work from home boon or bane essay

Work From Home (WFH) – A boon or a bane


In March 2020 nobody had a choice. COVID-19 took over the world and changed everything, including the way employers and employees looked at how to continue doing business. There was no room for deliberations or discussions. A simple unilateral decision was forced upon the global corporate world – Work from Home (WFH). In the pre-COVID era, WFH was looked upon as a selective strategy, an alternate way of doing business, and implemented only when needed. It wasn’t a norm and it was surely not the only way of ‘being at work’.

Working from home in the last 3-4 months has been hunky dory for some. But for others it hasn’t been their most pleasant experience so far. While WFH is a ‘new normal’, it can still be said with absolute authority that it is not a universal formula, nor is it a ‘one-hat-fits-all’ scenario. Here are a few parameters that decide whether WFH will actually suit somebody or not:

  • The industry they work for
  • Their work profile
  • Number of years in the corporate world
  • Their monthly household income
  • Nature of the household – nuclear or joint

While these are still very blatant and easy to understand, let’s look at some more arguments – some for and some against WFH.

FOR – Remote working can result in more productivity – Remote workers feel less stressed or less watched and hence able to work better. When people work from home they are away from office distractions, such as noise and interruption from colleagues. This helps them to focus more and get their work done more efficiently.

AGAINST – Remote working can lead to loneliness – Human beings thrive on various kinds of social interactions including the one at work. The interconnection and interdependence in a physical office makes a lot of people happy and efficient. Being alone and connecting with co-workers just over a call can affect mental health and eventually productivity.

FOR – WFH can help save time and money in commute – When we talk to people working in populated metros we do understand the hassles of daily commute to work. Commuting the way an average office-goer does in a metropolitan city can over time result in stress and ill health. There is also that daily dent in terms of time and money. Add to that those seasonal difficulties, like the monsoons in Mumbai. WFH allows for a lot of productive time that can go towards enhanced professional objectives.

AGAINST – There can be challenges related to communication and collaboration – Effective communication, team building and bonding can be hard to achieve when co-workers and colleagues work from their respective homes. The entire concept of spontaneity is lost and every action becomes deliberate and thought through. Being able to solve a problem by huddling in a meeting room seems impossible. Being able to celebrate a colleague’s promotion or a birthday becomes a thing of the past. Building a good network of colleagues and friends seems that much more remote.

FOR – Employees can have schedule flexibility – WFH home helps people in nuclear as well as joint families to plan for activities that contribute towards the household. Using the lunchtime to make a quick grocery run or being able to attend to an old parent becomes that much more a possibility. Remote working provides this flexibility without a question being raised on the nature of work to be done.

AGAINST – Building a company culture can be challenging – Employees ingrain a company’s culture and values by being there, physically. Osmosis plays an extremely important role in achieving this. In case of remote working, management trainees and newer employees lose the advantage of learning from seniors in the organization. Inductions and immersions become that much more a set of modules rather than naturally being aided through day-to-day interactions.

FOR – Allows for more ‘Me’ time – When employees save time on commute, they find the time to opt for other things in life, such as a hobby, a sport, gym time or just listening to music. This aids happiness and contentment in their personal lives making them happy as people and productive as employees.

AGAINST – WFH can be costly too – While employees may initially save money on commuting, clothes and laundry, over time there are areas where expenses will add up. Electricity, data plans, a work-station that is reasonably equipped, an-office-like chair. One can also anticipate expenses like a printer, cartridges and paper and eventually in the work-from-anywhere scenario endless coffee shop bills.

Without a vaccine in site, we are not wrong in saying that the world is somewhere in the middle of this pandemic’s life cycle. And already companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro and IBM have made strategic decisions on how they are seeing the future. IBM is giving up 50% of office space in India. Infosys has said that 33% of its employees will work from home perpetually. Wipro talks about 90% of its global workforce working remotely, forever. TCS as part of their Vision 2025 claims that 75% of their employees will never come to office.

Now, neither is this list of organizations exhaustive, nor has the debate on the pros and cons of WFH ended. But based on the contextual relevance that we have established here, it will be fair to conclude that WFH in the post vaccination (herd immunity) era may not continue in the form it operates today. Organizations will look at getting some of the ‘old normal’ back as the comparative benefits may have been well established by then. Also, this long-lasting experiment will give the corporate world a few lessons, lessons that come only out of experience. Apart from just WFH, we may see 24×7 offices with staggered timings and shifts, operating with an optimal mix in the not-so-far future. Or maybe we will settle for Work from Anywhere – coffee-shops, homes, business centres or offices. Let’s wait for this one to play out. A much needed balance may emerge with a win-win for employers and employees alike. Let’s wait and watch.

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The Work-from-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences

We study the impact of widespread adoption of work-from-home (WFH) technology using an equilibrium model where people choose where to live, how to allocate their time between working at home and at the office, and how much space to use in production. Motivated by cross-sectional evidence on WFH, we model WFH as a complement to work at the office. Simulations of the model indicate that the pandemic induced a large change to the relative productivity of WFH that substantially increased home prices and will permanently affect incomes, income inequality, and city structure.

