Recruitment Presentation

In a competitive market, recruiters and HR representatives need to attract and lock down top talent for their organization. Your company might provide competitive benefits, high salaries, an engaging company culture, and enticing opportunities for growth, but if you don’t know how to sell those perks, you won’t bring in those candidates. 

A compelling and informative job recruitment presentation can set you apart from your competitors and bring in top quality job candidates who are perfect for your team.

Use our recruitment presentation template to:

  • Highlight your company’s advantages
  • Connect and network with candidates in your industry
  • Attract high-quality candidates

Create a memorable Job Recruitment Presentation

Every slide in your recruitment presentation tells an important part of your company’s story. Make each slide impactful and memorable by using images, videos, charts, timelines, or graphs. Each of these design options is available with our job recruitment template.Some potential slides to include are:

Title Slide

Pro Tips for your Job Recruitment Template

When filling out your job recruitment packet template, keep these tips in mind.

Your recruitment presentation is selling your company to potential employees. Be persuasive and appeal to emotion in order to tell your company’s story.

While you should tell a story, you also need to give your potential job candidates the facts that make your company their best option.

A recruitment presentation is a great opportunity to engage with the audience; after all, they may join your team! Leave time for questions and discussions in your presentation.

Have your company perks, leadership structure, or number of offices changed? Don’t forget to update your presentation frequently as needed to make sure recruitees have the most accurate information.

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Recruitment Presentation: A comprehensive guide

This guide covers everything from identifying your target audience to delivering a persuasive pitch.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing hr recruitment presentation

Hey there, future recruitment presentation rock stars!

Have you ever wondered what sets apart a jaw-dropping recruitment presentation from a snooze-fest?

Well, you're in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we're diving deep into the world of recruitment presentations.

So, what exactly is a recruitment presentation, and why should you care?

Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through the art and science of creating powerful presentations that can make or break your recruitment efforts.

What is recruitment presentation, and why is it important?

Let's kick things off with the basics.

Recruitment : The cornerstone of building a stellar team. From finding the right talent to convincing them to join your organization, it's a process worth perfecting.

Presentation : Ever sat through a mind-numbing, text-heavy slideshow? Yeah, we've all been there. A recruitment presentation is your chance to captivate your audience, whether it's potential hires, stakeholders, or your team.

A recruitment presentation is a dynamic, visual pitch that showcases your company's culture, values, and opportunities. It's like your elevator pitch on steroids, but with engaging visuals, storytelling, and personality.

Why is it important?

  • First impressions matter : It's often your first interaction with potential candidates, and you know what they say about first impressions.
  • Show, don't tell : Visuals, stories, and emotions are more impactful than a dry list of facts.
  • Convincing power : A great presentation can sway hesitant candidates and align your team's vision.
  • Competitive edge : In today's job market, standing out is crucial. A compelling presentation can make you the top choice.

How to structure an effective recruitment presentation

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of creating a recruitment presentation that wows. Think of it as crafting a masterpiece, one slide at a time.


  • Introduce yourself and your company : Begin by establishing a personal connection with your audience. Let them know who you are and briefly introduce your company.
  • State the purpose of your presentation : Clearly articulate the reason for your presentation. Are you looking to fill a specific job role? Are you here to showcase your company's culture and opportunities?
  • Provide a brief overview of the presentation : Give your audience a roadmap of what to expect. This helps them stay engaged and know what's coming up.

Company overview

  • Give a more detailed overview of your company : Dive deeper into your company's identity. Share its mission, vision, values, and culture. This gives potential candidates a sense of your organization's ethos.
  • Highlight your company's unique selling points : What sets your company apart? Explain why it's an exceptional place to work. Use real success stories from current employees to illustrate your points.

Job description

  • Provide a detailed description of the job opening : Lay out the specifics of the role. Discuss responsibilities, required qualifications, and necessary skills. This helps candidates determine if they're a good fit.
  • Explain why the job is important : Share how the role contributes to your company's success and the broader team's goals. This provides context and motivation for potential applicants.
  • Highlight the benefits of the role : Discuss salary, benefits, and any career development opportunities associated with the position. Emphasize why this job is not just a job but a valuable career move.

Recruitment process

  • Outline your company's recruitment process : Take your audience behind the scenes. Explain how your company finds, evaluates, and selects candidates. This demystifies the process for potential applicants.
  • Explain what candidates can expect : Provide insights into each stage of the recruitment journey. From the initial application to interviews and assessments, offer transparency about what candidates will experience.
  • Highlight unique aspects of your recruitment process : If your company has distinctive practices like employee referrals or virtual interviews, showcase them. These can be strong selling points.

Call to action

  • Encourage the audience to take action : Whether it's applying for the job or exploring your company further, make a clear call to action. Motivate your audience to take the next step.
  • Provide contact information : Make it easy for interested candidates to reach out. Share your contact details or provide a link to your company's website or application portal.

Now, you've got the skeleton of your recruitment presentation. But remember, the flesh and blood of your presentation lie in how you present this information. Use engaging visuals, storytelling, and compelling design to bring your message to life. Crafting an effective recruitment presentation is an art, and these steps are your brushstrokes to success.

Here is a guide on HR presentation .

Do’s and Don'ts on a Recruitment Presentation

Creating a stellar recruitment presentation isn't just about what to include; it's also about what to avoid. Let's dive into some essential do's and don'ts.

  • Use storytelling : Share real success stories of your team members to make your company come alive.
  • Keep it concise : Respect your audience's time by getting to the point.
  • Use visuals : A picture is worth a thousand words; use it to your advantage.
  • Highlight culture : Showcase your company's culture and values—what makes you unique.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation until it flows smoothly.


  • Overload with information : Avoid cramming too much data into one slide.
  • Neglect design : Poor design can distract from your message.
  • Rush : Speak slowly and clearly, ensuring everyone can follow along.
  • Ignore feedback : Seek input from colleagues to fine-tune your presentation.

Summarizing key takeaways

Before we wrap up, let's recap the key takeaways:

  • Recruitment presentations are vital for showcasing your company's culture and opportunities.
  • They make powerful first impressions and help you stand out in a competitive job market.
  • Structure your presentation with a strong introduction , company overview , job description , recruitment process , and a clear call to action .
  • Use storytelling, keep it concise, use visuals, and highlight your culture in your presentation.
  • Avoid overloading with information, neglecting design, rushing, and not seeking feedback.

1. What is a recruitment presentation, and why is it important?

A HR recruitment presentation is a dynamic visual pitch that showcases your company's culture, values, and opportunities. It's your chance to captivate your audience and make a strong first impression. This presentation is crucial in today's competitive job market as it sets you apart from the rest.

Here is guide on company culture presentation

2. How can I create an effective recruitment presentation?

Creating an effective recruitment presentation involves several steps. Begin with a compelling introduction that establishes a personal connection. Then, provide a detailed company overview that highlights your mission, values, and culture. Describe the job in a clear job description section and outline your recruitment process. Finally, end with a strong call to action to motivate potential candidates.

3. Are there any tools or templates to help with my recruitment presentation?

Yes, you can utilize tools and templates to streamline the process. Consider using PowerPoint ppt or Google Slides to create your presentation. You can find ppt PowerPoint presentation complete deck with slides and Google Slides templates designed for recruitment purposes. These templates can save you time and provide a professional look.

4. How can I improve the visual appeal of my recruitment presentation?

To enhance visual appeal, use engaging presentation graphics, incorporate infographics, and utilize editable PowerPoint templates for a polished look. Visual storytelling is key to making your presentation more compelling and memorable.

5. Can elements of the recruitment process be automated through a presentation?

Certainly, leveraging technology allows for the automation of certain aspects of the recruitment process. When crafting your presentation, seamlessly integrate information about automating recruitment processes, highlighting the incorporation of a recruitment CRM . Showcase how your company utilizes this technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the overall recruitment journey.

Create your recruitment presentation with prezent

Prezent offers:

  • Templates : Use professionally designed templates for a polished look.
  • Visual storytelling : Easily add visuals and engage with storytelling elements.
  • Customization : Tailor templates to match your company's identity.
  • Ease of use : User-friendly interface for all skill levels.
  • Collaboration : Share and gather feedback from colleagues.
  • Export options : Export in various formats for flexibility.

Prezent simplifies recruitment presentation creation, ensuring it's compelling and efficient. Explore the possibilities with Prezent, your one-stop solution for creating stunning presentations that leave a lasting impression. Whether you're a seasoned recruiter or just getting started, Prezent's templates and tools will help you shine.

So, go ahead, use the power of visuals, storytelling, and thoughtful design to create presentations that not only inform but also inspire action.

Ready to start crafting your own recruitment presentation masterpiece? Sign up for our free trial or book a demo !

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6 Recruitment Pitch Deck Examples Every HR Pro Should See

Learn how to create a winning recruitment pitch deck and get inspiration from proven recruitment pitch deck and proposal examples that attract top talent.

best recruiting presentations

Dominika Krukowska

8 minute read

Recruitment pitch deck examples

Short answer

What to include in a recruitment pitch deck?

  • Introduction
  • Company overview
  • Job overview
  • Full job description
  • Team overview
  • Company culture
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Clear call to action

Recruitment and sales are more alike than you might think

Have you ever watched a top salesperson in action? They can make you believe in a product’s magic and have you reaching for your wallet within minutes.

And while recruitment and sales might seem like they're from different planets, they're actually close neighbors. Both are about understanding the person on the other side, telling a captivating story, and convincing them you’re the perfect fit for their needs.

In today's competitive hiring landscape, the best talent isn't just looking for a job; they're looking for a vision, growth, and a culture they can resonate with.

Without a compelling recruitment pitch deck, you're essentially letting top-tier candidates slip right through your fingers, settling for less than the best.

In just a few minutes, you’ll learn how to write and design a compelling recruitment pitch deck that draws top talent into your company’s narrative. You’ll also get proven recruitment pitch deck and proposal examples to inspire your own.

Let’s dive in!

What makes a winning recruitment pitch deck?

A good recruitment pitch deck effectively communicates a company's values, culture, and vision. It provides essential job details and paints a compelling narrative that captivates and engages top talent, making them eager to be part of the team.

How to write a recruitment agency pitch deck

If you're in the recruitment game, you know just how crucial first impressions are. And guess what? The same rule applies when you're presenting your company or agency to potential clients or top talents.

Let's dive into how to write that perfect pitch deck that makes everyone sit up and take notice.

1) Strong hook

Your pitch deck's opening should grab attention immediately. Think of it as your elevator pitch ; within seconds, your audience should understand who you are, what you offer, and why they should care.

Here are some examples:

  • "Ready to be more than just a job title? Discover a role where you shape the future."
  • "Seeking people ready to redefine the industry. Is that you?"
  • "Tired of the usual 9-5? Let's shake things up together."

2) Multimedia

Visual elements are crucial in making your pitch deck memorable. By adding relevant images, videos, or infographics, you give candidates a richer understanding of your company's culture and vision.

It's not just about beautifying the deck, but about offering a view of what life at your company looks like. When candidates can visualize themselves in the scenarios you present, they're more likely to feel a connection.

Here's an example of a beautiful multimedia deck:

3) Scrollytelling (Narrated design)

Scrollytelling is a modern storytelling technique where the narrative unfolds as the viewer scrolls through. Instead of static slides, think of it as a dynamic journey where each scroll reveals more about the company, the role, and the opportunities.

It's interactive, engaging, and ensures that candidates remain hooked from start to finish, absorbing every piece of information you present.

Here's an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

4) Clear next steps

You've painted a picture; now guide candidates on their next move. Whether you're giving a prompt to fill out an application, a link to schedule a chat, or creating a QR code to a virtual office tour, make the next steps clear, compelling, and easy to follow.

Here's an example of a calendar slide:

Next step slide example

5) Mobile optimization

We live in a mobile-first world. Many candidates will likely view your pitch deck on-the-go. Ensure that your content, visuals, and layout look good and are accessible on every device, from desktops to smartphones.

6) Personalization

Make candidates feel like the star of the show. Highlight how the role aligns with their skills, aspirations, and potential growth opportunities.

It's about making them feel like the role was crafted just for them and creating a narrative where they can already see themselves thriving in it.

7) Data-driven content

Navigating the recruitment landscape without data is like sailing without a compass—you're left guessing which direction to take.

Every presentation created with Storydoc comes with a nifty analytics panel, giving you a clear view of how candidates interact with your pitch deck.

Did they linger on the slide describing job responsibilities? Or perhaps they paused to ponder over the compensation package? Maybe there's a particular slide where most candidates seem to drop off. These insights are golden!

By understanding where candidates are most engaged or where they might have reservations, you can fine-tune your deck for maximum impact.

