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PhD in Brazil

Federal University of Para Brazil

Federal University of Para

Phd ( environmental biology ).

  • Environmental Biology

University Vila Velha Brazil

University Vila Velha

Phd ( plant biotechnology ).

  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences

Why Study PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

1. Global Research Impact: Brazil is making significant contributions to various fields of research, gaining international recognition for its scientific achievements. Engaging in a PhD program here provides you with the chance to collaborate with top-notch researchers and contribute to globally impactful research projects.

2. Cultural Diversity and Rich Heritage: Immerse yourself in Brazil's rich cultural tapestry, where diverse influences converge to create a unique experience. Studying here offers not just academic growth but also a chance to embrace a vibrant lifestyle and build cross-cultural competencies.

3. Breathtaking Natural Beauty: Beyond the academic setting, Brazil boasts breathtaking landscapes, from the Amazon Rainforest to pristine beaches. This offers a refreshing escape and a balanced lifestyle, allowing you to rejuvenate amidst nature's wonders.

4. Language Skills and Cultural Fluency: Portuguese is the official language in Brazil. Studying in an environment where Portuguese is spoken will not only enhance your language skills but also provide you with a valuable cultural perspective. Being bilingual can be a significant asset in an increasingly interconnected world.

5. Research Opportunities in Unique Ecosystems: Brazil is home to diverse ecosystems, including the Amazon Rainforest. If your research aligns with environmental sciences, biodiversity, or related fields, studying in Brazil provides unparalleled access to these unique environments, allowing for groundbreaking research opportunities.

6. Thriving Academic Community: Brazilian universities have a strong academic tradition, and many of them are ranked globally. Engaging with the thriving academic community in Brazil allows you to collaborate with experts, attend conferences, and broaden your academic network.

7. Government Funding and Scholarships: The Brazilian government, through various programs, offers funding and scholarships for international students pursuing doctoral studies. This financial support can alleviate the financial burden and make your academic journey more accessible.

8. Innovation and Technology Hub: Brazil is emerging as a hub for innovation and technology in Latin America. If your research involves cutting-edge technologies or entrepreneurship, being part of Brazil's dynamic innovation ecosystem can provide a platform for real-world applications and collaborations.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) specialization in Brazil

Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Medicine, Law, Engineering, Arts, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Public Health, Education, Engineering, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Veterinary, Dentistry, Philosophy, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Social Sciences, Theology, Engineering, and others

3-5 years

(private institution)

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Oceanography, Computer Science, Education, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Fine Arts, Public Health, Nursing, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

Agriculture, Forestry, Biochemistry, and others

3-5 years

Free for local students; fees apply for international students

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

Main Intake

  • The primary admission intake for PhD programs in Brazil is usually once a year, often for the academic year starting in February or March.
  • The application period for this main intake typically takes place a few months before the beginning of the academic year, usually around October to December of the previous year.

Secondary Intake

  • Some universities and specific programs might offer a mid-year intake, usually starting in July or August.
  • This secondary intake is less common than the main intake and might not be available for all PhD programs.

Rolling Admissions

  • Some PhD programs, particularly those that are research-focused and have specific funding or project requirements, may have rolling admissions, allowing applications at various times throughout the year.

International Students

  • International students often have to follow specific admission procedures, which may include language proficiency tests (especially for Portuguese-taught programs), recognition of foreign qualifications, and sometimes separate entrance exams or interviews. The intake periods for international students might be similar to those for Brazilian students, but it's important to check with the individual universities.

Top 10 Universities in Brazil for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Wide range including Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences


Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Sciences, Arts, Engineering, Health, Social Sciences


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Various including Medicine, Law, Engineering, Arts


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Health Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, and others


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Agriculture, Veterinary, Philosophy, Dentistry, and others


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Social Sciences, Theology, Engineering, and others


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Oceanography, Philosophy, Physics, and others


Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, Medicine

Not specifically ranked in QS, but highly reputed in Brazil

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Fine Arts, Public Health, Nursing, and others

Not specifically ranked in QS, but well-regarded in Brazil

Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

Forestry, Geology, Zoology, Biochemistry, and others


Cost of Studying PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

800 - 2,500 BRL/month

Costs vary based on the city and type of accommodation.

400 - 800 BRL/month

Cooking at home or university canteens can be economical.

150 - 300 BRL/month

Public transportation costs vary by city.

200 - 500 BRL/month

Includes leisure, clothes, and other personal items.

500 - 1,000 BRL/year

Depends on the course and research requirements.


Mandatory for international students; cost depends on coverage.

Total Estimated Monthly Cost (Excluding Tuition) : Approximately 1,550 - 4,100 BRL per month.

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

1. Master's Degree: Typically, candidates applying for a PhD program in Brazil are required to have completed a master's degree in a related field. Some programs may accept candidates with an exceptionally strong academic background directly from a bachelor's degree, but this is less common.

2. Academic Excellence: Applicants are usually expected to have a strong academic record, often measured by their grades in previous degrees. A high GPA or equivalent measure is commonly required.

3. Research Proposal: Many PhD programs in Brazil require applicants to submit a detailed research proposal outlining the scope, objectives, and methodology of their intended research. This proposal is an important component of the application process and is used to assess the candidate's research aptitude.

4. Language Proficiency: As Portuguese is the official language in Brazil, proficiency in Portuguese may be required. Some programs, especially those offered in English, may have alternative language requirements. International applicants may need to demonstrate proficiency in English through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS.

5. Entrance Exams: Some universities and programs may require candidates to take entrance exams. These exams may assess the candidate's general knowledge in the chosen field of study or may be specific to the program.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are typically required to submit letters of recommendation from academic or professional references who can speak to the candidate's qualifications and potential for success in a PhD program.

7. Interviews: In some cases, applicants may be required to participate in an interview as part of the selection process. This interview could be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing.

8. Application Documents: Ensure that you have all necessary application documents, which may include transcripts, curriculum vitae (CV), a statement of purpose, and any additional materials specified by the university.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

1. Application Form: Most universities will have an online application form that you need to fill out. Ensure that you complete all sections accurately and provide the required information.

2. Academic Transcripts: Copies of your academic transcripts from your previous degrees (bachelor's and master's) are usually required. These transcripts should detail the courses you have taken and the grades you have achieved.

3. Degree Certificates: Provide copies of your official degree certificates for your bachelor's and master's degrees. These certificates should be from accredited institutions.

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé: A comprehensive CV outlining your academic and professional background, research experience, publications, and any relevant achievements.

5. Statement of Purpose (SOP) or Research Proposal: A document outlining your research interests, academic goals, and the specific area of research you intend to pursue during your PhD. This may also include your motivation for choosing the particular program and university.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, you'll need to submit letters of recommendation from academic or professional references who can speak to your qualifications and potential for success in a PhD program.

7. Language Proficiency Test Scores: If the program is taught in Portuguese or if Portuguese proficiency is required, you may need to provide language proficiency test scores. For programs in English, you may need to submit scores from tests like TOEFL or IELTS.

8. Entrance Exam Results: Some programs may require you to take an entrance exam, and you may need to submit the results as part of your application.

9. Passport Copy: A copy of your passport or another form of identification. This is necessary for international students.

10. Financial Documents: Proof of financial means to support your studies, which may include bank statements or a financial sponsorship letter.

11. Visa Documents: If you are an international student, you may need to provide documents required for obtaining a student visa, such as a letter of acceptance from the university.

12. Other Supporting Documents: Some programs may have specific requirements, such as a writing sample, portfolio, or additional documentation related to your research experience.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Brazil

1. CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) Scholarships: CAPES is a Brazilian government agency that provides scholarships for international students. The agency supports various programs, including the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education. Check the CAPES website or contact your chosen university for information on available scholarships.

2. CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) Scholarships: CNPq is another government agency in Brazil that offers scholarships for graduate studies, including PhD programs. They provide financial support for research projects and may offer scholarships for international students. Explore the CNPq website for detailed information.

3. Brazilian Universities Scholarships: Many Brazilian universities offer their own scholarships for international students. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, living expenses, and research-related costs. Check with the international offices of the universities you are interested in for information on available scholarships.

4. Science Without Borders Program: The Science Without Borders program, also known as Ciência sem Fronteiras, is a Brazilian government initiative that aims to promote the internationalization of Brazilian science and technology. While the program has gone through changes, it's worth checking if there are still scholarship opportunities available for international PhD students.

5. Fulbright Commission in Brazil: The Fulbright Commission offers scholarships for U.S. citizens to study, teach, or conduct research in Brazil. These scholarships cover various academic levels, including PhD programs. Visit the Fulbright Commission website for information on available opportunities.

6. OAS-GCUB (Organization of American States - Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras) Scholarships: OAS-GCUB offers scholarships for graduate studies, including PhD programs, to citizens of OAS member countries. The scholarship program is a collaboration between the Organization of American States and Brazilian universities.

7. Santander Universidades Scholarships: Santander Universidades is a program that collaborates with universities worldwide to provide scholarships and support for academic exchange. Some Brazilian universities may have partnerships with Santander Universidades, offering scholarships for international students.

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)w in Brazil

Job opportunities:.

Academic Positions:

  • Many PhD holders in Brazil pursue academic careers. They may become professors or researchers at universities and research institutions.
  • Positions in academia often involve teaching, conducting research, and publishing scholarly work.

Research and Development Roles:

  • Industries and companies in Brazil engaged in research and development may hire PhD graduates for roles that involve leading or contributing to innovative projects.
  • Opportunities exist in sectors such as technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and environmental sciences.

