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Personal Trainer Business Plan

Executive summary image

If you are a personal trainer or want to become one, chances are that you’d want to start your own business at some point in your career.

Having your business gives you autonomy and lets you work with clients you’d want to work with. It also helps your day become more flexible.

A personal trainer business plan can help you work through every aspect of your business.

If you are planning to be a personal trainer, the first thing you will need is a business plan. Use our sample personal trainer business plan created using Upmetrics business plan software to start writing your business plan in no time.

Before you start writing your business plan, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of the gym and fitness-related business plans .

Industry Overview

The personal trainer industry stood at a market size of 12.9 billion dollars in 2021 and isn’t about to slow down any time soon.

The increase in demand for personal trainers is due to the increasing number of people who prefer to work out at home.

Also, with the pandemic and social distancing norms, people working out at home with personal trainers has only increased.

And although it might seem relatively simple to start working as a trainer, you need to keep multiple things in mind to have a stable source of income.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan

Do your research.

Research is an extremely important aspect of starting any business. It helps you understand what you are getting yourself into. It helps you understand every aspect of your data better and make better strategic decisions as per the same.

Hence, conducting market research before getting started is important.

Know your target market

Knowing what your customers want , who they are, what influences their decision, how they do they avail services, and even what social media sites they use the most is important to serve your target audience better.

Hence, try to know as much as possible before getting started. It helps you have an edge over everyone else.

Decide upon a business structure

You could either set up a facility or start providing services at your client’s home, but having a business structure is essential. Your business structure would decide the amount you pay in taxes, the paperwork you’ll have to do, as well as the liability on your personal assets.

Look into all options you have and pick the structure that fits your business needs the best.

Pick the type of services you’ll provide

You can either provide services from a facility, at home, or even through online mediums now. Consider what fits your client’s and business needs the best before picking the type of your services.

Each type of service has its pros and cons. Hence, it is important to consider what type of services you should go for before getting started.

Write Your Business Plan

Having a business is in no way a cakewalk. From managing your finances to promoting your services you’ll need a plan for everything.

Reading some sample business plans will give you a good idea of what you’re aiming for and also it will show you the different sections that different entrepreneurs include and the language they use to write about themselves and their business plans.

We have created this personal trainer business plan example for you to get a good idea about how a perfect personal trainer business should look like and what details you will need to include in your stunning business plan.

Personal Trainer Business Plan Outline

This is the standard personal trainer business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Market Validation
  • Short-Term (1 -3 Years)
  • Long Term (3-5 years)
  • Mission statement
  • Keys to success
  • Fitjets – 3-Year Financial Highlights
  • Company Ownership/Legal Entity
  • Interior Operating Facilities
  • Hours of Operation
  • Startup summary
  • Exercise Instruction and Demonstration
  • Fitness Consultation
  • Planning & Monitoring Exercise Programs
  • Planning & Monitoring Nutrition Programs
  • Customer Service
  • US Fitness Market Size
  • Market Trends
  • Online Fitness Market Trends
  • Fitjets Market Distribution
  • Comparison Table
  • Competitive Advantage
  • SWOT analysis
  • Marketing and Promotion Programs
  • Positioning Statement
  • Marketing Channels
  • Pricing strategy
  • Organization chart
  • Management Team
  • Hiring plan
  • Important Assumptions
  • Brake-even Analysis
  • Profit Yearly
  • Gross Margin Yearly
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Business Ratios

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this personal trainer business plan example into your business plan and modify the required information and download your personal trainer business plan pdf or doc file. It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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Download a sample personal trainer business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free personal trainer business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your personal trainer business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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free personal training business plan example

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Personal Trainer Business Plan – Free Download

personal trainer business plan - free download

Use this personal trainer business plan as your template to create the best personal fitness facility in town that’s also a thriving, profitable fitness business! This personal trainer business plan includes market analysis, strategy, more.

Download this Personal Trainer Business Plan free for easy editing in Google Docs, Microsoft Word or Apple Pages:

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Table of Contents

1.0 Executive Summary


BuffUp Lake Oswego is a franchise of BuffUp, Inc. BuffUp is the principal strength and conditioning program for people of all shapes and sizes, from the highly specialized combat warrior to the grandmother trying to build enough strength to pick herself up after a fall. This is a fitness program that is, by design, broad, general and inclusive. Our franchise is a limited liability company located in Lake Oswego, Oregon. This personal trainer business plan describes the business opportunity, strategy and tactics to build a thriving business.


BuffUp Lake Oswego provides individuals the opportunity to exceed their fitness expectations.  This is delivered through expert coaching, high-quality equipment, convenient scheduling and exceptional exercise programs.

When a person exercises in a group, has fun and uses everyday functional movements; he or she is far more likely to exercise more often, eat better, have less injuries and lose weight while gaining muscle mass. Our program is provides all of the elements necessary for participants to achieve their fitness goals.


As this personal trainer business plan shows, the market for fitness training reflects the demographics and standard of living in much the same way that the major gyms and personal training facilities are segmented. In general, BuffUp attracts adults in the 30 to 60 year old range, who either live or work in the area.  Lake Oswego has roughly 96,000 people that fall into that range. Of course, BuffUp will appeal to many persons beyond this group, but this is our strongest market segment.


BuffUp Lake Oswego will leverage its alliance with BuffUp Inc. to help gain early customer traction. Prior to opening the facility, a free training program in a local park will be offered, which will help spark interest and will illustrate the type of training that is available. The company will have a heavy web presence, led by an online blog that will form a community among the members of the club, as well as attract new members.


Brian Ortiz and Jake Austin are the founding partners of BuffUp Lake Oswego. They have participated in other BuffUp franchises for several years, and both are certified as BuffUp trainers. They also have business backgrounds, as well as a strong network of clients that are interested in the service.

workout training partners


BuffUp will acquire 85 customers in the first year, which will generate approximately $125,000 in revenue. Our projections for this personal trainer business plan is that the client base will continue to grow by 100 customers each year until the maximum capacity is met in year 5. Recurring revenue is a critical part of the business model. The company will be cash flow positive in the first year.


BuffUp Lake Oswego is seeking $45,000 through a line of credit that will be used to secure a facility, equipment and for marketing expenses. This line of credit will be paid off within the three years.

2.0 Company Summary


BuffUp Lake Oswego is a franchise of BuffUp, Inc. BuffUp is the principal strength and conditioning program for people of all shapes and sizes, from the highly specialized combat warrior to the grandmother trying to build enough strength to pick herself up after a fall. This is a fitness program that is, by design, broad, general and inclusive. We do not specialize. We generalize. Sports, combat, survival and life reward are just a few of the accomplished goals of our program.  Our program utilizes the ten standards of fitness; cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.  It’s very hard exercise that works!


BuffUp Lake Oswego is currently registered with the Secretary of State (Oregon ) as a limited liability company under the name “The BOJT Company, LLC”.  We plan on operating as “The BOJT Company, LLC DBA BuffUp Lake Oswego”.


BuffUp Lake Oswego is located in Lake Oswego, Oregon.  We will be occupying roughly 2,200 to 3,000 square feet of light industrial space. Service and sales area: 200 square feet.  Workout space: 1500 to 2000 square feet.  Office: 200 square feet.  Restrooms: 300 to 600 square feet.

3.0 Products and Services



One-on-one coaching (Fundamentals): Each client must attend five one-on-one sessions with our BuffUp Level 1 certified coach. Within those five sessions, the client will learn the basic techniques to successfully complete a group WOD (workout of the day). These basic techniques include:

  • Squat (front, back and overhead)
  • Clean/jerk and Clean/snatch
  • Sit-ups/back extensions
  • Pull-ups (Kipping and butterfly)
  • Push press, push jerk and shoulder press

Cost: $250 (one-time fee)

Group WOD’s: After clients go through one-on-one training, and have shown that they are proficient in the basic moves, they can join our group WOD’s. These workouts include some, if not all, of the aspects of the fundamentals class. Each workout will be varied in intensity and in the techniques used. Clients will be timed and expected to push their mental and physical limits every time they enter the facility.

Cost: $150 per month or $1800 per year.

personal fitness business plan


While there are many fitness alternatives, such as gyms, biking, hiking, organized sports and personal trainers, BuffUp has few competitors. We offer the benefits of private training at a cost comparable to gym memberships.

There are several national chain gyms in Lake Oswego, but only 24 Hour Fitness is within our immediate area. BuffUp Lake Oswego will open its doors close to a 24 Hour Fitness location with the intention of attracting some of its customers.

Additionally, as described in the Marketing Strategy of this personal trainer business plan, no other competitors are actively engaging with their clients and prospects daily through educational content via social media. Most of the posts by the competition revolves around self-promotion. Our focus is on the client, who is the center of BuffUp’s brand development strategy, so our structured and automated approach to educational and inspirational coaching content can overshadow our competitor’s marketing efforts.


