English Compositions

Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

This lesson will focus on writing short essays on the topic ‘My Favourite Teacher.’ I will write three short essays on this topic covering different word limits. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favourite teacher in 100 words, short essay on my favourite teacher in 200 words, short essay on my favourite teacher in 400 words.

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Teachers are the pillars of humanity. They guide us from the darkness of ignorance and lack of knowledge and bring us the light of goodness, care, devotion, and love. A teacher is the best companion who can always show us the right path.

For me, the most outstanding teacher is my parents. They always teach me the right and tell me how wrongdoings can destroy me forever. From my childhood, they have given me happiness and have also taught me that lack of anything should not be criticized. One must try to balance and get the best from the least. They scold me for my own benefit. Their teachings will forever guide me in my future in the best way.

A teacher shows us the right path towards knowledge and pulls us away from the darkness of ignorance and lack of knowledge. As human beings, we always need a teacher to help us mature in our future. Everybody gets a teacher right from their childhood.

Our parents are our greatest teachers. They give us the first knowledge of life. In schools, we receive lots of teachers who teach us academically. They are mostly responsible to give us knowledge about the institutions of the world. I have come across several of them and yet my class teacher is my favourite.

She teaches us Maths, the subject I fear the most. I used to be extremely scared of it because I always failed to solve those tough problems. But my class teacher is so kind to me that she helps me daily to get rid of my fears in Maths. She teaches me the sums in the easiest way and also inspires me to practice more.

She speaks sweetly and is adorable. The best part of my teacher is that she never scolds me when I get a sum incorrect. With lots of patience, she points out the wrong and corrects me. For her, I am confident in solving all the sums in the book. I am grateful to her for the unconditional support she has given me. 

From the Vedic ages, the significance of a guru is specified as someone who will guide his disciples towards the light of true knowledge He will teach them both right and wrong and also mentor them to take correct decisions in their lives. A guru is the assimilation of the Trinity, The Brahma, the Vishnu, and the Maheshwar.

He is aware of everything and is capable of leading his disciples from ignorance to complete knowledge of the self and the world. Today the notion of a gurukul has changed and been replaced by well-made classrooms. The teacher today represents the early guru who plays that same task of giving his students the best education and correct knowledge. 

For me, being a teacher is one of the greatest blessings on earth. Because God cannot be everywhere, so he has created teachers as their replicas. I myself aspire to be a teacher one day so that I can serve the children with my wisdom and knowledge. Teachers enable their students to rise higher in their lives fearlessly and be confident in their approach. To me, my parents are my greatest teachers. They have given me the best knowledge of my life and have taught me to choose good over bad.

Life is quite vast and my parents help me daily to fight through all odds. They not only just feed me and educate me in a good school, but also teach me the proper manners and behaviour in life. They help me to aspire for a greater and happier life in the future. Several things happen in my life as a young person. I go through several emotions that I cannot myself understand totally.

I easily disclose it to my parents and they show me the way out of the confusion. My parents do not create unnecessary rules over me and stop me from enjoying my life. They always keep faith in me and their teachings make me humble. I can never think of hurting them because that will destroy their goodwill over me. Parents are the first and the foremost teachers in our lives. We learn the earliest knowledge of respect and obedience from them. 

In our schools, we come across many subject teachers who give us institutional knowledge. They are important because they give us a picture of the professional world. Yet the first knowledge of the alphabet, and the first speech happens at home. Home is the place from where a good character is born. Hence, for me, my favourite teachers are my parents.

I have written these essays in pretty simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any confusion regarding the context, let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing this website for more valuable sessions.

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English Aspirants

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English.  Here, we’ve provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay: 100 Words

Rajkumar sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English in our school. He has a smiling face. He is truthful and honest. He explains his lessons in a very simple and nice way. He is a punctual and disciplined teacher. He gives full attention to each and every student. He tells us interesting stories from time to time.

Rajkumar sir is like a teacher who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. He tries to solve all our queries. He teaches us good habits and moral values. He is a nation builder. Such ideal teachers are the pride of a nation.

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120

My favourite teacher is Riya madam. She teaches us Science as a subject. She has a unique way of teaching. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. She is the master of her subject. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. I used to be very weak in science. But due to his teaching, I improved a lot in science. She keeps perfect discipline everywhere. She advises us to follow the path of truth and goodness. She works with a sense of devotion and dedication.

Along with studies, she teaches us good ethics and moral values to develop our personality. Her life lessons provide us the strength to deal with any kind of problem in our lives. I am grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

paragraph on my favourite teacher in English

Also Read: 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: 150 Words

The teacher I like most is Raman sir. He is the teacher of mathematics in our school. From the first day, all the students in the class felt very close to him because of his friendly behaviour with all of us.

He is polite and sweet natured. He is very hard-working. He loves his youngers and respects his elders. He himself is a model of good conduct. He guides us on the right path in order to make us useful and sensible citizens.

The subject of mathematics seemed very complex and difficult to me from the beginning. But he explained mathematical problems, geometry, everything so easily that I started to get very good marks in mathematics. He makes mathematics so interesting to us.

What particularly attracted me was his wide knowledge and keen interest in diverse matters. He wants his children to learn with understanding. He does not depend only on bookish knowledge. He, sometimes, also takes us out for a visit to some interesting places. A teacher, like him, could be seldom found. He shall remain an inspiration to me.

my teacher essay and paragraph

Essay on Favourite Teacher : 200 Words

In course of my student life, I came across many good teachers. Amongst them were brilliant scholars and great teachers. But in Sri Pankaj Mukherjee, I found not only a teacher with all the good qualities but also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Although he loved everyone, I was his favourite student. Untiring in his zeal, he had great love for all students even the naughty ones. He was never unhappy even for a moment.

Though English was his favourite subject, he was equally strong in other subjects too and could go on giving notes on them with equal ease. He explained everything so lucidly that all the subjects he taught proved to be interesting. His doors were always open to us. He sympathised with us whenever we were in difficulty. He was a strict disciplinarian but he had a soft corner for all of us.

He also encouraged us to take part in sports and games and even participated in certain games with us. In short, he was more than a teacher to us. I admire him and still remember him because he was an ideal teacher in all respects.

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

My Teacher Essay/Paragraph: 250 Words

Sh. M.P. Sharma is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is our class teacher too.

He wears simple clothes. Generally he wears pant and shirt. But in winter he wears coat and pant. He looks very smart in his dress. He wears leather shoes. They are always bright.

He is M.A, M.Ed. in English. He is an expert teacher. He is the master of his subject. His teaching method is very easy and unique. Everyone praises his teaching method. Every student understands it easily. He explains all the lessons slowly so that all the students can understand the lessons well. No one make any trouble in his class. Even the most mischievous student in the class listens to his lectures carefully. If a student faces difficulty to understand any topic, he explains it to him at a different time after the school holidays.

He has many qualities. He believes in simple living and high thinking. His nature is very fine. He loves every student. He is very honest. He is sincere to his duty. He is friendly to all. To him work is worship. He has high character. His thoughts are always high. He inspires his pupils to conduct themselves well in life.

He is a true and ideal Guru for me. He is the nation builder in true sense. This is why I like him very much.

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Essay On My Favorite Teacher

short essay on my favorite teacher

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Everyone has had at least one teacher who has made a lasting impression on their life. For me, that teacher was my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Smith. This essay will describe why Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher and how she had a positive impact on my life.

Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher for several reasons. Firstly, she was always energetic and enthusiastic about teaching. She would engage the class in lively discussions and hands-on activities that made learning fun and enjoyable. Secondly, she was kind and compassionate, always taking the time to listen to her students and help them with their problems.

One of the things that I appreciated most about Mrs. Smith was her ability to make learning relevant and meaningful. She would often connect what we were learning in class to real-life situations, making it easier for us to understand and remember the material.

Mrs. Smith also had a great sense of humor and would often make us laugh, which made the classroom a fun and relaxed place to be. This made it easier for us to focus on our studies and to enjoy the learning process.

Another reason why Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher was her dedication to her students. She would often go above and beyond what was required, staying after school to help students who were struggling or organizing special events and activities to make learning more engaging.

Finally, Mrs. Smith was a great role model. She was always positive and optimistic, and she taught us to believe in ourselves and to never give up. She inspired us to be the best that we could be and to always strive for excellence.

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith was an exceptional teacher who had a lasting impact on my life. She made learning fun and enjoyable, and she taught me important life lessons that I still carry with me today. I am grateful to have had such a wonderful teacher and I will always remember her as my favorite teacher.

Long Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Teachers play an important role in our lives and it’s hard for us to go through life without having someone to look up to. My favorite teacher is someone I’ve looked up to since childhood and has been a constant source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration throughout my life. In this article, I’ll be discussing why this particular teacher is so special to me and how their impact has shaped my life.


When I was in high school, my favorite teacher was Mr. Jones. He was my English teacher and he was also the coach of the basketball team. I always looked up to him because he was a great teacher and a great coach. He taught me how to be a better writer and how to be a better basketball player. He also helped me get through some tough times in my life. I will never forget what he did for me and I will always be grateful for his help.

Who is My Favorite Teacher and Why?

There are many teachers who have influenced my life in various ways. However, if I had to choose one favorite teacher, it would be Mrs. Nguyen. Mrs. Nguyen was my seventh grade English teacher and she quickly became one of my favorite people. She had a way of making learning fun and interesting, even when the material was dry. She also made a point to get to know each student individually, which made us feel valued and seen.

One of the things I loved most about Mrs. Nguyen was her passion for teaching. She was always excited to share her love of literature with her students. Her enthusiasm was contagious and it motivated me to do my best in her class. Additionally, Mrs. Nguyen was always willing to help her students outside of class if we needed extra help understanding a concept or assignment. She truly cared about her students’ success.

I am grateful to Mrs. Nguyen for everything she taught me both inside and outside the classroom. She is the reason I developed a love for reading and writing, and she inspired me to become a teacher myself someday. For all these reasons, Mrs. Nguyen is my favorite teacher and someone I will always admire and respect .

The Positive Impact of My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher had a profound impact on my life. She was the one who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and taught me that anything is possible if you work hard enough. I will always be grateful to her for her guidance and support.

Academic Achievements Achieved with the Help of My Teacher

I would like to talk about one of my favorite teachers who has had a profound impact on my academic achievements. Miss Garcia was my seventh grade English teacher. She was the one who encouraged me to develop my writing skills and expand my vocabulary.

Miss Garcia made a big impression on me because she was always so enthusiastic about her subject. She made learning fun and engaged all of her students in the lessons. I remember one particular lesson where we had to write an essay about our favorite book. I wasn’t sure what to write about, but Miss Garcia helped me come up with a topic and gave me some great tips for structuring my essay.

Thanks to Miss Garcia’s guidance, I got an A on that essay and realized that I really enjoyed writing. From then on, I started paying more attention in class and participating more in discussions. My grades started to improve and I even won a few writing competitions. I am now planning to study English Literature in college, and I know it wouldn’t have been possible without Miss Garcia’s help.

Some Fun Memories

Some fun memories I have of my favorite teacher are from when we would have impromptu dance parties in the middle of class. She would put on music and we would all dance around the room. It was a great way to get us moving and shaking after sitting for so long. We would also have competitions to see who could do the best impression of her. I always won, but she would give everyone a good laugh.

My favorite teacher has been a great source of inspiration and guidance throughout my school career. She was always there to help me with any questions that I had, no matter how simple or complex they might have been. Her individualized instruction made an impact on my academic performance and I am grateful for the time she took out of her day to ensure that I was successful. Without her influence and support, I would not be where I am today.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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  • My Favourite Teacher Essay In English for Students and Children


500+ Words Essay on My Favourite Teacher

Teachers play an essential role in our life as an ideal teacher is responsible for the development of the students. Teachers play a vital role in creating a strong foundation of basic knowledge, not only regarding subjects but also for life. It is mostly what we learn at school that helps us throughout our lives when we have to make important decisions and perform other crucial tasks. 

Having a particular teacher that you are especially comfortable with can be a massive advantage as it can help you move through your school years in an easier way. A good teacher can also act as a mentor, guiding you all through your life, even apart from just academics.

I am a student of 10th Class of a reputed private school. There are many great teachers in my school but everyone has that one teacher they are especially grateful to. Likewise, my favourite teacher is Mr Manish Khandelwal Sir. Manish Sir teaches us Maths, and he has a really attractive personality. He is very polite and humble and we all the students love him. He is also a person trusted the most by parents and teachers, as he constantly strives in creating a balanced environment in working hard at academics and having fun doing so.

