The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better Essay

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It is undeniable that today’s world revolves around technology due to its growth over the past decades. Mobile phones as a part of technology have become increasingly common in modern society. Today, it is impossible to imagine an adolescent or an adult without a cell phone. Students have started to use mobile phones in classrooms, which has raised many concerns among teachers, schools’ authorities, and parents. While there are several disadvantages of the utilization of technology during classes, the advantages of it prevail.

The benefits of technology for students are evident. First, mobile phones can substitute textbooks and notebooks, which may have a positive impact on individuals’ health as they do not have to carry heavy bags to schools. Students can download learning materials in electronic form and use them during classes. Moreover, they can find the information faster and save time to perform other important tasks. Second, with the help of mobile phones, students can have access to their textbooks, lectures, and notes anywhere and at any time. They can read on the bus on their way to school, which may increase the time they dedicate to the analysis of the learning materials and help them to reflect on the topics of discussions.

Furthermore, students can use mobile phones as dictionaries in language classes. It may save their time and ensure that the long learning process does not discourage them. Also, they can download applications that are designed to assist in acquiring new language skills.

It is necessary to mention that students can use mobile phones as organizational or planning tools. They can plan their time based on the deadlines, arrange their activities and track their grades and performance in class. While many students use notebooks for such purposes, the utilization of mobile phones allows for having all the information in one place and ensuring that no important data is lost. Moreover, teachers can be involved in the organizational process too by sharing the necessary information about due dates and requirements via applications. It may improve teacher-student relationships and increase individuals’ performance in class.

There are several drawbacks associated with the use of mobile phones in the classroom. The primary one is that they can distract students from learning, as they may prefer to play games or use social networks. Moreover, individuals can become aggressive if the teachers or school authorities try to forbid the use of technology in class. To eliminate the possible negative outcomes, it is necessary for students to learn how to avoid distraction while working with mobile phones.

For example, they can delete unnecessary applications or restrict their use during classes. Apart from that, students can improve their performance by studying the factors that can cause distraction and avoiding them. Teachers and schools’ authorities should also consider investigating the benefits of the technology to prevent the establishment of unnecessary policies related to its use in the classroom.

The use of mobile phones in the classroom can improve student’s performance and help them to have better learning outcomes. It can save their time, prevent them from carrying heavy bags with textbooks and notebooks and increase the accessibility of course materials. The possible drawbacks of the use of technology in class are individuals’ distraction and aggression. However, students can eliminate the disadvantages of the utilization of mobile phones by avoiding the factors that can cause negative learning outcomes.

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IvyPanda. (2021, July 18). The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better.

"The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better." IvyPanda , 18 July 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better'. 18 July.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better." July 18, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better." July 18, 2021.


IvyPanda . "The Use of Mobile Phones in the Classroom Can Help Students Learn Better." July 18, 2021.

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Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say

Students around the world are being separated from their phones.

In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year.

Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.

77% Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics

But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it, in part because so many students are still coping with academic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic. At home, many young people were free to choose how and when to use their phones during learning hours. Now, they face a school environment seeking to take away their main source of connection.

“Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.

Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?” Pereira added.

It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .

Michael Rich , an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.

“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”

Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.

“Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.

Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, a research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Chan School, argues that more flexible classroom policies can create opportunities for teaching tech-literacy and self-regulation.

“There is a huge, growing body of literature showing that social media platforms are particularly helpful for people who need resources or who need support of some kind, beyond their proximate environment,” he said. A study he co-authored by Rachel McCloud and Vish Viswanath for the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness shows that this is especially true for marginalized groups such as students of color and LGBTQ students. But the findings do not support a free-rein policy, Bekalu stressed.

In the end, Rich, who noted the particular challenges faced by his patients with attention-deficit disorders and other neurological conditions, favors a classroom-by-classroom strategy. “It can be managed in a very local way,” he said, adding: “It’s important for parents, teachers, and the kids to remember what they are doing at any point in time and focus on that. It’s really only in mono-tasking that we do very well at things.”

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Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

New study shows it takes a young brain 20 minutes to refocus after using a cell phone in a classroom

Photo: A zoomed in photo shows a young student discretely using their cell phone under their desk as they sit in the classroom.

Photo by skynesher/iStock

Parents, the next time you are about to send a quick trivial text message to your students while they’re at school—maybe sitting in a classroom—stop. And think about this: it might take them only 10 seconds to respond with a thumbs-up emoji, but their brain will need 20 minutes to refocus on the algebra or history or physics lesson in front of them— 20 minutes .

That was just one of the many findings in a recent report from a 14-country study by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) that prompted this headline in the Washington Post : “Schools should ban smartphones. Parents should help.” The study recommends a ban on smartphones at school for students of all ages, and says the data are unequivocal, showing that countries that enforce restrictions see improved academic performance and less bullying.

It’s a fraught debate, one that prompts frustration among educators, who say students are less focused than ever as schools struggle to enforce cell phone limitation policies, and rage from some parents, worrying about a possible shooting when they can’t get in touch, who insist they need to be able to reach their children at all times. And, perhaps surprisingly, it prompts a collective yawn from students.

In fact, students openly admit their cell phones distract them and that they focus better in school without them, says Joelle Renstrom , a senior lecturer in rhetoric at Boston University’s College of General Studies. It’s an issue she has studied for years. She even performed an experiment with her students that supports what she long suspected: Cell Phones + Classrooms = Bad Learning Environment.

BU Today spoke with Renstrom about the latest study and research.

with Joelle Renstrom

Bu today: let me get right to the point. do we as a society need to be better about restricting cell phones in classrooms it seems so obvious..

Renstrom: Of course. But it is easier said than done. It’s hard to be consistent. We will always have students with some kind of reason, or a note from someone, that gives them access to technology. And then it becomes hard to explain why some people can have it and some people can’t. But student buy-in to the idea is important.

BU Today: But is getting students to agree more important than getting schools and parents to agree? Is it naive to think that students are supposed to follow the rules that we as parents and teachers set for them?

Renstrom: I have made the case before that addiction to phones is kind of like second-hand smoking. If you’re young and people around you are using it, you are going to want it, too. Every baby is like that. They want to reach for it, it’s flashing, their parents are on it all the time. Students openly acknowledge they are addicted. Their digital lives are there. But they also know there is this lack of balance in their lives. I do think buy-in is important. But do it as an experiment. Did it work? What changes did it make? Did it make you anxious or distracted during those 50 minutes in class? I did that for years. I surveyed students for a number of semesters; how do you feel about putting your phone in a pouch? They made some predictions and said what they thought about how annoying it was. But at the end, they talked about how those predictions [played out], and whether they were better able to focus. It was very, very clear they were better able to focus. Also interestingly, not a single student left during class to get a drink or go to the bathroom. They had been 100 percent doing that just so they could use their phone.

BU Today: Should we be talking about this question, cell phones in classrooms, for all ages, middle school all the way through college? Or does age matter?

Renstrom: It’s never going to be universal. Different families, different schools. And there is, on some level, a safety issue. I do not blame parents for thinking, if there’s someone with a gun in school, I need a way to reach my kids. What if all the phones are in pouches when someone with a gun comes in? It’s crazy that we even have to consider that.

BU Today: What’s one example of something that can be changed easily?

Renstrom: Parents need to stop calling their kids during the day. Stop doing that. What you are doing is setting that kid up so that they are responding to a bot 24-7 when they shouldn’t be. If you’re a kid who gets a text from your parent in class, you are conditioned to respond and to know that [the parent] expects a response. It adds so much anxiety to people’s lives. It all just ends up in this anxiety loop. When kids are in school, leave them alone. Think about what that phone is actually meant for. When you gave them a phone, you said it’s in case of an emergency or if you need to be picked up in a different place. Make those the parameters. If it’s just to confirm, “I’m still picking you up at 3,” then no, don’t do that. Remember when we didn’t have to confirm? There is a time and place for this, for all technology.

BU Today: This latest study, how do you think people will react to it?

Renstrom: This isn’t new. How many studies have to come out to say that cured meat is terrible and is carcinogenic. People are like, “Oh, don’t tell me what to eat. Or when to be on my phone.” This gets real contentious, real fast because telling people what’s good for them is hard.

BU Today: I can understand that—but in this case we’re not telling adults to stop being on their phones. We’re saying help get your kids off their phones in classrooms, for their health and education.

