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Characteristics and Outcomes of School Social Work Services: A Scoping Review of Published Evidence 2000–June 2022

1 Steve Hicks School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin, 1925 San Jacinto Blvd 3.112, Austin, TX 78712 USA

Estilla Lightfoot

2 School of Social Work, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM USA

Ruth Berkowitz

3 School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

Samantha Guz

4 Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USA

Cynthia Franklin

Diana m. dinitto.

School social workers are integral to the school mental health workforce and the leading social service providers in educational settings. In recent decades, school social work practice has been largely influenced by the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) approach, ecological systems views, and the promotion of evidence-based practice. However, none of the existing school social work reviews have examined the latest characteristics and outcomes of school social work services. This scoping review analyzed and synthesized the focuses and functions of school social workers and the state-of-the-art social and mental/behavioral health services they provide. Findings showed that in the past two decades, school social workers in different parts of the world shared a common understanding of practice models and interests. Most school social work interventions and services targeted high-needs students to improve their social, mental/behavioral health, and academic outcomes, followed by primary and secondary prevention activities to promote school climate, school culture, teacher, student, and parent interactions, and parents’ wellbeing. The synthesis also supports the multiple roles of school social workers and their collaborative, cross-systems approach to serving students, families, and staff in education settings. Implications and directions for future school social work research are discussed.


This scoping review examines the literature on school social work services provided to address children, youth, and families’ mental/behavioral health and social service-related needs to help students thrive in educational contexts. School social work is a specialty of the social work profession that is growing rapidly worldwide (Huxtable, 2022 ). They are prominent mental/behavioral health professionals that play a crucial role in supporting students’ well-being and meeting their learning needs. Although the operational modes of school social work services vary, for instance, operating within an interdisciplinary team as part of the school service system, or through non-governmental agencies or collaboration between welfare agencies and the school system (Andersson et al., 2002 ; Chiu & Wong, 2002 ; Beck, 2017 ), the roles and activities of school social work are alike across different parts of the world (Allen-Meares et al., 2013 ; International Network for School Social Work, 2016, as cited in Huxtable, 2022 ). School social workers are known for their functions to evaluate students’ needs and provide interventions across the ecological systems to remove students’ learning barriers and promote healthy sociopsychological outcomes in the USA and internationally (Huxtable, 2022 ). In the past two decades, school social work literature placed great emphasis on evidence-based practice (Huxtable, 2013; 2016, as cited in Huxtable, 2022 ); however, more research is still needed in the continuous development of the school social work practice model and areas such as interventions, training, licensure, and interprofessional collaboration (Huxtable, 2022 ).

The school social work practice in the USA has great influence both domestically and overseas. Several core journals in the field (e.g., the International Journal of School Social Work, Children & Schools ) and numerous textbooks have been translated into different languages originated in the USA (Huxtable, 2022 ). In the USA, school social workers have been providing mental health-oriented services under the nationwide endorsement of multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) (Avant & Lindsey, 2015 ; Barrett et al., 2020 ). In the past two decades, efforts at developing a school social work practice model recommended that school social workers have a master’s degree, embrace MTSS and use evidence-based practices (EBP) (Frey et al., 2012 ). Similar licensure requirements have been reported in other parts of the world (International Network for School Social Work, 2016, as cited in Huxtable, 2022 ), but the current state of research on MTSS and EBP applications in other countries is limited (Huxtable, 2022 ). Furthermore, although previous literature indicated more school social workers applied EBP to primary prevention, including trauma-informed care, social–emotional learning, and restorative justice programs in school mental health services (Crutchfield et al., 2020 ; Elswick et al., 2019 ; Gherardi, 2017 ), little research has been done to review and analyzed the legitimacy of the existing school social work practice model and its influence in the changing context of school social work services. The changing conditions and demands of social work services in schools require an update on the functions of school social workers and the efficacy of their state-of-the-art practices.

Previous Reviews on School Social Work Practice and Outcomes

Over the past twenty years, a few reviews of school social work services have been conducted. They include outcome reviews, systematic reviews, and one meta-analysis on interventions, but none have examined studies from a perspective that looks inclusively and comprehensively at evaluations of school social work services. Early and Vonk ( 2001 ), for example, reviewed and critiqued 21 controlled (e.g., randomized controlled trial [RCT] and quasi-experimental) outcome studies of school social work practice from a risk and resilience perspective and found that the interventions are overall effective in helping children and youth gain problem-solving skills and improve peer relations and intrapersonal functioning. However, the quality of the included studies was mixed, demographic information on students who received the intervention, such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and special education enrollment were missing, and the practices were less relevant to the guidelines in the school social work practice model (National Association of Social Workers [NASW], 2012 ). Later, Franklin et al. ( 2009 ) updated previous reviews by using meta-analytic techniques to synthesize the results of interventions delivered by social workers within schools. They found that these interventions had small to medium treatment effects for internalizing and externalizing problems but showed mixed results in academic or school-related outcomes. Franklin et al. ( 2009 ) approached the empirical evidence from an intervention lens and did not focus on the traits and characteristics of school social workers and their broad roles in implementing interventions; additionally, demographic information, symptoms, and conditions of those who received school social work services were lacking. Allen-Meares et al. ( 2013 ) built on Franklin and colleagues’ ( 2009 ) meta-analysis on school social work practice outcomes across nations by conducting a systematic review with a particular interest in identifying tier 1 and tier 2 (i.e., universal prevention and targeted early intervention) practices. School social workers reported services in a variety of areas (e.g., sexual health, aggression, school attendance, self-esteem, depression), and half of the included interventions were tier 1 (Allen-Meares et al., 2013 ). Although effect sizes were calculated (ranging from 0.01–2.75), the outcomes of the interventions were not articulated nor comparable across the 18 included studies due to the heterogeneity of metrics.

Therefore, previous reviews of school social work practice and its effectiveness addressed some aspects of these interventions and their outcomes but did not examine school social workers’ characteristics (e.g., school social workers’ credentials) or related functions (e.g., interdisciplinary collaboration with teachers and other support personnel, such as school counselors and psychologists). Further, various details of the psychosocial interventions (e.g., service type, program fidelity, target population, practice modality), and demographics, conditions, or symptoms of those who received the interventions provided by school social workers were under-researched from previous reviews. An updated review of the literature that includes these missing features and examines the influence of current school social work practice is needed.

Guiding Framework for the Scoping Review

The multi-tiered systems of support model allows school social workers to maximize their time and resources to support students’ needs accordingly by following a consecutive order of prevention. MTSS generally consists of three tiers of increasing levels of preventive and responsive behavioral and academic support that operate under the overarching principles of capacity-building, evidence-based practices, and data-driven decision-making (Kelly et al., 2010a ). Tier 1 interventions consist of whole-school/classroom initiatives (NASW, 2012 ), including universal positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) (Clonan et al., 2007 ) and restorative justice practices (Lustick et al., 2020 ). Tier 2 consists of targeted small-group interventions meant to support students at risk of academic or behavioral difficulties who do not respond to Tier 1 interventions (National Association of Social Workers, 2012 ). Finally, tier 3 interventions are intensive individual interventions, including special education services, meant to support students who do not benefit sufficiently from Tier 1 or Tier 2 interventions.

The current school social work practice model in the USA (NASW, 2012 ) consists of three main aspects: (1) delivering evidence-based practices to address behavioral and mental health concerns; (2) fostering a positive school culture and climate that promotes excellence in learning and teaching; (3) enhancing the availability of resources to students within both the school and the local community. Similar expectations from job descriptions have been reported in other countries around the world (Huxtable, 2022 ).

Moreover, school social workers are specifically trained to practice using the ecological systems framework, which aims to connect different tiers of services from a person-in-environment perspective and to activate supports and bridge gaps between systems (Huxtable, 2022 ; Keller & Grumbach, 2022 ; SSWAA, n.d.). This means that school social workers approach problem-solving through systemic interactions, which allows them to provide timely interventions and activate resources at the individual, classroom, schoolwide, home, and community levels as needs demand.

Hence, the present scoping review explores and analyzes essential characteristics of school social workers and their practices that have been missed in previous reviews under a guiding framework that consists of the school social work practice model, MTSS, and an ecological systems perspective.

This scoping review built upon previous reviews and analyzed the current school social work practices while taking into account the characteristics of school social workers, different types of services they deliver, as well as the target populations they serve in schools. Seven overarching questions guided this review: (1) What are the study characteristics of the school social work outcome studies (e.g., countries of origin, journal information, quality, research design, fidelity control) in the past two decades? (2) What are the characteristics (e.g., demographics, conditions, symptoms) of those who received school social work interventions or services? (3) What are the overall measurements (e.g., reduction in depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], improvement in parent–child relationships, or school climate) reported in these studies? (4) What types of interventions and services were provided? (5) Who are the social work practitioners (i.e., collaborators/credential/licensure) delivering social work services in schools? (6) Does the use of school social work services support the promotion of preventive care within the MTSS? (7) What are the main outcomes of the diverse school social work interventions and services?

To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first scoping review to examine these aspects of school social work practices under the guidance of the existing school social work practice model, MTSS, and an ecological systems perspective.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) extension guidelines for completing a scoping review (Tricco et al., 2018 ) were followed for planning, conducting, and reporting the results of this review. The PRISMA scoping review checklist includes 20 essential items and two optional items. Together with the 20 essential items, the optional two items related to critical appraisal of included sources of evidence were also followed to assure transparency, replication, and comprehensive reporting for scoping reviews.

Search Strategy

The studies included in this review were published between 2000 and June 2022. These studies describe the content, design, target population, target concerns, delivery methods, and outcomes of services, practices, and interventions conducted or co-led by school social workers. This time frame was selected since it coincides with the completion of the early review of characteristics of school social work outcomes studies (Early & Vonk, 2001 ); furthermore, scientific approaches and evidence-based practice were written in the education law for school-based services since the early 2000s in the USA, which greatly impacted school social work practice (Wilde, 2004 ), and was reflected in the trend of peer-reviewed research in school practice journals (Huxtable, 2022 ).

