity.

(By the way, she makes good on her promise by revealing a game she designed to boost resilience, which is backed by scientific research.)

4 Tell a story.

"When I was seven years old and my sister was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed..."

As covered in a previous post , storytelling is the key ingredient that separates good, engaging presentations from bad ones that lack a clear message and persuasive delivery.

In his popular talk on the secret to being more productive, psychologist Shawn Achor tells a childhood story to lead into the effectiveness of positive psychology. He then goes on to provide concrete evidence backing his claim that pursuing happiness, rather than productivity for its own sake, actually makes you more--not less--productive.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

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Create a stunning presentation in less time

5  Be authentic.

"I'm going to tell you a little bit about my TEDxHouston Talk. I woke up the morning after I gave that talk with the worst vulnerability hangover of my life. And I actually didn't leave my house for about three days."

Another way to draw your audience into your own world is to tell a revealing personal story. This is certainly not easy but, when done right, can quickly spark interest in your topic and build an emotional connection between you and your audience.

In Brene Brown's talk on confronting shame, she begins by admitting that she felt embarrassed over the revelations she had made in her massively popular TED talk on embracing vulnerability.

6 Quote an influential person.

One of the easiest ways to start a presentation is to quote an influential person. In these cases, it's best to use a pithy, short and relevant quote to catch your audience's attention.

In the widely viewed video above, for example, writer Andrew Solomon quotes Emily Dickinson to begin his talk on depression, an illness he asserts affects many more people than the official figures suggest.

The quote is particularly powerful and effective because it eloquently describes the state of depression from the point of view of a person who is feeling all the emotions associated with it.

7 Begin with a captivating visual.

To introduce this fascinating TED talk on how movements really get started, entrepreneur Derek Sivers uses some surprising footage to support his statements. They are especially captivating because they debunk widely held beliefs on the matter, proving that it takes more than just a charismatic leader to start a revolution of any sort.

8 Ask a question.

"Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? Even more than that, what about predicting human behavior?"

In this attention-grabbing presentation on the flaws in human perception, world-famous pickpocket Apollo Robbins starts off by asking the audience a question that leads right into the meat of his talk, which has been viewed worldwide more than 10.5 million times.

In these cases, it's best to pose a question that will really get your audience thinking and, in the best possible scenario, challenge their prevailing beliefs or preconceptions on a certain topic.

51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

9 Use silence.

Another effective technique--which should only be used if you're a seasoned presenter and are able to maintain your composure throughout--is to leverage silence to command a room.

Watch, for example, how musician Amanda Palmer starts off her talk by not saying a word, simply breathing in and out and using props to communicate her message.

Although you may not want to resort to both silence and using a prop in your presentation, this is a very effective dramatic technique that, if done right, quickly draws all eyes to you.

10 Start with a prop.

Considering that the audience's gaze is attracted by motion and visual objects, another way to hook them right from the outset is to use a prop.

Take a look at how best-selling author Susan Cain uses a physical object to visually complement her opening story on her first summer camp experience. It not only adds a dramatic effect, it also keeps viewers eyes on her while on stage.

11 Tell a relevant joke.

"Okay, now I don't want to alarm anybody in this room, but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar."

Humor is not only a good way to break the ice and endear the audience to you right from the outset, it can also be very effective in getting your point across if it's relevant to your talk.

Lie detector Pamela Meyer, for example, deftly uses both humor and an element of surprise in her opening statement as she tells the audience that the person to their right is probably a liar. This gets the audience to laugh and then focus on her topic at the same time.

She goes on to give some shocking statistics (such as that on any given day, we're lied to up to 200 times) and delivers an intriguing talk that has been seen close to 13 million times.

12 Use the word "imagine."

"Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary."

Lastly, there are times when leading your audience to use their imaginations is the best bet. You can prompt them to do this by using the commands "imagine," "think of" or "picture this." These are just a few of the most powerful opening words for presentation.

