• PortuguĂŞs – Brasil

Using the Speech-to-Text API with Python

1. overview.


The Speech-to-Text API enables developers to convert audio to text in over 125 languages and variants, by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API.

In this tutorial, you will focus on using the Speech-to-Text API with Python.

What you'll learn

  • How to set up your environment
  • How to transcribe audio files in English
  • How to transcribe audio files with word timestamps
  • How to transcribe audio files in different languages

What you'll need

  • A Google Cloud project
  • A browser, such as Chrome or Firefox
  • Familiarity using Python

How will you use this tutorial?

How would you rate your experience with python, how would you rate your experience with google cloud services, 2. setup and requirements, self-paced environment setup.

  • Sign-in to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project or reuse an existing one. If you don't already have a Gmail or Google Workspace account, you must create one .


  • The Project name is the display name for this project's participants. It is a character string not used by Google APIs. You can always update it.
  • The Project ID is unique across all Google Cloud projects and is immutable (cannot be changed after it has been set). The Cloud Console auto-generates a unique string; usually you don't care what it is. In most codelabs, you'll need to reference your Project ID (typically identified as PROJECT_ID ). If you don't like the generated ID, you might generate another random one. Alternatively, you can try your own, and see if it's available. It can't be changed after this step and remains for the duration of the project.
  • For your information, there is a third value, a Project Number , which some APIs use. Learn more about all three of these values in the documentation .
  • Next, you'll need to enable billing in the Cloud Console to use Cloud resources/APIs. Running through this codelab won't cost much, if anything at all. To shut down resources to avoid incurring billing beyond this tutorial, you can delete the resources you created or delete the project. New Google Cloud users are eligible for the $300 USD Free Trial program.

Start Cloud Shell

While Google Cloud can be operated remotely from your laptop, in this codelab you will be using Cloud Shell , a command line environment running in the Cloud.

Activate Cloud Shell


If this is your first time starting Cloud Shell, you're presented with an intermediate screen describing what it is. If you were presented with an intermediate screen, click Continue .


It should only take a few moments to provision and connect to Cloud Shell.


This virtual machine is loaded with all the development tools needed. It offers a persistent 5 GB home directory and runs in Google Cloud, greatly enhancing network performance and authentication. Much, if not all, of your work in this codelab can be done with a browser.

Once connected to Cloud Shell, you should see that you are authenticated and that the project is set to your project ID.

  • Run the following command in Cloud Shell to confirm that you are authenticated:

Command output

  • Run the following command in Cloud Shell to confirm that the gcloud command knows about your project:

If it is not, you can set it with this command:

3. Environment setup

Before you can begin using the Speech-to-Text API, run the following command in Cloud Shell to enable the API:

You should see something like this:

Now, you can use the Speech-to-Text API!

Navigate to your home directory:

Create a Python virtual environment to isolate the dependencies:

Activate the virtual environment:

Install IPython and the Speech-to-Text API client library:

Now, you're ready to use the Speech-to-Text API client library!

In the next steps, you'll use an interactive Python interpreter called IPython , which you installed in the previous step. Start a session by running ipython in Cloud Shell:

You're ready to make your first request...

4. Transcribe audio files

In this section, you will transcribe an English audio file.

Copy the following code into your IPython session:

Take a moment to study the code and see how it uses the recognize client library method to transcribe an audio file*.* The config parameter indicates how to process the request and the audio parameter specifies the audio data to be recognized.

Send a request:

You should see the following output:

Update the configuration to enable automatic punctuation and send a new request:

In this step, you were able to transcribe an audio file in English, using different parameters, and print out the result. You can read more about transcribing audio files .

5. Get word timestamps

Speech-to-Text can detect time offsets (timestamps) for the transcribed audio. Time offsets show the beginning and end of each spoken word in the supplied audio. A time offset value represents the amount of time that has elapsed from the beginning of the audio, in increments of 100ms.

To transcribe an audio file with word timestamps, update your code by copying the following into your IPython session:

Take a moment to study the code and see how it transcribes an audio file with word timestamps*.* The enable_word_time_offsets parameter tells the API to return the time offsets for each word (see the doc for more details).

In this step, you were able to transcribe an audio file in English with word timestamps and print the result. Read more about getting word timestamps .

6. Transcribe different languages

The Speech-to-Text API recognizes more than 125 languages and variants! You can find a list of supported languages here .