Qualities of My Favorite Teacher

Manish Sir is tall and quite good looking. He is 32 years old and very experienced. His way of teaching is excellent. He believes in simple living and high thinking. All the students love him for his superb way of teaching and humble behaviour. He has an experience of 9 years in education, and he has done masters in Mathematics. He easily solves complicated mathematical equations. 

He has a unique way of explaining his methods of solving problems. This way, he makes even the most complex of problems look simple and makes it very easy to understand for all students. He has all favourite teacher qualities in him, and has an exceptional amount of patience, which is one of the reasons why everyone considers him as the best teacher. He explains every question or doubt with so much patience and clarity and makes sure you understand them thoroughly. 

He has an excellent command of English and unlike most teachers out there for whom writing impositions, formulas and theorems are important,  he focuses more on logical reasoning rather than memorising complicated equations. He is very disciplined and punctual and ensures that we follow these principles as well. He understands the importance of time and always comes on time. He possesses many of such appreciable qualities which are commendable and highly appreciated by students who want to pursue these qualities as well. 

He is very enthusiastic but he is not too pushy and allows us to make the decisions on our own. He perfectly understands the balance between study and extracurricular activities and helps us stay on track with both. He believes in the overall development of the students and thus encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities. 

He prepares students for Maths olympiads so that their confidence can be boosted and they excel in a complex subject like Maths. Under his guidance, many students have won prizes in Maths olympiads, and even I have scored the highest marks securing the first position in many Maths competitions. He is an asset to our school as he has played a massive role in improving the overall image of our school including co-curricular and academic aspects and we students are fortunate to have him.

What Makes Him My Favourite Teacher?

Manish Sir is my favourite teacher because he is very humble, kind and polite. I love his way of teaching. He loves all students and doesn't believe in punishing them. He focuses more on conceptual clarity than burdening students with excessive homeworks. He never scolds students and never expresses his concerns in the form of anger. Instead, he talks to the students personally in a calm manner, in a way that helps us improve and wants to put in more effort. 

He asks students to be honest with him and always gives equal attention to all the students. He never makes fun of any students and gives extra attention to the weak students. Whenever a student fails to understand any question or equation, he puts extra effort to make him understand, and never tends to lose patience. He calmly explains no matter how many times he has to repeat the same question or statement. He is focused on making us understand every concept with utmost clarity and that is the reason why all students love him.

One of my most favourite qualities of Manish sir is that he keeps track of every student in the class; how they are performing or what are the things they are good at. He constantly keeps an eye out for everyone in the class and helps them to improve themselves and guides them throughout the learning process. He is one of the best teachers in our school who keeps constantly motivating their students and  guiding them in all spheres of life. Manish sir is especially known for not showing even the tiniest amount of favouritism. He treats all his students with an equal amount of fondness and love and cares for every one of us deeply.

He is very experienced and full of life. He tends to keep the entire class on a positive note and never exhibits any behaviour that deteriorates other people. He is concerned about people’s feelings and never hurts anybody. He is very sober and has a great sense of humour. His mathematical knowledge is very vast. Apart from being good at mathematics, he also preaches the importance of having sound knowledge in English and literature. 

He loves reading books and always encourages students to spare some time to read novels instead of doing mindless activities like watching tv or playing video games. He also advises us to get more physical activity and play with other people our age and interact more as it would improve communication. He advises students to pursue their hobbies or interests. He understands students' problems and always provides them with a helping hand. He explains everything with examples and makes every concept so interesting to learn for students. 

We students love to attend his class because he is very understanding. He covers each topic in detail and gives his full attention in class. He would be the first one to notice if even a single student loses track or starts dozing off. He would just suggest an alternative method or a simpler explanation instead of blaming the student for not paying enough attention to the class. He knows how to draw students' attention in class. He never assigns us too much homework, and after class, he provides us with regular assignments to assess our understanding of a particular topic. 

The assignments are often designed to be more informative and research-oriented rather than just making us write down questions or paragraphs from the book and memorise them. By actually going through related articles and books, we gain a greater amount of knowledge and this way, we tend to remember what we learn for a long time as well.  

In case if any student fails to do the assignment or performs poorly in a particular chapter, he doesn't shout at them but instead makes them understand the concept again. This way, we students understand that whatever he is doing is for our own benefit and we tend to work harder to improve ourselves. These are a few of the things he does that makes him different from the other teachers and appears approachable to everyone around him. I have never seen a humble and polite teacher like him, and one day I will try to be like him in my career.

Manish Sir is not just a great teacher but also my ideal person. He has all the favourite teacher qualities, and everyone loves him. I am lucky to be his student, and I will always follow his principles in my life. Even after leaving this school, he will remain my favourite teacher, and I will never forget him. I will always remember what he has taught me through example, and I will try to be a great person like him in the future.


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My Favorite Teacher

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Words: 913 |

Published: Mar 25, 2024

Words: 913 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

I. introduction, b. background information:, c. thesis statement:, ii. personal connection with the teacher, a. how i first met my favorite teacher:, b. why i consider this teacher my favorite:, c. specific qualities of the teacher that have impacted me:, iii. academic impact of the teacher, a. how the teacher has helped me excel in a particular subject:, b. techniques used by the teacher to engage students in learning:, c. how the teacher has inspired me to pursue a particular academic path:, iv. personal growth and development, a. how the teacher has supported me during difficult times:, b. how the teacher has helped me overcome challenges:, c. lessons learned from the teacher that have helped me grow as an individual:, v. impact on future aspirations, a. how the teacher has influenced my career goals:, b. how the teacher has shaped my values and beliefs:, c. how i plan to carry forward the lessons learned from my favorite teacher:, vi. conclusion, a. restate thesis:, b. recap key points discussed in the essay:, c. reflect on the importance of teachers in shaping students' lives:, d. end with a strong closing statement about the lasting impact of my favorite teacher:.

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short essay on my favorite teacher

Short Essay: My Favourite Teacher

Writing an essay about your favorite teacher is a wonderful opportunity to express gratitude and articulate the impact they’ve had on your educational journey. Whether it’s their unique teaching style, their ability to inspire, or their unwavering support, this essay allows you to spotlight those qualities that make them stand out. 

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay Example #1

Mr. Thompson has an unorthodox style that immediately set him apart. Unlike other teachers who strictly followed the textbook, he encouraged open discussions and debates. Our classroom was a dynamic environment where each of us felt comfortable voicing our thoughts and opinions. This approach not only made the lessons more engaging but also taught us the importance of listening to different perspectives.

Perhaps the most significant lesson I learned from Mr. Thompson was the importance of perseverance. He encouraged us to challenge ourselves and never settle for mediocrity. His feedback on essays was always constructive, pushing us to refine our arguments and enhance our writing styles. Under his guidance, I found my voice as a writer and gained the confidence to tackle complex topics.

My Favourite Teacher Essay Example #2

Mrs. Jackson had a comforting presence, paired with a warm smile that could ease any school day’s anxieties. Her classroom was a haven of creativity, filled with colorful posters and student artwork, making every child feel welcomed and valued. But what truly set Mrs. Jackson apart was her intuitive ability to connect with each student individually. She seemed to understand our fears, hopes, and struggles as if they were her own.

Beyond academics, Mrs. Jackson taught us the value of kindness and the importance of giving back. She organized class projects that involved helping the community, such as visiting nursing homes or planting trees. These experiences instilled in us a sense of responsibility and showed us the impact of our actions on the world around us.

As I conclude this essay, it’s clear that Mrs. Jackson did more than teach me mathematics or language arts; she taught me the importance of empathy, resilience, and curiosity. Her influence extends beyond the classroom and continues to inspire me today. I am not only a better student because of Mrs. Jackson but a better person. She saw potential in me that I hadn’t seen in myself, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Mrs. Jackson exemplifies what it means to be a great teacher—one who leaves an indelible mark on her students’ hearts.

My Favourite Teacher Essay Example #3

Mr. Allen’s classroom was unlike any other I had ever entered. Walls adorned with posters of ecosystems, DNA models, and famous scientists transformed the space into a vibrant hub of learning. However, it was Mr. Allen’s infectious enthusiasm for biology and his genuine care for his students that truly made the room come alive. Every day, he greeted each of us by name, with a genuine smile that made even the most mundane Monday morning seem bright.

Mr. Allen’s teaching methods were also remarkably engaging. He believed that learning should be interactive and hands-on. His labs were not typical follow-the-instructions affairs; they were adventurous explorations. In Mr. Allen’s class, we didn’t just study plants; we grew them from seeds to understand photosynthesis deeply. We didn’t just memorize parts of the cell; we modeled them, which helped us visualize and remember the concepts better.

Beyond the curriculum, Mr. Allen emphasized the importance of thinking critically and questioning not just the “how” but also the “why” of science. This approach did not just prepare us for exams but for life. He encouraged us to see biology not just as a subject to be learned, but as a lens to view the world, sparking a lifelong passion for science in many of us.

Final Thoughts

As you conclude your essay, reflect on the broader implications of your experiences. The attributes and lessons you’ve detailed aren’t just personal anecdotes—they underscore the critical role of educators in nurturing potential and inspiring curiosity. Teachers like the one you’ve described do more than impart knowledge; they ignite a passion for learning and set the foundation for lifelong intellectual exploration.

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short essay on my favorite teacher

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

  • September 11, 2024

Essay on My Favourite Teacher –Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

When it comes to learning, a great teacher can make all the difference. Whether you’re a primary school student excited about your favorite teacher or a high school student reflecting on the impact a teacher has had on your life, capturing your thoughts in an essay can be a meaningful experience.

In this article, we’ll guide you through writing essays that express your admiration for your favorite teacher, helping you craft a clear, engaging, and well-structured piece of writing that stands out in any competition or assignment.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Essay on My Favourite Teacher(100-180 words)

My favorite teacher is Ms. Johnson. She teaches us English and makes every lesson interesting and fun. Ms. Johnson always encourages us to do our best, whether it’s in reading, writing, or speaking. She is patient and never gets angry when we make mistakes. Instead, she helps us learn from them. I especially love how she tells stories that make the lessons come alive. Because of her, I enjoy going to school every day and feel confident in my abilities. Ms. Johnson is not just a teacher; she’s a mentor and a friend who truly cares about each of us.

Medium Essay on Essay on My Favourite Teacher (200-500 words)

My favorite teacher is Mr. Brown, our mathematics teacher. From the moment I stepped into his class, I knew that math would no longer be a subject to fear but one to enjoy. Mr. Brown has a unique way of explaining complex concepts in a simple and relatable manner. He uses everyday examples to help us understand difficult topics, which makes learning fun and engaging.

One of the things I admire most about Mr. Brown is his patience. He never rushes through lessons and always takes the time to ensure that every student understands the material. If someone struggles, he offers extra help and encouragement, making sure no one falls behind.

Mr. Brown also knows how to make his lessons interactive. He often includes games and puzzles that challenge us to think critically and apply what we’ve learned. This approach not only makes math exciting but also helps us develop problem-solving skills that are useful in everyday life.

What sets Mr. Brown apart is his genuine care for his students. He takes the time to get to know each of us and always listens when we need to talk. He’s not just concerned with our academic progress but also our well-being. Because of Mr. Brown, I have grown to love math, and I am confident that the skills he has taught me will benefit me throughout my life.

Long Essay on Essay on My Favourite Teacher (1000-1500 words)

The role of a teacher in shaping the minds and lives of students cannot be overstated. Among all the teachers I’ve had, Mr. Anderson, my science teacher, stands out as my favorite. His passion for teaching and his ability to make learning an exciting adventure have had a profound impact on my education and personal development.

Mr. Anderson has been my science teacher for the past two years. From the very first lesson, it was clear that he was not just teaching from a textbook but from a deep love for the subject. He has a way of making even the most complex topics understandable and interesting. Whether we are learning about the mysteries of space, the wonders of biology, or the principles of physics, Mr. Anderson brings each topic to life with enthusiasm and energy.

One of the reasons I admire Mr. Anderson is his dedication to ensuring that every student succeeds. He understands that not everyone learns at the same pace, and he is always willing to spend extra time with those who need it. His patience and kindness have made him a favorite among students who may have struggled in other subjects.

Mr. Anderson’s teaching methods are also something I deeply respect. He often uses hands-on experiments and real-world applications to explain scientific concepts. This approach not only helps us understand the material but also sparks curiosity and a love for learning. I remember the time we built our own model rockets to learn about the laws of motion. It wasn’t just a lesson in physics; it was an experience that made the theory come alive.