Following consultation with an academic librarian, the authors systematically searched relevant articles in seven academic databases (APA PsycINFO, Education Source, ERIC, Academic Search Complete, SocINDEX, CINAHL Plus, and MEDLINE) between January 2000 and June 2022. These databases were selected due to the relevance of the outcomes and the broad range of relevant disciplines they cover. When built-in search filters were available, the search included only peer-reviewed journal articles or dissertations written in English and published between 2000 and 2022. The search terms were adapted from previous review studies with a similar purpose (Franklin et al., 2009 ). The rationale for adapting the search terms from a previous meta-analysis (Franklin et al., 2009 ) was to collect outcomes studies and if feasible (pending on the quality of the outcome data and enough effect sizes available) to do a meta-analysis of outcomes. Each database was searched using the search terms: (“school social work*”) AND (“effective*” OR “outcome*” OR “evaluat*” OR “measure*”). The first author did the initial search and also manually searched reference lists of relevant articles to identify additional publications. All references of included studies were combined and deduplicated for screening after completion of the manual search.

Eligibility Criteria

The same inclusion and exclusion criteria were used at all stages of the review process. Studies were included if they: (1) were original research studies, (2) were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals or were dissertations, (3) were published between 2000 and 2022, (4) described school social work services or identified school social workers as the practitioners, and (5) reported at least one outcome measure of the efficacy or effectiveness of social work services. Studies could be conducted in any country and were included for full-text review if they were published in English. The authors excluded: (1) qualitative studies, (2) method or conceptual papers, (3) interventions/services not led by school social workers, and (4) research papers that focused only on sample demographics (not on outcomes). Qualitative studies were excluded because though they often capture themes or ideas, experiences, and opinions, they rely on non-numeric data and do not quantify the outcomes of interventions, which is the focus of the present review. If some conditions of qualification were uncertain based on the review of the full text, verification emails were sent to the first author of the paper to confirm. Studies of school social workers as the sample population and those with non-accessible content were also excluded. If two or more articles (e.g., dissertation and journal articles) were identified with the same population and research aim, only the most recent journal publication was selected to avoid duplication. The protocol of the present scoping review can be retrieved from the Open Science Framework at  https://osf.io/4y6xp/?view_only=9a6b6b4ff0b84af09da1125e7de875fb .

A total of 1,619 records were initially identified. After removing duplicates, 834 remained. The first and the fourth author conducted title and abstract screening independently on Rayyan, an online platform for systematic reviews (Ouzzani et al., 2016 ). Another 760 records were removed from the title and abstract screening because they did not focus on school social work practice, were theory papers, or did not include any measures or outcomes, leaving 68 full-text articles to be screened for eligibility. Of these, 16 articles were selected for data analysis. An updated search conducted in June 2022 identified two additional studies. The combined searches resulted in a total of 18 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The first and the fourth author convened bi-weekly meetings to resolve disagreements on decisions. Reasons and number for exclusion at full-text review were reported in the reasons for exclusion in the PRISMA chart. The PRISMA literature search results are presented in Fig.  1 .

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PRISMA Literature Search Record

Data Extraction

A data extraction template was created to aid in the review process. The information collected from each reference consists of three parts: publication information, program features, and practice characteristics and outcomes. Five references were randomly selected to pilot-test the template, and revisions were made accordingly. To assess the quality of the publication and determine the audiences these studies reached, information on the publications was gathered. The publication information included author names, publication year, country/region, publication type, journal name, impact factor, and the number of articles included. The journal information and impact factors came from the Journal Citation Reports generated by Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (n.d.). An impact factor rating is a proxy for the relative influence of a journal in academia and is computed by dividing the number of citations for all articles by the total number of articles published in the two previous years (Garfield, 2006 ). Publication information is presented in Table ​ Table1. 1 . Program name, targeted population, sample size, demographics, targeted issues, treatment characteristics, MTSS level, and main findings (i.e., outcomes) are included in Table ​ Table2. 2 . Finally, intervention features consisting of study aim and design, manualization, practitioners’ credential, fidelity control, type of intervention, quality assessment, and outcome measurement are presented in Table ​ Table3. 3 . Tables ​ Tables2 2 and ​ and3 3 are published as open access for review and downloaded in the Texas Data Repository (Ding, 2023 ).

Journals Reviewed, Impact Factor, and Number of Articles Selected for Review

Journal title*IF# of Articles
School Social Work Journal2
Social Work in Public Health1.1281
International Social Work2.0711
Children & Schools (formerly Social Work in Education)5
Social Work Research1.8441
Research on Social Work Practice2.2361
Contemporary School Psychology1
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry13.1131
The European Research Institute for Social Work (ERIS) Winter 20201
Journal of Child and Family Studies2.7841
Georgia School Counselors Association Journal1

* The definition of impact factor (IF) is from Journal Citation Reports produced by Clarivate Analytics. IF is calculated based on a two-year period by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years

General Information on the Included School Social Work Practices

AuthorProgram NameSample SizeDemographics (Mean age/age range, race/ethnicity)Targeted IssuesPopulationTreatment Characteristics (Length & Frequency)MTSSMain Findings (significance & effect sizes)
Acuna et al. ( ), USABack to Basics Parenting Training13197.6% Latina/o, 2.4% Black; 87.9% participated in FRLP; 89.3% were mothers; 5–11 yo; 58% boys; 42% girlsEffective parenting and child’s mental health/behavioral outcomesStudent & parent120 min/tx; up to 10 weekly sessionsTier 2Significant improvements found in all child behaviors post-intervention. Intervention had a large effect size (d = 1.11) for home bx change, with large to moderate Effect sizes for social bx (d = 0.70), academic bx (d = 0.65), and school attendance bx (d = 0.49)
Al-Rasheed et al. ( ), KuwaitFostering Youth Resilience Project5416.34 yo; 37% femalePromoting resilience, adaptive coping skills, and effective problem-solvingStudent60 min/tx; 9 sessionsTier 1At post-intervention, significant increases found in total resilience skills score, goal setting, critical thinking, and decision-making, self-esteem and respect, negotiation and conflict resolution, and social support and anger management skills
Chupp and Boes ( ), USAToo Good for Violence: A Curriculum for Non-Violent Living89–10 yo; 50% boys, 50% girls; 62.5% Black, 25% White, and 12.5% Multi-racialPromoting social skillsStudent40 min/tx; 8 weekly sessionsTier 1Average student knowledge score increased by 8.3%; the majority increased in emotional skills, and a third showed improvement in inappropriate social behaviors; 33% reported improvement in grades
Elsherbiny et al. ( ), EgyptPreventive Social Work Program

INT = 24

CON = 24

4–6 yo; 42% girls; enrolled in an inner-city private schoolSchool refusalStudent, parent & teacher20–30 min/tx; 4 phases, 30 sessions over a yearTier 2Compared to control group, improvements in the tx group were found for all four main hypotheses related to school refusal behaviors (e.g., decrease in school-avoiding stimuli, aversive social situations, attention-seeking, and tangible forces-seeking outside of school) at posttest and 6-month follow-up
Ervin et al. ( ), USABehavior Skills Training68–18 yo ( = 12.3); 100% enrolled in special edClassroom behaviors & academic difficultiesStudent3 0 min/txTier 2BST was effective in the classroom setting. Response to disruptive bx measurement showed large effect size (d) for all students, a decrease in disruptive behavior engagement was observed in both classrooms, and effect size was moderate or large for all students
Fein et al. ( ), USAFamilies Over coming Under Stress Resilience Curriculum for Parents96NRTrauma-informed resilience developmentParent60–90 min/tx; 7 sessionsTier 2Parents’ improved significantly on one resilience item (“I am able to adapt when changes occur.”), in family functioning (d = 0.41), parent connectedness (d = 0.71) and social support (d = 0.66) from pre to post
Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al. ( ), USAResilience Classroom Curriculum100NRResilience developmentStudent & teacher45-55 min (or 2 25 min if needed)/tx; weekly or monthly; 9 sessionsTier 1Significant improvements in empathy and problem-solving observed as well as internal assets. Improved school support reported but not statistically significant. Lower odds of a positive PTSD screen were observed at posttest but not statistically significant. Medium effect sizes for improvements in problem-solving and overall internal assets; small effect size for empathy
Kataoka et al. ( ), USAMental Health for Immigrants Program

INT = 152

CON = 47

11.5 yo; 50% female, 100% immigrant Hispanic-speaking students in both elementary and middle schoolsTrauma-related depression and/or PTSD symptomsStudent, parent, & teacherOne school period; 8 weekly sessionsTier 2Depression symptoms in the intervention group decreased from a mean CDI score of 16 to 14, and CPSS decreased from 19 to 13; no statistically significant CDI or CPSS difference for waitlist group. At 3-month follow-up, participants’ CDI scores were significantly lower than waitlist group
Kelly and Bluestone-Miller ( ), USAWorking on What Works21NRCreate positive learning environmentStudent & teacherOver a yearTier 1WOWW resulted in an increase in teachers’ perceptions of their classes as better behaved, and of themselves as more effective classroom managers
Magnano ( ), USAPartners in Success

INT = 20

CON = 20

10.4 yo; 12.5% female; 30% Black, 5% Hispanic, 65% White; 37.5% in foster placement; 100% enrolled in special ed; 67.5% had FRPLAcademic problems and anti-social behaviors among students with emotional/behavioral disabilitiesStudent & ParentMore than 16 weeksTier 3Participants in both conditions improved in externalizing behaviors and academic skill development. Significant main effects found in some externalizing bxs across time points
Newsome ( ), USASolution-Focused Brief Therapy2611–14 yo ( = 13.19); 27% female; 20% Black, 80% WhiteSchool failureStudent35 min/tx; 8 weekly sessions; 4 groupsTier 2Social skills ratings indicated students improved dramatically after the 8-week intervention and maintained these gains at six-week follow-up but did not show further improvement
Newsome et al. ( ), USASchool social work intervention

INT = 74

CON = 71

66% Black, 34 White, 47% female; 70% qualify FRPL (INT only); all participating schools are Title I schoolsAcademic failure and chronic truancyStudent, parent, & family

Avg number of tx sessions:

5.56 for one-on-one intervention; 2.23 for group counseling;

5.96 for speaking w/youth informally;

1.04 for one-on-one meeting w/guardian;

1.36 for phone conversation about youth;

3.46 for speaking w/teacher about youth informally

Tier 3School social work services had a statistically significant impact on reducing risk factors related to truant behaviors among students who received school social work services, but no significant differences between treatment and comparison groups on student absenteeism records
Phillips ( ), USAGroup Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

