what's blueprint thesis

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Rams write: thesis statements.

  • Thesis Statements
  • Topic Sentences
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A good thesis statement should:.

  • Convey the topic and opinion of the essay, as well as the subjects and examples that will be discussed (see Jerz's Topic, Opinion, Blueprint model below)
  • Be approximately 1-2 sentences long, and included in the essay's introductory paragraph

Meme - Wrote a thesis statement, didn't lose focus on my topic

Meme Generator

What is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is simply a set of subtopics that you plan to discuss throughout your essay, likely the subjects of each individual paragraph. 

Here's a tip!

Although we start writing with a general idea of what our thesis will be, it's always helpful to draft the entire essay and then go back and revise your thesis to reflect how your argument really progressed. Revising your thesis after writing a first draft also helps you with your final revision. You will better identify "fluff," places where you go off-topic, as well as ideas that may need further clarification. 

How To Write a Killer Thesis Statement

Bad vs. Good Thesis Statements

Bad thesis statements have:.

  • Nothing to argue
  • No hint about where they’re headed
  • No focus, they’re too broad
  • A long list of information

Good Thesis Statements Have:

  • A clear point of view
  • A detailed blueprint about where the essay is headed
  • Clear and concise form

Ways To Improve

Your thesis takes a position that others might challenge

  • Your thesis statement is specific

If the reader can ask the questions, "So What?" "How?" or "Why?", then you might need to clarify your thesis.

Meme - Thesis vs. Statement

Example Thesis Statements

In his work “Plagiarism is Not a Big Moral Deal,” Fish discusses how plagiarism should be treated in an academic atmosphere, due to the fact that it is often rooted in misunderstanding, a lack of originality, and the exclusivity of academic circles.

This thesis has a topic and blueprint, but is missing an opinion.

In his work, “Plagiarism Is Not a Big Moral Deal,” Fish discusses how plagiarism should not be treated as a moral or philosophical issue, due to the fact that it is often rooted in misunderstanding of the complex rules, a lack of originality as a concept, and the exclusivity of academic circles.


This thesis is better because it includes all of the following:

Topic : A discussion of how plagiarism should be treated in an academic atmosphere.

Opinion : Plagiarism is not an issue of morality but rather professionalism.

Blueprint : He argues that plagiarism is often caused by misunderstanding without malicious intent, lack of originality as a concept, and overly complicated rules and systems taught to a few in academic circles. 

Meme - One Does Not Simply Write A Thesis without topic opinion and blueprint

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes include:.

1. Lack of focus and specificity 

2. Jargon (word choice that is exclusive/ hard to understand)

3. Treating your thesis statement like a topic sentence

4. Not adequately representing your claim

Difference Between a Thesis and a Topic Sentence

Thesis statements are 1-2 sentences that assert your opinion and what will be said throughout the entire essay . 

Topic sentences introduce the discussion to follow in a specific paragrap h .  Each must be general enough to express the paragraph’s overall subject, but also specific enough that the reader knows where the paragraph is going. For more information, see Rams Write: Topic Sentences .

Thesis Sentence vs. Topic

Sparknotes: "Thesis Machine Strategy"

The “thesis machine”.

This is a technique my first writing professor taught me. It’s a reliable jumping off point for when you’re just trying to get a thesis down. The pattern’s simple—here’s an example:

Topic: Hufflepuffs

Topic + Position: Hufflepuffs make the best friends

Topic + Position + Rationale  (Think of this as the “because” step): Hufflepuffs make the best friends because they are accepting and loyal.

Topic + Position + Rationale + Qualification  (The “although” step): Although they are often overlooked and considered oddballs, Hufflepuffs make the best friends because of their deep-seated values of loyalty, dedication, and acceptance, all crucial traits in any friendship.

General Guideline for Theses

Jerz's Literary Weblog  offers general guidelines for brainstorming your thesis.

Jerz's Literary Weblog shows up general guidelines for brainstorming your thesis.

This page was created by/ MLA Citations

Kirsten LaCroix, Framingham State U, Class of 2022

Bri Hibbert, Framingham State U, Class of 2022

Spring 2019

Julia Coolidge, Framingham State U, Class of 2022 

Sarah Wheeler, Framingham State U, Class of 2021

Works Cited

"Developing Your Thesis."  Odegaard Writing and Research Center,  2018,  depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/Developing%20Your%20Thesis.pdf .

Harrogate, Kurt. "How to Write a Killer Thesis Statement." Sparknotes Blog , 17 March 2017,  www.sparknotes.com/blog/2017/03/17/how-to-write-a-killer-thesis-statement/ . 

"How to Write a Killer Thesis Statement by Shmoop."  Youtube,  uploaded by Shmoop, 6 September 2013,  www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wxE8R_x5I0 . 

Jerz, Dennis G. and Jordan, Nicci. "Blueprinting: Using the Thesis Paragraph to Plan Your Essay."  Jerz’s Literacy Weblog,  10 June 2015,  jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic1/blueprinting-using-the-thesis-paragraph-to-plan-your-essay/ . 

Meme Generator: Create Your Own Meme.  Meme Generator, 2019,  memegenerator.net . 

"Thesis Statements." The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,  2018,  writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements/ .

"Thesis Statement vs. Topic Sentence by Shmoop."  YouTube,  uploaded by Shmoop, 16 July 2013,  www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=236&v=Nx2-PcBzZjo . 

"Writing Tips: Thesis Statements."  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Center for Writing Students,  2013,  www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/tips/thesis/ .

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Chapter 2: Evidence

Drafting the Blueprint

Following the information-gathering stage described in Chapter 1, the essay blueprint is the next step toward purposeful writing. The essay blueprint is NOT a summary (nor should it be confused with the essay roadmap, to be discussed in Chapter 4). Drafting an  essay blueprint is an exercise that demonstrates clear understanding, meaningful citing and concise paraphrasing of the text’s argument. In this sense, the essay blueprint is as much a reading comprehension exercise as it is an organizational exercise. Your thorough understanding of the text you are analyzing will determine the structure of your essay and its validity.

When drafting the blueprint, be sure the evidence you use reflects accurately the content of the original text you are analyzing. In an analytical essay you must combine different ideas, theories, and facts to construct a coherent argument.  In your blueprint you should consider the purpose and lay the groundwork for the analytical essay you will be writing.

A good blueprint should distill the main points of the other writer’s work and organize them in a way that best suits your analytical reading. Keep your future essay in mind as you construct your blueprint, and remember that your essay should lead your reader through the same analytical process you went through to arrive at the claim you are making.

Before we start constructing the blueprint, let’s watch Video 2.1: The Blueprint . This video describes some of the habits, or “Don’ts,” we want to avoid when taking an analytical approach to an article. This lecture uses David Bollier’s “The Plot to Privatize Common Knowledge,” so have your diagnostic essay handy.

Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research Copyright © 2018 by Ryerson University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Jerz's Literacy Weblog (est. 1999)

Thesis statement tips: helpful hacks for how to write a thesis for academic essays.

Jerz >  Writing > Academic     [ Argument | Title  | Thesis |  Blueprint  | Pro/Con | Quoting |  MLA Format ]

The biography  challenges the Western genre’s stereotype of the “savage Indian” through  .

what's blueprint thesis

  • Precise Opinion : the book challenges a stereotype (a good thesis is debatable, so a good paper would also cover ways that this book perpetuates this same stereotype)
  • A strong blueprint would hint at why these three details add up to support the thesis statement.
  • A less impressive blueprint might simply list the main points the essay will cover.

There is nothing magically “correct” about a thesis on challenging a cultural stereotype. Instead of claiming that a book “ challenges a genre’s stereotypes ,” you might instead argue that some text “ provides a more expensive but more ethical solution than X ” or “ undermines Jim Smith’s observation that ‘[some quote from Smith here]’ ”. (Don’t automatically use “challenges a genre’s stereotype” in the hopes of coming up with the “correct” thesis.)

A more complicated thesis statement for a paper that asks you to demonstrate your ability engage with someone else’s ideas (rather than simply summarize or react to someone else’s ideas) might follow a formula like this:

Although Smith says “quote a passage that makes a specific claim you intend to disagree with” (123), in this paper I will use Brown’s concept of X to argue that [your original thesis goes here].”

For a short paper (1-2 pages), the thesis statement is often the first sentence. A complex thesis statement for a long paper may be part of a thesis paragraph. But it’s hard to go wrong if you put your thesis first.

Useful Formulae for Thesis Statements

If you’re not sure whether you have a good thesis statement, see whether you can fit your ideas into one of these basic patterns.

because .
Because , .
Although , show .

If you are just starting out, and you are still developing an original, evidence-based claim to defend, a simpler formula is probably best. Once you have done the research, and you understand the subject, then a formula like the following won’t look like random words; it will suggest a way to frame a nuanced, complex argument that goes beyond making non-controversial factual statements.

While says , says . While the two authors disagree over , they both share a deep concern over . refusal to accept suggests that is .
What really matters is not guessing the magically correct words to fit some secret formula that your mean instructor is refusing to tell you.

What matters is that you have researched your subject, that you have found and engaged meaningfully with peer-reviewed academic sources, and that you are developing an evidence-based claim, rather than summarizing or giving unsupported opinion.

Academic Argument: Evidence-based Defense of a Non-obvious Position

what's blueprint thesis

  • Unlike a personal essay , which can rely on personal experience and general observations, a research paper must draw on evidence — usually in the form of direct quotations or statistics from peer-reviewed academic journals .
  • You have no reason to “defend” a position unless some expert has presented credible evidence that challenges  a claim you want to make. (Finding, quoting, and engaging with that evidence is part of your task as an academic writer.)
  • An academic argument is not a squabble, a difference of opinions, or an attorney’s courtroom statement. The author of an academic argument is more like the judge, who, after hearing out the best arguments in favor of various possible solutions, supports the best one. An academic argument is part of a discussion that respects multiple viewpoints (as long as those viewpoints are backed by credible evidence).

Parts of a Thesis Statement

The thesis statement has 3 main parts : the limited subject , the precise opinion , and the blueprint of reasons .

1. Limited Subject

Make sure you’ve chosen a subject that meets your instructor’s requirements for the assignment. (It never hurts to ask.)

2. Precise Opinion

The precise opinion gives your answer to a question about the subject. A good precise opinion is vital to the reader’s comprehension of the goal of the essay .

3. Blueprint of Reasons

A blueprint is a plan. It lets the builder know that the foyer will be here, the living room will be to the east, the dining room to the west, and the family room will be north.The blueprint of an essay permits you to see the whole shape of your ideas before you start churning out whole paragraphs.While it’s okay for you to start writing down your ideas before you have a clear sense of your blueprint, your reader should never encounter a list of details without being told exactly what point these details are supposed to support. (For more details on the reasoning blueprint, see Blueprinting .)

The biography  challenges the Western genre’s stereotype of the “savage Indian” through  .
In the blueprint, the author . The author of the example above introduces three different kinds of evidence:

Informed by this blueprint, the reader expects to encounter one section (a paragraph or more) devoted to each subtopic.The .

If your thesis statement introduces three reasons A, B and C, the reader will expect a section on reason A, a section on reason B, and a section on reason C.

For a single paragraph, you might only spend one sentence on each reason. For a 2-3 page paper, each reason might get its own paragraph. For a 10-page paper, each reason might contain its own local thesis statement, with its own list of reasons, so that each section involves several paragraphs.To emphasize the structure of your essay, repeat keywords or paraphrased ideas from the blueprint as you introduce the sections in which you expand on each point. Crafting good transitions is a skill that takes time and practice. ( See Transitions and Reminders of Thesis ).

Note : If you repeat your blueprint phrases and your thesis statement robotically (“The third point I want to talk about is how Black Elk Speaks accurately represents the Indian lifestyle through its direct quotes from Black Elk.”), your writing will be rather dry and lifeless. Dull writing is probably better than aimless rambling, although neither is terribly effective. |

Note : A thesis statement amounts to nothing if the paper is not completely focused on that main point . Blueprinting helps create the coherency of the thesis throughout the entire essay, which makes it a necessary part of the thesis statement.

accurately represents Indian lifestyle through its attention to cultural detail, its use of Indian words, and its direct quotes from Black Elk.
: The representation of Indian lifestyle in the book Black Elk Speaks : the book is accurate : the book pays attention to it uses , and it uses . (The rest of the paper will establish the truth of teach of these supporting points, and then explain why they add up to support the truth of the thesis statement.)
Is  a tragedy?
This is a question, not a statement. It’s fine to sit down at the keyboard with the intention of writing a paper to answer this question, but before you start churning out the sentences, you should have a clear idea of what answer you’re trying to support.
This paper will look at the book’s attention to cultural detail, its use of Indian words, and its direct quotations from Black Elk, in order to determine whether accurately represents Indian lifestyle.
The above sample is slightly better because it offers more detail, but it still doesn’t say what position the author is taking on the topic of whether the book is accurate.
Because the events in the story emphasize Black Elk’s role as a Sioux Warrior, and do not describe his eventual conversion to Catholicism and membership in the Society of St. Joseph, presents a skewed and simplified view of the complex history of Native Americans.
Note that the above sample contains a (the accuracy of Black Elk Speaks), (it is skewed and simplified), and (because the book only tells part of the story).

You don’t need to present those three parts in that exact order every time; furthermore, your instructor may have a good reason to ask you for a different organization. But most of the time, including these three parts will help your reader to follow your ideas much more closely.

Biographies of all types can teach us many things about the past. What was the culture like? What was the language like? And what did the people say? One such book is Black Elk Speaks, which tells the story of a Sioux warrior in the late 1800s. How accurate is this book? This paper will investigate the cultural details, the language, and what Black Elk actually said, in order to determine the answer.
The above sample starts off with a wordy, general statement about biographies. But the main topic isn’t about biographies of all types, it’s specifically about one book, Black Elk Speaks.

17 Oct 2000 — originally posted by Nicci Jordan, UWEC Junior 08 Dec 2000 — first posted here. Maintained by Prof. Jerz. 13 Dec 2003 — links updated 22 Sep 2006 — moderate revisions by Jerz 29 Oct 2011 — updated by Jerz 14 June 2015 — minor adjustments

Blueprinting: Planning Your Essay A blueprint is a rough but specific  plan , or outline, which defines the structure of your whole essay. The blueprint, usually located within the thesis statement, is a brief list of the points you plan to make, compressed into just a few words each, in the same order in which they appear in the body of your paper.

Hochstein, Jordan, and Jerz Thesis Reminders A thesis reminder is a direct  echo of the thesis statement . In a short paper, the topic sentence of each paragraph should repeat words or phrases from the thesis statement.

Dennis G. Jerz Timed Essays: Planning and Organizing in a Crunch

222 thoughts on “ Thesis Statement Tips: Helpful Hacks for How to Write a Thesis for Academic Essays ”

this did not help at all

I can’t win them all.

Gibberish person may be skimming too fast. This always helps. I’m in the middle of replying to a student email on how to rework her thesis statement and I use your explanation as a clear explanation.

This has helped a lot, thank you.

I find this page helpful. Thank you!

