how to do phd in foreign countries

  • How to Apply for A PhD Abroad – International Study
  • Applying to a PhD

So you’ve decided to enrol onto a doctoral degree and study abroad at the same time. This is a great opportunity to develop yourself both personally and academically. However, do you actually go about securing a PhD as an international student? To help answer this for you, we’ve created this guide to explain how to apply for a PhD in foreign universities.

Why Do Your PhD Abroad?​​​​​​​

There are many benefits to studying abroad.

Some PhD students do so as a way to develop a new language, discover more about a different culture, and to meet new people.

Besides personal reasons, undertaking a doctorate degree abroad can also for academic purposes. For example, in some countries, a particular research field may not be very popular and so there may not be many doctorate options available. In these cases, undertaking a PhD abroad will open up many more opportunities. It could also offer greater funding, lower tuition fees, better laboratory equipment and more experienced supervisors. Not only would these factors result in a more enjoyable PhD, but they could also contribute to greater career prospects. For example, you will likely have more opportunities to write publications, attend conferences and collaborate with other researchers. All of these will help you establish yourself as a respectable researcher within your field.

Is It Difficult to Apply to PhDs Abroad?​​​​​​​

It’s not as difficult as you would imagine when it comes to applying to a PhD in a foreign country. Regardless of whether you’re applying to a university within the EU, such as the UK, Finland or Spain, or to universities within the US or Asia, the processes are relatively similar.

The differences in the application process can be categorised into three areas.

  • the documents you need to provide,
  • the prerequisite tests you need to sit,
  • how much you need to communicate with the potential supervisors before applying.

We’ve provided a basic outline of the application processes below. Although this will provide you with a good starting point, we highly recommend you look at the university websites for specific instructions and guidance before applying.

Will I Need a Student Visa?​​​​​​​

This will depend on what country you are applying to. For example:

  • In the UK, applicants from outside the EU will need a Visa Tier 4 (Student). This will allow them to undertake a full-time PhD. However, due to UK visa restrictions, international students are unlikely to be able to enrol onto a part-time degree.
  • In Germany, most students will not require a student visa but will require a residence permit.
  • In the US, applicants will need to hold an F-1 Student Visa.
  • In Asia, the requirements differ depending on the specific country. For example, in China, you will require an X1 Student Visa whereas in Singapore you will require a Student Pass.

Because of the significant differences between countries, we highly recommend it is highly that you check the requirements on an individual case-by-case basis. This is best done by checking the government website of the country you wish to apply to.

General Process for Applying to PhDs Abroad​​​​​​​

When applying to a PhD position, most universities regardless of where they’re located will require:

  • Online Application – An electronic form to provide your details and attach all supporting documents. You will also need to make any application fees during this process if required.
  • Academic Transcripts – Most universities need a scanned copy of your transcripts when applying. You will only have to submit official hard copies once they have accepted your admission.
  • CV – This should include details of your previous education, undergraduate degree and any experiences revenant to the field you’re applying to.
  • Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement – A letter which outlines why you’re applying to the PhD and why you believe you’re suitable for the project.
  • Letters of Recommendation – this should preferably be provided by your undergraduate degree course tutor or a professor who knows you well.

Language Tests

If your PhD is to be undertaken in English and English isn’t your first language, most universities will require you to sit an English language proficiency test. The most common tests, in order of popularity, are:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English)

The minimum test scores will change from university to university. They will also vary depending on the research field. For example, research projects related to English Literature or Law will require relatively high scores whilst projects in Science and Engineering will require slightly lower scores. To provide an example, the University of Leicester in the UK requires a minimum overall IELTS score of 7 for Law PhDs but has a lower overall score requirement of 6 for Engineering PhDs.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How to Apply for PhDs in EU Countries​​​​​​​

For UK universities, there are generally two ways of applying. You can either apply directly through the university’s website or you can make an application through the UCAS Postgraduate system .

In Spain, Italy and Germany, before applying to a PhD you will first need to pass a pre-application process. This involves checking that your qualifications meet their eligibility requirements. Before undergoing this pre-screening process, it would be beneficial to first speak to your government. They may offer advice on how your countries qualification system corresponds to the qualification system in the country hosting the PhD.

Once you’ve made your application, the university will review it and get in contact with you. For most EU institutions, they will invite you for a Skype or telephone interview with them if they believe you may be a suitable candidate.

If you require a student visa to study in an EU country, it’s recommended that you submit your application at least 3-4 months before the proposed PhD start date.

How to Apply for PhDs in USA

In addition to the English language exams mentioned previously, international applicants will also need to sit additional exams to be eligible for PhDs in the USA. These are the GRE General Exam and GRE Subject Exam(s). The GRE Subject Exam(s) you will need to undertake will be specific to your field and will be specified by the university as part of their edibility requirements.

Securing a PhD position in the United States is considered relatively difficult compared to other countries. As a result, it is commonly recommended that you apply to at least 9 different universities to increase your chances of securing a position.

How to Apply for PhDs in Asia

As Asia covers a wide range of countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, UAE and India, their application processes naturally differ from one another. Therefore, check the specific application process for each university you’re interested to get the most accurate information.

To summarise:

  • China – uses two centralised application services, CUAC and CUCAS. Both these services help international students find and apply to a PhD project in China. Students can also apply directly to a University if they wish to.
  • Singapore – rather than applying to a specific research project, you will have to apply to a faculty or department within a University. Only once you have been accepted into the university department will their research projects become available to you. Like US universities, most universities in Singapore will have required you to have sat a GRE Exams prior to applying to them.
  • UAE – you must apply directly to your chosen university. To be eligible for a PhD in UAE, you must hold a Master’s degree and it must be from a university recognised by their government. You will also be required to undertake GRE Exams before making your application.

How to Apply for PhDs in Australia

To apply to a PhD in Australia, you will first be expected to find and email a potential supervisor. If you’re an international student and you make an application directly to the university without doing this first, it’s highly likely that you won’t be considered for the position.

Upon discussing the project with the supervisor, they will instruct you to put in a formal application. This formal application will require the information previously outlined above.

Similar to EU institutions, if an Australian university believes you’re a strong candidate, they will likely invite you to a Skype or telephone interview.

Unlike EU universities, PhDs in Australian universities can start at any time of the year. Therefore, unless a specific funding requirement is attached to the project, there are usually no deadlines associated with applying to their PhDs. However, try to apply 3 to 4 months before you intend to start your studies.

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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

how to do phd in foreign countries

Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:

  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2024, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €934 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,208 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account

1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €934 per month (€11,208 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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  • German Education System
  • Requirements
  • Universities in Germany
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  • Funding Your Education
  • German Student Visa
  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
  • Cost of Living

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German universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics, new study reveals high level of satisfaction among students at german universities.

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Applying for a PhD Abroad: How to Thrive as an International Student

Picture of John David Vandevert

  • February 17, 2024
  • Uppsala University
  • After accepting an offer , Applications and Funding , Experiences , Getting started , International Student , Mental Health , PhD Applications , Wellbeing

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Choosing to study a PhD abroad, especially in a foreign country with a new language, is not something to take lightly. But as I write this on my second day in Sweden, in my dorm room with the sounds of Swedish life outside my window, I’m here to tell you it’s not impossible.     Despite the many challenges of pursuing an academic career outside your home country, the breadth of experiences and connections that come with it are well worth the short-term obstacles. Whether you opt for a PhD on the other side of the world or some where a bit closer to home , making the journey towards becoming an international PhD student is something deserving of applause. But there are several things I wish I would have known before choosing to pursue my PhD in a foreign country. From learning the language to understanding banks to asking questions about immigration and residency permits, there are many things to consider before making the jump abroad !  

Which Country, Which Uni, Which Advisor?

So you’ve decided that you want to pursue a PhD abroad?     That’s great! But there are some very important questions to ask yourself which will ultimately determine your future and where you’ll end up. One of the first beginner questions you must ask yourself, as I did, was, “Where do I want to go and why? ” While it’s fun to dream up your life in various foreign countries, you’re ultimately making a career choice by moving to a different country. So, it’s crucial that you have a solid reason for why you want to go to that specific country , and have a short – and long-term plan as to how you want to make the most of your time there.     The second and third questions are mundane but also incredibly important : “What university do I want to apply to?” and, “Where are there openings? ” For me, choosing Sweden was prompted by an email telling me there were two openings to PhD programs . However, I was also prompted by another major factor, something we often hear in graduate studies. Namely, finding the right advisor(s) , and having a clear research question.     M any questions related to PhD studies in your country of choice can be answered by a good advisor /supervisor . Of course, they can’t guarantee you actually get into the university, but they can help you decide if applying is a good choice for you and your choice of research. Making it clear what you’re looking for in an advisor can often help you narrow down where it is you want to study. In my experience, these went hand in hand. If you know what you’re researching, what niche you want to fill in terms of your applicable academic discourse, and you have a solid question with some evidence to back it up, then all you have to do is find a university department that aligns with your work and research interests . This can be far more complicated in practice, but if you let your research lead you in your search for a foreign university, paying attention to openings when they arise, then you’ll be set to go! Asking questions, and often, is key, and don’t be afraid to email potential advisors for help if you need it !  

You’ve Been Accepted! Now What?

If you’ve found yourself with an acceptance letter and a willing advisor in a foreign university – congratulations! But now begins the myriad of complexities and tasks in order to actually be able to begin your life abroad as a student. Whether it’s getting a residence permit accepted, attempting to learn a foreign language, opening a new bank account, or arranging housing, there’s lots to juggle at this point. But if you take it one step at a time , and try to do things in order, you’ll find everything seems to fall into place.

Residence Permits, Housing and Language

One of the first things to think about is the residence permit which will allow you to live in your foreign country. Without it, all the other elements fall to the wayside as you won’t be able to stay in the country. Sometimes, as was the case in my experience, the process takes quite a while and includes several arduous steps. Be careful to familiarize yourself with the process before you begin! Further, the road towards finding housing may not be straight either. Take care to reach out to your university’s housing department and see if you can procure university housing. If not, make sure to look up, or ask around, where others look for housing.

After completing your residence permit and housing, you may want to start thinking about the language. Whether that means learning it on your own, finding a tutor, or even just watching some videos on the web, trying your best to learn the native language will help you feel at home. Although you may be nervous, learning how to say “Please” and “Thank you” might just win you your first international friend and open doors for you, who knows!?

Ultimately, making a list of important to lesser important points will be helped by reading and rereading the information that your university gives you, and by asking questions. Don’t be afraid to send that email if you don’t understand or if something doesn’t make sense. If you are clear with what your question is, then most likely you’ll find your answer.

Now the Fun Stuff Begins

Phew. It’s completed. You’ve done the heavy lifting of getting yourself set up to begin your studies abroad and, by some miracle, all your efforts have culminated in you moving to your new place. Now you’re on your own and have to do quite a few more tasks in order to really feel at home in your new city. From finding the train station to the grocery store, you have to know your surroundings, and give yourself time to find everything that your city has to offer its residents! One of the first few things I did when moving to Uppsala was find a church. For others, it may be a coffee shop or library that can offer you a place of community . Trying to put yourself into the community fabric of your city is such an important point in really feeling like you have a place here as a newly arrived foreigner. Although it’s scary, at times, to not really know the language and attempt to socialize, it’s often fruitful when you do. So, if you can find a place where you can integrate yourself into a community, then it’ll be easier to make that first friend. Part of that community building can also be finding places of culture to visit. In your city, there may be countless museums for you to see. All you have to do is just look for them. A helpful way of organizing all of what you find is by using Google Docs to make a list of those places you’ve been to and not been to yet. These include the location of your local train station and grocery stores!

Looking After Your Mental Health

Finally, when it comes to fun, finding your parks and recreational areas outside will be helpful in navigating the waters of how to spend time outdoors in nature. Don’t forget that you’re human. While you’re here to complete your PhD, you can’t forget that looking after your mental health is just as important as your academic success. Thus, plan accordingly and think about which parks you might want to go visit, and bodies of water you might want to go see. Spending time outdoors is a helpful way of fuelling the body and mind so you can be more productive when it’s time to work. Overall, if you stay focused on the fundamental steps that will let you live in your foreign country successfully and then let your interests lead the way, a whole new world will open up. While moving to a different country is a huge task, if you break it down into manageable steps and do one after the other, you’ll find yourself capable of doing things you had previously only imagined!

John David Vandevert

how to do phd in foreign countries

Non-Academic Job Interviews: 4 Questions to Get Ready For

Are you taking the first steps into careers outside of academia? Anxious about selling yourself to a new audience post-PhD? This is normal, but with the right preparation you can knock your interview out of the park and stand out from the crowd! This article guides you through four important questions to prepare your answers for.

how to do phd in foreign countries

Great ‘Applied’ Expectations: The Importance of Gaining Real-World Experience During Your PhD

A PhD alone can’t give you all the skills and networks you will need to be competitive in the job market. This article guides you through four important benefits of real-world experience during your PhD, and how you can go about gaining this.

how to do phd in foreign countries

I would like to stay in academia after my PhD. What can I do?

Not sure of your options after your PhD? Confused by the different academic job titles, and how they relate to PhD students? Check out these five academia-oriented job options you can consider.

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THE EXPERT GUIDE TO GRADUATE SCHOOL ABROAD Explore International Programs, Find Funding Options and Key Insight for Studying Abroad

Graduate school abroad doesn’t have to be a dream scenario – it can be easily within reach. Utilizing this guide’s insider perspective and experience, prospective graduate students can find programs that match their passion, learn what to expect and anticipate when living abroad, and find scholarship resources to help fund their studies.

  • Turn Your Study Abroad Dream Into A Reality

10 Expert Tips for Selecting a Graduate School Abroad

Insiders’ share 10 ways studying abroad will change your life, learning curve: challenges of culture and learning abroad, break cultural barriers, not your bank – scholarships, grants & fellowships, cost comparison, the countdown to departure.

  • Study Abroad Housing Options


In the end the allure of experiencing a part of the world one might not otherwise explore is a powerful draw — studying abroad will provide students an unforgettable experience.

Finding the right program is an arduous task, but “enjoy the process of looking into schools,” Ramon advised. “You may have thought that Australia, for example, was the perfect fit for you. As you conclude your research, however, you find yourself applying to schools in South Africa.” The takeaway? Research and study programs and countries extensively. The following are tips to get you started.

Commit to what you want to study and then search for the right program. According to Ramon, “There is a program available abroad for nearly any discipline. You just have to look.”

Look for high-caliber programs recognized in the U.S. “Internet research can produce viable options, or you can find a sister program through undergraduate and graduate schools in the U.S.,” said Bridget. “Know what’s expected throughout the program and what your options are when it’s complete.”

Consider living expenses and cost of tuition. “Studying abroad can actually be less expensive,” according to Bridget, “as U.S. schools are cost-prohibitive.” Select programs are offered free.

Research length of the program. Some that take 4-6 years to complete in the U.S., for example, might require only 2-5 years in a different country. “And shorter programs mean savings on tuition and living expenses,” noted Ramon.

Find out about exam and application requirements for admission. Many schools abroad involve less paperwork and fewer or no exam scores, such as the GRE.

Consider financial aid. According to Bridget “traditional student loans are available through the U.S. for studying abroad — amounts can be adjusted to assist with airfare, housing and other expenses.”

What is the potential for residency and employment abroad upon completion of the degree? “Once abroad,” Bridget explained, “it’s easier to get a visa extension or work visa. And the student likely has made valuable career connections.”

Research language requirements. There many international programs offered in English. And since you’ll learn the native language out of living necessity, consider whether it appeals to you.

Find out if students have access to resources pertinent to the program they select — like specific documents, source material or collections available only in certain libraries, vaults or museums?

Consider probability of acceptance. According to Ramon, “many international schools allocate for a certain number of international students they can accept, which definitely improves your odds.

“If you’ll be working the in the states, a foreign degree can set you apart from the competition,” said Bridget. Ramon concurred. “While your undergraduate friends earn their MFA from a stateside school, imagine how impressive your CV would look with an MFA from a school out of London, Hong Kong or Dubai.”

While experiencing a new culture can be seen as a challenge, it’s also one of the greatest benefits of studying abroad — it’s a life changer. You’ll discover new ways of viewing the world: education, values, human interaction, customs and relationships. Acclimating can be difficult, but ultimately experiencing a different part of the world is one of the most enriching aspects of study abroad.

“The opportunity to learn a foreign language is invaluable,” said Ramon. If you study in a non-English speaking country, the opportunity to learn a new language or improve your existing foreign language skills can serve you throughout your career and your life.

According to Ramon, “Study abroad affords specific courses of study that directly relate to a location — Marine Biology in Australia, for example. “If your area of study is specific to a foreign country, there's no substitute for actual experience on the ground.”

Study abroad provides travel opportunities not otherwise possible. “The U.S. is huge. Countries in Europe and the UK, however, are much smaller and offer easy, accessible excursions,” noted Bridget. “The ability to travel and see so many different countries and cultures was incredible.”

In a different country, students will experience a different teaching philosophy — which while challenging is a wonderful learning opportunity. And students have the chance to collaborate with esteemed professors on various research projects. In fact, if there is a specific researcher or project that interests you, it’s worth exploring grad programs at that university.

With exposure to new ideals, opinions and ways of seeing the world, studying internationally broadens one’s approach and perspective on their career choice. “Living and obtaining a degree in an unfamiliar setting can offer a deeper understanding of your subject matter,” said Ramon.

Studying abroad affords the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, as many of your classmates are likely international students. You’ll make lifelong friends. “The friendships I established on study abroad 20 years ago have endured,” said Ramon. “We’re actually planning a reunion in Spain in the coming months.”

In basic terms, study abroad is fun — experiencing another part of the world, immersing yourself in a new culture, new people, exposure to different ways of thinking and learning, traveling. It’s a singular opportunity. So dig your heels in and enjoy. “It might be your last chance to travel extensively before settling into a career,” according to Bridget.

Personal growth and change is inevitable while abroad. Being on your own in foreign country, away from family, friends and everything familiar fosters independence, exploration and personal reflection. International study is an unparalleled opportunity to truly discover who you are.

It can be a challenge finding employment back home after completing a foreign program — make sure your degree is recognized in the U.S.

It’s one of the greatest benefits of studying internationally, but can also be one of the toughest challenges. Just ask Ramon: “Culture shock, culture shock, culture shock! Students should really prepare for everything to be different and be pleasantly surprised when certain things are similar.”

Study the country before you go and familiarize yourself with the culture. “But the best way to cope with this challenge is to remember you are on an adventure. Nothing will be as you expect it, and that’s exciting. It builds character and is a wonderful opportunity to learn the value of differences.”

Here are a few other challenges you’ll more than likely experience:

Academic Differences

Count on academic differences: different pedagogies, methods of testing, writing styles. Peak performance may be assessed differently, and you may not initially perform as well academically as you’re accustomed.

How to cope

Get to know your professors and communicate openly with them. Turn to your classmates and peers for support, many of whom are from different parts of the world and in the same boat as you. Help each other make the adjustment together.

