personal statement for tourist visa

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application (5 Min Trick)

Planning on studying abroad read on to know more about what is a statement of purpose and how to write a statement of purpose for a visa application a statement of purpose (sop) is the most important document that could be the deciding factor on whether or not your visa application gets accepted..

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application

If you’ve been making plans to study abroad , you would have done your part of the research to understand what are the requirements for visa application. Though it may differ from country to country, below is a generic list of requirements while applying for a student visa:

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of funds
  • Passport-size photos
  • Acceptance to a designated educational institution
  • Application fee payment receipt

Statement of Purpose for visa application

  • English language proficiency examination score

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What is a Statement of Purpose?

A Statement of purpose or an SOP is a detailed description given by an applicant which essays their professional and educational backgrounds, their personality traits and personal story. It also needs to give an explanation outlining the reasons for choosing a particular institution in the specific country, the academic course and the career choice thereafter. An SOP is required to be submitted to:

  • The admissions committee at the particular university or college of choice
  • Visa centre 

This is to convince them to accept your visa application to have your student visa issued. A Statement of purpose for a visa differs from that which needs to be submitted to colleges and universities.

Your Statement of Purpose for visa application should essentially cover these following 3 W’s:

  • W ho are you?
  • W hat are your academic qualifications and credentials?
  • Why are you the right candidate?

An SOP is typically an essay that is 1000-1500 words long and should be written in such a way that it reflects your traits and characteristics. It should be unique and specific to you. So if the content of your SOP is copied from someone else’s SOP, you would risk it being rejected. Several professional writing services provide SOP writing services. Companies like Write Right provide exemplary SOP services with their team of highly-qualified writers. 

The importance of a Statement of Purpose

An SOP is not to be mistaken with a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or a Biodata . It is a rather detailed story that clearly explains and engulfs your profile including the following points:

  • Your life visions 
  • Your desire to study abroad
  • Your career goals
  • Your beliefs
  • Subject knowledge
  • Plans after pursuing a course abroad.

To put it in a gist, a well-written SOP should portray your overall personality and your general outlook. Remember, an SOP is very important as it would be scrutinized by the visa officer and the institution to which you are applying. So take it as an opportunity, like a marketing strategy, where you need to pitch your purpose to the concerned authorities while advertising your story as well as how well you can express yourself with your impressive writing skills. 

Needless to say, there would be tons of applications that you would be competing with. In a subtle, yet impactful way, your statement of purpose for visa application should paint a picture of all the reasons why you should be selected over other applicants. You may think that your academic background falls short of the requisite expectations. But even in such a case, there is no need to lose hope. A well-written SOP could compensate for a slight lack in your academics by highlighting your future goals and explaining how ambitious you are.

Statement of Purpose for visa application is the most crucial part of your student visa application. The Visa officers would only consider your application if your SOP is honest and reflects your true persona and identity explained professionally. If you are planning on studying abroad, it is important to note that most of the countries would require you to write an SOP to be attached to your visa file, like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Format of SOP

While there may not be a fixed format for a statement of purpose for visa application, it would bode well for you if it is formatted and sequentially written professionally. Below are a few simple pointers that you might need to remember while drafting your SOP:

  • An SOP is written in paragraph form. It should ideally be 5-7 paragraphs long with 150 to 250 words per para.
  • The use of bullet points is accepted but its usage should be kept to a bare minimum and maybe even avoided altogether as far as possible.
  • Follow the general rules associated with essay writing.
  • A standard SOP is ideally two pages long unless otherwise specified.
  • The maximum font size to be used is a 12 point font and should be double spaced in normal margins. So, a standard SOP would be around 800-1000 words depending upon the font type used. The acceptable length could exceed 1000 words, but you need to ensure that it does not go beyond 1200 words.
  • Colourful text, font, and images should not be used. The text should be the default color of plain black and nothing else other than black.

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Structure of Statement of Purpose for Visa

Let us go through the paragraphs as stated below to understand the structure of the statement of purpose. Please note that the below-mentioned structure is not the only way to write your SOP. It is only indicative of how a well-written SOP should be structured.

Start with the top right corner by mentioning your name and your address along with your e-mail address. Below this, on the left-hand side, address the statement of purpose to the visa officer of the particular country for which you are applying.

This is the part where you mention the subject of the matter in your SOP, not unlike the format in which you write a letter or an e-mail. It is a header that needs to mention the subject matter of your statement of purpose for visa application. For example-

  • An SOP for Masters
  • An SOP for Grad school
  • An SOP for MBA

3. Introduction

This should be the starting paragraph, but it is not to be confused with a self-introduction. Instead of using it to describe yourself, this paragraph should be used to give a brief description of what you intend to discuss in your statement of purpose for your visa application. You may adopt various approaches to go about this paragraph: 

  • Talk about your long-term goal and inter-link it with your aspiration of pursuing the course you are applying for.
  • Explain your understanding of your chosen field and also elaborate on how you could contribute to the said field.
  • In about 2-3 lines give a brief about your background and connect it with your future goals
  • To give it more of personal touch you can even mention an anecdote that helped you realize your interest in the chosen professional field which will help. It humanizes your statement of purpose for visa application and the officer might be able to connect with the narration.
  • More often than not, students make the mistake of introducing themselves or talking about their childhood in the first paragraph. But it is very important to understand and realize the purpose behind writing the SOP. It is not about narrating a detailed story about yourself. It is all about expressively and professionally sharing your past experiences, your current aspirations, and your plans, joining all these dots in a sequential flow while also trying to convince that you have a contribution to make to their country just as their country will contribute to your growth.

4. Academic Background and details

This is the second paragraph that should summarize your academic background, qualifications, and accolades (if any). It also elaborates on what you have done so far, what you are currently pursuing,

academic strengths, projects done, or any industrial training exposure. If your grades are not that impressive, fret not. Please make sure that you do not particularly highlight any negative aspects in your SOP, without being dishonest in your approach. Do take note that you have to put across your point subtly and give them the necessary details emphasizing the noteworthy aspects of your academics.

5. Professional Experience

The third paragraph comprises your professional experiences. That is if you have any professional experience it should be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. This helps in establishing your career progression. An impressive career graph is also a great plus point and would add to your positives.

6. Reasons why you choose this particular Course

In the fourth paragraph, you need to list out the reasons for opting for the particular academic course in question.   In this paragraph, you should elaborate on the reasons for wanting to join the desired specific course and the different modules that you would be covering during this course. You should also discuss the skills you would be acquiring as a result of the course along with the exposure you would gain in this duration that would help in developing and honing the skills that are required to achieve your professional goals.

7. Career Goals and aspirations

This is the most important paragraph and should be the highlight of your SOP. Here you should elaborate on your near-future short-term goals as well as your long-term plans. 

Short-term goal: This mentions your immediate goal of where and what kind of a company you would want to work with right after you graduate from the course post-completion. Do remember to name some good MNCs with a global presence to not limit yourself geographically. Also, make a mention of the designation at which you see yourself working. Simply put, this paragraph should give a brief about the kind of job profile that you aspire to have in your near future.

Long-term plans: This is where you discuss your dream goals and aspirations like where do you see yourself in 10-15 years from the present. Although your plans may change later, you have to give an honest view about what you currently aspire to be or do. Say, for example, you may see yourself working at the top management level of a big multinational corporation or maybe you want to be an entrepreneur and are working towards starting and expanding your own business. You may be planning on contributing to expanding your family business to a global level or you may want to study further, maybe get a doctorate, or even want to become a professor or a researcher.

Whatever your plans may be, it is advisable to briefly discuss your professional goals, principles and core values. But please note that it should not just be about you. You need to ensure that you also mention how you would be able to create a difference while treading on your journey. It is important to be able to portray how you would also influence young aspirants within the industry considering the current industrial and economic scenarios and also guide them to achieve their goals and become better global citizens of tomorrow.

  8. Reasons why you opted for this University

In paragraph number six, you should try and convince the specific University about your suitability of candidature. You should discuss the benefits of the knowledgeable faculty, the course curriculum, research and fieldwork, internship opportunities as well as other activities that are specific to the university. Also, make sure that you mention how all of these things would contribute to enhancing your profile as well as how you would be the right fit for their college and how you could make a contribution to them.  

9. Closing Paragraph of SOP

In this paragraph of your statement of purpose for visa application, you should conclude by stating your passion, willingness, and readiness to pursue your desired course at the college of your choice. You need to ensure that you sound focused on your vision for the future and emphasize your seriousness to follow your dreams. Also, do make sure that you mention your preparedness to face and overcome the challenges that come your way. This para should reflect your zeal and zest to work hard and succeed with the help of your course and your college and also how willing you are to make a difference to your specific industry and the world at large on a global platform.

Is there a difference between a Statement of Purpose same as a Personal Statement?

A personal statement seems to be quite similar to a statement of purpose, except for a few aspects. An SOP would ideally include a two-page essay about your goals, motivation, experience, extracurricular activities, achievements, and so on. A personal statement on the other hand is a crisp, one-page essay about your experiences, motivation, achievements, and so on. A personal statement is usually more personal than an SOP. So a personal statement should be more elaborate about your goals and aspirations. Whereas an SOP is a much more detailed form of a personal statement.

How to write a great SOP?

Here are the three major steps that need to be kept in mind while writing your SOP:

  • Plan your SOP well- The first and foremost thing to be done is to plan your SOP by outlining a structure and accordingly work towards constructing the SOP. A good way to build your introductory paragraph is by quoting an anecdote that piqued your interest in your chosen field. List down relevant pointers and create a step-by-step framework for each paragraph, then elaborate on each of the points mentioned systematically and creatively. Also, most importantly, emphasize your reason for choosing the course and the university.
  • Prepare a draft- Before moving on further, ensure that you create a draft and then re-draft your SOP to eliminate errors. Please note that when you also share your learnings from your professional experiences, it shows that you are a keen learner, which is a positive point. Ensure to use active voice when writing your SOP. Try and limit the use of technical terms and jargon. The introduction and conclusion of your SOP need to be clear and concise that communicates your vision. One point to remember, your SOP should always be written in reverse chronological order.
  • Review before you send your final SOP submission- It’s always important to review your work before final submission. Reviewing and re-analyzing your work will help to rectify any flaws in the order, flow, grammar, vocabulary, long sentences, punctuation, sentence construction errors, and other errors and issues. Please ensure that your SOP is proofread, verified, and double-checked properly before submission. If possible, try and get a second opinion, maybe from your professor, a senior, or a counsellor.

Here are a couple of tips to write an impactful SOP

  • Please DO NOT COPY the content available on the internet and paste it into your SOP.
  • Please ensure that your SOP is not too long and limit the number of words to 1000-1500 maximum.
  • Keep it brief and concise and avoid going on and on to make your point.
  • Avoid simple grammatical errors in the final SOP. Moreover, try to keep the sentences short and simple.
  • Please do not cook up stories in your SOP. Ensure that everything you mention is authentic and believable. Your honesty will go a long way.
  • Keep the tone of your SOP conversational tone to make it interesting.
  • Try to get some expert guidance that will help you to write an effective and impactful SOP.
  • You are narrating your story through your SOP so write sentences in the first person and not in the second/third person.
  • Make sure you highlight your achievements (academic and extra-curricular).

What to include in SOP?

  • Introduction with an anecdote
  • Professional aspirations
  • Academic goals
  • Personal motivations
  • Reason to choose the particular course or College
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Achievements

What not to include in your SOP?

  • Family background
  • Informal language or slang
  • Irrelevant and unnecessary information
  • Repetition of words or phrases
  • Long, meaningless sentences

Common mistakes that students should avoid while writing SOP

Here are some of the common mistakes that students generally make while writing the SOP:

  • Sometimes students make the grave mistake of taking the SOP too lightly. Please make sure that you give it proper thought and spend enough time writing an impactful SOP.  In the eleventh-hour students often make the mistake of copying and simply pasting it as their work. Do not take that risk and ensure you do proper homework for your SOP.
  • Creating a weak introduction and conclusion could result in the rejection of your SOP. Try to summarize your academic achievements and experiences in a concise form that reflects your overall personality.
  • The use of informal language or slang in your SOP. Ensure that you write your SOP in a formal, professional language.
  • Exceeding the word limit by getting carried away with your story and writing irrelevant information will result in creating a negative impression. Keep it professional.
  • Submission without proofreading your SOP. Reverification and double-checking are very important.

Writing an effective and impactful Statement of Purpose for visa application requires a lot of time, effort, and thought. However, it also depends upon the way you do your research and homework. It is also quite subjective and the time taken to write the SOP may vary from person to person.  But the important thing is that you do not make the mistake of taking it too lightly. This is not like your regular college assignment. A well-written SOP can make or break your dream of studying abroad. And remember, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, it’s a swing and a miss. Yet, you have no reason to give up hope. If your application gets rejected for some reason, you can always try again and this time, do it even better.

Give it your all, work hard, and eventually, the results will speak for themselves. SOP demonstrates an important aspect of your personality- which is your communication. It all depends on how you portray everything. So do not get too bogged down by all the information available online. Be patient, do some research, and spend your valuable time on the right resources.

All the best!

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personal statement for tourist visa

Q. How many pages should an SOP be visa be?

For a student visa application an SOP should be of 2 pages which means an application should have 1000 to 1500 words for example if the applicant is applying for student visa in Canada.

Q. Is SOP for visa and admission different?

Yes. The SOP for admission means the student is applying for the enrollment in the university for the course. SOP for visa is after an acceptance when the student is called for a visa interview.

Q. Is SOP compulsory for a visa application?

Yes. SOP is very important the applicant have to write an SOP whether it is for SDS or non- SDS. SOP mentions the reason why the applicant is choosing a particular course in the chosen university. So yes, SOP is a must for visa.

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personal statement for tourist visa

For Travelista

A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One

By Alice Ross | PASSPORT & VISA

  • PASSPORT & VISA » A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One

a sample cover letter

If you're planning to  travel abroad , in many cases you will need to obtain a visa beforehand. The requirements vary according to your country of origin and your destination. But for a lot of people, the process to be granted a visa can seem daunting and unclear. In this article, we share important tips about visas to equip you with the knowledge to prepare for your international trip. Read on to find out more about how tourist visas work, including a very useful sample cover letter for your tourist visa application.  

What Exactly Is a Tourist Visa?

A tourist visa or visitor visa is an official document that allows you to get in another country. In general, you are likely to need one every time you visit another country. However, this depends on which country you are from and where you are going, as some countries have agreements that allow entrance even without it.

A tourist visa may take different forms: it can be a paper document, although it most often comes as a simple stamp in your passport . Some countries require you to arrange your visa before arriving in the country, while others issue it to you once you land at the airport.

A tourist visa indicates how long you are allowed to stay in the country. It also defines which activities you are allowed to participate in or not while there, such as working and studying.

Other Types of Visas

how long is a passport good for

A tourist visa is the most common and most acquired type of visa. It is usually only valid for a short period of time, commonly ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

This is what you will need if you are just planning to visit the country. A tourist visa however doesn't allow you to work and study while you are in a particular country.

Others types of visas include student visas, business visas, media visas, fiancé visas , and many others depending on the place you're travelling to.

Resident visas are also available for those who want to live in a particular country. You will normally need a valid reason to obtain this type of visa, as they tend to be the most difficult to get.

What You Need to Apply for a Tourist Visa

As mentioned above, tourist visa requirements vary with your nationality and your destination, as well as where you make your application. You should always check the instructions application to your specific situation on the relevant embassy or consulate website. Having said that, there are some general requirements and common documents that are needed for most tourist visa applications.

These include:

  • Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay
  • Duly filled out visa application forms
  • Confirmed round-trip tickets
  • Cover letter for tourist visa or letter to the consulate

Top tip: travel insurance for your visa application

Most tourist visa applications require you to show proof of travel insurance coverage for the duration of your trip. We use and recommend SafetyWing as our preferred travel medical insurance provider. It's the most flexible and affordable we've found, starting at just $1.32 per day. They can also provide a visa letter to support your application. If you're looking for more comprehensive coverage, World Nomads is also a reliable and very popular alternative among global travelers. Note: In our experience and to the best of our knowledge, these two travel insurance options fulfill the requirements for most tourist visa applications. However, please make sure to check that they meet the specific criteria applicable to your individual case.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa Application

sample cover letter for tourist visa application


The cover letter or letter to the consulate is necessary for tourist visas that require interviews. This letter needs to explain why you want to visit the country and where you will be staying in the country. It must also outline the intended dates and duration of your stay.

Moreover, this letter is your way to tell the embassy if you are getting a sponsorship from a friend, parents, or a romantic partner who are currently based in that country. It's important to take your time to write your cover letter, although you should also make sure to keep it to-the-point and not too long.

If the trip is going to be  sponsored by someone else , make sure to include the following details in the cover letter for your tourist visa application:

  • The name of the person who is going to sponsor your trip
  • The job or source of income of the person who is going to sponsor you
  • Your proof or relationship (normally pictures)
  • Proof of financial capability of your sponsor
  • The expenses your sponsor will cover

The cover letter is a really important document to provide before your trip. It states every important thing you want to tell the embassy or consulate. Make sure that it mentions and explains every document you've submitted.

To give you a better insight into how to create a cover letter for your visa application, here is a sample cover letter for a tourist visa needed to enter a country:


EMBASSY OF (Country you're visiting)

<Address of the Consulate>

Dear Sir/Madam:

I, <Your full legal name> would like to apply for a tourist visa to spend a vacation in <name of the country> from <date of arrival> to <date of departure.>

My main purpose for travel is tourism, to see the beautiful sights of  <name of the country> , particularly <name of tourist attractions.> I'm also looking forward to experiencing the culture, tasting the cuisine, and meeting locals to experience everything the country has to offer.

I am employed at <name of the company> located in <location of the company> since <date you were employed> and am currently holding the position of <your job position.> Vacation from work has already been approved for the whole duration of this trip.

During my trip, my <your relationship with the sponsor> <full name of the sponsor,>  who works as <job title of the sponsor> at <place of employment> will sponsor my trip. He/she will cover my accommodations, food expenses, and plane tickets.

Please find the following documents to support the legitimacy of what is outlined in this letter:

  • Passports (including old ones if applicable)
  • Application form, duly dated and signed with passport-size picture
  • Employment and leave certificates showing the date I'm expected to return to work
  • Payslips, tax report, credit card statements, bank certificate & statement of account as proof of income
  • Plane ticket booking reservation
  • Hotel booking reservation as proof of accommodation directly faxed to the embassy
  • Travel insurance with benefits

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. I may not be available at all times due to my working schedule or I might be engaged in a mission, but you may still try to reach me at the following:

Of course, the sample cover letter for tourist visa application provided above is only a template and can be modified according to your situation. Again, including this in your travel visa application is very important, so make sure that you take the time to think about what you want to write and to gather all the necessary documents to support the information you provide in your letter.

Do you have any helpful tips or a sample cover letter for a tourist visa application you want to share? Let us know in a comment below!

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About the Author

Hi, I’m Alice Ross, a long-term traveler who left the corporate world to travel the world. I chose to live life on my own phase and live day by day while immersing myself in new experiences, new knowledge, and new people in a different walk of life I met along the way.


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Your trip begins.

Letter of Self Introduction for Visa (with 2 Convincing Samples and Templates)

A letter of self introduction for visa application is essentially a cover letter addressed to the visa officer/embassy or immigration as the case may be, providing more information about yourself, the purpose of your visit, and establishing more grounds as to why you should be granted a visa to a particular country.

As the name implies, a letter of self introduction for visa application is a document typically written by a visa applicant to the embassy or immigration office, introducing himself for the sole purpose of visa issuance. It is an important requirement for most visa applications.

A very convincing letter of self introduction (all things being equal) can help boost your chances of getting a visa.

When writing a letter of self introduction for visa application, it is important to be as convincing as possible, leaving the visa office with no option but to approve your visa.

How you approach this letter depends on the purpose of your visit and the sort of visa you are requesting. However, it is important to note that the format is basically the same irrespective of the type of visa you’re applying for.

Sample Letter of Self Introduction for Visa Application

Before we delve into how you can write a modern, powerful letter of self introduction for visa application, let’s show you a sample so you can have an idea how it looks like (and how it should be, typically).

letter of self introduction for visa application

Get a Letter of Self Introduction for Visa

Sleek, modern, editable letter of self-introduction carefully crafted to boost your chances of visa approval. Instantly download in Word format and 100% customizable.

This letter is simple, yet convincing enough with the additional documents included for reference. Plus it is crafted on a clean, beautiful and modern personal letter head, making it even more appealing.

A letter of self introduction for visa application may be required for:

  • Tourist Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Schengen Visa
  • Work/Employment Visa
  • Permanent Residence Visa
  • Visa on Arrival for some countries, etc.

All of these carry the same format. The main difference lies in the details included as per the purpose of visit.

Vital Information to Include in Your Letter of Self Introduction for Visa

Here are the various info you may include in your letter of self introduction for visa application.

  • Your address or letter head at the top
  • The recipient address (visa officer/embassy or immigration)
  • Your contact number and/or email address
  • The purpose of travel (preferably in just a sentence)
  • Address the recipient by name (if you know them)
  • Attach all other necessary documents required for the visa application
  • End the letter with a complimentary close (e.g. Yours sincerely) your full name, and signature.

If you are applying for a business visa , here are more specifically the vital information you should include in your letter of self introduction:

  • Name of the applicant
  • Employment length in the company
  • Position of the applicant in the company
  • Annual CTC (total salary package)
  • Reason for the visit
  • Visit duration
  • Financial commitment of the company to the trip (if any)

Again if you are applying for a Schengen visa , here are the important details required in your letter of self introduction:

  • Your name, occupation and how long have you been working
  • Whether you are traveling alone or with someone
  • Your purpose of visit to the Schengen Zone
  • Your residence while you would be on trip.
  • How you will be funding your trip
  • Your travel itinerary

Letter of self introduction for visa application (Template)

Here’s a template letter of self introduction for visa application (based on the sample above):

Celestine Davids

4332 Blackwell St

New York 10003

United States.

December 14, 2020

The Visa Officer,

Consulate-General of Japan,

Request for Japan Tourist Visa

I write to introduce myself in respect of the above subject matter. I will be traveling to Okazaki for a cultural exhibition and will also take some days to see some of the wonderful tourism destinations in Japan.

My arrival in Okazaki would be on December 28, 2020  and the date of departure from Okazaki would be January 17, 2020.

Traveler details are as follows:

Celestine Davids (Passport Number: 0081339DA)

Along with visa application, I have attached the following documents for your reference:

  • Filed application form with photograph
  • Round trip flight itinerary
  • Accommodation details
  • Financial and employment details (bank statement and latest Income Tax Return)
  • Leave letter/No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer

I will be available for more information if required for the smooth processing of the visa. Kindly do not hesitate to contact me for enquiries on my itinerary.

Yours sincerely,

[Your signature here]


Written Samples

10 sample cover letters for a canada visitor visa.

Applying for a visitor visa to Canada involves a meticulous process where applicants must convincingly demonstrate their intentions, financial stability, and reasons for returning to their home country after their visit.

A well-crafted cover letter accompanying the visa application can significantly enhance the chances of approval. It provides a platform to explain the purpose of the visit, detail the applicant’s ties to their home country, and present a clear, coherent narrative to the visa officers.

Canada Visitor Visa Sample Cover Letters

The following samples offer varied scenarios and are designed to cater to different profiles of applicants.