Pingback: Academic Argument: an evidence-based defense of a non-obvious position on a complex issue. | Jerz's Literacy Weblog (est. 1999)

please I want some more examples of how to construct a very good acedamic essays

From this class,I kind of know what is thesis statement.It is a strong support of a whole passage,it can inform people of what the passage is telling,only by using a few words .It should have the keywords and a good organization to make itself brief but rich.After learning this class,I think I will be better at writing the thesis statement.Thanks

I am doing a project for my MST…but iam finding it difficult in putting up my paragraphs which needs to include my subject and limited subject…..pliz advice me on how to put up my paragraph

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I am doing preparation of ielts exam . but I faface difficulty in grammar and especially in thesis line which I confuse that what should i write in thesis line among all kinds of essay …plz tell me but should I do to improve it.

I think you should read more and write more.After writing,you can ask someone that is good at English learning to help you know what your mistakes are.

Vehicles has become a essential part of human being life. People used to bicycle but by the time mode of commute has been replaced by car .however, still in some cities people prefer to ride bicycle for travelling.

Plz tell me how can I impressive to my intro and how can I improve my writing skill

Jonu, I’d say the most important helpful thing you can do is expose yourself to English as spoken by native English speakers, talking with people who know the language well enough that they can correct you immediately, in casual conversation, when you make one of the word-level errors that only an expert user of the language would spot. There is no shortcut — exposing yourself to a language is the only way to learn it.

I happened to come across this video, which is geared towards a young audience, but is written for English language learners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqxuNrhKhMc

Hi i am doing the preparation of competitive exam , i have to write an Essay of 2500-2800 words, data should be critical and researched base, for example there is Essay on Climate change , then please tell me how i develop a thesis statement, and how we write thesis statement, is it is written in the start of Essay or in the end of introduction, some people said that thesis satement should be written in start other say that this written in end of introductory paragraph. please help me with example thanks

Rab, if you are looking for my advice on thesis statements, you have found the right page. If you have any specific questions or comments about the content of this page, I’d be happy to address them. I’ve already put lots of time into this page, and at the moment I can’t think of a way to present my advice any more clearly.

Although you did say “please,” even so, “tell me how I develop a thesis statement” is asking for quite a lot.

What is your college major or your area of professonal expertise? If I asked you to tell me, right here on my blog, what I need to know in order to succeed in a competitive exam in your field, what would you say?

If I went to a doctor and said “Tell me how to diagnose a patient,” or I went to a judge and said “Tell me how to interpret the law,” or I went to an artist and said “Tell me how to be creative,” do you think they would be able give me a few sentences that completely answer my question and prepare me for professional work as a doctor, judge, or artist? If they had spent years as students learning their subject matter, and additional years teaching or writing a textbook on their specialty, they might be very good in their professions but I’d bet they’d all find it tough to answer such a question in any meaningful way.

I won’t be evaluating your submission, so my opinion on debatable topics such as where the thesis should go won’t be of any specific use to you.

thesis statement should be the last statement in your introductory paragraph, it will consist of a short explanation as to why you are writing the essay and what is involved.

That’s certainly a valid place to put a thesis statement, jentar. If your instructor tells you to put a thesis statement in a certain place, then putting it anywhere else is risky. But it’s also possible to start with a paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention with a gripping example that illustrates what’s at stake, and then give the thesis statement in the second paragraph.

This is great stuff. I wonder if you didn’t mean expansive rather than expensive in the following sentence. “Instead of claiming that a book “challenges a genre’s stereotypes,” you might instead argue that some text “provides a more expensive but more ethical solution than X” or “challenges Jim Smith’s observation that ‘[some quote from Smith here]’” instead.

Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you found the page useful. I really did mean “expensive” in that example, though I am simply suggesting that considering cost is worth exploring in an argument, depending on the kind of argument you are making.

I found the information to be very informative and easy to understand. Thank you

Hi. I began an essay on the topic ; reasons why pursuing college education is important. I had it started off this way… Aristotle said it best when he stated, “Education is the best provision for life’s journey.” Pursuing a college education provides individuals with career pportunities, higher income and experiences necessary in the journey of life. Please do you think I started off good or too weak? I need your help as this is a great assignment for me to make up for my mid semester examination which I was unable to attend!

Your instructor is the one who will grade the assignment, so he or she is the best source of feedback. Without knowing what grade/level you are, or what kind of class you are taking, I can’t really advise you. However, unless you have read Aristotle’s works yourself and can place that quote in its context, I would not recommend pulling a random quote from a website and using it to start a paper. The complete quote is “Education is the best provision for the journey to old age,” but what does that mean?

The word “best” means there is at least a “good” and a “better,” and that by some measurement or judgement, a third thing is “best.” What are the two other sayings (at least) that you have compared to Aristotle, and what are the two other things (at least) that Aristotle thinks are not as good provision for life’s journey to old age? Why does your opinion (on at least three different sayings, of which the best is Aristotle’s), and at least three different provisions for old age (of which the best is education) help you to answer your instructor’s prompt about the reasons for pursing a college education?

What we think of as “college” is very different from the education that Aristotle would have received (or provided). I suggest you look into ways that a college education encourages critical thinking, which is a different way of thinking than “Did I get the right answer? Will my teacher approve? What’s the secret ‘correct’ answer in the back of my instructor’s book that I should memorize and spit back?” Maybe your instructor wants you to determine for yourself whether you feel gaining a college education is worth the intellectual effort.

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What Is a Thesis Statement?

what's blueprint thesis

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what's blueprint thesis

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  • 01 Brainstorm the Best Topic for Your Essay
  • 02 How to Write a Good Thesis Statement: Steps &amp; Thesis Statement Examples
  • 03 Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement?
  • 04 What to Include in a Thesis Statement (With Example)
  • 05 How to Write Thesis Statements in Steps
  • 06 How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Assigned
  • 07 Develop Your Answer
  • 08 A Strong Thesis Statement Takes Some Sort of Stand
  • 09 Frequently Asked Questions About Thesis Statements

What are thesis statements, and why does it matter in academic writing? A thesis statement is a central argument or main idea that guides the reader through the author's perspective on a topic. Many students struggle to formulate and write a clear and concise thesis statement, leading to confusion, frustration, or having to backtrack or even start over their essays.

In this blog, I shed light on the complexities of crafting an effective thesis statement, offering examples and practical tips to demystify this critical aspect of writing.

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best topic to brainstorm for your essay

Brainstorm the Best Topic for Your Essay

When brainstorming for the best topic for your essay, start by considering your interests and passions. If you don't have a specific topic, think about the things that intrigue you or the issues that provoke strong emotions within you. Asking questions like "What excites me?" or "What makes me angry?" can guide you in the right direction.

Additionally, engaging in activities like walking, showering, and playing with pets can spark creative and exciting ideas. Allow your mind to wander freely during these moments of relaxation, as they can be productive grounds for generating unique and compelling essay topics.

How to Write a Good Thesis Statement: Steps & Thesis Statement Examples

Consider the subject matter of your paper carefully from the first paragraph and write at least three diverse subjects related to the main topic being discussed.

If your subject is related to climate change, write a thesis statement by asking: What affects climate change? (Simple!).

Then, try to find something that is close to your experience and connect it to the subject of your paper: What are daily human habits affecting climate change? How does my father contribute to climate change? How do cows contribute to climate change? (by passing gas, you can look it up).

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By framing your subject matter this way with a strong opinion, you allow yourself to delve deeper into its nuances and complexities. Once you have it, you can approach your topic by formulating it as a question requiring exploration and analysis.

So, for example, if you live in a building and take the elevator every day, you already can have the first step towards an exciting argument in a single sentence: "Taking the elevator every day contributes to climate change." Then you can start diving into more detail.

writing a good thesis statement

Phrase Your Topic as a Question and Then Answer It

When phrasing your topic as a question, make sure to write it with critical analysis that invites exploration. The thesis statement will inform, explain, and structure the rest of your essay.

For example, if you know your essay wants to explore climate change, society, and human behavior, you could mention, "How do I contribute to the global climate crisis?" This question invites an examination of personal accountability, takes a stand, and might explain the societal implications (For example, taking the elevator).

In crafting your final thesis statement paragraph, you might create a formal argument that already has some kind of answer : "Individual choices, such as reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable consumption habits, such as taking an elevator, significantly contribute to the escalating climate crisis." This thesis statement encapsulates your position while guiding the direction of the rest of your essay.

By aligning your thesis statement with the initial question (How do I contribute to the global climate crisis?), you establish a coherent framework for your essay and can explore the topic's complexities more deeply and focus on a single topic.

Remember to be creative! This structured approach ensures that your writing remains focused and relevant, allowing you to make bold statements that are interesting and continue raising the stakes throughout your paper, but keep in mind that words matter! Use interesting language and reflect, discuss, and explore different kinds of ways to communicate your ideas.

For example, one of my professors in a Global Warming course in college used to say that taking an elevator releases the size of a closed fist of CO2 into the atmosphere. This kind of comment could effectively address the key issues surrounding climate change in your essay with interesting arguments while being relatable to the reader.

You could start a thesis argument by saying, "If you took an elevator today, you just contributed to releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) the size of a tennis ball."

writing a thesis

Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement?

Much like a map guides a traveler through unknown territory, a thesis statement directs the writer and the reader along a clear path of exploration within the essay.

It serves as a summary that convinces the reader to continue reading. It functions as a narrative-navigational tool, guaranteeing that your ideas are conveyed effectively and that the reader can easily follow the direction of your argument and sentences.

What to Include in a Thesis Statement (With Example)

Here are some examples of key points that you might want to include as the introduction of your paper and the thesis statement that challenge the nature of an essay:

Clear Position: "Climate change poses a threat to our future."

Supporting Points: "Rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps are all evidence of this phenomenon."

Scope (Aspects of the topic): "This paper will explore the impacts of climate change and the urgent need for action to mitigate its effects."

Counterargument: "While some may doubt the importance of climate change, scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the reality of this crisis."

The thesis statement argues the significance of climate change (Clear Position) as a threat to our future. It supports this claim by presenting evidence (Supporting Points).

It also defines the scope of the paper, indicating that it will explore the impacts of climate change and advocate for mitigation efforts (Aspects). Lastly, it acknowledges potential counterarguments while emphasizing scientific consensus on the issue (Counterargument).

student writing

How to Write Thesis Statements in 3 Steps

Define Your Position : Plainly state your argument or stance on the topic. (For instance, in climate change, you could say, "Stop taking the elevator if you just take it for convenience").

Provide Supporting Points : Offer evidence or reasons that support your argument (e.g., Taking the elevator releases CO2 into the atmosphere, the health benefits of using stairs, or the amount of yearly CO2 release that can be avoided by using the stairs).

Specify the Scope : Clearly outline what your argument will focus on to define the limits of your discussion. (In the context of renewable energy policies, you can concentrate on habits as alternatives to support renewable energy policies). 

Learn more about writing thesis statements now!

How to Generate a Thesis Statement if the Topic is Assigned

When generating a thesis statement for a given topic, start by simply understanding the subject and identifying key themes or issues (do research!).

Next, consider your perspective or interpretation of the topic and brainstorm potential arguments that align with your understanding.

Finally, refine your thesis statement to clearly articulate your position on the topic, guaranteeing that it provides a roadmap for your essay and effectively communicates your main point, argument, or perspective.

For instance, if the assigned topic is "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment," you might explore arguments such as the potential for AI to take on jobs or the opportunity for AI to create new employment opportunities in new industries.

Finally, complete your thesis statement to make sure that it provides a blueprint for your essay and effectively communicates your main point of argument or perspective.

Wondering about formatting your essay? Check out our blog, What Is MLA Format for an Essay , to learn more!

person reading

Develop Your Answer

Once you've formulated a strong argumentative thesis statement, the next step is to revise and expand the content and investigation of your paper . Begin by outlining the main points that support your thesis statement, ensuring each point directly contributes to your argument.

If your thesis statement mentions, "The advancement of artificial intelligence has implications for the future of work," you might develop your essay by discussing specific examples of AI technologies impacting current jobs such as writing. You can analyze potential challenges and opportunities and evaluate the role of possible new regulations in shaping the future of the workforce.

Additionally, complete thorough research to gather evidence, statistics, and expert opinions that support your arguments and provide credibility to your analysis.

Remember: organize your ideas logically, provide clear transitions between paragraphs, and use evidence effectively to support your claims. An excellent way to do this is to connect the last sentence of a section with the beginning of the next paragraph and consistently revise your arguments.

Finally, finish your essay by summarizing a conclusion with key points and reinforcing the significance of your thesis statement in the broader context of the topic. An effective way to do this is to leave the reader wanting more or open the topic to the discussion in the overall answer presented during your paper.

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bold statement for thesis

A Strong Thesis Statement Takes Some Sort of Stand

A strong thesis statement asserts a clear position or argument, demonstrating the writer's perspective and opinion. It goes beyond written facts or summarizing. The topic needs to present a debate, a claim that invites discussion and analysis. It can be done in one sentence or expanded over an entire paragraph.

For example, instead of a weak thesis statement stating, "Climate change is happening," decide for a stronger thesis statement such as, "Human activities are the primary drivers of climate change, necessitating urgent action to mitigate its impacts."

By taking a decisive position, the thesis statement sets the tone for the essay. It guides the direction of the argument, prompting critical engagement and debate.

Check out how to end a college essay to learn more about college essays!

thesis statement writing

Frequently Asked Questions About Thesis Statements

What is a thesis statement, and why does it matter in academic writing.

A thesis statement is a central argument or main idea guiding the reader through the author's perspective on a topic. Preparing an effective thesis statement is crucial as it ensures clarity and coherence in your writing, allowing readers to understand your perspective and the direction of your argument.

Why is formulating a clear and concise thesis statement essential?

Many students struggle to articulate a well-defined thesis statement, leading to confusion and frustration in their writing process. A clear and concise thesis statement is a roadmap for your essay, guiding the writer and the readers to ensure coherence throughout your entire paper.

How can I simplify the process of creating a strong thesis statement?

To simplify crafting a strong thesis statement, begin by brainstorming potential topics that resonate with your interests and passions. Consider questions like "What excites me?" or "What makes me angry?" to guide your topic selection. Activities like walking or playing with pets can also spark creative ideas. Once you've chosen a topic, frame it as a question that prompts critical analysis and exploration.

Explore Bold.org scholarships and the hundreds of articles for students , from navigating the world of financial aid to how to write scholarship essays to win free money.

About Jaeme

Jaeme Velez is an exceptionally dynamic writer, researcher, and avid enthusiast for science and technology. He brings a deep understanding of securing scholarships, obtaining student loans, and navigating the transition from community college to university.

As a first-generation college student, Jaeme began pursuing the dramatic arts and made a significant transition to pursuing academic studies at L.A. Valley College, focusing on Communication and English. He graduated cum laude with a B.A. in Creative Writing at Columbia University in the city of New York. His academic excellence has been recognized through the Casdin Family Scholarship Award and his membership in the Columbia University Honor Society.

Jaeme's academic path is marked by a profound passion for literature and storytelling, particularly in exploring the confluence of diverse cultures and languages while addressing social disparities. Alongside his literary interests, Jaeme maintains a keen curiosity for science and technology, actively engaging in research and projects related to Artificial Intelligence, Design, and human-computer interaction.

Balancing work and full-time studies as a first-generation college student has endowed Jaeme with a wealth of experience and insights. In his role as a Content Writer at Bold.org, Jaeme shares invaluable wisdom and advice, drawing from his personal journey to provide the guidance he wishes he had received at the start of his academic journey. 