Renstrom: Studies show kids’ brains, and their gray matter, are low when they are on screens. School is prime habit-forming time. You should not sit in class within view of the professor, laughing while they are talking about World War II. There is a social appropriateness that needs to be learned. Another habit that needs to be addressed is the misconception of multitasking. We are under this misconception we all can do it. And we can’t. You might think, I can listen to this lecture while my sister texts me. That is not supported by science or studies. It is literally derailing you. Your brain jumps off to another track and has to get back on. If you think you have not left that first track, you are wrong.

BU Today: So what next steps would you like to see?

Renstrom: I would like to see both schools and families be more assertive about this. But also to work together. If the parents are anti-smartphone policy, it doesn’t matter if the school is pro-policy. If there is a war between parents and schools, I am not sure much will happen. Some kind of intervention and restriction is better than just ripping it away from kids. The UNESCO study found it is actually even worse for university students. We are all coming at this problem from all different ways. Pouches or banned phones. Or nothing.

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essay on mobile phone usage in schools

Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine , he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground , tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

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There are 31 comments on Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

i found this very helpful with my research

It was ok, but i will say i enjoyed learning more about why we should not have cell phones.

It was a great research, helped me a lot.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there was a shooting or a fire or a dangourus weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright? (Reply answer if have one)

Yeah they would get an amber alert

well, the school has the technology that can help communicate that to the parents, and if that were to happen, I guess that’s why there’s always a cell phone in the classrooms those old-time ones, but I feel it would not be okay in case of a shooting since you have to go silence, and on the moment of fire or weather everything happens so fast in the moment.

Yeah, that’s exactly why they have those supplies or items in the classroom, to alert parents. Kids don’t need to use their phones for that.

In schools all teachers have cell phones. So one way or the other the messages would get out to the parents as needed. If a student gets on the cell phone to inform the parent about the activity, that’s taken place it could cause panic. School staffs are informed as to how to handle such situations.. what I have seen take place in classes are students who are texting each other either in the same room or in another classroom during the school time. Many students spend time on YouTube and not concentrating what’s going on in the classroom.

Teachers have communication with all parents and it also has amber alerts

You just give the kids watches to call there parents or guardians on.

I’m a teacher. If there’s an event like this, it could be detrimental to the emergency system if too many people are calling. Also, kids don’t have the common sense to turn their ringers off. They go off in my class, more often than they should.. If there’s a shooter in any school, parents are going to be calling their kids. Phones constantly going off could lead a shooter to specific places if they can hear them. I understand the parent’s arguments as to why they want their kids to have their phones, but that very argument could lead to their child being hurt or killed in the scenario mentioned above.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there is a shooting or a fire or a dangerous weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright?

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful thank you.

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful but it is true what if our mom or dad have to contact us we need phones!

this helped me with my school project about whether cell phones should be banned in school. I think yes but the class is saying no. I think it’s because I was raised without a phone so I know how to survive and contact my parents without a phone. but anyway, this helped me with my essay! thank you!

I don’t think phones should be allowed in school, and this is perfect backup! Thank you Doug

great infromation for debate

Thanks, this helped a lot I’m working on an essay and this has been really the way, some people may think, but what if i need to call my mom/dad/guardian. but the real thing is, there is a high chance that there will be a telephone near you. or if it’s something that only you want them to know,go ahead and ask your teacher if you can go to the office.

I mean it could also depend on the student, like for example let’s say that i’m a student inside the school, if I used my phone and I got off it, for me it would instant focus, but for others students they might take longer or the same time as me, it all really depends if the student is tend to be responsible with their time trying to focus so I would say that this claim is not true.

I think that is article was very good. I’m currently writing and essay and I have used this for most of my evidence so far. I personally think that cellphones should be banned from the classroom because the school will get the information that your parents need out to them so you don’t have to cause a panic because you don’t know if your parents know what is going on at your school or not. It will just be better because then we wouldn’t have as many distractions in the classrooms as we do now because kids are always getting caught on their phones and they are constantly being sent down to the office and it takes time to get the class back on track. I personally agree with Doug that cellphones should be banned in the classrooms.

It’s striking to realize that the reason some parents feel the need to advocate for phone usage in school is due to concerns about a potential school shooting. While parents may be more informed about the harmful effects of smartphones in a learning environment, they take preference for the safety of their child in a hypothetical situation. It’s a hard debate because while the safety of their children is important, the drastic effects of students needing 20 minutes to refocus is significantly impacting their ability to learn in their classes. I find it very saddening that this is what our world has come to – prioritizing safety for a school shooting over academic performance, because it is no longer so unusual for a school to experience that type of tragedy.

I liked the comment, “Addiction to phones is kind of like second-hand smoking. If you’re young and people around you are using it, you are going to want it too,” because I experienced this phenomenon in my early middle school years, with the invention of the first iPhone. All of a sudden an invention that was broadcasted on the news became an essential for the other students in my middle school class, to the point where I became one of the only students without one. Then, I finally succumbed to the pressure, and begged my parents for an iPhone as I felt extremely left out. It’s frustrating to accept that this pressure is affecting children now younger and younger by the year, with even six year old children I babysit owning their own iPhone/iPad.

I also think that with the prevalence of child phone usage significantly increases parental anxiety, particularly for those parents who are already overbearing to start. Giving parents the ability to contact their child at any given time is harmful, and it can create a dependence on either side. It’s ironic given the fact that parents push their children to focus and succeed in their classes, yet harass them all day about minuscule things that could’ve been addressed later that day. So yes, parents need to stop calling their kids during the day.

this helped me with my school project, very reliable source.

I think that this talked more about why parents should help more than why cell phones should be banned.

I think the teachers or guardians will allow you to contact someone but I think after the shooting or crisis they will contact your parents or guardian from the office or person in charge

I agree, I’m 13 and I honestly could live without a phone

i also agree but parents need to reach their kids somehow if something happens in school

I’m also 13

had to research this for an assingnment and onistlly, I love my phone and I would marry it if I could!

This is really reasonable. In my school my friends have cell phones and there is a lot of drama. I am writing a report on this.

This is really good

I’ve taught high school since 1999. Should cell phones be banned? 100% Absolutley. I don’t think twice about it.

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essay on mobile phone usage in schools

Banning mobile phones in schools: beneficial or risky? Here’s what the evidence says

essay on mobile phone usage in schools

Distinguished Research Professor, Monash University

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Neil Selwyn receives research funding from the Australian Research Council, Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT), Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & AuDA Foundation.

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

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Victorian education minister James Merlino’s announcement mobile phones will be banned for all students at state primary and secondary schools is certainly a bold move.

The policy has been justified as a direct response to mounting levels of cyberbullying, concerns over distractions and schools struggling with discipline relating to students’ misuse of phones.

Students will have to switch off their phones and store them in lockers from the start of the school day until the final bell. In case of an emergency, parents or guardians can reach their child by calling the school.

The minister said in a statement :

The only exceptions to the ban will be where students use phones to monitor health conditions, or where teachers instruct students to bring their phone for a particular classroom activity.

Whether to allow student use of mobile phones in school is certainly a hot topic in education. The Victorian announcement follows a French government ban on mobiles in school in 2018. Debates on the issue are also taking place in Denmark , Sweden and the United Kingdom .

There is considerable public support for banning mobiles. In our recently conducted survey of more than 2,000 Australian adults, nearly 80% supported a ban on mobile phones in classrooms. Just under one-third supported an outright ban from schools altogether.

Support for a classroom ban was remarkably consistent across different demographics, including political affiliation and age group.

But while banning phones from classrooms, and from school altogether, might seem sensible, there are number of reasons to be cautious. It’s clear we need to carefully consider how we want to make use of digital devices being brought into schools. But previous experience, such as in New York, suggests a blanket ban might introduce even more problems.

And the little research evidence that addresses the issue is mixed.

What’s the evidence?

Reports of cyberbullying have clearly gone up among school-aged children and young people over the past ten years, but the nature and precedents of cyberbullying are complex.

Research suggests there is a large overlap between cyberbullying and traditional forms of bullying, which wouldn’t then follow that digital devices are somehow causing these behaviours.

Cyberbullying also often takes place outside school hours and premises. There is a danger banning phones from classrooms might distract education staff from having to continue with efforts to address the more immediate causes of cyberbullying.

Read more: Teenagers need our support, not criticism, as they navigate life online

There is also a growing literature exploring the links between digital devices and classroom distractions. The presence of phones in the classroom is certainly found to be a source of multi-tasking among students of all ages – some of which can be educationally relevant and much of which might not.

