Presentation Tool : OO Impress

Class 9 - sumita arora cbse computer code 165, objective type questions.

Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of a software called ............... .

  • MultiMedia software
  • Graphics software

Presentation Graphics software

Reason — Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of a software called Presentation Graphics software.

Which of the following is a presentation graphics software ?

Reason — Impress is a presentation graphics software.

An electronic page in a presentation is called ............... .

Reason — An electronic page in a presentation is called slide.

Which of the following view is not one of Impress views ?

  • Slide sorter view
  • Slide show view

Sorter view

Reason — Sorter view is not one of Impress views.

A set of pre-designed formats of text or color scheme is called ............... .

  • Presentation scheme

Reason — A set of pre-designed formats of text or color scheme is called template.

Rehearse Timings command is present on ............... menu.

Reason — Rehearse Timings command is present on Slide Show menu.

Slide Show command is present on ............... menu.

Reason — Slide Show command is present on Slide Show menu.

In ............... view, you can see all the slides of your presentation simultaneously.

  • Slide Sorter

Reason — In Slide Sorter view, you can see all the slides of your presentation simultaneously.

In ............... view, you can see one slide at a time and do any editing work in it.

Reason — In Normal view, you can see one slide at a time and do any editing work in it.

Question 10

The command Custom Animation is present on ............... menu.

Reason — The command Custom Animation is present on Slide Show menu.

Question 11

A new slide can be inserted in a presentation by ............... .

  • Using Slide command on Insert menu
  • Using Slide button of Presentation toolbar

(1) and (2)

  • none of these

Reason — A new slide can be inserted in a presentation by using Slide command on Insert menu or using Slide button of Presentation toolbar.

Question 12

Which menu provides a command to change the layout of your slide ?

Format menu

  • Slide-show menu

Reason — Format menu provides a command to change the layout of our slide.

Theoretical Questions

Fill in the blanks

(i) A ............... is an electronic page in a presentation.

(ii) ............... are a summarized version of your slides, which display only titles and main text.

(iii) ............... view displays three panes that show the outline, the slide, and an area into which you can enter speaker's notes.

(iv) In the Background dialog box, click ............... to apply the new background to all slides.

(v) Select ............... option on the ............... menu to change the font or style of selected text in a slide.

(vi) ............... is a set of sample slides with some text and design that give you suggestions about the content of your presentation.

(i) A slide is an electronic page in a presentation.

(ii) Outlines are a summarized version of your slides, which display only titles and main text.

(iii) Normal view displays three panes that show the outline, the slide, and an area into which you can enter speaker's notes.

(iv) In the Background dialog box, click Apply to All to apply the new background to all slides.

(v) Select Character option on the Format menu to change the font or style of selected text in a slide.

(vi) Design template is a set of sample slides with some text and design that give you suggestions about the content of your presentation.

Impress presentations are given extension

Reason — Impress presentations are given .odp extension.

Custom Animation is available on the ............... menu.

Reason — Custom Animation is available on the Slide Show menu.

Which of the following is presentation material ?

All of the above

Reason — Using Impress, we can create various presentation materials like charts, graphs, slides, handouts, overheads etc.

Which of the following can be one of the components of a slide ?

Reason — Titles, graphs and clipart can be one of the components of a slide.

Speaker's notes can be used for Reference. (T/F)

Reason — Impress allows us to create Speaker's Notes, which is small image of the slides along with some explanatory notes. These can be used for reference.

You can not insert Audio and Video on an electronic presentation. (T/F)

Reason — We can insert Audio and Video on an electronic presentation.

Which of the following can be used to create presentation from scratch ?

Empty presentation

  • From templates

Reason — Empty presentation can be used to create presentation from scratch.

Which of the following views can you use to show just the slide and its contents ?

Reason — Slide view shows just the slide and its contents.

Differentiate between a Slide and Slide Show.

SlideSlide show
A slide is an electronic page in a presentation.A Slide Show is an electronic presentation, which can be run on a computer screen or a projection device.

You want to view outline along with the slide, which view will you open your Impress presentation in ?

Normal view lets us view outline along with the slide.

What are design templates in Impress ?

A design template is a predefined file that contains pre-defined element-styles for a presentation like font and bullet sizes, placeholders' size and position, background and colour scheme and slide master.

Question 13

What are transition effects ?

Transitions are special effects that introduce a slide in a Slide Show. One can choose from a variety of transitions and vary their speed.

Question 14

How useful animation is, in context of Slide Shows ?

Animations in slide shows can be highly useful, enhancing presentations and engaging audiences effectively. Other uses of animations are as follows:

  • Visual Engagement — Animations captivate viewers' attention, making content more engaging.
  • Concept Emphasis — Animations highlight key points, guiding focus and aiding understanding.
  • Flow Enhancement — Sequential animations create a logical flow, aiding comprehension.
  • Data Representation — Complex data becomes digestible through gradual animations.
  • Storytelling — Animations can tell a story, making presentations more memorable.
  • Transition Elegance — Smooth transitions enhance professionalism and aesthetics.
  • Interactive Elements — Animations can be interactive, involving viewers in the presentation.

Question 15

What is presentation graphics ? What is its significance ?

The application software that can create professional looking visual aids is called presentation graphics software.

Using a presentation graphics software, we can create the following presentation materials:

Question 16

What are various components of a slide ? Write their usage.

Various components of a slide are as follows:

  • Title — It is a descriptive heading identifying a slide.
  • Subtitle — It is a descriptive message or brief description of the slide data.
  • Drawing objects — Drawing objects include Autoshapes, Curves, Lines, WordArt etc.
  • Clipart and Pictures — OpenOffice suite comes with its own set of pictures called ClipArt which can be used to make the presentation more impactful and effective.

Question 17

What are various views, which you can open your presentation in ?

There are six different ways to view our presentation in Impress. They are:

  • Normal View — This view displays three panes that show the slides pane, the slide and a Tasks pane.
  • Outline view — This view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form.
  • Slide — This view shows us just the slide and its contents.
  • Slide Sorter — It displays the entire set of slides on the screen.
  • Slide Show — This view displays the presentation one slide at a time in sequence as an automatic slide show.
  • Notes View — This view lets us enter and edit speaker's notes for the presenter.

Question 18

When is Slide Sorter view useful for viewing a presentation ?

Slide Sorter view is useful for viewing a presentation when we have to perform the following actions:

  • Reordering Slides — Easily change slide sequence.
  • Transition Management — Fine-tune animations and timings.
  • Consistency Check — Identify design inconsistencies.
  • Content Review — Catch errors and inaccuracies quickly.
  • Storyboarding — Plan presentation structure visually.
  • Timing Estimate — Gauge overall presentation duration.
  • Copying/Pasting — Transfer slides between presentations efficiently.

Question 19

What is Outline ? What is its significance ?

Outlines are a summarised versions of slides that display only titles and main text.

Its significance lies in providing a clear overview, aiding content organization, ensuring logical flow, and helping users stay focused on key ideas while avoiding redundancy or disorganization.

Question 20

In Normal view three panes are shown. Name these three panes along with their usage.

The three panes shown in Normal view are:

  • Slide Pane — It displays the selected slide's content, allowing editing of text, images, and other elements.
  • Slide Sorter Pane — It offers a thumbnail grid of all slides for easy reordering, managing transitions, and reviewing the presentation's structure.
  • Notes Pane — It provides space to add speaker notes or additional information related to the selected slide, aiding in presentation delivery and preparation.

Question 21

Which pane can you insert speaker's notes in ?

We can insert speaker's notes in Notes pane.

Question 22

What do you understand by Handouts ? How are they useful ?

Handouts are compressed versions of the slides of our presentation.

Handouts are useful because they allow the audience to follow along, take notes, and review the material after the presentation, enhancing comprehension and retention of information.

Question 23

Which menu and command let you insert animation in your slide ?

We can insert animations into our slides using the "Slide Show" menu and the "Custom Animation" option.

Application Oriented Questions

A sales person is using presentation software to produce a slideshow. State three features of presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting.

The three features of presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting are:

  • Slide Transition
  • Graphics like charts, graphs, clipart, pictures, etc.

A journalist types reports and presents them as multimedia presentations. Give two features of a desktop computer that would make it more suitable than a palmtop computer for these tasks.

Two features of a desktop computer that would make it more suitable than a palmtop computer for these tasks are:

  • Processing Power — Desktop computers generally have more powerful processors and larger amounts of RAM than palmtop computers. This can help the journalist to work with high-resolution images, videos, and audio files while simultaneously running presentation software.
  • Larger Display — Desktop computers offer larger displays with higher resolutions, providing ample screen space for detailed editing and multimedia content creation. Additionally, desktop computers often support multiple monitor setups, which can be extremely useful for arranging different content elements on separate displays during the creation and presentation of multimedia reports.

Mr. Jain's secretary has mistyped the sentences whose two halves were given. You have to figure out the incorrect mergers of sentence-segments and correct them.

(i) A slide is movement of images or text.

(ii) Slide Sorter is a view used to show the presentation to an audience.

(iii) Master Slide is a single page on the presentation.

(iv) Transition is a view that allows to move the order of the slides.

(v) Animation is moving from one slide to another automatically.

(vi) Slide Show is the slide where if changes-done affect every slide.

(i) A slide is a single page on the presentation.

(ii) Slide Sorter is a view that allows to move the order of the slides.

(iii) Master Slide is the slide where if changes-done affect every slide.

(iv) Transition is moving from one slide to another automatically.

(v) Animation is movement of images or text.

(vi) Slide Show is a view used to show the presentation to an audience.

Reena's mother is a computer teacher. She is preparing an assignment for her students. Reena wants to help her mother in this, but she has merged the keywords of other topics with that of presentations. Help her pick out the keywords belonging to presentations and presentation packages :

formula, transition, cell referencing, slide, slide show, table, sorting, graphics, slide sorter, function, report animation, template

Keywords belonging to presentations and presentation packages are:

  • slide sorter

Reena is creating a presentation about her school work. She is bit confused. Help her out by answering the questions given below :

(i) Reena wants that an image should appear on every slide, she needs to use ............... .

(ii) She wants to see all the slides in the presentation and their order, which view should she open the presentation in ?

(iii) She wants to give her audience a paper copy of her presentation. What should she create and print ?

(iv) The correct view to show the presentation to others would be called as ............... .

(v) She wants to add some effect to slides so that when new slide is shown after a slide some sort of activity should happen on screen. What should she add to the slides ?

(i) Reena wants that an image should appear on every slide, she needs to use Master Slide .

(ii) To see all the slides in the presentation and their order, Reena should open the presentation in Slide Sorter view .

(iii) Reena should create and print handouts .

(iv) The correct view to show the presentation to others would be called as Slide Show view .

(v) Reena should add Transition effects to the slides.



Important Questions and Notes

Important Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Digital presentation class 9 questions and answers.

Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Q1. Name the components of LibreOffice suite used to create presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Impress

Q2. Name two software used to create presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Two softwares are:

  • LibreOffice Impress
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Q3. Aman has to create a presentation but he don’t have any presentation software in his computer. Being a friend of Aman, Suggest him two software which are available under the cloud platform in the Internet.

Show Answer Ans. MS-Office 365 PowerPoint, Google Presentation or Microsoft SkyDrive PowerPoint

Q4. Write any four characteristics of a good quality presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Four characteristics of a good quality presentation are:

  • One slide should have 5-8 lines of text.
  • Font size of the texts in the presentation should be appropriate.
  • Correct use of grammar and language.
  • We should insert images, drawings, tables or graphs.

Q5. Write one advantage of OpenOffice Impress over Microsoft PowerPoint.

Show Answer Ans. OpenOffice Impress is free and open source software.

Q6. Write the steps to open LibreOffice Impress in Windows.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to open LibreOffice Impress in Windows are:

  • Click on the Start or Windows button
  • Select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress from application window.

Q7. Write two ways to open Impress in Windows.

Show Answer Ans. Two ways to open Impress in Windows are:

  • click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress from application window.
  • Double click its shortcut icon on the desktop.

Q8. Name the bar which have window manipulation buttons in the right corner.

Show Answer Ans. Title bar

Q9. Write any four function that we can perform from ‘File’ menu in Impress

Show Answer Ans. Four functions are:

  • We can open a new file.
  • We can open an existing file.
  • We can save a file.
  • We can print a file.

Q10. Explain the following components of Impress window in brief.

Show Answer Ans.

  • Title bar: It contains the name of presentation file. It is always present on the top of the LibreOffice Impress window.
  • Workspace: This is the central part of the window, where the presentation slides are created, text is entered, images and other objects are inserted.
  • Slide pane: It is a vertical pane to see the slide in small size. It help to navigate the slides. As we click on particular slide, that slide will be displayed in larger size in middle of the window.

Q11. Match the following

Q12. What do you mean by Master page in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Master page is used to design the architecture of slide which is common style for all the slides which are using this master page.

Q13. What do you mean by Slide transition?

Show Answer Ans. Slide transition is used to set the way that how the slide will appear during the presentation. Using slide transition we can also modify features like speed of transition, sound effects etc.

Q14. What information is displayed on the status bar of Impress window?

Show Answer Ans. Status bar displays information about the active presentation, the current position of the cursor and the zoom slider.

Q15. Write the three ways to close Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Three ways to close the impress are:

  • Select the File menu and click on Exit
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F4
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Q

Q16. Write the steps to save a file in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to save file are:

  • Select the File menu –> Save OR Click on the Save button on the Standard Toolbar OR press Ctrl + S.
  • Save As dialog box will open.
  • Select the location where you want to save the file.
  • Enter a name of the file and click Save

Q17. Write the steps to save a presentation with different name in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Steps to save are:

  • Select File→ Save As or, press Shift+Ctrl+S from keyboard
  • Enter the new file name in the File Name field.
  • Click on Save button.

Q18. What is the default extension of presentation in Impress? How can you save presentation in different format?

Show Answer Ans. The default extension of presentation in Impress is .odp extension.

To save a presentation as another file type, select File→Save As. In the Save As dialog box, click on the All Formats drop-down menu and select the choice from the offered programs.

Q19. What are the various ways to run a slide show in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Various ways to run a slide show are:

  • Click Slide Show→Start from First Slide on the main menu bar or
  • Click the Slide Show icon on the Presentation toolbar or
  • Press F5. from the keyboard

Q20. Ananya created a presentation on topic “Cyber Safety”. She wants to publish her presentation on web. Suggest her suitable format in which she should save her presentation. Also write the steps to save in that format.

Show Answer Ans. Ananya should save her presentation in HTML format.

Steps to save the presentation as html are:

  • Click on File → Export
  • Select the directory in which you want to save the file
  • Enter a file name

Q21. Aman created a presentation on topic “Air Pollution”. He wants to save the file in pdf format. Write the full form of pdf and also write the steps to save the presentation file in pdf format.

Show Answer Ans. PDF stands for Portable Document Format.

Steps to save presentation in pdf format are:

  • Click on File → Export as PDF

Q22. Write two ways to close the presentation in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Two ways to close the presentation are:

  • select File Menu→Close
  • Use the keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl+W.

Q23. What are the various ways to insert the duplicate slide in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Various ways to insert the duplicate slide in Impress are:

Select the slide you want to duplicate from the Slides Pane and select Slide → Duplicate Slide from the menu bar.

Right-click on the slide in the slide pane and select Duplicate Slide.

Right-click on a slide in Workspace and select Slide → Duplicate Slide.