His work is fueled by the desire to equip the next generations of students with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate their unique academic paths. From financial literacy to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Jaeme strives to contribute to the ongoing discourse on education and support the next generations of scholars, r egardless of their age, background, or current stage in life, as they traverse the complexities of higher learning.

Since joining the Bold.org team in 2023 as a Content Writer, Jaeme has employed his distinctive background as a first-generation student alongside his familiarity with scholarships and student loans to guide students through the intricacies of academic life, emphasizing that every student's journey is distinct and worthy of recognition. 

Through his writing and advocacy, Jaeme leverages his personal and professional experiences to provide comprehensive support to students. He is dedicated to empowering students and addressing the challenges they encounter in their pursuit of higher education. 

Quote from Jaeme

“Who is the person? What's their problem? Do your research. Offer solutions.”

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what's blueprint thesis

A Writer's Handbook

  • Introduction
  • Purpose & Audience
  • Opening Sentences
  • Linking Sentences

General Thesis

Other thesis types notes.

  • Finished Introduction
  • Topic Sentences
  • Development
  • Conclusion Sentences
  • Conclusion Paragraphs for Essays
  • Essay Writing Organization: The Outline
  • Annotating Readings
  • General Writing Idea Development
  • Rhetorical and Visual Analysis Idea Development
  • Character Analysis Idea Development
  • Theme Analysis Idea Development
  • Theory Analysis
  • Using the Library
  • Using Sources for Illustration or Support
  • Using Research for Essays
  • Writing About Research
  • MLA Handbook Summary for Citations
  • Final Thoughts on Essays
  • Literary Element Index
  • Appendix of Example Papers

Most important sentence in the introduction

  • Structure for the entire paper
  • Suggests your point of view or argument

Two different types

  • Very specifically lays out the 3 or more points in the body
  • Follows specific “blueprint”
  • Lays out general argument that allows for a little bit of freedom in the organization of the body paragraphs
  • No specific “blueprint”
  • X, Y, and Z refer to the three or more body paragraph topics a writer wishes to discuss within the paper
  • "Topical argument/stance on topic" + body topic X, body topic Y, and body topic Z.

Although many people think of addiction as drug or alcohol related, Jane’s story shows that "even work can be an addiction" because it ruins relationships , creates mental suffering , and causes health problems .

"Topical argument/stance on topic:  even "work" can be an addiction"

Body topic X:  ruins relationships

Body topic Y:  creates mental suffering

Body topic Z:  causes health problems

  • A general thesis sentence carries no specific blueprint but still holds the idea of the entire paper
  • Although there are no specific points to follow, a general thesis will have logical body paragraph topics that will fall in line under the thesis argument

Although many people think of addiction as something geared toward alcohol or drugs, Jane’s story illustrates how "work can become an addiction."

"Idea of paper:  work can become an addiction"

Compare and Contrast

  • Whichever--compare or contrast--you will be focusing on the most will need to be in the last part of the sentence, and the other will need to be mentioned first
  • Example:  If you want to focus on the differences between two cars:

Although the Camaro and the Tahoe are both vehicles made by Chevrolet, they differ in price, body style, and performance.  (X, Y, Z thesis)

Cause and Effect

  • Same rule as above:  whichever topic your paper will be focusing more on will need to be the last mentioned
  • Example: If you want to focus on the effects of smoking:

Due to the smoking in most restaurants, even the non-smoking guests are turning up with lung disease and other problems caused by smoking.  (General Thesis)

  • Same rule as above:  whichever side of the argument you will be more focused on will need to be the last mentioned
  • Example: The pros and cons of tougher immigration laws with a heavier argument toward the pros:

Many people who are against immigration policy think the laws violate civil and human rights; however, tougher immigration laws would decrease crime instances and provide better access to citizenship for those who legally enter the country.

  • Example: The pros and cons of tougher immigration laws with a heavier argument toward the cons:

Although people argue that tougher immigration laws may decrease crime rate, the new immigration policy under discussion is a violation of many human beings’ basic civil rights.

  • If you are writing about a piece of literature, always include the name of the author and the name of the work in the thesis statement
  • If you are comparing and contrasting items or talking about two different ideas within one paper, be sure to mention both ideas or both items in the thesis
  • As a general rule, a thesis is ALWAYS the last sentence of the introduction
  • A thesis is NEVER a quote or a question
  • A thesis NEVER uses the phrase(s) “This paper will show you…” or “I will now tell you about…” etc.
  • Even if a thesis does not have a blue print, it MUST have a point or argument
  • << Previous: Linking Sentences
  • Next: Finished Introduction >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 3, 2023 9:01 AM
  • URL: https://library.jeffersonstate.edu/AWH


Blueprints for Academic Research Projects

Today's post is written by Dr. Ben Ellway, the founder of www.academic-toolkit.com . Ben completed his Ph.D. at The University of Cambridge and created the  Research Design Canvas , a multipurpose tool for learning about academic research and designing a research project. 

Based on requests from students for examples of completed research canvases, Ben created the  Research Model Builder Canvas . 

This canvas modifies the original questions in the nine building blocks to enable students to search for key information in a journal article and then reassemble it on the canvas to form a research model — a single-page visual summary of the journal article which captures how the research was designed and conducted. 

Ben’s second book,  Building Research Models,  explains how to use the Research Model Builder Canvas to become a more confident and competent reader of academic journal articles, while simultaneously building research models to use as blueprints to guide the design of your own project .  

Ben has created a template for Stormboard based on this tool and this is his brief guide on how to begin using it.

Starting with a blank page can be daunting

The Research Design Canvas brings together the key building blocks of academic research on a single page and provides targeted questions to help you design your own project. However, starting with a blank page can be a daunting prospect! 

Academic research is complex as it involves multiple components, so designing and conducting your own project can be overwhelming, especially if you lack confidence in making decisions or are confused about how the components of a project fit together. It is much easier to start a complex task and long process such as designing a research project when you have an existing research model or ‘blueprint’ to work from. 

Starting with a ‘blueprint’ — tailored to your topic area — is much easier

Using the Research Model Builder Canvas, you can transform a journal article in your topic into a research model or blueprint — a single-page visualization of how a project was designed and conducted. 

The research model — and equally importantly the process of building it — will improve your understanding of academic research, and will also provide you with a personalized learning resource for your Thesis. You can use the research model as a blueprint to refer to specific decisions and their justification, and how components of research fit together, to help you begin to build your own project. 

Obviously, each project is unique so you’ll be using the blueprint as a guide rather than as a ‘cookie cutter’ solution. Seeing the components of a completed research project together on a single page (which  you  produced from a ten or twenty-page journal article) — is a very powerful learning resource to have on your academic research journey.

Build research models on Stormboard 

If you prefer to work digitally rather than with paper and pen, you can use the Research Model Builder Canvas Template in Stormboard. 

By using the Stormboard template, you’ll be able to identify key content and points from the journal article and then quickly summarize these on digital sticky notes. You can easily edit the sticky notes to rearrange, delete, or expand upon the ideas and points. You can then refer back to the permanent visual research model you created, share it with fellow students, or discuss it with your supervisors.

What are the building blocks of the research model?

The template has nine building blocks. 

The original questions in the building blocks of the research design canvas are modified in the research model builder canvas. They are designed to help you locate the most important points, decisions, and details in a journal article.  

what's blueprint thesis

A brief introduction to the purpose of each building block is provided below to help you familiarize yourself with the research model you will build.

Phenomenon / Problem

What does the research focus on? What were the main ‘things’ investigated and discussed in the journal article? Did the research involve a real-world problem?

What area (or areas) of past literature are identified and introduced? Which sources are especially important?

Observations & Arguments 

What are the most crucial points made by the authors in their analysis of past research? What evidence, issues, and themes are the focus of the literature review? Is a gap in past research identified? 

Research Questions / Hypotheses 

What are the research questions and/or hypotheses? How are they justified? If none are stated, what line of investigation is pursued?  

Theory & Concepts 

Does the research involve a theoretical or conceptual component? If so, what are the key concepts / theory? What role do they play in the research?  

Methodology / Design / Methods  

What methods and data were used? How are the decisions justified? 

Sample / Context 

What sampling method is used? Is the research context important?


What contribution(s) do the authors claim that their research makes? Is the value-add more academically or practically-oriented? Are real-world stakeholders and the implications for them mentioned? 

Philosophical Assumptions / Research Paradigm 

These are not usually mentioned or discussed in journal articles. Indeed, this building block can be confusing if you are not familiar with research philosophy or are confused by its seemingly abstract focus. If you understand these ideas, can you identify any implicit assumptions or a research paradigm in the article?

Compare two research models to appreciate the diversity of research

The easiest way to increase your appreciation of the different types and ways of conducting academic research is to build  multiple  research models. 

Start by building two models. Compare and contrast them. Which decisions and aspects are similar and which are different? What can you learn from each research model and how can this help you when designing your own research and Thesis? 

Building research models will help you to appreciate the diversity in the different types of research conducted in your topic area.

Transforming a ten or twenty-page journal article into a single-page visual summary is a powerful way to learn about how academic research is designed and conducted — and also what a completed research project looks like. 

The Stormboard template makes the process of building research models easy, and the ability to save, edit, and share them ensures that you’ll be able to refer back to these blueprints at various stages throughout your research journey and Thesis writing process. 

When you get confused, become stuck, or feel overwhelmed by the complexity of academic research, you can fall back on the research models you created to guide you and get you back on track. Good luck!

Are you interested in trying the Research Model Builder Canvas? Sign up for a free trial now!

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How to Write a Thesis Proposal

If you want to build a house, step one is not wandering over to the next vacant lot with a hammer, some nails, and a pile of boards. Your first step is probably finding an appealing place to build your house—an empty plot of land where the roads are good and where you can pretty easily connect the gas, electricity, and water. Step two is drawing up a blueprint for what you plan to build.

If a thesis is a house, then a thesis proposal is your blueprint. It’s you figuring out how your thesis will fit into the space you’ve found, how you’ll build it, and whether it will stand up to the harsh winds of your thesis adviser’s opinions and the tremors of a difficult defense. A thesis proposal allows you to clearly define—and even more crucially, limit—the focus and scope of your research. Producing an excellent thesis blueprint means that you won’t accidentally find you’re trying to build a skyscraper when you should be aiming at a bungalow—and that you have all the supplies and equipment you need.

But how do you create a research proposal? How do you know what it should include? The style and length of your thesis proposal will vary a bit depending on your school’s requirements and the type of thesis you will eventually produce, but the fundamentals will always be the same, and those are what we’re going to cover here. So let’s look at how to write a thesis proposal.

Choosing a Topic

The first step (a step that you must take before figuring out how to write a thesis proposal or even a thesis proposal outline) is choosing a topic for your thesis. The point of embarking on this kind of project is that you’ll first find and then fill a gap in the established, preexisting research in your field. You’re looking for a manageable topic—something focused enough that you can cover it within your word limit but broad enough that you actually have something to write about.

Undergraduate theses are often less revolutionary and more about surveying or analyzing the existing research on a particular topic. This is appropriate because these projects are shorter in length—and you have much less time (typically months rather than years) to work on them. An undergraduate thesis can run anywhere from ten to thirty pages. A master’s thesis is typically forty to eighty pages and might present some original research, or it might be a significant reinterpretation of preexisting research.

A doctoral thesis is (naturally) the longest of these three, and the research it presents should be more groundbreaking and challenging to complete. That investment of time and mental energy is what’s going to earn you the right to demand that everyone call you “Doctor.”

Tips for Choosing a Thesis Topic

  • Consider your interests. What makes you sit up and your brain feel fizzy? You’re about to spend a lot of time working on this topic. It had better be something that fascinates you.
  • Explore open-ended questions. How or why questions offer you more scope and flexibility than what or who  questions.
  • Consider the time. How long will your project take to complete? Make sure you have enough time to get from here to there.
  • Research any funding you’ll need. Will you need to travel or establish an experimental protocol? If so, can you get the funding for these projects? How do these affect your projected timeline? Save the long-view research for your later career, and find something you can finish.
  • If it’s a controversial topic, choose wisely. Be realistic about whether you’re likely to encounter stiff resistance during your defense. Something that goes against all existing research will demand greater rigor and effort from you than something that challenges only a part of what is currently considered established knowledge.
  • Make it publishable. Are all possible outcomes to your research interesting and academically publishable? Or is there a potential dead end that you can avoid by shifting your focus now?
  • Think long term. How will the project affect (and improve) your marketability for the future? There is life after your thesis, after all. Where do you want to be, and how can your work now help get you there?

Structuring Your Thesis Proposal

A thesis proposal usually includes some or all of the following elements:

  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Thesis statement
  • Literature review or annotated bibliography
  • Approach/methods
  • Preliminary results and discussion
  • Work plan and schedule
  • Research implications

The thesis proposal outline above shows one potential way to order the parts, but (and this is important) you won’t work on those elements in that order. For example, that table of contents? It’s probably the last thing you’ll work on. Similarly, you can’t write the abstract until you’ve written everything else.

thesis structure

Let’s look at how to write a thesis proposal in greater detail.

Title Page and Creating a Title

The title of your project is likely to be a brief statement of your research topic, approach, and intent. It will be far easier to write a title once you’ve written a thesis statement (see below) because it is likely to restate or incorporate your thesis statement.

Violence and Redemption in Modern Afghani Literature: A Marxist Analysis of Power Structures in The Kite Runner and The Wasted Vigil

Living the Fantasy: Addiction and Social Identity in World of Warcraft

Your title page will include this title, your name, your department and institution, your adviser, your adviser’s institution, and the date you’re submitting the proposal.

Writing an Abstract

An abstract is a short summary of your full proposal, usually about a page in length. It hits the highlights of the proposal as a whole, including your title, your thesis statement, a quick summary of your plan of research, and a statement about why this project matters.

Table of Contents

If you’re writing your table of contents, you’re minutes away from a celebratory “Woo-hoo!” because you’re almost finished. A table of contents will list all the headings and subheadings of your proposal with lovely indentations and the correct page numbers. If you’re using MS Word, and you’ve been formatting your headings in the appropriate styles, you can automatically generate a table of contents that will make everything look very pretty indeed.

Writing the Thesis Statement

It’s not a simple question: How do you write a good thesis statement? Your thesis statement may well be the hardest sentence (or two—three at the most) you ever have to write. Despairing tears or frustrated anger are not out of the question. However, once you formulate that thesis statement, you will be off and running because now you have a beautifully clear and specific goal to head for.

A thesis statement should clearly define the scope and intent of your project. It might be a hypothesis or a question, or it might be a firm statement. The hours of work that will become your thesis will then prove (or possibly disprove, though hopefully in a deeply productive way) your thesis statement, so it should be something provable—something that can in some way be measured.

Let’s look at some examples of how to write a good thesis statement.

Not so good:

Taking a year off between high school and college is a good idea.

A “good idea” is vague and indefensible. Good by whose standards? How can you prove that?

Students who take a year off between high school and college are more academically successful than their peers.

This is better because it limits the scope of the project to academics, but it’s still rather vague and unwieldy. It also doesn’t suggest what metrics will be used to judge “academically successful.”

Better still:

Students who take a year off between high school and college are significantly more likely than their peers to graduate within four years with a B average or better.

This thesis statement works because it is concrete and measurable. The data you collect will either clearly prove the statement or disprove it.

How does the internet affect social behavior?

