research topics in physics education

Physics Education Research

Physics Education Research (PER) is the study of how people learn physics and how to improve the quality of physics education. Researchers use the tools and methods of science to answer questions about physics learning that require knowledge of physics. Researchers focus on developing objective means of measuring the outcomes of educational interventions. How do we know whether our courses and interventions are successful?

One such approach is the design of diagnostic assessments and surveys. While many instructors develop questions to assess student learning, diagnostic research assessments undergo rigorous design, testing, and validation processes to facilitate objective comparisons between students and methods of instruction. These assessments are like detectors that must be carefully crafted and calibrated to ensure we understand what they are measuring.

The Cornell Physics Education Research Lab has a large focus on studying and developing learning in lab courses. Researchers are collecting data to evaluate the efficacy of lab courses in achieving various goals, from reinforcing physics concepts to fostering student attitudes and motivation to developing critical thinking and experimentation skills. They are designing innovative teaching methods to harness the affordances of lab courses, namely, working with messy data, getting hands on materials, troubleshooting equipment, and connecting physical models to the real world and data. There are many open research questions related to understanding how students learn these ideas.

This work will be facilitated by a research Active Learning Initiative grant from the Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences led by Natasha Holmes (PI). This grant will facilitate the renewal of the physics lab elements of the two calculus-based introductory physics course sequences. In addition to redesigning the instructional materials, this project will involve significant attention on understanding how instructional materials get passed down between instructors and sustained over time, how teaching assistants are trained to support the innovative designs, and many open research questions to evaluate students’ experience and learning in these courses.

The recent Cornell University Physics Initiative in Deliberate practice (CUPID) was a 5-year project to renew the introductory, calculus-based physics course sequence for Engineering and Physics majors. This project, led by Jeevak Parpia and Tomás Arias and involving more than 8 other faculty and lecturers in the department, applied results of PER to improve the teaching and learning in Cornell University courses, and to test the generalizability of results observed elsewhere. By collecting assessment, survey, and exam data across the duration of the course implementation, the group demonstrated significant improvements in student learning and attitudes. They are now in the process of monitoring how the course materials get passed on to new faculty. There are many opportunities to study differences in various forms of active learning.

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Image of Natasha Holmes

Ann S. Bowers Associate Professor

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Students in Physics class

  • Position paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 28 November 2019

Physics education research for 21 st century learning

  • Lei Bao   ORCID: 1 &
  • Kathleen Koenig 2  

Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research volume  1 , Article number:  2 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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Education goals have evolved to emphasize student acquisition of the knowledge and attributes necessary to successfully contribute to the workforce and global economy of the twenty-first Century. The new education standards emphasize higher end skills including reasoning, creativity, and open problem solving. Although there is substantial research evidence and consensus around identifying essential twenty-first Century skills, there is a lack of research that focuses on how the related subskills interact and develop over time. This paper provides a brief review of physics education research as a means for providing a context towards future work in promoting deep learning and fostering abilities in high-end reasoning. Through a synthesis of the literature around twenty-first Century skills and physics education, a set of concretely defined education and research goals are suggested for future research, along with how these may impact the next generation physics courses and how physics should be taught in the future.


Education is the primary service offered by society to prepare its future generation workforce. The goals of education should therefore meet the demands of the changing world. The concept of learner-centered, active learning has broad, growing support in the research literature as an empirically validated teaching practice that best promotes learning for modern day students (Freeman et al., 2014 ). It stems out of the constructivist view of learning, which emphasizes that it is the learner who needs to actively construct knowledge and the teacher should assume the role of a facilitator rather than the source of knowledge. As implied by the constructivist view, learner-centered education usually emphasizes active-engagement and inquiry style teaching-learning methods, in which the learners can effectively construct their understanding under the guidance of instruction. The learner-centered education also requires educators and researchers to focus their efforts on the learners’ needs, not only to deliver effective teaching-learning approaches, but also to continuously align instructional practices to the education goals of the times. The goals of introductory college courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines have constantly evolved from some notion of weed-out courses that emphasize content drilling, to the current constructivist active-engagement type of learning that promotes interest in STEM careers and fosters high-end cognitive abilities.

Following the conceptually defined framework of twenty-first Century teaching and learning, this paper aims to provide contextualized operational definitions of the goals for twenty-first Century learning in physics (and STEM in general) as well as the rationale for the importance of these outcomes for current students. Aligning to the twenty-first Century learning goals, research in physics education is briefly reviewed to provide a context towards future work in promoting deep learning and fostering abilities in high-end reasoning in parallel. Through a synthesis of the literature around twenty-first Century skills and physics education, a set of concretely defined education and research goals are suggested for future research. These goals include: domain-specific research in physics learning; fostering scientific reasoning abilities that are transferable across the STEM disciplines; and dissemination of research-validated curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning. Although this review has a focus on physics education research (PER), it is beneficial to expand the perspective to view physics education in the broader context of STEM learning. Therefore, much of the discussion will blend PER with STEM education as a continuum body of work on teaching and learning.

Education goals for twenty-first century learning

Education goals have evolved to emphasize student acquisition of essential “21 st Century skills”, which define the knowledge and attributes necessary to successfully contribute to the workforce and global economy of the 21st Century (National Research Council, 2011 , 2012a ). In general, these standards seek to transition from emphasizing content-based drilling and memorization towards fostering higher-end skills including reasoning, creativity, and open problem solving (United States Chamber of Commerce, 2017 ). Initiatives on advancing twenty-first Century education focus on skills that converge on three broad clusters: cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal, all of which include a rich set of sub-dimensions.

Within the cognitive domain, multiple competencies have been proposed, including deep learning, non-routine problem solving, systems thinking, critical thinking, computational and information literacy, reasoning and argumentation, and innovation (National Research Council, 2012b ; National Science and Technology Council, 2018 ). Interpersonal skills are those necessary for relating to others, including the ability to work creatively and collaboratively as well as communicate clearly. Intrapersonal skills, on the other hand, reside within the individual and include metacognitive thinking, adaptability, and self-management. These involve the ability to adjust one’s strategy or approach along with the ability to work towards important goals without significant distraction, both essential for sustained success in long-term problem solving and career development.

Although many descriptions exist for what qualifies as twenty-first Century skills, student abilities in scientific reasoning and critical thinking are the most commonly noted and widely studied. They are highly connected with the other cognitive skills of problem solving, decision making, and creative thinking (Bailin, 1996 ; Facione, 1990 ; Fisher, 2001 ; Lipman, 2003 ; Marzano et al., 1988 ), and have been important educational goals since the 1980s (Binkley et al., 2010 ; NCET, 1987 ). As a result, they play a foundational role in defining, assessing, and developing twenty-first Century skills.

The literature for critical thinking is extensive (Bangert-Drowns & Bankert, 1990 ; Facione, 1990 ; Glaser, 1941 ). Various definitions exist with common underlying principles. Broadly defined, critical thinking is the application of the cognitive skills and strategies that aim for and support evidence-based decision making. It is the thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions (Halpern, 1999 ). It is the “reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do” (Ennis, 1993 ). Critical thinking is recognized as a way to understand and evaluate subject matter; producing reliable knowledge and improving thinking itself (Paul, 1990 ; Siegel, 1988 ).

The notion of scientific reasoning is often used to label the set of skills that support critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity in STEM. Broadly defined, scientific reasoning includes the thinking and reasoning skills involved in inquiry, experimentation, evidence evaluation, inference and argument that support the formation and modification of concepts and theories about the natural world; such as the ability to systematically explore a problem, formulate and test hypotheses, manipulate and isolate variables, and observe and evaluate consequences (Bao et al., 2009 ; Zimmerman, 2000 ). Critical thinking and scientific reasoning share many features, where both emphasize evidence-based decision making in multivariable causal conditions. Critical thinking can be promoted through the development of scientific reasoning, which includes student ability to reach a reliable conclusion after identifying a question, formulating hypotheses, gathering relevant data, and logically testing and evaluating the hypothesis. In this way, scientific reasoning can be viewed as a scientific domain instantiation of critical thinking in the context of STEM learning.

In STEM learning, cognitive aspects of the twenty-first Century skills aim to develop reasoning skills, critical thinking skills, and deep understanding, all of which allow students to develop well connected expert-like knowledge structures and engage in meaningful scientific inquiry and problem solving. Within physics education, a core component of STEM education, the learning of conceptual understanding and problem solving remains a current emphasis. However, the fast-changing work environment and technology-driven world require a new set of core knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to solve complex interdisciplinary problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information from a variety of sources (Tanenbaum, 2016 ). The education goals in physics are transitioning towards ability fostering as well as extension and integration with other STEM disciplines. Although curriculum that supports these goals is limited, there are a number of attempts, particularly in developing active learning classrooms and inquiry-based laboratory activities, which have demonstrated success. Some of these are described later in this paper as they provide a foundation for future work in physics education.

Interpersonal skills, such as communication and collaboration, are also essential for twenty-first Century problem-solving tasks, which are often open-ended, complex, and team-based. As the world becomes more connected in a multitude of dimensions, tackling significant problems involving complex systems often goes beyond the individual and requires working with others who are increasingly from culturally diverse backgrounds. Due to the rise of communication technologies, being able to articulate thoughts and ideas in a variety of formats and contexts is crucial, as well as the ability to effectively listen or observe to decipher meaning. Interpersonal skills can be promoted by integrating group-learning experiences into the classroom setting, while providing students with the opportunity to engage in open-ended tasks with a team of peer learners who may propose more than one plausible solution. These experiences should be designed such that students must work collaboratively and responsibly in teams to develop creative solutions, which are later disseminated through informative presentations and clearly written scientific reports. Although educational settings in general have moved to providing students with more and more opportunities for collaborative learning, a lack of effective assessments for these important skills has been a limiting factor for producing informative research and widespread implementation. See Liu ( 2010 ) for an overview of measurement instruments reported in the research literature.

Intrapersonal skills are based on the individual and include the ability to manage one’s behavior and emotions to achieve goals. These are especially important for adapting in the fast-evolving collaborative modern work environment and for learning new tasks to solve increasingly challenging interdisciplinary problems, both of which require intellectual openness, work ethic, initiative, and metacognition, to name a few. These skills can be promoted using instruction which, for example, includes metacognitive learning strategies, provides opportunities to make choices and set goals for learning, and explicitly connects to everyday life events. However, like interpersonal skills, the availability of relevant assessments challenges advancement in this area. In this review, the vast amount of studies on interpersonal and intrapersonal skills will not be discussed in order to keep the main focus on the cognitive side of skills and reasoning.

The purpose behind discussing twenty-first Century skills is that this set of skills provides important guidance for establishing essential education goals for modern society and learners. However, although there is substantial research evidence and consensus around identifying necessary twenty-first Century skills, there is a lack of research that focuses on how the related subskills interact and develop over time (Reimers & Chung, 2016 ), with much of the existing research residing in academic literature that is focused on psychology rather than education systems (National Research Council, 2012a ). Therefore, a major and challenging task for discipline-based education researchers and educators is to operationally define discipline-specific goals that align with the twenty-first Century skills for each of the STEM fields. In the following sections, this paper will provide a limited vision of the research endeavors in physics education that can translate the past and current success into sustained impact for twenty-first Century teaching and learning.