Each sample cover letter is structured to highlight key aspects that are essential in a Canadian visitor visa application: the purpose of the visit, duration, accommodation plans, financial means, and strong ties to the home country.

Sample 1: Family Visit

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a Canadian visitor visa to visit my sister and her family in Toronto, Ontario. My sister, [Sister’s Name], a permanent resident of Canada, has extended an invitation for me to spend time with her family and explore the cultural diversity of Canada.

I am currently employed as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name] in [Your Country], and I intend to return to my job following a three-week visit. During my stay, I will be residing at my sister’s residence at [Address in Canada].

Enclosed with this letter are my employment verification letter, bank statements, and a copy of my sister’s invitation letter. I assure you of my commitment to abide by all Canadian laws during my stay.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2: Tourism

I am applying for a Canadian visitor visa to explore the scenic beauty and cultural heritage of Canada. As an avid traveler and a professional photographer, I am particularly interested in capturing Canada’s diverse landscapes and cityscapes.

I plan to visit major tourist destinations including Vancouver, Banff National Park, and Montreal over a period of four weeks. I have made arrangements for my accommodation and have a detailed itinerary, which I have enclosed with this application.

I am self-employed, running a successful photography studio in [Your Country]. I have attached documents confirming my business ownership and financial stability. I have strong familial and professional ties in my home country, ensuring my return post my visit to Canada.

Thank you for considering my visa application.

Sample 3: Attending a Business Conference

I am writing to request a Canadian visitor visa to attend the [Name of Conference] in Ottawa, scheduled from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As [Your Job Title] at [Your Company], attending this conference is a significant opportunity for professional growth and networking.

I have been employed with [Your Company] for [Number of Years] and have enclosed a letter from my employer supporting my visit to Canada. Following the conference, I plan to return to my home country to resume my professional duties.

In Canada, I will be staying at [Hotel Name and Address] for the duration of the conference. Enclosed are my hotel booking confirmation, round-trip flight tickets, and financial documents to support my application.

I look forward to the opportunity to represent my company at this international event.

Sample 4: Medical Treatment

I am applying for a Canadian visitor visa for the purpose of receiving medical treatment at [Hospital/Clinic Name] in [City, Province]. After thorough research and consultations, I have chosen Canada for its advanced medical facilities and expertise in treating [Specific Medical Condition].

Enclosed are letters from my local doctor and the Canadian medical facility outlining the proposed treatment plan and the estimated duration of my stay, which is [Duration of Stay]. I have arranged for sufficient funds to cover all medical and living expenses during my stay.

I am currently [Your Job Title/Status] at [Your Company/Institution] in [Your Country]. I have attached documents verifying my employment status and my intention to return after my treatment.

Sample 5: Visiting Friends

I am applying for a Canadian visitor visa to spend time with my close friends residing in [City, Province]. I have known them for several years, and this visit will be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our friendship and experience Canadian culture firsthand.

I am employed as [Your Job Title] at [Your Company] in [Your Country] and plan to return to my job after a two-week visit. My employer has granted me leave for this period, as evidenced by the enclosed leave approval letter.

I will be staying with my friends at their residence, the address of which is included in the invitation letter provided by them. I have also enclosed my bank statements and other financial documents to support my application.

I appreciate your consideration of my visa application.

Sample 6: Academic Research

I am writing to apply for a Canadian visitor visa for academic research purposes. As a [Your Position, e.g., Researcher, Scholar] at [Your Institution], I am involved in a project that requires me to conduct field research in Canada.

The research is scheduled for [Duration of Stay] and is in collaboration with [Canadian Institution or Organization]. Enclosed are letters from both my home institution and the Canadian organization, outlining the nature and necessity of my visit.

I have secured funding for my research and stay in Canada, as shown in the attached financial statements and grant approval letters. My ties to my home institution and ongoing research commitments ensure my return after the completion of my research.

Thank you for considering my application for a visitor visa.

Sample 7: Participating in a Cultural Event

I am honored to have been invited to participate in [Name of Event] in [City, Province], Canada, as a representative of [Your Country’s Name] culture. This event is a significant platform for cultural exchange and will be held from [Start Date] to [End Date].

As a [Your Profession or Title related to the Event], I am enthusiastic about showcasing our cultural heritage on this international stage. I am currently employed with [Your Company/Organization] in [Your Country], and they fully support my participation in this event, as evidenced by the enclosed letter from my employer.

My travel and accommodation arrangements have been made, and I have enclosed all relevant booking confirmations. I assure you of my commitment to return to my country following the conclusion of the event.

I respectfully request your consideration for a visitor visa to Canada for this purpose.

Sample 8: Exploring Educational Opportunities

I am applying for a Canadian visitor visa to explore educational opportunities for my higher studies. I intend to visit several universities in Canada to meet with admissions representatives and tour the campuses.

As a recent graduate from [Your College/University] in [Your Country], this trip is crucial for making an informed decision about my future academic pursuits. I plan to stay in Canada for [Duration of Stay] and have arranged my accommodation accordingly.

Enclosed are my academic certificates, travel itinerary, accommodation bookings, and financial documents. I have strong family ties in [Your Country], and I intend to return post my visit to Canada to commence my higher education.

Sample 9: Attending a Family Celebration

I am delighted to be applying for a Canadian visitor visa to attend a significant family celebration, specifically my niece’s wedding in [City, Province]. This event is a cherished opportunity for our family to come together, and I am looking forward to being a part of this joyous occasion.

I am a [Your Job Title] at [Your Company] in [Your Country], and I have been granted a leave of absence for the duration of my trip, as indicated in the enclosed letter from my employer. My stay in Canada will be for [Duration of Stay], and I will be residing with my brother’s family at [Their Address].

I have enclosed my bank statements and other supporting documents to confirm my financial ability to cover my expenses during my stay. My professional and family commitments in [Your Country] assure my return following the celebration.

Sample 10: Short-term Language Course

I am applying for a Canadian visitor visa to participate in a short-term language course in French at [Institute Name] in [City, Province]. This course is integral to my career development as a [Your Job Title], especially considering the growing importance of bilingualism in the global business environment.

The course duration is [Duration], and I have arranged for my accommodation near the institute for this period. I am currently employed at [Your Company] in [Your Country] and have enclosed a letter from my employer supporting my enrollment in this language program.

In addition to the course details, I have included my financial documents and return flight booking to demonstrate my intent to return to my home country after completing the course.

I respectfully request your consideration of my application for a visitor visa to Canada.

Each of these sample letters is crafted to address a specific purpose of visit and to demonstrate the applicant’s strong ties to their home country, ensuring that they return after their visit to Canada.

It’s important to personalize these samples to reflect individual circumstances and to provide all the necessary documentation to support the visa application. A clear, concise, and well-structured cover letter can significantly influence the outcome of the visa

personal statement for tourist visa

Visa Processing Center

US Visitor Visa Documents Checklist (B1-B2 Tourist, Business & Family)

Most people think documents are the key to unlocking a US visa.

But truth be told……it’s not.

The crucial part is the DS160 form and the interview itself.

So, the document doesn’t matter? Of course, documents do matter. That’s because the DS160 form of the B1-B2 visa needs to be filled in with your personal details, that match your documents.

Also – when bringing documents with you at the interview, you feel more confident because in case the visa officers ask for proof, you can produce the right documentation for them.

US Visitor Visa Documents Checklist for your visa interview?

Well, these include your professional and financial documents, along with the documentation related to your purpose of the trip, your civil status (marriage certificate, birth certificate of your kids)

The consular officers are not interested in reviewing these documents during the interview. However, having these papers ready may be beneficial.

Let me show you the complete US Visitor Visa Documents Checklist.

When completing the DS160 application, you have to provide information based on your purpose of the visit and available documents with you.

The below-listed documents vary based on individual circumstances. These papers are the most common ones needed when fulfilling the DS160 application.

Mandatory Documents for b1/b2 visa documents checklist

1. Valid Passport

Your passport must remain valid for at least 6 months at the end of your intended stay in the US. Also, if you have an old passport, keep it ready for the visa officers to see. Since US visa officers doesn’t check any additional documents, they mostly rely on your past travel history.

2. Proof that You will Return to Your Home Country

The below papers will prove that you have ties in your home country. This evidence shows you will less likely to overstay in the US after the visit.

  • Documents that you own land in your home country. Proof of ownership of any real estate.
  • Relationships with family members who are living in your home country.
  • Professional documents, document from employers, or business registration
  • A letter from your company will be waiting for you on your return
  • Birth certificate of children
  • Birth certificate of your family member who requires your presence in the home country

3. Your Sponsorship Details During the Stay in the US (if you show sponsorship)

  • Affidavit of support/invitation letter from your sponsor. The letter must mention the details of the sponsorship and why they are sponsoring you. The citizen can be your family member or friend.
  • A letter from your family or friend mentioning you will stay with them in the US
  • Your bank statements. Make sure the cash is accessible in the US
  • Proof of your current income source

4. Letters Supporting Your Travel/ Visit Purpose

Include the below documents:

  • Proof of hotel arrangements
  • Written itinerary of car rentals
  • Event ticket
  • Invitation letter for a training program/ conferences

If your visit is for business purposes, your US entity must send you a letter describing your activities in the US. Also, the letter should include your responsibilities during the trip and other financial details.

5. Photograph

The included photograph can’t be more than 6 months old. Your face should be clear, and you can’t hide any part of your face. However, wearing religious clothing or attire is allowed. Make sure your photograph is captured following the specifications.

If you wear glasses, you need to wear off before you take the photo.

Now, let’s learn what supporting documents are necessary for the B1/B2 visa.

Supporting Documents for Tourism Purposes

  • Travel itinerary

Supporting Documents for Attending Family Event

  • Invitation letter from your relatives or family members
  • Invitation card
  • Accommodation details

Supporting Documents for Business Purpose Trip

  • US-based business associate’s information
  • Business care of the applicant
  • Invitation letter from the business organization

Supporting Documents for Medical Treatment In The US

Three types of documents are required if you are visiting the US for medical treatment

1. A statement from your local physician supporting

  • You need higher treatment based on the diagnostic report
  • Explaining the nature of your medical emergency

2. A statement from a US medical facility saying

  • You are willing to take treatment from a medical facility in the US with the appointment
  • Treatment cost

3. Financial evidence that you can bear the treatment cost, including hospitalization, doctor’s fee, transportation, living expenses, and other medical costs.

Supporting Documents if a B1 Visa Holder (Children/Spouse) Requesting Accompany from B2 Visa Holder

  • Passport and visa copy of the B1 holder
  • Invitation from the B1 holder
  • Accommodation and expenses from the sponsor, whether from the organization/company or the B1 visa holder paying the expenses
  • Letter from B1 visa holder to consulate requesting the visa for spouse or children. The B1 visa holder can be your family member or organization/company.

Other Papers for US Visitor Visa

For private service holders

  • A letter of employment verification

For Government employees

  • NOC/ Government order

For self-employed or freelancers

  • Evidence of business ownership
  • Financial history

Generally, visa officers don’t care about the documents or papers during the interview. What they care about is how you answer the questions. Also, whether or not you are answering the questions appropriately. Your answers will help them decide to approve your visa.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the eligibility requirement for b1/b2 visa.

As mentioned, the US visitor B1/B2 visa is for nonimmigrant applicants. Visa holders can engage in the below particular activities in the USA.

  • Visiting the country to enjoy the holiday
  • Traveling to different cities and countryside in the US
  • Visiting family and friends
  • Participating in an event organized by companies
  • Visiting the US for medical purposes
  • Joining sports or music events
  • Participating in a short-term course

Can I study with a US visitor visa?

No, you can’t. The United States has an ‘F’ or ‘M’ student visa. US visitor visa holders can join recreational study under the validity period. Or they can also change the visa status from B to F and study there.

How much bank balance is required for US tourist visa?

There is no definite amount but we recommend keeping at least $10000 in your account to be on the safe side, if you plan to visit on your own fund.

If My US Visa Is Rejected, When Can I Apply Again?

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Migrate - UK Partner Visa Lawyers

Sample Letter for UK Tourist Visa Application (2019 Cover Letter Template)

In this article, we are going to discuss how  you can write your UK visitor visa supporting letter in 2019.

This is because your goal is going to be the same whether you are applying for a UK, US, Canadian or a tourist visa for another country – to convince the person deciding your application that you will return to your home country and not overstay .

This is one of the most helpful things that you can do to increase your chances of a successful UK visitor visa application .

After all, the Home Office caseworkers are very suspicious people and you should do everything that you can to persuade them that you are a ‘genuine’ and ‘credible’ visitor.

There is no one set letter template that can be effectively used for all UK visitor visa applications since every application is different and unique to your own individual circumstances.

There are different aspects that your visit visa supporting letter should discuss and we will discuss each of them in turn:

  • An introduction / summary of your visit visa application
  • List of documents that you are including
  • The purpose of your visit
  • Why you will not overstay your UK visa
  • The dependants that you will be applying with (if any)
  • Your ability to adequately maintain yourself during your UK visit
  • Whether your sponsor meets the sponsor requirements (if you have one)
  • Confirmation that you are not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK your main home (if relevant)
  • Potential weaknesses in your application
  • Contact details of other relevant persons



My name is [NAME] and I am [NATIONALITY] . I am applying from [COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE] and I am applying for a standard [6 month/2 year/5 year/10 year] UK visitor visa.

In discussing that I am a genuine and credible UK visitor visa, this letter will cover:

  • A list of the supporting documents that have been submitted alongside this supporting letter

The purpose of my visit

  • Reasons why I will comply with the terms of the visa and why I will  not overstay
  • Information relating to  dependants applying with me (delete if appropriate)
  • My ability to adequately maintain myself [ and any dependants (if relevant) ] during intended UK trip
  • Information relating to my sponsor (delete if appropriate)
  • Why I am not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK my main home [( if relevant )]
  • Potential perceived weaknesses in my application
  • Contact details of other relevant persons you may wish to contact

Why is this section important?

This section provides a clear outline of the things that Home Office caseworkers are most interested in.

By providing a clear and relevant structure , you are immediately letting the Home Office caseworker know that you have a good understanding of the Immigration Rules as they apply to visitor visas.

It also makes it easier for the Home Office caseworker to read. The clearer and easier you make it for the Home Office caseworker, the happier that they will be.


List of included documents

In support of my UK visitor visa application, I have included the following documents:

1My passport copies
2My letter of support
3My sponsor’s letter of support

The Home Office tend to lose documents quite often, unfortunately.

By stating that you list a certain documents, the Home Office caseworker will then know that the document may have indeed been lost on the way.

This increases the likelihood of the Home Office caseworker getting into contact and asking for the missing document .

By having something similar to the above table, you again increase the clarity and ease of reading for this cover letter.

The Home Office caseworker will be able to refer to this table to quickly identify the relevant document when considering your application and it will again provide good impression.


The main purpose of my visit is to [INSERT ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY] .

[Discuss what you intend to do in the UK in more detail here]

I am fully aware of the permitted and prohibited activities found in Immigration Rules Appendix V: visitor rules .

Example Itinerary #1

The main purpose of my visit is to attend my niece’s university graduation .

The following is my itinerary and includes the likely costings of the UK visit:

23rd May (Day 1)

Hopefully, I will be flying to London Heathrow from Bangkok, Thailand. As evidenced by the attached return flight tickets and return flight ticket receipts (Appendix 8 and 9), the cost of return of this flight is £884.

24th May (Day 2)

I will be picked up at the London Heathrow by my sister and will stay at her accommodation, 22b Iverson Road, London, NW6 2HE for two nights.

Please see the attached letter of support from my sister, which has been labelled Appendix 11.

Whilst I expect that I will spend around £30 on airport food, I will incur no costs for accommodation.

25th May (Day 3)

I will attend my niece’s graduation on this day, which is the main purpose of my trip to the UK.

The graduation is taking place at the University of Leeds campus.

We will travel from my niece’s accommodation in London to the University of Leeds by train, the expected cost of which is £80 for a return train ticket (see Appendix 13).

In support of these plans, please see the attached letter from my niece’s university (Appendix 5), confirmation of my niece’s graduation (Appendix 4) and the letter of support from my niece (Appendix 7).

Since the graduation is scheduled to finish at 11.30am, this will give us plenty time to enjoy a nice meal at our favourite restaurant, ‘Almost Famous’ in Leeds.  I will have £50 set aside for this meal.

Once we have arrived back in London, I will again stay at my sister’s accommodation, which will mean that I will incur no extra costs with regards to accommodation.

26th May (Day 4)

My last day is expected to start early in the morning as my sister will drive me to London Heathrow in time for my 8am flight back to Bangkok.

I have set aside £30 for food and drink at the airport.

The total expected cost for this trip is therefore £190 for my 4-day trip, not including the return flight tickets that I have already paid £884 for.

In light of my personal savings account at Appendix 17 that shows savings of £12,200 (as converted by, it is therefore clear that I can adequately provide for myself during my 4-day visit to the UK.

Example Itinerary #2:

The main purpose of my visit is to attend my niece’s university graduation.

23rd May 2020Bangkok (Thailand) & London (UK)Departing from Bangkok, Thailand at 10pm UTC+07:00.The return flight cost £884 (see Appendix 8 and 9).

£0 on accommodation.

24th May 2020London (UK)Arriving at London Heathrow.No further costs spent on accommodation or travel.

I will be getting picked up by my sister who I will stay with at 22b Iverson Road, London, NW6 2HE (please see the letter of support from my sister at Appendix 11).

£30 on food and drink.

£0 on accommodation

25th May 2020Leeds (UK)Attending niece’s university graduation (please see the confirmation of my niece’s graduation at Appendix 5, a letter of support from my niece at Appendix 7).

We will then be attending a meal at the ‘Almost Famous’ restaurant in Leeds.

A late train will be taken to return back to London where I will stay at my sister’s accommodation.

£80 on a return train ticket from London King’s cross train station (see attached screenshots of at Appendix 13)

£50 on food and drink.

£0 on accommodation.

26th May 2020London (UK)My sister will drive me to London Heathrow where I will take the 8am flight back to Bangkok, Thailand.£30 on food and drink.

£0 on transport.

£0 on accommodation.

Total expected cost: £190

The purpose of your visit is a key consideration when deciding whether the Home Office should grant your UK visitor visa application.

The clearer that your purpose for visiting the UK is, the more genuine and credible you will appear to be .

Because of this, it is therefore helpful if you are able to use this letter of support to clearly discuss your plans and the costs associated with the UK trip .

In this section of the letter of support, it will be good if you cross-reference your stated intentions with evidence that you submit in your application.

For example: I will be taking the train on the 25th May, 2020 from London Heathrow to Leeds train station, which will cost £80. Please see appendix 13 that shows this .

It will also be good to get letter of supports from family or friends that supports your stated intentions.

For example, if you are visiting a specific family member or friend in the UK, a letter of support from them will also be helpful to include.


Why I will not overstay the UK visitor visa

I fully intend to return to [my home country OR make an onwards journey to COUNTRY] before my UK visitor visa expires.

I have a good life back home and I would absolutely not want to trade it for a life as an outlaw in the UK.

The following are reasons that I would you to consider when deciding my application:

#1 My good immigration history

My unblemished UK immigration history is one indication that suggests that I am likely to comply with the terms of the UK visit visa and return to my home country prior to the visa expiration.

Example : “In 2012, I was issued a UK visitor visa for 6 months (see appendix 13 which is a copy of page 34 of my attached passport). In 2015, I was also issued a UK visitor visa (see Appendix 14 which is a copy of page 36 of my attached passport. In all of the above instances, I left before the expiration of the visa. I also complied with all of the visa conditions.”

#2 My family ties to my home country

My family back home is another strong indication that I will return to my home country prior to the UK visitor visa expiring.

[Discuss family members back home here, especially if they are dependant on you].

Example : My son, Jeremiah (13 years of age) and my daughter, Jodie (15 years of age), will stay in my home country of Bangladesh during my 9-day trip to the UK. Please see their attached passport scans at Appendix 8 and 9. During my UK visit, Jeremiah and Jodie will be cared for by my husband, Andy Jones, as evidenced by my husband’s letter of support at Appendix 14, which includes a copy of his passport at Appendix 15.

#3 My financial and economic ties to my home country

My financial and economic ties to my home country are other factors that strongly suggest that I have no reason to trade my life in [HOME COUNTRY] with a life as an illegal alien in the UK.

My assets and income are discussed in more detail below, under the sub-heading ‘My ability to adequately maintain myself in the UK’.

#4 Other links with my home country

Example : I am currently studying a degree at Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Please see the attached letter from my university at Appendix 6 that confirms this. Please also see the attached term dates for my course at Appendix 7 that confirms that my intended trip to the UK is not during term-time but rather during the summer holidays.

The main reason why visit visa applications are refused is that the Home Office are scared that you will use the UK visitor visa to enter the UK,  disappear and overstay your visa illegally .


Dependants I am applying with (if relevant)

As stated in the online application form, I am applying with child dependant(s), [NAME(S) AS STATED IN PASSPORT(S), AGE(S) & THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO YOU] .

Obviously, if you are not applying with any child dependants, you can ignore this sub-heading .

However, if you are applying with child dependants, it is important that you are fully aware of the additional requirements that will apply.

In summary, you must show:

#1 That you (or your sponsor) will be able to adequately provide for any child dependants that are also applying for a UK visitor visa.

This is obviously linked with your ability to adequately maintain yourself – i.e. by the showing of assets and income.

In order to maintain a clear structure for this letter of support, you should make sure you sufficiently discuss your finances in the subheading ‘My ability to adequately maintain myself during the UK visit’ below.

#2 That all duties of care obligations with regards to child dependants will be met

Simply showing sufficient financial assets and income will not always suffice.

If, in light of all the circumstances, it is not clear how the child’s welfare will be looked after in the UK, it is likely that the application will be refused .

Like many UK visa applications, the child’s welfare is of an extremely high importance .

#3 That parental consent is given

Parental consent is a requirement for children’s UK visitor visas.

This requirement is usually satisfied where the visit visa applications are made on behalf of a child, although i t is important that you are aware of the situations where the requirement will not be met .

If you are divorced with your child’s other parent, the parent with sole responsibility or legal custody must provide parental consent, which can be met via a letter of support.


My ability to adequately maintain myself during the UK visit

I confirm that I can adequately maintain myself [as well the dependants who are applying with me] . To support this, I will now discuss my sources of income and financial assets.

#1 My sources of income

#2 My assets and/or cash savings

#3 My on-going financial commitments

Example : I am employed as a journalist for The Daily Paper Company in Pakistan. I receive a gross annual salary of PKR 3,000,000 and I have permission from my employer to have paid leave for the week that I will be visiting the UK (see Appendix 8, which is a signed letter from my employer). For clarity, PKR 3,000,000 equates to 15,102 pounds sterling, as stated by the closing spot exchange rate found on . As evidenced by my attached bank statements (see Appendix 3), I saved a total of PKR 1,500,000 over the past 8 months to help fund my UK visit. This is the equivalent of £7,550 pounds sterling. I also own my own house in Pakistan. Please see the attached documentation (Appendix 11-13) for 12 Wahdat Road, Lahore. The property’s worth, as stated on, is PKR 13,000,000 (Appendix 14).

It is crucial that you are able to convince the Home Office caseworker that you have sufficient resources to maintain and accommodate yourself adequately for the whole of your planned visit to the UK.

This includes the additional costs associated with applying with any dependant children.

If the expected cost of the visit is high when compared to your overall resources (or your sponsor’s overall resources), then questions may be raised regarding the genuineness of your intentions .