Previously circulated as "The Work-at-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences." We thank the editor (Kurt Mitman), four anonymous referees, Tim Landvoigt, Andrii Parkhomenko, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and audiences at several universities and conferences for helpful comments on earlier drafts. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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Work from home: A boon or bane? Essay

Essay on work from home: a boon or bane for class 12, mains exam (upsc, psc, ssc), discussion:.

In conclusion, it can be said that working from home is a boon, not a bane, due to the various advantages it has. However, as the pandemic got over, the hybrid working mode can be adopted by the organisation. This will help in increasing the productivity of the organisation and at the same time allow the employees to work in a flexible manner. By this, the employees will be allowed to have their work-life balance and this will act as stimuli in making them more productive in their work.

Ans: Tata Steel adopted the Agile Working Model.

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Working from Home

advantages and disadvantages of working from home

It may come as a surprise, but studies have shown that remote workers are more efficient than those who work in traditional settings. They get an average of one extra day’s worth of productivity each week and waste 10% less time daily. All this adds up to them being 47% more productive in general. 

In many workplaces across the country, working from home has become a customary policy. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of working from home, which both employers and employees must take into account when deciding the best way to operate effectively. This blog will help you understand the benefits and challenges that come with working from home and practical tips to improve productivity while working remotely.

Table of Contents

Work from Home or Remote Working – An Overview

Work from home jobs gives employees who do well in non-traditional environments better opportunities for success. It is a great alternative that can help professionals maintain their family obligations while being productive at work. However, it’s important to set clear boundaries between home life and work so you don’t become overwhelmed by long hours of sitting behind your desk without proper breaks or exercise time during working days. Also, working from home includes, but is not limited to, reduced physical interaction with colleagues, feeling disconnected from the office environment, and facing distractions such as having kids around. 

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Advantages of Working from Home

Below are the different benefits of working remotely:

1. Cost Effective

WFH makes perfect financial sense! Many businesses find WFH a great way to make their operation run smoothly without needing a physical office or location that costs money or setup fees for electricity bills and regular maintenance.

Further, many individuals struggle with the cost of commuting to work. Not only do they have to pay for maintenance and fuel, but public transit can also be expensive in some locations. To combat this situation, more people are turning towards working from home (WFH) as an economical alternative. 

2. Relaxing Work Environment

Comfort is one of the interesting aspects of WFH, you can say goodbye to formal dress like suits and ties always required for an official setting. On those days, when things don’t quite go as planned, you can bundle up in a cozy blanket while getting work done from the comfort of a living room sofa.

3. Flexible Schedule

Working from home is an excellent situation for those who have to take care of young children or elderly parents. It gives them the flexibility since there are no rigid working hours. This also allows people to work in different parts of the world, granting more freedom than regular office jobs can provide. 

Additionally, a positive aspect of WFH is that it provides its employees with control over their own lives. As they can decide how much time should be devoted towards each task at hand while still being able to tend to their loved ones’ needs too.

4. Independence and Autonomy

Working remotely gives you the flexibility to act autonomously. Without another employee around, one must become more self-directed and dynamic in order to meet goals and objectives on their own. Working independently will not only help enhance abilities but also instill clarity in terms of written communication since there won’t be face-to-face interaction with colleagues at the office desk anymore. 

5. Improved Productivity

Being able to create your own home office environment can also lead to better moods and higher productivity. Since you are in control of creating the perfect working conditions for yourself. All these factors, combined with increased motivation, lead to an increase in work output from employees who have opted for a remote lifestyle.

6. Enhances Technical Skills

Working from home will improve your knowledge of technology-based tools, such as online meeting platforms and collaboration software, which are essential for telecommuting. Utilizing these types of resources necessitates a certain level of technical knowledge that can lead to the development of new skills outside those normally found in an office setting.

Disadvantages of Working from Home

You might think working from home only has benefits but there are advantages and disadvantages to working from home. Below are various disadvantages of WFH:

1. Susceptible to Burn Out

The risk of burnout is one of the most significant issues arising from having to work at home. For this reason, it can be beneficial to take off a couple of days if you are feeling overwhelmed. The change in scenery will provide an opportunity for relaxation and recreation.

2. Household Distractions 

Finding a quiet area in your home can be difficult. Activities such as watching television, doing chores around the house, or interacting with children and pets may produce background noises that will disrupt productivity when one is trying to work. Even during meetings, these distractions seem unprofessional and should be avoided if possible. 

To ensure an appropriate working environment. It’s essential for people who wish to stay productive while at their residence to set up a private place away from any potential disturbances they could encounter otherwise.

3. Feeling of Isolation

Working from home will not permit co-workers to meet up or have gatherings. Although, there are many creative ways to interact with your coworkers. It’s important for remote workers to stay in touch and even foster a sense of community among employees who work from home. This can be done by using instant messaging applications like Slack or Zoom which can be used as virtual break rooms when colleagues chat about topics other than work.

