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Lesson note jss 2 first term computer studies week 1, introduction to lesson note jss 2 first term computer studies week 1.

I wrote this Lesson Note JSS 2 First Term Computer Studies Week 1 based on the newly revised Nigerian 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum (UBE Edition) . Particularly, I used the New Junior Secondary School Teaching Schemes of Work. The various state ministry of education and the Education Resource Centre, Abuja developed the teaching schemes between 2014 and 2016. Click here to download the most recent schemes of work for Pre-primary through Senior Secondary Schools. These schemes are the same for the 36 states of the federation and the FCT. Hence, this lesson note is suitable for use in any Nigerian school that adopts the National Curriculum .

Complete Lesson Objectives

As with the rest of our notes, the primary focus of this lesson note is to present an enriched content for the topic. This lesson notes, also like the rest, provide guide for teachers on how to deliver the content to attain the topic objectives. In this regard, I adopt the subject-specific modern teaching style in the FTS manual.

 Unlike most lesson notes which focuses majorly on cognition, I brought out and set objectives to cover other domains of education – affective and psychomotor. This is to ensure a balanced learning experience for the learners.

Leading Guide to Adapting this Lesson Note

I wrote this lesson note in outline of standard lesson plans. However, I advise teachers that want to use this note for official purpose – i.e. to create their lesson plans which they will submit to their supervisors – to get our Lesson Plan Template. The layout of the template makes it easy for teachers to write a professional lesson plan and easily.

REMARK : If you find the terms lesson plan and lesson notes confusing, click here to quickly read myarticle on their differences.

Lesson Note JSS 2 First Term Computer Studies Week 1

Term: First

Subject: Basic Science and Technology (BST) – Computer Studies/Information Technology

Topic: Definition of Operating System

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following:

  • Define system software
  • State the categories of system software
  • Define Operating System (OS)
  • Draw PC system layer to illustrate computer system design
  • Appreciate the need for coordination/management

Previous Knowledge

From the previous term in JSS 1, the students should be able to define computer software and mention the types of computer software.

Instructional & Reference Materials

  • Chalk/marker and chalkboard/whiteboard
  • Projector/smart screen
  • Diagram of PC system layers
  • Categorization of computer (system) software chart
  • Model or chart of computer motherboard, ROM chip, RAM, Adapter card, flash disk, floppy disk, CD/DVD ROM, Hard disk
  • Chart of the components of computer system
  • Computer system with a new peripheral whose driver has not been installed
  • Education Resource Centre (ERC). (2014). FCT Nursery Teaching Scheme. Abuja: Education Resource Centre.
  • Kano Education Resource Department. (2016). Pre-Primary Schemes of work. Kano : Kano Education Resource Department ( KERD ).
  • Lagos State Ministry of Education. (2016). Early Childhood Care Education Scheme (Mathematics). Lagos : Lagos State Ministry of Education.
  • Folorunso, O., Aduroja O, & Elueze I. (2012). Melrose Computer Studies for Junior Secondary Schools 1. Sango-Ota, Ogun State: Melrose Books & Publishing Limited.
  • Otuka, J., Akande, A., & Iginla, S. (2013). New Computer Studies. Ikeja, Lagos: Learn Africa .


The teacher delivers the lesson note JSS 2 First Term Computer Studies Week 1 as in the following steps:


The teacher uses one of the ways to capture and retain learners’ attention to introduce the topic. Here are some suggestions:

Display the least common among the instructional materials in (c) above . Then ask the students to identify it. They should also guess what they think you will use it for in the class.

At the end of the students’ attempts, explain that they will be able to use computer better if they know more of its parts. You may add that none may become a true expert of s/he does not have as much technical knowledge as possible.

Afterwards, you reveal that as they advance their level of expertise with computer – by the reason of their Computer Studies, they shall identify all of the components the teacher has displayed. Forth, the teacher writes/projects the topic on the board/screen; then s/he gives an overview of the lesson objectives .

Display the chart and ask if any student is able to interpret it.

At the end of the students’ attempts, the teacher explains that they had learned the meaning and types of computer software in their previous class (JSS1); and that the chart is a representation of advanced knowledge of computer software. The teacher further explains that they shall use the chart to better understand computer software. Hence, s/he concludes that by the end of the lesson; they should have attained the targets in the lesson objectives .

Ø  Oppose the motion that organizations need management to function properly. Then let the students argue with reasons.