In this section, you will transcribe a French audio file.

To transcribe the French audio file, update your code by copying the following into your IPython session:

In this step, you were able to transcribe a French audio file and print the result. You can read more about the supported languages .

7. Congratulations!

You learned how to use the Speech-to-Text API using Python to perform different kinds of transcription on audio files!

To clean up your development environment, from Cloud Shell:

  • If you're still in your IPython session, go back to the shell: exit
  • Stop using the Python virtual environment: deactivate
  • Delete your virtual environment folder: cd ~ ; rm -rf ./venv-speech

To delete your Google Cloud project, from Cloud Shell:

  • Retrieve your current project ID: PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
  • Make sure this is the project you want to delete: echo $PROJECT_ID
  • Delete the project: gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID
  • Test the demo in your browser: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text
  • Speech-to-Text documentation: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs
  • Python on Google Cloud: https://cloud.google.com/python
  • Cloud Client Libraries for Python: https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Transcribe Audio Quickly With Google Colab and Deepgram

text to speech google colab

Step 4: Seeing your transcription!

You can see the results right away by opening the json file itself. In the case of emma, that JSON looks (partially) like this:

text to speech google colab

Unlock language AI at scale with an API call.

Get conversational intelligence with transcription and understanding on the world's best speech AI platform.

  • EspaĂąol – AmĂŠrica Latina
  • PortuguĂŞs – Brasil
  • Documentation
  • Cloud Text-to-Speech API

Supported voices and languages

Text-to-Speech provides the following voices. The list includes Neural2 , Studio , Standard, and WaveNet voices. Studio, Neural2 and WaveNet voices are higher quality voices with different pricing ; in the list, they have the voice type 'Neural2', 'Studio' or 'WaveNet'.

To use these voices to create synthetic speech, see how to create synthetic voice audio .

