Present Perfect Continuous tense

Present Perfect Continuous tense - I have been doing

The Present Perfect Continuous tense uses two auxiliary verbs together with a main verb.

In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Present Perfect Continuous tense, as well as the use of for and since , followed by a quiz to check your understanding.

present perfect continuous

How do we make the Present Perfect Continuous tense?

The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous tense is:

subject + auxiliary + auxiliary + main verb
conjugated in Present Simple past participle  

The first auxiliary (have) is conjugated in the Present Simple: have, has

The second auxiliary (be) is invariable in past participle form: been

The main verb is invariable in present participle form: -ing

For negative sentences we insert not after the first auxiliary verb.

For question sentences, we exchange the subject and first auxiliary verb.

Look at these example sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous tense:

+ I have   been waiting for one hour.
+ You have   been talking too much.
- It has not been raining.  
- We have not been playing football.
? Have you   been seeing her?
? Have they   been doing their homework?

Contraction with Present Perfect Continuous

When we use the Present Perfect Continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and the first auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this in informal writing.

I have been I've been
You have been You've been
He has been
She has been
It has been
John has been
The car has been
He's been
She's been
It's been
John's been
The car's been
We have been We've been
They have been They've been
  • I've been reading.
  • Jenny's been helping us recently.

In negative sentences, we may contract the first auxiliary verb and "not":

  • I haven't been playing tennis.
  • It hasn't been snowing.

How do we use the Present Perfect Continuous tense?

This tense is called the Present Perfect Continuous tense. There is usually a connection with the present or now.

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about:

  • past action recently-stopped
  • past action still-continuing

Present Perfect Continuous for past action just stopped

We use the Present Perfect Continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and stopped recently. There is usually a result now .

I'm tired because I .
  • I'm tired [now] because I 've been running .
  • Why is the grass wet [now] ? Has it been raining ?
  • You don't understand [now] because you have n't been listening .

Present Perfect Continuous for past action continuing now

We use the Present Perfect Continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and is continuing now . This is often used with for or since .

I for 2 hours.
  • I have been reading for 2 hours. (I am still reading now.)
  • We 've been studying since 9 o'clock. (We're still studying now.)
  • How long have you been learning English? (You are still learning now.)
  • We have not been smoking . (And we are not smoking now.)

For and Since with Present Perfect Continuous tense

We often use for and since with perfect tenses:

  • We use for to talk about a period of time: three hours, two months, one decade
  • We use since to talk about a point in past time: 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday
for since
30 minutes 10.00am
four days Friday
3 months March
2 years 2010
3 centuries 1700
ages I left school
ever the beginning of time
etc etc

Look at these example sentences using for and since with the Present Perfect Continuous tense:

  • I have been studying for three hours.
  • I have been watching TV since 7pm.
  • Tara hasn't been feeling well for two weeks.
  • Mary hasn't been visiting us since March.
  • Anton has been playing football for a long time.
  • He has been living in Bangkok since he left school.

Josef Essberger, founder

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Since, for, from (examples, how to use)

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expresses duration .

When we use , we are saying that something began in the past and is unfinished:

(= 'I moved here in 1997 and I still live here.')

(= 'We got married last June and we’re still married.')

(= 'I knew him at school and I still know him.')
We use the or with :

this car last April.
Mary here 2003.
We can use the with to express duration from a point in the past:

in London 1964.
Since vs. for
and both express duration up to a point in the present, but we use them differently.
We use :

I've been waiting here .
We use :

I've been waiting here .
Since vs. from
We use and to express duration. Both tell us the starting point of an activity.
expresses duration of an unfinished action, up to a point in the present:

so I'm going home now.
We use in other cases:

We say or / :

8 5 o'clock.
the 1920s , Picasso lived in France.

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Practise this grammar

Intermediate grammar exercise: Since, for, from

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Past simple or past continuous?

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The first one is more natural if you are referring to an action that was in progress at 8 o'clock. But it is not possible to omit the subject in English, pronoun " I " in this case.

If you are referring to an action that was concluded before 8 o'clock, you should use Past Perfect and a different preposition, " by 8 o'clock" in this case.

E.g.: I had finished my homework by 8 o'clock last night.

Both sentences are syntactically incorrect, i.e. the word order is not respected. 

You have two options: 1) to use a comma for emphasis: At 8 o'clock last night , I was doing my homework; 2) to put the whole adverbial phrase after the object: I was doing my homework at 8 o'clock last night .

Your answer

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The difference between "has + been + p.p" and "had + been + p.p" ( short: ) is an online community for learning foreign languages. It represents an open knowledge base. Every member can share and gain knowledge about a new language. Read more -->

he is doing homework since 8 o'clock

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English Grammar Exercises: Past continuous

Exercise  1   .

1    (at 8 o’clock yesterday evening) …………………….

2    (at 5 o’clock last Monday) …………………….

3    (at 10.15 yesterday morning) …………………….

4    (at 4.30 this morning) …………………….

5    (at 7.45 yesterday evening) …………………….

6    (half an hour ago) …………………….

1   I was having dinner

2   I was on a bus on my way home.

3   I was working.

4   I was in bed asleep.

5   I was getting ready to go out.

6   I was watching TV at home.

Exercise  2   

Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.

1   Matt phoned while we …………………….

2   The doorbell rang while I …………………….

3   The car began to make a strange noise when we …………………….

4   Jessica fell asleep while she …………………….

5   The television was on, but nobody …………………….

1   were having dinner

2   was having a shower

3   were driving home

4   was reading the paper

5   was watching it

Exercise  3   

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.

I ……………………. (see) Sue in town yesterday, but she ……………………. (not I see) me. She ……………………. (look) the other way.

I ……………………. (meet) Tom and jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They ……………………. (go) to Paris and I ……………………. (go) to Rome. We ……………………. (have) a chat while we ……………………. (wait) for our flights.

I ……………………. (cycle) home yesterday when a man ……………………. (step) out into the road in front of me. I ……………………. (go) quite fast, but luckily I ……………………. (manage) to stop in time and ……………………. (not / hit) him.

1   saw … didn’t see … was looking

2   met … were going … was going … had … were waiting / waited

3   was cycling … stepped … was going … managed … didn’t hit

Exercise  4   

1   Jenny ……………………. (wait) for me when I ……………………. (arrive).

2   ‘What ……………………. (you I do) at this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’

3   ‘ ……………………. (you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’

4   How fast ……………………. (you I drive) when the accident ……………………. (happen)?

5   Sam ……………………. (take) a picture of me while I ……………………. (not / look).

6   We were in a very difficult position. We ……………………. (not / know) what to do.

7   I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last ……………………. (see) him, he……………………. (try) to find a job.

8   I ……………………. (walk) along the street when suddenly I ……………………. (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ……………………. (follow) me. I was scared and I ……………………. (start) to run.

9   When I was young, I ……………………. (want) to be a pilot.

10   Last night I ……………………. (drop) a plate when I ……………………. (do) the washing-up. Fortunately it ……………………. (not I break).

1   was waiting

2   were you doing

3   Did you go

4   were you driving … happened

5   took … wasn’t looking

6   didn’t know

7   saw … was trying

8   was walking … heard … was

    following … started

10   dropped … was doing … didn’t break

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Exercise on Simple Present - Present Progressive

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive.

  • Look! Jenny (go) to school.
  • She (wear) a raincoat and wellies and she (carry) an umbrella.
  • Jenny usually (cycle) to school, but today she (take) the bus because it (rain) .
  • The bus (leave) at 7.35 and (arrive) at Jenny's school at 7.45.
  • The first lesson (begin) at 8 o'clock.

T075 - Present Tense - Simple and Continuous

Gap-fill exercise.

