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GW School of Business

Ph.D. in Business with an Information Systems and Technology Management Area of Focus

The Department of Information Systems and Technology Management at the GW School of Business offers a Ph.D. in Business with an Information Systems and Technology Management (ISTM) Area of Focus. The ISTM doctoral program focuses on the research areas in information systems and technology management. The program is designed to explore diverse research topics in information systems, including digital transformation, IS economics, digital strategy, e-commerce, artificial intelligence (AI), and other emerging digital phenomena in today’s pervasively digitized businesses, and exploits them for business values. The proposed ISTM Ph.D. degree is intended to prepare students for successful research careers in the IS fields.  

At the same time, the ISTM field itself is highly interdisciplinary encompassing various research areas and topics studying IS and IT, including economics, sociology, psychology, organization theory and behavior, strategic management and computer science. ISTM faculty members have been actively doing interdisciplinary research in IS economics, digital marketing, digital business strategy, and IS theories in psychology and organizations, and doing professional service as associative editors at top-tier journals such as MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. The ISTM Ph.D. concentration is intended to prepare students for successful research careers in the IS specialization as well as encouraging cross-disciplinary research inquiries.  

The research phase begins as early as the first year, when students serve as research assistants, and continues throughout the doctoral program. Students should gradually become more involved in the design and execution of research and, by the end of the second year, have typically produced at least one paper suitable for publication, typically coauthored with a faculty member. The later years of the program are dedicated to original research and the creation of the dissertation.

ISTM faculty are dedicated to providing our students with leading edge information systems management, artificial intelligence, technology innovation courses, and research designed to make an impact in the business world.  

Our top ranked research faculty’s broad, multidisciplinary approach to the study and research of information systems core concepts, trends and forecasts leverages information technology and exploits them for business values. 

The ISTM department is ranked #24 world-wide in research productivity measured by the number of articles published in the top information systems journals such as Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly in the past three years, 2020-2022. The research and expertise of the faculty of the Information Systems and Technology Management Department spans a broad theoretical base, including information systems, engineering, computer science and healthcare. 

Our Faculty

Our faculty earned their doctoral degrees from renowned schools, including the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Texas at Austin, University of Southern California (USC), University of Washington, Erasmus University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and the City University of New York (CUNY).  

ISTM department faculty have published in top tier journals, and work closely with faculty and doctoral students all over the world, leading to co-authored published articles. Our faculty are active in the discipline with four faculty members serving as Associate Editors for two top information systems journals , Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly . They also serve as officers for academic divisions and track chairs for major conferences including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), INFORMS, and the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).  

YoungKi Park

Dr. YoungKi Park is the lead professor for the ISTM doctoral program.

  • Elias Carayannis
  • Sunghun Chung Ph.D. in Information Systems, KAIST Areas of Expertise: FinTech, Digital Inclusion/Innovation, Social Media Analytics, IT Business Value 
  • Subhasish Dasgupta Ph.D. in Information Systems, City University of New York (CUNY)  Areas of expertise: Information Technology Adoption and Diffusion, Behavioral Issues in Information Systems, Global Information Systems
  • Richard Donnelly Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
  • Wenjing Duan Ph.D. in Management Science and Information Systems, University of Texas at Austin Areas of Expertise: Electronic Commerce; Social Media; Digital Marketing; Healthcare Analytics 
  • Yi-Chun (Chad) Ho Ph.D. in Information Systems, University of Washington Areas of Expertise: Platform/Sharing Economy, User-Generated Content, E-/M-Commerce, Pricing in Digital Markets Topical Areas of Interest: Live Streaming Commerce, Influencer Marketing, Crowdfunding 
  • Yixin Lu PhD: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Analytics, Market Design, Programmatic Advertising, Platform Strategies, Sustainable Operations 
  • YoungKi Park Ph.D. in Information Systems, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California Areas of Expertise: Digital Business Strategy, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Enterprise Information Systems & Database, Set-Theoretic Configuration Methods, Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA)

Program & Curriculum

The program is designed to provide doctoral students with solid theoretical and methodological foundations to pursue the key topics of information and digital systems, virtual environments, digitization, and emerging digital technologies. The ISTM Ph.D. degree consists of fifteen courses (equivalent of forty-five credit hours) as part of the student's plan of study. These include:  

  • Four required courses in research methods and quantitative analysis (12 credits)  
  • Four required ISTM field core doctoral courses (12 credits)  
  • Five doctoral level elective courses (15 credits)  
  • An additional doctoral level seminar from outside the student's area of interest (3 credits). 
  • A summer research paper during the first or first and second summer (3 credits).  

Throughout the program, students become familiar with research methods and the literature of their major fields through research projects and directed readings. The completion of course work and qualifying examinations requires no more than two years.  

Early student participation in research is strongly encouraged. The ISTM department hosts regular seminar series, which introduce students to cutting-edge research and provide a forum for faculty-student interaction. Students are encouraged to work with their counterparts at other schools and departments including the Marketing, Management, and Strategic Management & Public Policy Departments, as well as the university's Computer Sciences Department and the Milken School of Public Health, among others. 

Students should take at least 15 (three-credits) courses to meet the required 45 credit hours for the PhD degree. The ISTM Ph.D. Program requires students to take a minimum of 45 credits during their program, including 27 credits in core courses, a 3-credit summer paper, and 15 credits in elective courses. Students should consult their Faculty Advisory Group about the required courses and electives for which they should register. All classes are required to be taken for letter grades. The program course requirements are provided below followed by an overview of the program structure.

Common Methodology Courses (4) 

  • ECON 8301 Microeconomic Theory I
  • ECON 8375: Econometrics I
  • ECON 8376: Econometrics II
  • MGT 8385: Research Methods and Design

Core Courses (4) 

Students choose four out of the five following ISTM seminar courses with the student’s faculty advisory group:

  • ISTM 8391: Contemporary Research Topics in Information Systems
  • ISTM 8392: Empirical Research in Information Systems – A Cross-Disciplinary Overview
  • ISTM 8393: Behavioral Theories in Information Systems Research
  • ISTM 8394: Advanced Empirical Methods in Information Systems
  • ISTM 8395: Research in Digital Business Strategy

Students must also complete:

  • An additional doctoral level seminar from outside the student's area of interest
  • A summer research paper during the first or first and second summer, as required by the student's area of interest

Elective Courses (5) 

Students choose five of the following courses with the student’s faculty advisory group:

  • DNSC 8328: Bayesian Statistics  
  • DNSC 8393: Applied Stochastic Models for Business 
  • ECON 8302: Microeconomic Theory II  
  • ECON 8303: Microeconomic Theory III  
  • ECON 8375: Econometrics III  
  • ECON 8379: Applied Econometrics  
  • EDUC 8122: Qualitative Research Methods 
  • MGT 8382: Foundations of Organizational Behavior and Development 
  • MGT 8397: Doctoral Seminar 
  • PSYC 8202: Psychological Research Methods and Procedures 
  • PSYC 8205: Multiple Regression Analysis in Psychological and Social Sciences 
  • PSYC 8206: Multivariate Analysis and Modeling 
  • PSYC 8291: Theories of Organizational Behavior 
  • SMPP 8321: Seminar in Strategic Management 
  • SMPP 8331: Organizational Theory  
  • STAT 8273: Stochastic Processes

In addition to the above electives, students can — with ISTM doctoral program approval — register for relevant doctoral courses offered by the other GWU Departments or at the other universities which are part of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.   

  • Fall Semester: ECON 8301, ECON 8375, ISTM 8391, ISTM 8392 
  • Spring Semester: ECON 8376, MGT 8385, ISTM 8393, 1 elective 
  • Research Activities: Seeking research topics and advisors; regularly attending departmental and school seminars; start summer paper research
  • Milestone/Objective: Summer paper (due by the start of fall second year) 
  • Fall Semester: ISTM 8394, ISTM 8398, 1 elective 
  • Spring Semester: ISTM 8395, 2 electives  
  • Research Activities: Identification of major research topics; continuation of work with advisors; completion of second-year paper; presentation at conferences
  • Milestone/Objective: Comprehensive exam 
  • Fall Semester: Dissertation
  • Spring Semester: Dissertation
  • Research Activities: Conference presentations; premier journal submissions; start of dissertation proposal
  • Milestone/Objective: Teaching, Work on dissertation
  • Research Activities: Conference presentations; premier journal submissions
  • Milestone/Objective: Dissertation proposal defense
  • Research Activities: Premier journal submissions and publications; job market papers ready
  • Milestone/Objective: Dissertation defense, Research-oriented faculty position

Note: Please refer to the course requirements section for core courses and elective courses.

Admissions, Financial Aid & Next Steps

Admission to the program is competitive. All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent, representing a four-year course of study in an accredited college or university. Superior academic performance is expected, and a strong background and ability in mathematics are essential for successfully completing the program. The program is expected to be completed in four to five years.  

Learn about admissions and the costs of pursuing a Ph.D. in ISTM, and explore various resources available to help finance your degree.

Learn More About Doctoral Program Admissions, Financial Aid, and How to Apply

  • Information Technology Management

Hero Med mosaic tiles

  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Strategy and Innovation

IT and information systems are rapidly becoming ubiquitous in modern society. Over the last decades, IT innovation moved at a staggering pace. Now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance to explore and understand how these IT advances reshape the private sector and government operations, create new opportunities and emerging business models in the market, impact and connect consumers, allow for transparency and accountability, and change the concepts of identity and security.

IT Management Concentration Overview

Mingfeng Lin, Associate Professor of IT Management, gives an overview of the IT Management concentration within the Scheller Ph.D. program.