Proposed education and research goals

Physics education research (PER) is often considered an early pioneer in discipline-based education research (National Research Council, 2012c ), with well-established, broad, and influential outcomes (e.g., Hake, 1998 ; Hsu, Brewe, Foster, & Harper, 2004 ; McDermott & Redish, 1999 ; Meltzer & Thornton, 2012 ). Through the integration of twenty-first Century skills with the PER literature, a set of broadly defined education and research goals is proposed for future PER work:

Discipline-specific deep learning: Cognitive and education research involving physics learning has established a rich literature on student learning behaviors along with a number of frameworks. Some of the popular frameworks include conceptual understanding and concept change, problem solving, knowledge structure, deep learning, and knowledge integration. Aligned with twenty-first Century skills, future research in physics learning should aim to integrate the multiple areas of existing work, such that they help students develop well integrated knowledge structures in order to achieve deep leaning in physics.

Fostering scientific reasoning for transfer across STEM disciplines: The broad literature in physics learning and scientific reasoning can provide a solid foundation to further develop effective physics education approaches, such as active engagement instruction and inquiry labs, specifically targeting scientific inquiry abilities and reasoning skills. Since scientific reasoning is a more domain-general cognitive ability, success in physics can also more readily inform research and education practices in other STEM fields.

Research, development, assessment, and dissemination of effective education approaches: Developing and maintaining a supportive infrastructure of education research and implementation has always been a challenge, not only in physics but in all STEM areas. The twenty-first Century education requires researchers and instructors across STEM to work together as an extended community in order to construct a sustainable integrated STEM education environment. Through this new infrastructure, effective team-based inquiry learning and meaningful assessment can be delivered to help students develop a comprehensive skills set including deep understanding and scientific reasoning, as well as communication and other non-cognitive abilities.

The suggested research will generate understanding and resources to support education practices that meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which explicitly emphasize three areas of learning including disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and practices (National Research Council, 2012b ). The first goal for promoting deep learning of disciplinary knowledge corresponds well to the NGSS emphasis on disciplinary core ideas, which play a central role in helping students develop well integrated knowledge structures to achieve deep understanding. The second goal on fostering transferable scientific reasoning skills supports the NGSS emphasis on crosscutting concepts and practices. Scientific reasoning skills are crosscutting cognitive abilities that are essential to the development of domain-general concepts and modeling strategies. In addition, the development of scientific reasoning requires inquiry-based learning and practices. Therefore, research on scientific reasoning can produce a valuable knowledge base on education means that are effective for developing crosscutting concepts and promoting meaningful practices in STEM. The third research goal addresses the challenge in the assessment of high-end skills and the dissemination of effective educational approaches, which supports all NGSS initiatives to ensure sustainable development and lasting impact. The following sections will discuss the research literature that provides the foundation for these three research goals and identify the specific challenges that will need to be addressed in future work.

Promoting deep learning in physics education

Physics education for the twenty-first Century aims to foster high-end reasoning skills and promote deep conceptual understanding. However, many traditional education systems place strong emphasis on only problem solving with the expectation that students obtain deep conceptual understanding through repetitive problem-solving practices, which often doesn’t occur (Alonso, 1992 ). This focus on problem solving has been shown to have limitations as a number of studies have revealed disconnections between learning conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills (Chiu, 2001 ; Chiu, Guo, & Treagust, 2007 ; Hoellwarth, Moelter, & Knight, 2005 ; Kim & Pak, 2002 ; Nakhleh, 1993 ; Nakhleh & Mitchell, 1993 ; Nurrenbern & Pickering, 1987 ; Stamovlasis, Tsaparlis, Kamilatos, Papaoikonomou, & Zarotiadou, 2005 ). In fact, drilling in problem solving may actually promote memorization of context-specific solutions with minimal generalization rather than transitioning students from novices to experts.

Towards conceptual understanding and learning, many models and definitions have been established to study and describe student conceptual knowledge states and development. For example, students coming into a physics classroom often hold deeply rooted, stable understandings that differ from expert conceptions. These are commonly referred to as misconceptions or alternative conceptions (Clement, 1982 ; Duit & Treagust, 2003 ; Dykstra Jr, Boyle, & Monarch, 1992 ; Halloun & Hestenes, 1985a , 1985b ). Such students’ conceptions are context dependent and exist as disconnected knowledge fragments, which are strongly situated within specific contexts (Bao & Redish, 2001 , 2006 ; Minstrell, 1992 ).

In modeling students’ knowledge structures, DiSessa’s proposed phenomenological primitives (p-prim) describe a learner’s implicit thinking, cued from specific contexts, as an underpinning cognitive construct for a learner’s expressed conception (DiSessa, 1993 ; Smith III, DiSessa, & Roschelle, 1994 ). Facets, on the other hand, map between the implicit p-prim and concrete statements of beliefs and are developed as discrete and independent units of thought, knowledge, or strategies used by individuals to address specific situations (Minstrell, 1992 ). Ontological categories, defined by Chi, describe student reasoning in the most general sense. Chi believed that these are distinct, stable, and constraining, and that a core reason behind novices’ difficulties in physics is that they think of physics within the category of matter instead of processes (Chi, 1992 ; Chi & Slotta, 1993 ; Chi, Slotta, & De Leeuw, 1994 ; Slotta, Chi, & Joram, 1995 ). More details on conceptual learning and problem solving are well summarized in the literature (Hsu et al., 2004 ; McDermott & Redish, 1999 ), from which a common theme emerges from the models and definitions. That is, learning is context dependent and students with poor conceptual understanding typically have locally connected knowledge structures with isolated conceptual constructs that are unable to establish similarities and contrasts between contexts.

Additionally, this idea of fragmentation is demonstrated through many studies on student problem solving in physics and other fields. It has been shown that a student’s knowledge organization is a key aspect for distinguishing experts from novices (Bagno, Eylon, & Ganiel, 2000 ; Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981 ; De Jong & Ferguson-Hesler, 1986 ; Eylon & Reif, 1984 ; Ferguson-Hesler & De Jong, 1990 ; Heller & Reif, 1984 ; Larkin, McDermott, Simon, & Simon, 1980 ; Smith, 1992 ; Veldhuis, 1990 ; Wexler, 1982 ). Expert’s knowledge is organized around core principles of physics, which are applied to guide problem solving and develop connections between different domains as well as new, unfamiliar situations (Brown, 1989 ; Perkins & Salomon, 1989 ; Salomon & Perkins, 1989 ). Novices, on the other hand, lack a well-organized knowledge structure and often solve problems by relying on surface features that are directly mapped to certain problem-solving outcomes through memorization (Chi, Bassok, Lewis, Reimann, & Glaser, 1989 ; Hardiman, Dufresne, & Mestre, 1989 ; Schoenfeld & Herrmann, 1982 ).

This lack of organization creates many difficulties in the comprehension of basic concepts and in solving complex problems. This leads to the common complaint that students’ knowledge of physics is reduced to formulas and vague labels of the concepts, which are unable to substantively contribute to meaningful reasoning processes. A novice’s fragmented knowledge structure severely limits the learner’s conceptual understanding. In essence, these students are able to memorize how to approach a problem given specific information but lack the understanding of the underlying concept of the approach, limiting their ability to apply this approach to a novel situation. In order to achieve expert-like understanding, a student’s knowledge structure must integrate all of the fragmented ideas around the core principle to form a coherent and fully connected conceptual framework.

Towards a more general theoretical consideration, students’ alternative conceptions and fragmentation in knowledge structures can be viewed through both the “naïve theory” framework (e.g., Posner, Strike, Hewson, & Gertzog, 1982 ; Vosniadou, Vamvakoussi, & Skopeliti, 2008 ) and the “knowledge in pieces” (DiSessa, 1993 ) perspective. The “naïve theory” framework considers students entering the classroom with stable and coherent ideas (naïve theories) about the natural world that differ from those presented by experts. In the “knowledge in pieces” perspective, student knowledge is constructed in real-time and incorporates context features with the p-prims to form the observed conceptual expressions. Although there exists an ongoing debate between these two views (Kalman & Lattery, 2018 ), it is more productive to focus on their instructional implications for promoting meaningful conceptual change in students’ knowledge structures.

In the process of learning, students may enter the classroom with a range of initial states depending on the population and content. For topics with well-established empirical experiences, students often have developed their own ideas and understanding, while on topics without prior exposure, students may create their initial understanding in real-time based on related prior knowledge and given contextual features (Bao & Redish, 2006 ). These initial states of understanding, regardless of their origin, are usually different from those of experts. Therefore, the main function of teaching and learning is to guide students to modify their initial understanding towards the experts’ views. Although students’ initial understanding may exist as a body of coherent ideas within limited contexts, as students start to change their knowledge structures throughout the learning process, they may evolve into a wide range of transitional states with varying levels of knowledge integration and coherence. The discussion in this brief review on students’ knowledge structures regarding fragmentation and integration are primarily focused on the transitional stages emerged through learning.

The corresponding instructional goal is then to help students more effectively develop an integrated knowledge structure so as to achieve a deep conceptual understanding. From an educator’s perspective, Bloom’s taxonomy of education objectives establishes a hierarchy of six levels of cognitive skills based on their specificity and complexity: Remember (lowest and most specific), Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create (highest and most general and complex) (Anderson et al., 2001 ; Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956 ). This hierarchy of skills exemplifies the transition of a learner’s cognitive development from a fragmented and contextually situated knowledge structure (novice with low level cognitive skills) to a well-integrated and globally networked expert-like structure (with high level cognitive skills).

As a student’s learning progresses from lower to higher cognitive levels, the student’s knowledge structure becomes more integrated and is easier to transfer across contexts (less context specific). For example, beginning stage students may only be able to memorize and perform limited applications of the features of certain contexts and their conditional variations, with which the students were specifically taught. This leads to the establishment of a locally connected knowledge construct. When a student’s learning progresses from the level of Remember to Understand, the student begins to develop connections among some of the fragmented pieces to form a more fully connected network linking a larger set of contexts, thus advancing into a higher level of understanding. These connections and the ability to transfer between different situations form the basis of deep conceptual understanding. This growth of connections leads to a more complete and integrated cognitive structure, which can be mapped to a higher level on Bloom’s taxonomy. This occurs when students are able to relate a larger number of different contextual and conditional aspects of a concept for analyzing and evaluating to a wider variety of problem situations.

Promoting the growth of connections would appear to aid in student learning. Exactly which teaching methods best facilitate this are dependent on the concepts and skills being learned and should be determined through research. However, it has been well recognized that traditional instruction often fails to help students obtain expert-like conceptual understanding, with many misconceptions still existing after instruction, indicating weak integration within a student’s knowledge structure (McKeachie, 1986 ).

Recognizing the failures of traditional teaching, various research-informed teaching methods have been developed to enhance student conceptual learning along with diagnostic tests, which aim to measure the existence of misconceptions. Most advances in teaching methods focus on the inclusion of inquiry-based interactive-engagement elements in lecture, recitations, and labs. In physics education, these methods were popularized after Hake’s landmark study demonstrated the effectiveness of interactive-engagement over traditional lectures (Hake, 1998 ). Some of these methods include the use of peer instruction (Mazur, 1997 ), personal response systems (e.g., Reay, Bao, Li, Warnakulasooriya, & Baugh, 2005 ), studio-style instruction (Beichner et al., 2007 ), and inquiry-based learning (Etkina & Van Heuvelen, 2001 ; Laws, 2004 ; McDermott, 1996 ; Thornton & Sokoloff, 1998 ). The key approach of these methods aims to improve student learning by carefully targeting deficits in student knowledge and actively encouraging students to explore and discuss. Rather than rote memorization, these approaches help promote generalization and deeper conceptual understanding by building connections between knowledge elements.