BuffUp Lake Oswego will eventually shift the way society views fitness.  People buy our services because we capitalize on every flaw a “global gym” has to offer.  BuffUp offers real one-on-one coaching each and every time a person comes into the facility at a fraction of the cost of a “global gym”.  Most gyms offer personal training for $50-$100 a session.  Our gym charges $150 per month for unlimited sessions.

Our facility creates workouts that compound full body movements.  These workouts are fun, very intense and can be scaled to all ages and experience levels.  The typical “global gym” caters to the bodybuilder types that have no functionality to what life can throw at you.  Our gym doesn’t use expensive, useless machines that isolate each muscle, thereby creating uneven muscle balance.  BuffUp gives each individual an opportunity to lose weight, gain muscle mass and regain the agility and balance once enjoyed a child.

BuffUp Lake Oswego will establish the first BuffUp facility in our city, and we acquired exclusive rights to open future BuffUp locations in the area.


In the future, BuffUp Lake Oswego will open additional locations to meet the needs of our area.

We are also studying the possibility of expanding into physical education programs and sports programs in area schools.  This would be done as a consulting business or a contract for services.

We also plan to build an online store featuring the merchandise offered at our facility and other items.  We will also host specialty seminars on nutrition, Olympic lifting, etc. These additional revenues will add to our bottom line.

4.0 Market Analysis Summary


The market for fitness training reflects the demographics and standard of living in much the same way that the major gyms and personal training facilities are segmented. Below are listed market segments based on the usual demographics seen in today’s fitness industry:

  • Age Range 30-60: It is known that in the fitness community, those clients looking for personal training and willing to spend the money for it, are between the ages of 30-60.
  • Yearly income of greater than $75,000: Most clients are more willing to pay a premium for one-on-one coaching when they make more than $75,000.
  • % of population with gym memberships: The latest study shows that 15% of the population has a gym membership. BuffUp facilities tend to capture 1-3% of the population.
  • General population within a 5-mile radius of the facility: To run a successful facility, we need at least 50,000 residents to generate a sufficient number of members for a profitable franchise.
  • Athletic males: BuffUp attracts active male athletes.
  • All females: Conversely, BuffUp attracts all types of females. Females are more willing to try new things and are less worried about failing.


BuffUp appeals to adults in the 30 to 60 year old range, who either live or work in the area.  Lake Oswego has roughly 96,000 people that fall into that range. Of course, BuffUp will attract people outside this group, but this is our strongest market segment, which is why all of the tactics in this personal trainer business plan are targeted at this demographic. As stated above, our minimum required population within 5 miles should be 50,000 people.

Our population within 5 miles is 232,647. Average household income should be $75,000 or higher.  43.6% of the population either meet or exceed $75,000. More than 15% of the US population has a gym membership, and more than 67% of those with memberships aren’t satisfied with what they have and don’t go on a regular basis. BuffUp Lake Oswego realizes that with quality services and exciting workouts, we can capture at least 1% of the 34,897 people with gym memberships within a 5-mile radius of our location. This equates to 348 new members, which exceeds our goal of 200 members.

market size

When doing research on the fitness industry, we’ve found that there is a definite shift from the ordinary workout session (weights and running) to the increasingly popular group sessions. These workouts have proven to be more effective and enjoyable for participants.


The SWOT analysis provides us with an opportunity to examine the strengths and weaknesses BuffUp Lake Oswego must address. It also allows us to examine the opportunities presented to BuffUp Lake Oswego as well as potential threats.

  • Knowledgeable and friendly staff: Our staff consists of professionally trained personnel that have a true passion for helping the community and caring for the needs of its members. This becomes apparent when you look at our staff’s professional background. We have proven that we are willing to go above and beyond to suit the needs of our customers.
  • Top of the line equipment: Our customers will enjoy the finest in fitness equipment.
  • Online presence: Each member will have access to shop, schedule and track fitness progress online. All scheduling will be automated for fast and efficient communication with our members.
  • Fun, family ambiance: When you walk into our facility, you will feel the family atmosphere. Our members will feel comfortable and eager to cheer each other on. Our facility will give the athlete an old school feeling, making them feel as if they are a part of an early “Rocky” movie. No machines no mirrors just bumper weights and many Olympic exercises.
  • Clear vision of the market need: BuffUp Lake Oswego knows what our customers have been missing at their current gyms. We know what exercises work and we know what keeps people motivated. In return, we know we will create very loyal, passionate members.
  • Newness: Although BuffUp has built a loyal following, our brand is not yet a household name.
  • High membership fees relative to traditional gyms: Our services may not appeal to potential customers with a limited budget. Of course, our services are more affordable than personal trainers, but we will need to identify an engage the large mid-range customers.


  • The growing population interested in group fitness: In the last couple of years, we’ve found that there is a huge population of individuals that are more interested in group workouts than going to the gym alone.
  • Social bonds fostered by group workouts: Our exercise programs are building personal bonds and friendships. These bonds have led to an internet-based fitness community covering more than 720 facilities. It has become a viral marketing phenomenon, and members are sharing this excitement with new people every day.
  • Growing market: BuffUp is a relatively new brand in the marketplace. We have a foundation and a reputation within the diehard fitness community, but a significant percentage of our target market has still not been introduced to our services.
  • Internet possibilities: We plan to create an online store and build our internet fitness community.
  • Declining economy: Many people are becoming increasingly conservative with how their money is being spent.
  • Copycat training services by gyms and independent trainers: Certainly other services will try to mimic the success of BuffUp, but we are confident that our proprietary programs and national reputation will limit the impact of copycats on our bottom line.

5.0 Strategy & Implementation


BuffUp Lake Oswego will build and provide the only fitness facility truly dedicated to solving the fitness needs of our customers.  This will be done through providing the highest quality equipment available, constantly keeping our staff up to date on certifications, providing a clean and crowd-free gym.

personal fitness plan


Our website BuffUpLO.com gives our customers an opportunity view current information on special events, schedule training, buy products and participate in an online fitness community.

BuffUpLO.com will be promoted on all of our flyers, business cards and promo pieces.  We are linked to BuffUp.com (main site) and to over 750 franchises around the world.

BuffUpLO.com is nearing its completion date.  We will maintain a simple and classy site.  The website logos and graphics share the same artwork found on our signage and marketing materials.  Our managers will maintain the website. MindBody will provide the programming for all the billing and scheduling done through our website.  As part of our package with MindBody, technical support will be included.


Our marketing activities include the following:

  • Constant internet support and blogging
  • Email advertising to current members and potential leads
  • Free park exercises to grow community awareness and new customers
  • Sponsorship of local athletes and students in sporting events
  • Joining the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and other local groups
  • Participation in fitness and charity events


For the gym goers that aren’t satisfied with their fitness routine, BuffUp Lake Oswego provides high intensity exercise that WORKS! Unlike 24 Hour Fitness or Bally’s Total Fitness, BuffUp is fast, fun and extremely effective.

Client Engagement:

As with many businesses today, our social media activity is a fast and efficient way to stay top-of-mind with our clients. Since creating social media posts, including blog articles and guides that our customers will find useful can be time-consuming, we will license private-label rights content, PLR Coaching Content , that is designed specifically for our market.

This will save time and money while allowing us to stay engaged daily with our audience. We will use a WordPress content autoloader to pre-load several months of motivational quotes, inspirational articles, nutritional guidance and more onto our website to free up our team’s time to focus on supporting our customers and still maintain online engagement.


BuffUp Lake Oswego’s promotion strategy consists of word of mouth, email promotions and local advertising (newspaper, school flyers and non-profit organizations). We will also do regular lead-generating exercises in local parks.

We will make presentations to athletic directors and coaches of the local high schools and colleges. Since our background is in public safety, we will also present this program to our local public safety officers, such as police and fire personnel. We will actively participate in the local Chamber of Commerce and enter our members in local fitness events.

Our biggest promotional tool besides word of mouth comes from our website. Our website is linked to the main BuffUp website that generates millions of hits throughout the year. When customers are looking for fitness programs, they will usually find themselves going through the BuffUp main page and then searching for a gym near them. If they live in Lake Oswego or nearby, the site will recommend our website, which gives the customer everything they need to join our club.


To acquire customers regularly, this personal trainer business plan outlines our unique marketing strategies that focus on awareness and personal touch.

Every Saturday, BuffUp Lake Oswego will meet at a park and invite all current members to bring friends and family to participate in a workout.  They will learn the basic moves and complete a WOD or Work Out of the Day.  This gives new individuals a chance to experience what BuffUp is about and shows them how effective the program is.

Guests will fill out a contact card and will be followed up on at a later date with invites to come down to our facility and a link to our website where they can find videos and blogs that support our fitness community.