Additionally, scheduling calls regularly between team members helps maintain social connections which is crucial in any job setting, even one that doesn’t involve meeting face-to-face each day. If, however, the isolation of WFH seems too daunting to you, it’s best to look for part time jobs. 

4. Difficulty in Balancing Work-life 

Having a workplace at home can pose its own challenges, dividing up the personal and professional spheres may be tricky, making it hard to disconnect from work after hours. Establishing an appropriate workspace will help individuals better maintain their mental health.

Productivity Tips while Working from Home

Below are various activities to incorporate into your daily life to maximize productivity while working remotely.

1. Designate Your Own Workspace

It can be tempting to work while lying in bed or sitting on the couch, but creating an official workspace is important. It can be a small space, even a corner of the dining room or a parlor outfitted with all necessary supplies, such as computer and printer equipment, paper, headphones, etc. Crafting out a place to work is essential for setting boundaries between work and leisure time, not only will this provide a sense of professionalism it will also aid productivity immensely. Your ideal virtual workplace should include a door that can close off distractions if needed. This way you won’t waste valuable time searching for what’s needed because everything is already within arm’s reach!

2. Prioritize Taking Breaks

Get into the habit of taking regular breaks short ones every hour or two, as well as longer ones periodically throughout the day. So you’ll have more energy and be better prepared mentally when it’s time to work again. Working for extended periods without breaks can lead to fatigue, a dip in productivity, and burnout. 

3. Designated Working Hours

Taking care not only of one’s career but their mental health by creating sensible work limits both professionally and personally will help maintain balance throughout daily schedules. Consider working with your employer to establish dedicated times when you can be reached either on the phone, over email, or online. While it is essential that professional obligations remain a priority in life it is also of the utmost importance to make time for leisure activities and personal relationships.

Working from home is an exciting option for so many reasons, but it also has its downside there are other factors to consider as well before opting to work remotely. Now you have seen the various advantages and disadvantages of working from home we hope this knowledge will guide you in making the right decision before signing your next official contract.

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Is remote work a boon or a bane for employees and teams?

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Is working at the office all that bad? If so, why do so many people still prefer to work from home after the pandemic? Dr Baidyanath Biswas , Trinity Business School , explores the impact of virtuality on teams, individual well-being and satisfaction, and how management can navigate through this virtual shift.

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The Remote Revolution

COVID-19 has been a catalyst in increasing the number of virtual workplaces worldwide. Employees shifted from the regular 9 to 5 office hours to requesting more and more remote work even after the pandemic ended. These virtual teams and workplaces were seen as survival strategies for companies to be able to adapt to the new preference for working from home.

This dramatic shift to the new norm of virtuality has produced many benefits for companies when cutting costs for offices and other infrastructure. However, with immense changes like this, companies must ask themselves how it affects their employees – whether that may be physical, mental, or psychological effects on the individual and their team dynamics. As such, many companies such as Amazon, Google, and Apple have adapted to this change by using simulation games to conduct team-building exercises in the hope of improving team performance outcomes for their remotely working employees.

The dynamics of a team are essential for companies and the means of maintaining and reinforcing these dynamics such as conflict management and psychological empowerment. These factors especially have come into light as they have been those most notably to diminish during this change. Prof. Baidyanath Biswas of Trinity Business School has explored the issue further and focuses on how virtuality affects the roles of conflict management and psychological empowerment on virtual teams – and whether remote work will become a boon or bane for their workforce.

Beyond the screen

Indeed, the benefits of virtuality mentioned above, such as the lower cost of offices and infrastructure and the high preference for remote work from employees, have pushed more and more companies to switch to a remote workplace. Nevertheless, there seem to be drawbacks that have come to light within the teams working online. The main issues that have arisen due to COVID-19 and this transition to virtuality deal with disconnection, loss of empowerment, and a higher risk of interpersonal conflict among virtual teams.

The substitution of homes or bedrooms for physical offices dedicated to working has caused employees to feel disconnected from the work. 12% of remote workers face distractions when working from home. Furthermore, workers struggle to collaborate efficiently with remote teams, consequently decreasing empowerment.

Another struggle that has arisen is that virtual teams often face challenges such as distrust, interpersonal conflicts, stress, high workloads, and a lack of familiarity among members. In this light, effective conflict management is crucial for the success of virtual teams, with managers having to keep in mind that their employees need forms of encouragement and team-building exercises that keep them feeling motivated and valued in the company or organization.

The role of psychological empowerment and conflict management

Psychological empowerment and conflict management are only two of the many factors that have needed to adapt in this shift to virtual teams. Psychological empowerment is linked to self-efficacy, which arises from team members’ perceptions of being empowered in their roles and responsibilities.

