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11 Best Excel Presentation Tips in 2024

Brandon Pfaff

Brandon Pfaff

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There’s more to a spreadsheet than just the numbers on the page. It is equally important to make your spreadsheets look professional, easy to read, and visually appealing to your viewers.

The same way a lawyer with a crooked tie and disorganized papers might raise an eyebrow in court, your Excel presentation won’t hit the right marks with your audience if it looks clumsy and bland, no matter how many hours of research goes into making it or how important the information contained within it is.

Whether you are creating a spreadsheet for personal use, to pass information to your team or share with your project manager, the secrets locked away in this post will be of immense use to you. Let’s take a look at the best Excel presentation tips to help you create standout spreadsheets .

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1. Get a template online

If you are a busy person, and you cannot fit an Excel presentation design into your schedule, enter the ex machina: pre-made Excel templates. You can choose from an array of purpose-specific templates with beautiful designs, fonts, and colors. Simply enter your values to customize it, and you are ready to go.

Of course, using a template means you will not get better at designing things yourself. If getting things done is your priority instead of getting better at designing presentations, then, by all means, use a template and be done with it. On the other hand, if you want to know how to make your Excel presentation better on your own, then find someone to teach you or stick around until the end of this post.

Check out our 50 best Excel templates to make your life easier  and our  33 Excel business templates for workplace productivity .

2. Name your worksheets correctly

Excel presentation is all about clarity. For this single reason, the importance of a correct and reliable project or worksheet name cannot be overemphasized. It could be a sentence, a phrase or just a word. Just make sure it is easy to understand by you or by anyone you will be sharing the file with.


You also must make sure it is distinct from the names of other worksheets stored on your computer. After all, what is the use of all the tips you will learn here today if you will not be able to find the worksheet you applied them on?

3. Define your header/title

Your header and title can be anything but it needs to stand out. Your header must be able to speak to the reader and make the reader know at first glance what the header is.


To do this, try a larger font for your header, underline and embolden it. You should center align it and use a different font color. It has to stand out but also blend with the template color scheme and overall aesthetic look. You can also use a different readable for your header. Just remember, we want to make it distinct, not isolated.

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4. Dos and don'ts of fonts

Full transparency: Fonts make or break your spreadsheet. Always use a uniform font for your data, you can use the same font for your header or you can change that of the header. You can use three fonts in a single presentation and that is the recommended maximum, else you would be pushing it. In this case, less is infinitely better.

These are the guidelines to follow in selecting the right format for your font.

Here is a quick tip, fonts of the sans-serif group are the best for your Excel spreadsheet if readability is your goal. Calibri, Helvetica, Arial or Playfair are few examples. If used with the right alignment, spacing, and color, they can bring out the best in your Excel presentation.


This ultimately depends on your presentation but officially, font 12 is often advised with double spacing to improve readability. As stated earlier, the header font can be larger. The headers should be larger than sub-headers which in turn should be larger than data fonts.


You want to create a sharp contrast between the text color and the background colors e.g. a light color text on a dark background and vice versa. This is where the "zebra stripes" rule comes in, which will be discussed later in the post.

People don’t often use the alignment tool in Excel. If you want to make your presentation look beautiful and business-like , you will need to maximize the alignment feature.


5. Create space for breathing room

When you see tightly packed, clumsy or wordy text or spreadsheet, your brain automatically gets tired of reading it before you even start. But when there is breathing space and the spreadsheet is divided up into categories, it becomes more pleasant to the eyes and ripe for interpretation by the brain.

This brings us to the B2 rule. Try to start your presentation on column B, row 2. Leaving the A column and the first row blank. It works like magic. You should also make sure that the column and row dimensions are the same.


Additionally, don't autofit the height and width of your document. You need to have flexibility and creative control of your workspace. Instead, manually adjust the height and width so that they have just enough white space but not too much to give your presentation some breathing room and improve readability.

6. Add an image

Whether it’s a photograph, an artistic sketch or your logo, images go a long way in making your spreadsheet better. Images make your presentation look official and possess the professional feel in many of the beautiful presentations you have seen. Pictures speak a thousand words. While Excel is not designed to accomplish the kind of presentation you can make in PowerPoint, a picture will help you to drive the point home and make your presentation memorable.


7. Go off the grid

Do you know that erasing all grid lines apart from those of your result will have people asking how you did it and if you used the same Excel software they use? Try it today. In your spreadsheet

Go to the View tab on the ribbon.

  • Under the Show section, uncheck the box next to Gridlines .


8. Zebra stripes: Excel jungle law

Zebra stripes are alternating dark and light colors on rows lying on top of each other. This helps in a number of ways. First, it has this aesthetic feel that makes your work seem orderly, especially if you are displaying hundreds of rows of data. Second, it helps correlation and readability. A reader can track a row from the right-hand side to the far left and not lose track of what row his or her eyes are set upon.


You can zebra stripe using many methods. When you create a table in Excel, by default this will be zebra striped (Tip- select your data and use the shortcut Ctrl + T on a PC or ^ + T on a Mac to quickly create a table). On the Design tab, under Table Styles, you can change the color and style of your zebra stripes.

It can also be done using a formula in conditional formatting if desired. Conditional formatting is done by highlighting values that satisfy certain requirements (e.g. all odd-numbered rows). It can be copied from cell to cell using the painter tool in the Home toolbar.

9. Use charts, tables , and graphs

Most presentations are incomplete without some form of visual representation. Whether table, graph or chart, you need to visually represent your raw data in mediums that would be understood in a single glance. Charts, graphs, and tables should not be underestimated, especially if you have cumbersome data spanning many columns and rows.

In the Excel ecosystem, the chart, graph, and table features are like symbiotic siblings. You need them to bring out the beauty in the brevity of your work.


10. Create cell styles

Excel has many preset cell styles but you can create your own custom styles that will be more customized, and easier to use and edit because you created it. This is actually an alternative to getting a template if graphics consistency is your goal. After creating a beautiful spreadsheet with the above information, you can save the style so that you can apply it to future presentations.


Now your presentation is perfect with the right feel and style. Simply highlight the cells with your design for saving, then go to the Home toolbar, click on "more" at the base of the style gallery, then select "new cell style". A style dialog box will open, name the style, edit its properties and save.

If it isn't broken and it works efficiently, why change it? You can, however, add a touch of variability by changing the color palette from time to time.

11. Show restraint

You have learned all of these tips and you are ready to start your presentation -  be careful of overdoing it. Use color sparingly and don't combine too many tips at once. You need to tread the fine line between underwhelming and too much to find the "just enough" middle ground. Make sure your presentation is perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Ultimately, the way your Excel presentation turns out depends on how well you communicate your data to your audience. Although, it does help to know the psychology of colors, good fonts. Browse beautiful spreadsheet presentations online to figure out what the "best" looks like. But at the end of the day, the ball is in your court and we hope that your dedication to practicing, sharpening and perfecting your presentation skills in Excel will be rewarded with cheers.

Ready to design your own Excel presentations?

If you would like to sum up the data on your Excel spreadsheet so that its insights are conveyed in a straight-forward manner, then follow this step-by-step guide. You’ll end up with a presentation that summarizes your data in a way that’s painless to analyze.

If you’re eager to brush up on your Excel skills, check out our Excel course and master the fundamentals to boost your productivity.

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Brandon Pfaff

Brandon is a full time CPA specializing in all things tax. When he is not serving clients, he enjoys spending time with his wife and son, real estate investing, and sipping fine bourbon.

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Frantically Speaking

How to create your presentation using Excel?

