first 90 days in a new job presentation template

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

How to create a 90-day plan for new hires

Borrow our templates for a 90-day onboarding plan that will help new hires succeed.

Jamey Austin

Writer, Editor, Beard Puller

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5-second summary

  • A comprehensive 90-day plan doesn’t just set expectations for new hires – it makes them feel welcome and included.
  • Using the “buddy system” can make a 90-day plan even more effective.
  • Building in milestones for checkpoints at 30, 60, and 90 days will ensure that new team members are set up for success throughout the onboarding process.

The first 90 days of a new job usually involve a pretty steep learning curve; so much information to absorb, so many people to meet. If you’re the new hire, you want to prove yourself. If you’re the hiring manager, you want to set your new teammate up for success.  

Based on our own onboarding practices, we’ve learned that using a 90-day plan can make it easier for newbies to get up to speed, understand their roles, and establish a strong team and company culture. Check out our templates below to see what we include. If you’re starting at a new company that doesn’t already use 90-day plans, consider using these templates as a starting point for gathering information. Schedule time with your new manager or a veteran coworker to fill in the blanks.

What is a 90-day plan?

Our definitive, road-tested virtual onboarding checklist

Our definitive, road-tested virtual onboarding checklist

A 90-day plan is a framework for planning out how to onboard, acclimate, and educate new team members. It sets expectations for what the person will be expected to deliver in their first 90 days, which can include both learning goals and performance goals. Some people also refer to it as a 90-day action plan, which adds a nice emphasis on proactivity.

A 90-day plan should define the specific details that will allow the new employee to achieve success. A well-written plan should spell out how this person’s new role and day-to-day duties level up to company metrics and long-term plans. It should help them define priorities and checkpoints for follow-ups on their progress.

Ideally, a 90-day plan should:

  • Serve as a single reference point for resources, outlets for support, and clarity on responsibilities and goals
  • Introduce and foster an environment that supports regular growth conversations with managers so the employee can envision their path for advancement
  • Orient the new employee to company and team culture by emphasizing relationships and shared objectives
  • Reinforce strategies that support a growth mindset and a proactive work style

What should a 90-day plan include?

Keep in mind that an effective 90-day plan will vary depending on your company, goals, and the employee’s needs. 

Here are some great questions to think about when writing a 90-day plan for a new team member:

  • How can you use this plan to help a new team member succeed?
  • What quick wins can they ship to gain momentum?
  • Who are the key stakeholders this person needs to know about?
  • Since this person is coming in with a “clean slate” mindset, are there fresh insights you’d like them to contribute? 
  • What feedback and observations would you like the new hire to include in a 90-day wrap-up blog or other written summary? 

As you’ll see in our templates, our 90-day plans lead off with an introduction. That helps the rest of the team experience someone’s writing voice, see pictures of family and friends, and learn about interests, hobbies, and whatever else they’d like to offer about themselves. One way to make a 90-day plan more effective is to use a kind of buddy system. Buddies show new teammates the ropes, introduce them to other Atlassians, and act as go-to resources for questions.

The first 90 days are precious. It’s important to have the right plan – and people – to act as a guide.

How to create a 90-day plan

Generally speaking, there are a few organizing principles to focus on.

  • 90-day plans are often broken into three phases: Days 1-30, Days 30-60, and Days 60-90.
  • Don’t overwhelm your newbies! You can’t learn everything there is to know about a job or a company in three short months. Focus on what matters most, and what’s realistic in the timeframe you’re working with.
  • Consistent, frequent check-ins are very important, since you’ll be defining goals for what should be learned or delivered in each phase.
  • Both the new hire and their manager should feel empowered to give honest and timely feedback (about systems, company habits, points of uncertainty, you name it) – don’t wait until the 90 days to clear up any points of friction.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of open communication – it can mean the difference between clarity and confusion or empowerment and ineffectiveness.

90-day onboarding plans are good for your company culture

A 90-day plan isn’t just a task list – it’s the foundation for working together, learning together, and understanding team and company culture.

At Atlassian, we don’t think of a new hire’s first 90 days as a trial period or proving ground. Rather, we encourage an emphasis on knowledge gathering and sharing and relationship building. Initial tasks, goals, and deliverables should focus on helping someone feel more comfortable and confident about the road ahead.

Regular check-ins, honest feedback, and the support of learning (and failing), help establish a bedrock of trust, which should underpin all team and company interactions – during the first 90 days and beyond.

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Home Blog Business Crafting an Effective 30-60-90 Day Plan for Job Interviews: Examples + Templates

Crafting an Effective 30-60-90 Day Plan for Job Interviews: Examples + Templates

Crafting an Effective 30-60-90 Day Plan for Job Interviews: Examples + Templates

Some job interviews entail making or presenting a plan to show what can the new recruit offer the organization once he/she is hired. Depending upon the job title, there are various types of plans that one might require making such as perhaps a communications plan or project plan. However, the most common plan one might require making is a 30 60 90 day plan .

What is a 30 60 90 Day Plan?

Benefits for job applicants, benefits for employers, when to use a 30-60-90 day plan, key elements of a job interview 30-60-90 day plan, 30 days – learning phase, 60 days – evaluation phase, 90 days – optimize, start with an introduction, the first 30 days – learning goals, the first 60 days – initiative goals, the first 90 days – transformation goals, timeline & scorecard, make it readable, set smart goals, identify the company’s mission, meet the key stakeholders, be flexible.

  • Determine How You Will Measure Success

Mintzberg’s 5Ps

Addie model, final words, 30 60 90 day plan templates for powerpoint.

Some employers ask candidates to present a 30-60-90 day plan. This helps employers understand the candidate’s skills, ability to create and manage measurable goals, foresight and willingness to be accountable for his/her work. The plan includes a roadmap to how the candidate aims to learn, add value and play a transformational role within the organization.

30 60 90 day plan powerpoint template

Organizations usually expect candidates to not only put in an effort to understand and evaluate the organization, projects and working environment; but to also add value, optimize procedures and bring positive change.

Benefits of Creating a 30 60 90 Day Plan

Whether your employer has asked for a 30 60 90 day plan or you take one along without any prior request from the potential employer, there can be a number of benefits for making such a plan. Similarly, the employer can better screen candidates if they ask for a 30 60 90 day plan.

Clarity in Job Expectations

One of the benefits of making a 30 60 90 day plan is that it provides clarity regarding what you might want from the new job. Furthermore, by dwelling into specifics of the advertised job description, you can also better understand the nature of the job and what you might have to offer to your potential employer.

If you’re someone rather new in your career or at an intermediate stage, making 30 60 90 day plans when trying to move up the career ladder can also be a way to sharpen your skills. You can see it as a tool that improves performance and productivity in the long run.

Better Preparation for a Job Interview

By making a 30 60 90 day plan, you can better prepare for a job interview. Many candidates can make the mistake of not paying attention to the job descriptions for dozens of jobs they might apply for. Once they receive an interview call, it can be tempting to skip the fine details. This is where you can fail during a job interview. Many times, it’s not the tough questions that can ruin your job prospects but a simple question that you failed to prepare for.

A Reflection of Professionalism

Some job applications create a 30 60 90 day plan even if the employer has not asked for it. This shows intent and determination, where a potential candidate has taken the time to better understand the job role and provide practical suggestions. Such an approach can make your potential employer see that you aren’t coming in with a casual approach. It also reflects on your professionalism in a positive way and can help you score some extra points.

Helps Thoroughly Screen Candidates

Many candidates can be good at expressing their views but not all that good at implementing action plans. A 30 60 90 day plan template can help employers screen candidates more closely by analyzing the candidate’s capabilities and asking tough questions.

Enables Gauging the Experience of Candidates

When a potential candidate presents a 30 60 90 day plan , it’s not just a reflection of his/her ideas but also a reflection of the experience and expertise they bring along. Some candidates might be suitable based on their expertise and experience for the job compared to others. For example, when choosing between two candidates for social mobilization of rural communities, one might have experience working with large organizations, but the other candidate might be more suitable based on his/her expertise at the grassroots level. Such a distinction might mean the difference between someone who is more in touch with the environment he/she needs to work in compared to the other.

Can Help Attract Better Candidates

Arguably, asking for a 30 60 90 day plan can help weed out candidates with a casual approach who might not even want to put in the time to make such a plan. Such candidates might not even apply for the position, leaving room for better candidates.

30/60/90 plans are often required at the time of job interviews and after an employee joins an organization. Such a plan is a reflection of how the employee intends to move forward during the first 90 days at the job, including how he/she shall learn, adapt, and perform at the workplace.

To put it in a nutshell, you should create a 30 60 90 day plan when applying for a job and it is quite likely you will need one when starting your new job. However, as mentioned earlier, even if the employer hasn’t asked for one, you can always create and bring along such a plan, be it a simple document or PowerPoint presentation. This is because such a move will give you clarity in your job role, will help you plan better for the job interview, and might even help you win a few extra points.

We also recommend you to read: The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels by Michael D. Watkins to get some insight into how a 90 days plan can lead to success at the workplace. The book reflects upon leadership and career transitions. Joining a new job with a better salary and a few extra perks should not ideally be a goal. Negotiating with your new employer, moving up the career ladder, and ensuring success at the workplace requires leadership skills, your ability to bargain with your employer, team, and external stakeholders, is equally important.

How to Create a 30 60 90 Day Plan for a Job Interview?

If you have a job interview where you might require using a PowerPoint presentation to reveal your 30-60-90 day plan, you should focus on the key elements of the plan.

The key elements of a 30-60-90 day plan for a job interview entail understanding processes, people, procedures, products and competition, evaluating processes and provide an action plan for optimization and transformation within the organization.

The first 30 days entail the learning phase, where you must understand the processes, procedures, your team, product and the competition.

Process, People and Procedure

The first 30 days are to get acquainted with your new job. The objective is to understand the team, processes and procedures. Understanding how things work within the organization would be key to moving things forward. Many project managers can become disconnected from company processes and their own team, leading to bad decisions and subordinate resentment. During your job interview don’t try to show that you know everything, since everyone needs to learn about the new company before they can take meaningful steps.

Product and Competition

During the first 30 days you will also be required to understand the product or service, its key features, the clientele and how competitors might be a threat to it.

30 60 90 day plan template

As evident from the aforementioned, the first 30 days, therefore, are all about learning the basics, followed by the next 30 days where you would move forward to the evaluation phase.

Evaluate Current Processes

The next 30 days (60 days) will include assessing current processes to understand how things work and to identify room for improvement. You might want to create a SWOT analysis to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This will also help you allocate resources in the best possible manner to optimize your impact.

Evaluate Changes

Once you have evaluated processes, you now must try to evaluate grounds for bringing meaningful change. For example, you can identify cost-saving initiatives, methods for reducing waste, improving processes, lower per unit cost, etc. During this time, you would also be acquainted with the team (during the first 30 days) to determine what kind of change might be rational and what changes might lead to employee resentment and a possible backlash.

The next 30 days (90 days) would conclude 3 months, which is also usually the probation period for employees. This is the time when you need to deliver, or you might find yourself looking for a new job. If you set out with SMART goals, you should be fine during this time.

Initiate Action Plan

Based on your specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) goals, you will require initiating your action plan. This will be a detailed plan with timelines and a scorecard to measure the success of your strategies.

