Manish Gupta


Learner at Simplilearn-Purdue University Data Scientist | ML | DL | AI | NLP Email: [email protected] View My LinkedIn Profile View My Tableau Profile View My Kaggle Profile

GitHub Profile

Hi, I am a Data Scientist pursuing my passion in AI, ML, DL, NLP, Computer Vision. I am Electronics & Instrumentation Engineer by qualification and have more than 18 years of domain experience in Power/ Energy/ Infra/ Railway sector. I have diversified experience in Business Development, Tendering, Bid Management, Costing & Estimation, Procurement, Operations, Team Management, Strategic Planning, Tie-ups & Joint Ventures. Some of the companies I have worked with are - Skipper Electricals India Ltd., KEC International Limited, Gepdec Infratech Limited. Presently I am working with Wipro as Principal Consultant - Technology & Implementation.

I am passionate about Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. I have worked on some of the interesting machine learning projects for Regression, Classification, Clustering and NLP problems and open for collaboration for any interesting assignment.

Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python, R Programming, SQL, HTML, Flask/ Django. Google Cloud AutoML Table, Google Cloud/ Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tableau, Dashboarding and Data Visualization


  • Python for Data Science - IBM
  • R Programming for Data Science - IBM
  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - Amazon Web Services
  • PGP in Data Science - Simplilearn


Project no. 1: healthcare pgp (binary classification).

Model deployed at:

Introduction: NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) research creates knowledge about and treatments for the most chronic, costly, and consequential diseases. The dataset used in this project is originally from NIDDK. The objective was to predict whether or not a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the dataset.

Objective: This is my first capstone project and was part of the final assessment for PGP in Data Science course from Simplilearn-Purdue University. My task was to analyze patients data from NIDDK which consists of several medical predictor variables and one target variable (Outcome). Predictor variables includes the number of pregnancies the patient has had, their BMI, insulin level, age, and more. I created and trained multiple machine learning models using various classification algorithms. Then all models were compared to evaluation their metrics on given data. Finally model was deployed on heroku.

wipro capstone project github

I performed following tasks in this project:-

  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Transformation
  • Data Modeling - various classification model
  • Data Modeling - performance evaluation using various metrics
  • Data Reporting - dashboarding in tableau
  • Model Deployment - finally model deployed on heroku.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, SVM, Gradient Boosting, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Preprocessing, Data Transformation, Flask, Tableau.

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wipro capstone project github

Introduction: Customer segmentation is the practice of segregating the customer base into groups of individuals based on some common characteristics such as age, gender, interests, and spending habits. It is a way for organizations to understand their customers. Knowing the differences between customer groups, it’s easier to make strategic decisions regarding business growth and marketing campaigns. Implementing customer segmentation leads to plenty of new business opportunities and business can do a lot of optimization in budgeting, product design, promotion, marketing, customer satisfaction etc. The opportunities to segment are endless and depend mainly on how much customer data you have at your use. There are many machine learning algorithms, each suitable for a specific type of problem. One very common machine learning algorithm that’s suitable for customer segmentation problems is the k-means clustering algorithm which I have used for this project. There are other clustering algorithms as well such as DBSCAN, Agglomerative Clustering, and BIRCH, etc.

Objective: This is my second capstone project and was part of the final assessment for PGP in Data Science course from Simplilearn-Purdue University. My job was to analyze transactional data for an online UK-based retail company and create customer segmentation so that company can create effective marketing campaign. This is a transnational data set which contains all the transactions that occurred between 01/12/2010 and 09/12/2011. The company mainly sells unique and all-occasion gifts.

  • Data Modeling - RFM (Recency Frequency Monetary) model
  • Data Modeling - K-means clustering algorithm
  • Data Reporting - Dashboarding in tableau

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K-means clustering, an unsupervised algorithms, is one of the techniques that are useful for customer segmentation. The basic concept underlying k-means is to group data into clusters that are more similar.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, K-means clustering, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Preprocessing, Data Transformation, Tableau.

wipro capstone project github

My Data Science Portfolio

Assignments & coursework:, project no. 1: text generation using deep learning.

wipro capstone project github

Introduction: Deep Learning is the most exciting part of Data Science and the next stage after learning Machine Learning. I have worked on this project titled “Text Generation Using Deep Learning” to apply my Deep Learning for solving a major problem in Natural Language Processing known as Language Modeling . I used Keras library to create Recurrent Neural Network model and train it with our dataset to predict text for headline.

Objective: Language Modelling is the core problem for a number of of natural language processing tasks such as speech to text, conversational system, and text summarization. A trained language model learns the likelihood of occurrence of a word/ character based on the previous sequence of words/ characters used in the text. Language models can be operated at character level, n-gram level, sentence level or even paragraph level. We will create a language model for predicting next word by implementing and training state-of-the-art Recurrent Neural Networks under Deep Learning.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, NLP, Deep Learning, Tensorflow Keras, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM).

wipro capstone project github


wipro capstone project github

Introduction: I have worked on this project titled “Topic Modeling” to fulfil mandatory criteria towards “ Natural Language Processing ” module of my PGP in Data Science course from Simplilearn. I used NLTK library to perform various text preprocessing, POS tagging, Lemmatization and Gensim Library to create LDA model for topic identification and finally pyLDAvis to visualize model created.

Objective: A popular mobile phone brand, Lenovo has launched their budget smartphone in the Indian market. The client wants to understand the VOC (voice of the customer) on the product. This will be useful to not just evaluate the current product, but to also get some direction for developing the product pipeline. The client is particularly interested in the different aspects that customers care about. Product reviews by customers on a leading e-commerce site should provide a good view. Perform analysis by POS tagging, topic modeling using LDA, and topic interpretation.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Regular Expression, NLTK, POS Tagging, Lemmatization, Gensim, LDA, pyLDAvis.

wipro capstone project github


wipro capstone project github

Introduction: I have worked on this project titled “Wikipedia Toxicity” to fulfil mandatory criteria towards “ Natural Language Processing ” module of my PGP in Data Science course from Simplilearn. I performed text preprocessing using various functions such RegEx, Tokenization, Stopwords and Punctuation removals followed by domain stopwords removal and Lemmatization. I also performed Class balancing since datapoints in target variable were imbalanced. Hyperparameter tuning using GridSearch and StratifiedKFold was done to optimize model. SVM Classifier from Scikit-learn library was used to train model with train data and then prediction on test data.

Objective: Wikipedia is the world’s largest and most popular reference work on the internet with about 500 million unique visitors per month. It also has millions of contributors who can make edits to pages. The Talk edit pages, the key community interaction forum where the contributing community interacts or discusses or debates about the changes pertaining to a particular topic. Wikipedia continuously strives to help online discussion become more productive and respectful. My task was to help Wikipedia to build a predictive model that identifies toxic comments in the discussion and marks them for cleanup by using NLP and machine learning. Post that, help identify the top terms from the toxic comments.

wipro capstone project github

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, WordCloud, Regular Expression, NLTK, TfidfVectorizer, Scikit-learn, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hyperparameter tuning using GridSearch and StratifiedKFold

wipro capstone project github


wipro capstone project github

Introduction: I have worked on this project titled “Income Qualification” to fulfil mandatory criteria towards “ Machine Learning ” module of my PGP in Data Science course from Simplilearn. I used RandomForestClassifier in Python to create model for predicting income level and used GridSearchCV to improve model performance. I also used Matplotlib and Seaborn to visualize data.

Objective: Many social programs have a hard time ensuring that the right people are given enough aid. It’s tricky when a program focuses on the poorest segment of the population. This segment of the population can’t provide the necessary income and expense records to prove that they qualify. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) believes that new methods beyond traditional econometrics, based on a dataset of Costa Rican household characteristics, might help improve PMT’s performance. My task was tTo identify the level of income qualification needed for the families for social welfare program in Latin America using given dataset.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, RandomForest Classifier, GridSearchCV.

wipro capstone project github


wipro capstone project github

Introduction: I worked on this project titled “Comcast Telecom Consumer Complaints” to fulfil mandatory criteria towards “ Data Science with Python ” module of my PGP course from Simplilearn. I did not create any machine learning model in this project. I performed data analysis in python using various tools such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Worldcloud.

wipro capstone project github

Objective: Comcast is an American global telecommunication company. The given dataset serves as a repository of public customer complaints filed against Comcast. My task was to analyse given data and provide the trend chart for the number of complaints at monthly/ daily granularity levels and present further insight.

Tools used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Worldcloud.


