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Research Development
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Research Support Units
The Office of Research and Innovation is comprised of many departments, offices and administrative units. Each unit works to support UC San Diego's research endeavors or works to turn that research into viable, real-world products and services.
Office of Research and Innovation (ORI)
Sponsored Projects Office (SPO)
Organized Research Unit (ORU) Core Services
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Office of Innovation and Commercialization
Research Compliance and Integrity Office (RCI)
Conflict of Interest (COI) Office
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Office
Research Development (RD)
RD Graphic Design Services
Grant Writing Assistance Pilot
Related research units.
- Budgeting & Financial Management
- Clinical and Research Support Services
- Outpatient Facility - Church Street Research Unit (CSRU)
- Outpatient Facility - West Campus Research Unit (WRU)
- Outpatient Facility - Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC)
- Inpatient Facilities - Hospital Research Unit (HRU)
- Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit
- Clinical Research Support Lab
- Bionutrition Unit
- Biobehavioral Laboratory (BBL)
- Hub Research Capacity
- Clinical Trials Project Management
- Initiatives to Shorten Study Initiation and Patient Recruitment
- Initiatives to Accelerate and Enhance Recruitment
- Participant & Clinical Interactions
- Recruitment Materials
- Translation Services
- Social Media Support
- Biospecimen Management
- Biostatistics & Study Design
- Clinicaltrials.gov Support Services
- Guidance, Study Tools & Template
- IND Information
- IND Training
- IDE Information
- IDE Training
- Single-Patient Expanded Access
- IND/IDE Support Path
- Project Lifecycle
- Investigational Drug Service
- Melanoma Registry
- Protocol Development & Regulatory Support
- Billing Compliance: Step-by-Step
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Epic Data Requests
- OnCore Website
- EpicCare Link
- Acrobat Sign
- Community and Collaborations
- Pediatric Protocols (PPRC)
- Science & Safety (SSC)
- Quality Assurance
- Audit Preparedness
- EpicCare (Login)
- Residents & Fellows
- Researchers
A to Z List of Research Support Services
The list below is a comprehensive list of support services available to researchers, both on this site and on other Yale websites.
- Skip List Items
- Abbreviations at Yale School of Medicine
- Acrobat Sign (Part-11 Compliant)
- Active Clinical Trials
- Advertisement, Marketing, and Brochure Design
- Ambassadors
- Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT)
- Biorepository Support
- Build a MyChart Research Profile
- Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE)
- Church Street Research Unit (CSRU)
- Citing the Yale CTSA
- Clinical Research Coordinator
- Clinical Research Facilities
- Clinical Research Training
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical Trials by Category
- Clinical Trials Frequently Asked Questions
- CNRU - Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit
- Coffee & Conversation
- Collaborations with Other Institutions
- Common Metrics
- Community Engagement
- Community-engaged research (CEnR)
- Community-engaged research (CEnR) Steering Committee (SC)
- Connecticut Mental Health Center (CMHC)
- Core Laboratory Services
- COVID19 Active Clinical Trials
- COVID19 Clinical Trials or Research Activation
- COVID19 Information at Yale
- Cultural Ambassadors
- Data Management & Informatics
- Dietary: Bio-nutrition and Metabolic Kitchen
- Diversity Summit
- Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at YSM
- Education, Training, and Career Development at YCCI
- Electronic Signature (Part-11 Compliant)
- EpicCare Link for Sponsor Monitoring
- Equity Research and Innovation Center (ERIC)
- Faculty Dinner Series
- FDA Audit Preparedness
- FDA Diversity in Clinical Trials Partnership
- Find a Clinical Trial
- Frequently Asked Questions, Clinical Trials
- Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at the Yale School of Medicine (FRCS)
- Genomics - Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA)
- Good Clinical Practice Training
- Grants and Contracts
- Help Us Discover Clinical Research Awareness, Education, and Recruitment Campaign
- Help Us Discover Heroes (Patient Stories)
- Hospital Research Unit (HRU)
- How to Volunteer
- Human Subjects Protection Program (HRPP)
- IND/IDE Support
- Informatics
- Innovation and Diversity Summit
- Inpatient Facility: Hospital Research Unit (HRU)
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Integrating Special Populations (ISP)
- Internship Program
- Introduction to Clinical Research at Yale
- Investigative Medicine Program
- Job Openings at Yale
- Joint Data Analytics Team (JDAT)
- Joint Data Analytics Team (JDAT) Service Request
- Junior Faculty Scholars
- Keck Biotechnology Resource Laboratory
- Lunch & Learn
- Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC)
- Medicare Coverage Analysis
- Minority Recruitment and Retention Support
- MOU between Yale FDA
- MyChart Research Profile
- National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
- National Clinician Scholars Program
- Network Capacity
- Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
- Outpatient Facility (CSRU)
- Patient Stories - Help Us Discover Heroes
- PCI - Participant and Clinical Interactions
- Pediatric Protocol Review Committee (PPRC)
- Pilot Programs & Awards
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Center
- Pre-Doctoral Training Program
- Privacy & Opting Out
- Program Evaluation
- Puerto Rico - MD-PhD with University of Puerto Rico
- Quality Assurance & Monitoring
- Recruitment and Marketing
- Regulatory Compliance
- Regulatory Support
- Remote Monitoring for Sponsor Monitors
- Request a CTSA Letter of Support
- Request a JDAT Service
- Request a YCCI service
- Research Across the Lifespan
- Research and improving care for individuals leaving prison
- Research Billing Compliance
- Research Coordinator Resources
- Research Participant Stories - Help Us Discover Heroes
- Research Practitioner
- Research Practitioner Journal
- Research Profile in MyChart
- Robert S. Sherwin YCCI All Scholar Day
- Rockefeller
- Science and Safety Committee (SSC)
- SOCRA Training and Certification Exam
- SPIRiT Consortium
- Sponsor Monitoring
- Subject Payments
- Subject Recruitment, Call Center, Pre-Screening
- Team Science
- Transitions Clinic Network (TCN) programs
- Trials by Category
- Units (Clinical Research)
- University College of London (UCL)
- VA Hospital
- West Campus
- West Campus Biobehavioral Research
- Yale Center for Analytical Sciences (YCAS)
- Yale Center for Clinical Investigation Internship Program
- Yale Center for Genome Analysis (YCGA)
- Yale Clinical Trials
- Yale FDA Innovation and Diversity Summit
- Yale Generations Project
- Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC)
- Yale Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Center
- Yale REDCap
- YCCI Junior Faculty Scholars
- YCCI Society of Mentors
Research Support
- Databases A-Z This link opens in a new window
- Periodicals A-Z This link opens in a new window
- Research Consultations
- Workshops for Researchers This link opens in a new window
- Research Support Videos
- Research Support for Doctoral and Master's Degree Students This link opens in a new window
- Library Support for Doctoral & Master's Students This link opens in a new window
- Library Support for Students This link opens in a new window
- Library Support for Faculty This link opens in a new window
- Research Guides This link opens in a new window
- Interlibrary Loan
- Library Instruction This link opens in a new window
- Research Process Guide This link opens in a new window
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Ebooks
- Dissertation and Theses Writing Ebooks
- EndNote Online (Clarivate Analytics) This link opens in a new window
- EndNote Online User Guide This link opens in a new window
- Grant Funding and Proposal Writing This link opens in a new window
- Office of Research and Sponsored Programs This link opens in a new window
- GrantForward (Cazoodle Inc.) This link opens in a new window
- Writing Services This link opens in a new window
- Publishing Resources Guide This link opens in a new window
- Kean Quest This link opens in a new window
- Open Educational Resources (OER) This link opens in a new window
- Digital Commons This link opens in a new window
Ask a Librarian
- Email Reference Form
- Make an Appointment (Students)
- Make an Appointment (Faculty and Staff)
Research Support
Over the last decade, academic libraries have built upon their traditional collections and reference service models to incorporate services that include support for digital scholarship, discoverability of research, and identification of funding sources for research (Alexander, Case, Downing, Gomis, & Maslowski, 2014). More recent studies (Cox, 2018; Webb, 2020) reveal considerable value connected to the ways in which libraries and affiliated units can partner with researchers in their efforts to disseminate research through open access, digital scholarship, and more.
The Nancy Thompson Learning Commons (NTLC) serves Kean University’s commitment to research through a Research Support unit that engages with the Kean community as it creates and shares knowledge. While the NTLC provides access to a vast collection of information resources, it also fosters internal and external collaboration and delivers services designed to support the research enterprise and scholarly communication. The Research Support unit endeavors to serve Kean community members through all stages of the research process, with support provided for researchers as they seek and access information, manage citations and data, and seek funding and publishing opportunities. In addition, the NTLC has established Digital Commons as a platform for publishing open access, digital scholarship. Research consultation services, in-person and online workshops, and asynchronous support through videos and online guides are available to faculty researchers, doctoral and other graduate students, and undergraduate researchers.
Alexander, L., Case, B. D., Downing, K. E., Gomis, M., & Maslowski, E. (2014). Librarians and scholars: Partners in digital humanities. Educause Review, 22 (2–3), 144. http://er.educause.edu/articles/2014/6/librarians-and-scholars-partners-in-digital-humanities
Cox, J. (2018). Positioning the academic library within the institution: A literature review. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 24 (3-4), 217–241. https://doi.org/10.1080/13614533.2018.1466342
Webb, K. (2020). Benchmarking library creative spaces for research support and faculty/librarian partnerships. Journal of Learning Spaces, 9 (2). http://libjournal.uncg.edu/jls/article/view/1966/1477
- Next: Databases A-Z >>
- Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024 9:49 AM
- URL: https://libguides.kean.edu/ResearchSupport
An Introduction to Research Support Services and Functions
The tutorials on this page are intended to provide an overview of the functions and services divisions within Research & Graduate Studies offers to the community of scholars and researchers at Portland State University. Whether you're new to PSU and looking to launch your research portfolio or a veteran researcher, the content on this page can help you navigate PSU's research administration services.
Video Tutorials
Research Administration: Overview of Resources for Researchers
This video provides an overview of research support services. Topics include the sponsored projects administration, compliance resources, data security and management, and export controls.
SPA Essentials: Investigator Responsibilities
This tutorial covers the commitments of Principal or Co-Investigators of a sponsored project awarded to Portland State. The video describes the processes for proposal development and submission and how to make use of the resources provided by Sponsored Projects Administration to support award and project management.
Human Subjects Research Protection Program
This video provides an overview of the Human Research Protections Program at PSU. Topics include the origins of human research protections, how PSU defines human subjects research and university agents, and the policies that govern required human subject project reviews.
Human Subjects: Project Overview & Prescreening Form One
If you are submitting a Human Subjects research protocol for the first time, this video provides guidance on how to correctly complete 'Form 1.' This is the first of three forms that require investigators to provide an overview of their project and allow the HRPP team to determine if the project requires further review.
Human Subjects Research: Completing Form Two
Federal regulations specify that certain types of research with human participants pose a low risk to participants and may qualify for exempt review. The tutorial will walk you through Form Two to help the IRB determine if your project qualifies for exempt review.
Human Subjects Research: Completing Form Three
Federal regulations specify that certain types of research with human participants pose a higher risk to participants and do not qualify for exempt review. This tutorial walks researches through From Three to help them understand the types of information IRB will need to be able to properly review a non-exempt project.
Data Security
This video provides an overview of the types of data that are subject to security policies. Topics include identifying data security concerns and the types of data that require assessment by PSU's Data Security and Compliance Officer.
Understanding the Costs of Research
F&A costs, also known as indirect costs, are an essential part of the price of doing research and vital to research institutions' ability to maintain research operations. This video offers an explanation of the interaction between colleges, universities, and the federal government to support research activities.
Overview of F&A at PSU
How are Facilities and Administration (F&A) costs calculated and used by the university? This short tutorial demonstrates the distinctions between F&A and direct costs, the ways PSU calculates F&A rates, how different rates are assigned to projects, and how F&A revenue is distributed.
Use of PIN Funds
PIN funds are a percentage of F&A funds that go back to individual principal investigators. This short tutorial will provide an overview of how PIN funds are earned, used, distributed, and how PIN balances can be tracked by individual PIs.
How to Partner with the PSU Foundation
An overview of the PSU Foundation and the role it plays in connecting researchers and donors. In this video, you will learn how the Foundation prioritizes and pursues funding using a donor-centric approach. You will learn how to access Foundation staff to guide and assist in research proposals managed through the Foundation.
Download the Slide Decks
Investigator Responsibilities
Human Subjects Research
Sponsored Projects Administration - Overview of F&A at PSU
Transforming the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses.
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Celebrating 75 Years! Learn More >>
- Research Funded by NIMH
- Research Conducted at NIMH (Intramural Research Program)
- Priority Research Areas
- Research Resources
Research Support Services
Research support services provide scientific consulting, cutting-edge technologies and approaches, and other resources to investigators inside and outside of NIMH. These specialized services help make the NIMH IRP an optimal environment for conducting mental health research and accelerating discoveries.