Beyond his teaching, Mr. Anderson is a mentor and role model. He always encourages us to think critically, ask questions, and never be afraid to make mistakes. He often says, “Science is about exploring the unknown, and mistakes are just part of the journey.” This perspective has helped me become more confident in my abilities and more resilient in the face of challenges.

Outside of the classroom, Mr. Anderson is also involved in our school’s science club, where he organizes field trips, guest lectures, and science fairs. His commitment to fostering a love for science extends beyond the curriculum, and he is always looking for new ways to inspire his students.

What I appreciate most about Mr. Anderson is his genuine interest in our lives. He takes the time to get to know each of us, not just as students but as individuals. He listens when we need to talk, offers advice when we face difficulties, and celebrates our successes, no matter how small. This personal connection makes him not just a teacher but a friend and guide.

In conclusion, Mr. Anderson is more than just my favorite teacher; he is someone who has profoundly influenced my life. His passion for teaching, his innovative methods, and his unwavering support have made me a better student and a more curious and confident person. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from him and will carry the lessons he has taught me throughout my life.

Writing about your favorite teacher can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to express your gratitude and admiration. Whether you’re in primary school or high school, capturing what makes your teacher special can create a memorable and impactful essay. By following the tips and examples provided, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling piece that stands out.

Remember, the best essays are those that come from the heart. Take your time, reflect on your experiences, and let your words flow naturally. Good luck with your writing!

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my favourite teacher.

A teacher is one who instills in the learner an inspiration to learn and to be good. With this message, I want to start an essay on my favorite Teacher. I am a student of XII class in a  private school which is a well-known school in the city. It is a reputed school with over 1,700 students. There are about 40 teachers in our school. Among all the teachers who taught us Mr. Anurag is my favorite teacher. He taught us history.

my favourite teacher

Personality of My Teacher

Mr. Anurag is about 34 years of age, tall, smart and has a tough look. He also knows karate. He believes in high thinking and simple living and thus, always wears simple clothes and looks so sober. His manners are pleasing and liked by all. He is also an experienced English teacher.

He has masters or postgraduate degrees both in History and English. Also, he is very soft-spoken and yet strict in discipline. The best part of him is that he doesn’t believe in physical punishment. I have never seen him giving any kind of punishment to anyone. Rather disciplined is maintained nicely in his class. He has some positive influence on us.

He has perfect command over History and English. His knowledge of Indian history and English literature is very good. His pronunciation is perfect, accurate and very clear. I feel fortunate to be his student and so other students also feel the same. He looks upon us as his own sons and takes a lot of interest in solving our school and personal problems.

He is also the principal advisor of our school drama club and also prepares students for English debate and elocution contests. Under his guidance, many students have won a number of prizes and trophies in such competitions. We have become 3 times consecutive champions in debate under his guidance. He is an asset to the school and student community.

Why is He My Favorite Teacher?

His voice makes it an excellent experience to have history lessons from him. It feels that we are in that era of history. It’s like watching a video while listening to him. He has also traveled at a lot of historic places and makes good use of them as an example to make teaching and learning effective and memorable.

His talks are interesting, educative and full of literary references. He is serious and sober and yet he is a man with a great sense of humor. Even some teachers feel envious of him and his popularity among students.

Once, we went to visit the Nizam palace and Qutub shahi tombs in Hyderabad. We were surprised to know his vast and authentic knowledge about the palace and tombs. He explained so many things about the palace and the generations in detail. The visit became so memorable only with Complete knowledge of the place because of him. His vast general knowledge shows his deep interest and devotion to books. Reading is his only hobby.

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Qualities of My Teacher

He often tells us that honesty and a heart-to-heart talk is the best way to strengthen a relationship. Sometimes I fail to hand in my homework on time, but he is happy when I tell him the truth – in other words, I have to be honest with him. He doesn’t set too many rules and allows students to think for themselves. He is a very good person and teacher and that’s why he is my best teacher .

History comes alive in his class. When he takes classes there is absolute silence in class and everyone focusses on the topic that he discusses. He has the capability to draw out attention to the subject and also to sustain it.

Also, he shows us various historical videos and pictures from the internet in the class and describes them thus making it much easier for us to understand what he teaches. He does not just read from the book but gives us a concrete picture of everything, so that we see them before us.

I am sure that, even after some years when I leave this school I will take his portrait fitted into the depths of my mind and heart. His picture is so deeply entrenched in my heart and head that, I think no matter, where I go, I will never forget his idealism and  I will never get another like him to see and meet.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

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short essay on my favorite teacher

Teachers are super important in our lives. They are like the guides who help us learn and grow. Think of them as the people who lay down the first bricks for the big building of knowledge in our minds. When we go to school, teachers teach us many things. It's not just about math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Imagine you have a teacher who makes learning fun and easy. That's like having a superpower! When you enjoy learning from a teacher, it makes school a lot more fun. You look forward to going to school because you know it's going to be exciting. Good teachers are like mentors. They don't just help us in school; they guide us even when we're not in class. They give us advice, tell us what's right and wrong, and help us become better people. They become our friends in many ways.

What we learn in school stays with us for a long time. When we grow up and face important decisions or big tasks, we use what our teachers taught us. They give us the tools to handle life's challenges. So, teachers are like our heroes. They build the foundation of our knowledge and character. They make our school years easier and more enjoyable. They guide us not just through school, but through life. They are like the shining stars in our educational journey.

Why is the Essay on My Favourite Teacher Important for Your Exams? 

This essay about your child's favorite teacher is a great way to show them how to write a simple and effective essay on this topic. It's important because teachers play a huge role in our lives. They're not just people who stand in front of the class and talk. They're like the guiding stars in our educational journey.

A teacher's job is not just about teaching math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Your child can use this essay as a model to write their own. Let's explore a bit more about why this essay is so helpful:

Learning to Express: When your child writes about their favorite teacher, they learn how to express themselves. They can share why they like that teacher, what they've learned from them, and how that teacher has influenced them. It's a great way for your child to learn how to put their thoughts into words.

Improving Writing Skills: Writing this essay helps your child improve their writing skills. They learn how to structure their thoughts, use correct grammar and punctuation, and make their writing organized and clear. These are skills that come in handy in many subjects and real-life situations.

Being Creative: Your child can be creative while writing this essay. They can use vivid descriptions, storytelling techniques, and examples to make their essay interesting and engaging. This creativity is something teachers and examiners look for in essays.

Thinking Skills: To write a good essay about their favorite teacher, your child needs to think critically. They must think about what makes this teacher special and why they admire them. This is a skill that can help in many subjects and exams.

Practice for Exams: Exams often have essay questions. When your child writes this essay, they're practicing for those essay questions. They become better at presenting their ideas clearly and concisely, which can earn them extra points in exams.

Self-Confidence: Finishing an essay and sharing it with others, like you and their teacher, can boost your child's self-confidence. This is important for exams because students who believe in themselves tend to perform better.

Memory and Knowledge: Writing about their favorite teacher will make your child remember specific lessons and wisdom they've gained. This reinforces their memory and understanding of what they've learned, which is good for exams.

Long and Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher in English

My favourite teacher essay 1 (100 words) .

My favorite teacher is Deepa Mam. She's my class teacher, and she attends every morning. She can be strict, but she's also funny and caring. Deepa Mam is very organized, always doing her work on time. I like her a lot because she teaches us important things in simple ways. We have a good time in her class, especially when she tells jokes. She's not just a teacher; she guides us during school events like dances, sports, and competitions. Deepa mam also encourages us to share and help each other in class, like sharing lunch or other things we may need.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (150 words) 

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, Nishi Gupta. She teaches us Hindi, Maths, and Art. Nishi Gupta is a highly educated teacher with advanced studies from Banaras Hindu University. Her teaching methods are simple and effective, making it unnecessary to study at home. Her lessons are crystal clear.

After explaining a topic, she gives us exercises and homework. The next day, she revisits the previous topic and then moves on to a new one. Nishi Gupta doesn't just teach subjects; she imparts good ethics and etiquette, shaping our characters.

Even if she isn't our teacher in the future, her teachings will stay with us, guiding us through tough times. She's caring and loving, and her academic excellence, marked by a gold medal from her university, makes her the best teacher in my eyes.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (200 words) 

My favorite teacher is Ms. Geet Singh. I'm in the 4th grade, and she's my EVS (Environmental Studies) teacher. She's a wonderful teacher who cares for us a lot. Ms. Geet makes learning easy and fun. She doesn't make studying too serious; instead, she uses entertaining activities to teach us.

What's great is that she's always punctual and never misses a class. We have so much fun in her class; it's a joyful experience. She even loves me because I'm a disciplined and ideal student. I follow her instructions, do my classwork and homework neatly every day, and I'm never late or absent.

Ms. Geet is an inspiring teacher. She encourages us to follow the right path in life, even when things get tough. She tells us to stay positive and not think negatively because what we think and do often becomes our reality.

Her lessons on EVS are fantastic. She wants us to speak in English during her class, which helps us learn the language better. After school, she rides the bus home with us, and we have a blast singing songs and reciting poems on the bus.

Ms. Geet is not just a teacher; she's a friend and a guide who makes learning enjoyable and teaches us valuable life lessons. She's my favorite teacher, and I'm lucky to have her.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 4 (250 words) 

My favorite teacher, Mr. Sunil, taught me English and Maths during my 3rd and 4th-grade years. He hailed from Varanasi and lived close to the school. With higher studies from Banaras Hindu University, he was not only well-educated but also incredibly kind and polite, especially with young children like us. His teaching style was so unique that I still remember him vividly.

What Mr. Sunil taught me has stayed with me. He made my understanding of Maths crystal clear. Even though I'm now in the 5th grade, I miss him a lot. I occasionally meet him when I need help with tough math questions. His smart appearance, sparkling eyes, and blond hair always caught my attention. I admired his great personality and gentle nature.

Whenever Mr. Sunil entered the classroom, he wore a warm smile and asked about our well-being. He even stepped in for our sports teacher when needed. Although he had a cheerful face, he was strict about our studies. He'd assign punishments to those who hadn't completed their homework. He was known for making class enjoyable, and his students consistently scored well in his subjects.

He possessed excellent teaching skills, a friendly demeanor, a fantastic sense of humor, and infinite patience. I was one of his obedient students, and sometimes he'd reward us with chocolates for performing well in class tests and exams. He never burdened us with too much homework, always encouraging us to do our best in our studies.

Mr. Sunil was enthusiastic and constantly motivated us to strive for excellence. He was the kind of teacher who made learning fun and memorable. I'll always remember him as my favorite teacher who not only taught me English and Maths but also the importance of kindness, patience, and a good sense of humor.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Mrs. Ramya is my favorite teacher in the 6th grade. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects, and she's a very special teacher with a unique personality. Mrs. Ramya is a bit on the heavier side, but she's incredibly calm and patient. Every year on Teacher's Day, I give her a greeting card to show my appreciation. I also wish her well on her birthday. She often shares jokes during class to make learning fun and keep us engaged.

I'm not very good at Hindi, but I excel in Computer class. Mrs. Ramya helped me a lot in improving my Hindi language skills. After every class, she assigns questions for us to work on and discuss the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to ensure we understand the subject thoroughly. Mrs. Ramya prefers a quiet atmosphere during her classes. She never leaves any of her students in the dark about what she's teaching. She makes sure everyone comprehends the topic and encourages us to ask questions. She doesn't move on to the next topic until everyone has a good grasp of the current one. Her caring and loving nature extends to all students, and there's no quarreling or fighting in her class. She even rotates the seating arrangement weekly to ensure no one feels left out or unhappy.

All my friends love her class and attend regularly. She goes the extra mile to support struggling students by providing extra help outside of class. Mrs. Ramya doesn't just help us with our studies; she assists us with other problems we might be facing.

She encourages us to participate in school events, such as sports and competitions. Mrs. Ramya always wears a smile and is known for her supportive nature. She prepares us for school event celebrations like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher's Day, and Mother's Day. Sometimes, when there are no topics left to teach, she shares stories about her own life struggles to inspire us to work hard in our studies.

Mrs. Ramya is not just a great teacher; she's also a friendly and easygoing person. We don't fear her, but we respect and admire her a lot. She's the kind of teacher who leaves a lasting impact on her students' lives, making school enjoyable and memorable. She is indeed my favorite teacher.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 6 (500 words) 

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sadhna Kausik, and she teaches science. She lives near the school, and she's not just my favorite but also the best teacher in the school. All my friends like her because she's an excellent teacher who makes learning enjoyable. No one gets bored in her class because she adds a bit of fun to her teaching. I admire her teaching methods.