Q24. What are the various ways to insert a new slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Ways to insert a new slide are:

1. Select Slide → New Slide from the menu bar

2. Right-click on a slide in slide pane and select New Slide from the context menu.

3. Right-click in an empty space in the Workspace and select Slide → New Slide from the context menu.

4. Click the New Slide icon in the Presentation toolbar.

5. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to insert new slide.

Q25. Write the keybord shortcut for the following:

Show Answer Ans. Keyboard shortcut are:

  • Cut ————- Ctrl + X
  • Copy————Ctrl + C
  • Paste————Ctrl + V

Q26. Write the steps to delete a slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to delete any slide from a presentation in Impress are:

  • Select the slide(s)
  • Right click and select delete from the context menu or press delete button from keyboard.

Q27. Write the steps to rename a slide.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to rename a slide are:

  • Select a slide.
  • Right click and choose rename from the context menu.
  • A Rename Slide dialog box will appear.
  • Write the name of the slide and click OK.

Q28. Parth wants to delete some text from the presentation but he is confused between the use of Delete or Backspace key. Being a frend of Parth, help him to understand the difference between the two keys.

Show Answer Ans. The delete and backspace button on keyboard is used to delete the text. The delete key deletes the character on the right of the cursor, and the backspace button deletes the character on the left of the cursor.

Q29. Ananya was creating a presentation in Impress. By mistake she deleted an important image from the presentation. She wants that image back to the position in presentation. Which option of Impress will help Ananya?Also write the keyboard shortcut to use this option.

Show Answer Ans. Undo option will help Ananya to bring the image back to the presentation. Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Z.

Q30. Find the missing words ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ from the following passage.

_____a______ function is used to revert the result of the Undo function. To use this function use ______b______ menu or by using the keyboard shortcut _______c_________

Show Answer Ans. a = Redo

c = Ctrl + Y

Q31. Write four workspace views available in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Various views are:

  • Slide Sorter

Q32. Define the following views of Impress.

  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Outline View

Show Answer Ans. 1. Normal View: This view is used to add text, graphics, and animation effects. In this view, the slide is displayed in the middle of the window.

2. Slide Sorter View: This view shows thumbnails of all slides. This view is suitable to sort slides with the ‘drag and drop’ method.

3. Outline View: This view contains all the slides of the presentation in a sequence. It shows each slide in the outline format.

4. Notes View: This view is used to add notes to a slide for the information of presenter. It is not seen by the audience while showing the presentation.

Q33. Complete the following table

Q34. Name four horizontal alignments.

Show Answer Ans. Four horizontal alignments are:

Q35. Name three vertical alignments.

Show Answer Ans. Three vertical alignments are:

Q36. Write the steps to insert table in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. A Table can be inserted from the Insert menu by selecting Insert → Table. Specify the number of rows and columns. Click on OK.

Q37. How can you move the cursor(insertion point) in table?

Show Answer Ans. Insertion point in a table can be move by three ways:

  • by pressing the left mouse button
  • by pressing the TAB key on a keyboard
  • by using arrow keys on the keyboard

Q38. How can you adjust column width and row height of a table using the mouse?

Show Answer Ans. To change the width of the column, position mouse pointer on the border line between the two columns, and when the cursor changes to a (↔) sign, press the left mouse button, hold and drag it until the column achieves the desired width. The same can be done for adjusting the row height.

Q39. Write the steps to delete table from a slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. To delete a table click on the table border to select the table and press the Delete key.

Q40. How can you insert an image from the gallery in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. To insert an image from the gallery

  • Select Insert → Media → Gallery from the menu.
  • Select a theme
  • Click on the image and drag it onto the workspace.
  • Release the mouse button and the image will be placed into your slide.

Q41. How can you open the drawing toolbar in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. To open the drawing toolbar, select View → Toolbars →Drawing from the main menu bar.

Disclaimer : I tried to give you the important questions of Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in the questions of Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers given above, you can directly contact me at [email protected]. NCERT Book and Study material available on CBSE official website are used as a reference to create above Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Important links of Class IX (IT-402)

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry NOTES

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation NOTES

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation MCQ

Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ

Unit 5 : Digital Presentation MCQ

Important links of Class X (IT – 402)





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  • Parts of the main Impress window
  • What is Impress?
  • Creating a new presentation
  • Formatting a presentation
  • Running the slide show

The main Impress window has three parts: the Slides pane , the Workspace , and the Tasks pane . Additionally, several toolbars can be displayed or hidden during the creation of a presentation.

You can remove the or from view by clicking the in the upper right corner. You can also show or hide these panes using or .

explain presentation toolbar class 9

Slides pane

The Slides pane contains thumbnail pictures of the slides in your presentation, in the order they will be shown (unless you change the order, as described in Chapter 9). Clicking a slide in this pane selects it and places it in the Workspace . While it is there, you can apply any changes desired to that particular slide.

Several additional operations can be performed on one or more slides in the Slides pane:

  • Add new slides at any place within the presentation after the first slide.
  • Mark a slide as hidden so that it will not be shown as part of the slide show.
  • Delete a slide from the presentation if it is no longer needed.
  • Rename a slide.
  • Copy or move the contents of one slide to another (copy and paste, or cut and paste, respectively).

It is also possible to perform the following operations, although there are more efficient methods than using the Slides pane as you will see in this chapter.

  • Change the slide transition following the selected slide or after each slide in a group of slides.
  • Change the sequence of slides in the presentation.
  • Change the slide design. (A window opens allowing you to load your own design.)
  • Change slide layout for a group of slides simultaneously. (This requires using the Layouts section of the Tasks pane.)

The Tasks pane has five sections:

Master Pages

Here you define the page style for your presentation. Impress contains 28 prepackaged Master Pages (slide masters). One of them—Default—is blank, and the rest have a background.

Press to open the Styles and Formatting window, where you can modify the styles used in any slide master to suit your purposes. This can be done at any time. See Chapter 2 for more information.

Twenty prepackaged layouts are shown. You can choose the one you want, use it as it is or modify it to your own requirements. At present it is not possible to create custom layouts.

Table Design

Eleven standard table styles are provided in this pane. You can further modify the appearance of a table with the selections to show or hide specific rows and columns, or to apply a banded appearance to the rows and columns.

Custom Animation

A variety of animations for selected elements of a slide are listed. Animation can be added to selected elements of a slide, and it can also be changed or removed later.

Slide Transition

Fifty-six transitions are available, including No Transition . You can select the transition speed (slow, medium, fast). You can also choose between an automatic or manual transition, and how long you want the selected slide to be shown (automatic transition only).

The Workspace has five tabs: Normal , Outline , Notes , Handout , and Slide Sorter . These five tabs are called View Buttons . There are also many toolbars that can be used during slide creation; they are revealed by selecting them with View > Toolbars . The actual Workspace section is below the View Buttons. This is where you assemble the various parts of your selected slide.

Each view is designed to ease the completion of certain tasks. In summary:

  • Normal view is the main view for creating individual slides. Use this view to format and design slides and to add text, graphics, and animation effects.
  • Outline view shows topic titles, bulleted lists, and numbered lists for each slide in outline format. Use this view to rearrange the order of slides, edit titles and headings, rearrange the order of items in a list, and add new slides.
  • Notes view lets you add notes to each slide that are not seen when the presentation is shown.
  • Slide Sorter view shows a thumbnail of each slide in order. Use this view to rearrange the order of slides, produce a timed slide show, or add transitions between selected slides.
  • Handout view lets you print your slides for a handout. You can choose one, two, three, four, or six slides per page from Tasks pane > Layouts . Thumbnails can be re-arranged in this view by dragging and dropping them.

Normal view

There are two ways to place a slide in the Slide Design area of the Normal view: clicking the slide thumbnail in the Slides pane or using the Navigator.


Outline view

Outline view contains all of the slides of the presentation in their numbered sequence. Only the text in each slide is shown. Slide names are not included.

Outline view serves at least two purposes.

  • Add or delete text in a slide just as in the Normal view.


  • Change the outline level for any of the paragraphs in a slide using the left and right arrow buttons (Promote or Demote).
  • Both move a paragraph and change its outline level using a combination of these four arrow buttons.
  • Comparing the slides with your outline (if you have prepared one in advance). If you notice from your outline that another slide is needed, you can create it directly in the Outline view or you can return to the Normal view to create it, then return to review all the slides against your outline in the Outline view.

If a slide is not in the correct sequence, you can move it to its proper place:

  • Click the slide icon of the slide you wish to move, as indicated below.
  • Drag and drop it where you want it.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

Use the Notes view to add notes to a slide:

  • Click the Notes tab in the Workspace (Figure 3).
  • Double-click the slide in the Slide pane, or
  • Double-click the slide’s name in the Navigator.
  • In the text box below the slide, click on the words Click to add notes and begin typing.

You can resize the notes text box using the green resizing handles and move it by placing the pointer on the border, then clicking and dragging. To make changes in the text style, press the F11 key to open the Styles and Formatting window.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

Slide Sorter view

The Slide Sorter view contains all of the slide thumbnails. Use this view to work with a group of slides or with only one slide.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

Change the number of slides per row, if desired:

  • Check View > Toolbars > Slide View to show the Slide view toolbar.
  • Adjust the number of slides (up to a maximum of 15).
  • After you have adjusted the number of slides per row, View > Toolbars > Slide View will remove this toolbar from view.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

To move a slide in a presentation using the Slide Sorter:

  • Click the slide. A thick black border is drawn around it.
  • As you move the slide, a black vertical line appears to one side of the slide.
  • Drag the slide until this black vertical line is located where you want the slide to be moved.

To select a group of slides, use one of these methods:

  • Use the Control ( Ctrl ) key: Click on the first slide and, while pressing Control , select the other desired slides.
  • Use the Shift key: Click on the first slide, and while pressing the Shift key, select the final slide in the group. This selects all of the other slides in between the first and the last.
  • Use the cursor: Click on the first slide to be selected. Hold down the left mouse button. Drag the cursor to the last slide thumbnail. A dashed outline of a rectangle forms as you drag the cursor through the slide thumbnails and a thick black border is drawn around the selected slides. Make sure the rectangle includes all the slides you want to select.

To move a group of slides:

  • Select the group.
  • Drag and drop the group to their new location. The same vertical black line appears to show you where the group of slides will go.
Selection of a group of slides works in a rectangular fashion. Slides that do not fall within a rectangular area cannot be grouped.

You can work with slides in the Slide Sorter view just as you can in the Slide pane.

To make changes, right-click a slide and do the following, using the pop-up menu:

  • Add a new slide after the selected slide.
  • Delete or rename the selected slide.
  • Change the Slide Layout.
  • For one slide, click the slide to select it. Then add the desired transition.
  • For more than one slide, select the group of slides and add the desired transition.
  • Mark a slide as hidden. Hidden slides will not be shown in the slide show.
  • Copy or cut and paste a slide.

Handout view

Handout view is for setting up the layout of your slides for a printed handout. Click the Handout tab in the workspace, then choose Layouts in the tasks pane. You can then choose to print one, two, three, four, or six slides per page.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

To print a handout:

  • Select the slides using the Slide Sorter. (Use the steps listed in selecting a group of slides.)
  • Select File > Print or press Control+P to open the Print dialog box.
  • Select Options in the bottom left corner of the Print dialog box.
  • Check Handouts in the Contents section, and then click OK .
  • Click OK to close the Print dialog box.

The various Impress toolbars can be displayed or hidden by clicking View > Toolbars and selecting from the menu. You can also select the icons that you wish to appear on each toolbar. For more information, refer to Chapter 4 (Menus and Toolbars) in the Getting Started guide.

Many of the toolbars in Impress are si milar to the toolbars in OOo Draw. Refer to the Draw Guide for details on the functions available and how to use them.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

The status bar, positioned at the bottom of the Impress window, contains information that you may find useful when working on a presentation.

From left to right, you will find:

  • Text area—”TextEdit: Paragraph x, Row y, Column z”
  • Charts, spreadsheets—”Embedded object (OLE) ‘ObjectName’ selected”
  • Graphics—”Bitmap with transparency selected”
  • The position of the cursor or of the top left corner of the selection measured from the top left corner of the slide.
  • The width and height of the selection or of the text box where the cursor is.
  • The zoom level of the workarea.
  • A modified flag, showing a star when the file needs saving.
  • A flag indicating if the document is digitally signed.
  • The slide number currently displayed in the workarea.
  • The slide master associated to the slide currently in the workarea.
Right-clicking on the slide master area of the Status bar you can quickly apply a different slide master to the current slide.

In case you do not need the information in the Status Bar you can hide it by selecting View > Status Bar from the main menu.

The Navigator displays all objects contained in a document. It provides another convenient way to move around a document and find items in it. The Navigator button is located on the Standard toolbar. You can also display the Navigator by choosing Edit > Navigator on the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+F5 .

explain presentation toolbar class 9

The Navigator is more useful if you give your objects (pictures, spreadsheets, and so on) meaningful names, instead of leaving them as the default “Object 1” and “Picture 1” shown above.

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4. Starting the LibreOffice Impress


  • Normal (for general editing)
  • Outline (for organising and outlining your text content)
  • Notes (for viewing and editing the notes added to a slide)
  • Handout (for creating paper-based material), and
  • Slide Sorter (for a thumbnail sheet view that lets you quickly locate and order your slides)

CBSE Skill Education

Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes

Teachers and Examiners ( CBSESkillEduction ) collaborated to create the Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes . All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402) class 9 .

A word processor is a software application used to create printable documents. WordStar was first the most popular word processing programme.

Using a typewriter has a number of restrictions, some of which are listed here.

1. In case of any typing error, the whole sheet is required to be typed again. 2. It takes extra typing time to send the same letter to several recipients at different addresses. 3. The typewriter misses some of the necessary characters or symbols. Using a typewriter, it is impossible to type all the characters. 4. Using a typewriter, it is impossible to create a document in the appropriate format.

Some of the features provided by popular word processors are as listed below.

• Create, edit, save, retrieve and print the document • Select and move the text from one place to another in the document • Copy the text to other places within the document • Move or copy a selected text from one document to any other document • Change the font size, font style of the text in the document • Format paragraphs as well as pages • Check spelling and grammar • Create table, modify the size of the selected rows, columns or cells • Combine one or more documents • Insert pictures or graphs within the document • Print the selected text or selected pages of the document

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice is a feature-rich, free and open source (FOSS) office productivity suite. At the moment, LibreOffice versions 6.0 and up are available. The website offers a free download of it. This programme can be downloaded and used on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. It publishes documents in Open Document Format (ODF) file format.

Getting started with word processor – Writer

Usually, a shortcut to LibreOffice can be found on the desktop or in the Quick Launch Taskbar. Depending on the operating system you’re running, the procedure could somewhat change (Windows or Linux).

  • To start LibreOffice Writer in Windows, double click LibreOffice Writer icon in desktop
  • Alternatively, click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Writer from application window.
  • Using the Search command, type the word ‘writer’ in the search field, and select LibreOffice Writer from the offered results.
  • In Ubuntu Linux, find the LibreOffice Writer icon on the application launcher, or search it by clicking on ‘Show Applications’

Creating a document

Step 1 : Click on File Menu → New → Text Document. Step 2 : Now save the file by clicking on the File Menu → Save. Give the name of the file. By default, the file is saved in .odt format. Step 3 : Saving the file by another name It is possible to make another copy of the file by saving it

To Save a document using password

Step 1 : Select File → Save Step 2 : Select the location on disk to save the file Step 3 : Type a suitable name for the document Step 4 : Click on Save button Step 5 : To save the document with password, put a tick on the checkbox Save with a password Step 6 : Type the password to open the file in Set password dialog box Step 7 : Type the same password in the second box and click OK button

Parts of the Writer window

The various parts of the Writer window have been briefly explained below.