But the impact of these off-task behaviours on student learning outcomes is difficult to determine. A review of 132 academic studies concluded, it is

difficult to determine directions and mechanisms of the causal relations between mobile phone multitasking and academic performance.

There is also a strong sense from classroom research that issues of distraction apply equally to laptops , iPads and other digital devices.

All told, the sense from academic literature is that the realities of smartphone use in classrooms are complex and decidedly messy. Our own research into how smartphones are being used in Victorian classrooms highlighted the difficulties teachers face in policing student use (what some teachers described as requiring “five minutes of firefighting” at the beginning of every lesson).

Despite this, we also found instances of students using smartphones for a range of beneficial purposes – from impromptu information seeking to live-streaming lessons for sick classmates.

Read more: Schools are asking students to bring digital devices to class, but are they actually being used?

These benefits are also reflected in classroom studies elsewhere in the world. Research from Stanford University has demonstrated , for instance, that with proper support and preparation, teachers in even the most challenging schools can “build on the ways students already use technology outside of school to help them learn in the classroom”.

There is now a whole academic field known as “ m-Learning ” where researchers have explored the pedagogical and learning advantages of using mobile devices (including phones) in lessons.

But what about a blanket ban from school altogether? Experience from elsewhere suggests enforcing a mobile ban in schools may not be as easy as it sounds.

What we can learn from others

The New South Wales government announced a review into the benefits and risks of mobile phone use in schools in June 2018, led by child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg. At the review’s completion, the government said it would only ban mobile phones from the state’s primary schools, leaving secondary schools free to make their own choice.

We recognise that technology plays an important and increasing role as students progress through their education […] We want to give secondary schools the flexibility to balance the benefits and risks of technology in the way that best supports their students.

Perhaps the most pertinent example is the ban enforced in New York City from 2006, that was eventually lifted in 2015.

The reasons given for this reversal highlighted several of the concerns the new ban in Victoria will likely face. They include practical difficulties of enforcing a ban in the classroom being exacerbated by banning of phone use during break times and lunchtimes.

First, it was clear the New York ban was being inconsistently enforced by schools – with better resourced schools in more affluent areas more likely to bend the rules and permit student use. In contrast, schools in lower-income areas with metal detectors were more likely to be rigidly enforcing the ban.

Other motivations for lifting the ban were concerns over student safety such as the need for students to contact family members during break times and lunchtimes. Families were also incurring costs to store phones securely outside of the school. There was also a recognition teachers should be trusted to exercise their professional judgement as to how they could be making good educational use of devices in their lessons.

Read more: Should mobile phones be banned in schools? We asked five experts

At the same time, it was reckoned government resources were better directed toward supporting students to learn how to use technology responsibly through cyber-safety lessons.

All these reasons are as relevant now to Victorian schools as they were to New York City schools in 2015. The use (and non-use) of mobile phones in schools is certainly an issue we need to have a proper conversation about. But it might not be as clear-cut as the recent policy announcements suggest.

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Cell Phones in School: An Argumentative Perspective

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

essay on mobile phone usage in schools

  • Updated on  
  • Feb 21, 2024

essay on my mobile phone

Mobile Phones are portable electronic devices used to make calls, browse the internet, click pictures, and do several other tasks. However, the mobile phones discovered in the early 1970s were quite different from the compact and slim devices we use today. Cell phones were invented by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.

As modern humans, we all use mobile phones for our day-to-day functioning. At academic and higher education levels, students are given the task of writing an essay on mobile phones. An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own. Keep reading to find out essays on mobile phones and some fun facts about the device.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)
  • 2 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)
  • 3 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)
  • 4 Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)

Mobile phones are also known as cell phones or smartphones. It is a revolutionary technology that can connect people even from a distance. A smartphone can be used to call, text, click photos, send photos, manage calendars, calculate things, browse the internet, play music, watch movies, or simply use social media. Even banking activities can be done by using a smartphone. To this day and date, almost everyone is a mobile phone user. Although mobile phones are not recommended for children, it is a versatile tool that can be used by a student of any age.  Hence, it has become a significant part of everyday life.

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)

In the modern world, a smartphone is a necessity. Human beings have become dependent on devices to do their important work. The reason is, mobile phones have several applications that make the daily life of the user easier. It is no longer a luxury to own a mobile phone. The prices have gone down so much that an average middle-class person can afford it. It is the most important and affordable tool available in the market.

An average mobile phone can perform several tasks. Starting with connecting people at a distance through calls or texts to playing games. For example, a Nokia 1100 can have applications that can assist in calls, texting, listening to the radio, playing games, calendars, and more. A more advanced mobile phone such as an Android device or an iPhone can connect the device to the internet and open up plenty of possibilities. That is, on a smartphone along with the basic functions customers can send emails, and use social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and X.  

Along with the advantages, a mobile phone comes with disadvantages too. However, the disadvantages of a smartphone are less based on the device. It is more related to how a user used the device. It can cause health problems such as poor eyesight, and sleep disruption. Aside from this, being excessively dependent on the phone can result in social isolation and less productivity.

Mobile Phone is an excellent device that can perform several functions for a user. Due to its advantages, it has become an indispensable tool in the modern world. However, with its benefits comes the cons. A user should not be too dependent on a smartphone. It can result in health problems, social isolation, and less productivity. 

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)

Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the disadvantages of a mobile phone circle around its overuse or misuse. The price of a mobile phone can vary between INR 2000 to $48.5 million based on the model and brand. 

Mobile phones have several advantages. For this reason, it has become a modern-day necessity. Some of the advantages of mobile phones are listed below:
The main reason why anyone would purchase a mobile phone is to make calls. Smartphones make it easy for a user to communicate with another user. Be it video calls, normal calls, or texting it can all be done on a mobile phone.
Browsing the Internet:
The Internet makes it easier to access information at your fingertips. A mobile phone user can use the internet to browse the internet, and even use applications that run on the internet. Thus, it can help a user to listen to music, watch movies, send emails, manage social accounts are more.  Furthermore, it also helps users to make online payments
Performing Business
Several established businesses use marketing strategies to promote their products and services. These are done with the help of the Internet. Mobile phone users can use social media accounts to promote their products and services. It also enables users to engage with other businesses.
Learning Applications
A variety of applications available on cellular devices help users to learn and grow. For example, educational materials such as online courses are available on these platforms/

There are several disadvantages to using mobile phones. Some of them are listed below:
Social Isolation
People are more interested in mobile phones than actually communicating with others face-to-face. Hence, mobile phones have created a time when people are connected and disconnected at the same time.
Lack of Productivity
Mobile phones have become so engrossing that it has resulted in smartphone addiction.  Being on the device for too long can make a person be in the virtual world more, and not in the real world. Thus, making a person unproductive.
Health Problems 
Smartphone addiction can result in disrupted sleep, poor eyesight, bad posture, depression, and other health ailments.  Hence, using mobile phones for a long duration is bad for a person’s health.
Lack of Privacy
Mobile phones can compromise the privacy of their users. Anyone can access information about any person. Moreover, viruses, phishing attacks, etc. can result in loss of data.

A mobile phone has its pros and cons. Smartphones can perform several functions and have made life easier for humans. The limited use of mobile phones can be incredibly useful.  The importance of mobile phones can’t be denied in today’s world. However, using the devices for too long can result in several health ailments and social isolation. 

Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Here we have listed some of the interesting facts about smartphones. These facts can be added to the ‘essay on mobile phones’ to make it more interesting. Below are the 5 interesting facts about smartphones:

  • The most expensive smartphone in the world is the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond. It is worth  $48.5 million.
  • The cheapest mobile phone in the world is the Freedom 251. It just cost INR 251.
  • Apple is the world’s most popular smartphone
  • The first phone greeting was “Ahoy-hoy, who’s calling please?” 
  • The first smartphone was invented by IBM. It was released by IBM in 1994. The original screen name of the 1st smartphone was “Simon.” 
  • The first text message in the world was ‘Merry Christmas’

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A mobile phone system gets its name from diving the service into small cells. Each of these cells has a base station with a useful range in the order of a kilometre/mile.

Mobile phones have become extremely important due to the ease of communication it has brought about. Moreover, it can perform several major tasks easily and effectively. For example, a calculator. Aside from this mobile phones can help a user connect to the internet, and use social media applications, and other applications. Mobile phones can even assist in online payment. 