IT Management Concentration Overview

IT Management (ITM) Ph.D. at Georgia Tech

The ITM Ph.D. degree at Georgia Tech Scheller focuses on the exploration of the economic and behavioral impact of IT on businesses, consumers, governments, and society.

Students are trained in a wide variety of methods and are exposed to cutting-edge research in IT management and in other related fields. Throughout the program, doctoral students are closely supervised and mentored by ITM faculty who are experienced world-class researchers working on a broad set of relevant topics. This degree is intended to enable students to be successful researchers and instructors in the field of information systems at leading academic institutions in the world.

The program started in the fall of 1990, and, over the past couple of decades, has successfully shaped top researchers in the field.

How Do I Finance the Program?

If admitted to the program, your tuition will be waived and you will receive a monthly stipend. 

Application Process

The application deadline is jan. 6 for admission the following fall semester (starting mid-august)..

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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in IT Management

Part of business & management.

Information Technology (IT) Management teaches you how to set up, maintain, and monitor an organisation’s hardware, software, and networks. You will learn how different components of information technology systems interact with each other and implement ways to collect, organise, and store data efficiently and securely.

During a Bachelor’s or Master’s in IT Management, you can expect to take classes on computer fundamentals, principles of programming, data and databases, business applications, local area and wide area network management, cyber security, etc.

As a future IT manager, you will oversee the work of other IT colleagues and provide them with training and guidance. You will create an IT policy for all the other employees, choose what apps and security devices must be used and decide when and how hardware upgrades should take place.

In addition to advanced technical knowledge, successful IT managers also own skills like strategic thinking, budgeting, communication, and time and people management, among others.

IT Management graduates often work in the corporate sector, healthcare, education, governmental institutions, or NGOs. Other related job titles include IT consultant, database administrator, systems analyst, etc.

View all PhDs in IT Management . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in IT Management .

Interesting programmes for you

Specialisations within the field of business & management.

  • Project Management
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  • Business Intelligence
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  • Digital Media
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  • Actuarial Science
  • Construction Management
  • Management of Creative Industries
  • IT Management
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  • Financial Management
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Courses Information Technology Management

Doctor of philosophy in business management.

  • PhD in Business Management
  • Information Technology Management

PhD in Business Management, Information Technology Management

School of business, technology, and health care administration.

The PhD in Business Management specialization in Information Technology Management is designed for mid- and senior-level IT professionals and practicing IT executives, individuals with senior business management experience, or those with a master’s degree in a related field. The specialization focuses on emerging trends, technological influences, and multidisciplinary research to advance the theory and practice of leading IT strategic planning and management in complex environments, including diverse organizational and global cultural contexts. Learners evaluate collaborative relationships among IT and other leaders in the organization in pursuit of organizational goals; strategies for fostering an organizational culture that integrates technological innovation within the context of changing business needs; and the ethical and legal issues that influence the theory and practice of IT management. The specialization prepares learners to lead, consult, or teach in the field of IT management from an informed, strategic viewpoint, creating practical solutions to emerging real-world problems encountered as organizations compete in the global marketplace.

Core courses:


Learners in this course explore business theories, research, and practice. In particular, learners study the challenges of conducting scholarly research and the practice of leading and managing a business enterprise. Learners explore the depth and breadth of business research, the research methodologies used to conduct it, and potential business research topic areas. Learners are also immersed in a culture of inquiry to focus on strengthening critical thinking and scholarly writing skills.

6 quarter credits

Learners in this course apply theories of organization to critically analyze the organization as an arrangement of systems to develop a holistic understanding of its interrelated, interdependent functions.

4 quarter credits
BMGT-V8925 *

In this ten-week virtual residency, learners develop and evaluate proposed topic areas and theories for their doctoral project. Learners analyze the literature on potential topics to assess relevance to the discipline and potential methods to use in the doctoral project. Learners gain an understanding of the writing, research, and critical thinking skills necessary to complete the final project. Further development of the doctoral project is determined through a final assessment. This residency includes required synchronous sessions.  

3 quarter credits
BMGT-V8926 *

In this ten-week virtual residency, learners apply writing, research, and critical thinking skills by identifying a problem, developing project questions, and finalizing a project topic that is appropriate for the program. Learners use evidence to support the selection of theories, problems, and questions to guide further refinement of their topic. Learners establish an appropriate topic area, preliminary project design, and begin development of a literature review. Further development of the doctoral project is determined through a project topic framework. This residency includes required synchronous sessions.

3 quarter credits
BMGT-V8927 *

In this ten-week virtual residency, learners apply advanced research and writing skills through the development of a detailed project framework based on work in prior residencies. Learners develop a project framework that includes methodological and/or research design, sampling or participant recruitment plan, intervention plan (if applicable), strategies for data collection, analysis, and outcomes of the project. Further development of the doctoral project is determined through an assessment of the project framework, which is finalized once the learner enters the advanced doctoral stage of the program. This residency includes required synchronous sessions. 

3 quarter credits

In this course, learners examine ethics theory and practice, ethical decision making, and the leader’s role in creating an ethical environment in global business. Learners also explore the ways cultural intelligence fosters multicultural and ethical thinking.  

4 quarter credits

This course presents marketing principles and best practices. Learners analyze the factors influencing marketing strategy and explore ways to use marketing theory to identify market opportunities and segments. Learners then formulate appropriate marketing strategies to pursue those opportunities and markets from cultural, virtual, and global perspectives.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course examine theories associated with effective strategy development, integration, and implementation across all functional areas of business operations. Learners study the skills required of strategic thinkers and leaders in today’s complex global business environment and practice applying them to solve contemporary business issues.

4 quarter credits
BMGT8019 *

This course provides a guided review of the literature in the learner's specialization for the purpose of identifying a study topic. Learners research and evaluate associated major threads of research and theory in the literature. The course prepares learners for the development of an appropriate topic during Residency Track 1.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course examine the structure and process of the scholarly literature in peer reviewed journals and explore the role of the scholar as social and behavioral scientist. Learners critically evaluate scholarly literature, including seminal work, relevant theory, and data-based research studies from both the qualitative and quantitative traditions. Learners also explore the meaning of content and process gaps, problems, and research opportunities uncovered during the literature review.

4 quarter credits
BMGT8055 *

This course guides learners in the development of a comprehensive literature review. Learners build on their approved Dissertation Research Plan from residency tracks 2 or 3 as the foundation for drafting Chapter 2 of their dissertation. Learners document and synthesize key seminal theoretical works, conceptual studies, and methodologies underpinning the gap in the scholarly knowledge that their proposed study addresses. While developing Chapter 2 of their dissertation, learners review and apply PhD dissertation guidelines.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course critically evaluate research in order to gain an understanding of the scientific methods of inquiry and the ethical considerations of research. Learners develop and apply skills needed to become educated consumers and creators of research. Learners also use their research design skills to analyze and apply research methodologies, validity, reliability and other components of scientific research related to their field of interest.

4 quarter credits

In addition, choose one of the following two categories:

For quantitative research:

BMGT8035 *

This course is an introduction to tests and measurement instruments commonly used in business studies. Learners in this course examine instrument development, factor analysis, validity testing and review the ethical, professional, and legal aspects of the use of these instruments. Learners also develop key sections of the dissertation methodology and design, incorporating appropriate instruments and corresponding validity data. 

4 quarter credits
BMGT8043 *

In this course, learners define a quantitative research question by demonstrating the understanding of the relationship between hypothesis and theory. Learners develop a research design using research questions and the appropriate sample, control variables, and statistical technique, and identify the logical connection between the hypothesis and theory. Other course topics include sample design, exploratory data analysis, multiple regression, logistic regression, factorial ANOVA, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). This course requires the use of analytical software.

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners investigate the fundamental concepts needed to conduct quantitative research. Learners examine and apply quantitative research techniques; appropriate applications of quantitative research; research design, measurement, and analysis, and their associated interdependencies; variable types and levels of measurement; sampling; descriptive and inferential statistics; and hypothesis testing. Learners define the strengths and limitations of descriptive statistics, analyze the quantitative scales of measurement, review the logic of probability and null hypothesis testing, and leverage technology when applicable. Learners also determine the steps necessary to ensure human subjects protection, and consider methodological adaptations when conducting research with vulnerable and diverse populations.

4 quarter credits

For qualitative research:

BMGT8044 *

This course extends the topics covered in BMGT8040 and is designed to prepare learners to develop and conduct their own qualitative study for a dissertation. Learners further analyze the philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research and inquiry, emphasizing effective execution of school-approved dissertation research methodologies. These methodologies include case study, phenomenology, Delphi, and generic qualitative research. Learners assess the design, sampling, and data collection strategies associated with each of the four methodologies. Learners also examine the data analysis processes associated with each methodology, as well as the role of the researcher in documenting personal reflections in the collection and analysis of data. 

4 quarter credits
BMGT8046 *

This course is an in-depth review of qualitative data collection strategies, data collection guides, and data collection techniques commonly used in business research. Learners use their approved dissertation research plans to develop a data collection guide and conduct an expert review and mock data collection. Learners also assess the ethical issues involved in qualitative data collection associated with their study method and design and propose mitigation strategies for participant and data protection and to ensure credibility, dependability, transferability, and trustworthiness. Finally, learners develop key sections of the dissertation methodology and design, incorporating the data collection strategy, and field-tested data collection guide.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course assess the fundamental concepts needed to conduct qualitative research. Learners practice qualitative research techniques; appropriate applications of qualitative research; the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research design, sampling, and analysis and their associated interdependencies; and leverage technology when applicable. Learners also determine the steps necessary to ensure human subjects protection, and consider methodological adaptations when conducting research with vulnerable and diverse populations.

