A very cranky language blogger dishing out brutal language tips.

How to Introduce Yourself in French in 10+ Lines + Audio

Want to speak French? Yes? Good – keep reading.

This is for those that truly want to learn the language. Here’s how you introduce yourself in French in 10 easy lines… and this might take you 2 to 3 minutes or less. You can also listen to audio by pressing the play button.

There’s also a PDF for these phrases at the end!

But if you’re JUST looking for the ONE French phrase, it’s this:

  • My name is ______.
  • Je m’appelle ______.
These colorful and printable PDFs teach you French words and phrases… and they’re free for new learners. Lessons

1) Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.

“Hello” and “Nice to meet you” are must-know phrases. Any introduction will probably will start with these words.

  • Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
  • Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.

You should also listen and hear real French – Press play below. Try this Free Lesson from (click here to visit) for the complete explanation about introducing yourself!

Press play to listen below.

Now, let’s say someone asks for your name in French.

They would say….

2) Comment t’appelles-tu?

  • What’s your name?
  • Comment t’appelles-tu?

3) Je m’appelle ______.

This is simple. To say “my name is” in French, you just need the phrase “Je m’appelle.” Then say your name. For example, if the name is Linguajunkie, it would be like this…

  • Je m’appelle Linguajunkie.

introduce yourself in french

Here’s another example:

  • Je m’appelle Robert. Comment t’appelles tu ?
  • My name is Robert. What’s your name?

4) Je viens de ____.

So, where are you from? America? Europe? Africa? Asia? Just stick the name of your country inside this phrase. We’ll use France as an example.

  • Je viens de France .
  • I’m from France .

introduce yourself in french

5) J’habite à ______.

What about now – where do you live? Just fill in the blank with the country or city (if famous) into this phrase. I’ll use Paris as an example.

  • J’habite à Paris .
  • I live in Paris .

introduce yourself in french

6) J’apprends le français depuis _____.

How long have you been learning French for? A month? A year?

  • J’apprends le français depuis un an .
  • I’ve been learning French for a year .

introduce yourself in french

7) J’apprends le français sur _____.

Where are you learning French? At school? At home? This would be a great line to know and use when you’re introducing yourself. Here’s my example:

  • J’apprends le français sur .
  • I’m learning French at .

introduce yourself in french

8) J’ai  ___  ans.

Here’s how to say how old you are in French. Just add the number in. You will want to know French numbers from 1 to 100 , so click the link to review and find out how to say your age in French.

  • J’ai      ans.
  • J’ai 27 ans.
  • I’m 27 years old .

introduce yourself in french

9) Je suis ______.

What about your position? Are you a student? Yoga teacher? Lawyer for the potato industry? Potato salesman? Super important question that people like to ask (and judge you about – Hey, I’m just a blogger! ). Just use “ani” meaning “I” and add your position.

  • Je suis enseignant (e).
  • I’m a teacher .

introduce yourself in french

Here are some examples of other jobs:

  • ingénieur – engineer
  • programmeur – programmar
  • infirmière – nurse
  • professeur – professor
  • employé de bureau – office worker/clerk
  • ouvrier de société – company worker
  • gérant – manager
  • secrétaire – secretary
  • docteur – doctor
  • agent comptable – accountant
  • officier de police – police officer
  • pompier – firefighter
  • avocat – lawyer
  • cuisinier – cook

10) Un de mes passe-temps est la lecture. _____.

Now, let’s move onto personal interests – hobbies! My hobbies are languages, linguajunkieing and such. How about you? You’ll definitely need this line when introducing yourself in French.

Here’s an example to use:

  • Un de mes passe-temps est la lecture.
  • One of my hobbies is reading.

introduce yourself in french

11) J’aime écouter de la musique.

Now, this is just another example line about your hobbies . You can use something else where.

  • J’aime écouter de la musique.
  • I enjoy listening to music.

introduce yourself in french

So now you know how to introduce yourself in French.

Remember, if there’s only ONE phrase you’ll remember me, Lingajunkie, let it be:

If you want a French PDF lesson for this Introductions lesson, check out the link below. You can download it for free.

french introduction pdf

Let’s recap the French phrases for self-introduction:

I’m sure there’s a ton more you can say – but this is an easy, simple start that any beginner can put to use. It’s all about starting easy. Here are the French lines for your self-introduction.

introduce yourself in french

See if you can introduce yourself below. Leave me a comment.

I read all comments!

Hope you enjoyed this!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for French learners. If you REALLY want to learn French with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at FrenchPod101 (click here) and start learning!

presentation in french about yourself

tomorrow is my french exam and this helped me a lot

Stacey Ngina

Merci,this helps alot

Kayode olufade

Wow I love this it help a lot


Merci beaucoup


merci becoup


I found this very useful as I prepare myself for the oral test thanx for this


how to say daddy in french




merci madam


how do you say ” I am taking 6 classes this semester” ?


merci bonjour je m’appelle Malveer J’habite a mosh

chitrangda singh

um…could you write an introduction for students?????


[…] learn bonus lines for introducing yourself in French in part […]


Bonjour , enchante de faire votre connaissance. je m’appelle Gloria Ewoigbe . Je viens de Nigeria. J’ai 17 ans. J’habite ‘a England . J’apprends Francais depuis trois mois. j’apprends Francais ‘a mon Ecole, ma maison et sur French pod 101 .com un de mes passe -temps est la lecture. J’aime ecouter la Chritienne musique . J’aime Paris repas il est de’licious. Je suis une etudiante . Aussi J’aime Dieu. Et Toi? qui es -tu?

[…] This next section of French phrases contains basics you’d need for conversations. Like, how to say “yes,” “thank you,” “how are you,” or even introduce yourself in French. […]


whats up yo

Kavya Trivedi

Thank you for helping

Gavish kumar yadav

It was not easy and unable to understand for a 7 class child


Very nice! I love it! It helped me a lot!!


Wow I can’t read?


agréable de vous rencontrer copains


Mille merci


Merci, C’est tres simple et utile 😉


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bla bla francais - spoken French for the real life

How To Talk About Yourself in French (many audio examples)

Talking about yourself in French can be fun if you're hanging out with French speaking friends, students or co-workers.

The situations of life in which you need to present yourself are countless : school, job interviews, professional meetings, administrative stuff, social encounters, dating ...

Introducing yourself in French, that is, saying out your name, age, home country, occupation etc, is not so different than in your native language.

Where things start to differ from culture to culture, is what you actually choose to say about yourself as a French speaker.  And of course the way you choose to say it.

For example, French people often find it unpleasant when a person is talking about him/herself in a self-confident way, which they often consider as bragging.  E.g, talking openly about your qualities or achievements.

In this article, we hear Fred, a French guy, talking about himself, perhaps recording a quick presentation video for a social website.  After hearing the presentation, we comment the spoken French phrases and expressions he's using.

Here's Fred's presentation :

Salut, moi c'est Fred, j'ai 36 ans, je suis de Toulouse, diplômé d'une école de commerce. Je suis commercial chez un concessionnaire auto. Je suis du genre extraverti, sociable, j'adore les contacts. Mon trip à moi, c'est de sortir, m'amuser, mater le foot avec les potes, délirer avec les filles... Je suis quelqu'un de cool, je n'aime pas me prendre la tête.  Je laisse couler ! Je suis célibataire. j'ai été avec quelqu'un pendant deux ans, mais ça n'a pas marché. Je ne supportais plus ses reproches, pourquoi tu fais ci, pourquoi tu fais pas ça ... Sur mon lieu de travail, je vois souvent passer de jolis petits lots... Et sur Facebook aussi. Mon job, c'est pas ma vie.  Je fais mon boulot, je ne cherche pas midi à 14h. Mon chef est du genre chicaneur, alors que moi je suis plutôt zen. Je n'aime pas trop les objectifs, les évaluations, et les patrons prise de tête. Je ne suis pas non plus très fan des clients qui posent des tonnes de questions !

Listen to the audio :

And here's the English version :

Hey, Fred here, 36, from Toulouse, business school graduate. I work as a salesman at a car dealership. I'm the extraverted type, social guy, I love contacts. I get kicks from going out, having fun, watching soccer with my boys, hanging out with the girls... I'm  a mellow person,  don't like to complicate things.  I just let things roll. I'm single.  I was involved with someone for two years, but it didn't work out. Could no longer stand her complaints, why are you doing this, why don't you do that ... In my workplace I see some hot little numbers go by ... And on Facebook as well. My job is not my life.  I do my work, I try not to complicate things too much. My boss is kind of a nitpicker, whereas I'm more of an easy-going person. I'm not crazy about sales quotas, evaluations, and picky managers. Nor am I a big fan of customers who ask tons of questions !

Talking about yourself in French : who you are, basic information

Fred starts his talk by introducing himself : his name, his age, his home town, his education.

For his name, he uses the phrase :

"Salut, moi c'est Fred"

This is a colloquial way in French to introduce oneself, a bit like saying "Hey, Fred here !"  When talking about yourself, you would only use " Moi c'est ... " in very informal and relaxed situations, e.g. a friend circle.  Otherwise, you would use a more classic :

"Je m'appelle Fred"  or "Mon nom est Fred"

For his age, he could have gone on using an informal style by omitting "j'ai" :

"Salut, moi c'est Fred, 36 ans ..."  (I'm Fred, 36.)

He says "je suis de Toulouse", I'm from Toulouse.  Other ways he could have said it include :

"Je viens de Toulouse" (I come from Toulouse) or "Je suis toulousain"  (I'm a "Toulousan")

He then adds :

"diplômé d'une école de commerce"  (I have a degree from a business school)

Note he omits "je suis" this time.  It's worth noting that the French are highly averse to repeating words - word repetition is considered a very bad thing in French.   French speakers always look for alternative words or phrases to avoid repetition, even if that affects the clarity of the sentence.

For example, in a news report in French about the president of the United States, the journalist will say "the President of the United States" once, but will then refer to him as "the tenant of the White House", or other similar contrived phrases .

Here, the offending phrase would be "je suis", which was already used in "je suis de Toulouse".

There are lots of "ecoles de commerce" (business / management schools) all over France, from small, less competitive ones, to top prestigious schools such as H.E.C. and INSEAD.   Business and Engineering are two of the most common degrees college graduates earn.

Fred goes on saying :

"Je suis commercial chez un concessionnaire auto".