Unlike a UK spouse visa , there are no set rules regarding the amount of funds that you (or your sponsor) will need to show.

For example, there is no rule saying that an income of £10,000 is required or cash savings of £5,000 or more.

Instead, the Home Office caseworker will look at your circumstances (and your sponsor’s circumstances, if you have one) and your stated intentions and then make a decision based on that.

At the very minimum, it is clear that you have to prove that you can afford:

I) The cost of travelling to and from the UK ;

II) Any costs associated with applying with dependant children ;  and

III) What you say you intend to do in the UK (e.g. shopping or visiting a family in London).

There are a few points to note regarding evidencing assets and income .

Firstly, both your supporting letter as well as the documents that you submit should make the source of cash savings clear.

If your personal bank account shows a sudden and relatively large injection of cash into your bank, this may seem suspicious.

Secondly, you should make it clear that you can access  to the cash savings.


My sponsor (include this sub-heading only if you have one)

I am being sponsored by [ SPONSOR’S NAME ], who is my [ RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT ]. As evidenced by the attached documentation, [ SPONSOR’S NAME ]’s [ASSETS/INCOME] is more than enough to adequately provide for myself [and my dependant children who are applying with me] during my stay in the UK.

I can confirm that the relationship between [ SPONSOR’S NAME ] and I is genuine. Please see the attached documentation regarding this, as well as the attached letter of support from [ SPONSOR’S NAME ] that confirms [ HIS/HER ] intention to sponsor me.

  • Whether the relationship is personal or professional
  • How you met,
  • Where you first met,
  • How often you meet,
  • How often you communicate with each other]


Why I am not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK my home (include this sub-heading if you have previously been issued a UK visitor visa only)


Potential weaknesses in my application

Include this section only if there are any potential weaknesses in your application.

I recognise that [ REASON 1 ] can raise doubts about the genuine and credibility as a visitor.

[Discuss this here and explain why that should not adversely affect your UK visitor visa application]

I recognise that [ REASON 2 ] can raise doubts about the genuine and credibility as a visitor.

Example : In 2016 I was previously refused a UK visitor visa on the grounds that I was not able to adequately show that I can maintain myself. Please see appendix 3, which is a copy of this refusal letter. It was unfortunate that important financial documents, such as employer pay slips and bank statements, were not received by the Home Office – hence not being able to show that I could have adequately maintained myself. In any event, one month after receiving the refusal letter, I submitted another UK visitor visa application. Fortunately, the Home Office received all of the supporting documents and my UK visitor visa application was swiftly approved. In light of this, my previous UK visitor visa refusal should not adversely affect this application as not only have I shown adequate funds to cover my trip to the UK in this application, but the reason for the previous refusal does not apply to my case.

It is important to directly address the potential weaknesses of your application.

This is because Home Office caseworkers are trained specifically to identify weaknesses in applications.


Relevant contact details

I can appreciate that you may want to contact my friends and family.

If you would like to do so, the following are some friend and family member’s contact information:






If you would like to contact any other individuals or organisations and I have not provided their contact details, please feel free to get in touch and I will be more than happy to provide them.

In some cases, the Home Office caseworker may want to contact relevant third parties in your application in order to validate information to help decide whether they think you are a genuine and credible visitor.

Hopefully you found this article helpful.

Spending time writing a comprehensive covering letter is certainly a worthwhile activity as it is the best place for you to discuss relevant pieces of information in detail.

When writing the covering letter, remember:

  • Using simple, straightforward English is best .
  • Try to keep the contents of your supporting letter as relevant as possible
  • When you can, cross-refer to documentation throughout your supporting letter
  • As long as the structure of the letter is clear, it is worthwhile discussing different aspects of your application in great detail .

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Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

How to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa (that will impress the ECO)

Updated: September 6, 2023

Cover Letter for UK Visa

A cover letter for UK visa is instrumental in persuading the ECO that you meet the visa requirements and have no intention of overstaying your visa. It gives you the opportunity to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor and you will promptly return back to your country.

A cover letter is a document to convey additional information that wasn’t asked in the UK visa application. It’s not a mandatory document but by far the most helpful document in increasing your chances of UK visa approval.

Table of Contents

Why do you need a cover letter for uk visa.

The information asked in the UK visa application isn’t enough to convince the ECO that you will return back to your home country after your trip. 

Most questions on the UK visa application are close-ended. They don’t give you an opportunity to explain. 

A cover letter allows you to explain in your own words and be as descriptive as you can. You can use your own format and even use illustrations if needed.

Is a cover letter mandatory for UK visa?

No. A cover letter is not mandatory for UK visa. It’s not even a document in the documents checklist for UK visa.

When I applied for my UK visa, I did not submit a cover letter. At that time, I didn’t know the importance of a cover letter for UK visa. I didn’t feel the need to explain anything additional, so I didn’t submit one. My visa was still approved. 

That’s not the case for everyone. A cover letter will not hurt your chances of approval, it can only help. It gives you an additional opportunity to convince the ECO. 

If I apply again for my UK visa, I would definitely submit a cover letter. 

What should you write in the cover letter?

A cover letter is not a mandatory document for UK visa. So obviously, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) does not provide any guidelines on what to include in the cover letter.

As you all know, I started this website in 2016. Since then, I have been helping my readers with their visas. I figured that a cover letter was the most helpful for UK visa. 

I have been writing cover letters for my readers. Over time, I learned that a cover letter with a certain format worked the best for UK visa. 

I would like to impart all my knowledge in this article, so you can write the most compelling cover letter for your UK visa. It will not only impress the ECO but will greatly improve your chances of visa approval.

So without any further delay, let’s get started. 

Format of the cover letter

Short Simple and Clear Cover Letter for UK Visa

The goal of the cover letter is to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor. You must do this in a simple, short and clear manner. ECOs rarely will have time for anything other than what’s asked.

Write your cover letter in simple words as if it’s meant for a 5th grader. If the language is too complicated to read, ECO will not bother to read it. 

Do not use words that people from your country can only understand. ECOs are from the UK and they can only understand the terms that they use in the UK. 

Example: It’s common for people in India to say something like “ please do the needful and revert back to me “. Even though it’s still understandable, saying something like “ please let me know if you need anything else from me ” will help the ECO understand better. 

Remember, a cover letter is not a mandatory document. ECO is doing you a favor by reading it. So, make it easy for the ECO.

Your cover letter should never be longer than two pages. ECOs rarely have time for things other than what’s asked in the application. If you present them with a booklet, they will toss it in the trash without even looking at it. 

Again remember, a cover letter is not mandatory. It should not consume too much of ECO’s time.

To further simplify your cover letter, format it with subheadings, bullets and highlights. This helps the ECO to quickly glance over the letter and read any section that interests them. 

Example:   Instead of writing like this – 

“ I intend to travel to the UK for tourism from 20 June 2021 to 24 June 2021 and I plan to visit various attractions in London such as Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Madame Tussauds, National Gallery, etc. “

Write like this – 

  • I intend to travel to the UK for tourism. My travel dates are from 20 June 2021 to 27 June 2021. 
  • 20 June 2021: Arrive at Heathrow International Airport at 3 PM. Check-In and dinner.
  • 21 June 2021: Visit Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London
  • 22 June 2021: Visit Tower Bridge and London Eye
  • 23 June 2021: Visit Madame Tussauds and National Gallery
  • 24 June 2021: Depart from Heathrow International Airport at 10 AM

Sections in the cover letter

Templates for UK visa by Visa Traveler

It’s important to break the cover letter into different sections. This helps the ECO quickly glance through the letter and understand the gist of it. If needed, the ECO can read specific sections. Your cover letter for UK visa must contain the following sections.

Section 1: Your previous UK visa refusals

In the UK visa application, there is a question on previous UK visa refusals. It asks about your previous UK visa refusal and its details. This question asks you to explain why your UK visa was refused but doesn’t ask why it shouldn’t have been refused

There is no other place in the application to address your previous visa refusals either. There is the “additional/extra information” area, but it’s only for text and not suitable for formatting or pictures. Therefore, the cover letter is the most appropriate place for addressing your previous UK visa refusal. 

If you are re-applying to challenge your UK visa refusal , include a section in your cover letter specifically for your previous visa refusal. Address your previous visa refusal with evidence, additional information and documentation. 

Keep this section as the first section in your cover letter. Having this section at the beginning of the cover letter will help the new ECO get straight to the point. Otherwise, they may overlook and your efforts of re-application may go to waste.

Here is an example.

Previous UK Visa Refusal

My previous application for the UK visitor visa with GWF number GWF12345678 was refused on 16 March 2021. 

I would like to address the reason for the refusal with additional information and documentation.

Reason for refusal: The sources of the deposit (£850) were not demonstrated by the documents provided.

Explanation: The deposit in question was made on 05-Dec-2020 for the amount of £850. This amount was the yearly bonus from my employer. Yearly bonuses are deposited in the first week of December every year. Please find the attached documentation to prove that these funds are available to me.

Additional Documentation: (1) Bonus slip, (2) bonus announcement email and (3) letter from my employer with details of bonus, amount and dates.

Section 2: Your travel purpose and itinerary

In this section, mention your purpose of visit and proposed itinerary in the UK. The itinerary must be detailed enough but not too descriptive to confuse the ECO. Format it with bullets and/or a table.

Proposed Travel Itinerary

  • I intend to travel to the UK for tourism for a total of 7 days. My travel dates are from 14 Oct 2021 to 20 Oct 2021.
  • My planned day-by-day itinerary is as follows
Day 114 Oct 2021Arrive at Heathrow International Airport at 5.30 PM
Check-in at the hotel and dinner
Day 215 Oct 2021Visit Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London
Day 316 Oct 2021Visit Tower Bridge and London Eye
Day 417 Oct 2021Visit Madame Tussauds and National Gallery
Day 518 Oct 2021Visit British Museum and Tate Modern Museum
Day 619 Oct 2021Visit Camden Market and Portobello Market
Day 720 Oct 2021Departure from Heathrow International Airport at 8.30 AM

Section 3: People traveling with you to the UK

In this section, mention the people that will travel with you to the UK. If you are applying for the visa with your family members, mention their details such as name, passport number and GWF number. 

Each individual must submit one UK visa application. Say if a husband, wife and child are traveling to the UK together, each of them must submit a separate UK visa application. There is no easy way to tie these applications together. 

There is a question in the application asking for travel companions, but mentioning them again in your cover letter will help tie them all together. 

Travel Companions

I will be traveling to the UK with my wife and son. The GWF numbers of my wife’s and son’s UK visa applications are as follows.

Jane DoeWifeK1234567GWF123456
John DoeSonK7654321GWF654321

Section 4: Your current employment/business or university details

In this section, mention your current employment details. Include details such as the employer’s name, how long you have been working and your current salary.

Employment Details

  • I currently work for Samcore Logistics, LTD, Dubai as a product manager.
  • I have been working as a product manager at Samcore Logistics, LTD since Nov 2014.
  • My monthly salary is 7,000 AED after taxes.
  • An original letter from my employer, a leave approval letter and bank statements indicating the salary deposits are attached.

If you are a business owner, mention the details of your business such as your business name, your role in the company, yearly revenue, etc.

Business Details

  • I own a construction business in Dubai since 2016. I’m the founder and president of the business.
  • The business has been in positive cash flow since its inception with yearly revenue of 300,000 AED.
  • A copy of my business registration, business license, bank statements and tax returns are attached.

If you are currently a student at the university, mention your university details along with the program, major and semester details.

University Details

  • I’m a full-time student enrolled in the undergraduate program at the University of the Philippines.
  • I’m currently in the second semester of my second year with another four semesters remaining to graduate.
  • A letter from my university and the fee payment receipts are attached.

Section 5: Your current financial situation

In this section, mention your source of income, savings and the bank statements for your UK visa . 

If you have multiple bank accounts, this section is a good place to talk about it. Explain why you have multiple bank accounts and how they are connected.

Financial Solvency

  • I currently have 300,000 INR (approx. 2,900 GBP) in my bank account.
  • The source of my savings is my salary from my employer, WinTech Corporation.
  • The last 6 months bank statements and payslips are attached.

It’s quite common for many to work in a foreign country and send all their earnings back home for family maintenance or savings. In such cases, you will have to submit bank statements from both countries, but most importantly, mention that clearly in this section.

If you use a broker or third party to send cash back home, errors can occur and transactions may not match. I highly recommend using a money transfer service such as Wise to transfer cash back to your home country.

Section 6: Your sponsorship information

If you are paying for your trip yourself, this section does not apply to you. Have this section in your cover letter only if someone else is paying for your trip. 

In this section, mention your sponsor details, your relationship with the sponsor, what expenses they will bear, etc. 

Sponsorship Details

  • My brother is sponsoring my trip to the UK.
  • He will bear all my travel expenses while I’m in the UK including accommodation, food and transportation.
  • A letter from my brother, his UK residence permit, employment proofs, bank statements, his apartment lease contract and the document to prove our relationship are attached.

Section 7: Your travel history

In this section, mention your travel history. Travel history is very important and highlighting it will only help with your UK visa. Your travel history can include all your previous travels to the UK and other countries. If you have traveled to a country multiple times, mention that country only once.

Travel History

  • In the last 5 years, I have traveled to 8 countries for both tourism and business. 
  • The countries I have traveled to are Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE, Turkey and Denmark.
  • A copy of my visas and entry and exit stamps from all the above countries are attached.

Section 8: Any family members staying back at home

In this section, mention any family members remaining at home during your UK trip. This helps prove your family ties with your country. Family ties indicate that you will return back to your country after your trip. 

Do not include this section if it does not apply to you.

Family Remaining at Home

  • I currently live with my wife and two children.
  • My wife and children will remain at home during my trip to the UK.
  • A copy of my wife’s employment proof and children’s school receipts are attached.

Section 9: Your intention to return back

In this section, mention that you will promptly return back after your trip and the reasons for that. Reasons can be employment, business or attending to family needs. 

Intention to Return Back

  • I intend to return to Pakistan after the end of my UK trip on 27 Oct 2021 as I have to report back to my employer and continue at my job on 28 Oct 2021.
  • An original leave approval letter from my employer is attached.

Section 10: Any miscellaneous information

If you want to add something that didn’t fall under any specific section above, you can include it here. This could be something about properties you own (economic tie), your rental situation, covid safety precautions, etc.


  • I currently live in a rental apartment. A copy of my rental contract is attached.
  • I own farmland with my wife. A copy of my property ownership document is attached. 
  • I assure you that I will follow COVID safety precautions throughout my trip.

A cover letter is not a mandatory document for UK visa. But in my experience, it’s the most helpful document. The goal of the cover letter is to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor. Your cover letter must be simple, short and clear. Break the cover letter into sections, paragraphs and bullet lists. Use pictures and screenshots if necessary.

That’s it, folks! Now you know how to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa. This will greatly improve the chances of your UK visa approval. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from . has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


Can a US green card holder travel to UK without visa


Kiesha says

March 5, 2023 at 8:53 am

Hi Thirumal, I love your articles and it has been really helpful, I applied for my Mums EUSS dependent Visa to travel to the UK which got rejected due to insufficient money transfers. It takes nearly 6 months to get a reply from them sometimes more than that. I need my mum to travel to the UK to be present for my delivery in July so I wanted to apply for a visiting visa. Do you think that would be an issue as I had applied for a dependent visa before? Thank you for your help.

Thirumal Motati says

March 6, 2023 at 2:07 pm

Hi Kiesha! Yes, it can pose an issue. I have seen cases where a visitor visa was refused due to a previous EUSS refusal. ECO assumes that the applicant is taking a different route to gain entry into the UK. So you will have to put more effort into convincing the ECO, through additional documentation and a cover letter.

Ankit Kate says

October 11, 2022 at 1:24 pm

Hello sir, Thanks a lot for the detailed information on the visa process. I am currently working on a Skilled Worker Tier 2 visa and planning to sponsor a visa for my mother-in-law. I have below 2 doubts regarding the same – 1. I currently live in a rented single room in the UK and planning to get a flat on rent in December (when my wife and mother in law would be arriving), so what address should I mention in the application? 2. Is it mandatory to show savings in my mother-in-law’s name if I am sponsoring all the expenses?

October 14, 2022 at 3:14 am

Hi Ankit! 1. To avoid complications, you should mention the new address (flat from December) as the “accommodation” address for your mother-in-law. 2. Yes. This is becoming very important and UKVI is very strict about this. Your mother-in-law must have her own income and savings. If she doesn’t, then the person on which she depends, ex: father-in-law. Also, make sure to show any properties that she owns and family members that will remain in her country during her UK trip.

October 17, 2022 at 8:28 am

Hi Thirumal, thanks a lot for the advice. I just have one more question – My mother-in-law doesn’t have much savings or funds but has a property in her name. But the property papers are in a regional language. Do we need to get those translated into English for application?

October 18, 2022 at 7:02 am

Yes, the papers must be translated into English for the UK visa.

Darshita Gajjar says

September 21, 2022 at 9:04 am

Hello. Thank you for the article. It is very helpful. I have a question about the address required in the cover letter. I am applying from Germany via TLS Application Centre. Based on my knowledge, TLS only collects the biometrics, processes your application and forward it to the UK Visas & Immigration in the UK. So for my cover letter which address should I write under The Entry Clearance Officer?

September 26, 2022 at 3:53 am

Hi Darshita! TLS forwards the application to the local UK embassy or consulate in Germany. So you can address the cover letter to “The Entry Clearance Officer, Embassy of the UK in Germany”. Who you address your cover letter is not that important. The content of the letter is important though.

Raymond says

October 6, 2022 at 9:11 pm

My wife is offering to cover the cost for me and our 3 kids for 5days Christmas holiday. Do I also need to submit my bank statements, as my pay is quite low?

October 7, 2022 at 3:46 am

Hi Raymond! Yes, even if your wife is sponsoring your application, you must provide your own bank statements too. Your income/savings do not have to meet the financial requirements since you are seeking sponsorship. If you have a decent income and can provide bank statements, you should be fine.

August 27, 2022 at 11:51 pm

Hello Thirumal. Thank you for the support and advice in your articles. Please how do I prove that I am related to my brother I am Inviting? I do not have a birth certificate, Is a baptism card sufficient enough as our parents never processed our birth certificates and we are in our 40’s now.

September 1, 2022 at 5:59 am

Hi Sue! Any document that shows your names along with your parents’ names should work. Or any documents that show both your names with matching last names can also be used. But yeah the baptism cards should work too.

Tushar Shah says

August 14, 2022 at 6:50 am

Thanks, your write-up is more than useful. I am applying for a UK visa thru VFS from Pune. To whom should the cover letter be addressed?

August 14, 2022 at 11:55 am

Hi Tushar! You can address your cover letter to the following.

The Entry Clearance Officer The Consulate General of the United Kingdom, Pune, India

There may not be a consulate of the UK in Pune. Your application might be sent to the consulate of the UK in Mumbai or New Delhi. But just using the city where you are applying is fine. Many readers have done that and none of them faced any issues. What’s important in the cover letter is the content, so you will be fine.

Dharshine says

January 28, 2023 at 4:12 pm

Hi Thirumal, I am having a question that is I and my child want to visit the UK for the summer holidays. My husband is an ex-serviceman and he had many properties, pay slip, pension slip everything because of insufficient leave he can’t come with us. But we had a joint account maintaining about 4 lakhs. Is that possible that I and my child can get visas through my husband’s sponsorship?

February 10, 2023 at 11:44 am

Hi Dharshine! Yes, your husband can sponsor your application even though he will not be traveling with you. He would need to write a sponsorship letter and provide all his documents. Similarly, you would need to mention all these details in your cover letter.

Pujan Sinha says

August 13, 2022 at 3:44 am

Hi Thirumal, I intend to apply for UK tourist visa. I have traveled to other countries before however last time there was a refusal from the Netherlands. Do I need to mention the refusal reasons and justify them? Also I had withdrawn my UKVI application once, due to change of travel plans. Should I include these points in the cover letter?

August 13, 2022 at 7:42 am

Hi Pujan! Yes. You must mention your Netherlands visa refusal and the reasons for its refusal in your UK visa application. You don’t have to mention your UK visa application withdrawal. It’s are not a refusal, so no need to mention.

shalini says

August 12, 2022 at 7:51 pm

Hi, I have been to the UK before and came back. The year 2001. Then 2005 I applied for a student visa, I got the visa and went for studies. After a successful year of studying, I apply for leave to remain which it got refused. The reason is the college was closed down. I appeal again. They refused. Then came back home. Now after 10 yrs, I am applying for a visit visa to see my friend. my friend is sponsoring me. Am I supposed to mention that 12 yrs before history in my cover letter. Please advise.

August 16, 2022 at 9:40 am

Hi Shalini! If you are re-applying immediately after a refusal, it helps to mention it in your cover letter so you can address it. But there is no need to mention a refusal that happened 12 years ago in your cover letter. However, you will have to mention all visa refusals, even if they happened 12 years ago, in your visa application form.

saidi adeleke says

August 12, 2022 at 4:42 pm

I am self employed with very good travel history – USA, UAE and 6 European countries. As a self employed is it important that I should submit my personal bank statement while applying for UK visitors visa or I can only submit my company bank statement since I will be sponsoring myself for the trip? PLEASE ADVISE.

August 16, 2022 at 9:52 am

Hi Adeleke! If your self-employment is registered as a business, then you must submit both business and personal bank statements. Your salary deposits must match those bank statements. If you only submit your business bank statements, then you must write a letter on your company letterhead that your business funds are available for personal use.

Jamal Adejare says

December 10, 2022 at 1:29 am

Hi Thirumal, Please I want to ask about running your business on your personal account, but had the business registered, will it be mandated you provide a company account still?

December 13, 2022 at 4:29 am

Hi Jamal! The ideal setup is to have separate bank accounts for your business. But it is not mandatory for your UK visa. If you do a good job of explaining things and providing clear documentation, you should be fine.

Foster Osei Bonsu says

July 27, 2022 at 9:41 pm

Please thank you very much for your education on travelling application. I want to know how lengthy or how many words must the cover letter be on a visit application.

July 28, 2022 at 4:28 am

Hi Foster! I recommend keeping your cover letter to one page or two pages max. A cover letter is not a mandatory document so keeping it to one page has a higher chance of ECO reading it. If it’s too many pages, the ECO may skip reading it.

June 27, 2022 at 1:09 am

Hello, thanks for the great write-up, it’s super useful! Which category should we upload the cover letter to when uploading documents for self-service?

June 27, 2022 at 8:55 am

Hi Mike! It depends on whether you are using VFS or TLS. It should probably go into the “other” category.

Bankole says

May 25, 2022 at 5:01 pm

Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn from your wealth of experience. My organization, that is my office is set to sponsor me to a conference in the UK in August 2022. All expenses as regards the trip are being paid by my office. In this case, what other documents do I attach to my application sir? I do not have a fat net pay because larger percentage of my salary is being deducted to five (5) cooperative societies that I belong to for the purpose of saving for raining days.

May 31, 2022 at 8:29 am

Hi Bankole! From your side, you must show that you have sufficent income and savings to support your trip incase your employer decides not to support you after you land in the UK. Your income and savings doesn’t have to conform to £150 a day requirment since your employer is sponsoring you. So if you have savings enough for a flight back home should work fine too.