Fill in the correct form of the Present Tense (Simple or Continuous) :

  • The girls ( NOT ARGUE ) now. They ( WATCH ) a film together.
  • Look ! Mary ( SING ) again. She often ( SING ) this song.
  • My dad ( HAVE ) a lot of work to do every weekend.
  • Please go to the supermarket and ( BUY ) me some food.
  • Emma ( SPEAK ) English and French but her sister doesn't.
  • He usually ( LEAVE ) home at 9.00 o'clock but today he ( LEAVE ) later.
  • I ( VISIT ) my grandmother every Friday. My sister often ( VISIT ) her as well.
  • She ( WRITE ) to her pen friend at the moment.
  • They sometimes ( HAVE ) lunch at work, but today they ( GO ) to a restaurant.
  • She can't talk to you. She ( HAVE ) a shower.
  • Where ( ALEX , NORMALLY, LIVE ) ? - In France.
  • Jane ( GIVE ) a party today because it ( BE ) her birthday.
  • My mother always ( COOK ) in the morning.
  • The lesson ( START ) at 9 every morning.
  • What ( YOU USUALLY DO ) at the weekends ?
  • After school I always ( CHECK ) my Facebook posts before I do my homework.
  • Pay attention ! The teacher ( WRITE ) some examples on the blackboard.
  • She never ( SMOKE ).
  • He ( LIKE ) watching TV but he ( NOT WATCH ) at the moment because he is asleep.
  • My brother can't play tennis because he ( HAVE ) a racket.

Telangana Notes

Parts Of Speech Grammer Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

Prepositions grammer interactive english first year intermediate study material with answers, articles grammer interactive english first year intermediate study material with answers, tenses grammer interactive english first year intermediate study material with answers.

Table of Topics

12. Fill in any four of the following blanks with a suitable form of the verbs given in the brackets [4×1=4]

1. fill in the blanks with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets. ( page no 151 ).

1] Custard apple is (be) a tasty and healthy fruit. 2] The moon appears (appear) at night 3] It is raining (rain) now. We can’t go out at present. 4] A ray of the sun does not (not, pass) through a wall. 5] Hyderabad is (be) the Capital of Telangana state. 6] All banks are open (open) on the first and the third Saturday of the month. 7] People speak (speak) Telugu all over AP and Telangana. 8] My English teacher usually speaks (speak) English in the class room, but surprisingly she is speaking (speak) Telugu now. 9.] Do North Indians eat (eat) chapatis daily? 10] Is he doing (do) any job at present? 11] Usually I close (close) all doors before going to bed. 12] Do you believe (believe) in ghosts? 13] My father is watching (watch) a serial at the moment. 14] Water freezes (freeze) during winter in some areas of the Atlantic Ocean.

1. Fill in The blanks with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continous Form Of the Verbs Given in the brackets. ( Page no 158 )

1. fill in the blanks with the simple past, past continous, past perfect continous form of the verbs given in the brackets. ( page no 159 ).

1] The tsunami broke (break) while the sailors were rowing (row) the boats. 2] How did you spend (spend) your childhood? 3] I was browsing (browse) the internet when he came to our house. 4] The audience has occupied (occupy) their seats before the cinema began. 5] The farmers had been sowing (sow) seeds for two hours when the sun set. 6] There was a stampede when the pilgrims suddenly rushed (rush) into the temple. 7] I wish I had (have) a car. 8] When were (be) you born? 9] How long had your brother been staying (stay) in the US when you went there for MS? 10] Gandhi passed away (Pass away) in 1948.

1. Fill in The blanks with the Simple Future, the Future Continous, the future perfect, Future Perfect Continous Form of the verbs Given in the brackets. ( Page no 165 )

2. fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (page no 165 to 166), 3. rewrite the following sentence correcting the underline parts ({age no 166 ).

1. He is doing homework since 8 o’clock. A] He has been doing homework since 8 o’clock.

2. If they are going out, we will follow them. A] If they go out, we will follow them.

4. If you have your mother, she would have felt happy. A] If you had helped your mother, she would have felt happy.

6. Mukesh Ambani has constructed the world’s costliest house four years ago. Mukesh Ambani constructed the world’s costliest house four years ago.

7. He has returned from Dubai a month ago. A] He returned from Dubai a month ago.

8. He is not having any cash. A] He does not have any cash.

10. Is he remembering our help? A] Does he remember our help?

13. Did you leave for Hyderabad last year. A] Did you left for Hyderabad last year.

14. Sangeetha joined tomorrow. A] Sangeetha will join us tomorrow.

3. Fill in The blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs Given in the brackets. (Page No 166)

How satisfied are you.


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Home of English Grammar

Prepositions of Time – At, On, In

The prepositions at, on and in indicate time. Can you use them correctly? Test your understanding with this interactive grammar exercise.

1. I usually get up ………………… six o’clock.

We use at with clock times.

2. Phone me ……………… lunchtime.

3. i work best ………………. the evening..

We use ‘in’ with parts of the day. For example, we say in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

4. I usually go for a walk ……………….. the morning.

5. we met …………….. a cold afternoon in winter..

We use ‘on’ when we say which morning / afternoon / etc., we are talking about.

6. I will call you ……………. Sunday.

We use ‘on’ with days.

7. What are you doing …………….. the weekend?

Please select 2 correct answers

We can say at the weekend or on the weekend.

8. They got married ……………… the week after Easter.

We use in for longer periods.

9. We are having the house painted …………… Easter.

We use ‘at’ to talk about the whole of the holidays at Christmas, Easter etc.

10. I wrote the book …………. a month.

11. are you free ........................

Prepositions are not used in expressions of time before next, last, this, that, each, every etc.

12. Let’s meet ………………

1. I usually get up at six o’clock. 2. Phone me at lunchtime. 3. I work best in the evening. 4. I usually go for a walk in the morning. 5. We met on a cold afternoon in winter. 6. I will call you on Sunday. 7. What are you doing at / on the weekend? 8. They got married in the week after Easter. 9. We are having the house painted at Easter. 10. I wrote the book in a month. 11. Are you free this evening? 12. Let’s meet one day.

he is doing homework since 8 o'clock


5 Simple Rules for Telling Time in English

Hello, Friends!

Telling time in English can be confusing. I’m happy to help! There are a few rules to remember, please:

#1. Telling Time in English: Using ‘Past’ or ‘To’

As we know, there are 60 minutes in an hour. With minutes 1 – 29, we say it’s past (or after ) the hour. For example, “It’s ten past three”, or 3:10. Or another example, “It’s twenty after eight”, or 8:20. With minutes 31 – 59, we say to (the next hour). For example, when it’s 10:40, we say “It’s twenty to eleven” (Eleven minus twenty minutes). Or when it’s 3:50, we say “It’s ten to four” (Four minus ten minutes). Remember, it’s always correct to say “It’s 3:50”. But many times, you will hear people say “It’s ten to four”. English learners should be aware of that. And they should be comfortable using “past , after , and to ” to express time.

telling time in english

#2. When to Use ‘a Quarter’ and ‘a Half’

Like we said, there are 60 minutes in an hour. We divide our time in quarters and halves. It’s confusing at first, but it does make expressing time easier. At minute 15, we say it’s “ quarter past ”. Or we say, it’s “ quarter after ”. Both “ quarter past ” and “ quarter after ” are equally correct. So, when it’s 7:15, we say it’s “ quarter past seven”. Or when it’s 1:15, we say it’s “ quarter after one”. At minute 45, we say it’s “ quarter to ” the next hour. For example, at 5:45, we say it’s “ quarter to six” (or 15 minutes before 6:00). At minute 30, we say it’s “ half past ”. So at 9:30, we would say it’s “ half past nine” (or half an hour after 9:00). Again, please remember that it’s okay to say “It’s 7:15”. Or “It’s 5:45”. But you will definitely hear people say “It’s quarter after seven”. Or “It’s a quarter to six”. So I encourage you to get comfortable and confident expressing time in quarters and halves.

how to tell time

#3. A.M or P.M: What Time is it?