  • Title bar – Title bar is located on the top of Writer window. It shows the title of the currently opened document.
  • Menu bar – It appears below the Title Bar. It shows the menu items File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tables, Tools, Window and Help.
  • Toolbars – The tool bar appears below Menu Bar. By default, the Standard Tool Bar and Formatting Tool Bar will appear.
  • Standard toolbar – It contains commands in the form of icons.
  • Formatting toolbar – It contains the various options for formatting a document. A graphical representation of commands is shown in the form of icons.
  • Status bar – This is positioned at the left bottom of the Writer window and displays the number of pages, words, the language used, zooming, etc. It is located at the bottom of the workspace.
  • Scroll button and scroll bar – It is used to scroll the document.
  • Zoom – It allows to change the scale of the text and pictures in the document only for view. It does not affect the physical document. It is used to check the finishing quality of the document.

Editing the document

(a) Undo and Redo • Open the existing file (For example, report.odt) and then start editing in it. • If, by mistake, you have made some changes and now you want to erase the last change done, then use the Undo option. • After undo command, again if you want to go back then use the Redo option.

(b) Moving and copying text Cut and Paste: It is used to move a selected text from one place to another. • Select the text and click on Edit → Cut option or press CTRL+X • Place the cursor where the text has to be moved. Click on Edit → Paste option or press CTRL+V

(c) Copy and Paste It is used to make a duplicate copy of selected text. Step 1: Select the text and click on Edit→ Copy option or press CTRL+C Step 2: Place the cursor where the text has to be duplicated. Click on Edit→Paste option or press CTRL+V

(d) Selection criteria

There are several selection tricks to speed up the selection process as below.

To select a letter or lettersDrag the Mouse across the letter(s)
To select a single word at a timePosition the mouse pointer anywhere on that word and double click.
To select a complete sentence at a timePosition the mouse pointer anywhere in the sentence and triple click. (Triple click means to quickly click the left mouse button three times.)
To select a complete
paragraph at a time
Position the mouse pointer anywhere in the paragraph and quadruple click (Quadruple click means to quickly click the left mouse button four times.)
A documentPress Ctrl + A on the key board. Drag the mouse pointer till you see a right arrow which is white. Then click it thrice.

(e) Selecting non-consecutive text items

If the text is not continuous and you have been asked to select a part of the text from a paragraph, then perhaps you may say that it is not possible to select the non-consecutive text. But Writer provides a way to select the non-continuous text using the keyboard and mouse.

(f) Find and Replace

This feature is used to search for a text and replace it with other text. • Select Edit → Find & Replace, the dialog box will open. • Type the text to find in the Find box. • To change the text with different text, enter the new text in the Replace box.

(g) Jumping to the page number

Sometimes we may require to jump to a particular page number. ‘Go to Page’ feature of Writer is useful. To do this, select the Edit Menu→ Go to Page (Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G).

(h) Non-printing characters

When you press keys like Enter, the Space Bar, and the Tab key, that do not appear on the screen, we are actually entering these characters is know as Non-printing characters. 

(i) Checking spelling and grammar

Writer helps us to correct the spelling. It also provides a grammar checker to check the grammar of the sentence. It can be used separately or in combination with the spelling checker. This is one of the important features of any word processing application.

To check the spelling and grammar of the document (or selected text), select T ools → Spelling and Grammar , or click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar, or press the keyboard key F7.

  • Automatic Spell Checker – checks each word as it is typed and displays a wavy red line under any unrecognised words. Right-click on an unrecognised word to open a context menu. Certain suggestions will be displayed for the selected word. Click on the most appropriate word out of the suggested words to replace the underlined word.
  • Using synonyms and the thesaurus – Sometimes you search for a word having a similar in meaning to the word you have in mind. A word processor helps to look up synonyms (different words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) in the thesaurus. The list of synonyms can be accessed from a context menu.

Formatting a document

To setup a page, select and click on the Format → PageSetup and the Page option.

Page style dialog

It allows to select paper size and format (A4, A5, B4, Letter). User can adjust ‘Orientation’ as Portrait or Landscape. The user can set the Margins (Left, Right, Top, Down).

Formatting text 

There are various methods of formatting text. We can apply any one method as per the suitability. These methods are • use the menu options from menu bar. • use the readily available buttons on the formatting toolbar. • use the context menu. The context menu appears by right clicking on the selected text. • use the keyboard shortcut.

Removing manual formatting

To see the effect of formatting the text, first remove manual formatting. For this, select the text and choose Format → Clear Direct Formatting from the Menu bar, or click the Clear Direct Formatting button on the Formatting toolbar, or use Ctrl+M from the keyboard.

Common text formatting

Some of the common text formatting features. 1. Changing font size – by selecting font size. 2. Changing font style – bold, italic, underline 3. Changing font type – by selecting font drop down. 4. Changing font colour – by selecting font colour icon.

Changing text case

It is possible to change the case of the text. There are 6 Change Case options in LibreOffice

  • Sentence case
  • Capitalize Every Word

Superscript and Subscript

For example, in the date 5th July, the ‘th’ character appearing after 5 is in the superscript case. In some situations, such as while writing scientific/chemical formula, such O2, the character 2 is in the subscript case. Now, in our example, change the 5th July to 5th July. • To apply superscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Superscript • To apply subscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Subscript

Paragraph style

Every paragraph in a LibreOffice Writer document has a paragraph style.

Indenting paragraphs – The entire paragraph can be indented in one step. there is a two different type of indent ‘Increase Indent’ and ‘Decrease Indent’. 

Aligning paragraphs – The paragraph can be aligned as Left, Right, Center and Justify.

Font colour, highlighting, and background colour – There are three more tools—Font Color, Highlighting, and Background tools on the Format Toolbar.

Using the bullets and numbering – You can assign the bullets or numbering to the list items in the document by using the options on the Bullets and Numbering toolbar. You can also create a nested list by using the buttons on the Bullets and Numbering toolbar.

Assigning colour, border and background – To assign background colour to the paragraph, first select the paragraph. Select Format → Paragraph → Area→ Colour, then select the colour. To assign border to the paragraph, select the paragraph, then select Format → Paragraph → Borders → Select Line – Style, Width, Colour.

Page formatting

Setting up basic page layout using styles – Page styles define the basic layout of all pages in the document. It includes page size, margins, header and footer, border and background, number of columns, etc.

Inserting a page break – Page break helps to break the current page and move to the next page. To break the current page and start the new page select Insert → Page Break from the Menu bar or use the keyboard command (Ctrl + Return).

Creating header/footer and page numbers – Headers appear at the top of every page; footers appear at the bottom of a page. To insert header in the document, select Insert → Header and Footer → Header and To insert footer in the document, select Insert →Header and Footer → Footer.

Defining borders and backgrounds – You can apply the border in the individual characters or to selected text. you can also add background color to the paragraph. 

Inserting images, shapes, special characters in a document – 

  • Inserting image – To insert an image in your document, position the cursor where you want to insert the file, select Insert → Image . Another alternative is, just click on the insert image icon, located below the Formatting Toolbar.
  • Inserting special characters – special character, such as ¶ or which cannot be typed by using the keyboard. LibreOffice Writer provides a feature to enter the special characters in document. To do this select Insert → Special Character .
  • Inserting shapes – It is possible to insert various shapes in your document. The variety of shapes consists of Lines, Arrows, Symbols, Stars, Callouts, Flowcharts. to insert shapes in documents select Insert → Shape .

Dividing the document page into columns – You can divide the documents in two or three column using columns option. It is used in magazines and newspapers. To divide the page into columns, select Format → Column.

Creating and managing tables

The representation of data in a tabular format is called as table. A table has a number of rows and columns. It is also possible to have a table with one row and one column. To represent data you have to create a table. LibreOffice Writer provides a very rich tool for creating and managing a table. The various features of the table are:

Creating a table

The simplest way to create a table is, click the Table icon on the Standard toolbar. Second method, Select Table → Insert Table from the Menu bar or Press Ctrl+F12.

Inserting rows and columns

Choose Insert → Rows Above/Below or Insert → Columns Above/Below. Set number to define the number of rows or columns to be inserted, and select the Position as Before or After.

Deleting rows and columns

Right-click and choose Delete → Rows or Delete → Columns.

Splitting and merging tables

Choose Table → Split Table from the Menu bar.

To merge two tables

Right-click and choose Merge Tables in the context menu. You can also use Table → Merge Table from the Menu bar.

Deleting a table

Choose Table → Delete Table from the Menu bar.

Copying a table

  • From the Menu bar choose Table → Select → Table.
  • Press Ctrl+C or click the Copy icon on the Standard toolbar.

Moving a table

  • From the Menu bar, choose Table → Select Table.
  • Press Ctrl+X or click the Cut icon in the Standard toolbar.
  • Press Ctrl+V or click the Paste icon in the Standard toolbar. (This pastes the cells and their contents and formatting.)

Printing a document

To quickly print the document without any option, Click the Print icon. The entire document will be sent to the default printer defined for your computer.

Print preview

Print Preview is useful to check the document before printing. A user can check whether the document is prepared as needed, such as indentation, borders, etc.

Controlling printing

To print the document with certain options, use the Print dialog (File → Print or Ctrl+P). From the Print dialog, you can choose options as per your requirement. They are Printer, Properties, Print Range, Copies and Options. The selected options will work for the current document only. 

Printing all pages, single and multiple pages

One can select the printing option as per their choice. There are three options to print the number of pages in a document. • To print all the pages in sequence, choose the option All pages. • To print a single page, or number of nonconsecutive pages, choose the option Pages, and give the page numbers separated by comma. If you want to print the pages that are consecutive give the range of pages first and last page. • To print only the selected text, choose the option, Selection.

mail merge is used to create a series of same documents with multiple addresses. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document (letter or certificates) with the mailing address of various persons. The main document is merged with the mailing address, hence the name mail merge. It is used to send invitations, letters or to print certificates for several people.

To create multiple letters using Mail Merge Wizard, select Tool → Mail Merge Wizard.

Creating the data source

A data source is a set of mailing addresses in the form of a rows and columns generally called database. The content of the database is in the form of data records.

Employability skills Class 9 Notes

  • Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Notes
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Employability skills Class 9 MCQ

  • Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skillls Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 5 – Green Skills Class 9 MCQ

Employability skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 Questionns and Answers
  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 9 Notes

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

Information Technology Class 9 MCQ

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ

Information Technology Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

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should be able to download these resources, overall is good

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Impress toolbars

Presentations  |   |   |   |   | 
 |   |   |   |   |   | 
  • 1 Tutorial 1 - Displaying Impress Layout
  • 2.1 Title Bar
  • 2.2 Menu bar
  • 2.3 Toolbar
  • 2.4 Tasks Pane
  • 2.5 Slides Bar
  • 2.6 Page View Toolbar

Tutorial 1 - Displaying Impress Layout

Displaying impress layout.

Shown below is the default window. When you launch Impress, a new, blank document, or default window, opens in Drawing view. Here is a brief explanation of the Impress window.

The title bar is the upper most band on your OpenOffice Impress window.

The Title bar displays both the name of the presentation and the name of the application.

  • The name of the presentation is PresentationToFunders.odp (hence the "PresentationToFunders" in the title). Remember we will be creating a presentation for the donors on our progress in training.
  • The name of the application is OpenOffice Impress (hence the name Impress).

The Menu bar is made of text menus displayed below. The Menu bar displays all the tools that are available in Impress

The Toolbar contains commands that have pictures or icons associated with them. These pictures may also appear as shortcuts in the Menu Bar.

The task pane, which by default appears on the right hand side of OpenOffice Impress, provides you cascading menu options for:

  • Master Pages
  • Custom Animations
  • Slide Transitions

The slides bar as presented below shows thumbnails of the slides in the presentation.

Page View Toolbar

Page View Toolbar is a tabbed views alternatives that are available for viewing your presentation. In section 3 we will through the various views in details.


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Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 9 Computer Application Presentation Tool OpenOffice Impress Sumita Arora Solution

Presentation tool openoffice impress.

Que 10. Differentiate between a Slide and Side Show.

Ans: A slide is a combination of different elements such as text boxes, images, clip art, etc. A Slide Show is an electronic presentation, which runs on a computer screen or a projection device to show the slide and its content.

Que 11. You want to view the outline along with the slide which view will you open your Impress presentation in?

Ans: Outline View

Que 12. What are design templates in Impress?

Ans: A design template is actually a perdefined file that contains pre-defined element-styles for presentation.

Que 13. What are transition effects?

Ans: Transitions are special effects that introduce a slide in slide show.

Que 14. How is animation useful in the context of Side Shows?

Ans: Animations are special sound or visual effects added to text and other objects of slides. During the slide show, the apperance of content i.e. text, image, drawing, audio, video, etc, can be controlled by the Animation effect.

Que 15. What is presentation graphics? What is its significance?

Ans: Presentation graphics is a specialized type of graphics software. These programs are used to create professional-looking visual aids for an audience.

Que 16. What are the various components of a slide? Write their usage.

Ans: Various components of slides are :

  • Title – A descriptive heading identifying a slide.
  • Subtitle – A descriptive message of the slide data.
  • Drawing objects -These include autoshapes, curves, lines etc.
  • Clipart and Pictures – Openoffice suite comes with its own set of pictures in the Gallery. These pictures are called Clipart or pictures.

Que 17. What are various views, in which you can open your presentation?

Ans: There are six ways to view your presentation –

  • Normal View
  • Outline View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Slide Show View

Que 18. When is Side Sorter view useful for viewing a presentation?

Ans: Slide Sorter view is useful to display the entire set of slides on-screen so that we can check the order and completeness of our presentation.

Que 19. What is Outline? What is its significance?

Ans: The outline view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form. This view is used for rearranging the order of slides, editing titles and headings, rearranging the order of items in a list and adding new slides.

Que 20. In Normal view three panes are shown, Name these three panes along with their usage.

Ans: Three panes in Normal view are – (a) Slides Pane: contains slides that are added in the presentation. (b) Workspace – shows the slide in full size to add the content like text, image, etc. (c) Tasks Pane – contains most commonly used formatting options that cna make a presentation more effective.

Que 21. Which pane can you insert the speaker’s notes in?

Ans: Notes pane.

Que 22. What do you understand by Handouts? How are they useful?

Ans: The Handout view lets us print our slides for a handout. Handouts basically are compressed version of a slide useful for printing.

Que 23. Which menu and command let your insert animation in your slide?

Ans: Slide Show -> Custom Animation

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology – MS-Word 2007 Basics

January 8, 2018 by Rama Krishna

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How do you locate MS-Word 2007 on your computer system? Answer: To locate MS-Word on our computer system: Click Start —> All Programs —> Microsoft Office —> Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Question 2. What is the use of ruler in MS-Word 2007 document? Answer: Ruler is used to set tabs, indents and margins for a document.

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Question 3. What is formatted text? Answer: Formatted text has styling information beyond the minimum of semantic elements: Colors, styles (bold face, italic), sizes and special features such as hyperlinks.