This marketing strategy allows us to generate many leads and gives potential customers a chance to actually try something before they buy. This strategy will continue for the live of our business. Most current BuffUp businesses have done this and have found great success doing so.


BuffUp Lake Oswego is affiliated with BuffUp Inc.  BuffUp Inc. promotes the fitness programs of all franchisees.  Since 2001, this company has grown tremendously.  As a franchise, we are tied into over 720 like-minded facilities throughout the world that are becoming increasingly popular.  This internet community allows thousands of people to become exposed to our program.

group fitness classes


Our team will focus on marketing, leading classes and continued education. All staff members will hold a BuffUp Level 1 certification.  This instructor/trainer course insures that all employees have demonstrated the ability to teach the BuffUp Method. We will constantly improve our teaching methods through continual participation in certification courses in all aspects of fitness training and nutrition.

Our primary goal is to create a community committed to elite functional fitness.  Our monthly objective is to generate at least 20 new members. This will allow us to become a profitable fitness business.

We aim to open and run a facility at full capacity within the first two years with 150 to 200 members.


The owners of BuffUp Lake Oswego are establishing this business as a cash flow company for themselves and as a vehicle to pursue their passion for fitness. BuffUp will provide adequate dividends to the owners, as well as generate enough revenue to pay off the initial loan in the first three years. The owners may exit the business through an acquisition by another BuffUp affiliate or a larger fitness chain.

6.0 Management Summary


The company will follow a hierarchical structure with Brian Ortiz and Jake Austin at the top as co-presidents and Mrs. Hannah Ortiz and Mrs. Miranda Austin as facility heads.  The sales, advertising, workouts, expenditures and Q&A will consist of only those individuals until such time as growth of the company will require more people.  This is anticipated to occur in year two to four.


BuffUp Lake Oswego must have a level 1 BuffUp certification to train all members.  Both owners/presidents hold this minimum requirement, and our management team will be fully certified within the next six months.  All potential employees will be required to hold that certificate.  Payroll and accounting issues will be completed by our managers and cleared by a co-owner.

Brian Ortiz and Jake Austin have participated in other BuffUp franchises for several years, and both are certified as BuffUp trainers. They also have business backgrounds, as well as a strong network of clients that are interested in the service.

7.0 Financial Plan


BuffUp Lake Oswego requires $45,000 to begin operations. This will be in the form of a line of credit secured from a bank and personally guaranteed by the owners.


The funds requested in this personal trainer business plan will be used to lease a commercial space and buy necessary exercise equipment. Marketing expenses and initial accounting software will also be purchased with these funds. A portion of the funds will be used for operating expenses until profits are realized.


BuffUp will officially open in January 2009. First year revenues are projected to be $129,375. Revenues will grow to $382,800 in year 5. During the same period, net profit will grow from $36,700 to $186,460.

Details are provided in the attached income statement.

The business will reach break-even once it generates 36 monthly members. BuffUp will become profitable before the end of its first full year.


The business will maintain primary assets of equipment and cash. The business will work hard to reduce liabilities with the goal of paying off all liabilities by the end of our third year.


These projections are based on the assumption that fitness trends will continue and competition will remain relatively the same.

Get Free Content For Your Personal Trainer Coaching Business

A good business owner focuses on what they do best and outsource the rest. As you saw in this personal trainer business plan, you can be more effective by leveraging resources rather than doing everything yourself.

Focus on being a trainer and let us worry about creating marketing content! Download content that you can edit and share with your prospects and customers!

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Personal Training Business Plans

Create a successful fitness venture with a Personal Training Business Plan. Strategize growth, attract clients, and achieve your goals in the industry.

free personal training business plan example

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Personal Training Business Plans PDF Example

What is a Personal Training Business Plan?

A Personal Training Business Plan is a comprehensive document outlining the strategies, goals, and operational details of establishing and running a successful personal training business. This plan serves as a roadmap for individuals looking to enter the fitness industry as entrepreneurs. It outlines their approach to attracting clients, delivering effective training programs, managing finances, and achieving long-term growth.

A well-structured business plan typically includes several key components:

  • Executive Summary: A concise overview of the business idea, its mission, and the main objectives of the personal training business.
  • Business Description: A detailed explanation of the services offered, target clientele, and the unique value proposition of the personal training business in the competitive fitness market.
  • Market Analysis: An examination of the local fitness industry, target market demographics, and competition, along with potential opportunities and challenges.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies: A plan to attract and retain clients, including branding, pricing, advertising, and social media strategies.
  • Service Offerings: A description of the types of training programs offered, whether it's one-on-one coaching, group classes, online training, or a combination.
  • Operational Plan: Details about the day-to-day operations, including scheduling, location, equipment, and staffing needs.
  • Financial Projections: A projection of revenue and expenses, including start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and potential income, over a specified period (often three to five years).
  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges the business might face, along with contingency plans to mitigate these risks.
  • Long-Term Vision : An outline of the business's long-term goals, expansion plans, and strategies for sustained growth.

Creating a is essential for various reasons. It helps entrepreneurs clarify their business concept, secure funding from investors or lenders, and maintain focus on their objectives. Additionally, it offers a structured approach to navigating challenges and adapting to changes in the fitness industry.

Personal Training Business Plans Template

Personal training business plans example.

Personal Training Business Plans PDF Example

How does it work?

Access the Printable Personal Training Business Plan form from a reliable source, ensuring it's in a downloadable and printable format.

Personal Information

Enter your details, including your name, contact information, and professional certifications.

Business Description

Provide a brief overview of your training business, including its mission, goals, and fitness services you intend to offer.

Target Market

Specify your target clientele, such as age groups, fitness levels, and specific fitness goals your training programs cater to.

Competitive Analysis

Describe the local fitness landscape and identify key competitors. Highlight what differentiates your business from others regarding services, pricing, and approach.

Marketing Strategy

Share your marketing plan, both online and offline, to attract clients. This may include social media, partnerships, or community events.

Service Offerings

Detail the different training programs you will provide, mentioning if it's one-on-one coaching, group classes, virtual training, or a combination.

Operational Plan

Explain how you plan to run the day-to-day operations of your business, covering aspects like scheduling, location, equipment, and any additional staff.

Financial Projections

Present your expected revenue and expenses for the first few years of operation. This includes startup costs, recurring expenses, and anticipated income.

Risk Management

Identify potential business risks, such as economic downturns or legal considerations. Discuss how you plan to mitigate these risks.

Long-Term Goals

Share your vision for the future of your personal training business, including expansion plans, new service offerings, and ways you intend to adapt to industry trends.

Review and Finalize

Carefully review the completed form for accuracy, coherence, and completeness. Make any necessary revisions before finalizing the document.

Professional Advice

Consider seeking input from a business advisor, fitness industry expert, or mentor to ensure your plan is thorough and well-structured.


Once your Personal Training Business Plan is complete, use it as a guide to implement your strategies and work towards achieving your business goals.

When would you use this Plan?

A Personal Training Business Plan is an invaluable tool for fitness enthusiasts and professionals looking to venture into the personal training industry as entrepreneurs. This resource helps them strategically plan and execute their fitness business ventures. Here are some instances when this form would be particularly useful:

  • Startup Stage: Aspiring personal trainers can use the form when starting their fitness business. It provides a structured approach to defining their business concept, target market, and service offerings, which are crucial foundations for success.
  • Securing Funding : A well-documented business plan is essential when seeking investors or loans to launch or expand their personal training business. The form helps outline revenue projections, expenses, and growth strategies, demonstrating the business's viability to potential stakeholders.
  • Operational Guidance : Established personal trainers can benefit from the form when seeking to streamline their operations or introduce new services. It assists in refining marketing strategies, updating service offerings, and aligning business practices with changing industry trends.
  • Strategic Growth: For personal trainers aiming to expand their client base or open multiple locations, the form aids in mapping out expansion plans, financial projections, and strategies for scaling the business sustainably.
  • Professionalism: The form enhances professionalism in the personal training industry. It allows trainers to present a well-structured plan to clients, showcasing their commitment to delivering quality services and achieving clients' fitness goals.
  • Adapting to Changes: The fitness industry is dynamic, with trends and client preferences evolving. Personal trainers can use the form periodically to review and adjust their strategies to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Succession Planning: Established personal trainers nearing retirement may use the form to outline their succession plans, ensuring a smooth business transition to new owners or trainers.

Enhanced Business Strategy

The form guides personal trainers in articulating their business goals, target market, and unique value proposition, leading to a more focused and effective strategy.

Investor Attraction

A well-structured plan showcases the potential of the personal training business, instilling confidence in investors and increasing the likelihood of securing funding.

Operational Efficiency

The form aids in planning day-to-day operations, from scheduling sessions to managing resources, leading to streamlined and organized business management.

