
ETD Administrator- Electronic Submissions

Steps for dissertation and thesis submission, submission section examples.

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Submission Process illustration

The submission process provides assurance that all of the critical areas needed for properly publishing a dissertation or thesis have been covered.  It includes the following steps:

  • Submit -- Authors will review all of the rules, guidelines, and options for publication and initially submit to administrators.
  • Review  -- An assigned institutional administrator will review the submitted material to assure it has been properly formatted and submitted.
  • Revise & Approve -- Active communication takes place between author and administrator regarding any needed changes, followed by approval when completed.
  • Deliver --  Administrators submit all approved dissertations and theses to ProQuest, either individually or in batches.
  • Done -- ProQuest will process all received material and publish them according to agreement and in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses .

Resources and guidelines page

Resources and Guidelines

Publishing options page

Publishing Options and Agreements

Creative Commons page

Creative Commons (Optional) -- U.S. Only

Contact information page.

Contact Information

Dissertation and thesis details page.

Dissertation / Thesis Details

Dissertation and thesis upload page.

Upload Dissertation / Thesis

United States copyright page.

Copyright -- U.S. Only

Copies and order page.

Order Copies

Order summary and submission page.

Summary / Submission

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Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation to ProQuest ETD: Publishing Information

  • Your Account
  • Publishing Information
  • About my Dissertation/Thesis
  • Submission & Payment

Once Logged In

This is the homepage that you land on once you've logged in. Before you begin the submission process, you need to have several items available.

The main goals of this section are to decide your publishing options and to enter your contact information. There is a $95 fee for Open Access Service publishing.

Although the information is saved when you click "Save & Continue", all information can be edited until you submit.

publish dissertation on proquest

Items to Have Before Your Start

  • Copy of Dissertation or Thesis in PDF, Word, or RTF
  • Supplementary Files (Optional)
  • Advisor and Committee Members' Names
  • Subject Categories

You can jump to any section of the submission process. Most steps are not sequential, though all sections should be reviewed before completion. A PQ publishing option must be selected before viewing the ProQuest agreement.

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Ed.D. Dissertation Guide: Publishing - ProQuest

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  • Publishing - ProQuest

What is ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global?

  ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the largest collection of dissertations and theses in the world.   It offers access to over 4 million graduate works from 1861 to the present day. 

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global - Advanced search

How to submit your dissertation to ProQuest

You can submit your dissertation to ProQuest via the  ProQuest ETD Administrator , a unique site for students that will guide you through uploading your manuscript. The submission process is easy and free to you.

For assistance, contact Jessica Scott, Graduate Program Manager, at  [email protected] .

ETD Administrator tutorial videos

ETD Administrator FAQs

  • ProQuest ETD Administrator Guide

ProQuest and embargo options

If you are submitting your dissertation to a journal or a book publisher for publication or if your dissertation is already accepted for publication, you may want to consider an embargo option, i.e. a delayed release, during which ProQuest will make your work unavailable for a certain period of time. 

  • ProQuest embargoes and restrictions

Registering for copyright

  • You can register your dissertation yourself by filing for copyright directly through the  Registration Portal of the U.S. Copyright Office . The registration fee is $35.
  • You can request that ProQuest files for copyright with the  U.S. Copyright Office  on your behalf. The service fee is $55.00.

Registering your dissertation for copyright is optional.

ProQuest publishing options

There are two publishing options in ProQuest: traditional publishing and open access PLUS.

Traditional publishing

  • Citation information for your dissertation will be available in the subscription-based ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database as well as subject specific databases that purchase information from ProQuest.
  • The full text of your dissertation will only be available to those institutions that subscribe to the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database 
  • You will receive royalties on any purchases of your dissertation
  • There is no fee associated with the traditional publishing option
  • ProQuest traditional publishing agreement

Open access publishing PLUS

  • The full text and information about your dissertation will be available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and freely available through the  PQDT Open   platform
  • You will not receive royalties on any purchases of your dissertation
  • You will pay a one-time fee of $95.00 to publish your dissertation in an open access format  

See the chart below to compare the benefits of ProQuest's traditional publishing services and Open Access Publishing PLUS.

  • ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS versus traditional publishing

ProQuest fees

  • Traditional publishing:  free
  • Open access publishing:  $95.00 (paid directly to ProQuest at the time of submission)
  • Registering for copyright:  $55.00 (paid directly to ProQuest at the time of submission)
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Submitting an Electronic Thesis to ProQuest

  • Preparing Theses for ProQuest Submission
  • How to Upload/Submit a Thesis to ProQuest

ProQuest Traditional Verses Open Access Publishing

Registering for us copyright (optional), copyright faq.

  • Embargos on your Thesis or Project

publish dissertation on proquest

ProQuest offers students two publishing options for theses, Traditional Publishing or Open Access Publishing PLUS.

