International Media and Information Literacy e-Platform

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Module 1: Introduction to Media & Information Literacy and Key Concepts

  • Unit 1: Understanding Media and Information Literacy – An Orientation
  • Unit 2: MIL, Civic Participation and Right to Information
  • Unit 3: Interacting with media and other content providers such as libraries, archives and internet communications companies
  • Unit 4: MIL, digital skills, cultural participation/creativity and entrepreneurship
  • Unit 5: MIL, Teaching and Lifelong Learning

Download Module 1 in PDF


If it were possible to define generally the mission of education, it could be said that its fundamental purpose is to ensure that students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to participate fully in public, community and economic life.

Background and Rationale

The intersection of news media and information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the attendant convergence of content and systems means that people are increasingly living in a mediated world. This is a world where person to person communication and the transmission of content occurs increasingly via technological  platforms. This reality brings with it many opportunities as well as challenges making media and information literacy (MIL) vital to empower people. The opportunities include more access to information and avenues for self-expression, lifelong learning, participation, creativity, dialogue, cultural exchange and transparency, which  when  put  together  contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The challenges include privacy and data infringement concerns, rising misinformation, surveillance, mounting online hate speech and violent extremist content, frequent attacks on women and further exclusion of marginalized groups.

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the changes in flows of information, digital technology, mediating institutional providers and media development. On one hand, many of the prospects and efforts to tackle the virus exist in the overall ecology. Yet, the efforts are also hindered by the ‘disinfodemic’, which is the confusing content mix, often overshadowing information with misinformation – and enabled by digital communications.

MIL as an umbrella term that encompasses various competencies that enable individuals and groups to navigate the turbulent seas of today’s information and communications environment. It covers a large spectrum of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. MIL enables citizens, including youth, to acquire competencies to understand their information needs, better search, find, critically evaluate, use, and contribute to information and media content wisely. Thereby, MIL enables the purposeful and creative use of digital technology and empowers all users through enhancing their knowledge of their online and digital rights, as well of the ethical issues surrounding access to and use of information. Media and information literate citizens are equipped to engage more effectively in dialogue, freedom of expression, access to information, gender equality, diversity, peace, and sustainable development.

MIL is an important prerequisite for balancing citizens’ power against that of content providers, and for harnessing ICTs for education and fostering equitable access to information and freedom of expression. For people to effectively participate and succeed throughout all stages of life, it is urgent that MIL is integrated at all levels of society and in formal, non- formal and in-formal education.

According to the recent statistics of the ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database, 2019, 1.3 billion (3/4) of the world’s 1.7 billion households, representing 4.9 billion people, have a television; and 0.6 billion (1/3) of all households, representing 1.9 billion people, have access to a computer; As of January 2021, 59.6 percent of the world’s population or 4.66 billion people are using the Internet30; in the middle of 2020, there were an estimated 105 mobile- cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. Added to this there are over 2.5 billion radio receivers. The World Association of Newspapers reports 640 million users worldwide paid for print and digital news each day in 2018. The UNESCO Institute of Statistics estimates that close to 1 million new books are published annually in the world. At the end of 2019, over 69 per cent of the world youth population (aged 15-24 years) was using the Internet. According to a UNICEF- ITU joint report in 2020, 1.1 billion - or 1 in 3 children and young people aged 25 years or less - have Internet access at home. The number of businesses adopting artificial intelligence grew by 270% in four years, between 2015 and 2019 (Gartner, 2019).

When put together, the number of television and radio stations, newspapers, cell phones, access to and use of the Internet, books, libraries, billboards, and video games determine much of what we learn about ourselves, our country, our cultures and the world around us. In this connected world, being media and information literate means that we can rethink what is called citizenship and lifelong learning, and consider concepts such as global citizenship education, education for sustainable development, and digital citizenship.

Content providers such as libraries, archives, museums, media, digital communications companies are central to sustainable development, democracy and good governance, both as a platform for democratic discourse and enablers of digital creativity and entrepreneurship. If the content providers and digital tools are going to support democracy and sustainable development, citizens need to understand how to use them critically, know how to interpret the messages they receive, create and share. Equally, if the ecosystem is to reinforce digital creativity and entrepreneurship, in addition to the competencies mentioned above, people should also understand how to identify opportunities for entrepreneurship in this arena, and grasp the benefits of the intersection of critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration for social change. 

