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Advantages and disadvantages of being a stay at home mom, so… what’s the verdict.
It’s now increasingly being felt that working mothers end up having children who are more socially adept and independent. There are several arguments that lend credence to the fact that working women are better mothers and it’s worthwhile to try and comprehend them.
The debate about whether working women make better mothers has been going on since time immemorial and probably won’t end any time soon. While at the end of the day, this boils down to a personal choice, let’s try and decode the reasons in favour of working moms.Any rational adult will agree that for any choice we make – you win some you lose some. So there is no one straight answer to the question ‘who is a better mom’. So let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother and a stay at home mom.
Let us take a look at the different aspects of being a working mom, and how they affect different areas of your life.
Jobs present a unique opportunity for growth and exposure to a wide spectrum of people and situations that just won’t be possible if you are a stay at home mom. In turn, this can lead to overall personality development (yes, personality development is not just limited to college kids!). The financial stability and independence that a career and job bring can also prove important in times of crisis for the family.
However, having the same things expected of you as are expected of a single woman or a male colleague can take its toll on your health. While working moms are full-time employees they are also full-time mothers, and if due consideration is not given to this aspect, then life as the employee of an organisation can become quite stressful. Add to this the fact that, once you are home, your attention will immediately be called upon by your family and your baby, which leaves you very little time to relax and pamper yourself, or do things that make you happy.
Spending an average of 9 out of 16 waking hours in an office (and 2 hours on an average commuting to and from office) means your family only gets about 5 hours with you… which is not a very big number. Factor in your daily and monthly chores, keeping the house in order, and there is almost no time left for your husband and your baby.
One can choose to look at this situation in a positive light too: an additional source of income means your children can go to a better school, you can provide for them beter, maybe even buy that dream house you and your husband wanted in 3 years instead of 5… all of which is for the benefit of the family, no doubt. But it cannot be ignored that all these things come at a very heavy price.
It is not unheard of partners getting competitive with each other when they are both working. While most men and women consciously try and accomodate each other’s work now more than in the old days, they often don’t quite know a way to make it work. Things can get especially messy when one partner is doing better at work than the other – leading to feelings of resentment. What couples need to realise that at the end of the day, they are both on the same side, they are on the same team. Hell, they ARE a team. But this is easier said than done.
However, there are also brilliant example of ‘power couples’ that both understand and respect each other’s work and profession, and in a way this brings the couple much closer to each other. They see each other as two equals, who are both committed to the relationship, the house, and the kids, and out of this realisation comes mutual respect, love, and a bond that is unbreakable.
This is perhaps the biggest pain point for any working mom – not being able to spend enough time with her child or children. We always want to say and do so much when it comes to our children, isn’t it? And this makes the working moms vs. stay at home moms debate even more painful.
As working moms, you can imbibe your children with a lot of precious values – independence, confidence, commitment, discipline, being organised and focused. What’s more, you can do this by yourself becoming an embodiment of these values, by becoming the perfect role-model fo your child.
However, it is undeniable that this comes at the price of not actually spending that much time with your child. A mother’s care is irreplacable, and a lot of factors of your child’s overall development and growth depend on how much quality time you spend with them, such as their sense of security, their performance at school, their social skills, etc.
Now, let’s take a look at what it means to be a stay at home mom, and the advantages and disadvantages of the situation.
Definitely a stay at home mom (SAHM) gets more time to look after herself. With 9 extra hours to herself (as compared to a working mom), the sky is the limit to what an SAHM can achieve. She can chalk out enough time for her baby, the household chores, and her hobbies and ‘me’-time, while also managing to make time to be spent with her husband.
Unfortunately though, somehow SAHMs end up spending all their time just tending to the house and their children! Talk to any SAHM and the first thing she’ll probably say is that there’s never enough time!
Being always present ‘at home’ can mean a stay at home mother gets a lot of time to spend with her family. She can develop close bonds with just about everyone in the family, while also stay in touch better with her maiden family. However, always ‘being available’ also means SAHMs get taken advantage of a lot. There is a general notion among a lot of people that stay at home moms do not need to hire a maid. This kind of thinking overburdens a stay at home mom to the point that somehow she always become responsible for everything.
While we all love our husbands, stay at home moms make for the most conspicuously caring partners because they can actually demonstrate it through their actions. A working mom may want to cook a fancy dinner for her husband but not be able to do it, but a stay at home mom actually can! Making plans is easier because only one of the partner’s schedule needs to be taken into consideration since the other partner is relatively free. This gives the couple more time and opportunities to do things together, bringing them closer.