Implement New Strategies and Procedures

During the last 30 days of the 30-60-90 day plan, you should start rolling out your new strategies and procedures. For example, a new process might be rolled out during this time or initiatives to cut costs and improve efficiency might be initiated.

Practical Example: How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Presentation for a Job Interview?

Now that we have discussed the basics of a 30-60-90 day plan, let’s take a look at how to create a 30-60-90 day plan example presentation to show your potential employer how you intend to add value and improve the processes, procedures, and project delivery.

There is no point jumping right into the topic. You should start with a brief introduction of the topic at hand and explain what the plan is about. This is the section of the presentation that starts with a brief explanation of the topic.

You should incorporate your goals within your presentation, starting with the learning phase or the first 30 days. You should briefly explain how you intend to learn about the processes, procedures, people and corporate culture, product or service and the competition to evaluate room for improvement. If you don’t have a lot of information regarding the organization, you can create sample goals based on hypothetical examples.

Many people can end up joining a job and thinking they have made a mistake. You need to have absolute clarity that the new job is something you are interested in, are looking to take the initiative to move forward with and can add value to the organization. Speak with clarity regarding your goals and if necessary, use hypothetical examples to give an example of what you might bring to the table.

You can also discuss strategies used by competitor organizations and even present a SWOT analysis in your presentation. Your information during this time might be limited regarding the organization, since you are unlikely to know specifics. But that’s alright, since employers expect the candidate to put in an effort in their plan and not know everything regarding the organization at the time of the job interview.

Based on the learning phase (first 30 days), you must set goals for taking initiative. As mentioned earlier, this is the evaluation phase where you would look for bringing changes to processes, procedures and perhaps team orientation to set out an outline for what might be rationally achievable. You can set SMART goals with indicators in the form of a scorecard for this purpose.

This part of your First 90 Days in a New Job presentation will focus on the change you intend to bring and the way you ensure it. You can explain how you intend to integrate your team with your organizational mission, vision, core values and bring improvement to existing processes, procedures and methods. You can also refer to a SWOT analysis to explain how your methods might be the right way forward for the organization. For example, in case the company is facing declining sales, you can incorporate a plan for improving market share, competing more effectively against competitors who pose a threat to the business and how you intend to capitalize on available opportunities (e.g. brand goodwill or making better use of existing marketing resources).

Make sure that you incorporate a timeline and scorecard in your 30-60-90-day presentation. This will allow your potential employer to assess your capability of organizing your goals and get an overview of what your plan might look like at a glance. The scorecard will enable you to show how you intend to measure success and achieve your goals. This will help give a positive impression regarding your capabilities and clear out any possible confusion that your audience might have regarding your plan.

Tips for Making Your First 90 Days in a New Job Presentation

Making a plan for your first 90 days in a new job presentation is too complicated might confuse your potential employer. One of the key aspects of making a robust 90 days plan is that it should be easy to understand. Try to keep the layout of the plan easy enough for your audience to understand and pay special emphasis on legibility. If it’s a document, use standard fonts. If you need to present your plan, do away with flashy templates and over-the-top animations and try to keep the layout easy to read and simple enough to present. And of course, avoid death by PowerPoint.

It goes without saying that the goals you set out should be SMART, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. You can analyze your goals once your plan is complete to ensure that they comply with SMART goals . Since this is a 90 days plan, you should try to focus on goals that are based primarily on the first 90 days, even if you plan to discuss a few long-term goals. You can also use a template that can help you easily layout your plan in the form of PowerPoint slides. For more information, we also recommend our section of SMART goals templates .

To create a 30/60/90 plan that is well received, you should ensure that your plan is in line with the company’s vision and mission. You can do a bit of research regarding that prior to your job interview. If you are making a plan after being hired, it is even more critical to ensure you don’t make a plan that can end up colliding with the corporate culture of the organization. To ensure this, you need to better understand the vision and mission statements of the company and any other frameworks they might have in place related to them.  

While it’s unlikely that you will be able to meet the key stakeholders at the time of the job interview, when making a 90 days plan after joining a job, you can meet the key stakeholders to help refine your plan. This would include both internal and external stakeholders such as peers, senior management, line managers, vendors, partner organizations, etc.

While you might think you have a robust 30 60 90 day plan. It isn’t necessarily going to be perfect for your potential employer. You need to leave room for flexibility and adapt to potential challenges and suggested changes. Be it at a job interview or when making a plan after being hired, you need to ensure your plan isn’t rigid and can be adapted to unforeseen circumstances.

Determine How You Will Measure Success Example

To measure success, you will require adding a few KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). For example, if you are hired as a communications expert in the development sector, you will be required to elaborate upon how you can use digital technology to benefit the organization. Are you looking to overhaul the company’s social media presence? Are you looking to change the website design of the company website with a responsive UI? Do you plan to reach a specific number of targeted beneficiaries under a human development program using digital technology? Your KPIs should be in line with your SMART goals and should be realistically achievable during the laid-out timeline.

Alternatives to 30-60-90 Day Plans

There are a few alternatives to the 30-60-90 day plan. Let’s briefly take a look at a few 30-60-90 day alternatives.

Mintzberg 5Ps have been around since 1987. These 5Ps were the brainchild of Henry Mintzberg and include; Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position and Perspective. These 5Ps serve as a roadmap for making a business strategy to make the most out of an organization’s strengths.

ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Being an Instructional Systems Design framework, the ADDIE model is used by instructional designers and training developers for developing courses.

ADDIE Model PowerPoint template

Source: ADDIE Model PowerPoint template by SlideModel

The GROW Model is used by executive coaches. The model is meant for setting goals and problem-solving . The model can be understood simply by its name, which stands for Goal, Reality, Obstacles, Options and Way Forward.

Even if you are not asked to bring a 30-60-90 day plan, it might not be a bad idea to bring along one to improve your chances of scoring a job. A 30-60-90 day plan is essentially meant to assess the capabilities of a potential employee and what change he/she might bring to an organization. When making such a plan for a job interview, you should gather as much information regarding the organization as possible. You should also look into competitors, weaknesses in procedures, financial outlook of the organization, etc. This information is usually available on the organization’s website, via news articles and from companies dealing with trends related to the industry.

Your 30-60-90 day plan needs to be rational, with SMART goals and measurable success. You should not jump to conclusions but rather focus on rational approaches which might be implemented should you get the job. You should also account for aspects like a rigid corporate culture, possible non-cooperation of coworkers and procedures which might make it hard to implement your goals. In such a case you can mention pre-conditions for your 30-60-90 day plan to be successful. This is because many such plans can fail due to the bad working environment prevalent in particularly large organizations, where petty politics and slow procedures can be the bane of newly hired employees looking to implement strategies which might otherwise look rational.

If you are looking to create a professional plan for your new job interview, check out our 30 60 90 Day Plan Templates .

1. Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template is a 3-slide presentation for planning presentations. You can utilize slides of 30, 60, and 90 days planning to visualize goals and set realistic deadlines. Together, you can present a strategy for success in the first 90 days on job or a new project.

Use This Template

2. 30-60-90 Days Plan PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

This is our most popular 30 60 90 Day Plan Template for PowerPoint, the most recognized by jobseekers and expected by employers. This is a powerful tool in the final stages of a job interview process.

3. Simple 30 60 90 Day PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The Simple 30-60-90 Day Plan Template for PowerPoint is an infographic layout of business and management concepts. This tool helps recruitment officers to analyze candidate’s interpersonal skills, clear understanding of job descriptions, and passion for work.

4. 100-Day Plan PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 100-Day Plan Template is a timeline and planning presentation. This template includes 5 slides of colorful diagram design. This template also includes a Gantt chart format of time scheduling for management plans.

5. 30-60-90 Day Planning Template for PowerPoint

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 30-60-90 Day Planning Template for PowerPoint is a strategy and planning concept presentation. The timeline of days is represented by a blue ruler shape containing entries of days instead of centimeters. The circular shapes give an effect of a magnifying glass on 30 – 60 – 90 day milestones.

6. 30-60-90-120 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 30-60-90-120 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint is a tabular layout to present an action plan in any managerial capacity. It is a one-step further to 30-60-90 day plan to map project goals and deliverables within four milestones, including the 120 day plan option.

7. 30-60-90 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 30-60-90 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint is a business planning template to map out main goals. In terms of 30, 60, and 90 days, you can highlight the deliverable of a project, operation, or job. Business owners, startups, and entrepreneurs use a 30-60-90 day roadmap template to highlight the company’s course of action.

8. 90 Day Plan Template Slides for PowerPoint

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 90 Day Plan Template Slides for PowerPoint illustrate a line gauge of tens. It is a timeline & planning PowerPoint template for all types of industry strategies. The concept can be applied to projects for organizing and prioritizing processes.

9. 90-Day Plan PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 90-Day Plan PowerPoint Template is a planning presentation tool used by business professionals. This template lets users personalize their 30-60-90 days plan of success for executive meetings. New managers and leaders use the 90-day plan template to showcase their first 30, 60, 90 days plan on a new job.

10. 30-60-90 Day Planning PowerPoint Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

This 30 60 90 day plan template is a clear example of how to generate a planning in three simple steps. This template is 100% editable, allowing the user to customize the content and visual appearance.

11. 30 60 90 Days Plan Timeline Template

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

The 30 60 90 Days Plan Timeline Template is a very useful template for project management. It will allow you to present your 30 60 90 day plan with a weekly planning of each task and a specific Gantt chart generating a clear roadmap.

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30-60-90, Interview, Job Interview, Planning, Strategy Filed under Business

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

first 90 days

Transcript: First 90 days Aliya Kunyazova WHY WE ARE HERE? WHY WE ARE HERE? Sponsor: Maria G Content Owner: Aliya K. Time allocated: 60 min Facilitator: Maria G. PURPOSE Purpose of the session Engage MT in the leadership journey conversation, get advice and support required. For the MT is to get visibility on the newly recruited talent progress and development OUTCOMES OUTCOMES What specific outcomes do we want? MT provided feedback/support needed, got visibility on talent What decisions are required? Support requested AS A RESULT OF THIS SESSION I WOULD LIKE YOU TO: We have a unique opportunity to grow CM expertise on the market for the next 2 years with right mindset, set up and choices! We set up our talents up to success! THINK: RESULT INSPIRED, ENERGIZED & COMMITTED TO SUPPORT! FEEL: Provide feedback and align on support requested DO: Agenda About me My journey so far My priorities for 2020 Challenges and support needed from MT AGENDA ABOUT ME IF IT DOES NOT CHALLENGE YOU IT DOES NOT CHANGE YOU! JOURNEY SO FAR WORK-LIFE BALANCE OPEN DEVELOPMENT FUN ON-BOARDING WOW ADAPTATION SUPPORT MEETINGS FEEDBACKS GLM CHALLENGE 1:1 STRESS GREAT PEOPLE PEOPLE 1. High quality PDP of direct reports 2. Synergize the team: CM weekly, CMTM monthly 3. Work load allocation among team members PEOPLE BUSINESS BUSINESS New approach to customized activities Optimized approach to CAM Structured and effective WOW process with progression Understanding of category and our performance Operational: CM GM Day, in absence of CAM KZ leading Top 2 clients in KZ from CM side, supporting Aidai in Bel. Personal Development opportunities OPPORTUNITIES FROM: New to Mars, not familiar with the policies, practices, org structures, doesn't know how things are done thru formal and informal networks. ORGANIZATIONAL AGILITY TO: 1. Understands and lives Mars culture 2. Knows how to get things done both through formal channels and the informal network 3. Understands the origin and reasoning behind key policies, practices, and procedures FROM: Has LM experience outside of Mars, but 1st year LM at Mars GLM TO: Effectively utilizes all steps of GLM. MY PURPOSE AND PRIORITIES FOR 2020 PRIORITIES 2020 WHY Customer Marketing team, Leverage growth opportunities in the channels and customers by translating category, brand, shopper and customer insights into strategies, plans, tools and capabilities that deliver excellence in activities execution HOW FROM: low functional capabilities & customer centricity TO: To a team consists of subject matter experts with customer centric mindset 1. Recruit, grow Customer Activation Managers with high learning agility, invest on functional & customer expertise 2. Build customer centric CM within Mars 3. Create strong network with Lead Market, Regional Team and Global team WHAT 1. From 2 Customer activation strategies to Customer activation strategies for all SP accounts, combining Mars & Customers strategies 2. Set up CM for long term success: knowledge management, new channels development, talent development 3. Engagement (placement of team, team spirit, wow, network with regional&global team) CHALLENGES & SUPPORT NEEDED