Crafting a recruitment pitch deck is about more than just listing job details—it's your chance to tell a compelling story that resonates with potential candidates.

8 essential slides of recruitment pitch decks:

Introduction: Your first impression. Set the tone and give candidates a hint of what's to come.

Company overview: A snapshot of who you are. Highlight your company's mission, vision, and achievements.

Job overview: Present the basics at a glance. Quickly inform candidates about the role, where it's based, and what you're looking for.

Full job description: Detail the role's day-to-day, but also touch on the growth opportunities and the kind of challenges that will keep them engaged. It's about painting a clear picture of life in this role.

Team overview: Introduce the team the candidates will be working with and show how they fit into the bigger picture.

Company culture: From core values to the little rituals that make workdays special, give candidates a taste of the environment they'll be stepping into.

Compensation and benefits: Outline the salary, bonuses, and any additional benefits that come with the role such as medical plans, but also gym memberships, or discounts.

Clear call to action: Whether it's scheduling an interview, reaching out for more info, or inviting candidates to read their open enrolment emails , guide candidates on what to do next.

Here’s an example of a deck that follows this structure:

Highly-effective recruitment pitch deck examples

An effective recruitment pitch deck acts as the bridge between a potential candidate and your company's vision. The most impactful decks go beyond job specs; they tell a story that highlights a company’s ethos, growth path, and the team behind it all.

Let’s take a look at some recruitment pitch deck examples that have truly hit the mark and explore what makes them so successful.

Candidate deck

What makes this recruitment pitch deck great:

Video on the cover slide increases the likelihood of candidates reading your pitch deck in full.

Tabs to click through in the job description section further boost candidate engagement.

Multiple image and video placeholders let you give potential candidates a sneak peek of what they can expect if they decide to join the company.

Position acceptance plan

Rich library of icons that you can easily tweak according to your company’s branding, giving off a custom-made feel.

Logo placeholder that lets you add your company logo in just a few seconds using the intuitive logo finder feature.

Narrator slide can be used to guide candidates through the contract details and later adapted for onboarding purposes.

Open vacancy pitch

Average reading time on the cover sets expectations and reduces the bounce rate by almost a quarter - you don’t want that top talent to get away, after all!

The ability to embed multiple links lets you add a short test or a form for potential candidates to fill out to assess whether they’d be a good fit for your company.

Intuitive user-friendly editor makes deck creation and editing a breeze, which is crucial when you have multiple roles to fill at the same time.

Highly-effective recruitment proposal examples

A standout recruitment proposal isn't just about the job details—it's an invitation into the heart of your company. The best ones capture the essence of the team, growth opportunities, and the vibrant culture awaiting the candidate.

Let's explore some top-notch examples and see what makes them shine.

Job contract proposal

What makes this recruitment proposal great:

Narrator slide guides potential candidates through the job offer details, making them easy to follow and digest.

Calendar embedded into the deck makes it easier than ever for candidates to book another meeting with you.

The option to insert dynamic variables lets you add candidates’ names to the introduction, adding that personal touch to your deck.

Job offer proposal

AI assistant that can guide you through the entire creation process, from tweaking your copy to adding relevant visuals.

The option to add your brand book to use cohesive company branding throughout the recruitment process.

Mobile optimization ensures your recruitment deck looks flawless on any device.

Gamification in recruitment can transform a standard hiring process into an exciting journey for both recruiters and applicants.

Employment proposal letter

Narrator and timeline slides walk candidates through the job specs and offer details, instantly making them clear and easy to follow.

Library of stock images that you can use to instantly spice up your deck - or, you can ask the AI assistant to create some new ones for you.

The option to include multiple CTAs gives candidates the option to book another meeting with you, learn more about your company, or go on a virtual office tour.

How to design a recruitment pitch deck?

When it comes to recruitment pitch decks, design isn't just about aesthetics—it's about crafting an experience. A well-designed deck can be the difference between a candidate's fleeting glance and their undivided attention.

Let's dive into the elements that make a recruitment pitch deck not just look good, but feel right.

1) Design to stand out

Starting your pitch deck with a video can be a game-changer. Think of it as a window into your company's soul—a glimpse of the energy, culture, and passion that defines your workplace.

According to our research , presentations with a video on the cover also get 32% more people to interact with them, read them 37% longer, and make them 17% more likely to take the desired step at the end.

Personalizing your deck to resonate with the specific aspirations and motivations of your candidates can make them feel seen and valued. It's the difference between saying, "We have a position open” and "Here's a job we believe you're perfect for."

And finally, it’s time to step up from those old PPTs and PDFs. Web-based formats are the way to go. They're sleek, interactive, and look great on all devices. If you're curious, there are some cool comparisons on how Storydoc compares to PDFs and traditional slides .

2) Design for interactivity

Imagine giving your candidates a deck they can play around with—tabs to click, sliders to slide, and calculators to tinker with.

It's simple: when candidates interact, they connect. An engaging design ensures they dive deep into what you're offering; it can get 41% more people to scroll your deck all the way down to the bottom and read it 21% longer.

I mean, just look at these two decks. Which one would you rather read?

best recruiting presentations

3) Narrated design (scrollytelling)

Scrollytelling is about guiding your candidates through a structured narrative. As they scroll, they're taken on a journey—each section revealing more about your company, the role, and the opportunities that await.

It's a storytelling technique that's not only more memorable but also makes complex information easier to digest. And, being clear about all the aspects of your offering is more likely to sway their decision in your favor.

Here's an example of scrollytelling in action:

Recruitment pitch deck templates

Now that you know how to create a compelling recruitment pitch deck, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and put that knowledge into practice.

Interactive recruitment pitch deck templates are more than just pretty layouts. They’re packed with insights and transformed into ready-to-use formats, helping you tell a story that gets candidates excited about working with you.

best recruiting presentations

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

best recruiting presentations

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Try Storydoc interactive pitch deck creator for 14 days free (keep any presentation you make forever!)

  • The Complete Guide to Recruitment Presentation Design
  • Design Fundamentals for Effective Recruitment Presentations

Leveraging Design Principles for Engaging Recruitment Presentations

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

The basics of layout and composition.

The Basics of Layout and Composition

Introduction to Layout and Composition

The foundation of any compelling recruitment presentation begins with a solid grasp of layout and composition. This concept serves as the backbone of visual design, orchestrating the arrangement of text, images, and other elements in a harmonious balance that guides the viewer's eye across the slide. For recruitment companies aiming to captivate potential candidates, understanding these principles is crucial. It's about making that first impression count, ensuring that the message is not just seen but felt.

Deep Dive: The Significance of Structure

At its core, layout and page composition are about creating order and hierarchy. They dictate the flow of information, emphasizing the most critical points while maintaining aesthetic appeal. Historical precedents, from the Gutenberg Diagram to the Z-pattern layout, illustrate how spatial arrangement influences readability and engagement. In the context of a recruitment presentation, the right layout can mean the difference between a candidate feeling invited to learn more or overwhelmed by cluttered information.

Real-World Application: Recruitment Infographics

Consider the recruitment infographic: it transforms the hiring process into an engaging narrative. A well-composed slide layout breaks down complex data about company perks or the recruitment process, making it digestible at a glance. Google slides, with their flexibility and array of design options, serve as an excellent platform for experimenting with these principles. By strategically placing elements, designers can highlight the journey to becoming one of the best candidates or showcase what makes their company the top choice for top talent.

Validating with Evidence

Research and case studies underscore the effectiveness of thoughtful design. A study from the Nielsen Norman Group highlights how users pay more attention to information-carrying images that are relevant to the task at hand. When recruitment presentations incorporate infographics or icons that resonate with the potential employees' aspirations or values, they not only inform but also inspire. Websites like SlideShare offer numerous examples of how varied industries leverage these principles to attract the right candidates, providing a wealth of inspiration and benchmarking opportunities for recruitment companies.

Enhancing Readability with Typography

Enhancing Readability with Typography

Introduction to Typography in Presentations

Typography, the art and technique of arranging type, is pivotal in determining a presentation's readability and audience engagement. It's not merely about choosing fonts but understanding how typeface choices, size, color, and spacing can significantly impact the delivery of your message. For recruitment presentations, where conveying information about the recruitment process, company culture, and job roles clearly and effectively is key, mastering typography is essential. It ensures that your presentation not only captures but also holds the attention of your potential employees and top talent.

The Impact of Typeface Selection and Structure

Typography can evoke emotion, set a tone, and establish credibility. Historical perspectives on typography reveal its evolution from utilitarian communication to a form of visual expression. In the realm of recruitment presentations, the choice of typeface should align with the company's brand identity. Serif fonts might convey tradition and reliability, suitable for established companies, while sans-serif fonts project modernity and approachability, often favored by startups. The structure of your typography, including hierarchy and alignment, guides viewers through your presentation, emphasizing key points like the benefits of joining your team or the stories of best candidates who have thrived within the company.

Typography in Action: Case Studies and Trends

Real-world examples abound where typography has been the linchpin of successful recruitment campaigns. For instance, innovative recruitment infographics utilize typography not just to inform but to engage, turning dry statistics about the hiring process or social recruiting into compelling narratives. Recruitment company presentation PPTs often highlight their unique approach through typographic creativity, distinguishing themselves in a competitive market. The latest trends also show a move towards inclusivity, with typefaces designed for better readability by a wider range of people, reflecting a commitment to accessibility and diversity.

Research-Backed Benefits of Thoughtful Typography

Evidence from various studies, including those by the Software Usability Research Laboratory (SURL), highlights how typography affects comprehension and user experience. Presentations that skillfully employ typography can see a marked improvement in the audience's ability to recall information and feel engaged. For recruitment presentations, this means that well-chosen fonts and thoughtful typographic design can significantly boost your company's appeal to the best candidates around. Resources like Google Slides offer a plethora of fonts and layout options, enabling recruiters to experiment and find the perfect typographic expression for their message.

Using Color to Evoke Emotions and Actions

Using Color to Evoke Emotions and Actions

The Emotional Power of Color in Design

Color is a potent tool in the arsenal of visual communication, wielding the power to evoke emotions, influence decisions, and even drive actions. In the context of recruitment presentations, the strategic use of color can turn a standard presentation into an unforgettable experience. It goes beyond aesthetics, tapping into the subconscious to make the audience feel inspired, excited, or calm. Understanding color theory and psychology is key to harnessing this power, ensuring that the colors chosen align with the message you wish to convey about your company and the opportunities it offers.

Understanding Color Theory

The principles of color theory provide a foundation for making informed decisions about color schemes in recruitment presentations. This involves the study of color wheel relationships, including complementary, analogous, and triadic schemes, and how these can be used to achieve harmony and contrast. Historical insights into color perception show how different cultures interpret colors, adding a layer of complexity when targeting a diverse talent pool. For example, green can symbolize growth and vitality, making it an excellent choice for companies looking to attract candidates who value personal and professional development.

Real-World Examples: Color in Recruitment

Successful recruitment campaigns often leverage color psychology to stand out. For instance, a recruitment infographic might use a vibrant orange to call to action, encouraging potential candidates to apply, while a soothing blue background in a recruitment company presentation ppt can create a sense of trust and reliability. Google Slides templates designed for recruitment presentations frequently feature color palettes optimized for engagement and emotional impact, showcasing how color can be used to highlight key information like company perks, tips on the recruitment process, or testimonials from the best talent.

The Science of Color and Its Impact

Research underscores the significant impact color has on engagement and retention. Studies have found that color can increase readers' attention spans and recall by up to 82%, a critical factor when presenting complex information about job roles or the recruitment process. This is further validated by recruitment presentation templates that use color strategically to draw the eye to important details, making them more memorable. Companies that employ these strategies not only showcase and represent their brand's personality but also demonstrate an understanding of how to effectively communicate with their target audience.

The Importance of Imagery and Icons

The Importance of Imagery and Icons

Visual Storytelling in Recruitment

Imagery and icons play a crucial role in enhancing the appeal and clarity of recruitment presentations. Beyond mere decoration, these visual elements tell a story, conveying messages quickly and effectively to potential candidates. They can illustrate the company culture, highlight the diversity of the workforce, or symbolize the benefits and opportunities available. In the fast-paced world of recruitment, where capturing and retaining the attention of top talent is essential, imagery and icons serve as powerful tools to make complex information accessible and engaging.

The Role of Visuals in Communication

Visuals have always been at the heart of communication, breaking down barriers and transcending language. The use of imagery in recruitment presentations can evoke emotions, set a tone, and create a lasting impression. Icons, with their ability to condense information into simple, recognizable symbols, guide viewers through the presentation, highlighting key points such as the stages of the recruitment process or the core values of the company. When used thoughtfully, these elements can transform a standard presentation into a compelling narrative about the company and its mission.