Government and Public Sector:

  • PhD holders may find opportunities in government agencies, contributing to policy development, research initiatives, and scientific projects.
  • Positions may be available in areas such as health, education, environmental science, and public policy.

Private Sector and Industry:

  • Some industries, especially those with a strong focus on innovation, may hire PhD graduates for roles in product development, quality assurance, and research.
  • Opportunities exist in sectors such as information technology, healthcare, and manufacturing.


  • PhD holders may work as consultants, providing expertise to businesses, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.
  • Consulting roles may involve solving complex problems, offering strategic advice, or conducting specialized research.

Salary Expectations:

  • Salaries for academic positions in universities can vary, with factors such as the university's prestige and the individual's experience playing a role.
  • Assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors may have different salary levels.

Research and Development:

  • Salaries in research and development roles can vary based on the industry, the company's size, and the complexity of the projects.
  • Industries with a high demand for innovation may offer competitive salaries.
  • Salaries in government positions are typically structured based on the level of responsibility and the employee's qualifications.
  • PhD holders may receive higher salaries compared to those with lower academic qualifications.
  • Salaries in the private sector depend on the industry and the specific role. PhD holders may command higher salaries, especially in leadership or specialized positions.
  • Industries with a strong focus on research and development often offer competitive compensation.
  • Consulting fees for PhD holders can vary based on the nature of the consultancy, the client, and the consultant's expertise.
  • Established consultants with a track record of success may command higher fees.
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The Ultimate Guide to Studying in Brazil in 2024

Browse all online studies in brazil.

  • Feb-Feb Academic Year
  • Unavailable Listed Institutes
  • 43 Ranked Universities
  • 22,000 Int. Students
  • 8,987,000 Students
  • 214,000,000 Population

Study in Brazil

If you're looking to study at a university in Brazil , you will find numerous education choices, blending academic excellence with vibrant cultural life. A number of Brazilian universities rank in the top 500 public best universities in the world. Private universities also stand out for the number of quality programs offered and of students enrolled. They account for 76% of the higher education system and offer courses lasting from 2 to 6 years.

In some of the Spanish and English colonies in the Americas, institutions of higher learning were established as early as the 17th century. Upon graduating, students had the option of either becoming priests or continuing their studies in Europe.

In the period before and after the independence of Brazil, other schools of higher learning, although not formally called "universities," were founded, including those specialized in civil and military engineering, medical faculties and technical courses in the fields of botany, chemistry, geology, mineralogy, and economy were created. The faculties of law founded after the independence of Brazil served as nuclei that developed into modern Brazilian universities.

Higher education system

The Higher Education system in Brazil is divided in three main categories:

  • Universities conduct research and community outreach.
  • University Centers are multi-course institutions that are not required to carry-out research, but may initiate new study courses without seeking permission from the Ministry of Education.
  • Integrated Faculties and Schools of Higher Education are smaller institutions that obtain approval from the Ministry of Education when opening new courses, certificates, or degrees.

Most federal and state institutions are universities and tuition is free, while municipal governments tend to run smaller institutes, sometimes charging tuition. Private Higher Education institutions charge wide-ranging fees, based on the degree programs offered.

Public or private higher education institutions invest in quality study courses as well as social inclusion programmes. There is a great focus on improving facilities, hiring experience faculties, providing affordable tuition and creating a great variety of courses.

Degrees offered


  • Bachelor's (bacharelado): varies between 3 to 6 years to complete.
  • Licentiate (licenciatura): varies between 3 to 4 years to complete. Enables individuals to act as elementary or secondary school teachers in a certain area.
  • Technology (tecnologia): varies between 2 to 3 years of full time studies to complete. Specific professional courses are aimed at providing specialized knowledge.
  • "Lato sensu postgraduate" degree: this degree represents a specialization in a certain area, and takes approximately 1 to 2 years to complete. MBA programs in Brazil are classified as lato sensu programs.
  • "Stricto sensu postgraduate" degree: this degree enables one to pursue an academic career. In chronological order:
  • Master's degree (mestrado): this takes 1 to 2 years of full time studies to complete.
  • Doctoral degree / PhD (doutorado): this takes 3 to 4 years to complete
  • Postdoctoral research (pós-doutorado): this is not an academic title; it usually denotes excellency in a field of knowledge acquired through supervised research after a doctorate.
  • Livre-docência: this is the highest academic qualification in Brazil. The livre-docência requires the candidate to write a professional thesis, based on independent scholarship.

Programs in Biology, Odontology, Medicine, Dermatology and Veterinary are world-renowned and sought after by students worldwide. For this reason, a number of multinational corporations recruit employees in Brazilian universities.

MBA programs and specialization courses in Brazil are also noteworthy, as well as programs that combine training and volunteer work. Secondary education courses and Portuguese courses for foreigners are also available.

In order to enter a university in Brazil, candidates must undergo a public open examination called the Vestibular, which usually lasts between 1 and 5 days, and takes place once a year. Some universities may run the Vestibular twice a year. Offering more frequent exams is popular among private universities, while public universities usually run the Vestibular only once a year.

The vestibular includes many subjects offered in high school, such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Literature, Portuguese language, and a foreign language (usually the candidate can choose between English, Spanish or French). Since public universities are free of charge and there are a limited number of open slots, there is high competition with the Vestibular.

English language preparation for studying in Brazil

Develop your academic English language skills in order to meet the English language requirements at Brazilian universities offering degree studies for international students. Choose an English language school anywhere in the world and pick your preferred English exam preparation course from diverse language course options.

Universities accept these official English exams:

  • PTE Academic
  • C1 Advanced

Living in Brazil

  • In Brazil, you will also find modern and cosmopolitan cities. São Paulo, for instance, one of the largest cities in the world, is Brazil´s business powerhouse and a
  • Sao Paulo is a cultural hub for Latin America with many movie theatres, concert halls, hip nightclubs, restaurants and bars, shopping malls, museums, and parks.
  • Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of the country, is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
  • Enjoy the warmth of Brazilian music, among which the most known is samba.
  • Friendly, cheerful and good-natured, Brazilians welcome everyone warmly.
  • The Northern part of Brazil harbours the Amazon River - an attractive region for biologists and nature-lovers.
  • Visit beautiful Brazilian beaches, with their white sands, warm clear water and many coconut palms. The most lively Carnival parties take place here.
  • Rio de Janeiro is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world and was for many years the political and administrative capital of the country.
  • The state of Rio Grande do Sul hosts the important Gramado Film Festival and has the best wineries in the country.
  • A meal in an inexpensive restaurant costs about 7 USD.
  • Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre will cost about 400 USD.
  • Renting a one-bedroom apartment outside the city centre will cost around 270 USD.
  • The overall living cost starts at 630 USD/month in big cities. 
  • Brasilia is more than the political capital of Brazil. It is located in the centre of the country and famous for its bold architecture and urban planning aimed at quality of life.

About Brazil

Brazil enjoys an extensive coastline that measures almost 7 500 kilometres. Its other borders are made up of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Ecuador and Chile are the only South American countries with which Brazil does not share its borders. There are various groups of islands that also belong to Brazil, such as Saint Peter, Trindade and Fernando de Noronha.

Apart from being geographically large, Brazil is also naturally diverse. It comprises dense rain forests and jungles, expanses of coastline, towering mountains, oceanic archipelagos (or clusters of islands), rivers, scrublands and rolling plains. Because of such a variation in habitats available to plants and animals, Brazil boasts a rich array of fauna and flora.

Today the country also stands out economically and the Brazilian GDP (gross domestic product) increased by 5.1% in 2008 and by 5.4% in 2007. Brazil is the largest Latin-American country and, with its more than 180 million people, is one of the chief consumer markets in the world.

It is because of this growth that it is doing so well in terms of its economy. In fact, it is one of the world’s largest and most significant economies. It is also the only Portuguese-speaking country in both North and South America.

This Portuguese heritage dates back to the 1700’s, when Brazil was first colonised by this European nation. During its rich and complex history, slavery was a major part of the Brazilian heritage. People of European and Asian descent immigrated to Brazil in the 19th century from countries like Japan, Poland, Spain, Italy and Germany.

Brazil is a Presidential Federative Republic - Brazilians selected this regime in a referendum held in 1993. Government is exercised by three branches: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary. One single person, the President of the Republic, heads the executive branch. Brazil became a republic in 1889 and it is today considered one of the most democratic nations in the world.

Universities, colleges and schools in Brazil

Belo horizonte.

  • SKEMA Business School (1 Distance Learning course)
  • The University of Manchester (2 Distance Learning courses)

How to Apply to a Master's in Brazil

If you've decided to study a Master's degree at a university in Brazil, you will have to gather the right documents to prove that you fit the university requirements. Provide complete personal information, previous qualifications, financial information, and a personal statement.

What documents do I need to provide to apply in Brazil?

To apply to a university in Brazil you will likely be asked to provide some of the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • recent photos;
  • your passport or national identity card;
  • one or more reference letters from past employers or teachers;
  • copies of past diplomas or certificates, including your graduated Bachelor's degree;
  • academic transcripts;
  • letter of intent;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Some form of proof that you can support your stay in the country during your studies.

Depending on the subject or specialization of your chosen Master's, you might also be asked to provide scores for additional tests like the GRE, GMAT or LSAT. Check if your programme requires any of these, or others.

The list of documents depends on the specific requirements of universities in Brazil so you might be asked to include additional documents. It’s also likely you’ll have to provide official English translations of your documents, or translations in the local language.