INT = 33

CON = 31

15.5–20.5 ( = 17.7); 63.5% female; 11.1% Black, 23.8% Hispanic, 54% White, 11.1% Other; 34.5% lived with per capita income < $20,000 yrAdolescent’s depressionStudent60 min/tx; 6 weekly sessionsTier 2The BDI change score was 3.12 for treatment group and 0.39 for control group. Eta-squared of .148 indicated a small effect. Significant differences between INT and CON groups for females, those with family history of depression, Whites, students with no other tx, and students who reported no recreational drug use

Sadzaglishvili et al

( ), Georgia

School Social Work Intervention8144% female, 2 -6 grade students, high-number socially vulnerable familiesSchool culture and class climateStudent, parent, & family

45 min/tx;

School 1 = 45 class interventions; School 2 = 62; more than 13 months

Tier 1Class climate more positive at posttest; students more involved in doing homework together and spent significant more free time together post-intervention; students expressed aggression less frequently; parents helped their children more and met with school administration more often to solve school related issues
Thompson and Webber ( ), USAThe Student and Teacher Agreement Realignment Strategy1012 yo; 20% female; 30% Black, 70% White; all eligible for IEPPerceptions of school and classroom normsStudent & teacher5–10 min conference; weekly w/SSW; bi-weekly social skill lessons; 18 weeksTier 2Mean number of office referrals for students during the intervention phase was significantly lower than the baseline means; required fewer suspensions and other reactive forms of discipline and classroom management
Wong et al. ( ), Hong-KongCognitive Behavioral Therapy

INT = 26

CON = 20

11–14 yo (INT = 13.35 yo; CON = 13.15 yo); 65% lived in public housing; 90% of the INT group had income < HK$20,000Adolescent’s anxietyStudent120 min/tx; 8 sessionsTier 2Experimental group had a significant increase in cases falling back into the normal range of the HADS-A scale, and a significant decrease in number of probable anxiety cases while changes in number of anxiety cases were insignificant for the control group for all categories
Wong et al. ( ), Hong-KongGroup Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

INT = 42

CON = 36

26–58 ( = 47.38, = 44.06); about 50% had monthly family income btw HK$10,001-HK$30,000Parental cognitions; self-efficacy, & mental healthParent180 min/tx; 10 sessions; 5 groupsTier 2Significant group by time interactions for most primary and secondary outcome variables indicating significantly greater improvement in experimental than control group; experimental group also showed greater improvement at post-test and 3-month follow-up
Young et al. ( ), USAPerfect Attendance Wins Stuff4147.1% Hispanic, 35.8% White, 7.2% Black, 7.1% Asian, 1.3% Multi-racial, 15.4% special education, 11.3% English-language learner, and 53.3% had FRPLabsenteeismStudentDaily check-in, monthly celebration, weekly breakfast, phone calls home, referrals to community services, parent meetings, & home-visits; one yearTier 3significant effect in attendance percentage between time periods; post hoc tests revealed that attendance increased by an average of 12.2% after one month and remained steady at months 2 and 3

Note. Bx behavior, ed education, yo years old, yr = year. tx treatment, w  with, T treatment group, C control group, INT intervention, CON control, FRPL Free/Reduced prices lunch, IEP Individualized education program, CBT cognitive behavior therapy, BST Behavior skill training, HADS-A Hospital anxiety and depression scale

Characteristics of the Included Research Studies

Authors (year), Country/RegionStudy aimsDesignManualizedCredentialFidelity controlService typePractitionerQuality assessmentOutcomes (Measurements)
Acuna et al. ( ), USAExamine feasibility and impact of a short-term school-based parenting intervention for children’s disruptive behaviorsPre-post-testYesMaster’s-level licensed school social worker/traineeTraining of at least 8 h by program creatorEBPSSWStrongPositive child behavior (Mental Health/Behavior Instrument)
Al-Rasheed et al. ( ), KuwaitPilot test of new universal school-based group prevention program to promote healthy attitudes and behaviors among high school students in KuwaitPre-post-testYesNR3 h training and workshop sessions for 5 days; ongoing evaluationEPBSSW & school psychologistStrongResilience (The Resilience Skills Questionnaire)
Chupp and Boes ( ), USAExamine efficacy of small group social skills lessons with elementary students based on a skills learning curriculumPre-post-testNRNRTraining (PI and SSW trained by curriculum creator)EBPSSW & school counselorWeakSocial skills (Student Knowledge Survey; SBC; teacher’s interview); GPA
Elsherbiny et al. ( ), EgyptTest effectiveness of a preventive school social work program targeting school children and their parents to reduce school refusalExperimentalNRNRSupervisionLong-term psycho-social interventionSSW & school psychologistStrongSchool refusal (SRAS-C-R; SRAS-P-R)
Ervin et al. ( ), USAAssess effectiveness of combining behavior skill training with observational learning to train students to appropriately respond to disruptive bxs in the classroomSS-multiple baselinesNoNRIOAShort-term psycho-social interventionSSW & teacherWeakBehavior skills (Verbal Assessment; Classroom Observations)
Fein et al. ( ), USAStudy implementation of pilot Family Resilience Curriculum for Parents (FRC-P) in terms of functionality, feasibility, and acceptabilityPre-post-testYesMaster’s-level social worker/traineeTraining at least 12 h; supervision (ongoing support from lead trainer)EBPSSWStrongResilience (CD-RISC); family functioning (FAD-GFS); parent stress (PSS)
Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al. ( ), USATest feasibility and efficacy of adapted trauma-informed curriculum in building resilience skills among urban, ethnically diverse studentsPre-postPartiallyLicensed school social workerTraining (one day); SSWs were certified as curriculum providersEBPSSWStrongPTSD (PC-PTSD); Internal Assets & School Support (RYDM; CHKS); Student's Perception Scale
Kataoka et al. ( ), USAPilot test effectiveness of a school-based trauma-informed CBT group intervention for Latino immigrant students in addressing trauma and depressive symptoms due to community violence exposureQuasi-ExperimentalYesMaster’s-level social worker/traineeTraining (16 h); ongoing supervision (1 h/wk)Short-term psycho-social interventionSSWStrongCommunity violence (modified Life Events Scale); PTSD symptoms (CPSS); depressive symptoms (CDI) [in Spanish]
Kelly and Bluestone-Miller ( ), USAPreliminarily test WOWW program as way for school social workers to help teachers positively influence students’ self-perceptionPre-post-testPartiallyNRNREBPSSWWeakProgram effectiveness (Researcher-designed Likert Scale)
Magnano ( ), USATest effectiveness of a school-based case management intervention with articulated behavioral and academic outcomes of children placed in segregated settings due to emotional and behavioral disabilitiesQuasi-Experimental, partial cross-overPartiallyNRNRCase managementSSWModerateSTAR Reading, Literacy, and Math scores; anti-social and aggressive behaviors (TRF; BRIC)
Newsome ( ), USATest efficacy of SFBT group counseling program to enhance the behavioral, social, and academic competencies of students at-risk of school failurePre-post-testYesMaster’s-level social worker/traineeTraining (a summer quarter); Supervision (1 h preceding each tx)Short-term psycho-social interventionSSWModerateHomework completion (HPC); classroom behaviors and social skills (BERS; SSRS)
Newsome et al. ( ), USAExamine impact of school social work services on reducing risk factors related to truancy and absenteeism in urban secondary school settingsQuasi-ExperimentalNANRNAGeneral school social work servicesSSWStrongRisk factors for truancy (SSP); Unexcused truancy records from school district
Phillips ( ), USATest effectiveness of a school-based CBT curriculum for adolescents at risk for depression to improve emotional well-beingQuasi-ExperimentalPartiallyMaster’s-level social worker/traineeNRShort-term psycho-social interventionSSWModerateDepression (BDI)
Sadzaglishvili et al. ( ), country of GeorgiaTest how an intensive school social work intervention may improve school culture in two highly vulnerable schools in Georgia, and the impact on children with special education needsPre-post-testPartiallyNRNRGeneral social work servicesSSWWeakSchool culture (self-report & case number)
Thompson and Webber ( ), USAPilot test a cognitive–behavioral intervention with special-ed middle school students on realigning rule perceptions at school and improve student behaviors by strengthening teacher–student relationshipSS-ABYesNRNREBPSSW & teacherWeakStudents’ behaviors (teachers’ rating)
Wong et al. ( ), Hong-KongExamine effects of culturally attuned group CBT on anxiety symptoms and enhancing personal growth among adolescents at risk of anxiety disorders in Hong KongQuasi-ExperimentalYesLicensed school social workerTraining (by experienced CBT therapists; videotape critiques); Supervision (throughout project)Short-term psycho-social interventionSSWStrongAnxiety (HADS-A subscale; Spence Children's Anxiety Scale); dysfunctional beliefs (DAS); personal growth (PGIS-II)
Wong et al. ( ), Hong-KongAssess effects of a culturally attuned group CBT on mental health and quality of life of Chinese parents with children with ADHD in Hong KongQuasi-ExperimentalYesMaster’s & Bachelor’s level- social worker/traineeTraining (by experienced CBT therapists); Supervision (monthly throughout project)Short-term psycho-social interventionSSWStrongDistress symptoms (GHQ-12); quality of life (Q-LES-Q-18); parenting stress (PSI); parenting competence (PSOC); dysfunctional beliefs (DAS)
Young et al. ( ), USAAnalyze a multilevel approach of the PAWS program in addressing chronic absenteeism in middle schoolPre-Post-testNANRNAPilot programSSW school counselor, & psychologistModerateSchool attendance rates

Note. NR Not reported, NA Not applicable, h hours, tx treatment, wk week, SSW School social work, IOA Interobserver agreement, SS single subject, AB baseline and intervention, SBC Student behavior checklist, GPA Grade point average, SRAS-C-R School refusal assessment scale-children-revised, SRAS-P-R School refusal assessment scale-parent-revised, CD-RISC Connor-davidson resilience scale, FAD-GFS McMaster family assessment device general functioning scale, PSS Perceived stress scale, PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder, PC-PTSD Primary care post-traumatic stress disorder screen, RYDM Resilience youth development module, CHKS The California healthy kids survey, CPSS Child PTSD symptom scale, CDI Children depression inventory, TRF Teacher report form, BRIC Behavior rating index for children, HPC  Problem checklist, BERS The behavioral and emotional rating scale, SSRS The social skills rating system. SSP The school success profile, BDI Beck depression inventory. DAS Dysfunctional attitudes scale, PGIS-II Personal growth initiative scale II, GHQ-12 Chinese general health questionnaire-12, Q-LES-Q-18 Abbreviated quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction questionnaire, PSI Parenting stress index- parent domain, PSOC Parenting sense of competence scale- efficacy subscale

The 18 extracted records were coded based on the data extraction sheet. The first and the fourth authors acted as the first and the second coder for the review. An inter-rater reliability of 98.29% was reached after the two coders independently completed the coding process.