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation

excel presentations

MS- Excel, widely known as Excel, is famous for its spreadsheets and data handling. But little has been explored of this wonderful software other than the standard features.

Do you know that you can create and give your presentation using Excel? Are you curious of how to create a presentation in Excel?

Read till the end to get familiar with the steps and bonus tips in the end!

This is our game plan for this article.

Is excel presentation a good choice?

Step 1: choose a template, step 2: create slides, step 4: remove the grids, add a background picture, add colors to your data, font size matters, make use of cells, title slide, conclusion slide, product sales, comparative analysis, financial resolution or budget proposal, who all can benefit through excel presentations, does excel have presentation mode, how to export excel presentations.

Now, you might wonder: how can a simple spreadsheet be made presentable, especially a business report or pitch?

Well, using Excel might be more advantageous than you think. Here’s why:

Although PPT or PowerPoint Presentations gives a wide variety of options and templates to choose from, it can sometimes be too stretched out or contain lots of information that can be overwhelming.

Often, the main agenda of the presentation gets blurred, as we tend to emphasize and explain each and everything on the PPT.

If you want to give a crisp, short and effective presentation, then consider going for an Excel presentation.

There are fewer chances of your audience losing focus, as you emphasize only the needed information, especially if you are presenting a business report.

You will also save time of giving and making your presentation.

Now that you know why Excel is a good choice, let us see how we can use an Excel sheet in a presentation.

Creating a presentation in Excel

Creating a presentation in Excel can be the easiest way of making a presentation.

Follow these steps to make your presentation in excel:

These are a few good options to choose from for excel presentations

The first step is to choose a template that goes with the aim of your presentation.

If your aim is to give a business presentation, you can go for templates like the ones seen in the above picture.

If you aim to present a business idea or budget, then you can choose templates such as planner and checklist or expense budget.

Choosing the right template would make things easier for you and your audience.

You might wonder how can I possibly create a slide in excel? Isn’t that a feature of PowerPoint?

Well, the idea is to create one similar to PowerPoint.

By using the sheets as slides, one can easily create an impactful presentation.

Make sure to name the sheets, and arrange them in order to give a smooth presentation.

Step 3: Organize your data

Now enter your required data and arrange it.

Simply select the required data by pressing the SHIFT key and use the ARROW keys to select.

Then, click on the Insert option from the menu tab and click on the Recommended Charts.

Now, select the type of chart you want.

Here are some possible options:

Using line graph can make your boring data interesting!

If you have data that depicts a financial report, and you want to explain the profits annually, then go for Line Graphs.

Remember to name your chart. You can click on the chart title to rename it.

Pie charts make a great option for presenting survey results as well!

If you want to present a monthly report on the expenses, then go for a pie chart.

Pie charts fit well when you present on a single aspect or topic.

Tables work for almost all purposes.

However, the information presented needs to be simple and short.

You can do this by making colored tables.

You can select your data, and from the Page Layout option from the menu, browse the themes and colors.

Go for lighter tones, as they look aesthetic and professional as well.

Also, the audience won’t find it difficult to read the data, which can happen if you use darker colors.

One of the main features of Excel are the grids, i.e., rows and columns.

Our last step is to get rid of the grids, as they can distract the audience and you may also run the risk of giving a shabby presentation.

To remove grids, go to the Page Layout option in the menu tab and unselect or uncheck the boxes under Gridlines and Headings.

After this step, your presentation would seem as if it was made using a PPT!

Tips for making a creative and professional presentation using Excel

stick to plain backgrounds for excel presentations

Level up your presentation by setting a background picture in your Excel sheets!

In order to do this, go to the Page Layout and click on Background.

You can choose any of your saved pictures or choose from almost infinite options by searching one.

After you choose your picture, click on insert and your background picture is ready!

Last step is to remove the gridlines for a clean presentation.

You can also remove Headings and Formula Bar by unchecking them from the View tab.

It is quite a task to locate and understand data when everything is of the same color.

In other words, when you have a single color, say white, the audience would be busy tallying the data from right to left and not be able to concentrate on your presentation.

To resolve this issue, make your tables with two color tones.

You can choose them from Themes in Page Layout.

Here is the final result:

use your creativity to make slides standout!

This table would take less time to locate the data in one row, as the color makes the task easy!

I bet you took some time to read this, especially if you are looking from a laptop or PC.

Did you feel any difference?

Your eyes were strained as you tried to read what was written.

Hence, make sure to have a decently larger font for making your information visible to everyone as not everyone sees your presentation from the same proximity as you.

If you don’t want a background picture, you can go for an image.

For adding an image, go to Insert and click on Illustrations.

You can add pictures, shapes, icons, 3D models and many more.

Remember to uncheck the Gridlines and Headings, before adding the images.

Cells in a spreadsheet can be used in creative ways.

Apart from entering data and doing calculations in a breeze, they can be turned into text boxes!

So make use of them as far as you can.

You can add in the main heading in the first sheet along with a background picture.

You can also use cells for short descriptions or notes below the tables or data for better comprehension for the viewers.

This is very important for all types of presentations and not just for Excel.

The main reason to categorize is to avoid “data dump”.

This happens when you put in too much information in one chart or sheet.

You might get confused or zoned out while presenting, and it is overwhelming from an audience’s perspective as well.

So, divide your data into various sheets and name them, ensuring they are in right order.

Doing so will also give your presentation a better clarity.

Sample Excel presentation

Suppose you are from the Sales department and are asked to give a presentation to the senior executives about the current vaccination drive status and future prospects.

Considering the period to be Jan-June 2021, here is a possible sample of how you can go about giving your presentation using Excel:

Ensure to make your excel presentation title stand out!

Here you can talk about your views on how the organization should carry forward the vaccination drive, and give suggestions on how to do it more efficiently.

Do not forget to add a thank you slide at the end for excel presentations

What are some good Excel presentation topics?

Excel is a good medium to present product sales. The sample presentation above is a type of product sales.

It gives the organization a clear idea of the direction of the sales of a product and planning further marketing strategy.

If you have just begun your journey as an entrepreneur or are in the sales and marketing field, here is a useful article for you to enhance your skills of giving a business pitch to your clients! Pitch Perfectly: Crucial Public Speaking Tips for Startup Founders

Some topic ideas for product sales can be:

  • Annual product review in XYZ branch
  • Sales review of XYZ product
  • Review of top-selling products in XYZ zone
  • Sales promotion review 2020-21

Comparative analysis can be presented using Excel most effectively.

You can show data in simple charts and graphs, and compare the metrics using parameters such as time( weekly, monthly, annually) or regionally( within a company or branch, across branches, or internationally).

Some topics you can consider:

  • Comparative analysis of student population taking XYZ stream/course
  • Analyzing weekly donations to XYZ foundation
  • Regional analysis of reported crimes in XYZ state
  • Health and hygiene: A correlational study

Excel is a go-to application when it comes to finances.

With its easy tools and graphics, you can present budget proposals and financial resolutions with utmost ease.

You can consider these topics:

  • FDIs for the year 2018-22
  • Shares review 2020-21
  • Annual review: Financial department
  • Funds report: XYZ branch 2020-21

Although Excel is a great tool, it is not suitable for every type of presentations and professions.

It is an excellent medium for those engaging in quantitative data such as:

  • researchers
  • sales and marketing
  • data analysts
  • corporate executives
  • logisticians, etc.

You can present your data in full-screen mode or presentation mode in Excel!

To do this, go to the View tab and select Full-screen mode, or press CTRL+ SHIFT+F1.