As we all know, there are 24 hours in a day. Hours 1 through 11 are pretty simple. In the 9th hour, we just say “It’s 9:00”. But hours 12 to 24 might be a little different than what other cultures are accustomed to. For hours 0 through 12, we call this “ A.M. ”. So for hour 7 (in the morning), we say “It’s seven A.M. ” (7:00 A.M.). For hours 12 to 24, we call this “ P.M. ”. So for example, at hour 14, we say “It’s two P.M .” Again, there are cultural differences that might make “ A.M .” and “ P.M .” a little confusing. For example, my Brasilian students told me that at the 17th hour, they say “It’s seventeen hundred.” We just say “It’s five P.M .” (5:00 P.M.).

A.M or P.M

*** It’s NOT important to know this. But “A.M.” stands for “Ante Meridiem” (Latin). And “P.M.” stands for “Post Meridiem” (also Latin).

#4. Noon. Midday. Midnight

At hour 12, we say it’s “ noon ”. You also sometimes hear people say “ midday ”. At hour 24, we say it’s “ midnight ”. “ Noon ” is 12:00 P.M. And “ midnight ” is 12:00 A.M. (The start of a new day or 24 hour cycle.)

midday or midnight

#5. When to Use O’clock

At the beginning of each hour, we use the term “ o’clock ”. For example, “It’s one o’clock ” (1:00). Or “It’s four o’clock ” (4:00). A common mistake that I have noticed with English learners is that they will use the term “ o’clock ” at the wrong time. For example, we do NOT say “It’s six-thirty o’clock” (6:30). And we do NOT say “It’s eleven-fifteen o’clock” (11:15). We only say “ o’clock ” at the exact hour. For example, “It’s four o’clock ” (4:00). Or “It’s eight o’clock ” (8:00).

tell time in english

Last ‘Telling Time in English’ Advice From Jeff

I hope this helps? Time is very important. And I hope you will be more confident and comfortable expressing time in English. If you have questions or comments, please let me know!

Thank you, friends!

live the harvest experience

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TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Tenses

Telangana TSBIE  TS Inter 1st Year English Study Material Grammar Tenses Exercise Questions and Answers.

Q.No. 12 (4 × 1 = 4 Marks)

A verb is a word that tells about an action, a state of being or existence, possession, or a change in state. ఒక పనిని గురించి గాని, ఒక స్థితి గురించి గాని యాజమాన్యం గురించి గాని, స్థితిలో మార్పు గురించి గాని తెలిపేది verb. e.g. : The boy cried , (action) I have a watch, (possession) She is a nurse, (a state of being) He became weak, (change in state) పై వాక్యాలలోని cried, have, is, became అను పదాలు పనిని గాని స్థితిని గాని తెలుపుతున్నాయి. అందుచే అవి verbs.

Tense : Tense is the form of the verb. It shows the time of the action or event. There are three tenses. They are :

  • Present Tense
  • Future Tense
Tense Indefinite Simple form Continuous form Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present Tense : Active
I call.
I am called.
I am calling.
I am being called.
I have called.
I have been called.
I have been calling. (No form)
Past Tense :
I called.
I was called.
I was calling.
I was being called.
I had called.
I had been called.
I had been calling. (No form)
Future Tense :
I shall call.
I shall be called.
I shall be calling. (No form) I shall have called.
I shall have been called.
I shall have been calling. (No form)



  • Here comes John.
  • Children do not sit quietly in one place.
  • It is used to express habitual action : e.g. : I get up early in the morning.
  • It is used to express general or universal truths : e.g. : The earth is round. Stars twinkle We grow paddy. Speed thrills but kills .
  • It is used to express future action that has already been planned : e.g. : Our college reopens on 16th June. He sails for England next Monday.
  • Sivaji now sees the danger and immediately kills Afzul Khan with his lion-claws,
  • Birbal now seizes the chance and cracks a joke on his rivals.

TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Tenses


  • It is used to express an action that is going on at the time of speaking : e.g. :She is dancing . They are writing .
  • It is used to express an action that will happen in the future. e.g. : 1) I am going to Mysore tomorrow.
  • It is used to show that some action is in the middle though it is not being done at that time. e.g. : I am reading a novel.

Note : The following verbs are not generally used in the Continuous Tense : (ఈ క్రింది verbs ను సామాన్యంగా continuous Tense లో ఉపయోగించరాదు )

Verbs of sense of perception : hear, see, smell, notice, recognise, taste, feel. Verbs of appearing : look, seem, appear. Verbs of thinking : Suppose, think, believe, realise, understand, know, imagine, mean, agree, consider, trust, remember, forget, expect, recall. Verbs of emotions : want, wish, desire, feel, like, love, hate, prefer, hope, refuse. Miscellaneous : own, possess, keep, concern, matter, owe etc. e.g. : He is looking fine. (Wrong) He looks fine. (Correct) I am believing you. (Wrong) I believe you. (Correct) She is understanding me. (Wrong) She understands me. (Correct) I am hating you. (Wrong) I hate you. (Correct)


i) It is used to denote an action that has just been completed. e.g. : The train has arrived . They have finished the work.

ii) It is used to express a past action the result of which continues : e.g. : I have not seen Ravi for many months. He has been ill since Monday.

iii) It is used to refer to a past action in a more general way : e.g. : Have you ever been to Simla ?

iv) A few adverbs or adverbial phrases are used with the Present Perfect Tense : just, never, ever, so far, till, yet, already, since, today, this week etc. e.g. : I have just posted the letter. So far he has not come . He has not received the money yet . This week there have been no rains.


It is used to refer to an action that begins in the past and continuous through a given period of time up to the present moment. e.g. : I have been waiting here for Ramu for two hours. I have been waiting here for Ramu since 3 p.m.

Note : ‘For’ denotes period of time. ‘Since’ denotes point of time.

Observe the following sentences :

  • He has been painting the door for 2 p.m. (Wrong) He has been painting the door since 2 p.m. (Correct)
  • The workers have been demanding more wages since ten days. (Wrong) The workers have been demanding more wages for ten days. (Correct)


i) It is used to express the action completed in the past. Adverbs and adverbial phrases expressing Past time are often used with this tense. (భూతకాలంలో పని పూర్తయినట్లయితే దానిని తెలుపుటకు Simple Past లేక Past Indefinite Tense ను వాడెదరు. భూతకాలాన్ని తెలిపే క్రియ విశేషణ పదాలు యీ tense లో ప్రయోగింపబడతాయి.) e.g. : She met me yesterday. The clerk did his work hurriedly.

ii) It is used to express a habitual action in the past. (భూతకాలంలో అలవాటుగా చేసే పనులను విశదపరచుటకు Simple Past Tense వాడెదరు.) e.g. : People performed child marriages in olden days. While I was in Chennai, I spoke to others in Tamil.


It is used to express an action that was still going on in the past time. (భూతకాలంలో పని కొనసాగింపును Past Continuous Tense తెలుపును.) e.g. : I met Raghu while he was standing at the college gate. We noticed some birds which were flying .


It is used to express an action which had been completed at some point in the past time before another action in the past. We use Past Perfect to refer to the earlier action and Simple Past to refer to the later action. (భూతకాలంలో ముందు జరిగిన పనిని Past Perfect Tense లోను రెండవ పనిని Simple Past Tense లోను చెప్పాలి.) e.g. : The train had left before they reached the station. I had finished my work when Alfred came in. పై వాక్యాలలోని మొదటి దానిని ఉదాహరణగా తీసుకుందాం. ఇందులో గతంలో జరిగిన రెండు పనులు సూచింపబడ్డాయి. The train left. They reached the station. ఇందులో ముందు జరిగినది The train left. దీనిని Past Perfect Tense లో చెప్పాలి. అప్పుడు వాక్యం The train had left before they reached the station. అయింది.)