Introduction: I worked on this project titled “Retail Analysis with Walmart Data” to fulfil mandatory criteria towards “ Data Science with R ” module of my PGP course from Simplilearn. I have created Linear Regression model using R programming language in this project. I performed hypothesis testing and statistical analysis in R using various libraries in R.

wipro capstone project github

Objective: Walmart is one of the leading retail stores in the US. The business was facing a challenge due to unforeseen demands and would run out of stock sometimes. My task was to predict the sales and demand accurately. There are certain events and holidays which impact sales on each day. The sales data is available for 45 stores of Walmart. Walmart runs several promotional markdown events throughout the year. These markdowns precede prominent holidays, the four largest of all, which are the Super Bowl, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The weeks including these holidays are weighted five times higher in the evaluation than non-holiday weeks. Part of the challenge faced in this project was modelling the effects of markdowns on these holiday weeks in the absence of complete/ideal historical data. My Machine Learning algorithm will predict demand accurately and ingest factors like economic conditions including CPI, Unemployment Index, etc.

Tools used: R programming language, dplyr, tidyr.

  • Coming soon…

Stand-alone Projects:

Replicating research:, project no. 1: stocks market trade data analysis.

wipro capstone project github

Objective: I was given a dataset (570 rows × 6 columns) containing historical trade details such as entry price, exit price, p&l and some technical indicators like atr_perc, roc and rsi. Objective was to analyze dataset in python and try to find best range of atr_perc , roc , rsi so that the sum of P&L is maximized for the range of values for atr_perc , roc , rsi.

Indicator …….. Min. Value …….. Max. Value

  • RSI …….. 58.02 …….. 89.72
  • ATR_perc …….. 0.274223035 …….. 0.427709112
  • ROC …….. -77.72927145 …….. 2633.788326

Final P&L if we take entry only when given technical indicators were within above range: Rs. 65773

Time taken by program to process complete data and generate output: 2.03 seconds

Blogs & Vlogs:

Graphical visualization of linkedin network.

wipro capstone project github

Introduction: We all use LinkedIn to make connections with professionals in our industry or even from any other industry too. On LinkedIn, we see only a list of our connections, so it’s hard to visualize the entire network of your connections. I tried to apply my python skill in Data Science to explore my connections on LinkedIn and find out some interesting information and visualize it in the form of interactive graphs.

Checkout following links to see interactive graphs showing details of my LinkedIn connections:-

Companies of my LinkedIn connections:

Positions of my LinkedIn connections:


Copyright (c) Manish Gupta

Capstone Projects with Source code

In this article, we've compiled a variety of Capstone Project ideas. Aptly named 'Capstone Projects', these pivotal research endeavours or projects are typically undertaken in students' final year of study. Not only have we included the finished projects, but also their associated source codes, which can act as a useful reference for programming enthusiasts looking to enhance their coding abilities. These completed projects could, in turn, ignite the spark for future researchers to spawn unique capstone project ideas.

Choosing a topic is the most important and first stage in your capstone project journey as a student or researcher. If you choose a topic without giving it much thought, you may fail. To begin, make sure you’re passionate about the topic and convinced that the research portion will never tire you. Second, make sure it aligns with your curriculum and allows you to show your teacher what you’ve learned in class while still being applicable in the real world. The finished capstone project title ideas with the source code listed below may be useful to future researchers.

Free PHP Capstone Projetcs

  • Online Examination php project
  • School Management System php project
  • Attendance Management System php project
  • Online Admission System php project
  • Tours and Travels Project php project
  • Student Result Management php project
  • Online Jewellery Shopping php project
  • Online Shopping php project
  • Online art gallery php project
  • Online Matrimonial Website php project
  • Online Book Store project  php project
  • Blood Bank Management System php project
  • Car Rental System php project
  • Online Food Ordering System Project in PHP
  • Hostel Management System Project in PHP
  • Student Result Management System Project in PHP
  • Online Voting System Project in PHP
  • Gym Management System Project in PHP
  • Leave Management System Project in PHP
  • Image Crop Project In PHP
  • Image Editor Project In PH P
  • Online Hotel Booking In PHP
  • College Management System Project In PHP
  • PHP Image Gallery Project Source Code
  • Online Notes Sharing Platform PHP
  • Travel Management System Project in PHP
  • House rental And Property Listing Project PHP
  • electricity bill payment Project in PHP MSQL
  • Expense Management System in php
  • Time Management System PHP
  • PHP Online File Storage Project
  • Online Hotel Booking system in php
  • Online Doctor Appointment Booking System PHP
  • Visitor Management System in PHP
  • online chat application using php
  • PHP casino Project Black Jack Slots
  • Life Insurance Management System in PHP
  • Beauty Parlour Management System using PHP and MySQL
  • Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Management System Project in PHP Laravel
  • Online Time Table Generator PHP MYSQL
  • Online Lawyer Management System Project Using PHP MYSQL
  • Student Project Allocation System using PHP

Paid  PHP Capstone Projects

  • Advance Online Examination php project
  • PHP Online Admission System Project
  • Airlines Reservation System PHP
  • School Billing System Project in PHP
  • School Bus Booking System project in PHP
  • Download Online Job Portal php project
  • Online Bus Booking System in PHP
  • Asset Management System Project in php
  • Railway Reservation System in php
  • Online Movie Ticket Booking System in php
  • Hospital Management System In PHP
  • inventory management system in php
  • GST billing System Project in PHP
  • Online Banking System Project in PHP
  • Complaint Management System Project in PHP
  • Online Blood Bank Project in PHP MYSQL
  • Online Mobile Shopping Project in PHP
  • Online Art Gallery Shop Project in PHP | Advance
  • User Management System Project in PHP
  • Online Crime Reporting System Project in PHP
  • Placement Management System Project in PHP
  • Crime Information Management System Project in PHP
  • Olx Clone Project in PHP
  • Online Bakery Shop In PHP
  • Event Management System In PHP
  • Online Hotel Management System In PHP
  • Employee Management System Project In PHP
  • Online Loan Management System In PHP
  • Online Food Ordering System In PHP | Advance
  • PHP CodeIgniter Complete Inventory
  • Library Management System In PHP
  • Online Car Cab Taxi Booking System Using PHP
  • Car Selling and Showroom Management  PHP
  • Cyber Cafe Management System in PHP
  • ISP Management System php projects
  • Freelancing Website Project in PHP Mysql
  • Online Restaurant Table Booking System in Php
  • Online Furniture Shop Project in PHP
  • Garage Management System PHP
  • Courier Management System Project in PHP
  • Payroll Management System Project in PHP
  • Online RTO Management System Project IN PHP
  • Online Grocery Store Project in PHP Mysql
  • Online Fashion Store Project in PHP MYSQL
  • Hand Crafted Shopping Project in PHP MYSQL

Java Free Capstone Projects With Source Code

  • Airlines Reservation System Java Project
  • Banking System in Java Project
  • Currency Converter Java Project
  • Online Examination System Project in JSP servlet (Java)
  • Restaurant Management System Core Java Project
  • Bus Ticket Booking System Java and Jsp Mysql Project
  • Java Netbean Percentage Calculator Project
  • Online Banking System Project Core Java
  • Hospital Management System Java JSP Mysql
  • Online Medicine Shop Project in JSP Mysql
  • Text File Encryption Decryption Project in Java
  • Student Counselling system Core Java
  • Payroll Management System Java Swing
  • Attendance Management System Java Mysql
  • Cryptography Project in Java Netbeans
  • Movie Ticket Booking System Project in Java Mysql
  • Inventory Management System Java Mysql
  • Internet Service Provider Project on Java Mysql
  • Online Food Order Spring Boot Angular Mysql
  • Online Book Store Project in Spring Boot with Source Code

Java Paid Capstone Projects With Source Code

  • Sports Club Management System Project in Java
  • Pharmacy Management System In Java
  • Java Grocery Shop Billing Supermarket Billing 
  • Online Food Ordering Project JAVA JSP MYSQL
  • Online Shopping Project in Java JSP Mysql
  • Online Tourism Management System in Java JSP Mysql
  • Leave Management Spring Boot Mysql Angular
  • Visa Processing System Project On Java, JSP And MySQL
  • Online Banking Spring Boot Angular Project
  • Student Auditorium Management Java JSP MySQL
  • Flight Reservation Spring Boot Angular Mysql Project 
  • Online Pizza Ordering System Spring Boot Project
  • Online Food Ordering System Project in Spring Boot
  • Online Medical Shop Project in Spring boot, JPA and Mysql
  • Sales and Invoice Management System Spring Boot Project

Android Free Capstone Projects with Source Code

  • Attendance Management System android projects
  • Women Safety App android projects
  • Android Calculator App Project
  • Age Calculator android projects
  • Expense Tracker Android App
  • Budget Manager Android App
  • Android FTP Server 
  • Android Fitness App Project
  • Padometer Android Step counter App
  • Android quiz app source code download
  • Image Steganography android studio project
  • Kotlin Android Job Allocation Project
  • Android Music Player Project
  • Android Location Alarm Project
  • Android Book Listing App Project
  • Student Marks Calculator Android Project
  • Medicine Reminder Android App Project
  • Income Tax and EMI Calculator Android App Project
  • Android GST Billing Project with Source Code
  • Covid19 Counter  tracker Android App Project
  • Android Ludo game project with Source code
  • Android Tetris Game Project with Source Code
  • Android Text Encryption using Various Algorithms
  • Android Text to Speech Converter App Project
  • Android Simple Math Quiz app Project
  • Android Bouncing ball Project Source Code
  • Android Text to Speech App Project with Source code
  • Android Sudoku Game App Project with source code