To go back to normal mode, right-click and choose the close full-screen option, or click on the three vertical dots on the top of the screen.

To export your Excel presentation, follow these steps!

STEP 1: Go to Files tab and select Export option.

STEP 2: In Export, click on create PDF/XPS document and name your file.

STEP 3: Click on Publish. Done!

Although we went through the steps of making an Excel presentation, do not leave the other aspect out!

Your body language and delivery style also matters!

If you are confused on what approach to take regarding body language while giving a speech, follow this article! To walk or stand still: How should you present when on stage?

For preparing your voice, follow along How to prepare your voice for a speech: Step-by-step guide .

We took a look into the steps for creating a creative and effective Excel presentation in just 4 steps!

Hope that the steps and tips would make your next Excel presentation a success and completely reinvent the way Excel is seen!

Hrideep Barot

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Excel Dashboards

Excel Tutorial: How To Make Graphical Presentation In Excel


When it comes to analyzing and presenting data, graphical presentations in Excel can be a game-changer. These visual representations of data not only make it easier to understand complex information but also help in making informed decisions. In this tutorial, we will take you through the process of creating graphical presentations in Excel and explore the benefits of incorporating visuals into your data analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • Graphical presentations in Excel are crucial for understanding complex data and making informed decisions.
  • Understanding the basics of creating graphical presentations is essential, including the different types of graphs and charts available in Excel.
  • Selecting the appropriate data and organizing it effectively is key to creating effective graphical presentations.
  • Utilizing Excel's advanced features and customization options can elevate the visual appeal and insights provided by graphical presentations.
  • Adding finishing touches such as visual elements and annotations can enhance the overall look and clarity of graphical presentations.

Understanding the basics of creating graphical presentations in Excel

Graphical presentations are an essential tool for visualizing data and conveying information in a clear and concise manner. In Microsoft Excel, creating graphical presentations is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance the impact of your data. In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of creating graphical presentations in Excel.

Excel offers a wide range of graph and chart types, each suited for different data sets and presentation purposes. Some of the most commonly used graph and chart types in Excel include:

  • Column and Bar Charts: These charts are used to compare values across different categories.
  • Line Charts: Line charts are useful for showing trends and changes over time.
  • Pie Charts: Pie charts are ideal for displaying the proportion of different categories in a data set.
  • Scatter Plots: Scatter plots are used to show the relationship between two variables.

When creating a graphical presentation in Excel, it's important to include key components that help convey the information effectively.

The title of the graph or chart should clearly indicate the subject of the presentation.

Axis Labels

Axis labels are essential for providing context to the data being presented. The x-axis and y-axis should be clearly labeled to indicate what each represents.

The data being used for the graphical presentation should be clearly defined and organized to ensure accuracy and relevance.

By understanding the different types of graphs and charts available in Excel and the key components of a graphical presentation, you can effectively create visual representations of your data that are both impactful and easy to understand.

Selecting the appropriate data for your graphical presentation

When creating graphical presentations in Excel, it is essential to carefully choose the data that best suits the intended visualization. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Look for trends or patterns: Data that shows clear trends or patterns are ideal for graphical representation. This can include sales figures over time, survey responses, or market trends.
  • Comparing data: Data that needs to be compared across different categories or variables, such as product sales by region or customer demographics, can be effectively presented graphically.
  • Highlighting relationships: If you want to showcase the relationship between different sets of data, such as correlation between variables or cause-and-effect relationships, graphical representation can be very effective.
  • Clean and structured data: Ensure that your data is clean and well-structured before importing it into Excel. This includes removing any unnecessary columns or rows, and organizing the data in a logical manner.
  • Use proper labels and headers: Clearly label your data and use headers to identify different categories or variables. This will make it easier to interpret and visualize the data in Excel.
  • Convert text to numerical values: If your data includes text that needs to be represented graphically, such as categories or labels, consider converting them to numerical values or using a numerical equivalent for easier graphing in Excel.
  • Remove outliers or irrelevant data: If there are outliers or irrelevant data points that could skew the visualization, consider removing them or addressing them separately to ensure the accuracy of the graphical presentation.

Step-by-step guide to creating graphical presentations in Excel

Excel is a versatile tool not only for data analysis and calculations but also for creating visually appealing graphical presentations. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating simple bar or pie charts using Excel's chart tools and then show you how to utilize Excel's graph customization features to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation.

A. Creating a simple bar or pie chart using Excel's chart tools

Excel's chart tools make it easy to create visually stunning bar or pie charts to represent your data. Follow these simple steps:

  • Select your data: Start by selecting the data that you want to include in your chart. This will typically be a range of cells containing your data.
  • Insert a chart: Once you have selected your data, go to the "Insert" tab and select the type of chart you want to create, such as a bar chart or a pie chart.
  • Customize your chart: Excel will automatically generate a basic chart based on your selected data. You can then customize the chart by adding titles, labels, and modifying the colors and styles to suit your presentation.
  • Finalize your chart: Once you are happy with the appearance of your chart, you can further customize it by adding data labels, adjusting the axis scales, or adding a trendline.

B. Utilizing Excel's graph customization features to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation

Excel offers a range of graph customization features that allow you to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation. Here's how to make the most of these features:

  • Modify chart elements: Excel allows you to modify various elements of your chart, such as the axis titles, data labels, and gridlines. You can also add or remove chart elements to make your chart more visually appealing.
  • Change chart styles: Excel provides a range of pre-set chart styles that you can apply to your chart to change its appearance. You can also manually adjust the colors, fonts, and effects to create a custom look for your chart.
  • Add visual effects: Excel allows you to add visual effects to your chart, such as shadows and glows, to make it stand out. You can also adjust the transparency of chart elements to create a more subtle and polished look.
  • Format data series: Excel enables you to format individual data series within your chart, allowing you to highlight specific data points or make certain elements stand out.

Adding the finishing touches to your graphical presentation

Once you have created your graphical presentation in Excel, it's time to add the finishing touches to make it visually appealing and easy to understand for your audience.

Visual elements play a crucial role in making your graphical presentation stand out. Here are a few tips on how to use colors and fonts effectively:

  • Use a cohesive color scheme: Select a color palette that complements your data and helps in conveying your message effectively. Avoid using too many colors that can make the presentation look cluttered.
  • Choose readable fonts: Use clear and legible fonts for your titles, labels, and annotations. Make sure the font size is appropriate for the audience to read comfortably.
  • Emphasize important data points: Use different colors or fonts to highlight important data points or trends in your presentation.

Titles, legends, and annotations help provide context and clarity to your graphical presentation. Here's how to effectively incorporate these elements:

  • Include a descriptive title: A clear and concise title helps the audience understand the purpose of the graphical presentation. It should convey the main message or insight from the data.
  • Utilize legends for clarity: If your graphical presentation includes multiple data series or categories, use a legend to provide clarity on what each element represents.
  • Add annotations for additional information: Annotations can help provide additional context or explanations for specific data points. They can be used to highlight outliers, trends, or any other important details in the visualization.

Utilizing trendlines, sparklines, and other advanced chart elements to provide deeper insights

When creating graphical presentations in Excel, it's important to go beyond basic charts and graphs to provide deeper insights. Utilizing advanced features such as trendlines and sparklines can help you achieve this.

