How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]

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Plenty of job-seekers spend weeks, and even months, looking for a job. It can be a slow and demoralizing process where you don’t get a single response after dozens of applications.

This is where perfecting your CV can make a real difference.

Your CV is the document that could open the door to your dream job. If you get it right, you can expect interview calls left and right.

But how can you make sure you have a job-winning CV?

Well, we have an answer.

And while it may be a little bit long, it’s worth every second of your time. 

If you want to perfect your CV, you have to grease up your elbows, get your reading glasses, and make sure every little detail is polished to perfection. Once you do that, believe us – it’s going to be worth it.

By building the perfect CV, you’re investing in yourself, and you’re increasing your chances of landing your next gig.

And our article is here to help!

We’re going to guide you through everything you need to know about making a CV, such as:

  • The 7 Steps to Writing a CV
  • 13+ Helpful Tips to Enhance Your CV
  • 19 Real-Life CV Examples for Different Professions

…and much more!

So, let’s get into it.

Do You Need a CV or a Resume?

You might have noticed that when you’re applying for a job, some employers ask for a CV, while others prefer your resume.

But how do the two differ?

The answer depends on where you’re from.

In most of the world, including all of Europe and Asia, a CV and a resume are the same thing and are often used interchangeably. So if you’re applying for a job that asks for a CV, you should know that it’s the same as a resume.

Now, if you’re applying for a job in North America, it’s a bit different.

In the United States , a resume is a one-page summary of your skills and professional experience.

Meanwhile, a CV is a lot more detailed. Curriculum vitae is the Latin term for “course of life,” and it’s meant to include all your experience so far, including all levels of education, publications, projects, and more.

Typically, a CV is only required in the US and Canada when you’re applying for an academic or research position. Unlike a resume, which should only be one or two pages at most, an academic CV can be as long as necessary.

This guide is going to focus on how to write a CV for a regular job search. If you need to write an academic CV for a position in academia, check out our article for that instead.

How to Make a (Perfect!) CV

Most job-seekers use the default Word templates to create their CVs.

The problem here is that those default templates are often bland and don’t make your CV stand out. You want your job application to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention, not blend in with the rest.

Setting up your CV template is also a very time-consuming process.

You’ll spend hours trying to make your CV’s contents fit within the template’s layout. And then, just when you’re at the finish line, you make one tiny tweak, and the whole thing gets completely messed up.

Now you’re back to where you started, looking for a CV template that’s easier to work with.

So why not take a shortcut?

Just use our CV builder and skip the hassle. Novorésumé lets you create a one-page CV for free, and it’s super easy to customize.

And the best part?

All of our CV templates are created in cooperation with hiring managers from around the world to make sure your CV is industry-ready, stylish, and optimized for the Applicant Tracking Systems ( ATS ) that most companies use.

Here’s how one of our CVs and one made with a regular text editor template compare with each other:

novoresume vs text editor

What to Include in Your CV

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. So, what goes into a CV , exactly?

Now, there is no golden rule, and not every CV has the same sections. A lot depends on your level of experience and what exactly you’re applying for.

Let’s look at the most common sections you can choose from.

  • Contact information
  • CV Summary or objective
  • Work experience
  • Certifications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Personal Projects
  • Volunteer Experience

We’re going to look at each of these sections and guide you through writing them, step by step.

#1. Choose the Best CV Format

Before you start filling in the contents of your CV, you have to make sure it’s going to be reader-friendly and look good. 

The first thing hiring managers notice is what your CV looks like, and then decide whether to read it. So, this is your chance to make a strong first impression.

This is where your CV format comes in.

Like with resume formats , there are three different formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological. This is by far the most popular CV format among hiring managers worldwide, so it’s the best choice for most job-seekers.
  • Functional. This CV format focuses more on skills than work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re just getting started with your career and have little to no experience.
  • Combination. The combination CV format is a great choice for experienced job-seekers with a very diverse set of skills. It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in several different fields and you want to show all that in your CV.

So, which one should you choose?

In 99% of cases, you want to stick to the reverse-chronological CV format . It’s the most popular format, and it’s what hiring managers expect to see.

For this reason, the rest of this article will teach you how to make a reverse-chronological CV.

And Don’t Forget About Your CV’s Layout

Your CV’s layout is just as important as its format.

The layout is what determines whether your CV looks organized or cluttered, whether it ends up being too short or too long, and ultimately, if it’s boring and unimpressive or attention-grabbing and easy on the eyes.

Here are some CV layout tips you should keep in mind:

  • Keep it to one page. You should only go for a two-page CV if you’re sure you can’t summarize yourself on one page. Don’t waste precious space on your CV on your life story – no one’s going to read it!
  • Use clear and consistent section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers so the hiring manager can easily navigate through your CV. Keep the colors and font size consistent so your CV is easy on the eyes.
  • Leave ample white space. Without the right amount of white space, your CV will end up looking cluttered with information. Just set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your text fits just right on the page.
  • Pick a professional font. We’d recommend sticking to a font that’s professional but not overused. For example, fonts like Ubuntu, Roboto, Lora, or Overpass. Avoid Times New Roman, and never use Comic Sans.
  • Choose the correct font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11-12 pt for normal text and 14-16 pt for section titles. This helps keep your details clear and keeps the hiring manager from having to squint to read your CV.
  • Save it as a PDF file. Make sure to save your CV as a PDF file, unless the employer specifically requests a different file format. You don’t want to risk sending your CV in as a Word file and messing up your document’s formatting after you put in all that hard work.

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going for a classic-looking CV template or something modern .

If you’re pursuing a career in an industry like law , banking , or finance , you might want to stick to a traditional CV template.

But if you’re applying to a startup where individuality and innovation are part of the company's values, you can pick a creative CV template .

traditional vs modern cv

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Once you’ve done formatting your CV, you need to start filling it up with the right information .

The contact information section is easy to fill but important to get right. After all, even if you have the most impressive CV, it’s not going to matter much if the hiring manager can’t contact you.

So, neatly place your contact information at the top of your CV in a designated CV header , so the hiring manager can spot it right away. 

Make sure you triple-check everything in this section so that there are no typos and everything is up to date.

Must-Have Information

  • Full name. Place this at the top of the page. The preferred format here is listing your first name and then your family name. (e.g.: John Smith, instead of Smith, John.)
  • Email address. Use an email address that’s professional and easy to spell, like a combination of your names. (E.g.: [email protected])
  • Phone number. Add a reliable number where the hiring manager can easily reach you. Include the country dial code if you’re applying internationally.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV.

Optional Information

  • Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it’s “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Senior Copywriter.” Just don’t make up job titles like “Marketing Wizzard” or use funny job-title buzzwords .
  • Social media. As long as it’s relevant, you can add links to any social media or other website that can help your case. For example, having a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Portfolio. If you’re looking for a job as an illustrator or other artistic position, you should provide a link to your portfolio. On the other hand, if you’re a software developer, you could include a link to your GitHub account instead.

It’s also important to know what information not to disclose on your CV.

This varies from country to country, so make sure to check what the common practices and laws around these are in the specific place where you’re applying for a job.

  • Date of birth. Unless this is explicitly requested in the job ad, the hiring manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and it could even lead to age-based discrimination.
  • Unprofessional email address. Your quirky, old childhood email address doesn’t belong on your CV. Instead of [email protected], use a mature [email protected] email address.
  • Headshot. (USA, UK or Ireland) In most English-speaking countries, it might even be illegal to include a picture of yourself on your CV . However, including a picture is the norm in most of Europe and Asia. Make sure to check the regulations for each specific country or industry you’re applying to before sending in your CV.

Now let’s look at an example of what a CV’s contact information section looks like:

cv summary example

#3. Write an Attention-Grabbing CV Headline

Research says that, on average, hiring managers look at CVs for up to six seconds at most!

That sounds a little harsh, right?

You spend days—weeks even—crafting the picture-perfect CV that represents you in a nutshell. 

And what does the hiring manager do?

They glance it over for a few seconds (if you’re lucky!) and move on. 

As unfair as that might be, how exactly are you supposed to capture someone’s attention in a matter of seconds?

This is where adding a brief paragraph at the top of your CV comes in.

Your CV headline should be right next to (or above) your contact information so that it’s the first thing the hiring manager reads.

Depending on your level of experience, your CV headline can be either a CV summary or an objective.

CV summary

Both your CV summary and objective are your first attempt at grabbing the hiring manager’s attention. Make sure you use clear language so that the hiring manager doesn’t have to read your headline a few times to understand it—because they simply won’t read it.

Think of this as your elevator pitch. You need to convince the hiring manager to give you a shot within those six seconds of skimming your CV. 

But if you’re not sure whether to use a CV summary or a CV objective, here’s a rundown of each:

As the name suggests, a CV summary is a brief recap of your career so far. If you do it right, it can show the hiring manager that you’re a qualified candidate in two to three sentences.

Here’s what your CV summary should include:

  • Your job title and the amount of experience you have so far.
  • A few of your greatest professional accomplishments or responsibilities.
  • Your most impressive skills that match the job.

Now, let’s look at a well-written CV summary:

Professional and creative architect with 10 years experience in developing construction drawings, 3D models, and doing design rendering. Served as a project architect at company X and won an honorable mention as a staff architect at XYZ Construction Awards 2023.

Usually, we recommend that job-seekers with work experience use a CV summary. 

But if you’re a recent graduate , an entry-level professional, or you’re going through a career change, a CV objective might be a better choice.

CV Objective

A CV objective is meant to express your professional goals and aspirations and tie them in with your academic background and any relevant skills you might have for the position.

It’s two to four sentences long, and unlike a CV summary, a CV objective tells the hiring manager what your motivation is, so it’s the go-to CV headline for candidates with no work experience .

Here’s an example of what a student’s CV objective might look like:

Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, equipped with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Eager to launch my career in banking at XYZ Bank, where I can apply my knowledge gained through coursework and internships to help clients achieve their financial goals.

#4. Show Off Your Work Experience (the Right Way!)

You’ve made it this far, and now it’s time to really show the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes for the job.

Your work experience section is the main section of your CV, and it’s where most hiring managers will jump when looking at your job application. 

It’s also the deciding factor in whether you’ll get hired or not.

So, let’s start by showing you how to format your work experience correctly:

  • Job title/position. Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry you include on your CV.
  • Company name/location/description. Name the employer and include the general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked. In some cases, you can also briefly describe the company, particularly when the organization isn’t well-known.
  • Dates employed. Add the approximate period of time that you were employed at each company. Don’t give exact dates; the standard format here is mm/yyyy.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. What you did while employed is the core of each work experience entry. List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points instead of paragraphs, so they’ll be easier for the hiring manager to read at a glance.

While it might sound straightforward, it can be tricky to sum up your work experience in just a few bullet points.

Most people just list their responsibilities next to the position.

While this approach is okay, it can only take you that far. Hiring managers likely know exactly what your responsibilities and day-to-day tasks were in your previous job. It’s your achievements they really care about.

So, you should take advantage of the work experience section to make it clear how you took the company from point A to point B.

Here’s an example of what a well-written CV’s work experience looks like:

well-written CV work experience section

Your work experience entries should always be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with more details about your most recent job and working their way back to the past.

CV Tips for Listing Work Experience

  • Quantify your achievements. Whenever possible, always include concrete data that backs up your accomplishments. These can be percentages, budget amounts, or the amount of time a specific task or achievement took you to accomplish.
  • Tailor your CV to the job ad. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific job ad. Pay close attention to the requirements and focus on information that shows how you meet the employer’s needs.
  • Incorporate keywords. Beating the ATS can take a little more effort. Add enough relevant keywords from the job ad so your CV makes it in front of a hiring manager.
  • Use powerful action words. The hiring manager is bored of reading what you “managed” and what you were “responsible for.” Instead, make your CV sound more interesting by using powerful, attention-grabbing words, like facilitated, spearheaded, designed, conceptualized, etc.

Looking to write the perfect ATS-proof CV ? Check out our guide here.

#5. Skills Section on Your CV

Next, it’s time to consider your skills.

Along with your work experience, the skills on your CV make up 90% of the hiring decision .

So, you want to make sure that your skills show that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of skills you should include on your CV:

  • Hard Skills. These are measurable abilities that can range from using Photoshop to being able to solve complex mathematical equations. They’re directly related to your tasks.
  • Soft Skills. Also known as personal skills, these are a mix of communication skills , personal traits, career attributes, and more. They can include leadership, critical thinking, and time management , just to name a few.

Here’s what your skills section would look like on your CV:

skills section on a cv

Follow these tips to format this section perfectly:

  • Separate hard and soft skills. Keep your hard skills separated from your soft skills to make your CV easier to navigate.
  • Tailor CV skills to the job ad. Carefully read the job ad and find out what the employer’s requirements are. Add any of the listed skills that you do have to your CV.
  • Add experience levels for hard skills. Categorize your hard skills by proficiency so the employers know what to expect from you and how much training you might need.
  • Include transferable skills. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, you probably have tons of skins that can come in handy for the position you’re applying for.

Wondering what skills to mention on your CV? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills for inspiration!

#6. Education Section on Your CV

Another important part is the education section of your CV. 

Here’s how you should format it:

  • Program Name. Your major and degree type should be listed first. (E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration” )
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution. (E.g.: “New York State University” )
  • Dates Attended. Use a mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012” )
  • Location. If your university is less well-known, you can also add the location. (E.g.: “Stockholm, Sweden” )
  • GPA. Use the appropriate grading system for the country you’re applying to work in. (E.g.: In the USA, it would be “3.9 GPA” )
  • Honors. Add any honors and distinctions you’ve been given. (E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude )
  • Achievements. You can mention interesting papers you’ve written, projects you’ve done, or relevant coursework you’ve excelled in.
  • Minor. “Minor in Psychology”

Let’s look at what this section can look like in practice:

education section on a CV

You’ve got the basics now! Now, here are a few tips to keep in mind to perfect this section:

  • If you’re making a CV as a student and don’t have any work experience yet, you can list your education section at the beginning of the page instead.
  • You can add your expected graduation date if you’re still pursuing your degree.
  • If you already have relevant work experience, just keep this section short and sweet.
  • Recent graduates can expand on their education more and add optional information like projects, classes, academic achievements, etc.
  • Always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your highest degree on top. Your highest and most recent degree is usually enough, so if you have a Master’s degree that’s relevant to the job, there’s no need to mention your earlier degrees.
  • Don’t add your high school degree to your CV if you already have a university degree. It doesn’t have as much weight, and you can use the space for something else.
  • Only mention your GPA if you had an impressive academic career. Anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t need to be on your CV.

Are you in the process of applying for college? Check out our guide to writing a college application CV to wow that admissions officer!

#7. Leverage Optional CV Sections

So far, we covered the most important CV sections that are mandatory for any job application.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the optional sections that can help you stand out.

Optional CV sections aren’t the biggest game-changers for your job hunt , but they’re a great option if you have some leftover space and want to spice up your application.

These include:

  • Certifications. Continuous learning leaves a great impression on hiring managers. If you don’t have work experience in the field yet, showing you’ve taken the first step, such as a Coursera or Google Certificate, can show your genuine interest in the specific field.
  • Awards and recognitions. Your CV is the best place to show off. Include any awards or acknowledgments, such as a hard-to-come-by scholarship .
  • Publications. Whether you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic, relevant publications are always impressive. Make sure to include a link so the hiring manager can read your work.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is always a bonus, so include your foreign languages and add your level of proficiency for each on your CV.
  • Personal projects. If you worked on a mock software product during university or you run your product review YouTube channel, you can add it to your CV.
  • Volunteer experience. Studies show that listing volunteer experience can increase your chances of getting hired, especially if you have less work experience. Volunteering shows you like meaningful work, which means you’re more likely to be a loyal employee.
  • Hobbies and interests. While it’s still debated if hobbies or interests should ever make it onto a CV, adding a bit of extra information about yourself can give the hiring manager insight into you as a person and make you stand out. Some hobbies can even back up your skills, such as painting, which proves your creativity.
  • Extracurricular activities. If you don’t have much experience outside of school, any clubs and activities you took part in can show employers how you honed certain skills or managed your time.

Trying to write your first CV as a college freshman ? Check out our detailed guide to learn how!

13+ Expert CV Tips

You’ve got the gist of how to make a CV. Now, it’s time to make it really stand out from the crowd!

Follow these exclusive CV tips to take your CV game to the next level:

  • Make sure that the professional title underneath your name matches the job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers usually hire for several roles at once, so this can give them a cue about which job you’re after, and help things go smoother.
  • Always mention promotions from your previous roles. Your work experience entries should highlight the specific achievements that helped you earn them.
  • Use Laszlo Bock’s formula to describe your achievements: accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z . This takes your work experience to the next level and clearly shows the hiring manager how you can contribute to their team.
  • List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points. This makes your CV easier to read, and it’s likelier that the hiring manager will see your impressive achievements while skimming through.
  • Avoid personal pronouns like “I” or “me,” and never refer to yourself by name. Try an altered third person, such as “managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.” in place of “I managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.”
  • The ATS might reject your CV unless the sections are named correctly.  For example, names like “career history” or “expertise” should be  “work experience” and "skills", respectively. It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to find what they’re looking for when reading your CV.
  • Only include important keywords from the job ad , not all of them. The keywords you use, such as relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences need to make sense in context since you want to get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager.
  • If you don’t have much relevant work experience, highlight your transferable skills . These can come from personal projects or extracurricular activities and help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Use color strategically to make headings, bullet points, or key elements you want to highlight really pop. Just don’t use too much of it – the information on your CV should be more impressive than the design.
  • Skip the line “references available upon request.” The hiring manager knows that they can request references from you, so don’t waste valuable CV space telling them they can.
  • Your CV should be optimized for mobile devices. Hiring managers tend to use their mobile phones as often as desktop computers, and having your CV saved to a PDF file can ensure that your formatting stays the same across any device.
  • Remember to change the name of the CV file you plan to send. It should include your name and the position you’re applying for. Skipping this small detail can leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.
  • Try reading your CV out loud when you’re finished writing it. You might notice awkward phrases or spelling mistakes that you would have otherwise missed.
  • Tools like DocSend can track your CV. Use it to get a notification whenever a hiring manager opens your CV, and to even track how long they spend looking at it.

3 Types of CVs

If you apply everything we’ve talked about so far, you should have a perfectly well-rounded CV. You’re prepared to take on the job market!

But just in case you aren’t sure what a great CV looks like, here are some examples of different types of CVs that you can use for inspiration.

#1. Graduate CV Example

graduate cv example

Check out our full guide to writing a student CV here.

#2. Academic CV Example

academic cv example

Check out our full guide to writing an academic CV here.

#3. Executive CV Example

executive cv template

19 CV Examples for Different Jobs

Knowing how to write a CV is one thing, but making a CV that stands out is something entirely different. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective CV examples for specific jobs to get a better sense of what a good CV looks like:

#1. Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse CV here.