When talking about yourself and your occupation in French, you typically use the construct " être + occupation " :

"Je suis entrepreneur" (I'm an entrepreneur)

"Elle est boulangère"  (she's a baker)

"Il est jardinier"  (he's a gardener)

Click here for more examples on discussing your occupation at a cocktail party.

Note he uses the phrase "concessionnaire auto" ( car dealership).  Native French speakers love to shorten words in everyday spoken French, here "concessionnaire auto" is short for "concessionnaire automobile".

Click here for more word shortening examples in spoken French.

Talking about yourself in French : your personality and tastes

Referring to himself, he says :

"Je suis du genre extraverti"  (I'm the extraverted kind)

"Etre du genre" is frequently used in spoken French when talking about yourself or someone else, to mean being of a certain type  :

"Je suis du genre poli"  : I'm the polite type

"Elle est du genre timide"  : she's a shy kind of girl

"Ils sont du genre stressé"  : they are the stressed out kind

We also use " je suis plutôt + adjective "  for a similar meaning :

"Je suis plutôt calme (comme garçon)"  :  I'm more of a quiet boy

Or, combining the two constructs, you can say :

"Il est plutôt du genre nerveux !"  (he's more of the nervous type)

The phrase  "j'adore les contacts" is commonly used in French to mean "I love social interactions" - an important aspect of a person's personality, both in the personal or professional realm.

Fred then starts a sentence with :

" mon trip, c'est  ... "

This is a colloquial French phrase to say : the things that I like, the things that make me tick, my thing is.  A phrase you may often employ when talking about yourself :

"Son trip c'est le sport !"  (sports are what makes her tick)

"C'est quoi ton trip dans la vie ?"   (what's your thing in life ? What do you like ?)

"Moi,  mon trip, c'est la danse"  (danse is my thing)

Fred is a party guy, likes to go out and have fun :

"Sortir, m'amuser"  (go out, have fun)

Another way to say "sortir" is "faire la fête" (to party) :

"J'adore faire la fête !"

He could have used "s'éclater" instead of "s'amuser" :

"J'aime m'éclater"  (I like to have fun, have a ball)

As he talks about himself and the things he likes to do, he says :

"Mon trip, c'est de mater le foot avec les potes"

The verb " mater " is a very colloquial, even slanguy French word for "to watch".   It's often used in slang to mean "check out", often in the context of checking out girls / guys :

"Il n'arrête pas de mater les filles"  (he keeps checking out the girls)

"Arrête de mater !"  (stop staring !)

In our dialogue, there's no sexual connotation, but using the verb "mater" sounds cooler and more relaxed, a reference to the population that most frequently uses these words, i.e. the "cool and tough" youth population in rough city areas.

French speakers frequently say :

"On va mater un film ?"  (shall we watch a movie ?)

or "on va se mater un film ?"

"On mate un petit match de tennis" (we're watching a tennis game for a little while)

Fred likes to watch soccer games with his friends :

"avec les potes"

The word " pote " is another colloquial French term for friends, buddies, pals :

"Je vais au restau avec un pote"  (I'm going to the restaurant with a buddy)

"Avec des potes on part en Grèce"  (with my buddies we're going to Greece)

Saying " avec les potes " (vs. "avec mes potes") is like saying "with the boys", or if it's a woman speaking, "with the girls", suggesting your everyday friends.

He also says "délirer avec les filles", which in French literally means talking crazy with the girls, talk nonsense, babble, rave.  The expression " délirer " normally refers to being delirious, but is often used in spoken French to mean hanging out and talking about fun stuff.

So here, "délirer avec les filles" really means "hanging out with the girls".

Other examples :

"On s'est posé et on a déliré pendant deux heures"  (we hung our and talked about fun stuff for 2 hours)

"On a bien déliré à propos de musique"  (we talked away about music)

"On s'est fait un délire toute la soirée"  (we talked about fun stuff all evening)

The phrase "se faire un délire" is often used instead of just "délirer".

Fred then says :

"Je suis quelqu'un de cool"

French speakers often use " je suis quelqu'un (de, qui) " when talking about themselves, referring to themselves in the third person.  For example, you may talk about yourself saying :

"Je suis quelqu'un de très patient"  (I'm a very patient person)

"C'est quelqu'un de très ponctuel"  (she's a very puntual person)

"je suis quelqu'un qui n'aime pas les disputes  (I don't like arguments)

French people are often keen on being modest, and quite averse to what they see as bragging.  So, when talking about yourself, using "je suis quelqu'un de (+ adjective)" will often be perceived as more pleasant than "je suis (+ adjective)", because it's a more indirect way of referring to your own self  : you're NOT the center of the universe !

Click here for more about why you need to be modest in French.

Fred also adds :

"Je n'aime pas me prendre la tête."

In colloquial spoken French, the phrase " se prendre la tête ", possibly a reference to the gesture of holding your head when dealing with a complex issue, is a very colloquial expression for saying : to make simple things more complicated than they are, or to worry about things too much.

So Fred is saying he doesn't like to complicate his life by worrying about things unuyly. In other words, he lets things slide.

" je laisse couler "  (I let things slide, flow, I don't get hung up about anything)

Note that "se prendre la tête avec quelqu'un" means to have an argument, a quarrel, with someone.

Talking about yourself in French : your love life

He then goes on to talk about his love life.  He's currently single, but hasn't always been :

"j'ai été avec quelqu'un pendant deux ans"  (I was with someone for 2 years)

When talking about yourself and your relationship status in French, you typically use " être avec " for being in a relationship :

"Je suis avec une française en ce moment"  (I'm dating / going out with a French woman these days)

"Je suis avec quelqu'un depuis longtemps"  (I've been in a relationship for a long time)

Note how "être avec" translates literally to "to be with" in English, which has a similar meaning.  To clearly express the notion of a relationship, you typically add an element of time in the sentence ("depuis longtemps").

Fred doesn't say "depuis deux ans" but " pendant deux ans", because his relationship has already ended - another cue is his use of "j'ai été" (passé composé).

He then adds "mais ça n'a pas marché"  (it didn't work out)

The phrase "ça marche" (and "ça marche pas") is extremely common in everydat colloquial French.  You use " ça marche /   ça a marché " (or negative) to express that something succeeded or failed :

"Ça a marché tes exams ?"  (did your exams work out well ?)  Note the shortened word "exam", normally "examen".

"Ça marche le boulot ?"  (is your work going well ?)

"J'ai posé ma candidature mais ça n'a pas marché"  (I applied but it didn't work out)

Note that it's particularly common in French to use "ça n'a pas marché" when referring to a relationship.

In everyday spoken French, you'll also hear the phrase "ça marche" used for "OK", "sure", "deal", or "see ya" :

"On se voit demain ?"  "Ça marche !"  (shall we meet tomorrow ? Sure)

"Bon à plus tard !"  "Ça marche !"  (see you later !  See you)

Fred then explains why his relationship ended :

"Je ne supportais plus ses reproches"

The verb " supporter " in French typically means to stand, to bear, to put up with :

"Je dois te supporter toute la journée"  (I have to put up with you all day)

"J'ai du mal à supporter cette situation"  (I have trouble putting up with this situation)

"Je ne la supporte pas !"  (I can't stand her)

Click here to watch a video dialogue and lesson in French about people who can't stand either either (uses the word "supporter")

Fred can't stand his girlfriend's constant complains, accusations : " reproches "

"Tu me fais beaucoup de reproches"  (you blame me for  / blame me for too many things)

"Il te reproche de ne pas l'écouter" (he blames you for not listening to him)

He gives an illustration of his girlfriend's nagging :

"pourquoi tu fais ci, pourquoi tu fais pas ça ..."  (why do you do this, why don't you do that)

Fred goes on to explains how he meets women as a single guy, including at work :

"Sur mon lieu de travail"

This French phrase is commonly used to refer to the place where you work.  It's typically an office space or a public place such as a restaurant, but it can be something else, for example if you work outdoors.

In Fred's case, he's referring to the car showroom where he works as a sales person.

"Je vois souvent passer de jolis petits lots"

The French phrase " joli petit lot " refers to a pretty girl, an expression that brings up images of a petite, neat-looking and well-dressed woman seeking to purchase a new vehicle.

Stronger French expressions to designate a hot looking girl include :

"une pin-up" (old fashion) "un canon" "une bombe" "une beauté" (a beauty) "un bonnasse" (a hottie, vulgar)

He uses the phrase " je vois passer ", meaning"I see them walk by".  So while Fred is standing in the showroom waiting for customers to walk in, he watches pretty girls as they look around and check out the cars for sale.

He also checks out pretty girls on social networks.  Judging from his talk,  one may believe Fred is a real lady-killer, seducing women all day both offline and online...

Talking about yourself in French : work life

Fred goes back to his self-description, saying his job is not the center of his life :

"Mon job, c'est pas ma vie."

He could have said alternatively "ma vie c'est, pas mon job".  That is, he has a life outside of work, work is actually not that important.

The French phrase :

"je fais mon boulot" (I do my job)

is often used by public-sector employees (fonctionnaires) or people with low motivation at work.  It's a bit like saying "I do what I have to do, what they pay me for".

This idea is further confirmed by the phrase that follows :

"je ne cherche pas midi à 14 heures"

This French expression literally means "I don't look for noon at 2 oclock", possibly referring to the position of the hands of a clock.  Common English translations of this expression include :

"I don't overthink things" "I don't make a mountain out of a mole hill"

French speakers commonly say, in everyday life :

"Il ne faut pas chercher midi à quatorze heures"

that is, there's no need to look for complicated things, this matter is simpler than it looks.

For example, someone you know is looking upset, and you're wondering if you've said or done something wrong.  You talk to a common friend about it, and he says :

"Elle est juste fatiguée, il ne faut pas chercher midi à 14 heures"   (she's just tired, don't work your brain too much trying to figure out what's wrong)

Talking about his boss, Fred says ".

"mon chef est du genre chicaneur"  (my boss is the nitpicking kind)

In French, the verb "chicaner" means to nibble / quibble :

"On ne va pas chicaner pour quelques centimes !"  (we're not going to quibble over a few cents)

Note that in Canadian French (Québec), "chicaner" is used in a different way and means arguing, quarreling.