  • Adding trendlines to your charts can help you identify and visualize patterns and trends in your data. This can be especially useful for predicting future values based on historical data.
  • Customizing trendlines allows you to further refine your graphical presentation, adjusting the type of trendline (e.g., linear, exponential, polynomial) to best fit your data.
  • Interpreting trendlines is essential for understanding the implications of the data. You can use the equation of the trendline to make predictions or analyze the relationship between variables.
  • Integrating sparklines into your data tables or dashboards can provide a quick and concise visualization of trends and variations, without taking up too much space.
  • Customizing sparklines allows you to adjust the appearance and layout to best suit your graphical presentation, ensuring clarity and effectiveness.
  • Interpreting sparklines involves understanding the patterns and variations they display, providing quick insights into the data at a glance.

Exploring additional tools and features to further customize and polish your graphical presentation

Excel offers a range of additional tools and features to help you further customize and polish your graphical presentation, elevating it to a professional level.

Data Labels and Callouts

  • Adding data labels to your charts can provide additional context and clarity, allowing viewers to easily interpret the data points.
  • Using callouts to highlight specific data points or trends can draw attention to key insights, making your graphical presentation more impactful.

Interactive Elements

  • Utilizing interactive elements such as drop-down menus, buttons, or sliders can make your graphical presentation more engaging and dynamic, allowing viewers to interact with the data.
  • Creating interactive dashboards with linked charts and tables can provide a comprehensive view of the data, allowing for seamless exploration and analysis.

Formatting and Design

  • Applying consistent formatting across all elements of your graphical presentation can create a cohesive and professional look, enhancing visual appeal and readability.
  • Using design elements such as color schemes, fonts, and shapes can help convey a specific message or theme, adding depth and personality to your graphical presentation.

In conclusion, this tutorial covered the essential steps for creating graphical presentations in Excel . We discussed the process of selecting the data, choosing the appropriate chart type, customizing the design, and adding final touches to enhance the visual appeal. Now that you have the knowledge and tools at your disposal, I encourage you to start creating your own graphical presentations in Excel. Practice makes perfect, and with a little creativity, you can transform your data into compelling visuals that effectively communicate your message.

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How to link or embed an excel worksheet in a powerpoint presentation.

Sometimes, you want to include the data on an Excel spreadsheet in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

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What's the difference between linking and embedding, how to link or embed an excel worksheet in microsoft powerpoint.

Sometimes, you want to include the data on an Excel spreadsheet in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on whether or not you want to maintain a connection with the source Excel sheet. Let's take a look.

You actually have three options for including a spreadsheet in a PowerPoint presentation. The first is by simply copying that data from the spreadsheet, and then pasting it into the target document. This works okay, but all it really does is convert the data to a simple table in PowerPoint. You can use PowerPoint's basic table formatting tools on it, but you can't use any of Excel's features after the conversion.

While that can be useful sometimes, your other two options---linking and embedding---are much more powerful, and are what we're going to show you how to do in this article. Both are pretty similar, in that you end up inserting an actual Excel spreadsheet in your target presentation. It will look like an Excel sheet, and you can use Excel's tools to manipulate it. The difference comes in how these two options treat their connection to that original Excel spreadsheet:

  • If you link an Excel worksheet in a presentation, the target presentation and the original Excel sheet maintain a connection. If you update the Excel file, those updates get automatically reflected in the target presentation.
  • If you embed an Excel worksheet in a presentation, that connection is broken. Updating the original Excel sheet does not automatically update the data in the target presentation.

There are advantages to both methods, of course. One advantage of linking a document (other than maintaining the connection) is that it keeps your PowerPoint presentation's file size down, because the data is mostly still stored in the Excel sheet and only displayed in PowerPoint. One disadvantage is that the original spreadsheet file needs to stay in the same location. If it doesn't, you'll have to link it again. And since it relies on the link to the original spreadsheet, it's not so useful if you need to distribute the presentation to people who don't have access to that location.

Embedding that data, on the other hand, increases the size of presentation, because all that Excel data is actually embedded into the PowerPoint file. There are some distinct advantages to embedding, though. For example, if you're distributing that presentation to people who might not have access to the original Excel sheet, or if the presentation needs to show that Excel sheet at a specific point in time (rather than getting updated), embedding (and breaking the connection to the original sheet) makes more sense.

So, with all that in mind, let's take a look at how to link and embed an Excel Sheet in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Linking or embedding an Excel worksheet into a PowerPoint presentation is actually pretty straightforward, and the process for doing either is almost identical. Start by opening both the Excel worksheet and the PowerPoint presentation you want to edit at the same time.

In Excel, select the cells you want to link or embed. If you would like to link or embed the entire worksheet, click on the box at the juncture of the rows and columns in the top left-hand corner to select the whole sheet.

Copy those cells by pressing CTRL+C in Windows or Command+C in macOS. You can also right-click any selected cell, and then choose the "Copy" option on the context menu.

Now, switch to your PowerPoint presentation and click to place the insertion point where you would like the linked or embedded material to go. On Home tab of the Ribbon, click the down arrow beneath the "Paste" button, and then choose the "Paste Special" command from the dropdown menu.

This opens the Paste Special window. And it's here where you'll find the only functional different in the processes of linking or embedding a file.

If you want to embed your spreadsheet, choose the "Paste" option over on the left. If you want to link your spreadsheet, choose the "Paste Link" option instead. Seriously, that's it. This process is otherwise identical.

Whichever option you choose, you'll next select the "Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object" in the box to the right, and then click the "OK" button.

And you'll see your Excel sheet (or the cells you selected) in your PowerPoint presentation.

If you linked the Excel data, you can't edit it directly in PowerPoint, but you can double-click anywhere on it to open the original spreadsheet file. And any updates you make to that original spreadsheet are then reflected in your PowerPoint presentation.

If you embedded the Excel data, you can edit it directly in PowerPoint. Double-click anywhere in the spreadsheet and you'll stay in the same PowerPoint window, but the PowerPoint Ribbon gets replaced by the Excel Ribbon and you can access all the Excel functionality. It's kind of cool.

And when you want to stop editing the spreadsheet and go back to your PowerPoint controls, just click anywhere outside the spreadsheet.


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Introduction to Microsoft Excel

Published by Kelly Hodge Modified over 8 years ago

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Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel Data

Oct 5, 2019 | Articles

Undoubtedly Microsoft Excel is amongst the best tools for increased productivity in our workplace today. Microsoft Excel helps workers perform their assigned tasks easily. The use of Microsoft Excel has greatly improved productivity in organizations. It offers a quicker way to complete your task effortlessly. Many organizations now sort after Men and Women with good skill in Microsoft Excel.

PowerPoint is another outstanding program that enhances business excellence. PowerPoint offers a clear understanding and interpretation of data. It has a unique display setting that makes the audience appreciate the program, but it is static.

Some persons believe PowerPoint to be superior to Excel and vice versa. But recently, people create PowerPoint from Excel data. Excel is used for computations because it has a lot of data needed for the report. PowerPoint will help enhance the appearance of these reports. So, simply present your result in PowerPoint after all calculations from your Excel.

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How to Work on Excel Sheets Workshop

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With this workshop you are going to give your students one of the best skills: mastering excel sheets. They are useful for almost everything: accounting, science, registers, coding… and employers love when new candidates can create a new sheet from scratch! Use these creative and colorful slides to show everyone how to create tables, formulas and graphs and they will leave your workshop with a smile! The slides are completely editable so, a part from showing off your math skills, you can also show off your creativity!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 21 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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Automatically Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

Microsoft Excel is indeed an extremely effective software. We may perform countless operations on a given dataset using Excel’s tools and features. We frequently need to make PowerPoint slides from Excel files. When we have to do it repeatedly, copying information from Excel and making PowerPoint slides is very time-consuming. This article will discuss three unique and easy ways to create PowerPoint slides from Excel files automatically. Therefore, you should go through these 3 easy ways to Automatically Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel.