Based on the literature, including Bloom’s taxonomy and the new education standards that emphasize twenty-first Century skills, a common focus on teaching and learning can be identified. This focus emphasizes helping students develop connections among fragmented segments of their knowledge pieces and is aligned with the knowledge integration perspective, which focuses on helping students develop and refine their knowledge structure toward a more coherently organized and extensively connected network of ideas (Lee, Liu, & Linn, 2011 ; Linn, 2005 ; Nordine, Krajcik, & Fortus, 2011 ; Shen, Liu, & Chang, 2017 ). For meaningful learning to occur, new concepts must be integrated into a learner’s existing knowledge structure by linking the new knowledge to already understood concepts.

Forming an integrated knowledge structure is therefore essential to achieving deep learning, not only in physics but also in all STEM fields. However, defining what connections must occur at different stages of learning, as well as understanding the instructional methods necessary for effectively developing such connections within each STEM disciplinary context, are necessary for current and future research. Together these will provide the much needed foundational knowledge base to guide the development of the next generation of curriculum and classroom environment designed around twenty-first Century learning.

Developing scientific reasoning with inquiry labs

Scientific reasoning is part of the widely emphasized cognitive strand of twenty-first Century skills. Through development of scientific reasoning skills, students’ critical thinking, open-ended problem-solving abilities, and decision-making skills can be improved. In this way, targeting scientific reasoning as a curricular objective is aligned with the goals emphasized in twenty-first Century education. Also, there is a growing body of research on the importance of student development of scientific reasoning, which have been found to positively correlate with course achievement (Cavallo, Rozman, Blickenstaff, & Walker, 2003 ; Johnson & Lawson, 1998 ), improvement on concept tests (Coletta & Phillips, 2005 ; She & Liao, 2010 ), engagement in higher levels of problem solving (Cracolice, Deming, & Ehlert, 2008 ; Fabby & Koenig, 2013 ); and success on transfer (Ates & Cataloglu, 2007 ; Jensen & Lawson, 2011 ).

Unfortunately, research has shown that college students are lacking in scientific reasoning. Lawson ( 1992 ) found that ~ 50% of intro biology students are not capable of applying scientific reasoning in learning, including the ability to develop hypotheses, control variables, and design experiments; all necessary for meaningful scientific inquiry. Research has also found that traditional courses do not significantly develop these abilities, with pre-to-post-test gains of 1%–2%, while inquiry-based courses have gains around 7% (Koenig, Schen, & Bao, 2012 ; Koenig, Schen, Edwards, & Bao, 2012 ). Others found that undergraduates have difficulty developing evidence-based decisions and differentiating between and linking evidence with claims (Kuhn, 1992 ; Shaw, 1996 ; Zeineddin & Abd-El-Khalick, 2010 ). A large scale international study suggested that learning of physics content knowledge with traditional teaching practices does not improve students’ scientific reasoning skills (Bao et al., 2009 ).

Aligned to twenty-first Century learning, it is important to implement curriculum that is specifically designed for developing scientific reasoning abilities within current education settings. Although traditional lectures may continue for decades due to infrastructure constraints, a unique opportunity can be found in the lab curriculum, which may be more readily transformed to include hands-on minds-on group learning activities that are ideal for developing students’ abilities in scientific inquiry and reasoning.

For well over a century, the laboratory has held a distinctive role in student learning (Meltzer & Otero, 2015 ). However, many existing labs, which haven’t changed much since the late 1980s, have received criticism for their outdated cookbook style that lacks effectiveness in developing high-end skills. In addition, labs have been primarily used as a means for verifying the physical principles presented in lecture, and unfortunately, Hofstein and Lunetta ( 1982 ) found in an early review of the literature that research was unable to demonstrate the impact of the lab on student content learning.

About this same time, a shift towards a constructivist view of learning gained popularity and influenced lab curriculum development towards engaging students in the process of constructing knowledge through science inquiry. Curricula, such as Physics by Inquiry (McDermott, 1996 ), Real-Time Physics (Sokoloff, Thornton, & Laws, 2011 ), and Workshop Physics (Laws, 2004 ), were developed with a primary focus on engaging students in cognitive conflict to address misconceptions. Although these approaches have been shown to be highly successful in improving deep learning of physics concepts (McDermott & Redish, 1999 ), the emphasis on conceptual learning does not sufficiently impact the domain general scientific reasoning skills necessitated in the goals of twenty-first Century learning.

Reform in science education, both in terms of targeted content and skills, along with the emergence of knowledge regarding human cognition and learning (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000 ), have generated renewed interest in the potential of inquiry-based lab settings for skill development. In these types of hands-on minds-on learning, students apply the methods and procedures of science inquiry to investigate phenomena and construct scientific claims, solve problems, and communicate outcomes, which holds promise for developing both conceptual understanding and scientific reasoning skills in parallel (Trowbridge, Bybee, & Powell, 2000 ). In addition, the availability of technology to enhance inquiry-based learning has seen exponential growth, along with the emergence of more appropriate research methodologies to support research on student learning.

Although inquiry-based labs hold promise for developing students’ high-end reasoning, analytic, and scientific inquiry abilities, these educational endeavors have not become widespread, with many existing physics laboratory courses still viewed merely as a place to illustrate the physical principles from the lecture course (Meltzer & Otero, 2015 ). Developing scientific ideas from practical experiences, however, is a complex process. Students need sufficient time and opportunity for interaction and reflection on complex, investigative tasks. Blended learning, which merges lecture and lab (such as studio style courses), addresses this issue to some extent, but has experienced limited adoption, likely due to the demanding infrastructure resources, including dedicated technology-intensive classroom space, equipment and maintenance costs, and fully committed trained staff.

Therefore, there is an immediate need to transform the existing standalone lab courses, within the constraints of the existing education infrastructure, into more inquiry-based designs, with one of its primary goals dedicated to developing scientific reasoning skills. These labs should center on constructing knowledge, along with hands-on minds-on practical skills and scientific reasoning, to support modeling a problem, designing and implementing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, drawing and evaluating conclusions, and effective communication. In particular, training on scientific reasoning needs to be explicitly addressed in the lab curriculum, which should contain components specifically targeting a set of operationally-defined scientific reasoning skills, such as ability to control variables or engage in multivariate causal reasoning. Although effective inquiry may also implicitly develop some aspects of scientific reasoning skills, such development is far less efficient and varies with context when the primary focus is on conceptual learning.

Several recent efforts to enhance the standalone lab course have shown promise in supporting education goals that better align with twenty-first Century learning. For example, the Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE) labs involve a series of tasks designed to help students develop the “habits of mind” of scientists and engineers (Etkina et al., 2006 ). The curriculum targets reasoning as well as the lab learning outcomes published by the American Association of Physics Teachers (Kozminski et al., 2014 ). Operationally, ISLE methods focus on scaffolding students’ developing conceptual understanding using inquiry learning without a heavy emphasis on cognitive conflict, making it more appropriate and effective for entry level students and K-12 teachers.

Likewise, Koenig, Wood, Bortner, and Bao ( 2019 ) have developed a lab curriculum that is intentionally designed around the twenty-first Century learning goals for developing cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal abilities. In terms of the cognitive domain, the lab learning outcomes center on critical thinking and scientific reasoning but do so through operationally defined sub-skills, all of which are transferrable across STEM. These selected sub-skills are found in the research literature, and include the ability to control variables and engage in data analytics and causal reasoning. For each targeted sub-skill, a series of pre-lab and in-class activities provide students with repeated, deliberate practice within multiple hypothetical science-based scenarios followed by real inquiry-based lab contexts. This explicit instructional strategy has been shown to be essential for the development of scientific reasoning (Chen & Klahr, 1999 ). In addition, the Karplus Learning Cycle (Karplus, 1964 ) provides the foundation for the structure of the lab activities and involves cycles of exploration, concept introduction, and concept application. The curricular framework is such that as the course progresses, the students engage in increasingly complex tasks, which allow students the opportunity to learn gradually through a progression from simple to complex skills.

As part of this same curriculum, students’ interpersonal skills are developed, in part, through teamwork, as students work in groups of 3 or 4 to address open-ended research questions, such as, What impacts the period of a pendulum? In addition, due to time constraints, students learn early on about the importance of working together in an efficient manor towards a common goal, with one set of written lab records per team submitted after each lab. Checkpoints built into all in-class activities involve Socratic dialogue between the instructor and students and promote oral communication. This use of directed questioning guides students in articulating their reasoning behind decisions and claims made, while supporting the development of scientific reasoning and conceptual understanding in parallel (Hake, 1992 ). Students’ intrapersonal skills, as well as communication skills, are promoted through the submission of individual lab reports. These reports require students to reflect upon their learning over each of four multi-week experiments and synthesize their ideas into evidence-based arguments, which support a claim. Due to the length of several weeks over which students collect data for each of these reports, the ability to organize the data and manage their time becomes essential.

Despite the growing emphasis on research and development of curriculum that targets twenty-first Century learning, converting a traditionally taught lab course into a meaningful inquiry-based learning environment is challenging in current reform efforts. Typically, the biggest challenge is a lack of resources; including faculty time to create or adapt inquiry-based materials for the local setting, training faculty and graduate student instructors who are likely unfamiliar with this approach, and the potential cost of new equipment. Koenig et al. ( 2019 ) addressed these potential implementation barriers by designing curriculum with these challenges in mind. That is, the curriculum was designed as a flexible set of modules that target specific sub-skills, with each module consisting of pre-lab (hypothetical) and in-lab (real) activities. Each module was designed around a curricular framework such that an adopting institution can use the materials as written, or can incorporate their existing equipment and experiments into the framework with minimal effort. Other non-traditional approaches have also been experimented with, such as the work by Sobhanzadeh, Kalman, and Thompson ( 2017 ), which targets typical misconceptions by using conceptual questions to engage students in making a prediction, designing and conducting a related experiment, and determining whether or not the results support the hypothesis.

Another challenge for inquiry labs is the assessment of skills-based learning outcomes. For assessment of scientific reasoning, a new instrument on inquiry in scientific thinking analytics and reasoning (iSTAR) has been developed, which can be easily implemented across large numbers of students as both a pre- and post-test to assess gains. iSTAR assesses reasoning skills necessary in the systematical conduct of scientific inquiry, which includes the ability to explore a problem, formulate and test hypotheses, manipulate and isolate variables, and observe and evaluate the consequences (see ). The new instrument expands upon the commonly used classroom test of scientific reasoning (Lawson, 1978 , 2000 ), which has been identified with a number of validity weaknesses and a ceiling effect for college students (Bao, Xiao, Koenig, & Han, 2018 ).