One thing I appreciate about Mrs. Kausik is that she asks us to prepare a topic at home before she teaches it in class. She then goes through the topic, asking questions to ensure we understand. The next day, she quizzed us on the same topic. This way, we become very clear about what we're learning. She also conducts tests after covering two or three topics. Mrs. Kausik loves her job and teaches with a lot of enthusiasm and passion.

She's very friendly and approachable. We can ask her any questions related to the subject in class or even in her office without any fear. During class, she observes each student's behavior and keeps an eye on the naughty ones. She encourages us to focus on our studies and follow her guidance to succeed in life. What's wonderful is that she treats all students equally, never showing favoritism towards the weak or brilliant ones. She supports the weaker students and asks the smarter ones to help their classmates. Mrs. Kausik inspires us to be passionate about our studies and set life goals.

She is an extremely encouraging teacher, motivating us not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. Mrs. Kausik personally congratulates students who excel in school, whether in academics or sports. To help her weaker students, she offers free tuition at her home for an hour. Thanks to her guidance, every student performs well in science, both in-class tests and exams. Besides teaching, she also holds the position of Vice-Principal in the school, and she manages her responsibilities well. She takes care of keeping the school clean and maintaining its greenery.

Mrs. Kausik is always approachable and never appears stern; she has a warm and smiling face. She keeps us happy at school, treating us like her own children. During school events or competitions, she oversees all the arrangements. She talks to students politely and knows how to handle challenging situations at the school.

In conclusion, Mrs. Sadhna Kausik is a fantastic teacher who makes learning enjoyable and meaningful. She's not just a teacher; she's a mentor, a guide, and a friend. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for teaching inspire all her students to strive for success. She sets an example of kindness, fairness, and commitment, making her the favorite teacher of many.

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Essay on my Favourite Teacher

short essay on my favorite teacher

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  • Jul 2, 2024

Essay on my favourite teacher

Teachers play a crucial role in our lives. They guide us in our learning and personal growth, much like our parents care for us. They demonstrate the value of hard work and integrity, making education an enjoyable experience.

Without teachers, we might feel lost. They are our special guides, helping us solve problems and teaching us important lessons both in and out of the classroom. Teachers are like superheroes who bring joy to children and help shape them into good individuals. They are the strong pillars of our society, contributing to a better world for everyone. They instil discipline and foster a love for learning and kindness in all of us. As Teacher’s Day approaches, this essay serves as a perfect tribute to the invaluable role teachers play in our lives.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 100 Words

Everyone in school has a teacher who guides them, and for me, that person is my class teacher. She is always punctual and very disciplined in her work, which inspires me to be disciplined in my own life. Her teaching style is fun and makes learning easy and enjoyable.

She also encourages our entire class to participate in various projects and activities, such as dance, sports, and academic quizzes. She is a guiding light, teaching us to love and be kind to everyone. I never miss her class because she makes learning such a positive and enriching experience.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 200 Words

Teachers are our guiding lights. For me, my favourite teacher is my science teacher. She makes the subject fascinating by incorporating practical experiments, helping us engagingly understand complex concepts. We all enjoy her class because she actively involves us by answering our questions and addressing our doubts.

She is always punctual and treats everyone with kindness, always smiling and creating a welcoming atmosphere where we never feel afraid. She celebrates our achievements by cheering us on and rewarding us with chocolates, making us feel valued.

She is incredibly hardworking, taking charge of all the preparations for Science Day at our school. She assists us with our assignments and encourages us to participate in the exhibition. Her dedication extends beyond science, as she guides us in other subjects as well.

My favourite teacher is the best because she makes science, my favourite subject, even more enjoyable. She has helped me study and excel in science quizzes and exhibitions, always motivating me to participate and succeed. She was a gold medalist at her university, and I always look forward to her guidance and inspiration.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 300 Words

A teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide. To me, my favourite teacher is my Social Science teacher. She teaches us very entertaining activities and we all enjoy her class too. I follow all her orders and do my classwork on time. I am also an obedient and disciplined student and she loves me very much. 

I am never late and attend all her classes. She always motivates us to walk on the path of good values. She tells us her stories and tells us to always think positively. She encourages us to be brave in life like our forefathers of our nation. She tells us stories about our independence, our great freedom fighters, our culture and our values. I like how she teaches us in such an enthusiastic manner and tells us stories of the world around us. 

She teaches us Civics, History and Geography and my favourite subject is History. Her teaching skills, good sense of humour and easygoing attitude inspire me to be a teacher one day. She is very friendly and all the students love her. She also has the responsibility of making the school more clean and green. She organizes events like Environment Day or Yoga Day to be celebrated in school. She also inspires us to take the initiative to come forward and plant trees near us.

She always helps us to get prepared for various competitions and speeches in school like on Republic Day, writing essays on my favourite teacher on  Teacher’s Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, GK of the week, etc. I also always greet her on Teachers Day. 

Popular Essay Topics

A teacher is a friend, philosopher, guide and a very important person in a student’s life. A teacher is someone who guides us through their knowledge and inspires us to be successful in our lives.

Here are two beautiful lines for teachers in English are- a teacher an inspiration; a Guide and a Motivator; a teacher is a light who shows us the path of glory through their knowledge.

One word for a teacher could be a “Guide” or ‘Instructor’ or ‘Motivator.’

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: Someone righteously told that teachers are the ones who plant the seeds of fundamental knowledge and sprinkle them with profound love and patiently nurtures their growth to produce tomorrow’s dreams. The teachers impart knowledge to us and also teaches us the importance of having moral values. They are mentors and guides who help us to make crucial decisions about our professional field and also help us in our lives in general.

Each one of us has a favourite teacher whom we admire and are inspired by. They have had a significant impact on our lives in known and unknown ways and has helped us grow. We have compiled some long and short essays on the topic of My Favourite Teacher for the use of the readers.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Kids in English

Given below is a short Essay of nearly 100-150 words for the students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and a Long essay of about 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on My Favourite Teacher 500 words in English

My Favourite Teacher Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

My Teacher is a mentor, a role model, a guide and a friend we all need in our daily lives. He is the one to instil amongst the student the values of learning and becoming a better individual in life. I am a student at a private school in New Delhi, and there are over 40 teachers in my school, but Mr. Kashyap is the teacher, I admire the most.

Mr. Kashyap was a robust man in his thirties, tall and had a tough look. His appearance could be defined as a person wearing simple clothes, but his eyes gleamed with confidence. From his face, one could make out that he had an enormous amount of knowledge within himself. He had a postgraduate degree in both History and English and had an M.Phil. Degree in History.

He used to teach history to around 900 students in our school, and everybody seemed to love his way of teaching. History was generally considered a boring subject by me till the time Mr. Kashyap made his arrival in my life. He introduced me to the subject in a completely new way, and I started to like the subject and wanted to know more about it.

Mr. Kashyap used to believe that only knowledge confined by the syllabus was not enough, he used to discuss about topics beyond the program and encouraged us to be updated with things happening around us in our daily lives. We never had to face a monotonic history class with Mr. Kashyap as he always made the classes exciting with facts about history and civics. He also used to crack political jokes in the class, and his strategy behind doing this was, to understand his jokes about the subject, we had to know about it, which helped us increase our knowledge in a fun way.

His talks were educative, exciting and were full of literary references. His baritone voice and dramatic way of explaining the lessons helped us to grab the topic very quickly and even helped us to remember it. Mr Kahyap was a remarkable man who had a significant impact on me, my life and my personality. He made sure that I fell in love with the subject, and I will forever remember him as my favourite teacher for the values he taught me.

Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher 150 words in English

My Favourite Teacher Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

I am a student of a Government Senior Secondary School in Mumbai and there are about seventy teachers in my school. Out of these seventy teachers, my favourite teacher is Mrs. Guha, our English teacher.

She is a gentle and timid woman in her forties, who has an imposing personality. She believes in having a strict discipline and simple living. Her ideology is based on higher thinking and vast knowledge. Mrs. Guha has full control of the subject she teaches and believes that the fundamental base of a student must be strong.

She takes us for educational tours and outdoor trips and also keeps a keen interest in sports. In addition to being a sports enthusiast, she also inspires students to take part in games as she believes that taking part in extra-curricular activities helps in sharpening one’s mind. She is an admirable lady with vast knowledge, and she helps in spreading moral values amongst the students, and this is why Mrs. Guha is my favourite teacher.

10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

  • Teachers are the ones who can pull out individuals from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge.
  • Every student, at some point in their life, have had a teacher whom they look up to and admire them.
  • Miss. Diya Banerjee has been my favourite teacher whom I used to admire, and she inspired me in ways unknown.
  • She was our English teacher, and I have never met a person with such fluency in my lifetime.
  • She was straightforward, modest, strict and was a perfect role model.
  • Miss. Banerjee used to implement humour in her teaching, which made her an effective teacher.
  • She mainly used to focus on our basics and believed that an individual must have a strong fundamental concept to grab advanced knowledge quickly.
  • She used to give attention to every student and personally helped the weaker students to build up their confidence.
  • Miss. Banerjee liked to explain the lessons by using real-life examples which made it easier for the students to understand.
  • She not only used to teach us things which were in our syllabus but also encouraged us to read books and articles which were not related to our course so that we could gain additional knowledge.

FAQ’s on My Favourite Teacher Essay

Question 1. Is there any way by which we could describe a good teacher?

Answer: We can separate good and more capable teachers from the rest based on a few parameters like superior listening skills. The ability to build caring relationships with the students, expert communication skills, strong work ethic, deep passion and knowledge about their subject, are a few to state.

Question 2. State the importance of having a teacher.

Answer: Teachers play a very vital role in an individual’s life and help one to be righteous and prosperous in one’s field. A teacher is a person who is almost entirely responsible for building up a good citizen who will be the treasure of the country and will represent the country.

Question 3. How can one describe an effective teacher?

Answer: An effective teacher is someone who uses humour to make the learning process more relaxed and fun for the students to grab. Comedy or entertainment are the essential elements an effective teacher uses.

Question 4. What are the expected goals of a teacher?

Answer: A teacher always looks forward towards inspiring students to help them tackle the obstacles life offers them. They are responsible for the positive transformation of a student. Teachers are like magicians who can convert an uninterested and dull student into a learned person in the society.

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FirstCry Intelli Education

How To Write An Essay On ‘My Teacher’ For Grades 1, 2 and 3!

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note When Writing On ‘My Teacher’ For Lower Primary Classes

My favourite teacher essay – 10 lines in english, short essay on my teacher, long paragraph on ‘my teacher’ for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my teacher’ essay.

Essays are extremely important for children studying in classes 1, 2, and 3. And often, when at school, they are the closest with their teacher, implying that an essay on the topic ‘My Teacher’ is perfect for such young kids. Experts state that writing improves critical thinking and problem-solving, and skills as words need to be written in a specific structure and order. Also, there is a deep connection between reading and writing. Once children learn to write at a young age, it helps them identify the connection between letter sounds and phonetic sounds.

Did you know that essay writing is a crucial element in most competitive examinations across the globe? This is exactly why the concept of creative writing needs to be taught to a child from the very beginning. Over here, we will discuss how to write a paragraph on their teacher.

You can help your children express their feelings by writing a few lines on their teacher. For early and young learners, such as classes 1, 2 and 3, creative writing is an opportunity to express what they learn and experience. When a child begins to write what they feel, this enables a range of life-long skills. So, do ask your children to write a paragraph about their teacher.

A teacher plays many important and significant roles in our lives such as a guardian, guru, learning instructor, mentor, and guide. A teacher shows us the path to success in different stages of our lives. Young kids have delicate minds, and when they are provided with an opportunity to write on a specific topic, they try to express their views from their hearts. It is a beautiful experience to watch a child express their innocent views in simple and short sentences. With the following tips in mind, you can teach them to write an excellent essay on their teacher:

  • An essay primarily comprises an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • You can start by introducing your school – the name and location of your school. You can then mention which class you are studying and your favourite teachers.
  • In the body of the essay you can describe your favourite teacher and what are the qualities in them that make them special to you.
  • You can also speak about how your teacher helps, guides, and corrects you.
  • Art the conclusion stage of the essay, you can write about how you would always be thankful to this teacher of yours, and what is that one important life skill you have learnt from them.