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

Transcript: Establish key relationships Build personal credibility develop trust, consistency & accountability. Educate community about the Y Live YMCA embody the mission Increase skills & knowledge Identify their needs, wants, & interest... Staff Functions To obtain valid data during assessment I will Identify & begin to understand strengths & weaknesses What steps will be taken? Create consistency Build positive reputation Create positive experiences Safe Environment Reviewing & Evaluating Operations Clarify & uncover challenges & opportunities Advance Mission Daily Procedures HR, Marketing, Finance Saftey Policies Compliance Are expectations being met? All programs and services will be assessed with metrics Changing of the Guard Cleanliness Obvious Welcoming Consistency Order Structure? Accountibility? Needs for staff realignment? Operational Cost Who will be included? Community Leaders Board Members Donors Staff Volunteers Parent Advisory Committee Participants Advice & Counsel Networks 1. Mission, Mission, Mission 2. No Money, No Mission Understand the market. Facility Maintenance Day to Day operation Membership & Programming What outcomes will be measured? Was mission met? Customer Satisfaction Execution & Productivity First 90 Days Course of Action A variety of assessment tools will be used in order to measure and evaluate. From day 1...

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

First 90 days

Transcript: Day to day / regular Systems Team Gaps / Efficiencies Staffing & Outputs FUTURE UNDERSTANDING Objectives Vision for finance function Annual timetable Company Performance Issues/challenges Set expectations

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

Transcript: Kaitlynn Riley 03/22/2021 90 Day Plan Training Plan One day at a time Address common issues I experienced Learning from your staff It's a two way street! Ensure coordinators are educated on vet care/animal welfare Reach out to department heads for my own training/development Training Plan Microsoft Programs OneNote or Excel Spreadsheets Easy access to information Response templates for text/email OneNote & Excel Employee Strengths/Weaknesses Employee Strengths/ Weaknesses Use to team's advantage Recognition Regular feedback Call data Daily goals/focuses Be open to new ideas Relationship Building Simply introduce myself and program Regular meetings Common issues encountered Monitor information requested on calls Relationship Building Anticipated Priorities Anticipated Priorities Scheduling Adoptions Animal surrender Food pantry Measuring Success Measuring Success Regular meetings within organization Community feedback Employee feedback Leadership Lead with positivity Be understanding Check-ins Employee growth Acknowledge team success Leadership GOAL 1 Goal 1 Stellar employee retention GOAL 2 GOAL 2 Counsel employees before something becomes problematic Conclusion Great and necessary additon to organization Must be implemented successfully to properly assist clients Conclusion

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

Transcript: My first 90 days The President of the United States has 100 days to prove, I had 90! Agenda: Who Iam First impressions First steps and decisions Room for improvement Next steps and future Room for improvement Tesco vs Others (Mentoring Tünde and support other KAMs) Develop systems (promo app, cliking tool, SAP Wave 2) The team (team building, family day) Next steps and the future Learn more about the categories (more analysis), company processes, people Visit Bokros Factory, Waltham in the future  Extended BBT meeting with other countries/NAMs/KAMs Strategic Revenue Management Change Mindset (more PFP, financial awarness) Organize T2T meetings Keep or reduce current trex level „.com business strategy” Talent development Commercial Policy Collaboration with Wrigley Sustainable, profitable KA business Strengthen the Costumer Centricity Basketball, soccer, squash, box, hunting, fishing Iam dad with 3 kids and beautiful wife 14 years in FMCG. (Zwack Unicum, and First Impression Five principle - not just empty words (Clear and well-defined company principles appear in daily work) Associates vs employees Family owned vs list on the stock exchange Amazing brands Strong market leader brands with well defined brand values and with professional backgrounds Very nice working environment (office, collegaues) Team - colorful, friendly, helpful people. Individual act vs other companies. Fruit day/free chocolate Transparency Common field visit Professional field sales team (2nd placement) Thank you! dog owner Real provincialist (sport, charity) my relatives was founder of Göd. FMCG, Goverment First steps and decisions

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5 steps to writing a ‘First 90 days in the job’ presentation

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Written by Iain Flinn

Helping business leaders in the enterprise software, Cloud/SaaS/PaaS and emerging technology sectors to identify talent and build high performing teams across EMEA.

Table of Contents

Writing a ‘First 90 days in the job’ presentation doesn’t have to be daunting, follow our guide and create a presentation that gets you the job of your dreams.

Are you preparing for the final stage of an interview for your dream job? Don’t let the thought of creating a ‘First 90 days in the job’ presentation overwhelm you. This presentation is your opportunity to showcase your skills, demonstrate your understanding of the business, and impress your potential employer. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a presentation that stands out from the crowd .

Like a honeymoon, only you’re much easier to ditch

The first 90 days of a new role is a grace period, You’re getting to know the people, the business and the culture. But this crucial first 90 days on the job is also the time that lasting impressions are made. Remember, you’re a risk to the business and your employer will be using this period to establish whether they made the right decision. That’s why the ‘first 90 days in the job’ presentation is as much for you, as it is for your future employer. You stand to gain a lot from laying down the foundations for the first three months.

That’s why it’s important, here’s how to write one:

Start researching in your first interview.

If you’re already past this stage, it’s fine, just try to recall the information and don’t be afraid to revisit conversations if necessary. You need to know all about the business needs and ambitions, so ask questions, probe for answers and listen. Then build your presentation around their key objectives and goals. Good questions to ask:

  • What’s your mission statement and vision?
  • What is the company trying to achieve?
  • What are you (the hiring manager) trying to achieve?
  • What challenges does the department face?
  • What do you expect from me?
  • What critical projects are you managing at the moment?

You’re looking for multiple ways to help them. Have this in your mind throughout your interviews, it’ll put you in a great head-space to be inquisitive and retain control.

Focus on your potential employer’s needs

This is why you need to do the above research. Your presentation isn’t just about you, it’s about your employer , so you’ll need to understand their needs and place them at the centre of your presentation. Get a full understanding of the objectives of the role, the goals of the hiring manager and the department as a whole. Then, demonstrate how your experience and knowledge can support these objectives.

Add your strengths, carefully

Shouting about your skills in a vacuum will get you nowhere, but align them to the goals of your potential employer and they will start to see the real tangible  value of your experience . Think feature and benefit, not just feature. For example: Feature: “I’ve delivered £multi-million field marketing campaigns”. Feature and benefit: “I’ve built and delivered £multi-million field marketing strategies for my current employer, so in the first three months I’d review the company’s strategy for the roll-out of similar campaigns. Using my industry knowledge, I’ll ensure we’re using the right channels, to target the right audience with the most impactful messages. Furthermore, with my experience of using an array of marketing automation platforms, I’ll ensure we’re using the right systems and tools to correctly measure the impact of our strategy and the overall ROI. At my previous employer, in my last marketing campaign, I was able to deliver this under budget by £18,000, whilst generating a 156% increase in leads for our sales team which resulted in a 71% year-on-year increase in sales.” Use proven and tangible real-world examples to align your skill set to their objectives. Ensure your examples showcase your skills and experience, but make sure your pitch is in line with their goals.

Say what you’re going to do, day-to-day

Explain to the  hiring manager how you’ll fill your days. This will vary depending on your role, but use the actions below as a foundation for more specific contributions:

  • You’ll get immersed in the department and brainstorm how your input can increase company growth.
  • Having gotten a better understanding of the business, you’ll start advising, leading and contributing to the conversation.
  • See more of your colleagues’ desks than your own. Get out amongst the team and get to know them by name, their role, ambitions, challenges and more.
  • Go above and beyond by taking on some tasks outside of your remit. Remember – you’re there to help.
  • Behind all of this sits one unshakable focus – your boss’s expectations of you. You’re always aware of them, and what actions and decisions will you take to ensure that you meet them?
  • Time-stamp your objectives for the first 90 days, and put a tangible project plan in place to show that you’ve thought it through.

How will you over-deliver?

Giving your employer more than they expect is business as usual, but how will you raise the bar and show them what excellent looks like? Towards the end of the third month, you should be feeling comfortable and confident in the role, so use these foundations and consider discussing how you’ll go ‘above and beyond:

  • You’ll be proactive when it comes to relevant company situations and events.
  • You’ll be aware of new projects coming on-stream and prepare potential solutions.
  • You’ll be getting more involved by joining a club, council, board, or committee.
  • You’ll make yourself available to other departments if there’s a need for your skills.
  • You’ll take on work outside of your responsibilities to accelerate business growth.

Do all that and you’ll turn from a risk into an asset

Remember, a strong 90-day presentation will reassure your employer that you’re going to make a positive difference in their organisation. It outlines the skills you’ll bring, how they’ll help and the value you’ll add, making it easier for the business to see their potential return on investment. And for you, it provides focus and confidence at a time when an unfamiliar routine (or lack of a routine) can cause added stress. Channel that pressure to impress and use it to create a ‘First 90 days‘ presentation that puts you way ahead of the competition.

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How to Give an Interview Presentation That'll Convince the Entire Room You're the One

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

As your career advances , you’ll find that closing that final interview with a bang and subsequently getting an offer takes more than strong answers, recognition of a good fit, and great chemistry with the hiring team.

In fact, for many higher-level jobs, you can probably expect to present some of your intellectual property. This is an opportunity for your future leadership team to see what they’ll really be getting if they hire you.

One smart way to differentiate yourself as a candidate is by developing a solid 90-day plan if you’re asked to present something in your final interview. This is an opportunity for you to articulate how you’ll show up to solve the problems the employer is hiring you to manage.

A 90-day plan shows the employer three key things: your understanding of the mission for which you’re being hired, evidence that you have the goods to make your manager look like a rock star for hiring you, and your ability to plan and execute quickly to make an impact for best results.

As you move up and your title changes, your time to deliver results is intensely scrutinized, and at a more accelerated rate. The truth is, you’ll have approximately 90 days to prove you’re an asset to the company. With that said, here’s what employers are looking for:

1. Clear Priorities

After an in-depth interview or two, you should have a very clear idea of the specific things you’ll be expected to deliver and how hot each issue is. You want to learn the pain points that are keeping the employer up at night.

