How to Record a Presentation on Zoom | Easy Step-by-Step

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Table of contents:

Can you screen-record a presentation on Zoom?

How to easily record a presentation on zoom, how to record a presentation on zoom as a participant, is zoom your best option for recording a presentation, recording presentations with riverside, faqs on how to record a presentation on zoom.

It’s time to start capturing better recordings and transforming your Zoom presentations into fresh content opportunities. There’s so much that you can create. 

By learning how to record presentations on Zoom and achieve better audio and video quality, you can take control of your production strategy. You can capture Zoom recordings that allow you to clearly communicate important concepts and ideas with an audience. You can create video materials for use in training, marketing, communication, and more! 

Want to record your Zoom presentation but not sure how to start? We’ve put together this helpful step-by-step guide to help you along the way. Here’s everything you need to know about Zoom presentation recording. 

You can easily use Zoom’s screen-share feature and recording capabilities to capture a presentation. To record on Zoom, you’ll have to host the presentation meeting, or you’ll need special permissions. 

If you’re a participant and don’t have permission, then another option is to use external software. You can use your device’s in-built screen recording tools or another screen recording software platform to record Zoom presentations. 

Using a non-native recording tool to capture Zoom content can have some drawbacks. These recordings are likely to achieve a lower overall quality. In your final recording, the sound may be crackly, and video resolution may be low, reducing your content’s professional value. 

Recording a presentation on Zoom is easy when you know what you’re doing! In fact, as a presentation host, you can quickly and easily set up recording without ever leaving the Zoom app.

To get started with your Zoom presentation recording, follow these simple steps. 

Step 1: Open your Zoom account, and navigate to the ‘ Settings’ menu. Here, select ‘ Recordings’ , and ensure that ‘Local recordings’ are switched on. 

Setting up a local recording for a presentation on Zoom

Step 2: Next, navigate to your home screen and launch a call by pressing the ‘New Meeting’ button. If prompted, select ‘ join with computer audio’ , or choose another microphone. 

Launching a meeting to record a presentation on Zoom

Step 3: Before you begin, import and/or open any presentation materials you’ll need, such as slides or images. You can easily share presentation materials by using the ‘Share Screen’ option and selecting the relevant tab where your materials are located. 

Screen share button for sharing presentations on Zoom

Step 4: Check that you are unmuted . If you need to record video of yourself, ensure that your webcam is switched on, and select ‘Start Video’ from the bar menu at the bottom of your screen. 

Step 5: Ensure that everything you need for your presentation is working correctly before beginning your recording.   When you’re ready, select record from the bar at the bottom of your screen. 

Choose whether to do a Zoom local recording on your computer, saving your recording to your desktop, or record to the cloud, recording to your Zoom account.

Step 6: Start your presentation, and work through your materials while Zoom records. 

When your presentation is complete, press ‘ Stop Recording’ , and then press ‘End’ and ‘ End meeting for all’ to close off the recording. 

Step 8: Once your Zoom meeting has ended, locate your recorded files. If you chose to save files locally on your computer, you’ll find them on your desktop or in your device’s documents folder. If you recorded to the cloud, you’ll receive an email when your files are ready.

Step 9: Edit, trim, or refine your recording on your video editor of choice. Then prepare to share it as a training resource, marketing asset, or something else.

Generally, speaking, Zoom’s in-built recording tools allow meeting hosts to capture the call.

If you’d like to record a Zoom presentation as a call participant, you’ll need to obtain permission from the host of the call, or you’ll need to be invited as an alternative host. You’ll then be able to use the app’s standard recording tools. 

As a standard Zoom participant, it is unfortunately not possible to record content. In this case, it’s best to ask the call host to record content for you. Another option is to use external recording software. 

To record your Zoom presentation using an external screen recorder, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose your software system.

Step 2: Launch your Zoom meeting, and set up your presentation.

Step 3: Follow your software’s instructions to record your screen.

Step 4: Once your presentation is complete, stop your recording and save your files.

Zoom offers great native recording features that can help you easily capture presentation content. However, that doesn’t mean that Zoom is the best recording tool on the market.

In some instances, Zoom recordings can be prone to low recording quality. This may compromise your professionalism, and make it difficult to see or hear your recordings clearly. This is usually because Zoom relies on internet connection for recording. If you have connection problems your resolution suffers. It’s also worth knowing that Zoom doesn’t offer separate video or screen-share tracks which limits your editing flexibility.

If you want to explore Zoom alternatives, there are plenty of great ones to choose from, with some tools offering a range of extra features and functionalities that will help you produce better presentations than ever before. 

We have a full guide on Zoom alternatives . Although, with recording files unaffected by your internet connection, and with high-quality resolution, Riverside is a risk-free bet. 

“Riverside is far better than Zoom for recording interviews.” - Seth Godin , author, entrepreneur and marketing leader.

Riverside offers a seamless presentation recording experience. This video recording software is best for high-quality audio and video, captured from any location. It’s got all the remote recording tools you need, and with a built-in editor plus separate tracks of your screen, video and audio, post-production becomes much easier. 

Riverside features and functionalities include:

  • Studio-quality results, offering up to 4K video resolution and 48kHZ audio quality
  • Local video and audio recordings which means everything is captured directly on your device and unaffected by unstable internet connection
  • Separate screen, audio, and video tracks for each participant, providing better editing control  
  • Up to 10 participants in one recording and up to 1,000 audience members
  • Cloud storage, including automatic uploading, so that you can save time and keep files secure 
  • User-friendly interface that anyone can use, regardless of skill level
  • Desktop and mobile software versions, helping to record content anytime, anywhere
  • Native editing tools for customized logos and backgrounds plus automatic audio fine-tuning
  • Text-based video editing so you can create professional content as easily as editing a text transcript
  • Magic Clips tool for turning your long-form recordings into multiple short clips at the tap of a button
To start experiencing all these benefits and more, start recording on Riverside!

How to record a video presentation with Riverside

Ready to give Riverside a try for your next recording? Follow these simple steps to get started. 

Step 1: Create a Riverside account , and start your journey. 

Step 2: Go to your Studios dashboard, and select ‘ + New Studio’ at the top right of your screen. Name your studio, and choose ‘Audio & Video’ as your recording type. 

Then you can either choose to adjust settings by selecting ‘Continue set up studio’ or you can select ‘Enter Studio’ to get recording. 

Creating a new studio for recording presentations on Riverside

Step 3: On the next screen, check that you are joining as a host, and verify your chosen camera and microphone options on the right side of your screen. Select whether or not you’re using headphones. Then press ‘ Join Studio’ .

Riverside lobby for adjusting equipment before recording

Step 4: If you haven’t already, invite your remote guests. 

To do this from the studio, simply select ‘ Copy link ’ or ‘Invite by email’ on the right Invite People tab.

If this doesn’t appear or you’d like to add more guests later on, select ‘ + Invite’ from the right Studio dashboard.

Inviting people to a presentation recording on Riverside

Step 5: Next, you can start preparing your presentation. 

At the bottom of your screen, use the menu bar to select ‘Share’ . Then select the open tab or window on your device where your presentation materials are located. 

Sharing a presentation on Riverside

Step 6: Once you’ve set up these details, select ‘Record’ from the bar menu at the bottom of your screen, and start recording your presentation. 

Step 7: Throughout your recording, use the ‘Mark Clip’ button to mark sections of your recording that stand out and could be used later to create short-form videos. 

Step 8: When your presentation is complete, press ‘Stop’ to end the recording. 

Step 9: Once the files have finished uploading, go to the right side of your screen, select ‘View recordings’ . 

Step 10: Here, use the ‘ Edit & create clips’ button to access Riverside's in-built editing tools. When you’re ready, choose ‘Export’ to save and download your recorded content.

You can also download your files as separate tracks for your own editing. To do this, don’t select Edit, but select the files you want to download and press ‘ Export’ . You’ll also have the option to download files directly into a Descript or PremierePro timeline-suitable format. 

Step 11: Prepare to share your presentation recording as part of your training process, marketing strategy, or something else entirely. 

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Are you still wondering how to record a presentation with ease? Here are our answers to a few of our most frequently asked questions. 

How do I record myself presenting slides?

The good news is that you can easily capture your slides as part of your presentation recording! The simplest way to achieve this is by opening your slides in a separate window or tab on your device. Then you can use Zoom’s screen-share feature to record those slides, selecting the destination tab and sharing your screen for the duration of your call. 

Can you record a Zoom session if you are not the host?

Unfortunately, Zoom is not designed to allow call participants to record content. If you’re not the host of your call, you’ll need to request hosting or recording permissions from the person who is. Alternatively, you can ask the call host to record on your behalf or use external screen recording if you have the consent of other participants.

How do you record a presentation with camera?

You can integrate webcam footage as part of your presentation recording simply by using Zoom’s native video capture tools. However, if you are screen-sharing to present with slides, these will dominate the screen, with your video only taking up a small portion of the audience’s view. 

An alternative is Riverside, which records content on separate tracks so you can capture video and audio in full, then edit as required. 