Prove your English skills

Because you’ll study an international degree in English, you'll have to present a language certificate. Some popular options for international students are IELTS, TOEFL or C1 Advanced language certificates. You’ll have to meet a minimum language score set by the university, and your test scores shouldn’t be older than 1-2 years. If you don’t meet the minimum language requirements, you will have to improve your skills and scores by taking an English preparation course.

Application deadlines for Brazil

The deadlines for applying to a Master's in Brazil are usually during summer (June-July), or in winter (January-February). Keep in mind that some universities don’t have application deadlines, which means you can apply whenever you are ready.

To avoid delays or missed deadlines send your required documents with plenty of time in advance.

Interesting programmes for you

Find distance learning programmes in brazil, what subject to study in brazil.

  • Agriculture & Forestry 0 Masters
  • Applied Sciences & Professions 1 Masters
  • Arts, Design & Architecture 0 Masters
  • Business & Management 3 Masters
  • Computer Science & IT 0 Masters
  • Education & Training 0 Masters
  • Engineering & Technology 0 Masters
  • Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences 0 Masters
  • Hospitality, Leisure & Sports 0 Masters
  • Humanities 0 Masters
  • Journalism & Media 0 Masters
  • Law 0 Masters
  • Medicine & Health 0 Masters
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics 0 Masters
  • Social Sciences 0 Masters

Online Degrees in

Study a master programme from the comfort of your own home. The Studyportals platform offers the largest overview of online and blended study opportunities from all over the world. You now have the possibility to follow your dream study programme at one of the best universities in the world without having to relocate.

Distance education is the perfect solution for professionals looking to further their career. It offers the possibility for additional qualification while keeping the current job. With flexible schedule and resources available online, distance study programmes can be the key to your career development and a job promotion.

Online study is also a money saver, as the student does not have to spend money on moving or on a possibly expensive day to day life in a new country. So if you are in search for the best education, but do not want to relocate, give up your current life style or disrupt the comfort of your family, distance learning is the solution for you.

Looking at a growing demand for these study opportunities, combined with a lack of transparency in this quickly growing and exciting study mode, we decided to open up our portals and to also offer you information about these education options offered globally.

Please note, that for the time being this section does not yet include any on campus programmes offered in these parts of the world.

Learn below about the different countries and choose your online study from a growing selection of online studies offered by accredited institutions.

Distance Learning

Distance learning is a mode of study that allows the student to study most or all of a course without attending at a campus-based institution. The distance can refer to both material and interaction. Distance learning provides access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both.

The programmes often include a computer-based training system and tools to produce a virtual classroom. The tuition fees for distance learning vary from institution to programme to country. It is certain that the student saves expenses related to accommodation and transportation, because you can maintain the current living expenses. Distance learning is also a great solution for people that already have a job, and still want or need further education.

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Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

Department of portuguese and brazilian studies.

At Brown's community-oriented Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, language, literature, and culture are a portal into the vast, vibrant Lusophone world.

Degree Programs

Undergraduate concentration, ph.d. program, join our listserv.

Brown community members can sign up to receive email updates about the varied events offered by the Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Department and/or the Brazil Initiative at the Watson Institute.


Explore our in-house journals and other publications

BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature

E-journal of portuguese history (e-jph), gávea-brown: a bilingual journal | revista bilingue, journal of lusophone studies, pessoa plural—a journal of fernando pessoa studies.

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Study PhD's in Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Brasília at a glance.

Drawing numerous international students for the interesting cultural experience, the tropical climate and the general holiday atmosphere, Brasilia is a fascinating location to study abroad. Universities in Brasilia offer intellectually stimulating courses, use innovative teaching methods and enable a great focus on research work. Brasilia is the federal capital of Brazil, placed atop the Brazilian highlands in the country's centre-western region.

  • 2.3M Population
  • Unavailable Living Costs
  • 4 Universities

Studying in Brasília

Universities in Brasilia cover a wide array of accredited programmes and most courses are taught in Portuguese. However, numerous degrees specially dedicated to international students are available in Spanish and English.

For proving Portuguese language proficiency, students are required the Certificate of Proficiency in the Portuguese Language for Foreigners (CELPE-BRAS).

Apply for specialisations, like: biomedicine, computer science, journalism, medicine, international relations, law, economics, education, engineering and many more, available for Bachelor and Master degrees and PhD.

You can also enrol in MBA programmes in several fields and PhD courses in popular subject areas, like economics and psychology are available.

Most online degree courses are related to disciplines like: philosophy, tourism management, human resource management, and software engineering.

Career opportunities in Brasília

Economy in Brasilia is pretty rich and diverse, having as main productive industries: construction and of services (government, communications, banking and finance, food production, entertainment, legal services), computer software.

Some of the top employers in Brasilia are: Brasil Telecom, Banco do Brasil, Politec, Oracle, IBM, Appen, VMware, Banco Santander.

International students are highly encouraged by the local universities to apply to internship offers in the local companies.

Brasília city life

Brasilia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its modernist and unique architecture and the artistic urban planning. Anyone fascinated with art will simply love this city and even if you’re not an art fan, you will find Brasilia interesting to say the least.

Interesting places to visit in Brasilia are:

  • Praça dos Três Poderes (Portuguese for Square of the Three Powers)
  • The Palácio da Alvorada
  • Brasilia Cathedral
  • Brasilia National Museum
  • Television Tower
  • CAIXA Cultural
  • Santuario Dom Bosco
  • Fonte Da Torre de TV
  • Buriti Palace and Itamaraty Palace

See a play, concert or dance performance at the Cláudio Santoro National Theater and have a nice walk in the Parque Nacional de Brasília.

Regarding night life, the city is pretty vibrant and dynamic, so you will find several clubs and bars, particularly in Asa Sul district. You can even check out dance centres that cultivate tradition of samba, forró and other Brazilian-style parties and take dance lessons.

In Brasilia, football is very popular, with many traditions dedicated to this sport, also hosting football tournaments. Other sports you can enjoy are: basketball, hang gliding or paragliding, and going diving on Paranoá Lake.

International atmosphere in Brasília

Brasilia has several foreign born residents, mainly comprised of Asian and Amerindian people. Being the capital of Brazil, the city truly covers a cosmopolitan atmosphere as it is home to many embassies and it also hosts various international festivals and events.

Weather Brasília

In Brasilia, you will experience two distinct seasons: a rainy season (from October to April) and a dry season (from May to September). January is the wettest month, while June is the driest in terms of rainfall. September, at the end of the dry season, has the highest average maximum temperature, 28°C (83 °F). The average temperatures for the rest of the year is around 22 °C (72 °F).

Universities in Brasília

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PhD Programs in Brazil

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Brasilia, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Fortaleza, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brasilia, Brazil

Fortaleza, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Brasilia, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brasilia, Brazil

Brasilia, Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Graduate Programs

Portuguese and brazilian studies.

One of the leading centers for graduate level study of the Portuguese-speaking world, Brown's Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies offers a Ph.D. in the language, literatures and cultures of the Portuguese–speaking world, with concentration on one or more of the following areas: continental and insular Portugal, Brazil, Lusophone Africa and Luso-America.

Students enrolled in this program can take advantage of the diverse expertise of the Department's faculty, which embraces specializations in Literature, Language, Comparative Literature, History, Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Studies, Environmental Humanities, Music, Film Studies and Gender Studies.

It is the department's philosophy that all students should grasp the global nature of the Portuguese-speaking world and study its language, literatures, and cultures as well as apply the tools of research and scholarship to their programs of study. While this doctoral program will allow for an interdisciplinary component, the emphasis of the core program will be on the Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian literature and culture.

Additional Resources

Gavea-Brown Publications; editorial offices of Brasil/Brazil: A Journal of Brazilian Literature; Gavea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies; E-journal of Portuguese History;  Pessoa Plural ; and cooperation agreements with several Brazilian and Portuguese universities.

Application Information

Application requirements, gre subject:.

Not required

GRE General:

Letters of recommendations:.

Three letters of recommendation are required.

Writing Sample:

Required; accepted in English or Portuguese.


Application deadline, completion requirements.

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies: Sixteen courses; reading ability in a second foreign language; general examination on a set list of 50 books (second year); major research paper and book review (third year); pre–dissertation colloquium (fourth year); dissertation.

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Department of portuguese & brazilian studies, mailing address.

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  • Living in Brazil – A Guide for PhD Students

Written by Ben Taylor

Brazil is a vibrant and diverse place to study a PhD, offering research opportunities that simply aren’t possible anywhere else. You can expect your life as a PhD student in Brazil to be fun, challenging and fascinating.

This page is an overview what it’s like to study and research in Brazil, covering essentials like transport, banking, living costs and culture.

On this page

Student life.

There are over 20,000 international students in Brazil, making it one of the most popular study abroad destinations in the Americas.

Culture and tourism

The 27 federal states of Brazil are endlessly varied, encompassing Amazonian rainforest, grassy plains, swampy wetlands, bustling cities and stunning beaches. Rio de Janeiro, with its iconic Sugarloaf Mountain and Christ the Redeemer statue, is where many tourists and students first arrive. The largest city is Sao Paulo, a major financial and economic powerhouse with a reputation for cutting-edge art galleries.

Brazil’s incredible biodiversity is a must-experience – just outside Rio you can explore the Parque Nacional da Tijuca, home to many species of animal and plant. And there’s the Iguaçu Falls (Iguazu in Spanish) at the border with Argentina, a majestic waterfall system that eclipses Niagara.

Sport and leisure

The Brazilian infatuation with futebol is world-famous, and with good reason – the men’s national team (known as the Seleção ) have won the World Cup on a record-breaking five occasions. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a Brazilian who doesn’t follow the travails of their favourite club and the national team with alternating delight and despair.