Teachers are, undoubtedly, some of the most essential people in a child’s life, and are also the most important people, next to parents, for students. Children begin learning in their elementary schools with the help of teachers. Then a student’s next phase after elementary school is middle school, where teachers guide students through the crucial adolescent changes. Students then mature as young adults during their middle school journey with various life-related questions. High school teachers then guide, support, and impart values to the student’s new life phase questions. The highest level of satisfaction in every teacher is to watch their students grow and achieve success in their respective lives. When asked to write an essay on the topic ‘my teacher’, for classes 1 and 2, you can use the following ten lines. You can even tweak it to use for writing a few lines on the same topic for class 3 –

  • To honour every teacher’s contribution to a student’s life, Teacher’s Day is celebrated annually on September 5th.
  • A teacher helps students learn important values for life.
  • Teachers play a big role in moulding and shaping a student’s life.
  • A student’s accomplishments provide teachers with enormous satisfaction and pride in good education.
  • My teacher never forgets to give us a warm hug before we enter and walk out of our classes every day.
  • She teaches us Science and tells us a lot of interesting facts and stories.
  • Teachers play the role of second parents in imparting life values and helping in our overall development.
  • My teacher is very disciplined and punctual and always comes to class on time.
  • My teacher makes the most effort to make learning fun for us and is always ready to help us whenever we are stuck.
  • In this way, my class teacher is an important figure in my life, like a guide, who inspires us to do well in our studies regularly.

As parents, we may have observed that children tend to listen to their teachers more than their parents. This clearly demonstrates the importance of the teacher’s impact on students. Teachers impart crucial and valuable life lessons to their students. This can be used an example of a short essay on this topic for class 3, or a short paragraph about the favourite teacher:

I study in Delhi Public School and there are a total of thirty teachers in my school. All the teachers in the school are good, but my favourite is Mr. Rishabh Singh. He is polite, well educated, friendly, and an excellent teacher. He considers all the students as his own children and guides us as a friend and mentor. We enjoy his class a lot as he makes us happy too. Thus, I am forever grateful and incredibly proud to have such a great teacher.

Note: This example can even be referred to by students of class 2.

A teacher is a life-changing role model who influences a child’s growth development and inculcates essential everyday values. Schools often require students to write a paragraph on their favourite teacher for class 3, as teachers are the developmental blocks of society. The following can be used as an example of a long essay on my class teacher:

My favourite teacher is someone who imparts essential and valuable lessons, and guides students to always take the right path in life. The best teachers aim to achieve a balance of both positivity and negativity in each student’s life. However, just as a coin, there are two types of teachers- teachers that are understanding, and teachers that are strict. An understanding teacher enhances teaching scenarios. Some teachers always remain in a person’s memory due to the role they have played in a student’s life. One such teacher who will always remain in my memory is Mrs. Smita Bansal, our 2nd standard Art and Crafts teacher. Though she taught Art, Mrs. Smita always helped us out with any problem we faced in school. She was a teacher whom every student went to for any kind of advice. She had the great ability to motivate all students. She was always kind, helpful, and generous. She always treated students like friends, and always had time for them, and understood them. She also told us to never think negatively and always think positively. I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Note: The above example can also be used for a long teacher paragraph for class 3.

The composition about /my class teacher’ will help your child learn to make points before beginning their description. Writing essays will also inculcate emotional and intelligent skills in children. Finally, the essay makes them appreciate their teachers.

In this way, these tips can help children to write a cohesive and beautiful paragraph or essay on their teachers, regardless of whether they are in class 1, 2 or 3. So, you too can use these tips and help your child improve in creative writing, starting with one essay at a time.

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short essay on my favorite teacher

Shaili Contractor

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Essay on My Teacher [Short & Long]

Essay on My Teacher – A great teacher is not that hard to discover. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. There is no substitute for a great teacher and you can not repay him/her even by devoting your whole life.

Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make people of upright behaviour and values. In fact, they are one of the reasons behind our personality and behaviour.

Short Essay On My Teacher | 250 words


The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school .

They are like a torch in the darkness in everyone’s life because they help students find their way in life. They are God-gifted in life who without any selfishness direct us to success. In fact, we can name them as the creator of an excellent future for our nation .

Essay On My Teacher | Introduction

About My Favourite Teacher

During our lives, we will be possessing many kith and kin who hold a specific place in our hearts. One such person in my life is my teacher. All of us will surely admit to the fact that the kinship between us and our school teachers can not be well-defined.

I like my nursery teacher very much. Her voice is very magical. She was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am incapable to express why she is always been my favourite and I relied on her passionately.

Impacts of teachers

When I first entered class 6, I had not much confidence in myself. My teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The great thing is the attention he gives to students most of the time, he follows up on their achievements and guarantees that he does everything he can to assist students to better perform academically.

He will always be a role model to me because of his way of doing something. He is devoted to his work and he is an achiever. By following in his footsteps, now I am able to dedicate myself to education and sports, which has supported me to accomplish my goals .

Concluding, Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make them a person of upright behaviour and values. They make the student academically great and inspire them to do good in life.

Long Essay On My Teacher | 500 Words

We tend to communicate with a lot of people who either influence our lives positively or negatively. A teacher is one unbiased person who manages to strike a stability between the positive and the negative. Teachers have an enormous liability that we students can not guess.

The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school.

All my teachers try their best to give us the best education, supervision and regulation despite the difficulties we might inflict on them.

My favourite teacher

I have many teachers because I am in inter-school but there is only one whom I can spell out as my favourite teacher because of the influence he has executed in my life. My teacher is a male of Indian ancestry and has a bright accent when he talks.

He is married and has two children. One of his children is my age and I recognise him through tennis practice because he also practices with us sometimes. I like my teacher because of his good sense of humour and he provides a good learning experience to the students.

He is a maths teacher and he is very skilled in mathematics. Students usually make fun of him all because of his funny accent but he also makes fun of himself, which becomes even more laughable. This teacher has always been an excellent mentor to me.

I reached him personally one day after finishing the class when I required clarification on a question I had not really understood. My teacher is very kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he initiated to make follow-ups with me and I converted really well in math because of the efforts of my teacher.

Types of teachers

  • Elementary school teachers- They play a vital role in setting the foundation for learning. They dedicate their careers to teaching young students from kindergarten to the fifth grade.
  • Middle school teachers – Another highly significant period in a scholar’s life is middle school. Grades six to eight set the platform for high school.
  • High school teachers – High school teachers improve their tutoring plans to challenge and fasten their students. They evaluate their students’ growth through ranked assignments and exams.
  • Post-High School teachers- The attention of teachers in this framework is to equip students for life after high school.

Importance of Teachers

A great teacher is not that hard to discover, but you need to know where to look. Great teachers are well-prepared for their educational aims. They make their plan of action daily to assure the greatest productivity. Teachers have a lot of information on everything, especially in the subject they specialize in.

A good teacher extends their knowledge continuously to give good solutions to their students. Furthermore, a great teacher is similar to a friend that supports us in all our problems. A good teacher builds their own learning method which is uncommon and not mainstream.

This causes the students to learn the subject in a more reliable manner. In other words, a good teacher confirms their students are efficient and scoring good marks.

Impact of teachers

My parents and all my teachers are the first ones to influence my life significantly. In truth, at younger ages, students hold complete trust in their teachers and they obey their teachers more than their parents. This explains the significance and impression of a teacher in our lives.

when a student gets injured in school, the teacher enables them to first aid. This gives a sense of security and a unique connection between them.

Final Words

In conclusion, All my teachers have all the attributes and qualities that a good teacher should have. They are capable of combining all methods of teaching, They are sympathetic and friendly. From my interactions with them, I feel like the best of all gifts from God.

Essay On My Teacher | Conclusion

When does teacher’s day is observed in India?

Teacher’s Day in India is observed every year on the 5 th of September. And it was first observed in the year 1962.

When is International Teacher’s Day observed?

World Teacher’s Day will be observed on 5th October 2021.

How do I write an essay on My teacher?

We can write an essay of any type in three simple steps: 1. Just gather some information about the topic 2. Think of the structure of the essay 3. Start your essay with an engaging sentence 4. At the end, give a finishing touch to your conclusion. That’s all you can write an Essay on My teacher .

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Study Paragraphs

My favorite Teacher Essay In 100 – 200 Words Essay For Class 2 & 3

In this 100 to 200 words essay, the student describes his favorite teacher, Mrs. Smith. He explains why she is his favorite and what he has learned from her. The essay highlights Mrs. Smith’s kindness, knowledge, and ability to inspire her students.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher For Class 2nd & 3rd Students

1. introduction paragraph.

As a student, I have come across many teachers, but there is one teacher who has left a lasting impression on me. She is my favorite teacher, and her name is Mrs. Smith. She has been teaching me for the past two years, and I have learned so much from her. In this essay, I will describe why she is my favorite teacher and what I have learned from her.

2. Body Paragraphs

Mrs. Smith is a very kind and compassionate teacher. She always takes the time to listen to her students and makes sure that everyone feels included in the classroom. She has a way of making everyone feel welcome and valued. I always feel comfortable talking to her about anything, and she has helped me through some tough times.

Mrs. Smith is also a very knowledgeable teacher. She knows the subject matter inside and out and is always able to explain things in a way that is easy to understand. She makes learning fun and engaging, and I always look forward to her class.

One of the things that I have learned from Mrs. Smith is the importance of hard work and perseverance. She always encourages us to do our best and to never give up. She has helped me to develop a strong work ethic and has taught me the value of persistence.

Another thing that I have learned from Mrs. Smith is the importance of kindness and compassion. She is always kind and patient with her students, and she encourages us to treat others with the same kindness and respect.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith is my favorite teacher because of her kindness, compassion, and knowledge. She has taught me so much and has helped me to become a better person. I am grateful to have her as my teacher and will always remember the lessons that she has taught me.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher – 100, 200, 500, 1000 Words

Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives and guiding us towards success. Among all the teachers I have had, there is one who stands out as my favorite. In this essay, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences about my favorite teacher and how they have influenced me. From their teaching style to their dedication towards their students, there are many reasons why this teacher holds a special place in my heart. Join me as I delve into the impact my favorite teacher has had on my life.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing your favourite teacher and explaining why you admire them. Mention their name, subject they teach, and how long you have known them.

2. Describe their qualities: Write about the qualities that make your favourite teacher stand out. This could include their passion for teaching, their dedication to their students, their sense of humor, or their ability to make learning fun and engaging.

3. Share personal experiences: Give examples of how your favourite teacher has impacted your life. This could be through their guidance, encouragement, or support during difficult times. Share specific anecdotes that highlight their positive influence on you.

4. Discuss their teaching style: Talk about the teaching methods your favourite teacher uses and how they have helped you learn and grow. Do they use interactive activities, group discussions, or hands-on projects? Explain how their teaching style has made a difference in your education.

5. Reflect on their impact: Reflect on the ways in which your favourite teacher has inspired you to be a better student and person. Discuss how they have motivated you to work hard, set goals, and pursue your passions. Share how their influence has shaped your future aspirations.

6. Conclusion: Summarize your essay by reiterating why your favourite teacher is so special to you. Express your gratitude for their guidance and support, and explain how they have made a lasting impact on your life. End with a heartfelt thank you to your favourite teacher for all they have done for you.

By following these writing tips, you can create a thoughtful and engaging essay on your favourite teacher that showcases the positive impact they have had on your life. Remember to provide specific examples and personal anecdotes to make your essay more compelling and memorable.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, who teaches English at my school. 2. She has a passion for literature and always makes her classes interesting and engaging. 3. Mrs. Smith is patient and understanding, and she goes out of her way to help her students succeed. 4. She is always available to answer questions and provide extra help when needed. 5. Mrs. Smith has a great sense of humor and makes learning fun. 6. She encourages creativity and critical thinking in her students. 7. Mrs. Smith is a great listener and always takes the time to get to know her students on a personal level. 8. She is a positive role model and inspires her students to work hard and achieve their goals. 9. Mrs. Smith is dedicated to her job and truly cares about the success and well-being of her students. 10. I am grateful to have Mrs. Smith as my teacher and appreciate all that she does to support and encourage me.

Sample Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 100-180 Words

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith. She is an English teacher at my school and has a passion for literature that is contagious. Mrs. Smith always goes above and beyond to make sure her students understand the material and are engaged in the lessons.

What I love most about Mrs. Smith is her ability to make learning fun. She incorporates games, group activities, and multimedia presentations into her lessons, which keeps us interested and excited to come to class. She also encourages us to think critically and express our opinions, creating a welcoming and open environment in her classroom.

Mrs. Smith is not only a great teacher but also a caring and supportive mentor. She takes the time to get to know each of her students personally and is always there to offer guidance and support when needed. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such an inspiring and dedicated teacher like Mrs. Smith.

Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 200-500 Words

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, my English teacher from high school. She was not only a great teacher but also a mentor and a friend to me. Mrs. Smith had a way of making learning fun and engaging, and she always went above and beyond to help her students succeed.

