
Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay (Tips and Sample)


School uniforms are a hotly contested debate, which makes it a controversial topic preferred for school essays. Even though writing a school uniform essay should be easy, students' confessions after being assigned both long and short essays on school uniform show mixed results. Most students who have been given an essay on school uniforms have highlighted it as exciting and tricky.

Well, to write an essay that will score you an excellent grade, you need to understand your perspective, viewpoint, or stand before writing. As yourself, whether you will support school uniforms or you will be against them in your essay.

In most cases, the essay can be argumentative where you argue either for or against, then proceed to state your stand on whether or not you support school uniforms in learning institutions. You can also write an informative essay or a persuasive school uniform essay.

This article covers some aspects to consider when writing such an essay, some suitable topics, and general advice on how to write an outstanding school uniforms essay.

How to begin a School Uniforms Essay

You aim to demystify the school uniforms debate. Therefore, you need to strategize on how to begin the essay. Like other essays, starting with an essay hook would make it interesting to the readers. After the hook, head straight to writing some background information on school uniforms. You can then incorporate a thesis statement that presents your central stance on the paper.

Here is a sample school uniform hook:

A recent study by North Dakota State University revealed that an average American household spends close to 3.8% of their income on clothing, translating to approximately $2000 annually per household.

The hook above is essential when you argue from a cost perspective where you say that school uniforms save families from expenditures on buying different clothes for kids, which equalizes the rich and poor households.

In your background, you can try reference instances when school uniforms have stirred public debates. Inform your reader about these debates and highlight the key issues you will handle in your essay.

At the end of the introduction paragraph, state your thesis statement.

What goes to the body of a school uniform essay?

With the introduction done, you now need to develop the body paragraphs. As a general rule, always maintain a single idea per paragraph. If you are doing your essay in a five-paragraph essay format, ensure that the body of your essay takes 80% of the total word count while the introduction and the conclusion each take 10%.  

Here are some key ideas you can incorporate in the body of your essay:

  • Explain the essence of having school uniforms on students, teachers, and learning institutions. Issues such as security and safety, uniformity, and promoting togetherness or unity as benefits. It is easy to spot a student in uniform. School uniforms also enforce some self-respect and self-worth among students. As well, uniforms foster a sense of belonging among students.
  • Explore the issue from a cost-saving perspective for the parents. Unlike having different clothes daily, having a few pieces of school uniforms reduces the expenditure per household.
  • Connect school uniforms to issues such as creativity, comfort, and affordability. Lack of funds, for instance, can hinder some families from sending their children to school as they have no school uniforms.
  • You can also present the pros and cons of school uniforms
  • Connect the school uniforms to identity formation
  • School uniforms equalize students, which boosts their self-confidence
  • School uniform makes students not be imaginative
  • In the end, present recommendations that can solve the school uniform quagmire in schools

Like any other essay, ensure that your essay about school uniforms is engaging. Take a multi-stakeholder approach if you are recommending a policy.

If you have real-life examples of how school uniforms are beneficial, present them to support your body paragraphs. As you strive to present your viewpoints, ensure that each paragraph transitions to the next paragraph.

If possible, benchmark your arguments on schools that have successfully implemented school uniforms.

How to end an essay on school uniform

Like the introduction, the conclusion of your essay matters a lot. It can be the only place a marker checks to know what your stance was when writing your school uniforms essay.

Let your readers know whether school uniforms are good or not. Do not just stop there explore the why and why not for each of your points.

If there are recommendations, especially if you were writing an essay based on a school uniforms case study, present them in the conclusion.

DO not introduce new ideas that are not in your essay. However, crystalize and relate to your thesis and make sure your readers enjoy your essay to the last dot.

Sample School Uniforms Essay Topics

School uniform essays differ in perspective or stance, which hugely depends on the choice of topic. We can advise you to choose a school essay topic that has practical points and one that you can support with evidence from scholarly literature.

  • Is school uniform a good thing?
  • The importance of school uniforms
  • Should students wear uniforms?
  • Pros and Cons of school uniforms
  • The negative impacts of school uniforms
  • Rhetorical analysis of school uniforms
  • Positive effects of school uniforms
  • Are school uniforms a dress for success?
  • Why schools should have uniforms
  • History of school dress code
  • School uniforms in private and public schools
  • Should all schools have the same uniform?
  • Are school uniforms necessary?
  • School uniforms and diversity
  • School uniforms and student discipline
  • Comparison of school uniforms in U.S. and Japan

School Uniforms Essay Check List

With your essay written, ensure that it ticks most if not all these lists of facts that make a school uniform score great grades.

  • Does the essay have a great hook?
  • Is the background of your introduction relatable to the selected topic?
  • Does the introduction have supporting facts from scholarly sources?
  • Does your introduction have a clear thesis statement?
  • Is the main idea clearly illustrated in the body?
  • Does each body paragraph have an idea of its own?
  • Does the essay have transition words for effective flow?
  • Does the body discuss important concepts?
  • Is the body paragraph having an opening sentence, facts, and closing sentence?
  • Has all borrowed information been cited?
  • Does the essay have strong evidence?
  • Is the essay grammatically correct?
  • Is the conclusion a summary of the argument?
  • Has the thesis been restated?
  • Is the conclusion flowing with the body of the essay?
  • Has the essay used formal language?
  • Are the sentences free from unnecessary words?
  • Is the grammar and spelling in the essay correct?
  • Are the references correct?
  • Are the references recent?
  • Are the sources used credible?
  • Does the essay have a title and reference page?

Sample Argumentative Essay on Should Students Wear School Uniforms

Disclaimer – DO NOT COPY this sample essay. It is meant to help you see how you can present your essay ideas given your perspective/viewpoint. Submitting any part of this essay as your own might land you in trouble. We will not be in any way be a party to such consequences. If you need a model essay based on your selected topic for research purposes, please place an order or contact our support team for assistance with outlines, potential references, and some ideas on writing an excellent essay on school uniforms.

Numerous debates have been carried out on whether students should wear uniforms or not. Parents, teachers, students, and school administrations have all given their views on school uniforms with different arguments and opinions on all sides. Supporters of school uniforms argue that school uniforms are essential as they give students an identity and foster discipline, while others argue that uniforms are annoying, uncomfortable, and lack creativity. Regardless of the position one takes on students wearing uniforms, it is clear that uniforms are an essential part of students, and students wearing uniforms is more advantageous to both the students and schools. Thus, all students should wear uniforms as the uniforms instill a sense of discipline and identity, erase differences between the students, and are less costly (thesis statement)

School uniforms eliminate the differences between students in regard to their social and economic backgrounds ( School uniforms promote equality ) . Schools have students from different social and economic backgrounds. The school environment has students from both poor and rich families. Hence, uniforms are important as they are modest and identical clothing that propagate a sense of equality among the students (Freeburg and Workman, 6). Accordingly, all students should wear school uniforms to avoid a situation where some students feel inadequate for being able to afford expensive clothing like their more affluent counterparts. A learning environment and education, in general, are supposed to bridge the social-economic differences that exist in society.

Parents can save much money that would otherwise go to buying a wide variety of school clothes for their children ( school uniforms save parents money spent on clothing ). School uniforms provide a cheaper and more consistent alternative to regular clothing. If students are allowed to wear regular clothing to school, parents and guardians have to buy clothes that are in line with the latest fashion trends and the individual tastes of their children, both of which can be expensive. In this case, students should wear school uniforms that are affordable and identical to save parents money that can be used for more important things (Baumann and Krskova 1003). Affordability is essential for parents considering the enormous expenses associated with bringing up children in the modern era. Therefore, all students should wear uniforms as uniforms protect the financial interest of the parents and guardians.

Wearing school uniforms saves teachers, students, and administrators valuable time ( Bringing in the time-saving perspective of school uniforms ). Without uniforms, teachers and schools, administrators spend significant amounts of time regulating the dress code. For instance, time wasted deciding which clothes are appropriate, what skirt-size is too short, among other issues that arise in regulating regular clothes to make appropriate for the school environment (Ruggerone 573). Such challenges would not exist if all students wore uniforms. Consequently, students also waste valuable time because of the distractions that might be caused by clothes that their peers are wearing. Therefore, to eliminate time wastage and distractions in school, students should wear uniforms.

