MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22


Course Code: MPSE 001

Assignment Code: Asst/TMA/2021-22

MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1. Explain India’s evolution of the world view. Does it change with the time? Explain the change with examples.

2. What are the objectives of India’s foreign policy? Explain the different approaches.

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3. What are the main institutions which frame the foreign policy of India? How do they work together?

4. Explain the India-America relations since the Cold War.

5. Explain India’s major doctrines dealing with neighbouring countries. Has it been successful?


Write a short note on the following in about 250 words each:

6. a) India-Africa Relations

b) Geopolitical relevance of Afghanistan

7. a) SAARC and its role

b) ASEAN and India

8. a) Cold War politics

9. a) India-China border dispute

b) India-Nepal Relations

10. a) Disarmament & Arms Control

b) India’s relation with GCC States

MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22, MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , MPSE 001  Solved Assignment 2021-22, MPSE 001 Assignment, IGNOU Assignment MPSE 001021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for Programme for the year 2021-22. MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.

For Students - MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you'll find each and each course assignments of your downloaded Programme. MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Candidates need to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, in order that it's easy for Evaluators to see your assignments.

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MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

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MPSE-001: India and the World

Ignou solved assignment solution for 2022-23, if you are looking for mpse-001 ignou solved assignment solution for the subject india and the world, you have come to the right place. mpse-001 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in mps courses of ignou., looking to download all solved assignment pdfs for your course together, mpse-001 solved assignment solution by gyaniversity.

Assignment Code: MPSE-001/ASST/TMA/2022-23

Course Code: MPSE-001

Assignment Name: India and The World

Year: 2022-2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

1. Explain historical linkages, economic and security cooperation between India and Central Asia.

Ans ) Historical linkages between India and Central Asia as follows:

The Indus Valley civilisation, which had ties to the prehistoric civilization of Turkmenistan, is the origin of India's relations with Central Asia. One school of historians claims that the Aryans arrived in India from Central Asia. Prior to the arrival of Islam, Buddhism ruled the region. After Islam, the Sufi movement, which had its origins in Central Asia and spread back to India, was influenced by Buddhism. This area was traversed by the old Silk Route, which linked China to the marketplaces of Europe. India has ties to this trading route as well. When the British colonised India and the Russians overran Central Asia in the 19th century, this unrelenting flood of people was halted. The "Great Game" refers to the rivalry between the two empires. These ties were somewhat repaired after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the independence of India in 1947. India was one of the select few nations that the Soviet Union let to engage in commercial and cultural exchanges with this region.

Security cooperation between India and Central Asia as follows:

International worries about religious extremism and international terrorism are growing in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States. It has particularly afflicted nations in and surrounding Central Asia, including India in Kashmir, Russia in Chechnya, China in Xinjiang, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan in the Ferghana valley. Islamist militants and the government fought a protracted civil war in Tajikistan, and President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan narrowly averted an assassination attempt in February 1999. The US has received offers from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan for military sites and other infrastructure. Even though the Taliban have been defeated, the battle is far from over. According to reports, they are still dominant in some parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan and are attempting to reorganise. In addition to drugs and arms trafficking, which also affect India and Central Asia, there are other issues, such as religious fundamentalism and international terrorism. India has established cooperative working groups on terrorism with the US, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, among other nations. In June 2002, Atal Behari Vajpayee, the prime minister of India, travelled to Kazakhstan to attend the summit of the "Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia."

Economic Cooperation: Following are the major areas of cooperation.

Energy : India is now the world's sixth-largest energy consumer, and according to

According to one study, the amount of energy used is increasing at a 6% annual rate. The

Almost two thirds of the nation's petroleum needs are imported. The Caspian Sea and Central Asia

developing as a substitute for traditional sources of oil and natural gas. primary oil

and gas resources can be discovered in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

The Indian Oil and Natural Gas Commission is getting ready to take part in the prospecting.

of oil in the exploration blocks at Darkhan and Kurmangazi on the edge of the Caspian Sea in


Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: An additional significant portion of India and Healthcare and pharmaceuticals are in Central Asia. Its effectiveness and economic benefit, in particular, India enjoys a competitive advantage in this industry on the international market. certain Indians Pharmaceutical exporters to Central Asia include Claris Life Sciences, Aurobindo Pharma, Lupin Laboratories, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ranbaxy, and Lupin Laboratories. Some of these businesses intend to build factories right there in Central Asia. Kazakhstanpharma, a joint venture between Kazakhstan and India, has a pharmaceutical manufacturing in the completing procedure in Almaty.