At the end of the ensuing discussion, the teacher explains that the inventors of computer system modelled it after real organizations – comprising of different entities working together to achieve assigned tasks. Therefore, computer requires manager just like organizations.

In conclusion, the teacher reveals that they shall in the week’s lesson learn the component of the computer system that serves as the manager – as well as how it goes about its managerial duties. Thence, the teacher gives overview of the lesson objectives.

Before the teacher continues with the lesson, s/he revises the meaning and computer system. And also, the meaning and types of computer software. I present summary of these as follows. I precede each point of note with task(s) & question (s) which the teacher may use to engage the students.

Computer as a System

Discussion: Why do we refer to computer as system?


We often refer to computer as a system. This is because it has many parts that work together to successfully perform an operation – such as playing video which requires the screen, keyboard or mouse, media player (video-playing software) and speakers.

Generally, system means a set of connected things that work together to accomplish a task.

Teacher should give examples of system: fan – made up of blades, switch, wire, stand, etc.; car – made up of tires, seats, steering, gear, brake, throttle, etc.

Demand students to give more examples of systems and the parts.

Components of computer system

After identifying computer as a system, the teacher lists the components of computer system.

First, s/he asks the students to mention the many parts of computer that work together for the computer to successfully perform an operation. The students may mention parts like the keyboard, monitor, mouse, system unit, etc.

Thereafter, s/he explains that we categorize the many parts of computer that work together for the computer to successfully perform operations into three broad groups. Then, the teacher displays chart of the component of computer system and explains that the three key components include:

Succeeding this, the teacher reminds the students that they had learned the basic things about these components in their junior classes – starting from primary school.

S/he furthers that as they go to higher classes, they learn about these components even in more details. Then, s/he concludes the reminder that they started with computer software in the previous class – when they learned the meaning and types of computer software.

Meaning of Computer Software

Proceeding, the teacher asks if any student is able to remind the class the meaning of computer software.

Following the resultant discussion, the teacher writes/projects the definition of computer software; then s/he explains to the students:

Computer software is a set of complete instructions that tells computer what to do and how to do it.


A set – means many related set of instructions; not just one. The instructions include command/order and procedure. Each complete set of instructions is called Computer Program . This means software a set of computer programs that perform some operations. For example, assuming there is a computer (robot) that is able to cook noodles; then the noodles preparation software will contain the following instructions:

  • Robot switch on
  • Robot stand
  • Walk to the kitchen
  • Fetch 1 cup of water
  • Pour the 1 cup of water into the pot
  • Switch on the stove
  • Put the pot on the stove
  • Let it warm
  • Pick a sachet of noodles
  • Open up the sachet
  • Put the noodle inside the pot and cover it
  • Throw the leather pack away
  • Check if the pot of noodle is boiling
  • Pour the spice inside the pot of noodle
  • Cover it and wait for 2 minutes
  • Switch off the stove
  • Pick a plate
  • Turn the noodles into the plate
  • Take it to the dining table
  • Keep is it on the table
  • Go back to your resting place
  • Robot switch off
  • If no, cover the pot
  • Wait for 2 minutes then jump to step 14

Note: There will be program for telling the robot how to stand. Another complete set of instructions will tell the robot how to walk; then pick object such as pot and sachet of noodle, throw leather pack away, check if something is boiling; etc. This is because ordinarily, robot is not human that can think. So, programmers have to explicitly tell robot how to perform every operation they want it to perform.

More than that

The above example shows the least clue of how computer software looks like. There is complete set of instructions for every operation that a given computer or computer device is able to perform. There is a complete set of instructions for playing music; playing video; snapping picture; recording audio/video; every game; playing radio; sending message; etc. Similarly, every computing device has complete instructions for all the operations it is able to perform. For example, a game console has complete set of instructions for all the operations you can perform with it – such as moving players; shooting; selecting; etc. Keyboard has complete set of instructions for every operation that one is able to perform with it – typing; scrolling; navigating; etc.

Where is computer software stored? Can we see and change computer software?

We call those that write instructions for computer as computer programmers . Although computer programmers write computer software using letters, numbers and symbols that we can see; it is not possible to touch the individual letters, numbers and symbols with our hands.