This empowerment influences each employee’s motivation and performance within their team. Regarding conflict in a team, researchers have found that conflict is a crucial interpersonal process that can enhance decision-making within teams by presenting alternative or unexpected outcomes. As such, effective conflict management is a key factor influencing team outcomes, including performance and satisfaction.

work from home boon or bane essay

Results of the Revolution

As mentioned above, the use of virtuality in recent years has increased dramatically due to COVID-19. Post-pandemic, companies and employees have grown accustomed to this type of working environment and have perceived countless benefits compared to their previous in-person experience. Similarly, Prof. Biswas’s research finds that these effects can be both positive and negative on individuals and their teams.

One of the main concerns of this switch to virtual workplaces has been team performance and environment. Unfortunately, virtuality has been proven by this study to negatively affect team performance which may be due to the high dependency on technology limiting the nonverbal cues of in-person settings. When those gestures and behaviours are limited, then it eventually fosters an environment of communication barriers and interpersonal conflicts.

Fortunately, virtuality does positively influence individuals’ team satisfaction. These virtual teams can bring together individuals from various parts of the world and provide diverse perspectives and experiences to decision-making processes.

However, even though virtuality increases team satisfaction, there is a negative relationship between virtuality and an individual’s satisfaction with life. Many studies have seen that the lack of face-to-face interaction will result in a decreased sense of belonging among team members. Additionally, the dramatic reduction in emotional support and positive feedback has led to decreased motivation and lower subjective well-being. Unfortunately, this aligns with the increase in feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic.

The final two impacts relate to psychological empowerment and conflict management. Previous studies have provided conflicting observations, and many have not delved into emerging countries like India regarding these. According to Dr Biswas’s study, both psychological empowerment and conflict management seem to be positively influenced by virtuality.

The increase in psychological empowerment may be from the flexible work schedules for employees in addition to the increased sense of control over their work environment, whether they choose to be at home or in the office.

On the other hand, conflict management in virtual teams has a positive relationship with virtuality possibly due to the more task-oriented structures with greater anonymity for team members. This is consequently seen to reduce tensions and interpersonal conflict. Without the in-person personal relationships and shared space, these relationships tend to be held more professionally.

Insights for management

All in all, findings from this study provide useful takeaways for managers of virtual teams, as they underscore the importance of organizing activities to resolve conflicts – thereby enhancing individual satisfaction and overall team well-being.

What’s more, HR managers can leverage these insights to design more effective solutions for virtual platforms like the metaverse and AR/VR environments, including using video games for team-building exercises such as those now used at Google and Apple.

Organizations can maximise the advantages of their virtual teams by fostering good team behaviours and promoting positive empowerment rather than merely focusing on outcomes. Companies and organizations would be wise to reflect on whether they can pursue the virtual trend and invest in technology to maintain their employee and team performance and well-being – or go back to the old-school way to avoid the negative effects on team performance and individual satisfaction.

Once companies find what suits their workforce best, it will lead to a more sustainable and efficient collaboration within and across organizations.

Baidyanath Biswas, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin

Useful links:

  • Link up with Baidyanath Biswas on LinkedIn
  • Read a related article: Millennials: Lessons from lockdown and the future of work
  • View the Routledge-CoBS book The Employee and the Post-Pandemic Workplace
  • Discover Trinity Business School , Trinity College Dublin
  • Apply for the Trinity MBA .

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  • Oct 9, 2023

Work From Home, Boon Or Bane?

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

work from home boon or bane essay

Working from Home (WFH) or working virtually is not a novel concept. Widely practised by digital nomads and freelancers, WFH only became popular during the pandemic. But with the pandemic waning, is it here to stay?

How did the rise of Working From Home happen?

WFH gained massive traction when the global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns as companies are forced to adopt to ensure business continuity.

With the world returning back to some semblance of normalcy, companies, too, have started to move back to traditional office workflows. Today, there are still companies, enriched from the pandemic’s many lessons, who continue to adopt WFH or flexible working arrangements. Many who have experienced WFH, especially those who are early in their careers, tend to prefer WFH over office working.

Read on to find out why many feel this way while also highlighting the drawbacks of only wanting to WFH.

What are the benefits of WFH?

WFH has many benefits, not only for workers, but for the company as well.

More freedom in your schedule

With WFH, workers get to be more flexible with their schedules. Personal responsibilities, such as childcare, appointments or other commitments, can be fit into their schedules easier. Which may lead to a healthier work-life balance as they are unlikely to see themselves rushing from one thing to another.

Less spending on the commute

With WFH, employees get to ditch the time spent commuting to and from work. With travel expenses and time cut out from the equation, employees who get to work remotely tend to have less stress . This is also particularly advantageous to those drive to work; hooray to no longer getting stuck in traffic jams.

More productive workers

The removal of office distractions also means that workers get to focus on their duties, increasing productivity in the long run. Workers can also personalise their own workspaces to be more conducive, further enhancing their productivity.

More new experiences

Many remote workers choose to travel while working. Science has shown that getting outside of your comfort zone and experiencing new things allows the brain to work better. Therefore, being able to travel is a double bonus, as it is not only fun and exciting to do so, it also helps with brain health.