It is used to show an action that had begun in the past and continued till some point of time in the past. (భూతకాలంలో ఒక పని ఎప్పుడో ప్రారంభమై, అదే పని కొంత కాలము వరకు కొనసాగుతున్నదని Past Perfect Continuous Tense లో తెలపాలి. ) e.g. : I had been watching TV for an hour when my uncle came to see me. We had been playing hockey for three hours when it started to rain. She had been passing the information to the rivals for a long time before she was caught.


It is used to express an action that will take place in the future. (భవిష్యత్తు కాలంలో జరగబోయే పనిని Simple Future తెలుపును. ) e.g.: I shall meet you tomorrow.

10. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE : It is used to express an action going on at some point in future. (భవిష్యత్తు కాలంలో జరగబోయే పనిని Future Continuous తెలుపును.) e.g. : She will be sleeping then. We will be playing the match at this time tomorrow. I shall be writing a letter at this time on Monday.

11. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE : It is used to express an action that will be completed at some point in the future : (భవిష్యత్తులో ఒక నిర్ణీతకాలానికి పని పూర్తగునని Future Perfect Tense విశదపరచును.) e.g. : I shall have done my work before you come.

12. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE : It is used to refer to an action that will be in progress at a point in Future after continuing for a given period. e.g. : I s hall have been completing thirty years of service by next March. I shall have been writing the examination for two hours by this time on Monday.


Clauses that show conditions are called conditional clauses. Sentences with conditional clauses use fixed patterns of Tenses. Conditions are of four types :

  • Real conditions
  • Unreal or improbable conditions
  • Past unfulfilled conditions and
  • Zero conditions.

The tense forms used in a sentence are determined by the type of the condition in that sentence.

Look at the following examples :

  • If it rains, I will not come to your home. (Real condition-Simple present in the conditional clause and Simple Future in the main clause)
  • If I were a bird, I would fly high in the sky. (Unreal condition – Simple Past (were-even with I) in the conditional clause and ‘would+V’ in the main clause)
  • If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination. (Past unfulfilled condition-Past Perfect in the conditional clause and would + have + Past Participle of verb in the main clause).
  • If you heat metals, they expand . (Zero conditions : The action certainly leads to the second action. Simple present is used in both the clauses).

The information may easily be noted in the table form.

s. No. Type of condition Tense in conditional clause Tense in main clause
1 Real Simple Present
Ex : If you come early.
Simple Future we will go to our friends house.
2 Ureal Simple Past If I were you would + V
I wouldn’t do that.
3 Past Unfulfilled Past Perfect
If she had started early
would + have +
pp of verb she would have
4 Zero condition Simple Present If you go higher caught the train. Simple Present you see better.



  • Indians love cricket.
  • He looks awful.
  • My father works in the USA.
  • South Indians eat a lot of rice.
  • We play in the field every week.
  • The train leaves at 5 pm.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • He practises yoga daily in the morning.
  • Heat evaporates water.
  • What goes up must come down.
  • Do you go for a walk every day ?
  • A cobra hisses when it is disturbed.
  • Cocks crow every morning.
  • He doesn’t wake up early in the morning.

Look at the following examples.

Which do you like more ? Tea or coffee ? I like coffee. What channel does your mother, watch usually ? My mother watches ETV, mostly serials. Do you read any English newspaper ? Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Does your father allow you to use a mobile ? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t. Do your parents check your studies ? Yes, they do / No, they don’t.

  • I am reading an interesting novel.
  • I am also learning English.
  • We are going home late this week.
  • Ravi : Why are you mewing like a cat ? Sonu : I am trying to learn mimicry. Ravi : Are you undergoing training in mimicry ? Sonu : No, I am learning on my own with the help of my brother. In fact he is going to an institute.
  • Notice the difference. Where do you come from ? refers to your home town. Where’ are you coming from ? refers to the immediate place from where you are coming.
  • It is raining heavily. (Now actually happening) _
  • She is going to the market.
  • They are doing business.
  • He is trying for a job.
Unacceptable Acceptable
1. I am knowing the address. I know the address.
2. She is resembling her mother. She resembles her mother.
3. Is anyone here having a flat ? Does anyone here have a flat ?
4. They are belonging to Kerala. They belong to Kerala.
5. I am hating loud noise. I hate loud noise.

i) He has just entered the room. ii) I have seen the movie. iii) Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been ? iv) I have been to London to see the queen. v) I have been to Kashmir four times. vi) The shop has been open for a month. vii) He has just finished his homework. viii) They have just gone out. ix) He has painted die door. (It is still wet) 5 x) She has received the mail. (She is yet to read and respond) xi) They have learnt dance for two weeks. xii) My niece has lived in Delhi for two years. (over this two year period extends till the present moment) xiii) It has rained heavily this morning. (It is morning still) xiv) My parents have been to the USA ten times. xv) Have you ever met a film star or a sports star? xvi) Has your teacher ever praised you ? xvii) Have you ever seen a horse flying ? xviii) When have you met a famous person ? (wrong) When did you meet a famous person ? (right) xix) 1 have met him last year, (wrong) I met him last year, (right) xx) We have lived in Warangal for years. xxi) The players have arrived. xxii) The beauty parloUr has been closed. xxiii) They have noticed some printing mistakes in the book. xxiv) I haye repaired the bike, (activity completed)

xxv) Some expressions used with the present perfect tense : just, recently, lately, already, before, so far, still, ever / never, today, this morning, for weeks / years, since 2000, etc.

xxvi) Husband : Have you packed die luggage ? Wife : Yes. I have. Husband : Have you informed the neighbours about our trip ? Wife : Yes. I have. Husband : Have you phoned our daughter about our visit ? Wife : No, I haven’t. Let’s give her a surprise. Husband : Have you locked the door properly ? Wife : Yes, 1 have. Husband : Have you checked all the doors ? Wife : Oh ! God ! I have forgotten to bolt the back door. Husband : What!


  • Harika has been reading a novel since morning.
  • The ladies have been playing Holi for two hours.
  • I have been repairing the bike for the last two hours. (the continuation of an activity is stressed)
  • I have been repairing the bike for two hours. (How long have you been repairing it ?)
  • We have been preparing seriously for the examination since 1st January.
  • We have been living in Hyderabad since 2000/ for over twenty years.
  • Keerthi : Hai Shravya ! So late ? I have been waiting here for an hour. Shravya : Oh ! Sorry Keerthi. But it has been raining for over an hour and my brother has been quarrelling with me for this umbrella. That’s why I am late.

Note : Since refers to a point of time – since yesterday, since morning For refers to a period of time – for two days, for four weeks


  • We lived in Hyderabad for thirty years.
  • Yesterday an accident took place near the railway station.
  • I walked a lot when I lived on campus.
  • They settled in Hyderabad ten years ago.
  • They didn’t eat anything yesterday.
  • Where did you go last week ?
  • Did he participate in the last week’s meeting ?
  • My brother completed degree last year.
  • India had a glorious past.
  • The player relaxed for ten minutes. (over that period in the past)
  • I contacted the secretary this morning. (It is afternoon or evening)
  • I attended all classes last week.
  • They lived here for a long time.
  • We went to school every day.


  • It was raining at that time.
  • People were running all over the platform; they were pushing each other.
  • Two women were walking when the bus came from the opposite direction.
  • When I reached my home at eight, my daughter was playing the guitar and my parrot was singing the tunes. My son was eating a chocolate and my wife was relaxing in a chair.
  • You were doing home work at 6 p.m. yesterday, (a past point of time)
  • The children were playing cricket all the day yesterday. (over a period of time in the past)
  • I was making tea when her friend came, (at the time of another past event)
  • What were you doing when your father returned home ?
  • What was your sister doing why your mother was reading a novel ?
  • My friend had completed the homework by the time I went to his room.
  • The bus had left before we reached the bus station.
  • I h ad typed the letter before the officer came. (= First I typed the letter and then the officer came.)
  • The chain snatcher had escaped before the police arrived. (= First the chain snatcher escaped and then the police arrived)
  • We had already consulted a doctor before my father had an attack.
  • He rushed to the station but the train had left .
  • I realized that my pocket had been picked .
  • I recognized the man as I had met him last week.
  • Our trip was comfortable as we had made arrangements earlier.
  • Reshma felt sleepy as she had stayed Up through the night.
  • The student was punished as he had not done his homework.
  • Srikanth had never seen skyscrapers before he went to New York.
  • She did not see me till I had seen her. (= First I saw her and then she saw me)
  • I had received your letter yesterday. (NOT acceptable) I received your letter yesterday. (When we talk about only ONE past action in a sentence, simple past is acceptable, Not past perfect.) (acceptable)
  • He had been playing cricket since he was a boy but gave it up later when he took up a job.
  • I had been singing a song for five minutes when my friend came.
  • Sureshan had been doing research for two years when his sister joined the university.
  • The murderer had been holding the knife for five minutes when the police entered the room. (Both activities happened in the past.)


  • Srihan and Srihith will come from the US next August. They will stay here for three weeks.
  • I will conduct a quiz competition on spelling tomorrow.
  • The President will stay in Hyderabad for a month.
  • The Chief Minister will conduct a press meet.
  • They will not start the road-work tomorrow.
  • Will they plant the saplings ?
  • When will you inform them ?
  • Shall we have some coffee ?
  • Shall we sit here ?


  • We will be spending our holidays in Shimla this summer.
  • She will be sleeping when I reach home.
  • Dinesh : Vijay, What’s your tomorrow’s programme ? Vijay : I will be washing my car at this time tomorrow. Dinesh : Don’t you have a driver ? Vijay : No, I myself do it every Sunday. What about you ? Dinesh : I will be spending my time in the library. Vijay, : Good. I like it.
  • As tomorrow is a holiday they will be playing at this time.
  • He will be meeting Venkat next week. (Perhaps, they are colleagues.)


  • We will have cleared the entire loan amount in four years from now.
  • She will have recovered from her illness by next week.
  • Sloka : When are you going to start your medical practice ? Sneha : My medical course is not yet over. Sloka : Is it so ? Sneha : Yes, I will have completed the M.B.B.S. course by 2022. Sloka : Oh ! I will have put jn two years of experience in a software job by then. Sneha : Of course, but I want to serve the rural poor as a doctor. Sloka : Great! You are right. There are very few committed people like you. Sneha : In fact, my uncle serves as a doctor in a village in Karimnagar District. He will have served there for ten years by next year. Sloka : Great! A family of committed doctors !!
  • We save Rs. 1000/- a month. We started saving in January last. We shall have saved Rs. 12,000/- by the end of the year.
  • They boarded the train at 6 o’ clock in the evening. They will have reached Delhi tomorrow morning by 7.
  • The teachers will have completed the lessons by the end of the acedemic year.


  • They will have been travelling for 26 hours in the train when they reach Varanasi.
  • I will have been teaching them grammar for five years when they leave school next year.
  • He will have been staying in the USA for three years when I go there next month.

FUTURE TIME REPRESENTATION : a) Using simple present tense : The President visits Hyderabad tomorrow. My examinations begin next week. (These are events that are scheduled and are sure to happen. In such cases we use simple present to express a future action.)

b) Using present progressive tense : (Present continuous tense) We are planning an exhibition of paintings in December this year. You are visiting Bali on your trip to Indonesia next month. (These are events that have been planned. Very likely these events will take place in the future, but there is a likelihood of these events being rescheduled. However, they are yet to happen.)

c) Using going to I am going to buy a new car on the 1st of next month. I am going to be a doctor in five years from now. (The phrase going to is used to of talk actions that we intend to do or plan to achieve. To express a future possibility, this structure is used.)

d) Use of modal will / should : I will buy a gift when you pass the examination. You will join a good engineering college if you get a first class. You should join the army if you choose to serve the country. We shall be in touch and discuss this matter. (Will and Shall are modal verbs that help us to express our desire or propositions.

I. Fill in the blanks with the present simple or the present continuous of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Custard apple ………………….. (be) a tasty and healthy fruit. 2. The moon ………………….. (appear) at night. 3. I ………………….. (rain) now. We can’t go now. 4. A ray of the sun ………………….. (not, pass) through a wall. 5. Hyderabad ………………….. (be) the Capital of Telangana state. 6. All banks ………………….. (open) on the first and the third Saturday of the month. 7. People ………………….. (speak) Telugu all over AP and Telangana. 8. My English teacher usually ………………….. (speak) English in the classroom, but surprisingly she ………………….. (speak) Telugu now. 9. ………………….. North Indians ………………….. (eat) chapatis daily ? 10. ………………….. he ………………….. (do) any job at present ? 11. Usually I ………………….. (close) all doors before going to bed. 12. ………………….. you………………….. (believe) in ghosts ? 13. My father ………………….. (watch) a serial at the moment. 14. Water ………………….. (freeze) during winter in some parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Answer: 1) is 2) appears 3) is raining 4) does not pass 5) is 6) open 7) speak 8) speaks, is speaking 9) Do, eat 10) Does do / is doing 11) close 12) Do, believe 13) is watching 14) freezes

II. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect or the present perfect continuous of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Aarthi ………………….. (act) in films since her marriage with Raghu, a film director. 2. She ………………….. (appear) in about twenty films so far. 3. I ………………….. just ………………….. (receive) a call. 4. She ………………….. (not, pay) the exam fee yet. 5. How ………………….. you ………………….. (watch) this TV programme. Answer: 1) has been acting 2) has appeared 3) have, received 4) has not paid 5) have, watched

III. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs given in brackets.

1. The tsunami ………………….. (break) while the sailors ………………….. (row) the boats. 2. How ………………….. you ………………….. (spend) your childhood ? 3. I ………………….. (browse) the internet when he came to our house. 4. The audience ………………….. (occupy) their seats before the cinema began. 5. The farmers ………………….. (sow) seeds for two hours when the sun set. 6. There was a stampede when the pilgrims suddenly ………………….. (rush) into the temple. 7. I wish I ………………….. (have) a car. 8. When ………………….. (be) you born ? 9. How long ………………….. your brother ………………….. (stay) in the US when you went there for MS ? 10. Gandhi ………………….. (pass away) in 1948. Answer: 1) broke, were rowing 2) did, spend 3) was browsing 4) had occupied 5) had been sowing 6) rushed 7) had 8) were 9) had, been staying 10) passed away

IV. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Telangana ………………….. (become) a developed state in two years. 2. The umpire ………………….. (resolve) the controversy within a few minutes. 3. At this point of time tomorrow the children ………………….. (watch) a cartoon film. 4 ………………….. you ………………….. (solve) all these problems by next week ? 5. If we follow A.RJ. Kalam’s advice, India ………………….. soon ………………….. (become) a superpower. 6. He ………………….. (do) the job for two years by next year. Answer: 1) will become 2) will resolve 3) will be watching 4) will, have solved 5) will, become 6) will have been doing

V. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Surya Namaskar ………………….. (consist) of twelve postures. 2. Gandhi ………………….. (influence) by the writings of Tolstoy. 3. Bandla Sirisha ………………….. (be) the first Telugu woman (third Indian origin woman) to go into the space on July 11, 2021. 4. Rohit Sharma ………………….. (bat) for two hours when rain interrupted the match. 5. The meeting ………………….. (start) by 10.00 a.m. tomorrow. 6. Usually my father ………………….. (take) rice for lunch, But now he ………………….. (take) chapatis. 7. People ………………….. (speak) Telugu in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 8. Mary ………………….. (eat) her supper by 7.00 p.m. 9. Don’t disturb ! The child ………………….. (sleep) 10. If I ………………….. (be) a bird, 1 would fly high in the sky to have a beautiful view of the earth. 11. It is time we ………………….. (start) working hard. 12. If I were you, I ………………….. (construct) an independent house. 13. Don’t get off the train till it ………………….. (stop). 14. Listen ! Somebody ………………….. (scream). 15. A parrot ………………….. (repeat) our voice as soon as it listens to it. 16. Vinay ………………….. (lose) the job last year because of his misbehaviour. 17. Dhirubai Ambani ………………….. (not, live) in a costly house even when he was a famous industrialist. 18. ………………….. he ………………….. (play) tennis dally ? 19. While I ………………….. (teach) grammar, a student raised a doubt. 20. A philanthropist ………………….. (think) about the welfare of others. 21. My nephew ………………….. (do) business in Hyderabad for the last ten years. 22. The moon ………………….. (wax) and ………………….. (wane) during the cycle of a month. 23. I ………………….. (know, not) the right answer right now. 24. We ………………….. (have) hot coffee one hour ago. 25. The birds ………………….. just ………………….. (fly) away. Answer: 1) consists 2) was influnced 3) is 4) had been batting 5) will have started 6) takes … is taking 7) speak 8) will have eaten 9) is sleeping 10) were 11) started 12) would construct 13) stops 14) is screaming 15) repeats 16) lost 17) did not live 18) Does … play 19) was teaching 20) thinks 21) has been doing 22) waxes … wanes 23) do not know 24) had 25) have … flown

VI. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined parts :

1. He is doing homework since 8 o’ clock. 2. If they are going out, we will follow them. 3. If you will depend on others for everything, you will not learn anything. 4. If you have helped your mother, she would have felt happy. 5. He is trying for a job since last year. 6. Mukesh Ambani has constructed the world’s costliest house for his wife in Mumbai four years ago. 7. He has returned from Dubai a month ago. 8. He is not having any cash. 9. I am knowing them for the last many years. 10. Is he remembering our help ? 11. He has borrowed a thousand rupees from me yesterday. 12. Don’t disturb him. He reads . 13. Did you left for Hyderabad last year ? 14. Sangeetha joins us tomorrow. 15. Are you smelling anything bad ? Answer: 1. He has been doing homework since 8 o’ clock. 2. If they go out, we will follow them. 3. If you depend on others for everything, you will not learn anything. 4. If you had helped your mother, she would have felt happy. 5. He has been trying for a job since last year. 6. Mukesh Ambani constructed the world’s costliest house for his wife in Mumbai four years ago. 7. He returned from Dubai a month ago. 8. He doesn’t have any cash. 9. I have known them for the last many years. 10. Does he remember our help ? 11. He borrowed a thousand rupees from me yesterday. 12. Don’t disturb him. He is reading . 13. Did you leave for Hyderabad last year ? 14. Sangeetha will join us tomorrow. (Sangetha is joining us tomorrow) 15. Do you smell anything bad ?

VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets.

Two Sides of Life

Question 1. There …………………… (be) quite a number of divisions into which life …………………… (be + divide). Answer: are ……………………. can be divided

Question 2. You …………………… …………………… (sometimes / find) two persons who …………………… (get up) in the morning, perhaps a morning that …………………… (be) overcast with shadows. Answer: will sometimes find … get up … is

Question 3. A good teacher …………………… (say) frankly and dearly, “I …………………… (not know). I …………………… (not answer). that question.” Answer: will say; don’t know, cannot answer

Question 4. I …………………… (hear) those tales so manytimes that I …………………… (not want) to get into the atmosphere of the people who …………………… (tell) them. Answer: had heard; didn’t want; told

Question 5. In nine cases out of ten, the person who …………………… (cultivate) the habit of looking on the dark side of life …………………… (be) the little person, the miserable person, the one who …………………… (be) weak in mind, heart and purpose. Answer: cultivates; is; is

Question 6. No teacher …………………… (know) everything about every subject. Answer: knows

Question 7. They …………………… (be) the people who never …………………… (go) forward. Answer: are; go

Question 8. You …………………… (not, accomplish) the task we expect of you if you go with a moody, discouraged, fault-finding disposition. Answer: will not accomplish

Father, Dear Father

Question 9. This …………………… (be) in answer to your letter about my transgression. Answer: is

Question 10. The operating word ‘think’ …………………… (make) me muse. Answer: did make

Question 11. Father, we’ve never really been close, and I can’t rightly say you …………………… ……………………(be) my friend, philosopher, guide etc. Answer: have been

Question 12. …………………… you …………………… (apply) Pythagoras Theorem or Newton’s law of Gravity ? Answer: Do apply

Question 13. My grandfather …………………… (speak) of a carefree and beautiful childhood. Answer: speaks

Question 14. Father, …………………… he …………………… (fib) ? Answer: is… fibbing

Question 15. She …………………… (be) at peace with her pots, pans and Bhagavad Geeta. Answer: is

Question 16. …………………… it Adam arid Eve …………………… (eat) the Tree of knowledge, all over again ? Answer: is … eating

Question 17. Last week my rose plant …………………… (die). Answer: died

Question 18. I …………………… (ask) my Biology teacher what I …………………… (do) to save it. Answer: asked; should do

Question 19. If I …………………… (be) to meet Newton face to face, I …………………… (fail) to recognise him, so busy am I learning about him ! Answer: were; would fail

Question 20. If he …………………… (say) George Bush is the president of India, it (have) to be so. Answer: says; will have

The Green Champion – Thimmakka

Question 21. Every year, the count of these trees …………………… (keep) increasing. Answer: kept

Question 22. Thimmakka (She) not only …………………… (plant) those trees but also …………………… (fence), …………………… (water) and …………………… (guard) them. Answer: planted; fenced; watered; guarded

Question 23. Although Thimmakka …………………… (not receive) a formal education, her work …………………… (honour) with the National Citizen’s Award of India. Answer: did not receive; has been honoured

Question 24. Saalumarada Thimmakka …………………… (be) an individual who …………………… (bring) worldwide recognition to the state of Karnataka through her incredible and massive environmental services. Answer: is … has brought

The First Four Minutes

Question 25. If I …………………… (falter), there …………………… (be) no arms to hold me and the world …………………… (be) a cold, forbidding place, because I …………………… (be) so close. Answer: faltered; would be; would be; had been

Question 26. Blood …………………… (surge) from my muscles and …………………… (seem) to fell me. Answer: surged; seemed

Question 27. I …………………… (know) it would be some time before I …………………… (catch) up with myself. Answer: knew; caught

Question 28. I felt that the moment of a lifetime …………………… (come). Answer: had come

Question 29. The air I breathed …………………… (fill) me with the spirit of the track where I had run my first race. Answer: filled

Question 30. I felt suddenly and gloriously free of the burden of athletic ambition that I …………………… (carry) for years. Answer: had been carrying

Box and Cox

Question 31. At present I …………………… (be) entirely of your opinion because I …………………… (have) not the most distant particle of an idea what you …………………… (mean). Answer: am; have; mean

Question 32. The gentleman who …………………… (get) the attic …………………… (be) hardly ever without a pipe in his mouth and there he …………………… (sit) with his feet upon the mantelpiece. Answer: has got; is; sits

Question 33. I …………………… (be) so dreadfully puzzled to know what to say when Mr. Cox …………………… (speak) about it. Answer: was; spoke

Question 34. Why …………………… (not) you …………………… (keep) your own side of the staircase, sir ? Answer: don’t; keep

Question 35. She …………………… (think) to cook her breakfast while I …………………… (be) asleep with my coals. Answer: thought; was

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WATCH: Trump holds news conference at Mar-a-Lago

PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump recommitted to debating Vice President Kamala Harris after recently backing out, holding a lengthy news conference Thursday in which he taunted his new rival, boasted of his crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, and lashed out at questions about the enthusiasm her campaign has been generating.

