A Letter To My Future Wife About Our Perfect Marriage

By Author Peyton White

Posted on Last updated: May 30, 2023

A Letter To My Future Wife About Our Perfect Marriage

This is dedicated to my future wife. Oh, how beautiful it is to say those words. It must be the best feeling in the world to call you that.

I don’t know who or where you are, but having the opportunity to call someone ‘my wife’ gives me the sense that I fully belong to someone.

To my wife ,

I want you to be mine forever. It brings me comfort, bliss, and joy when I say those words aloud.

I couldn’t be more grateful that you chose me over any other man and that our love is sealed for the rest of our lives.

I always dreamed of someone saying, “Yes,” to me. It’s something that I have always longed for and I never imagined that it would be you.

The day you gave me your heart and said, “Yes,” was the happiest day of my life.

I still find myself in disbelief that you are the one destined to be with me forever.

Every day, I pray to God to protect you when I’m not able to do so and my heart is filled with happiness and delight.

Without you, I cannot imagine how my life would be. You are the one with whom I realized what it means to have unconditional love.

With you, I learned how to love and what it really means to love someone.

And I do love you, my wife.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

Love is such an interesting thing. It brings out the best in people and it gives life new meaning.

It gives you an opportunity to explore yourself without fear of being left alone.

You are not the most important person anymore.

Because of love, another person becomes the reason why you wake up in the morning, and because of that, you want to make them feel good about themselves.

My reason for such a feeling is you. You are my centerpiece and you are my reason to wake up and my reason to sleep.

You give me such comfort that sometimes I’m afraid of what I would do without you.

The purpose of my life has changed. It became you.

To my wife, I want to say that all the other girls I dated were wrong and now I know why. I know you are the right one.

Learning with you every day brings me joy and a sense of fulfillment.

Because of the enormous love that I have for you, I want to tell you that you are my soulmate, my only one, my wife.

I hope we will have a healthy and successful marriage.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

I want you to know that having the perfect home or car or a large savings account doesn’t matter so much to me.

They do not constitute a healthy and successful marriage. There are far more important principles that you and I should focus on.

My wife, I hope that our love will be filled with love and commitment.

We have already decided to spend our lifetime together, so for our marriage to be happy and successful, we need to love each other.

Love is just a commitment that you make to another person.

Those explanations and portrayals of love that we see on television are not true, they are fictionalized.

I know I will make you angry, I will make bad decisions, I’m only human after all.

However, what I can promise you is that I will be committed to you forever.

For us to succeed, we need to have love and commitment, as they are at a relationship’s core.

Even if we have ups and downs, both good and bad times, we made our decision to stay committed to each other, and that is what truly matters.

A marriage cannot go well all the time. Our love won’t be easy. There is no love and no marriage which hasn’t experienced bad moments.

Commitment is easy when things are good, but true love is displayed when life throws rocks at you. That’s when you should remain committed.

Being faithful to my wife is more than being physically committed to one person.

It also means to be committed by devoting your eyes, mind, and soul to that one person.

I believe that if we love each other, we will stay faithful. We will devote our mind and body just to each other and we will not sacrifice what we have.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

We know that our love is eternal and we know that we are enough for each other.

No other person will ever come between you and me. We will cherish what we have and we will devote our time to fulfilling each other’s needs.

I know that being faithful requires a lot of self-discipline and awareness of the consequences.

However, my wife, I believe that you have that because that’s one of the reasons I chose you.

I refuse to accept that anybody could come between us and I refuse to accept that you would compromise your faithfulness.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

Our marriage will have weaknesses, as this is inevitable. The faults are always shown quicker in marriages than relationships.

A healthy marriage requires that you and I accept our flaws, accept that we are not perfect, and ask for forgiveness if we need to.

That’s one of the essential building blocks of a successful and healthy marriage.

You and I should never hold an attitude of superiority because it will only bring resentment and will stop us from moving forward.

We need to show humility. Our marriage will take time.

Everything in life that is good needs time to grow and it needs space. It requires being invested in someone.

Our marriage will be the most intimate and deep relationship that you can have. And to achieve that, it takes more time than in any other relationship.

Also, my wife, for our marriage to succeed, we need to have honesty and trust.

However, as you know, trust takes time. And I will be patient, believe me.

Certain things don’t take time, like being committed and being selfless.

However, trust always takes time. It isn’t something that can be built in a matter of weeks. It takes months or years for someone to truly trust you.

A healthy and successful marriage requires us to have healthy and respectful communication.

We shouldn’t stop talking about our hopes, dreams, or fears, even when we have kids.

We should always be open to talking about what is in our heart and soul, and not just when talking about our kids’ lives.

Communication is the foundation of many things, like commitment, patience, and trust.

I truly believe that we will succeed in all of these things because we have each other.

To my wife, I expect you to…

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

Express your affection. I might not admit it, but I want you to always express your affection for me.

Sometimes it is hard to express what you want; I know, believe me. However, it is sometimes harder to show that you need to feel that affection.

We men are difficult to read at times. Sometimes, we don’t know what we want and you should be aware of that.

There are times when we crave affection. However, our ego gets in the way and stops us from showing what we truly need.

So, my advice would be to show me that you care about me. I’m not going to deny you love or affection.

I’m not that type of man who rejects the precious things you get from your loved one.

If you show me that you love me, I will definitely cherish that.

I might even compete with you for that – who can better show affection to whom. It will be like a marriage contest between us two.

I’m not going to reject love, especially not from you, my wife, the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life.

I don’t want you to insult me just because you want to motivate me to change. Sometimes you do that.

At times, women think that being harsh to a man will make him be better and change but that’s not the right approach.

It will only lead to rejection and anger and then we will have problems in our marriage.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

I want to be a guy who does the best that he can, a guy who does everything that is in his power for our marriage.

I’m lucky that I have found a person who will do the same for me.

There will certainly be tough times, but I’m ready to put all my effort into our love and marriage.

Don’t misunderstand me, but I expect you to show me appreciation and gratitude for this.

I want my efforts to be acknowledged as I’m going to do the same with you.

I believe that you are going to be appreciative of everything that I’m doing for our marriage to work out.

If I fix things around the house or if I take care of the bills, I would like to be appreciated for that.

Other stuff that I sometimes don’t do will come in time, believe me. Maybe I’ll open up about starting to change things that have been missing.

If you respect me, there is nothing that we cannot conquer.

I want assurance that I’m awesome, heroic, and competent. It will only bring us closer together and make our marriage even stronger than it actually is.

Another thing to keep in mind is that I need you to let me be a man. I don’t want to be smothered by you.

If you give me space and the opportunity to be a man, be certain that I will seize it.

I will drop the remote, come out of my cave and hand you my heart; I will commit to you emotionally and I won’t be afraid of losing my masculinity.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

Fights will happen and you know that. But the thing is, you need to give me some space.

I don’t want to pressure you for instant conflict resolutions as that will only push me away from you, and that is something I don’t want to happen.

I need time to isolate myself and process my thoughts. Marriage is new to me, and I would like you to allow me to sometimes complain and express myself.

I will eventually come around, but sometimes I need to be heard.

I would like to be accepted by you. Accepted in the sense that this is me and I hope you like me and won’t change me.

I’m an imperfect human being whose only goal is to make you happy and make you smile.

I know that I have flaws. I know that I need to work on them.

But I hope you will still love me for who I am and not try to change me in a way that you deem fit.

I love you for who you are and I would not change a thing about you, unless you thought that those things should be changed.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

My wife, I would like you to have patience and understanding with me. There are no rules to follow in marriage and it will have its rough patches.

During those times, I hope that you will stay patient and show understanding because I know you are capable of both.

I hope you will understand that I’m only a human being who is still learning how to behave in marriage.

I will try my best, don’t worry, you just need to have patience with me.

To achieve a happy state in our marriage, we should grow together, which will certainly take time.

It will empower me and give me strength in times when I need it the most.

Along the way, we will encounter shame, anger, depression, and fear.

However, we can conquer anything if we stick together. In togetherness lies our strength.

I want you to never lose the attractiveness that you possess. And I’m not talking about being physically attractive.

I mean the type of attraction that goes beyond the physical, something that is impossible to achieve if a person isn’t ‘the one’. And I know you are.

I want to connect to you in a way where sparks fly and I want you to carry yourself like you did before I married you.

I want you to love yourself, to have a passion for life.

At the end of the day, I want your companionship. I expect that at the end of the day, our love will transcend everything. I want a companion for life.

If we play our cards right, I believe that our love will be eternal.

I want to succeed with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I have found my wife, which is pretty rare.

After you arrived, everything fell into place. I know I made the right decision to marry you. You are a mature, emotionally-healthy woman and I love you.

To my wife, I promise you…

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

To be protective.

Despite having our differences and having fights once in a while, I promise that I will be there for you no matter what the circumstances are.

I was taught from a young age that women are delicate beings.

You should never abuse them in any way possible, but rather be protective. I promise you I will protect you in any situation.

I won’t be the type of guy who won’t stand up for his wife. There are guys who just ignore when someone insults their partner. I won’t be that guy, I promise you that.

I deeply and truly love you and I want to show you that. Actions speak louder than words and I believe that is true.

When someone insults you, that is a sign of disrespect. To support your wife means that you won’t let anyone insult her.

I will show you that I love you by doing just that, protecting you from those who don’t respect you, and I will never tolerate someone’s insult or if someone says any mean jokes about you.

I want everybody to know that I have your back and that I’m on your side because you are my wife.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

Another thing that I can promise you is that I will take care of myself physically.

I know that you hate those men who change how they look after they get married, but I won’t be that guy.

I will put effort into my appearance just like you will too. You being comfortable around me is my priority.

Most men tend to neglect their appearance after they become too comfortable with their wife.

One of the reasons why romance disappears in a marriage is because of this – appearance.

The attractiveness seems to disappear and the only thing that is left of the marriage is an empty shell.

I want to make an effort to look good for you.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

I know you will appreciate it because you know how bad I am at choosing clothes, but despite that, you know I put in the effort and that will show you how much I love you.

Being married to you isn’t just about us being husband and wife. It means more than that.

We are best friends. Our bond transcends that of an ordinary marriage. You are my partner in crime, my partner in life.

When every single happy thing happens to me, the first person I want to call is you.

You are the one who is the most important person to me.

If something good happens to me, I immediately pick up my phone and call you because you are my dearest and closest friend.

As you are there for me, so I will be there for you.

If you have any issues or problems that need solving, I hope that you will come to me first and I will try my best to solve them with you.

Through thick and thin, you are the one.

I know that you think men are not sensitive beings, but I promise you that I will try my best to show you that I love you.

It will be worth it because you are worth it.

I will move mountains and swim across oceans for you.

DONE! To My Future Wife Here's A Letter To Our Perfect Marriage

I know you love romance, so I will try my best to be a romantic soul.

Those moments when you least expect it, I will shower you with kisses and hug you all day just to show you how much I love you.

On a rainy day, I will make lunch, put on a movie and we will cuddle all day while listening to the sound of the rain outside.

I know that you will appreciate those little acts and I know they will brighten your day.

Just like me, I know you have flaws and faults. As a good husband, I will promise you that I will accept the good and the bad.

I will focus on all the good things about you and ignore the bad ones.