Android Paid Capstone Project with Source Code

  • Android Weather App Project
  • Android Human Activity Recognition Tensorflow 

Flutter Android Capstone Projects With Source Code

  • Flutter Quiz App Project with Source Code
  • Flutter Medicine Reminder App Project
  • Flutter Scientific Calculator App Project

Python Free Capstone Projects with source code

  • Contact Management System In PYTHON
  • Ludo Game Project In PYTHON
  • Hotel Management System Project in Python
  • Complaint Management System Project in Python
  • Pharmacy Management System Project In Python
  • Bank Management System Project in Python
  • Movie Rental Shop Management System Project in Python
  • Student Management System Project In Python
  • ATM Software Python Project
  • Hotel Management System Python Tkinter GUI
  • Django  Medical Shop Management System
  • Online Job portal Project in Python Django
  • Covid-19 Hospital Management python django
  • GST Billing Project in Python Django
  • Online Banking System Project in Python Django
  • Online Book Store Project in Python Django
  • Weather Forecast Project In Python Django
  • Django School Management System Project
  • Food recommends based on your mood python django
  • Online Tiffin Service Mangement System Using Django
  • Iris Flower Classification with Decision Trees Web App
  • User Management System Python Django Project
  • Blog Website Project Using Python Django Project

Python Paid Capstone Projects with source code

  • Blood Bank Management System Python Web App
  • Python Django Online Food ordering System
  • Library Management System Django Python
  • Python Django College Management System
  • Python Django File Sharing Project
  • Online Examination System Project in Django
  • Online Assignment Submission Project in Django
  • Online Voting System in django
  • Hostel Management System Python Django
  • Bus Reservation System Project Python Django
  • Online movie ticket booking Project in python django
  • Online Gas Booking Project in Python Django
  • Online Taxi Booking Python Django with Real time Map
  • Doctors Appointment System Django Project

Python Machine Learning Free Capstone Projects

  • Salary Prediction using Machine Learning Web App
  • Sentiment Analysis ML Flask Python Web App
  • IMDB Sentiment Analysis Machine Learning
  • Black Friday Sales Prediction project Machine Learning
  • Medical Insurance Cost Prediction Project in Python Flask
  • Insurance Claim Prediction Machine Learning Project
  • Image to Cartoon Python OpenCV Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Chess Game Python
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Handwritten Digits Recognition
  • Netflix Movie Recommendation System Project Machine Learning
  • Music Recommendation Based on Facial Expression
  • Handwritten digit recognition Python Flask
  • Cat Vs Dog Image Classification CNN Project
  • Age and Gender Detection Using Deep Learning Python Flask
  • Vehicle number plate detection Deep Learning Project
  • Employee Attrition Prediction using machine learning
  • Predicting Student Performance Using Machine Learning
  • Campus Recruitment Prediction with Source Code Python

Note : Any issue Related Installation or Others Contact Support Section

Python Machine Learning Paid Capstone Project

  • Movie Recommendation Python Django ,Machine Learning
  • Crime Data Analysis Project in Machine Learning
  • Multiple Disease Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Fake News Detection using Machine Learning
  • F ake Product Review Detection using Machine Learning
  • Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Skin cancer Detection using Machine learning
  • Used Car Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
  • Loan Defaulter Prediction Machine Learning
  • Loan Eligibility Prediction Python Machine Learning
  • Live Face Mask Detection Project in Machine Learning
  • Hypo Thyroid Disease prediction Machine Learning 
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection Machine Learning
  • Pneumonia Prediction Using chest x-ray Image
  • Breast Cancer Prediction Machine Learning Project Source Code
  • Book Recommendation System Project Machine Learning
  • NLP Spelling Correction Python Machine Learning
  • Road Lane Detection Computer Vision Python Flask
  • Forest wildfire detection from satellite images
  • Object detection Python Machine Learning Web App
  • Tomato Leaf Disease Prediction CNN Python Flask
  • Automated Answer Grading System machine learning
  • Fire Detection Using Surveillence Camera web app
  • Plant Disease Prediction using CNN Flask Web App
  • Rainfall Prediction using LogisticRegression Flask Web App
  • Crop Recommendation using Random Forest flask web app
  • Driver Distraction Prediction Using Deep Learning, Machine Learning
  • Brain Stroke Prediction Machine Learning Source Code
  • Chronic kidney disease prediction Flask web app
  • Weapon Detection System Using CNN FLask Web app
  • AI Healthcare chatbot project python with source code
  • Ai Mental Health Chatbot project python with source code