One of the things I loved most about Mrs. Smith was her passion for literature. She had a deep love for books and would often share her favorite stories with us. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and it made me excited to come to class every day. She had a way of bringing the characters and settings to life, making the stories feel real and relatable.

Mrs. Smith was also incredibly patient and understanding. She took the time to get to know each of her students on a personal level and was always there to lend an ear or offer advice. I remember one time when I was struggling with a particularly difficult assignment, she stayed after school with me for hours until I finally understood the material. Her dedication to her students was truly inspiring.

Another thing that set Mrs. Smith apart was her creativity in teaching. She would often come up with unique and interactive lesson plans that made learning fun and engaging. Whether it was acting out scenes from a play or organizing a poetry slam, she always found ways to make the material come alive. Her creativity not only made the lessons more enjoyable but also helped me retain the information better.

Mrs. Smith was also a great motivator. She believed in her students and pushed us to reach our full potential. Whenever I doubted myself or felt overwhelmed, she was there to encourage me and remind me of my strengths. Her belief in me gave me the confidence to take on new challenges and strive for excellence.

In addition to being a great teacher, Mrs. Smith was also a caring and compassionate person. She always took the time to check in on her students and make sure they were doing well. She genuinely cared about our well-being and was always there to offer support and guidance when needed.

Overall, Mrs. Smith was more than just a teacher to me – she was a mentor, a role model, and a friend. Her passion for teaching, creativity in the classroom, and unwavering support have had a lasting impact on me. I am grateful to have had her as my teacher, and I will always cherish the memories and lessons she imparted to me.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 1000-1500 Words

My Favourite Teacher

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their students. They not only impart knowledge but also serve as mentors, guides, and role models. Throughout my academic journey, I have had the privilege of being taught by many exceptional teachers. However, there is one teacher who stands out among the rest – Mrs. Smith, my favourite teacher.

Mrs. Smith was my English teacher in high school. From the moment I walked into her classroom, I knew that she was different. Her warm smile and welcoming demeanor made me feel at ease, and I could sense her passion for teaching and love for her students. Mrs. Smith had a way of making even the most mundane topics come alive, and her enthusiasm for literature was infectious.

One of the things that I admired most about Mrs. Smith was her dedication to her students. She went above and beyond to ensure that we understood the material and were able to reach our full potential. She would stay late after school to help struggling students, and she always made herself available for extra help or guidance. Mrs. Smith believed in us, even when we didn’t believe in ourselves, and she pushed us to be the best that we could be.

Mrs. Smith’s teaching style was engaging and interactive. She would often incorporate games, group activities, and multimedia presentations into her lessons to keep us interested and motivated. She encouraged us to think critically, ask questions, and participate in class discussions. Mrs. Smith had a way of making learning fun and exciting, and I always looked forward to her classes.

One of the things that I appreciated most about Mrs. Smith was her ability to see the potential in each of her students. She believed in us, even when we didn’t believe in ourselves, and she never gave up on us. Mrs. Smith pushed us to think outside the box, challenge ourselves, and strive for excellence. She instilled in us a sense of confidence and self-worth that has stayed with me long after I left her classroom.

Mrs. Smith was not just a teacher to me – she was a mentor and a friend. She took the time to get to know each of her students on a personal level, and she always made herself available to listen, offer advice, or provide support. Mrs. Smith was someone that I could trust and confide in, and I knew that she genuinely cared about my well-being and success.

Throughout my time in Mrs. Smith’s class, I grew not only academically but also personally. She taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and dedication. Mrs. Smith instilled in me a love for literature and writing that has stayed with me to this day. She inspired me to pursue my passions and never settle for mediocrity.

Mrs. Smith’s impact on my life extends far beyond the classroom. She taught me valuable life lessons that have shaped the person I am today. Her kindness, compassion, and dedication have left a lasting impression on me, and I will always be grateful for the role she played in my life.

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith is not just my favourite teacher – she is a true inspiration and a role model. Her passion for teaching, dedication to her students, and unwavering belief in our potential have made her a truly exceptional educator. I am grateful for the impact she has had on my life, and I will always cherish the memories of her class. Mrs. Smith will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am thankful for the privilege of being her student.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay | Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Children in English

My Favourite Teacher Essay: Mr. Vaidya is my favourite teacher. Actually he is a favourite teacher not only mine but of a majority of students of the school. It is his kind, consideration and loving attitude towards his students which makes him such a favourite of all. He is so caring and so concerned about all and everybody and about their problems.

Long Essay on My Favourite Teacher 500 Words in English

Short essay on my favourite teacher 200 words in english, 10 lines on my favourite teacher.

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Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Teacher Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘My Favourite Teacher’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on My Favourite Teacher of 400-500 words. This long essay about My Favourite Teacher is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on My Favourite Teacher of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

My Favourite Teacher Essay

Below we have given a long essay on My Favourite Teacher of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

“How are you? What is wrong with you? Why are you so upset, let me know?” These were the words which showed Mr. Vaidya’s concern for me. I told him, “Sir, today is the last date for depositing my fees and form for my final examination. If I don’t do it, my year would get wasted. I have not received the money order sent a week back by my father what am I to do” and tears rolled down my cheeks. Mr. Vaidya patted me on my back, ‘Oh, so that is the only thing good boy, do not get that upset for such a small thing” and he opened up his purse and handed over me required amount for the fees.

Role of Teacher in Life

It was such a relief to me and I just touched his feet expressing my heartfelt gratefulness. ‘I will return the money as soon as I receive the money order, Sir’. I said so and immediately Mr. Vaidya said “No, boy, don’t worry, you’ve been such a good student. You must do well at the examination your bright result would be the return of my money work hard and top the list” and Mr. Yaidya once again patted my back. How deeply touched did I feel.

It is not that Mr. Vaidya felt concerned about me. He has a concern for all his students. He takes a personal interest in solving even the family problems of his students. The father of a student suffered an accident and had to be admitted to the hospital. Mr. Vaidya came to know of it and he was there at the hospital to visit the patient and make anxious enquiries about his health. One of his old students was the surgeon at the hospital. He particularly contacted him to ask him to look after the father of the boy with special care. Mr. Vaidya’s old student, the surgeon had all the regard for his old teacher his respected teacher.

If while waiting for the bus at the bus-stand, it began to drizzle, Mr. Vaidya would open up his umbrella and ask students standing there to come under it. How much concern he has for the welfare of his students really a great man Mr. Vaidya is.

Below we have given a short essay on My Favourite Teacher is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

It was not only this human side of his that made Mr. Vaidya a favourite teacher. As a teacher of his subject, he was the best. He knew his subject so well and more than that the way he explained the difficult topics in such a lucid way, which made him such a respected teacher. He would never be late in coming to his class and would straightway begin with the lesson of the day he may cut some pleasant jokes, sometimes but would never indulge in telling unwanted stories. He never wasted any minute of his and students listened to him in rapt attention.

It was all that respect for him which made students so attentive and disciplined. He never had any problem with that.

Incidentally, this was my last year at the school and Mr. Vaidya was also retiring the same year. At the close of the session, after the final examinations were over, a grand farewell party was arranged by the students and teachers. The Principal, in his speech, paid glowing tributes to Mr. Vaidya for the qualities of his head and heart. Students who came to speak their voice choked with emotion; words failed them and at the close of the function there was such a rush of students coming up to touch Mr. Vaidya’s feet to receive his blessings. Mr. Vaidya himself was full of emotion on this last day of his at the school which he had served with such dedication and devotions.

  • That was Mr. Vaidya who else can be more favourite a teacher than him.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

  • Mr. Vaidya is my favourite teacher not only mine but of all the students.
  • He has a genuine concern for his students and looks after even their personal problems paying the fees of students if that was needed or visiting an ailing father of a student in the hospital.
  • As a teacher, he knows his subject well and taught with great attention and clarity.
  • More than that the way he explained the difficult topics in such a lucid way, which made him such a respected teacher.
  • It was all that respect for him which made students so attentive and disciplined.
  • No problem of discipline in his class.
  • At the farewell party on his retirement, the Principal praised the qualities of his head and heart
  • Students rushed to touch his feet to receive his blessings.
  • Mr. Vaidya himself was full of emotion on this last day of his at the school which he served with full of dedication.

What does a Teacher do

FAQs on My Favourite Teacher Essay

Question 1.

The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn.

Question 2.

Teachers play an important role in our life to become successful in career and business. A good teacher helps us to become a good human being in society and a good citizen of the country.

Question 3.

A teacher is a person who helps people to learn. The teacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing the best education to his/her students.

Question 4.

Teachers can help improve society and or community by contributing their knowledge and area of expertise to the world.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay in English, Read 150 Words Paragraph -_0.1

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English, Read 150 Words Paragraph

while writing the My Favourite Teacher Essay, first we need to start by telling the importance of a teacher in everyone's life. Check here Essay on favourite teacher of your school days.

My Favourite Teacher Essay

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher

As the ideal teacher is accountable for the development of the pupils, teachers are crucial to our lives. Teachers are crucial in laying a solid foundation of fundamental information, not just for academic courses but also for life. When we need to make critical decisions or complete other vital activities in life, most of what we learn in school comes in handy. Here is a My Favourite Teacher  Essay that can be used by the students of Class 9 and  Class 10 to get a good score.

It sounds like you have a favourite teacher who has had a significant impact on you. Teachers can be incredibly influential, often shaping our interests, skills, and even our life paths. If you’d like, you can share more about why this teacher is your favourite. What qualities do they have that stand out to you? How have they helped you grow academically or personally? Your insights could serve as a wonderful tribute to the important work that teachers do.

My Favourite Teacher Essay

When writing an Essay, we should always give a good introduction, because the introduction of any essay is the most important part of it. So, while writing the My Favourite Teacher Essay, first we need to start by telling the importance of a teacher in everyone’s life. Then, following it, you should describe your favourite teacher, first by introducing him/her, and then by following it by describing the subject your favourite teacher teaches, and the way he/she presents himself/herself in front of the students. Then, after giving the brief overview of the teaching style of the teacher, then we can write about the good and bad things of the favourite teacher in the paragraohs to follow of the My favourite Teacher essay.

My Mother Essay for Class 9, 10 in English [150-200 Words]

Vidhiti Mam is a tall, attractive woman. She is 32 years old and has a wealth of knowledge. Her teaching style is superb. She favours elevated thought and modest lifestyle. She is adored by all of her students for her excellent teaching style and demure demeanour. She has nine years of teaching experience and a master’s degree in mathematics. She has little trouble resolving challenging mathematical equations.

She has a distinctive way of describing his approaches to problem-solving. In doing so, she makes even the most difficult difficulties appear simple and makes it very straightforward for all kids to understand. Everyone believes she is the best teacher because she possesses all of their favourite attributes in a teacher and is incredibly patient. She spends a great deal of time and effort making sure you fully grasp every doubt or issue she addresses.

She has a strong command of the English language, and unlike most teachers who place greater emphasis on memorising complex equations and writing impositions, formulas, and theorems, she emphasises logical reasoning. She is highly organised and punctual, and she makes sure that we do the same. She respects the value of time and consistently arrives on time. She possesses a lot of these admirable traits, which are widely commended and valued by pupils who wish to pursue them as well.

She is really enthused, but she is not overly insistent and lets us come to our own conclusions. She helps us stay on track with both because she has a fantastic understanding of how to manage schoolwork and extracurricular activities. She promotes pupils’ involvement in extracurricular activities since she is concerned with their complete development. She gets pupils ready for the Math Olympiads so they may gain confidence and do well in a challenging subject like Math. Many of the students she has coached have achieved success in math competitions. She is an asset to our school since he has significantly improved both the academic and co-curricular parts of our school’s general image, and we students are lucky to have her.

Discipline Essay, For Class 10 In English

My Favourite Teacher Essay 150 words

Vidhiti Mam is a tall, attractive woman. She is 32 years old and has a wealth of knowledge. Her teaching style is superb. She favours elevated thought and modest lifestyle. She is adored by all of her students for her excellent teaching style.

She has a distinctive way of describing his approaches to problem-solving. In doing so, she makes even the most difficult difficulties appear simple and makes it very straightforward for all kids to understand. Everyone believes he is the best teacher because she possesses all of their favourite attributes in a teacher and is incredibly patient. She has a strong command of the English language, and unlike most teachers who place greater emphasis on memorising complex equations and writing impositions, formulas, and theorems, she emphasises logical reasoning.

Many of the students she has coached have achieved success in math competitions. She is an asset to our school since he has significantly improved both the academic and co-curricular parts of our school’s general image, and we students are lucky to have her.