Data Science and Sharing Team
The goal of the Data Science and Sharing Team is to support and advance the creation, distribution, and utilization of large, open datasets to accelerate discovery within the NIMH Intramural Research Program. We provide tools and training to help scientists within the IRP embrace open and reproducible science practices. This includes:
- Standardized, community recognized formats and repositories for data storage and dissemination
- Collaborative, version-controlled tools for developing analysis code
- Open distribution of all experimental methods and results to maximize impact and reproducibility
Contact: Adam Thomas, Ph.D.
Functional MRI Core (fMRI)
The functional MRI Facility (fMRIF) is a core resource serving the intramural research program. It was initiated in March of 1999 primarily by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Its function is to serve as a resource by which all NIH institutes can perform functional MRI (fMRI) studies to further the understanding of healthy and diseased brain function and physiology.
Contact: Peter Bandettini, Ph.D.
Human Brain Collection Core (HBCC)
The purpose of the HBCC is to collect human brain tissue, and hair and blood samples from deceased individuals to learn more about the nervous system and mental disorders. Brain tissue is collected postmortem from individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, suicide, bipolar disorder, depression, Tourette’s Syndrome, drug addictions (e.g., PCP, cocaine, alcohol, heroin), and a variety of neurological disorders, as well as individuals without a history of any neuropsychiatric and neurological disease.
Contact: Acting Director, Stefano Marenco, M.D.
Machine Learning Team
The mission of the Machine Learning Team is to support researchers in the NIMH intramural research program who want to address research problems in clinical and cognitive neuroscience using machine learning approaches. We do this by consulting with individual researchers and guiding them in the use of the appropriate tools and methods, or by taking on the analysis process ourselves, if this is more expedient. In parallel, we develop new methods and analysis approaches, motivated by the needs of researchers or by the practical possibilities arising from advances in the field.
Contact: Francisco Pereira, Ph.D.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Core (MRS)
The magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) core is a facility that focuses on development and technical support of in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques with the aim to facilitate the clinical and basic research using in vivo MRS.
Contact: Jun Shen, Ph.D.
Magnetoencephalography Core (MEG)
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a non-invasive procedure similar to electroencephalography (EEG) in terms of basic principles and analysis, however, MEG consists of sitting in a chair or lying on a bed while your head is inside a helmet shaped device which contains magnetic field sensors.
Contact: Allison Nugent, Ph.D.
Microarray Core
A Microarray Core Facility under the direction of Dr. Abdel Elkahloun (NBGRI). The Microarray Core is a collaboration between NHGRI (lead institute), NIMH, and NINDS.
Contact: Lee Eiden, Ph.D.
Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service
The Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service conducts developmental and behavioral evaluations on individuals with a variety of neurodevelopmental problems, focusing on young children and individuals of all ages with significant cognitive or social impairments. The goal of the service is to provide behavioral phenotyping for natural history and treatment studies of autism spectrum disorder and genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability, and contribute to outcome measure development for these conditions.
Contact: Audrey Thurm, Ph.D
Neurophysiology Imaging Facility
The Neurophysiology Imaging Facility’s 4.7 Tesla Vertical magnet is one of a handful of scanners in the world dedicated to functional imaging in the alert primate brain. The facility was made possible by joint contributions from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Eye Institute (NEI), and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Contact: David Leopold, Ph.D.
Neuropsychology Consult Service
The Neuropsychology Consult Service evaluates the cognitive and emotional functioning of patients by integrating NIH patient history with results from individually-administered normative psychological tests (of attention, memory, language, IQ, executive functioning, mood, and personality). NIH patients can be referred for neuropsychological evaluations for clinical purposes (related to their enrollment in an NIH study) and/or as part of protocol-driven research. (Research evaluations require protocol pre-approval.) The goal of this consult service is to assist NIH researchers and clinicians with behavioral phenotyping, patient diagnosis, determining progression of disease, treatment planning, and assessing treatment effects. Evaluations are completed under the direction of licensed psychologists, can be brief (e.g., 30-40 minutes) or as long as five hours depending upon the complexity of the referral question, and can be completed in the NIH Clinical Center outpatient clinics or at patient bedside.
Contact: Joseph Snow, Ph.D.
Noninvasive Neuromodulation Unit (NNU)
The Noninvasive Neuromodulation Service focuses on developing novel noninvasive neuromodulation tools, coupled with brain measurements via neurophysiology and neuroimaging, to measure and modulate neural plasticity for the study and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. We provide expertise in neuromodulation tools to support other NIH and extramural investigators, and we conduct research projects focused on advancing neuromodulation technologies to improve their utility and safety. Specifically, we develop novel stimulation paradigms and biomarker batteries to investigate brain-behavior relationships and to inform novel intervention development. Our team, spanning the fields of psychiatry, engineering, neuroscience and psychology, has expertise in electric field modeling, device and coil design for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), cognitive neuroscience trials employing image-guided neuromodulation, and the translational development of novel treatments in preclinical models, healthy volunteers, and clinical populations. Technologies we support include Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), magnetic seizure therapy (MST), TMS-compatible EEG (electroencephalography), and TMS/fMRI interleaving) facilities. We supply state of the art TMS, tDCS, EEG, EMG (electromyography), frameless stereotaxy, perturbation/physiology equipment and associated data processing pipelines to support NIH IRP and extramural investigators.
Contact: Sarah H. Lisanby, MD
Psychiatry Consultation Liaison Service
The NIMH PCLS is a multidisciplinary team that provides psychiatric and psychological consultations for patients enrolled in clinical protocols at the NIH CC, a 200-bed hospital with inpatient, outpatient, and day-hospital facilities, serving 18 different NIH Institutes/Centers at the Bethesda, Maryland campus. The PCLS team includes psychiatrists, a psychologist, social worker and consultation liaison fellows. PCLS consultants provide routine and emergency psychiatry consultations in adult and pediatric patients participating in clinical research at the NIH CC. In addition to direct care, the PCLS provides liaison services to medical teams through its expertise in the management of complex health conditions in a research setting. PCLS consultants also play an integral role in the provision of education, training and outreach in the CC and other non-clinical constituent groups on the larger NIH-campus.
Contact: Haniya Raza D.O., M.P.H
Rodent Behavioral Core (RBC)
The NIMH Rodent Behavioral Core (RBC) was initiated to address the growing need across NIH to have an intramural resource for high throughput, efficient and targeted behavioral testing of rodents. The RBC offers NIH researchers validated and reliable testing of mice and rats over a broad range of physiological and behavioral domains including general health, cognitive, emotional, sensory, and motor function.
Contact: Yogita Chudasama Ph.D.
Scientific and Statistical Computing Core
The primary function of this core is to support functional neuroimaging research at the NIH. This includes development of new data analysis techniques; their implementation in the publicly available AFNI software; advising researchers on the analysis methods, data visualization and quality control; and instructing them in the use of software tools .
Contact: Paul Taylor, Ph.D.
Section on Instrumentation
The mission of the Section on Instrumentation is to provide comprehensive engineering support in a collaborative and synergistic environment for research as required by NIMH, NINDS and NICHD scientists. The Section on Instrumentation Core Facility (formerly Research Services Branch) provides a staff of engineers and technicians to fabricate custom electronic, mechanical, and electromechanical devices and instruments for a full spectrum of biomedical applications.
Contact: George Dold, M.S.
Sleep and Neurodevelopment Service
The NIMH OCD established this Sleep Service in 2016 in order to better incorporate sleep metrics into the comprehensive assessment of neuropsychiatric illness and neurodevelopmental disorders. The two- bed sleep service offers comprehensive clinical evaluation of sleep disorders in both children and adults including overnight diagnostic testing for all of the Clinical Center. SNS also provides consultation to PIs who seek to incorporate measures of sleep health and sleep EEG signatures into their protocols with a research focus on the normal sleep dependent neuro-maturational changes that are reflected in the sleep EEG.
Contact: Ashura W. Buckley, M.D.
Systems Neuroscience Imaging Resource (SNIR)
The Systems Neuroscience Imaging Resource (SNIR) makes tools for contemporary systems level molecular anatomy accessible to NIMH, and other investigators. Current approaches to investigation of brain circuits and systems require analyses of neuronal projections, gene expression, and protein distribution patterns at cellular or sub-cellular resolution across multiple brain regions. The SNIR provides access to appropriate hardware, software, wet lab procedures, training, support and expertise. The SNIR facilitates access to technologies such as high-throughput wide-field microscopy, deep tissue imaging via laser scanning confocal microscopy, and light sheet microscopy. It also facilitates the application of recently developed genetic, molecular, and imaging and image analysis techniques to the projects and problems of intramural investigators. A particular focus is the facilitation of work incorporating advances in 3D reconstruction of specified circuits, cell types, and protein distributions, combining modern clearing, image acquisition, and volume reconstruction methods.
Contact: Ted Usdin, M.D., Ph.D.
Veterinary Medicine Resource Branch
VMRB provides a comprehensive program of animal care and use within the NIMH intramural research program. VMRB and the NIMH Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) work together in assuring that the Institute's animal use program is in compliance with all applicable regulations, guidelines, and policies. The program is accredited by the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International under the National Institutes of Health.
An outstanding animal care and use program is everyone’s responsibility. The VMRB staff provides consultation services that can greatly assist investigators who use or plan to use animals in their research effort. The VMRB can provide training on the humane handling and use of animals in support of neuroscience research, as well as anesthesia, surgery, and other technical procedures. We are here to help you in the preparation of an Animal Study Proposal and facilitate the ACUC approval process. We can provide guidance in the selection of the appropriate species and help with your animal ordering and shipping needs. We can also help coordinate animal procurement, housing, special husbandry requirements, technical service requests and animal movement between facilities or programs. In addition, the VMRB is on-call 24/7 to address your emergency veterinary medical needs. NIMH IRP staff can contact:
Acting Director, Dr. Krystal Allen-Worthington, DVM, Ph.D.
Office of the Clinical Director
The mission of the Office of the Clinical Director (OCD) is to ensure that subjects participating in NIMH protocols receive the highest quality clinical care. This is accomplished by the activities of the Human Subjects Protection Unit, the Combined Neuroscience Institutional Review Board (IRB), Clinical Fellowship Training activities, and the Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service. The overall responsibilities of the office include the following: oversight of the clinical care provided to our research subjects, management of the NIMH protocol review process, administration of the quality assurance program, authorization of medical staff credentials, and allocation of Clinical Center (CC) resources.
The Office of the Clinical Director:
- Is fully aligned to the NIMH Mission and Strategic Plan
- Supports Clinical Research in Mental Health in the IRP
- Ensures that subjects participating in NIMH protocols receive the highest quality clinical care.
- Facilitates intramural/extramural collaboration
CSCU Homepage
The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit is a research support unit whose mission is to support Cornell faculty, staff, and students with study design, data analysis, and the use of statistics in their research.
CSCU provides statistical expertise to the Cornell research community through consulting , instruction , and contract services .
Statistical Consulting Appointments
CSCU currently offers statistical consulting appointments in person in Savage Hall or via Zoom. Appointments are typically scheduled for an hour. To schedule an appointment with a statistical consultant, click on the button below. Please note that we do not have the capacity to assist students with course work.
CSCU offers statistical workshops on a variety of topics. We offer live workshops throughout the year and maintain a library of recorded workshops and materials that are accessible to the Cornell community at any time. To see our current workshop schedule or our workshop catalog, click on the buttons below.
Virtual Drop-in Consulting
For short questions (5-10 minutes), consider visiting a virtual drop-in consulting session. You can access the sessions by clicking on the consultant’s name in the calendar below and then clicking on the Zoom link. You will be placed into the waiting room and then admitted into the session with the consultant when they are ready. Office hours are 30 minutes each, scheduled on the hour. We ask that you limit your visits to our office hours to once a week so we can help as many clients as possible.
CSCU is holding in-person drop-in consulting sessions at the Big Red Barn and in the Mann Library Consultation Area this semester. Check the consulting calendar to find out when the drop-in consulting sessions are being held.
Clinical Research Support
We connect researchers with the resources they need to conduct their clinical studies that will improve prevention and treatment methods.
Center for Biomedical Ethics
Offering consulting services in team science and bioethics to our investigators and their partners.
Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Office (SCI-CTO)
Providing regulatory, administrative, research support, budget, and educational services to investigators conducting cancer clinical trials.
Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU)
Providing infrastructure to clinical studies, including adult and pediatric nursing services, phlebotomy, dietary services, laboratory biospecimen processing, and budget consultations.
Clinical Research Quality (CRQ)
Facilitating clinical research regulatory compliance and quality and compliance-improvement initiatives.
Clinical Research Units (CRU)
Implementing an organizational framework to enhance efficiency and quality of clinical research, including protocol review and feedback, annual enrollment tracking and assessment, and a roadmap to SoM services.
ClinicalTrials.gov Resources
Disseminating information about clinical trials to the public, researchers, and healthcare professionals.
Human Subjects Research Compliance Office (IRB)
Ensuring compliance with applicable policies, accreditation standards, and external regulations for human subject research.
Office of Community Engagement
Serving as a leader in developing innovative models of engagement to promote health equity for diverse populations.