Beyond football, volleyball is a popular pastime – particularly on the sandy beaches of Rio de Janeiro – and Formula One racing is followed closely. If you’re looking for a new hobby and a great way of keeping fit, why not give capoeira a go? Capoeira is a unique martial art that fuses dancing and combat.

Food and drink

Brazilian cuisine is a vibrant mix of cultures, absorbing a variety of African and European influences. Feijoada is the national dish: a hearty stew of pork, beef and black beans.

It won’t be too difficult to get yourself an authentic caipirinha cocktail, which mixes cachaça (similar to rum), lime and sugar.


Few universities offer student accommodation to international students so your options are a bit more limited than in other countries. It will also be quite difficult to secure accommodation before your arrival.

Your university’s international office may have some advice about finding a place to stay. One option on arrival are hostels, which can cost between approximately R$35 and R$150 per day (USD $7-30).

For longer term options, you will have the choice of:

  • Lodging (renting out a bedroom in a property where the owner lives), a great option if you want to immerse yourself in the Brazilian culture
  • Pensionato – a room with meals included
  • Furnished flat

Living costs

Brazil is an affordable place to live, particularly by Western European standards. Unless you are aiming to live in luxury it is easy to eat well and take part in leisure activities without breaking the bank.

Prices in Brazil

This table will give you a rough idea of some of the typical costs associated with student life in Brazil.

Student Cost of Living in Brazil - 2024

Working during your PhD

Recent years have seen the Brazilian government relax previously strict restrictions on foreign students working in the country.

It’s now possible to apply online for a work permit. First, you’ll need to buy a digital certificate token from an authorised post office, which will then give you access to the online system. Your employment must be linked to your studies and you’ll need to renew your permit each year. For more information, please visit the Brazilian government’s website .

The Brazilian banking system is one of the most complex and bureaucratic in the world. But in a way this doesn’t matter too much because temporary residents (such as students) generally cannot hold a bank account Brazil. It is recommended therefore that you try opening an account with an international bank such as Citibank, HSBC or others that may also operate in your home country. This may facilitate transfers of funds you may have in your country of origin. Before you leave for Brazil, check whether your bank has branches in Brazil. If not, you may have to open a new account at home first.

The massive distances involved in travelling between Brazilian cities and regions can be daunting. There isn’t much of a rail network, so buses and domestic flights are the best way of getting around.

Bus travel in Brazil is comfortable, efficient and affordable. The only problem is it’s a long way from anywhere to anywhere else. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time with reserved seats. All buses are non-smoking, and in most cases people adhere to the regulations. On many popular routes travellers can opt for a deluxe coach with air-conditioning and leito (seats that recline almost flat).

There are several domestic airlines operating in Brazil, offering quick way to travel long distances. For example, flying between Porto Alegre in the south and Salvador in the north-east can take just over five hours by air (compared to 40 hours by car!).

Inner-city travel

The metropolises of Rio and Sao Paulo have extensive metro systems, while most Brazilian cities have a reliable and cheap bus network. Taxis can be a reasonably priced option, but make sure you take a licensed one with a meter.

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Brazil is an unforgettable postgraduate destination for PhD students, blessed with incredible biodiversity and wonderful landscapes. Our guide explains fees, funding, visas and more.

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Masters and phd study in brazil.

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Masters and PhD Study in Brazil

Generally, graduate studies include a Masters and PhD in Brazil. To study for a master’s or a doctorate in Brazil, you’d have to obtain admission to a graduate program. Here’s our complete coverage on Masters and PhD Study in Brazil in 2020.

Students must first obtain a bachelor’s degree or a professional diploma. Postgraduate admission is subject to certain and required criteria, which vary depending on the institution and field of study.

Table of Contents

Master’s in Brazil for international students

Oftentimes, applicants to Master’s program need to take entrance exams. You can check with your university, where you may find other selection processes. Admission exams may include (when required) an interview during which the team assesses the applicant’s purpose to join. Applications for the postgraduate program can be found online on the university site.

You may want to send your university an email asking them to send back the forms. It’s a great strategy.

Registration dates

The deadlines to apply for graduate studies vary upon the university, but the dates may be relatively early.

Always remember that the school year begins in February, so be sure to remember the deadline to apply to the universities!

Required documents

  • An application form
  • Official copies of the diplomas (it may be necessary to get it stamped by a lawyer, local authorities, consulate, or embassy).
  • University Certificates
  • Two or three reference letters
  • A letter from your academic supervisor
  • A copy of the fee payment receipt (if applicable).

Admission for Masters and PhD in Brazil

To apply for a master’s degree in Brazil, you need to have a scientific degree or international equivalent for a Bachelor’s degree.

In Brazil, higher education is divided into two distinct types of courses, which you need to be familiar with in order to make the right choice.

  • The “lato sensu” curriculum that will allow you to obtain an MBA but will not allow you to continue your studies afterward. This course usually lasts 1 or 2 years;
  • and the “stricto sensu” curriculum, which allows for longer studies. It consists of Master’s degrees (1 to 2 years), doctorates (3 to 4 years), with the possibility of doing post-doctoral research.

The language criteria for Masters and PhD Study in Brazil:

Examinations and courses are generally presented in Portuguese. So it is imperative that your proficiency is good in the Portuguese language. Also, to prove your knowledge of Portuguese you’d have to submit a certificate (Celpe-Bras), which is the only recognized Portuguese language test in Brazil.

Even if taught in English, you will need at least some proficiency in Portuguese before starting your studies and your everyday life.

To learn Portuguese in Brazil, universities offer intensive language training courses in and before the courses. Have a look at those courses!

Doctoral studies requirements in Brazil

Application documents.

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate texts, including your degrees and curriculum.
  • A copy of master’s theses, and a letter from your academic supervisor.
  • Personal Statement: It should include a CV, a brief overview of your education and academic achievements. It must also contain personal details, relevant research experience or professional details, skills, honors, and awards.
  • Recommendation letter: Two or three letters emphasizing your skills, accomplishments, and argues why you want to enroll.
  • Application fee receipt: Copy to show you have paid the application fee.

Research proposal

It should include the topic and its importance, how relevant is your research to your chosen major. It should also contain methodologies for research and analysis methodology, background and resources used.

The most important thing is to demonstrate a thoughtful idea and evaluate the contribution to literature and general knowledge.

Your motivational letter

Finally, you should mention your reasons to register in this particular institution, study courses, your research interests and career plans in the future.

Language proficiency

  • Portuguese: The Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners (CELPE-Bras) is the only recognized test. In addition, students applying to study in Brazil have to demonstrate their proficiency in Portuguese by taking the (CELPE-Bras).
  • English: TOEFL with a very good score works as a foreign language test. Also, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Find out how to study Portuguese in Brazil

Tuition fees and PhD scholarships in Brazil for international students

Usually, public universities in Brazil charge no tuition fees to their students, local or international ones. However, private institutions apply a monthly tuition of USD $280 to $470 (BRL 1,540 and BRL 2,575).

Moreover, students will need to pay an application fee, whether they enroll in a private or a public university. Another cost to anticipate is the health insurance fee as well as student services. 

In order to cover their living cost, PhD students in Brazil can apply for scholarships to fund their studies and research. Some universities also provide funding for doctoral students, but you can also check for funding from the Brazilian government, consulates as well as other Portuguese-speaking countries. 

You can find more details about these PhD and post-doctoral scholarships, available for international students in Brazil , in our article on the subject.

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30 Best Online Doctoral Programs [2024 Guide]

Online doctoral programs can provide a smart, flexible path toward a top degree in your field.

Online Doctoral Programs

For working professionals, earning online degrees can provide an invaluable way to gain expert-level knowledge and advance your career opportunities.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Through online doctoral study, you can become a leader in your field.

Universities Offering Online Doctoral Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

1. Capitol Technology University

Capitol Technology University  is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middles States Association of Colleges and Schools.

2. City University of Seattle

The City University of Seattle is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

3. Clemson University

Clemson University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

4. Franklin University

Franklin University  is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

5. George Washington University

GW  is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

6. Gwynedd Mercy University

Gwynedd Mercy University  is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

7. Indiana University

Indiana University  is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

8. Iowa State University

Iowa State University  is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

9. Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University  is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

10. Keiser University

Keiser University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

11. Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

12. Northeastern University

Northeastern University  is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.

13. Nova Southeastern University

NSU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

14. Pennsylvania State University – World Campus

Penn State World Campus  is regionally accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

15. Regent University

Regent University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

16. Saybrook University

Saybrook University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission.

17. Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University  is accredited with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

18. Touro University Worldwide

Touro University Worldwide  is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.

19. Union University

Union University  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

20. University of Alabama

The University of Alabama  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

21. University of Florida

The  University of Florida  is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

22. University of Kansas

The  University of Kansas  is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

23. University of Missouri

The University of Missouri is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

24. University of Nebraska – Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

25. University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

26. University of Southern California

The University of Southern California is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

27. University of Southern Mississippi

The  University of Southern Mississippi  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

28. University of the Cumberlands

The University of the Cumberlands  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

29. Walden University

Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission

30. Wilmington University

Wilmington University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Online Doctorate Programs

Select this list of online degrees that most interest you to jump to that section of the guide:

Business Administration

Counseling & therapy, criminal justice, healthcare administration, human services, information systems, public administration, public health, public policy.

These advanced degree fields offer plenty of opportunity for growth, a lot of different job prospects, and plenty of job security.

accountant reviewing some accounting documents

You may feel like you already know all of the ins and outs of financial reporting, but during a doctoral program, you can discover just how much more there is to learn about numbers and financial records. Whether your area of focus is corporate accounting, taxation or auditing, you can reap benefits from a doctoral accounting program.