Plane crash survivor Ric Elias, for example, uses this technique in the video above to quickly thrust his audience into the central scene of his harrowing story.

Learn How to Start a Presentation Effectively

What about your next presentation? Have you thought about how you're going to set the mood for your talk? We've rounded up some of the best way to start a presentation.

When you're ready to get started creating your presentation, give Visme's presentation software a try! The tool comes with an AI writer that helps you generate killer content for your next presentation in seconds.

Plus, check out our post on how to end a presentation so you both start and end your speech with a bang.

And if you want to learn all our secrets on how to deliver an unforgettable presentation, as well as how to create visual slides with impact, grab our free e-book below.


Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Nayomi Chibana is a journalist and writer for Visme’s Visual Learning Center. Besides researching trends in visual communication and next-generation storytelling, she’s passionate about data-driven content.

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

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Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

how to have a creative presentation

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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How to create a Powerpoint Presentation

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Powerpoint presentations are a great way to share information with a team, but making them is a skillset in its own right. We've got guides on general Powerpoint use , but if you're keen to just get started making a slideshow right now, this is the way.

How to create a Powerpoint presentation

How to build your first slide, how to add more slides to a powerpoint presentation, how to make an awesome slideshow presentation.

Here's how to make a Powerpoint presentation.

What You Need

Powerpoint or Microsoft 365 subscription

The first step in building your fancy slideshow is to create the presentation itself. Here's how to do it.

Step 1: Install Powerpoint (as part of Microsoft 365 ) if you haven't already, then open the app up.

Step 2: The home screen will give you a range of options for selecting templates and premade presentations to give you a great starting-off point. Select one of them if they're applicable. For even more options, select the New tab from the left-hand menu.

Alternatively, if you want to start from a blank canvas, select Blank presentation.

Step 3: From there, it's a good idea to name and save the presentation so you can come back to it later. Select File > Save or* Save As*, then name the file on the right, choose a location for it, and select Save .

Step 1: Your first slide will automatically have text fields for a title and subtitle. If you want to have that on your first slide, select them, then type in what you want them to read. You can also click and drag them around, or resize them using your mouse.

Hover your mouse over the white circles, then click and drag them to resize the box. Alternatively, select the rotational arrows near the corners of the box, to rotate it.

If you don't want those text fields, select their boundary individually and press the Delete key to remove them.

Step 2: If you want to add more text to this slide (or any others in the future), select the Insert tab, then select Text box. Click on the slide where you want the box to appear, then use your mouse to drag the box to the desired shape.

Then click the box and type in what you want that text box to say. The contextual home menu will automatically adjust to give you quick access to font choices and other text style options.

You can access more detailed text formatting options by selecting the Format tab. There you'll find options for changing text coloring, its outline, and any text effects you want to use.

Step 3: To add pictures to your slideshow, select the Insert tab, then select Pictures in the top-left. You'll then have the option to insert an image from your local PC, a selection of stock images, or a range of online images.

Step 4: You can also freehand draw or annotate your slides, using the Draw tab, or alter the entire theme of the slideshow by selecting Design.

To add a new slide to your presentation, select the Insert tab at the top of the screen, then select New slide on the left. Then choose the type of slide you want. You can have a blank slide to do it all yourself, or you can get a headstart on its design by copying a previous slide, using the same theme as another part of your presentation, or having a predefined layout.

Want even more tips on making a great slideshow? We've got you covered. Check out our guide on how to use Microsoft Powerpoint , for all the most important tips.

We've also got a guide for more tips and tricks for making engaging and attractive slides .

Editors’ Recommendations

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Jon Martindale

While PowerPoint is widely used to develop presentations, using Google Slides has become a popular alternative. Part of what makes it so popular is that it's free to use, as is other Google software such as Google Docs and Google Sheets – which is a stark contrast to the premium price you'll pay for Microsoft Office and PowerPoint.