OnCore for Non-Cancer
Ensuring all clinical research is tracked through Stanford’s secure centralized system as required by SoM policy.
Maternal and Child Health Research Institute
Mobilizing Stanford discoveries and advancing research to improve health for expectant mothers and children.
Research Informatics Center (RIC)
Supporting teams with cohort discovery, chart review, compliance, and more for data-driven clinical research.
Research Participant Engagement (RPEP)
Helping Stanford research teams meet their study recruitment goals, focusing on engaging participants as partners in research.
School of Medicine Research Office
The research life cycle
ASU offers services and support to researchers throughout the entire research life cycle, from locating funding opportunities to commercializing new technologies.
Identify opportunities
Search funding opportunities, locate collaborators and understand proposal requirements.
Write proposal
Craft a strong proposal that leverages university resources.
Submit proposal
Submit a proposal that complies with all legal and ethical requirements.
Conduct research
Explore facilities, tools and resources to help you carry out your sponsored projects.
Share your work
Publish, promote and commercialize your discoveries and innovations.
Get started
These two resources are your starting points for a successful research career at ASU.
Research Advancement
supports your research endeavors and assists you when you have questions. RA staff assigned to your unit are available to assist you in several areas, including:
- Identification and review of funding opportunities.
- Proposal development, including completion of all required forms, budgeting and routing of the completed proposal for all required signature approvals.
- Coordination between you and the Office for Research and Sponsored Projects Administration (ORSPA), including the transmission of completed proposals for review and submission to sponsor.
- Transfer of existing sponsored projects to ASU.
Research Academy
links you to the resources, tools and teams you need at the moment you need them. Use Research Academy to find a library of online topics on grant writing and professional development events that will assist you at any stage of your research career. Start with reviewing the “How to Get Research Funding” topics for practical instructions, templates, examples and links to teams that assist with:
- Researching potential sponsors.
- Searching for the right funding opportunities.
- Finding expertise at ASU.
- Reviewing example funded proposals.
- Writing key proposal sections.
- Writing and publishing journal articles.
Research Academy hosts events and workshops centered on improving opportunities for research funding, conducting research programs and networking within the research community. Various ASU research support teams conduct events throughout the year on topics such as proposal development, sponsor funding opportunities, working with human subjects and research computing.
[email protected]
assists in funding opportunity discovery. Pivot is a powerful global funding opportunity and scholars database that allows users to receive results in a variety of ways. All ASU faculty, staff and students can access Pivot. It is best to log in from an ASU computer, as Pivot will recognize that you are an ASU user. Faculty and staff interested in learning more about this tool can contact their unit Research Advancement Staff.
Research Development
supports research faculty, staff, and leaders to improve growth in the research enterprise.
- Capture Managers – Gather insights, build connections and plan competitive responses before formal opportunities are announced.
- Opportunity Managers – Support the limited submissions by providing a transparent, equitable selection process, and promote internal funding, faculty nominations, and awards.
- Proposal Managers – Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of large-scale, strategic proposal development.
- Graphic Designers – Aid proposal development with data visualization, infographics and illustrations.
- Research Development events – Facilitate discussions on current and future opportunities to improve teaming, proposals, and award performance at ASU.
provides a way to identify colleagues to collaborate on research projects, as well as share scholarly works and research interests. All tenured, tenure-track and research faculty at ASU are automatically included in the profiled catalog and can easily be accessed via the public-facing experts.asu site. ASU experts are updated each semester to account for personnel changes and have customizable profiles that can be edited to include a large variety of scholarly works, patents, exhibitions, compositions, data sets and more.
The College Research and Evaluation Services Team
provides evaluation support across multiple disciplines and partnering organizations at the local, state and national levels. CREST works with you to design and write evaluation plans for grant proposals. A personalized, flexible and collaborative approach is utilized to meet the needs of grant specifications and the broadening participation activities you implement, from the development of the proposal through the final report requirements.
CREST utilizes a mixed-methods evaluation design, collecting multiple sources of data that illustrate program impact and provide information for program improvement, enhancement and sustainability.
The University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness
serves as an independent evaluator for internally and externally funded programs, grants and units at ASU. The UOEEE team provides formative and summative evaluation services at scale for a diverse range of projects and funders, from evaluation planning and proposal development through to instrument development and validation, data collection, monitoring, analysis and reporting. UOEEE supports growing evaluation capacity at ASU through talks, workshops and individualized facilitation.
The ASU International Development Initiative
supports faculty across ASU colleges, schools, academic units, and administrative and support units to pursue grants and contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of State and other development agencies. The ASU International Development Initiative provides multiple services to the university community, including:
- Identifying opportunities for new projects and programs with USAID, Department of State and other development agencies.
- New business capture, including negotiation with prospective partners such as international development firms, international NGOs and global universities.
- Proposal support for funding opportunities.
- Global implementation services to enable agile, effective coordination of international projects.
- Assessment services to measure project impact and generate data and evidence to improve development outcomes.
Research Engagement Office
maintains close relationships with federal agencies, nearby universities, industry and scientific associations to advance a mutual understanding of science, technology and societal needs to empower faculty in navigating federal research opportunities and contribute meaningfully to national policy discussions. REO support includes collating federal priorities and policies, conducting a leadership forum, providing matching funds for Washington, D.C. travel, as well as sharing opportunities for advisory appointments in the National Capital Region.
Write your proposal
The negotiations team.
serves as the contracting authority for incoming and outgoing research-related agreements with external partners, including non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), sponsored research agreements, etc. The Negotiations Team also performs export control reviews, including restricted party screening of foreign collaborators and foreign visitors.
ASU Core Research Facilities
create solutions to the world’s most critical challenges through advanced research and development. Their PhD-level scientists provide guidance whether you need project development, sample processing, workforce training, or for collaboration and assistance in your proposal preparation.
With over 30 distinct facilities, state-of-the-art equipment and in-depth expertise, Core Facilities are here to help you achieve your research goals. The team provides a variety of tools and services across scientific disciplines, including biosciences, microelectronics and nanofabrication, materials characterization and synthesis, health and clinical research services, instrument design and fabrication, and computing and data services.
Research Data Management Office
provides support for all aspects of data management and planning covering the entire research cycle, including feedback for data management plans, guidance for electronic data capture, data sharing requirements and storage options. Data management consultation can also be provided as a budgeted item on grants. Services also include:
- Secure computing spaces for analyzing sensitive data sets.
- Process to request Arizona Department of Health Services public health data sets.
- Assistance in building and using REDCap for electronic data capture and database design.
Research Editing
provides free services to ASU faculty or individuals with research positions to ensure that material in your proposal is presented in a clear, logical and coherent manner. The team also checks for grammar, typos and adherence to agency guidelines. Research Editing operates on a first-come, first-served basis and usually needs three days to edit a grant proposal and 10 days for a manuscript or book proposal. The team prefers to edit Word files. Researchers who work with LaTeX may convert files to PDFs and send those. Research Editing will convert them to Word, edit and send the edited files back to you. The team does not create or edit graphics but does provide comments on them. Let Research Editing be your “fresh eyes.”
offers support for large and strategic proposals, providing:
- Strategic intelligence (SI)
SI analysts provide strategic insight into sponsors, programs and ASU strengths. SI can identify what sponsors have awarded in the past and want to fund in the future to give proposers a competitive edge.
- Proposal management
Proposal managers use best practices to understand sponsor requirements, increase the competitiveness of proposal components, drive individuals and teams to a timeline, coordinate pre-submission reviews, and connect proposers with graphics support and other resources.
An in-house graphic designer works with proposers to create figures that clearly illustrate ideas, data and messages.
Project Management Office
works with research teams on projects with moderate to high levels of risk and complexity, throughout the project’s life cycle. Project managers help principal investigators assess the feasibility of opportunities during project initiation and then assist with project planning during the proposal writing stage. PMO offers expertise in:
- Project scoping, scheduling and major milestone setting.
- Determining staffing and partnering needs.
- Creating and adhering to budgets.
- Writing sponsor reporting and data management plans.
- Defining the project’s management plan and organizational structure.
Submit your proposal
The office of research integrity and assurance.
administers key research compliance committees and training programs to promote responsible conduct of research at the university. Research compliance is best obtained proactively. Contact ORIA if any of the following will be used or apply to your research:
- Human subjects.
- Conflict of interest.
- Sensitive information or commodities.
- Live animals.
- Biological materials.
- Scientific diving.
researchintegrity.asu.edu [email protected]
Enterprise Research Administration
provides an integrated platform for the administration of research and sponsored projects at ASU.
ERA allows for efficient and effective support of ASU investigators by managing the following all in one system:
- Development and submission of proposals.
- Award management.
- Integrity and assurance activities.
era.oked.asu.edu researchadmin.asu.edu/systems/era
Submit your completed proposal to your RA, who will coordinate with the Proposals and Negotiations Team (PNT) or Industry Agreements Group (IAG) to review and submit your proposal to the sponsor and notify you of any post-proposal submission activities.
Sponsor reviews of submitted proposals can take months to complete. While waiting for sponsor replies, you can:
- Start a new proposal for a different funding announcement or another sponsor.
- Write a journal article on your topic or in your field of work.
- Assist a peer with their research project, journal article or literature review.
- Brainstorm new research goals.
- Find a research mentor.
- Collaborate with a peer on a similar project.
- Network with interdisciplinary groups.
- Complete additional certifications.
- Join professional development groups.
Proposal reapplication. While it may be disheartening if you don’t win the award, unawarded proposals receive highly valuable reviewer feedback that will improve your next proposal. Whether you choose to reapply for a future due date for the same funding opportunity or decide to seek out a new opportunity or sponsor, the feedback you receive on proposals can be essential for your future grant seeking activities.
Review sponsor feedback to determine if goals need adaptations to match the funding organization’s goals or expectations, or maybe find a different funding opportunity announcement that fits with the research needs better. Reviewer comments may indicate exactly what needs to be adjusted or considered during rewrites.
Awarded a grant! What now?
Inform your Research Advancement staff, who will coordinate with the Award Management Team (AMT). AMT acts as the institutional official for all sponsored project management functions, including:
- Award setup, modifications or amendments.
- Subaward invoicing and closeout.
- Coordination between you and the sponsor.
- Invoicing, financial reporting and all non-technical reporting.
- Research Advancement/Business Operations Manager support and policy guidance.
Conduct your research
Research computing.
is dedicated to enabling research, accelerating discovery and spurring innovation at ASU through the application of advanced computational resources to address grand challenges in science, engineering and health. Offering a team of systems professionals, architects, scientific software engineers and research facilitators, ASU Research Computing provides technical expertise in all areas of computing, including parallel computing, big data analytics, scientific visualization, high-speed networking and cybersecurity. Research Computing provides ASU faculty and students access to accelerated high-performance computing resources comprising:
- Over 34,000 CPU cores and over 550 GPU accelerators across two supercomputers.
- 6PB research data storage platform for project-term data and eight large memory nodes.
- Dedicated virtual machines for specific research environments.
- A FISMA high secure computing environment managed by a HIPAA Covered Entity, supporting computational research on sensitive data.
Through the Quantum Collaborative, the ASU research community has access to quantum information science and technology infrastructure, leading talent and expertise, and a full complement of quantum systems.
Need help using artificial intelligence or accessing an intensive compute platform for your research? Research Computing has a host of resources to boost your research output potential with these powerful technologies.
Additionally, hands-on training, facilitation, scientific software optimization and proposal support round out Research Computing’s offerings.
ASU Library
project support includes expert guidance on research strategies, tools and resources. ASU Library experts assist with:
- Identifying additional, complementary data and information sources.
- Project collaboration tools.
- Citation management.
- Project-based data analysis and visualization opportunities.
- Supporting open access and open data requirements.
- Identifying publication and dissemination options.
Global Operations
reduces the risks and burdens of conducting international business by delivering global project solutions and developing ASU’s infrastructure. The team provides a central coordinating resource for foreign legal, employment, contracting, tax, purchasing, cash management, and health and safety issues that can arise from:
- International travel of ASU faculty and staff.
- International operations for an ASU project or program.
- Employment of foreign-based personnel for an ASU project.
The Department of Animal Care and Technologies
supports animal-based research and teaching. DACT maintains four centralized vivaria at the Tempe campus and one at the Downtown Phoenix campus.
DACT assists researchers with:
- Animal housing, husbandry and veterinary services.
- Technical expertise to assist in procedures.
- Training in animal handling and procedures.
- Assistance in developing studies and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols.
- Assurance of regulatory compliance and animal well-being.
The Research Technology Office
provides best-in-class technological solutions and services to support the rapidly growing Knowledge Enterprise at ASU. RTO offers technical expertise and strategic research solutions that address the complex and specific needs of the ASU research community. Services for research faculty, labs and centers include:
- Advanced computing and data storage.
- Research data management.
- Secure research environment.
- Information security.
- Web services and application support.
- Workflow automation.
- Research engagement and facilitation.