How to Automatically Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel: 3 Easy Ways

As an illustration, we will explore a sample dataset. The following dataset, for example, has sales representative Names and Areas. We are going to show the Excel data in PowerPoint slides using all 3 of the approaches. Moreover, I will go through the benefits and drawbacks of using these strategies. In addition, I have yet to mention that I have been using the Microsoft Excel 365 version for this article; You are free to choose any other edition that you find most convenient.

automatically create powerpoint slides from excel

1. Automatically Create Slides Using Insert Command in PowerPoint

The Insert command is the simplest method. Using this Insert Command, slides are kept up to date immediately after any modifications are made to the Excel file. The issue is that we need to utilize the insert command for each slide. We will insert the Excel object using PowerPoint’s Insert command to automate the procedure. To complete the work, please follow the instructions below.

  • First, launch PowerPoint.
  • Then, select the Insert  tab.
  • Next, click Text , and later on the Object  option.

Automatically Create Slides Using Insert Command in PowerPoint

  • As a result, a new dialog box will pop up at this time, and you must click on Create from file .
  • After that, click on Browse to find the Excel document you want to add to your slides.

presentation ms excel

  • Consequently, the Insert Object dialog box pops up again, allowing you to check the Link box and click OK .
  • Hence, as demonstrated below, it will yield the desired output in MS PowerPoint.

presentation ms excel

Read More: How to Insert an Excel File into PowerPoint as an Icon

2. Apply Paste Special Feature to Generate Slides from Excel

Another interesting way is to use the Paste Special feature. We can make slides in PowerPoint with the specified and selected data from Excel through the paste feature. Here, as the data in the Excel file is updated, the PowerPoint slide is also updated. To do the procedure, follow these instructions.

  • First, open Excel’s saved worksheet to insert data.

Apply Paste Special Feature to Generate Slides from Excel

  • Secondly, move the mouse over the portion of the data you wish to link to PowerPoint. Then click on Copy .
  • Now, open PowerPoint and click on the slide where you wish to connect the Excel data. Later on, click Paste and Paste Special  feature.

presentation ms excel

  • And a new dialog box appears. Choose the Paste link After that, click As Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object and hit OK .

presentation ms excel

  • As a result, it will return the required output in the PowerPoint slides, as shown below.

presentation ms excel

Read More: How to Copy Chart from Excel to PowerPoint Without Link

3. Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel Through VBA

There is a unique way of creating PowerPoint Slides automatically using Excel VBA. The only difference between previous methods is that slides are not updated as we change the Excel file. To use the Excel VBA Code, we must add the Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library. However, since we are using this approach, we don’t need to create a VBA code for each presentation. Through modification of the code, we can generate dozens of slides.

  • First of all, select the active sheet of the workbook to begin.

Create PowerPoint Slides from Excel Through VBA

  • Secondly, navigate to Developer and then Visual Basic .
  • Later on, select Insert and now click on Module .

presentation ms excel

  • Next, put the following code into the Module box. Remember to change the cell’s range.

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  • Finally, click the Run button or press F5 .
  • So, this is where the output will go.

presentation ms excel

To overcome the error, follow these:

Step 1 : Hover over Tools => You will see the References option => Click on References .

Hover over Tools and you will see the References option

As a result, the References – VBAProject window will open.

Step 2 : Check Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library => You will see the OK button in the top right corner => Hit OK to resolve the error.

In the References - VBAProject window, check Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library and you will see the OK button in the right top corner

Download Practice Workbook

You can get a free copy of the example workbook that was used during the discussion which was just below here.

You can automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel from this point forward by using the procedures that we just discussed. Keep using them, and let us know if you come up with any other strategies to get the work done or if you have any new ideas. Remember to post questions, comments, or recommendations in the section below.

Related Articles

  • How to Perform Excel to PowerPoint Automation
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Tags: Excel to PowerPoint

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto, BSc, Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for over a year. He has written 50+ articles and provided solutions of 100+ comments for ExcelDemy. Currently, he works as an Excel & VBA Developer and provides support and solutions in the ExcelDemy Forum. He has solved 100+ ExcelDemy Forum problems. His work and learning interests are in developing various Excel & VBA and Desktop applications. Outside of work, he enjoys Chess... Read Full Bio

' src=

Hi and thanks for your post data;

When I use your VBA code I got this error:”user defined type not defined” How can I fix it?

Best Regards

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

Thanks for reaching out and posting your comment. You are right about the raised error. If you do not add the Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library , you must see the User-Defined Type not defined error.

To solve the issue, follow these: Step 1 : Hover over Tools => You will see the References option.

Step 2 : Click on References => In the References – VBAProject window, check Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library , and you will see the OK button in the top right corner.

Step 3 : After clicking OK , you will be able to run the code like the following GIF .

Hopefully, the solution will help you overcome your situation. Good luck.

Regards Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

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Data Visualization in Excel

Data visualization in Excel

Ever felt overwhelmed by a massive spreadsheet filled with data, wondering how to make sense of it all?

In today's fast-paced environment, being able to quickly visualize and interact with your data is crucial for making informed decisions.

Here's how you can transform a sea of data into an insightful and interactive dashboard in Excel, all within 20 minutes.

Sales Performance Dashboard

Table of Contents

Dashboard design tips video, download completed excel dashboard & data, design tips guide to creating excel dashboards, additional resources.

For step-by-step instructions check out the video below.

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Enter your email address below to download the sample workbook.

1. Prepare Your Data and Dashboard Sheet

Before diving into the creation of the dashboard, I'll start by organizing my data. For this example, I used a sales dataset spanning 12 months, categorized by seller, product, state, sales, and profit.

Source Data in Excel Table

I formatted the data in an Excel Table to allow for automatic updating of my dashboard.

I prepared five PivotTables to support the charts I plan to insert on the dashboard.

Data Presented in PivotTable

Get up to speed with PivotTables here .

2. Designing Your Dashboard Canvas

The foundation of a good dashboard is its design. Begin by setting the dashboard's background color.

Click the arrow at the intersection of the row and column labels to select the whole sheet, then apply the cell fill color.

I'm using a dark indigo, providing a visually appealing contrast for my charts and data elements. This is on a newly inserted blank sheet in my Excel workbook.

Apply background colour for dashboard

3. Inserting Titles and Subtitles

To provide clear understanding, insert a main title, "Sales Performance Dashboard," and a subtitle indicating the time frame, "January - December 2024."

Title and sub title for Dashboard

4. Highlighting Key Figures

At the top of your dashboard, highlight important figures like total sales, profit, and profit margin. Microsoft 365 users can use icons (available free for from within Excel) next to each figure to visually represent their meaning - a telemarketer for sales and a money symbol for profit. These icons not only draw attention but also aid in quick comprehension.

Icons for key information at top of dashboard

I'll come back to the pie chart for the profit margin.

5. Creating and Positioning Charts

The visual heart of your dashboard will be the charts:

- Sales by Month: A column chart showing trends over time.

Column chart showing trends over time

- Sales by Salesperson and Category: Two bar charts providing insights into sales distribution.

Bar charts showing sales distribution

- Map Chart: Though Excel doesn't directly support creating map charts from PivotTables, you can trick it by copying the PivotTable data as values and then inserting a filled map chart.