4 quarter credits

Specialization courses:


Learners investigate the information technology leader’s collaborative roles working with an organization’s non-IT senior leadership, including aligning business strategy with IT strategy, acting as an equal contributor to the formation of organizational strategy, and integrating ethical policies and practices into an organization. Learners evaluate multidisciplinary research and practices related to leadership, organizational structures, and culture. Through the lens of complexity/chaos and change theories, learners analyze information technology’s role in contributing to organizational resiliency.

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners examine processes by which senior information technology leadership must evaluate different IT governance models from a global perspective, including decision models, management structures, business engagement processes, leadership theories, and risk assessment processes. Learners evaluate methods of performance measurement and control, and assess the relevance and effect of social responsibility issues and strategic partnering on IT strategic planning.

4 quarter credits

This course presents key issues related to the implementation of information technology policies and processes as day-to-day operations, including consideration of ethical, cultural, and global issues, and potential effects on internal and external stakeholder needs. Learners evaluate strategies for implementing different governance models and assess the ways in which those models relate to change management processes and organizational innovation.  

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners evaluate evolving theories and practices that inform decisions related to the information technology system development life cycle. Learners assess different development models and examine the IT leader’s role in IT enterprise portfolio management against the backdrop of changing workforce considerations, including offshore, contract, multicultural, and multigenerational workers in global enterprises.  

4 quarter credits

Upon completion of all required coursework:

GBUS9919 *

This course includes an overview of the comprehensive examination process, the university’s expectations of academic honesty and integrity, the three core themes of the examination, and the evaluation criteria. The courseroom mentor provides three questions addressing the core themes. Learners write answers to the comprehensive examination questions. Answers are evaluated by faculty readers using point-scale scoring rubrics. Upon passing the comprehensive examination, learners are eligible to register for the first dissertation course.

3 quarter credits

Learners must register for GBUS9960 a minimum of four times to fulfill their specialization requirements.

GBUS9960 *

This course provides learners with resources, guidance, and peer and mentor support during each dissertation course as they complete the required milestones. 

3 quarter credits each

One Elective Course

At least 4 quarter credits

Choose any business management (BMGT) course(s).

At least 90 quarter credits

* Denotes courses that have prerequisite(s). Refer to the descriptions for further details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

What Can I Expect?

Each unit consists of readings, discussions, and other activities you will be expected to complete throughout the week. Assignments are due on Sundays, though not every course requires an assignment each week.

In each course, you will receive a detailed scoring guide that describes expectations for every graded assignment.

Grades are based on your participation in weekly reading discussions and completion of assignments. You will also be assessed on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of expected outcomes for your program or specialization. These outcomes are based on the needs and performance standards of your field or discipline.

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We have 28 it service management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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it service management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Sustainability-oriented digital lifecycle management in manufacturing-as-a-service (maas) phd, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Design of net zero strategies and best practices for manufacturing and service organisations (research and experimentation in complex scenarios with competing priorities) PhD

Retailer operations’ simulation-optimisation for perishable food waste management, political marketing: applied analysis of the use of marketing by campaigns, parties and governments, thermal management for future aerospace propulsion, funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

The role of carers in medicines management for people living with dementia

Improving post contract cost-control estimates using artificial intelligence (ai) and machine learning (ml), trusted-edge and semantic-based approach for dependable iot and smart systems, battery systems engineering: modelling, state estimation and health monitoring phd, personal data economy, data ownership & rights, and new business models, a bci-controlled soft actuated exoskeleton for tele-neurorehabilitation, dynamic digital scheduling for optimal outfitting of naval ships, funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Understanding perspectives of prehabilitation in underserved cancer populations: A qualitative study to inform service design and delivery.

Leadership for responsible digital transformation in healthcare, phd in neuroscience - delineating the organisation of the human vagus nerve for selective neuromodulation.

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Online Ph.D. in Information Technology

Applying IT research to real-world situations and expanding the IT field’s existing body of knowledge.

woman using computer

Programs & Requirements

Mission & goals.

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As technology advances at a rapid pace, you need to stay ahead of the curve.

As an experienced IT professional, you have a wealth of knowledge and skills under your belt. But the field of IT never stands still; as it evolves, you need to evolve with it. A PhD in information technology could be what you need to ensure that you stay ahead.

More than a pathway to earning the highest credential in your field, a doctorate program offers the chance to take a deep dive into the IT industry’s challenges and opportunities. That could mean gaining deep knowledge of how machine learning solves business problems, using analytics to plan for growing IT needs, responding to evolving cyber security threats, and much more. Pursuing your PhD in information technology offers the license to follow your scholarly interests and make discoveries that could potentially change the industry — and the world.

By the Numbers

Online doctorate in information technology.

The PhD in information technology online degree program from University of the Cumberlands is designed to help you take your IT career to new heights. The program is comprised of 60 required credit hours, which include professional research courses, content specialty courses, and a dissertation.

Our fully online curriculum focuses on predictive analytics, enhancing your credentials and giving you the tools you need to be your company’s IT expert in cybercrime security, big data, and smart technology. You’ll explore information governance, technology for a global economy, enterprise risk management, data science, big data, and more. You’ll also gain a comprehensive understanding of emerging threats to IT infrastructure and systems, plus identify countermeasures to keep cyberattacks at bay. 

Course Requirements

  • ITS 831 - Information Technology Importance in Strategic Planning  
  • ITS 832 - Information Technology in a Global Economy  
  • ITS 833 - Information Governance  
  • ITS 834 - Emerging Threats and Countermeasures  
  • ITS 835 - Enterprise Risk Management  
  • ITS 836 - Data Science and Big Data Analytics  
  • DSRT 734 - Inferential Statistics in Decision-making  
  • DSRT 736 - Dissertation Seminar  
  • DSRT 837 - Professional Writing and Proposal Development  
  • DSRT 839 - Advanced Research Methods  
  • DSRT 850 - Qualitative Research Methods  
  • DSRT 930 - Dissertation  
  • DSRT 931 - Dissertation *
  • DSRT 834 - Advanced Statistical Applications  

* If the dissertation is not completed at the end of DSRT 931 , the candidate repeats DSRT 931  as needed, for three (3) credit hours each term, until the dissertation is completed and successfully defended.

A content specialty area of at least eighteen hours (18) must be earned in one of several disciplines:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber Engineering
  • Data Science
  • Digital Forensics
  • Information Systems Security
  • Information Technology

Courses in the following UC Master's programs will matriculate as the Doctoral specialty if the courses are completed beyond the first Master’s degree:

  • MS Digital Forensics
  • MS Information Technology
  • MS Information Systems Security
  • MS Cyber Engineering
  • MS Blockchain

In the event a learner needs more classes, other related discipline courses could be considered with the discretion of the Department Chair and Program Director under the direction of the Dean of the School.

For a full list of course offerings or more program specific information, visit our Academic Catalog . 

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The mission of the online IT PhD program at Cumberlands is to teach practitioners the theories, strategies, and tactics necessary to lead in today’s global technology management field. Through this program, you will strengthen your skills in:

Information Technology Careers & Outcomes

*All statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics

Computer and Information Research Scientist: $136,620

Computer and information research scientists design innovative uses for new and existing computing technology.

Computer Network Architect: $126,900

Computer network architects design and build data communication networks, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and Intranets.

Data Scientist: $103,500

Data scientists use analytical tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data.

Information Security Analyst: $112,000

Information security analysts plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems.

Database Administrator/Architect: $112,120

Database administrators and architects create or organize systems to store and secure data.

Computer and Information Systems Manager: $164,070

Computer and information systems managers plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities in an organization.

Common Questions

PhD and DIT programs have more similarities than differences. Either a PhD or a DIT could prepare you to conduct research, teach, or help businesses achieve their IT goals. Which program is right for you? At University of the Cumberlands, you don’t have to make that choice. Our PhD in Information Technology program blends the best of both a DIT and PhD. Our practitioner-aimed PhD program blends research with reality-based problem-solving.  

When you earn your PhD at University of the Cumberlands, you could prepare to advance your career, pursue IT leadership roles, or teach the next generation of IT professionals in an academic setting. Whether you’re interested in diving into big data, optimizing business networks, enhancing security with blockchain technology, or something else entirely, earning your PhD could propel you to the next level.

In 2021, doctorate degree-holders earned about $18,205 more in annual median wages than those with a master’s degree. They also earned about $30,680 more than those with a bachelor’s degree. In short, earning your PhD could pay off.

You don't have to leave your current job to earn your doctorate! The PhD in Information Technology degree program at University of the Cumberlands can be completed online and on your own schedule. So, you can advance your career goals in a convenient format that fits your life.

Some areas of research or work you could go into include:

  • Programming 
  • Machine learning
  • Cloud computing
  • Network technology
  • Information security

All programs at University of the Cumberlands are offered at some of the lowest rates in the nation. For more information on how affordable this program would be for you, visit our Financial Aid page.

Faculty Experts

Learn more about the professors you will interact with in the Department of Information Technology

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IT Project Management Specialization

No residency, no group work, 100% online learning, phd in it project management.

Technology without qualified leadership to oversee its optimal use is just expensive hardware. That’s why NU’s PhD in IT Project Management specialization was created: to prepare students like you with the skills needed to manage the conception, planning, implementation and deployment of a variety of information technology-related projects and systems. In this important focus, you will pair your technology coursework with in-depth courses in leadership, risk management and oversight of multiple projects. On graduation, you will be prepared to take on management roles in project management and information technology.

Unmatched Flexibility

NU offers weekly course starts, no scheduled lecture hours, no group assignments, weekly assignments, and the ability to schedule courses around your personal and professional obligations.