Based on the interviews you’ve had, the research you’ve done, and the questions you’ve asked, you should be able to smoothly articulate the most important issues and priorities that you’ll address in the first 90 days.

2. SMART Actions

As you build your presentation out, you’ll want to include specific tasks you plan to accomplish and in what timeframe along with what people or resources you expect to need in order to make those things happen. Use the SMART acronym: Set goals that are specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. No time like the 90-day plan for that. And all of your actions should tie back to the priorities you’ve identified in the first step.

3. Well-Defined Success Measures

One benefit of creating this timeline is that it gives you the opportunity to set the definition of success as early as possible. You and your manager must align on that, or there’ll be tension. After all, you don’t want a to build a plan that delivers success in the form of improving time to market the latest app, when your future boss thinks success is doubling the revenue in six months. Make sure you have a very clear understanding of the company's wants and needs and have your goals reflect that knowledge.

4. Quantifiable Impact Measures

List specifically how you want to measure the success of your actions. And make sure you’re aligned with your boss and the organization on what that looks like.

You can also include a test for the “so what” factor in your presentation. The real measure of your work is the impact it has on the organization. As a result of the actions you’re outlining, do you anticipate sales increasing by X%? Expenses being reduced by Y%? Resolving a hiccup in the manufacturing process that saves $X per quarter?

An action without impact is a task. As you identify your specific action strategies, and how you’ll measure success, make sure you also tie it to the impact that action will have on the organization. Ask yourself, “How will the organization be better when I deliver on these outcomes?” and then show that!

5. Scorecard

An essential part of any 90-day plan is building a report out. As you put your thoughts to paper, be sure to include the summary of actions, progress, and updates your manager will see each week. Design your report out in an easy to follow summary you can update each week. Think of it as a mini billboard of your accomplishments.

When you do, you’ll be building a visual story of your pathway to success, enabling your future manager to easily share your success with higher ups, and report on what an awesome hire she’s made. And what boss doesn’t want to get high fived for that?

You don’t have to be in a VP or C-level interview to use this great technique for differentiating yourself from the competition. I encourage clients in even the early stages of their careers to think about how they would approach a new position, what their plan would be. If you can find an opportunity to show the hiring manager how you organize your thoughts, and how you’d develop a strategy for approaching the new position, you’ll give yourself an edge over the other candidates.

Whatever level job you’re applying for, it’s smart to think about how you’d make an impact in the first 90 days. Be aggressive but realistic about how you’d get quick wins, and address pain points you’re aware the employer needs your help with. This approach goes above and beyond the standard interview Q&A.

Photo of interview presentation courtesy of Jetta productions/Getty Images.

first 90 days in a new job presentation template


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  • User-Friendly 30 60 90 Day...

User-Friendly 30 60 90 Day Plan Template & Examples [+Free PowerPoint & Excel Download]

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What is a 30-60-90 day plan?

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

HR’s role in the 30-60-90 day plan:

  • Helping employees to visualize how they align their work and goals to the business and connect day-to-day tasks to  the larger purpose of work. 
  • Working with managers and employees to create a clearly defined plan based on specific and measurable goals.
  • Regularly checking that the plan is being followed and key metrics are being achieved.

30-60-90 day plan for employee onboarding

When to use a 30-60-90 day plan

The 30 60 90 day plan for an interview.

The different uses of the 30 60 90 day plan.

The 30 60 90 day plan for new employees

  • Clarifies the role of new employees, ensuring they understand their responsibilities and deliverables.
  • Provides valuable insights through discussions with new hires, giving managers a better understanding of their skills and abilities, as well as what they know about the business.
  • Facilitates the building of relationships with new hires through regular communication and check-ins.
  • Helps new employees manage their time effectively by providing focus and direction for their tasks during their first 90 days.
Pro HR tip While a 30-60-90 day plan should ideally be implemented immediately when a new hire joins the organization, there is always time to implement one, particularly if a new hire is struggling or underperforming.

The 30 60 90 day plan for internal promotions

  • Sets clear expectations aligned with high level objectives.
  • Alleviates new job jitters by serving as a clear reminder of priorities, empowering employees to self-manage their work and supporting goal setting.
Pro HR tip When an employee is stepping into a role previously held by someone who has been promoted, allowing for some overlap can enable the new employee to learn from the knowledge and experience of the previous one. For example, starting the first 30 days of the new role while the previous employee is still there can give the new employee sufficient time to learn the ropes and gain insight.

Example of 30/60/90 day plan

1. 30 60 90 day sales plan example.

Number of market research reports completedConduct market researchAnalyze market dataIdentify market trends
Size of qualified leads databaseBuild prospect databaseQualify leadsDevelop target list
Number of initial contacts madeInitiate contact with 50% of prospectsEstablish relationshipsExpand customer base
Product knowledge assessment scoreFamiliarize with product featuresDeepen understandingExpert-level knowledge
Number of new techniques implementedAttend sales trainingImplement new techniquesMentor team members
Sales revenue achievedAchieve 25% of targetAchieve 50% of targetAchieve 100% of target
Strategy effectiveness ratingDevelop initial strategyRefine strategiesImplement optimized plan
Performance improvement rateTrack sales metricsAnalyze performanceProvide insights
Team collaboration ratingCommunicate with teamCollaborate with peersLead team initiatives
Skill improvement assessment scoreIdentify areas for growthPursue skill developmentEnhance leadership skills

2. 30-60-90 day plan for a new manager

Employee satisfaction survey resultsAssess team dynamics and individual performanceIdentify areas for improvement and developmentImprove team satisfaction and morale
Goal achievement rateMeet with team members to understand goalsAlign team goals with organizational objectivesTrack and evaluate goal progress
Employee feedback and clarity of messagesEstablish regular team communication channelsEnsure consistent and transparent communicationMonitor and enhance communication effectiveness
Performance improvement plan effectivenessReview team performance and identify skills gapsProvide feedback and coaching to team membersMeasure performance improvement and outcomes
Efficiency improvement percentageIdentify inefficiencies in current processesDevelop and implement process improvement plansMeasure and monitor ongoing process efficiency
Employee development plan completion rateIdentify development needs of team membersImplement training and development initiativesEvaluate employee growth and professional development
Stakeholder satisfaction and feedbackIdentify key stakeholders and their needsBuild relationships and establish rapportMeasure stakeholder satisfaction and engagement
Time to resolution for key issuesIdentify key challenges and problem areasDevelop and implement solutionsMonitor problem-solving effectiveness

3. 30-60-90 day plan for executives example

Number of strategic initiatives identifiedConduct initial assessment and analysisDefine strategic goals and objectivesDevelop detailed strategic plan
Employee engagement survey resultsAssess team dynamics and individual performanceAddress areas of improvement and developmentFoster a high-performing team culture
Number of key stakeholder meetingsIdentify key stakeholders and their needsEstablish rapport and communication channelsFoster strong partnerships and collaborations
Profitability and revenue growthAnalyze financial statements and KPIsIdentify areas for improvement and cost-savingDevelop financial strategies for growth
Efficiency improvement percentageIdentify bottlenecks and inefficienciesImplement process improvements and automationMonitor and measure ongoing process efficiency
Employee satisfaction and adoption rateAssess organizational readiness for changeDevelop change management planExecute change initiatives and measure impact
Key performance indicators (KPIs)Review existing performance metricsSet performance targets and goalsEvaluate performance and provide feedback
Employee retention rate and leadership feedbackIdentify leadership development opportunitiesImplement training and mentoring programsEvaluate leadership effectiveness and growth

4. 30 60 90 day plan for an internal promotion example

Goals/ActionsKey Metrics30 Days60 Days90 Days
Adaptation and knowledge acquisition rateUnderstand new responsibilities and expectationsLearn HR Manager role intricaciesDemonstrate proficiency as HR Manager
Stakeholder satisfaction and feedbackIdentify key stakeholders and their needsBuild relationships and establish rapportMeasure stakeholder satisfaction and engagement
Employee engagement and productivityAssess HR team dynamics and strengthsProvide support and guidance to the teamImprove team performance and collaboration
Alignment of HR initiatives with organizational goalsIdentify key organizational goals and HR strategiesDevelop HR plans aligned with company objectivesImplement strategic HR initiatives
Employee performance improvement rateReview existing performance management processesImplement performance improvement initiativesEvaluate performance management effectiveness
Time-to-fill key positionsAssess current talent acquisition processStreamline recruitment and selection processesImprove recruitment efficiency and quality
Employee satisfaction and career development plansIdentify development needs of employeesImplement training and development programsEvaluate employee growth and professional development
Compliance with HR regulations and policiesAssess HR policy and compliance frameworkUpdate policies and ensure adherenceMeasure HR compliance and effectiveness

How to write a 30-60-90 day plan for new employees

Checklist: 30-60-90 day plan for new employees .

30 60 90 Day Plan Checklist for Onboarding

  • New employee welcome
  • Planning get-to-know meetings
  • Clarifying short and long-term priorities
  • Creating SMART goals

30-day goals

60-day goals, 90-day goals.

  • Defining metrics of success
  • Feedback and review checkpoints

1. New employee welcome

  • Role details
  • How the role supports the broader organization’s objectives
  • A summary of expectations and the support the employee should expect from their manager.
HR pro tip Personalize the welcome to the employee, their role, and how they will add value to the business, clients and colleagues. This will set the stage for a memorable onboarding experience.

30 60 90 day plan: Welcome to the team

2. ‘Get to know’ meetings

  • Who the employee is meeting, including their name, role and experience
  • Context: The key objective of the meeting
  • Why this meeting will help the employee in their new role
  • What topics should be discussed and suggested questions that the employee can ask to gain the most they can from the meeting

3. Outlining high-level goals

  • A list of outcomes-based goals to be achieved in 30, 60 and 90 days.
  • Context around how this goal relates to their position. For example: As a sales executive in this organization, one of your roles is onboarding new clients.
  • A clear understanding that the employee should be aiming for fluency in their role by the 90-day mark and that this plan will help them achieve this goal.
HR pro tip Align long-term priorities to the organization’s key strategic goals. From there, work backwards to determine where the employee should be at the end of their first 90 days to be best positioned to support those priorities and which short-term goals need to be achieved within 30 and 60 days support key outcomes at the end of 90 days.

SMART goals

  • Work with the new employee and their manager to define between three and five goals
  • Encourage the employee to learn as much as they can and to suggest which goals they believe they need to reach
  • Highlight that the employee is not working in a vacuum – they should be encouraged to ask questions, learn tools and get to know the people in their team.  
  • It is important not to overwhelm the employee as this plan is formulated as the new hire arrives.
  • Work with the employee and their manager to extend their roadmap, but make it clear that they are not expected to be able to meet these goals as they start their role.
  • Ensure the employee understands this is the last month before they are expected to fully transition into their role.
  • Set goals and expectations that can be used as the basis for the first performance contracting conversation
  • Allow the employee to also state what support they need during this last month to be able to fully transition into their role.
HR pro tip The third month is when the strategy mapped out during days 31 – 60 is executed. By this phase, the employee must be actively contributing to projects and working with their team to achieve results. Key metrics must reflect this.

4. Defining metrics of success

5. feedback and review checkpoints.