My promise to you is that I will support you with every decision you make.

I won’t laugh at your dreams or hopes because I know that would break your spirit.

I want you to know that even if everyone laughed at you and thought an idea of yours was silly, I will stand by you and support you until the end.

You can achieve anything in this world alone, but I will make it easier for you. You can always count on me.

Someday, when we have kids, I promise you I will be the best father I could possibly be.

I will be there for our children and I will play with them every day. We are in this together and I want you to be proud of me.

My dear wife, I promise you that I will treat you the way I want to be treated, with love and respect.

You are the best thing that happened in my life and you will be protected and your love will be cherished.

I know that we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we are a team. Some might say we are a super team.

I know we will make it work and live happily ever after.

A Letter To My Future Wife About Our Perfect Marriage

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Promise Letter to My Future Wife (5 Examples & Templates)

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • November 18, 2023

The art of handwriting letters is not as widespread as it used to be; nowadays, we focus more on digital posts and messages. While there is nothing wrong with the latter, there is something so special and profound about writing a letter—especially a promise letter —to someone you love.

A promise letter to your future wife details your vows for the life you envision having with them. This letter shows your commitment, love, and hope for what the future has in store for your relationship.

Below are four examples of promise letters for your wife-to-be, followed by a template you can use to help you write your own.

Promise Letter to My Future Wife: Heartfelt Examples

couple holding hands and smiling for a photo

1. To My Dearest Sarah,

We just celebrated three years of dating . We had a lovely dinner, walked around the lake, and then spent the night making love. You’re fast asleep next to me, on the bed we purchased together, and I am filled with so much love I think my heart is about to burst.

This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about proposing, but it is the first time I’ve thought about it while searching around for rings. I’m 200% sure—I’ve never been surer of anything else in my life—that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I can’t stop imagining you walking down the aisle. I can’t stop imagining us opening a joint savings account and saving for a house in a quiet neighborhood. I can’t stop imagining us looking in the mirror 5, 10, 25 years into the future, our hair gray and our skin wrinkled, and feeling so content and happy with the life we’ve built together.

I’ll come up with different vows on our wedding day. But for now, I promise you these:

I promise to always be the designated planner for your perennial spontaneity.

I promise to build you the home library of your dreams.

I promise to look away when you buy yet another shirt, knickknack, or merch of your favorite artist online.

I promise to always lessen how much spice I add to the food I cook, so I don’t set your delicate taste buds on fire.

I promise to be your number-one fan in everything that you do.

I can’t wait for the day I can stand in front of our friends, family, and God to show them how much I love you. For now, sleep well, sweetheart. I love you more than you will ever know.

2. To My Future Wife,

I know you’ve been thinking about getting married for a while. You think you’re good at hiding it, but I see you. You have Pinterest boards dedicated to wedding dresses and centerpieces. You cry happy tears whenever someone on TV gets proposed to.

Please wait a little longer , my love. I want everything to be perfect, and that means saving up some money so we have a lot more to work with.

But I see it all so clearly now. We’ll find a rustic and romantic venue along the West Coast, get married by the ocean, and leave the ceremony with sand in our shoes, smiles on our faces, and so much love in our hearts.

When we reach that point, I want you to know this:

I promise to always give you the time and space to express what you’re feeling. You can talk to me about anything and everything, even the difficult topics.

I promise to respect your individuality. We’re a couple—hopefully, a married one soon—but we shouldn’t forget about our lives outside our relationship.

I promise to be there whenever and wherever you need me. You’ll always have my shoulder to lean on, my hand to hold, and my arm to punch (or pinch) if you need it.

Most of all, I promise to love you unwaveringly, unconditionally, and unendingly. You have all my love.

Sincerely yours,

lesbian couple sitting in bed with their pets

3. Dear Cathy,

I’m sure you don’t remember this because you were quite drunk at the time, but you’ve actually already proposed to me. We were at a friend’s party, celebrating the fact that we’d just finished our third year of college. I was playing rummy with Josh, Mike, and a few other people from our Psychology class. You were leaning on my shoulder, this close to falling asleep, and I heard you whisper to me: “Let’s get married once we graduate. I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

I could’ve cried then, but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You didn’t mention it the next day, so I thought you’d forgotten about it… but it has never left my mind.

Now that we’ve actually graduated—got a master’s degree at that!—we should make good on your word, yeah? I’ve asked for permission from your parents already, and I’ve enlisted the help of your best friend to pick a ring . All that’s left is to get the ring and propose.

As I stare at this upcoming chapter of our lives in the face, I want to promise you these things:

I promise to prioritize your happiness and well-being. I want this relationship (this marriage!) to be a safe space for both of us—be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

I promise to be compassionate and understanding to you, and I promise to show myself the same. As you always tell me, we do the best we can with the information that we have; being kind is the least we can do.

I promise to be your ride and die. Through thick and thin, through all the ups and downs of life, you have me. I will be there for you without exceptions.

Last but not least, I promise to love you unconditionally, and I promise to nurture this love so it grows and grows until our hearts alone cannot contain it.

Forever yours,

4. To My Milena,

You just left a few minutes ago to go with your mom to her annual physical exam. You kissed me goodbye, and even though we’re a few years into our relationship already, this small act still gives me butterflies.

Now, I’m eating the omelet you cooked before leaving, and something compelled me to sit down and write a letter—which I have never done before. Even then, the words and thoughts are coming naturally to me.

I love you. I really, really, really want to marry you soon. Let’s get married.

I’m sorry to my boss because I’ve been using some of my time at work imagining our wedding. I’m thinking of somewhere in Lake Como with only our closest friends and family so we can give them an experience as memorable as it will be for us. What do you think?

But no matter where we say our vows or whenever our wedding happens, one thing doesn’t change: You are my person. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I promise to be faithful and loyal to you. You have all of my love, and there’s no one else I’d rather be with.

I promise to continue working on my communication skills. I know that there will be disagreements and fights in our married life, so I need to be more open, honest, and transparent.

I promise to apologize when I’m wrong, to listen to how I can make amends, and to actually show that I’ve heard you.

I promise to keep our love alive and aflame. I’m aware that simply loving you isn’t always enough; I need to show you, too. I will plan little dates, leave little notes, and do all these little gestures so I can let you know just how loved you are.

While I cannot promise you the world, I promise that I will never get tired of trying to give it to you.

You are my soulmate, my best friend, and the love of my life. I cannot wait for the day I can start calling you my wife .

With all the love in the world,

Helpful Template for a Promise Letter to a Future Wife

5. Dear ( your partner’s name ),

( Describe the circumstances in which you’re writing the promise letter to your future wife. Is it just a regular day? Did you just celebrate an anniversary? Where is your partner right now? )

( Talk about how you realized that you wanted to marry your partner. What happened that brought about this realization? Or is it a natural progression? )

( List all your promises. You can enumerate, write in bullet form, or separate each promise by paragraph. Doing so will make it easier to read and also make it apparent that you have many promises you want to make. )

( Write an ending statement. This can be as simple as “I love you.” )

With all my love,

( Your name )

my future wife essay

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

Letter To My Future Wife

By Maxwell W. Styles


How are you? I hope this letter finds you well and in a space to receive it. I can only imagine what you may be thinking at this point. Your thoughts may range from “Why is he writing a letter to me when he probably hasn’t met me yet” to “Why doesn’t he just wait to tell me this face to face”? All valid thoughts that I hope this letter will explain at some point.

Where do I begin? Well, I want you to know that I have been doing a lot of thinking about you, me and us. I know it might seem strange to think about something that I don’t have yet but actually it is not. Before I made my first jump shot, I thought about it. Before I scored my first touchdown, I thought about it. Before I got behind the wheel of a car for the first time, I thought about what it would feel like to drive. So you see it is not that difficult to think about you, my future wife.

I want to you know in advance that I am not perfect. I am prone to do some things that may leave you scratching your head. I did the same thing to my mom as a boy. Maybe it comes from my incessant need to prove to myself that I am the man. I don’t know. But I want you to know that I will always do the best I can for you, me and us. But it doesn’t mean that I won’t make my mistakes along the way. When I say I will do my best, it simply means that I will try my hardest to make sure that you and our family don’t have to pay for my mistakes.

I have a past. So do you. I don’t want either of our pasts to potentially damage our great future, my future wife. My growth as your future husband is incumbent on several things. Don’t keep me out emotionally when you are confronted with things you think I won’t understand. Allow our future relationship to be your place of rest and refuge. Talk with me not at me. Have faith in me even when you are struggling to find it. Always tell me the truth even when you think it might hurt my feelings. Believe that us as one can conquer anything this world throws our way. Trust me even if you have struggled to trust men of your past.

My future wife, I don’t want you to be perfect. I know that is not possible. I do not intend to marry you because you are perfect. I understand that you will be flawed because you are a human being before you are my future wife. I am going to marry you because I am going to be in love with you and I don’t want to live my life without you. I am marrying you because I have faith that you are the woman who was created for me. I am marrying you because you are everything I want and need in a future wife. I am marrying you because you are perfect for me. You will give me a sense of purpose that I never thought was possible before I met you. I started contemplating that purpose when I first thought of you – but once I find you, I will be on the path of something greater.  I will be grateful to walk that path with you.

My future wife, our children will benefit from our relationship. Material items are nice and I am sure we will have them for our family. But the real benefits they will receive won’t be material. Our children will know how to love because they see it from us every day. I will kiss you in front of our kids (even when they go “ewww”). I will dance with you in front of our kids so they know it is okay for mommy and daddy to have fun too. We will laugh a lot. They will also learn how to resolve conflict from us. They will learn that respect starts at home. We, as their future parents, will respect them as the future individuals they were made to be. We will teach them character and morals, not in what we say but how we act and what we do. They will learn what a great relationship is like not from TV or music or the internet, but from us. They will know that they are important to us. But they will also know that no one is more important on this earth to me than you, my future wife.

I hope you are emotionally preparing yourself for what is to come. I don’t want you hold bitterness or anger from the last guy you wanted to be with in a relationship. I am not him and I don’t want to feel like I will pay for his transgressions. Those happenings had to happen to bring you to me and me to you. My future wife, sometimes I may do something that will remind you of him. Let me be clear –  I am not him. I am me. Please remember that. If you haven’t already, forgive the things he did to you for you. If you struggle with that, I will do my best to support you through it. But ultimately, it falls on you.

My future wife, as I close this out, I want you to know that I can’t promise you that our relationship won’t have its bumps. It would be disingenuous for me to suggest otherwise. What I can promise is that our future will be filled with more smiles than frowns, more happy cries than sad ones, more joy than pain and more accomplishments than failure as long as we have each other and allow nothing to get in the way of it. Always know that I have love in my heart for you long before you become my future wife. I hope and pray our future always is truly forever.

I love you (even though you might not know it yet),

Your Future Husband

P.S. A response to my letter is permissible. 🙂

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Maxwell W. Styles

People who strive to change the world don't take the high road; they build it - @MaxwellWStyles

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10 Love Letters To My Future Wife

Love Letter To My Future Wife

Hello, dreamers of tomorrow and architects of heartfelt promises! So, you’re thinking about writing a love letter to your future wife! That’s seriously sweet, and, oh man, are you in the right place? I’ve been writing and talking about love letters for years now, helping people like you put their hearts on paper. Whether you’ve found her already or are getting ready for when you do, writing a letter to your future wife can be super fun and really meaningful.