Many education innovations need supporting infrastructures that can ensure adoption and lasting impact. However, making large-scale changes to current education settings can be risky, if not impossible. New education approaches, therefore, need to be designed to adapt to current environmental constraints. Since higher-end skills are a primary focus of twenty-first Century learning, which are most effectively developed in inquiry-based group settings, transforming current lecture and lab courses into this new format is critical. Although this transformation presents great challenges, promising solutions have already emerged from various research efforts. Perhaps the biggest challenge is for STEM educators and researchers to form an alliance to work together to re-engineer many details of the current education infrastructure in order to overcome the multitude of implementation obstacles.

This paper attempts to identify a few central ideas to provide a broad picture for future research and development in physics education, or STEM education in general, to promote twenty-first Century learning. Through a synthesis of the existing literature within the authors’ limited scope, a number of views surface.

Education is a service to prepare (not to select) the future workforce and should be designed as learner-centered, with the education goals and teaching-learning methods tailored to the needs and characteristics of the learners themselves. Given space constraints, the reader is referred to the meta-analysis conducted by Freeman et al. ( 2014 ), which provides strong support for learner-centered instruction. The changing world of the twenty-first Century informs the establishment of new education goals, which should be used to guide research and development of teaching and learning for present day students. Aligned to twenty-first Century learning, the new science standards have set the goals for STEM education to transition towards promoting deep learning of disciplinary knowledge, thereby building upon decades of research in PER, while fostering a wide range of general high-end cognitive and non-cognitive abilities that are transferable across all disciplines.

Following these education goals, more research is needed to operationally define and assess the desired high-end reasoning abilities. Building on a clear definition with effective assessments, a large number of empirical studies are needed to investigate how high-end abilities can be developed in parallel with deep learning of concepts, such that what is learned can be generalized to impact the development of curriculum and teaching methods which promote skills-based learning across all STEM fields. Specifically for PER, future research should emphasize knowledge integration to promote deep conceptual understanding in physics along with inquiry learning to foster scientific reasoning. Integration of physics learning in contexts that connect to other STEM disciplines is also an area for more research. Cross-cutting, interdisciplinary connections are becoming important features of the future generation physics curriculum and defines how physics should be taught collaboratively with other STEM courses.

This paper proposed meaningful areas for future research that are aligned with clearly defined education goals for twenty-first Century learning. Based on the existing literature, a number of challenges are noted for future directions of research, including the need for:

clear and operational definitions of goals to guide research and practice

concrete operational definitions of high-end abilities for which students are expected to develop

effective assessment methods and instruments to measure high-end abilities and other components of twenty-first Century learning

a knowledge base of the curriculum and teaching and learning environments that effectively support the development of advanced skills

integration of knowledge and ability development regarding within-discipline and cross-discipline learning in STEM

effective means to disseminate successful education practices

The list is by no means exhaustive, but these themes emerge above others. In addition, the high-end abilities discussed in this paper focus primarily on scientific reasoning, which is highly connected to other skills, such as critical thinking, systems thinking, multivariable modeling, computational thinking, design thinking, etc. These abilities are expected to develop in STEM learning, although some may be emphasized more within certain disciplines than others. Due to the limited scope of this paper, not all of these abilities were discussed in detail but should be considered an integral part of STEM learning.

Finally, a metacognitive position on education research is worth reflection. One important understanding is that the fundamental learning mechanism hasn’t changed, although the context in which learning occurs has evolved rapidly as a manifestation of the fast-forwarding technology world. Since learning is a process at the interface between a learner’s mind and the environment, the main focus of educators should always be on the learner’s interaction with the environment, not just the environment. In recent education developments, many new learning platforms have emerged at an exponential rate, such as the massive open online courses (MOOCs), STEM creative labs, and other online learning resources, to name a few. As attractive as these may be, it is risky to indiscriminately follow trends in education technology and commercially-incentivized initiatives before such interventions are shown to be effective by research. Trends come and go but educators foster students who have only a limited time to experience education. Therefore, delivering effective education is a high-stakes task and needs to be carefully and ethically planned and implemented. When game-changing opportunities emerge, one needs to not only consider the winners (and what they can win), but also the impact on all that is involved.

Based on a century of education research, consensus has settled on a fundamental mechanism of teaching and learning, which suggests that knowledge is developed within a learner through constructive processes and that team-based guided scientific inquiry is an effective method for promoting deep learning of content knowledge as well as developing high-end cognitive abilities, such as scientific reasoning. Emerging technology and methods should serve to facilitate (not to replace) such learning by providing more effective education settings and conveniently accessible resources. This is an important relationship that should survive many generations of technological and societal changes in the future to come. From a physicist’s point of view, a fundamental relation like this can be considered the “mechanics” of teaching and learning. Therefore, educators and researchers should hold on to these few fundamental principles without being distracted by the surfacing ripples of the world’s motion forward.

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American Association of Physics Teachers

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Inquiry in Scientific Thinking Analytics and Reasoning

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Bao, L., Koenig, K. Physics education research for 21 st century learning. Discip Interdscip Sci Educ Res 1 , 2 (2019).

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Received : 17 April 2019

Accepted : 13 June 2019

Published : 28 November 2019


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  • Published: 14 March 2024

Unlock the potential of a physics education

Nature Physics volume  20 ,  page 335 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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This month in Nature Physics , we publish a Focus issue that highlights the importance of physics education research.

Physics curricula and education systems have remained largely unchanged for decades, and much can be done to improve them. For example, the well-documented lack of diversity in physics starts at undergraduate level. As a result, much potential talent is missed and the under-representation of minoritized groups is amplified at each career stage. Additionally, the aim of many physics courses is still to train students to work in academia, thus making graduates less prepared for careers in industry.

research topics in physics education

A Focus in this month’s issue of Nature Physics provides an overview of the current state of physics education research and offers recommendations on how to make learning environments more equitable and inclusive, diversify graduates’ skillsets and enable them to tackle important societal issues and challenges.

With teaching sometimes perceived as being forced on researchers as one of the many additional tasks they must accomplish and with little departmental support, tackling inequity and updating curricula can feel overwhelming. However, a Review about equity and inclusion in physics learning environments by Chandralekha Singh and Alexandru Maries stresses that a physics instructor’s mindset and intentions can have a significant impact on the diversity in physics courses.

Unthinking comments about the ‘triviality’ of an assignment or preconceptions about who can and cannot do physics will have hugely damaging effects on people from minoritized groups. Informing oneself of the effects of one’s attitude during teaching can be the first step to prevent setting up courses that widen existing gaps in achievement. These actions at the individual level must be supported by departments. Singh and Maries provide structural advice for physics departments as a whole and emphasize that simple interventions can empower all students.

In a similar vein, a Comment by Geraldine Cochran and coauthors analyses the specific example of racial equity in physics education research. They highlight that much research up until now has focused on elite universities with predominantly white student populations and advocate for an emphasis (both in focus and in funding) on intersectional research aimed at decolonizing physics research.

On a more practical level, the Focus issue includes two pieces about how to structure physics courses and how best to engage with the Gen-Zers — often defined as those born between 1997 and 2012 — who make up the majority of today’s undergraduate classes. In a Comment that discusses how to put together a physics curriculum for these so-called digital natives, Jenaro Guisasola and Kristina Zuza discuss the benefits of a student-centred active learning approach in physics courses. They argue that traditional, lecture-based methods are insufficient to prepare students for the increasingly wide range of potential careers outside of academia. Such active teaching should be done in conjunction with diversity, equity and inclusion discussions, and students should be encouraged to consider their identity as physicists and their role in society.

The benefits of active learning are further elaborated in a Perspective that places them in the context of the current generation of learners. Nam-Hwa Kang emphasizes the importance of considering the defining characteristics of the students currently going through the education system in order to set up an effective curriculum. Today’s students are unlikely to be satisfied with traditional teaching styles and need an education structure that lets them take responsibility for their own learning with the help of digital technology. This approach will not only benefit students’ understanding of physics but will also help them effect change in the world around them.

On the topic of digital technology, a Comment by Marcos D. Caballero and Tor Ole Odden describes how to effectively integrate scientific computing into undergraduate physics courses. As the reach and importance of computing grows, it is crucial that students understand its power and pitfalls. This is valuable transferrable knowledge that will help regardless of whether the students continue into academia or take jobs elsewhere.

We at Nature Physics publish this Focus issue to highlight both the importance of physics education research and our interest in publishing primary research in this field. We would like to invite the physics education research community to consider submitting their work to our journal.

If physics research is to become more useful and physics groups more diverse, innovating in physics education systems is a good place to start. Physics departments should give more attention and resources to teaching to help all students feel like valued members of the physics community. Make teaching more equitable and relevant so that everyone can thrive.

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Unlock the potential of a physics education. Nat. Phys. 20 , 335 (2024).

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Published : 14 March 2024

Issue Date : March 2024


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International Handbook of Physics Education Research

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IHPER - International Handbook of Physics Education Research

Editors are grateful for the enthusiasm and support so generously given by the IHPER Advisory Board members all of whom are prominent physics education researchers from around the world with deepest knowledge and experience in the field.

As the field of PER grows and diversifies, it is increasingly difficult for newcomers to gain an appreciation of the major findings across all sub-domains, to discern global themes, and to recognize gaps in the literature. We believe that a synthesis of the research could play an important role for both researchers and practitioners. Our goal is to produce a resource that addresses the following central questions:
* What has PER contributed to our current knowledge of teaching and learning of physics?
* What would we be lacking today without decades of continued PER?
* How has PER evolved over the decades (in terms of research questions tackled, instruments employed, methodologies used, etc.)? What were the major turning points in PER history?
* How has physics teaching and learning changed (improved) over the decades due to the direct impact of PER?
* How has PER benefited from other disciplines (e.g. cognitive psychology, educational psychology, pedagogical research, instructional design research, etc.) and vice versa?

We propose to invite a broad spectrum of researchers with international reputations to contribute chapters that synthesize results on important topics of PER.

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The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics

The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics

Mehmet Fatih Taşar, Ph.D. , of Georgia State University is a physics education researcher who has contributed to the field in various lead capacities. He taught physics and conducted research at many prestigious institutions including Penn State University, RMIT University, Gazi University, and Georgia State University. He has supervised graduate students to successful completion of their degrees and organized many international conferences such as WCPE, ESERA , and iSER . Dr. Taşar has served as an editor for scholarly journals including EJMSTE, IJPCE, Hellenic Journal of STEM , and ARISE .

Paula R. L. Heron, Ph.D. , is Professor of Physics at the University of Washington where she has been teaching since 1995. She is co-founder and co-chair of the biannual “Foundations and Frontiers in Physics Education Research” conference series, and she has been a committee executive for groups within the American Physical Society (APS), American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), and National Research Council. She serves as an associate editor of Physical Review (APS). She was elected a Fellow of APS in 2007 and 2008.