  • The employee to give feedback
  • The manager/leadership team to give feedback
  • Metrics to be reviewed against goals
  • Planning around additional support if metrics have been missed
HR pro tip To support both managers and new employees in this journey, you can create a short template that helps them to document what was covered in the meeting, including a recap of goals, metrics, what was achieved and any key outcomes or learnings.

Sample 30-60-90 day plan

30 60 90 day sample plan for onboarding new hires

How to write a 30-60-90 day plan for internal promotions

Checklist: 30-60-90 day plan for internal promotions.

  • Congratulations and ‘get to know’ meeting
  • 30 day goals
  • 60 day goals
  • 90 day goals

Sample 30-60-90 day plan for internal promotions

30 60 90 day sample place for internal promotions

 HR pro tip Adjusting the 30-60-90 plan for internal promotions is an excellent way to highlight and encourage the behaviour that earned the employee their promotion in the first place. Work with them to outline their skills and the value they bring to their team, department and the business and then align these to their short- and long-term goals. 

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

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Leverage our professionally designed 90-Day New Job Plan PPT template to articulate your intentions, actionable goals, and high-level priorities for the first three months at a new job. Project managers can use this 100% customizable deck to showcase their short and long-term goals, project milestones, and metrics to measure success for the first 90 days in the new role. These easy-to-grasp layouts have been crafted in beautiful colors and shades to give an artistic feel to your presentation. This versatile and visually pleasing template can be effortlessly customized, letting your viewers get a clear understanding of your plan. So, don't delay and download it right away!

What’s Inside the Deck?

  • A well-designed 90-day new job action plan layout portrays a 30 60 90 day plan to depict goals and strategize the first three months in a new job.
  • A comprehensively designed layout presents a 30 60 90 day job plan to represent a clear course of action for new hires during the first ninety days of their new job.

Spellbinding Features

  • All the icons, illustrations, and flowcharts can be resized and recolored conveniently as per your needs, without any comprehensive editing skills or external aid.
  • You can use these designs in your presentation as many times as you want after downloading them once.
  • Our set has been designed after meticulous research, leading to no copyright breach issues.
  • Even multiple changes won't lead to resolution or quality loss because of high-definition graphics in the set.
  • Our round-the-clock available diligent customer support team will provide you with the needful assistance.

So, create an impactful presentation in minutes using our layouts. Download the PPT right away!

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

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[Updated 2023] Top 30 60 90 Day Plan Templates for Interviewees, Managers, CEOs, and more!

[Updated 2023] Top 30 60 90 Day Plan Templates for Interviewees, Managers, CEOs, and more!

Hanisha Kapoor


Do you want to set personal goals for your own growth and also help your company chart a new course? It goes without a doubt that daily routine work and activities can put a lot of pressure and create chaos. It hampers productivity and leads to inefficiencies and gaps at work. Employees, CEOs, managers need a substantial plan that creates goals and strategies for exponential growth. 

To help you design a comprehensive plan that allows you to start this journey on the right note, SlideTeam brings you a 30-60-90 Day Plan Template. This will not only help you set attainable goals for your business but also allow you to track your career progression. A 30 60 90 day plan lets you organize and prioritize your time and functions. It keeps you moving in the right direction and pushes you to perform with efficiency. 

Read this exclusive blog to create an actionable workplan and win your next interview!

It’s time to suss out your competition, enhance your performance, and achieve your targets with a 30 60 90 day plan. These PowerPoint Templates are content-ready and custom-made to help you overcome the pressure and boost efficiency. 

The 100% customizable nature of the Templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready Slides give you the much-needed structure.  

Without further ado, let’s walk you through the collection of 30 60 90 day plan Templates to navigate the path to success. 

Let’s begin!

Top 30 60 90 Day Plan Templates:

30 60 90  Day Plan Calendar PowerPoint Template 1:

30 60 90 Days Plan PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Calendar PowerPoint Template

This is a ready to use PowerPoint Template to write a clear course of action for your new projects, campaigns, tasks, etc. Deploy this PPT Slide and outline steps to achieve your set goals in the first 30 days of your plan. Create an execution plan and help your team accomplish their targets with this actionable PPT Slide. You can test and analyze your progress in the 60 days of your plan. The 90 days of your plan will help you understand if you require new goals and an action plan to take your business to new heights. Download now!

30 60 90 Days Plan for Sale Improvement PPT Slide 2:

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan PPT Slide

Download 30 60 90 Plan PPT Template

Here is a PPT Template to train your sales team and up their number game. Incorporate this professional and appealing PPT Slide and use it as a guide to showcase your team their goals and set targets for the first 30 days. You can track their progress and mark crucial gaps or accomplishments in the 60 days of the plan. This is a top notch PPT Template to reflect on the performance and make any changes to help your team grow. Download now!

30 60 90 Days Plan for Digitization in Public Sector PPT Template 3:

30 60 90 Day Plan for Digital Transformation PPT Template

Grab this professionally designed 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Wish to revolutionize your business? It’s time to grab this content-ready 30 60 90 Days plan PPT Template to adapt innovative ways to reach and serve customers. Use this pre- designed PPT Slide to speed on emerging digital trends in the first 30 days of your plan. This PowerPoint Template also comprises a section on 60 days plan to help you pen down a comprehensive plan to bring digital transformation in your business. Use this PPT Template to scrutinize and note the changes in the 90 days of your plan for future references. Download now!

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management 4:

30 60 90 Day Project Management with Goals PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Plan for Project Management

Ensure the project is executed smoothly with the help of 30 60 90 day plan.  Project managers can use the above 30 60 90 day plan template to devise a plan that includes project scoping, project budgeting, communication plan, project control, and more. You can divide the tasks over a period of 90 days to manage and control the project. The template shown is customizable. Use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Template 5:

30 60 90 Day Plan with Tick Marks PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Template

Stand out in your interview with a 30 60 90 day plan template. Let your interviewer know that you are ready to take up the job and responsibilities to excel in this new job. Showcase how are you going to go about your new job and help employers in the first three months on the job. Use the 30 60 90 day plan template to document your strategy to achieve the intended goals.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Transition 6:

30 60 90 Day Plan with Columns and Rows PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Use the first three months to make your mark and leave the right impression on the managers and team with the help of a 30 60 90-day plan template. Set different goals and actions for the period of 90 days to lay the groundwork for you and your team. List down the things to do in the first 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days so that everybody gets comfortable and gets to know the roles and responsibilities in order to achieve the intended goals. The template is editable. Use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Marketing 7:

30 60 90 Day Marketing Plan Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template

Want to launch a new product or service in the market? Give your product its perfect launch with the help of a 30 60 90-day plan template for marketing. The marketing team can incorporate the above template to list down the activities that need to be carried out in order to bring the new product in the market. Layout the marketing plan for over a period of 90 days which includes ad campaigning, social media posts, banners, and more to create awareness about the product in the market. Use the 30 60 90-day plan to launch a product or service successfully in the market.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 8:

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Slide Diagram

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template

Write a 30 60 90 day plan for new business operation or project using a 30 60 90-day plan PPT template. This PowerPoint slide will help you outline steps to understand, execute, and control the business plan in order to accomplish the goals. Incorporate the 30 60 90 day plan PPT template to list various steps and strategies to execute the business operations successfully within the 90-day period.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 9:

30 60 90 Plan PowerPoint Diagram Template

Prioritize your tasks and create a 30 60 90 day plan to deliver the best services to your clients. As a manager, you carry the burden of executing various processes and projects on time. This is why incorporating a professionally designed 30 60 90 day plan PPT template to ease the workflow for you. You can plan the next steps and monitor the growth over a period of 90 days with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. The above template will help you write down the major tasks and functions to help you ease the process for you.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for HR Managers 10:

30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Template

Grab this professionally designed 30 60 90 Day Plan Template

Get to know the employees better, understand their queries, provide them resources to help them, and more with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan template. HR managers who are new to the company can use this 90-day plan PPT template to improve communication among the employees. This template can be also be used for the new candidate to make them feel comfortable in the new environment. HR managers should implement a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template to improve the interaction among the employees and answer their queries and concern to increase their efficiency and performance.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management 11:

30 60 90 Day Project Management PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management

Set a timeline for your project for the smooth execution with a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. Run your project on time, manage and control it with a well-curated plan. Project managers use the 30 60 90 day plan for the proper implementation of the project. The 30 60 90 day plan lets project managers schedule tasks, initiate a project, manage risks, set budgets, and more. Include this specifically designed 30 60 90 day plan template to control the project.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management Activities 12:

30 60 90 Day Project Management Activity PowerPoint Slide

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management Plan

Present a well-curated project management plan with a 30 60 90-day plan template. List various tasks and activities of 90 days on a professionally designed 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint slide. Divide the tasks over a period of 90 days to implement the project successfully. Showcase what you are going to do and how are you going to do in 90 days for a better execution with the help of the 90-day plan template shown above.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Sales 13:

30 60 90 Day Sales Action Plan PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Sales Team

Improve your sales and up your game with a 30 60 90 day plan template. Sales managers can incorporate the above template to present a sales plant to the team. Use the above template to understand the requirements of the customers and clients in the first 30 days. Execute various tasks and activities to market your products or relaunch your products to attract the customers in the first 60 days and monitor the growth in sales in the first 90 days. Make changes to your sales plan accordingly using a 30 60 90 day plan template.

30 60 90 Day Action Plan Template 14:

30 60 90 Action Plan PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Action Plan Template

If you are going for an interview, you require a 30 60 90-day action plan template to showcase that you are well-equipped to take on the challenges. Employers may or may not ask for the 90-day plan.  However, it set the right impression on the interviewer knowing that you are responsible and passionate about a new job. Let your employers know that in the first 30 days, you will make efforts to understand the business, industry, employees, culture, competitors, customers, etc. In the next 60 days, you will be evaluating processes, procedures, conduct SWOT analysis, and more. The 90 days is to identify gaps and areas of improvement. You will be ready to implement new ideas at this time. Present a well-prepared 30 60 90 day plan with the help of a template shown above.

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template 15: 

30 60 90 Day Gantt Chart PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template

Now create and monitor your plan at the same time using a 30 60 90-day sales plan template. List different tasks and activities that are required to be executed over a period of 90 days and mark milestones along the way with the help of 30 60 90-day plan template shown above. The template comprises a Gantt chart for you to write down the tasks for the first 90 days. Also, measure the performance and highlight the milestones to help you keep going the way you planned it. You can make changes to the plan in case you want to because it is an editable slide.