Language Barriers

Although English is commonly spoken in other countries, language can still be a barrier — you’ll need to learn and use it outside the classroom. Even in English-speaking countries language can be onerous with its variant accents and vernacular.

Study the language before you go abroad and continue after you arrive. Make it a priority — immerse yourself in the culture and take any opportunity to practice the language with the locals.

According to Ramon “I think technology now can be one of the biggest deterrents to really immersing oneself in the culture. It’s too easy for students to sit in their apartments just scrolling through Facebook or texting back home instead of getting out and seeing what their new world has to offer.”

Set aside specific time to get on social media or Facetime and Skype. Keep international calls and texting to a minimum. Basically let go of your smart phone and embrace the world around you. But don’t hesitate to call in those moments when you just need to reach out to family.”

If you haven’t been budget conscious in the past, expect to be now. You don’t want the stress of money to interfere and distract from your education and your cultural experience.

Generate extra money beforehand, and practice your graduate school budget prior to leaving. Once settled in your new surroundings, look for cheap or free alternatives to the things you love. But be prepared to possibly forego the cappuccinos and pricey dinners out.

The Pains of Everyday Life

The day-to-day in a foreign country can be troublesome: seeking medical attention when you’re sick, communicating with police about a bike accident, opening a bank account or negotiating rent.

These obstacles are part of the entire experience of living and studying abroad. They make the experience memorable — things you’ll laugh about when it’s all over. In the moment, however, they’re frustrating. Call a friend for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed in a given situation.

Emotional Burdens

In their new surroundings, students build a completely different life from friends and family back home. It can feel isolating. You may feel like you’re missing out. And you’ll more than likely battle a little homesickness and possibly some degree of depression.

Focus on creating a social life in your new country. Academics are your top priority, so seek out friends who understand your school responsibilities and are willing to accommodate your busy schedule. You’ll return to your old life eventually, and those you left behind are a phone call away.

Be Prepared to Spend

Even if you find a program with low or free tuition in a relatively inexpensive country, you still need to be prepared financially to cover myriad expenses. So take a look.

Costs will vary, but here’s where your money’s going:

  • Program application fees
  • Passport or passport renewal
  • Student visa/residency permit
  • Entrance and/or departure fees
  • Health insurance, immunizations and/or medical exams
  • Rent: don’t forget security deposit
  • Books and supplies
  • Additional course fees
  • Daily living expenses: utilities, Internet, groceries
  • Monthly transportation pass
  • Miscellaneous: entertainment, travel, cultural activities
  • Exchange rate

Don’t Forget the Exchange Rate

It can be brutal, that fluctuation in currency. And while it may work in favor of certain students — those from China, for example — it can take a financial toll on students from the U.K., Europe and the U.S. Be reminded that a favorable exchange rate at the onset of a program doesn’t ensure the same at the program’s completion.

So what’s the solution? It’s simple. Think forward, and cushion your budget to accommodate the inconstancy of the exchange rate.

Study abroad isn’t cheap, but there are free options to help cover costs if you just look deep enough. So before you search for loans, opt for free grants, scholarships and fellowships. We’ve culled a few options.

Amount: Grant amounts, lengths and dates vary by country. Please consult the specific country summary for details.

Deadline: October 15

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers research, study and teaching opportunities in more than 140 countries to recent graduates and graduate students to further the “ promotion of international goodwill through the exchange of students in fields of education, culture, and science. ”

Amount: CLS covers many of the costs of studying abroad such as airfare and housing with a host family. Amounts vary. Students receive a stipend to cover incidentals and meals.

Deadline: November 30

The Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS) is part of a U.S. Government effort to increase the number of American students mastering critical foreign languages. Programs in 14 different languages are offered, and students from any discipline or area of study may apply.

Amount: Varies per scholarship or grant — $1500 to $5000.

Deadline: Deadlines vary. See specific program for dates.

CIEE scholarships and grants make study abroad affordable for students “ who are devoted to specialized areas of study,” those with financial difficulties and high-achieving students . Students can choose from more than 200 programs in 40 different countries.

Amount: Fellowships are awarded for up to $24,000; lengths vary.

Deadline: January 28; on-campus deadlines may vary

Boren fellowships provide graduate students the opportunity to add an “international and language component to their education.” Recipients of Boren fellowships study in areas of the world “critical to U.S. interests,” with students committing to “working in the federal government at least one year after graduation.”

Amount: Minimum grant amount of $30,000.

Deadline: Applications are always accepted and reviewed as received.

Grants fund scholarships for international study with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one of the Rotary’s area of focus: Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Providing Clean Water, Saving Mothers and Children, Supporting Education, and Growing Local Economies.

Amount: Nine awards given in the amount of €10,000 each (currently $10,596.80).

Deadline: Round 1 — November 30; Round 2 — June 30

ISIC views study abroad as a way to develop personally and succeed in a future career. To that end, the organization sponsors this award to help cover costs, allowing students the benefits of international study and the opportunity to experience new cultures

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: Monthly deadline before the end of each month.

The Niche $2,000 No Essay College Scholarship is awarded each month to any student enrolling in a program within the next 12 months. The recipient is determined by random drawing, and students may apply each month.

Amount: Award covers “university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the United States and, where applicable, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse.

Deadline: Early October of year preceding tenure.

Forty American graduate students of high ability are selected each year to study at a UK institution in any field. Awarding Marshall Scholarships, the organization believes, serves to strengthen relationships between the “British and American peoples, their governments, and their institutions.”

Amount: The maximum stipend is $30,000, with the institutional payment estimated at $13,755.

Deadline: FAFSA applications accepted January 1 to June 30, but recommended to apply as early as possible. Students must reapply each year to continue receiving funds.

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program awards fellowships to students exhibiting high academic achievement, financial need and potential. Students earn graduate or Master of Fine Arts degrees in fields pertaining to the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Amount: Grant amounts, lengths and dates vary according to program.

Deadline: Dates vary according to program.

The Henry Luce Foundation offers several grant programs, aimed at “broadening knowledge and promoting the highest standards of service and leadership.” Programs range from American Art to Theology to Public Policy.

It can be hard to estimate what everyday items can cost in other countries. Explore how costs fluctuate across the world in cost comparisons of popular study abroad locations including New York; London; Florence; Sydney; Beijing; and San Jose, Costa Rica.

U.S. UK Italy Australia Beijing Costa Rica
1 Gallon of Gas $2.86 $4.65 $6.46 $3.82 4.18 4.70
McDonald’s Combo Meal $8 $5.36 $7.50 $7.20 $4.70 $6.65
1 Gallon of Milk $4.21 $5.26 $4.74 $4.56 $7.23 $5.38
Utilities (915 sq. ft. apartment) $130.10 $148.76 $126.90 $134.60 $40.89 $71.53
Transportation/Monthly Pass $116.50 $140 $37.54 $115.21 $23.50 $56.98
Meal at Mid-Range Restaurant for Two $80 $84.06 $58.94 $60.07 $25.42 $33.86
Monthly Internet $55 $23.91 $22.70 $49.55 $22.73 $43.31
1-Bedroom Apt. City Center $3,000 $1,058.50 $742.01 $1,273.19 $1,078.95 $446.42
1-Bedroom Apt. Outside City Center $1,820 $812 $569.25 $918.58 $537.08 $374.47
Movie — International Release $14.50 $12.23 $8.57 $12.93 $12.53 $6.5

Start researching study abroad programs. Work with your department if you’re currently in school, research programs online or seek the help of a study abroad placement advisor.

Once you’ve found a program, do the math. Consider academic expenses, cost of living in the host country and any application requirements.

Meet with an advisor to review potential costs and options for financial aid that may cover expenses. Remember there may be international financial aid available.

Apply for relevant scholarships, fellowships and grants.

Contact former professors and colleagues to request letters of recommendation

Compile your transcripts

Apply to the program

Start saving

Obtain or renew passport and apply for visa(s)

Apply for an International Student Identity Card (ISIC). It will afford you a wealth of discounts for everything from shopping to rail passes to museums and entertainment

You’re going to experience culture shock, so start studying your host country’s culture and language. Research online; seek out and speak to people who have lived in or are from the host country; and expose yourself to foods, music, films — anything related to the country’s culture

Know the laws of the country. Culture Crossing Guide

Begin studying your host country’s language

Apply for an international credit card — MasterCard, American Express or Visa

In the throes and excitement of planning, don’t forget to maintain your GPA

Confirm that financial aid is in place and all necessary paperwork has been filled out and submitted

Start preparing mentally. Journaling or blogging about your experiences is a great way to record your journey and get your head in the game.

Create a bucket list: What cities and countries do you want to visit while abroad? What artwork is a must-see? What cultural events unique to your host country do you want to attend?

Book your flight. Check your ISIC card — there may be applicable travel discounts available

Pay a visit to the doctor for a physical and any necessary vaccinations/immunizations. Keep a copy of your medical record with you.

Discuss any prescription medications you’re taking and their availability in your host country

Address the type of phone you want to use abroad and the service plan to best suit your needs

Many students opt for a cheap phone while abroad to communicate for locals. A little internet research can easily produce a solution.

Make a packing list. Check out The Official Year Abroad Guide for additional tips and advice. Note any items that need to be purchased, such as converters or adapters.

Check with your bank to ensure your ATM card works internationally

Notify people you’re leaving — friends, relatives, employers. Consider creating a Google doc with important information that everyone can access. Include flight information, contact information for people at home and abroad, contact info for your coordinator, health insurance information, and anything else you deem important.

Complete a change of address form so you’ll receive mail in your home country

Purchase travel insurance

Stock up on any medical necessities, such as prescription medications and extra contact lenses. Have a doctor’s note authorizing use of your meds and refills, and ensure that all over-the-counter drugs you carry are legal. Take your eye prescription along in case you lose eyewear or need replacements.

Make three copies of important docs: credit cards, passport, school acceptance letter, medical records, proof of health insurance and license. Leave a copy at home in the U.S., carry a copy in your bags when you travel, and once there leave a copy at your home abroad.

Make sure all financial aid docs are in order and up to date — such as scholarship application, loans and FAFSA renewals.

Confirm tuition and study abroad fees are paid

Confirm your flight

Exchange currency for local cash, around $200

Pack your luggage and carry on


Housing has the potential to make or break your study abroad experience. You basically have three options: dormitories, apartments or homestays. Consider your finances, your personality and the type of environment in which you thrive so you can choose a home away from home that facilitates your academic pursuits.


Close proximity to campus.

Easier to make friends with students from around the world — not just those from your host country.

Fewer rules than a homestay arrangement

A meal plan, so no shopping and cooking required

Opportunities to practice local language

Less homesickness when surrounded by a group of students

Communal bathrooms, dining and laundry

Rules regarding overnight guest, smoking and drinking

You may not like the food

Lack of privacy

High noise levels

You may not room with a local so you can practice the language and be tempted to hang out with other English-speaking students.

Roommate challenges.

APARTMENTS Estimated Monthly Cost

1-Bedroom Apt. City Center 1-Bedroom Apt. Outside City Center
U.S. $3,000 $1,820
UK $1,058.50 $812 $850 - $1,000
Italy $742.01 $569.25 $450 - $1,200/one room in an apartment
Australia $1,273.19 $918.58 $940 - $1,311
Beijing $1,078.95 $537.08 $306 - $540/one-bedroom apartment
Costa Rica $446.42 $374.47 $366 - $450/one-bedroom apartment

Live like the locals.

Make your own rules.

Adhere to your own schedule.

More privacy — especially with a private room

Live with a mix of locals and internationals and share household responsibilities

You may feel more isolated than those students in dorms or homestay

Doing your own grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning and cooking

Difficulty of paying rent and bills in an unfamiliar language

Possible roommate conflicts

Fewer opportunities to practice local language.

Paying rent and bills in another language.

Authentic, home-cooked meals

Experience the culture of the country through the lens of a local family.

You’ll learn the language quicker

Exposure to real family life in another country who can offer advice and tips

Make social and local connections

No responsibility for grocery shopping, cooking or laundry

Difficulty communicating with the family initially

Chores and rules about overnight guests, smoking and drinking

Privy to family problems

Unusual foods you may not like

Possibly a lengthy commute

how to do phd in foreign countries

What international students should know before starting a PhD

a phd student

Becoming a PhD student is no easy feat — even more so if you are an international student.

During this period, you are a researcher. Imagine being responsible for forming your hypotheses and defending them in front of your supervisor or peers.

This can be a drastic change of pace from studying for your bachelor’s or master’s degree — which is more passive and comes with less accountability.

What’s more, you might not have time for your friends, family or even yourself. Instead, you’ll meet with supervisors, craft your PhD research proposal and interview people. You can expect to write a lot — and to meet the deadlines that come with it.

It’s a huge commitment, so knowing what to expect can help you adapt to this change. Don’t worry, though, as we will guide you through all you should know before starting your PhD:

phd student

Starting your PhD with the right expectation and mentality can help you put your best foot forward. Source: David Ryder/Getty Images North America/Getty Images/AFP

What does PhD mean?

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is the highest possible academic degree you can obtain as a student once you submit a thesis or dissertation.

These are academic papers that you write based on extensive and original research done in a chosen field. 

On average, it can take you up to eight years to complete your PhD. This will change according to the programme, the subjects you’ve picked and the university offering the programme.

What does PhD stand for?

PhD is short for (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor in Latin. The word “philosophy” comes from the Ancient Greek philosophia, literally translated as “love of wisdom.”

Are PhD students doctors?

You are entitled to use the title “Dr.” once you graduate with a PhD.

They are different from the doctors you see in the hospitals as PhD graduates as social and physical scientists who have conducted and evaluated published research.

Do PhD students get paid?

Yes. They receive a salary, which is also known as a stipend. A higher stipend can help you to cope with an increased cost of living.

Currently, the average cost of living is around 1,000 to 1,600 pounds per month, including rent. This range can change depending on your lifestyle and whether you are staying with a friend.

The increasing cost of living, however, have pushed stipends below the living wage, The Guardian reported.

This has resulted in some candidates struggling to pay rent and forcing them to work part-time jobs.

In June 2022, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) announced that the minimum stipend for UKRI-supported students is due to increase by 2.9% for the 2022-23 academic year.

4 things to consider before studying abroad as a PhD student

1. choosing your research topic.

We get it: you want to write something impactful that you can bring forward in your career. It’s normal to feel stuck when thinking about a research topic . 

Lucky for you, there are many ways to be inspired. You can start by attending conferences.

Even if you don’t have a paper to present, these events can help you source research ideas and connect with experts in the field.

Linkedin is a great alternative, too. Some faculty members share bits of their research topics on the platform. Try typing “#researchtopic” in the search bar and you will be able to filter through the relevant post.

2. Applying for the right student visa

Give yourself ample time to apply for your student visa. We recommend that you read up on how to apply for an  F-1  or  Tier 4 student visa  if you plan to do your PhD in the US and UK, respectively. 

This handy step is crucial to help you avoid any visa delays that can jeopardise your study plans.

One student had his offer to pursue a PhD programme at a Canadian uni withdrawn after being forced to defer his admission  for a third time.

At the time, he had been waiting for his Canadian student visa to come through for 18 months.

Generally, most international students would require a student visa to do their PhD. Do check if there is an agreement between countries that allow citizens to move freely between them.

For example, a PhD student from New Zealand will not need a student visa  to study in Australia. 

phd student

As a PhD student, you will teach or become a research assistant. Most unis will pay you for this work in the form of stipends. Source: Tolga Akmen/AFP

3. Look for scholarships and financial aids

Lucky for you, there are scholarships for PhD students. Countries like the UK value a strong research culture, so it’s no surprise that many UK unis offer good scholarship packages that cover your cost of living plus an annual stipend or maintenance grant.

Some scholarships even offer you an allowance. 

Those studying for their PhD in the US can consider applying for  financial aid .

4. Know how to protect your mental health as a PhD student

Mental health among PhD students is poor, according to a  survey  done on postgraduate students in the UK. 

As a PhD student, it can often feel like your wellbeing is slipping away.

Whenever this happens, feel free to reach out to your supervisor.

Aditi Paul  wasn’t afraid to do this while pursuing her PhD at Bowling Green State University. 

“I took a course on statistics for social science. Since it was my first time studying the topic, I would visit my professor during office hours every week,” Paul shares.

“Here, I would ask for more clarification of my weekly assignments to ensure I was on the right track.”

You can also talk to a friend or walk into your uni’s wellbeing office if you feel overwhelmed.

Use an on-campus mental health service, such as counselling, if you need professional help. 

Always remember that there is always someone you can talk to on or off campus.

You can also listen to  mental health podcasts  or download apps like  Headspace  to relax your mind. 

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How to Apply for PhD Abroad

A comprehensive guide on how to apply for phd abroad. this blog covers everything you need to know to pursue your phd dreams overseas. gain valuable insights and expert tips to maximize your chances of success in securing admission to top international universities., how to apply for phd abroad.

In this article, we discuss the steps involved in applying for a PhD program. It’s noteworthy that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. It varies across countries, universities, and even different programs within the same university. Yet, I have outlined the most common steps which a student needs to follow to find a PhD abroad.

  • Why Apply for PhD Abroad?
  • Discover your Research Interest
  • Shortlist target countries for application
  • Narrow Down PhD Programs and Potential Supervisors
  • Organize your Application materials
  • Apply Early and Follow up
  • Check Study Visa Requirements
  • Understand Eligibility Requirements for PhD Abroad
  • Identify Exams for PhD Abroad
  • Look for Funding Opportunities for PhD Abroad
  • Identify your Research Interest
  • Shortlist target countries
  • Narrow Down PhD Programs
  • Organize Application materials
  • Check Visa Requirements
  • Check Eligibility Requirements
  • Find Funding Opportunities

1. Why Pursue Your PhD Abroad?

Studying for your PhD in another country offers many advantages.

Some do a PhD abroad to learn a new language, immerse in a different culture, and make global connections. But it can also have several academic benefits. Sometimes, your home country may not work extensively on your area of interest. This can limit your study options and may not be a fit with your research goals.

Studying abroad opens doors to a wider range of opportunities. You find better funding, superior laboratory facilities, and more experienced mentors.

These factors enhance your PhD experience and boost your career prospects. You’ll get more chances to share your work on global platforms and team up with others. This helps you become well-known and respected in your field.

Also Read: All benefits of pursuing your PhD abroad

2. Discover your Research Interests for PhD

The first important step in starting your PhD journey, is to figure out what area you want to research. This process demands careful consideration as you finalize your topic of interest.

It’s crucial to have strong reasons and academic experience in your chosen field. You don’t have to pick an identical topic you studied before. But many students like to continue with their previous research topic.

Your chosen research interest area lays the groundwork for your entire PhD journey. So, avoid picking a topic you’re not really excited about. If you’re not passionate about it, it might make it harder for you to succeed in your PhD studies.

Also read: “How to develop  your research ideas for PhD”

3. Shortlist target countries for PhD application

Choosing where to apply for your PhD is a big decision because it will shape your academic journey. This decision depends on various factors. Some of them are research infrastructure, funding opportunities, and your area of interest.