Language Voice type Language code Voice name SSML Gender Sample
Afrikaans (South Africa) Standard af-ZA af-ZA-Standard-A FEMALE
Arabic Standard ar-XA ar-XA-Standard-A FEMALE
Arabic Standard ar-XA ar-XA-Standard-B MALE
Arabic Standard ar-XA ar-XA-Standard-C MALE
Arabic Standard ar-XA ar-XA-Standard-D FEMALE
Arabic Premium ar-XA ar-XA-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Arabic Premium ar-XA ar-XA-Wavenet-B MALE
Arabic Premium ar-XA ar-XA-Wavenet-C MALE
Arabic Premium ar-XA ar-XA-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Basque (Spain) Standard eu-ES eu-ES-Standard-A FEMALE
Bengali (India) Standard bn-IN bn-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Bengali (India) Standard bn-IN bn-IN-Standard-B MALE
Bengali (India) Standard bn-IN bn-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Bengali (India) Standard bn-IN bn-IN-Standard-D MALE
Bengali (India) Premium bn-IN bn-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Bengali (India) Premium bn-IN bn-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Bengali (India) Premium bn-IN bn-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Bengali (India) Premium bn-IN bn-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) Standard bg-BG bg-BG-Standard-A FEMALE
Catalan (Spain) Standard ca-ES ca-ES-Standard-A FEMALE
Chinese (Hong Kong) Standard yue-HK yue-HK-Standard-A FEMALE
Chinese (Hong Kong) Standard yue-HK yue-HK-Standard-B MALE
Chinese (Hong Kong) Standard yue-HK yue-HK-Standard-C FEMALE
Chinese (Hong Kong) Standard yue-HK yue-HK-Standard-D MALE
Czech (Czech Republic) Standard cs-CZ cs-CZ-Standard-A FEMALE
Czech (Czech Republic) Premium cs-CZ cs-CZ-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Premium da-DK da-DK-Neural2-D FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Standard da-DK da-DK-Standard-A FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Standard da-DK da-DK-Standard-C MALE
Danish (Denmark) Standard da-DK da-DK-Standard-D FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Standard da-DK da-DK-Standard-E FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Premium da-DK da-DK-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Premium da-DK da-DK-Wavenet-C MALE
Danish (Denmark) Premium da-DK da-DK-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Danish (Denmark) Premium da-DK da-DK-Wavenet-E FEMALE
Dutch (Belgium) Standard nl-BE nl-BE-Standard-A FEMALE
Dutch (Belgium) Standard nl-BE nl-BE-Standard-B MALE
Dutch (Belgium) Premium nl-BE nl-BE-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Dutch (Belgium) Premium nl-BE nl-BE-Wavenet-B MALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Standard nl-NL nl-NL-Standard-A FEMALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Standard nl-NL nl-NL-Standard-B MALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Standard nl-NL nl-NL-Standard-C MALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Standard nl-NL nl-NL-Standard-D FEMALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Standard nl-NL nl-NL-Standard-E FEMALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Premium nl-NL nl-NL-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Premium nl-NL nl-NL-Wavenet-B MALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Premium nl-NL nl-NL-Wavenet-C MALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Premium nl-NL nl-NL-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Dutch (Netherlands) Premium nl-NL nl-NL-Wavenet-E FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Neural2-A FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Neural2-B MALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Neural2-C FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Neural2-D MALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-News-E FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-News-F FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-News-G MALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Polyglot-1 MALE
English (Australia) Standard en-AU en-AU-Standard-A FEMALE
English (Australia) Standard en-AU en-AU-Standard-B MALE
English (Australia) Standard en-AU en-AU-Standard-C FEMALE
English (Australia) Standard en-AU en-AU-Standard-D MALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Wavenet-A FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Wavenet-B MALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Wavenet-C FEMALE
English (Australia) Premium en-AU en-AU-Wavenet-D MALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Neural2-A FEMALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Neural2-B MALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Neural2-C MALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Neural2-D FEMALE
English (India) Standard en-IN en-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
English (India) Standard en-IN en-IN-Standard-B MALE
English (India) Standard en-IN en-IN-Standard-C MALE
English (India) Standard en-IN en-IN-Standard-D FEMALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Wavenet-C MALE
English (India) Premium en-IN en-IN-Wavenet-D FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Neural2-A FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Neural2-B MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Neural2-C FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Neural2-D MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Neural2-F FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-G FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-H FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-I FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-J MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-K MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-L MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-News-M MALE
English (UK) Standard en-GB en-GB-Standard-A FEMALE
English (UK) Standard en-GB en-GB-Standard-B MALE
English (UK) Standard en-GB en-GB-Standard-C FEMALE
English (UK) Standard en-GB en-GB-Standard-D MALE
English (UK) Standard en-GB en-GB-Standard-F FEMALE
English (UK) Studio en-GB en-GB-Studio-B MALE
English (UK) Studio en-GB en-GB-Studio-C FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Wavenet-A FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Wavenet-B MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Wavenet-C FEMALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Wavenet-D MALE
English (UK) Premium en-GB en-GB-Wavenet-F FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Casual-K MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Journey-D MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Journey-F FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Journey-O FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-A MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-C FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-D MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-E FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-F FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-G FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-H FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-I MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Neural2-J MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-News-K FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-News-L FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-News-N MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Polyglot-1 MALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-A MALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-B MALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-C FEMALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-D MALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-E FEMALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-F FEMALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-G FEMALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-H FEMALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-I MALE