Here the Lists of Cpastone Projects Ideas

  • Online Examination Capstone Project
  • Attendance Management System Capstone Project
  • Online Admission System Capstone Project
  • Tours and Travels Project Capstone Project
  • Online Jewellery Shopping Capstone Project
  • Online art gallery Capstone Project
  • Online Matrimonial Website Capstone Project
  • Online Book Store project  Capstone Project
  • Blood Bank Management System Capstone Project
  • Car Rental System Capstone Project
  • Online Food Ordering System Capstone Project
  • Hostel Management System Capstone Project
  • Advance Online Examination Capstone Project
  • School Management System Capstone Project
  • School Billing System Capstone Project
  • Download Online Job Portal Capstone Project
  • Online Shopping Capstone Project
  • Online Bus Booking System in Node.js
  • Asset Management System Capstone Project
  • Railway Reservation System in Node.js
  • Online Movie Ticket Booking System in Node.js
  • Hospital Management System In Node.js
  • inventory management system in Node.js
  • GST billing System Capstone Project
  • Online Banking System Capstone Project
  • Complaint Management System Capstone Project
  • Online Voting System Capstone Project
  • Courier Management System Capstone Project
  • Pharmacy Management System Capstone Project
  • Online Discussion Forum Capstone Project
  • Social Networking Node.js Capstone Project
  • Mailing Server Capstone Project
  • Online Notice Board Capstone Project
  • Timetable Generator Capstone Project
  • Online Housing Property Portal Capstone Project
  • Responsive Social Networking System Capstone Project
  • Online E-Book Trading System Capstone Project
  • Silent Web Auctioning System Capstone Project
  • Online Crime Compliant Center Capstone Project
  • Online Shopping Mart using Responsive Design Capstone Project
  • Smartphone Fabric Showroom Capstone Project
  • Online Career Portal System in Responsive Capstone Project
  • Advanced Hospital Administration System Capstone Project
  • Consumer Complaint Handling System Capstone Project
  • Social Media Platform for College Capstone Project
  • Responsive Net Banking System Capstone Project
  • Human Payroll and Task Lifecycle System Capstone Project
  • Online Examination System via Multiple Ports Capstone Project
  • Hostelworld Capstone Project
  • Invoice Management System Capstone Project
  • Online Banking System in Capstone Project
  • Cinema Booking System Capstone Project
  • Online Scholl Billing System Capstone Project
  • Insurance Management System Capstone Project
  • Student Supervision System Capstone Project
  • Hospital Management System Capstone Project
  • Result Management System Capstone Project
  • Library Management System Capstone Project
  • GST enable Billing Software Capstone Project
  • Online Health Shopping Portal Capstone Project
  • College Forums Capstone Project
  • Sql Injection Prevention System Capstone Project
  • Automated Timetable Generator Capstone Project
  • College Admission Predictor Capstone Project
  • College Social Network Project Capstone Project
  • CRM For Internet Service Provider Capstone Project
  • Customer Focused Ecommerce Site With AI Bot project
  • ERP System For College Management Capstone Project
  • Secure E Learning Using Data Mining Techniques Capstone Project
  • Predicting User Behavior Through Sessions Web Mining Capstone Project
  • Online Book Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering Capstone Project
  • Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining Capstone Project
  • Monitoring Suspicious Discussions On Online Forums Capstone Project
  • Fake Product Review Monitoring & Removal For Genuine Ratings Node.js
  • Detecting E Banking Phishing Using Associative Classification Capstone Project
  • A Commodity Search System For Online Shopping Using Web Mining Capstone Project
  • Secure Online Auction System Capstone Project
  • School Security System (SSS) using RFID Capstone Project
  • Filtering political sentiment in social media from textual information Capstone Project
  • Evaluation of Academic Performance of Students with Fuzzy Logic Capstone Project
  • Document Sentiment Analysis Using Opinion Mining Capstone Project
  • Crime Rate Prediction Using K Means Capstone Project
  • Secure Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using DES Capstone Project
  • Student Information Chatbot Project Capstone Project
  • Efficient Doctor Patient Capstone Project
  • Sentiment Analysis For Product Rating Capstone Project
  • E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining Capstone Project
  • Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews Capstone Project
  • Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining Capstone Project
  • Real Estate Search Based On Data Mining Capstone Project
  • Opinion Mining For Social Networking Site Capstone Project
  • Online Election System Project Capstone Project
  • The Cibil System Project Capstone Project
  • Advanced Mobile Store Capstone Project
  • Banking Bot Project Capstone Project
  • Farming Assistance Web Service Capstone Project
  • Software Piracy Protection Project Capstone Project
  • Online Diagnostic Lab Reporting System Capstone Project
  • Online Loan Application & Verification System Capstone Project
  • Sentiment Based Movie Rating System Capstone Project
  • Matrimonial Portal Project Capstone Project
  • Online Herbs Shopping Project Capstone Project
  • Online Bakery Shop System Capstone Project
  • Daily Expense Tracker System Capstone Project
  • Course Material Distribution System Capstone Project
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection Project Capstone Project
  • Mumbai Dabbawala Project Capstone Project
  • Online Furniture Shop Project Capstone Project
  • Computer Assembly Website Capstone Project
  • Car Comparison System Project Capstone Project
  • Salon management System Capstone Project
  • Cricket Club Management Project Capstone Project
  • Online Blood Bank Project Capstone Project
  • Campus Recruitment System Capstone Project
  • Garment Shop Management System Capstone Project
  • Computer Shop Management System Capstone Project
  • Bus Ticket Booking System Capstone Project
  • Shoe Store Management System Capstone Project
  • Grocery Shop Management System Capstone Project
  • Train Ticket Booking System Capstone Project
  • Gift Shop Management System Capstone Project
  • Movie Ticket Booking System Capstone Project
  • Hotel Booking System Capstone Project
  • Employee Management System Capstone Project
  • Tailoring Management System Capstone Project
  • Visitors Gate Pass Management System Capstone Project
  • Leave Management System Capstone Project
  • User Management System Capstone Project
  • Home Kitchen Capstone Project
  • Train Enquiry System Capstone Project
  • Internet Banking System Capstone Project
  • Web Template Management System Capstone Project
  • Student Task Management System Capstone Project
  • Document Tracking System Capstone Project
  • Medical Information System Capstone Project
  • Food Ordering System Capstone Project
  • Hospital Appointment System Capstone Project
  • Airlines Ticket Booking System Capstone Project
  • Gym Management System Capstone Project
  • Vehicle Management System Capstone Project
  • University Bulletin Board Capstone Project
  • Payroll Management System Capstone Project
  • Project Synopsis Download Capstone Project
  • Car Sharing System Capstone Project
  • Airlines Reservation System (Capstone Project
  • Clinic Appointment System Capstone Project
  • DOEACC Projects Download Capstone Project
  • Clinic Management System Capstone Project
  • Airlines Reservation System Capstone Project
  • Capstone Project on Android Vehicle Tracking with Speed Limiting,
  • Capstone Project on Android based QR Parking Booking,
  • Capstone Project on Multi Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart Ticketing System using RFID,
  • Capstone Project on Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating Based On Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Query Generator,
  • Capstone Project on Android Attendance System Using RFID,
  • Capstone Project on Android General Knowledge Chatbot,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Self Attendance System Using OTP,
  • Capstone Project on Android Vehicle Toll Payment System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Task Monitoring,
  • Capstone Project on Automated Canteen Ordering System using Android,
  • Capstone Project on RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Visual Product Identification For The Blind,
  • Capstone Project on Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud,
  • Capstone Project on Railway Ticket Booking System Using QR Codes,
  • Capstone Project on Secure Digi Locker Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Campus Recruitment System,
  • Capstone Project on Android File Manager Application Project,
  • Capstone Project on Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired,
  • Capstone Project on Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API,
  • Capstone Project on Mobile Based Attendance System,
  • Capstone Project on Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker using OCR,
  • Capstone Project on Face Detection Using Mobile Vision API,
  • Capstone Project on Child Monitoring System App,
  • Capstone Project on Floating Camera Widget Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Geo Fencing App Project,
  • Capstone Project on Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code,
  • Capstone Project on Restaurant Table Booking Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Secure File Sharing Using Access Control,
  • Capstone Project on Android Video Encryption & Sharing,
  • Capstone Project on Android Expiry Reminder App Using OCR,
  • Capstone Project on Android Step Counter App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Boat Crossing Game App,
  • Capstone Project on Calorie Calculator & Suggester Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid,
  • Capstone Project on Android Battery Saver System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Encrypted SMS System,
  • Capstone Project on Advanced Tour Guide,
  • Capstone Project on Android Attendance System,
  • Capstone Project on Public News Droid,
  • Capstone Project on Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes,
  • Capstone Project on Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart City Traveler,
  • Capstone Project on Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting,
  • Capstone Project on Mobile Wallet With Merchant Payment Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Crime Reporter & Missing Person Finder,
  • Capstone Project on Android Graphical Image Password Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based School Bus Tracking System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Vehicle Tracking Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Electronic Appliance Comparison Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Musical Instrument Store Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Book Store Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart Alarm System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Customer Relationship Management App,
  • Capstone Project on Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Graphical Information System,
  • Capstone Project on PC Control By Android Over Internet,
  • Capstone Project on Android Phone Theft Security With GPS Tracking,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy,
  • Capstone Project on Android Group Expense Tracker Application,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Health Consulting Android System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Sentence Framer Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Expense Tracker,
  • Capstone Project on Android Multi Layer Pattern Locking Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Universal Ticketing Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Civil Administration Reporting Project,
  • Capstone Project on Student Faculty Document Sharing Android Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Local Train Ticketing Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Patient Tracker,
  • Capstone Project on Android Pc Controller Using Wifi,
  • Capstone Project on Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking,
  • Capstone Project on Android Customer Relationship Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Employee Tracker,