What are the benefits of working from the office?

Despite the many benefits from WFH, working in a traditional office setting has its own benefits as well.

More organic growth

Working in the office and having face-to-face interactions with colleagues and supervisors lead to greater learning. These spontaneous interactions may lead to personal growth among the workers, as well as allowing superiors to get a better idea of what the workers are like. Early career progression sometimes relies more on interactions and perceptions of workers rather than the work itself. Some workers have found that they have a feeling of missing out on opportunities when they work remotely, as everything is more binary.

Clearer work-life boundaries

Work ends when workers “clock out” or are no longer in the office, and this can lead to clearer boundaries. The physical separation of the workplace from the home also allows workers to properly relax in their homes.

More connections made

Much like the above point about organic growth, the spontaneous interactions with colleagues and superiors that can only happen in a face-to-face environment are an important factor in making connections or even friends. Going for lunch can be one of the best ways to get to know your colleagues and superiors better. Seeing your colleagues face-to-face instead of on the screen also makes it easier to not feel so isolated, which many have reported feeling when doing WFH.

WFH or Work from the office

Both options have their benefits, and the decision usually comes down to the worker’s personal preference. This article hopes that it has shed some light on the benefits of both options and help those who are considering between the two to make a more informed choice.

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work from home boon or bane essay

Work From Home (WFH): A Boon or a Bane

work from home a Boon or a Bane

Working from home during COVID-19 pandemic has become a routine across different industries which earlier, were out of the purview. The outbreak of this pandemic has transformed the work pattern in a significant way. With WFH becoming a usual pattern of work , both employees and employers have been benefited in different ways.

In this post, we are going to be discussing whether work from home is a boon or a bane. Before moving ahead discussing whether Work From Home (WFH) is boon or bane, we must remember that both come with their own positives and negatives. Let us browse through work from home boon or bane points to get more clarity on the subject.

Advantages of Working From Home (WFH)

  • Employees have performed better while working from home.
  • Employers have been able to save on a lot of overheads.
  • There has been a serious deduction in costs that involve commuting to and from work.
  • Employees have been able to save on a lot of commute time on daily basis.
  • There has been a better work-life balance for the employees.
  • The pollution levels have gone down.

Disadvantages Of Working From Home (WFH)

  • Many companies had to invest in developing the IT infrastructure which they otherwise lacked.
  • Companies had to work harder to monitor the performances of employees.
  • Not all kinds of jobs were fit for work from home pattern.
  • Employees were compelled to work beyond their usual working hours.
  • Work from home added on to internet and electricity expenses of the employees.
  • Every day turned out to be a working day for many employees.

These are some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with work from home that certainly make it a boon as well as a bane in different situation for different people.

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Be the first to comment - What do you think? Posted by Hrformats - March 23, 2021 at 7:44 AM

Categories: Others  Tags: Advantages , Disadvantages , WFH , work from home , Work From Home Policy

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Work from Home: A Boon or a Bane? The Missing Piece of Employee Cost

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COVID-19 and Work from Home in India

  • 23 Mar 2020
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Why in News

The rising wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in India has forced the corporate world in the country to opt for ‘work from home’ widely.

  • Currently, the work from home is the only viable option to continue and sustain economic activities in the country to contain the spread of COVID-19 .
  • India’s labour laws and proposed Labour Codes do not recognise work from home as a viable work arrangement.
  • An organisation is also required to maintain statutory records under various acts such as Shops and Establishment Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Equal Remuneration Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Factories Act, and Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act.
  • These laws regulate hours of work, payment of wages, leaves, holidays, terms of service and other conditions of work of persons employed.
  • However, the above provisions assume that an employee has a fixed geography of work and does not account for an employee working from a remote location.
  • Most organisations in India do not have well documented policies and guidelines to support extended work from home arrangements.
  • Also most of the managerial staff is not trained and equipped to manage remote teams.

Applicability and Computation Challenges

  • Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a subject in the Concurrent List where both the Central & State Governments are competent to enact legislation subject to certain matters being reserved for the Centre.
  • There are 416 Labour Laws and Rules between Centre, States and Union Territories leading to 278 different filings and approximately 1,000 different formats of Registers.
  • Thus, if an employee works remotely and is based in a different state, the applicable labour laws will change leading to different compliance obligations.
  • States have implemented labour laws with different applicability criteria, registration and documentation requirements.
  • The Minimum Wages Act 1948 is an Act of Parliament concerning Indian labour law that sets the minimum wages that must be paid to skilled and unskilled labourers.
  • The different states have different minimum wages based on schedule, skill level and zone. As an example, just the state of Karnataka has over 800 different minimum wages.
  • In the event of employees working remotely from different states, the complexity of wage computation will increase sharply.
  • Minimum wage requirements for different states will have to be satisfied to stay compliant.
  • An employer has to compute the wage of an employee based on the days and hours of work and maintain statutory registers as evidence.
  • Overtime work hours have different slabs and statutory payment requirements.
  • In a remote work arrangement, organisations will need to manage these records such that they are admissible by the Labour Department.
  • Professional tax is a tax on all kinds of professions, trades, and employment and levied based on the income of such profession, trade and employment.
  • Professional Tax implementation varies between states in applicability, computation and filing requirements.
  • Labour Welfare Fund is a statutory contribution managed by individual state authorities.
  • In case an employee telecommutes from a different state, there are implications leading to additional registration and filings leading to higher complexity and cost of managing compliance.

