• Introduction to Operating Systems

What OS does

Structure of OS

  • Evolution of OS
  • Operating System Functions
  • Main Functions of OS

Measuring System Performance

  • Types of OS
  • Some Popular OS

Introduction to Operating Systems�

  • Operating System is a software, which makes a computer to actually work.
  • It is the software the enables all the programs we use.
  • The OS organizes and controls the hardware.
  • OS acts as an interface between the application programs and the machine hardware.
  • Examples: Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS etc.
  • OS is a resource allocator
  • Manages all resources
  • Decides between conflicting requests for efficient and fair resource use
  • OS is a control program
  • Controls execution of programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer

An operating system performs basic tasks such as,

  • Controlling and allocating memory
  • Prioritizing system requests
  • Controlling input and output devices
  • Facilitating networking
  • Managing file systems
  • Computer system can be divided into four components
  • Hardware – provides basic computing resources
  • CPU, memory, I/O devices
  • Operating system
  • Controls and coordinates use of hardware among various applications and users
  • Application programs – define the ways in which the system resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users
  • Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems, video games
  • People, machines, other computers

Diagrammatic View of Structure of OS

The structure of OS consists of 4 layers:

Hardware consists of CPU, Main memory, I/O Devices, etc,

  • Software (Operating System

Software includes process management routines, memory management routines, I/O control routines, file management routines.

  • System programs

This layer consists of compilers, Assemblers, linker etc.

  • Application programs

This is dependent on users need. Ex. Railway reservation system, Bank database management etc.,

Evolution of OS:

  • The evolution of operating systems went through seven major phases.
  • Six of them significantly changed the ways in which users accessed computers through the open shop, batch processing, multiprogramming, timesharing, personal computing, and distributed systems.
  • In the seventh phase the foundations of concurrent programming were developed and demonstrated in model operating systems.

First-in, first-out scheduling.


Exec II system (1966)

On-line file systems

Unix (1974)

13 Venus system (1972),

14 Boss 2 system (1975).

Pilot system (1980)

24 Amoeba system (1990)

Operating Systems functions:

  • The main functions of operating systems are:
  • Program creation
  • Program execution
  • Input/Output operations
  • Error detection
  • Resource allocation

Main Functions of OS�

  • Process Management

A process is a program in execution. The operating system manages many kinds of activities ranging from user programs to system programs like printer spooler, name servers, file server etc. Each of these activities is encapsulated in a process. A process includes the complete execution context (code, data, PC, registers, OS resources in use etc.). ��

  • Memory Management

To execute a program, it must he loaded, together with the data, it accesses in the main memory (at least partially). To improve CPU utilization and to provide better response tine to its users, a computer System normally keeps several programs in main memory. The memory management module of an operating system takes care of the allocation de-allocation of memory space to the various programs in need of this resource. �

  • File Management

A file is a collection of related information defined by its creator. Computer can store tiles on the disk (secondary storage), which provide long term storage. Some examples of storage media are magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical disk. Each of these media has its own properties like speed, capacity, data transfer rate and access methods. A file system normally organized into directories to ease their use. These directories may contain files and other directions. ��

  • Device Management

A computer system normally consists of several I/O devices such as terminal, printer, disk, and tape. The device management module of an operating system takes care of controlling all the computer's I/O devices. It keeps track of I/O requests from processes, issues commands to the I/O devices, and ensures correct data transmission to/from an I/O ��

  • Throughput :

Throughput is the amount of work that the system is able to do per unit time. it is �measured as the number of processes that are completed by the system per unit time. For example, �it ii processes are completed in an interval of t seconds, tie throughput is taken as n/t processes �per second during that interval. Throughput is normally measured in processes/hour. Here, it �is noteworthy that the value of throughput does not depend only on the capability of a system, �but also on the nature of jobs being processed by the system.

  • Turnaround Time

From the point of view of an individual user, an important criterion is 'how �long it takes the system to complete a job submitted by him/her’. Turnaround time is the interval �from the time of submission of a job to the system for processing to the time of completion �of the job. Although higher throughput is desirable from the point of view of overall system �performance, but individual users are more interested in better turnaround time for their jobs. ���

  • Response Time

Turnaround time is usually not a suitable measure for interactive systems, �because in an interactive system, a process can produce some output fairly early during its execution and can continue executing while previous results c11e being output to the user. Thus, another measure used in case of interactive systems is response time, which is the interval from the time of submission of a job to the system for processing to the time the first response for the job is produced by the system. ��

Types of OS:

Operating System can also be classified as,-

  • Single User Systems
  • Multi User Systems

Single User Systems: �

  • Provides a platform for only one user at a time.
  • They are popularly associated with Desk Top operating system which run on standalone systems where no user accounts are required.
  • Example: DOS

Multi-User Systems: �

  • Provides regulated access for a number of users by maintaining a database of known users.
  • Refers to computer systems that support two or more simultaneous users.
  • Another term for multi-user is time sharing .
  • Ex: All mainframes and  are multi-user systems.
  • Example: Unix

Some Popular Operating Systems

UNIX is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas Mcllroy, and Joe Ossanna. UNIX operating system was first developed in assembly language, but by 1973 had been almost entirely recoded in C, greatly facilitating its further development and porting to other hardware.

MS-DOS was an operating system for x86-based personal computers. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems, and was the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers during the 1980s to the mid 1990s, until it was gradually 3uperseded by operating systems offering a graphical user interface (GUI), in particular by Various generations of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Windows 7 is all about delivering on the failures of Vista.

  • Performance improvements
  • Boot-up time is faster than with Windows Vista, and Windows 7 resumes from sleep and reconnects to wireless networks more quickly.
  • Search has been optimized to return results faster.
  • Services that aren't in use are turned off, and memory is used more efficiently than in Vista, increasing performance.
  • USB devices are ready for use in less time after you plug them in.
  • Power management
  • Automatically dims the screen after a period of inactivity when on battery power
  • Powers off unused ports
  • Uses less power for DVD playback

, Aero Peek and Snap

1. Introduction
2. Operating-System Structures
3. Processes
4. Threads
5. Process Synchronization
6. CPU Scheduling
7. Main Memory
8. Virtual Memory
9. Mass-Storage Structure
10. File-System Interface
11. File-System Implementation
12. I/O Systems
13. Protection
14. Security
15. The Linux System
B. The Mach System

Copyright Note


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Operating System.

Published by Paul Dugdale Modified over 9 years ago

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CrowdStrike’s Role In the Microsoft IT Outage, Explained

T he major Microsoft IT outage on Friday that grounded flights, sent TV stations off air, and disrupted online hospital systems has been linked to a third party—a cybersecurity technology firm named CrowdStrike. 

CrowdStrike’s CEO George Kurtz has spoken out about the outage, apologizing for the disruption caused. 

As the fallout from the event continues to impact people worldwide, here’s a breakdown of how exactly CrowdStrike is involved and what transpired.

Read More : How to Protect Yourself From Scams Following the CrowdStrike Microsoft IT Outage

What caused the Microsoft outage? 

Early Friday, companies in Australia running Microsoft’s Windows operating system started reporting devices showing, what is commonly referred to as, “ blue screens of death .” According to Microsoft’s website, this happens “if a serious problem causes Windows to shut down or restart unexpectedly.”

These disruptions then spread rapidly, impacting companies and communities around the world. The U.K., India, Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.S., reported disruptions. Meanwhile,  United, Delta, and American Airlines issued a “ global ground stop ” on all flights.