While the importance of fundamental numeracy and literacy skills cannot be underestimated, the inclusion of MIL in curricula and development programmes means that young people must also understand the functions of content providers and have the skills to seek, evaluate, use and create content to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals. They must also possess basic skills for critical thinking, to analyse and use them for self-expression, for becoming independent learners, producers, informed citizens, professionals, and participants in the governance and democratic and economic processes of their societies (cf. Report of National Forum on Information Literacy, 2005).

This module is built on four pillars: critical thinking, self- expression, participation, and creativity. It will consider MIL as relevant to and overlapping with a variety of disciplines/ fields, and will explore such questions as:

  • What is information within the wider mix of content?
  • What are the media and the digital communication companies?
  • What are digital technologies?
  • Why teach about all of these?
  • Why are they important?
  • What is media literacy?
  • What is information literacy?
  • What is digital literacy?
  • Why media and information literacy?

The module will present MIL as teaching/learning and social and economic engagement processes rather than solely as a discipline. Therefore, it will broadly introduce learners to key issues and concepts of the field which will be dealt with in more detail in other modules, offering them the opportunity to develop an understanding of the difference between ‘teaching about,’ ‘teaching through’, and engaging in society with MIL as a tool.

The aim is for educators, learners, community leaders, and peer educators themselves to become media and information literate, and to develop the competencies necessary for integrating MIL at all levels and for all types of education. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Classification of educational media

Profile image of TIMOTHY KATERERE

It is recognized that conventional media technologies can no longer meet the needs of our teaching and learning processes; as a result they are being replaced by multimedia technology. This technology provides a learning environment that is self-paced, learner-controlled and individualized. Technology” is simply defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a body of knowledge which when used or applied helps in solving problems”. One can then agree, from the literal point of view, that educational technology means “application of a body of knowledge (technology) to solving educational problems.

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Throughout the history of educational technology, a variety of accounts have been provided in this subject matter. In the beginning, it was introduced as use of instruments, and then as process of design, implementation, and evaluation of educational situations, and then as study and moral action on facilitation of learning and improvement of performance through creation (building), use and management of technology processes and appropriate resources. In the end, with regard to the accounts, a new account of educational technology is provided.

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The phrase " Technology in ELT " is simply a reference to the use of technology – audio, video, and multi-media – more of multi-media in modern times with computer and electronic technology recording several advances. However, it also relates to issues arising out of the use of such technology in an ELT class. It is a development that can be seen as correlated to what has come to be called e-learning, which began to be defined in the early years of this millennium. By all accounts, e-learning is a learner-friendly and learner-centred development that focuses on the learners' needs. Cross (2000) as " the convergence of learning and networks and the new Economy " , and Masie (2000) as " the use of network technology to design, deliver, select, administer, and extend learning ". Goodyear (2000) chooses to call it " the systematic use of networked multimedia computer technologies " for (a) the empowerment of the learners, (b) ensuring improvement in learning, (c) fulfilling the learners' needs by putting them in touch with human and other resources, and (d) putting together learning, learner performance, personal and institutional goals into a unified whole by bringing about their integration. Support for this is available in Egbert, Paulus and Nakamichi (2002), who cite from research reported by Lee (2000) and Warshauer & Healey (1998) which we have been able to access and confirm. We do not intend to give this the shape of a research paper and shall, therefore, focus the seven papers presented at that conference which are being published in this issue.


In the teaching-learning process, the use of instructional materials is very important because they facilitate learning. This essay seeks to discuss the competencies which teachers should possess for the successful use and integration of technology in their work. The essay will define the crucial terms which are Teacher competencies, educational media and technology. However, for the media to be successfully used during the teaching-learning process, particularly in the teaching and learning process teachers should possess certain competencies such being computer literate, deep knowledge on curricular issues, communication skills, technical skills, presentation, Evaluation and Follow-up skills. There is no single definition that can satisfy anyone pertaining to educational media They are given different terms such as teaching aids, learning materials, learning resources, audio-visuals, instructional media, among others. According to Olowu (2005) Instructional media are the information carriers that are used in any teaching-learning process to facilitate the rate of learning (in the learners) and so also to enhance the teacher " s presentation of the learning content (subject matter). Alaku (1998) says that instructional media are variety of resources,

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Media Literacy

A Basic Overview

What is Media Literacy?

  • Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a variety of formats, both print and non-print.
  • Media Literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society, as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.
  • Center for Media Literacy

What skills do we need?