Pros and Cons of Work from Home

  • Development of virtual collaboration without political as well as geographical boundaries.
  • Easy balance of Professional and Personal life.
  • Helps to avoid congestion problems majorly in metro cities.
  • Leads a way towards a conservation of resources like fossil fuels, water,electricity,etc.
  • Reduction in productivity.
  • Lack of creativity.
  • Risk of isolation.
  • Lack of accountability.

Way Forward

  • The world economies have become increasingly connected and interdependent. Greater flexibility, adaptability and resilience will be key to the next-generation workforce.
  • The implementation of technology advancements in office productivity tools, collaboration tools, digital documents, flexible workflows, cheaper broadband connectivity will continue to make work from home easier.
  • The proposed labour codes in India are expected to acknowledge gig, informal and unorganised labour in addition to work from home as a legal option.
  • The government is also expected to make a regulatory framework to enable teleworking, organisations should understand the implications of work from home during the ongoing crisis and ensure that they inadvertently do not miss critical compliances.

work from home boon or bane essay


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Work-from-home a boon or bane in efficiency? Here are the long-term consequences of the home office in coronavirus situation

Experts lists arguments that could change the way we think about the methods we employ in our working life, especially with regard to home offices and digital collaboration during and beyond the covid-19 pandemic. read on.

The daily media reports and the nascent research literature on Covid-19 speculate on the long-term consequences of the coronavirus situation.

Here are some pros and hidden threat of the home office during Covid-19(Twitter/Jacato_)

These could change the way we think about the methods we employ in our working life, especially with regard to home offices and digital collaboration.

Several large companies, both internationally and nationally, have announced that they plan to continue the option of working from home for anyone who also wishes after the pandemic. The arguments for this include:

Greater flexibility in organizing work and family life situations seems to significantly reduce stress for many people.

Time that was previously used for commuting or travelling between meetings can now be used for other things, which in turn may lead to higher productivity.

One common argument is that a home office situation provides fewer distractions and can make us more efficient.

Employers, for their part, see an opportunity for reduced travel costs and less need for office space.

Working from home is also happening in academia, and several universities have said that the home office option will continue.

On the other hand, it has been pointed out that people cannot work exclusively in physically separate environments. We need opportunities to meet with colleagues and experience the social cohesion and replenishment this provides.

The consequences of this kind of distributed work situation for workplace practices constitute an important aspect that has received less attention so far. How does working from home affect collaborative efforts and the quality of work, both in smaller teams and in larger work communities?

The article ‘Learning of academics in the time of the Coronavirus pandemic,’ describes how academic practices changed, quite significantly, under the conditions we have worked under since March.

One conclusions is that we cannot expect work practices to remain the same when we move them. As conditions change around practices, so do the practices themselves.

In two parallel projects, an international coalition of researchers led by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) collected data from students and academic staff. They focused on their work and study situations during the corona pandemic.

The data includes 1600 students and 16 lecturers in a course called Experts in Teamwork offered at NTNU. Students provided feedback through questionnaires, written exam reports, and in-depth interviews. The lecturers represented different faculties and departments and were also interviewed in-depth.

The preliminary findings show great variations in the consequences that the new work and study situations have had for individuals and for groups.

Some people became more efficient in their new work setting, for example because they had fewer distractions and work became easier to prioritize. But others became less efficient, for example due to lower motivation and lack of daily structure.

Some individuals thought it was beneficial to have more peace and flexibility in their daily life, while others felt lonelier and less motivated due to the lack of social and physical contact with fellow students and colleagues.

A number of the academic staff also had a much busier schedule due to home schooling their children. This factor is less relevant in a situation without a pandemic.

The study also found many of the positive elements of distributed teamwork and working digitally that are mentioned at the beginning of our article. However, one finding stands out as a paradox.

While working from a home office, or as a distributed team, provides significantly increased flexibility for the work situation, it could provide less flexibility in carrying out the work, both in terms of meeting colleagues, collaborating, and teaching.

This flexibility issue, or paradox, is largely related to a much greater need for structure, planning, and clear communication in the digital modality. Meetings and teaching need to be planned in much more detail, and the digital form makes it difficult to deviate from the plan.

We lose the ability to pick up cues from the room, like we do when we are in a physical space together. Several communication-related aspects of working digitally also make it difficult to achieve a good flow, as well as to make spontaneous and necessary changes.