English (US) Standard en-US en-US-Standard-J MALE
English (US) Studio en-US en-US-Studio-O FEMALE
English (US) Studio en-US en-US-Studio-Q MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-A MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-B MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-C FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-D MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-E FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-F FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-G FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-H FEMALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-I MALE
English (US) Premium en-US en-US-Wavenet-J MALE
Filipino (Philippines) Standard fil-PH fil-PH-Standard-A FEMALE
Filipino (Philippines) Standard fil-PH fil-PH-Standard-B FEMALE
Filipino (Philippines) Standard fil-PH fil-PH-Standard-C MALE
Filipino (Philippines) Standard fil-PH fil-PH-Standard-D MALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-PH-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-PH-Wavenet-B FEMALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-PH-Wavenet-C MALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-PH-Wavenet-D MALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-ph-Neural2-A FEMALE
Filipino (Philippines) Premium fil-PH fil-ph-Neural2-D MALE
Finnish (Finland) Standard fi-FI fi-FI-Standard-A FEMALE
Finnish (Finland) Premium fi-FI fi-FI-Wavenet-A FEMALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Neural2-A FEMALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Neural2-B MALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Neural2-C FEMALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Neural2-D MALE
French (Canada) Standard fr-CA fr-CA-Standard-A FEMALE
French (Canada) Standard fr-CA fr-CA-Standard-B MALE
French (Canada) Standard fr-CA fr-CA-Standard-C FEMALE
French (Canada) Standard fr-CA fr-CA-Standard-D MALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Wavenet-A FEMALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Wavenet-B MALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Wavenet-C FEMALE
French (Canada) Premium fr-CA fr-CA-Wavenet-D MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Neural2-A FEMALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Neural2-B MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Neural2-C FEMALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Neural2-D MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Neural2-E FEMALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Polyglot-1 MALE
French (France) Standard fr-FR fr-FR-Standard-A FEMALE
French (France) Standard fr-FR fr-FR-Standard-B MALE
French (France) Standard fr-FR fr-FR-Standard-C FEMALE
French (France) Standard fr-FR fr-FR-Standard-D MALE
French (France) Standard fr-FR fr-FR-Standard-E FEMALE
French (France) Studio fr-FR fr-FR-Studio-A FEMALE
French (France) Studio fr-FR fr-FR-Studio-D MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Wavenet-A FEMALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Wavenet-B MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Wavenet-C FEMALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Wavenet-D MALE
French (France) Premium fr-FR fr-FR-Wavenet-E FEMALE
Galician (Spain) Standard gl-ES gl-ES-Standard-A FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Neural2-A FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Neural2-B MALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Neural2-C FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Neural2-D MALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Neural2-F FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Polyglot-1 MALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-A FEMALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-B MALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-C FEMALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-D MALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-E MALE
German (Germany) Standard de-DE de-DE-Standard-F FEMALE
German (Germany) Studio de-DE de-DE-Studio-B MALE
German (Germany) Studio de-DE de-DE-Studio-C FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-A FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-B MALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-C FEMALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-D MALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-E MALE
German (Germany) Premium de-DE de-DE-Wavenet-F FEMALE
Greek (Greece) Standard el-GR el-GR-Standard-A FEMALE
Greek (Greece) Premium el-GR el-GR-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Gujarati (India) Standard gu-IN gu-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Gujarati (India) Standard gu-IN gu-IN-Standard-B MALE
Gujarati (India) Standard gu-IN gu-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Gujarati (India) Standard gu-IN gu-IN-Standard-D MALE
Gujarati (India) Premium gu-IN gu-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Gujarati (India) Premium gu-IN gu-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Gujarati (India) Premium gu-IN gu-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Gujarati (India) Premium gu-IN gu-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Hebrew (Israel) Standard he-IL he-IL-Standard-A FEMALE
Hebrew (Israel) Standard he-IL he-IL-Standard-B MALE
Hebrew (Israel) Standard he-IL he-IL-Standard-C FEMALE
Hebrew (Israel) Standard he-IL he-IL-Standard-D MALE
Hebrew (Israel) Premium he-IL he-IL-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Hebrew (Israel) Premium he-IL he-IL-Wavenet-B MALE
Hebrew (Israel) Premium he-IL he-IL-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Hebrew (Israel) Premium he-IL he-IL-Wavenet-D MALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Neural2-A FEMALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Neural2-B MALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Neural2-C MALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Neural2-D FEMALE
Hindi (India) Standard hi-IN hi-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Hindi (India) Standard hi-IN hi-IN-Standard-B MALE
Hindi (India) Standard hi-IN hi-IN-Standard-C MALE
Hindi (India) Standard hi-IN hi-IN-Standard-D FEMALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Wavenet-C MALE
Hindi (India) Premium hi-IN hi-IN-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Hungarian (Hungary) Standard hu-HU hu-HU-Standard-A FEMALE