#2. Data Scientist CV Example

Data Scientist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data scientist CV here.

#3. Business Analyst CV Example

Business Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst CV here.

#4. Digital Marketing CV Example

Digital Marketing CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing CV here.

#5. Software Engineer CV Example

Software Engineer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer CV here.

#6. Construction Project Manager CV Example

Construction Project Manager CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager CV here.

#7. Customer Service CV Example

Customer Service CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service CV here.

#8. High School CV Example

High School CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school CV here.

#9. Student CV Example

Student CV Example

#10. Server CV Example

Server CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server CV here.

#11. Actor CV Example

Actor CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor CV here.

#12. Web Developer CV Example

Web Developer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer CV here.

#13. Engineering CV Example

Engineering CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering CV here.

#14. Computer Science CV Example

Computer Science CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science CV here.

#15. Architect CV Example 

Architect CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an architect CV here.

#16. Data Analyst CV Example

Data Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data analyst CV here.

#17. Remote Job CV Example

Remote Job CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a remote job CV here.

#18. Sales Associate CV Example

Sales Associate CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales associate CV here.

#19. Receptionist CV Example

Receptionist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist CV here.

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 80+ CV examples for different fields .

  • Administrative Assistant CV
  • Bartender CV
  • DevOps Engineer CV
  • Executive Assistant CV
  • Flight Attendant CV
  • Graphic Designer CV
  • Paralegal CV
  • Pharmacist CV
  • Recruiter CV
  • Supervisor CV

Next Steps After Your CV

After you’ve got your CV ready, it’s time to focus on other parts of your job application.

Your CV is the first step in your job search, but to land the job you want, you need to prepare a matching cover letter and nail the upcoming job interview.

#1. Write a Great Cover Letter

The best way to complement your CV is by writing a cover letter.

Now, you might flinch at the idea of having to write a cover letter. Unless you’re looking for a job as a writer , you’re probably not too confident in your ability to write a great cover letter.

Thankfully, writing a cover letter is very easy.

Cover letters act as a direct message to the hiring manager. They should be no more than a single page and use between 250 and 400 words . This gives you the chance to explain, in your own words, why you’re the best candidate for the job.

There are plenty of cover letter tips that can help point you in the right direction, so you’ll be able to write the perfect cover letter in no time.

Just follow this structure:

structure of a cover letter for CV

  • Include your contact details. Add the same contact information as on your CV, and the contact information of the hiring manager, such as their name, job title, the company’s name, and its general location.
  • Present yourself. Start your cover letter by stating who you are, what your relevant work experience is, and what excites you about the position. Include an impressive achievement or two, your crucial skills, and what you can do for the employer’s company.
  • Build your case. Check the job ad for the candidate requirements and explain how you meet them. Do research on the company so you actually know what you like about it, and make sure to mention it in your cover letter. Convey your genuine excitement for the opportunity and express your confidence that you can contribute to their mission.
  • Conclude it politely. End your cover letter by summarizing how you meet the employer’s needs for a candidate and thanking the hiring manager for their time. Include a call to action, like "Please feel free to contact me at the provided email or phone number so that we may discuss my application in more detail."  
  • Finally, add a polite closing line and sign your full name underneath.

Not too hard, right? Here’s a real-life example to show you how a cover letter looks:

cover letter for cv example

Want to perfect your cover letter? Learn about the most common cover letter mistakes and check out cover letter examples for different professions here.

#2. Ace The Job Interview

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations are in order. But you can’t celebrate just yet.

The final gatekeeper standing between you and your dream job is the interview process.

If you hate job interviews, you’re not the only one. After all, having to convince a stranger to hire you isn’t most people’s idea of fun.

Here’s the silver lining: most interviewers ask the same questions.

All you have to do is research what the common questions are and show up prepared.

Some of these common interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

These might sound cliche, but they’re popular questions for a reason.

Interviewers want to get to know you as an employee and determine if you’d fit within their company’s culture.

So, check out our guide to the 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers and learn how to ace your next interview.

Key Takeaways

At this point, you should feel pretty confident about writing your CV.

The whole process might seem a bit intimidating at first, but now that it’s broken down into bite-sized pieces, we’re sure you’ve got it.

Before we let you go and land that dream job, let’s just recap some of our key points:

  • Save time by using a free CV builder to create yours with as few obstacles as possible. There’s no need to mess around with formatting for hours before you even get the chance to write your CV!
  • The essential information on your CV includes contact information, a CV summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills. If you have space, you can optionally include sections like certifications, awards, languages, hobbies, and interests.
  • Responsibilities aren’t as impressive as achievements, so use your CV to focus on those times you went above and beyond at your job instead of just your daily tasks.
  • Always tailor your CV to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job ad as a reference and emphasize the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Don’t forget to prepare for the rest of the job application process by writing an equally well-crafted cover letter and practicing how you’ll answer the most common interview questions.

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How to write the perfect CV for 2023

How to write the perfect CV for 2023

Having a perfectly honed and well-written CV is a vital first step in getting that lucrative job offer.

If you aren’t sure how to write a CV or have not been actively job searching for some time, our ultimate guide to CV writing will answer all your questions.  With only 2% of CVs making it past the first round, it is more important than ever to be up to date with the latest tips and tricks.  This how to write a CV guide outlines the most important building blocks for creating a job-winning, attention-grabbing CV.


Stephen Covey coined the phrase ‘Begin with the end in mind’ .  Before you start writing your CV, it is important to spend some time to consider what are you trying to achieve with your CV.  The answer is more simple than you might have originally envisaged – get you to the next stage in the hiring process – an interview.  In fact we recommend you think of your CV as a sales brochure – a summary of your experience, skills and education – written to convince employers that you are the best choice for their vacancy or as a minimum, merit enough consideration to be called for interview.

Think of your CV as a sales brochure, not the story of your life.  Overlay that with the fact that according to a study done by TheLadders , recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds glancing at a CV before moving on to another one.

  How to Write a CV

The best CVs are concise and contain nothing but information that will get you an interview. Make sure your CV is well laid out, with clear headings, easy-to-read font and is free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. CVs sent to employers with basic spelling and/or grammatical errors are almost always a cause for immediate rejection. Meticulous proofreading will immediately increase your chances of being called in for an interview!

Keep it clear, concise and relevant – ideally 2 pages.  However, individuals with little experience or education may find that a single page is sufficient for entry-level jobs. On the flip side, a manager with decades of experience could conceivably write a CV that’s three pages long.

Share your CV with a trusted friend or family member for them to read & critique.

Read your CV out loud, check that it ‘sounds’ right or ‘speaks’ to you! Make sure your CV tells a story, shows you as a human being and hits all the important professional highlights.

Print it out, reading something on paper is better than skimming text on a screen.

Sleep on it. While always tempting to send off that application immediately, taking a break and considering it with a fresh mindset almost always pays dividends.

PDF the final version of your CV to avoid potential software readability issues.

PDF has the major advantage of clear universal formatting.  The format doesn’t change regardless of where you view it, increasing its readability by most software systems. There are a number of online CV builders available, that can produce clean, concise and visually striking resumes in PDF format. Many organizations have adopted the use of Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS for short to help with the hiring process.  With the amount of applications and potential employees coming in each month, employers are using automated systems to help with hiring. The task of an ATS is to analyze, filter (and sometimes score) your CV based on keywords defined by the potential employer, hiring manager or job-specific system parameters.

Use the services of an online CV builder to produce a technically functional visually striking CV.

Web and/or software solutions are specifically made for visually striking, technically functional and content-optimized CVs. By using a service/platform that is designed specifically for CVs, you can save time and avoid hidden problems. Different platforms have different pricing models, but most offer a very affordable trial, allowing you to create several different CVs – just be sure to cancel your subscription if you no longer require the service.

Don’t underestimate the ‘look’ of your CV to grab the recruiters eye during the short window that it will invariably receive.

The straightforward and linear structure of The Reverse Chronological Format CV takes advantage of the critical 6 seconds eye time of the recruiter by presenting your most recent and relevant positions first.

This format displays your professional experience and past work experience from most recent to oldest.  It is not only the most common one, but also the most widely accepted among various employers and industries. The biggest benefit of a reverse chronological CV is its straightforward, easy to understand and linear structure.

Include the most important sections that showcase your professional experience and are likely to impress your employer.

What Sections to Include

Necessary sections always include:

Contact information and basic personal information

  • Summary (Personal statement or Objective)
  • Employment history

Optional sections can include:

  • Achievements and milestones
  • Awards, certificates and organizations
  • Hobbies and interests

(See Appendix I for detailed information to include in each section)

Do not include your social media profiles if they contain party pictures. Limit to your LinkedIn profile or other work related portfolio profiles (github).

It is no longer necessary to include your date of birth or marital status!

Customize your personal profile part of your CV for each individual application – your personal profile is your best chance to add some color, life and personality to your cv.  It demonstrates your determination, positive outlook and brings some emotion to dry facts.


Try to avoid common clichés such as team player, dependable, committed, etc

State the level of your qualifications (e.g. Diploma, Degree, Masters) – many organizations have minimum requirements for certain roles.

Include professional memberships and any other relevant training.

In our era of accessible information and technology, your education listing should include online certificates, professional diplomas, bootcamps, & specialized seminars.

Ensure that all of the most important information is listed first and filter out anything that is not relevant.

Tailor your CV to the job you are applying to, matching your own experience as best you can to the experience and skills required.  Always read the job description from start to finish and highlight keywords. Try to find out the aspects of the job you can satisfy and those you can’t.

While you don’t need to be a 100% perfect fit in order to have a good chance of getting an interview for the role.  The person reading your CV wants to know if you can do the job and if you are a good fit for the company’s corporate culture.  Remember, hiring managers tend to ‘skim’ the content and have to read a host of applications, they are focussed on experience and keywords within your CV that are relevant to the role that they are trying to fill.

Include any charity or volunteer work, employers like to see candidates that are willing to ‘give back’.


This should include Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Email Address.

Summary (Personal statement or Objective )

A brief introductory paragraph to highlight your suitability to the position, your relevant soft skills and where your previous experience matches the current requirements.

Education & Professional Qualifications  

Your education should showcase your most recent and impressive academic achievements first.  While the education section is one of the most important sections in your CV, with many employers insisting on minimum qualifications for roles, it varies in importance depending on your profession and industry. Professions like lawyers, doctors and hard-sciences positions (chemist, biologist etc.) will have a very strong emphasis on formal education. You may even want to include scientific or similar publications in your CV for some of these (in your Education section or in a separate category).  Other professions like IT or Web based roles, there may be a greater emphasis on up-to-date skills like online certificates, bootcamps, specialized seminars or courses and so on, with the industry changing so fast.

Work experience: professional experience

This is not only the place where you list your most impressive past employment, but you may also elaborate on each position by giving important facts, achievements and figures that describe you as a great professional. It’s not necessary to include your entire employment history . Tailor your job mentions so that you impress your future employer with the most relevant work experiences for this specific job ad. This also keeps your CV short, clean and concise.

Each position should be outlined in the following approximate format:

  • Outline in detail your work history beginning with the most recent.
  • Use bold font to highlight company name, the position you held, and dates of employment.
  • Use bullet points to list responsibilities and achievements.
  • Remember to include your start and finish dates
  • Explain any ‘gaps’ in employment (e.g. Return to full-time education or Travelling).

Focus on key achievements because achievements tell the recruiter not just what you have done but how well you have done it.  Use action verbs in the past tense such as led, managed, increased, reduced, etc.

Use quantified achievements e.g. 1) Achieved 110% of sales target in my first year. 2) Awarded ‘Student of the Year’ in 3rd-year Mechanical Engineering degree programme. 3) The only member of the team to be awarded for outstanding customer service levels in each quarter of 2021.

  Hobbies & Interests

Outline what you like to do in your spare time – many organisations like to see a healthy work-life balance and often your leisure interests say a lot about the type of person you are. They may also reflect the qualities relevant to the role you are applying for.

Should your CV include references?

While references were once considered a mandatory section within a CV, in today’s hiring world the section is considered optional.

If the job description requests references on a CV, they must be included, but if references are not requested it doesn’t mean that they may not contribute to your application.

We would recommend including references if your references are industry leaders / high profile and display your breadth of business development contacts.

Once again assuming the job description has not asked for references you are probably best not to include them if you are new to the field or haven’t managed to ask permission from your referees.  In this case you are best off just adding ‘references available upon request’.

Further reading:

  • Cover Letter Writing Tips
  • Post-Pandemic World – The case for online education
  • Training Support Grant – Your Opportunity to up-skill or re-skill

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presentation cv 2023

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Resume Writing Tips

What your resume should look like in 2023 (with examples & templates).

Learning what your resume should look like in 2023 isn’t just a matter of aesthetics.

Hiring data shows there’s an average of 200 applicants per job opening. Some researchers say that figure may be closer to 500 candidates , depending on the position.

I share these figures not to scare you, but to highlight your stiff competition.

Your resume is your best chance to make a powerful first impression on hiring teams and recruiters. These decision-makers are inundated with well-qualified applicants as soon as they post a job.

And to make matters worse, eye-tracking studies reveal they only spend 7.4 seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to read it in its entirety or move on to the next one.

That’s not a lot of time to capture and excite readers about your value.

So in this post, I’ll highlight exactly what your resume should look like in 2023 to stand out, engage readers, and boost your chances of landing an interview.

Resume Writing Tips 2023

What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2023: 5 Must-Haves + Examples

An attractive, high-performing resume immediately piques a reader’s interest. It subtly draws them down the page to learn why you’re the candidate they’re looking for.

So every resume in 2023 should incorporate these five elements to achieve that goal:

1. An Updated, Modern Design

A traditional resume format (think: chronological order, bullet points, etc.) won’t give you a leg-up on your competition in 2023. Using one may even hold you back.

See, hiring managers tune out when one of those stale resume templates lands on their desks for the umpteenth time. These boring resumes don’t excite or connect with readers. So your resume could be passed over in that brief 7.4-second scan before it’s even read.

That’s why it’s so important to freshen up the look of your resume with an updated, modern resume template like this one:

presentation cv 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link purchase it and start customizing this template (or any others in this article) now.

Unlike a traditional resume template, the one above builds a personal connection with readers by introducing and showcasing your value first. A quick scan of the top half provides them with a snapshot of your areas of expertise and core competencies, two very attractive “hooks” to hiring teams.

Readers will then feel compelled to learn where you honed those skills. So the bottom half of this resume template helps organize your career achievements in an engaging, eye-appealing way. 

Rather than reading like a bland job description, each point should back up your skill set while proving your track record of success.

Anyone reading your resume formatted with a modern template like this will know precisely who you are and the value you’ll deliver, which is the ultimate goal.

2. Clear Sections To Highlight Your Best Features

Resumes that look like one giant block of text are intimidating. They tell hiring teams they’ll need to spend time and effort to mine for the intel they’re looking for. And with hundreds of other resumes vying for their attention, they’ll probably just pass on doing so.

That’s why most modern resume templates are divided into sections with clear, distinct headers. This makes your resume easier to scan and read, not to mention far more enjoyable for busy hiring managers.

The resume template above does a fantastic job of breaking up a resume into bite-sized chunks of information. The example below takes this concept a step further:

presentation cv 2023

The highlights and expertise section in this resume template sits in a blue box to draw the reader’s eyes and attention. This is like telling hiring teams, “Hey! Come check this out!”

So think of your resume as a cheat sheet for hiring managers and recruiters rather than a dossier.

Your resume headings and sections will create an organized outline of your qualifications. Then these call-out boxes can be used to show off your best features, as they’re likely one of the first things hiring managers will notice during their initial scan.

3. Strategically-Placed White Space and Tight Copy

Often times, candidates are so focused on adding every little detail to their resume that it becomes too crammed to read. Headings and call-out boxes can help with this problem. But nothing works quite as well as more white space.

White space, or the places in your resume without words or formatting, adds breathing room to your resume . It prevents a resume from appearing jam-packed and hard to read.

A resume with well-defined sections naturally creates more white space, like this resume template :

presentation cv 2023

Aim for short copy to add more white space to your resume . Break up any big chunks of text to make reading less overwhelming and easier for the eyes.

Your resume is like a garden. You don’t want wordy sentences hiding your highlights and achievements like weeds overrunning a beautiful flower bed. 

Prune your copy, and you’ll easily add more white space to your resume and draw attention to your best selling points simultaneously.

4. A Bold Pop of Color

If you really want to stand out and catch someone’s attention, a pop of bold color on your resume is a must. But this doesn’t mean you should haphazardly throw a rainbow of color wherever you want.

When done strategically, as this example does, color can be used to add emphasis, contrast, and personality. It can also help break up the sea of black text on your resume.

presentation cv 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link to customize this template or any others in this article now .

Though a pop of color can help your resume stand out and make a memorable first impression, colors that are too bright or off-putting will do so for the wrong reasons. Opt for deeper, saturated shades, so your resume will be legible in person and on-screen.

5. A Clear, Easy-to-Read Font and Formatting

It’s essential to think about the font you choose for your resume .

Anything “cutesy” will likely be regarded as unprofessional. Likewise, a font that’s too light or too bold may also be difficult to read.

The best fonts to use on a resume include Serif and Sans Serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, Georgia, Verdana, and Arial.

As for the font size, stick to 10-14 points (10-12 for regular text and 12-14 for headings and subheadings).

This template offers a great example of resume text formatting:

presentation cv 2023

On a similar note, be sure to emphasize the right areas, not everything . Only use bold or italics to draw attention to your top achievements, companies you’ve worked for, and other notable points according to the role.

Ready To Update Your Resume for 2023?

Now that you know the must-have ingredients for a high-performing resume, it’s time to put these tips to good use.

Incorporating today’s must-have elements will give your resume a fresh upgrade for 2023 and help you connect with hiring teams and recruiters.

Even better news?

If you use one of the resume templates shared in this guide, you’ll ace this task in half the time. Just purchase and download the one that fits your needs best, plug in your information where prompted, and voila! 

You’ll have a modern, professional resume ready to send out in a matter of minutes instead of spending all day reformatting your current one.

Click this link to learn more about the resume templates featured in this article. Psst! You’ll also find a free executive resume template download on our resources page.

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About the author

Jessica hernandez, president, ceo & founder of great resumes fast.

Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.

What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.

You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!

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This is very well-detailed content. I highly appreciate your work. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

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Hi Jessica,

As I was looking to give my resume a fresh, new style for 2023, I came across your article. I kid you not, I have been styling my resume like this for the last 3 years! I am an independent career coach–would you be interested in hiring a partner?

I’m not kidding.

' src=

I found these resume formats to be reader friendly and they target what potential employers want to see quickly. It allows the reader to focus on the accomplishments beyond the day to day duties.