When the programmer has finished writing the instructions and has packaged it for use; it is also not possible to read them with physical eyes except when we open it on a computer. However, even when we open software instructions with computer; only a computer programmer can change it. This is because programmers do not write software instructions in plain human language. Instead, they use special computer language which we call programming language . For this reason, we also call software instructions as codes and

Where Software is stored in Computer

With the above explanation, the teacher shows the students the computer system s/he has. Then reminds them the operations s/he is able to perform with the computer. After that, the teacher also reminds the students that s/he is able to perform the operations because the software – or complete set of instructions – is already stored in the computer.

Subsequently, the teacher asks the students where they think all the software is stored inside the computer.

Succeeding the discussion that will follow, the teacher teaches that we store or save software in the computer storage devices including Floppy disk, CD/DVD ROM and Hard disk – the teacher shows these to the students.

When someone does not already have a particular software in his/her computer; and s/he is saving it for the first time so that s/he can use it; then we say the person is installing the software on his/her computer.

Types of computer software

In the last part of the revision, the teacher explains that there are obviously several kinds of computer software – because there are several operations that computer can perform and there are also several kinds of computing devices.  This is because each operation and each computing device has different software.

In furtherance,

the teacher explains that we divide the many kinds of computer software into two. Then, s/he asks who among the students is able to remember to remind the class the two types of computer software.

In the end, s/he mentions, writes/projects the list on the board/screen and then explains thoroughly. The two major types of computer software are:

  • System Software; and
  • Application software.

The teacher concludes the revision with brief explanation of system and application software as follows:

System software consist of a set of programs that control and manage the operations of computer hardware.

Application software is a type computer software that users (people) use to work, learn, plan, entertain and to communicate. Application software is designed for a particular kind of task. The teacher presents a simple difference between system software and application software thus:


System software is software that the computer (system) use to function. While application software is the software that people use to perform tasks on a computer.

Finally, the teacher notes that they shall learn about the types of computer software more in subsequent lessons – beginning with system software in this.

Stage Evaluation

Upon completing the revision above, the teacher accesses the students’ understanding by asking the following questions – orally, as quiz, or classwork.

  • Why is computer often referred to as system?
  • Mention the components of computer system?
  • What is computer software?
  • Professionals that writes computer software are called __________
  • Computer software instructions are written in plain human language that everyone understands and are able to understand. True/False
  • Within the computer, software is stored in the _________________, __________________, and ________________
  • Installing software means ______________________________________________
  • The types of computer software ____________________ and ___________________
  • _______________ software controls and manage computer hardware; while _________ is used by man to solve his problems.

System Software

Once the teacher has ascertained the understanding of the students; s/he continues the lesson by initiating a discussion. To do this, the teacher reminds the students that man uses application software; but computer uses system software by itself. S/he adds that examples of the application software that man uses include games, word processing software to type and graphic software to design.

Then the teacher asks, but what are the system software that computer use? And is computer invented for itself, why does computer need system software?

To be continued…

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lesson note on computer problem solving skills for jss2

Erudites Academy

JSS2 First Term Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) Lesson Note – Computer Problem Solving Skill

by Sunday | Nov 1 | Lesson Notes | 0 comments

lesson note on computer problem solving skills for jss2

The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for JSS2 First Term Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) Lesson Note – Computer Problem Solving Skill. Check below to download the complete DOCUMENT

WEEK 8                                


Meaning of computer program

A computer program is a set of instructions that directs a computer to perform tasks.

Programming Language

A programming language is a set of words, symbols and codes that enables a programmer to communicate instructions to a computer.

A programmer is someone who writes and modifies computer programs.

Programming is the act of writing instructions for computer to perform a specific task.


There are a number of programming languages existing today. Each language has its own rule for writing the instructions. Programming languages are designed for specific purposes, such as scientific applications, business solutions or web page development.

Programmers must decide which programming languages and tools to use when they write programs.


  • Machine language
  • Low level language
  • High level language

Machine Language

A language in which the computer performs the instructions immediately without any further translation is called machine language. The machine language is the computer primary language. It is the only language that the computer understands and does not require interpretation. It is usually written in binary digits (0’s and 1’s). Machine language is referred to as the first-generation programming language because it was the earliest computer programming language.

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Computer Science Lesson Note

Complete JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Notes and Plans

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  • Thorough, Well-Organized, and Detailed Notes
  • Fully Compliant with NERDC Curriculum
  • Includes Schemes of Work for all terms

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These lesson notes/lesson plans cover the following topics for JSS2 First, Second and Third Term Computer Science:



1. Revision of first terms work

2. Programming Language: (a) Meaning of computer program    (b) Computer Programming Language   i. Meaning   ii. Examples  (Logo, BASIC, etc)

3 & 4 BASIC:   (a) Basic Language:  i. Meaning of BASIC    ii. BASIC character set

(b) Key BASIC Statement:   i. Line number  ii. Remark (REM)    iii. Assignment (LET, INPUT, DATA).   iv. Output Statement    v. Print     vi. Program Terminator (END, STOP)   (c) Simple BASIC Statements.