Hungarian (Hungary) Premium hu-HU hu-HU-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Icelandic (Iceland) Standard is-IS is-IS-Standard-A FEMALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Standard id-ID id-ID-Standard-A FEMALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Standard id-ID id-ID-Standard-B MALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Standard id-ID id-ID-Standard-C MALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Standard id-ID id-ID-Standard-D FEMALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Premium id-ID id-ID-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Premium id-ID id-ID-Wavenet-B MALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Premium id-ID id-ID-Wavenet-C MALE
Indonesian (Indonesia) Premium id-ID id-ID-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Neural2-A FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Neural2-C MALE
Italian (Italy) Standard it-IT it-IT-Standard-A FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Standard it-IT it-IT-Standard-B FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Standard it-IT it-IT-Standard-C MALE
Italian (Italy) Standard it-IT it-IT-Standard-D MALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Wavenet-B FEMALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Wavenet-C MALE
Italian (Italy) Premium it-IT it-IT-Wavenet-D MALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Neural2-B FEMALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Neural2-C MALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Neural2-D MALE
Japanese (Japan) Standard ja-JP ja-JP-Standard-A FEMALE
Japanese (Japan) Standard ja-JP ja-JP-Standard-B FEMALE
Japanese (Japan) Standard ja-JP ja-JP-Standard-C MALE
Japanese (Japan) Standard ja-JP ja-JP-Standard-D MALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Wavenet-B FEMALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Wavenet-C MALE
Japanese (Japan) Premium ja-JP ja-JP-Wavenet-D MALE
Kannada (India) Standard kn-IN kn-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Kannada (India) Standard kn-IN kn-IN-Standard-B MALE
Kannada (India) Standard kn-IN kn-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Kannada (India) Standard kn-IN kn-IN-Standard-D MALE
Kannada (India) Premium kn-IN kn-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Kannada (India) Premium kn-IN kn-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Kannada (India) Premium kn-IN kn-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Kannada (India) Premium kn-IN kn-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Neural2-A FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Neural2-B FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Neural2-C MALE
Korean (South Korea) Standard ko-KR ko-KR-Standard-A FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Standard ko-KR ko-KR-Standard-B FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Standard ko-KR ko-KR-Standard-C MALE
Korean (South Korea) Standard ko-KR ko-KR-Standard-D MALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Wavenet-B FEMALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Wavenet-C MALE
Korean (South Korea) Premium ko-KR ko-KR-Wavenet-D MALE
Latvian (Latvia) Standard lv-LV lv-LV-Standard-A MALE
Lithuanian (Lithuania) Standard lt-LT lt-LT-Standard-A MALE
Malay (Malaysia) Standard ms-MY ms-MY-Standard-A FEMALE
Malay (Malaysia) Standard ms-MY ms-MY-Standard-B MALE
Malay (Malaysia) Standard ms-MY ms-MY-Standard-C FEMALE
Malay (Malaysia) Standard ms-MY ms-MY-Standard-D MALE
Malay (Malaysia) Premium ms-MY ms-MY-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Malay (Malaysia) Premium ms-MY ms-MY-Wavenet-B MALE
Malay (Malaysia) Premium ms-MY ms-MY-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Malay (Malaysia) Premium ms-MY ms-MY-Wavenet-D MALE
Malayalam (India) Standard ml-IN ml-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Malayalam (India) Standard ml-IN ml-IN-Standard-B MALE
Malayalam (India) Standard ml-IN ml-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Malayalam (India) Standard ml-IN ml-IN-Standard-D MALE
Malayalam (India) Premium ml-IN ml-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Malayalam (India) Premium ml-IN ml-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Malayalam (India) Premium ml-IN ml-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Malayalam (India) Premium ml-IN ml-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-CN cmn-CN-Standard-A FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-CN cmn-CN-Standard-B MALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-CN cmn-CN-Standard-C MALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-CN cmn-CN-Standard-D FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-CN cmn-CN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-CN cmn-CN-Wavenet-B MALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-CN cmn-CN-Wavenet-C MALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-CN cmn-CN-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-TW cmn-TW-Standard-A FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-TW cmn-TW-Standard-B MALE
Mandarin Chinese Standard cmn-TW cmn-TW-Standard-C MALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-TW cmn-TW-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-TW cmn-TW-Wavenet-B MALE
Mandarin Chinese Premium cmn-TW cmn-TW-Wavenet-C MALE
Marathi (India) Standard mr-IN mr-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Marathi (India) Standard mr-IN mr-IN-Standard-B MALE
Marathi (India) Standard mr-IN mr-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Marathi (India) Premium mr-IN mr-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Marathi (India) Premium mr-IN mr-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Marathi (India) Premium mr-IN mr-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Standard nb-NO nb-NO-Standard-A FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Standard nb-NO nb-NO-Standard-B MALE
Norwegian (Norway) Standard nb-NO nb-NO-Standard-C FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Standard nb-NO nb-NO-Standard-D MALE
Norwegian (Norway) Standard nb-NO nb-NO-Standard-E FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Premium nb-NO nb-NO-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Premium nb-NO nb-NO-Wavenet-B MALE
Norwegian (Norway) Premium nb-NO nb-NO-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Norwegian (Norway) Premium nb-NO nb-NO-Wavenet-D MALE
Norwegian (Norway) Premium nb-NO nb-NO-Wavenet-E FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Standard pl-PL pl-PL-Standard-A FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Standard pl-PL pl-PL-Standard-B MALE
Polish (Poland) Standard pl-PL pl-PL-Standard-C MALE
Polish (Poland) Standard pl-PL pl-PL-Standard-D FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Standard pl-PL pl-PL-Standard-E FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Premium pl-PL pl-PL-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Premium pl-PL pl-PL-Wavenet-B MALE
Polish (Poland) Premium pl-PL pl-PL-Wavenet-C MALE
Polish (Poland) Premium pl-PL pl-PL-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Polish (Poland) Premium pl-PL pl-PL-Wavenet-E FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Neural2-A FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Neural2-B MALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Neural2-C FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Standard pt-BR pt-BR-Standard-A FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Standard pt-BR pt-BR-Standard-B MALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Standard pt-BR pt-BR-Standard-C FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Studio pt-BR pt-BR-Studio-B MALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Studio pt-BR pt-BR-Studio-C FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Wavenet-B MALE
