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Leave Application to Boss in Office with Format and Samples

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Writing a leave application to your boss is an essential skill in the professional world. Whether you need time off for personal reasons, a family function, or health issues like fever, it’s important to communicate your absence clearly and respectfully. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to craft an effective leave application to your boss , covering various scenarios like leave application to boss for exam preparation, leave application to boss for vacation , and even specific occasions like leave application to boss for Durga Puja or a marriage .

Each leave application should be tailored to the specific reason you’re requesting time off, be it for a festival, medical reasons, or urgent personal work. The key is to maintain a balance between professionalism and personal expression. Whether you’re sending a leave application mail to your boss or submitting a formal letter, the structure and tone of your application are crucial. This guide will provide you with samples and formats, including the leave application email format and tips for a simple leave request mail to your manager, to help you write a clear and concise application.

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Remember, a well-written leave application to your boss not only conveys your request effectively but also reflects your professionalism and respect for workplace protocol. Let’s explore how to articulate your needs in a way that’s understood and appreciated in any professional setting.

Letter Writing

How to Write a Leave Application to Boss

Writing a leave application to your boss is a crucial skill in any professional setting. Whether it’s for a personal matter, an exam, health reasons like fever, or a special occasion, the way you frame your request can significantly impact the response. Here’s how to write a comprehensive leave application to your boss , incorporating your provided keywords effectively:

  • Start with a Clear Subject Line : For an email format , begin with a subject like ‘Leave Application for [Reason]’. This is direct and informs your boss about the email’s content immediately.
  • Formal Greeting : Address your boss respectfully, using their proper title and last name.
  • State the Purpose of Your Leave : Be specific about your leave reason. Whether it’s a leave application to boss for fever , for a family function , or for Durga Puja , clarity is key.
  • Mention the Dates : Specify the start and end date of your leave. This is crucial for planning and managing workload.
  • Outline Your Work Plan : If you’re taking an extended leave, like a vacation , mention how your responsibilities will be managed. This could involve delegating tasks to colleagues or completing important projects in advance.
  • Request Approval : End your application with a polite request for leave approval. Keep it formal yet courteous.
  • Provide Your Contact Information : Even while on leave, it’s a good practice to leave a way for your team to reach you in case of an emergency.
  • Close with Thanks : Show appreciation for your boss’s consideration of your request.

For example, a leave application to boss for exam might read, “Dear [Boss’s Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence on [date] to prepare for an upcoming certification exam. I have arranged with [Colleague’s Name] to cover my duties during my absence. Thank you for considering my request.”

Remember, a well-written leave application to boss is clear, concise, and shows respect for your boss and your workplace. Each application should be tailored to fit the specific type of leave you are requesting.

How to Write Application

Leave Application to Boss Format

Creating a structured leave application to boss involves following a format that communicates your request clearly and professionally. Whether you’re applying for leave due to personal reasons, illness, or a special event, using the right format is key. Here’s a simple and effective format for a leave application to your boss :

  • Subject Line : If you’re sending an email, start with a concise subject like ‘Leave Application for [Reason]’. This gives a clear idea of the email’s purpose.
  • Salutation : Begin with a formal greeting, such as ‘Dear [Boss’s Name]’. This sets a respectful tone.
  • Introduction : In the first line, state directly that you are writing to request leave. For example, ‘I am writing to request a leave of absence for [reason]’.
  • Reason for Leave : Clearly state the reason for your leave, whether it’s for a family function , dealing with fever , preparing for an exam , or taking a vacation . Be honest but succinct.
  • Leave Duration : Specify the dates of your leave, including both the start and end date. Clarity here helps in planning your absence.
  • Work Plan During Leave : If relevant, mention how your responsibilities will be managed in your absence. This could involve a colleague covering your duties or completing tasks in advance.
  • Contact Information : Provide a way to reach you during your leave in case of emergencies or urgent queries.
  • Closing and Request for Approval : Politely ask for your leave to be approved and express appreciation for considering your request. A simple ‘Thank you for considering my request’ works well.
  • Formal Sign-Off : End with a formal closing, like ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Best regards’, followed by your name.

For instance, a leave application to boss for exam might start like this: “Dear [Boss’s Name], I am writing to request leave on [date] for preparing an important exam. I have coordinated with [Colleague’s Name] to handle my responsibilities during my absence. Thank you for considering my request for leave.”

Letter to Editor Format

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Leave Application to Boss Template

Here’s a template for a leave application to boss that you can customize according to your specific needs. This template is structured to be clear and professional

To, (Boss’s Name) (Boss’s Position)

Subject: Application for One Day Leave

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I am writing to request a one-day leave on [Date] due to personal reasons. I have made sure to complete all my pending tasks and have informed [Colleague’s Name] to handle any immediate requirements in my absence.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope for your understanding in this matter. I am available to discuss any work-related issues before I take the leave.

Thank you for considering my request.

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Leave Application to Boss Sample

Here are leave application to boss for all the necessary situation

Leave Application to Boss for Exam

To, Mr. Amit Sharma Team Leader

Subject: Leave Application for Exam Preparation

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I am writing to request a two-day leave on 15th and 16th November for my upcoming MBA entrance exam. I have briefed Priya Singh to oversee my tasks during this period.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, Rohan Gupta Marketing Analyst

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Leave Application to Boss for Fever

To, Ms. Anjali Kumar Department Head

Subject: Sick Leave Application Due to Fever

Dear Ms. Kumar,

I have been diagnosed with a viral fever and advised rest by my doctor. I request sick leave from 14th to 16th November. My colleague, Sunil Patel, will handle urgent matters.

Thank you for your support.

Regards, Sunita Rao Operations Specialist

Leave Application to Boss for Vacation

To, Mr. Rajiv Verma Project Manager

Subject: Vacation Leave Request

Dear Mr. Verma,

I would like to request leave for a family vacation to Kerala from 20th to 27th November. I have completed all urgent tasks and briefed Karan Mehra for any queries.

I appreciate your consideration.

Best regards, Deepak Singh Software Engineer

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Leave Application to Boss for Family Function

To, Mrs. Lakshmi Iyer HR Manager

Subject: Leave Application for Family Function

Dear Mrs. Iyer,

I request leave on 18th November to attend my cousin’s wedding in Mumbai. I have delegated my responsibilities to Neha Rana.

Thank you for understanding.

Warm regards, Aditi Joshi HR Associate

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Leave Application to Boss Mail

Subject: Leave Application for Personal Work

Dear Mr. Kapoor,

Due to urgent personal work, I need to request a day’s leave on 19th November. I assure you that all my projects are up-to-date.

Thanking you in advance.

Sincerely, Vikas Choudhary Sales Executive

Simple Leave Request Mail to Manager

Leave application to boss for durga puja.

To, Ms. Geeta Reddy Team Leader

Subject: Leave Request for Durga Puja

Dear Ms. Reddy,

I request leave from 22nd to 24th October for Durga Puja celebrations at home. Ravi Kumar will cover for me during this time.

I am grateful for your consideration.

Regards, Aparna Banerjee Graphic Designer

Leave Application to Boss Email Format

Subject: Application for Emergency Leave

Dear Mr. Singh,

Due to a family emergency, I need to request immediate leave from 15th to 17th November. I have informed Manish Gupta about the urgent tasks.

Yours sincerely, Priyanka Desai Accountant

Leave Application to Boss for Marriage

To, Mr. Prakash Jain Senior Manager

Subject: Leave Application for My Wedding

Dear Mr. Jain,

I am getting married on 25th November and request leave from 22nd to 29th November for the preparations and ceremony. My duties have been assigned to Amit Kumar.

Your support is much appreciated.

Kind regards, Nikhil Seth Business Analyst

Leave Application to Boss for Festival

To, Mrs. Neeta Bhatia Office Supervisor

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Festival

Dear Mrs. Bhatia,

I would like to request leave from 4th to 6th November for Diwali celebrations with my family. I have coordinated with Kavita Sharma for my work during this period.

Best wishes, Ankur Patel Customer Service Representative

Application to Boss for Leave

To, Mr. Arjun Singh Department Head

Subject: Request for Leave Due to Personal Commitments

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work for two days, on the 23rd and 24th of November, due to personal commitments.

During my absence, I have arranged for my colleague, Ms. Neha Sharma, to oversee my current projects and ensure that all deadlines are met. I have briefed her thoroughly to handle any urgent issues that might arise.

I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and appreciate your understanding in this matter. I will ensure that all my work is up to date before my leave and am willing to put in extra hours if necessary upon my return.

Thank you for considering my application for leave. Please let me know if you require any further information or if there are additional procedures I need to follow.

Sincerely, Rohit Kumar Assistant Manager

Sick Leave Application to Boss

To, Ms. Priya Mehta Team Leader

Subject: Application for Sick Leave

Dear Ms. Mehta,

I am writing to inform you that I am currently unwell and have been advised by my doctor to take rest. Consequently, I would like to request sick leave for the next three days, from 14th to 16th November.

I have been diagnosed with a viral infection and am under medication. To ensure quick recovery and prevent the spread of illness within the office, I will be taking the advised rest period.

During my absence, I have requested Mr. Amit Patel, my colleague, to keep a check on my ongoing projects and respond to any immediate queries. I have also ensured that all my urgent tasks are completed and have briefed him on the necessary details of my current work.

I will keep you updated on my health status and return to work as soon as I am medically cleared. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Please let me know if any further information or documentation is needed from my side.

Sincerely, Anjali Rao Marketing Executive

Leave Application Mail to Boss

Dear Rohit,

I am writing to request a day’s leave on [Date] due to [brief reason – personal reasons, family commitment, etc.]. I have ensured that all my current tasks are up to date, and have briefed [Colleague’s Name] to handle any urgent matters in my absence.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Pooja Singh Sales Executive

Leave Application to Boss in Hindi

प्रिय मैनेजर,

सादर प्रणाम। मेरा नाम [आपका नाम] है और मैं [आपके विभाग का नाम] विभाग में कार्यरत हूँ। मैं आपसे [छुट्टी के दिनों की संख्या] दिनों की छुट्टी के लिए निवेदन कर रहा/रही हूँ, जिसका कारण [छुट्टी का कारण] है। मेरी छुट्टी की अवधि [छुट्टी की शुरुआत की तारीख] से [छुट्टी की समाप्ति की तारीख] तक होगी।

इस अवधि के दौरान, मैं अपने सभी जरूरी कामों का प्रबंधन पहले ही कर लूंगा/लूंगी और जरूरत पड़ने पर ईमेल के माध्यम से सुलभ रहूँगा/रहूँगी। कृपया मेरी अनुपस्थिति के दौरान मेरे कार्यों का ध्यान रखने की व्यवस्था करें।

मैं आपके सहयोग की आशा करता/करती हूँ और आपके शीघ्र उत्तर की प्रतीक्षा करूँगा/करूँगी।

One Day Sick Leave Application to B oss

To, Your Boss Name Boss Designation

Subject: Application for One Day Sick Leave

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to come to work today. I have been experiencing [mention symptoms briefly, e.g., fever, headache, etc.], and my doctor has advised me to rest for the day.

I have ensured that my current tasks are on schedule and have informed [colleague’s name] about the status of my ongoing projects. I will be available via email for any urgent issues.

I hope to recover by tomorrow and resume work. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your consideration.

Also Check: One Day Leave Application

2 Day Sick Leave Application to Boss

Subject: Application for 2 Days Sick Leave

I am writing to request a 2-day sick leave as I have come down with [mention illness, e.g., flu, stomach bug, etc.]. My doctor has advised complete rest and medication for the next two days to facilitate a full recovery.

I have handed over my current assignments to [colleague’s name] and briefed them on what needs to be done in my absence. For any urgent matters, I will be reachable by phone or email.

I aim to be back at work, fully recovered, on [date of return]. Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause.

Also Check: Application for 2 Days Leave

2 Hours Leave Application to Boss

To, Mr. Rajesh Kumar Team Lead

Subject: Request for 2 Hours Leave

Dear Mr. Kumar,

I am writing to request your permission to take a leave of absence for two hours on [Date], from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, due to a necessary personal appointment.

I have arranged with my colleague, Ms. Priya Singh, to cover my responsibilities during this short absence and ensure that there is no disruption in our team’s workflow.

I will make sure to complete any urgent tasks before my leave and resume my duties promptly upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request.