In contrast to his boss, Fred says he's a mellow kind of guy :

"Je suis plutôt zen"

French speakers use the word "zen" a lot when referring to a relaxed, serene person or situation :

"Elle est très zen"  (she's very calm, serene, collected)

"c'est plutôt zen ici !"  (this place is quite calm, relaxed)

Fred adds "... alors que moi je suis zen". When talking about yourself in French, you can use the the phrase "alors que moi"  (whereas I ...) to highlight a contrast with someone else :

"Il a les yeux bleus, alors que moi j'ai les yeux marrons"  (he has blue eyes whereas I have brown eyes)

"Je n'aime pas trop les objectifs, les évaluations, ni les patrons prise de tête."

The phrase " je n'aime pas trop " is very frequently used in colloquial French conversation.  We typically mean "I don't like", but in French saying "je n'aime pas" is considered a strong statement which can be unpleasant to the listener.

In general, French speakers use "pas trop" a lot to mitigate their negative statements :

"Je n'aime pas trop les fruits"  (I don't like fruits)

"Elle n'a pas trop la forme"  (she's not in good shape)

"On ne regarde pas trop la télé" (we don't watch TV)

Of course, there are cases where " pas trop " actually means "not too much", but if you've been around French people for long enough, you probably noticed it's often used as a way to damper negative statements.

In Fred's case, he's clearly saying he does NOT like sales objectives, evals and picky managers.  We can even safely say he actually HATES those things.

Notice the phrase "les patrons prise de tête".  It's a very colloquial French phrase related to the phrase "se prendre la tête", which as we saw earlier, means to make things complicated, to worry a lot about small things.

So " prise de tête " is used as an adjective to refer to someone who "prend la tête", that is someone who is a pain, who creates complication and stress to others (as opposed to self for " se prendre la tête").

"Ce type est vraiment prise de tête !"  (this guy is really a pain) = "il me prend la tête"  (he stresses me out, makes me anxious)

Fred says :

"Je ne suis pas non plus très fan des clients qui posent des tonnes de questions !"

The French phrase " je ne suis pas fan de " (I'm not a fan of) is another way of saying "je n'aime pas trop", which in turn typically means "je n'aime pas" :

"Je ne suis pas fan de la nourriture asiatique"  (I'm not a fan of Asian food)

"Je ne suis pas très fan de la musique classique"  (I'm not crazy about classical music)

Fred is not a big fan of clients who ask tons of questions.  The colloquial French phrase "des tonnes de" is similar to the English "tons of" :

"Il n'a pas des tonnes de fric"  (he doesn't have tons of money - "fric" is slang)

"Il y a des tonnes de rochers"  (there are tons of rocks)

"On n'a pas des tonnes de possibilités"  (we don't have tons of options)

An alternative phrase you can use for "des tonnes de" is "des tas de" :

"Il y a des tas de gens qui font pareil" (there are tons of people who do the same)

Wrapping up

I hope what you've learned through Fred's self-presentation will be helpful to you the next time you need to talk about yourself in French.

I also hope you are more a professional worker than Fred is ...  But even if you are, ne vous prenez pas trop la tête ! Ne cherchez pas toujours midi à quatorze heures.

If you liked this article, leave me a comment below !  And please share it with your friends using the buttons below the comments.

Until next time !

Click to download the MP3 files for this article (zip)

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One Comment

Great Article!

Again, there are so many informal, colloquial phrases in it that are just not taught in schools and institutions. For example, “c’est mon trip” was something I’ve heard when among French friends but did not really know what it meant!

Also found it interesting just how much French speakers hate repetition with such a passion!

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How to present yourself during a french interview

When you're seeking employment, it's crucial to understand how to present yourself professionally in French. Whether it's during an interview, a conference, or a meeting, you must be able to discuss about yourself, your skills, your motivations, and goals. This is an opportunity to make a favorable impression on a potential employer and position yourself as the ideal candidate for the job. Here's a guide to some key phrases and examples to use during a professional presentation in French.

The initial interaction with the recruiter: "Parlez-moi de vous"

The first interaction with the recruiter is important. Your presentation, even if it’s brief, should capture your audience's attention and establish your credibility. The commonly asked first question is "Parlez-moi de vous." Introduce yourself with simple sentences (name, age, current position). For example, you can use the following phrases for self-introduction:

  • Bonjour, je m'appelle (...) et je suis (...) = Hello, my name is (...) and I am (...).
  • Je suis diplômé(e) de (...) en (...) .= I graduated from (...) (...) years ago with a degree in (...).
  • J'ai travaillé en tant qu'(...) durant (...) ans, chez (...). = I worked as (...) engineer for (...) years at (...).

Example: "Bonjour. Je m'appelle James et j'ai 38 ans. Je suis diplômé de Harvard en ingénierie. J'ai travaillé en tant qu'ingénieur durant douze ans chez Microsoft."

Discussing your work experience and skills

The second part of your presentation should demonstrate that you possess the skills and qualities required for the position. You should really read thorough the job description to tailor your responses according to the required skills. Highlight experiences relevant to the position you're interested in and use professional vocabulary. Also, don't forget to conduct some research on the company to distinguish yourself from other candidates.

  • J’ai de l’expérience dans le domaine de/du (...) = I have experience in the field of (...).
  • Par exemple, dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de (...) = For example, in my current position, I am in charge of (...).
  • Cela montre que je suis (...) = This shows that I am (...).
  • J’ai d’excellentes compétences en (…) = I have great (…) skills.
  • Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris au sujet de (…) = During my career, I learned a lot about (…)

Example: “J'ai de l'expérience dans le domaine de l'informatique. Dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de la gestion du cloud. Cela montre que je suis responsable et capable de gérer les situations d'urgence. J’ai d’excellentes compétences en résolution de problèmes. Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris sur la programmation.”

Presenting your strengths and weaknesses

It's very likely that the recruiter will ask you the inevitable question about strengths and weaknesses: “Quels sont vos qualités? Et quels sont vos défauts?” How you respond can significantly influence the recruiter's opinion. It's important to prepare for this question and answer it spontaneously. Be honest and focus on your interlocutor's expectations.

What are your strengths?

Highlight qualities related to the job you're applying for. Even though this exercise is challenging, don't be overly modest. Here are some examples of qualities to emphasize during an interview:

  • Organisé(e) = Organized
  • Ambitieux(se) = Ambitious
  • Créatif(ve) = Creative
  • Discipliné(e) = Disciplined
  • Flexible = Flexible
  • Curieux(se) = Curious
  • Empathique = Empathetic
  • Bon caractère = Good-tempered
  • Aimable = Kind
  • Serviable = Helpful
  • Rigoureux(se) = Rigorous
  • Compréhensif(ve) = Understanding

Here are some examples of phrases to present your qualities in different contexts:

  • “Mon souci du détail est un atout majeur, qui me permet de fournir en permanence un travail de grande qualité.” = “My attention to detail is a key strength, consistently delivering high-quality work.”
  • "Je suis connu pour ma capacité d'adaptation” = “I'm known for my adaptability”
  • "J'apporte un état d'esprit positif à chaque projet.” = “I bring a positive mindset to every project”
  • “Doté d'un grand sens de l'initiative, j'identifie les opportunités de manière proactive.” = “With a strong sense of initiative, I proactively identify opportunities”
  • “Mes solides compétences en organisation se sont manifestées dans ma capacité à gérer plusieurs tâches simultanément” = “My strong organizational skills have been evident in my capacity to manage multiple tasks”

What are your weaknesses?

Flaws are natural, and everyone has them. However, be honest during the job interview and opt for real flaws:

  • Distrait = Distracted
  • Autoritaire = Authoritarian
  • Sensible = Sensitive
  • Indécis(e) = Indecisive
  • Étourdi(e) = Thoughtless / absent-minded
  • Borné(e) / Têtu(e) = Narrow-minded / Stubborn
  • Susceptible = Touchy
  • Stressé sous la pression = Struggling under pressure
  • Bavard(e) = Talkative

You can also counterbalance your weaknesses with a positive statement, for example:

  • “Je suis bavard mais je sais lorsqu'il faut travailler.”= “I'm talkative but I know when it's time to work”
  • “Je suis très stressé sous la pression, mais j'ai récemment commencé à suivre des cours de yoga.” = “I am struggling under pressure but I've recently started yoga classes”
  • “Je suis d'un naturel timide et je dois donc faire un gros effort pour prendre la parole.” = “I am naturally shy so I have to make a big effort to speak up”

Don't hesitate to ask questions about the company and the position

When your presentation is finished and your interlocutor has asked their questions, you can in turn ask questions about the position and the company to demonstrate your interest and motivation.

For example, you can ask the following questions:

  • “À quoi ressemble une journée type au sein de votre entreprise?” = “What does a typical day at your company look like?”
  • “Comment est l’ambiance de travail?” = “What's the working atmosphere like?”
  • “Comment se passe l'intégration dans l'entreprise?” = “How does the integration process work?"
  • “Est-ce que vous organisez des activités team building?” = “Do you organize team-building activities?”
  • “Est-ce un nouveau poste?” = “Is this a new position?”
  • “Quelles sont les prochaines étapes du processus de recrutement?” = “What are the next steps in the recruitment process?”

Concluding the interview

When the job interview is about to end, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter if they have any further questions. If they don’t, you can then thank them for the time they've spent with you.

  • “Est-ce que vous avez d'autres questions?” = “Do you have any other questions?”
  • “Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me rencontrer aujourd'hui!” = “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today!”

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DELF A1- A2 Production Orale: How to introduce yourself in french

DELF A1- A2 Production Orale: How to introduce yourself in french

How do you present yourself in french? What are the key french verbs and vocabulary you will need to effectively present yourself? What should you talk about? These and other questions will be covered in the following tutorial.  In addition we will listen to a sample dialogue introducing themselves.

In the Production orale section of your DELF A1 you are expected to do a guided interview or “ Entretien dirigé ” which will last about 1 minute. It entails replying to questions from the examiner about you ( se presenter) , your family, your tastes or activities, in other words personal information and relationships.