Marketing Effectiveness

By defining the ideal client and specifying marketing strategies, trainers can attract their desired clientele more effectively, optimizing marketing efforts.

Financial Planning

The form's financial projections help trainers understand startup costs, operating expenses, and projected revenue, enabling better financial planning and management.

Adaptability and Growth

With a well-documented plan, trainers can proactively adapt to changing industry trends, keeping their services relevant and fostering sustainable growth.

Research & Evidence

The use of personal training business plans has evolved alongside the growth of the fitness industry and the increasing number of individuals pursuing careers as personal trainers. As the demand for fitness services expanded, it became evident that having a structured business plan was crucial for success in a competitive market. Over the years, this resource has gained significance due to the following factors:

In the past, personal training was often limited to elite athletes or wealthy individuals. However, as awareness of fitness and health benefits spread, more people sought professional guidance. This shift led to a proliferation of personal training businesses, necessitating the development of effective business strategies.

Studies and industry reports have highlighted the advantages of having a well-defined business plan in the personal training sector. Research by industry associations, such as the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), consistently emphasizes the value of strategic planning for fitness businesses.

With the fitness industry becoming more saturated, personal trainers realized that merely having expertise in exercise science wasn't enough. Business acumen and effective marketing strategies were essential to stand out. Research-backed business plans emerged as tools to help trainers navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

As the fitness industry expanded, entrepreneurs sought external funding to establish or grow their personal training businesses. Financial institutions and investors require evidence of a sound business strategy before providing funding. This prompted personal trainers to develop detailed business plans to secure backing.

The fitness industry is dynamic, with trends like virtual training, wellness coaching, and specialized programs constantly emerging. Research-backed business plans allow personal trainers to incorporate these trends strategically, ensuring their businesses remain relevant and profitable.

  • Crump, D. (2022, January 28). Create a personal trainer business plan in six steps . The PTDC. https://www.theptdc.com/articles/personal-trainer-business-plan
  • How to write a business plan for personal trainers | ISSA . (n.d.). https://www.issaonline.com/blog/post/how-to-write-a-business-plan-for-personal-trainers
  • Lavinsky, D. (2023). Personal Training Business Plan Template. Growthink . https://www.growthink.com/businessplan/help-center/personal-training-business-plan
  • Origym. (2023, March 23). 7 Simple Steps for Writing a Personal Trainer Business Plan (with Templates). Origym . https://origympersonaltrainercourses.co.uk/blog/personal-trainer-business-plan
  • Wellness Creative Co. (2023). How To Write A Personal Training Business Plan [+ Examples & Templates]. Wellness Creative Co . https://www.wellnesscreatives.com/personal-training-business-plan/

Commonly asked questions

Personal Training Business Plans are crucial for fitness entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals.

Personal Training Business Plans outline a fitness entrepreneur's business concept, target market, growth strategies, and potential profitability. Trainers review and adjust them periodically to adapt to industry trends and ensure continued success.

Personal Training Business Plans guide fitness businesses on strategy, marketing, operations, and finances. They help trainers make informed decisions.

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Here is a free business plan sample for a personal training business.

personal trainer profitability

If you're passionate about fitness and eager to start your journey as a personal trainer but are unsure how to launch your business, you've come to the right place.

In the following paragraphs, we will present to you a comprehensive sample business plan tailored for personal trainers.

As you may already be aware, a robust business plan is crucial for any aspiring entrepreneur. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you through setting clear objectives, strategies, and financial projections for your venture.

To kickstart your business planning process with confidence, feel free to utilize our personal trainer business plan template. Our seasoned professionals are also on standby to review and refine your plan at no cost.

business plan fitness trainer

How to draft a great business plan for your personal training business?

A good business plan for a personal trainer must be tailored to the unique aspects of the fitness industry and personal training services.

To start, it's important to provide a comprehensive overview of the fitness market. This includes current statistics and identifying emerging trends in personal training, as illustrated in our personal trainer business plan template .

Your business plan should clearly articulate your vision, define your target clientele (such as busy professionals, athletes, or individuals with specific health challenges), and establish your unique selling proposition (USP) – be it in-home training, specialized fitness programs, or nutrition coaching.

Market analysis is next on the agenda. This requires a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape, potential client demographics, and prevailing fitness preferences in your area.

For a personal trainer, it's crucial to outline the services you'll offer. Describe your training programs, coaching style, and any additional services like online coaching or group classes, and explain how they cater to the needs and goals of your clients.

The operational plan should detail the logistics of your services. This includes your training location (whether it's a gym, clients' homes, or a personal studio), equipment needs, and scheduling software for managing appointments.

Quality of service is paramount for personal trainers. Highlight your certifications, experience, and any unique methodologies or technologies you employ to ensure client success and safety.

Marketing and sales strategies are also vital. Discuss how you will attract new clients and maintain loyalty among existing ones. Consider referral programs, partnerships with local businesses, and strategies for upselling or cross-selling services.

In the digital age, having an online presence is non-negotiable. Outline your plans for a professional website, social media marketing, and other digital tools to engage with clients and prospects.

The financial section is a cornerstone of your business plan. It should include startup costs, pricing strategy, revenue projections, and a clear path to profitability.

Personal training can have variable income streams, so it's important to have a solid understanding of your financials. For assistance, refer to our financial forecast for personal trainers .

Compared to other business plans, a personal trainer's plan must address specific considerations such as liability insurance, client retention strategies, and the potential for scaling services through digital platforms.

A well-crafted business plan will not only help you clarify your business strategy but also attract clients and secure investment or loans.

Lenders and investors are looking for a thorough market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a clear plan for client engagement and retention.

By presenting a detailed and substantiated business plan, you showcase your professionalism and dedication to building a successful personal training business.

To streamline the process and focus on your training, you can complete our personal trainer business plan template .

business plan personal training business

A free example of business plan for a personal training business

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a personal trainer .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan personal training business

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The personal training industry is a robust and expanding market with significant growth potential.

Recent estimates value the global gym, health, and fitness club market at over 80 billion dollars, with expectations for continued growth as more individuals prioritize health and wellness in their daily lives.

In the United States alone, there are tens of thousands of personal trainers, contributing to an industry that generates billions of dollars in revenue each year.

These figures underscore the critical role personal trainers play in promoting health and fitness across the nation and their substantial economic impact.

The fitness industry is experiencing a shift towards personalized, convenient, and technology-driven services.

Wearable technology and fitness apps are becoming increasingly popular, providing users with personalized data and workout options. This trend is empowering individuals to track their progress and stay motivated.

There is also a growing emphasis on holistic health, where personal trainers are not only focusing on physical fitness but also on their clients' mental and nutritional well-being.

Virtual training sessions have surged in popularity, offering the convenience of working out from home while maintaining a connection with a professional trainer.

Additionally, there is a rising demand for specialized fitness programs catering to diverse populations, including older adults, postnatal women, and individuals with specific health conditions.

These trends highlight the evolving nature of the fitness industry and the adaptability of personal trainers to meet the diverse needs of their clientele.

Success Factors

The success of a personal trainer hinges on several critical elements.

First and foremost, the ability to deliver results is paramount. Clients expect to see progress, whether it's in weight loss, strength gains, or overall health improvements.

Building a strong personal brand and reputation can significantly influence a trainer's success, as word-of-mouth and social proof are powerful marketing tools in this industry.

Location and accessibility are also important, as clients prefer convenience when it comes to their workout routines.

Exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate and inspire clients are essential for fostering long-term relationships and ensuring client retention.

Lastly, staying educated on the latest fitness research, trends, and techniques is crucial for providing the best service and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our personal training service is designed to cater to individuals seeking a tailored fitness regimen that aligns with their unique health goals and lifestyle preferences. Operating in a well-equipped fitness studio located in a convenient urban area, this service will offer one-on-one training sessions, group fitness classes, and personalized nutrition plans, all crafted by certified personal trainers with a focus on safety, effectiveness, and motivation.

The emphasis will be on creating personalized workout plans that are both challenging and enjoyable, ensuring clients remain engaged and committed to their fitness journey.

This personal training service aims to become a trusted partner in our clients' pursuit of health and wellness, helping them to achieve their fitness goals and enhance their overall quality of life.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our personal training service is centered on delivering a personalized and results-driven fitness experience. We understand that every individual's body and fitness goals are unique, and our trainers are dedicated to crafting customized workout and nutrition plans that cater to these specific needs.

Our commitment to personal attention, expert guidance, and motivational support offers clients a comprehensive approach to fitness that goes beyond the typical gym experience. We strive to empower our clients, helping them to build confidence, improve their physical health, and achieve sustainable lifestyle changes.

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inspiring environment where clients can push their limits, learn about the importance of physical activity and nutrition, and take control of their health and well-being.

Our personal training service is committed to becoming a cornerstone in the community, providing a transformative fitness experience that is accessible and effective for everyone.