Leveraging Imagery and Icons: Case Studies

Several recruitment companies have set themselves apart by innovatively using imagery and icons in their presentations. For example, a recruitment infographic that uses dynamic icons to depict the hiring process can make the information more relatable and memorable. Similarly, photographs that showcase real employees and work environments help to humanize the company, making it more attractive to potential employees. Google Slides and other presentation platforms offer a wide range of options for incorporating these visual elements, enabling companies to create custom presentations that resonate with their target audience.

Supporting Research and Trends

The effectiveness of imagery and icons in communication is well-documented. According to the Picture Superiority Effect, people remember information better when it's presented visually rather than as text alone. This principle is particularly relevant in recruitment, where companies must convey a lot of information succinctly. Studies have shown that presentations incorporating relevant images and icons can significantly enhance audience engagement and retention. Additionally, the trend towards more visual and interactive content in recruitment reflects a broader shift in how companies connect with potential candidates, emphasizing the importance of visual literacy in today's job market.

Simplifying Complex Information with Infographics

Simplifying Complex Information with Infographics

Unlocking the Power of Infographics in Recruitment

Infographics have revolutionized the way we present and interpret complex data, transforming dense statistics, metrics and processes into visually appealing, easily digestible content. In the context of recruitment, infographics serve as an invaluable tool for communicating the intricacies of the hiring process, company structure, and the benefits of joining the organization. They not only simplify information but also make it more engaging, helping to capture the interest of potential candidates and convey the company's values and culture in a memorable way.

The Essence of Effective Infographics

Effective infographics distill complex information into clear, concise visual representations, utilizing a combination of icons, charts, and minimal text. The key to their effectiveness lies in their ability to tell a story, guiding the viewer through a narrative that makes the data relatable and the message stick. This storytelling approach is especially beneficial in the recruitment process, where conveying the company's ethos, the recruitment process, and the job roles' nuances can be challenging. By breaking down these components into visually stimulating elements, infographics facilitate a deeper understanding and connection.

Infographics in Action: Enhancing Recruitment Strategies

The strategic use of infographics in recruitment presentations has led to innovative approaches to attracting top talent. For instance, a recruitment infographic can map out the journey from application to hire, highlighting key milestones such as interviews, assessments, and onboarding. This not only helps candidates understand what to expect but also demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency and support. Similarly, infographics showcasing company perks, team structures, or career progression paths can significantly influence a candidate's decision to apply, providing a clear, attractive overview of what the company offers.

Evidence of Impact and Trends

Research supports the effectiveness of visual aids like infographics in enhancing comprehension and retention. According to the Wharton School of Business, presentations using visual aids were found to be 67% more effective in persuading audiences than those without. In recruitment, where the goal is to persuade top talent to join your organization, this is particularly pertinent. The growing trend towards more visual and interactive features in recruitment materials reflects a broader recognition of the need to communicate complex information in an accessible and engaging manner.

The Role of White Space in Design

The Role of White Space in Design

Embracing the Silence: White Space in Visual Communication

White space, often referred to as negative space, plays a pivotal role in design, particularly in the realms of recruitment presentations. Far from being mere emptiness, white space is a powerful design element that organizes content, enhances readability, and directs viewers' attention to the most crucial elements of the presentation. In the context of recruitment, where the goal is to communicate effectively with potential candidates, the strategic use of white space can make the difference between a cluttered, overwhelming presentation and one that is clear, engaging, and persuasive.

The Science Behind White Space

The principle of white space hinges on the cognitive benefits of simplicity and focus. By surrounding text, images, and icons with ample space, designers can reduce cognitive load, making information easier to process and remember. This is crucial in recruitment presentations, where conveying the essence of the company, the recruitment process, and the available positions clearly and succinctly is vital. White space also contributes to the overall aesthetic of the presentation, promoting a sense of elegance and professionalism that reflects positively on the company’s brand.

White Space at Work: Case Studies in Recruitment

Several leading companies have leveraged white space effectively in their recruitment materials. For example, a recruitment presentation template that uses white space to separate sections on company culture, job descriptions, and application processes helps ensure that each part is given its due attention. This approach not only makes the presentation more visually appealing but also aids in information retention, a key factor when candidates are likely considering multiple opportunities and companies.

Supporting Research and Best Practices

Research underscores the importance of white space in design, with studies indicating that layouts incorporating white space are perceived as more trustworthy and appealing. In a field where first impressions are crucial, such as recruitment, the ability to convey trust and quality through design is invaluable. Best practices suggest that white space should not be an afterthought but a fundamental consideration from the outset of the design process, ensuring that the presentation communicates both visually and textually.

Achieving Consistency Across All Recruitment Materials

Achieving Consistency Across All Recruitment Materials

The Cornerstone of Brand Identity: Consistency in Design

Consistency in the design of recruitment materials is not just about repetition or uniformity; it’s about creating a cohesive brand identity that resonates across all platforms and mediums. This cohesiveness ensures that whether a potential candidate encounters a recruitment presentation, infographic, or job advertisement, they receive a unified message about the company’s culture, values, and the opportunities available. Achieving this level of consistency is crucial for building trust and recognition on social recruiting,, making it easier for candidates to identify and connect with your brand.

Foundations of Consistent Design

The journey towards consistent design begins with the establishment of brand guidelines, which include specific color palettes, typography, imagery styles, and the use of logos and icons. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for creating recruitment materials that reflect the company's identity accurately and uniformly. For recruitment presentations, this means applying the same design principles, whether it’s for a slide deck about the company’s hiring process or an infographic highlighting the benefits of joining the team. This uniformity not only strengthens the brand’s visual identity but also enhances the clarity and effectiveness of its communications.

Real-World Impact: Brand Recognition and Trust

Companies that excel in maintaining consistency across their recruitment materials reap significant benefits in terms of brand recognition and trust. For instance, a recruitment company presentation ppt that mirrors the style and tone of its recruitment infographics and templates reinforces the company's image and message, making a lasting impression on potential candidates. This consistency across various touchpoints helps build a strong, recognizable brand that candidates are more likely to trust and engage with.

Empirical Evidence and Industry Standards

Research highlights the importance of consistency in branding, with studies showing that consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. In the realm of recruitment, this consistency translates into a more compelling employer brand, attracting higher-quality candidates and enhancing the company’s reputation in the job market. Industry standards further underscore the value of consistency, with successful companies often cited as benchmarks for how to effectively integrate design principles across all materials to create a seamless and impactful recruit and candidate experience.

Accessibility Considerations in Design

Accessibility Considerations in Design

Prioritizing Inclusivity Through Design

In the realm of recruitment presentations and materials, incorporating accessibility considerations is not just about compliance; it's a demonstration of a company's commitment to inclusivity and equality. Designing for accessibility ensures that all potential candidates, regardless of their abilities, can access, understand, and engage with your content. This approach not only broadens your talent pool but also reinforces your company's values, showcasing a culture that values diversity and inclusion.

Key Elements of Accessible Design

Accessible design in recruitment materials involves several critical elements, from color contrast and typography to the use of alt text for images and ensuring compatibility with screen readers. The goal is to create presentations and infographics that are easily navigable and understandable for everyone, including those with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive disabilities. For example, ensuring that text is legible against its background and using clear, simple language can significantly improve comprehension and accessibility. Additionally, incorporating captions or transcripts for video content is essential for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Impactful Accessibility Practices in Recruitment

Implementing accessible design practices in recruitment materials can have a profound impact. It not only enhances the candidate experience for individuals with disabilities but also reflects positively on the company's brand, signaling an environment that is welcoming and accommodating to all. Companies that prioritize accessibility in their recruitment presentations, from Google Slides to downloadable PDFs, often see a wider and more diverse range of applicants, enriching their talent pool with individuals who bring varied perspectives and experiences.

Validating the Importance of Accessibility

Research underscores the significance of accessibility in design, with studies indicating that accessible websites and materials can increase the user base by up to 20%. In the context of recruitment, accessible design not only complies with legal standards but also aligns with ethical business practices, contributing to a positive company image and competitive advantage. Moreover, feedback from candidates and employees who benefit from accessible design can provide invaluable insights, helping companies to continually improve their materials, services and approach to inclusivity.

Feedback Loops: Testing and Iterating Designs

Feedback Loops: Testing and Iterating Designs

Embracing Continuous Improvement in Design

The creation of engaging recruitment materials is not a one-time task but an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Implementing feedback loops into the design process allows companies to gather insights and reactions from their target audience, ensuring that their presentations not only look appealing but also effectively communicate the intended message. This approach, rooted in the principles of design thinking, fosters a culture of innovation and responsiveness, crucial for staying relevant in the competitive landscape of talent acquisition.

The Mechanism of Feedback Loops

Feedback loops involve collecting data and responses on the usability, accessibility, and impact of recruitment materials from potential candidates, hiring managers, and other stakeholders. This can be achieved through surveys, focus groups, usability tests, and analytics tools that measure engagement levels with online materials. The insights gained are then used to make iterative changes, enhancing the clarity, effectiveness, and appeal of presentations, infographics, and other recruitment aids. By continually refining these materials based on real-world feedback, companies can create more targeted and resonant recruitment campaigns.

Real-Life Applications and Success Stories

Numerous companies have successfully integrated feedback loops into their design processes, leading to significant improvements in their recruitment materials. For example, a recruitment company may find that certain colors or layouts in their presentation ppt are not resonating with the intended audience. By adjusting these elements based on candidate feedback, they can increase engagement and application rates. Similarly, iterative testing might reveal that incorporating more inclusive imagery or clearer calls-to-action in recruitment infographics can enhance the overall effectiveness of the materials.

Evidence of Efficacy

Research in the field of marketing and communication consistently highlights the value of feedback loops. Studies show that materials designed with user feedback are significantly more effective in achieving their communication goals. In recruitment, where the aim is to attract and engage the best talent, the ability to adapt and refine materials based on direct feedback is invaluable. Moreover, this iterative process aligns with modern expectations of brand interaction, where companies are seen as responsive and adaptable to their audience's needs.

The Power of Storytelling Through Design

The Power of Storytelling Through Design

Unleashing Emotion and Connection

Storytelling through design transcends the mere presentation of facts, graphs and figures; it evokes emotion, builds connections, and humanizes the recruitment process. In the competitive arena of attracting top talent, leveraging the power of storytelling in recruitment presentations can set a company apart, transforming passive viewers into engaged candidates. It's about crafting a narrative that resonates with the audience's aspirations, challenges, and values, making the opportunity not just seen but felt.

Principles of Storytelling in Design

Effective storytelling in design integrates visual elements with narrative flow, guiding the audience through a journey that aligns with their own career aspirations and personal growth. This involves the strategic use of imagery, color, typography, and layout to create a cohesive and compelling narrative. For instance, using consistent themes, graphics and motifs throughout the recruitment presentation can reinforce the company's culture and values, while personalized stories of current employees' growth and success within the company can illustrate potential career paths and opportunities.

Transformative Examples in Recruitment

Innovative companies have harnessed storytelling to significantly enhance their recruitment strategies. A recruitment infographic might chart the company’s evolution, emphasizing its growth and the opportunities it presents. Recruitment presentations that share testimonials or success stories of current employees can vividly depict the potential for career development and the supportive community within the organization. These narratives not only inform but also inspire, painting a vivid picture of what it means to be part of the team.

Validating Storytelling's Impact

Research in psychology and marketing underscores the power of storytelling to engage and persuade. Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone, according to Jerome Bruner, a renowned psychologist. In recruitment, where differentiation and emotional connection right candidates are key, the strategic use of storytelling can attract more engaged and committed candidates. Further, stories that highlight diversity, inclusion, and growth opportunities can appeal to a wider range of potential employees, aligning with broader organizational goals of diversity and innovation.

FAQs on Leveraging Design Principles for Engaging Recruitment Presentations

How do you write a recruitment presentation.

To craft and present a compelling recruitment presentation, start by defining your objectives and understanding your audience. Incorporate design principles such as layout, typography, and color to ensure clarity and engagement. Use storytelling to connect on an emotional level, presenting the company culture and opportunities through narratives that resonate with potential candidates. Finally, include clear calls to action, guiding viewers on the next steps.

What is the best template for a presentation?

The best template for a presentation is one that aligns with your company's brand identity and the message you wish to convey. It should offer flexibility in design elements such as color schemes, fonts, and layout options, allowing for customization to suit your content. Look for templates that are professional, easy to navigate, and include a variety of slide types to accommodate different types of information.

What makes a good presentation template?

A good presentation template features a clean, accessible design that enhances readability and viewer engagement. It should be consistent in style, with a coherent color scheme and typography, and offer various slide layouts to suit different content types. Additionally, a good template is adaptable, enabling customization to fit your site with specific branding and messaging needs.