I promise, it’s not as tough as it might sound—you need your heart and a pen (okay, and maybe some paper too!). Ready to dive in? Let’s make it as fun as a splash in the pool on a hot day!

Here’s a guide to help you craft touching letters to the one you’ll call your wife/fiance, along with an example to inspire you.

Begin With a Vision of the Future: Open your letter by sharing your vision of the future you dream of together.

Express Your Current Feelings: Express your feelings in anticipation of your life together. Talk about the love, respect, and admiration you already have for the person she will be.

Share Your Values and Hopes: Discuss the values important to you in a relationship and your hopes for your shared life. For example, how you wish to support each other, the adventures you hope to have, and the everyday moments you wish to cherish.

Promise Your Support and Devotion: Make promises about the kind of partner you aspire to be. Talk about how you plan to support her dreams, stand by her through challenges, and always work towards a loving, respectful partnership.

Imagine the Details: Putdetails about the little things you look forward to, like morning routines, inside jokes, or traditions you hope to start.

Reflect on Personal Growth: Mention how you’re preparing for this future partnership, such as through personal growth, building a stable foundation, or learning how to be a better partner.

Close With Affection and Anticipation: End your letter with words of affection and anticipation. Reaffirm your excitement for the day you’ll meet her and start your journey together.

Sign Off With Love: Choose a sign-off that reflects the depth of your feelings, even if you haven’t met her yet.

Writing letters to your future wife allows you to express your love and affection in a heartfelt and intimate manner. They allow you to convey the depth of your emotions and the special place she holds in your heart. Here are 10 love letters for your fiance or future wife to propose to her or feel special with you. Let’s write!

Letter 1: Heart-touching love letter to future wife

My Dearest [Her Name],

I write this letter not knowing where you are or what you’re doing, but filled with hope that our paths will cross in the beautiful tapestry of life. I long for the day when I can call you my wife, when I can shower you with all the love that my heart holds for you.

I wish that you are currently living a life filled with joy, strength, and growth, unaware of how you will be the sun that will fill my life with light. I pray for your happiness, health, and dreams, and the ability to meet you as the man you deserve.

In you, my future wife, I see my partner, my confidante, my lover, and my best friend. I promise to cherish our moments together, to celebrate the highs and comfort you through the lows, to make each moment memorable, filling our lives with laughter, love, and affection.

I look forward to building beautiful memories with you. The day when we will watch the sunrise together from our balcony, the nights when we will share our deepest thoughts under the blanket of stars, and every tiny moment that will define us – they are the pages I yearn to add to our book of life.

Your importance in my life, even before we’ve met, is immense. It’s you who give me hope, it’s you who fill my dreams, it’s you who make me strive to be a better man. You inspire me to build a world where we can foster love, understanding, and mutual respect.

In my quiet moments of solitude, I often find myself caught in a wave of emotion for you. I dream of our shared laughter, whispered dreams, and silent understanding. I long to celebrate your victories, to support you in your endeavors, to share in your dreams and aspirations, to provide you with the love, respect, and care you deserve.

My plan is to build a life that echoes our shared dreams. I yearn to create a home filled with love, respect, and understanding, where we can grow old together, cherishing each moment, living our dreams and celebrating our love.

Today, I write to you with an open heart, filled with love for you, my future wife. I promise to respect you, to cherish you, to love you, and to be there for you, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, until death do us part.

Here’s to the future, to us, to love.

Yours, always and forever, [Your Name]

Heart touching love letter to future wife

Letter 2: Trust letter to your future wife

My beloved [Her Name],

Each day, I find myself fantasizing about our shared moments. The tender mornings, where I will witness the sun’s first rays play upon your peaceful face, or the serene nights, where we will share whispers of love under the moon’s soothing glow. I picture the impromptu dances in our kitchen, laughter echoing off the walls of our shared life, and our quiet conversations as we grow older, wiser, and more in love.

With a heart full of adoration, I wish you happiness, success, and peace. I pray that life continues to enrich you with experiences, wisdom, and love until the day our paths intersect. As for me, I strive every day to be the man who is deserving of your love, to be your support, your partner, your rock.

Your love, unbeknownst to you, already fuels my drive, inspiring me to reach greater heights, to create a world worthy of your dreams. And when we meet, I promise to nurture your dreams as if they were my own, to celebrate your victories, and to hold you in your moments of doubt.

You have already staked an indelible claim on my heart. The thought of you soothes my worries and kindles a fire of hope within me. It’s an emotion that is hard to encapsulate in words, but it’s a feeling of home, even before I’ve met you.

My plans for our life together encompass not just grand dreams but the beauty of shared daily experiences. Together, we will explore the world, taste new cuisines, and delve into books. We will also relish in the tranquillity of our shared silences, the shared glances that speak a thousand words, and the comforting routine of a life lived in love.

This letter is but a glimpse into my heart, filled with profound emotions for you. Even before our eyes meet, my soul recognizes you. And I make a solemn vow to be the man who values your love, cherishes your presence, and loves you with all the intensity and passion that you deserve.

Until our stars align, my beloved,

[Your Name]

Trust love letter to your future wife

Letter 3: I want to marry you letter to her

Dearest [Her Name],

I sit here tonight, under the vast, star-lit expanse, a pen in hand, thoughts of you filling my heart. To my future wife, to the lady of my dreams, I pen down this letter with all the love my heart can muster.

I often find myself imagining us together, beneath the very same sky, sharing the splendid view. I envisage our stolen kisses under the cherry blossom trees, our shared laughter as we splash water on each other at the beach, the bliss of our shared meals, each flavor a testament to our love.

Darling, my wish for you is a life filled with immense joy, profound peace, and boundless love until our worlds converge. I pray that the sun illuminates your path, and the moon guides your dreams. Your happiness is the beacon that guides my prayers, for a joyous woman makes a joyous wife.

In the mirror of my future, I see you, your love reflecting in my life, casting a radiant glow upon my existence. Even before our destinies have intertwined, you’ve claimed a significant place in my life, inspiring me to be a man worthy of your love.

I eagerly anticipate the cozy winters, the fireside chats, the shared cups of hot cocoa, the comfort of your presence in the chilly nights. Summer holds promises of walks on the beach, of shared sunsets, and warm laughter.

My dear, I already feel a deep emotional connection to you. An invisible thread seems to link our hearts, filling me with a longing for a woman I’ve yet to meet. The feeling is akin to homesickness, a longing for a home I’ve yet to set foot in, yet one that feels so familiar.

Our plans will be the blueprint of our dreams. A beautiful home, echoing with our shared laughter, adorned with our memories, and radiant with our love. We will venture on scenic trails, unravel the secrets of books together, and build a sanctuary of love and respect.

Our meeting will be the sweet collision of two souls destined for each other, and until then, I remain,

Forever Yours,

Letter 4: Promise letter to your future wife

My darling [Her Name],

My heart overflows with an emotion so profound, for the woman who is yet to walk into my life, and yet already occupies my dreams. To you, my future wife, I pour these feelings into words, hoping they traverse time and space to touch your heart.

With each sunrise, I find myself growing more eager for the promise of our shared tomorrows. I imagine our mornings, our faces softened by the warmth of the sun, and our hearts filled with gratitude for another day of shared love. I dream of our evenings, the soft glow of the setting sun casting long shadows as we walk hand in hand, finding solace in each other.

Your presence, though intangible now, already holds immense importance in my life. You are the guiding star in my personal odyssey, inspiring me to become a man of substance, integrity, and love. You, my love, are the lighthouse guiding me home.

You stir an ocean of emotions within me. It’s a longing, an anticipation, a joyful expectation of the moment when I can look into your eyes and see my world reflected there. The emotions are raw and real, filled with the intensity of a love that is yet to come to fruition.

I envision a world that is the epitome of our shared dreams and aspirations. A cozy home filled with love, a lifetime of shared travels exploring the world, a quiet existence punctuated by our shared passions, laughter, and love.

Until the moment our paths cross,

Letter 5: A letter to future wife during hard times

Future Love of my Life, [Her Name],

From the solitary confines of my thoughts, I reach out to you with words dipped in anticipation and feelings, etching a love letter to my future wife, my companion, my everything.

Each day that dawns, I find myself lost in thoughts of our shared existence. I envisage us soaking in the serenity of quiet mornings, wrapped in shared warmth, our hearts pulsating with contentment. The soft whispers of the evening breeze carry visions of our shared laughter, as we watch the setting sun, bidding it farewell together.

My dear, my heart carries a fervent wish. May your life brim with joy, your heart light with love, your path clear of obstacles until our destinies intertwine. Each prayer I send into the cosmos carries your name, carrying hopes for your prosperity and peace.

Even in your absence, you occupy a significant place in my life. Your specter guides me, inspiring me to strive for excellence, to be a man you can lean on, to be a partner worthy of your love.

In the recesses of my heart, a storm of emotions brews, all for you. A sense of longing, a pang of desire, a wave of love, all merging into an anticipation for a life that’s yet to unfold. It’s an intricate dance of emotions, all choreographed by the thought of you.

My plan for our future is one of simplicity, filled with extraordinary moments. An abode that radiates love, days filled with shared passions, nights echoing with shared dreams, a lifetime of exploration and wonder, hand in hand, heart to heart.

Yours, in thought and anticipation,

Letter 6: Distance love letter to future wife

My yet unknown love, [Her Name],

In the tranquility of early mornings, I find myself dreaming of a future filled with shared moments with you. Moments of quiet understanding over cups of coffee, moments of shared laughter as the sun sprinkles its golden hues over our world. I envision shared dreams, whispered beneath the covers, heart to heart.

In my heart, a whirlpool of emotions await you. Each beat whispers your name, each thought clouded with anticipation for the moment when I can finally look into your eyes, and see my home. It’s a feeling of love and yearning for a life yet to unfold.

I don’t know your name yet, or the sound of your laugh, or the color of your eyes when they light up with joy, but I think about these things. Sometimes, I wonder what you’re doing right at this very moment. Are you looking at the same moon? Are you thinking about your future, like I am?

I’m writing these words because I want you to know, someday when we meet, that I was thinking about you long before I knew you. I hope you love silly jokes, cozy movie nights, and long walks on chilly evenings, because that’s what I’m looking forward to sharing with you. I can’t wait to find out all the things you love, too.

Until then, take care and keep smiling, because your smile will be my favorite thing someday.

Yours, in heart and soul,

Letter 7: Emotional letter to fiance

My Future Beloved, [Her Name],

In the solitude of the night, with a heart filled with emotions, I craft this letter to my future wife. Even though our lives have yet to intersect, you already hold an enduring place in my thoughts and dreams.

In the soft light of dawn, I imagine us basking in the glow of our shared life. The quiet mornings where we will wake to each other’s smiles, the vibrant evenings filled with shared stories and laughter. Under the moon’s watchful gaze, I envision shared dreams, whispered promises, and unwavering love.

Today, I did something cool—I added another book to my shelf and thought, “I bet my future wife will love this one.” It’s funny how I’m already making space for you in my life, even in small ways like this. I dream about building a life together, filled with books, laughter, adventures, and even quiet moments that mean more than words could say.