Traditional Publishing

There is no cost for this option. Your thesis will only be made available by ProQuest through their ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and for sale through their Dissertations Express service. Authors are entitled to royalties for these sales as set out on the full  Traditional Publishing Agreement .

  • The   thesis   will not be freely available in PQDT Open. 
  • There is no fee charged.
  • The author is eligible to receive royalties.
  • The   thesis   will be available for purchase through ProQuest.
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database.
  • A record for the   thesis   (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in  other  ProQuest  resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies  Moder n .  Ebsco  and others.

Open Access PLUS

Theses are made available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and through the  PQDT Open  platform that allows anyone with Internet access to access and download the thesis for free. 

  • The thesis will be freely available in PQDT Open.
  • The author waives rights to receive royalties.
  • The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. 
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database, and in PQDT Open 
  • A record of the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Modern. Ebsco and others.

Comparison of the two options

As part of the ProQuest thesis submission process you will have the option to pay for ProQuest to register your thesis for US Copyright on your behalf and deposit the necessary copies for you with the Copyright Office. The cost is $55. Registration offers certain legal benefits if someone infringes on your copyright and you wish to bring suit.  More information is available in the "Optional Copyright Registration" section of this page:

  • How do I get copyright for my thesis/dissertation? As the author of a thesis or dissertation, you own the copyright to your work.  Under U.S. Copyright law, a creator of an "original work" created in a "fixed tangible medium" is immediately and automatically the copyright owner of the work, and your work is protected. 
  • Do I need to register my work with the U.S. Copyright Office? As stated above, your thesis or dissertation is automatically protected under copyright.  However, there are some important practical and legal benefits to registering your copyright, particularly the right to collect " statutory damages " in a successful infringement lawsuit.  Essentially, if at some point you might want to take legal action in order to protect your work, you should register it with the  U.S. Copyright Office . 
  • How do I register my work? In the course of this submission, you can request that ProQuest/UMI file for copyright with the U.S. Copyright on your behalf.  ProQuest charges a $55 fee for this service.You can also do the filing yourself directly through U.S. Copyright Office at .  You will be charged a $35 registration fee.
  • Finding and Using Images:  Fair Use
  • Citation and Copyright : Fair Use

The information in this section is adapted and expanded from "Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations to ProQuest" from the Regent University Library.

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Creative Commons License

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries

Theses & Dissertations

  • Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation
  • Depositing with ProQuest
  • Understanding Copyright
  • Understanding Embargoes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

ProQuest Open Access Fee

ProQuest's publishing agreement allows students to specify their choice of either Open Access Publishing PLUS or Traditional publishing when they submit.

Students who chose to publish their dissertation or Thesis in the Traditional Publishing model with ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database. 

Students who choose ProQuest's Open Access Publishing PLUS publishing option costs $95. This one-time fee funds the perpetual hosting of the student’s work for electronic public access.

There is no cost to make a thesis or dissertation open access in the CMU KiltHub Repository. 

With the Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest publishing option, graduate students can publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis. Once published, open access graduate works will be made available in the following ways, ensuring the widest possible exposure of the author’s graduate research:

  • PQDT : Open access graduate works will be available for free download to all users of the ProQuest® Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database, the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses.
  • PQDT Open : Open access titles can be retrieved via the ProQuest database PQDT Open . Anyone with access to the Internet will be able to read and download open access dissertations and theses for free.

ProQuest Open Access Publishing Versus Traditional Publishing


PQDT Traditional Publishing

Cost: Free

Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest  
Option for Open Access from Your Institution
Optional Exposure to search engines
ISBN assignment
Editorial review
Bibliographic indexing
K-level MARC record on request
Published citation and abstract
Fulfills Mandatory Deposit Requirement with Library of Congress
Appendix check for copyright issues
Appendix check for copyright issues
Appendix check for copyright issues
On-demand print copies
Award eligibility
Copyright filing available ($55 service fee)

More Information

Please see Open Access Publishing PLUS FAQ or feel free to contact ProQuest directly at  [email protected]  or call 800-521-0600 x 77020

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IR Publishing Frequently Asked Questions for Dissertation Authors

PhD dissertations enter the scholarly record through ProQuest's Dissertation Database and Arch | Northwestern University's Institutional Repository .  As part of the submission workflow, candidates are given options for making their dissertations available through these platforms. These are frequently asked questions for Dissertation authors.  

What is Open Access?

Open access refers to the free availability of research literature online. By making your dissertation open access, you are allowing researchers from all over the world to read your work, regardless of their access to a subscription database. Arch is an open access  institutional repository (IR) for Northwestern research. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition provides a good overview of how open access differs from traditional publishing .  

Why should I consider Open Access?

There are many reasons why scholars choose to publish open access. One of the most important and powerful of these reasons is that when a scholarly work is published openly, it has the potential to reach the widest possible audience, one not restricted to a pay-for-access model. 