Your coursework may address topics such as advanced finance theories, tax code interpretation and investigation into financial records. The curriculum can also enhance your ability to conduct research on business topics.

You may have opportunities to explore ways that contemporary developments, such as increased globalization, have influenced accounting practice.

Earning a doctoral degree may increase your chances of becoming a corporate executive, such as a chief financial officer or a finance vice president. You could also teach in a business school or hold a high position in a government revenue department.

business administrators working together in modern office

Business leaders have the potential to shape the future of retail, manufacturing, insurance and other industries throughout the country and worldwide. A business doctorate can help you gain the knowledge and the clout to be a leader who steers companies toward innovation, growth and long-term success.

In a doctoral program, you can dive deep into studying what makes marketing work, what employees are looking for in their leaders, how to formulate a strategic growth plan and how to operate in a global era.

Part of your success will be rooted in learning from those who have gone before you — analyzing case studies and studying others’ business research. Concentration for this degree are common; options may include marketing, leadership, supply chain management or organizational strategy.

Earning a doctorate in business may prepare you for the top executive positions in large corporations. You may also be well-qualified to provide business consulting services to various companies.

counselor talking to a patient in her office

You don’t typically need a doctoral degree to work as a marriage and family therapist or a licensed professional counselor; even still, earning a doctorate can give you new insights and skills for counseling practice.

In counseling, clients may sometimes come to you with issues that you haven’t dealt with before. Although you may never be entirely prepared for every situation, doctoral studies can increase your ability to deal with difficult problems.

Your program may also give you opportunities for in-depth studies about working with certain demographics, such as children or the elderly.

Earning your doctorate and conducting research on one specific area of counseling may help you focus on a particular client niche and allow you to advertise yourself as an expert in that domain. Having a doctoral degree may also give you opportunities to train and supervise counseling students in the classroom or on internships.

police officers checking evidences on a street accident

People hold many different views on the best ways to reduce crime and rehabilitate offenders, but research can provide key insights into what actually works.

Whether your goal is to lead initiatives based on others’ research or become a researcher yourself, a doctoral degree in criminal justice can help you become a leader who guides policy decisions and transforms communities.

Your curriculum may focus on ensuring that, in every step of the process from investigations to corrections, justice is served in the best way possible. You may also explore what it means to administer justice, support victims, empower justice professionals and improve communities.

With a doctorate, you may be ready to advance to some of the highest leadership roles in your law enforcement organization. You could also pursue work in a particular investigative or security specialty, such as hostage negotiation or intelligence analysis. Influencing public policy is another important role you could play.

school administrators in a meeting

Learning is a complex process, but the better you understand it, the better you will be at helping others grow and develop. If you are passionate about equipping others with knowledge, then you may be ready to earn a doctoral degree in education.

In a doctoral program, you may study how factors like family support, income level and school setting affect students’ learning processes. You may also discuss learning theories and how principles from psychology play a role in classroom practices. Other topics may include school leadership, digital technology and curriculum selection.

School administrators, such as principals, superintendents and state education directors, often hold doctoral degrees. An education doctorate can help you advance to positions of leadership in higher education as well; for example, you could become a provost or a college president.

This degree can also open doors to positions that can allow you to head up curriculum projects or shape education policies.

financial advisor meeting with a couple

Without solid financial guidance, businesses can quickly fail. If you wish to be a leader who understands the relationship between financial figures and the future direction that companies should take, consider enrolling in doctoral finance studies.

The coursework for this program covers a range of topics in economics and finance. You may work with statistics and modeling while growing your ability to use those tools for making reliable business decisions. In other courses, you may refine various finance skills like asset pricing, business valuation and portfolio management.

Not only can you improve your practical skills, but you can also learn to think critically about finance theory and conduct your own research in this field.

Financial leaders can hold some of the most critical roles in a corporation; these include chief financial officer, treasurer and controller. If you choose a career in research, then government authorities, financial institutions and individual investors may rely on your insights.

healthcare administrators in a meeting

Healthcare is a medical discipline, but it’s also a business discipline. Those in administrative roles must carefully balance the relationship between these two aspects of the industry. A doctoral degree in healthcare administration can help you explore the issues facing modern medical systems and consider innovative ways to move the industry forward.

Since legal regulations play an enormous role in how healthcare systems operate, developing a deeper understanding of health law may be a key component of your studies. Other classes may cover organizational leadership, global public health, quality analysis, and medical ethics.

You may also discuss how to develop your healthcare organization as a force for good in your community.

Healthcare experts can take leadership roles in hospitals or other medical systems. Your expertise may also prepare you for a role in pharmaceutical or health insurance companies. Government officials may rely on your guidance as they shape future healthcare laws.

human services worker visiting the home of an elderly man

Although most people agree that it’s important to help those who are in difficult situations, they often disagree on the best ways to go about it.

A doctoral program in human services can give you opportunities to explore current research on the topic, develop your personal views on assisting others, and become a leader whose work makes a difference for people in need.

Studying the history of human services can give you a foundation for understanding today’s systems. In your doctoral program, you will probably compare different strategies for reaching people in need and improving communities. You may also learn about overseeing teams, evaluating programs, managing budgets and securing grants.

With this advanced degree, you could pursue a management role in a public human services organization or head up a nonprofit group. Human services directors often work in government agencies, and they may conduct research that influences how public funds are allocated.

web developers working together

If you work in information technology, consider enhancing your skill set by earning a degree in information systems. This degree can help you learn about innovations that are making a difference in data organization and prepare you to make your own significant contributions to this field.

Your studies can help you improve your knowledge of programming languages and security procedures. Other courses in your program may cover building hardware systems, analyzing data, overseeing projects and developing policies for technology use in an organization.

You may also discuss data mining, mobile-friendly technologies, system audits and machine learning.

With your doctorate, you may be able to lead teams of data scientists or analysts. You may also head up technology departments in large organizations, taking care of network development, security measures and policy establishment.

As you do research and produce new technologies, you may influence IT practices used by organizations throughout the world.

manager assisting his colleagues in the office

Organizations and industries everywhere require strong leaders who understand what it takes to make wise decisions, create effective policies and motivate teams.

You can earn a doctoral degree to study the science behind smart management. This advanced degree can help prepare you to rise to organizations’ top leadership positions or contribute new research that helps others improve their management abilities.

In a management program, you can study team dynamics and read research on how people interact with one another. You can also learn how to use technology to your organization’s advantage, establish an effective chain of command and work through conflicts that arise.

You might play a powerful role in an organization as a senior-level manager. As a college professor or a business consultant, you could be well-suited to helping others become better managers. You could also work as a management analyst who advises organizations on establishing effective systems of leadership.

minister praying in the church

If you work in a religious vocation, you probably chose that profession because you felt a calling to serve God and people. By earning a doctorate, you may be able to improve your effectiveness at that calling. The program can help you learn more about theology, the Bible and working among people.

In your program, you may work on enhancing your practical ministry skills, such as preaching, counseling and starting new congregations. You may also study the history of the church and the theology of the Bible.

The school may offer program concentrations like urban ministry, spiritual formation, family ministry, pastoral leadership and global evangelism.

Some people with Doctor of Ministry degrees hold pastoral positions in local churches. You might also have opportunities to advance to positions of leadership in your denomination’s regional or national organization. At a theological school, you might serve as a professor or an administrator.

nurse taking care of a patient

Although you can enter the nursing field with only an associate’s degree, the entry-level knowledge you can acquire in that nursing program is only the beginning.

As you move forward in your successful career, gaining more education can help you earn nursing positions with greater responsibility and higher pay. Under your leadership, newer nursing students can learn to provide excellent patient care.

Although you may take some classes on disease and healing in your nursing program, just as much of your time may be on leadership development. You may also learn to evaluate healthcare quality and use that data to improve outcomes.

Earning your Doctor of Nursing Practice can help qualify you to become an advanced practice registered nurse. That means that you can be a nurse practitioner, a nurse anesthetist or a certified nurse-midwife. With a doctorate, you may be chosen to head up the nursing department in your healthcare organization, or you might teach college nursing students.

psychologist listening to an elderly patient

While a master’s degree is typically sufficient for becoming a licensed counselor, working as a licensed psychologist requires a doctoral degree. By earning your psychology doctorate, you can increase your opportunities to reach patients in need or conduct scientific research about thought and behavior.

The coursework may compare and contrast various theories of personality or behavior. You can also learn about mental health disorders, client evaluations and treatment options, including pharmaceuticals and behavior-modification strategies.

Some graduate programs are designed with a focus on clinical work, and others may address additional aspects of the field, such as industrial-organizational psychology or forensic psychology.

Earning your doctorate can help prepare you to take the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) and become licensed in your state. With licensure, you could work as a clinical psychologist in private practices, long-term care facilities or medical organizations.

You could also head up mental health initiatives in corporate or public health settings.

public administrator working in the office

Government leadership is a weighty responsibility. To manage this responsibility as best you can, consider successful career development through a public administration doctoral program.

Not only will you be better suited for positions of high responsibility, but you may also improve the public’s confidence in your abilities. That’s particularly important when it comes to elected offices.

Public administrators, especially those who hold doctorates, are leaders, so a good portion of your studies may be dedicated to leadership development. Other courses may focus on analyzing, adapting and implementing policies. You may discuss ways to ensure that the work you do helps to improve equality for all people in your community.

