bukit antarabangsa landslide case study

Assessing the Influence of Anthropogenic Causal Factors on Landslide Susceptibility in Bukit Antarabangsa, Selangor

  • Amos Mafigiri Verdant Consulting Ltd, 10302 Kampala, Central Region, Uganda
  • Mohd Faisal Abdul Khanan Geospatial Imaging and Information Research Group (GI2RG), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Ami Hassan Che Din Geospatial Imaging and Information Research Group (GI2RG), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Muhammad Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman Tropical Resources Mapping Research Group (TropicalMap), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor

This study sought to assess the influence of causal factors related to anthropogenic activities on landslide occurrence in Bukit Antarabangsa, a township northeast of Kuala Lumpur in Ampang Jaya Municipal Council. Anthropogenic factors were chosen based on the township’s rapid growth, numerous landslide records and intensity of hillside development. The study used a data-driven statistical model to identify factors most predictive of landslide occurrence based on an inventory of 20 landslides, and to evaluate the extent to which susceptibility was driven by factors related to urban development. A total of 17 factors were categorized into four clusters (geological, geomorphological, hydro-tographical and anthropogenic). Factor maps were classified to derive factor classes for each parameter. The dataset was then processed using a weight-of-evidence statistical model to determine the contrast value of each factor class. Contrast value (C) reflects the extent to which each factor class predicts landslide occurrence. The C-weighted factor maps were then combined to derive the landslide susceptibility index (LSI). The LSI enabled visualization of the spatial distribution of susceptibility based on a given combination of factors. Susceptibility maps were prepared for combinations containing only non-anthropogenic parameters and all landslide parameters. The study compared these combinations to determine the influence of anthropogenic factors on total LSI. Similar analyses were conducted to determine the effect of each anthropogenic factor on LSI. The results indicated that lineament density, distance to lineament and distance to road had a significant influence on landslide occurrence. A strong correlation with landslide occurrence was observed for land use/land cover, especially in high susceptibility zones, followed closely by the influence of one distance to road factor class. The results could be useful in planning infrastructure corridors in densely built-up landslide-prone areas.

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bukit antarabangsa landslide case study

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bukit antarabangsa landslide case study

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  • DOI: 10.1051/MATECCONF/201713804009
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Evaluation of the causes of Bukit Antarabangsa 2008 landslide by using fault tree analysis

  • Danish Kazmi , Sadaf Qasim , I. Harahap
  • Published 2017
  • Environmental Science, Geology

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figure 1

One Citation

Slope monitoring: an application of time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging method in bukit antarabangsa, kuala lumpur, 9 references, landslide of highland towers 1993: a case study of malaysia, rainfall-induced landslides in hulu kelang area, malaysia.

  • Highly Influential

Extraction of soil moisture from RADARSAT-1 and its role in the formation of the 6 December 2008 landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa, Kuala Lumpur

Landslides in weathered granitic rocks in japan and malaysia, probability and risk of slope failure, an extensive study on the quantification of human errors that hampers the performance and construction of structure particularly in geotechnical ambit, uncertainty in fault tree analysis: a fuzzy approach, posbist fault tree analysis of coherent systems, related papers.

Showing 1 through 3 of 0 Related Papers

Human-induced landslides at bukit antarabangsa, hulu kelang, Selangor

  • Jamaluddin T

This study revisits the Bukit Antarabangsa, a hilly topographic region of Ampang Jaya where a number of landslides occurred between year 1990 and 2010, resulted in 65 lives perished. Among those fatal landslides were the collapsed of a block of Highland Towers condominium, Taman Hillview bungalow and Taman Bukit Mewah housing estate. In examining historical cases of the area from regional perspective and new supplementary data, there were numerous evidences showing the lands had been greatly battered and modified since the last 50 years before the fatal landslides occurred. It was found these extensive land exploitation, specifically long duration of exposed barren land until construction completed; construction practices; and construction on old landslides or previously modified sloping lands, had significantly contributed to the causal factor of the landslides. The humid tropical and fertile soil in Malaysia that promotes thick vegetation regrowth to the extent of resembling a primary forest-cover might have hindered detection of modified lands during for new construction. Thus, this study suggested that, in addition to climatic-induced and geological factors namely weathered granitic terrain and lithological relicts as predisposing factors, these landslides were also attributed by human disturbed terrain from multiple land-use changes. The site is an example of human-induced landslide disasters from the consequence of land use management and during-construction practices.