Are you looking for an easy, intuitive way to record your next presentation? Record with Riverside , and capture all your content in high-quality seamlessly.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Kendall Breitman

leads Riverside's community. She has over ten years of experience in television and video production for places like NBC and Bloomberg News. You’ll find Kendall on our webinar, where she shares her expert insights on content production, branding, and more.

Record in studio quality without the studio. Transcribe, clip, and edit within seconds.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

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Riverside resources

Recording software.

High-quality recording software for professional audio, video, and screen capture.

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Screen Recording Software

Capture screen recordings in full HD with constant frame rate MP4s for easy editing.

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Video Recording Software

Capture video and screen-sharing online with up to 4k resolution, and get ISO tracks for all participants.

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Teaching with Technology

Recording a video lecture of yourself with zoom and powerpoint slidedeck.

There are two different ways to record a video lecture of yourself and your PowerPoint slidedeck using Zoom.


Picture-in-picture View instructions

zoom powerpoint image

Video overlay View instructions

If you want to record your screen and PowerPoint without your video image (similar to an audio podcast, but with a visual component of your slides), follow these instructions .

Note: Before doing any recording, make sure to prepare your slidedeck to make room for the video image of yourself, so that your video image won't be overlaid on top of any text or images. Sometimes drawing a rectangular box on each slide helps to "save" a space for your video to go. 

  • Open the Zoom app and your PowerPoint file. Close all other files and applications.
  • In Zoom, click “New Meeting” (orange icon); make sure your microphone and camera are on.

zoom share powerpoint

  • Go to PowerPoint and launch your slideshow.
  • At the bottom Zoom toolbar, choose Record, then choose “Record on this Computer” from the menu that pops up. Your lecture is now recording. Note: if you don't see the Record button, you may need to click on the "More" button in the Zoom toolbar, and then choose the "Record on this Computer" option.
  • Start your lecture. Advance your slides with the right arrow key; return to a previous slide with the left arrow key.
  • When you are finished, click on the "Stop Recording" button in the bottom Zoom toolbar.  Note: if you don't see the Stop Recording button, you may need to click on the "More" button in the Zoom toolbar, and choose the "Stop Recording" option there.

zoom end recording

  • Trim the beginning and ending of your video (if needed) using QuickTime or another video editing tool, then upload your video to Ensemble, Reed’s media server.

Want to do more? Read how to annotate your PowerPoint slides with Zoom .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom

In this age, virtual presentation is the order of the day, and one of the popular platforms used for it is Zoom. People usually ask how to record a presentation on Zoom, hence, the purpose of this guide. This article will feature a step-by-step process for recording a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom. Read on to find out more.

How to record a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom

How to record a zoom presentation, how to record a zoom presentation on a smartphone, how to record a zoom presentation on a computer.

  • How to record a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom with a single monitor set-up

How to record a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom with a dual monitors set-up

  • How to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint
  • Tips for recording a presentation in Zoom Keep it concise! Avoid too many details on your slides. Be straightforward in your presentation. Audience engagement is crucial End with a bang!

It would help if you had a good grasp of presenting on Zoom for successful web conferencing. Zoom is a platform for video and audio conferencing. It allows you to share your ideas or discuss them with people virtually. With Zoom, you can present anything to your peers, tutors, investors, or clients anywhere. You can record Zoom presentations on your Android or iOS smartphone and a computer.

Here are the steps on how to record a presentation on Zoom:

You cannot record a Zoom presentation locally on your smartphone, but you can record to the Zoom cloud. As a host or co-host, you can record to the cloud; however, you cannot do so as a participant. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Ensure you have the Zoom app. You can download the Zoom app from Google Play Store.
  • Open the Zoom app, and start or host a new meeting. You can also be a co-host by receiving permission from the original host.
  • Ensure that your recording source is unmuted before you start recording. If you want a video of yourself, use your camera.
  • Click “More” tap “Record” and the app will now show “Recording” at the top of your screen. Your video will automatically record to the cloud.
  • To stop or pause the recording, click “More” again, then tap the “Pause” button or “Stop” button.
  • You can share your screen with others. While recording, you can talk through the slideshow.
  • Once you are done with the presentation, click “End Meeting.” Your device will process the recording, and the presentation will appear under “Recordings” on the Zoom web portal.

Your Zoom presentation will automatically record to the cloud on your computer if you are a host or co-host. You can also use your computer to record on Zoom locally. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Ensure you have the Zoom app. You can download the app from the Zoom website.
  • Then carry out the steps in numbers 2 through to 9 under the steps to follow in recording a Zoom presentation on smartphones.
  • For changing local recording settings, go to your profile, click “Settings” then “Recordings”. You can change the settings here, but usually, you don’t have to change anything here.
  • After your Zoom session starts, click on “More” and then “Record on this Computer”. This will start recording your Zoom call. You can also use the Alt+R on Windows and Command(⌘)+Shift+R on macOS to local recording.
  • You can pause or stop the recording with the pause or stop icons on the page. Alternatively, you can use “Alt+P” to pause and “Alt+R” to stop (Command(⌘)+Shift+P on macOS)
  • After the meeting has ended, Zoom will convert the recording so you can access the files.
  • After conversion, the recording files folder will open, and you can access it. You can also find these recordings in the Documents > zoom folder.

You can record a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom in two ways:

  • A single monitor set-up
  • A dual monitors set-up

A single monitor set-up is either with the slides in a window or as full screen. The set-up with the slides in a window is useful when you want to access meeting features while sharing your presentation. In contrast, the full-screen version is simply a full PowerPoint screen sharing.

How to record a PowerPoint presentation with a single monitor set-up

  • In Zoom, start or co-host a meeting.
  • Click “Share Screen” in the Zoom toolbar.
  • Select the window with the PowerPoint presentation and click on Share.
  • Switch to PowerPoint and navigate to the Slide Show tab.
  • Open the PowerPoint file you want to present for the set-up with windows. Hit the Slide Show tab and select the “Set Up Slide Show” option. Under Show type, select “Browsed by an individual (window)” and then click OK.
  • Start the presentation by choosing the “Play from Start” or “Play from Current Slide” options from the slide show tab.
  • The PowerPoint will display the slide show in a window. You can now press record in Zoom by pressing the shortcuts mentioned above or the record button.

A dual monitors set-up allows you to use a primary monitor for the slide show and a secondary one for the presenter’s view. The

  • Open PowerPoint presentation on a different monitor.
  • Go to Zoom and start or co-host a meeting.
  • Choose the monitor that the PowerPoint presentation is in as your primary monitor, then click “Share.”
  • Switch back to PowerPoint and start presenting.
  • The participants will view the primary monitor, while the host will view the secondary one. You can view your slide notes and control your presentation with the secondary monitor as the host. A green border indicates the monitor you are currently sharing.
  • If you are not sharing the right monitor, you can click “Swap Displays” to rectify it.
  • Or you can click “New Share” on the “Screen Share” tab and choose the PowerPoint screen in a slide show view.

How to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint using Zoom

You may need a video recording of your presentation, so here is how to video record yourself during your PowerPoint presentation:

  • The first step is to make room on your Slide Deck for the video recording of yourself, so it doesn’t overlap with any text or images. Sometimes, drawing a rectangle box on each slide will save space for your recording.
  • Open your Zoom app, and click “New Meeting.”
  • Ensure your camera and microphone are on to capture your video and audio.
  • Hit the share button, go to PowerPoint, select the file you want to present, click the “Share Screen” button on the bottom toolbar, and launch your slideshow.
  • Select the record option, then choose “Record on this device” from the menu at the bottom Zoom toolbar. You are now recording yourself presenting your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Note: Click on the “More” button in the Zoom toolbar and then choose the “Record on this device” option if you don’t see the record option.
  • Start your presentation. Use the right arrow key to advance your slides and return to a previous slide with the left arrow key if using a computer.
  • After presenting, click on the “Stop Recording” option in the bottom Zoom toolbar.
  • Note: You may need to click on the “More” button in the Zoom toolbar and choose the “Stop Recording” option if you don’t see the Stop recording button.
  • Hit the “End Meeting” button on the bottom right of the meeting screen, then click “End Meeting for All.”
  • You will see a pop-up box signaling that Zoom is converting your recording.
  • Depending on your device’s settings, the recording will be uploaded to your internal or external memory storage, cloud, or hard drive when the conversion is complete.

Tips for recording a presentation in Zoom

Here are five tips for creating an impactful and informative Zoom presentation:

1. Keep it concise!

Your presentation must be structured, organised, and focused on the key points to keep your audience engaged. The vital point is to keep the content brief yet comprehensive. As much as you need to fill in the content details, you should keep your ideas short and straight to the point. This way, you don’t lose your audience, and they would understand the lecture.

2. Avoid too many details on your slides.

Bullet points or list format with few information texts are best when making slides. Your slides must not be bulky and should include the key points so it is easy to navigate when recording your presentation. It is best to avoid reading your slides directly during the recording session to avoid losing your audience’s attention. Give details to the points but not too much, and make them engaging.

3. Be straightforward in your presentation.

It is best to be straightforward during your video session to have your audience’s attention. When a presentation is dragging on, the audience may not grasp the point and lose interest. However, when the essence of the lecture is evident, the audience is eager to follow through until the end. Such a Zoom session is understandable, enjoyable, and beneficial for the audience.