Filled map chart

- Profit Margin: I created an icon from a pie chart. I removed the legend and title and made it very small to fit beside the headline figure:

Modified pie chart showing profit margin

6. Interactivity with Slicers

To allow users to interact with the dashboard, insert Slicers for different categories like seller, category, and state. This lets users customize the view to see exactly what's relevant to them.

Slicers to allow users to interact with the data

Ensure these slicers are formatted to match the dashboard's color theme and are positioned strategically for easy access.

Connect the Slicers to each dashboard through the Report Connections menu (right-click > Report Connections):

Connect slicers to each dashboard via Report Connections

Check out this post on custom formatting Slicers .

7. Finishing Touches

With all elements in place, use shapes and formatting tricks to give each visual element its own distinct space, enhancing overall readability.

I added a rounded rectangle shape behind each chart and slicer in a shade slightly lighter than the background:

Apply background styles to charts

For the border, apply an inner shadow:

Apply border and shadow

Creating an effective dashboard doesn't have to be a time-consuming process. With some preparation and the right techniques, you can turn your raw data into a dynamic tool for exploration and decision-making in no time.

If you're interested in diving deeper into dashboard creation, consider taking my Excel Dashboard course .

This transformation from raw data to an interactive dashboard not only simplifies data analysis but also empowers users to make more informed, data-driven decisions quickly and efficiently. Whether you're in business, academia, or any field that relies on data, mastering these skills can significantly enhance your productivity and analytical capabilities.

Mynda Treacy

CIMA qualified Accountant with over 25 years experience in roles such as Global IT Financial Controller for investment banking firms Barclays Capital and NatWest Markets.

Mynda has been awarded Microsoft MVP status every year since 2014 for her expertise and contributions to educating people about Microsoft Excel.

Mynda teaches several courses here at MOTH including Excel Expert , Excel Dashboards , Power BI , Power Query and Power Pivot .

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May 15, 2024 at 8:25 am

It seems like I can’t get the practice workbook for this course without signing up to get the newsletter. I already get that. That’s how I found out about this course. I don’t want another copy of the newsletter. Is that the only way to get the workbook is to allow another copy of the newsletter to be sent to me?

Philip Treacy

May 15, 2024 at 8:35 am

If you enter your email address in the form to download the file, you won’t get 2 copies of the newsletter. An email address can only be in the mailing list once.

But I’ll email you a copy of the file for your convenience.

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Introduction to Microsoft Excel 101: Notes About MS Excel

Susan Gipson

What is Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to record and analyze numerical and statistical data. Microsoft Excel provides multiple features to perform various operations like calculations, pivot tables, graph tools, macro programming, etc. It is compatible with multiple OS like Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

A Excel spreadsheet can be understood as a collection of columns and rows that form a table. Alphabetical letters are usually assigned to columns, and numbers are usually assigned to rows. The point where a column and a row meet is called a cell. The address of a cell is given by the letter representing the column and the number representing a row.

Why Should I Learn Microsoft Excel?

We all deal with numbers in one way or the other. We all have daily expenses which we pay for from the monthly income that we earn. For one to spend wisely, they will need to know their income vs. expenditure. Microsoft Excel comes in handy when we want to record, analyze and store such numeric data. Let’s illustrate this using the following image.

Microsoft Excel

Where can I get Microsoft Excel?

There are number of ways in which you can get Microsoft Excel. You can buy it from a hardware computer shop that also sells software. Microsoft Excel is part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Alternatively, you can download it from the Microsoft website but you will have to buy the license key.

How to Open Microsoft Excel?

Running Excel is not different from running any other Windows program. If you are running Windows with a GUI like (Windows XP, Vista, and 7) follow the following steps.

  • Click on start menu
  • Point to all programs
  • Point to Microsoft Excel
  • Click on Microsoft Excel

Alternatively, you can also open it from the start menu if it has been added there. You can also open it from the desktop shortcut if you have created one.

For this tutorial, we will be working with Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Excel 2013. Follow the following steps to run Excel on Windows 8.1

  • Search for Excel N.B. even before you even typing, all programs starting with what you have typed will be listed.

The following image shows you how to do this

How to Open Microsoft Excel

Understanding the Ribbon

The ribbon provides shortcuts to commands in Excel. A command is an action that the user performs. An example of a command is creating a new document, printing a documenting, etc. The image below shows the ribbon used in Excel 2013.

Understanding the Ribbon

Ribbon components explained

Ribbon start button – it is used to access commands i.e. creating new documents, saving existing work, printing, accessing the options for customizing Excel, etc.

Ribbon tabs – the tabs are used to group similar commands together. The home tab is used for basic commands such as formatting the data to make it more presentable, sorting and finding specific data within the spreadsheet.

Ribbon bar – the bars are used to group similar commands together. As an example, the Alignment ribbon bar is used to group all the commands that are used to align data together.

Understanding the worksheet (Rows and Columns, Sheets, Workbooks)

A worksheet is a collection of rows and columns . When a row and a column meet, they form a cell. Cells are used to record data. Each cell is uniquely identified using a cell address. Columns are usually labelled with letters while rows are usually numbers.

A workbook is a collection of worksheets . By default, a workbook has three cells in Excel. You can delete or add more sheets to suit your requirements. By default, the sheets are named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on and so forth. You can rename the sheet names to more meaningful names i.e. Daily Expenses, Monthly Budget, etc.

Understanding The Worksheet

Customization Microsoft Excel Environment

Personally I like the black colour, so my excel theme looks blackish. Your favourite colour could be blue, and you too can make your theme colour look blue-like. If you are not a programmer, you may not want to include ribbon tabs i.e. developer. All this is made possible via customizations. In this sub-section, we are going to look at;

  • Customization the ribbon

Setting the colour theme

Settings for formulas, proofing settings, save settings, customization of ribbon.

Customization of Ribbon

The above image shows the default ribbon in Excel 2013. Let’s start with customization the ribbon, suppose you do not wish to see some of the tabs on the ribbon, or you would like to add some tabs that are missing such as the developer tab. You can use the options window to achieve this.

  • Click on the ribbon start button
  • Select options from the drop down menu. You should be able to see an Excel Options dialog window
  • Select the customize ribbon option from the left-hand side panel as shown below

Customization of Ribbon

  • On your right-hand side, remove the check marks from the tabs that you do not wish to see on the ribbon. For this example, we have removed Page Layout, Review, and View tab.
  • Click on the “OK” button when you are done.

Your ribbon will look as follows

Customization of Ribbon

Adding custom tabs to the ribbon

You can also add your own tab, give it a custom name and assign commands to it. Let’s add a tab to the ribbon with the text Guru99

  • Right click on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon. The dialogue window shown above will appear
  • Click on new tab button as illustrated in the animated image below
  • Select the newly created tab
  • Click on Rename button
  • Give it a name of Guru99
  • Select the New Group (Custom) under Guru99 tab as shown in the image below
  • Click on Rename button and give it a name of My Commands
  • Let’s now add commands to my ribbon bar
  • The commands are listed on the middle panel
  • Select All chart types command and click on Add button
  • Click on OK

Customization of Ribbon

To set the color-theme for your Excel sheet you have to go to Excel ribbon, and click on à File àOption command. It will open a window where you have to follow the following steps.

Setting The Colour Theme

  • The general tab on the left-hand panel will be selected by default.
  • Look for colour scheme under General options for working with Excel
  • Click on the colour scheme drop-down list and select the desired colour
  • Click on OK button

This option allows you to define how Excel behaves when you are working with formulas . You can use it to set options i.e. autocomplete when entering formulas, change the cell referencing style and use numbers for both columns and rows and other options.