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The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples]

The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples]

Madison Norton

Searching for a new job is one of the hardest things you'll have to do in your career and it's no easier this year. The Great Resignation, intense competition from other job seekers and remote work are making it one of the most exciting and challenging job markets we've seen in years.

That's why we decided to create our 2023 Resume Writing Guide with job search tips, resume examples and all the information you need to create the perfect resume or CV.

The right job is one of three things that contribute most to your happiness in life.

Which is why you need to do it right.

Besides you, your resume is your most important tool in a job search.

It is your first impression with employers.

It is the difference between an interview for your dream job or the recycle bin.

A great resume makes searching for a job easy, while an ineffective resume will leave you with nothing to show from hundreds of applications. Applying to a job without a good resume guide is a waste of time and can add months (or even years) to your job search, leaving you frustrated and demotivated. The following is a guide to creating a stand-out resume that gets you hired.

Recommended links:

  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .

Let's start with the basics.

  • Resume Layout Guide

A resume is your professional highlight reel - presented in an easily understood and standardized format.

Your resume needs to solve a problem for employers (which is why they’re hiring). It is your most important tool to landing an interview, and ultimately a job.

There are three standard resume layout types.

  • Chronological: Focuses on work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional: Focuses on skills and experience, and not chronological work history. Used by people with gaps in employment or are changing careers.
  • Combination: Enables you to highlight the skills and experiences that are relevant, while still showing work history in the format that employers prefer.

Which type of resume layout is best depends on the situation. For each job application, choose the layout that best represents you in the context of the job you're applying for.

  • Important Resume Guidelines

Long gone are the days when recruiters and employers sit in uninterrupted silence and carefully read multi-page resumes from cover to cover. Nowadays, interruptions and distractions are the norm, and recruiters' time is increasingly crunched.

90% of large corporations use Applicant Tracking Software that to manage their recruiting process, which means you need to get through an automatic screen before your resume is even seen by an employer. If you make it past that step, studies have shown that recruiters spend 6 seconds on average reviewing a resume.

Studies show that recruiters spend on average 6 seconds looking at a resume.

They need to quickly pull out key facts, and make a split second decision that could decide your future. We think there are two key resume guidelines you need to keep in mind when building your resume.

Does your resume pass the 7-second test? Recruiters only spend 7.4 seconds reviewing your resume before moving it to the 'YES' or 'NO' pile.

If you pass the test, you still need to hold their attention to make it to the next steps.

Your resume needs to be sharply focused, compelling, and entirely relevant.

What is an applicant tracking system?

An applicant tracking system (ATS), is software that organizations use to manage their recruitment process. Vendors include Taleo, The Resumator, Smart Recruiters, and many more.

Most applicant tracking software uses a process called resume parsing, which extracts your resume data into a format readable by the software. Resume parsing pulls your contact information, work history, and skills from the resume.

When a recruiter is searching within their applicant tracking system for a candidate, those that best fit the keywords of the job description will show up first in the search results based on the parsed resume data.

This is why thinking about these guidelines is important in optimizing your resume for each application. We actually offered some tips on how to beat the ATS in a previous blog post.

Before writing your resume

If you're unsure about your career objective or haven't quite settled on a goal, you'll find that writing a powerful and effective resume is extremely difficult.

Remember, your resume must present just the right mix of meaningful information relevant to your goal.

Without a goal, you don't know what information to include, what skills or successes to highlight, and what details to omit. You're forced to include everything, and the end result is usually a resume that does not capture interest because it's not focused.

Have a clear goal before writing your resume. Employers want to know what you want to do ; it's not their job to figure that out. Take the time to define a goal (or multiple goals) before writing your resume.

See our guide on How to get a better Job for more exercises and resources for deciding what you want from your career.

Once have a clear goal for your resume, move on to the next step.

Be Clear About Who You Are

In the context of your resume, "who you are" usually refers to a job title.

Are you a Software Engineer?

Corporate Finance Executive?

Customer Service Representative?

Be sure to include this critical information right up front, as a headline or in the first sentence of your introduction. Your goal is to immediately communicate to employers the essential information that creates the context for everything else they will read in your resume.

For example, if you define yourself as a "Sales Professional," employers will be looking for key qualifications such as sales results, communication skills, relationship-building abilities, territory management experience, and so forth.

If you define yourself as an "Accountant," they'll be looking for something entirely different accounting and finance experience, knowledge of accounting software, attention to detail, and strong analytical skills.

By defining yourself up front, you establish expectations and help readers better appreciate and absorb the information that follows.

Paint the picture of an ideal candidate

Study the job description and decipher what problems the employer wants solved. Employers don’t care about you. They care about solving their problems. This is the only reason why they are posting a job. Get into their heads, and try to understand their pain.

Why are they posting this job? Who is the ideal candidate for the job? Which skills does the ideal applicant have?

Write down a brief description of the ideal applicant in the third person, all the way down to what they’re wearing. This will help you decide how to represent yourself when creating your resume.

Having defined your "ideal self," consider what information you can place "front and center" on your resume to support your claim. What credentials, qualifications, experiences, knowledge, and accomplishments do you possess that will prove you are, in fact, an effective Marketing Management Professional?

Your goal is to create a "snapshot," a capsule portrait that conveys the most essential information to your readers. In essence, you want to quickly portray that you are an ideal candidate for the types of jobs you are pursuing.

  • Preparing Your Resume

In your job search, you will need to create a distinct resume for each job application . This enables you to do the following:

  • Tailor each resume to suit the job description
  • Optimize your resume keywords for applicant tracking systems
  • Choose a distinct style to suit the company

To make this easy, start by building a Master Resume to work from. This will be an ever-evolving resume that contains all your work history, accomplishments, and skills that you can tailor for each application.

Let's start building a Master Resume.

  • How to Create Your Resume, With Examples

The following section will outline the key components of a resume, and provide examples, tips and best practices for writing these components.

Standard fields

  • Summary/introduction
  • Work Experience

Optional Fields

  • Past Projects
  • Publications

Resume Example:


  • Your Resume Header

Your resume should first include the most important information - Your name! Your name should be the largest text on the page. The header also includes basic contact details and links to other relevant online profiles.


For a European CV, the header will also include a professional profile picture. Do not include a picture for a traditional North American application. For a web based North American resume, a picture is acceptable.

  • Your Resume Summary and Introduction: Examples of What You Should Include

An objective statement is no longer acceptable on your resume summary or resume introduction. Employers know your objective is to get the job. Instead, you have two options.

  • Write a summary or introduction that highlights your most valuable accomplishments and skills.
  • Do not include a summary or introduction.

The introduction goes after the header information, and should serve the following purposes:

  • Highlights your the most valuable aspects of your resume
  • Draws the reader in, and encourages them to read more

Resume Introduction Examples

Bad example: Experienced professional seeking employment in the financial services sector.

Good example: Experienced financial planner who has consistently generated above market returns for clients. Thrives in a team-oriented and high pressure environment.

Bad example: Passionate marketing manager and creative problem solver who loves to work with great people.

Good example: Results-driven marketing professional with over 10 years experience working with blue-chip clients including Nestle, Google, and Intel.

Remember, the introduction is not a necessary element. If you're going to use it, do so wisely. No introduction is better than a poor one.

  • Citing Your Work Experience

The most valuable section of your resume is the work experience section. It is usually the most important factor in getting a job. Highly relevant experience in a field is the first thing employers look for. Even for entry level jobs employers want to see relevant experience.

Ordering Your Work History

Most commonly, work experience is displayed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. If you do have a highly relevant position, there is no rule against re-ordering your work history to put the most relevant job first.

Each work history entry should include:

  • Employer Name
  • Dates of Employment
  • Job Descriptions
  • Accomplishments


The most crucial aspect of your career history is to write accomplishments, not history. Your job title and regular duties don't matter - what matters is your most impressive achievements in those positions. Ensure your accomplishments are compelling. Accomplishments are best written in bullet-point format, underneath each job title held.

Resume Example Accomplishment Statements

Bad example: Promoted to senior account manager with full responsibility for the company’s #1 client.

Good example: Promoted to senior account manager to manage #1 client, growing the business from $3 million to $6 million in 2 years.

Bad example: Completed all projects under time and under budget.

Good example: Averaged 7% under budget while completing 100% of projects on schedule, 65% ahead of schedule.

Bad example: Managed a portfolio for blue-chip clients that generated high returns.

Good example: Responsible for $5 million in assets for high net worth clients that generated a return of over 12% in 2013.

Bad example: Kept customers happy.

Good example: Increased referral rates by 15% and maintained a customer satisfaction rate of over 95%.

Writing Effective Resume Accomplishment Statements

The following section is a series of questions designed to help you quantify your performance in a position to write better accomplishment statements. Spend an hour answering these questions in relation to each job you've held. This will give you "ammunition" to work with when writing your resume.

Questions to quantify performance

  • Did you make money for the company?
  • Did you increase market share?
  • Did you improve your ranking in comparison to other departments, branches, or competitors?
  • Did you suggest any ways to cut costs in your team, department, unit, branch, or company?
  • Did you regularly meet all your deadlines?
  • Did you improve the efficiency of your job, team, or department?
  • How did your performance compare to prior years?
  • How did you rank against the competition?
  • How did you rank against industry averages?
  • What were your performance goals? Did you meet them? Exceed them?
  • How did you contribute to the bottom line?

Questions to reveal success factors:

  • What are you most proud of?
  • What did supervisors compliment you for?
  • What do your performance evaluations say?
  • What are you known for?
  • What do you do that others can't or don't do?
  • What would "fall apart" or "slide downhill" if you weren't at your job for a week?
  • What do you have "bragging rights" about?
  • Where you the first, best or most effective in any particular function or organization?

Questions to create strong introductory statements

  • What is the most important thing I accomplished in that job?
  • What was I initially hired to do? Did I do it?
  • What major challenge was I presented with? Or what major challenge did my company or industry face, and how did I surmount that challenge?
  • What happened to my company or department as a result of my effort in that job?

Action words to use:

These are helpful verbs to use when writing your accomplishment statements. Always start your accomplishments with a verb.

  • Spearheaded
  • Accelerated
  • Coordinated

Sources: Career Bliss , The Muse

The majority of your resume writing time should be spent writing compelling accomplishment statements.

Pro tips for writing accomplishments

  • Focus on performance and results.
  • Use specific examples with real numbers.
  • Use Power words (not passive ones).
  • Citing Education on Your Resume

The education section contains some or all of the following:

  • Name of School
  • Degree Earned
  • Major Course(s) of Study
  • Academic Distinctions
  • Extracurricular and Leadership Activities
  • Training and Certification
  • Additional Professional Development

education-example (1)

Keys for the education section:

  • The more senior your career, the fewer education details to include.
  • For younger professionals, add in distinguishing information such as achievements or leadership roles.
  • Don’t let your education shadow your experience, and never inflate your credentials.
  • Your Resume Skills Section

You should have a listing of your skills on your resume, that includes your level of competency of each skill. Skills are extremely important to match with the job description - it’s what employers are looking to hire.

skills-example (1)

  • Resume Extras and Information

Extras are additional facts and information that don't fit into one of the previous categories but might be important to include, such as:

  • Professional Affiliations and Industry Leadership
  • Presentations and Publications
  • Language Proficiencies
  • Technical Competencies
  • Community Activities and Leadership Positions
  • Personal Interests

Resume Outline

As you are gathering the material for your resume, organize it into these rough groups; but keep in mind that you don't have to follow a strict formula! You can create new sections, add in unusual information, or come up with creative ways to present your qualifications. The purpose of the resume is to tell your story and describe your capabilities in the way that is most beneficial to you and meaningful to employers.

The number one question to ask: How is your resume solving an employer's problem?

Resume design guide.

Which resume design should you use? It depends. Use your judgement to decide which resume design best suits the job you're applying for. For a creative job, a more creative resume is recommended. For an accounting job? Use a more classic design.

Once you've written the right content, pick a design that best shows off your unique capabilities and fits the position you're seeking.

Resume Versions

Having multiple version of your resume is essential for a successful job search. Here are the versions you should have:

  • A online resume (web based).
  • A master resume with lots of detail.
  • A custom resume for each job application.
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Resumes

How long should my resume be?

The standard North American Resume is 1-2 pages in length. A more detailed academic CV can be much longer. However, don't try to cram your resume into a shorter version just because of conventions. A well-laid out, efficient resume will perform better than a crammed 1 page resume.

Do I need a picture on my resume?

In North America, no. In fact, having a picture on your resume could limit your chances of landing an interview. For a web based resume, a picture is fine. However if you're applying in a traditional way, create a version of your resume that does not include a picture.

Do I need an objective on my resume?

No! Your objective is to get the job. Employers know that! Replace the objective with a summary of your skills and experience.

Should I include references?

No. As a general rule, including references (or "references available upon request" is redundant. Keep your limited space for selling yourself.

What format should I submit my application in?

PDF is your best option for submitting a resume to an employer or an ATS. You won't risk losing formatting from a Word Document, and it gives you the most control.

Should I customize my resume for each application?

Yes. Studies show that tailoring your resume for a specific position is much more effective than sending a generic application. It takes extra time, but is worth the effort.

Do you have resume guides for specific applications. For example a resume guide for teachers, it, architects, students, nursing, freshers, internships, designers, engineering, tour guide or no experience?

*No. However, we do have an amazing resume samples directory with resume examples for every occupation and career path. Check it out here

What to Do Next: Send It To Employers

Step by step, section by section, you've built your resume. Congratulations! Now it's time to get that dream job. We've got just the guide for you.

Looking for an easy way to create a multiple targeted resumes and track the results? We'd love for you to give VisualCV a try.

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

Madison on LinkedIn

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12 Best CV Templates: Ultimate Guide, Tips & Ready-To-Use Templates for 2023

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Evaluating CV templates to choose the best one

Popular cv template styles, resources to create your best cv template, adapting cv templates to your needs, key takeaways for the best cv templates.

You’ve got an outstanding track record in your field. You have a strong work history and have built an impressive career. That’s all it takes to land a great role, right?

Presentation is a key part of the job search process. Your CV needs to grab your potential employer’s attention right away and keep them interested.

Using a well-designed CV template will help you achieve this and improve your chances of securing an interview.

The best CV templates are visually appealing, user-friendly, and effective in showcasing your qualifications.

Don’t miss out on a big opportunity just because your CV is disorganised and unprofessional.

Read our ultimate guide on ready-to-use CV templates , then select your own to edit and use in your job search!

Upload & Check Your CV

Drop your CV here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Several elements go into a great CV template. The final result will vary depending on your needs, but each aspect needs to be taken into consideration.

Visual appeal and professionalism

It’s important to find the right balance of visual appeal and professionalism when choosing a CV template.

The use of colour can be a great advantage, especially in creative industries. Just be careful not to go overboard. Too many different colours can look overwhelming and unprofessional.

Use organised sections with clear headings. Choose fonts that are easy on the eyes. Potential employers should recognise your professionalism the moment they look at your CV.

Readability and clarity

Everything on your CV must be clear and easy to read.

Your CV is going to be up against countless other qualified candidates. If hiring managers have to struggle just to read yours, it’s getting tossed out straight away.

The format should follow a natural eye flow that optimises readability. You want readers to get all the necessary information about you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Don’t take a risk and try to get creative with fonts. Choose something simple and professional.

Our CV builder has a selection of clear and readable fonts for your professional CV.

Customisability and flexibility

Choosing a template that allows for easy customisation might be the right choice for your needs.

If you’re making a career change or recently finished school, consider a CV template that focuses on skills rather than work history.

An advantage of using a customisable CV template is that you can adapt it to fit your specific qualities and experience.

This flexibility brings potential employers’ attention where you want it, rather than to areas where you may be lacking.

The first step in choosing a CV template is understanding the different styles. Here is a brief overview of CV template styles and what makes each one unique.

Chronological CV template

Chronological CVs are the most common CV format. They are formatted exactly as the name implies, with your work history in chronological order.

Similarly, reverse chronological CVs display your work history in reverse, with your most recent role at the top.

Whether you choose chronological or reverse chronological, this CV template puts the focus on your work experience.

Chronological CVs are optimal for candidates who have had a consistent career and show growth in their industry. Potential employers will see your commitment to your role.

If you are advancing in your career and want hiring managers to see the advancements you’ve made, a chronological CV template is a good choice for you.

3 ready-to-use chronological CV templates

Here are 3 templates that use a chronological CV format .

Single column chronological CV template

Certified Project Management Professional CV example

This is the classic single-column style for chronological CVs. This template is a good choice for candidates who want to put the main focus on their years of experience.

Ivy league chronological CV template

Java Full Stack Developer CV example

The ivy league CV template is a sleek, straightforward single-column design. This template conveys a sense of professionalism and is great for candidates in high-level leadership positions.

Elegant chronological CV template

Business Data Analyst CV example

The elegant CV template is a more modern version of a chronological CV. It uses a two-column design and adds a bit of colour for visual appeal.

This is a great option for candidates who have more sections to showcase and want to stand out from the crowd.

Functional CV template

Functional CV templates emphasise skills and qualifications over employment history.

3 of the best functional CV templates to use

A functional CV format is a great alternative if chronological CVs aren’t the best fit for you.

Functional CV templates put the focus on your skills rather than your work experience.

This is optimal if you are just starting out in your career or are breaking into a new industry. Functional CVs highlight transferable skills and bring attention away from lack of experience or gaps in your timeline.

Here are 3 functional CV templates to explore. Click on one to start editing and add your own information.

Modern functional CV template

Experienced Agile Project Manager with Insurance Industry Knowledge CV example

The modern functional CV template uses a competency-based format that highlights your skills. This is a great template for candidates who want to showcase transferable skills.

Classic functional CV template

CSP with 10+ years in global sales CV example

The classic functional CV template is another great option if you’re making a career change or have limited experience. It utilises space so that CVs with short work history sections won’t seem blank.

Timeline chronological CV template

Product Manager CV example

The timeline chronological CV template is great for keeping your skills updated while you change careers. It shows a simple timeline for work history while highlighting transferable skills.

3 combination CV templates to edit and use

Everyone has a different career path, and yours might not be the perfect fit for a standard CV format.

As the name suggests, a combination CV template merges elements from both chronological and functional CV formats.

This way you can take the elements from each CV format that best showcase your skills and experience.

Polished combination CV template

Finance Specialist CV example

The polished combination CV template is an innovative design that is both visually appealing and professional. Use this template to show off your skills and experience as well as your creativity.

Ivy league combination CV template

Finance Manager, CFE and MBA CV example

The ivy league format also makes a great combination CV template. Adapt the sections of this sleek design to provide a comprehensive overview of your skills and experience that are most valued in your industry.

Modern combination CV template

Financial Operations Manager CV example

This version of the modern CV template combines the best of chronological and functional CVs. Use this format for a wide range of roles in different industries to stand out from the crowd.