100% Doctoral Faculty

No matter the degree level you pursue, you can rest assured that you will be mentored by doctors in your field of study.

One to One Engagement

You won’t have to fight for facetime as one of many within a classroom. At NU, you’ll have the opportunity to interact one to one with your professor, receiving personalized mentoring.

Course Details

Credit Hours : 60

Courses: 20

Estimated Time to Complete: 50 months

*Credit hours and courses reflect new students meeting credit requirements and utilizing no transfer credits. Est. Time of Completion reflects new students following the preferred schedule designed by the Dean for the program.

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovation Management Program Learning Outcomes

  • Develop knowledge in technology and innovation based on a synthesis of current theories.
  • Communicate with diverse audiences about theories, applications, and perspectives related to technology and innovation.
  • Evaluate theories of ethics and risk management in computers and emerging technologies.
  • Formulate strategies for managing technology and innovation in global organizations.
  • Contribute to the body of theory and practice in technology and innovation management.

Program Disclosure

Successful completion and attainment of National University degrees do not lead to automatic or immediate licensure, employment, or certification in any state/country. The University cannot guarantee that any professional organization or business will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any certification, licensure, or related exam for the purpose of professional certification.

Program availability varies by state. Many disciplines, professions, and jobs require disclosure of an individual’s criminal history, and a variety of states require background checks to apply to, or be eligible for, certain certificates, registrations, and licenses. Existence of a criminal history may also subject an individual to denial of an initial application for a certificate, registration, or license and/or result in the revocation or suspension of an existing certificate, registration, or license. Requirements can vary by state, occupation, and/or licensing authority.

NU graduates will be subject to additional requirements on a program, certification/licensure, employment, and state-by-state basis that can include one or more of the following items: internships, practicum experience, additional coursework, exams, tests, drug testing, earning an additional degree, and/or other training/education requirements.

All prospective students are advised to review employment, certification, and/or licensure requirements in their state, and to contact the certification/licensing body of the state and/or country where they intend to obtain certification/licensure to verify that these courses/programs qualify in that state/country, prior to enrolling. Prospective students are also advised to regularly review the state’s/country’s policies and procedures relating to certification/licensure, as those policies are subject to change.

National University degrees do not guarantee employment or salary of any kind. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to review desired job positions to review degrees, education, and/or training required to apply for desired positions. Prospective students should monitor these positions as requirements, salary, and other relevant factors can change over time.

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PhD in Management Program

A phd in management: where business research and education intersect.

Become an industry thought leader while preparing tomorrow’s business leaders.

Our fully funded PhD in Management is designed for ambitious students and professionals interested in a career in university teaching and research.

This residential program, based at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management in Ithaca, NY, combines Ivy League rigor and real-world relevance to prepare you for successful careers in academia.

A woman wearing a blue button-up shirt smiles and look to her left out of frame

Why Get a PhD in Management?

With a strong focus on management science and applied research, this doctoral degree is ideal for someone looking to teach at the university level and contribute to the greater body of industry knowledge. Pursuing a PhD in Management is also an ideal next step for executives and senior managers who want to make a transition to academia or enhance their research skills for a successful consulting career.

Fully Funded, Highly Flexible: What Makes Cornell’s Management PhD Different?

As you explore PhD programs’ degree requirements, faculty engagement, and campus experience, Cornell stands alone.

In Cornell’s highly flexible program, you’ll choose a specific area of study and build your own dissertation committee. Our program faculty are genuinely interested and invested in your intellectual development. In this small and highly selective program, you will get to know the faculty and your peers well.

The SC Johnson Graduate School of Management is home to leading research centers and a high-impact academic journal; these open you up to unique learning and mentorship opportunities.

Cornell’s Nusiness Simulation Lab logo.

Business Simulation Lab

The Debra Paget and Jeffrey Berg Business Simulation Lab facilitates in-person and online behavioral research related to decision-making and problem-solving.

Discover More About BSL

Our Three-Pronged Approach to a PhD in Management

The Johnson School’s doctoral degree in management combines the best of theory and practice, building on a three-pronged foundation:

phd in it service management

Hands-on Experience

Develop your research and analytical skills. You’ll work with classmates to examine existing literature and theories for class deliverables, which will often include your own original research.

phd in it service management

Customizable Curriculum

Design your own academic pathway. You’ll choose one of six primary areas of study and create your own dissertation committee.

phd in it service management

University-Wide Coursework

Draw on the expertise from across Cornell. You’ll get to select graduate-level courses from schools and colleges devoted to law , hospitality , engineering , labor relations , and other fields.

At a Glance: Cornell’s Fully Funded PhD in Management

The fully residential, fully funded PhD in Management program includes a tuition waiver and a stipend for living expenses. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:

phd in it service management

Degree Awarded

PhD in Management

phd in it service management

Program Location

Ithaca, NY, with options in New York City

phd in it service management

Program Format

Foundational coursework, original research, and six potential areas of study

Headshot of Elina Hur

Hear from Our Community

“PhD is a marathon, not a sprint, and collaborating with great people is paramount. At Cornell, I’ve found a place where amazing people come together, supporting my research and personal growth. Choosing Cornell means joining a community that knows how important it is to work with exceptional people to excel in the program.” – Elina Hur PhD ’23

Customize Your Path: Our Areas of Study

When you apply to the Johnson School’s PhD in Management, you will select a primary area of study. Choosing a concentration allows you to gain specialized skills and knowledge while growing a portfolio of original research.


Examine the role of accounting information in firms and financial markets. PhD-level research at Cornell explores topics such as how firms report information to investors, how accounting information is used to manage firms, and the nature of auditing.


Strategy & Business Economics

Use modern tools and methodologies to gain a better understanding of the world. PhD students in this area explore many aspects of economics including industrial, behavioral, labor, and organizational.


Dive deep into the financial structure and issues of organizations. Your research might look at how conflicts of interest affect corporate policy, how investor psychology affects asset pricing, or how to detect price bubbles.


Learn how theories from operations research, economics, psychology, and sociology intersect to inform corporate and consumer decisions. Your PhD studies will explore both quantitative and behavioral perspectives of marketing.


Management & Organizations

Prepare for a research-focused career in academia or industry. This versatile concentration develops skilled, innovative, analytical researchers through a broad curriculum and close faculty collaboration.


Operations, Technology, & Information Management

Develop the technical skills and behavioral analysis knowledge you need to address high-impact managerial decisions. This focus area also offers an option to complete coursework at Cornell Tech in New York City.

A professor of works with a PhD candidate seated at a table looking at a laptop together.

Idea Generation to Publication: A Career in Teaching and Research

The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

Finding Your Place at Cornell: Meet Our Current PhDs

Students from around the United States and across the globe arrive at the Johnson School to earn their PhD in Management—and their diverse research interests, educational backgrounds, and professional experiences make for a vibrant, enriching learning environment.


Research and Placements: Making an Impact in the Management Field

After earning the PhD in Management, our alumni go on to teach and inspire future leaders at top-tier institutions. Not only do they teach and conduct research alongside some of the most brilliant minds in business, but they also advance the field through publishing in leading journals and presenting their work at industry conferences.

Recent PhD in Management Placements

  • Piyush Anand, PhD ’21, assistant professor of marketing, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University
  • Guarav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, assistant professor, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
  • Eunjee Kim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
  • Sarah Lim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Xuege Lu, PhD ’22, assistant professor, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
  • Subrina Shen, PhD ’21, assistant professor, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Recent Research Publications

  • “ Do Real Estate Values Boost Corporate Borrowing? Evidence from Contract-Level Data ” in the Journal of Financial Economics (2022) — Gaurav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, with Murillo Campello, Robert A. Connolly, and Eva Steiner
  • “ Converging Tides Lift All Boats: Consensus in Evaluation Criteria Boosts Investments in Firms in Nascent Technology Sectors ” in Organization Science (2021) — Xirong (Subrina) Shen, PhD ’21, with Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, and Pamela S. Tolbert 
  • “ Initial and Longer-Term Change in Unit-Level Turnover Following Leader Succession: Contingent Effects of Outgoing and Incoming Leader Characteristics ” in Organization Science (2020)— Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, with John Hausknecht and Lisa Dragoni

“ Does Regulatory Jurisdiction Affect the Quality of Investment-Adviser Regulation? ” in American Economic Review (2019) — Alan Kwan, PhD ’17, with Ben Charoenwong and Tarik Umar

Karan Girotra, professor of Management at Johnson, teaches a class.

Our Faculty: Accomplished Researchers, Dedicated Teachers

When you join the PhD in Management program at the Johnson School, you’ll be part of a learning community comprising more than 100 accomplished academics and thought leaders. 

Not only will you take courses with renowned professors from across the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, but you also will have the opportunity to build your own faculty committee—a group that will become instrumental as you select your dissertation topic and embark on your original research.

Faculty Spotlight: Learn from Leading Thought Leaders

Throughout the PhD program—from foundational coursework to your dissertation—you’ll work closely with dedicated teacher-scholars like these:

Headshot of Kristin Arennekamp

Kristina Rennekamp

Dr. Rennekamp’s research focuses on financial accounting from a behavioral perspective. She’s widely published, with work appearing in leading academic journals such as The Accounting Review , Contemporary Accounting Research , and The Journal of Financial Reporting .

Headshot of Karan Girotra.

Karan Girotra

Dr. Girotra studies the digital transformation of companies, whether it’s looking at emerging tools and practices or exploring new business models. He’s frequently interviewed in an array of mainstream business media outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek , Fortune , and Forbes .

Headshot of Kaitlin Woolley.