RTO Website
Research Plus Me
provides a platform for researchers to recruit human participants for their studies. With your study on Research Plus Me, potential participants from across the United States can find and participate in your study. The service is free and available for all IRB-approved studies at ASU. Benefits of utilizing Research Plus me include:
- Save time and costs on recruitment.
- Diversify your participant pool.
- Achieve high visibility for your study.
researchplusme.asu.edu [email protected]
Commercialize and share your work
The j. orin edson entrepreneurship + innovation institute.
supports entrepreneurs at all stages across ASU and in the community who are interested in launching a startup company. The Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute connects you to the information, resources and people that can help turn your ideas into reality.
Through training and programs such as Venture Devils and NSF Innovation Corps, the institute can help you:
- Incubate and accelerate your venture(s).
- Network with other entrepreneurs.
- Find or become a mentor.
- Identify available training and events to help grow your ideas.
- Access maker spaces to test ideas and build prototypes.
Skysong Innovations
is ASU’s exclusive intellectual property management and technology transfer organization. SI’s goal is the rapid and wide dissemination of ASU discoveries and inventions from the lab into the marketplace. SI can help you:
- File an invention disclosure.
- Assess whether your invention has market potential.
- Apply for a patent.
- License your technology to companies.
- Launch a startup company.
- Complete business and venture development activities.
As soon as you believe you have a potentially patentable invention you should notify SI by completing the invention disclosure form on the SI website or contact SI directly.
provides free journal article editing services to ASU faculty members and individuals with research positions. Research Editing operates on a first-come, first-served basis and usually needs three days to edit a grant proposal and 10 days for a manuscript or book proposal. Research Editing services reviews journal articles for:
- Clarity, logic and coherency of presentation.
- Grammar, typos and adherence to publisher guidelines.
- Your response to the editor’s and reviewers’ comments, if resubmitting.
helps researchers identify publishing and self-archiving venues that comply with public access policies, understand the scope of copyright and publication agreements, and assess research impact. The library offers guidance for:
- Research data sharing and curation, including the ASU Research Data Repository.
- Publication strategies and open access options, including the KEEP Institutional Repository.
The ASU Open Access Publication Fund
supports investigators and scholars in making their work freely available by publishing in open access journals.
The Office of the University Provost and ASU Knowledge Enterprise provide select funds, administered by the ASU Library, to help defray the costs associated with open access publishing. Awards that meet eligibility criteria are available to ASU affiliates at all career stages, including postdoctoral fellows and students.
Media Relations
KE and ASU Media Relations teams often share published findings of public interest with local, national and international news outlets. If you have research that may be newsworthy, it is important to contact us for potential media promotion as soon as your paper is accepted for publication . Our media professionals are used to working under embargoes and will not share your findings before the publication date, but they need time to prepare a press release and identify the appropriate media channels to pitch to.
Sharing your research boosts knowledge growth in your field, encourages other researchers to make new findings, increases your chances of being cited in new research, enables peer review and enhances your competitiveness for new research funding. Researchers are encouraged to seek grants that allow for publishing multiple items, thus increasing their ratio of publications to awards.
Additional support
The biostatistics core.
is a collaborative research unit providing comprehensive statistical and data management support and consultation from the beginning of a research project to its manuscript preparation. The core’s mission is to enhance research capabilities and address the critical biostatistical, methodological and analytical needs of any research project at ASU and the community. The Biostatistics Core collaborates with faculty, research centers and institutes in the following areas:
- Grant proposal support — study design, statistical planning, power analyses.
- Data management — electronic data capture, data cleaning.
- Training/workshops/seminars – research methods, statistical analyses and software, electronic data capture.
- Publication development.
- Abstract/presentation/analysis plan development.
Humanities Institute
funding programs create and imagine new futures for research and scholarship at ASU. HI encourages faculty from humanities disciplines, often in partnership with faculty from other fields, to take advantage of funded research opportunities. HI, in conjunction with The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, supports humanities and interdisciplinary faculty by providing several internal funding opportunities and support in applying for external grants and fellowships. Internal funding programs include the fellows program, research clusters, seed grants, micro-residencies and subvention grants.
Knowledge Enterprise Analytics
provides sponsored project reporting and manages analytical subscription tools for ASU faculty and staff, including:
- Reporting on sponsored investigator recognition and bibliometrics.
- Custom online dashboards (e.g. Tableau) to display data sourced from Enterprise Research Administration (ERA), Workday and PeopleSoft.
- Data analytics support for university leadership and college deans.
- Decision support analyses on current and potential collaborations.
- Research and related metrics on national and international surveys such as HERD.
Decision Theater
collaborates with researchers to harness the power of data, predictive analytics, computational modeling and visualization to more effectively understand complex problems while convening stakeholders from across a spectrum of interests. Decision Theater’s team of computer scientists, data scientists and graphic artists provide enabling capabilities to researchers to address real world, transdisciplinary problems. Researchers use Decision Theater to:
- Convene diverse stakeholders.
- Integrate computational models.
- Amplify research to new audiences.
- Demonstrate the impacts of research.
Global Futures Laboratory Office of Research Strategy and Development
provides various levels of research support to Global Futures Scientists and Scholars at ASU. Support focuses on competitiveness, education, project management, onboarding and strategic development. A personalized approach is used to provide assistance in the following areas:
- Faculty consultations and individual research portfolios.
- Faculty training through workshops.
- Proposal development and scaling up research.
- Program development and a career roadmap.
- Center development and large-scale complex strategic plans.
Research Strategy Support
The Institute for Social Science Research
supports social science at ASU, development of ideas for research and research methods training with:
- Seed grants.
- Methods workshops.
- Graduate student poster contest.
- Biometric, focus group and interview lab.
- Graduate and undergraduate certificate in social science research methods.
The Sustainability Solutions Service
is ASU’s sustainability solutions consultancy. The service’s mission is to enable clients to implement sustainable solutions by leveraging exclusive access to the university’s resources, creating customized, actionable and scalable solutions for a stronger future. The Solutions Service engages diverse teams of faculty, students, entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators across ASU and throughout its global network to collaborate and deliver sustainability solutions that make measurable impacts and empower audiences of all ages to be agents of change.
With years of applied projects worldwide, the Sustainability Solutions Service has demonstrated its impact with corporations, municipalities and global organizations. The Solutions Service helps you actualize your research and drive change.
Corporate Engagement and Strategic Partnerships
facilitates one-of-a-kind opportunities for industry engagement. CESP provides strategic support to faculty and staff members in identification of, and outreach to, external partners. Whether your interest is in a specific company or a broader field, CESP can provide support in bringing your ideas to industry collaborators, including:
- Facilitating introductions to industry points of contact.
- Reviewing proposals.
- CESP staffing at external meetings.
- Liaising with other ASU units to streamline contractual arrangements.
- Participating in pitches.
- Providing access to training resources and opportunities.
- Assisting with letters of support.
College resources
These are resources specifically for you and your colleagues.
Barrett, The Honors College
Barrett works with all ASU schools and colleges to identify and match students with research opportunities. As early as the first year in Barrett, students are able to secure undergraduate research opportunities in multiple fields of study.
ASU faculty can promote research opportunities to Barrett Honors College students by completing the online questionnaire. Once the position is approved, it will be promoted to Barrett students through the Honors Digest and social media platforms.
Barrett, the Honors College research
Biodesign Institute
Research Opportunity, Advancement and Development at the Biodesign Institute serves the research administration needs of the Biodesign community. We are responsible for direct support and assistance in proposal development, preparation and processing; grant and contract administration; and coordination of activities with ASU and sponsor offices.
Biodesign ROAD services
- Identifying award opportunities.
- Locating collaborators.
- Preparing proposals.
- Providing sponsor templates.
- Connecting with editors/writers/graphic designers.
- Understanding and complying with ASU guidelines and policies.
- Interfacing with ASU administrative offices.
- Assisting with grant and contract administration.
- Completing grant transfers.
- Fulfilling Just-in-Time requests.
- Assisting with IRB and IACUC approvals.
- Preparing funding reports.
- Creating budgets and reviewing documents for compliance.
- Modifying biosketches: current and pending lists.
Contact Lacey Ward Research Advancement Manager 480-965-4878 [email protected]
College of Health Solutions
Research conducted by the renowned faculty in the College of Health Solutions focuses on addressing society’s most pressing problems related to health and health care. Students engaged in our multidisciplinary research will be on the front lines, testing innovations to improve the health of populations and communities, enhance health care delivery and patient-centered care, and improve function and reduce disability across the lifespan. Ultimately all of our research is focused on improving health outcomes.
College of Health Solutions faculty
College of Health Solutions Research Success Hub
CHS Research Success Hub is the office that facilitates the research enterprise of the college. It is responsible for developing and facilitating innovative, progressive, faculty-led programs of research. We foster collaboration and provide services to ensure you develop the best proposal for your project. Our team includes the faculty liaison and the assistant dean of research. We work collaboratively with translational teams, research advancement and the other college success hubs. Overarching activities include:
- Strategic visioning.
- Collaborations, making connections and creating teams.
- Large project coordination.
- Research infrastructure.
- Mentoring, training, and providing resources to research-oriented faculty.
- Seed funding opportunities and management.
- Identifying funding sources.
- Proposal preparation.
- Research council to provide feedback on policies and to disseminate information.
College of Health Solutions employee website Contact Research Success Hub: [email protected]
College of Health Solutions Research Advancement
CHS Research Advancement provides pre- and post-award support for principal investigators, project directors and their project personnel. We aim to provide quality services in the following areas:
- Find funding opportunities.
- Proposal development.
- Budget preparation.
- Proposal routing and approval.
- Proposal submission.
- Managing expenditures.
- Award modifications.
- Project reporting.
- Compliance.
College of Health Solutions employee website Pre-Award contact: [email protected] Post-Award contact: [email protected]
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
CISA Finance partners with the Knowledge Enterprise RAS team to support the pre-award proposal process, which includes submissions to external sponsors and internal ASU organizations. Awarded proposals are supported by the CISA Finance team in partnership with ORSPA’s post-award management teams. They respectively provide the execution of financial transactions and other deliverables during the life of the project, and complete reporting necessary to close the project.
Services to CISA faculty
- Distribute applicable information, including weekly funding opportunities, and process and procedural updates.
- Review all aspects of funding proposals prior to college approval and subsequent submission.
- Assist with onboarding research faculty with the execution of new sponsored awards, financial reports and other grant-related processes.
- Assistance with ASU, CISA and KE forms, as needed, to accommodate changes or updates for adherence with ASU, CISA and ORSPA processes and procedures, as well as sponsors’ expectations.
- Provide monthly grant reconciliation of budget to actuals to ensure compliance that and funding is compatible with approved budget.
- Assistance with financial transactions, such as procurement of goods and services, hiring of student research aides and research faculty course buy-outs and releases, and creating new grant-related accounts such as RID and cost share.
- Monthly allocation and reconciliation of college RID funds earned to respective PI RID accounts
Faculty resources Information for PIs
Important CISA policies and procedures
- All sponsor-funded proposals must flow through CISA Finance, who will connect the PI with the KE RAS team for further assistance with the funding proposal process.
- Cost share must be approved by the dean prior to proposal submission and only if the cost share is required by the sponsoring agency.
- Travel affecting teaching loads must be approved by the respective faculty head.
- Travel must be expensed within thirty days from the end date of the travel.
- Notify CISA Finance about any changes or updates to active projects to ensure appropriate documentation is completed to meet ORSPA and sponsor requirements.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Our college, academic units and centers are home to a team of talented, knowledgeable, professional, service-oriented research advancement administrators who work collaboratively to provide the highest levels of pre and post-award support to our faculty and researchers.
Pre-award services
- Funding opportunity identification.
- Proposal development, preparation, editing and review for compliance (e.g., budget and justification, sponsor- and ASU-specific forms, biosketches, current and pending).
- Preparation of cost share requests and F&A waivers.
- Liaison between ORSPA and PI.
- Liaison on interdisciplinary and/or intra-institutional collaborations.
- Proposal routing for review/approval.
- Post-submission and just-in-time sponsor requests.
Post-award service
- Award setup.
- Expense processing and/or approval (e.g., requisitions, reimbursements, travel).
- Account monitoring and forecasting.
- Subaward management.
- Change management (e.g., at-risk requests, pre-award spending, re-budgets, allocation changes, extensions).
- Project closeout.
- Audit assistance.
Schools, departments and academic units
The College is uniquely structured with three divisions — humanities, natural sciences and social sciences — resulting in a diverse array of research, instruction and other sponsored activity. Our faculty adapt to new challenges and make important research contributions, including, but not limited to, the NASA Psyche Mission and the Desert Humanities Initiative.
- Department of English.
- Jewish Studies.
- School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.
- School of International Letters and Cultures.
Natural Sciences
- Department of Physics.
- Department of Psychology.
- School of Earth and Space Exploration.
- School of Life Sciences.
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
- School of Molecular Sciences.
Social Sciences
- American Indian Studies.
- Department of Aerospace Studies.
- Department of Military Science.
- Department of Naval Science.
- Hugh Downs School of Human Communication.
- School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.
- School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning.