2. Trace the evolution of India’s relations with South-east Asia bringing out the main features of the relationship.

Ans ) When the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was founded in 1967, it was done so with the intention of fostering regional business partnerships and trade. It turned out to be the hub of regional collaboration, was thriving, and was searching for new markets and business ventures. It discovered that Vietnam and India were complementary and now attracted business opportunities. Vietnam and India were seen as complements, improving the political and security character of the area. Vietnam had begun the Doi Moi (Renovation) initiative, which aspired to liberalise, privatise, and go worldwide. In contrast, India implemented the economic liberalisation programme in 1991 under the leadership of P V Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh, the country's prime minister and finance minister, respectively. The liberalisation, privatisation, and globalisation processes were also launched by India's new government. Tax-free incentives for overseas investors were also announced by India.

These measures prompted ASEAN to further strengthen its partnership with India. India received a sectoral dialogue cooperation invitation from ASEAN in 1992. As a result, four fundamental areas of cooperation—trade, investment, tourism, research, and technology—were recognised. The sectoral partnership played a key role in building the institutional connection between India and ASEAN, and it was so valuable that ASEAN upgraded it to a full dialogue partnership in 1995 after only two years. This made it easier for relationships to develop across a range of contexts with repercussions for the economy, security, and politics. India was asked to take part in the ASEAN's post-ministerial conferences as well as its security forum, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). Then, both India and ASEAN started referring to a shared vision and destiny.

The ASEAN-India Cooperation Committee was established to serve as a vital institutional structure for giving different areas of cooperation meaningful content. A working group between ASEAN and India was also formed to identify potential areas of collaboration in the fields of science, technology, trade, investment, and human resource development. The Joint Cooperation Committee acknowledged Indian prowess in science and technology, particularly in biotechnology and information technology (Information Technology). The industries of food processing, healthcare, agriculture, engineering, electronics, communication, and services all received proposals to collaborate.

The India-ASEAN fund would be established to promote cooperation in commerce, investment, tourism, computer technology, solar energy, and environmental protection, according to the decision made at the ASEAN-India cooperation committee meeting. The ASEAN Secretariat was given access to this money, which was managed by a joint management committee. The Joint Cooperation Committee also decided to form an ASEAN-New Delhi committee made up of the leaders of the ASEAN nations' diplomatic missions. Foreign Minister of India during the time, J.N. In her announcement of the scholarship programme, Dixit stated that each party might provide six post-doctoral fellowships with a maximum duration of six months in the field of science and technology. Along with this, India and the ASEAN area established distinguished individuals' ASEAN lecture series, through which notable ASEAN leaders and intellectuals gave lectures in India and vice versa. This has been helpful in fostering trust and a clear knowledge of the problems with ASEAN foreign policy and diplomacy with regard to dialogue partners.

3. Briefly describe international humanitarian laws and UN concerns for promotion and protection of human rights in India.

Ans ) The International Humanitarian Law as follows:

Protection of armed conflict victims from violence and other human rights abuses is a concern of international humanitarian law. The four Geneva Conventions (1949) for the protection of war victims and the two Additional Protocols contain standards (1977). These tools work together to limit the use of force against people who are not participating in armed conflict and to outlaw forms of warfare that result in unnecessarily suffering people or harm to the environment. Four conventions—covering the sick and injured on land, the sick and injured at sea, prisoners of war, and civilian victims—have been ratified or acceded to by 181 governments. 125 countries have ratified the first Protocol, which addresses victims of international conflicts. Other agreements negotiated by the UN that are also a part of the international body of humanitarian law include the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) and the Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict. The Second Protocol, which has been ratified by 116 states, aims to protect victims of internal conflicts (1974). The most recent instance of the UN using the Geneva Convention and Protocols was in relation to the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.