Sincerely, Amit Mehta Software Developer

Tips to Write Leave Application Mail to Boss

Writing a leave application mail to your boss is an important professional skill. Here are some tips to ensure your application is clear, respectful, and likely to be approved:

  • Be Clear and Concise : Your leave application mail to boss should be straightforward. Clearly state the reason for your leave and the exact dates you will be absent.
  • Start with a Proper Subject Line : A clear subject line, like ‘Leave Application for [Date/Reason]’, helps your boss immediately understand the email’s purpose.
  • Use a Professional Greeting : Address your boss formally, using titles like ‘Mr.’, ‘Ms.’, or ‘Dr.’, followed by their surname.
  • State the Reason for Leave : Whether it’s for personal reasons, illness, or any other cause, be honest but brief about why you need the leave.
  • Specify the Duration of Leave : Clearly mention the date and time you plan to start your leave and when you will return.
  • Explain Work Coverage Plans : If applicable, mention how your work will be handled in your absence. This shows responsibility and foresight.
  • Provide Contact Information : Offer a way for your boss to reach you during your leave in case of emergencies or urgent issues.
  • Keep a Polite Tone : Throughout your email, maintain a respectful and polite tone. This reflects your professionalism.
  • Thank Your Boss in Advance : Express appreciation for your boss’s time and consideration of your request.
  • Proofread Before Sending : Ensure your email is free from typos and grammatical errors.

For example, a leave application for a personal reason might read: “Dear Mr. Sharma, I am writing to request leave for personal reasons on [Date]. I have coordinated with my colleague, Ms. Jain, to cover my responsibilities. Thank you for considering my request.”

Remember, a well-written leave application mail to boss can make a significant difference in how your request is perceived and responded to.

Frequently Asked Questions on Leave Application to Boss

How do you write a boss for leave.

To write a boss for leave, start with a clear subject line in your email or letter, address your boss formally, state the reason for your leave, the dates, and how your work will be managed in your absence. Finish with a polite request for approval and a thank you.

How to write leave application to your boss for personal reasons?

In your leave application to your boss for personal reasons, clearly state that you are requesting leave and briefly mention the personal reason without going into too much detail. Include the dates of your leave and assure them of work coverage during your absence.

How do I inform leave for personal reasons?

To inform leave for personal reasons, send a concise and respectful email or letter to your boss. Mention the specific dates you will be away and assure them that your responsibilities will be handled. It’s important to maintain professionalism while being honest about your need for leave.

How do you say leave to your boss?

To say leave to your boss, write a formal email or letter requesting leave. Start with a respectful salutation, state the reason for your leave, the duration, and how you plan to manage your work in your absence. End with a polite request for leave approval.

How do I ask my boss for permission?

To ask your boss for permission, whether it’s for leave or any other reason, approach them with a polite and direct request. Explain the reason for your request, provide necessary details, and show how it won’t negatively impact your work. Always be respectful and clear in your communication.

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7 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Leave of Absence Request

By Editorial Team on November 9, 2023 — 11 minutes to read

  • Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request Part 1
  • Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request Part 2
  • What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request Part 3
  • Examples of Leave of Absence Requests Part 4
  • Leave of Absence Request Template Part 5
  • Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates Part 6
  • Maternity Leave of Absence Template Part 7
  • What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request Part 8

Part 1 Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request

Before you start writing your leave of absence request, it’s important to understand the basics. A leave of absence request is a formal document that you submit to your employer, asking for time off from work for a specific reason. This can be for personal reasons, medical issues, or family matters. It’s important to know the policies and guidelines of your company to ensure your request is submitted appropriately.

  • Check your company’s leave policy. Familiarize yourself with the types of leaves that are allowed, the maximum duration you can request, and any approvals or documentation required. This information is usually found in your company handbook or can be requested from Human Resources.
  • When drafting your request, be clear about the reason for your leave. It’s important to be honest and straightforward, without going into too much personal detail. State the specific dates you plan to be away from work and any necessary arrangements, like reassigning your tasks to a colleague.

Try to submit your leave of absence request well in advance, allowing enough time for your employer to review and approve your request. This will demonstrate your professionalism and consideration for your team.

Part 2 Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request

Subject line and formal greeting.

Start your leave of absence request with a clear and concise subject line. Include relevant information, such as your name and the dates of your intended leave. For example: “John Doe’s Leave of Absence Request – June 1-15, 2025.” As a friendly way to start your message, address your email or letter to your supervisor or manager using their appropriate title, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Johnson.”

Explaining Your Reason for Leave

In the opening paragraph, state the purpose of your leave in a clear and simple manner. Explain the reason for your absence, whether it’s a personal matter, family emergency, or medical concern. Be genuine with your reason to help your supervisor better understand your situation.

Providing the Time Frame

Clearly state the exact dates of your requested leave in the second paragraph. Include the start and end dates of your absence. This shows consideration for your employer’s planning and helps them to manage workload adjustments. For example: “I will be absent from work starting on June 1 and plan to return on June 15.”

Plan of Action During Your Absence

Demonstrate your responsibility by outlining a plan of action for your workload during your leave. This may include delegating tasks to colleagues, completing certain projects before your absence, or being available for limited communication if required. For instance: “Before my leave, I will complete all of my current projects and assign any ongoing tasks to my colleague, Jane Smith. If needed, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters.”

Closing Your Letter

In the closing paragraph, express your gratitude for your employer’s understanding and support. Offer to discuss your request further in a meeting or call if needed. Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if you would like to discuss my request further.”

Review Before Sending

Before hitting send, give your email or letter a thorough read. Check for any spelling or grammar errors, ensure all important details are included, and that your message is clear and concise. This will help you present a polished and professional leave of absence request.

Part 3 What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, make sure to include the following elements:

  • Your name and contact information: Begin by mentioning your full name, position, and department. It’s also good to provide your contact information such as email and phone number in case your manager needs to reach you.
  • Leave type and reason: Clearly state the type of leave you’re requesting and provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your request. Be specific but maintain your privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive matters.
  • Start and end dates: Include the exact dates you plan to be away from work. Providing this information helps your manager know how long they should expect you to be gone and allows them to plan accordingly.
  • Work coverage plan: Explain how you’ve arranged for your work to be covered during your absence. If you’ve talked with a coworker who has agreed to handle your tasks, mention their name and workload distribution.
  • Additional documentation (if applicable): In some cases, you may be required to provide medical or legal documentation to support your leave request. Attach any necessary documents as per your company’s policy.

Part 4 Examples of Leave of Absence Requests

In this section, you’ll find some practical examples and templates to help you write a leave of absence request with ease.

Example for Personal Reasons

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for personal reasons, specifically from [start date] to [end date]. I understand that this time away may require adjustments within the team, and I assure you that I will do my best to minimize any potential disruption.

Before my leave begins, I intend to delegate my tasks to [colleague’s name or team] and provide them with any necessary guidance. If any urgent situations arise during my absence, please feel free to contact me via [phone/email], and I will promptly respond.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in accommodating my request.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Example for Maternity Leave

I am excited to share that I am expecting a baby, with the due date being around [due date]. With this, I kindly request maternity leave, which I would like to start on [start date] and return on [expected return date]. This should provide ample time for me to prepare, give birth, and bond with my newborn.

During my leave, I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities to [colleague’s name or team], keeping you updated on my progress. If any questions or concerns arise during my absence, I will be available via [phone/email].

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support during this exciting time in my life.

Templates for Leave of Absence Request

Below are a few templates to help you write a leave of absence request for different situations. They will serve as a starting point for your own letters, ensuring you cover all necessary details in a professional manner.

Part 5 Leave of Absence Request Template

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason for leave]. I have reviewed our company’s leave policy and believe that I qualify for this time off.

During my absence, I have arranged for [colleague’s name] to handle my responsibilities, ensuring a smooth transition in my absence.

Please find the attached documentation relating to my request [if applicable]. I understand that this request is subject to approval and would appreciate your prompt response so I can finalize any necessary arrangements.

Thank you for considering my request, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information or clarification.

[Your Name] [Your contact information]

Part 6 Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates

Personal reasons leave template 1.

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request

I am writing to request a personal leave of absence from work for [duration, e.g., two weeks] starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. My leave is due to [briefly explain your personal reason, e.g., a family matter or other personal matter that requires your attention].

During my absence, I have planned for [colleague’s name or your suggestion] to cover my workload and ensure a smooth transition. I will also be available via email for urgent matters.

Please let me know if you require additional information to consider my leave request. I kindly request your approval for my leave, and I will be happy to discuss any concerns or adjustments if necessary.

[Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 2

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request for Personal Reasons

I hope you are doing well. I would like to request a [length of leave] leave of absence starting from [start date] due to personal reasons. I understand this might cause some inconvenience, but I assure you I will do my best to ensure a smooth handover of my current tasks and responsibilities.

During my absence, I propose [colleague’s name] as a suitable replacement, but I am open to any other arrangements you suggest.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. Please let me know of any paperwork or further details required.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 3

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request (Start Date – End Date)

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to request a leave of absence from my position as [Your Position] in the [Your Department] department. I am requesting this leave for personal reasons and plan to be away from [Start Date] to [End Date].

During my absence, I have spoken with [Coworker’s Name], who has agreed to cover my responsibilities. We’ll work together before I leave to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any disruptions to the team.

Please let me know if there are any additional steps needed or if you require further information. I look forward to your understanding and approval of my leave request. Thank you.

[Your Name] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Part 7 Maternity Leave of Absence Template

Subject: [Your Name] – Maternity Leave of Absence Request

I am excited to inform you that I am expecting a baby, and the due date is [due date]. I would like to request maternity leave of absence as per company policy, starting from [start date] until [end date].

Before my leave, I will coordinate with my team and [colleague’s name] who can cover my responsibilities while I am away. Please let me know if you require any further information or arrangements to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to celebrating the birth of my child with you all upon my return.

Part 8 What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure your request doesn’t come across as unprofessional or lack clarity.

1. Sharing Too Much Information: You may feel the need to share every detail of your personal life or reasons for the leave. However, this may not be necessary. Share only what is relevant to your leave request and maintain a professional tone. A simple explanation like “medical reasons” or “family emergency” will suffice.

2. Ignoring Timing: Be mindful of the timing of your request. If your company experiences busy seasons or has significant projects in progress, it may not be the ideal time to request a leave. It’s important to be considerate of your company’s needs while also taking care of your own.

3. Making Demands: A leave of absence request is not a demand, but rather a polite inquiry. Approach your request with a collaborative and understanding mindset. Frame your request as a courteous question—not as an entitlement or expectation.

4. Being Vague: Your request must include specific information about the duration of your leave and the start and end dates. Being vague can make it difficult for your employer to make decisions and cause confusion.

5. Skipping the Proofreading: Ensure your request is well-written, free of grammatical errors, and typo-free. Your leave request represents you and your seriousness about the matter. A poorly edited request might cast doubt on your professionalism and commitment to your job.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common reasons to request a leave of absence from work.

Some common reasons for requesting a leave of absence from work include personal reasons, medical reasons (for you or a family member), education or professional development, and vacation. You may also request a leave for parental reasons, such as maternity or paternity leave.

How do I start my leave of absence request letter?

To start your leave of absence request letter, begin with a professional and respectful salutation, addressing the recipient by name (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Ms. Brown”). Then, in the opening paragraph, clearly state your intention to request a leave of absence, specifying the reason for your request and the desired start and end dates.

What should be included in the body of a leave of absence request?

In the body of your leave of absence request, provide any relevant details to support your request and address the potential impact of your absence on your work and team. You may want to include information about the reason for your leave, such as medical documentation or confirmation of a family event. Also, mention any arrangements you have made to cover your work responsibilities during your absence or suggest possible solutions to minimize the impact on your team.

Are there any important tips for writing a leave request for vacation?

When requesting a leave for vacation, make sure to submit your request with ample notice, considering your workplace’s leave policy and any peak periods that may require your presence at work. Provide the specific dates of your planned vacation, offer assistance in making arrangements to delegate your work during your absence, and be flexible about adjusting your plans if necessary to accommodate your team’s needs. Keep your request concise and professional, while expressing your enthusiasm for the time off.

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12 Leave Letters For Work (With Examples)

sample of leave application letter to boss

When you need time away from work for any reason, you will need to provide your employer with a formal leave letter. A leave letter informs your employer of your absence from work and provides details of your expected return. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to write an annual leave letter, a maternity leave letter, a paternity leave letter, a sick leave letter, or a study leave letter. Whatever your reasons for needing time away from work, it is important to know how to write a leave letter that is professional, clear, and concise. In this article, we will provide you with templates and examples of different kinds of leave letters to help you get started.