3 creative CV templates to edit and use

For candidates looking for an even more unique way to stand out from the crowd, a creative CV template is a great alternative to a standard format.

For creative industries like design and entertainment, showing some individuality on your CV can make a big impact.

The sky is the limit with creative CVs. Enhance your CV with something relevant to your field like QR codes, graphics, photos, etc.

Be careful not to get too carried away. A great creative CV stands out while maintaining a professional appearance. Use a clean template with one or two creative sections.

Stylish creative CV template

Senior Animator/2D Artist CV example

The stylish creative CV template allows you to show a variety of skills, projects and experience with unique sections. Add a pop of colour to grab potential employers’ attention.

Creative CV template

Experienced Roofing Project Manager CV example

The creative CV template brings attention to your header with a bright colour block. Potential employers will take notice and be encouraged to read on. This format works for a wide range of industries and roles, not just creative ones.

Compact creative CV template

Experienced IT Director CV example

A compact creative CV template with a colourful background is sure to stand out from the competition. This format is great for mid-level professionals who want to showcase their experience and skills with a few unique sections.

There are many different approaches to creating or editing your own CV template. Here is an overview of some of the most popular ones.

Popular online CV builders

One of the best ways to create your own CV today is by using an online CV builder. You don’t need to have any experience in design or knowledge of industry standards.

Online CV builders are designed to be user-friendly so you can create a professional looking CV with ease.

Enhancv’s CV builder will help you with layout, design, and even make content suggestions.

Here is a list of 5 other popular online CV builders in 2023.

  • Resume Genius

Free and premium CV templates

There is a huge selection of CV templates available online. You may find that many CV templates are advertised as either free of premium.

Typically the difference between the two is that premium CV templates come with a fee and have additional features that the free ones don’t.

The right choice comes down to what you’re looking for. Premium templates may come with features like professional styles, unique sections, and even suggestions to improve your CV.

However, there are plenty of free CV templates that will help you create an outstanding CV without a fee.

Research free and premium options and determine which is the right path for you based on your needs.

Customising CV templates using word processors

Another avenue for building a CV template is through a word processor. This is a good choice for those with a bit of computer expertise and feel comfortable working with a word processor.

A benefit of using a word processor as you will have more control over customising sections, rather than having to stay within the structure of a CV builder.

This allows you to make your CV template uniquely yours according to your specific needs.

Here are 3 word processors where you can work with CV templates.

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • LibreOffice

These ready-to-use templates are a great place to start, but adding your own information is what makes a big impact. Always tailor your CV to fit your target job.

Tailoring CV templates for specific industries

Finding the right CV template varies by industry. Consider factors like role, experience, and qualifications.

Every section of your CV should be tailored to fit your target job, even the format. The first step in the process is to thoroughly research your target industry and company.

Find out what skills are currently in high demand in your field.

If you work in the tech sector that might be proficiency in coding languages. If you work in graphic design it could be experience with specific design software. Or maybe you work in management and soft skills are what companies are looking for.

Browse industry trends, company websites, and job descriptions. Take note of what qualifications and experience make you the best candidate.

Be sure to highlight your most relevant and valuable qualities on your CV. Choose a CV template that optimises your most important skills.

Accommodating different experience levels

Choosing the right CV template also varies based on experience level. In some cases you want to highlight your experience, in other cases you may want to highlight skills instead.

If you are an experienced professional and have been working in your field for 10+ years, a chronological CV template is a great choice. It showcases your work history and brings attention to your experience section.

Employers want to know that you’re committed to your career. Showing a consistent timeline is beneficial to roles in management and leadership.

For candidates breaking into a new industry or have recently finished school, a functional CV template is the best choice. This allows you to focus on transferable skills instead of work experience.

For mid-level professionals who have been in their industry for 3-10 years, a combination CV template is the way to go. You can optimise each section to put the focus on areas you want to highlight the most.

For any CV template or format, always focus on your strengths. Show that you’re the right candidate for the job by highlighting your most relevant qualifications.

Choosing the right CV template will have a big impact on your job search. Make a lasting impression on potential employers by highlighting your strengths.

Updating and refining your CV is an ongoing process. Be sure it remains visually appealing and relevant to your job search.

Your CV template should showcase your strengths and be appropriate for your current level. Update your work experience as you grow in your career.

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CV vs Resume: Differences, Similarities & Which One to Use

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presentation cv 2023

What Is The Best Resume Format In 2023?

Evelina 1

There is no form of a perfect resume, just as there are no two identical people who create it. However, any resume can be made in such a way that it surprises recruiters and makes them invite you for the following interview. Read our guide to know how to update your resume.

The abilities and skills of future employees are called a product, and a resume – their presentation that must be correctly compiled to stand out among other professionals.

Well, there are some creative ways to do that while tailoring your CV to highlight your skill sets and personality. This article will help you figure out what types of resumes to choose from in 2023 and why. Depending on the nature of your profession, these unconventional resume tips might help you attract the recruiter’s attention and land a job interview.

But first, let’s talk about trends in recruiting…

So, to understand what type of resume to choose in modern conditions, it is worth understanding what 2023 has in store for us in recruiting.

Remote work

Definitely, remote work will remain with us. 70% of executives expect professionals to return to regular work schedules. At the same time, nearly 50% of employees are ready to give 5% of their salary just to work from home.

A remote work schedule has a positive effect on the harmony of personal and professional life, which is why many recruiters will look for employees who are actively ready to work remotely.

Emphasis on Power Skills

HR will bet on power skills in 2023. These include abilities in leadership, teamwork, communication, strategy, and cooperation. Empathy, kindness, humility, and the willingness to forgive will be valued as well.

Internal recruiting

More and more companies will look for and hire specialists within the company. More effort will be put into developing their abilities and creating a personnel reserve. Therefore, ever more efforts will be invested in the development of methods for assessing employees , developing competencies, and assessing them.

Recruiting automation

HR-tech and complex CRM systems are currently gaining momentum, with platforms actively being developed that can assess candidates’ soft skills through video interviews and analyze their emotions.

To summarize, the biggest trend this year will be sincerity, support, rejection of arrogance, and partnership in the employer-employee relationship.

And now let’s talk about what type of resume can look advantageous in such conditions.

5 alternative resume formats for professionals

#1. infographic summary.

Infographic resumes are a great way to show your creative and even analytical skills and interest in edgy design trends.

These resumes suit people who deal with creative fields such as graphic or web design and data visualization, although they may work well for other job positions if you want to surprise HR with a visually appealing format. They are also convenient to post on your social media pages or LinkedIn profiles.

However, in most cases, they should go together with a traditional paper resume.

#2. Resume in the form of a tiny business card

A resume card is a great idea to showcase yourself at events and other similar places. It is used to give basic information about yourself, your current job, education, certificates, and skills.

The main gimmick behind a business card resume is that you disclose only relevant information about yourself, without delving into details.

Perfectly, your business card resume should contain the following information:

  • Your name and contact information;
  • Your LinkedIn link;
  • Your key skills and major achievements; and
  • QR code for a full-fledged resume on the web.

#3. Video unveiling skills

The trend towards video resumes has increased in recent 2-3 years since remote work has become the new chapter of our lives. Thus, the importance of web communication has skyrocketed.

In most cases, it’s difficult to judge communication tone and assess employees values based on text. A video resume can help you with this.

You can create a 5-minute movie that will cover your hard and soft skills, which, as we said, are critical for recruiters in 2023.

Record yourself on your webcam, and add text, infographics, cool transitions, effects, or just music to your video with OpenShot or Movavi software .

#4. Presentation-based resume

Try creating an eye-catching resume using a presentation tool that offers editable and downloadable templates.

You may normally add charts or graphs that demonstrate your area knowledge, as well as links to social media and contact information. This might assist companies in differentiating your resume from others in the applicant pool.

This resume is perfect for senior-level professionals and creative professionals since it allows them to show their experience more effectively than text resumes.

#5. Personal website or online portfolio

A well-done online portfolio can make you stand out in a crowded recruiting pool. Build your online portfolio to show your future employers your professional background. As you know, actions speak louder than words.

So, in a digital environment, you can provide links to examples of completed projects, websites where you have been represented, previous jobs, and much more. You can also write an “About me” block with a soft skills’ description.

Bonus tips for creating a resume

  • Even if you think that alternative types of resumes are difficult to implement, don’t be too lazy to choose at least creative resume templates provided by resume makers instead of the usual Google Docs. This way you can definitely catch the eye of the recruiter and show yourself as a fun, friendly, and creative person.
  • Concentrate your experience on accomplishment. Your job experience is the soul of your resume. However, it must be goal-oriented. It must demonstrate to the recruiting manager that you are more than just a task-completing employee. Demonstrate that you are driven to accomplish and achieve more.
  • Use a narrative format that is reverse-chronological. Most HR departments prefer a reverse chronological resume structure, which displays all of your job experience in chronological order, from most recent to oldest. Simply said, your fresh job experience is the most relevant and will have the biggest impact on the hiring manager.
  • Customize template phrases for yourself. Believe us, in 50 CVs out of 55 HR will see that future employees are proactive, trained, responsible, etc. Try to describe the template skills in a different way – so that the recruiter understands how this quality is revealed in your work personally. For example: say on the video or write in the template “I’m not a merry fellow and not the soul of the company, but I follow the deadlines and don’t leave a single bug.” Just feel the balance and try not to be toooooo creative and extravagant.

A recruiter is a kind of filter between you and the company. Yes, different people will work with resumes, but HR is the first. Your task is to make the specialist see the correspondence between your experience and the vacancy without making any effort as well as understand who you really are as a person. HR is your partner who will guide you into the company.

That is why it is so important to surprise HRs with your resume and make them not pass you by as a candidate. We hope our tips will help you with this!

HR Future Staff Writer

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presentation cv 2023

CV : les bonnes pratiques à connaître en 2024

Quoi de mieux qu’un bon CV pour décrocher un entretien d’embauche ? Découvrez nos conseils pour faire mouche auprès des recruteurs.

CV : les bonnes pratiques à connaître en 2024

Vous pensez être le candidat idéal pour le poste après avoir lu l’offre d’emploi ? Il ne vous manque plus qu’un seul élément pour postuler au job de vos rêves : un CV ! Suivez le guide pour découvrir les informations indispensables à un bon CV en 2024.

Je crée mon CV en ligne ! 

Quels sont les critères d’un CV efficace selon les recruteurs ?

Que cherchent en priorité les recruteurs en regardant un CV ? A vérifier que votre candidature correspond au poste visé ! C’est donc votre expérience professionnelle et vos compétences (et votre formation dans une moindre mesure) qui vont attirer l’œil en premier. C’est pour cette raison qu’on dit souvent qu’il faut faire un CV différent pour chacune de vos candidatures, afin que chaque centimètre carré de votre CV soit cohérent avec l’offre en question.

La lisibilité

les exemples de CV originaux mais illisibles sont légion sur Internet ! Prenez garde à ce que toutes les informations essentielles soient faciles à repérer pour les recruteurs au moment de le rédiger et de faire votre mise en page. Votre précédent emploi, vos compétences et les exemples de vos différentes réalisations doivent être facilement repérables. L’organisation et la hiérarchisation des informations que vous décidez de mettre en avant sont la clé pour un CV simple et lisible.

Les informations

Au-delà de montrer votre motivation à trouver un nouvel emploi, votre curriculum ne doit pas manquer d’indiquer toutes les informations précises dont les recruteurs ont besoin : vos coordonnées (numéro de téléphone et mail), les dates auxquelles vous avez occupé tel ou tel emploi, le nom de vos différentes fonctions, etc.

Les mots-clés

Au moment de lire l’offre d’emploi, tentez d’identifier les mots-clés que le recruteur y a glissé. Ils sont souvent techniques et directement liés au métier exercé. Les mots-clés permettent non seulement de montrer que vous êtes un expert dans votre domaine (en tout cas quelqu’un de qualifié pour le poste) mais ils permettront aussi à votre CV de remonter en bonne position sans se faire signaler comme spam par les ATS (logiciel de recrutement). Pourquoi se priver de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté ?

Votre personnalité

Si la cohérence de votre parcours professionnel et vos compétences acquises permettent d’attirer l’attention des recruteurs, comment se démarquer ensuite des autres candidats lors d’un processus de recrutement ? Au-delà de votre métier et de vos accomplissements, tentez d’ajouter une touche personnelle au moment de rédiger votre CV pour mettre en avant votre personnalité ! Photo de qualité, hobbies, petite touche d’humour… Les meilleurs CV donnent envie de rencontrer une personne humaine et pas seulement un professionnel.

Les différentes parties d’un CV

Que vous décidiez de ne pas suivre tous nos conseils à la lettre ou que vous choisissiez de télécharger des modèles en ligne personnalisables, gardez toujours en tête lors de votre rédaction les cinq grandes parties canoniques d’un CV :

  • Informations personnelles
  • Expériences professionnelles
  • Etudes et formations
  • Compétences
  • Centres d’intérêt

Peu importe votre expérience, la forme de votre CV ou votre mise en page, les recruteurs doivent retrouver ces informations dans votre curriculum vitae à chaque candidature.

Quels sont les 3 modèles de CV ?

Avant de se lancer dans la rédaction de son CV, encore faut-il choisir le modèle pertinent qui met le mieux en valeur vos différentes compétences et expériences :

Le CV antéchronologique

C’est le modèle classique le plus utilisé ! Vos expériences sont listées dans l’ordre antéchronologique (la plus récente apparaît en premier) et chaque section suit ce principe. Pourquoi faire un CV original quand la mise en forme classique a déjà fait ses preuves ?

Le CV par compétences

Aussi appelé CV fonctionnel, le CV par compétences regroupe vos expériences et vos qualifications autour de grandes compétences thématiques qui deviennent alors des rubriques à part entière. Par exemple, « compétences managériales » peut être une partie regroupant une ou deux expériences marquantes en la matière, un master en management et une formation complémentaire. N’oubliez pas d’ajouter des exemples précis lors de votre rédaction pour adosser vos compétences à des expériences et renforcer ainsi votre candidature.

Le CV mixte

Le CV mixte est un habile mélange du CV par compétences et du CV antéchronologique ! Une première grande partie détaille vos réalisations et vos compétences quand la suite mentionne vos expériences de façon antéchronologique.

La rédaction d’un CV mixte est conseillée si vous avez occupé plusieurs emplois dans un même secteur, en cumulant des contrats temporaires ou en changeant souvent d’emploi. Une autre motivation à concevoir un CV mixte est sa grande flexibilité : vous pouvez facilement le modifier pour mettre en avant certaines compétences plus que d’autres ou modifier les expériences que vous mettez en avant. C’est donc parfait si vous postulez à un emploi qui exige des compétences techniques précises ou, inversement, si vous souhaitez changer de voie et mettre en avant certaines compétences transférables .

Quel modèle de CV pour se distinguer en 2023 ?

Postulez à un job étudiant sur la côte ou à un poste de chef de projet à Paris n’implique pas le même niveau d’expérience et donc le modèle ou format de CV sera très probablement différent pour chaque candidat.

Votre premier réflexe est peut-être de chercher des modèles à télécharger en ligne pour y intégrer vos dernières formations et expériences professionnelles… mais aucun modèle à télécharger en ligne ne vous convient et vous n’êtes pas très à l’aise quant à l’utilisation de vos données personnelles. Découvrez ci-dessous notre petit guide qui regroupe trois designs de CV percutants !

Sobre et professionnel

Deux colonnes pour plus de clarté ! A gauche : la photo, les informations, les compétences et les centres d’intérêt. A droite, sur une plus large partie du CV : votre expérience professionnelle et votre formation. Vous pouvez aussi rédiger en haut du document un petit paragraphe de présentation pour expliquer quel professionnel vous êtes au recruteur, vos motivations et votre intérêt à postuler pour le job.

Ce type de CV est visuellement agréable tout en restant cohérent et efficace dans sa mise en page et l’agencement des rubriques. Les informations importantes sont visibles immédiatement, le look est épuré tout en permettant quelques touches de fantaisie comme des pictogrammes ou de la couleur : à vous de choisir le design qui vous correspond ! A la fois moderne et classique, ce modèle de CV sait séduire les recruteurs. Vous trouverez de nombreux modèles de ce type à télécharger sur HelloCV ou ailleurs.

Traditionnel et intemporel

Comme son nom l’indique, ce style de CV classique saura toujours susciter l’intérêt d’un recruteur ! Le canevas est connu de tous mais n’en reste pas moins efficace en se concentrant sur l’essentiel.

Tout d’abord, la photo en haut à gauche du document puis l’accroche et le titre du poste visé en haut à droite. Entre les deux, votre nom, prénom et vos informations personnelles. En dessous, les différentes rubriques s’enchainent de façon chronologique : expérience professionnelle – formation – compétences – centres d’intérêt. Chaque grande rubrique est séparée par une ligne horizontale. Un format simple adapté à n’importe quel candidat !

Design et original

Vous avez de l’expérience sur Photoshop, Indesign ou Illustrator ? N’hésitez pas à vous lancer dans l’aventure du CV original et sur-mesure. De quoi briller sur les réseaux sociaux mais pas seulement. C’est aussi une occasion unique de prouver votre créativité et de mettre en valeur votre candidature comme vous l’entendez.

Vous vous sentez inspiré ? Pourquoi ne pas essayer ! Aucun guide, conseils, exemples ou modèles à télécharger ne remplaceront votre créativité (même si vous n’allez probablement pas révolutionner l’art ancestral du curriculum vitae). La création d’un CV design est particulièrement indiquée si vous travaillez dans l’univers du digital, de la communication ou des start-ups en général ! Pour vous inspirer, vous pouvez trouver des templates et des modèles originaux à télécharger sur internet.

Néanmoins, le recours à des logiciels pour tirer les candidatures (ATS) est de plus en plus courant chez les recruteurs. Et ces robots décryptent souvent mal les CV créatifs qui sortent des standards. En fonction du contexte – par exemple si vous postulez via une offre sans disposer du mail du recruteur - préférez plutôt un modèle de CV classique.

Quelques conseils en plus pour réussir votre candidature

Et si vous misiez sur une belle photo  ? Si elle n’a rien d’obligatoire, une photo professionnelle de qualité peut booster votre recherche et vous aider à décrocher un entretien.

Tous les modèles à télécharger en ligne ne permettent pas d’inclure une accroche. Elle peut pourtant faire la différence , surtout si vous sortez d’études et que vous cherchez à décrocher votre premier emploi (le reste de votre CV sera sans doute plus minimaliste au vu du peu d’expériences professionnelles que vous avez).


Pas de fautes d’orthographe ! Ce conseil est à appliquer à la lettre si vous souhaitez que votre motivation ne soit pas remise en question. Une seule solution : relisez-vous.