Kaitlin Woolley

Dr. Woolley studies the psychological processes behind consumer motivation. She’s an award-winning educator and researcher with work published in academic journals and national media outlets including the Journal of Consumer Research , Journal of Marketing Research , and The Wall Street Journal .


What You’ll Learn: Curriculum Overview

As you pursue your PhD in business management, you’ll begin with a set of foundation courses and progress into advanced coursework in your area of interest. Through it all, your faculty committee will help make sure you’re on the right track.


Foundational Management Coursework

Early in your doctoral program, you will complete foundational coursework in management and other fields. Many of these will focus on the research process and prepare you for your dissertation.


Advanced Coursework in Your Concentration Area

As you progress in the PhD in Management program, you’ll take electives and advanced courses that align with your research area of interest; these classes can be in the Johnson School and across Cornell.


Your Dissertation: Creating Original Research

During the final part of the program, you begin work on your dissertation—the culmination of your original research. You choose the topic of research in conjunction with your committee.


Beyond Business: Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

Tap into the experience and expertise of faculty members from across Cornell University.

Management is a broad science. Business leaders serve in a variety of roles in industries of all kinds: healthcare, consumer goods, agriculture, biotechnology, media, and consulting to name just a few. At Cornell, you can enrich your education and expand your research opportunities by taking courses and finding mentors beyond the college of business.

A drone flies through the air gathering data in a grape vineyard at Cornell AgriTech..

Explore fields like computer science, psychology, sociology, communication, engineering, and data science—and then connect the dots back to your management research.

A presenter stands in front of a room next to a projector screen as people look on from a circle of tables.

Interact with peers and professors from other disciplines by participating in student organizations and special interest groups or by attending public lectures, workshops, and networking events.


Admissions Overview: How to Apply to the Management PhD Program

The ideal candidate for the Johnson School’s doctorate degree in management will have a strong record of academic excellence, a solid understanding of the research process, and an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving. An MBA or master’s degree is not a requirement for admission. 

Our admissions page offers more details about program prerequisites, selection criteria, requirements, deadline information, and a checklist of materials you need to submit with your application.

Connect With Cornell Admissions

The Johnson School admissions team is available to answer your questions about the program and the application process. Stop in or reach out by phone or email today.

253-D Sage Hall Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

Phone: 607-255-5340 Email: Graduate Research Programs Office

Aerial image of Cornell’s Ithaca, NY campus, inside an Ithaca campus building, and the Roosevelt Island skyline .

The Cornell Campus: Where You Will Learn, Grow, and Thrive

Learn, grow, and thrive on one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. As a PhD student, you’ll spend a lot of time in Sage Hall, a Gothic-style building dating back to 1875. You’ll find more high-tech learning spaces just off campus at the Breazzano Family Center for Business Education. You’ll also have access to the innovative campus of Cornell Tech in New York City—particularly relevant to students focused on technology and information management. 

Attending Cornell also means you’ll call Ithaca, NY, home for about five years. Our eclectic downtown is full of eateries, shops, activities, and all of the amenities you’d need for everyday life. When you’re not in class or studying, you can explore all that the Finger Lakes region has to offer.

PhD in Management FAQ: What You Need to Know

Before you apply to a research-focused graduate program, you’re likely to want to do some deep research of your own. For instance, how does a fully funded PhD in Management work? What’s the typical completion time?

We have a robust Frequently Asked Questions section to help you learn more about our program, the admissions process, and dissertation requirements. For our international applicants, you’ll also find specific details about earning your PhD in Management.

May I speak to someone about my interest in the program and visit?

You are welcome to reach out to any professor with whom you see a good research fit. Our website also has a wealth of information about the program.

Is an interview part of the process?

We offer interviews only to a few applicants after their first screening.

May I talk to a professor or advisor?

You are welcome to contact any professor with whom you see a research match. Faculty are more likely to respond to specific research queries.

I have questions; may I write to this program email address?

Yes. Our response time will vary. We are not able to answer detailed questions that are better assessed by faculty during the application process.

May I schedule a campus tour?

Admissions does not offer campus tours for PhD program applicants. However, you may arrange an appointment with a faculty member.

Fraud alert – beware of third-party post-doc scams.

Cornell University recently has been made aware of fraudulent activity targeting overseas students and researchers, including at least one third party website falsely stating that it is offering a postdoctoral or visiting scholar program in association with Cornell. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or personal details from interested applicants, are fraudulent. 

Cornell wishes to warn the public about these fraudulent activities being perpetrated purportedly in the name of Cornell, and/or its officials. Please be advised that: 

  • Cornell does not, nor has it, worked in collaboration with third-party companies or organizations to offer postdoctoral or research certificate programs.
  • Third parties do not collect tuition or fees on behalf of Cornell.
  • Cornell does not work with or endorse such organizations including, but not limited to, Shanghai Lufei Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 上海璐斐教育科技有限公司) and Shenzhen Guoyan Era Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 深圳市国研时代教育科技有限公司).

Cornell’s postdoctoral positions are listed on the Academic Career Opportunities website and postdoctoral fellowship programs are available for viewing. If you suspect a third party of falsely advertising a Cornell program, please notify [email protected]. Victims of such scams may also report them to their local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action.

Start the Application Process Today

Ready to apply to our highly selective, fully funded PhD in Management? We look forward to learning more about you and your research goals. Start the application process today at the Cornell Graduate Admissions website. [You’ll first need to register for an account or log in to an existing one.]

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Program Requirements

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Below please find the program requirements for students in Management . Students in Management generally complete the program in five years.

A minimum of 13 semester courses at doctoral level are required. Each semester students will consult with an advisor to receive approval of their course selections.

  • Macro Topics in Organizational Behavior (HBS 4480)
  • Micro Topics in Organizational Behavior (HBS 4482)

Students must take four research methods courses.

  • Design of Field Research Methods (HBS 4070)

Students must take three additional research methods courses from either behavioral sciences research methods or econometric research methods. Research methods courses that meet this requirement include, but are not limited to:

Behavioral Science Research Methods

  • Seminar in Applied Statistical Methods (HBS 4809)
  • Intermediate Statistical Analysis in Psychology (Psychology 1950)
  • Multivariate Analysis in Psychology (Psychology 1952)
  • Intermediate Quantitative Research Methods (Sociology 202)
  • Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (Sociology 203a)
  • Analysis of Longitudinal Data (Sociology 203b)

Econometric Research Methods

  • Introduction to Econometrics (Economics 1123)
  • Introduction to Applied Econometrics (prerequisite Economics 2110) (Economics 2120)
  • Advanced Quantitative Methods II (KSG API 210i)
  • Probability Theory (Statistics 210)
  • Incomplete Multivariate Data (Statistics 232)

Research Design Courses

  • Experimental Methods (HBS 4435)
  • Field Experiments (HBS 4430)
  • Advanced Quantitative Research Methodology (Gov 2001)

Management students are required to take seven additional elective doctoral courses, including two breadth courses, and are strongly encouraged to take one of the following series:


  • Microeconomic Theory I (HBS 4010/Economics 2020a)
  • Microeconomic Theory II (HBS 4011/Economics 2020b)
  • Social Behavior in Organizations: Research Seminar (Psychology 2630)
  • Advanced Social Psychology (Psychology 2500)
  • Sociological Theory: Seminar (Sociology 204)
  • Organizational Analysis: Seminar (Sociology 243)

All students without an MBA degree are required to complete two case-based HBS MBA courses.

Students are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in seminars throughout their program. Students are expected to attend the:

  • Organizational Behavior Unit Seminar

Good Academic Standing

To remain in good academic standing, doctoral students are expected to maintain a B grade point average.

Teaching Requirement

Students must teach or assist with teaching in a formally offered course for one full academic term. This engagement should include, at least, 8 hours of front-of-class teaching and 16 hours of teaching preparation time. The requirement may be fulfilled by completing a teaching fellow or instructor assignment at a Harvard University.

Special Field Exam

Students are required to pass the Special Field Exam at the end of the second year or beginning of the third year. This exam has two parts: a written exam and an oral exam based on a research paper a student has written.

Dissertation Proposal

By the end of their third year, all students are required to obtain approval of their dissertation proposal by their Dissertation Chair.


Students are required to write a dissertation, which typically takes the form of three publishable papers, to the satisfaction of their Dissertation Committee. The dissertation defense is oral and open to the public.

Online Doctorate in Management and Organization Partner with us and learn how to lead with integrity in your organization!

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Degree Options

View Degree Options

100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Pursue the Pinnacle of Your Career with a PhD in Organization and Management Degree Online

Are you a business professional seeking a terminal degree? Do you want to hone your management skills and become equipped for various leadership and teaching roles? If so, Liberty University’s 100% online Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Organization and Management may be for you! Our doctorate in management and organization provides an in-depth examination of theoretical and practical business concepts. Whether you enjoy teaching at the college level or leading teams of people within companies, our online program can help you prepare for the next step in your career.

Throughout this doctoral program, you can learn how to conduct effective research in the field of organization and management. If you don’t have a business-related master’s degree, you can still apply to this program and gain a firm foundation in business that can help you pursue roles in consulting, executive leadership, and more.

Military Friendly School

What Will You Study  in Our Doctorate in Management Online?

Throughout this online PhD program in organizational management, you’ll have the opportunity to develop research and leadership skills that can help you pursue top-level roles in industry and academia. Your core organization and management courses offer an in-depth look at risk management, human resource management, strategy formulation, and strategic thinking. You can also learn how to lead your company through change — equipping you to make a difference in private, public, and nonprofit organizations.