5&6   Graphic Packages 1:   (a) Meaning of graphic package    (b) Examples of graphic package: paint, Corel Draw, Instant Artist, Harvard graphics, Photo shops, log graphic etc    (c) Features of graphic packages: Tool bar, Menu bar, Printable area, Colour Palette. etc.

7&8   Graphic packages II:     The Paint:  (i) The Paint Environment – identification of features of the paint environment.     (ii) Paint tools and their functions

9. Graphic Packages II: (iii) Using Paint to draw and colour simple objects. (Practical work)

10. Revision

11. Examination

  • Internet Browser
  • Benefits of using the Internet
  • Abuse of the Internet
  • Computer Network
  • Data Communication
  • Computer Ethics
  • Ways of misusing the Computer System
  • Safety Measures I
  • Safety Measures II

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Your classroom in a blink, js2 computer studies scheme of work for first, second and third term.


NOTE : this scheme contains week, topic, performance objective, content, teacher/learners activities as well as teaching and learning resources.

Week 1: Computer software Objective : Students should be able to: 1. define software; 2. State the types of software 3. give examples of each type of computer software Content : 1. Definition of software 2. Types and examples of software: – system software (Operating system) – Application software (word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, etc) Teacher : Guides student to: – describe computer software – identify different types of computer software, – Give examples of each type of software, Students : Boot the computer and identify types of software in the system Learning Resources : Charts, Computer system with appropriate software

Week 2. Operating System I Objective : Students should be able to: – define operating systems Contents : – Definition of an operating system (OS). Teacher : Leads students to define operating system Students to: define an operating system, Participate in class discussions Resources : Computer installed with operating system

Week 3. Operating System II Students should be able to: – give examples of operating system Contents : Examples of operating systems (DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix) Teacher : Guides the students to: – give examples of common operating system in use. Students : – State the functions of an operating system, Copy the board summary into their notebooks Resources : Interactive CD Tutorial on functions of computer operating system

Week 4. Operating System III Objective : Students should be able to: State the functions of an operating system Contents : Functions of operating systems: (Resource allocation, monitoring, utilities Teacher : Write notes on the chalkboard Students : Copy the board Summary into their notebooks Resources : Charts

Week 5. Units of storage in computer Objective : Students should be able to: 1. state the various units of storage and their values 2. convert from one unit to another; 3. differentiate between kilometer, kilogram and kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte Content : Units of storage: – Nibble – Byte – Kilobyte – Megabyte – Gigabyte, etc.

Teacher : Guides student to state the units of storage and their values, Lead student to convert from one unit to another, Leads student to differentiate between kilometer, kilogram, kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte. Students : Convent from one unit to another, Differentiate between kilometer, kilogram, kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte Resources : Charts of conversion table, Flash drives

Week 6. Computer problem solving skills Objective : Students should be able to: 1. identify a computer program; 2. define a computer programming language 3. give examples of computer programming languages Contents : Computer programmes – meaning – examples (Logo BASIC, etc) Teacher : Guides student to identify a computer program, Leads students to define and give examples of programming language Students : Define computer program, Give examples of computer programming language. Resources : Samples of written programs in different computer language

Week 7. Basic Programme I Objective : Students should be able to: state the meaning of the acronym BASIC Contents : -BASIC language: – meaning -BASIC character set Teacher : Guides student to state the meaning of BASIC. Students: State the meaning of BASIC Resources : Computer system, Interactive instruction

Week 8. Basic Programme II Objective : Students should be able to: – list key statements of BASIC I Contents : Key BASIC statement I e.g. – live number – Remark (Rem) – Assignments (Let, input and data) Teacher : Leads student to list BASIC statements Students : List the BASIC statements Resources : Interactive instruction

Week 9. Basic Programme III Objective : Students should be able to: – describe key BASIC statement II Contents : Key BASIC statement II e.g. – output statement – print – program terminator Laud, stop. Teacher : Guide the student to describe key BASIC statement. Students : Describe key BASIC statement Resources : Interactive instruction

