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smart technology research paper

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

  • JCR Impact Factor: 15.3 , Top 1 (SCI Q1) CiteScore: 23.5 , Top 2% (Q1) Google Scholar h5-index: 77, TOP 5
Othmane Friha, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Lei Shu, Leandros Maglaras, and Xiaochan Wang, "Internet of Things for the Future of Smart Agriculture: A Comprehensive Survey of Emerging Technologies," vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 718-752, Apr. 2021. doi:
Othmane Friha, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Lei Shu, Leandros Maglaras, and Xiaochan Wang, "Internet of Things for the Future of Smart Agriculture: A Comprehensive Survey of Emerging Technologies," vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 718-752, Apr. 2021. doi:

Internet of Things for the Future of Smart Agriculture: A Comprehensive Survey of Emerging Technologies

Doi:  10.1109/jas.2021.1003925.

  • Othmane Friha 1 ,  , 
  • Mohamed Amine Ferrag 2 ,  , 
  • Lei Shu 3, 4 ,  ,  , 
  • Leandros Maglaras 5 ,  , 
  • Xiaochan Wang 6 , 

Networks and Systems Laboratory, University of Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, Annaba 23000, Algeria

Department of Computer Science, Guelma University, Gulema 24000, Algeria

College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China

School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, Lincoln LN67TS, UK

School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

Department of Electrical Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China

Othmane Friha received the master degree in computer science from Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, Algeria, in 2018. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the University of Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, Algeria. His current research interests include network and computer security, internet of things (IoT), and applied cryptography

Mohamed Amine Ferrag received the bachelor degree (June, 2008), master degree (June, 2010), Ph.D. degree (June, 2014), HDR degree (April, 2019) from Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, Algeria, all in computer science. Since October 2014, he is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Guelma University, Algeria. Since July 2019, he is a Visiting Senior Researcher, NAULincoln Joint Research Center of Intelligent Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University. His research interests include wireless network security, network coding security, and applied cryptography. He is featured in Stanford University’s list of the world’s Top 2% Scientists for the year 2019. He has been conducting several research projects with international collaborations on these topics. He has published more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences in the above areas. Some of his research findings are published in top-cited journals, such as the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials , IEEE Internet of Things Journal , IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , IEEE Access , Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier), Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Wiley), Telecommunication Systems (Springer), International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier), Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), and Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier). He has participated in many international conferences worldwide, and has been granted short-term research visitor internships to many renowned universities including, De Montfort University, UK, and Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He is currently serving on various editorial positions such as Editorial Board Member in Journals (Indexed SCI and Scopus) such as, IET Networks and International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (Inderscience Publishers)

Lei Shu (M’07–SM’15) received the B.S. degree in computer science from South Central University for Nationalities in 2002, and the M.S. degree in computer engineering from Kyung Hee University, South Korea, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Ireland, in 2010. Until 2012, he was a Specially Assigned Researcher with the Department of Multimedia Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan. He is currently a Distinguished Professor with Nanjing Agricultural University and a Lincoln Professor with the University of Lincoln, U.K. He is also the Director of the NAU-Lincoln Joint Research Center of Intelligent Engineering. He has published over 400 papers in related conferences, journals, and books in the areas of sensor networks and internet of things (IoT). His current H-index is 54 and i10-index is 197 in Google Scholar Citation. His current research interests include wireless sensor networks and IoT. He has also served as a TPC Member for more than 150 conferences, such as ICDCS, DCOSS, MASS, ICC, GLOBECOM, ICCCN, WCNC, and ISCC. He was a Recipient of the 2014 Top Level Talents in Sailing Plan of Guangdong Province, China, the 2015 Outstanding Young Professor of Guangdong Province, and the GLOBECOM 2010, ICC 2013, ComManTel 2014, WICON 2016, SigTelCom 2017 Best Paper Awards, the 2017 and 2018 IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Awards, the 2017 Journal of Network and Computer Applications Best Research Paper Award, and the Outstanding Associate Editor Award of 2017, and the 2018 IEEE ACCESS. He has also served over 50 various Co-Chair for international conferences/workshops, such as IWCMC, ICC, ISCC, ICNC, Chinacom, especially the Symposium Co-Chair for IWCMC 2012, ICC 2012, the General Co-Chair for Chinacom 2014, Qshine 2015, Collaboratecom 2017, DependSys 2018, and SCI 2019, the TPC Chair for InisCom 2015, NCCA 2015, WICON 2016, NCCA 2016, Chinacom 2017, InisCom 2017, WMNC 2017, and NCCA 2018

Leandros Maglaras (SM’15) received the B.Sc. degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1998, M.Sc. in industrial production and management from University of Thessaly in 2004, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical & computer engineering from University of Volos in 2008 and 2014, respectively. He is the Head of the National Cyber Security Authority of Greece and a Visiting Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at the De Montfort University, U.K. He serves on the Editorial Board of several International peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE Access , Wiley Journal on Security & Communication Networks , EAI Transactions on e-Learning and EAI Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems . He is an author of more than 80 papers in scientific magazines and conferences and is a Senior Member of IEEE. His research interests include wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad hoc networks

Xiaochan Wang is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Nanjing Agricultural University. His main research fields include intelligent equipment for horticulture and intelligent measurement and control. He is an ASABE Member, and the Vice Director of CSAM (Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery), and also the Senior Member of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. He was awarded the Second Prize of Science and Technology Invention by the Ministry of Education (2016) and the Advanced Worker for Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (2012), and he also gotten the “Blue Project” in Jiangsu province young and middle-aged academic leaders (2010)

  • Corresponding author: Lei Shu, e-mail: [email protected]
  • Revised Date: 2020-11-25
  • Accepted Date: 2020-12-30
  • Agricultural internet of things (IoT) , 
  • internet of things (IoT) , 
  • smart agriculture , 
  • smart farming , 
  • sustainable agriculture
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通讯作者: 陈斌, [email protected]

沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • We review the emerging technologies used by the Internet of Things for the future of smart agriculture.
  • We provide a classification of IoT applications for smart agriculture into seven categories, including, smart monitoring, smart water management, agrochemicals applications, disease management, smart harvesting, supply chain management, and smart agricultural practices.
  • We provide a taxonomy and a side-by-side comparison of the state-of-the-art methods toward supply chain management based on the blockchain technology for agricultural IoTs.
  • We highlight open research challenges and discuss possible future research directions for agricultural IoTs.
  • Copyright © 2022 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
  • 京ICP备14019135号-24
  • E-mail: [email protected]  Tel: +86-10-82544459, 10-82544746
  • Address: 95 Zhongguancun East Road, Handian District, Beijing 100190, China

smart technology research paper

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  • Figure 1. The four agricultural revolutions
  • Figure 2. Survey structure
  • Figure 3. IoT-connected smart agriculture sensors enable the IoT
  • Figure 4. The architecture of a typical IoT sensor node
  • Figure 5. Fog computing-based agricultural IoT
  • Figure 6. SDN/NFV architecture for smart agriculture
  • Figure 7. Classification of IoT applications for smart agriculture
  • Figure 8. Greenhouse system [ 101 ]
  • Figure 9. Aerial-ground robotics system [ 67 ]
  • Figure 10. Photovoltaic agri-IoT schematic diagram [ 251 ]
  • Figure 11. Smart dairy farming system [ 254 ]
  • Figure 12. IoT-based solar insecticidal lamp [ 256 ], [ 257 ]

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Benefits of adopting smart building technologies in building construction of developing countries: review of literature

  • Review Paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 09 January 2023
  • Volume 5 , article number  52 , ( 2023 )

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smart technology research paper

  • Cyril Chinonso Ejidike   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4889-2397 1 &
  • Modupe Cecilia Mewomo   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8695-1197 1  

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Smart building technology has received a broad audience due to digitalisation and benefits in the construction industry. With global interest, the construction of smart buildings has become a new trend in development. Many studies identified a significant interest in the smart building technology application more than in conventional buildings. However, in developing countries, construction professionals have paid little attention to the adoption of smart building technology. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the benefits that are attached to the adoption of smart building technology (SBT) in the construction industry. The study is based on a systematic review of published articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. A total of 55 papers comprising conferences and journal articles retrieved from Scopus database were utilised for the study. The study's findings revealed efficient energy consumption, cost-effective building maintenance and operation, job creation, health care management, real-time monitoring, safety and security, among others, as benefits of smart building technologies (SBTs). For smart building technology to thrive in emerging economies, a comprehensive understanding of its benefits is highly imperative. This will not only promote construction professionals' knowledge of its concept but also enhance its successful adoption in these regions. Thus, the paper provides some insights into the benefit of smart building technology in developing countries while suggesting the formation of a synergic structure between the research community and practitioners in the construction sector.

Article highlight

Smart building promotes sustainability in the construction industry.

Productivity, collaboration and security increase smart building adoption.

Rigorous studies on smart building benefits are limited in developing countries.

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1 Introduction

The construction and maintenance of conventional buildings are estimated to consume about 30–40% of the world's final energy and release greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment [ 1 , 2 ]. Building-related anthropogenic activities harm the environment due to the high energy and resources consumed in buildings [ 3 ]. For instance, the building energy consumed in regions such as the European Union, United States, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, and Africa accounts for 40%, 20%, 90%, 73%, and 56%, respectively [ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Consequently, the building stock in these same regions is responsible for 36%, 40%, 60%, 33%, and 32% CO 2 emissions, respectively. Buildings account for 40% and 39% of total global energy use and carbon emissions [ 9 ]. Due to the skyrocketing population growth, urban sprawl, and globalisation, the building industry is confronted with the challenge of providing adequate and holistic built infrastructures such as efficient energy management, good water supply, occupants' indoor comfort, and management of construction wastes [ 10 ]. So far, progress has been achieved to a certain extent due to sustainable construction practices in the built environment [ 11 ]. Different techniques for sustainable construction have been introduced in developed and developing countries [ 12 ]. These sustainable techniques include green roofs and buildings, modular construction, information modelling, and smart building technology (SBT) [ 1 , 13 , 14 , 15 ].

The global construction industry greatly impacts the environment, economy, and social development [ 16 ]. The need for economic, environmental and social consideration in the context of smart building technologies as part of the future of the built environment [ 16 ]. Smart buildings can be expressed as intelligent and self-sustainable buildings by exploiting sensors, technologies, and innovative materials to achieve energy management and occupant comfort [ 17 ]. Furthermore, a subset of smart environments enables a building to obtain information about the environment and apply knowledge about the environment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the environment [ 18 ].

Sustainable development in construction has enabled proper management systems and the integration of the earth's natural resources through multidisciplinary knowledge, thus, providing a pathway for ecosystem balance and socio-economic development [ 13 , 17 ]. Globally, the interest in smart building technology has progressively increased over the years [ 19 , 20 , 21 ]. The adoption of smart buildings has recently come to the spotlight due to the benefits of adopting smart buildings in the construction industry for developed and developing countries. The products of the built environment is constructed in the best practical ways toward efficient energy usage, raw material recycling, and realising a sustainable and carbon-free environment, which has demonstrated the technology application in the construction industry [ 18 , 19 , 22 ].

There are many barriers and challenges for a developing country to adopt SBT to achieve sustainable construction [ 23 ]. For instance, Ghansah et al. [ 24 ] revealed the high cost of smart, sustainable materials and equipment, technical difficulties during construction processes or lack of technical skills regarding smart technologies and techniques, and resistance to change from traditional practices in the Ghana construction industry. Gobbo et al. [ 25 ] pinpointed the lack of a regulatory environment to adopting the concept of a smart building, lack of finances and financial incentives for adopting SBT, and problems with the availability of skilled and specialised jobs in smart buildings concepts, devices and solutions in the Brazilian social housing.

The construction industry's response, introduces efficient energy usage, encourages locally available raw materials, and advances conventional building techniques [ 20 , 21 ]. Accomplishing smart buildings requires promoting efficient technologies and the practice of smart buildings in the built environment [ 26 ]. Sustainable construction practices are crucial for achieving the three pillars of sustainable development namely economic, social, and environmental goals [ 27 ]. According to Vattano [ 28 ], sustainable building technology aims to provide a living and working environment that consumes fewer resources, produces less waste, and retrofits existing buildings to be innovative, energy-saving, and water-efficient. It is not easy to think smart without associating it with sustainability in the construction industry [ 29 ]. Over time, building practitioners have become vibrant in energy management, protecting and restoring ecological balance, increasing economic efficiency, and improving human comfort and satisfaction through a technology application [ 30 ]. However, little effort has been made to enlighten the construction professionals of developing countries on the benefits of adopting smart buildings. Therefore, the study aims to identify the benefits that are associated with adopting SBT in the construction industry for developing countries in project delivery, considering the social, environmental and economic impact of adopting SBTs.

In the next section, Section two indicates the methodology, section three presents the result and discussion, and the last section four shows the implication and five conclusions from the findings.