After your doctoral studies, you may be poised to assume one of the highest leadership roles in a municipal government. State and federal positions may be available to you as well. Plus, the skills you can gain readily transfer to nonprofit work.

doctors in a meeting

Matters of life and death often rest on the recommendations of public health officials. With so much riding on your policies and initiatives, it only makes sense that you’d want to acquire as much education as you can.

Through your studies and work, you’ll have opportunities to improve health outcomes and bolster the quality of life for entire communities.

The health sciences classes you take can help you become more knowledgeable about gathering and analyzing public health data. You can also strategize ways to turn that data into actionable public health initiatives. This may include learning about applying for funding, increasing community awareness and campaigning for updated public health policies.

Your doctorate may increase your eligibility for health sciences positions such as an epidemiologist or another researcher who studies community health data. It’s also possible that you could advance to a leadership role in a public health sciences organization at the state or national level.

policy makers in a meeting

If you believe that government regulations hold the power to help or hinder citizens’ lives, then you probably understand the importance of a career in public policy. Doctoral studies in this area can help give you an advanced understanding of what it takes to create and maintain policies that truly benefit the members of a community.

This program can equip you with skills for surveying a community and evaluating needs; this research can serve as the foundation for new policies. Your studies may help you develop a framework for evaluating the costs and benefits of policy decisions. It’s also important that your program addresses the ethical responsibilities of a policymaker.

A successful career as a senior-level political scientist may begin with a doctoral degree in public policy. You could also find success as the director of an organization that oversees public safety, community outreach, municipal government or emergency management.

Choosing an Online PhD Program

phd student studying online

As online degree programs have grown more prevalent, prospective students have had an increasing number of reputable universities from which to choose for their studies. Consider the following characteristics when looking for a doctoral program.

  • Degree Program –  Not only do you need a school that offers a doctoral degree in your general area of interest, but you may also want that degree to be in your preferred format — professional doctorate or PhD — and include appealing concentration options.
  • Flexible – In general, online doctoral degrees offer increased flexibility compared to on-campus programs. Pay attention to whether online doctoral students are required to log in at certain times, come to campus for residencies or stick to a rigid course schedule.
  • Accessible –  Before settling on a school, explore the range of resources that you’ll have access to as an online student, such as faculty mentoring, library access or student organizations.
  • Transfer Credits –  If you already have credits from other doctoral studies, a school that allows you to transfer those in can save you both time and money.
  • Admissions – Doctoral programs can vary greatly in what percentage of applicants they accept; graduate programs for professional doctorates often admit more graduate students than PhD programs.
  • Required Technology – To complete your coursework, you will need a reliable computer with certain peripherals and educational programs, but some schools’ tuition fees cover the cost of laptops for their online doctoral students to use.

If you can find a few program offering online degrees that satisfy many of your preferences in these six areas, you’ll be well on your way to selecting the best doctoral program for your needs.

PhD Careers & Salaries

PhD Careers & Salaries

Earning a PhD is typically thought of as an academic track, preparing you for a university faculty position or a role as a scientific researcher in your chosen field. You may design experiments, collect data and publish your findings in industry journals. It’s also possible that you could enter higher education administration.

With a PhD you won’t be limited only to academic careers, of course. These terminal degrees may qualify you for some of the top leadership roles in your field. For example, you might become a division manager, a corporate executive, or a director in a nonprofit organization, a healthcare system or a government agency.

Some degrees can help you earn professional qualifications that you wouldn’t be able to achieve without that level of education. For example, a psychology doctorate can prepare you to become licensed as a clinical psychologist, and a nursing doctorate can allow you to become an advanced practice registered nurse.

Earning a doctoral degree can help you understand the theories and scientific concepts that underpin practices in your field. This deepens your knowledge and may qualify you to provide expert insights about public policies or legal matters that pertain to your area of study.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers that typically require a doctoral degree lead to a median annual salary of $110,200 . With your PhD or professional doctorate, you may work in one of the high-paying jobs listed below.

Information Research Scientist $126,830
Political Scientist $125,350
Human Resources Manager $121,220
Nurse Practitioner $111,680
Top Executive $107,680
University Administrator $97,500
Management Analyst $87,660
Psychologist $82,180
Epidemiologist $74,560
Postsecondary Teacher $71,950

The figures above represent median salaries based on employment statistics from across the U.S.; your actual earnings may vary.

Admissions Requirements for Online PhD Programs

phd student taking an exam

The competition to get into doctoral programs can be tough. Some schools admit only around 5% of the people who apply. To increase your chances of getting into your top graduate programs, you’ll have to compile a strong application package that sets you apart from the crowd and showcases your strengths.

  • Testing –  Many schools depend on GRE or GMAT test scores to determine whether you have what it takes to succeed in the high-pressure world of doctoral studies, but you may qualify for testing waivers.
  • Resume –  Work experience is required for admission to some schools. Even if a program doesn’t insist on a set number of years in the field, the committee may still look at your work history to provide insight about the knowledge and skills that you possess.
  • Transcripts –  Admissions committees want to see what you’ve previously studied: the fields you majored in, the courses you took and the grades you earned. There may be a minimum GPA that’s required before even being considered for admission.
  • Personal Statement –  An essay gives you the opportunity to share your goals with the admissions committee. You’ll want to present details about how your research plans align with the faculty’s areas of interest, so it’s important to customize this essay for each school.
  • Letters of Recommendation –  Two or three people who have supervised you in academic or professional settings will need to write letters vouching for your suitability for doctoral studies.
  • Prerequisite Courses – Doctoral students must be prepared to perform high-level work; to ensure that you’re ready, a program may only admit prospective students who have already taken graduate courses on certain topics. Some schools offer separate tracks for online learners who already have a relevant master’s degree and those who still need foundational graduate-level courses in the field. However, in rare cases, applicants may be accepted into doctoral degree programs with only a bachelor’s degree.

Admissions requirements can vary significantly from one program to the next. Always pay careful attention to the instructions before submitting your applications.

PhD vs. Professional Doctoral Degree – What’s the Difference?

phd student studying

Doctoral degrees come in two different forms: PhD and professional doctorate. Either one can be considered a terminal degree in most fields. Each has a different focus, though. A PhD is usually thought of as the more academic path, and the emphasis is on creating original research.

Although a professional doctorate may address research, it usually focuses more on developing high-level skills that can enhance your career as a practitioner in your field.

Focuses on conducting original research Focuses on applying research to real-world work settings
Prepares graduates for careers in academia, such as research or college teaching Prepares graduates for professional work in their fields
May enter straight from a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree program May need several years of relevant work experience
Usually requires a dissertation May require a doctoral project, a dissertation or a portfolio
Often takes seven years or more Can sometimes be completed in around four years

Despite these differences, there can be overlaps between the outcomes of these two educational programs. With a PhD, you may end up joining the professional workforce, and a professional doctorate may qualify you for teaching positions at some institutions of higher education.


Online Doctoral Programs Accreditation

To ensure that you earn a credible degree, you should enroll only in universities that have regional accreditation. A doctoral degree earned at a non-accredited school may not hold much value.

Regional accreditation can be granted only by an officially recognized organization. Approved accreditors in the U.S. include the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

The Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA) maintains a list of organizations that grant regional accreditation.

This type of accreditation is granted to an institution as a whole; either the entire school is accredited, or none of it is. To determine whether an a school qualifies to be an accredited institution, an accrediting association evaluates factors like academic quality, student supports and administrative structure.

National accreditation isn’t the same as regional accreditation. It’s granted by different organizations and usually requires less stringent qualifications to be an accredited institution. Because the standards are higher for regional accreditation, it is always preferable.

There’s nothing wrong with selecting a school that holds both types, though. For example, an accredited institution might have regional accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and national accreditation from the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).

Why Does Accreditation Matter?

phd graduate in a job interview

Being a regionally accredited institution is a testament to a university’s quality and indicates that it has what it takes to deliver a good education. By attending an accredited school, you can rest assured that your degree will mean something after graduation.

Future employers will think more highly of degrees from a regionally accredited institution, so you may have an easier time securing good jobs. Other colleges will also look more favorably on an accredited school, so you may be able to transfer your credits elsewhere.

Accreditation can also affect financial aid. Federal assistance can only be used at regionally or nationally accredited institutions.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid & Scholarships for online phd students

The sticker price on doctoral studies can be shockingly high at first. Fortunately, there are things you can do to significantly reduce your expenses.

The government has programs in place for providing college tuition financial assistance for those in need. Based on your income, you may be able to receive state or federal grants — money that you won’t need to repay.

Even if you can’t get grants, you may be able to take out low-interest government loans. Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to learn more about your options for financial assistance at the graduate level.

To complement the government financial assistance you might receive, you can also apply for scholarships and fellowships from private sources, such as industry associations, philanthropic groups or even your university.

Some doctoral programs — most often, PhD tracks — offer funding or stipends to doctoral candidates who work as teaching or research assistants.

Can You Get a Doctorate Degree Online?

doctorate degree student studying online

Yes, many universities have online educational programs for earning doctoral degrees. Both PhDs and professional doctorates are available as online doctoral degrees.

Some schools have fully online programs, and others require students to come to campus at some point for one or more residencies.

Even 100% online programs sometimes require in-person internships, but online learners may be able to work with an organization in the local area.

What Is the Best Online Doctoral Program?

Instead of looking for the single best doctoral program, strive to figure out which one is best for you. First of all, look for a school that offers a program that aligns with your goals and interests.

It’s also smart to consider factors like a school’s accreditation status and how quickly you can complete the online program. For instance, if you don’t have enough time to enroll full time, you should consider looking into PhD part time programs .

A low student-faculty ratio may increase your satisfaction as a student.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD Online?