Wow, that’s a huge question. Also, there is nothing to prove, measure, or evaluate. It’s a topic rather than a thesis. It might be what you’re generally interested in, but you have yet to find the aspect of this topic that you can effectively research.

The internet has changed how American teens approach gender.

At least this is a statement, but it’s still too vague. “Changed” how? And what does “approach” mean?

The social media profiles of American teens thirteen to eighteen years old reflect this demographic’s increasing comfort with fluid sexual and gender identities.

This thesis statement could probably still be improved, but it is getting toward something measurable and provable.

Writing a Thesis Proposal Introduction

Your introduction will do just that—introduce your readers to your topic and thesis. Don’t mistake this for an introductory paragraph, however. This is where you’ll summarize your project in the hopes of intriguing and engaging the committee that will either approve your thesis project or send you back to the drawing board. Your writing should be as clear, straightforward, and free from jargon as possible. You’ll contextualize your project within the broader scope of the topic, perhaps exploring the papers, research, or work that led to your formulation of your thesis. You’ll explain why your project excites you. You’ll illustrate your competence to embark on this project. Basically, you’ll sell your proposal.

Literature Review or Annotated Bibliography

You might be able to quickly cover the most relevant literature in your proposal introduction, but if there are many articles or books relevant to your research, your thesis proposal might include an annotated bibliography or a literature review (which is slightly more informal and conversational in approach). Here is where you’d not only list the most influential and crucial texts that underpin your research but also explain why they matter—that is, how they fit into your project. This is a way to show that gap in the research that you will be filling with your thesis project.

Explain Your Proposed Methods or Approach

Most thesis projects demand original research of some kind, and for degrees in the sciences (including the social sciences), that research may very well take the form of an experiment or raw data collection. Here is where you should describe your proposed methodology. What materials will you use? How will you collect your data? How will you analyze the data once it’s collected? Are you taking a qualitative or quantitative approach? Why? Will you need outside funding (for travel or other costs), and how do you propose to acquire that funding? Do you need space and equipment to conduct your research?

Provide Preliminary Results

It may be that you have already been testing the viability of your thesis project with some preliminary research (which is not a bad idea). If so, here is where you should provide the results of that research and your tentative interpretation of those results. Clearly show how this work fits into your larger project—and how it proves that you’re heading down a productive road of inquiry.

Design a Work Plan

Even if your particular program or professor doesn’t require you to include a work plan in your thesis proposal, you should still make one. There’s nothing more likely than a schedule—with deadlines!—to keep you on track and get your thesis done on time.

This section should

  • lay out your plan,
  • list the various stages of your project,
  • set deadlines for the completion of each stage, and
  • detail any work you’ve already completed.

In addition, your work plan should take into account any challenges (personal, practical, or institutional) that may affect the completion of the study.

Discuss Research Implications

Here, you are striving to answer this question: Why does this project matter in this place and at this time? It’s actually a wonderful exercise in focusing your own thoughts and evaluating the worth of your proposed project. Are you remedying a misunderstanding that might affect how to treat a particular medical condition? Are you exploring the dynamics of a culture that is (socially or politically) especially relevant at the moment? Are you providing new insight into a classic work of literature or music that will reinvigorate teachers and academics? Your research might have implications for the entire world or it might be of interest only to other specialists in your subject, but that really doesn’t matter. The point is to figure out and clearly state how your research will enhance the sum total of knowledge.

Notes and Bibliography

All statements in this thesis proposal need to be supported with data, whether that data is derived from your own research or gleaned from a third party. Using whatever citation style is most appropriate to your field, you should give credit to all your sources, primary or secondary. Note that this is separate from your literature review in that you’re only going to cite the sources you’ve used in your proposal.

Thesis Proposal Defense / Thesis Proposal Presentation

Your college or university may require you to appear in person at a thesis proposal defense or to make a thesis proposal presentation. In both cases, however, you’ll be presenting your proposal to your thesis committee (and possibly others) and then potentially answering their questions about your project. While this might seem alarming, this event is actually an excellent opportunity to pick your committee’s brain about possible obstacles or objections you will need to overcome while working on your project. Better to know right now that they’d rather you took a quantitative approach than do all the work and then discover their preference. It will also help focus you since knowing something is one level of understanding it—but explaining it to someone else can take your understanding to a much deeper level.

You should now have a much deeper understanding of how to write a thesis proposal. A clear, thorough, well-thought-out thesis proposal allows you to see the entire shape of your project before you invest huge amounts of time and energy into research that might end up leading nowhere. Your thesis proposal sets the stage for the success of your project as a whole, and it should reflect and predict the quality you intend to produce in your final thesis. That’s why your thesis proposal presentation also matters. In addition, remember that proofreading counts. It’s extremely important to carefully review your finished proposal for spelling, grammar, and structural errors.

With your thesis proposal completed and approved, you’re well on your way to embarking on what might be the most important project of your life to date. We wish you all the best with your studies, and if you decide you want an editor to cast an expert eye over any part—large or small—of your project, we here at Elite are happy to help!

Want more? Check out this post on credible online sources and how to find them.

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Chapter 1: creating the blueprint for your dissertation.

The first chapter of your dissertation can be challenging to complete, and as many of our dissertation assistance  clients have shared, it can even be difficult to start! This is because the introduction to the dissertation provides a blueprint for the rest of the study, laying out key aspects of your proposed research that will be covered in more depth in subsequent chapters. 

what's blueprint thesis

This means that in addition to mastering the fine art of APA editing  and formatting, you need to have a fairly solid understanding of the applications of quantitative or qualitative research methods, an in-depth appraisal of the current literature on your topic, and a firm grasp of the concept of alignment to write your first chapter. Understandably, this might seem a bit intimidating for first-time researchers! We hope that the following section-by-section overview helps to ease you into this first major chapter in your dissertation.

what's blueprint thesis

Background: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

All studies, dissertations included, contribute to the larger body of research on a particular topic, and your aim with this section is to help the reader understand the specific literature context for your dissertation. As you may already know, you will complete an in-depth discussion of the research literature related to your topic in your literature review chapter; however, a brief background section in your first chapter helps to orient the reader to the current research related to your dissertation topic. 

When writing the background section, include at least one paragraph on each key element of your topic (Sampson, 2012). For example, if you plan to conduct statistical analysis  to determine the relationship between exposure to trauma, substance misuse, and homelessness in men with schizophrenia, your background will need to cover the four key elements of: (a) trauma exposure, (b) substance misuse, (c) homelessness, and (d) men who experience schizophrenia.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Background Section?

  • Brief summary of relevant research on key elements of your topic
  • Description of gap in research that your study will help to address
  • Explanation of the reason the study is needed

Problem Statement: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

Although the problem statement i s fairly short, usually running 250 to 350 words, many of our dissertation consulting clients have expressed that they found it to be the most challenging section of Chapter 1 to write. This short section is the centerpiece of the topic development  process, as it helps to illustrate the need for your study by explaining the problem that you will address with your dissertation, including whom the problem affects and how. Because your dissertation must contribute to an existing gap in the research, it is important that you draw only from very recent sources (i.e., those published within the last 3 to 5 years) when developing the problem statement.

A common mistake we encourage our dissertation assistance clients to avoid is equating a lack of research with the research gap; these are not the same thing. Instead, the research gap actually consists of at least three other recent studies that express a need for additional quantitative or qualitative research in a particular area. Another common error is to use this section to describe what you intend to investigate through your study or to explain what type of statistical analysis or qualitative analysis   you have planned; but, save that information for later in the chapter and just focus on the problem for now.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Problem Statement Section?

  • Description of problem of interest, including whom it affects and how
  • Prevalence statistic (i.e., how widespread is the problem?)
  • Citations of 12-15 recent (i.e., published within last 3-5 years) sources that document the existence of the problem
  • Citations of at least three current studies that note a need for additional research on the topic

Purpose: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

In this very short section of the chapter, your goal is to help the reader understand the aims of your dissertation. The first sentence—or purpose statement—should contain all key information on how you intend to address the problem you articulated in the previous section (Bloomberg & Volpe, 2008). As the purpose statement is presented verbatim throughout the dissertation, it helps to be thorough and yet concise, stating the method, design, variables or phenomena of interest, population, and often, location of the study. Our dissertation assistance clients often find that they need to go through a few rounds of committee review and editing in order to get the phrasing of the purpose statement just right.

what's blueprint thesis

An important note is that the verbs you choose for the purpose statement must align with the research method and design . For example, you might say that the purpose of a qualitative research study is to explore the lived experiences of your participants with regard to some specific phenomenon. On the other hand, you would not use the verb “explore” if you’re planning a study that involves statistical analysis of relationships between variables. For quantitative studies, use verbs such as “examine” or “investigate.” As an example, you might say that the purpose of a quantitative correlational study is to examine the relationship between two or more variables of interest.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Purpose Section?

  • Specify the method and design
  • Use a verb that aligns with method and design
  • Specify variables when using quantitative method, or phenomenon of interest for qualitative research

Research Questions: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

In this section, your aim is to help readers understand the specific questions that you will answer through your dissertation. These are your research questions, which must convey “all methodological aspects of the research” (Sampson, 2012, p. 28). Because of this, they need to align with your purpose statement, using the same terminology for population and variables/phenomena of interest. 

Research questions must also be carefully worded so that they reflect the research approach and intended analysis. For example, statistical analysis terminology such as “relationship” and “difference” should not be used in qualitative research questions, as qualitative analysis  cannot determine relationships or differences between variables. As with your dissertation’s purpose statement, perfecting the research questions may require a few rounds of committee review and editing because every word matters.

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If you are planning to conduct qualitative research, it may help to understand that the research questions are not the same as the interview questions  that you will later ask your participants. This is a common misunderstanding among our dissertation consulting clients who are conducting qualitative research for the first time. For example, imagine that you are planning a qualitative analysis of African American executives’ experiences of ascent to leadership positions. Although you might be interested in asking your participants questions about their early experiences, education, mentorship, training, and networking, you wouldn’t write research questions for each of these topics. Instead, you would create one or two very broad research questions that refer to the phenomenon of interest (i.e., experiences of ascent to leadership positions for African American executives), which create an “umbrella” for the more specific interview questions that will guide data collection  for your dissertation.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Research Questions Section?

  • Align the research questions with the purpose statement
  • Align the research questions with research method and design
  • Present the research questions with hypotheses if using a quantitative method

Theoretical Framework: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

In this section, your aim is to help the reader understand the explanatory structure that will hold your dissertation together logically. With a theoretical framework, you base this structure on established theories that help to explain how specific variables or dimensions relate to each other; with a conceptual framework, you base the structure on your own literature-based analysis of how key variables or phenomena relate to one another. To provide an appropriate explanatory structure, the theoretical or conceptual framework needs to align with your problem, purpose, and research questions (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). Whether you are conducting qualitative analysis or statistical analysis, you will also need to interpret your dissertation’s findings through the lens of your framework in your discussion chapter .

What Are the Essential Elements of the Theoretical Framework Section?

  • Cite the originators of the theory
  • Explain the key tenets of the theory
  • Explain how the framework makes sense for your study, given its topic

what's blueprint thesis

Nature of the Study: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

When developing this section, your aim is to help the reader to understand the proposed methodological plan for your dissertation. In addition to specifying the research method and research design, you must also present your rationale for choosing this approach (Bloomberg & Volpe, 2008). For example, if you have selected a qualitative research method , you will need to explain not only why this method aligns with your purpose but also why statistical analysis (i.e., a quantitative method) would not be suitable for answering your research questions. Although you will cover this in greater depth in your methods chapter, this section should also briefly discuss your sample and data collection, along with the specific type of statistical analysis or qualitative analysis you will use to analyze your data.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Nature of the Study Section?

  • Provide rationale for choice of method
  • Provide rationale for choice of research design
  • Briefly describe sample, data collection, data analysis

Assumptions: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

Your objective in this section is to help readers understand the assumptions that it was necessary for you to make to conduct your study; these are aspects of your dissertation that you believe—but cannot prove—to be true. One common assumption is that participants will respond to questions honestly and accurately. Note that for quantitative studies,  there will also be assumptions that are related to the statistical analysis regarding properties of the data, such as independence of observations, normality of the distribution, and homogeneity of variances. Our statisticians often help with developing appropriate assumptions for our dissertation assistance clients who are completing quantitative studies.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Assumptions Section?

  • Only include those assumptions that are essential to the particular study
  • Explain why it is necessary to make those assumptions

what's blueprint thesis

Scope and Delimitations: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

In writing this section, your aim is to help the reader to understand the specific aspects of the problem you will investigate through your dissertation (i.e., its scope) and also aspects of the problem that you will not examine (i.e., its delimitations). For example, imagine that you are conducting qualitative research  to explore perspectives on cognitive-behavior therapy among persons who experience depression. You would explain this focus and why you selected it, additionally specifying populations (e.g., persons with co-occurring mental health diagnoses) and treatments (e.g., mindfulness-based therapies) that you have chosen not to focus on in your dissertation.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Scope and Delimitations Section?

  • Specific focus of study and why you chose this
  • Aspects of topic, populations, or frameworks that you will not investigate

Limitations: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

Your aim in this section is to help readers understand the potential shortcomings of your study. Limitations may arise from your dissertation’s methodology or procedures, and they typically relate to either internal validity or external validity (Price & Murnan, 2004). For example, internal validity may be threatened if you are using an instrument with incomplete or inadequate psychometric properties, and procedures such as convenience sampling may limit the external validity (i.e., generalizability) of your results. The small, purposive samples typically used in qualitative research also limit generalizability, and even though this is normal and expected, it is still important to acknowledge this limitation formally.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Limitations Section?

  • Aspects of the study that could limit generalizability
  • Potential sources of bias
  • Steps you will take to minimize these limitations

what's blueprint thesis

Significance: What Is the Overall Aim of This Section?

When preparing the significance section, your aim is to help readers understand how your dissertation’s findings might benefit specific individuals or the general public by reducing or eliminating the issue you described in your problem statement. By demonstrating the social significance of your proposed study in this section, you justify the investment in time and resources that you, your committee, and your university will make over the course of the study (Sampson, 2012).

As an example, imagine that your plan is to use your dissertation to help address the general problem of teacher attrition in rural school districts, and your specific problem is lack of effective mentorship in such settings. An outcome that you would hope for, given this general and specific problem, is that your dissertation’s findings would help to increase the quality of mentorship for new teachers in rural areas, thereby increasing retention. Note that it is important to keep your significance statements reasonable, considering the scope and boundaries of your dissertation. Although you might hope that increasing teacher retention would help to increase high school students’ graduation rates and college readiness, these student-specific implications would be outside of the bounds of your specific study.

What Are the Essential Elements of the Significance Section?

  • Explain potential contributions to knowledge and practice
  • Align implications for positive social change with the field of study
  • Keep implications reasonable, given the scope of the study

what's blueprint thesis

Final Thoughts

The potential contributions you can make to the world around you through your research are undoubtedly considerable, and our dissertation consultants   would be thrilled to support you to bring your study to its full potential. We definitely recommend that you take the time to develop a top-notch Chapter 1, as this sets the tone for the remainder of your dissertation research. Best of luck with your research, and if we can help in any way, please let us know !