According to individuals and parties who oppose school uniforms, the uniforms limit the personal expression of students and can forcibly define gender roles for the children as girls have to wear skirts and boys’ trousers ( school uniforms stifle independence and creativity) - COUNTERARGUMENT . People express themselves through their clothes, which means that forcing students to wear uniforms affects their personal expressions (Masuch and Hefferon 227). Additionally, uniforms are gender-specific, which means that they can negatively impact the personalities of students as they are forced to wear uniforms that they do not feel reflect what they want to be or do with their lives. Thus, as the proponents against school uniforms argue, uniforms should be eliminated as they infringe on the independence of young students.

To sum up, there are numerous arguments that either support or oppose the wearing of uniforms by students. Supporters of school uniforms claim that uniforms give students a sense of identity and discipline, enhance social and economic equality, and save costs. On the other side, proponents against school uniforms claim that school uniforms limit the personal expression of students and force them into specified gender roles. Judging from the advantages and disadvantages of uniforms, it is clear that all students should wear uniforms as they distinguish students from civilians and enhance equality in the school environment.

Baumann, Chris, and Hana Krskova. "School discipline, school uniforms, and academic performance." International Journal of Educational Management 30.6 (2016): 1003-1029.

Freeburg, Beth W., and Jane E. Workman. "Dress Codes and Uniforms." Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2016): 1-13.

Masuch, Christoph-Simon, and Kate Hefferon. "Understanding the links between positive psychology and fashion: A grounded theory analysis." International Journal of Fashion Studies 1.2 (2014): 227-246.

Ruggerone, Lucia. "The feeling of being dressed: Affect studies and the clothed body." Fashion Theory 21.5 (2017): 573-593.


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School Uniforms - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

School uniforms, often seen as a tool for promoting equality and focus in the educational environment, have been a topic of debate in many school systems around the world. Essays on school uniforms could explore their impact on student identity, academic performance, and school climate. Discussions might also delve into the arguments for and against school uniform policies, including issues of freedom of expression, socio-economic disparities, and the enforcement of such policies. Furthermore, analyzing case studies of schools with and without uniform requirements, and examining the cultural and historical factors influencing the adoption of school uniform policies can provide a nuanced understanding of this contentious educational issue. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about School Uniforms you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Positive Effects of School Uniforms

Students should wear school uniforms. The argument against school uniforms is that they restrict the freedom of expression and only minimally improve a school. But an argument can be made that uniforms make getting dressed in the morning easier for all parties involved. Schools no longer have to worry over what students are wearing, parents needn't shell out large amounts of cash, and the students just have to get up and put no effort into what they will wear saving […]

Pros and Cons of Wearing School Uniforms

Pros of uniforms. There are many students that see uniforms as their least favorite thing to wear,but uniforms do more than you think. Uniform keep students focused on their work so they may succeed in life. Uniform bring your school pride and could give the school more students and give you more friends.uniform may improve attendance and discipline. Uniforms decrease bullying and teasing .Uniforms can make get ready in the morning easier and improve punctuality in which could really improve […]

Persuasive Speech Final Outline

Attention-getter: Have you ever questioned how much the clothing you wear affects your life at school? I’m sure we have all heard of the argument between wearing a school uniform versus not having one. Today, I will be explaining to you why wearing school uniforms are more beneficial for students than having none. Relevance to audience: This matters to us all because it is important for a society to know the kinds of effects that certain aspects have on our educational […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Should Kids Wear School Uniforms

No, people should not wear school uniforms because if people wear school uniforms you can never express yourself and how you live. But if someone wears something inappropriate then the principle will take care of it. Wearing a uniform would also cause massive student obedience and take away valuable instruction time. Public schools already have dress codes which ban provocative, revealing, gang-affiliated, and hateful clothing. According to the Researchers at the University of Houston school uniforms seem to be decently […]

School Uniforms: a Controversial Issue

School uniforms have been a controversial issue in the United States. Students, teachers, and parents have varied feelings about the need for students to wear uniforms. While some point to the need for all learners to look alike and for discipline purposed, others contend that the requirement for all learners to wear uniforms takes away students' freedom of self-expression. Despite the reasons identified by opponents, school uniforms are necessary for schools and all stakeholders need to embrace it. Most students […]

Importance of Uniform in School

Now, more than ever, public schools are looking to school uniforms as one of many ways to address complex social and academic issues both in and outside of the classroom. As a “safe haven” of sorts, schools are expected to protect children from conditions of poverty, crime, and family strife. It is through the implementation of select programs and strategies that schools have attempted to change behavior and target young children to shape prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Specifically, through stricter, […]

Why we should have School Uniforms

Educators and experts who are in support of school uniforms believe that buying kids uniforms gives them a positive behavior. For instance, it is believed that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave better. Many educators also theorize that students can become distracted by fashion trends and clothing with symbols on it. Therefore, when all students are dressed in regulated uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.When there's no […]

Are School Uniforms Good or Bad

School uniforms are a common trend in the modern school system. Students, teachers, and parents all have their own thoughts and opinions on school uniforms. While each side of the debate has their strong reason I am against school uniforms. Many people believe students should not have to wear school uniforms (like me). I support this argument with the reasons that school uniforms do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or grades. David L. Brunsma, PhD, Professor of Sociology at Virginia […]

School Uniform – Dress for Success

The Macquarie wordbook defines the thought of uniform as; dress of the same style, materials and colour worn by a group.. For many decades, students have become more concerning about fashion instead of education. Now, public schools have debated whether students should wear school uniforms.A dress code enforces discipline toward learning by changing a person's attitude toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer fashion distractions, school will be seen as a priority for teaching and […]

Should Students have to Wear School Uniforms?

Should schools have school uniforms? What are the effects they have on students? School Uniforms tend to have positive effects on students. According to ProCon.org, School uniforms keep students focused on their education, Not Fashion. Students usually worry so much about what they look like and don't worry so much about their education. One of the main reasons for having school is to get an education, not to be focused on fashion. Another positive effect of school uniforms is that […]

Rethinking Attire: the Downsides of School Uniforms

Arguments for and against school uniforms have long been made, with the goal of fostering unity and discipline as well as stifling individual expression. While there are many advantages to school uniforms, it's also vital to weigh the drawbacks. This article seeks to provide a balanced analysis of the drawbacks of school uniforms, including potential effects on children, families, and the learning environment. The restriction of personal expression that school uniforms impose is one of the main reasons against them. […]

The School Dress Code Argument: Balancing Expression and Uniformity in Middle Schools

Middle Schools around the country have been neglecting the standards and have controversial rules for students. Schools do not let kids express themselves with clothing, and the lunches they serve are barely edible. Studies have proven that students need to triumph more regularly with the restrictions. First, the meals that schools give their students might not be that bad, but for some schools, there is not enough food, healthy food, and expired foods. Many students have resorted to bringing lunch […]

Controversy Derives from Differences in Beliefs, Values, and Morals

"Controversy derives from differences in beliefs, values, and morals. School uniforms have become a very controversial topic this day in age due to the new social climate centered around questioning powers that be. There are many pros and cons included in the discussion as a result of varying ethnic values. Although, according to “History of Uniforms” by Michelle Meleen, uniforms are said to have been around since the 16th century. Over the past few years concerns that individuality and equity […]

The Debate over School Uniforms: Balancing Identity and Equality

Should schools make kids wear uniforms? It’s a big question that’s got teachers, parents, and students all fired up. Some say uniforms are all about fairness and keeping order, while others argue they squash creativity and personal style. Let's take a close look at both sides to see what’s what. Folks who like school uniforms think they’re a real equalizer. When everyone’s dressed the same, it levels the playing field and cuts down on kids teasing each other about who’s […]

Rethinking School Uniforms: are they Really that Great?