  • Capstone Project on Android – PC Chatting & Image Sharing System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Tourist Guide Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android AI Diet Consultant,
  • Capstone Project on Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture,
  • Capstone Project on Android Blood Bank,
  • Capstone Project on Mobile Quiz Through WiFi Project,
  • Capstone Project on Wireless Indoor Positioning System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Voting System,
  • Capstone Project on Bus Pass Android Project,
  • Capstone Project on Hotel Reservation Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Bluetooth Chat,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Parking Booking System,
  • Capstone Project on Photo Viewer Android Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android File finder and Sorting,
  • Capstone Project on Android Inventory Tracker,
  • Capstone Project on Android Places Finder Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Electricity Bill Payment Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Tour & Travel Agency Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Law System Project,
  • Capstone Project on Wifi Library Book Locator Project,
  • Capstone Project on Grocery Shopping Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Based Furniture Shopping,
  • Capstone Project on Android location Alarm,
  • Capstone Project on Medical Search Engine Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Joystick Application,
  • Capstone Project on Mobile Attendance System Project,
  • Capstone Project on College Selector App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Dabbawala Project,
  • Capstone Project on Intelligent Tourist System Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Merchant Application Using Qr,
  • Capstone Project on Android Vehicle Tracking Application,
  • Capstone Project on University Referencing of Bibliography Android With Barcode Scan,
  • Capstone Project on For Electronics/Communication,
  • Capstone Project on Android Powered Juice Vending Machine,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Floor Cleaner Robot Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Motion Based Maze Solver Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Wearable Health Monitoring System Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Antenna Positioning System,
  • Capstone Project on Hovercraft Controlled By Android,
  • Capstone Project on DC Motor Speed Control By Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Railway Level Gate Control,
  • Capstone Project on Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Robotic Arm,
  • Capstone Project on Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot,
  • Capstone Project on Android Password Based Remote Door Opener System Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Automobile,
  • Capstone Project on Voice Based Notice Board Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Wildlife Observation Robot,
  • Capstone Project on Home Automation Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Home Automation Using PIC,
  • Capstone Project on Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Remote Password Security,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control,
  • Capstone Project on Robot Controlled By Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Based Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Pick And Place Robotic Arm Vehicle Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Controlled Induction Motor with 7 segment display,
  • Capstone Project on Medical Helper Using OCR,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Encrypted SMS System,
  • Capstone Project on Tour Guide,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based School Bus Tracking System,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Vehicle Tracking Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Electronic Appliance Comparison Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Multi-Layer Pattern Locking Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Universal Ticketing Project,
  • Capstone Project on Student-Faculty Document Sharing Android Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Parking Booking System,
  • Capstone Project on Android-Based Furniture Shopping,
  • Capstone Project on university Referencing of Bibliography Android With Barcode Scan,
  • Capstone Project on Herb & Grocery Shopping Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Dementia Virtual Memory App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Messenger App,
  • Capstone Project on Barbershop Service Booking App,
  • Capstone Project on Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation,
  • Capstone Project on Emergency Ambulance Booking App,
  • Capstone Project on Waste Food Management & Donation App,
  • Capstone Project on Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Blood Donation & Blood Bank Finder,
  • Capstone Project on Online Driver Hiring Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Retail Store Inventory & POS Checkout App,
  • Capstone Project on Gym Trainer & Progress Tracker App,
  • Capstone Project on Accident Detection & Alert Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Personal Safety App,
  • Capstone Project on Android College Connect Chat App,
  • Capstone Project on Tour Recommender App Using Collaborative Filtering,
  • Capstone Project on Instant Plasma Donor Recipient Connector Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Hourly Bicycle Rental Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Covid Contact Tracing Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Bookaholics Circle,
  • Capstone Project on Advanced CRM Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Micro Drone With Obstacle Detector,
  • Capstone Project on Android Geo Fencing App for Workforce Tracking,
  • Capstone Project on Android College Attendance System,
  • Capstone Project on Android OCR Snap & Share Application,
  • Capstone Project on Cab Booking Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Food order and delivery app,
  • Capstone Project on Currency Detector App for Visually Impaired,
  • Capstone Project on Android Women Safety App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Voice Based Train Time-Table,
  • Capstone Project on Voice Authentication App using Microsoft Cognitive Services,
  • Capstone Project on Organ Donation Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Home Automation System with Light Dimmer,
  • Capstone Project on Graphical Password Authentication for Android App using Persuasive Cued Click Point,
  • Capstone Project on Custom Keyboard Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Face Authentication App using Microsoft’s Cognitive Service,
  • Capstone Project on Arduino based Snake Robot Controlled using Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Daily Route Planner,
  • Capstone Project on Friendly Map Android Application for Disabled People,
  • Capstone Project on Trip Planner Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Android Paper Free Document Sharing App Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart Sticky Notes Application Project,
  • Capstone Project on Library Management System with SMS Autoreply,
  • Capstone Project on Personal diary for Visually Impaired with Microsoft Cognitive Services,
  • Capstone Project on Image Analysis Application & Image Insight using Google’s Cloud Vision API,
  • Capstone Project on Traffic Rules and Traffic Signs Quiz APP,
  • Capstone Project on Location Finder App using Android Phone & Cloud Vision API,
  • Capstone Project on Zapdroid Project: Managing Used Applications on Smartphones,
  • Capstone Project on Android Smart Health Monitoring System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Auction System App Project,
  • Capstone Project on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Android,
  • Capstone Project on V App : E College System for Blind Students,
  • Capstone Project on Android Place Marker,
  • Capstone Project on Android Help Assistance Near Me,
  • Capstone Project on Canteen Automation System using Android,
  • Capstone Project on Home automation system,
  • Capstone Project on Simple Calculator,
  • Capstone Project on eRestaurant Online Shopping For Food,
  • Capstone Project on Reminder App,
  • Capstone Project on Android controlled robot,
  • Capstone Project on Quiz Application,
  • Capstone Project on Net classified Based Mobile App,
  • Capstone Project on Simple Tic-Tac-Toe,
  • Capstone Project on Interfacing a Laser LED with Arduino,
  • Capstone Project on Stopwatch,
  • Capstone Project on Child Safety App,
  • Capstone Project on To Do App,
  • Capstone Project on Remote AC power control,
  • Capstone Project on Roman to decimal converter,
  • Capstone Project on emedicine Prescription – Recommendation Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Virtual Dice Roller,
  • Capstone Project on Voice controlled robotic vehicle,
  • Capstone Project on Scientific Calculator App,
  • Capstone Project on EGG Production Management System,
  • Capstone Project on SMS App,
  • Capstone Project on Android password based remote door opener system,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Alarm Setter,
  • Capstone Project on Car Pooling Project,
  • Capstone Project on Fake Call Timer,
  • Capstone Project on Automatic brightness control of the device,
  • Capstone Project on Online Matrimonial Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Digital Panchayat Services through Android Application,
  • Capstone Project on Tourist Guide Application,
  • Capstone Project on Building Construction Planner,
  • Capstone Project on Flip Image App,
  • Capstone Project on Where Are You – Location finder,
  • Capstone Project on Lost and Found System,
  • Capstone Project on Catering Booking Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Recipe App,
  • Capstone Project on Online Food Delivery Project,
  • Capstone Project on Survey Land Registration System App,
  • Capstone Project on Movers and Packers App with tracking,
  • Capstone Project on Android app for Online Examination and Results System,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Car Parking App,
  • Capstone Project on House Rental Management App,
  • Capstone Project on Emergency Distress Signal (SOS),
  • Capstone Project on E-bridging between the teachers and students,
  • Capstone Project on Graphical Password Authentication for Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Online Examination and Result App,
  • Capstone Project on Location Based Garbage Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Blood Bank App,
  • Capstone Project on Music Application,
  • Capstone Project on Food wastage reduction android project,
  • Capstone Project on Online Municipality Complaint Registration and Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Organ Donation Management App,
  • Capstone Project on Bicycle Rental App,
  • Capstone Project on Real-time OnRoad Vehicle Breakdown Help Assistance,
  • Capstone Project on Smart Home Lights Automation,
  • Capstone Project on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition App,
  • Capstone Project on Hospital Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Android Auction App,
  • Capstone Project on Health Monitoring System,
  • Capstone Project on evoting Android App Using OTP and Photo Matching Voting system,
  • Capstone Project on Calorie Calculator App,
  • Capstone Project on Nearby help assistant app,
  • Capstone Project on eCrime Identification Using Face Matching android project,
  • Capstone Project on Ticketing System using RFID,
  • Capstone Project on Android Query Generator App,
  • Capstone Project on Finding Lost Debit Card Security Based Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Patient Tracking Application,
  • Capstone Project on Easy Document Sharing App,
  • Capstone Project on Farmers Agriculture using E-Digital Marketing Shop,
  • Capstone Project on Android Voting project,
  • Capstone Project on Voice based Train Time-Table Project,
  • Capstone Project on Android App for Student Attendance System,
  • Capstone Project on Online restaurants seat booking system,
  • Capstone Project on Grocery Shopping Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Android Operation Schedule Management System,
  • Capstone Project on Android eCommerce for Women Handicraft Shopping,
  • Capstone Project on e-Vaccination management System Android app,
  • Capstone Project on Android App for online Super Market,
  • Capstone Project on Gas agency system android app,
  • Capstone Project on Online Movie Booking based Android App,
  • Capstone Project on Library Management System with SMS,
  • Capstone Project on eAyurvedic Doctor Mobile Application,
  • Learning Gladiator Capstone Project
  • Play Money Ball Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning Baseball
  • Predict Stock Prices Capstone Project
  • Stock Price Predictor Capstone Project
  • Handwritten Text Recognition with TensorFlow Capstone Project
  • Investigate Enron Fraud Analysis with Capstone Project
  • Write ML Algorithms from Scratch Capstone Project
  • Mine Social Media Sentiment Capstone Project
  • Improve Health Care Capstone Project
  • Iris Data Capstone Project
  • Loan Prediction Data Capstone Project
  • Bigmart Sales Data Capstone Project
  • Boston Housing Data Capstone Project
  • Time Series Analysis Data Capstone Project
  • Wine Quality Data Capstone Project
  • Turkiye Student Evaluation Data Capstone Project
  • Heights and Weights Data Capstone Project
  • Intermediate Level Capstone Project
  • Black Friday Data Capstone Project
  • Human Activity Recognition Data Capstone Project
  • Siam Competition Data Capstone Project
  • Trip History Data Capstone Project
  • Million Song Data Capstone Project
  • Census Income Data Capstone Project
  • Movie Lens Data Capstone Project
  • Twitter Classification Data Capstone Project
  • Advanced Level Capstone Project
  • Identify your Digits Capstone Project
  • Urban Sound Classification Capstone Project
  • Vox Celebrity Data Capstone Project
  • ImageNet Data Capstone Project
  • Chicago Crime Data Capstone Project
  • Age Detection of Indian Actors Data Capstone Project
  • Recommendation Engine Data Capstone Project
  • VisualQA Data Capstone Project
  • Nonlinear Reconstruction of Genetic Networks Implicated Capstone Project
  • Identifying Gender From Facial Features Capstone Project
  • Equation to LaTeX Capstone Project
  • Intensity prediction using DYFI Capstone Project
  • Artificial Intelligence on the Final Frontier Capstone Project
  • Life Expectancy Post Thoracic Surgery Capstone Project
  • Making Sense of the Mayhem- Machine Learning and March Madness Capstone Project
  • Better Reading Levels through Machine Learning
  • What are People Saying about Net Neutrality Capstone Project
  • Bird Species Identification from an Image Capstone Project
  • Stay Alert.Aditya Sarkar Capstone Project
  • A bigram extension to word vector representation Capstone Project
  • Mining for Confusion – Classifying Affect in MOOC Learners’ Discussion Forum Posts Capstone Project
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias Patients Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Average and Perceived Polarity in Online Journalism Capstone Project
  • Cardiac Dysrhythmia Detection with GPU-Accelerated Neural Networks Capstone Project
  • Nicolas Sanchez Ruck Those Stats Capstone Project
  • Classifying Wikipedia People Into Occupations Capstone Project
  • Classification of Soil Contamination Capstone Project
  • Automated Essay Grading Capstone Project
  • Relative and absolute equity return prediction using supervised learning Capstone Project
  • Seizure Prediction from Intracranial EEG Recordings Capstone Project
  • Predicting Seizure Onset with Intracranial Electroencephalogram(EEG)Capstone Project
  • Classifying Complex Legal Documents Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning Applied to the Detection of Retinal Blood Vessels Capstone Project
  • Survival Outcome Prediction for Cancer Patients Capstone Project
  • Predicting Cellular Link Failures to Improve User Experience on Smartphones Capstone Project
  • Yelp Personalized Reviews Capstone Project
  • KMeansSL Capstone Project
  • Strength in numbers_ Modelling the impact of businesses on each other Capstone Project
  • Correlation Based Multi-Label Classification Capstone Project
  • Landmark Recognition Using Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • CarveML an application of machine learning to file fragment classification Capstone Project
  • rClassifier Capstone Project
  • Using Vector Representations to Augment Sentiment Analysis Capstone Project
  • Analyzing Vocal Patterns to Determine Emotion Capstone Project
  • Predicting the Commercial Success of Songs Based on Lyrics and Other Metrics Capstone Project
  • Application Of Machine Learning To Aircraft Conceptual Design Capstone Project
  • Extracting Word Relationships from Unstructured Data Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning for Predicting Delayed Onset Trauma Following Ischemic Stroke Capstone Project
  • Classifying Online User Behavior Using Contextual Data Capstone Project
  • Real Time Flight Path Optimization Under Constraints Using Surrogate Flutter Function Capstone Project
  • Real-Time Dense Map Matching with Naive Hidden Markov Models Delay versus Accuracy Capstone Project
  • Prediction Function from Sequence in Venom Peptide Families Capstone Project
  • Restaurant Recommendation System Capstone Project
  • Home Electricity Load Forecasting Capstone Project
  • Learning Dota 2 Team Compositions Capstone Project
  • Applying Deep Learning to derive insights about non-coding regions of the genome Capstone Project
  • Classification of Higgs Jets as Decay Products of a Randall-Sundrum Graviton at the ATLAS Experiment Capstone Project
  • SemenFertilityPrediction.Axel Guyon,Florence Koskas,Yoann Buratti Capstone Project
  • Sentiment Analysis Using Semi-Supervised Recursive Autoencoders and Support Vector Machines Capstone Project
  • Classifying Syllables in Imagined Speech using EEG Data Capstone Project
  • Abraham Starosta-Typeguess Capstone Project
  • Predicting Usefulness of Yelp Reviews Capstone Project
  • Predicting Soccer Results in the English Premier League Capstone Project
  • Detecting Heart Abnormality using ECG with CART Capstone Project
  • Down and Dirty with Data Capstone Project
  • Hierarchical Classification of Amazon Products Capstone Project
  • Predicting high-risk countries for political instability and conflict Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning Implementation in live-cell tracking Capstone Project
  • Any Given Sunday Capstone Project
  • P300 Error Detection Capstone Project
  • Automated Canvas Analysis for Painting Conservation Capstone Project
  • Office Appliance Classification Capstone Project
  • Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews Capstone Project
  • Predicting Mobile Application Success Capstone Project
  • Modeling Activity Recognition Using Physiological Data Collected from Wearable Technology Capstone Project
  • Neural Network Joint Language Model.Charles Qi.[pdf]
  • Yelp Recommendation System Using Advanced Collaborative Filtering Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Yelp Review Star Rating using Sentiment Analysis Capstone Project
  • Classification of Bad Accounts in Credit Card Industry Capstone Project
  • Classification Of Musical Playing Styles Capstone Project
  • Email Filtering By Response Required Capstone Project
  • Forecasting Utilization in City Bike-Share Program Capstone Project
  • Recommender.Christopher Aberger Capstone Project
  • Predicting Cell Type-Specific Chromatin States from Genetic Regulatory Networks Capstone Project
  • Pose Estimation Based on 3D Models Capstone Project
  • Visual Localization and POMDP for Autonomous Indoor Navigation Capstone Project
  • Contours and Kernels-The Art of Sketching Capstone Project
  • Indoor Positioning System Using Wifi Fingerprint Capstone Project
  • Predicting air pollution level in a specific city Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Transcription Factors that Regulate Common Binding Motifs Capstone Project
  • Multi-class motif discovery in keratinocyte differentiation Capstone Project
  • Defensive Unit Performance Analysis Capstone Project
  • Diagnosing Malignant versus Benign Breast Tumors via Machine Learning Techniques in High Dimensions Capstone Project
  • Hacking the Hivemind Capstone Project
  • Diagnosing Parkinson’s from Gait Capstone Project
  • Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms on GPUs for Real-Time Traffic Sign Classification Capstone Project
  • Vignette Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning In JavaScript Capstone Project
  • Searching for exoplanets in the Kepler public data Capstone Project
  • Model Clustering via Group Lasso Capstone Project
  • Improving Positron Emission Tomography Imaging with Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Algorithmic Trading of Futures via Machine Learning.David Montague Capstone Project
  • Topic based comments exploration for online articles Capstone Project
  • Personal Legal Counselor and Interpreter of the Law via Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Personalized Web Search Capstone Project
  • Detecting Ads in a Machine Learning Approach Capstone Project
  • Predicting Mitochondrial tRNA Modification Capstone Project
  • Collaborative Neighborhoods Capstone Project
  • Estimation of Causal Effects from Observational Study of Job Training Program Capstone Project
  • Deep Leraning Architecture for Univariate Time Series Forecasting Capstone Project
  • Solomon Capstone Project
  • Automatic detection of nanoparticles in tissue sections Capstone Project
  • Implementation of Deep Convolutional NeuralNet on a DSP Capstone Project
  • Evergreen or Ephemeral – Predicting Webpage Longevity Through Relevancy Features Capstone Project
  • MacMalware Capstone Project
  • Extractive Fiction Summarization Using Sentence Significance Scoring Models Capstone Project
  • Identifying And Predicting Market Reactions To Information Shocks In Commodity Markets Capstone Project
  • An EM-Derived Approach to Blind HRTF Estimation Capstone Project
  • The Many Dimensions of Net Neutrality Capstone Project
  • Learning To Predict Dental Caries For Preschool Children Capstone Project
  • Information based feature selection Capstone Project
  • Identifying Elephant Vocalizations Capstone Project
  • Predicting Protein Fragment Binding Capstone Project
  • Bike Share Usage Prediction in London Capstone Project
  • Localized Explicit Semantic Analysis Capstone Project
  • Robo Brain Massive Knowledge Base for Robots Capstone Project
  • Understanding Music Genre Similarity Capstone Project
  • Correlated Feature Selection for Single-Cell Phenotyping Capstone Project
  • Activity Recognition in Construction Sites Using 3D Accelerometer and Gyrometer Capstone Project
  • Event-based stock market prediction Capstone Project
  • Recommendation Based On User Experience Capstone Project
  • Spectrum Adaptation in Multicarrier Interference Channels Capstone Project
  • Exploring Potential for Machine Learning on Data About K-12 Teacher Professional Development Capstone Project
  • Player Behavior and Optimal Team Compositions for Online Multiplayer Games Capstone Project
  • Algorithmic Trading Strategy Based On Massive Data Mining Capstone Project
  • Face Detection And Recognition Of Drawn Characters Capstone Project
  • Gene Expression Analysis Of HCMV Latent Infection Capstone Project
  • A New Kalman Filter Method Capstone Project
  • Using Tweets for single stock price prediction Capstone Project
  • Naïve Bayes Classifier And Profitability of Options Gamma Trading Capstone Project
  • Vector-based Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews Capstone Project
  • A General-Purpose Sentence-Level Nonsense Detector Capstone Project
  • Characterizing Genetic Variation in Three Southeast Asian Populations Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning for the Smart Grid Capstone Project
  • Predicting Africa Soil Properties Capstone Project
  • Automated Bitcoin Trading via Machine Learning Algorithms Capstone Project
  • SkatBot Capstone Project
  • Tradeshift Text Classification Capstone Project
  • New York City Bike Share Capstone Project
  • Predicting Seizure Onset in Epileptic Patients Using Intercranial EEG Recordings Capstone Project
  • Predicting Foster Care Exit Capstone Project
  • Yelp Recommendation System Capstone Project
  • Predicting National Basketball Association Game Winners Capstone Project
  • Predicting Yelp Ratings From Business and User Characteristics Capstone Project
  • Predicting Popularity of Pornography Videos Capstone Project
  • Accurate Campaign Targeting Using Classification Algorithms Capstone Project
  • Forecasting Bike Rental Demand Capstone Project