  • Questioning
  • Interpreting

Five Core Concepts in Media Literacy

  • Media messages are constructed.
  • Media messages are constructed using a unique language.
  • Different people experience the same media message in different ways.
  • Media are primarily businesses driven by a profit motive.
  • Media have embedded values and points of view.

  • Carefully manufactured products
  • Create an emotional experience that looks like reality but of course is not
  • Edited – what stays in, what is taken out
  • Although not real, people make real meaning out of what they hear, see, or read

2. Media messages are constructed using a unique language.

  • Media language is unique to each form of communication.
  • Newspapers, TV Game shows, horror movies
  • Language is used over and over again to convey meaning.
  • Scary music = Fear
  • Camera Angles convey relationships
  • Headlines signify significance

3. Different people experience the same media message in different ways.

  • We are all trying to “make sense” out of what we see
  • Individual’s age, upbringing or background may affect experience

4. Media are primarily businesses driven by a profit motive.

  • Purpose of T.V.
  • Create an audience
  • Bring audience to the advertisers
  • Sponsors pay for ad time based on the number of people predicted to watch

5. Media have embedded values and points of view.

  • “Whoever tells the story defines the culture.” David Walsh
  • Choices in construction of “story” tells us who and what is important.
  • Character – age, race, gender, attitudes, lifestyle
  • Setting – affluent, poor, urban
  • Plot – actions, reactions
  • Need to learn to read media in order to judge the embedded values


  • What is represented about personal or social relationships ?
  • What political values are communicated?
  • What are the economic messages?
  • What is the cultural context or world view?
  • Center for Media Literacy 1998

Critical Thinking Continuum

  • All is true
  • Healthy Skeptics
  • Judges reliability of sources, validity of facts
  • Reflects on meaning and impact on personal life
  • All is incorrect
  • Possible conspiracy

Five Questions To Ask To Analyze Text

  • Who created this message and why are they sending it?
  • What techniques are being used to attract my attention?
  • What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in the message?
  • How might different people understand this message differently from me?
  • What is omitted from this message?


Media Benefits

  • Responsible for social change
  • Part of the democratic process
  • Gives us knowledge of world events
  • Educates the consumer
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AI Literacy for Grades 6–12

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5 Reasons Multimedia Presentations Are a Classroom Must

Topics:   Tech & Learning Classroom Media & Tools

Encourage creativity, reflection, and confidence through the use of multimedia presentations.

kid with images floating above him

Public speaking is an invaluable skill, but it can also difficult for students (and adults). However, multimedia presentations (like digital stories) can lay the groundwork for developing those skills. Done right, they provide an opportunity to combine images, text, and powerful oratory in any classroom situation. Not only do they allow students who don't like public speaking to test the waters and build confidence, but they also allow teachers to target instruction to those students who really need support.

Multimedia presentations develop confidence in language skills.

For students who lack confidence or language skills, a multimedia presentation created using tools such as  Adobe Express , VoiceThread , Google Drive , or iMovie is an opportunity to develop fluency in English (or any target language) without the pressure of speaking live in front of an audience. With the opportunity to record as many times as necessary, the fear of errors is gone, allowing students to focus on content, intonation, and organization.

We can start building the next generation of orators in effective, engaging ways.

Process-driven presentations encourage meaningful feedback.

With digital presentations, teachers can more easily check in on student progress and offer instructional advice as well. Rather than everything riding on the live speech or presentation, multimedia presentations can be more about process, and with process-driven assignments there is greater opportunity for teachers to conference with students, offer advice, and provide formative feedback. If the presentations are shared via the cloud, that feedback can even come outside of class time.

Of course, tools that incorporate AI , like Canva , can helpful when creating presentations—and offer significant shortcuts. So make sure to set expectations around how and when artificial intelligence is appropriate to use during the process. 

Script-writing strengthens ELA skills, including information literacy.

All the same planning and organization that goes into writing a good essay goes into creating a good presentation. Students start with a central idea, find supporting ideas and information, structure those to build an argument or explain a concept, and finish with some kind of conclusion. The only element of writing not present in creating a good multimedia presentation is the conventions of writing (punctuation, paragraph structure, and so on), but the framing of ideas and thinking processes are very similar.