Leave letter for being unwell

Dear [Name of manager],

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and will need to take a day off from work. I am feeling very weak and have been experiencing mild fever and body ache. I am not in a position to come to work today, and I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

I am taking the necessary precautions as suggested by my doctor and will be back to work in full health as soon as possible.

[Optional] I have also requested my doctor to provide a sick note for the same, which I will submit to you as soon as I receive it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for a family event

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I am planning to use this day to attend a family event that has been planned for some time. It is very important to me to take part in this event and I am confident that I am able to make up the hours missed by working additional hours over the next week.

I am aware of the workload that needs to be completed and I am confident that my absence will not negatively affect the progress of our projects.

[Optional] I am also aware that I must provide proof of the event, and so I am including a copy of the invitation.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Leave letter for a doctor’s appointment

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment for a medical issue that I have been having for some time. It’s necessary that I now visit the doctor to have it looked at.

I am confident that I can make up the hours missed by working additional hours over the next week. I am also aware of the workload that needs to be completed and I am confident that my absence will not negatively affect the progress of our projects.

Letter Letter for attending a volunteer event

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I am planning to use this day to take part in a [volunteer event]. I feel it is important to give back to the community and I believe that this event will be a great opportunity to do so.

Leave letter for a surgery

Dear [Name of Manager],

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am having surgery for a medical condition and need to take the necessary time to recover.

I am hoping to return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for a family trip

Dear [Name of Manager], I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am going on a family trip to [location] and need to attend. I will to return to work by [date].

Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Leave letter to complete a professional course

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am taking a course to further my professional development and need to attend the classes. I am hoping to return to work by [date].

Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I am confident that the course will help me do better at my role once I’m back.

Leave letter for a vacation

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am taking a much needed vacation and need to take the time to relax and rejuvenate.

I will return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for the death of a relative

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am attending a funeral for a relative and need to travel out of town to attend.

I am hoping to return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Leave letter for visiting a government office

I am writing to inform you that I will need to take a day off from work on [date] in order to visit a government office. The purpose of my visit is to [explain details of why you need to visit the government office]. I understand that this leave is short notice and apologize for any inconvenience.

I will try to be available on phone while I’m away.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Leave letter for maternity leave

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave from [start date] to [end date].

I have been with the company for [length of time] and I am excited to start this new chapter of my life as a mother. I am grateful to be able to take this time off to spend with my new baby and family. I am confident that I will be able to return to work on [end date] and I am committed to providing the same high quality of work that I always have.

My team will be in good hands while I am away and I will be available to answer any questions via email or telephone. I am looking forward to coming back to work and continuing to contribute to the success of the company.

Sincerely, [Your name]

Leave letter for paternity leave

I am writing to inform you of my intention to take paternity leave from [start date] to [end date].

I am expecting a child and am looking forward to welcoming my new addition to the family. I am grateful for the paternity leave policy that the company offers, and I am taking advantage of it to spend time with my family.

I am confident that all of my work will be completed before I leave, and I will remain available to answer any questions that may arise. I am happy to provide more information or provide assistance with any tasks that may be needed while I’m away.

Leave letter for the death of a pet

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a few days of leave from work to grieve the death of my pet, [name of pet]. I was very attached to [name of pet], and I need some time to process and come to terms with her passing.

I hope you can understand the importance of this time for me and that you can grant me this leave.

Leave letter to take care of a sick family member

Dear [name of manager],

I am writing to inform you that I need to take a leave of absence from work in order to take care of my [relation]. My [relation] has recently been diagnosed with [illness], and I need to take some time away from work to provide them with care and support.

I understand that this may cause some disruption for the team, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I am hoping to return to work by [date].

However, this may be subject to change depending on the situation. I will keep you updated on any changes and provide any information that you may need. Thank you for your understanding.


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How to Write Leave Application for Office? [with Format & Samples]

Leave Application for Office

Taking some days off work is undeniably important because everyone needs to take leaves at several uncontrollable times. In fact, research shows that employees who make use of their annual leave tend to be 40% more productive. This is because they’re less prone to irritability, depression, forgetfulness, and fatigue than those who don’t take any time off. It just goes to show you that sometimes it pays off in terms of productivity when you give yourself some rest. In this blog, we’ll help you get your well-deserved time off work by showing you how to write a leave application for an office that cannot be rejected.

Table of Contents

How to Write Leave Application for Office?

To ensure your leave application for office is written professionally and includes all the key information, follow these guides on how to write a leave application for office. Additionally, to learn how to communicate professionally in a corporate office, you can pursue a business communication skills course . 

1. Understand Your Organization’s Policy on Leave

It is important to review your company’s leave policy and rules carefully before planning a vacation or any other activity that requires taking time off. Understand your entitlement to various types of leaves offered by the company, including earned and casual leaves. Also, understand their eligibility criteria.

2. Add the Subject (Purpose) of the Application

This is where you state why you are submitting an application for leave of office. You should specify what type of leave it is, such as a vacation or sick day request.

3. Include Salutation and Receiver’s Name

Here, include who the letter is addressed to, which could be your boss or a specific individual in the Human Resources team.

4. Mention the Reason for Taking Leave

Explain in detail why you require this time off from work including events like medical appointments/treatment that require absence from the workplace etc. This way, your superior understands fully without leaving any doubt the reasons you’re requesting this time off.

5. Specify the Number of Leaves Needed

Employees should indicate the dates that they will need to be away from work. This includes both the start and end date of their leave period.

6. Include a Work Plan During the Absence

Employees can create a plan for their absence, outlining tasks to be completed before they leave. They should also provide detailed instructions on how to execute daily duties in case of emergency when not present at work and offer training and knowledge transfer to any substitutes during the period away from duty.

7. Add Contact Information

Employees must supply their up-to-date contact details in order to be reachable by co-workers during any emergency situation. To ensure minimal disruption or loss of productivity due to said absences, employees should remain available via phone/email if needed.

8. Use Polite and Professional Language

Express your request for leave in a respectful and professional way. Be sure to keep an appropriate tone throughout the conversation, using phrases such as “Please,” “Thank you” and other polite words that demonstrate respectfulness.

Ask politely rather than demanding support, being mindful of how decisions might affect both parties involved. Show appreciation if granted permission by expressing gratitude with statements like “I am very grateful” or “I would be most obliged”.

9. Conclude Professionally

End your application letter for leave in the office with a polite closing phrase such as ‘Warm Regards’, or ‘Yours Sincerely’, followed by your name. If you are sending a hard copy of the leave request make sure to sign it at its end for added authenticity.

10. Proofread Your Leave Application

Review your leave letter for any mistakes. It might be helpful to read it aloud as this can help pick out typos, grammar issues, and anything else that doesn’t sound quite right. Additionally, check that the dates you have specified in the document are correct and make sure all of the information is accurate before submitting it. Make adjustments where needed so that there are no errors in your application.

Also Read: Half-Day Leave Application

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Leave Application Format For Office

This is a sample leave application format for offices that work for different types of leave applications.

1. Sample for Annual Leave Application

Everyone deserves a break to recharge and rejuvenate. Use this sample annual leave application letter for the office to request time off from work, to get your well-deserved vacation or personal time.

Annual Leave Required

Respected Sir,

I’m writing this to inform you that I need a long-term leave of absence. As a result, I would like to use my whole annual leave allowance. Therefore, please consider reviewing my request for thirty days as I plan on taking an overseas trip with my family from .

I have reassigned my current projects to who is completely aware and accustomed to it. He can finish it without any issues.            ​​​                                         

Yours Sincerely,

2. Sample Maternity Leave Application

If you’re going to have a baby soon, it is necessary for you to take some time off work. Here is a sample maternity leave application to inform your boss about your absence.

Leave Application for Maternity Leave


I am , currently working as a in the . Given that I’m approaching my due date, it has been suggested by my doctor to take maternity leave beginning on through until the end of .

As needed per company policy, I respectfully request you approve this period. My expected delivery date is scheduled around .

To ensure tasks are still fulfilled while away from work, responsibilities have appropriately been assigned to our colleague . Should any difficulties arise please do not hesitate to contact me at . 

Included with this email find the enclosed medical certificate proof along with other required documentation concerning my pregnancy.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely

3. Sample Emergency Leave Application for Office

Emergencies are usually unpredictable. An unexpected circumstance can arise at any time, requiring immediate time off from work. Here’s a sample emergency leave application for the office to notify your employer about your urgent absence.

Emergency Leave Request


I regret to inform you of my emergency leave request starting today. Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide more than one day’s notice due to the unpredictable nature of such circumstances.

My sister has been in an accident and hospitalized, requiring my presence immediately in Bangalore. It is expected that most issues will be resolved within a week so I plan on returning Monday morning. 

Please reach out if necessary by email/phone or have address any work-related matters while I’m gone as they are familiar with current projects/tasks.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.

Yours sincerely,

4. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

If you wish to take a leave of absence from the office due to a personal reason you do not want to disclose, you can write an application in the following format.


I am writing to inform you that I need a leave due to personal reasons. I request you to grant me a leave of absence from to .

I have coordinated with my teammate , and they have agreed to manage my duties in my absence. You can contact me at for any urgent work-related queries. 

I appreciate your support.

Yours Sincerely, 

5. Sample Medical Leave Application for Office

If you are suffering from an illness or sustained any injuries and are unable to work for some time, you can submit a medical leave application. Here is a format for the same:

Medical Leave Application 


I am writing to let you know that I will not be able to come to work today because I have had a stomach ache since last night. I assume it is a case of food poisoning. I will visit a doctor for further consultation today. Therefore, I would request you to grant me a leave. 

In case my condition worsens, I may take a leave tomorrow. I will ensure to keep you informed in such a scenario. In my absence, has agreed to take over my duties. 

I hope you will review my application positively. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Also Read: Application For Sick Leave

6. Sample Leave Application for Two Days in Office

Here is how you can write a two-day leave application for the office to attend a wedding:

Two-Day Leave Application to Attend Cousin’s Wedding


I am formally applying for two days’ leave to attend my cousin’s wedding from to . 

I will complete all my pending tasks before the beginning of the leave period. I have discussed this with , and they have agreed to take on my duties in my absence.

I will be available on if something urgent at work requires my attention. I humbly request you to approve my leave application.

Thank you for being considerate.
Yours Sincerely, 

When you need time away from work, it is essential to submit a well-crafted leave application for the office. Make sure your request follows all guidelines given by the company and includes vital information such as why you are requesting time off, etc. Employ polite language in your letter and make certain that everything has been checked twice so there are no mistakes present.

If you are taking a leave due to an illness, injury, medical condition, medical emergency in a family, or childbirth, you should provide a medical certificate with your leave application.

You can address the leave application email to your manager by writing, “Hi [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request leave from [date] to [date] due to [reason]. I have completed most of my current tasks and have coordinated with [Colleague’s Name] for pending tasks. In case of an urgent matter that requires my attention, you can contact me at [email address]. Thank you for your understanding.

If you plan on taking a leave of absence, submit an application well in advance, four or five days before the decided date. If it is due to an emergency, try to inform your manager or supervisor as early as possible.

To draft a leave application for personal reasons write, “Dear [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence due to personal reasons. Please grant me a leave from [date] to [date]. Thank you for your understanding.

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sample of leave application letter to boss

Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter: Tips & Samples

Everything you need to know.

Joanna Zambas

Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Worker writing and sending leave of absence letter to manager

Do you need to  take some time off work  for a period that’s longer than your usual holiday allowance?

Whether it’s for personal reasons,  illness  or to further your education, asking for extended leave can be a tricky and nerve-wracking situation. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to stop putting off the inevitable and put in your request as soon as possible.

To help you out, we’ve put together this in-depth guide with tips and tricks on how to format your leave of absence request letter and, most importantly, get the answer you want.

What is a leave of absence?

A leave of absence is when an employee temporarily steps away from work due to a significant life event or an unexpected circumstance. The duration of the leave of absence can vary, ranging from several days to a number of weeks or even months, depending on the circumstance of the employee. It's worth noting that a leave of absence is typically understood to be temporary, as the employee expected to return to their job at a later date.