When you’re picking where to study, check out the universities in each country. Make sure they have what you need for your studies and your future job plans. Consider factors like university reputation, research opportunities, and quality of life. Choose a place where you’ll have a positive PhD experience.

Also read: Top countries for PhD Abroad

4. Narrow Down PhD programs and Potential Supervisors

Deciding to start a PhD means you have to choose the right program and supervisor for you. When it comes to finding the ideal match, there are no quick fixes or easy shortcuts. It’s essential to select a supervisor whose expertise aligns with your chosen topic.

A good idea is to send a polite email to possible supervisors. In the email, you can mention your past work, thesis, and a bit about yourself.

When looking at possible supervisors, think about their academic and research history. Also, see if they’ve worked on similar thesis projects before. You can also ask how many students they usually work with and what help they give.

Keep in mind that busy supervisors receive many requests from PhD students. So, it’s crucial to show genuine interest in their area of study. Showing enthusiasm for their research can help you stand out among other applicants.

It’s important to keep in touch with potential supervisors. This helps you form a relationship with them and get useful advice for your PhD application. If you search well and stay in contact, you improve your chances of getting into a good PhD program.

Also read: Tips for Successful PhD Application

5. Organize your application materials before you apply for PhD abroad

Preparing your application materials for PhD programs demands meticulous attention to detail. Review the specific requirements of each program as you compile your application file. You should adapt it to meet the distinctive admissions requirements of each university. Generally, common elements include:

  • Graduate School Application Form
  • Personal Statement
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcripts

Let’s pause for a moment and consider the gravity of this situation. Your application isn’t just paperwork. It’s your chance to prove how much you care about your field of study. It’s the first impression you make on admissions committees. This sets the stage for further evaluation and potential interviews.

So, fill your applications carefully. Ensure that every detail reflects your academic prowess and dedication. Make sure you give the schools everything they ask for to make your application strong. Include everything that showcase your credentials and commitment to your field of study

Also Read: 5 Things that Admission Committees Consider

6. Apply Early and follow up

While applying for a PhD abroad, submitting your application on time is crucial. Universities have strict deadlines. They do not review applications submitted after the deadline. Rushing through the process in a mere 10-15 days won’t suffice.

In USA, application deadlines fall in the autumn preceding the program start date. So, you should start gathering materials and devising a plan in the spring beforehand. If you want to start a Ph.D. in August 2024, you’ll probably need to apply by October or November 2023. So, you should start your application around April or May 2023.

Submit all required documents well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush. Twelfth hour submission can reduce quality, as you may not have time to revise your materials. It can also delay the submission of your references which is really bad for your application.

So, it’s important to plan ahead and submit your application timely. This gives you the best chance of success.

Follow the steps outlined in this guide to navigate the application process effectively. Remember, your application is your chance to show your passion and potential. For help, feel free to check out the services offered by Road To Abroad.

Remember, your PhD journey begins with that application form. Make it count.

7. Check Student Visa Requirements

Whether you’ll need a student visa depends on the country you’re applying to. Here’s a brief overview:

  • United Kingdom (UK): If you’re from outside the EU, you’ll typically need a Tier 4 (Student) Visa for a full-time PhD. Part-time degrees may not be an option due to visa restrictions.
  • Germany: Most students from outside EU will need a study visa.
  • United States (US): Applicants will generally need an F-1 Visa.
  • Asia: Requirements vary by country. For example, China requires an X1 Student Visa, but Singapore mandates a Student Pass.
  • Canada: Most international students will need a study permit.
  • Australia: International students typically need a student visa.

Visa requirements differ significantly between countries. So it’s essential to check the specifics for each case. Visit the official website of your chosen country for accurate and up-to-date information.

8. Eligibility Requirements for PhD Abroad

Several criteria typically require consideration when pursuing a funded PhD abroad.

1. Academic Excellence: Strong academic performance throughout schooling and college, including a high GPA.

2. Educational Background: To pursue a PhD abroad, you often need a master’s degree. But, some science programs allow exceptional undergraduates to progress directly to doctoral studies. Reagardless, getting a master’s degree is a good start for doing research for a PhD.

3. Research Experience: This is a crucial aspect of doctoral studies. Your past research projects or dissertations prove that you can work on your own.

4. Test Scores: Some programs may ask you to provide scores from standardized tests such as the GRE or GMAT. This helps assess their readiness for doctoral-level studies. Read our dedicated post on Tests required for PhD abroad to get detailed information.

5. Language Proficiency: Mastery in the language of instruction, typically English, is essential. You may need to prove your language skills by showing scores from tests like TOEFL or IELTS.

6. Professional Potential: Top-rated research universities consider factors beyond academic background for admission. They also consider your work experience, research, and co-curricular activities. These aspects together showcase your professional potential and readiness for doctoral study.

7. Recommendation letters can show how capable and promising you are for PhD studies. They can highlight your skills, personality, and potential for growth. Read our dedicated post on how to find good references for PhD for detailed guidance.

8. Statement of Purpose: A well-crafted statement of purpose is essential. It should reflect your research interests, goals, and reasons for pursuing a PhD. It should also align with the objectives of the program.

9. Admission Criteria Variation: Eligibility criteria vary among universities and even within programs. Some institutions may have more flexible requirements, while others maintain stricter standards.

10. Application Strategy: Pay attention to what each program desires and adapt your applications. This may include highlighting relevant experiences and research skills. Clearly state your academic and professional goals. Meeting the criteria can help you get into PhD programs abroad.

9. Which exams do you need to clear to pursue a PhD abroad?

Many PhD programs abroad ask PhD applicants to submit different test scores. These are:

(1) Tests to determine academic preparedness- GRE & GMAT .

(2)Tests to check English language abilities- IELTS & TOEFL .

They help the recruiters to assess your subject-related knowledge and logical reasoning aptitude. They want to ensure that you have proficiency in the English language to complete your PhD.

GRE scores are most commonly required for PhD programs in the USA and Canada. But owing to COVID-19 pandemic many universities are offering GRE waivers. Australia and European countries like UK and Germany usually do not ask to submit GRE scores.

This requirement also varies from university to university and subject to subject. It is always best to check the requirements on the PhD program page before deciding to appear for the GRE test.

Graduate Schools usually do not specify a particular score or a cut-off score for GRE test. Some programs will tell you to score as high as possible. Others will share the average GRE score of the previous batch so you know what score you should aim for.

GMAT scores are commonly required for PhD programs in the USA and Canada. But owing to COVID-19 pandemic many universities are offering GMAT waivers. Australia and EU countries like UK and Germany usually do not ask to submit GMAT scores.

This requirement also varies from university to university and subject to subject. It is always best to check the requirements on the PhD program page before deciding to appear for the GMAT test.

For English, you have to take one of the two tests – TOEFL or IELTS. TOEFL is more popular in US and for other countries students usually choose IELTS. US universities also accept IELTS. There will be no problem if your choose to give IELTS test for US PhD Programs.

Minimum test score varies from university to university and program to program. So, it is always a good idea to check the requirements of the program you are planning to apply to. Generally, the minimum IELTS score for a PhD is usually 6.5, with at least 6.0 in each section of the exam.

Many programs may ask for 7.0 or 7.5. The minimum TOEFL iBT score for PhD programs is 90, but it can be as high as 100-105 for some programs.

Also Read: Career opportunities after PhD

10. Funding Opportunities for PhD Abroad

Fully-funded PhD programs cover tuition fees and provide monthly stipends for living expenses. They might also include things like health insurance.

Indian students applying for PhD abroad worry about finances, scholarships, and living expenses. Additionally, they consider job prospects after finishing their PhD and overall living expenses. Many foreign countries offer fully-funded PhD opportunities to international students, regardless of citizenship. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, & EU countries are among the top destinations for fully-funded PhD abroad.

In the USA, many universities offer fully-funded PhD programs. If you get selected, you will definitely receive the funding. Scholarship covers the tuition fee and pays monthly stipends to cover your living costs.

While applying to the UK, discuss scholarship opportunities with your prospective supervisor. You may also check university website for financial assistance for international students. It is also a good idea to check external scholarships like Inlaks, Chevening, etc for financial support.

Canada is another popular destination which offers scholarships for PhD programs. It is possible to apply to funded porgrams straightaway. But, you may also have to discuss funding situation with your prospective supervisor.

In Germany, programs like the DAAD award PhD scholarships. Besides, there are many funded programs and position you can apply to.

Many Australian universities like the University of Melbourne offer fully-funded PhDs. These are often available through programs like the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP). Or through different university scholarships and sometimes through supervisor funding.

In Sweden, institutions like Lund University and Uppsala University offer fully-funded PhD porgrams. Scholarships such as the Swedish Institute Study Scholarships support these programs. Besides, many supervisors also fund the studies of their PhD students.

Also Visit: Latest fully-funded PhD positions abroad

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🚀 Ready to dive into cutting-edge theoretical quantum physics? Join Chalmers University of Technology as a PhD student in nanoelectronic devices coupled to light! 🌟 Conduct research on quantum devices in a collaborative environment. Master’s in theoretical physics required. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #QuantumPhysics #Nanoelectronics #ChalmersUniversity #Gothenburg #ApplyNow #TheoreticalPhysics #PhysicsResearch

🚀 Ready to dive into cutting-edge theoretical quantum physics? Join Chalmers University of Technology as a PhD student in nanoelectronic devices coupled to light! 🌟 Conduct research on quantum devices in a collaborative environment. Master’s in theoretical physics required. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #QuantumPhysics #Nanoelectronics #ChalmersUniversity #Gothenburg #ApplyNow #TheoreticalPhysics #PhysicsResearch ...

Join OsloMet as a PhD candidate to explore the role of skeletal muscle-derived extracellular vesicles in exercise! This 3-year position starting January 2025 involves collaboration with Oslo University Hospital. Applicants need a Master`s in biomedicine, cellular biology, or related fields, and must be fluent in English. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #OsloMet #ExerciseScience #ExtracellularVesicles #Norway #ApplyNow

Join OsloMet as a PhD candidate to explore the role of skeletal muscle-derived extracellular vesicles in exercise! This 3-year position starting January 2025 involves collaboration with Oslo University Hospital. Applicants need a Master`s in biomedicine, cellular biology, or related fields, and must be fluent in English. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #OsloMet #ExerciseScience #ExtracellularVesicles #Norway #ApplyNow ...

Join KU Leuven`s SFERE team as a PhD researcher to develop innovative agribusiness models using true cost accounting! Collaborate on the REFORM project with ILVO and University of Antwerp to balance economic, social, and environmental values in agribusiness. Applicants should have a Master`s in agricultural economics, bioscience engineering, or similar, and be fluent in English. Apply by July 21, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KULeuven #Agribusiness #TrueCostAccounting #Sustainability #ApplyNow

Join KU Leuven`s SFERE team as a PhD researcher to develop innovative agribusiness models using true cost accounting! Collaborate on the REFORM project with ILVO and University of Antwerp to balance economic, social, and environmental values in agribusiness. Applicants should have a Master`s in agricultural economics, bioscience engineering, or similar, and be fluent in English. Apply by July 21, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KULeuven #Agribusiness #TrueCostAccounting #Sustainability #ApplyNow ...

Join Aalto University as a Doctoral Researcher to develop sustainable hydrogen electrodes in line with circular economy principles! Contribute to groundbreaking research in electrolysis and recycling at the School of Chemical Engineering. Applicants with a MSc in electrochemistry, chemical engineering, or material science are encouraged to apply by August 9, 2024. Enjoy Finland’s high quality of life and work within a diverse, inclusive community. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #AaltoUniversity #DoctoralResearch #HydrogenElectrodes #CircularEconomy #SustainableResearch #ChemicalEngineering #Finland

Join Aalto University as a Doctoral Researcher to develop sustainable hydrogen electrodes in line with circular economy principles! Contribute to groundbreaking research in electrolysis and recycling at the School of Chemical Engineering. Applicants with a MSc in electrochemistry, chemical engineering, or material science are encouraged to apply by August 9, 2024. Enjoy Finland’s high quality of life and work within a diverse, inclusive community. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #AaltoUniversity #DoctoralResearch #HydrogenElectrodes #CircularEconomy #SustainableResearch #ChemicalEngineering #Finland ...

🔬 Exciting PhD opportunity at Chalmers University of Technology! Join the Quantum Technology Laboratory to explore quantum states in the center-of-mass motion of levitated microparticles. This ERC-funded project involves magnetic levitation of superconducting particles, integrating quantum circuits for groundbreaking experiments. Enjoy a collaborative and inspiring environment in Gothenburg, with access to state-of-the-art facilities. Apply by 5 August 2024! 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #QuantumTechnology #ChalmersUniversity #QuantumExperiments #SuperconductingParticles #Gothenburg #Research #Nanotechnology

🔬 Exciting PhD opportunity at Chalmers University of Technology! Join the Quantum Technology Laboratory to explore quantum states in the center-of-mass motion of levitated microparticles. This ERC-funded project involves magnetic levitation of superconducting particles, integrating quantum circuits for groundbreaking experiments. Enjoy a collaborative and inspiring environment in Gothenburg, with access to state-of-the-art facilities. Apply by 5 August 2024! 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #QuantumTechnology #ChalmersUniversity #QuantumExperiments #SuperconductingParticles #Gothenburg #Research #Nanotechnology ...

🔬 Exciting opportunity at IMDEA Nanociencia! The IDEAL PhD programme is now open for applications, offering 12 talented researchers the chance to pursue cutting-edge research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Choose from six innovative programs: energy harvesting, quantum materials, healthcare, ICT nanomagnetism, ultrafast phenomena, and sustainability. Enjoy 42 months of interdisciplinary training, top-tier infrastructure, and expert mentoring. Apply by 23 August 2024! 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Nanotechnology #Research #IMDEA #QuantumMaterials #EnergyHarvesting #Healthcare #ICT #UltrafastPhenomena #Sustainability #MarieCurie #Science

🔬 Exciting opportunity at IMDEA Nanociencia! The IDEAL PhD programme is now open for applications, offering 12 talented researchers the chance to pursue cutting-edge research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Choose from six innovative programs: energy harvesting, quantum materials, healthcare, ICT nanomagnetism, ultrafast phenomena, and sustainability. Enjoy 42 months of interdisciplinary training, top-tier infrastructure, and expert mentoring. Apply by 23 August 2024! 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Nanotechnology #Research #IMDEA #QuantumMaterials #EnergyHarvesting #Healthcare #ICT #UltrafastPhenomena #Sustainability #MarieCurie #Science ...

🚀 Join the University of Amsterdam as a PhD candidate in Sovereign Norm-Compliant Cloud Services for Digital Government! Collaborate with the Complex Cyber Infrastructures research group to explore cutting-edge AI, cloud computing, and digital sovereignty. This interdisciplinary role offers opportunities to work on groundbreaking research, develop new digital infrastructures, and address legal and ethical considerations. Apply by 31 July 2024 for a vibrant, supportive environment at Science Park. 🌐 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #UvA #DigitalGovernment #CloudComputing #AI #Research #Amsterdam #CyberInfrastructure #Technology #Innovation #SciencePark

🚀 Join the University of Amsterdam as a PhD candidate in Sovereign Norm-Compliant Cloud Services for Digital Government! Collaborate with the Complex Cyber Infrastructures research group to explore cutting-edge AI, cloud computing, and digital sovereignty. This interdisciplinary role offers opportunities to work on groundbreaking research, develop new digital infrastructures, and address legal and ethical considerations. Apply by 31 July 2024 for a vibrant, supportive environment at Science Park. 🌐 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #UvA #DigitalGovernment #CloudComputing #AI #Research #Amsterdam #CyberInfrastructure #Technology #Innovation #SciencePark ...

🌿 Join Aalto University as a Doctoral Researcher in sustainability packaging within the SciSustain framework! This multidisciplinary project, supported by Business Finland, brings together industry leaders like UPM, Stora Enso, Metsä, Paptic, LignEasy, and Boreal Bioproducts to innovate sustainable bioproducts. Work with Prof. Luana Dessbesell`s team, publish high-impact research, and enhance your skills in assessing sustainability. Position available immediately at our vibrant Otaniemi campus. Apply by 25.7.2024. 🌱 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Sustainability #AaltoUniversity #ChemicalEngineering #CircularEconomy #Bioproducts #Innovation #ClimateChange #Espoo #Finland

🌿 Join Aalto University as a Doctoral Researcher in sustainability packaging within the SciSustain framework! This multidisciplinary project, supported by Business Finland, brings together industry leaders like UPM, Stora Enso, Metsä, Paptic, LignEasy, and Boreal Bioproducts to innovate sustainable bioproducts. Work with Prof. Luana Dessbesell`s team, publish high-impact research, and enhance your skills in assessing sustainability. Position available immediately at our vibrant Otaniemi campus. Apply by 25.7.2024. 🌱 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Sustainability #AaltoUniversity #ChemicalEngineering #CircularEconomy #Bioproducts #Innovation #ClimateChange #Espoo #Finland ...

KU Leuven offers a PhD position focused on developing smart lighting fixtures with adjustable spectral radiation patterns. The project involves advanced LED technology, optical components, and multispectral sensors to enhance lighting efficiency and comfort. Ideal candidates have a Master’s in engineering or sciences, strong programming skills in Python or Matlab, and good communication skills. The research will be conducted at the Light Technology Laboratory in Ghent, starting October 1, 2024. Apply by August 16, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #SmartLighting #Engineering #KULeuven #Research #LEDTechnology #OpticalDesign #Ghent

KU Leuven offers a PhD position focused on developing smart lighting fixtures with adjustable spectral radiation patterns. The project involves advanced LED technology, optical components, and multispectral sensors to enhance lighting efficiency and comfort. Ideal candidates have a Master’s in engineering or sciences, strong programming skills in Python or Matlab, and good communication skills. The research will be conducted at the Light Technology Laboratory in Ghent, starting October 1, 2024. Apply by August 16, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #SmartLighting #Engineering #KULeuven #Research #LEDTechnology #OpticalDesign #Ghent ...

Chalmers University of Technology is offering a PhD position focused on sustainable milling technology in the mining industry. The research involves modeling, simulation, and laboratory experiments to reduce energy consumption in ore comminution. Applicants need a Master`s in engineering or a related field and strong skills in modeling, simulation, and programming. The position offers a 5-year full-time contract with teaching responsibilities and requires excellent English communication skills. Apply by July 31, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Sustainability #Mining #EnergyEfficiency #ChalmersUniversity #Engineering #Gothenburg #JobOpening

Chalmers University of Technology is offering a PhD position focused on sustainable milling technology in the mining industry. The research involves modeling, simulation, and laboratory experiments to reduce energy consumption in ore comminution. Applicants need a Master`s in engineering or a related field and strong skills in modeling, simulation, and programming. The position offers a 5-year full-time contract with teaching responsibilities and requires excellent English communication skills. Apply by July 31, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Sustainability #Mining #EnergyEfficiency #ChalmersUniversity #Engineering #Gothenburg #JobOpening ...