The researchers also found that the threshold for making small and necessary clarifications with collaborators is significantly higher in the digital realm. The flexibility to complete a task is therefore reduced and can affect the quality of what we do.

For example, people risk working alone with a task for too long, assuming rather than clarifying along the way. We don’t want to disturb people, and we don’t know what they are doing right now. Researchers found this to be the case both for students who worked synchronously, and for academics who mostly worked asynchronously.

Home offices may offer benefits for many, but it is hardly advantageous for everyone. More people will probably choose to work from home more than they did before, even when the pandemic has subsided. But having the opportunity to convene physically is still important, not only for each of us to meet our social needs, but also for the employer and for the quality of the work.

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)

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Essay On Work From Home Boon Or Bane | Work From Home Essay

Essay On Work From Home Boon Or Bane

Hello Friend, In this post “ Essay On Work From Home Boon Or Bane | Work From Home Essay “, we will read about Work From Home as an Essay in detail, with different words. So…

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Essay On Work From Home Boon Or Bane

Let’s begin with the advantages. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that people can work flexible hours especially for women who have young children.

Many of them otherwise quit their job after the birth of their children to look after them.

Moreover, male employees also benefit from working from home as they can save hours to commute to work and home back, improving their work-life balance and overall sense of wellbeing.

Further, employers also benefit from this arrangement. When employees work from their homes , the cost of running the business comes down.

On the other hand, there are a few challenges as well. Employees working from home may have difficulty building a rapport with others in their team, creating a lack of coordination among themselves.

Further, workers may find it difficult to get instant support from each other when problems arise leading to total chaos in the work schedules.

Worse! This lack of apathy towards each other may be also reflected towards the customer which can lead to the ultimate destruction of a reputation for the company.

To summarise, there are several benefits to working from home including the freedom to individual employees.

Many employers have already realized this and started encouraging their workers to work from home , of course, with some precautionary measures against downfalls of lack of communication and subsequent disasters.

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Essay On Work From Home During Lockdown OR Essay On Work From Home During Pandemic

Essay On Work From Home During Pandemic

“ Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence felt “.

These lines suit those people who are working from their homes or teleworking today.

Today the world is facing the Coronavirus crisis , a pandemic that has changed our life.

People are locked in their homes due to the spread of COVID -19 a disease that spread through person-to-person contact.

In this situation, it is important to limit our contact with other people as much as possible.

Most people feel better working from home instead of traveling to a workplace every day.

It saves time and travel expenses . Due to working from home or teleworking, people get more time for themselves and for their work.

Their minimum traveling reduces environmental pollution , and they do not require to stand in a traffic jam.

They can decide when to do their work and when to take a rest. Working from home is effective for a lot of people because they get more time to spend with their family.

There are still some disadvantages of working from home . Social distancing doesn’t suit our nature.

“ Man is a social being ,” said Aristotle a famous philosopher. Due to the rapid spread of Coronavirus, most of the global population is experiencing isolation.

This loneliness can create mental and physical health issues. Working from home reduces face-to-face interactions among colleagues. Direct interactions among colleagues create personal connections and strengthen healthily working relationships.

A positive change is happening around us because of social distancing and work from home that the people are embracing during this pandemic of COVID-19 . But it will be too early to speak of long-term changes.

Working from hom e is better because its advantages overcome the disadvantages.

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Essay On Work From Home Culture

Working from home is a convenient method for the professional to work in their home.

According to this pandemic situation, professionals need a remote job. As we review the work culture as a 9 to 5 job.

How difficult and complex, in rushing to the office in traffic and the climatic condition such as the rainy season.

Therefore, professionals got a wonderful opportunity to work from home . Now a day office culture is eradicated.

New and amazing work culture is introduced as a remote job or work from home.

Professionals can work in their leisure. Those who are professional learn to keep their work busier in the home.

That, they can get appreciation from the company.

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Essay On Work From Home Pros and Cons

A basic requirement of a human’s life is bread, cloth, and house and to fulfill all these requirements money is required and money can be obtained only from a business.

No person can live life without earning money . money is essential needed to survive in the world.

A person undertakes a variety of jobs or occupations to earn a living.

Whether it is in the economic field or political, religious, or academic field .

Because it is said that man is a social animal . but in the present time, the definition seems to be changing.

Today, an epidemic called corona has spread all over the world. looking at the same, there, there is a danger in the whole areas.

Due to which many tasks are being completed by staying at home .

In a way, man is able to do the work of his office and business smoothly from home .

Working from home doesn’t mean you lose the sense of professionalism.

It means you have to create a warm work environment to become more productive than ever.

Working from home can sound like a dream come true. however, like any job situation, there are many disadvantages to home employment that may become apparent over time.

For some, this can mean making a few adjustments to make the situation more tolerable.

For others, the disadvantages can be so powerful that they can put an end to the home office .

Just as there are two sides to a coin there are two sides to every story . similarly, there are some positive aspects of work from home .

First, saving time in a person’s life , that is, when a person goes out of the house to work, he had to face problems of congestion, traffic, jam, etc . but now it fits the exact saying kill two birds with a single stone .