Even if you know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint, you might want to jump ship to Slides, and Google makes it easy to do so. In fact, it takes little more than a few clicks to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides. Whether you need to change the format for a coworker or want to permanently switch to the free platform, here's a look at how to convert your PowerPoint into a Google Slides presentation.

We all know that Microsoft’s PowerPoint software has been a presentations staple for a few decades now. And whether you only used it in school once or twice, or you use it for work on a daily basis, there’s always something new to learn about the classic Microsoft platform.

Even if you know how to use PowerPoint, did you know that you can embed videos in your presentations?

Creating a successful slideshow is no small task. So, if you’re new to Microsoft PowerPoint, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the features and tools you need to build a presentation.

We’ll guide you through the process of creating a PowerPoint slideshow by adding slides and elements as well as how to present the show when you finish. These basics are just what you need as a beginner and should get you off to a terrific start with PowerPoint.

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Blog Marketing How To Start a Presentation: 15 Ways to Set the Stage

How To Start a Presentation: 15 Ways to Set the Stage

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 25, 2023

How To Start A Presentation

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – it’s your opportunity to make a lasting impression and captivate your audience. 

A strong presentation start acts as a beacon, cutting through the noise and instantly capturing the attention of your listeners. With so much content vying for their focus, a captivating opening ensures that your message stands out and resonates with your audience.

Whether you’re a startup business owner pitching a brilliant idea, a seasoned presenter delivering a persuasive talk or an expert sharing your experience, the start of your presentation can make all the difference. But don’t fret — I’ve got you covered with 15 electrifying ways to kickstart your presentation. 

The presentation introduction examples in this article cover everything from self-introduction to how to start a group presentation, building anticipation that leaves the audience eager to delve into the depths of your topic.

Click to jump ahead:

How to start a presentation introduction

15 ways to start a presentation and captivate your audience, common mistakes to avoid in the opening of a presentation, faqs on how to start a presentation, captivate the audience from the get-go.

how to have a creative presentation

Presentations can be scary, I know. But even if stage fright hits, you can always fall back on a simple strategy.

Just take a deep breath, introduce yourself and briefly explain the topic of your presentation.

To grab attention at the start, try this opening line: Hello everyone. I am so glad you could join me today. I’m very excited about today’s topic. I’m [Your Name] and I’ll be talking about [Presentation Topic]. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by [Challenge related to your topic]. Many of us might have faced challenges with [Challenge related to your topic]. Today, we’ll explore some strategies that’ll help us [Solution that you’re presenting].

Regardless of your mode of presentation , crafting an engaging introduction sets the stage for a memorable presentation.

Let’s dive into some key tips for how to start a presentation speech to help you nail the art of starting with a bang:

Understand your audience

The key to an engaging introduction is to know your audience inside out and give your audience what they want. Tailor your opening to resonate with their specific interests, needs and expectations. Consider what will captivate them and how you can make your presentation relevant to their lives or work.

Use a compelling hook

Grab the audience’s attention from the get-go with a compelling hook. Whether it’s a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact or a gripping story, a powerful opening will immediately pique their curiosity and keep them invested in what you have to say.

how to have a creative presentation

State your purpose

Be crystal clear about your subject matter and the purpose of your presentation. In just a few sentences, communicate the main objectives and the value your audience will gain from listening to you. Let them know upfront what to expect and they’ll be more likely to stay engaged throughout.

Introduce yourself and your team

Give a self introduction about who you are such as your job title to establish credibility and rapport with the audience.

Some creative ways to introduce yourself in a presentation would be by sharing a brief and engaging personal story that connects to your topic or the theme of your presentation. This approach instantly makes you relatable and captures the audience’s attention.

Now, let’s talk about — how to introduce team members in a presentation. Before introducing each team member, briefly explain their role or contribution to the project or presentation. This gives the audience an understanding of their relevance and expertise.