However, there can be a situation where the husband does not feel understood because the wife has no context or perspective of what it’s like to hold down a job and deal with the challenges that come with it. A lot of times this can lead to feelings of disappointment that can be enough to wedge a rift between the couple.
The biggest upside of being a stay at home mom is the fact that the children always have their mother around. The constant presence of the primary caregiver goes a long way in making children socially well-adjusted. It is very important for children to feel loved, cared for, and heard. Being able to see their mother as soon as they come home from school every single day, when they are bursting with stories to relay, boosts not only their confidence but also emotional stability.
The flip side of the situation is that children sometimes get too attached to their mother, and may take longer to become independent and self-sufficient.
Well, it’s simple – moms are awesome! That’s the final verdict.
No matter how you choose to work it out, you know – and so do we – that you are doing it all for the love of your child, your husband, and your family. As with any other situation, there are a lot of gains and losses on either side of the debate, and what you choose to prioritise is completely your decision.
However, it would be advisable to be aware and alert of the ‘cons’ of your side, and try your best to not let them get in the way of you being an awesome mom! Make your husband your best friend, and enrol his help and co-operation in whatever you choose to do. Do not brand your family as ‘uncooperative’, try your best to make them see your choices.
While there is no right or wrong choice, every woman should make a decision based on her circumstances and the support infrastructure available to her. However, it definitely is true that children of working mothers exhibit certain advantages over kids of stay-at-home moms.
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Many families hire housemaids to assist them in doing house chores. Families with many members or working mothers need assistance, without which they become overwhelmed by responsibilities. A housemaid cleans the house, cooks, takes care of children, and buys groceries. There are advantages and disadvantages of hiring a maid.
Advantages of hiring housemaids include better time management for family members, improved performance at work, and the creation of an opportunity for women to work. Maids do house chores such as cooking, laundry, washing children, and buying groceries. This gives other family members a chance to manage their time by dedicating it to other tasks and activities. Hiring a maid provides the woman with an opportunity to find a job because the maid takes care of the children and does all the responsibilities that are carried out by mothers. Finally, maids enable working parents to improve their performance at work because they dedicate more time to doing their jobs.
Disadvantages of having housemaids include negative influence on children’s behaviors, influence children’s development, and inflated financial costs. The maids may influence the children negatively because they spend a lot of time together. In addition, they affect the normal development of children because the children do not learn how to do chores like washing clothes on their own. They become overly dependent on their maids. Finally, paying a maid can affect the finances of the family because of the introduction of additional costs that increase spending.
Many families hire housemaids to help them handle house chores and take care of their children. They give mothers an opportunity to pursue their careers and concentrate on their works. However, they influence children’s behaviors and mannerisms. In addition, they affect the finances of families that hire them because of their salaries that create additional expenses.
IvyPanda. (2021, February 26). Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women.
"Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2021,
IvyPanda . (2021) 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women'. 26 February.
IvyPanda . 2021. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women." February 26, 2021.
1. IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women." February 26, 2021.
IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Women." February 26, 2021.
Many women today are facing choices that their mothers never had to face. One of these choices is whether or not to go back to work after having a child. This was practically unheard of in the 1950’s. In the 1990’s it is not whether the mother will or will not go back to work, rather a question of when. When did the choice become set in stone? Why do the mothers of today have to work outside the home versus working in the home, much like their mothers did.
When one thinks of the subject of working mothers, many differing opinions come to mind. What will happen to the child, will the mother have sufficient time to bond with the baby, how will household chores be divided, and so on. When thinking of working women, two models come to mind.
One of which is paid employment that has a protective and beneficial mediating effect. Employment protects women against certain negative aspects of being full-time homemakers and mothers, such as monotonous housework, dependence on the male partner for financial and emotional support, increases self-esteem because they are contributing to the world they live in. These women receive a renewed interest in life because they are in the thick of it.
They are living life to the fullest. This model is the one that is constantly referred to as “bad” because it paints the woman as someone who does not really care about the effect of working will have on the baby. In fact, most of these mothers have made this choice with painstaking care. They are constantly feeling what everyone is thinking, and this, in turn, causes undue stress on these mothers.
The other model of the working mom is the one most people think of when discussing working mothers. This model is one of a woman having too many demands of her –housewife, mother, and paid employee – which may lead to role strain due to fatigue and role overload.
The competing demands of such roles may also lead to conflict and psychological stress. Both of these models can be seen in the working mother at any given time. They are simply a fact of life, a by-product of the world in which we live. Mothers are constantly jumping back and forth in these roles, striving to find a sense of balance.