Author supplied keywords

  • Anthropocene strata
  • Highland Towers tragedy
  • Human-induced landslide

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Lim, C. S., Jamaluddin, T. A., & Komoo, I. (2019). Human-induced landslides at bukit antarabangsa, hulu kelang, Selangor. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia , 2019 (67), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.7186/bgsm67201902

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The Impact Of Landslide On Property Market (Case Study: Bukit Antarabangsa)


  (2017) Final Year Project (Bachelor), Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

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This research is aim to identify the impact of landslide on property market. Bukit Antarabangsa has been chosen as the case study. The data for this research were obtained using two methods, literature review and quantitative analysis approach. The questionnaire was designed to test the existing knowledge on landslide, to identify the level of awareness towards landslide and the perception of house buyers towards landslide prone area. The sample was selected from Bukit Antarabangsa and its surrounding neighbourhood. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the data obtained statistic through frequency, percentage and cross tabulation. Pie chart, graph and table are used to illustrate the data obtained. Correlation method is used to identify the relation between variables. The data are also explained and correlated with the previous research. The results revealed that the level of awareness and understanding towards landslide among the house buyer have been increased due to sufficient amount of knowledge with regards to landslide. People are showing positive attitude towards landslide prone area despite knowing the risk of a territory with such condition. People believe that the current market condition is stable and they continue to invest in landslide prone area.

Item Type: Final Year Project
Depositing User: Library Staff
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2019 03:31
Last Modified: 24 Mar 2022 06:08


Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide Malaysia Case study 2022

Added on   2022-09-15

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Landslide Disaster in Malaysia: An Overview

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A Study on the Contributing Factors of Major Landslides in Malaysia

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Landslide is one of the most prominent geo-hazard that accounts for colossal losses every year. The contributing factors of landslides in Malaysia are reasonably different from rest of the world. According to a study, the most dominant factor that catalysis the slope failure in many countries of the world is geological conditions. However, in case of Malaysia; most of the landslides occur as a consequence of flawed design, improper construction and non-maintenance of slopes which correlates with the human errors. The statistics of Malaysia shows that highest number of landslides took place in 1996 with 71 cases which is followed by 68 cases in 1995. According to the findings of Highland Towers (1993) landslide, the main causes of failure were inaccuracies in design, poor supervision during the construction and inadequate drainage system. Similarly, in case of Taman Hillview and Bukit Antarabangsa landslide, it has been revealed that improper design practices and poor drainage system supplemented with prolonged rain were the significant causes of t he cataclysm. Therefore, based on the investigations on retrospective landslides, this study proposes to incorporate Human Reliability Assessment technique as a part of working strategy for slopes along with strong adherence to the design guidelines in order to minimize the likelihood of landslides.

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Inceasing demand for housing and infrastructure in Penang Island has forced development to expand into hillslope areas susceptible to geohazards such as landslides. Over the past few years landslide events have resulted in heightened concern for public safety. Development projects, many of which are of high-rise and high-density ventures, is increasingly approved on sensitive land with a history of landslide events. A field trip was conducted on 20 September 2018 involving 24 participants from various institutions to gain insights from selected development projects that are at risk of landslides. The focus was on hillslope areas at Tanjung Bungah and a road construction site at Paya Terubong. The field visit reaffirmed the importance of geoscience for land development, to identify areas susceptible to landslides and provide appropriate information for effective engineering solutions. With the advent of climate change, the country is now experiencing a rise in extreme weather phenomena, which may increase the occurrence of climate-influenced geohazards including landslides. Geoscientists have to take a more active role in reducing risks associated with geohazards, to protect communities from future disasters and ensure sustainable development.

Anas Alnaimat , Lam Kuok Choy

In Kuala Lumpur to date, there is little evidence to support landslide causes and very little research into the nature of landslide vulnerability. This article takes an interdisciplinary method and empirical approaches to examine, in addition where necessary, challenge a series of assumptions made regarding Landslide Risk Management (LRM) with a view to developing better understanding of social vulnerability on landslide hazard and its underlying causes alongside combine expert judgment on triggering factors. Moreover, the contribution of Malaysia Public Works Department (PWD/JKR) via the implication of National Slope Master Plan (NSMP 2009-2023) operational capabilities and its effectiveness on landslide risk mitigation measures is reviewed. The finding on the influence of landslide causative and triggering factors have shown steepness of slope was greatly functioned as a landslide primary causative factor on mass movement whereas, in Kuala Lumpur rainfall and human activities plays significant role in triggering landslide on a slope vulnerable to failure. The result suggests occupants of landslide prone areas have decent perceptions of landslide and its associated risk. Contrary wise, a loss of confidence by local residents on government authorities on implementing appropriate hazard mitigation measures, lack of voluntary data sharing and insufficiency public awareness campaigns conducted by Malaysian local authorities. Abstrak Di Kuala Lumpur sehingga kini, terdapat sedikit bukti kajian yang menyokong punca kejadian tanah runtuh dan kekurangan penyelidikan yang mengkaji sifat kerentanan tanah runtuh. Kajian ini mengambil pendekatan antara disiplin dan kaedah empirikal untuk memeriksa dan, sekiranya perlu, mencabar andaian-andaian yang dibuat dalam Pengurusan Risiko Tanah Runtuh (LRM) dengan tujuan untuk membentuk pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap kerentanan sosial kepada bahaya tanah runtuh dan faktor penyebab asas, di samping menggabungkan pendapat pakar terhadap faktor pencetus. Selain itu, sumbangan Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (JKR) menerusi Pelan Induk Cerun Negara (NSMP 2009-2023) serta implikasi ke atas keupayaan operasi dan keberkesanannya kepada langkah-langkah pengurangan risiko tanah runtuh turut disemak. Hasil kajian ke atas pengaruh faktor tanah runtuh dan faktor pencetus mendapati faktor kecuraman cerun merupakan faktor penyebab utama tanah runtuh, manakala di Kuala Lumpur hujan dan aktiviti manusia memainkan peranan penting dalam mencetuskan runtuhan di cerun berisiko. Hasil kajian turut menunjukkan penghuni di kawasan cenderung berlaku tanah runtuh mempunyai kesedaran dan persepsi risiko yang baik terhadap tanah runtuh dan risiko yang berkaitan. Sebaliknya, penduduk tempatan kehilangan keyakinan terhadap pihak berkuasa kerajaan untuk melaksanakan langkah-langkah mitigasi pengurangan bahaya ekoran kekurangan perkongsian data secara sukarela dan kekurangan kempen kesedaran awam yang dianjurkan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan di Malaysia. Katakunci: Kuala Lumpur, Pengurusan Risiko Tanah Runtuh (LRM), kerentanan tanah runtuh, Pelan Induk Cerun Negara (NSMP), langkah mitigasi

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    This study investigates the causes of the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide by analyzing a pipe burst event, which according to previous studies triggered the landslide. The technique of fault tree analysis (FTA) is applied to trace factors con-tributing to the pipe burst.

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    This study investigates the causes of the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide by analyzing a pipe burst event, which according to previous studies triggered the landslide. The technique of fault tree analysis (FTA) is applied to trace factors contributing to the pipe burst.

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    Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide Malaysia Case study 2022. Added on 2022-09-15. 14 Pages 3842 Words 21 Views. About this Document. End of preview. Want to access all the pages? Upload your documents or become a member. Subscribe Now.

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