30 60 90-Day Plan Template for Sales and Marketing 16:

30 60 90 Day Sales and Marketing Plan PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Sales and Marketing

Develop a professional and short-term sales and marketing plan using a 30 60 90 day plan template. This 30 60 90 day plan template will help you strategize to achieve short-term marketing goals and targets. Plan different functions and tasks over a period of 90 days to help you advertise and place your product in the market. Set timelines for the tasks, execute and measure the performance with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 17:

30 60 90 Day Plan Template Diagram

Manage time, stay organized, and boost your efficiency using a 30 60 90-day plan PowerPoint template. Build your sales plan for 90 days in order to achieve the short-term goals set for the sales team. Use the 30 60 90-day plan PowerPoint template to showcase your approach to the sales plan, create, and track measurable goals. Incorporate the above template to create a sales plan to help your team achieve goals for the company.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 18: 

30 60 90 Day Project Management PowerPoint Diagram Template

Understand, evaluate and optimize your business plan with a 30 60 90-day plan template. Run business operations and projects on time and efficiently with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint slide. This template will help you achieve your short-term goals and evaluate your growth over a period of 90 days. You can certainly make changes to the plan if you identify the areas of improvement in the process. Use the above template to outline a short-term plan by incorporating a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template for Project Management 19:

30 60 90 Day Project Management Timeline PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Project Management Plan Template

Incorporate a professionally designed 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template to present a well-thought project management plan to your team. This template comprises a timeline to help you showcase the activities and tasks divided into a period of 90 days easily. The PPT template is designed in a way that helps presenters display their roles and tasks in the first 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. You can also make changes to the tasks or any activity in the middle of the process as this template is customizable.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 20:

30 60 90 Day Project Management PowerPoint Slide

Achieve set goals and targets with the help of a 30 60 90-day plan template. Layout your plan to accomplish your objectives using a 30 60 90-day plan PPT template. Use the above template that showcases the steps and activities that lead to the set targets. Complete set tasks for each phase of the plan with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 21:

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan PPT Template

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Template

Develop a plan to reach your short-term goals with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan template. The above template is content-ready and helps you present your 30 60 90-day plan with ease. List your tasks for the first 90 days and monitor the performance during this period using a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. This 30 60 90 day plan template is widely accepted by the managers to accomplish their short-term business goals.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 22:

30 60 90 Day PowerPoint Slide

Use the above 30 60 90 day plan template to help you devise an outline to reach your goals. Incorporate a 30 60 90-day plan PowerPoint slide to set a timeline to complete the tasks and functions in order to reach your goals. The slide shown is customizable. You can easily replace the dummy content with your own text. Add your content and use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template 23:

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Graphic

Download 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan PPT Template

Prepare yourself for the interview and take an opportunity to stand out from the crowd with the help of a well-curated 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. Build your 30 60 90 day plan so that your employer knows that you are ready to take over the role of a manager. Showcase your duties that you will be taking care of with a 90-day plan PPT template. Add a professionally designed 30 60 90-day plan PowerPoint slide to display your functions and tasks as a manager over a period of 90 days.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 24:

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Slide

Understand your employees better, improve the interaction, and help employees perform better with a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. HR managers can create a 30 60 90 day plan for themselves to provide the best resources to their employees in order to improve their efficiency. Outline a plan to understand their requirements, gather facts, provide and resources, and monitor their performance using a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 25:

30 60 90 Day PowerPoint Visual

Create a professional 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template to impress your employers. The 30 60 90 day plan will put you under the spotlight and leave your competitors behind as it shows that you have taken up your job seriously. Showcase what are you going to do and how are you going to take up your job in the first 90 days. It will give an interviewer an idea of whether you have understood the job requirements or not. Also, it shows that you have work experience in the field, and which is why you have created a plan to understand and implement new ideas in the first 90 days of your job. The template above is customizable. Use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 26:

30 60 90 Day PPT Diagram Slide

Master your new job with a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template. Showcase what you intend to achieve in this new job in the first 90 days with the help of a 30 60 90-day plan PPT slide. Create a short-term plan that will help you showcase your tasks, activities, and functions for the first 90 days in the job. Outline your role as a manager and list duties that you will be performing for the first 90 days so that an employer knows that you have the knowledge and you are well-suited for this job. Use the above template, add your content, and use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 27:

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Slide

Ace your job interview with a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. Every employer wants to hire a candidate who has enough experience to perform tasks for the company. Showcase your interviewer that you are ready to take up the role or any responsibility with a 30 60 90 day plan PPT template. This slide will help you devise a plan about your major roles and functions for the first 90 days in the company. List different tasks that you will be executing for the betterment of the company with a 30 60 90 day plan template.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 28:

30 60 90 Day Plan Template Graphic

Click here to download 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Whether you want to create a sales plan or project management plan, use the above 30 60 90 day plan template to outline any business plan for the company. Managers can ease the business operations with 30 60 90-day plan that comprises of tasks and functions to perform over the period of 90 days. Use the above template as a to-do list for the 90 days to achieve the goals for the company.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 29:

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Diagram

Accomplish short-term business goals with a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint slide. The 30 60 90-day plan will help you keep in the right direction and help you achieve success. Outline a plan for the 90 days for sales, marketing, project management, and more and attain your set business goals. The above template will write a plan for each week and each month for the first 90 days. It will let you move toward success. The template is customizable. Use it as per your needs.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 30:

30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Slide Diagram

Enhance your performance during your first 90 days on the job with a 30 60 90-day plan template. Have a smooth transition in your new organization using a 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint slide. Create a 90-day plan to showcase the employers that you are ready to perform to your potential and raise bars for success. Outline tasks and functions that you will be handling with a 30 60 90-day plan PPT template.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 31:

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template

Use the above template to list your role as a manager for the first 90 days with the help of a 30 60 90 day plan template. Set the right impression on your reporting head and give your new job a head start using a 30 60 90 day PPT template. Outline a plan, jot down various goals and targets, and perform in order to achieve those set targets and goals. The template shown is customizable. It comprises of enough space for you to write your tasks. It consists of professional icons also to enhance the design of the slide.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 32:

30 60 90 Day PPT Template

Download 30 60 90 Day Plan PPT Slide

HR managers can incorporate the 30 60 90 day plan PPT template to understand the new employee better and make the transition smooth for him or her. Create a 30 60 90-day plan to learn how the employee operates, answer any of his or her queries, address preconceived notions, and finally help him and her perform better. Use the above template which is ready-made. Just add your content and use it as per your convenience.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template 33:

30 60 90 Day PowerPoint Diagram

If you have applied for a new job, you might be asked to write a 30 60 90 day plan before your interview. Now, this is tricky to outline a plan before you join. However, with the above template, you can set the first right impression on your employer. You can create your course of action over a period of 90 days with the help of job qualifications and responsibilities given in the job listings. Take out some common points between these two and turn them into goals for yourself over a period of 90 days.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 34:

30 60 90 Day Plan Diagram

Use the above template to create a professionally designed 30 60 90 day plan. Get under the spotlight and leave your competitors behind with a well-prepared 30 60 90-day plan template. This will let you showcase that you are ready to take up this new challenge and you are aware of your job responsibilities. The template comprises text boxes for you to write down your action plan and icons to intensify the design of the template. Grab your employer’s attention with a 30 60 90 day plan template.

30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template 35:

30 60 90 Day PPT Diagram Template

Download 30 60 90 Day PowerPoint Template

Build your 30 60 90-day plan and impress your employer. Use the above 30 60 90 day plan PowerPoint template to let your employer know that you have a great understanding of the role you are about to take. It also showcases that you are enthusiastic about this new opportunity. A professionally designed 30 60 90-day plan PPT template showcases job readiness and a good work ethic. Incorporate a 30 60 90-day plan template to land your dream job.

Use these professional 30 60 90 day plan templates to stay ahead of your competition.

FAQs on 30 60 90 Day Plan 

What are 30 60 90 day goals.

30-60-90 day goals are a common framework used by organizations to set specific and measurable objectives for new employees during their first three months on the job. The goals for each time period are typically progressive, with the first 30 days focusing on training and orientation, the next 30 days on building skills and capabilities, and the final 30 days on demonstrating mastery and contributing to the organization's success.

Here are some examples of 30-60-90 day goals:

30-day goals:

  • Complete orientation and training programs.
  • Meet with all team members to understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop an understanding of the company's culture and values.
  • Identify the key stakeholders and their needs.

60-day goals:

  • Build relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Identify areas for improvement in the team's processes.
  • Take ownership of one project or initiative and make progress towards its completion.
  • Seek feedback from team members and incorporate it into your work.

90-day goals:

  • Demonstrate mastery of your job responsibilities.
  • Drive improvements in the team's processes.
  • Take on additional responsibilities beyond your initial job description.
  • Develop a plan for your continued growth and development within the organization

How do you write a 30 60 90 Day plan for a manager?

Writing a 30-60-90 day plan for a manager can help them set clear goals and objectives for their first three months on the job. Here are some steps to follow when writing a 30-60-90 day plan for a manager:

  • Understand the company's goals and objectives: Before you start writing the plan, it's important to understand the company's overall goals and objectives. This will help you to align your plan with the company's priorities.
  • Identify the manager's goals and objectives: Meet with the manager to understand their goals and objectives for their first three months. This will help you to tailor the plan to their specific needs.
  • Break the plan down into 30-day increments: Divide the plan into three 30-day increments, with each increment building on the previous one.
  • Outline the manager's key responsibilities: Identify the key responsibilities of the manager, and break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Set specific goals and objectives: For each 30-day increment, set specific goals and objectives that the manager should achieve. Make sure the goals are measurable and achievable within the given time frame.
  • Identify potential obstacles: Anticipate potential obstacles that the manager might face, and outline strategies for overcoming them.
  • Develop a timeline: Create a timeline for achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the plan, and make sure the manager is aware of the timeline.
  • Review and revise the plan: Review the plan with the manager, and revise it as necessary. Make sure the plan is realistic and achievable, and that the manager is fully committed to achieving the goals outlined in the plan.

What is a 30 60 90 Day plan presentation for an interview?

A 30-60-90 day plan presentation for an interview is a document or slide deck that outlines your goals, objectives, and action plans for the first three months on the job. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a clear understanding of the company's goals and objectives, and that you have a solid plan for achieving them.

Here is an example of how a 30-60-90 day plan presentation for an interview might be structured:

Slide 1: Introduction

  • Introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your background and experience.
  • Explain why you are excited about the opportunity to join the company.

Slide 2: 30-day plan

  • Outline the specific goals and objectives you will achieve in the first 30 days on the job.
  • Provide a high-level overview of the action plans you will implement to achieve these goals.

Slide 3: 60-day plan

  • Detail the specific goals and objectives you will achieve in the next 30 days.
  • Provide a more detailed explanation of the action plans you will implement to achieve these goals.

Slide 4: 90-day plan

  • Describe the specific goals and objectives you will achieve in the final 30 days.
  • Explain how you will build on the previous 60 days to achieve these goals.

Slide 5: Conclusion

  • Summarize your plan and reiterate your excitement about the opportunity to join the company.
  • Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration.

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  • Quarterly Business Review Presentation: All the Essential Slides You Need in Your Deck
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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

  • 20 Apr 2023

Tackle the First 90 Days of Your Next Role: A 5 Step Process for Success on the Job

Congratulations! After months of networking, interviewing, and sending out resumes, you’ve landed your next role. This is a huge accomplishment!

Celebrate, rest, relax and show your gratitude to the people who helped you achieve this goal.

Then, as day one in your new role draws near, make sure you have everything you need to succeed by following HBS Career Coach Matt Spielman’s five steps to success on the job in the first 90 days.

Why the First 90 Days Matters

In his work educating companies about successful onboarding , Spielman notes the importance of the first 90 days for employees and their employers. “Research suggests that an employee’s first 90 days will in large part determine his or her performance, longevity, and contribution to the company,” he shares.

Therefore, a successful onboarding program designed and executed by the company alongside an intentional plan designed and executed by the employee is critical. This joint process establishes and strengthens relationships, conveys transparency, and ultimately mitigates risk and maximizes success.