Key french verbs to use for presenting yourself

The key french verbs you need to know for this section of your exam are:

  • etre  – to be  –
  • habiter – to live –
  • parler – to speak –
  • s’appeler – to be called –
  • avoir – to have –

Tips on answering questions about yourself:

Answer in full sentences and include some details where possible. Make sure to show how well you can use the past tenses, the future as well as give your opinion. Here is a break down of what you could speak about:

What is your full name : Bonjour, je m’appelle…………………………………. Where do you live : J’habite ………………………………………………….……………………………………… What is your telephone number : Mon numéro de téléphone est le …………………… When and where were you born : Je suis né le…………………………….à……………………………… How old are you : J’ai …………ans. What is your nationality: Je suis …………………………………………………… What is your civil status ( are you married, single etc) : Je suis …………………………………………… Do you have any children : J’ai ………enfants. What is your profession: Je suis …………………………………………………. What do you like to do in your free time : J’aime ………………………………………………….. J’aime ………………………………………………….. J’aime …………………………………………………..

expressions to introduce yourself

Bonjour, je m’appelle…………………………………. J’habite ………………………………………………….……………………………………… Mon numéro de téléphone est le …………………… Je suis né le…………………………….à……………………………… J’ai …………ans. Je suis …………………………………………………… Je suis …………………………………………… J’ai ………enfants.Je suis …………………………………………………. J’aime ………………………………………………….. J’aime …………………………………………………..J’aime …………………………………………………..

Sample speaking topic and questions will include:

Talk about yourself :.

  • how to ask for someone’s name in french : Comment vous vous appelez?
  • Quelle est votre nationalité ?
  • Vous avez quel âge?
  • Quelle est la date de votre anniversaire?
  • Qu’est-ce que vous as fait pour fêter votre anniversaire l’année dernière?

(1) Listen to the following two audios files where two people introduce themselves

Here is a example of someone presenting themselves.

Je m’appelle Sandra, je suis americaine et je suis célibataire. J’ai 31 ans et je travaille pour une banque. Je n’ai pas d’animal. J’aimerais avoir un chien,mais mon appartement est trop petit. Mon pays préféré, c’est l’Irlande, mais pour les vacances, je préfère l’Italie. Je ne suis pas sportive mais j’aime le foot à la télé. Mon objet préféré : mon téléphone ! Il est tout le temps avec moi. J’aime lire les auteurs français, (en anglais) et japonais. J’écoute surtoutde la musique du monde et mon fi lm préféré c’est Avatar ! Je n’aime pas les grenouilles, mais j’adore la tartifl ette !  

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8 ways to introduce yourself in French

January 30, 2021

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Introducing yourself in French is an important skill.  After all, chances are, at least part of the reason you’re learning French is to talk to French speakers one day, right?

But what will you say when you meet them?

Let’s look at 8 ways to introduce yourself in French, as well as some ways to introduce someone else, too.

Two people sit at a table with cappuccinos. The photo is from above and we see only their laps and shirts and the cappuccinos on the table.

Here are 8 common ways to introduce yourself in French.

The standard French introduction: Bonjour, je m’appelle _.

The most common way to introduce yourself in French is to say Bonjour, je m’appelle,  followed by your name.

This can be used in most formal as well as informal situations.

As you may have noticed, there’s nothing complicated about this introduction; it literally translates to “Hello, my name is _ .”

Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean. (Hello, my name is Jean.)

The less formal standard French introduction: Salut, je m’appelle _ .

You can make the standard way of introducing yourself in French a little more informal by using Salut instead of Bonjour , with Salut, je m’appelle (Hi, my name is _ )

Salut, je m’appelle Marie. (Hi, my name is Marie.)

The “I am” standard introduction: Bonjour/Salut, je suis _ .

If you want to change it up, you can pair either Bonjour  or Salut  with je suis , instead of je m’appelle ,  followed by your name.

These two expressions are more or less equivalent and choosing to say je m’appelle or je suis is mostly just a personal preference.

Bonjour, je suis Jean. Salut, je suis Marie. (Hi, I’m Jean. Hi, I’m Marie.)

The formal French introduction: Bonjour, je me présente….

If you’re giving a speech, introducing yourself at a job interview, or in some other very formal or extremely professional situation, you may want a more formal way to introduce yourself. (Even though, in most cases, Bonjour, je m’appelle _  works perfectly fine.) 

This would be: Bonjour, je me présente. Je m’appelle/Je suis _ .  (Allow me to introduce myself. My name is/I’m _ .)

Bonjour, je me présente. Je m’appelle Marie. (Hello, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marie.)

The “And I’m…” introduction: Moi c’est _

In English, we might introduce ourselves after someone else by saying “And I’m _ .”  To do this in French, you’d say Moi c’est _ .

Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean.  (Hi, my name is Jean.) Moi c’est Marie.                    (And I’m Marie.) Bienvenue sur notre chaîne YouTube ! (Welcome to our YouTube channel!)

Note that, as in English, this phrase can often seem slightly informal/friendly. In a very formal context, you should probably say Et je m’appelle _  instead.

The “By the way, I’m….”: Moi c’est _ .

Sometimes you’ll also see the previous example, Moi c’est _ , used to mean “By the way, I’m _ ” or “I’m _ , by the way.”

This somewhat informal usage would come in the middle of a conversation, when you realize that you haven’t introduced yourself yet. Of course, there are other ways to do this, depending on the context and vibe of the conversation. For instance, there could be a lull and you could simply use the standard introduction instead.

C’était un super match! (What a great game!) Oui vraiment bien. (Yeah, it was really good!) Moi c’est Jean. (I’m Jean, by the way.) Bonjour Jean, je m’appelle Marie.   (Hello Jean, I’m Marie.)

The radio or TV introduction: Ici _

If you watch a French news broadcast or listen to the radio in French, you may hear a reporter say Ici  followed by their name. This roughly translates to “This is…”

Note that this introduction is only used in this context, so unfortunately, you shouldn’t try to adopt it in real life. But if you’re ever reporting for a French newscast, this is the one to use!

Ici Marie Dupont, en direct de Paris.  (This is Marie Dupont, reporting live from Paris.)

The phone-only introduction: _ à l’appareil.

Most of the time, a French person will use a standard introduction when introducing themself over the phone. But in some cases, especially if you called to speak to them, you might hear:  [Name] à l’appareil .

This translates to “ _ here” or “ _ speaking.”

This introduction is typically used in formal business situations, especially if the line has been transferred. Sometimes you may also hear it if a business contact is calling you back, or, very rarely, if a business contact is calling you in general.

But when it comes to making phone calls in everyday life in French, you normally would just use a standard introduction, so this is primarily one to be familiar with but not necessarily use.

– Bonjour, je voudrais parler avec Jean Martin.  (Hello, I’d like to speak to Jean Martin.) – Un instant, je vous mets en ligne avec Monsieur Martin.  (One moment, I’ll connect you to Monsieur Martin.) – Bonjour, Jean Martin à l’appareil.  (Hello, Jean Martin speaking.)

How to introduce someone else in French

A group of women seem to be facing another person and laugh as if they are all having a conversation. The photo is shot in blurry sunlight.

Now you know how to introduce yourself in French. But if you’re wondering how to introduce someone else in French, here are a few common options:

The formal way to introduce someone else : Je vous présente _ /Je te présente _

Je vous présente _ /Je te présente _  means “Allow me to introduce _ ”

Note that this phrase depends on whether you use vous or tu with the person you’re talking to.

Example: Je vous pr é sente Marie. (Allow me to introduce Marie.).  

This is often followed by a brief explanation of who the person is.

Je vous présente Marie, ma collaboratrice.  (Allow me to introduce Marie, my business partner.)

The informal way to introduce someone else : Voici _

In a general or informal context, you can introduce someone else by saying Voici (This is), followed by their name. For instance: Voici Jean. (This is Jean.)

This phrase is often followed by some explanation of who the person is.

Voici Jean, mon meilleur ami.  (This is my best friend Jean.)

“Over there” introductions

You may find yourself introducing someone at a distance or talking about a new person in French. There are many ways to do this, but here are two common options.

  • Ça, c’est _ (That person there is ).  
Ça, c’est Jean.  (That person there is Jean.)

Note that this phrase can be followed with additional information. For instance:

Ça, c’est Marie. Elle est française.  (That person there is Marie. She’s French.)

2. Voilà _. (That’s_).

Note that this phrase doesn’t always have to be immediately followed by a name.

Voilà Jean.  (That’s Jean.) Voilà mon frère. Il s’appelle Jean.  (That’s my brother. His name is Jean.)

How to respond to an introduction in French

Depending on the situation and context, there are many ways to respond to an introduction in French.

The easiest and most typical is saying Enchanté(e) , a very useful word that means “Pleased to meet you” or “A pleasure to meet you.”  

Enchant é( e)  can be used in formal and informal contexts.

Although it’s pronounced the same way in its masculine and feminine forms, if you’re writing it, remember to make it agree with your gender.

– Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. – Enchanté.

If you want to reply a little more formally, you could say Ravi(e) de faire votre connaissance  (I’m pleased to meet you.)

More formal still is C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance. (It’s a pleasure to meet you.)

Another way to respond to a French introduction is to simply say Bonjour or Salut , followed by the person’s name . This will probably be followed by an expression of courtesy, like one of the two above, or else with some sort of information or phrase.

– Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. (Hello, I’m Marie.) – Ravi de faire votre connaissance. Moi, c’est Jean. (I’m pleased to meet you. (And) I’m Jean.)

How to follow up an introduction in French

A red squirrel in a leafless tree looks like he's waving at the camera.

Often when you introduce yourself, you may need or want to add some additional details about why you’re there, who you are, etc.

Fortunately, like most French introductions, these are also fairly intuitive and basic, for the most part.

For instance, you might talk about where you’re from, how old you are, what you do for work, how you know a common acquaintance, etc.

Here are some examples:

Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. Je viens de Paris. (Hello, I’m Marie. I’m from Paris.) Salut, je m’appelle Marie. J’ai 25 ans. (Hi, I’m Marie. I’m 25 years old.) Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. Je suis médecin. (Hello, I’m Marie. I’m a doctor.) Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. Je travaille avec Jean. (Hello, I’m Marie. I work with Jean.)

You can also follow up an introduction by asking about the other person. The easiest and most common way to do this is with the phrase Et vous ?  or Et toi ?

For instance:

– Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. Je viens de Paris. Et toi ?   (Hello, my name is Marie. I’m from Paris. And you?) – Bonjour, Marie. Ravi de faire ta connaissance. Je m’appelle Jean. Je viens de Lyon. (Hello, Marie.Pleased to meet you. My name is Jean. I come from Lyon.)