Utilisez un format PDF simple à télécharger pour les recruteurs lorsque vous envoyez votre candidature.

Rédiger un CV pour chaque offre

C’est pertinent si vous multipliez les candidatures à des postes ou dans des secteurs différents : vous allez mettre des qualités différentes en avant en fonction de chaque job. C’est d’autant plus vrai si vous êtes un adepte des candidatures spontanées lorsque vous êtes en recherche d’emploi.

Néanmoins, ce n’est pas forcément nécessaire si vous recevez déjà un certain nombre de sollicitations. Ou parce que trouver un emploi est relativement simple dans votre secteur en raison d’une forte demande pour vos compétences.

Dois-je rédiger une lettre de motivation ?

Elle n’est plus systématiquement demandée à chaque candidature. Tout dépend du poste, du recruteur et du métier… Mais qu’elle soit de mise ou non, prendre le temps d’en rédiger une montre toujours une certaine motivation. Si l’offre précise qu’elle est facultative, la rédaction d’une lettre peut vous permettre d’insister sur votre fort intérêt pour le poste.

Un portfolio est en revanche presque indispensable si vous êtes dans un domaine artistique ! C’est votre lettre et votre CV réunis en un seul document.

Je crée ma lettre de motivation

Quid du CV vidéo ?

Vous pouvez être sûr d’être original avec ce type de CV ! Vous ne trouverez pas de modèles tout faits à télécharger et relativement peu de conseils en ligne mais les exemples sur internet ne manquent pas. Ici, tout dépend de votre projet professionnel (et aussi de si vous êtes à l’aise avec un outil de création vidéo) : un CV pour un poste d'ingénieur nécessite-t-il autant de créativité que pour une candidature dans la communication ou le marketing ?

Dans tous les cas, si vous optez pour un CV vidéo, prévoyez un modèle de CV traditionnel en complément.

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Executive Agents

The Ultimate Guide: How to Craft an Effective Executive CV in 2023

Cracking the 2023 executive job market can be incredibly competitive, and crafting a compelling CV is often a daunting task. Did you know that hiring managers spend an average of only six seconds scanning your CV before deciding if you’re a potential fit? We have prepared this surefire guide brimming with tips, examples, and best practices to help you tailor an impressive executive CV for 2023.

So let’s dive in; your dream position awaits !

Key Takeaways

Conciseness and length, persuasive summary or objective statement, relevant work experience and skills, clean and professional design, logical and chronological organization, emphasizing impactful achievements and results, incorporating visual elements, researching target company and industry, customizing cv to align with job requirements, showcasing specific accomplishments and leadership abilities, utilizing keywords and industry-specific terminology, including quantifiable achievements and results, seeking professional feedback and editing, staying updated with industry trends and best practices, utilizing modern technology for optimization, 1. what is an executive cv, 2. how can i make my executive cv strong, 3. is there a preferred format when writing an executive resume, 4. do you need to include hobbies on an executive resume, 5. can linkedin be beneficial if i’m trying to craft my perfect executive cv, 6. do i need any particular software like microsoft word while creating my cv, q: what is an executive cv, q: why is an executive cv important, q: what should be included in an executive cv, q: how long should an executive cv be, q: should i include a career summary in my executive cv, q: how should i quantify my achievements in an executive cv, q: should i include a cover letter with my executive cv, q: is there a specific format or template for an executive cv, q: how can i write an effective executive cv, q: can i hire a professional resume writer to craft my executive cv, executive success package, executive resume + cover letter, executive resume + linkedin™ profile.

  • Craft a concise and impactful summary or objective statement to grab the attention of hiring managers and showcase your career trajectory and accomplishments.
  • Highlight relevant work experience , successful projects , and leadership abilities that align with the targeted executive position to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  • Create a clean and professional design for your executive CV, incorporating visual elements strategically to enhance readability and make a strong first impression.
  • Tailor your CV for each job opportunity by researching the target company and industry, customizing it according to specific requirements, and showcasing accomplishments that align with the job description.

Understanding the Modern Executive CV

Confident executive in modern office surrounded by technology and professional decor.

Concisely present your qualifications, skills, and relevant work experience in a persuasive summary or objective statement.

Conciseness and length play a crucial role in creating an effective executive CV . They are the first step to impressing potential employers as a long, cluttered CV may go unread. A successful executive CV typically gravitates around 4-5 pages of tightly woven, valuable information.

It’s consistency that counts! Make sure to highlight your key achievements without stretching too much on job descriptions. Brevity is your ally here so keep it succinct and steer clear from unnecessary details or jargon that add no value to your professional journey.

Crafting an impactful summary or objective statement forms the crux of your executive CV. This short yet powerful section serves as a direct pitch to potential employers, giving them a snapshot of your career trajectory and substantial accomplishments.

It’s crucial to demonstrate how you’ve leveraged your senior executive skills efficiently in previous roles.

Your persuasive summary should not only emphasize the tangible results achieved but also reveal vital personal qualities relevant to the job at hand. The more specific and quantified these achievements are, the better chance you’ll have at catching recruiters’ attention.

For instance, stating “Increased sales by 20% year-on-year for five consecutive years” emphasises measurable success.

However, if you’re crafting a career change resume objective, focus on transferrable skills that demonstrate suitability for new roles instead of relying solely on prior work experience.

By doing so, you make it easy for hiring managers to see why they should consider you for their executive position despite any lack of traditional industry experience.

If written effectively using relevant keywords from the job description itself and within strategic sections such as areas of expertise or qualifications, this concise piece can significantly increase chances for progressing further into recruitment stages in today’s competitive job market.

In crafting an exceptional executive CV, your relevant work experience and skills take the forefront. Consider highlighting significant roles in previous organisations that align with the targeted executive position.

Do not shy away from detailing successful projects led or impactful decisions made in previous roles. This could be strategic partnerships you’ve initiated, resources you’ve developed, or major corporate strategies implemented successfully.

These are prime examples of leadership and analytical approach, which hiring managers value greatly on an executive resume.

Furthermore, your professional qualifications can enhance the quality of your CV if they complement your work experience comprehensively. Whether it’s a certification course or advanced technical skill set acquired over time; ensure to feature these prominently within your CV under appropriate sections such as ‘Certifications’ or ‘Skills’.

Including such details will help construct a complete representation of both hard and soft skills necessary for any sought-after senior executive role.

Additionally, personal achievements corresponding to relevant skills have potential weightage too. If volunteering experiences demonstrate transferable abilities such as team management or critical problem-solving, don’t hesitate to include them in a section like ‘Additional Activities’ on your resume template.

The aim should always be showcasing maximum competency tailored specifically towards the job description at hand while maintaining concise information flow throughout all sections of the document.

Formatting and Presentation Tips

A person working on a laptop in a modern office setting.

Craft a clean and professional design for your executive CV to make a strong first impression. Organize your information logically and chronologically, highlighting impactful achievements and results.

Incorporate visual elements that enhance the overall presentation of your resume.

A clean and professional design is a crucial aspect of an executive CV that cannot be overlooked. It relies heavily on simplicity and clarity , making it easier for recruiters to read and understand your qualifications quickly.

Choose a modern yet uncluttered layout while maintaining consistency throughout the document; this involves uniform font styles , appropriate spacing , defined margins , and precise bullet points.

Incorporate only necessary visual elements or graphics that aid comprehension at a glance, rather than distracting from the key information. In essence, your goal should be to create an executive resume template that exudes sophistication while accurately showcasing your skills and accomplishments in an easily digestible format.

Organising your executive CV logically and chronologically forms the backbone of effective resume writing. A reverse-chronological layout emphasizes your work experience , starting from the most recent to older roles.

This structure allows hiring managers to trace your career progression easily and evaluate your suitability for an executive level role .

To improve readability , segment each job experience distinctly under separate headers with associated dates of employment. Within these sections, detail key responsibilities and notable accomplishments that demonstrate leadership abilities and proficiency in crucial areas of expertise .

This logical arrangement paints a clear picture of your professional trajectory without overwhelming the reader with excess information on every single aspect of past roles.

Demonstrating your significant achievements and results is vital for the success of an executive CV in 2023 . By highlighting these impressive outcomes, you not only display your previous responsibilities but also effectively showcase how you brought about positive change .

This can be done by quantifying your accomplishments whenever possible; instead of simply stating that you led a project, specify how much budget you managed or what kind of growth resulted from it.

Moreover, using a “key achievements” section will help spotlight these crucial details to hiring managers. A well-framed achievement gives a clear impression of your career longevity and proficiency in delivering meaningful results , which are essential elements in a competitive job market like today’s.

Visual elements breathe life into your executive CV, setting you apart in the job market. Use bold, italics, different font sizes and weights strategically to highlight essential areas of expertise and achievements that shine a spotlight on your abilities.

Infographics can be powerful tools for presenting complex career progressions or technical skills in an easy-to-understand manner. To be truly distinct, consider designing your CV to reflect a company website or use visual resume templates for that polished professional look admired by hiring managers.

Just like Harvard’s guide emphasises, these visual elements should encapsulate your strongest assets relevant to the executive role you’re eyeing.

Tailoring Your CV for Success

To increase your chances of success, it is crucial to tailor your CV for each job opportunity. Research the target company and industry to understand their specific requirements and expectations.

Customise your CV accordingly, showcasing relevant accomplishments and leadership abilities that align with the job description. Use keywords and industry-specific terminology to demonstrate your expertise and understanding of the field.

By tailoring your CV, you can present yourself as a strong candidate who is a perfect fit for the executive role you are applying for.

Researching the target company and industry is a crucial step in crafting an effective executive CV . By gaining a deep understanding of the organization and its industry, job seekers can tailor their resume to align with the specific needs and expectations of potential employers.

This research allows executives to showcase their relevant skills, accomplishments, and leadership abilities that are most valuable to the company they’re applying to. It also helps them incorporate industry-specific terminology and keywords that catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

Taking the time to thoroughly research not only positions executives as knowledgeable candidates but also demonstrates their genuine interest in pursuing opportunities within a particular sector or organization.

Remember, through targeted research, executives can gain important insights into what companies are looking for in terms of qualifications, experience, culture fit, and values alignment .

Tailoring your CV to align with job requirements is crucial for success in the job application process. By customizing your professional summary and highlighting relevant skills and experiences, you can showcase how you match the specific job requirements.

Start by reviewing your current resume and making any necessary modifications to align it with the job description. Prioritize roles and experiences that are most relevant to the desired position, as this can enhance the effectiveness of your CV.

Additionally, including keywords from the job description in your resume demonstrates how you meet the expectations of the employer. Take these steps to ensure that your customized CV stands out among other applicants and increases your chances of landing an executive-level position in 2023.

Highlighting your specific accomplishments and leadership abilities is crucial when crafting an effective executive CV. Employers are looking for individuals who have a proven track record of success , so it’s important to showcase your achievements that highlight your ability to lead.

This could include examples such as revenue growth, successful project management, or team building initiatives . By emphasizing these accomplishments, you will stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your value as a leader in the industry.

In order to make your executive CV stand out to potential employers, it is essential to utilize relevant keywords and industry-specific terminology . This not only helps highlight your qualifications but also increases the chances of your CV being picked up in word searches by hiring managers and ATS systems.

By incorporating key phrases from the job description into your resume, you can demonstrate that you have a strong understanding of the industry and its specific requirements. Additionally, using industry-specific terms shows that you are knowledgeable and experienced in your field, making you a more attractive candidate for executive-level positions.

So be sure to carefully study the job description and tailor your CV accordingly with the right language and terminology.

Bonus Tips for a Standout Executive CV

Include specific, quantifiable achievements and results that highlight your leadership abilities and impact. Seeking professional feedback and staying updated with industry trends and best practices will ensure your CV is polished and professional.

Utilize modern technology for optimization to set yourself apart in the competitive executive job market. Read more to learn how to create the perfect executive CV in 2023!

Quantifying your achievements and results is essential in an executive CV to make it stand out from the competition. By providing concrete evidence of your accomplishments, such as sales increases , awards, or qualifications, you demonstrate your value to potential employers.

Including a bullet-point list of achievements under each position listed on your resume can make it more impressive and grab the attention of hiring managers. As an executive manager looking for employment, highlighting quantifiable achievements and results will showcase your ability to lead and set you apart in the job market.

So don’t hesitate to include specific numbers, percentages, or metrics that highlight your successes throughout your career journey.

To create an effective executive CV in 2023, it’s crucial to seek professional feedback and editing . By doing so, you can avoid common pitfalls and make a lasting impression on recruiters.

Professional feedback provides objective insights that help tailor your resume to highlight your skills and experience effectively . It ensures that important details are emphasized while unnecessary information is removed, creating a polished and professional document.

With the guidance of experts, you can craft a compelling CV that sets you apart from other candidates in today’s competitive job market.

Keeping up with industry trends and best practices is vital for executive managers in their job search. As the business landscape continues to evolve, employers are seeking candidates who are knowledgeable and adaptable.

By staying updated, executives can demonstrate their commitment to professional growth and showcase their ability to stay ahead of the curve. This includes staying informed about emerging technologies , market insights , leadership strategies , and industry regulations .

Additionally, executives should also be aware of the latest trends in CV writing and recruitment processes to ensure their application stands out from the competition. Regularly accessing relevant resources such as industry publications, online forums, webinars, and networking events can provide valuable insights that help executives tailor their CVs effectively for success in 2023.

Modern technology has revolutionized the way we do things, including optimizing executive CVs. By leveraging the power of technology, you can create a standout resume that catches the attention of recruiters and sets you apart from other candidates.

One tool that is gaining popularity is ChatGPT . Considered the “ultimate resume-writing cheat code” by job experts, ChatGPT helps in writing a polished and professional CV in just seconds.

With its advanced capabilities, this AI-powered tool provides objective feedback, suggests strong keywords, and ensures your CV aligns with industry trends and best practices. Embracing modern technology like ChatGPT can give you an edge in today’s competitive job market by creating a compelling executive CV that highlights your skills and achievements effectively.

Utilizing modern technology doesn’t stop at using tools like ChatGPT; it also involves adapting to changes influenced by technology. In recent years, applicant tracking systems (ATS) have become increasingly popular among hiring managers.

These systems scan resumes for specific keywords before they even reach human hands. To increase your chances of success, it’s essential to create an ATS-friendly resume that incorporates relevant industry-specific terminology and strategic keyword placement throughout your document.

Crafting an effective executive CV is crucial for landing that dream job in 2023. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this ultimate guide , you can set yourself apart from other candidates and impress recruiters with your polished and professional CV.

Tailoring it to the specific job, including quantifiable achievements, and staying updated with industry trends will give you the best chance at success. So don’t wait any longer – start creating the perfect executive CV today!

An executive CV is a professional document showcasing your top executive experience, achievements, and skills to potential employers.

You can write a strong CV by formally listing down all your executive duties, quantifying your achievements, and highlighting any skills that bring you the best chance of success in applying for an executive-level position.

Yes! The chronological format is widely accepted as the best resume format as it clearly presents your professional experience in descending order; starting with the most recent at the top of your cv.

While not mandatory, adding hobbies or interests section can help show personality traits that may complement c-suite roles and create a more well-rounded image for potential employers’ view.

Absolutely! Syncing up-to-date information from LinkedIn profile onto your public resume offers recruiters access to broader insights into who you are beyond what’s just written on paper.

CV templates can be created using numerous programs; however Microsoft word remains popular due to its user-friendliness and compatibility across different systems.

A: An executive CV is a document that outlines the professional experience, qualifications, and achievements of a senior-level executive. It is typically used when applying for high-level positions or leadership roles.

A: An executive CV is important because it provides a comprehensive overview of your relevant skills, experience, and achievements. It helps recruiters and hiring managers assess your suitability for senior-level positions and demonstrates your ability to lead and make strategic decisions.

A: An executive CV should include your contact information, executive experience, education, certifications, skills, achievements, and any additional relevant information such as memberships or publications.

A: While there is no strict rule, it is generally recommended for an executive CV to be no longer than two pages. This allows you to highlight your most important and relevant information while keeping the document concise and easy to read.

A: Yes, including a career summary at the top of your executive CV is highly recommended. This section provides a brief overview of your professional background, key accomplishments, and career objectives. It helps grab the attention of recruiters and provides a snapshot of your expertise.

A: To quantify your achievements in an executive CV, focus on measurable results and use specific numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts. For example, instead of saying “increased sales,” you can say “increased sales by 20% within six months.”

A: It is generally recommended to include a cover letter along with your executive CV. A cover letter allows you to introduce yourself, highlight your key qualifications, and explain why you are interested in the position. It provides an opportunity to showcase your written communication skills and express your enthusiasm for the role.

A: While there is no one-size-fits-all template for an executive CV, there are various executive CV examples and templates available online. These can serve as a guide to help you structure and format your CV effectively. It is important to customize the template to highlight your own unique experiences and achievements.

A: To write an effective executive CV, focus on highlighting your executive experience, quantifying your achievements, and tailoring your CV to match the job requirements. Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon, and proofread your CV carefully for errors before sending it out.

A: Yes, you can hire a professional resume writer who specializes in executive resume writing. They can help you craft a compelling and tailored executive CV that showcases your strengths and maximizes your chances of landing an interview.

presentation cv 2023

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  • Resume & CV

How to Make Your Resume in PowerPoint +Video (With CV in PPT Format Templates)

Tomas Laurinavicius

Planning to get hired? There are tons of job seekers out there. What are you doing to stand out from the competition?

To make sure you're noticed, create a resume or CV that'll captivate recruiters instantly. Why not try something different like a CV or resume in PowerPoint?

The globalization of jobs means you’re not only competing locally, but also with global applicants–landing a job has never been this tough. No matter what your credentials are, your resume is your first step to score an interview.

While a traditional resume or CV is sometimes enough, a stunning CV or resume in PowerPoint can level it up. If you’re not a designer, there are PowerPoint resume templates that could easily help you with how to make a resume on PowerPoint.

What's a Visual Resume in PowerPoint & Why Even Use It?

A resume in PowerPoint is a non-traditional way to present your resume. With a multi-slide presentation, you can convey your credentials more creatively and powerfully. We’re not saying that you need to ditch your  traditional resume –you just need a creative addition to complement it.

This premium template is from Envato Elements.

Human resources and talent acquisition staff receive tons of job seekers every day. They’re probably bored with all the look-alike resume applications. A visual resume in PowerPoint will instantly catch their attention, thus, helping you stand out from the crowd. Plus, you can even upload it to SlideShare for an instant online presence.

But, of course, take into consideration the industry you’re in and the company you're applying to. A resume PowerPoint is highly recommended for those who are looking for a job in industries and companies that embrace creativity like fashion, film making, and advertising. If creativity is part of the job description, then it’s about time to learn how to make a resume or CV in PowerPoint.