Group presentations are also a breeze with the help of Venngage. Our in-editor collaboration tools allow you to edit presentations side by side in real-time. That way, you can seamlessly hare your design with the team for input and make sure everyone is on track. 

Maintain enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is contagious! Keep the energy levels up throughout your introduction, conveying a positive and upbeat tone. A vibrant and welcoming atmosphere sets the stage for an exciting presentation and keeps the audience eager to hear more.

Before you think about how to present a topic, think about how to design impactful slides that can leave a lasting impression on the audience. Here are 120+ presentation ideas , design tips, and examples to help you create an awesome slide deck for your next presentation.

Captivating your audience from the get-go is the key to a successful presentation. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice taking the stage for the first time, the opening of your presentation sets the tone for the entire talk. 

So, let’s get ready to dive into the 15 most creative ways to start a presentation. I promise you these presentation introduction ideas will captivate your audience, leaving them hanging on your every word.

Grab-attention immediately

Ask a thought-provoking question.

Get the audience’s wheels turning by throwing them a thought-provoking question right out of the gate. Make them ponder, wonder and engage their critical thinking muscles from the very start.

Share a surprising statistic or fact

Brace yourself for some wide eyes and dropped jaws! Open your presentation with a jaw-dropping statistic or a mind-blowing fact that’s directly related to your topic. Nothing captures attention like a good ol’ dose of shock and awe.

how to have a creative presentation

State a bold statement or challenge

Ready to shake things up? Kick off with a bold and daring statement that sets the stage for your presentation’s epic journey. Boldness has a way of making ears perk up and eyes widen in anticipation!

Engage with a poll or interactive activity

Turn the audience from passive listeners to active participants by kicking off with a fun poll or interactive activity. Get them on their feet, or rather — their fingertips, right from the start!

Venngage’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily transform your slides into an interactive presentation . Create clickable buttons or navigation elements within your presentation to guide your audience to different sections or external resources. 

Enhance engagement by incorporating videos or audio clips directly into your presentation. Venngage supports video and audio embedding, which can add depth to your content.

how to have a creative presentation

Begin with an opening phrase that captures attention

Use opening phrases that can help you create a strong connection with your audience and make them eager to hear more about what you have to say. Remember to be confident, enthusiastic and authentic in your delivery to maximize the impact of your presentation.

Here are some effective presentation starting words and phrases that can help you grab your audience’s attention and set the stage for a captivating presentation:

  • “Imagine…”
  • “Picture this…”
  • “Did you know that…”
  • “Have you ever wondered…”
  • “In this presentation, we’ll explore…”
  • “Let’s dive right in and discover…”
  • “I’m excited to share with you…”
  • “I have a confession to make…”
  • “I want to start by telling you a story…”
  • “Before we begin, let’s consider…”
  • “Have you ever faced the challenge of…”
  • “We all know that…”
  • “This is a topic close to my heart because…”
  • “Over the next [minutes/hours], we’ll cover…”
  • “I invite you to journey with me through…”

Build connection and credibility

Begin with a personal connection .

Share a real-life experience or a special connection to the topic at hand. This simple act of opening up creates an instant bond with the audience, turning them into your biggest cheerleaders.

Having the team share their personal experiences is also a good group presentation introduction approach. Team members can share their own stories that are related to the topic to create an emotional connection with your audience. 

how to have a creative presentation

Tell a relevant story

Start your presentation with a riveting story that hooks your audience and relates to your main message. Stories have a magical way of captivating hearts and minds. Organize your slides in a clear and sequential manner and use visuals that complement your narrative and evoke emotions to engage the audience.

With Venngage, you have access to a vast library of high-quality and captivating stock photography, offering thousands of options to enrich your presentations. The best part? It’s entirely free! Elevate your visual storytelling with stunning images that complement your content, captivate your audience and add a professional touch to your presentation. 

Venngage Stock Photo Library

Use a powerful quote

Sometimes, all you need is some wise words to work wonders. Begin with a powerful quote from a legendary figure that perfectly fits your presentation’s theme — a dose of inspiration sets the stage for an epic journey.