Quality Assessment

The quality of the eligible studies (e.g., methodological rigor, intervention consistency) was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies (Evans et al., 2015 ). Specifically, each included study was assessed for selection bias, study design, confounders, blinding, data collection method, dropouts or withdrawals, intervention integrity, and analyses. The first and fourth authors rated each category independently, aggregated ratings, and came to a consensus to assign an overall quality rating of strong, moderate, or weak for each of the 18 studies.

Data Analysis

Due to the heterogeneity of the interventions, study purposes, methods, and measurements of the selected studies, and the lack of outcome data to calculate effect sizes, a meta-analysis was not feasible. Hence, the authors emphasized the scoping nature of this review, data were narratively synthesized, and descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentage, mode, minimum, maximum, and range) were reported. Characteristics of included studies include topics, settings, participants, practice information (e.g., type of services, practitioner credential, MTSS modality, and other characteristics), and program efficacy. Within each reported category of interest, consistency and differences regarding the selected studies were synthesized. Unique features and reasons for some particular results were explained using analysis evidence according to the characteristics of the study.

Overall Description of Included Studies

Of the 18 included studies, 16 were reported in articles that appeared in 11 different peer-reviewed journals, and two were dissertations (Magnano, 2009 ; Phillips, 2004 ). Information on each of the 11 journals was hand-searched to insure thoroughness. Of the 11 journals, seven were in the field of social work, with one journal covering social work as it relates to public health; one was a school psychology journal; one a medical journal covering pediatric psychiatry; and one journal focused on child, adolescent, and family psychology. The most frequently appearing journal was Children & Schools , a quarterly journal covering direct social work services for children (Oxford University Press, 2022 ). An impact factor (IF) was identified for six of the 11 journals. Of the six journals with an IF rating, four were social work journals. The IF of journals in which the included studies were published ranged from 1.128 to 12.113 (Clarivate Analytics, n.d.). Of the 18 studies, 5 studies (28%) were rated as methodologically strong, 8 studies were rated as moderate (44%), and 5 studies were rated as weak (28%).

The studies were conducted in five different geographical areas of the world. One study was conducted in the Middle East (5.56%), one in north Africa (5.56%), one in Eastern Europe (5.56%), two in East Asia (11.11%), and the rest (13 studies) in the USA (72.22%).

Research Design and Fidelity Control

Concerning research design, most included studies used a pre-posttest design without a comparison group ( n  = 10, 61.11%), one used a single case baseline intervention design (5.56%), six (33.33%) used a quasi-experimental design, and one (5.56%) used an experimental design. For the control or comparison group, the experimental design study and four of the six quasi-experimental design studies used a waitlist or no treatment control/comparison group; one quasi-experimental design study offered delayed treatment, and one quasi-experimental design study offered treatment as usual. Nine studies (50%) reported that training was provided to the practitioners prior to the study to preserve fidelity of the intervention, four studies (22.22%) reported offering both training and ongoing supervision to the practitioners, and one study (5.56%) reported providing supervision only.

Study Sample Characteristics

Across the 18 included studies, the total number of participants was 1,194. In three studies, the participant group (sample) was no more than ten, while in nine studies, the intervention group was more than 40. Overall, there was a balance in terms of students’ sex, with boys comprising an average of 55.51% of the total participants in all studies. There were slightly more studies of middle school or high school students ( n  = 8) than pre-K or elementary school students ( n  = 5). Across the eight studies that reported students’ race or ethnicity, 13.33% of the students were Black, 18.41% were White, 54.60% were Latinx, 12.38% were Asian, and 1.27% were categorized as “other.” Although the studies reviewed were not restricted to the USA, the large number of Latinx participants from two studies (Acuna et al., 2018 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ) might have skewed the overall proportions of the race/ethnicity composition of the study samples. As an indicator of socioeconomic status, eight studies reported information on free/reduced-price lunches (FRPL). The percentage of students who received interventions that qualified for FRPL varied from 53.3 to 87.9%. Five studies reported the percentage of students enrolled in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or special education, ranging from 15.4% to 100%.

Variation in School Social Work Services

The services carried out or co-led by school social workers varied greatly. They included services focused on students’ mental health/behavioral health; academic performance; school environment; student development and functioning in school, classroom, and home settings; and parenting. More specifically, these interventions targeted students’ depression and anxiety (Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Phillips, 2004 ; Wong et al., 2018a ), social, emotional, and behavioral skills development (Acuna et al., 2018 ;Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Ervin et al., 2018 ; Magnano, 2009 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ), school refusal and truancy (Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ; Newsome et al., 2008 ; Young et al., 2020 ), trauma/PTSD prevention, community violence, and students’ resilience (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ;Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Wong et al., 2018a ), homework completion and grade-point average improvement (Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Magnano, 2009 ; Newsomoe, 2005 ), parental stress (Fein et al., 2021 ; Wong et al., 2018b ), family functioning (Fein et al., 2021 ), and parenting competence and resilience (Wong et al., 2018b ). All of the studies were school-based (100%), and the most common setting for providing school social work services was public schools.

Diverse Interventions to Promote Psychosocial Outcomes

Services can be grouped into six categories: evidence-based programs or curriculums (EBP), general school social work services, case management, short-term psychosocial interventions, long-term psychosocial intervention, and pilot program. Seven studies (38.89%) were EBPs, and four (57.14%) of the seven EPBs were fully manualized (Acuna et al., 2018 ; Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ; Fein et al., 2021 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ). Two EBPs (28.57%) were partially manualized (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Kelly & Bluestone-Miller, 2009 ), one did not report on manualization (Chupp & Boes, 2012 ), and one is a pilot study trying to build the program’s evidence base (Young et al., 2020 ). The second-largest category was short-term psychosocial interventions reported in six (33.33%) of the studies; they included cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), and social/emotional skills training. One study reported on a long-term psychosocial intervention (Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ), and one was a case management program (Magnano, 2009 ). Two studies included general school social work services (e.g., one-on-one interventions with children and youth, group counseling, phone calls, official and informal conversations with teachers and parents, check-ins with students at school, and collaboration with outside agencies) (Newsome et al., 2008 ; Sadzaglishvili et al., 2020 ).

Program Population

Of the 18 interventions, seven (38.89%) involved students only (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ;Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Ervin et al., 2018 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Phillips, 2004 ; Wong et al., 2018a ; Young et al., 2020 ). One program (5.56%) worked with parent–child dyads (Acuna et al., 2018 ), and two (11.11%) worked directly with students’ parents (Fein et al., 2021 ; Wong et al., 2018b ). Four interventions (22.22%) involved students, parents, and teachers (Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Magnano, 2009 ), two (11.11%) were with students and their teachers (Kelly & Bluestone-Miller, 2009 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ), and two (11.11%) were more wholistically targeted at students, parents, and their families as service units (Newsome et al., 2008 ; Sadzaglishvili et al., 2020 ).

Practitioners and Credentials

School social workers often collaborate with school counselors, psychologists, and schoolteachers in their daily practice. As for the titles and credentials of those providing the interventions, twelve interventions were conducted solely by school social workers (Acuna et al., 2018 ; Fein et al., 2021 ; Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Kelly & Bluestone-Miller, 2009 ; Magnano, 2009 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Newsome et al., 2008 ; Phillips et al., 2004 ; Sadzaglishvili et al., 2020 ; Wong et al., 2018a , 2018b ). Four social service programs were co-led by school social workers, school counselors and school psychologists (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ; Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ; Young et al., 2020 ). School social workers and schoolteachers collaborated in two interventions (Ervin et al., 2018 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ).

The most common credential of school social workers in the included studies was master’s-level licensed school social worker/trainee, which accounted for 62.50% of the studies (Acuna et al., 2018 ; Fein et al., 2021 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Phillips, 2004 ). Two studies did not specify level of education but noted that the practitioners’ credential was licensed school social worker (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Wong et al., 2018a ). One intervention was conducted by both master’s and bachelor’s level social work trainees; however, the first author confirmed that they were all registered school social workers with the Hong Kong Social Work Registration Board (Wong et al., 2018b ).

Services by Tier

The predominant level of school social work services was tier 2 interventions (55.56%), with 10 interventions or services offered by school social workers falling into this category (Acuna et al., 2018 ; Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ; Ervin et al., 2018 ; Fein et al., 2021 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Phillips, 2004 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ; Wong et al., 2018a , 2018b ). The second largest category was tier 1 interventions, with five studies (27.78%) falling into this category (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ;Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Kelly & Bluestone-Miller, 2009 ; Sadzaglishvili et al., 2020 ). Only three (16.67%) were tier 3 services (Magnano, 2009 ; Newsome et al., 2008 ; Young et al., 2020 ).

Intervention Modality and Duration under MTSS

Most services ( n  = 15, 83.33%) were small-group based or classroom-wide interventions (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ; Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ; Ervin et al., 2018 ; Fein et al., 2021 ; Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ; Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Kelly & Bluestone-Miller, 2009 ; Newsome, 2005 ; Phillips, 2004 ; Sadzaglishvili et al., 2020 ; Thompson & Webber, 2010 ; Wong et al., 2018a , 2018b ). One tier 2 intervention was carried out in both individual and group format (Acuna et al., 2018 ). Of the three tier 3 intervention studies, one reported using case management to serve individual students (Magnano, 2009 ), and two included both individual intervention, group counseling, and case management (Newsom et al., 2008 ; Young et al., 2020 ).

Intervention length and frequency varied substantially across studies. Services were designed to last from 6 weeks to more than 13 months. There were as short as a 5- to 10-min student–school social worker conferences (Thompson & Webber, 2010 ), or as long as a three-hour cognitive behavioral group therapy session (Wong et al., 2018b ).