Portuguese (Brazil) Premium pt-BR pt-BR-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Standard pt-PT pt-PT-Standard-A FEMALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Standard pt-PT pt-PT-Standard-B MALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Standard pt-PT pt-PT-Standard-C MALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Standard pt-PT pt-PT-Standard-D FEMALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Premium pt-PT pt-PT-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Premium pt-PT pt-PT-Wavenet-B MALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Premium pt-PT pt-PT-Wavenet-C MALE
Portuguese (Portugal) Premium pt-PT pt-PT-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Punjabi (India) Standard pa-IN pa-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Punjabi (India) Standard pa-IN pa-IN-Standard-B MALE
Punjabi (India) Standard pa-IN pa-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Punjabi (India) Standard pa-IN pa-IN-Standard-D MALE
Punjabi (India) Premium pa-IN pa-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Punjabi (India) Premium pa-IN pa-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Punjabi (India) Premium pa-IN pa-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Punjabi (India) Premium pa-IN pa-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Romanian (Romania) Standard ro-RO ro-RO-Standard-A FEMALE
Romanian (Romania) Premium ro-RO ro-RO-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Standard ru-RU ru-RU-Standard-A FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Standard ru-RU ru-RU-Standard-B MALE
Russian (Russia) Standard ru-RU ru-RU-Standard-C FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Standard ru-RU ru-RU-Standard-D MALE
Russian (Russia) Standard ru-RU ru-RU-Standard-E FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Premium ru-RU ru-RU-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Premium ru-RU ru-RU-Wavenet-B MALE
Russian (Russia) Premium ru-RU ru-RU-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Russian (Russia) Premium ru-RU ru-RU-Wavenet-D MALE
Russian (Russia) Premium ru-RU ru-RU-Wavenet-E FEMALE
Serbian (Cyrillic) Standard sr-RS sr-RS-Standard-A FEMALE
Slovak (Slovakia) Standard sk-SK sk-SK-Standard-A FEMALE
Slovak (Slovakia) Premium sk-SK sk-SK-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-A FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-B MALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-C FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-D FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-E FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Neural2-F MALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Polyglot-1 MALE
Spanish (Spain) Standard es-ES es-ES-Standard-A FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Standard es-ES es-ES-Standard-B MALE
Spanish (Spain) Standard es-ES es-ES-Standard-C FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Standard es-ES es-ES-Standard-D FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Studio es-ES es-ES-Studio-C FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Studio es-ES es-ES-Studio-F MALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Wavenet-B MALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Spanish (Spain) Premium es-ES es-ES-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Neural2-A FEMALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Neural2-B MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Neural2-C MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-News-D MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-News-E MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-News-F FEMALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-News-G FEMALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Polyglot-1 MALE
Spanish (US) Standard es-US es-US-Standard-A FEMALE
Spanish (US) Standard es-US es-US-Standard-B MALE
Spanish (US) Standard es-US es-US-Standard-C MALE
Spanish (US) Studio es-US es-US-Studio-B MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Wavenet-B MALE
Spanish (US) Premium es-US es-US-Wavenet-C MALE
Swedish (Sweden) Standard sv-SE sv-SE-Standard-A FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Standard sv-SE sv-SE-Standard-B FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Standard sv-SE sv-SE-Standard-C FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Standard sv-SE sv-SE-Standard-D MALE
Swedish (Sweden) Standard sv-SE sv-SE-Standard-E MALE
Swedish (Sweden) Premium sv-SE sv-SE-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Premium sv-SE sv-SE-Wavenet-B FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Premium sv-SE sv-SE-Wavenet-C MALE
Swedish (Sweden) Premium sv-SE sv-SE-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Swedish (Sweden) Premium sv-SE sv-SE-Wavenet-E MALE
Tamil (India) Standard ta-IN ta-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Tamil (India) Standard ta-IN ta-IN-Standard-B MALE
Tamil (India) Standard ta-IN ta-IN-Standard-C FEMALE
Tamil (India) Standard ta-IN ta-IN-Standard-D MALE
Tamil (India) Premium ta-IN ta-IN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Tamil (India) Premium ta-IN ta-IN-Wavenet-B MALE
Tamil (India) Premium ta-IN ta-IN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Tamil (India) Premium ta-IN ta-IN-Wavenet-D MALE
Telugu (India) Standard te-IN te-IN-Standard-A FEMALE
Telugu (India) Standard te-IN te-IN-Standard-B MALE
Thai (Thailand) Premium th-TH th-TH-Neural2-C FEMALE
Thai (Thailand) Standard th-TH th-TH-Standard-A FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Standard tr-TR tr-TR-Standard-A FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Standard tr-TR tr-TR-Standard-B MALE
Turkish (Turkey) Standard tr-TR tr-TR-Standard-C FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Standard tr-TR tr-TR-Standard-D FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Standard tr-TR tr-TR-Standard-E MALE
Turkish (Turkey) Premium tr-TR tr-TR-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Premium tr-TR tr-TR-Wavenet-B MALE
Turkish (Turkey) Premium tr-TR tr-TR-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Premium tr-TR tr-TR-Wavenet-D FEMALE
Turkish (Turkey) Premium tr-TR tr-TR-Wavenet-E MALE
Ukrainian (Ukraine) Standard uk-UA uk-UA-Standard-A FEMALE
Ukrainian (Ukraine) Premium uk-UA uk-UA-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Neural2-A FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Neural2-D MALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Standard vi-VN vi-VN-Standard-A FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Standard vi-VN vi-VN-Standard-B MALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Standard vi-VN vi-VN-Standard-C FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Standard vi-VN vi-VN-Standard-D MALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Wavenet-A FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Wavenet-B MALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Wavenet-C FEMALE
Vietnamese (Vietnam) Premium vi-VN vi-VN-Wavenet-D MALE