Let's talk about school uniforms. You know, those crisp shirts and pleated skirts or trousers that are supposed to make everything in school hunky-dory. On the surface, uniforms seem like a brilliant idea – they're touted to keep things equal, tidy, and distraction-free. But here’s the thing: dig a little deeper, and you'll find that this one-size-fits-all approach might be missing the mark. First off, think about self-expression. Remember being a teenager and figuring out who you were through the […]

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How To Write An Essay On School Uniforms

Introduction to the debate on school uniforms.

When writing an essay on school uniforms, it’s important to introduce the topic by presenting the ongoing debate surrounding it. School uniforms have been a contentious issue in education, with arguments for and against their implementation in schools. Begin by outlining what school uniforms are and their purpose in educational institutions. Set the stage for your discussion by briefly highlighting the main arguments from both sides: those who see uniforms as a tool for promoting equality and discipline, and those who argue they suppress individual expression and can be economically burdensome. This introduction should offer a balanced view, preparing the reader for a detailed exploration of the topic.

Exploring the Arguments for School Uniforms

The first part of the body of your essay should explore the arguments in favor of school uniforms. Discuss how uniforms can contribute to a sense of school identity and pride, potentially fostering a more focused and serious educational environment. Examine the perspective that uniforms can reduce peer pressure and social conflicts arising from dress choices, thus promoting equality and inclusivity among students. It's also worth mentioning the potential for uniforms to simplify dressing routines and possibly reduce costs for parents in comparison to buying regular clothes. Ensure that your discussion is supported by relevant examples, studies, or statistics.

Addressing the Counterarguments

Next, shift your focus to the arguments against school uniforms. One common argument is that uniforms inhibit personal expression and individuality, which are important aspects of child development and self-esteem. Discuss the financial aspect, particularly the burden on families who may struggle with the cost of specific uniform items. Explore the viewpoint that uniforms do not necessarily improve academic performance or discipline, as claimed by proponents. This section should critically analyze these counterarguments, offering a nuanced perspective on the potential downsides of school uniforms.

Concluding with a Thoughtful Assessment

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points from both sides of the debate. Offer a thoughtful assessment of whether the benefits of school uniforms outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa. You might also consider presenting a middle ground or alternative solutions, such as more flexible dress codes. Reflect on the broader implications of the school uniform debate, such as what it reveals about societal values, educational priorities, and the balance between conformity and individuality. A well-crafted conclusion will leave the reader with a clear understanding of your stance on the issue and the complexity of the debate surrounding school uniforms.

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School Uniforms Essay

School Uniforms Essay | Short and Long Essays, Importance and Benefits of School Uniforms

School Uniforms Essay: School uniforms should be utilized in educational systems. Uniforms are both as useful for schools just as for the pupils. Wearing outfits will help construct a feeling of solidarity inside the school. Rather than everybody as a different group, everybody will be in a similar group. Wearing regalia will help free pupils of the pressure of what to wear in the first part of the day. Wearing school outfits will help improve understudy distinction and improve their confidence. To start with, wearing coordinating outfits can cause pupils to feel equivalent. Helpless pupils would at this point don’t feel rejected on the grounds that they are not wearing name-brand garments like the more extravagant children.

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What is a School Uniform?

In straightforward words, we comprehend that the Uniform or material which is recommended by the school for pupils to wear in school is called school uniform. Generally in all schools uniform is mandatory.The Uniform gives balance and comparability between the pupils, everything being equal. These days, all schools keep the principles of wearing a normalized uniform for all pupils.

How to Write a School Uniform Essay?

To write an essay students should know the proper format. Also, they should be well aware of the topic on which they have to write the essay. Writing an essay on school uniforms requires the knowledge of the merits and demerits of wearing a school uniform. Students should list down the advantages of uniforms in schools.

Remember these points while writing the essay on school uniform:

  • Give introduction on school uniform in the first paragraph
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a school uniform
  • Explain how wearing a uniform brings changes in students
  • Conclude the essay in the last paragraph

Short Essay on School Uniform 150 Words in English

School uniforms are the solitary most apparent fundamental components of any school. We can distinguish the understudy by assessing their regalia.

It is said that, in the sixteenth century, Christ’s Hospital School originally utilized the school uniform. There has been a discussion everywhere in the world on whether the subject of school uniforms is positive or negative. Common liberties activists say that school uniforms are removing their opportunity of wearing anything. In guard, the School Committee says they give a school uniform to instruct them in order and solidarity.

School uniforms can build the pay of a custom-fitted local area. And furthermore, a business organization can bring in cash by creating school regalia. School uniforms are a conventional clothing standard including a shirt and full gasp for young men and pullovers and creased skirts for young ladies. School dress can lessen fabric harassment.

Yet in addition, these days youngsters are more cognizant about their design sense and sexual direction, so they don’t prefer to wear a similar unisex clothing standard. However, after every one of those contentions and dubious speculations, we can say, school regalia are as a matter of fact pride for an understudy.

Benefits of School Uniforms

Long Essay on School Uniform 650 Words

Schools are instructive establishments where kids go not exclusively to learn course readings however to develop as a general person. Schools likewise have the assignment of showing youngsters the desire for garments and mention to them what is proper for what event. School outfits are a basic type of garments for pupils during their visit at school during school hours, and outside during true school exercises. A school uniform is normal in a large portion of the schools. They have direct requests to wear the school uniform as a matter of course.

The necessity of School Uniform

Initially, school is where we all progress at an extremely youthful age. In a single word, life starts at school. It’s schooling, as well as school, gives us the stage to sustain our confidence, feelings in the beginning phase of life. The significance of making companions, functioning as a group we get familiar with every one of these in school. What’s more, wearing a similar dress unquestionably brings a feeling of solidarity among pupils. In each school, there are pupils from various foundations yet with the school uniform everybody becomes one-the lone character rules at that point is every one of them is the delegate of a similar school. This is an incredible inclination of harmony. This likewise assists kids with defeating the inadequacy (or predominance) complex which here and their kids have due to the climate they have been raised in. School outfits streak out a large portion of the drops of social contentions.

As school makes our crucial nuts and bolts of the future it is critical to cause one to feel as a piece of the school. A youngster with a specific school uniform constantly feels that he has a place with the school. It makes the youngster more cognizant about his distinction which thus helps to build fearlessness. A kid would be more thoughtful to his kindred cohort who has a similar uniform as his. As referenced before there would be consistently a blended group in each school. Some of them are rich, some have a place with the upper working class and some lower than that-this distinction remains all over, aside from those 8 hours in school due to the school uniform. The supposed status cognizance doesn’t exist with this.

Benefits of School Uniform

Another admirable sentiment comes up while examining the benefits of school uniform is younger students go through two most significant progress times of life in school-they burn through 12 long a long time in school-from adolescence to teen, from adolescent to youth-the school observer the progressions ( both physical and mental) happen inside one. During these changes, somebody barely thinks often about the world. That time there is a propensity among us all to disrupt the norm which should be managed cautiously and strategically.

Now wearing school regalia assumes a quiet yet urgent part in our lives. It ingrains a profound established feeling of control in the psyche mind. Subsequently, typically even the riskiest formally dressed understudy wonders whether or not to do any underhandedness outside the school as the moment suspected plays to him that he will let down his school with his activity. School uniform assists an understudy with focusing on his necessities-where school and scholastics start things out.

Even after some elegantly composed diagrams of papers on school uniforms, the contention on whether a school uniform abuses the pupils’ privilege of articulation will stay a ceaseless conversation. Be that as it may, truly, wearing of regalia should all rely upon the conditions and the picture a given school is attempting to depict. In any case, the significance of school uniforms appears to win the day today even as I compose this end and surprisingly after so many school uniform articles have been composed. On the last note, we should attempt to discover perpetual methods of tackling the developing issues looked at by pupils. We ought not to depend on school regalia to swipe the issues away from view, this does the pupils nothing but bad.