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The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics Edited by: Mehmet Fatih Taşar, Paula R. L. Heron ISBN (print): 978-0-7354-2548-4 ISBN (electronic): 978-0-7354-2551-4 Publisher: AIP Publishing LLC

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Table of Contents

  • Front Matter By Mehmet Fatih Taşar ; Mehmet Fatih Taşar Georgia State University , Atlanta, GA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Paula R. L. Heron Paula R. L. Heron University of Washington , Seattle, WA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Abstract View Chapter Open the PDF Link PDF for Front Matter in another window
  • Introduction By Mehmet Fatih Taşar ; Mehmet Fatih Taşar Georgia State University , Atlanta, GA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Paula R. L. Heron Paula R. L. Heron University of Washington , Seattle, WA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Abstract View Chapter Open the PDF Link PDF for Introduction in another window
  • Chapter 1: Teaching Physics with Disabled Learners: A Review of the Literature By Jacquelyn J. Chini ; Jacquelyn J. Chini Department of Physics, College of Sciences, University of Central Florida , Orlando, Florida 32816, USA 1 Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Erin M. Scanlon Erin M. Scanlon Department of Physics, University of Connecticut–Avery Point , Groton, Connecticut 06340, USA 2 Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 1: Teaching Physics with Disabled Learners: A Review of the Literature in another window
  • Chapter 2: Framework for and Review of Research on Assessing and Improving Equity and Inclusion in Undergraduate Physics Learning Environments By Sonja Cwik ; Sonja Cwik Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Chandralekha Singh Chandralekha Singh Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 2: Framework for and Review of Research on Assessing and Improving Equity and Inclusion in Undergraduate Physics Learning Environments in another window
  • Chapter 3: Research on Gender, Intersectionality, and LGBTQ+ Persons in Physics Education Research By Ramón S. Barthelemy ; Ramón S. Barthelemy Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah , Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Adrienne L. Traxler ; Adrienne L. Traxler Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen, Denmark Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Jennifer Blue ; Jennifer Blue Department of Physics, Miami University , Oxford, Ohio 45056, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Madison Swirtz Madison Swirtz University of Utah , Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 3: Research on Gender, Intersectionality, and LGBTQ+ Persons in Physics Education Research in another window
  • Chapter 4: Research on Equity in Physics Graduate Education By Diana Sachmpazidi Diana Sachmpazidi Department of Physics, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland , College Park, Maryland 20742, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 4: Research on Equity in Physics Graduate Education in another window
  • Chapter 5: Research Design Concerning Equity in Physics Education Research (PER) By Alexis V. Knaub ; Alexis V. Knaub American Association of Physics Teachers , USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Lin Ding Lin Ding Department of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University , Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 5: Research Design Concerning Equity in Physics Education Research (PER) in another window
  • Chapter 6: Physics as a Human Endeavor By Richard Staley Richard Staley Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, CB2 3RH, United Kingdom Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen, Denmark Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 6: Physics as a Human Endeavor in another window
  • Chapter 7: The Role of Physics in Achieving Scientific Literacy in the Present and the Future By Hunkoog Jho Hunkoog Jho Graduate School of Education, Dankook University , Gyeonggi-do 16890, South Korea Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 7: The Role of Physics in Achieving Scientific Literacy in the Present and the Future in another window
  • Chapter 8: History of Physics and Socio-Scientific Issues: Approaching Gender and Social Justice By Thaís Cyrino de Mello Forato ; Thaís Cyrino de Mello Forato Federal University of Sao Paolo—Universidade Federal de São Paulo , Brazil Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Isabelle Priscila Carneiro de Lima ; Isabelle Priscila Carneiro de Lima Federal Institute of Bahia , Bahia, Brazil Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Gabriela Kaiana Ferreira Gabriela Kaiana Ferreira Physics Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina , Brazil Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 8: History of Physics and Socio-Scientific Issues: Approaching Gender and Social Justice in another window
  • Chapter 9: The Aims and Values of Physics By Andreia Guerra ; Andreia Guerra Graduate and Research Department, CEFET/RJ , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Ivã Gurgel Ivã Gurgel Physics Institute, University of São Paulo , São Paulo, Brazil Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 9: The Aims and Values of Physics in another window
  • Chapter 10: Methods and Practices in Physics By Oliver Passon ; Oliver Passon School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bergische Universität Wuppertal , 42119 Wuppertal, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Johannes Grebe-Ellis Johannes Grebe-Ellis School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bergische Universität Wuppertal , 42119 Wuppertal, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 10: Methods and Practices in Physics in another window
  • Chapter 11: Epistemic Beliefs and Physics Teacher Education 1 By Gábor Á. Zemplén Gábor Á. Zemplén Institute of Business Economics, Eötvös Loránd University , Budapest, Hungary Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 11: Epistemic Beliefs and Physics Teacher Education<sup><a href="javascript:;" reveal-id="chapter11-fn1" data-open="chapter11-fn1" class="link link-ref link-reveal xref-fn js-xref-fn split-view-modal"><sup>1</sup></a></sup> in another window
  • Chapter 12: Philosophy of Physics: Its Significance for Teaching and Learning By Roland M. Schulz ; Roland M. Schulz CIRCE SFU , 1558 Roxbury Rd, North Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, V7G 1X7, Canada Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Calvin S. Kalman Calvin S. Kalman Department of Physics, Concordia University , Montreal, Quebec, Canada Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 12: Philosophy of Physics: Its Significance for Teaching and Learning in another window
  • Chapter 13: New Methodological Approaches Toward Implementing HPS in Physics Education: The Landscape of Physics Education By Elizabeth Mary Cavicchi ; Elizabeth Mary Cavicchi MIT Edgerton Center , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Hillary Diane Andales ; Hillary Diane Andales MIT Edgerton Center , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Riley S. Moeykens Riley S. Moeykens MIT Edgerton Center , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 13: New Methodological Approaches Toward Implementing HPS in Physics Education: The Landscape of Physics Education in another window
  • Chapter 14: Expectations on Physics Textbooks By Sascha Grusche ; Sascha Grusche University Library, Technical University of Munich , D-80333 München, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Alexander Strahl ; Alexander Strahl University of Salzburg , A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Katrin Bölsterli Bardy Katrin Bölsterli Bardy University of Teacher Education Lucerne , CH-6003 Lucerne, Switzerland Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 14: Expectations on Physics Textbooks in another window
  • Chapter 15: Textbook and Curriculum Alignment By Josip Slisko Josip Slisko Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla , Puebla, Mexico Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 15: Textbook and Curriculum Alignment in another window
  • Chapter 16: Analysis of Physics Textbook Content By Xiaomei Yan ; Xiaomei Yan Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai, China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Yuze He ; Yuze He Beijing Normal University , Beijing, China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Jingying Wang ; Jingying Wang Beijing Normal University , Beijing, China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Xiying Li ; Xiying Li Key Laboratory of Modern Teaching Technology , Ministry of Education, 710062, People's Republic of China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Xiaomei Ping ; Xiaomei Ping Beijing Normal University , Beijing, China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Danhua Zhou Danhua Zhou Beijing Normal University , Beijing, China Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 16: Analysis of Physics Textbook Content in another window
  • Chapter 17: Evaluation of Physics Textbooks By Marika Kapanadze ; Marika Kapanadze Ilia State University , Tbilisi, Georgia Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend ; Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend Department of Technology Didactics, Paderborn University , Paderborn, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Alexander Mazzolini ; Alexander Mazzolini Department of Physics and Astronomy, Swinburne University of Technology , Melbourne, Australia Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Fadeel Joubran Fadeel Joubran Department of Physics, The Academic Arab College for Education , Haifa 3442600, Israel Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 17: Evaluation of Physics Textbooks in another window
  • Chapter 18: Role of Mathematics in Physics from Multiple Perspectives By Gesche Pospiech ; Gesche Pospiech Faculty of Physics, TU Dresden , 01062 Dresden, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Ricardo Avelar Sotomaior Karam Ricardo Avelar Sotomaior Karam Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen, Denmark Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 18: Role of Mathematics in Physics from Multiple Perspectives in another window
  • Chapter 19: The Meanings of Physics Equations in the Context of the Interplay between Physics and Mathematics By Minchul Kim ; Minchul Kim Department of Physics Education, Kongju National University , Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Yongwook Cheong ; Yongwook Cheong Department of Physics Education, Gyeongsang National University , Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Jinwoong Song Jinwoong Song Department of Physics Education, Seoul National University , Seoul, South Korea Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 19: The Meanings of Physics Equations in the Context of the Interplay between Physics and Mathematics in another window
  • Chapter 20: Graphs By Lana Ivanjek ; Lana Ivanjek TU Dresden, Haeckelstraße 3, 01069 Dresden, Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Maja Planinic ; Maja Planinic Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb , Bijenicka c. 32, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Ana Susac Ana Susac Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb , Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 20: Graphs in another window
  • Chapter 21: Visualization and Mathematization: How Digital Tools Provide Access to Formal Physics Ideas By Elias Euler ; Elias Euler Colorado School of Mines , Golden, Colorado 80401, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Lorena Solvang ; Lorena Solvang Department of Engineering and Physics, Karlstad University , 651 88 Karlstad, Sweden Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Bor Gregorcic ; Bor Gregorcic Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University , 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Jesper Haglund Jesper Haglund Department of Engineering and Physics, Karlstad University , 651 88 Karlstad, Sweden Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 21: Visualization and Mathematization: How Digital Tools Provide Access to Formal Physics Ideas in another window
  • Chapter 22: The Necessarily, Wonderfully Unsettled State of Methodology in PER: A Reflection By David Hammer David Hammer Department of Education and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University , Medford, Massachusetts 02155, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 22: The Necessarily, Wonderfully Unsettled State of Methodology in PER: A Reflection in another window
  • Chapter 23: Toward More Rapid Accumulation of Knowledge about What Works in Physics Education: The Role of Replication, Reporting Practices, and Meta-Analysis By Joseph A. Taylor ; Joseph A. Taylor Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations, University of Colorado , Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Larry V. Hedges Larry V. Hedges Department of Statistics and Data Science, Northwestern University , Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 23: Toward More Rapid Accumulation of Knowledge about What Works in Physics Education: The Role of Replication, Reporting Practices, and Meta-Analysis in another window
  • Chapter 24: Quantitative Methods in PER By John Stewart ; John Stewart Department of Physics and Astronomy, West Virginia University , Morgantown, West Virginia 26506, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar John Hansen ; John Hansen Department of Physics and Astronomy, West Virginia University , Morgantown, West Virginia 26506, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Lin Ding Lin Ding Department of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University , Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 24: Quantitative Methods in PER in another window
  • Chapter 25: Qualitative Methods in Physics Education Research By Valerie K. Otero ; Valerie K. Otero School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder , Boulder, Colorado 80309-0249, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Danielle Boyd Harlow ; Danielle Boyd Harlow Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California , Santa Barbara, California 93106-9490, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar David E. Meltzer David E. Meltzer College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Arizona State University , Mesa, Arizona 85212, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 25: Qualitative Methods in Physics Education Research in another window
  • Chapter 26: Research-Based Teaching-Learning Sequences in Physics Education: A Rising Line of Research By Jenaro Guisasola ; Jenaro Guisasola Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering Gipuzkoa, University of the Basque, Country (UPV/EHU) , Donostia, Spain Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Kristina Zuza ; Kristina Zuza Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering Gipuzkoa, University of the Basque, Country (UPV/EHU) , Donostia, Spain Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Paulo Sarriugarte ; Paulo Sarriugarte Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) , Bilbao, Spain Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Jaume Ametller Jaume Ametller Department of Specific Didactics, University of Girona , Spain Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 26: Research-Based Teaching-Learning Sequences in Physics Education: A Rising Line of Research in another window
  • Chapter 27: Epilogue By Dean A. Zollman Dean A. Zollman Department of Physics, Kansas State University , Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 27: Epilogue in another window
  • Index By Mehmet Fatih Taşar ; Mehmet Fatih Taşar Georgia State University , Atlanta, GA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Paula R. L. Heron Paula R. L. Heron University of Washington , Seattle, WA, USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Doi: Abstract View Chapter Open the PDF Link PDF for Index in another window
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Jessica R. Hoehn, 2019 ▬ Investigating and valuing the messy nature of learning: Ontological, epistemological, and social aspects of student reasoning in quantum mechanics

May 9, 2019

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Tamia Williams, 2017 ▬ Characterizing the Role of Arts Education on the Physics Identity of Black Individuals

Aug. 17, 2017

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Elias Euler, 2015 ▬ Beliefs, intentions, actions, & reflections (BIAR): a new way to look at the interactions of teachers and students

May 1, 2015

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Bethany R. Wilcox, 2015 ▬ New tools for investigating student learning in upper-division electrostatics

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Benjamin T. Spike, 2014 ▬ An investigation of the knowledge, beliefs, and practices of physics teaching assistants, with implications for TA preparation

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Lisa Goodhew, 2012—What representations teach us about student reasoning

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30 Physics Research Ideas for High School Students

research topics in physics education

By Eric Eng

A student on a classroom. STEM

Physics research offers high school students a unique window into the mysteries of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast expanses of space. If you’re a student interested in research ideas that delve into physics, you’re in the right place.