Build anticipation

Provide a brief outline.

Here’s a good introduction for presentation example if you’re giving a speech at a conference. For longer presentations or conferences with multiple speakers especially, providing an outline helps the audience stay focused on the key takeaways. That way, you can better manage your time and ensure that you cover all the key points without rushing or running out of time.

Pose a problem and offer a solution

A great idea on how to start a business presentation is to start by presenting a problem and offering a well-thought-out solution. By addressing their pain points and showcasing your solution, you’ll capture their interest and set the stage for a compelling and successful presentation.

Back up your solution with data, research, or case studies that demonstrate its effectiveness. This can also be a good reporting introduction example that adds credibility to your proposal.

Preparing a pitch deck can be a daunting task but fret not. This guide on the 30+ best pitch deck tips and examples has everything you need to bring on new business partners and win new client contracts. Alternatively, you can also get started by customizing one of our professional pitch deck templates for free. 

how to have a creative presentation

Incite curiosity in the audience

Utilize visuals or props.

Capture your audience’s gaze by whipping out captivating visuals or props that add an exciting touch to your subject. A well-placed prop or a stunning visual can make your presentation pop like a fireworks show!

That said, you maybe wondering — how can I make my presentation more attractive.  A well-designed presentation background instantly captures the audience’s attention and creates a positive first impression. Here are 15 presentation background examples to keep the audience awake to help you get inspired. 

Use humor or wit

Sprinkle some humor and wit to spice things up. Cracking a clever joke or throwing in a witty remark can break the ice and create a positively charged atmosphere. If you’re cracking your head on how to start a group presentation, humor is a great way to start a presentation speech. 

Get your team members involved in the fun to create a collaborative and enjoyable experience for everyone. Laughter is the perfect way to break the ice and set a positive tone for your presentation!

how to have a creative presentation

Invoke emotion

Get those heartstrings tugging! Start with a heartfelt story or example that stirs up emotions and connects with your audience on a personal level. Emotion is the secret sauce to a memorable presentation.

Aside from getting creative with your introduction, a well-crafted and creative presentation can boost your confidence as a presenter. Browse our catalog of creative presentation templates and get started right away!

Use a dramatic pause

A great group presentation example is to start with a powerful moment of silence, like a magician about to reveal their greatest trick. After introducing your team, allow a brief moment of silence. Hold the pause for a few seconds, making it feel deliberate and purposeful. This builds anticipation and curiosity among the audience.

Pique their interest

Share a fun fact or anecdote.

Time for a little fun and games! Kick-off with a lighthearted or fascinating fact that’ll make the audience go, “Wow, really? Tell me more!” A sprinkle of amusement sets the stage for an entertaining ride.

While an introduction for a presentation sets the tone for your speech, a good slide complements your spoken words, helping the audience better understand and remember your message. Check out these 12 best presentation software for 2023 that can aid your next presentation. 

how to have a creative presentation

The opening moments of a presentation can make or break your entire talk. It’s your chance to grab your audience’s attention, set the tone, and lay the foundation for a successful presentation. However, there are some common pitfalls that speakers often fall into when starting their presentations. 

Starting with Apologies

It might be tempting to start with a preemptive apology, especially if you’re feeling nervous or unsure about your presentation. However, beginning with unnecessary apologies or self-deprecating remarks sets a negative tone right from the start. Instead of exuding confidence and credibility, you’re unintentionally undermining yourself and your message. 

Reading from Slides

One of the most common blunders in the opening of a PowerPoint presentation is reading directly from your slides or script. While it’s crucial to have a well-structured outline, reciting word-for-word can lead to disengagement and boredom among your audience. Maintain eye contact and connect with your listeners as you speak. Your slides should complement your words, not replace them.

how to have a creative presentation

Overwhelming with Information

In the excitement to impress, some presenters bombard their audience with too much information right at the beginning.