Three takeaways about French introductions

Although there are several common ways to introduce yourself in French, keep in mind that:

  • You will almost always begin an introduction by saying Bonjour or Salut .
  • You will never use the verb introduire  to introduce yourself or someone else in French. As this webpage helpfully points out, that’s because the verb introduire in French means  to physically put something inside of something else. That would be quite an awkward mistake!
  • It’s easy to learn how to introduce yourself in French because it’s fairly intuitive and there aren’t a lot of options or variations. Just a greeting and saying what your name is, is perfectly sufficient!

How can I practice introducing myself in French?

The best way to practice introducing yourself in French is to actually do it! if you can’t travel to a French-speaking country, you can find French-speaking conversation partners  in real life and, easier still, online. Conversation exchanges are often free and are a great way to meet new people and practice French.

Reading, listening to, and watching things in French  is also helpful, since people and characters will often have to introduce themselves and each other.

I hope you found this introduction to French introductions helpful. Have you ever introduced yourself in French? What, if any, details about yourself did you add? Feel free to share in the comments! And feel free to introduce yourself there, too!

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Lesson 4 : How to Present Yourself in French: Key Greetings, Questions, and Expressions You Need

Lesson 4 : How to Present Yourself in French: Key Greetings, Questions, and Expressions You Need

Bienvenue à la leçon 5 de notre aventure d'apprentissage du français en 40 jours! 🚀 We've conquered four chapters, and now it's time to add some flair to your French conversations with essential greetings, questions, and phrases for self-introduction.

What’s the most important  first step when learning French ?

Okay, imagine this: when you start chatting in French, it's like entering a new world. To get things rolling, you just need to know how to say "hello" and introduce yourself. We've got some really easy words and phrases to help you out. They're like your French conversation superheroes, making it all simple and fun. Ready to give it a try? Let's go! 🌟

Bonjour to Bonsoir: Unleashing the Power of Greetings

presentation in french about yourself

French cherishes its greetings, making it crucial to master how to say hello and introduce yourself in the language. When you step into a bakery (boulangerie), grocery store (épicerie), or a small restaurant (bistro), it's common to greet the staff, even if you're not there to buy something immediately. While you can go informal (tu) with younger folks or if your conversation partner does the same, starting with the formal vous is usually a good bet.

Greeting phrases
 Good day
 Good evening
 Good morning
 Good night
 What is your name? [informal]
 What is your name? [formal]
 I call myself...
 I am...
 And you? [informal]
 And you? [formal]
 It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance
It's a pleasure to meet you

Infuse these phrases into your conversations, and watch your French charm unfold.

Ready to transform your French language journey for the cost of a meal? Let's Get Started

Beyond Basics: Share Your Story with Style

Now that you've aced the greetings, let's dive into sharing the magic of you !

From Places to Passions: Unveiling Your Story

  • Q: D’où venez-vous? (Where are you from? [formal])
  • A: Je viens de… (I am from…)

Typically, this question aims to discover your country or region of origin. However, feel free to share your city or town, especially if it's a notable one like New York City or London.

Or you may be asked: Q: Où habitez-vous ?   (Where do you live? [formal]) Q: Où habites-tu ?  (Where do you live? [informal]) A: J’habite à…   (I live in…) and the name of the city where you live. In return, to keep the conversation going, reply: Q: Et vous ?   (and you? [formal]) Q: Et tu ?   (and you? [informal])

Age is Just a Number: Embrace Your Story

  • Q: Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you? [informal])
  • A: J’ai … ans. (I am … years old.)

Crafting Your Professional Tale: Expressing Your Work

  • Q: Quel est ton travail? (What is your job? [informal])
  • A: Je suis… (I am [job/profession].)

Language is Your Superpower: Share Your Linguistic Feats

  • Q: Quelle langue parles-tu? (What language do you speak? [informal])
  • A: Je parle… (I speak [language].)

Passions Unleashed: Dive into Hobbies and Interests

  • Q: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? (What do you like to do? [informal])
  • A: J’aime… (I like [activity].)
  • A: Je m’intéresse à… (I am interested in [topic/activity].)

Farewell with Flair: Ending Conversations on a High Note

presentation in french about yourself

As all good things come to an end, let's bid adieu with style:

  • Enchanté (charmed) to indicate you’re thrilled to meet someone.
  • C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance. (It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.) [formal]
  • C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer. (It is a pleasure to meet you.) [formal]
  • Au revoir (goodbye)
  • À bientôt (see you later)

Ready to Dive Deeper into French? Check out our comprehensive A1-C2 French Course and the captivating eBook "Zero to Hero in French" here

Continue the adventure and stay tuned for more exciting lessons! À bientôt!

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  • French Course Ebook: Covers all levels with exercises.
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presentation in french about yourself

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How to Introduce Yourself in French

What’s the most important first step when learning French ?

Is it mastering essential daily French phrases ? Is it getting down  travel vocabulary ?

But think about it: for the first conversations you’ll have in French, you’ll need to know how to say hello and introduce yourself.

These easy to use greeting words, phrases and questions will boost your French-speaking skills and give you confidence in your early French conversations.

Simple French Introductions

Basic information about you in french, french pleasantries and goodbyes, how to practice french introductions in the real world, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)


French is a language that really embraces its greetings, so learning how to greet someone and introduce yourself is especially important in the language.

When you enter a boulangerie    (bakery), épicerie   (grocery store) or bistro     (small restaurant), it’s generally expected that you greet the employees there even if you don’t necessarily require service at that time. 

You can use the informal version with people younger than you or if you find that your conversation partner is referring to you as tu   (you — informal), but it’s often best to start with the formal vous   (you — formal).

Greeting phrases
Good day
Good evening
Good morning
Good night
What is your name? [informal]
What is your name? [formal]
I call myself...
I am...
And you? [informal]
And you? [formal]
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance
It's a pleasure to meet you

Once you’re feeling confident, check out a French greetings quiz from Quizizz  or a more open-ended one from ProProfs to practice your French greetings.

Now that your conversation partner knows your name, they may want to know some more information about you! Sharing basic information is the first step to making French friends and acquaintances.

It’s always good to meet people, but French-speaking friends are especially valuable if you’re trying to learn the language. They can help you with tricky aspects of language-learning as well as introduce you to the culture of France and the Francophone world .


Q : D’où venez-vous ?     (Where are you from? [formal]) Q : D’où viens-tu  ?     (Where are you from? [informal])

This question is generally asking for a country or region of origin, but you’re welcome to name your city or town if it’s a major or well-known one like New York City or London.

A: Je viens de…   (I am from…) 

Or you may be asked:

Q: Où habitez-vous  ?   (Where do you live? [formal]) Q : Où habites-tu ? (Where do you live? [informal])

A: J’habite à…   (I live in…) and the name of the city where you live.

In return, to keep the conversation going, reply:

Q : Et vous ?   (and you? [formal]) Q : Et tu ?   (and you? [informal])

Are you interested in learning how to say country names in French? Practice with this quiz from Sporcle !


As in many parts of the world, it’s sometimes perceived as impolite to ask about age in France, especially if you’re a man asking a woman her age. But if it does come up:

Q: Quel âge as-tu  ?   (How old are you? [informal]) Q: Quel âge avez-vous ?   (How old are you? [formal])

To respond, you can say:

A : J’ai … ans. (I am … years old.)

You’ll notice that in French, you use  avoir (to have) when talking about how old you are, not  être (to be). So, it’s kind of like saying: “How many years do you have?” “I have … years.”


Another common question that people will ask during introductory conversations is “what do you do for work?” In French, you ask:

Q : Quel est ton travail ?   (What is your job? [informal]) Q: Quel est votre travail ?   (What is your job [formal])

To answer, simple say:

A: J e suis …   (I am) and state the job or profession .

Keep in mind that you don’t add the article “a” (un  or  une) before the job in French like in English. For example, you would simply say:

A: Je suis professeur.   (I am a teacher.)

And in order to understand your conversation partner’s response, you’ll want to have a solid vocabulary base of French professions. To practice popular profession names in French, try this quiz from Lawless French .


Learning languages is fun, and since you’re learning French, you’ll probably get asked about what languages you speak. People may ask: 

Q: Quelle langue parles-tu ?   (What language do you speak? [informal]) Q : Quelle langue parlez-vous ? (What language do you speak [formal])

To answer, you say:

A : Je parle…   (I speak…) and then name the language.

You can add multiple languages by linking them with  et  (and).

You can also say what languages you’re studying by saying

A: J ‘ étudie…     (I am studying).

For example, as a learner, you might say:

A: J e parle anglais et j’étudie français     (I speak English and I’m learning French).


Okay, your conversation is going well: you’re past the basics and now you need something interesting to talk about. This is a great time to discuss interests and hobbies. Someone may ask:

Q: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ?   (What do you like to do? [informal]) Q : Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire ?   (What do you like to do? [formal])

To answer, you can say:

A: J’aime…   (I like) and then list a noun or a verb.

For example, I would say something like:

A : J’aime voyager, lire et étudier les langues étrangères.   (I like to travel, read and study foreign languages).

You could also say:

A: Je m’intéresse à…   (I am interested in) and then name a noun or two, such as: like,

A: Je m’intéresse à la culture française.   (I am interested in French culture).

I would recommend looking up your hobbies and interests in French so you’re prepared, and then taking a look at this Sporcle quiz of common hobbies .


All good things come to an end, don’t they?

When the conversation is over, you could simply say:

Enchanté   (charmed) to indicate you’re happy to meet someone.

In formal contexts, you could say:

C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance . (It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.) C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer . (It is a pleasure to meet you).

Note the difference in pronoun use here. In the first sentence, you are using the possessive pronoun votre (your), whereas in the second, you have to use the object pronoun vous (you).

To say goodbye, say:

au revoir   (goodbye) à bientôt   (see you later)

À bientôt  is less formal than au revoir , but I’d say it’s an appropriate way to say goodbye to your nouvel ami français     (new French friend).

At this point, you may be thinking: sure, reading and typing these greetings is one thing. But what about when I actually want to say them?

We don’t all have the opportunity to step out the front door and introduce ourselves to a native French speaker. But that’s no excuse not to practice your French listening and speaking skills!

There are hundreds of online resources where you can learn and practice your French greetings: check out the language exchange apps HelloTalk and Tandem for meeting and greeting native French speakers through voice messages and calls.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Try FluentU for FREE!

And with that, my friend, I say  adieu   (goodbye)! You’re off to your first French conversations. Remember—every bonjour or bonsoir could be the first step in a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews, documentary excerpts and web series, as you can see here:


FluentU brings native French videos with reach. With interactive captions, you can tap on any word to see an image, definition and useful examples.