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change.
- School of Politics and Global Studies.
- School of Social Transformation.
- School of Transborder Studies.
- T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics.
Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Research is the complement to your classroom experience at ASU. At ASU’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, undergraduates and graduates alike are able to work with faculty on great challenges ranging in health and health care.
Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation research and scholarships support
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
The Herberger Research Office assists faculty with identifying interested sponsors, developing proposals and managing awards. Please visit with us in Dixie Gammage Hall or during unit office hours. This document was produced by Knowledge Enterprise specifically for you! Please use it to help us help you!
Sandy Stauffer Theo Eckhardt Brian Anderson Leah Engler Shauna Allison Shelly Laug
Resources exclusive to Herberger Institute faculty
- The weekly Research Roundup digital newsletter features upcoming funding opportunities and research-specific seminars, and centralizes direct digital access to vital ASU research-support resources. All faculty are automatically enrolled and have the choice to opt out.
- Explore our research website . This site contains essential pre- and post-award information you will need to succeed.
- Internal funding for research projects is available to faculty on a competitive basis during the academic year. The Herberger Research Investment (HRI), APS and interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities are traditionally due during mid-October and mid-March. These awards are managed by the HIDA Dean’s Finance Office.
- Contact the HIDA Research Office at [email protected] for more information.
Pre-award services vs. post-award services
- Pre-award services are the efforts needed to assemble a proposal response to a funding opportunity. Actions include finding opportunities, proposal editing, budgeting, and all other related tasks.
- Post-award services are the tasks needed to operate the business aspect of a funded proposal. Actions include hiring, purchasing, reimbursing, reporting, and all other related tasks.
- Pre-award service is administered by the Knowledge Enterprise Office of Research Advancement Services. Faculty interested in applying for external proposals should complete (as much as possible) a RAS Grant Intake Form and email to [email protected] (CC [email protected] ) as early as possible. The RAS Grant Intake Form is available via Research Roundup and the research website. A RAS representative will be assigned to personally assist you with your proposal submission. We strongly encourage utilizing the free services of the KE Proposal Editing Team to proofread and refine your proposal. Final versions of proposals should be delivered to RAS at least 3 business days prior to sponsor deadline to ensure quality submission.
- Post-award service is managed by the HIDA Dean’s Office. All business transaction requests can be made using the HIDA research website, which utilizes Microsoft Flow for efficiency and paper reduction. Principal investigators (PI’s) are provided a monthly financial report detailing their project’s transactions. PIs are encouraged to work with their dedicated administrator early to develop a project logistics strategy to streamline the process of doing business with ASU.
- The School of Arts, Media and Engineering uses a dedicated pre- and post- award administrator separate from the offices listed above.
- Contact the ASUF/HIDA Development Office at [email protected] for fundraising and donation services.
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering’s Office of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers pre- and post-award research support services to help faculty obtain and manage grants.
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Research Services
Pre-award research support
RAs support the development of research proposals, including budget development as well as the following:
- Locating research funding opportunities and determining eligibility
- Preparing solicitation checklists, highlighting key compliance requirements
- Drafting a timeline for proposal production
- Managing subcontract/subaward documents
- Securing letters of support and commitment
Editing support includes editing for grammar, clarity, logic, and organization; reviewing the document against solicitation guidelines; and editing letters of support and other supplementary documents (as time/availability permit).
Graphic design support involves working with professional graphic designers to translate your ideas and concepts to high-quality art for your proposal. Cost allowance varies based on proposal size.
Explore our website to access further research support:
- A weekly newsletter with information about new funding opportunities, workshops and other events, relevant deadlines, and more
- Proposal development guides/templates
- Research Administration contacts
Post-award research support
RAs support project execution through the following:
- Preparing monthly financial reports and expenditure rates
- Assisting with administrative changes
- Monitoring travel and purchasing expenditures for compliance
- Preparing expense projections to support your planning
- Aiding in submissions of annual and progress reports
- Providing support and assistance related to sponsored supplemental funding and additional funding sources.
- Connecting PIs with additional resources for compliance, editing, entrepreneurial activities and project management
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College supports faculty and staff in the college who are interested in applying to external organizations to fund their research, programs and projects.
[email protected]
Services exclusive to MLFTC faculty
- Customized solicitation searches to locate funding opportunities matched to your research interests, goals and timeline.
- Narrative editing and compliance checking.
- Intelligence gathering for high-dollar, high-prestige or high-visibility opportunities.
- Sponsor feedback analysis with recommendations.
- Coordination within the college to support research, scholarship, promotion and tenure, school partnerships, and college data.
- Funding calendar
Important MLFTC policies and procedures
- A Proposal Form is required to begin an application for external funding.
- Final versions of proposal documents are due to MLFTC RAs at least five business days prior to the sponsor deadline.
- Editing must be completed in advance of the five-business-day deadline.
- Cost share requires college leadership approval prior to the five-business-day deadline.
- The Office of Fiscal and Business Operations provides post-award support: email [email protected] .
- The Office of Scholarship and Innovation supports internal grants: email [email protected] .
New College of Interdisciplinary Sciences and the Arts
The New College Research Advancement Team is here to support you and your research/creative program development. From finding funding sources and submitting grant proposals, through to the post-award process, we have a team of experts assembled to keep you on the path to success. You can find the Research Advancement Team in the Faculty Administration Building, 3rd floor, West campus.
Commit to Submit is a semester-long faculty development series for New College faculty who are new to the college or new to grant-writing. If you would like to participate, please let us know.
The Faculty Development Retreat is designed to bring everyone in the college together around professional development and growth.
We hope to see you there!
Pre-award (Research advancement team)
- Locate and disseminate funding opportunities/pivot training
- Assist with post-submission request (re-budgets, JIT info)
- Facilitate pre-award at-risk accounts.
- Interpret funding announcements and sponsor guidelines.
- Prepare budgets, institutional forms and additional proposal components.
- Serve as a liaison for subaward institutions.
- Upload proposal components to various sponsor portals.
- Review proposals for sponsor compliance.
- Facilitate institutional reviews and proposal submissions.
School financial team:
- First point-of contact for PIs
- Budget administration
- Monthly account reconciliations
- Purchases, travel
- Monitoring due dates
- Companion/cost share accounts
College financial team:
- Meet with PI and financial specialist at start of grant
- Monitor accounts and compliance
- Review transactions requiring additional approval
- Facilitate re-budgets, extensions, at-risk closeouts
- Review funding source changes and cost chare
- After-the-fact reporting
- Payroll transactions
- Fee-for-service and external sales agreements
Research advancement team:
- Coordinate account activations with ORSPA
- Disseminate award information to PI and financial teams
- Assist with renewal applications and supplemental funding requests
- Compile data analytics: internal reporting of proposals/awards
- Update Research Advancement Services intranet site
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
The School for the Future of Innovation in Society grew from the seeds of scholarship fostered within the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (CSPO), an intellectual network aimed at enhancing the contribution of science and technology to society’s pursuit of equality, justice, freedom, and overall quality of life.
Just as science and technology affect our world, they are affected by public policy decisions about how research funds are allocated, priorities established, the research enterprise organized, knowledge communicated and applied, and accountability maintained. Policy decisions influence the societal consequences–the outcomes–of scientific research in realms as diverse as the economy, the environment, health, governance, national security, and social structure.
School for the Future of Innovation in Society research initiatives
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
The business office within the College of Law provides full support for all sponsored projects including pre-award and post-award administrative actions. The business office also liaises with other institutional offices, such as ORSPA, to make sure sponsored project proposals and awards are carried out in accordance with ASU policy.
Services to College of Law faculty
- Create custom funding searches and conduct prospect research for potential sponsors.
- Manage all budgeting and administrative requirements for sponsored project proposals.
- Provide information and training on sponsored project topics.
- Assist with post-award administrative actions (rebudgets, no-cost extensions, etc.) and monthly expense reports.
- Assist with navigating ASU processes and procedures when implementing a project
College of Law faculty and staff resources .
Important College of Law policies and procedures
- All sponsor-funded proposals must flow through the College of Law business office and be approved before submission to the sponsor.
- Communicate any potential changes to a sponsored project award to the business office so that proper processes can be followed.
School of Sustainability
Research is a key component of any sustainability degree. The nation’s first School of Sustainability offers students at every academic level the opportunity to work collaboratively across disciplines.
Student sustainability research
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Thunderbird’s faculty is energized by the intricacies and complexities of global management—and driven to find innovative, practical and effective solutions. This passion fuels their research endeavors, keeps them on the forefront of international management trends and makes your learning experience at Thunderbird broader, more powerful and exponentially more engaging.
Thunderbird School of Global Management faculty research
W. P. Carey School of Business
The W. P. Carey School of Business is recognized among the best business schools in the world for research productivity, consistently Top 30 worldwide in the University of Texas at Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings. Many of the school’s research efforts are housed within its 10 research centers and five department-supported research labs.
W. P. Carey School of Business research centers and labs
Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
The Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions leads the university in the production of research that has system-wide and large-scale impact on a myriad of social, behavioral, economic, and political challenges. Through rigorous applied research, we are developing solutions with the potential to better our response to pressing issues and positively impact our communities locally, nationally and globally.
Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions research
Training and tools just for you
Research Academy hosts events, workshops and online resources to help you secure research funding, conduct your research projects and network within the research community at any stage of your career.
Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. To browse the NIHR site please use a modern, secure browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Research Support Service
Providing support and advice for health and social care researchers. The RSS can help with developing funding applications and at other stages in the research pathway.
The NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) provides support to researchers to develop applications to national, peer-reviewed research programmes. This covers all NIHR programmes and UK Research Councils, as well as national health and care charities.
The RSS supports translational, clinical and applied health, public health, and social care research. It can also support applications for fellowships and other personal awards. The RSS does not provide support to global health research, or research that involves discovery. It also cannot support research involving animals or animal tissues.
The service is delivered by eight ‘hubs’. Hubs are a partnership of research groups and Clinical Trials Units (CTUs) with expertise in applied health and care research. There are also Specialist Centres for Public Health and Social Care, which provide more context-specific expertise. The Public Health Specialist Centres may support applications for local funding opportunities.
The RSS offers collaborative trial delivery through their network of CTUs, and can signpost users to non-RSS UKCRC-accredited CTUs. RSS staff can be collaborators in your research, but will provide advice irrespective of whether staff or partners are collaborators.
The RSS National Collaborative provides strategic leadership to the service and coordinates operational efficiencies. This is hosted by the University of Birmingham.
Where is the RSS located?
The RSS is a national service, and each hub and Specialist Centre is open to researchers based anywhere in England. The RSS can support researchers in the devolved nations if they are working in collaboration with English partners.
What support does the RSS offer researchers?
The RSS can help you to develop your research ideas into competitive funding applications.
All hubs and Specialist Centres can support researchers with advice on:
- finding funding sources
- refining research questions, aims and objectives
- developing appropriate methodological approaches
- planning projects, teams and budgets
- planning for implementation and impact
- writing techniques/pitching an application
- patient, public, service user and community involvement and engagement
- research design to maximise equality, diversity and inclusion
Other support includes advice on project delivery, research approval processes and obtaining ethics approval. The RSS can also provide signposting to other services.
Across the RSS, hubs have expertise to offer advice and support in:
- quantitative expertise, including the statistical aspects of study design, analysis, and reporting; randomised controlled trials (RCTs) including cluster designs and platform trials; and other designs, such as stepped wedge, Bayesian and adaptive approaches
- feasibility and pilot studies
- qualitative study design and analysis
- mixed methods design and analysis
- development, validation and adaptation of outcome measures
- research priority setting, stakeholder involvement and participatory research methods
- behavioural science/ health psychology
- epidemiology
- systematic scoping reviews, qualitative synthesis, systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- health service/implementation research
- expertise developing innovative PPIE approaches with researchers, patients, community organisations and the public
- co-production of interventions with PPIE and stakeholders
- equality, diversity and inclusion
- big data and record/data linkage
- health economics, early economic modelling and evaluation, outcome measurement and cost-effectiveness
- operational support, clinical trials management, and study delivery
- planning pathways to impact
How do I get support from the RSS?
Look through the summary of each hub or specialist centre to find the one that best meets your needs, independent of your location. Once you have decided on a hub or specialist centre, please contact them directly using the contact form linked on their hub page.
Please only contact one hub or specialist centre.
When should I contact the RSS?
Developing a funding application involves considerable planning, time and effort. To ensure the RSS can provide comprehensive support, initial contact should be as early as possible – ideally several months before the funder deadline. Requests for support made less than five working weeks before the submission deadline may influence the quality and nature of the support the RSS can offer.
Clinical Trials Unit support is complex and more likely to need a minimum of three months work up, each CTU has their own guidelines which should be referred to for confirmation.
RSS Hub delivered by University of Birmingham and Partners
Staff have a wide range of methodological expertise, including design and delivery of observational research and trials.
RSS Hub delivered by Imperial College London and Partners
Supports applicants from all disciplines and levels of expertise to design and deliver high quality and efficient research to improve health and social care.