Settings for Formulas

If you want to activate an option, click on its check box. If you want to deactivate an option, remove the mark from the checkbox. You can this option from the Options dialogue window under formulas tab from the left-hand side panel

Proofing Settings

This option manipulates the entered text entered into excel . It allows setting options such as the dictionary language that should be used when checking for wrong spellings, suggestions from the dictionary, etc. You can this option from the options dialogue window under the proofing tab from the left-hand side panel

Save Settings

This option allows you to define the default file format when saving files, enable auto recovery in case your computer goes off before you could save your work, etc . You can use this option from the Options dialogue window under save tab from the left-hand side panel

Important Excel shortcuts

Best practices when working with microsoft excel.

  • Save workbooks with backward compatibility in mind. If you are not using the latest features in higher versions of Excel, you should save your files in 2003 *.xls format for backwards compatibility
  • Use description names for columns and worksheets in a workbook
  • Avoid working with complex formulas with many variables . Try to break them down into small managed results that you can use to build on
  • Use built-in functions whenever you can instead of writing your own formulas
  • Introduction of MS Excel : Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program used to record, manipulate, store numeric data and it can be customized to match your preferences
  • The ribbon is used to access various commands in Excel
  • The options dialogue window allows you to customize a number of items i.e. the ribbon, formulas , proofing, save, etc.
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  • How to Import CSV File into Excel [Example]
  • How to Import SQL Database Data into Excel File [Example]
  • Top 10 Excel Formulas Interview Questions and Answers (2024)
  • 15 BEST Excel Books (2024 Update)
  • 11 Best FREE Microsoft Courses with Certification Online (2024)
  • 6 BEST Online Data Entry Courses & Training Certificates (2024)
  • 9 BEST Financial Modeling Courses for Online Learning (2024)

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Displaying the Total on top of a stacked column in ppt

The total of the column is part of the data range in the excel file for the chart I am creating. However, the data adds to the stack (in fact, doubling the hight of the column)

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  • Microsoft Agent |

Hi Wolf Wolfsteiner,

Thanks for your post in Microsoft Community.

Based on your description, it seems like that you are experiencing problems with column heights being out of visual range when inserting an Excel sheet in PowerPoint. Please correct me if I have misunderstood. We can fully understand your distress and will do everything we can to help you. However, we think it may be related to a specific file, please share your full screenshot with us.

If it is convenient, please share the file with us via private message for us to test and troubleshoot for you. You can enable private messaging by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner of the page, clicking on the three dots, and clicking on View Private Messages.

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Please share the information above with us as it will determine our next steps. We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us!

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. I hope that you are keeping safe and well!

Best Regards,

Thomas C - MSFT | Microsoft Community Support Specialist

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Microsoft Office’s apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are now less than $25

Microsoft Office

Whether you’re a student, professional, or just a casual user, you’ve likely heard of Microsoft Office. Why? Because it’s the world’s leading productivity suite.

If you’re looking to invest in lifelong tools or want to update an older device, this deal for Microsoft Office 2019 may interest you. Through May 22, lifetime subscriptions for Mac and Windows are less than $25.

Although you won’t be getting the latest version of Microsoft Office, the 2019 edition may be sufficient for your needs, especially if you have an older or refurbished laptop or computer. 

Upon your one-time purchase, you’ll get the following apps: the 2019 editions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote.  Create home or professional budgeting sheets with Excel , crisp slide decks with PowerPoint, or stay on top of email correspondence with OneNote.

There are additional apps you’ll get depending on your device. For instance, Mac users will get Teams Classic 2019, an app designed to support virtual collaboration via video calls. Meanwhile, Windows users will gain the 2019 iterations of Access and Publisher.

Just be sure that your device meets the system requirements for smooth installation.

You have until May 22 at 11:59 PM Pacific to grab:

  • Lifetime access to Microsoft Office Home and Business 2019 for Mac  for just $24.97.
  • Lifetime access to Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for Windows  for just $24.97.

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Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac and Windows

Only $24.97 at Macworld

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Copilot Pro: Get a 1-month free trial

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Copilot Pro

Microsoft copilot pro.

More power, more speed and more creativity

Get 1 month free

R430,00 user/month

After trial ends, your subscription continues to be charged at the regular price each month, unless cancelled in Microsoft account. See Microsoft Store Terms of Sale .

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Get answers faster

Enjoy the speed of priority access to top-of-the-line models for faster response times and build your own Copilot GPTs tailored to your individual needs and interests.

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Unlock Copilot in your favourite apps

Experience Word, Excel (in preview), PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft email address required) in a whole new way with built-in Copilot features. 1

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Create and design better than ever

Generate unique images even faster with DALL-E 3 and then enhance your creations with 100 daily boosts with Designer.

Choose the Copilot that suits you best

For everyone who wants to find robust information, create unique content and get things done faster.

With your free Microsoft account, you can:

  • Use Copilot on the web and in Windows, macOS and iPadOS
  • AccessGPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo during non-peak times
  • Use text, voice and images in conversational search
  • Create and edit AI images with 15 boosts per day with Designer 
  • Use plug-ins and GPTs

For those who want faster performance, enhanced creativity capabilities and a supercharged Copilot experience.

This monthly subscription includes everything in Copilot, plus you can:

  • Get priority access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo even during peak times for faster performance
  • Build your own Copilot GPTs tailored to your individual needs and interests  
  • Use Copilot in productivity apps 1 like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft email address required)
  • Generate unique images and then enhance your creations using 100 daily boosts with Designer

Experience AI in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook like never before

Microsoft Word using Copilot Pro is open on a laptop.

Get Copilot for Microsoft 365 for your business

Top questions, what is copilot pro, what is priority access, what are boosts in copilot, where is copilot pro available, which languages does copilot pro support, where can i access copilot pro, where can i buy copilot pro, how does copilot pro work with microsoft 365 apps.

Copilot Pro subscribers can use Copilot in the free web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook (Microsoft email address required). Those who have a separate Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription will receive the added benefit of using Copilot in the more fully featured desktop apps.

Excel features are currently in preview and in English only.  

Note: Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with,, or email addresses and are available to Copilot Pro subscribers via, the new Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Mac. Any Microsoft account using an account from a third-party email provider, such as Gmail, Yahoo or iCloud, can still use Outlook, but won’t have access to the Copilot features.

How many people can use a Copilot Pro subscription?

Does copilot pro work with a microsoft 365 business subscription, if i’m not paying for a subscription, what do i get for free, how do i manage my copilot pro subscription, what do i do if i have both a copilot pro subscription and a personal or family microsoft 365 subscription, but i'm not seeing the copilot icon in the apps, what is a microsoft account and why do i need it for copilot pro, where can i learn more about copilot and copilot pro, what is a copilot gpt and copilot gpt builder.

A Copilot GPT is a custom version of Microsoft Copilot and can be used to accomplish specific tasks. In Copilot you can see Copilot GPTs that have been created and are available to use such as holiday planner and cooking assistant.  

The Copilot GPT Builder is a feature of Copilot Pro, that allows you to create and configure your own unique Copilot GPTs based on your interests and that you can keep private or share with others.

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chart, waterfall chart

AI + Machine Learning , Announcements , Azure AI Content Safety , Azure AI Studio , Azure OpenAI Service , Partners

Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI’s new flagship multimodal model now in preview on Azure

By Eric Boyd Corporate Vice President, Azure AI Platform, Microsoft

Posted on May 13, 2024 2 min read

  • Tag: Copilot
  • Tag: Generative AI

Microsoft is thrilled to announce the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s new flagship model on Azure AI. This groundbreaking multimodal model integrates text, vision, and audio capabilities, setting a new standard for generative and conversational AI experiences. GPT-4o is available now in Azure OpenAI Service, to try in preview , with support for text and image.