Instead of overloading the audience with a sea of data, statistics or technical details that can quickly lead to confusion and disinterest, visualize your data with the help of Venngage. Choose an infographic template that best suits the type of data you want to visualize. Venngage offers a variety of pre-designed templates for charts, graphs, infographics and more.

Venngage Infographics Templates

Ignoring the Audience

It’s easy to get caught up in the content and forget about the people in front of you. Don’t overlook the importance of acknowledging the audience and building a connection with them. Greet them warmly, make eye contact and maintain body language to show genuine interest in their presence. Engage the audience early on by asking a show of hands question or encourage audience participation. 

Lack of Clarity

Your audience should know exactly what to expect from your presentation. Starting with a vague or unclear opening leaves them guessing about the purpose and direction of your talk. Clearly communicate the topic and objectives of your presentation right from the beginning. This sets the stage for a focused and coherent message that resonates with your audience.

Simplicity makes it easier for the audience to understand and retain the information presented. Check out our gallery of simple presentation templates to keep your opening concise and relevant. 

how to have a creative presentation

Skipping the Hook

The opening of your presentation is the perfect opportunity to hook your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. However, some presenters overlook this crucial aspect and dive straight into the content without any intrigue. Craft an attention-grabbing hook that sparks curiosity, poses a thought-provoking question or shares an interesting fact. A compelling opening is like the key that unlocks your audience’s receptivity to the rest of your presentation.

Now that you’ve got the gist of how to introduce a presentation, further brush up your speech with these tips on how to make a persuasive presentation and how to improve your presentation skills to create an engaging presentation . 

how to have a creative presentation

How can I overcome nervousness at the beginning of a presentation?

To overcome nervousness at the beginning of a presentation, take deep breaths, practice beforehand, and focus on connecting with your audience rather than worrying about yourself.

How long should the opening of a presentation be?

The opening of a presentation should typically be brief, lasting around 1 to 3 minutes, to grab the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the talk.

Should I memorize my presentation’s opening lines?

While it’s helpful to know your opening lines, it’s better to understand the key points and flow naturally to maintain authenticity and flexibility during the presentation.

Should I use slides during the opening of my presentation?

Using slides sparingly during the opening can enhance the message, but avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information early on.

How do I transition smoothly from the opening to the main content of my presentation?

Transition smoothly from the opening to the main content by providing a clear and concise outline of what’s to come, signaling the shift and maintaining a logical flow between topics.

Just as a captivating opening draws your audience in, creating a well-crafted presentation closing has the power to leave a lasting impression. Wrap up in style with these 10 ways to end a presentation .

Presenting virtually? Check out these tips on how to ace your next online presentation . 

Captivating your audience from the very beginning is crucial for a successful presentation. The first few moments of your talk can set the tone and determine whether your audience remains engaged throughout or loses interest. 

Start with a compelling opening that grabs their attention. You can use a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic or a powerful quote to pique their curiosity. Alternatively, storytelling can be a potent tool to draw them into your narrative. It’s essential to establish a personal connection early on, whether by sharing a relatable experience or expressing empathy towards their needs and interests.

Lastly, be mindful of your body language and vocal delivery. A confident and engaging speaker can captivate an audience, so make eye contact, use appropriate gestures and vary your tone to convey passion and sincerity.

In conclusion, captivating your audience from the very beginning requires thoughtful preparation, engaging content and a confident delivery. With Venngage’s customizable templates, you can adapt your presentation to suit the preferences and interests of your specific audience, ensuring maximum engagement. Go on and get started today!

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‘The Bear’ and ‘Shogun’ could start claiming trophies early at Creative Arts Emmy Awards


FILE - An Emmy statue appears one stage at the 49th annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Pasadena, Calif., on June 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File)

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — Top Emmy nominees “Shogun” and “The Bear” can start running up the score early at the two-night Creative Arts Emmy Awards, which honor artistic and technical achievement in television.