How do you write a presentation template?

Writing a presentation template involves creating a structure that can be adapted for various purposes. Start with a basic outline that includes an introduction, key content sections, and a conclusion. Incorporate placeholders for essential elements such as headings, text blocks, images, and charts. Ensure the template guides users on how to use color, fonts, and spacing for consistency and impact.

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Top 10 Recruitment Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Recruitment Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

Samradni Pradhan


Running a successful business is impossible without hiring the right people at the right time for the right position. It is crucial to ensure that your company has effective recruitment strategies to attract and hire top talent. Having a strategic recruitment plan in place will help HR professionals identify the challenges in the recruitment process and develop solutions for them. 

If you are responsible for hiring the best talent for your organization, you must be struggling to create and implement a recruitment strategy that works. You might be searching for helpful resources that can help you build a dedicated recruitment team to build a smarter workforce for your organization.

Well, your search for assistance ends here. SlideTeam presents a helpful resource in the form of Recruitment Strategy Templates to assist you in streamlining your recruitment process and attracting maximum talent.

Recruitment Strategy Templates

This blog will cover the top 10 Recruitment Strategy Templates with samples and examples to help you make a lasting impression. All these PowerPoint Templates are customizable, content-ready, and easy to save and share in any file format.

Let’s explore these templates!

Template 1: Recruitment Training Strategies and Methods PowerPoint Presentation

If you want to create and communicate recruitment training strategies in a comprehensive way, this PPT Template is an ideal pick. This educational resource will guide recruiters in an engaging way and improve their skills and capabilities. It will assist in understanding the requirement process and writing compelling job descriptions . This PPT deck describes the current situation of the company's selection process and suggests improvisations necessary for further enhancement. This amazing template provides information on the employee skills, hiring budget, selection strategies and methods, employee screening, shortlisting, and reviewing of offer of employment talent search analysis as well.

Overview of Recruitment Training Strategies and Methods

Download Now!

Template 2: Recruitment Strategy PowerPoint Presentation

Your recruitment strategy needs to be robust; it should consider your current requirements and forecast your company’s future needs. An elaborated recruitment strategy forms the crux of a strong hiring process and ensures that the company is on the right track for future developments. With this amazing template, you can implement your recruitment tools strategy correctly. This professional-looking PPT Deck can create a lasting impression in front of your audiences and steal the limelight. Explore these templates today!

Recruitment strategy Presentation

Template 3: Recruitment Strategy PPT Template

Here is another amazing Recruitment Strategy Presentation Template that covers all the relevant information about your recruitment strategy and emphasis each parameter. The set comprises 24 slides, so you have ample permutations and combinations to correctly present the data in front of your audiences. The color combination used for these slides is also bright and professional. Download this template today!

Recruitment Strategy

Template 4: Social Recruitment Strategy PowerPoint Template

To achieve success, a company must also focus on social media recruitment strategy. Platforms like LinkedIn provide a seamless talent acquisition strategy. Thus, download these templates to create a Social Recruitment Strategy Powerpoint by being active and building lasting relationships with users. You can set your hiring objectives, choose the platforms where people engage, define the audience, measure, provide training, and more. Explore this template now!

Social Recruitment Strategy

Template 5: Recruitment Technology Solutions Strategies 

A company must have the right technology to hire the right talent. If your hiring process is not automated, you might either lose out on the best talent or your efforts go down the drain. Our Recruitment Technology Solutions Templates provide detailed information on attracting top talent. It will make your presentation look professional and organized by presenting data such as the productivity of hiring managers, improving communication, and saving time by automating the process. It will also guide you in creating a data structure for technology recruitment solutions. Choose this presentation to deliver a powerful presentation today.

Recruitment Technology Solutions

Template 6: Steps To Develop Internal Recruitment Strategy

Here’s an effective Internal Recruitment Strategy Template to help you develop your internal recruitment strategy steps. It includes six steps: Identify requirements, allocate responsibilities, set timelines, share and distribute information, track process, screen, and select employees. This slide also includes the tasks and activities related to each step. You can add or remove tasks as per your recruitment needs. Make this information easy to read and create a convincing presentation with this template!

Steps to Develop Effective Internal Recruitment Strategy

Template 7: HR SWOT Analysis for Recruitment Strategy

With the help of this recruitment strategy slide, you can highlight your organization's strengths, such as employee benefits, quick decision-making, and adaptability to changes. Additionally, you can also use it to identify threats and weaknesses such as loyalty issues, high workload, or lack of expertise in certain areas. These slides are organized and edited in a way that works for you and hiring managers by analyzing the hiring process. Download this template to simplify your recruitment process today.

HR SWOT Analysis for Better Recruitment Strategy

Template 8: Recruitment strategy to Attract the Best Talent

This PPT Slide mentions eight recruitment strategies to attract the best talent, such as adding perks, social media recruiting, employee referrals, and so on. If you want to indulge in campus hiring or recruitment through social media and ensure hiring in a short time, these slides are meant precisely for that. The template uses a flowchart graphic that clearly outlines the core areas of recruitment. Download this template today!

8 Recruitment Strategy to Attract Best Talent

Template 9: Employee Recruitment Strategy to Improve Hiring Process

The employee recruitment strategy process comprises multiple steps, and getting each of those steps right is important. In this template, these steps are highlighted correctly, where each parameter is given importance. These steps can be altered and edited as per your specific business requirement. With the right colors and graphics, this template will impress your audience the right way. Add this template to your cart immediately!

Employee Recruitment Strategy to Improve Hiring Process

Template 10: Social Recruitment Strategy with Candidate Engagement

It is important to have the right social media strategy for recruitment. This slide guides you on social recruitment strategies that will help you engage the candidates. With this document, you can ensure that your company maintains an online reputation, uses the right hashtags, ask employees to advocate on social media, and use the right recruitment tools to interact with the candidates. Edit icons, color, and switch to any format that suits your business with this template. Explore now!

Social Recruitment Strategy with Candidate Engagement


The right recruitment strategy forms the crux of business advancements. Your business cannot reach new heights without hiring and onboarding the right talent. Besides this, preparing a well-informed and dedicated team is also crucial. Download these premium PPT Slides through our monthly, semi-annual, annual, annual + custom design subscriptions  here .

Get started with your easy recruitment process today and become the employer of choice for job seekers.

PS: If you want to create your organization's image as “the best workplace,” explore this handy guide on Employer Branding .

FAQs on Recruitment Strategy

What is a recruitment strategy.

A recruiting strategy is a set of actions you can take to successfully find, attract, and hire the finest people for your vacant positions. These are the fundamental building blocks that might assist you in finding the candidates you need to hire. They range from simple measures, like posting jobs on job boards, to more sophisticated ones, like working with a conventional recruiting agency or developing an employee recommendation program. At every stage of the hiring procedure, recruiting methods can be used.

What is an HR requirement strategy?

The essential concept of a recruiting strategy is the plan that details the position you are hiring for, the amount of time you have, the tools you'll employ, and the qualifications for qualified applicants. The "one size fits all" philosophy is ineffective when it comes to recruitment tactics. The best recruitment approach will vary from case to case depending on your company's objectives, the available time, and other variables. 

What are the six elements of recruitment strategy? 

The first stage in hiring is determining a talent gap, which may result from a need to fill a vacant position, an increase in workload, or a desire for a new project. Make sure your organization stands out as a potential employer in a market with more applicants than open positions. As soon as you receive CVs, let individuals know that you have them and will respond to them within a particular time. Employers find it challenging to commit to employing a new employee since the penalties for making the wrong choice might be high.

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Presentation Guru

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How great presentations can help to recruit top talent.

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In 2018, the U.S. Labor Department reported an impressive 6.6 million job openings. Given these figures, it’s not surprising at all that the talent shortage is one of the major problems employers face in 2019, and that the hiring process is even more challenging for small and mid-sized businesses.

Stats back me up on that. Over 70% of companies are having a difficult time attracting and recruiting top talent, while 45% of them are worried about finding the candidate with the skills they require.

To stay competitive, recruiters need to adapt to the needs of the growing market. This means providing competitive employee benefits, such as higher starting salaries, flexible work time and remote job opportunities, extra paid time off, large employee discounts, and career growth opportunities.

Employers also need to adopt new recruitment technologies, such as creating highly informative websites, using social networks (especially LinkedIn) in recruiting or investing in recruiting software to cast their net wider and make sure they’ve attracted the right candidates.

Another important tactic recruiters should use is giving presentations at different industry-specific events, such as job fairs or conferences. In this hyper-connected era, where most of talent prospecting and recruiting is done online, in-person communication with prospective candidates may differentiate you from the rest. Informative and engaging presentations are an amazing way to emphasize your competitive advantages, network with the top talent in your niche, and get them to consider you as their next potential career growth opportunity.

What are the presentation skills recruiters need and how can they use them to attract top-notch candidates?

What are Presentation Skills and Why Do They Matter in the Recruitment Process?

Just like their mere name says, presentation skills are the tactics you use to deliver highly interactive, convincing, and engaging presentations to your target audience. Logically, this term includes every aspect of your presentation, from the way the presentation is structured and the facts you use, to the design of your slides to your language, tone of voice, and gestures.

Now, there are different types of presentations :

  • Informative – short and to the point. Their goal is to educate the audience about a certain topic and describe facts.
  • Instructional – used to provide straightforward instructions.
  • Arousing – presentations that spark a listener’s interest in something and make them consider a certain topic. They rely on triggering a certain emotion in audiences.
  • Persuasive – convince a listener into something and get them to agree with the proposal.
  • Decision-making – designed specifically to inspire a listener to act on a proposal.

These are some general rules can be applied to recruitment presentations, too. Namely, the presentation you create as a recruiter needs to include all the elements mentioned above.

It needs to inform a candidate about your organization, its employees, corporate values and missions – anything that gives you a notable competitive advantage. Most importantly, it needs to emphasize what kind of employees your company needs and tell candidates what skills and traits are expected of them.

It needs to be arousing and persuasive , highlighting your prospective candidates’ major pain points and telling them how you can help them overcome them. Whether it’s competitive salaries, employee recognition programs, or career advancement opportunities, you need to grab a listener’s attention, connect with them on a personal level, and get them to agree with you.

Your presentation needs to be decision-making , as well, as it needs to convince the candidate that you’re the right choice for them and get them to apply for a job.

Finally, it needs to be instructional , providing all the information and steps a candidate needs to take to land the job.

Steps towards a Presentation that Builds Trust with Candidates

Now that you know what elements your presentation should include, you need to inject them into its structure. Here are a few key steps to presenting your company at industry-related events:

1. Highlight the pain points early on

Think about your customers for a moment. Would they buy your products if your marketing campaigns were irrelevant to them? Of course not. The same goes for your prospective candidates.

So, before starting your presentation, you need to learn more about your target candidates. Who are they? What do they expect from your company? What are the most common problems they face? Focus on this data when crafting your presentation. Instead of providing some generic benefits of your organization, you could focus on addressing the issues they’re struggling with. Before applying for a job, a candidate will want to know how exactly they can benefit from it.

You should also use candidates’ questions to guide you. For example, if a prospective employee asks you about employee benefits, this is a great opportunity to talk to them about their starting salary, insurance benefits, or paid days off.

2. Be enthusiastic

Let’s get back to your customers. What kind of products or brands do they choose to buy? The ones that evoke feelings of happiness, trustworthiness, nostalgia, etc. The same principle applies to your target candidates.

Therefore, to attract and hire them, you first need to present your company in the best light possible. If you don’t believe in your organization, no one will. Smile, leverage positive visualization, and be entertaining. These are the tactics that will position your company as a positive and welcoming place and help to set you apart from your competitors.

3. Make the presentation interactive

Creating a long presentation, where you would be the only one talking, is never a good idea. Your recruiting presentation is an opportunity for you to engage with listeners through conversation.

So, give them the opportunity to ask questions and voice their opinions. To increase their engagement, ask questions like “How does that sound?” or “Is there anything I left out that may be important in your decision-making process?”

4. Prepare for criticism

The goal of any powerful presentation is to trigger a certain emotional response in a listener, either positive or negative. Sure, it’s not uncommon that a listener does not agree with your proposals.

Your goal is to be prepared for that. For starters, ask yourself what the most common objections that may arise are. Can the information you collected about the candidate help you prepare for criticism?

Handle any objections professionally. Try to walk in your audience’s shoes and understand their problems. Similar to handling customers’ complaints, use your candidates’ criticism to build stronger relationships with them and help them solve specific problems.

Ask a Candidate to Do a Mock Presentation

Giving a powerful presentation in front of your potential candidates benefits you on multiple levels. This is a great opportunity to get them to learn about your company and to gain their trust in an engaging and interactive way.