Week 10. Basic Programme IV Objective : Students should be able to: – write a simple BASIC program Content : Simple BASIC statements Teacher : Guides the student to write and run simple BASIC Program Students : Practice writing and running simple BASIC program Resources : Sample of BASIC Program 11&12. REVISION / EXAMINATION


Week 1. Computer ethics I Objective : Students should be able to: list responsible ways of using computer and internet Content : Responsible use of computers and internet – Avoiding liquid dropping into the system – Using dust cover – Protection from power problem – Unplugging the system when not in use for long – Check our e- mail regularly – Give prompt and polite response to mails Teacher : Guides the students to identify responsible ways of using – computer – internet Students : Participate in class discussion, Make use of computers and internet Resources : Computer laboratory with internet facilities

Week 2. Computer ethics II Objective : Students should be able to: – identify ways of misusing the computer and internet Content: Abuse/misuse of computer Teacher : 1. Leads students to identify ways of misusing the computer, Write notes on the board Students : Participate in class discussions, Copy the board summary into their notebooks. Resources : Pictures/charts of an ideal computer room/laboratory with internet facilities.

Week 3. Safety measures

Students should be able to: – state safety measures that need to be taken when using computer Content : Safety measures: The sitting posture Using the anti-glare protector – positioning of monitor base – illuminating the computer room – Maintaining dust-free environment – keep liquids away from computer Teacher : Guides the students to list the safety measures that need to be taken when using computer Students: Participate in class discussion Resources : Pictures, Charts

Week 4. Graphic Packages Objective : Students should be able to: – describe graphic packages Content : Meaning of graphic packages Teacher : Explain graphic packages Students : Listen to teachers explanation Resources : Computer system with graphic packages installed

Week 5. Graphic Packages Objective : Students should be able to – list different types of computer graphic packages Contents : Examples of graphic packages: paint, corel draw, instant artist, etc. Teacher : Leads student to identify different types of graphic packages Students : List different types of graphic packages Resources : Computer system with graphic packages installed

Week 6. Graphic Packages Objective : Students should be able to: – state the general features of graphic packages Content : Features: Tool, bar, menu bar, printable area, colour palette, etc. Teacher : Guides student to describe the features of graphics packages Students : 1. Participate in class discussion, 2. copy the board summary into their notebooks Resources : Computer system with graphic packages installed.

Week 7. Paint environment Objective : Students should be able to: 1. identify the features of the paint environment 2. list the paint tools, explain the functions of the various tools; use paint to draw and colour simple objects Contents : 1. The paint, paint environment 2. Paint tools and their functions Teacher : 1. Explains the functions of the various tools. 2. Guides students to draw and colour simple objects using paint Students : . Identify and describe paint environment, 2. Draw and colour simple objects such as the National flag using paint package Resources : Computer systems with graphic packages installed (e.g. paint, instant artist, photo paint, etc.)

Week 8. IT as a Transformation Tool I Objective : Students should be able to: – state what IT stands for. Content : Meaning of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Teacher : Provide pictures/charts of ICT gadgets, Explain the meaning of ICT Students : Observe the pictures/charts displayed Resources : 1. ICT gadgets, 2. Pictures, 3. Charts

Week 9. IT as a Transformation Tool II Objective : Students should be able to: – list ICT gadgets Content: Examples of ICT gadgets: – computers – Telephone (GSM) – Cellular networks – Satellite communication – Television – Internet Teacher : Leads students to identify ICT gadgets Students : Identify ICT gadget Resources : 1. Pictures/charts of multimedia communication

Week 10. Practical Objective : Students should be able to: 1. create a file using word processing. 2. save a file Content : 1. Creating files with word processing 2. Save a file Teacher :. Guides students to create a file using word processing, Save a file Students : Create file, 2. Save file 11& 12 REVISION / EXAMINATION

Third Term Loading ……….

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Computer Problem Solving Skills

Topic: computer problem solving skills, class: jss two.

Concept of Computer Program and Programming Language If you want a computer to solve a given problem, you need a computer program. A computer program is a sequence of related instructions (commands) that tell the computer how to accomplish a specific task. A program can also be defined as a set of instructions that is executed by the CPU. Programming Programming is the act of writing a computer program. Computer programs are written by trained and qualified people called programmers.