The full form or the meaning of a Moble is Modified, Operation, Byte, Integration, Limited, Energy”. John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola discovered the device in 1973. An essay on mobile phones can include the mobile phone full form.

Related Articles

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lifestyle. There are several advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone. However, the pros outweigh the cons. A mobile phone essay can be written by including both the advantages and disadvantages. To discover more articles like this one, consult the study abroad expert at Leverage Edu.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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Essay on Use of Mobile Phones in Education

Students are often asked to write an essay on Use of Mobile Phones in Education in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Use of Mobile Phones in Education


Mobile phones, once considered a distraction, are now a valuable tool in education. They provide a wealth of resources and opportunities for learning.

Learning Tools

Mobile phones offer various educational apps, like dictionaries, encyclopedias, and learning games, which aid in understanding complex topics.

Easy Access to Information

With internet connectivity, mobile phones provide instant access to vast amounts of information, making learning more dynamic and interactive.

Communication and Collaboration

Mobile phones facilitate communication between students and teachers, promoting collaboration and the sharing of ideas.

250 Words Essay on Use of Mobile Phones in Education

Mobile phones, once viewed as distractions, are now recognized as powerful tools in the realm of education. Their role in enhancing learning experiences and outcomes cannot be understated.

Transforming Learning Experiences

The ubiquity of mobile phones has revolutionized the learning landscape. They serve as portable knowledge hubs, bringing a wealth of information to students’ fingertips. With educational apps, e-books, and online courses, mobiles facilitate self-paced learning, allowing students to explore topics beyond the classroom curriculum.

Collaborative Learning

Mobile phones foster a collaborative learning environment. They enable students to engage in group discussions, share resources, and work on projects remotely, thereby promoting teamwork and enhancing communication skills.

Real-time Feedback

Mobile phones also provide platforms for real-time feedback. Teachers can monitor students’ progress, address doubts, and provide personalized guidance. This immediate feedback mechanism helps in identifying and rectifying learning gaps promptly.

Challenges and Conclusion

Despite the advantages, the use of mobile phones in education is not without challenges. Issues like digital distraction, cyberbullying, and data privacy require careful management. Moreover, the digital divide can exacerbate educational inequalities. Therefore, while leveraging mobile phones for education, it is crucial to establish a balanced and responsible approach to their use. In conclusion, when used effectively, mobile phones can significantly enrich the educational journey, transforming it into an engaging, collaborative, and personalized experience.

500 Words Essay on Use of Mobile Phones in Education

The role of mobile phones in education.

Mobile phones, with their ubiquitous presence, have become a gateway to a wealth of knowledge. The internet connectivity they provide allows students to access a plethora of educational resources and platforms. From e-books to educational apps, online courses, and interactive learning tools, mobile phones have made it possible for students to learn anytime, anywhere.

Enhancing Learning Experience

Mobile phones also enhance the learning experience by making it interactive and engaging. They support multimedia learning, enabling students to learn through videos, animations, and interactive quizzes. This multimedia approach caters to different learning styles, making education more inclusive. Mobile phones also facilitate collaborative learning. Through various apps, students can work on projects together, share notes, and engage in peer-to-peer learning.

Personalized Learning

Challenges and solutions.

Despite the benefits, the use of mobile phones in education also presents challenges. The most significant one is the digital divide. Not all students have access to smartphones or a stable internet connection, which can lead to inequalities in educational opportunities. It is crucial for educational institutions and policymakers to work towards bridging this digital divide.

Another challenge is the potential for distraction. However, with proper guidelines and digital literacy education, students can be taught to use mobile phones responsibly for educational purposes.

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Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on uses of mobile phones.

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. Everyone from a child to an adult uses mobile phones these days. They are indeed very useful and help us in so many ways.

Uses of Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile phones indeed make our lives easy and convenient but at what cost? They are a blessing only till we use it correctly. As when we use them for more than a fixed time, they become harmful for us.

Uses of Mobile Phone

We use mobile phones for almost everything now. Gone are the days when we used them for only calling. Now, our lives revolve around it. They come in use for communicating through voice, messages, and mails. We can also surf the internet using a phone. Most importantly, we also click photos and record videos through our mobile’s camera.

The phones of this age are known as smartphones . They are no less than a computer and sometimes even more. You can video call people using this phone, and also manage your official documents. You get the chance to use social media and play music through it.

Moreover, we see how mobile phones have replaced computers and laptops . We carry out all the tasks through mobile phones which we initially did use our computers. We can even make powerpoint presentations on our phones and use it as a calculator to ease our work.

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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

While mobile phones are very beneficial, they also come to a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, they create a distance between people. As people spend time on their phones, they don’t talk to each other much. People will sit in the same room and be busy on their phones instead of talking to each other.

Subsequently, phones waste a lot of time. People get distracted by them easily and spend hours on their phones. They are becoming dumber while using smartphones . They do not do their work and focus on using phones.

Most importantly, mobile phones are a cause of many ailments. When we use phones for a long time, our eyesight gets weaker. They cause strain on our brains. We also suffer from headaches, watery eyes, sleeplessness and more.

Moreover, mobile phones have created a lack of privacy in people’s lives. As all your information is stored on your phone and social media , anyone can access it easily. We become vulnerable to hackers. Also, mobile phones consume a lot of money. They are anyway expensive and to top it, we buy expensive gadgets to enhance our user experience.

In short, we see how it is both a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we can use it to our advantage. We must limit our usage of mobile phones and not let it control us. As mobile phones are taking over our lives, we must know when to draw the line. After all, we are the owners and not the smartphone.

FAQs on Uses of Mobile Phones

Q.1 How do mobile phones help us?

A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

Q.2 What is the abuse of mobile phone use?

A.2 People are nowadays not using but abusing mobile phones. They are using them endlessly which is ruining their lives. They are the cause of many ailments. They distract us and keep us away from important work. Moreover, they also compromise with our privacy making us vulnerable to hackers.

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Editorial: Yes, more schools should ban student cellphones

William Schnider, a 17-year-old rising senior at Van Nuys High School

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This year’s hottest back-to-school trend is one most students won’t like: cellphone bans.

A growing number of districts across the country have enacted, or plan to enact, prohibitions on students using their mobile phones during school hours starting this academic year. That includes some of the biggest districts, including Los Angeles Unified and New York City , which intend to ban phones in early 2025.

Several states, including Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana, have passed laws requiring school cellphone bans. And several more, including Indiana, Minnesota and Ohio, have ordered districts to develop rules that limit kids’ cellphone use at school. Gov. Gavin Newsom sent a letter to California districts last week urging them to limit student smartphone use.

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It should be obvious by now that having a pocket-size entertainment center that constantly buzzes with alerts and enticements is not great for kids’ ability to focus and learn. (It’s not great for adults either.)

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Simply having a phone nearby with notifications coming through can cause students to lose focus on the task at hand, according to one study . Once distracted, it can take as long as 20 minutes to refocus. Other studies have found that keeping a phone close by during a lecture impairs attention and reduces memory retention.

Nearly three-fourths of high school teachers surveyed last fall said that students being distracted by their cellphones in the classroom was a major problem, according to the Pew Research Center. And more than half of those teachers said school policies restricting cellphone use in the classroom were difficult to enforce. (Middle school and elementary teachers had it a little easier, with their students less distracted and more compliant with restrictions.)

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In addition, excessive social media heightens the risk of anxiety, depression and cyberbullying, and students use their phones during the day to coordinate drug purchases and fights. It’s clear that the presence of cellphones on campus is more harmful than helpful. Kids need an intervention, and schools are right to rein in this technology now before another generation suffers.

“It’s our responsibility in loco parentis to act as the responsible adult who protects them” during the school day, Los Angeles schools Supt. Alberto Carvalho said.

Los Angeles Unified is now consulting with administrators, parents, students and experts about the details of the proposed cellphone ban. The district is still studying the options — other districts have required students to keep phones in their lockers, sealed in lockable pouches or checked into phone cubbies — and the method may differ from campus to campus.

The goal, Carvalho said, is to have a policy that is implemented consistently across schools. District staff will make recommendations to the Board of Education in December, with the goal of having the ban take effect when students return from winter break in January.

Yes, it will be difficult to change the behavior of both students, who are loath to part with their phones, and their parents, who are accustomed to being able to reach their kids at any time of the day. Yes, some students will try to evade the rules. The first weeks and months of a cellphone ban will be challenging for teachers, administrators, students and parents. This will be a major culture change, but a worthy one.