RSS Hub delivered by King's College London and Partners
Supports research in mental health and brain disorders, across a range of research designs including clinical trials and observational studies. This hub brings together experts in research methodology and clinicians in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience.
RSS Hub delivered by Lancaster University and Partners
This hub o ffers a broad range of methodological expertise and research support from world-leading interdisciplinary experts to support the design and delivery of inclusive, co-produced, environmentally sustainable research, on and with under-researched topics and communities.
RSS Hub delivered by University of Leicester and Partners
This hub supports research across the full breadth of specialisms, designs and funders.
RSS Hub delivered by Newcastle University and Partners
Supports research across the full breadth of specialisms, designs, and funders, including studies involving under-researched sectors.
RSS Hub delivered by University of Southampton and Partners
This hub welcomes support requests from novice through to experienced researchers in all areas of applied health and care research. This hub especially welcomes requests for support in public health research conducted outside of the NHS, and other under-researched areas.
RSS Hub delivered by University of York and Partners
Provides methodological expertise, research advice and collaboration across a range of study designs, topics and settings including NHS primary and secondary care, community and third sector.
RSS Specialist Centre for Public Health
The NIHR RSS Specialist Centre for Public Health works nationally to support the development of research capacity and capability to enable practitioners, researchers and anyone working outside of the NHS to carry out high quality public health research. Their expert team provides pre-award application advice tailored to researchers' needs and post-funding support. They can also offer training, support with governance and ethics and resource to support research in Local Authorities.
RSS Specialist Centre for Social Care
The NIHR RSS Specialist Centre for Social Care brings together world-leading interdisciplinary experts with a broad range of experience in social care research, working nationally to support researchers across the full range of social care services and settings. The centre provides a breadth of methodological expertise and research support to researchers of all levels and experience, to design and deliver innovative social care research that is inclusive, co-produced and environmentally sustainable.
Are you new to NIHR?
Find out more about applying for funding from NIHR
NIHR Study Support Service
The RSS works in partnership with the NIHR Clinical Research Network. Together, we support study design, ensuring studies are optimised for delivery at sites. The RSS will direct the researchers they are supporting to the Study Support Service (SSS) for more delivery-related advice.
Researchers should contact the SSS for support to attribute study activities during the funding stage. This is through the completion of a Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) . This is the national tool which confirms service support and excess treatment attributions. The SSS can also advise on national study feasibility and deliverability in Health and Social Care settings. Once a study has started, continued support from the SSS is available to help alleviate challenges to recruitment and/or delays.
Proposal Development Services
The Proposal Development Services team, formerly called Interdisciplinary Research Support, offers extensive services and resources to UC Davis researchers to assist in the development and submission of extramural funding proposals, including individual research grants, individual fellowships, larger center-scale and team grants, equipment grants, and institutional training grants. The unit provides early career research support , project management for large team grants, and a toolbox with templates, training opportunities, and resources to facilitate successful proposals.
Our services include:
- One-on-one consultations
- A research development toolbox containing our library of templates and samples
- Direct assistance in proposal development , including document review and editing, and, in some cases, project management
Additionally, we provide year-round professional development opportunities for faculty and researchers, such as workshops, proposal clinics, and writing retreats , to bolster the confidence and competence of UC Davis grant seekers.
Contact Information
General Inquiries
Sheryl Soucy-Lubell, Ph.D. Director and Editorial Coordinator (530) 754-7725
Christina Adamson Financial Team Manager (530) 754-7827
Demet Candas Green, Ph.D. Editorial Team Manager (530) 754-7788
Stephanie Etting, Ph.D. Research Development Training Officer
Kelli Tallon Budget Development Analyst (530) 754-3425
Cai Thorman, Ph.D. Research Development Specialist (530) 754-3423
Auriel Washburn, Ph.D. Training Grants Analyst & Coordinator (530) 752-2610
Erin Watkins Senior Editor (530) 754-7828
Rachel Whitcombe Proposal Development Officer
Quick Links
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Office Units
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Research Support Professionals
University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE)
The University of California employs about 6,534 research support professionals who provide highly specialized and complex scientific support to researchers.
This systemwide unit is represented by the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE).
The current contract for this bargaining unit is in effect through October 31, 2024 and there are no active negotiations taking place. Negotiations for the next contract will begin before the current contract expires.
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- Frequently asked questions about bargaining units
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Research Development and Postgraduate Support Office
Eresearch office.
- Advise researchers and postgraduate students about their data-intensive research and research data management needs
- Coordinate multi-disciplinary data-intensive research activities and postgraduate student training
- Organise research data management courses following the Carpentries approach
- Provide in-house data-intensive research computing infrastructure and support
- Facilitate access to regional, national, and international data-intensive research computing infrastructure and support
People - Library Management
Technology transfer office, special projects, centre of excellence in food security, gender equity unit, our history, social media.
Research Data Support Analyst - DISSC
- Employer: Data-Intensive Social Science Center at Yale
- Location: 87 Trumbull Street, New Haven, CT 06511
- To Apply: Search for job number 86893BR on Yale University's STARS Career Opportunities website and follow the instructions.
The Data Intensive Social Science Center (DISSC) at Yale provides Yale’s social scientists a world class, user-centered, support organization to ensure that Yale social science research remains at the frontiers of each social science discipline. The DISSC, working with its partners throughout the Yale community, supports the entire research lifecycle including the acquisition, secure storage and management, analysis, and dissemination of existing and novel data resources transforming social science research. The Economic Growth Center (EGC) is Yale’s hub for research and teaching on international development and trade. It aims to leverage economics research and data-driven insights for equitable development. Founded in 1961 as the first research center in a major US university focused on the quantitative study of lower-income economies, EGC today has 38 faculty affiliates, primarily from the Economics department and School of Management, and houses a number of research programs and initiatives. This is an incredible opportunity for an experienced data professional who is curious to learn and motivated by the opportunity to build and support these organizations. The research data support analyst will be part of an integrated team sharing expertise and learning from each other to support cutting-edge research. The ideal candidate is a knowledgeable data enthusiast interested in exploring new interdisciplinary data resources and working to learn and implement new data architectures and systems including cloud and high-performance computing environments. The ideal candidate also has experience developing or delivering research services in an academic setting, has an understanding of the social science research process, and has skills and experience in the use of various tools for information access, management, analysis, and presentation. They must enjoy working both independently, and cooperatively with others in the DISSC research support unit, on multiple projects involving varieties of data sources, customers, and analytical tools. The current position will enhance the team with an international data specialist to serve as part of the research support unit, while specializing in supporting international research in the social sciences across disciplines and involving various methodologies. The current position with include a focus on supporting EGC’s Gender and Growth Gaps project, to support harmonizing, integrating, and maintaining international household and labor force survey datasets and visualizing data trends drawing on the harmonized data. The Specialist will serve the data needs of faculty and other researchers, identifying and applying computational and statistical tools, and advising and training researchers in the use of these tools. Help identify and develop available international data sources and negotiate contracts. Work with researchers gathering primary data, primarily in international settings, to ensure secure storage and handling. Develop appropriate architecture of these data for efficient processing and analysis. Provide statistical support for descriptive and causal analyses. Support on secondary data acquisition, harmonization, analysis, and visualization, by building and maintaining large, harmonized, secondary data repositories for public use. Aid with data visualization papers/reports, websites, and presentations. Work with DISSC team members on developing data management and sharing processes for these types of data. Serve as EGC’s lead in developing and maintaining a data archive for affiliates’ datasets using Yale Dataverse and other platforms.
Essential Duties
- Consult to faculty and researchers regarding their projects and needs related to data infrastructure and data-related processes. Discuss suggested project designs solutions.
- Work with procurement and legal teams to assist researchers to locate and acquire data resources.
- Aid with maintenance and management of data through all phases of research lifecycle; review progress and assure accuracy and compliance of data being acquired and stored.
- Provide technical support and computing assistance to faculty and researchers in the university’s social science departments and schools.
- Implement statistical methods for descriptive and causal designs and learn new research methods as needed.
- Develop archiving and dissemination solutions for research across disciplines.
- May perform other duties as assigned.
Required Education and Experience
Bachelor's Degree in a related field and four years of related experience in academic or scientific research support or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Required Skills
Proven ability working with large and complex datasets.
Fluency in multiple operating systems and/or programming languages such as Stata or R.
Proven knowledge of social science research methods.
Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to prioritize and manage multiple assignments simultaneously.
Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills, and the ability to interact well with faculty, staff, and research partners internally and externally.
Search for job number 86893BR on Yale University's STARS Career Opportunities website and follow the instructions.
Research Support Unit
Katarzyna Chojnacka, MSc Head od Unit [email protected] ext. 1633
Staff Members
Magdalena Alejska, PhD senior biologist
Department of Molecular and System Biology, Department of Plant Genomics, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, Laboratory of Genomics, Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Laboratory of Single Cell Analyses
Sylwia Bugaj, MSc biologist
Department of Plant Functional Metabolomics, Department of Biomedical Proteomics, Department of Rare Diseases, Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry, Automatics and Laboratory Robotics Group
Agata Chmielewska, MSc Head of Department of Laboratory Supply
Department of Plant Molecular Physiology (replacement: Sylwia Bugaj), Department of Computational Biology of Non-coding RNA (replacement: Katarzyna Solka)
Katarzyna Chojnacka, MSc biologist
Department of Structural Bioinformatics, Department of Molecular Genetics, Department of Ribonucleoprotein Biochemistry, Department of RNA Metabolism, Department of Molecular Neurooncology, Department of Functional Transcriptomics, Laboratory of Bioinformatics
Grzegorz Framski, PhD senior chemist
Department of Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components, Department of Structure and Function of Retrotransposons
Iwona Gawrońska, MSc biologist
Department of Medical Biology
Michał Gładysz, PhD senior chemist
Department of Molecular Probes and Prodrugs, Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Laboratory of Molecular Assay and Imaging
Zofia Jahnz-Wechmann, PhD senior chemist
Department of Nucleic Acids Bioengineering
Alina Kasperska, MSc biologist
Department of Structure and Function of Biomolecules, Department of Structural Biology of Eukaryotes, Department of Structural Biology of Prokaryotic Organisms, Laboratory of Protein Engineering, Department of RNA Structural Genomics, Department of Structural Chemistry and Biology of Nucleic Acids
Monika Przybył, PhD senior biologist
Department of Non-coding RNAs, Laboratory of Mammalian Model Organisms
Paula Sobieszczańska, MSc biologist
Department of Medical Biotechnology, Department of Genome Engineering, Department of Molecular Virology, Department of Neuronal Cell
Katarzyna Solka, MSc biologist
Department of Biopolymer Chemistry, Laboratory of Subcellular Structures Analyses, Laboratory of Animal Model Organisms, Bioeconomy and Substainable Development Group
Anna Teubert, MSc chemist
Laboratory of NMR, Department of Biomolecular NMR
The main task of the unit is to support PIs, heads of departments, and specialized laboratories, and teams by ensuring their efficient communication with internal units of IBCH PAS, including the Director's Division, General Administration, Research Coordination, and Financial Affairs Division.
This task is carried out through the following activities:
- Providing organizational support to PIs in the functioning of their departments, specialized laboratories, and teams.
- Supervising and coordinating the implementation process of projects within the organizational context, from the submission stage of the PI's application for planned project participation to its completion and the presentation of the final report.
- Overseeing and coordinating the expenditure process during project implementation.
- Monitoring and coordinating the fulfillment of orders for projects and departments, including orders for chemicals, materials, apparatus, services, office supplies, computer supplies, conference fees, open access fees, and others.
- Continuously improving the competences of Unit employees in project management, including R&D projects, and developing soft skills such as communication skills, creativity, goal orientation, time management, good organizational skills, crisis management, willingness to learn, and self-development. Additionally, we carry out activities within working groups:
- Supporting new foreign employees in the relocation process and during their stay in Poland. We provide assistance in: - collecting documents for a visa and residence card, - finding accommodation for the duration of your stay in Poland, - completing official and private formalities related to your stay (such as: PESEL, bank account, family doctor, kindergarten/school) Leader of the working group: Monika Przybył ( [email protected] ) For general matters, please contact the Head of Unit: [email protected] ) Information Euraxess ( pdf )
- Coordination and organization of lectures by speakers, including foreign ones, as part of a series of institute seminars as well as RNA Salon Poznan Leader of the working group: Katarzyna Chojnacka ( [email protected] )
- Providing information on financing of projects under Horizon Europe Programme Leader of the working group: Katarzyna Solka ( [email protected] )
2023 Participation in the 2nd Edition of the Horizon Europe Framework Program Manager's Academy, organized by the National Contact Point of EU FP Horizon Europe at NCBR (September-December 2023, Monika Przybył, Katarzyna Solka, Katarzyna Chojnacka) Participation in the course: Everything You Need to Know About Submitting a European Clinical Study Proposal organized by ECRIN ( European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) - (September-November 2023, Katarzyna Chojnacka, Michał Gladysz) Providing support to Prof. Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak from the Department of Computational Biology of Non-coding RNA in organizing the EMBO Workshop on "Non-coding RNA Medicine" (15-18.05.2023)- Agata Chmielewska, Katarzyna Solka https://meetings.embo.org/event/23-noncoding-rna Participation in the project: “University of Tomorrow- application of the development program of Adam Mickiewicz University”- implementation of two-month summer internships for students
- Twój koszyk jest pusty! Powrót do sklepu
Research Support Unit
Research support services (sai, in its spanish acronym) and test laboratories integrated in the laboratories and infrastructures network of the community of madrid.