May 24, 2022 at 2:57 pm

Hello, my brother is due to apply to come and visit me in the UK. I am a British and will be sponsoring his trip. But he lives in the village and he is a farmer (a cash business and he deposits the money in his bank). He has money in his bank statement equivalent to £1000. how can we prove this source of income please. He is a village man farming and selling in the village and Saturday markets. What documents should he submit?

May 25, 2022 at 6:30 am

Hi Sue! If he can prove that he is a farmer and sells his yield/produce at certain markets, then that should be sufficient. Also, if he owns the farming land, that would really help with his visa. What about his travel history? Has he ever been outside the country?

May 30, 2022 at 11:49 pm

Hello Thirumal. Thank you, how can he prove that he is a farmer, please? Also yes he has been outside the country since 2012 ( 10 years ago). The land he is farming on is our inheritance and the land title is in his name but as an administrator, pending the transfer to his name. Is this sufficient. The letter of administration from the court mentions him as the son of the late.

May 31, 2022 at 8:08 am

Yes. That should be sufficient to prove that the land belongs to him. It also needs to be properly explained in the “extra information” section within the UK visa application and also in the cover letter.

May 23, 2022 at 8:34 am

Hi, I am a single parent travelling with my son to UK on a tourist visa. I have the consent form, divorce decree and cover letter for my travel. I have also included other docs as per your article above. What other documents should I include in my application considering the single parent bit? My appointment is day after tomorrow and I happened to see this page only today.

May 24, 2022 at 6:51 am

Hi ML! Apart from those documents, submit the following for your application. – Cover letter with details of your employment, financial, family and economic ties

Submit the following for your son’s application. – His birth certificate (to prove your relationship) – Consent letter from your son’s father – A sponsorship/cover letter with details about you, your employment, financial, family and economic ties, etc. (since you will take care of his expenses during the trip)

Oladimeji says

May 21, 2022 at 10:54 pm

Please I forgot to include my visit to the Republic of Cyprus when I was asked in my visa application what countries I’ve visited! I wasn’t refused a visa neither was I deported! But the stamps in and out are on my passport! Do I need a cover letter?

May 23, 2022 at 6:23 am

Hi Oladimeji! If you have considerable travel history, for example, 5 or more, then you don’t have to worry about not mentioning Cyprus. If you don’t have good travel history, then cancel your application and fill out a new one. You can get a full refund of the visa fee if you haven’t given your biometrics yet. And the cover letter is necessary either way.

January 31, 2022 at 2:59 pm

Hi, thank you for your helpful subject. I am a Ph.D. student in Canada, and I want to visit the UK over the summer holidays. Also, I have to come back to Canada again to continue my Ph.D. program. What documents do I need to include in my file to show that I am coming back after visiting the UK? Is that sufficient to include my admission letter from the university and my home lease contract? Thank you!

February 2, 2022 at 6:40 am

Hi Alec! An admission letter will not be sufficient. You need proof that you still have a certain number of semesters left and you have pre-paid your tuition for the future semesters. At least 1 or 2 semesters would be fine. A home lease contract also helps.

January 25, 2022 at 12:19 pm

Hello, thank you for such effort you’ve put into this blog site to help lots of people like me. I must confess I have learned alot from the post and reactions after it. I have a couple of questions though.

1. What is the sequence of UK online application for family of 5 going together to the UK for holiday .i.e. who’s application comes first? 2. What is the visa approval success rate for a spouse that is not working at the moment and going with her husband and kids to the UK for holiday? 3. Can the husband sponsor wife’s UK visa application/trip even though she’s employed?

January 26, 2022 at 5:49 am

Hi Sam! I appreciate the kind words! 1. Even though you all apply together, each application is assessed individually. You will have no control over whose application will be assessed first and in which order. The only thing you can do is to mention everyone else as their travel companions in each of your applications, and also in the cover letter. 2. The approvals are high as long as the husband can sponsor her application, prove the relationship and prove that she and her husband have strong ties with their country. 3. Yes, the husband can sponsor his wife’s UK visa application. There is no need for the wife to be working or employed.

December 14, 2021 at 4:25 pm

Hello, with regard to mentioning the Travel History in the Cover Letter. What if my previous passport already expired and got misplaced, hence, I am not able to provide a copy of the stamps for these. Do you think it will still add value or just completely leave out the travel history section? Grateful in advance for your response.

December 18, 2021 at 10:39 am

Hi Jamie! If you can’t prove your travel history, don’t mention it in the application.

December 7, 2021 at 3:51 pm

Hello, I’m employed and I’m a business owner, my bank statement reflects both my salary from my job and profit from my business. My question is what should I attach as proof? Payslips, business license, etc.? Thank you!

December 11, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Hi Julie! You must attach both, your payslips and business license. Also, explain clearly in your cover letter. In the future, separate your accounts otherwise you will continue to face problems with your visas.

November 30, 2021 at 10:56 am

Hi sir, I’m mills a police officer and I intend to travel to the UK for a conference on safety and security by next year. I need guidance on what documents I should attach to it apart from the mandatory requirements. Will it be necessary to add my marriage certificate, car and house paperwork?

December 2, 2021 at 3:44 pm

Hi Mills! Documents proving any kind of ties with your country are essential to make a strong case. Your marriage certificate will prove your family ties and house paperwork will prove your economic ties with your country. So yes, make sure to provide those two. Mentioning your car is not necessary.

October 17, 2021 at 5:02 am

Hello, I am applying for a UK returning residence visa to regain the status of my lapsed ILR. My question is should I write a cover letter with the application, if yes then to whom should I address the cover letter. Please quick response will be highly appreciated.

October 20, 2021 at 5:19 pm

Hi Navid! Unfortunately, my knowledge and experience are only in tourist visas. So I’m not sure if a cover letter is necessary for an ILR application.

Esther says

November 19, 2021 at 12:44 am

Dear THIRUMAL, I applied for a tourist visa to the UK and was approved. The next again I tried and was refused because the first information says I don’t have dependents and that’s because they don’t live with me. Now they live with me and depend on me but I didn’t realize then I should have included a cover letter. And we were all denied. What must I do because the children want to visit the UK on tourism? Thanks.

November 20, 2021 at 12:39 pm

Hi Esther! You already know your refusal reasons. Make sure to fix them in your re-application. Provide proof that you have dependents (family ties) and provide a detailed cover letter. Follow the instructions from this article for the cover letter.

September 28, 2021 at 1:25 pm

Hi Thirumal, I’m doing the application for a UK visa for my parents, both retired, and they live in Albania. Their pension is not a great amount of money and my siblings and I, we all contribute monthly to their financial situation of their living there. I’m covering all their expenses from the start to finish of their visit to the UK. I’ve prepared a cover letter from my part explaining their intention of coming in UK for Christmas and that I’ll be covering everything.

Their visas have been refused 2 times before. Now my concern is “On their cover letter should I explain their pension as an income and that their children give financial support on their living, or should we live this out of the cover letter.

I understand that their pension money only is not enough, and there is a section on the application asking about their salary and other forms of income and how much they spend monthly. this is a bit tricky for pensioners as they will have to spend all their money for their living in my country, and also the extra they get for us. Do we have to explain this in the cover letter? Will this still be an issue for the application?

Just to mention again I’ll be covering their expenses while travelling. They have savings as their own 4000Euro, which they have accumulated while they had worked previously, My mom had a small tailoring shop. Will this be enough for them? Thanks!

September 29, 2021 at 8:53 am

Hi Bruna! The UK visa application is mainly meant for employed individuals. The questions are not quite relevant to retired, students, housewives, children, etc. That’s where the question “extra information” and the cover letter come in handy.

In their cover letters, yes, mention that they rely on both their pension and support from their children. This is quite normal in most countries, so I don’t think it would be difficult for the ECO to understand.

For employment questions, they can mention that they are retired. If that option is not available, they can select unemployed. For the question on other income or savings, they can mention their monthly pension and support from children. It’s ok for the living expenses to be equal to their pension and support. This won’t hurt their visa approval as you will be sponsoring their trip.

For any trip expenses related questions, make sure they put zero for them since they will not personally spend anything on the trip.

Yes, it’s essential to mention all of these in their cover letters and a summary of them in “extra information”.

Yes, 4,000 euros of savings should be enough for them since they will not personally spend anything from their side on the trip. You will bear all their trip expenses.

Lastly, a couple of important things. – Most of the time, UKVI will not scrutinize retired applicants. So, no need to worry about their pension and savings. ECOs will mostly focus on your income and savings as you are sponsoring them. Make sure you have all the documents needed. Also, if you know the reasons why their previous visas were refused, let me know, so I can give your more accurate advice based on that. – Even after explaining everything in the cover letter, a lot of time ECOs make decisions based on the numbers like salary, savings, etc in the application. This is unfortunate, but when this happens, a lot of times, the applicants see success either with a PAP or reapplication.

August 28, 2021 at 9:32 am

Hi, I am from Srilanka, which is a red list country. I intend to apply for a UK visa to drop and settle my one and only son who is starting uni. Do you think a visit visa will be issued?

August 28, 2021 at 11:46 am

Hi H Ali! If your country is on the red list, your UK visa application will not be accepted by the VFS. Even if they accept your documents, UKVI will put your application on hold till Srilanka comes out of the red list.


August 28, 2021 at 7:24 am

For Canada tourist visa applied online; where does the cover letter fit in. Is it necessary only when we apply on paper?

August 28, 2021 at 11:44 am

Hi Pradeep! A cover letter is not mandatory for a Canada visa. But I usually recommend one since it’s the easiest way to convey information that’s not asked in the application. You can provide a cover letter for both online and paper applications. If applying online, you can upload the cover letter for “Letter of explanation of your trip”. Letter of explanation of your trip will be one of the items in document upload.

Quincy says

August 26, 2021 at 9:12 pm

Hello. Nice articles. I’ve been visiting here for more knowledge but I still have some doubts.

1. I am planning to apply for a visit visa, I have my employment contract (25 pages) and also a leave letter from my HR. Do I need to submit both documents or just the leave NOC letter from my HR is fine?

2. Is it also necessary to submit my house rental agreements?

3. Also I have been refused a US visa some years ago which I declared in my application. But do I have to submit a copy of my refusal letter in my UK application and specify this in the cover letter also?

I really need some clarity here and I would appreciate your response. Thanks.

August 28, 2021 at 11:38 am

Hi Quincy! 1. Both the Employment letter and leave approval letter are necessary. Employment letter will have details such as how long you have been employed with them, your salary, job duties, etc. Therefore, you need an employment letter too, not an employment contract. You can have your HR write a one-page employment letter for you. If you need a template, email me. 2. Yes. It will demonstrate your economic ties with your country. 3. No. You do not need to submit your US visa refusal letter. You also do not need to mention your US visa refusal in your cover letter.

Muhammad Sameer says

August 24, 2021 at 5:58 pm

Hey dear, I have a couple of questions to ask related to the UK visit visa application. Considering my family is applying where my father is the head, my mother is a housewife and I am a student. All my queries are stated below.

1) There is a question in the application which says how much money you intend to spend on this trip personally, so what should I write for my father, me and my mom. I cannot put zero in mine and my mum’s because it doesn’t allow it.

2) My father was refused a UK visa back in 2012, The application asks for it but he doesn’t have the refusal letter so what should I write in the application.

3) Me and my mum applied and got the visa last December but we couldn’t go due to red list issues and increased corona cases. So should I mention that in my application on why we didn’t travel even though we had the visa then?

August 25, 2021 at 8:12 am

Hi Muhammad! 1) Even though you are not personally spending on your trip, you must still enter the amount per individual. You can divide the total expense by 3 and enter that amount for each of you. 2) You can simply enter “ECO discretion” or “Do not remember the refusal reasons”. This will not hurt your visa result in any way. 3) Mentioning that you had a visa and could not use it will only work towards your benefit. So make sure to mention it in the “additional/extra information” within your application and also in your cover letter.

August 25, 2021 at 5:57 pm

So for instance, if my father is staying there for two months and me and my mom are going for twenty days so around how much money should I write for me, my mom and my father.

August 26, 2021 at 1:34 pm

I see. That’s a bit complicated. I suggest dividing the total expense by the amount of time spent in the UK by each. From your example, since your dad will spend 60days, you will spend 20days and your mom will spend 20days, divide the total budget by 60%, 20% and 20%. That should work.

August 26, 2021 at 1:38 pm

Actually I am confused on how much should I write for budget of my trip as my sister and brother-in-law in UK would be taking care of our accommodation, food and transport in UK.

August 28, 2021 at 11:48 am

If someone is sponsoring your trip, you will only enter the amount that you personally spend on your UK trip. For example, if they cover your accommodation, food and transportation and you will pay for shopping and souvenirs. Then you will enter the amount you will spend on shopping and souvenirs.

August 15, 2021 at 6:24 pm

Hi Thirumal, my UK visa application was refused. I want to apply again, but I have some doubts, could I contact you in any way, please? I would like to receive advice and help from you. Thanks.

August 16, 2021 at 4:04 am

Hi Mari! Sure. Please send me an email with your questions to [email protected] .

Michael says

August 12, 2021 at 8:44 pm

Hi, my graduation ceremony is in September and I intend to travel for it. Can you help me with how I should tailor my cover letter to the British embassy?

August 14, 2021 at 11:37 am

Hi Michael! Since you will be applying for a visitor visa, you must prove that you have strong ties with your country and you will return back after your trip. Therefore, most sections in this article will apply to your situation except the travel purpose. In the travel purpose section, you will mention that you will be traveling to the UK for your graduation ceremony.

Fathia says

August 2, 2021 at 4:35 pm

Good evening sir, I really like your articles and it has really helped me. My father is about to apply for my visa again. My question is that how do I explain the deposit in my account were gifts from family members. My visa was refused because they were other deposits in my account aside from my father’s deposits (he is the one sponsoring my trip).

August 3, 2021 at 7:31 am

Hi Fathia! If your father is sponsoring and he also deposited cash into your account, he can explain that in his sponsor letter. You can also explain the same in your cover letter. But for other large cash deposits, you must present evidence that the cash belongs to you. I have a detailed article on bank statements for UK visa . This article explains these in detail.

Ofori Bismark says

July 28, 2021 at 4:51 am

Please sir, my brother is in the UK has sent me an invite. I m in Ghana now so what documents do I need before I can apply for the visa?

July 29, 2021 at 5:14 am

Hi Ofori! There is a distinction between INVITATION and SPONSORSHIP. To know what documents you need for the UK visa, you would first need to understand that your brother is simply inviting you to visit him or sponsoring your trip. Below are the documents you will need.

Invitation – Your brother’s UK passport (or his home country passport) – Your brother’s UK residence permit (if he is not a UK citizen) – An invitation letter from your brother stating that he is inviting you to visit him in the UK

Sponsorship – Your brother’s UK passport (or his home country passport) – Your brother’s UK residence permit (if he is not a UK citizen) – A sponsorship letter from your brother stating that you will take care of all your trip expenses including accommodation, food and transportation – His apartment lease agreement – A utility bill on his name

Arinola says

July 17, 2021 at 10:42 am

Good morning sir, I like your articles and it has been really helpful, my question is that what if you are submitting 6 months bank statements and your employers paid you 3 months and owe you 3 months what will you do? Even if you have other transactions running in your salary account, can you still use the accounts? Or if the employer pays the 3months together, can you still use it. Thanks.

July 17, 2021 at 11:22 am

Hi Arinola! If you are getting paid irregularly, you need to explain this in your cover letter and provide documentary proof such as an explanation from your employer.

Nana poku says

May 24, 2021 at 12:07 pm

If you own a property with your uncle can you add that in your miscellaneous with the necessary documents? And if you provided a statement from 2020-2021 in your previous application can you reduce it to 6months in the next application

Do you have to write a cover letter to prove your bank statement or get an attestation from the bank if your employer deposit is not clearly indicated in the bank statement? What do you do when there is a different department that pays salaries of workers of your employer?

Thirumal says

May 25, 2021 at 5:25 am

Hi Nana! Yes, if you co-own a property with someone, you can provide the ownership document as proof of economic tie with your country. Bank statements must be for the latest 6 months. No need for statements from the previous application. The most recent 6 months should work fine.

Bank statements in some countries require an official attestation from the bank. You will know if that’s how bank statements are used in your country for all purposes. If your company name is different from the deposit transaction in your bank statements, you can explain it in your cover letter.

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Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application

Maximized Schengen visa success with effective cover letter, free sample and expert tips.

If you are in the process of applying for a Schengen Visa , you may have noticed that are asked to submit a Cover Letter.

The Cover Letter for Schengen Visa applications is an important requirement, and knowing how to properly write one could affect the outcome of the visa application.

personal statement for tourist visa

What is a Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application?

The Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa is a necessary part of your visa application because it is a way to introduce yourself, the reason why you want to travel to that specific country, as well as to communicate with the visa officers who are handling your application.

Please note that the Cover Letter should be addressed to the Embassy or Consulate of the country you will visit, even if you are applying through a visa application center, such as VFS Global.

In the Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa, you have to convince the Consular staff that you are suitable to receive a visa for the country you intend to visit.

What Information to Include in a Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application?

When you write a Cover Letter for your Schengen Visa application, you have to include details of your entire trip including:

  • The reason why you want to visit a Schengen country .
  • The dates when you intend to enter and depart.
  • A planned itinerary of your activities in the Schengen Area.
  • Where you will stay once you enter the Schengen area.
  • All the countries you intend to visit.
  • The status of your employment.
  • If you were unable to submit any of the required documents, give an explanation of why that is.

Sample Cover Letters for Schengen Visa

Below, you will find a sample Cover Letter for a Schengen Tourist or Visit Visa, a Schengen Business Visa ,  as well as for a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa which will give you an idea of what to include on your own Visa Cover Letter.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Schengen Visa

Netherlands Embassy in New Delhi

6/50 F, Shantipath


New Delhi – 110021

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to apply for a Schengen visa to visit the Netherlands from the dates May 20 to June 10, 2019. I am traveling alone and the main reason why I want to visit the Netherlands is tourism.

I would like to visit the popular tourist attractions in the Netherlands, such as the Van Gogh Museum, the house of Anne Frank, as well as the Keukenhof gardens to see the Netherlands’ most popular flower – the tulip.

During my stay, I also want to visit Germany from May 29 to June 5 to visit my sister who lives in Dusseldorf, where I will stay at her house. Then, I will return to the Netherlands, where I will explore the Hague before I leave the country.

I am employed at the [name of company/organization] where I have the position of [job position]. I have worked here for X years, and I have an annual salary of XX. My employer has given me a No Objection Certificate for my trip, which you will find enclosed.

I intend to finance my own trip, and I have also enclosed proof I have the necessary financial means to cover my stay.

Below you can see a planned itinerary of my activities :

Supporting visa application documents I have enclosed with this letter:

  • The completed Schengen Visa Application Form
  • My passport
  • My flight and train ticket reservations
  • Schengen Visa Travel Health Insurance
  • Hotel reservation receipts (Amsterdam and Hague)
  • Letter of Invitation from my sister in Dusseldorf
  • No Objection Certificate from my employer
  • My Bank Statements from the last six months

I hope you find that the details I have provided in this letter are adequate for a favorable reply to my application. Thank you for your time, and do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information.

Best regards,

Alan Shilmani

[Full address in India]

Sample Cover Letter for Business Schengen Visa

If you are applying for a Schengen Business Visa, it is your employer who has to write the Cover Letter on your behalf. It must be written on the company’s letterhead.

March 20, 2019

New Delhi, India

I am writing this letter to request a Schengen Business Visa on behalf of [applicant’s full name] with the passport number XXXX.

Through this letter, I would like to confirm that [applicant’s full name] is employed at our company [company’s name] where he works as [job title or position]. [The applicant] has been working in our company for [X number of years], and needs to travel to the Netherlands to visit our partner company [partner company’s name] during the dates April 20 to April 30, 2019.

During his visit at [partner company’s name] in the Netherlands, [the applicant] will be engaged in the following duties:

  • Attending meetings
  • Negotiating a deal between the companies regarding [XYZ]
  • Giving a presentation
  • (Any other tasks that you will have to do during your trip)

[The applicant] will stay at the [hotel name/other accommodation], and the expenses will be covered by our company (if applicable).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Thank you for your time,

[Name of employer/supervisor along with siganture]

[Position or job title of employer/supervisor]

[Email address of employer/supervisor]

[Phone number of employer/supervisor]

Sample Cover Letter for Medical Treatment Visa

If you are traveling to a Schengen country to receive medical treatment, your doctor has to write the Cover Letter on your behalf. The Cover Letter for a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa has to include the following information:

  • Your detailed diagnosis
  • Your medical history
  • The nature and duration of the proposed treatment you will receive in the Schengen country

I am writing this letter to request a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa on behalf of my patient [applicant’s full name] with the passport number XXXX.

[Applicant’s name] is diagnosed with [XYZ] and needs to receive [XYZ] treatment at the [medical facility name] in the Netherlands.

[Detailed diagnosis]

[Medical history]

[The nature and duration of the proposed treatment you will receive in the Schengen country]

I hope you consider the information I have enclosed in this letter to be satisfactory for my patient’s Schengen Visa application.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time.

[Name of the doctor along with siganture]

Where should I submit the Cover Letter for Schengen Visa?

Depending on what country you are applying from, you can submit the Schengen Visa application at:

  • An Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you are visiting.
  • The Embassy/Consulate of another Schengen country, in case the country you want to visit has no diplomatic representation in your place of residence.
  • A visa application agency, to which the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you are visiting has outsourced visa applications to.

Keep in mind that if you’re going to visit multiple countries, submit the application at the Embassy/Consulate of the country you will visit first.

What other documents should I submit along with the Cover Letter for Schengen Visa?

When you submit your application for a Schengen Visa, along with the Cover Letter, you have to submit several other supporting documents , such as:

  • Your passport, which must be valid for at least another six months
  • Passport-size pictures, in line with Schengen visa photo requirements
  • Your flight itinerary or reservations
  • Proof of accommodation in a Schengen country
  • No Objection Certificate from your employer/school
  • Letter of Invitation from a relative or company in the Schengen country you are visiting, depending on the purpose of travel
  • Proof of paid Schengen Visa Fees
  • Your Bank Statements from the last six months

Read more: How to write a cover letter for Germany Student Visa Application?

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How to write sop for tourist visa.

By Nathan Adler

personal statement for tourist visa

How to Get a Non-Immigrant Visa to Look After a Sick Relative in The ...

A clear statement of purpose is vital to an tourist visa application.

The statement of purpose (SoP) on a tourist visa is vital to being approved. By stating clearly what you intend to enter the country for, what you plan to do there and how you plan to live, you can quickly move through the interview and application process. A clear SoP will also minimize errors due to hazy reasoning or response. The faster your application is processed the shorter your wait time will be.

State in as few sentences as possible what you intend to do in the visited country.

Declare whether you plan on going as a personal visit or whether it is a business trip, at the beginning of the statement.

Refer to the amount of time you plan to stay in the country.

Mention specific places you are going and specific activities that you plan on doing, without adding a lot of details.

Add whether you are traveling with others and if you plan on visiting any friends or relatives while in the country.

Look at this example; "I plan on visiting the United States for three weeks as part of a business trip. I will be bringing my wife and one child with me. While in the United States I plan on visiting my family in Miami, Florida and spending several days at Disneyworld."

  • Department of State: Visitor Visas Business and Pleasure
  • US Immigration Support: United States B-2 Tourist Visa

Nathan Adler began writing professionally in 2002. He writes primarily for eHow, focusing on technical articles and computer- and hobby-related topics. Adler has a Bachelor of Arts in technical communication and a Bachelor of Science in history from Michigan Technological University.