Question 4. Write the name of alignments, which are available in MS-Word 2007. Answer: Left, Right, Center and Justify.

Question 5. What is the use of Crop option in MS-Word 2007? Answer: Crop option allows a user to edit pictures (only cropping).

Question 6. Write the steps to make the text bold. Answer: Steps to make a text bold are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the text.
  • Step 2: Click the Bold button in the Font group on the Home tab.

Question 7. Write the shortcut keys to format the text style bold, italic and underline. Answer: Bold – Ctrl+B, Italic – Ctrl+I, Underline – Ctrl+U

Question 8. What are the basic features of printing in MS-Word 2007? Answer: The basic features of printing in MS-Word 2007 are as follows:

  • Quick Print
  • Print Preview

Question 9. How can you print your document via Quick Print feature of printing? Answer: To print a document via Quick Print Click Microsoft Office Button —> Print —> Quick Print.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Define MS-Word 2007. Answer: MS-Word 2007 is a Word processing software package, which allows you to easily create a variety of professional looking documents like letters, reports and other documents using features such as Themes, Styles, SmartArt and more. It is a powerful tool chat you can use to create effective documents.

Question 2. What do you mean by ruler? Answer: Ruler appears on the top and on the left side of the document window. It allows to format the horizontal or vertical alignment of text in a document. Two types of rulers are available in MS-Word 2007 as follows:

  • Horizontal ruler indicates the width of the document.
  • Vertical ruler indicates the height of the document.

Question 3. Write the steps to create a new document. Answer: Steps to create a new blank document are as follows:

  • Step 1: Click the Microsoft Office button.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics SAQ Q3

  • Step 3: Select Blank document under the Blank and recent section (It will be highlighted by default).
  • Step 4: Click Create button, a new blank document will appear.

Question 4. How to save a document as Word 97-2003? Answer: Steps to save a document as a Word 97-2003 are as follows:

  • Step 2: Select Save As —> Word 97-2003 Document . The Save As dialog box will appear.
  • Step 3: Select the location, where you want to save a document using the drop down menu.
  • Step 4: Enter a name for the document in File name: box.
  • Step 5: Click the Save button.

Question 5. How to save a document as a PDF document? Answer: Steps to save a document as PDF or XPS are as follows:

  • Click the Microsoft Office button .
  • Select Save As —> Find add-ins for other file formats. This will open your web browser to the Microsoft site.
  • Follow the given instructions on the Microsoft site for downloading the PDF extension.
  • Step 2: Click the Microsoft Office button.
  • Step 3: Select Save As —> PDF or XPS . The Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box will appear.
  • Step 4: Select the location, where you want to save the document using the drop down menu.
  • Step 5: Enter the name of the document in File name: box.
  • Step 6: Click the Publish button.

Question 6. What is the difference between the Save and Save As option? Answer: “Save” means the file gets saved under its current name, in whatever folder it was saved before or in the default folder of that computer whereas “Save As” gives you the opportunity to save the file under a different name and in another folder. “Save As” allows you to name the updated version with a new name and at the same time preserving the old version.

Question 7. How can you change the shape of a picture? Answer: Change the Shape of a Picture Steps to change the shape of a picture in a document are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the picture.
  • Step 2: Click the Picture Tools Format tab .

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics SAQ Q7

  • Step 4: Choose any shape as per the requirement.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Explain different types of tabs available in MS-Word 2007. Answer: Tabs These are similar to the menu system of MS-Word 2003. Instead of having drop down menus, MS-Word 2007 creates a Ribbon system, where buttons and commands are grouped under the tabs. Some groups include a dialog launcher button in their lower right corner to bring up the additional options. Different types of tabs are as follows:

  • Home tab is used to change font, styles, setting of paragraph etc.
  • Insert tab is used to insert page breaks, tables, illustrations, links, header and footer, text and symbols etc.
  • Page Layout tab is used to change themes of a page, margin of a page, orientation of a page, insert a page border, column, format paragraph etc.
  • References tab is used to insert table of contents, foot notes, citation and bibliography, captions, index, mark entry for index etc.
  • Mailings tab is used to create envelopes, labels, start mail merge, write and insert fields and preview results etc.
  • Review tab is used for proofing, comments, tracking, comparing the documents etc.
  • View tab is used to change the outline or draft views, display the ruler or document map, zoom, switch windows etc.

Question 2. Explain the different text alignments. Answer: The text layout within a paragraph with respect to document margins is called text alignment. Steps to change the text alignment in a document are as follows:

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics LAQ Q2

  • Step 2: Select any one of the four alignment options (i.e. Left, Right etc) from the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
Align Text Left Aligns all the selected text to the left margin.
Center Aligns all the selected text to an equal distance from the left and the right margins.
Align Text Right Aligns all the selected text to the right margin.
Justify Aligns all the selected text equal from both the sides and lines up equally to the left and the right margins. Traditionally many books, news letters and newspapers use full-justification.

Question 3. What is the need to modify the spacing of the lines or paragraph of your text? Answer: An important part of creating effective documents lies in the document design. Line spacing or paragraph spacing is measured in lines or points, which is referred to as leading. As a part of designing the document and making formatting decisions, you will need to know how to modify the spacing, just as you can format spacing between lines in your document, you can also choose spacing options between each paragraph. Typically, extra spaces are added between paragraphs, headings or subheadings. Extra spacing between paragraphs adds emphasis and makes a document easier to read. When you reduce the leading, you automatically bring the lines of text closer together. Increasing the leading will space the lines out, allowing for improved readability.

Question 4. Explain how text wrapped around a picture from picture tools. Answer: Wrap Text Around a Picture Steps to wrap text around a picture in a document are as follows:

  • Step 2: Select the Picture Tools Format tab. (This tab appears only aiter insertion of a picture).

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics LAQ Q4

  • Step 4: Select any one option from the drop down list. In this example, we will select Tight.
  • Step 5: Move the picture around to see how the text wraps for each setting.
  • Step 6: The Position button has pre-defined text wrapping settings. The Position button is placed to the left of the Text Wrapping button.
  • Step 7: Click the Position button and a drop down list of Text Wrapping options will appear. Move your cursor over the various text wrapping styles. A live preview of text wrapping will appear in the document. If you cannot get your text wrapped the way you wish, select More Layout Options … from the Position menu. You can make more precise changes from the Advanced Layout dialog box that appears.

Question 5. Write the steps to compress a picture. Answer: Steps to compress a picture in a document are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select the picture .
  • Step 2: Click the Picture Tools Format tab.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics LAQ Q5

  • Step 5: Choose any of the Target output: as per the requirement.
  • Step 6: Click on the check box(s) under the Compression options: as per the requirement.
  • Step 7: Click OK button in the Compression Settings dialog box.

Question 6. How to find and replace the text? Answer: It is the act of finding some text and replacing it with an alternative text. The Find and Replace option helps you to search a particular letter, word, phrase or sentence in your document and then replace it, if you want. Steps to use the find and replace feature in a document are as follows:

  • Step 1: Click Home tab —> click on Find or Replace option in the Editing group. A Find and Replace dialog box will appear.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics LAQ Q6

  • Step 3: Click the Find Next button.
  • Step 4: Click the Replace button or Replace All button. Keep clicking Replace button until the text in entire document has been searched and replaced.
  • Step 5: Click Cancel button.

Application Based Questions

Question 1. Previous versions of Word looked similar and operated in many of the same ways. They had menus, toolbars, task pane and a ‘Familiar’ feeling design. In MS-Word 2007, all these things are replaced with a new navigation system and many new features.

  • What is MS-Word 2007?
  • List new features of MS-Word 2007.
  • MS-Word 2007 is the Word processing software in the Microsoft 2007 Office suite.
  • The Ribbon System
  • Quick Styles
  • Live Preview

Question 2. Following are some descriptors describing some terms. Identify the terms/features these refer to

  • It is a pre-designed document that you can use to create new documents with the same formatting.
  • It is a tool that you can use to produce professional looking documents.
  • It is a new feature of 2007 Office suite that allows you to see changes in your document before you actually select an item.

Question 3. Sona wants to add her pictures in a Word document.

  • Which tab she should use?
  • Which command she should use to open Insert Picture dialog box?
  • Can she resize the image?
  • Is it possible to wrap text around an image?
  • Picture command in the Illustrations group.

Question 4. A Tablet company sells Tablets and accessories. The head of the company’s marketing department has created the following leaflet by using a Word processor. The leaflet will be distributed to all the retail shops, main markets and malls. ABC Ltd. Special Offers To celebrate the completion of our five years in business, we are offering these special deals:

  • Purchase a new mobile in June and get 50% off on MRP
  • Purchase 4 handsets and get one free.

To get more details, please contact to Mr. Naveen on 180010400. Which of the following two options can improve the layout of the leaflet?

  • Line spacing
  • Search facility
  • Mail merging
  • Center alignments

Answer: Line spacing, Center alignments.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Word 2007 Basics Application Oriented Questions Q5

  • Center alignment of title
  • Bold and color font of title
  • Font type it changed for title
  • Line spacing in paragraph
  • Justified alignment for paragraph

Question 6. Manu wants to replace the word ‘organise1 with ‘organize’ in a whole document.

  • Name the feature which is used by Manu.
  • (a) In Find what: box, type organise
  • (b) Click Home tab —> Replace in the Editing group.
  • (c) Click the Replace All button.
  • (d) In Replace with: box, type organize.
  • (e) Find and Replace dialog box with Replace tab will appear.
  • Mama can replace the word using Find and Replace feature.
  • Label: b e a d c

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Which extension is given to a document by default in MS-Word? (a) .odt (b) .com (c) .docx (d) None of these Answer: (c) .docx is the default extension of MS-Word 2007 document.

Question 2. The Themes group is presented on ………….. tab. (a) Home (b) Page Layout (c) References (d) Picture Tools Format Answer: (b) The Themes group is presented on Page Layout tab.

Question 3. The status of your document like current page and number of pages are given by ………… (a) Formatting toolbar (b) Status bar (c) Standard toolbar (d) None of the above Answer: (b) Status bar gives the status of your document like current page number and number of pages.

Question 4. A new text document can be created by (a) File —> Open (b) File —> New —> Blank Document —> Create (c) Open —> New —> Create (d) None of the above Answer: (b) Steps to create a new document. File —> New —> Blank Document —> Create

Question 5. The documents can be saved by using (a) Ctrl+S (b) Fffir—> Save (c) File —> Save As (d) All of these Answer: (d) Documents can be saved by clicking File —> Save As, File —> Save or using Ctrl+S key.

Question 6. The general arrangement of the text in the document is ………….. (a) margin (b) text alignment (c) clipboard (d) formatting Answer: (d) Formatting is the general arrangement of the text in the document.

Question 7. The …………… alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged. (a) left (b) right (c) center (d) justify Answer: (d) Justify alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged.

Question 8. Line spacing or paragraph spacing is measured in terms of lines or points, which is known as ……………. (a) text wrapping (b) PDF (c) XPS (d) leading Answer: (d) When leading is reduced, it automatically brings the lines of text closer.

Question 9. In the ………….. dialog box, you can change both line and paragraph spacing. (a) Paragraph (b) Line (c) Format Spacing (d) None of these Answer: (a) The Paragraph dialog box can be used to make the document effective by using both line and paragraph spacing.

Question 10. Which of the following feature is used to revert the original picture? (a) Recolor (b) Contrast (c) Brightness (d) Reset picture Answer: (d) Reset picture feature of Picture Tools Format is used to revert the original picture.

Question 11. …………. splits text in columns at a specific point. (a) Column break (b) Page break (c) Next page (d) Continuous Answer: (a) Column bj;eak splits text in columns at a specific pointing.

Question 12. In the Print dialog box, you can select the pages for printing. (a) Even pages (b) Odd pages (c) All pages in range (d) All of these Answer: (d) You can select the even, odd and all pages in range for printing.

Question 13. Which shortcut key is used to make the selected text italic? (a) Ctrl +I (b) Shift +I (c) F1 + I (d) None of these Answer: (a) Ctrl+I is the shortcut key to make the selected text italic.

Question 14. We can underline the text by (a) Crl+B (b) Ctrl+I (c) Ctrl+U (d) None of these Answer: (c) Ctrl+U is the shortcut key for underlining the text.

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1. ………… is a powerful tool that you can use to create effective documents. Answer: MS-Word 2007

Question 2. Alignment buttons are available on the …………… tab. Answer: Home

Question 3. Shapes option comes under ………… tab. Answer: Picture Tools Format

Question 4. ………….. is the rectangular area of the document window, where user can type his/her content. Answer: Work area or Work space

Question 5. MS-Word 2007 allows you to insert …………. in your documents. Answer: pictures

Question 6. …………. and resizing the picture does not decrease the picture file size, but compression does. Answer: Cropping

Question 7. ……….. option provides a way to change the size of an image. Answer: Compress

Question 8. ……… option is used to adjust the brightness of the picture. Answer: Brightness

Question 9. Portrait format changes the page orientation ……….. Answer: vertically

Question 10. ………… ruler indicates the width of a document with left and right margins. Answer: Horizontal

Question 11. …….. command is used to move the text to a new page. Answer: Page break

Question 12. ……….. option is used to display a document before printing. Answer: Print Preview

True or False

Question 1. MS-Word 2007 allows you to easily create a variety of professional looking documents using features such as Themes, Styles, SmartArt and more. Answer: True MS-Word 2007 is a powerful tool that allows you to create a variety of professional looking documents because in Word 2007, all the things are replaced with a new navigation system.

Question 2. MS-Word 2007 tool menu is packed full of lines, arrows, squares and much more. Answer: False Word 2007 tool menu is not packed full of lines, arrows, squares but Word 2007 shapes menu is packed full of all these features.

Question 3. You cannot modify your Word options and change the defined information that appears. Answer: False Word options and pre-filled information can be modified by using MS-Word 2007 new features.

Question 4. Editing text in MS-Word 2007 only involves inserting text. Answer: False Editing text means making corrections as desired end results.

Question 5. The text layout within’a paragraph with respect to document margins is called text alignment. Answer: True The text alignment can be horizontal or vertical.

Question 6. Pictures can be added to Word documents and they cannot be formatted in various ways. Answer: False Pictures can be formatted in various war’s after adding it to the Word document like changing the shape, adding a border, modifying effects, applying a predefined style and more.

Question 7. The distance between the text and the paper edge is called indent. Answer: False The distance between the text and the paper edge is called the margin.

Question 8. Extra spacing between paragraphs adds emphasis and makes a document easier to read. Answer: True The document can be easily read, if the extra spacing is given between paragraphs it makes the document very attractive.

Question 9. Decreasing the leading will space the lines out, allowing for improved readability. Answer: False Increasing the leading will space the lines out, allowing for improved readability.

Question 10. After inserting a picture, a new tab appears. Answer: True After inserting a picture in Word 2007 document, a new tab appears namely Picture Tools Format. This tab helps a user to edit his/her picture according to need.

Question 11. The entire Word document can be printed by choosing Microsoft Office button —> Print and OK. Answer: True Steps for printing the document is Microsoft Office button —> Print and OK.

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Class 9 – IT 402 Digital Documentation – Notes

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Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes:

Unit 3 – digital documentation.

Sometimes called WinWord, MS Word or Word. Microsoft Word is a word processor published by Microsoft. It is one of the office productivity applications included in the Microsoft Office Suite.