I promise to always make room for you, your dreams, and all the things you bring into our life. We’re going to make a great team, I just know it. I’m here, building the foundations for the amazing life we’ll share.

Stay happy and curious, just like I am right now, thinking of all the possibilities that await us.

Forever in anticipation,

Letter 8: Heart-touching letter to future wife

Dearest Future Partner,

I made a promise today, to myself and to you. I promised to keep growing, to be the best person I can be—someone you will be proud to stand beside. I know we’ll help each other be the best versions of ourselves. That’s what I believe love is all about: growing together, supporting each other, and making each other smile every single day.

So, wherever you are, know that I’m here, improving myself, learning new things, and waiting excitedly for the day we can start our journey together. It’s going to be a beautiful adventure.

Letter 9: Sweet love letter to your future wife

To my Future Soulmate,

I was just sitting here, sipping my favorite coffee, and my mind wandered to you. What’s your favorite coffee? Or are you a tea person? Maybe you don’t like either, and that’s okay too! I’m just really excited to get to know all these little details about you.

I wonder what makes you laugh the hardest, or what kind of movies steal your tears. I’m holding onto so many questions, saving them for the days when we can chat for hours. I hope you’re a fan of long conversations because I have a lot to share with you, and I can’t wait to listen to all your stories too.

Letter 10: Proposal letter to your future wife

My Beloved-in-waiting, [Her Name],

In the stillness of the evening, my heart beats a rhythm that calls out to you, my future wife. My affection for you, a woman I have yet to encounter, deepens with every word.

Even in your absence, your essence holds an unparalleled place in my life. The specter of you propels me towards self-improvement, inspiring me to become a man deserving of your love and trust.

There’s a certain beauty in not yet knowing you. It’s a canvas upon which I paint my hopes and dreams, eagerly awaiting the day you step into the frame, bringing color to my sketches with the vibrant hues of your soul. The beauty of our future together lies in its unfolding, a story written by destiny.

Sometimes, I think about us in the future—maybe doing mundane things like grocery shopping together or decorating our place. It makes me smile because I know even the simplest moments will be special if they’re with you. Today, I passed by a cute little plant and thought, “That would look great in our future home.”

I’m already planning adventures for us, imagining holidays, and even quiet Sundays with books and music. I hope you like dreaming big, because with you, I want to dream the biggest.

Take care, and keep dreaming up your wonderful life. I can’t wait to be part of it.

Yahoo! You made it! Now that we’ve talked about all the sweet and sappy stuff you can write to your future wife. Write from your heart, because that’s where all the good stuff comes from. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it has to be real.

Keep these letters somewhere safe, and maybe one day you can share them with her, and you both can laugh (or get all teary-eyed) about how much you were thinking about her even before you met. How magical would that be?

So, grab that pen, think about all the lovely things you want to share, and start writing. And hey, if you ever get stuck, come back here. I’m always around to help. Good luck, and have tons of fun writing your heart out!

Happy writing, and here’s to finding and cherishing your future Mrs. Right!

More Love Letters:

15 Sweet Love Letters To Wife

30 Sweet Love Letters

15 Wedding Love Letters

30 Long Love Letters For Her

20 Happy Anniversary Love Letters

15 Romantic Love Letters To My Future Husband

20 I Miss You Love Letters

15 Inspiring Love Letters From God

30 Love Letters For Family

15 Long Distance Love Letters

Relationship Tips: 20 Qualities Of A Good Husband You Must Know

Table of Contents

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my future wife essay

Everything I Want To Say To The Woman I Will Marry Some Day

To my future wife,

I can't say there are many things in life that I value over you. Although we haven't met, I think about you every day. I relish in thinking of all the amazing things we're going to do together in life. I know that all of the things it takes to make life seem fulfilled will be simplified once I'm with you.

Although I doubt you'll be able to cure my wanderlust, my insane curiosity and my constant need for mental stimulation, I'm sure you'll contribute greatly to making all of these more pleasurable and attainable. Nothing will be more amazing than the simple bliss of sharing my presence with you.

I will truly appreciate you and everything about you. The creative way you speak, your addictive laugh, your aesthetic smile, your style, the swagger in your walk, your perfectly carved out lips, your impeccable smile, your beautiful imperfections, your quick wit, your genuine personality, your broad perspective on life, your prolific intelligence, your candid opinions, your passion and more.

You are truly one of a kind, and I won't ever take you for granted. I really can't wait to start a life with you, and often wonder about how we're going to meet and all the logistics. I have a feeling it's going to happen when we're least expecting it, and will happen in a natural and congruent manner.

I can't say I'm not impatient to meet you, but I know that however long it takes for us to cross paths in life, it's going to be worth the wait. I know all of my prior relationships and sexual encounters are preparing me for the best: for you.

Knowing this, I will be patient and open minded to our first chance encounter. The paths we're both currently on is happening for a reason. All of the weird and crazy sh*t that's happening in life is all going to add up to that one moment -- that quick, brief, subtle moment --  when we somehow manage to cross paths. I can't wait to experience the moment when it's the first day of the rest of our lives together.

Timing is everything, and the world will only bring us together when we are ready. We will both be living amazing and fulfilling lives on our own, and will both be secure with ourselves when we're ready to be together. We will both be emotionally healthy and know what we want in life, and will be able to truly open up to each other.

I'm sorry, but until it's the right time, we're not going to fit into each other's lives. As much as we might want to meet each other already, life won't let it happen. Life knows what we both deserve, and we can't force our love until it's the right moment. But as we keep progressing in life, each moment is one closer till the day we fall in love. Knowing this makes life worth living. You motivate me, you inspire me, you bring out the best in me and I'm willing to do anything in the world to make you the happiest girl alive.

You are my dream girl, you are the girl I'm proud to call my life partner. You are worth fighting for, you are worth the late-night phone calls, you are worth losing sleep over, you are worth going to your parents' house for dinner, you are worth waiting for.

I don't know what you're going to look like, but I know the feeling I'm going to have when I see you; that feeling is going to be priceless. There are 3.5 billion girls in the world, but you're the one I want. I promise I won't settle for anyone else but you.

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24 Questions to Help You Plan for Your Future Marriage

  • By Jen Weaver
  • August 13, 2024

A woman covers her mouth and jumps for joy as a man proposes to her on a beach in a sunset. A future marriage begins with the proposal: “Will you marry me?” Here some conversation starters to help plan your future marriage.

A future marriage begins with the proposal of a serious four-word question: “Will you marry me?”

A positive response then launches thousands of questions to navigate together — from venues and colors to cake flavors and what items make the gift registry. But if couples put off planning for the marriage until after the honeymoon, they miss valuable time getting to know the one they’ve chosen to partner with for the rest of their lives.

Jared and I dated for four years, so by most standards we already knew each other pretty well. Yet as our wedding date drew closer, hypothetical questions gained real-life context. The deeper level of commitment we had made through our engagement helped cultivate a safe space not just for wedding planning but also for marriage planning and dreaming of how we wanted to build our life together.

Below are some conversation starters we found helpful as we began planning for our future marriage . As you approach these topics, I encourage you not to limit yourselves to the “what” questions. Leave space to explore the “why” and “what do you mean by…” behind each of your perspectives. This discovery process often unearths experiences and heart needs that may otherwise go unspoken. Searching your hearts and sharing answers to the deeper questions provide rich opportunities to better understand yourselves and each other.

Relationship Check-in

Beyond wedding deadlines and decisions, create regular habits of checking in on how both of you are handling the wedding preparations and how you feel about your future marriage.

  • What are you nervous about?
  • What are you most excited about?
  • What areas of life and teamwork are we excelling at as a couple? Where do you see room to grow?
  • How can we consider each other throughout our wedding planning and on our big day?

As believers, personal faith is the first priority in our lives. And as a spouse, the relationship you have with God directly affects your marriage and your family dynamics.

  • How would you describe the role God plays in your life right now?
  • What role do you want God to play in our life and relationship moving forward?
  • What aspects of faith are difficult for you?
  • What do you want our children to know about God? How will they learn that about Him by watching the way we live?

Ready to Wed

The engagement season is often full of optimism and dreams for your future marriage. It’s also a significant time to start (or continue) conversations about what you’d like your new combined future to look like in marriage, especially regarding hopes or assumptions for how things will change once you’re wed. Do you expect that he won’t play video games with his friends as often or that she is prepared to stop online shopping to save for the new house? Talk about it.

  • What do you see in the way I live right now that you think may need to change in our future?
  • What are your goals and how are you currently working toward them? (Use this question to talk about finances, education and career aspirations.)
  • What are your perspectives on saving and stewarding finances?
  • How do you envision our daily home life, including household responsibilities and parenting roles?

Life Pleasures

Dating life offers a variety of fun experiences. Most date nights don’t center around a trip to the grocery store or cleaning the bathrooms. As you begin planning for your future marriage together, it’s helpful to identify what life pleasures are priorities to each of you so you can plan accordingly.

  • What creature comforts are important to you?
  • Would you rather spend money on food, clothes, décor or activities?
  • What lifestyle choices are most important to you (travel, ideal home, car, generosity)?
  • How do you define career success? For example, is a fulfilling job more important than financial success? Would you rather have more free time and less money — or more money and less free time?

Marriage turns you and your spouse into an immediate family. Use this season to plan for how your new priority family unit will change your family relationships and how your family may grow in the future.

  • What role do you see our extended families playing in our daily lives in marriage?
  • What’s hard or concerning for you about the family dynamics you’re marrying into?
  • What family traits, cycles, or traditions would you like to continue in our family and marriage? Are there any you hope to begin instead?
  • What dreams do you have for growing our family (including children, pets, timelines and family roles)?

You’ve already talked about many dreams through the questions above. What other dreams remain? Any marriage or spouse-specific dreams?

Reflect on any promises you’ve made to yourself about what your future would or wouldn’t be like. I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t have kids until I reached a specific dollar amount in my bank account. Sharing that inner vow with my husband was helpful in addressing fears I had about our financial future and determining if I wanted to maintain that stipulation before our family could grow. 

  • What other dreams or goals haven’t you talked about yet?
  • Do you find it hard to dream about your future? Why do you think that is?
  • As you consider difficulties from your past, are there any dreams or promises you’ve made to yourself about avoiding these circumstances in the future?
  • Sometimes internal promises we make as children or young adults can limit our dreams later in life. Do you have any inner vows holding you back as we approach this new season of life together?

One of the most beautiful things about planning for your future marriage is that you’re not walking into it alone. Not only are you there with your beloved, you likely have other people in your lives who can provide encouragement and counsel along the way. Better still, God offers himself to be the third strand, weaving His presence into your marriage relationship ( Ecclesiastes 4:12 ). What questions have you discussed that you can now bring to Him in prayer? He’s ready as an active participant in this conversation and in all the ones to come.

© 2020, 2024 Jen Weaver. Used with permission.

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  • Topics: Preparing for Marriage

About the Author


Jen Weaver is the author of  A Wife’s Secret to Happiness  and is passionate about helping women know the love of Christ and engage in life with Him. She serves as a conference speaker, writer and an associate pastor at Gateway Church.

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my future wife essay

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Best 25 Love Letters for Wife That Will Melt Her Heart

Looking for sweet ways to surprise your wife? It's simple — write something for her or choose from these 25 best love letters for your wife that ooze romance.