The cause of this outage came from a faulty update from CrowdStrike, deployed to computers running Microsoft Windows. The issue was specifically linked to Falcon, one of the companies main products, which does not impact Mac or Linux operating systems.

Launched in 2012 CrowdStrike’s cybersecurity software is now used by 298 of Fortune 500 companies , including banks, energy companies, healthcare companies, and food companies.

According to David Brumley, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, this was a perfect storm of issues. “Their code is buggy, and it was sitting there as a ticking time bomb,” Brumley says.

He says there are three steps cybersecurity teams should typically implement when rolling out an update. First, there should have been rigorous software testing to catch bugs; second, there should have been testing on different types of machines; and third, the roll out should have been slow with smaller sets of users to screen for negative ramifications.

“Companies like Google will roll out updates incrementally so if the update is bad, at least it will have limited damage,” says Brumley, adding that the issue may only get more pronounced.

 “What we’re seeing and what we’ll continue to see is a huge consolidation in the cybersecurity department, and that’s why we're seeing so many people affected at once,” says Brumley. “We need to be asking, ‘What choices can we give people if companies mess up?’”

How has CrowdStrike responded to the outage felt worldwide?

Appearing via a video link on The Today Show on Friday, CrowdStrike’s CEO delivered an apology to the public:

“We're deeply sorry for the impact that we've caused to customers, to travelers, to anyone affected by this, including our companies,” Kurtz said. “That update had a software bug in it and caused an issue with the Microsoft operating system...we identified this very quickly and remediated the issue.”

Kurtz was clear that this was not a cybersecurity issue nor an attack of any kind, but an issue coming from inside the company.

Though they’ve deployed the changes necessary to help remedy the issue, customers are still having issues, and it may be some time before systems across the globe are all fully operational.

In a statement emailed to TIME, CrowdStrike said that they are “actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.”

They also clarified, once more, for those concerned that the issue is not a security incident, and that the problem has been “identified, isolated, and a fix has been deployed.”

Kurtz has also shared this information on his personal X (formerly Twitter) account.

CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This is not a security incident or cyberattack. The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed. We… — George Kurtz (@George_Kurtz) July 19, 2024

According to Forbes , Kurtz’s net worth had dropped $300 million as of Friday afternoon—from $3.2 billion to $2.9 billion–amid fallout from the IT outage.The CEO’s wealth is enmeshed with CrowdStrike shares, which dropped drastically following the incident. 

On The Today Show segment , Kurtz said that CrowdStrike has been on the phone with customers all night, and that the issue was resolved for many when they rebooted their systems.However, he says the company will not “relent until we get every customer back to where they were and keep the bad guys out of their systems.”

If hosts are still crashing and unable to stay online to download CrowdStrike’s fix, the company has provided a workaround to the issue on its blog.

How has Microsoft responded to the IT outage?

On Thursday night, Microsoft 365 posted on X that the company was “working on rerouting the impacted traffic to alternate systems to alleviate impact” and that they were “observing a positive trend in service availability.”

As the disruption continued on Saturday, David Weston, Vice President of Enterprise and OS Security at Microsoft, published a blog post titled, “Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage.”

In the blog post, Weston said that Microsoft estimates “CrowdStrike’s update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines.” Still, he goes on to say that the outage “demonstrates the interconnected nature of our broad ecosystem—global cloud providers, software platforms, security vendors and other software vendors, and customers.”

Weston also stated that Microsoft is “working around the clock” to help customers. He referenced the steps they are taking with CrowdStrike to mediate the effects of the outage, the company’s own post demonstrating manual fixes of the issue . Customers can also track the status of the incident through the “Azure Status Dashboard.”

TIME has reached out to Microsoft 365 for further comment.

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How to Compress Videos in PowerPoint for Smaller File Size

Learn how to effectively compress videos in PowerPoint without losing quality. Get tips on optimizing file size... read more

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How to Compress Videos in PowerPoint for Smaller File Size | MyExcelOnline

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficient communication is key, and that includes the way we prepare and share presentations. With the growing trend of remote work and digital collaboration, the need for small-sized presentations has surged. This is not just to accommodate the varying bandwidth limitations faced by individuals but also to optimize for mobile device compatibility where every byte counts. Smaller PowerPoint file sizes mean quicker load times, easier sharing via email or cloud services, and ultimately, a smoother presentation experience for both the presenter and the audience.

Key Takeaways

  • Open your PowerPoint file and go to the “File” menu, then choose “Save As.” Click on the “Tools” menu within the “Save As” dialog box and select “Compress Media” to initiate the compression process.
  • By knowing how to compress videos in PowerPoint, you reduce file sizes, making the videos easier to share via email or online platforms, and the files occupy less storage space on your computer or hard drive.
  • Compressing media in PowerPoint helps enhance performance and ensures your presentation is more likely to be compatible with different devices and platforms, while also considering the balance between compression and maintaining video quality.

Compressing Videos in PowerPoint

Compressing videos within PowerPoint is like giving your presentations a performance boost. It cuts down on unnecessary bulk, ensuring your slides glide smoothly from one to the next without the dreaded loading lag or compatibility issues. Imagine not having to worry about video playback stuttering during an important pitch or educational session. That’s the value of understanding video compression in PowerPoint. Below, I’ll walk you through the straightforward process of reducing your video size without compromising the impact of your visual aids. Whether you’re preparing for a boardroom presentation or a classroom lecture, mastering this skill can make a world of difference.

Table of Contents

The Art of Reducing Video Size in PowerPoint

Review the quality of your images and videos.

Reflecting on the quality of the images and videos embedded in our presentations is a step we must not overlook. As we endeavor to compress them, reviewing their current state is crucial as it serves as our benchmark for post-compression results. By scrutinizing the resolution, frame rate, and audio clarity, we gain insights into what the audience will experience. A resolution that’s too low can render imagery pixelated, frame rate drops may disrupt smooth playback, and poor audio can overshadow the visual narrative.

It’s important to note how compression affects each element. Compressing your video files too much might lead to a fuzzy picture or muffled sound, which can detract from the overall impact. We must ensure the final version maintains a professional polish—it should look crisp on a big screen and clear through a projector—but not at the expense of file portability. Hence, it’s about striking that sweet balance.

Inserting Videos Directly vs. Linking to External Sources

When considering how to incorporate videos into a PowerPoint presentation, we’re faced with a crucial choice: embedding the videos directly into the slideshow or linking to external sources. Both methods have their merits, and the decision hinges on various factors such as the presentation’s purpose and the audience’s access to the internet.

Embedding videos ensures that the presentation is self-contained. There’s no reliance on internet connectivity which means zero buffering issues during playback. However, this comes with a significant increase in file size. On the other hand, linking to external sources, such as YouTube, helps maintain a slender file size. Accessibility becomes contingent on an active internet connection, which may not be ideal in all scenarios.

My recommendation is clear. If you are not transferring the presentation elsewhere or if internet access is reliable, link to the videos. Doing so is quite straightforward: under the Insert tab, click on the Video button and explore your options. But if you need a presentation that works offline, then consider embedding and compressing your videos. Remember, a presentation should not only capture the audience’s attention but also be approachable and sharable with ease.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Compress Videos

Accessing compression features in powerpoint.

STEP 1: First, embed a video into your PowerPoint slide.

Compress Videos in PowerPoint

Fine-Tuning Compression Settings for Optimal Results

Fine-tuning compression settings in PowerPoint is akin to being a skilled artist carefully mixing paint—it’s all about getting those details right for the perfect finish. Once you’re in the ‘Compress Media’ options, you’ll see choices such as ‘Presentation Quality,’ ‘Internet Quality,’ and ‘Low Quality.’ These settings are your paintbrushes for crafting the desired output.