What is Microsoft Word used for?

Microsoft Word allows you to create professional quality documents, reports, letters and resume. Unlike a plain text editor, Microsoft Word has features including spell check, grammar check, text and font formatting, HTML support, image support, advanced page layout options and many more.

Different Features of MS Word. Explain.

  • Ease and Speed – A word processor provides an easy and fast method to type the text.
  • Editing features – Using a word processor, you can apply the editing features like copying, moving and deleting the text.
  • Formatting features – Using a word processor, you can apply the formatting features like bold, italic, underline, font color, word art and so on.
  • Graphic features – You can add pictures, drawing, shapes and charts to your document.
  • Spell check – It helps in keeping the document error free as it has a spell check feature, which not only corrects the misspelt words but also suggests the possible synonyms.

Popular Word Processors

  • MS Word (Desktop based)
  • Word Pad (Desktop based)
  • Open Office (Desktop based)
  • Google Docs (Internet based)
  • LibreOffice Write (Desktop based)
Microsoft Office vs Apache OpenOffice / Libre Office Features

Steps to Protect Document File

  • Step 1: Click on the File tab and select Save As option, the Save As dialog box will appear.
  • Step 2: Select General option by clicking on Tools option.
  • Step 3: Here, apply the password(s) to open or modify the file. Click on OK.
  • Step 4: Repeat password(s) to open or modify the file. Click on OK. The file will be password protected.

Purpose of Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar, is located above the Ribbon (top-left) and provides quickly access to commonly used features and commands, such as Save and Undo/Redo. Both the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar can be customized.

Some Important MS Word Shortcut Keys

To show / hide Paragraph MarkCtrl + * (Asterisk)
To open Spelling and Grammar dialog box – F7F7
To open thesaurus (dictionary) – Shift + F7Shift + F7
To close the file Ctrl + W
To close the application (MS Word)Alt + F4
To copy the formatting (format painter tool)Ctrl + Shift + C
To paste the formattingCtrl + Shift + V
To convert selected text into lower or capital formShift + F3
SubscriptCTRL + =
SuperscriptCtrl + Shift + Plus Sign (+)
To apply Equations in MS WordAlt + =
Goto on specific page, section etc.Ctrl + G or F5

Non-Printing Characters

  • Non-braking space (o)
  • Tab character (à)
  • Paragraph mark

The printing characters are the characters that do not appear in a printed document. These characters are basically used for formatting the document so these are also called as formatting marks.

Thesaurus in MS Word

A thesaurus is a software tool included with some word processors that provides synonyms or antonyms for selected words or keywords on command. Users using Microsoft Word can open a thesaurus by clicking on Review tab or pressing the shortcut key Shift+F7

What does the red, green and blue wavy lines signify?

  • A red  wavy line under any word signifies the incorrectly spelt word.
  • A green  wavy line under any word or sentence indicates a grammatical error.
  • A blue  wavy line under a word refers to a contextual error. For example, if you write “Deer” instead of “Dear” in any letter.

“Change Case” options in Ms Word.

Capitalises the first letter of the selected sentenceThis is learncse website.
Converts the selected text to lowercasethis is learncse website.
Converts the selected text to uppercaseTHIS IS LEARNCSE WEBSITE.
Changes the first character of each selected word to uppercaseThis Is Learncse Website.
Converts the case of every selected character in the reverse manner, i.e., a capital character will convert into lowercase and vice versa.tHIS iS lEARNCSE wEBSITE.

Subscript and Superscript tool in MS Word.

A sub script or super script is a character that is set slightly below or above the normal line of type, respectively. It is usually smaller than the rest of the text. Subscripts appear at below the baseline, while superscripts are above.

  • Subscript: H 2 O
  • Superscript A 2 +B 2

Format Painter tool in MS Word.

The format painter tool is used to copy the formatting effects of some text to another selection.

Different types of paragraph indents.

There are four types of paragraph indents.

  • Left Indent  – A positive value will leave the corresponding space from the left margin. Entering a negative value will make your text appear inside the left margin.
  • Right Indent  – A positive value will leave the corresponding space from the right margin. Entering a negative value will make your text appear inside the right margin.
  • Special Indent  – It displays the three options: First line, hanging and none.
  • By  – This field allows you to set the exact size of the first line or hanging indents by entering the value of indentation.

How do you jump from one page to another in a document?

  • Step 1: Press F5. The GoTo dialog box will appear.
  • Step 2: On the left side click on Page  option and Enter the page number to which you want to move.
  • Step 3: Click on Go To, or press Enter.

Text Formatting

In Microsoft word, text formatting refers to controlling how text appears in your document. This includes the size, color and font of the text. It also covers text alignment, spacing and change (letter) case. MS Word styles make it easy to change and apply styles throughout a document.

Find and Replace Command

The Find and Replace command is a feature commonly found in word processing and text editing software. It allows users to search for a specific word, phrase, or pattern within a document and replace it with another word, phrase, or pattern. This tool is valuable for editing and revising documents quickly and efficiently.

Difference between Numbered List and Bulleted List

Bulleted and numbered lists help to simplify steps or list of items to readers. Numbered list can be formed as a,b,c,… 1,2,3,…. whereas bulleted list formed as different symbols like small circle, disc, square etc.

Margins are the blank spaces that line the top, bottom, and left and right sides of a document. They are important because they help make a document look neat and professional. To change margins, click on the Margins button, found on the Page Layout tab.

explain presentation toolbar class 9

What is the use of table in word?

The tables are used to arrange the large amount of data in systematic order. It is used to store the data and user can easily fetch the information by using different tools in MS Word.

For example tables are used to create bills or invoices, financial statements, record of students etc.

Different ways of Inserting a Table in MS Word 2010

There are 3 ways to insert a table in MS Word 2021.

  • Click on Insert Tab and select Table option.
  • Move the mouse pointer over the table grid and click.
  • The selected number of rows and columns will be inserted.
  • Select the Insert Table option; the insert table dialog box will appear.
  • Enter the number of rows and columns. Click on OK
  • Click on Draw table option. A pencil icon will appear.
  • By clicking left mouse button drag it to draw the table.

What is a cell?

A “cell” refers to a single rectangular box or smallest unit within the table’s grid-like structure. It is used to organize data into rows and columns, and each intersection of a row and a column creates a cell. These cells are used to hold and display various types of information, such as text, numbers, or even multimedia elements like images.

Difference between Row and Column

Row is a horizontal series of cells where as column is a vertical series of cells.

How can you split a table?

To split a table into two, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Place the cursor inside a cell from where you want split the table.
  • Step 2: Click on the Layout Tab.
  • Step 3: Select the Split Table option in the Merge group.
  • Step 4: Table will be split into two tables.

How do you access the print window?

By shortcut key i.e. CTRL + P, we can access the print window. OR By clicking on Print option of Home button, we can access the print window.

Difference between the Collated and Uncollated option?

explain presentation toolbar class 9

If there are 10 pages in a document and you want to print 5 copies, the Collated option will print the complete copy of the document, i.e., from pages 1 to page 10 and then it will again start printing the next copy from pages 1 to 10. Whereas, the Uncollated option will print all the 5 copies of the page 1 and then print the next copy of page 2 likewise.

How will you take the print out of selected text of a document?

  • Step 1: Highlight the text you want to print.
  • Step 2: Select File option and Click on Print option.
  • Step 3: Select the Page drop-down arrow and choose “Print Selection”.
  • Step 4: Click on Print button.

What are mail merges?

Mail merges are one of the fastest ways to customise documents like email, newsletters, Labels, Envelopes and other personalized messages. A mail merge lets you create personalized documents that automatically vary on a recipient-by-recipient basis. This spares you the trouble of manually personalizing each document yourself.

To know that, you need to understand the two key components of every mail merge.

  • Document Area (Template File)
  • Data Source (Data File)
  • Document Area:  This is the document that holds the message you’ll be sending out – like a letter or an email. It specifies the places where the personalization data will go. That data (names, addresses etc.) is fetched from a data source.
  • Data Source:  This is a data source like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. Each cell contains a different bit of individual information (Title, First Name, Last Name etc) that will be placed in your document file in the corresponding space.  

What are the main steps involved in Mail Merge?

  • Step 1: Select the Mailings tab and select the Start Mail Merge then select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard option.
  • Step 2: Choose the type of document you want to create. (example: Letters)
  • Step 3: Click Next and Select Use the current document.
  • Step 4: Click Next and Select recipients option (Create new list)
  • Step 5: Select the Type a new list button.
  • Step 6: Click Create to create a data source. The New Address List dialog box appears. Add recipients and Click on OK.
  • Step 7: Write a letter in the current Word document, or use an open existing document.
  • Step 8: Select the field you want to insert in the document.
  • Step 9: Click Next: Preview your letters in the task pane once you have completed your letter.
  • Step 10: Preview the letters to make sure the information from the data record appears correctly in the letter.
  • Step 11: Click Next: Complete the merge.
  • Step 12: Click Print to print the letters.

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Class 9 IT-ITeS Chapter 3 | Digital Documentation Question Answer

Class 9 IT-ITeS Chapter 3: Digital Documentation Question Answer : Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 9th IT-IteS(NSQF) Notes for your academic journey. Class IX is an essential year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, I will discuss your Class 9th “ Digital Documentation” Long and Short Questions| We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions.

Our goal is to meet your needs. We provide the Notes here for free. We wish you all the best for your upcoming exams. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Digital Documentation Question Answer

D. short answer questions (50 words), conclusion:.

Text Book Questions (IT-402 NCERT Solution)

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a component of the Office Suite?

(b) Impress

(c) Internet Explorer

Ans: (c) Internet Explorer

2. The most widely used word-processing software in the late 1970s was

(a) Word Perfect

(c) Word Star

Ans: (c) Word Star

3. We can change the mistakes noticed in which of the following?

(a) Electronic typewriter

(b) Word processor software

(c) Simple typewriter

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b)

4. Header and Footer is available in which of the following menus?

(a) File Menu

(b) Insert Menu

(c) View Menu

(d) Edit Menu

Ans: (b) Insert Menu

5. To hide or view ruler we should go to which of the following menus?

(a) Tools Menu

Ans: (c) View Menu

7. To replace a word Bombay with Mumbai, we should go to which of the following menus?

(b) Edit Menu

(d) Language Menu

Ans: (b) Edit Menu

8. To close an opened document, we should to go to which of the following menus?

Ans: (a) File Menu

9. Which of the following is the default extension of the writer file?

Ans: (c) .odt

10. Which of the following technique selects a sentence in Writer?

(a) Single click (Pressing the left button of mouse)

(b) Double Click

(c) Triple Click

(d) None of the above

Ans: (c) Triple Click

11. Which of the following is a shortcut key to Redo any operation?

(a) CTRL + R

(b) CTRL + Y

(c) CTRL + X

(d) CTRL + Z

Ans: (b) CTRL + Y

12. To find a word in a document we can use which of the following function key?

Ans: (a) F5 key

13. Spellings are corrected automatically in Writer because of which of the following features?

(a) Auto Text

(b) Auto Correct

(c) Auto Complete

(d) All of the above

Ans: (b) Auto Correct

14. The default table size is_

(a) 1 column, 1 row

(b) 2 columns, 1 row

(c) 2 columns, 2 rows

(d) 1 column, 2 rows

Ans: (a) 1 column, 1 row

15. What is the shape of the mouse pointer when drawing a table?

(b) White pointing arrow

(c) Black pointing arrow

(d) Black plus

Ans: (a) Pencil

16. Which shortcut key is used for automatic spell-checking?


(b) SHIFT + F7



Ans: (b) SHIFT + F7

17. Which shortcut key is used to insert table?

(a) CTRL + F12




Ans: (a) CTRL + F12

18. Which of the following is not valid type of data source in mail merge?

(a) Spreadsheet

(b) Text files

(d) CSV file

Ans: ( c) MySQL

19. The default orientation of a page in Writer is_

(a) portrait

(b) landscape

Ans: (a) portrait

20. Which of the following does not come under page formatting?

(a) Setting margins

(b) Find and replace

(c) Setting header and footer

(d) Page Orientation

Ans: (b) Find and replace

21. Saving an existing document with some other name using the Save As option_

(a) replaces the current document

(b) leaves the current document intact

(c) is not possible

(d) closes the document

Ans: (b) leaves the current document intact

22. Keyboard shortcut to italicise the selected text is

(a) Ctrl + U

(b) Shift + U

(c) Ctrl + I

(d) Shift + I

Ans: (c) Ctrl + I

23. Which option should be used to type H₂O, to get 2 at its proper place?

(b) Superscript

(c) Underline

(d) Subscript

Ans: (d) Subscript

24. What option should be used to to change the word ‘Books’ to the word ‘Copies’ in a document?

(b) Find and Replace

(c) Spell check

(d) Spelling and grammar check

Ans: (b) Find and Replace

2 What is the option to print the document so that the height of the page is less than its width?

(a) Landscape

(b) Portrait

(d) Tab setting

Ans: (a) Landscape

B. Fill in the blanks

1. The submenu item with three dots ‘…’ just after the submenu name, denote that it will open the_________.

2. The submenu item with right hand side arrows ‘▶’, means, clicking on it will open_______.

3. Formatting Tool Bar contains various options for_________.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. To open the word processor Window’ menu option is selected.

Ans: False.

2. The current file name is shown in Status Bar.

3. The open icon for opening a file is part of Standard Tool Bar.

4. Format Menu contains the options that apply to the whole document.

5. It is possible to open an MS Word file in Libre Office Writer.

6. We cannot open the Libre Office Writer file in MS Word.

7. The writer does not permit to copy a selected text into another document.

8. It is possible to copy a selected text without using Menu options and keyboard options.

9. To open the ‘Find & Replace’ dialog box, we have to go to Format menu.

10. We can find all the cities included in a document using the ‘Find and Replace’ feature of Writer.

11. While typing if an incorrect spelling is detected a red line is marked under it. After correcting it, the red line is converted into a green line.

12. The text written in Header and Footer is printed on each page of the document.

13. The page number appears with gray background and is printed with background.

14. Writer creates a table as wide as the page area.

15. A new column is created in table by pressing tab key.

16. Mail merge is used to prepare multiple copies of the same document.

17. The Form Letter contains the variable information in mail merge.

18. The portrait and landscape orientations are set in Paper option under properties.

19. In Print Range by default current page is selected for printing.

20. By default the page size is A4.

1. In a document all the occurrences of word “this” have to be changed to “these”. Which option is suitable for this and what is the shortcut command used for it?

Ans: To change all occurrences of the word “this” to “these” in a document, you can use the “Find and Replace” option. In most word-processing software, you can access this feature by pressing Ctrl + H (Command + H on Mac) as a shortcut command. Enter “this” in the “Find” field and “these” in the “Replace” field, then click “Replace All” to change all instances of “this” to “these.”

এটা দস্তাবেজত “this” শব্দটোৰ সকলো আৱিৰ্ভাৱ “these” লৈ সলনি কৰিবলৈ, আমি “Find and Replace” ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁ।। বেছিভাগ ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰত, আমি Ctrl + H এটা চৰ্টকাট কমাণ্ড ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁ।

2. Which two documents are essential for mail merge?

Ans: The two essential documents for mail merge are:

  • Data Source: This document contains the recipient information, such as names, addresses, and other personalized details. It can be in the form of a spreadsheet, database, or a list of records.
  • Main Document: This document serves as the template or master document where you create the content and layout of your merged document. It contains placeholders or fields that will be replaced with the data from the data source during the mail merge process.