Social Behavioral and Academic Outcomes

Most of the interventions focused on improving students’ social, behavioral, and academic outcomes, including child behavior correction/reinforcement, social–emotional learning (SEL), school attendance, grades, and learning attitudes. Ervin and colleagues ( 2018 ) implemented a short-term psychosocial intervention to reduce students’ disruptive behaviors, and Magnano ( 2009 ) used intensive case management to manage students’ antisocial and aggressive behaviors. Both interventions were found to be effective, i.e., there were statistically significant improvements at the end of treatment, with Ervin et al. ( 2018 ) reporting a large effect size using Cohen’s d. The SEL programs were designed to foster students’ resilience, promote self-esteem, respect, empathy, and social support, and teach negotiation, conflict resolution, anger management, and goal setting at a whole-school or whole-class level (Al-Rasheed et al., 2021 ; Chupp & Boes, 2012 ; Ijadi-Maghsooodi et al., 2017 ; Newsome, 2005 ). Students in all SEL interventions showed significant improvement at the end of treatment, and one study reported medium to small effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for problem-solving and overall internal assets, such as empathy, self-efficacy, problem-solving, and self-awareness (Ijadi-Maghsooodi et al., 2017 ).

Four studies measured the intervention’s impact on students’ academic performance. Magnano and colleagues ( 2009 ) reported that at the completion of the school social work case management intervention, academic skills were improved among both the intervention group students and the cross-over (control) group students who received the intervention at a later time. One study specifically addressed students’ school refusal behaviors and attitudes and found improvement in the treatment group at posttest and six-month follow-up (Elsherbiny et al., 2017 ). Two studies that addressed students’ absenteeism and truancy exhibited efficacy. School social work services significantly reduced risk factors related to truant behaviors (Newsome et al., 2008 ), and attendance increased post-program participation and was maintained after one, two, and three months (Young et al., 2020 ).

Students’ Psychological Distress

The studies that addressed students’ mental health focused on psychological distress, especially adolescents’ depression and anxiety. In three studies, school social workers conducted short-term psychosocial interventions, all using group-based CBT (Kataoka et al., 2003 ; Phillips, 2004 ; Wong et al., 2018a ). Kataoka and colleagues ( 2003 ) reported that bilingual, bicultural school social workers delivered group CBT in Spanish to help immigrant students cope with depressive symptoms due to violence exposure. Similarly, Wong and colleagues ( 2018a ) delivered group CBT in Chinese schools using their native language to address teenagers’ anxiety disorders. In the Kataoka et al. ( 2003 ) study, all student participants were reported to have made improvements at the end of the intervention, although there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention group and waitlisted comparison group. Phillips ( 2004 ) reported an eta-squared of 0.148 for cognitive-behavioral social skills training, indicating a small treatment effect. One study used a resilience classroom curriculum to relieve trauma exposure and observed lower odds of positive PTSD scores at posttest, but the change was not statistically significant (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2017 ).

School Climate and School Culture

Regarding school social workers’ interest in school climate and school culture, Kelly and Bluestone-Miller ( 2009 ) and Sadzaglishvili and colleagues ( 2020 ) specifically focused on creating a positive learning environment and promoting healthy school culture and class climate. Kelly and Bluestone-Miller ( 2009 ) used Working on What Works (WOWW), a program grounded in the SFBT approach to intervene in a natural classroom setting to build respectful learning. Students were allowed to choose how to respond to expectations regarding their classroom performance (e.g., students list the concrete small goals to work upon in order to create a better learning environment), and teachers were coached to facilitate, ask the right questions, and provide encouragement and appropriate timely feedback. Sadzaglishvili and colleagues ( 2020 ) used intensive school social work services (e.g., case management, task-centered practice, advocacy, etc.) to support students’ learning, whole-person development, and improve school culture. At the end of the services, both studies reported a more positive school and class climate that benefited students’ behaviors and performance at school.

Teacher, Parent, and Student Interaction

Four studies addressed interactions among teachers, parents, and students to achieve desired outcomes. For instance, two studies provided a mesosystem intervention (e.g., a parent’s meeting with the teacher at the public school the child attended, which encompasses both the home and school settings). Acuna and colleagues ( 2018 ) provided a school-based parent–child interaction intervention to improve children’s behaviors at school and home, boost attendance, and improve academic outcomes. Similarly, Thompson and Webber ( 2010 ) intervened in the teacher–student relationship to realign students’ and teachers’ perceptions of school and classroom norms and improve students’ behaviors. Additionally, two interventions targeted the exosystem (e.g., positive environmental change to improve students’ stability, in order to promote school behaviors and academic performance). Kelly and Bluestone-Miller ( 2009 ) modeled solution-focused approaches as a philosophy undergirding classroom interactions between teachers and students. The positive learning environment further improved students’ class performance. Magnano and colleagues ( 2009 ) used a case management model by linking parents, teachers, and outside school resources to increase students’ support and achieve improvements in academic skills and children’s externalizing behaviors.

Parents’ Wellbeing

Most school counselors or school psychologists focus solely on serving students, while school social workers may also serve students’ parents. Two studies reported working directly and only with parents to improve parents’ psychological outcomes (Fein et al., 2021 ; Wong et al., 2018b ). Fein and colleagues ( 2021 ) reported a school-based trauma-informed resilience curriculum specifically adapted for school social workers to deliver to racial/ethnic minority urban parents of children attending public schools. At curriculum completion, parents’ overall resilience improved, but significance was attained in only one resilience item (“I am able to adapt when changes occur”) with a small effect size using Cohen’s d. Wong et al. ( 2018b ) studied school-based culturally attuned group-based CBT for parents of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); significantly greater improvements in the CBT parent group were found in distress symptoms, quality of life, parenting stress, competence, and dysfunctional beliefs post-intervention and at three-month follow-up .

This scoping review examined school social work practice by systematically analyzing the services school social workers delivered based on 18 outcome studies published between 2000 and 2022. The programs, interventions, or services studied were conducted by school social workers in five different countries/regions. These studies captured the essence of school social workers’ roles in mental health/behavioral health and social services in education settings provided to children, youth, families, and schoolteachers, and the evidence on practice outcomes/efficacy was presented.

Although using EBP, promoting a healthy school climate and culture, and maximizing community resources are important aspects of the existing school social work practice model in the USA (NASW, 2012 ), this review revealed and validated that school social workers in other countries used similar practices and shared a common understanding of what benefits the students, families, and the schools they serve (Huxtable, 2022 ). The findings also support the broad roles of school social workers and the collaborative ways they provide social and mental health services in schools. The review discussed school social workers’ functions in (1) helping children, youth, families, and teachers address mental health and behavioral health problems, (2) improving social–emotional learning, (3) promoting a positive learning environment, and (4) maximizing students’ and families’ access to school and community resources. Furthermore, although previous researchers argued that the lack of clarity about school social worker’s roles contributed to confusion and underutilization of school social work services (Altshuler & Webb, 2009 ; Kelly et al., 2010a ), this study revealed that in the past two decades, school social workers are fulfilling their roles as mental/behavioral health providers and case managers, guided by a multi-tiered, ecological systems approach. For example, in more than 80% of the studies, the services provided were preventive group work at tier 1 or 2 levels and operated from a systems perspective. Additionally, the findings suggest that while school social workers often provide services at the individual level, they frequently work across systems and intervene at meso- and exo-systems levels to attain positive improvements for individual students and families.

Evidence-based School Social Work Practice and MTSS

The present review supported school social workers’ use of evidence-based programs and valid psychosocial interventions such as CBT, SFBT, and social–emotional learning to foster a positive learning environment and meet students’ needs. Most of the included EBPs (85.71%) were either fully or partially manualized, and findings from the current review added evidence to sustain the common elements of general school social work practice, such as doing case management, one-on-one individual and group counseling, collaborations with teachers, parents, and community agencies. One pilot study examined the effectiveness of a school social worker-developed program (Young et al., 2020 ), which provided a helpful example for future research practice collaboration to build evidence base for school social work practice. However, although school social workers often work with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) student populations facing multiple risk factors, demographic information on race/ethnicity, special education enrollment, and socioeconomic status were missing in many included studies, which obstructed examination of the degree of match between the target population’s needs and evidence-based services or interventions provided.

Previous school social work national surveys conducted in the USA (Kelly et al., 2010a , 2015 ) found a discrepancy between the actual and ideal time expense on tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 school social work activities. Even though school social workers would like to spend most of their time on primary prevention, they actually spent twice their time on secondary and tertiary prevention than on primary prevention (Kelly et al., 2010a ). However, the present review found that most interventions or evidence-based programs conducted by school social workers were tier 1 and tier 2, especially tier 2 targeted interventions delivered in a group modality. This discrepancy could be due to the focus of this review’s limited services to those provided by professionals with a school social worker title/credential both in the USA and internationally, and tier 2 and 3 activities were grouped together as one category called secondary and tertiary prevention in the school social work survey (Kelly et al., 2010a ). Our review highlights that tier 2 preventive interventions are a significant offering in school social worker-led, school-based mental health practice. Unlike tier 1 interventions that are designed to promote protective factors and prevent potential threats for all students, or intensive tier 3 interventions that demand tremendous amounts of time and energy from practitioners and often involve community agencies (Eber et al., 2002 ), tier 2 interventions are targeted to groups of students exhibiting certain risk factors and are more feasible and flexible in addressing their academic and behavioral needs. Moreover, considering the discrepancy between the high demand for services on campuses and the limited number of school social workers, using group-based tier 2 interventions that have been rigorously examined can potentially relieve practitioners’ caseload burdens while targeting students’ needs more effectively and efficiently.

School Social Work Credential

Recent research on school social workers’ practice choices showed that school social workers who endorsed primary prevention in MTSS and ecologically informed practice are more likely to have a graduate degree, be regulated by certification standards, and have less than ten years of work experience (Thompson et al., 2019 ). Globally, although data are limited, having a bachelor's or master’s degree to practice school social work has been reported in countries in North America, Europe, and the Middle East (Huxtable, 2022 ). Even though all practitioners in the present review held the title of “school social worker,” and the majority had a master’s degree, we suggest future research to evaluate school social work practitioners’ credentials by reporting their education, certificate/licensure status, and years of work experience in the education system, as these factors may be essential in understanding school social workers’ functioning.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

School social workers are an integral part of the school mental health workforce in education settings and often work in interdisciplinary teams that include schoolteachers, administrators, school counselors, and school psychologists (Huxtable, 2022 ). This scoping review found that one-third of interventions school social workers conducted were either co-led or delivered in collaboration with school counselors, school psychologists, or schoolteachers. Future research examining characteristics and outcomes of school social work practice should consider school social workers’ efforts in grounding themselves in ecological systems by working on interdisciplinary teams to address parent–child interactions, realign teacher–student classroom perceptions, or student–teacher–classroom culture to improve students’ mental health and promote better school performance.