4. Audience engagement is crucial.

The endpoint of a presentation is to sell your ideas to the audience. You must attract the audience’s attention during the Zoom session to achieve it. Having a compelling introduction is one way to get your audience engaged. Adding humour, photos, videos, charts, graphs, gifs, and more to your presentation can make it exciting and captivating for your audience. You can look up compelling intros and ways to make your lecture engaging on the internet.

5. End with a bang!

As much as the introduction is key to a captivating lecture, the ending is vital. The ending part of the presentation is the last impression you want to give your audience about your idea. To make this impression lasting, you need to end your lecture memorably. You can do this with a famous quote, a humorous phrase, or an infographic that encompasses the critical points of your presentation. Ending on an impressive foot is one of the tips for an informative and exciting presentation.

Knowing the proper steps to take when recording a presentation in Zoom makes it a simple task. This article discusses all you need to know regarding this process, including what to do when you want to take a video of yourself presenting. The tips in this content will also aid you in recording an impactful and educative Zoom presentation. Has this article been helpful?

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Art of Presentations

How to Give a Presentation on Zoom? [A Step-by-Step Guide!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

How to Give a Presentation on Zoom? [A Step-by-Step Guide!]

If you’ve never used Zoom, giving a presentation on it might seem a bit challenging. But, that’s a challenge we will have to learn to overcome as the world moves digital more and more day by day. The key question really is how to give a presentation on Zoom!

To give a presentation on Zoom, first, start by joining a meeting. Now open the presentation file on your computer and share the slides on Zoom using its “Share Screen” feature. You should test your camera, mic, speaker, and internet connection before you start with your presentation.

As easy as it may seem, some of you may need further detailed instructions. So, in this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on things that you need to do in order to deliver a presentation on Zoom successfully! Plus, I will also share some tips that can help you ace your presentation on Zoom!

So, without any further delay, let’s get started!

Understanding the Zoom Application Interface

Before we understand the steps to give a presentation using Zoom, it is perhaps a good idea to acquaint yourself with the Zoom user interface first. If you are well-versed with it, then perhaps you may want to skip this section and click here instead.

Logging into Zoom

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Although you can login to your account using zoom website too, but it is best to download and use the zoom app .

Once you have download the app, you will be prompted to login to your account. If you don’t have an existing account, you can either sign up or even login using your social account such as Google or Facebook. It’s actually quite simple.

If you feel that you don’t want to sign up or even use the social accounts for your meeting, you can choose to use “Sign In with SSO” option. SSO stands for single sign on and this allows you to sign in even when you don’t have an account with Zoom just once.

Zoom Home Screen

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Once you’ve logged in, you will be taken to the home screen on Zoom.

There are a bunch of different things that you ca do with the home screen on Zoom. If you have been invited for a meeting, you will need to click on “ Join “. However, you will also need the meeting ID and the password for the meeting. If you don’t have the details, you will perhaps need to contact the person hosting the meeting.

You can also host the meeting yourself by using the “ New Meeting ” button. You can set a new meeting and invite others to join using this option.

Likewise, you can also schedule a meeting in the future using the “ Schedule ” option.

Furthermore, for changing the account related information, just click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of your window.

Lastly, there are several other detailed settings that you can tweak for your Zoom application. Almost all the other settings can be found in the “ Settings ” section by clicking on the “ Gear Icon “.

Zoom Virtual Meeting Window Interface

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Once you are a participant in a virtual meeting, either by joining an existing meeting or by starting a new meeting, you will be greeted with an image similar to the one mentioned above.

On this screen, you will be presented with several different options. Some of the key functions that you will need to be aware of are as follows –

  • Mute – Turning on the Mute or Unmute
  • Video – Toggling between your Video
  • Participants – Checking the names of the Participants
  • Share Screen – to deliver a presentation (more on this later)
  • Record – To record a meeting session
  • End – Knowing how to end a meeting and exiting a call.

All the above functions will be visible on a small bar at the bottom of the window. If you are not able to see this option bar at the bottom, just hover over at the bottom part of your screen and all the options will appear .

Although there are other features that are also available for a zoom user or a participant, however, the aforementioned features should be good enough to deliver a presentation. These 6 features are at the very least something that you should be aware of.

How to Give a Presentation on Zoom (Step-by-Step)

Zoom has become a common tool for giving virtual presentations today. It is a widely used tool at conferences, meetings, and other events! If you are giving a presentation on Zoom for the first time, then perhaps you should be aware of a few things –

Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how you can give a presentation on Zoom:

Step 1: Install Zoom

Download and install the Zoom application to your desktop. To download the application, visit and download the Zoom Client to your computer.

Step 2: Login to your Zoom Account

After installing the application, open it and log into your Zoom account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for free using your email account.

Zoom also has options to sign in using SSO (Single Sign-On) or with your Facebook or Google account.

Step 3: Test Audio and Video Settings

Before you start or join a meeting, you will need to configure and test your audio and video settings.

To do that click on the gear icon on the Zoom application’s home screen. This will open the settings menu.

Now click on the “Audio” tab and select the microphone you are going to use. Try our different audio settings. After the microphone, select the speaker for audio output. If you can’t hear anything, try out another speaker source.

After configuring audio, click on the “Video” tab. From there, select the camera that is connected to your desktop. Tweak different video settings and find out what works best for you.

Step 4: Join or Schedule a Meeting

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Now start a meeting by clicking on “New meeting”. You can also schedule a meeting on Zoom. To do that, click on “Schedule” and set up when you want to start the meeting. After completing the set-up, Zoom will give you a URL. Share it with the team members to join the meeting.

Or you can join a meeting by clicking “Join” on the Zoom client’s home screen. You can use a meeting ID or URL to join a meeting in Zoom.

Step 5: Open the Presentation

Once you have everything setup, you then need to prepare to show your presentation with your audience. To do that, open the presentation slides on your computer.

Step 6: Share Your Presentation

The last step in giving your presentation is to make sure that you share your presentation with your audience. To do that, click on “Share Screen” from the Zoom clients meeting window , select the screen where your presentation slides are open, and click “Share”. Now start presenting your slides to the audience.

Step 7: Stop Sharing to end the Presentation

One thing to know is how to end the presentation. To stop screen sharing, simply click on “Stop Share” located at the top of the screen . This option will only appear when you start sharing your screen.

How to Share a PowerPoint with Presenter View on Zoom?

To share your PowerPoint presentation slides with presenter view on Zoom, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open the Zoom App and Login

The first step really is to open the zoom app and login to your account.

Step 2: Join or Setup a Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Next, join the meeting. Remember, you need the meeting ID and password to join a meeting. Make sure you have requested for the details beforehand.

Step 3: Open Your PowerPoint Presentation

First step is really to open your presentation file that you want to present on the PowerPoint application.

Step 4: Put the Presentation in Presenter View

Now select the “Slide Show” tab from the top of the screen and click on either “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide” depending on your preference. This will open the slides in the “Presenter” view.

Step 5: Switch to the Zoom Application

Now, go to the Zoom application, start or join a meeting. While you are in the “Presenter” view on PowerPoint, press “ Alt+Tab ” to switch between applications in Microsoft Windows-powered computers. For iMac, use “Command+Tab” to move through open apps.

Step 6: Share Screen on Zoom’s Meeting Window

Once you are in Zoom’s meeting window, click on “Share Screen”, select the window where your PowerPoint slides are open in the presenter’s view, and click “Share”.

And that’s all you have to do in order to share PowerPoint with the presenter’s view in your Zoom meetings.

How to Share PowerPoint on Zoom Without Showing Notes?

There are two methods that you can use to share PowerPoint slides on Zoom without sharing your presenter notes. For the first method, you will need to have two monitors connected to your computer.

As for the second one, you can still share your PowerPoint slides on Zoom without sharing your notes (and you won’t need two monitors either). I’ve briefly explained both methods below.

Method 1 – Dual Monitor Method

In this method, you will be presenting your PowerPoint file on one monitor while looking at your presenter’s notes on the other one. Here’s how you can do that:

Step 1: First of all, open your slides on PowerPoint.

Step 2: Now join or start a Zoom meeting.

Step 3: Now click on “Share Screen” and select “Screen 1”. Then click “Share”. Here, “Screen 1” is your primary monitor.

Note: If you are not sure which one is your primary monitor, select where the PowerPoint file opened in.

Step 4: Now go to the PowerPoint application, click on the “Slide Show” tab, and from there click on “Monitor” and select “Primary Monitor”.

Step 5: Open the presentation file in the presenter’s view by clicking on the “Slide Show” tab and selecting “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide”.

If you have done everything correctly, participants will only be able to see the presentation slides while you have your presenter’s notes open on the second monitor.

In case you shared the wrong monitor on Zoom, click on “Screen Share” on Zoom’s meeting window, select “Screen 2” and click on share. This should fix your problem.

When you are sharing a screen on Zoom, you will notice a green border around that screen. This indicates which monitor you are currently sharing.

Method 2 – Sharing Portion of Your Screen

Follow the steps below if you have only a single monitor connected to your computer.