Importance of School Uniform

The uniform is a necessary piece of our life. The dress is a character of somebody. Through the dress, we become acquainted with which school the understudy is. The educator has a crucial part in picking a dress. He chooses the school uniform by taking a gander at all the classes. Uniform symbols, alongside schooling, order, and decorum help in altering the state and course of society.

Wearing legitimate clothing expands our trust in the public arena since it positively affects our work and thinking. These days, our local area has gotten a matter of rivalry for our kids. It appears to be that their dress is influencing them every day.

The wearing of our kids has additionally become an essential factor somewhat for the criminal occurrences occurring in the public eye. In an understudy’s life, the educator and parent are the types of God. School dress is viewed as a recipe for equity.

Advantages of School Uniform

  • School uniforms are a need in many schools to achieve consistency in pupils.
  • School uniform binds together all pupils, paying little heed to their social, strict, and monetary foundation.
  • It imparts a feeling of having a place in the pupils.
  • It assists with restraining pupils and keeps everything under control since they are not occupied by their special garments.
  • pupils don’t have to object about what to wear each day in the event that they have school regalia.
  • It is hard for low-pay families to purchase school regalia each spending year, and it might make a strain in their financial plan.
  • School outfits force consistency and consequently make pupils a mass of anonymous kids and with no singularity.
  • It is hard for pupils to check their friend’s monetary condition in the event that they are wearing school dresses.
  • pupils can be not kidding about their examinations and figure out how to endeavor to be deserving of the custom.
  • School dress can make pupils unoriginal.

FAQ’s on Schools Uniforms Essay

Question 1. What students should wear uniforms in school?

Answer: Uniforms are both as useful for schools just as for the pupils. Wearing uniforms will help fabricate a feeling of loneliness inside the school. To start with, wearing coordinating uniforms can cause pupils to feel equivalent. Helpless pupils would presently don’t feel barred in light of the fact that they are not wearing name-brand garments like the more extravagant children.

Question 2. How to write an essay on a school uniform?

Answer: Start with an introduction, discuss the debate going on school uniforms by students, write the cons and pros of school uniforms. Explains the advantages and changes that wearing a school uniform can bring in students. End the essay with a conclusion.

Question 3. What is good about school uniforms?

Answer: School uniforms have been demonstrated to raise test scores, support confidence, diminish savagery and wrongdoing, and make a feeling of freshly discovered pride in pupils. They assist youngsters with zeroing in on learning and homework, not on the thing every other person is wearing or whether they fit in. Outfits are not the answer for the entirety of the issues that adolescents, instructors, and schools face today, however, examination and insights propose that they might be a positive development.

Question 4. Should students wear school uniforms?

Answer: Yes, all students should wear school uniforms since it represents discipline and equality among students in school.

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Argumentative essay on school uniforms: advice for both sides.


There are problems, when the correct side doesn`t seem to exist. Those issues are the most appropriate to be written about in argumentative essays. Thus, you can support your point of view writing an argumentative essay on school uniforms. Having taken any side you will be able to use convincing arguments.

The School Uniform Issue

Before you actually start telling your point of view and providing arguments, explain the situation to your reader. It is also necessary to tell different points of view on the issue in general. Thus, in your introduction you should tell that there is a discussion about wearing uniforms. Some people think that students must wear it, and other have an opposite opinion. It is necessary to finish your introduction with a well-written thesis statement, showing your approach and main arguments.

Arguments for School Uniforms

If you think, that it is necessary for students to wear uniform, here are some arguments for you to use while writing.

Argument #1: Safety

When all of the students are dressed the same way, it is easily to recognize a stranger. This decreases the crime rate and contributes to students feeling safer at schools.

Argument #2: Proper Accents

School is not a podium and its main aim is to teach students, not to give them a possibility to show off. If students are dressed the same way, they understand better the purpose of coming to school and their attention won`t be distracted to some side things.

Argument #3: Equality

Wearing the same uniform solves the issue of social inequality between students. There won`t be students, who dress more fashionable, or whose clothing is more expensive. This will reduce the pressure to the students from less successful families.

Argument #3: Spirit of Unity

Uniform introducing contributes to team building. Students feel a part of a big friendly team, which has common aims and pride.

Argument #4: Saving Money

The school uniform helps parents to save money on clothing. They can simply purchase 2 sets instead for school instead of paying hundreds to provide their children with lots of outfits to wear.

Arguments against School Uniforms

Most students do not like wearing school uniforms, so they tend to take this side more often.

Argument #1: Limit of Expression

The first and the main argument is that school uniforms limit possibilities for students to express their personalities. This contradicts the opportunity to free self-expression supported by law.

Argument #2: Social Issues

This is a common thing, that there are better and worse schools. Therefore, students from different ones will be easily recognized in society, and members of worse schools will be pressed.

Argument #3: Contradiction to Free Education

The education is free of charge according to law. However, the introducing of the school uniforms will make parents buy at least two sets of school uniform. If a student is changing schools, this will be an issue.

Argument #4: Personality Growing Up

Adults can make their own choice on what to wear. Thus, as students are told what to wear in school, this may prevent their psychological growing up.

Points to Include to an Argumentative Essay on School Uniforms

To improve your essay on school uniforms:

  • Include numbers and other statistical data. Numbers help to support your opinion more efficiently.
  • Separate different arguments into separate paragraphs. This will contribute to clarity of your point.
  • Contact a professional writer for assistance. He will help you to organize your thought into a better coherent and convincing text.

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Argumentative Essay on School Uniform, Writing Guide

How to write an argumentative essay on school uniform, topic actuality.

  • How to start

How to write an outline

  • Example of an outline for a movie analysis

How to write an introduction

How to write a thesis statement.

  • Example of an introduction for a movie analysis
  • How to write body paragraphs
  • Tips for writing body paragraphs
  • Example of body paragraphs for a movie analysis essay
  • How to conclude
  • Example of a conclusion for a movie analysis

Writing an Essay on School Uniform, customessayorder.com

According to experts from cheap essay writing service , a typical structure of an argumentative paper starts with an introduction which describes the issues followed by the body.  The body contains well-structured paragraphs that present reasons and evidence for the authors claim.  The last paragraph contains concluding sentences that provide the audience with a resolution.

Writing an argumentative essay against school uniforms, the author needs to develop an argument that will persuade its audience to support his position. In most cases, the tutor will clarify the position students need to take when developing an assignment. If not, students are free to choose their positions.   Students need to arrange their arguments in an orderly manner for the audience to follow through the essay. Writing an argument requires students to conduct in-depth research on the topic. Students need to collect relevant information about issues surrounding school uniforms, present all these evidence to support his argument. The author should develop a systematic process of presenting his topic in an attempt persuade its audience using attractive language. An argumentative topic should be about a topic that would generate strong argument from both sides.

An argumentative topic needs to address real issues, for example, an argument against school uniforms is one of the common public debates scholars believe social inequality. When writing an argumentative paper against school uniforms, the author needs to present negative effects and the positive side to present a complete picture of his topic. A good essay need present all relevant ideas about the topic and also present counter-arguments before finally refuting the claims from the opposing side. Writing argumentative essay topics have different requirements, but the author needs to prove his point by supporting his claim based on facts because there is no correct or wrong answer in an essay.

How to start an essay about uniform

Introducing the topic requires the essay writer to discuss who is concerned and what the main concern is. The author needs to provide a brief background of the topic argument. For example: “The controversy surrounding students wearing school uniforms does not cease, students wearing school uniforms have become an endless debate, even though school uniforms are becoming a popular trend, students and parent do not agree with the policy enforcing school uniforms stating that school uniforms take away the students right of self-expression.”

To write an outline, you need all of your research done beforehand. Put all the research in the relevant areas in the outline, and use the outline to try and formulate a thesis statement.