Chhavi Puri

It is a blessing to have a loving, caring, supportive, and understanding wife who makes your life more beautiful. If your wife is the apple of your eye, and you love her to the moon and back, you should let her know that. In the age of technology, where people send everything on messaging apps, it is a heartwarming gesture to write love letters to your wife. If you are short of words and don't know how to go about it, don't fret because we are here to help you out. We have some of the most romantic love letter templates that you can try while creating a love letter for your wife to make her heart flutter . 

1. My Sweet Wife, 

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have no words to describe my love for you or tell you what your presence means to me. Everything you do makes me happy. Your warmth, compassion, and kindness soothe my soul. You are a beautiful angel that has lit up my life, and every day, I thank God to have sent you into my life. I love you a lot. 

Yours truly,

[Your name]

2. My Lovely Wife, 

If I were to tell you how much I am in love with you, days and nights would pass by. You are the reason I believe in the power of love. I never thought that I could love anyone this much until I met you. Now that you are with me by my side, I have become a better person. Thank you for being with me and loving me with all your heart. I promise to take all your woes away and be with you now and forever. 

Your darling hubby

3. Dear Wife,

You are the love of my life. Everything I have, and everything I am, is yours. You are the one true treasure of my life, and I pray to God to keep us happy together always. My love for you has no boundaries and is infinite, just like the sky. I wish to see you happy always and can move mountains for you. Thank you so much for making my life livelier, and happier. 

Yours forever,

4. My Dear Wife, 

I may not say this every day, but I love you so much that my day starts and ends thinking about you. When I am away from you, I keep looking forward to seeing you. I am proud of you my love, and honestly, I wouldn't have been here where I am now if it weren't for you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the compromises you have made for me. My dear wife, I promise to be with you and support you through the rest of our lives. 

 Your loving hubby

5. My Loving Wife,

I want to send you all the care and love with this letter. I thank my stars that I got you, and I promise to love you and go far and beyond to let you know you mean the world to me. Thank you for all your support and motivation , and for always choosing to see the best in me. I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms. 

Yours only, 

This is one of the best love letters for your wife when she is far away. 

6. My Sweetheart,

You are a gem of a person, and everything you do makes me jump with joy. You are my source of happiness, your presence in my life means the whole world to me. The strength you give me is incomparable, and I can achieve anything when I have you by my side. Your laugh takes all my worries away and brightens up my day. I love you beyond words, my sweetheart, and will continue to do so now and forever. I love you a lot. 

Your darling husband

7. My Darling Wife, 

Every day I wake up early just to see you sleep beautifully in your sleep. You give meaning to my life. Believe me when I say I believe in love only because of you. You are my soulmate, my everything. On your special day, I want to shower you with love and all my blessings. Sharing my life with you has been an awesome journey, and I am confident that with you in my life, I can face any hurdle, and emerge victorious. Happy birthday, my love . 

This is one of the best romantic love letters for your wife's birthday. 

8. My Lovely Life Partner,

Even though I am not perfect, you make me feel like I am a Prince. You give me immense support and strength, and that boosts my confidence a lot. I am truly blessed to have a kind, compassionate, and loyal woman like you as my wife. Your maturity, intelligence, and warmth fill my heart with love and pride. I dream of spending the rest of my life with you happily. 

Yours truly, 

9. My Darling Wife, 

I am not so good with words, many times, I am not able to convey my feelings for you. But, that's not because I lack feelings for you, but because I fall short of words every time I need to describe my emotions for you. I love you to the moon and back, now and always. Even though we have our differences, and fight, I want you to be with me always and keep shining my life with your love. 

Your beloved hubby. 

This is one of the most romantic love letters for wife. 

10. My Dear Love, 

Nobody in this entire universe has any idea of how much I love you. I love you more than the sun, diamonds, stars, and possessions. There is nothing in the world I want more than you. I love you with all my heart and soul. Come what may, I promise to be with you forever. 

Your loving husband

11. My Sweet Wife, 

Even though it's been just a few hours since you were gone, I miss you already. I know we don't get a lot of time to talk about our feelings these days, that's why I decided to bring a sweet smile to your face by pouring my heart out in this letter. My love, there has not been a single day when I haven't missed you. You bring happiness to my life, and the thought of spending time with you makes me feel at ease. I love you with everything I have and will be with you through thick and thin. You are my life, my world, my everything. Thank you so much for being with me. 

Love you always, 

This is undoubtedly one of the best love letters for wife. 

12. My Lovely Wife, 

Everything you do flutters my heart and keeps me in awe of your beauty. Every day, you inspire me to become the best version of myself and achieve new milestones. Your giggles are so sweet and heart-touching that I can listen to them all day. You chirp like a little bird, and that makes me leap with joy. If there's one thing I can ask from God, it will be your presence in my life. Having you around makes everything so much better that I cannot imagine my life without you at all. I love you a lot.

13. Dearest Wife,

I look into your eyes and see my entire world. You light up my world like nobody else. I am glad I found someone like you who is so cheerful, empathetic, kind, and full of joy. Even in the most difficult situations, you put me at ease by lending your ears and holding my hands. Thank you for being patient with me during disagreements, and loving me for who I am. I hope to keep having you by my side always, my love. 

14. Dear Loving Wife, 

The moment I saw you for the first time, I had butterflies in my heart. Yes, we argue, fight, and there are times when I bother you a lot, but I feel all that happens because we are in true love. Fights are inevitable in love, but what's important is that we make it up soon. I cherish your presence a lot, and I know that our love will always guide us toward the right path. I love you with all my heart. 

Only yours, 

15. My Special One, 

Every time I see you, I stand amazed that someone so beautiful could exist. Your love is all I need to fight my darkest days, and I hope to do the same for you. You are my favorite person in this world, and when you are away from me, I miss you a lot. Your name is etched in my heart, and I am not exaggerating when I say that I breathe your name. I am confident that our divine love can survive every storm. You make me happy and content in life. Thank you for blessing me with your presence in my life. I love you a lot. 

Your beloved hubby

16. Dear Wife, 

Many times, you ask me, Why do I love you? And more often than not, I am not able to answer this. That's not because I don't know how to express my feelings for you, but because no words can describe how much and why I love you. But today, I thought of penning my emotions down to let you know what you mean to me. There is no one reason why I love you, and I don't want to find one to make me be with you. True love requires no reasons whatsoever. Having said that, there are uncountable things I love about you — I love the fact that you are an awesome listener, empathetic, warm, kind, loyal, affectionate, and very supportive. I love you for who you are, and I wish to be by your side always. 

17. My Princess, 

It feels like yesterday when I first saw you, and you swept me off my feet. Time flies like anything, but my love for you will never fade away. The beautiful, captivating moments I have shared with you will always be in my heart. Life with you has been nothing but a blessing. If I were to change one thing about you, I would change nothing because I love you for the person you are. I adore you so much, my sweetheart. 

18. My Most Favorite Person, 

I have seen so much in life that I started thinking love is all fake. Thank God that you entered my life, and made me believe in love all over again. We have gone through so many hard times, yet, not even once, have you complained about anything. You can put a smile on your face even in painful times, and make your beloved face everything with strength. What could I have done without you? Nothing, of course! You are my better half, and I adore you a lot. May our love be as bright as the sun and keep shining always. 

All my love, 

This is one of the most beautiful love letters that you can write to your wife.

19. My Darling Angel,

This is a special day for both of us, this is the day when we said our vows and promised to be united in a pure bond of love throughout our lives. Today, I want to tell you that without you, I would have crumbled so badly. Whenever I am in a distressing situation, just thinking about you or seeing your photo comforts me. I go down memory lane so many times and remember the day when we first met. From our first meeting to our first kiss, all the memories that we shared will always remain alive in my heart. When I look into your eyes, I see so much affection and love for me, and that's what makes me cry a bit. Thank you, my darling wife for loving me unconditionally and for being the best life partner I could have asked for. May our bond strengthen over time, and we stay together till eternity. Happy anniversary my love. 

20. My Loving Sweetheart, 

You are the reason for my happiness, joy, and success. The strength I get from you can shake the world, and make me overcome anything. Your positivity, compassion, laughter, and kindness take all my worries away. I remember the times when you supported me unconditionally, and I'm thankful to you from the bottom of my heart for that. Forever is a very long time, but with you, it seems so short. You are the reason I look forward to life with joy and happiness. You are the guiding force in my life, be always with me, my love. 

21. My Loving Wife,

Do you remember the time I proposed to you? I was so shy and scared, as I didn't know how you would respond to my proposal. Deep down in my heart, I knew you would say yes as I saw love glittering in your eyes. But when you did say yes, I was on cloud nine. From that day onwards, I have always been happy, all thanks to you. Yes, there are good days, and bad days, in life, but even in difficult situations, you make me happy. I treasure all the moments with you and promise to be by your side always. 

Your ever-loving husband

22. My Dear Sweetheart,

I have been wanting to write a love letter for so long, but could not find a better time than now. We are miles apart from each other, but I can still picture your beautiful face that melts my heart. I am staring at the sky right now and thinking of the endless possibilities, I could meet you right away. All I want is to be next to you right now and shower you with kisses and hugs. I can feel your presence, my love, and I hope to see you soon. Love you a lot, darling. 

With love, 

23. Dear [Her name],

I am not a perfect guy, yet you choose to love me more and more each day. And I want to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman for me in this universe, not only because of your outward appearance, but also because of your kind heart. I am glad to have met you and have you as my wife. Sometimes, I think I must have done various good deeds in this life that God sent you in my life. I am thankful for your support and unconditional love. You are an angel sent from above, and I am deeply in love with you, darling. 

Your loving hubby

Send this to your special one and make her day as this for sure is one of the sweetest love letters for your wife. 

24. My Angel, 

The beautiful companionship we have fills my heart with joy and laughter. I want to be there for you, making you smile, just like you are there for me. Till the time we have each other's back, I need not worry about anything. I hope to bask in the warmth of your love now and forever and touch your soul with my love for you every day. I love you a lot, my precious angel. 

Yours forever, 

25. My Lovely Wife, 

You are as sweet as honey and your smile is as bright as the sun. Just like you can't measure the stars in the sky, you cannot measure my love for you. With you, I become the happiest person ever, and I am always ready to do anything to make you smile. Your chirpy nature, warm heart, and loving soul have made me crazy for you. I love you a lot, my sweetheart. 

 Yours forever, 

Penning down love letters for your wife is a sweet gesture that can make her day bright and full of happiness. These small gestures go a long way in creating a happy and healthy relationship. So, jot down these love letters for your wife and make her feel special and loved today. 

Also Read:  15 Most Important Things in A Relationship That Make It Blissful

ALSO READ:   95+ Best Good Night Messages for Wife to Make Her Feel Loved

121 Love Quotes for Wife to Romanticize Your Relationship

my future wife essay

Chhavi is a certified Skincare Coach and she's also certified in Makeup Artistry. Her fascination with skincare

Chhavi is a certified Skincare Coach and she's also certified in Makeup Artistry. Her fascination with skincare peaked when she got to know more about the vastness of the cosmetic industry. Chhavi made it her mission to educate her readers so that they can take care of their skin better. In her free time, she can be seen reading about different herbs and experimenting with cosmetic formulations. She has more than 3 years of experience in SEO content writing. She loves penning down her thoughts creatively and identifies as a Potterhead.