Watch Trump’s remarks in our player above.

As the Republican presidential nominee addressed reporters at his Palm Beach, Florida, estate, ABC announced that Trump and Harris, the Democratic nominee, have agreed to a Sept. 10 debate, setting up a widely anticipated faceoff in an already unparalleled election. Trump said he had proposed three debates with three television networks in September.

Trump again insisted there had been a “peaceful transfer” of power in 2021 and renewed attacks on Republican rivals like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, whom Trump has harshly criticized since Kemp refused to go along with his false theories of election fraud.

In taking questions from reporters for more than an hour, Trump tried to draw a contrast with Harris, who has not held a news conference since she became the likely Democratic nominee following President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

Another key moment in the election is set

Trump’s decision to go on ABC, days after posting on his social media account that he would not appear on the network, sets up a highly anticipated moment in an election where Biden’s catastrophic performance in the last debate set in motion his withdrawal.

“I think it’s very important to have debates,” Trump said Thursday. “I look forward to the debates because I think we have to set the record straight.”

A few hours after the news conference, Harris wrote on X that she heard Trump “has finally committed” to debate her on ABC on Sept. 10, the date her campaign has long stuck to.

“I look forward to it,” she wrote.

READ MORE: Trump and Harris have agreed to a Sept. 10 presidential debate on ABC, network says

Thursday’s event was Trump’s first public appearance since Harris selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Trump called Walz a “radical left man.”

“Between her and him, there’s never been anything like this,” Trump said. “There’s certainly never been anybody so liberal like these two.”

He repeatedly suggested Harris was not intelligent enough to debate him. Harris, for her part, has tried to goad Trump into debating and told an audience in Atlanta recently that if he had anything to say about her, he should “say it to my face.”

Trump grew visibly perturbed when pressed on Harris’ crowds and newfound Democratic enthusiasm, dismissing a question about his lighter campaign schedule as stupid.

Trump says he has not “recalibrated” his campaign despite facing a new opponent, a dynamic some Republican strategists have quietly complained about.

When asked what assets Harris possessed, Trump said: “She’s a woman. She represents certain groups of people.”

Trump has repeatedly — and falsely — accused Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, of previously downplaying that she is Black.

Trump acknowledges weakness with Black women

Trump recognized some changing patterns with his new opponent, acknowledging he may not be as popular with Black women, one of Democrats’ key voting blocs. He expressed a lot of confidence in his support from Black men.

“It could be I’ll be affected somewhat with Black females but we’re really doing well,” he said. “And I think ultimately they’ll like me better because I’m going to give them security, safety and jobs. I’m going to give them a good economy.”

WATCH: After combative interview at NABJ convention, Trump faces new criticism

Trump campaign officials told reporters ahead of the news conference they believe Harris is currently enjoying a honeymoon period they likened to an “out-of-body experience.”

They argued the fundamentals of the race have not changed and the mood of the country remains sour, with Americans frustrated by the state of the economy, the administration and the country’s directions.

They argued that while Harris has energized the Democratic base — which Biden had not done — she will not be able to win over Republicans or convert independents or the persuadable voters they are focused on targeting.

Trump’s campaign plans to spend the next three months hammering Harris as “failed, weak and dangerously liberal,” blaming her for every one of the the Biden administration’s unpopular policies and mocking her mannerisms and speaking style.

Trump takes questions about abortion

Trump suggested abortion will not be a major issue in the campaign and the outcome in November.

He insisted that the matter “has become much less of an issue” since the Supreme Court ended the federal constitutional right to abortion services and returned control of the matter to state governments. But the issue is widely seen as a general election liability, and Trump named states such as Ohio and Kansas that have since voted to protect abortion rights.

READ MORE: 24 things Donald Trump is promising to do

Trump also said he expected Florida “will go in a little more liberal way than people thought” when it votes to repeal an abortion ban later this year, but he did not respond to questions asking how he would vote.

Trump argued that Democrats, Republicans and “everybody” are pleased with the results of the 2022 ruling that overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Trump’s actions within the GOP, however, suggest he knows that Democrats already have capitalized on Republican opposition to abortion rights and could do so again this fall. Trump single-handedly ensured that the Republican Party platform adopted at the 2024 convention in Milwaukee does not call for a national ban on abortion, and he has said repeatedly that hardliners in the party could cost the GOP in November.

The court’s decision, issued months ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, is widely cited as a reason that Democrats fared much better than expected in House and Senate contests. And Democrats have hammered Trump in paid advertisements blaming him and the justices he appointed for ending Roe.

Trump again makes false claims on Jan. 6

Donald Trump falsely claimed during the press conference that “nobody was killed on Jan. 6,” the date in 2021 when pro-Trump rioters breached the U.S. Capitol amid Congress’ effort to certify Biden’s 2020 election victory after Trump refused to concede.

Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran from San Diego was shot and killed by a police officer as she climbed through a broken part of a Capitol door during the violent riot that breached the building.

To be sure, Trump has often cited Babbitt’s death while lamenting the treatment of those who first attended a rally outside the White House that day, then marched to the Capitol, many of whom fought with police and entered the the building.

WATCH: Key takeaways from Homeland Security watchdog’s report on Secret Service’s Jan. 6 actions

“I think those people were treated very badly. When you compare it to other things that took place in this country where a lot of people were killed,” Trump said Thursday, adding “nobody was killed on Jan. 6.”

He also falsely claimed more people attended his speech at a “Stop the Steal” rally before the riot than the famous March on Washington in 1963, the iconic event at which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.

Trump was asked about Biden’s comments in a CBS interview that he was “not confident” there would be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump were to lose.

“He should have brought this up at the debate if he had a problem. Of course there’ll be a peaceful transfer, and there was last time.”

While Biden was inaugurated on schedule, Washington was on lockdown that day, with the streets patrolled by military personnel and domestic police two weeks after Trump’s supporters had attacked the Capitol.

Associated Press writer Will Weissert in Washington contributed to this report.

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he is doing homework since 8 o'clock


Trump Says He Will Hold a News Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday

The former president’s prominence in news coverage has slipped since President Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

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Donald J. Trump, wearing a blue suit and red tie, is standing on a stage at a rally with crowds of supporters behind him.

By Maggie Haberman

  • Aug. 8, 2024

Donald J. Trump plans to hold a “general news conference” on Thursday afternoon at his private club and home, Mar-a-Lago, the first such event he has held in months.

Mr. Trump announced the event on his website, Truth Social, on Thursday morning.

The former president’s prominence in news coverage has slipped since President Biden abruptly announced last month that he was ending his re-election campaign and then endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who secured the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination this week.

Mr. Trump has been seeking ways to make headlines. But he has also sought to highlight how Ms. Harris has yet to give interviews and allow reporters to pose wide-ranging questions since she became a presidential candidate.

During Mr. Trump’s civil court cases in New York earlier this year, he sometimes held news conferences at a building he owns near the courthouse. But since his criminal trial started in Manhattan on April 15, he has not held any. He has also given relatively few interviews to mainstream news outlets.

Mr. Trump has been playing cat-and-mouse over a debate he had agreed to with Mr. Biden, which had been set to be hosted by ABC News in September. Ms. Harris said she planned to attend in Mr. Biden’s place, but Mr. Trump repeatedly suggested he would pull out of the debate. He then declared it was “terminated” and said he wanted a debate hosted by Fox News instead, but he had not discussed the terms of such a debate with Ms. Harris. Among the reasons he cited for not doing the ABC News debate was the fact that he is suing the network over comments by one of its anchors, George Stephanopoulos.