Outline example of argumentative essay on school uniform


  • Thesis statement was stating the negative aspects of school uniforms.
  • Limiting self-expression.
  • Takes away a creative outlet.
  • Denies teenagers an avenue to express their feelings.
  • High cost for parents.
  • Parents need to buy new uniforms as the children grow older.
  • This is exacerbated if the parents have more than one child in the school.
  • School uniforms promote corruption between suppliers and school administrators.
  • Schools use particular suppliers, this can up the prices.
  • Opposing claim. Reasons for supporting school uniform like to promote safety.
  • Counterargument.  School still face security challenges.
  • Students will not enjoy their freedom and school life.
  • Uniform limits student self-expression.

Essay on School Uniform, customessayorder.com

Write an introduction when you know what you want to do with your essay in general – to write a proper introduction, make sure that you have a thesis statement, and that you summarise all of the main points which will be made in your essay as a whole.

  • Write clearly and coherently.
  • Include a hook which will keep people reading.
  • Don’t make any original arguments in the introduction itself.
  • Be sure to include the thesis statement.
  • Your introduction should include some background information.

To write a thesis statement, take all of your arguments, and boil it down into one single solitary argument. The thesis statement should encapsulate your arguments over the entire essay. It is normally one sentence, but can be two.

Example of a thesis statement for an essay on school uniform

Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school.

Example of an introduction for a school uniform essay

School uniforms are something that appear in many different schools. Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school. While school uniforms may sometimes help to eliminate the differences between pupils, and may also provide a barrier between school time and every other time, the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages. School uniforms limit creativity and freedom of expression, and they can represent a huge cost outlet for the parents involved. Not only that, but when schools require specific items, it gives rise to possible fraud.

How to write a body paragraphs for a paper on school uniform

Our experts from essay writing service mention that argumentative essay body needs to be arranged in three parts, the first paragraph should present the claim and strong argument supporting the author’s viewpoint. For example, the first paragraph needs to explain why school uniforms take away students self-expression. For example, school uniforms limit student’s freedom of expression. Forcing students to wear school uniform limits students’ creativity. Teenagers prefer showcasing their inner feelings through their looks. School uniforms deny them their rights of expression hence students begin rebelling by engaging in the poor behavior.

The second paragraph of the body needs to present more evidence about the argument, the author needs to present detailed explanations. When arguing against school uniform the author needs to present the cost implications of forcing students to wear school uniforms.  The author can state that parent is forced to buy different sets of uniforms which make school uniforms costly. Most parents with more than two children in school spend more money to buy different sets school uniforms because new uniforms are required every year.

School uniform promotes corruption, most school uniforms require unique identification like logos printed on shirts or school blazers. School prefers working with specific to sell its products. Selected suppliers take advantage of parents by selling these items at high prices. Suppliers collude with school administrators to exploit parents, this is a common occurrence in many countries. After presenting all the evidence against school uniform, the author needs to present an opposing view and refute this claim.

For example, one of the common reasons parents supporting school uniform state includes, students, can easily be identified hence promoting safety. However, school uniforms do not eliminate bullying or other crimes. Intruders still develop other ways of interacting with students by putting on school uniforms. In addition, students bullying has not reduced, students who want to bully their classmates will find other things to use apart from clothing. When presenting the counter argument the author needs to develop logic explanation refuting the opposing claims. When writing a good essay against school uniforms, the author should present both parents and students reaction and make the essay more engaging by highlighting recent events related to the topic.

Tips on body writing

  • Keep one argument for one paragraph each.
  • Make sure each paragraph references the thesis statement.
  • Remember to include a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.
  • Do enough research to keep your paragraph full of information, but not so much that it gets bogged down.
  • Keep on-topic.

Example of body paragraphs

1st Paragraph

School uniforms limit creativity. The teenage years is when children need to be able to show their emotions and their inner selves even more than normal, and a school uniform takes away one of the prime ways that they can do so. With no way of showing themselves and who they are (or experimenting with those things), teenagers quite often turn to acting out, in a bid to separate themselves from the herd. This particularly becomes an issue when there are several children from the same family are in school.

2nd Paragraph

Uniforms already cost a lot of money, and do so every year when children grow up. This is exacerbated if the family has more than one child in uniform at the school. Uniforms can be very expensive, since they are limited in scope, and they all have to look the same, and be made of the same materials. Add into this that children tend to grow, and naturally wear out their clothes anyway, and you have a recipe for a huge outlay of money which may not be sustainable in the long term, particularly if families need to rely on certain shops to get what they need.

3rd Paragraph

If families can only get their uniforms at a certain number of shops, this can lead to those shops taking advantage of their position. Uniforms normally have particular logos and crests on them – this can be used by shops as a way of putting the prices up to unknown levels. Since there are few places to actually get the uniforms from, many people have to pay the asked for a price.

4th Paragraph

It has been said that school uniforms will cut down on bullying, and will make school children safer. It has never been proven that bullying is stopped or reduced by the use of uniforms, and having an easily identifiable uniform could be argued as a point against general safety.

How to conclude an essay on school uniform

Concluding an essay on school uniforms, the author needs to state the main points of the argument to present the significance of the topic. The author needs to convince the target audience by highlighting some of the consequences of supporting the author’s view. The concluding paragraph needs to convince the audience using sound language and catchy statements when closing the argument. The author can convince the audience by reviewing all the main points and develop better augment. For example: if there are not uniforms, students will enjoy their freedom of expression and will enjoy school life, it is true that uniform deprives student freedom.

Example of conclusion for a movie analysis

People who are in favor of school uniforms often argue that they are helpful on a variety of levels, including when it comes to preventing bullying. Wearing a school uniform means that children are robbed of one of their primary means of self-expression while at school. What uniforms actually do, is take away one of the primary means for children to find themselves, thereby encouraging acting out. Uniforms can also end up being a significant outlay of money for not much return, particularly if you have multiple children, or need to use a certain shop, or a number of shops, for your needs.

Tips on final revision

After completing the essay, the author needs to take some time to edit his paper before submitting the final document. The author needs to re-read the essay to check for errors including spelling grammar, incomplete sentences and make corrections. When presenting the final document, the assignment should be well-structured with flowing sentences and logic explanations.

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Bring everything together for one final argument.
  • Don’t give any original arguments in the conclusion.
  • If the introduction had background information to help people understand the essay, include it in here too.
  • The conclusion is your last chance to bring people to your side – make it count!

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Introduction, body paragraphs, enhancing student behavior, improving academic performance, fostering a positive social atmosphere.

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uniforms essay thesis statement

Thesis Statement Examples

Caleb S.

Practical Thesis Statement Examples That Will Transform Your Writing

10 min read

Published on: Sep 3, 2024

Last updated on: Sep 3, 2024

thesis statement examples

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Writing a strong thesis statement is key to a great essay, but coming up with the perfect one can be tricky. 

No matter if you're working on a personal essay, an argumentative paper, or something else, having clear examples can really help.

In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of thesis statement examples for different types of essays. This will help you understand how to create strong statements that guide your writing and keep your readers engaged. 

Let’s find the right thesis for your next essay!

What Is A Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a key part of your essay that tells readers what your essay is about. It’s a clear sentence that sums up the main point or argument you’re going to make. Think of it as a guide that helps your readers understand your main idea and what to expect from your essay.

Your thesis statement usually goes at the end of your introduction. It gives your essay direction and helps keep everything focused on your main point.

Examples Of Thesis Statements By Essay Type

To help you see how to write effective thesis statements, here are thesis statement examples for essays of various types. Each example will give you a clearer picture of how to approach various topics.

Examples Of Thesis Statements For Personal Essays 

A personal essay thesis statement reflects your unique experiences and feelings. It shares a central idea about a personal story or insight you’re discussing.

Here are a few examples to give you an idea of how to craft your own:

  • Overcoming my fear of public speaking taught me that courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act despite it.
  • Traveling to a new country showed me that stepping out of my comfort zone is the best way to grow and learn.
  • My experience of balancing school and a part-time job proved that hard work and dedication can lead to personal success and self-discovery.

Thesis Statement Examples For Informative Essay 

A thesis statement for an informative essay provides a clear and specific overview of the topic you’re explaining. It helps readers understand the focus of your essay and what information they can expect to learn. 