‘Presentation Quality’ preserves the highest video quality suitable for, say, large screens and projections—it’s your go-to for a boardroom presentation. ‘Internet Quality’ strikes a reasonable balance, understandable for online sessions where file size matters but quality can’t be sacrificed. And ‘Low Quality’ minimizes the file size, a feasible option when sharing via email or other restrictions.

Remember to carefully experiment with these settings. If you choose a setting that’s too low, your video may seem a tad impressionistic when full resolution is needed. But a setting that’s too high can result in a bulky file, impeding easy sharing and playback.

After the compression, we must verify the output. Play the video to ensure the quality still conveys your message effectively, and remember, this isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ task. Every video, every audience and every presentation may demand a different setting. Keeping this in mind, we can master the fine art of compression, ensuring our presentations are both visually stunning and remarkably optimized.

Tips and Tricks for Efficient PowerPoint Compression

Converting images to jpeg format before insertion.

Before dropping images into our PowerPoint masterpiece, consider this: format plays a huge role in the file size. I’ve found that converting images to JPEG format before insertion can significantly reduce the overall size of the presentation. JPEG is ideal for detailed photographs, and its compression algorithm excels in maintaining an acceptable level of quality with a smaller file footprint.

Compress Videos in PowerPoint

Do Image Edits Outside PowerPoint for Smaller Files

Taking the time to edit images outside of PowerPoint is a game-changer for keeping files lean. I’ve observed many of us tweak pictures directly in the presentation software, perhaps for convenience. However, it’s worth noting that PowerPoint retains all the original data of the edited images, which can bloat your file size considerably.

To avoid this, I strongly recommend using a dedicated image editor—be it Photoshop for the pros or simpler tools like Paint or GIMP for basic adjustments. Make all your crops, color adjustments, resizes, or filters there. Only once you’re satisfied with the image, bring it into PowerPoint.

This practice has a two-fold benefit. First, it preserves the optimal quality of your visuals because dedicated editors offer finer control over the edits. And second, it keeps your PowerPoint file size in check, as the software only stores the final version of your image.

Let’s remember to tell PowerPoint to discard all excess editing data once the images are in place. It’s an additional precaution to ensure our presentations remain as lightweight as possible.

Alternate Methods for Slashing PowerPoint File Size

Turning a bulky ppt into a compressed pdf or zip file.

When all else fails and you’re still grappling with a sizable PowerPoint file, consider flipping the script—turn that bulky PPT into a compressed PDF or ZIP file. The process is straightforward and can drastically reduce your file size, making it manageable for email and online sharing.

Transforming your PowerPoint into a ZIP file is essentially archiving it. Archive by right-clicking on the file, selecting ‘Send to’, and then choosing ‘Compressed (zipped) folder’. By doing this, you can reduce the size of the entire project, which is particularly useful when it’s chock-full of media and other hefty elements.

Another clever move is to convert the PPT to a PDF, especially when it’s heavy on text and static images. By using online PDF conversion tools like Adobe Acrobat, the process is a breeze. The resultant file is not only lighter but also more secure against unwanted modifications, and it maintains a consistent format across devices.

Here’s what to remember: subsequent compression of the PDF can further slim it down if needed. In essence, these techniques are the ace up our sleeve for sharing content-rich presentations without the bulk.

Real-world Applications for Compressed PowerPoint Files

When is compressing a powerpoint file beneficial.

Compressing a PowerPoint file is not just a best practice; it’s a strategic move that’s advantageous in myriad scenarios. For instance, when you’re gearing up to email a presentation, size limits can be your nemesis. A compressed file slips elegantly under those maximum capacity ceilings that email services impose.

Another situation where it shines is in facilitating smoother collaboration—think cloud storage and file sharing platforms. When working in teams, especially with bandwidth discrepancies, a smaller file ensures swift uploads and downloads, making the flow of ideas seamless.

Moreover, for those of us constantly on the go, a compressed PowerPoint is a must. Aside from freeing up valuable space on mobile devices, it also opens the door to remote accessing without painful waiting times. It’s an all-around win, enhancing accessibility, preserving quality, and boosting productivity. Whether presenting in person, sharing for review, or archiving, a lighter PowerPoint file is often the smarter choice.

Strengthening Your Presentation Profile with Reduced File Sizes

Reducing the file size of your presentations can significantly beef up your presentation profile. In a world where digital competency is paramount, being known for sleek, efficient, and easy-to-handle presentations can set us apart. A compressed PowerPoint lifts the burden on the recipient’s storage, conveys professionalism, and displays an understanding of digital etiquette.

Moreover, it can underline your skills in creating impactful presentations without overloading them with unnecessary data. This streamlining can directly affect your audience’s engagement and ensure smooth delivery whether you’re presenting in person or virtually.

By keeping your file sizes compact, you show a respect for people’s time and bandwidth limitations. Not to mention, smaller files are less likely to encounter compatibility issues, ensuring your content reaches your audience just as you intended—intact and effective.

Compressing PPT Files on Different Operating Systems

Differences between macos and windows compression techniques.

Navigating the maze of presentation file compression reveals one stark truth: the methods can differ greatly between operating systems, specifically macOS and Windows. Knowing these differences is not only empowering, it’s practically essential for achieving optimal results.

macOS users typically leverage built-in tools like iMovie and QuickTime Player to compress their media files before integrating them into PowerPoint. The advantage here lies in the seamless ecosystem of Apple products. However, macOS PowerPoint has a limitation—it doesn’t allow users to compress music or video files directly within the application, unlike on Windows.

On the Windows side, PowerPoint comes equipped with a dedicated ‘Compress Media’ option that’s highly intuitive and doesn’t require external tools. It’s just a few clicks within PowerPoint’s interface to shrink videos to your desired quality. This built-in functionality caters well to users who prefer a one-stop solution without toggling between different software.

Having this cross-operating system awareness when it comes to compression is not trivial, as it nudges us toward tailored approaches rather than one-size-fits-all solutions. Being adept at using the specific techniques of both macOS and Windows ensures we are versatile presenters, capable of smart file management no matter the platform.

Cross-Platform Tools for Universal File Reduction

In the quest for universal file reduction, cross-platform tools are our knights in digital armor. These stalwarts bridge the operating system divide, making video compression a cinch whether you’re a macOS devotee or a Windows warrior.

One such savior is HandBrake, an open-source video transcoder available for both macOS and Windows. HandBrake shines with its ability to convert video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. It’s a favorite for its granular control over compression settings, plus it’s free.

Then there’s the stalwart Adobe Premiere Pro, recognized for professional-grade video editing and compression capabilities, with consistent performance across both platforms. It’s a bit more advanced, and while it might be overkill for simple compression tasks, it offers unparalleled fines autonomy for those desiring the highest precision.

Tools like these dispel the friction sometimes encountered when sending presentations across different OS environments. By adopting a cross-platform mindset, we take a significant step towards creating universally accessible PowerPoint files without worrying about file bloat or compatibility issues.

Achieving Stunning Presentations without Compromising Quality

Achieving stunning presentations without compromising on quality may seem like a balancing act, but it’s definitely within reach with careful planning and understanding of compression techniques. The goal is to create slides enriched with media that captivate your audience while ensuring the file remains manageable and functional.

Here are some indispensable tips to hit that sweet spot: consider the resolution of your images and tailor them to your presentation medium, use video clips judiciously, and compress only to a level that maintains professional quality. Optimization tools in PowerPoint, such as the ‘Compress Media’ feature, should become your allies in this endeavor.