The University of Amsterdam is offering a PhD position in Accountable Usage Control for Distributed Data Processing Systems. The role involves research on privacy, security, and data exchange systems within the AMdEX consortium. Applicants need an MSc in computer science or related fields, with programming experience and a strong command of English. The position offers a 4-year contract, starting between August and October 2024, with a monthly salary range of €2,770 to €3,539. Apply by July 31, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #UvA #DataProcessing #Privacy #Security #SoftwareEngineering #DistributedSystems #JobOpening

The University of Amsterdam is offering a PhD position in Accountable Usage Control for Distributed Data Processing Systems. The role involves research on privacy, security, and data exchange systems within the AMdEX consortium. Applicants need an MSc in computer science or related fields, with programming experience and a strong command of English. The position offers a 4-year contract, starting between August and October 2024, with a monthly salary range of €2,770 to €3,539. Apply by July 31, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #UvA #DataProcessing #Privacy #Security #SoftwareEngineering #DistributedSystems #JobOpening ...

LUT Business School is seeking a junior researcher (doctoral student) in purchasing and supply management. The role is part of the "RawPower" project, which explores sociopolitical power dynamics in critical raw materials supply networks. Applicants should have a relevant master`s degree, proficiency in English, and the ability to complete a doctoral degree in four years. The position starts in October 2024 in Lappeenranta, Finland. Application deadline is September 1, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #LUTUniversity #SupplyManagement #SupplyChains #CriticalRawMaterials #JobOpening

LUT Business School is seeking a junior researcher (doctoral student) in purchasing and supply management. The role is part of the "RawPower" project, which explores sociopolitical power dynamics in critical raw materials supply networks. Applicants should have a relevant master`s degree, proficiency in English, and the ability to complete a doctoral degree in four years. The position starts in October 2024 in Lappeenranta, Finland. Application deadline is September 1, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #LUTUniversity #SupplyManagement #SupplyChains #CriticalRawMaterials #JobOpening ...

🎓🔬 Exciting PhD Opportunity in Nanoelectronic Devices at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden! 🌟📡 Join a cutting-edge research team focusing on nano-electronic quantum devices coupled to light-fields. Engage in theoretical research on quantum transport, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum optics. Collaborate with local and international experimental colleagues, develop innovative solutions, and contribute to the ERC-funded project "NanoRecycle" and the FlagEra project ThinQ. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #NanoPhysics #QuantumDevices #ChalmersUniversity #Gothenburg #QuantumPhysics #STEM

🎓🔬 Exciting PhD Opportunity in Nanoelectronic Devices at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden! 🌟📡 Join a cutting-edge research team focusing on nano-electronic quantum devices coupled to light-fields. Engage in theoretical research on quantum transport, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum optics. Collaborate with local and international experimental colleagues, develop innovative solutions, and contribute to the ERC-funded project "NanoRecycle" and the FlagEra project ThinQ. Apply by August 11, 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #NanoPhysics #QuantumDevices #ChalmersUniversity #Gothenburg #QuantumPhysics #STEM ...

🎓🌌 PhD Position Alert! Join the Astroparticle Physics groups at UCLouvain (CP3) & Université Paris Cité (APC) for a joint PhD in Neutrino & Multi-Messenger Astronomy! 🌠✨ Conduct cutting-edge research with the IceCube, KM3NeT, and ANTARES collaborations, developing innovative data analysis techniques. Enjoy a stimulating work environment with excellent resources, a 23k€/year net salary, and full social security. Apply by August 18, 2024. Applications from women & minorities encouraged. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #AstroparticlePhysics #NeutrinoAstronomy #MultiMessengerAstronomy #UCLouvain #UniversitéParisCité #IceCube #KM3NeT #ANTARES #ResearchOpportunity #STEM #WomenInScience #MinoritiesInSTEM

🎓🌌 PhD Position Alert! Join the Astroparticle Physics groups at UCLouvain (CP3) & Université Paris Cité (APC) for a joint PhD in Neutrino & Multi-Messenger Astronomy! 🌠✨ Conduct cutting-edge research with the IceCube, KM3NeT, and ANTARES collaborations, developing innovative data analysis techniques. Enjoy a stimulating work environment with excellent resources, a 23k€/year net salary, and full social security. Apply by August 18, 2024. Applications from women & minorities encouraged. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #AstroparticlePhysics #NeutrinoAstronomy #MultiMessengerAstronomy #UCLouvain #UniversitéParisCité #IceCube #KM3NeT #ANTARES #ResearchOpportunity #STEM #WomenInScience #MinoritiesInSTEM ...

🔍 **PhD Position in Code-Based Cryptography at UvA!** 🔍 Join the Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam! Dive into cutting-edge research on code-based cryptography, ensuring security in a quantum computing future. Work with a dynamic team, benefit from extensive collaborations, and enjoy a vibrant, supportive environment. 📝 **Requirements:** MSc in CS or Math, strong analytical skills, research experience. 💼 **Benefits:** 4-year contract, salary €2,770 - €3,539/month, 8% holiday allowance, 8.3% year-end bonus, and more! Apply by 16 Sept 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Cryptography #QuantumComputing #ComputerScience #Math #Amsterdam #UvA #AcademicJobs #PostQuantum #CodingTheory #TechInnovation

🔍 **PhD Position in Code-Based Cryptography at UvA!** 🔍 Join the Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam! Dive into cutting-edge research on code-based cryptography, ensuring security in a quantum computing future. Work with a dynamic team, benefit from extensive collaborations, and enjoy a vibrant, supportive environment. 📝 **Requirements:** MSc in CS or Math, strong analytical skills, research experience. 💼 **Benefits:** 4-year contract, salary €2,770 - €3,539/month, 8% holiday allowance, 8.3% year-end bonus, and more! Apply by 16 Sept 2024. Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Cryptography #QuantumComputing #ComputerScience #Math #Amsterdam #UvA #AcademicJobs #PostQuantum #CodingTheory #TechInnovation ...

🎓 Exciting PhD opportunity in Generative Modelling of Conversational Dynamics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology! This project focuses on creating adaptive, speaker-agnostic text-to-speech systems using self-supervised learning. Applicants should have strong programming skills in PyTorch, deep learning expertise, and interest in speech technology. Enjoy a vibrant, international research environment in Stockholm with generous benefits and support for relocation. Apply by September 16, 2024. 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KTH #AI #SpeechTechnology #DeepLearning #TechInnovation #StudyInSweden #AcademicLife #MachineLearning

🎓 Exciting PhD opportunity in Generative Modelling of Conversational Dynamics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology! This project focuses on creating adaptive, speaker-agnostic text-to-speech systems using self-supervised learning. Applicants should have strong programming skills in PyTorch, deep learning expertise, and interest in speech technology. Enjoy a vibrant, international research environment in Stockholm with generous benefits and support for relocation. Apply by September 16, 2024. 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KTH #AI #SpeechTechnology #DeepLearning #TechInnovation #StudyInSweden #AcademicLife #MachineLearning ...

📢 Join the University of Göttingen as a PhD student in Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks! Starting November 1, 2024, this 3-year, part-time position focuses on evolutionary convergence in neural systems, using advanced information theoretic models. Candidates with a Master’s in physics, neuroscience, cognitive science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Excellent coding and analytical skills are essential. Apply by August 1, 2024. 🌍 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit{%22vollzeit%22:[],%22befristet%22:[],%22gruppe%22:[],%22besoldGrp%22:[]}&details=2851 Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Neuroscience #DataAnalysis #Research #UniversityOfGöttingen #JobOpportunity #AcademicLife #Science #HigherEducation

📢 Join the University of Göttingen as a PhD student in Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks! Starting November 1, 2024, this 3-year, part-time position focuses on evolutionary convergence in neural systems, using advanced information theoretic models. Candidates with a Master’s in physics, neuroscience, cognitive science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Excellent coding and analytical skills are essential. Apply by August 1, 2024. 🌍 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit{%22vollzeit%22:[],%22befristet%22:[],%22gruppe%22:[],%22besoldGrp%22:[]}&details=2851 Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Neuroscience #DataAnalysis #Research #UniversityOfGöttingen #JobOpportunity #AcademicLife #Science #HigherEducation ...

🔍 Exciting PhD opportunities in System Security, Formal Verification, and Machine Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology! Join a dynamic, international research environment with industry collaborations and generous funding. Requirements include a master`s degree, programming skills (C/C++, Python, Rust), and strong academic records. Apply by Aug 31, 2024, for a chance to work under Prof. Rolf Stadler and Prof. Hamed Nemati in Stockholm. 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KTH #SystemSecurity #FormalVerification #MachineLearning #StudyInSweden #TechOpportunities #AcademicLife

🔍 Exciting PhD opportunities in System Security, Formal Verification, and Machine Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology! Join a dynamic, international research environment with industry collaborations and generous funding. Requirements include a master`s degree, programming skills (C/C++, Python, Rust), and strong academic records. Apply by Aug 31, 2024, for a chance to work under Prof. Rolf Stadler and Prof. Hamed Nemati in Stockholm. 🌟 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #KTH #SystemSecurity #FormalVerification #MachineLearning #StudyInSweden #TechOpportunities #AcademicLife ...

🚀 Join the University of Twente as a PhD student exploring multi-sensory cues for spatial awareness in VR/XR! This research aims to model and enhance user estimates of position, distance, and spatial layouts using advanced VR/XR setups. Work with top researchers and facilities, including the HMI group and TNO. Enjoy a full-time, 4-year position with excellent benefits, competitive salary, and access to state-of-the-art labs. Apply by August 23, 2024! 🌍👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #VR #XR #SpatialAwareness #UniversityOfTwente #Research #TechInnovation #JobOpportunity

🚀 Join the University of Twente as a PhD student exploring multi-sensory cues for spatial awareness in VR/XR! This research aims to model and enhance user estimates of position, distance, and spatial layouts using advanced VR/XR setups. Work with top researchers and facilities, including the HMI group and TNO. Enjoy a full-time, 4-year position with excellent benefits, competitive salary, and access to state-of-the-art labs. Apply by August 23, 2024! 🌍👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #VR #XR #SpatialAwareness #UniversityOfTwente #Research #TechInnovation #JobOpportunity ...

🌟 PhD position in Parasitology at UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg! 🦠 Dive into cutting-edge research on chromosome segregation during male Plasmodium gamete formation in the Hentzschel lab. Fully funded for 3 years, you`ll use molecular biology, genetic engineering, and advanced imaging to uncover mechanisms in malaria parasites. Join a dynamic team, access state-of-the-art facilities, and benefit from excellent training and career development opportunities. Apply by July 31, 2024. 📚🔬🧬 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Parasitology #HeidelbergUniversity #MalariaResearch #Science #Genetics #CellBiology #Biotech #AcademicResearch #CareerDevelopment

🌟 PhD position in Parasitology at UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg! 🦠 Dive into cutting-edge research on chromosome segregation during male Plasmodium gamete formation in the Hentzschel lab. Fully funded for 3 years, you`ll use molecular biology, genetic engineering, and advanced imaging to uncover mechanisms in malaria parasites. Join a dynamic team, access state-of-the-art facilities, and benefit from excellent training and career development opportunities. Apply by July 31, 2024. 📚🔬🧬 Link in our bio and story (Latest Positions) or visit Need help with the application process? Check out the PhD Consultation Services of @road_to_abroad. #PhDopportunity #ScienceResearch #PhDProgram #funding #travelstudent #road_to_abroad #phdabroad #phdpositions #fullyfundedphd #phdineurope #phdinusa #phdinnorway #norway #vit #iiser #amityuniversity #Parasitology #HeidelbergUniversity #MalariaResearch #Science #Genetics #CellBiology #Biotech #AcademicResearch #CareerDevelopment ...

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We are the No. 1 company in India providing complete assistance for getting admission in fully-funded PhD abroad. Our flawless track record and very high success rate have fulfilled dreams of many students who aspire to gain a PhD. If you need help to apply for PhD Abroad, Contact us today!

On this page you’ll find all the information you need before you apply for PhD Abroad. We have accumulated this knowledge from our many years of mentoring and guiding students. Many articles address the most common questions students ask from our team. Enjoy your reading!

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Before you start applying for PhD abroad, you must thoroughly understand the general eligibility criteria for PhD Abroad in any country. Read this article to know about various eligibility requirements for PhD applications abroad in detail.

We have put together tips for successful PhD Applications based on feedback recieved from Professors of top universities in USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia etc. If you are planning to apply for PhD abroad, do not skip reading this article.

How to Write a Research Proposal for PhD:  Master the Art of Crafting a Winning Research Proposal for Your PhD Application Abroad. Learn essential tips and strategies on structuring your proposal, outlining your research objectives, and showcasing your academic strengths. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the skills needed to impress admissions committees and secure your spot at prestigious international universities. 

Embarking on Your Journey to Apply for PhD Abroad? Discover the Essential Tests Required for Admission. From standardized exams like the GRE and TOEFL to specialized subject tests, this blog outlines the key assessments you need to ace for successful PhD applications overseas. 

Planning to apply for PhD Abroad? Explore Vital Considerations to Ensure a Smooth Transition. From selecting the right program and university to navigating visa requirements and funding options, this blog covers essential factors to ponder before embarking on your academic journey overseas. 

Do I need to take the GMAT for my PhD Abroad?

For many PhD programs, you don’t need to take the GMAT. But, business program in North America and Australia may ask for it. They usually look at your score as part of your application. This helps them assess your intellect and aptitude for the program.

Some schools might not ask for the GMAT if you have good academic or professional experience. But, this isn’t common. Candidates typically achieve scores ranging from 400 to 600. More competitive programs often see averages surpassing 700.

Is the GRE required for a PhD Abroad?

No, GRE is not always mandatory. It depends on the program and location.

Most PhD programs in EU countries don’t ask for the GMAT or GRE. Instead, they look at things like your research plan and experience when you apply.

Schools offering PhD in business or management might need GRE or GMAT. Especially in places like North America, Australia, or the UK. If a program needs the GRE, they often don’t specify a certain score. Instead, they’ll tell you the scores of students from previous intakes.

A lower score isn’t always a deal-breaker if other parts of your application are strong.

How can “Road to Abroad” help you in PhD Applications?

We are the No. 1 PhD Consultants in Indiaand provide the best PhD Assistance across the globe. We provide the right guidance and support needed to complete the tedious and time-consuming PhD admission process. Our flawless track record and very high success rate have fulfilled the dreams of many students who aspire to gain a doctoral degree. We will help you secure a fully-funded PhD position and help you in all the steps from application to immigration. For more information, visit our PhD Consultation Page .

For more information regarding funding opportunities and PhD positions abroad, contact our team at Road to Abroad (+91 8383050912). For more general information about studying PhD in abroad in various countries like UK, USA, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, etc visit our PhD Consultation Page.


Education Transcending Borders

Congratulations to our student Ishan for receving admissions in MSc Finance at University College London- ranked 9th globally. The student is enrolled with us in our oxbridge package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Harshiy for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at University of Manchester in the UK for PhD in Cancer Sciences. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 3-4 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Prachi for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at Arizona State University in the USA for PhD in Electrical Engineering. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Pallavi for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at University of Utah in the USA for PhD in Public Health. She has secured 100% Funding to pay for the tuition fees and the living expenses. Total funding is approximately 1.7 crores for the entire program. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Big Achievement for Road to Abroad and it`s team🎉 We have successfully placed 50 students in fully funded PhD positions abroad in last 6 months. Join our PhD Consultation Program to maximize your chances of selection into fully funded PhD abroad. For more information call us on +918383050912 or visit our website - #phdabroad #phdconsultation #fullyfundedphds #studyabroad #scholarship ...

Congratulations to our student Pallavi on securing fully funded PhD in Public Health at the University of Utah!! Call us at +918383050912 for further information. #phdconsultation #phdinusa #scholarship #phdscholarshipopportunities #fullyfundedphds #fullyfundedprogram #phdingermanyforindians #phdinuk #phdinusaforindians #phdinpublichealth #phdabroad #phdstudentlife #phdapplication #phdinstanford #phdincanada ...

Congratulations to our student for receving PhD offer for fully-funded PhD at McGill University in Canada for PhD in Cell Biology. He also received full funding which is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

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Congratulations to our student for receving fully-funded PhD at University of Southern California, USA for fully-funded PhD in Computer Science. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at University of Purdue in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemical Engineering. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at University of British Columbia in Canada 🇨🇦 for fully-funded PhD in Chemical Engineering. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at the Princeton University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Molecular Biology. He has, similar, received offers from the Stanford University and the Columbia University. He has decided to finally join the Stanford University. His tuition fee will be paid by the program and he will also get a generous stipend to pay for his living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5-6 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at University of Bonn in Germany for fully-funded PhD in Computational Biology. She eventually cracked the interview and is now preparing to leave for Germany. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at IMPRS - BAC in Germany for fully-funded PhD in Biology & Computation. He eventually cracked the interview and is now preparing to leave for Germany. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at University of Bath in the UK for fully-funded PhD in Statistical Applied Mathematics. Her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consultation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Anisha for receiving offer letter for fully-funded PhD position at Leuphana University, Germany. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Isha for receiving interview invitation for fully-funded PhD position at LSM PhD Program, LMU, Germany. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Vishwajeet for receiving interview invitation for fully-funded PhD position at University of Cambridge, UK. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student Nandini Pant for receving on site interview invitation for fully-funded PhD position at Mainz, Germany. The program will pay for the entire travel and lodging expenses incurred for the interview. Upon selection, her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

Congratulations to our student for receving on site interview invitation for fully-funded PhD position in Zurich, Switzerland. Zurich Life Science Graduate Program is one of the most prestigious PhD programs in the world and in EU. It involves all the major universities of Zurich like ETH, University of Zurich, etc. The program will pay for the entire travel and lodging expenses incurred for the interview. Upon selection, her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 5 years. The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship. To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912. #phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland ...

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Pursuing PhD in a Foreign Country

PhD in a Foreign Country: Pros and Cons to Consider Before You Decide

While pursuing a postdoctoral or PhD program in a foreign country can be exciting , it also has its challenges . I t is important to carefully consider both pros and cons and be aware of what it takes to pursu e a PhD in a foreign country before taking the leap . This article will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of taking up a post-doc or a PhD in a foreign country and will help you make a better decision .  

Table of Contents

A dvantages of doing a PhD in a foreign country  

Pursuing a post-doc or PhD in a foreign country can be a rewarding experience. It exposes you to new approaches , ideas , and perspectives that may be vastly different from your home country. It can also help you to create valuable networking opportunities with professionals, scholars and peers from around the globe. Here are some of the benefits you can expect.    

Broadens your academic and professional network

One of the greatest advantages of pursuing a post doc or PhD in a foreign country is that it helps to forge relationships and contacts with diverse colleagues and professionals. This can prove very useful in the long run, as you can look to them for support and advice on your work.