Let’s take a look at some informative thesis statement examples :

  • The process of photosynthesis is essential for plant growth as it converts sunlight into energy and produces oxygen, which is crucial for life on Earth.
  • The history of the internet reveals how technological advancements have transformed communication, from early networks to the modern web.
  • Understanding the basics of genetic inheritance can explain how traits are passed from parents to offspring and how genetic disorders can occur.

Thesis Statement Examples For Compare And Contrast Essays

A thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay highlights the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It helps readers understand the main points of comparison and what you will be discussing. 

Some examples are:

  • While both public and private schools aim to provide quality education, they differ significantly in terms of funding, curriculum flexibility, and student-to-teacher ratios.
  • Although electric cars and gasoline-powered cars serve the same purpose of transportation, they differ in their environmental impact, cost, and efficiency.
  • The lifestyles of city dwellers and rural residents differ greatly, with urban areas offering more job opportunities and amenities, while rural areas provide a slower pace of life and closer connection to nature.

Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement Examples

A thesis statement for an argumentative essay clearly states your opinion on a hot topic and explains why you hold that view. It shows what you believe and what you’ll be arguing for. 

Below are some argumentative thesis statement examples :

  • A universal basic income can help reduce poverty and provide financial stability, making it a crucial step toward reducing economic inequality.
  • Renewable energy is vital for fighting climate change because it cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and supports a healthier planet.
  • Requiring school uniforms in public schools can decrease peer pressure and help students focus more on their studies.

Thesis Statement Examples For Persuasive Essay 

A thesis statement for a persuasive essay aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint. It presents your position and hints at the arguments you’ll use to support it. 

Some examples include: 

  • Adopting a plant-based diet is beneficial for health and the environment, as it reduces the risk of chronic diseases and decreases ecological footprints.
  • Investing in public transportation improves urban mobility and reduces traffic congestion, leading to a more efficient and eco-friendly city.
  • Banning single-use plastics is essential to protect marine life and reduce pollution, helping to preserve the environment for future generations.

Analytical Essay Thesis Statement Examples 

A thesis statement for an analytical essay breaks down a topic and examines its components. It highlights what you will analyze and what insights or conclusions you aim to provide. 

Here are some good thesis statement examples for analytical essays:

  • Analyzing Shakespeare’s use of imagery in "Macbeth" reveals how it enhances the play’s themes of ambition and guilt.
  • Examining the impact of social media on communication shows how it has changed the way we interact and perceive relationships.
  • The portrayal of leadership in “The Great Gatsby” illustrates how wealth and power can corrupt moral values and influence behavior.

Expository Essay Thesis Statement Examples 

A thesis statement for an expository essay explains a topic or idea in detail. It provides a clear summary of what the essay will cover and how it will inform the reader. 

See the examples mentioned below: 

  • The process of recycling involves several key steps, including sorting materials, processing them into raw materials, and creating new products.
  • The history of the internet highlights key milestones such as the development of early networks, the rise of the World Wide Web, and the evolution of online communication.
  • Understanding the causes of climate change requires examining factors like greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and industrial activities.

Process Essay Thesis Statement Examples 

A thesis statement for a process essay explains how something is done or how a process works. It gives a clear overview of the steps involved. Take a glance at these examples :

  • Making homemade pizza involves preparing the dough, adding toppings, and baking it to create a delicious and customizable meal.
  • The steps to start a small business include researching the market, creating a business plan, and securing funding to ensure a successful launch.
  • Learning a new language requires practicing speaking and listening skills, studying grammar, and immersing oneself in the language through reading and conversation.

Thesis Statement Examples According to Different Academic Levels 

Writing a thesis statement changes as you move through different study levels. Each stage has its own approach and complexity. Here’s how thesis statements might look across different levels:

Thesis Statement Examples for Kids 

At a basic level, thesis statements for kids are simple and direct. They usually focus on familiar topics and straightforward ideas. Consider these examples :

  • Dogs make great pets because they are loyal, fun, and good with kids.
  • Reading books is important because it helps you learn new things and improves your imagination.

Middle School Thesis Statement Examples 

In middle school, thesis statements start to involve more detail and support. They reflect a better understanding of how to structure arguments. Here are some examples :

  • School uniforms should be required because they promote equality, reduce distractions, and make it easier for students to focus on their studies.
  • Eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health because it provides essential nutrients, boosts energy levels, and helps prevent diseases.

High School Thesis Statement Examples 

High school thesis statements are more sophisticated, often including a clear argument and multiple supporting points. Take a look these examples :

  • The benefits of online learning outweigh the drawbacks because it offers flexibility, access to a wide range of resources, and the ability to balance education with other responsibilities.
  • Participating in extracurricular activities is important for high school students as it helps develop leadership skills, build friendships, and enhance college applications.

College Thesis Statement Examples 

At the college level, thesis statements are complex and detailed and often address more complex arguments. Examples include:

  • Implementing renewable energy solutions, such as solar and wind power, is essential for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • The rise of social media has transformed political campaigning by increasing voter engagement, spreading misinformation, and altering traditional campaign strategies.

Thesis Statement Examples for Research Papers

For research papers, thesis statements must be well-researched and specific and provide a clear direction for the study. Consider these examples :

  • Exploring the effects of childhood trauma on adult mental health reveals significant correlations between early experiences and the development of psychological disorders later in life.
  • Investigating the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market shows that while AI creates new opportunities, it also poses challenges related to job displacement and workforce adaptation.

More Examples Of Thesis Statements 

As you work on different essays and writing tasks, you’ll see that thesis statements can vary a lot. Here are some additional examples to illustrate their diversity.

Literary Analysis Thesis Statement Examples 

  • In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Harper Lee uses symbolism, such as the mockingbird, to highlight the themes of innocence and moral growth.
  • The use of unreliable narrators in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” enhances the story’s exploration of guilt and madness.

Implied Thesis Statement Examples 

  • Despite its surface simplicity, “The Little Prince” offers a profound critique of adult behavior through its exploration of human nature and relationships.
  • The persistent use of color imagery in “The Great Gatsby” subtly emphasizes the theme of the American Dream and its inherent flaws.

Thesis Statement Examples For Research Papers 

  • Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance shows a direct link between lack of sleep and reduced cognitive abilities in students.
  • Research into the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems reveals that rising sea levels and increased temperatures are threatening biodiversity and habitat stability.

Complex Thesis Statement Examples

  • While the integration of technology in education offers numerous benefits, such as personalized learning and greater accessibility, it also presents challenges related to screen time and data privacy.
  • The debate over genetic engineering in agriculture involves both potential benefits, like increased crop yields and disease resistance, and ethical concerns, such as environmental impact and genetic diversity.

In closing, 

A strong thesis statement is the backbone of any good essay. It helps guide your writing and keeps your readers focused on your main point. With the examples provided, you can see how to shape your thesis for different types of essays and academic levels.

If you want a little extra help with your thesis statements, check out the thesis statement generator from MyEssayWriter.ai . It’s a handy tool that can help you create and perfect your thesis statements quickly. 

For extra help with essay writing, check out our essay writer . It's an AI tool that can write high-quality essays for you in a breeze!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i write my thesis statement.

To write and start a thesis statement, you should:

  • Pick Your Topic: Decide what your essay will be about.
  • Formulate Your Argument: Choose your main point or stance on the topic.
  • Be Specific: Make sure your statement clearly outlines what you'll discuss.
  • Make It Debatable: Your thesis should present an argument that can be supported with evidence.
  • Keep It Concise: Aim for one or two sentences that clearly express your main idea.

What 3 things should a thesis statement have?

Typically, a thesis statement format includes three main parts: the topic you're discussing, your main argument or viewpoint , and the reasons or evidence you'll use to back up that argument. 

What is an example of a weak and strong thesis statement?

Weak Thesis Statement: "Social media is bad."

  • It's too broad and lacks detail.