UN concerns for promotion and protection of human rights

The UN Charter mentions human rights seven times. One of the four objectives of the World Organization, as stated in Article 1.3, is to advance and defend fundamental liberties and human rights for all people, regardless of their race, sex, language, or religion. Article 1.3 para. 1 of the General Assembly's rules mandated that investigations be conducted and recommendations be made in this regard (b). The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was given the same responsibility pursuant to Article 62. More explicitly and plainly than any other clause, Article 55 of the UN Charter lays out the organization's overarching objectives in the area of human rights. The resolution of "international economic, social, health, and related problems" as well as "universal respect for, and observance of human rights for all" are among them. Other goals include the promotion of "better standards of living, full employment, and circumstances of economic and social progress and development." Member nations "commit" in Article 56 to cooperate with the UN to achieve these goals both collectively and individually. The ECOSOC is required by Article 68 to create a permanent commission on human rights. The last but not least requirement of Article 76(c) is that residents in Trust Territories must be encouraged to exercise their basic freedoms. Four categories can be used to classify the pertinent UN initiatives in the domain of human rights over time:

Creating standards involves outlining and defining each person's rights.

Promotional activities that entail researching specific human rights or human rights in specific locations and suggesting solutions to further their realisation.

Human rights violations victims' support is one example of a humanitarian function.

I mplementation that calls for guarding against infractions in particular circumstances.


Write a short note on each part in about 250 words.

4. a) Global implications of India and Pakistan nuclear tests 1998

Ans ) In 1998, Atal Behari Vajpayee took office as prime minister, presiding over a coalition of 13 political parties. However, the government was only able to last for ten months. The National Democratic Alliance, led by the BJP, won reelection in the elections of October 1999. The coalition government in place now is the first to do so for almost four years.

Its primary foreign policy initiatives during these ten months focused on building up nuclear weapons capacity and attempting to mend fences with Pakistan. The BJP has been a strong advocate for India developing nuclear weapons. As soon as it took office, it began planning nuclear test explosions so that India could declare itself a nuclear weapons state. India shocked the world on May 11, 1998 by performing three nuclear tests. On May 13, two additional tests were carried out. India's Prime Minister Vajpayee claimed that the country has nuclear weapons and that no more tests would be conducted because all required information had been gathered. Vajpayee declared that India would only keep a minimal nuclear deterrent.

The Pakistani Prime Minister declared that this would be the year of the Kashmir decision during the conference in Lahore. The time for producing maps in the region has passed after fifty years of independence, according to Indian External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, signalling that changing the geography of the area is not an option.

The Kargil War broke out between the two countries in May 1999. The Pakistani Army was getting ready for battle while the two prime ministers were debating the direction of their bilateral relations. Given that it was the first military battle between the two countries since their acquisition of nuclear weapons in May 1998, the war is noteworthy. The Pakistani military made an attempt to change the situation along the Line of Control so that they could use it as a negotiating chip with India whenever talks are held.

b) Role of the Ministry of External Affairs in Indian foreign policy making.

Ans ) Making foreign policy is a very difficult and involved task. One can easily choose options like purchasing it from overseas or controlling its price when it comes to a domestic policy issue, like preventing the price of a product, like an onion or potato, from rising. But the implementation of specialist knowledge is necessary in foreign policy. The straightforward explanation is that since foreign policy is in connection to another state or nations, India has no control over their behaviour. The best the Indian policymakers can do is estimate as to what another state may do in a certain situation.

Therefore, should India open negotiations with Pakistan now that it has persistently asserted that Pakistan must show its commitment to combating cross-border terrorism if talks are to be successful? Will the wager pay out in the long run? Is the Prime Minister correct when he says that if this is his last attempt, he will step down? Will a declaration of that nature affect Islamabad's decision-making? What if Pakistani policymakers decide to hold off until the next Indian election for another year in the hopes that a Congress government will win and offer Pakistan better terms? These inquiries can never have a definitive response.

As the repository of in-depth knowledge on international affairs, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is the government ministry that is expected to offer informed, precise responses to the issues above. The MEA is led by the Minister of External Affairs, also known as the Foreign Minister. He is a political appointment and a member of the Cabinet, although he is not necessarily an authority on foreign policy. But before they are put into effect, the Minister must approve or make changes to all policies and choices made by the Ministry's experts. Several policies that the Minister has approved need the Cabinet's final approval.