Exposure to new ideas and cultures

Gaining international exposure will broaden your understanding and expose you to new insights, traditions, and knowledge. When pursuing a PhD in a foreign country it might be useful to learn the local language and understand cultural nuances to gain new perspectives about various pedagogies, research practices, funding mechanisms, and scientific innovations of the host country.

Experiential learning and development

Pursuing a PhD in foreign universities and living in a new country will need you to adjust and find innovative ways of navigating through new academic and research endeavors. This will not only boost your confidence but will also enable you to learn new research skills, develop problem-solving abilities, and become more resilient and adaptable to change. It can also motivate you to move out of an otherwise complacent state of mind and drive you to spot potential opportunities for growth.

Disadvantages of pursuing a PhD in a foreign country  

Advantages aside, getting an international PhD degree can often prove to be overwhelming for many students, who may encounter a ‘culture shock’ while trying to adapt to the new culture, language, and way of life. Students and early career researchers can also be faced with financial constraints, potential visa and immigration issues, and other challenges if the move is not planned strategically and well ahead of time. Here are some disadvantages you may need to prepare for when choosing to study abroad.  

Feeling lonely, lost, and overwhelmed

Being in a foreign country can sometimes create a feeling of loneliness as you miss being close to family and friends. To address this , it is a good idea to find and become an active participant in an immediate social community , especially if this includes your peers. You should also motivate yourself to get involved in extra-curricular activities to keep yourself engaged beyond your research work.    

Encountering language and cultural barriers

This is one of the immediate challenges that many students in foreign countries face. Communicating with colleagues and professors and expressing yourself clearly can be overwhelming. Adapting to the new cultural environment, with accepted traditions and expected behavior, can also throw in some roadblocks along the way. Here having a plan set early enough to learn some of basics of the local language and become familiar with the culture of your host country can really help.  

Following different academic systems

The academic system in a foreign country may differ significantly from what you are accustomed to . This may lead to challenges in understanding the expectations and requirements to successfully navigate and achieve your doctoral degree . While choosing a specific institution, it’s important to read about the course as much as possible to help you not only survive but thrive in your academic journey.    

Challenges on returning home

Returning to your home country after spending several years abroad pursuing your Ph D can present challenges of its own. You may face hurdles in terms of reintegration, especially if the skills and knowledge you gained abroad are not readily applicable or valued in your home context. This will require you to be dedicated, focused, and adaptable when identifying new growth opportunities that can take your career to the next level.    

Embarking on a postdoc or PhD journey in a foreign country indeed means immersing yourself in a completely new environment for several years. While adapting to a new academic and cultural setting poses its challenges, it’s crucial to view this as an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. Being aware of these factors and approaching them with resilience, openness, and enthusiasm can turn these challenges into valuable experiences that contribute not only to your academic and professional development but also to your broader life perspective. The journey may be daunting, but with the right mindset, it becomes an enriching adventure that opens doors to new possibilities and a global network of peers and collaborators.  


  • OECD (2022), Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris,  

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Entry requirements for international PhD applicants

At Sussex, you'll join a community of students and staff from more than 100 countries. We accept applications for postgraduate study from across the world.

International students sit at a table talking at a cafe at the University of Sussex

General entry requirements for international students

At Sussex, our usual entry requirements for UK and international students are:

  • at least an upper second-class (2:1) undergraduate honours degree or equivalent international qualification
  • a Masters degree if you are applying for research degrees in the arts or social sciences, or an equivalent international qualification.

We may also consider professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing when making offers.

To find out which qualifications and grades we accept from your country:

  • search for the PhD you want to study
  • go to the Entry requirements section and select International requirements
  • choose your country from the drop-down list.

You can also get advice from Sussex representatives in your country .

Specific entry requirements for international students

You must also meet our specific entry requirements for each research degree. These are listed with each PhD degree .

  • the grade required for your course
  • if you need to have an undergraduate qualification in a specific subject
  • if you need to have a Masters qualification.

If you are an American student, federal regulations state that you must have a secondary school completion credential (high school diploma) or the recognized equivalent of a secondary school completion credential to be eligible to apply for Federal Student Aid. Find out more about American Student Loans and Federal Student Aid .

English language qualifications

All teaching at Sussex is in English. You must be sufficiently fluent in English to be accepted on to your PhD, and this may form part of your offer.

Find out more about our English language requirements

You can also apply to study our Pre-sessional English course .

For some research degrees we may ask you to attend an interview.

If you are an international student, you may be interviewed over the phone or via Skype.

Applying for a visa

If you are an international student, you may need to apply for a student visa to study in the UK.

Find out more about applying for a visa on the Student Hub .

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

You need to apply for ATAS clearance if you are not a national of an European Area (EEA) country or Switzerland, and you are applying for a science or engineering-based PhD.

Find out more about ATAS on the Student Hub .

You might also be interested in:

  • English language requirements
  • how to apply for a PhD
  • visa information on the Student Hub .
  • Why Do Your PhD Abroad?

Written by Mark Bennett

Unless you are already in the university which is the best in your chosen area, you are extremely specialised or there is only one place to do the PhD you are interested in, spending some time abroad during your early research career could prove invaluable. The creation of the European Research Area is one of the instruments by which researchers' mobility is supported. Throughout Europe (and beyond) being mobile is recognized as an important part of your professional development. In Europeanese, the term "researchers" actually means anyone from PhD students to professors. Researchers' mobility should, however, be in pursuit of excellence (ie to do research in the best place for that particular area) rather than just the thrill of being abroad.

While there are many different ways to gain a "global perspective", doing your entire (or a substantial part of) PhD studies abroad will bring you a research and cultural experience which goes beyond that of a short field trip. In the UK, a greater emphasis is now being placed on making sure that PhD students have opportunities to evolve in global research environment to allow them to develop long-term research partnerships and to develop new skills and ideas. If your long-term plan as a PhD holder is NOT to stay in academia, private sector employers too agree on the benefits of periods abroad. I have studied, done research and worked in several countries, and this is definitely the common train of thoughts amongst employers who want graduates with an international and inter-cultural experience as well as language skills. Having said all this, what are, in concrete terms, the benefits of doing your postgraduate research abroad?

#1 It will help you expand your horizons, discover a new country and culture and enhance your personal development.

As you do research with students and research staff from around the world in a country different from your own, you will enhance your cultural awareness removing barriers that you will no longer have to experience as you start working or as you begin a research degree.

It won't just be people from the country you are in that you meet. What you will gain from working in an international research context is an added cultural dimension to your research. And, imagine how great it will be to have international friends for life! This has more than social benefits: professional networks are incredibly valuable and your fellow students could become your future colleagues.

Doing a PhD is no easy thing and the skills you gain are invaluable. Doing your PhD abroad enhances those skills even further but you will have to work hard, be sensitive to local practices, develop alternative ways to debate and negotiate as well as getting used to not having access to things you normally do (like a cinema that shows films in English). It means that you will have to embrace an unfamiliar environment and perhaps also a new language. Unless you spend the duration of your PhD with people from your own country (not necessarily the best move in my view), it will allow you to gain an insight in a way of life which may be radically different from your own.

#2 You will be exposed to new research environment or methods as well as academics who have a different perspective

During your PhD abroad, you will benefit from learning new techniques, attend lectures by "local" experts, be part of a unique research community which itself is international and have access to resources such as archives, collections, materials and equipment that are unique to your location. But bear in mind that, it will most likely involve getting used to a different way of doing research. From what you have read and heard from current PhD students, you may have expectations as to what being supervised means but the supervisory structure may be very different in another country. It may involve a committee or very little structure. Something to consider is the cultural difference in approaches to both academic freedom and to research ethics. Check the ethos of your selected destination and institution.

For some students, studying abroad is simply the only way to get into their chosen field and therefore to get those important publications. Does your preferred university overseas have experts, facilities and resources (inc. natural resources) not available in your home country? Similarly, are the facilities attractive? Will they be a crucial part of your research project? For example, Switzerland has a fantastic academic research sector but Swiss students wanting to do their PhD in areas such as oceanography, marine biology or the shipping industry will obviously have to look overseas for opportunities. On the other hand, is your research focussed on a region or a particular landscape? The best place to study your area-specific discipline is arguably in that country itself! Your research on rainforest ecosystems may be best done from a university close to your fieldwork area.

#3 It will internationalise your CV and show you are mobile.

Throughout Europe, being mobile and having "some experience" of conducting research abroad is looked upon favourably. Easier said than done, you may add! And it is true that doing a PhD abroad can be challenging especially if you have never been abroad or if you have a young family. But undergraduate degrees in Europe are becoming shorter, Masters degrees don't always allow a period of study abroad so it may be that your PhD is the only opportunity for you to take the plunge.

#4 You will gain language skills.

While English is the common language of research in most countries, doing a PhD abroad means that you are exposed to the language of that country. Having knowledge of foreign languages will also help you in your future job search but also in your future research. For example, if you are a social scientist and your research involves interviews of members of the public, knowledge of the country's language is essential. You will have time over the course of your PhD to pick up these linguistic skills to use for your research and beyond your PhD.

#5 A more attractive degree duration and structure?

Entry requirements can vary quite a lot between countries and between disciplines. In Switzerland, to gain access to the universities which have PhD-granting authority a Masters degree is compulsory. This is the same in Singapore but in Malaysia you may be able to gain entry directly into a PhD if you have an excellent first degree. In the UK, variations appear between disciplines: in the sciences, a Masters is not required while it is expected in the humanities. So check the requirements and choose a country which suits your educational plans.

Perhaps there is a very simple rationale for doing a PhD abroad? The structure of in your home country doesn't suit you. Things to consider:

  • Number of compulsory hours of teaching. In some countries there are no requirements for taught modules while in others there is a significant taught component. What would suit you best?
  • Duration of a PhD. In the UK and in Europe, PhDs are quite short and generally 3-4 years in duration. In Switzerland, however, things can vary hugely across disciplines: a PhD in economics can take as little as two years but in the humanities and sciences, this is commonly 4-6 years. In the US or in Sweden, the typical duration is five years, although there is no prescribed period in the US.
  • What will your status be? Student? Staff? In the UK, you are generally a student. In the Netherlands you can be either staff or student. In Scandinavia, you're most likely to be staff. In the US, you are often both. In France, there are several possibilities depending on how you are funded (if at all).
  • Teaching opportunities. Do you want to gain teaching experience? In the US, it is almost a given that you'll be involved in teaching. In Europe, it is not compulsory and in some cases, almost impossible, for example if you are in a research institute where no undergraduate teaching takes place.

Other doctoral opportunities allow students to do their research and training in industry. This is sometimes the case in countries like Denmark , France and in the UK . Professional doctorates, a UK concept, allow students to do research and reflect on their professional practice as it is the case with the EdD (Doctorate of Education) or a PhD in Music by Composition. These may appeal to you but as they are delivered only in a handful of places, it is likely you will have to go abroad for those, unless you are already in one of those countries

#6 Your career opportunities will be enhanced

First of all, a quick piece of advice. If you are intending on returning home after your PhD, you should make sure that your doctoral degree is recognised by universities and private sector employers. Organisations like the European Network of Information Centres (ENIC) or National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC) provide equivalence information for most countries around the world.

In the American Higher Education sector, there can be a preference for the US model of PhD so if this is where you want your research career to evolve it may be the most sensible option.

Like in the private sector, universities are also looking for staff which can understand global issues and be able to interact with a diverse student population. So your CV can be enhanced by doing your PhD abroad but you need to consider the way in which the how and where will have an influence on this. Your network of research contacts will be increased considerably, either because your fellow PhD students will be your colleagues of tomorrow or because the contacts your supervisor has and the researchers you meet.

If your long-term plans are to work outside of academia, you have to consider whether the country you are planning to do your PhD offers new opportunities. The German research sector is characterised by a close cooperation between academic research and industry (loosely defined). German private and public sector organisations have long recognised the value of PhDs. In France, initiatives such as the "Doctoriales" encourage students to spend time with a local company, often resulting in longer term employment opportunities.

Career advisors in your institution will have in-depth knowledge of the local labour market. You may also have opportunities to meet company representatives at career fairs or at presentations during your studies or your fellow PhD students may have tips on how to approach a job search in their own country.

Tips to choose your research group/department/lab:

  • Ask your current lecturers for recommendations of experts in your subject area
  • Research the most influential publication in this area
  • If possible (ie if it is not too late), try to do an internship in a lab or department during your undergraduate or Masters degree
  • Contact former PhD students at the institution you have selected. You can contact Alumni associations or Career offices who can put you in touch with former students. Another option is to join relevant LinkedIn groups or to post a question on our Postgraduate Forum [Link to Postgraduate Forum].

UK universities, especially research-intensive universities, will seek international talent because they understand the importance and the benefits of having a diverse research community. Europe-wide schemes specific to PhD students will include Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) (to and from Europe). The Leverhulme Trust has fellowships for research to be conducted outside of the UK or the US while the Fullbright Commission provides opportunities for PhD students to study in the US (as do a number of libraries, museums and research organisations by providing residential opportunities). Other countries like Canada , Germany and Japan all have big plans to attract international PhD students.

how to do phd in foreign countries

Many top universities run brand campuses overseas. These kinds of 'transnational education' opportunities allow you to study for an international PhD without actually leaving your home country.

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5 Reasons You Should do Your PhD Abroad

Have you ever considered doing your PhD abroad? There are several major benefits to going abroad to earn your doctorate.

More Opportunities

As you start to narrow down your research interests, you may find that there are only a small number of universities in your home country that have PhD programs in your field or faculty that work in your research area. Applying internationality will give you more options in terms of both programs and potential supervisors. Additionally, if your research requires access to certain museums, sites, libraries, archives, or equipment, studying in another country might facilitate your access.

Better Funding

It may be significantly cheaper to do your PhD abroad. Tuition fees vary widely across the world, especially at the doctorate level. PhD students in Germany and Sweden for example do not have to pay tuition fees. In addition to saving money on tuition, you could actually get paid to do your PhD if you study overseas. In many European countries (including France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Norway) PhD students are seen as employees rather than students and so they are paid a monthly stipend. This is markedly different to the US or UK where tuition waivers and stipends are not guaranteed and often only available to top students or at top schools. Additionally, you might qualify for certain scholarships from your home country or in your destination country that are specifically for students studying internationally.

Shorter Time to Degree or Better Structure

While the basic elements of a doctoral degree are the same around the world, every country has a slightly different program structure . The best structure for you might not be the one in your home country. 

  • Time to degree -Many European PhDs take three years to complete compared to five years or more in North America.
  • Teaching -In some countries, PhD candidates are required to gain a certain number of hours of teaching experience, while in others they focus entirely on their research projects.
  • Coursework -Most PhD students have to take a course or two during their degree, however in the US and Canada students typically must do two to three years of coursework before starting their dissertation research. While this gives them a more in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, it also increases the length of the doctoral program.
  • Lab rotations -In some countries it is common for first year PhD students to rotate through two to three labs in their first year to decide which lab they want to do their dissertation work in. Students who already know what they want to research might prefer to start working on their project and should look for PhD positions that are project specific. Students who don’t know what they would like to research would benefit from a program that has students rotate through multiple labs their first year.

Widen Your Network

One of the perks of doing an international PhD is the chance to broaden your network by making connections in a new county. On a personal level, you will get to meet people and make friends from all over the world. Doing a PhD internationally can also help you if you want to work outside of your home country after earning your degree.

Embrace a New Culture

Studying internationally will allow you to gain a global perspective. You’ll be exposed to new ideas, teaching styles and academic cultures. You might even get the opportunity to learn a new language. While English is the lingua franca of research, it may not be the local language. Learning the local language will not only help you navigate your new country, it could also help you in your future job search. Many universities offer free or significantly discounted language courses for their doctoral students.

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Head to any of these 8 countries for pursuing your PhD abroad in 2022!

Head to any of these 8 countries for pursuing your PhD abroad in 2022!

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PhD often tends to be the last bastion that you would want to conquer in your professional journey and hence it becomes all the more crucial that you choose the destination to pursue your doctorate wisely. This choice would majorly depend on your financial situation, area of interest, research infrastructure, programs offered, and so on.

Many countries that promise quality education for PhD candidates offer specialized faculty with high-tech research labs and good scholarship opportunities. So, if you are planning to pursue your PhD overseas in near future, we have prepared a list for you to compare and contest the best option. Let’s go!

Top 8 Countries for PhD

Here is the list of the top 8 countries to pursue PhD studies in 2022:

1. PhD in Germany

PhD in Germany

Magnetizing thousands of international students every year, Germany would be among the best places to pursue world-class doctorate programs with practically no tuition fees for up to the standard length of a PhD ( 3 years ). It also has much more reasonable living expenses in comparison to other European countries. There are both structured PhD programs where you complete a thesis related to a pre-set topic and follow the program with a group of peers, as well as the classical PhD program where you have to work on your research project individually, alongside a supervisor. A good number of these programs are in English, making them ideal for overseas students. Apart from this, you can also explore multiple options for research grants, paid PhD positions and scholarships in Germany.

No Tuition

($175 – $250 Administrative Fees)

2. PhD in Sweden

PhD in Sweden

In Sweden, you can experience a distinctive spirit of innovation and creativity, regardless of the field you are pursuing your doctorate in. This country follows an interesting learning approach, where the students are encouraged to critically assess information, express their opinions and be independent. While living in Sweden can be expensive, doctoral programs do not charge tuition fees from international students. Moreover, a good number of the PhD positions here are paid as full-time positions.

No Tuition

3. PhD in United Kingdom

PhD in United Kingdom

The home to some of the most prestigious universities of the world like Oxford , Cambridge, University College London, King’s College London and London School of Economics, the United Kingdom can definitely be a great place to pursue a doctorate. Apart from these, there are several other prominent institutes present in the UK, that offer a range of PhD options including Integrated Doctorate, Professional Doctorate, and PhD by Publication. Additionally, the UK Research Council offers a great deal of funding to PhD students in the form of grants to cover the tuition fees and stipend of around £15,000- £17,000 per annum to cover student living costs.

$1,840 per month

4. PhD in Australia

PhD in Australia

This country has emerged as one of the top international destinations for a PhD. Australia offers a wide variety of PhD programs; from Marine Biology to Anthropology, there are some doctoral programs that can only be completed here. Furthermore, a generous post-study work visa for a minimum of 4 years offers a stable and lucrative work environment for international students interested in employment. It is especially popular among candidates interested in natural sciences, medical sciences, and engineering.  Even though this country can be expensive, there are many governments and institutional scholarships that you can apply for.

$1780 per month

5. PhD in Japan

PhD in Japan

A research-intensive, developing nation, Japan houses prominent institutions like the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kyoto University, and the University of Tokyo that has a world-class reputation for developing unique cutting-edge technologies. With an excellent quality of education, fascinating culture, remarkable diversity, and low crime rate, Japan is now a popular spot for pursuing higher studies, especially doctorate programs.

$12,000- $18,000

6. PhD in United States

PhD in United States

The land of diversity and innovation, the United States of America has been the most popular destination for higher education for decades. The country dominates global rankings for research universities involving structured doctoral programs that feature comprehensive training alongside independent research.