Common reasons for taking a leave of absence include adopting a child, giving birth, caring for a family member, managing a serious health condition, mourning the loss of a close family member, military service, pursuing further education, or relocating to another state or country. Understanding the various reasons and policies related to a leave of absence can help both employees and employers navigate these challenging situations effectively.

What is a leave of absence letter?

A leave of absence letter can be a physical document or an email that an employee submits to their employer to request time away from work due to a big life event. As such, it is a formal letter that needs to be concise, free of errors and submitted well in advance (at least where possible) to the employee’s manager or boss.

Maintaining a professional tone is essential when writing a leave of absence letter, and so is sticking to a an easy-to-follow structure. In most cases, around three short paragraphs are sufficient to state the reason why you’re requesting time off, specifying the dates on which you’ll be away, and suggesting how the team might handle your responsibilities while you’re out of the office.

Reasons to request a leave of absence

Sometimes, life doesn’t go according to plan. Unexpected events, both good or challenging, can cause us to reconsider or shuffle around our needs and priorities so we can navigate big changes as best as possible. When that happens, a break from work can also be needed.

These are some of the most common circumstances that require employees to submit a leave of absence from work:

  • Dealing with a serious medical condition
  • Taking on the role of caretaker for someone in the family
  • Adopting or giving birth to a child
  • Continuing your education
  • Relocating to a new state or country
  • Going on military leave

Preparing to write your letter

Asking for leave can be a troublesome situation — after all, your employer won’t want a valued team member out for a long period of time. To make the situation a little easier for everyone involved, follow these tips:

1. Warn your employer early on

If a member of your family has a life-threatening illness, for example, let your employer know early on, as they will expect you to take time off to bereave if that relation sadly passes away. Likewise, if you know you’ll need to be scheduled in for some kind of operation, do let your manager know as soon as you do.

2. Don’t send the application without a word of warning

In order to get approval for that vacation of a lifetime or a medical leave that you badly need, you’ll have to  speak with your manager  before sending a formal application.

This is best done face-to-face and in private, away from your other colleagues. Send your boss an email or IM and ask for a quick chat when it’s convenient for them.

If you  work in a remote setting , however, you should ask your manager to have a call with you before you put anything in writing. It’s important to keep your communication levels high and maintain personal contact.

3. Be specific

Be as transparent as possible by being honest about your time off.

If it’s to further your education, for example, make sure you explain how it will benefit the company in the long run. However, if your leave of absence is for an illness or to look after a sick family member, you don’t have to go into much detail if you do not feel comfortable doing so.

4. Discuss how your work will be handled in your absence

Let your supervisor know how you plan to distribute your work while you’re away.

You can take a plan of action with you, where you have delegated tasks to other team members that can continue those duties while you’re away. This will show that you have been proactive and that you care about your responsibilities.

5. Consider any alternatives

If you’ll still be able to  work remotely  during this period of time, let your employers know. This will benefit both you and them, as you will earn an income and get the work done, meaning the company won’t have to hire a temporary replacement.

Understanding your rights

Under the  Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) , certain eligible employees in the US are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year. It also mandates that employees’ group health benefits are maintained during this time.

Reasons to take FMLA leave include:

  • The birth and care of a newborn child of the employee
  • The placement of a child for adoption or foster care
  • To care for an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent) with a serious health condition
  • To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition

Bear in mind that, according to the FMLA, you’re required by law to provide 30-day advance notice in writing if your leave of absence is predictable (such as the anticipated birth of a child). In an emergency situation, however, this 30-day requirement is waived.

Depending on your contract with your employer, after a few years of working there, you should be entitled to a  sabbatical  (unpaid leave) for up to three months. Your allowance may vary in accordance to your  company’s policies , so it’s important to check the fine print to see what your rights are before you place a formal request.

UK employees are entitled to the same benefits.

Structuring your letter

When writing a formal leave of absence letter, you must follow some formatting rules to make sure it’s presented in a clear and professional manner.

These useful points will help you create an appropriate structure:

  • Sender’s address: Type in your address in the top left-hand corner of the page.
  • Date: Include the date below the letterhead. If your request is  via email , you can skip this part.
  • Subject: If you’re sending your request by email, you should have a suitable subject line — depending on the circumstance, you could alter it or simply include something like: “Requesting Leave of Absence”.
  • On-arrival notices (optional ): You can also include a notation to indicate that the letter contains sensitive or confidential content. Type in your notation by using uppercase, eg: “PERSONAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL”.
  • Inside address: Add in your company’s address just a few lines below the above — again, if it’s via email, skip this step.
  • Salutation: Even if you’re pals with your boss, you need to address them properly in a formal letter. Open with something like “Dear Emma” or “Dear Ms Gray”.
  • Opening paragraph: Start by stating the reason for your request, as well as the dates that you will be out of work.
  • Body: It’s important to be as transparent as possible and explain why you need the specified days off work. This will minimize any potential conflict with your manager and it will help them understand why you have placed this request.
  • Final paragraph: Here you should explain how your work will be covered in your absence, how you plan on making your departure as easy as possible (ie: with detailed notes on each project, etc) and how you can be reached in the event of an emergency.
  • Closing: It’s important to close your letter with appreciation for your job and company, and to thank your boss for their consideration.
  • Your name and signature: If you’re handing in a printed letter, add a handwritten signature. If you’re sending an email, simply type in your name.

Sample letters

We’ve put together a few different templates that you could follow when requesting a leave of absence.

For medical leave

Example of a medical leave letter

To care for a sick family member

Example of a caregiver leave request letter

To further your education

Example of an education leave request letter

Holiday request (email)

Example of a holiday leave request letter

Leave for personal reasons

If you want to keep your reason private:

Example of a leave request letter for personal reasons

If you don’t mind sharing your reason for your absence request:

Example of absence request leave for personal reasons

Leave for your wedding

Wedding leave request letter example

Leave of absence letter template

If you need some help getting started with writing your leave of absence request, use our customizable template to simplify the process:

Absence of Leave Template

Get the template

Things to remember

When it’s time to write a leave request and hand it in to your employer, bear in mind the following four points to ensure that the process goes smoothly:

1. Copy in the HR department

Remember to give a copy of your request to the HR department — they’ll need this information for your personal records. They may also be able to assist with your application, as they’ll be involved in finding a temporary replacement depending on the specific circumstances.

2. Review before you send

Be sure to proofread your request before you send it to your employer, ensuring that you have the correct information and dates, and have made valid and clear points.

3. Wait an appropriate amount of time

If you haven’t heard back straight away, don’t panic, and don’t begin to hassle your manager for an answer. Give it some time for the decision makers to deliberate before they get back to you.

4. Prepare a handover

Before leaving your job, you’ll need to think about how your tasks will be handled until you’re able to return to work. Starting as early as you can, prepare a detailed, clearly written document a colleague can refer to when taking over your tasks and projects, outlining the tools and processes you use and your deliverables.

Free checklist

To ensure that you don't forget anything in the process, save this checklist to stay organised. 

Checklist of things you need to do before sending your absence request letter

Key takeaways

Asking for an extended period of time off can be stressful, but remember that you’re legally allowed to do so if you have a valid reason. By following this guide, you’ll ensure that you do it in the most professional and considerate manner.

To summarize:

  • A leave of absence request is a formal letter, and must be well structured, free of errors, have a professional tone and be submitted as early as possible.
  • Leave of absence requests are submitted when employees are met with a big life event, such as the birth or adoption of a child and the need to go on maternity leave.
  • When writing your letter, you must outline your reason for stepping away from the office, how long you’ll be gone for, and how your team might handle your projects in your absence.
  • Check your employee handbook (if you have one) for specific guidelines on what your employer expects from you at this time.

Have you recently requested a leave of absence? If so, let us know how you placed your application in the comments section below.

Originally published on February 13, 2020. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

Workplace Etiquette

Annual Leave

Professional Letters


Leave Application Email (14+ Examples & Samples)

The leave application letter is a letter you write when requesting for a leave of absence for a particular duration from the office. Its concept stems from the formal methods employees ask for a break from work for a specified period. The reason you write a leave application email is to inform your employers that you are not in a position to carry out your duties for a specified period. It is vital to draft a leave application email to ensure there is no misunderstanding that might arise from you not being at work. This also your employer to have time to get a suitable replacement for the duration you will not be around. Therefore, work still gets to go on even in your absentia.

Leave Application Format


Company name:

Date (should be date of writing this letter) 

Name of employer:

Company Name:

Sub: Subject of your leave application

This is the first section where you should elaborate to your employer the reason you are taking a break from official duties. You should also state the duration of your leave and state a valid reason why that needs to be soon. Make sure to be short and precise rather than writing lengthy sentences.

Here, explain to your employer on the status of the projects you are currently doing. If the project remains incomplete, you should hand it over to another competent individual who you should name to complete it.

You should thank your employer for taking time to consider your leave application email. Give the number through which you can be contacted in the event of an emergency.

Your faithfully,

(Your signature)

(Your name)

Casual Leave Application for Project Example

sample of leave application letter to boss

Emergency Leave Email

Emergency leave is vital to allow you to attend to unanticipated circumstances, for instance, the death of a family member. Typically, for the funeral leave, it should not be more than three days. For you to qualify for the emergency leave, there needs to be;

  • A major surgery
  • A life-threatening injury caused by an accident
  • Visiting a terminally ill immediate family member
  • Confirmed death

sample of leave application letter to boss

Formal Leave Application

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Leave Application Email for Office

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Leave Application for College Principal

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Leave Application for College Student

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Leave Application for Controlling Officer

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Leave Email Application for Restricted Holiday

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Leave Request Application for Student

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Marriage Leave Application Email

sample of leave application letter to boss

Sample Employee Leave Application Email Letter

sample of leave application letter to boss

Sample Leave Application Email for One Day

sample of leave application letter to boss

Sick Leave Email

This is an email requesting a leave of absence from work because of sickness. The different scenarios where a leave of absence is granted include.

  • Personal mental or physical sickness
  • Regular health checks
  • Caring to an ill parent, child, or spouse
  • Addressing a legal, psychological or physical effect as a result of domestic abuse

sample of leave application letter to boss

Vacation Leave Application Email

sample of leave application letter to boss

Tips for writing a leave application email

  • Give a precise explanation of why you are applying for the leave
  • Address your employers formally
  • State the exact dates for the leave as well as when you intend to return to work
  • Be brief, concise and straight to the point
  • Make use of polite language and formal content
  • State the number of days you desire to be on leave
  • Write a reason why you want a leave in the subject

Having read through this article, you are now well-versed on what is a letter application email. You also know the different types of leave application email. With this in mind, you will be able to apply for the proper one depending on your needs at the moment.

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Leave of Absence Letter for Personal Reasons

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3 Sample Leave Of Absence Letters (And Do’s And Don’ts of Writing)

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Needing time off work happens from time to time, which means you’ll need to write a leave of absence letter request. A well-written letter can increase your chances of being granted a leave of absence and staying on good terms with your supervisor and your team. If you’re in need of a leave of absence, we’ll go over how to request a leave of absence from work, provide some example leave of absence letters, and some common reasons for needing a leave of absence. Key Takeaways: A leave of absence is an extended period of time when you will not be formally working while still maintaining your position at a company. The formal process for requesting a leave of absence involves sending a letter to your supervisor as well as higher management and getting this request approved. You do this for documentation purposes, as well as to clarify your specific needs in your request. Leaves of absence are taken for various reasons, including medical needs, birth or adoption of a child, or other urgent personal needs. In This Article    Skip to section How to request a leave of absence from work Example letters for leave of absence Leave of absence letter template What is the family and medical leave act? Do’s and don’ts for requesting a leave of absence Common reasons to request a leave of absence Leave of absence FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More How to request a leave of absence from work

When requesting a leave of absence from work, be sure you know your company policies and state laws regarding your work absence and then determine how long you are going to be gone. Here is a more detailed list of how to request a leave of absence from work:

Know your company policies and state laws regarding work absences. The first thing you’re going to want to do is check your employee handbook and become familiar with your company’s policies on leaves of absence.

See what the leave benefits are (if there are any). Check whether or not your company will still pay you during this leave and plan accordingly.

Determine the time frame. Your second step is determining how long you will need time off of work.

Keep in mind that you’re going to need to justify each day taken off, and your supervisors are not likely to approve a leave of absence that requests an excessive amount of time off without good reason. If you have a doctor ’s note or other documentation specifying the amount of time you need off, be sure to include that and factor it in.