Project Owner

The project owner is a seasoned personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness. With a background in exercise science and a track record of helping clients achieve remarkable transformations, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

Armed with certifications in personal training, strength and conditioning, and nutrition coaching, the owner is dedicated to offering a service that stands out for its personalized approach and commitment to client success.

With a philosophy centered on holistic well-being, they are determined to guide clients through their fitness journeys, providing not just workouts but also education on healthy living practices.

Their dedication to fitness excellence and their desire to inspire others make them the driving force behind this project, aiming to elevate the personal training experience and make a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve.

The Market Study

Target clientele.

The target clientele for this personal training service is segmented into various groups.

Firstly, there are individuals seeking to improve their physical fitness, whether they are beginners or have some experience in exercising.

Additionally, there are clients with specific fitness goals, such as weight loss, muscle gain, or training for a particular event or sport.

Another segment includes those who require specialized training programs due to medical conditions or rehabilitation needs.

Lastly, health and wellness enthusiasts who value personalized coaching and guidance form a significant part of the market.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the personal training service highlights several factors.

Strengths include personalized service, professional expertise in fitness and nutrition, and a flexible approach to accommodate different client schedules and preferences.

Weaknesses may involve the challenge of client retention in a competitive market and the need for continuous professional development to stay current with fitness trends.

Opportunities can be found in leveraging technology for virtual training sessions, expanding the client base through referrals and partnerships, and offering specialized programs for niche markets.

Threats might include the fluctuating economy affecting clients' discretionary spending and the rise of digital fitness platforms offering low-cost alternatives.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the personal training industry indicates a diverse range of competition.

Direct competitors include other local personal trainers, fitness centers, and online training programs.

These competitors vie for clients who are committed to improving their health and fitness and are willing to invest in professional guidance.

Potential competitive advantages include individualized attention, a strong track record of client success, innovative training methods, and a supportive community atmosphere.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is crucial for carving out a unique position in the market and fostering client loyalty.

Competitive Advantages

Our competitive edge lies in our dedication to delivering tailored fitness programs that align with each client's unique goals and lifestyle.

We offer a comprehensive approach that includes fitness assessments, personalized workout plans, nutritional guidance, and ongoing support to ensure progress and motivation.

Our commitment to building a personal connection with each client helps us understand their needs and challenges, enabling us to adapt their training for optimal results.

We also emphasize the importance of education, empowering clients with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and fitness journey.

You can also read our articles about: - how to start a personal training business: a complete guide - the customer segments of a personal training business - the competition study for a personal training business

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the personal training business is designed to establish a strong foundation and achieve sustainable growth.

In the first year, we will concentrate on building a robust client base by offering personalized training programs and demonstrating measurable results.

The second year will focus on expanding our services to include online training and group fitness classes, increasing our reach and client engagement.

In the third year, we plan to establish partnerships with local health and wellness businesses to create a comprehensive wellness network and further solidify our market presence.

Throughout this period, we will prioritize client satisfaction, adaptability, and staying abreast of the latest fitness trends and scientific research to ensure the highest quality of service.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our personal training service targets individuals seeking to improve their fitness, health-conscious consumers, and those requiring specialized training regimens.

Our value proposition is centered on delivering customized, results-driven fitness programs, and providing expert guidance and motivation.

We offer our services through one-on-one sessions, online platforms, and group classes, utilizing our expertise in fitness and nutrition.

Key activities include personalized program design, client assessments, and ongoing fitness education.

Our revenue streams are generated from personal training packages, online subscription services, and group class fees, while our costs are associated with marketing, facility maintenance, and continuing education.

Access a detailed and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on personalization and client success stories.

We aim to showcase the transformative power of our training programs and the expertise of our trainers. Our approach includes targeted social media campaigns, client testimonials, and engaging health and fitness content.

We will also collaborate with local health-focused businesses to cross-promote services and gain referrals.

Additionally, we will leverage influencer partnerships to expand our reach and credibility within the fitness community.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our personal training business is designed to mitigate risks associated with client health and safety, as well as business operations.

We ensure all trainers are certified and adhere to the highest industry standards for safety and professionalism. We also maintain comprehensive liability insurance to protect against potential claims.

Regular reviews of training protocols and emergency procedures are conducted to ensure client safety. Financial risks are managed through diversified revenue streams and prudent fiscal planning.

Why Our Project is Viable

We are committed to launching a personal training service that addresses the growing demand for professional fitness guidance and personalized health solutions.

With our dedication to client success, innovative training approaches, and strategic partnerships, we are poised to make a significant impact in the fitness industry.

We are enthusiastic about empowering individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals while building a profitable and reputable business.

We remain flexible to industry changes and client feedback, and we are optimistic about the future of our personal training venture.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a personal training business - the marketing strategy for a personal training business

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a personal trainer and our financial plan for a personal trainer .

Initial expenses for our personal training business include investment in high-quality fitness equipment, certification courses to ensure our trainers are qualified and up-to-date with the latest fitness trends and health guidelines, leasing a space for training sessions or creating a mobile training setup, as well as costs related to brand creation and launching targeted marketing campaigns to reach our potential clients.

Our revenue assumptions are based on a thorough analysis of the local market's demand for personal training services, taking into account the increasing awareness of the importance of health and fitness in our community.

We anticipate a steady growth in clientele, starting with a conservative number of clients and expanding as our reputation for effective and personalized training programs spreads.

The projected income statement reflects expected revenues from our personal training services, costs of operation (equipment maintenance, trainer salaries, transportation), and other operating expenses (rent for training space, marketing, administrative costs, etc.).

This results in a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term viability of our personal training business.

The projected balance sheet will display assets such as fitness equipment, any proprietary training materials, and liabilities including any loans taken out to start the business and ongoing expenses.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial condition of our personal training business at the end of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail all cash inflows from clients and outflows for business expenses, helping us to predict our financial needs at any point and maintain a healthy cash reserve to ensure smooth operations.

The projected financing plan will outline the specific sources of funding we intend to utilize to cover our initial costs and support the growth of our business.

The working capital requirement for our personal training business will be carefully managed to ensure we have sufficient funds to cover day-to-day expenses such as equipment purchases, marketing efforts, and staff salaries.

The break-even analysis will determine the number of clients and sessions required to cover all our costs, including initial investments, and begin generating a profit.

It will signal the point at which our business becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will monitor include the client retention rate, average revenue per client, the profitability of our training packages, and the return on investment to gauge the efficiency of the capital we have invested into our personal training venture.

These metrics will assist us in measuring the financial performance and overall success of our personal training business.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a personal training business .

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Personal Training Business Plan With Examples & Templates

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 14 june 2023 14 june 2023.

Writing a personal training business plan can seem a bit daunting. Most PTs love fitness and programming but aren’t so keen on the admin side. The good news is it doesn’t have to be difficult – with the right guidance and some practical examples to follow, it’s actually pretty easy.

In this article – learn how to write a personal training business plan in 7 simple steps (with samples, templates, and a downloadable checklist).
  • Why write a business plan?
  • 7 key elements
  • Templates & examples
  • Downloadable PDF checklist

We’re a team of qualified personal trainers and fitness coaches with 15+ years of industry experience , so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve trained other fitness professionals in sales, marketing, and business growth, so our strategies are tried and tested.

Why Write a Business Plan?

If you want your personal training business to be successful, then it’s vital to have a plan. It’ll help you secure investor funding or a business loan , which many PTs require in order to get off the ground.

But even if you don’t need the start-up finances, writing a plan makes you more likely to succeed. In fact, research shows that business plans double your chance of success . So, it’s really a no-brainer if you’re serious about being successful.

Here are a few of the reasons why creating a business plan is important…

  • It crystallizes abstract thoughts and ideas into something tangible
  • Helps you communicate your business concept in a way others will understand easily
  • Required to secure funding from investors and banks
  • Provides a structured plan to work through
  • Helps you decide which areas to spend money on and where not to invest
  • Ensures you understand what you’re letting yourself in for in terms of money, time, and effort

Whether you want to go freelance, become a mobile PT, start a personal training studio, or your own gym , you’ll definitely need a plan.

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What To Include In a Personal Training Business Plan

Writing a personal training business proposal might sound daunting but this 7-step guide makes it easy . It’ll walk you through the exact process to follow so you’ll have your plan completed in no time. Here’s an overview of what you need to include…

  • Executive summary
  • Industry and market analysis
  • Business overview
  • Services offered
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Financial details
  • Implementation plan

Personal Training Business Plan PDF Template

Now let’s look at each of these sections in more detail…

1. Executive Summary

Get straight to the point – why should the bank or investors lend your business money? Include your mission, key financial info, and unique selling points. Although it goes at the beginning of your plan, you should prepare this section last.