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How to convert an audio file in colab to text?

I am trying to convert an audio file I have in colab workspace into text using the speech recognition module. But it doesn't work as the audio argument here needs to be audio, how do I load an audio file "audio.wav" into some variable to pass there or just simply pass that file.

  • google-colaboratory

SoulD82's user avatar

2 Answers 2

The speech_recognition library has a procedure to read in audio files. You can do:

After that pass the audio as the first argument to r.recognize_google()

Here is a good article to understand this library.

popeye's user avatar

  • I tried but i get this error: ValueError: Audio file could not be read as PCM WAV, AIFF/AIFF-C, or Native FLAC; check if the file is corrupted or in another format. Even though I tried with wav and mp3 both. –  SoulD82 Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 7:17
  • The file might be corrupted, are you able to open and listen to the file on your system? –  popeye Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 7:20
  • It work's thank you, but it's not converting the text correct. Like the audio says: "What type of cloth is this" But it only gives the text "What" , it seems to work fine on my python env in windows but not on colab. –  SoulD82 Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 7:26

Make sure you have an audio file in the current directory that contains english speech

The below code is responsible for loading the audio file, and converting the speech into text using Google Speech Recognition:

This will take few seconds to finish, as it uploads the file to Google and grabs the output

Ailurophile's user avatar

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text to speech google colab

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A dedicated, low-cost AI voice assistant based on the ESP32 microcontroller. This project leverages Google Colab's free computing services for speech-to-text and text-to-speech processing, and integrates with the Perplexity AI API for intelligent conversation and query handling.