Will publishing my dissertation in Arch  hurt my chances for publishing my dissertation research in a book or journal?

This depends on your field and whether or not you decide to make your dissertation open access immediately. Publishers generally require peer-review and substantial revisions before publishing a dissertation, effectively creating a new version of your dissertation. Though it is difficult to generalize, the majority of surveyed academic publishers in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences on this question report that dissertations that are freely available in online repositories will still be considered for publication.[1-2] The bigger questions publishers ask when assessing the viability a publication are the quality of content and the market for the work. In any case, authors seeking to formally publish their dissertation research can delay the public release of their dissertation for six months, 1 year, or 2 years after submitting to Arch. 

How can I delay the public release of my dissertation? 

In the dissertation submission process, you can select to delay public access to your dissertation for six months, 1 year, or 2 years. Here's a screenshot from ProQuest's submission form:

Delay Research of Dissertation to the Public

I published a chapter of my dissertation as an article last year.  I think I transferred my copyright to the publisher in order to get the article published.  What should I do?

Check the publishing agreement you signed or contact the publisher/ journal editor for guidance. If you signed the copyrights over to the publisher, you may need to delay the release of your dissertation. You can also check the SHERPA/RoMEO database for the publisher’s policy on open access archiving. Most journal publishers allow open access in institutional repositories after 1 or 2 years, if not immediately upon publication. 

Do I have to register for Copyright?

Your dissertation is automatically copyrighted by you and additional steps are not necessary to own and manage the copyright to your dissertation. However, there are some advantages to registering a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office . Doing so will make it easier for you to defend your copyright against copyright infringement. This is recommended for anyone intending to market, license, or sell your dissertation to others.

Where can I find Northwestern University dissertations?

Consult this Help Guide:  How to Find Northwestern University Dissertations and Masters Theses


  • [1] Ramirez, M.L., McMillan, G., Dalton, J.T., Hanlon, A., Smith, H.S., & Kern, C. (2014). Do open access electronic theses and dissertations diminish publishing opportunities in the sciences? College & Research Libraries, 75, 808-821.
  • [2] Ramirez, M.L., McMillan, G., Dalton, J.T., Hanlon, A., Smith, Read, M. & Seamans, N.H. (2013). Do open access electronic theses and dissertations diminish publishing opportunities in the social sciences and humanities? College & Research Libraries, 74, 368-380. 10.5860/crl-356
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Electronic Theses and Dissertations Submission

Submit your final thesis or dissertation by the posted submission  deadline .

Submission to the Graduate School must include:

  • Thesis or Dissertation PDF electronically uploaded in ProQuest.
  • Use this form if you have one major professor:  Thesis & Dissertation Approval and Publishing Options Form – 1 Major Professor  (PDF)  
  • Use this form if you have two co-major professors:  Thesis & Dissertation Approval and Publishing Options Form —Two Major Professors  (PDF) .
  • Complete the online Survey of Earned Doctorates (PhD students only)

Steps to Publish Your ETD

The process of submitting a thesis or dissertation electronically includes the following:

  • Follow Graduate School Formatting Requirements .
  • Write and save your document (MS Word, LaTeX, Pages, etc)
  • Embedding the fonts.
  • Converting your document to PDF format. You may need assistance in preparing a PDF for submission. ProQuest has a very helpful Resources & Guidelines site .
  • Uploading the document to ProQuest.
  • Ordering personal hard copies (optional).
  • Registering the copyright through ProQuest with the Library of Congress (optional).
  • Submission.
  • ProQuest automatically sends you an e-mail confirming that your submission is complete. Keep for your records. It is your proof that you submitted online and before the deadline expired.
  • ProQuest will then notify the UWM Graduate School of your submission.
  • The Graduate School will review your document to make sure the formatting adheres to the above-mentioned Thesis & Dissertation Formatting Guidelines. The Graduate School will request necessary changes on your original work if required, and you will re-upload the revised document to ProQuest.
  • When approved by the Graduate School, after your degree is awarded, your document will be submitted to ProQuest, who will log, index and publish your thesis or dissertation.
  • The UWM Libraries provide free, long-term, full-text access to UWM ETDs on and off campus through UWM Digital Commons . They also receive a copy of the PDF file for access and archiving once the thesis or dissertation is submitted and approved by the Graduate School.

Your Thesis in UWM Digital Commons

After your submission to ProQuest, the UWM theses and dissertations are automatically published in the UWM Libraries’ Digital Commons . Digital Commons is the digital extension of the physical library. Historically, theses and dissertations were made available on a physical library shelf and, since the conversion to digital, theses and dissertations are now made available electronically. Your thesis or dissertation will be searchable by Google and other third-party apps through Digital Commons.

Publishing Options

By default, theses and dissertations by UWM students are made openly available via UWM Libraries’ Digital Commons . This means that they are available to read both inside and outside of UWM. Sharing your thesis or dissertation is an important part of obtaining a degree at UWM.