Step 1: Join or start a meeting on Zoom.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Step 2: Click on “Share Screen” and from the pop-up window select “Advanced”. From there select “Portion of Screen” and click on “Share”. This will give you a green border on your screen that you can adjust. Only the things that are inside this border will be shared on Zoom.

Step 3: Now open the presentation file in PowerPoint, and go to the presenter’s view by selecting “Slide Show> From Current Slide or From Beginning”.

Step 4: Adjust the size of the green border so that it only shows the presentation slides in the presenter’s view.

And that’s all you have to do. By doing so, your audience will only see the slides that you are presenting, but not your notes.

How to Show Yourself During a Zoom Presentation?

Ensuring that you are visible from time to time during a presentation can make it slightly more engaging and much more interactive. Here is how you can do that-

Step 1: First, start or join a Zoom meeting.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Step 2: Click on “ Share Screen ” and select the “ Advanced ” option. From there, select “ PowerPoint as Virtual Background ” and select the file you want for your presentation. Then click on “ Share ”.

Step 3: Make sure your video is switched on so that you are also visible to your audience. You can do that by clicking on “ Start Video ” on the Zoom Virtual Meeting Interface.

It will take some time for your slides to appear on the Zoom client. When it is done, participants will be able to see your face in front of the slides in Zoom. Make sure that your camera is connected to your computer and configured correctly.

This feature works best if you have a green screen behind you . If you have one, go to Zoom’s settings menu, select the “Background and Filter” tab and check “I have a green screen”. If you want to stop showing yourself during a zoom presentation, click on “Stop Video” on the meeting window and that will do the job.

Furthermore, you may sometimes want to show just yourself to the audience and not show the presentation at all. For that, all you need to do is simply click on “Start Video” in the Zoom Virtual Meeting Interface.

How to Record a Presentation on Zoom?

If you want to record your presentation on Zoom, you can do it easily. After joining or starting a meeting on Zoom, click on the “Record” icon located at the bottom of the meeting window. Once the recording starts, you can pause the recording or stop it whenever you like.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

After the end of the meeting, the recorded video will be automatically converted into “.mp4” format and stored on your computer.

Tips for Giving an Awesome Presentation on Zoom

Giving a presentation in front of an audience is always a challenging task. Especially if it is online, many things can go wrong during your presentation. This is why I’m sharing some tips that can help you deliver an awesome presentation on Zoom. These are as follows –

1. Make a Professional Looking Presentation

There are several ways to make your presentation look really professional and high quality. One obvious method is to outsource your presentation to a specialised design agency! But, that can become really expensive depending on your budget.

Another (non-obvious) option is to use a PowerPoint Presentation Template! There are several high-quality and professional templates that you can get quite easily! In fact, using these Presentation Designs is quite inexpensive! You can download as many presentation templates as you want for as little as $16.5/month!

My favorite one is Agio PowerPoint Presentation template. It is perfectly suited to give a professional look to your presentation and yet it is quite quick and easy to use. Check out some of the images below –

Agio PowerPoint Presentation Template

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Furthermore, make the presentation as simple and straightforward as possible. Do not confuse your audience with a network of colorful texts, graphs, or other contents.

Only use data and graphs that are relevant to your presentation. Also, the clever use of transition animations can make the slide appear much more engaging.

2. Check Your Equipment Beforehand

Whenever you are giving your presentation online, many things can go wrong. For example, your camera or mic may not function properly. Such interruptions will only make you a laughing stock in front of the participants.

Check your mic, camera, and speakers to find out whether they are working properly or not. Also, check your internet connection and your laptop’s battery level. If everything is ok, then you are good to go on with your presentation.

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Credit to Cookie_Studio for the featured image of this article

How to record a Zoom presentation and present in a virtual meeting?

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By Nikolay Kaloyanov

in How-To Tutorials

2 years ago

Viewed 634 times

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zoom record powerpoint presentation

Many big companies had to establish home office practices in 2020 and Zoom became the most popular tool for virtual meetings . Virtual meetings are now crucial for business and education and they are here to stay.

If you’re a teacher and have difficulty maintaining class control, recording your lessons is a great way to save time . Instead of spending hours rehearsing your lessons and guiding students every step of the way, you can record a professional presentation for your students to watch at home. They’ll be able to watch it in their own time, over and over again – so you no longer have to answer questions on the spot!

Also, if you’re a business person, your audience can listen to the presentation afterward , thus they can learn more about your subject, and not embarrass themselves in front of other business people if they dare to ask questions.

And this is where Zoom came in. It successfully replaced physical meetings with digital ones. So, if you haven’t worked with Zoom yet, you will sooner or later get more familiar with it. In this guide, we will teach you how to record a Zoom presentation, so you can share with other people in the meeting your recent work or study progress.

Article overview: 1. Should you use Zoom for presentation recordings? 2. What is the difference between video conferencing and video recording tools? 3. How to record a Zoom presentation? 4. Bonus: How to Make a Transparent Camera Background When Presenting?

1. Should you use Zoom for presentation recordings?

Before we get into the essence of the topic, we need to mention a couple of reasons why Zoom is a good choice for recording presentations.

  • It’s secure – popularity plays a huge role. Famous apps receive more updates and are more secure since they want to keep their customers behind them.
  • The free version is more than decent – the free version allows you to have a video conference with other people for up to 40 minutes and have up to 100 call participants.
  • It’s popular – Maybe you already tried Zoom and you are familiar with the software. Also, it is used by many companies and you can ask a colleague or friend for help.

2. What is the difference between video conferencing and video recording tools?

In one of our previous articles, we showed you how to record a presentation  using different tools – like Loom, Panopto, QuickTime, and Game Bar. We highly recommend that you dedicate some time for practice at home before presenting to other people. Stuttering and mispronunciation of words are not good signs for how well you are presenting. On the other hand, video conferencing tools like Zoom and Google Meet are made for people who are recording in real-time.

3. How to record a Zoom presentation?

Zoom is a great application for delivering high-quality presentations with ease. The tool enables you to record your screen, camera, and voice with just a few clicks of a button. You need to follow some steps that we’ll show below.

Step 1. Create a Zoom account

The first step is to create a Zoom account . You are assigned to a free plan by default but you can also explore the paid options if you need to. If you’re assigned to present in Zoom but you’re a guest, it’s often the admin who holds a premium account.

Step 2. Download the desktop app

Once you have opened your Zoom account, you have to download the desktop app on your computer and install it.

Step 3. Create a meeting / join a meeting

When you are all set, you are now able to host your meeting. You have two options to start a meeting: New Meeting is the option used for immediate meetings, or Schedule  – to plan your next meeting ahead of time. You can also join a meeting if someone shared a meeting link with you. There is a Meeting Id required for some meetings, so the host should provide you with that in advance. It’s a combination of numbers.

How to Create a Meeting in Zoom

Step 4. Select how to join the meeting

Zoom will ask you to confirm which audio and video settings you are going to use. Many people prefer to present only the slides, while others want a more realistic experience – with the camera on. Start without video and Start with video  are self-explanatory, so we won’t dig into details.

Step 5. Click on “Share Screen”

The next step is to select Share Screen from the Zoom control bar. You have to also press Record  at the beginning of your meeting (or presentation), and just click Pause/Stop  recording. Pausing the recording is reasonable when the others are discussing topics nonessential to the presentation (off topics), stopping the recording is the moment you want to end it.

Share screen on Zoom

Step 6.  Pick the screen you want to share

You can share your screen (you will have two options if you have two monitors). When you have a Keynote or PowerPoint tab open, you will find them as available options. This is when you should click on them. If your presentation is made in Google Slides, or you have it in iCloud or OneDrive, then you have to find the relevant tab and pick a Slideshow mode for the applicable program. We advise you to remove any unrelated tabs beforehand, as they will be visible to your audience and could distract you to find the presentation file fast enough.

Choose screen to share

A quick tip : If you hold a lot of valuable info on many tabs, you can create a new Google Chrome window to click on it easily.

Step 7. End the recording

If you have presented everything, you can now end the Zoom recording. If there is nothing else to add, you have two options – Leave Meeting if you are invited or you are admin but you want the meeting to remain, or End the Meeting for all in case you want to end the Zoom meeting and kick other participants.

Step 8.  Export the recording

When you are ready with the recording, you will have access to it. In order to download (or export) your recording, you should log into your Zoom account, then select My Account , and from the menu on the left click on Recordings . You will now have access to all recordings that you have made. To download them, you have to checkmark the ones you wish to download and click on Export .

4. Bonus: How to Make a Transparent Camera Background When Presenting?

How to Make a Transparent Camera Background

Who wants to clean the entire room, in order to stream their camera? Nobody. Luckily, there is an option in Zoom where you can present with a webcam without any background. It is working with Microsoft PowerPoint, and it is really simple. (Please, have in mind that this works best with clean color backgrounds such as green or white).

  • Start a new meeting.
  • Then click on the “ Advanced ” tab.
  • Select “ Slides as Virtual Background “.
  • Pick your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Finish the task by clicking on “ Share “

Recording a presentation requires different skills today. While several years ago, you could get away with a decent presentation design and compensate for it with great speaking abilities, nowadays programs give you plenty of options to add creative visuals and impress the audience. Zoom is an amazing app that enables you to present to up to 500 people at the same time. However, knowing how to record a presentation in Zoom is just one part of being successful.