That is, the money spent on traveling is also saved.  and the most important problem was fuel savings for the future…

i.e, 24 hours carts roomed the roads with more than half of the people employed.

So, the fuel that is wasted on the roads also pollutes the environment was completely balanced.

Now let’s see how the negative impact of coins is challenging for us .

First of all, social interactions decreases, loneliness increases, mental as well as physical problem increased, expressing ability decrease, etc.

Another important challenge is that work from home is not possible in every area.

like if we, work in the educational field, there are many children who are not even familiar with something called online.

So what is the benefit of the teacher working from home due to which the development of all is not happening simultaneously?

The promotion of many people has stopped in this system working from home seems dull, the ability to work is seen to be destroyed soon.

Which mental fatigue has become a significant challenge?

Successfully working from home is a skill, just like programming, designing, or writing . it takes time to develop that skill.

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Is Technology a Boon or a Bane? An Essay

Through neocolonial trade relations, globalization has caused a world-wide division of labor, resources, and consumption—between former colonizers and the colonized. Technology—the latest in the choir of idols worshipped by the modern West—exacerbates this schism even as it reduces it. This article explores the implications of the products of technology for work, class, and caste in this last phase of neocolonialism. Technological devices that de-class us, by replacing human and animal workers, can also re-class us by dividing owners from the operators of machines.

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Ameerudheen , TA . 2018 . “ Kerala engineers who developed robot to clean manholes are on a mission to end manual scavenging .” Scroll.In . Feb 27 . ( ).

  • Search Google Scholar
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Bora , Garima . 2019 . “ A robot to end manual scavenging? This startup can provide the ‘Swachh Bharat’ we need .” The Economic Times . June 7 . ( ).

Genrobotics . nd. “ Manual Scavenging v/s Bandicoot .” Genrobotics. com ( ).

Goswami , Subhojit . 2018 . “ Manual scavenging: A stinking legacy of suffocation and stigma .” DownToEarth . September 11 . ( ).

Heidegger , Martin . 1977 . The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays . NY : Harper & Row Publishers, Inc .

Nkrumah , Kwame . 1974 . Neo-Colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism . London : Panaf Books Limited .

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Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

What is modern technology.

Modern technology is all the new tools and gadgets we use every day. Think of smartphones, computers, and the internet. They make life easier by helping us talk to friends, find information, and do our work.

Technology as a Boon

Technology is a gift because it saves time and makes hard jobs simple. For example, washing machines clean clothes quickly, and with the internet, learning new things is just a click away. Doctors use technology to treat sick people better.

Technology as a Bane

Sometimes technology can be a problem. People might use it too much and not talk to each other face to face. Kids might play video games all day instead of playing outside. It can also break and cost a lot of money to fix.

Technology is both good and bad. It depends on how we use it. If we use it to help us and be careful not to overuse it, technology can make our lives much better.

250 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Modern technology: good or bad, technology makes life easier.

First, let’s talk about the good side. Technology, like computers and smartphones, has made life much easier. We can talk to friends and family no matter how far they are. We can find answers to our questions instantly by searching on the internet. Also, doctors use new tools to help sick people get better. In schools, tablets and smart boards make learning fun for kids.

Problems with Technology

On the other side, technology can cause problems. Some people spend too much time on their phones or playing video games. This can make them less active and even lonely because they don’t talk to people face-to-face. Also, machines are doing jobs that people used to do, which means some people can’t find work.

Keeping a Balance

In the end, it’s all about balance. Technology can be a good thing if we use it to help us and not let it take over our lives. We must remember to spend time with others and not just with our gadgets. We should also learn new skills so we can work with technology and not be left behind.

To sum up, modern technology can be a good helper or a problem, depending on how we use it. It’s up to us to make sure we use technology to make our lives better and not let it cause new problems.

500 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Introduction to modern technology.

In today’s world, modern technology is a big part of our lives. We use it every day for work, learning, and fun. It includes things like computers, smartphones, the internet, and many machines that make jobs easier. People often wonder if technology is a good thing (a boon) or a bad thing (a bane). This essay will look at both sides to help us understand technology better.

Another good thing is how technology helps doctors. They use special machines to check what’s wrong inside our bodies without any cuts. This is much safer and less painful. Also, we can talk to friends and family who live far away because of apps on our phones. This helps us feel close even when we are not.

Technology in Education

Technology has also changed how we learn. Many schools use computers and tablets to teach lessons. This can make learning more interesting and fun. There are games and programs that help with math, science, and languages. Students can also take classes online if they cannot go to school.

Another problem is that not everyone has the same access to technology. Some people cannot afford computers or the internet. This can make it hard for them to learn or find jobs because so much now depends on technology.

Technology and Safety

We must also think about safety. When we use the internet, we can share too much personal information. This can be dangerous because there are people who might try to steal or use this information in bad ways. Parents and teachers need to help kids learn how to be safe online.

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