There are two ways to publish through ProQuest—traditional or open access.

  • Open Access means free access to scholarly research. Some open access publications are also licensed for reuse, often via a Creative Commons license.
  • Theses and dissertations can be made openly available for anyone to read via ProQuest for $95.
  • Your thesis or dissertation will still be free to read via the UWM Libraries’ Digital Commons, whether or not you choose this option in ProQuest.
  • Traditional Publishing Traditional Publishing makes your work available for purchase by others and enables you to receive royalties based on those purchases. However, the need for others to purchase your document means that it will not receive the widest possible dissemination. Your document is, however, listed in an online database. Those who choose not to purchase it have access online only to an extract consisting of the title page and the first few content pages.

There are two possible publishing options. You are responsible for one of the following:

  • Open Access through the UWM Library: Free. Traditional publishing through ProQuest: Free.
  • Open Access through the UWM Library: Free. Open Access Publishing through ProQuest: $95—paid to ProQuest at time of submission.

Embargoes (Delaying Publication)

While most dissertations will be published immediately after submission, in rare cases a student will need to delay the publication of their thesis. Such circumstances may involve:

  • Disclosure of intellectual property that preclude patents rights.
  • Disclosure of sensitive data about persons, institutions, or technologies that violate professional ethics regarding protection of confidentiality,
  • An academic or commercial press has expressed interest in acquiring the rights to publish the work as a book. The works in creative writing are qualified for an embargo.
  • A part of the content has already been submitted to a peer-reviewed journal that may require an embargo. Many journals consider each submission on a case-by-case basis. To clarify the policy consult with the journal editor.

When an exception is necessary, an embargo provides a temporary, delayed public release of the work.

Embargo periods of six months, one year, or two years are available. If needed, select the embargo option on both the Approval and Publishing Options form, as well as in the publishing options section in ProQuest.

Copyright is automatically generated when an author publishes his or her work. For theses and dissertations, a student includes the copyright notice in the contents of their thesis or dissertation, and then has copyright on the work after its publication.You may wish to register your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office in order to protect your rights in a dispute or to be compensated for damages caused by infringement. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • You may register the copyright yourself by paying the registration fee ($35) and following the directions at:
  • You may also designate ProQuest to act as your agent in registering the copyright by electing to do so during the submission process (the registration fee is $55).

For more information regarding copyright registration and the advantages, please visit the ProQuest site.

  • Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities (PDF)
  • See also: The U.S. Copyright Office

Ordering Bound Copies

ProQuest can bind your document. Follow the directions at the ProQuest Website regarding their full range of binding options. You select the binding option you prefer at the “Order Copies” step of the submission process. Orders can be placed at the time of submission, or after publication.

ETD Submission PowerPoint

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Dissertation Sources

There are three databases/search engines you can use to find RSOE dissertations. All USC dissertations, including the latest ones, are in the USC Libraries Digital Library. You can also find most dissertations in Proquest Dissertations and Theses. A few years ago, the Graduate School made submitting to Proquest an optional step for all Schools. It is required to submit all dissertations to the Digital Library. See the USC Graduate School Thesis/Dissertation Submission guidelines for more information.

You’ll find instructions below on how to look for dissertations in the Digital Library and Proquest Dissertations. 

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window Database of dissertations and theses, including more than 1 million available full-text (PDF).

Proquest Dissertations – Search by chair and university

  • Go to  Proquest Dissertations
  • Then select Advanced Search

USC login required

Dissertations at USC Digital Library  This collection contains USC dissertations (and many theses) created since Fall 2006. There is also a small batch of theses from 1931 and 1966 in this collection .

Digital Library

  • Go to the  USC Digital Library
  • Under the search box there are different collections, look for the "USC Scholarship" section
  • Select "University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses"
  • Search "doctor of education" or search by title/author if you're looking for something specific
  • You can change how the results are displayed using the View & Sort menu 
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Final defense, the final defense process.

Note: Each candidate is required to successfully complete a minimum of 12 Dissertation credit hours (Ed.D.) / 15 Dissertation credit hours (Ph.D.) and defend the Dissertation. The candidate must be enrolled in a minimum of 2 Dissertation credits (LEAD 7999) during the semester in which the Final Dissertation Defense is held.

When the Chair is satisfied with the quality of the written work (including any revisions requested at the Pre-Defense) and determines the Dissertation is ready for Final Defense, the Chair distributes the final complete draft of the manuscript and the Final Defense PowerPoint to all members of the Committee via the Dissertation course space (UTC Learn)  at least 14 days in advance . The Chair will then contact the candidate and Committee to set a Final Defense date and time (allotting 90 minutes) at least 14 days in advance.  It is the Committee members’ responsibility to be as flexible as possible when scheduling the Final Defense. To qualify for graduation in a given semester, the final defense process and dissertation manuscript must meet the Graduate School deadlines as published on the Graduate School website (link:  Thesis and Dissertation ). 