And it’s quite possible that by the end of the school year, students and educators will look back and think, “Why didn’t we do this earlier?”

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FILE - Matthew Perry arrives at the premiere of "The Invention of Lying" in Los Angeles on Monday, Sept. 21, 2009. Perry, who starred as Chandler Bing in the hit series “Friends,” has died. He was 54. The Emmy-nominated actor was found dead of an apparent drowning at his Los Angeles home on Saturday, according to the Los Angeles Times and celebrity website TMZ, which was the first to report the news. Both outlets cited unnamed sources confirming Perry’s death. His publicists and other representatives did not immediately return messages seeking comment. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

Editorial: Let’s not learn the wrong lessons from Matthew Perry’s ketamine tragedy

Schools are competing with cellphones. Here's how they think they could win

Students are struggling to stay engaged in class at a time of poor mental health, shortened attention spans, reduced attendance and worsening grades

Isabella Pires first noticed what she calls the “gradual apathy pandemic” in eighth grade. Only a handful of classmates registered for service projects she helped organize at her Massachusetts school. Even fewer actually showed up.

When she got to high school last fall, Isabella found the problem was even worse: a lackluster Spirit Week and classes where students seldom spoke.

In some ways, it’s as if students “just care less and less about what people think, but also somehow care more ,” said Isabella, 14. Some teens, she said, no longer care about appearing disengaged, while others are so afraid of ridicule they keep to themselves. She blames social media and the lingering isolation of the post-COVID era.

Educators say their tried and true lesson plans are no longer enough to keep students engaged at a time of struggling mental health , shortened attention spans, reduced attendance and worsening academic performance . At the crux of these challenges? Addiction to cellphones. Now, adults are trying new strategies to reverse the malaise.

Cellphone bans are gaining traction, but many say they’re not enough. They argue for alternative stimulation: steering students outdoors or toward extracurriculars to fill time they might otherwise spend alone online. And students need outlets, they say, to speak about taboo topics without fear of being “ canceled ” on social media.

“To get students engaged now, you have to be very, very creative,” said Wilbur Higgins, lead English teacher at Dartmouth High School, where Isabella will be a sophomore this fall.

Cellphone pouches, lockers and bins have grown in popularity to help enforce device bans .

John Nguyen, a chemistry teacher in California, invented a pouch system because he was so distressed by bullying and fights on phones during class, often without adults interfering. Many teachers are afraid to confront students using phones during lessons, Nguyen said, and others have given up trying to stop it.

At Nguyen’s school, students lock their phones in neoprene pouches during classes or even all day. A teacher or principal’s magnetic key unlocks the pouches.

It doesn’t matter how dynamic the lesson, said Nguyen, who teaches at Marina Valley High School and now markets the pouches to other schools. “There’s nothing that can compete with the cell phone.”

Some schools are locking up smartwatches and wireless headphones, too. But the pouches don’t work once the final bell rings.

So in Spokane, Washington, schools are ramping up extracurriculars to compete with phones after hours.

An initiative launching this month, “ Engage IRL ” — in real life — aims to give every student something to look forward to after the school-day grind, whether it’s a sport, performing arts or a club.

“Isolating in your home every day after school for hours on end on a personal device has become normalized,” Superintendent Adam Swinyard said.

Students can create clubs around interests like board games and knitting or partake in neighborhood basketball leagues. Teachers will help students make a plan to get involved during back-to-school conferences, the district says.

“From 3 to 5:30 you are in a club, you’re in a sport, you’re at an activity,” instead of on a phone, Swinyard said. (The district has a new ban on phones during class, but will allow them after school.)

At a time of high absenteeism , he also hopes the activities will be the extra push some students need to attend school. In a Gallup poll conducted last November, only 48% of middle or high school students said they felt motivated to go to school, and only 52% felt they did something interesting every day. The poll was funded by the Walton Family Foundation, which also supports environmental journalism at the AP.

Vivian Mead, a rising senior in Spokane, said having more after-school activities helps but won’t work for everyone. “There’s definitely still some people who just want to be alone, listen to their music, do their own thing, or, like, be on their phone,” said Vivian, 17.

Her 15-year-old sister, Alexandra, said morning advisory sessions have improved participation in the drama club that keeps the sisters busy. “It forces everyone, even if they don’t want to get involved, to have to try something, and maybe that clicks,” she said.

Thirteen middle schools in Maine adopted a similar approach, bringing students outdoors for 35,000 total hours during a chosen week in May.

It’s empowering for students to connect with each other in nature, away from screens, said Tim Pearson, a physical education and health teacher. His students at Dedham School participated in the statewide “Life Happens Outside” challenge.

Teachers adapted their lessons to be taught outdoors, and students bonded in the open air during lunch and recess. At night, about half of Dedham’s students camped, incentivized by a pizza party. Several students told Pearson they camped out again after the challenge.

“Whether they had phones with them or not, they’re building fires, they’re putting up their tents,” Pearson said. “They’re doing things outside that obviously are not on social media or texting.”

Parents must also make changes to their family’s cellphone culture, some teachers say. At home, Ohio teacher Aaron Taylor bars cellular devices when his own children have friends over.

And when kids are at school, parents shouldn’t distract them with check-in texts throughout the day, he said.

“Students are so tied to their families,” said Taylor, who teaches at Westerville North High School, near Columbus. “There’s this anxiety of not being able to contact them, rather than appreciating the freedom of being alone for eight hours or with your friends.”

Some say other forces behind teen disengagement are only amplified by the cellphone. The divisive political climate often makes students unwilling to participate in class, when anything they say can rocket around the school in a messaging app.

Taylor’s high school English students tell him they don’t talk in class because they don’t want to be “ canceled ” — a term applied to public figures who are silenced or boycotted after offensive opinions or speech.

“I’m like, ‘Well, who’s canceling you? And why would you be canceled? We’re talking about `The Great Gatsby,’” not some controversial political topic, he said.

Students “get very, very quiet” when topics such as sexuality, gender or politics come up in novels, said Higgins, the Massachusetts English teacher. “Eight years ago, you had hands shooting up all over the place. Nobody wants to be labeled a certain way anymore or to be ridiculed or to be called out for politics.”

So Higgins uses websites such as Parlay that allow students to have online discussions anonymously. The services are expensive, but Higgins believes the class engagement is worth it.

“I can see who they are when they’re responding to questions and things, but other students can’t see,” Higgins said. “That can be very, very powerful.”

Alarmed at her peers' disengagement, Isabella, Higgins’ student, wrote an opinion piece in her school’s newspaper.

“Preventing future generations from joining this same downward cycle is up to us,” she wrote.

A comment on the post highlighted the challenge, and what’s at stake.

“All in all,” the commenter wrote, “why should we care?”

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Leaders are pushing to ban cellphones in schools. Are they a distraction or necessary tool?

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Kids may no longer be allowed to whip out cellphones to type essays, operate calculators, make videos or text their parents from school starting this school year in some parts of the U.S.

Democratic officials in California , New York and Virginia are urging school leaders to restrict student cellphone usage. If they implement such rules, schools in those states would join a growing number of districts that ban the devices .

These governors' directives have reignited a debate over an issue some parents never contended with in their youth: Are cellphones a distraction, a safety tool or an aid in modern classrooms?

The directives from governors and state legislatures to limit kids' access to cellphones in class are a new phenomenon, said Kenneth Trump, the president of the National School Safety and Security Services. Local officials have tried to ban smartphones and other electronic devices in classrooms for more than a decade – these debates go as far back as bans on pagers in the 1980s , he said.

The new concern comes on the heels of a call to action by the U.S. Surgeon General directed at policymakers, technology companies and families to implement measures to address the harms of social media on children.

Elizabeth Keren-Kolb, a clinical professor of education technologies and teacher education at the University of Michigan who has written books on cellphone use in school, said concerns about kids' increased exposure to screentime during the COVID-19 pandemic and pandemic-relief funding that allowed schools to buy devices for every student so they didn't need to use their cellphones as much have also played a role.

States weigh school cellphone bans: Atop district policies

Cellphones as learning tools, teaching aids

Keren-Kolb opposes the sweeping bans these governors are proposing.

Each community should be able to decide whether to allow cellphones in classrooms, in her view.