Meet with your supervisor to discuss your absence. As soon as you determine that you need a leave of absence and the general timeline, meet with your direct supervisor to discuss your request.

Consider your options. After meeting with your supervisor, consider the options you discussed or the available options. You may have the opportunity to temporarily reduce work hours, work from home, or other measures in which you will still be working but with added flexibility for your circumstances .

Create your leave of absence letter. Finally — after considering all of the above steps — you’ll create your formal letter notifying your boss of your leave of absence. Craft this letter for your supervisor and whomever else you are required to notify formally.

Tell your team. After sending your letter, decide with your supervisor how you will inform your colleagues of your absence. You may need to tell them personally, or someone may take care of it for you.

Example letters for leave of absence

Your letters should be sent after meeting and discussing your absence with your direct supervisor, but prior to discussing this absence with your coworkers. Here are some examples of letters for a leave of absence for different scenarios you may encounter:

Leave of absence email request example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Megan Gordon] February 19, 2021 Dear Sharon, I’m writing to request a formal leave of absence from work starting next month due to a recent family emergency. I plan to take this leave from March 8, 2023, through April 2, 2023. I plan to return to work on April 5, 2023. As discussed, this is a tentative date based on my current family circumstances. I will update you with adequate notice if I need to create a plan for returning to work at a later date. In preparation for my leave, I am willing to train my colleagues to complete projects in my absence and communicate with my clients. During my leave, I will be available periodically to answer urgent questions through email or cell phone. Thank you for your assistance in this process and your consideration. Regards, Megan Gordon (618)-219-8705 [email protected]

Medical leave of absence request letter example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Treyvon Moore] June 1, 2021 Dear Ms. King, I am submitting this request for a leave of absence following an upcoming medical procedure on June 26. My doctor requires a recovery period of two weeks, so my leave will begin on June 28 and end on July 9, 2023. I have attached her signed recommendation. As per my doctor’s orders, I will be able to return to work on July 12, 2023. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in covering my workload during my absence. Thank you for your time and understanding. Best regards, Treyvon Moore (919)-231-8124 [email protected]

Leave of absence for personal reasons request letter example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Elena Forbes] Dear Mr. Gilbert, I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my position at XYZ Company from August 31 to September 15, 2023. The reason for this leave is due to personal circumstances that require my immediate attention and presence. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence and minimizing any disruption to the team’s operations. During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to a designated colleague. I am confident that my colleagues have the expertise to manage any unexpected situations that may arise in my absence. I am also open to being available for consultation via email or phone to address any urgent matters that may require my input. Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete in order to finalize this request. Sincerely, Elena Forbes (123) 456-7890 [email protected]

Leave of absence letter template

Here is a template for a leave of absence request that gives an example of how you might format a written letter.

Leave of Absence Written Letter Example

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Other Relevant Contact Information] December 8, 2020 [Your Supervisor’s Name] [Company or Organization] [Company or Organization Address] Dear [Supervisor’s name], This is a formal written request notifying of my intention to take a two-week leave of absence for personal reasons. As discussed in our meeting yesterday, I hope to take this leave from [start date] through [return date] if this is still a timeframe that works for you. I will be able to return to work on [return date]. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in making preparations for my absence. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any further questions. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. Sincerely, [4 lines of blank space for a written signature] [Your name]

What is the family and medical leave act?

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal labor law established in 1993. The FMLA’s purpose is to protect employees who have genuine private concerns outside of work that they need to take time off from work. There are several key points to FMLA that you will want to understand when requesting a leave of absence:

Eligibility. The FMLA states that eligible employees must receive an unpaid leave of absence in the event of family reasons (birth, adoption, etc.) or health issues. The FMLA only applies to companies that employ more than 50 individuals, and to employees who have worked at least a year with the company for at least 1,250 hours ( part-time ) over the past year.

What you receive. Note that while companies are not mandated to pay employees who take leaves of absence, these employees’ benefits remain, most importantly their employer-sponsored health insurance. Employees who are approved for a leave of absence under the FMLA must receive the same job they had when they left or a job of similar pay with similar responsibilities.

How many weeks. You can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off out of the year under the FMLA. If you need to take a leave of absence to care for a military service member who’s dealing with a serious medical condition, this time frame is extended to 26 weeks. These weeks don’t have to be taken consecutively, and federal holidays don’t count against your total days taken off through the FMLA.

Other state laws. Some states also have laws that are more generous for employees. For example, in California , employees still receive 60-70% of their average earnings while on a family leave of absence. Be sure to look into your state’s guidelines to learn the exact details.

The FMLA is the absolute minimum that companies of this size must follow. Many organizations choose to offer much more generous leave packages, especially for those leaving for parental leave.

Do’s and don’ts for requesting a leave of absence

When giving your leave of absence letter, you should give plenty of notice and be sure to inform your boss first. Here are some more general rules of thumb when requesting a leave of absence.

DO: Give adequate notice.

DON’T: Wait until the last minute.

Give your supervisors and your team time to plan for your absence by submitting your request as soon as possible.

DO: Communicate with your direct supervisor first.

DON’T: Tell coworkers or clients before your supervisor.

You don’t want your supervisor to feel like you are keeping secrets, as this can erode trust. So be sure to tell her of your plans before you tell others.

DO: Offer gratitude and further assistance.

DON’T: Make the details of your departure unclear.

Try to let your team know explicitly how you can help in preparation for and during your absence. Be helpful to others in whatever capacity you are able, as your absence may increase their workload.

Common reasons to request a leave of absence

Having a new child, medical reasons, or a death in the family are some of the most common reasons to request a leave of absence. Some more common reasons to request a leave of absence outside of normal PTO include:

New child. Maternity and paternity leave are the most common reasons why employees take extended leaves of absence. Different companies might have different policies, but the FMLA covers the bare minimum requirements for coverage (more on that below).

Medical reasons. When you need to get surgery or treat a condition, you probably won’t be able to continue with your normal occupation for a little while. The FMLA also covers these reasons, including if the medical issue is with a family member that you’re caring for full-time.

Education. Choosing to go back to school is a legitimate reason to request a leave of absence, but it’s best to talk to your supervisor about your goals and get on the same page about how your education will help you do more at work.

Death in the family. Employers won’t always make you take PTO days when you suddenly need to attend a funeral or deal with a death in the family.

Military. People in the Army Reserve should be forthcoming when taking a job, but most employers are happy to have armed service members working for them. These leaves of absence may also be taken for family members who need time off for military reasons.

Jury duty. It can happen to any over the age of 18. When this happens and you are picked to be a part of a jury, depending on the court case, you could be out of work for a couple of weeks. When this happens you need to let your employer know.

Leave of absence FAQs

What does it mean to take a leave of absence?

A leave of absence is an extended period of time off from work that is due to circumstances not covered by PTO or sick days. A leave of absence is usually longer than what either your PTO or sick days would cover. It is usually the result of out-of-the-ordinary circumstances such as childbirth, death in the family, or medical reasons.

Is a leave of absence better than quitting?

Yes, a leave of absence is better than quitting. If you know you will want to return to your job, or even if you don’t know, but you consider it a possibility, then a leave of absence is a good choice. Quitting your job is final, which will make your professional circumstances much harder down the line.

How do you ask for a leave of absence?

To ask for a leave of absence:

Research your company’s leave of absence policy

Determine your reasons and time frame

Meet with your supervisor

Consider your options

Draft a leave of absence letter

Inform your coworkers

These steps ensure you ask for leave of absence in a professional, thought-out manner.

Can an employer refuse to give you unpaid leave?

Yes, an employer can refuse to give you unpaid leave depending on your reasons and company policy. If your reasons are not covered by FMLA or some other state or Federal law, then it is up to the discretion of your employer to decide what type of unpaid leave is appropriate. That is why it is important for you to look into company policy before you ask for a leave of absence.

What are some reasons for taking a leave of absence from work?

Having a child, caring for a sick family member, or pursuing your education are some common reasons for a leave of absence. Having a medical emergency, a death in the family, and jury duty are other common reasons for needing a leave of absence.

U.S. Department of Labor – Family and Medical Leave Act

Office of Personnel Management – Fact Sheet: Family and Medical Leave

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Roger Raber has been a content writer at Zippia for over a year and has authored several hundred articles. Having retired after 28 years of teaching writing and research at both the high school and college levels, Roger enjoys providing career details that help inform people who are curious about a new job or career. Roger holds a BA in English from Cleveland State University and a MA from Marygrove college.

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Leave Application To Boss | How To Write A Leave Application Letter for Office?

February 15, 2023 by Prasanna

Leave Application To Boss: The purpose of writing this leave letter is to formally notify your boss about your absenteeism in the organization. With this act, you are showing professionalism in your approach, and it will be displayed in your letter also. In this letter, you have to declare the reason behind your inadequacy for a specific period. You can even tell the name of your colleague who will work as a backup when you are on leave.

Before writing a letter always discuss with your boss about your leaves and explain to him/her elaborately the reason to convince. The longer the planned leave, the earlier you should initiate the conversation. You should ideally talk to him at a time when he is not bothered by work and is not in a bad mood.

An email or phone call is not a substitute for this discussion. Email or phone calls may appear taking your boss for granted even you do not mean to.

Your boss would be more likely to grant or approve your leave if he is convinced that work won’t be disturbed because of your absenteeism.

Tips for Writing Leave Application To Boss

  • Firstly it is important to define the period for which you would like to get leaves and the cause behind the same.
  • If needed, you must include the documents supporting your case.
  • The content of the application should be formal.
  • The expression of the letter should be such that it explicitly communicates your request for leaves.
  • Once you have written the application, please review the same for corrections, if required

Leave Application To Boss Format


Date: ______

Subject: Application for leave (with reason)


I am writing this letter to inform you that I will not be available in office for _______ days. My _______ is not good and I need to be with ___________ to take care and give timely medications. Doctor has examined ____________ and suggested _______ to have complete bed rest. I am enclosing medical certificates from the doctor for your reference.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leaves from ___________ to _________.

Thanking you,

Your’s sincerely

Leave Application To Boss Sample

From Priyanka Sharma, Project Manager, ABC Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.

Date (Date on which letter is written)

To, Aditya Roy, Senior Project Manager, ABC Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

Subject: Application for leave

Dear Mr. Roy,

I, hereby, would like to inform you that my husband is not well, and the doctor has suggested him to take complete bed rest for two weeks. He is suffering from high fever for the past few days, and after the medical examinations, he was diagnosed with typhoid. My in-laws live out of the city, and there is a body in our family to take care of him. He truly needs my support at this point in time.

I want to be with him for two weeks so that I can take him to the hospital for a regular check-up and help him in recovering from this disease. I have finished all my projects and have presented the blueprint of the same to the builder. I am also enclosing my husband’s report for your reference.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leaves for two weeks starting from 1st February to 14th February. I will be joining back on 15th February.

Yours sincerely, Priyanka Sharma

Leave Application To Boss Sample

Leave Application To Boss Email Format

There are two methods of writing a leave letter, either formal or casual. You can address your boss in either an orderly or casual way depending on the purpose for which you are asking leave of absence. If you are requesting leave for one or two days, you can write informally and for any leave period more than that, you need to write a formal letter. Take a glance at the letter below to understand

Dear Sir/Mam,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I need leaves for two weeks starting from 25th May 2020. As I have already explained to you about the illness of my father, I have to be with him for the next two weeks to take care of him and his needs. In case of any emergency, I have to take his to the hospital.

I will be back two weeks later and I have finished all the projects that I was working on at present. I hope you are fine with this, and if required you can reach me any time through mobile.

Thanks for considering my leave application and helping me in a tough situation.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely, Priyank Sharma.

Leave Application To Boss Email Format

Leave Application To Boss for Brother’s Marriage

Subject: Application for leave For Brother’s Marriage

I, hereby, would like to inform you that My elder brother is getting married on 23rd February. To participate in different ceremonies around the date, I request you to kindly grant me leave from February 20 to 24.

I am enclosing the invitation card with this letter.

Yours sincerely, Priyanka Sharma.

Leave Application To Boss for Brother’s Marriage

Leave Application To Boss for One-day Sick Leave

Priyanka Sharma, Project Manager, ABC Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.

Subject: Application for sick leave

I have had a mild fever since last night and, therefore, it will be difficult for me to come to the office today.

I request you to grant me leave for today, 13 February 2020.