The Saturday and Sunday ceremonies are a precursor to the main Emmys ceremony, hosted by Dan and Eugene Levy , that will air at 8 p.m. EST Sept. 15 on ABC.

Presenters at the Creative Arts ceremonies — held at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles like the forthcoming bigger show — will include Oscar-winners and current Emmy nominees Jamie Lee Curtis and Brie Larson.

Creative arts nominees also include names as big as Ryan Gosling and Angela Bassett .

But such nominees don’t often show up, and the nearly 100 trophies that will be handed out in a pair of marathon shows Saturday and Sunday are mostly deep cuts for the less-than-famous. Outstanding contemporary makeup (non prosthetic) is a typical category. The evenings give a moment of glamour — and for winners a moment on stage — to hairdressers, stunt performers, sound mixers and casting directors who rarely get either.

Saturday night’s show is devoted to reality, variety and talk shows. Fittingly, the craft practitioners of “Saturday Night Live” are up for a dozen awards.


Game show hosts, who do typically show up and count as big stars on this night, and their Emmy category includes the recently retired Pat Sajak of “Wheel of Fortune” along with Ken Jennings for “Jeopardy,” Steve Harvey for “Celebrity Family Feud” and Keke Palmer for “Password.”

The best narrator award always draws famous figures — last year’s winner was Barack Obama — and this year is no exception, with Bassett, Morgan Freeman, Paul Rudd and Octavia Spencer among the nominees.

Sunday’s show shifts to scripted comedies and dramas.

“Shogun” the FX series about politicking in feudal Japan, leads all nominees this year with 25. Seventeen of those awards will be handed out Sunday in craft categories it could easily dominate, including best period costumes, best prosthetic makeup and best stunt performance.

“The Bear,” FX’s series about a scrappy culinary gang, leads all nominees in the comedy categories with 23. Fourteen of those will come up Sunday, including nominations for its cinematography, its hairstyling and its all star team of guest actors including Curtis, fellow Oscar-winner Olivia Colman, Bob Odenkirk and Jon Bernthal.

Yet another Oscar winner, Da’Vine Joy Randolph , is also nominated in Curtis and Colman’s category — best guest actress in a comedy — for her acting on “Only Murders in the Building.”

Other presenters who are also nominees include Hannah Waddingham, Jane Lynch and Mark Cuban.

Gosling is nominated in the guest acting category for his work as host of “Saturday Night Live,” as are two of the show’s alums, Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph. Rudolph is up for four Emmys, three of which will be given out at Creative Arts.

For more coverage on this year’s Emmy Awards and recent television shows, visit:

how to have a creative presentation


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  6. Creative 🔥 Animated PowerPoint Title Slide 🔥 How to do Morph Transition in PPT #ppt @PPTGraphiks​


  1. 12 Easy Steps to Make a Presentation Creative (+ Examples)

    Weave in personalization using dynamic variables. Enhance storytelling with animations. Highlight key points using subtle visual cues. Engage with interactive elements. Showcase ideas using vibrant images. Sprinkle in video narrations. Wrap up with a smart CTA. Browse creative presentation templates.

  2. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    2 Be Minimal. Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right.

  3. 20 Creative Presentation Ideas

    6. Bring your story to life with audio. Another presentation idea to minimize text and maximize audience engagement is to add sound to your presentation. Tell your story using pre-recorded audio. This creative presentation style turns the viewer experience into just that — an experience.

  4. How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

    How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

  5. 100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

    General Presentation Ideas. Here we have random presentation ideas that can inspire you. Make your next presentation a blast by introducing a new creative topic through a unique presentation design. Introduction to a Topic: Often, we don't really want to go deep into complex concepts but just need a short and clear intro to get a grasp of ...

  6. 17 PowerPoint Presentation Tips From Pro Presenters [+ Templates]

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  7. 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

    The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics. 10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle. Source. Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously.