However, did you know that you can also use presentations during the interview process? Now that you’ve used a presentation to introduce your company to a candidate, it’s the candidate’s turn to introduce themselves in the same manner. For example, ask them to do a mock presentation to present both their knowledge and soft skills.

Employers are starting to understand the importance of soft skills. In Australia, for example, 91% of recruiters emphasize that these skills are central to the future of recruiting. Candidates looking for jobs in Sydney , for example, can see that the majority of job posting ads emphasize that they’re looking for candidates that are ready for new opportunities and that are willing to work in a dynamic environment.

Unfortunately, candidates’ soft skills are notoriously difficult to assess . A candidate’s mock presentation can help you here. Their presentation reveal a lot about a candidate as it is basically the reflection of their key soft skills, such as their communication, vocabulary and public speaking skills, and stress management, working under pressure, etc. By asking them to do a brief presentation they didn’t prepare for, a recruiter will also be able to assess a candidate’s flexibility, creativity, and preparedness to cope with unexpected problems and situations .

You can determine whether the candidate is the right fit for your organization because, remember, a candidate’s knowledge, experience, and technical skills mean nothing if a candidate doesn’t share your company’s core values and missions.

Over to You

Finding the right candidate for your job position in the overcrowded business landscape is difficult. Your goal is to position yourself as a credible corporate brand and build trust with your potential candidates. And, this is exactly where presentations can help. They are attention-grabbing, persuasive, and engaging, helping you to get noticed by top talent and to connect with them on a personal level. Most importantly, they can help you make wiser hiring decisions.

Do you use presentations to recruit top talent? Would you?

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

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Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

best recruiting presentations

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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Best Recruiting Presentations And Google Slides Template

Best Recruiting Presentations And Google Slides Template

The Best Recruiting PowerPoint and Google Slides

Features of the template.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • It is simple, neat, and well-organized.
  • Easy to follow with a clear layout.
  • Recruitment
  • Linear Parallel
  • Recruitment Selection Process
  • Recruitment Process
  • Recruitment Methods
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best recruiting presentations

As the other saying goes, “First impressions last, ” and the best way to make a memorable mark on the talent you’re recruiting is to send them a top-notch presentation. T his is the perfect opportunity to highlight your team’s strengths, the technology tools you use, and the potential growth opportunities for the agent. Remember to show yourself and your team in the best possible light. 

You can package and present your information through an enticing and effective Highnote recruiting presentation .

Real Estate Agent Recruiting Presentation Tips

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First, let’s take a look at a few real estate agent recruiting presentation tips:

Identifying the Ideal Candidate Profile

Who is your ideal candidate? It’s about more than just how much sales they can generate. While this is also important, what matters more is if there is a good fit between the agent you’re recruiting and your team. What do you need? Are you looking for an agent with a specific set of skills you feel your team is lacking? For example, if your team excels at acquiring young professional clients but lacks expertise in attracting families, seek out an agent who is an expert at working with families. 

Here’s another example – you’ve mastered selling houses at a specific price range, but you want to try selling higher-priced properties. You’ll want to look for someone with extensive experience with luxury real estate listings. 

While the basic skill sets of an ideal candidate are often the same – consistent, reliable, and talented with potential – your team’s specific needs may differ from those of another real estate brokerage. Identifying your ideal candidate is the first step in real estate agent recruiting.

Tailoring Your Presentation to Resonate With Potential Agents

When you’ve created your ideal candidate profile, it’s time to create your real estate recruitment presentation. Like working with different clients, each real estate agent is unique and is looking for different things in a team. What appeals to one may not appeal to another agent. So, tailor each presentation you send out to resonate with other agents.

There’s no need to create a Highnote presentation from scratch every time you want to send it to a potential candidate. Start with general information any agent will want to know, such as your team’s goals and vision. Each agent must know these before they even consider joining your team. Make these key features crystal clear so there are no questions or misconceptions. 

After including general information, you can tailor each candidate’s presentation. If you know specific details you think each agent will relate to, include them. For example, maybe you heard that one of your candidates is a new mom, so you can show how working with you will give her the time she needs to care for her baby when needed.

Utilizing Visually Appealing and Professional Design Elements

As with any presentation, you should use visually appealing and professional design elements. These details capture your audience’s attention and make your presentation more credible. Remember, you are recruiting top-tier talent, so your recruitment presentation should be top-tier as well. Ensure your presentation flows smoothly and all your visual elements go well together. Highnote has a number of assets you can use to ensure your presentation is visually appealing. 

Crafting a Powerful Opening to Capture Attention

Start with a powerful opening to deliver maximum impact. Capture your reader’s attention with a strong opening to ensure they read the rest of your presentation. A good way to start a presentation is to present your team’s mission and vision. Tell them what you want to achieve and how you plan on getting there. A powerful opening attracts their attention and gives them an idea of what you’re all about off the bat. 

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques to Create a Personal Connection

Unleash the power of storytelling. Telling a story is a great way to create a personal connection between you and the person you’re recruiting. They want to feel that they can relate to you. One great way of doing this is to share success stories of other real estate agents who’ve found success with your team. These types of stories show potential recruits that they also have their own success story waiting for them.

Presenting Market Statistics and Trends to Demonstrate Growth Opportunities

Talking numbers can get a bit boring, but not when you’re talking about potential earnings and benefits. Everyone wants to hear about how much they can possibly make!  Include market statistics and trends to show why working with you is an excellent idea. If you work primarily in a high-demand market, show them market statistics that demonstrate how you’ll always have interested buyers and sellers. More importantly, break down commission structures to show them how much they can potentially earn.

Providing Data on the Brokerage’s Track Record and Performance

There’s nothing as effective as presenting your team’s track record to convince someone to join your organization. Include graphs illustrating the agency’s growth and charts that show the team’s collective earnings – these little visual treats can be both informative and eye-catching. Of course, you should also include different anecdotes and samples of your team’s past sales and clients.

Utilizing Metrics to Showcase Agent Success and Support Provided

Similar to providing data that shows the brokerage’s track record and performance, use metrics to showcase how well your agents are doing. For example, you can show how much your agent’s sales have increased since joining your team. Regarding perks like professional development opportunities, make sure to talk about them loud and clear. Provide metrics and numbers that show how well your other agents are doing, thanks to the team’s support.

Illustrating the Brokerage’s Positive Work Environment

Again, it’s crucial that there is a good fit with the real estate agent you’re recruiting and your team. Show them examples of why your brokerage is a great place to work. Do you have flexible hours, regular team lunches, or a mentoring system? Illustrate your team’s positive work environment so they can imagine themselves thriving in your workplace. 

Featuring Testimonials From Current Agents About the Company's Culture

Another essential part to include in your recruiting presentation is a section featuring testimonials from current agents about the company’s work culture. Reviews and testimonials are an excellent way to show potential recruits what your current agent thinks about your team and culture. Ask some current agents to talk about their experiences working with your team.

Closing the Deal

Lastly, end your recruiting presentation just as strong as you started. The end should wrap everything up, including a clear and compelling call to action. Effective recruiting presentations also end with offering incentives for immediate action. For example, if they join your team today, they get an additional cash bonus or extra days off. These incentives can encourage an agent to sign up with you immediately. 

Ensure you provide all your contact details and the next steps for interested agents who want to join your team. Some may need a few days to consider your offer, so you should ensure they have your contact details handy when they’ve made their decision.

Recruit High-Performing Agents with Highnote’s Presentations

Highnote presentations can help you recruit high-performing agents that can contribute positively to your team’s growth. When you use Highnote , you demonstrate that you and your brokerage are updated with the latest tech tools and embrace innovation. If you have an existing recruiting presentation, there’s no need to re-write it. Use all your current information, update those that need refreshing, and then put them together in a Highnote to elevate your existing presentation. 

Learn more about Highnote and how it can help you create effective recruiting presentations

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Questions to Ask Sellers at the Listing Appointment

Wondering how to prove your worth? We’ve prepared questions to ask sellers at listing appointment to increase your chances of winning a listing!

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This comprehensive guide will introduce you to solar proposal software, highlighting its significance, features, and how it’s transforming the solar business.

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Welcome to the Ultimate guide to virtual assistant proposal covering everything you need to create standout proposals and win clients as a virtual assistant.

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Recruitment Infographics

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12 Recruitment Strategies and Examples to Hire Top Talent

best recruiting presentations

With a well-planned recruitment strategy, recruiting teams can quickly locate ideal candidates and save time and resources in the process.

What Is a Recruitment Strategy?

A recruitment strategy is a formal plan that details how recruiters should identify, hire and onboard top job candidates for a company.

A recruitment strategy is a formal plan that details how recruiters identify and hire top talent. Recruiters should define the types of roles they’re hiring for, the formats for job advertisements and the criteria for determining top candidates.

While teams may be looking to fill immediate needs, recruitment strategies can also involve forming long-term connections with talented job seekers. For example, a candidate may not be qualified for a current opening, but joining a talent community keeps them in the loop when future opportunities arise that more closely match their skill sets.

Join us to discover actionable strategies to align your employer brand with tech and convert sought-after tech talent.

Importance of a Good Recruitment Strategy 

A good recruitment strategy is crucial for finding the most qualified job candidates possible for open positions, as it outlines how recruiters should locate potential candidates and provide consistency in hiring practices. Recruitment strategies can also increase brand awareness and bring in a larger candidate pool for recruiters to consider. This makes for a faster hiring process and more opportunities to build a workforce tailored to company needs.

How to Develop a Recruitment Strategy 

Before creating a recruitment strategy, certain tasks are critical for developing a successful strategy. Here are the basics of recruitment strategies that top employers are implementing today.

Review Your Recruitment Metrics and Goals

Take a look at your recruitment metrics to locate pain points in the recruitment process and inform your recruitment goals. For example, your team may aim to increase the number of applicants by targeting new job board platforms or hosting hiring events . Or you may plan to cut your hiring time in half by tapping into different networks and incentivizing employees with a higher employee referral bonus .  

Invest in Recruitment Tools

Consider investing in recruitment tools to simplify your recruiting process. Whether it be a video interview platform or a full applicant tracking system, these tools help streamline and automate certain tasks, so your team can focus on other aspects of the recruitment process. As companies continue to adopt hybrid or remote workplaces, it is important to make sure your company has robust tools to  conduct virtual interviews .

12 Effective Recruitment Strategies to Attract Top Talent

With the basics in mind, you’re ready to start building a recruitment strategy personalized to your company. For inspiration, we’ve gathered 12 examples of  creative recruitment strategies that companies have used to hire top talent.

12 Recruitment Strategies to Know

  • Optimize your career page.
  • Optimize job postings.
  • Post on social media.
  • Create employer branding content.
  • Host recruitment events.
  • Utilize niche job boards.
  • Reward employees for helping recruitment.
  • Build an accessible talent community.
  • Answer candidate questions online.
  • Attend local industry-related events.
  • Showcase strong employee benefits.
  • Cultivate a diverse and inclusive environment.

1. Optimize Your Career Page 

Having a well-crafted  career page is non-negotiable. It really is an essential element of every recruitment strategy for a few reasons. First, candidates expect to find a careers page on your website. Second, it’s a great resource to  promote open roles , share content and provide information on the company’s mission , culture and benefits. 

Showcase Company Pros  

WP Engine ’s career page includes all the essentials from the company’s  core values to internal diversity statistics, awards it’s won as an employer and plenty of opportunities for candidates to learn more about the company and its career opportunities.

Provide Candidate FAQs  

Most companies receive similar questions from candidates, so  Glossier cut out the middle person and provided an FAQ section so that candidate questions can be answered before applying.

The application process is different for every company, so put candidates at ease and let them know up front when they can expect to hear back from the company and where they can find further information about specific roles. Answering such questions also helps both recruiters and candidates save time spent communicating information that could be clarified on the website.

Use AI Chatbots

Intel created a chatbot specifically for candidates to help them learn more about the company in an engaging and interactive way. When you first land on the page, the chatbot pops up and asks candidates if they have any questions regarding the company as an employer.

The chatbot is a great use of an automated tool that helps candidates ask questions anytime, anywhere and receive answers immediately without the waiting that comes with interacting with humans in different time zones. This also saves recruiters a wealth of time answering basic questions that can be answered on the careers page or with a chatbot.

Also, if you’re not currently utilizing recruitment tools to automate areas of your recruiting process, you may want to consider doing so to see where you could save time and money.

2. Optimize Job Postings 

It’s challenging to rank on page one of a Google search, but a goal for many companies in order to get the widest range of applicants possible. Here are a few search engine tools and tricks that can help boost your recruitment strategy without the assistance of an SEO professional.