My Village Essay in English for Class 7-10 in 1000 Words

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 10 lines

  • Vidhiti Mam is a tall, attractive woman.
  • She is 32 years old and has a wealth of knowledge.
  • She is adored by all of her students for her excellent teaching style.
  • She has a distinctive way of describing his approaches to problem-solving.
  • She is the best teacher because she is incredibly patient.
  • My favourite teacher has very good communication skills.
  • She is really enthused, but she is not overly insistent.
  • She promotes pupils’ involvement in extracurricular activities
  • Many of the students she has coached have achieved success in various competitions.
  • I am lucky to have Vidhiti Mam, and she is my favourite teacher.

My Family Essay

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph

Mrs. Agarwal was not just an educator; she was a source of inspiration and guidance that left an indelible mark on my life. Her classroom was a haven of knowledge, where she effortlessly combined the art of teaching with a genuine passion for her subject. What made Mrs. Agarwal stand out was her unwavering dedication to her students’ success. She had an incredible ability to make even the most complex topics seem simple and engaging. Her teaching style was not limited to textbooks; she encouraged critical thinking, fostering an environment where questions were welcomed with curiosity.

Favourite Teacher

The “favorite teacher” for kids can vary widely depending on the child’s interests, the teacher’s teaching style, and the rapport between them. Some children may prefer teachers who are very interactive and make learning fun, while others may like teachers who are more structured and provide clear guidelines.

There’s no universal answer, but some common traits that often make teachers favorites among kids include:

  • Approachability: Kids feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help.
  • Enthusiasm: A love for the subject matter and teaching that is infectious.
  • Fairness: Equal treatment for all students, and a just approach to discipline.
  • Creativity: Innovative teaching methods that make learning more engaging.
  • Patience: Willingness to explain and re-explain, understanding that kids learn at different paces.

So, the “favorite teacher” is usually one who possesses a combination of these traits and is able to connect with students in a meaningful way.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher

Teachers have the power to shape young minds and change lives. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom and often continues to resonate with students long after they’ve moved on to different stages of their lives. Among all the teachers who have taught me, Mrs. Johnson stands out as my favorite teacher for several reasons.

Dedication to Teaching

Mrs. Johnson has been teaching English literature at my high school for over ten years. Her dedication to teaching is evident from the moment you step into her class. She ensures that the classroom is not just an environment for academic growth but also a space for nurturing creativity and critical thinking.

Approachable Nature

One of Mrs. Johnson’s most admirable qualities is her approachability. She welcomes questions and encourages open discussions, making it incredibly easy for students to express their doubts or opinions. Her office door is always open, literally and metaphorically, for any student in need of academic or even life advice.

Passion for the Subject

Mrs. Johnson’s passion for English literature is infectious. She brings the words on the page to life, giving them context and deeper meaning. Her classes are never just rote memorization of facts or figures. She includes storytelling, debates, and even dramatizations to make lessons engaging and relatable. Her teaching style has inspired me to delve deeper into the subject and appreciate the beauty and complexity of literature.

Fostering Individuality

Mrs. Johnson recognizes that each student is unique and has a different learning curve. She gives individual attention to each student, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. She takes the time to give personalized feedback, ensuring that we understand what we did well and what needs improvement.

Lasting Influence

It’s not just her teaching skills that make Mrs. Johnson special; it’s also the lasting impact she has had on my personal growth. She has instilled in me the importance of being curious, asking questions, and never settling for mediocrity. I’ve carried these lessons with me outside the classroom, applying them to different facets of my life.

Teachers like Mrs. Johnson are rare and invaluable. She is not just an educator but also a mentor and a friend. Her exemplary teaching skills, combined with her ability to understand and relate to her students, make her my favorite teacher. She has not only enriched my understanding of English literature but also played a significant role in making me who I am today. I am grateful for having had the privilege to be her student.

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How do I write a favorite teacher essay?

She never skips a class and always arrives at the proper time. We thoroughly like her classes since she makes us smile as well. She adores me a lot because I am the most obedient and perfect pupil for her. I always do my classwork and homework in a tidy manner per her instructions.

Why is your teacher your favorite?

She or he shows all children love, care, and acceptance. He/she works hard to ensure that each of their pupils achieve academic success, even if it means taking extra time to modify a lesson, spending one-on-one time with each student, or working late to ensure that they fully comprehend a math subject.

What is a teacher short essay?

God created the entire universe, and a teacher is the creator of an entire country, making teachers a precious gift from him. A teacher is a crucial character in a student's life because he or she shapes that person's entire life via knowledge, love, and patience.

Why is Education Important?

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My Favourite Teacher Essay for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: A teacher is a facilitator who interacts with the learners to encourage better learning. A positive impact of a teacher on students goes long and leaves an everlasting impression. The presence of a teacher is not only to impart knowledge but also mould the character and personality of pupils. It is the role of an excellent teacher to build students psychologically, physically and intellectually.

Below we have provided My Favourite Teacher Essay in English, suitable for students of class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in easy and simple words. This essay is helpful for aspirants preparing for the competitive exam too!

Essay on My Favourite Teacher 500 Words in English

Below we have provided My Favourite Teacher Essay, suitable for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

How you’ll are doing? What is wrong with you? Is there a problem, if yes kindly let me know? Were the questions asked to us by my most favourite teacher Mrs Rupali who tried to comfort and understand our problems. She was our English teacher who was smart, intelligent, beautiful and 40 years old. A person who followed a simple living and high thinking principle. Her attributes were pleasing, and everybody loved her soft tone.

She always looked sober and was a highly experienced professional. She was a post-graduate in English and Social Studies and was a trained dancer. The best part of her personality was, she never believed in punishment instead offered us the opportunity to improve our habits and behaviour. Her teaching method was out of the box, including unique and creative ways.

Since she knew many students had difficulty in reading and speaking English, she used to conduct additional classes where students were motivated to learn through role-play and acting. We were given assignments to prepare scripts for drama and debate. Her homework used to be unusual and different from other teachers who always motivated our zeal. Under her guidance, our school won many competitions in elocution, essay writing and debate.

Her class used to be engaging and exciting. She was a great narrator and explained our poems and lessons through stories. Our grammar lessons were taught through videos and audible lessons. However, she displayed a sober and simple look but also had a humorous side to her personality. Several times, she introduced us to new books and novels that could harness our skills.

Her suggested books were mostly award-winning and highly acclaimed among the masses. Once she took us to a literary program conducted by her teacher. That is the time we realised that she is not just the best teacher but even a good student too. Her patience and resilience were the traits that made her famous and unique in the school. Every child loved and admired her for her graceful nature.

We were blessed to have such an excellent teacher who believed in parity and treated everyone equally. She was reputed not only in our schools but in other schools as well because of her exemplary teaching skills and cheerful character. Even the parents respected her and approached her for valuable advice. As a member of the board in school, she made sure discipline and creativity are imparted in the classes.

During the teacher’s day, she was the one who received more flowers and gifts than any other teacher in the school. Moreover, we were fortunate to witness her ex-students meeting and taking her blessings. Lastly, in my opinion, the best teacher is the one who inspires and persuades children to follow and achieve their goal.

She assists the child in paving the way and creating a place that the child craves and desires for. Mrs Rupali was the teacher who saw good in everyone and had a positive outlook. Classroom learning was based on morals instead of instructions. In the words of Bob Talbert, “Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.”

Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher in 150 Words

Below we have provided a short essay on my favourite teacher, usually given for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students.

My favourite teacher was Ms Rose, who used to teach us science and maths. She completed her studies from America and started teaching in India. Her eyes were brown in colour and hair blonde. She was tall and thin. With spectacles on her face, she always smiled at everyone with those sparkling eyes. Her personality seemed strict when I first met her; however, she was opposite.

Her loving, caring and motivating nature made her the most favourite teacher among the students. Not only her behaviour but her teaching skills were distinctive. Her sense of humour, patient and easy-going character brought life into the class. Every student loved her method of teaching and was attentive and active during her course. For many students, science and maths have been the tough subjects to crack.

I was one of them who was weak in both the subjects. Like me, many others faced the same issue. Ms Rose was a sharp-eyed and vigilant teacher who was aware of every child’s weaknesses and strengths. In class, she insisted us to ask questions and clear our doubts. For weaker student’s like me, she took extra courses and put additional efforts after school so that we don’t lag and understand the subject wisely.

In between classes, she always used to share the culture of the US and how she faired in her school. Furthermore, she possessed an optimistic attitude towards life and encouraged us to engage in productive activities, take up community service every weekend, hones our skills, takes up a hobby and turns it into a passion. Her thoughts and way of life differed from many of us as she followed her heart and displayed humanitarian character. Her modest and mild disposition always inspired my friends and me. I love and admire her the most and hope to become like her.

10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

  • A teacher plays a pivotal role in a student’s life as they are considered to be the epitome of love, compassion and resilience.
  • They assist in moulding a child’s personality and character.
  • My favourite teacher is Ms Suri.
  • She teaches us English literature and the English language.
  • As a teacher in class, she is disciplined, innovative and dedicated.
  • Outside the class, she is a fun-loving, friendly, spiritual and polite person.
  • She helps us and solves our query in class and outside class too.
  • She doesn’t follow the mundane method of teaching, instead incorporates a unique style in every class.
  • Apart from teaching her subjects, she sometimes conducts classes on value education and secure character building.
  • As a human, she is the most considerate, kind and loving person.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: There is no doubt that teachers play a significant role in our lives. They are the ones who nurture and shape our minds, helping us to become the best versions of ourselves. They teach us the importance of hard work and discipline, and instill in us a love for learning.

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Also Check: Essay on Teacher in English

Without teachers, we would be lost. They are the guides who help us navigate through the challenges of life, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. They are the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of their students every day. Teachers are the foundation of our society, and their importance cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in shaping the future of our world. Thank you, teachers, for everything you do.

In this article, we have come up with some sample formats on essay on favourite teacher. You find both short and long essays on the same here.

Long and Short Essay on Favourite Teacher in English

Below we are giving essay on my favourite teacher for your information and knowledge.

These My Favourite Teacher Essay are written in simple and easy English so that they can be memorized easily and presented when required.

After going through the essays you will be able to describe the qualities of your favourite teacher, why is he/she your favourite and how does s/he has transformed you.

You can use My favorite Teacher essays on occasions like Teachers Day or similar events.

Also Check: An Ideal Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay in 100 words

My favorite teacher is Rajani mam. She is my class teacher too and takes attendance daily in the morning. Teacher is a strict teacher however very funny and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. She does her all the works and projects related to the class at right time without getting late. I like her very much as she tries very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us English subject. Teacher makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, academic, etc. Teacher teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as lunch or other needed things.

 My my Favourite Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay 150 words

My favourite teacher is my class teacher. Her name is Nisha Gupta. She takes our attendance and teaches us Hindi, Maths and Art subject. Teacher is well educated and taken higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all the subjects. I never miss her class and attend daily.

I like the way she teaches us as we do not need to study that subject at home again. We become very clear about the topic she teaches us in the classroom. After clearing the concept of topic, she gives us some exercises in the class and also home work for the home. Next day, she asks questions related to the yesterday topic and then start another topic.

In spite of the subjects, she teaches us good ethics and etiquette also to make us strong by character. May be; she will not be our teacher in next class however; her teachings will always be with us and show us way to difficult situations. She is very caring and loving in nature. Teacher has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher.

Also Check: Essay on Teacher’s Day

My Favourite Teacher Essay 200 words

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favourite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 th standard and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies). She is a good teacher. Teacher cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. She never takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities. Teacher always comes at right time in the class and never misses her class. We enjoy her class very much as she makes us happy too. Teacher loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I follow her all the orders and do my class work and home work in neat and clean manner daily.

I never become late or absent in her class. She motivates us to always follow right path in the life even we have to face much difficult situations. Teacher tells us that we never become hopeless in difficult situations and search some easy ways to get out of them. She also tells us that never think negative and always think positive as it always happens what we think and do. Teacher describes very well about all the topics of EVS. She wants us to talk in English in her class. She goes to her home with us in the school bus where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

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Essay on Favourite Teacher in 250 words

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Maths for 2 years when I was in class 3 rd and 4 th standard. He was from Varanasi however living in the vicinity of the school. Teacher took his higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. He was very polite and kind in nature. Teacher knew well about how to handle small children in the class. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

What he taught to me, I still remember very well as he has made my Maths concepts very clear. Currently I am studying in class 5 th standard however still miss him very much. I meet him occasionally whenever I need to solve some tough questions of my Maths subject. He looks very smart with good physique, sparkle eyes and blond hair. I like his good personality and polite nature.