Even though schools purchased devices for kids to have access during the pandemic, students could be left with only cellphones as a technology resource, she said. Many electronic devices that districts purchased in 2020 during the sudden surge in remote learning have become outdated or broken, and pandemic relief funding to replace them will soon disappear.

In low-income communities where students are more likely to own only a smartphone and not a tablet or a laptop, banning devices will only further existing inequities in student achievement, she said. Some students have to complete homework or assignments on cellphones if they don't have laptops. Their schools should have the flexibility to let kids use them as instructional aids and as an in-class resource for academic purposes, she said.

"Cellphones clearly can be distracting in school, and there are studies that support that, but cellphones also have been ways to help schools become more equitable in terms of technology access," she said.

Richard Culatta, CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, said the renewed calls for smartphone bans in classrooms remind him of the recent bans on OpenAI's ChatGPT too l and other artificial intelligence tools.

And he thinks that's regrettable.

Any technology ban in a schoolhouse represents "an old way of thinking" and "not a good digital culture," Culatta said. Educators should instead utilize smartphones as learning tools and teaching aids to create a good digital culture on their campuses, he said.

"It's generally a terrible idea to ban a tool they’ll need to use in the future. It harms kids when we aren’t teaching them to use technology effectively," Culatta said. "The question I’ll often ask schools is 'Do you think kids are going to use them in the future?' They say, 'Yes.' And so, if we as educators are not teaching them how to use them effectively, who is?"

If kids aren't learning how to use technology effectively in schools or at home they might learn how to use cellphones from advertising or other kids, but the classroom is a more suitable and safe environment, Culatta said.

The International Society for Technology in Education guides schools in teaching kids about digital citizenship, including training on how to use electronic devices and artificial intelligence in smart and safe ways.

Is banning them the solution? Schools don't want kids on cellphones.

A distraction in the classroom or avenue for cyberbullying and social media use

People who support cellphone bans in schools largely say they're a disturbance, they distract student learning and allow kids additional time to be on social media, which they view as either harmful or wasteful.

The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, said in his directive that policymakers should find ways to limit young people's access to social media.

“Children are exposed to harmful content on social media, ranging from violent and sexual content to bullying and harassment," Murthy wrote in a May 2023 advisory . "And for too many children, social media use is compromising their sleep and valuable in-person time with family and friends."

A recent global UNESCO report suggests that kids can learn better and be better protected from cyberbullying if they don't have smartphones as a distraction . The report also acknowledges that kids need to learn how to use the devices to thrive in the future.

"Students need to learn the risks and opportunities that come with technology, develop critical skills, and understand to live with and without technology," the report reads. "Shielding students from new and innovative technology can put them at a disadvantage."

A safety tool in the age of an uptick in school shootings and threats

District officials weighing how to regulate cellphones in their schools have turned to Trump, the school security expert, for advice. He's been working on this issue since the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 and the September 2001 attacks. 

The debate has come full circle, he said, but he views the broader statewide restrictions on cellphones as political posturing rather than a genuine solution to a problem.

Phones can be a major distraction during a life-threatening event at a school, Trump said. He thinks there are benefits to removing them from classrooms. His concerns include the fact that assailants can hear a phone ding or kids could urge their parents to come on campus when authorities are trying to manage the situation. But it's also understandable that parents would want their kids to have their phones in these instances given the real threats of gun violence, he said.

Parents are split about whether kids should have cellphones on campus and about who should be making those determinations. A recent national survey from the National Parents Union shows that 57% of more than 1,500 parents polled supported a local-level decision on cellphone bans rather than a statewide one. About the same percentage of parents said students should be allowed to use cellphones during breaks from class and during afterschool activities, the survey found.

Do school bans stop kids from using phones?

Even in places where bans go into effect, it's up to principals, teachers and other officials to enforce the rules, Trump said. Many schools are already burdened by the increasing list of policies that policymakers have required them to add to their school safety handbooks following a school shooting or other incident.

Officials and educators already have a hard time enforcing everything on the books, he said.

Keren-Kolb, who has written books on cellphones in schools, agrees.

"While there are laws, they are often haphazard because of (the) lack of enforcement," she said. "It's very difficult to be able to support (them) because there's not exactly funding that comes with it."

Some districts that have banned phones are struggling to enforce the rules , because they say students or parents are refusing to comply. Kids are also finding innovative ways to bring them into classrooms, and educators say they've struggled to police their use.

Contact Kayla Jimenez at [email protected]. Follow her on X at @kaylajjimenez.

essay on mobile phone usage in schools

Ring of approval for use of phones, laptops in schools

Left to right: Education and Sports minister Janet Museveni, State Minister for Sports Peter Ogwang, acting Education and Sports Ministry Permanent Secretary Dr Jane Egau Okou, and ICT and National Guidance Ministry  Permanent Secretary Aminah Zawedde during the launch of  the Digital Agenda Strategy in Kampala, on Thursday last week. Photo | MinisterJane Nafula 


What you need to know:

The Minister of Education and Sports, Ms Janet Museveni, announced the move on Thursday last week while launching the ministry’s Digital Agenda Strategy to improve teaching and learning outcomes through digitally enhanced curricula.

Various stakeholders have welcomed the move by the Education Ministry to allow learners to carry digital devices, including mobile telephones, to school to improve their digital skills and learning.

Ms Museveni, however, said the use of the digital devices would be tightly regulated to ensure learners’ safety.

Until now, many schools have banned or heavily restricted the use of tablets, laptops and mobile phones by students.

“It is a welcome idea,” Mr Filbert Baguma, the general secretary of the Uganda National Teachers’ Union, told the Daily Monitor. “We are in the 21st century and use of ICT should be promoted right from pre-primary to the highest level of education because that is the way to go. This is already happening in countries like Rwanda. There is no shortcut.”

He urged the government to help teachers acquire the necessary gadgets so as not to be left behind by better-resourced pupils.

Mr Godfrey Birungi, who heads the Science Head Teachers and Deputies Association, a lobby group, said the move was timely, given global digital advances, including the use of artificial intelligence.

Mr Birungi, who is also the headteacher of Mbarara Senior Secondary School, however, called for clear guidelines to avoid abuse and misuse of digital devices.

 “I don’t have any objection to it but we need guidelines. Some students have been sneaking into schools with phones and people keep using them all the time which disrupts learning. We need guidelines on how to manage the process,” he said.

Mr Hasadu Kirabira, the national chairperson of the National Private Educational Institutions Association, urged caution on the use of mobile phones in schools.

“For the start, we can allow the use of laptops and computers to build an ICT-compliant society because they can be easily monitored, but for phones, we need to study it further. It is easy for them to form WhatsApp groups and engage in all sorts of discussions that may turn out to be a danger to themselves and the school as well,” Mr Kirabira said, adding, “Some students have even been using school phones to call their boyfriends pretending that they are talking to their parents.”

Ms Susan Amoit, a parent with children in primary and secondary school, said parents and teachers should do more to supervise children’s use of digital devices.

Tighter controls

During last week’s Digital Agenda Strategy launch, Ms Museveni stressed the need to strengthen cyber security as schools open up to teaching and learning facilitated by digital devices.

“Cyber security is very important because we must ensure that our learners and educators are not exposed to harmful or inappropriate material while using these digital technologies for genuine purposes,” Ms Museveni said.

The minister noted that the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, and the National Information Technology Authority have set up cyber security measures but urged schools and learners to abide by them.

She said more than 70 percent of Uganda’s population of 46 million people, is below the age of 30 and the youthful population needs to be well nurtured into an innovative and productive workforce. The digital strategy would leverage ICT, enhance education outcomes, and guard against future disruptions to learning, she added.

“We all recall that in 2020, the world suddenly faced very unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic during which schools were closed and learners were forced to stay at home,” Ms Museveni said.

She added: “This disruption had a profound impact on our learners and the negative effects on our education and sports system are still being felt up to this day. The pandemic underscored the urgent need for us to develop and apply comprehensive digital and remote learning solutions.”

Dr Aminah Zawedde, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, said: “The world has moved on. When you go to the developed world, all these technologies have been embraced already. But we don’t want the country to be left behind.”

She added: “Of course, we still have a long journey to be able to walk the journey or [create] robots and renewable technology for operations, but we are also starting on this journey to be able to customise our solutions to the kind of environment that we are dealing with.”

Dr Zawedde reassured that access to devices will be in regulated environments.