Not only does it provide good quality education, but also good employment opportunities both during and after the completion of the PhD program. America is the home to MIT, Caltech, Harvard, Stanford, and hundreds of other research universities offering a breadth of subjects available for PhD students. Even though the cost of education is substantially high in the USA, there are several research grants, financial aid, and scholarships available for PhD students here, which you can definitely benefit from.

$28,00- $40,000 per year
$1,875 per month

7. PhD in Belgium

PhD in Belgium

Slowly but steadily, Belgium is gaining popularity as a major educational hub. You will find several options for pursuing your doctorate program here, ranging from individualized courses to research-intensive ones. Much like all the other countries on the list, commendable scholarship opportunities are available in Belgium as well.

$940 – $10,544
$2,343 per month

8. PhD in Singapore

PhD in Singapore

Featuring world famous institutions like the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore is ideal for pursuing a research-intensive PhD program. Since most people here communicate in English, you won’t have to deal with any language barrier. However, the accommodation expenses in Singapore can be a bit too high for many but Singapore offers numerous fully funded scholarships that cover tuition and living expenses of international students

$1,985 per month

If tuition is a deciding factor in your case you can also consider France, Finland, Norway apart from Germany and Sweden as tuition is free or relatively inexpensive in these countries as well.

If you are interested in pursuing your PhD in the next few years, you should definitely start laying the groundwork for it. Take out 15 minutes of your time and talk to our counselors. They will help you with profile evaluation and chart your personalized admission roadmap. Call us now and take the first step to your dream PhD program!

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10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue A PhD Abroad

  • February 27, 2021
  • PhD Program

10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue A PhD Abroad

Your career plans after your master’s degree is an important decision to make. A PhD is the best choice if you are interested in exploring new areas of research and education. 

For every aspiring student, the inspirations differ for choosing to do a doctoral programme. For a few, it could be a learning experience and for others, it could be an opportunity to explore a topic that they are passionate about. 

If you want to study and explore the areas of your interest, then PhD is the best option for you. PhD helps to develop your knowledge in new areas and fields, explore new ideas, and to learn new skills. Above all, when you pursue your PhD abroad, it can open new doors for you.

10 Benefits of Doing a PhD Abroad

PhD has its own advantages for an individual in terms of career perspective as well as personal growth. But when you decide to do your PhD abroad, then it guarantees other benefits as mentioned below.

1) Explore New Opportunities

When you decide to pursue your PhD in a new country, it increases your exposure to new opportunities, new experiences, meet new people, and live a new life!

When you start your doctoral research in a new country, it opens tons of possibilities for learning new skills, languages and developing new interests.

2) Scholarships & Funds

The scholarship is another benefit you get when you choose to study abroad. Global universities provide scholarships and fellowships to international students. 

These fellowships, like the Doctoral Fellowship in India For ASEAN , can also help you save your tuition fees. You also become eligible to apply for various health care discounts and avail other concessions while studying abroad.

3) Explore New Country Culture

Different countries have different traditions and cultures! The best part of studying in a different country helps you explore new cultures, new learning opportunities, and meet new people. It gives you a global perspective of different cultures. 

4) Make Connections in a New Country

Studying abroad gives you a golden opportunity to widen your network. You get a chance to meet new people and learn their perspective of doing things. 

Once you go back home after completing your PhD, these connections can help you in terms of guidance, or any other support in your field of research.

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5) Better Understanding of New Education Systems

Education systems vary from country to country and different education systems have different learning styles.

You get the exposure to new teaching and learning methods if you choose to pursue your PhD abroad. You also can discover new specializations which might not be available in your home country. 

6) Learn From Best Faculty Around The World

You get the chance to learn from experienced faculty members when you apply to a global university.

Professionals within your research field can help and guide you with your research thesis and help you succeed in your doctoral research. 

7) Choose From Variety of Research Programmes

Studying abroad opens a plethora of options of universities for the research program of your choice and interest.

Global universities provide a variety of doctoral research opportunities. It can add a new dimension to your research paper and help you discover new innovations in your field.

8) Perks of Good Infrastructure

Depending on the country and university you choose, you can get the advantage of good infrastructure and advanced technology. 

Advanced infrastructure facilities at your college campus improve the quality of your education, research and your life as a PhD researcher. 

9) Improved Living Standard

When you start your research in a new country, you can experience a new culture and improve your lifestyle.

It also gives you a whole new perspective of living amongst new traditions and culture. You will meet a lot of new people from different societies that influence your worldview. 

10) More Employment Opportunities

After completing your PhD from a well-known global university, multiple employment opportunities will be open to you.

Whether you want to join a foreign university to pursue an academic career or to work at an organization, there are tons of opportunities that will be waiting for you. 

The skills you develop while studying abroad may also be valued highly by your future employers.

Ready To Start Your PhD Abroad?

It is an exciting journey to pursue a PhD abroad, but it requires pre-planning and research.

There are personal as well as professional benefits of studying abroad. While studying abroad, you can live and enjoy a different lifestyle and explore new research opportunities. 

It will not only help you build knowledge in your research area but will also help you learn new lessons in life.

You can discover a new world of possibilities if you use the opportunity to better understand a foreign culture. You’ll see an improvement in yourself as you start to adapt and work through the new challenges of living in a new country. You will realize that you have become a problem-solver and a positive thinker. Doing a PhD abroad can be an all-new experience for you!

Consider pursuing  a PhD in India at the Indian Institute of Technology. Check the Doctoral Programme in India for ASEAN for more details.

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students

  • Updated On April 16, 2024
  • Published In General

Studying PhD abroad is a dream for many Indian students seeking to advance their academic careers and gain a competitive edge in the job market. Pursuing a PhD abroad is one of the most prestigious programs you can undertake, with several renowned universities in top study destinations like the USA , UK , Australia , Canada , and Germany offering the course.

Table of Contents

What attractive factors drive Indian students to study for a Ph.D. abroad? Besides the benefits of better career opportunities, studying abroad offers access to different cultures and experiences. Studying abroad can be tough, but it’s worth it. It takes a lot of patience and hard work, but the experience is incredibly rewarding.

It provides access to world-class research facilities , renowned faculty and mentors, and advanced research and technology exposure . However, studying abroad can be expensive, and international students must bear sky-high tuition fees and living costs. On average, tuition fees for a PhD program can range from $15,000 (INR 12L) to $35,000 (INR 30L) per year, depending on the university and country you choose to study at. 

Many PhD scholarships are available for Indian students who want to study abroad, such as the Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship (US) , The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (UK) . If you have financial constraints, you don’t have to give up on the dream of getting your Ph.D. from a top-ranked university. These scholarships can make the whole process a lot easier. 

Are you keen to discover the incredible opportunities that come with pursuing a PhD abroad? Broaden your horizons, gain international experience, and advance your career with a degree that is recognized worldwide. Let’s explore the possibilities together!

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Why Study PhD?

Pursuing a PhD demands considerable time , commitment , and intellectual effort. It provides opportunities for personal growth, career advancement, and making a real impact on society .

Pursuing a PhD also gives you access to unique resources and the chance to work closely with leading experts in your field. However, if you’re passionate about your field of study and deeply desire to contribute to the academic community, a PhD could be an excellent choice for you.

If you’re considering pursuing a PhD, there are several reasons why it could be a smart move.

  • Advanced education is becoming increasingly important in today’s job market, and a PhD can open up a wide range of career opportunities and advancement possibilities.
  • Working towards a PhD can help you grow personally and intellectually . It will allow you to explore extensively your chosen field and enhance your critical thinking abilities. 
  • A PhD can allow you to contribute to society through research , tackling important questions and making a real difference in the world. 
  • The intellectual challenge and fulfilment of pursuing a PhD gives you the best results.
  • Pursuing a PhD can also allow you to establish yourself as an expert in your field, 

Choosing a country for a PhD

Selecting the right university when planning to study abroad for a PhD is crucial. Before deciding, consider factors such as the course structure, course fee, accommodation cost, university ranking, teaching standards, research activities, career prospects, and whether the degree is recognised.

When studying for a PhD program abroad, there can be many advantages over domestic options. These benefits include more funding for the field of study, the chance to work with top faculty and researchers in your field, opportunities for cross-cultural experiences, access to more grants and financial aid, and the chance to improve language skills. 

  • New Zealand

However, before making a final decision, there are some important factors that you should consider:

  • The quality of education
  • Cost of living
  • Visa regulations
  • Potential language barriers

Considering these factors can help you decide which country is right for you and your academic goals.

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students

Tips for selecting the right country for PhD for Indian students

As an International student from India, choosing the most suitable country for pursuing a PhD program can be challenging.

Here are five tips to help you make an informed decision :

  • Research the universities: Look for universities that offer your program of interest, and check their rankings, faculty, and research facilities.
  • Consider the cost of living: Look for countries with a lower cost of living, and check if you are eligible for scholarships or financial aid.
  • Check the visa requirements: Ensure you understand the visa requirements and the process of obtaining a student visa for your chosen country. 
  • Look for job opportunities: Consider the opportunities available after completing your PhD program in your chosen country.
  •  Consider cultural differences: Consider the cultural differences of the country you choose and ensure that you are comfortable with the lifestyle and culture of the country. 

By following these tips, you can make an informed decision and select a country that is best suited for your academic and personal needs.

The Pros and Cons of Pursuing a PhD Abroad

Pursuing a PhD abroad is a dream for many Indian students who seek to advance their academic careers , gain a competitive edge in the job market, and experience different cultures . Studying abroad also comes with several challenges that must be considered before embarking on this journey. 

Access to world-class research facilities, renowned faculty, and mentorsHigh tuition fees and living costs
Exposure to advanced research and technology Financial constraints and limited funding opportunities
Opportunities for cross-disciplinary research and collaborationsStringent visa regulations and limited work opportunities
Exposure to diverse cultures and experiencesCultural differences and homesickness.
Improved language skillsLanguage barriers and communication issues. 
Opportunities for personal and intellectual growthLimited job prospects in India after graduation

Pursuing a PhD abroad is a significant investment that requires careful consideration of the pros and cons. Indian students need to weigh the benefits of gaining access to world-class research facilitie s, renowned faculty , and advanced research and technology against the challenges of high tuition fees and living costs, cultural differences, and limited job prospects in India after graduation. 

Ultimately, pursuing a PhD abroad can be a fulfilling experience for Indian students willing to put in the effort and overcome the challenges.

Top 5 Universities for Pursuing PhD abroad for Indian Students

Choosing the right university is crucial for a successful career. Some renowned universities known for their excellent research facilities , world-class facult y, and innovative academic programs include:

  • University of Toronto
  • Stanford University
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Melbourne

Moreover, they offer various courses across various fields, making them a popular choice among students worldwide. While the average fees for Indian students may vary, these universities are considered worth the investment due to their exceptional academic reputation.

Let’s briefly discuss the top 5 universities for Indian students pursuing a PhD abroad

1. University of Toronto, Canada

The University of Toronto is a globally renowned public research university in Toronto, Canada. It has consistently ranked among the top 20 universities worldwide and is ranked 25th in the QS World University Rankings . The university offers over 700 undergraduate and graduate programs across 18 faculties and schools. 

The distinguishing factor of this university is its strong dedication to promoting innovation and maintaining a high standard of research excellence . Admission to the University of Toronto is highly competitive and requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale , along with other specific requirements for each program.

  • Engineering (including Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc.)
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Life Sciences (including Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, etc.)
  • Business Administration and Management

Here is a List of University of Toronto PhD Programs, Fees, Course length and Scholarships Available for Indian Students: 

4 to 6 years 
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
University of Toronto Fellowship

2.   Stanford University, USA 

Stanford University is a world-renowned private research institution in Stanford, California, USA. It is consistently ranked among the top universities in the world, with a QS World University Ranking of 2 . Stanford’s approach to research is unique because of its multidisciplinary nature, which enables the development of innovative solutions to complex problems.

The university offers various undergraduate and graduate programs across several disciplines, with a student-to-faculty ratio 5:1. Stanford has highly competitive admission requirement s, including an application process and high academic standards . However, its exceptional reputation and commitment to academic excellence make it a top choice for students worldwide.

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Bioengineering
  • Business Administration (PhD in Management Science and Engineering)
  • Political Science

Here is a List of Stanford University PhD Programs, Fees, Course length and Scholarships Available for Indian Students:

4 to 6 years 
Stanford Graduate Fellowship (SGF)
External Scholarships and Grants

Pursuing a PhD can be challenging but also a fulfilling experience. Scholarships and popular fields offer exciting opportunities for growth for Indian Students. 

3. University of Cambridge, UK

The University of Cambridge, located in the United Kingdom, is a world-renowned institution that has consistently ranked among the top universities globally. According to the QS World University Rankings , it was ranked 3rd in previous years. Cambridge is widely known for its academic excellenc e, with a strong emphasis on research and innovation.

 The university offers a diverse range of programs across various fields, attracting students from all over the world. To be admitted, students must meet the entry requirements, including high academic standards and language proficiency. The university’s culture of working together and being curious helps students feel encouraged to challenge themselves and learn more.

  • Engineering (including Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, etc.)
  • Biological Sciences (including Genetics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, etc.)
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Economics and Business
  • Social Sciences (including Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, etc.)
  • Humanities (including History, Literature, Philosophy, etc.)

Here is a List of University of Cambridge PhD Fees, Course length and Scholarships Available for Indian Students: 

3 to 4 years 
Cambridge Trust Scholarships
Gates Cambridge Scholarship

4.  Dublin City University, Ireland

Dublin City University, located in Ireland’s capital city, is a highly reputable institution that consistently ranks among the top universities in the country. It has an impressive QS World University Ranking of 422 , reflecting the excellent quality of education it provides. One of the university’s standout features is its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship , which is evident in its curriculum and teaching methods.

 With a strong emphasis on experiential learning , students have numerous opportunities to gain practical skills and experience and engage with industry experts. Admission requirements vary depending on the program, but generally, you need to meet the academic criteria and demonstrate proficiency in the English language.

  • Engineering (including Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc.)
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Humanities (including Literature, History, Philosophy, etc.)
  • Social Sciences (including Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, etc.)

Here is a List of Dublin City University PhD Fees, Course length and Scholarships Available for Indian Students: 

to per year
3 – 4 years
DCU Doctoral Research Scholarships
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships

5. University of Melbourne, Australia: 

The University of Melbourne is consistently ranked among the top universities in the world for research and academic excellence. According to the QS World University Rankings , it is one of the highest-ranked universities for doctoral studies. The university offers various PhD programs across various fields, providing students multiple opportunities to explore their research interests and contribute to advanced research.

 The faculty members are highly qualified and well-respected in their respective fields, providing students with guidance and mentorship throughout their academic journey. Pursuing a PhD at such a prestigious institution is an excellent opportunity for students seeking to advance their research skills and significantly contribute to their field of study.

  • Engineering (including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, etc.)

Here is a List of University of Melbourne PhD Fees, Course length and Scholarships Available for Indian Students: 

3 – 4 years
Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP)
Scholarships Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRS) 

Eligibility and Admission Process for Indian Students

Indian students who wish to pursue a PhD abroad need to meet certain eligibility criteria. Typically, students should hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field, have a good academic record , and demonstrate proficiency in English through standardised language tests such as TOEFL (80 to 100 ) or   IELTS (6.5 to 7.0). 

The application process varies depending on the university and country, but generally, students need to submit their academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a research proposal. Deadlines for applications can be as early as nine months before the program start date, so it’s important to plan accordingly. Some common entrance exams required for PhD programs abroad include the GRE and GMAT and the respective entrance exams for individual universities.

Funding and Scholarships for Indian Students

Pursuing a PhD abroad can be expensive, and international students, including Indian students, must pay high tuition fees and living costs. However, several funding options and scholarships are available to help students manage the financial burden.

 It is essential to explore all the funding options and scholarships available before you start your PhD program.

  Some of the popular scholarships for Indian students pursuing a PhD abroad : 

  • The Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship (US)
  • Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (UK)
  • Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (Australia)
  • The DAAD Scholarship (Germany)

Additionally, several universities offer scholarships to international students based on merit, research interests, and financial need. It is crucial to research the universities and the scholarships they offer.

Students can also explore funding options such as research assistantships , teaching assistantships , and external funding sources such as government grants and research funds. Securing funding for your PhD program can be challenging, but it is not impossible. 

Students can increase their chances of securing funding by researching and applying for multiple scholarship s , networking with faculty and alumni , and demonstrating their research potential and academic achievements . It is also essential to start the application process early and submit a well-written research proposal and personal statement.

By exploring all the funding options and scholarships available and applying strategically, Indian students can pursue their dream of a PhD abroad without worrying about the financial burden.

To sum up: 

Pursuing a PhD abroad can be a life-changing experience for Indian students seeking to advance their academic careers and gain a competitive edge in the job market. While it demands considerable time, commitment, and intellectual effort, it offers several benefits, including better career opportunities, access to world-class research facilities, renowned faculty and mentors, advanced research and technology exposure, and cross-cultural experiences.

However, studying abroad can be expensive , and international students must bear high tuition fees and living costs.

 Therefore, students should consider applying for scholarships and financial aid to make the process more manageable. Before selecting a country for a PhD , students should consider factors such as the quality of education, cost of living, visa regulations, potential language barriers, and job opportunities.

By following these tips and guidelines, Indian students can make an informed decision and choose the right country to pursue their PhD and achieve their academic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. is phd abroad with a scholarship for indian students beneficial.

A. Pursuing a PhD abroad with a scholarship can benefit Indian students. It offers access to world-class research facilities , renowned faculty , and advanced research and technology . However, it is important for students to carefully consider the pros and cons and weigh the benefits against the challenges of high tuition fees and living costs, cultural differences, and limited job prospects in India after graduation. Ultimately, it depends on the individual student’s goals and aspirations.

Q. How do you apply for a Ph.D. abroad?

A. To apply for a PhD program abroad, you need to identify universities and programs that interest you, check the eligibility criteria and requirements, prepare the necessary documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose, and submit your application online or by post. You may also need to take standardised tests like GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS .

Q. What are the benefits of pursuing a PhD abroad for Indian students? 

A. Pursuing a PhD abroad offers access to world-class research facilities, renowned faculty and mentors, and advanced research and technology exposure. It also provides opportunities for personal growth, better career opportunities, and making a real impact on society. Additionally, studying abroad offers access to different cultures and experiences, which can broaden one’s perspective and enhance one’s critical thinking abilities.

Q. Which country is best for Indian students to study for a PhD abroad?

A. As an Indian student pursuing a PhD, popular countries to consider include the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Germany. However, the best country for you depends on factors such as the quality of education, cost of living, visa regulations, potential language barriers, and job opportunities available after completing your degree. It’s important to research and consider all of these factors before making a decision.

Q. How can I do PhD from abroad in India?

A. To pursue a PhD from abroad in India, you can apply to universities that offer distance learning PhD programs. Some universities allow international students to conduct research and complete their dissertations from their home country. However, it’s important to note that not all universities in India accept international students for PhD programs, so it’s crucial to do thorough research and check the eligibility criteria and application process of each university before applying.