Study Limitations and Directions for Future Research

A scoping review is a valuable method for exploring a field that has not yet been extensively reviewed or is heterogeneous. Thus, a scoping review was chosen as the research method to examine school social work practice outcomes for this study. Although scoping reviews are generally considered rigorous, transparent, and replicable, the present study has several limitations. First, only published dissertations and journal articles published between 2000 and 2022 that were included in the seven aforementioned databases were reviewed. Government reports and other gray literature excluded from the present review might generate more results requiring critical evaluation and discussion. Second, although school social work practice is ecological system-centered, all studies analyzed in the present scoping review were school-based programs. The search terms did not include possible alternative settings. More extensive searches might identify additional results by specifying home or community settings. Third, this paper focused on the outcomes and efficacy of the most current school social work practices so that qualitative studies or studies that focus on practitioners’ demographics were excluded even though they might provide additional information on the characteristics of social workers. Last, evidence to support school social work interventions was based primarily on pre-posttest designs without the use of a control group, and some of the identified evidence-based programs or brief psychosocial interventions lacked sufficient information on participants’ characteristics (e.g., demographics, changes in means in outcomes), which are important in calculating practice effect sizes and potential moderators for meta-analysis to examine school social workers’ roles and effectiveness in carrying out these interventions.

The present scoping review found significant variation in school social work services in the US and other countries where school social work services have been studied. Social workers are a significant part of the mental health and social services workforce. Using schools as a natural hub, school social workers offer primary preventive groups or early interventions to students, parents, and staff. Their interests include but are not restricted to social behavioral and academic outcomes; psychological distress; school climate and culture; teacher, parent, and student interactions; and parental wellbeing. Future school mental health researchers who are interested in the role of school social work services in helping children, youth, and families should consider the changing education landscape and the response to intervention after the COVID-19 pandemic/endemic (Capp et al., 2021 ; Kelly et al., 2021 ; Watson et al., 2022 ). Researchers are also encouraged to collaborate with school social work practitioners to identify early mental health risk factors, recognize appropriate tier 2 EBPs, or pilot-test well-designed programs to increase students’ success.


We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

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Latest Research in School Social Work

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Is Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Evidence-Based? An Update 10 Years Later (2019) Kim, S. Smock Jordan, C. Franklin, & A. Froerer

In 2010, researchers published an article in Families in Society about the observed effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). Several of the researchers from the original study reconnected 10 years later to provide an update on the evidence-based status of SFBT as this treatment has become more widely used.

Solution-focused brief therapy evolved from family therapy models led by social workers, and continues to be widely taught and used in social work practice.The SFBT’s core therapeutic process works to highlight the strengths of the client, establishes a cooperative helping relationship, and strives to set collaborative goals with clients to help them build their own solutions. 

Furthermore, it’s a method of therapy used in school settings by school social workers. Dr. Cynthia Franklin, one of the publication’s researchers and a founding member of The Texas Social Social Work Network, implemented the first U.S. school-wide solution-focused approach to helping at-risk students at Garza High School in Austin, Texas. Seventeen years later, this school has become a model alternative program that demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of SFBT. 

Researchers from this study conducted eight meta-analyses to test the effectiveness and analyze the growing evidence behind SFBT for treating anxiety, stress, depression, behavior problems, and social and interpersonal difficulties. Among these randomized-control studies, the researchers found SFBT to be a valuable intervention across many study sample populations including families, children, adolescents, and adults, in addition to diverse nationalities such as Chinese, Korean, North American, Europeans, Latino and African Americans. This suggests that SFBT is a tool that can be used in various countries with more clientele as it becomes widely accessible on a global scale. Researchers suggest that future studies scale up to include larger clinical trials, which has already begun to happen in studies conducted within child welfare and criminal justice, but needs to extend to other areas where SFBT has shown effectiveness.

Restorative Practices for Empowerment: A Social Work Lens (2020) Lustick, C. Norton, S. Rey Lopez, & J. H. Greene-Rooks

The 21st century marked a change from “zero tolerance” policies– known for exclusionary and punitive measures– towards a focused effort to improve school climates with preventative measures. These changes involve a shift towards restorative practices and a greater emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). 

This study observed roughly 900 hours of interviews with faculty, staff, and students at three small public middle schools in the same urban district with equivalent suspension rates to examine the successes and challenges of implementing community-building circles. Community-building circles are a component of restorative practice, which is a school-based version of restorative justice. It emphasizes healing and harm instead of punishing misbehavior. All school staff had undergone some level of restorative practice training for at least a year prior to the study, which included community-building circle facilitation. 

The overarching finding from this study was that the success of the restorative practice implementation depended on teachers’ and students’ relationships with each other, the teachers’ familiarity with implementation, and the level of support they received for doing so. Researchers also found that there was a noticeable gap in teachers’ ability to fully implement community-building circles because of a lack of training and constraints associated with their role as teachers. 

Teachers often described the circles as unique shared learning experiences to build trust and a capacity for growth. Other teachers reported feeling uncomfortable or disjointed in the circles given their lack of formal training on SEL. 

The data from this study illustrated that while community-building circles can be transformative spaces for students and teachers, they can also be spaces for marginalization and distrust. Researchers from this study suggest integrating school social workers into teachers’ restorative practices so that social and emotional learning can be more widely supported, along with circle practices that are explicitly antiracist, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed.

Characteristics of Effective School-Based, Teacher-Delivered Mental Health Services for Children (2020) Park, S. Guz, A. Zhang, S. N. Beretvas, C. Franklin, & J. S. Kim

Access to mental health services is potentially greater for youth in public school settings when social workers and other healthcare services are more easily integrated into students’ lives. However, teachers typically spend much more time with their students than school mental health service professionals, which makes it imperative to build a collaborative relationship between teachers and school social workers.

This study evaluated different program characteristics of teacher-delivered school-based mental health services and how effective these clinical services were for youth. A meta-analysis was conducted using data from a systematic review of nine electronic databases and 19 intervention websites for studies published from 2000 to 2016 about randomized school interventions with teachers. Researchers were looking to answer the question: what role do teachers have in school-based mental health services? 

Based on their findings, researchers concluded that the most effective mental and emotional support services teachers provide to their students at the classroom level is in medium length rather than brief interventions (e.g., 8 weeks of classroom instructions on a certain psycho-educational topic, such as substance use). Group and general mental health interventions, however, were seen as less effective when delivered by teachers. This could be for a variety of reasons, including a lack of formalized mental health training. Researchers suggest that this tier of intervention work may be more effective for school social workers or other mental health professionals. By combining teachers’ abilities to offer medium length interventions with school social workers’ expertise in group and brief interventions, school professionals have the opportunity to collaborate in ways that more fully support the behavioral and emotional needs of their students.

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A Qualitative Study of School Social Workers’ Roles and Challenges in Dropout Prevention

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Kristina C Webber, A Qualitative Study of School Social Workers’ Roles and Challenges in Dropout Prevention, Children & Schools , Volume 40, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 82–90, https://doi.org/10.1093/cs/cdy003

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High school dropout remains a persistent educational and social problem in the United States, despite promising declines in dropout rates. Social workers are uniquely positioned to identify and address numerous factors influencing students’ likelihood of graduating. The purpose of this small qualitative study was to describe social workers’ engagement in dropout prevention efforts and the context in which this work occurs. Through interviews with school social workers, school counselors, and district-level administrators, three focal practice areas were identified: (1) supporting student attendance, (2) providing intensive support for selected at-risk students, and (3) encouraging dropouts to return to a diploma-granting program. Respondents also identified common barriers and ethical dilemmas that hindered their practice, including challenges in defining the scope and boundaries of the social work profession, and tensions between the needs of the school and the needs of students. Suggestions for future research are provided, and implications for policy, practice, and the education of future school social work practitioners are discussed.

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The State of School Social Work: Findings from the National School Social Work Survey

  • Original Paper
  • Published: 24 March 2010
  • Volume 2 , pages 132–141, ( 2010 )

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research about school social workers

  • Michael Stokely Kelly 1 ,
  • Stephanie Cosner Berzin 2 ,
  • Andy Frey 3 ,
  • Michelle Alvarez 4 ,
  • Gary Shaffer 5 &
  • Kimberly O’Brien 6  

3166 Accesses

55 Citations

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School social work is a large and growing subspecialty in social work practice; however, little is known about present school social work practice from a national perspective. The National School Social Work Survey ( n  = 1,639) represents the first data in over ten years to describe the diverse practice contexts and interventions employed by school social workers. The survey also seeks to better understand school social work practice in light of the significant educational reforms of the past decade that are increasingly shaping student experiences. Findings from this survey indicate that the characteristics of school social workers, the context in which they practice, and their practice choices remain largely unchanged over the past 10 years. Implications for future research, policy, and practice are discussed based on these findings.

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Authors and affiliations.

Chicago School of Social Work, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA

Michael Stokely Kelly

Graduate School of Social Work, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA

Stephanie Cosner Berzin

Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA

Department of Social Work, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN, USA

Michelle Alvarez

School of Social Work, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Gary Shaffer

Kimberly O’Brien

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Correspondence to Michael Stokely Kelly .

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Gary Shaffer (1946–2009): During the preparation of this article, our colleague and team member Dr. Gary Shaffer passed away after a long illness. We dedicate this article to him and to his memory as a leader in school social work.

See Fig.  4 .

Survey instrument development process, January 2007–January 2008

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Kelly, M.S., Berzin, S.C., Frey, A. et al. The State of School Social Work: Findings from the National School Social Work Survey. School Mental Health 2 , 132–141 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-010-9034-5

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Published : 24 March 2010

Issue Date : September 2010

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-010-9034-5

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School social work is a specialized area of practice within the broad field of the social work profession. School social workers bring unique knowledge and skills to the school system and the student services team. School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic, and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy.  School social workers are instrumental in furthering the mission of the schools which is to provide a setting for teaching, learning, and for the attainment of competence and confidence. School social workers are hired by school districts to enhance the district's ability to meet its academic mission, especially where home, school and community collaboration is the key to achieving student success. ​


WHO are School Social Workers?