“For the employer, key elements of a successful onboarding process include introducing new hires to key stakeholders, setting employees up for success by designing an internal interview guide for conversations, and creating a 90-day plan laid out in three 30-day increments to meet key objectives and goals,” explains Spielman.

The important thing to remember as a new employee – you will not be executing on 90 days’ worth of goals on day one.

“As an employee feeling the pressure that accompanies a hard-won job, you will want to make a positive first impression,” Spielman says. “The natural reaction in many instances is to jump right in but as Jeff Olson said, ‘Sometimes you need to slow down to go fast.’”

Step 1: Detail What, Why, and How

Step 1 in the “slow down to go fast” five-step process is to detail the first 90 days by communicating openly with your manager about:

  • What you plan to do to learn your new role and contribute
  • Why you are structuring your approach in this way
  • How you will execute this plan to make progress

To guide this conversation and keep you focused, break out your first 90 days into a three-segment action plan like the one outlined here . Segments one and two will be dedicated to accelerating your learning and beginning to contribute to the conversation. Segment three (days 61 through 90) will be further detailed as you meet stakeholders and conduct interviews.

Note the importance of quantifying output of each segment and scheduling check ins to manage expectations and maintain open lines of communication.

Step 2: Identify Stakeholders

After laying out your objectives for the first 90 days, the next step is to identify the stakeholders you should meet and interview. The conversations you have as a new employee may be an extension of what you learned during the interview process or provide completely new and highly valuable information.

Identify with your manager who you will be interacting with on a regular basis in your new role and who else within the company you should connect with to gain their insights or to prepare for future collaboration. Then craft your questions for these conversations using the 90-Day Interview Guide.

Sample questions include:

  • What is our company’s greatest strength(s)?
  • What’s the one thing we’re not doing today to accelerate growth (of revenue, customers, product, service, etc.) but should?
  • What would need to happen for the organization to seize the potential of these opportunities?
  • What are the biggest challenges the organization is facing (or will face) in the near future?

Step 3: Conduct Interviews

Next, set up your 30-45 minute stakeholder meetings where you’ll have an opportunity to build relationships, learn, and capture important information that will make you successful in your new role.

To make the most of these meetings, determine what method you will use to capture information (i.e. typed or handwritten notes, recorded Zoom meetings, transcriptions) so that you have an organized way to refer back to what you’ve learned and be ready to synthesize in Step 4.

Step 4: Synthesize (and Share?)

Notes in hand, in Step 4 you will be identifying key themes – both from what you did hear and what you didn’t hear in your stakeholder interviews. Were there any inconsistencies you noticed that might require clarification?

From all of the data collected, you will then be able to conduct a SWOT analysis for the company, specifically related to how that will impact the imperatives for your new role.

What you share and when will be up to your discretion. Unless you have significant concerns about the finding, best practice has been to share an anonymized summary of your interviews. “You can provide almost instant value – and make a positive first impression - by offering the insights gleaned during the onboarding process. The company can benefit from your fresh eyes and new perspective.”

Step 5: Build, Share, Work the Plan

Lastly, informed by your job description, job interviews, experiences, and data from the five-step process, you can write out clear goals.

What four goals (approximately) should you plan to achieve and in what time horizon?

To ensure that you are setting the right goals in this process, follow the ACHIEVE model: Action-Oriented, Consequential, Hard not Herculean, Integrated, Explicit, Visualized, and Endpoint-focused. Understanding the meaning and the consequence – the why – behind a goal dramatically increases the chances of it being achieved. Spielman, who designed the ACHIEVE model, states “When we add in the “V,” for the visual representation of the goal, we tap into the power of visualization that athletes have been using for decades.”

Furthermore, when sharing your goals, make sure they are supported by defined action items to will work in service of those goals, as well as a clear articulation as to why these goals are important. Incorporating these elements, along with a deadline for each aim, will turn your list of goals into a clear action plan that you can communicate to others and begin executing on in service of your new company.

More Resources

For more on navigating the first ninety days, check out the resources below:

  • Inflection Points: How to Work and Live with Purpose
  • “All Aboard!” Five Steps to Ensure New Employees Soar
  • The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter

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Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Last updated on September 5th, 2023

A 30-60-90 day plan is meant to show what an employee can achieve in the first 90 days of employment. You might be required to present such a plan at a job interview. The  Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template is a simple presentation template which you can use for presenting your 30-60-90 day plan during a job interview.

Make a 30-60-90 Day Plan in PowerPoint

What’s great about this free presentation template is the fact that it gives simple layouts where you can add your bullet points within neatly created sections to explain your plan for the first 30 days of employment, followed by 60 and 90 day plans.

Related: How to Make a 30-60-90 Day Plan


Fully Editable Slides

The template has a simple layout available in three different color schemes. The slides are completely editable and you can edit every section of the template according to need. You can even change the color of the slides or slide elements or rearrange the default layouts. This template is therefore perfect for making a good looking presentation to layout your plans for the first 90 days of employment, within a neat looking bulleted layout.

90 Day Plan template for PowerPoint

This also means that you can even edit the 30, 60 or 90 text-boxes to modify the layout. For example, you might want each slide to only explain about one part of your presentation, such as a 30 day plan with 3 sections, followed by a slide with 60 day plans and so on. We edited the default layout to turn a slide into a solely 30 day plan slide with three sections (see example below). This is just to give you an idea how you can easily modify the default slide designs according to need.

Related: Top 11 Professional Resume Templates

Edit 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint template - Example of 30/60/90 plan template (free download)

This free PowerPoint template can be downloaded from, along with various other planning and job related free presentation templates for PowerPoint.

Go to Download Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

Download a Pre-designed 30-60-90 Day Plan Template

Instead of creating your own slide, you can reuse one of the slides and PowerPoint templates published on SlideModel.

Example of free 30-60 90 day plan template for PowerPoint (PPT)

[ View template ]

Visit the 30-60-90 Day Plan Template for PowerPoint to learn more about the download options.

Simple 30 60 90 Template for PowerPoint

This simple 30-60 90 day plan template for PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations include three columns and text placeholders that you can use to present a 30 60 90 day plan to an audience. The 30-60 90 slide design also includes labels to indicate the 30, 60 and 90 days and icons representing the different stages on a 30-60-90 day plan

30 60 90 PowerPoint template design

This other template let you create a 30 60 90 plan in a PowerPoint presentation.

Alternatively, you can download other free 30 60 90 day plan templates, or rely on our other planning templates like the 100 day plan template or the 90 day plan templates.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the 30-60-90 day plan template is an great tool for presenters and professionals, not only job seekers but also employees at any level of the organization, allowing them to effectively communicate their proposed contributions during their initial employment period. The Free 30 60 90 Day Plan Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides, provides a structured and visually appealing medium to present this plan. With its customizable layout, users can tailor the 30 60 90 day plan template to their specific needs and even explore other planning templates. For those seeking an efficient, user-friendly way to convey their early employment roadmap, these PowerPoint resources are an excellent choice.

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first 90 days in a new job presentation template

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Cheat Sheet – The First 90 Days


“I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.” — Jerome K. Jerome

Have you read The First 90 Days , by Michael Watkins?

Maybe you’ve you read The First 90 Days , but the real question is, how do you “do” The First 90 Days ?

The Survivor’s Guide for Success at Your New Job

The First 90 Days is basically a survivor’s guide for leaders in how to hit the ground running when they start a new job.   Rather than “sink or swim”, it’s a systematic way to survive and thrive in your new role.

The beauty is, The First 90 Days really helps you thrive on the job whether you are new to the job, or have had the job for a while.  It helps whether you lead teams or are a one-man band.   It’s one of the best books that demystifies what it means to be effective in terms of self-leadership, team-leadership, and organizational leadership.  It’s the corporate warrior’s playbook for success.

Cheat Sheets for New Job Success

Winking smile

I figured that what I put together would be helpful for a broader audience, so here is my playbook for actually putting The First 90 Days into practice.    It’s my cheat sheets and my notes on how to turn it into action.

Note that even with my cheat sheet, I still need to regularly dive deep into the book so I can really understand the “why”, the “how”, the “when” and make the most of the habits and practices.  It’s a powerful framework that takes a lot of practice to really learn how to do well.  The good news is the framework is a friend for life and will serve you well.

The Five Propositions

According to Michael Watkins, the five fundamental propositions form the foundation of the approach to transition acceleration:

  • The root causes of transition failure always lie in a pernicious interaction between the situation, with its opportunities and pitfalls, and the individual, with his or her strengths and vulnerabilities.
  • There are systematic methods that leaders can employ to both lessen the likelihood of failure and reach the breakeven point faster.
  • The overriding goal in a transition is to build momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that damage credibility.
  • Transitions are a crucible for leadership development and should be managed accordingly.
  • Adoption of a standard framework for accelerating transitions can yield big returns for organizations .

The 90 Day Plan for New Job Success

This is my distillation of the 90 Day Plan for new job success.  I like to have a bird’s-eye view.  Here it is:


The Backbone of New Job Success

To be effective in applying The First 90 Days, you need to know what the backbone of The First 90 Days actually is.  According to Michael Watkins, the backbone of The First 90 Days is:

  • Promote Yourself
  • Accelerate Your Learning
  • Match Strategy to Situation
  • Secure Early Wins
  • Negotiate Success
  • Achieve Alignment
  • Build Your Team
  • Create Coalitions
  • Keep Your Balance
  • Expedite Everyone

The formula is a powerful one.  Basically, you are learning the lay of the land, while creating momentum, and making impact.   This sets the stage for your credibility, as well as forces you to build effective relationships within your ecosystem.

Key Practices for New Job Success

Here is a map of the key practices for new job success, according to Michael Watkins.  I use the map to help remind me how to implement The First 90 Days, and to check where I’m at in terms of applying proven practices for effectiveness on the job:

1. Promote Yourself Establish a clear breakpointAssess your vulnerabilitiesWatch out for your strengths

Relearn how to learn

Rework your network

2. Accelerate Your Learning Define your learning agendaIdentify the best sources of insightCreate a learning plan
3. Match Strategy to Situation Diagnose the business situationUnderstand the historyIdentify challenges and opportunities

Lead with the right skills

Focus your energy

Diagnose your portfolio

Reward success

Adopt 4-D Development (managerial functions, geographic regions, career cross-roads, and STARS business situations)

4. Secure Early Wins Avoid common trapsMake waves of changeEstablish long-term goals

Focus on business priorities and behavioral changes

Define your A-team priorities

Secure early wins

Build credibility

Leverage “teachable moments”

Secure tangible results

Launch pilot projects

Elevate change agents

Avoid predictable surprises

5. Negotiate Success Plan for 5 conversations (situational diagnosis, expectations, style, resources, and personal development)
Don’t trash the past
Don’t stay awayDon’t surprise your bossDon’t approach your boss only with problems

Don’t run down your checklist

Don’t try to change the boss

Take 100% responsibility for making the relationship work

Clarity mutual expectations early and often

Negotiate timelines for diagnosis and action planning

Aim for early wins in areas important to the boss

Pursue good marks from those whose opinions your boss respects

6. Achieve Alignment Design organizational architecture (strategy, structure, systems, skills, and culture)Identify misalignments (skills and strategy, systems and strategy, structure and systems)Avoid common traps