Remember, a high-quality presentation isn’t solely defined by pixel counts or decibels—it’s about coherence, relevance, and delivery. By striving for a harmony between visual excellence and file efficiency, we can craft presentations that are both visually impressive and technically sound.

Exploring More Resources and Articles on File Compression

As we venture further into the digital realm, expanding our knowledge on file compression becomes crucial. Fortunately, the landscape is abundant with resources and articles that delve into the intricacies of compressing PowerPoint files effectively.

For those looking to deep dive, Adobe’s blog offers a treasure trove of insights about file compression. Websites like TechRepublic or Computerworld often publish tips and tricks on handling large files. Additionally, Microsoft’s own support pages provide guides tailored specifically for PowerPoint users.

It’s essential to stay abreast of the latest discussions in forum sites like Stack Exchange or Reddit, where tech enthusiasts and professionals frequently share their real-world experiences and hacks.

By making use of these resources, we not only hone our technical skills but also enrich our understanding of best practices, ensuring our presentations are the epitome of efficiency and engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions About Video Compression in PowerPoint

What’s the most effective way to compress powerpoint videos without losing quality.

The most effective way to compress videos in PowerPoint without losing discernible quality is by using the built-in ‘Compress Media’ feature. Rather than compressing blindly, I recommend choosing ‘Internet Quality’, which retains a high level of visual fidelity while significantly reducing the file size. This strikes a good balance between clarity and manageability, which is ideal for most situations. Always preview the video post-compression to ensure it meets your expected standard.

Are There Any Free AI PPT Tools to Help with Video Compression?

Yes, there are free AI-powered tools like Winxvideo AI that can help with video compression for PowerPoint. These tools leverage AI to maintain quality while dramatically reducing file size, sometimes by up to 90%. This is especially useful when dealing with large videos, as the AI can intelligently optimize frames and audio to keep the essence of the video intact despite the size reduction.

How to reduce File size in PowerPoint?

To reduce file size in PowerPoint, compress your media files via the ‘Compress Media’ feature under the File and Info tab. Also, resize and edit images externally, saving them as JPEGs before inserting, and where possible, link to videos instead of embedding them. Don’t forget to remove unnecessary fonts, animations, and transitions that can add to the file size.

How do I send a compressed powerpoint file via email?

To send a compressed PowerPoint file via email, first reduce its size by using the ‘Compress Media’ feature in PowerPoint. If it’s still too large, turn the file into a ZIP by right-clicking and selecting ‘Send to Compressed (zipped) folder’ (Windows) or ‘Compress [file name]’ (macOS). Attach the ZIP file to your email as you would with any other document. If the file still exceeds your email provider’s limit, upload it to a cloud service and share the link instead.

How to Compress Videos in PowerPoint for Smaller File Size | MyExcelOnline

John Michaloudis

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course .

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Airlines rely on complex systems: Why the CrowdStrike hiccup could cause days of chaos

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  • A Microsoft system outage took down the backend IT system at many airlines.
  • The outage seemed to mostly affect airlines’ reservations and scheduling systems.

Airlines will likely take some time – maybe days – to fully recover.

Thousands of flights were canceled and delayed across the country Friday as a Microsoft system outage took down the backend IT system at many airlines.

According to cyber security firm CrowdStrike, an update to its software affected Microsoft’s Windows operating system, which many airlines rely on for reservations, flight scheduling and other functions.

"Any time new software is deployed, there is the potential for bugs or errors to affect the operating system that is currently in use," Tim Ehrenkaufer, assistant professor of aeronautical science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, said in an email to USA TODAY. "Ultimately, events like these serve as valuable reminders for organizations to always back up their data, in the case that a rollback is required. With technology, there’s always the likelihood of a glitch and, usually, these types of mishaps are resolved quickly and without any major or long-lasting effects."

Which systems were affected?

The CrowdStrike outage seemed to mostly affect airlines’ reservations and scheduling systems. 

The aviation industry relies on a series of overlapping technologies, from flight control software in the cockpit to tracking software in Federal Aviation Administration control towers. 

The FAA and most airports did not report outages in their systems, and airlines did not hint at any issues related to flight controls. Nonetheless, all these systems need to work in tandem to keep planes moving in sequence and on schedule.

The FAA issued ground stops for several carriers at the airlines' request, meaning those operators were required to pause departures while the outage was addressed, according to the agency .

What happened to flights in the air?

Flights in the air did not seem to be affected by the outage, which mainly appeared to impact airline IT systems on the ground. However, a single system outage typically has a knock-on effect in aviation.

“Take a big airline like one of the big four; they often have different IT systems for crew scheduling, for aircraft maintenance, reservations, it’s endless,” William J. McGee, senior fellow for aviation and travel at the American Economic Liberties Project, told USA TODAY. “I don’t think the average passenger understands it’s not like there’s one big system that’s running everything. It’s multiple systems, and it only takes one to knock it out.” 

What should affected passengers know?

When Southwest Airlines had an IT meltdown over the 2022-2023 winter holidays, their operations took nearly 10 days to fully normalize.

“A thunderstorm that lasts 15 minutes can cancel flights for 12 hours,” McGee said. “I hope things get cleared up quickly, but I would warn travelers that they should expect residual effects from this, assuming things go well and that we don’t have a second episode, the effects from this could easily run through Sunday.” 

For travelers whose plans are affected, many airlines issued waivers to allow them to rebook flights for later travel dates. The Department of Transportation also classified the impacts of Friday’s outage as “controllable” by airlines, which means that the carriers are on the hook for honoring their customer service commitments . 

Pilot concerns

The Air Line Pilots Association has long maintained that technology is no replacement for human experience in aviation. The association said Friday’s meltdown shows that aviation isn’t ready to reduce the number of pilots required on commercial flights or move to fully autonomous operations, as some advocates have suggested.

“Today’s global outage is a reminder that despite advances in technology, operational systems – especially in aviation – must have redundancy. That’s why the most important safety feature on every airline flight will always be two well-trained and rested pilots on the flightdeck,” ALPA President Capt. Jason Ambrosi said in a statement. “Relying exclusively on technology and automation and removing pilots from the flightdeck, as some are suggesting, is a step too far. Technological advancements can help improve aviation safety but can never be a substitute for the pilots on an aircraft.”

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].


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To Improve Health Care, Focus on Fixing Systems — Not People

  • Kedar S. Mate,
  • Josh Clark,
  • Jeff Salvon-Harman

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Leadership and culture are often blamed when underlying systems are the real problem.

When efforts to improve health care fall short, the failures are often blamed on leadership and culture. But the main problem often is the underlying systems. To generate better outcomes, increase safety, and improve efficiency, health care organizations should shift their focus to designing systems that facilitate delivery of the highest-quality care.

Over the past three decades, many health systems have pursued improvements in care delivery to make it safer, more effective, and more efficient. Many banners have flown over this work: quality improvement, systems change, lean daily management, performance improvement, to name a few. When these activities fail to deliver on expected goals, two common and inter-related failure modes are usually cited: leadership and culture. Leadership because it has failed to create conditions that would lead to the improvement succeeding; and culture because it has failed to be the fertile soil in which the improvement could take root.