At Liberty, we’ve designed our online PhD in organizational management to offer you maximum flexibility. In addition to completing core management courses, you’ll be able to select a specialization in a subject that interests you. From entrepreneurship to executive coaching, you can explore the area of study that best matches your career goals.

Additionally, you will complete a sequence of research courses designed to help prepare you for the dissertation process. Our research courses cover a variety of quantitative, qualitative, and applied research methods. The dissertation provides an opportunity for you to contribute your scholarly work to the current base of knowledge in your field. By conducting original research, you can become better equipped to pursue roles in academia or to implement needed changes in your organization.

Featured Courses

  • BMAL 703 – Managing the Contemporary Organization
  • BMAL 704 – Leading Organizational Change
  • BMAL 714 – Risk Management Process and Practice
  • BUSI 770 – Strategy Formulation and Strategic Thinking

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the  School of Business .
  • View the  Graduate Business Course Guides   (login required) .
  • View the  PhD in Organization and Management Handbook  for additional program information.

Why Choose Liberty’s Online Degree?

As a pioneer in distance education since 1985, Liberty knows what it takes to create online programs that blend accessibility, affordability, and high-quality academics. Our organization and management doctorate is offered 100% online, and most of the courses are only 8 weeks long. With our flexible format, you can earn your management degree online from the comfort of your home while staying invested in your family, job, and community.

At Liberty, you won’t have to sacrifice quality for flexibility. We are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges ( SACSCOC ). By choosing Liberty, you’re choosing a top-notch education from a university that is committed to excellence. All of our courses are taught by industry experts, so you can pursue your degree with confidence.

While pursuing the PhD program in management and organization, you’ll be able to personalize your degree by selecting a specialization. That way, you can focus your studies on the topics that align with your interests and goals. Whether you are looking to advance your career or explore new job opportunities in business, our online doctorate in management and organization can help you become a  Champion for Christ  in your field.

Niche Best Colleges

Ranked in the Top 10% of’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Potential Career Opportunities for Graduates of Liberty’s PhD in Organizational Management Program

  • Business strategist
  • Executive coach
  • Executive officer
  • Human resources manager
  • Leadership development consultant
  • Management analyst
  • Private business consultant
  • Risk assessor
  • Training and development manager
  • University professor

PhD in Organization and Management Degree Options

At Liberty, you can customize your doctorate in management and organization by selecting a specialization in the area that interests you the most! That way, you can further hone your skill set and become equipped to pursue your unique career goals. Check out our specialization options below.


Liberty’s online  PhD in Organization and Management – Entrepreneurship  can help you gain an advanced understanding of how to start and run your own business — all while strengthening your research and leadership skills. You’ll explore startup and exit strategies, small business management, methods for raising capital for business startups, and more.

View the Degree Completion Plan .

Executive Coaching

Liberty’s online  PhD in Organization and Management – Executive Coaching  can help you learn how to mentor other business professionals so they can develop their leadership skills and lead their organizations to success. You’ll explore coaching theory and practice, theories and research in industrial and organizational psychology, techniques for leveraging data for decision-making, and more.

Liberty’s online  PhD in Organization and Management – Leadership  can help enhance your leadership skills as you learn how to manage highly effective teams, foster innovation, and navigate ethical dilemmas in business. You’ll explore topics like leadership theory, ethical leadership, and more.

Top 1% For Online Programs

Not sure what to choose?

Speak to one of our admissions specialists to help you choose the program that best fits your needs.

Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

Doctoral Full Time
Doctoral Part Time

Eligible current and former military service members and their spouses may qualify for a special rate of $300/credit hour ( learn more ) .

All Tuition & Fees

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid Forms & Eligibility

Scholarship Opportunities

Admission Information for Our Online Organization and Management Doctorate

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited master’s degree with at least a 3.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing.
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

Email for Documents

[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Discounted divinity block rate – $2,700 per semester *
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

*Credits taken below 7 and above 15 credit hours per semester are charged at the part-time rate of $395/credit hour.

Eligible current and former service members and their spouses may qualify for a special rate of $300/credit hour ( learn more ), but the $300/credit hour doctoral military rate cannot be combined with the First Responder Discount .

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there resources available to online students.

As an online student, you can access a wealth of resources through our top-notch library portal.

Is a PhD beneficial?

Even if you don’t have a business-related master’s degree, our PhD in Organization and Management degree online can help prepare you for a career as a manager, business leader, consultant, or academic.

Inner Navigation

  • What Will You Study?
  • Potential Careers
  • Specializations
  • Tuition & Aid
  • Admission Information

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*Some restrictions may occur for this promotion to apply. This promotion also excludes active faculty and staff, military, non-degree-seeking, DGIA, Continuing Education, WSB, and certificate students.

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PhD | Management

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The Ph.D. in Management

Stern’s Ph.D. program in management prepares students to understand how organizations need to compete in challenging and volatile business environments and how managers must manage in complex and changing workplaces. The training is broad based and interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of economics, psychology, and sociology. Areas of focus within the management doctoral program at Stern include strategy, the study of the competitive dynamics of firm performance; organizational behavior, the study of the behavior of individual employees and managers within organizations; and organization theory, the study of organizational structures and processes.

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PhD in Organizational Leadership

Two schools, working together for one powerful program. 

Need additional help or information?

Doctorate in leadership overview.

If you are searching for a respected and accredited graduate school, you've come to the right place. In this unique doctoral program, you will reap the benefits of the collaboration of two esteemed colleges: the California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) and the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP). Throughout the leadership program in California, you'll explore a comprehensive lineup of theoretical, strategic, and organizational studies from the perspective of two distinctly different disciplines. The online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership presents a dynamic pathway for professionals to delve into the depths of educational leadership and organizational management.   

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Program Highlights

Hands-on Experience

Practical Training Throughout the program. You will participate in gaining hands-on experience throughout the program. As you learn about your specific area of leadership role and interest, you can apply that knowledge, including leadership theory, to real-world projects within your own organization, working on consulting projects, or solving real issues for partner organizations.

Cohort Model

A collaborative environment that provides you with ample opportunities to network and develop meaningful relationships, gain valuable insights, and sharpen your abilities for a leadership role alongside individuals who share similar interests and goals.

Increased Impact

By networking within your cohort, you'll share invaluable and unique experience and insights that will advance your expertise in strategic leadership. This education and experience, where you explore various educational leadership courses, visions, skills, models and methods, puts you in the position to make a powerful impact in organizational development and societal change.

Accelerated Timeline

An accelerated timeline allows for the higher leadership program to be completed in three to four years. You'll begin with two years of leadership studies and coursework, then move on to your dissertation research, which typically takes one to two years to complete. Since classes are in the evenings and on weekends, you can work while you learn.

Practical Training (CPT)

Practical training is required and intended to develop professional and applied practice related skills and expertise in the student’s program through a variety of work and learning experiences which could involve supervised practical training and/or applied client projects. Learn More


The graduate studies program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs or ACBSP, a well-respected accrediting body recognized across the country for its leading authority in the field of business education. 

Faculty members are some of the most highly qualified and experienced individuals in their respective fields. They bring a unique combination of global leadership and practical knowledge to the classroom, preparing doctoral students to be adept in organization development relevant in various industries and sectors. 

A Message from the Program Director

Cory Scott , Assistant Professor and Program Director, California School of Management and Leadership

Learn About Admissions Requirements 

Get to Know Our Diverse Faculty 

Doctoral Degree Information

Curricular practical training (cpt).

Students in the PhD ground program are required to participate in curricular practical training as part of their experiential learning throughout the program. Practical training is intended to develop professional and applied practice related skills and expertise in the student’s program through a variety of work and learning experiences which could involve supervised practical training and/or applied client projects. This is required throughout the academic program from start on Day 1 to program completion. Domestic students can contact the CSML Professional Development (CPD) Coordinator directly for guidance. International students must apply for authorization for Curricular Practical Training to the Designated School Official (DSO).

CSML CPT Application Process for International Students

  • T o be on company letterhead   
  • Start and end date. (For example: CPT start date is 10/17/22, End date is 08/20/2023)  
  • Include specific duties to perform, office location, direct supervisor name and contact number.  
  • State that it is a part-time position  
  • Include the following statement: “employer agrees to cooperate with the school in achieving the curricular purposes of the employment/training”  
  • Complete the Application for CPT and the Advisor Verification Form for CPT. These forms are located on the student portal:  
  • Email your offer letter and the 2 forms to your Program Director/Faculty Advisor at Alliant.  
  • Once they have signed the forms, please follow up and email [email protected] .   The DSO is the one who will give you the authorization to start working.  
  • Also, if it is your first time in the USA, you will need to go to the Social Security Administration office to obtain a social security number, this process can take 2 or more weeks. Your employer will need your social security number for you to work. So please start the process as soon as possible. For the address of local Social Security Administration offices, see:  

California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) has received accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for its leadership PhD programs, doctorate in business administration (DBA) , MBA , and MS in data analytics programs.

ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes offered within CSML programs meet the rigorous educational standards established by said accrediting body, which is a leading specialized accreditation body for business education across the country. ACBSP’s mission is to promote continuous improvement and recognize teaching excellence through its recognition of business education programs throughout the world. Learn more here .

Links and Downloads

School Performance Fact Sheet  

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i expect the dissertation process to be like.

The dissertation process for the doctorate in leadership program will occupy the final year-and-a-half of your curriculum. Starting in your 11th term, you will first begin your dissertation work while completing your leadership internship. Then from your 12th term, through your final 18th term, you will focus solely on the research, development, and completion of your dissertation before its ultimate presentation before an academic review board. The doctoral dissertation process accounts for 12 of the 60 credits in this program, and is done at the rate of a single dissertation class per term, starting at Term 11.

