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Reverse Chronological Resume Explained (Free Templates)

Your resume should grab an employer’s attention when you are looking for work and make it easy for them to scan through the most important details. A reverse chronological resume is an effective way to present a candidate’s work history in a clear and concise format, making it easier for employers to assess their qualifications and make hiring decisions.

However, if you decide to use this format, you must learn how to create it correctly. This article will provide information about the following:

  • What is the reverse chronological format?
  • Key sections of the resume
  • Pros and cons of using this resume format

What is the Reverse Chronological Resume Format?

A reverse chronological format displays your academic and professional experiences in reverse-chronological order. It indicates that the document lists all of your previous jobs in chronological order, beginning with the most recent one you held.

The last entry on the list will be your first job. This format has become very popular and is the most common type of resume people use, and people in hiring departments are used to this format.

Besides that, employers can easily see someone’s professional development or career progression, as it provides a clear timeline. This format is more contextual to the position you are applying for, which makes a great impression on recruiters.

When Should I Use this Format?

Even though you can use the chronological resume in different situations, there are some scenarios when you should choose another option.

When to use chronological resume:

  • When you have many years of professional experience in different companies.
  • When you have a stable career progression with a steady path.
  • If you do not have gaps in your career.
  • When you want to highlight your current position.

When to avoid chronological resume:

  • When you have no or little work experience.
  • If you want to highlight some of the earlier positions and experiences in your career.
  • When you have any gaps in your work experience.

Essential Sections of a Chronological Resume

The information you add to your resume is the most critical aspect of the document, which is why this article will cover all the main sections of a resume .

You can also add additional information, but here is the structure that should be the core of your document:

Your full name and current job title

The first part of any document is the header, which should include your full name and current job title. Although there are many differing opinions on the subject, writing the title of the position you are applying for will only make you appear overconfident.

Contact information 

You must add basic contact information underneath the heading, including an address, email, phone number, or social media links. Ensure all the information is professional and current so that the hiring manager can easily contact you and discuss the position. 

Personal statement

The personal statement is an introduction that gives recruiters a glimpse into your best qualities and suitability for the job opening. A personal statement can either be a summary or an objective statement. A resume summary showcases previous experience, making it great for people with at least two years of experience. On the other hand, a resume objective focuses on skills, making it ideal for people without work experience.  

Work experience section

This section is the core of a chronological resume . It should contain detailed information about the positions you held in a structured and chronological manner.

Here are some of the rules you should follow when writing about your work experience :

  • Only include professional experience relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Start with your latest (current) position and continue by listing your previous positions in reverse chronological order.
  • Include the job title, company name, dates of employment, and other relevant information for each position.
  • Make the section easy to read and use bullet points. Use an average of five bullets per position.
  • Include action verbs in your bullet points, like managed, organized, led, aligned, hired, cultivated, directed, etc.
  • Focus primarily on duties and achievements instead of responsibilities.
  •  Demonstrate the impact of your work.

Education section

Like the work experience section, you should start with the latest educational achievements. Depending on your level of work experience, your education section can be longer or shorter.

If you have more than a couple of years of work experience, list only essential information, like:

  • Information about the subject you majored in
  • Year of graduation
  • Name of Universities

In case you do not have two or more years of experience, you can include more information, such as:

  • The minor you studied
  • Student exchange programs attended
  • College honors

Skills section

Every type of resume needs to include your skills. You can list them by relevance or alphabetically; both options are good. Naturally, all the skills you list should be relevant to the position.

Make a list of your soft and hard skills. Take the time to read the job description to see what the employer is looking for. Then you must compare your list of skills with the skills required by the employer in the job description. It is essential to include all the skills required in the job description. 

Additional sections

You can extend your resume to an additional page if you need more space for additional sections to highlight the unique value you can offer, but it is best to keep it concise. Additional areas supplement your experience and skills section and are especially useful if you do not have much work experience .

However, you should not add any additional information if it does not help the recruiter determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the position. Here are some of the things you can mention:

  • Volunteering experience
  • Research experience
  • Publications
  • Certifications and licenses

Reverse Chronological Resume Structure

[Full name]

[Current position]

Phone number: [insert information]

Email: [insert information]

Social media links: [insert information]

Resume profile

A forward-thinking (job title) with a strategic approach and result-based mindset with 5+ years of experience in the field. I am eager to join (company name) and help inspire and lead the sales team into new markets and impress your customers.

I have exceeded sales goals by over 15% at my current position while managing a team of a dozen associates, leading to a $125K revenue increase.

Employment History

[Job position] [start of employment – end of employment] [Company name] [city name and state]

 Insert duties and responsibilities.

Insert duties and responsibilities.

Key achievements:

Insert key achievements.

[Degree name] [Field of study] [Graduation year(optional)] [University name]

Courses (optional):

Insert most relevant courses.

Academic achievements (optional):

Insert achievements for [specific degree].

Extracurricular activities (optional):

Insert extracurricular activities you participated in during this time.

Awards (optional):

Insert noticeable awards [name of the award] [given by] [date].

 Insert noticeable awards [name of the award] [given by] [date].

Hard skills:

Insert relevant skills.

Soft skills:

Interests (additional section)

Insert interest.

 Insert interest.

Publications (additional section)

Insert relevant publications.

This infographic is about the anatomy of Reverse Chronological Resume.

Free Templates

Given below are reverse chronological resume templates:

Great Professional Marketing Manager Reverse Resume Sample as Word Document

Pros and Cons of Using a Reverse Chronological Format Pros

Even though the reverse chronological resume format offers many benefits, this option has some downsides. Learning when to avoid using this option and when it will get the desired results is essential.

Here is what you need to know:

The pros include:

Provides a straightforward narrative of your career 

This is one of the main benefits of using a reverse chronological format. By listing your work experience in reverse chronological order (i.e., starting with your most recent job and working backward), you create a clear and easy-to-follow narrative of your career progression over time. This can be particularly useful for employers who are looking for candidates with a specific level of experience or who want to see how your skills and responsibilities have evolved.

Conforms to expectations 

Recruiters expect to see this kind of resume format, and they know what to look for and where to look. But, at the same time, it is a great option when applying to large organizations that use automated tracking systems for job applications or standardized application forms.

Emphasizes well-known companies 

This resume format highlights the companies you worked for in the past. If you have worked for some of the most-established brands, this format can prevent that from going unnoticed by recruiters.

The cons include:

Shows the gaps in your work history

The reverse chronological format instantly shows if you have not worked for a year or two. In other words, recruiters can see that you have gaps in your career, which might be concerning for them. Also, it highlights the duration of employment at each job, making it easy for the employer to see how long you worked at each position. If you have had many short-term jobs, it may raise questions about your stability and job commitment.

Not suitable if you are switching careers

A chronological resume typically emphasizes your most recent work experience, which can be a disadvantage if you have not worked in a particular field for an extended period.

If you have marketing experience but your most recent marketing job was seven years ago, recruiters might not notice this on your resume or might not consider it relevant. This could potentially weaken your chances of being considered for a job in that field.

Not perfect for entry-level candidates

These kinds of resumes are designed to highlight your prior experience , but people who are new to the job market do not have any work experience, and as such, this format is not useful for them.  

Since a reverse chronological resume is the most common format, having one ready is always a good idea. In addition, chances are high that your next job application will require this kind of resume.  At the same time, it is important to keep your resume updated and incorporate any recent awards or achievements.   Hopefully, this post has helped you understand how to create an effective document. Make sure to download our template so that you can easily create a perfect resume.  

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Reverse Chronological Order in a Resume

Here’s the thing. As a job seeker, the more your resume stands out, the better your chances of landing the job. And, as research shows, 92 percent of recruiters regard previous work experience as the leading hiring factor . That’s why listing your qualifications and work experience in reverse chronological order is the recruiter’s favorite approach to resume writing.

Want to know more about what a reverse chronological order resume is and when to use it? Keep reading, and you’ll find out.

Reverse Chronological Order in a Resume

Table of Contents

What Is Reverse Chronological Order?

Reverse chronological order describes events starting with the most recent and moves backwards in time . For resumes, it means highlighting your most recent job and qualifications first and listing your first job last.

The same goes for education, where the highest education level comes first followed by other schooling details.

Just like with other resume formats, a reverse chronological order resume follows certain rules. For starters, you must quantify your qualifications and list key achievements. Moreover, you need to be concise and use the best font for a resume for faster readability.

This resume format focuses on your work history and professional achievements and is the standard expected by most employers.

The reverse chronological order resume has three key parts:

  • Relevancy : The format emphasizes to recruiters the relevance of your experience and job titles to determine if you’re a good fit for the advertised position.
  • Recency : Since it lists your most recent job first, recruiters can easily see what experiences you’ve gained in the last five years.
  • Longevity : The format makes it easy for employers to see how long you held previous positions. It shows your ability to commit and stay loyal to a company.

Reverse Chronological Resume Example

Here’s a sample resume written in reverse chronological order:

Reverse Chronological Order

Why Is Reverse Chronological Order the Most Popular Resume Format?

This ordering system is considered the traditional resume format in all industries and professions. For that reason, recruiters and employers are more familiar with it, which makes it easier for them to analyze.

In addition, it seems logical to scan an applicant’s details starting with the current or recent job position and education history. For job seekers, the format makes it easy for them to highlight a consistent career path.

This can prove useful for those applying for a similar position as their previous job.

It Underscores Continuity

One of the top advantages of using reverse chronological order is that it links all your employment dates. A recruiter can immediately see a clear view of your career path, neatly organized in succession.

It also provides an effective way for job seekers to demonstrate their professional growth to potential employers.

Easy to Skim

A reverse chronological order requires that you format your resume in a certain order. You must start with your most recent job, followed by the one before it, and so on.

Additionally, you must provide your position, the company’s name, and the dates worked for each entry list. It’s this order that makes it easy to skim.

Easy for ATSs to Scan

Did you know that over 98 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in their hiring process? Normally, when there’s a corporate job opening, hundreds of applicants submit their resumes to try their luck.

This would make the work of recruiters an uphill task trying to sort through all those applications. ATS scans and scores these resumes to make it easier for recruiters to find those that meet the most important criteria defined in the job offer.

In other words, an applicant who uses this format stands a better chance of being picked compared to those who use a different format.

Reverse Chronological Order Summary

The Best Time to Use a Reverse Chronological Order Resume

The reverse chronological resume is ideal for job seekers who want recruiters to see the most relevant and important details about their work history . On top of that, this resume can be useful when:

  • You have several years of work experience.
  • You want to emphasize a consistent career growth and development, preferably in one industry, and each role you’ve held was more senior than the last.
  • You want to apply for a similar field or job post to most of your work history.
  • The name of your former employer is significant to your prospective employer.

When You Shouldn’t Use a Reverse Chronological Resume

With that in mind, there are times when a reverse chronological resume isn’t the best format to use. Here are instances when its wisest to consider a different type of resume:

  • If you have multiple gaps in your employment history, the format calls attention to these interludes. Unless you have valid explanations, it’s wise to consider either the functional or combined resume formats.
  • This format makes it difficult to spot your skills unless you’ve listed them in your most recent job.
  • The format won’t favor you if you want to change careers . The employer will not see the relevance of your qualifications if you’re targeting a different position.
  • Likewise, you’d want to consider other resume formats if you have heavily varied work experience .

Reverse Chronological Resume Writing Tips and Example

Now that you have a clear understanding of what a reverse chronological resume is, when to use it and when to avoid it, what’s next?

The juicy part – how to write your resume in reverse chronological order.