Leave Application To Boss for One-day Sick Leave

Leave Letter To Boss for Death in Family

Subject: Ten days leave for Brother’s death

Regarding our communication on phone today morning, I am continuing on leave because of the death of my brother in my hometown. This was unexpected, and at this time I am not sure when I will be ready to return.

Kindly grant me leave for ten days temporarily commencing today. As and when everything settles down, I will update you on my definite plans.

Extension of leave

The cremation of my brother has been completed and I am still healing from his untimely demise. In the last letter, I had asked for a 7-day leave but then I wasn’t certain when I will be able to return.

There are few more customs to be delivered and my presence is needed for a few more days to help my family. I request you to stretch my leave by three days till February 28.

FAQ’s On Leave Application To Boss

Question 1. How can I write leave application to my boss?

Answer: If you are preparing to send a formal leave application, it should include:

  • A request for a leave.
  • Date and number of days when you will be away from work.
  • Your work plan in your absence.
  • An offer to render assistance, if possible.
  • If you are going for a long holiday, mark your HR manager as well in the mail.

Question 2. How do I write a leave application through the mail?

  • Remember the goal of writing the email.
  • Give a valid reason for your absenteeism, and be accurate with it.
  • Be respectful and sincere
  • Keep a formal and professional email tone
  • Add supporting documents.

Question 3. How do I write a formal leave application?

  • Converse to your immediate supervisor first and take an oral approval.
  • Maintain your tone politely.
  • Add a thank-you note.
  • Add supporting documents if required
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Formal Leave of Absence Letter Example

sample of leave application letter to boss

  • How to Request a Leave From Work
  • Dos and Don’ts for Requesting a Leave

What to Include in Your Formal Letter

Leave of absence request template, leave of absence request email example, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Do you need to take a leave of absence from work? If so, it’s important to put your request in writing, both for documentation purposes and to make it easier for your manager to understand what you're requesting.

How to request a leave of absence depends on your position and company policy. Some companies have formal policies in place for employees to request a leave of absence from their jobs. Others accept informal requests. Your employer may have a form you need to complete to request a leave of absence, or you may be required to write a letter documenting your request.

Here's information on how to request a leave of absence, examples of written and email requests for a leave of absence, and tips on what to include when you ask for a leave from work.

Key Takeaways

  • Employers are obligated to provide leave for family, medical, or religious reasons, as required by law.
  • Other leave benefits are voluntary; they must be agreed upon by an employee and an employer.
  • Before you apply for leave, check your employer's policies and procedures for requesting leave.
  • It can be helpful to outline your request in writing for your manager to review, as well as to schedule a meeting to clarify policies regarding leave from work.

How to Request a Leave of Absence From Work

Many companies offer leave benefits to employees. However, not all leave benefits are mandated by law. Employers are required to provide some leave. Others are voluntary incentives provided by an employer. Voluntary leave benefits are typically an agreement between an employee and an employer or between an employer and an employee's representative, such as a labor union.

The typical process for requesting a formal  leave of absence  from work is to discuss your situation with your manager or human resources department and learn the process for requesting leave. Your employer will explain what leave is available, the eligibility requirements for leave, and the procedures for requesting leave. You may be required to meet with a manager to review your request and the information you'll need to provide.

It can be helpful to write a letter (or, more typically, an email) to your direct supervisor requesting a meeting to discuss whether, and how, you should apply for a leave of absence.

In this letter, you should include the following:

  • Your  reason for needing a leave of absence  (such as the birth or adoption of a child, personal or family health issues, loss of a loved one, or relief from excessive job stress)
  • The things you are willing to do to help prepare for your absence (examples: training your replacement, writing a detailed handbook of your daily work processes, or offering to remain available to answer any questions during your absence)
  • The anticipated dates of departure and return to work
  • A request for your supervisor’s assistance in helping you negotiate the leave of absence process with senior management or your human resources department

Once you have attended this meeting with your supervisor, follow up on the conversation with a written request for a leave of absence. This will be added to your personnel file to initiate the formal leave-of-absence process and provide documentation, if required, prior to the approval of your leave.

The Balance

Dos and Don’ts for Requesting a Leave of Absence

It’s important to ask for your leave in the best possible way. The following guidelines will help you write a request that’s effective, professional, and considerate.

Give as much notice as possible.  It takes time to arrange cover for your role. The more notice you can provide, the easier it will be for the company to accommodate your request.

Speak to your direct supervisor first. Outline your request in writing after the conversation, and make sure to complete the leave request paperwork. 

Know your rights. The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles many employees to unpaid leave to deal with medical conditions and family needs, such as the birth or adoption of a child or emergencies related to a family member’s active military service. Eligible employees who work for companies comprising 50 or more employees are entitled to 12 working weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period. Find out whether you’re covered before requesting leave.

Your state may also have family and medical leave laws that provide for employee absences from work. Check with your state labor department for information on programs in your location.

When requesting a formal leave of absence, your letter should include the following:

  • Request for a leave of absence
  • The dates you expect to be away from work
  • The date you plan to return to work
  • An offer to provide assistance, if feasible
  • Thanks for considering your request

This leave of absence example template is for a formal request for a leave of absence from work, following a discussion with the employee’s supervisor.

Your Name Your Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number

Supervisor’s Name Title Organization Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],

This letter is a formal request for a leave of absence, to follow up on our meeting yesterday. As we discussed, I would like to request a leave of absence from [Date] through [Date].

I will return to work on [Date].

Please let me know whether you require any further information or have any questions.

Thank you very much for your consideration in affording me this opportunity for personal leave.

Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Here's an example of an email message requesting a leave of absence.

Subject: Leave of Absence - John Dooley

Dear Jennifer,

As we discussed yesterday, I would like to request a formal leave of absence from my job for family reasons. I plan to be away from November 2, 2024, to December 30, 2024, returning to work on January 3, 2025.

If approved, I would be glad to help with a plan to cover my workload in my absence. I would also be available to answer questions and provide assistance while I am on leave.

Please let me know whether you require any additional information. Thank you very much for your consideration of my request.

Are employers required to give employees paid leave from work?

Federal law does not require employers to pay employees for time not worked, such as personal leave, vacations, sick leave, or holidays. Some states mandate paid family, sick, parental, and school leave. Check with your state department of labor for details.

What is the best way to request a leave from work?

Your company may have a policy in place for requesting leave from work that specifies circumstances where leave may be granted and how much time employees are entitled to take as leave. Check your employee handbook or talk to your manager for details. If a policy is in place, be sure to adhere to those guidelines for requesting a leave of absence.

National Conference of State Legislatures. " State Family and Medical Leave Laws ."

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. " Leave Policy Tips ."

Department of Labor. " Leave Benefits ."

Department of Labor. " Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) ."

National Conference of State Legislatures. " Paid Family Leave Resources ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Personal Leave ."

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Leave Letter to Boss

Last Updated On February 26, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Leave letter to boss is written by an employee seeking a break from normal duties. Such a letter is addressed to the immediate boss of an employer in a particular department. An employee can write this letter to request time off to attend family or personal commitments, for compensatory leave, compassionate leave or any other genuine reason.

Leave letter to your boss in a formal document to inform your employer that you will be away from the office for a particular period. This letter is used to keep track of the leave days you are entitled to and balance leave days. Your boss also uses this letter to make arrangements for your replacement when you are away to ensure a smooth transition.

Tips for writing leave letter to boss

  • Have a discussion with your employer about your leave before writing the application
  • Review the leave policies and guidelines 
  • Inform your boss of your departure in good time
  • Use polite and professional language
  • Keep the content formal
  • Discuss how your work will be handled while you are absent
  • Be genuine about the reason for the leave
  • Keep it short and precise

Leave Letter to Boss Templates

A leave letter to your boss can be challenging to write. Check out of free leave letter to boss template for your reference. Have a look at sample letters below that you can customize.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is ____________ from the department of ____________. I hereby write this letter to request for ____________ days’ leave to attend to family matters. My family formally living in ____________ is coming to ____________ to join me. I wish to utilize my ____________ leave days that I have accrued to make arrangements for them. 

I hope to start my leave on ____________ and resume my duties on ____________. In this period, ____________ will take up my duties. I have discussed my situation with ____________ and has agreed to back me up. Additionally, I will ensure that all my reports are complete before I leave. Therefore, I don’t oversee any problems that may arise from my absence.

I submit this letter with ____________ weeks’ notice as it is a requirement in the policy. I also wish to extend my assistance when I am needed. Kindly reach me through my email ____________ or mobile ____________.

I hope for your approval at your earliest convenience so that I can make the necessary preparations. 

Your Faithfully,



Date (Date on which letter is written)



Dear ________________,

I am writing this letter to officially inform you that I will not be present in office for _______ days. My _______ is not well and I need to be with ___________ to take care and provide timely medications. Doctor has detected ____________ and advised _______ to have complete bed rest. I am enclosing letter from the doctor for your reference.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leaves from ___________ to _________.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely’


Leave Letter to Boss Samples

When you are planning to take a few days off, it is important to notify your employer in writing. Here is a good example of a leave letter to boss that you can write a request that will be approved instantly.

Carroll Glass,

791 Magnolia St.

Cordova, TN 38016

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Franklin Briggs,

12 Brown Road

Harlingen, TX 78552

Sub; Leave application letter

Dear Mr. Briggs,

I wish to submit this formal request for a month’s leave to attend to personal issues. I request this leave to attend family issues. My family is coming to leave with me in the USA and I would like to prepare arrangements for their arrival. I want to start my leave on 2 nd February 2020. I have accrued forty days’ leave and I wish to utilize them for this purpose.

Following our discussion, I wish to start my leave on 2 nd February 2020 and resume on 2 nd March 2020. In my absence, I recommend Elvira Khan to cover for me while I am away. I submit this request with two weeks’ notice as it is a requirement in the company’s policy. Before I leave, I will submit all the pending work to my replacement.

I will be grateful if you approve my leave and give me a green light to start preparations.

Yours Truly,

Carroll Glass

Marc Jackson

Project Manager

UBC Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

Michael Steven

Senior Project Manager

Sub: Requesting for leave

Dear Mr. Steven,

I, hereby, would like to officially inform you that my wife is not well, and the doctor has advised her complete bed rest for two weeks. She is suffering from high fever for the past few days, and after the medical tests, she was diagnosed with typhoid. My parents live out of town, and there is a body in our family to take care of her. She truly deserves my support at this point in time.

I need to be with her for two weeks so that I can take her to the hospital for regular check-up and help her in recovering from this fever. I have completed all my projects and have submitted the blueprint of the same to the contractor. I am also enclosing my wife’s report for your reference.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leaves for two weeks starting from 1st September to 14th September. I will be joining back on 15th September.

Thanking you, Yours sincerely,

Leave Letter to Boss Email Formats

To ensure that your boss gets your leave request on time, you can write to him/her an email. Here is a leave letter to boss that will guide you through writing a professional and polite request.

Dear Madam Davila,

I hereby write this email to formally request a leave of absence following our conversation today. I request for two days’ leave because of personal commitments. I have an appointment with a dentist next week and I present this application with a week’s notice. I will be leaving the office on 17 th May 2019 and resume work on 19 th May 2019. Kindly find the attached doctor’s appointment with more details.

In my absence, I recommend David Mayer to back me up while I am away. I have discussed my situation with him and he has agreed to assume my duties until I return. As it is the company’s policy not to leave any work unattended, I will complete my project reports before I leave. Kindly reach me through my mobile 793-534-6390 in case of any questions. 

I don’t oversee any delays that will result from my absence. When I return on 19 th May 2019, I will work to ensure I catch up with what I have missed. Please let me know your decision about this matter soon.

Thank you, I hope that you will approve my request.

Kind Regards,

I am writing this letter to officially inform you that I need leave for two weeks starting from 25th March 2009. As we have already discussed the illness of my mother, I need to be with her for the next two weeks to take care of her and her needs. In case of any emergency, I have to take her to the hospital.

I will be back after two weeks, and I have completed all the projects that I was handling at present. I hope everything is fine with this, and you can reach me any time through mobile. Thanks for considering my leave application and helping me in a tough situation.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely,

Mark Nicholas.

For documentation and approval purposes, it is essential to put in a request for a leave of absence in writing. A leave letter to your boss is a formal notification to the employer of your absence from work. In such a letter, mention the reason for the leave, the dates of departure and resumption, how your work will be handled when you are away and include any supporting documents.