2 Methodology

A thorough literature review of scientific research is the foundation for advancing knowledge in a particular field such as building and construction, and so on [ 1 , 25 ]. This study adopted a systematic review approach to analyse the existing literature comprehensively. The type of literature review described by Denyer and Traffield [ 31 ] systematic review is adopted when increasing the demand to organize knowledge into a rigorous and reliable format and makes a difference in practices. The Scopus search engine was employed to conduct a literature search to select relevant papers due to data recovery precision and accuracy in performance [ 26 , 32 , 33 ]. This strategy has traditionally been used to discover relevant publications for investigations [ 1 ]. The search of relevant keywords in the Scopus database utilising the parenthesis (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("smart building technology" OR "benefit") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("smart home benefit" OR "developing countries" OR "Construction Industry") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Sustainable constriction" OR "building technology" OR "Digitalization") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Adoption" OR "Sustainable Development" OR "SBTs")).

During the initial systematically conducted search (searched in October 2021), 63 articles were discovered. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of the paper were applied. All the papers were written in English, and the papers from engineering, computer science and environmental sciences were included, while other papers outside engineering, computer science and environmental sciences were excluded. The review focused on smart building technology and the adoption of benefits as reported in academic journals and conference papers. However, not all the papers discovered are relevant to the study on the benefits of smart building adoption. The current study aimed at assessing literature on the benefits of smart building technology adoption in developing countries. Hence, it was required to filter out unrelated articles. Figure  1 shows the systematic review flow chat.

figure 1

Overview of the research approach

Furthermore, a content review was used to filter in the most relevant papers to the study, focusing on the topical analysis of the article, followed by the abstract and the article's findings [ 34 , 35 ]. After the screening, 55 articles were considered worthy of analysis.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 bibliometric analysis outcomes of the paper.

The papers selected about the benefits of technology adoption by years, present an overview of the topic's evolution and research from 1988 through mid-October 2021. The year 2021 papers are not the total reflection of the year's publication, as shown in Fig.  2 . The trend in research regarding the study shows a zigzag pattern, which means that research into the study area is springing up, but 2019 and 2020 show a constant pattern. This can be attributed to the desire to achieve comfort and energy-saving in the built environment. Furthermore, the research looked at the literature on technology adoption, sustainable construction, and benefits in the construction sector and how they relate to smart building. Most papers were published in 2020 (14 papers), 2019 (6 papers), 2017 (6 papers), and 2014 (5 papers); all of which are considered contemporary because they are less than ten years old.

figure 2

Papers in selected journals about the benefits of technology adoption (SBTs) by year

3.2 The smart building technology

According to Sherif, Sherif and Eissa [ 36 :p15], smart buildings are "automated buildings, intelligent buildings, and buildings with smart technology”. It is a term used to describe structures that include technologies such as digital infrastructure, energy efficiency measures, intelligent building management systems, wireless technologies, remote monitoring, information and communications networks, adaptive energy systems, networked appliances, data gathering devices, assistive technologies and automated systems.

Furthermore, Smart building technology is the collaboration of building automation systems, integration systems, and telecommunication systems for smart building's efficiency, functionality, optimisation, comfort, and economic stability [ 10 ]. A Smart building is a building that optimises its structures, systems, services, and management including the interrelationships between them to deliver a productive and cost-effective environment [ 37 ]. In their study Buckman, Mayfield, and Beck [ 38 ] identified Smart building technology in four significant accounts: intelligent, enterprise, control, and materials and construction, which should be adaptable to building to meet building advancements in energy efficiency, comfort, satisfaction, and longevity (life cycle). In smart buildings, microchips, actuators, and sensors are utilised to collect data and manage it according to the tasks and services of the company [ 39 ]. This infrastructure also helps building owners, operators, and managers increase asset reliability and performance, maximise space usage, decrease environmental impact, and provide security, comfort, energy efficiency (low operating costs), and convenience [ 36 ].

3.3 The benefits of smart building technology in developing countries

Adopting smart building technology in the construction industry of developing countries is beneficial to professionals, clients, and the entire country. Vattano [ 28 ] states that using Smart buildings in sustainable construction allows the industry to produce less waste while using resources efficiently and without harming the environment. In terms of achieving sustainability goals for project delivery, smart building technology may succeed but fail in adopting the practice in the construction industry [ 1 ]. Therefore, it is vital to consider looking at the benefits of SBT for successful adoption. Bandara, Abeynayake, and Pandithawatta [ 27 ] identify the benefit of SBT for project delivery in three sustainability goals: economic, social, and environmental.

Sovacool and Furszyfer Del Rio [ 40 ] discovered that smart building's environmental benefits involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is achieved through better monitoring of energy usage and control over carbon emission of CO 2 related materials in buildings. According to Honeywell and IHS [ 41 ], smart building's economic benefit over traditional convectional structures is that the investment pays off quickly, and failure of appliances and equipment in the building is avoided, thus, avoiding fire outbreaks and energy difficulties. According to Balta-Ozkan, Boteler, and Amerighi [ 42 ], the social benefit of a smart building is a concern with safety, healthcare management, and security. Sherif, Sherif and Eissa [ 36 ], in their study, identify the benefits of SBT in general as a strategy for reducing energy costs, increasing the productivity of staff, improving building operations, providing web-based security, and improving the safety of life and security of occupants. A smart building can be compatible with existing buildings, offering comfort and time-saving. Honeywell and HIS [ 41 ] also discovered benefits such as health and safety, data infrastructure connectivity, detecting faults in the system, and cost-saving. This paper discusses only the top five (5) benefits. Table 1 illustrates the benefits based on the number of times researchers are mentioned and the top six mentioned benefits.

3.3.1 Energy saving

Smart building technologies improve energy efficiency and maximises energy savings over time of the building [ 41 , 42 , 43 ]. In the study conducted by [ 44 , 45 ], smart building ensures that energy consumed in the building is controlled and monitored in real-time to improve the performance of the building and makes it to be environmentally friendly. As reported in the literature, smart buildings contributed to energy saving and reduced power consumption from 765,228.16 to 499,067.01 kWh, leading a reduction of 34.78% [ 2 , 37 ]. Therefore, this study identifies energy saving as a significant benefit of adopting smart building technology in developing countries.

3.3.2 Safety and security

According to Honeywell and IHS [ 41 ], the way a building responds to threats, manages access to the facility, secures lives and assets, and makes it comfortable and productive; these are all examples of safety and security systems (illumination, thermal comfort, air quality, connectivity, energy availability). Security and safety in smart buildings are paramount. Humans require complete safety and security, whether the facility is a residential building or commercial building [ 34 , 46 ]. Therefore, safety and security are vital benefits of adopting SBT in developing countries.

3.3.3 Maintenance cost-saving

According to Iwuagwu, Chioma, and Iwuagwu [ 44 ], Smart buildings gain that the total cost of a facility is not just its construction cost but also the operating and maintenance costs during the lifecycle of the building. The authors explained that buildings could save money by improving automated control, communication, and management systems by sharing equipment among numerous users. Also supported by Honeywell and IHS [ 41 ], smart buildings reduce the cost of energy at home and control how much energy is used, such as lowering the costs of operations and maintenance or even lowering the costs of fixed appliances. Further explained by Honeywell and IHS [ 41 ], Smart buildings use modern technology to connect these elements (safe, green and productive), and systems are more integrated, dynamic, and functional fashion, rather than saving money on maintenance alone.

3.3.4 Improve building comfort

According to Buckman, Mayfield, and Beck [ 38 ], a smart building is significant in learning, which occurs over time as the building systems interpret data from the previous usage and adapt, allowing the occupant's preferences to be used to create a higher degree of comfort and satisfaction. The authors further explained that SBT predictions provide helpful information to help occupants save money on energy while improving comfort. Smart buildings optimise lighting, utilities, and Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to save money by matching occupancy patterns and desired comfort levels to save energy usage and real-time monitoring of building systems to minimise crucial asset loss [ 34 , 47 ].

3.3.5 Productivity and collaboration

According to Ishmael, Ogara, and Raburu [ 43 ], lighting is vital for smart building technology because illumination impacts occupants' well-being, motivation, and productivity. [ 31 , 36 ] revealed that smart building technology provides a platform for increasing employee productivity and collaboration, improving building operations, and promoting sustainability. System integration in smart buildings improves the quality of life of workers and occupants while also increasing sustainability, safety, and productivity [ 41 ]. The productivity and collaboration driven by SBT can influence the adoption in developing countries.

4 The study implications

The smart building technology application in construction practice addresses the needed change in the built environment, especially in developing countries. The adoption of the smart building improves the practices of professionals in the built environment and also involves changing the mindset of the professionals to the advancement of technologies era in the construction industry. The professionals require new techniques and understanding to promote the adoption SBT in the construction industry, especially the increasing concern of energy efficiency and comfort of the occupant in the building as it increases the attention of smart building adoption in the construction industry. Most of the research on smart buildings was conducted in developed countries, despite the increasing benefits of the technology application in the construction industry, which has shown a concern to indicate the benefits of adopting these technologies in the construction industry of developing countries to improve the practice’s productivity of the professionals and achieve sustainability in the construction industry.

5 Conclusions and recommendations

This study focused on the benefits of adopting smart building technology in sustainable construction in developing countries. The Scopus search engine was utilised to acquire relevant academic (peer-reviewed) articles and conference papers for this study. The study reveals that several SBTs benefits such as energy saving, safety and security, cost-saving maintenance, improved building comfort, increased productivity and better collaboration among the building occupants are the benefits of smart building technologies. Moreover, this study reveals that SBTs offer a potential answer to some sustainability concerns that developing countries face. Understanding the benefits of SBTs in the construction industry will not only stimulate the interest of both clients and professionals in developing countries but will go a long way to promoting the adoption SBT. Consequently, this study recommends that empirical research be undertaken to establish the primary benefits of adopting SBTs for project delivery in developing countries. The study further recommends the establishment of a robust collaboration framework between construction industry professionals and academia to grow innovation that will promote greater adoption of SBTs in developing countries.

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Ejidike, C.C., Mewomo, M.C. Benefits of adopting smart building technologies in building construction of developing countries: review of literature. SN Appl. Sci. 5 , 52 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-022-05262-y

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Received : 21 June 2022

Accepted : 20 December 2022

Published : 09 January 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-022-05262-y

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Study and Investigation on 5G Technology: A Systematic Review

Ramraj dangi.

1 School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University Bhopal, Bhopal 466114, India; [email protected] (R.D.); [email protected] (P.L.)

Praveen Lalwani

Gaurav choudhary.

2 Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark; moc.liamg@7777yrahduohcvaruag

3 Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Asan-si 31538, Korea

Giovanni Pau

4 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, 94100 Enna, Italy; [email protected]

Associated Data

Not applicable.

In wireless communication, Fifth Generation (5G) Technology is a recent generation of mobile networks. In this paper, evaluations in the field of mobile communication technology are presented. In each evolution, multiple challenges were faced that were captured with the help of next-generation mobile networks. Among all the previously existing mobile networks, 5G provides a high-speed internet facility, anytime, anywhere, for everyone. 5G is slightly different due to its novel features such as interconnecting people, controlling devices, objects, and machines. 5G mobile system will bring diverse levels of performance and capability, which will serve as new user experiences and connect new enterprises. Therefore, it is essential to know where the enterprise can utilize the benefits of 5G. In this research article, it was observed that extensive research and analysis unfolds different aspects, namely, millimeter wave (mmWave), massive multiple-input and multiple-output (Massive-MIMO), small cell, mobile edge computing (MEC), beamforming, different antenna technology, etc. This article’s main aim is to highlight some of the most recent enhancements made towards the 5G mobile system and discuss its future research objectives.

1. Introduction

Most recently, in three decades, rapid growth was marked in the field of wireless communication concerning the transition of 1G to 4G [ 1 , 2 ]. The main motto behind this research was the requirements of high bandwidth and very low latency. 5G provides a high data rate, improved quality of service (QoS), low-latency, high coverage, high reliability, and economically affordable services. 5G delivers services categorized into three categories: (1) Extreme mobile broadband (eMBB). It is a nonstandalone architecture that offers high-speed internet connectivity, greater bandwidth, moderate latency, UltraHD streaming videos, virtual reality and augmented reality (AR/VR) media, and many more. (2) Massive machine type communication (eMTC), 3GPP releases it in its 13th specification. It provides long-range and broadband machine-type communication at a very cost-effective price with less power consumption. eMTC brings a high data rate service, low power, extended coverage via less device complexity through mobile carriers for IoT applications. (3) ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) offers low-latency and ultra-high reliability, rich quality of service (QoS), which is not possible with traditional mobile network architecture. URLLC is designed for on-demand real-time interaction such as remote surgery, vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication, industry 4.0, smart grids, intelligent transport system, etc. [ 3 ].

1.1. Evolution from 1G to 5G

First generation (1G): 1G cell phone was launched between the 1970s and 80s, based on analog technology, which works just like a landline phone. It suffers in various ways, such as poor battery life, voice quality, and dropped calls. In 1G, the maximum achievable speed was 2.4 Kbps.