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How To Write A Memorable Letter To Your Future Husband + 11 Sample Letters

Hey you! Are you a hopeless romantic daydreaming about your future partner and the epic adventure you'll embark on together? 

If the answer is yes, then have you ever considered writing a letter to your future hubby? 

It's a sweet and intimate way to express your deepest hopes and desires for your life together. 

And if you believe in the law of attraction, writing a letter and envisioning the man of your dreams might just draw him to you more quickly.

We're here to spill the tea on how to pen a heartfelt letter to your future one and only, whether you're currently single or dating someone. 

By putting your thoughts and feelings on paper, you can cultivate hope, gratitude, and receptivity and create a precious keepsake to reminisce on when you're old and grey. 

How to Write a Letter to Your Future Husband 

Letter sample #1, sample letter #2, sample letter #3, sample letter #4, sample letter #5, sample letter #6, sample letter #7, sample letter #8, sample letter #9, sample letter #10, sample letter #11, benefits of writing a love letter to your future husband, final thoughts.

Ready to pen a letter to your future hubby but not sure where to start?

Here are some pro tips to help you create a heartfelt and authentic masterpiece:

  • Keep it real: Don't be afraid to get personal and share your wildest dreams and fears. This is a love letter , not a job application!
  • Get specific: Include details about what you want in a partner, from their sense of humor to their love of avocado toast.
  • Be yourself: Write in your own voice, using slang and emojis if that's your jam. Your future hubby should know the real you! 
  • Show gratitude: Express thanks for the love and support you'll share in the future and appreciate the journey that brought you together.
  • Get creative: Add some flair to your letter with cute doodles, photos, or even a spritz of your favorite perfume. Make it special and unique to you.

Now that you've got the basics down, it's time to get writing, girlfriend!

woman sitting at desk writing How to Write a Letter to Your Future Husband 

Your future hubby is gonna be so happy when he reads this letter that he might just propose on the spot. #worthit

Sample Dear Future Husband Letters

If you need a little jumpstart on your letter writing, we have you covered.

Check out these nine examples of letters you can emulate and put into your own words. 

Hey Handsome ,

I hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are in the world. As I write this, I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life, even though we haven't met yet.

I want you to know that I'm ready for the adventure of a lifetime with you. I'm ready to experience all the ups and downs that life will bring, knowing that we have each other's backs through it all.

I can't wait to hold your hand and look into your eyes, knowing that we're building a life together that is rooted in love and respect. I promise to always be your biggest cheerleader , your confidant, and your partner in crime.

So, wherever you are right now, know that I am sending you all my love and positive energy. I can't wait to meet you and start our life together.

Forever and always,

Your Future Wife

Hey Future Husband,

I'm not gonna lie – I'm a little skeptical about this whole letter thing. I mean, who knows what the future holds, right? But hey, why not give it a shot?

So, here goes. I hope you're someone who's not afraid to challenge me, who has strong opinions, and who isn't afraid to share them. I hope you're someone who can teach me new things, whether that's a new recipe or a new way of looking at the world.

But at the same time, I hope you're someone who's not too serious, who can laugh at yourself and not take life too seriously. Life is too short to be miserable, am I right?

Anyway, I'm excited to see where this whole thing goes. Maybe we'll meet tomorrow,

Love and fingers crossed,

Your Soon-to-Be Wife

Dear Future Husband,

As I write this letter, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the thought of you. I know you are out there somewhere, and we will find each other when the time is right.

I imagine the life we will share together, filled with laughter, love, and adventure. I see us traveling the world, trying new things, and making unforgettable memories together. Maybe we’ll have the adventure of raising kids together.

But beyond the excitement of the future, I want you to know that I cherish the present moment too. Even though we haven't met yet, I feel your presence in my heart, and it brings me such comfort and joy.

So, wherever you are right now, know that you are loved deeply and completely. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me.

With all my heart,

wedding couple facing each other How to Write a Letter to Your Future Husband 

To My Future Groom,

I know we haven't met yet, but I believe that fate will bring us together when the time is right.

When we finally do meet, I hope you're someone who can keep up with my sense of humor, who loves to dance like nobody's watching, and who knows how to appreciate the little things in life. 

I know you are someone who's not afraid to take risks and try new things, whether that's skydiving or trying a new type of cuisine. After all, you took a risk on me, and it’s all turned out beautifully!

But most importantly, I hope you're someone who believes in love, even when things get tough. I want us to be partners in every sense of the word, supporting each other through thick and thin, laughing and crying together, and always choosing each other.

I can't wait to see what adventures we'll have together. I'll be waiting for you with open arms.

Love always,

Your Future and Forever Wife

To My Dearest Future Husband,

As I write this letter, my heart is overflowing with love for you, even though we haven't met yet. I can only imagine the incredible person you are, and I feel so blessed to be on this journey toward finding you.

I dream about the day we'll meet, how our eyes will lock, and our souls will recognize each other. I imagine our first kiss – it will feel like coming home after a long journey.

I want you to know that I will love you unconditionally through all the ups and downs that life will bring us. I will support your dreams and encourage your growth, and I promise to always be by your side.

I can't wait to start our life together, my love. Until then, I'll be holding space for you in my heart.

Yours always,

My Beloved Future Husband,

Thinking of you, I feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. I know that even though we haven't met yet, we are meant to be together, and that thought brings me such joy.

I know that you are a kind and compassionate soul, someone who sees the beauty in the world and wants to make it a better place. I hope you have a heart that overflows with love and a smile that lights up the room.

When we finally do meet, I promise to be committed to you and to making our marriage happy and fun. I will love you deeply and fiercely and never take your presence in my life for granted.

I know that our journey won't always be easy, but I know that together we can conquer any obstacle that comes our way. I love you already, my darling, and I can't wait to spend forever with you.

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Dear Man of My Dreams,

I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the thought of you. I know you are out there somewhere, and we will find each other when the time is right.

I imagine the life we will share together, filled with laughter, love, and adventure. I see us traveling the world, trying new things, and making unforgettable memories together. I also envision us quietly at home, sitting side by side, reading or watching TV together. Or maybe even holding our firstborn child.

So, wherever you are right now, know you are loved deeply and completely. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me.

To My Beloved,

As I sit down to write this letter, I’m already picturing the love we share, even though we haven't met yet. I know our connection is real and will only grow stronger as we move toward each other.

You are a man of integrity – someone who values honesty, loyalty, and kindness above all else. We share those values, and they draw us closer. I hope you have a heart that is open to love and a curious and adventurous mind.

I promise to cherish you with all my heart and will support your dreams, comfort you in your struggles, and be your partner in every sense of the word.

I can't wait to start our life together, my love. Until then, know that you are always in my thoughts.

Your Loving Wife-to-Be

Hey Handsome,

I hope this letter finds you well and living a great life as you await our first meeting. As I write this, I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life, even though we haven't met yet.

I can't wait to hold your hand and look into your eyes, knowing that we're building a life together that is rooted in love and respect. I promise to always be your biggest cheerleader, your confidant, and your partner in crime.

So, wherever you are right now, know I am sending you all my love and positive energy. I can't wait to meet you and start our life together.

Hey Future Hubby!

I know we haven't met yet, but I'm already stoked to start this journey with you. Where are you? It’s time you headed this way, you handsome guy.

I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh until I pee, binge-watch Netflix with me, and be down for late-night pizza runs. Oh, and you gotta love dogs. Seriously, I have two furry babies that are my everything.

But beyond the fun stuff, I also want someone who can challenge me to be my best self and support me when I'm feeling down. Someone who understands that life isn't always perfect but believes we'll get through it together.

I promise to be there for you always, to hold your hand during the hard times and celebrate the good times with champagne and cake. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Your Future Wifey

rose flower on handwritten note How to Write a Letter to Your Future Husband 

Hey There Future Hubby,

First off, I want to say congratulations on snagging the best catch ever (aka me). I'm pretty sure you're going to be thanking your lucky stars every day for the rest of your life once we're together.

Now, before you start getting too excited, let me tell you what you're in for. I hope you like pizza and Netflix binges because that's pretty much my idea of a perfect night in. And if you're not into cheesy rom-coms then we're going to have some serious problems.

But all jokes aside, I'm really looking for someone who can make me laugh, who isn't afraid to be themselves around me, and who values communication in a relationship. Someone who can handle my quirky sense of humor and random dance parties.

I know that finding love isn't always easy, but I believe that when we finally meet, it's going to be epic. We're going to be the ultimate power couple, taking on the world one adventure at a time.

Until then, keep doing your thing, future hubby. I'll be here, dreaming about the day we finally meet.

Waiting eagerly,

Does this letter-writing thing seem a bit goofy or even needy? Will it actually help you find the right person to spend the rest of your life with? Maybe not, but it does have several benefits that make it a worthy endeavor. 

  • Clarity: Writing a letter to your future husband can help you gain clarity on what you want in a partner and a relationship. It allows you to reflect on your values, goals, and dreams and articulate them in a meaningful way. This can help you attract the right person into your life and create a stronger connection when you do meet.
  • Emotional expression: It allows you to express your deepest emotions and feelings in an honest and authentic way. It can be a therapeutic process that helps you process your emotions and feel more grounded in your goals and current relationships.
  • Future orientation: Writing a letter is a powerful way to visualize and manifest the kind of relationship you want to have. It helps you focus on the positive and stay optimistic about what's to come, even when it seems you’ll never meet “the one.”
  • Timeless: A letter is a timeless form of communication that you both can cherish for years to come. It's a way to capture your thoughts and feelings in a moment in time and share them with your future husband when the time is right.

When to Give Your Future Husband Letter to Your Guy

When it comes to giving your letter to your future husband, timing and delivery can be just as important as the words you write. There are many ways to share your heartfelt message with your partner, from big events to private gestures. 

  • On a special occasion: Consider giving your letter as a gift for a birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion. This can add an extra layer of meaning to the moment.
  • In person: If you're already in a relationship, consider reading your letter to your partner in person. This can be a sweet and intimate moment that strengthens your bond.
  • During a long-distance relationship: If you're in a long-distance relationship or have yet to meet your future husband, consider sending your letter via snail mail or email. This can be a romantic and thoughtful gesture that helps you feel closer when you’re miles apart.
  • On your wedding day: When you and your future husband get married, consider reading your letter as part of the ceremony, in your vows, or privately at the reception. It can add an emotional and memorable touch to the big day.
  • As a surprise: If you want to surprise your future husband, consider leaving your letter in a special place for him to find. This could be in his car, on his pillow, or in his lunchbox. It's a sweet and unexpected gesture that he's sure to appreciate.

The most important thing is to choose a method and timing that feels authentic to you and your relationship. Your future husband will appreciate your thoughtfulness and love no matter how or when you give him your letter.

Writing a letter to your future husband is a beautiful and meaningful way to express your hopes, dreams, and desires for your future relationship. Whether you write a letter with a modern, humorous tone or a more romantic one, the act of putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper can be a therapeutic and enlightening experience. 