What scholarship and financial aid options are available to me?

Private and public scholarships can help you meet the cost of your education, and Alliant offers institutional scholarships for many of our students. Learn more about these scholarship opportunities here. Additional financial aid is available for those who qualify in the form of loans, grants, federal work study, and military aid. Learn more in our Financial Options Guide .

When does the PhD in Leadership degree program start?

The leadership program is offered as an eight-week term program and is open for enrollment during each of those respective enrollment periods. You can find a copy of our eight-week term academic calendar here.

How long does it take to complete the degree program?

The doctorate degree is a 60-credit program and typically takes three years to complete, across 18 terms. 

If you're ready to earn your higher education in leadership theory, our university will teach you the skills you need for your future career. Whether you choose our in-person or online PhD program, we can guarantee that you'll be studying applicable core courses through a challenging curriculum that’s taught by our top faculty members. Some leadership studies covered in our core courses touch on organizational leadership, education leadership, cross cultural and international management, and ethics in organizations. At Alliant we provide our students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they'll need when taking on leadership roles in the future.

Studying at Alliant connects you to a supportive research/scholar community that values diversity and inclusion.

Why Alliant

At Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. We offer an education that is accredited, focused on practical knowledge and skills, connected with diverse faculty and alumni, and aimed at the student experience.

CSML is a business management school that trains you to have a competitive edge in the technology and quantitative fields. CSML offers management and leadership degrees where you can learn to guide and mentor the next generation of professionals and make your mark as an innovator in the modern business world.

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Students & recent graduates

Begin your search, pathways program.

The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. There are three different paths available.

New changes are coming soon that will expand opportunities to participants in "qualifying career or technical education programs" (which may include Registered Apprenticeship Programs, Job Corps, Climate Corps, AmeriCorps, and Peace Corps)

The Internship Program is for current students. If you're a current student in high school, college, trade school or another qualifying educational institution, you may be eligible. This program offers paid opportunities to work in federal agencies and explore federal careers while completing your education.

Learn more about the Internship Program .

The Recent Graduates Program is for those who have graduated, within the past two years, from a qualifying educational institution or certificate program. The Recent Graduates Program offers career development with training and mentorship.

You must apply within two years of getting your degree or certificate (veterans have up to six years to apply due to their military service obligation).

Learn more about the Recent Graduates Program .

  • Have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying educational institution or program within the past two years of the annual application opening date.
  • Expect to complete all advanced degree requirements, including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, by August 31 of the next year, from the opening date of the annual application announcement.

Email [email protected] for questions related to the Presidential Management Fellows Program. Questions about a specific announcement found on USAJOBS should be sent to the hiring agency using the contact information in the announcement.

Learn more about the Presidential Management Fellows Program .

Please contact [email protected] with any issues or questions related to the Pathways Programs for students and recent graduates.

Additional hiring options

  • A U.S. citizen or national.
  • Enrolled in or pursuing a bachelor's or graduate degree on at least a half-time basis.

Learn more about the Post-Secondary Student Hiring Authority .

This program is for those who have completed a bachelor's or graduate degree within the last two years. Veterans may have up to six years to apply. The program offers appointments to a permanent position.

Other student programs and opportunities

There are several other opportunities available to students, including:

  • CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service
  • Department of Agriculture Student Opportunities
  • Department of Defense student opportunities
  • Department of State Student Internship program
  • NASA internship opportunities
  • National security education programs such as Boren Scholarships and Fellowships and English for Heritage Language Speakers scholarships
  • Overseas Seasonal Hire program
  • Summer jobs (for example, a lifeguard)
  • USAID Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates
  • U.S. Department of Energy Community College Internship (CCI)
  • U.S. Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
  • Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS)

How do I know a job is open to students or recent graduates?

In the job announcement look for the This job is open to section. When a job is open to Students you'll see the Students icon: . When a job is open to Recent graduates , you'll see the Recent graduates icon: . There may be other groups listed that can also apply.

You can also select the Students or recent graduates filter. Your results will display all jobs open to students and recent graduates.

Documents you may need

Upload and submit through usajobs.

You can upload and save documents to your USAJOBS profile. Once uploaded, you can submit these forms with your job application as needed. Sign into USAJOBS or learn how to upload documents .

Additional Resources

  • A-Z list of federal agencies External link. Opens in a new window.
  • Federal internship FAQs
  • Federal occupations by college majors
  • Pathways FAQs

Other Hiring Paths

  • Open to the public
  • Federal employees
  • Students & recent graduates
  • Military spouses
  • National guard and reserves
  • Senior executives
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Family of overseas employees
  • Native Americans
  • Peace Corps & AmeriCorps VISTA
  • Special authorities

Financial Reporting and Analysis Software

  • Our products:
  • Financial Analysis
  • Reporting Tool
  • US Industry Benchmarking
  • Russian Entites Profiles

Russian Company OOO "SPEKTRUM"

Brief profile.

active Commercial

TIN 5053068643
Region, city Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal
Company Age (for comparison: the industry average is 8 years)
Core Activity Wholesale of metals and metal ores
Scale of Operation
Revenue and its change over the year

in 2023 (-29.7%)

Number of employees and its change over the year
Founder (100%; 5 million RUB)
Manager (general manager)

Facts to Consider

Significant reduction in the assets for the year – by 47.4%.

The organization specified the auditor but did not submit the auditor’s opinion to Federal Tax Service.

show 1 more significant fact

A significant amount of the taxes paid (290 mln. RUB.).

The company has been in business for 14 years.

show 1 more positive fact

Complete Profile

  • 1. General Information
  • 2. Registration in the Russian Federation
  • 3. Company's Activities
  • 4. Legal Address
  • 5. Owners, Founders of the Entity
  • 7. Entities Founded by Company
  • 8. Number of Employees
  • 9. Company Finance
  • 10. Entities related to OOO "SPEKTRUM"
  • 11. Timeline of key events
  • 12. Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

General Information


TIN: 5053068643

KPP: 505301001

PSRN: 1105053000656

Location: 144010, Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal, ul. Ialagina, 3, pomeshcheniia 10-14,16,17

Line of business: Wholesale of metals and metal ores (OKVED code 46.72)

Organization status: Commercial, active

Form of incorporation: Limited liability companies (code 12300 according to OKOPF)

Registration in the Russian Federation

The tax authority where the legal entity is registered: Mezhraionnaia inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby №6 po Moskovskoi oblasti (inspection code – 5031). The tax authority before 08/23/2021 – Inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby po g. Elektrostali Moskovskoi oblasti (code 5053).

Registration with the Pension Fund: registration number 060055017323 dated 29 March 2010.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund: registration number 501900550750191 dated 6 April 2010.

Company's Activities

The main activity of the organization is Wholesale of metals and metal ores (OKVED code 46.72).

Additionally, the organization listed the following activities:

23.20.2 Manufacture of refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compounds
23.61 Manufacture of concrete products for use in construction
46.12 Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of fuels, ores, metals and chemicals
46.13.2 The activities of agents in the wholesale trade of building materials
46.19 Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of a universal range of goods

Legal Address

OOO "SPEKTRUM" is registered at 144010, Moscow Oblast, Elektrostal, ul. Ialagina, 3, pomeshcheniia 10-14,16,17. ( show on a map )

Before 07/31/2019 the organization was located at .

No other organizations are listed at the current registered address.

Owners, Founders of the Entity

The founder of OOO "SPEKTRUM" is

Founder Share Nominal value from which date
(TIN: 503102732002) 100% 5 million RUB 12/29/2023

The former founder was:

Founder Share Nominal value from which date Until
100% 5 million RUB 12/26/2016 12/29/2023

The legal predecessor of OOO "SPEKTRUM": OOO "SMP" (liquidated 05/25/2021)


The head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) since 26 January 2024 is general manager Kulikov Andrei Alekseevich (TIN: 503102732002).

  • (general manager from 05/10/2018 until 01/26/2024 * )
  • (general manager from 03/25/2010 until 05/10/2018 * )

Entities Founded by Company

OOO "SPEKTRUM" is not listed as a founder in any Russian legal entities.

Number of Employees

In 2023, the average number of employees of OOO "SPEKTRUM" was 15 people. The same number was the year before.

Company Finance

The Authorized capital of OOO "SPEKTRUM" is 5 million RUB. This is significantly higher than the minimum authorized capital established by law for LTD (10 thousand RUB).

In 2023, the organization received the revenue of 2.8 billion RUB, which is 1.2 billion RUB, or by 29.7 %, less than a year ago.

The net assets of OOO "SPEKTRUM" as of 12/31/2023 totaled 185 million RUB.

The OOO "SPEKTRUM"’s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 439 million RUB. This is by 134.4 % more than in 2022.

The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

Information about the taxes and fees paid by the organization for 2022

Value added tax RUB.
Income tax RUB.
Insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance of the working population credited to the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund RUB.
Insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity RUB.
Insurance and other contributions for compulsory pension insurance credited to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation RUB.
Transport tax RUB.
Corporate property tax RUB.
NON-TAX INCOME administered by tax authorities RUB.

The organization had no tax arrears as of 05/10/2024.

Entities related to OOO "SPEKTRUM"

Based on the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following legal entities and people are directly or indirectly related to the organization.