  • Kedar S. Mate , MD, is president and chief executive officer of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and a member of the faculty of Weill Cornell Medical College.
  • Josh Clark is a vice president at the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. Prior to joining IHI, Josh served as the senior vice president of quality and safety operations at Jefferson Health, an 18-hospital system covering the greater Philadelphia region and southern New Jersey, and senior director of quality and safety at Carilion Clinic, a health system based in Roanoke, Virginia.
  • Jeff Salvon-Harman , MD, is vice president of safety at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Partner Center

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Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage

Jul 20, 2024 | David Weston - Vice President, Enterprise and OS Security

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On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers.  

Since this event began, we’ve maintained ongoing communication with our customers, CrowdStrike and external developers to collect information and expedite solutions. We recognize the disruption this problem has caused for businesses and in the daily routines of many individuals. Our focus is providing customers with technical guidance and support to safely bring disrupted systems back online. Steps taken have included:  

  • Engaging with CrowdStrike to automate their work on developing a solution.   CrowdStrike has recommended a workaround to address this issue and has also issued a public statement. Instructions to remedy the situation on Windows endpoints were posted on the Windows Message Center .   
  • Deploying hundreds of Microsoft engineers and experts to work directly with customers to restore services.   
  • Collaborating with other cloud providers and stakeholders, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to share awareness on the state of impact we are each seeing across the industry and inform ongoing conversations with CrowdStrike and customers.  
  • Quickly posting manual remediation documentation and scripts found here .
  • Keeping customers informed of the latest status on the incident through the Azure Status Dashboard here .  

We’re working around the clock and providing ongoing updates and support. Additionally, CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix for CrowdStrike’s faulty update. We have also worked with both AWS and GCP to collaborate on the most effective approaches.    

While software updates may occasionally cause disturbances, significant incidents like the CrowdStrike event are infrequent. We currently estimate that CrowdStrike’s update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines. While the percentage was small, the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the use of CrowdStrike by enterprises that run many critical services.  

This incident demonstrates the interconnected nature of our broad ecosystem — global cloud providers, software platforms, security vendors and other software vendors, and customers. It’s also a reminder of how important it is for all of us across the tech ecosystem to prioritize operating with safe deployment and disaster recovery using the mechanisms that exist. As we’ve seen over the last two days, we learn, recover and move forward most effectively when we collaborate and work together. We appreciate the cooperation and collaboration of our entire sector, and we will continue to update with learnings and next steps.  

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Digitalisation of manufacturing systems: a literature review of approaches to assess the sustainability of digitalisation technologies in production systems.

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Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

2. background and scope of the research, 2.1. digitalisation technology in manufacturing systems, 2.2. sustainability as an assessment criteria for digitalisation technologies in manufacturing systems, 2.3. research questions.

  • RQ 1: What is the importance of “digitalisation technologies (DTs and CPSs) and sustainability” in production environments in research?
  • RQ 2: Which subjects are discussed in terms of “digitalisation technologies (DTs and CPSs) and sustainability”?
  • RQ 3: How is the sustainability assessment of digitalisation technologies (DTs and CPSs) discussed in research?
  • RQ 4: Which approaches exist to assess the economic and environmental benefits of digitalisation technologies (DTs and CPSs) in manufacturing systems?

3.1. Literature Review

3.2. data collection and analysis.

  • (1) Identification: In the first step, the search terms are defined. Based on the research questions, these terms focus on cyber–physical production systems (CP(P)Ss) and digital twins (DTs) in the production environment. To ensure no relevant literature is missed, no further restrictions were imposed regarding environmental or economic assessment. Therefore, the literature search used the terms “digital twin”, “cyber-physical (production) system” and “manufacturing” and connected them to the search terms (ALL = (manufacturing production “digital twin*”)) and (ALL = (manufacturing production “cyber physical system*” “cyber physical production system*”)) (used queries in “web of Science”: Query 1: manufacturing production “digital twin*”, Query 2: manufacturing production "cyber physical system*" “cyber physical production system*”).
  • (2) Screening: In the second step, duplicates are removed and the remaining search results are filtered. To identify the articles that are relevant to the research problem, the titles and keywords of the papers are analysed first. All papers that obviously deal with another topic are excluded (no production background). Further, the abstracts of the remaining research results are analysed and assigned to the categories Industry 4.0, digital twins and cyber–physical systems (including CPPSs). Papers with another I4.0 background (Big Data, AI) are excluded. To identify and categorise the literature that deals with the cost and resource efficiency assessment of digitalisation technologies in production systems, the categories environmental and economical are added. Publications were considered that address environmental or economic issues in the context of CPSs or DTs. From this, papers can be derived that basically deal with the use of digitalisation technology to increase cost or resource efficiency. These categories are necessary to study the importance and dynamics of the research subject related to the search term (RQ 1 and RQ 2). These publications are classified according to the year of publication, the type of publication, the journal category (engineering, environmental, computer and other sciences), the most important journals, the frequency of keywords, the regions (countries) and the most important universities (institutes) of the publications.
  • (3) Eligibility: In the third step, the existing methods for holistic assessment are filtered out of these results and evaluated in terms of whether they deal with (i) a holistic approach for an economic and/or environmental assessment, (ii) efforts (costs) and benefits associated with digitalisation technologies, (iii) a specific economic assessment and (iv) a specific environmental assessment (RQ 3). In addition, the cross-references of the literature examined are analysed in a snowball search and included in the LR. This is carried out based on the relevant literature, as it is assumed that other relevant literature is mentioned there. As a result, various subject fields are characterised to determine the relevance of the sustainability assessment of digitalisation technologies in research.
  • (4) Selection: In the fourth step, the papers that meet the criteria are analysed in terms of content in relation to RQ 4 to identify the methods used for a holistic assessment of digitalisation technologies. It is essential to describe the status of the methods presented and to analyse them with regard to the consistency of the approach from problem description to decision-making. Other criteria are whether the assessment includes the entire life cycle from cradle to grave in the assessment methodology and whether it takes into account different impact categories and linear/non-linear cost–benefit functions. It is also of interest whether common assessment methods are applied and whether these consider economic and environmental sustainability dimensions.

4.1. Quantitative Results

4.1.1. identification and screening results, 4.1.2. chronological development, type and journal of publications, 4.1.3. keyword analysis, 4.1.4. publications per country and organisations, 4.1.5. characterisation by subject fields, 4.2. qualitative results, 4.2.1. content analysis, 4.2.2. analysis of the assessment methods, 5. discussion, 5.1. importance of digitalisation technologies and sustainability in research, 5.2. research subjects in the field of digitalisation technologies and sustainability, 5.3. sustainability assessment of digitalisation technologies in research, 5.4. approaches for the economic and environmental assessment of digitalisation technologies, 6. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Terms DefinitionsSources
The term describes an ongoing evolution of a general process, whereby analogue data are transformed into digital formats. Digitalisation finds application across various sectors including economy, education and healthcare. In an industrial context, it involves capturing, storing and processing information related to machines and equipment, workpieces and products to enhance process efficiency and explore new possibilities.[ , ]
describes the concept of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 1.0: water and steam power; Industry 2.0: assembly line and electricity; Industry 3.0: automation, computers, and electronics; Industry 4.0: intelligent interconnection of machines and processes; Industry 5.0: interconnection of humans and machines, AI), which entails the integration of digital technologies into industrial processes and production environments and forms the roof over the following mentioned technologies. It encompasses technologies such as the Internet of Things, cyber–physical systems, digital twins, Big Data analytics, and automation to create smart factories and more efficient production processes.[ , , , , ]
map the physical world as a virtual image (complex digital representation) and can be a part of a CPS. In addition to the function of digitally mapping production machines, DTs are used for the simulation of entire production systems and factories, including their self-description or the mapping of the data basis for machine learning. By using and analysing real-time data from the physical systems, different users are able to view or control the objects as required. The decision-making is facilitated based on the available information from real, simulation and algorithm data.[ , , ]
are physical objects equipped with an embedded system as well as sensors and actuators. In addition to the hardware, they also include software components and combine the physical with the virtual world through the use of the IoT. The various components are integrated, controlled and monitored by a computational core and affect production processes. A is a network of several CPSs that together control an entire production system.[ , , ]
The connects things and services (industrial equipment) to an IoT platform, networks it with the entire ecosystem of the company and creates a connection between the systems. It also represents the basis for connecting the CPSs.[ , , ]
encompass the tools and devices required to digitalise processes or make them Industry 4.0 capable. For instance, these include the necessary hardware and software in the form of smart sensors and actuators, data transmission systems and programmes for data processing and analysis to build CPSs and DTs and combine the two concepts of DTs and CPSs. [ , , ]
Terms DefinitionsSDGs