Megha Kothari

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Related Letters:

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  • Effective Leave Application Letter
  • Leave Of Absence Letter
  • Leave Of Absence Letter Format
  • Leave Letter Writing Tips
  • Sample Paternity Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter Format
  • Leave Application Email
  • Annual Leave Letter
  • Leave Request Letter
  • Sick Leave Letter
  • Casual Leave Letter
  • How To Write A Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter
  • Thank You Leave Letter
  • Sample Leave Letter
  • Paternity Leave Letter
  • Maternity Leave Application
  • Letter for Leave Of Absence
  • Office Leave Letter
  • Maternity Leave Letter
  • College Leave Letter

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Simple 5 Days Leave Application for Office in Word

Taking 5 days of continuous leave to work, one or two times a year is common for every employee. The reason includes personal reasons, the marriage of self or relatives, or health problems, etc.

Here you can know how to write a simple 5 days leave application to your boss and you can download them in Word format also.

5 Days Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

To The Manager, Company name, Place.

From Employee ID, Employee Name, Designation, Department.

Sub: Leave application.

Dear sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform and to get permission to take a 5 days of leave starting from ___________   (start date) to ___________ (end date) because of some personal reasons.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leave for 5 days. I will return to the work immediately after the leave i.e  on _________ (return date) .

In case of any emergency work, I will be available on my mobile.

I shall be obliged to you in this matter.

Thanking you.

Sincerely, Employee name, Mobile No.

5 days leave application for office for personal reason

5 Days Leave Application for Office for Fever

To  The Manager, Company Name, Place

From Employee Name, Designation,  Department.

Sub: Leave application due to Fever.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to inform you that, I have been suffering from a fever and after consulting the doctor, he gave me medicine and I was suggested to take 5 days rest. 

So please grant me 5 days leave from ________ (start date) to _________ (end date), I will immediately get back to the work soon after the leave.

In case of any emergency work, I will be available on my mobile phone. 

I hope you approve my leave request.

Regards, Employee name.

5 Days Leave Application for Sister/Brother Marriage

To The Manager,  Company Name, Location.

From Employee Name, Designation, Department.

Sub:  Application for leave.

I am writing this letter to inform you that my younger brother/sister going to be married on ________ (marriage date) .

As an elder brother of I have some responsibilities to fulfill. So I would like to apply for 5 days of leave starting from _______ (start date) and ________ (end-date) .

I request you to kindly approve my leave request, I shall be grateful to you in this regard.

Sincerely, Your name.

5 Days Leave Application for Office Email

Sub: Leave request for _________ (Reason) .

I would like to kindly ask for  5 days of leave starting form _________ (start date) to _________ (end date) because of my illness.

I have been suffering from ___________ (illness) , and after consulting the doctor, I was recommended to limit to the bed for 5 days.

So I request you to kindly approve my leave request. 

Thanking you in advance.

Sincerely, Employee name.

sample of leave application letter to boss

5 Day Leave Application for Office Email

Sub: Leave request due to ________ (reason) .

I, _________ (your name) , working as a __________ (designation) in _________ (department) .  With due respect I would like to inform you that I got Dengue fever.

After consultation with doctor I suggested to confine to the bed for 5 days from _______ (start date) to ________ (end date) .

So I request you to kindly consider my leave request.

Tips: How to Write a 5 Days Leave Application for Office

  • Reason for leave: Five days is not a small period, so when you want to apply for 5 days of leave in the office, then you must have a valid reason to apply.
  • From – To date: Mention exactly from which date to which date you need leaves.
  • Address to manager/boss: Address the email or leave a letter to your manager/boss/HOD, who have power to grant the leave.
  • Subject line: Place subject line as “Leave application” or “Leave request”.
  • Salutation: Start the letter with a proper salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam”.
  • Say thank you: End the letter by saying thanking you.

Always remember that keep your leave request letter (or) email simple and short. Except in medical and emergency cases, for other reasons, it is better to apply for leaves as early as possible.

Recommended :

  • Maternity leave letter formats for employees.
  • Top 10 best job portals in India.

3 thoughts on “Simple 5 Days Leave Application for Office in Word”

due emargency work at home i need 5 days leave

Bishal GARH office Leave letter

Bishal GARH Parsonelse meter

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15 Sample Leave Letter for Personal Reason

Are you in need of a Sample Leave Letter for Personal Reasons ? Whether it’s an unexpected family matter, a personal emergency, or a pressing commitment, it’s important to write a formal leave letter to inform your supervisor or manager about your situation. To help you with this task, we have curated 15 sample leave letters for personal reasons. These templates will guide you in expressing your request professionally and effectively. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect leave letter that suits your needs.

5 Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Letter for Personal Reason

  • Be Clear and Concise : When writing your leave letter, clearly state the dates you need to be absent and the reason for your leave. Keep the letter brief and avoid unnecessary details.
  • Use a Formal Tone : Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. Use polite and respectful language to express your request.
  • Provide Sufficient Notice : It’s important to inform your supervisor or manager as soon as possible. Give them ample time to plan and make necessary arrangements during your absence.
  • Offer Assistance : Show your willingness to support your colleagues during your leave. Offer to delegate your tasks or provide assistance remotely if needed.
  • Follow Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with your company’s leave policies and procedures. Adhere to the guidelines for requesting a leave, submitting documentation, and any other requirements specified by your organization.

Next start by choosing the appropriate sample leave letter to effectively communicate your personal leave request and ensure a smooth transition during your absence:

  • Subject: Leave Request – Personal Matter

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal reasons. During this time, I need to attend to some pressing family matters that require my immediate attention. I understand the inconvenience this may cause, but I assure you that I will complete any pending work and delegate my responsibilities to a colleague if necessary.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

  • Subject: Request for Personal Leave

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work for personal reasons. I would like to take leave from [start date] to [end date] in order to attend to some urgent family matters that require my presence and attention. I assure you that I will complete any pending tasks and ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before my departure.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

  • Subject: Leave Application – Personal Reason

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] for personal reasons. Unfortunately, I have encountered an unexpected family matter that needs my immediate attention and support. I will make sure to complete all urgent tasks before my leave and provide necessary updates to my team members.

Best regards, [Your Name]

  • Subject: Personal Leave Application

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal reasons. My [family member/close friend] is facing a significant health issue, and I need to be by their side during this crucial time. I will ensure that my work is up to date and delegate any necessary tasks so that my absence does not disrupt the workflow.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

  • Subject: Leave Request – Personal Emergency

I am writing to request a personal leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. Unfortunately, I have encountered a personal emergency that requires my immediate attention, and I need to take time off work to address it. I will do my best to minimize any impact on the team and complete all essential tasks before my absence.

  • Subject: Request for Leave of Absence – Personal Reason

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal reasons. I need time to address some personal matters, which require my attention and presence. I will ensure to properly document any ongoing tasks and delegate responsibilities to [colleagues’ names]. If needed, I am happy to assist them remotely during my leave.

Best, [Your Name]

  • Subject: Paid Personal Leave Request

I am submitting this request for a paid personal leave from [start date] to [end date]. I have an urgent personal matter that requires my attention, and I need to take some time off work to deal with it properly. I will ensure that all essential duties are handled before my leave, and I will be accessible if any urgent issues arise.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

  • Subject: Leave Request – Personal Reasons

This is a formal request for a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] for personal reasons. I am facing an unexpected personal emergency and need to address it immediately. I will do my best to complete all pending tasks and hand them over to [colleagues’ names] before my leave. I can arrange a call or video conference during the leave period if needed.

  • Subject: Leave Request – Personal Circumstances

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work from [start date] to [end date] for personal reasons. I am experiencing some personal circumstances that require my immediate attention and care. I will provide updates to [colleagues’ names] on my projects and ensure that all critical tasks are completed before my leave.

Thank you for your consideration and assistance.

  • Subject: Personal Leave Request – Urgent Family Matter

I am writing to request a personal leave from work from [start date] to [end date] due to an urgent family matter that needs my presence and attention. I will make sure that all essential duties are completed before my leave date and that I delegate responsibilities to ensure that the team functions smoothly in my absence.

  • Subject: Request for Personal Leave of Absence

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] for personal reasons. This time off is necessary for me to address important personal matters that require my immediate attention. I will complete any pending tasks before my leave and provide instructions to [colleagues’ names] for any ongoing projects.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

I am submitting this application to request a personal leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. I need some time off to attend to personal matters and to rejuvenate. During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to [colleagues’ names] so that the workflow is not disrupted.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

  • Subject: Leave Request – Personal Commitments

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to personal commitments. I have important obligations that I need to fulfill during this time, and it requires my full attention and participation. I will arrange for any necessary handover and provide assistance remotely if needed.

Thank you for understanding my situation.

  • Subject: Personal Leave Request – Family Event

I am writing to formally request a personal leave from [start date] to [end date] to attend a significant family event. This is an important milestone in my family, and I would like to be present to support and celebrate with them. I will make sure that my tasks are completed or delegated appropriately before my leave begins.

I am submitting this request for a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] for personal reasons. I have some pressing personal matters that require my presence and attention during this period. I will ensure that all ongoing projects are handed over smoothly to [colleagues’ names] and provide necessary documentation to facilitate a seamless transition.

Related items:

  • Request Day off Email Sample Templates | 39 Examples
  • Sick Leave Email To Manager | 31 Sample Emails
  • Sick Leave Email For One Day | 25 Sample Emails

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Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

Home Blog others Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

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A leave application is something everyone has been taught to write since school days. But what I have seen is that many individuals have several doubts swirling around when they actually sit down to write one. Being an employee of a private firm for many years, I have witnessed the same issue in the work scenario, too. Moreover, I feel that the leave application for office must be written in a convincing, engaging, yet formal manner.

For me, the application of leave in office acts as an official statement to let the manager know that I am planning to take a leave from work. Now, do you know the leave application format for office? If not, let me help you learn the process of drafting such a document. I also recommend taking the KnowledgeHut Professional training for further help with such workplace communication.

Why Should You Submit an Office Leave Application?

Submitting a leave application for office informs your manager or team lead about your absence from the workplace. Remaining off work without the knowledge of the management may reflect an unprofessional attitude on your side. I think it also creates a difficult situation for your respective team and may hamper the progress of some of your ongoing projects.

Hence, I think it’s a good idea to draft a leave application letter for the office beforehand. You can even send the application on the day when you won’t be able to attend the office because of a personal matter or other unavoidable circumstances.

Types of Leave Application

A leave application for office can be of various types depending on how they accommodate different situations. I have curated the common leave application types for your reference below:

  • Maternity Leave Application:  A time off given to new mothers to care for their newborn or newly adopted child.
  • Annual Leave Application:  A planned time off that can be accrued over a particular year.
  • Sick Leave Application:  An application granted for medical appointments or health-related issues.
  • Vacation Leave Application:  This time off is similar to the annual leave application and can be used for relaxation and travel purposes.
  • Casual Leave Application:  A short or unplanned leave granted to employees for unforeseen or incidental reasons.
  • Emergency Leave Application:  A compassionate or urgent time off granted to address sudden or unforeseen family and personal emergencies.
  • Half-day Leave Application:  A type of   leave application for an office that grants the employee permission to be absent from work for half of the usual working hours in a day.

What to Include in an Office Leave Application Letter/Email?

Learning how to write a leave application begins with knowing the content that you must include in your letter or email. Therefore, what follows is my list of points that should definitely be included in your leave application for office.

  • Salutation:  Such an approach will usually include the name of an addressee whose name is written in your notice of leave.
  • Subject:  This section of the leave application should include the cause behind your request for leave and the date you filed for it.
  • Reason for Leave: I advise that you put across the necessary details so that your application for a leave grant while transiting from office receives the attention it deserves.
  • Work Plan: To assure peace of mind to customers, talk about your colleague who will look after all responsibilities when you are not there.
  • Closing Sentence: Give thanks to the said individual.
  • Name:  State your correct name.
  • Designation:  Tell about your exact job function in the company.
  • Date:  Cite the present date.

Leave Application Format for Employee

Let me show you a leave letter format for the office that will help you draft future applications with ease.

To: [Manager’s Name]

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Current Date]

Subject: Leave application for [your reason and date]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for (number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). The reason for my leave is (your valid reason for leave).

I have completed all the urgent tasks and delegated the remaining tasks to (your colleague’s name). I am confident that my absence will not have any negative impact on our team’s work.

I will be available by email or phone during my leave if needed. I will also make sure to check my work email regularly.