People and organizations directly related to
People and organizations indirectly related to OOO "SPEKTRUM"
through the entities listed
in column 1
through the entities listed
in column 2
1 2 3

(general manager, founder)
(founder until 12/29/2023 ) (liquidated 05/25/2021)
(general manager until 01/26/2024 )
(general manager until 05/10/2018 )

( - founder until 07/04/2024 ; - founder until 03/01/2024 )
( - founder until 06/27/2024 ; - founder until 03/01/2024 )
( - founder)
( - founder)
(founder of )
( - founder until 08/10/2023 )
(general manager of until 04/11/2023 , founder of ) (liquidated 05/26/2021)
( - legal successor) (liquidated 10/29/2019)
( - legal successor)
(founder of until 05/10/2018 ) (liquidated 06/13/2017)
( - general manager, founder)

(founder of ; managing organization of , founder of )
(general manager of )
(general manager of )
(founder of )
( - founder; - founder until 09/22/2023 ; - founder)
(director of )
(director of ) (liquidated 10/05/2021)
( - general manager until 02/05/2021 ; - founder) (liquidated 04/27/2017)
( - other official, founder)
(director of until 08/20/2021 , founder of until 08/18/2021 )
(director of until 05/11/2018 )
(founder of until 11/09/2021 )
( - founder)
( - founder)
(general manager of until 07/04/2024 )
(founder of until 07/11/2024 ) (liquidated 01/21/2009)
( - chairman of the liquidation commission) (liquidated 10/05/2012)
( - general manager) (liquidated 09/12/2014)
( - general manager) (liquidated 03/11/2010)
( - founder)

Timeline of key events

  • The new founder – Kulikov Andrei Alekseevich .
  • is no longer listed as the founder in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

  • 01/26/2024 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 12/29/2023 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 01/26/2023 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 08/23/2021 . Entering information about accounting with the tax authority.
  • 05/25/2021 . Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of a merger with another legal entity.
  • 11/25/2020 . Entering information about the beginning of the reorganization of another legal entity in the form of joining another legal entity.
  • 07/31/2019 . State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.
  • 05/10/2018 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 12/26/2016 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 12/24/2012 . State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.

* The date of change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is shown (may be different from the actual date).

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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1993 how the construction company remstroy was created   the year 1993 was a period when a lot of construction companies, which had been working successfully during the soviet times and had rich staff capacity, were forced to cease their activity for various reasons. a lot of capable specialists either had to look for another job or change their field. but there were also those who were willing to realise their potential in the field of construction in accordance with the received degree and the experience they had accumulated. thus, in 1993 in elektrostal (moscow oblast) a group of specialists and people sharing each other’s ideas, who had enormous educational background and the highest degree in architecture, organized and registered ooo firm erg which began its rapid development and successful work, offering its service both on the construction market and other areas. 2000 industrial construction is the main area   seven years of successful work have shown that combining different types of activities in the same company is not always convenient. and in the year 2000 the founders of ooo firm erg decided to create and register a monoprofile construction company ooo remstroy construction company. industrial construction was chosen as the priority area. it was in this area that the directors of ooo sk remstroy began their working life and grew as specialists. in order to achieve the set goal, they selected a mobile team of professionals in the field of industrial construction, which allows us to cope with the tasks assigned to ooo sk remstroy throughout russia and the near abroad. 2010 manufacturing of metal structures   we possess modern equipment that allows us to carry out the entire cycle of works on the manufacture of metal structures of any complexity without assistance. designing – production – installation of metal structures. a staff of professionals and well-coordinated interaction of the departments let us carry out the work as soon as possible and in accordance with all customer’s requirements.” extract from the list of members of self-regulatory organizations, construction.

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  1. Dr. Arun Kumar Verma,IFS(R)







  1. Ph.D. in Business with an Information Systems and Technology Management

    Learn about the Information Systems and Technology Management doctoral program at the George Washington University School of Business. ... and doing professional service as associative editors at top-tier journals such as MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. ... courses to meet the required 45 credit hours for the PhD degree. The ...

  2. Best Online Doctorate in Information Technology Programs

    The following alphabetized list discusses popular 2023 online doctorate in information technology programs. The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) provides the data used in our rankings and each program has received accreditation from an accreditation body. Capitol Technology University. City University of Seattle.

  3. Technology & Operations Management

    The program requires a minimum of 13 semester long doctoral courses. Students in the Technology & Operations Management program complete courses in the areas of business management theory, economic theory, quantitative research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students may ...

  4. Information Technology Management

    IT Management (ITM) Ph.D. at Georgia Tech. The ITM Ph.D. degree at Georgia Tech Scheller focuses on the exploration of the economic and behavioral impact of IT on businesses, consumers, governments, and society. Students are trained in a wide variety of methods and are exposed to cutting-edge research in IT management and in other related ...

  5. Your complete guide to a PhD in IT Management

    During a Bachelor's or Master's in IT Management, you can expect to take classes on computer fundamentals, principles of programming, data and databases, business applications, local area and wide area network management, cyber security, etc. As a future IT manager, you will oversee the work of other IT colleagues and provide them with ...

  6. PhD in Information Technology Management Online IT Degree

    We encourage you to research requirements for your job target and career goals. Take the first step toward earning your degree and achieving your goals. 1.866.933.5832. Capella's PhD in Information Technology Management focuses on emerging trends and research to advance the theory of IT strategic planning. Learn more about this PhD program.

  7. TOPS

    An overview of the PhD program in Information Systems (IS) area of the Information, Operations, and Management Sciences (IOMS) ... Topics in 2012 include information goods, piracy, digital rights management, network economics, sponsored search auctions, user-generated content, contagion in networks, technological innovation, IT productivity ...

  8. PhD in Information Technology Management

    The PhD in Business Management specialization in Information Technology Management is designed for mid- and senior-level IT professionals and practicing IT executives, individuals with senior business management experience, or those with a master's degree in a related field.

  9. it service management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    This PhD will conduct applied interdisciplinary analysis of Political Marketing, drawing on concepts from marketing, political science, communications, management, media and psychology. Read more. Supervisors: Prof J Lees-Marshment, Prof S Kinnear, Dr I Zisis. 31 October 2024 PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD Students Only.

  10. Management

    Management. Students in Management focus on research creating management theory and knowledge that is relevant to business practice. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Management program is its focus on real organizational phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective. Please note we will not be accepting applications for the ...

  11. Online Ph.D. in Information Technology

    Before earning a Ph.D. in information technology online, you must first hold an advanced degree in a related field. Some programs may allow you to earn a master's as you work towards your doctorate. Most programs require applicants to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA during their graduate studies.

  12. Ph.D. in Information Technology

    Online Doctorate in Information Technology. The PhD in information technology online degree program from University of the Cumberlands is designed to help you take your IT career to new heights. The program is comprised of 60 required credit hours, which include professional research courses, content specialty courses, and a dissertation.

  13. Online PhD in IT Project Management

    PhD in IT Project Management. Technology without qualified leadership to oversee its optimal use is just expensive hardware. That's why NU's PhD in IT Project Management specialization was created: to prepare students like you with the skills needed to manage the conception, planning, implementation and deployment of a variety of information technology-related projects and systems.

  14. Fully Funded PhD in Management Program

    The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

  15. Which Universities Offer a PhD in IT Management?

    Stanford University. The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University awards a Ph.D. in Operations, Information and Technology. This degree program emphasizes the coordination of technology and human resources in order to successfully complete IT-related tasks. Students examine a wide range of managerial decisions, including technology ...

  16. Program Requirements

    Students must teach or assist with teaching in a formally offered course for one full academic term. This engagement should include, at least, 8 hours of front-of-class teaching and 16 hours of teaching preparation time. The requirement may be fulfilled by completing a teaching fellow or instructor assignment at a Harvard University.

  17. Online Doctorate in Management and Organization

    Our organization and management doctorate is offered 100% online, and most of the courses are only 8 weeks long. With our flexible format, you can earn your management degree online from the ...

  18. Management

    Stern's Ph.D. program in management prepares students to understand how organizations need to compete in challenging and volatile business environments and how managers must manage in complex and changing workplaces. The training is broad based and interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of economics, psychology, and sociology. Areas of ...

  19. PhD Program in Management

    The Luiss PhD in Management is an interdisciplinary program: it trains talented researchers to apply various theoretical lenses and qualitative and quantitative research methods to management problems. The Program offers concentrations in accounting, corporate finance, innovation and entrepreneurship, strategy, organization, and marketing.

  20. PhD in Organizational Leadership

    Accreditation. California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) has received accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for its leadership PhD programs, doctorate in business administration (DBA), MBA, and MS in data analytics programs. ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes offered within CSML programs meet the ...

  21. USAJOBS Help Center

    Email [email protected] for questions related to the Presidential Management Fellows Program. Questions about a specific announcement found on USAJOBS should be sent to the hiring agency using the contact information in the announcement. Learn more about the Presidential Management Fellows Program.

  22. OOO "SPEKTRUM": owners, founders, management, details(TIN ...

    The net assets of OOO "SPEKTRUM" as of 12/31/2023 totaled 185 million RUB. The OOO "SPEKTRUM"'s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 439 million RUB. This is by 134.4 % more than in 2022. The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

  23. Medvedkovo Map

    Medvedkovo Medvedkovo is a Moscow Metro station in Severnoye Medvedkovo District, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow.It is on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya Line serving as its northeastern terminus. The station opened on 29 September 1978.

  24. OOO Remstroy Construction Company

    2000. Seven years of successful work have shown that combining different types of activities in the same company is not always convenient. And in the year 2000 the founders of OOO Firm ERG decided to create and register a monoprofile construction company OOO Remstroy Construction Company. Industrial construction was chosen as the priority area.

  25. Elektrostal' , Russia Moscow Oblast

    What time is it in Elektrostal'? Russia (Moscow Oblast): Current local time in & Next time change in Elektrostal', Time Zone Europe/Moscow (UTC+3). Population: 144,387 People