First things first: the layout

According to research by The Ladders , recruiters are most likely to notice resumes with the following characters:

  • Clear and simple logical layouts
  • Layouts that have bold job titles supported by bulleted lists of achievements
  • An overview at the top
  • Clear, eligible fonts

Typically, the reverse chronological resume comprises the following main sections

  • Name, job title, and contact information
  • Resume objective/summary
  • Work history or experience
  • Education history
  • Skills and strengths
  • Additional sections

Let’s take a detailed look at how you can make each section of your reverse chronological resume shine:

Name, Job Title, and Contact Information

This section might seem like a no-brainer, but you must be careful how you approach it. This is the header of your resume and will be the first thing employers see. So, you’d want to make sure it’s crafted correctly.

The details of this section include:

  • Your job title
  • Your location
  • Your email address
  • Links to your portfolio, blog, or social media profiles

Here’s a good example :

Gladys Dawson Nurse in Atlanta, GA (123) 456-899 | gdawson @ gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/gladys-dawson
: Gmail may be your best option when creating a professional email since it gives you access to the Google suite of networking tools. Plus, most companies use Google Workspace.

Resume Objective/Summary

This is the first section of your resume that captures, in summary, what you can offer if hired. It focuses on previous experience (relevant to the position) and applies to candidates who have worked for at least two years. Use this section to highlight your skills and strengths.

We recommend to use some modern solutions to save some time: use AI resume builder to write autogenerated objective and summary for your profession.

Work History or Experience

In this section, you want to be as precise and accurate as possible. False or erroneous information is something employers don’t tolerate. This is just one of many resume mistakes that can be instant deal breakers for employers.

Here are tips to make the most of your professional experience in a resume:

  • Start with the most recent position at the top and follow it up with the previous one. After all, you’re following a reverse chronological order.
  • Indicate the dates worked, the company’s name, and the job title for each position listed. If necessary, add the company’s location.
  • Make your work scannable by including at least three bullet points . They should be short and simple sentences describing your responsibilities and any quantifiable achievements. Start each bullet point with strong action words, such as achieved, boosted, delegated, etc.
  • Create a special subsection for key achievements .
  • Demonstrate only the experience that’s relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Read more about how to write good resume bullet points .

Education History

If you don’t have much experience for the job position but have the qualifications to show for it, you can start with the education section. Follow this up with the work experience section.

Otherwise, the reverse chronological resume favors the experience section more than any other element. If you have years of work experience and want to highlight all of them, the education section doesn’t have to be extensive.

With this format, you only need to include five key pieces of information . These are:

  • University, College, or School
  • Your highest level of education
  • Year of graduation
  • The school’s location
  • Area of specialization (study)

You can include any relevant academic achievements or experiences that you feel are beneficial to the job position.

Employers will be interested to see the skills you’re good at. Consider listing around six skills , making them short and simple. More importantly, the skills should be relevant to the position you’re applying for.

You should list both hard and soft skills . Hard skills comprise those that require technical or job-related knowledge, for example, coding and analytical skills.

Soft skills can be personal qualities or traits that help you get along with others. They are commonly known as “people skills.”

A CareerBuilder survey shows that 62 percent of job descriptions list management and leadership as desired soft skills. Others include interpersonal skills and innovation and creativity skills.

Additional Sections

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to earn extra points from a potential employer. The additional sections of a resume allow you to emphasize other relevant facts that make you stand out from the crowd.

Just remember to be mindful of the formatting. You don’t want to draw attention away from the work experience section. Another thing to keep in mind is to only add parts that will boost your chances of employment.

Here are some ideas:

  • Certifications or extra training, such as dropshipping or digital marketing courses
  • Unpaid experiences, like volunteer work
  • Awards and achievements, e.g., Employee of the Month Award
  • Languages. List languages you can write and speak proficiently
  • Interests and hobbies

Avoid cramming too much information into this section. You want to ensure a good visual flow of information that’s scannable.

: of hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds looking at resumes. So, you’d want yours to be as attention-grabbing as possible.

What Are the Top Resume Formats?

Applying for jobs is no mean easy. To come out on top, you must be creative and pick the right resume format based on the job you’re applying for.

Generally, there are three main resume formats :

  • Reverse-chronological : As we mentioned earlier, the reverse chronological resume format is the most popular. It lists your work history in reverse order, starting with your current or most recent job at the top.
  • Functional (Skill-based) : This format focuses more on relevant skills than work experience. It highlights what you’re good at (skills and abilities) and takes the pressure off of your employment history. It’s ideal for graduates who have the skills necessary for the job but not much work experience.
  • Combination (Hybrid) : This format blends the resume elements of a chronological and functional resume. It emphasizes both skills and work history.
: Learn , no matter the format you choose.

Key Takeaways

Armed with these fundamental principles of creating a reverse chronological resume, you shouldn’t have a problem writing one yourself. Remember, stick to simple fonts, use bold text to show prominence, focus on your achievements, and do not lie or mislead recruiters.

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How to Use a Reverse Chronological Resume Format

10 min read · Updated on February 07, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Everything you need to know about writing the most common resume format

For most professionals, a chronological resume is the best format to capture skills, experience, and achievements. That's because this resume format focuses on the employment history section, which gives plenty of space to explain the candidate's career trajectory.

The reverse-chronological resume format is also what hiring managers prefer to see , meaning that an alternate structure could even decrease your chances of landing the job. 

To keep that from happening to you, let's explore how to use a reverse-chronological resume format. You'll also find a few guiding examples that can help you to produce a perfect example of the most popular resume out there.

What is a chronological resume?

The chronological resume is a format that focuses on the employment history section where work experience is listed. The main idea is that you start with your most recent or current position and work backward through all your relevant experience of the past 10 years. 

NOTE: This structure is sometimes called the “reverse-chronological resume format.”

It's been said that past behavior is the most reliable predictor of future outcomes. Therefore, prospective employers rely on your career accomplishments to get an idea of what you can do for them. That's part of what makes the reverse-chronological resume format so popular. 

When hiring managers can quickly digest what you've done in the past, they are able to get a feel for whether you'll be the right candidate for their team. By focusing your career history on the most recent experiences and working backward for about 10 years, you provide the most up-to-date and accurate representation of what you bring to the table. 

It's critical to note that the structure of your reverse-chronological resume is important, too. How the information is laid out on the page will aid the hiring manager – who's spending mere seconds glancing at it – to easily find the information about your career history they want. 

How to structure a chronological resume

Your chronological resume will contain at least six sections with relevant headers. Here's an outline of what you should include in your chronological resume:

Contact information 

You want the hiring manager to contact you for an interview, right? Well, here's the place to make sure they have the details they need to do just that. Include your name (it doesn't have to be your full legal name – just use whatever you go by), location, phone number, and email address. You can also add links to your LinkedIn profile (if it's been properly optimized) and any online portfolios you may have

The headline grabs the reader's attention. Write a one-line blurb that contains the title of the job found in the job description, along with a couple of relevant keywords that will help you to stand out from the crowd. 

A summary or professional profile

Your professional summary is a three to five-sentence paragraph that outlines the major events of your career. Start with something that mirrors the title on the job description and match it up with the hard and soft skills you have. Throw in at least one achievement.

This is the place for a bulleted list of skills. Include 9-12 skills that you have that will show the hiring manager you have what it takes to get the job done. Use the same language and keywords you find in the job description to ensure that your resume makes it past the ATS .

Work experience or employment history

Now you've come to the nitty-gritty part of your resume – what you've done, when, and where. Keep in mind that hiring managers will look to your past accomplishments to see what you have to bring to their team. It may be tempting to dump everything you've ever done , but relevancy is critical. 

Let's take a closer look at how to write this section. 

Always list the name of the company you work for first. This is important because if you have a company where you held multiple roles, you can stack the roles to show progression. You need the following information as a sub-heading:

Employer name

Dates worked

Then, add 4-5 bullet points to discuss various aspects of your time in the position. You can focus on topics like:

Projects or tasks you completed

Skills you used

Awards and achievements

Numbers and statistics that quantify your successes

Make sure to list these entries starting with your most recent or current job and working backward, as this is a fundamental component of the reverse-chronological resume format.

For your education, you can (and should) include degrees and the colleges you've attended. However, don't forget about things like professional development classes, certifications, and licenses. Spell out acronyms and omit your graduation dates. Again, this section should be presented in reverse-chronological format. 

Additional sections like awards, hobbies, or languages

Sometimes, there are things you've done outside of the regular work day that are also important to securing a new job. You can create additional sections on your resume for things like public speaking, special projects, and awards. Just remember, if you're adding it to your reverse-chronological resume, it needs to be relevant to the hiring manager who will receive it.

Tips on when to use a reverse-chronological resume format

The chronological resume is considered the standard resume format because it suits the widest range of professionals, including people in healthcare, IT, law, HR, business, and education. It's especially useful if you've enjoyed a progressive career with advancements through promotions and new jobs.

The chronological resume is less suitable for creative or independent professions, where gig work and short-term contracts are part of the career path. In those cases, alternative resume formats like functional or hybrid models may be more suitable. 

Expert Tip: You should try to use the hybrid format instead of the functional format. There' a bit of a stigma associated with using the functional resume format .

How to use reverse-chronological resume format

Now that you know what a chronological resume is, what the outline looks like, and who should use it, let's dig into the actual writing part.

The format of your chronological resume is almost as important as the writing, because a clean and organized layout is one of the best ways to show that you're a professional and motivated candidate. 

Make sure to use bold or italics to highlight the key information within your resume, including the employment history section. 

Examples of chronological resumes

To get a sense of what goes into a great chronological resume, let's look at the employment history section for a customer service representative:

Customer Service Representative, Fort Worth, TX

August 2020 - present 

Handled customer calls and responded to queries about services, product malfunctions, promotions, and billing

Worked to address all customer concerns in a timely and effective manner

Calmly handled 200+ calls each day

Developed successful tactics to upsell products and services to customers

Piloted a feedback program that resulted in a 15% increase in branch sales

Here's an option for a Server:

Rooster Bar & Grill, Boston

Lead Server

June 2018 - August 2022

Managed a staff of 15 as the Lead Server at a high-end downtown restaurant

Achieved promotion to Lead Server six months after joining the team

Upsold wine pairing suggestions to customers, based on preferences

Memorized ingredients and allergens on a menu of 30+ dishes

Performed bartending responsibilities during holiday weekends and special events

Check out this example for a Sales Associate:

ABC Pet Shop, Durham, NC

Sales Associate 

September 2021 - present

Maintained a clean shop environment and neat product displays

Gained recognition for reliability and zero absence work record

Fed animals and made sure they had access to fresh water

Answered customer questions and referred to other departments

Helped customers find products that best fit the needs of their pet

Maintained accurate work logs and reported inconsistencies

Chronological resume template

If you're looking for a little more help creating a flawless chronological resume, here's a template that can allow you to quickly plug in your information and be assured of the right format. These are the essential sections, but you may find hobbies, memberships, or other additional sections to be necessary on your resume.

Header information

Your name & job title

Phone number

Email address

LinkedIn profile

Professional summary

Add a paragraph explaining who you are, what you do, your industry and your area of expertise. Show off your soft and hard skills and give an example of a past accomplishment to show how you can add value to a new employer. 

Employment history

Employer name and job title

Dates worked and location

Main duties and responsibilities

A key skill demonstrated

Measurable achievement #1

Measurable achievement #2

Degree name, school

Dates attended, location

Optional bullet point for GPA

Optional bullet point for leadership positions

How to adapt the reverse-chronological resume format for students

Whenever possible, first-time job seekers should aim to create a reverse-chronological resume. However, they may have to resort to an alternative if they lack experience. 

Trying to land your first job as a student or recent graduate can feel daunting, especially when you don't have much experience to show. While it may be tempting to try out another style of resume, the reverse-chronological resume format can actually be adapted to the needs of students with little effort.

If you don't have any traditional employment to show, simply rename the section “Experience.” This allows you to include any volunteer positions, hobbies, side jobs, internships, or school activities that can serve as your work history for the time being. You may also wish to move the Education section above the Experience section, as it's likely to be more relevant to your current aspirations. 

The rest of the rules of the chronological resume apply, including listing your positions from most recent to oldest and making bold section headings. Here's an example:

Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America

May 2022- present, Richmond

Awarded the highest honor for scouts after passing a lengthy review process

Planned and completed the final project involving new traffic patterns at deadly intersections

Reviewed accident records and worked with city officials to develop a crosswalk plan

Worked to educate the local community on safe pedestrian practices

Treasurer, National Math Honor Society, Arcs High School

September 2021 - May 2022, Richmond

Managed bookkeeping and revenue for the high school chapter of a national organization

Tracked payments and expenses and created reports for the Club Supervisor

Worked to eliminate unnecessary spending, resulting in 20% additional profit for the club

Organized four fundraisers that brought in $10,000 over the course of a year

Petsitter, Private client

June 2020 - present, Richmond area

Supervised and took care of three dogs for a neighbor during a two-week vacation

Took dogs on walks twice a day and fed them according to owner's instructions

Reported issues and behavior changes to the owner and adapted accordingly

Land your dream job

With these tips, templates, and adaptable examples, you're on your way to creating a great chronological resume, wowing the socks off a hiring manager, and landing your dream job.

Find more resume writing advice in our related articles below, or upload your resume for a free resume review from our experts!

This article was originally written by Anna Muckerman and has been updated by Marsha Hebert.

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Reverse Chronological Resume Templates

The most commonly used resume format is a reverse-chronological one as it shows hiring managers how you progressed throughout your career.

Reverse Chronological Resume Templates

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You Should Probably Be Using a Chronological Resume—Here’s What It Is and How to Make One

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If you don’t organize your resume properly, it’s all too easy for it to look like a bunch of mumbo jumbo. And when all those words and numbers blend together into a big mess, you make it that much harder for a recruiter or hiring manager to see the point in bringing you in for an interview.

That’s where the chronological resume format comes in.

What Is a Chronological Resume?

You know what a resume is, right? A one-pager documenting your work experience, education, skills, and extracurriculars that paints a nice clear picture of what makes you a valuable employee or hire?

Well, a chronological resume does that by listing your work and other experiences in reverse chronological order, meaning your most recent jobs are at the top of your resume and your least recent jobs are down below. (This is why it’s sometimes called a reverse chronological resume—because that more accurately explains what’s going on.)

That doesn’t mean that everything you’ve ever done gets listed exactly in reverse chronological order, though. If you have jobs that overlap in a certain timeframe, for example, you might choose to list the job that’s most relevant to the role you’re applying for first, regardless of when you started it.

It’s also pretty common to put your education and activities in their own section or sections, rather than mixing them in with your work experience. If you went to graduate school or have multiple education experiences, you’d still list them in reverse chronological order within your education section, for consistency.

Who Should Use a Chronological Resume?

The beauty of this layout is that it works for just about anyone looking for any kind of job. Students and new grads tend to lean on this format because it’s the simplest way to organize their limited work experience. The same goes for professionals at any level with a consistent career history—in other words, those who’ve gone from job to job without gaps (or with very few gaps) between roles.

A chronological format is also the most popular layout hiring managers see. That means if you go with this format, your resume will be easily understood by any type of recruiter out there.

What’s in a Chronological Resume, and How Does It Differ From Other Resume Formats?

A chronological resume includes the following:

  • Your name and contact information (at the top of the page as the header)
  • Your work experience, including your responsibilities and accomplishments for each job you’ve held (you can include this under one header, “Work Experience,” or divide it into “Relevant Work Experience” and “Additional Work Experience” if you want to really tailor your resume to a specific job)
  • Your education and certifications
  • Your skills and hobbies
  • Other activities or volunteer experiences
  • A summary statement (this is optional and usually not needed unless you’re a higher-level executive or career changer)

The way these items are organized is simple: Your work history goes toward the top—because it’s the main focus—with each role listed in reverse chronological order. Your education, skills, and activities fall toward the bottom or off to the side of the page—except if you’re a new grad, in which case you may list education at the top.

Other formats, like a functional resume or combination resume , include these same elements but in a different layout. A functional resume groups your experience and responsibilities not by role but by skill, and lists your jobs and education at the bottom. A combination resume, on the other hand, is a mix between a functional resume and a chronological resume, highlighting both your skills and experience in equal measure. Both of these layouts are less common than a chronological resume and are used most often by career changers, people with unique career paths, and people who have taken long breaks between jobs.

How Do You Write a Chronological Resume?

The best course of action for writing a chronological resume is to start off with a rough outline (or use a template ). In your head or on paper, list out every work-related experience you’ve had. Based on that information, decide how you want to sort that information and how many “sections” of your resume you want to create. You’ll most likely include several or all of the sections listed in bullets above (more or less in that order).

Once you know the layout, start to plug in your information in reverse chronological order, including with each job you’ve had your title, company (and sometimes company location), dates of employment, and three to five bullet points explaining what you achieved and the skills you built in that position.

If you’ve never written a resume before, definitely take a look at this comprehensive guide to making a resume for more thorough advice.

What Does a Chronological Resume Look Like?

OK, so this all sounds good and dandy to you, but you’re still not sure exactly what this looks like in practice. Don’t fret—here’s a sample chronological resume you can use as a reference when you decide to make your own.

sample resume reverse chronological order

Download an Example Chronological Resume

Anything Else I Should Know About a Chronological Resume?

How you format your resume is only half the battle. The other half is about making sure the content itself is in tip top shape—because that’s what recruiters are reading, after all. This means that your bullet points should start off with strong action verbs and showcase your accomplishments rather than just your duties.

Don’t forget to tailor your resume to the role you’re applying for—make sure your bullet points match up with the qualifications and responsibilities in the job description, and that you’re including relevant keywords the company’s applicant tracking system, or ATS , may be scanning for. And of course, check (and double check) your information for spelling and grammar mistakes.

One more note: Try keeping your resume to one page, unless you’re at least a decade into your career. Hiring managers love to skim resumes, and long ones tend to turn them off. Save all the little details you can’t fit into your resume for your cover letter and interviews.

sample resume reverse chronological order

Reverse Chronological Resume Templates

sample resume reverse chronological order

What you miss out on with a Reverse Chronological Resume.

Resume Checker

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Cover Letter Generator

Resume summary generator.

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Resume Reviewer

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Resume Rewriter

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Job Description Keyword Finder

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LinkedIn Summary Generator

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LinkedIn Resume Builder

Showcase your experience with our reverse-chronological formats, find and select a resume template.

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Resume Templates by Job

Explore our comprehensive selection of resume examples across job titles, industries, experience levels, and more. Draw inspiration from thousands of real samples hand-picked by our team.

Administrative Assistant

sample resume reverse chronological order

Front End Developer

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Executive Assistant

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Types of Resume Layouts in 2024

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The complete guide to crafting impactful, one-page resumes and making effective use of limited space.

sample resume reverse chronological order

Explore the benefits and use cases for two-page resume. See when it's strategic, and when it's not.

sample resume reverse chronological order

Discover the best resume formats to stand out in todays job market as we head into 2024.

Customize Your Next Resume with a Reverse Chronological Style

Take full advantage of Teal's advanced customization options that give you full control over the look and feel of your resume template.

  • Color Patterns
  • Date Formatting
  • Date Range Control
  • Section Order
  • Section Groupings
  • Skill Categories

sample resume reverse chronological order

Choosing a Reverse Chronological Template for Your Next Resume

The reverse-chronological resume, a time-honored classic in the job search arsenal, remains a favorite among recruiters and hiring managers. This format, emphasizing a clear timeline of your professional journey, is ideal for showcasing a steady career progression and highlighting your most recent and relevant experiences. In this guide, we'll delve into how reverse-chronological resume templates can effectively capture your career milestones, providing valuable insights for job seekers aiming to leverage this traditional yet powerful format.

Reverse-chronological resumes are particularly advantageous for those with a strong, linear career trajectory and for job roles that value extensive experience and expertise in a specific field. By strategically using 'reverse chronological' keywords and a layout that emphasizes your work history, these templates help you present a compelling narrative that aligns perfectly with your career goals.

Key Aspects of a Great Reverse Chronological Resume Template

A well-crafted reverse-chronological resume template should have certain key features that aid in presenting your professional story in a coherent and impactful manner:

Clear Timeline of Work Experience

‍ The essence of this format is a well-structured timeline, listing your jobs starting with the most recent and working backward. This layout makes it easy for employers to trace your career growth and achievements.

Emphasis on Career Progression and Achievements

‍ Highlight key achievements and responsibilities in each role, demonstrating how your experience has evolved. This focus on progression is a crucial element of the reverse-chronological resume.

Concise Education and Skills Section

‍ While the spotlight is on work experience, ensure your education and skills are concisely presented, complementing your professional narrative without overwhelming it.

Professional and Clean Design

‍ Opt for a template with a professional and uncluttered design. This aesthetic ensures that the emphasis remains on your work history and achievements.

Adaptability for Different Professions

‍ Select a template that can be easily adapted to suit various professions, allowing for subtle adjustments while maintaining the core reverse-chronological structure.

Key Considerations for Any Reverse Chronological Resume Format

When opting for a reverse-chronological resume, consider these essential points to ensure that your resume is not just chronologically sound but also strategically compelling:

Highlighting Recent Relevant Roles

‍ Prioritize detailing recent roles that are most relevant to the position you're applying for. This relevancy ensures that your resume resonates with the specific requirements of the job.

Balancing Detail and Brevity

‍ Provide enough detail to showcase your achievements and responsibilities, but be brief enough to maintain the reader's interest throughout your career history.

Incorporating Keywords Strategically

‍ Weave relevant keywords throughout your resume naturally. This approach helps in aligning with the specific language of your industry and the job description.

Consistency in Formatting and Style

‍ Maintain consistency in formatting, such as dates, job titles, and company names. A consistent style aids in readability and professionalism.

Build Your Resume with Teal

Should I use a Reverse Chronological resume template for my job application?

The reverse-chronological resume is particularly beneficial for individuals with a solid and continuous work history. It might not be the best choice for those with significant employment gaps or those who are new to the workforce.

Can I use any of these templates for free?

Absolutely. While the core structure remains focused on chronological work history, the content and emphasis can be tailored to suit different industries and roles, making it a versatile choice.

To make your reverse-chronological resume stand out, focus on quantifiable achievements in your roles, use a clean and professional layout, and ensure the content is concise and relevant to the job you're applying for.

How can I make my resume stand out with a Reverse Chronological template?

Yes, reverse-chronological resumes are generally ATS-friendly due to their clear structure and straightforward layout. However, ensure you include relevant keywords and maintain a simple format for optimal ATS readability.

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sample resume reverse chronological order

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How to Decide Whether to Use the Reverse Chronological Resume

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In This Guide:

What is the reverse chronological resume format

Benefits of the reverse chronological resume

Who is the reverse chronological resume for

Is the reverse chronological resume format right for you

66 Reverse chronological resumes

Why is the reverse chronological resume format better

How to write a reverse chronological resume

What’s at stake when using a reverse chronological resume

Chronological or reverse chronological resumes

The truth about reverse chronological resumes

Reverse chronological vs functional vs combination format, key takeaways.

Resume image 1

The reverse chronological resume is the most common resume format out there, but is it impactful?

Today’s hiring landscape requires you to not only provide recruiters with information but to package it in a way that they remember. Especially when there’s a tsunami of applicants arriving at their desks.

Everyone is reduced to a piece of paper when it comes to resumes, so how can you make yours as effective as possible?

See the benefits of the reverse-chronological resume and examples of how others have used it in their job application process below. Or explore our professionally designed  chronological resume templates  instead!

Retail Management Professional | Leadership | Product Innovation resume example

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

What is the reverse chronological resume format?

The reverse-chronological resume describes the most recent job first and moves backward in time for every subsequent position.

The format comes with the following general expectation of flow:

Resume header

  • Personal summary
  • Work experience
  • Skills section
  • Optional - any other relevant sections that make sense for the job you’re targeting. For example, projects, volunteering, or languages.

While this is the convention, it’s certainly not the law. You can keep the spirit of a reverse-chronological resume without sticking to a restricting structure. We’ll get into this further on in the article.

Read our full guide about resume sections  to confidently optimize a stronger resume that’s more likely to attract job recruiters!

What are the benefits of using a reverse chronological resume?

Going with a reverse chronological resume format can really boost your job application. This style has some great benefits that help show off your career growth and achievements in the best way possible. Here’s what a reverse chronological resume will help you achieve:

Provide a clear narrative of your career

Inconsistencies inyour career history are one of the first red flags recruiters will notice. Especially since recruiters spend just 6 seconds  on initial screenings, your resume can easily be overlooked.

The recruiter is interested in the story of your career  — including what brought you to this current position. This can play into your culture fit and your impact on the team dynamics within the organization.

To illustrate this, let’s see what Jonathan, one of Enhancv’s customers, wrote on his resume.

  • • Logged over 1,000 incoming and outgoing food donations into the inventory database within the Logistics department.
  • • Collaborated with 10+ beneficiary centers to project demand and prepare outgoing food pallets.
  • • Partnered with 15 local businesses to initiate food donations and maintained relationships with current donors.
  • • Compiled and analyzed performance and workload data for 50+ research centers across the country.
  • • Produced fiscal year retrospective reports on trends and analyses and quarterly reporting of key performance metrics.
  • • Prepared and participated in 10+ briefings for senior leadership of the Agency on performance trends.
  • • Developed content and compiled a weekly electronic report distributed to over 500 employees, detailing upcoming events, deadlines, vacancy opportunities, and employee spotlights.
  • • Served as confidential assistant to the Director, trusted with sensitive information, and engaged in discussions to improve team performance, streamline processes, and enhance operational efficiency of administrative service delivery.

When Jonathan was getting his job at HEB (one of the largest grocery retailers in Texas), he used the reverse-chronological order with Enhancv’s resume builder  to highlight his journey into operations from data analytics. Because of this, job recruiters were able to estimate his skill level and recognize his commitment to the area.

Line up with recruiters’ expectations

Sometimes the traditional route is best. This can come into play when applying to large organizations with standardized application forms or those who rely on Automated Tracking Systems (ATS).

With the reverse-chronological resume being the most common, it’s easily analyzed by the ATS  and gives recruiters exactly what they’re looking for. They can directly identify your most recent job and quickly assess how that experience compares to what you’ll be doing.

As the saying goes, “You’re only as good as your last performance”.

Have big names play in your favor

One of the advantages of using this format is that it emphasizes the organizations you’ve worked at previously. If you’ve worked with some heavy hitters in your industry, this can create a great impression on the hiring managers and separate you from the crowd.

  • • Helped establish the Disney Cruise Line brand leading up to and including the maiden voyage of the Disney Magic.
  • • Worked in partnership with Disney alliance partners (Coca-Cola, General Motors, American Express, et al) to achieve synergy as an extension of other Disney brands.
  • • Selected to serve with elite Event Services division to coordinate and execute the press event for the 25th Anniversary of Walt Disney World.
  • • Honored with prestigious Partners in Excellence award, internal recognition for top 2% Cast Members (employees) - the highest recognition within the Walt Disney Company.

Who is the reverse chronological resume for?

There are 4 common cases when you’d need to provide a reverse chronological overview of your experience. It’s best for:

  • Professionals with a consistent work history : If you have a stable career progression, the chronological resume format highlights it, showing potential employers your growth and reliability over time.
  • Individuals advancing in their career : If you're aiming for a higher position, the reverse-chronological resume style emphasizes your most recent roles and accomplishments, proving you're ready for the next step.
  • Job seekers in the same industry : If you're staying within your field, this chronological format makes it simple for employers to track your career development and relevant experience.
  • Students and recent graduates : If you're fresh out of school, this format showcases your latest achievements and education, making it easy for employers to see your most relevant experiences first. (Yes, even your education section entries  should be listed in reverse chronological order).

Is the reverse chronological resume format right for you?

Your best bet would be to craft a resume using one of the other two formats to make your employment gaps less obvious . For example, the hybrid resume allows you to highlight your skills rather than your career progression, providing a good workaround.

We recommend avoiding this format if you're in an entry-level role  or have mainly temporary work experience.

Just remember, whichever format you choose, list your experience, internships, education, and achievements in reverse chronological order.

Reverse chronological resume samples for 66 job titles

Below is a comprehensive list of jobs where the reverse chronological resume can best fit a candidate’s substantial experience.

Here are some job roles where this format is particularly advantageous:

  • Senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO) : For senior executives, a reverse chronological resume highlights an extensive career trajectory and leadership roles. It allows you to demonstrate your experience in managing companies, driving strategic initiatives, and leading large teams.
  • Medical professional (doctor, surgeon, nurse) : Medical professionals benefit from the reverse chronological format as it details their clinical experience, residency, and fellowship training. It also emphasizes your professional development and the increasing responsibility you’ve taken on over time.
  • Academic (professor, research scientist ): Academics and researchers often have a long history of positions, publications, and research projects. The reverse chronological resume allows you to showcase your educational background, academic appointments, and contributions to your field in a structured manner.
  • Attorney (lawyer, legal counsel) : Lawyers and legal professionals can use this format to outline their careers in the legal field, including positions held at different law firms, types of cases handled, and any significant legal victories.
  • Engineer (civil, mechanical, electrical) : You can benefit from this format as it highlights your technical experience, projects completed, and roles within various companies. It provides a clear timeline of your professional development, certifications, and advancements in your engineering career.
  • Sales manager : Use a reverse chronological resume to demonstrate your sales achievements, leadership roles, and the progression of responsibilities. This format is ideal for showcasing a history of meeting or exceeding sales targets and managing sales teams.
  • IT manager/director : IT professionals with extensive experience can use this format to highlight their roles in managing IT infrastructure and leading technology projects. It allows employers to see your growth and contributions to previous organizations.
  • Marketing director : For this role, the reverse chronological resume helps to emphasize your experience in developing and executing marketing strategies, leading teams, and career growth within the marketing domain.
  • Financial analyst : You can use this format to present your career progression, from entry-level analyst roles to senior positions.
  • Operations manager:  Operations managers benefit from a reverse chronological resume by detailing their roles in improving operational efficiency, managing logistics, and overseeing day-to-day operations. This format underscores your career development and achievements in optimizing business processes.

Here are the job titles by sector:

Accounting & finance

  • Accountant Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Auditor Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Business Development Resume
  • Business Intelligence Resume


  • Artist Resume
  • Writer Resume
  • Videographer

Data science

  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Architect Resume
  • Data Engineer Resume
  • Designer Resume
  • UX Designer Resume
  • App Designer Resume


  • Engineering Resume
  • Mechanical Engineer Resume
  • Industrial Engineer Resume
  • Product Engineer
  • Automotive Engineer Resume

Executive and management roles

  • Executive Resume
  • IT Director Resume
  • Chief Marketing Officer Resume

Foodservice and hospitality

  • Chef Resume
  • Restaurant Operations Manager Resume
  • Hospitality Manager Resume
  • Food and Beverage Manager Resume

Government and federal agencies

  • Military Resume
  • Government Resume
  • Federal Resume

Human resources

  • HR Manager Resume
  • Director of Operations Resume
  • HR Business Partner Resume

Information technology

  • Computer Science Resume
  • Information Security Engineer Resume
  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Tech Resume

Law enforcement

  • Police Officer Resume
  • Law Enforcement Resume
  • Lawyer Resume
  • Attorney Resume
  • Legal Assistant Resume


  • Procurement Manager Resume
  • Supply Chain Manager Resume
  • Marketing Director Resume
  • Digital Marketing Manager Resume
  • Brand Manager Resume

Nursing and healthcare

  • Doctor Resume
  • Nurse Resume
  • Psychologist Resume

Project management

  • Project Manager Resume
  • Product Manager Resume
  • Program Manager Resume

Sales and retail

  • Sales Resume
  • Sales Executive Resume
  • Sales Engineer Resume
  • Scientist Resume
  • Researcher Resume

Teaching and education

  • Teacher Resume
  • Teacher Assistant Resume
  • School Counselor Resume

Quality assurance

  • Quality Assurance Engineer Resume
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Test Engineer Resume

Why is the reverse chronological resume format better?

The reason is relevance. On your resume, you should always prioritize experiences and skills directly related to the job you're applying for. Your most recent work experience provides a better reflection of your current qualifications than a job you did 5 years ago. The same applies to your educational progression.

By placing your latest experience at the top, you direct hiring managers’ attention to your most relevant achievements first. This allows them to quickly assess how well you’ll perform in the prospective job. Plus, this format ensures that the most pertinent and updated information is highlighted, making it easier for employers to see your fit for the role.

Always tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for . Don’t list everything that comes to mind just to fill up space. Instead, select keywords from the job description and strategically incorporate them into your resume. This will help you pass the ATS screening and make it easier for recruiters to read through your document.

You’ve probably seen a resume in reverse chronological order before—this is the most common type of resume and it's all over the internet. However, we’re here to give you some quick tips on how to craft yours step by step, along with some insider guidelines on mistakes to avoid.

The reverse chronological resume template should have the following sequence:

The top sections on a reverse chronological resume

  • A clear and informative header  that doesn’t leave recruiters guessing who’s applying for what.
  • A compelling resume summary or objective  that gives hiring managers an overview of your professional expertise and qualifications.
  • A detailed and targeted resume experience section  showing your fit for the role.
  • A concise education section  listing your most relevant academic accomplishments and certifications.
  • A skills section showcasing the tools and techniques you’re most experienced in.
  • An optional additional section  with your top achievements, projects, or publications (whichever is most relevant to the job you’re targeting).

You may wonder what makes these sections so typical of the reverse chronological format. It’s the visual hierarchy they create on the resume. A clear and predictable organization  makes it easier for recruiters to read and assess your qualifications, making them more relaxed and engaged with your resume.

Let’s tackle these sections one by one.

The resume header is the section at the top of your resume and serves as the first point of contact for recruiters. It's often personalized with contrasting colors  and a larger font size  to attract attention. It should contain the following details:

  • Contact information : State your name, job title, and location. Ensure your contact information is professional, including an email address.
  • Links : Include a link to your professional portfolio  or your LinkedIn profile .
  • Resume photo : Generally, it’s best to omit photos  to maintain focus on your qualifications and avoid potential biases.

Mistakes to avoid

Not making your name searchable. To make it easier for recruiters to find your resume in a sea of candidates, ensure your name matches your LinkedIn profile, the email address, and the file name.

Resume profile

A resume profile  is a section that includes a brief overview of your previous experience, skills, and future goals related to a specific job opening. We normally distinguish between two types—a career summary and an objective statement. Here’s how to write yours:

  • A short paragraph : Depending on your level of experience, write 3-5 sentences that highlight your best qualities, skills, and career goals. (Learn more about objective statements  and how they differ from a resume summary).
  • Choice of words : Use strong adjectives  to describe yourself and start each sentence with a dynamic verb. Avoid writing in the first-person perspective .
  • Finish up strong : Use the final sentence to reinforce your message. Make recruiters want to learn more about you.

Writing a resume summary or objective that’s too vague or generic. Ensure your profile is specific, tailored to the job you’re applying for, and highlights your unique qualifications and career goals.

Resume experience section

Your work history section determines the format of your resume. Senior candidates can benefit greatly from listing experience in reverse chronological order, while entry-level individuals should go for a hybrid or functional resume.

This is how your experience entries should be listed:

  • Job title and company : Clearly state your most recent position and the company you worked for.
  • Dates of employment : Include the month and year you started and ended each job. You also have the option of ticking “Ongoing” on the Enhancv’s resume builder.
  • Job description : Optionally, add a short description of your role in the company , especially if it was a startup or an NGO—recruiters will need more context about it.
  • Bullet points : Write 3-5 bullet points about your main tasks, duties, and contributions. Whenever possible, include numbers or statistics to illustrate your impact  (e.g., increased sales by 20%, managed a team of 10).
  • Relevant skills : Mention the skills you developed or used in each position that are pertinent to the job you’re applying for.
  • Action verbs : Start each bullet entry with an action verb  to showcase your initiative.

An experience section that doesn’t provide quantifiable results. Don’t just list job duties—include concrete numbers to make your impact tangible.  

If you need a more detailed breakdown of how to build your experience section, dive into our article: How to List Work Experience on Your Resume—A Guide with Examples .

Resume education

Your education section also needs to follow a specific hierarchy to be more readable. See the steps below:

  • Degree : Start with the highest degree you’ve obtained (e.g., Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D.) and your major or field of study .
  • University or college : Include the name of the institution where you earned your degree.
  • Location : Mention the city and state (or country, if international) of the institution.
  • Graduation date : Provide the month and year of your graduation. If you’re still studying, indicate your expected graduation date .
  • Honors and awards : If applicable, list any honors, awards, or distinctions you received (e.g., summa cum laude , Dean’s List ). If you’re fresh out of school, your GPA might come in handy, but only if it’s above 3.5.
  • Relevant coursework : Optionally, include coursework relevant to the job  you’re applying for, especially if you’re a recent graduate or changing careers .

Omitting important details. Make sure you include all critical information to ensure clarity and completeness.

Resume skills

Resume skills  help potential employers identify whether you would be a good fit for the role. Consider the whole process from the recruiter's point of view. They’ll either briefly skim the document to identify relevant skills or work with ATS to identify them. Use the tips below to make your skills section count:

  • Hard skills:  If your job relies on software or specific tools, list your technical skills  in a dedicated section on your resume.
  • Soft skills : Unlike hard skills , which can be validated by certifications, soft skills  are harder to prove. Integrate them into other resume sections and provide concrete examples of how you’ve demonstrated these skills.
  • Relevance : Always prioritize listing skills that are specifically required in the job description.

Including irrelevant or generic skills that don’t align with the job you’re applying for.  Always tailor your skills to match the job description, ensuring they’re specific and relevant to the position. This will make your resume more targeted  and appealing to employers.  

Additional sections

Depending on the job you’re applying for, inserting more sections into your resume can add value to your application.

  • Space : Only add extra sections if you have enough space. A one-page resume  is usually sufficient unless you have over 10 years of experience or are in a C-level position.
  • Tailored approach : Choose sections based on the job requirements. For example, if you lack direct experience , you might include a “Hobbies & Interests” section  to show how your leisure activities relate to the role.
  • Common additional sections : Certifications , languages , and projects  are often even mandatory for certain jobs. The key here is to include those that will strengthen your application the most.

Overloading with information and irrelevance.  Providing too much detail can make the resume poorly targeted, lengthy, and difficult to read. Aim for conciseness and relevance.

Reverse chronological resume example — SEO Content Specialist

Senior Content Specialist | SEO & Blogging Enthusiast resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — IT Specialist

Information Technology Specialist | Cybersecurity | Data Analysis resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Accountant

Experienced Financial Accountant resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Project Manager

Certified Project Management Professional resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Product Manager

Product Manager | Strategy & Innovation resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Executives

Experienced Technology Executive resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Doctor

Urgent Care Physician | Telemedicine | Patient Care resume example

Reverse chronological resume example — Financial Analyst

Financial Analyst | Data Analysis | Budgeting resume example

Reverse chronological resume template

[Your Name]

[Your City, State, ZIP]  | [Your Phone Number] | [Your Email Address] [LinkedIn Profile] | [Professional Website or Portfolio]

Professional summary

A concise summary highlighting your key qualifications, skills, and career goals. Typically 3-4 sentences.

Professional experience

[Most recent job title] [Company Name], [City, State] [Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

  • Optional description.
  • [Action verb] [your duty and/or accomplishment] [quantified results].

[Previous job title] [Company Name], [City, State] [Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

[Earlier job title] [Company Name], [City, State] [Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

[Degree Earned] [University Name], [City, State] [Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

  • Relevant coursework: [Course Names]
  • Honors and awards: [Any relevant honors or awards]


  • [Certification Name], [Issuing Organization], [Month/Year]
  • Technical skills: List relevant technical skills
  • Hard skills: List role-specific practical skills
  • Languages : List any languages spoken, if applicable.
  • Professional affiliations

[Organization Name], Member since [Year]

  • Projects  (if applicable)

            [Project title]            [City, State] [Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

            Description of responsibilities and achievements.

What’s at stake when using a reverse chronological resume?

Here are some of the considerations that pop into mind when creating a reverse chronological resume.

Gaps in your resume become more noticeable

“Do they still possess the same skills they had X years ago?” “Will they be able to adapt to the current market?”

These are just two of many possible questions the recruiter might not even spend the time to try and get an answer.

A chronological timeline will make the gaps in your career  more apparent. If it's been a couple of years since your most recent job, that can be a red flag for the recruiter.

(Tip: One way to overcome this difficulty is to describe other projects or skills you’ve developed during the break.)

Harder to navigate through different sectors

Let’s say you have experience in both music and marketing. You’ve spent the last five years pursuing jobs in music, but now you’re looking for a new job in marketing.

In this case, it might make sense to use a reverse-chronological resume format. However, sticking to this structure could make your experience seem irrelevant. This makes it even harder for you, especially when you’re trying to move through the different areas that you’re skilled in.

(Tip: When building your resume, only select experience that’s relevant to the position you’re applying for).

Not optimal for first-time job seekers

With prior experience being the crux of this resume format, it’s going to be difficult to write your first resume  in reverse chronological order. For this reason, this format is not suitable for those entering the job market or applying for volunteer positions for the first time.

(Tip: Go for a skills-based resume and make your strengths and talents shine through).

Chronological or reverse chronological resumes?

Chronological and reverse chronological resumes are often used interchangeably as they refer to the same format. They both mean listing your work experience starting from the most recent position and moving backward in time.

However, we use the more precise convention—reverse chronological—to avoid confusion.

This is a traditional format and it’s great for organizing your experience. Still, keep in mind that reverse chronological resumes are far from one-size-fits-all.

In reality, your resume should be tailored to the position you’re applying for . That’s what we call a targeted resume . This may mean starting with a less recent job first as long as it’s more pertinent to the prospective role.

With Enhancv’s resume builder, you can describe your previous experience in modular segments that can be moved as pieces to any place on your resume. This makes positioning easily streamlined, so you don’t have to worry too much.

Overall, you’ll benefit from organizing your resume by relevance and impact, not by date.

Besides the reverse chronological resume, there are two other formats that suit different needs.

  • The functional (skills-based) resume  focuses on skills and experiences rather than a chronological work history, making it ideal for career changers  or those with gaps in employment. You can put your skills section at the top, just below the resume summary, and provide relevant information about your strengths and abilities.
  • The combination (or hybrid) resume blends elements of both the reverse chronological and the functional formats, highlighting skills and achievements at the top, followed by a detailed work history. This format is great for showcasing relevant skills while also providing a clear employment timeline. It’s best for roles in project management, marketing, graphic design, and software development where a mix of technical and interpersonal skills is essential.

Take a look at the table below to see how the three formats compare to each other.

Differences between the three resume formats

Choosing the right resume format can make a huge difference in catching a recruiter’s eye. The reverse chronological resume is a popular choice for a reason, offering a clear and organized way to present your career history.

  • Tells your career story : This format provides a straightforward timeline of your professional journey, making it easy for recruiters to see your growth and development.
  • Recruiter-friendly : It’s a format that recruiters know well and can quickly scan, especially with the help of ATS.
  • Showcases top employers : If you’ve worked for some big names, this format highlights those prestigious employers, helping you stand out.
  • Perfect for stable careers : If you have a consistent work history, this format shows off your reliability and continuous growth.
  • Great for moving up : It’s ideal for those looking to advance in their careers, as it emphasizes your most recent roles and achievements.
  • Best for staying in the same field : If you’re sticking within your industry, this format makes it easy for employers to track your relevant experience.
  • Good for new graduates : Even if you’re just out of school, this format can showcase your latest achievements and education, putting your most relevant qualifications front and center.

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Chronological Resume - Writing Guide With 5 Free Templates

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The chronological resume - also known as the “reverse chronological resume” - is the most popular resume format out there.

Particularly advisable for those with rich work history, the chronological resume prioritizes and lists your work experience and achievements from most to least recent.

This article is here to teach you all there is to know about creating a chronological resume.

  • What is a Chronological Resume? 

Chronological Resume Structure 

  • When to Use a Chronological Resume Format? 
  • 4 Free Chronological Resume Templates
  • How to Create a Chronological Resume - Step by Step
  • 9+ Chronological Resume Examples for All Industries

What is a Chronological Resume?

A chronological resume lists your work experiences and achievements starting from the current or most recent one, and following up with previous jobs below.

For this exact reason, the chronological resume is the perfect choice for job-seekers who have plenty of experience and achievements to list on their resume .  

What’s most important, studies point to the chronological resume being a favorite among recruiters, too.

Why? Well, because you are applying for a job, so work experience in your resume will be the first thing a recruiter looks out for.

But worry not, you can structure your resume in a chronological format even as a recent graduate too. Or, you can opt for other popular formats fitter to your profile.

But first, let’s go through the basics. 

The chronological resume follows a straightforward structure. The only thing to keep in mind is that your current or most recent experience - be it professional or educational - comes first.

The second most recent will follow, and so on.

Here are the main and most popular sections for the chronological resume structure:

  • Contact information
  • Professional title and resume summary/objective
  • Work experience and achievements
  • Education section
  • Your top soft/hard skills
  • Include optional sections (languages, certificates, volunteer experience, etc)

If you’re a recent college graduate and want to build your resume in the chronological structure format, you still can.

All you have to do is rearrange the order of your resume sections so that the education resume section comes first.

Here, too, make sure that your education entries are listed from the most to least recent, and you’re good to go!

If reading this is already looking too complicated and time-consuming, try out the Novorésumé online resume builder . Novorésumé provides 8+ free resume templates that follow the chronological resume structure. 

When to Use a Chronological Resume Format

The three main types of resume formats are the chronological, functional/skills-based one, and a combination resume format of the two. What you choose to use will depend on the type of job you are applying for and your experience level.

In the majority of cases, the obvious choice is the chronological resume. It is common, it highlights just the right sections, and job recruiters prefer it over the other formats.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean you should just cross the other options off your list, especially if your work experience doesn’t amount to much.

Consider these other two formats, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages as well: 

Functional Resume

  • Perfect for students or recent graduates, as it highlights your skills. 
  • Offers creative space for a varied portfolio 
  • Difficult to pass through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) that most companies use to scan through countless resumes they receive daily. 
  • It conceals your experiences, however minor they might be. 

Combination Resume

  • A great choice for job-seekers with a diverse skill-set, because it highlights both skills and experiences. 
  • It can mask gaps in your employment history since you can also list your skills, so it’s the second-best option for those who lack work experience. 
  • It is a really good fit only for highly specialized professionals who have a very diverse skill-set. Say, for example, that you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in 3-4 different fields, and you want to show all that in your resume - then, the combination resume really is the one for you.
  • It is hard to organize. As a professional with a diverse skill-set, it might be a challenge to decide which part of your expertise to prioritize in the combination resume format.

4 Chronological Resume Templates 

Below, you will find 5 chronological resume templates out of many free resume templates. Dig right in to find the best match for you. 

#1. Creative Chronological Resume Template 

Creative Chronological Resume Template

#2: Modern Chronological Resume Template 

Modern Chronological Resume Template

#3: Professional Chronological Resume Template

Professional Chronological Resume Template

#4: Functional Chronological Resume Template

Functional Chronological Resume Template

How to Create a Chronological Resume

Now that we mentioned the traditional structure, let’s go through each section one by one to create the perfect chronological resume. 

#1: Start With a Contact Information Section 

Depending on the template you have chosen for your chronological resume, there is a possibility that your name will be directly followed by your professional title right at the top.

How do you fill up your professional title in chronological resume format? Easy. If you’re not looking to change career paths your professional title should be your current title. However, if you’re changing career paths, then choosing the combination resume mentioned above might be a better option for you.

Regarding the rest of the contact information section on your chronological resume, it should be current and lacking any typos. The mandatory elements of the information section include: 

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL (optional)

#2: Add a Resume Summary or Resume Objective

  Second in the chronological resume comes your ‘profile’ as a candidate, which is expressed through a resume summary or a resume objective .

Wondering what the difference is?

Well, the summary is a short (2-3 sentences) overview of your career so far and it is used in 90% of resumes - especially by those with two or more years of work experience. A summary is a perfect fit for the chronological resume.

On the contrary, a resume objective represents your aspirational career goal and highlights your skills, making it perfect for entry-level professionals with little work experience, or job-seekers looking to completely switch career paths. 

#3: Fill in Your Work Experience 

This is, without a doubt, the section that weighs the most when it comes to the chronological resume, so it’s vital that you get it right.

Your work experience section is there to show the recruiter what you can bring to the table through your past accomplishments and responsibilities and what the company would be gaining were they to hire you.   

Feeling pressured? Don’t. There are many practices to help your work experience section stand out in the eyes of the recruiter.

If you are looking for more tips and tricks to help you take your resume to the next level, head over to our beginner’s guide on how to write a resume . 

Here are the key points you should keep in mind when it comes to the work section:

  • This is the most important so we’ll be repeating it as many times as it takes: your current or latest job position should be placed on top. Then come the previous ones, all the way to your earliest job position. 
  • For each entry, list your job title and position, the company and its location, as well as the dates when you were employed. 
  • List your achievements and responsibilities, with a higher focus on quantifiable achievements, whenever you can. 
  • Use bullet points instead of just text to express what you have achieved and what you were responsible for in every job entry. 
  • Tailor the resume to the position you are applying for. For example, if you’ve had too many jobs in the past and some of them don’t relate to the field you are now applying for, then they are just taking space. Feel free to omit them.

Here’s a close-up of a work experience section in the chronological resume:   

reverse chronological work experience

#4: Add an Education Section

Generally, the education section comes right after work experience. 

If, however, you have just graduated college and want to create a chronological resume to start applying for jobs, the education section can replace the experience section that you’d be lacking. 

Either way, the education section should be brief but jam-packed with information that can communicate your values and skills to the recruiter.

Here’s what the education section consists of: 

  • Program Name: E.g. “MA in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies” 
  • University Name: E.g. “University of Greenwich”
  • Period Attended: E.g. “08/1214 - 05/2018”
  • (Optional) GPA: E.g. “3.9 GPA”
  • (Optional) Honors: E.g. “ Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude”
  • (Optional) Academic Achievements: E.g. Papers you might have published, or awards received.  
  • (Optional) Minor: E.g. “Minor in Political Science”  

#5: Spice Up Your Chronological Resume With Your Skills

Needless to say, the reverse-chronological order doesn’t really apply in the skills section. 

What you can do, however, is begin by listing your hard skills and then your soft skills. 

Unsure of what this means? 

  • Hard skills are measurable abilities. These can range from programming in Python language to knowing how to use Photoshop and InDesign.
  • Soft skills are personal skills. They vary from attitude to flexibility, motivation and teamwork. 

Listing your skills has its own peculiarities, so don’t pay this section less attention than the ones above it, especially if you’re a recent college student. Pay attention to skills specifically required at the job ad and if you have them, make sure to include them. 

Here’s an example of how your skills section can look like:  

skills on chronological resume

#6: Include Any of These Optional Sections

Last but not least, come these optional sections.  

Having them in your resume can earn you extra points and even separate you from the competitors, but only if they don’t make your resume longer than it should be (1-2 pages maximum) and if they are relevant to the job position.

Some of those sections include (but are not limited to):

  • Languages : If you speak two or more languages, don’t fail to put that in your resume. To list them, simply categorize your proficiency level into native, fluent, proficient, intermediate, or basic . 
  • Hobbies & Interests : They can help humanize you and show a part of your personality that work and education can’t. If
  • Volunteering Experience : Studies show that volunteering experience actually raises your chances of getting hired . 
  • Certification & Awards : If you have awards that make you stand out in your field or certifications from experts that are relevant to the position you are applying for, don’t hesitate to show them off!

Not sure how adding volunteering experience works? Check our article on how to list volunteer experience on your resume .  

10 Chronological Resume Examples for All Industries

Now let us walk you through a few practical examples of what the chronological resume looks like depending on the industry. 

#1. Business Chronological Resume

Business Chronological Resume

In the world of business, accomplishments matter. This is why in this business chronological resume , the work experience section is jam-packed with measurable information on what the employee achieved in his previous professional experiences. 

#2. Computer Science Chronological Resume

Computer Science Chronological Resume

Computer science jobs are heavily based on hard skills - in addition to your previous work experiences, that is. So, make sure to include your hard skills on your computer science resume to impress recruiters. 

#3. Architect Chronological Resume 

Architect Chronological Resume

As you can see from the example above, the sections that follow your work experience and education can be placed according to your profile. If, for example, you’ve worked on some side projects that you feel do your resume more justice than your skills, feel free to prioritize those projects.

In this article, you can find what’s expected from an architect’s resume in more detail.

#4. Nurse Chronological Resume  

Nurse Chronological Resume

Action verbs can really make an active professional like that of a nurse shine. So when you list your achievements under your experience, use strong verbs that can paint a picture of who you are and what you can do.

#5. Pharmacist Chronological Resume 

Pharmacist Chronological Resume

With plenty of attributes up their sleeve, the chronological format is the perfect choice for a pharmacist’s resume . 

#6. Project Manager Chronological Resume 

Project Manager Chronological Resume

Project manager resumes have good chances to show industry expertise - given they hold the manager title - and highlight successful projects. Feel free to do both in your chronological resume, as shown above. 

#7. Web Developer Chronological Resume

Web Developer Chronological Resume

As you can see in the example, the candidate has chosen to place his courses and training above his education. When you have followed courses or have been trained in the exact field of work where you’re applying, it makes sense to rank the field-specific courses and training higher than your university education. 

This article has more information on how to perfect your Web Developer Resume .

#8. Teacher Chronological Resume 

Teacher Chronological Resume

This is another “special” example of a chronological resume. Right after the experience section, the candidate has listed their volunteering experience. Not normally the case, it makes sense here because the volunteering experience has been as a tutor - which is pretty much the same thing as a teacher in the teacher resume . 

In cases when your volunteering experience is directly connected to the job you are applying for, feel free to list it under professional experience as well. 

#9. Bar Manager Chronological Resume 

Bar Manager Chronological Resume

For more info on how to update your own bar manager chronological resume for 2024, this is the article for you. 

#10. Human Resources Chronological Resume

Human Resources Chronological Resume

The example says it all: the chronological resume does wonders showing the peak of your work experience first, and then going back to your professional history and skills. This article on the HR chronological resume has more tips on how to perfect it.

Discover More Resume Templates

  • Combination Resume Templates
  • Creative Resume Templates
  • Functional Resume Templates
  • Minimalistic Resume Templates
  • High School Resume Templates
  • One Page Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates
  • Google Docs Resume Templates
  • Word Resume Templates

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! 

Let’s do a quick recap of the main points covered in this article: 

  • The chronological resume - or reverse chronological - is a top choice among candidates with years of professional experience and a favorite among recruiters.
  • The chronological resume focuses on your work experience, starting your current or most recent one, and following up with the rest - from most to least recent.
  • Recent college graduates that want to use this format can - simply replace the work section with the education section, following the same reverse-chronological order.
  • Save time and energy building the reverse chronological resume from scratch by using online resume builders , such as the one Novorésumé offers.   

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Reverse Chronological Resume: Tips & Examples

There are three main resume formats, but reverse chronological is by far the most popular as well as the most effective layout for the majority of job seekers. This article will cover when to use a reverse chronological resume and how to create an effective one.

What Is a Reverse Chronological Resume?

In many countries around the world, reverse chronological resumes are considered standard. The format is sometimes referred to simply as a chronological resume, although ‘reverse chronological’ is more accurate since past positions are typically listed starting with your current or most recent job at the top and working backwards in time from there.

A reverse chronological resume prioritizes your previous work experience which makes it the preferred format for most recruiters, who generally look first for your past positions. However, if you don’t have a wealth of work experience, you may wish to use a different resume format to highlight your skills and abilities as outlined in the next section.

The reverse chronological format will also make any gaps in your work history immediately apparent to employers, but taking time away from work is no longer the red flag it once was and you can easily frame the gap in a positive light by simply including a short explanation and/or highlighting skills that you gained during that period.

Reverse chronological resumes are also the easiest for applicant tracking systems ( ATS ) to scan. ATSs are automated computer programs that scan each resume that is submitted to a company, evaluating each one on the basis of how well it matches up to keywords that the employer has inputted regarding their desired experience and skills in a candidate.

Other Resume Formats

The two other main resume formats are functional resumes and combination resumes.

A functional resume showcases your skills over your past experience, which can be beneficial for freelancers, those in creative industries, and those who have gaps in their work history or little to no work history to mention. However, a functional resume can be more difficult for hiring managers to scan and it can present some red flags that you might be intentionally concealing your work experience or lack thereof.

A combination resume includes elements of both reverse chronological and functional resumes, which allows you to highlight your skills as well as your experience while also glossing over gaps in your employment. But, a combination resume can be difficult to format effectively and is best used only when applying to highly specialized positions.

When To Use a Reverse Chronological Resume

A reverse chronological resume is a great choice if you have at least a few years of professional work experience, but the format is very versatile.

In an ideal scenario where you have several years of experience in one industry and are applying for another position in the same field, a reverse chronological resume will clearly demonstrate your career progression.

However, you can still reap the benefits of a reverse chronological resume even if you don’t have much work experience, such as if you are a student or a recent graduate. In that case, you can place your education section above your work experience section and still list everything in reverse chronological order. You can include internships, volunteer work, and so forth in your work experience section.

Again, if you are concerned about a reverse chronological resume exposing gaps in your work history, it is now considered acceptable to include an explanation for each gap in the same format that you would list a past job. Simply list the dates and the reason for the gap. If applicable (such as if you took time off to complete a training course or certification), you can also include bullet points that outline your new skills and qualifications .

What To Include on a Reverse Chronological Resume

If you’ve decided that a reverse chronological resume makes sense for your situation, here are the key sections to include:

Resume Header

Your resume header goes at the very top of your resume and should include your full name, your phone number, your email address, your LinkedIn URL, links to your online portfolio or professional website if you have one, and your city and state (or your full mailing address if you prefer).

Resume Summary or Objective

Next, add your resume introduction section, which can either be a resume summary or a resume objective depending on your situation. If you have at least a few years of experience in the industry that you are applying for, use a summary to highlight your skills and experience. An objective statement is usually a better option if you are a student, have recently graduated, or are making a career change.

Work Experience

If you have at least a few years of work experience in your target industry, add your work experience section next. If you are still a student or you’ve recently graduated, you can place your education section above your work experience.

List your relevant work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent position. You don’t need to include every position that you’ve ever held, especially if you have previously worked jobs that aren’t pertinent to your current career. For example, if you worked as a lifeguard in high school or college and you are now several years out of school and applying for an engineering position, you don’t need to include that on your resume.

For each job, include your official title, the company name and location, and the dates you worked there (months and years only). Under each one, add a few bullet points that outline your skills and achievements , focusing on how well you performed in the position rather than just listing job duties and responsibilities. Quantify your accomplishments with numbers and data whenever possible.

If you have a college degree and at least a few years of professional experience, your education section can be brief, listing the university you went to, the degree you earned, and the dates you attended. There’s no need to list your high school information if you’ve already earned an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or more advanced degree. If you have multiple degrees, list the highest one first followed by the others in reverse chronological order.

However, if you are currently in high school or college or you don’t have much professional experience, you can include your high school information. To make up for a lack of work experience, you may wish to include extra details about your education, including your GPA (if it’s above a 3.5), relevant coursework, honors and awards, and so forth.

While you should work your skills into all other sections of your resume, you can also create a dedicated section to highlight your hard and soft skills . Be sure to list only skills that are relevant to the job that you are applying for. Read the job posting carefully to identify which skills and qualities the employer is looking for, and use those keywords in your resume. Consider using resume action verbs to convey your skills more effectively.

Optional Resume Sections

If you still have room on your resume after including all of the above sections, you can add optional resume sections such as hobbies and interests, certifications , languages , volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, and so forth.

Your resume should only be a single page if you have less than ten years of experience in your industry, and no more than two pages if you have more experience than that.

Example of a Reverse Chronological Resume

Here’s an example of what a reverse chronological resume might look like:

John Sample

Salt Lake City, Utah

(111) 222-3333

[email protected]


Results-driven sales manager with 5+ years of experience, eager to contribute sales and management skills to ABC Company to motivate the sales team and drive exceptional revenue growth. In past roles, consistently grew sales by at least 20% year over year, managed teams of up to 20 sales associates, and increased annual revenue by $100K+.

Sales Manager, XYZ Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, August 2018-Present

  • Drafted and executed quarterly marketing plans
  • Managed merchandise purchasing and stocking
  • Exceeded sales targets by 25% each quarter

Sales Associate, DEF Company, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2016-August 2018

  • Brought in 50+ new leads each month
  • Renegotiated sales contract to increase revenue each year
  • Developed seasonal promotions

Oregon State University, Beaverton, OR

BA in Economics, 2016

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Relationship building
  • Sales techniques

Bilingual English/Spanish

Key Takeaways

A reverse chronological resume is a great choice for the majority of job searchers as it will highlight your skills and experience in an easy-to-scan format that is optimized for both hiring managers and ATSs. The focal point of a reverse chronological resume is your work experience, which should be listed with your current or most recent position first, working backwards in time from there.

Not sure how to create an eye-catching reverse chronological resume? Consider using Jobseeker ’s professional resume creation tool. You can enter in your information and then easily swap between formats, styles, color schemes, and more with just a few clicks. Then download your polished resume instantly and get started applying for your dream job!

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Reverse Chronological Order on a Resume Explained

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sample resume reverse chronological order

What is a reverse chronological resume? When you hear the term reverse chronological order, you might not comprehend what that means when considering your resume or job application assets.

Reverse chronological order is a system for ordering lists of data or lists of information by their date. Chronological, the inverse of reverse chronological order, is when data is sorted by their origin date, with the date furthest from the current date at the top of the list. This is then followed by other information blocks descending to the bottom of the list, which would conclude at an information block with the last item being closest to the current date.

Here’s an example of dates sorted in chronological order, assuming today’s date is February 1, 2020 :

  • November 2019
  • December 2019
  • January 2020

And here is an example of reverse chronological order, assuming today’s date is February 1, 2020 :

As you can see, reverse chronological order is when the date nearest to today’s date is listed towards the top of the information list.

Let’s jump to understanding what it means for your resume and how you might be able to organize your resume information blocks in this data sorting manner.

Why Reverse Chronological Order is Best For Resumes

This ordering system is best for resumes because it indicates the most recent employment opportunity on behalf of the job seeker. For the employer, this provides easier comprehension opportunities.

Besides, this ordering system feels “more logical” to the reader as they begin to scan your work history or education history.

How to List Information in Reverse Chronological Order

When listing prior work history as part of your resume, you should be including the month and year of which you were employed by that organization.

Once you have your information blocks with month and year, you can organize them by their dates in reverse chronological order.

It’s okay to write your job history down in an unorganized, unordered fashion. But once you are finished writing your previous work history bullet points and job titles, be sure to organize your information blocks by their employment date, having your most recent employment date at the top of the list.

Ordering Work History and Education History

Reverse chronological order is best used for your work history as well as your education history. If you have certifications and are listing dates associated with those, be sure to list them in the same ordering system.

Making this your universal ordering system on the resume you present to employers will improve the overall readability of your resume. Making it easier for employers to comprehend your resume and personal or professional background.

When Reverse Chronological Shouldn’t Be Used

no circumstance would present an opportunity to use any other type of information ordering system. It would help if you always used reverse chronological ordering with your resume.

Examples of Resumes in Reverse Chronological Order

Below are resumes that have previous work history ordered in reverse chronological order. Note that their most recent employment is at the top of their “Work History” or “Previous Experience” resume section. With a descending work history ending up with their very first job in the professional's career at the bottom of the list.

reverse chronological resume example

Learn about other resume formats .

Common questions asked by job seekers regarding their resume format.

Why is the reverse chronological format the best resume format?

It's the easiest for hiring managers to understand your prior work experience. It lists work experience more fluidly and shows your experience in a linear fashion. This helps the hiring manager understand your professional experience and personal experience because it alludes to your motivation toward advancing yourself.

Should I use a chronological resume format for my functional resume?

No, a reverse chronological resume order is still great to use for functional resume needs.

Does a chronological resume format help me show my skills better?

No, it does not. Your skills are shown through your experience. The format you use isn't going to help allude to your skills or experience any more or less. You'll need to focus on explaining your experience with metrics, accomplishments, and more.

What if I have gaps in employment?

Gaps on your resume are normal. It would help if you still used a reverse chronological order resume to show your employment history and experience. Don't try to make a combination resume like some guides allude to. Just explain to your employer that you have gaps in your experience and explain the reason why.

Should I include my job title on chronological resumes?

These are best suited for curriculum vitae. But if you'd like, you can include your job title. It is our advice that you still with a reverse chronological resume format unless you are writing a CV.

Should I use a resume builder?

A resume builder can certainly help ensure that you are writing a reverse chronology resume in a way that speaks to your experience and speaks to the timeline of your work history. It can save you considerable amounts of time, and if you don't have years of experience writing resumes, it can help get you started.

Why is a chronological order resume and chronological format hard for a recruiter to read?

Think about a Facebook or a Twitter timeline. For example, on Twitter, they are always organized by the most recent activities, first. It is just a natural way for a recruiter to digest your information. It more clearly shows your career progression and the chronology of your experience.

Should I use a resume writing service?

It certainly can help. If you feel like you need a chronological timeline or a functional resume format, which isn't described in this writeup, a resume writing service can help to assess what your needs are based on your career, experience, and gaps in employment. They can help to determine the best format for the job.

Why is work experience so important to a recruiter?

Your work experience can help a recruiter feel more secure with your ability to perform on the job. There becomes a sense of social validation that occurs.

Do you have a resume template for a chronological resume?

We don't have a chronological resume template since they are more unique. But our resume template database is full of other jobs that might help you.

author: patrick algrim

About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes , Glassdoor , American Express , Reader's Digest , LiveCareer , Zety , Yahoo , Recruiter.com , SparkHire , SHRM.org , Process.st , FairyGodBoss , HRCI.org , St. Edwards University , NC State University , IBTimes.com , Thrive Global , TMCnet.com , Work It Daily , Workology , Career Guide , MyPerfectResume , College Career Life , The HR Digest , WorkWise , Career Cast , Elite Staffing , Women in HR , All About Careers , Upstart HR , The Street , Monster , The Ladders , Introvert Whisperer , and many more. Find him on LinkedIn .

Fact checked: Our small and dedicated team rigorously evaluates every article, guide, and reference to ensure the information is accurate and factual. Learn more .

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Orlando Bloom Was “Angry and Paranoid” While Filming This Extreme Boxing Film


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The Big Picture

  • Collider's Steve Weintraub sits down with the cast and crew of The Cut during TIFF 2024.
  • Orlando Bloom talks about pushing his body to the limit, admiration for Sean Ellis' eye, and filming in reverse chronological order.
  • The cast teases that The Cut is an original and unique sports film, future seasons of Severance, and wrapping up Outlander 's 11-year run.

While on the surface, The Cut may seem like any other sport or boxing film, it really is a visceral drama that also explores life outside the spotlighted ring. Orlando Bloom leads the drama as a nameless protagonist dubbed "The Boxer," who was sidelined ten years ago and now owns a boxing gym with his wife Caitlin ( Caitríona Balfe ). When another boxer gets injured before a title fight, Bloom's character returns to the sport to take his place, facing the dire problem of dropping a lot of weight in only six days. He enlists the help of Boz ( John Turturro ), who ruthlessly guides him through the painful whirlwind of cutting his weight so dramatically, all while Bloom's protagonist is haunted by his past.

In the Cinema Center of the Toronto International Film Festival , Collider's Steve Weintraub talks to director Sean Ellis and cast members Bloom, Balfe, and Turturro about their experience filming The Cut and how it differentiates itself from other sports films. Bloom recounts his harrowing experience of maintaining such a low body weight and how he managed to pull through by relying on the crew. They also talk about filming in reverse chronological order, teasing future seasons of Severance and the final season of Outlander . Hear about Ellis' acute skill with lenses and taking mesmerizing shots of boxing in the video above, or you can read the transcript below.