I appreciate your consideration.

[Your name and designation]

How to Write a Leave Application Letter for Office

Following the correct leave application format for employees is important for you to be granted leave from your workplace. That is why I have curated a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to draft a leave application for office.

1. Use the Company Letterhead:  Use an official letterhead for your leave application if your company has one. It will help add a professional touch to your leave application for office for personal reasons or any other reason. Include your company name, address, and contact information as given on the letterhead.

2. Include the Date:  Write the current date you submitted the leave application at the top left or right corner. I advise you to use the DD/MM/YYYY format.

3. Add Your Name, Designation, and Employee ID:  Mention your full name along with your position or designation in the company and employee ID, if applicable.

4. Address the Recipient:  Your leave application for office should be addressed directly to your HR department head or reporting manager as specified by company policy. Try to use formal titles like Sir or Ma’am.

5. Subject Line:  Include a subject line that briefly states your leave request.

6. Content:  I suggest you clarify the reason and time period for the leave in the paragraph. Along with that, make sure you clearly explain the reason for your absence. According to the company policy, you will need to give enough time for your planned leave to the concerned authority.

7. Polite and Formal Tone:  Maintain a formal and courteous communication style at all times throughout the leave application. Strictly avoid making unreasonable demands.

8. Express Gratitude:  Finally, end by thanking the approval authority for taking the time to review your leave application.

9. Signature:  Wrap up the leave application with your full name and signature.

10. Proofread:  Double-check the leave application for any grammatical, factual, or spelling errors before submission.

Sample Leave Applications For Office

A sample leave letter format for office can help you draft your future applications without making any errors. Let me walk you through some of these sample leave applications for the office.

1. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

The following sample leave application will help you learn how to cite personal reasons for your absence.

Subject: Application for Personal Leave

Dear {Recipient’s Name},

I have an important personal matter to attend to due to which I will not be able to come to the office from {start date} to {end date}.

I have transferred all my tasks to {person’s name} and have asked them to call me for any help during my absence.

Kindly consider my leave application for approval and oblige.

Yours Sincerely,  {Your Name}

2. Sample Leave Application for Marriage

The leave application for marriage is different from other leave applications for office, as shown below.

Subject: Leave for Marriage Ceremony

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am pleased to announce that I will be getting married on {Date}. So, I request you to grant me leave from {Date} to {Date} for my marriage function.

I have already started to work towards completing my task before the date.

Looking forward to receiving a positive response from you soon.


3. Maternity Leave Application Sample

Here is a leave letter for office samples for those who want maternity leave.

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

I am writing to inform you about my decision to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I plan to start my leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {joining date}.

I will let you know as soon as possible if my plans change for any reason. I have attached the physician’s letter to confirm the relevant details.

4. Annual Leave Application

Here is a sample of an annual leave mail in the office   for your reference.

Subject: Annual Leave Application

I will be traveling with my family for one month between {start date} and {end date}.

As per my prior discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave.

I may not be available to take calls because of the nature of my travel plans. Please address any urgent work matters to my email address {email ID}.

I await a positive reply to my leave request.

Thank you and regards,  {Your Name}

5. Sick Leave Application

Here is a sample sick leave application for the office for your reference.

Subject: Sick Leave Request for One Day

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

I regret to inform you that I will not be able to visit the office tomorrow, [date], due to my health condition. I have visited the doctor and therefore will have to take the day to relax and recover. Therefore, I would like to request one day of sick leave.

I will be available via email for all urgent work matters.

Wishing you and the team a productive day in my absence.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

6. Vacation Leave Application

Here is a vacation leave letter example for office.

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing this application to request a leave of absence from {start date} to {end date}. My family and I are taking a vacation to Manali as this period marks the summer vacation for my children. I want to take part of my allotted paid leave in this regard.

In the meanwhile, my teammate, {enter name}, has been authorized to take up any pressing matters in terms of my job duties.

I look forward to your approval.

Sincerely,  {Your Name}

7. Casual Leave Application

Subject: Casual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I request a leave of {X days} from {start date} to {end date} since I have to attend to a medical emergency of a close relative. As the relative is situated in Uttrakhand, I must be away for {X days}.

I shall be reachable during the period mentioned in my email. My person in charge, {person’s name}, will be handling my tasks in my absence.

I will be thankful if you consider my application at the earliest.

8. Emergency Leave Application

Here is how you can write a leave letter for an emergency.

Sub: Emergency Leave Letter

I have to tend to a personal matter in my hometown because of which I will not be able to come to the office until {date}.

I have informed my colleagues about my leave and have briefed everyone on the project we are working on. You may contact me on (Your mobile number) if you need me with any urgent information.

Please grant me a leave for three days and oblige.

{Your Name}

9. Leave Application for Half-day Sample

Here is a sample leave application for the office for a half day.

Subject: Request for Half-Day Leave on [Date]

Dear [Supervisor Name],

This is to inform you that I am applying for a half-day leave on [Date], [Morning/Afternoon]. I need to [briefly state the reason for leave].

I have completed all urgent tasks and informed [colleague name] about my absence. They have agreed to cover the pending tasks for me.

I will be available via email or phone throughout the day for urgent matters.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Leave Application for Office: Template

I have attached a sample   leave application for the office template for your reference. You can also download it instantly.

Leave Application Sample for office

Tips for Writing Office Leave Application Letters

I have also curated some tips that you can use while drafting an application for medical leave in the office or for other reasons.

  • Use a formal tone and professional format to write the leave application for the office.
  • Provide all relevant details, including the purpose of your leave and the duration of absence.
  • Send your leave application in time.
  • Let the management know about your work status, too.
  • Attach supporting documents if needed.
  • Follow up with the manager or supervisor if they have not responded to your application yet.

Writing a leave application for the office will be an easy task for you once you have read this guide. I have included the formats for all application types, including a one-day leave application for the office, for your reference. Moreover, you must also follow all the tips and guidelines to ensure your application is in the correct format and tone.

You can learn more about such leave applications and how to draft them through free online courses from KnowledgeHut. These courses will enable you to learn more about effective communication in the workplace and enhance your skills for career advancement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can apply for a casual leave application for the office if you want to attend a function. Make sure to follow the correct format and inform your manager about your planned absence. This will enable you to get approval instantly.

Several leave types are available for employees, including maternity, annual, half-day, casual, vacation, and sick leave. Familiarizing yourself with their respective formats is essential to ensure you submit the correct application.

Your application should encompass several required elements. The three simple ones are the subject line, the date, the reason for your leave, and the name of the person to whom you have transferred your work.

List down the factors that your manager can incorporate in canceling your absence request for the office. If your manager’s explanations are not convincing enough and you need a leave, you can discuss the matter with your HR department, which may be escalated to the seniors if required.

Yes, your leave remains cancelable even after it is approved. All you have to do is prepare a new document stating the new dates or your reasons for changing your leave. You may also want to bring the matter to your HR and proceed with the application without any problem.


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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    1234 E. Main St. San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Ms. Jones, I am submitting this request for a leave of absence to tend to important personal matters beginning next month. If possible, I would like to take my leave beginning March 15 and return to the office on April 3, 20XX.

  5. How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]

    Sick Leave Letter Format. To, The Manager, (Insert company name) Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness) Dear Sir/ma'am, Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz's illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness).

  6. 12 Leave Letters For Work (With Examples)

    A leave letter informs your employer of your absence from work and provides details of your expected return. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to write an annual leave letter, a maternity leave letter, a paternity leave letter, a sick leave letter, or a study leave letter. Whatever your reasons for needing time away from work ...

  7. How To Write a Leave Application at an Office (With Example)

    4. Introduce why you're writing. In the first paragraph, mention the specific reason you are writing the letter, including that you're requesting leave and for what reason. Doing so in the first paragraph allows the recipient to clearly understand your intention and better assess the information you provide after. 5.

  8. Leave Application For Office: Format & Samples [2024 Updated]

    Here, include who the letter is addressed to, which could be your boss or a specific individual in the Human Resources team. 4. Mention the Reason for Taking Leave ... Use this sample annual leave application letter for the office to request time off from work, to get your well-deserved vacation or personal time. [Your Full Name] [Your Address]

  9. How to write a leave request email (With examples)

    To write a leave request email, follow these steps: use a formal greeting, briefly explain your request, state the dates of your absence, provide a reason if needed, share any additional details, thank your supervisor, and close with a formal sign-off and signature. Types of leave requests include emergency leave, parental leave, annual leave ...

  10. How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter: Tips & Samples

    When it's time to write a leave request and hand it in to your employer, bear in mind the following four points to ensure that the process goes smoothly: 1. Copy in the HR department. Remember to give a copy of your request to the HR department — they'll need this information for your personal records.

  11. How to write a leave application email ( with examples)

    Use a polite greeting such as "Dear [Manager's Name]" or "Hello [HR Department's Name]". Clearly state the purpose of your email at the beginning. Specify the type of leave you are requesting (annual, sick, carer's, etc.) and the exact dates of your planned absence. If your leave requires documentation, such as a doctor's note for sick or ...

  12. Leave Application Email (14+ Examples & Samples)

    Date (should be date of writing this letter) To, Name of employer: Designation: Company Name: Sub: Subject of your leave application. Section 1. This is the first section where you should elaborate to your employer the reason you are taking a break from official duties. You should also state the duration of your leave and state a valid reason ...

  13. 3 Sample Leave Of Absence Letters (And Do's And Don'ts of Writing

    Dear Sharon, I'm writing to request a formal leave of absence from work starting next month due to a recent family emergency. I plan to take this leave from March 8, 2023, through April 2, 2023. I plan to return to work on April 5, 2023. As discussed, this is a tentative date based on my current family circumstances.

  14. How To Write a Leave Application Email (With Example)

    2. Address the letter to the appropriate person. When reviewing the leave policies, find out who is responsible for approving your leave application. For example, you may submit the request to your HR manager, your direct manager or both. Address your letter appropriately. 3. Use a professional salutation.

  15. Leave Application To Boss

    If you are requesting leave for one or two days, you can write informally and for any leave period more than that, you need to write a formal letter. Take a glance at the letter below to understand. Dear Sir/Mam, I am writing this letter to inform you that I need leaves for two weeks starting from 25th May 2020.

  16. Formal Leave of Absence Letter Example

    Your reason for needing a leave of absence (such as the birth or adoption of a child, personal or family health issues, loss of a loved one, or relief from excessive job stress); The things you are willing to do to help prepare for your absence (examples: training your replacement, writing a detailed handbook of your daily work processes, or offering to remain available to answer any questions ...

  17. How to Write a Leave Letter to Boss?

    Leave letter to boss is written by an employee seeking a break from normal duties. Such a letter is addressed to the immediate boss of an employer in a particular department. An employee can write this letter to request time off to attend family or personal commitments, for compensatory leave, compassionate leave or any other genuine reason.

  18. Leave Application Letter for Office: Format and Examples

    Example: Dear [Supervisor's Name], Mention the Purpose: Ensure mentioning the reason for your leave. Whether it's for personal reasons, health issues, or a family emergency, provide a brief and honest explanation. Specify the Duration: Clearly state the dates for which you are requesting leave.

  19. Simple 5 Days Leave Application for Office in Word

    Address to manager/boss: Address the email or leave a letter to your manager/boss/HOD, who have power to grant the leave. Subject line: Place subject line as "Leave application" or "Leave request". Salutation: Start the letter with a proper salutation like "Dear Sir/Madam". Say thank you: End the letter by saying thanking you.

  20. Writing a Leave of Absence Letter With Examples

    Add the company name. Include the company's location. Add a salutation (Dear, followed by the appropriate person's name). Include a clear and succinct explanation of the request, written in first person (I am requesting, I will return). Add a closing like 'sincerely' or 'thank you.'. Include your full name.

  21. 15 Sample Leave Letter for Personal Reason

    5 Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Letter for Personal Reason. Be Clear and Concise: When writing your leave letter, clearly state the dates you need to be absent and the reason for your leave.Keep the letter brief and avoid unnecessary details. Use a Formal Tone: Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter.Use polite and respectful language to express your request.

  22. Leave Application Letter for Office: Format, Samples, Templates

    Include the Date: Write the current date you submitted the leave application at the top left or right corner. I advise you to use the DD/MM/YYYY format. 3. Add Your Name, Designation, and Employee ID: Mention your full name along with your position or designation in the company and employee ID, if applicable. 4.