Universidad CEU San Pablo has created a series of Research Support Services (SAI) and Test Laboratories with the aim of being able to offer both the university community and external enterprises and units a series of specialised instrumentation services and basic materials to facilitate research activities.
SAI's name / Lab | Responsable |
Dra. Antonia García Fernández | |
Dr. Ulises Amador Elizondo | |
Dra. Lidia Morales Goyanes | |
Dr. Pedro Antonio Jimenez Gómez | |
D. José Maria Garrido Gutiérrez | |
Dra. Nuria Salazar Sánchez | |
Dr. Javier Pérez Castells | |
Dra. Carolina Hurtado Marcos | |
Dr. Carlos Bocos de Prada y Dr. Javier Manrique Rosel | |
Prof. Dr. Flaviano García Alvarado | |
Dra. Ángela Magnet Dávila | |
Dra. María Marta Escribese Alonso | |
Dra. Natalia Ubeda Martin | |
Dra. Antonia García Fernández |
Otros Servicios de Apoyo a la Investigación (SAI´s CEU)
SAI's name / Lab | Responsable |
Dr. Miguel Ángel de Santiago Mateos y Dr. Mario Alcudia Borreguero | |
Dra. María del Pilar Ramos Álvarez, Dr. Juan Antonio Ardura Rodríguez y Dr. Gonzalo León Espinosa |
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Research Support
The role of the NISRA Research Support Unit (RSU) is to allow researchers safe access to project specific de-identified data in a secure environment in order to carry out secondary data analysis.
For Secure Room bookings, please follow this link
NISRA Research Support Unit
The role of the NISRA Research Support Unit (RSU) is to allow researchers safe access to project specific de-identified data in a secure environment in order to carry out secondary data analysis. Access to the data is governed by protocols and procedures to ensure data confidentiality. Researchers are supported by RSU through the application, accreditation, analysis and output processes.
The RSU is accredited under the Digital Economy Act
The RSU provides support to researchers accessing the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS), the Northern Ireland Mortality Study (NIMS), and data through Administrative Data Research NI (ADR NI).
Research Pathways
- 'Health' only data projects: Projects requiring only 'health data' proceed under the Honest Broker Service processes.
- 'Health' and RG data projects: Projects requiring 'health' and RG data (e.g. Census/GRO data) proceed under Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) processes under the Census Act (NI) 1969 .
- 'Health' linked to other NICS departmental datasets: There is currently no legal gateway in Northern Ireland for projects using a combination of 'health' and other public-body data
- 'Non-Health' data projects: Projects requiring 'non-health data' proceed under processes laid out under the Digital Economy Act 2017 research clauses (See Administrative Data Research NI or NILS for more details).
Please note: if there is anything within these webpages that you do not find accurate or complete, please contact RSU on the following email.
Contact Details:
Research Support Unit Colby House Stranmillis Court BELFAST BT9 5RR
Telephone: +44(0) 28 90 388488
Email: [email protected]
Related statistics
Information for data providers.
The following contains information for data providers
Accredited Researcher Process
In order to access either NILS or ADR NI microdata the researcher and research team must hold accredited researcher status
Administrative Data Research Northern Ireland (ADR NI)
ADR NI supports the acquisition, linking and analysis of administrative data sets to improve knowledge, policymaking and public service delivery
Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)
Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study microdata are available resources for a variety of research studies
Partners and Funding
The NILS and ADR NI work in partnership with a range of academic and government institutions
Meet the Research Support Team
NISRA-led Research
The ADR-NI Administrative Research Unit (ARU) is responsible for carrying out government-led research on behalf of NI government departments.
Administrative Data Research Northern Ireland (ADR NI) themed datasets
The ADR NI is working with partners to develop a number of themed datasets for accredited researchers.
Most recent documents
Traffic counts of vehicles at the fifteen main northern ireland-ireland border crossing locations.
10 July 2024
Software in the Secure Environment
22 April 2024
Overview of Northern Ireland Trade with Great Britain
04 April 2023
EES 2011 information session
15 December 2021
See all related documents
An official website of the United States government
Program Support Assistant (Office Automation)
These positions are located in the Agricultural Research Service, Plains Area, Agroecosystem Management Research Unit, in Lincoln, NE and in the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, KS. In these positions, you will be responsible for various secretarial/administrative and program support duties that are essential to the smooth operation of the laboratory's administrative office and research programs.
- Accepting applications
Open & closing dates
08/28/2024 to 09/06/2024
$44,117 - $63,733 per year
Pay scale & grade
- Manhattan, KS 1 vacancy
- Lincoln, NE 1 vacancy
Telework eligible
Yes—as determined by the agency policy.
Travel Required
Occasional travel - You may be expected to travel for this position.
Relocation expenses reimbursed
Appointment type, work schedule.
Promotion potential
Job family (series).
- 0303 Miscellaneous Clerk And Assistant
Supervisory status
Security clearance.
Not Required
Position sensitivity and risk
Non-sensitive (NS)/Low Risk
Trust determination process
- Suitability/Fitness
Financial disclosure
Bargaining unit status, announcement number.
Control number
This job is open to.
Federal employees who meet the definition of a "surplus" or "displaced" employee.
U.S. Citizens, Nationals or those who owe allegiance to the U.S.
Clarification from the agency
US Citizens and Nationals; no prior Federal experience is required.
- Participates in program planning support work such as research project coordination, travel documentation, budget coordination/tracking, agreements, and purchasing/procurement of supplies and equipment, and human resources administration.
- Reviews all formal outgoing correspondence for proper format, grammar, punctuation, etc., in accordance with Agency correspondence guidelines.
- Maintains tracking logs, action items, manages administrative suspense items and transaction records.
- Coordinates the processing of manuscripts and reports for public information, edits material for correct structure, clarity, and arrangement of format for scientific journals and other media.
Conditions of employment.
- You must be a US Citizen or US National.
- Males born after 12/31/1959 must be Selective Service registered or exempt.
- Subject to satisfactory adjudication of background investigation and/or fingerprint check.
- Successful completion of one-year probationary period, unless previously served.
- Direct Deposit: Per Public Law 104-134 all Federal employees are required to have federal payments made by direct deposit to their financial institution.
- Successfully pass the E-Verify employment verification check. To learn more about E-Verify, including your rights and responsibilities, visit E-Verify at https://www.e-verify.gov/
This position does not have an education qualification requirement.
Additional information
- Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP), Reemployment Priority List (RPL), or Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP): Visit the OPM website for information on how to apply as a CTAP, RPL, or ICTAP eligible. To exercise selection priority for this vacancy, CTAP/RPL/ICTAP candidates must meet the basic eligibility requirements and all selective factors. CTAP/ICTAP candidates must be rated and determined to be well qualified (or above) based on an evaluation of the competencies listed in the How You Will Be Evaluated section. When assessed through a score-based category rating method, CTAP/ICTAP applicants must receive a rating of at least 85 out of a possible 100.
- Recruitment or Relocation Incentive may be authorized. The final determination to pay an incentive will be made by the hiring official at the time of job offer.
- If you are selected for a position with further promotion potential, you will be placed under a career development plan, and may be non-competitively promoted if you successfully complete the requirements and if recommended by management. However, promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed.
- This position may be eligible to telework up to four days per week, based upon the duties of the position. This position may also be eligible for flexible work arrangements as determined by agency policy and any applicable collective bargaining agreements.
A career with the U.S. government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Opens in a new window Learn more about federal benefits .
Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered.
How You Will Be Evaluated
You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.
- Administration and Management
- Computer Skills
- Manages and Organizes Information
As a new or existing federal employee, you and your family may have access to a range of benefits. Your benefits depend on the type of position you have - whether you're a permanent, part-time, temporary or an intermittent employee. You may be eligible for the following benefits, however, check with your agency to make sure you're eligible under their policies.
- Resume that includes: 1) personal information such as name, address, contact information; 2) education; 3) detailed work experience related to this position as described in the major duties including work schedule, hours worked per week, dates of employment; title, series, grade (if applicable); 4) other qualifications.
- If education is required or you are using education to qualify, you must submit a copy of your college transcripts. An unofficial copy is sufficient with the application if it includes your name and the necessary course information; however, if you are selected, you will be required to submit official transcripts prior to entering on duty. Education must have been successfully obtained from an accredited school, college or university. If any education was completed at a foreign institute, you must submit with your application evidence that the institute was appropriately accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as equivalent to U.S. education standards. There are private organizations that specialize in this evaluation and a fee is normally associated with this service. For a list of private organizations that evaluate education, visit the NACES website. All transcripts must be in English or include an English translation.
- If claiming veteran's preference, you must submit a DD214, Certificate of Release from Active Duty, which shows dates of service and discharge under honorable conditions. If currently on active duty you must submit a certification of expected discharge or release from active duty service under honorable conditions not later than 120 days after the date the certification is submitted. Veteran's preference must be verified prior to appointment. Without this documentation, you will not receive veteran's preference and your application will be evaluated based on the material(s) submitted.
- If claiming 10-point veteran's preference you must provide the DD214 or certification requirements (see above bullet), plus the proof of entitlement of this preference as listed on the SF-15 Application for 10-point Veterans' Preference. The SF-15 should be included but is not required. Failure to submit these documents could result in the determination that there is insufficient documentation to support your claim for 10-point preference. For more information on veterans' preference visit FEDSHIREVETS
- Surplus or displaced employees eligible for CTAP, RPL, or ICTAP priority must provide: proof of eligibility (RIF separation notice, notice of proposed removal for declining a transfer of function or directed reassignment to another commuting area, notice of disability annuity termination), SF-50 documenting separation (as applicable), and your most recent SF-50 noting position, grade level, and duty location with your application per 5 CFR 330.
Please read the entire announcement and all instructions before you begin. You must complete this application process and submit all required documents electronically by 11:59p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on the closing date of this announcement. Applying online is highly encouraged. We are available to assist you during business hours (normally 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m., Monday - Friday). If applying online poses a hardship, contact the Agency Contact listed below well before the closing date for an alternate method. All hardship application packages must be complete and submitted no later than noon ET on the closing date of the announcement in order to be entered into the system prior to its closing. This agency provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities on a case-by-case basis; contact the Agency Contact to request this. To begin, click "Apply" and follow the instructions to complete the Assessment Questionnaire and attach your resume and all required documents. NOTE : Please verify that documents you are uploading from USAJOBs transfer into the Agency's staffing system as there is a limitation to the number of documents that can be transferred. However, once in the Agency's staffing system, you will have the opportunity to upload additional documents. Uploaded resumes must be less than 5MB and in one of the following document formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, RTF, PDF, TXT or Word (DOC or DOCX). Do not upload Adobe Portfolio documents because they are not viewable.
Agency contact information
Your application will be reviewed to verify that you meet the eligibility and qualification requirements for the position prior to issuing referral lists to the selecting official. If further evaluation or interviews are required, you will be contacted. Log in to your USAJOBS account to check your application status. You must choose to turn on email notifications in your USAJOBS profile if you want to receive important email notifications that may impact your applicant experience (e.g. If you start an application and do not submit it prior to the closing date, USAJOBS will send an email reminder that the closing date is approaching and your application is in an incomplete status). Multiple positions may be filled from this announcement. Under the Fair Chance Act, agencies are not allowed to request information about an applicant's criminal history until a conditional offer of employment has been made, except as allowed for access to classified information; assignment to national security duties or positions; acceptance or retention in the armed forces; or recruitment of a Federal law enforcement officer. An applicant may submit a complaint or any other information related to an organization's alleged noncompliance with the Fair Chance Act. The complaint must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the date of the alleged noncompliance. To make a Fair Chance Act inquiry or complaint, send an email with the appropriate information to [email protected] subject line: Fair Chance Act.
The Federal hiring process is set up to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance.
- Criminal history inquiries
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy
- Financial suitability
- New employee probationary period
- Privacy Act
- Reasonable accommodation policy
- Selective Service
- Signature and false statements
- Social security number request
Required Documents
How to apply, fair & transparent.
This job originated on www.usajobs.gov . For the full announcement and to apply, visit www.usajobs.gov/job/807017500 . Only resumes submitted according to the instructions on the job announcement listed at www.usajobs.gov will be considered.
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Agricultural Research Service
Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific in-house research agency. Our job is finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day from field to table. What we do matters in science and the world. For more information about Agricultural Research Service, go to https://www.ars.usda.gov/ .