By choosing the right timing and delivery method, you can make your letter a heartfelt and cherished gift for your future partner. So why not take some time to write a letter to your future husband today? Who knows, it might just be the beginning of a beautiful love story.

my future wife essay

Videogames, Guides, Cheats and Codes

My future wife walkthrough & guide.

5 September, 2023 Miguel Sancho Guides 0

My Future Wife Walkthrough

My Future Wife Walkthrough & Guide – Best choices for all the routes (romance, multi, share & Corr routes) to unlock all the available events

  • 1 My Future Wife Walkthrough – Romance route
  • 2 My Future Wife Walkthrough – Multi route
  • 3 My Future Wife Walkthrough – Share route
  • 4 Corr route
  • 5.2 Sharing
  • 6.1 Romance
  • 6.2 Swinging

My Future Wife Walkthrough – Romance route

  • No, she didn’t
  • It’s obscene
  • I should help her
  • I shouldn’t
  • Yes, I’m free
  • Go with them
  • No harm does, right?
  • I think that’s what a masseur does
  • No, I shouldn’t
  • Stay the Night
  • Suggest her
  • Go with her
  • Don’t let them drink at her place.
  • Have…with her
  • Stop her and use my money
  • I don’t think that’s a good idea
  • Pay her a visit
  • Why not? She’s my girlfriend
  • Of course not
  • Go with Her
  • Comfort Her
  • Tell her to get married and leave everything to me
  • Choose the ending: Hui Bing or Ha Young
  • Don’t Drink
  • Chat with Tara
  • Continue to chat with her
  • Tell her to withdraw from the contest
  • Tell her that I’ll ask a friend for her without telling her…
  • Go with Ha Young
  • Ask her what she and Yue Yue discussed about
  • Let’s do it
  • F**k it! I’m not a chicken
  • Suggest her!
  • Follow her.
  • have some fun
  • Take the risk
  • Don’t stop
  • I have to…
  • Sh has to be punished

My Future Wife Walkthrough – Multi route

  • It’s normal
  • Stay the night
  • Accept, it’s for her career
  • Have a Drink
  • This isn’t a problem, right
  • Come to their room
  • I should go, nothing to lose
  • I think everything will be fine
  • Whoever you want
  • whatever you like
  • Have a chat with him
  • Have with Ha-young without unlocking the bathroom’s door
  • She has to be punished

My Future Wife Walkthrough – Share route

  • Yes, she did > Yes, I am
  • What a stupid idea
  • Wait and see
  • Let them drink at her place.
  • Call her to wake up
  • Follow them
  • Tell her to accept the deal
  • I should be by her side
  • Go into the changing room
  • I think that’s okay
  • Watch her stream x2
  • It’s too late now
  • I think he won’t dare to do that
  • whatever you like x2
  • Keep Watching
  • Tell her to give a try
  • Tell her it’s not a big deal
  • Tell her it’s just a small step towards her dream
  • Let’s see what…
  • Ha young will slap him
  • What does he mean
  • Why doesn’t she do anything?
  • I’m curious
  • Watch her stream
  • Stand up and follow
  • Try to calm down
  • ha Young will push
  • Use my phone to record
  • Why not? She’s cheating
  • No I didn’t
  • Yes, she did
  • Wait to see what see wants
  • Set up hidden cameras
  • Stay at home
  • Don’t go with her
  • Send the malware
  • Check on her > Check
  • Check her phone
  • The f**k I’ll do that

My Future Wife Walkthrough – Episode 4 MC’s Routes

  • She wasn’t bleeding that night
  • She has been living with David Tucker, who was also one of our classmat
  • I declined swapping couples with them
  • But Elly persuaded…
  • I bought it, and I’ve been having the access to Ha-Young’s phone.
  • Tara Portman asked Rory Kutcher to with her
  • I didn’t go there…
  • I also went with her
  • Ha-Young let that bastard Marcus have s*x with her in the restroom
  • And I recorded everything on my phone
  • I have to calm down
  • As far as I know, she doesn’t have any sponsor
  • I’m also one of them
  • Have a look at it
  • Just sit here andd watch
  • Hug Ha-Young
  • I have the access to her laptop
  • A vision of the future
  • I wonder if the bastard Marcus already…
  • Actually I cheated on Ha-Young with her
  • But she cheated
  • She was bleeding that night
  • Ha-Young and I had orgies at their place.
  • I went there with them
  • At the beauty contest, Ha young…
  • I had s*x with Ha-Young in
  • I would be great if Ha young and I
  • …right away
  • Let’s see what she will do
  • Give her what she wants
  • I even made her…
  • Try to convince her
  • She has been living alone after graduation.
  • Ha-Young and I had s*x with her at her place.
  • And I became the male model
  • I had MFF…
  • I told her that my friend wanted to be her sponsor
  • Dance with them
  • I wish I had a harem

My Future Wife Walkthrough – Episode 4 Ha-Young’s Routes

  • He was my first man
  • She has been living alone
  • And my boyfriend became
  • Marcus tried to seduce me
  • Meet him alone
  • My boyfriend told me
  • Accept her invitation
  • Just let him continue
  • Imagine…boyfriend
  • Call my boyfriend
  • I want one more time
  • She has been living with david tucker
  • My boyfriend and I had…
  • Tara portmand asked Rory Kutcher
  • At the beauty contest, my boyfriend and I
  • Meet him with my boyfriend
  • I don’t have any sponsors
  • I want to go without my boyfriend
  • Imagine…Bobby
  • Just this time
  • Just only this time
  • He wasn’t my first man
  • I think sometimes we have
  • I declined swapping
  • But Elly…Tricked me.. David
  • My boyfriend didn’t go with me
  • I…had s*x with Marcus
  • Imagine…Marcus
  • Agree go with him
  • Just..give him
  • I don’t think I can runaway

Other Walkthrough:

  • Scars of Summer
  • Neko Paradise
  • Dreaming With Elsa
  • Never Saint
  • Amnesia Game
  • The Guy in Charge
  • Banking on Bella
  • Favorite Teacher
  • The College
  • Single Again
  • She Will Punish Them
  • Camp Pinewood
  • Alice Awakening
  • School of Love Clubs
  • Strange Nights
  • Obscure Affairs
  • Milky touch

Related posts:

  • Dreams of Desire Walkthrough & Guide – All Endings
  • Dress Up Time Princess Saga of Viera Walkthrough
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  • Walkthrough

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Letter to My Future Self | Wit & Delight

I’ve seen a lot of letters to past selves. Here’s what I would say to my post-pandemic self, they read. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are the only one you can count on. Slow down. You can’t go through life afraid to live it. You’re going to be so proud of yourself! I even wrote one in 2019, a tough love letter to my twenty-something self. But why look back? What about our future selves? What questions do we want to ask? What do we wonder?

The theme on Wit & Delight this month is “Show Up As Yourself.” So, I was intrigued to write about the possibility of change and speak to a portion of myself I don’t know. I want to explore how the future me might feel. I want to dedicate time to that mystery soul. This person could have children, not have children, experience loss, grow old, find growth, experience unknown pain, and develop new habits. When we write to selves about the past, we know them and there’s a pompous clarity in the writing. Sure, giving advice to our past selves is fun. But is it helpful? How can we best explore who we might become? How can we best break down the walls of the person we’re afraid to see? How do we write about the unknown?

I want to write a letter with more intention. I want to ask questions and discover what scares me about getting older. In a way, that’s what the most honest writing does for us anyway.

When I think about it, we are always (sort of) writing to future versions of ourselves. We write through dreams and aspirations, ideals, and healing. We imagine the future in great depth, struggling to center on the present. But, I want to write a letter with more intention. I want to ask questions and discover what scares me about getting older. In a way, that’s what the most honest writing does for us anyway. Right? Okay, here goes nothing/everything.

Dear future self,

Hi, it’s me from the past. I’m thirty-five. I don’t know how old you are now. I’m envisioning you’re in your sixties. You’ve lived an entire life. You’re as old as your mom was when you wrote this letter. I guess this letter is sort of like inception. I’m so afraid to write this. I’m struggling to imagine who you are. Can I be honest? You’re you, after all. Right now, I feel selfish. I want to tell you all the things I want in my life. I hope you got them. Right now, your thirty-something self is needy. I want a baby. I don’t want a baby. I want more money. I want to live within my means. Beyond my means. I want more time. I want to scoop minutes up and feel like I can’t possibly carry all the hours to the end of my driveway. I want everyone to live forever. I don’t want to experience deep grief. I’m so lucky. I’m so selfish. 

If you’re sixty, lucky enough to live until then, I know you’ve experienced pain by now. The deep kind, the oceanic kind, the kind that is so dark and expansive, you wouldn’t be able to explain it to me. Are you okay with that grief? I read this quote in Susan Cain’s book Bittersweet recently (you should read it again and see how you feel). “If we could honor sadness a little more, maybe we could see it—rather than enforced smiles and righteous outrage—as the bridge we need to connect with each other. We could remember that no matter how distasteful we might find someone’s opinions, no matter how radiant, or fierce, someone may appear, they have suffered, or they will.” I didn’t mean to jump right into suffering. That must be my fear pouring through. You’ve always been a deeply melancholic person. You love sad music. You have an acute awareness of passing time. You have a joyful curiosity about specific beauty points in the world. Lately, I’ve identified with the Arabic proverb, “Days of honey, days of onion.” You are the definition of bittersweet. Are you still? 

I also read in Bittersweet that, as we get older, we find comfort with the passing of time. I imagine you don’t try and slow it down. You are a quiet way of being, a force of storied tradition, loss, and joy. Does that feel beautiful?

I’m sure you’ve turned toward many humans, loved them, held them, and cared for them. But I hope you’ve done the same for yourself. Somehow, I know you will.

I have some wishes, as well. I hope you transform your sorrow and longings into art. I hope you’ve written a lot of letters. I hope work didn’t consume you, even though you let your job get away from you in your thirties. I hope you gave your parents the stage and the time. I’m sure you’ve turned toward many humans, loved them, held them, and cared for them. But I hope you’ve done the same for yourself. Somehow, I know you will. I want you to remember a few things about this time in your life. I want you to remember how light you felt when you rode Crow, that big chestnut horse you adored. I want you to remember how it felt to see your words in print for the first time, proof you exist. I want you to remember your little yard in front of your first home, the mow lines, and how much you care about grass and impressing the neighbors. I want you to remember late nights in the garage with Jake, refurbishing furniture so everything in your home always reminds you of the work, the polish. I want you to remember the smell of hot tomatoes and summer with your small niece and nephew. I want you to remember their sticky cheeks and bursting, tiny voices. Remember that Jake loves to build you things. Remember the ocean with your mom and sister, how it feels to reach out to them, and love them in the morning fog of Carmel. Remember the Northwoods with your friends when none of you had children. Remember hot, fried buttered buns at fish fries and how much time you had to watch your peonies grow. Remember the feverish wanting of pregnancy , the unknown hope of craving expansiveness, a physical outwardness. 

I also want you to remember the hard things. I want you to remember living paycheck to paycheck, not being able to get the things you wanted because you didn’t have enough money. I want you to remember the doctor bills you struggled to pay, crying on the way home from work, not being able to imagine traveling to other countries, and wondering if your life was limited to 200 miles north, east, south, and west of your home. Did you travel more? Do you still feel this? All these things will feel different to you now, perhaps as distant memories. Small moments in your thirties that you’ll read later like you’re starving. Perhaps there’s something else entirely that makes you feel light. I hope you’re still riding. I can imagine you still care about clean yards and a pretty lawn. That’s what makes you a lot like your dad. We carry our family with us everywhere.