Q. How much does a PhD abroad cost for Indian students?

A. The cost of pursuing a PhD abroad for Indian students varies depending on the country and university. Generally, tuition and living expenses can range from $10,000 to $30,000 per year . Scholarships and funding opportunities can help reduce the financial burden.

Q. What is the age limit for Indian students who are abroad for a Ph.D.?

A. There is no specific age limit for Indian students to pursue a PhD abroad. However, most universities require applicants to have completed a master’s degree or equivalent before applying for a PhD program. Additionally, some scholarships may have age restrictions, so it’s best to check the eligibility criteria before applying.

Q. What scholarships are available for Indian students at Dublin City University?

A. Dublin City University offers several scholarships for Indian students, including the India Merit Scholarship, which provides a 50% reduction in tuition fees for selected Indian students. The university also participates in the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme, which offers scholarships to high-achieving students from non-EU/EEA countries, including India.

Q. What are some of the PhD courses offered at the University of Toronto ?

A. The University of Toronto offers various PhD programs across various disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and more. Some of the popular PhD courses at the University of Toronto are Computer Science, Psychology, Biomedical Engineering, English, and Chemistry. The university has a strong research focus, and students pursuing a PhD are encouraged to engage in independent research projects under the supervision of experienced faculty members.

Q. What are some of the top universities for Indian students pursuing a PhD abroad?

A. There are many top universities abroad that Indian students can consider when pursuing a PhD. Some popular options include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, the University of California Berkeley, the University of Oxford, and the University of Cambridge. These universities have a strong research focus, world-class facilities, and experienced faculty members who are leaders in their fields. Indian students can also explore funding opportunities, scholarships, and assistantships to support their PhD studies abroad.

Q. What are the challenges that Indian students may face while pursuing a PhD abroad?

A. While pursuing a PhD abroad, Indian students may face various challenges. These can include cultural differences, language barriers, the cost of living, adjusting to a new academic system, and homesickness. However, with proper preparation and support, these challenges can be overcome, and students can thrive in their academic pursuits while enjoying the unique experiences that studying abroad offers.

Popular Universities for Study Abroad

30+ universities for study abroad.

  • Arizona State University
  • Northeastern University
  • Coventry University
  • University Of East London
  • University Of Hertfordshire
  • Conestoga College
  • Humber College
  • Centennial College
  • University Of Birmingham
  • University Of Greenwich
  • Columbia University
  • Bpp University
  • Texas A & M University
  • University Of Maryland
  • University Of Toronto
  • University Of Melbourne
  • University Of Waterloo
  • New York University
  • Mcgill University
  • Harvard University
  • University Of British Columbia
  • University Of Alberta
  • University Of Oxford
  • University Of Cambridge
  • University Of California Berkeley
  • Yale University
  • University Of Calgary
  • Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students & Apply now for 2024 Intake

A phd abroad is worth every effort and time.

Undertaking research studies abroad is a dream academic plan for a number of international students. PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree awarded to a student pursuing an advanced study in any particular field. While there are a number of Indian universities that offer a PhD program, pursuing PhD abroad has its fair share of advantages which entice international students. Completing a successful overseas PhD requires much more than just time and money. It takes an immense amount of patience and perseverance.

Why study PhD abroad?

Pursuing your research studies abroad benefit you in more ways than one. Here are the top perks of the same:

A global network: Doing your PhD outside your home country allows you to meet scholars from across the world and learn from their unique perspectives

Career advancement: It opens up opportunities for you to gain global skills and the land the most coveted jobs anywhere in the world

Globally recognised degree: A PhD from top universities abroad

adds weight to your CV and is highly respected by employers across the world

World-class faculty: Top ranking universities abroad have exceptionally skilled and experienced professors

Types of PhD programs

If you enjoy research, then applying for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship a year in advance would be a good move. If teaching interests you, then talking with the Adviser or Department Head is advisable and would help you to progress in academics. Venturing into industries is also a great option for research scientists as there are a number of opportunities available.

Eligibility criteria

While the specific requirements may vary from one university to another, here is what you will typically need:

Masters degree earned from a recognised university

Satisfactory GRE scores (you can speak with your IDP counsellor to know how much you will need to score to get into your preferred university)

Overall score of 6.5 or above on IELTS English proficiency test

You should also keep your letters of recommendation, transcripts, and Statement of Purpose ready for a timely application.

Read more : How to write an SOP | LOR – everything you need to know

Studying in a foreign country can seem expensive. To manage your finances efficiently, it is always a good idea to have a rough idea of how much money you will need.

Read more : Cost of studying abroad

Course duration

Depending upon the field of study, thesis completion and individual progress, PhD completion may take somewhere between 3 to 10 years. The coursework while pursuing international PhD will comprise of lectures, countless presentations, and extensive research.

Intake season

There are usually two intakes round the year that most foreign universities and colleges offer – one during the month of January which is the Spring intake and the other during the month of September which is the Fall intake. Some universities may also offer an intake in the month of April which is the Summer intake. Choose your intake based on factors like availability of your preferred program, your chosen institution, academic records, entrance test scores, job opportunities etc. You can always ask your IDP counsellor for guidance on the intake that is right for you.

Find out more about study abroad intakes

How to choose a university?

Choosing the right university is critical for any student aiming to study abroad. Before taking a decision, the key factors that should be considered are course structure, course fee, accommodation cost, university ranking, teaching standards, research activities, career prospects, and whether the degree is recognised or not.

Read more : How to choose where to study abroad

What scholarship options are available for Indian students?

Students can fund their PhD abroad by availing one of the several scholarships that are available:


Country Name

Scholarship names


The UK

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships


The US, the UK and Europe

Inlaks-Shivdasani Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for international Students


The US

Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship



Australian Government Research and Training Program

Endeavour Leadership Program



Government of Ireland Scholarships

NUI Galway Hardiman Scholarships



Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

IDRC Research Awards

Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships


New Zealand

Commonwealth Scholarships for students studying in New Zealand

Career scope A PhD abroad opens a new world of career opportunities to you. While in academics, you could continue with your post-doctoral project as researchers or teachers, industrial jobs are an option for science and engineering doctorates. PhD students can also work as consultants, biochemists, medical scientists, etc.

Benefits of pursuing PhD abroad

Exposure to new research methods

Fluency in a new language

Enhances your resume

Boosts your professional growth

Enables personal grooming and development

Work visa after course completion

There are a number of visa options that may be of help to you in case you are planning to stay and work in your chosen country:






J1 Visa and H1B visa



Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme



Post-Study Work Stream Visa



Temporary Resident Visa



Third Level Graduate Scheme


New Zealand

Post Study Work Visa

Earning a PhD abroad is quite an achievement in itself as it takes immense patience and determination. Completing your PhD research demands commitment so make sure you are certain about the subject area and topic you choose. If you feel stuck anywhere, just connect with our international education specialists and we will be happy to guide you.

What are tariffs, and why are they rising?

Subscribe to the hutchins roundup and newsletter, elijah asdourian and elijah asdourian senior research assistant - economic studies , the hutchins center on fiscal and monetary policy david wessel david wessel director - the hutchins center on fiscal and monetary policy , senior fellow - economic studies @davidmwessel.

July 1, 2024

  • 12 min read

What are tariffs?

Tariffs are taxes that countries impose on imported goods when they cross the border. From the founding of the United States until 1914, when the federal income tax was introduced, tariffs were the main source of revenue to the federal government . After World War II, the U.S. joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) with 22 other countries, which aimed to promote international trade, and began decreasing tariffs. The downward trend in tariff rates continued until 2018, when the Trump administration raised tariffs on several products, especially those imported from China, igniting a trade war. Tariffs on China stopped increasing in January 2020 but have yet to decrease substantially, and remain well above their pre-2018 levels . The Biden administration has kept Trump-era tariffs on China in place and raised them on steel, aluminum, medical equipment, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells in May 2024. Unlike other taxes, which require the consent of Congress, legislation passed in 1934, 1962, and 1974 gives the executive branch leeway to lower tariff rates by up to 80% and to raise tariff rates if it serves a national security interest.

Chart courtesy of Peterson Institute for International Economics [linked]

Why do countries impose tariffs?

Among the reasons that countries impose tariffs are to protect domestic industries (particularly those vital to national security), to incentivize foreign countries to change their practices, and to raise revenue. The Trump and Biden administrations said they imposed tariffs for the first two reasons.

Even with the tariffs imposed during the Trump and Biden administrations, tariff revenues in fiscal year 2023 were slightly more than $80 billion, a small fraction of the $4.439 trillion in total U.S government revenues for that year. The global proliferation of free agreements since World War II has substantially lowered tariff rates, and in turn lowered tariff revenue in wealthy countries, though a number of developing countries still rely on tariffs for a substantial proportion of government revenues.

Chart courtesy of The Coalition for a Prosperous America [linked]

What tariffs did the Trump administration raise and why?

The Trump administration argued tariffs were “imposed to encourage China to change [its] unfair practices,” as they were “threatening United States companies, workers, and farmers.” This statement cited a report from the Office of the United States Trade Representative which found that China’s actions “pressure technology transfer from U.S. companies to Chinese entities … deprive U.S. technology owners of the ability to bargain … and support unauthorized intrusions into, and theft from, the computer networks of U.S. companies.” The administration argued in January 2018 that its initial round of tariffs on washing machines was necessary, as increasing imports had hurt American washing machine manufacturers’ financial performance . The tariffs, which made imports more expensive, were supposed to increase domestic purchases of washing machines. Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer also argued in July of that year that “China [had] been engaging in industrial policy which [had] resulted in the transfer and theft of intellectual property and technology to the detriment of our economy,” prompting punitive tariffs to spur a change in policy. Trump frequently cited China’s business practices as the cause of the trade deficit between the U.S. and China, saying in June 2018 that “ the United States [is] at a permanent and unfair disadvantage, which is reflected in our massive $376 billion trade imbalance in goods .”

China responded to the initial round with retaliatory tariffs. This prompted both countries to continue increasing tariffs for the better part of two years. The U.S.-China trade war paused in January 2020, when the U.S. agreed not to impose planned tariffs on China, and China agreed to buy more U.S. exports . By this point, the level of U.S. tariffs on China had increased from under 5% to over 20%.

What did the Biden administration do with tariffs?

The Biden administration has not reduced any of Trump’s tariffs on China, and in May 2024 raised tariffs on steel, aluminum, medical equipment, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells.

Biden’s May 2024 tariff increases follow much of the same logic as Trump’s initial 2018 tariffs, albeit without mention of the U.S. trade deficit with China. In its release, the administration argued that “ American workers continue to face unfair competition from China’s non-market overcapacity in steel and aluminum ” and “encourage[d] China to eliminate its unfair trade practices.” The Biden administration, like the Trump administration, sees tariffs on China as both a punitive measure that might spur a change in Chinese industrial policy as well a way to protect domestic manufacturers.

Though the Biden administration has drawn criticism from advocates of free trade in both parties for keeping protectionist trade policy, he also has important constituents who want to keep tariffs in place. At the start of his term, the U.S. steel industry, including its union workers, urged Biden to hold steady . In November 2023, Democratic senators Bob Casey Jr. and Sherrod Brown, both from Rust Belt states with many union workers, wrote a letter to Biden arguing that tariffs on steel and aluminum were still necessary .

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai was asked at a June 2024 event at the Atlantic Council where she agrees and differs with Trump’s former USTR Robert Lighthizer. She said they agree the U.S. has to “change [its] approach to trade,” that she and Lighthizer “share a lot of the same diagnoses” on the U.S.-China trade relationship, and that “one of the ways where Bob and I are most different is in rhetoric.”   While many economists and some policymakers in the past have emphasized the benefits of trade to American consumers, Tai and Lighthizer emphasize the risks that trade poses to American workers. For more on Tai’s views, see this interview from .  For more on Lighthizer’s commentary, see this site , or his 2023 book, “ No Trade is Free .”

Who bears the cost of tariffs?

The burden of tariffs can fall on consumers (who may pay higher prices), on importers (who may absorb the cost by reducing their profits and not pass it along to consumers), on exporters (who may absorb the cost and accept lower net prices for their goods), or on some mix of those. Tariffs are often imposed on intermediate goods—goods that are used in the production of things that consumers buy—and this can both erode producers’ profits (unless they find domestic substitutes for those inputs) and the prices they charge consumers. Which party bears the heaviest burden depends on the specific market.

A literature review by the Tax Foundation found that U.S. consumers and firms bore the brunt of costs in the recent trade war, with some studies finding partial pass-through (the price increases, but not by as much as the tariff, hurting both importers and consumers), others finding almost complete pass-through (the price increases by the amount of the tariff), and a couple of cases of over-shifting (the price increases by more than the amount of the tariff). They did not find substantial evidence that foreign exporters absorbed the economic burden of the tariffs by lowering prices.

What impact do tariffs have on economic growth?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says that the effect of tariffs on output can be ambiguous. On the one hand, some consumers end up buying domestic goods instead of imported goods, and tariff revenues make more resources available for private investment by decreasing the national deficit. These factors increase GDP. On the other, the purchasing power of consumers goes down as goods are more expensive, retaliatory tariffs decrease exports, and some businesses delay new investments out of caution. These factors all decrease GDP.

On balance, economists tend to agree that free trade (low tariffs) increases economic growth more than protectionist trade policy (high tariffs). Free trade allows producers with comparative advantage to get their products to the market cheaply and efficiently, and tariffs get in the way. Additionally, while tariffs may protect infant industries, they can also reduce competition, with adverse effects on an economy. In the 20 th century, many developing countries put large tariffs on imported goods using a strategy called “import substitution” to give a country’s domestic industries a leg up until they could compete with advanced countries. In practice, those industries often remained underdeveloped , as they never had to compete with better technology.

Today’s advocates of tariffs say that the textbook models don’t resemble reality because China, in particular, heavily subsidizes key industries and gives them an advantage of over American producers—and could put them out of business altogether, giving China a monopoly.

What have been the economic effects of recent tariff policy?

In August 2019, CBO estimated that the negative GDP effects of recent tariff increases had outweighed the positive ones and were decreasing real output by 0.3% . The Tax Foundation estimated in July 2023 that the long-run effects would bring GDP down by 0.2% and total employment down by 142,000 jobs . Economists Mary Amiti of the New York Fed, Stephen Redding of Princeton, and David Weinstein of Columbia found, in a 2020 working paper, that “ U.S. tariffs continue to be almost entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers. ” Michael Pettis of the Carnegie Endowment noted that, even when the U.S.-China trade deficit decreases , as it did after the tariffs, the U.S. trade deficit with the rest of the world increases by at least as much.

Those worried about the threat that China poses to U.S. prosperity say the costs imposed by tariffs are worth the benefits. Total imports from China are down from pre-2018 trends as intended, and imports from China on products with high tariffs cratered in 2019 and 2020 . While this shows signs of some economic decoupling, the effects have been partially offset by a surge in Chinese imports on products without tariffs.

Where is U.S. tariff policy headed?

If messaging from the Biden administration and Trump campaign is any signal, the era of high tariffs will continue past 2024, though the nature and scope of the tariffs will depend on who wins the November 2024 election. Biden’s May 2024 tariff increases affect $18 billion worth of goods , while some Trump proposals would impose tariffs on all U.S. imports from China (over $400 billion) or on all U.S. imports ( slightly under $4 trillion ). After Biden’s announcement of increased tariffs in May 2024, Trump said increased tariffs should also apply to vehicles “ and a lot of other products .”

 Trump also has suggested a flat 10% tariff on all imports, and a 60% tariff on imports from China . This would constitute a very large increase, with one analysis predicting that this would cost the typical household $1,700 annually .

In June 2024, Trump floated fully replacing the income tax with tariffs , which would effectively shift the burden of paying for government from upper-income Americans (because the income tax is progressive) to those who don’t make enough income to pay much, if any, income taxes.

Economists Kim Clausing and Maury Obstfeldt argue that replacing the income tax with tariffs is impossible:

“Tariffs are levied on imported goods, which totaled $3.1 trillion in 2023. The income tax is levied on incomes, which  exceed $20 trillion ; the U.S. government raises  about $2 trillion in individual and corporate income taxes  at present. It is literally impossible for tariffs to fully replace income taxes. Tariff rates would have to be implausibly high on such a small base of imports to replace the income tax, and as tax rates rose, the base itself would shrink as imports fall, making Trump’s $2 trillion goal unattainable.”

What are the specific sections of the law that empower the president to impose tariffs?

(This is drawn from a summary prepared by the law firm of Skadden Arps and by the Congressional Research Service .)

  • Trade Expansion Act of 1962, Section 232(b) allows the president, after an investigation by the Department of Commerce, to impose tariffs or quotas on imports that threaten U.S. national security.
  • Trade Act of 1974, Section 122 authorizes the president to impose quotas and tariffs of as much as 15% for up to 150 days against countries that have “large and serious” balance-of-payment surpluses with the U.S. This provision has never been invoked.
  • Trade Act of 1974, Section 201 allows the president to impose tariffs or quotas on imports of a particular product if the U.S. International Trade Commission finds there has been a surge of imports of that product that cause serious injury to the U.S. industry producing that product. For example, President Trump imposed tariffs on washing machines and solar panels in January 2018 under Section 201 .
  • Trade Act of 1974, Section 301, authorizes the U.S. Trade Representative to impose tariffs or quotas if it finds that another country has denied the United States its rights under a trade agreement or has engaged in practices that are unjustifiable, unreasonable, or discriminatory and burden or restrict U.S. commerce. For instance, President Biden in May 2024 increased tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminum, semiconductors, and electric vehicles under Section 301 . The Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 (IEEPA) authorize the president to regulate all forms of international commerce and freeze assets in time of war (TWEA and IEEPA) or in response to “unusual or extraordinary” international threats to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States (IEEPA). President Trump threatened to invoke IEEPA in May 2019 to impose tariffs on imports from Mexico unless Mexico stemmed the flow of immigrants, but reached an agreement with Mexico before the tariffs were actually imposed .

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Trump raked in big money from foreign nations. Experts fear he'd do it more if re-elected

The countries include human rights violators and u.s. adversaries, raising questions about how trump's financial interests affect national security..

how to do phd in foreign countries

WASHINGTON – If former President Donald Trump wins a second term in November, his personal and family business interests could pose even bigger ethical problems and national security risks than they did during his first term − when he exploited the presidency to financially benefit himself in unprecedented ways, ethics experts warn.

Trump earned up to $160 million in total from businesses in foreign countries while he was in office, according to one recent estimate from the Washington watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). That estimate included income from at least 69 foreign trademarks granted to Trump businesses and 150 foreign officials who visited a Trump business.

Millions of those dollars flowed to the Trump Organization from corrupt and authoritarian governments such as China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, according to a January report from Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

“We have to assume that not only would we see what we saw in the four years of his presidency, but that we'd see it a lot more and probably done a lot more brazenly,” said CREW president Noah Bookbinder.