To uncover these ideas, you’ll need to think creatively and critically, applying concepts learned in class to real-world problems. Let’s explore various research topics in physics, designed to inspire and challenge you. Whether you’re presenting at a science fair or preparing for college, this guide will help you.

Physics Research Area #1: Quantum Computing and Information

Quantum computing represents a groundbreaking shift in how we process information, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are currently beyond the reach of classical computers.


For high school students interested in physics research, exploring quantum computing offers a glimpse into the future of technology and a chance to engage with complex, cutting-edge concepts. This experience is invaluable for students planning to major in physics or computer science in college, providing a strong foundation in quantum theories and computational thinking.

Here are specific topics you can explore:

1. Assessing Quantum Error Correction Techniques

Quantum computers are prone to errors due to qubit instability. By simulating error models and evaluating correction methods like surface codes, you can contribute to making quantum computing more reliable. This involves understanding quantum mechanics basics and using simulation software.

2. Scalability Analysis of Quantum Algorithms

Investigate how algorithms like Shor’s scale with increasing qubits. By simulating these quantum algorithms, you can assess their computational complexity and practicality for real-world use, offering insights into the future of quantum computing.

3. Mitigating Decoherence Effects in Quantum Systems

Decoherence is a major challenge in quantum computing, disrupting qubits’ state. Explore strategies to reduce decoherence, using experimental setups or theoretical models. This research is crucial for extending qubits’ coherence time, enhancing quantum computer stability.

4. Implementing Quantum Teleportation Protocols

Quantum teleportation is a fascinating application of quantum entanglement. Work on designing and testing protocols for transferring information between quantum systems. This project requires a grasp of entanglement principles and hands-on experimental skills.

5. Applications of Quantum Machine Learning

Quantum computing holds promise for revolutionizing machine learning. Compare quantum machine learning algorithms, like quantum neural networks, against classical counterparts to discover their advantages in speed and efficiency. This involves studying algorithmic principles and potentially programming simulations.

Physics Research Area #2: Renewable Energy Technologies

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, renewable energy technologies are at the forefront of combating climate change and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

High school students researching this field can play a part in this pivotal movement while gaining valuable insights into physics, engineering, and environmental science . This experience not only prepares students for future studies in these areas but also empowers them to contribute to meaningful solutions for global energy challenges.

6. Enhancing Solar Panel Efficiency

Dive into the world of solar energy by experimenting with different materials and designs to increase solar panels’ efficiency. This involves hands-on testing and analysis, offering practical experience in materials science and photovoltaic technology.

7. Assessing Wind Turbine Design

Evaluate how various design elements of wind turbines affect their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Use computational modeling and, if possible, field experiments to explore energy production and environmental impacts, gaining insights into aerodynamics and renewable energy economics.

8. Optimization of Hydroelectric Power Generation

Explore ways to boost the efficiency of hydroelectric plants through dam design and water management strategies. Analyzing data from existing facilities provides a real-world understanding of fluid dynamics and energy conversion.

9. Integrating Renewable Energy Sources

Investigate how different renewable energies can be combined into a cohesive system. Model various scenarios to assess their efficiency and sustainability, which can inform future energy solutions and grid management practices.

10. Impact of Renewable Energy on Ecosystems

Study the ecological effects of renewable energy installations. Conduct field surveys and analyze ecological data to understand how these technologies interact with the environment, aiming to find a balance between energy production and conservation.

Physics Research Area #3: Biophysics

Biophysics is a fascinating field where physics meets biology, allowing us to understand life at the molecular and cellular levels.


For high school students exploring research ideas, biophysics offers a unique opportunity to investigate how physical principles govern biological processes. This experience is invaluable for those considering majors in physics, biology , or pre-medical studies, providing a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying health and disease.

11. Mechanics of Cell Migration

Study the forces and dynamics driving cell movement by using live-cell imaging and microfluidic devices. This research sheds light on cell behavior in development and disease, combining biology with physics to understand life at the cellular level.

12. Protein Folding Dynamics

Dive into the world of proteins to see how they attain their functional shapes. Using computational models and biophysical experiments, you can uncover the relationship between protein structure and function, essential for understanding diseases and developing drugs.

13. DNA Mechanics and Replication

Explore the physical properties of DNA and their impact on vital processes like replication. Techniques such as optical tweezers allow for hands-on investigation of DNA behavior, linking physics to genetics and molecular biology.

14. Biophysics of Medical Imaging

Uncover the physics behind MRI and CT scans. Through simulation and possibly hands-on experiments, you can understand how these technologies capture images of the body, bridging physics with medicine and diagnostic techniques.

15. Cellular Biomechanics in Disease

Examine how changes in cell mechanics contribute to diseases. By applying methods like atomic force microscopy, you can link physical changes in cells to health conditions, offering insights into disease mechanisms and potential therapies.

Physics Research Area #4: Nanotechnology and Materials Science

Nanotechnology and materials science are at the cutting edge of modern physics, driving innovations in everything from electronics to medicine.

For high school students looking for physics research ideas, this field offers a rich vein of topics that blend physics, chemistry , and engineering. Engaging in research here not only prepares students for advanced study in these disciplines but also provides practical experience in developing solutions for real-world problems.

16. Characterization of Nanoparticle Behavior

Explore the unique properties of nanoparticles by studying their size, shape, and chemical behavior using techniques like TEM, AFM, and DLS. This research is vital for applications in medicine, electronics, and materials engineering, offering insights into the building blocks of nanotechnology.

17. Synthesis of Nanomaterials Using Green Methods

Dive into the world of sustainable nanomaterial synthesis. Experiment with green chemistry and biological methods to create nanomaterials, assessing their properties and potential applications. This approach emphasizes environmental responsibility in scientific research.

18. Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications

Investigate how nanotechnology can revolutionize medicine through targeted drug delivery systems, improved imaging techniques, or novel tissue engineering solutions. Design and test nanocarriers or scaffolds, bridging the gap between physics, biology, and healthcare.

19. Nanoelectronics and Quantum Devices

Explore the frontier of electronics by working with nanoscale materials like nanowires, quantum dots, and graphene. Fabricate devices to study quantum and electronic phenomena, paving the way for future technological breakthroughs.

20. Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation

Address environmental challenges by using nanomaterials to remove pollutants from water, air, or soil. Analyze the effectiveness of these materials in breaking down contaminants, highlighting the role of nanotechnology in sustainability and conservation.

Physics Research Area #5: Data Science and Physics

The intersection of data science and physics opens up exciting possibilities for high school students interested in physics research ideas. By applying data analysis techniques to physics problems, students can uncover patterns and insights that traditional methods might miss.

data science

This field is particularly appealing for those considering majors in physics, data science, or computer science , as it equips them with valuable skills in computational analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

21. Analysis of Gravitational Wave Data

Dive into astrophysics by processing data from LIGO or Virgo to identify gravitational wave events. This research offers a firsthand look at phenomena like black hole mergers, requiring skills in data processing and analysis to interpret the cosmic dances of massive objects.

22. Particle Identification in Collider Experiments

Use machine learning to sift through data from the Large Hadron Collider, identifying particles from high-energy collisions. This involves developing algorithms for pattern recognition, offering insights into the fundamental components of the universe.

23. Climate Data Analysis for Weather Prediction

Apply statistical analysis to climate data to improve weather prediction models. This project combines physics with meteorology, modeling atmospheric dynamics to enhance the accuracy of forecasts and understand the impact of climate change.

24. Machine Learning for Quantum State Classification

Explore quantum physics by using machine learning to classify quantum states. Training models on experimental data allows for a deeper understanding of quantum information processes, showcasing the synergy between computational science and quantum theory.

25. Data-driven Modeling of Complex Physical Systems

Create models for predicting the behavior of complex systems, such as fluid flows or material behaviors. This research blends traditional physics equations with modern data-driven methods, improving simulation accuracy and efficiency.

Physics Research Area #6: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are rapidly transforming industries and everyday life, making the integration of these technologies with physics principles especially relevant for high school students exploring research ideas. This field not only offers a practical application of physics but also prepares students for future studies and careers in engineering, computer science, and robotics.

Engaging in research at the intersection of AI, robotics , and physics allows students to develop innovative solutions to complex problems, honing their skills in programming, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

26. Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments

Work on AI algorithms to guide robots through changing settings. Apply physics principles for motion dynamics and obstacle avoidance, using sensors and real-time control for smooth navigation. This project combines robotics with physics to tackle real-world challenges.

27. Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Control

Explore how reinforcement learning can teach robots to handle physical tasks. Design experiments to refine robot actions through trial and error, using physics to inform reward functions and learning strategies. This approach blends AI with physical laws to enhance robot capabilities.

28. Swarm Robotics for Collective Behavior

Investigate how robots can work together like flocks of birds or schools of fish. Develop algorithms for communication and coordination, drawing on physics to simulate natural collective behaviors. This research pushes the boundaries of robotics, inspired by natural phenomena.

29. Physics-Informed Simulation for Robotic Manipulation

Create simulations that incorporate physical laws to train robots in tasks like picking up objects. Use physics-based models to ensure the simulation mirrors real-world interactions, improving robot efficiency and adaptability through virtual training.

30. Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Robots

Focus on optimizing robots’ energy use while performing tasks. Develop algorithms that consider physical constraints, aiming to reduce energy consumption without compromising on performance. This project is crucial for creating sustainable robotic systems.

research topics in physics education

How do I choose the right physics research topic?

Choosing the right physics research topic involves identifying your interests and the impact you want to make. Start by exploring various physics research ideas for high school students, focusing on areas that spark your curiosity and where you feel motivated to contribute. This approach ensures your project is both enjoyable and meaningful.

Consider the resources and tools available to you, as well as the feasibility of completing your project within the given time frame. Consulting with teachers, mentors, or professionals in the field can provide valuable insights and help narrow down your options to select a topic that aligns with your goals and academic aspirations.

What are the essential tools and techniques for high school physics research?

Successful physics research projects rely on a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. High school students exploring physics research ideas should familiarize themselves with basic laboratory equipment, simulation software, and data analysis tools. These tools are crucial for conducting experiments, simulating models, and analyzing results effectively.

Moreover, mastering research methodologies, such as experimental design, statistical analysis , and scientific writing, is essential. These techniques will not only enhance the quality of your research but also prepare you for future academic and professional endeavors in the field of physics.

How can I publish my high school physics research findings?

Publishing your physics research findings is a significant achievement that requires meticulous preparation and persistence. Begin by ensuring your research is thorough, well-documented, and presents a clear contribution to the field. Then, seek out journals like the National High School Journal of Science  that accept submissions from high school students; there are many platforms dedicated to young researchers where you can share your work.

Networking with teachers, mentors, and professionals in physics can provide guidance on where and how to submit your research for publication. They can offer advice on refining your paper, selecting the right journal or conference, and navigating the submission process. Remember, receiving feedback and possibly revising your work is part of the journey to publication.

How can my high school physics research experience boost my college application?

Incorporating your high school physics research experience into your college application can significantly enhance your profile. Highlighting your involvement in research demonstrates initiative, depth of knowledge, and a commitment to scientific inquiry. These are qualities that colleges and universities value highly in prospective students.

Discuss how your research allowed you to apply physics concepts in real-world situations, the skills you developed, and any recognition or awards you received. This approach not only showcases your academic capabilities but also your ability to engage with complex problems and contribute to the field of physics.

How can high school students stay updated on the latest physics research trends?

Staying updated with the latest trends in physics research requires proactive engagement with scientific communities and resources. High school students can subscribe to reputable science magazines, journals, and online platforms that publish the latest findings and discussions in physics. Additionally, attending science fairs , lectures, and workshops can provide insights into current research and future directions in the field.

Female students holding her books while walking.

Engaging with social media groups and forums dedicated to physics and science education is another effective way to stay informed. These platforms allow students to connect with peers, educators, and professionals, sharing ideas, research opportunities, and updates on advancements in physics research. By remaining informed, students can find inspiration for their projects and contribute meaningfully to conversations in the scientific community.

Exploring physics research ideas for high school students offers a unique opportunity to delve into the wonders of the universe and contribute to the vast expanse of scientific knowledge. By selecting the right topic, mastering essential tools, publishing findings, and staying informed about research trends, students can significantly enhance their academic journey and future prospects.

Remember, your curiosity and dedication to physics can lead to discoveries that illuminate the mysteries of the cosmos in ways we can only imagine.


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Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?


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You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here:


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

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Thanks a lot


I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

Rhod Tuyan

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Mercedes Bunsie

parental involvement and students academic performance

Abshir Mustafe Cali

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Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

NKWAIN Chia Charles

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Nkwain Chia Charles

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Kelvin Kells Grant

Greetings, I am a student majoring in Sociology and minoring in Public Administration. I’m considering any recommended research topic in the field of Sociology.

Sulemana Alhassan

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Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

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Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


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Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


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Aza Hans

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Am a PhD student in Educational Foundations would like a sociological topic. Thank

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Amazing guidelines


I am a graduate with two masters. 1) Master of arts in religious studies and 2) Master in education in foundations of education. I intend to do a Ph.D. on my second master’s, however, I need to bring both masters together through my Ph.D. research. can I do something like, ” The contribution of Philosophy of education for a quality religion education in Kenya”? kindly, assist and be free to suggest a similar topic that will bring together the two masters. thanks in advance


Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

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25 Research Ideas in Physics for High School Students

Research can be a valued supplement in your college application. However, many high schoolers are yet to explore research , which is a delicate process that may include choosing a topic, reviewing literature, conducting experiments, and writing a paper.

If you are interested in physics, exploring the physics realm through research is a great way to not only navigate your passion but learn about what research entails. Physics even branches out into other fields such as biology, chemistry, and math, so interest in physics is not a requirement to doing research in physics. Having research experience on your resume can be a great way to boost your college application and show independence, passion, ambition, and intellectual curiosity !

We will cover what exactly a good research topic entails and then provide you with 25 possible physics research topics that may interest or inspire you.

What is a good research topic?

Of course, you want to choose a topic that you are interested in. But beyond that, you should choose a topic that is relevant today ; for example, research questions that have already been answered after extensive research does not address a current knowledge gap . Make sure to also be cautious that your topic is not too broad that you are trying to cover too much ground and end up losing the details, but not too specific that you are unable to gather enough information.

Remember that topics can span across fields. You do not need to restrict yourself to a physics topic; you can conduct interdisciplinary research combining physics with other fields you may be interested in.

Research Ideas in Physics

We have compiled a list of 25 possible physics research topics suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors. These topics are separated into 8 broader categories.

Topic #1 : Using computational technologies and analyses

If you are interested in coding or technology in general , physics is also one place to look to explore these fields. You can explore anything from new technologies to datasets (even with coding) through a physics lens. Some computational or technological physics topics you can research are:

1.Development of computer programs to find and track positions of fast-moving nanoparticles and nanomachines

2. Features and limitations to augmented and virtual reality technologies, current industry standards of performance, and solutions that have been proposed to address challenges

3. Use of MATLAB or Python to work with existing code bases to design structures that trap light for interaction with qubits

4. Computational analysis of ATLAS open data using Python or C++

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at University of Cambridge, University of Rochester, and Harvard University.

Topic #2 : Exploration of astrophysical and cosmological phenomena

Interested in space? Then astrophysics and cosmology may be just for you. There are lots of unanswered questions about astrophysical and cosmological phenomena that you can begin to answer. Here are some possible physics topics in these particular subfields that you can look into:

5. Cosmological mysteries (like dark energy, inflation, dark matter) and their hypothesized explanations

6. Possible future locations of detectors for cosmology and astrophysics research

7. Physical processes that shape galaxies through cosmic time in the context of extragalactic astronomy and the current issues and frontiers in galaxy evolution

8. Interaction of beyond-standard-model particles with astrophysical structures (such as black holes and Bose stars)

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Princeton University, Harvard University, Yale University, and University of California, Irvine.

Topic #3 : Mathematical analyses of physical phenomena

Math is deeply embedded in physics. Even if you may not be interested solely in physics, there are lots of mathematical applications and questions that you may be curious about. Using basic physics laws, you can learn how to derive your own mathematical equations and solve them in hopes that they address a current knowledge gap in physics. Some examples of topics include:

9. Analytical approximation and numerical solving of equations that determine the evolution of different particles after the Big Bang

10. Mathematical derivation of the dynamics of particles from fundamental laws (such as special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics)

11. The basics of Riemannian geometry and how simple geometrical arguments can be used to construct the ingredients of Einstein’s equations of general relativity that relate the curvature of space-time with energy-mass

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Harvard University, University of Southampton, and Pennsylvania State University.

Topic #4 : Nuclear applications in physics

Nuclear science and its possible benefits and implications are important topics to explore and understand in today’s society, which often uses nuclear energy. One possible nuclear physics topic to look into is:

12. Radiation or radiation measurement in applications of nuclear physics (such as reactors, nuclear batteries, sensors/detectors)

Suggested by a Lumiere PhD mentor at University of Chicago.

Topic #5 : Analyzing biophysical data

Biology and even medicine are applicable fields in physics. Using physics to figure out how to improve biology research or understand biological systems is common. Some biophysics topics to research may include the following:

13. Simulation of biological systems using data science techniques to analyze biological data sets

14. Design and construction of DNA nanomachines that operate in liquid environments

15. Representation and decomposition of MEG/EEG brain signals using fundamental electricity and magnetism concepts

16. Use of novel methods to make better images in the context of biology and obtain high resolution images of biological samples

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Washington, and University of Rochester

Topic #6 : Identifying electrical and mechanical properties

Even engineering has great applications in the field of physics. There are different phenomena in physics from cells to Boson particles with interesting electrical and/or mechanical properties. If you are interested in electrical or mechanical engineering or even just the basics , these are some related physics topics:

17. Simulations of how cells react to electrical and mechanical stimuli

18. The best magneto-hydrodynamic drive for high electrical permittivity fluids

19. The electrical and thermodynamic properties of Boson particles, whose quantum nature is responsible for laser radiation

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, and Harvard University.

Topic #7 : Quantum properties and theories

Quantum physics studies science at the most fundamental level , and there are many questions yet to be answered. Although there have been recent breakthroughs in the quantum physics field, there are still many undiscovered sub areas that you can explore. These are possible quantum physics research topics:

20. The recent theoretical and experimental advances in the quantum computing field (such as Google’s recent breakthrough result) and explore current high impact research directions for quantum computing from a hardware or theoretical perspective

21. Discovery a new undiscovered composite particle called toponium and how to utilize data from detectors used to observe proton collisions for discoveries

22. Describing a black hole and its quantum properties geometrically as a curvature of space-time and how studying these properties can potentially solve the singularity problem

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Stanford University, Purdue University, University of Cambridge, and Cornell University.

Topic #8 : Renewable energy and climate change solutions

Climate change is an urgent issue , and you can use physics to research environmental topics ranging from renewable energies to global temperature increases . Some ideas of environmentally related physics research topics are:

23. New materials for the production of hydrogen fuel

24. Analysis of emissions involved in the production, use, and disposal of products

25. Nuclear fission or nuclear fusion energy as possible solutions to mitigate climate change

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Northwestern University and Princeton University.

If you’re looking for a competitive mentored research program in subjects like data science, machine learning, political theory, biology, and chemistry, consider applying to Horizon’s Research Seminars and Labs ! 

This is a selective virtual research program that lets you engage in advanced research and develop a research paper in a subject of your choosing. Horizon has worked with 1000+ high school students so far, and offers 600+ research specializations for you to choose from. 

You can find the application link here

If you are passionate or even curious about physics and would like to do research and learn more, consider applying to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , which is a selective online high school program for students interested in researching with the help of mentors. You can find the application form here .

Rachel is a first year at Harvard University concentrating in neuroscience. She is passionate about health policy and educational equity, and she enjoys traveling and dancing.

Image source: Stock image

Building a mathematical model for a simple harmonic oscillator that uses educational methods found in both physics education research and in the language disciplines that make it accessible to undergraduate students in an introductory musical acoustics course

  • Linz, Jill A.

At the basis of any course in acoustics is the fundamental idea of the simple harmonic oscillator. The term alone is confusing to students with little to no background in physics or math. For courses in musical acoustics at the undergraduate level, this topic is often minimized due to the lack of preparation. This, in turn, results in a more superficial approach to the advanced topics. While deriving the mathematical treatment from first principles is out of reach to these students, approaching the math itself as a language where they are building a description of a simple mass and spring system in their new, yet somewhat familiar, language can be accomplished through pictures, graphs and hands on activities. Students begin to build a vocabulary of "words" that can be strung together in "sentences" that tell the story of how the motion of a mass on a spring is produced. Emphasis is placed on the analogous comparison of physical properties by relating variables such as amplitude and frequency to that of volume and pitch. This model can then be used as a building block to the understanding of how sound is produced, propagated and perceived.

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July 22, 2024

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Researchers are exploring new ways to learn that make science more relevant to everyday life, and more fun

by Andrew Dunne, Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine

field trip

Frank Täufer, a scientific assistant at Campus Wiesengut—the University of Bonn's ecological teaching and research farm—asked a group of visiting 8-year-olds to speculate on why the rye plants in his field were all different heights. He was surprised by their insightful range of responses.

Some of the children suggested that the tall plants at the farm received more sunlight. Others thought there could be different types of rye in the field, or that insects may be blighting the crop. One student, after digging up a plant to inspect its roots, thought that the soil must be different across the field.

"They really asked questions and thought of ideas that I wouldn't have myself," said Täufer. "I regularly ask these questions to my university students , and they don't have as many ideas. And none of them has ever dug up a plant to look at the roots."

Taking children outside the classroom

Täufer's work is part of the three-year MULTIPLIERS project that aims to explore ways of making science more appealing to young people .

They are doing this through the creation of what they call Open Science Communities, or OSCs. The idea is to create collaborative networks among schools, universities, informal education providers, museums, local associations, and industry and civil society in order to expand the opportunities for students to learn about science in real-world settings—like the farm.

"I think it's very important to bring students outside the classroom in order to have authentic themes to work on and to make learning about science relevant to everyday life ," said Professor Annette Scheersoi, a specialist in sustainability science education from the University of Bonn and coordinator of MULTIPLIERS.

"When you are interested, you remember better, but you also connect more and feel the value and relevance," she said.

Connecting science and real life

OSCs have so far been set up in six European countries: Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Students in all six countries were given the opportunity to interact with science experts from a wide range of backgrounds to explore science-based solutions for modern-day problems.

The idea is to help young people relate to the real-life science challenges we face every day, ranging from antimicrobial resistance to clean water and sanitation.

In Barcelona, for example, secondary school students were invited to apply what they learned in chemistry classes to measure air pollution in the school playground and at home. Then they presented the results.

In Germany, Slovenia and Sweden, students took to the forest to learn about sustainable forestry and biodiversity. With the guidance of local foresters and scientists, students studied different trees up close and made decisions on whether they should be felled or not.

"The approach was to consider forestry as a complex dilemma with trade-offs between the ecosystem and wood production," Scheersoi said.

Multiplying the impact

Crucial also for Scheersoi has been the multiplier effect—turning the students into teachers and giving them the chance to share their newfound knowledge with others.

Schoolchildren on the ecological farm invited their parents to a tasting session where they discussed the benefits of organic produce. In the forest, parents were invited to a Forest Day under the trees, where the children shared what they had learned.

Students have also been encouraged to share their knowledge by creating podcasts, science blogs, or organizing science fairs for families. Now the hope is to build on this work and further embed the approach beyond the project.

"Across MULTIPLIERS we have seen how students, teachers and outside science experts have engaged in these lessons. We want these networks to not only stay, but to grow, bringing in more people and bringing forward this new way of learning for students," said Scheersoi.

Science for sustainability

As part of its open science policy, the EU is supporting open schooling for science education, recognizing that Europe needs more scientists, including citizen scientists.

This is something that is also important to Jelena Kajganović, a sustainability expert at Geonardo, a Hungarian innovation and technology company active in the energy, environment and sustainable development fields.

Kajganović led a three-year project called OTTER which, like MULTIPLIERS, aimed to inspire a different approach to science learning and connect students to real-world challenges outside the classroom. They call this approach education outside the classroom (EOC).

Taking learning out of the school setting through things like outdoor activities and fieldtrips, has proven positive effects, says Kajganović. OTTER investigated how EOC could also help improve the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, specifically in the field of environmental sustainability.

"The core ideas behind OTTER are how to make science education more attractive, how to encourage students to learn and apply their knowledge," she said.

Although Kajganović observes a general apathy towards science in many classrooms, she sees this as untapped potential to do more to connect learning with pressing sustainability challenges.

Working with partners in Finland, Hungary, Ireland and Spain, OTTER sought to connect science lessons in the classroom with local issues. Very quickly students in OTTER schools began to link theory and practice.

In one school, near Barcelona, a group of 14-year-olds took samples from the local river to test water quality and were alarmed by the results. Based on their findings, the students organized an online petition calling for the river to be cleaned up.

"By testing the water, they could see the problem and they could see the connection with their own lives. It really clicked in their heads," said Kajganović.

Sharing knowledge across Europe

To spread the impact of their work further, the OTTER team created an online learning platform with a range of interactive teaching materials that educators can use to help them carry out education outside the classroom activities.

Looking ahead, OTTER now hopes to get teachers across Europe to use the platform to explore ways to get involved in outdoor science learning. Longer term, Kajganović believes it could spark a new way of thinking about science and inspire the next generation.

"I would really like to see our approach to science education changing by giving young people more space to think about science and its application in their lives," she said. "In terms of sustainability, if we don't solve our problems, no one will, and it was amazing to see young people taking the lead."

  • EU open science policy
  • European Research Area

Provided by Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine

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  1. Physical Review Physics Education Research

    August 4, 2021. Physics Education Research (PER) uses various research methods classified under qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. These approaches help researchers understand physics education phenomena and advance our efforts to produce better PER. Over time, research questions and contexts have evolved, and so have our methods.

  2. Physics Education Research

    Physics Education Research. Physics Education Research (PER) is the study of how people learn physics and how to improve the quality of physics education. Researchers use the tools and methods of science to answer questions about physics learning that require knowledge of physics. Researchers focus on developing objective means of measuring the ...

  3. Physics Education Research

    Physics Education Research Using evidence-based approaches to improve the teaching of physics can help students achieve more and improve equity. In this Focus Issue, we survey the current state of ...

  4. Physical Review Physics Education Research

    Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20, 010154 (2024) - Published 21 June 2024. Physics students and physics experts vary in their beliefs about the existence of a true definite position, and invoke concepts related to quantum mechanics and the experimental process to explain their beliefs. Show Abstract. PDF HTML.

  5. Physics education research for 21 st century learning

    Education goals have evolved to emphasize student acquisition of the knowledge and attributes necessary to successfully contribute to the workforce and global economy of the twenty-first Century. The new education standards emphasize higher end skills including reasoning, creativity, and open problem solving. Although there is substantial research evidence and consensus around identifying ...

  6. Unlock the potential of a physics education

    On the topic of digital technology, ... We would like to invite the physics education research community to consider submitting their work to our journal.

  7. About Physical Review Physics Education Research

    Focused Collections: PRPER publishes Focused Collections, which collate works on particular topics of interest to the physics education research community. Multimedia: Video multimedia files are being accepted for online publication in PRPER. A video file will be linked from a static figure containing one or more "snapshot" frames from the ...

  8. Physics Education Research Central

    The Symmetry and Gauss's Law Conceptual Evaluation, developed by Chandralekha Singh, is a research-based multiple-choice test designed to evaluate students' conceptual understanding of symmetry and Gauss's Law. The test is appropriate for research in calculus-based introductory physics courses or upper-level undergraduate E&M courses.

  9. International Handbook of Physics Education Research

    The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Teaching Physics. Edited by. ... ISBN print: 978--7354-2568-2. Publication date: 2023 The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics. Edited by. Mehmet Fatih Taşar; Paula R. L. Heron. AIP Publishing LLC.

  10. The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics

    Paula R. L. Heron, Ph.D., is Professor of Physics at the University of Washington where she has been teaching since 1995.She is co-founder and co-chair of the biannual "Foundations and Frontiers in Physics Education Research" conference series, and she has been a committee executive for groups within the American Physical Society (APS), American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), and ...

  11. (PDF) An Introduction to Physics Education Research

    Research. Robert Beichner. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Abstract: This article aims to introduce the reader to the field of Physics Education. Research (PER). Topics include the ...

  12. An Introduction to Physics Education Research

    A very brief introduction to Physics Education Research and how the results of the research are used in physics teaching. January 2010. ... PER groups now exist in many physics departments, Physical Review has a Special Topics Section on PER, and googling "physics education research" returns 63,000 hits. Applying PER.

  13. Dissertations & Theses

    Dec. 3, 2021. ( Link ) While much physics education research focuses on students' learning, this thesis explores physics faculty members' teaching practices. This focus is needed given the role faculty play as an essential link between students and physics content, culture, and practices. Commonly used change strategies in science education ...

  14. Physics education research

    Physics education research (PER) is a form of discipline-based education research specifically related to the study of the teaching and learning of physics, often with the aim of improving the effectiveness of student learning.PER draws from other disciplines, such as sociology, cognitive science, education and linguistics, and complements them by reflecting the disciplinary knowledge and ...

  15. (PDF) Trending Research Topics in the Field of Physics Education from

    This study aims to map the physics education research topics trending in the last three years in highly reputable international journals. This is a descriptive study that analyzed 511 articles ...

  16. Physical Review Special Topics

    The introduction of Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research is the result of discussions between the American Physical Society, the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), and the APS Forum on Education on the need for a wide ranging and widely distributed peer review journal for researchers in this field. The ...

  17. Physical Review Special Topics

    Physical Review Physics Education Research, is a peer reviewed electronic-only journal. For guidelines please go to APS's information for authors page. This journal is distributed without charge and is financed by publication charges to the authors or to the authors' institutions. See Open Access information on the journal website. The criteria ...

  18. 30 Physics Research Ideas for High School Students

    Decoherence is a major challenge in quantum computing, disrupting qubits' state. Explore strategies to reduce decoherence, using experimental setups or theoretical models. This research is crucial for extending qubits' coherence time, enhancing quantum computer stability. 4. Implementing Quantum Teleportation Protocols.

  19. 170+ Research Topics In Education (+ Free Webinar)

    The impact of poverty on education. The use of student data to inform instruction. The role of parental involvement in education. The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom. The use of technology in the classroom. The role of critical thinking in education.

  20. Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020138 (2023)

    understanding particular topics in physics, such as forces, energy, circuits, and heat and temperature. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.19.020138 I. INTRODUCTION One of the earliest and most enduring strands of physics education research (PER) has been identifying student ideas about particular physics topics [1-3], from forces

  21. 25 Research Ideas in Physics for High School Students

    Some ideas of environmentally related physics research topics are: 23. New materials for the production of hydrogen fuel. 24. Analysis of emissions involved in the production, use, and disposal of products. 25. Nuclear fission or nuclear fusion energy as possible solutions to mitigate climate change.

  22. Building a mathematical model for a simple harmonic ...

    At the basis of any course in acoustics is the fundamental idea of the simple harmonic oscillator. The term alone is confusing to students with little to no background in physics or math. For courses in musical acoustics at the undergraduate level, this topic is often minimized due to the lack of preparation. This, in turn, results in a more superficial approach to the advanced topics.

  23. Researchers are exploring new ways to learn that make science more

    Frank Täufer, a scientific assistant at Campus Wiesengut—the University of Bonn's ecological teaching and research farm—asked a group of visiting 8-year-olds to speculate on why the rye ...

  24. Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, 020116 (2023)

    paper on "A Theoretical Framework for Physics Education Research: Modeling Student Thinking." [14]. A lot of the published research focused on students' conceptions, often, at that time, labeled "misconceptions." This research was very rich and served as the basis for a number of research-based materials and curricula, suchas [5,15-19].

  25. Editorial: Reflections on the Origins of Physical Review Special Topics

    Physics Education Research (PER) is a well-established subfield of physics. This was not always the case. The field is young enough that many practitioners can recall early efforts that were necessary to demonstrate PER's value. Prior to the 1990s, many (or perhaps most) physicists did not put much credence in the slowly growing body of ...