  • Once the date and time have been established, the Chair will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ) via email and will submit the Dissertation title and abstract for the campus announcement.  
  • The Program Office will distribute appointment invites to the candidate and Committee and will provide the candidate with step-by-step instructions to submit the Notice of Defense information to the Graduate School. The Notice of Defense must be submitted  at least 14 days in advance , according to Graduate School policy. The Graduate School shall publicly announce the Final Defense to the campus community.  
  • The Chair will guide the candidate in preparing for the public research presentation and private defense. The majority of Committee members must contribute synchronously at the Dissertation defense. The candidate is responsible to being able to access an electronic copy of research and presentation materials for the defense (a backup plan is strongly recommended). The candidate will present a  25-30   minute oral defense   of the study with an emphasis on the findings and the conclusions. The oral defense may not exceed 35 minutes. Candidates are expected to dress in professional business attire for the defense presentation. Family members and friends may be permitted to attend, however, candidates should be aware that the defense is an official proceeding and their work will be publicly reviewed and potentially criticized. The typical defense consists of a public forum that is open to the entire University community.  
  • At the start of the defense proceeding, the Program Director/Advisor will outline the defense proceedings and the Dissertation Chair will introduce the Committee and candidate.  
  • After the candidate’s oral presentation, Committee members and guests will be given an opportunity to pose questions related to the research. The Chair will act as moderator to keep the exchange relevant and timely.  
  • Once all general questions have been addressed, any guests in attendance will be asked to adjourn. The Committee will then meet with the candidate in a private session.  
  • Following the private session, the Chair will ask the candidate to leave while the Committee deliberates. Only the candidate is to return for feedback from the Chair and Committee.

Evaluation of the Final Defense

There are three possible results from the Dissertation Committee vote:




The evaluation of  Pass  indicates that a majority of members of the Dissertation Committee concluded that the candidate met or exceeded the requirements set forth in the Dissertation Proposal, however s/he may be required to make editorial and/or formatting modifications to the Dissertation.

An evaluation of  Re-examination  indicates that two or more members of the Committee found substantive problems in the work or the defense of the Dissertation. The members of the Committee will prepare a list of modifications or improvements required before a second Dissertation defense will be scheduled. The re-examination will occur in the same or subsequent semester unless the Dissertation Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School grant additional time to effect the necessary changes.

An evaluation of  Failure  indicates that the majority of the Dissertation Committee judged the quality of the candidate’s Dissertation and the defense of the Dissertation to be below the standards expected of doctoral level scholarly performance. In the event of a result of Failure, the candidate may petition the Chair and Program Director for the opportunity for re-evaluation.

Final Dissertation Approval and Digital Submission

Following the successful Final Defense:

  • The Chair will request that the Program Office circulate the Examination Results Form for digital signatures from each Committee member and the Program Director/Advisor. The Program Office will submit the Examination Results Form to the Graduate School for processing.  
  • The candidate will make any additional revisions as recommended by the Committee and will submit the revised manuscript to the Dissertation course space (UTC Learn) for the Chair to review.  
  • Once the manuscript has been approved by the Chair, the Chair will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ) via email that the manuscript is ready for initial formatting review at the program level.  
  • Once the initial program-level formatting review is complete and the candidate has made any additional revisions, the Program Director/Advisor will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ) via email to send the candidate information regarding next steps.  
  • A pre-populated  Verification of Standards and Bibliography Software Form  to digitally sign and return to the Program Office. The Verification Form indicates that the  Standards  for formatting were followed, verifies the bibliography management software used, provides the name of the software (EndNote), and indicates the word processing software used (Microsoft Word) to produce the dissertation. Once the Verification Form has been digitally signed by the candidate and returned to the Program Office, the Program Office will submit the Verification Form to the Graduate School for processing.  
  • Instructions to submit the Dissertation manuscript electronically to the Graduate School via UTC Scholar for formatting review (link:  Thesis and Dissertation ). The candidate should list the Dissertation Chair (or Co-Chairs) as a co-author(s) in UTC Scholar. Submission deadlines are posted to the Graduate School website. The Dean of the Graduate School (or an appointed representative) will review the Dissertation to ensure compliance with the Thesis and Dissertation Standards, which can also be found on the Graduate School website (link:  Thesis and Dissertation ). Graduate School standards stipulate that all theses and dissertations must use bibliography management software. The Learning and Leadership Program requires all candidates to use EndNote bibliography management software. Compliance with UTC formatting / style guidelines is the responsibility of the candidate.  
  • Upon completion of the initial format review, the Dissertation manuscript will be accepted or returned to the candidate for corrections. The candidate must make the requested corrections and resubmit a revised electronic copy for review. The review process continues until the document is confirmed as acceptable.  
  • Once the Dissertation manuscript is accepted, the candidate will receive an email that the document has been posted, which means the Graduate School Dean has accepted the document and the Dissertation requirement has been filled. Questions regarding the UTC Scholar submission process may be directed to the Graduate School.   
  • The candidate should forward a copy of the UTC Scholar notification to the Dissertation Chair (or Co-Chairs) and Program Office ( [email protected] ).  
  • The Program Office will provide the candidate with information regarding final steps in preparation for Commencement.