  • Predicting User Following Behavior On Tencent Weibo Mac
  • ine Learning projects
  • Improving Taxi Revenue With Reinforcement Learning Capstone Project
  • Learning Facial Expressions From an Image Capstone Project
  • All Your Base Are Belong To Us English Texts Written by Non-Native Speakers Capstone Project
  • Identifying Regions High Turbidity Capstone Project
  • A Comparison of Classification Methods for Expression Quantitative Trait Loci Capstone Project
  • Predicting Mobile Users Future Location Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning Madness Capstone Project
  • Semi-Supervised Learning For Sentiment Analysis Capstone Project
  • Legal Issue Spotting Capstone Project
  • A novel way to Soccer Match Prediction Capstone Project
  • Morphological Galaxy Classification Capstone Project
  • Predicting Helpfulness Ratings of Amazon Product Reviews Capstone Project
  • Predicting Course Completions For Online Courses Capstone Project
  • An Adaptive System For Standardized Test Preparation Capstone Project
  • Single Molecule Biophysics Machine Learning For Automated Data Processing Capstone Project
  • Understanding Comments Submitted to FCC on Net Neutrality Capstone Project
  • Direct Data-Driven Methods for Decision Making under Uncertainty Machine Learning project
  • From Food To Winev
  • Classifying Legal Questions into Topic Areas Using Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Predicting Hit Songs with MIDI Musical Featuresv
  • Machine Learning Methods for Biological Data Curation Capstone Project
  • Classifying Forest Cover Type using Cartographic Features Capstone Project
  • Peer Lending Risk Predictorv
  • Learning Distributed Representations of Phrases Capstone Project
  • Estimation Of Word Representations Using Recurrent Neural Networks And Its Application In Generating Business Fingerprints Capstone Project
  • Gender Identification by Voice Capstone Project
  • Applications Of Machine Learning To Predict Yelp Ratings Capstone Project
  • Methodology for Sparse Classification Learning Arrhythmia Capstone Project
  • Predicting March Madness Capstone Project
  • Net Neutrality Language Analysis Capstone Project
  • Characterizing Atrial Fibrillation Burden for Stroke Prevention Capstone Project
  • Predict Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings Capstone Project
  • Automated Music Track Generation Capstone Project
  • Characterizing Overlapping Galaxies Capstone Project
  • Understanding Player Positions in the NBA Capstone Project
  • Cross-Domain Product Classification with Deep Learning Capstone Project
  • Predicting Heart Attacks Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand for Casual and Registered Users Capstone Project
  • Classification Of Arrhythmia Using ECG Data Capstone Project
  • What Can You Learn From Accelerometer Data Capstone Project
  • Speaker Recognition for Multi-Source Single-Channel Recordings Capstone Project
  • Prediction of consumer credit risk Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection Capstone Project
  • Predicting Paper Counts in the Biological Sciences Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Price Increase for MTG Cards Capstone Project
  • Twitter Classification into the Amazon Browse Node Hierarchy Capstone Project
  • Determining Mood From Facial Expressions Capstone Project
  • Visualizing Personalized Cancer Risk Prediction Capstone Project
  • Predicting the Total Number of Points Scored in NFL Games Capstone Project
  • Short Term Power Forecasting Of Solar PV Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques Capstone Project
  • Star-Galaxy Separation in the Era of Precision Cosmology Capstone Project
  • Artist Attribution via Song Lyrics Capstone Project
  • Accelerometer Gesture Recognition Capstone Project
  • Arrythmia Classification for Heart Attack Prediction Capstone Project
  • #ML#NLP-Autonomous Tagging Of Stack Overflow Posts Capstone Project
  • Scheduling Tasks Under Constraints Capstone Project
  • Classification Of Beatles Authorshipv
  • Classification of Accents of English Speakers by Native Language Capstone Project
  • Exposing commercial value in social networks matching online communities and businesses Capstone Project
  • Hacking the genome Capstone Project
  • How Hot Will It Get Modeling Scientific Discourse About Literature Capstone Project
  • Permeability Prediction of 3-D Binary Segmented Images Using Neural Networks Capstone Project
  • Automated Identification of Artist Given Unknown Paintings and Quantification of Artistic Style Capstone Project
  • Predicting Lecture Video Complexity Capstone Project
  • Result Prediction of Wikipedia Administrator Elections based ondNetwork Features Capstone Project
  • Predicting The Treatment Status Capstone Project
  • Error Detection based on neural signals Capstone Project
  • Speech Similarity Capstone Project
  • Data-Driven Modeling and Control of an Autonomous Race Car Capstone Project
  • Predicting the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Using Electronic Medical Records Capstone Project
  • A Novel Approach to Predicting the Results of NBA Matches Capstone Project
  • Automatically Generating Musical Playlists Capstone Project
  • Solar Flare Prediction Capstone Project
  • Application of machine learning techniques for well pad identification inathe Bakken oil fielda Capstone Project
  • Anomaly Detection in Bitcoin Network Using Unsupervised Learning Methods Capstone Project
  • Two-step Semi-supervised Approach for Music Structural Classificiation Capstone Project
  • Domain specific sentiment analysis using cross-domain data Capstone Project
  • Instrumental Solo Generator Capstone Project
  • Cross-Domain Text Understanding in Online SocialData Capstone Project
  • From Paragraphs to Vectors and Back Again Capstone Project
  • HandwritingRecognition Capstone Project
  • Chemical Identification with Chemical Sensor Arrays Capstone Project
  • Genre Classification Using Graph Representations of Music Capstone Project
  • Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Capstone Project
  • Detecting The Direction Of Sound With A Compact Microphone Array Capstone Project
  • Finding Undervalued Stocks With Machine Learning Machine Learning project
  • Multilevel Local Search Algorithms for Modularity Clustering Capstone Project
  • Automated Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias Capstone Project
  • Predicting Kidney Cancer Survival From Genomic Data Capstone Project
  • Multiclass Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews Capstone Project
  • Classification and Regression Approaches to Predicting US Senate Elections Capstone Project
  • Learning from Quantified Self Data Capstone Project
  • Predict Influencers in the Social Network Capstone Project
  • Bias Detector Capstone Project
  • Constructing Personal Networks Through Communication History Capstone Project
  • Modeling Protein Interactions Using Bayesian Networks Capstone Project
  • Topic Analysis of the FCC’s Public Comments on Net Neutrality Capstone Project
  • Predicting Hospital Readmissions Capstone Project
  • Analyzing Positional Play in Chess Using Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Yelp Restaurants’ Open Hours Capstone Project
  • Identifying Arrhythmia from Electrocardiogram Data Capstone Project
  • Diagnosing and Segmenting Brain Tumors and Phenotypes using MRI Scans M
  • chine Learning projects
  • Exploring the Genetic Basis of Congenital Heart Defects Capstone Project
  • Attribution of Contested and Anonymous Ancient Greek Works Capstone Project
  • Object Detection for Semantic SLAM using Convolutional Neural Networks Capstone Project
  • Sentiment as a Predictor of Wikipedia Editor Activity Capstone Project
  • Blowing Up The Twittersphere- Predicting the Optimal Time to Tweet Capstone Project
  • Evergreen Classification_ Exploring New Features Capstone Project
  • Detecting Lane Departures Using Weak Visual Features Capstone Project
  • Re-clustering of Constellations through Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Application of Neural Network In Handwriting Recognition Capstone Project
  • Recognition and Classification of Fast Food Images Capstone Project
  • Reduced Order Greenhouse Gas Flaring Estimation Capstone Project
  • Blood Pressure Detection from PPG Capstone Project
  • Predicting Low Voltage Events on Rural Micro-Grids in Tanzania Capstone Project
  • Amazon Employee Access Control System_Updated_Version Capstone Project
  • Prediction Onset Epileptic Capstone Project
  • Evaluating Pinch Quality of Underactuated Robotic Hands Capstone Project
  • Reinforcement Learning With Deeping Learning in Pacman Capstone Project
  • Language identification and accent variation detection in spoken language recordings Capstone Project
  • Enhancing Cortana User Experience Using Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Who Matters Capstone Project
  • Predicting Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings Capstone Project
  • tructural Health Monitoring in Extreme Events from Machine Learning Perspective Capstone Project
  • On-line Kernel Learning for Active Sensor Networks Capstone Project
  • ECommerce Sales Prediction Using Listing Keywords Capstone Project
  • Review Scheduling for Maximum Long-Term Retention of Knowledge Capstone Project
  • Adaptive Spaced Repetition Capstone Project
  • Do a Barrel Roll Capstone Project
  • Oil Field Production using Machine Learning Capstone Project
  • Predicting Success for Musical Artists through Network and Quantitative Data Capstone Project
  • Better Models for Prediction of Bond Prices Capstone Project
  • Classifying the Brain 27s Motor Activity via Deep Learning Capstone Project
  • Prediction of Bike Rentals Capstone Project
  • Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on White Matter Attributes Capstone Project
  • MoralMachines- Developing a Crowdsourced Moral Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Decisions Capstone Project
  • Context Specific Sequence Preference Of DNA Binding Proteins Capstone Project
  • Predicting Reddit Post Popularity ViaInitial Commentary Capstone Project
  • Machine Learning for Continuous Human Action Recognition Capstone Project
  • Predicting Pace Based on Previous Training Runs Capstone Project
  • Probabilistic Driving Models and Lane Change Prediction Capstone Project
  • Multiple Sensor Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Robot Capstone Project
  • Bone Segmentation MRI Scans Capstone Project
  • #Rechorder Anticipating Music Motifs In Real Time Capstone Project
  • Prediction and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia Capstone Project
  • Predicting DJIA Movements from the Fluctuation of a Subset of Stocks Capstone Project
  • Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Reviews Capstone Project
  • Mood Detection with Tweets Capstone Project
  • Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Capstone Project
  • Object Recognition in Images Capstone Project
  • 3D Scene Retrieval from Text Capstone Project
  • Predicting Breast Cancer Survival Using Treatment and Patient Factors Capstone Project
  • Parking Occupancy Prediction and Pattern Analysis Capstone Project
  • Supervised DeepLearning For MultiClass Image Classification Capstone Project
  • User Behaviors Across Domains Capstone Project
  • Seizure forecasting Capstone Project
  • Stock Trend Prediction with Technical Indicators using SVM Capstone Project
  • Multiclass Classifier Building with Amazon Data to Classify Customer Reviews into Product Categories Capstone Project
  • An Energy Efficient Seizure Prediction Algorithm Capstone Project
  • Classifier Comparisons On Credit Approval Prediction Capstone Project
  • Appliance Based Model for Energy Consumption Segmentation Capstone Project
  • analysis on 1s1r array Capstone Project
  • Phishing Detection System Using Machine Learning a
  • Self Driving car project using Machine Learning
  • OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC C
  • Stock prediction using sentimental analysis – Capstone Project
  • Illness Tracker | Final Year Project
  • machine learning neural network JAVA PROJECTS
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Neural Network
  • Detecting Phishing Websites using Machine Learning Technique
  • Machine Learning Final Project: Classification of Neural Responses to Threat
  • A Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Detection using Machine
  • Prediction of Diabetes and cancer using SVM
  • Efficient Heart Disease Prediction System