Economic sustainability describes the economic activities of a society in a manner that does not result in losses or disadvantages for future generations.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (9), Responsible consumption and production (12)

Environmental sustainability refers to the utilisation of ecosystem structures only to the extent that they can regenerate themselves.Affordable and clean energy (7), Responsible consumption and production (12), climate action (13)

Social sustainability describes the enduring social development of a state or society, considering intergenerational equity.Decent work and economic growth (8)
Criteria IncludedExcluded
Web of ScienceScopus, Google Scholar and any other data base
<= 2016 to end 2023 ** the search initially considers studies before 2017, but no relevant publication was found before 2017

Articles (all, peer-reviewed and open access articles), proceedings and book chapters--

Engineering Manufacturing, Engineering Industrial, Operations Research Management Science, Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications, Engineering Electrical Electronic, Materials Science Multidisciplinary, Engineering Multidisciplinary, Automation Control Systems, Computer Science Information Systems, Engineering Mechanical, Green Sustainable Science Technology, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Engineering Environmental, Environmental Studies, Management MechanicsPhysics Applied, Telecommunications, Chemistry Multidisciplinary, Chemistry Analytical, Engineering Chemical, Energy Fuels, Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications, Construction Building Technology, Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering, Chemistry Physical, Engineering Civil, Physics Condensed Matter, Biotechnology Applied Microbiology, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary and all other specific categories

English or Germanany other language
available online as full textnot available online as full text

AuthorsSubjectAssessment FocusLink to the Topic of Holistic Assessment of
Digitalisation Technologies
Specific Methodology of AssessmentLiterature ResearchCase StudyEnvironmental AssessmentEconomic Assessment
]X X XBurggräf et al., 2018 present a calculation methodology for the economic assessment of CPS based on established cost accounting models.
]X X XTu et al., 2018 assess an IoT/CPS test environment using a classical cost-benefit analysis.
] X XJena et al., 2019 discuss the need to calculate an ecological return on investment or amortisation period.
]X X XBamunuarachchi et al., 2021 develop a comprehensive cost model for the evaluation of I 4.0 applications in the development phase of digitalisation technologies (cost-efficient development).
]X XX A methodological approach for the environmental assessment of digitalisation technologies is proposed by Schebeck et al., 2017.
] X X Bonilla et al., 2018 recommend the development of a procedure for the quantitative environmental assessment of digitalisation systems.
]X XX Thiede 2018 presents a methodology for the environmental assessment of CPS and demonstrates the need to integrate an economic assessment.
] X X Vrchota 2020 indirectly refers to the need for a holistic assessment when using digitalisation systems.
]XX X Chen et al., 2020 discuss the general effects of digitalisation on environmental sustainability and examine the question of whether these are positive or negative.
] X X Da Silva et al., 2020 describe the problem that potential (energy) savings through I 4.0 technology are limited due to the availability of critical raw materials required for its production.

X X Lukasik and Stachowiak 2020 not only point out the advantages, but also the problem of ecological
]XX X Oláh et al., 2020 carry out a Literature review and a scenario-based analysis (qualitative assessment criteria of energy and material consumption).
] X X Sony 2020 indirectly points to the need for an economic assessment (profitability calculation) of digitalisation systems and notes that there is a need for further research into the environmental impact of digitalisation systems.
] X X Badakhshan and Ball 2021 discuss and recommend analysing not only the advantages of DT but also the problems that arise from its use.
] X X Jamwal et al., 2021 refer to the problem of costs and benefits when using digitalisation technology.
]X XX Rogall et al., 2022 extend the approach of Thiede 2018 with a method for identifying environmentally relevant influencing parameters of CPS.
]X XXXAigner et al., 2022 analyses the environmental and economic profitability of retrofitted I 4.0 solutions (retrofit measures, CPPS) by comparing production with/without digitalisation technology of a reference component (or various retrofit scenarios). This deepens the approaches of Thiede 2018 and Rogal et al., 2022.
] X XXPater and Stadnicka 2021 discuss the need for further research to evaluate the use of DT.
Analysis CriteriaDigitalisation
Economic CriteriaEnvironmental CriteriaUsed Data SourcesUse Case
(Case Study)
Decision CriteriaImpact
Which digitalisation technology is considered (CPS/CPPS/IoT/DT/other)?Which economic assessment takes place and which criteria are evaluated?Which ecologic assessment takes place and which criteria are
Which sources are used to obtain the data for the assessment?Which use case is applied?Which criteria are used for evaluation or to support decisions?Which evaluation basis for the selected methods is used?
]CPSreturn on investment (ROI) cost-model-----directly from the case studyproduction environment (focus material flow)ROI-Modelcosts
]CPS/IoTcost-benefit-analysis-----measured data and data form the case studiesexperimental use case
ratio of benefit to costcosts
]I 4.0 applicationscost model-----directly from the case studylogistic processdefined cost factorscosts
]I 4.0-Technology-----LCA methoddirectly form practice (case studies)different I 4.0 scenarios (real production scenarios)ratio of benefit to effortenergy resources, ecosystem services (CO ), raw materials
]CPPS-----LCA methoddata form different studies to this theme and LCA-Databases (like Eco invent)different production systemsquotient of output to energy and resource
global warming potential
]digitalisation technology (I 4.0-Technology)-----LCA approachliterature study-----relationship between effort and benefit of the technologies and productsenergy, resources (raw materials)
]I 4.0-Technology
(focus CPS)
-----scenario-based analysis (qualitative assessment)literature study-----resource consumption and environmental impactmaterial use, energy use, waste, GHG-emissions
]CPPS-----LCA methodLCA database and from measured data in the case studyprototype process (3D-Prinitng)energy and material consumptionglobal warming potential
]CPPS (retrofitting
calculation based on investmentLCA methoddirectly from the case study, from databases and other studiesmachining process (metal cutting machine)effort and benefit according to the developed methodglobal warming potential, cumulative energy expenditure, cumulative raw material expenditure, water consumption, land take, resource criticality
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Tomaschko, F.; Reichelt, L.; Krommes, S. Digitalisation of Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review of Approaches to Assess the Sustainability of Digitalisation Technologies in Production Systems. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 6275.

Tomaschko F, Reichelt L, Krommes S. Digitalisation of Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review of Approaches to Assess the Sustainability of Digitalisation Technologies in Production Systems. Sustainability . 2024; 16(15):6275.

Tomaschko, Florian, Lukas Reichelt, and Sandra Krommes. 2024. "Digitalisation of Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review of Approaches to Assess the Sustainability of Digitalisation Technologies in Production Systems" Sustainability 16, no. 15: 6275.

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Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide

Airlines, hospitals and people’s computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

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A view from above of a crowded airport with long lines of people.

By Adam Satariano Paul Mozur Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel

  • July 19, 2024

Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code.

A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around the world on Friday. The company, CrowdStrike , based in Austin, Texas, makes software used by multinational corporations, government agencies and scores of other organizations to protect against hackers and online intruders.

But when CrowdStrike sent its update on Thursday to its customers that run Microsoft Windows software, computers began to crash.

The fallout, which was immediate and inescapable, highlighted the brittleness of global technology infrastructure. The world has become reliant on Microsoft and a handful of cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike. So when a single flawed piece of software is released over the internet, it can almost instantly damage countless companies and organizations that depend on the technology as part of everyday business.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

A cyberattack did not cause the widespread outage, but the effects on Friday showed how devastating the damage can be when a main artery of the global technology system is disrupted. It raised broader questions about CrowdStrike’s testing processes and what repercussions such software firms should face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions.

powerpoint presentation of operating system

How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

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50% of flights

Ai r po r t

Bengalu r u K empeg o wda

Dhaka Shahjalal

Minneapolis-Saint P aul

Stuttga r t

Melbou r ne

Be r lin B r anden b urg

London City

Amsterdam Schiphol

Chicago O'Hare


B r adl e y

Cha r lotte

Reagan National


1:20 a.m. ET

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CrowdStrike’s stock price so far this year

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types of operating systems

Types of Operating Systems

Jul 26, 2014

1.39k likes | 2.97k Views

Types of Operating Systems . Real Time OS Batch OS Time Sharing OS Why do we have different Operating Systems Common types of Operating Systems . Process Management. Memory Management. GUI. Operating System. Device Drivers. Disk Management. Security. Networking.

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  • own terminal
  • multiple files batch processing
  • time sharing operating system
  • different operating systems
  • time sharing
  • single programming


Presentation Transcript

Types of Operating Systems Real Time OS Batch OS Time Sharing OS Why do we have different Operating Systems Common types of Operating Systems

ProcessManagement MemoryManagement GUI OperatingSystem DeviceDrivers DiskManagement Security Networking The Operating System • The OS is responsible for all the functions of hardware and also software

Revision – Functions of an OS • Process Management – managing the different actions being done by the computer. Controls time-slicing. • Memory Management – checks which memory is fee, which memory to allocate and de-allocate and when to use virtual memory

Revision – Functions of an OS • File systems – keeping files organised for faster access time • Networking – using TCP/IP to share resources • Security – Username and password, setting of access levels and the firewall • GUI – Graphical User Interface, icons, menus ect…

Types of Operating Systems • Operating systems were developed to accommodate all the different purposes of using computers • Having just one type of operating system would not be enough to deal with all the different functions that are needed in different cases.

Real Time Operating System

Real Time Operating System • A real-time operating system (RTOS) delivers results immediately • A common example of a RTOS are the computers found on an aircraft, this is due to the critical moments when every command from the pilot must show a result immediately

Types of RTOS • Hard ‘Real Time’ – we use these operating systems when we need a result in a specific time normally immediately. Since each process is dependent on each outer the whole process will fail if the time is elapsed • Soft ‘Real Time’ – with this operating system is one process fails it does not mean that the rest of the process will fail. The process will continue but possibly be slower

Properties of an RTOS • Multitasking: able to perform more than one task at a time • Priority of Process: running the more important processed first • Sufficient number of Interrupts: the RTOS should realize when a device or certain input is needed for a process

BatchOperating System

Batch Operating Systems • These operating systems were VERY common a long time ago • They are still used in today’s world but not as much as before • A batch operating system could be given a large amount of tasks that need to be processed

How it works • The user of the computer would give the computer a number of tasks • The Batch OS would then process each task one after the other. The next process wont start unless the other has finished • No human interaction is needed while the Batch OS is working

Today • To this day, some functions of batch operating system are still used • When we print multiple files batch processing is being used • We say the print jobs are being batch processed

Time Sharing Operating System

Time Sharing Operating System • With a Time Sharing OS many different applications could be running at the same time • Hence it would be as though they are all using the CPU at the same time Would the CPU be running all the tasks at the same time?

Different types • Multi-user - here there will be many users using the same CPU, the CPU will use time-slicing. The CPU goes around all the users, one after each other servicing their processes. The time-slice is very small so the users will not even notice that they do not have the CPUs attention. • Single-user – here we have a single user using one computer. The user will be running multiple programs at the same time. Again the CPU uses time slicing.

Why do we have different Operating Systems?

Why do we need different systems? • We need different Operating Systems in order to cater for different jobs being done on a computer • A certain Operating System might be more appropriate than another one • The same one OS cannot be used for all the different jobs done by computers now a days

Why RTOS? • As we already know real-time systems are very important due to the need for an immediate response • Batch processing and time-sharing do not have immediate response times, hence they would not be able to do the job of a RTOS • Imagine flying a space shuttle, a real-time operating system would be the only choice … why?

Why Batch OS? • Batch Operating Systems are the oldest types of operating system • The use of Batch operating systems are used when large amount of data need to be processed • If we take a bank for example where cheques are deposited it is time consuming to input cheques one by one • A Batch OS does not need any human interaction so all the cheques are processed automatically

Why Time Sharing OS? • Time-sharing operating systems are used to make the most of free time of a CPU • Time sharing OS are used to allow many users use the same systems such as in an office or a school • Time sharing OS also allows many programs to run at the same time

Common Types of Different Operating Systems Single user Multi user Networked Single Programming Multiple Programming

Single User • Single user only allows one user at a time to use the computer • This means that the computer will only allow one user to use the computer at a given point in time; • No other user can use the computer at that time, but once the first user is finished another user can then use it.

Multiple User • This is the opposite of single user • Multi user allows more than one user to use a computer at the same time • Usually, a mainframe (or minicomputer) is used for a multi user OS • Each user would have his/her own terminal, just like out computers here in school

Networked • A Networked OS is designed to keep a network running at its best performance • In a network there are many computers connected to each other, • main aims of a networked OS: • Control a network and its traffic, • Control access of users to different resources • Provide administration features such as security.

Single Programming • A single programming OS is when one program can be run before the next program can begin • This operating system is capable of running one task at a time • Not a multitasking OS

Multiple Programming • Multi programming operating systems, the OS is capable of running more than one program at a time • This is done by using time-slicing, • The user would think that multiple programs are being run at the same time – but they are not.

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CS 333 Introduction to Operating Systems Class 20 - History and Types of Operating Systems

Jonathan Walpole Computer Science Portland State University. CS 333 Introduction to Operating Systems Class 20 - History and Types of Operating Systems. About the Instructor &amp; TA. Instructor - Jonathan Walpole Ph.D. Comp. Science. – Lancaster Uni., UK, 1987

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Types of Operating System

Types of Operating System

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Structure of Operating Systems

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Functionalities of Operating Systems

Functionalities of Operating Systems

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Different types of operating system

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iOS (previously iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. Originally unveiled in 2007 for the iPhone. It got made by apple .

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Memory Management. Utility. FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS. Interfaces . Security. Interrupt Handling. Security. Login back up/system restore utility software. JOB SCHEDULING. FCFS – fist come, first served

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Different types of Operating systems

Different types of Operating systems

Different types of Operating systems. Windows: Windows was developed by Bill Gates and it is widely used in most computer systems and laptops. Examples are Window X p and W indows 7.