What Is 'The Cut' About?

A still of a shirtless man screaming with bleeding cuts on his face

COLLIDER: Congratulations on the movie. Everyone who is watching this will not have seen The Cut yet, so how have you been describing it to friends and family?

SEAN ELLIS: It's a boxing film from a point of view that hasn't been tackled before. It's got a very dark psychological edge to it. I t's like Conor McGregor checks into The Overlook.

JOHN TURTURRO: He never got out, he's still there. [Laughs]

That's an interesting way of describing it. I had not thought about that.

TURTURRO: That's a good description.

ORLANDO BLOOM: It's like an assault on the senses.

'The Cut' Is an Original Take on Sports Films

"i hadn't seen a movie like it. i hadn't done anything like it before.".

The cast of The Cut at TIFF

For the three of you, what is it like actually reading a script like this? I won't talk about any of the specifics, but this is a hardcore movie at times. What was it like reading the script and for you, Orlando, deciding “I want to put myself through this?”

BLOOM: Mark [Lane], our producer, pitched me this idea — we'd worked on a movie a few years ago, Retaliation — and I was like, "That sounds really cool as a concept." As it came together, it was leaning more into a genre space, heavily genre in its feel, with this idea of body dysmorphia, the mental [side], and all the things that would go there. But like Sean said, it was a really fresh take. When Sean came in and read it, he had a vision for it, which was something that brought in John, who also had an amazing vision for his character, and Caitríona [Balfe], who took so much from on the page and helped bring the characters together. I wanted to do something transformative in terms of the physicality of something. When you put your body through something like that, it's surprising what comes out in terms of the mental and the physical, and the way that it lent to everything that was on the page for boxing.

CAITRÍONA BALFE: Our agent brought it to me, and I read it, and I was like, “Okay, this is wild. This is crazy.” But it was also super interesting, and I've always been such a fan of sports films, because sport is usually inherently such a positive thing, right? "It's healthy, it's positive, everyone should be doing sports." But this was a take on it that looked at the dark side and the obsessive side of it, which I thought was really fascinating. I hadn't seen a movie like it. I hadn't done anything like it before. I just thought all of the people involved and the journey that Orlando was gonna go on, I was like, “Okay, that could be something really cool to be part of,” and it was fun.

TURTURRO: It was a very original script . That's what you respond to — you respond to the material. Very few films talk about what it takes to get there, especially at the end of a career. It's an interesting exploration of a person's body and his mind and the people who care about him and the people who push him. I'm a fan of everyone, and I've admired Sean before. I hadn't seen something like that, and I've seen a lot of boxing movies, from the '30s on.

I've never seen a boxing movie like this. I give you props for making something completely original.

'The Cut' Taps Into How Boxers Visualize A Fight

Sean Ellis at TIFF 2024

One of the things I think the film does a really great job of is exploring what it takes to be great, in a no bullshit way. This is an unvarnished look at what a boxer might do. Can you talk about how much you think what takes place in the film is really going on, and how much is complete dramatic license?

ELLIS: A lot of it's based on fact and what the boxers have to do in order to make the weight. There's a lot of research that went into that. It is based on fact in that sense, but obviously we dramatize it. We're making a movie. We've probably pushed it a lot further for that experience.

There is a fantastic shot in the film. It's you, [Bloom], close up, slow motion, the muscles are going, there's some blood. That's gonna be in the trailer, I'm sure of it. Talk about that specific shot and what you wanted to accomplish with it.

ELLIS: The idea was to have these vignettes that actually prelude the actual fight. They sometimes say to a professional athlete to visualize the motions, and that if you visualize it enough, it will come into fruition. It's these ideas that he's pre-playing the fight. When you get to the end, you realize that you were probably watching the fight. You've been watching flash forwards in that sense. We did those with a very, very high speed, photosonic camera and a very, very long lens which squashes the perspective down. It gave this shot, this just incredibly intimate and graphic feel at a speed that's so slow motion that it seems like time has stopped.

What was your reaction when you actually saw that shot? The muscles are going on the neck. It's a cool shot.

BLOOM: I'm prepping for the movie, and he's sending videos of running 25 miles because he's got the lenses and cameras all about him, doing it all from behind the camera whilst directing. He is a master of lenses, coming from photography, and knowing what would work. I've never seen a shot look like that in some ways. It was so, like, odes of Raging Bull in the way that it looked, I was like, “Wait, is that me?” There was another amazing shot where you had the pill and there was a split lens?

ELLIS: Split diopter.

BLOOM: In the movie, there were just so many ways in which he was utilizing the lens and the camera to make what was essentially a space about as big as this, that we were filming in for the majority of the movie, interesting and entertaining to take that story forward. I thought that was just phenomenal. That was amazing. Sean is a director, but what he could do with that was really... And we had 25 days to shoot the movie. We shot it in reverse chronological order.

How the F did you do that? That's crazy.

ELLIS: Orlando had to turn up at his lightest weight, and that was because when you're losing that much weight, you can't function. Your brain is starved of calories and there's no way that you can even remember your lines at that point. He got to us at his lightest. We shot the ending of the movie first, and then he started to eat. He was putting the weight on as we were filming backwards until we got to the end, and we shot the beginning of the movie at the end. It was a very big Rubik's cube that we needed to figure out.

Orlando Bloom Pushed His Body To The Limit While Shooting 'The Cut'

"i don't really know how he kept it all together emotionally in the sense of the character.".

Orlando Bloom discussing The Cut at TIFF

First of all, holy F, and second of all, I feel for you. Not only are you having to act, but your body is also screaming at you.

BLOOM: It was weird because losing the weight going into it was really brutal. You made a comment, John, earlier — when you're gorging food, it's like your body's just stripped away.

TURTURRO: I was a little worried, actually. I have to say. Because I've done stuff, and I was a little worried when I was watching him. "I hope he has enough to be okay." I've been in these situations, and it takes a lot.

It’s not pretend.

TURTURRO: It’s actually happening to him.

BALFE: Also, being so deprived of food and all of that, but then half of your acting is working out . He would just be like, "We have to go again." You're on that treadmill, or you're on the rowing machine, and you're just absolutely fucked. It was crazy to watch.

ELLIS: That first week, I remember we'd call cut, and Orlando would just be collapsed on the floor. He would just lie there until we were ready to go again. Then he would get up, he would get himself pumped up again, and then he would go again. Then we'd say, "Cut." You were crazy. He was angry and paranoid, as well, because he was so deprived of any calories. We had to really support him and help him get to that point where he was putting weight back on, and he was starting to bulk up again.

I don't really know how he kept it all together emotionally in the sense of the character. Where were you? If you're shooting something in chronological, reverse order, I sometimes struggle with actors who come up and say to me, “What are we doing here?” And you're shooting it in normal order. But in reverse chronological order, you had to work out where he was in the part, backwards.

Orlando Bloom Survived "Hangriness and Paranoia" Through His Crew

"it was sort of like some kind of weird torture chamber.".

Orlando Bloom laughing at TIFF 2024

You must have been a completely different person to everyone on the last few days of filming; you must have been in such a better mood.

BALFE: He was just sitting around eating cake, having ice cream. [Laughs]

BLOOM: Just laughing it up. [Laughs] I was so grateful to these guys, particularly the relationship. John would sit next to me in the makeup chair, and he was so generous and loving actually, with the way that he saw me and what I was trying to do and what he knew the character needed. He actually told me, "This is a love story." We said this quite early on when I was in a real sort of head-spin, it's sort of like this love triangle. Caitríona, who took what was on the page and made this relationship — they will never let go of each other. She was like the mother I should have had, and we're clinging to each other. You can feel the history of the relationship because of the performances that they were bringing. It was so supported by the crew and Sean putting up with my hangriness and my paranoia. It was sort of like some kind of weird torture chamber .

This wasn't one of those, "We're in Hawaii, let's have some fun." This is going for it.

BLOOM: Last night was the first time I saw it on a big screen and a lady passed out. Apparently, she was in the ambulance. She came around, and she was okay, but she was like, "What happened?" That's how intense this movie was. I was like, "That's crazy."

John Turturro Got Used To a Camera Alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Turturro smiling in interview at TIFF

I have to ask you an individual question. You're very good at not blinking. [Laughs] There's some intense stuff with you, and w hat's funny is you can just turn it on. How long did it take you to master this?

TURTURRO: Years. [Laughs] When you first start out acting in a movie, if you come from the stage, it's like you go to the dentist's office — the camera’s that close, and you think it's the enemy. There were some good DPs who helped me when I was young to make friends with the person behind the camera. In this case, we had the director who had the camera. You become much closer to that. There are things we all learn, like not to move as much.

I did a movie years ago with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I remember doing something to him, and I said, “Blah, blah, blah.” And he was like, “What did you say? I'm going to destroy you right now.” But he did this slow turn, and it's so unnatural, but I thought, "Well, it kind of works for Arnold." I almost started laughing. It's about being able to be still, and some people move more than others, and you just have to be aware of that.

I'm a huge fan of Severance, and I know that you recently filmed the second season. For fans, what can you tease?

TURTURRO: I'm not allowed to speak, otherwise I'll be severed. I think it'll be really interesting. There's a lot of really interesting stuff for people who really like the show, and it definitely takes a step forward and shows the other side of the characters.

I honestly can't wait.

Caitríona Balfe Wraps Up 'Outlander' After 11 Years

I do have an individual question for [Caitríona]. You're almost done filming a show, [ Outlander ], that's been a part of your life for –

BALFE: 11 years.

What is it like to be coming to the end of this chapter? And what was it like reading that final script?

BALFE: It's wild. It's wild coming to an end. I feel every emotion possible, sometimes all at the same time. We had our 100th episode the other day. We had a big moment for that. It's been amazing. The show has given me so much, and it's going to be really sad to say goodbye to it, but it's also kind of exciting to move on to the next stage. The last script, I don't think any of us have read the full script. I think they're still keeping parts of it to themselves until the very day that we film it. It's kind of interesting. I can't give any spoilers because I don't know.

Catriona Balfe smiling during interview at TIFF

No fan wants to know what's gonna happen. They wanna watch it. You two, [Sean Ellis and Orlando Bloom], clearly work well together. My last question for the two of you is, when are you working together again?

ELLIS: I don’t know, I hope so.

BLOOM: I'd love to. It was such a get when Sean called Mark and said he liked the script because I've been a fan of his anyway. So, I'd run to it. It would be great. We just gotta find the right thing.

BALFE: Surfer movie in Hawaii. [Laughs]

BLOOM: [Laughs] Exactly. Something that involves eating.

Special thanks to this year’s partners of the Cinema Center x Collider Studio at TIFF 2024 including presenting Sponsor Range Rover Sport as well as supporting sponsors Peoples Group financial services, poppi soda, Don Julio Tequila, Legend Water and our venue host partner Marbl Toronto. And also Roxstar Entertainment, our event producing partner and Photagonist Canada for the photo and video services.

A retired boxer returns to the ring for one last shot at the title but only if he can make the weight. Holed up in a room in Las Vegas he embarks on an intensive and illegal weight cut program with an unscrupulous trainer.

  • Orlando Bloom


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  14. Reverse Chronological Resume Templates

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  23. Orlando Bloom Was "Angry and Paranoid" While Filming This Extreme

    They also talk about filming in reverse chronological order, teasing future seasons of Severance and the final season of Outlander. Hear about Ellis' acute skill with lenses and taking mesmerizing ...