5. a) Religion in post-communist societies

Ans ) The secularisation theory and Marxist analysis both held the notion that religion will eventually go away. Aggressive atheist propaganda and the related measures to stifle organised religion under communism failed after 70 years. Mikhail Gorbachev spoke of the "moral ideals that religion developed and embodied for millennia" and declared that the same "may help in the rebuilding of our society" when he began his radical restructuring (perestroika) and open public criticism (glasnost). In less than ten years, transformation raced through the former Soviet empire as a result of Gorbachev's efforts to promote and enable the revival of spiritual values in the USSR. The role played by religious groups in various nations is frequently disregarded in analyses of the startlingly rapid collapse of communist rule in Eastern Europe.

The Roman Catholic Church had taken risks in its resistance to the communist state long before forging an alliance with and giving asylum for the Solidarity movement in Poland, where the role of religion in the fall of communism is best recognised. In communities with little other possibilities to become real leaders, priests and pastors provided important leadership. There are numerous examples of spiritual rebirth in Russia. The restoration and reopening of Russian orthodox churches have garnered the most attention, but a 1991 international social survey of the country's Russian-speaking population also revealed signs of a religious renaissance: Depending on how the question is phrased, between fifty-five and seventy percent of Russians profess belief in God. One in five Russians now accepts both religion and God after previously rejecting both. According to in-depth examinations of states like Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and Sudan, the main modern patterns of racial, ethnic, and religious conflict are found within nations rather than primarily between civilisations.

b) India’s West Asia policy

Ans ) India's post-independence non-alignment strategy reached out in goodwill to the nations of West Asia that were defying Cold War pressure to join an opposing military bloc. As a result, Nasser's Egypt and the Baathist Iraq developed close ties. Interestingly, Pakistan joined the US-backed Baghdad Pact in 1955 together with the UK, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. India gained a positive reputation among the Arab States as a result of its constant support for the Palestinian cause. This has assisted India in establishing thriving connections with nearly all the countries in the region, in addition to the strong historical ties and trade relationships.

Palestine Issue: India has offered moral and political support for the establishment of a Palestinian state that coexists with Israel. India too believes that the Arab-Israeli conflict is fundamentally driven by the Palestine dilemma. In January 1975, India opened its office in New Delhi, making it the first non-Arab nation to recognise the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as "the sole legitimate representation of the Palestinian people."

Israel : Despite the fact that India had acknowledged the Jewish State of Israel back in 1950,

until in 1992 were complete diplomatic ties established. Afterward, there was an increase in the

Given the shared worries about religious extremism, relations between the two countries

international terrorism

Iraq Crisis: In the 1970s and 1980s, India and Iraq developed close political and economic ties. Both, Iraq in 1972 and India in 1971, signed Friendship Treaties with the former Soviet Union. At one point, Iraq supplied 30% of India's oil requirements and was home to 90,000 Indian workers. It was the only Arab nation to constantly back India's stance on Kashmir. Indian companies received some of the largest contracts in the nation.

Iran : Iran has been the country closest to India historically, culturally, and geographically among the nations in West Asia. During the Shah's reign, India and Iran had cordial relations, which weakened following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In the nineteen nineties, India and Iran have made efforts to create a multifaceted relationship.

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YearsJune 2018 to December 2022
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MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In English Medium

MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In English Medium , MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , MPSE 001 Assignment 2022 , FREE MPSE 001 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN PSYCHOLOGY (MPS) for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.

MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : for college kids – MPSE 001 INDIA AND THE WORLD Solved Assignment 2021-22 , Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

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IGNOU MPSE 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In English Medium : Gandhi National Open University had recently updated this session of 2021-22 MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (MPS) assignments on their official university website. we’ve made your work easy by making the solved assignments directly on one portal so as that students can easily get the solved assignments in one go. Students are advised to download their MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (MPS)   IGNOU Assignments from this webpage itself with none hassle.