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Function of Operating Systems

Function of Operating Systems

Function of Operating Systems. Introduction. The Operating System MUST:. provide and manage hardware resources provide an interface between the user and the machine provide an interface between applications software and the machine provide security for the data on the system

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Types of Operating Systems

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Characteristics of operating systems

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Different types of operating systems

Different types of operating systems

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Types of Systems

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Overview of Operating Systems

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Principles of Operating Systems

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OPERATING SYSTEMS SYSTEMS. 9 th January 11CS10002. BATCH SYSTEMS. In these systems though there are many jobs in the job pool only one job is entered into the memory and no other job is selected till the current running job is terminated. OS. J1. J0. J2. J3. J4. LIMITATIONS.

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Structure of Operating Systems

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Principles of Operating Systems

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Principles of Operating Systems

Principles of Operating Systems. Lecture 5 - CPU Scheduling. Outline. Scheduling Objectives Levels of Scheduling Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms FCFS, Shortest Job First, Priority, Round Robin, Multilevel Multiple Processor Scheduling Real-time Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation.

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Types of Systems

Types of Systems. Closed system and Open System. Closed system. Self contained. MATTER stays in. Energy moves freely in and out Example:. Open System. Matter and energy move in and out freely More complicated Very common in nature Example: river. Open or closed system?.

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  1. Operating System Concepts

    Operating System Concepts - slides. Avi Silberschatz. Peter Baer Galvin. Greg Gagne. We provide a set of slides to accompany each chapter. Click on the links below to download the slides in Powerpoint format. We also provide zip files of the all Powerpoint files , PDF files, and all figures used in the text. Chapter.

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    Operating System. It performs basic tasks, such as: Recognizing input from the keyboard or mouse, Sending output to the monitor, Operating System. Keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and. Controlling peripheral devices. such as disk drives and printers.

  3. Operating System

    Operating System is a software, which makes a computer to actually work. . It is the software the enables all the programs we use. . The OS organizes and controls the hardware. . OS acts as an interface between the application programs and the machine hardware. . Examples: Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS etc.

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    The slides are authorized for personal use, and for use in conjunction with a course for which Operating System Concepts is the prescribed text. Instructors are free to modify the slides to their taste, as long as the modified slides acknowledge the source and the fact that they have been modified. Paper copies of the slides may be sold ...

  5. Operating System Concepts Essentials

    Operating System Concepts Essentials - slides. Avi Silberschatz. Peter Baer Galvin. Greg Gagne. We provide a set of slides to accompany each chapter. Click on the links below to download the slides in Powerpoint format. We also provide zip files of the all Powerpoint files , PDF files, and all figures used in the text. Chapter.

  6. PPT

    Introduction To Operating System. 1. What is Operating System?. An operating system is a program that controls the execution of application and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware. 2. What is software?. What is System Software?.

  7. Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Operating System.

    3 What is an Operating System (OS)? A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. A set of programs that coordinates all activities among computer hardware resources. Operating system goals: Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier. Make the computer system convenient to use. Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.

  8. PPT

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Operating System. Bernard Chen Spring 2007. Outline. 1.1 What is OS 1.2 Computer System Organization 1.3 Computer System Architecture 1.4 OS Structure 1.5 OS Operations 1.6-1.8 Process, Memory, Storage management 1.9 Protection and Security 1.10~ Systems.

  9. PPT What is an Operating System?

    What is an Operating System? A piece of software that provides a convenient, efficient environment for the execution of user programs. Resource Abstraction and Sharing Hides the details of how the hardware operates Provides an abstract model of the operation of hardware components generalize hardware behavior limit the flexibility in which hardware can be manipulated Computation model ...

  10. PDF Operating Systems

    System Structures: Operating System Services, User and Operating-System Interface, systems calls, Types of System Calls, system programs, operating system structure, operating system debugging, System Boot.

  11. PPT

    Types of Operating System. Learning Objectives:. By the end of this topic you should be able to: Synoptic: describe the functions of an operating system identify the major characteristics of different types of operating systems. What is an Operating System?.

  12. Timeline: How the global tech outage brought many computer systems and

    A global software outage Friday brought many computer systems across business, healthcare, technology and government sectors to a screeching halt in under 12 hours.

  13. CrowdStrike's Role In the Microsoft IT Outage, Explained

    What caused the Microsoft outage? Early Friday, companies in Australia running Microsoft's Windows operating system started reporting devices showing, what is commonly referred to as, "blue ...

  14. How to Compress Videos in PowerPoint for Smaller File Size

    Compressing PPT Files on Different Operating Systems Differences between macOS and Windows Compression Techniques. Navigating the maze of presentation file compression reveals one stark truth: the methods can differ greatly between operating systems, specifically macOS and Windows.

  15. How airlines kept planes flying amid CrowdStrike tech chaos

    A Microsoft system outage took down the backend IT system at many airlines. The outage seemed to mostly affect airlines' reservations and scheduling systems. Airlines will likely take some time ...

  16. To Improve Health Care, Focus on Fixing Systems

    When efforts to improve health care fall short, the failures are often blamed on leadership and culture. But the main problem often is the underlying systems. To generate better outcomes, increase ...

  17. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Chapter 11Operating Systems. Chapter Goals • Describe the functions and layers of an operating system • List the resources allocated by the operating system and describe the complexities of the application process • Explain how an operating system manages processes and threads INFO 225: Chapter 11.

  18. Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage

    On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we've taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers. Since this event began,...

  19. What We Know About the Global Microsoft Outage

    The resiliency of the operating system was not sufficient to mitigate the risk of that." Microsoft did not immediately respond to requests for comment on its operating system.

  20. Why Delta is still canceling flights as other airlines return to normal

    Three days after a computer update problem caused more than 5,000 flight cancellations around the world in a single day, things are pretty much back to normal — except at Delta Air Lines.

  21. NORAD intercepts Russian and Chinese bombers operating together near

    NORAD intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers flying near Alaska Wednesday in what a US defense official said was the first time the two countries have been intercepted while operating ...

  22. Huge Windows 11 2024 Update preview is overflowing with new features

    Relatively late in the month, Microsoft has finally released the promised but optional update for Windows 11 version 24H2. Patch KB5040529 brings the operating system to build version 26100.1297 ...

  23. PPT

    Chapter 10: Operating Systems. Chapter 10: Operating Systems. An operating system is a set of programs through which a computer manages its resources. Its main functions are to:. Manage the computer hardware CPU performance & utilization Memory allocation & protection Input-output management Keyboard control.

  24. Digitalisation of Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review of ...

    The method of cost-benefit-analysis applied by Tu et al., 2018 and Bamunuarachchi et al., 2021 compare the investment costs with the potential cost savings of the digitalisation technologies in manufacturing systems, but the authors do not take into account operating or disposal costs.

  25. CrowdStrike-Microsoft Outage: What Caused the IT Meltdown

    Airlines, hospitals and people's computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

  26. PPT

    What is an operating system? • A program or collection of programs that coordinate computer usage among users and handle common tasks. OS - functions • Hide details of input and output • Provide an environment for multiple users/programs to work concurrently - multitasking and multi-slacking • Allocate memory to different users ...

  27. PPT

    Types of Operating Systems . Real Time OS Batch OS Time Sharing OS Why do we have different Operating Systems Common types of Operating Systems . Process Management. Memory Management. GUI. Operating System. Device Drivers. Disk Management. Security. Networking.

  28. What is CrowdStrike, the company linked to the global outage?

    The issue is specific to Falcon, one of CrowdStrike's main software products, and is not impacting Mac or Linux operating systems, according to the advisory. Crowdstrike says Falcon is designed ...