If you find the guide useful, why don’t you check some of our other presentation-related tutorials:

  • How to Calm Down Before a Presentation: 10 Practical Tips and Techniques
  • How to Start and End a Presentation: 10 Practical Tips to Grab Attention and Make an Impact
  • How to Make an Engaging Infographic: The Full Guide

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Nikolay Kaloyanov

Nikolay is a copywriter with vast experience in Technology, Marketing, and Design. When he isn't playing with words and crafting texts, he watches sports and asks questions. He is a funny person...until you put him on a diet.

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How to Share a PowerPoint on Zoom

Share your screen, whether or not you're the presenter

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What to Know

  • Anybody can share a PowerPoint on a Zoom call but may need permission from the call’s organizer.
  • To see notes, you’ll need a second screen to divide the view or have your notes on a separate device.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to share a PowerPoint, or any presentation, on Zoom. You can do this in a few clicks for more straightforward presentations, but for more complex presentations, you may want some more tools.

How Do You Share a PowerPoint in a Zoom Meeting?

For a presentation where you don’t need to see your notes, sharing a PowerPoint is a quick process.

Open your presentation, and close any windows you won't need. This will limit clutter and distractions.

Log into your Zoom call and when you’re ready to present, click Share Screen at the bottom. Choose your presentation from the menu.

When using a single screen, you should always pick the specific program you want to share. Doing this will protect your data and prevent pop-ups and other interruptions.

Go to the Slide Show tab in PowerPoint and click From Beginning . For the smoothest presentation, do this before anyone else joins the call, where possible.

Use the controls in the lower left-hand corner or keyboard controls to move through your presentation as usual.

 Be sure to click on the Presentation window if you’re going to use keyboard controls. PowerPoint won’t acknowledge inputs from the keyboard unless you’ve deliberately clicked on the window.

How Do You Share a PowerPoint With Zoom and Still See Notes?

The best way to see your notes is to use a second monitor and PowerPoint’s Presenter View tools. Then your notes and controls are on one screen, visible only to you, and your presentation is on the other.

Open your PowerPoint and go to Presenter View to see your notes . This mode opens two windows: The presentation and the control panel.

Drag the control panel to your primary screen and the presentation window to your second screen. You’ll be able to see and control your presentation while looking directly into your webcam if you’re using it, and you won’t have to hold your neck at an angle to use the controls.

Log into the Zoom call and click Share Screen at the bottom. Choose your presentation window.

If you’ll need to present other documents or materials in addition to your presentation, have them open and minimized on your screen and share your second monitor instead. Then you can quickly bring those materials up without disrupting your flow.

Tips for a Better Zoom Presentation

If you're not the call organizer, contact them and ask what permissions they've set up and whether you'll need permission to share your screen. 

For meetings with multiple people sharing the same presentation, book a call a day before and practice "handing off" control of the slides in Zoom. Alternately, the person sharing their screen should prepare to move to the next slide when cued. Everyone should also have an up-to-date copy of the presentation, so it can continue if somebody drops out of the meeting.

Keeping Murphy's Law in mind, having your notes in one or two other places is a good idea. Consider using your phone and a printed copy to ensure that you can rely on one of the two additional sources for your notes if everything goes wrong.

To record yourself giving a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom, launch Zoom and PowerPoint; be sure to close all other applications. Create a new Zoom meeting, select Share Screen , select your PowerPoint presentation, and click Share . Launch your PowerPoint slideshow. In Zoom, choose Record > Record on This Computer . Your computer is now recording.

Join the Zoom meeting from your iPad using Zoom's mobile app for iOS. Open your PowerPoint presentation and tap Share Content from the meeting controls. You can use PowerPoint's annotation and drawing tools to make notations on your slides if you like.

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How to Share PowerPoint Presentations in Zoom Webinar Meetings in 2024 (+Video)

Andrew Childress

If you're one of the millions of new users, you might be wondering how to share PowerPoint presentations on Zoom. With the help of this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a Zoom PowerPoint presentation and share it with your audience.

Presentation software Zoom screen

This tutorial has all the essentials. First, you'll see resources to create great presentations that work perfectly as Zoom webinar PowerPoints . Then, you'll see tips to use PowerPoint share screen features to show your presentation.

Your Quick Start Guide to Sharing PowerPoint Presentations in Zoom (Video)

Are you ready to learn more about sharing PowerPoints in Zoom? Watch this quick screencast to learn all about Word Headers and footers.

zoom record powerpoint presentation

Or study the complete written tutorial below.

Why to Host a Successful PowerPoint Zoom Presentation Online

New ways of working require re-thinking collaboration. Zoom presentations are a great way to pull everyone together, even while working remotely.

When you're hosting a teleconference, you need an excellent way to share content. Only talking through your points might bore the audience. Package your information into a PowerPoint Zoom for a more engaging way to explain your ideas.

Here are three critical reasons that PowerPoint and Zoom are the perfect pair:

  • Data comes to life . Can you imagine simply explaining statistics? Data rules the world, but it needs visuals to come to life. Giving a Zoom presentation online is better with charts in PowerPoint.
  • Teams can collaborate in real-time . Thanks to Zoom's audio and video features, presentations are collaborative. Work together in real-time instead of sending the deck back-and-forth.
  • Ideal for training . Thanks to the record feature, your PowerPoint presentation can become a helpful training resource. Just record your Zoom webinar PowerPoint and re-use it for those who couldn't attend.

Learn more about the essential parts of creating professional slide decks that work well as Zoom PowerPoint presentations below:

zoom record powerpoint presentation

How to Share PowerPoint on Zoom

Every setup differs. We're going to cover two of the most popular arrangements. First, you'll learn how to use PowerPoint share screen features in a window. Then, we'll tackle full-screen shares with Zoom PowerPoint presenter view.

In this tutorial, you'll see screenshots that use the Cubix Professional PowerPoint template . It's polished and ideal for a Zoom meeting with PowerPoint. It's got all the essentials you need for a professional presentation.

Cubix Zoom presentation

How to Configure for Successful Zoom PowerPoint Presentations

No matter how you want to share your screen, there are a few Zoom settings you'll want to configure and confirm. There's nothing worse than wasting time when you start your meeting changing settings.

Let's get started:

Open Zoom and PowerPoint. You'll need both apps running to share the presentation software on a Zoom screen.

Now, let's walk through a few Zoom settings to ensure that your PowerPoint share screen works perfectly. Click on the  Settings  icon (gear icon) on the presentation software Zoom screen. 

If you plan to use your webcam, start on the  Video  section. Make sure that your webcam is working and selected. Mainly if you use an external webcam, checking this is essential. You don't have to turn it on for every call, but it helps to know your hardware is working.

Zoom audio settings

Now, let's switch to the  Audio  pane. For the best results, I highly recommend using a source other than your built-in microphone and speakers. Using even your Bluetooth earbuds or a headset is typically much better than integrated hardware for a presentation software Zoom screen.

An important step on how to present PowerPoint on Zoom is to check your speakers and microphone.  Make sure to set your speakers and microphone using the drop-down options.  Then, click on Test Speaker  and  Test Mic  to confirm the options. This is sure to make your Zoom presentation online more professional.

1. How to Share Your PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom

Let's learn how to share PowerPoint on Zoom on a single screen setup. This is helpful if you're working on a laptop, for example. This setup works if you want to run PowerPoint in a window or full screen. 

To share PowerPoint on Zoom, you'll need to start a Zoom meeting (or join one that's already in progress.) Then, click  Share Screen  at the bottom of the window.

This next screen is an important one. It shows all the windows you've got open on your computer. Notice that there are two options to show your PowerPoint window. You could show the entire screen using the  Desktop 1  option. But it's best to select the PowerPoint window instead.

Share screen settings Zoom

In the screenshot above, I've selected the Microsoft PowerPoint window. The advantage of this approach is that even if you drag and move your PowerPoint window around, it'll remain as the presentation software Zoom screen focus.

Also, sharing only your PowerPoint window avoids sharing too much of your screen. Many of us work with information that's at least somewhat confidential, and it's best not to share the entire screen. Use the rest of the screen to keep your notes or speaking cues in view.

That's it! Your screen share is live, and your audience can see it in real-time. Start the presentation on the  Slide Show  tab to kick off your Zoom presentation online.

2. How to Share Your Presentation On Multiple Displays

One of PowerPoint's most powerful features is  Presenter View,  which is ideal to use on multi-monitor setups. When you use this feature, you can show your notes and slide previews on one screen. Let's learn how to use a Zoom webinar PowerPoint with this setup.

Use Zoom meetings and Presenter View as the perfect match. It's all about keeping your notes and cues in view so that you can present confidently.

PPTX Zoom meeting presenter view

Presenter View is full screen on both displays, so you'll want to start sharing in Zoom before you turn it on. Again, return to the Share Screen  option in Zoom. This time, choose  Desktop 1  or  Desktop 2,  depending on which screen you want to share on your Zoom presentation.