Computer Programming Language A computer programming language is the language used to write instructions (commands) for the computer. Programming language is a means through which a programmer communicates with the computer in solving different categories of problems. It consists of a set of rules governing how the words in the language should be written (syntax) and the meaning associated with each word (semantic). Types of Programming Language Computer language falls into three broad categories 1. Machine Language 2. Low-Level Language (Assembly language) 3. High-Level Language (HLL}

Machine Language This was the first generation programming language. A computer will only understand one language, which is machine language. There are two symbols in machine language; these are 1 and 0 generally called binary digits or bits. Machine language has many disadvantages 1. It requires the programmer to remember the numeric code of each instruction and the location of each data in binary form. 2. Also, machine language is machine dependent; that is to say that different machines have different language formats.

High Level Language These are programming languages that allow for the program to be written in forms that are readable to human beings. High-level languages are developed to overcome the limitations of machine and assembly languages. In high-level structure, a program is written in forms that resemble the statement of the given problem in English. High-level language can run on a different machine provided appropriate translators are installed. Examples of popular high-level language are: BASIC: Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code COBOL: COmmon Business Oriented Language FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation ADA: Named after Ada Augusta APL: A Programming Language RPG: Report Program Generator PL1: Programming Language 1 dBASE: Data Base LISP: List Processor PASCAL JAVA C++

Programming tools and Technique Many tools and techniques aid in writing good computer programs, two of which are algorithms and flowcharts. Algorithm This is an outline step needed to solve a problem. Thus an algorithm should be clear, effective, and unambiguous. In addition, an algorithm should have input should produce output. Solution Compute the area and circumference of a cycle given the diameter d. Use the formular A= πr^2 and C= 2πr Solution Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the diameter d Step 3: Compute r=(d/2) Step 4: Compute A= π*r^2 Step 5: Compute C= 2*π*r Step 6: Displays the result Step 7: Stop

Example 2 Write out an algorithm to prepare a pounded yam Solution Step 1: Start Step 2: Get the yams Step 3: peel the yams and slice them into smaller pieces Step 4: Rinse the yam and put them into a clean pot Step 5: Add some water Step 6: Boil the yam for 35 to 40 minutes Step 7: Pound the yam until there are no lumps Step 8: Dish out the pounded yam Step 9: Serve it with an appropriate soup Step 10: Stop

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lesson note on computer problem solving skills for jss2

Computer Studies Scheme of Work for JSS2 Second Term

Scheme of work.

Week One: Revision

Week Two: Basic Language

Week Three: Simple Basic Statement

Week Four: Graphic Packages 1

Week Five: Features of Graphic Package

Week Six: Graphic Packages 2

Week Seven: ICT as a transformational tool

Week Eight: Benefits of ICT Gadgets

Week Nine: ICT Gadgets

Week Ten: ICT Gadgets

Week Eleven: Revision

Week Twelve: Examination

Below are the 2022 complete JSS2  Second Term Computer Science Lesson Note 

Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note


This week, we would be doing a revision of all that we learned in the previous term.

A computer language is a special language understood by a computer. It consists of various

commands that we give to the computer to do any work.

A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing

a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. The term programming

language usually refers to high-level languages, such

as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal.

Each programming language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a

special syntax for organizing program instructions. To learn more, click here.

We will write your first BASIC program. In it, you will see examples of PRINT, CLS,

and END commands. Their roles in the program may or may not be apparent at the time, but,

as they’re so vital to the BASIC language, they will be discussed here.

Program Example

20 PRINT " Helloooooooooooooo, world!"

30 PRINT "I’m learning about commands in BASIC."

40 PRINT "This text is being printed via the PRINT command."  To learn more, click  here.

A graphics package is application software that enables a computer user to create images and

graphics. With graphic packages, book cover, magazines, logos e.t.c can be

created. A graphics package is an application that can be used to create and manipulate

images on a computer. There are two main types of graphics package: painting packages.

drawing packages.


Painting Packages

 A painting package produces images by changing the colour of pixels on the screen.

 These are coded as a pattern of bits to create a bit-mapped graphics file.

 Bit-mapped graphics are used for images such as scanned photographs or pictures taken

with a digital camera.  To learn more, click  here.

Vector-mapped software is ideal for drawings, charts, graphs, and diagrams.It creates an

image by defining line, position, shape, and fill pattern. You plot or vector a series of points to

define a shape.

This shape is calculated into a mathematical formula called an algorithm. Image

manipulation and editing is automatically calculated by the computer when you

change parameters, making modifications easy and fast. The use of a vector-based program

requires preplanning and more computer savvy than a bitmapped program.  To learn more, click  here.