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MPSE-001 India and the World Solved Assignment IGNOU 2022-23

mpse 001 solved assignment 2021 22

All the students of Indira Gandhi National Open University or IGNOU who are pursuing Master Degree Programme or Master of Arts (MA) and have selected Political Science Subject as Specialization Course (Course Code: MPSE-001) in India and the World as their course, have to submit IGNOU MPSE-001 solved assignment for the batch 2022-23 in English or Hindi medium.

These solved IGNOU assignments are valid for candidates who are going to appear in the June, 2023 and December, 2023 IGNOU examination. These solved assignments are created by our team of IGNOU experts who are always ready to help you out with your IGNOU assignments and exams. The university uploads the assignment questions once a year for both sessions and hence  you can get the solved assignments anytime from our website.

Important Note: It should be noted that the students should submit the assignment at their study center chosen during filling up the IGNOU admission form. The details of MPSE-001 India and the World Solved Assignment IGNOU 2022-23 are given below:

  • Programme Name:  Master Degree Programme or Master of Arts
  • Course Code: MPSE-001
  • Assignment code: MPSE-001/AST/TMA/2022-23
  • Validity of Assignment:  These assignments will remain valid for JUNE, 2023 & DECEMBER, 2023 IGNOU Examinations

Assignments carry a significant weightage in the final evaluation. The IGNOU university gives 30% weightage to these assignments. So, these are to be submitted on time. This means that 30% of the total marks obtained by the students in the assignments will be added to the total marks of the course. Therefore, total marks for any course will be a combination of theory and assignment marks i.e.,  70% and 30% respectively.

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MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22

Mpse 004 social and political thought in modern india solved assignment 2021-22.

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MPSE 003 Solved Assignment 2021-22

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MGPE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22

MGPE 013 Solved Assignment 2021-22


Tutor Marked Assignment

Course Code: MPSE-004

Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/2021-22

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1. Discuss the nature of state and sovereignty in medieval India.

The nature of State in Medieval India has been a subject of great controversy amongst the scholar. Scholars like Dr. R.P. Ashraf, Dr. Ishwari Prasad, Prof. A.L. Srivastava, etc. hold that the Muslim state in Medieval India was theocracy. For example Dr. R.P. Tripathi says, “All the institutions that the Muslims either evolved or adopted were intended to sub-serve the law.”

Similarly Dr. Ishwari Parsad says that like other Muslim states, the state in Medieval India was a theocracy. The king was both Caesar as well as Pope. But, his authority was restricted by the principles of Shariat. His rule was based on religion and the Ulemas predomi­nated the State.

However, certain other writers like Dr. I.H. Qureshi holds, “The supremacy of the shar” has misled some into thinking that the Sultanate was a theocracy. The essential feature of a theocracy— the rule of an ordained priesthood—is however, missing in the orga­nisation of Muslim state; the jurists are laymen who claim no sacer­dotal immunity from error. Gibb is right in calling the Islamic policy theocentric. Even Mohammad Habib says, “It (Muslim state in India) was not a theocratic state in any sense of the word” and that “its foundation was, nevertheless, non-religious and secular.”

In view of the two conflicting views offered by the scholars regarding the nature of the state in Medieval India, it becomes imperative to examine this issue more thoroughly. First of all, we must try to find out what is meant by theocracy. Only then we will be able to arrive at some conclusion regarding the nature of state in Medieval India.

The term theocracy is derived from the Greek word theos, meaning God. Therefore, a theocratic state is one which is governed by God or sacerdotal class.

In the first place, we can agree with Dr. Qureshi that there was no ordained or hereditary priesthood in Medieval India which is the essential feature of a theocracy. The Jurists were laymen who claimed no sacerdotal immunity from error and certain laymen like lbn Battuta acted as Qazi of Delhi during Muhammad bin Tughlaq.

However, the appointment of lbn Battuta was a unique case. It cannot be denied that mostly the Jurists were taken from class of Ulemas.

These Ulemas were orthodox and wielded great influence with the Sultan. Even Dr. Yusuf Husain has testified that these Ulemas were orthodox and were given education in Madrasas. This education had a distinct religious voice. The Jurists and advisers of the Sultans and kings were appointed from amongst these Ulemas and they interpreted the Shara (Islamic law).