মেইল মাৰ্জৰ বাবে দুটা প্ৰয়োজনীয় নথিপত্ৰ হ’ল:

Data Source: এই দস্তাবেজত গ্ৰাহকৰ তথ্য, যেনে নাম, ঠিকনা, আৰু অন্যান্য ব্যক্তিগতকৃত বিৱৰণ থাকে। ই spreadsheet, database, or a list of records ৰ তালিকাৰ আকাৰত হ’ব পাৰে।

Main Document: এই দস্তাবেজটোৱে সাঁচ বা মাষ্টাৰ দস্তাবেজ হিচাপে কাম কৰে য’ত আপুনি আপোনাৰ একত্ৰিত দস্তাবেজৰ বিষয়বস্তু আৰু পৰিকল্পনা সৃষ্টি কৰে। ইয়াত placeholders or fields সমূহ থাকে যি mail merge প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰ সময়ত data source পৰা তথ্যৰ সৈতে সলনি কৰা হয়।

3. Explain the concept of Word Processing.

Ans: Word processing is the creation, editing, formatting, and manipulation of text-based documents using computer software. It allows users to type, edit, and format text, along with incorporating images, tables, and other elements.

Word processing software provides various features like spell-check, formatting options, page layout customization, and the ability to save, print, and share documents electronically.

It greatly enhances productivity and efficiency in creating written content compared to traditional typewriters or handwritten methods.

কম্পিউটাৰ চফট্ ৱেৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি লিখনীভিত্তিক নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টি, সম্পাদনা, ফৰ্মেটিং কৰা এক প্ৰকাৰৰ Text based software হ’ল ৱৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং। ই ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসকলক লিখনী টাইপ, সম্পাদনা, আৰু ফৰ্মেট কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে, লগতে ছবি, টেবুল, আৰু অন্য উপাদানসমূহ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰে।

Word processing software ৰে বিভিন্ন বৈশিষ্ট্য যেনে বানান-পৰীক্ষা, ফৰ্মেটিং বিকল্প, পৃষ্ঠা বিন্যাস কাষ্টমাইজেচন, আৰু ইলেক্ট্ৰনিকভাৱে নথিপত্ৰসমূহ সংৰক্ষণ, প্ৰিন্ট আৰু অংশীদাৰী কৰাৰ ক্ষমতা প্ৰদান কৰে। পৰম্পৰাগত Typewriter বা হাতেৰে লিখা পদ্ধতিৰ তুলনাত ই লিখিত বিষয়বস্তু সৃষ্টিৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত উৎপাদনশীলতা আৰু দক্ষতা বহু পৰিমাণে বৃদ্ধি কৰে।

4. List the various software available for word processing.

There are several software options available for word processing. Here are some popular ones:

  • Microsoft Word: A widely used word processing software included in the Microsoft Office suite.
  • Google Docs: A web-based word processing tool provided by Google, which allows for real-time collaboration and cloud storage.
  • Apple Pages: A word processing software specifically designed for Mac users, part of the iWork productivity suite.
  • LibreOffice Writer: A free and open-source word processing software that is compatible with multiple operating systems.
  • Apache OpenOffice Writer: Another free and open-source word processing software similar to LibreOffice Writer.
  • WPS Office Writer: A feature-rich word processing software that offers a free version along with premium options.
  • AbiWord: A lightweight and free word processing software available for multiple platforms.

These are just a few examples, and there are other word processing software options available as well, each with its own unique features and compatibility.

ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিঙৰ বাবে কেইবাটাও চফট্ ৱেৰ বিকল্প উপলব্ধ। ইয়াত কিছুমান জনপ্ৰিয় কেইটামান উল্লেখ কৰা হ’ল:

MS Word: মাইক্ৰ’ছফ্ট অফিচ ছুইটত অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত এটা বহুলভাৱে ব্যৱহৃত শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰ।

Google Docs: গুগলে প্ৰদান কৰা এটা ৱেব-ভিত্তিক শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ সঁজুলি, যিয়ে বাস্তৱ সময়ৰ সহযোগিতা আৰু ক্লাউড সংৰক্ষণৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।

LibreOffice Writer: এটা বিনামূলীয়া আৰু মুক্ত-উৎস শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰ যি একাধিক অপাৰেটিং চিস্টেমৰ সৈতে সুসংগত।

এপল পেজ: বিশেষভাৱে মেক ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ বাবে ডিজাইন কৰা এটা ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফট্ ৱেৰ, যিটো আইৱৰ্ক প্ৰডাক্টিভিটি ছুইটৰ অংশ।

OpenOffice Writer: LibreOffice Writer ৰ সৈতে মিল থকা আন এটা বিনামূলীয়া আৰু মুক্ত উৎস ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰ।

WPS Office Writer: এটা বৈশিষ্ট্য সমৃদ্ধ ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰ যিয়ে প্ৰিমিয়াম বিকল্পৰ সৈতে এটা বিনামূলীয়া সংস্কৰণ প্ৰদান কৰে।

AbiWord: একাধিক প্লেটফৰ্মৰ বাবে উপলব্ধ এটা লঘু আৰু বিনামূলীয়া শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰ।

এইবোৰ মাত্ৰ কেইটামান উদাহৰণ, আৰু আন ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰ বিকল্পও উপলব্ধ, প্ৰত্যেকৰে নিজস্ব অনন্য বৈশিষ্ট্য আৰু সামঞ্জস্যতা আছে।

7. Write difference between a text editor and a word processor software. Write the name of any text editor or word processor available in market.

Ans: The main differences between a text editor and a word processor software are as follows:

Text Editor:

  • Primarily focuses on editing and manipulating plain text files.
  • Provides basic features such as typing, editing, and saving text.
  • Lacks advanced formatting options like page layout, font styles, and embedded images.
  • Often used by programmers and developers for writing code.
  • Examples: Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), Vim, Sublime Text.

Word Processor Software:

  • Designed for creating and editing formatted documents with rich features.
  • Offers advanced formatting options, including font styles, page layout customization, tables, images, and more.
  • Supports features like spell-check, grammar correction, and document collaboration.
  • Commonly used for creating letters, reports, essays, and other formatted documents.
  • Examples: Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, LibreOffice Writer.

টেক্সট এডিটৰ আৰু ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছৰ চফ্টৱেৰৰ মাজৰ মূল পাৰ্থক্যসমূহ হ’ল:

  • মূলতঃ সাধাৰণ লিখনী ফাইলসমূহ সম্পাদনা আৰু মেনিপুলেট কৰাত মনোনিৱেশ কৰে।
  • মূল বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ যেনে টাইপ কৰা, সম্পাদনা কৰা, আৰু লিখনী সংৰক্ষণ কৰা প্ৰদান কৰে।
  • পৃষ্ঠা পৰিকল্পনা, ফন্ট শৈলী, আৰু এম্বেডেড ছবিৰ দৰে উন্নত ফৰ্মেটিং বিকল্পৰ অভাৱ।
  • প্ৰায়ে প্ৰগ্ৰেমাৰ আৰু ডেভেলপাৰসকলে ক’ড লিখাৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে।
  • উদাহৰণ: Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), Vim, Sublime Text.
  • সমৃদ্ধ বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহৰ সৈতে ফৰ্মেট কৰা দস্তাবেজসমূহ সৃষ্টি আৰু সম্পাদনা কৰাৰ বাবে ডিজাইন কৰা হৈছে।
  • উন্নত ফৰ্মেটিং বিকল্পসমূহ প্ৰদান কৰে, ফন্ট শৈলী, পৃষ্ঠা বিন্যাস স্বনিৰ্বাচন, টেবুল, ছবি, আৰু অধিক অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰি।
  • বানান-পৰীক্ষা, ব্যাকৰণ সংশোধন, আৰু দস্তাবেজ সহযোগিতাৰ দৰে বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ সমৰ্থন কৰে।
  • সাধাৰণতে চিঠি, প্ৰতিবেদন, ৰচনা আৰু অন্যান্য ফৰ্মেট কৰা নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টিৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়।
  • উদাহৰণ: Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, LibreOffice Writer.

8. List the various components of the LibreOffice suite. Explain each component in one line.

Ans: The LibreOffice suite consists of several components, each serving a specific purpose. Here are the main components of LibreOffice along with a brief explanation of each:

  • Writer: A word processor for creating and editing documents, such as letters, reports, and articles.
  • Calc: A spreadsheet application for performing calculations, data analysis, and creating charts.
  • Impress: A presentation program for designing and delivering multimedia presentations.
  • Draw: A vector graphics editor for creating diagrams, flowcharts, and illustrations.
  • Base: A database management system for creating and managing databases.
  • Math: A formula editor for creating and editing mathematical equations.
  • Charts: A charting tool for creating various types of charts and graphs within other LibreOffice components.

LibreOffice চুইটত কেইবাটাও উপাদান থাকে, প্ৰত্যেকেই এটা নিৰ্দিষ্ট উদ্দেশ্য সাধন কৰে। ইয়াত LibreOffice ৰ মূল উপাদানসমূহৰ লগতে প্ৰতিটোৰ চমু ব্যাখ্যা দিয়া হৈছে:

  • Writer: নথিপত্ৰ, যেনে চিঠি, প্ৰতিবেদন, প্ৰবন্ধ আদি সৃষ্টি আৰু সম্পাদনা কৰাৰ বাবে এটা ৱৰ্ড প্ৰচেছৰ।
  • Calc: গণনা, তথ্য বিশ্লেষণ, আৰু চাৰ্ট সৃষ্টি কৰাৰ বাবে এটা স্প্ৰেডশ্বীট এপ্লিকেচন।
  • Impress: মাল্টিমিডিয়া উপস্থাপন ডিজাইন আৰু প্ৰদানৰ বাবে এটা উপস্থাপন কাৰ্যসূচী।
  • Draw: ডায়াগ্ৰাম, ফ্ল’চাৰ্ট, আৰু চিত্ৰ সৃষ্টিৰ বাবে এটা ভেক্টৰ গ্ৰাফিক্স সম্পাদক।
  • Base: ডাটাবেছ সৃষ্টি আৰু পৰিচালনাৰ বাবে এটা ডাটাবেছ ব্যৱস্থাপনা ব্যৱস্থা।
  • Math: গাণিতিক সমীকৰণ সৃষ্টি আৰু সম্পাদনাৰ বাবে এটা সূত্ৰ সম্পাদক।
  • Charts: অন্য LibreOffice উপাদানসমূহৰ ভিতৰত বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ লেখচিত্ৰ আৰু গ্ৰাফ সৃষ্টি কৰাৰ বাবে এটা চাৰ্টিং সঁজুলি।

9. Compare the features of manual typewriter, electronic typewriter and word processing software.

Ans: Here is a comparison of the features between a manual typewriter, electronic typewriter, and word processing software:

Manual Typewriter:

  • Mechanically operated device with a set of keys and a carriage.
  • Requires physical force to press keys and create imprints on paper.
  • Limited functionality, only capable of typing and basic formatting like bold or underline.
  • No editing capabilities, corrections must be made using correction fluid or manual methods.
  • No storage or memory, each document is a physical copy.
  • Operated electronically with a keyboard and a digital display.
  • Offers features like automatic carriage return, correction tape, and variable font sizes.
  • Can store a limited number of documents in memory.
  • Allows for basic editing functions like deleting and inserting text.
  • Can print documents directly without the need for carbon paper.

Word Processing Software:

  • Software application running on a computer.
  • Provides a wide range of features for creating, editing, and formatting text.
  • Offers advanced formatting options, spell-checking, grammar correction, and automatic page layout.
  • Allows for easy editing, copying, and pasting of text.
  • Supports document storage, retrieval, and electronic sharing.
  • Can insert images, tables, and other multimedia elements.
  • Provides collaborative editing and real-time collaboration features.

ইয়াত এটা হাতৰ টাইপৰাইটাৰ, ইলেক্ট্ৰনিক টাইপৰাইটাৰ, আৰু শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰৰ মাজৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহৰ তুলনা কৰা হৈছে:

  • চাবিৰ এটা গোট আৰু এটা কেৰেজ থকা যান্ত্ৰিকভাৱে চলোৱা ডিভাইচ।
  • কি’ টিপিবলৈ আৰু কাগজত ছাপ সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ ভৌতিক বলৰ প্ৰয়োজন।
  • সীমিত কাৰ্য্যকৰীতা, কেৱল টাইপিং আৰু মৌলিক ফৰ্মেটিং যেনে গাঢ় বা আণ্ডাৰলাইন কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম।
  • কোনো সম্পাদনা ক্ষমতা নাই, সংশোধন তৰল বা হাতৰ পদ্ধতি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি সংশোধন কৰিব লাগিব।
  • কোনো সংৰক্ষণ বা মেমৰি নাই, প্ৰতিটো দস্তাবেজ এটা ভৌতিক কপি।
  • কিবৰ্ড আৰু ডিজিটেল ডিছপ্লেৰ সৈতে ইলেক্ট্ৰনিকভাৱে চলোৱা।
  • স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় কেৰেজ ৰিটাৰ্ণ, সংশোধন টেপ, আৰু চলক আখৰৰ আকাৰৰ দৰে বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ প্ৰদান কৰে।
  • সীমিত সংখ্যক নথিপত্ৰ মেম’ৰীত সংৰক্ষণ কৰিব পাৰে।
  • লিখনী মচি পেলোৱা আৰু সন্নিৱিষ্ট কৰাৰ দৰে মৌলিক সম্পাদনা কাৰ্য্যসমূহৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।
  • কাৰ্বন পেপাৰৰ প্ৰয়োজন নোহোৱাকৈ পোনপটীয়াকৈ নথিপত্ৰ প্ৰিন্ট কৰিব পাৰে।
  • কম্পিউটাৰত চলি থকা চফ্টৱেৰ এপ্লিকেচন।
  • লিখনী সৃষ্টি, সম্পাদনা, আৰু বিন্যাস কৰাৰ বাবে বহুতো বৈশিষ্ট্য প্ৰদান কৰে।
  • উন্নত ফৰ্মেটিং বিকল্পসমূহ, বানান-পৰীক্ষা, ব্যাকৰণ সংশোধন, আৰু স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় পৃষ্ঠা বিন্যাস প্ৰদান কৰে।
  • লিখনী সহজ সম্পাদনা, কপি, আৰু পেষ্ট কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।
  • দস্তাবেজ সংৰক্ষণ, উদ্ধাৰ, আৰু ইলেক্ট্ৰনিক অংশীদাৰী সমৰ্থন কৰে।
  • ছবি, টেবুল, আৰু অন্য মাল্টিমিডিয়া উপাদান সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰিব পাৰে।
  • সহযোগিতামূলক সম্পাদনা আৰু বাস্তৱ-সময়ৰ সহযোগিতা বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ প্ৰদান কৰে।

10. Explain the different views to display a document.

Ans: Word processing software typically offers different views to display a document, allowing users to choose the most suitable layout for their needs. Here are the common views available:

  • Normal/Editing View: This is the default view where you can create, edit, and format the content of the document. It displays the document as it will appear when printed or viewed in other views.
  • Print Layout View: This view closely resembles how the document will appear when printed. It shows page breaks, margins, headers, footers, and other elements of the layout.
  • Outline View: This view focuses on the structure of the document, displaying an outline format with headings and subheadings. It allows users to easily navigate and reorganize the document’s hierarchical structure.
  • Web Layout View: This view shows the document as it would appear in a web browser. It is useful for designing and previewing web pages, with features like clickable hyperlinks and dynamic content.
  • Draft View: This view provides a simplified layout without showing page breaks or formatting details. It is useful for quickly editing and reviewing the content without distractions.
  • Full-Screen View: This view maximizes the document on the screen, hiding the menus and toolbars to provide a distraction-free writing environment.
  • Read Mode/Reading View: This view is optimized for reading and reviewing documents. It typically displays the document in a larger font size, with features like page navigation, zoom, and adjustable column widths.

ৱৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰে সাধাৰণতে এটা দস্তাবেজ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিবলৈ বিভিন্ন দৃশ্য প্ৰদান কৰে, যাৰ ফলত ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসকলে তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰয়োজন অনুসৰি আটাইতকৈ উপযুক্ত বিন্যাস বাছি ল’ব পাৰে। ইয়াত উপলব্ধ সাধাৰণ মতামতসমূহ দিয়া হ’ল:

  • Normal/Editing View: এইটো অবিকল্পিত দৰ্শন য’ত আপুনি দস্তাবেজৰ বিষয়বস্তু সৃষ্টি, সম্পাদনা, আৰু ফৰ্মেট কৰিব পাৰে। ই দস্তাবেজটো প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰে যিদৰে ই প্ৰিন্ট কৰা বা অন্য দৰ্শনত চোৱাৰ সময়ত দেখা যাব।
  • Print Layout View: এই দৃশ্য প্ৰিন্ট কৰাৰ সময়ত দস্তাবেজ কেনেকৈ দেখা যাব তাৰ সৈতে নিবিড়ভাৱে মিল খায়। ই পৃষ্ঠা বিৰতি, প্ৰান্ত, হেডাৰ, ফুটাৰ, আৰু পৰিকল্পনাৰ অন্য উপাদানসমূহ দেখুৱায়।
  • Outline View: এই দৃশ্যই দস্তাবেজৰ গঠনত গুৰুত্ব দিয়ে, শিৰোনাম আৰু উপশিৰোনামাৰ সৈতে এটা ৰূপৰেখা বিন্যাস প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰে। ই ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসকলক দস্তাবেজৰ স্তৰভিত্তিক গঠন সহজে নেভিগেট আৰু পুনৰ সংগঠিত কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।
  • Web Layout View: এই দৃশ্যই দস্তাবেজটো এটা ৱেব ব্ৰাউজাৰত দেখা দিয়াৰ দৰে দেখুৱায়। ই ৱেব পৃষ্ঠাসমূহ ডিজাইন আৰু পূৰ্বদৰ্শনৰ বাবে উপযোগী, ক্লিকযোগ্য হাইপাৰলিংক আৰু গতিশীল বিষয়বস্তুৰ দৰে বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহৰ সৈতে।
  • Draft View: এই দৃশ্যই পৃষ্ঠা বিৰতি বা ফৰ্মেটিং বিৱৰণ দেখুৱাব নোৱাৰাকৈ এটা সৰলীকৃত পৰিকল্পনা প্ৰদান কৰে। বিক্ষিপ্ততা নোহোৱাকৈ বিষয়বস্তু দ্ৰুতভাৱে সম্পাদনা আৰু পৰ্যালোচনাৰ বাবে ই উপযোগী।
  • Full-Screen View: এই দৃশ্যই পৰ্দাত দস্তাবেজ সৰ্বাধিক কৰে, এটা বিক্ষিপ্ততা-মুক্ত লিখা পৰিৱেশ প্ৰদান কৰিবলে মেনু আৰু সঁজুলিদণ্ডীসমূহ লুকুৱাই ৰাখে।
  • Read Mode/Reading View: এই দৃশ্য দস্তাবেজসমূহ পঢ়া আৰু পৰ্যালোচনা কৰাৰ বাবে অনুকূলিত কৰা হৈছে। ই সাধাৰণতে দস্তাবেজটোক এটা ডাঙৰ আখৰৰ আকাৰত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰে, পৃষ্ঠা নেভিগেচন, জুম, আৰু নিয়ন্ত্ৰণযোগ্য স্তম্ভ প্ৰস্থৰ দৰে বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহৰ সৈতে।

11. What are the various methods for selecting the text in a document? Give the steps to select a paragraph.

Ans: There are multiple methods for selecting text in a document. Here are a few common methods:

  • Click and Drag: Position the cursor at the beginning of the desired text, click and hold the mouse button, then drag the cursor over the text to select it. Release the mouse button to complete the selection.
  • Double-Click: Double-clicking on a word will select that specific word. Double-clicking again (within a short time) will expand the selection to include the entire sentence, and further double-clicking will expand it to include the entire paragraph.
  • Triple-Click: Triple-clicking on a word will select the entire paragraph containing that word.
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Position the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, hold down the Shift key, and press the down arrow key until the entire paragraph is selected.

To select a paragraph using the click and drag method:

  • Move the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph you want to select.
  • Click and hold the left mouse button.
  • While holding the button, drag the cursor to the end of the paragraph.
  • Release the mouse button to complete the selection.

এটা দস্তাবেজত লিখনী নিৰ্বাচনৰ বাবে একাধিক পদ্ধতি আছে। ইয়াত কেইটামান সাধাৰণ পদ্ধতি উল্লেখ কৰা হ’ল:

  • Click and Drag: কাৰ্চাৰক আকাংক্ষিত লিখনীৰ আৰম্ভণিতে ৰাখক, মাউছ বুটাম ক্লিক কৰক আৰু ধৰি ৰাখক, তাৰ পিছত কাৰ্চাৰক লিখনীৰ ওপৰেৰে টানি আনি ইয়াক নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰিবলে। নিৰ্বাচন সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰিবলে মাউছ বুটাম এৰি দিয়ক।
  • Double-Click: এটা শব্দত দুবাৰ ক্লিক কৰিলে সেই নিৰ্দিষ্ট শব্দটো নিৰ্বাচন হ’ব। পুনৰ দুবাৰ ক্লিক কৰিলে (কম সময়ৰ ভিতৰতে) নিৰ্বাচনটো সম্পূৰ্ণ বাক্যটো অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰিবলৈ প্ৰসাৰিত হ’ব, আৰু অধিক দুবাৰ ক্লিক কৰিলে ইয়াক সম্পূৰ্ণ অনুচ্ছেদটো অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰিবলৈ প্ৰসাৰিত হ’ব।
  • Triple-Click: এটা শব্দত ট্ৰিপল-ক্লিক কৰিলে সেই শব্দটো থকা সমগ্ৰ অনুচ্ছেদটো নিৰ্বাচন হ’ব।
  • Keyboard Shortcut: কাৰ্চাৰক অনুচ্ছেদৰ আৰম্ভণিতে ৰাখক, Shift কি’ ধৰি ৰাখক, আৰু সম্পূৰ্ণ অনুচ্ছেদ নিৰ্ব্বাচিত নোহোৱালৈকে তলৰ কাঁড় চাবি টিপক।
  • কাৰ্চাৰক আপুনি নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰিব বিচৰা অনুচ্ছেদৰ আৰম্ভণিলৈ লৈ যাওক।
  • বাওঁ মাউছ বুটাম ক্লিক কৰি ধৰি ৰাখক।
  • বুটামটো ধৰি থকাৰ সময়ত কাৰ্চাৰটো অনুচ্ছেদৰ শেষলৈ টানি নিয়ক।
  • নিৰ্বাচন সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰিবলে মাউছ বুটাম এৰি দিয়ক।

12. What are the special characters? How can you insert them in a document?

Ans: Special characters are symbols, punctuation marks, or characters that are not typically found on a standard keyboard. They include symbols like ©, ®, €, °, or characters with diacritical marks like é, ü, ñ, etc. To insert special characters in a document, you can use the following methods:

  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Many special characters have keyboard shortcuts associated with them. For example, holding the Alt key and entering a specific numeric code using the numeric keypad can produce a special character.
  • Insert Symbol or Insert Special Characters: Most word processing software has a built-in “Insert Symbol” or “Insert Special Characters” feature. It provides a list of available special characters, allowing you to select and insert them into the document.
  • Character Map or Character Viewer: Operating systems like Windows and Mac often include a character map or character viewer utility. These tools provide a comprehensive collection of special characters, which can be copied and pasted into the document.
  • AutoCorrect or AutoFormat: Some word processing software automatically converts specific text sequences into corresponding special characters. For example, typing “(c)” may automatically convert to the copyright symbol “©.”

বিশেষ আখৰসমূহ হ’ল চিহ্ন, বিৰাম চিহ্ন, বা আখৰ যি সাধাৰণতে এটা প্ৰামাণিক কিবৰ্ডত পোৱা নাযায়। ইয়াত ©, ®, €, °, বা é, ü, ñ আদিৰ দৰে ডায়েক্ৰিটিকেল চিহ্ন থকা আখৰ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰা হয়।

১) Keyboard Shortcuts: বহুতো বিশেষ আখৰৰ লগত কিবৰ্ড চৰ্টকাট জড়িত থাকে। উদাহৰণস্বৰূপ, Alt কি’ ধৰি ৰাখি আৰু সংখ্যাগত কিপেড ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা নিৰ্দিষ্ট সংখ্যাগত ক’ড সুমুৱাই দিলে এটা বিশেষ আখৰ উৎপন্ন হ’ব পাৰে।

2) Insert Symbol or Insert Special Characters: বেছিভাগ শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰত এটা অন্তৰ্নিৰ্মিত “চিহ্ন সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰক” বা “বিশেষ আখৰ সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰক” বৈশিষ্ট্য থাকে। ই উপলব্ধ বিশেষ আখৰসমূহৰ এটা তালিকা প্ৰদান কৰে, আপোনাক সিহতক দস্তাবেজত নিৰ্ব্বাচন আৰু সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে।

3) Character Map or Character Viewer: উইণ্ড’জ আৰু মেকৰ দৰে অপাৰেটিং চিষ্টেমত প্ৰায়ে আখৰৰ মেপ বা আখৰ দৰ্শক সঁজুলি থাকে। এই সঁজুলিসমূহে বিশেষ আখৰৰ এক বিস্তৃত সংগ্ৰহ প্ৰদান কৰে, যিবোৰ নথিপত্ৰত কপি আৰু পেষ্ট কৰিব পাৰি।

৪) AutoCorrect বা AutoFormat: কিছুমান শব্দ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াকৰণ চফ্টৱেৰে নিৰ্দিষ্ট লিখনী ক্ৰমক স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাৱে সংশ্লিষ্ট বিশেষ আখৰলৈ ৰূপান্তৰিত কৰে। উদাহৰণস্বৰূপে, “(c)” টাইপ কৰিলে স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাৱে কপিৰাইট চিহ্ন “©” লৈ ৰূপান্তৰ হ’ব পাৰে।

11. How will you count the total words of a document?

Ans: To count the total words in a document, you can follow these steps:

  • Read the document: Obtain the content of the document either by reading it from a file or extracting it from a text source.
  • Remove unnecessary elements: Strip any leading or trailing whitespace and remove punctuation marks or special characters that should not be considered as part of a word. You can also convert the text to lowercase if you want to count words case-insensitively.
  • Split the text into words: Use a suitable method or regular expression to split the text into individual words based on spaces or other delimiters.
  • Count the words: Determine the total number of words in the document by counting the elements in the resulting list of words.

এটা দস্তাবেজত মুঠ শব্দ গণনা কৰিবলৈ, আপুনি এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰিব পাৰে:

দস্তাবেজ পঢ়ক: দস্তাবেজৰ বিষয়বস্তু হয় এটা ফাইলৰ পৰা পঢ়ি বা এটা লিখনী উৎসৰ পৰা এক্সট্ৰেক্ট কৰি লাভ কৰক।

অপ্ৰয়োজনীয় উপাদান আঁতৰাওক: যিকোনো আগ বা পিছৰ বগা স্থান আঁতৰাই দিয়ক আৰু বিৰাম চিহ্ন বা বিশেষ আখৰ আঁতৰাওক যিবোৰক শব্দৰ অংশ হিচাপে গণ্য কৰা উচিত নহয়। আপুনি লিখনীটো সৰু আখৰলৈও ৰূপান্তৰ কৰিব পাৰে যদি আপুনি শব্দবোৰ ডাঙৰ-বৰ-অসংবেদনশীলভাৱে গণনা কৰিব বিচাৰে।

লিখনীক শব্দত বিভক্ত কৰক: খালী ঠাই বা অন্য সীমাবদ্ধকৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰি লিখনীক ব্যক্তিগত শব্দত বিভক্ত কৰিবলৈ এটা উপযুক্ত পদ্ধতি বা নিয়মীয়া অভিব্যক্তি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক।

শব্দ গণনা কৰা: ফলস্বৰূপে পোৱা শব্দৰ তালিকাত থকা উপাদানসমূহ গণনা কৰি নথিপত্ৰত থকা মুঠ শব্দৰ সংখ্যা নিৰ্ণয় কৰা।

12. What are the various menu of Writer GUI?

Ans: The Writer GUI (Graphical User Interface) in a word processing software typically includes menus such as File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help. These menus provide a range of options for tasks such as opening and saving files, editing text, formatting, inserting elements like images or tables, and accessing various tools and features.

Word processing software ত Writer GUI (গ্ৰাফিকেল ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী আন্তঃপৃষ্ঠ) এ সাধাৰণতে File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window আৰু Help দৰে Menu সমূহ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰে। এই মেনুসমূহে ফাইলসমূহ খোলা আৰু সংৰক্ষণ কৰা, লিখনী সম্পাদনা কৰা, ফৰ্মেট কৰা, ছবি বা টেবুলৰ দৰে উপাদানসমূহ সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰা, আৰু বিভিন্ন সঁজুলি আৰু বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ অভিগম কৰা আদি কাৰ্য্যসমূহৰ বাবে বিকল্পসমূহৰ এটা পৰিসীমা প্ৰদান কৰে।

13. What is the default extension assigned to the document in Writer when you save it? Write down the steps to save the document to Microsoft Word document?

Ans: The default extension assigned to a document in Writer when you save it is “.odt” (Open Document Text).

To save a document in Writer as a Microsoft Word document, you can follow these steps:

  • Click on the “File” menu at the top-left corner of the Writer window.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Save As.”
  • In the “Save As” dialog box, choose the location where you want to save the file.
  • In the “File Format” or “Save as type” field (depending on the version of Writer you’re using), select “Microsoft Word (.docx)” as the desired file format.
  • Give the document a name and click on the “Save” button.

By following these steps, your document will be saved in the Microsoft Word format with the appropriate file extension (.doc or .docx).