How to Quickly Make a Resume in PowerPoint With PPT Templates (Video)

Now that you now what a visual resume and why you might want to use it, are you ready to get started? We've created this short video so that you can quickly create your visual resume:

presentation cv 2023

For even more details on how to make the best visual resume, read the written tutorial below.

How to Make Your Resume in PowerPoint

The following steps will guide you on how to write a resume PowerPoint presentation that'll surely help you in landing your dream job:

Step 1. Choose From 3 Formats

The first step in making a resume, traditionally or in PowerPoint, is choosing the right resume format for you. Your resume format will determine how you relay certain details visually.

You've got three choices: 

  • reverse-chronological
  • combination. 

Here are the distinctions to help you choose the best one for you:

Format 1. Reverse-Chronological Format

This is the most traditional format. It emphasizes an individual’s career progression in reverse-chronological order.

A sample reverse-chronological resume template that spotlights work experience. Download the newest PowerPoint resume templates on GraphicRiver.

Learn more about chronological order resumes here:

presentation cv 2023

Format 2. Functional Format (Skills-Based)

A skills-based resume highlights an individual’s functional and technical skills over work experience. While work experience is included, it's de-emphasized by omitting time periods.

A resume in functional format example highlighting skills.

This article explains more about a functional resume format:

presentation cv 2023

Format 3. Combination Format

You’ve guessed it correctly! The combination format incorporates some components of reverse-chronological and functional formats.

It’s like the functional format but instead of focusing on skills, it focuses on chosen qualifications. But it still includes work experience in chronological order.

This PowerPoint Template is a simple and minimal template that you can tweak to create a combination format resume PowerPoint.

For a more in-depth look at combination format resumes, study this article:

presentation cv 2023

Step 2. Add Your Personal Details & Contact Information

The next step in how to make a resume in PowerPoint is to gather all your personal information. Include your professional background, education, honors, awards, and other necessary accomplishments.

While personal details are important in any resume, it's a skill to discern when to give information and when to hold back. Here are our recommendations:

  • Required Contact Information . Name, phone number, email address
  • Optional Contact Information . Mailing address, brief professional title, branding statement, social media like LinkedIn, portfolio website, blog
  • Contact Information to Avoid . Birthdate (this could lead to ageism), photo (unless you’re applying for a modeling gig)

Simple Resume CV Presentation

Step 3. Write a Winning Resume Introduction

You want to make a favorable impression from the very start. Include a powerful resume introduction in your PowerPoint resume slideshow to win the hearts of potential employers. Plus, it’s a great way to showcase your personality and who you are as a person.

Personal CV PowerPoint Presentation

In general, you want to give a glimpse of you just by reading your resume introduction. It should be brief, but also captivating so that recruiters will be hooked already.

There are many ways to write a winning resume introduction in your PowerPoint resume slideshow. Here are some selections to choose from:

  • Qualifications Summary . Your main focus is on your qualifications. You can make a bullet point of your most outstanding career accomplishments.
  • Career Objective . This briefly provides an overview of your professional skills and experience. It’s usually a statement written in two or three sentences.
  • Professional Profile . A combination of qualifications summary and career objective, it's the most flexible resume introduction style. It can be written in a bullet point form or as a short paragraph.
  • Professional Summary . This resume introduction summarizes the entire content of your resume. It’s usually formatted into four or five bulleted sentences that highlight a specific part of the resume. 

Step 4. List Your Relevant Work Experience

In a reverse-chronological format resume, work experience is the king. But even with other resume formats, you still need to include your relevant experiences.

In this resume building PowerPoint step, we’ll take a look at the recommended details to include in your resume PowerPoint:

  • Job Title . This is the most important part of your work experience section. It should be placed on top of each work entry and must be highlighted for easy scanning.
  • Company Details . This should include the company name, city/state, and country.
  • Date of Employment . The timeframe of your employment for each of your work experience entries. This can either be a year or month and the year.
  • Key Responsibilities . This should encapsulate your job description. Be as specific as possible. Tailor fit this to the position you’re applying for. Sprinkle some keywords that employers are looking for in a candidate.

Step 5. List Your Education Correctly

Your educational attainment provides your potential employers a glimpse of the foundation of your knowledge and aptitude. If you don’t have a wide range of professional experiences, then highlight your education first. In contrast, make this section brief if you've got a wealth of work experience.

The right order when writing our educational background is to put your highest degree first. If you've got other degrees of the same importance, add them in reverse-chronological order. These are the things to keep in mind when listing down your education:

  • University/College/Technical school you attended . Remove high school unless you didn't attend college.
  • Degree(s) attained . List the degrees you've received.
  • Location of schools (city/state, country) . List the school locations.
  • Graduation date (month, year) . Recent graduates can list the graduation date, but if you've been out of school a while you may want to leave this off as it can contribute to ageism.
  • GPA . List this only if you've got 3.0 or greater GPA.
  • Academic honors . List academic honors and awards.

Step 6. Include Relevant Skills

Recruiters are particularly interested in skilled individuals. The more senior the job is, the more they want to hire people who have relevant skills. It means they won’t have to invest in training and development.

There are many types of skills that you can include in your resume PowerPoint. But they generally fall under the following skills category:

  • Hard Skills . These are teachable and measurable abilities and know-how (e.g.. Programming, Photoshop).
  • Soft Skills . These are traits ideal for a good and professional employee (e.g., etiquette, adaptability).

Should you use only hard or soft skills? The answer is to combine both of these skill sets. Hiring managers are particularly looking for a wide range of abilities and skills. While hard skills show recruiters to know that you can do the job, soft skills will determine if you're a good fit for the company culturally.

Here's a rundown of hard and soft skills to include in your resume PowerPoint:

  • technical skills (e.g., computer know-how).
  • verbal and non-verbal communication skills (e.g., spoken and written language).
  • leadership and management skills (e.g., critical thinking, decision making).
  • transferable skills (abilities that can be carried over to a new role).

Resume PowerPoint

Step 7. Highlight Your Key Achievements and Awards

At this point, you've already covered the foundation of your resume PowerPoint. But highlighting your achievements and awards will help you solidify it more. Here are some things to include in this section:

  • certifications
  • awards (industry specific, leadership, etc.)
  • publications.
  • academic honors
  • scholarships
  • work-related projects

Resume PowerPoint

Step 8. Show Some Personality

The above sections will already be expected by hiring managers. This gives them vital information to know if you're qualified for the job. But it won’t really show much of your personality. What if you aren’t a good fit culturally?

Add this section to help you stand out in your resume PowerPoint. Here are some suggestions to include:

  • volunteer positions
  • professional affiliations
  • hobbies and interests
  • personal projects

Step 9. Write a Complementary Cover Letter

In traditional resume templates , a cover letter isn’t really mandatory. But it’s also a great tactic to make sure you stand out from the rest of the applicants. You don’t need a lengthy letter. Recruiters are too busy to read that.

Instead, write a cover letter to say the things that you can’t place normally in the above sections. Don't tell things that hiring managers can read in your resume. Use your cover letter to connect to the recruiters on an emotional level.

Cover Letter

Step 10. Proofread, Save & Email Your Resume Correctly

You've created your resume PowerPoint, but are you confident you didn’t miss out anything? Don’t rush sending it off. You still have to make sure you've got things in order. From misspellings, grammar up to formatting–you've got to double-check your drafted resume PowerPoint before emailing it out.

It's also important to edit and remove any unnecessary things that you've included. Length isn't important. Being concise is the key. Also, aside from PowerPoint, consider saving it in PDF format and in online places like LinkedIn or SlideShare.

Once your PowerPoint resume is finalized, use it in any situation where you need to explain your background and qualifications. To get even more mileage from your PowerPoint resume, consider converting it to a video. This tutorial explains how to do that:

presentation cv 2023

How to Customize Your Resume Quickly in PowerPoint (In 5 Quick PPT Steps)

Once you’ve chosen your resume PowerPoint template, you’ll want to customize it. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the premium Resume PowerPoint template .

Premium resume PPT from Envato Elements.

We'll be customizing slide 9. Here's what slide 9 looks like with no edits:

Resume PPT with no edits.

1. How to Add an Image

How to add an image.

There are two ways to add an image to your resume in PowerPoint.

  • Use the picture placeholder. Click on the Insert Picture from File button in the middle of the picture placeholder. Then find your image and double click on the image to add it.
  • Use the Insert tab. In the toolbar, click on the Insert Picture button. Then choose the right option based on where your image is located. Next, double-click on the image.

Resize your image as needed.

2. How to Change the Color of an Object

How to change the color of an object.

To change the color of an object in your resume, PowerPoint begin by selecting the image you want to change the color of. Once your image is selected, click on the Shape Format tab.

In the toolbar under the Shape Format tab, click on the Format Pane button. Once you click on this button, a sidebar appears on the right side of your screen.

Click on the Fill & Line tab. Under the Fill & Line tab, click on the Fill section. Next, click on the Fill Color button and choose the color you want.

3. How to Add Text

How to add text.

Adding new text to your resume PPT is easy. First, click on the Insert tab. In the toolbar under the Insert tab, select the Text Box button. Then draw a diagonal line to add a text box. Last, just start typing your content into your text box.

4. How to Change the Background Color of the Slide

How to change the background color of the slide

If you don’t like the background color of your resume PowerPoint template, you can easily change the color. Begin by selecting the Design tab. Next, click on the Format Background color.

Once you select the Format Background tab, a sidebar appears on the right side of the screen. Click on the Fill Color button and choose the color you want from the menu that drops down.

5. How to Change the Color of the Text

How to change the color of the text.

Another way to customize your resume in PowerPoint is to change the font color. To begin, select the Home tab.

Then highlight the text that you want to change the color of. Next, select the Font Color button. When that button is selected, a color menu drops down. Choose the color that you want.

The Best Source for CV or Resume PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is a great place that's got hundreds of stylish resume PowerPoint templates . It's a subscription service where you pay a low monthly cost for unlimited downloads.

Explore Presentation Resume Templates

Envato Elements has hundreds of resume Powerpoint templates.

You get more than just PowerPoint resume templates at Envato Elements. Download:

  • stock photos
  • WordPress themes
  • many more digital assets

If you're a creative who’ll use a lot of templates, then Envato Elements is the best option for you. Once you subscribe, you’ll get unlimited downloads that’ll let you try many different templates. 

Are you looking for a resume in PowerPoint for your 2023 needs? Here are five of the best premium resumes in PPT format:

1. Clean Resume

Clean Resume

This resume PowerPoint Template is vertical like a traditional resume. Clean resume template has bold colors without being distracting. It's also got a skills section where you can highlight your strengths.

If you need to put images in your resume, this would be a good option. This resume has a lot of picture placeholders.

2. Personal Resume

Personal Resume

The Personal Resume can be easily edited to suit your needs. Here are some highlights of this template:

  • drag and drop image placeholder
  • 30 unique slides
  • elegant slide transition
  • creative design

If you’re looking for a creative resume in PPT format, then the Personal Resume is right for you.

3. Persoon Resume PowerPoint Template

Persoon resume PowerPoint template

Persoon Resume PowerPoint Template has 30 unique slides and comes with three premade color schemes. Easily add an image to your slide by dragging and dropping the image of your choice into the picture placeholder. This template comes with a light and dark background. Choose the background that's the best for you.

4. Minimalist CV Resume PowerPoint Presentation

Minimalist CV Resume Template

This Minimalist CV presentation PPT has a nice, simple, and professional design. Here are some key features of this template:

  • 30 total slides
  • comes in 16:9 format
  • picture placeholders
  • comes with charts 

This high-quality presentation will impress your audience.

5. Dufolio- Personal Portfolio PowerPoint

Dufolio personal portfolio PowerPoint template

Dufolio Personal Portfolio PowerPoint template has over 40 unique slides. Easily edit this template to suit what you need. Add an image to the slide by dragging and dropping the image of your choice into the picture placeholder. This template comes with charts that you can add any data to.

Professional and Creative PowerPoint Resume Templates

You can find a lot of PowerPoint resume templates out there but finding quality ones is the challenge. Here's a list of beautifully designed creative resume templates PowerPoint to save the day.

Aside from knowing how to make a resume on PowerPoint, you shouldn't discount your traditional resume at all. It should also be a priority. Plus, a traditional resume doesn't have to look traditional too. Envato Elements has curated the best contemporary looking traditional resume templates for convenience.

Resume Templates

Here are some of our top traditional resume templates:

presentation cv 2023

Download a PowerPoint Resume Template & Get Started on Your PowerPoint Resume

When applying for a job, you should be able to impress your hiring manager when they look at your resume. While a traditional resume will suffice, it won’t really give them a taste of who you are and your personality.

A well-edited and beautifully designed resume PowerPoint  will help you stand out from the rest of the job hunters. There are unlimited PowerPoint resume templates within your reach so you won’t waste your time designing your resume. And of course, there are plenty of top-notch traditional resume templates available as well.

Note : This tutorial was originally published on May 28, 2019. It's been comprehensively updated by Sarah Joy and a video was added by Andrew Childress .  Sarah and Andrew are freelance instructors with Envato Tuts+.

Tomas Laurinavicius

How to Make a Resume or CV in PowerPoint (+ Templates)

Making a resume or CV is one of those tasks that we all have to do. But did you know you can actually create one in PowerPoint?

If that’s the tool you are most comfortable with, it is possible. PowerPoint can also be a good option for a resume or CV if you need something highly visual in a presentation style.

You can then export it from PowerPoint to any other format you need so that you can share it online or with potential employers.

Here’s how to do it, with a few templates to help you get started (all with a super professional look-and-feel).

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Business PPT Templates

Business PPT Templates

Corporate & pro.

Mystify Presentation

Mystify Presentation

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Determine if You Need a Visual Resume

presentation cv 2023

Before you go down the path of creating a resume in PowerPoint, you need to figure out if it is the right choice for you. PowerPoint can be a good option if:

  • It’s the only tool you have or know how to use
  • You need a highly visual resume format for a presentation (we’ll focus on this one)

If you are presenting for a job interview, want to make a strong creative impression, or just show off your work in a style that marries your resume and portfolio, this option could be right for you.

Pick a Format

presentation cv 2023

Once you have determined that PowerPoint is the tool you want to use for your resume, it’s time to think about formats and aspect ratios. How do you want to present or share the resume? What shape and size should it be?

If you are planning a presentation style, you’ll probably stick to the standard horizontal format. If you plan to export for more of a traditional look and feel, you can change the canvas size to a vertical 8.5 by 11 format.

The latter is great if you are using PowerPoint because you are comfortable with the tool, but want to export and save the resume for standard distribution.

Look for a Template (Or Create Your Own)

presentation cv 2023

The quickest way to jumpstart a resume design project is with a template. A good PowerPoint resume or CV template will include slides in a style that appeals to you with elements for all of the standard resume content.

When looking for a template, you need one that matches the type of content you have to work with. (Don’t pick out a template packed with full-screen images if you don’t have them, or cut out photos if that’s not in your portfolio.)

The template should also have a visual style that’s similar to your own. You want the PowerPoint resume or CV to look like it belongs to you. It should show exactly who you are and what you do.

The other option is to create your own template. If you have a great idea, go for it!

Gather Visual Elements

presentation cv 2023

If you are creating a visual resume, images are key. Gather what you plan to use in the resume design to get a feel for where you should go with the content.

  • What types of images do you have to work with?
  • What are the shapes and styles?
  • How many images do you plan to use?
  • Do you have a visual element to go with each section of the resume?
  • Do you need to collect more visuals to complete this task?
  • Are they in a format that will work with PowerPoint?

Once you have all the visuals together you can place them in the template to set the framework for your design.

Fill in Relevant Info

presentation cv 2023

Once you have the concept of the PowerPoint resume design mapped out, you can start filling in all of your relevant information and details. Note that most templates will include way more slides than you need. Delete unnecessary ones to make the job quicker and easier.

Order the slide deck in a reverse chronological format with the newest and most relevant information first. It’s the same idea as if you were typing it out on paper.

Don’t forget an introduction slide with your name and contact details. (You’ll probably also want to repeat this slide at the end.)

Follow that with a quick summary or professional profile so that whoever looks at the resume gets a feel for who you are.

Then fill in work experience, education, and relevant skills.

Design for Key Details

presentation cv 2023

Every important part of your PowerPoint resume should follow the format of one idea per slide.

If you are creating a visual resume, consider slides that pair a visual with the corresponding information. It’s a fact for your resume with a piece of visual supporting evidence.

Resumes can get long quickly, so try to design for key pieces of content and details with this format. Consider your most recent and best activity to be one slide each, and then all other supporting elements on a single slide.

It might look like this:

  • One slide for current job
  • One slide for relevant experience
  • One slides for all other jobs

Finish with Achievements or Awards

presentation cv 2023

Finally, wrap up the content in your PowerPoint resume or CV with a section that outlines awards or achievements. This is a great way to leave a strong impression at the end of the slide deck.

Things to include are certifications, awards, publications or grants, and key work-related honors. Even if you only have a few to share, this can add a lot of impact.

Proof Carefully

presentation cv 2023

Edit your resume, ask someone else to proof your resume, and then edit it again. You can’t proofread too many times when it comes to this type of document. You want it to be flawless.

Export to Share

presentation cv 2023

The last step is to export your PowerPoint resume or CV into a format for sharing. If you are giving a presentation, there’s nothing more to do than save.

If you plan to distribute the PowerPoint resume, it’s a good idea to export to a format that you know will maintain the integrity of the document no matter who opens it. A PDF format is recommended.

A resume or CV that’s designed in PowerPoint can be a lot different than the typical paper format. It will probably have a different shape and size (that’s made for screen viewing) and a much more visual format.

For a designer, this is almost a combination between a resume and a portfolio. Use this format to highlight your work with that in mind.

And if you like the examples here, head over to Envato Elements for these templates and more.

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Resume Trends 2023

As recruiters, we review a lot of resumes. (And, I mean, A LOT of resumes.)

Over the years, we’ve learned what hiring managers and HR professionals like to see and how they process information.  We advise, point out edits, and sometimes after talking with candidates, offer our advice on adding or highlighting certain aspects of their professional experience that come out in our conversation.  Still, lots of questions come up – “What format should I use?  How far should I go back in my experience?” These are all important questions! Read on for the top inquiries and our answers.

What are the most common mistakes you see in a resume?

  • Starting with the same word too many times (i.e., “responsible for”). Find synonyms!
  • Incorrect tense.  Remember to use past tense verbs in past jobs.
  • Font and formatting are not consistent throughout.
  • Not using numbers! Hiring managers want to know how much, how big, how many – this helps them compare your experience to the role for which they are hiring.  (i.e., “Processed payroll for 1600 employees in 25 states.”)

What should I write as my Career Objective?

Career Objective headings can be limiting. They tell people how to hire you. If you say, “Seeking a Senior Accounting position,” they may stop right away if that is not the position for which they’re hiring. Instead, use “Career Summary” with a comprehensive 3-5 sentence overview of your experience.