2. Industry & Local Market Analysis

Demonstrate potential – show that the fitness market and personal training industry are growing and there’ll be a strong demand for your services. Include research statistics, competitor info, and relevant government initiatives.

3. Business Overview

Summarise the business – objectives, location, ownership, legal status, personnel structure, and operations.

4. Services

The fun part – describe the different services you plan to sell including the packages and pricing structure . This could be in-person PT sessions, online programs , specialist workshops, fitness products, etc.

5. Sales & Marketing Strategy

How you’ll attract clients – explain your brand positioning and outline your personal training marketing plan by listing the activities you’ll do to generate revenue , attract clients , and promote your PT business .

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6. Financial Information

Time to open a spreadsheet – potential investors and banks aren’t just interested in your figures. They’ll want to know how you arrived at those figures so show your calculations. Include breakdowns of profit and loss, cash-flow, breakeven figures, and the capital expenditure needed for start-up. Project 12, 36, and 60 months ahead.

7. Implementation Plan

How you’ll make it happen – provide a step-by-step list of actions you’ll take, including milestone dates.

You might also like… 50 Catchy Personal Training Business Name Ideas or How To Promote a Fitness Business .

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Free Fitness Marketing Guide

Learn which fitness marketing strategies produce the best results (so you can focus on what actually works).

Personal Trainer Business Plan Examples & Templates

Looking at a personal training business plan sample can be really helpful as it puts these sections into context. Reviewing examples will give you ideas for how to create and present your own plan.

You obviously don’t want to copy another plan since the details will be unique to your business. But the following example plans can be a useful reference for personal trainers…

  • Dragon Fitness Training  produced this interesting personal trainer business plan as an academic exercise.
  • Catalyst Fitness  created this CrossFit business plan with a detailed risk assessment.
  • Launceston City Council created this aquatic center and health club business plan.
  • The Yoga Lunch Box  offers a comprehensive yet easy-to-read fitness business template.

Creating a business plan is 100% worth the time and effort . It helps you validate demand, maximise profitability, and identify any potential pitfalls early.

This plan will be your playbook for the next 3-5 years so don’t rush the process. It’ll help you secure investor funding or a bank loan if you want to go down this route. Considering how you’ll acquire paying clients and manage cash flow now will ensure you’re well-prepared for life as a fitness business owner.

You might also like… How To Grow a Personal Training Business or The Ultimate Yoga Business Planning Guide & Template .

Downloadable Checklist & More Templates

The best way to write a business plan is to work on it in bite-size chunks . Trying to get the whole thing done in one go is the quickest route to overwhelm.

So, we recommend working on one section each day. This will enable you to complete the whole thing within a week, with zero stress or hassle . To make things easy, we created a handy PDF checklist that walks you through the 7 sections.

Gym Business Plan PDF Template

You can download it as part of our Fitness Business Start-Up Kit . It includes marketing plan templates, business name ideas, sales scripts, and loads more resources.

Personal Training Business Plan Examples Templates

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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Personal Trainer Business Plan Template (FREE)

Get this free personal trainer business plan template to learn how to create a personal trainer business plan. Use the free personal trainer business plan examples and then modify as needed.

Personal Trainer Business Plan Template

Scroll down for a free personal training business plan template, and then be sure to check out our guide on how to create a gym business plan and then utilize the gym business plan template and fitness business plan template to get inspiration for creating your PT business plan.

Remember though, the important part is to get certified and then get started. Don’t delay, what you can start today. Learn how to start a fitness business , and how to start a personal training business , but don’t forget that you technically don’t have to be certified to sell workouts (though you should get certified!) so there are many ways to make money from fitness , one of which is making money selling workout plans online .

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Personal Trainer Business Plan Template

Creating a business plan is a crucial step for personal trainers aspiring to establish a successful fitness business. A well-crafted business plan serves as a roadmap, outlining your goals, strategies, and the steps you need to take to achieve them. It provides clarity on your business model, target market, services offered, marketing and sales strategies, and financial planning. This plan is not only vital for your own reference and guidance but also essential if you’re seeking funding or partnerships.

A comprehensive business plan for a personal trainer should encompass several key components, including an executive summary, market analysis, business structure, services offered, marketing and sales strategies, and financial planning. Below is a detailed template that personal trainers can use as a guide to creating their own business plan.

Executive Summary

  • Business Name and Location : Your business name and the location where you will operate.
  • Mission Statement : A brief statement outlining your business’s purpose and goals.
  • Business Goals : Short-term and long-term objectives for your personal training business.
  • Owner’s Background : Your qualifications, experience, and any unique skills that set you apart.

Market Analysis

  • Industry Overview : Current state and future outlook of the fitness industry.
  • Target Market : Specific demographic and psychographic details of your ideal clients.
  • Competitor Analysis : Overview of competitors, their offerings, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Market Trends : Emerging trends in personal training and fitness.

Business Structure

  • Type of Business Entity : Whether you are a sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, etc.
  • Business Model : How you plan to charge for your services (e.g., hourly rates, package deals).
  • Facility and Equipment : Details about your training facility and equipment needs.

Services Offered

  • Training Services : Types of personal training services you will offer (one-on-one, group sessions, online coaching).
  • Special Programs : Any specialized programs or niche training services (e.g., weight loss, athletic training, rehabilitation).
  • Additional Services : Other services like nutrition counseling, fitness assessments, etc.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • Branding : Your business’s branding strategy, including logo, colors, and overall image.
  • Marketing Channels : How you plan to market your services (social media, local advertising, partnerships).
  • Sales Techniques : Strategies for selling your services and converting prospects into clients.
  • Client Retention Strategies : Methods for retaining clients and encouraging long-term commitments.

Financial Planning

  • Startup Costs : Initial costs involved in setting up your personal training business.
  • Pricing Strategy : How you will price your services.
  • Revenue Projections : Estimated earnings for the first few years.
  • Expense Forecast : Ongoing operational costs (rent, equipment maintenance, marketing costs).
  • Break-Even Analysis : The point at which your business will start to make a profit.

Additional Components

  • Legal and Insurance Considerations : Necessary permits, licenses, and insurance policies.
  • Risk Analysis : Potential risks your business may face and how you plan to mitigate them.
  • Growth and Expansion Plans : How you plan to grow and scale your business in the future.

This template provides a comprehensive framework for a personal trainer business plan. Tailoring each section to reflect your unique vision, goals, and strategies will result in a robust and effective business plan, guiding your venture towards success.

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  • Best Personal Trainer Software

#1 Example Mobile Personal Training Business Plan

“Fit On The Go” is a mobile personal training business catering to busy professionals and parents who struggle to find time for gym visits. Our mission is to bring customized fitness solutions directly to clients, offering convenience, flexibility, and personalized attention. We aim to tap into the local market of working professionals in urban areas, delivering tailored workout sessions at their homes, offices, or outdoor spaces.

  • Type : Sole Proprietorship
  • Business Model : Charging clients on a session-by-session basis or through monthly packages.
  • Facility and Equipment : No fixed facility; equipment is portable and suitable for various environments.
  • Training Services : One-on-one and small group training sessions, including strength training, cardio, and flexibility workouts.
  • Special Programs : Corporate wellness programs, post-natal fitness, senior fitness.
  • Additional Services : Basic nutritional advice and online support.
  • Industry Overview : Growing demand for personalized and convenient fitness options.
  • Target Market : Busy professionals aged 30-50, new parents, and corporations.
  • Competitor Analysis : Other local personal trainers and fitness apps.
  • Market Trends : Increasing interest in health and well-being, especially post-pandemic.
  • Branding : Professional, approachable, and tailored to busy lifestyles.
  • Marketing Channels : Social media marketing, local networking events, partnerships with local businesses.
  • Sales Techniques : Free first sessions, referral incentives.
  • Client Retention Strategies : Personalized progress tracking, flexible scheduling.
  • Startup Costs : Minimal – mainly for equipment and marketing.
  • Pricing Strategy : Competitive pricing with discounts for package purchases.
  • Revenue Projections : Aim to achieve a steady client base within the first year.
  • Expense Forecast : Ongoing costs including travel expenses, equipment maintenance, and marketing.
  • Break-Even Analysis : Expected within the first six months.

Read More: Mobile Fitness Business Guide

#2 Example Boutique Personal Training Studio Business Plan

“Elite Fitness Studio” is a boutique personal training studio located in a high-end neighborhood, focusing on providing exclusive, high-quality fitness experiences. Our goal is to create a community of fitness enthusiasts who value personalized attention, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive environment.