For example, if you tap on the word "crois," you'll see this:


Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video with learn mode. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning, and play the mini-games found in our dynamic flashcards, like "fill in the blank."


All throughout, FluentU tracks the vocabulary that you’re learning and uses this information to give you a totally personalized experience. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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presentation in french about yourself

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Presenting yourself or someone in french (les présentations).

Je m’appelle Krishna
Je suis étudiant (e)
J’aime voyager
Je suis végétarien
Il habite aux États-Unis, à New Jersey
IL travaille à L’IBMR


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Asking Introductory Formal and Informal Questions (Introduction Formelle et Informelle)

Most common phrases used in french (la plupart des phrases françaises communs), basic greetings in french (salutations en français).

How to Introduce Yourself and Others in French

Perfecting Les Présentations

  • Pronunciation & Conversation
  • Resources For Teachers

When you meet French speakers , you need to know how to introduce yourself and what to say when you are introduced. French can be a bit tricky when introducing yourself or others depending on whether you know the person to whom you are making the introduction(s) or even if you have had any contact with the person. In French, those circumstances all require different introductions.

Basic Introductions

French uses the verb  se présenter, not  introduire,  meaning to introduce something into something else, which translates into English as "to insert." The most basic introduction in French, then, would be:

  • Je me présente. = Let me introduce myself.

Using s’appeler is the common way of introducing yourself in French. Don’t think of it as “to name oneself” because it will only confuse you. Think of it in the context of introducing your name to someone, and link the French words to that context instead of applying a literal translation, as in:

  • Je m​'appelle ... = My name is...

Use je suis with people who already know your name, such as those you have already talked to on the phone or by mail but never met in person, as in:

  • Je suis... =  I am...

If you don't know the person or have never spoken to him on the phone or contacted him by email or mail, use  je m’appelle,  as noted previously.

Introducing by Name

There are also distinctions between formal and informal introductions, as well as singular versus plural introductions, as noted in the tables in this and the subsequent section.

Mon prénom est

My (first) name is

Je vous présente (formal and/or plural)

I’d like to introduce

Je te présente (informal)

I'd like to introduce


This is, Here is

Il s'appelle

His name is

Elle s'appelle

Her name is

Meeting People

In French, when you are meeting people , you have to be careful about using the correct gender , as well as whether the introduction is formal or informal, as in these examples.

Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal and/or plural)

What is your name?

Comment t'appelles-tu? (informal)

What is your name?

Enchanté. (masculine)

It's nice to meet you.

Enchantée. (feminine)

It's nice to meet you.

French Names

Nicknames — or  un surnom in French — are much less common in this Romance language than in American English, but they are not unheard of. Often, a longer first name will be shortened, such as  Caro  for Caroline or  Flo  for Florence. 

Le prénom

first name, given name

Le nom

last name, family name, surname

Le surnom


Cheek Kissing and Other Greetings

Cheek kissing  is certainly an accepted form of greeting in France, but there are strict (unwritten) social rules to follow. Cheek kissing is generally OK, for example, but not hugging. So, it's important to learn not only the words that go with cheek kissing — such as  bonjour  (hello) — but also the social norms that are expected when greeting someone in this manner. There are also other ways to say " hello " and ask " How are you? " in French.

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  • The Most French Famous Christmas Song: 'Petit Papa Noël'
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Learn a language...cook delicious food

Se presenter.

Se presenter - a lesson on how to present yourself in French and a worksheet to practise the topic.  Salut à tous! Bienvenue à The Languages Kitchen. Sur ce site, vous pouvez apprendre de nouvelles langues dans une manière simple et relaxant.  À la fin de cette leçon, vous apprendrez à répondre aux questions suivantes: Quel est votre nom? Quel âge avez-vous? Où habitez-vous? Quel est votre travail?

Salut, je m'appelle Claire. J'ai 33 ans. J'habite en Angleterre. Je suis professeur de langues étrangères.

Hello, my name is Claire. I am 33 years old. I live in England. I am a foreign languages teacher.

Je m'appelle Claire, j'ai 33 ans et je suis de Malte.

J'habite en Angleterre pendant 7 ans.        

Je suis professeur de langues étrangères.

I am Claire, I'm 33 years old and I am from Malta.                                    

I have lived in England for the past 7 years.

I am a foreign languages teacher.

This above is an introduction to today's lesson - Introducing oneself. The first part shows basic information whilst the second-row boxes have a more in-depth description of myself. We'll be focusing on the basics of this first lesson.

So, now that you know a little bit more about myself, let's get on to learning how to ask someone else this information. We'll start with saying good morning/good evening and how to ask and answer for someone's name.

Bonjour, tu t'appelles comment? Je m'appelle Claire. Et toi, tu t'appelles comment? Je m'appelle Mathieu.

Good morning, what is your name? My name is Claire. And you, what is your name? My name is Mathieu.

Bonsoir, je suis Mme. Grech. Et vous, quel est votre nom? ....................................................

Good evening, I am Ms. Grech. And you (polite form), what is your name? ............................................................................

Bonsoir, je suis Claire. Et toi, tu t'appelles comment? .......................................................

Good evening, I am Claire. And you (informal), what is your name? ............................................................................

Step 2 is asking for someone's age.

Quel âge avez-vous? J'ai 33 ans. Et vous, quel est votre âge? ..................................................

What is your age? I am 33 years old. And you (formal), what is your age? ................................................................

Quel âge as-tu? J'ai 33 ans. Et toi, quel est ton âge? ..................................................

What is your age? I am 33 years old. And you (informal), what is your age? ................................................................

Step 3 is asking where someone lives.

Où habitez-vous? J'habite en Angleterre. Et vous, où habitez-vous? ...............................................

Where do you live? I live in England. And you (formal), where do you live? ......................................................................

Où habites-tu? J'habite en Angleterre. Et toi, où habites-tu? ...............................................

Where do you live? I live in England. And you (informal), where do you live? ........................................................................

Step 4 is asking what is the job someone does.

Que faites-vous comme travail? Je suis professeur de langues. Et vous, quel est votre travail? ......................................................

What do you do for work? I am a languages teacher. And you (formal), what is your job? ...............................................................

Que fais-tu comme travail? Je suis professeur de langues. Et toi, quel est ton travail? ......................................................

What do you do for work? I am a languages teacher. And you (informal), what is your job? ...................................................................

Following these short examples above, the following worksheet is an extension with more examples and some parts for you to practice the language.

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Claire Grech

Claire is a foreign languages teacher with a passion for food and travel. She started The Languages Kitchen to combine all these elements and now regularly posts new recipes and lessons!

Tapenade provençale: un hors d’œuvre simple et délicieux

Salade niçoise, you may also like, les fruits et les couleurs, les mois de l’année, passé composé, les numéros cardinaux, passé composé ou imparfait, être et avoir – introduction, les numéros cardinaux (partie 2), le présent de l’indicatif irrégulier, l’heure, article et genre de noms.


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How to Talk About Yourself in French

Learning how to properly talk about yourself in another language is key to making the best first impression possible when meeting new people. There are a variety of ways to introduce yourself and your personality in each culture, with its particular customs and formulations.

Introducing yourself in French

These are some of the first things you will learn in any French language class, they are key phrases to learn to use when introducing yourself.

Your name, age, and nationality may be some of the first things someone asks of you if you are meeting them for the first time, and knowing these phrases will allow you to make a good first impression.

“ Bonjour, je m’appelle __.” - “Hello, my name is ____.” This is the same formulation regardless of the gender of the speaker. Of course, you can also switch up the salutation itself to better fit the context, such as using “Salut” for a casual one, or “Bonsoir” if it is the evening.

“ Je m’appelle ____, et je viens des Etats-Unis.” - “My name is ___, and I come from the United States.” Of course, you would replace ‘Etats-Unis’ with any place you are coming from, such as ‘Bresil’ for Brazil, ‘Le Royaume-Unis’ for the United Kingdom, and so forth.

“ Je m’appelle ___, j’ai vingt-quatre ans et je viens du Royaume-Unis.” - “My name is ___, I am twenty-four and I come from the United Kingdom.” This phrase, when substituted with the correct name, age, and nationality which applies to you, covers all the basic information needed when meeting someone for the first time.

“ J’ai vingt-neuf ans, et je vais bientôt avoir trente ans.” - “I will soon be thirty.” In French, when saying how old you are, you use the verb “avoir” (to have), meaning it literally translates to “I have twenty-nine years.” If you are close to twenty, thirty, or forty years old, it may be more natural to say you are nearing that decade.

“ Je suis Américaine, mais je vis au Canada.” - “I am American, but I live in Canada.” If you have been living in another country than your natal one for a long time, you may feel that it is a significant part of your identity. By telling someone where you live in addition to where you are from, they may get a better sense of who you are and where you are coming from.

Talking About Your Profession and Studies in French

Work and studies are an important part of most people’s lives. Knowing how to describe where you work or study, and what in what field, can give a person important insight into who you are and what you do in life.

Below, we will show you some basic examples of how to introduce your profession or field of study in French.

“ Je suis étudiante en médecine dans une université Américaine.” - “I am a medical student in an American university.” If you want to say what year of study you are in, you can add “Je suis en troisième année” (I am in third year), “Je suis en masters” (I am doing my masters), and so forth.

“ J’ai fini mes études pour devenir vétérinaire, et pour le moment je fais un stage en Californie.” - “I finished my degree to become a veterinarian, and at the moment I am doing an internship in California.” As with the others, you can always replace ‘ vétérinaire’ with other professions such as ‘banquier’ (banker), ‘ambassadeur’ (ambassador), ‘danseuse’ (dancer), and so forth.

“ Je suis institutrice dans une école primaire.” - “I am a teacher in a primary school.” In French, “école primaire” refers to school from ages six to around ten. Kindergarten is “la maternelle,” middle school is “le college, ” and highschool is “le lycée.”

“ Je vais commencer des études en business à l'automne." - “I will begin business studies in the Fall.” You would use this phrase if you are a soon-to-be university student. In French, the word “business” is borrowed from English, but pronounced with a French accent. You may not be understood if you use an American or British accent when pronouncing the word.

“ Je viens de finir mes études, et je vais commencer un stage à New York.” - “I have just finished my studies, and I am going to start an internship in New York.” In France, internships are often required for students and are much more common than in North America. Students will sometimes do two or three internships over the course of their degree and may have the choice to go abroad for them.