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  • Offline wake word detection using the INMP441 I2S microphone (still in development, Currently push button)
  • Records user queries and sends audio to Google Colab for speech-to-text
  • Processes natural language queries using Perplexity AI's API
  • Converts Perplexity's response back to speech using Google Colab
  • Plays back the AI-generated voice response on the ESP32 using a MAX98357A I2S amplifier and speaker
  • Designed for ease of assembly, using commonly available components and Dupont connectors for testing.

This voice assistant is still in active development. Current efforts are focused on:

  • Designing mobile power supply
  • Wake word detection accuracy
  • Decreasing latency
  • Adding photo upload and camera hardware
  • ESP32 development board (e.g. ESP32-WROOM-32)
  • INMP441 I2S digital microphone
  • MAX98357A I2S digital audio amplifier
  • 4 ohm, 3W speaker
  • SPI MicroSD card module for audio storage
  • Power Supply (Minimum 1.25 A @ 5 V)
  • Dupont cables for connections

Getting Started

  • Connect the hardware components as shown in the wiring diagram (Coming soon)
  • Install the ESP32 Arduino core and required libraries
  • Configure your WiFi, Google Colab, and Perplexity API credentials
  • Flash the firmware to your ESP32 -Power up the device and test it by holding the button and speaking a question
  • Jupyter Notebook 44.4%


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  3. How to do text to speech conversion in Google Colab?

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  4. Google Colab

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  5. Super Simple Text to Speech with Python and Google Colab

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  7. Using the Text-to-Speech API with Python

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  8. How to use Whisper AI (using Google Colab)

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  9. GitHub

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    a. Open your web browser and navigate to : b. Sign in with your Google account to mount the google drive. Follow my loom video, it's a quick go-through I made it in a rush but it might help you ...

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  12. [Workshop] Quickstart to Speech Recognition: Google Speech-to-Text with

    Google Colab Files. Prepare your audio file (audiofile.wav) by uploading it to Colab.Use the following script to transcribe the audio file: # Initialize the speech client to interact with the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API. client = speech.SpeechClient() # Specify the name of the audio file to be transcribed. file_name = "audiofile.wav" # Open the audio file in read-binary mode and read its ...

  13. Transcribe audio to text

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  14. GitHub

    Next step is to load deep speech model with following parameters. # 1. Number of MFCC features to use. N_FEATURES = 26. # 2. Size of the context window used for producing timesteps in the input vector. N_CONTEXT = 9. # 3. Beam width used in the CTC decoder when building candidate transcriptions.

  15. Using the Speech-to-Text API with Python

    1. Overview The Speech-to-Text API enables developers to convert audio to text in over 125 languages and variants, by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API.. In this tutorial, you will focus on using the Speech-to-Text API with Python. What you'll learn. How to set up your environment

  16. Introducing Cloud Text-to-Speech powered by DeepMind ...

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  17. Transcribe Audio Quickly With Google Colab and Deepgram

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  18. Supported voices and languages

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  19. How to convert an audio file in colab to text?

    Make sure you have an audio file in the current directory that contains english speech. import speech_recognition as sr. filename = "16-122828-0002.wav". The below code is responsible for loading the audio file, and converting the speech into text using Google Speech Recognition: # initialize the recognizer. r = sr.Recognizer() # open the file.

  20. Google Colab

    Install Google Cloud's speech library. [Required] Set up a Google Cloud account. Okay so we get it, this part is hard, but in order to use the Cloud speech-to-text API you need to set up a Cloud account, project, and billing. Start here. Once you've done that, come back here.

  21. mammothtraining/Super-Simple-Text-to-Speech-with-Python-and-Google-Colab

    Super-Simple-Text-to-Speech-with-Python-and-Google-Colab. Click below to watch the video: About. No description, website, or topics provided. Resources. Readme License. Apache-2.0 license Activity. Stars. 2 stars Watchers. 1 watching Forks. 6 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. Packages 0.

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  24. ESP32-Voice-Assistant-with-Speech-to-Text-Perplexity-AI-and-Text-to-Speech

    A dedicated, low-cost AI voice assistant based on the ESP32 microcontroller. This project leverages Google Colab's free computing services for speech-to-text and text-to-speech processing, and integrates with the Perplexity AI API for intelligent conversation and query handling.