Bloomberg, L. D., & Volpe, M. (2008). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A roadmap from beginning to end . Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781452226613.n1

Grant, C., & Osanloo, A. (2014). Understanding, selecting, and integrating a theoretical framework in dissertation research: Creating the blueprint for your “house”.  Administrative Issues Journal ,  4 (2), 12-26. https://doi.org/10.5929/2014.4.2.9

Price, J. H., & Murnan, J. (2004). Research limitations and the necessity of reporting them.  American Journal of Health Education ,  35 (2), 66-67. https://doi.org/10.1080/19325037.2004.10603611

Sampson, J. P. (2012). Guide to quantitative and qualitative dissertation research . Florida State University Libraries. https://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu:405471/datastream/PDF/view

what's blueprint thesis

Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center at MTSU

University writing center, com 5: thesis statements.

Dynamic PDF:   Thesis Statements

The  thesis statement  is perhaps the most crucial part of your essay because it presents the main idea or main argument of the piece of writing. In academic essays, your thesis statement is often located in the introductory paragraph; however, this is not always the case. Consider the rhetorical situation and assignment guidelines to determine where to best place your thesis.  

What does a thesis statement do?

  • Informs the reader how to interpret the paper’s significance
  • Serves as a sign post for the essay, showing where the rest of the paper is headed
  • Offers a unique perspective on the topic at hand
  • Makes a claim or argument about a topic or issue

Creating a Thesis Statement

Once you have brainstormed about a topic, collected evidence to support your claims, and thought about the significance of your ideas, you should decide what you are arguing about the topic at hand. After this consideration, you’ll likely find yourself with a working thesis statement that expresses your main idea. You may have to write your thesis multiple times before you feel it captures all you want to say about your argument.

Remember, your thesis statement is different from the topic itself. For example, the  topic  of your paper might be “Running” or even “Why People Should Run.” Your  thesis statement , however, will present an argument about running and explain the significance.

There are two types of thesis statements, blueprint and umbrella.

  • A  blueprint thesis  lists what will be discussed in your paper (EX: Running is important because A, B, and C.). While blueprint thesis statements are sometimes appropriate, you may find them limiting, especially for longer papers.
  • An  umbrella thesis  presents an overview of your argument without listing all of the individual components. An umbrella thesis allows you to express your argument in a condensed, concise way (EX: People who are interested in starting an exercise program should consider running because of the instant health benefits, both physical and mental.) While we know this paper will argue that running provides physical and mental health benefits, the writer does not have to list each one that will be discussed in the essay.

After you craft your thesis statement, ask yourself some questions about what your thesis statement accomplishes. This will help strengthen and clarify your main idea:

  • Do I answer the question asked of me by this assignment?
  • If this essay is argumentative, have I taken a clear position?
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough?
  • Does my thesis pass the “so what?” test? How is this idea related to a larger significance?

Remember,  as you continue to develop your paper, your thesis statement may evolve. While your original thesis can serve as a guide, you should feel free to change your thesis based on the research you conduct or the ideas you further develop.

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Manuscript-Style Theses and Dissertations

Before you begin, what is a manuscript-style thesis.

A manuscript-style thesis is a document that includes one or more scholarly manuscripts written in a manner suitable for publication in appropriate venues. A manuscript-style thesis allows a student to prepare and present his or her graduate research work in a format that facilitates publication.

A manuscript-style thesis is not, however, merely a collection of published or publishable papers. It must meet the principles and objectives required of a thesis .

Who can submit a manuscript-style thesis?

Number and focus of manuscripts.

Although the Advisory Committee will discuss and approve the number and focus of manuscripts at the proposal stage, this may be modified by agreement of the committee as the research progresses. Such revisions must be approved by the supervisor and Advisory Committee.

Principles of Manuscript-Style Thesis Writing

Consistent with CGPS Policies and Procedures , all theses and dissertations must be written in good scholarly style and conform to the requirements approved by the academic unit. The following are intended to act as guidelines for minimum requirements in the creation of a manuscript-style thesis. Academic units may choose to provide additional discipline-specific instructions.

Choosing the format

The format and style of a thesis may differ from department to department, and from discipline to discipline. The student’s academic unit will identify an acceptable format for the thesis and communicate it to the student, and the style selected must be maintained throughout the thesis.


Consistency of format and style is essential in a manuscript-style thesis to produce a coherent and defendable document which will satisfy the principles of a thesis. Consistency will help maintain the integrity of the document as a cohesive whole and sustain the clarity required to facilitate the review of the thesis by the Advisory Committee and Examining Committee. 

Grammar, spelling and punctuation

Accepted rules of grammar must be followed, and forms of spelling and punctuation must be used with consistency.

Previously published manuscripts

Even if a manuscript was published in a particular format, when included as a chapter in a thesis, it will match the formatting standard of the thesis. For example, it is expected that the numbering of tables and figures within chapters should be done for the thesis as a whole, which means that there should not be two tables or two figures in the thesis with the same number. Previously published manuscripts should not simply be inserted into the thesis as copies of journal pages.

To ensure consistency and clarity in presentation, previously published materials should be assigned page numbers that are sequential within the thesis, and page numbers as they may have been assigned within the publication must be removed. The page numbers assigned within the publication will be included in the citation.

Chapter layout

Chapters of the thesis need to be numbered sequentially. Subsections, tables, figures and equations within each chapter will be assigned a unique number, (for example, use the chapter number followed by a sequentially increasing number, separated by a period, i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…), with no two elements of the same type having the same number. This will help ensure the clarity of the document and ease of navigation for the Examining Committee.

These can either be listed chapter-by-chapter, or be presented in a single list at the end of the thesis. If the chapter-by-chapter approach is adopted, each chapter, including chapters that are not manuscripts (such as the introduction and concluding chapters), requires a list of references.

If a single list appears at the end of the thesis, all references cited in the component manuscripts must be included in the list of references at the end of the thesis.

Getting Started

The thesis is a single cohesive document that presents and describes the entirety of the research work that was conducted as part of the graduate degree. Individual manuscripts in a manuscript-style thesis should fit together into a single body of work to achieve the goals of the thesis.

The manuscript-style thesis, as with any thesis, will develop a general theme that presents the candidate’s research work; it must include an introduction that outlines the theme and objectives of the research, and a conclusion that draws out its overall implications. The different chapters or sections will contribute to the general theme, but the substance of each chapter should focus on a different aspect of the research.

 As the thesis needs to be a single body of work, there needs to be some content of the thesis that deals with the thesis as a whole and unifies it into a single document. How this content is arranged may vary from discipline to discipline, and from thesis to thesis.

Introduction and Literature Review

The purpose of the introduction and review of literature is to

establish the student’s familiarity with relevant work in the field;

establish the purpose and objectives of the research;

place the research within the larger context of the discipline;

and provide overall context for the research manuscript(s).

The introduction should establish the central aim and themes of the research and explain how these are addressed in the various manuscripts making up the thesis. In some disciplines, a separate literature review (possibly as a distinct manuscript) will be a stand-alone chapter, rather than be included in the Introduction; while in other disciplines, the literature review may be incorporated as part of the manuscripts.

Methods (optional)

If appropriate to the discipline, a discussion of methodology, either as its own chapter, a section in the Introduction or, depending on the context, a section in each individual manuscript can be a necessary part of the thesis.

The manuscripts should fit together in the thesis much as chapters would normally fit together in any thesis. Specifically, it needs to be clear to the reader how each manuscript included in the thesis contributes to the overall objectives of the thesis outlined in the abstract and introduction, and should tie each manuscript to the overall aims of the research project.

There needs to be a clear and logical progression from one chapter to the next, so that the thesis functions as a complete and unified whole with a clear singular research project as its focus. How the author of the thesis accomplishes this task is at the discretion of the author, the Advisory Committee and, if available, the policies of the academic unit.

It may be useful to have short transition sections appended either to the beginning or end of appropriate manuscripts that explain the progression from one manuscript to the next; however, this transition may also be accomplished in the introductory and concluding chapters.


Each manuscript should have its own chapter. While the manuscript may be a published document, the format of the document in its role as a component of the thesis must be consistent with the thesis as a whole, regardless of the format in which the document was published (see comments on formatting above).

The manuscript content may also differ from the published version, and may include additional tables, figures or text, as required to ensure clarity. The format of the manuscript would normally include a brief introduction and statement of the research problem; synthesis of the literature; description of research methods and study area (if applicable); analysis, and presentation and discussion of results.

Manuscript length may vary and is at the discretion of the Advisory Committee, although the intent is to emulate the norms of publication or presentation in the discipline.

Discussion and Conclusions

The final chapter revisits the main contributions or findings of the research manuscript(s) within the broader context of the literature and discipline, linking the findings of each manuscript back to the literature  identified  in the introduction. Directions for future research are normally identified in this section, as well as any limitations to the research overall.

Each thesis is required to contain a concluding section that relates the individual manuscripts, and the conclusions drawn in those manuscripts, to the overarching goal of the thesis.

Appendices and Supporting Documentation

Material that is not part of the research manuscript(s) but deemed necessary by the student’s Advisory Committee as supporting documentation (e.g. research instruments; raw data summaries; copyright permissions, additional site descriptions, etc.) should be included in Appendices.

If there are changes suggested to published manuscripts (i.e., chapters of the thesis) through the defence process, these changes may be addressed and included in a separate appendix at the end of the thesis, if copyright issues are a concern, or if it disrupts the flow of a published manuscript to make the changes within the published chapter itself. This consideration is for published manuscripts only.

Co-authored Manuscripts

These can be included in the thesis, if acceptable to the student’s Advisory Committee and approved by the academic unit. The Advisory Committee will confirm that the student has made a substantial contribution to each of the manuscripts, and determine that the paper merits inclusion in the thesis.

There is no limit to the number of co-authors.


In a manuscript-style thesis, it is expected that the author of the thesis will be the lead author on at least one manuscript included in the thesis.

The manuscript-style thesis may include both published and unpublished manuscripts. However, the publication status of each manuscript should be clearly indicated.

For each published article, a complete citation, including first and last page numbers and recognition of the copyright holder, should be printed at the beginning of the manuscript.

To assist the Examining Committee in assessing work involving multiple authors, the student should include an explicit statement in the thesis describing his/ her original contributions to the paper in detail, and justifying the inclusion of the paper in the thesis. Individual disciplines and academic units may require further acknowledgment of contributions.

Where there may be two students who will include the same manuscript in two separate theses, each student should acknowledge the existence of the other thesis, and the fact that the manuscript appears in both theses.

Co-authors should understand obligations prior to thesis preparation

There may be cases when the student, supervisor(s) and other research collaborators are co-owners of the intellectual property presented within the thesis, and they may also be co-authors of the manuscript(s). Prior to preparing the thesis, all associated individuals should understand their respective obligations related to data confidentiality (if applicable), copyright, and authorship. The nature of these obligations will vary with discipline and with the specific policies of the academic unit.

With the approval of the academic unit, the same manuscript may appear in more than one thesis if multiple students are co-authors on the manuscript, and each made a significant contribution to the research and preparation of the manuscript.

Unpublished papers

For a paper that has been submitted but not yet published, a statement concerning the status of any dealing or contemplated dealing with the copyright or the auspices under which the work was prepared should be printed at the beginning of the manuscript.

Changes to original manuscript

Review of the thesis.

The merits of the manuscript-style thesis will be judged on the criteria outlined at the beginning of this guide and by the defence processes outlined for all theses. The judgement of the thesis rests with the Examining Committee (Advisory Committee plus the External Examiner) and is independent of, and separate from, any judgement (favourable or unfavourable) related to the acceptance of individual papers for publication or presentation within the relevant discipline.

Similar to all other theses, everything in the thesis is subject to review, criticism and possible revision following the oral defence.

Notwithstanding the status of a manuscript considered for publication by other means, the form and content of the thesis must be deemed acceptable by the External Examiner and a majority of  the Examining Committee in order for the student to complete the degree requirements.

It is the responsibility of the student and any co-authors of material included in the thesis to obtain from all copyright holders written permission to include copyrighted material in the thesis. Written permission must be obtained from any co-author who retains copyright, or from the person to whom the co-author has assigned copyright.

Any payment which might be required by the rights holder(s) is the responsibility of the student. The thesis should indicate that copyrighted and/or co-authored material have been printed either “with permission” or “under license” (either by a statement in the preface or on the first page of each article).

Copies of the letters of permission or licenses must be available upon request and may be included within the thesis as appendices. Given this, it would be good practice for students to inform the journals to which they submit manuscripts that these manuscripts may eventually be included within a manuscript-style thesis.

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COM 5: Thesis Statements

Dynamic PDF:   Thesis Statements

The thesis statement is perhaps the most crucial part of your essay because it presents the main idea or main argument of the piece of writing. In academic essays, your thesis statement is often located in the introductory paragraph; however, this is not always the case. Consider the rhetorical situation and assignment guidelines to determine where to best place your thesis.  

What does a thesis statement do?

  • Informs the reader how to interpret the paper’s significance
  • Serves as a sign post for the essay, showing where the rest of the paper is headed
  • Offers a unique perspective on the topic at hand
  • Makes a claim or argument about a topic or issue

Creating a Thesis Statement

Once you have brainstormed about a topic, collected evidence to support your claims, and thought about the significance of your ideas, you should decide what you are arguing about the topic at hand. After this consideration, you’ll likely find yourself with a working thesis statement that expresses your main idea. You may have to write your thesis multiple times before you feel it captures all you want to say about your argument.

Remember, your thesis statement is different from the topic itself. For example, the topic of your paper might be “Running” or even “Why People Should Run.” Your thesis statement , however, will present an argument about running and explain the significance.

There are two types of thesis statements, blueprint and umbrella.

  • A blueprint thesis lists what will be discussed in your paper (EX: Running is important because A, B, and C.). While blueprint thesis statements are sometimes appropriate, you may find them limiting, especially for longer papers.
  • An umbrella thesis presents an overview of your argument without listing all of the individual components. An umbrella thesis allows you to express your argument in a condensed, concise way (EX: People who are interested in starting an exercise program should consider running because of the instant health benefits, both physical and mental.) While we know this paper will argue that running provides physical and mental health benefits, the writer does not have to list each one that will be discussed in the essay.

After you craft your thesis statement, ask yourself some questions about what your thesis statement accomplishes. This will help strengthen and clarify your main idea:

  • Do I answer the question asked of me by this assignment?
  • If this essay is argumentative, have I taken a clear position?
  • Is my thesis statement specific enough?
  • Does my thesis pass the “so what?” test? How is this idea related to a larger significance?

Remember, as you continue to develop your paper, your thesis statement may evolve. While your original thesis can serve as a guide, you should feel free to change your thesis based on the research you conduct or the ideas you further develop.

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English 102 (Roth)

  • Finding Articles
  • Outline & Thesis Statement
  • Avoiding Plagiarism

What's the Point?

This unit is intended to refresh your memory of how to work through the research process and begin work on your paper.

  • Start by clicking through the Prezi about how the research process works.
  • Watch the video on how to use brainstorming to bring focus to your topic .
  • An outline can be a useful tool in keeping your paper focused, and many instructors ask to see one before you begin writing. The tab explains how to set one up.
  • Finally, thesis statements can be a struggle for many students. The overview presented provides pointers on how to structure a thesis for your paper (It looks like a lot of text! But we promise it only takes a few minutes to read through).

Research and Writing

  • The Research and Writing Process
  • Focusing Your Topic
  • How to Create an Outline
  • Thesis Statements

Creating an Outline

An outline helps you plan out how the main body paragraphs of your paper will be used to support your thesis.