How many pages should my resume be?

Despite many beliefs, it’s okay to have a two-page resume! The one-page trend is outdated and now hiring managers are scrolling through your resume, not printing out the pages, so they’re not fully aware of the length.  Allowing your resume to run longer than the standard one-page length may actually help you get further in the job-hunting process, research suggests.  If you have the experience, write it!

How far back should I go in employer history?

If you’re a senior executive, go back 10-12 years.  There is always space to give an overview of your whole career in your Career Summary. Sometimes we see an added short bullet-pointed list of early employers, which is fine.

If you’re early in your career, sometimes people add retail or restaurant experience to fill in the gaps and show that they were working.  If it’s not pertinent to the job you are applying for, consider leaving it out.  If you need to list it to show work experience, list aspects of the job that prove your work style, showcasing advancement and responsibility.

What format do companies want to see?

A chronological, standard format is the way to go. This way, people don’t have to figure out dates of employment, where you worked, and your job function. This information should all be in order and together for understanding.

Another tip:  Under the employer name, add a brief profile of the company in italics, ie., “$50M government contractor.” Hiring managers may not be familiar with the company and in a remote working world, your former employer may not be known in the market in which you are applying.

What about resume designs?

Fancy layouts, colors, pictures, and anything that takes up storage space, is not suggested for a business resume. Unless you’re a designer, you’re just making it difficult for yourself in the future to add to your working history! (And more difficult for the recruiter trying to submit you.)

How many bullet points are too many?

The style today is to use a combination of an introductory paragraph of the role and bullet points of specific responsibilities. Keep the most relevant, important, substantial duties at the top of the bullet-pointed list and keep administrative responsibilities toward the bottom.  Don’t forget that companies like to see accomplishments listed, as well.

What are the typical sections for a modern resume?

Name at the top, with email and phone.  Career Summary.  Work Experience.  Education.  Technology.

Keep information to professional experience. This way, you are reviewed for your skills and work experience only, not what you like to do outside the office.  Honesty and integrity are everywhere in your resume.  Never misrepresent yourself.

Now, give it to someone who doesn’t love you to review it.  A JustinBradley recruiter should be happy to help.

If you haven’t already, follow us on LinkedIn and visit our blog for more articles and videos like this.

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A resume is a document that an employer may ask you to submit as an application. The hiring process is incomplete without a resume that works as a communication channel. A resume allows applicants to describe their skillset in their own words. There are sections of education, experience, skills, and personal information in a resume.

Those sections are essential to every resume and important to insert in an organized way. PPT Resume plays a vital role in securing a job interview instantly. People tend to use pre-designed templates to enhance the quality of their resumes. This article will showcase the benefits of creating a perfect resume. You will also find the top 5 websites for accessing customizable resume PPT templates .

In this article

  • How Does a Resume Work in the Professional Field?
  • What is the Benefit of Creating the Perfect Resume for Interviews?
  • Some Important Things You Should Add to Your Resume - Confirming the List
  • Top Websites Offering Professional Resume PPT Templates
  • Bonus Tip. Make Resume PPT Generation Easy with AI - Wondershare Presentory

Part 1. How Does a Resume Work in the Professional Field?

In professional settings, a resume is used to convince the employer to offer you an interview. They are a snapshot of what employers want to know about candidates applying for positions. Managers hardly spend a minute reviewing resumes and deciding whether they want to hear more about the candidate. As a result, it becomes essential to make a resume that makes you visible in the eyes of a recruiter.

When you apply for a job, they ask for your resume and offer you a walk-in interview. It’s like a marketing document in which you offer your services and skills to a recruiter. Sending a resume with a job application saves time for both the recruiter and the candidate. They can scan the resume and appoint their desired candidate for an interview while skipping others.

Types of Resumes

The job market is full of various kinds of resumes depending on the job requirements and needs. They all serve different purposes to recruiters of different professional settings. Following are a few types of PPT resumes that assist you in aligning your resume objectives:

  • Functional Resume: This type of resume highlights skill sets in the resume. It does not mention certain work experiences or educational histories. The purpose of such a resume is to hide the working gaps of career-changer applicants.
  • Reverse-Chronological Resume: It's a classical resume format for both recruiter and candidates. In this type, users insert their latest achievements upfront and go back in time. Recruiters can easily find their desired candidate at a single glance.
  • Combination Resume: It refers to the combination of functional and chronological resumes. You can combine recent experience with the skillset to show overall qualifications. This type is used for senior-level positions where education doesn’t matter that much.
  • Targeted Resume: A resume specially written for a specific position is known as a targeted resume. People tend to insert keywords of skills and qualities to match with job description. By doing that, your resume becomes an ideal fit for the applied job.

basic resume template

Part 2. What is the Benefit of Creating the Perfect Resume for Interviews?

Creating a flawless resume holds significant importance in every field. Whether a teacher or a marketer, you need a perfectly made resume PowerPoint to secure a job. It gives the virtual impression to the employers about your personality traits. A well-designed resume benefits you by opening a gateway for the best opportunities. We have enlisted the prominent benefits of a perfect resume in the following section:

1. Increase Interview Opportunities

Creating an excellent resume enhances your chances of reaching an interviewer’s table. Recruiters can consider your resume and overgo others if they find all their desired skills. They might recognize your credentials and extend invitations for further hiring process.

Your resume serves as the initial avenue to create a positive impression in front of authorities. In the absence of a strong resume, you run the risk of achieving valuable employment. So, a compelling resume can be crucial in opening doors to your ideal job.

2. Efficient Communication

A top-quality resume provides employers with details about your qualifications. It tells your work background and skills in a concise manner. This enables hiring professionals to assess your suitability for a position. When your resume excels in this task, it simplifies the hiring process for both parties.

Your resume PowerPoint proves that you are an excellent match for the job. This way, the employer can assess your written communication skills for their jobs.

3. Professionalism

An ideal resume mirrors your commitment and seriousness about your career. It’s a formal paper that displays your dedication to presenting your best self to employers. Creating a professional resume requires paying attention to little details.

When your resume shows professionalism, it signals that you approach your job seriously. They signal that you can organize tasks and carry serious behavior in you. It not only persuades a hiring team to choose you but leaves a positive impression on them.

4. Tailored For The Job

A vital part of making the perfect resume is tailoring it for the particular job. This personalization guarantees that your qualifications and skills match what the job needs. Custom-made resumes highlight how you fit the role and take on key responsibilities.

It shows that you’ve put in the effort to grasp the company’s needs. This focused approach boosts your possibility of getting called for interviews. The method proves that you are the right candidate to tackle the challenges.

5. Instill Confidence

Usually, a great resume does more than just impress the employers. It makes a job seeker feel more confident about having a perfectly created resume. When you know your resume PPT template looks good, you enter interviews with self-belief.

The hiring authorities take an interest in your skills and how they match the job. Being confident is crucial in leaving a good impression on interviewers. It shows that you are prepared and right for the job, increasing your chance to get the job.

Part 3. Some Important Things You Should Add to Your Resume - Confirming the List

A well-crafted resume is the key to unlocking great career opportunities. In this regard, certain things can make your application shine among other competitors. Let’s delve into such components that you should include in your resume PowerPoint :

1. Contact Information

Imagine what could happen if there are errors in your contact information. How do you expect your recruits to contact you if your contact information is wrong? You should include up-to-date contact information to make the recruiter approach you.

Add proper contact information like your name, phone number, email address, and location. Furthermore, you can add the title of the job and your LinkedIn or other social media profiles.

proper contact information in resume

2. Resume Summary or Objectives

Under the contact section, you need to add your resume summary or objectives. Recruiters go through your entire PPT resume within 7 seconds. They tend to only read your summary, so ensure that it displays all important points.

Write a branding statement on your careers and achievements within 2-4 sentences. Moreover, you should add relevant soft and hard skills and previous work experience. You can write your objectives within 3-4 lines that explain what are your career goals.

resume summary or objectives inclusion

3. Professional Experience and Education

Recruiters closely check your work experience and educational background. This section is mostly written right after your resume summary. Carefully structure it with job title, company name, location, and date of employment. You can briefly explain the description of the company you work at.

The most important part is writing about your achievements and responsibilities. Don't use generic language, but specify what type of achievements you have. Listing down your education in reverse chronological order makes it look more professional. Format your education entries in a program, university name, years attended, and GPA.

experience and education in resume

4. Skills and Certificates

Among all the sections, your skills and certificates hold a different kind of value. This section is positioned right after the education part. Make sure to add a precise list of skills your recruiter can pick up at first glance. Start by mentioning your expertise from beginner to expert level.

There, you can mention your knowledge, competence, or professionalism with the skills. One thing to remember is the types of skills you should mention. The recruiter won't pay attention without relevant hard and soft skills. If you have any certificates and rewards that testify to your skills, add them to your  PowerPoint resume template .

skills and certificates in resume

5. White Spacing and Formatting

Your resume can have a 5-star look if you follow a proper format and structure. It is not recommended to have a lengthy resume, so try to stick to one page unless you are a senior. Separate your sections with white spacing or lines to show distinction. This gives your resume a clear look and helps the recruiter navigate it easily.

Make sure to use easy-to-read fonts and sizes like Arial and Times New Roman. Narrow down your sections with proper margins so they won't look uneven. The formatting should stay consistent throughout your resume.

white space and formatting in resume

6. Customized and Organic Statements

While making a resume, never use ChatGPT to customize it. You are likely to get caught by recruiters for making such a mistake. To write a genuine resume, don't copy-paste your skills from online sources.

Each sentence should be original, and avoid using words you don't understand. Customize your PPT resume in your own wording without any help from AI tools. Using organic sentences can help emphasize the originality of your resume content.

organic statements in resume

Part 4. Top Websites Offering Professional Resume PPT Templates

Creating a perfect resume requires a lot of effort in terms of formatting and text alignment. That's why pre-designed resume templates are preferable to save time in resume making. This way users get built-in text holders to insert their qualifications and data in the template. Following are some websites that you can use and get PowerPoint resume templates as required. 

1. SlideShare

Get inspired to create something great by using this site for presentation templates. It provides pre-designed templates for technology, health care, education, and other fields. Users can specify their search by browsing featured or popular templates.

They can write resume keywords in the search bar and get related templates. After browsing, further apply a filter of language to get a template in the desired language. It also allows you to select a file size from a presentation, document, and infographic.

slideshare resume ppt templates

2. SlideTeam

Find any type of PowerPoint presentation template through this site. It offers many templates, from proposals to resumes, agendas, and flowcharts. There are over 5 million template designs with over 100,000 topics.

Users can specify your search with various styles like illustrative and hand-drawn designs. It allows you to sort out the templates with the most popular, new, or most downloaded. SlideTeam mainly offers white-themed resume templates, but you can modify the background color.

slideteam resume ppt templates

3. Slidesgo

This site can assist you in making any presentation from business to educational purposes. It offers almost 405 templates after heading to the search bar for resume PPT templates . The templates include nine categories to select your relevant field or industry. Despite that, you can customize the style from vintage to interactive and animated.

It provides white-themed templates, but allows to alter the color from 14 options. These templates are available in many other formats and sizes. It allows downloading in PowerPoint and Google Slide format, which gives you cross-platform accessibility.

slidesgo resume ppt templates

4. Slideegg

Slideegg offers professional PPT templates for elevating the quality of presentations. You can get templates for resumes by clicking on “Find my Niche” in the filters section. It enables users to select over 80 resume templates and clear the way for getting a job.

These templates are available in different layouts and designs. The pre-designed templates allow users to showcase their skills with appealing visuals. Thus, you should add your data in text placeholders and make a narrative of yourself.

slideegg resume ppt templates

5. SlideModel

Users can choose this site to access over 50,000 templates with editable features. In addition to PPT resume templates, it offers diagrams, shapes, and backgrounds in PPT. It allows you to select from the featured and new slide templates on its main interface.

After searching in the bar, you can get resume templates and presentation CV slides. These slides are compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, and OpenOffice. You will be able to get your dream job after customizing these slides.

slidemodel resume ppt templates

Bonus Tip. Make Resume PPT Generation Easy with AI – Wondershare Presentory

A resume is the first thing every hiring manager sees in every industry. Therefore, you must make your resume stand out from the rest of the competition. It should be well-structured and organized to display your exceptional skills.

Using PowerPoint to present a resume can be a sign of professionalism. Are you looking for how to create a stunning resume PowerPoint to secure a job interview? Look no further because Wondershare Presentory helps you unlock the best presentation. It can enhance the efficiency of your resume with its AI-power tools and editing features.

wondershare presentory resume ppt design

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Key Features Highlighting Presentory’s Excellence

  • AI- Content Generation: The content matters the most if you want your resume to look professional. Hence, using the AI-generation feature , you can create an outstanding outline. You can also choose from various initial topics, ranging from courseware to training. It also allows you to review the text and regenerate it if required.
  • Pre-design Templates: This tool provides you with pre-designed professional templates. It allows you to choose any template style, from a futuristic look to a minimal feel. You can move around elements like images, text boxes, icons, and multimedia. There are other options for changing the properties of the text, images, and graph.
  • Recording and Steam Online: Recruiters can use this AI tool for international hiring. It offers streaming on multiple platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom. You can adjust your video anywhere on the slides and change its layout. Users can also enhance their facial features and apply beautification effects.
  • Teleprompter: Presenting in front of people can be nerve-racking. Therefore, this AI tool provides you with a teleprompter where you can write or import a script. You can adjust the panel anywhere on your screen while presenting. It enables you to change the fonts, colors, alignment, and play speed as per your readability.

To sum up, a flawless resume increases your chances of being selected for an interview or job. A resume enhances communication and instills confidence in the applicant. To create a perfect resume, you should maintain its formatting and white spacing. In this guide, we have enlisted 5 websites of resume PPT templates , as per their types.

Inserting information in the template is considered insufficient to get an appealing resume. In this regard, we are introducing you to Wondershare Presentory. This AI tool can save your different targeted resumes securely in its cloud storage. It allows you to have an enhanced AI experience, while helping you to generate a complete presentation instantly.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Resume

Resume PowerPoint Templates and Presentation CV Slides

Download Resume templates for PowerPoint that can be used to present your CV or resume to a potential employer. Find the one that best fits your needs from the many options SlideModel provides. Each template utilizes creative slide designs and innovative visual elements to ensure that each resume is unique and visually engaging, setting you apart from the crowd.

These PowerPoint templates can come in handy not only for individuals, but also for HR professionals and job agencies. All Resume presentation templates are Google Slides and MS-PowerPoint compatible, ensuring maximum flexibility and ease of access when it comes to creating your own perfect Resume slide.

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PPT Template for Formal Resume Presentation

Formal Resume PowerPoint Template

A Resume (or CV) is the first document that reaches a potential employer when you apply for jobs. It is a summary of all your qualifications, education, background and skills in order to make it easier for HR or Talent Acquisition to understand who you are and how you can benefit the company.

Resume presentation slides can help sort and arrange all that information in a manner that is easy to follow and effective at self-introduction. Good Resume presentation templates can help you go through the screening process quicker, and one step closer to your desired job.

What is a Resume/CV?

A resume is a self-introduction of a job seeker for a potential employer. It consists of one’s qualifications, education, achievements and skills – information necessary for the screening process for a potential job.

What are Resume presentation templates?

Resume presentation templates are pre-made, visually engaging and interesting presentation templates that can be used as a mode of self-introduction for a new potential job.

A well-crafted resume template for a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation can help the candidate to save a lot of manual hours by reusing a pre-made template to fill the resume information and instead of reinventing the wheel.

If you are still pursuing for your dream job and looking to make a visually appealing resume, then the free resume template can help to prepare a good resume in record time. Alternatively, in this section you can find other professional resume templates that are compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides to stand out from other candidates and get your dream job. Our 100% editable resume presentation templates include editable elements, text and photo placeholders and animations.

Should I use a resume presentation template to prepare my resume?

Resume presentation slides can be an effective tool in ensuring that all your information is in order and interests the employer. Communicating who you are, your background, achievements and other details becomes key in order to provide the employer an overview of your identity.

Resume templates and slides can help make that process easier and better. A creative resume template can help you to get that dream job you were pursuing for, see some creative resume examples here .

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presentation cv 2023

Haughey Recruitment

Your Guide to Writing a CV in 2023 That Will Stand Out.

Posted on: 20/01/2023.

Our handy guide will show you how to create a CV.

Below are some guidelines to help you choose the right format for your CV. We also have insider tips from the Haughey Recruitment team.

What will a great CV look in 2023?

A strong CV will attract the attention of potential employers. It accurately captures who and what you are at a glance.

Follow these basic design guidelines to ensure your CV is well-designed and easy to read.

  • Your CV should be tailored to the job position you are applying for
  • Include keywords from the job description on your CV
  • To save space, edit your application to include the most pertinent information for the job that you are applying for.
  • Only include the 10 most recent years of employment.
  • A professional layout should have clear spacing and concise words. You can also use a different font style or size for your headers, but it is best to keep the style consistent throughout.
  • Your skills are listed in bullet points that are easy for you to read.
  • So recruiters can quickly review your information, summarize your qualifications and personal details.

Are you unsure what to include in your CV?   Below are detailed instructions on how to write a CV.

What information should I include on my CV?

It is important to keep your contact information up to date and to keep this section of your CV short.   Include:

  • Your current personal email address is not your work email address!
  • Mobile phone number.   This is not your preferred contact method. Please let us know!
  • A brief description of your hobbies and interests to highlight your personality.

The goal is to create a single-page CV that stands out for recruiters.   You will have more space for valuable information if you remove unnecessary details.

Avoid including additional personal information, such as marital status and religion. This should not be relevant to your job application.

It is a good idea to include a link from your LinkedIn profile in your CV.   Keep your profile current and accurate.   If you are applying for creative positions, it is a good idea to add links to your social media accounts, website links, or online portfolio.

Do I need to include a photograph on my CV?

Although there are no rules regarding the inclusion of a photo on your CV we recommend that you only include one if it is relevant for the job you are applying.

Photos can reveal information about us, such as our age, gender and nationality.   Businesses and recruitment agencies need to be aware that unconscious bias can exist. This is why they should keep CVs and applications anonymous so they can make decisions based on the applicant’s skillset, not their identity.

Although it is the responsibility of the applicant to correct and train against any minorities, a CV that contains a photo could cause bias to the person viewing it. This could impact a screening decision.

What should I put in my CV profile?

Are you new to creating a CV profile or aren’t sure where to begin?   Keep the profile section of your CV short and to-the-point.   You should limit the length of your profile section to 4-6 sentences, which is approximately 200 words.

These steps will help you to tailor your CV.

1.   Summarize your work history and describe who you are.

2.   Highlight any relevant experience and provide evidence to support it. This will help you sell your skills.   To keep it concise, avoid buzzwords and include your hobbies and interests.