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Director of Special Projects
Apply now Job no: 532950 Work type: Staff Full-Time Location: Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) Categories: Executive/Director/Management Department: 57301000 - HC-HAMILTON CENTER ADMIN
Classification Title: | Director of Special Projects |
Job Description: | Established in 2022, the Hamilton Center is a multidisciplinary academic unit whose purpose is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that shape Western civilization and American values and institutions. The Center also seeks to promote civil discourse and the ethics of citizenship, and to prepare students for meaningful careers. The Center is seeking an experienced and dynamic leader to join our team as the Director of Special Projects. In this crucial role, you will spearhead high-impact initiatives that drive innovation, enhance student learning experiences, and support the Center's mission in the K-12 education landscape. Key Responsibilities Include: |
Expected Salary: | Commensurate with education and experience. |
Minimum Requirements: | Master's degree in an appropriate area and six years of relevant experience; or a bachelor's degree in an appropriate area and eight years of relevant experience. |
Preferred Qualifications: | Master's degree in education, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, or a related field. A Doctoral degree is highly desirable. Minimum of 5 years of progressive experience in educational project management, curriculum development, or program administration within the K-12 education sector. Experience leading cross-functional teams and managing complex initiatives is essential. |
Special Instructions to Applicants: | To be considered, applicants must submit a resume, cover letter, and list of references. Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date. |
Health Assessment Required: | No |
Advertised: 29 Aug 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 05 Sep 2024 Eastern Daylight Time
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Search results
Position | Department | Location | Closes |
57301000 - HC-HAMILTON CENTER ADMIN | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | ||
Established in 2022, the Hamilton Center is a multidisciplinary academic unit whose purpose is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that shape Western civilization and American values and institutions. The Center also seeks to promote civil discourse and the ethics of citizenship, and to prepare students for meaningful careers. The Center is seeking an experienced and dynamic leader to join our team as the Director of Special Projects. In this crucial role, you will spearhead high-impact initiatives that drive innovation, enhance student learning experiences, and support the Center's mission in the K-12 education landscape. |
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Equal Opportunity Employer
The University is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.
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Research Assistant
- Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center
- Columbia University Medical Center
- Opening on: Aug 28 2024
- Technical Grade 5
- Job Type: Support Staff - Union
- Bargaining Unit: SSA
- Regular/Temporary: Regular
- End Date if Temporary:
- Hours Per Week: 35
- Standard Work Schedule:
- Salary Range: $59,845.48 - $59,845.48 annually
Position Summary
The Research Assistant will assist in the data collection for observational studies and clinical trials (Phase I- Phase IV) of Huntington’s disease (80%) and Parkinson’s disease (20%), involving recruitment, questionnaires, neuropsychological testing, data entry and biofluid handling. The Research Assistant will work under the supervision of the Senior Research Managers and the study Principal Investigators.
The position involves roles and responsibilities that include, but are not limited to:
- Screen charts, recruit, schedule, and consent subjects for studies
- Prepare for upcoming study visits
- Conduct clinical interviews with study participants and use study-specific assessments, electrocardiograms, gait assessments, review of medical history, cognitive and neuropsychological testing, and other questionnaires.
- Provide support to subjects and licensed medical personnel with operational flow of study visits involving infusions and lumbar punctures
- Process blood and other biological samples such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and urine as per study procedures
- Accurately collect and enter data into databases and electronic case report forms
- Adherence to federal and institutional regulations and GCP guidelines
- Assist with other administrative and research activities as required
- Assist in the maintenance, programming, and management equipment used to collect data such as laptops, tablets, and devices distributed to participants for passive monitoring of movements and activities such as smartphones and smartwatches provided by the study.
- Perform other related duties and responsibilities as assigned/requested.
Minimum Qualifications
- Requires a bachelor's degree and at least 1.5 years of related experience or equivalent in education, training and experience
Preferred Qualifications
- Fluency in Spanish is a desirable.
Other Requirements
This position involves significant patient interaction and collaboration with physicians. Strong organization, communication and interpersonal skills are mandatory
Equal Opportunity Employer / Disability / Veteran
Columbia University is committed to the hiring of qualified local residents.
Commitment to Diversity
Columbia university is dedicated to increasing diversity in its workforce, its student body, and its educational programs. achieving continued academic excellence and creating a vibrant university community require nothing less. in fulfilling its mission to advance diversity at the university, columbia seeks to hire, retain, and promote exceptionally talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. , share this job.
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ISU Local Food Festival
AMES, Iowa – The Farm, Food and Enterprise Development unit, ISU Live Green! initiative, Horticulture Research Station and ISU Dining, along with support from other departments and organizations, at Iowa State University are hosting the annual ISU Local Food Festival on Sept. 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Iowa State’s Central Campus, between Curtiss Hall and Beardshear Hall.
The festival was first organized in 2015 and features local farm and food businesses, community organizations, ISU departments and student organizations. The Local Food Festival offers the ISU community an opportunity to source local products and meet the producers; engage around topics such as local food systems, health, wellness and sustainability; and learn about the initiatives of various organizations and departments.
“The Local Food Festival is a really special event that helps folks on campus connect with local businesses and organizations and learn about the many different ways we can all support a more sustainable community. All while sampling and purchasing locally grown and produced foods,” remarked Megan Kemp, education extension specialist for Farm, Food and Enterprise Development.
The event is free and open to the public. Attendees will have four hours to visit various booths lining the sidewalk between Beardshear Hall and Curtiss Hall. Booths will offer a variety of samples, products for purchase, informational flyers and giveaways. For a list of vendors and sponsors of the festival, visit the Local Food Festival website .
“The festival benefits both the ISU community and participating vendors and booths. An important aspect of the festival planning is providing a low-barrier opportunity for vendors and the ISU community to connect and share about local foods, healthy lifestyles and sustainability,” said Kemp.
Vendor and sponsor opportunities are also available. Vending allows for promotion of organizations or businesses during the festival. Sponsorships help keep the Local Food Festival an accessible platform for vendors to gain visibility with students, faculty and staff. To reserve a free booth and/or sponsor the festival, fill out the vendor and sponsor form by Sept. 8.
For more information regarding the festival, visit the Local Food Festival website . For answers to questions, please contact Megan Kemp at [email protected] .
Local Foods
About the Authors:
Education Specialist
515-294-0648 [email protected]
In 2003, the NUS-NUH Medical Publications Support Unit was formed, and later renamed NUHS Medical Publications Support Unit (PSU) with the formation of the National University Health System (NUHS) in 2008. In 2019, the Unit was further renamed NUHS Research Support Unit (RSU). Since 2003, RSU has assisted over 1,200 medical and scientific ...
Research Support Units. The Office of Research and Innovation is comprised of many departments, offices and administrative units. Each unit works to support UC San Diego's research endeavors or works to turn that research into viable, real-world products and services.
NUHS Research Support Unit (RSU) In 2002, then Assistant Professor Chong Yap Seng saw an urgent need to encourage more healthcare professionals and scientists in the National University Hospital (NUH) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) to publish more publications in order to showcase their scientific studies that they have achieved
Yale Generations Project. Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) Yale Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Center. Yale REDCap. YCCI Junior Faculty Scholars. YCCI Society of Mentors. The list below is a comprehensive list of support services available to researchers, both on this site and on other Yale websites.
The Research Support unit endeavors to serve Kean community members through all stages of the research process, with support provided for researchers as they seek and access information, manage citations and data, and seek funding and publishing opportunities. In addition, the NTLC has established Digital Commons as a platform for publishing ...
F&A costs, also known as indirect costs, are an essential part of the price of doing research and vital to research institutions' ability to maintain research operations. This video offers an explanation of the interaction between colleges, universities, and the federal government to support research activities.
Research support services provide scientific consulting, cutting-edge technologies and approaches, and other resources to investigators inside and outside of NIMH. ... This is accomplished by the activities of the Human Subjects Protection Unit, the Combined Neuroscience Institutional Review Board (IRB), Clinical Fellowship Training activities ...
The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit is a research support unit whose mission is to support Cornell faculty, staff, and students with study design, data analysis, and the use of statistics in their research. CSCU provides statistical expertise to the Cornell research community through consulting, instruction, and contract services.
NYU Grossman School of Medicine's Clinical Research Support Unit oversees the financial administration of clinical research studies. We provide support services for interventional and noninterventional studies funded from any source. In addition, we oversee the financial administration of studies supported by our industry sponsors. This ...
Clinical Research Support. We connect researchers with the resources they need to conduct their clinical studies that will improve prevention and treatment methods. On This Page. Center for Biomedical Ethics. Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Office (SCI-CTO) Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU) Clinical Research Quality (CRQ)
Three-year collaboration between UC Davis and Yale connects disability and chronic illness. Adapted from original article by Jeffrey A Day,. An American studies professor in the UC Davis College of Letters and Science has received a $1.5 million award from the Mellon Foundation for a project to explore the intersection of research on disability and chronic illness.
The Clinical Research Support Unit currently supports three prestigious research consortia: MAGIC-Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium: Composed of 10 major stem cell transplant centers in the United States and Europe who are collaborating to use this new scoring system to test new treatments for acute GVHD. Contact: Rachel Young The Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Research Consortium ...
is a collaborative research unit providing comprehensive statistical and data management support and consultation from the beginning of a research project to its manuscript preparation. The core's mission is to enhance research capabilities and address the critical biostatistical, methodological and analytical needs of any research project at ...
It also cannot support research involving animals or animal tissues. The service is delivered by eight 'hubs'. Hubs are a partnership of research groups and Clinical Trials Units (CTUs) with expertise in applied health and care research. ... Clinical Trials Unit support is complex and more likely to need a minimum of three months work up ...
The unit provides early career research support, project management for large team grants, and a toolbox with templates, training opportunities, and resources to facilitate successful proposals. Our services include: One-on-one consultations; A research development toolbox containing our library of templates and samples;
The University of California employs about 6,534 research support professionals who provide highly specialized and complex scientific support to researchers. This systemwide unit is represented by the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE). The current contract for this bargaining unit is in effect through October 31, 2024 and ...
The recently merged Research Development and Postgraduate Support (RDPS) Office serves as a strategic department to grow the University of the Western Cape's capacity for innovative, ground-breaking research. We serve as a catalyst to promote, support, strengthen and grow the research enterprise at UWC. We aim to achieve this by providing an inclusive, multicultural and holistic research ...
The current position will enhance the team with an international data specialist to serve as part of the research support unit, while specializing in supporting international research in the social sciences across disciplines and involving various methodologies. The current position with include a focus on supporting EGC's Gender and Growth ...
The Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU) provides expertise, training and resources to increase Alberta's capacity for patient-oriented research. Our aim is to bridge the gap between research evidence and health decisions - in other words, to make sure health research has an impact for patients and the health system.
The MUBAS Research Support Unit (RSU) strives to empower researchers and foster a culture of excellence in research and scholarship. The unit is tasked with the advancement, facilitation and support of research at MUBAS by providing professional and expert assistance in the following areas: Grant application Proposal development Research administration Compliance and ethics Training and ...
The main task of the unit is to support PIs, heads of departments, and specialized laboratories, and teams by ensuring their efficient communication with internal units of IBCH PAS, including the Director's Division, General Administration, Research Coordination, and Financial Affairs Division. Providing organizational support to PIs in the ...
Universidad CEU San Pablo has created a series of Research Support Services (SAI) and Test Laboratories with the aim of being able to offer both the university community and external enterprises and units a series of specialised instrumentation services and basic materials to facilitate research activities. SAI's name / Lab. Responsable.
Research Support Unit. Colby House. Stranmillis Court. BELFAST. BT9 5RR. Telephone: +44 (0) 28 90 388488. Email: [email protected]. For Secure Room bookings, please follow this linkNISRA Research Support UnitThe role of the NISRA Research Support Unit (RSU) is to allow researchers.
Bargaining unit status No. Announcement number. ARS-S24Y-12514053-JD. Control number. 807017500. Help ... Participates in program planning support work such as research project coordination, travel documentation, budget coordination/tracking, agreements, and purchasing/procurement of supplies and equipment, and human resources administration. ...
Classification Title: Director of Special Projects. Job Description: Established in 2022, the Hamilton Center is a multidisciplinary academic unit whose purpose is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that shape Western civilization and American values and institutions.
Job Type: Support Staff - Union Bargaining Unit: SSA Regular/Temporary: Regular End Date if Temporary: Hours Per Week: 35 Standard Work Schedule: Building: Salary Range: $59,845.48 - $59,845.48 annually The salary of the finalist selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to departmental budgets, qualifications, experience, education, licenses ...
The Role . An opportunity has become available for a Nurse Manager (Nursing Midwifery Education and Research Unit) to join Gold Coast Health (GCH) where the focus of our 12 000-strong team is on providing world-class health care to people living in the Gold Coast, and northern New South Wales region of Australia.. You will . Oversee fit testing training & workflows to ensure efficient service ...
August 23, 2024, 9:36 am | Megan Kemp AMES, Iowa - The Farm, Food and Enterprise Development unit, ISU Live Green! initiative, Horticulture Research Station and ISU Dining, along with support from other departments and organizations, at Iowa State University are hosting the annual ISU Local Food Festival on Sept. 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Iowa State's Central Campus, between ...