In PowerPoint for macOS, start Presenter view  from the  Slide Show > Presenter View  button. On Windows, make sure the  Use Presenter View  box is ticked on the  Slide Show  tab. Then start the presentation.

Once your presentation starts, you might need to  Swap Displays.  Make sure that you show your presentation screen and not the notes view. Click  Swap Displays  at the top of the notes view to switch the screen you're sharing.

Swap displays PowerPoint Zoom

PowerPoint on Zoom is better with this view. You've got everything you need to prompt your speaking, plus you can see upcoming slides.

Share screen PowerPoint Zoom

Presenter View is more powerful for a Zoom presentation online when you use features like speaker notes. Learn how to create notes that stay in view with the help of this quick video:

zoom record powerpoint presentation

For more tips on how to use the Zoom meeting Presenter View to its full potential, make sure to check out our guide below:

zoom record powerpoint presentation

No matter which setup you prefer, Zoom and PowerPoint are a great combination. It's more effective than merely explaining the information while staring into the webcam, trying to remember all your details on the fly.

6 Design Slides for Great Zoom Presentations in PowerPoint

To lead a successful Zoom webinar PowerPoint, you need great-looking slide designs. The same principles for professional presentations apply to Zoom PowerPoint presentations, too.

Let's learn to design slides for your Zoom meeting with PowerPoint. We're going to continue working with Cubix in this section to create a fitting Zoom webinar PowerPoint.

Cubix slides PowerPoint Zoom

Let's build three slides that would work well for a Zoom webinar PowerPoint. Build slides like these and pair them with our tips that show you how to share PowerPoint on Zoom. 

1. The Data-Driven Slide

Data for Zoom meeting with PowerPoint

Your audience is sure to appreciate showing data in your Zoom meeting with PowerPoint. But you'll lose attention during a Zoom webinar PowerPoint if you recite data and expect them to understand!

Instead, let's use slide 167 for a PowerPoint on Zoom that shows data visually. This stacked bar chart is the best option for a PowerPoint share screen session. Here's what to do:

  • Update data . Sync your chart for your PowerPoint Zoom presentation. Right-click on the chart and choose  Edit Data in Excel  to update your data for your Zoom presentation online.
  • Update the text . A simpler headline and supporting points are better for a Zoom presentation. Just type over the text box placeholders to match your content to prep for the Zoom presentation online.
  • Simplify the takeaway.  A Zoom PowerPoint presentation needs to be decisive to keep your audience's attention. Simplify the takeaway at the bottom of the slide.

Finished data PowerPoint Zoom

2. The Agenda Slide

Timeline Zoom PowerPoint presentation

Want to cut to the chase for a Zoom video presentation? Share the agenda from the get-go! It helps your audience know exactly where the Zoom presentation online is going and wastes no one's time. That commands attention.

Slide 425 is a great start, but the slide will really shine with a few customizations to match your purpose:

  • Update the slide title.  Be clear that this is the slide for your Zoom webinar PowerPoint where you show the agenda. A simple title update makes the slide's intentions clear.
  • Use your branding . Click on any of the shapes or objects, then use the  Shape Format > Shape Fill  drop-down option to change the shape color.
  • Update the text . Use each of the key points on the timeline to set a key milestone in the Zoom webinar PowerPoint you're giving.

Zoom PowerPoint agenda

3. The Device Slide

Zoom PowerPoint device

Rounding out slides for our Zoom meeting with PowerPoint, let's create a device mockup that shows an app in action. Skip the high-cost photoshoot and use a device mockup for a Zoom presentation online instead!

Slide 66 already has a smartphone image that works perfectly for a Zoom video presentation. Here are three updates to bring it to life:

  • Add a device image . Grab a screenshot of your app, then add it to the placeholder. Right-click on the placeholder and choose  Format Background,  then point it to your screenshot image.
  • Simplify the text . Busy slides never work well for Zoom presentation online events. Remove the text at the bottom, then move the key points to the space that's left.
  • Type over placeholders . The text is already perfectly formatted, just type over the boxes to make it your own.

Spacing PowerPoint Zoom Presentation

4. Title Slide

Title Slide

The title slide of your Zoom PowerPoint presentation is important because it will give your audience a little preview of your presentation. The title slide should include important details such as:

  • company name
  • presenter name
  • presenter job title
  • presentation date

Slide one works well for a title slide. Here’s how to make it a customized title slide:

Replace the title . There's a placeholder title on it already, so you’ll need to replace that one. Just highlight the placeholder text and press Delete on your keyboard. Next, click inside the text box and add your text.

Add your logo . To add your logo, you need to click on the Insert tab. Next, click on the Pictures button in the toolbar. Then double-click on your file to add it to your slide. Adjust your logo.

Add your name, job title, and date . You’ll need to create a new text box to add this information. To add a new textbox, click on the Insert tab. Next, in the toolbar, click on the Text box button. Use your mouse to draw the text box. Click inside the text box and start typing.

Customized title slide.

5. Team Slide

Team Slide

The team slide would typically come shortly after the title slide in your Zoom PowerPoint presentation. This slide showcases the employees who worked on the project you’re sharing on PPT on Zoom. This slide should include the following:

  • each team member's headshot
  • team member's name,
  • team member’s title
  • what they did for the project

Slide 49 can be used as a team slide. If you've got more than three members in the team, slides 46, 47, 48, and 50 can also be used for team slides. Here are some customizations you can make to create your PowerPoint on Zoom:

Add the team member’s pictures . First, right-click on the image placeholder to add your team member's image. Then, after right-clicking, choose the Change Picture option. Next, locate your image file and double-click on your image file.

Add their title and description . To add the team member's title and team contribution, highlight the placeholder text that's already there and press Delete on your keyboard. Next, click inside the text box and add your text. You can also add a text box by clicking on the Insert tab and then clicking on the Text Box button.

Change the graph on the screen . To change the percentages in the graph, click on them until you see green handles. Then, drag the green handles to the percentage that you want. Of course, you’ll need to change the percentage text yourself manually.

Team slide with customizations.

6. Q&A Slide

Q&A Slide

If your Zoom PowerPoint covers a complicated subject or a new product, consider having a Q&A slide. This slide gives you the option to answer any questions your audience may have. You can also use this opportunity to recap your presentation. Slide 511 can be used as a Q&A slide. Here are the customizations you’ll need to make:

Delete the placeholder text . Get rid of the text that comes on the slide. Highlight the text and press Delete on your keyboard. Also, remove the placeholder text in the background.

Add a textbox . Go to the Insert tab and click the toolbar's text box button. Next, draw a textbox in the middle of the screen and click inside to add your text.

Make the text larger . After adding your text, highlight it and click on the Home tab. The font size is in the toolbar, Next to your current font. Click on the arrow next to the current font size and choose the font size that you want.

Q&A Slide After

Where to Find Top PowerPoint Templates for Your Next Zoom Presentation

Let's check out a resource to help you give an excellent Zoom webinar PowerPoint. With the help of pro designs from Envato Elements, you can source designs that are perfect for Zoom presentations online .

Envato Elements Zoom Powerpoint

Envato Elements has an incredible offer. One subscription gives you unlimited access to PowerPoint templates and so much more. That's sure to help your Zoom video presentation look its best and succeed in reaching your audience.

Start Sharing on Your Zoom Meeting With PowerPoint Today

Zoom and PowerPoint are two top tools, and they're better when you pair them together. Now that you've learned how to share a PPT on Zoom try using Zoom next time you need to present.

Before you start your online meeting, don't forget that your Zoom video presentation is better when you work with professional PowerPoint templates. It's better with unlimited downloads. 

Before we go, here's one more reason to use a Zoom PowerPoint presentation: you can skip webcam footage of yourself ! That's sure to convince you to use PowerPoint on Zoom. 

Why not download your favorite Zoom PowerPoint presentation template now? Start building your next Zoom presentation.

Editorial Note : This tutorial was last published in November of 2020. It's been reviewed and updated for accuracy by Sarah Joy . It's also been revised to include a video—with special help from Andrew Childress .

Andrew Childress

How To Record A Presentation On Zoom

Copy to Clipboard

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Recording a presentation on Zoom is a valuable tool for various purposes, whether you want to capture important information for future reference, share a lecture with others who couldn’t attend, or create online courses. Zoom, a popular video conferencing platform, offers a user-friendly interface and robust recording features that make it easy to record and save your presentations.

In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of recording a presentation on Zoom. From downloading and installing the Zoom software to accessing and sharing the recorded presentation, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

Before we delve into the details, it’s important to note that recording a Zoom presentation requires the host or someone with recording permission. If you’re not the host, make sure to communicate with the host and obtain the necessary permissions to record the presentation.

Recording your presentation on Zoom offers numerous benefits. It allows you to revisit the presentation at any time, ensuring that you don’t miss any important details. You can also share the recording with others who were unable to attend the live presentation, providing them with an opportunity to catch up on the information.

Additionally, recording presentations on Zoom can serve as a valuable resource for creating online courses or training materials. By utilizing recorded presentations, you can create educational content that can be accessed by a wider audience, increasing your reach and impact.

Now, let’s move on to the steps involved in recording a presentation on Zoom. From downloading and installing Zoom to adjusting the recording settings and accessing the recorded presentation, we will guide you through the process, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make the most of this powerful feature.

Step 1: Download and install Zoom

The first step in recording a presentation on Zoom is to download and install the Zoom software on your computer. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  • Visit the official Zoom website at in your web browser.
  • Click on the “Sign Up, It’s Free” button to create a new Zoom account. Alternatively, if you already have an account, you can sign in using your existing credentials.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the “Resources” menu at the top of the page and select “ Download Zoom Client” from the dropdown menu.
  • On the download page, click on the “Download” button under the “Zoom Client for Meetings” section.
  • The Zoom application setup file will now begin downloading. Once the download is complete, locate the file in your computer’s downloads folder and double-click on it to start the installation process.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install Zoom on your computer. Make sure to read and accept the terms of service when prompted.
  • After the installation is complete, launch the Zoom application and sign in using your Zoom account credentials.

Once you have successfully downloaded and installed Zoom, you are ready to move on to the next step of scheduling a meeting for your presentation. Zoom provides a seamless and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and access the various features that will enhance your presentation experience.

It’s worth mentioning that Zoom is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of computers. Additionally, Zoom offers mobile applications for iOS and Android devices, allowing you to access and record presentations on-the-go.

By downloading and installing Zoom, you gain access to a powerful platform that offers not only presentation recording capabilities but also a host of other collaborative features. Whether you’re recording a business presentation or an educational lecture, Zoom provides a reliable and user-friendly environment for capturing and sharing your valuable content.

Step 2: Schedule a meeting on Zoom

After downloading and installing Zoom, the next step in recording a presentation is to schedule a meeting on the Zoom platform . Scheduling a meeting allows you to set a specific date and time for your presentation and invite participants to join. Follow these steps to schedule a meeting on Zoom:

  • Open the Zoom application on your computer and sign in using your Zoom account credentials.
  • Click on the “Schedule” button located at the bottom right corner of the application window.
  • In the “Schedule Meeting” window, enter a meaningful topic for your presentation in the “Topic” field.
  • Set the date and time for your presentation by selecting the desired options in the “When” section.
  • Specify the meeting duration in the “Duration” field. If you’re unsure how long your presentation will take, it’s better to allocate some extra time to account for any unexpected delays.
  • Customize the meeting settings according to your needs. You can enable or disable features such as video, audio, screen sharing, and recording. For recording a presentation, make sure to tick the box next to “Record the meeting automatically on the local computer.”
  • Invite participants to join your presentation by entering their email addresses in the “Invite Participants” section. You can also copy the meeting invitation link and share it with participants via email or other communication channels.
  • Review the meeting details and settings to ensure everything is correct. Once you’re satisfied, click on the “Schedule” button to finalize and schedule the meeting.

By scheduling a meeting on Zoom, you establish a dedicated session for your presentation and provide a structured environment for all participants. Scheduling also enables you to send invitations to participants and ensure that everyone is aware of the date and time of the presentation.

Moreover, the ability to customize meeting settings allows you to tailor the presentation experience to your specific requirements. For example, you can choose to enable or disable participants’ video and audio, control screen sharing, and even enforce meeting password protection for added security.

Once you have successfully scheduled a meeting on Zoom, you’re one step closer to recording your presentation. In the next section, we will explore how to adjust the recording settings to ensure that your presentation is captured with the desired settings and quality.

Step 3: Adjust the recording settings

Before you start recording your presentation on Zoom, it’s essential to adjust the recording settings to ensure that you capture the desired aspects of your presentation. Zoom offers several recording options and settings that can be customized according to your preferences. Follow these steps to adjust the recording settings:

  • If you haven’t already done so, join the scheduled meeting for your presentation by clicking on the “Meetings” tab and selecting the appropriate meeting.
  • Once you’re in the meeting room, navigate to the bottom toolbar and click on the “Record” button.
  • A menu will appear with different recording options:
  • Record on this Computer: This option allows you to record the meeting locally on your computer.
  • Record to the Cloud: This option enables you to save the recording directly to the cloud storage provided by Zoom.
  • Choose the appropriate recording option based on your needs and preferences. If you have sufficient storage space on your computer and want to have the recording readily available, select “Record on this Computer.”
  • If you select “Record on this Computer,” you can further customize the recording settings by clicking on the small arrow next to the “Record” button. Here, you can specify the location on your computer where you want the recording to be saved.
  • Additionally, you can select whether to record video, audio, or both by ticking the relevant checkboxes. If you want to include the participants’ video and audio in the recording, make sure to enable these options.
  • Once you have adjusted the recording settings to your satisfaction, click on the red “Record” button to start recording your presentation.

By adjusting the recording settings on Zoom, you have the flexibility to choose the recording method (local or cloud) and customize the various aspects of the recording, such as video and audio inclusion. This allows you to tailor the recording to your specific needs, ensuring that you capture all the essential elements of your presentation.

It’s worth noting that Zoom provides high-quality recording capabilities, preserving the visual and audio aspects of your presentation with clarity. This ensures that your recorded presentation maintains its integrity and can be easily comprehended by viewers.

Now that you have adjusted the recording settings, you’re ready to start recording your presentation. In the next step, we will explore how to utilize the Zoom recording controls effectively to capture your presentation smoothly and effortlessly.

Step 4: Start the presentation recording

With the recording settings adjusted, you’re now ready to start recording your presentation on Zoom. Follow these steps to begin the recording:

  • Make sure you’re in the meeting room for your scheduled presentation.
  • Navigate to the bottom toolbar and locate the red “Record” button.
  • Click on the “Record” button to initiate the recording.
  • A small indicator will appear on the top-left corner of the meeting window, indicating that the recording has started.
  • You can now begin your presentation as usual. Speak clearly and engage your audience, knowing that your presentation is being recorded.
  • During the presentation, you can utilize Zoom’s features such as screen sharing, chat, and annotation tools to enhance the experience.
  • Remember to pace yourself and allow sufficient time for participants to ask questions or provide input if necessary.
  • Keep an eye on the recording indicator to ensure that it remains visible throughout the presentation, indicating that the recording is in progress.

By starting the presentation recording on Zoom, you ensure that every moment of your presentation is captured and saved for future reference. This allows you to focus on delivering your content confidently, knowing that you have a reliable recording to refer back to if needed.

During the recording, it’s important to maintain a steady pace and deliver your presentation with clarity and enthusiasm. Speak slowly and articulate your words to ensure that the recording captures your message effectively. Engage with your audience and make eye contact with the camera to create a more personal connection with viewers who will watch the recorded presentation later.

Remember that while the recording is in progress, you can utilize the available Zoom features to enhance your presentation. Whether it’s sharing your screen to demonstrate slides or utilizing the chat function to engage with participants, these features can add depth and interactivity to your recorded presentation.

Now that you have started the recording, it’s important to be mindful of the Zoom recording controls to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted recording experience. In the next step, we will explore how to effectively use the Zoom recording controls during your presentation.

Step 5: Use the Zoom recording controls

As you progress with your recorded presentation on Zoom, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the available recording controls. These controls give you the flexibility to manage the recording and make adjustments as needed. Here’s a guide on using the Zoom recording controls:

  • During the presentation, you can access the recording controls by hovering your cursor over the meeting window. The controls will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  • To pause the recording temporarily, click on the “Pause” button. This can be useful if you need to take a break or address any unexpected interruptions.
  • To resume the recording, click on the “Resume” button. This will continue the recording from where it was paused.
  • If you need to stop the recording completely, click on the “Stop Recording” button. A pop-up message will appear asking for confirmation. Click on “Stop” to end the recording.
  • Once you stop the recording, Zoom will process the recording and save it to the designated location on your computer or cloud storage, depending on your chosen recording option.
  • After the recording is complete, you can access and manage your recorded presentations in the “Recordings” section of your Zoom account.
  • From the “Recordings” section, you can play, rename, delete, and share your recorded presentations as needed.

Utilizing the Zoom recording controls allows you to have control over your recorded presentation. Pausing the recording when necessary or stopping it at the end ensures that you capture only the intended content. This allows you to create a high-quality recording that effectively communicates your presentation message.

In addition, having access to the recorded presentations in your Zoom account gives you the flexibility to manage and share the recordings as needed. You can review the recordings, make any necessary edits, and share them with participants or a wider audience for further engagement.

Remember to review your recorded presentation before sharing it to ensure its quality and consistency. This gives you the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments or edits, ensuring that the final recording accurately represents your presentation.

Now that you have successfully utilized the Zoom recording controls, you’re ready to proceed to the final step, where we will explore how to access and share your recorded presentation.

Step 6: End the recording

Once you have completed your presentation and no longer need to record, it’s important to properly end the recording on Zoom. This ensures that the recording is saved and can be accessed for future use. Follow these steps to end the recording:

  • When you have finished your presentation, navigate to the recording controls at the bottom of the meeting window.
  • Click on the “Stop Recording” button.
  • A pop-up message will appear asking for confirmation to stop the recording. Click on “Stop” to complete the recording process.
  • Zoom will process the recording and save it to the designated location on your computer or cloud storage, depending on your chosen recording option.