Teacher always smiled when entered to the classroom and first asked to us about our well-being. He also assisted us in the sports whenever our sports teacher was absent. Teacher has smiling face however very strict in the study. He always punished to the students who were with incomplete home works. Teacher is famous for making lots of fun during the class time however students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor, patient and easygoing. I am one of the obedient students of him. Sometimes he gave us chocolates on doing well in the class tests and exams. He never gave us lots of assignments at home. He is very enthusiastic and also always motivated us for doing our best in the study.

Also Check: Essay on Teachers Day Celebration

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 300 words

Mrs. Rashmi is my favourite teacher of 6 th standard in the school. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects in the class. She has very unique personality. Teacher is quite fatty but calm in nature. I always give her a greeting card on the teacher’s day every year. I also wish a good luck on her birthday. She is used to of reciting some jokes in between while taking class in order to make fun and draw our attention towards study. I am not so good in the Hindi subject however do very well in the Computer. She helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask for next day.

She takes us to the Computer lab to make us more clear and sure about the Computer. Teacher wants to keep quiet in her class when she teaches. She never leaves her weak students unclear about what she has taught. She makes everyone very clear about any topic and motivates us to ask questions in her class. Teacher never start next topic until we all understand the last one very well. She is very caring and loving in nature as she takes care of all students in the class. No one quarrel or fight in her class. She makes seating rotation of the students on weekly basis so that no one remains weak and unhappy. My all friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some weak students by giving them over time outside the class. Teacher also helps us to solve the problems other than the study. Teacher promotes us to take part in the sports or other competitions organized in the school. She looks good with her smiling face and supporting nature. She helps us to get prepared for the event celebrations in the school such as Independence Day , Republic Day , Gandhi Jayanti , Teacher’s Day , Mother’s Day , etc. Sometimes, when topics over, she shares with us about her struggle period of the life in order to encourage us towards study. She is very friendly and easygoing teacher. We never fear with her however respect her a lot.

Essay on Favourite Teacher in 400 words

My favorite teacher is my science teacher. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. She lives near to the school campus. She is the best teacher of school and liked by my all friends as she teaches very well. No one feels boring in her class as she makes some fun also. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. She asks us to go through the topic from home what she will teach in the class next day. Teacher teaches that topic in the class and asks many questions to get clear. She also asks questions about the same topic on next day. In this way, we get very clear about a particular topic. She takes test after teaching two or three topics. Teacher loves the teaching profession and also teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

She is very friendly to us and never makes us fear from her. We ask her any question related to the subject in the class or her cabin without any fear. Teacher watches the activity of each and every student while teaching in the class and punishes the naughty ones. She tells us to concentrate on the study and always follow things what your teacher says in the class if you really want success in the life. She never makes partiality between weak and brilliant students in the class. Teacher supports a lot to her weak students and requests to brilliant students also to help their weak colleagues. She tells us to be passionate about our study and aim of the life.

Also Check: Paragraph on Teacher in English

She is very encouraging teacher, encourages us not only in study however also in the extracurricular activities. Teacher cheers personally to the student doing well in the school whether in academic or sports activities. She gives free tuition to her weak students at her home for one hour. Each student does very well in the science subject both in the class tests and exams. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. So, she performs her all the responsibilities very well. She takes care of the cleanliness and greenery in the school campus.

She never looks serious as she has a smiling face. Teacher keeps us happy in the school like her own kids. She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event celebration or competitions organized in the school. She talks to all the students very politely and knows well to handle any difficult situation of the school.

My Favourite Teacher 10 Lines

My Teacher, Mrs. Anaya

  • Mrs. Anaya is my favorite teacher at Sunflower School. Here’s why I like her so much:
  • Every morning, she greets us with a big, warm smile. It makes my day bright!
  • She teaches us Math and English. But she makes it fun, like telling a story.
  • Mrs. Anaya went to a big school called Rosewood University. But she talks to us in simple words, so we understand everything.
  • She doesn’t just teach from books. She tells us to be good people and to be kind to our friends.
  • During break time, many of us stay in the class. We love hearing her tell funny stories.
  • If I don’t understand something, she helps me. She wants all of us to do well.
  • Sometimes, she tells jokes. We all laugh a lot!
  • Mrs. Anaya also tells us to play games and join fun school contests. She claps the loudest when we win!
  • I remember everything she teaches because she is so kind and fun.

I hope Mrs. Anaya is my teacher every year. She is the best!

online mock test

My Favourite Teacher Essay 10 Lines

  • Miss Ruby is my favourite teacher at Green Valley School.
  • She wears pretty dresses and always has a shiny pin in her hair.
  • Her room is filled with colorful charts and funny drawings.
  • Every morning, she sings a hello song with us.
  • Miss Ruby teaches us Science and Drawing.
  • I love when she shows us how plants grow from tiny seeds.
  • She has a big fish tank in our classroom with colorful fish.
  • We all get turns to feed them, and it’s so much fun!
  • During story time, she makes funny voices for each character.
  • If we do our work well, she gives us shiny star stickers.
  • Miss Ruby also reads us stories from big, colorful books.
  • She helps if we find any word hard to read or spell.
  • Sometimes, she plays the guitar, and we all sing along.
  • She tells us to always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’
  • Miss Ruby says being kind is the most important lesson.
  • On Fridays, we have a fun quiz, and she gives candies to everyone.
  • I once drew her picture, and she put it on the classroom door.
  • She loves all animals and tells us stories about her cat, Whiskers.
  • Miss Ruby always listens if we have something to say.
  • I hope to be in her class next year too because she makes school the best!

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FAQs on My Favourite Teacher

How do i write about my favorite teacher.

Begin by describing their qualities, teaching style, and how they made an impact on you. Use specific examples or stories to highlight your favorite teacher's unique attributes.

What is your favorite teacher?

Everyone has a different opinion, but a favorite teacher is often one who is caring, understanding, and makes learning engaging.

What is special about my teacher?

What's special about your teacher is their ability to inspire, motivate, and understand each student's unique needs and strengths.

What makes a Favourite teacher?

A favorite teacher possesses qualities like patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and the ability to connect with students on a personal level.

What is a teacher best line?

A teacher's best line might be something like, I believe in you, which showcases their faith in a student's abilities.

How do I feel special to my teacher?

You might feel special to your teacher when they acknowledge your efforts, give personal feedback, or go the extra mile to help you succeed.

What makes a teacher happy?

A teacher is often happy when they see their students succeed, engage actively in lessons, and show respect and enthusiasm for learning.

Why am I thankful for my teacher?

You might be thankful for your teacher because of the knowledge they impart, the support they provide, and the positive impact they've had on your personal and academic growth.

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My Favorite Teacher

Teacher is a person in our life who provides many important things with good education.

A teacher means a lot to his students, he plays an extraordinary role in our lives from the earliest years of development until maturity.

They mold us and our future accordingly so that we can be made a responsible citizen of the country.

Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher 100 words:

My favorite teacher is Rajni Mam, she is also my class teacher. She is a strict teacher but very funny.

She performs all the tasks and projects related to the class at the right time without delay. I like her a lot because she tries very easy ways to teach us good things.

We enjoy her class, she teaches us English subjects.

When she teaches, she makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between.

She guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, educational etc.

She teaches us to share things in class such as lunch or other essential things among her colleagues.

My Dear Teacher Essay 150 words:

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, her name is Nisha Gupta.

She takes our presence and teaches us Hindi, mathematics and arts subjects.

She is well educated and has done higher studies from Banaras Hindu University.

She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all subjects. I never miss her class and attend her classes daily.

I like the way she teaches us because we don’t need to study that subject again at home.

She clears every concept of all lesson perfectly.

After clearing the concept of the subject, she gives us practice text in the classroom and also gets the housework done for the house.

The next day, she asks questions related to yesterday’s topic and then starts another topic.

Apart from subjects, she teaches us good morals and etiquette which makes us stronger in character.

Although she will not be our teacher in the next class. Her teaching techniques will always be with us and will show us the way to difficult situations.

She is very caring and loving by nature. She has been a gold medalist at the university and has received higher education. She will always be my best teacher.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 200 words:

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favorite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies).

She is a good teacher, cares for us a lot and teaches us using easy methods. Always arrives at the right time in class and never misses her class.

We enjoy her class very much because she makes us happy too.

She loves me very much because I am her very disciplined and ideal student, I follow all her orders and do my class work and home work daily in a clean manner.

I have never been late or absent in her class. She inspires us to always follow the right path in life. Even she inspire us  to face very difficult situation with courage.

She explains that we should never be disappointed in difficult situations and find some easy ways to get out of them.

She also tells us to never think negatively and always think positive because it is always this way we should think and act.

Also, explains all the topics of EVS very well. She wants us to speak English in her class.

She accompanies us in a school bus till her house where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

My favorite teacher essay

My Dear Teacher Essay 250 words:

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Mathematics for 2 years when I was in class 3 and 4.

He was a resident of Varanasi but lived in the vicinity of the school, he did his higher education from Banaras Hindu University.

He was very polite and kind by nature knew well how to handle young children in the classroom. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

He made my math concepts very clear, I still remember his teacher method. Currently I am studying in 5th grade, but still miss him very much.

Whenever I need to solve some difficult questions in my Maths topic, I meet him occasionally. He looks very smart with a good physique, shining eyes and blonde hair.

I like his good personality and humble nature.

On entering the classroom, he always smiled and would first ask us about our health.

Whenever our sports teachers were absent, they also assisted us in sports, he has a smiling face but is very strict in studies.

He always punished those students with incomplete housework. He is famous for having a lot of fun during class time, although students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good teaching skills, amiable temperament, and good sense of humor, patience and naturalness.

Sometimes he gave us chocolates after scoring good marks in class exams and other exams, he doesn’t give us too many assignments at home.

He is very enthusiastic and always inspires us to do our best in studies.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 300 words:

Mrs Rashmi is my favorite teacher of 6th grade in school, she teaches us Hindi and computer subjects in class.

She has a very unique personality, she is quite fatty but calm by nature.

I always give her a greeting card every year on teacher’s Day, I also wish her on her birthday.

She tells few jokes in class to refresh us and draw our attention to the study.

I am not so good in Hindi but do very well in computer, she helps me a lot in improving my Hindi language.

After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to make us clearer and sure about computers, when she teaches, she asks all of us to be silent in her class.

Also pay good attention to her weaker students, she makes it very clear to everyone about any topic and inspires us to ask questions in her class.

She never starts the next chapter until we all understand the past topic well.

She is very caring and loving with nature and encourage every student for working hard.

Also, rotates the seating arrangement of the students on a weekly basis so that no one is left weak and unhappy. All my friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some vulnerable students by giving time after the class. She also helps us solve problems other than studies.

She inspires us to participate in sports or other competitions held in school and she looks good with her smiling face and supportive nature.

She helps us get ready for organizing events like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teachers Day, Mother’s Day etc. in school.

Sometimes, when the topics are over, she shares with us about the struggle period of life, encourage us to study, she is a very sociable and easy going teacher.

We never fear her but respect her very much.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 400 words:

My favorite teacher is my science teacher Mrs. Sanjana Kaushik, she lives near the school campus.

She is the best teacher of the school and is liked by all my friends because she teaches us very well, nobody seems boring in her class as she cracks joke in between teaching.

I like her strategies of teaching in the classroom, she asks us to go to the subject at home about what she will teach in class the next day.

She teaches that topic in class and asks many questions to clear our doubt and she also asks questions about the same topic the next day.

In this way, we become very clear about a particular subject, she takes the exam after teaching two or three days laters.

She loves the teaching profession and teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

We ask her any questions related to the topic in class or go to her cabin without any fear. She observes each student’s activity while teaching in class and punishes mischievous people.

She tells us to focus on study and always ask us to follow the things that your teachers say in class if you really want success in life.

Also, never favors between weak and talented students in the classroom.

She is very supportive of her weak students and requests talented students to help her weak colleagues.

She tells us to be passionate about her studies and her purpose in life.

Also, she is a very encouraging teacher, encouraging us not only in studies but also in extraordinary activities.

She points to a student doing well in school, whether in academic or sports activities, she gives free tuition to her vulnerable students at her home for one hour.




Every student does very well in the science subject in class exams, she is also the Vice-Principal of the school.

Therefore, she performs all her responsibilities very well. She takes care of cleanliness and greenery in the school premises.

She never looks serious because she has a smiling face, also keeps us happy at school like her children.

She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event or competitions in the school.

She speaks to all the students very politely and is well aware that she can handle any difficult situation of the school.

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