Optimize Job Posts For Search

The majority of job searches begin on  Google , requiring the platform to be an important part of your recruitment strategy. 

Google’s Job Search tool is a great way to get your job posting in front of candidates before they click through to a website or job board. When candidates search for a specific job title, Google will aggregate jobs in their area that match their inquiry. The best part: getting your jobs on Google is easy:

  • Edit the HTML of job descriptions on your website so that Google knows to crawl them as job postings. Google will  help walk your engineering team through how to do this.
  • Jobs posted to third-party job boards may already have this HTML code on the jobs you post to their websites, so ask if your partners qualify for Google’s job search tool.

Target Competitor Keywords

Competing companies like  Uber and  Lyft are constantly trying to acquire each other’s users, as well as attract each other’s job candidates. 

When someone searches “Uber jobs,” the second result is for careers at Lyft. Lyft targeted a hyper-specific paid ad at the “Uber jobs” keyword knowing that anyone searching for jobs at its competitor would also likely be interested in jobs at Lyft.

Target Job Title Keywords

Boeing and  Accenture have bought paid ads on Google too. But rather than target their competitors, the companies focused on job title keywords.

By targeting the keyword “software engineer jobs,” they are the first companies candidates see when they start their job searches. And given the level of competition for top engineers, getting an early jump on the best candidates can pay huge dividends.

3. Post on Social Media 

Social media recruiting is still very much alive and well. Instead of focusing solely on branding your home site, you’ll want to extend the reach of your audience by sharing posts on social media too. The companies below leveraged social media as a way to attract passive candidates on the platforms they spend the most time on.

Create Recruiting Social Channels

To take its social media recruiting to the next level,  AWS created specific recruiting social media accounts that clearly target job candidates. Its handle @hereataws helps users distinguish this account from any business account. AWS posts content solely about its  company culture , recruiting events, employee spotlights and possible open roles.

Feature Employees  

Duolingo embraces social media and is not shy to show off its personality and culture with employee highlights, team outings and celebrations across the board. It frequently utilizes platforms like Instagram and TikTok to feature key employees and core company values.

Share Your Current Projects

Klaviyo ’s engineering team stays connected with engineering candidates by writing regular blog articles on projects its team is working on. This helps candidates better understand what they could be working on if they join the team, and it reassures them that the  engineering team is an industry leader.

Post on Medium  

Meta is known for platforms like Facebook and the  metaverse , but sometimes the company branches outside of its own user community through its personal employees. In one form, this presents in employees sharing recruiting content on Medium.

These articles that help readers  prepare for Meta job opportunities and  Meta behavioral interviews come from the perspective of a group of FAANG employees. As a massive company, every department (and individual) at a business like Meta will interview differently, so a generic guide doesn’t fit. Instead, it’s best to provide candidates with the most helpful information for their specific situation.

Related Maximize Your Startup Recruitment Efforts With These 7 Essential Tactics

4. Create Employer Branding Content

While they may require a bit of time and effort, creating  employer branding content and media is a great way to provide easily digestible and insightful content that can be shared across multiple platforms. Here are a few different content ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Film a Recruitment Video

A brief 30-second  recruitment video , like the one above from  Broadcom Inc. , could easily be repurposed on social media, the company website or even as a TV advertisement. It’s quick and clever, leaving candidates wanting more, which they can get by checking out the company’s careers page.

A recruitment video also doesn’t have to fit into rigid guidelines. For example, a video by  SodaStream incorporates information about the company while including people from multiple departments and of different nationalities and languages.

Record a Company Podcast 

Employee testimonials allow candidates to hear directly from potential colleagues about what it is like to work at your company.  Turbonomic provided testimonials in the form of 10- to 20-minute podcast episodes.

Not only are podcasts becoming more and more popular, but listeners can actually hear the voice and emotion behind what the employees are saying — something that’s lost in written testimonials. The same goes for video testimonials. This provides in-depth insights into your employees’ backgrounds, personalities and the roles they’ve held at the company.

Write a Company Blog  

At  Sift , this company creates in-depth blog posts on its personal site covering news reports, informational guides and employee spotlights . These stories allow candidates to get to know a company’s values and prospective team on a more personal level. Beyond just the basics of the company, an employee spotlight blog for example covers personal interests, hobbies, passion projects and everything in between.

5. Host Recruitment Events

Recruitment events are still an essential part of the recruiting process, even in a work world that is increasingly virtual. Recruitment events provide recruiters with a chance to get to know candidates’ personalities and backgrounds beyond their resumes.

Connect With Universities 

From universities and trade schools to niche boot camps, educational institutions are one of the top resources for recruiting fresh talent.  Salesforce has a dedicated team for recruiting university students, called Futureforce , that works with university campuses to provide resources to help young candidates prepare for their first roles with the company.

Get Your Local Community Together  

Recruitment events can be stressful for both candidates and the companies hosting the event. To reduce the pressure for both parties,  Grubhub partnered with Built In to host an event where candidates came to its office to casually mingle with company leaders and have a couple beers. Candidates have the chance to chat with the teams they are specifically interested in. This type of event removes some of the stress and formalities that come with regular recruiting events, allowing candidates to relax and have a more personalized experience — and the casual nature of these events can apply to virtual meetups, too.

6. Utilize Niche Job Boards  

You probably have a rhythm down for posting jobs on your careers page and a few popular job boards. While many of those platforms are convenient and contain a wide network of potential candidates, it’s important to also branch out into many different types of networks to reach diverse talent on the platforms they use. Using niche job boards not only gives a wider candidate pool, but hiring diverse talent also creates a safer and happier work environment , making a company more attractive to prospective employees.

Recruit Veterans

Start by doing research about how to become a veteran-friendly employer with resources like and  SHRM . Once you understand the basics, you may consider partnering with organizations that help place veterans and build military-friendly workplaces, such as the  U.S. Department of Labor and  Recruit Military . Lastly, don’t limit your job postings to LinkedIn and Indeed. Break outside of your network and incorporate military job boards into your recruiting strategy like  Hire Heroes USA ,  Hire A Veteran ,  Military Hire and  Hire Veterans .

Recruit Mothers and Caregivers  

There has been a long standing stigma against people, specifically women, who have a several-year gap on their resumes due to being a caregiver for children, elderly relatives or people with disabilities. Externship programs are one way to help professionals who need a stepping stone between their former and future career.

Recruit Candidates with Disabilities

Most companies have an equal opportunity employer clause that insists they are welcoming and accommodating to people of all mental and physical abilities , but when it comes down to it, most companies don’t demonstrate much follow-through. See how you’re doing by comparing your company with the national  Disability Equality Index . To make improvements, research ways you can make your workplace more accommodating, starting with the recruitment process. You can also make your careers page more accessible by partnering with organizations, such as the  U.S. Department of Labor ,  Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion and  SHRM . Additionally, there are a number of job boards specifically for people with disabilities like  Ability Jobs ,  Recruit Disability and  Disabledperson .

Recruit New Graduates  

Twice a year  Wolverine Trading reaches out to college campuses across the nation to connect with students for internships. Students early in their careers can gain professional experience through an internship program , and in turn, companies can build a talent network of young professionals who may be a fit for full-time roles in the future. 

Recruit Formerly Incarcerated Candidates 

In 2018,  Slack started a program to help formerly incarcerated individuals find work in the technology industry. It did this by connecting with  The Last Mile , an organization that provides men, women and youth with the opportunity to learn software engineering and web development skills in a number of prisons across the United States. After graduating from the program and gaining the necessary skills, individuals were partnered with the team at Slack for a year-long apprenticeship. Banyan Labs also  exclusively hires formerly incarcerated people as coders and helps them find jobs in the tech industry at partner organizations.

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7. Reward Employees for Helping Recruitment

Encouraging help from existing or previous employees can lead to unique opportunities for finding talent. Since an employee already works at your company, they may have a good idea of who and what skill sets would fit best the workplace environment. 

Encourage Employees to Boomerang

With the rise of the Great Resignation, many businesses have seen their employees initially leave but then later wish to return — workers known as  boomerang employees . If a boomerang employee intends to rejoin your company, they are already knowledgeable of the work environment and may even bring a new perspective from the time away. In the search for talent, HireVue is one of many companies embracing the recruitment of boomerang employees, even outwardly  welcoming them back on social media .

Establish an Employee Referral Program

Some of the best candidates are lingering within your employee’s networks. To incentivize your team to reach into their networks, create an employee referral program , like  OnDeck ’s referral program that offers payouts to anyone who refers a candidate that is hired.

8. Build an Accessible Talent Community

A  talent community consists of candidates who have shown interest in and maybe even interviewed with your company, but for whatever reason, they were not a fit for a role at that time. Rather than whisk these candidates out the door to never be seen again, here are a few ways to keep in contact with passive candidates so that when a more suitable role opens up, they’re the first ones to know. If you find a great candidate in your talent pool that you want to invite to an interview, try out  this email invite template .

Provide Job Alerts

No matter your company’s size, you won’t always have open roles for top candidates. But that doesn’t mean you should simply accept the fact that you’ll miss out on elite talent. 

To bridge the gap,  ThoughtWorks allows candidates to sign up for job alerts, so they’re the first to know when a role that fits their interests and experience becomes available. This allows the company to keep warm leads informed and in its talent community, so it always has interested candidates in the pipeline.

Allow Anyone to Apply Anytime  

Zappos is known for being at the forefront of unconventional company culture. Instead of waiting for roles to open up, it wants interested candidates — no matter their skill or background — to sign up as a “Zappos Insider.” By providing their name, email and career of interest, Zappos is able to send out tailored emails with information on open roles and company culture to individual candidates.   

9. Answer Candidate Questions Online

If you haven’t searched your company on popular inquiry sites like  Quora and  Reddit , you might want to consider it — not only to see if anyone is talking about your company, but also to connect with candidates and establish a relationship by providing candid answers.

Get Involved on Quora

It’s no secret  SpaceX pushes the limits of technology and is constantly chasing after the next best thing — making the company a highly sought-after employer. To help answer the wealth of questions candidates have about the tech giant, its team took to Quora, a question-and-answer website, to help resolve candidates’ inquiries (under ‘Related Questions’).

Not only that, but Quora sends follow-up emails with more content to people who view certain articles to help potential candidates dive deeper into their research.

Host “Ask Me Anything” Sessions on Reddit  

A Google employee took to community discussion website Reddit to answer questions related to working at the company.  This inquiry posted back in 2013 generated more than 1,300 replies, 2,000 comments and has 90 percent upvotes. The Ask Me Anything, or AMA format, is an opportunity for companies to connect with hundreds or thousands of candidates in a simple, scalable manner.

Related AI Can Help With Recruiting. Here’s How.

10. Attend Local Industry-Related Events

While hosting events can draw in more talent, companies may also find more potential hires by attending outside events. Businesses shouldn’t neglect talent in their own backyards, leveraging in-person events as spaces to connect with local candidates.   

Larger industry job fairs at a convention center can provide access to a wider pool of candidates with shared backgrounds and career interests than a company-specific event. Businesses should take advantage of city-sponsored hiring events and industry-wide job fairs to put themselves on the radars of more candidates.    

Local Hangouts

To meet new candidates, get involved in groups that discuss your industry’s trends and challenges. A group called  Chicago Women Developers does just that. Professional women developers get together to host regular Hack Nights, virtually in response to the pandemic, as a means of getting to know novice and experienced developers in their community. Spaces like this are a great way for recruiters to connect with candidates who have passions and hobbies that align with the requirements of an open role.  

11. Showcase Strong Employee Benefits 

Candidates may care about more than the details of a certain role, so a solid employee benefits package can be a difference-maker. If you have a well-rounded employee benefits program, be sure to include this in job postings, branded content and other types of recruitment strategies. 

Employee Well-Being

Mental health has become a more prominent issue in the workplace, making mental health days a major eye-catcher for top candidates. In addition, you may want to implement and advertise benefits like sick days , unlimited PTO and extensive parental leave support . 

Flexible Work

Flexible work settings allow your team to pursue candidates across a broader geographic range, and they may also speak to candidates looking for a more personalized work experience. Lay out the details for your remote or hybrid work policies in your company description and job ads, so candidates are aware of the flexible work opportunities your business offers. 

12. Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Environment

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) can also play a factor in whether a candidate decides to apply for a position. Around 75 percent of job seekers weigh the diversity of a company’s workforce when applying for a role, so organizations would do well to design and execute DEI strategies that cater to candidates of various backgrounds. 

Share Diverse and Inclusive Policies

Steps to promote DEI in your workplace can include unconscious bias training , hiring quotas and employee resource groups for women and people of color. Mentioning how you support people of marginalized groups on your job page and within job descriptions will help you stand out from businesses that merely mention diversity and inclusion as a buzzword.