Microsoft Office Word has easy to use tools to create outlines. I like to start my outline with an introduction section. I can add lines ot my outline by hitting enter for additional numbered lines and hitting tab to create supporting points.

what's blueprint thesis

I'll use the numbered lines to outline my body paragraphs. Each body paragraph focuses on one main point which is presented and then supported. There are many ways to arrange the body paragraphs of your paper to best support your argument and it's worth checking out guides for ideas on how to best construct yours.

Once the main body paragraphs have been outlined, I'm going to start adding supporting evidence points. I like adding the direct quotes I've discovered during my research because they remind me of the exact point I was hoping to emphasize and speed up my writing process.

what's blueprint thesis

By keeping everything aligned this way, I can clearly see what parts of my outline are main body paragraphs and what points, or evidence, I will use to support them. If I mess something up, I can either hit the backspace button or I can use the decrease/increase indent buttons.

what's blueprint thesis

Outlines are only a guide -- they should be flexible . If you see holes in your research or argument, you should do additional work to address those issues. If the flow of your paper isn't right, feel free to move around paragraphs or sections until it sounds right and your argument is fully supported. Finally, if something simply doesn't fit, you shouldn't be afraid to delete it from your outline/paper entirely.

Thesis Statments

You need a good thesis statement for your essay but are having trouble getting started. You may have heard that your thesis needs to be specific and arguable, but still wonder what this really means.

Let's look at some examples. Imagine you're writing about John Hughes's film Sixteen Candles (1984).

You take a first pass at writing a thesis:

       Sixteen Candles is a romantic comedy about high school cliques.

Is this a strong thesis statement? Not yet, but it's a good start. You've focused on a topic - high school cliques - which is a smart move because you've settled on one of many possible angles. But the claim is weak because it's not yet arguable. Intelligent people would generally agree with this statement - so there's no real "news" for your reader. You want your thesis to say something surprising and debatable. If your thesis doesn't go beyond summarizing your source, it's descriptive and not yet argumentative.

The key words in the thesis statement are "romantic comedy" and "high school cliques." One way to sharpen the claim is to start asking questions .

For example, how does the film represent high school cliques in a surprising or complex way? how does the film reinforce stereotypes about high school groups and how does it undermine them? Or why does teh flim challenge our expectations about romantic comedies by focusing on high school cliques? If you can answer one of those questions (or others of your own), you'll have a strong thesis.

Tip: Asking "how" or "why" questions will help you refine your thesis, making it more arguable and interesting to your readers.

Take 2. You revise the thesis. Is it strong now?

       Sixteen Candles is a romantic comedy criticizing the divisiveness created by high school cliques.

You're getting closer. You're starting to take a stance by arguing that the film identifies "divisiveness" as a problem and criticizes it, but your readers will want to know how this plays out and why it's important. Right now, the thesis still sounds bland - not risky enough to be genuinely contentious.

Tip:  Keep raising questions that test your ideas. And ask yourself the "so what" question. Why is your thesis interesting or important?

Take 3. Let's try again. How about this version? 

       Although the film  Sixteen Candles  appears to reinforce stereotypes about high school cliques, it undermines them in important          ways, questioning its viewers' assumptions about what's normal. 

Bingo! This thesis statement is pretty strong. It challenges an obvious interpretation of the movie (that it just reinforces stereotypes), offering a new and more complex reading in its place. We also have a sense of why this argument is important. The film's larger goal, we learn, is to question what we think we understand about normalcy. 

What's a Strong Thesis?

As we've just seen, a strong thesis statement crystallizes your paper's argument and, most importantly, it's  arguable . 

This means two things. It goes beyond merely summarizing or describing to stake out an interpretation or position that's not obvious, and others could challenge for good reasons. It's also arguable in the literal sense that it can be argued , or supported through a thoughtful analysis of your sources. If your argument lacks evidence, readers will think your thesis statement is an opinion or belief as opposed to an argument. 

Exercises for Drafting an Arguable Thesis  

A good thesis will be  focused  on your object of study (as opposed to making a big claim about the world) and will introduce the key words  guiding your analysis. To get started, you might experiment with some of these "mad libs." They're thinking exercises that will help propel you toward an arguable thesis. 

By examining ___________________[topic/approach], we can see ____________________[thesis- the claim that's surprising, which is important because _____________________.[1]

" By examining   Sixteen Candles  through the lens of Georg Simmel's writing on fashion, we can see that the protagonist's interest in fashion as an expression of her conflicted desire to be seen as both unique and accepted by the group. This is important because  the film offers its viewers a glimpse into the ambivalent yearnings of middle class youth in the 1980s. 

Although readers might assume __________ [the commonplace idea you're challenging], I argue that _____________[your surprising claim]. 


Although viewers might assume the romantic comedy  Sixteen Candles  is merely entertaining, I believe its message is political. The film uses the romance between Samantha, a middle class sophomore and Jake, an affluent senior, to reinforce the fantasy that anyone can become wealthy and successful with enough cunning and persistence. 

Still Having Trouble? Let's Back Up... 

It helps to understand why readers value the arguable thesis. What larger purpose does it serve? Your readers will bring a set of expectations to your essay. The better you can anticipate the expectations of your readers, the better you'll be able to persuade them to entertain seeing things your way. 

Academic readers (and readers more generally) read to learn something new. They want to see the writer challenge commonplaces - either everyday assumptions about your object of study or truisms in the scholarly literature. In other words, academic readers want to be surprised so that their thinking shifts or at least becomes more complex by the time they finish reading your essay. Good essays problematize what we think we know and offer an alternative explanation in its place. They leave their reader with a fresh perspective on a problem. 

We all bring important past experiences and beliefs to our interpretations of texts, objects, and problems. You can harness these observational powers to engage critically with what you are studying. The key is to be alert to what strikes you as strange, problematic, paradoxical, or puzzling about your object of study. If you can articulate this and a claim in response, you're well on your way to formulating an arguable thesis in your introduction. 

How do I set up a "problem" and an arguable thesis in response? 

All good writing has a purpose or motive for existing. Your thesis is your surprising response to this problem or motive. This is why it seldom makes sense to start a writing project by articulating the thesis. The first step is to articulate the question or problem your paper addresses. 

Here are some possible ways to introduce a conceptual problem in your paper's introduction. 

1. Challenge a commonplace interpretation (or your own first impressions). 

How are readers likely to interpret this source or issue? What might intelligent readers think at first glance? (Or, if you've been given secondary sources or have been asked to conduct research to locate secondary sources, what do other writers or scholars assume is true or important about your primary source or issue?). 

What does this commonplace interpretation leave out, overlook, or under-emphasize? 

2. Help your reader see the complexity of your topic.

 Identify and describe for your reader a paradox, puzzle, or contradiction in your primary source(s). 

What larger questions does this paradox or contradiction raise for you and your readers? 

3. If your assignment asks you to do research, piggyback off another scholar's research. 

Summarize for your reader another scholar's argument about your topic, primary source, or case study and tell your reader why this claim is interesting. 

Now, explain how you will extend this scholar's argument to explore an issue or case study that the scholar doesn't address fully. 

4. If your assignment asks you to do research, identify a gap in another scholar's or a group of scholars' research. 

Summarize for your reader another scholar's argument about your topic, primary source, or case study and tell your reader why this claim is interesting. Or, summarize how scholars in the field tend to approach your topic. 

Next, explain what important aspect this scholarly representation misses or distorts. Introduce your particular approach to your topic and its value. 

5. If your assignment asks you to do research, bring in a new lens for investigating your case study or problem. 

Summarize for your reader how a scholar or group of scholars has approached your topic. 

Introduce a theoretical source (possibly from another discipline) and explain how it helps you address this issue from a new and productive angle. 

Testing Your Thesis 

You can test your thesis statement's arguability by asking the following questions:

          Does my thesis only or mostly summarize my source? 

                 If so, try some of the exercises above to articulate your paper's conceptual problem or question. 

          Is my thesis arguable - can it be supported by evidence in my source, and is it surprising and contentious? 

                If not, return to your sources and practice the exercises above. 

           Is my thesis about my primary source or case study, or is it about the world? 

                If it's about the world, revise it so that it focuses on your primary source or case study. Remember you need solid evidence to support your thesis. 

"Formulating a Thesis" was written by Andrea Scott, Princeton University . CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

[1] Adapted from Erik Simpson’s “Five Ways of Looking at a Thesis” at http://www.math.grinnell.edu/~simpsone/Teaching/fiveways.html


Information Literacy Tutorial  by  Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System  is licensed under a   Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License . Based on a work at  guides.library.uwm.edu

what's blueprint thesis

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on November 21, 2023.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process . It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to your field.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

In the final product, you can also provide a chapter outline for your readers. This is a short paragraph at the end of your introduction to inform readers about the organizational structure of your thesis or dissertation. This chapter outline is also known as a reading guide or summary outline.

Table of contents

How to outline your thesis or dissertation, dissertation and thesis outline templates, chapter outline example, sample sentences for your chapter outline, sample verbs for variation in your chapter outline, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis and dissertation outlines.

While there are some inter-institutional differences, many outlines proceed in a fairly similar fashion.

  • Working Title
  • “Elevator pitch” of your work (often written last).
  • Introduce your area of study, sharing details about your research question, problem statement , and hypotheses . Situate your research within an existing paradigm or conceptual or theoretical framework .
  • Subdivide as you see fit into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Describe your research methods (e.g., your scope , population , and data collection ).
  • Present your research findings and share about your data analysis methods.
  • Answer the research question in a concise way.
  • Interpret your findings, discuss potential limitations of your own research and speculate about future implications or related opportunities.

For a more detailed overview of chapters and other elements, be sure to check out our article on the structure of a dissertation or download our template .

To help you get started, we’ve created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format. It’s easy adapt it to your own requirements.

 Download Word template    Download Google Docs template

Chapter outline example American English

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of overusing the same words or sentence constructions, which can make your work monotonous and repetitive for your readers. Consider utilizing some of the alternative constructions presented below.

Example 1: Passive construction

The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise.

Example 2: IS-AV construction

You can also present your information using the “IS-AV” (inanimate subject with an active verb ) construction.

A chapter is an inanimate object, so it is not capable of taking an action itself (e.g., presenting or discussing). However, the meaning of the sentence is still easily understandable, so the IS-AV construction can be a good way to add variety to your text.

Example 3: The “I” construction

Another option is to use the “I” construction, which is often recommended by style manuals (e.g., APA Style and Chicago style ). However, depending on your field of study, this construction is not always considered professional or academic. Ask your supervisor if you’re not sure.

Example 4: Mix-and-match

To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice , IS-AV construction , and “I” construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text.

As you draft the chapter outline, you may also find yourself frequently repeating the same words, such as “discuss,” “present,” “prove,” or “show.” Consider branching out to add richness and nuance to your writing. Here are some examples of synonyms you can use.

Address Describe Imply Refute
Argue Determine Indicate Report
Claim Emphasize Mention Reveal
Clarify Examine Point out Speculate
Compare Explain Posit Summarize
Concern Formulate Present Target
Counter Focus on Propose Treat
Define Give Provide insight into Underpin
Demonstrate Highlight Recommend Use

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When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2023, November 21). Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/dissertation-thesis-outline/

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What is Project 2025? What to know about the conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration

By Melissa Quinn , Jacob Rosen

Updated on: July 9, 2024 / 4:14 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — Voters in recent weeks have begun to hear the name "Project 2025" invoked more and more by President Biden and Democrats, as they seek to sound the alarm about what could be in store if former President Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House.

Overseen by the conservative Heritage Foundation, the multi-pronged initiative includes a detailed blueprint for the next Republican president to usher in a sweeping overhaul of the executive branch.

Trump and his campaign have worked to distance themselves from Project 2025, with the former president going so far as to call some of the proposals "abysmal." But Democrats have continued to tie the transition project to Trump, especially as they find themselves mired in their own controversy over whether Mr. Biden should withdraw from the 2024 presidential contest following his startling debate performance last month.

Here is what to know about Project 2025:

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a proposed presidential transition project that is composed of four pillars: a policy guide for the next presidential administration; a LinkedIn-style database of personnel who could serve in the next administration; training for that pool of candidates dubbed the "Presidential Administration Academy;" and a playbook of actions to be taken within the first 180 days in office.

It is led by two former Trump administration officials: Paul Dans, who was chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management and serves as director of the project, and Spencer Chretien, former special assistant to Trump and now the project's associate director.

Project 2025 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, but includes an advisory board consisting of more than 100 conservative groups.

Much of the focus on — and criticism of — Project 2025 involves its first pillar, the nearly 900-page policy book that lays out an overhaul of the federal government. Called "Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise," the book builds on a "Mandate for Leadership" first published in January 1981, which sought to serve as a roadmap for Ronald Reagan's incoming administration.

The recommendations outlined in the sprawling plan reach every corner of the executive branch, from the Executive Office of the President to the Department of Homeland Security to the little-known Export-Import Bank. 

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with advisers in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D,C., on June 25, 2019.

The Heritage Foundation also created a "Mandate for Leadership" in 2015 ahead of Trump's first term. Two years into his presidency, it touted that Trump had instituted 64% of its policy recommendations, ranging from leaving the Paris Climate Accords, increasing military spending, and increasing off-shore drilling and developing federal lands. In July 2020, the Heritage Foundation gave its updated version of the book to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. 

The authors of many chapters are familiar names from the Trump administration, such as Russ Vought, who led the Office of Management and Budget; former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller; and Roger Severino, who was director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Vought is the policy director for the 2024 Republican National Committee's platform committee, which released its proposed platform on Monday. 

John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, is a senior advisor to the Heritage Foundation, and said that the group will "integrate a lot of our work" with the Trump campaign when the official transition efforts are announced in the next few months.

Candidates interested in applying for the Heritage Foundation's "Presidential Personnel Database" are vetted on a number of political stances, such as whether they agree or disagree with statements like "life has a right to legal protection from conception to natural death," and "the President should be able to advance his/her agenda through the bureaucracy without hindrance from unelected federal officials."

The contributions from ex-Trump administration officials have led its critics to tie Project 2025 to his reelection campaign, though the former president has attempted to distance himself from the initiative.

What are the Project 2025 plans?

Some of the policies in the Project 2025 agenda have been discussed by Republicans for years or pushed by Trump himself: less federal intervention in education and more support for school choice; work requirements for able-bodied, childless adults on food stamps; and a secure border with increased enforcement of immigration laws, mass deportations and construction of a border wall. 

But others have come under scrutiny in part because of the current political landscape. 

Abortion and social issues

In recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services, the agenda calls for the Food and Drug Administration to reverse its 24-year-old approval of the widely used abortion pill mifepristone. Other proposed actions targeting medication abortion include reinstating more stringent rules for mifepristone's use, which would permit it to be taken up to seven weeks into a pregnancy, instead of the current 10 weeks, and requiring it to be dispensed in-person instead of through the mail.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal group that is on the Project 2025 advisory board, was involved in a legal challenge to mifepristone's 2000 approval and more recent actions from the FDA that made it easier to obtain. But the Supreme Court rejected the case brought by a group of anti-abortion rights doctors and medical associations on procedural grounds.

The policy book also recommends the Justice Department enforce the Comstock Act against providers and distributors of abortion pills. That 1873 law prohibits drugs, medicines or instruments used in abortions from being sent through the mail.


Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade , the volume states that the Justice Department "in the next conservative administration should therefore announce its intent to enforce federal law against providers and distributors of such pills."

The guide recommends the next secretary of Health and Human Services get rid of the Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force established by the Biden administration before Roe's reversal and create a "pro-life task force to ensure that all of the department's divisions seek to use their authority to promote the life and health of women and their unborn children."

In a section titled "The Family Agenda," the proposal recommends the Health and Human Services chief "proudly state that men and women are biological realities," and that "married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them."

Further, a program within the Health and Human Services Department should "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."

During his first four years in office, Trump banned transgender people from serving in the military. Mr. Biden reversed that policy , but the Project 2025 policy book calls for the ban to be reinstated.

Targeting federal agencies, employees and policies

The agenda takes aim at longstanding federal agencies, like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. The agency is a component of the Commerce Department and the policy guide calls for it to be downsized. 

NOAA's six offices, including the National Weather Service and National Marine Fisheries Service, "form a colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity," the guide states. 

The Department of Homeland Security, established in 2002, should be dismantled and its agencies either combined with others, or moved under the purview of other departments altogether, the policy book states. For example, immigration-related entities from the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Health and Human Services should form a standalone, Cabinet-level border and immigration agency staffed by more than 100,000 employees, according to the agenda.

The Department of Homeland Security logo is seen on a law enforcement vehicle in Washington on March 7, 2017.

If the policy recommendations are implemented, another federal agency that could come under the knife by the next administration, with action from Congress, is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The agenda seeks to bring a push by conservatives to target diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, initiatives in higher education to the executive branch by wiping away a slew of DEI-related positions, policies and programs and calling for the elimination of funding for partners that promote DEI practices.

It states that U.S. Agency for International Development staff and grantees that "engage in ideological agitation on behalf of the DEI agenda" should be terminated. At the Treasury Department, the guide says the next administration should "treat the participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative without objecting on constitutional or moral grounds, as per se grounds for termination of employment."

The Project 2025 policy book also takes aim at more innocuous functions of government. It calls for the next presidential administration to eliminate or reform the dietary guidelines that have been published by the Department of Agriculture for more than 40 years, which the authors claim have been "infiltrated" by issues like climate change and sustainability.


Trump made immigration a cornerstone of his last two presidential runs and has continued to hammer the issue during his 2024 campaign. Project 2025's agenda not only recommends finishing the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but urges the next administration to "take a creative and aggressive approach" to responding to drug cartels at the border. This approach includes using active-duty military personnel and the National Guard to help with arrest operations along the southern border.

A memo from Immigration and Customs Enforcement that prohibits enforcement actions from taking place at "sensitive" places like schools, playgrounds and churches should be rolled back, the policy guide states. 

When the Homeland Security secretary determines there is an "actual or anticipated mass migration of aliens" that presents "urgent circumstances" warranting a federal response, the agenda says the secretary can make rules and regulations, including through their expulsion, for as long as necessary. These rules, the guide states, aren't subject to the Administration Procedure Act, which governs the agency rule-making process.

What do Trump and his advisers say about Project 2025?

In a post to his social media platform Friday, Trump wrote , "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

Trump's pushback to the initiative came after Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said in a podcast interview that the nation is "in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

But even before Roberts' comments during "The War Room" podcast — typically hosted by conservative commentator Steve Bannon, who reported to federal prison to begin serving a four-month sentence last week — Trump's top campaign advisers have stressed that Project 2025 has no official ties to his reelection bid.

Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, senior advisers to the Trump campaign, said in a November statement that 2024 policy announcements will be made by Trump or his campaign team.

"Any personnel lists, policy agendas, or government plans published anywhere are merely suggestions," they said.

While the efforts by outside organizations are "appreciated," Wiles and LaCivita said, "none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign."

In response to Trump's post last week, Project 2025 reiterated that it was separate from the Trump campaign.

"As we've been saying for more than two years now, Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign. We are a coalition of more than 110 conservative groups advocating policy & personnel recommendations for the next conservative president. But it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement," a statement on the project's X account said.

What do Democrats say?

Despite their attempts to keep some distance from Project 2025, Democrats continue to connect Trump with the transition effort. The Biden-Harris campaign frequently posts about the project on X, tying it to a second Trump term.

Mr. Biden himself accused his Republican opponent of lying about his connections to the Project 2025 agenda, saying in a statement that the agenda was written for Trump and "should scare every single American."

Congressional Democrats have also begun pivoting to Project 2025 when asked in interviews about Mr. Biden's fitness for a second term following his lackluster showing at the June 27 debate, the first in which he went head-to-head with Trump.

"Trump is all about Project 2025," Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman told CNN on Monday. "I mean, that's what we really should be voting on right now. It's like, do we want the kind of president that is all about Project '25?"

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, one of Mr. Biden's closest allies on Capitol Hill, told reporters Monday that the agenda for the next Republican president was the sole topic he would talk about.

"Project 2025, that's my only concern," he said. "I don't want you or my granddaughter to live under that government."

In a statement reiterating her support for Mr. Biden, Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida called Project 2025 "MAGA Republicans' draconian 920-page plan to end U.S. democracy, give handouts to the wealthy and strip Americans of their freedoms."

What are Republicans saying about Project 2025?

Two GOP senators under consideration to serve as Trump's running mate sought to put space between the White House hopeful and Project 2025, casting it as merely the product of a think tank that puts forth ideas.

"It's the work of a think tank, of a center-right think tank, and that's what think tanks do," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.

He said Trump's message to voters focuses on "restoring common sense, working-class values, and making our decisions on the basis of that."

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance raised a similar sentiment in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," saying organizations will have good ideas and bad ideas.

"It's a 900-page document," he said Sunday. "I guarantee there are things that Trump likes and dislikes about that 900-page document. But he is the person who will determine the agenda of the next administration."

Jaala Brown contributed to this report.

Melissa Quinn is a politics reporter for CBSNews.com. She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

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Project 2025 is a blueprint for business disaster.

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The American Flag blows in the wind off the back of the Ellis Island/Liberty Island Ferry with the ... [+] Statue of Liberty in the background following the Ellis Island Family Heritage Awards at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum at the Great Hall on Ellis Island April 13, 2011 in New York. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

Whatever your politics, the extreme, ideologically driven policies being suggested for Trump's second term will undermine democracy, supercharge government corruption, and devastate the American economy.

A Race Few Wanted

Though it's only June, we're already back in presidential election season. This week saw the earliest-ever general election debate in our history, as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump squared off before their respective party had officially nominated either. One reason both men agreed to this June debate is because the (pre-debate) polls show a neck-and-neck race . For now, many Americans seem unenthused about either candidate , and interest in this election is lower than it's been in two decades .

All that said, I hope everyone – and especially my fellow business leaders – start paying close attention because these two candidates have vastly different visions for America's future, and one of them – Donald J. Trump – is essentially advocating for the end of our democracy and the economic prosperity it drives. Throughout this cycle, Trump has been doubling down on his usual brand of extreme rhetoric – he has called his political opponents "vermin," said immigration is "poisoning the blood of our country," and pledged to be a "dictator" on day one of his second term. It'd be natural to think that Trump is just mouthing off again, except, this time, he has a playbook in hand to accomplish his goals as soon as he gets into office.

Project 2025: A Road Map to Oblivion

That playbook is Project 2025 , a 900-page report developed by the Heritage Foundation and a large coalition of conservative groups to help a second Trump presidency hit the ground running. "If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left," its authors opine, "we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration."

Unfortunately, this Project 2025 agenda is brimming with extremely outside-the-mainstream ideas that threaten to roll back many Americans' fundamental rights and cause grave and perhaps permanent damage to our democratic system of government. Even if you agree with the far-right ideology this report espouses, the policies it advocates will very likely plunge the American economy into a death spiral.

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A Litany of Terrible Ideas

Education: America's continued prosperity and competitiveness worldwide rests on its educated workforce, but Project 2025 would defund and dismantle public education purely for ideological reasons. The Project 2025 agenda calls for eliminating a huge number of federal bureaus and departments that offend the far-right worldview. Among them is the Department of Education, which they deem a " convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel," Title 1, which provides $18 billion in funding to support low-income students across America," and Head Start, which helps over one million kids gain access to early education. Anything involving diversity, equity, and inclusion is also out, even though studies show that companies with diverse leadership and workforces tend to be more profitable than those without.

Along with scaling back civil rights enforcement, Project 2025 calls for effectively eliminating federal oversight over education and converting federal funds into block grants and vouchers that families can use at private schools—an idea that has become a fraud-ridden boondoggle wherever it's been tried.

Climate: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal department that tracks hurricanes, is also marked for deletion by Project 2025 because it's "one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry." (One would think the hurricanes are the driver, but nevertheless.) The report also argues that the Environmental Protection Agency should be gutted for similar reasons.

Climate change is already costing the US $150 billion a year , and those costs are expected to grow substantially in the years to come if left unchecked – which is what this report argues for. That's why the Sierra Club calls Project 2025 " a death sentence for federal climate and environmental protections " and "game over for climate progress." At this late date, a head-in-the-sand approach is not a serious response.

Immigration: Project 2025, as the Niskanen Center put it , "aims to demolish the American immigration system," even though immigration has always been one of the American economy's great sources of strength. (In fact, US GDP is estimated to gain $7 trillion over the next ten years because of immigrants.) Among the many harsh policies proposed are drastically reducing visas, suspending country lists for H-2A and H-2B temporary worker visas, blocking federal financial aid to states that allow immigrants access to in-state tuition, and ending the protections of the Dream Act.

Trump himself has gone even further, saying he would quickly deport 15-20 million undocumented immigrants , even though Pew only counts 10.5 million in the US . The moral dimensions of this purge aside, many economists have noted that these draconian policies will cause a rapid rise in unemployment and inflation , especially in industries like food service, construction, and agriculture.

Cronyism : One of Project 2025's most pernicious elements is its call to return America to a nineteenth-century "spoils system" of government. Under the so-called "Schedule F" plan , about 50,000 federal workers would lose their civil service protections and become at-will employees, meaning they can be fired if they are not sufficiently loyal to the President.

In practice, this would create what conservative Robert Shea has called " an army of suck-ups …if you told your boss that what he or she was proposing was illegal, impractical, [or] unwise they could brand you disloyal and terminate you." It would also mean " a massive exodus of competence " from Washington, as well-trained, knowledgeable civil servants who gather and report data on all kinds of issues leave and are replaced with conservatives chosen only for loyalty.

Fiscal Policy: Along with the usual slate of tax cuts for the wealthy, Project 2025 also calls for abolishing the Federal Reserve, ending its role as the lender of last resort, and letting the President weigh in on interest rate hikes . Trump has also called for a 10% across-the-board tariff on imported goods, which could kick off a global trade war , rapidly accelerate inflation , and cost the average family $1500 a year . It doesn't sound great for business.

On top of everything else , Project 2025 also aims to roll back protections for LGBTQ Americans, further reduce women's access to abortion, cut overtime protections for 4.3 million workers, slash food assistance for 21.6 million households, weaken Social Security and Medicaid, stop efforts to lower prescription drug costs, and much else. This is a remarkably ideological document and one that's far more concerned with putting far-right ideas at the center of government than doing right by families.

Ultimately, as Carlos Lozada put it , the goal of Project 2025 is "capturing the administrative state," so it becomes "a tool for concentrating power and entrenching ideology." In other words, Project 2025 threatens to undermine both our democracy and economy only to benefit a small cadre of far-right faithful at the expense of the vast majority of companies and workers. This could be our new reality in just a few short months unless Americans step up and be counted this November. Even if nobody is excited about this upcoming election, it will decide our future, and we must act accordingly.

Jeff Raikes

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Experiential learning empowers community

Students deliver a presentation in front of a class.

Sticky notes fill the whiteboard. Voices across the room overlap. One student types furiously into a laptop while another refers to a spreadsheet. Questions hang in the air. The project deadline is just weeks away. 

This is the “messy middle” of the Carlson Impact Lab, where more than just a passing grade is at stake. The Carlson School of Management students are working with Special Olympics Minnesota to identify ways to increase engagement ahead of the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games, which will be hosted at the University of Minnesota. With the national spotlight, the organization wants to supercharge the movement of inclusion statewide, leaving a legacy beyond the Games.

“There’s an actual purpose on what we’re researching and doing, so it definitely created motivation and drive to do our best,” says Rachel Secrist, a sophomore at the U of M.

This past academic year marked the first cohort of students enrolling in the Impact Lab, a required, two-course experience that’s part of the Carlson School’s award-winning undergraduate curriculum. In year one, students learn how to problem-solve. In year two, they apply these lessons via Impact Lab in Action. Throughout the semester, students work with an organization to assess a business problem, provide recommendations, and create implementable deliverables.

Amee McDonald, the Impact Lab’s managing director, says the goal is to empower students early in their undergraduate careers with more experiential learning opportunities to grow and learn.

“This is a space where we’re giving them the boundaries and then they have to take the initiative to really make this experience what it’s supposed to be for their learning,” explains McDonald. “And then if they experience that failure, this is a safe space to fail.”

Throughout the semester, student teams work closely with their instructors and mentors to explore possible solutions for their client. In Special Olympics Minnesota’s case, the organization is on a campaign to attract the next generation of volunteer coaches, targeting young adults and tapping into networks beyond athletes’ family members.

One team focused on improving Special Olympics Minnesota’s TikTok strategy to better connect with young adults. After analyzing the historical volunteer data, they outlined several strategies, such as developing videos that highlight powerful volunteer experiences and capitalizing on social media trends, to create more engaging content.

Dave Dorn, the president and CEO of Special Olympics Minnesota, applauded the thoroughness of the students’ insights, which he says the organization plans to incorporate when building its strategic plan for the Games.

“It’s good to get young people’s perspective on issues that you’re tackling,” says Dorn. “It does open your eyes to questions you should consider, especially when these are the people that we want to take the movement to that next level.”

After completing the Impact Lab, undergraduates can expand their résumé with additional experiential learning opportunities by applying to the Leadership Lab. Last semester, students in that lab partnered with Dinkytown Athletes. The new collective serves as the resource for Gophers student-athletes as they navigate opportunities to monetize their name, image, and likeness (NIL) under the new NCAA rules. 

With the NIL industry being so new, the Leadership Lab students decided to conduct a survey to identify a target audience for NIL promotions and also complete outreach to determine which Twin Cities businesses were interested in working with Dinkytown Athletes to create NIL partnerships with student-athletes.

“The data they got is just gold because as a startup we couldn’t have done that ourselves,” says Derek Burns, ’00 BSB, and former Gophers football player, who co-founded the startup. “We would’ve had to go to a market research agency to just even get that information. So that was huge. We almost have a blueprint now on what we can take on and where to efficiently use our time and resources to grow.”

Jenna Vilter, a junior in the Undergraduate Program, says her experience in the Leadership Lab cemented her decision to pursue business.

“It’s so hands-on, you feel like you are part of the progress that the companies are making and I never would have expected to be doing that before I got my degree,” says Vilter. “It’s super cool as a junior in college to be able to say that.”

It’s an experience students are hungry for.

“The best experience is real-world experience,” says Trenton Knutson, a sophomore. “Getting into the nitty-gritty of it. Because when you work with real people, it has real impact, and you do feel that.”