Strong Thesis Statement: "Social media platforms negatively impact mental health by increasing anxiety and depression among teenagers, and this can be addressed through improved online safety measures."

  • It's specific, takes a clear stance, and hints at the main points of the essay.

What is a thesis statement sentence?

A thesis statement sentence is a single sentence in your essay that summarizes your main point or argument. It’s usually found at the end of your introduction and guides the rest of your essay.

Caleb S. (Mass Literature and Linguistics, Masters)

Caleb S. is an accomplished author with over five years of experience and a Master's degree from Oxford University. He excels in various writing forms, including articles, press releases, blog posts, and whitepapers. As a valued author at MyEssayWriter.ai, Caleb assists students and professionals by providing practical tips on research, citation, sentence structure, and style enhancement.

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Speaker 1: Hello, everyone. This is David Taylor, and I'm here to talk to you today about this thing right here. The five-paragraph essay. The five-paragraph essay goes by a lot of different names. Some of them you've probably heard. Let's see. You could call it the basic essay. You could call it the academic essay. You could call it the 131 essay, and that 131 is going to be important for us in just a moment. But no matter what name you call it, no matter what name you've heard about it, there's one name that I want you to remember and to use throughout this lesson, and that name is the easy essay. Because once I show you these three formulas for this five-paragraph essay, you're going to know that it's something that is easy for you to write and easy for you to deploy and use in all your other courses. Not that everything that you write in life is only going to have five paragraphs. That's not the point. The point is you're learning something basic that can be applied in various permutations in a variety of courses. So let's talk about the five-paragraph essay and talk about the three formulas that I'm going to give to you to produce the five-paragraph essay. And that first formula is the magic of three. You know, three has an important place in our culture, kind of a magic place in our culture, whether it's something like the three little pigs or the three wishes that you get from a genie or sayings like three times a charm or three strikes you're out. Three seems to have an important place in human memory. And we're going to use that important place and the role it plays in human memory to help create our five-paragraph essay. And this is how we're going to do it. Let's pretend that you're given, oh, a general topic like this one. What are the essential characteristics of a good parent? Okay, before you do anything else, you apply the magic of three. Boom. One, two, three. In other words, you're going to come up with three things and three things only. Sure, there are more than three characteristics of good parents, let's hope. But the point is, when writing this five-paragraph essay, you're going to limit yourself to three. And they can be the three you consider most important. Something like patience. Something like respect. Something like unconditional love. Again, there can be more, but limit yourself to three. Let's take another kind of topic. Let's take a more controversial topic. Something like, should women in the military be given front-line combat duties? Very controversial. You're going to read about it. You're going to talk about it. You're going to listen to your professor lecture on it. You're going to consult sources on it. And after you do all that, you still do one thing and one thing only. One, two, three. You come up with a position, because you've got to have a position. That's what being in college is all about. You're able to take a position, state an opinion, and then support it in a logical, acceptable way. And we're going to do it with three main points. Our three main points could be something like, well, the first reason would be women can be assigned to combat is equality. The second reason is their great teamwork. Or the third reason is their proven courage. Now, if you notice something repetitious there, and you're asking yourself, wait a minute, is this repetition good? The answer is yes, it is very good. Because although something might seem repetitious when it's close together in these sentences, remember, these are your main points. And they're going to be separated by paragraphs. So by the time your reader looks at them, they're not going to seem repetitious at all. As a matter of fact, they're going to seem clever. They're going to seem like a student who really knows how to organize an essay, and more importantly, use certain kinds of words, first, second, and third, to signal organization to their reader. So in this case, repetition is a manifest good thing. Okay, let's take one more topic, an academic topic. Why do so many students fail to complete their college degree? What are you going to do? Boom. One, two, three. And you're going to use that formula. That's something like, well, first, students often. Second, many students cannot. Third, third students find that, you see what I'm saying? No matter what the topic is, general, controversial, academic, you're going to apply one, two, three, and you're going to apply the repetition of those words to signal your structure. And that's called the academic expository essay structure. Fill it in with whatever you came up with in your reading, in your thinking, in your discussion, in listening to your professor. Fill in with whatever you want to, but use the structure. Okay, that's secret number one. Now let's go to the next secret, and that secret is the essay formula for the thesis. Every essay has to have a thesis, and a thesis can be written with a formula. You know, these thesis statements sound kind of intimidating. They go by names like controlling idea, overall point, the position statement. Okay, fine, position statement, fine. But you know what? They're all the same thing. They're all your opinion on the topic. Your position on the topic. And more importantly, there's a very set formula for producing that position on your topic, that thesis statement. Let's go over that formula. First, you take a topic that we've already looking at, that we've already seen, and then you add to it your position or your opinion. Remember, you've got to have one in college, and you have to be able to defend it. And then you put those two together, and you will get your thesis. Let's take an example. Let's take a topic we've already used. What are the essential characteristics of a good parent? There's our topic. We know our opinion on that topic. It was patience, respect, and love. All you have to do is add those two things together, and you get your thesis. The essential characteristics of a good parent are patience, respect, and love. You see how simple it is? Add together the words of the topic with the words of your opinion equals your thesis statement. Now here, it just so happened our opinion contained our three main points, and that's great. When it happens, don't avoid it. Don't resist it. Go with it. But there are other ways of doing it. Let's take a more broad, general way of doing it with this topic. Let's say in this topic, we're going to have, should women be assigned combat duties in the military? Again, you do your reading. You do your discussion. You do your note-taking. You listen to your professor, and you come up with an opinion. You say, yes, they deserve it. That's a position, and that's a great position to have. And that is your opinion. And now, and you're allowed your opinion, and now all you have to do is support it. But before you do that, let's put together the topic with your position into the thesis statement. Thesis, and that would be women deserve front-line combat duties in the military. See what you did? The topic. Should women be assigned? Yes, they should. They deserve it. And we added those two together, and we got our thesis statement. Now comes those three main points that we came up with earlier. They deserve it because of equality, because of teamwork, and because of their courage. So that's how it works. Now, for the thesis statement, it's a simple matter of adding the topic to your position into a single sentence equaling your thesis. Now, one last formula that I want to show you. And that formula is the 1-3-1 outline. What does the 1-3-1 outline look like? It looks exactly like this. One paragraph for your introduction, three paragraphs for your body. And remember, you can have more than three sometimes, but we're just playing with three. And then one paragraph for your conclusion. 1-3-1. Looks like we're doing the YMCA song at a wedding. Now, the main points and the main sentences that we've been coming up with go in special places in this outline. The first is the thesis statement. Let's remind ourselves of our topic. What are the essential characteristics of a good parent? Remember our thesis. Look where we're going to put that thesis. We're going to put it as the last sentence of that introduction paragraph. Why? Because it is the purpose of the introduction paragraph to introduce the thesis. Not the entire essay. Most people think the introduction paragraph introduces the essay. Not really. The introduction paragraph's purpose is to lead up to, provide context to, and then provide a position for the thesis statement. And it's the thesis statement that acts as the umbrella or the introduction to the entire essay. So that's why you want to put that thesis statement as the last sentence of your introduction or near the last sentence of your introduction. Now, as far as those three main points, you put those three main points as the three topic sentences or three first sentences of your three body paragraphs. And there they are. The first, the second, and the third essential characteristics. Patience, respect, and love. So, your three main points become your three main topic sentences of your three body paragraphs. And then at the end, you're going to have a conclusion. Conclusion, you revisit your thesis in a special way, kind of telling the overall importance of what you've written. So, those are the three formulas. The magic of three, always come up with three somethings. Three reasons. Three causes. Three effects. Three whatevers. The second formula was to produce that thesis statement, combine your topic plus your position on that topic, combine them into one sentence, and it's your thesis sentence. And then the last formula you see, the one, three, one outline. And once you've got that outline, and once you've got the thesis statement stated in the introduction, you've got your three main points in your three body paragraphs, all you've got to do is fill it in with your intelligence, your words, your thoughts, your opinions. Follow those three formulas, and you'll be producing a good, tight, organized essay. Okay, good luck on them, and I'll talk to you later.