But is there such a thing? Most of the time the scales are tipped one way or another, there is never a true sense of balance. I believe this is how the mothers survive. If the scales were balanced, it would seem that they would either be cruel heartless women, simply concerned with their jobs, and caring less about their children.
This is simply not the case. It seems that the ideal situation is when the father helps around the house, to alleviate some of the stress the mother feels from working and the ability for the mother to have a flexible schedule.
Role decisions within the family unit need to increase when the mother returns to work. In order for both partners to be happy and feel fulfilled, there needs to be a clear definition of roles within the family unit.
This is something that should be discussed and decided well before the mother returns to work. In making role decisions, the parents must somehow combine their perceptions of the rewards and costs associated with each role in order to determine which combination of roles will provide them with the best role position. In other words, they need to figure out what they can do best for the family when both parents work.
If this is accomplished, the family will function better as a unit, and stress will be alleviated for all.
Another setback that is constantly facing working mothers is that their work is looked upon as optional, it is also viewed as less important than their partner’s. When these attitudes are confronted, it makes the transition for the working mother all the more difficult.
The constant backlash from the public makes these mothers feel so guilty that some may even quit just to alleviate the stress. In order for working mothers to feel needed, and to have their work mean something, others need to look upon their work as something substantial, something important, not simply an option.
When workplaces provide flexible scheduling and childcare services, these are the first steps in getting working mothers into the workforce and alleviate their feelings of guilt.
Many working mothers today are facing the reality of the “second shift”. This is where they put in a full day of work at the office only to come home to start their “second shift”, the one that entails all the housework and the raising of the family.
Mothers feel that they have no choice in the matter, in order to be the “perfect” mother, they need to put in this shift because it is their responsibility. But why is it their responsibility? Why does the father feel it is his right to come home and relax when the mother is busy fixing dinner and disciplining children. In order for the working mother to keep her sanity, the father needs to jump in and help with the chores that were previously held by the homemaker.
In this day and age, the ideal homemaker is a thing of the past. Many women today want and desire careers and a place in this world. They want to stand on their own two feet, to become a self-sustaining individual, free of dependence on another individual.
When the mother considers the idea of working and raising a family, many things need to be considered. The responsibilities need to be divided evenly so as to alleviate the stress that will evolve due to all the changes. For working mothers, understanding is first and foremost needed in order for psychological well-being.
They need to feel that their work is important and necessary and that they are not sacrificing their child’s well-being in order to benefit themselves. The danger involved is that the mothers could feel so guilty in working that they feel that they are abandoning their child to the caregivers that they are in contact with daily.
The mothers need a support system in order to survive the roller coaster involved when they go back to work. If all these factors are taken into consideration, the transition to working mom will be that much easier for the entire family and the child will not suffer.
Brannen, Julia, Moss, Peter. Managing Mothers: Dual Earner Households After Maternity Leave. London: Unwin Hyman, 1991.
Mahony, Rhona. Kidding Ourselves: Breadwinning, Babies, and Bargaining Power. New York: BasicBooks, 1995.
Thomson, Elizabeth Jean. Employment and childbearing Decisions of Mothers of Young Children. Seattle, University of Washington, 1979.
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The vice president’s remarks lasted roughly 35 minutes on the final night of the convention in Chicago.
By The New York Times
This is a transcript of Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech on Thursday night in which she formally accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency.
OK, let’s get to business. Let’s get to business. All right.
So, let me start by thanking my most incredible husband, Doug. For being an incredible partner to me, an incredible father to Cole and Ella, and happy anniversary, Dougie. I love you so very much.
To our president, Joe Biden. When I think about the path that we have traveled together, Joe, I am filled with gratitude. Your record is extraordinary, as history will show, and your character is inspiring. And Doug and I love you and Jill, and are forever thankful to you both.
And to Coach Tim Walz. You are going to be an incredible vice president. And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign, your support is humbling.
So, America, the path that led me here in recent weeks was, no doubt, unexpected. But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys. So, my mother, our mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own. And I miss her every day, and especially right now. And I know she’s looking down smiling. I know that.
So, my mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.
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The advantages of women working include more income for their families, the opportunity to explore their talents, and the promotion of economic growth. When women work, they make money that adds to their families' financial well-being. This helps pay bills, buy food, and educate children. Women have goals and objectives to achieve in their lives.
Disadvantages of Working Mothers: 1. Tiredness: After working for 10 hours continuously in office creates fatigue and tiredness. The activeness vanishes the moment the mother reaches home. This affects the whole family, including children, husband and the others in case of joint family.