Craft strategy

7. Build Your Team Assess your existing team
Align goals, incentives, and measures
Establish new team processes
8. Create Coalitions Map the influence landscape
Identify supporters, opponents, and convincibles
Use the tools of persuasionSequence to build momentum
9. Keep Your Balance Take stockAvoid vicious cycles
Aim for self-efficacy (adopt success strategies, enforce personal disciplines, build your support systems)Build your advice and counsel network (technical advisors, cultural interpreters, and political counselors)Structured reflection
10. Expedite Everyone Create a common language (STARS model, agenda for technical, cultural, and political learning, five conversations about situation, expectations, style, resources, and personal development, A-item priorities, goals for behavior change and ideas for early wins, priorities for strengthening their advice-and-counsel network)Develop high-potential leaders
Bring in people from the outsideUse performance-support tools

My Favorite Practices for New Job Success

There are a lot of practices to learn and absorb.  If I reflect on the ones that I use the most for the greatest impact, they boil down to this:

  • STARS (Start-up, Turnaround, Realignment, Sustaining Success)
  • The Five Conversations (situation diagnosis, expectations, style, resources, personal development
  • Build your advice and counsel network (technical advisers, cultural interpreters, and political counselors)
  • Identify challenges and opportunities
  • Secure early wins
  • Setting up action-forcing events
  • Identifying supporters, opponents, and convincibles
  • Leverage “teachable moments”
  • Make waves of change
  • Structured reflection

As you can see, there is a lot of synergy across the practices.   When you read The First 90 Days, be sure to pay extra attention to the language of STARS and think of it in terms of a lens across people, process, and product.   Each of those can be a in a very different situation, and the better you understand the landscape, the more effective you can operate.  For example, if you think that the product is in a Start-Up, but others think of it as a re-alignment, that can cause some serious problems in your effectiveness.  Once you understand the lay of the land, you can better bridge where things are, with where you would like things to be.

Be sure to check out The First 90 Days as a way to change your game and improve your workplace effectiveness.

If you have any stories or insights from applying The First 90 Days , I’d love to hear them.

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More From Forbes

17 essential tips for a new employee's first 90 days.

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The first 90 days in a new job are a critical time for both a new hire and their employer. While leaders and team members should provide a smooth onboarding process, the employee must take full advantage of the resources provided to settle into their role.

Below, 17 Forbes Business Council members share steps every new hire should take within their first 90 days on the job and why these steps can lead to success. Read on to learn how these proactive measures can not only help newcomers acclimate faster but also lay the foundation for a productive and fulfilling work experience.

1. Understand The Purpose And Economic Engine Of The Business

Make it your business to understand the purpose and economic engine of the business, which means learning about the product or service and the customer need. The more you understand why the business exists in the world and how it delights its customers, the faster you'll be able to contribute and add value. - Liz Beck , AspiringHR

2. Show A Degree Of Autonomy And Ownership

One of the first focuses for a new employee in any role should be to show a degree of autonomy and ownership over their place in the company. That is, of course, within the parameters of their expectations, but the goal should be to quickly ramp up to a semblance of autonomy. - Martha Krejci , Martha Krejci Company

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of september 2023, 3. be intentional in how you approach others.

As a new employee, how you engage at work when you join the team sets the tone for how you will be perceived by your organization moving forward. Every interaction is an opportunity for you to tell the company who you are, your values, your goals and what you offer. If you are intentional in how you approach others and how you reply when others approach you, you will go far. - Ben Semmes , Monotype

4. Actively Seek Feedback

In my opinion, a new employee should actively seek feedback in the first 90 days. This shows a commitment to self-improvement and adaptability, which is essential for integrating into the company culture and understanding role expectations, thereby accelerating their effectiveness in the new position. - Alexandre Bonvin , Audacia Group

5. Develop Relationships

Developing relationships helps new employees understand the social and professional norms of the organization, which is key to fitting in and feeling like part of the team. One of the most important elements is this cultural and team integration. - Raj Brahmbhatt , Zeebu

6. Engage With Tech And Product Teams

As a FinTech CFO, I recommend that new hires in FinTech companies actively engage with tech and product teams to understand the ecosystem they’re impacting. Seeking feedback and grasping the technology within the first 90 days is vital for aligning with the company's innovative pace and culture, setting the stage for future contributions and success. - Julia Yu , AppTech Payments Corp.

7. Establish Clear Communication Channels And Relationships

In the first 90 days, new employees should establish clear communication channels and build relationships with key stakeholders. You can do this by identifying and reaching out to the people you’ll be working with directly, such as your manager, team members and cross-functional colleagues, as well as understanding the communication preferences and expectations within the organization. This is imperative to your success. - Lauren Thew , Bluestone Group

8. Create A Robust Network Within The Organization

One critical action every new employee should take within their first 90 days is to proactively establish a robust network within the organization. This involves intentionally connecting and building relationships with colleagues across various departments, not just within their immediate team. - Dr. Hudson Garrett, Jr. , Community Health Associates, LLC

9. Build Strong, Personal Relationships With Colleagues

Build strong relationships with your colleagues to better understand your new work culture. Etiquette is different in every workplace, but it's often nuanced. By prioritizing personal relationships, you'll acclimatize more quickly. If you aren't assigned an onboarding buddy, seek one out. Personal relationships will help you understand the business quickly and increase job satisfaction. - Noel Asmar , Noel Asmar Group of Companies

10. Adapt To The Culture Of The Business

Engaging with the culture is vital for every new employee during onboarding. It's about learning the “way things work here.” Understanding and adapting to the organization’s values, attitudes and behavior patterns that people share helps in integrating effectively and contributing positively to the workplace. - Kate Stewart , Stryker

11. Set Goals

Create a 90-day roadmap. Write down one goal for each of these key areas: learning the role, measuring productivity and taking ownership. Having a 90-day plan will help you set attainable goals and get familiar with your new responsibilities. - Mark DeHaan , TenantCloud

12. Seek Feedback From Multiple Stakeholders

New employees should seek out the feedback of as many stakeholders involved in the business as they can. This allows them to understand the expectations and define a program of work that allows them to bring their expertise while also meeting the demands of the organization. - Dale Whelehan , 4 Day Week Global

13. Create A 90-Day 'Project Plan'

Once employees have completed onboarding and met key stakeholders, they should create a 90-day “project plan” with specific deliverables and timelines. This will give them a view of what success looks like. The plan can then be the basis of periodic discussions with line managers on progress, challenges and help needed. - Aseem Goyal , Factum Global

14. Understand The Company's Culture, Values And Dynamics

Every new employee should proactively seek to understand the company's culture and values, as well as their team's dynamics. This involves actively engaging with colleagues, asking questions and seeking feedback. It's crucial because it helps the employee align their personal goals with the broader objectives of the company. - Serge Guzenko , WEZOM

15. Learn What Your KPIs Are

The steps a new hire should take depends on the role the employee has been hired for. If hired as an individual contributor, the employee needs to know what their KPIs are and also get to know the team they will work with. If hired as a manager, the employee should focus on knowing their team members, their peers as well as their own and their department KPIs, if different. - R. Paul Singh , The Modern Data Company

16. Demonstrate Adaptability

One crucial action every new employee should take within their first 90 days is to demonstrate adaptability. Adaptability is paramount because it showcases the employee's willingness to embrace change, learn quickly and align with the company's evolving needs. By adapting to new tasks, processes and team dynamics, employees contribute to a smoother transition and enhance overall productivity. - Kirill Vladimirovich , Centurion

17. Look To Your Manager And Colleagues For Feedback

One important thing every new employee should do within their first 90 days is to seek feedback from their manager and colleagues actively. This is important because it demonstrates a proactive attitude towards improvement and integration into the team. The feedback will also help them identify areas for growth, build stronger working relationships and ensure alignment with company expectations and goals. - Dr Chibuzor Uwadi , Eat Well & See Well Ltd

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Plan Templates

10+ 90-day plan for new job templates – pdf, word.

Getting hired in a new job makes us feel giddy and nervous at the same time. It’s another adventure that we should prepare for despite the unpredictability that comes with it. We get to meet new people, and find the ones whom we can treat as family. Along with the new job jitters is the hope that this job would pave the way to the success we’ve always been dreaming about. You may also see plan templates .

first 90 days in a new job presentation template

  • 568+ Word Plan Templates
  • 568+ Sample Plan Templates

90 Day Plan Template

0 day plan template

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30 60 90 Day Plan Template

0 60 90 day plan template

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0 day plan for starting a new job

New Employee 90 Day Training Plan

new employee 90 day training plan

Making The 90-Day Plan For New Job

1. the first part: day 1-30, 2. the second part: day 31-60, 3. the last part: day 61-90, 90-day leadership action plan template.

0 day leadership action plan template

90-Day Action Plan Sample

0 day action plan sample

Tips In Making The 90-Day Plan Fruitful

1. identify the people in authority, 2. get to know your teammates, 3. know the company’s history, 4. list down your impressions, 5. take up jobs when no one else does, 90-day cycle plan sample.

0 day cycle plan sample

Printable New Job 90 Days Plan

printable new job 90 days plan

New job 90-days Waiting Period Limit

new job 90 days waiting period limit

6. Be trustworthy and dependable

7. reach expectations, 8. set a time limit in doing tasks, 9. stop multitasking, 10. be open to feedback, 11. take breaks, 30-60-90 day business plan template.

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Word templates, google docs templates, excel templates, powerpoint templates, google sheets templates, google slides templates, pdf templates, publisher templates, psd templates, indesign templates, illustrator templates, pages templates, keynote templates, numbers templates, outlook templates.


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  2. 90 Day New Job Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides

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  4. First 90 Days Plan PowerPoint Template, Presentation Templates

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  5. 5+ Best 90 Day Plan Templates for PowerPoint Presentations

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  6. 30 60 90 day for New Job Animated

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  16. Tackle the First 90 Days of Your Next Role: A 5 Step Process for

    After laying out your objectives for the first 90 days, the next step is to identify the stakeholders you should meet and interview. The conversations you have as a new employee may be an extension of what you learned during the interview process or provide completely new and highly valuable information.

  17. Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template

    A 30-60-90 day plan is meant to show what an employee can achieve in the first 90 days of employment. You might be required to present such a plan at a job interview. The Free 30 60 90 Day Plan PowerPoint Template is a simple presentation template which you can use for presenting your 30-60-90 day plan during a job interview.

  18. Cheat Sheet

    The First 90 Days Cheat Sheet is basically a survivor's guide for leaders in how to hit the ground running. and thrive in your job.

  19. The 30/60/90-Day Plan: Optimize Your First 90 Days In A New Role

    As you start a new job or take on a significant promotion, implementing a 30/60/90-day transition plan will help organize and optimize your first 90 days in the role.

  20. How To Make An Impact In The First 90 Days Of Your New Job

    By following these strategies, you can make a meaningful impact in the first 90 days of your new job and set yourself up for long-term success and growth within the organization.

  21. 17 Essential Tips For A New Employee's First 90 Days

    The first 90 days in a new job are a critical time for both a new hire and their employer. While leaders and team members should provide a smooth onboarding process, the employee must take full ...

  22. 10+ 90-Day Plan For New Job Templates

    The first 90 days in a new job should get you adjusted with the new flow. It is a whole new level of adapting that you have to master to get the job done. That is why it is important to create a sample 90-day plan for your new job. It helps you achieve the goals that you want to achieve in the duration of your stay in the company. You may also see Plan Templates in PDF .