When you were in grade school, you’d write long lists of “favorite things” so you could look back years later and read about how much you’d changed. You were obsessed with seeing that, five years ago, you had a crush on so-and-so and loved (god forbid!) The O.C. and the color blue . 

All these things will feel different to you now, perhaps as distant memories. Small moments in your thirties that you’ll read later like you’re starving. Perhaps there’s something else entirely that makes you feel light.

Let’s try that again! Right now, I’m really into Brené Brown’s podcast (are podcasts still a thing?), Dirty Shirleys, antiquing, The Vermont Country Store catalog, my Gentle Reminder Calendar , Paper Mate colorful pens , watching Love Island (sorry, future me), dressing like Meryl Streep in It’s Complicated , sleep aids like sipping iced Sleepy Time Tea before bed, horse head bookends, weather patterns, gingham accents, and how Jake looks at me when I’m talking about something I love. Do you still love these things? Do you wish for them? In my Passion Planner , I write down the biggest lesson I learn every month. Here’s what I’ve written this year:

  • Resonance is important.
  • Nothing beyond love and kindness matters.
  • Your anger is you. Not anyone else. Sit inside that.
  • Stop anticipating, trust the burn.
  • Being uncomfortable is progress.
  • Sadness is wide, grief is a close friend.
  • Nothing should be rushed.
  • You can always go back.
  • Hold fear and joy in equal glory. Both can exist at once.
  • You are always doing better than you think.
  • Dandelions are good.
  • To be happy, be more tree.
  • Don’t go to a concert high.

I’m sure you have so many to add now. Or maybe you don’t. Or maybe you think these are ridiculous. Or maybe you no longer find the need to make “lesson lists.” I’m happy. I have my hard days. I have bad habits. I haven’t gone to the dentist to fill those cavities, so I hope you don’t have five crowns by now. I am putting a lot of money toward my 401K, so I hope I’m setting you up for success. I’m doing my best. That’s the lesson here. My thirty-something best is hopefully your sixty-something peace of mind. 

Will people find this article on the internet in twenty-five years? ( Writer’s Note: Please don’t talk to me about how I’ll be sixty years old in twenty-five years.) Will they find it funny? Weird? I’m not sure. Perhaps, like in the past, internet articles will wash up like a lost bottle in the sea—little shards of the lived. And someday, I will come back to this past self, searching for my future. I might have to print it out, just in case. Either way, I hope you’re happy too. I hope life feels full. I hope the people in your life reflect how you have shown your beacon of light in the world, no matter how faint or how strong.  Sincerely, Brittany, your thirty-something (past) self

Lastly, I highly recommend you try this exercise.

Writing to a later version of myself gave me some specific clarity about who I want to be and how I want to grow. 

Here are some tips to try to write your own “future-self” letter:

  • Write down what you want to remember.
  • Write down what you don’t want to remember.
  • Write about your favorite things.
  • Jot down notes about how you’re feeling right now.
  • Scribble down the lessons you’ve learned.
  • Ask your future self how you’re different now.
  • Lastly, write a note to yourself in a year, three years, five years… put them in an envelope and write down the date you can read them again.

Will you write yours?

my future wife essay

Brittany Chaffee is an avid storyteller, professional empath, and author. On the daily, she gets paid to strategize and create content for brands. Off work hours, it’s all about a well-lit place, warm bread, and good company. She lives in St.Paul with her baby brother cats, Rami and Monkey. Follow her on Instagram , read more about her latest book, Borderline , and (most importantly) go hug your mother.

BY Brittany Chaffee - September 20, 2022

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amazing article.

Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

What an interesting thing to do I love this idea!

xo Jessica <a href=”https://anindigoday.com/”>an indigo day</a>

Thank you, Jessica! Let me know if you give it a try!

This was absolutely beautiful – I did not expect to stumble across this this morning. Your writing is soft, and clever, and inspiring. You should be proud of what you created here. Thank you for sharing.

I appreciate this so much 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Trying this exercise truly helped me feel closer to myself and I hope it helps others do too! xoxo

This was absolutely beautiful. I didn’t expect to get emotional reading it but as a 36 year old woman so much of what you said was relatable. Thank you

Thank you so kindly, Melissa! This makes my day to hear you could relate to this letter. It was so meaningful for me to write, so I’m happy it was for you as well!

Amazing article! Thanks for the positive and encouraging words of wisdom! 😊

Thank you so much for reading, Britney! Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you for this. I am 70 and my 8 year old adopted daughter has an assignment to do this very thing. I think it will be a great experience for her. Your words reached my heart and came out of my eyes. Thank you

Hello, Diane. It is so incredible to me that your daughter is doing this exercise! I think I did something like it at her age too and I wish I could find that letter now. Thank you for reading and loving.

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  1. How To Be An Ideal Wife Free Essay Example

    my future wife essay

  2. My Future Wife

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  3. I Want a Wife Essay

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  4. Ideal Wife Essay Free Essay Example

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  5. Future wife Poems

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  6. Why I Want a Wife? Free Essay Example

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  1. An Open Letter To My Future Wife: How I Plan To Make You Happy Every

    May 30, 2014. Branislava Zivic. Hello, my future wife. Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it after, I want you to know a few things. The reason I am writing this ...

  2. A Letter To My Future Wife About Our Perfect Marriage

    To my wife, I want to say that all the other girls I dated were wrong and now I know why. I know you are the right one. Learning with you every day brings me joy and a sense of fulfillment. Because of the enormous love that I have for you, I want to tell you that you are my soulmate, my only one, my wife.

  3. Promise Letter to My Future Wife (5 Examples & Templates)

    This letter shows your commitment, love, and hope for what the future has in store for your relationship. Below are four examples of promise letters for your wife-to-be, followed by a template you can use to help you write your own. Promise Letter to My Future Wife: Heartfelt Examples. 1. To My Dearest Sarah, We just celebrated three years of ...

  4. A Letter To My Future Wife

    An uncomfortable feeling of my tired heart opening again like a rusty, creaking door dragging across a scarred, uneven floor of past heartbreak. A burning need to know you. A longing to learn everything about your heart, your obvious past pain, your genuine joy, and your future dreams. My love, it scared me. Crazy — a word I hate came to mind.

  5. My Ideal Wife, A Descriptive Essay Example

    First of all, my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She would never let me down and I could always rely on her. Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us: our children, our house, our money, and duties.

  6. Letter To My Future Wife

    I have a past. So do you. I don't want either of our pasts to potentially damage our great future, my future wife. My growth as your future husband is incumbent on several things. Don't keep me out emotionally when you are confronted with things you think I won't understand. Allow our future relationship to be your place of rest and refuge.

  7. 10 Love Letters To My Future Wife

    Letter 2: Trust letter to your future wife. My beloved [Her Name], Each day, I find myself fantasizing about our shared moments. The tender mornings, where I will witness the sun's first rays play upon your peaceful face, or the serene nights, where we will share whispers of love under the moon's soothing glow.

  8. Everything I Want To Say To The Woman I Will Marry Some Day

    To my future wife, I can't say there are many things in life that I value over you. Although we haven't met, I think about you every day. I relish in thinking of all the amazing things we're going ...

  9. My Future Wife

    First of all, my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She would never let me down and I could always rely on her. Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us: our children, our house, our money, and duties.

  10. HISSHA : My Future Wife

    It means that my future wife should understand my c h aracter and remind me when I am wrong, because every human has different character, Even my future wife and me. For that reason, I need someone who can comprehend our differences. Besides, as human being I will do a lot of mistake during I live with her, so that I need someone who can remind ...

  11. 24 Questions to Help You Plan for Your Future Marriage

    Here are some questions to discuss that will hopefully help your journey. A future marriage begins with the proposal of a serious four-word question: "Will you marry me?". A positive response then launches thousands of questions to navigate together — from venues and colors to cake flavors and what items make the gift registry.

  12. Best 25 Love Letters for Wife That Will Melt Her Heart

    This is one of the most romantic love letters for wife. 10. My Dear Love, Nobody in this entire universe has any idea of how much I love you. I love you more than the sun, diamonds, stars, and ...

  13. My perfect future wife Free Essays

    My Future Wife. MY IDEAL WIFE TIt is very important to have a person you can always rely on. I want my wife to be this person. She would be tightly connected with my life. I want to wake up by her tender kiss. The first thing I would see would be her smiling face. She would make a breakfast for us.

  14. My Perfect Future Husband Or Wife Essay Sample

    Get a verified expert to help you with My Perfect Future Husband Or Wife Essay Sample. Hire verified writer. $35.80 for a 2-page paper. Such a adult male would be a joy to populate with. Good communicating is the cardinal to any solid relationship. most of all. matrimony. I would desire my future hubby to portion his ideas with me.

  15. How to Write a Letter to Your Future Husband (11 Sample Letters)

    Sample Letter #11. Hey There Future Hubby, First off, I want to say congratulations on snagging the best catch ever (aka me). I'm pretty sure you're going to be thanking your lucky stars every day for the rest of your life once we're together. Now, before you start getting too excited, let me tell you what you're in for.

  16. B.A 2nd (Essay) My future wife by William cobbett

    प्रिय विद्यार्थी , अगर आपको नोट्स व् विडियो चैप्टर वाइज देखने के लिए हमारी ...

  17. How to Write a Wedding Day Letter to Your Future Wife

    1. A Sweet Hello. You might be tempted to go to romantic extremes, addressing your bride as "My Beloved," but we say go with what feels natural. If she's always been your babe or pretty girl, she'll be those things on your wedding day and all the days that follow. So, begin your letter with that sentiment.

  18. My Future Wife Walkthrough & Guide

    1 My Future Wife Walkthrough - Romance route. 2 My Future Wife Walkthrough - Multi route. 3 My Future Wife Walkthrough - Share route. 4 Corr route. 5 My Future Wife Walkthrough - Episode 4 MC's Routes. 5.1 NTR. 5.2 Sharing. 5.3 Harem. 6 My Future Wife Walkthrough - Episode 4 Ha-Young's Routes.

  19. My Future Life: Personal Narrative Essay

    2. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. My entire life I have always been eager to know what the future has in store for me. Specifically, I have always imagined what my dream partner might be like.

  20. Essay About My Future

    Essay About My Future. 700 Words3 Pages. Thinking of my future, learning from mistakes from the past, enjoying the moment in my present. Life is about achieving dreams and never losing hope. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain. I enjoy every single moment in my life like if there's no ...

  21. My Future Husband Essay

    A letter to my future husband or life time partner. At one point I will love to get marry and spend my life with you. Although I will want to get get marry with you someday, I do not want to just get marry just because we have been together for a while or we are just simply settling down. I want my future husband to marry me because they see me ...

  22. A Letter to My Future Self (and How You Can Write One Too)

    I want to tell you all the things I want in my life. I hope you got them. Right now, your thirty-something self is needy. I want a baby. I don't want a baby. I want more money. I want to live within my means. Beyond my means. I want more time. I want to scoop minutes up and feel like I can't possibly carry all the hours to the end of my ...