“ Je travaille dans le secteur de la culture.” - “I work in the cultural sector.” In French, it is common to refer to the field you work in by its sector, especially if the profession you are doing covers a wide variety of tasks. It also puts emphasis on the environment and subject of your profession rather than on your job itself.

Talking About Your Interests in French

Interests are an important part of anyone’s personality, and knowing how to describe your interests, passions, and hobbies, is crucial when learning a new language. Knowing these basic formulations will help you deepen conversations in French. They will also be useful when making French friends .

“ Je suis passionné par le sport.” - “I am passionate about sports.” This is the basic French formulation to say you are passionate about something, and you can always swap out “le sport” for something such as “les voitures” (cars), “l’histoire” (history), “les langues” (languages), for example.

“ Ma passion dans la vie est le voyage.” - “My passion in life is travel.” Unlike the previous phrase, this French phrase is used to express the ultimate passion you may have in life. By using this phrase, you are communicating that above all else, this is the thing which gives you life. As with the last phrase, you can switch “le voyage” to any passion you may have.

“ J’adore apprendre de nouvelles langues.” - “I love to learn new languages.” For a less intense version, you can also say “J’aime…” instead of “J’adore,” which translates to “I like.” However, “J’adore” is less intense than the English “I love,” meaning that you can use “J’adore” without sounding extreme.

“ Je suis une fan des documentaires sur la nature.” - “I am a fan of documentaries on nature.” This is the feminine version of the phrase, and in the masculine form, you would use “un fan.” This phrase is more casual, and would refer to a general interest or hobby of yours rather than something you are very passionate about. You would also use this in casual, rather than formal, settings.

“ La politique ne m'intéresse pas, je préfère la littérature." - “Politics do not interest me, I prefer literature.” Although we generally speak more about our positive interests, it is good to know how to talk about what you do not like. In this case, by talking about the lack of interest in politics, even more emphasis is placed on literature.

“ J’aime la cuisine, les livres, et les randonnées." - “I like cooking, books, and hiking.” This is a simple and effective way to cover some of your most important interests. After learning more French vocabulary, you will be able to easily substitute any of these terms to fit your personality and the context you are in.

Talking About Your Personality in French

As much as interests, work, and studies are key features of a person, certain personality traits are fundamental to each person, and make us unique as individuals. Knowing phrases on how to talk about certain parts of your personality can help deepen another person’s understanding of who you truly are.

“ Je suis une personne plutôt timide.” - “I am a rather shy person.” No matter the gender of the speaker, when you use the French noun « une personne » to refer to yourself, it is always feminine. (see this article for more on determining the gender of French nouns ). If you are a shy person, letting the person that you are speaking with know can help them understand how you are around people better.

“ Je suis une personne très extravertie.” - “I am a very extroverted person.” If you are traveling alone in a French-speaking country, for example, and tell someone you have just met that you are extraverted, they may be more inclined to have you meet their friends.

“ Je me considère ouvert d’esprit.” - “I consider myself to be open-minded.” Using the phrasing “Je me considère” may be a more humble and appropriate way to say you are open-minded, otherwise it can sound a bit assertive. “Je me considère” is a very eloquent French phrase to know in general when you are describing yourself.

“ On me dit souvent que je suis une personne drôle." - “I am often told that I am a funny person.” Be careful not to switch up the wording by saying “une drôle de personne,” which would translate closely to “a weird person.” Although used less commonly, this phrasing can be used to switch up from the usual “Je suis…” formulation.

“ Je n’ai pas beaucoup de confiance en moi.” - “I do not have much confidence in myself.” A lot of people struggle with insecurity and lack of confidence, and confiding it in someone can help make the relationship stronger. We all have more or less positive personality traits, and knowing how to communicate them all is a good skill to have.

“ Je suis très sensible et j’aime beaucoup aider les autres.” - “I am very sensitive and like to help others.” The French word « sensible » is used more regularly than its English equivalent « sensitive » is used in English, and has less negative connotations. By saying you are sensitive in French, you are saying that you are sympathetic and probably feel a lot of emotions.

“ J’ai tendance à être attiré par les gens calmes.” - “I have a tendency to be attracted to calm people.” The kind of person are attracted to, whether romantic or otherwise, can say a lot about the kind person you are. If you are more on the eccentric side of the spectrum, you may find yourself closer to people who are calm, to create a balance.

Talking About Your Physical Features in French

Physical features are also an important part of what makes individuals unique. Although they may not be as important to what makes up a person, there will always exist situations in which you will need to know how to describe your most basic features. These phrases will help you learn to talk about your physical features in French.

“ Je suis grand, mince, et j’ai les yeux bruns.” - “I am tall, skinny, and have brown eyes.” You could also say “marron, ” which also means brown. That said, while the word “marron” can be used to describe eye color, it is not used in French to describe hair color.

“ J’ai les cheveux courts et noirs.” - “I have short and black hair.” Of course, you can swap this with whatever color or length your hair may be: “bruns” (brown), “chatains” (light-brown), “blonds” (blond), “roux” (dark red) for the color, or “longs” (long), or “mi-longs” (mid-length).

“ J’ai une longue barbe avec la tête rasée." - “I have a long beard and a shaved head.” This style is growing in popularity, so knowing how to say this can help not only to describe yourself, but also help you achieve this specific look if you are looking to change up your style.

“ Je suis petite avec les cheveux frisés." - “I am short with curly hair.” In French, the word “petite” (“small”) refers specifically to height, while in English it tends to be used when referring to someone short and skinny. In French, a “petite” person does not necessarily mean they have a small waist.

“ J’ai une carrure athlétique avec des tatouages sur mes bras.” - “I have an athletic build with tattoos on my arms.” As with the English term “build,” the French word “carrure” refers to someone’s overall body type. It is used more often to refer to an athletic build than anything else.

These phrases are only a starting point into your journey to learn how to talk about yourself in French. But as you acquire more extensive and complex vocabulary, you will be able to better formulate these phrases according to your personal features, whether they are physical, mental, or in terms of lifestyle.

presentation in french about yourself

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French courses

  • Communication
  • Conjugation

Lesson 1 of French for beginners: introduce yourself in French

French lesson 1 of communication: introduce yourself in french.

Knowing how to introduce yourself is the first thing you need to learn in French. This will allow you to establish a simple first contact with a French speaker. This lesson will also be useful for the first part (guided conversation) of the DELF A1 speaking test. The video below will teach you how to simply introduce yourself in French. You will be able to greet and express your first name, your age, your nationality, the city where you live, your occupation (your profession):

Introduce yourself in French: example of a dialogue in video

Oral production and interaction activities to introduce yourself in French

Activity 1 : Using this presentation template as inspiration:

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Thomas. J’ai 26 ans. Je suis français. J’habite à Paris. Je suis professeur de français.

Introduce yourself by making a video and post your video in Flemotion's Vimeo group:

We will select some videos to make a nice cut that we will post on our Youtube channel.

Activity 2 : With a friend, make a video using the model below and post your video in Flemotion's Vimeo group:

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Thomas. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je m’appelle (son prénom). J’ai 26 ans. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : J’ai (son âge) ans. Je suis français. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je suis (sa nationalité). J’habite à Paris. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : J’habite à (sa ville).

Je suis professeur de français. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je suis (son métier).

Written production activity to introduce yourself in French

Introduce yourself at delf a1.

During the first part (guided conversation) of the DELF A1 speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions to know your first name, your age, your nationality, the city where you live, your occupation. The video below is a very good example of the first part (guided conversation) of DELF A1 speaking test:

Once you have mastered this first French lesson for beginners “introduce yourself in French”, you can move on to the next French communication lesson:

Lesson 2 of French for beginners: introduce someone in French

You can find other communication lessons in French  by clicking here . You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:

French conjugation lessons

French grammar lessons

French vocabulary lessons

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How to introduce yourself in French during a job interview

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A job interview is a crucial step in the job search process. For advanced French learners, it is essential to know how to present yourself effectively in French during this interview.

Appear for a job interview

In this blog post, we'll provide you with practical tips to help you present yourself with confidence and confidence during your next job interview in French.

Prepare your presentation

Before the interview, take time to prepare your presentation. Think about your relevant work experiences, skills and career goals. Structure your presentation in three parts: an introduction, a development and a conclusion. This will help you organize your ideas and communicate clearly.

The introduction

Start by briefly introducing yourself by giving your name, nationality and academic background. You can also mention your area of ​​expertise or specialization. Be concise and use clear, professional language.

Hello, my name is Sophie Martin. I am French and I obtained a degree in international business at the University of Paris. I specialize in sales management and have gained solid experience in this field over the last five years.


In this part, highlight your skills and professional achievements. Talk about your previous experiences, the projects you worked on and the results you achieved. Don’t hesitate to use numbers and tangible data to illustrate your accomplishments.

I worked at XYZ as a sales manager, where I managed to increase sales by 20% in one year. I also managed a team of ten people and implemented innovative sales strategies that contributed to the growth of the company. In addition, I developed excellent negotiation and client management skills, which allowed me to retain several major accounts.

The conclusion

End your presentation by expressing your interest in the position and the company. Highlight your motivation and explain how you would be an asset to the company. You can also ask a relevant question to show your interest and curiosity.

I am very enthusiastic about joining your company and contributing to its development. I admire your company's reputation in the industry and am confident that my skills and experience will be a real asset to your team. Could you tell me about professional development opportunities within the company?

Example of presentation during a job interview

Here is an example of a job interview in French:

Recruiter : Hello, I am Mr. Dupont, human resources manager of our company. Thank you for coming for this interview. To begin, could you briefly introduce yourself?

Candidate : Hello, my name is Thomas Dupuis. I am French and I obtained a degree in computer science at the University of Lyon. I also followed training in web development. For the last two years, I worked as a web developer at ABC, where I helped create websites for international clients.

Recruiter : Very good, Thomas. Can you tell us about your skills and achievements as a web developer?

Candidate : Certainly. I have strong expertise in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as good knowledge of frameworks like React and Angular. I have developed several responsive and interactive websites for clients in different sectors. For example, I worked on a project for an e-commerce site that increased sales by 30% in six months. I was also responsible for database management and site performance optimization.

Recruiter : Impressive, Thomas. Why do you want to join our company?