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Elaar Immigration Consulting Inc

A Perfect Purpose of Travel for Canada Visitor Visa (Sample Letter)

“What is the meaning of ‘The Purpose of Travel Letter’ in relation to obtaining a Canada Visitor Visa?”

It is a type of Statement of Purpose (SOP) letter that you must submit very carefully to avoid a Canada visitor visa refusal.

While applying for a temporary resident visa (TRV) or a visitor visa , you must provide a solid purpose of travel Canada visitor visa letter, or you might get a rejection via email including messages like these:

“I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.”

“the purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the details you have provided in your application”

This guide will review the requirements for a Purpose of Travel Letter and provide a sample letter for a Canada Visitor Visa to demonstrate what an ideal letter should look like.

Purpose of Travel Letter Canada

  • Purpose of Your Trip : Clearly state whether you intend to travel for work or recreation. Be truthful and provide information supporting your purpose.
  • Reason for Choosing Canada : Explain why you are visiting Canada instead of other countries. This could be due to tourism interests, attending events, or visiting relatives.
  • Travel Itinerary : Include a detailed travel itinerary answering questions like when and where you intend to come to Canada, where you will stay, other cities you intend to visit, and when you plan to leave Canada.
  • Financing Your Travels : Mention how you will finance your travels, including how much money you have and will bring. If someone else is financing your trip, mention this and provide proof.
  • Intention to Return to Your Country : You intend to return to your home country once your trip ends. Reasons for family ties, jobs, or property/assets in your home country.
  • Details About Your Health : Include relevant details, such as significant health conditions, recent surgeries, and COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • List of Documents : The list of documents to include with the temporary visa application includes an identity document, Proof of vaccination, Bank statements, and a signed invitation letter from a Canadian resident.

What is the Purpose of a Travel Letter?

The Purpose of Travel letter describes your background, what you intend to do in Canada, and your intention to return to your home country. Canadian visa officers typically review this letter when they assess temporary visitor visa applications. Such letters are important because they can demonstrate you can be trusted to enter Canada and leave according to the Government of Canada’s rules .

What Should You Write in Purpose of Travel Letter?

A Canadian visa officer typically wants to see that you have a valid reason to enter Canada, have the funds to support your trip, are in good health and intend to leave before your visa expires.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the different things to include in your purpose or travel letter.

1. Purpose of Your Trip

  • Your letter should state whether you intend to travel for work or recreation.
  • You must be truthful, as the rest of your letter will include information backing up this purpose.
  • You should note that recreation can include any number of activities, including general tourism, attending events, or visiting relatives.

2. Your Reason for Choosing Canada

  • A Canadian visa officer will also be interested in knowing why you are visiting Canada instead of other countries.
  • If you’re visiting as a tourist, express your interest in exploring Canada’s diverse cities, natural beauty, and cultural heritage.
  • If you’re attending a wedding or a similar family or friend-hosted function, highlight this reason. Explain how the event connects you to Canada and adds significance to your visit.

3. A Travel Itinerary

You will also have to include a detailed travel itinerary that answers:

  • When do you intend to come to Canada?
  • Which city do you intend to land in?
  • Where do you intend to stay?
  • Are there any other cities you intend to visit or stay in?
  • When do you intend to leave Canada?

4. Who is Financing Your Travels

A Canadian visa officer must also see that you can finance your travels. Therefore, you should mention how much money you have in your bank account and how much you will bring with you. If someone else is financing your trip, you must mention this and ask them to provide proof.

5. Your Intention to Return to Your Country

You must also state that you intend to return to your home country once your trip ends. You can directly state the date you intend to leave Canada. However, you will also need to supplement this with additional reasons. This could include:

  • Family ties in your home country
  • A job or property/assets you need to return to your home country

6. Details About Your Health

You should also include any relevant details about your health. For example, you can talk about any significant health conditions you suffer from or recent surgeries. You should also mention which COVID-19 vaccines you have received and the appropriate vaccination dates.

7. List of Documents

Lastly, list any documents you will include with your temporary visa application. This includes:

  • Identity document
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Bank statements
  • A signed letter from the person inviting you to visit Canada (if applicable)

Ready to Apply for a Canadian Visitor Visa?

Apply for a Temporary Resident Visa with the help of our Licensed RCIC Experts.

The Purpose of Travel Canada Visitor Visa Sample Letter

You can demonstrate that you will return to your home country with the help of the given Purpose of Travel for Canada Visitor Visa Sample Letter.

Applying for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa)

August 1, 2022.

Rahul Sharma Flat No. 90, The Amaryllis Apartments Karol Bagh, NEW DELHI, 110005 INDIA

Attn.: Visa officer

Subject: Canadian Visitor Visa Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have recently been invited to attend my brother’s wedding in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. My brother, Virat Sharma, who is a Canadian citizen, has planned to host the wedding ceremony on February 14th, 2023, and I would like to enter Canada for two weeks, from February 8 to 21, 2023, to attend the event.

My Travel History

I previously visited Canada for one week in August 2013 to help accompany my brother, Virat Sharma, before he started his education at York University. I have remained in India since then and have maintained steady employment in New Delhi’s IT industry.

My Employment and Savings

My current employer is Kbeattech, a Digital Solutions Company based in New Delhi. I receive a fixed salary of INR 100,000 or CAD $1,600 per month as a programmer and currently have INR 2,300,000 or CAD $37,400 in savings stored in my primary bank account in India. You can review my savings in the bank statement attached to my temporary visitor visa application.

I intend to bring approximately CAD $7,000 with me for my visit to Canada and will pay for my full expenses during my stay.

Travel Details

I will be residing at my brother’s residence at 303 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 1M7, Canada, once I arrive on February 8, 2023. I will stay at this residence for the duration of my visit. My brother’s contact number is 647-000-0000.

The wedding will be held at Mississauga Grand Banquet & Event Centre, 35 Brunel Rd, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E8, Canada. I intend to visit different attractions such as Dundas Square, Kensington Market, and the CN Tower in the Greater Toronto Area during my stay. I have no intention of venturing outside this region.

Health and Vaccination Details

I am also in good health and have remained free from major health issues in my life. I have received two COVID-19 vaccinations to date. These are:

  • Moderna Vaccine (First Shot): Received on June 21st, 2021
  • Moderna Vaccine (Second Shot): Receive on July 14th, 2021

I have attached my vaccination certificate with my temporary visa application.

Intention to Return to India

I intend to leave Canada by February 21st, 2023, via Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. My parents, Akash Sharma and Kinshuk Sharma reside at my residence in New Delhi, and I intend to return to them after my trip to Canada. I have also informed my employer that I will be returning to work by February 22nd, 2023

I would appreciate your support in issuing a temporary visitor visa before my intended travel date so that I may arrive in time to help organize and participate in my brother’s wedding. I have included the information requested in the original application package. Please contact me at +91 2136-724890 or [email protected] if you need me to submit additional information or documents for my application.

Yours Sincerely,


Rahul Sharma

Expense/Funds Summary

  • Total Bank Balance in my account: INR 2,300,000 or CAD $37,400
  • Funds I am bringing to Canada: INR 430,000 or CAD $7,000

Note: The documents and other items I have enclosed along with my application are summarized below: Passport

  • Letter of Invitation from My Brother, Virat Sharma
  • A copy of my birth certificate and my brother’s birth certificate
  • A copy of the relevant passport page containing the temporary visitor visa from my previous visit to Canada.
  • Copy of the airline e-tickets for my round trip to Toronto
  • Proof of funds (My bank statement from the past six months)
  • Statement from my bank manager describing my financial history.
  • A letter from my employer, Kbeattech
  • Completed and Signed the Application form
  • Pictures of my parents and brother
  • Copy of my Identity Card
  • Six recent photos

Other Types of Purpose of Travel Sample Letters

The above sample letter should be helpful if you intend to visit a sibling in Canada. However, depending on your background and travel reasons, you may need to adjust it.

For example, a sample letter to demonstrate the purpose of travel for a Canada visitor visa for parents would need to include a marriage certificate and details demonstrating the relationship between parents.

Similarly, a purpose-of-travel Canada tourist visa sample letter would need to include additional details about each city you will visit and where you will stay. So, it would help if you mentioned hotels , hostels , or Airbnb rentals you will reside at.

Related Post: Visitor Visa to Work Permit in Canada

FAQs: Purpose of Travel Letter for Visitor Visa Canada

These are some frequently asked questions about Purpose of Travel Letter for Canada visitor visa.

What are the common purposes for which I can apply for a Canada Visitor Visa?

  • Tourism : Exploring Canada’s scenic beauty and cultural attractions.
  • Visiting Family or Friends : Reuniting with loved ones residing in Canada.
  • Business Meetings or Conferences : Attending professional events.
  • Short-Term Courses or Workshops : Enhancing skills or knowledge.
  • Medical Treatment : Seeking healthcare services in Canada.

How do I determine my purpose of travel when applying for a Canada Visitor Visa?

  • Specify your purpose of travel in your visa application.
  • Provide clear and accurate information about why you wish to visit Canada.
  • Describe the activities you plan to engage in during your stay.

Can I apply for a Canada Visitor Visa for multiple purposes of travel?

  • Yes, you can apply for a Canada Visitor Visa for multiple purposes.
  • Ensure that your application clearly outlines all intended activities.
  • Provide appropriate supporting documents for each purpose.

Creating the perfect Purpose of Travel letter can be challenging for most applicants. However, you may still struggle to provide the correct details to convince Canadian visa officers to issue you a visitor visa, as each case is unique and needs additional information.

You can book a consultation with our experts if you need assistance creating the perfect Purpose of Travel letter . Our team is led by Keshav Sharma, a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant with years of experience.

You can contact our experts today to get started on your Canada visa application.

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I didn’t hear back from your company. Could you email me another letter about the purpose of travel’s letter for Canada Visitor Visa (Sample Letter),thank you very much

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I applied my wife’s visitor visa in reference to her sister who is already in Canada and it got rejected as according to them she didn’t have family ties in India, also no valid reason that she will come back to India. I want to apply visitor visa now by referring that she wants to visit me as we are married. Please help.

Hey Deepak,

We would be happy to discuss your case with you in a quick consultation, book here . Our firm has helped multiple foreign visitors with similar cases land in Canada.

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my tourist visa application 2nd time refused can you apply my visa from canada and which price because my all documents and correct(i am shop owner and part time job) and bank balance above 6lac expect other saving

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Psychotherapy, personality, cover letter for uk visitor visa(5 samples).

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Samples of cover letters for a UK visitor Visa

When applying for a UK visitor Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

678 Lincoln Road

United Kingdom

Allowance is $500

I will like to leave for the UK on April 10th, 2012  and will return to my country on May 10th. My finance Mr. Tom will be paying all the expenses associated with the trip which includes my accommodation, airfare and living expenses. I have attached to this letter all the documents needed to get an approval.

Entry clearance officer

Reason for Visit

I miss my son and I wish to visit him. I also wish to explore the beautiful city of London.

My Background

I live in Karachi, Pakistan with <mention family members here>. I am a housewife.

I live with my husband, Tariq Zafar Khan, in Karachi. He runs his business of ***. He is also applying for a visit visa, so he could travel with me to London for this trip.

My Eldest Son

My Second Son

<Details of the second son were mentioned here>.

<Details of the daughter were mentioned here>.

Karachi to London: ** **** 2018

London to Karachi: ** **** 2018

Duration of Trip

I will buy confirmed tickets when I am granted the visa. I have mentioned the estimated cost of airline booking in this letter.

Accommodation in London

I will be staying in London with my son, Dr. Naseer Khan. He has a two-bedroom flat. He and his wife are more than happy to host me and my husband.

Financial Sponsor

My trip will be completely sponsored by my son, Dr. Naseer Khan.

Cost of Trip to Me

The total cost my trip to me will be zero, as it will be paid for by my son.

Estimated Cost of Trip

Traveling in the UK £200

I would be grateful if I am granted the visa to visit the UK and to see my sons. Please feel free to contact me if need be.

***** ****** ****.

Passport number: ***

Computerized National Identity Card number: ***

Email: ***********”

“[Your address in the UK]

Dear Sir / Madam

I work as a [occupation] at [workplace] since [month, year], and I have been living in the UK for [number of years] and I am a British [status].

Phone number

To: [Visitor’s name]

Host’s name

Phone Number

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is a cover letter important, is it worth applying for an irish passport.

A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One
My Mother’s Cover Letter for Visit Visa Application

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  • Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa: Types, Format & Samples

Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa: Types, Format Samples & More

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

10 min read

Updated On Jan 22, 2024


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 Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa: Types, Format Samples & More

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What is a Schengen Visa Cover Letter?

What needs to be included in cover letter schengen visa, cover letter format for schengen visa, samples of cover letter for schengen visa, state wise schengen visa cover letter requirements, documents to support schengen cover letter, where to submit your cover letter for schengen visa application, common mistakes in schengen visa cover letters.

Unlock the gateway to 27 vibrant European destinations with a Schengen visa! Whether you're an immigrant or a traveler this visa opens doors to incredible opportunities.

Navigate the application process effortlessly by mastering the art of crafting a compelling cover letter Schengen visa. Explore the essentials in our blog for a seamless visa experience!

The Cover Letter, also known as the introduction letter for a Schengen Visa is a crucial component of your application, serving as a communication tool with the visa officers.

Addressed to the Embassy or Consulate of the specific country you plan to visit, it outlines your reasons for travel and aims to persuade the consular staff of your suitability for the visa.

Even if applying through a visa application center like VFS Global, ensure your Cover Letter is directed to the relevant Embassy or Consulate.

In your Schengen Visa application cover letter, be sure to incorporate the following details regarding your trip:

  • Clearly articulate the purpose motivating your visit to a Schengen country.
  • Specify the exact dates for your intended entry and departure.
  • Outline a well-structured itinerary detailing your planned activities throughout the Schengen area.
  • Indicate your accommodation arrangements upon entering the Schengen region.
  • List all the countries included in your travel plans.
  • Provide information about your current employment status.
  • If any mandatory documents are missing from your submission, explain their absence concisely

Drafting a cover letter is integral to the Schengen visa application process. This letter should succinctly outline your travel plans, the purpose of your visit, and your financial support strategy. Below is a brief Schengen visa cover letter template or format for your guidance

  • Start with a formal salutation.
  • Provide your name, address, contact details, and nationality.
  • Clearly state your intention to apply for a Schengen visa.
  • Introduce yourself briefly, mentioning your nationality and current residence.
  • Specify the purpose of your visit (tourism, business, family visit, etc.).
  • Mention the planned dates of your stay in the Schengen area.
  • Outline your travel plans, including the countries you plan to visit and the duration of your stay in each.
  • Explain your financial plan for supporting yourself during the visit.
  • Confirm personal funding and attach supporting financial documents.
  • List the attached documents supporting your application, such as flight itinerary, hotel reservations, travel insurance, etc.
  • Express gratitude and formally request the approval of your Schengen visa application.
  • Offer cooperation and assure compliance with regulations.
  • End the letter with a formal closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Kind regards."

Let us first examine the supplied generic Schengen visa cover letter sample to acquaint yourself with the correct writing tone, format, structure, and other essential elements.

Subject: Application for Schengen Visa for [Your Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for a Schengen visa to [Country or Countries you plan to visit] for [Specify the purpose, e.g., tourism, business, family visit] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I am a citizen of [Your Country] and currently reside at [Your Address].

I am planning to visit [List of Schengen countries you plan to visit] during my stay. The primary purpose of my visit is [Provide details of your purpose, such as attending a conference, exploring tourist attractions, visiting family or friends, etc.]. I have attached the necessary documents to support my application, including my flight itinerary, hotel reservations, and a detailed travel itinerary.

During my stay in the Schengen area, I intend to [Briefly mention your planned activities and places you will visit]. I assure you that I will return to my home country before the expiration of the visa.

In terms of financial support, I will be personally funding my trip. To demonstrate my financial stability, I have attached [Include supporting documents such as bank statements, pay stubs, and any other financial documents].

I have also purchased travel insurance for the duration of my stay, covering medical expenses and repatriation, with a coverage amount of [Specify the coverage amount].

Enclosed, please find the following documents to support my visa application:

1. Completed visa application form.

2. Passport-sized photographs.

3. Passport and previous visas.

4. Flight itinerary.

5. Hotel reservations.

6. Travel insurance.

7. Proof of financial means (bank statements, pay stubs, etc.).

8. [Any additional documents relevant to your application].

I kindly request you to consider my application favorably and grant me the Schengen visa. I am committed to complying with all the rules and regulations of the Schengen area and ensuring my return to [Your Country] within the specified period.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your convenience.


[Full Name]

Business Schengen Visa Cover Letter Sample

When applying for a Schengen Business Visa, the responsibility of composing the Cover Letter lies with your employer. The letter must be crafted on the official letterhead of the company.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am drafting this letter to formally request a Schengen Business Visa for [applicant’s full name] with passport number XXXX.

I wish to confirm that [applicant’s full name] is a valued employee at our esteemed company, [company’s name], holding the position of [job title or position]. [The applicant] has contributed to our company for a period of [X number of years] and is now required to travel to Germany to visit our esteemed partner, [partner company’s name], during the dates April 20 to April 30, 2019.

While at [partner company’s name] in Germany, [the applicant] will be actively involved in the following responsibilities:

[The applicant] will be accommodated at [hotel name/other accommodation], and all associated expenses will be covered by our company, if applicable.

Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

[Name of employer/supervisor along with signature]

[Position or job title of employer/supervisor]

[Email address of employer/supervisor]

[Phone number of employer/supervisor]

Sample Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Tourist

The Cover Letter for a Schengen Tourist Visa typically includes details about your travel plans, purpose of visit, and financial ability. It serves as a concise introduction to support your visa application.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am submitting this letter to seek a Schengen visa for my upcoming trip to the Netherlands, scheduled from April 20 to May 10, 2019. I am an independent traveler, and my primary purpose for visiting the Netherlands is tourism.

My itinerary includes exploring renowned attractions like the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank's house, and the Keukenhof gardens to witness the captivating tulip display.

Additionally, I plan to visit Germany from April 29 to May 5 to spend time with my sister in Dusseldorf, where I will be staying at her residence. Afterward, I intend to return to the Netherlands to explore The Hague before concluding my trip.

Currently employed at [name of company/organization] with the role of [job position], I have accumulated X years of experience, boasting an annual salary of XX. Enclosed is the No Objection Certificate from my employer endorsing my travel plans.

I am financially self-sufficient for this trip, and I have included supporting documents validating my ability to cover all expenses during my stay.

Outlined below is a proposed itinerary for my activities:

April 20: Arrival at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and stay at The Alfred Hotel in Amsterdam |

April 21: Private Tour at Van Gogh Museum |

April 22 – April 28: Exploring Amsterdam |

April 29:Train from Amsterdam to Dusseldorf with ICE International |

April 20 – May 4: Visit sister and explore Dusseldorf and surroundings in Germany |

May 5: Train from Dusseldorf to The Hague with Flixbus and stay at Stadsvilla Hotel |

May 10: Departure from the Netherlands via Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |

Enclosed with this letter are the required documents for my visa application:

I trust that the information provided is comprehensive for a favorable response to my application. Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact me for any additional information.

Best regards,

[Traveler Name]

Sample Cover Letter for Schengen Medical Treatment Visa

For a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa, your doctor must prepare the Cover Letter, including

  • Detailed Diagnosis: Specify the medical condition requiring treatment in a Schengen country.
  • Medical History: Provide a concise medical history for context.
  • Treatment Details: Clearly state the nature and expected duration of the proposed treatment.

This letter is vital for the visa application, offering insights into the medical necessity and treatment plan.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am composing this letter to seek a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa for my patient, [applicant’s full name], holding passport number XXXX.

[Applicant’s name] has been diagnosed with [XYZ] and requires [XYZ] treatment at [medical facility name] in Germany.

[Provide detailed diagnosis]

[Include relevant medical history]

[Explain the nature and duration of the proposed treatment to be received in Germany]

I trust that the information provided in this letter is sufficient for the consideration of my patient's Schengen Visa application.

Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

[Name of the doctor along with signature]

Now that you are familiarised with the Sample cover letters for Schengen Visa, before crafting your cover letter, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the Schengen country you plan to visit. Here are the cover letter guidelines for key Schengen member states:

  • Cover Letter for Visa Application Italy
  • Highlight your ties to your home country, such as family, employment, and studies.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your visit, outlining planned activities and dates.
  • Provide proof of funds to cover your travel expenses.
  • Cover Letter for Visa Application Austria
  • Specify the purpose of your visit, detailing the places and activities you'll engage in.
  • If applying for a multiple-entry visa, provide a valid reason.
  • Assure your return to your home country after the visa period.
  • Cover Letter for Visa Application France
  • Present a clear itinerary with destinations, travel dates, and the purpose of your visit.
  • Indicate whether you have travel insurance for unforeseen medical expenses.
  • Align your visit with academic, professional, or personal goals.
  • Cover Letter for Visa Application Germany
  • In the introduction, concisely explain the purpose of your travel (tourism, family visits, or business).
  • Provide evidence of funds to cover expenses like food, accommodation, and transportation.
  • List all intended destinations you plan to visit.
  • Cover Letter for Visa Application Finland
  • Detail arrangements for accommodation, food, and travel.
  • Describe your planned activities, trips, events, meetings during your stay.
  • Specify if you are seeking a multiple-entry visa and provide reasons.
  • Cover Letter for Visa Application Spain
  • Affirm that you have the financial means to support yourself during your stay.
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of your travel plans.
  • Include details about your accommodation arrangements, such as hotel reservations.

When applying for a Schengen Visa, ensure you submit the following documents alongside your Cover Letter:

  • Completed Schengen Visa Application Letter/Form
  • Valid passport with at least six months of validity
  • Passport-size photos adhering to Schengen visa photo guidelines
  • Flight itinerary or reservations
  • Schengen Visa Travel Health Insurance
  • Proof of accommodation within a Schengen country
  • No Objection Certificate from your employer/school
  • Letter of Invitation from a relative or company in the destination country, as per the purpose of travel
  • Proof of paid Schengen Visa fees
  • Bank Statements covering the last six months

To submit your Schengen Visa cover letter, consider the following options based on your situation and location:

  • The Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you intend to visit.
  • The Embassy/Consulate of another Schengen country, if the destination lacks diplomatic representation in your area.
  • A designated visa application agency, outsourced by the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you plan to visit.
  • You can even say you can submit and we can help you prepare at a regulated immigration consultant like getgis

Remember, if you're visiting multiple countries, apply at the Embassy/Consulate of the first country on your itinerary.

When crafting a Schengen Visa cover letter, it is crucial to be mindful and avoid pitfalls or errors. These include:

  • Illogical Explanations

Provide logical reasons for your trip and intentions to return home. Be specific and avoid vague statements.

  • Repetition of Document Information

Your cover letter should reveal unique details not found in other documents. Tell a story that complements, not duplicates, your reservations.

  • Spelling and Grammar Errors

While minor mistakes are acceptable, excessive errors may convey a lack of respect for the application process. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and layout.

  • Disorganized Document List

Present a well-organized list of documents in order of priority. Start with mandatory items, followed by those relevant to your trip and personal situation.

  • Misalignment with Supporting Documents

Ensure that the details and reasons mentioned in your cover letter align with the information in other submitted documents. Any contradiction may lead to rejection.

Explore European Beauty and Opportunities: Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa

We hope the blog on the Schengen visa cover letter has addressed your uncertainties and inquiries, boosting your confidence in the application process. If you have additional questions or topics you'd like us to cover, feel free to reach out to GetGIS immigration experts.

Schedule a Free Consultation Now

Quick Reads:

  • How Can I Avoid Schengen Visa Rejection? (Expert Tips)
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Germany Visa Requirements in 2023-24
  • Cost of Studying in Germany: All You Need to Know
  • Complete Guide on Sweden Visa Types & Requirements
  • Understanding The Austria Tourist Visa Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a cover letter required for a Schengen visa?

Why are Schengen visas rejected?

Is a cover letter necessary in Europe?

How to create an effective cover letter?

How to avoid Schengen visa refusal?

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Sr. Content Marketing Specialist

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu has been working as Content Marketing Specialist with GetGIS since 2022 and has been extensively working to help candidates’ career transitions. Her experience spans across multiple industries in the fields of Sales and Marketing. Her core competencies include communication and research, which enable her to create and deliver in-depth guides as a Subject Matter Expert

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In this article

Schengen Tourist Visa – Traveling to Europe for Tourism/Leisure Purposes

A Schengen tourist visa grants its holder a short-term stay within any country in the Schengen Area for leisure or tourism.

What Is the Difference Between a Tourist and a Visitor Visa?

The difference between a Schengen tourist visa and a Schengen visitor visa is the purpose of the visit. For example, you apply for a visitor visa to visit a family member or a close friend who lives in the Schengen Area , while you apply for a tourist visa for tourism or leisure purposes.

Usually, a visitor visa requires an invitation letter from the person you are visiting in the Schengen Area, while this is not a requirement for a tourist visa.

How Do I Apply for a Tourist Visa to the Schengen Area?

To apply for a Schengen visa for tourism/leisure purposes, you must complete the following steps:

  • Check if you need a visa . 
  • Determine if you qualify for a Tourist visa .
  • Find out where to submit your application .
  • Complete and download the visa application form . 
  • Schedule your Tourist visa appointment . 
  • Prepare the required documents . 
  • Attend the visa interview . 
  • Wait for the visa to process . 
  • Collect your passport . 

Check if You Need to Apply for a Schengen Tourist Visa

If your nationality is on the list of countries whose nationals need a Schengen short-stay visa , you must apply for a Schengen tourist visa. Nationalities from other countries can enter Europe visa-free for a maximum of 90 days.

You can use our visa wizard to check if you are required to apply for a Tourist visa before travelling to the Schengen zone for tourism purposes. If required, it will guide you on where to submit your visa application accurately.

Tourist Schengen Visa Checker

I am a citizen of:

I am travelling to:

I am travelling from:

Have you ever been denied entry into the Schengen Area?

Do you hold a valid residence permit of ?

Determine if You Qualify for a Tourist Visa

To qualify for a Schengen tourist visa, your trip to the EU/Schengen Area must be primarily for leisure or recreational purposes.

Here are some common scenarios where you may be eligible to apply for a short-stay visa for tourism purposes:

  • Sightseeing and Touring: If you’re planning to tour cities, countryside, natural attractions, landmarks, and cultural sites within the Schengen Area for leisure and recreational enjoyment.
  • Participating in Events or Festivals: If you’re attending festivals, concerts, or other cultural events as a tourist rather than a performer. However, if you’re performing at such events, you should apply for a Schengen visa for Cultural/Sports/Religious Events and Film Crews .
  • Relaxation and Recreation: If you plan to engage in activities like spa retreats, beach vacations, or recreational sports during your stay in the Schengen area.
  • Exploring Cuisine and Dining: If you’re interested in experiencing the local cuisine, dining at restaurants, and exploring culinary traditions.
  • Shopping and Souvenirs: If you plan on shopping for souvenirs, local products, or luxury items during your visit.

Remember, the primary purpose of your trip must be leisure or recreation, and you should not engage in any activities that involve conducting business , working , or seeking employment during your stay in the Schengen Area.

Find Out Where to Submit Your Application

You can have to file your Schengen tourist visa application at one of the following:

  • An embassy or consulate of the main destination country.
  • A designated visa centre authorized by the embassy of your destination country to handle visa submissions.
  • The embassy or consulate of another Schengen state to which your destination country has delegated the responsibility for visa submissions.

You can use the above visa checker to help you find out where to submit your visa application or read the following article for more details!

Selecting the Main Destination and the Appropriate Consulate/VAC for Your Visa Application

Complete & download the visa application form.

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility for a Tourist short-stay visa to Europe and determined where to submit your application, you should complete the visa application form.

You have two options for this: you can either download the standard Schengen visa application form , fill in all the required information, print it out, and sign it, or you can visit the official websites of the Schengen member countries and fill it out directly online through their systems.

For example, if you’re applying for a Tourist visa for Germany, you can complete the visa application on the official Videx website of the Auswärtiges Amt .

How to Fill the Schengen Visa Application Form

Schedule your tourist visa appointment.

After determining where to apply for the Tourist Schengen visa and filling out the visa application form, the next step is to schedule an appointment. Usually, you can do this online through the embassy, consulate, or visa application centre’s website. Keep in mind that certain embassies may only accept appointments made through their official website.

Available slots depend on the EU/Schengen embassy/consulate and the time of year. Based on our experience, we strongly suggest that you inquire about appointments at least three weeks before you plan to travel.

Our Schengen visa checker not only determines whether you require a visa, but it also assists you in identifying the correct consulate/VAC for application and booking a tourist visa appointment.

When Is the Best Time to Book the Schengen Tourist Visa Appointment?

  • The earliest you can file a Tourist Schengen visa application is six months before you start your planned trip.
  • The latest you can file a Tourist Schengen visa application is at most 15 working days before you intend to travel.
  • The recommended time to file a Tourist Schengen visa application is at least three weeks before your trip.

Prepare the Required Documents for a Tourist Visa

You must gather the following documents for your Tourist Schengen visa application:

  • Visa application form . Fully completed and signed.
  • A valid passport.  Not older than 10 years, and it should be valid for at least three more months beyond the date you plan to leave the Schengen area. Older passports with visas on them (if you have any).
  • Two recently taken photos must be attached. These photos must have been taken within the last three months, as per the visa photo requirements . You can obtain Schengen visa-compliant photos online at
  • A round-trip reservation or itinerary must include dates and flight numbers specifying entry and exit from the Schengen area.

Get free quotes and compare top-rated Schengen insurance plans from trusted providers like AXA, Europe Assistance, Allianz , and more. Ensure a hassle-free Schengen tourist visa application process by selecting the right insurance plan that meets all the requirements outlined in Regulation (EU) 2009/810 of the European Parliament.

  • Proof of accommodation. You must provide proof of your accommodation, such as hotel reservation, private accommodation, rental agreement, etc.
  • Cover letter with detailed itinerary . You must provide a written statement detailing your travel itinerary, including the visiting dates, where you will be visiting, and how long you will be staying.
  • Bank account statement—This shows you have enough money in your account for the trip. The statement must be no older than three months.
  • Sponsorship Letter – by another person/company that confirms they will be financially supporting your trip to the Schengen. In order for this letter to be valid, it must be accompanied by a bank statement of the sponsor, no older than three months.
  • A combination of your bank account statement and a letter of sponsorship.
  • Proof of paid visa fee . If you’ve already paid online after confirming your appointment, please show the receipt. Otherwise, you’ll need to make the payment during the interview.
  • Employment contract.
  • Current bank statement of the latest 6 months.
  • Leave permission from the employer.
  • Income Tax Return (ITR) form or Certificate of Income Tax deducted at the source of salary.
  • A copy of your business license.
  • Company bank statement of the latest 6 months.
  • Income Tax Return (ITR).
  • Proof of enrollment.
  • No objection letter from the School or University.
  • Pension statement of the latest 6 months.
  • A confirmation of Employment letter, no older than three months, from their spouse’s employer stating the position held within the company and the starting date.
  • Spouse’s valid passport.
  • An official marriage certificate.

Please note that official visa authorities hold the right to ask for any additional documents.

Attend the Visa Interview

Although some Schengen countries and the authorised visa centres might offer the option to fill out the application online, you still have to submit your Schengen tourist visa application in person because you also have to provide your biometric information (photo and fingerprints). So, on the day of your scheduled appointment, show up on time and bring all the required documents.

What Are Some Common Schengen Tourist Visa Interview Questions?

During a visa interview for a Schengen tourist visa, the consulate or embassy may ask a variety of questions to assess your eligibility and intentions.

Here are some possible questions:

  • Can you provide details about your intended tourist activities and the purpose of your trip to the Schengen area?
  • Which specific Schengen countries or cities do you plan to visit during your stay?
  • Can you provide documentation or proof of your travel itinerary, such as hotel reservations, flight tickets, or tour bookings?
  • How do you plan to cover your expenses during your stay, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses? Can you provide evidence of sufficient funds, such as bank statements or sponsor letters?
  • Have you obtained travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and repatriation during your trip? Can you provide documentation for this?
  • What ties do you have to your home country that demonstrate your intention to return after your visit? This could include employment, property ownership, or familial responsibilities.
  • Have you previously travelled to any other countries, including Schengen countries? If yes, please provide details of those trips.
  • Are there any specific attractions or events you plan to attend during your visit to the Schengen area? Can you provide documentation regarding these plans, such as tickets or brochures?
  • How long do you intend to stay in the Schengen area, and do you have a confirmed date for your departure?

The interview typically lasts 10 to 20 minutes. Please make sure your responses are clear and accurate and align with the information provided in your application form and other documents.

Here are some articles that could assist you in preparing for a successful Schengen Tourist visa interview.

Top Mistakes to Avoid During a Visa Interview

Top 60 most asked questions during a schengen visa interview, pay the visa fee.

When applying for a Schengen Tourist visa, you must pay a non-refundable fee. The payment method depends on the specific embassy/consulate or visa application centre.

The application fee for a Schengen Tourist visa is €90 , but certain categories may qualify for reduced fees or exemption from payment, depending on their circumstances.

The visa fees are consistent across all member countries.

Wait for the Response

Be patient as you await a response regarding your Tourist visa application. Typically, visas are processed within 15 days, but this period may be extended on occasion. Depending on various factors, the processing time can range from 15 to 45 days.

Upon approval, the consular officer will issue a Schengen visa of a specific type and validity.

Collect Your Passport

On the day of your appointment, you will be notified of how you can collect your passport after the visa has been processed. There are two ways:

  • You can pick it up in person at the embassy, consulate, or visa application centre.
  • Alternatively, they can arrange for delivery through a courier service, albeit at an additional cost.

How Long Is a Tourist Visa Valid For?

A Schengen tourist visa allows you to stay in the Schengen Area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period .

It’s essential to understand that the validity of your tourist visa may differ. The consular officer determines this duration considering factors such as your itinerary, visa type (single or multiple entry), and intended stay in the Schengen Area. Whether you’re granted the full 90 days or a shorter period depends on the issuing authority’s discretion. The maximum duration allowed is found on the visa sticker .

Additionally, it’s important to count your days in the Schengen Area carefully since overstaying means you have to deal with serious consequences . You can use the Schengen visa calculator to help you.

Do I Have to Provide a Highly Detailed Sightseeing Plan?

A general outline is more important than a minute-by-minute plan. Include major cities/regions you intend to visit in Europe, along with any specific attractions or activities you have booked. It’s okay to leave some room for flexibility since plans can often shift during a trip.

I’m Interested in Activities Like Hiking or Camping. Are There Any Special Permits I Need?

The rules differ based on where you plan to go and what you want to do. It’s best to look into the specific national parks or outdoor spots beforehand to see if there are any permits, fees, or rules you need to know about, especially if you’re camping overnight or doing any specialized activities.

What if My Tourist Visa Application Is Denied?

If your tourist visa application is rejected , you can make an appeal against the decision . Of course, the appeal process won’t guarantee that the final decision will change, but the outcome can be unpredictable at times.

You also have the right to re-apply for the visa, but always ensure that you address the reasons for your rejection the first time; otherwise, you risk another denial.

Can I Work With a Tourist Visa?

A Schengen tourist visa does not allow you to work, do business, or look for employment. However, if that is your purpose, you can apply for a business Schengen visa or even a work visa.

Please note that if you’re found doing gainful employment with a tourist visa in the Schengen Area, you may be fined, deported, or arrested.

Are There Any Cultural Customs or Etiquette I Should Be Particularly Aware of as a Tourist in Europe?

As a tourist in Europe, it’s important to be mindful of cultural customs and etiquette. Showing respect is crucial. Doing some research beforehand can make a big difference.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Check tipping expectations.
  • Be aware of dress codes, especially for religious sites.
  • Learn some basic pleasantries in the local language(s).
  • Understand local norms for photography, especially when it involves people.

Other Information:

European Tourism Updates

Paris, France

Links & Resources

  • Visit Europe – The official portal of Europe’s National Tourism Organizations. It offers destination inspiration, trip ideas, event listings, and practical travel information.
  • Essential Packing Guide for Your European Adventure
  • Most Visited Countries in Europe
  • Travel Insurance for Tourists in Europe
  • Travel Insurance for Tourists in Germany
  • Applying for a Schengen Tourist Visa From the UK
  • Applying for a Schengen Tourist Visa From the US
  • Applying for a Schengen Tourist Visa From Canada

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  • Visas and immigration
  • Visit the UK

Visit the UK as a Standard Visitor

Apply for a standard visitor visa.

If you need a Standard Visitor visa, you must apply online before you travel to the UK and attend an appointment at a visa application centre.

The earliest you can apply is 3 months before you travel.

You must meet the eligibility requirements and only do permitted activities .

Depending on your nationality, you may not need a visa to visit the UK. You can check if you need a visa before you apply.

You can apply for a Standard Visitor visa, or if you visit the UK regularly you can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa instead.

Fee Maximum length of stay
Standard Visitor visa £115 6 months
Standard Visitor visa £200 11 months
Standard Visitor visa £200 12 months
2 year long-term Standard Visitor visa £432 6 months per visit
5 year long-term Standard Visitor visa £771 6 months per visit
10 year long-term Standard Visitor visa £963 6 months per visit

Apply online

Once you’ve started your application you can save your form and complete it later.

If you’re applying with family members, each person must have their own application and pay the fee. They need to attend their own appointment at a visa application centre.

You can apply on behalf of your partner and child, if they cannot apply for themselves.

Your application will not be accepted and you will not get a refund if you have the right of abode in the UK (for example you’re a British citizen). You need to apply for a certificate of entitlement instead.

Continue your application

You can sign back into your application if you’ve saved it. 

Find out how to sign in to your account .

Long-term Standard Visitor visas

You can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa if you visit the UK regularly. This visa lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit.

If you’re under 18 years old when you apply , your long-term Standard Visitor visa will only be valid for up to 6 months after you turn 18. You cannot get a refund on the fee.

You may be given a shorter visa than requested if UK Visas and Immigration ( UKVI ) believe you cannot meet the eligibility requirements for the duration of the visa you applied for.

You will not get a refund of the application fee if you get a shorter visa or if your application is refused.

Your visa may be cancelled if your travel history shows you are repeatedly living in the UK for extended periods.

Documents and information you’ll need to apply

You must have a passport or travel document that is valid for the whole of your stay in the UK. There must be a blank page in your passport for your Standard Visitor visa.

You’ll need to provide the following information in your online application:

  • the dates you’re planning to travel to the UK
  • where you’ll be staying during your visit
  • how much you think your trip will cost
  • your current home address and how long you’ve lived there
  • your parents’ names and dates of birth (if known)
  • how much you earn in a year (if you have an income)
  • details of any criminal, civil or immigration offences you may have committed

Depending on your circumstances, you might also need to provide:

  • details of your travel history for the past 10 years
  • your employer’s address and telephone number
  • your partner’s name, date of birth and passport number
  • the name and address of anyone paying for your trip
  • the name, address and passport number of any family members you have in the UK
  • a certificate proving that you’ve had a tuberculosis ( TB ) test if you’re visiting for more than 6 months

You need to provide additional documents if you’re visiting the UK:

  • as an academic
  • for certain paid engagements or events (a ‘permitted paid engagement’
  • for medical reasons

You must provide certified translations of any documents that are not in English or Welsh.

Proving your identity and providing your documents

As part of your online application, you need to book an appointment at a visa application centre. Allow time to attend your appointment, as the visa application centre could be in another country.

At your appointment, you’ll need to:

  • prove your identity with your passport or travel document
  • have your fingerprints and photograph (known as ‘biometric information’) taken
  • provide the required documents that show you’re eligible for a Standard Visitor visa

The visa application centre may keep your passport and documents while processing your application.

How long it takes to get a decision

Once you’ve applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.

You can check to see if you can get your visa decision faster .

You’ll get an email or a letter containing the decision on your application . This will explain what you need to do next.

If you need to change or cancel your application

If you need to change something in your application after you’ve sent it, contact UKVI .

You can ask to cancel your application . You’ll only get your fee refunded if the application has not been processed yet.

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Travel and Tourism Personal Statement Examples

personal statement for tourist visa

What is a travel and tourism personal statement?

Your travel and tourism personal statement should tell the universities you are applying to all about your strengths, abilities, achievements and career plans.

It should give admissions tutors a good picture of who you are and why you would be a valuable asset to their department.

How do I write a travel and tourism personal statement?

We always recommend starting your travel and tourism personal statement by brainstorming ideas. Your notes should include the following:

  • achievements
  • coursework you have enjoyed
  • research projects you have completed
  • academic results
  • part-time or Saturday jobs
  • volunteering
  • wider reading
  • extracurricular activities

as well as anything else you can think of that is relevant to your travel and tourism course.

Take a look through our travel and tourism personal statement examples above to give yourself an idea of what a successful statement looks like.

Once you have put together an initial draft, it's a good idea to ask for feedback from family, friends and tutors. They will be able to look at your statement objectively and suggest ways it could be improved.

Incorporate their comments, and ask for further feedback. Don't worry if you have to do this three or four times - it's important you get your statement as perfect as possible before sending it off on your UCAS form.

What shoud I include in my travel and tourism personal statement?

  • Look at the content of the course and make sure your statement addresses the specific aspects that you enjoy most.
  • Demonstrate important skillls that are required for a travel and tourism degree, e.g. analysis, research and communication. Talk about how you have developed these, either at school/college, at your job or during hobbies or other activities.
  • Most applicants spend the opening of their statement talking about why they want to study travel and tourism at degree level. Think carefully about whether there was one particular incident that sparked your interest in this subject, e.g. an exotic holiday abroad as a child, visiting an iconic landmark or flying on an aeroplane for the first time.
  • Don’t include any over-used phrases or quotes in your statement that university admissions tutors will have seen and heard before.
  • Now is also not the time for jokes or humour - it often doesn't work well and admissions tutors might not be impressed!
  • Make sure you've covered everything from hobbies and extracurricular activities to motivations and personal achievements (as long as it's all relevant).
  • If you get stuck, read our personal statement writing guide and check out our personal statement editing services.

For more help and advice on what to write in your travel and tourism personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

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  • Credit cards
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Credit Card Statement Balance Vs Current Balance

personal statement for tourist visa

Bank statements and transaction histories aren’t always easy to interpret. This is especially true when comparing your statement vs current balance on your credit card.

Your statement contains the closing balance, the minimum payment due, and the available credit . Then, when you log into your online banking account, you’ll see the current balance, available funds, and pending transactions. 

It’s important to understand the purpose of each to help you better manage your credit card debt . 

What is the statement balance? 

The statement balance, also known as the closing balance, is the total of all the credit card charges and transactions, including what was previously owed, minus any payments you made during a billing cycle. Credit card companies must provide statements to cardholders each billing cycle, usually 30 days. 

Here’s an example resulting in a statement balance of $1,860: 

  • You charged $800 worth of various expenses throughout the billing cycle to your credit card.
  • You completed a $2,000 balance transfer to that same credit card. Your card assesses a 3% balance transfer fee on the loan amount, adding $60 to your credit card’s ledger.
  • You made a $1,000 payment toward the credit card around the middle of the billing cycle.

$2,860 of total expenses minus a $1,000 payment equals a statement balance of $1,860.

Credit card companies calculate your minimum repayment from the total statement balance. So, if your minimum repayment equals 2.5% of your statement balance, you owe $71.50 based on the above example.

🤓 Nerdy Tip

A billing cycle may not align with the calendar month. It often begins the same day your bank opens the credit card account.

What is the current balance?

The current balance (or account balance) is the total amount owed to date, including the statement balance and any recent charges.

For example, if your latest statement balance is $1,500 but you’ve spent another $500 on the credit card, your current balance will be $2,000. 

What about available funds?

Cross-check your current balance owed with your available funds. Credit card transactions take time to process and to reflect or show up in your current balance. However, transactions are deducted immediately from your available funds. 

When to refer to statement vs. current balance on a credit card 

Refer to the statement balance (in your statement) when: 

  • paying the minimum monthly amount due to keep your account in good shape  
  • paying the total statement balance to avoid interest charges. 

Refer to the current balance (in your online banking) when: 

  • checking your credit card debt reflected in real-time 
  • keeping track of spending, available funds, and your credit limit  
  • reviewing pending transactions , managing cash flow and avoiding surprises.  

» MORE: Credit card fees and charges to know and avoid

Tips for managing credit card balances

The best way to keep your credit account in good shape is to familiarise yourself with your statements. It’s easy to skip them and go straight to online banking for your most recent transaction history, but it’s better practice to carefully read through your statements. 

Check your statement every month 

Know your statement cycle length and dates, check repayment due dates, see how interest is calculated , and review the transaction list. 

Set up alerts for minimum repayment due dates 

You must pay the minimum payment to avoid a missed payment fee and damage to your credit score . You can set up notifications for upcoming payments (through the bank and manual reminders) and organise automatic repayments from your debit card . 

Check your current balance online daily 

Staying on top of your current balance is important, even if you make the minimum repayments. Check your current balance and available funds regularly to avoid missing pending transactions or going over your credit limit and potentially getting an overlimit fee. 

Pay the statement balance in full to avoid interest 

Repay the total statement balance before the due date whenever possible so you don’t incur interest . The only way to avoid interest is to pay the total statement balance off in full, not just the minimum amount due. 

By doing this, you can enjoy the flexibility of using a credit card , earn points (if you have a rewards card) and avoid interest. 

Make extra payments to reduce debt 

Making additional payments toward your current balance can help reduce your overall credit debt. Even if you pay off your statement balance in full, you might still have outstanding debt if you continue to use your credit card after the statement cycle period. 

For example, if your statement balance is $1,500 with a statement cycle 25 June to 25 July, any purchases after 25 July will still be owed. Refer to your current account balance to see your debt and budget accordingly.

You can transfer small repayments when you have extra money or set up automatic weekly repayments. Little payments of $20, $30 or $50 can make a big difference in paying down your debt. 

As with all aspects of personal finance, self-education is key to empowerment.

Frequently asked questions

You might overpay or underpay if you pay the current balance but not the statement balance. You’re better off referring to the minimum balance outlined in your statement so that you keep your account in good shape. 

  • If your statement closing balance is $1,500 but your current balance is $2,000, you technically owe $2,000. 
  • If your statement closing balance is $1,500 but your current balance is $500, you technically owe $500. 

Remember, your statement always has a lag, as it reflects the previous month.

Credit card transactions take time to process and reflect in your account balance. While a transaction is pending, it will be deducted from your available funds. Still, it can take two business days for the transaction to reflect in your account balance. Always refer to the available funds.

Yes, you can pay more than the minimum payment due in your statement. Refer to your current account balance in your online banking to see how much you owe. You can pay the total amount if your minimum payment due is $50, but your account balance is $1,000. You can always pay the minimum amount or anything up to the total amount owed.

About the Author

Amanda Smith is a freelance reporter, journalist, and cultural commentator. She covers culture + society, travel, LGBTQ+, human interest, and business. Amanda has written stories about planning for retirement for…


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Requesting A Chargeback On A Credit Card

Requesting A Chargeback On A Credit Card

A chargeback on a credit card is like a refund. You can request a chargeback by disputing a transaction on your credit card statement.

personal statement for tourist visa

What Is This Random Charge On My Credit Card?

It can mean credit card theft, but there are legitimate reasons for them to appear on your statement, too.

  • Best Overall
  • Best for Beginners
  • Best for No-Annual-Fee
  • Best for Boutique Hotels
  • Best for Daily Spend
  • Best for Students
  • Low-Cost Lounge Access
  • Best for Dining and Groceries
  • Best for Travel Insurance
  • Best for Luxury Travel
  • Choosing the Best Card for Travel
  • Why You Should Trust Us

Best Travel Credit Cards of August 2024: Top Picks for Rewards and Benefits

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us and terms apply to offers listed (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate credit cards to write unbiased product reviews .

The information for the following product(s) has been collected independently by Business Insider: Citi Strata Premier℠ Card, Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students. The details for these products have not been reviewed or provided by the issuer.

Introduction to the Best Travel Credit Cards

Whether you're just dipping your toe into the world of rewards credit cards or you've already flown thousands of miles on points alone, we can tell you: There's an ideal travel credit card for everyone.

What are Travel Credit Cards?

Travel credit cards reward people on-the-go with bonus points on travel-related expenses as well as travel-related insurance benefits and purchase protections.

There's a card designed for people seeking free flights, hoping for free hotel stays, or just doing whatever it takes to realize their dreams of relaxing in an overwater bungalow. There are even no-annual-fee travel credit cards that won't cost you anything to maintain.  Let's take a look at the best choices available for you right now. 

Best Travel Credit Cards of August 2024

  • Best overall travel credit card : Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
  • Best travel credit card for beginners : Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card
  • Best no-annual-fee travel credit card : Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card ( rates and fees )
  • Best for spending at hotels : Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card
  • Best for travel rewards on everyday spending : Citi Strata Premier℠ Card
  • Best travel card for students : Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students
  • Most affordable premium travel credit card : Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card
  • Best travel credit card for earning travel credit on dining and groceries : American Express® Gold Card
  • Best premium card for travel bonus categories : Chase Sapphire Reserve®
  • Best for luxury travel benefits and airport lounge access : The Platinum Card® from American Express

Compare the Best Credit Cards for Travel

Chase Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Earn 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠. Earn 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries. Earn 2x on all other travel purchases. Earn 1x on all other purchases.

21.49% - 28.49% Variable

Earn 60,000 bonus points

Good to Excellent

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. High intro bonus offer starts you off with lots of points
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong travel coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Doesn't offer a Global Entry/TSA PreCheck application fee credit

If you're new to travel rewards credit cards or just don't want to pay hundreds in annual fees, the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is a smart choice. It earns bonus points on a wide variety of travel and dining purchases and offers strong travel and purchase coverage, including primary car rental insurance.

  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $750 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Capital One Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Earn 5x miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 2x miles on every purchase.

19.99% - 29.99% variable

Earn 75,000 bonus miles, plus $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. $50 experience credit and free upgrades on Capital One Lifestyle Collection bookings
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes up to a $100 statement credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Other credit cards offer higher rewards in certain categories of spending

If you want an easy, no-fuss travel rewards credit card, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a great fit. For a moderate annual fee, it offers plenty of value, useful benefits, and a substantial welcome bonus.

  • Enjoy $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year, plus earn 75,000 bonus miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening - that’s equal to $1,000 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Miles won't expire for the life of the account and there's no limit to how many you can earn
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase—or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enrich every hotel stay from the Lifestyle Collection with a suite of cardholder benefits, like a $50 experience credit, room upgrades, and more
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs

Capital One Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

Earn 5 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase.

0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months (intro fee of 3% for the first 15 months, then 4% of the amount of each balance transfer at a promotional APR that Capital One may offer you at any other time)

19.99% - 29.99% Variable

Earn 20,000 miles

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No annual fee or foreign transaction fees
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Versatile rewards
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 1.25 miles per dollar on all purchases with no bonus categories to track
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Lower earning rate than some other no-annual-fee rewards cards
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited benefits

The VentureOne Rewards Card is a slimmed-down version of the popular Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card. It's one of the few no-annual-fee cards on the market that gives you the option to redeem miles for cash back or transfer them to travel partners.

  • $0 annual fee and no foreign transaction fees
  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 miles once you spend $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $200 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase-or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enjoy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; 19.99% - 29.99% variable APR after that; balance transfer fee applies

Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

  • Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels, 4X points on airlines, 3X points on other travel and restaurants, and 1X points on other purchases.

21.24%, 26.24%, or 29.99% Variable

Good or Excellent

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip cancellation and lost baggage protection
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Airline and hotel transfer partners available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Welcome bonus
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous cellphone protection
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Transfer partner network not as diverse or robust as competitors

The Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card is a true travel credit card, with benefits that rival many of the best travel rewards credit cards currently on the market. This card has a low annual fee on par with that of popular competing credit cards and Wells Fargo's newly announced Points Transfer program allows cardholders to juice maximum value from every point they earn.

  • Select “Apply Now” to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 in purchases in the first 3 months – that’s $600 toward your next trip.
  • $95 Annual Fee.
  • Book your travel with the Autograph Journey Card and enjoy Travel Accident Insurance, Lost Baggage Reimbursement, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection and Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver.
  • Earn a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase.
  • Up to $1,000 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Find tickets to top sports and entertainment events, book travel, make dinner reservations and more with your complimentary 24/7 Visa Signature® Concierge.

Citi Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

Earn a total of 10 ThankYou® Points per $1 spent on hotel, car rentals and attractions booked through Earn 3X points per $1 on air travel and other hotel purchases, at restaurants, supermarkets, gas stations and EV charging stations. Earn 1X point per $1 on all other purchases.

21.24% - 29.24% variable

Earn 75,000 bonus points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 3x points on most travel, restaurants, gas/EV charging, and supermarkets
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earn 10x points on hotels, rental cars, and attractions booked via Citi Travel
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. $100 annual hotel credit on a single stay of $500 or more
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No foreign transaction fees
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay/interruption benefits and lost/damaged baggage coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Has an annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Citi Travel rates often are higher than retail cost of travel

Bank of America Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students

Earn unlimited 1.5 points per dollar on purchases.

  • 0% intro APR for your first 18 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account

17.99% - 27.99% Variable

25,000 online bonus points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous welcome bonus for a student credit card
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Earns flexible points you can use toward a wide variety of travel purchases
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Other travel rewards cards have higher earning rates
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Few travel-related benefits compared to other travel cards

A good student credit card should offer rewards and useful benefits to those with limited credit history and the Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students hits several of those notes. However, while the card is marketed to students, those without established credit may have difficulty getting approved.

  • The information related to the Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students has been collected by Business Insider and has not been reviewed by the issuer.
  • 25,000 online bonus points after spending $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days from account opening (redeemed as a $250 statement credit toward travel and dining purchases)
  • Unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 spent on all purchases everywhere, no expiration on points
  • No annual fee or foreign transaction fees

Capital One Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

Earn unlimited 10 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn 5 miles per dollar on flights booked through Capital One Travel. Earn unlimited 2 miles on all other purchases.

Earn 75,000 bonus miles

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Excellent welcome bonus and miles earning
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Premium perks including airport lounge access and credits for certain purchases
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Visa Infinite benefits including travel and shopping protections
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Annual travel credits only apply to Capital One Travel purchases

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is one of the best credit cards for frequent travelers, with top-notch benefits and a wide range of built-in protections. It comes with a generous welcome bonus and credits that can help offset the annual fee — which is much lower than similar premium cards.

  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Elevate every hotel stay from the Premier or Lifestyle Collections with a suite of cardholder benefits, like an experience credit, room upgrades, and more

American Express American Express® Gold Card

Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on purchases at restaurants worldwide, on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year. Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent at US supermarkets, on up to $25,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year. Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on flights booked directly with airlines or on Earn 2X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on prepaid hotels and other eligible purchases booked on Earn 1X Membership Rewards® point per dollar spent on all other eligible purchases.

See Pay Over Time APR

Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® points plus 20% back in statement credits on eligible purchases made at restaurants worldwide, up to $100 back (Limited time offer. Offer ends 11/6/24)

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Great rewards for dining and for shopping at U.S. supermarkets
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Monthly statement credit for eligible dining purchases recoups some of the annual fee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Underwhelming welcome bonus

Foodies and travelers alike will appreciate the American Express Gold's generous welcome bonus and Membership Rewards points earning. Its Uber Cash credits are useful for rides and Uber Eats, and monthly dining credits with participating merchants like GrubHub and Seamless are easy to use.

  • Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Plus, receive 20% back in statement credits on eligible purchases made at restaurants worldwide within the first 6 months of Card Membership, up to $100 back. Limited time offer. Offer ends 11/6/24.
  • Get the American Express® Gold Card in either the Gold, Rose Gold or Limited-Edition White Gold metal design. White Gold design is only available while supplies last.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on purchases at restaurants worldwide, on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent at US supermarkets, on up to $25,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points for the rest of the year.
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on flights booked directly with airlines or on
  • Earn 2X Membership Rewards® points per dollar spent on prepaid hotels and other eligible purchases booked on
  • Earn 1X Membership Rewards® point per dollar spent on all other eligible purchases.
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $84 Dunkin' Credit: With the $84 Dunkin' Credit, you can earn up to $7 in monthly statement credits after you enroll and pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Dunkin' locations.
  • $100 Resy Credit: Get up to $100 in statement credits each calendar year after you pay with the American Express® Gold Card to dine at U.S. Resy restaurants or make other eligible Resy purchases. That's up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings, sweet or savory, with the $120 Dining Credit. Earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly,, and Five Guys. Enrollment required.
  • Explore over 1,000 upscale hotels worldwide with The Hotel Collection and receive a $100 credit to use towards eligible charges, which may include food and beverage, spa, or other on-property charges with every booking of two nights or more through Credit use varies by property.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $325.
  • Terms Apply.

Chase Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Earn 5x points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1x point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

22.49% - 29.49% Variable

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual travel credit can effectively shave $300 off the annual fee if you use it
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong travel insurance
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong bonus rewards on travel and dining
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Very high annual fee

If you're new to rewards credit cards you may want to start elsewhere, but if you know you want to earn Chase points and you spend a lot on travel and dining, the Sapphire Reserve is one of the most rewarding options.

  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $900 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheck®

American Express The Platinum Card® from American Express

Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per calendar year) and on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel. Earn 1X Points on other purchases.

Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® points

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Long list of travel benefits, including airport lounge access and complimentary elite status with Hilton and Marriott (enrollment required)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual statement credits with Saks and Uber
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Bonus categories leave something to be desired
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. One of the highest annual fees among premium travel cards

If you want as many premium travel perks as possible, The Platinum Card® from American Express could be the right card for you. The annual fee is high, but you get a long list of benefits such as airport lounge access, travel statement credits, complimentary hotel elite status, and more.

  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings with American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum Card®. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card®.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $189 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 year period for TSA PreCheck® application fee for a 5-year plan only (through a TSA PreCheck® official enrollment provider), when charged to your Platinum Card®. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at on your Platinum Card®. That's up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum Card® to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.

Best Travel Credit Card Reviews

The best travel rewards credit cards offer valuable rewards, easy-to-use benefits, and helpful features like travel coverage. Our team of credit card experts at Business Insider chose the best options available on the market in 2024, and reviewed each one below.

Best Overall: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is our top pick for a well-rounded travel rewards credit card. Even infrequent travelers can benefit from the slew of premium perks on this card, typically found on cards with far higher annual fees. 

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card stands out for its travel protection benefits. When you pay for travel expenses with this card and meet certain requirements, you can request reimbursement for unexpected expenses that may arise when your flight is delayed or if your baggage is delayed or lost.

You'll also have primary rental car insurance, meaning you won't have to file claims through your personal car insurance plan or pay for coverage from the rental car company. This card also offers a 10% anniversary points bonus, and up to $50 in annual statement credits for hotel purchases made through the Chase Travel℠ Portal. 

The rewards rate on the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card isn't shabby either. You'll earn 5 points on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards; 2 points on all other travel purchases; and 3 points on dining, online grocery purchases (excluding Target, Walmart, and wholesale clubs), and select streaming services. You'll earn 1 point per dollar on everything else.

Chase Ultimate Rewards® points are some of the easiest points to use in various ways. You can redeem them for travel directly through the Chase Travel Portal for a 25% boost in value, where 1 point will be worth 1.25 cents apiece. You can also transfer your points to Chase's airline and hotel transfer partners , which include United Airlines, Hyatt, Marriott, and many other airlines and hotel chains around the world. Cardholders can also use points for statement credits, gift cards, merchandise, and more.  

What the experts love: High welcome bonus offer, earns bonus points on travel, dining, and online grocery purchases, you can redeem points for 1.25 cents apiece for travel or through Chase for 25% value bonus

What the experts don't love: Doesn't offer some of the travel perks you'll get with competing cards, such as airport lounge access and a statement credit for Global Entry

Read more: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card card review .

Best for Beginners: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a great "set it and forget it" card, in the sense that you don't have to worry about various bonus categories for earning rewards. You'll earn 5 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 2x miles on all other purchases.

The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card also offers one of the most straightforward ways to redeem travel rewards: You can use your miles to cover recent travel purchases from your card statement at a rate of 1 cent per mile. 

You also have the option to transfer Capital One miles *** to more than a dozen frequent flyer and hotel loyalty programs, including Air Canada Aeroplan, Etihad Guest, and Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer. Capital One also added new partners including British Airways and Turkish Airlines, and improved the transfer ratio to 1:1 for most partners. 

The selection of transfer partners is best suited to someone who wants to travel internationally and who doesn't mind spending some time researching the best ways to redeem miles with the different frequent flyer program options. But the upside is that you can always use your miles to cover your travel purchases. You also get up to a $100 Global Entry/TSA PreCheck application fee credit.

What the experts love:  The ability to use your miles to cover your recent travel expenses; it earns at least 2 miles per dollar on every purchase.

What the experts don't love: Other cards offer higher rewards on certain spending categories such as travel and dining.

Read more: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card review

Best for No Annual Fee: Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is our top choice for a no-annual-fee travel card ( rates and fees ), and it's got many of the same perks as its bigger sibling, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card.

New cardholders can earn a respectable 20,000 miles after spending $500 on purchases within three months from account opening (worth at least $340 in travel according to Business Insider's valuations). While the card only earns 1.25 miles per dollar on most purchases (plus 5x on hotels and car rentals booked through Capital One Travel), it's still a compelling choice if an annual fee isn't for you ( rates and fees ).

You'll get the same access to Capital One's airline and hotel partners as you would with annual-fee cards, and a handful of benefits including car rental insurance***, travel accident insurance***, and purchase assurance***. This is also a solid pick if you're looking for a zero-interest credit card  with a 0% introductory APR offer, because new cardholders receive a 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months (intro fee of 3% for the first 15 months, then 4% of the amount of each balance transfer at a promotional APR that Capital One may offer you at any other time), then a 19.99% - 29.99% Variable APR ( rates and fees ).

What the experts love: No annual fee, access to transfer partners, generous intro 0% APR offer

What the experts don't love: Few travel benefits, lower earning rate

Read more: Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card review

Best for Boutique Hotels: Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

The Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card earns one of the highest rates of return on hotel bookings for a credit card that isn't co-branded with a specific hotel chain. 

This card has a $95 annual fee, inviting direct comparisons to two other cards on this list: The Sapphire Preferred Card , and the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card . In exchange, cardholders earn at least 3x on restaurants and travel purchases. Airline purchases earn 4x, and hotel purchases earn 5x.

When launching this card, the card issuer simultaneously announced brand-new Wells Fargo Autograph transfer partners : Choice Privileges, Aer Lingus AerClub, Air France-KLM Flying Blue, avianca lifemiles, and British Airways Executive Club. Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card cardholders can redeem rewards at the standard redemption rate of 1 cent per point for cash back, or transfer their rewards to any travel partners above for additional value.

What the experts love: High bonus rates on hotels and flights

What the experts don't love: Limited transfer options (for now)

Read more: Wells Fargo Autograph Journey credit card review

Best Travel Rewards on Everyday Spend: Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

The Citi Strata Premier℠ Card isn't as flashy or well-known as some other travel cards, but that doesn't mean you should overlook it, especially if you spend a lot on its bonus categories. Cardholders earn an impressive 3x points on air travel, gas stations, restaurants, supermarkets, and hotels, and 1 point per dollar on everything else.

Along with a solid welcome bonus offer of 75,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 in the first three months of account opening (worth $1,200 based on Business Insider's valuations), you'll receive $100 off a single hotel stay of $500 or more (excluding taxes and fees) booked through once per calendar year.

While it isn't the best for travel protections, the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card is the only card currently available to new applicants that unlocks the ability to transfer your ThankYou points to Citi's full list of airline and hotel partners , including JetBlue, Singapore Airlines, and Wyndham.

What the experts love:  Strong rewards earning in useful everyday categories, access to Citi's transfer partners

What the experts don't love: Lack of travel protections like car rental insurance, few travel perks compared to similar rewards cards

Read more: Citi Strata Premier℠ Card review

Best for Students: Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students

The Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students is a fairly unique offering, as there aren't many student credit cards specifically geared toward travel. New cardholders can earn 25,000 online bonus points after spending $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days from account opening (redeemed as a $250 statement credit toward travel and dining purchases). That's a decent offer for a no-annual-fee card, and the earning structure is simple, too — 1.5x points per dollar on every purchase, with no bonus categories to keep track of.

There's also a 0% intro APR for your first 18 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made within the first 60 days of opening your account (then a 17.99% - 27.99% Variable APR) which can be handy if you have big purchases (like textbooks or supplies) you want to pay for over time. 

The Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students is a good choice if you prefer a straightforward card without having to worry about award charts or transfer partners. It's also a safe bet if you want to use it while traveling internationally — it doesn't charge pesky foreign transaction fees, so you won't be on the hook for extra charges if you use it overseas.

However, you won't find many extras — like travel benefits or purchase protections — with this card. If you're looking for better benefits, be sure to check out our guide to the best student credit cards for all the top options.

What the experts love: Impressive welcome bonus offer for a student credit card, good flat-rate rewards earning

What the experts don't love: No flashy extra perks or shopping benefits

Read more: Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card for Students review

Cheapest Airport Lounge Access: Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card was unveiled in late 2021 and offers a massive welcome bonus of 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening — worth at least $1,275 in travel, based on Business Insider's valuation of Capital One miles .

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is loaded with premium benefits that can more than offset the $395 annual fee ( rates and fees ). For context, this annual fee is significantly lower than that of other premium travel cards which offer airport lounge access. 

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card cardholders also receive $300 per year in credits toward travel booked through Capital One; Priority Pass, Plaza Premium, and Capital One airport lounge access (even for authorized users, for free); a 10,000-mile bonus on each account anniversary (worth $100 in travel); and Visa Infinite travel and purchase benefits.

As with other cards that earn Capital One miles , you can transfer rewards to over a dozen airline and hotel partners to book award travel, or use miles to book through the Capital One Travel Portal .

What the experts love:  Between $300 a year in travel credit and a 10,000-mile bonus on each account anniversary, you can offset the annual fee entirely — and that's not even considering other benefits like lounge access.

What the experts don't love:  The $300 travel credit is more restrictive than other cards' — it only applies to travel booked through Capital One.

Read more: Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card review

Best Travel Rewards from Dining and Groceries: American Express® Gold Card

The American Express® Gold Card is an ideal travel card for anyone who frequently eats out and/or shops at U.S. supermarkets. You'll earn 4X Membership Rewards® points on purchases at restaurants worldwide (on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points), 4X Membership Rewards® points at US supermarkets (on up to $25,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1X points), 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on, 2X Membership Rewards® points on prepaid hotels and other eligible purchases booked on, and 1X Membership Rewards® point on all other eligible purchases.

You can get up to $120 in annual dining credits after enrollment, but it's divided into up to $10 in credits each month, and the credit only applies at select restaurants and delivery services at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly,, and Five Guys.

You'll also get up to $120 Uber Cash ($10 per month) credit each calendar year (this is only applicable to U.S. Eats orders and rides, and the Gold Card needs to be added as a method of payment to the Uber app to receive the Uber Cash benefit).

What the experts love: "4x points on restaurants worldwide (on up to $50,000 in purchases per calendar year, then 1x) and at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per year, then 1x) is great — usually, a card favors one or the other," says Rathner. Plus, the card offers monthly dining credits.

What the experts don't love: Wilson notes that other cards offer similar benefits for a lower annual fee, and Rathner notes that the card's travel and dining credits come with some important limitations — so read the fine print. 

Read more: American Express® Gold Card review

Best for Premium Travel Insurance: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® has a $550 annual fee, which means it's not for everybody, but if you're serious about maximizing your rewards and you travel frequently, it could be worth it. It offers a bonus of 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening. 

Not only do you get up to $300 in statement credits toward travel each year (and Chase has a very generous definition of travel — including everything from airfare to highway tolls), but you also earn 5x total points on air travel and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards (excluding the $300 travel credit) and 3x points on all other travel and dining. You also get airport lounge access through the Priority Pass network , which has more than 1,300 locations worldwide.

New benefits also include access to Chase Sapphire lounges in JFK , LaGuardia , Boston , and Hong Kong, as well as the Chase Sapphire Terrace at Austin Airport . You'll also receive benefits with DoorDash  and Instacart that can save you money on delivery (activation required).

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® is currently offering cardholders two years of complimentary Lyft Pink All Access membership (valued at $199 per year) for member-exclusive pricing, priority pickup, and more (activation required). 

When it comes to redeeming points, you can book travel through Chase and get 1.5 cents per point (a 50% bonus over the standard 1-cent-per-point rate), or you can transfer your Chase Ultimate Rewards to travel partners like Hyatt, British Airways, and United.

Plus, like the less-expensive Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® offers some of the best credit card travel insurance around. This includes primary car rental insurance, trip delay insurance, trip cancellation protection, and lost baggage insurance.

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® card was previously our pick for the best travel card overall, before the annual fee increased from $450 to $550. While the Reserve did add some additional benefits, the Reserve no longer makes as much sense for casual travelers. As a result, we now recommend the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card as the best travel credit card for most people. 

What the experts love:  Earns 3x points on travel and dining purchases made outside of Chase Travel Portal, annual $300 travel credit, points are worth 1.5 cents apiece for travel booked through Chase

What the experts don't love: You have to squeeze every drop of value out of this card to make that jaw-dropping $550 annual fee worth your while.

Read more: Chase Sapphire Reserve® review

Best Luxury Travel and Airport Lounge Access: The Platinum Card® from American Express

The Platinum Card® from American Express has one of the highest rewards card annual fees —  $695 — but it can still be well worth it if you can put all of its statement credits and generous welcome bonus offer to use.

You'll earn 5x points on flights when you book directly through the airline or through American Express Travel (on up to $500,000 per calendar year), which makes the card a great choice for purchasing airfare. The card offers trip cancellation and interruption insurance, plus some of the best purchase protection, so it's a good option for buying expensive items (and don't forget to see if you can take advantage of an Amex Offer ** for bonus points or cash back).

The Platinum Card® from American Express offers more airport lounge access than any other personal travel card — in addition to Priority Pass membership**, you get access to Amex Centurion Lounges , Delta Sky Clubs (when you're flying Delta), and more. 

The card's annual statement credits can go a long way toward offsetting the high annual fee. You get up to $200 in statement credits toward airline incidental fees** like checked bags and inflight purchases; up to $100 each year in credit toward Saks Fifth Avenue purchases**; and up to $200 in annual Uber credits (including Uber Eats)**. 

Just keep in mind that you're limited to one designated airline you choose each year in your Amex account for the airline incidental fee credit, and both the Saks and Uber credits are divided into portions. You'll get up to $50 in statement credits toward Saks purchases from January to June, and another credit of up to $50 for Saks purchases from July to December.

With the Uber credit, you get up to $15 each month, and a $20 bonus in December for a total of $35 that month.

What the experts love:  Lots of luxury benefits, including airport lounge access and statement credits with Uber and Saks

What the experts don't love: This card's $695 annual fee, and minimal bonus categories

Read more: The Platinum Card® from American Express review

Choosing the Best Travel Credit Card

Read Business Insider's guide to points and miles valuations to find out what your airline miles, hotel points, and credit card rewards are worth. Here's our methodology for assigning a cash value to your points and miles .

Why Choose A Travel Credit Card?

While it takes more effort to redeem points or miles compared to cash back, the upside is that you can get much more value for your points compared to simply cashing in your rewards for a statement credit or check at a rate of 1 cent per point.

In fact, it's possible to receive double, triple, or even more than that amount when you're strategic about how you redeem your rewards, particularly if you book expensive luxury hotels or first-class flights. 

In this guide, we've focused mostly on the best travel credit cards that earn transferable points. Transferable points include popular currencies such as:

  • Amex Membership Rewards
  • Chase Ultimate Rewards
  • Citi ThankYou Rewards
  • Capital One miles

You can transfer these points to both airline and hotel partner loyalty programs. You can even redeem your points to offset the cash price of your travel at a flat rate.

Best Travel Credit Card Frequently Asked Questions

Travel credit cards offer various benefits including earning points or miles on travel and everyday purchases, access to travel perks such as lounge access and travel insurance, and often come with sign-up bonuses that can be redeemed for free flights or hotel stays.

When choosing the best travel credit card, consider your travel habits, preferred airlines or hotel chains, annual fee tolerance, and the rewards and benefits offered by the card. Compare different cards to find one that aligns with your specific needs and travel goals.

Some potential downsides include annual fees, higher interest rates if you carry a balance, and rewards programs that might be restrictive if you don't travel frequently. It's important to weigh these factors against the benefits to determine if a travel credit card is right for you.

Yes, most travel credit cards allow you to earn points or miles on everyday purchases, which can help you accumulate rewards faster. However, the earning rate may vary depending on the spending category.

Look for a rewards program that offers a high earning rate on travel-related purchases, flexible redemption options, valuable travel perks, and a generous sign-up bonus. Additionally, consider if the card offers rewards that align with your travel preferences and spending habits.

To pick the right travel credit card for you, you'll want to evaluate its welcome bonus offer, ease of use, benefits, and annual fee. The best one for you will ideally have a combination of an attractive sign-up bonus , lots of options for earning and redeeming rewards, benefits that save you money, and a low or no annual fee.

If you want a single credit card that does it all and don't mind paying a generous annual fee, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® is a great choice. It comes with the best travel insurance available on the market, as well as a $300 travel credit each year that can be used on most types of travel.

The best travel credit card overall is the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, but the best card for your particular situation will depend on what benefits you care about the most, as well as how you feel about paying a high annual fee. 

We'd recommend opening a travel card that earns Amex or Chase points, because these are among the easiest rewards to redeem and you have various travel partners to utilize. But if you've investigated your options and are confident that you can get value out of their rewards, credit cards that earn Capital One miles or Citi ThankYou points can make sense as well.

There are two main types of travel credit cards: Cards that earn transferable points, and airline/hotel co-branded credit cards. Transferable points currencies include Amex Membership Rewards points, Capital One miles, and Chase Ultimate Rewards points.

Airline credit cards and hotel credit cards earn points or miles within a respective hotel or airline program; you don't have the option to redeem your rewards with a wide variety of travel partners (or if you do, the transfer ratio usually isn't great).

Travel credit cards with annual fees are worth it if you're able to get significant value out of their benefits and rewards. Before you apply for a card , make sure you'll actually use all the features that contribute to the card's annual fee. For example, if a card offers an annual statement credit of up to $200 toward travel but you can't use it, you're probably not getting what you pay for.

Travel credit cards work by earning you points (or miles) on every purchase you make, with the goal of helping you earn enough rewards to book free travel . The best travel cards earn points that you can transfer to various airline and hotel partners — like Amex, Chase, or Citi points. 

A great way to work toward getting a free flight is by applying for a travel credit card and earning its welcome bonus offer. Domestic award flights in economy class typically require about 25,000 points, so depending on the welcome bonus offer, you could have enough rewards for a flight right out of the gate. 

Why You Should Trust Us: How We Chose the Best Travel Credit Cards

Business Insider evaluated dozens of travel credit cards currently available to new applicants and narrowed down the list to the best options based on the following factors:

  • Welcome bonus offer — Do new cardholders get a valuable incentive to sign up and meet a minimum spending requirement?
  • Ongoing rewards — How many points or miles do you earn on your purchases?
  • Benefits — Beyond rewards, does the card offer valuable perks such as statement credits for travel, primary car rental insurance, and airport lounge access?
  • Annual fee — Is there an annual fee, and if so, is it affordable or easy to offset with card perks?
  • Overall value — Does the card justify its annual fee by offering useful benefits and valuable rewards, and is it worth it?

Read our guide to how we rate credit cards for a closer look at our methodology.

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Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Trip Delay Insurance, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance, and Cell Phone Protection Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company. Global Assist Hotline Card Members are responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers. If approved and coordinated by Premium Global Assist Hotline, emergency medical transportation assistance may be provided at no cost. In any other circumstance, Card Members may be responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers. Extended Warranty, Purchase Protection, and Baggage Insurance Plan Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

***Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Refer to your Guide to Benefits for more details. Travel Accident Insurance is not guaranteed, it depends on the level of benefits you get at application.

For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the benefits may be provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.

For rates and fees of The Platinum Card® from American Express, please click here.

For rates and fees of the American Express® Gold Card, please click here.

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Complying with FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule

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As more consumers use health apps and connected devices like fitness trackers, information about our health is increasingly collected and shared online. For most hospitals, doctors’ offices, and insurance companies, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governs the privacy and security of health records stored online. But many companies that collect people’s health information – whether it’s a fitness tracker, a diet app, a connected blood pressure cuff, or something else – aren’t covered by HIPAA. Does that mean this sensitive health information doesn’t have any legal protections? Not at all.  

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits companies from misleading consumers or engaging in unfair practices that harm consumers. In addition, the FTC enforces the  Health Breach Notification Rule , which requires certain organizations (both businesses and nonprofits) not covered by HIPAA to notify their customers, the FTC, and, in some cases, the media, if there’s a breach of unsecured, individually identifiable health information. July 2024 amendments make clear that makers of health apps, connected devices, and similar products must comply with the Rule. 

Is your business covered by the  Health Breach Notification Rule ? Do you know your legal obligations if you experience a security breach?


The Rule applies if you are:

  • a vendor of personal health records (PHRs);
  • a PHR related entity; or
  • a third party service provider for a vendor of PHRs or a PHR related entity.

Vendor of personal health records . Your business is a vendor of personal health records if it “offers or maintains a personal health record.” A  personal health record  is defined as an electronic record of “identifiable health information on an individual that has the technical capacity to draw information from multiple sources and that is managed, shared, and controlled by or primarily for the individual.” For example, if you develop a health app that collects information from consumers and can sync with a consumer’s fitness tracker, you’re probably a vendor of personal health records. You’re not a vendor of personal health records if you’re covered by HIPAA.

PHR related entity . Your business is a PHR related entity if it interacts with a vendor of personal health records either by offering products or services through the vendor’s website – even if the site is covered by HIPAA – or by accessing identifiable health information in a personal health record or sending identifiable health information to a personal health record. For example, a company that offers a fitness tracker is likely a PHR related entity if it sends identifiable health information to health apps (which are likely personal health records, as described above). Your company is not a PHR related entity if you’re already covered by HIPAA.

Third party service provider . Your business is a third party service provider if it offers services involving the use, maintenance, disclosure, or disposal of health information to vendors of personal health records or PHR related entities. For example, if a vendor of personal health records hires your company to provide billing, debt collection, or data storage services related to health information, you’re a third party service provider, and covered by the Rule.


The Rule requires that you provide notice when there has been an  unauthorized acquisition  of unsecured  PHR identifiable health information . How those terms are defined is important:

  • Unauthorized acquisition . If health information that you maintain or use is acquired by someone else without the affected person’s approval, it’s an unauthorized acquisition under the Rule. For example, say a thief steals an employee’s laptop containing unsecured personal health records or someone on your staff downloads personal health records without approval. Those are probably unauthorized acquisitions that trigger the Rule’s notification requirement. Keep in mind, though, that a “breach” is not limited to cybersecurity intrusions or nefarious behavior by hackers or insiders. Incidents of unauthorized access, including a company’s disclosure of covered information without a person’s authorization, triggers notification obligations under the Rule.
  • PHR identifiable health information . The notification requirements apply only when you’ve experienced a breach of PHR identifiable health information. This is health information that identifies someone or could reasonably be used to identify someone. Consider two examples.  First, suppose you share your users’ medical information along with their mobile identifiers with an ad network for the purpose of targeted marketing without first getting the person’s consent. Second, say an intruder hacks into your database that contains email addresses, dates of birth, and medication information. Names weren’t disclosed in either example. But the information disclosed could still readily identify individual consumers, so it counts as PHR identifiable health information. By contrast, consider a hack of a database containing city and common medication data that reveals that ten anonymous individuals in New York City have been prescribed a widely-used drug. That probably wouldn’t be considered PHR identifiable health information because it couldn’t reasonably be used to identify specific people.
  • Unsecured information . The Rule applies only to  unsecured health information , defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to include any information that is not encrypted or destroyed. For example, if your employee loses a laptop containing only encrypted personal health records, you wouldn’t be required to notify people.
  • Personal health record . A personal health record (PHR) is an electronic health record that can be “drawn from multiple sources and that is managed, shared, and controlled by or primarily for the individual.” If your business experiences a breach involving only paper health records – not electronic records – the FTC’s Rule doesn’t require any notification. If your product draws information from multiple sources – let’s say a diet app that allows users to enter daily weights and an API for pulling calorie counts from restaurant menus – there’s a good chance you have a PHR covered by the FTC’s Rule.


If your business is  a vendor of personal health records  or a  PHR related entity  and there’s a breach, the Rule spells out your next steps. You must notify:

  • each affected person who is a citizen or resident of the United States;
  • the Federal Trade Commission by submitting the online Notice of Breach of Health Information ; and
  • in some cases, the media.

Here are the details of the Rule’s main requirements about who you must notify and when you must notify them, how you must notify them, and what information to include.

Who you must notify and when you must notify them

People : If you experience a breach of unsecured personal health information, you must notify each affected person “without unreasonable delay” – and within 60 calendar days after the breach is discovered. The countdown begins the day the breach becomes known to someone in your company or the day someone should reasonably have known about it. Although the Rule requires you to notify people within 60 calendar days, it also requires you to act without unreasonable delay. That means if a company discovers a breach and gathers the necessary information within, say, 30 days, it would be unreasonable to wait until the 60th day to notify the people whose information was breached.

The FTC : The Rule requires you to notify the FTC (use the online Notice of Breach of Health Information ), but the timing depends on the number of people affected.

If the breach involves the information of 500 people or more , you must notify the FTC at the same time you send notices to the people affected. That must be “without unreasonable delay” and no later than 60 calendar days after the discovery of a breach of security. To report the breach to the agency, you must use the following online form: Notice of Breach of Health Information .

If the breach involves the information of fewer than 500 people , you have more time. You must notify the FTC by submitting the online Notice of Breach of Health Information within 60 calendar days following the end of the calendar year. So, if your company experiences one breach in April affecting the records of 100 people and a second breach in September affecting the records of 50 people, the 60-day countdown begins January 1st of the next year.

The media : When at least 500 residents of a particular state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory or possession are affected by a breach, notification takes on an extra dimension. Without unreasonable delay – and within 60 calendar days after the breach is discovered – you must notify prominent media outlets serving the relevant locale. This media notice is a supplement to the individual notice you must give to people whose information was breached. It’s not a substitute for individual notices.

If your company is a  third party service provider  to a vendor of personal health records or a PHR related entity, you have notice requirements under the Rule, too. As a preliminary matter, the Rule requires those clients to tell you up front that they’re covered by the Rule. If you experience a breach, you must notify an official designated in your contract with your client – or if there is no designee, a senior official of the company – without unreasonable delay and within 60 calendar days of discovering the breach. You must identify for your client each person whose information may be involved in the breach. It isn’t enough just to send the notice and assume the ball is in your client’s court. You must get an acknowledgment that they received your notice. They, in turn, must notify the people affected by the breach, the FTC, and, in certain cases, the media.

How to notify people

The best practice for notifying people is to find out from your customers in advance – perhaps when they sign up for your service – if they’d prefer to hear about a security breach by email or by first-class mail. If you collect only email addresses from your customers, you can send them a message – or let new customers know when they sign up – that you intend to contact them by email about any security breaches. However, remember that if you plan to use email as your default method, you must give your customers the opportunity to choose first-class mail notification instead and that option must be clear and conspicuous. If email is a customer’s preference, explain how to set up any spam filters so they will get your messages.

If you’re notifying people by email, you must also notify people:

  • by text message
  • through an in-app message, or
  • through a banner on your website or app

The notice must be “clear and conspicuous” and “reasonably understandable.” For example, consider using:

  • short explanatory sentences
  • bulleted lists
  • plain-language headings
  • an easy-to-read typeface
  • wide margins
  • ample spacing

Don’t use unnecessary legal or technical terminology, multiple negatives, or vague explanations.

See the Rule for more guidance on drafting notices and check out Appendix A for sample notices.

What if you’ve made reasonable efforts to reach people affected by the breach, but you haven’t been able to contact each of them? If you fail to contact 10 or more people because of insufficient or out-of-date contact information, you must provide substitute notice through:

  • a clear and conspicuous posting for 90 days on your website home page; or
  • a notice in major print or broadcast media where those people likely live.

Both of these forms of substitute notice must include a toll-free phone number that must be active for at least 90 days so people can call to learn if their information was affected by the breach.

What information to include

Regardless of the form of notification, your notice to individuals must be easy to understand and must include the following information:

  • the date of the breach (if you know);
  • the date you discovered the breach; and
  • the full name or identity (or, where providing the full name or identity would pose a risk to individuals or the entity providing notice, a description) of any third parties that acquired unsecured PHR identifiable health information as a result of a breach.
  • the kind of PHR identifiable health information involved in the breach – health diagnosis or condition, lab results, medication information, other treatment information, the individual’s use of a health-related mobile app, insurance information, Social Security numbers, financial account data, dates of birth, etc.
  • if the breach involves health insurance information, you might suggest that people contact their healthcare providers if bills don’t arrive on time in case an identity thief has changed the billing address, check the Explanation of Benefit (EOB) forms from their insurance company for irregularities, and review their medical records for errors. If people spot anything unusual, they should contact their insurance company about possible medical identity theft or to ask for a new account number.
  • if the breach includes Social Security numbers, you might suggest that people get a free copy of their credit report from , monitor it for signs of identity theft, and place a credit freeze on their credit report. If they spot suspicious activity, they should visit  to report it and get a personalized recovery plan.
  • if the breach includes financial information – for example, a credit card or bank account number – you might suggest that people monitor their accounts for suspicious activity and contact their financial institution about closing any accounts that may have been compromised.
  • if the breach involved an app or connected device, you might suggest that people review the app’s or device’s privacy settings and download the latest updates to fix any privacy or security glitches.
  • a brief description of the steps your business is taking to investigate the breach, protect against future breaches, mitigate the harm from the breach, and protect the people affected, like offering credit monitoring or other services; and
  • toll-free telephone number;
  • email address;
  • within-application; or
  • postal address.


Here are answers to some questions businesses have asked about the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule:

Why did the FTC implement the Health Breach Notification Rule and issue the July 2024 amendments?

Congress directed the FTC to implement the Health Breach Notification Rule, which non-HIPAA covered businesses must follow if there’s a breach of consumers’ unsecured, individually identifiable health information.  The FTC amended the Rule because, as one of only a handful of federal privacy laws protecting consumers’ health information, the Rule plays a vital role in holding companies accountable for how they disclose consumers’ sensitive health information. Since the FTC first issued the Rule more than a decade ago, consumers have turned to apps, wearables, and other technologies for health advice, information, and tracking. It is imperative that the FTC’s enforcement of its Rule keep pace with changing technology.

What is considered a “breach of security” under the Rule? 

Under the rule, a “breach of security” is defined as the acquisition of unsecured PHR identifiable health information of an individual in a personal health record without the individual’s authorization. A breach is not limited to cybersecurity intrusions. Incidents of unauthorized access, including sharing of covered information without an individual’s authorization, trigger notification obligations under the Rule.

It looks like we accidentally sent some of our users’ health information to a social media platform. It also looks like someone accessed our database without our consent. We don’t know if the social media company used the information and we don’t know if anyone downloaded anything. Are these the kinds of “unauthorized acquisitions” that would trigger the Rule’s notification requirements?

Both incidents should trigger an examination on your part to determine your obligations under the Rule. Importantly, with respect to the first incident, the Rule’s definition of a breach makes clear that the Rule does not just apply to cybersecurity intrusions or other nefarious behavior. To the contrary, if you disclose consumers’ unsecured, individually identifiable health information without their consent, a breach has occurred.

In the second incident – the database access – it’s not clear whether the data also has been “acquired” – that is, downloaded or copied. In these cases the Rule has a rebuttable presumption: Where there has been unauthorized access, unauthorized acquisition is presumed unless you can show that it hasn’t – or couldn’t reasonably have – taken place. For example, if one of your employees accesses a customer’s personal health record without authorization, the Rule presumes that because the data was accessed, it has been “acquired,” and you must follow the breach notification provisions of the Rule. But you can overcome that presumption by establishing and enforcing a company policy that requires an employee who inadvertently accesses a health record not to read it or share it, to log out immediately, and to report the access to a supervisor right away. If the employee says he or she didn’t read or share the information and you conduct a reasonable investigation that corroborates the employee’s version of events, you may be able to overcome the presumption.

Consider another situation involving a lost laptop that contains personal health records. You could rebut the presumption of unauthorized acquisition if the laptop is recovered and forensic analysis shows that files were not opened, altered, transferred, or otherwise compromised.

My company makes a fitness app, in which consumers input their height, weight, age, and other information. The app, which consumers can download from the app store, can sync with wearable fitness trackers. Some of our users use this syncing feature, but others don’t. Is my company required to comply with the FTC’s Rule?

You are likely a vendor of personal health records. Your app includes identifiable health information, such as consumers’ names, weight, height, age, and steps taken. Your app has the technical capacity to draw identifiable health information both from the consumer (e.g., name, weight, height, age, and steps taken) and the fitness tracker (e.g., consumer’s name, miles run, heart rate), even if some consumers choose to not connect the fitness tracker.

Our business is in the “HIPAA business associate” category. Does the FTC’s Rule apply to us?

If your business acts solely as a “HIPAA business associate” – that is, if you handle only the protected health information of HIPAA-covered entities – the FTC’s Rule doesn’t apply. Nor does it apply to HIPAA-covered entities, like a hospital, doctor’s office, or health insurance company. If you are a HIPAA-covered entity or act only as a HIPAA business associate, your responsibilities are in the  Health and Human Services (HHS) Breach Notification Rule .

The HHS Rule requires HIPAA-covered entities to notify people whose unsecured protected health information is breached. If you are a business associate of a HIPAA-covered entity and you experience a security breach, you must notify the HIPAA-covered entity you’re working with. Then they must notify the people affected by the breach.

We’re a HIPAA business associate, but we also offer personal health record services to the public. Which Rule applies to us?

If your company is a HIPAA business associate that also offers personal health record services to the public, you may be subject to both the HHS and FTC Breach Notification Rules. For example, say you develop an app that people can download from an app store and upload their health information. Separately, you sign a HIPAA business associate agreement with an insurance company to maintain the electronic health records of its customers. In the case of a breach affecting all your users, both the FTC Rule and HHS Rule would apply. Under the FTC’s Rule, you must notify the people who use your app. In addition, you must notify the insurance company so it can notify its customers.

If you have a direct relationship with all the people affected by the breach – your customers and the customers of the insurance company – you should contract with the insurance company to notify both your clients and theirs. People are more likely to pay attention to a notice from a company they recognize.

What’s the relationship between the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule and state breach notification laws?

The FTC’s Rule preempts contradictory state breach notification laws, but not those that impose additional – but non-contradictory – breach notification requirements. For example, some state laws require breach notices to include advice on monitoring credit reports or contact information for consumer reporting agencies. While these content requirements are different from the FTC Rule’s requirements, they’re not contradictory. In this example, you could comply with both federal and state requirements by including all the information in a single breach notice. The FTC Rule doesn’t require you to send separate breach notices to comply with state and federal law.

What’s the penalty for violating the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule?

The FTC will treat each violation of the Rule as an unfair or deceptive act or practice in violation of a Federal Trade Commission regulation. Businesses that violate the Rule may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $51,744 per violation.

Law enforcement officials have asked us to delay notifying people about the breach. What should we do?

If law enforcement officials determine that notifying people would impede a criminal investigation or damage national security, the Rule allows you to delay notifying them, as well as the FTC and, if required, the media.

Where can I learn more about the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule?

Visit the FTC’s  Health Breach Notification Rule page .

The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumer spot, stop and avoid them. To file a complaint, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. Watch a video,  How to File a Complaint , to learn more. The FTC enters consumer complaints into the  Consumer Sentinel Network , a secure online database and investigative tool used by hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.


The National Small Business Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards collect comments from small businesses about federal compliance and enforcement activities. Each year, the Ombudsman evaluates the conduct of these activities and rates each agency's responsiveness to small businesses. Small businesses can comment to the Ombudsman without fear of reprisal. To comment, call toll-free 1-888-REGFAIR (1-888-734-3247) or go to .

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Statement from President Joe   Biden on United   States Secret Service Director Kim   Cheatle

Jill and I are grateful to Director Kim Cheatle for her decades of public service. She has selflessly dedicated and risked her life to protect our nation throughout her career in the United States Secret Service. We especially thank her for answering the call to lead the Secret Service during our Administration and we are grateful for her service to our family.

As a leader, it takes honor, courage, and incredible integrity to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service. 

The independent review to get to the bottom of what happened on July 13 continues, and I look forward to assessing its conclusions. We all know what happened that day can never happen again. As we move forward, I wish Kim all the best, and I will plan to appoint a new Director soon.

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