How long it takes to get a PhD can vary from one school to the next, and the amount of time it takes you to complete your dissertation or doctoral project can greatly influence the overall length of your studies. As a general rule, professional doctorates may take around four years, and PhDs may take seven years.

Is an Online PhD Worth it

Is an Online PhD Worth it?

Yes, an online PhD is worth it for many students. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for jobs where a doctoral degree is required is projected to grow 6% for the next 10 years.

An online PhD program can be a smart way to further your career goals, and thinking deeply about a topic of interest to you can bring great personal satisfaction. Online students may be able to keep up with family or work responsibilities without sacrificing their ambitious goal of earning a doctorate.

Are There Any 1 Year Online Doctoral Programs?

There are multiple steps to earning a doctorate. For example, you may need to take courses, pass exams, complete an internship and write a dissertation. As a result, these degrees always take more than one year.

Even still, the accelerated format of some of the shortest doctoral programs online may help you speed up the process compared to traditional on-campus studies.

Is It Cheaper to Get a Doctoral Degree Online?

The cost per credit hour of an online doctoral degree can vary a great deal from one school to the next. On average online students might expect to spend between $500 and $1,200 per credit hour.

While some online classes are priced comparably to on-campus ones, others are noticeably cheaper. Getting an online education also means that you can save on commuting, housing and relocation costs.

phd student studying at home

Are There Any 100% Online Doctoral Programs?

Many schools offer programs for earning a doctorate without ever needing to step foot on campus. You may even be able to defend your dissertation from afar.

Keep in mind that some programs have in-person internship requirements, but you may be able to find a site in your local area.

Is an Online Doctorate Degree as Good as an On-Campus Degree?

The material covered in online courses is comparable to what you’d learn in a traditional classroom, so you can count on getting a quality education through flexible online classes.

Of course, just like you would for a campus-based program, it’s important to choose a regionally accredited school offering online doctoral degrees.

Who Should Consider an Online Doctoral Degree?

Graduate students with sights set on earning a terminal degree should consider the option of online doctoral studies. Digital programs offer a smart, flexible way to take classes and engage in stimulating research without relocating to campus.

Online learning is especially beneficial for those graduate students who need to balance school with work or family responsibilities.

How Do Online PhD Programs Work?

phd student studying online

Completing the classes for your doctorate may involve watching recorded lectures, engaging in conversations with fellow online students and submitting assignments digitally.

Once you move into the research and writing portion, you can also complete that work from afar via online learning and touch base with your faculty advisor as needed.

Even a fully online program may have you come to campus a few times throughout the program or to defend your dissertation face-to-face.

Are Online Doctoral Programs Easier to Complete?

Graduate students should expect to put just as much work into an online degree program as they would an on-campus one. The curriculum, workload and expectations should be quite similar.

In fact, to be successful with online education, you will need to make organization and self-discipline some of your top priorities.

What is an Applied Doctorate?

A professional doctorate is a terminal degree that can equip prospective students with doctoral-level insights that are directly applicable to the workforce. “Applied doctorate” is an alternative name for this type of degree. It’s not the same as a PhD, which focuses on academic research.

These doctorates are available in many fields, including business, education and psychology.

Getting Your Doctorate Online

phd student studying in a cafe

By earning a doctorate, you can prove to colleagues, employers and yourself that you have the drive and determination to rise to the top of your field. Studying online can remove many of the obstacles that might keep you from accomplishing this impressive goal.

With hard work, you can complete your PhD or professional doctorate, and that achievement may help you to take your career to the next level. To show yourself and the world that you’ve got what it takes to succeed, research universities and send applications to the online doctoral programs of your choice.

phd online brasil

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  • Published: 10 October 2019

PhDs in Brazil are perishing even when they publish

  • Elisa Mari Akagi Jordão 1  

Nature Human Behaviour volume  3 ,  page 1015 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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Brazil’s university landscape has undergone dramatic changes in recent decades, leading to increased pressure to publish despite stripped resources. Elisa Jordão argues that this makes it all the more important to educate the public about the value of scientific research and education.

In 1987, the year I was born, 1,000 people received a PhD in Brazil. In 2017, this number had ballooned to about 20,000 people. Many agree that public investment in education and science are intricately linked and necessary to develop a country’s autonomy. Since 2000, there has been a fivefold increase in international scientific publications in Brazil, accompanied by an almost fivefold increase in the number of graduate students. The number of new principal investigators in federal and state universities has increased threefold, and today 65% of them have a PhD. Authorship of publications by graduate students has also grown significantly. However, financial investment in science grew by only 72%.

phd online brasil

While scientific productivity and the number of graduate students have undergone massive growth, the increase in investment in scientific research has not been to scale. In 2016, scholarship amounts were the lowest since 1996, taking into account corrections for inflation. Today, a PhD student receives on average US $564 a month, less than half as much as in 1996 when adjusted for inflation. One reason for the increase in publications is that under these conditions, PhD students depend on papers to remain competitive for the few opportunities on offer.

Another issue is that the rapid and substantial increase in the number of publications was not accompanied by an increase in impact. Brazil’s scientific production, as measured by number of citations, is historically below world average despite an increase of 15% between 2011 and 2016. This low impact could be due to different factors, such as areas of research, lack of cutting-edge techniques or low originality because of the high pressure to publish. But that does not mean that Brazil’s science is bad. On the contrary, we have a very good reputation in areas such as ecology, mathematics and neuroscience. In fact, Brazil was one of the few countries in which the percentage of papers accepted for publication increased between 2012 and 2017, suggesting an increase not only in volume, but also quality.

The pressures on Brazil’s PhD students are not decreasing with Brazil’s economy, which has been shrinking since 2013. Since 2016, federal spending on higher education has dropped sharply, with cuts of around 30% to maintenance funds and 70% to investment; the public budget for research and development has suffered cuts exceeding 28%, and scholarships funds have been cut by 25%. For graduate students this is worrisome because these cuts increase competition for scholarships. Publishing is almost a requirement for getting a scholarship, yet offers no guarantee of funding. Financial cuts also reduce the purchasing and maintenance of equipment and consumables. Therefore, even PhD students who win a scholarship may not have enough money to actually do their research. Financial insecurities together with high pressure to publish could be related to the alarming mental health issues among graduate students.

After finishing a PhD, the situation does not improve: a new graduate may now be very qualified, but unemployed. In 2014, the percentage of PhD graduates in formal employment was only 75%. This number may decrease given governmental austerity measures. Motivated by the prospect of working in excellent institutions, PhD graduates are competing for temporary jobs at universities where they may earn only US $475 a month. The selection process is hard and competition is fierce for careers in universities. People are getting more qualified, which is a good thing, but when papers are more important to selection committees than other skills and attributes, this creates a problem. Publications are a parameter used in almost all decision-making in science, and we could lose scientific autonomy when doing that blindly. When you are pressured to publish, perhaps you might think twice before researching a challenging topic or very specific local issues that may be less likely to get accepted for publication. Besides, publishing skills alone do not make a great scientist. Of course we should publish—that is an essential part of science—but intellectual and cultural autonomy means we must be independent of such control tools. Other aspects should be regarded as equally relevant, such as dissemination of Brazilian science, teaching and organizing courses, and participating in scientific debates and decisions.

Now more than ever, Brazilian society needs to understand science to value what we do as scientists. This will not be achieved solely on the back of publications. Science in Brazil is facing a new challenge. For the first time, the government is verbally attacking public institutions of education and science, trying to justify budget cuts by questioning their quality and productivity. Together with financial cuts, this disregard for science is putting everything that Brazil has already built at risk, especially because Brazil has huge inequalities in resource distribution among its many regions.

Although my future in academia is uncertain, just as the future of science and education in Brazil are, this gives me more motivation to continue working and fighting for public science and education development. In May 2019, tens of thousands of people went twice into the streets around the country to protest against financial cuts in education and science, and I was there both times. Participation in social projects can give society power and a voice; my main interest now is bridging communication between public schools and neuroscience so that researchers and teachers can exchange knowledge and improve students’ learning. This is a challenge that can only be overcome with cooperation and solidarity between many people.

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Department of Physiology, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Elisa Mari Akagi Jordão

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Correspondence to Elisa Mari Akagi Jordão .

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Jordão, E.M.A. PhDs in Brazil are perishing even when they publish. Nat Hum Behav 3 , 1015 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0723-2

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Published : 10 October 2019

Issue Date : October 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0723-2

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Online Therapeutic Yoga Series - Healing is For Everyone

My main intention is around helping people understand that yoga is for everyone,” says Amy Wheeler, PhD, the facilitator of the Bakken Center’s Online Therapeutic Yoga Series.

July 12, 2024 Aegor Ray

amy wheeler teaching a student with their arms raised

My main intention is around helping people understand that yoga is for everyone,” says Amy Wheeler, PhD, the facilitator of the Bakken Center’s Online Therapeutic Yoga Series .

amy wheeler smiling beside a tulip in a vase on the table in front of her

Wheeler has served as a Professor of Kinesiology and yoga educator for 25 years, and is an emphatic believer that yoga can meet people where they are and translate lifelong skills without centering the values of aggressive, fitness-focused self-improvement.

Yoga can be gentle, supportive, and fold into a person’s existing life and routines easefully.

From April to October 2024, Wheeler is leading a series of online yoga workshops that focus on specific areas of the body and patterns of regulation in order to support overall wellbeing for participants. Each series consists of four sessions that are held online and last an hour; topics include reducing low back and hip pain, reducing upper back and neck pain, and pacifying insomnia and anxiety. These issue areas were chosen because they arise most often from patients as concerns, and have wide-reaching effects on an individual’s day-to-day life and capacity to thrive.