Second Generation (2G): In 2G, the first digital system was offered in 1991, providing improved mobile voice communication over 1G. In addition, Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Global System for Mobile (GSM) concepts were also discussed. In 2G, the maximum achievable speed was 1 Mpbs.

Third Generation (3G): When technology ventured from 2G GSM frameworks into 3G universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) framework, users encountered higher system speed and quicker download speed making constant video calls. 3G was the first mobile broadband system that was formed to provide the voice with some multimedia. The technology behind 3G was high-speed packet access (HSPA/HSPA+). 3G used MIMO for multiplying the power of the wireless network, and it also used packet switching for fast data transmission.

Fourth Generation (4G): It is purely mobile broadband standard. In digital mobile communication, it was observed information rate that upgraded from 20 to 60 Mbps in 4G [ 4 ]. It works on LTE and WiMAX technologies, as well as provides wider bandwidth up to 100 Mhz. It was launched in 2010.

Fourth Generation LTE-A (4.5G): It is an advanced version of standard 4G LTE. LTE-A uses MIMO technology to combine multiple antennas for both transmitters as well as a receiver. Using MIMO, multiple signals and multiple antennas can work simultaneously, making LTE-A three times faster than standard 4G. LTE-A offered an improved system limit, decreased deferral in the application server, access triple traffic (Data, Voice, and Video) wirelessly at any time anywhere in the world.LTE-A delivers speeds of over 42 Mbps and up to 90 Mbps.

Fifth Generation (5G): 5G is a pillar of digital transformation; it is a real improvement on all the previous mobile generation networks. 5G brings three different services for end user like Extreme mobile broadband (eMBB). It offers high-speed internet connectivity, greater bandwidth, moderate latency, UltraHD streaming videos, virtual reality and augmented reality (AR/VR) media, and many more. Massive machine type communication (eMTC), it provides long-range and broadband machine-type communication at a very cost-effective price with less power consumption. eMTC brings a high data rate service, low power, extended coverage via less device complexity through mobile carriers for IoT applications. Ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) offers low-latency and ultra-high reliability, rich quality of service (QoS), which is not possible with traditional mobile network architecture. URLLC is designed for on-demand real-time interaction such as remote surgery, vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication, industry 4.0, smart grids, intelligent transport system, etc. 5G faster than 4G and offers remote-controlled operation over a reliable network with zero delays. It provides down-link maximum throughput of up to 20 Gbps. In addition, 5G also supports 4G WWWW (4th Generation World Wide Wireless Web) [ 5 ] and is based on Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) protocol. 5G provides unlimited internet connection at your convenience, anytime, anywhere with extremely high speed, high throughput, low-latency, higher reliability and scalability, and energy-efficient mobile communication technology [ 6 ]. 5G mainly divided in two parts 6 GHz 5G and Millimeter wave(mmWave) 5G.

6 GHz is a mid frequency band which works as a mid point between capacity and coverage to offer perfect environment for 5G connectivity. 6 GHz spectrum will provide high bandwidth with improved network performance. It offers continuous channels that will reduce the need for network densification when mid-band spectrum is not available and it makes 5G connectivity affordable at anytime, anywhere for everyone.

mmWave is an essential technology of 5G network which build high performance network. 5G mmWave offer diverse services that is why all network providers should add on this technology in their 5G deployment planning. There are lots of service providers who deployed 5G mmWave, and their simulation result shows that 5G mmwave is a far less used spectrum. It provides very high speed wireless communication and it also offers ultra-wide bandwidth for next generation mobile network.

The evolution of wireless mobile technologies are presented in Table 1 . The abbreviations used in this paper are mentioned in Table 2 .

Summary of Mobile Technology.

GenerationsAccess TechniquesTransmission TechniquesError Correction MechanismData RateFrequency BandBandwidthApplicationDescription
1GFDMA, AMPSCircuit SwitchingNA2.4 kbps800 MHzAnalogVoiceLet us talk to each other
2GGSM, TDMA, CDMACircuit SwitchingNA10 kbps800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz25 MHzVoice and DataLet us send messages and travel with improved data services
3GWCDMA, UMTS, CDMA 2000, HSUPA/HSDPACircuit and Packet SwitchingTurbo Codes384 kbps to 5 Mbps800 MHz, 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2100 MHz25 MHzVoice, Data, and Video CallingLet us experience surfing internet and unleashing mobile applications
4GLTEA, OFDMA, SCFDMA, WIMAXPacket switchingTurbo Codes100 Mbps to 200 Mbps2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz initially100 MHzVoice, Data, Video Calling, HD Television, and Online Gaming.Let’s share voice and data over fast broadband internet based on unified networks architectures and IP protocols
5GBDMA, NOMA, FBMCPacket SwitchingLDPC10 Gbps to 50 Gbps1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 30–300 GHz30–300 GHzVoice, Data, Video Calling, Ultra HD video, Virtual Reality applicationsExpanded the broadband wireless services beyond mobile internet with IOT and V2X.

Table of Notations and Abbreviations.

AbbreviationFull FormAbbreviationFull Form
AMFAccess and Mobility Management FunctionM2MMachine-to-Machine
AT&TAmerican Telephone and TelegraphmmWavemillimeter wave
BSBase StationNGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks
CDMACode-Division Multiple AccessNOMANon-Orthogonal Multiple Access
CSIChannel State InformationNFVNetwork Functions Virtualization
D2DDevice to DeviceOFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
EEEnergy EfficiencyOMAOrthogonal Multiple Access
EMBBEnhanced mobile broadband:QoSQuality of Service
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards InstituteRNNRecurrent Neural Network
eMTCMassive Machine Type CommunicationSDNSoftware-Defined Networking
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple AccessSCSuperposition Coding
FDDFrequency Division DuplexSICSuccessive Interference Cancellation
GSMGlobal System for MobileTDMATime Division Multiple Access
HSPAHigh Speed Packet AccessTDDTime Division Duplex
IoTInternet of ThingsUEUser Equipment
IETFInternet Engineering Task ForceURLLCUltra Reliable Low Latency Communication
LTELong-Term EvolutionUMTCUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
MLMachine LearningV2VVehicle to Vehicle
MIMOMultiple Input Multiple OutputV2XVehicle to Everything

1.2. Key Contributions

The objective of this survey is to provide a detailed guide of 5G key technologies, methods to researchers, and to help with understanding how the recent works addressed 5G problems and developed solutions to tackle the 5G challenges; i.e., what are new methods that must be applied and how can they solve problems? Highlights of the research article are as follows.

  • This survey focused on the recent trends and development in the era of 5G and novel contributions by the researcher community and discussed technical details on essential aspects of the 5G advancement.
  • In this paper, the evolution of the mobile network from 1G to 5G is presented. In addition, the growth of mobile communication under different attributes is also discussed.
  • This paper covers the emerging applications and research groups working on 5G & different research areas in 5G wireless communication network with a descriptive taxonomy.
  • This survey discusses the current vision of the 5G networks, advantages, applications, key technologies, and key features. Furthermore, machine learning prospects are also explored with the emerging requirements in the 5G era. The article also focused on technical aspects of 5G IoT Based approaches and optimization techniques for 5G.
  • we provide an extensive overview and recent advancement of emerging technologies of 5G mobile network, namely, MIMO, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), mmWave, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), and optimization. Also, a technical summary is discussed by highlighting the context of current approaches and corresponding challenges.
  • Security challenges and considerations while developing 5G technology are discussed.
  • Finally, the paper concludes with the future directives.

The existing survey focused on architecture, key concepts, and implementation challenges and issues. In contrast, this survey covers the state-of-the-art techniques as well as corresponding recent novel developments by researchers. Various recent significant papers are discussed with the key technologies accelerating the development and production of 5G products.

2. Existing Surveys and Their Applicability

In this paper, a detailed survey on various technologies of 5G networks is presented. Various researchers have worked on different technologies of 5G networks. In this section, Table 3 gives a tabular representation of existing surveys of 5G networks. Massive MIMO, NOMA, small cell, mmWave, beamforming, and MEC are the six main pillars that helped to implement 5G networks in real life.

A comparative overview of existing surveys on different technologies of 5G networks.

Authors& ReferencesMIMONOMAMmWave5G IOT5G MLSmall CellBeamformingMEC5G Optimization
Chataut and Akl [ ]Yes-Yes---Yes--
Prasad et al. [ ]Yes-Yes------
Kiani and Nsari [ ]-Yes-----Yes-
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]-Yes------Yes
Yong Niu et al. [ ]--Yes--Yes---
Qiao et al. [ ]--Yes-----Yes
Ramesh et al. [ ]Yes-Yes------
Khurpade et al. [ ]YesYes-Yes-----
Bega et al. [ ]----Yes---Yes
Abrol and jha [ ]-----Yes--Yes
Wei et al. [ ]-Yes ------
Jakob Hoydis et al. [ ]-----Yes---
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]Yes-----Yes--
Shweta Rajoria et al. [ ]Yes-Yes--YesYes--
Demosthenes Vouyioukas [ ]Yes-----Yes--
Al-Imari et al. [ ]-YesYes------
Michael Till Beck et al. [ ]------ Yes-
Shuo Wang et al. [ ]------ Yes-
Gupta and Jha [ ]Yes----Yes-Yes-
Our SurveyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

2.1. Limitations of Existing Surveys

The existing survey focused on architecture, key concepts, and implementation challenges and issues. The numerous current surveys focused on various 5G technologies with different parameters, and the authors did not cover all the technologies of the 5G network in detail with challenges and recent advancements. Few authors worked on MIMO (Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access) NOMA, MEC, small cell technologies. In contrast, some others worked on beamforming, Millimeter-wave (mmWave). But the existing survey did not cover all the technologies of the 5G network from a research and advancement perspective. No detailed survey is available in the market covering all the 5G network technologies and currently published research trade-offs. So, our main aim is to give a detailed study of all the technologies working on the 5G network. In contrast, this survey covers the state-of-the-art techniques as well as corresponding recent novel developments by researchers. Various recent significant papers are discussed with the key technologies accelerating the development and production of 5G products. This survey article collected key information about 5G technology and recent advancements, and it can be a kind of a guide for the reader. This survey provides an umbrella approach to bring multiple solutions and recent improvements in a single place to accelerate the 5G research with the latest key enabling solutions and reviews. A systematic layout representation of the survey in Figure 1 . We provide a state-of-the-art comparative overview of the existing surveys on different technologies of 5G networks in Table 3 .

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Systematic layout representation of survey.

2.2. Article Organization

This article is organized under the following sections. Section 2 presents existing surveys and their applicability. In Section 3 , the preliminaries of 5G technology are presented. In Section 4 , recent advances of 5G technology based on Massive MIMO, NOMA, Millimeter Wave, 5G with IoT, machine learning for 5G, and Optimization in 5G are provided. In Section 5 , a description of novel 5G features over 4G is provided. Section 6 covered all the security concerns of the 5G network. Section 7 , 5G technology based on above-stated challenges summarize in tabular form. Finally, Section 8 and Section 9 conclude the study, which paves the path for future research.

3. Preliminary Section

3.1. emerging 5g paradigms and its features.

5G provides very high speed, low latency, and highly salable connectivity between multiple devices and IoT worldwide. 5G will provide a very flexible model to develop a modern generation of applications and industry goals [ 26 , 27 ]. There are many services offered by 5G network architecture are stated below:

Massive machine to machine communications: 5G offers novel, massive machine-to-machine communications [ 28 ], also known as the IoT [ 29 ], that provide connectivity between lots of machines without any involvement of humans. This service enhances the applications of 5G and provides connectivity between agriculture, construction, and industries [ 30 ].

Ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC): This service offers real-time management of machines, high-speed vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity, industrial connectivity and security principles, and highly secure transport system, and multiple autonomous actions. Low latency communications also clear up a different area where remote medical care, procedures, and operation are all achievable [ 31 ].

Enhanced mobile broadband: Enhance mobile broadband is an important use case of 5G system, which uses massive MIMO antenna, mmWave, beamforming techniques to offer very high-speed connectivity across a wide range of areas [ 32 ].

For communities: 5G provides a very flexible internet connection between lots of machines to make smart homes, smart schools, smart laboratories, safer and smart automobiles, and good health care centers [ 33 ].

For businesses and industry: As 5G works on higher spectrum ranges from 24 to 100 GHz. This higher frequency range provides secure low latency communication and high-speed wireless connectivity between IoT devices and industry 4.0, which opens a market for end-users to enhance their business models [ 34 ].

New and Emerging technologies: As 5G came up with many new technologies like beamforming, massive MIMO, mmWave, small cell, NOMA, MEC, and network slicing, it introduced many new features to the market. Like virtual reality (VR), users can experience the physical presence of people who are millions of kilometers away from them. Many new technologies like smart homes, smart workplaces, smart schools, smart sports academy also came into the market with this 5G Mobile network model [ 35 ].

3.2. Commercial Service Providers of 5G

5G provides high-speed internet browsing, streaming, and downloading with very high reliability and low latency. 5G network will change your working style, and it will increase new business opportunities and provide innovations that we cannot imagine. This section covers top service providers of 5G network [ 36 , 37 ].

Ericsson: Ericsson is a Swedish multinational networking and telecommunications company, investing around 25.62 billion USD in 5G network, which makes it the biggest telecommunication company. It claims that it is the only company working on all the continents to make the 5G network a global standard for the next generation wireless communication. Ericsson developed the first 5G radio prototype that enables the operators to set up the live field trials in their network, which helps operators understand how 5G reacts. It plays a vital role in the development of 5G hardware. It currently provides 5G services in over 27 countries with content providers like China Mobile, GCI, LGU+, AT&T, Rogers, and many more. It has 100 commercial agreements with different operators as of 2020.

Verizon: It is American multinational telecommunication which was founded in 1983. Verizon started offering 5G services in April 2020, and by December 2020, it has actively provided 5G services in 30 cities of the USA. They planned that by the end of 2021, they would deploy 5G in 30 more new cities. Verizon deployed a 5G network on mmWave, a very high band spectrum between 30 to 300 GHz. As it is a significantly less used spectrum, it provides very high-speed wireless communication. MmWave offers ultra-wide bandwidth for next-generation mobile networks. MmWave is a faster and high-band spectrum that has a limited range. Verizon planned to increase its number of 5G cells by 500% by 2020. Verizon also has an ultra wide-band flagship 5G service which is the best 5G service that increases the market price of Verizon.

Nokia: Nokia is a Finnish multinational telecommunications company which was founded in 1865. Nokia is one of the companies which adopted 5G technology very early. It is developing, researching, and building partnerships with various 5G renders to offer 5G communication as soon as possible. Nokia collaborated with Deutsche Telekom and Hamburg Port Authority and provided them 8000-hectare site for their 5G MoNArch project. Nokia is the only company that supplies 5G technology to all the operators of different countries like AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile US and Verizon in the USA, Korea Telecom, LG U+ and SK Telecom in South Korea and NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, and SoftBank in Japan. Presently, Nokia has around 150+ agreements and 29 live networks all over the world. Nokia is continuously working hard on 5G technology to expand 5G networks all over the globe.

AT&T: AT&T is an American multinational company that was the first to deploy a 5G network in reality in 2018. They built a gigabit 5G network connection in Waco, TX, Kalamazoo, MI, and South Bend to achieve this. It is the first company that archives 1–2 gigabit per second speed in 2019. AT&T claims that it provides a 5G network connection among 225 million people worldwide by using a 6 GHz spectrum band.

T-Mobile: T-Mobile US (TMUS) is an American wireless network operator which was the first service provider that offers a real 5G nationwide network. The company knew that high-band 5G was not feasible nationwide, so they used a 600 MHz spectrum to build a significant portion of its 5G network. TMUS is planning that by 2024 they will double the total capacity and triple the full 5G capacity of T-Mobile and Sprint combined. The sprint buyout is helping T-Mobile move forward the company’s current market price to 129.98 USD.

Samsung: Samsung started their research in 5G technology in 2011. In 2013, Samsung successfully developed the world’s first adaptive array transceiver technology operating in the millimeter-wave Ka bands for cellular communications. Samsung provides several hundred times faster data transmission than standard 4G for core 5G mobile communication systems. The company achieved a lot of success in the next generation of technology, and it is considered one of the leading companies in the 5G domain.

Qualcomm: Qualcomm is an American multinational corporation in San Diego, California. It is also one of the leading company which is working on 5G chip. Qualcomm’s first 5G modem chip was announced in October 2016, and a prototype was demonstrated in October 2017. Qualcomm mainly focuses on building products while other companies talk about 5G; Qualcomm is building the technologies. According to one magazine, Qualcomm was working on three main areas of 5G networks. Firstly, radios that would use bandwidth from any network it has access to; secondly, creating more extensive ranges of spectrum by combining smaller pieces; and thirdly, a set of services for internet applications.

ZTE Corporation: ZTE Corporation was founded in 1985. It is a partially Chinese state-owned technology company that works in telecommunication. It was a leading company that worked on 4G LTE, and it is still maintaining its value and doing research and tests on 5G. It is the first company that proposed Pre5G technology with some series of solutions.

NEC Corporation: NEC Corporation is a Japanese multinational information technology and electronics corporation headquartered in Minato, Tokyo. ZTE also started their research on 5G, and they introduced a new business concept. NEC’s main aim is to develop 5G NR for the global mobile system and create secure and intelligent technologies to realize 5G services.

Cisco: Cisco is a USA networking hardware company that also sleeves up for 5G network. Cisco’s primary focus is to support 5G in three ways: Service—enable 5G services faster so all service providers can increase their business. Infrastructure—build 5G-oriented infrastructure to implement 5G more quickly. Automation—make a more scalable, flexible, and reliable 5G network. The companies know the importance of 5G, and they want to connect more than 30 billion devices in the next couple of years. Cisco intends to work on network hardening as it is a vital part of 5G network. Cisco used AI with deep learning to develop a 5G Security Architecture, enabling Secure Network Transformation.

3.3. 5G Research Groups

Many research groups from all over the world are working on a 5G wireless mobile network [ 38 ]. These groups are continuously working on various aspects of 5G. The list of those research groups are presented as follows: 5GNOW (5th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveform for Asynchronous Signaling), NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless Communication), 5GIC (5G Innovation Center), NYU (New York University) Wireless, 5GPPP (5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership), EMPHATIC (Enhanced Multi-carrier Technology for Professional Adhoc and Cell-Based Communication), ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute), METIS (Mobile and wireless communication Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society) [ 39 ]. The various research groups along with the research area are presented in Table 4 .

Research groups working on 5G mobile networks.

Research GroupsResearch AreaDescription
METIS (Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society)Working 5G FrameworkMETIS focused on RAN architecture and designed an air interface which evaluates data rates on peak hours, traffic load per region, traffic volume per user and actual client data rates. They have generate METIS published an article on February, 2015 in which they developed RAN architecture with simulation results. They design an air interface which evaluates data rates on peak hours, traffic load per region, traffic volume per user and actual client data rates.They have generate very less RAN latency under 1ms. They also introduced diverse RAN model and traffic flow in different situation like malls, offices, colleges and stadiums.
5G PPP (5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership)Next generation mobile network communication, high speed Connectivity.Fifth generation infrastructure public partnership project is a joint startup by two groups (European Commission and European ICT industry). 5G-PPP will provide various standards architectures, solutions and technologies for next generation mobile network in coming decade. The main motto behind 5G-PPP is that, through this project, European Commission wants to give their contribution in smart cities, e-health, intelligent transport, education, entertainment, and media.
5GNOW (5th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveforms for asynchronous signaling)Non-orthogonal Multiple Access5GNOW’s is working on modulation and multiplexing techniques for next generation network. 5GNOW’s offers ultra-high reliability and ultra-low latency communication with visible waveform for 5G. 5GNOW’s also worked on acquiring time and frequency plane information of a signal using short term Fourier transform (STFT)
EMPhAtiC (Enhanced Multicarrier Technology for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications)MIMO TransmissionEMPhAtiC is working on MIMO transmission to develop a secure communication techniques with asynchronicity based on flexible filter bank and multihop. Recently they also launched MIMO based trans-receiver technique under frequency selective channels for Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC)
NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications)Advanced aspects of wireless communicationsNEWCOM is working on energy efficiency, channel efficiency, multihop communication in wireless communication. Recently, they are working on cloud RAN, mobile broadband, local and distributed antenna techniques and multi-hop communication for 5G network. Finally, in their final research they give on result that QAM modulation schema, system bandwidth and resource block is used to process the base band.
NYU New York University WirelessMillimeter WaveNYU Wireless is research center working on wireless communication, sensors, networking and devices. In their recent research, NYU focuses on developing smaller and lighter antennas with directional beamforming to provide reliable wireless communication.
5GIC 5G Innovation CentreDecreasing network costs, Preallocation of resources according to user’s need, point-to-point communication, Highspeed connectivity.5GIC, is a UK’s research group, which is working on high-speed wireless communication. In their recent research they got 1Tbps speed in point-to-point wireless communication. Their main focus is on developing ultra-low latency app services.
ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute)Device-to-device communication, MHN protocol stackETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute), is a research group of Korea, which is focusing on improving the reliability of 5G network, device-to-device communication and MHN protocol stack.

3.4. 5G Applications

5G is faster than 4G and offers remote-controlled operation over a reliable network with zero delays. It provides down-link maximum throughput of up to 20 Gbps. In addition, 5G also supports 4G WWWW (4th Generation World Wide Wireless Web) [ 5 ] and is based on Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) protocol. 5G provides unlimited internet connection at your convenience, anytime, anywhere with extremely high speed, high throughput, low-latency, higher reliability, greater scalablility, and energy-efficient mobile communication technology [ 6 ].

There are lots of applications of 5G mobile network are as follows:

  • High-speed mobile network: 5G is an advancement on all the previous mobile network technologies, which offers very high speed downloading speeds 0 of up to 10 to 20 Gbps. The 5G wireless network works as a fiber optic internet connection. 5G is different from all the conventional mobile transmission technologies, and it offers both voice and high-speed data connectivity efficiently. 5G offers very low latency communication of less than a millisecond, useful for autonomous driving and mission-critical applications. 5G will use millimeter waves for data transmission, providing higher bandwidth and a massive data rate than lower LTE bands. As 5 Gis a fast mobile network technology, it will enable virtual access to high processing power and secure and safe access to cloud services and enterprise applications. Small cell is one of the best features of 5G, which brings lots of advantages like high coverage, high-speed data transfer, power saving, easy and fast cloud access, etc. [ 40 ].
  • Entertainment and multimedia: In one analysis in 2015, it was found that more than 50 percent of mobile internet traffic was used for video downloading. This trend will surely increase in the future, which will make video streaming more common. 5G will offer High-speed streaming of 4K videos with crystal clear audio, and it will make a high definition virtual world on your mobile. 5G will benefit the entertainment industry as it offers 120 frames per second with high resolution and higher dynamic range video streaming, and HD TV channels can also be accessed on mobile devices without any interruptions. 5G provides low latency high definition communication so augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) will be very easily implemented in the future. Virtual reality games are trendy these days, and many companies are investing in HD virtual reality games. The 5G network will offer high-speed internet connectivity with a better gaming experience [ 41 ].
  • Smart homes : smart home appliances and products are in demand these days. The 5G network makes smart homes more real as it offers high-speed connectivity and monitoring of smart appliances. Smart home appliances are easily accessed and configured from remote locations using the 5G network as it offers very high-speed low latency communication.
  • Smart cities: 5G wireless network also helps develop smart cities applications such as automatic traffic management, weather update, local area broadcasting, energy-saving, efficient power supply, smart lighting system, water resource management, crowd management, emergency control, etc.
  • Industrial IoT: 5G wireless technology will provide lots of features for future industries such as safety, process tracking, smart packing, shipping, energy efficiency, automation of equipment, predictive maintenance, and logistics. 5G smart sensor technology also offers smarter, safer, cost-effective, and energy-saving industrial IoT operations.
  • Smart Farming: 5G technology will play a crucial role in agriculture and smart farming. 5G sensors and GPS technology will help farmers track live attacks on crops and manage them quickly. These smart sensors can also be used for irrigation, pest, insect, and electricity control.
  • Autonomous Driving: The 5G wireless network offers very low latency high-speed communication, significant for autonomous driving. It means self-driving cars will come to real life soon with 5G wireless networks. Using 5G autonomous cars can easily communicate with smart traffic signs, objects, and other vehicles running on the road. 5G’s low latency feature makes self-driving more real as every millisecond is essential for autonomous vehicles, decision-making is done in microseconds to avoid accidents.
  • Healthcare and mission-critical applications: 5G technology will bring modernization in medicine where doctors and practitioners can perform advanced medical procedures. The 5G network will provide connectivity between all classrooms, so attending seminars and lectures will be easier. Through 5G technology, patients can connect with doctors and take their advice. Scientists are building smart medical devices which can help people with chronic medical conditions. The 5G network will boost the healthcare industry with smart devices, the internet of medical things, smart sensors, HD medical imaging technologies, and smart analytics systems. 5G will help access cloud storage, so accessing healthcare data will be very easy from any location worldwide. Doctors and medical practitioners can easily store and share large files like MRI reports within seconds using the 5G network.
  • Satellite Internet: In many remote areas, ground base stations are not available, so 5G will play a crucial role in providing connectivity in such areas. The 5G network will provide connectivity using satellite systems, and the satellite system uses a constellation of multiple small satellites to provide connectivity in urban and rural areas across the world.

4. 5G Technologies

This section describes recent advances of 5G Massive MIMO, 5G NOMA, 5G millimeter wave, 5G IOT, 5G with machine learning, and 5G optimization-based approaches. In addition, the summary is also presented in each subsection that paves the researchers for the future research direction.

4.1. 5G Massive MIMO

Multiple-input-multiple-out (MIMO) is a very important technology for wireless systems. It is used for sending and receiving multiple signals simultaneously over the same radio channel. MIMO plays a very big role in WI-FI, 3G, 4G, and 4G LTE-A networks. MIMO is mainly used to achieve high spectral efficiency and energy efficiency but it was not up to the mark MIMO provides low throughput and very low reliable connectivity. To resolve this, lots of MIMO technology like single user MIMO (SU-MIMO), multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) and network MIMO were used. However, these new MIMO also did not still fulfill the demand of end users. Massive MIMO is an advancement of MIMO technology used in the 5G network in which hundreds and thousands of antennas are attached with base stations to increase throughput and spectral efficiency. Multiple transmit and receive antennas are used in massive MIMO to increase the transmission rate and spectral efficiency. When multiple UEs generate downlink traffic simultaneously, massive MIMO gains higher capacity. Massive MIMO uses extra antennas to move energy into smaller regions of space to increase spectral efficiency and throughput [ 43 ]. In traditional systems data collection from smart sensors is a complex task as it increases latency, reduced data rate and reduced reliability. While massive MIMO with beamforming and huge multiplexing techniques can sense data from different sensors with low latency, high data rate and higher reliability. Massive MIMO will help in transmitting the data in real-time collected from different sensors to central monitoring locations for smart sensor applications like self-driving cars, healthcare centers, smart grids, smart cities, smart highways, smart homes, and smart enterprises [ 44 ].

Highlights of 5G Massive MIMO technology are as follows:

  • Data rate: Massive MIMO is advised as the one of the dominant technologies to provide wireless high speed and high data rate in the gigabits per seconds.
  • The relationship between wave frequency and antenna size: Both are inversely proportional to each other. It means lower frequency signals need a bigger antenna and vise versa.

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Object name is sensors-22-00026-g002.jpg

Pictorial representation of multi-input and multi-output (MIMO).

  • MIMO role in 5G: Massive MIMO will play a crucial role in the deployment of future 5G mobile communication as greater spectral and energy efficiency could be enabled.

State-of-the-Art Approaches

Plenty of approaches were proposed to resolve the issues of conventional MIMO [ 7 ].

The MIMO multirate, feed-forward controller is suggested by Mae et al. [ 46 ]. In the simulation, the proposed model generates the smooth control input, unlike the conventional MIMO, which generates oscillated control inputs. It also outperformed concerning the error rate. However, a combination of multirate and single rate can be used for better results.

The performance of stand-alone MIMO, distributed MIMO with and without corporation MIMO, was investigated by Panzner et al. [ 47 ]. In addition, an idea about the integration of large scale in the 5G technology was also presented. In the experimental analysis, different MIMO configurations are considered. The variation in the ratio of overall transmit antennas to spatial is deemed step-wise from equality to ten.

The simulation of massive MIMO noncooperative and cooperative systems for down-link behavior was performed by He et al. [ 48 ]. It depends on present LTE systems, which deal with various antennas in the base station set-up. It was observed that collaboration in different BS improves the system behaviors, whereas throughput is reduced slightly in this approach. However, a new method can be developed which can enhance both system behavior and throughput.

In [ 8 ], different approaches that increased the energy efficiency benefits provided by massive MIMO were presented. They analyzed the massive MIMO technology and described the detailed design of the energy consumption model for massive MIMO systems. This article has explored several techniques to enhance massive MIMO systems’ energy efficiency (EE) gains. This paper reviews standard EE-maximization approaches for the conventional massive MIMO systems, namely, scaling number of antennas, real-time implementing low-complexity operations at the base station (BS), power amplifier losses minimization, and radio frequency (RF) chain minimization requirements. In addition, open research direction is also identified.

In [ 49 ], various existing approaches based on different antenna selection and scheduling, user selection and scheduling, and joint antenna and user scheduling methods adopted in massive MIMO systems are presented in this paper. The objective of this survey article was to make awareness about the current research and future research direction in MIMO for systems. They analyzed that complete utilization of resources and bandwidth was the most crucial factor which enhances the sum rate.

In [ 50 ], authors discussed the development of various techniques for pilot contamination. To calculate the impact of pilot contamination in time division duplex (TDD) massive MIMO system, TDD and frequency division duplexing FDD patterns in massive MIMO techniques are used. They discussed different issues in pilot contamination in TDD massive MIMO systems with all the possible future directions of research. They also classified various techniques to generate the channel information for both pilot-based and subspace-based approaches.

In [ 19 ], the authors defined the uplink and downlink services for a massive MIMO system. In addition, it maintains a performance matrix that measures the impact of pilot contamination on different performances. They also examined the various application of massive MIMO such as small cells, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) schemes, massive MIMO IEEE 802, 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) specifications, and higher frequency bands. They considered their research work crucial for cutting edge massive MIMO and covered many issues like system throughput performance and channel state acquisition at higher frequencies.

In [ 13 ], various approaches were suggested for MIMO future generation wireless communication. They made a comparative study based on performance indicators such as peak data rate, energy efficiency, latency, throughput, etc. The key findings of this survey are as follows: (1) spatial multiplexing improves the energy efficiency; (2) design of MIMO play a vital role in the enhancement of throughput; (3) enhancement of mMIMO focusing on energy & spectral performance; (4) discussed the future challenges to improve the system design.

In [ 51 ], the study of large-scale MIMO systems for an energy-efficient system sharing method was presented. For the resource allocation, circuit energy and transmit energy expenditures were taken into consideration. In addition, the optimization techniques were applied for an energy-efficient resource sharing system to enlarge the energy efficiency for individual QoS and energy constraints. The author also examined the BS configuration, which includes homogeneous and heterogeneous UEs. While simulating, they discussed that the total number of transmit antennas plays a vital role in boosting energy efficiency. They highlighted that the highest energy efficiency was obtained when the BS was set up with 100 antennas that serve 20 UEs.

This section includes various works done on 5G MIMO technology by different author’s. Table 5 shows how different author’s worked on improvement of various parameters such as throughput, latency, energy efficiency, and spectral efficiency with 5G MIMO technology.

Summary of massive MIMO-based approaches in 5G technology.

ApproachThroughputLatencyEnergy EfficiencySpectral Efficiency
Panzner et al. [ ]GoodLowGoodAverage
He et al. [ ]AverageLowAverage-
Prasad et al. [ ]Good-GoodAvearge
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]GoodLowAverageAvearge
Ramesh et al. [ ]GoodAverageGoodGood
Zhou et al. [ ]Average-GoodAverage

4.2. 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)

NOMA is a very important radio access technology used in next generation wireless communication. Compared to previous orthogonal multiple access techniques, NOMA offers lots of benefits like high spectrum efficiency, low latency with high reliability and high speed massive connectivity. NOMA mainly works on a baseline to serve multiple users with the same resources in terms of time, space and frequency. NOMA is mainly divided into two main categories one is code domain NOMA and another is power domain NOMA. Code-domain NOMA can improve the spectral efficiency of mMIMO, which improves the connectivity in 5G wireless communication. Code-domain NOMA was divided into some more multiple access techniques like sparse code multiple access, lattice-partition multiple access, multi-user shared access and pattern-division multiple access [ 52 ]. Power-domain NOMA is widely used in 5G wireless networks as it performs well with various wireless communication techniques such as MIMO, beamforming, space-time coding, network coding, full-duplex and cooperative communication etc. [ 53 ]. The conventional orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) used by 3GPP in 4G LTE network provides very low spectral efficiency when bandwidth resources are allocated to users with low channel state information (CSI). NOMA resolved this issue as it enables users to access all the subcarrier channels so bandwidth resources allocated to the users with low CSI can still be accessed by the users with strong CSI which increases the spectral efficiency. The 5G network will support heterogeneous architecture in which small cell and macro base stations work for spectrum sharing. NOMA is a key technology of the 5G wireless system which is very helpful for heterogeneous networks as multiple users can share their data in a small cell using the NOMA principle.The NOMA is helpful in various applications like ultra-dense networks (UDN), machine to machine (M2M) communication and massive machine type communication (mMTC). As NOMA provides lots of features it has some challenges too such as NOMA needs huge computational power for a large number of users at high data rates to run the SIC algorithms. Second, when users are moving from the networks, to manage power allocation optimization is a challenging task for NOMA [ 54 ]. Hybrid NOMA (HNOMA) is a combination of power-domain and code-domain NOMA. HNOMA uses both power differences and orthogonal resources for transmission among multiple users. As HNOMA is using both power-domain NOMA and code-domain NOMA it can achieve higher spectral efficiency than Power-domain NOMA and code-domain NOMA. In HNOMA multiple groups can simultaneously transmit signals at the same time. It uses a message passing algorithm (MPA) and successive interference cancellation (SIC)-based detection at the base station for these groups [ 55 ].

Highlights of 5G NOMA technology as follows:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
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Pictorial representation of orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA).

  • NOMA provides higher data rates and resolves all the loop holes of OMA that makes 5G mobile network more scalable and reliable.
  • As multiple users use same frequency band simultaneously it increases the performance of whole network.
  • To setup intracell and intercell interference NOMA provides nonorthogonal transmission on the transmitter end.
  • The primary fundamental of NOMA is to improve the spectrum efficiency by strengthening the ramification of receiver.

State-of-the-Art of Approaches

A plenty of approaches were developed to address the various issues in NOMA.

A novel approach to address the multiple receiving signals at the same frequency is proposed in [ 22 ]. In NOMA, multiple users use the same sub-carrier, which improves the fairness and throughput of the system. As a nonorthogonal method is used among multiple users, at the time of retrieving the user’s signal at the receiver’s end, joint processing is required. They proposed solutions to optimize the receiver and the radio resource allocation of uplink NOMA. Firstly, the authors proposed an iterative MUDD which utilizes the information produced by the channel decoder to improve the performance of the multiuser detector. After that, the author suggested a power allocation and novel subcarrier that enhances the users’ weighted sum rate for the NOMA scheme. Their proposed model showed that NOMA performed well as compared to OFDM in terms of fairness and efficiency.

In [ 53 ], the author’s reviewed a power-domain NOMA that uses superposition coding (SC) and successive interference cancellation (SIC) at the transmitter and the receiver end. Lots of analyses were held that described that NOMA effectively satisfies user data rate demands and network-level of 5G technologies. The paper presented a complete review of recent advances in the 5G NOMA system. It showed the comparative analysis regarding allocation procedures, user fairness, state-of-the-art efficiency evaluation, user pairing pattern, etc. The study also analyzes NOMA’s behavior when working with other wireless communication techniques, namely, beamforming, MIMO, cooperative connections, network, space-time coding, etc.

In [ 9 ], the authors proposed NOMA with MEC, which improves the QoS as well as reduces the latency of the 5G wireless network. This model increases the uplink NOMA by decreasing the user’s uplink energy consumption. They formulated an optimized NOMA framework that reduces the energy consumption of MEC by using computing and communication resource allocation, user clustering, and transmit powers.

In [ 10 ], the authors proposed a model which investigates outage probability under average channel state information CSI and data rate in full CSI to resolve the problem of optimal power allocation, which increase the NOMA downlink system among users. They developed simple low-complexity algorithms to provide the optimal solution. The obtained simulation results showed NOMA’s efficiency, achieving higher performance fairness compared to the TDMA configurations. It was observed from the results that NOMA, through the appropriate power amplifiers (PA), ensures the high-performance fairness requirement for the future 5G wireless communication networks.

In [ 56 ], researchers discussed that the NOMA technology and waveform modulation techniques had been used in the 5G mobile network. Therefore, this research gave a detailed survey of non-orthogonal waveform modulation techniques and NOMA schemes for next-generation mobile networks. By analyzing and comparing multiple access technologies, they considered the future evolution of these technologies for 5G mobile communication.

In [ 57 ], the authors surveyed non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) from the development phase to the recent developments. They have also compared NOMA techniques with traditional OMA techniques concerning information theory. The author discussed the NOMA schemes categorically as power and code domain, including the design principles, operating principles, and features. Comparison is based upon the system’s performance, spectral efficiency, and the receiver’s complexity. Also discussed are the future challenges, open issues, and their expectations of NOMA and how it will support the key requirements of 5G mobile communication systems with massive connectivity and low latency.

In [ 17 ], authors present the first review of an elementary NOMA model with two users, which clarify its central precepts. After that, a general design with multicarrier supports with a random number of users on each sub-carrier is analyzed. In performance evaluation with the existing approaches, resource sharing and multiple-input multiple-output NOMA are examined. Furthermore, they took the key elements of NOMA and its potential research demands. Finally, they reviewed the two-user SC-NOMA design and a multi-user MC-NOMA design to highlight NOMA’s basic approaches and conventions. They also present the research study about the performance examination, resource assignment, and MIMO in NOMA.

In this section, various works by different authors done on 5G NOMA technology is covered. Table 6 shows how other authors worked on the improvement of various parameters such as spectral efficiency, fairness, and computing capacity with 5G NOMA technology.

Summary of NOMA-based approaches in 5G technology.

ApproachSpectral EfficiencyFairnessComputing Capacity
Al-Imari et al. [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Islam et al. [ ]GoodAverageAverage
Kiani and Nsari [ ]AverageGoodGood
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Wei et al. [ ]GoodAverageGood

4.3. 5G Millimeter Wave (mmWave)

Millimeter wave is an extremely high frequency band, which is very useful for 5G wireless networks. MmWave uses 30 GHz to 300 GHz spectrum band for transmission. The frequency band between 30 GHz to 300 GHz is known as mmWave because these waves have wavelengths between 1 to 10 mm. Till now radar systems and satellites are only using mmWave as these are very fast frequency bands which provide very high speed wireless communication. Many mobile network providers also started mmWave for transmitting data between base stations. Using two ways the speed of data transmission can be improved one is by increasing spectrum utilization and second is by increasing spectrum bandwidth. Out of these two approaches increasing bandwidth is quite easy and better. The frequency band below 5 GHz is very crowded as many technologies are using it so to boost up the data transmission rate 5G wireless network uses mmWave technology which instead of increasing spectrum utilization, increases the spectrum bandwidth [ 58 ]. To maximize the signal bandwidth in wireless communication the carrier frequency should also be increased by 5% because the signal bandwidth is directly proportional to carrier frequencies. The frequency band between 28 GHz to 60 GHz is very useful for 5G wireless communication as 28 GHz frequency band offers up to 1 GHz spectrum bandwidth and 60 GHz frequency band offers 2 GHz spectrum bandwidth. 4G LTE provides 2 GHz carrier frequency which offers only 100 MHz spectrum bandwidth. However, the use of mmWave increases the spectrum bandwidth 10 times, which leads to better transmission speeds [ 59 , 60 ].

Highlights of 5G mmWave are as follows:

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Pictorial representation of millimeter wave.

  • The 5G mmWave offer three advantages: (1) MmWave is very less used new Band, (2) MmWave signals carry more data than lower frequency wave, and (3) MmWave can be incorporated with MIMO antenna with the potential to offer a higher magnitude capacity compared to current communication systems.

In [ 11 ], the authors presented the survey of mmWave communications for 5G. The advantage of mmWave communications is adaptability, i.e., it supports the architectures and protocols up-gradation, which consists of integrated circuits, systems, etc. The authors over-viewed the present solutions and examined them concerning effectiveness, performance, and complexity. They also discussed the open research issues of mmWave communications in 5G concerning the software-defined network (SDN) architecture, network state information, efficient regulation techniques, and the heterogeneous system.

In [ 61 ], the authors present the recent work done by investigators in 5G; they discussed the design issues and demands of mmWave 5G antennas for cellular handsets. After that, they designed a small size and low-profile 60 GHz array of antenna units that contain 3D planer mesh-grid antenna elements. For the future prospect, a framework is designed in which antenna components are used to operate cellular handsets on mmWave 5G smartphones. In addition, they cross-checked the mesh-grid array of antennas with the polarized beam for upcoming hardware challenges.

In [ 12 ], the authors considered the suitability of the mmWave band for 5G cellular systems. They suggested a resource allocation system for concurrent D2D communications in mmWave 5G cellular systems, and it improves network efficiency and maintains network connectivity. This research article can serve as guidance for simulating D2D communications in mmWave 5G cellular systems. Massive mmWave BS may be set up to obtain a high delivery rate and aggregate efficiency. Therefore, many wireless users can hand off frequently between the mmWave base terminals, and it emerges the demand to search the neighbor having better network connectivity.

In [ 62 ], the authors provided a brief description of the cellular spectrum which ranges from 1 GHz to 3 GHz and is very crowed. In addition, they presented various noteworthy factors to set up mmWave communications in 5G, namely, channel characteristics regarding mmWave signal attenuation due to free space propagation, atmospheric gaseous, and rain. In addition, hybrid beamforming architecture in the mmWave technique is analyzed. They also suggested methods for the blockage effect in mmWave communications due to penetration damage. Finally, the authors have studied designing the mmWave transmission with small beams in nonorthogonal device-to-device communication.

This section covered various works done on 5G mmWave technology. The Table 7 shows how different author’s worked on the improvement of various parameters i.e., transmission rate, coverage, and cost, with 5G mmWave technology.

Summary of existing mmWave-based approaches in 5G technology.

ApproachTransmission RateCoverageCost
Hong et al. [ ]AverageAverageLow
Qiao et al. [ ]AverageGoodAverage
Wei et al. [ ]GoodAverageLow

4.4. 5G IoT Based Approaches

The 5G mobile network plays a big role in developing the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT will connect lots of things with the internet like appliances, sensors, devices, objects, and applications. These applications will collect lots of data from different devices and sensors. 5G will provide very high speed internet connectivity for data collection, transmission, control, and processing. 5G is a flexible network with unused spectrum availability and it offers very low cost deployment that is why it is the most efficient technology for IoT [ 63 ]. In many areas, 5G provides benefits to IoT, and below are some examples:

Smart homes: smart home appliances and products are in demand these days. The 5G network makes smart homes more real as it offers high speed connectivity and monitoring of smart appliances. Smart home appliances are easily accessed and configured from remote locations using the 5G network, as it offers very high speed low latency communication.

Smart cities: 5G wireless network also helps in developing smart cities applications such as automatic traffic management, weather update, local area broadcasting, energy saving, efficient power supply, smart lighting system, water resource management, crowd management, emergency control, etc.

Industrial IoT: 5G wireless technology will provide lots of features for future industries such as safety, process tracking, smart packing, shipping, energy efficiency, automation of equipment, predictive maintenance and logistics. 5G smart sensor technology also offers smarter, safer, cost effective, and energy-saving industrial operation for industrial IoT.

Smart Farming: 5G technology will play a crucial role for agriculture and smart farming. 5G sensors and GPS technology will help farmers to track live attacks on crops and manage them quickly. These smart sensors can also be used for irrigation control, pest control, insect control, and electricity control.

Autonomous Driving: 5G wireless network offers very low latency high speed communication which is very significant for autonomous driving. It means self-driving cars will come to real life soon with 5G wireless networks. Using 5G autonomous cars can easily communicate with smart traffic signs, objects and other vehicles running on the road. 5G’s low latency feature makes self-driving more real as every millisecond is important for autonomous vehicles, decision taking is performed in microseconds to avoid accidents [ 64 ].

Highlights of 5G IoT are as follows:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is sensors-22-00026-g005.jpg

Pictorial representation of IoT with 5G.

  • 5G with IoT is a new feature of next-generation mobile communication, which provides a high-speed internet connection between moderated devices. 5G IoT also offers smart homes, smart devices, sensors, smart transportation systems, smart industries, etc., for end-users to make them smarter.
  • IoT deals with moderate devices which connect through the internet. The approach of the IoT has made the consideration of the research associated with the outcome of providing wearable, smart-phones, sensors, smart transportation systems, smart devices, washing machines, tablets, etc., and these diverse systems are associated to a common interface with the intelligence to connect.
  • Significant IoT applications include private healthcare systems, traffic management, industrial management, and tactile internet, etc.

Plenty of approaches is devised to address the issues of IoT [ 14 , 65 , 66 ].

In [ 65 ], the paper focuses on 5G mobile systems due to the emerging trends and developing technologies, which results in the exponential traffic growth in IoT. The author surveyed the challenges and demands during deployment of the massive IoT applications with the main focus on mobile networking. The author reviewed the features of standard IoT infrastructure, along with the cellular-based, low-power wide-area technologies (LPWA) such as eMTC, extended coverage (EC)-GSM-IoT, as well as noncellular, low-power wide-area (LPWA) technologies such as SigFox, LoRa etc.

In [ 14 ], the authors presented how 5G technology copes with the various issues of IoT today. It provides a brief review of existing and forming 5G architectures. The survey indicates the role of 5G in the foundation of the IoT ecosystem. IoT and 5G can easily combine with improved wireless technologies to set up the same ecosystem that can fulfill the current requirement for IoT devices. 5G can alter nature and will help to expand the development of IoT devices. As the process of 5G unfolds, global associations will find essentials for setting up a cross-industry engagement in determining and enlarging the 5G system.

In [ 66 ], the author introduced an IoT authentication scheme in a 5G network, with more excellent reliability and dynamic. The scheme proposed a privacy-protected procedure for selecting slices; it provided an additional fog node for proper data transmission and service types of the subscribers, along with service-oriented authentication and key understanding to maintain the secrecy, precision of users, and confidentiality of service factors. Users anonymously identify the IoT servers and develop a vital channel for service accessibility and data cached on local fog nodes and remote IoT servers. The author performed a simulation to manifest the security and privacy preservation of the user over the network.

This section covered various works done on 5G IoT by multiple authors. Table 8 shows how different author’s worked on the improvement of numerous parameters, i.e., data rate, security requirement, and performance with 5G IoT.

Summary of IoT-based approaches in 5G technology.

ApproachData RateSecurity RequirementPerformance
Akpakwu et al. [ ]GoodAverageGood
Khurpade et al. [ ]Average-Average
Ni et al. [ ]GoodAverageAverage

4.5. Machine Learning Techniques for 5G

Various machine learning (ML) techniques were applied in 5G networks and mobile communication. It provides a solution to multiple complex problems, which requires a lot of hand-tuning. ML techniques can be broadly classified as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Let’s discuss each learning technique separately and where it impacts the 5G network.

Supervised Learning, where user works with labeled data; some 5G network problems can be further categorized as classification and regression problems. Some regression problems such as scheduling nodes in 5G and energy availability can be predicted using Linear Regression (LR) algorithm. To accurately predict the bandwidth and frequency allocation Statistical Logistic Regression (SLR) is applied. Some supervised classifiers are applied to predict the network demand and allocate network resources based on the connectivity performance; it signifies the topology setup and bit rates. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and NN-based approximation algorithms are used for channel learning based on observable channel state information. Deep Neural Network (DNN) is also employed to extract solutions for predicting beamforming vectors at the BS’s by taking mapping functions and uplink pilot signals into considerations.

In unsupervised Learning, where the user works with unlabeled data, various clustering techniques are applied to enhance network performance and connectivity without interruptions. K-means clustering reduces the data travel by storing data centers content into clusters. It optimizes the handover estimation based on mobility pattern and selection of relay nodes in the V2V network. Hierarchical clustering reduces network failure by detecting the intrusion in the mobile wireless network; unsupervised soft clustering helps in reducing latency by clustering fog nodes. The nonparametric Bayesian unsupervised learning technique reduces traffic in the network by actively serving the user’s requests and demands. Other unsupervised learning techniques such as Adversarial Auto Encoders (AAE) and Affinity Propagation Clustering techniques detect irregular behavior in the wireless spectrum and manage resources for ultradense small cells, respectively.

In case of an uncertain environment in the 5G wireless network, reinforcement learning (RL) techniques are employed to solve some problems. Actor-critic reinforcement learning is used for user scheduling and resource allocation in the network. Markov decision process (MDP) and Partially Observable MDP (POMDP) is used for Quality of Experience (QoE)-based handover decision-making for Hetnets. Controls packet call admission in HetNets and channel access process for secondary users in a Cognitive Radio Network (CRN). Deep RL is applied to decide the communication channel and mobility and speeds up the secondary user’s learning rate using an antijamming strategy. Deep RL is employed in various 5G network application parameters such as resource allocation and security [ 67 ]. Table 9 shows the state-of-the-art ML-based solution for 5G network.

The state-of-the-art ML-based solution for 5G network.

Author ReferencesKey ContributionML AppliedNetwork Participants Component5G Network Application Parameter
Alave et al. [ ]Network traffic predictionLSTM and DNN*X
Bega et al. [ ]Network slice admission control algorithmMachine Learning and Deep LearingXXX
Suomalainen et al. [ ]5G SecurityMachine LearningX
Bashir et al. [ ]Resource AllocationMachine LearningX
Balevi et al. [ ]Low Latency communicationUnsupervised clusteringXXX
Tayyaba et al. [ ]Resource ManagementLSTM, CNN, and DNNX
Sim et al. [ ]5G mmWave Vehicular communicationFML (Fast machine Learning)X*X
Li et al. [ ]Intrusion Detection SystemMachine LearningXX
Kafle et al. [ ]5G Network SlicingMachine LearningXX
Chen et al. [ ]Physical-Layer Channel AuthenticationMachine LearningXXXXX
Sevgican et al. [ ]Intelligent Network Data Analytics Function in 5GMachine LearningXXX**
Abidi et al. [ ]Optimal 5G network slicingMachine Learning and Deep LearingXX*

Highlights of machine learning techniques for 5G are as follows:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is sensors-22-00026-g006.jpg

Pictorial representation of machine learning (ML) in 5G.

  • In ML, a model will be defined which fulfills the desired requirements through which desired results are obtained. In the later stage, it examines accuracy from obtained results.
  • ML plays a vital role in 5G network analysis for threat detection, network load prediction, final arrangement, and network formation. Searching for a better balance between power, length of antennas, area, and network thickness crossed with the spontaneous use of services in the universe of individual users and types of devices.

In [ 79 ], author’s firstly describes the demands for the traditional authentication procedures and benefits of intelligent authentication. The intelligent authentication method was established to improve security practice in 5G-and-beyond wireless communication systems. Thereafter, the machine learning paradigms for intelligent authentication were organized into parametric and non-parametric research methods, as well as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning approaches. As a outcome, machine learning techniques provide a new paradigm into authentication under diverse network conditions and unstable dynamics. In addition, prompt intelligence to the security management to obtain cost-effective, better reliable, model-free, continuous, and situation-aware authentication.

In [ 68 ], the authors proposed a machine learning-based model to predict the traffic load at a particular location. They used a mobile network traffic dataset to train a model that can calculate the total number of user requests at a time. To launch access and mobility management function (AMF) instances according to the requirement as there were no predictions of user request the performance automatically degrade as AMF does not handle these requests at a time. Earlier threshold-based techniques were used to predict the traffic load, but that approach took too much time; therefore, the authors proposed RNN algorithm-based ML to predict the traffic load, which gives efficient results.

In [ 15 ], authors discussed the issue of network slice admission, resource allocation among subscribers, and how to maximize the profit of infrastructure providers. The author proposed a network slice admission control algorithm based on SMDP (decision-making process) that guarantees the subscribers’ best acceptance policies and satisfiability (tenants). They also suggested novel N3AC, a neural network-based algorithm that optimizes performance under various configurations, significantly outperforms practical and straightforward approaches.

This section includes various works done on 5G ML by different authors. Table 10 shows the state-of-the-art work on the improvement of various parameters such as energy efficiency, Quality of Services (QoS), and latency with 5G ML.

The state-of-the-art ML-based approaches in 5G technology.

ApproachEnergy EfficiencyQuality of Services (QoS)Latency
Fang et al. [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Alawe et al. [ ]GoodAverageLow
Bega et al. [ ]-GoodAverage

4.6. Optimization Techniques for 5G

Optimization techniques may be applied to capture NP-Complete or NP-Hard problems in 5G technology. This section briefly describes various research works suggested for 5G technology based on optimization techniques.

In [ 80 ], Massive MIMO technology is used in 5G mobile network to make it more flexible and scalable. The MIMO implementation in 5G needs a significant number of radio frequencies is required in the RF circuit that increases the cost and energy consumption of the 5G network. This paper provides a solution that increases the cost efficiency and energy efficiency with many radio frequency chains for a 5G wireless communication network. They give an optimized energy efficient technique for MIMO antenna and mmWave technologies based 5G mobile communication network. The proposed Energy Efficient Hybrid Precoding (EEHP) algorithm to increase the energy efficiency for the 5G wireless network. This algorithm minimizes the cost of an RF circuit with a large number of RF chains.

In [ 16 ], authors have discussed the growing demand for energy efficiency in the next-generation networks. In the last decade, they have figured out the things in wireless transmissions, which proved a change towards pursuing green communication for the next generation system. The importance of adopting the correct EE metric was also reviewed. Further, they worked through the different approaches that can be applied in the future for increasing the network’s energy and posed a summary of the work that was completed previously to enhance the energy productivity of the network using these capabilities. A system design for EE development using relay selection was also characterized, along with an observation of distinct algorithms applied for EE in relay-based ecosystems.

In [ 81 ], authors presented how AI-based approach is used to the setup of Self Organizing Network (SON) functionalities for radio access network (RAN) design and optimization. They used a machine learning approach to predict the results for 5G SON functionalities. Firstly, the input was taken from various sources; then, prediction and clustering-based machine learning models were applied to produce the results. Multiple AI-based devices were used to extract the knowledge analysis to execute SON functionalities smoothly. Based on results, they tested how self-optimization, self-testing, and self-designing are done for SON. The author also describes how the proposed mechanism classifies in different orders.

In [ 82 ], investigators examined the working of OFDM in various channel environments. They also figured out the changes in frame duration of the 5G TDD frame design. Subcarrier spacing is beneficial to obtain a small frame length with control overhead. They provided various techniques to reduce the growing guard period (GP) and cyclic prefix (CP) like complete utilization of multiple subcarrier spacing, management and data parts of frame at receiver end, various uses of timing advance (TA) or total control of flexible CP size.

This section includes various works that were done on 5G optimization by different authors. Table 11 shows how other authors worked on the improvement of multiple parameters such as energy efficiency, power optimization, and latency with 5G optimization.

Summary of Optimization Based Approaches in 5G Technology.

ApproachEnergy EfficiencyPower OptimizationLatency
Zi et al. [ ]Good-Average
Abrol and jha [ ]GoodGood-
Pérez-Romero et al. [ ]-AverageAverage
Lähetkangas et al. [ ]Average-Low

5. Description of Novel 5G Features over 4G

This section presents descriptions of various novel features of 5G, namely, the concept of small cell, beamforming, and MEC.

5.1. Small Cell

Small cells are low-powered cellular radio access nodes which work in the range of 10 meters to a few kilometers. Small cells play a very important role in implementation of the 5G wireless network. Small cells are low power base stations which cover small areas. Small cells are quite similar with all the previous cells used in various wireless networks. However, these cells have some advantages like they can work with low power and they are also capable of working with high data rates. Small cells help in rollout of 5G network with ultra high speed and low latency communication. Small cells in the 5G network use some new technologies like MIMO, beamforming, and mmWave for high speed data transmission. The design of small cells hardware is very simple so its implementation is quite easier and faster. There are three types of small cell tower available in the market. Femtocells, picocells, and microcells [ 83 ]. As shown in the Table 12 .

Types of Small cells.

Types of Small CellCoverage RadiusIndoor OutdoorTransmit PowerNumber of UsersBackhaul TypeCost
Femtocells30–165 ft
10–50 m
Indoor100 mW
20 dBm
8–16Wired, fiberLow
Picocells330–820 ft
100–250 m
250 mW
24 dBm
32–64Wired, fiberLow
Microcells1600–8000 ft
500–250 m
Outdoor2000–500 mW
32–37 dBm
200Wired, fiber, MicrowaveMedium

MmWave is a very high band spectrum between 30 to 300 GHz. As it is a significantly less used spectrum, it provides very high-speed wireless communication. MmWave offers ultra-wide bandwidth for next-generation mobile networks. MmWave has lots of advantages, but it has some disadvantages, too, such as mmWave signals are very high-frequency signals, so they have more collision with obstacles in the air which cause the signals loses energy quickly. Buildings and trees also block MmWave signals, so these signals cover a shorter distance. To resolve these issues, multiple small cell stations are installed to cover the gap between end-user and base station [ 18 ]. Small cell covers a very shorter range, so the installation of a small cell depends on the population of a particular area. Generally, in a populated place, the distance between each small cell varies from 10 to 90 meters. In the survey [ 20 ], various authors implemented small cells with massive MIMO simultaneously. They also reviewed multiple technologies used in 5G like beamforming, small cell, massive MIMO, NOMA, device to device (D2D) communication. Various problems like interference management, spectral efficiency, resource management, energy efficiency, and backhauling are discussed. The author also gave a detailed presentation of all the issues occurring while implementing small cells with various 5G technologies. As shown in the Figure 7 , mmWave has a higher range, so it can be easily blocked by the obstacles as shown in Figure 7 a. This is one of the key concerns of millimeter-wave signal transmission. To solve this issue, the small cell can be placed at a short distance to transmit the signals easily, as shown in Figure 7 b.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is sensors-22-00026-g007.jpg

Pictorial representation of communication with and without small cells.

5.2. Beamforming

Beamforming is a key technology of wireless networks which transmits the signals in a directional manner. 5G beamforming making a strong wireless connection toward a receiving end. In conventional systems when small cells are not using beamforming, moving signals to particular areas is quite difficult. Beamforming counter this issue using beamforming small cells are able to transmit the signals in particular direction towards a device like mobile phone, laptops, autonomous vehicle and IoT devices. Beamforming is improving the efficiency and saves the energy of the 5G network. Beamforming is broadly divided into three categories: Digital beamforming, analog beamforming and hybrid beamforming. Digital beamforming: multiuser MIMO is equal to digital beamforming which is mainly used in LTE Advanced Pro and in 5G NR. In digital beamforming the same frequency or time resources can be used to transmit the data to multiple users at the same time which improves the cell capacity of wireless networks. Analog Beamforming: In mmWave frequency range 5G NR analog beamforming is a very important approach which improves the coverage. In digital beamforming there are chances of high pathloss in mmWave as only one beam per set of antenna is formed. While the analog beamforming saves high pathloss in mmWave. Hybrid beamforming: hybrid beamforming is a combination of both analog beamforming and digital beamforming. In the implementation of MmWave in 5G network hybrid beamforming will be used [ 84 ].

Wireless signals in the 4G network are spreading in large areas, and nature is not Omnidirectional. Thus, energy depletes rapidly, and users who are accessing these signals also face interference problems. The beamforming technique is used in the 5G network to resolve this issue. In beamforming signals are directional. They move like a laser beam from the base station to the user, so signals seem to be traveling in an invisible cable. Beamforming helps achieve a faster data rate; as the signals are directional, it leads to less energy consumption and less interference. In [ 21 ], investigators evolve some techniques which reduce interference and increase system efficiency of the 5G mobile network. In this survey article, the authors covered various challenges faced while designing an optimized beamforming algorithm. Mainly focused on different design parameters such as performance evaluation and power consumption. In addition, they also described various issues related to beamforming like CSI, computation complexity, and antenna correlation. They also covered various research to cover how beamforming helps implement MIMO in next-generation mobile networks [ 85 ]. Figure 8 shows the pictorial representation of communication with and without using beamforming.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is sensors-22-00026-g008.jpg

Pictorial Representation of communication with and without using beamforming.

5.3. Mobile Edge Computing

Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) [ 24 ]: MEC is an extended version of cloud computing that brings cloud resources closer to the end-user. When we talk about computing, the very first thing that comes to our mind is cloud computing. Cloud computing is a very famous technology that offers many services to end-user. Still, cloud computing has many drawbacks. The services available in the cloud are too far from end-users that create latency, and cloud user needs to download the complete application before use, which also increases the burden to the device [ 86 ]. MEC creates an edge between the end-user and cloud server, bringing cloud computing closer to the end-user. Now, all the services, namely, video conferencing, virtual software, etc., are offered by this edge that improves cloud computing performance. Another essential feature of MEC is that the application is split into two parts, which, first one is available at cloud server, and the second is at the user’s device. Therefore, the user need not download the complete application on his device that increases the performance of the end user’s device. Furthermore, MEC provides cloud services at very low latency and less bandwidth. In [ 23 , 87 ], the author’s investigation proved that successful deployment of MEC in 5G network increases the overall performance of 5G architecture. Graphical differentiation between cloud computing and mobile edge computing is presented in Figure 9 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is sensors-22-00026-g009.jpg

Pictorial representation of cloud computing vs. mobile edge computing.

6. 5G Security

Security is the key feature in the telecommunication network industry, which is necessary at various layers, to handle 5G network security in applications such as IoT, Digital forensics, IDS and many more [ 88 , 89 ]. The authors [ 90 ], discussed the background of 5G and its security concerns, challenges and future directions. The author also introduced the blockchain technology that can be incorporated with the IoT to overcome the challenges in IoT. The paper aims to create a security framework which can be incorporated with the LTE advanced network, and effective in terms of cost, deployment and QoS. In [ 91 ], author surveyed various form of attacks, the security challenges, security solutions with respect to the affected technology such as SDN, Network function virtualization (NFV), Mobile Clouds and MEC, and security standardizations of 5G, i.e., 3GPP, 5GPPP, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). In [ 92 ], author elaborated various technological aspects, security issues and their existing solutions and also mentioned the new emerging technological paradigms for 5G security such as blockchain, quantum cryptography, AI, SDN, CPS, MEC, D2D. The author aims to create new security frameworks for 5G for further use of this technology in development of smart cities, transportation and healthcare. In [ 93 ], author analyzed the threats and dark threat, security aspects concerned with SDN and NFV, also their Commercial & Industrial Security Corporation (CISCO) 5G vision and new security innovations with respect to the new evolving architectures of 5G [ 94 ].

AuthenticationThe identification of the user in any network is made with the help of authentication. The different mobile network generations from 1G to 5G have used multiple techniques for user authentication. 5G utilizes the 5G Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) authentication method, which shares a cryptographic key between user equipment (UE) and its home network and establishes a mutual authentication process between the both [ 95 ].

Access Control To restrict the accessibility in the network, 5G supports access control mechanisms to provide a secure and safe environment to the users and is controlled by network providers. 5G uses simple public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates for authenticating access in the 5G network. PKI put forward a secure and dynamic environment for the 5G network. The simple PKI technique provides flexibility to the 5G network; it can scale up and scale down as per the user traffic in the network [ 96 , 97 ].

Communication Security 5G deals to provide high data bandwidth, low latency, and better signal coverage. Therefore secure communication is the key concern in the 5G network. UE, mobile operators, core network, and access networks are the main focal point for the attackers in 5G communication. Some of the common attacks in communication at various segments are Botnet, message insertion, micro-cell, distributed denial of service (DDoS), and transport layer security (TLS)/secure sockets layer (SSL) attacks [ 98 , 99 ].

Encryption The confidentiality of the user and the network is done using encryption techniques. As 5G offers multiple services, end-to-end (E2E) encryption is the most suitable technique applied over various segments in the 5G network. Encryption forbids unauthorized access to the network and maintains the data privacy of the user. To encrypt the radio traffic at Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer, three 128-bits keys are applied at the user plane, nonaccess stratum (NAS), and access stratum (AS) [ 100 ].

7. Summary of 5G Technology Based on Above-Stated Challenges

In this section, various issues addressed by investigators in 5G technologies are presented in Table 13 . In addition, different parameters are considered, such as throughput, latency, energy efficiency, data rate, spectral efficiency, fairness & computing capacity, transmission rate, coverage, cost, security requirement, performance, QoS, power optimization, etc., indexed from R1 to R14.

Summary of 5G Technology above stated challenges (R1:Throughput, R2:Latency, R3:Energy Efficiency, R4:Data Rate, R5:Spectral efficiency, R6:Fairness & Computing Capacity, R7:Transmission Rate, R8:Coverage, R9:Cost, R10:Security requirement, R11:Performance, R12:Quality of Services (QoS), R13:Power Optimization).

Panzner et al. [ ]GoodLowGood-Avg---------
Qiao et al. [ ]-------AvgGoodAvg----
He et al. [ ]AvgLowAvg-----------
Abrol and jha [ ]--Good----------Good
Al-Imari et al. [ ]----GoodGoodAvg-------
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]GoodLowAvg-Avg---------
Kiani and Nsari [ ]----AvgGoodGood-------
Beck [ ]-Low-----Avg---Good-Avg
Ni et al. [ ]---Good------AvgAvg--
Elijah [ ]AvgLowAvg-----------
Alawe et al. [ ]-LowGood---------Avg-
Zhou et al. [ ]Avg-Good-Avg---------
Islam et al. [ ]----GoodAvgAvg-------
Bega et al. [ ]-Avg----------Good-
Akpakwu et al. [ ]---Good------AvgGood--
Wei et al. [ ]-------GoodAvgLow----
Khurpade et al. [ ]---Avg-------Avg--
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]----GoodGoodAvg-------
Wang [ ]AvgLowAvgAvg----------
Akhil Gupta & R. K. Jha [ ]--GoodAvgGood------GoodGood-
Pérez-Romero et al. [ ]--Avg----------Avg
Pi [ ]-------GoodGoodAvg----
Zi et al. [ ]-AvgGood-----------
Chin [ ]--GoodAvg-----Avg-Good--
Mamta Agiwal [ ]-Avg-Good------GoodAvg--
Ramesh et al. [ ]GoodAvgGood-Good---------
Niu [ ]-------GoodAvgAvg---
Fang et al. [ ]-AvgGood---------Good-
Hoydis [ ]--Good-Good----Avg-Good--
Wei et al. [ ]----GoodAvgGood-------
Hong et al. [ ]--------AvgAvgLow---
Rashid [ ]---Good---Good---Avg-Good
Prasad et al. [ ]Good-Good-Avg---------
Lähetkangas et al. [ ]-LowAv-----------

8. Conclusions

This survey article illustrates the emergence of 5G, its evolution from 1G to 5G mobile network, applications, different research groups, their work, and the key features of 5G. It is not just a mobile broadband network, different from all the previous mobile network generations; it offers services like IoT, V2X, and Industry 4.0. This paper covers a detailed survey from multiple authors on different technologies in 5G, such as massive MIMO, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), millimeter wave, small cell, MEC (Mobile Edge Computing), beamforming, optimization, and machine learning in 5G. After each section, a tabular comparison covers all the state-of-the-research held in these technologies. This survey also shows the importance of these newly added technologies and building a flexible, scalable, and reliable 5G network.

9. Future Findings

This article covers a detailed survey on the 5G mobile network and its features. These features make 5G more reliable, scalable, efficient at affordable rates. As discussed in the above sections, numerous technical challenges originate while implementing those features or providing services over a 5G mobile network. So, for future research directions, the research community can overcome these challenges while implementing these technologies (MIMO, NOMA, small cell, mmWave, beam-forming, MEC) over a 5G network. 5G communication will bring new improvements over the existing systems. Still, the current solutions cannot fulfill the autonomous system and future intelligence engineering requirements after a decade. There is no matter of discussion that 5G will provide better QoS and new features than 4G. But there is always room for improvement as the considerable growth of centralized data and autonomous industry 5G wireless networks will not be capable of fulfilling their demands in the future. So, we need to move on new wireless network technology that is named 6G. 6G wireless network will bring new heights in mobile generations, as it includes (i) massive human-to-machine communication, (ii) ubiquitous connectivity between the local device and cloud server, (iii) creation of data fusion technology for various mixed reality experiences and multiverps maps. (iv) Focus on sensing and actuation to control the network of the entire world. The 6G mobile network will offer new services with some other technologies; these services are 3D mapping, reality devices, smart homes, smart wearable, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, and sense. It is expected that 6G will provide ultra-long-range communication with a very low latency of 1 ms. The per-user bit rate in a 6G wireless network will be approximately 1 Tbps, and it will also provide wireless communication, which is 1000 times faster than 5G networks.


Author contributions.

Conceptualization: R.D., I.Y., G.C., P.L. data gathering: R.D., G.C., P.L, I.Y. funding acquisition: I.Y. investigation: I.Y., G.C., G.P. methodology: R.D., I.Y., G.C., P.L., G.P., survey: I.Y., G.C., P.L, G.P., R.D. supervision: G.C., I.Y., G.P. validation: I.Y., G.P. visualization: R.D., I.Y., G.C., P.L. writing, original draft: R.D., I.Y., G.C., P.L., G.P. writing, review, and editing: I.Y., G.C., G.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

This paper was supported by Soonchunhyang University.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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A review of intelligent subway tunnels based on digital twin technology.

smart technology research paper

1. Introduction

2. background study, 2.1. construction method of subway tunnel, 2.2. the complexity and safety risk of subway tunnel construction, 2.3. overview of digital twins, 3. bibliometric analysis, 3.1. annual number of published papers, 3.2. development context–keyword timeline map, 3.3. research status and hotspot–keyword co-occurrence map, 3.4. collaborating institutions—source co-occurrence map, 4. application of digital twin in subway tunnel engineering, 4.1. subway digital twin modeling, 4.1.1. geometric model, high-fidelity model based on point cloud.

  • The scanning method is easily affected by environmental occlusions, resulting in a decrease in local accuracy, especially in irregular solid models;
  • The generation, processing, and utilization efficiency of large-scale and high-precision point clouds is low. Therefore, the point cloud is more suitable for small-scale, high-precision models, such as tunnel surface sketches, or large-scale rough models, such as ground models, to meet the timeliness requirements;
  • The processing and analysis of point clouds, especially the segmentation and recognition process, require high computing power to support fast feedback. Therefore, the connection should be strengthened to achieve high-speed and stable communication between point cloud acquisition, processing, analysis, and decision-making terminals.

High-Fidelity Model Based on BIM

Parameterized model based on real data, 4.1.2. physical model, 4.1.3. semantic model, 4.2. application of digital twin technology in the tunnel construction process, 4.2.1. digital twin data acquisition, 4.2.2. construction deformation monitoring and early warning, 4.2.3. construction process risk management and control, 4.3. the role of digital twin technology in rail transit security, 4.4. intelligent operation and maintenance system of rail transit based on digital twin, 4.5. resource optimization of traffic facilities in subway stations based on digital twins, 5. discussion and future direction.

  • In terms of comprehensive information, the aging characteristics of geological structures can be incorporated into the theory of environmental disaster, and the intelligent prediction of unfavorable geology can be realized based on the geological conditions of the tunnel site and structural sensing feedback, which provides a strong guarantee for tunnel design and safe operation and maintenance;
  • In terms of data timing, the existing data sensing and information collection are often realized by means of machine coordination and personnel field collection, and some collection processes are risky and subjective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an unmanned tunnel inspection device to improve the accuracy and safety of data collection and to assist with the digital development of information sensing with automated and standardized intelligent equipment operations;
  • It can be noted that in recent years, more and more cities at home and abroad have launched subway renewal planning. In the future, under the concept of green development, the application of digital twin technology in the planning, demolition, and construction stages of subway renewal and the realization of green and sustainable development of subway renewal have become urgent problems to be solved.

6. Conclusions

  • By combining the accident cases, this paper discusses the inherent complexity and safety risks of subway tunnel construction in depth and emphasizes the significant advantages of digital twin technology compared with traditional technology;
  • By summarizing the existing concepts, this paper proposes a specific interpretation of DT applicable to subway tunnel engineering. This explanation aims to promote the development of DT-related technologies in a more coherent way. Then, the research status of DT in the field of subway tunnel engineering is discussed in detail, and the bibliometric analysis is carried out based on CiteSpace;
  • The application of DT in the field of subway tunnel engineering has been studied in depth, including the modeling method of the subway digital twin, intelligent management of the construction process, safety guarantee, operation and maintenance, and resource optimization of traffic facilities in subway stations;
  • Finally, the future application prospects and value of DT in the whole lifecycle management of subways are discussed. Although DT has been widely recognized for its value and potential, there are still deficiencies in related research.

Author Contributions

Data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Construction MethodConstruction CharactersComplexity and UncertaintyConstruction Advantage
shield methodThe shield machine is used to excavate underground. Under the protection of the shield, the excavation and lining operation is carried out safely in the machine while preventing the collapse of soil and sand on the excavation face of the soft foundation and maintaining the stability of the excavation face.The shield tunnel adopts the segment assembly method and has a multi-seam porous structure. In sandy strata with high groundwater levels or confined water, the control of groundwater during shield tunneling is more complicated, which may cause major accidents, such as water gushing and sand gushing [ ].The ground operation is less, the degree of automation is high, and the impact on the surrounding environment is small.
mining methodThe construction method of the tunnel and underground engineering is mainly used to excavate the section by drilling blasting method, the whole section is excavated to the design contour, and the lining is built accordingly.The risk coefficient is large, and it is easy to destroy the surrounding geological structure. Tunnel leakage and pavement collapse often occur.It is suitable for complex geological conditions and flexible support measures.
open cut methodUnder the protection of no support or support system, the tunnel and the overlying rock mass within a certain range are excavated layer by layer to form a foundation pit or trench, then the tunnel lining structure or the main structure of underground engineering is constructed, and finally, the overlying soil is backfilled.Urban interval tunnels are usually buried deep, the deformation control requirements of foundation pits are more stringent, and the design and construction are more difficult.The construction method is simple, the technology is mature, the construction work surface is large, the construction progress is fast, the foundation pit support structure is clear, and the cost is low.
covered excavationExcavate from the ground down to a certain depth, then close the top and continue the remaining construction under the closed roof.The treatment of horizontal construction joints of concrete lining is difficult, and the construction of underground excavation is difficult and expensive.The deformation of the retaining structure is small, the road surface can be quickly restored, and the soil at the bottom of the foundation pit is stable.
Typical TraitsSpecific Interpretation
interoperabilityDigital twins have the ability to map physical entities with various digital models and have the equivalence of transforming, merging, and establishing “expression” between different digital models.
expandabilityDigital twins have the ability to integrate, add, and replace digital models and can be extended for multi-scale, multi-physics, and multi-level model content.
real timeDigital twin technology requires digitization, that is, managing data in a way that can be recognized and processed by computers to characterize physical entities that change over time.
fidelityDigital twins require that the virtual body and the entity should not only maintain a high degree of simulation of the geometric structure but also simulate the state, phase state, and time state.
closed loopThe digital virtual body in the digital twin is used to describe the visual model and internal mechanism of the physical entity, giving the digital virtual body and the physical entity a brain, so the digital Li Sheng has a closed loop.
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Share and Cite

Zhao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Mu, E. A Review of Intelligent Subway Tunnels Based on Digital Twin Technology. Buildings 2024 , 14 , 2452. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14082452

Zhao Y, Liu Y, Mu E. A Review of Intelligent Subway Tunnels Based on Digital Twin Technology. Buildings . 2024; 14(8):2452. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14082452

Zhao, Yuhong, Yuhang Liu, and Enyi Mu. 2024. "A Review of Intelligent Subway Tunnels Based on Digital Twin Technology" Buildings 14, no. 8: 2452. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14082452

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