Note: There is no fee for electronic submission of the Dissertation to UTC Scholar. The final transcript and diploma may be withheld until the UTC Scholar submission and approval process has been successfully completed.

Digital submission to ProQuest is optional; it is not required by the University. For more information, visit the ProQuest website (link: ProQuest UMI ). If you choose to submit your manuscript to ProQuest through the UMI ETD Administrator site, you must notify the Graduate School Dean (or appointed representative) of your submission. 

Learning and Leadership Doctorate's Program

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How text and data mining enables digital literacy in the classroom.

Read about the University of Sydney’s journey to integrate text and data mining (TDM) into its undergraduate courses and incorporate it across disciplines

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Uncover the Undiscovered

The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet it is often overlooked because most go unpublished. Uncover new ideas and innovations with more confidence and efficiency. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global delivers a focused path for researchers by tapping into a global network of connected research.

Dissertation references can be a treasure trove for obscure topics, here students discover shorter works like articles.

Scott Dennis, Librarian Core Electronic Resources, University of Michigan

Connecting Global Scholarship

Disseminating since 1939

Disseminating since 1939

Disseminating graduate works since 1939, and is the largest editorially curated repository of dissertations and theses.

5+ million works

5+ million works

A multi-disciplinary collection of over 5 million citations and 3 million full text works.

250,000 Annually

250,000 Annually

The database increases in size by 250,000 works each year.

4M Researchers

4M Researchers

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is used by over 4 million researchers at 3,100+ institutions around the world.

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Short Description

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global provides visibility of cutting-edge research from the world’s premier universities.

ProQuest’s vast collection of >5.5million post graduate dissertations and theses now discoverable on Web of Science

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global with the Web of Science™ enables researchers to seamlessly uncover early career, post-graduate research in the form of more than 5.5 million dissertations and theses from over 4,100 institutions from more than 60 countries, alongside journal articles, conference proceedings, research data, books, preprints and patents.

The integration and introduction of the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index , eliminates the need for researchers to search multiple databases, allowing them to streamline their workflow and focus more on their academic success and research advancements.

To further enhance accessibility, direct full text linking from the Web of Science to the ProQuest platform is available for joint subscribers of the Web of Science and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Navigating ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index

DISCOVER unique scholarship

  • Provides credible research on unique, niche, and trending topics, often not published elsewhere
  • Provides access to global and diverse perspectives, helping to close diversity gaps in mainstream publishing channels
  • Removes friction and obstacles from the research process by making full text available in one location
  • Retrieves equitable search results, which places equal value on quality scholarship no matter where it is from

UNCOVER the value of dissertations

  • Introduces users to new source types
  • Reaches more students, helps more users in a virtual environment
  • Addresses user needs immediately when they need it
  • Nurtures career aspirations in academia

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global home page

FOCUS your research path

Citation Connections are the next step in the evolution of the ProQuest Platform, moving the recommender functionality beyond standard keyword lists towards technology that leverages citation data, bibliometrics, and knowledge graph technology. Focus your research path by finding the most relevant and influential works faster.

  • Supports researchers to become more efficient and effective.
  • Leads researchers of all levels quickly to the most relevant, credible sources.
  • Provides a focused path to building comprehensive foundational knowledge in any research area.
  • Integrates with other library resources, enhances the value of other ProQuest subscriptions by providing insights into how the research is connected.

Success Story

Progressing STEM Studies with a Critical Primary Research Source

Progressing STEM Studies with a Critical Primary Research Source

Author, Technologist, and Doctoral Student, Ida Joiner shares her story on leveraging dissertations to engage with current trends, cite a comprehensive foundation and build towards her own research goals.

 Avoiding Bias by Starting at the Source

Avoiding Bias by Starting at the Source

Dr. Terri D. Pigott, Ph.D., of the School of Public Health at the College of Education, Georgia State University, on Avoiding Bias by Starting at the Source.


Professor Terri Pigott Ph.D. discusses the expectations she presents to her students on meta-analysis and unbiased research requirements and how the use of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global helps to ensure that comprehensive data sets are included in new research outputs.

Using Dissertations as a Primary Source

Student researcher and published author Ida Joiner discusses how she uses ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global as a core resource that helps her to build towards her own research goals.

Improving Diversity in Curriculum by Uncovering Unheard Voices

Improving Diversity in Curriculum by Uncovering Unheard Voices

Psychology Professors and Research Scientists come together to build a course and write a supplemental text for Psychology curriculum emphasizing the dissertations by women of color prior to 1980, filling research gaps in the early history of psychology.