Additionally, students have to find appropriate information to support their points of view in a multimedia presentation as well as the photos, audio clips, drawings, or videos that go with them. This requires students to cultivate good information-literacy skills, including searching databases, evaluating resources, and creating citations. 

Multimedia presentations challenge students to think creatively.

As teachers, if we really want to foster creativity, we can require or encourage students to create their own graphics, images, audio, and video clips. When students must create something, they have to figure out how to represent their ideas -- a form of abstract, symbolic expression that ups the intellectual ante tremendously.

Choice provides opportunity for students to shine.

Let's face it: For some of our students, writing essays or reports is a tremendous challenge. That's not to say that it's not a valuable challenge, but in certain situations we're really looking for content, not writing skills. In this case, a multimedia presentation can be the perfect medium for some students to demonstrate a high level of content mastery. Giving students a choice in how they show understanding can be a legitimate way of maintaining high content standards for all students.

With all the digital presentation tools at our fingertips, we can start building the next generation of orators in effective, engaging ways. There's no reason not to start today. Here are curated lists of tools that can help:

Best Classroom Tools for Presentations and Slideshows

  • Apps and Sites for Storytelling
  • Best Infographic Design Apps and Websites

I have been a teacher for over twenty years and joined the Common Sense community to connect with other educators and hone my teaching practice . My goal is to engage, connect, and support teachers in order to enhance their practice in the classroom. These days I do a lot of teacher training around coding and design thinking - helping teachers to find ways to bring those skill sets into their classrooms and existing curricula. This fall I will be joining the Faculty of Education at NHL Stenden - a university in the Netherlands.

As a teacher since 1991, I have now worked with every grade from K-12. In the time that I have been an educator, I have seen an incredible variety of powerful digital tools emerge that support instruction and learning. Making sense of those tools is what the Common Sense community is all about (and what Graphite Mentors like me are here to help with).

My career has taken me to 4 countries but only five schools. My most recent classroom position (and love) is middle school Humanities (integrated language arts and social studies). Throughout my career, I have worked primarily with English Language Learners (ELL) and students with mild to moderate learning needs. As a sometime language teacher and a permanent learner of languages, I understand the incredible role that technology can play in language acquisition.

Outside the classroom, I am working on several big education-related projects:

1. Creating learning materials for teachers that combine design-based learning and technology . 2. Writing and publishing teacher resource books in Language Arts and Social Studies for Teacher's Discovery.

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social media in education

Social Media in Education

Aug 04, 2014

730 likes | 2.23k Views

Social Media in Education. By Dr.Kumuda Gururao Learning Objectives. By the end of this program, you will learn What is meant by social media Tools of social media for education Benefits of social media How to implement it for your institution

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  • scalable publishing techniques
  • real life examples
  • various sources
  • use peartrees


Presentation Transcript

Social Media in Education By Dr.Kumuda Gururao

Learning Objectives By the end of this program, you will learn • What is meant by social media • Tools of social media for education • Benefits of social media • How to implement it for your institution • How to curate the content from various sources • Real life examples

What is Social Media?

Social Media

Social Media: Definition • ‘Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based’.

Examples for Social Media : Tools of the Day

Examples for social media : Tools of the day – Contd….

Social Media Tools Used in Education • Ning • Elgg • Diigo (e.g. web slides on eLearing) • • Quora • Slideshare • Storify • authorStream

Webslides on eLearning

Social Media Tools Used in Education –Contd… • Wikispaces Classroom • Edmodo • 123ContactForm • Edublogs-(Use blogbooker, ZINEPAL, Anthologize to create eBook from blogs) • IHMC software

Example for Social Media : cfhe12 Cfhe12 It is a Web Based Course-MOOC My Concept Maps

Concept Map : e.g.

Benefits of Social Media in Higher Education • What are the benefits of using Social Media for Higher Education?

Benefits of Social Media in Higher Education • Connections • Everyone can participate as there is no constraint of time • Improves communication

Points to be Considered Before Adopting Social Media for Hr.Education What are the points to be considered before implementing Social Media for Higher Education?

Points to be Considered Before Adopting Social Media for Hr.Education • Purpose of using social media • Drafting a social media policy The DO’s and DONT’s of social media at VU.! Or Click here. • Avoiding a social media crisis and dealing with it.

Resources for Drafting Social Media Policy • Ottawa Catholic School Board Social Media PolicySocial Media Governance - database of over 195 policies • School AUP 2.0 policy resources • Ontario College of Teachers Professional AdvisoryThinking Machine - Social Media Guidelines • AZTEA resources for AUP and social media • Navigating Social Media Policies - Simple K12 Webinar • Mashable - 10 Must Haves for your social media policy • 15 University Social Media Policies • NSW social media policy

How Would You Use Social Media in the Classroom? • Encourage group discussion-use classname/project name hashtag for discussion on Twitter

Open Virtual Meetings

Post Helpful Information

How Would You Consolidate the Information You’ve shared through Social Media?

You Can Consolidate by Curating • Distribute /Curate your content using e.g. • Use peartrees for various topics My pearltree

Social Media in Education An example for curation : Social Media in Education

Examples of Real Life Usage The University of California, Riverside – The Sloan Center for Internet Retailing uses Ning as the graduate school’s main site)

Examples of Real life Usage Facebook • Amity University • BITS-Pilani • VIT-Alumini • SRM University • University of Petroleum & Energy Studies

Examples of Real life Usage ..Contd.. Twitter • Amity University • SRM University

Interaction Provide feedback of this program by tweeting your opinion with #SM4Edu

My Networks My networks

Thank You By Dr.Kumuda Gururao

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Effective PowerPoint

PowerPoint is common in college classrooms, yet slide technology is not more effective for student learning than other styles of lecture (Levasseur & Sawyer, 2006). While research indicates which practices support learning and clarifies students’ attitudes toward PowerPoint, effective PowerPoint is not an exact science; few rules can be applied universally. Instructors should consider their audience and their pedagogical goals.

What Students Think

Although students do not necessarily learn more when PowerPoint is used, students prefer slide technology and think they learn better from it (Suskind, 2005). Students also rate instructors who use PowerPoint more highly. One study found about a six percent bump in student ratings of instructors who use PowerPoint over those who don’t (Apperson et al., 2006). Students indicate that what they like most about PowerPoint is that it organizes information, keeps them interested, and helps “visual learners” (Hill et al., 2012). They also, however, critique PowerPoint when slides have too many words, irrelevant clip art, unnecessary movement or animations, and too many colors (Vanderbilt University).

Research-Supported Methods

Like all teaching methods, the use of PowerPoint requires that teachers consider and make use of students’ need for variety. If used as one tool among many, lecturing with PowerPoint adds variety to a course, possibly minimizing student distractions (Bunce et al, 2010).

Minimal Text

In the interest of variety, PowerPoint lectures should not be excessively long, but the number of slides used in lectures has no direct impact on teaching effectiveness. However, the amount of text  per slide  is consequential. One study found that slides containing  three or fewer bullet points  and  twenty or fewer words  were more effective than slides with higher density (Brock, et al., 2011). Less text on each slide also reduces the amount of simultaneous delivery of material in text and speech, that is, presenters reading out loud the text on the slide, which is an additional barrier to comprehension. Studies show that audiences comprehend less when the same material is simultaneously delivered by text and speech and that for many settings, audio-only delivery of text is more effective.

This process is explained by the  cognitive load theory , which states that since working memory is limited and each form of presentation of new material (written text, audio instruction, visual diagram, etc.) requires its own allotment of working memory to process, the amount of working memory available for learning is hindered by unnecessary redundancies in presentation. These effects are more pronounced when multiple presentations of information are processed in the same cognitive domain—such as audio instructions and visual text, both processed in the language domain, known as the “phonological loop” (Kalyuga et al., 2004).

Assertion-Evidence Method

The traditional use of PowerPoint, determined mostly by software programming defaults, involves crafting slides with a topic, question, or theme in the upper banner, followed by text bullet points in the body of the slide. A more effective way to present material is with the  Assertion-Evidence   Method  (see graphic), in which the top banner makes an assertion, written in sentence form (think of crafting the assertion in the style of a newspaper headline). The body of the slide then contains visual evidence of the assertion—if possible, in the form of a simple chart, but pictures and brief text can also serve as evidence. This method has been linked with better understanding and long-term retention (Garner & Alley, 2013).

Traditional Topic and Bullet-Point Method

PowerPoint Slide 01

Practical Tips

The research above—as well as research about learning in general—encourages certain practices when using PowerPoint:

  • For variety, use the hyperlink or embed features of PowerPoint to incorporate audio or video media.
  • To reduce cognitive load, blank out the projector when answering a question or dealing with an issue not directly related to the slide.
  • Also to reduce cognitive load, don’t talk while students are writing. If you have minimal text, the instructor should be able—without much disruption in the flow of oration—to display the text and let students silently read before proceeding to elaborate.
  • To encourage  interactive learning , incorporate questions into PowerPoint presentations. These can be used for discussion, pause-and-ponder, brief writing exercises, etc.

Apperson, J., Laws, E., & Scepansky, J. (2006). The impact of presentation graphics on students’ experience in the classroom.  Computers & Education 47 , 116-126.

Brock, S. Joglekar, Y., & Cohen, E. (2011). Empowering PowerPoint: Slides and teaching effectiveness.  Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management, 6 , 85-94.

Bunce, D. M., Flens, E. A., & Neiles, K. Y. (2010). How long can students pay attention in class? A study of student attention using clickers.  Journal of Chemical Education ,  87 (12, 1438-1443.

Garner, J. K., & Alley, M. P (2013). How the design of presentation slides affects audience comprehension: A case for the assertion-evidence approach.  International Journal of Engineering Education, 29 (6), 1564-1579.

Hill, A., Arford, T., Lubitow, A., & Smollin, L. M. (2012). “I’m ambivalent about it”: The dilemmas of PowerPoint.  Teaching Sociology, 40 (3), 242-256.

Kalyuga, S., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (2004). When redundant on-screen text in multimedia technical instruction can interfere with learning.  Human Factors, 46 (3), 567-581.

Levasseur, D. G., & Sawyer, J. K. (2006). Pedagogy meets PowerPoint: A research review of the effects of computer-generated slides in the classroom.  The Review of Communication, 6 (1/2), 101-123.

Making better PowerPoint presentations (n.d.). Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching (webpage). Retrieved from .

Suskind, J. E. (2005). PowerPoint’s power in the classroom: Enhancing students’ self-efficacy and attitudes.  Computers & Education, 45 (2), 203-215.

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Monifa McKnight to Serve as Inaugural Dean's Fellow

Monifa McKnight

The University of Maryland College of Education has named Monifa McKnight as its inaugural Dean’s Fellow and Superintendent in Residence, effective August 23. In this new role, McKnight will support the development and implementation of special projects aligned with the College of Education’s strategic plan. She will focus on growing student engagement across academic programs and building partnerships across PK-20 to support student learning and school transformation. She will help strengthen the college's relationships with school partners and state leaders, generate creative ideas and strategies to expand their educator pathway program and collaborate on existing partnerships that drive school improvement and reform.

“We are delighted to have Dr. McKnight join our college,” said Dean Kimberly Griffin. “She is a seasoned educator and leader whose extensive experience and commitment to education equity will prove valuable as we move fearlessly forward to transform education for good.”

McKnight brings more than 25 years of experience in school administration and instructional leadership. She previously served as the superintendent and deputy superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), the largest district in Maryland, where she provided strategic vision and oversaw the education of more than 160,000 students. She led the complex transition to hybrid and full-time in-person learning and implemented operational structures and instructional strategies designed to meet students’ needs post-pandemic.

Throughout her career, McKnight has led various strategic initiatives, including establishing a principal pipeline for MCPS, overseeing the school improvement process for Howard County Public Schools; focusing on teacher professional development, and enhancing student achievement and school climate in individual schools in Maryland and Virginia.

Her collaborative work with local government agencies, parents, education associations, and community leaders has led to increased access to advanced math courses, new and sustained investments in key district initiatives, such as student well-being, and greater community engagement.

“Strong partnerships between our college and PK-12 schools are essential for preparing future educators and fostering practical learning experiences that ensure a brighter future for all students,” said Dean Griffin. “Dr. McKnight values collaboration, and her insights will help create partnerships that build on opportunities and address challenges in Maryland schools.”

“I am deeply honored to return to my alma mater, the University of Maryland, as the inaugural Dean’s Fellow and Superintendent in Residence,” said McKnight. “This unique opportunity allows me to contribute to the development of future educational leaders and to collaborate with esteemed colleagues in shaping innovative educational practices. I look forward to bringing my experiences and insights to the university and working together to make a lasting impact on education.”

McKnight received an Ed.D. in educational policy and leadership from the University of Maryland. She also holds a M.S. in education and administration and supervision from Bowie State University and a B.S. in elementary education from South Carolina State University. 


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Published by Francisca van de Veen Modified over 5 years ago

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