আপুনি সংৰক্ষণ কৰাৰ সময়ত Writer ত এটা দস্তাবেজলৈ নিযুক্ত কৰা অবিকল্পিত সম্প্ৰসাৰণ হৈছে “.odt” (দস্তাবেজ লিখনী খোলক)।

এটা দস্তাবেজ Writer ত এটা Microsoft Word দস্তাবেজ হিচাপে সংৰক্ষণ কৰিবলৈ, আপুনি এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰিব পাৰে:

  • Writer উইণ্ড’ৰ ওপৰৰ বাওঁফালৰ চুকত থকা “File” মেনুত ক্লিক কৰক।
  • ড্ৰপ-ডাউন মেনুৰ পৰা, “এইদৰে সংৰক্ষণ কৰক” নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • “এইদৰে সংৰক্ষণ কৰক” সংলাপ বাকচত, আপুনি ফাইলটো সংৰক্ষণ কৰিব বিচৰা অৱস্থান নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • “ফাইল বিন্যাস” বা “ধৰণ হিচাপে সংৰক্ষণ কৰক” ক্ষেত্ৰত (আপুনি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা লেখকৰ সংস্কৰণৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰি), “Microsoft Word (.docx)” আকাংক্ষিত ফাইল বিন্যাস হিচাপে নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • দস্তাবেজটোক এটা নাম দিয়ক আৰু “সংৰক্ষণ কৰক” বুটামত ক্লিক কৰক।

এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰিলে, আপোনাৰ দস্তাবেজটো Microsoft Word বিন্যাসত উপযুক্ত ফাইল এক্সটেনচন (.doc বা .docx) ৰ সৈতে সংৰক্ষণ কৰা হ’ব।

14. What is the importance of password in the document? How will you protect the document using password in Writer?

Ans: Passwords are important for document security as they prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information.

To protect a document using a password in Writer, follow these steps:

  • Open the document in Writer.
  • Click on “File” in the top-left corner of the Writer window.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Properties.”
  • In the “Properties” dialog box, choose the “Security” tab.
  • Check the box that says “Open file read-only” to prevent editing without the password.
  • Enter a password of your choice in the “Set password” field.
  • Click “OK” to apply password protection.

By following these steps, your document will be protected with a password, ensuring that only individuals with the correct password can access and modify it.

পাছৱৰ্ডসমূহ দস্তাবেজ সুৰক্ষাৰ বাবে গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কাৰণ ই অকৰ্তৃত্বশীল অভিগম প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰে আৰু স্পৰ্শকাতৰ তথ্য সুৰক্ষিত কৰে।

  • Writer ত এটা গুপ্তশব্দ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা দস্তাবেজ সুৰক্ষিত কৰিবলে, এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰক:
  • Writer ত দস্তাবেজটো খোলক।
  • Writer উইণ্ড’ৰ ওপৰৰ বাওঁফালৰ চুকত থকা “File” ত ক্লিক কৰক।
  • ড্ৰপ-ডাউন মেনুৰ পৰা, “Properties” নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • “বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ” সংলাপ বাকচত, “”Security” টেব নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • পাছৱৰ্ড অবিহনে সম্পাদনা ৰোধ কৰিবলৈ “Open file read-only” বুলি লিখা বাকচটো চেক কৰক।
  • “Set password” ক্ষেত্ৰত আপোনাৰ পছন্দৰ এটা গুপ্তশব্দ সুমুৱাওক।
  • পাছৱৰ্ড সুৰক্ষা প্ৰয়োগ কৰিবলৈ “”OK” ক্লিক কৰক।

এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰি, আপোনাৰ দস্তাবেজ এটা গুপ্তশব্দৰ সৈতে সুৰক্ষিত হ’ব, সুনিশ্চিত কৰি যে কেৱল সঠিক গুপ্তশব্দ থকা ব্যক্তিসকলেহে ইয়াক অভিগম আৰু পৰিবৰ্তন কৰিব পাৰে।

15. What is mail merge? Write down the steps to create mailing labels to paste on wedding cards.

Mail merge is a feature in word processing software that allows you to create personalized documents by merging a template with a data source. It is commonly used for generating letters, labels, envelopes, or other mass mailings. To create mailing labels for wedding cards using mail merge in Writer, follow these steps:

  • Prepare your data source: Create a spreadsheet with columns for recipient names, addresses, or any other relevant information.
  • Open Writer and create a new document.
  • Click on the “Tools” menu and select “Mail Merge Wizard.”
  • In the Mail Merge Wizard dialog box, select “Labels” and click “Next.”
  • Choose the label brand and product number that matches your labels, or define a custom label size.
  • Click “Next” to move to the “Select Address List” step.
  • In the “Address List Source” section, choose “Use an existing address list” and click “Browse” to select your prepared spreadsheet.
  • Map the database fields to the appropriate label fields by dragging and dropping them, e.g., recipient name to the name field.
  • Click “Next” to move to the “Set up the layout” step.
  • Customize the label design by selecting fonts, sizes, and positioning.
  • Click “Next” to move to the “Complete Merge” step.
  • Preview the merged labels and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Finally, click “Merge” to generate the mailing labels for your wedding cards.

By following these steps, you can utilize mail merge in Writer to create personalized mailing labels for wedding cards, ensuring each label contains the correct recipient information.

মেইল মাৰ্জ হৈছে ৱাৰ্ড প্ৰচেছিং চফ্টৱেৰৰ এটা বৈশিষ্ট্য যিয়ে আপোনাক এটা ডাটা উৎসৰ সৈতে এটা টেমপ্লেট মাৰ্জ কৰি ব্যক্তিগতকৃত নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টি কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিয়ে। ইয়াক সাধাৰণতে চিঠি, লেবেল, খাম বা অন্যান্য গণ মেইলিং সৃষ্টিৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। Writer ত মেইল মাৰ্জ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি বিবাহ কাৰ্ডৰ বাবে মেইলিং লেবেল সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ, এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰক:

  • আপোনাৰ তথ্যৰ উৎস প্ৰস্তুত কৰক: গ্ৰাহকৰ নাম, ঠিকনা, বা অন্য যিকোনো প্ৰাসংগিক তথ্যৰ বাবে স্তম্ভসমূহৰ সৈতে এটা স্প্ৰেডশ্বীট সৃষ্টি কৰক।
  • Writer খোলক আৰু এটা নতুন দস্তাবেজ সৃষ্টি কৰক।
  • “সঁজুলি” মেনুত ক্লিক কৰক আৰু “মেইল মাৰ্জ উইজাৰ্ড” নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক।
  • মেইল একত্ৰীকৰণ উইজাৰ্ড সংলাপ বাকচত, “লেবেলসমূহ” নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক আৰু “পৰৱৰ্তী” ক্লিক কৰক।
  • আপোনাৰ লেবেলসমূহৰ সৈতে মিল থকা লেবেল ব্ৰেণ্ড আৰু পণ্য নম্বৰ নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক, বা এটা স্বনিৰ্বাচিত লেবেল আকাৰ সংজ্ঞায়িত কৰক।
  • “ঠিকনা তালিকা নিৰ্বাচন কৰক” পদক্ষেপলৈ যাবলৈ “পৰৱৰ্তী” ক্লিক কৰক।
  • “ঠিকনা তালিকাৰ উৎস” অংশত, “এটা বৰ্ত্তমানৰ ঠিকনা তালিকা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক” নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক আৰু আপোনাৰ প্ৰস্তুত কৰা স্প্ৰেডশ্বীট নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰিবলে “ব্ৰাউজ” ক্লিক কৰক।
  • ডাটাবেইচ ক্ষেত্ৰসমূহক উপযুক্ত লেবেল ক্ষেত্ৰসমূহলে মেপ কৰক সিহতক টানি আৰু ড্ৰপ কৰি, যেনে, প্ৰাপকৰ নাম নাম ক্ষেত্ৰলৈ।
  • “বিন্যাস ছেট আপ কৰক” পদক্ষেপলৈ যাবলৈ “পৰৱৰ্তী” ক্লিক কৰক।
  • আখৰ, আকাৰ, আৰু অৱস্থান নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰি লেবেল ডিজাইন স্বনিৰ্বাচিত কৰক।
  • “সম্পূৰ্ণ একত্ৰীকৰণ” পদক্ষেপলৈ যাবলৈ “পৰৱৰ্তী” ক্লিক কৰক।
  • একত্ৰিত লেবেলসমূহ পূৰ্বদৰ্শন কৰক আৰু যিকোনো প্ৰয়োজনীয় সালসলনি কৰক। ১৩) শেষত আপোনাৰ বিয়াৰ কাৰ্ডৰ বাবে মেইলিং লেবেল সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ “Merge” ক্লিক কৰক।

এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰি, আপুনি বিবাহ কাৰ্ডৰ বাবে ব্যক্তিগতকৃত মেইলিং লেবেল সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ Writer ত মেইল মাৰ্জ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰে, প্ৰতিটো লেবেলত সঠিক গ্ৰাহকৰ তথ্য থকাটো নিশ্চিত কৰি।

16. What are the advantages of table? Prepare your report card of Class VIII in table format.

Ans: Tables offer advantages of clarity, organization, comparison, and efficient representation of data. Here’s a Class VIII report card in table format:

SubjectTerm 1 (%)Term 2 (%)Final (%)
Soc. St.878988.5

17. Write an application to your Principal for field visit to any IT Industry.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Principal’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Request for Field Visit to an IT Industry

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request permission for a field visit to an IT industry for the students of our school.

As you are aware, information technology plays a vital role in today’s digital era, and it is crucial for students to gain practical exposure to the industry. By visiting an IT company, our students will have the opportunity to witness firsthand how technology is developed, implemented, and utilized in real-world scenarios.

The objectives of this field visit include:

  • Exposing students to the practical aspects of the IT industry and its various domains.
  • Providing insights into the workings of an IT company, its infrastructure, and its departments.
  • Enhancing students’ understanding of the different career paths available in the IT sector.
  • Encouraging students to explore and develop an interest in technology-related fields.

We have thoroughly researched and identified [IT Industry Name], a renowned and reputable IT company known for its expertise and innovation. We believe that a visit to their premises will greatly benefit our students and align with our educational objectives.

We propose that the visit take place on [Preferred Date] during school hours. We kindly request your permission to organize transportation and ensure adequate supervision by accompanying teachers.

We assure you that all necessary safety precautions will be taken during the visit, and the students will adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the IT industry.

We believe that this field visit will greatly contribute to our students’ educational and career development. We kindly request your support and approval for this valuable learning opportunity. Your guidance and encouragement will be instrumental in making this visit a success.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your positive response. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Designation (if applicable)] [Student/Parent] [Contact Information]

We are confident these notes will help learners achieve their goals and enhance their academic performance. If you like this article and find it helpful, please share it with your friends.

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  6. Main Impress window

    Theory: The Impress main window has three essential parts: the Slides pane, Workspace, and Sidebar. Other parts of the LibreOffice Impress window include the Title Bar, Menu, Toolbars and Status Bar. These parts are similar to the LibreOffice Writer main window. All elements of LibreOffice share common features and have a similar user interface.

  7. Class 9

    The steps to enter notes in a slide are as follows: Step 1: Select Notes Page option in the Presentation View group of the View Tab. Step 2: Select the slide on which you wish to add a note. Step 3: You will find a text panel below the slide with a prompt box, 'Click to add text' to enter notes for the selected slide.

  8. Creating Slide Shows

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  9. PDF Electronic Resentation Tool

    the presentation. •Standard Toolbar: Contains tools for standard tasks, like saving, printing, cutting, copying, pasting, etc. •Formatting Toolbar: Provides tools for formatting like bold, italic, underline, etc. •Task Pane: Allows options depending on the selected task. The figure 5.1 shows the options for the task New Presentation. We can

  10. Class 9 Digital Presentation Notes

    Class 9 Digital Presentation Notes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides guidance on creating effective digital presentations using LibreOffice Impress. It discusses key elements of a presentation such as text, lists, tables, graphics, sound and video. It also outlines characteristics of good presentations like font size, grammar ...

  11. Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

    Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers. 2. List the important points to be considered while making an effective presentation. Answer - The important points to making an effective presentation -. a. Create a consistent and simple design template with the slide master function. b.

  12. CBSE Notes for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology

    CBSE Notes for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - Presentation Tools (MS Powerpoint) INTRODUCTION TO PRESENTATION Presentation is the method of putting a topic in front of an audience. The main aim of presentation is to gair the interest of audience and to present the topic in an attractive, concise and informative manner.

  13. Parts of the main Impress window

    Next Page >. The main Impress window has three parts: the Slides pane, the Workspace, and the Tasks pane. Additionally, several toolbars can be displayed or hidden during the creation of a presentation. You can remove the Slides pane or Tasks pane from view by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

  14. Starting the LibreOffice Impress

    3. Click LibreOffice Impress. ↓. 4. Click the LibreOffice Impress option. Method 2: If no component is open from the LibreOffice Start Centre, click on the Impress Presentation icon to create a new presentation. In Impress, creating and editing slides is very versatile thanks to different editing and view modes: Normal (for general editing)

  15. Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes

    Click on Edit → Paste option or press CTRL+V. Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes. (c) Copy and Paste. It is used to make a duplicate copy of selected text. Step 1: Select the text and click on Edit→ Copy option or press CTRL+C. Step 2: Place the cursor where the text has to be duplicated.

  16. Impress toolbars

    The Toolbar contains commands that have pictures or icons associated with them. These pictures may also appear as shortcuts in the Menu Bar. Tip: The Toolbar is a row or rows of icons usually on the top of the screen, just below the menu bar. It the icons usually represent the frequently used commands/functions that are activated/executed when ...

  17. Class 9 Computer Application Presentation Tool OpenOffice Impress

    Que 10. Differentiate between a Slide and Side Show. Ans: A slide is a combination of different elements such as text boxes, images, clip art, etc. A Slide Show is an electronic presentation, which runs on a computer screen or a projection device to show the slide and its content.

  18. PDF Unit 5 (Digital Presentation) 15: Introduction to Presentation Software

    5: INTRODUCTION TO PRESENTATION SOFTWAREAnswer the Following QuestionsA presentation is a collection of slides arranged in a sequential manner. to convey, persuade, motivate, and entertain or to provide information. It can be projecte. A presentation has the following elements: Regular Text, Lists items. Background and Title.

  19. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Power Point 2007 Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1: Write down the name of default view in a PowerPoint presentation. Answer: By default, a presentation screen is always shown in Normal view. Question 2: Differentiate between a presentation and a slide. Answer: A presentation […]

  20. CBSE Class 9 Information Technology (IT) Term 2 Notes Pdf Download

    CBSE Class 9 Information Technology (IT) Term 2. Write the steps to create a new presentation from a blank slide. The steps to create a new presentation from a blank slide are: Click the File Tab. The Backstage view appears. Click New in the left pane, then click Blank Presentation and finally click Create.

  21. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology

    Step 1: Select the text. Step 2: Click the Bold button in the Font group on the Home tab. Question 7. Write the shortcut keys to format the text style bold, italic and underline. Answer: Bold - Ctrl+B, Italic - Ctrl+I, Underline - Ctrl+U. Question 8. What are the basic features of printing in MS-Word 2007? Answer:

  22. Class 9 IT 402 Digital Documentation Notes for 9th Students

    Step 2: Choose the type of document you want to create. (example: Letters) Step 3: Click Next and Select Use the current document. Step 4: Click Next and Select recipients option (Create new list) Step 5: Select the Type a new list button. Step 6: Click Create to create a data source.

  23. Class 9 IT-ITeS Chapter 3

    Class 9 IT-ITeS Chapter 2: Digital Documentation Question Answer ... Explain the concept of Word Processing. Ans: Word processing is the creation, editing, formatting, and manipulation of text-based documents using computer software. It allows users to type, edit, and format text, along with incorporating images, tables, and other elements ...