wipro capstone project github

Shashank Arora

Hello! My name is Shashank Arora, and I am currently a faculty at University at Albany, SUNY. I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University at Albany, SUNY. My research interests include Applied Cryptography, Cloud Security, Multimedia Computing and Forensics. I am currently working on projects in the areas of secure processing & editing of data over cloud, secure communication protocols in cloud systems and gaze detection and correction in group images. I am working with Prof. Pradeep Atrey at the University at Albany, SUNY.

My research interests include Cryptography, Security, Multimedia Security and Forensics. I am currently working on projects in the areas of encrypted domain processing of data over cloud, secure communication protocols in cloud systems, gaze detection and correction, analysis of facial expressions and digital forensics. I am a PhD student working with Prof. Pradeep Atrey at the University at Albany, SUNY.

  • Ph.D. Computer Science, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (August 2017 - December 2022)
  • M.S. Computer Science, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (August 2015 - December 2016)
  • B.Tech. Computer Science, Amity University, India (August 2008 - May 2012).
  • Faculty, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (August 2023 - Present)
  • Research Assistant, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (October 2022 - July 2023)
  • Teaching Assistant, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (August 2017 - July 2022)
  • Student Research Assistant, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (January 2016 - May 2017)
  • Software Engineer, Wipro Technologies, Hyderabad, India (September 2012 - June 2015)
  • S Arora and PK Atrey. SecureC2Edit: A Framework for Secure Collaborative and Concurrent Document Editing , IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TSDC)
  • O Kulkarni, S Arora and PK Atrey. GARGI: Selecting Gaze-Aware Representative Group Image from a Live Photo , The 5th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), San Jose, CA, USA, August 2022
  • S Arora and PK Atrey. Secure Collaborative Editing Using Secret Sharing , IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Montpellier, France, December 2021
  • G Kodwani, S Arora and PK Atrey. On Security of Key Derivation Functions in Password-based Cryptography , IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Virtual, July 2021
  • O Kulkarni, V Patil, SB Parikh, S Arora and PK Atrey. Can You All Look Here? Towards Determining Gaze Uniformity In Group Images , IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020
  • P Singh, S Arora, K Williamson and PK Atrey. S3Email: A Method for Securing Emails from Service Providers , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Banff, AB, Canada, October 2017
  • S Arora, G Varshney, PK Atrey and M Misra. SecureCEdit: An Approach for Secure Cloud-based Document Editing , IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 2016
  • SecureCEdit: Secure Collaborative and Concurrent Editing
  • GARGI: Gaze-Aware Representative Group Image Selection
  • SecureCMail: Securing Emails from Service Providers
  • CSI 409/509: Automata and Formal Languages (Fall 2023)
  • CSI 518: Software Engineering (Fall 2023)
  • CSI 201: Introduction to Computer Science (Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Summer 2022)
  • CSI 210: Discrete Structures (Fall 2020)
  • CSI 213: Data Structures (Summer 2021)
  • CSI 311: Principles of Programming Languages (Spring 2018, Fall 2018)
  • CSI 404: Computer Organization (Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2022)
  • CSI 409: Automata and Formal Languages (Spring 2020)
  • CSI 412: Operating Systems (Fall 2020)
  • CSI 426/526: Cryptography (Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021)
  • CSI 433/533: Multimedia Computing (Fall 2019)
  • CSI 499: Capstone Project in Computer Science (Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

In my spare time, I like to read fiction novels. I've been working on The Wheel of Time series for an embarrassingly long amount of time. I'm on book 12, The Gathering Storm, right now. If I'm not reading, I try to practice playing guitar as much as I can to try to keep my passion for music alive. I also try to keep up to date with the latest Metal and Rock releases and try to attend as many concerts as I can. I've been playing guitar for almost 15 years now. Once a week, I tune into the Critical Role D&D stream. Although I've never played D&D myself, I find the interactive storytelling fascinating.


wipro capstone project github

Module 1 - Capstone Project

In this project, I set up a conference page with the mobile-first approach for the Home and About sections. There is a responsive dekstop version also included. Using JavaScript, I generated an “Speakers” section by accesing the data stored in an JS Object. You can find the final version here:
  • Visual Studio Code.
  • Github Pages
  • Live version of the website here:

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • Github account.
  • Code editor (Visual Studio Code, Atom, etc.)
  • Open up Github.
  • Clone this repository from GitHub by copying the HTTPS address.
  • On your VSCode hit “Open a new repository” and paste the URL.
  • Select the destination folder.
  • All the files should be cloned to your local folder and are ready to be used.

👤 Sebastian Martin

  • GitHub: @sebalp100
  • LinkedIn: Sebastian Martin

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page .

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Cindy Shin ( for her template:
  • MD Badsha Meah (
  • Gan Khoon Lay (
  • Andrea Piacquadio: , ,
  • Christina Morillo:
  • Thyrone Paas:
  • Max Fischer from Pexels

This project is MIT licensed.

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    edownin1 / Coursera Capstone Project W4 - Data Visualization.ipynb. edownin1. /. Coursera Capstone Project W4 - Data Visualization.ipynb. Created 3 years ago. Star 1 1. Fork 1 1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

  6. About me:

    About me: Hi, I am a Data Scientist pursuing my passion in AI, ML, DL, NLP, Computer Vision. I am Electronics & Instrumentation Engineer by qualification and have more than 18 years of domain experience in Power/ Energy/ Infra/ Railway sector. I have diversified experience in Business Development, Tendering, Bid Management, Costing & Estimation ...

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  11. Coursera Capstone Project W4

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  13. Shashank Arora

    Software Engineer, Wipro Technologies, Hyderabad, India (September 2012 - June 2015) Publications. ... CSI 499: Capstone Project in Computer Science (Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022) Hobbies and Interests. In my spare time, I like to read fiction novels.

  14. Module-1-capstone-project

    Module 1 - Capstone Project. In this project, I set up a conference page with the mobile-first approach for the Home and About sections. There is a responsive dekstop version also included. Using JavaScript, I generated an "Speakers" section by accesing the data stored in an JS Object.

  15. GitHub

    Java 16.9%. JavaScript 14.1%. Contribute to TT1312/Wipro-CapStone-Project development by creating an account on GitHub.

  16. GitHub

    Contribute to Surya5128/Capstone-Project-Wipro- development by creating an account on GitHub.

  17. Machine Learning Forecasting

    This was formatted into a report which was approved on the 1st try for the capstone project for the Machine Learning Engineer Udacity Nanodegree. ... feel free to go to the github repo for the ...

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    IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project: Week 3 Exploratory Data Analysis - M3ExploratoryDataAnalysis-lab.ipynb

  22. Projects · wipro-capstone-project · GitHub

    GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 330 million projects. ... shubhamnair99 / wipro-capstone-project Public. Notifications Fork 0; Star 0. Code; Issues 0; Pull requests 0; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights Search all projects No open projects ...

  23. IBM Capstone Project · GitHub

    IBM Capstone Project. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.