Supplement Job Postings with DEI Language

People of marginalized groups face unique challenges, with women being 16 percent less likely than men to apply to a job and applicants with Black names receiving 10 percent fewer callbacks than their white counterparts. Your team can counter any doubts candidates may harbor by ending each job description with a statement encouraging candidates of marginalized groups to apply, even if they don’t meet all the requirements. This sensitivity may nudge candidates of underrepresented groups to apply, increasing your applicant pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a recruitment strategy.

A recruitment strategy often includes information on company hiring goals, candidate sourcing techniques, marketing practices used to attract talent and an employee retention plan. 

What are the most successful recruiting strategies?

Some successful recruiting strategies include:

  • Optimizing your company website, career page and job postings
  • Posting on social media to showcase company brand and values
  • Hosting recruitment events
  • Building a talent community 
  • Attending local industry-related events or job fairs

Great Companies Need Great People. That's Where We Come In.

25 Smart Recruiting Topics For Bold and Innovative Recruiting Leaders

  • Best Practices
  • HR Communications
  • HR Management
  • Staffing Agencies
  • Talent Management

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During the newly reinvigorated and exciting Spring ERE Recruiting Conference & Expo last week in San Diego, two attendees posed related but powerful questions to me.

The first was, “What advanced topics should be on the agenda of recruiting leaders at elite firms?” Or as another put it, “What should Google be planning to do next in recruiting?”

At least to me, future agenda items are an important topic, because after visiting well over 100 firms, I have found a dramatic difference between the agenda items that are found on 95 percent of the firms (cost per hire, ATS issues, requisition loads, etc.) and the truly advanced subjects that only elite recruiting firms like Google, DaVita, Sodexo, etc. would even attempt to tackle.

25 recruiting topics for bold recruiting leaders

So if you have the responsibility for setting agendas or recruiting goals, here is my list of truly advanced recruiting topics that elite leaders would find compelling, but that most others would simply find to be out of their reach.

If you want to be among the elite, you should select a handful for implementation. However, even if you are currently overwhelmed by your current agenda, you might still find them to be interesting reading.

I have listed these advanced recruiting topics and goals in descending order, based on their estimated potential business impact. Best practice firms that I have found that others can learn from are mentioned in parentheses.

  • Hiring more productive employees — The primary output measure of any talent management function is the productivity of the firm’s workforce. Recruiting makes its contribution to workforce productivity by accepting the accountability of bringing in new hires who produce more output and revenue than existing workers in the same job. Some call it quality of hire, and unfortunately, solving the problem seems to be well over the pay grade of 99 percent of recruiting leaders (Sodexo, Google, Apple).
  • Prioritizing jobs for hiring — Leaders need to quantify the business impact of each job family and then prioritize hiring to focus recruiting resources on those high-impact jobs. A special focus should be on those jobs that generate large amounts of revenue. The recommended approach is to work with the CFO’s office because it adds tremendous credibility to the process (Zynga).
  • Develop targeted hiring programs — Developing the focused capability for increasing the number of high-value-added innovators and adaptive/agile individuals that are hired can have an immediate and measurable impact on the bottom line (Google, Facebook).
  • Referrals should reach 50 percent — As more firms gather data within their own corporation on the quality of hire that results from employee referrals, their recruiting leaders will realize that they should improve their referral program’s capability and then target 50 percent of all hires to come from referrals (Deloitte, AmTrust).
  • Predictive analytics must replace historical metrics – Almost without exception, vendor-supplied metrics dominate recruiting. Unfortunately, 99 percent of all recruiting metrics are “historical” and as a result, they only tell you what happened last year. Real-time metrics are more powerful because they tell you what’s happening today. Predictive analytics are even more powerful because they warn you in advance about what will likely happen, and they also tell you why, so that you can better prepare effective solutions. Recruiting should develop “alerts” to warn hiring managers and recruiters of upcoming problems and talent opportunities (Google).
  • Confront the doubters – The chief roadblock to sufficient funding in recruiting is the CFO. Advanced leaders should collaborate with the CFO’s office to identify and resolve issues and then build a continuous compelling business case for recruiting. Among the calculations that must be approved by the CFO include the performance differential of a great hire, the cost of position vacancies, the long-term cost of a weak hire, and most importantly, converting all major recruiting results into their dollar impact on corporate revenue. And because hiring managers are the primary limiting factor to great execution in recruiting, the most cynical managers must be invited in to outline their issues, and leaders must then work with the most powerful managers to resolve each one to their satisfaction (Sun, Google).
  • A shift to algorithm-driven decision-making in recruiting — Even some of the elite recruiting functions make program decisions based on existing best practices and external information. The future of all people-management decision making needs to follow the highly successful approach used by Google’s people analytics team and PiLab . And that means relying on data, statistical algorithms, and even experiments to prove to skeptical managers and recruiting professionals “what works” and “what doesn’t work” in recruiting at your own firm. Research must also be conducted on the job acceptance criteria of top candidates and on which sources produce top candidates (Google).
  • Catching up in your capability on the mobile platform – Although progress has been made at many firms, the future of recruiting messaging and communications is the mobile platform. Every recruiting feature must be directly accessible from smart phones, and recruiting approaches must be tailored to fit the advantages of the mobile platform (Sodexo, AT&T, McDonald’s).
  • Employer branding must be brought up to date – The down economy has resulted in stagnation in most firms’ employer branding efforts. However, as hiring becomes more competitive and with the growth of social media and websites like, traditional employer branding approaches will have to be abandoned. Recruiting leaders will need to learn how to effectively measure employer brand strength and to identify the brand pillars that top candidates care most about. Smart recruiting leaders will gather data that will demonstrate that employer branding and employer referrals stand alone as the two most powerful recruiting approaches (Google).
  • Ramping up your hiring capability — A hiring boom has already begun in high tech, the mobile platform industry, and at Internet firms, so now may be the opportune time for the recruiting functions in other industries to begin preparing for the inevitable coming hiring boom. That means that leaders must develop a plan to rapidly ramp up your firm’s hiring capacity and capability, without additional budget.
  • Candidate selling must be improved — When the economy rebounds and candidates have more choices, closing them will become increasingly more difficult. As a result, the neglected “selling” aspects of recruiting will eventually become critical. All of the selling aspects of recruiting will have to be revisited, and in addition, they must shift away from past practices to a data-driven selling approach (Cisco).
  • Assessment can no longer be ignored — Relying on resumes, interviewing, and reference checking as the complete candidate assessment approach has always been a mistake. As a new online assessment approaches and simulations grow in effectiveness, recruiting leaders will need to add them to the current assessment approaches (KPMG).
  • Bolster competitive analysis and competitive intelligence — Only elite firms conduct competitive side-by-side analysis to determine if their recruiting approaches and results are superior in all key aspects to that of the firm’s talent competitors. Most firms also fail to conduct competitive intelligence assessments of their competitors, and many fail to realize that LinkedIn has multiple capabilities in CI. Among the many things that a LinkedIn expert can tell you is which of your talent competitor firms are hiring in what jobs and away from what firms. LinkedIn can reveal which firms have turnover problems and to what firms those employees are moving. It can also tell you where your own departing employees went and where potential boomerang rehires now work, in case you wanted to bring them back. Experience may prove that updating their LinkedIn profile may also be an indicator that a high-value target is about to enter the job market.
  • Add personalized recruiting for landing difficult candidates — Marketing has led the way within corporations in supplementing the traditional one-size-fits-all programs with a more narrow targeted approach. Executive search firms only use a personalized approach but most corporate recruiting functions have failed to develop personalized recruiting. It is more powerful because the recruiting approach and method focuses on the unique needs of individual highly desirable candidates (Deloitte).
  • College recruiting programs must be updated – The demand for college recruits is coming back stronger than ever. Unfortunately, almost every existing corporate college recruiting programs is either broken, outdated, or both. If you expect to get more than a trickle of college hires and interns, your program will have to adopt features like student referrals, remote college recruiting, quality-of-college-hire metrics, reliance on the mobile platform, and contests to identify the very best (Deloitte, E&Y, Purina).
  • Contingent labor must be integrated – In a volatile VUCA world, the ability to rapidly add talent and also quickly reduce labor costs will become an essential capability. That means that the hiring and management of contingent labor must be improved dramatically and then closely integrated with other talent management functions including recruiting (Microsoft).
  • Video interviews must become required — This is certainly not an advanced approach anymore but there is simply no excuse for not making live video interviews a required corporate recruiting practice. These interviews are powerful because they increase hiring speed, interview quality, and they help the environment while dramatically reducing travel costs.
  • Technology substitutes must be considered — HR and recruiting have long been focused on hiring and managing “people.” But it’s time for both functions to expand their perspective to include the ever-increasing array of software and robotics that are now viable alternatives to employees. This will require a partnership with the IT and technology functions to develop an algorithm for determining when it is economically appropriate to substitute technology for employees (Philips).
  • Internal movement must be improved — Because it has the added benefit of increasing development, motivation, and retention, the first option for filling an open job in most cases should be an equally qualified internal candidate. Unfortunately, because most internal movement systems are broken, qualified internal candidates are all too frequently not found, so external recruits become the best option. The recruiting function at elite firms needs to get involved in speeding up and improving that internal movement (Cisco, Booz Allen, and Microsoft).
  • Centralizing recruiting is required – Some firms, especially large global ones, have yet to realize that decentralized recruiting must be replaced by a centralized function. Centralization is essential for excellence in employer branding, referrals, powerful metrics, recruiter training, and the sharing of candidates between business units (GE).
  • Addressing the upcoming shortage of recruiters – As hiring ramps up, recruiting leaders will soon realize that the down economy has decimated the number of available well-trained recruiters. Even though most great recruiters have remained employed, finding enough “good” recruiters will soon become both more difficult and expensive. So a plan needs to be developed to train new recruiters or to identify and eventually hire the very best existing ones.
  • Consider incentives for corporate recruiters – As the demand for candidates and recruiters both increase, the long dormant issue of incentives for corporate recruiters will return. Only the best will realize that both team and individual incentives for quality of hire, hiring in prioritized jobs, req loads, and manager and candidate satisfaction can be a major contributor to increasing recruiting excellence.
  • Consider strategic hiring for the good of the firm — In almost every firm, the hiring manager determines what is required, based on their individual needs. Elite recruiting leaders should consider an alternative approach which puts the broader needs of the corporation first when it comes to hiring. This may mean instituting a practice of “hiring for this and the next job,” a separate hiring team for filling key jobs, or even having the CEO approve all hires to ensure that they reflect corporate needs and the standards (Google, Zynga, Yahoo).
  • Workforce planning must be revisited — Traditional workforce planning supply/demand models simply don’t work in a volatile VUCA environment. As a result, the planning horizon must be shortened and a range of possible “surprises” must be anticipated and planned for.
  • Retention must be updated — Retention and recruiting are interrelated. Because of social media, retention issues quickly become widely known and thus they negatively impact recruiting. Preventable turnover unnecessarily increases the workload of recruiters. As a result of this interrelationship, recruiting leaders must work with retention leaders to ensure that both programs excel.

Final thoughts

I should warn you in advance that if you want to learn more about the above, like most advanced topics, you won’t find them on conference agendas that are focused on the average firm. You also won’t find them covered in best-selling books or even in vendor sponsored white papers. Even benchmarking may be minimally productive because elite recruiting leaders know the value of secrecy in maintaining their recruiting dominance.

But maybe that is the most important lesson to learn about all innovation and new ideas. And that lesson is the best way to determine if something is really innovative and new is that you won’t find much written, the best practice leaders don’t want to share, and the average person will dismiss it has either unnecessary or pie in the sky.

I hope you found at least a few innovations and new ideas for your “next year’s recruiting agenda.” And finally, if you have any items that you feel should be added to this agenda list, use the comments section at the end of this article to make them known.


Unc basketball program offers a top duke recruiting target, share this article.

Hubert Davis and the UNC basketball program are entering the race for one of rival Duke’s top targets in the 2025 recruiting class.

On Tuesday night, the Tar Heels continued with their spree of offers to recruits in the 2025 class as they extended an offer to Virginia native Nate Ament. The power forward hails out of Warrenton, Virginia, and just picked up his 23rd offer as the Tar Heels join the Blue Devils , Kansas, Illinois, Michigan , Virginia, and Virginia Tech among others who have offered the talented recruit.

Ament’s offer comes days after the UNC staff watched him play in an AAU event and they apparently liked what they saw.

Blessed to receive an offer from the University of North Carolina!! All glory to God✝️!! @TrainingMvm @TeamLoadedBBall @Highland_Hoops @UNC_Basketball — Nate (@NateAment15) May 21, 2024

The 6-foot-9, 170-pound Ament is the 14th player to earn an offer in UNC’s 2025 recruiting class . It’s a class that they have yet to land a commitment in but with a long ways to go, it’s not time to panic.