School Social Workers are trained  mental health professionals with a degree in

social work who provide services related to a person's social, emotional and life

adjustment to school and/or society.  School Social Workers  are the link between

the home, school and community in providing direct as well as indirect services to

students, families and school personnel to promote and support students' academic

and social success. 

School Social Work Services


Participating in special education assessment meetings as well as individual Educational Planning Meetings

Working with those problems in a child's living situation that affect the child’s adjustment in school. (home, school, and community)

Preparing a social or developmental history on a child with a disability.

Counseling (group, individual and/or family)

Mobilizing family, school, and community resources to enable the child to learn as effectively as possible in his or her educational program

Assisting in developing positive behavioral intervention strategies.


Providing crisis intervention.

Developing intervention strategies to increase academic success.

Assisting with conflict resolution and anger management.

Helping the child develop appropriate social interaction skills.

Assisting the child in understanding and accepting self and others.


Working with parents to facilitate their support in their children's school adjustment.

Alleviating family stress to enable the child to function more effectively in school &community.

Assisting parents to access programs available to students with special needs.

Assisting parents in accessing and utilizing school and community resources.


Providing staff with essential information to  better understand factors (cultural, societal, economic, familial, health, etc.) affecting a student’s performance and behavior.

Assessing students with mental health concerns.

Developing staff in-service training programs.

Assisting teachers with behavior management.

Providing direct support to staff.


Obtaining and coordinating community resources to meet students' needs.

Helping school districts receive adequate support from social and mental health agencies.

Advocating for new and improved community/school service to meet the needs of students and families.

Helping the system respond effectively to each child's needs.


Assist in developing and implementing educational programs for children for exceptional children.

Developing alternative programs for students with attendance concerns or involvement with the law.

Identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect.

Providing consultation regarding school law and school policy including IDEA and Section 504.

Providing case management for students and families requiring multiple resources.

Additional resources regarding the role of school social workers

Please feel free to download and use the following documents to assist with understanding the many services that school social workers are uniquely trained to provide. , school social workers' role in addressing students' mental health needs and increasing academic achievement.

Schools often are one of the first places where mental health issues are recognized and addressed.

Overlapping and Unique Roles of OH Specialized Pupil Services Personnel

Venn Diagram of SSW, School Psych and School Counseling Roles 

National Standards for School Social Work Services

(2012) Developed by the National Association of Social Workers.

A Framework for Safe and Successful Schools

In April, 2013 SSWAA joined the National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of School Psychologists, American School Counselor's Association, National Association of School Resource Officers to develop  A Framework for Safe and Successful Schools  This document outlines the various roles that we each play in schools.

SSWAA Resolution Statements

Over the years, SSWAA has developed numerous Resolution Statements to address issues of importance to School Social Workers at the local, state and national levels.  

A New PhD’s Mission: To Provide Support Systems That Help At-Risk Students Stay in School

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research about school social workers

Driven by a desire to keep young people out of the criminal justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD ’24, left her job in mental health to become a leader in the social work profession.

Twenty years ago as a mental health clinician in New York City’s juvenile justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD ’24, saw how acts by disadvantaged children and adolescents forever closed the door on their education.

Determined to help young people avoid the criminal justice system, she left her job to become a school social worker. “I wanted to reach my clients before they reached me,” she said.

In that role, however, she saw how students fall through the cracks as a result of academic struggles and unaddressed mental health issues. She felt that schools were not providing the holistic support their students needed.

Young People “Needed a Voice” to Avoid Criminal Justice

Then one day she got a flier in the mail about Adelphi’s PhD in Social Work program. It came at the right time because she had been thinking she needed to get involved at a policymaking level to help her students via early intervention. She says she was tired of seeing children pushed out of public schools because they had a minor run-in with the law at age 10. “I saw that urban children didn’t get the services they needed if they didn’t have someone fighting for them,” Dr. Wilson says. “I realized those kids needed a voice and I decided to become that voice.”

Now, having earned her PhD at Adelphi in May 2024, she’s serving as that voice. And she said she couldn’t have gotten to where she is today without Adelphi.

“Everything that I learned at Adelphi has supported me in becoming a better advocate and policymaker,” she said. “I help children with what I learned at Adelphi. I am able to support the most vulnerable students and advocate for a more comprehensive approach to education using my newfound research abilities.”

Discovering a Love for Research

When Dr. Wilson received the flier from Adelphi, she found the idea of getting a PhD intimidating. She had already earned a Master of Social Work, but she had a full-time job and a part-time job to obtain her clinical license. How could she squeeze in time for doctoral work?

“I thought, ‘It won’t kill me to go to orientation and learn about this,’” she said.  She went to orientation and left feeling like she could handle it. “After meeting Dr. (Philip) Rozario and Dr. (Roni) Berger, I was like, ‘You know what, why not just give this a try?’”

She enrolled in the program, and working diligently while juggling her many responsibilities, earned her degree after 10 years. Along the way, she served as an adjunct professor at Adelphi and she learned to love research.

“You could never have told me that I would enjoy research and policy writing,” she said, “but my classes and my conversations with my professors at Adelphi helped me find my trajectory and my talents.” She said she learned to use research to solve problems that had stumped her before.

She’s now the New York regional director of social work for Uncommon Schools, a company that runs charter schools in the New York City area. Dr. Wilson oversees the social work department across 23 New York City charter schools supervising 41 school social workers. Her focus is on providing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTTS), a preventive framework designed to reduce suspensions, improve academics and promote wellness. The program involves the entire school community, getting social workers, superintendents, teachers, parents and students to work together. “I create an umbrella of support,” she said.

After Surviving 9/11, She Found Inspiration

Dr. Wilson got a BA in Psychology and was working on Wall Street near the World Trade Center on 9/11. “I watched through the back windows of my office at the American Express Tower blow out when the towers fell,” she recalled. “I ran down 27 flights of stairs to escape. Some of my colleagues didn’t get out.”

Dr. Wilson says she didn’t even know what a social worker was before 9/11, but a social worker helped her pull herself together after the tragedy. “I had never dealt with losing colleagues and going to funerals with no bodies. The social worker helped me figure out all the pain, and I decided I wanted to help people who have experienced trauma like this.”

The experience encouraged her to return to school to get an MSW. When she earned her degree she began working in the juvenile justice system. Because of her desire to help students avoid the criminal justice system, she became the director of student support services for ROADS Charter High Schools—one of New York City’s first charter school systems to enroll at-risk students who wanted to get back into high school and get their diploma. In that position, she developed a socio-emotional support program for these students that trained school staff members to meet the needs of their students.

“I reminded the staff that these kids they see as gang members or aggressors are still someone’s son or daughter, and they need our support to help them find their voice and their way,” she said.

Dr. Wilson returned to school and began working in New York City schools with at-risk children while getting her MSW. After she got her degree, she began working as a mental health clinician at a New York City juvenile detention center, where she provided counseling to incarcerated youth and their families. The experience left her feeling like she needed to get involved earlier in their lives to keep them out of the criminal justice system. “Too many kids were being thrown out of the education system,” she said. “It was heartbreaking.”

A Nurturing Academic Environment

Through it all, Dr. Wilson has never lost sight of the support system that has served as her own foundation.

“I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my loved ones, colleagues and friends, who have been my rock throughout this journey,” she said. “I am thankful for the inspiration and motivation I’ve received from my students, some of whom have gone on to become dedicated social workers themselves. I am also indebted to my professors at the Adelphi University School of Social Work for providing me with a nurturing academic environment.”

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Case Western Reserve University

New study reveals high risk of overdose deaths in Cuyahoga County among those using drugs when they’re alone

Dan Flannery and Vaishali Deo headshots

In Cuyahoga County, the stark reality of the opioid crisis is that most drug overdose victims die alone, with no one nearby to help.

A recent study , done in partnership with Case Western Reserve University and Cuyahoga County, highlights the critical need for “targeted harm-reduction strategies” in Northeast Ohio, where the opioid epidemic continues to claim lives at nearly twice the national average.

Those strategies include the distribution of Naloxone (an opioid antagonist that can reverse the effects of an overdose), and increasing the availability of medication-assisted treatment options and fentanyl test strips.

The research, using data from the  Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office , examined overdose deaths between 2016 and 2020, focusing on people using drugs when they were alone.

The study revealed that a staggering 75% of overdose victims were using drugs alone, a behavior strongly associated with increased mortality. Key findings indicate that individuals using drugs alone were more likely to be at home and less likely to receive life-saving interventions like naloxone, said  Daniel Flannery , the Dr. Semi J. and Ruth Begun Professor and director of the  Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education .

“Being informed is crucial—knowledge equips you to take action,”  Flannery  said. “It’s about reviving someone in need, and if that’s not possible, contacting emergency services immediately. The chances of a fatal outcome significantly increase when there’s no one around to help.”

New policies and community efforts must prioritize reaching individuals at risk of using alone to curb the devastating impact of the opioid crisis, said  Vaishali Deo , research associate at the Begun Center and co-principal investigator in the research.

“Our findings underscore the urgent need for innovative harm-reduction strategies aimed at those most vulnerable—those using drugs alone,” Deo said. “Interventions must focus on reducing isolation and improving access to emergency medical care to prevent further loss of life.”

The research findings were published by the National Institutes of Health’s  National Library of Medicine .

Additional insights

  • In Cuyahoga County, from 2016 through 2020, there were 2,944 unintentional overdose deaths for those over 18 years old. That’s 54 deaths per 100,000 residents. The national average is 28 overdose deaths per 100,000 residents.
  • The study further details the demographics and circumstances surrounding overdose deaths in Cuyahoga County from 2016 to 2020. Most were non-Hispanic (94.9%), white (72.2%) and male (71.3%), with a significant portion 35 to 64 years old. Most lived in the City of Cleveland. Over half attained at least a high school diploma.
  • Toxicology reports revealed that synthetic opioids, specifically illicitly manufactured fentanyl, was present in 72.7% of the deaths. Cocaine and heroin were also significant contributors, found in 41.6% and 29.6% of cases, respectively. Nearly 80% of overdose deaths involved the use of multiple substances.
  • Despite the presence of bystanders in more than half the cases, most victims (74.9%) were using drugs alone at the time of their fatal overdose, mainly at home. Emergency medical services responded to most of the incidents, yet over 60% of victims were pronounced dead at the scene—highlighting the critical timing needed for interventions like naloxone, which was administered in just 28.6% of the cases.