For Wheeler, success in this program is based on the understanding that a person is a whole system – a person’s wellbeing is not just based on their physical body, but on the health of their relationships and the ease and comfort through which they are able to engage with their daily life. Her thinking is in alignment with the Bakken Center’s approach towards improving community health outcomes through holistic education that values the broadest base possible.

Mary Jo Kreitzer, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, is director of the Bakken Center and notes that lifestyle factors are an important determinant of our overall health.

“Lifestyle factors that play large roles in our overall wellbeing include decisions that we make each day — what we eat, how much we move, the adequacy of our sleep, and how we manage stress and our emotions. Taking charge of our health and wellbeing has never been more important. This is why we invest in community education. We want people to have the knowledge and tools that will help them make good decisions that will lead to meaningful and sustainable change.”

“If you can breathe, you can do yoga,” stresses Wheeler. Her approach suggests that simple, pragmatic, and accessible skill-building helps improve resilience and strength not only for an individual, but for a community as a whole.

“When we are inclusive and increase life experiences in a space, we grow stronger as a community. We can withstand trauma through the inclusion of a variety of perspectives,” states Wheeler. Her perspective finds purposefulness in the intentional offering of this series on Zoom. By offering this series online, participants living with disabilities and chronic pain are able to participate and enrich the program with their own experience without creating additional strain in their lives. Additionally, participants are able to have their cameras off and have the freedom to modify the practices to their own needs. The practices are easily accommodated for someone sitting in a chair, or for someone who lives with myriad forms of disability that make physical movement difficult. Disability and pain is often seen as a barrier to yoga, but here, those lived experiences are valued, and belonging rather than striving, is emphasized. “The pandemic made us isolated and immunocompromised, and workshops like these can be a lifeline for people to find community,” notes Wheeler. She emphasizes valuing the experience of the participant who is completely new to yoga, and who may face hurdles while accessing this life-sustaining practice. Her model centers on carefulness, offering the opportunity for participants to “dip their toes in,” and for the practices to be complewmentary with an individual’s existing routines, rather than a total overhaul or interruption that becomes difficult to sustain.

Amy speaking with a student while they stretch on one knee

Wheeler’s farther-reaching vision encourages subtle systemic transformation. She hopes to offer therapeutic yoga in every University of Minnesota health clinic, and directly impact patients in need, in what is called the salutogenic, rather than diagnostic, approach. The salutogenic approach focuses on promoting health and wellbeing rather than combating disease. This subtle, but fundamental, paradigm shift has a transformative effect on both individuals and communities. She gives the example of an individual who has back pain. With the diagnostic approach, a doctor might treat the patient with shots or other remedies that immediately alleviate the back pain. With the salutogenic approach, a patient is asked to consider their daily life, perhaps how much sitting or strain they put on their back, and introduce practices that weave into their ordinary routines. For Wheeler, the combination of approaches is key, and a diversity of care practices builds agency and support in a way that is empowering and sustainable.

Strategically, the Bakken Center hopes that this Online Therapeutic Yoga Series attracts newcomers to the practice of yoga, and supports people who are looking for a reason to refresh their practice or work on specific health issue areas. With Wheeler as the steward, and Zoom as the means of delivery, the Bakken Center is committed to closing the gap between health and wellbeing expertise and the wider community.

Her focus on this simple tool of self-regulation is a powerful way to think about how simple it can be to meet people where they are to get them to the next step of their own personal health goals. And in meeting people where they are, the Bakken Center strengthens its relationship to our community and makes healing a practice, not a theory.

Categories: Community Mandala Outreach and Business Development

In this Issue: Summer 2024

Abstract painting of freeflowing greens and blues with accents of orange and red


Craig Blacklock’s new work including the Encroachment series, will be on display at the Joseph Nease Fine Art Gallery in Duluth, Minnesota from August 9th through September 27th.

"change agents" surrounded by maroon and gold geometric design

Change Agents

These Health Coaching students are poised to transform healthcare and patient wellbeing.

megan voss smiling at camera

Bold Innovator

Bakken Center Director of Education Dr. Megan Voss is leading the revolution at the intersection of education and healthcare.

illustration of a hand holding a phone

Scrolling with Mental Health in Mind

Today, social media functions as a sort of virtual Swiss Army knife—a tool with many purposes adapted to society’s needs.

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Covid Cases Are Rising Again. Here’s What to Know.

The “FLiRT” variants have gained traction this summer.

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A woman sneezing into a handkerchief during a hike.

By Dani Blum

As new variants of the coronavirus continue to gain traction, cases appear to be rising in much of the country. Two of these variants, KP.3 and KP.2, now account for over half of all cases , and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Covid-related emergency room visits, deaths and hospitalization rates have risen.

Here’s what to know about symptoms, testing and treatment if you do fall ill:

Symptoms to watch out for

There’s no evidence that symptoms of the new dominant variants, including those collectively known as the “FLiRT” variants , are any different than other recent strains of the virus, said Aubree Gordon, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Michigan.

The symptoms still include sneezing, congestion, headaches, sore muscles, nausea or vomiting. Many people also report exhaustion and a general “blah” feeling.

In general, the more immunity you’ve built up from vaccination or past infections, the milder your next bout with the virus is likely to be. (Though it’s possible to experience more intense symptoms with a new infection than you’ve had in past Covid cases.)

The symptoms of Covid can look similar to those caused by allergies or other infections. The best way to tell the difference is to test.

When (and how) to test

In an ideal world, experts said, people would take a Covid test as soon as they develop symptoms or learn they were exposed, and then test again a day or two later. But if you only have a limited number of at-home rapid tests, there are a few ways to maximize their usefulness: Test immediately if you have a fever and a cough, said Dr. Davey Smith, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Diego.

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  5. List of PHD Programs in Brazil

    PhD in Nutrition in Public Health. Universidade de São Paulo. Campus de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil. QS World University Ranking. =85. QS Stars. -. QS I-GAUGE. Study Level PHD.

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    The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Program in Portuguese and Brazilian is advanced graduate study in the language, literatures and cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World, with concentration on one or more the following areas: Brazil, Continental and Insular Portugal, Lusophone Africa, and Luso-America. There are no upcoming events to display.

  7. PhDs in Brazil and São Paulo : Revista Pesquisa Fapesp

    The figure for Brazil is 6% higher than in 2017, when 21,591 PhDs were awarded. São Paulo, which saw a slight growth of 0.5% over 2017, accounted for 32% of all doctorates granted in Brazil. The three state universities (USP, UNICAMP, and UNESP) awarded 23% of the country's PhDs in 2018 and 76% of all PhDs granted by state universities that year. There is a strong association1 between the ...

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    One of the nation's leaders in online education, the University of Florida offers seven online doctoral degrees focused mostly on education and nursing. The Ed.D. in higher education administration blends online learning with immersions held 2-3 weekends per semester at UF and at other colleges in the state.

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    Applications are invited for a self-funded, 3 year full-time or 6 year part-time PhD project. The PhD will be based in the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and will be supervised by Dr Marta Roldo and Professor Paul Cox. Read more. Supervisors: Dr M Roldo, Prof P Cox.

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    In the case of Master's degree holders, these courses can be recognized if they subsequently join the regular PhD program at FGV EAESP. Discounts for former students of EAESP programs: 50% discount for graduates of CG, CEAG, CEAHS, MBM, CMCD, MPA, MPGPP, MPGI, MPGC programs, and a 10% discount for former individual enrollees of the CMCD program.

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  15. Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

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    Working during your PhD. Recent years have seen the Brazilian government relax previously strict restrictions on foreign students working in the country. It's now possible to apply online for a work permit. First, you'll need to buy a digital certificate token from an authorised post office, which will then give you access to the online system.


    A PHD DO BRASIL, tem mais de 20 anos de experiência no mercado farmacêutico e atualmente se destaca como a maior e mais completa empresa de injetáveis na área da estética e medicina. É uma ...

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  19. Masters and PhD Study in Brazil: Requirements & Process

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  21. 30 Best Online Doctoral Programs [2024 Guide]

    Yes, an online PhD is worth it for many students. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for jobs where a doctoral degree is required is projected to grow 6% for the next 10 years. An online PhD program can be a smart way to further your career goals, and thinking deeply about a topic of interest to you can bring great personal ...

  22. PhDs in Brazil are perishing even when they publish

    In 1987, the year I was born, 1,000 people received a PhD in Brazil. In 2017, this number had ballooned to about 20,000 people. Many agree that public investment in education and science are ...

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    Assista ao programa CNN Novo Dia desta quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2024. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube.ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAM...


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  26. Online Therapeutic Yoga Series

    Mary Jo Kreitzer, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, is director of the Bakken Center and notes that lifestyle factors are an important determinant of our overall health. "Lifestyle factors that play large roles in our overall wellbeing include decisions that we make each day — what we eat, how much we move, the adequacy of our sleep, and how we manage ...

  27. List of Universities for PHD in Materials Sciences in Brazil

    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Materials Sciences in Brazil with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  28. Covid Cases Are Rising Again. Here's What to Know.

    Before using a test, check its expiration date. If it's past the date, you can see whether it's still usable by going through the F.D.A. database of tests. Be mindful in the summer months ...

  29. Watch Srikanth

    A visually-impaired man overcomes extreme obstacles in education and business in this biopic chronicling the life of industrialist Srikanth Bolla. Watch trailers & learn more.


    Assista AO VIVO ao programa Live CNN desta sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2024. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube.ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASI...