Writing Beginner

How To Describe a Nose In Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

Describing a nose in writing can vividly bring a character to life. From the shape to its unique quirks, a nose can tell a lot about a character.

Here is how to describe a nose in writing:

Describe a nose in writing by focusing on size, shape, texture, color, width, nostrils, bridge, tip, sides, and unique features like freckles or moles. Use vivid examples to capture the essence of each nose type. Avoid cliches but do use exaggeration and metaphor.

In this article, we’ll explore how to capture the essence of a nose with words, providing over 100 examples to fuel your creative writing.

Different Types of Noses

Close up of a woman's nose - how to describe a nose in writing

Table of Contents

Noses come in various shapes and sizes, each adding a distinct flavor to a character’s description.

From the classic Roman nose, distinguished by its high, prominent bridge, to the celestial nose, known for its upturned tip, each type has its own charm.

The aquiline nose, often called an eagle nose, projects a regal and strong profile.

Snub noses, characterized by their small and slightly upturned appearance, often convey youthfulness and playfulness.

The hawk nose, with its sharp and slightly curved down shape, often suggests intensity and determination. Understanding these types can serve as a foundation for more detailed descriptions.

10 Characteristics of Noses to Describe

When it comes to describing noses, there are 10 characteristics you definitely need to consider:


The size of a nose significantly impacts a character’s facial balance.

Large noses can suggest boldness or dominance, while small noses might indicate delicacy or subtlety.

Example Sentences:

  • His nose was grand, a commanding feature that anchored his face.
  • She had a petite nose, a subtle curve that complemented her delicate features.
  • His sizable nose gave him a distinguished look, impossible to ignore.
  • Her small, button-like nose added to her youthful appearance.
  • The enormity of his nose was as pronounced as his presence.
  • A tiny nose, almost elfin, sat perfectly on her face.
  • His large nose was a proud testament to his heritage.
  • The minuteness of her nose was in stark contrast to her expressive eyes.
  • His nose, broad and substantial, was a striking feature.
  • Her nose was modest in size, but it fit her face beautifully.

The shape of a nose adds character and can hint at ethnic background or familial traits.

  • Her nose was aquiline, an elegant curve that spoke of nobility.
  • His nose was distinctly Roman, with a bridge strong and straight.
  • A playful upturn defined her celestial nose, adding a hint of whimsy.
  • He had a hawk-like nose, sharp and descending, mirroring his keen insight.
  • The bulbous tip of his nose gave him a jovial look.
  • Her nose was gently curved, like a subtle crescent.
  • A prominent bump mid-bridge gave his nose a distinctive profile.
  • Her snub nose, slightly upturned, was full of charm.
  • He sported a Greek nose, perfectly straight and harmoniously balanced.
  • The hooked aspect of her nose added character to her striking face.

The texture of a nose, from smooth to bumpy, can be revealing about a person’s age or lifestyle.

  • His nose was rugged, weathered from years of outdoor life.
  • She had a smooth, porcelain-like nose, flawless in its texture.
  • Age had textured his nose with tiny lines and bumps.
  • The freckles dusting her nose gave it a lively texture.
  • His nose bore the roughness of adolescence, still finding its final form.
  • Her nose was soft, almost velvety to the touch.
  • A network of fine lines crisscrossed his nose, a testament to years of laughter.
  • Her nose had a gentle roughness, a hint of her rural upbringing.
  • The sleekness of his nose contrasted with his otherwise rugged features.
  • Delicate pores peppered her nose, giving it a subtle texture.

The color of a nose can be influenced by emotion, temperature, or even health.

  • His nose turned a rosy red in the cold air.
  • Her nose was a pale ivory, almost translucent in the sunlight.
  • Emotion flushed his nose to a bright crimson.
  • The bridge of her nose was adorned with a sprinkle of freckles.
  • A sunburn had tinted his nose a tender pink.
  • Her nose retained a tan, reminiscent of summer days.
  • In his anger, his nose became noticeably redder.
  • Her nose, usually fair, was now flushed with exertion.
  • The cold nipped at his nose, turning it a slight blue.
  • A blush of health gave her nose a warm, peachy hue.

The width of a nose can influence the perception of other facial features.

  • His wide nose gave his face a sense of strength and stability.
  • She had a narrow nose, which elongated her other features elegantly.
  • The broadness of his nose was striking, commanding attention.
  • Her nose was slender, adding to her refined appearance.
  • A wide, flat nose sat proudly on his face, full of character.
  • The thinness of her nose was in harmony with her delicate jawline.
  • His nose flared slightly at the nostrils, suggesting a breadth of emotion.
  • Her nose, though narrow, was perfectly proportioned to her face.
  • The expansiveness of his nose was a dominant feature in his robust visage.
  • A sleek, thin nose enhanced her sophisticated look.

Nostrils vary greatly in shape and size, adding to the uniqueness of a nose.

  • His nostrils were small and neatly rounded, unobtrusive yet distinct.
  • She had flared nostrils that seemed to accentuate her fiery personality.
  • His nostrils were elongated, adding a certain elegance to his profile.
  • Her nostrils were wide and welcoming, complementing her generous smile.
  • The slight asymmetry of his nostrils gave his face a charming quirk.
  • Her nostrils were delicate, barely noticeable under the shadow of her nose.
  • His nostrils expanded dramatically when he laughed heartily.
  • The fine shape of her nostrils lent a refined air to her nose.
  • His large nostrils were indicative of his athletic prowess.
  • Her nostrils, though small, were perfectly formed, adding to her graceful appearance.

The bridge of a nose can be a defining feature, influencing the overall look of the nose.

  • He had a high, prominent bridge that gave his face a noble profile.
  • Her nose bridge was low and unassuming, blending seamlessly into her face.
  • A slight bump on his nose bridge added a touch of ruggedness.
  • Her bridge was straight and true, a classic beauty.
  • The bridge of his nose sloped gently, creating a soft profile.
  • Her bridge was wide, setting the stage for her striking eyes.
  • A subtle indentation at the top of his bridge made his nose unique.
  • Her bridge curved delicately, a smooth transition from forehead to tip.
  • His bridge was narrow, drawing attention to the tip of his nose.
  • The robust bridge of her nose spoke of her strong will.

The tip of a nose can vary from upturned to bulbous, each carrying its own charm.

  • His nose tip was slightly upturned, giving him a friendly appearance.
  • She had a rounded tip that softened her otherwise sharp features.
  • The tip of his nose was bulbous, adding character to his face.
  • Her nose tip was delicate and pointed, a fairy-like feature.
  • An upturned tip gave his nose a hint of playfulness.
  • The tip of her nose was broad, anchoring her large, expressive eyes.
  • His nose tip dipped slightly, giving him a thoughtful look.
  • Her nose tip was flat, a distinctive feature that set her apart.
  • A sharp tip to his nose accentuated his decisive nature.
  • The soft roundness of her nose tip echoed her gentle personality.

The sides of a nose can influence the perception of width and shape.

  • The sides of his nose were straight, leading to a strong, defined tip.
  • Her nose sides curved gently, softening the angles of her face.
  • The sides of his nose flared out slightly, suggesting a breath of vitality.
  • Her nose sides were smooth, seamlessly merging with her cheeks.
  • The sharp sides of his nose added to his intense gaze.
  • The sides of her nose were subtly concave, creating a refined silhouette.
  • His nose sides were broad, giving his face a robust appearance.
  • She had high, narrow sides that defined her elegant nose.
  • The sides of his nose were uneven, a unique characteristic that made him more intriguing.
  • Her nose sides were softly rounded, enhancing her approachable demeanor.

Freckles or moles on a nose can add charm and uniqueness.

  • A smattering of freckles across his nose gave him a boyish charm.
  • She had a singular mole at the tip of her nose, a striking feature.
  • His nose was adorned with freckles, a testament to sunny days spent outdoors.
  • A small mole on the side of her nose added to her bewitching look.
  • Freckles dusted his nose, lending him a mischievous air.
  • Her nose boasted a constellation of tiny moles, each one a story.
  • The freckles on his nose were like specks of gold on sun-kissed skin.
  • Her nose, with its single, prominent mole, was enchantingly unique.
  • A cluster of freckles on the bridge of his nose made him look perpetually sun-drenched.
  • Each mole on her nose seemed to enhance her enigmatic smile.

3 Full Examples of How to Describe a Nose in Writing in Different Styles

Consider these full examples of how to describe a nose in different genres of writing.

1. Literary Fiction

In the soft glow of the evening sun, Eleanor’s nose seemed more than just a part of her face; it was a story in itself.

It was neither large nor small, but perfectly symmetrical, as if sketched by an artist deeply in love with balance. The bridge was straight, a gentle slope that spoke of her quiet determination. At the tip, a slight upturn hinted at her inherent optimism, a subtle defiance against the drudgery of life. Her nostrils were finely shaped, delicate yet expressive, widening slightly when she laughed, which she did with her whole being.

The skin was smooth, unmarred except for a smattering of freckles that danced across the bridge like tiny, bashful stars. In that moment, her nose was not just a feature; it was the epitome of her graceful resilience.

2. Romance Novel

As Jason gazed into Samantha’s eyes, he couldn’t help but notice her nose, a striking feature that captivated him completely.

It was a soft, celestial curve, upturned at the tip as if reaching for a kiss from the sky. The bridge was slender, casting a dainty shadow that played hide and seek with her sparkling eyes. Her nostrils were perfectly formed, subtle and unassuming, yet they flared slightly when she giggled, a sound that echoed in Jason’s heart.

The color of her nose was a warm ivory, blushing to a rosy pink whenever their eyes met. It was the kind of nose that whispered secrets of tender nights and promises of passionate tomorrows.

3. Fantasy Genre

In the realm of Eldoria, Lord Aric’s nose was as legendary as his valor.

Broad and strong, it was like a bastion on his rugged face, telling tales of battles fought and won. The bridge was like a ridge, high and imposing, shadowed with scars that spoke of a warrior’s life. The tip was blunt and firm, a testament to his unyielding spirit. His nostrils were like the gates of a fortress, wide and commanding, flaring with each breath that he took in the heat of battle. The color was a weathered tan, etched with lines of wisdom and age.

It was a nose that didn’t just breathe the air of Eldoria. It was as if it breathed the very essence of the land itself, a symbol of strength and endurance in a world of magic and turmoil.

If you’re looking for specific vocabulary for how to describe a nose in writing, check out this video:

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Nose in Writing

Once you figure out the perfect description for the nose in your story, you’ll still need to describe other features.

Features like eyes, smiles, ears, hands, and feet.

Read This Next:

  • How To Describe Eyebrows In Writing (100+ Words & Examples)
  • How To Describe Feet In Writing (100+ Words & Examples)
  • How to Describe Eyes in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Describe a Smile in Writing (700 Ways & Examples)

Cleveland Clinic – The Anatomy of a Nose

KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers

Word lists, cheat sheets, and sometimes irreverent reviews of writing rules. kathy steinemann is the author of the writer's lexicon series..

nose descriptions creative writing

300+ Ways to Describe Noses: A Word List for Writers

Words to Describe Noses

(Discover even more words in The Writer’s Body Lexicon .)

The Nose: A Word-Too l for Writers

Imagine a protagonist who says “Randy’s nose is as snotty as his attitude.”

Would you remember Randy’s attitude?

This post provides more than 300 ways for writers to incorporate and describe noses.

Emotion Beats and Physica l Manifestations

Emotional noses; who knew?

The way a character moves, manipulates, or touches the nose often reveals underlying emotions.

Pinching the bridge of one’s nose might signal deliberation, disapproval, impatience, negativity, opposition, pessimism, regret, or reluctance.

Pushing g l asses onto the bridge of one’s nose might indicate curiosity, disagreement, or irritation.

Putting one’s nose in the air could signify contempt, derision, disgust, scorn, or smugness.

Rubbing one’s nose might be a sign of contemplation, deviousness, disbelief, dishonesty, doubt, evasion, indecision, insincerity, meditation, sadness , or skepticism.

Sniffing or wiping one’s nose could be a simple indication of allergies or sadness — or it might hide deceit or distrust.

Twitching one’s nose might reveal disappointment , disbelief, distress, or suspicion.

Wrink l ing one’s nose is a common indicator of conflict, confusion , contempt, derision, disapproval, disgust, dismay, negativity, opposition, pessimism, puzzlement, rejection, scorn, or skepticism. With so many underlying causes, context should provide a clear motivation; otherwise, nose-wrinkling is best avoided.

If you need additional beats, consult a body language dictionary . (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Adjectives Transform Noses into Memorab l e Facia l Features

Well-written descriptions provide clear mental impressions. They may also tell about a character’s personality from the narrator’s perspective.

Someone with a nose of granite could represent the epitome of a harsh, inflexible person. Readers might also envision a greyish complexion.

A two-foot nose, although an exaggeration, establishes the presence of a humongous schnozzola.

Many words to describe skin also function as nose descriptors.

Noses Might Be Depicted as:

A to C alcoholic, aquiline, arrogant, askew, beaked, beautiful , bent, bibulous, big , blobby, blunt, bloody, bold, bony, boozy, bovine, brazen, broad, broken, bubbling, bumped, childlike, chiseled, classic, cleft, coarse, colossal, comical, commanding, conspicuous, craggy, crooked, cruel, curved

D to H daunting, defiant, delicate, dimpled, disdainful, distorted, droopy, dusty, effeminate, elegant, enormous, exotic, fake, false, fat, feline, feminine, feverish, fine, flaccid, flat, foot-long, freckled, frostbitten, garish, girly, glowing, granite, grimy, haggish, haughty, heavy, hoggish, hooked

I to O imperious, impish, imposing, impudent, insignificant, intrusive, jolly, keen, knobby, lean, little , long, lopsided, lumpy, magisterial, mammoth, mangled, masculine, mashed, massive, meaty, miniscule, misshapen, monstrous, mud-covered, narrow, neat, needle-sharp, nodular, nondescript, off-center, oversized

P to R petulant, pert, petite, pickled, piggy, pinched, pious, pixie, pliable, pliant, pockmarked, pointed, pompous, porcine, portentous, powdered, prodigious, prominent, protruding, proud, puckish, puffy, pug, pugnacious, refined, regal, rubbery, runny

S saucy, scarred, scary, scorched, sculpted, serpentine, sharp, skeletal, skinny, slender, slippery, sloped, small, sniffly, snobbish, snotty, soft, sottish, spongy, squat, stately, straight, strong, squashed, stubborn, stubby, stuffy, stumpy, stupendous, sunken, supercilious, superior, sweat-beaded, swollen

T to Y thick, thin, thoroughbred, tiny, twisted, two-foot, ulcerated, underdeveloped, veined, velvety, vinous, vulpine, wavy, waxen, weak, wide, wooden, wrinkled, wry, yielding

Try Simi l es or Metaphors

A button nose, although cliché, relays the pleasant impression of a cute bump in the center of someone’s face.

A nose like a wedge of Swiss cheese conjures the image of a pockmarked, yellowish nose. Readers would expect the complexion to match.

Writers might create comparisons with the following words or rely on them as nouns to replace nose .

  • anteater snout
  • baseball bat
  • bulldog schnoz
  • dill pickle
  • elephant trunk
  • firehose nozzle
  • hatchet handle
  • horse muzzle
  • jackal sniffer
  • jester nose
  • jet-plane nose
  • liar’s snout
  • locomotive cow-catcher
  • plasticine lump
  • playdough protuberance
  • ship’s prow
  • unicorn horn
  • wedge of Swiss cheese

Co l or Adds Character

Noses may be a different color from the face , especially if they’ve been exposed to the elements.

An anemic nose might match a character who doesn’t eat well; or the person might be ill.

Tanned or sunburnt noses would be appropriate for lifeguards or landscapers.

Here’s a short list of colors.

A to Y anemic, ashen, bronzed, brown, burnt, colorless, florid, flushed, grey, jaundiced, pale, pallid, pasty, pink, red, rosy, rubicund, ruddy, sallow, sunburnt, suntanned, tan, tanned, wan, white, yellow

See 1001+ Ways to Describe Colors for more possibilities.

Noses Need Shapes

A serpentine shape could pair with a scam artist. A fleshy nose might be suitable for an overweight banker.

Try some of these, and see the Adjectives section for more ideas.

A to H arched, aristocratic, bulbous, bumpy, cauliflower, concave, conical, convex, diamond-shaped, East Asian, fleshy, funnel, Grecian, Groucho, hawk, Hebraic

N to W Napoleonic, Nixon, Neanderthal, Nubian, patrician, Pinocchio, plebeian, Romanesque, scooped, serpentine, snub, square, triangular, turned-up, upturned, wedge-shaped

Noses Need Verbs Too

As mentioned near the beginning of this post, noses don’t sit lifeless in the middle of the face.

They might:

B to W bleed, break, bugle, burn, crinkle, distort, flare, itch , jerk, nuzzle, point, poke, press, push, run, scrunch, sting, stuff up, throb, trumpet, twist, twitch, wrinkle

A Nose by Any Other Name Is Sti ll a Nose …

… but other names are more fun.

A sme ll er might be ideal for a chef with a discriminating palate, or for a border guard well-known because of his nasal acuity and associated drug busts.

An intrusive woman who pries into neighbors’ affairs could be described as having a snooper .

Scan this mini-list for a few possibilities.

B to W beak, conk, honker, hooter, muzzle, olfactory organ, orc’s nose, proboscis, schnoz, schnozzle, schnozzola, smeller, sneezer, sniffer, snooper, snoot, snout, snuffler, whiffer, wizard’s nose

Props Mean More Than Books

Although writers like to imagine people with their noses stuck in books, real life doesn’t work that way. Instead, characters might wear, be burdened by, or interact with:

G to W glasses, handkerchiefs, medical masks, moles, nasal sprays, nose hairs, nose rings, pimples, scars, scarves, sinus rinses, straws, studs, sunblock, swim clips, tattoos, tissues, warts

What About C l ichés and Idioms?

Depending on the tone of the narrative, an occasional platitude might be appropriate. I’ll tackle a few.

  • brown-noser: toady, sycophant
  • to be a hard nose: Act detached, stern, unfeeling, unforgiving, unsympathetic, or excessively businesslike.
  • to brown-nose: Act obsequiously subservient, especially with superiors, in an attempt to curry favors or win approval.
  • to count noses: Count people, usually to determine the outcome of a vote or the number of individuals present.
  • to keep one’s nose c l ean: behave, do the right thing, obey the rules, stay out of trouble
  • to l ook down one’s nose at: Exhibit a superior attitude or act in a snobbish or haughty manner.
  • to nose around: pry, snoop, try to discover the truth
  • to rub somebody’s nose in it: Harp about or draw attention to something embarrassing that someone has done.
  • to thumb one’s nose at: deride, dismiss as worthless, treat with a lack of respect
  • under one’s nose: Something that is under one’s nose is in plain sight, even though the person searching for it doesn’t see it.

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12 thoughts on “ 300+ Ways to Describe Noses: A Word List for Writers ”

Love this clever, useful page! Thanks for sharing it

Thanks for reading it. Have a great weekend!

Very helpful. Thank you. Blessings

Thanks, Larry.

one of my favourite ways to describe the shape of a nose is a ‘duchess nose’ The most popular nose shape requested by patients is the Duchess – named after the Duchess of Cambridge.

That’s an excellent suggestion, C. Thanks for stopping by.

Great article. I have never thought of describing the nose. I will have to pay attention to my first impression of people that I meet. Is the nose near the top? (No pun intended.) Thanks for the awakening! Luther

Thanks, Luther!

If your first impression of someone is their nose, it would be memorable for readers as well. Just a few words can paint an unforgettable picture.

Hmm. That could be woven into a story. Dialogue snippet: “My first impression of Larry, not to imply that his honker is huge or anything, is that he looks like a giant nose.”

Retroussé (of a person’s nose) turned up at the tip, especially in an attractive way.

Excellent adjective, John. Thanks!

Hi Kathy, Thank you. Another excellent piece. I wish more writers would pay heed to this topic. Like their noses, the characters would certainly stand out more…However brief, description is important and can transport a character straight into your living-room.. Just pick up a book by the venerable Dickens or Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind).”A small man with vulturine features, framed by thick grey hair, opened the door. His impenetrable aquiline gaze rested on mine.” He’s as clear as a photograph! Best wishes. Joy x

Thanks, Joy.

You provide an excellent example: terse but powerful.


  1. How To Describe A Nose

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  2. 300+ Ways to Describe Noses: A Word List for Writers

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  4. Pin by Amelia Meléndez on English tools in 2019

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  1. How To Describe a Nose In Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

    Well-written descriptions provide clear mental impressions. They may also tell about a character’s personality from the narrator’s perspective. Someone with a nose …