The Erasure of Drag Contribution in Performance History

The Erasure of Drag Contribution in Performance History

Dr. Lady J, Ph.D., documents the historical impact, influence, contributions that drag performers have made to politics, music, film, fashion, and popular culture in her dissertation. Her goal is to document and make this history available for broad educational outreach.

Text and Data Mining Projects

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is one of the most requested data-sets for text and data mining because of its broad historic to present-day coverage and deep and comprehensive data results found in the full-text records.  TDM Studio can be used alongside PQDT to easily and efficiently extract data and analyze it. See the list below for articles and projects published by scholars who used ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global data:

  • TDM Studio ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Case Studies
  • Mapping Research Trends with ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (Univ. North Carolina)
  • Indiana University using Dissertations Data for Research
  • ProQuest Dissertation Database Provides Critical Information for Research Projects Across the US
  • City University of New York

hands typing on a laptop, purple icons  and gradient overlay

Trends in the Evolution of Research and Doctoral Education

Bruce A. Weinberg, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Public Affairs from The Ohio State University shares how text and data mining of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global allows researchers to understand doctoral career trajectory patterns.

Improving Graduate Student Outcomes

Improving Graduate Student Outcomes

Dr. Jearl (Ken) Helvey, Assistant Professor of Education – Doctoral Program at Texas Wesleyan University on how incorporating dissertations into the curriculum improved the doctoral student success at Texas Wesleyan University.

Related Products

TDM Studio

Empower researchers to uncover new connections and make new discoveries using TDM Studio, a new solution for text and data mining (TDM). From the initial idea to the final output, TDM Studio puts the power of text and data mining directly in the researcher’s hands.

ProQuest One Academic

ProQuest One Academic brings together four core multi-disciplinary products, allowing access to the world’s largest curated collection of journals, ebooks, dissertations, news and video.

ETD Dissemination

Including dissertations and theses in ProQuest means amplifying your research by making it available in a unified repository


  1. Find Dissertations and Theses via the ProQuest Dissertations Database

    publish dissertation on proquest

  2. ProQuest UMI Dissertation Publishing Agreement

    publish dissertation on proquest

  3. ProQuest dissertations and theses A&I (PQDT)

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  4. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

    publish dissertation on proquest

  5. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

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  6. New ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Citation Connections

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  1. How To Find Bibliographies on Your Topic in Dissertations and Theses

  2. How to Write a Dissertation Introduction

  3. Literature Online on the ProQuest Platform

  4. Jinjin Ma, 2012 Distinguished Dissertation Award Winner

  5. Tez Yazımı ve Atıfların Önemi

  6. Locate Dissertations by Chair


  1. How do I submit a Thesis or Dissertation?

    After you complete your submission, your graduate school administrator will review the submission before sending it to ProQuest Dissertation Publishing. Note that all dissertations and theses must be submitted as a PDF document. Additional resources: ETD Administrator: Frequently Asked Questions.

  2. Dissertations & Theses

    Over the last 80 years, ProQuest has built the world's most comprehensive and renowned dissertations program. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT Global), continues to grow its repository of 5 million graduate works each year, thanks to the continued contribution from the world's universities, creating an ever-growing resource of emerging research to fuel innovation and new insights.

  3. Submitting your ETD

    ProQuest Dissertation Publishing has been publishing dissertations and theses since 1938. In that time, we have published over 2 million graduate works from graduate schools around the world. We make this collective resource available to researchers in libraries through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database. After it is published, your work ...

  4. Why publish a dissertation or thesis with ProQuest?

    ProQuest Dissertation Publishing provides the only comprehensive service in the world for publishing, archiving and disseminating graduate research. Over the past 70 years, we have published more than 2 million dissertations and theses. Most graduate schools in the United States require their students to publish with ProQuest.

  5. Submitting Your Dissertation

    Over 90% of dissertations produced by graduates of research institutions are published. For many institutions, the submission process culminates with the submission of the manuscript and/or abstract and index to the historical and now global database. Scholars from around the world in 3000 research libraries are able to access the work.

  6. Including Dissertations and Theses for Student Authors

    Publish Your Thesis or Dissertation. By publishing your thesis or dissertation with ProQuest Direct, you are joining global research communities through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and now, Web of Science.Your scholarship will not only advance your field of study, but also contribute to a global knowledge network, connecting research across time and space.

  7. ProQuest ETD Administrator

    Your administrator, to ProQuest. 5 • Done. Your work is now on ProQuest! ProQuest ETD Administrator makes it easy for students and institutions to publish dissertations and theses. Using our simple web-based system, students can submit dissertations & theses online, and graduate administrators can manage the process.