According to lbn Hasan, “The protection of Shariat has two aspects: The propagation of the knowledge of Shara and its enforcement as law within the state The one implies the mainte­nance of a class of scholars devoted to the study, the teaching and the propagation of that knowledge, and the other the appointment of one Prom those scholars…as an adviser to the king in ail acts of state. The scholars devoted to that knowledge are called Ulema and the one selected from among them is termed Shaikh-ul-Islam”

2. Write an essay on nationalism and colonial modernity.

3. Examine the modes of reformist thought in early 19th century India.

4. Elaborate upon the ideas of Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya on nationalism.

5. Describe the importance of the extremist ideology in the nationalist movement.


Write a short note on the following in about 250 words each:

6. a) Swami Vivekananda on social change

b) Sri Aurobindo on passive resistance

7. a) V.D. Savarkar on Hindu nation and Indian state

b) M.S. Golwarkar on social organisation

8. a) Maulana Maududi’s views on nationalism

b) Jaipal Singh as a champion of Adivasi identity

9. a) Gandhi’s views on relationship between religion and politics

b) Jawaharlal Nehru’s theory of nature

10. a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on reason and rights

b) Rabindranath Tagore’s differences with Gandhi

Dear Students,

MEC Solved Assignment As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible to appear in the Term-End Examination, it is compulsory for you to submit the assignments as per the schedule. Before attempting the assignments, you should carefully read the instructions given in the Programme Guide. These assignments are valid for two admission cycles (January 2021 and July 2021). The validity is given below:

1. Those who are enrolled in January 2021, it is valid upto December 2021.

2. Those who are enrolled in July 2021, it is valid upto June 2022.

In case you are planning to appear in June Term-End Examination, you must submit the assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre latest by 15th March, and if you are planning to appear in December Term-End Examination, you must submit them latest by 15th September

IGNOU Assignment Status 2020-21

MPSE 004 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN MODERN INDIA Solved Assignment 2021-22: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.

Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status 2020, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.

MPSE 004  Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

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Coroner offers new details about fatal slaying of 4 U of Idaho students after preliminary autopsies

The local coroner is offering more details about the brutal slaying of four college students in Moscow, Idaho, early Nov. 13.

The autopsies for Madison Mogen, 21, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20, were completed Nov. 16, Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt said.

In an interview with NBC News Nov. 17, Mabbutt said the autopsy gave a clearer picture of what time the four were killed, their “extensive” wounds, and what the murder weapon was.

"It would have been early in the morning, sometime after 2 a.m., but still during the night," Mabbutt said, adding that there wasn't a medical way to determine who was attacked first, but investigators are "trying to put timelines together with other text messages and other technology."

She said that the murder weapon "would have been a bigger knife" to be consistent with their "pretty extensive" wounds.

(Left) Ethan Chapin, 20, and Xana Kernodle, 20. (Right) Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen, both 21.

Mabbutt said that the victims showed "little bit of bruising" but "nothing significant." She added that some bruising "wouldn't be uncommon during a stabbing."

Mabbutt couldn't say how many times each victim was stabbed but said it was safe to say each of them had multiple wounds. She declined to say where on the body they were stabbed and later clarified that the victims were stabbed in different places and a different amount of times.

Mabbutt said it was likely the four had bled out in the home.

She said DNA samples have been taken from the scene and are being processed. When pressed, she said it was "possible" that some of the DNA being tested may not be of the four victims.

"There were nail clippings that were taken, and other ones that are being sent off, and so that will be processed," she said.

They are awaiting final autopsy results, which will not be available for another four to six weeks, pending toxicology. Mabbutt said in this case, the toxicology reports likely wouldn't be important to the investigation.

She added that the autopsies were completed by Spokane Medical Examiners Office — located in Spokane, Washington, about 90 minutes northwest of Moscow — but she responded to the scene a few hours after police were called.

"It’s pretty traumatic when there’s four dead college students ... who’ve been stabbed to death in one location," she said, adding that there was “quite a bit” of blood at the scene.

"I’ve been coroner for 16 years... we have had multiple (victim) murders in the past, but nothing, nothing like this," she said.

Police said that they did not have any suspects and were still looking for whoever was responsible for the deaths of the four friends.

“We cannot say that there is no threat to the community,” Moscow Police Chief James Fry said at a press conference on Nov. 16. “There is a threat out there, possibly.”