Azure OpenAI Service

A person sitting at a table looking at a laptop.

A step forward in generative AI for Azure OpenAI Service

GPT-4o offers a shift in how AI models interact with multimodal inputs. By seamlessly combining text, images, and audio, GPT-4o provides a richer, more engaging user experience.

Launch highlights: Immediate access and what you can expect

Azure OpenAI Service customers can explore GPT-4o’s extensive capabilities through a preview playground in Azure OpenAI Studio starting today in two regions in the US. This initial release focuses on text and vision inputs to provide a glimpse into the model’s potential, paving the way for further capabilities like audio and video.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness

GPT-4o is engineered for speed and efficiency. Its advanced ability to handle complex queries with minimal resources can translate into cost savings and performance.

Potential use cases to explore with GPT-4o

The introduction of GPT-4o opens numerous possibilities for businesses in various sectors: 

  • Enhanced customer service : By integrating diverse data inputs, GPT-4o enables more dynamic and comprehensive customer support interactions.
  • Advanced analytics : Leverage GPT-4o’s capability to process and analyze different types of data to enhance decision-making and uncover deeper insights.
  • Content innovation : Use GPT-4o’s generative capabilities to create engaging and diverse content formats, catering to a broad range of consumer preferences.

Exciting future developments: GPT-4o at Microsoft Build 2024 

We are eager to share more about GPT-4o and other Azure AI updates at Microsoft Build 2024 , to help developers further unlock the power of generative AI.

Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

Begin your journey with GPT-4o and Azure OpenAI Service by taking the following steps:

  • Try out GPT-4o in Azure OpenAI Service Chat Playground (in preview).
  • If you are not a current Azure OpenAI Service customer, apply for access by completing this form .
  • Learn more about  Azure OpenAI Service  and the  latest enhancements.  
  • Understand responsible AI tooling available in Azure with Azure AI Content Safety .
  • Review the OpenAI blog on GPT-4o.

Let us know what you think of Azure and what you would like to see in the future.

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  • Add an image
  • Draft and add content
  • Rewrite text
  • Chat with Copilot
  • Create a summary
  • Copilot in Word on mobile devices
  • Create a new presentation
  • Add a slide or image
  • Summarize your presentation
  • Organize your presentation
  • Use your organization's branding
  • Copilot in PowerPoint for mobile devices
  • Draft an Outlook email message
  • Summarize an email thread
  • Suggested drafts in Outlook
  • Email coaching
  • Get started with Copilot in Excel
  • Identify insights
  • Highlight, sort, and filter your data
  • Generate formula columns
  • Summarize your OneNote notes
  • Create a to-do list and tasks
  • Create project plans in OneNote

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Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

Note:  This feature is available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license or Copilot Pro license.

Create a new presentation in PowerPoint.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint button in the ribbon menu

Select Send . Copilot will draft a presentation for you!

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , or start over with a new presentation and refine your prompt to include more specifics. For example, "Create a presentation about hybrid meeting best practices that includes examples for team building.”

Create a presentation with a template

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Copilot can use your existing themes and templates to create a presentation. Learn more about making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Selecting a theme for a new presentation on

Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template.

Screenshot of a warning in Copilot in PowerPoint about how creating a new presentation will replace existing slides

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , organize your presentation, or add images.

Create a presentation from a file with Copilot

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With Copilot in PowerPoint, you can create a presentation from an existing Word document. Point Copilot in PowerPoint to your Word document, and it will generate slides, apply layouts, create speaker notes, and choose a theme for you.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint prompt menu with Create a presentation from file option highlighted

Select the Word document you want from the picker that appears. If you don't see the document you want, start typing any part of the filename to search for it.

Note:  If the file picker doesn't appear type a front slash (/) to cause it to pop up.

Best practices when creating a presentation from a Word document

Leverage word styles to help copilot understand the structure of your document.

By using Styles in Word to organize your document, Copilot will better understand your document structure and how to break it up into slides of a presentation. Structure your content under Titles and Headers when appropriate and Copilot will do its best to generate a presentation for you.

Include images that are relevant to your presentation

When creating a presentation, Copilot will try to incorporate the images in your Word document. If you have images that you would like to be brought over to your presentation, be sure to include them in your Word document.

Start with your organization’s template

If your organization uses a standard template, start with this file before creating a presentation with Copilot. Starting with a template will let Copilot know that you would like to retain the presentation’s theme and design. Copilot will use existing layouts to build a presentation for you. Learn more about Making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Tip:  Copilot works best with Word documents that are less than 24 MB.

Welcome to Copilot in PowerPoint

Frequently Asked Questions about Copilot in PowerPoint

Where can I get Microsoft Copilot?

Copilot Lab - Start your Copilot journey


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    In Microsoft Excel, creating graphical presentations is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance the impact of your data. In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of creating graphical presentations in Excel. A. Exploring the different types of graphs and charts available in Excel. Excel offers a wide range of graph and chart ...

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    Excel for the web and Excel desktop app for offline use. Up to 6 TB of cloud storage, 1 TB (1000 GB) per person. Premium desktop, web, and mobile apps. Advanced security. Ad-free experience. Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and AndroidTM. Copilot Pro available as an add-on.

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    1:42 pm May 21, 2024 By Julian Horsey. Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application that enables users to efficiently manage, analyze, and visualize data. This comprehensive guide is ...

  23. Data Visualization in Excel • My Online Training Hub

    Click the arrow at the intersection of the row and column labels to select the whole sheet, then apply the cell fill color. I'm using a dark indigo, providing a visually appealing contrast for my charts and data elements. This is on a newly inserted blank sheet in my Excel workbook. 3. Inserting Titles and Subtitles.

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  25. Displaying the Total on top of a stacked column in ppt

    Based on your description, it seems like that you are experiencing problems with column heights being out of visual range when inserting an Excel sheet in PowerPoint. Please correct me if I have misunderstood. We can fully understand your distress and will do everything we can to help you. However, we think it may be related to a specific file ...

  26. Microsoft Office's apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are ...

    Lifetime access to Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 for Windows for just $24.97. Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac and Windows. Only $24.97 at Macworld. StackSocial prices subject to change ...

  27. Insert Excel data in PowerPoint

    In Excel, click and drag to highlight the cells you want to copy. Right-click the copied cells and select Copy. In your PowerPoint presentation, right-click and select the Paste Options you want: Use Destination Styles - Choose to edit your copied cells like a PowerPoint table, but with PowerPoint's color scheme and fonts.

  28. Copilot Pro

    Then, pair Copilot Pro with your Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription to draft documents, emails and presentations. Translate to English You are shopping Microsoft Store in: {0} ... Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft email address required) Generate unique images and then enhance your creations using 100 daily boosts with Designer;

  29. Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI's new flagship ...

    Exciting future developments: GPT-4o at Microsoft Build 2024 . We are eager to share more about GPT-4o and other Azure AI updates at Microsoft Build 2024, to help developers further unlock the power of generative AI. Get started with Azure OpenAI Service. Begin your journey with GPT-4o and Azure OpenAI Service by taking the following steps:

  30. Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

    Select the Copilot button in the Home tab of the ribbon. Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template. Copilot will replace your current presentation with a new one. If needed, save a copy first and rerun the steps above. If you already have a copy, confirm ...