A Graphics package may not be as detailed as you think. It can be a simple paint

package, which has features of shading, drawing line diagrams and many other

simple but effective features. These packages can be an alternative to

complicated DTP packages. As it is very difficult to draw with the mouse, many

people scan the drawings on the computer and now there are software packages,

which do not use a mouse.

New equipment is used by professionals so that they can get pictures from a variety

of places. A video grabber lets you get pictures from the television or a video

camera and you then can alter it on your computer. A digital camera is also very

popular as you can take pictures and then put them on your PC and alter them. This

also means that you do not have to pay for the development cost. You can also use

clip art for pictures. To learn more, click here.

ICT – ICTs stand for Information and Communication Technologies and are defined,

for the purposes, as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to

communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These

technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio

and television), and telephony.

AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOL:  Information communication technology is so

important in the world today that it makes it necessary for every person to be

competent in the use of Information communication technology for the task they

have to accomplish. Organization of all sizes, even the smallest schools and

businesses, rely on computer to help them operate more efficiently and

effectively. To learn more, click here.

ICT is beneficial to our everyday lives as the world is fast becoming a global city.

Information and communication technology is a very broad term. It refers to

various gadgets that aid in communication such as mobile phones, radios and

satellite communication. The term is also used to refer to various means of direct

communication such as video conferencing.

In short, information and communication technology, better known in its

abbreviated form as ICT, is a tool that helps in improving communication among

businesses and commerce activities in different parts of the world. In fact, ICT is

so commonly used in the commerce field to communicate various financial matters

such as acceptance of money, producing receipts and transferring funds that ICT

and e-commerce have become almost synonymous terms.  To learn more, click  here.

Week Nine: ICT Gadgets: The GSM

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile) is a

standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to

describe the protocols for second-generation digital cellular networks used by mobile

devices such as tablets, first deployed in Finland in December 1991. As of 2014, it has

become the global standard for mobile communications – with over 90% market share,

operating in over 219 countries and territories.

2G networks were developed as a replacement for first-generation (1G) analogue cellular networks,

and the GSM standard was originally described as a digital, circuit-switched network optimized

for full duplex voice telephony. This expanded over time to include data communications,

first by circuit-switched transport, then by packet data transport via GPRS (General Packet

Radio Services) and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution, or EGPRS).  To learn more, click  here.

An information communication technology gadget involves the technology and the

applications which are used in creating communication, transmission and storage

devices. There are many ICT gadgets which are used in communication technology.

Some of them are:

1. GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE (GSM): Global system for mobile

communication is an ICT gadget and second-generation digital technology.

GSM is a top-class standard gadget relied on by millions of people worldwide.

Today’s GSM is a huge success wireless technology and an unprecedented

story of global achievement. It is approximated that 80 per cent of the world

used GSM technology while making wireless calls.  To learn more, click  here.

This week, we would be doing a revision of all that we learned during the term.

Afterwards, we would write an examination, which would test our knowledge of what has

been taught so far.

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lesson note on computer problem solving skills for jss2


ICT Lesson Note for JSS 2 (First Term) 2024-PDF

ICT lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 First term, is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for ICT.

ICT lesson note for JSS Two 1st term has been provided in detail here on schoolings.org

For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, ICT lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of ICT as a subject offered at JSS level. The lesson note for ICT for JSS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for ICT spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

ICT Lesson note for JSS 2 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.

The JSS 2 ICT lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.

The sudden increase in the search for JSS 2 ICT lesson note for First term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Junior Secondary Examination.

This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the government-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in ICT as a subject offered in JSS Two (JSS 2).

Please note that ICT lesson note for JSS 2 provided here for First term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.

I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.

What You Stand To Gain from This Post

  • The lesson note for ICT for JSS 2 (First term)
  • ICT lesson note and curriculum for JSS 2

JSS 2 ICT Lesson Note (First Term) 2024

The lesson note is in PDF file format. You can download it for current use and future reference purposes.

JSS2 ICT, Lesson Note-PDF

I hope you got what you visited this page for? The above is the lesson note for ICT for JSS 2 (JSS Two) class. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.

If you have any questions as regards ICT lesson note For JSS 2 class, kindly send them to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly as usual.