See the original version of this story at the Carlson School of Management .

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Nasdaq composite today: The index closed up 24.82% YTD

Wayne Duggan

Farran Powell

Farran Powell

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Published 4:57 p.m. UTC July 9, 2024

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Nasdaq index today

The Nasdaq composite closed today at 18,430.97. Compared to yesterday’s close, the benchmark index rose by 27.23 points, or 0.15%. Year to date, the benchmark index is up by 24.82%.

Nasdaq composite chart

The Nasdaq composite has historically had a high correlation with the S&P 500 . The two indexes even share common components, including Apple , Microsoft and Alphabet .

Like the S&P 500, the Nasdaq typically reacts to macroeconomic catalysts such as U.S. gross domestic product growth, corporate earnings, investor sentiment and geopolitical headlines.

Nasdaq performance 2024

Despite periods of extreme market volatility, such as the dot-com bubble and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nasdaq has generated an overall gain of 317.42% in the past 10 years. That’s significantly higher than the S&P 500, gaining 184.03% in that period.

The Nasdaq 100 index is a subset of the Nasdaq composite that includes the 100 Nasdaq stocks with the largest market caps. Listed below are the top and bottom market movers among Nasdaq 100 companies.

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Dow performance vs. Nasdaq performance

The Nasdaq composite and Dow Jones Industrial Average are the most popular U.S. stock market benchmarks.

The Nasdaq closed today at 18,430.97, compared to the Dow, which closed at 39,295.81. Year to date, the Nasdaq is up, with a return of 24.82%, while the Dow is up, with a return of 4.19%.

While both indexes are well diversified, each has a unique focus that may appeal to different types of investors.

The Dow is known as the blue-chip index because its 30 components are typically large companies with industry-leading businesses, valuable and recognizable brands, and long track records of stability and profitability.

The Nasdaq contains more growth stocks with unproven track records. As a result, the Nasdaq can be more volatile during periods of market weakness but tends to outperform the Dow when the economy is booming.

Top 10 Nasdaq stocks

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The Nasdaq composite is market capitalization weighted, meaning larger, more valuable companies have a greater impact than smaller, less valuable companies.

The top 10 companies represent a total combined index weighting of more than 50%.

As of Dec. 29, 2023, the Nasdaq's top 10 components by weight were Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon (AMZN), Nvidia (NVDA), Alphabet Class A (GOOGL), Alphabet Class B (GOOG), Tesla (TSLA), Meta Platforms (META), Broadcom (AVGO) and Costco (COST).

What is the Nasdaq?

The Nasdaq composite is an index that tracks the share prices of all the stocks listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market. It is maintained by Nasdaq and has more than 3,400 total components.

To be included in the index, a stock must be a common stock of a company listed exclusively on the Nasdaq Stock Market. Real estate investment trusts , American depository receipts and limited partnership shares are eligible for inclusion, while preferred stock, exchange-traded funds and some other types of securities are not.

Because the Nasdaq composite includes all common stocks listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, there are no specific eligibility requirements for the index related to market cap, trading volume or other characteristics. However, the Nasdaq Stock Market has eligibility requirements for listing on the exchange.

To gain eligibility for an initial listing on the Nasdaq Stock Market, a company must meet at least one of four sets of eligibility requirements, which include a bid price of at least $4 and at least 1.1 million unrestricted publicly held shares.

Once listed, companies must continue to meet Nasdaq's continued listing standards, which include at least 400 total shareholders.

The Nasdaq composite is reconstituted daily, with new constituents added or removed based on security information from the previous trading day.

How to invest in Nasdaq companies

Because the Nasdaq composite is an index, not an asset, you can't buy it directly. However, there are several options for tracking the performance of the Nasdaq without buying shares of more than 3,400 companies. You can buy index mutual funds and ETFs designed to track the Nasdaq composite.

More advanced traders can also trade Nasdaq derivative contracts, such as futures and options. Nasdaq even offers more than 150 annuities and indexed life products linked to Nasdaq indexes.

Nasdaq ETFs

Exchange-traded funds contain baskets of securities constructed to match the performance of an underlying index, such as the Nasdaq composite. You can purchase shares of the popular Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF (ONEQ) directly in your brokerage account, just like a stock.

Several ETFs track a related index called the Nasdaq 100. The Invesco QQQ Trust Series I ETF (QQQ) tracks the Nasdaq 100 index, with an expense ratio, or annual management fee, of just 0.2%.

More aggressive traders can buy leveraged Nasdaq ETFs, such as the ProShares UltraPro QQQ (TQQQ), which provides triple leveraged exposure to the Nasdaq 100. However, investors should understand that leveraged ETFs come with unique risks and often underperform their targets over the long term.

What are Nasdaq futures?

Nasdaq futures are derivative contracts tied to the Nasdaq composite index. Nasdaq futures give traders a way to speculate on the future price movements of the Nasdaq or affordably hedge against long or short positions in Nasdaq index funds.

Each CME E-mini Nasdaq Composite Futures (QCN) contract costs $20 times the value of the Nasdaq composite. The CME E-mini Nasdaq 100 Futures (NQ) costs $20 times the value of the Nasdaq 100.

These futures contracts trade on CME Globex from Sunday at 6 p.m. ET to Friday at 5 p.m. ET, with a daily maintenance period from 5 p.m. ET to 6 p.m. ET.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Nasdaq was originally an acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. Today, Nasdaq Inc. is the name of the financial services company that owns and operates the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and several other global exchanges.

The Nasdaq composite’s all-time intraday high was 18,511.12 on July 9, 2024.

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Wayne Duggan

Wayne Duggan is a regular contributor for Forbes Advisor and U.S. News and World Report and has been a staff writer for Benzinga since 2014. He is an expert in the psychological challenges of investing and frequently reports on breaking market news and analyst commentary related to popular stocks. Some of his prior work includes contributing news and analysis to Seeking Alpha, InvestorPlace.com, Motley Fool, and the Lightspeed Active Trading blog. He’s the author of the book "Beating Wall Street With Common Sense," which focuses on practical investing strategies to outperform the stock market. He resides in Biloxi, Mississippi

Farran Powell is the lead editor of investing at USA TODAY Blueprint. She was previously the assistant managing editor of investing at U.S. News and World Report. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including TheStreet, Mansion Global, CNN, CNN Money, DNAInfo, Yahoo! Finance, MSN Money and the New York Daily News. She holds a BSc from the London School of Economics and an MA from the University of Texas at Austin. You can follow her on Twitter at @farranpowell.

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Palladium price today: Palladium is down 8.52% year to date

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Silver price today: Silver is up 29.30% year to date

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Platinum price today: Platinum is up 0.42% this year

Platinum price today: Platinum is up 0.42% this year

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Gold price today: Gold is up 14.22% this year

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are up 11.81% YTD

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are up 11.81% YTD

Investing Wayne Duggan

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 17.68% YTD

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 17.68% YTD

Nasdaq composite today: The index closed up 24.64% YTD

Nasdaq composite today: The index closed up 24.64% YTD

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 17.44% YTD

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 17.44% YTD

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are down 1.59% today

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are down 1.59% today

Silver price today: Silver is up 29.63% this year

Silver price today: Silver is up 29.63% this year

Platinum price today: Platinum is up 1.98% this year

Platinum price today: Platinum is up 1.98% this year

Palladium price today: Palladium is down 7.89% year to date

Palladium price today: Palladium is down 7.89% year to date

Gold price today: Gold is up 0.03% from yesterday

Gold price today: Gold is up 0.03% from yesterday

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are up 13.53% YTD

Crude oil prices today: WTI prices are up 13.53% YTD

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 16.06% YTD

S&P (SPX) today: The index is up 16.06% YTD


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    A thesis statement is the main idea that your essay supports. The thesis statement has 3 main parts: the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint .Hochstein, Jordan, and Jerz. Thesis Reminders. A thesis reminder is a direct echo of the thesis statement.

  2. PDF COM 5 Thesis Statements

    Your thesis statement, however, will present an argument about running and explain the significance. There are two types of thesis statements, blueprint and umbrella. • A blueprint thesis lists what will be discussed in your paper (EX: Running is important because A, B, and C.). While blueprint thesis statements are sometimes appropriate, you

  3. Thesis Statements

    A good thesis statement should: Convey the topic and opinion of the essay, as well as the subjects and examples that will be discussed (see Jerz's Topic, Opinion, Blueprint model below) Be approximately 1-2 sentences long, and included in the essay's introductory paragraph.

  4. Constructing Your Essay Blueprint

    You may want to begin your blueprint by stating the author's central thesis, even if it does not appear at the beginning of the original article. However, it is best to avoid a point-by-point analysis of the text as that will result inevitably in summary, which you most certainly want to avoid at this level.

  5. Drafting the Blueprint

    The essay blueprint is NOT a summary (nor should it be confused with the essay roadmap, to be discussed in Chapter 4). Drafting an essay blueprint is an exercise that demonstrates clear understanding, meaningful citing and concise paraphrasing of the text's argument. In this sense, the essay blueprint is as much a reading comprehension ...

  6. Thesis Statement Tips: Helpful Hacks for How to Write a Thesis for

    A thesis statement is the single, specific claim that your essay supports. A strong thesis answers the question you want to raise; it does so by presenting a topic, the position you wish to defend, and a reasoning blueprint that sketches out your defense of your chosen position. A good thesis is not merely a factual statement, an observation, a personal opinion or preference, or the question ...

  7. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  8. What Is a Thesis Statement?

    A thesis statement is a central argument or main idea that guides the reader through the author's perspective on a topic. Many students struggle to formulate and write a clear and concise thesis statement, leading to confusion, frustration, or having to backtrack or even start over their essays. In this blog, I shed light on the complexities of ...

  9. PDF USE THIS FORM TO PLAN YOUR ESSAY. Most essays include at least three

    INTRODUCTION (Normally one paragraph) Opening idea--anecdote, fact, quotation, question, definition, or other statement—that gets the reader's attention and builds interest in the topic: Context and necessary background information about the topic: Thesis statement that makes an arguable assertion about the topic and (optionally) previews ...

  10. Thesis Statements

    A thesis statement is a sentence (sometimes more than one sentence) in the introduction that tells the reader the following information: What the topic of the paper is. How the writer intends to discuss that topic. It gives a blueprint for how the essay will be structured. How the writer intends to prove or demonstrate his or her main points.

  11. How to Write a Blueprint Thesis

    Tips for writing a clear "blueprint style" thesis!

  12. How to Make a Conceptual Framework for a Thesis

    How to Make a Conceptual Framework for a Thesis. Use Word label templates to help organize your office. Getty. A conceptual framework is a bit like a recipe or a blueprint. It provides an outline of how you plan to conduct the research for your thesis, but it goes further than that by also positioning your work within the larger field of research.

  13. Thesis

    XYZ Thesis. X, Y, and Z refer to the three or more body paragraph topics a writer wishes to discuss within the paper. Will have topic sentences corresponding to each of the points listed in this type of thesis: this is its blueprint. "Topical argument/stance on topic" + body topic X, body topic Y, and body topic Z. Example:

  14. PDF Thesis

    Thesis Your thesis is the central claim in your essay—your main insight or idea about your source or topic. Your thesis should appear early in an academic essay, followed by a logically constructed argument that supports this central claim. A strong thesis is arguable, which means a thoughtful reader could disagree with it and therefore needs

  15. Blueprints for Academic Research Projects

    The Stormboard template makes the process of building research models easy, and the ability to save, edit, and share them ensures that you'll be able to refer back to these blueprints at various stages throughout your research journey and Thesis writing process. When you get confused, become stuck, or feel overwhelmed by the complexity of ...

  16. How to Write a Thesis Proposal

    Step two is drawing up a blueprint for what you plan to build. If a thesis is a house, then a thesis proposal is your blueprint. It's you figuring out how your thesis will fit into the space you've found, how you'll build it, and whether it will stand up to the harsh winds of your thesis adviser's opinions and the tremors of a difficult ...

  17. Thesis Sentences vs. Blueprint Sentences

    What's a blueprint sentence?" Probably I should have asked what a thesis sentence was, because I had an example of a blueprint sentence right in front of me: Bermuda is located on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean and this paper is about its history, economy, and culture.

  18. Chapter 1: Creating the Blueprint for Your Dissertation

    The first chapter of your dissertation can be challenging to complete, and as many of our dissertation assistance clients have shared, it can even be difficult to start! This is because the introduction to the dissertation provides a blueprint for the rest of the study, laying out key aspects of your proposed research that will be covered in more depth in subsequent chapters.

  19. COM 5: Thesis Statements

    While blueprint thesis statements are sometimes appropriate, you may find them limiting, especially for longer papers. An umbrella thesis presents an overview of your argument without listing all of the individual components. An umbrella thesis allows you to express your argument in a condensed, concise way (EX: People who are interested in ...

  20. The Grad HUB

    Chapter layout. Chapters of the thesis need to be numbered sequentially. Subsections, tables, figures and equations within each chapter will be assigned a unique number, (for example, use the chapter number followed by a sequentially increasing number, separated by a period, i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…), with no two elements of the same type having the same number.

  21. COM5

    Your thesis statement, however, will present an argument about running and explain the significance. There are two types of thesis statements, blueprint and umbrella. A blueprint thesis lists what will be discussed in your paper (EX: Running is important because A, B, and C.). While blueprint thesis statements are sometimes appropriate, you may ...

  22. LibGuides: English 102 (Roth): Outline & Thesis Statement

    Watch the video on how to use brainstorming to bring focus to your topic. An outline can be a useful tool in keeping your paper focused, and many instructors ask to see one before you begin writing. The tab explains how to set one up. Finally, thesis statements can be a struggle for many students. The overview presented provides pointers on how ...

  23. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Example 1: Passive construction. The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise. Example: Passive construction.

  24. Barbara Corcoran reveals the first time she ever felt ...

    Here's what Corcoran did with that money and how you can copy her blueprint. Risks and gifts. Corcoran said she spent part of her first profit from her company on gifting her parents a new car ...

  25. What is Project 2025? What to know about the conservative blueprint for

    Here is what to know about Project 2025: What is Project 2025? Project 2025 is a proposed presidential transition project that is composed of four pillars: a policy guide for the next presidential ...

  26. Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster

    A Litany of Terrible Ideas. Education: America's continued prosperity and competitiveness worldwide rests on its educated workforce, but Project 2025 would defund and dismantle public education ...

  27. Are Republican women OK? I'm a conservative, and I'm doing just fine

    I'm a Republican woman. Progressives are wrong about what I believe. Progressives have undertaken a robust effort to discredit, demonize and bludgeon Republican women as demagogues and deviants ...

  28. Think tank behind Project 2025 conservative blueprint signs on as ...

    The Heritage Foundation, the D.C.-based think tank that produced Project 2025 — a series of policy plans to overhaul the federal government — is among the sponsors of the convention in ...

  29. Experiential learning empowers community

    We almost have a blueprint now on what we can take on and where to efficiently use our time and resources to grow." ... From a revolutionary new paper-drying technique to a new take on cancer therapy, the "3-minute thesis" competition offers a glimpse into outstanding graduate student research. See all stories.

  30. Nasdaq composite today: The index closed up 24.82% YTD

    The Nasdaq composite closed today at 18,430.97. Compared to yesterday's close, the benchmark index rose by 27.23 points, or 0.15%.