Mr. Trump sounded more open to the possibility of the ABC News debate in a telephone interview on “Fox and Friends” this week.

On Truth Social on Thursday morning, Mr. Trump promised to “expose” Ms. Harris during a debate.

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman


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  1. is doing homework since 8 o'clock.

    He has been doing homework since 8 o'clock. It is an example of the present perfect continuous tense.. What is the present perfect continuous tense? Present perfect continuous tense is used to show an action that has been happening for a long time.; If the time is given is in numbers, such as the number of months, hours, or days, we use 'for.' If the time given is qualitative, such as 8 o ...

  2. Present Perfect Continuous tense (with example sentences)

    The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous tense is: The first auxiliary (have) is conjugated in the Present Simple: have, has. The second auxiliary (be) is invariable in past participle form: been. The main verb is invariable in present participle form: -ing. For negative sentences we insert not after the first auxiliary verb.

  3. present simple or present continuous Flashcards

    A man _____(walk) into a bar. Ouch! Not a good idea to walk into an iron bar!

  4. Since, for, from (examples, how to use)

    Since vs. for: Since and for both express duration up to a point in the present, but we use them differently.: We use since + the starting point of the activity: We have lived in this house since we got married. I've been waiting here since 9 o'clock.: We use for + a time period: We have lived in this house for thirty years. I've been waiting here for three hours.

  5. Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

    Exercise 2. Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous for each gap below. Page 1 of 2. 1 I ______ the book you lent me and it's great. I'll give it back to you when I finish it. a. 've read. b. was read. c. 've been reading. 2 Bruce ______ tennis since he was a child.

  6. Past simple or past continuous?

    E.g.: I had finished my homework by 8 o'clock last night. Both sentences are syntactically incorrect, i.e. the word order is not respected. You have two options: 1) to use a comma for emphasis: At 8 o'clock last night, I was doing my homework; 2) to put the whole adverbial phrase after the object: I was doing my homework at 8 o'clock last night.

  7. The past continuous tense

    The past continuous tense is used to talk about actions or events that were going on around a particular point of time in the past.. Form: Subject + was / were + ing form of the verb. What were you doing when the guests turned up? I was working in the garage.; The past continuous and simple past tenses are commonly used together. In this case, the simple past tense is used to refer to the ...

  8. English Grammar Exercises: Past continuous

    Exercise 2 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.

  9. Exercise on Simple Present

    Exercise 8. Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive. Look! Jenny (go) to school. She (wear) a raincoat and wellies and she (carry) an umbrella. Jenny usually (cycle) to school, but today she (take) the bus because it (rain) . The bus (leave) at 7.35 and (arrive) at Jenny's school at 7.45.

  10. T075

    Fill in the correct form of the Present Tense (Simple or Continuous) : The girls ( NOT ARGUE) now. They ( WATCH) a film together. Look ! Mary ( SING) again. She often ( SING) this song. My dad ( HAVE) a lot of work to do every weekend. Please go to the supermarket and ( BUY) me some food.

  11. Present simple

    Yes, of course. We use the present simple to talk about things which are repeated every day, every week, every year, etc. I usually get up at 7 o'clock. During the week I have swimming practice on Mondays, I do taekwondo on Tuesdays and tennis on Thursdays. We always go on holiday in the summer. I see. And you use words for explaining more ...

  12. Spot the error, correct it and rewrite the sentence. He is doing

    He has been doing homework since 8 o'clock. For more such related questions : #SPJ3. Advertisement Advertisement tavjotsingh2411 tavjotsingh2411 Answer: He has been doing his homework since 8 O' clock. Advertisement Advertisement New questions in English.

  13. Past continuous tense exercise

    Answers. 1. I was watching TV at eight o'clock yesterday evening.. 2. I was painting all day yesterday.. 3. They were quarreling the whole time they were together.. 4. As I was walking down the road, I saw Philip.. 5. The phone rang while I was having dinner.. 6. It happened while I was living in Southampton last year.. 7. When I entered her room, she was playing the piano.

  14. Past Continuous

    According to Oxford English Dictionary, as conjunctions when and while have similar or the same meaning. When means "at or during the time that". Also, while means "during the time that; at the same time as". The difference of those two conjunctions when we use it in past continuous is: when is followed by either past continuous ...

  15. Tenses Grammer Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study

    He is doing homework since 8 o'clock. A] He has been doing homework since 8 o'clock. 2. If they are going out, we will follow them. A] ... He is trying for a job since last year. A] He has been trying for a job since last year. 6. Mukesh Ambani has constructed the world's costliest house four years ago.

  16. Prepositions of Time

    1. I usually get up at six o'clock. 2. Phone me at lunchtime. 3. I work best in the evening. 4. I usually go for a walk in the morning. 5. We met on a cold afternoon in winter. 6. I will call you on Sunday. 7. What are you doing at / on the weekend? 8. They got married in the week after Easter. 9. We are having the house painted at Easter. 10 ...

  17. Future continuous and future perfect

    Exercise 2. Choose the correct forms of the future continuous and future perfect to complete the sentences. 1 Don't phone between 7 and 8. We dinner then. 2 Phone me after 8 o'clock. We dinner by then. 3 Tomorrow afternoon, we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So, at 4 o'clock, we tennis.

  18. EF Inter

    He _____ (work) at home., I _____ (answer) sixteen emails since ten o'clock this morning., They _____ (watch) a football match on TV when we arrived. and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Jaime isn't in the office today. He _____ (work) at home., I _____ (answer) sixteen emails since ten o'clock this morning ...

  19. 5 Simple Rules for Telling Time in English

    There are a few rules to remember, please: #1. Telling Time in English: Using 'Past' or 'To'. As we know, there are 60 minutes in an hour. With minutes 1 - 29, we say it's past (or after) the hour. For example, "It's ten past three", or 3:10. Or another example, "It's twenty after eight", or 8:20. With minutes 31 - 59 ...

  20. TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Tenses

    1. He has been doing homework since 8 o' clock. 2. If they go out, we will follow them. 3. If you depend on others for everything, you will not learn anything. 4. If you had helped your mother, she would have felt happy. 5. He has been trying for a job since last year. 6. Mukesh Ambani constructed the world's costliest house for his wife in ...

  21. is doing homework since 8 o'clock.

    He has been doing homework since 8 o'clock. It is an example of the present perfect continuous tense.. What is the present perfect continuous tense? Present perfect continuous tense is used to show an action that has been happening for a long time.; If the time is given is in numbers, such as the number of months, hours, or days, we use 'for.'; If the time given is qualitative, such as 8 o ...

  22. He is doing homework since 8 o' clock. (spot the error, correct it

    He is doing homework since 8 o' clock. (spot the error, correct it.) - 50598861. manojchoudhari368 manojchoudhari368 04.03.2022 ... Answer: Answer: He has been doing his homework since 8 O' clock. Explanation: the "he" becomes the 3rd person so we cannot use "is" Advertisement Advertisement New questions in English. paragraph writing on school ...

  23. WATCH: Trump holds news conference at Mar-a-Lago

    Donald Trump recommitted to debating Vice President Kamala Harris after recently backing out, holding a lengthy news conference Thursday in which he taunted his new rival, boasted of his crowd on ...

  24. Trump Says He Will Hold a News Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday

    Donald J. Trump plans to hold a "general news conference" on Thursday afternoon at his private club and home, Mar-a-Lago, the first such event he has held in months.

  25. He is _(do) home work since 8clock

    "He has been doing homework since 8 o'clock." Advertisement Advertisement meghrajjaat09 meghrajjaat09 He is doing home work since 8clock Advertisement Advertisement New questions in English. can you lend me money or may you which one correct write an article about teacher or doctor yes about teachers 150 words