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This lesson note covers all the topics in JSS2 (Third Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easily, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. It is delivered in PDF format or MS-Word format

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Lesson Note on COMPUTER for JSS2 MS-WORD

Are you interested in getting Lesson Note on COMPUTER STUDIES for JSS2 Third Term? Here is the most concise compilation available online.

The Lesson note covers all the topic in 3rd term and it is based on the latest NERDC / UBE Curriculum and applies to all Nigerian schools.


Week 1      Topic: THE INTERNET



Week 4      Topic: Internet Environment

Week 5      Topic: ABUSE OF THE INTERNET

Week 6      Topic: File Sharing

Week 7      Topic: COMPUTER ETHICS I



Week 10    Topic: Safety Measures – The Computer Laboratory

Who should Get our Lesson Note on COMPUTER STUDIES for JSS2?

The purpose of this book  is to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easily. Students will also find it helpful as a study note (eNote) for study purpose.

It is delivered in PDF format or MS-Word format

For Bulk purchases, Please visit our wholesale page or Click here to Contact us. (We respond typically within 3minutes.)

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I found it useful. Thank you

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lesson note on computer problem solving skills for jss2

Revision/Classification of Computers


Welcome to JSS2!

We are eager to have you join us in class!!

In today’s class, We will be discussing CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS.   We are conversant with the computer system, but this serves as a reminder on the classification of computers. We hope you enjoy the class!


Computers can be classified into four:

  • By generation

By Generation:

first generation computers classification of computers classnotesng

First Generation (1940 – 1956 ):

They were developed during the second world war to design flying bombs and missiles for the war. Examples are Colossus, ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC, etc.

  • It uses vacuum tubes
  • They are very big
  • It generates lots of heat
  • They are very slow in processing information
  • It uses a magnetic drum for memory
  • They occupy large space
  • It uses punch cards for input and output

Second Generation (1956 – 1963 ):

These computers use transistors in place of vacuum tubes after the second world war e.g. IBM 7090.

transistors classification of computers classnotesng

  • It uses transistors
  • It is smaller in size
  • Faster in processing information
  • It is cheaper to get
  • It consumes less energy
  • More reliable

2nd generation classification of computers classnotesng

Third Generation (1964 – 1971 ):

They are I.Cs (Integrated Circuit) computers. Transistors are minimized and placed on silicon chips.

integrated circuits classification of computers classnotesng

  • It uses integrated circuit
  • Keyboard and monitors were used as input and output devices
  • It uses an operating system eg: Microsoft OS, Mac OS etc.
  • Enhanced processing speed

3rd Gen classification of computers classnotesng

Fourth Generation (1972 – 1989):

This generation of computer uses a microprocessor, the era of CPU came to surface. Example: Micro Computer.

microprocessor classification of computers classnotesng

  • It uses microprocessors
  • ADA programming language was developed
  • It is a personal system

Fifth Generation (1991 –  date):

These computers use artificial intelligence. They have voice recognition and are capable of doing more work e.g. Robot.

5th Generation classification of computers classnotesng

Analog Computer:

They give their result is in continuous value rather than discrete value.  They are built to respond to continuous signals such as electricity, temperature, pressure e.g. speedometer, wall clock, etc.

Digital Computer:

The word digital means discrete or whole number. Digital computers function by accepting and manipulating data in the form as discrete binary numbers e.g. digital thermometer, calculators, etc.

Hybrid Computer:

They combine the proper of both analog and digital computers. This means that they can accept and process data and produce output both in digital and analog formats.

Computers can be classified by size, they are microcomputer, minicomputer, mainframe computer and supercomputers.

1. Micro Computers:

They are the smallest class of computers. It uses a single microprocessor mounted with memory chips as its central processing unit e.g. desktop, laptops, etc.

2. Minicomputers:

These are middle-level computers built to perform complex computations.

3. Mainframe Computers:

These are the largest class of computers. They have multiple chips so they can sustain a large amount of processing and allow many users at the same time.

mainframe computers classification of computers classnotesng

4. Super Computers:

They are the largest and fastest types of mainframe computers. They perform highly complex and time-consuming computations and are used heavily by scientists, large business and the military for large research work such as weather forecasts, oil explorations, etc.

By Purpose:

1. general purpose computers:.

They are designed to solve a wide range of problems. They perform many functions because various types of application programs are stored in them e.g. Microcomputers.

2. Special Purpose Computers:

They are designed to solve a specific problem e.g. ultrasound machines, x-ray machines, fuel dispenser, etc.

We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about The Computer System.  We are eager to meet you there.

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