3.   Highlight your goals and mention what you hope to achieve from the job you are applying for. This will show that you are motivated and where your ambitions lie.

What skills should I add to my CV?

To stand out from the crowd, it’s important that you highlight your most valuable skills.   Avoid generic skills like “written and verbal communication skills” and “proficient in Word”, as they don’t add any value to your CV.

Keep your skills relevant to the job that you are applying for.

If you’re applying for a new position in design it would be helpful to list any design software skills such as Adobe Photoshop or InDesign.

Include only relevant skills and unique skills that are essential to your application.   This section should be created keeping in mind the job description and key details.   This will allow you to create a CV that reflects the skills and experience required by recruiters.

What work experience should I include in my CV?

Keep your resume short and to the point when writing a CV.   Keep it short and concise. Only include the last 5 to 6 jobs in your employment history section.   You can arrange them in reverse chronological order.

We suggest that you include a few points for achievement in each job description.   Take, for example:

“Developed a strategy for social media and increased followers by 20,000.” VS. “Managed social media accounts of company X.”

What length should my CV be?

A standard goal is one page.   A one-page CV is helpful for candidates to stand out. This is because, regardless of your experience or skill, it makes the job of a hiring manager easier when they are reading through a bunch of CVs.

We recommend that you take a look at Canva, which offers free templates for CVs. These templates can help you to decide the structure and format of your CV.

These details should be included on your CV

  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Relevant work experience – focusing on skills, not results
  • Here’s a list of all the languages and skills you can use.
  • If applicable, a link to your personal site
  • Link to your LinkedIn profile
  • Link to your online portfolio or social media accounts
  • If you have the space, hobbies and interests are possible!

Are references required for my CV?

It used to be a standard practice to include references on your CV. But, in 2023, the thinking has changed.

It is not a good idea to include references in your CV too early in the process of hiring.   This is because employers will spend only 30 seconds per reading your CV. It is a great opportunity to highlight your skills, experience, and voice in a concise, top-line manner.

Each applicant will need to provide references at some point during the hiring process. It is not a good idea to do so earlier.   To make your application stand out, we recommend that you use the space available to show evidence of achievements and skills.

Do I need to attach documents from my CV or make a website?

You might consider adding some examples of work or creating your own website.   It all comes down to the job you are applying for, and how the application process works.

Some companies will require applicants complete set questions through the company’s job system. Others require that you upload a Word or PDF copy of your CV.   It is possible that there are no links available. We recommend checking ahead and being ready for the application.

You’re likely to have some pieces of work you want to include if you are a graphic designer, copywriter or other type of writer.   These can be attached to your CV as additional documents, or a link that takes the recruiter directly into your online portfolio.

How to create a CV with no work experience

It can be difficult to complete your resume if you are applying for your first job and don’t have any experience.   Although it’s not a good idea to tell companies that you have work experience, it’s a great idea for companies to offer a work experience placement of a week or two weeks. This will give you lots of contacts and new people to network with.   You might be surprised at how open-minded and understanding people are. We all remember that first job hunt!

You have many other options to showcase your skills than work experience and internships.

It is possible to:

  • Take a look at the job specification . You have probably demonstrated these skills at school, in higher education or in other extra-curricular activities.   Talk about your past experiences, hobbies and interests to show how you still have the skills they are looking for.
  • Volunteer – There are always worthy causes and this is a great way to grow your skills and highlight the causes that matter to you on your CV.   You can also show that you are a great team player, self-motivated and can solve problems!
  • Create your own project  – To showcase your talents, you can create a portfolio by creating a website, app or ad on Canva. Or any other platform that allows you to design.   Start your own business selling used clothes and baked goods. You can also highlight what you have learned.

How to approach a career gap in your CV in 2023

Are you worried about a job gap in your CV?   This is a common problem and it’s completely normal.

Your CV could have gaps for many reasons, from being a caregiver or stay-at-home parent to being laid off because of organizational changes to being on medical leave.

Here are our recommendations for framing an employment gap during an interview situation

  • Be as open and honest as possible about your career gap.   It is a good idea to acknowledge the gap as soon as possible and then focus on your skills and abilities.   You can address any concerns or questions that the recruiter may have during the interview.
  • We recommend that you focus your efforts on the key skills and experience while keeping in mind the role you are applying to when writing a CV.   This will show the recruiter you are competent for the job and that you feel like a good match.

Are you worried about your resume showing a career gap?   This is how to tell your story in the interview and application process.

How to proofread your CV

The final step in the CV-writing process is proofreading.   This is the final chance to catch any errors before an employer reads it.

Many recruiters consider spelling and grammar errors completely avoidable. This could adversely impact their hiring decisions.   This makes your CV appear rushed and unprofessional, and shows a lack of attention.

These are some tips to help you proofread your CV and ensure that you submit a flawless application.

  • It doesn’t matter if you write in the first or third person. Make sure it remains consistent throughout your CV.
  • Keep it current if you are writing about your current job.
  • Write consistently in the past tense when discussing roles from earlier years.
  • Grammarly is a free tool that can help you scan your CV for spelling mistakes.

Why not use our handy guide to spruce up your CV and upload it to Haughey Recruitment – so our recruitment specialists can match you with the perfect role! We have a variety of both Permanent and Part -Time roles across Engineering, H&S, Admin, Accountancy, HR, Marketing, Sales, and Technology sectors.

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CV 2023 : Top 15 des meilleurs modèles de CV à télécharger

cv 2019

Notre équipe de designers a réalisé de nombreux modèles de CV en 2023 . Entre les meilleures ventes, les design les plus originaux et ceux dont nous sommes le plus fiers, nous avons hésité longtemps avant de vous proposer cette sélection.

L’équipe s’est réunie pour vous proposer leur TOP 15 des meilleurs CV 2023 . Vous ne pourrez rien rater de nos curriculum vitae 2023 . Cette présentation de CV réunit uniquement les plus beaux cv, la crème de la crème. Vous trouverez bien une idée pour créer une présentation efficace de votre profil !

🚀 Mise à jour : consultez notre classement des meilleurs CV 2022 .

1. Le CV moderne 2023 parfait

cv moderne 2023

Le modèle de CV Parfait est clairement le best-seller de l’année, notre meilleur cv 2023. Toujours au top de sa forme. Un CV sans hésiter à recommander pour tous les profils, juniors comme seniors !

Avec un design impeccable, ce modèle séduit par son bleu profond incomparable. Vous cherchez une bon CV moderne en 2023  ? Les différentes rubriques laissent le choix de disposer facilement son parcours de la façon la plus adéquate.

On aime : la simplicité et la pertinence du CV.

On adore : les rubriques Personnalité et Compétences qui viennent professionnaliser le cartouche du CV (présentation du profil du candidat).

📥 Télécharger le CV parfait 2023

  • Disponible en 3 couleurs
  • 100% modifiable facilement
  • CV 2023 au format Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office

2. Le Modèle de CV tendance

tendance cv 2023

Le modèle de CV Tendance est un modèle qui plait beaucoup avec son design très en vogue en 2023, et toujours très actuel en 2020.

Tout se joue sur les petits détails dessinés avec finesse et les contrastes de couleurs très agréables à l'œil. Les motifs géométriques et les finitions très soignées en font un cv actuel avec une présentation à la fois graphique et créative. Tout cela fait du CV Tendance un modèle de cv 2023 parfait pour les candidats qui souhaitent sortir du lot et décrocher des entretiens . Un de nos plus beaux cv.

On aime : l’efficacité de ce Curriculum Vitae (titre et objectifs sont bien mis en avant).

On adore : les nuances de couleurs et dégradés, avec les motifs géométriques très modernes. Tout ceci est très visuel et a beaucoup plus de chance d’attirer l'œil des recruteurs.

📥 Télécharger ce modèle de CV à remplir et à imprimer

  • Formats : Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office

3. Le CV type 2023, le modèle de CV Atouts

cv type 2023

Entre délicatesse, sobriété et modernité, le CV Atouts est l’incarnation du modèle de cv 2023.

Il joue sur les détails graphiques tout en restant très concentré sur l’identité du candidat. Son format est bien équilibré en laissant une place confortable aux expériences professionnelles et à la formation. Résultat : un CV type à la fois très agréable à consulter, et très efficace.

On aime : les différentes options de mise en avant - logiciels, langues, compétences, personnalité, centres d’intérêt - à la fois graphique et très pro !

On adore : les superpositions de gris, et la photo du candidat qui prend une place importante pour attirer l’attention du recruteur.

📥 Télécharger cet exemple de présentation de CV

4. Notre modèle de CV 2023 le plus réussi

modele de cv 2023

Ce modèle de CV est une des révélations de l’année 2023. Il part d’une mise en page assez classique pour trouver son twist sur les formes, couleurs et détails graphiques qu’on apprécie tant.

Très coquet, ce modèle conjugue un bleu aux reflets verts avec un rouge brillant. Son squelette à 2 colonnes est habillé de nombreuses rubriques, distinguées de petits pictogrammes qui apportent du style au CV.

On aime : son côté très chronologique et organisé qui se prolonge jusqu’à la formation. Une façon plutôt cohérente de présenter l’histoire de votre parcours de candidat.

On adore : ses couleurs très tendances et ses formes arrondis, très actuelles. Également, ses nombreuses possibilités de mettre en avant vos compétences acquises.

📥 Télécharger le modèle de CV

  • Formats : Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office.

5. Le modèle de CV moderne, entre rigueur et précision

modele de cv moderne 2023

Le modèle de CV Factory mixe parfaitement modernité avec esprit d’atelier. Ce modèle fait partie des meilleures ventes de notre fabrique à CV.

Son design moderne et bien équilibré rend ce CV très efficace quelle que soit la firme dans laquelle vous postulez. Ce modèle s’adapte à tout type d‘entreprise et d’industrie. Vous pourrez légèrement foncer le gris si vous avez besoin de le rendre plus sobre.

On aime : l’efficacité de ce CV (titre, Nom/Prénom et objectifs sont bien mis en avant).

On adore : les nuances de gris “Ciment” qui donnent un esprit de manufacture. Sa typographie espacée entre les lettres, d’inspiration Luxe.

  • CV au format Libre Office, Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office.

6. Le modèle de CV 2023 : dynamique et très contemporain

modele cv 2023

A la fois élégant et raffiné, ce modèle de CV est idéal pour tous les candidats qui souhaitent moderniser leur CV.

Le modèle de CV Dynamique renvoie une sensation d’énergie et d’audace parfaitement maîtrisée. Le rendu est exécuté avec talent pour convenir aux candidats entreprenants, actifs et relativement expérimentés.

On aime : ce cv simple, synthétique et design, ni trop masculin, ni trop féminin.

On adore : ses différentes teintes de bleu qui contrastent avec les différents niveaux d’information du curriculum vitae.

  • CV vierge Libre Office, Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office.

7. Un beau modèle de CV au design classique

modele cv design 2023

Le CV Beau fait partie des modèles CV design 2023 qui allient très bien la simplicité et la modernité. Ses lignes simples et séduisantes donnent un rendu élégant et gracieux.

Son cartouche gauche apporte l’élégance qui manque souvent aux CV classiques. Ce modèle de cv 2023  convient à tout type de poste et tout secteur d’activité. En laissant une place imposante pour la parcours professionnel, ce modèle sera tout de même idéal pour les candidats avec de l’expérience.

On aime : la sobriété du design qui marque un rendu très professionnel, sans donner l’effet d’un cv basique.

On adore : la typographie très fine et les pictogrammes qui tous deux ajoutent une touche graphique loin d’être ostentatoire. Ça fonctionne !

📥 Télécharger ce modèle de CV

  • Modèle Powerpoint, Open Office, Word, Google doc, Google slides.

🚀 Plus de 300 modèles de CV à télécharger

Créez un CV remarquable dès maintenant avec l'un de nos 300 modèles professionnels faciles à remplir en 10 minutes. Aucun compte à créer !

8. Le CV débutant, un très bel exemple de CV 2023

exemple cv 2023

Un CV moderne que nous conseillons vivement, surtout pour des jeunes diplômés.

Tout nouveau CV 2023 , cet exemple de CV pour étudiants post-bac qui ne savent pas comment faire un CV de grande qualité . Ou pour les candidats commençants leur carrière.

On aime : les tons pastels qui colorent agréablement le profil, sans en abuser.

On adore : le cartouche très tendance aux formes géométriques qui attire le regard tout de suite !

📥 Télécharger ce modèle de CV étudiant

9. L'Élégant : le CV design 2023 pour les profils créatifs

cv design 2023

Haut en couleur, ce CV très design est dédié aux personnes créatives ! De quoi sérieusement booster sa recherche d’emploi.

Très travaillé dans le fond comme dans la forme, ce CV 2023 a de quoi séduire les recruteurs. Les détails graphiques font toute la différence : la typographie, les couleurs, la timeline du parcours professionnel... Le cartouche de profil est également très accrocheur avec une photo et une introduction bien visibles. On l’adore !

On aime : les camemberts pour évaluer son niveau dans les langues étrangères et la rubrique Info pour ajouter vos séjours linguistiques ?

On adore : les motifs géométriques travaillés en ombres et dégradés. Un joli travail réalisé par nos graphistes !

📥 Télécharger ce template de CV

  • Modèle de CV Word (2023 et précédentes), Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office.

10. Le Curriculum Vitae 2023, notre coup de coeur

curriculum vitae 2023

Du pur design qui saura ravir les profils en quête de distinction. Idéal pour postuler dans le secteur des agences digitales (community manager, chef de projet digital..).

Le CV Innovant est l'un des plus design de notre collection de CV. Avec une mise en page assez classique mais bien structurée. Les effets d'ombres, les icônes et les lignes bleu/gris offrent un rendu très stylé, et le choix d'une typographie très contemporaine casse également les standards. Le rendu final en fait un cv très classe .

On aime : sa mise en page très souple qui profite autant aux profils débutants que confirmés.

On adore : son design épuré, exécuté avec talent et qui met l’accent sur la présentation du candidat. Un vrai plus !

  • Modèle de CV Libre Office, Word, Powerpoint, Google slides, Open Office.

11. Le format de CV 2023 par excellence

format cv 2023

Simple et moderne, ce CV saura plaire à de nombreux candidats pour son look sobre et design à la fois.

Ce modèle de CV fonctionnel et rapide à remplir s’adresse à de nombreux profils. Son cartouche très visuel accroche tout de suite le regard. L’ensemble est très lisible et très zen avec de nombreux espaces entre les rubriques faciles à scanner pour le recruteur.

On aime : la rubrique Références qui permet de vous démarquer des autres candidats avec une candidature solide.

On adore : le travail d'orfèvre sur les espaces, les tailles des polices de caractères et les interlignes qui donnent à l’ensemble une clarté incroyable.

📥 Télécharger cet exemple de CV moderne 2023

12. Modèle de CV ppt 2023 idéal pour le luxe

cv ppt 2023

Inspiré de charte graphique de grandes maisons françaises telles que Dior ou Chanel, ce modèle de CV saura plaire aux chef de produits ou vendeuse dans l’industrie du Luxe.

Sobre et minimaliste, ce modèle de CV suit les codes du secteur en jouant sur les tracés fins et légers. Pas de rajout inutile comme la rubrique Formation qui ne laisse place qu’au dernier diplôme (logique). C’est clair, net et limpide.

On aime : son côté sans chichi, sérieux, et très professionnel. On en fait pas trop, juste assez pour être efficace et facile à lire.

On adore : ses lignes et couleurs épurés, et sa typographie très chic.

📥 Télécharger ce CV (exemple 2023)

13. Le CV style 2023 au design interactif

cv style 2023

La tendance du CV en 2023 est sur deux colonnes. Ce modèle de CV est une bonne alternative aux CV classiques pour opter pour une candidature moderne et contemporaine.

Ce type de CV est parfait pour les candidats en reconversion professionnelle. La mise en forme de départ vous propose une large cartouche pour vous présenter en détail. Les expériences professionnelles sont présentées sous la forme d’un CV chronologique avec des drapeaux comme points d'étape.

On aime : son fond coloré atypique qui accrochera le recruteur dans une pile de CV.

On adore : le design des compétences et atouts du candidat qui prend la forme de graphiques interactifs pour rendre l’ensemble encore plus esthétique

📥 Télécharger ce style de CV 2023

14. La modèle de CV 2023 sans expérience

cv 2023 modele

Ce modèle est le CV recherché par les débutants sans expérience. Vous n’aurez qu'à le constater vous-même : la rubrique n'apparaît quasiment pas dans ce CV !

Ce CV propose un design et une mise en forme assez classique, avec de petites améliorations qui font toute la différence. Tout d’abord, l'en-tête du CV très copieux qui permet de donner une vraie personnalité à votre candidature. Ensuite la rubrique objectifs qui parlera de vos ambitions et la cohérence de votre profil pour le poste visé.

On aime : le design sobre et moderne avec ces légers arrondis colorés, déclinés en 3 coloris très réussis.

On adore : les 3 couleurs disponibles, qui cassent le classicisme de la mise en forme pour offrir une candidature moderne et accrocheuse.

📥 Télécharger ce modèle de CV moderne

  • Squelette de CV modifiable facilement
  • Formats CV 2023 : Word, Powerpoint, Google doc, Google slides, Open Office.

15. Notre présentation de CV 2023 préférée

présentation cv 2023

Le CV Extra est notre présentation de CV 2023 préférée. Il plaira aux candidats qui cherchent à travailler dans le secteur de la communication, du digital ou du marketing.

Sa mise en forme est très bien structurée : une en-tête de CV nettement démarquée avec son fond bleu à motifs, et un corps de page divisé en 2 colonnes bien distinctes, introduite par la présentation du candidat. L’ensemble est sublimé avec un design moderne et pour donner envie.

On aime : les couleurs et les motifs qui viennent animer la mise en forme classique. Idéales pour accrocher le recruteur et lui présenter clairement les informations clés.

On adore : les icônes et les formes des éléments graphiques, inspirés du flat design.

📥 Télécharger ce CV (modèle 2023)

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Comment décrocher 2 fois plus d'entretiens ?

Les astuces de recruteurs pour booster votre CV. Bonus : 10 exemples de CV de vrais candidats relookés de A à Z + un modèle CV à utiliser.

Guide complet (60pages), 100% gratuit. Pas de spam.

Modèles CV à télécharger

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Les TOP articles

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Les tutoriels CV

  • Comment faire un CV design ?
  • Comment rédiger un CV en anglais ?
  • Comment faire un CV original ?
  • Comment créer un CV moderne ?
  • Comment faire un CV de Secrétaire ?
  • Comment faire un cv en ligne ?
  • Quelle couleur utiliser pour un CV ?
  • Modèles de CV simples à télécharger
  • Comment faire un CV pour un stage ?
  • Comment faire un CV de A à Z

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