“We are not saying that take your gadgets and behave in any way you want. But it is for a reason the same way a student has been taking a book to school and the book is being used for taking notes, is being used for drawing or whatever. That is the same way this device is going to be used. It will be used for purposes of research and learning exclusively.”

She revealed screen time and content accessed will be regulated.

“Parents should not be worried about what kind of content students are going to access during the school. But we expect the parents to equally be vigilant and supportive, even when the children are out of the home. Because these students are already using these gadgets at home but had not been allowed to bring them in the school setting.”

Vocational education

Dr Jane Egau Okou, the acting permanent secretary in the Education and Sports ministry, said investments over the past decade in vocational and technical education would continue.

She revealed that the government had borrowed Shs86 billion from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to expand nine technical institutes across the country to increase access to technical education.

They include  Minakulu in Oyam District, Moyo Technical Institute, Moroto Technical Institute,  Birembo War Memorial in Kakumiro District, Kitovu in Masaka District, Luyunku in Sembabule, Kabale Technical Institute, Nalwire in Busia and Nkoko in Mayuge District.

The head of IDB’s regional hub in Kampala, Dr Issahaq Umar Iddrisu, said cooperation with Uganda dates back to 1977.

“Since then, IDB has approved a number of projects for Uganda with a cumulative amount of over $1.6 billion. To further enhance this collaboration to the next level, the Bank is also currently working with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and sector ministries in developing the country engagement framework which guides the bank’s intervention for the upcoming three years,” he said.

About the digital agenda strategy

The Ministry of Education and Sports launched the Digital Agenda Strategy and Digital Skills Framework that is aligned with the Digital Transformation Roadmap under the Digital Skilling pillar.

The Digital Agenda Strategy will be co-implemented by the Education and ICT ministries.

The strategy aims to close the digital divide by advocating for students to embrace digital technologies and access digital content in schools.

The digital roadmap that was launched in April last year is hinged on five pillars, including building digital infrastructure and connectivity; promoting digital services, boosting cyber security, data protection and privacy protocols as well as enhancing citizens’ digital skills through deliberate training.

How other countries regulate access to phones

Mr John Tereraho, the technical advisor at Save the Children Uganda, said the use of technology comes with opportunities and challenges and that some countries that have embraced the use of mobile gadgets in schools have equally put in place controls.

Mr Joshua Ewo Moi, the deputy head teacher of Aculbanya Secondary School in Kole District, who doubles as the Numeracy Curriculum Lead for Aliim Smart Phone School Programme, an online programme that facilitates online learning among refugees in different parts of the world, said countries like South Africa adopted the use of technology to improve learning outcomes but it is still regulated to ensure it serves the purposed it is meant to.   

According to the Wiley online library, young people’s use of mobile phones is expanding exponentially across Africa and that use in African schools is becoming increasingly apparent.

According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report titled, Technology in schools, a tool on whose terms stated that technology should only be used in class when it supports learning outcomes, and this includes the use of smartphones.

Unesco noted that both Bangladesh and Singapore banned smartphone use in class, but not in school, while France banned smartphone use unless strictly for pedagogical purposes or to support children with disabilities.

It further states that some countries have banned the use of specific applications from education settings due to privacy concerns.

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Why Schools Are Racing to Ban Student Phones

As the new school year starts, a wave of new laws that aim to curb distracted learning is taking effect in Indiana, Louisiana and other states.

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By Natasha Singer

Natasha Singer covers technology in schools. She welcomes reader tips at

Cellphones have become a school scourge. More than 70 percent of high school teachers say student phone distraction is a “major problem,” according to a survey this year by Pew Research .

That’s why states are mounting a bipartisan effort to crack down on rampant student cellphone use. So far this year, at least eight states have passed laws, issued orders or adopted rules to curb phone use among students during school hours.

The issue isn’t simply that some children and teenagers compulsively use apps like Snap, TikTok and Instagram during lessons, distracting themselves and their classmates. In many schools, students have also used their phones to bully, sexually exploit and share videos of physical attacks on their peers.

But cellphone restrictions can be difficult for teachers to enforce without schoolwide rules requiring students to place their phones in lockers or other locations.

Now state lawmakers, along with some prominent governors , are pushing for more uniform restrictions in public schools.

How Has Tech Changed Your School Experience?

Teachers, students, parents and school administrators, tell us in the form below about the technology benefits or tech-related school problems that you have observed. We’re interested in beneficial uses of school tech as well as classroom drawbacks like online learning distractions and cyberbullying.

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Smartphones and Other Devices in Schools: Results of a National Survey

In the past decade, electronics have proliferated in schools. Ranging from devices provided by the district for instructional purposes to student smartphones stashed in pockets and purses, they have simply become a fact of life. Given their ubiquitousness, it is almost inveitable that they have had some sort of impact on students and classrooms. In Feburary of 2020, the EdWeek Research Center set out to explore that impact by surveying teachers and district leaders about the uses and abuses of devices in schools. The questions explored the ways in which devices have—and have not—impacted important areas of teaching and learning such as remediation, engagement, and teacher-student relationships. They examined how teachers are using devices in the classroom for instruction. They also delved into issues related to student discipline, including devices’ impact on student distraction, disruption, off-task behavior, and cheating. Finally, the survey asked educators about the rules governing the use of the most common student-owned device—smartphones. This report provides detailed results from the survey.

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Schools are competing with cellphones. Here’s how they think they could win

An AP analysis of data from 40 states and DC shows school absenteeism got worse in each one except Arkansas from 2018-2022.

This photo provided by Spokane Public Schools shows Adams Elementary fifth graders pausing to pose for a photo while painting a mural at Spokane Community College, May 2024, in Spokane, Wash. (Spokane Public Schools via AP)

This photo provided by Spokane Public Schools shows John R. Rogers High School football players lifting a Longfellow Elementary student to the hoop during a visit to the school, Nov. 2022. Longfellow kindergarteners inspired the field trip when they wrote a collaborative letter to the older kids, saying how proud they were of the neighborhood team for earning their first win in three years, in Spokane, Wash. (Spokane Public Schools via AP)

Student Isabella Pires stands for a photograph, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024, at Dartmouth High School, in Dartmouth, Mass. Pires wrote an opinion piece in her school’s newspaper about malaise she sees in school, hoping to start a discussion and maybe get students and adults alike to think about reversing the disengagement that she sees as worsening. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Lackawanna Police Officer Abdul Albaneh, who works with schools, demonstrates how to unlock a cellphone pouch that will prevent students from using their cellphones during the school day to improve student engagement, in Lackawanna, N.Y., Aug. 19, 2024, for when school resumes in September. (AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson)

Parents and students in the Lackawanna City School District watch a video demonstrating a new policy that will require the students to lock their cellphones in pouches during the school day, Aug. 19, 2024, in Lackawanna, N.Y. (AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson)

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Isabella Pires first noticed what she calls the “gradual apathy pandemic” in eighth grade. Only a handful of classmates registered for service projects she helped organize at her Massachusetts school. Even fewer actually showed up.

When she got to high school last fall, Isabella found the problem was even worse: a lackluster Spirit Week and classes where students seldom spoke.

In some ways, it’s as if students “just care less and less about what people think, but also somehow care more ,” said Isabella, 14. Some teens, she said, no longer care about appearing disengaged, while others are so afraid of ridicule they keep to themselves. She blames social media and the lingering isolation of the post-COVID era.

Educators say their tried and true lesson plans are no longer enough to keep students engaged at a time of struggling mental health , shortened attention spans, reduced attendance and worsening academic performance . At the crux of these challenges? Addiction to cellphones. Now, adults are trying new strategies to reverse the malaise.


Student Isabella Pires stands for a photograph, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024, at Dartmouth High School, in Dartmouth, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Cellphone bans are gaining traction, but many say they’re not enough. They argue for alternative stimulation: steering students outdoors or toward extracurriculars to fill time they might otherwise spend alone online. And students need outlets, they say, to speak about taboo topics without fear of being “ canceled ” on social media.

“To get students engaged now, you have to be very, very creative,” said Wilbur Higgins, lead English teacher at Dartmouth High School, where Isabella will be a sophomore this fall.

Lock them up

Cellphone pouches, lockers and bins have grown in popularity to help enforce device bans .

John Nguyen, a chemistry teacher in California, invented a pouch system because he was so distressed by bullying and fights on phones during class, often without adults interfering. Many teachers are afraid to confront students using phones during lessons, Nguyen said, and others have given up trying to stop it.