  8. ETD Administrator- Electronic Submissions

    The submission process provides assurance that all of the critical areas needed for properly publishing a dissertation or thesis have been covered. It includes the following steps: Submit -- Authors will review all of the rules, guidelines, and options for publication and initially submit to administrators. Review -- An assigned institutional ...

  9. ETD Administrator

    You can submit your dissertation/thesis for publishing & archiving using ProQuest ETD Administrator. After you submit your dissertation or thesis, it will be sent to your graduate school for review. After your graduate school finishes reviewing, it will be delivered to ProQuest for publishing and archiving. Before beginning your submission ...

  10. Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation to ProQuest ETD: Publishing

    Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation to ProQuest ETD: Publishing Information. For Cummings School, the purpose of this guide is to outline the process for submitting your work to ProQuest ETD to be published online, as well as to be captured in the Tufts Digital Library.

  11. Publishing Dissertations and Theses: Publishing a Dissertation

    After you complete your submission, your graduate school administrator will review the submission before sending it to ProQuest Dissertation Publishing. Note: the SIGNED signature acceptance page must be scanned and inserted before creating the PDF for uploading and all dissertations and theses must be submitted as a PDF document.

  12. Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission

    ProQuest Dissertation Publishing makes no changes to the formatting or content of submitted manuscripts. Therefore, the burden of how the manuscript looks when it is accessed or printed is entirely the responsibility of the author. ProQuest strongly recommends that individual authors take responsibility for reformatting the document into PDF ...

  13. Ed.D. Dissertation Guide: Publishing

    There are two publishing options in ProQuest: traditional publishing and open access PLUS. Traditional publishing. Citation information for your dissertation will be available in the subscription-based ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database as well as subject specific databases that purchase information from ProQuest.

  14. Publishing Options in ProQuest

    The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database. A record for the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Moder n. Ebsco and others.

  15. Author Dissertations FAQs

    ProQuest assists researchers and institutions in the discoverability and dissemination of their dissertations and theses; the database is accessed by researchers at more than 3,100 institutions worldwide. Inclusion in ProQuest provides access to an author's dissertation alongside decades of groundbreaking research from doctoral and master's ...

  16. ProQuest ETD Administrator

    ProQuest ETD Administrator makes it easy for students and institutions to publish dissertations and theses. Using our simple web-based system, students can submit dissertations & theses online, and graduate administrators can manage the process.


    STEP 3: Read and understand the Licensing and Rights sections of the publishing agreement. This agreement grants ProQuest/UMI the right to reproduce and disseminate your work according to the choices you make. This is a non-exclusive right; you may grant others the right to use your dissertation or thesis as well.

  18. CMU LibGuides: Theses & Dissertations: Depositing with ProQuest

    Overview. With the Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest publishing option, graduate students can publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis. Once published, open access graduate works will be made available in the following ways, ensuring the widest possible exposure of the author's graduate research:

  19. Research Guides: Digital Publishing Services: Dissertations

    In the dissertation submission process, you can select to delay public access to your dissertation for six months, 1 year, or 2 years. Here's a screenshot from ProQuest's submission form: I published a chapter of my dissertation as an article last year. I think I transferred my copyright to the publisher in order to get the article published.

  20. Individual Author Submission Instructions

    The following instructions are only for students submitting their dissertation/thesis for publication without the assistance of their university. Before proceeding further, we recommend contacting your graduate administrative office to determine if your university has any guidelines for the submission of your work to ProQuest.

  21. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Submission

    Steps to Publish Your ETD. The process of submitting a thesis or dissertation electronically includes the following: Follow Graduate School Formatting Requirements. Write and save your document (MS Word, LaTeX, Pages, etc) Go to the UWM ProQuest ETD Administrator website. You will create a new account the first time you log on.

  22. ETD Dissemination

    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Publishing Lancaster University. Lancaster University is ranked as one of the United Kingdom's top institutions with a campus in Lancaster, UK, Ghana, Beijing, and Leipzig, Germany. It was named International University of the Year for 2020 by The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020.

  23. *Education: Dissertations

    You can also find most dissertations in Proquest Dissertations and Theses. A few years ago, the Graduate School made submitting to Proquest an optional step for all Schools. It is required to submit all dissertations to the Digital Library. See the USC Graduate School Thesis/Dissertation Submission guidelines for more information.

  24. Final Defense

    Note: Each candidate is required to successfully complete a minimum of 12 Dissertation credit hours (Ed.D.) / 15 Dissertation credit hours (Ph.D.) and defend the Dissertation. The candidate must be enrolled in a minimum of 2 Dissertation credits (LEAD 7999) during the semester in which the Final Dissertation Defense is held.

  25. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global with the Web of Science™ enables researchers to seamlessly uncover early career, post-graduate research in the form of more than 5.5 million dissertations and theses from over 4,100 institutions from more than 60 countries, alongside journal articles, conference proceedings, research data, books, preprints and patents.