“We do not have a suspect at this time, and that individual is still out there,” he added. “We cannot say there is no threat to the community.”

Fry said that two additional roommates had been home at the time of the killings but they were not considered witnesses and are actively cooperating with the investigation. He said the 911 call came in at noon on Sunday morning — hours after authorities believe the four were killed.

The morning of Nov. 17, Latah County Prosecuting Attorney Bill Thompson told TODAY that it "certainly is possible" there could be more than one suspect in the case.

“The fact of the matter is whoever’s responsible for these murders is still at large,” he said. “The investigators do not know who that person is.”

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Sam Kubota is a senior digital editor and journalist for TODAY Digital based in Los Angeles. She joined NBC News in 2019.

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"Martin Cruz Smith knows his Russia. Every page reeks of Moscow: dirty snow, the stink of cigarette and vodka fumes, the cynicism and tasteless opulence of the mafia, the all-pervasive corruption."

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    ‘Leningrad Station was a Venetian palace, Kazansky Station was an Oriental mosque and Yaroslavl Station wore a clown's face and cap. The night revealed a population that the daytime bustle had obscured: pickpockets, flyboys handing out directions to strip clubs and slot arcades, gangs of street kids looking for the wounded, the slow, the easy mark. Men with vague intentions idled in small groups, beers in hand, watching prostitutes grind by. The women walked with a predatory eye and looked as likely to eat their clients as have sex with them.’

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    "The sustained success of Smith's Renko books is based on much more than Renko. This author's gift for tart, succinct description creates a poisonous political backdrop, one that makes his characters survival skills as important as any of their other attributes.

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Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin

Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin

Reviewed by maria lipman, by james rodgers.

Rodgers, a British journalist who has worked in Russia at various times since the 1990s, writes about the plight of the English-speaking correspondents who have covered Russia, going all the way back to the Russian Revolution in 1917. That their task was not easy is hardly surprising, yet Rodgers repeatedly emphasizes the difficulties they faced (the word “difficult” is used to describe their job at least two dozen times): strict censorship (foreign journalists were forced to clear their dispatches with Soviet authorities until 1961), travel restrictions, limited access to senior officials and ordinary people alike, and the government’s suspicion that Anglo-American correspondents were spies in disguise. Even Rodgers’s discussion of the American journalist Hedrick Smith—who, despite the restrictions, famously managed to produce exceptionally rich and insightful coverage of the Soviet Union and its people in the 1970s—is reduced to Smith’s reflections on how difficult his work was. Rodgers’s narrative rests on an enormous number of articles in Anglo-American media, books by and about journalists, and his own interviews with many Moscow correspondents. He quotes some of them as saying that journalists knew and understood Russia better than diplomats or policymakers did. This may or may not be true. Unfortunately, Rodgers doesn’t give the diplomats and policymakers a chance to respond.

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More from Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Republics

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    MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN MODERN INDIA (MPSE-004) Tutor Marked Assignment. Course Code: MPSE-004. Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/2021-22. Marks: 100. Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.

  17. Coroner offers new details about fatal slaying of 4 U of Idaho ...

    Four college students were found dead in a home in Moscow, Idaho, on Nov. 13. The coroner said the autopsies revealed their wounds, time of death, and possible murder weapon, but no suspects or ...

  18. The Siberian Dilemma

    The Siberian Dilemma. Journalist Tatiana Petrovna is on the move. Arkady Renko, iconic Moscow investigator and Tatiana's part-time lover, hasn't seen her since she left on assignment over a month ago. When she doesn't arrive on her scheduled train, he's positive something is wrong. No one else thinks Renko should be worried—Tatiana is ...

  19. A Review of "Assignment Moscow" by James Rodgers| Foreign Affairs

    Reviewed by Maria Lipman. Rodgers, a British journalist who has worked in Russia at various times since the 1990s, writes about the plight of the English-speaking correspondents who have covered Russia, going all the way back to the Russian Revolution in 1917. That their task was not easy is hardly surprising, yet Rodgers repeatedly emphasizes ...

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    Learn about the MBBS, dentistry and pharmacy programs offered by FMSMU, a leading medical university in Russia. Find out how to apply, tuition fees, admission requirements and more.