Ament is ranked No. 13 nationally, No. 5 power forward and the No. 1 player in the state of Virginia per the 247Spots recruiting rankings .

Follow us  @TarHeelsWire  on X and like our page on  Facebook  to follow ongoing coverage of North Carolina Tar Heels news, notes and opinions.

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Duke basketball recruiting: Transfer portal news, 2024 roster, recruits, targets from verified ACC experts

The devil's den has the blue devils covered from every angle and reveals all the latest news about the duke basketball roster under head coach jon scheyer.


The Duke Blue Devils are looking to build a Duke basketball roster to contend for a national championship next season. The Blue Devils haven't won a title since 2015, which feels like a drought given raising banners is the standard for Duke basketball. Head coach Jon Scheyer has retooled his Duke basketball lineup with a handful of incoming freshmen set to make a difference this season. With that Duke basketball recruiting class pieced together with key returners and collegiate transfers, Duke is widely considered an early preseason top-10 team for 2024-25.

Anchored by No. 1 overall prospect Cooper Flagg, Duke has the No. 1 college basketball recruiting class in 2024 with four five-star prospects. If you love the Blue Devils, or just want the latest roster updates and college basketball transfer portal news, be sure to see what the proven team of insiders are saying at The Devil's Den, the 247Sports affiliate that covers the Duke Blue Devils .

The team of insiders at The Devil's Den are providing up-to-the-minute scoop on the latest intel surrounding the Duke basketball roster changes. The basketball coverage at The Devil's Den is led by Adam Rowe and Mark Watson, who have decades of experience covering the team. In addition, The Devil's Den features a message board community visited by thousands of Duke fanatics and program insiders. And right now, The Devil's Den is offering 30% off the first year of an annual subscriptions*, so now is the time to sign up .

The team at The Devil's Den has full coverage of who is coming and who is going on the Duke basketball roster. Head to The Devil's den now to see all the insider info .

Duke basketball roster departures 

Scheyer will have essentially a new roster for this upcoming season as the Blue Devils lost seven players to the 2024-25 college basketball transfer portal, two more to the NBA Draft, and two who ran out of eligibility. The team's top four scorers are all gone, including All-American Kyle Filipowski (16.4 ppg), as well as four-year starter Jeremy Roach (14 ppg). Filipowski is off to the NBA Draft, while Roach has transferred to Baylor.

Jared McCain (14.3 ppg) is also off to the pros, while Mark Mitchell (11.6 ppg) is headed to Missouri. That means just two players who scored a point for Duke last season are returning in Tyrese Proctor and Caleb Foster -- neither of which were upperclassmen. While Duke did get some fifth-year seniors from the transfer portal, Scheyer will be tasked with blending together all of these moving parts, but given the talent he's working with, it's a good problem to have.  Join The Devil's Den to see the latest on all of Duke's roster changes . 

Duke basketball news, roster

Roster turnover is inevitable in college basketball and Duke lost Kyle Filipowski and Jeremy Roach from last year's squad that made it to the Elite Eight. However, Scheyer's 2024 recruiting class is among the best at any program in recent college basketball history. According to 247Sports, there are four five-star and two four-star recruits in the class, all of which rank among the top 51 players in the nation. Flagg is the No. 1 ranked player in the class and he'll be joined by Khaman Maluach, who's ranked No. 3.

The Blue Devils will also return some experience in the backcourt in guards Tyrese Proctor and Caleb Foster, giving Duke the experience and youthfulness needed to make some noise next season. Scheyer's signing class also received a transfer portal commitment from Syracuse forward Maliq Brown, who earned All-ACC Defensive Team honors as a sophomore.  Join The Devil's Den to see the latest Duke basketball roster news . 

How to get insider Duke basketball roster updates

Duke has multiple scholarships still open and has been in touch with more top players in the transfer portal, so be sure to join The Devil's Den to see who they are and get the rest of the insider roster news . 

Who are the top names Duke basketball is pursuing this offseason in the transfer portal, and which power-conference transfers could land in Durham? Go to The Devil's Den to see their insider information, all from a team of reporters with years of experience covering the Blue Devils , and find out. And reminder, The Devil's Den is offering 30% off the first year of an annual VIP membership*, so subscribe now before it's too late .

*Terms:  This offer is only available for new members who sign up for an annual subscription to The Devil's Den. After the first year, subscription will re-bill on an annual basis at the regular rate. reserves the right to alter or cancel this promotion at any time. Please write [email protected] with any questions you may have.

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Cisco's AI-powered approach to hiring top talent is attracting 'quiet candidates' and making recruitment faster

  • Cisco is a digital-communications and -networking provider with 85,000 employees worldwide.
  • It has started using AI to help improve recruitment outreach and the broader hiring process.
  • This article is part of " CXO AI Playbook " — straight talk from business leaders on how they're testing and using AI.

Insider Today

For "CXO AI Playbook," Business Insider takes a look at mini case studies about AI adoption across industries, company sizes, and technology DNA. We've asked each of the featured companies to tell us about the problems they're trying to solve with AI, who's making these decisions internally, and their vision for using AI in the future.

Cisco is a digital-communications and -networking provider based in San Jose, California. It provides companies with software-defined networking, cloud, and security solutions. Founded in 1984, Cisco has nearly 85,000 employees worldwide.

Situation analysis: What problem were they trying to solve?

Francine Katsoudas, a Cisco executive vice president and its chief people officer, told Business Insider that the company's success was due to its people. But ensuring the company is recruiting the best can be easier said than done. Sometimes, the best candidates need to be persuaded to apply. Connecting with these so-called quiet candidates was an early use case for artificial intelligence at Cisco, Katsoudas said.

"How you reach out to a quiet candidate has always been a little bit of an art," Katsoudas said. "Over the years, I hear from candidates who say, 'I never responded to an email. But I had to respond to this email from this recruiter.'"

Katsoudas said a skilled recruiter could find the right combination of words to persuade candidates to pay attention. Good recruiters personalize emails, but honing the right message can take time. AI can help speed up the process, she added. "What we have learned is that you can be so much more customized via AI than ever before," Katsoudas said.

Key staff and partners

Alongside Katsoudas, Zohra Yafai, the vice president of global talent acquisition at Cisco, worked to integrate AI into the recruitment process.

Randstad, a global human-resources firm, is one of the companies that Cisco works with for staffing. Their experimentations with AI in recruitment helped make Cisco feel "a little bit more confident and bold," Katsoudas said.

AI in action

Cisco uses generative AI to help gather information about a hiring target and to customize the emails it sends them . By tailoring its recruiting messages, Cisco can increase the number of emails it sends to quiet candidates who might resist other forms of connection. "When you can increase the return on these emails that your recruiters send out, that is meaningful," Katsoudas said. The company started slowly before ramping up its efforts, she added.

"Everything we're doing, we probably start with an experiment or a pilot where we're running analytics and understanding any risks before we move forward and set our scale," she said.

Cisco is also using AI to schedule the interviews and meetings that follow. "In the past, we would manually schedule," Katsoudas told BI. "When you can do all that via AI, it's speed."

Did it work, and how did leaders know?

Speed is important in the hiring process. "If a company is coming after you, and they're moving quickly, there's something really positive in that momentum," she said.

"When a company reaches out, and then you don't hear for, like, three or four weeks, and then the meeting gets scheduled two weeks later, there isn't a lot of interest that you're demonstrating," she added.

Cisco said its adoption of AI was still in the early stages, so it hadn't identified quantitative markers of success. But the company plans to continue to monitor progress and evaluate areas of improvement.

What's next?

Katsoudas said more pilot projects would be rolled out to test generative AI . "As a company, we've always believed that there are better ways to do things or that there's learning that will make us better in service of the communities of our customers."

We want to hear from you. If you are interested in sharing your company's AI journey, email [email protected] .

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Michigan State Sets Official Visit with 3-Star OL

Ezekiel trezevant | may 22, 2024.

Michigan State's offensive line runs a drill during the Spring Showcase on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at Spartan Stadium in East Lansing.

  • Michigan State Spartans

Michigan State and Coach Jonathan Smith have focused on three main areas in recruiting. One of those areas is in-state recruiting. Although Michigan State undoubtedly faces an uphill battle regarding in-state recruiting as its arch-rival just won the national championship, it also has an advantage.

Michigan only has so many roster spots and even fewer players who actually get playing time on such a talented roster. That leaves many lesser-known and lower-ranked players available who are looking for a respectable football program to join. Most of these players want to make a name for themselves, and Michigan State would allow them to do so.

Those players would also have the chance to be a part of something special. While a rebuild isn’t glamorous, being a part of a team or a class that helps begin a comeback for a football program could be a source of pride for players looking for a football program and coaching staff that believes in them. 

Along with focusing on in-state talent on the recruiting trail, Smith has also focused on the offensive and defensive line. That was the case for the recent official visit Smith and the Spartans set with a top 20 in-state prospect for June 21.

According to Corey Robinson of 247Sports, Smith and the Spartans set an official visit with offensive lineman Antonio Johnson. The three-star athlete is a native of Orchard Lake, Michigan. According to 247Sports, Johnson is ranked as the 63rd-best interior offensive lineman in the country and the 19th-best player from Michigan in the 2025 recruiting class.

Altogether, Johnson holds offers from 15 programs, according to 247Sports. Michigan State joins Illinois, Penn State, West Virginia, Maryland and Boston College to offer Johnson a scholarship, amongst other schools. Coach Smith and his coaching staff have begun setting up many official visits and offering many scholarships to players from Michigan. 

Smith's goal of turning around Michigan State's football program would greatly benefit from additional in-state players, as in-state players are a little less likely to enter the transfer portal, especially if they are receiving playing time and mesh well with the coaching staff.

Don’t forget to follow the official Spartan Nation Page on Facebook Spartan Nation  WHEN YOU CLICK RIGHT HERE , and be a part of our vibrant community group Go Green Go White as well  WHEN YOU CLICK RIGHT HERE .

Ezekiel Trezevant


Ezekiel is a former Sports Editor from the Western Herald and former Atlanta Falcons beat writer.


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    17. Download "Recruitment and Selection" PowerPoint presentation at 151 slides include: 3 slides on reputation, 8 slides on applicants and what attracts them, 27 points on creating a recruitment strategy, 27 slides on methods of recruiting, 10 tips for how to review resumes, 5 slides on evaluating interviews, 6 slides on references, 5 points on making the final decision ...

  23. How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

    1 Make a provocative statement. "I want to discuss with you this afternoonwhy you're going to fail to have a great career." One surefire way to get your audience's attention is to make a provocative statement that creates interest and a keen desire to know more about what you have to say. The presentation above, for example, does just that by ...

  24. I Coach Speakers at the World's Largest Brands. The Best Speakers

    I Coach Speakers at the World's Largest Brands. The Best Speakers Follow This 5-Step Rehearsal Guide Great speakers put in the work to make their presentations look effortless.

  25. UNC basketball joins race for a top Duke recruiting target

    Zack Pearson. May 22, 2024 6:00 am ET. Hubert Davis and the UNC basketball program are entering the race for one of rival Duke's top targets in the 2025 recruiting class. On Tuesday night, the Tar Heels continued with their spree of offers to recruits in the 2025 class as they extended an offer to Virginia native Nate Ament.

  26. WVU Football Recruiting Hot Board: Top Lists, Names to Watch + Decision

    Welcome to the WVU Football Recruiting Hot Board. If you've followed us for a while, you know how this works. But if you're new here, don't worry. Here's a quic

  27. Duke basketball recruiting: Transfer portal news, 2024 roster, recruits

    However, Scheyer's 2024 recruiting class is among the best at any program in recent college basketball history. According to 247Sports, there are four five-star and two four-star recruits in the ...

  28. LSU football included in four-star Louisiana WR prospect's top 10

    LSU makes top 10 for one of Louisiana's best 2025 recruits. Four-star wide receiver released Phillip Wright dropped his top 10 on Tuesday evening with the home-state Tigers making the cut. Wright, from Destrehan, Louisiana, is the ninth-best prospect in the state, according to On3's Industry Rankings. Nationally, Wright is 59th among ...

  29. Cisco Is Using AI to Help With Recruitment

    Cisco is a digital-communications and -networking provider with 85,000 employees worldwide. It has started using AI to help improve recruitment outreach and the broader hiring process. This ...

  30. Michigan State sets official visit with 3-star offensive lineman

    That was the case for the recent official visit Smith and the Spartans set with a top 20 in-state prospect for June 21. According to Corey Robinson of 247Sports, Smith and the Spartans set an ...