And given recent court judgments declaring that Trump owes more than $530 million in damages , Bookbinder said, “He's got a real need for it now.”

Trump's family also fared well under his administration, including his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, whom Trump appointed as senior White House advisors even as they kept ownership of at least some of their private business operations.

A vast and Byzantine global empire

Trump has built a global business empire that includes current and proposed real estate properties, licensing deals and other investments in many countries.

During his 2016 campaign, Trump broke with precedent and did not release his tax returns , making it more difficult for the public to assess the extent and nature of his foreign entanglements.

Ethics experts also said Trump's putting his assets in a "blind trust" run by his children did little to eliminate conflicts of interest because he did not divest himself of his holdings while dealing with the leaders of those countries.

Most concerns stemmed from Trump’s alleged violations of the emoluments clause, an anti-bribery provision in the Constitution that prohibits any U.S. officeholder from accepting “any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever , from any King, Prince, or foreign State” without the consent of Congress. It’s derived from the Latin word “emolumentum,” meaning “profit” or “gain.”

Some legal experts say Trump's foreign income and ongoing foreign business interests violated that clause when he was in the White House. “The Founders, recognized such payments as a grave threat," Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, a Republican, told USA TODAY.

Others contend that it may not apply to Trump because the provision does not specifically identify the president as subject to it. "As the head of the executive branch, the president may not be able to — and arguably under the Constitution it might not be possible to require the president to — recuse from government decisions," Richard Briffault, a professor at Columbia Law School, told Politifact .

In Trump’s first term, a steady parade of foreign government officials spent millions renting rooms and space at Trump properties such as Trump's golf courses and his Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, often at exorbitant prices.

Since 2018, the Trump Organization has sent payments of undisclosed amounts to the U.S. Treasury, which it says are equal to the profits from foreign government spending Trump properties. Democratic lawmakers and ethics watchdogs such as CREW and the Center for American Progress (CAP) say that doesn't eliminate the conflict of interest because knowing foreign officials stay at Trump properties could still influence him.

Trump 'worked to be legally compliant'

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung told USA TODAY that Trump "divested and worked to be legally compliant during the first term. It would be safe to assume he will follow all rules and regulations" if re-elected.

Cheung also said Trump "entered into an ethics pledge that held him to a higher standard and more than what was required."

The Trump Organization did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Getting 'aligned with authoritarian leaders'

Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst , expressed concern about Trump’s relationships with authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin, supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un , and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi .

While campaigning in 2015 and 2016, Trump was still pursuing real estate deals in Russia even as he publicly supported Putin and welcomed Russian interference in the presidential election on his behalf. Once in office, he took Putin's word over the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies that concluded that the Kremlin had tried to help him win the White House.

Trump also told journalist Bob Woodward that he protected Saudi Arabia from consequences for its murder of the U.S.-Saudi journalist and critic Jamal Khashoggi and blessed a $110 billion sale of U.S. weapons to Riyadh.

“Trump has consistently shown himself to be aligned with authoritarian leaders in countries that are hostile to American interests,” Helt said. “Given his legal woes and financial difficulties, it is not hard to imagine him leveraging national security information, refusing to support a NATO mission, or even pushing deregulation that favors foreign business interests in return for cash infusions into Trumpworld.”

'The monetization of diplomacy'

Ivanka Trump made significant profits profits from her namesake clothing, jewelry, accessories and other businesses worldwide, according to financial disclosure filings and watchdog groups. She also obtained the government of China’s approval for numerous trademarks, including three that came on the same day in April 2017 that Trump and his daughter met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

A person close to Ivanka Trump and Kushner told USA TODAY on Saturday that neither violated any laws or ethics policies because they divested or gave up day-to-day control of their businesses before joining the White House − and hired top-tier lawyers who made sure that their annual Certificates of Divestiture were certified by the Office of Government Ethics.

After leaving office in 2021, Kushner launched a private equity fund with a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia and nearly half a billion from the United Arab Emirates and Qatar , three wealthy Gulf countries he worked with as a senior White House advisor.

The person close to Ivanka Trump and Kushner said the two gave up tens of millions of dollars in earnings each year to work in the White House and that she got the China trademarks to protect her global brand from being undercut by copycat manufacturers operating there. Kushner was able to attract the Middle East investment because of trusted personal connections he made with key leaders there while forging U.S. foreign policy like the Abraham Accords , that person said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss their business dealings.

But ethics experts, watchdog groups and some current and former government officials said such trademarks are enormously valuable for someone like Ivanka Trump because they brought the full weight of the Chinese government down on the many bootleggers trying to compete with her Chinese-made goods globally. More broadly, they have criticized the two for allegedly cashing in on their White House positions, especially their roles as globe-trotting representatives of President Trump who met with world leaders in roles usually reserved for top-level diplomats.

"The pair’s  latest foray  to the Group of 20 leading nations in Osaka, Japan and in the follow-on visit to the Republic of Korea and to the Demilitarized Zone, clearly show that Jared and Ivanka have crossed many lines when it comes to appropriate, ethical and effective stewardship of America’s national security interests," former senior State Department official Wendy Sherman wrote in a 2019 USA Today opinion piece , noting that financial disclosure forms showed the two earned " over $80 million through their private businesses" the year before during Trump's second year in office.

"Indeed, we are seeing the privatization and monetization of diplomacy," wrote Sherman, the Obama administration undersecretary of state for political affairs from 2011 to 2015. "From Jared's  embrace of Saudi Arabia  in the wake of the brutal murder of (U.S.-Saudi journalist) Jamal Khashoggi because, as the president has said himself, they buy a lot of weapons from the United States, to Ivanka continuing to win  Chinese trademarks  that pose  conflicts of interest  on policy and her own post-administration finances, everything seems to be about building platforms for their future business."

Senate Democrats, led by Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden , launched an investigation into the foreign payments made to Kushner's firm earlier this month. House Democrats have been looking into both Trumps and Kushner since 2017.

And while the two say they have no plans to return to government service, Trump himself has done even more to blur the line between his private businesses and his public role on behalf of the American public.

'No new foreign deals ... whatsoever'

After winning the White House in November 2016, Trump was asked by many government watchdogs to divest from his businesses to avoid conflicts of interest. The president-elect rejected those calls, citing the exemption of the president and vice-president from the federal law prohibiting conflicts of interest for other federal officials.

“The law is totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest," Trump said .

“I could actually run my business and run government at the same time," Trump contended at a Jan. 17, 2017 press conference. "I don’t like the way that looks, but I would be able to do that if I wanted to.”

The law doesn’t actually say the president can’t have a conflict of interest, but Congress does exempt the president and vice president from conflict-of-interest laws, in Title 18 Section 208 of the U.S. code .

Lawyer Sheri Dillon, who Trump brought to the 2017 press conference, said the incoming president had “voluntarily” directed her and her law firm “to design a structure for his business empire that will completely isolate him from the management of the company.”

As a result, she said, “No new foreign deals will be made whatsoever during the duration of President Trump’s presidency.” 

Also, Trump would create a revocable trust and relinquish “ leadership and management of the Trump Organization to his sons Don and Eric and a longtime Trump executive, Allen Weisselberg,” Dillon said.

Weisselberg, the Trump Organization's chief financial officer, later went to jail for committing tax fraud , for which two Trump companies were also convicted. He was locked up again for committing perjury during an investigation into alleged Trump Organization wrongdoing.

Trump 'White House for sale?'

The Oversight Committee Democrats' report from January is titled, “White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump.”

"Despite the Constitution's requirement that a president disclose foreign emoluments and seek Congress's consent to keep them, it took Oversight Committee Democrats years of aggressive litigation against the former President to obtain the subset of documents from Mazars, Donald Trump's accounting firm," the report noted.

In January 2023, Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., released Mazars from having to continue complying with the committee's subpoena.

Even so, with data from just 20 countries and four of Trump's more than 500 businesses over two years, the committee found $7.8 million in payments, with the biggest spender being China.

“Former President Trump has legitimate businesses, but the Bidens do not,” Comer said in a statement responding to the report, before alleging that the Biden family had also profited from foreign governments via the consulting work of Hunter Biden, the president's son.

CREW sued Trump in 2017 over the emoluments issue, but the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the case in 2021, saying the statute no longer applied since Trump was out of office. By February 2020, CREW’s tracking concluded Trump had “racked up 3,000 conflicts of interest,” including the 69 foreign trademarks to his businesses.

More recent debts, obligations – and financial disclosures

Trump's current financial and legal woes make him even more vulnerable to foreign influence, experts say.

A New York federal civil jury in January found Trump must pay columnist E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million for defaming her. In February, a New York judge ordered Trump and his company to pay $453.5 million for fraudulently over-valuing his real estate empire.

“Financial conflicts of interest in foreign countries would be an even greater risk for a second Trump presidency than in the first. This is because Trump is deeply indebted with civil fraud judgments and mounting legal bills in his criminal cases,” Painter, the Bush White House ethics lawyer, said.

In 2016, Painter, former White House ethics czar Norman Eisen and Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe warned about how Trump’s business dealings with foreign governments would be prohibited because of concerns about foreign influence by those who wrote the U.S. Constitution.

Now, Painter tells USA TODAY, “Trump Organization financial dealings in foreign countries are as wide-reaching as they ever were, and most of these countries are not democracies. Some are not friendly to the United States.”

Trump's income from authoritarian regimes

Here are some of the potential foreign conflicts of interest for Trump in a second term, based on reports by Congress, non-profits including CREW and CAP, and USA TODAY interviews:

Saudi Arabia | China | India | Turkey | Philippines | Indonesia | Kuwait | United Arab Emirates | Qatar

Saudi Arabia

Trump family businesses have received significant revenues from Saudi Arabian sources, including $2 billion to Jared Kushner’s Affinity Partners investment fund , which gets 99% of its fund capital from non-U.S. sources. In the White House, Kushner worked closely with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has harshly repressed dissent among Saudis − even targeting those residing in the United States .

The Saudi government also spent lavishly at Trump properties, including an estimated 500 nights at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Before his election, Trump listed at least eight businesses in China in his 92-page financial disclosure form, and he had a "sprawling trademark portfolio that the government of the P.R.C. enlarged " during his four years in office, the House report said.

Ivanka Trump’s brand received numerous Chinese trademarks during Trump’s presidency too, raising conflict of interest concerns about her in getting Beijing's help protecting her brands of clothing, accessories and other products in China without competition from copycats. She sold the products worldwide before shutting down her business sometime in 2018, the person close to her said.

The Beijing government also was busy buying Trump properties during his term. And Chinese state-owned entities were, by far, the heaviest spenders at Trump hotels and other properties, paying $5.6 million in New York, Washington and Las Vegas.

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During his term, India was − and likely remains − home to the largest number of Trump-owned business projects outside the U.S. including Trump Towers in Mumbai and Kolkata and other luxury real estate projects with a total estimated value of $1.5 billion, according to the Indian Express newspaper.

According to the Oversight Committee Democrats' report, Trump enjoyed a “ uniquely warm relationship ” with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist who has drawn international criticism for human rights violations and Islamophobia.

The Indian government spent at least $282,764 at Trump properties, including owning two units in Trump World Tower in New York “ t hroughout the Trump presidency , as well as multiple stays at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C .," by officials from the Indian Embassy there.

Trump “entered the presidency with significant and lucrative existing business interests in Turkey,” the House report said. That included licensing fees for Trump Towers Istanbul and a longtime branding deal with one of Turkey’s most politically influential families, according to CAP. The Ankara government also “repeatedly patronized Trump-owned properties” in the United States.

In 2019, Trump said it was "an honor" to host Turkey's authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the Oval Office, despite bipartisan congressional opposition to the visit due to a Turkish assault on the Kurds, a U.S.-allied group. Trump declared himself a "big fan" of the strongman. Trump also withdrew U.S. troops from Syria, allowing Turkey to invade, leading to the resignation of Trump's Secretary of Defense James Mattis .


Trump received “millions of dollars” from his financial stake in a Trump-branded apartment complex in Manila while he was president, with his business partner later appointed as the Philippine government’s special envoy to the U.S.

In June 2018, while Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte was seeking a free-trade deal with the United States, the country’s embassy paid $74,810 to hold its National Day reception at Trump’s Washington hotel. Trump “ repeatedly praised Duterte even as the authoritarian ruler was accused of orchestrating the extrajudicial killings of thousands” of Filipino citizens, according to the Oversight Committee Democrats' report.

Of the $160 million Trump earned while president from his businesses in foreign countries with interests in U.S. foreign policy, $14 million of it came from his business interests in Indonesia , according to a CREW analysis of his  tax returns .

In June 2015, a week after announcing his presidential bid, Trump created corporations to manage two Indonesian projects in Bali and Lido. By the next year he reported receiving as much as $10.16 million in royalties and fees and owning or managing at least eight hotel, golf and technical services firms there. By 2019, Trump resort business partner and Indonesian conglomerate MNC boasted on its website that an “ aggressive global expansion ” of the “Trump International Portfolio” was “underway,” with “numerous projects in the pipeline.”

Just days after Trump won the 2016 election, Kuwait abruptly switched the venue for its “Embassy of Kuwait National Day” event to the Trump International Hotel in Washington and paid $82,713 including $12,000 for a “Sushi Station.” It racked up other charges at that hotel and other Trump properties, including as much as $152,664 for a unit it owned at Trump World Tower.

United Arab Emirates

Trump maintained his significant business interests in UAE while in office, including the  $6 billion  Trump-branded  International Golf Club Dubai  and Trump World Golf Club Dubai , which opened in 2017 with both Trump sons in attendance .

Beginning in 2017, the UAE government spent tens of thousands of dollars at Trump’s Washington hotel. In 2017, Trump boasted about how he’d just turned down another deal worth $2 billion from his “very amazing” golf club partner, Hussain Sajwani of DAMAC, to avoid the appearance of a conflict even though he “didn’t have to turn it down, because as you know, I have a no-conflict situation because I’m president.”

Qatar paid $465,744 to the Trump World Tower for properties it owned during Trump’s term in office and also “spent heavily” at other Trump-owned hotels and properties, notably during periods of diplomatic tension in the Gulf region. Qatar, like other countries where Trump had business including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE, was exempt from Trump’s ban on immigration from many Muslim-majority nations.

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Will Iran’s foreign policy change under a new president?

The two candidates offer different approches, but whoever wins won’t be the sole decision-maker in Iran’s system.

Iranian presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili

The two remaining candidates vying for the Iranian presidency, Saeed Jalili and Masoud Pezeshkian, offer voters distinct visions for the country’s future.

However, experts say their differing views are unlikely to lead to a significant change in Iran’s foreign policy.

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Pezeskhian, a former health minister and surgeon, came first in Friday’s election but did not secure the 50 percent needed for an outright victory, forcing him into a run-off against second-placed Jalili to be held on July 5.

Friday’s snap election was to pick a successor to President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in late May.

Pezeshkian stands out in the race as the only non-conservative candidate allowed to run.

He had the backing of reformists like former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, whose involvement likely indicates Pezeshkian will pursue a key reformist foreign policy goal: renegotiating a nuclear deal to alleviate sanctions on Iran’s economy and ease tensions with the West.

The 2015 agreement between Iran and China, the European Union, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, United States, to curb its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief, was signed under the centrist presidency of Hassan Rouhani.

But three years later, then-US President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal , crushing the hopes of those who believed it would have paved the way for Iran’s economic renaissance.

Instead, the US imposed harsh new sanctions, and Iranian hardliners found new ground to say the West could not be trusted. Talks over the deal’s revival have since largely stalled.

On the other side of the political spectrum, Jalili is considered the most rigid representative of conservative politics.

A victory for this staunch hardliner – with the backing of other conservative first-round candidates – would mark an even more confrontational approach towards the West, especially the US, analysts say.

Having served as the chief nuclear negotiator between 2007-2012, Jalili opposed the idea that Iran should discuss or compromise with other countries about its uranium enrichment programme – a stance he kept for the 2015 deal.

Not the only decision-maker

Regardless of the candidates’ markedly different stances, Iran’s president operates within a limited mandate.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) under him hold most of the say when it comes to foreign policy.


“If you get 180-degree change between a Trump or a [current US President Joe] Biden administration on the general trajectory of the US, in Iran, with a change of presidency, you get a 45 percent difference – it’s not insignificant but not as impactful as in other countries,” said Ali Vaez, chief of International Crisis Group’s Iran programme.

“There are elements of continuity that limit how much change one can see.”

This has been floated as one of the reasons behind the 40 per cent turnout in Friday’s election – the lowest in Iran’s history since the 1979 Islamic Revolution – as voters appear to have lost hope that much can improve with a change of president.

A reformist president would have to face the ultra-conservative forces dominating Iran’s parliament, while his ability to engage with the West would be tested by the country’s regional engagement, which has pitted it against allies of the West.

In April, Iran launched a missile and drone attack against Israel in retaliation for an Israeli assault on the Iranian consular building in Damascus, Syria, which killed senior IRGC commanders.

The unprecedented tit-for-tat came amid heightened regional tensions as Israel’s war on Gaza drags on and the potential of an all-out war between Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon looms larger.

But while regional policies have long been strictly handled by the IRGC, nuclear negotiations with world powers are still on the table.

On this matter, the president can set the tone and attitude, even if it is only for marginal changes, said Vali Nasr, a professor of Middle East studies at Johns Hopkins University.

“When it comes to the nuclear deal, the president can be very important in exploring possibilities for different kinds of outcomes,” Nasr said. “Pezeshkian would make a case to start talks with the US while Jalili would not.”

Nuclear diplomacy is central to Iranians as it directly affects the country’s economy – the top concern of most Iranians. Successive governments have failed to tackle currency depreciation and inflation, which they have blamed on the Western sanctions regime.

“For sanctions to be lifted, one needs to be interested in talking with the West – whether you have… an intransigent president, it does make a difference,” Nasr said.

Iranians vote in snap presidential election

The hardline approach

A Jalili presidency would be in line with the late Raisi’s approach, who promised in his three-year tenure not to link the economy to nuclear talks with foreign powers.

Instead, the government decided to rely on Iran’s internal capabilities, while pivoting its business towards the East, strengthening ties with China, Russia and neighbouring countries.

Under the so-called “resistance economy”, Iran last year signed a China-brokered deal with Saudi Arabia ending a years-long cold war between the regional rivals.

Raisi also pushed for Iran to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the country became a member of the BRICS bloc earlier this year.

But the so-called turn to the East did not produce tangible results in terms of improving the economy – something the conservative camp has acknowledged – leaving any future president in need of striking a balance when it comes to direction.

“Jalili won’t be able to completely avoid talks with the West, as Pezeshkian won’t focus just on nuclear talks,” said Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh, the director of DiploHouse, a think tank focused on foreign policy.

He added that Iran’s foreign policy will also depend on external factors – most importantly, the US election in November.

“The challenge is not from inside Iran but from outside – on whether Trump or Biden wins,” he said. “Even if Pezeskhian is the president, he will face foreign challenges, rather than domestic.”

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