At Nguyen’s school, students lock their phones in neoprene pouches during classes or even all day. A teacher or principal’s magnetic key unlocks the pouches.

It doesn’t matter how dynamic the lesson, said Nguyen, who teaches at Marina Valley High School and now markets the pouches to other schools. “There’s nothing that can compete with the cell phone.”


Do something (else)

Some schools are locking up smartwatches and wireless headphones, too. But the pouches don’t work once the final bell rings.

So in Spokane, Washington, schools are ramping up extracurriculars to compete with phones after hours.

An initiative launching this month, “ Engage IRL ” — in real life — aims to give every student something to look forward to after the school-day grind, whether it’s a sport, performing arts or a club.

“Isolating in your home every day after school for hours on end on a personal device has become normalized,” Superintendent Adam Swinyard said.

Students can create clubs around interests like board games and knitting or partake in neighborhood basketball leagues. Teachers will help students make a plan to get involved during back-to-school conferences, the district says.


This photo provided by Spokane Public Schools shows John R. Rogers High School football players lifting a Longfellow Elementary student to the hoop during a visit to the school, Nov. 2022. (Spokane Public Schools via AP)

“From 3 to 5:30 you are in a club, you’re in a sport, you’re at an activity,” instead of on a phone, Swinyard said. (The district has a new ban on phones during class, but will allow them after school.)

At a time of high absenteeism , he also hopes the activities will be the extra push some students need to attend school. In a Gallup poll conducted last November, only 48% of middle or high school students said they felt motivated to go to school, and only 52% felt they did something interesting every day. The poll was funded by the Walton Family Foundation, which also supports environmental journalism at the AP.

Vivian Mead, a rising senior in Spokane, said having more after-school activities helps but won’t work for everyone. “There’s definitely still some people who just want to be alone, listen to their music, do their own thing, or, like, be on their phone,” said Vivian, 17.

Her 15-year-old sister, Alexandra, said morning advisory sessions have improved participation in the drama club that keeps the sisters busy. “It forces everyone, even if they don’t want to get involved, to have to try something, and maybe that clicks,” she said.

Get outside

Thirteen middle schools in Maine adopted a similar approach, bringing students outdoors for 35,000 total hours during a chosen week in May.

It’s empowering for students to connect with each other in nature, away from screens, said Tim Pearson, a physical education and health teacher. His students at Dedham School participated in the statewide “Life Happens Outside” challenge.

Teachers adapted their lessons to be taught outdoors, and students bonded in the open air during lunch and recess. At night, about half of Dedham’s students camped, incentivized by a pizza party. Several students told Pearson they camped out again after the challenge.


“Whether they had phones with them or not, they’re building fires, they’re putting up their tents,” Pearson said. “They’re doing things outside that obviously are not on social media or texting.”

Plea to parents

Parents must also make changes to their family’s cellphone culture, some teachers say. At home, Ohio teacher Aaron Taylor bars cellular devices when his own children have friends over.

And when kids are at school, parents shouldn’t distract them with check-in texts throughout the day, he said.

“Students are so tied to their families,” said Taylor, who teaches at Westerville North High School, near Columbus. “There’s this anxiety of not being able to contact them, rather than appreciating the freedom of being alone for eight hours or with your friends.”

Fight fears of being ‘canceled’

Some say other forces behind teen disengagement are only amplified by the cellphone. The divisive political climate often makes students unwilling to participate in class, when anything they say can rocket around the school in a messaging app.

Taylor’s high school English students tell him they don’t talk in class because they don’t want to be “ canceled ” — a term applied to public figures who are silenced or boycotted after offensive opinions or speech.

“I’m like, ‘Well, who’s canceling you? And why would you be canceled? We’re talking about `The Great Gatsby,’” not some controversial political topic, he said.

Students “get very, very quiet” when topics such as sexuality, gender or politics come up in novels, said Higgins, the Massachusetts English teacher. “Eight years ago, you had hands shooting up all over the place. Nobody wants to be labeled a certain way anymore or to be ridiculed or to be called out for politics.”

So Higgins uses websites such as Parlay that allow students to have online discussions anonymously. The services are expensive, but Higgins believes the class engagement is worth it.

“I can see who they are when they’re responding to questions and things, but other students can’t see,” Higgins said. “That can be very, very powerful.”

Alarmed at her peers’ disengagement, Isabella, Higgins’ student, wrote an opinion piece in her school’s newspaper.

“Preventing future generations from joining this same downward cycle is up to us,” she wrote.

A comment on the post highlighted the challenge, and what’s at stake.

“All in all,” the commenter wrote, “why should we care?”

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We’ve done enormous damage to kids with smartphones — we must ban them in schools.

Small school boy engrossed in playing on his smartphone while sitting at a classroom desk, illustrating potential for distraction and addiction.

America’s children are hurting. Behind in school after pandemic closures, many children are now struggling with another major barrier to learning — smartphone addiction. Two-thirds of Americans students say they are distracted by their digital devices during class.

There’s also a second-hand smoke effect: More than half of students are distracted by the devices of other students, according to a 2022 Program for International Student Assessment study . It’s a complex problem. But one solution is embarrassingly simple — ban phones in America’s classrooms. 

As a society, we don’t allow alcohol or drugs in schools. Why should we allow highly-addictive phones to be used in the same setting?

Group of playful teenage girls standing in a schoolyard, happily using their mobile phones

Today’s phones are designed to grab the attention of users — and never let go. The average teenager receives 273 cell phone notifications per day, according to a 2023 Common Sense Media report .

Limitless apps entice children with the promise of the next dopamine surge, a predatory business model. While numerous studies have shown the negative psychological impact of these devices on developing brains, they can also take a physical toll on the body.

The constant checking, scrolling, and swiping that children succumb to increases cortisol “stress hormone” levels, increases blood pressure, and worsens sleep quality.

While phones are not the sole driver of today’s child mental health epidemic, they are playing a major role. Forty-four percent of teenagers say that their cell phones make them anxious, according to a Pew Research study . That’s probably because apps can make children feel ugly, left out, and lonely. Addictions isolate people, and phone addiction is no exception.

Teenagers use their phones in lieu of face-to-face interaction with peers. But school is exactly where children should be developing those social muscles. In fact, they need human connections for their learning and to be a part of a community. The lack of human connections may explain why suicide and depression rates are surging, up 167% and 145% respectively for girls over the last decade, according to the CDC. 

Thankfully, some leaders are taking action.

Last month, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order to create phone-free education in the state’s public schools K-12. Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York has introduced a similar ban and South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana currently have some types of restrictions on devices in schools.

These governors are attempting to correct years of unchecked technology stealing the attention of students when they are supposed to be learning. If elected officials are serious about protecting children, they should follow their lead fast.

The matter could not be more urgent. Forty percent of children will have a mental health condition by the time they are 18. And a whopping 57% of U.S. girls today feel sad or hopeless, according to a CDC report , a doubling since 2011. The data show that students are crying out for help with their phone addiction. Let’s not abandon them. 

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New York University psychologist Dr. Jonathan Haidt, who has studied the issue extensively, has pointed out that “Heavy phone or social-media use may also have a cumulative, enduring, and deleterious effect on adolescents’ abilities to focus and apply themselves,” writing on his Substack column , After Babel .

Teachers are also sounding the alarm. Seven in ten teachers say that cell phone distraction is a major problem in the classroom, according to a study by the Pew Research Center. The problem is also worsening the teacher shortage crisis in public schools because of the new cell phone culture of schools. Teachers that leave the profession have cite d issues with social media in the classroom as a major factor to their departures.

Banning cell phones in school is entirely feasible. At St. Anthony Middle School in Minnesota, students are now required to put their cell phones in their lockers between 8:00 am and 2:45 pm.

Principal Amy Kujawski enacted the ban in part to deal with online misbehavior. “Smartphones were a giant distraction to learning and they were also interrupting our chances to build strong relationships with our students,” she told Minnesota Public Radio . As a result of her policy, the school experienced a near elimination of phone-related behavioral issues.

Doing nothing is not an option. Do we really trust Silicon valley companies, who profit from this addiction, to meaningfully help the current mental health crisis of children? I don’t.

States are looking for practical solutions to address teacher retention, student performance and mental health.

A phone ban in the classroom can help with all three. 

Marty Makary is a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor, an advisor to Governor Glenn Youngkin, and author of the forthcoming book “ Blind Spots: When medicine gets it wrong and what it means for our health . “


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