Candidate : I have always admired your company's reputation in the field of web development. Your company is known for its innovation and team culture. I am very interested in working in an environment that encourages creativity and collaboration. I think that my passion for web development and my previous experience will allow me to contribute positively to your projects.

Recruiter : Very good, thank you for your answers. Do you have any questions for me?

Candidate : Yes, I have a question. Can you tell me about training and professional development opportunities within your company?

Recruiter : Absolutely, we actively encourage continuing education for our employees. We offer internal training as well as opportunities to participate in external conferences and seminars. We also value professional development paths within the company and we encourage internal mobility to allow our employees to develop their skills and take on new responsibilities.

Candidate : That's great to know that. Thank you for this information.

Recruiter : Thank you, Thomas, for your time and your answers. We will contact you in the coming days to give you news of our decision.

Candidate : Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing from you. Looking forward to working with your company.

Recruiter : With pleasure too. Good day !

This job interview example illustrates a typical interaction between a candidate and a recruiter. Questions and answers may vary depending on the position and company, but the goal is to present yourself clearly, highlight your skills and accomplishments, and demonstrate interest in the position and business.

Conclusion: Presenting yourself effectively during a job interview in French requires adequate preparation. By following these tips, you will be able to clearly communicate your skills, achievements and motivation. Remember to practice your presentation in advance and remain confident during the interview. Good luck for your next job interview!

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10 Common French phrases: How to structure a speech or talk

Whether you’re giving a presentation or simply introducing yourself to a group of people, knowing how to structure a speech or talk in French can be a valuable skill.

In this lesson, we’ll go over 10 common French phrases for structuring a speech or talk.

Bonjour à tous. (Hello, everyone.)

This phrase is used to begin a speech or talk, and to greet the audience.

Je vais parler de ___. (I’m going to talk about ___.)

This phrase is used to introduce the topic or theme of the speech or talk.

Tout d’abord, je vais ___ . (First, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the first point or topic of the speech or talk.

Ensuite, je vais ___ . (Next, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the second point or topic of the speech or talk.

Après cela, je vais ___ . (After that, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the third point or topic of the speech or talk.

Pour résumer, j’ai parlé de ___. (To summarize, I talked about ___.)

This phrase is used to summarize the main points or topics covered in the speech or talk.

En conclusion, ___. (In conclusion, ___ .)

This phrase is used to wrap up the speech or talk, and to give a final statement or message.

Merci de votre attention. (Thank you for your attention.)

This phrase is used to express gratitude to the audience for listening.

Avez-vous des questions ? (Do you have any questions?)

This phrase is used to invite the audience to ask questions or seek clarification.

Je suis à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions. (I’m available to answer your questions.)

This phrase is used to indicate that the speaker is willing and available to answer any questions or concerns the audience may have.

Learning these common French phrases for structuring a speech or talk will help you to communicate more effectively in formal settings.

Additionally, it is helpful to learn basic French vocabulary and grammar rules to build your language skills. With practice and persistence, you’ll soon be able to deliver speeches and talks with ease in French.

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How to Introduce Yourself in French at a Job Interview

Introduce Yourself in French at a Job Interview

Last updated on May 23rd, 2023 at 02:12 pm

Job interviews can be very stressful. You’re being supervised, studied, and tested by strangers for a job position, you’re going to feel very nervous and anxious for not knowing if you are doing it well or not.

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Why is so Important to Introduce Yourself in French Properly in an Interview?

You’re in front of a person, or maybe a group of people you’ve probably never seen before and they’re going to decide whether you’re prepared for the job or not. Giving a strong and positive first impression is a critical part of your speech in the interview. If you introduce yourself correctly you can:

  • Project the level of professionalism required for the job position you’re being interviewed for.
  • Let the interviewer know you have enough self-confidence.
  • Provide them with a clear example of your communication skills.

The first few minutes when you’re introducing yourself will make a big difference in the interview process. But don’t worry! Today we’ll tell you some guidelines to Introduce Yourself in French properly.

Keep it formal

Remember, a job interview is something serious. Whether you want to relocate to a French-speaking country or French is required for the position, you’ll need to show you understand how the language works and can use it professionally.

French is a very formal language by nature so you have a lot of tools and expressions to show some respect to the people you’re talking to. Make sure you use the formal way of speaking using vous and certainly not tu . Here are some of the sentences you can use to introduce yourself:

Bonjour, Je m’apelle _____ , je viens pour l’entretien. (Good morning, my name is ______ , I come for the interview.)

Bonjour, mon nom c’est ______ . Je suis heureux d’être ici aujourd’hui. (Good morning, my name is _____ . It’s a pleasure to be here today.)

Bonjour, Je suis _____ . Je vous remercie pour cette occasion. (Good morning, I’m _____ . I thank you for this opportunity.)

Depending on the position and your business profile, the introduction should next include some key elements you want to highlight like the university you graduated from, your specialty, your most recent work experience.

Here is an example:

Bonjour, je m’appelle John. J’ai un Master en communication de l’université de Londres. J’habite actuellement à Manchester où je travaille pour une grande entreprise dans le département communication et relations publiques. J’ai une expérience de plus de 10 ans dans le domaine.

Common questions asked in a job interview in French

Parlez-moi de vous.

Parlez-moi de vous. (Tell me about yourself.)

– Start by introducing yourself with your name and any relevant background information, such as your education or current position. – Mention your professional experience, highlighting key roles or responsibilities that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. – Discuss your skills, strengths, and achievements, focusing on those that align with the requirements of the job. – Conclude by expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity and your eagerness to contribute to the company.

Example: Je m’appelle Sophie et je suis titulaire d’un diplôme en marketing de l’Université de Paris. J’ai travaillé pendant les trois dernières années chez XYZ Company, où j’ai occupé le poste de responsable marketing. J’étais responsable de la création et de la mise en œuvre de campagnes de marketing numérique qui ont contribué à augmenter la visibilité de l’entreprise et à attirer de nouveaux clients. J’ai développé de solides compétences en gestion de projet, en analyse de données et en collaboration avec différentes équipes. Je suis passionnée par le marketing et je suis constamment à l’affût des nouvelles tendances du secteur. Je suis enthousiaste à l’idée de rejoindre votre entreprise et de contribuer à son succès grâce à mes compétences et à mon expérience.

Parlez-moi de votre experience professionnelle.

Parlez-moi de votre experience professionnelle. (Tell me about your working experience.)

– Provide a brief overview of your professional background, mentioning your previous roles, companies, and industry experience. – Focus on the responsibilities and achievements that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for. – Emphasize any notable projects or accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and capabilities. – Highlight how your experience has prepared you for the challenges and requirements of the job.

Example: J’ai travaillé pendant les cinq dernières années dans le domaine de la gestion de projet. J’ai occupé le poste de chef de projet chez ABC Company, où j’ai géré avec succès plusieurs projets complexes, du concept initial à la livraison finale. J’étais responsable de la planification, de la coordination des équipes et des ressources, ainsi que du suivi des délais et du budget. J’ai développé d’excellentes compétences en communication, en résolution de problèmes et en gestion des parties prenantes. J’ai également supervisé la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle méthodologie de gestion de projet, ce qui a entraîné une amélioration significative de l’efficacité et de la productivité de l’équipe. Mon expérience dans la gestion de projet me permet de comprendre les défis auxquels votre entreprise est confrontée et de contribuer à sa réussite.

Qu’est-ce qui vous motive pour ce poste?

Qu’est-ce qui vous motive pour ce poste? (What’s your motivation to apply for this position?) – Express your genuine interest in the company and the specific position you’re interviewing for. – Discuss how your skills, experience, and personal goals align with the responsibilities and objectives of the role. – Mention any aspects of the company’s culture, mission, or values that resonate with you. – Highlight how this position presents an opportunity for professional growth and development.

Example: Ce qui me motive particulièrement pour ce poste, c’est l’opportunité de travailler au sein d’une entreprise innovante et dynamique telle que la vôtre. Votre entreprise a une excellente réputation dans le domaine de la technologie et est connue pour son esprit d’innovation. Je suis enthousiaste à l’idée de contribuer à la création de produits et de solutions qui ont un impact positif sur les utilisateurs. De plus, le fait de rejoindre une équipe talentueuse et collaborative est très motivant pour moi. Je suis convaincu que ce poste me permettra de mettre à profit mes compétences en développement logiciel tout en me donnant l’opportunité de continuer à apprendre et à me développer professionnellement.

Pourquoi pensez-vous être le meilleur candidat pour le poste?

Pourquoi pensez-vous être le meilleur candidat pour le poste? (Why do you think you are the best applicant for this position?) – Highlight your unique combination of skills, qualifications, and experience that make you a strong fit for the role. – Mention specific achievements or projects that demonstrate your ability to excel in similar positions. – Emphasize your commitment to continuous learning, adaptability, and willingness to contribute to the company’s success. – Connect your strengths to the specific needs and requirements of the job, showcasing how you can add value.

Example: Je crois être le meilleur candidat pour ce poste en raison de ma solide expérience dans le domaine de la finance et de ma connaissance approfondie des marchés internationaux. Au cours de mes cinq années en tant qu’analyste financier chez XYZ Bank, j’ai acquis une expertise dans l’évaluation des investissements, l’analyse financière et la gestion des risques. J’ai également développé d’excellentes compétences en modélisation financière et en utilisation d’outils d’analyse de données. De plus, ma capacité à travailler sous pression et à prendre des décisions éclairées m’a permis de réussir dans des environnements complexes et en évolution rapide. Je suis convaincu que ma passion pour la finance, mon engagement envers l’excellence et ma capacité à apporter des solutions créatives font de moi le meilleur candidat pour ce poste.

Rehearsing your answers to these questions will give you a big advantage from the first minutes of the interview. Remember to keep calm and be confident about what you say.

Of course, you won’t know in advance the exact questions that will be asked to you in French. Practicing different questions and different ways to say the same thing will give you the confidence to tackle any questions on the French interview day.

If you want to prepare yourself better and have an excellent job interview in French then why don’t you take some lessons with one of our French teachers? They will tell you everything you need to know in order to face a job interview in French !

So, schedule a free trial lesson as soon as possible and check out how you can ace your interview in French.

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  • How to prepare for your job interview in French
  • French vocabulary about Banking
  • How to describe your professional experience in French during a job interview
  • How to prepare a business meeting in French?
  • Essential Vocabulary used in Business French

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