250 Words Essay on Working Mothers Introduction. The concept of 'working mothers' has evolved significantly over the years, shifting from a socio-economic necessity to an emblem of women's empowerment. This phenomenon has not only transformed the structure of the family but also influenced societal norms and perceptions.
Working Mothers Disadvantages. 746 Words3 Pages. Introduction. A mother is the most important pillar of the house. In the past mothers just stayed at home and taking care of the family, rising their children and they were not allowed to work. Nowadays, the percentage of working mothers is increasing very fast.
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1- Women gain self-confidence and independence by joining in work. 2- The women will be more familiar and own huge knowledge on a daily base. 3- Increase the level of living of their family. Disadvantages of women work: 1- Women's are Busy and growing her children and committing them to nurseries. 2- Sometimes work make the woman nervous and ...
Therefore, working mothers may have negative effects on their young children. First of all, working mothers may causing bad early developmental effects. The children will have slower emotional development and score less well in reading and math's tests, if their mothers return to work full time in the years before they start school (Carvel ...
Two-thirds of cohabiting stay-at-home mothers (66%) have a high school diploma at most, compared with 39% of working cohabiting mothers. Only 5% have at least a college education, compared with 17% of cohabiting working mothers. Most are poor (88%), compared with a third (32%) of their working counterparts.
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The respondents' characteristics are working mothers who work for at least 2 hours per day, are aged 17-70 years, have an income of at least 250 thousand rupiahs per month, are married, and ...
Most American moms work outside the home. Nearly 70 percent of women with children under age 18 were in the labor force in 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In recent decades, as more mothers take paid positions, families, policymakers and scholars have wondered how the trend may impact children, especially during their early years.
Preschoolers experience a significant decline in time spent with their mothers when their mothers go to work and total time spent with the child has shown to decrease by as much as 2 hours per day. A trade off is found between time and money, as family income increases whereas mother's time with child decreases.
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Working for a living knows no gender—and working moms are a living proof of that. 2. They raise more independent children. Children of working mothers tend to become more independent. Since working moms need to teach kids how to do chores on their own, they develop a strong sense of responsibility at an early age. 3.
The working mother study, authored by Harvard Business School professor Kathleen McGinn, HBS researcher Mayra Ruiz Castro, and Elizabeth Long Lingo of Mt. Holyoke College, found that women with working mothers performed better in the workplace, earning more and possessing more powerful positions than their peers with stay-at-home mothers.. In the United States, adult daughters of working ...
Vitamin deficiency can lead to drowsiness, fatigue and osteoporosis; due to the lack of vitamins, the body becomes more susceptible to diseases. Furthermore, breastfeeding and frequent waking up at night may exhausts mom's muscles and bones. In her article, "Top 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Mothers" (2015) Sravani points out ...
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Motherhood is a blessing. However, being a working mother has to be one of the toughest jobs. Also, due to many constraints, women prefer to be stay-at-home moms. However, there are pros and cons in both scenarios and mothers should follow whatever is best for them, based on their specific situation. Advantages and Disadvantages of Stay-at-Home ...
Children Benefit From Having a Working Mom. Women whose mothers worked outside the home are more likely to have jobs themselves, are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility at those jobs, and earn higher wages than women whose mothers stayed home full time, according to research by Kathleen McGinn and colleagues. 15 May 2015 Carmen Nobel.
Personal Premise. Definitely a stay at home mom (SAHM) gets more time to look after herself. With 9 extra hours to herself (as compared to a working mom), the sky is the limit to what an SAHM can achieve. She can chalk out enough time for her baby, the household chores, and her hobbies and 'me'-time, while also managing to make time to be ...
Advantages of hiring housemaids include better time management for family members, improved performance at work, and the creation of an opportunity for women to work. Maids do house chores such as cooking, laundry, washing children, and buying groceries. This gives other family members a chance to manage their time by dedicating it to other ...
Advantages of being a stay at home mother/housewife. • More time for domestic duties. • Easier to plan 100% time around family. • Able to be there for family. • Spend quality time with child. • Other parent confident when they go to work child is safe and well cared for. Disadvantages of being stay at home mother/housewife.
Careers. Essay: Working Women and Family…. Many women today are facing choices that their mothers never had to face. One of these choices is whether or not to go back to work after having a child. This was practically unheard of in the 1950's. In the 1990's it is not whether the mother will or will not go back to work, rather a question ...
The suspect in the killings of a mother and daughter who were found stabbed to death in an apartment at Webster Square Towers has been taken into custody, according to the Worcester police and a ...
A beautiful, working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses and construction workers. All who tended their lawns with pride. My mother, she worked long hours.