  • Type : Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Business Model : Membership-based with additional charges for personal training sessions.
  • Facility and Equipment : Well-equipped studio with modern fitness equipment.
  • Training Services : Individual and small group personal training, specializing in weight loss, muscle building, and athletic performance.
  • Special Programs : Wellness retreats, fitness workshops, and seminars.
  • Additional Services : In-house nutritionist consultations, physiotherapy services.
  • Industry Overview : Increasing demand for exclusive and specialized fitness services.
  • Target Market : Affluent individuals aged 25-55, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts.
  • Competitor Analysis : Other high-end fitness studios and luxury gyms.
  • Market Trends : Personalization in fitness and holistic health approaches.
  • Branding : Luxurious, exclusive, and results-driven.
  • Marketing Channels : High-end local magazines, community events, influencer partnerships.
  • Sales Techniques : Membership exclusivity, premium pricing.
  • Client Retention Strategies : Customized fitness plans, member-only events, loyalty rewards.
  • Startup Costs : Significant – for studio setup, equipment, and initial marketing.
  • Pricing Strategy : Premium pricing reflecting the exclusivity and quality of services.
  • Revenue Projections : Gradual growth with an expansion of services and client base.
  • Expense Forecast : High, including rent, equipment maintenance, staff salaries, and marketing.
  • Break-Even Analysis : Expected within the first 18 months.

Read More: Best Boutique Fitness Studio Software

#3 Example Online Personal Training Business Plan

“Virtual Fitness Coach” is an online personal training business providing remote fitness coaching and virtual workout sessions. We focus on offering convenient, accessible, and customized fitness solutions to individuals globally, utilizing technology to bridge geographical gaps.

  • Type : Partnership
  • Business Model : Subscription-based online services with various tiered plans.
  • Facility and Equipment : Home office setup with necessary tech equipment for virtual sessions.
  • Training Services : Live virtual training sessions, pre-recorded workout programs.
  • Special Programs : Weight loss challenges, fitness boot camps, yoga and mindfulness sessions.
  • Additional Services : Online nutrition coaching, fitness blogs, and webinars.
  • Industry Overview : Surge in demand for online fitness services.
  • Target Market : Tech-savvy individuals, those with limited access to gyms, global clientele.
  • Competitor Analysis : Other online fitness platforms and apps.
  • Market Trends : Digital transformation in fitness, growing popularity of home workouts.
  • Branding : Modern, accessible, and tech-friendly.
  • Marketing Channels : Social media advertising, content marketing, online fitness communities.
  • Sales Techniques : Free trials, tiered pricing plans.
  • Client Retention Strategies : Engaging online community, regular program updates, personalized feedback.
  • Startup Costs : Moderate – mainly for software, website development, and initial marketing.
  • Pricing Strategy : Subscription-based with different tiers for various needs.
  • Revenue Projections : Aim for global reach and a substantial subscriber base within the first year.
  • Expense Forecast : Moderate, including website maintenance, marketing, and software subscriptions.
  • Break-Even Analysis : Projected within the first 12 months.

Each of these fitness trainer business plans caters to different market segments and operational models, offering a diverse range of services and experiences. Personal trainers can adapt these templates to align with their specific goals, target audience, and available resources.

Read More: Best Online Fitness Coach Software

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The Importance of Having a Business Plan as a Personal Trainer

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating a successful personal trainer business plan. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a business plan as a personal trainer, delve into the key elements to include in your plan, and provide detailed insights into various aspects of running a thriving personal training business.

Looking to start your own personal training business? This comprehensive personal training business plan template will guide you through the process, helping you outline your goals, target market, marketing strategies, financial projections, and more.

As a personal trainer, having a well-defined business plan is crucial to your success. It serves as a roadmap that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics for achieving them. A solid business plan helps you stay focused, organized, and accountable. It allows you to clearly articulate your mission, vision, and unique value proposition to potential clients, partners, and investors.

Furthermore, a business plan helps you foresee challenges and identify opportunities in the ever-evolving fitness industry. It allows you to devise strategies to effectively navigate market fluctuations, competition, and changing consumer preferences. Ultimately, a well-crafted business plan sets the foundation for your personal training business and increases your chances of long-term success.

One key benefit of having a business plan as a personal trainer is that it helps you establish a clear financial strategy. By outlining your revenue streams, expenses, and pricing structure, you can ensure that your personal training business remains profitable. Additionally, a business plan allows you to set financial goals and track your progress towards achieving them, providing you with a benchmark for success.

Another advantage of having a business plan is that it enables you to effectively market and promote your personal training services. With a well-defined target market and a comprehensive marketing strategy, you can identify the most effective channels to reach potential clients. Your business plan can also include a detailed analysis of your competition, allowing you to differentiate yourself and highlight your unique selling points.

Key Elements to Include in Your Personal Trainer Business Plan

A comprehensive personal trainer business plan should consist of several key elements. These include:

1. Executive Summary: Summarize your business concept, mission statement, and unique selling proposition. This section provides an overview of your plan and entices readers to continue reading.

2. Company Description: Outline your personal training business, including its legal structure, location, services offered, and target market.

3. Market Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to gain insights into your target market, competitors, and industry trends. Analyze the demand for personal training services in your area and identify gaps you can capitalize on.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategies: Detail your marketing and advertising tactics, such as online and offline promotion, partnerships, and referrals. Create a pricing structure that reflects the value you provide and consider offering introductory packages or discounts to attract new clients.

5. Organizational Structure: Define your business’s organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities. If you plan to hire additional trainers or administrative staff, outline their job descriptions and qualifications.

6. Financial Projections: Create a comprehensive financial plan that includes startup costs, revenue projections, expense forecasts, and cash flow analysis. This section helps you understand the financial feasibility of your business and secure funding if needed.

7. Operations and Systems: Develop strategies for efficient operations, such as scheduling, client management, and record-keeping systems. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your business’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

8. Risk Assessment: Evaluate potential risks and challenges that may impact your personal training business. Identify strategies to mitigate these risks, such as obtaining appropriate insurance coverage, implementing safety protocols, and developing contingency plans.

9. Professional Development: Outline your commitment to ongoing professional development and staying up-to-date with industry trends and certifications. Include plans for attending workshops, conferences, and continuing education courses to enhance your skills and knowledge as a personal trainer.

Defining Your Target Market and Identifying Your Niche

Before diving into the details of your business plan, it’s crucial to define your target market and identify your niche as a personal trainer. Understanding your ideal clients’ demographics, psychographics, and fitness goals will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts to attract the right audience.

When defining your niche, consider your expertise, passion, and unique selling proposition. Are you passionate about weight loss? Do you specialize in strength training for athletes? Identifying your niche allows you to position yourself as an expert in a specific area and stand out from the competition.

Conducting Market Research for Your Personal Training Business

Thorough market research is essential for developing a successful business plan as a personal trainer. It provides insights into your target market’s needs, preferences, and willingness to pay for your services. Start by analyzing the local fitness industry, demographics, competition, and consumer trends.

Utilize online research tools, conduct surveys, and talk to potential clients to gather data on their fitness goals, challenges, and expectations. This information will help you fine-tune your services, pricing, and marketing strategies to meet your target market’s demands effectively.

Setting SMART Goals for Your Personal Trainer Business

To ensure the success of your personal trainer business, it’s crucial to set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals provide clarity and direction, allowing you to track your progress and make necessary adjustments.

For example, instead of setting a vague goal like “increase revenue,” a SMART goal would be “increase monthly revenue by 15% within six months through targeted marketing campaigns and client retention strategies.” SMART goals provide clear metrics and timelines, enabling you to stay focused and motivated.”

Developing a Strong Value Proposition for Your Services

Your value proposition is what differentiates you from other personal trainers in the market. It highlights the unique benefits and value that clients will receive by choosing your services. Develop a clear and compelling value proposition that resonates with your target market.

Consider factors such as your training philosophy, certifications, experience, and any specialized services or equipment you provide. Communicate your value proposition effectively through your marketing materials, website, and in-person consultations to attract and retain clients.

Creating a Pricing Structure that Reflects the Value You Provide

Determining your pricing structure is a critical aspect of your personal trainer business plan. It should strike a balance between your financial goals and the perceived value of your services. Research industry standards and competitors’ pricing while considering your unique value proposition.

Take into account factors such as your experience, certifications, location, overhead costs, and the target market’s willingness to pay. Consider offering tiered pricing options, package deals, or monthly memberships to cater to different client needs and budgets.

Mapping Out Your Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Marketing and advertising are crucial for attracting clients and growing your personal training business. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that incorporates both online and offline strategies to reach your target audience effectively.

Consider leveraging digital marketing channels such as social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and content creation. Offline tactics like networking events, local partnerships, and referrals can also play a significant role in generating leads.

Building an Effective Online Presence for Your Personal Training Business

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is paramount for any business, including personal trainers. Develop a professional website that showcases your services, testimonials, success stories, and contact information.

Optimize your website for search engines to increase its visibility in organic search results. Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential clients, share valuable content, and promote your services. Consider creating a blog, producing educational videos, or starting a podcast to establish yourself as an industry expert.

Leveraging Social Media to Attract and Engage Clients

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to connect with potential clients and nurture relationships. Identify the platforms most popular among your target market – whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn – and develop a social media strategy accordingly.

Regularly post engaging and educational content, such as workout tips, motivational quotes, success stories, and client transformations. Encourage client testimonials and user-generated content to build trust and credibility. Interact with your audience by responding to comments, direct messages, and inquiries promptly.

Networking and Collaborating with Other Fitness Professionals

Networking and collaborating with other fitness professionals can open doors to new opportunities and expand your client base. Attend industry conferences, seminars, and workshops to meet like-minded individuals and potential referral partners.

Consider collaborations with other fitness trainers, nutritionists, physical therapists, or wellness centers. Cross-promote each other’s services, refer clients, or organize joint events or workshops. Collaborations not only widen your reach but also enhance your credibility and expertise through association with other professionals.

Establishing Partnerships with Complementary Businesses in the Health and Wellness Industry

Identify complementary businesses in the health and wellness industry that share a similar target market. Establish mutually beneficial partnerships to cross-promote each other’s services and expand your reach.

For example, partner with local gyms, yoga studios, or health food stores to offer exclusive discounts or joint promotions. Consider guest blogging or speaking engagements to share valuable content with their audience, generating both visibility and credibility for your personal training business.

Creating an Effective Sales Funnel to Convert Leads into Clients

An effective sales funnel helps guide potential clients from awareness to becoming paying clients. Implement a step-by-step process that nurtures leads and encourages them to take action.

Start by offering valuable content, such as free workout guides or educational webinars, to capture leads’ contact information. Nurture those leads through regular email communication, providing additional value and showcasing your expertise. Offer introductory sessions, consultations, or free trials to convert leads into paying clients.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service to Retain Clients and Generate Referrals

Providing exceptional customer service is key to retaining clients and generating referrals. Ensure your clients feel valued, supported, and motivated throughout their fitness journey.

Offer personalized training programs, regular progress tracking, and frequent communication to demonstrate your commitment to their success. Encourage client feedback and testimonials to showcase the results and satisfaction of your clients. Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied clients are one of your most powerful marketing tools.

Implementing Systems and Processes to Streamline Operations and Improve Efficiency

Efficient operations are essential for running a successful personal training business. Implement systems and processes that streamline administrative tasks, client management, and scheduling.

Utilize client management software to track client progress, schedule appointments, and send reminders. Automate email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and engage with clients. Consider outsourcing tasks like accounting or social media management to free up your time for client-focused activities.

Managing Finances and Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Effective financial management is crucial for the long-term success of your personal training business. Track key financial metrics such as revenue, expenses, profitability, and cash flow to identify areas for improvement.

Consider hiring a professional accountant or utilizing accounting software to ensure accurate bookkeeping and compliance. Regularly review your financial performance against your goals and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Developing a Growth Strategy for Scaling Your Personal Training Business

Once your personal training business is thriving, it’s essential to develop a growth strategy to maximize its potential. Assess opportunities for expansion, such as adding additional trainers, offering specialized programs, or opening new locations.

Set new goals, revise marketing strategies, and invest in continuous professional development to stay ahead of industry trends. Explore the potential of online training, group classes, corporate wellness programs, or partnerships with corporate gyms to expand your reach and client base.

Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The fitness industry is constantly evolving, with new trends, techniques, and research emerging regularly. Stay updated with the latest industry developments and continuously invest in your own professional development.

Attend industry conferences, seminars, and webinars. Read industry publications, books, and research papers. Pursue additional certifications or specialized training programs to enhance your expertise and stay competitive in the market.

Assessing the Success of Your Personal Trainer Business Plan and Making Adjustments as Needed

Regularly assess the success of your personal trainer business plan and make necessary adjustments to align with changing market dynamics and business goals.

Review your financial performance, client feedback, and marketing efforts to identify areas of improvement. Stay open to feedback and adapt your strategies accordingly. Regularly revisit and update your business plan to reflect your growth and new opportunities.

Congratulations! You’ve completed our comprehensive guide on creating a successful personal trainer business plan. By following these steps and implementing the strategies discussed, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving and profitable personal training business. Remember to stay focused, persevere through challenges, and always prioritize the needs and goals of your clients.

free personal training business plan example

How do I write a business plan for a personal trainer?

To write a business plan for a personal trainer:

  • Executive Summary: Outline your business concept, fitness philosophy, and goals.
  • Market Analysis: Research your target market, competition, and fitness trends.
  • Services and Pricing: Detail the training services you offer and pricing structure.
  • Marketing Strategy: Describe how you plan to attract and retain clients.
  • Operational Plan: Include how you will operate your business, equipment needs, and any staff requirements.
  • Financial Plan: Provide projected income, expenses, and profitability.

How do I make a personal trainer plan?

To make a personal trainer plan:

  • Identify Client Goals: Understand what each client aims to achieve.
  • Assess Fitness Levels: Conduct initial assessments to tailor the plan.
  • Create Custom Workouts: Design workouts that are effective and engaging.
  • Nutrition Advice: Offer nutritional guidance if qualified.
  • Progress Tracking: Include methods for monitoring client progress.
  • How to Design Workout Plans for Clients
  • Fitness and Diet Plan Templates to Use with Clients
  • Best Personal Trainer Client Tracking Apps

How do you structure a PT business?

Structure a PT business by:

  • Business Model: Decide if you’ll work independently, with a gym, or online.
  • Services Offered: Determine what types of training and additional services you will provide.
  • Pricing Structure: Establish your rates for different services.
  • Marketing: Develop a strategy to attract clients.
  • Operations: Plan your daily business operations, including scheduling and client management.

Should personal trainers have an LLC?

Personal trainers should consider forming an LLC (Limited Liability Company) for personal asset protection, potential tax benefits, and increased professionalism. It separates personal and business liabilities.

How to make 6 figures as a personal trainer?

To make six figures as a personal trainer:

  • Specialize: Offer specialized training or services that can command higher rates.
  • Build a Client Base: Focus on client retention and referrals.
  • Expand Offerings: Consider online training, group classes, or creating digital products.
  • Market Effectively: Utilize digital marketing and networking to attract high-paying clients.
  • Continual Education: Keep upskilling to offer the latest and most effective training methods.

Read More: How can I make 6 figures as a personal trainer?

How do I sell myself as a personal trainer?

Sell yourself as a personal trainer by:

  • Showcasing Your Expertise: Share your knowledge and successes on social media and in client interactions.
  • Personal Branding: Develop a strong personal brand that reflects your training style and philosophy.
  • Networking: Build relationships within the fitness community and with potential clients.
  • Client Testimonials: Use testimonials and success stories to demonstrate your impact.
  • Professional Presence: Maintain a professional online presence and high-quality promotional materials.

How much do personal trainers charge for a workout plan?

Personal trainers typically charge between $50 to $150 or more for a workout plan, depending on the plan’s complexity, customization, and their expertise. Online or template plans may be priced lower.

Read More: How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan

Should I use my name for my personal training business?

Using your name for your personal training business can be effective for personal branding, especially if you aim to build a reputation based on your personal expertise and training style. It can also add a personal touch to your business.

How do you write a business plan for a gym?

Writing a business plan for a gym involves outlining your business concept, conducting market research, detailing the gym’s services and pricing, creating a marketing and operational plan, and providing a financial projection including startup costs and revenue forecasts.

Read More: How to Write a Business Plan for a Gym

What is the purpose of a business plan for a personal trainer?

The purpose of a business plan for a personal trainer is to outline clear business objectives, strategies for achieving them, understand the market and competition, and provide a roadmap for business growth and financial stability.

What is a good mission statement for a personal trainer?

A good mission statement for a personal trainer might be: “To empower clients to achieve their fitness goals through personalized, effective, and sustainable training programs, while fostering a supportive and motivating environment.”

Read More: Best Personal Trainer Mission Statements

How can Exercise.com help me run a personal training business?

Exercise.com can help run a personal training business by providing comprehensive software solutions for client management, workout programming, scheduling, progress tracking, and billing. Its platform streamlines administrative tasks, enhances client engagement, and provides tools for managing and growing your personal training business effectively.

Lani Hudgins

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  1. Personal Trainer Business Plan: Guide & Template (2024)

    Download a sample personal trainer business plan. Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go; download our free personal trainer business plan pdf to start. It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your personal trainer business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

  2. Personal Trainer Business Plan - Free Download - MoreBusiness.com

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  4. Personal Training Business Plan Sample (Free) – BusinessDojo

    Here is a free business plan sample for a personal training business. January 29, 2024. If you're passionate about fitness and eager to start your journey as a personal trainer but are unsure how to launch your business, you've come to the right place.

  5. Personal Training Business Plan With Examples & Templates

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