  8. How to make a great presentation

    How to make a great presentation | TED Talks. Playlist. How to make a great presentation. Stressed about an upcoming presentation? These talks are full of helpful tips on how to get up in front of an audience and make a lasting impression. Watch now. Add to list. 18:00.

  9. Creative Presentation Ideas to Inspire Audiences to Act +Video

    Here are 30 cool presentations ideas you can use for your next presentation: 1. Use Speech Bubbles. Speech bubbles add a fun element to your slide. (Presentation template Source: Envato Elements) (Graphic Source: Envato Elements) A creative presentation idea is to put your thoughts or key points into speech bubbles.

  10. Make Creative PowerPoint Presentations (With Unique Ideas + Video

    For this example case, we're going to imagine we're introducing a new app using a PowerPoint presentation. This is just one example of making a creative presentation to showcase a new product, but you can use your own content to get similar results. 1. Grab Your Audience's Attention.

  11. 31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Captivate Your Audience

    31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Captivate Your Audience - Unlimited Graphic Design Service. Don't know where to start on your presentation? Here are 31 excellent presentation ideas to inspire your next winning PowerPoint.

  12. How to Give a Good Presentation: 10 Tips

    How to Give a Good Presentation: 10 Tips

  13. 15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

    Interactive presentations leave a lasting impression on the audience. By encouraging active participation and feedback, interactive presentations facilitate better understanding and knowledge retention. Here are 15 innovative 5-minute interactive presentation ideas to captivate your audience from start to finish: 1. Ice-breaker questions.

  14. 40+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Captivate Your Audience

    Try These Creative Presentation Ideas. Appealing Illustrations: Use illustrations to clarify topics visually. Capsule Bars: Fill whitespace with stylish capsule shapes. Image Cropping: Crop images creatively for visual engagement. Vision Meets Value: Use bold imagery and text for marketing.

  15. How to Give a Killer Presentation

    Frame your story (figure out where to start and where to end). Plan your delivery (decide whether to memorize your speech word for word or develop bullet points and then rehearse it—over and ...

  16. 31 Creative Presentation Ideas to Delight Your Audience

    Think outside of the box during your next presentation! Stop creating boring PowerPoints. With these creative presentation ideas, you'll have your audience i...

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    1. Start by writing out your talking points. The first thing you need to do, before even considering your presentation design, is to write out your talking points and outline your speech. Pay attention to popular and engaging presentation structures so you know the framework you want to follow throughout your talk.

  18. Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    Live Simulations: For educational or technical presentations, conduct a live simulation to showcase how a process works in real time. Example: Scenario: In a tech conference presentation, perform a live demo of your software, showing its key features and benefits. Allow the audience to ask questions and interact with the software during the demo.

  19. How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

    1 Make a provocative statement. "I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career." One surefire way to get your audience's attention is to make a provocative statement that creates interest and a keen desire to know more about what you have to say. The presentation above, for example, does just that by ...

  20. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  21. How to create a Powerpoint Presentation

    To add a new slide to your presentation, select the Insert tab at the top of the screen, then select New slide on the left. Then choose the type of slide you want. Then choose the type of slide ...

  22. How To Start a Presentation: 15 Ways to Set the Stage

    Browse our catalog of creative presentation templates and get started right away! Use a dramatic pause. A great group presentation example is to start with a powerful moment of silence, like a magician about to reveal their greatest trick. After introducing your team, allow a brief moment of silence. Hold the pause for a few seconds, making it ...

  23. 'The Bear' and 'Shogun' could start claiming trophies early at Creative

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Top Emmy nominees "Shogun" and "The Bear" can start running up the score early at the two-night Creative Arts Emmy Awards, which honor artistic and technical achievement in television.. The Saturday and Sunday ceremonies are a precursor to the main Emmys ceremony, hosted by Dan and Eugene Levy, that will air at 8 p.m. EST Sept. 15 on ABC.