Deo and Flannery were joined in the research by Sarah Fulton, a research associate at the Begun Center, and Manreet K. Bhullar, a senior forensic epidemiologist at the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office, and Thomas P. Gilson, chief medical examiner of Cuyahoga County.

“These findings paint a stark picture of the opioid crisis in our community,” Gilson said. “The tragic reality is that too many people are dying alone, and we must act swiftly to implement lifesaving measures that can prevent these unnecessary deaths.”

For more information, contact Colin McEwen .

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School of Social Work Micro-Credentials

The next level of learning is here.

Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals. 

student intern with elderly client.

Continuing Education/Professional Development

Foundations trauma-informed care micro-credential badge.


heart in mother and child's hands.

What is a Digital Badge?

Micro-credentials equip you with digital badges that showcase your achievements and all it took to get there.

When you complete a micro-credential program you will earn a digital badge or a series of digital badges. A digital badge is a clickable icon that houses important information, including the issuing institution, the date earned, the criteria required to earn the badge and evidence showing you have met that criteria.

Digital badges are dynamic credentials that you own, so you can decide how you wish to use them. You can add them to your social media profiles, digital résumé, e-portfolio and more.

UB digital badges are issued through  Acclaim , allowing you to display your skills and accomplishments for employers, colleagues and peers. For questions about using Acclaim, contact the Office of Micro-Credentials at  [email protected]  or 716-645-1357.


  1. Characteristics and Outcomes of School Social Work Services: A Scoping Review of Published Evidence 2000-June 2022

    School Social Work Credential. Recent research on school social workers' practice choices showed that school social workers who endorsed primary prevention in MTSS and ecologically informed practice are more likely to have a graduate degree, be regulated by certification standards, and have less than ten years of work experience (Thompson et ...

  2. Characteristics and Outcomes of School Social Work Services ...

    School Social Work Credential. Recent research on school social workers' practice choices showed that school social workers who endorsed primary prevention in MTSS and ecologically informed practice are more likely to have a graduate degree, be regulated by certification standards, and have less than ten years of work experience (Thompson et ...

  3. Practice in a Pandemic: School Social Workers' Adaptations and

    School social work is a mature subspecialty of social work, with a history dating back to the start of the 20th century where social workers in many major American cities proved to be a vital link between school and home (Shaffer & Fisher, 2017).This practice role has evolved over the past 100 years from a community/school role to becoming one more focused on the day-to-day work within the ...

  4. Social Workers' Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Social Work

    School Social Workers (SSWs) have been instrumental in providing effective psychosocial and mental health interventions to students and their families to overcome such educational barriers and inequities related to homelessness, family violence, bullying, school violence, sexuality, grief and loss, disabilities, school attendance and in ...

  5. Evidence-Based Practice

    Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a process of using research, professional expertise, and client preferences to guide effective and ethical interventions. SSWAA provides resources and tools for school social workers to implement EBP in their practice and advocate for the best outcomes for students and families.

  6. Practice in a Pandemic: School Social Workers' Adaptations and

    school social work research, policy, and prac-tice going forward. (This is alongside a policy brief from this project that explores the needs of American students and families at the outset of the pandemic to also inform future research and policy advocacy work; Kelly et al., 2020.) School Social Work Practice Before COVID-19

  7. Latest Research in School Social Work

    Researchers from this study suggest integrating school social workers into teachers' restorative practices so that social and emotional learning can be more widely supported, along with circle practices that are explicitly antiracist, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed. Access to mental health services is potentially greater for youth ...

  8. From compassion to action: school social workers at the forefront of

    ABSTRACT. This study aims to investigate the role of school social workers in emergencies within educational settings. Using a semi-systematic methodology, it identifies relevant research to provide a comprehensive overview of literature covering school social work and emergency interventions.

  9. Qualitative Study of School Social Workers' Roles and Challenges in

    This study's original research questions included an exploration of the policies that affect school social workers' dropout prevention work. Although some specific formal policies were mentioned by the interview participants, the overriding theme dealt with unofficial policies and practices regarding the role of social workers in schools.

  10. Practice Research in Social Work: Themes, Opportunities and Impact

    Practice research in social work is evolving and has been iteratively defined through a series of statements over the last 15 years (Epstein et al., 2015; Fook & Evans, 2011; Joubert et al., 2023; Julkunen et al., 2014; Sim et al., 2019).Most recently, the Melbourne Statement on Practice Research (Joubert et al., 2023) focused on practice meeting research, with an emphasis on 'the ...

  11. NASW Standards for School Social Work Services

    Priorities shall be established on the basis of the needs of students, professional skills of the school social worker, program needs, research, and availability of other resources. School social workers shall perform roles and responsibilities across a multitier framework for service delivery and use technology to enhance communication, obtain ...

  12. School Social Workers' Role in School Discipline: Understanding School

    al., 2020), research regarding school social workers' role in determining school disciplinary strategies has remained relatively limited. In this basic qualitative study project, I conducted a focus group comprised of six current or previous school social workers who had worked with Black male students ages 7-12. This study's outcomes ...

  13. The State of School Social Work: Findings from the National School

    School social work is a large and growing subspecialty in social work practice; however, little is known about present school social work practice from a national perspective. The National School Social Work Survey (n = 1,639) represents the first data in over ten years to describe the diverse practice contexts and interventions employed by school social workers. The survey also seeks to ...

  14. School-based Social Work Interventions: A Cross-National ...

    AA Cross-National Systematic Review. visits; parent support and education; and advocacy for students, families, and school systems. school-based social work interventions. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review was twofold: (1) to identify tier 1 and tier 2 school-based interventions that involve social.

  15. School Social Workers and Educational Outcomes

    found between a low number of social workers. Alvarez, Bye, Bryant, and Mumm / School Social Workers and Educational Outcomes 237. Table 1: Number of Full-Time Equivalent Social W orkers Employed ...

  16. Promoting Social and Emotional Learning within School Social Work: What

    Two frameworks proposed by the Consortium on School Research may also be relevant for school social workers. The first framework, Teaching Adolescents To Be Learners, specifies the factors and foundations most relevant for academic achievement.The framework indicates that student factors related to academic success, also known as "noncognitive factors," are context-specific and that a ...

  17. School Social Work

    School social workers are an integral link between school, home, and community in helping students achieve academic success. They work directly with school administrations as well as students and families, providing leadership in forming school discipline policies, mental health intervention, crisis management, and support services.

  18. PDF The Role of School Social Workers from the Perspective of School

    The school social worker has been a part of the American educational system since the early part of the 20th century, but is considered a relative latecomer to the American educational system (Livingston & Rock, 1985; Wang, 2003). The need for professional school social work was fueled largely by immigration, poverty, and the

  19. Role of School Social Worker

    School social work is a specialized area of practice within the broad field of the social work profession. School social workers bring unique knowledge and skills to the school system and the student services team. School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns ...

  20. (PDF) School Social Workers' Perceptions of Their Role within the

    Some research has been done recently to determine the roles and tasks of the school social worker in South African schools. Studies by Kemp (2014), Van Sittert and Wilson (2018) and Vergottini ...

  21. PDF School Social Workers are the Vital Link to School Success

    School Social Workers became the Vital Link between home, school and community because they understood the social needs of the underprivileged families and played an important role of advocating for children and families. The passing of the Rehabilitation Act/Section 504 (1973) and Individuals with Disabilities Act (1975), created a new role ...

  22. School Social Work NASW Publications

    NASW Press. Aug 09, 2012. This resource is for social workers, counselors, and mental health professionals in education. It encompasses the direct practice part of the school social worker's job and the administrative and policy-driven aspects, such as child abuse reporting, disciplinary interventions, training, and interacting with teachers ...

  23. Social workers' core components for mitigating problematic school

    Despite this, there is little research to date on the roles social workers adopt in mitigating problematic absenteeism. This article presents a study that explored the roles of social workers in a newly developed and rapidly spreading Swedish method, School Social Teams. ... This study aimed to explore the roles adopted by school social workers ...

  24. A New PhD's Mission: To Provide Support Systems That Help At-Risk

    Determined to help young people avoid the criminal justice system, she left her job to become a school social worker. "I wanted to reach my clients before they reached me," she said. In that role, however, she saw how students fall through the cracks as a result of academic struggles and unaddressed mental health issues.

  25. School social workers as partners in the school mission

    Standard 1. Ethics and values School social workers shall adhere to the ethics and values of the social work profession and shall use the NASW Code of Ethics as a guide to ethical decision making, while understanding the unique aspects of school social work practice and the needs of the students, parents, and communities they serve.

  26. School of Social Welfare

    For over two decades, Dr. DeGruy served as an Assistant Professor at Portland State University's School of Social Work and now serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Joy DeGruy Publications Inc. She holds Master's degrees in Social Work and Clinical Psychology, as well as a PhD in Social Work and Social Research. Lecture Resources

  27. Melanie Chung-Sherman, DSW, LCSW-S, CEDS

    Anti-racist Community Engaged Research; Behavioral Health; BIPOC Counseling; Child Advocacy, Protection, and Welfare; Chronic Mental Illness; Clinical Social Work; ... DSW Student Representative, DSW Committee, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa School of Social Work, 2022-2023. Region 3 State Representative, NASW-TX Board of Directors, 2019 ...

  28. New study reveals high risk of overdose deaths in Cuyahoga County among

    In Cuyahoga County, the stark reality of the opioid crisis is that most drug overdose victims die alone, with no one nearby to help. A recent study, done in partnership with Case Western Reserve University and Cuyahoga County, highlights the critical need for "targeted harm-reduction strategies" in Northeast Ohio, where the opioid epidemic continues to claim lives at nearly twice the ...

  29. New Dean Sam Terrazas Takes the Helm at RIC's School of Social Work

    "When students leave our program, they're trained and ready to go into the work force as entry-level social workers. That's why field placements are so important." Terrazas notes that he wants the School of Social Work to produce students who appreciate gradual growth and development. "Social work is a lifelong process," he says ...

  30. Micro-Credentials

    School of Social Work Micro-Credentials . The next level of learning is here . Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals. ... Buffalo Center for Social Research. 6/23 ...