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What a Thesis Paper is and How to Write One

A student sitting at her laptop working on her college thesis paper.

From choosing a topic and conducting research to crafting a strong argument, writing a thesis paper can be a rewarding experience.

It can also be a challenging experience. If you've never written a thesis paper before, you may not know where to start. You may not even be sure exactly what a thesis paper is. But don't worry; the right support and resources can help you navigate this writing process.

What is a Thesis Paper?

Shana Chartier,  director of information literacy at SNHU.

A thesis paper is a type of academic essay that you might write as a graduation requirement for certain bachelor's, master's or honors programs. Thesis papers present your own original research or analysis on a specific topic related to your field.

“In some ways, a thesis paper can look a lot like a novella,” said Shana Chartier , director of information literacy at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). “It’s too short to be a full-length novel, but with the standard size of 40-60 pages (for a bachelor’s) and 60-100 pages (for a master’s), it is a robust exploration of a topic, explaining one’s understanding of a topic based on personal research.”

Chartier has worked in academia for over 13 years and at SNHU for nearly eight. In her role as an instructor and director, Chartier has helped to guide students through the writing process, like editing and providing resources.

Chartier has written and published academic papers such as "Augmented Reality Gamifies the Library: A Ride Through the Technological Frontier" and "Going Beyond the One-Shot: Spiraling Information Literacy Across Four Years." Both of these academic papers required Chartier to have hands-on experience with the subject matter. Like a thesis paper, they also involved hypothesizing and doing original research to come to a conclusion.

“When writing a thesis paper, the importance of staying organized cannot be overstated,” said Chartier. “Mapping out each step of the way, making firm and soft deadlines... and having other pairs of eyes on your work to ensure academic accuracy and clean editing are crucial to writing a successful paper.”

How Do I Choose a Topic For My Thesis Paper?

Rochelle Attari, a peer tutor at SNHU.

What your thesis paper is for will determine some of the specific requirements and steps you might take, but the first step is usually the same: Choosing a topic.

“Choosing a topic can be daunting," said Rochelle Attari , a peer tutor at SNHU. "But if (you) stick with a subject (you're) interested in... choosing a topic is much more manageable.”

Similar to a thesis, Attari recently finished the capstone  for her bachelor’s in psychology . Her bachelor’s concentration is in forensics, and her capstone focused on the topic of using a combined therapy model for inmates who experience substance abuse issues to reduce recidivism.

“The hardest part was deciding what I wanted to focus on,” Attari said. “But once I nailed down my topic, each milestone was more straightforward.”

In her own writing experience, Attari said brainstorming was an important step when choosing her topic. She recommends writing down different ideas on a piece of paper and doing some preliminary research on what’s already been written on your topic.

By doing this exercise, you can narrow or broaden your ideas until you’ve found a topic you’re excited about. " Brainstorming is essential when writing a paper and is not a last-minute activity,” Attari said.

How Do I Structure My Thesis Paper?

An icon of a white-outlined checklist with three items checked off

Thesis papers tend to have a standard format with common sections as the building blocks.

While the structure Attari describes below will work for many theses, it’s important to double-check with your program to see if there are any specific requirements. Writing a thesis for a Master of Fine Arts, for example, might actually look more like a fiction novel.

According to Attari, a thesis paper is often structured with the following major sections:


  • Literature review
  • Methods, results

Now, let’s take a closer look at what each different section should include.

A blue and white icon of a pencil writing on lines

Your introduction is your opportunity to present the topic of your thesis paper. In this section, you can explain why that topic is important. The introduction is also the place to include your thesis statement, which shows your stance in the paper.

Attari said that writing an introduction can be tricky, especially when you're trying to capture your reader’s attention and state your argument.

“I have found that starting with a statement of truth about a topic that pertains to an issue I am writing about typically does the trick,” Attari said. She demonstrated this advice in an example introduction she wrote for a paper on the effects of daylight in Alaska:

In the continental United States, we can always count on the sun rising and setting around the same time each day, but in Alaska, during certain times of the year, the sun rises and does not set for weeks. Research has shown that the sun provides vitamin D and is an essential part of our health, but little is known about how daylight twenty-four hours a day affects the circadian rhythm and sleep.

In the example Attari wrote, she introduces the topic and informs the reader what the paper will cover. Somewhere in her intro, she said she would also include her thesis statement, which might be:

Twenty-four hours of daylight over an extended period does not affect sleep patterns in humans and is not the cause of daytime fatigue in northern Alaska .

Literature Review

In the literature review, you'll look at what information is already out there about your topic. “This is where scholarly articles  about your topic are essential,” said Attari. “These articles will help you find the gap in research that you have identified and will also support your thesis statement."

Telling your reader what research has already been done will help them see how your research fits into the larger conversation. Most university libraries offer databases of scholarly/peer-reviewed articles that can be helpful in your search.

In the methods section of your thesis paper, you get to explain how you learned what you learned. This might include what experiment you conducted as a part of your independent research.

“For instance,” Attari said, “if you are a psychology major and have identified a gap in research on which therapies are effective for anxiety, your methods section would consist of the number of participants, the type of experiment and any other particulars you would use for that experiment.”

In this section, you'll explain the results of your study. For example, building on the psychology example Attari outlined, you might share self-reported anxiety levels for participants trying different kinds of therapies. To help you communicate your results clearly, you might include data, charts, tables or other visualizations.

The discussion section of your thesis paper is where you will analyze and interpret the results you presented in the previous section. This is where you can discuss what your findings really mean or compare them to the research you found in your literature review.

The discussion section is your chance to show why the data you collected matters and how it fits into bigger conversations in your field.

The conclusion of your thesis paper is your opportunity to sum up your argument and leave your reader thinking about why your research matters.

Attari breaks the conclusion down into simple parts. “You restate the original issue and thesis statement, explain the experiment's results and discuss possible next steps for further research,” she said.

Find Your Program

Resources to help write your thesis paper.

an icon of a computer's keyboard

While your thesis paper may be based on your independent research, writing it doesn’t have to be a solitary process. Asking for help and using the resources that are available to you can make the process easier.

If you're writing a thesis paper, some resources Chartier encourages you to use are:

  • Citation Handbooks: An online citation guide or handbook can help you ensure your citations are correct. APA , MLA and Chicago styles have all published their own guides.
  • Citation Generators: There are many citation generator tools that help you to create citations. Some — like RefWorks — even let you directly import citations from library databases as you research.
  • Your Library's Website: Many academic and public libraries allow patrons to access resources like databases or FAQs. Some FAQs at the SNHU library that might be helpful in your thesis writing process include “ How do I read a scholarly article? ” or “ What is a research question and how do I develop one? ”

It can also be helpful to check out what coaching or tutoring options are available through your school. At SNHU, for example, the Academic Support Center offers writing and grammar workshops , and students can access 24/7 tutoring and 1:1 sessions with peer tutors, like Attari.

"Students can even submit their papers and receive written feedback... like revisions and editing suggestions," she said.

If you are writing a thesis paper, there are many resources available to you. It's a long paper, but with the right mindset and support, you can successfully navigate the process.

“Pace yourself,” said Chartier. “This is a marathon, not a sprint. Setting smaller goals to get to the big finish line can make the process seem less daunting, and remember to be proud of yourself and celebrate your accomplishment once you’re done. Writing a thesis is no small task, and it’s important work for the scholarly community.”

A degree can change your life. Choose your program  from 200+ SNHU degrees that can take you where you want to go.

Meg Palmer ’18 is a writer and scholar by trade who loves reading, riding her bike and singing in a barbershop quartet. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English, language and literature at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and her master’s degree in writing, rhetoric and discourse at DePaul University (’20). While attending SNHU, she served as the editor-in-chief of the campus student newspaper, The Penmen Press, where she deepened her passion for writing. Meg is an adjunct professor at Johnson and Wales University, where she teaches first year writing, honors composition, and public speaking. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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About southern new hampshire university.

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SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

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