It’s important to properly end the recording to ensure that all the content from your presentation is captured and saved. Ending the recording triggers the final processing and saving of the recorded file, making it ready for access and further use.

Before ending the recording, take a moment to ensure that you have included all the necessary information and key points in your presentation. Double-check that your recording captured the entire duration of your presentation and that there are no gaps or missing sections.

Once the recording is complete and saved, you can move on to the next step of accessing and sharing your recorded presentation. In the following section, we will explore how to access and manage your recorded presentations for future use and distribution.

Step 7: Access and share the recorded presentation

After you have successfully ended the recording on Zoom, you can now access and share your recorded presentation with others. Follow these steps to access and share the recorded presentation:

  • Go to your Zoom account and navigate to the “Recordings” section. This can usually be found in the main menu or sidebar of your Zoom account dashboard.
  • In the “Recordings” section, you will find a list of all your recorded presentations. Locate the specific recording you want to access and click on it.
  • A playback page will open, allowing you to view and review the recorded presentation. Here, you can play the recording, adjust the playback settings, and make any necessary edits.
  • Take the time to review the recorded presentation carefully. Check for any audio or video issues, ensure that all the content is captured correctly, and make any necessary edits if needed.
  • Once you are satisfied with the recording, you can share it with others. Zoom provides various sharing options, such as generating a sharing link, downloading the recording, or embedding it in a website or online platform.
  • If you choose to share the recording link, copy the link provided and send it to your intended recipients via email, messaging apps, or other communication channels.
  • If you prefer to download the recording, click on the “Download” button on the playback page. This will save the recording file to your computer, allowing you to distribute it as needed.
  • If you want to embed the recording in a website or online platform, click on the “Embed” button on the playback page. Follow the provided instructions to generate the embed code and integrate it into your desired platform.

Accessing and sharing the recorded presentation is a crucial step in making sure that your hard work reaches a wider audience. Whether you want to share it with participants who couldn’t attend the live presentation or make it available for on-demand viewing, Zoom provides flexible sharing options to suit your needs.

Before sharing the recording, it’s important to review it to ensure its quality and accuracy. Double-check that all the audio, video, and presentation content are captured correctly. This allows you to confidently share a professional recording that accurately represents your original presentation.

Remember to consider the privacy and permissions associated with your recorded presentation. If there are any sensitive or confidential information shared during the presentation, make sure to take the necessary steps to protect and restrict access to the recording as needed.

By accessing and sharing your recorded presentation, you extend the reach of your content and provide an opportunity for others to benefit from your knowledge and expertise. Make the most of the sharing options provided by Zoom to distribute your recorded presentation effectively.

Now that you have successfully accessed and shared your recorded presentation, you have completed the entire process of recording a presentation on Zoom. Congratulations! You can now leverage the power of Zoom to enhance your presentations and provide a valuable resource for your audience.

Recording a presentation on Zoom opens up a world of possibilities for sharing and preserving valuable content. In this article, we have walked you through the step-by-step process of recording a presentation on Zoom, from downloading and installing the software to accessing and sharing the recorded presentation.

By leveraging the features and controls offered by Zoom, you can create high-quality recordings that capture your presentation in its entirety. Adjusting the recording settings, utilizing the recording controls effectively, and ending the recording appropriately ensures that your content is properly captured and saved for future use.

Furthermore, accessing and sharing the recorded presentation allows you to extend the reach of your content and provide a valuable resource to others. Whether you want to share the recording with participants who couldn’t attend the live presentation or create online courses, Zoom provides flexible options for sharing and distributing your recorded presentations.

It’s worth noting that while Zoom provides a user-friendly and robust platform for recording presentations, it’s important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions and adhere to any privacy or confidentiality considerations. Respect the rights and privacy of your participants and take steps to protect sensitive information as needed.

Recording presentations on Zoom is not only a practical solution for archiving and sharing information but also a way to enhance your overall presentation skills. By reviewing the recorded presentations, you can analyze your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and refine your presentation techniques.

Whether you’re hosting a business presentation, conducting an educational lecture, or sharing your expertise with a global audience, Zoom empowers you to capture and distribute your presentations effectively. Embrace the power of Zoom and take advantage of its recording capabilities to elevate your presentations to the next level.

Now that you have the knowledge and tools to record presentations on Zoom, it’s time to put them into practice. Start creating engaging and informative presentations, record them on Zoom, and share your knowledge with the world!

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How to Record a Presentation on Zoom [Detailed Guidance]

Bella William

Zoom, as one of the popular online communication tools, is mostly used to launch and record online meetings . Besides the internal recording feature, it also comes with tools that make screen sharing, webcam capturing and annotation process simple. Therefore, it can not only make Zoom meeting recordings but also produce a video presentation. Since you may not hear this method before, here we will talk about how to record a presentation on Zoom with explicit wizard for you.

Using Zoom to Record a Presentation Video

You can initiate a Zoom meeting without any other participants since you still have all of Zoom’s presentation tools at your disposal as well as the ability to record. First and foremost, you need to register a free Zoom account and then follow the guidance on how to record a presentation on Zoom.

Settings about PowerPoint: If you are using PowerPoint, you are suggested to make configuration as below: Open the PowerPoint file >> Click Slide Show>> Click Set Up Slide Show >> Under Show Type choose Browsed by and individual (windows) . This operation will allow you to present in slideshow view without being in fullscreen mode since fullscreen mode will cause more difficulties to make recording with Zoom.

Now let’s turn back to the kernel aspect of Zoom to record presentation videos .

Start screen sharing of PowerPoint slides and webcam Step 1: Open the Zoom app on your computer and then initiate a New Meeting to begin a video conference session. If you’re asked to choose an audio conference option, click Join with Computer Audio .

Step 2: Now you will find the Share Screen option at the bottom of the Zoom window, choose it to enter the next operation interface. In the Share window, you need to select the active window display your PowerPoint slide. Check the box for Share computer sound and Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip options if your presentation includes sound and a video.

Step 3: Once you click the Share button, you will see your face on the screen. You can reposition and resize the webcam window as needed. When a window is being “shared” in Zoom, the Zoom control bar will minimize and move to the top of the screen. You need to keep on the sharing status during the recording process.

Start video presentation recording in Zoom Step 1: To begin recording in Zoom, find out the More icon in the Zoom control bar. There are two options for recording: Record on this Computer (files can be saved on your computer as mp4 file) and Record to Cloud (files will be uploaded into the Zoom Cloud server). Here you can decide according to your actual needs.

Step 2: Now you’re recording and ready to give your presentation. It’s highly recommended that you practice using Zoom before recording so that you’re comfortable with the controls before you record your presentation. Here you can do a short 30 seconds test run and publish your video to make sure that it sounds and looks good.

Step 3: You can change the window being recorded with ease during the recording process. When you are finished, click as below to end: More >> tap Stop Recording in the Zoom control bar at the top of the screen >> choose Stop Share >> End Meeting >> End Meeting for All .

Now you’ve got the recorded presentation video with Zoom but there are still some limitations by virtue of this method. 1. The whole process is a little complicated since you need to start a screen sharing process and then record in Zoom. 2. If your video was 10minutes, it could take 20+ minutes to process on the Zoom cloud server. Besides, you need to guarantee the internet connected status all the time. 3. You can’t make changes to settings and parameter like format, quality.

Record a Video Presentation with Better Alternative of Zoom

It can be denied that Zoom owns the basics of recording a presentation video. But if you want to produce professional-looking presentation videos, you are suggested to work with RecMaster . As a multi-function screen recorder, RecMaster is competent for online meeting saving including recording Microsoft Teams meeting , Zoom meetings as well as Webex Meeting capturing. Besides, it also performs well to create presentation involving videos like Keynote presentation video recording , PowerPoint screen recording and more. Additionally, it embeds all-in-one operation feature and carries out screen recording offline. At the same time, some advanced tools like editor, mouse cursor effect and annotation are all accessible. To sum up, with the help of RecMaster you can easily make slideshows as expressive videos . Now let’s see the workflow of RecMaster.

Step 1: Please download and install RecMaster on your computer in advance and follow the wizard to have an overview of this tool.

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Step 2: Under Full screen mode you can display the whole content of your PowerPoint. If you only want viewers to focus on the slide at present, you need to choose Custom area option.

Step 3: Using a webcam plugged-in will make your video more reliable and personal. Besides, you’re suggested to turn on microphone button so that your real-time narration can be recorded as well. If you’re making presentation videos for social platforms like YouTube, you are suggested to record as popular formats like MP4. >> Best formats for YouTube upload, download, record etc.

Step 4: Now it’s time to make PowerPoint as videos by pressing REC button. You can highlight key points or add mark-ups by means of mouse cursor effect and annotation tool. Step 5: End the recording process with Stop icon. Here you can perfect your recorded video by cutting out unwanted clips. When all the processes are over, you can upload the video to YouTube or Google Drive in one-click workaround.

Conclusion This article illustrates how to record a presentation on Zoom and at the same recommend the easier solution for presentation video making. You can choose the suitable one as you like to assist your recording work.

See also: How to record Webex meeting on computer How to record GoToMeeting on your computer How to record Google Hangouts/Meet video or voice call

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